#i can’t imagine a world where some people DONT dress up as funny animal people and share sexy comics
skunkies · 7 months
i’m of the personal belief that if we were all animal people, we’d still have furries. Obviously the fandom would be a little different but I still think there’d be a community based around identity exploration through unrealistic personas + mascot costumes + fetishism + cartoons. Like if everyone was all fairly realistic animal species, weirdos would still be making crazy animals up to identify with
If regular animals still lived alongside us, perhaps we’d focus more on THOSE animals’ unique traits. Maybe more four legged characters, more focus on behaving like in an animalistic way? Not something untouched by furries but more that there might be MORE emphasis on those bits since that would still be inaccessible
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vettelcore · 5 years
so what do you think about Mark Webber, Lewis Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel? :D
thank you for asking anon!! those are some good choices lol 
MARK WEBBER: all I can remember from him was from the years that he was teammates with Seb at redbull so you can imagine how much I liked him back then lol
but nah, I think he’s the typical solid midfield driver that can win a few races from now and then (*ehem* val *ehem), a good driver but definitely not championship material imo 
definitely not a good number two driver, but I think that was just for Seb since he had no problem helping Fernando out on Brazil 2012 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
nowadays i think he’s a nice guy, he realised that his rivalry with seb was stupid because the bad ones were always Christian and Helmut, not his teammate, although those were really fun days ngl i would have loved a netflix series to be a thing during those seasons lol
LEWIS HAMILTON: hands down the best driver in F1 currently (im sorry seb but its the truth lol) he barely makes any mistakes, he’s fast, consistent and idk if anyone here has watched kuroko no basket??? but theres this thing in that anime where the REALLY good players got in the “zone” and they were practically unbeatable??? like out of this fucking world shit. Anyways when Lewis gets in his “zone” I bet he even gets the sparkly eyes with lasers coming out of them like they do in the anime lmfao 
I think the guy gets WAYYY too much shit because of his more personal side, like idk to me he just seems like an easy going person who just wants to be nice, hence the “you guys are the best crowd ever!” meme from a few seasons back lol
lewis has had so much shit thrown at him being the 1st and only black driver in f1, I remember when he was teammates with Fernando, during a GP in Catalonia, some “””fans””” dressed up in blackface, he was constantly called the n word equivalent in spanish by fernando’s fans, and afaik this racism wasnt only from non uk countries, like even in his home country he was still getting racist attacks bc he “wants to be from the hood” and shit like that, only because he likes to do other things outside of f1, it’s honestly insane
like idk i’ve always had a soft spot for lewis, i have never been his fan, but I can appreciate him as both a driver and a person
also my appreciation for him went up when he went vegan, and from a social issues pov, he’s probably one of the most decent guys in the paddock, even though he says a lot of dumb shit sometimes lol
SEBASTIAN VETTEL: if I say he’s underrated, will anyone kill me?? but let me explain
he won his 1st race and pole on a rainy weekend in monza in a TORO ROSSO, people love to downplay this because “well to be honeeeeest the STR was a really good car in 2008 so it wasn’t that much of an achievement
he became a world champion on his 3rd full season in f1, becoming the youngest WDC in history, on a season where 5 different drivers could have won the title and it went down to the last race, people still love to downplay this bc “well to be honeeeeest only him and fernando could realistically win the championship and the ferrari was a horrible car”
he went on to destroy every other driver in 2011, obviously only thanks to newey
he beat fernando fair and square in 2012, again, obviously only thanks to newey and because the ferrari that season also was a really bad car
once again he went on to destroy every other driver in 2013, “thanks to the car”
4 championships in total, on a row, and beating drivers like Fernando Alonso who many consider even a better driver than Schumi
but no, he never deserved any of them because he won only because of the car, of fucking course
when he moved to ferrari, SO many people think he did it because he was “afraid of Ricciardo” and was only running away, and they all ignore the fact that
1. it was always seb’s dream to emulate what Schumi, his idol, did in Ferrari, his all time favourite team
2. he had a precontract since early in the season and he had been talking to ferrari for Y E A R S  before anything was made official
and now since he moved to Ferrari, he gets shit because “LoL vEtTeL bAd He SpInS”, I could go on a whole different rant over this lol 
Overall, I have NEVER seen a fucking four time world champion get as much shit as he does, be doubted as much as him, and be so fucking underrated as him, it’s fucking insane
like... I was gonna say “you’re only as good as you’re last race”, but I dont think that even applies to Seb because when he has a good race, so many people still say shit like “well duuuh, his team threw his teammate under the bus to let him win”
you dont fucking win 4 world championships if you’re not a fucking good driver, for fucks sake, how is that so difficult to understand??
on his personality, him and romain are the two sweetest and most caring drivers in the paddock lmfao 
hes the king of dad jokes and no one else can beat him at that you can’t change my mind
i also see so many comments on reddit saying that “they used to hate him back in redbull because he was so stuck up and a crybaby, but since he moved to ferrari he’s become such a funny guy” like??? no??? what the fuck???? he’s always been a really good and funny guy? did these people watch any of his interviews or press conferences back in 2010-2014? what??? how the hell do you think he’s the only driver to have had befriended kimi lmfao like just say that your bias against him made you not see how fucking funny he is, it’s fine
at the end of the day, no matter what seb does he is doomed
if he wins, it’s because of the car
if he loses, it’s because he’s a shit driver
if he moves teams, he’s just running away from his teammates
if he breathes, he’s wasting people’s oxygen 
if he doesn’t breath, he’s a dumb idiot because he’s gonna die
also he cares so much about his team and the sport, is super down to earth and will jump to any journalist’s throat if they ask something inappropriate to other drivers or to himself
I just fucking love sebastian so much why am i like this dhldsjhdkjghdfg 
oh my god this post is so long sdhflsdhfsjk 
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crashpaddiaries · 8 years
Dear Crashpad Diary #26
Yooooooooo freackin beasts!! Wassssssuuuuuup??
So great to hear good news from Ireland!! Ro and Stephen are already training with Rob Hunter… the master!! ahaha Now I am the one worrying about it… they’ll become beasts and it´ll be so hard to catch up with them later on hehehe All the best vibes beasts and keep strong… it´ll hurt and youll get exhausted but itll also pay off!! =)
So… going back in time a bit and I´ll tell yas about: our adventure overnite going to Koh Tao, rainstorms, the incredible case of a Russian newbie alcoholic-wise,  fruits for free, getting close to sea urchins, things for the first time ever, Brazilians messing around, another interview, boat to Krabi, what a great start for the surfing trip, the cursed room, paid beaches and fixing the room for the AC…
coolio…. last time we were heading Koh Tao or Kho Tao or Kho Thao or Ko That…. dunno… they defo have some trouble defining what is the correct way to write down their shit heheheheh
So… the boat from Surat Thani… or Suratani or Surat Tani… hahaha same same… was pretty cool… we got there not putting much faith on it but we were surprised by the quality and the size of the boat… it was like a hostel… dunno… maybe 200 beds or so… double beds and all… we got there a bit early and left the bags to get some food outside… as it was weekend there was a huge… gigantic open air market.. with food, clothes, animals, electronics and so on… as usual… real local street food does not suit vegetarian so we walked a little to find some for me… Luh is always freakin patient with that… haha thanks Luh!! Luv ya!! =)
I got some Papaya Salad and he ate his addiction… fried rice with chicken hehe and than we went back to our floating and surprisingly not-shaky-at-all hostel… sweet dreams and few hours later we arrived to one of the most beautiful islands I’ve ever been to… Koh Tao!
I had the idea that Id get some climbing there too but turned out that the climbing is quite inexistent and all the info I gathered in 27crags was quite shit… we walked one day loads to get to a boulder and there was any hahahah instead, we ended up in an open field hahahahah maybe with a local it’d be better but even that I couldn’t find hehe so we went for snorkelling all the days we were there… such a bad option, right?? hehehe
Ive always being a mountain guy… I would go for jungle/forest/mountain rather then ocean anytime but the reefs and the beaches here got me… the underwater world is amazing and we are enjoying in a way that I could never imagine!! We walked pretty much everywhere there and got one day the boat to go to Koh Nang Yuan… three islands connected between them… one of the few ones in the world…. what a gem!!
All the other beaches though, are incredible too… there is no need of boat to have a blast here!!
You´ll need only some goggles and hold your breath to get a breathtaking experience!! hehe
The top 3 beaches we visited there: Nang Yuan… Said Nuam…. Ao Lek…  2 of them you can go on your own and they are stunning!! =)
The trip to the Nang Yuan islands was great… the scenery is something else there!! But I dunno…. it seems that crazy people go everywhere… we got another mad guy… drunk just for a change… falling off from one of the platforms going to the viewpoint…. Viewpoints are normally on top of hills… so you can see better right?! Well… if you´re going up… kinda scrambling up…. would you drink and mess up with your ability of ensure that youre standing up?? I dont think so right?? hahaha
Well… the same way we got over Christmas, in Hampi, some dumb guy falling, hitting his head and almost dying, while walking and jumping from boulder to boulder drunk, we got another not-too-smart one… but this time was a bit funnier… kmon… its hard to find a Russian that goes down on whisky heheheh Yep… the weak Russian didn’t hold up well on whisky… decided go for a walk but chose the tricky path throughs the platforms that go over the ocean and rocks till the point you get to the jungle and reach the viewpoint… unfortunately, for his head and back…. he got a short cut to another view point… the viewpoint of the reef down there hehe he got some good scratches and the people on the beach had to come and help otherwise we would have one less person in this world and a little bit more alcohol haha
The best part was when a lady-boy came and said: “Don’t worry guys… Ill take care of him!”… and sailed away as a storm with his/her boat and the dizzy Russian!! hahahah
Talking about storms and rain… we´ve been enjoying hugely the rain here… every afternoon we get few storms… something peculiar for those who live in Ireland… First of all because we dont have storms like that… when it seems the world is ending on water… and second of all… its impossible to go out and enjoy the rain… feeling the mild water hitting your skin… and the refreshment that it provides….. if you try that in Ireland you´ll get some pneumonia with not doubt heheheheh
After few days having fun in Koh Tao we decided to leave and head to Koh Phangan… or Koh Phan Gnan… or…. hahahahah you know right!! hahaha
All the big islands are quite close and you can reach them with a short trip on a boat… so we did that… over 1 hours on a jumpy boat and we got to Koh Phangan… the second biggest island… we could see the other side Ko Samui… the largest one… but we decided for Phangan cuz Luh would meet Dai and we could also check some rad places we´ve been told!
The first days we stayed in the south… but there is no much… the accommodations are cheaper but the only attractions are parties and kite surfing… not our style tho…. fortunately we found a freaking good restaurant there… Harbour House… cheap and scrumptious… worth defo a visit if your there!! =)
Once we realised that the beautiful beaches and awesome waterfalls were up north we grabbed our backpacks and snorkelling gear and off we went!! WOW… if you like nature… go straight to the north of that island!! Astonishing!! =)
Thailand is great… seriously… its nature… people… food… you can easily fall in love with the country… the only thing I couldn’t understand was why everyone was telling me before the trip that I would love the fruits here and that would be cheap and all… but so far was so hard to even find it!! Well… Phangan surprised us in that sense… and confirmed our friends theory… we were walking one of the first days there when we found a fruit stand and simply asked how much was the banana… the girl didn’t speak any english but made sure that a wave of free fruits came towards us.. hahaha FINALLY… FRUITS FOR FREE!! HAHAHAHAHA No need to say that we got fruits for dinner that day!! and the other!! and the following one too!! hahahaha What a sweeeeet life!! =)
Days of new things are common when you´re travelling and for me it wasn’t different… as we were 3 people we had to rent two motorbikes… so Luh would go with Dai and I had to get one on my own… you know… I love adrenaline and that´s why I never got a bike… because if you accelerate it will speed up and I´ve already some trouble cycling… crashing into a wall with a motorbike is not on my life bucket so I´ve always avoided… up to now though… when you have no option … well… the choice is already made! hehehe
So there we were… handled our passports (yep… no passport no bike… no bike… no trip around… so….)… and got two bike… Luh is already used to it… but me…. you should’ve seen the guy´s face from the rental shop when I left the place driving the bike and showing all my newbieness hahahahahah Hoooooooray… the first 200 metres done and I´m in one piece!! Self high five!!! =) hahahah
In fact, in the end of that day I was myself and somethings else…. we went to another fantastic beach where you can see coral reefs and enjoy a sweet beach… Ko Ma… and chatting… not paying attention… I stepped on a sea urchin… haha got some nice spikes inside my left foot… few of them are still with me hahahahah part of the family hehehehe But even some needles can´t change your perception of great life, awesome vibes and gratitude when you are in a place like Ko Ma.
The tourism is the locomotive of the island… there are … loads of them… tourists from all over the world coming and going constantly… therefore, loads of people renting bikes… and falling off in small accidents… that´s one of the other reasons I didn´t want to rent the bike… additionally the island is full of up and downhills, the roads are good but some are covered in sand due to the constructions and all…. Plus, the amount of people wth sort of bandages or dressings covering the wounds was bigger than Hampi… and in there the bikes were shit like you turn to right and it goes to the left!! haha
I got the bike anyways cuz I had no option hehe but kind not sure of what would be the output.. some new scratches? On me or on the bike?? Will I get the passport back?? hahaha
In the end, I enjoyed the rides, learnt ok-ish and after the bad first impression I gave to the rental guy… I got along with the idea pretty well!! We met two  Brazilian girls that can’t say the same though… visiting Ko Ma we have to go through a quite big uphill… as we were going we saw on the left side a group of people in an area that is not common… well… on the side of the road… full of dirty and roasting under the sun… don´t think its a pleasurable place to be hehehe as we approach the group we realised that it was an accident… the bike went off-road with two girls and the other couple was trying to help´em… we stopped right after and started helping too… pushing here and lifting there… speaking in english with them and when we had to lift the bike back to the road  I spoke in Portuguese with my bro to sync the moves… so the girls said: Oh you´re Brazilian too?? hahahahaha and after that PT took the chat… the couple left as they had done loads already and couldn’t´t understand a fuckin word haha
With the rescue finished they told us what happened… it was a sum of mistakes… even funny tho hehehehe
1st and main mistake - they didn´t know how to drive… haha 2nd - they were going up through the wrong lane… as over here they use the British way… on the left lane…   3rd and the best one - the driver saw an elephant and got way to excited… tried to point it out to the passenger and forgot that autopilot is an utopia yet ahahahaha
They ended up with few some good scars, with less money and with only one good pic of the elephant hahahahah
That made remember one time I was enjoying a beautiful trekking in the middle of the desert in San Pedro de Atacama… the guy who brought us there told us that he couldn’t go further because it was dangerous and more likely to get stuck on the sand… cool… we were maybe 5 mins already walking, when we see a car stuck in the sand… actually with sand almost covering the tires… and everyone started chatting and commenting… the group was heterogeneous, peeps from different nationalities and we were all betting with nationality that guys were… hahaha just to mess around… some said Argentinian, some sad north American,  some bet they were locals… and as we got closer and closer we could hear the indistinctly Portuguese… clear and loud… mainly when one of them yelled to the driver: “I told you so!! The rental company said that we shouldn’t go any close to the dunes!” hahahaha
Yep… it seems the Brazilians are around to provide fun and good stories!! hahahahahaha We are messers and that no one can change!! hahahahah
What happened to that car??? Dunno… there are some stories… you know… urban legends… in that case desert legends… that says the car has been swollen by the sand!! The group registered a stealing case in the police station, the rental company got the money back from the insurance and the group rent only 4X4 cars nowadays!! hahaha
Our last day in Phangan brought another great surprise… fortunately, good vibes and sweet happenings are recurrent!! …. we met a girl that left everything behind, got a one way ticket to Thailand and started a YouTube channel… to tell her story!! It´s incredibly fantastic how people like her are inspirational and full of life… we chatted loads about the adventure… life… how the uncertainty makes us scary and happy simultaneously… how the world is great and provides the most extraordinary experiences for those that go after it…
In fact, in contrary of many people think…. not much courage is needed… one only a bit of curiosity… a small portion of will to change things in your life… capacity to accept what comes… and some steps towards the unknown… a leap of faith… that will present you with surreality, happiness and stories that you had never dreamt of!!    
She interviewed me for one of the videos that come out soon… and if you´d like to enjoy her stories and her epic adventure… send good vibes or get inspired to do the same… I mean… same same but different…. check her channel: Voecomjulia…. you type that one YT and you´ll have a blast!! =)
See you soon Julia and talk to yous soon beasts!!
I got a bit excited on this post… sorry for the exaggerated text… I´ll take it easy next time… or not!! hahahahaha too many stories!!
All the best vibes and sweet smiles…. =) =) =) =) =) =) =)
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