#i can’t believe I got him and his light cone!!
emidy · 1 year
Dan Heng!!!!!
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bellarkeselection · 10 months
Knew Better But Still Picked You
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Gif from @alphinias
Honestly I might turn this into a small series because this is the longest request I have ever written. Let me know if you want more parts 😁. Part two. Part three
Request From @loxleys-blog could i be added to the tag list for cole and a request of best friend of jackie who comes to visit her and moves there with her family and falls for cole and cole falls for her?
The car pulled to a stop outside the big Walter ranch household and I saw the front door fling open revealing my best friend from New York running straight for me. Getting out of the car I took my bag out and opened my arms for her. “Jackie Jack!”
“Y/n. I can’t believe you’re here!” She flung her arms around me and we stumbled when we finally embraced one another.
Jackie and I had become even closer than we were before after her family’s accident. The rest of her friends wouldn’t talk to her but I chose to keep our relationship the same. So I basically took the place of her sister Lucy. “Who’s your friend, New York?” I broke away from her seeing a young guy with green eyes and honey blonde hair.
“She’s my best friend from back home, Cole.” Jackie grumbled tugging on my arm trying to get me to leave with her.
Yet I wasn’t going to not introduce myself to him especially since he was really attractive. Walking over to the guy was sitting on a horse with light blonde hair like he had. “Hey there, I’m Y/n.” Leaning my arms on the wooden fence I sent him a grin.
He dismounted his horse and climbed over the fence shaking my hand with a cheeky grin. “Cole, Cole Walter. Have you ever been on a horse before?”
“Can’t say I have.” I replied to him.
His grin only grew. “Would you want to come riding with me?”
“No. No she wouldn’t actually. Because she’s coming to have ice cream with me and my friends. So we’re gonna be going now.” Jackie came rushing forward tugging on my arm and leading me back away from him. Whipping my head around watching Cole staring at us as we went to leave. I parted my lips, finding myself wanting to talk with him more. There was something intriguing about him I just couldn’t put my finger on.
A few hours later Jackie had me meet Skylar and Tara who she had met on her first day of school. We were sitting inside the ice cream shop where I took a big bite out of my strawberry cone hearing the store bell ring. My gaze shifted to the doorway recognizing Cole came through and he waved in my direction. “OMG. That is not a good idea at all.”
“What’s wrong, Tara?” I asked, finishing the bite I had in my mouth confused.
She sent me a raised brow. “You're getting involved with Cole Walter.”
“I’m not involved with him. I just met the guy today after I came in from the airport.” I told her to eat more of my cone.
Lifting my gaze upward Cole was ordering himself his own ice cream and the woman at the counter handed it over to him. Cole glanced my way and I felt my face turn red after I waved back to him without really thinking and Jackie hit my arm in warning. “Don’t go down that road, Y/n. Cole isn’t a good guy.”
“Why not?” I asked softly.
The three of them looked between one another and Skylar was the first to say something to my question. “He’s known to have a lot of hookups and not be up for a real relationship.”
“He sneaks them out of the house. I saw one the first morning I got to the Walter house. Alex can tell you more if that’s not enough of a warning for you.” Jackie explained putting a hand on my shoulder.
Shaking my head I still didn’t see why they were so afraid for me. I didn’t know anything about the guy but he seemed nice enough. “Okay don’t shoot me for asking this but what is the big deal of getting to know him. I’m not going to hook up with him.”
“That’s what most girls think and then he woos them with his charm…” Tara trailed off.
My best friend squeezed my shoulder and I met her concerned gaze. “I just don’t want you to get hurt because of him. You’re basically my chosen sister now.”
“He’s not gonna ever be interested in me Jackie and I’m not going to be interested in him.” I reassured her and we changed the conversation to something else for the rest of the time.
A few hours later after the crazy family dinner I was laying on my side of Jackie’s bed while she was doing some extra credit homework. Staring up at the ceiling I sighed clasping my hands together on my stomach. It definitely was different from the noisy city sirens and other things. Whereas here you could only hear the wind and all the other animal noises. I heard something slide underneath the closed bedroom door where I got up from the bed seeing it was a note. Folding it open the note read “Meet me on the porch if you want to see something cool - C”
Silently reading it to myself I contemplated on going or not eyeing my best friend while she worked silently. I didn’t suppose she would see if I was gone for a little bit. “Hey Jackie Jack, I’ve gotta go to the bathroom.”
“Okay. But use mine. Don’t use the one that everybody else does. Trust me.” She warned me turning back around in her desk chair.
Getting to my feet I snatched my boots out from underneath the bed and a green hoodie without her knowing. Then I headed down the stairs as quietly as I could possibly manage since it was almost midnight and most of the house was asleep. Reaching the front door I snuck through it, closing it gently then walked to the edge of the porch not seeing Cole anywhere. “Cole!” I called out still in a quiet voice.
“Over here, Y/n.” He responded by waving a flashlight from the barn door that he had opened. Rushing down the steps I ran towards the barn meeting up with him where he lowered the flashlight when we were standing in front of each other. “Was wondering if you were actually going to show up.”
Shrugging my shoulders I admitted slightly nervous of what he had planned in the middle of the night. “Gotta be honest I’ve never snuck out in the middle of the night like this. So what do you have in mind, Colorado?”
“I wanna show you something you don’t see in fancy New York.” He drew open a horse stall and walked out the horse he was on when we first met. “This is my horse.”
Taking a step forward I brushed a hand through its mane. “He’s beautiful.”
“Glad you like him cause we’re going to ride him to the spot I want to show you.” Cole responded by brushing his hand through his horse's mane touching my hand when he finished his sentence.
Tilting my head at the Walter boy I must have misheard him. “I’m sorry we’re doing what now?”
“We’re going to ride my horse together so I can show you a special spot.” Cole said again to me shutting the door with his foot holding out his freehand to help me step up on the box that was near where his horse was standing already saddled up. “Don’t worry city girl. I won’t make you ride alone until after I’ve shown you how to ride.”
Eyeing his hand extended to me I couldn’t help but hear Jackie and the others warming to not get involved with the Cole Effect. Yet I couldn’t deny I liked the thrill of butterflies he was giving me so I gave him my hand. “Just don’t let me fall off okay.” He nodded helping me throw one leg over and once I was settled he climbed on behind me.
“Hang on tight, Y/n.” He warned me, pressing his front closely to my back, making my face turn a shade of red as he kicked his horse in the gut and we raced from the barn to the open fields in the distance.
The wind blew through our hair and I hadn’t realized but I gripped Cole’s forearm since he was the one controlling the reins. Probably knowing I might scare the horse and then we’d be in trouble. He finally tugged the reins and slowly dismounted the horse helping me down. He had his horse lay down sitting down on the ground waiting for me. “Come on, sit down.” He patted the grass beside him.
“Okay.” I agree plopping down beside him looking around at the dark woods surrounding us. “So what did you want to show me?”
Cole moved his right hand forward tilting my chin upwards towards the sky. “This is what I wanted to show ya, Y/n.”
I gasped in awe seeing the sky dancing with a million stars above our heads. Blinking through some tears I couldn’t describe what it felt like to see something this bright. “This is incredibly beautiful…” The stars were so bright and even though we had some impressive light shows in New York none would compare to this.
“It’s not the only thing that’s beautiful. You surely can’t get that view in the city.” Cole mumbled, causing me to meet his green gaze.
I paused in my next words still confused as to why he was giving me his time and attention when he was labeled as the most popular boy in this town. “Cole, why did you ask me out here tonight? Not that I don’t appreciate it. I just…I don’t entirely understand why me?”
“I ain’t good with saying how I feel so sorry if this sounds stupid….I just instantly liked you for some reason.” He declares where I didn’t say a word with our gazes focusing in on one another.
Parting my lips I whispered out. “Liked me in what way, Cole?”
“In the way where we can…do this.” Cole whispered towards me before he made my breath catch in my throat seeing him leaning forward about to kiss me.
Half of my brain was telling me to not kiss him and remember the warning and the other half was saying he would be your first kiss and I couldn’t deny that I felt something for him even though all we had done was saying hello. I finally made up my mind and closed the gap the rest of the way kissing him. He responded by scooting closer to me and threading one hand through my hair trailing it down to the side of my cheek before I broke it needling air. “Cole….don’t find this dorky of me. But that…you were my first kiss.”
“I wouldn’t judge you for that. So what are you thinking now, Y/n.” He asked me to try to read my facial expressions but I was still in shock and bliss at the same time.
Hugging my knees to my chest I admitted sheepishly with my face turning red. “Jackie isn’t gonna be happy about this. She warned me to stay away from you….I knew better but I’m still choosing you.”
“Well I’m glad cause I’m picking you too, Y/n.” He draped an arm over my shoulder and I laid my head against his chest feeling my eyes getting heavy since I was getting sleepy. His gaze dropped to mine, tucking hair from my eyes. “Don’t worry about Jackie. You’ve got to live a little in life. Now let’s get you back before you fall asleep out here.”
We rode back to the house and I struggled to stay awake after getting off his horse so he decided to just carry me back bridal style upstairs. “Cole, this isn’t my room…she’ll be mad if I sleep in your room.” I trailed off in a sleepy tone laying my head still on his chest with him laying me down on one side of his bed.
He changed into some shorts to sleep in and crawled in the bed beside me feeling me scoot over to him laying my head back in the crook of his neck like it was minutes ago. “Sssh babe. I’ll take whatever Jackie feels tomorrow morning. Just get some rest.” My eyes fell closed and he dozed off shortly after in a peaceful night of sleep.
That was until the morning came and his bedroom door was flung open and I screamed hearing my best friend bursting into his room. “Y/n, I told you to stay away from him!…Well don’t you two have anything to say?” Rubbing my eyes Cole shifted, holding himself up on his elbow staring down at me silently, neither of us giving her an answer.
Comments really appreciated ❤️ Tag list - @cognacdelights
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fangirl-dot-com · 11 months
Chapter 3 - Head out the Window
After you were allowed to leave the building, you and Vito headed back to the hotel. Your heart was racing at what seemed to be a million miles per hour. You could barely focus on anything. The radio was too noisy, but not loud enough at the same time. The usual calming effect of the car was not doing its job. Your finger nails found solace in picking at the loose skin around your nails. You hadn’t even felt the car stop until Vito said it was time to get out. 
Yet, when you looked up, the hotel building was nowhere in sight. 
“Do you just plan to drop me off and see if I make it back to the hotel alive?” you quipped. He shook his head before gesturing to the small shop that stood in front of you. The big words Ice Cream stood out in the neon lighting. 
“I thought a little celebration was due.” He shrugged his shoulders. On this inside, you were practically melting at the mention of ice cream. It had been entirely too long since you had some. Your diet always came first, but as of right now, you weren’t on one. Celebrations were in store. Yes, you had one more race weekend, but ice cream was more important. 
You and Vito walked inside, a little bell announcing your presence. The worker behind the counter looked as though he didn’t even want to be there. But, he took your orders quickly and you both were in and out in less than 10 minutes. 
Not wanting to get back into the car, you found a little table to sit at. Sure, the table and chairs were off balance and probably hadn’t been cleaned in years, but it worked for the time being. 
“I still can’t believe you got chocolate of all flavors. It’s literally so basic,” you berated him as you licked at your own ice cream cone. 
Vito gave you a look. “It is not. It is a classic. And says the one who got the most boring flavor of cookie dough with sprinkles.” 
“At least it tastes good. Do you just like it or are you a picky eater?” You squinted your eyes and gave a smile. You thought you had gotten the last laugh as you got back to your ice cream. But a cold sensation on your nose startled you. Vito leaned back, laughing hysterically, while holding his ice cream that had a nose-shaped dent in it. 
You couldn’t help but laugh with him too as you tried to shove your ice cream in his face. He was much quicker though and was able to evade your attacks. 
Your breathes evened out a couple of minutes later, and a comfortable silence enveloped the two of you. Until you inhaled sharply.  
“Why didn’t you tell me? About the contact.” You looked over, eyes boring into his. You wanted the truth and not some half-assed answers. But, you knew that he wouldn’t do that. Not about a discussion like this. 
He finished his ice cream before answering. 
“Because I know you. You would have driven yourself into the ground with training and overthinking if you had known there was a possibility that there might have been an offer.” 
You did not answer, because you knew he was right. If there was even a slight glimmer of hope for a 2024 seat, it didn’t even have to be with a big team, you would have gotten stuck in your head. The overthinking would have taken over, and it might have cost you your championship. 
“You’re one of the best drivers out there Y/n. You just need to realize that.” He put a hand on your shoulder as you turned to him. 
“Thank you. Again, for everything. I hope you know that this means I’m not getting rid of you.” You shone a smile at him. You couldn’t image a life without him. He was there for you for all of your accomplishments. What you didn’t know is that he felt the same way. Vito always thought that you were the daughter he never got. And he was thankful for you as well. 
“Never kid, never.” 
Your ice cream had dripped all over your hand by now. Sighing, you tried to clean up the mess. Soon enough, your ice cream and cone were gone. 
Vito looked over to you, “We better head back to the hotel. You have a couple of busy days coming up.” 
You only nodded as you used stood from the outside chair, the metal scraping against the concrete. 
“When do you think I’ll get to meet them?” you ask as you climb back into the car. 
“Meet who kid?” Vito responded as the car came to life. You quickly put on your seatbelt before he carefully pulled out of the parking spot. 
“You know…Max and Checo?” You nervously twirled your fingers. What would they think of you? You know that Checo wouldn’t have much thought, or would he – since you were the one taking his seat. Maybe he thought that Red Bull could have chosen better. 
Max was who you were most nervous about. His teammate would no longer be older than him, or have more experience. He would be paired with a rookie, in both experience and age. Six years younger and no previous chances in Formula 1. And to put a cherry on top, a female. All that he knew in a teammate, would be gone and reconstructed. 
“They’re both nice. I don’t think you’ll have any problems with either of them kid.” 
“Will I have to call Max, Mr. Verstappen? Since he’s older and such.” 
Vito let out a giant laugh, shoulders shaking as he pulled up to a red light. The bright crimson shone on two of you. 
Once he had stopped laughing, Vito was able to say, “No kid. I don’t think so.” 
You sighed in relief. They were older yes, but not that much older. Oscar was only two years older than you. However, you might have to call Fernando Mr. Alonso. The age gap was considerably larger. 
Would you even make friends on the grid? Or would they avoid you to stay out of the media. You bet that the moment you’re seen with one of them, dating rumors would spread. And you didn’t want to upset them, or the grid’s respective girlfriends. You shuddered at the thought. 
The rest of the drive was silent. You figured that tomorrow would go well. You would be fitted for a Red Bull suit and would be given the green light to drive your first F1 car. 
The first.
It had a nice ring to it. 
The drive continued on for a bit. You leaned up and pressed the power button for the radio. The distinct sound of “What Makes You Beautiful” filled the vehicle. Your grin grew as you started to sing the familiar lyrics. Vito smiled as well, more-so mouthing the words while you all but screeched. 
“BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NO BODY ELSE!,” you sang along with the well-known boy band. Your window suddenly was rolled down. You had the grand idea to stick your head out the window.
“YOU DON’T KNOW, OH-OH, THAT’S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!” The wind picked up your hair and pushed it back into your face. Sure, it was now sticking to your lip gloss, but right now you didn’t care. Until you pulled up to another red light, and there were multiple guys in the car next to you. You flashed an embarrassed smile before clamoring back into the car. Your finger could not find the button for the window any faster. 
Across from you, Vito had started laughing again with full body shakes. For the life of you, your window would not go up. Looking over, you could see Vito’s finger pressed down on the button for your window. You reached across the dash and swatted at his hand, desperately trying to get your window rolled up. 
Finally, the tinted thing slowly but surely reached the top of the window. You looked over at Vito with a look of betrayal. You reach over and hit his shoulder. He, in comparison, is still shaking with laughter. 
“You bitch!” you barely shouted, the words covered by giggles. Ok, it was kind of funny, but not really. “I literally just embarrassed myself in front of those boys.” 
“They probably thought you were very pretty,” he said, snickering. You could only look in disbelief at your manager. You refused to look back over until you knew that the car had definitely passed. Your arms were crossed and lip in a pout for the remainder of the drive. 
Vito looked over at you. “Don’t be like that kid. It was all in good fun.” 
You mumbled back, “For you sure.” The pout however was relaxed and a grin replaced it. You couldn’t be mad at him for very long. It had been a while since you were allowed to have a bit of fun. 
Winning races was fun, but that was your job, that took up most of your year and free time. You never noticed how far the drive way the first time. A yawn escaped your mouth and your hand quickly came up to cover it. You definitely needed to sleep well tonight.  
Thankfully, the car came to a halt in front of the hotel. Vito turned to you as you unbuckled your seatbelt. 
“You better get some good sleep. Tomorrow is going to be fun but exhausting.” 
You mocked a salute and said, “Sir, yes sir. You have a good night as well. See you in the morning?” 
“Yes, I will. Goodnight kid.” 
“Night Vito.” You shut the door and watched as he went to park the car. Why he didn’t use the complementary valet, you hadn’t a clue. But that wasn’t your problem. 
You were quickly let into the building once you scanned your card. The people at the front desk greeted you as you made your way to the elevator. It didn’t take long for it to ding, signaling your arrival to your floor. The pristine carpet led you to your white hotel room door. 
Using the card again to get into the room, you opened the door once the lock had whirred.
The sight of your bed almost had you in tears. The stress of today was now hitting you as you walked to the bed. Following in George Russel’s F1 intro footsteps, you put your arms out and fell face first into the soft top blanket. You could have honestly fallen asleep here, but you knew you needed to take off your makeup first. 
You let out a groan as your body protested moving. Your skin care and toiletries had already been set out, since you used them earlier to freshen up after the flight. 
Deciding not to do every single step to your skin care routine, you took out the micellar water and a reusable cotton round. Once your makeup was off, you quickly washed your face and changed into some pajamas. 
Funny enough, they consisted of some shorts and a Red Bull shirt that you had been given during Dams’ Christmas gift exchange. It had come from Ollie and Arthur both, but you knew that Arthur wouldn’t be caught buying anything with the RB logo on it. 
Now he’d have to get used to it. 
Oh my gosh. What would Arthur think. 
Were you allowed to tell your best friend? You guessed that he could find out early, but you didn’t want to get in trouble for anything just yet. He could find out with the rest of the world. Maybe you could ask Christian if you could tell him the night you posted something before Red Bull came out with an official statement.
Before bed, you found yourself scrolling through Twitter and Instagram. A couple of posts made you laugh out loud. You caught your finger hovering over some posts that talked about “connecting the dots” that were scarily accurate. What you would give to like at least one to send Twitter into a frenzy. But, you withdrew your finger and decided to jump onto TikTok. 
A few videos made you chuckle. Especially the McLaren one of Lando and Oscar trying to build card houses. Lando’s goggles were hilarious. 
To think that in a couple of months, they would be your “co-workers.” That was terrifying. At least you had met Charles a couple of times through Arthur. He was…nice. You hadn’t really spoken to him much the last time you saw him at Arthur’s birthday party. If anything, you think you might have said a maximum of 10 words to him the entire night. 
But that was a start. 
You eventually scrolled through almost all of the new posts. Looking over, you noticed that the clock read 12:30 a.m. Quickly, you set an alarm for the next morning before putting your phone on the charger. 
Vito would kill you in the morning if you hadn’t slept well. You closed your eyes and fell asleep, dreaming of the life you were able to be thrown into. 
At least you could get a red bull if you were tired.  
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(Your story)
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(Vito's story [I know it'd be impossible to take this picture if he was driving but just imagine :)] )
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Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne
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sorapricots · 5 months
Soothing Heaven
Summary: While the nightmare kept trailing behind each of his step keeping him wide awake and tied down to the reminder that his the last of his people, you always accept him with warm smile and open arms.
Pair: Aventurine x Reader
Genre: Hurt/comfort
Warnings: Everyone is sad here :(
A/N: I got aventurine in soft pity AND I won my 50/50 TWICE (Yes my Aventurine is E1 I am so proud) can y’all believe that? Not to mention I got his light cone on 10 pulls with 0 pity… he wanted me fr fr.  Aventurine story quest really kills me. He just want a peaceful life yet the fate say no n make him suffering more than he already suffered :( that man just need some hug fr.
Wc:  1,1k
“You’re a child blessed by Gaiathra Triclops and can lead the clan to happiness. So always remember to protect yourself and never resent the pain and poverty you’re going through… All right?”
Aventurine gasped as he opened his eyes. Beeping from the alarm beside his table can be heard. He pushed the alarm off as he blankly stared the ceiling above him. His sister’s words keep echoing in his head. He exhaled softly as he pushed his body from the bed.
As he started to get ready he start to imagine what and how his trip to penacony will be. Will his mission from the IPC will go smoothly or will he encounter enemies he can’t face?
Whatever the result is he surely does not excited to leave. He grabbed his phone as he walked out from his bedroom. Quickly searching for your name in his contact list and call your number.
One, two, and three rings you finally pick up his call.
“Hello! Good morning my love.” Your smooth voice made him smile softly as he opened the fridge.
“Good morning my lucky charm.” He can hear you giggle from the phone which only make his smile harder. Suddenly he feel the tattoo on his neck pulsed. Which make him grunt a bit. Making his lover stop talking.
“Are you okay my love?” you asked voice laced with worries. Aventurine let out a small hum to show that he’s okay when in reality his clutching his neck pretty hard.
“I don’t feel so good about this my love… are you sure you are okay and will go to penacony?” Aventurine can’t help but smile with how worried and how caring his lover to his well being.
“Don’t worry sunshine, I will be alright. You know I always be alright.” Aventurine can hear you sniffled. Aventurine cooed at the thought of you wiping your tears.
“I’ll go to your place now hm? Let’s have some time together before I left with Topas. I’ll see you in 10, love. I love you my lucky charm.” You let out a choke hum before bid him goodbye and hear a beep from your phone.
10 minutes never feel so long in your life as you sit on the counter with your earbuds on trying to drown bad thoughts in your head. Your finger turning red as you keep picking the skin.
You blinked when you see a harm gloved fingers carefully pull your fingers apart. Suddenly the world is quiet.
Aventurine carefully cup your cheeks with his hands. Treating you like a glass he got from an auction with highest price. Carefully he wiped aways those tears that won’t stop streaming down. And end it with a soft kiss on each of your eyes.
“I’m here. And always be here no matter how far we are.” He said with a whisper. Your eyelids rapidly blink away the tears before you pull him to a hug. Inhaling his scent and absorbing his warmth.
“Be safe, Kakavasha.” Your tone wavering. Aventurine smile softly at the way you call him by his real name. A privilege that is reserve for you and you only.
“I will, precious.” His hands softly rub your back as you hug him harder.
“Let me drop you off at the office.” You spoke softly as you pull yourself a bit to see your lover face. Aventurine smile and nodded.
You both go to IPC office, hands entangled to one and another refusing to let go. The closer you are to the office the tighter your grip on his hand. And all he can do is just pulling you closer to his side.
“Well looks like someone is not willing to say their goodbye.” Topaz welcome both of you with Numby on her shoulder squeaking. You smile at her before Aventurine pull you a bit far away to talk.
“I will go now…” there’s a heavy atmosphere enveloping around both of you.
“I will wait here…” your voice crack as your vision blurry. Hands carefully play with one of his rings.
Aventurine lean in carefully. Cupping your cheeks as his forehead touch yours. His multi-coloured eyes stare at your glossy ones. Thumbs carefully wiping the fallen tears before he kissed you.
Slowly Aventurine pull away. You watch as one of your hand hold the other half set of earing that you have with Aventurine. Carefully playing with the crystal as your eyes watch Aventurine get into the car with Topaz and left.
Empty start to engulfing you as you walk home alone.
One feeling that have been haunted you for the past 3 days. The news spread like a wildfire about what happened with IPC especially Aventurine in Penacony.
If it’s not because how hard it was to be able to step a foot on Penacony and the responsibility you have at home you would go to Aventurine as soon as you can. But fate decided the other thing and all you can do is just wait.
Your eyes keep moving back to your phone as your fingers typing stuff at the laptop on your lap. The sky getting dark and yet there’s no ongoing news about what happened with your lover. Not even from Topaz herself.
Suddenly there’s a jingle of keychains. Your finger immediately stopped typing as you try to confirm yourself if you hear something. You can feel your chest beating.
The door creaked as it opened slowly. Showing a figure with clothing style that you so familiar with. In a hurry you put everything aside and you run to welcome him.
There he was. Your Aventurine. Looks so dishevelled. His skin looks paler than he already is. There’s no glint of light in his multi-coloured eyes. He looks like he’s about to collapsed anytime soon.
You open your arms. No words to be said as your eyes mirror his. Slowly he walked towards you before he let his body fall limp into your arms.
No sobs to be heard from him, but the way you can feel your shirt getting damp tell a story that don’t need to be untold. Carefully both of you fall to the floor. With Aventurine still in your arms and your arms carefully rub his back.
Suddenly you feel him circling his arms around you. Tight enough for you to unable to let go. You hug him equally tight. Sway your body from side to side. Aiding his inner turmoil. Telling him without words that you will be there.
“Welcome back, Kakavasha.” you said with the softest tone you can give. Sobs suddenly break out from him as you try to calm his trembling body by playing his hair.
Maybe, maybe this is what the emanator of nihility meant when she told him to go back. His soothing heaven is waiting for him after all.
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eddiesghxst · 1 year
hellooo! the idea of eddie absolutely hating carnivals has been tossing around in my head for so long so i wrote this :)
this was heavily inspired by Hearts Aglow x Weyes Blood and is definitely not proof read
pairing: eddie munson x henderson step-sibling!reader
summary: you and Eddie like love each other and Eddie hates carnivals.
contains: gn!reader, secret relationship trope, eddie being down bad, carnival shenanigans, mentions of oral, lots of fluff, and eddie in his lover era <3
word count: 1.6k
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Eddie is pretty. He’s so pretty with pink and blue and yellow hues dancing across his face, carnival lights twinkling in his brown eyes. He’s got sprinkles of glitter in his hair that he will surely be bitching about later on, and his lips are tainted red from a cherry-flavored snow cone.
You want nothing more than to smear your lips across his and taste them for yourself, but you’re stuck admiring from afar, poking your straw at the watered-down strawberry slushie in your cup.
Eddie believes that carnivals are nothing but money-sucking machines. The games are rigged, the rides are without a doubt hazardous, the food is overpriced and shitty, and there are hundreds of sticky, obnoxious kids running around like they have no home training. Eddie hates carnivals with every bone in his body, but he’ll be damned if he misses out on any chance to be around you.
You and Eddie are…well you’re something. You haven’t quite established exactly what your relationship is with Eddie. You hang out a lot, and you go out to watch movies, and you hold hands, and you kiss, and you might’ve sucked him off in the back of his van a few times, but Eddie hasn’t asked you to be anything serious yet. It’s not exactly his fault, he would’ve asked you a long time ago, but you asked him to go slow and ‘let’s just be careful for now. I don’t want Dustin finding out just yet.’
So…you’re not quite dating but you’re not not dating either. You’re feeling it out. You want to be sure about your feelings with Eddie and you want him to be sure about his feelings with you; because once Dustin finds out there is no going back. And you’d hate to be the reason why your (step) brother loses such a dear friend.
Eddie agreed to go slow and he agreed to keep it between just the two of you for now, but jesus christ, he can’t stand not being able to touch you and hold you and openly admire you in the ways he wants to.
He misses you and you’re less than thirty feet away. 
There’s a small stuffed animal in Eddie's hands when he walks up and sits next to you on the bench. It’s a miniature pink dolphin, the best he could get with a lousy shot. 
You glance at him and smile, “Hi, stranger.” Eddie smiles back and passes the dolphin to you, you trade him for your slushie and snicker. “I thought you’d pick the shark.” 
Eddie shakes his head, and peers down at the drink in his hand as he swishes it around. “It’s not for me.” He takes a sip of your drink and you watch as he smacks his lips together, letting the taste of the sugary treat settle in. “This tastes like shit.”
You snort, bumping your knee against his, nearly breathless at the sight of Eddie’s smile. “Because it’s watered down, genius.” Despite his previous display of distaste, Eddie takes another sip of your drink and you smile as you watch. Your fingertips dig into the plush toy; you want so badly to run your fingers through his hair, push his bangs back and kiss the arch of his eyebrow.
You push your knee against his once more and he looks over at you. “Thank you for my gift.” It’s almost pathetic, how giddy you get when Eddie dotes on you. He once drew a sun on your hand and you could barely tear your gaze away from it for the rest of the day. It nearly ripped you apart when the ink rubbed off in the shower.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. I would've gotten you one of those huge stuffed animals, but those games are shitty pieces of money laundering thieves.”
You laugh as Eddie kicks at a rock beside his foot, mumbling a few curses under his breath. Just as Eddie begins to add to his rant, a couple walks past you, an oversized bunny draped across one of their shoulders. You and Eddie watch as they stroll by, and you fail to hold back a laugh. “Are the games rigged or do you just have poor aim?” You tease, to which Eddie snickers and responds, “I’m sure you know enough about my aim.”
The back of your hand meets Eddie’s shoulder in a warning slap and he giggles like a teenage boy. 
You fall silent for a moment and Eddie melts into the feeling of your leg pressed against his. “Why don’t we go get something to eat? I know a place with better drinks than…whatever this is.” Eddie grimaces down at the drink and you roll your eyes. “We can’t just leave—” “Why not? Harrington and Buckley are here.” 
You glance at him, and you can’t bear to watch the way his shoulders sink with the reminder of your reality. “Right, forgot about that for a second.” He sighs. You press your lips together before taking in a breath, turning to him, “Yeah, but you also haven’t taken me on the Ferris Wheel yet.”
Eddie gazes at you for a moment before turning to look at the large spinning wheel. He turns back to you and lifts a brow, “You expect me to get on that thing?” And you’re rolling your eyes and ushering Eddie to stand up and follow you before your friends can notice your disappearance. He complains but follows anyway, “You know they built this shit overnight right? Does that sound remotely safe to you?” 
You let out a breathy laugh with a shake of your head, “Eddie, you smoke two packs a day and drink Jolt Cola like your life depends on it. That shit’ll kill you quicker than this ten-minute ride on a wobbly Ferris Wheel.” And well, Eddie can’t argue with you on that, so he sucks it up and follows you onto the ride.
Once you're on the ride, your body is pressed against Eddie’s as it begins, slowly and slowly inching you up to the top. You’re busy watching the scenery but Eddie, for the most part, is busy watching you. When you glance over at him, you become shy of his gaze and smile, pointing over his shoulder so he can turn to see the sunset. Eddie watches in silence for a moment before he speaks, “This might be the first time the sight of Hawkins doesn’t make me wanna gag…”
Eddie turns to you and winks, nudging you as he speaks “But I think that’s just because you’re here.”
You gaze at him for a minute before tilting your head, “Eddie Munson, are you flirting with me?”
Eddie hums, raising his shoulder to dramatically shy away from you as he twirls a piece of his hair with his free hand. “I’m not that obvious, am I?” His eyes shine with adoration and mischief.
You hum, tilting your head back and forth in faux thought, “Obvious? No. Cheesy? A million times yes.” “Come on that was good. You’ve gotta admit that was good.” Eddie scoffs when you shake your head no before replying, “It’ll just inflate that big head of yours.” And Eddie’s lightly pressing the entirety of his large hand against your face, playfully pushing you away as you giggle. 
You grasp his wrist to pull it away and Eddie thinks you’ll drop his hand, but he’s gladly mistaken when you lace your fingers with his. Your heart skips a beat at the familiar feeling of his rough, calloused fingertips pressed against the back of your hand. Whenever he’s spent long hours shredding his guitar, Eddie makes a show of holding his fingers up in front of you and wiggling them until you gently grasp his wrist and press careful kisses to each of his sore fingertips.
Eddie’s voice is gentle and steady when he speaks, “What happened to being careful?” Your eyes meet his and for a moment, you don’t even remember that you’re on a spinning wheel, you only know you’re here with Eddie. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you all night.” You admit. 
His eyes are soft and silky pools of brown as they dart all over your face, searching for any sign of hesitation. “What about your brother? Our friends—” “Nothing matters when you’re 50 feet above Hawkins, Indiana.”
It’s your last trip around the Ferris Wheel before the ride ends, and Eddie refuses to wait in the line again and you’re looking at him like he’s a sky full of stars, so of course he kisses you. It’s slow and gentle and he wants to keep kissing you until his lungs shrivel up inside of him from lack of air. His hand cradles your jaw and he smoothes a thumb over your cheek when he pulls away.
The ride is almost over and you’re sad to have to return to your friends and be pulled away from Eddie. “Will you come over tonight?” You ask before the ride ends. Eddie had been waiting for you to ask, he’s been thinking about it all night. He tries not to sound too excited, but he’s got a shit-eating grin plastered on his face when you look at him, “Leave the window open?” “Bring some smoke and I'll think about letting you stay the night.” You tease, giggling when Eddie feigns offense.
As you step off the ride, you already want nothing more than the night to end, already missing the warmth of Eddie’s touch. But when you rejoin your friends and glance towards Eddie, he winks at you and you’re positive that you will sneak in at least two more secret rides before the end of the night.
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360iris · 2 years
face to face | matt murdock x reader x frank castle
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“The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen in my humble abode. I severely hope you’re not here to break any bones, or trash the place. I haven’t gotten around to finding a good healthcare insurance plan and I just mustered up the energy to clean this afternoon- I don’t think I’ll have it in me to do it again for at least another three weeks.” You say exiting the kitchen, filled mug in hand as you walk over to the sectional couch.
“Hurting you isn’t on my agenda.” Shadowed in the darkness of an unlit corner, he speaks in an even tone. Tilting his head forward as he registers the sound of you sinking into the cushions of the couch comfortably. Your heartbeat moving steadily, completely at ease as though he’d stopped by to check on a friend and not as though he’d slipped his way into the residence of a complete stranger. “ I want information on Frank Castle, everything you have on him.”
“What do you want to know? His star sign? Place and time of birth? Maybe, what he had for lunch? I’m not an oracle.”
“You may not be, but I know for a fact that you know a hell of a lot more than you’re letting on. And innocent people are going to continue to be impacted and hurt because of your complacency and inaction.” He says severely, like a teacher scolding a student.
You exhale noisily through your nose, leaning forward to set the cup onto the coffee table with a soft clank before settling back, hands clasped together in your lap. “You wouldn’t be the first to give me that speech, and I suspect, nor will you be the last. As far as I hear it, he’s got the whole city up in arms. Emergency rooms full, morgues packed beyond capacity with petty thugs and hardened criminals alike. Certainly has the feds running around like headless chickens, scrambling to oneup him at a game of his own creation.
“Why wouldn’t I just tell you the same thing I’ve told all those cops, detectives and reporters desperate for their fifteen minutes of fame? What makes you any different from them— other than the fact you run around dressed in spandex beating debased criminals and non-law abiding citizens senseless?”
“Because unlike them, I’d know you were lying.” He says stepping forward, edging just a hair into the warm cone of visibility the stovetop light offered. “There’s recent mud residue near the front door, though it hasn’t rained on this side of town at any point in the last 24 hours. And by the state of this apartment, with the delivered groceries and all the ordered meal containers- it’s safe to assume you don’t take to leaving its confines very often, if at all when you can help it.
“Pair this with the subtle hint of the cheap soap he uses lingering in the air, and on those cushions. And the way your heartbeat quickens the longer I go on, leads me to believe he was here, very recently in fact. Almost as though I were mere hours shy of missing his near regular visit.”
“It wouldn’t be,” You speak up, looking away from him but not settling on anything else in particular in the dim space. “A lie, that is. I couldn’t help them- those cops looking to piece together a case, or the reporters attempting to spin a piece on how he turned into this tragic antihero. And I can’t help you, whoever you are under the mask.”
“Can’t, or won’t.” He pried, stepping even closer, the rectangular coffee table being all that separated the two of you.
Standing up from the sofa, you sigh. “Can’t.” —and begin walking towards the hallway behind him, stalling at the precipice.
“Maybe he isn’t the man I once knew, maybe every single one of those men’s lives he takes after this point will count against me just as equally, as if I’d wrung their souls from their bodies myself but,“ —you sigh for what feels like the millionth time this month before looking back at him, his face turned towards the direction of your voice, the hairs of his beard illuminated by the light.
“I can’t help you piece together any leads, or convince him to turn away from the road that lies in front of him. There comes a time in every man’s life when he is allowed to stand face-to-face with how he will live, and in what manner he will die. Once he makes his peace with his self or God-appointed fate, he will charge head first toward it regardless of whether or not it is what he intends.”
Resting a hand to rest on the wall beside you, you squeeze at it, as though attempting to anchor yourself. “I’ll tell you only one thing that may prove to be of some consequence to you tonight, Red. Though regarding how much use it is to you, or if you heed it, that I cannot guarantee.”
“And that is?”
“The Frank Castle you’re dealing with is like that of a bull. Unpredictable and brazen, but singular in his mind and nature. You may succeed in steering him off his path towards destruction- if you act as that of which can deter such a worldly and impulse-driven creature.”
“And how am I supposed to do that exactly?” He asks, feet shuffling as he redistributes the weight between them.
“Be the flag, Red.” You answer, as though your meaning had been obvious. “Find a way to appeal to him, or keep him distracted long enough for someone smarter to come by and take over the task for you. Whichever option suits you best.
“Either way, I’m sure you’ll be able to see yourself out of my home.” —and you’re turning away from him and into the darkened hall. And he simply listens, fists clenched tightly, as your bedroom door clicks shut behind you.
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tyrannosaurusprex · 5 months
It’s in the Little Things
parks and rec | leslie x ben | T | ~500 words
Note: Set during 3x02 Flu Season. I was thinking about Leslie and Ben’s friendship progressing and, well, here’s this.
Edit: Full version on ao3!
*** “Nice work, Leslie.”
It’s not like it’s the first time she’s ever seen him smile, but it’s never been like this.
He’s pulled a thousand of those tight-lipped smiles, careful and restrained like he was gently reaching into his heart (if numbers-robot-jerk-face-turd-boys even have hearts) and sectioning off a small piece of it to be let out. Little by little, bit by bit, as if there’s nothing out there that’s worth his full affection.
And then there was a litany of those smug fuck-you smirks that time her plan to set up Ann with Chris backfired spectacularly. Okay, maybe not her best moment, but he made it like twenty times worse. And could you really call those smiles? Typical that the only thing that would make him happy is other people’s downfall.
So, yeah. Sure, she’s seen Ben Wyatt smile.
But the expression that’s on his face right now is something that Leslie has never seen before at all.
It lights up his whole face, transforms it, so much so that it seems like she’s never really met him before, his eyes so bright she has to look away. It’s somehow unabashed but meek at the same time—and of course his face is an oxymoron, stupid and nonsensical—half-embarrassed like he can’t believe he’s actually letting something make him happy.
And all he’s looking at is her in a hospital gown and a stark white room.
Well let her tell ya something, Ben Wyatt is annoying and unflappable and he deserves to be embarrassed, and she’s going to make it happen as much as she can, now.
“Nice work to you, too!” she replies.
Because yeah, she totally crushed that speech but by the end of it her consciousness started to droop like a melting ice cream cone and she never would have gotten through the whole thing without his help.
(Plus, she never would have been able to steal all that flu medicine if he hadn’t driven her to the hospital, either. So.)
Ben mumbles something about the chicken soup as he backs away to the door, and Leslie’s still debating if she wants to eat it in the first place (there’s a concerning amount of vegetables in there) but she’s so accustomed to being the person who gives the gifts that whenever it happens the other way around, it kind of takes the breath out of her each time.
“Thank you for that.”
“Okay,” he says. It’s stilted and awkward and nothing like anything she’s heard from him before. He kind of lingers in the doorway for a moment, backing away like he can’t keep his eyes off her.
The way he’s looking at her is honestly so adorable she wants to put him in her pocket and never let him go.
Okay, where had that come from? Flu meds. Yeah, that’s right, she was dosed up a little while ago and they haven’t worn off yet. That’s all.
The waffles will get rid of any weird thoughts about dorky auditors in bright blue-and-green plaid and god, what even is that fashion sense?
Yeah, that’s better. Waffles really do fix everything.
(She tries to ignore that it’s Ben who got the waffles for her in the first place.)
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devil-doll13 · 2 years
What My OCs Smell Like
Inspired by @rottent33th and @solmints-messyocdiary’s posts on the matter no I’m not running away from my writer’s block shut up
If mist had a smell, it would smell like her. Smells like blackberries, old books and rain, with a hint of cinnamon. The stench of death follows her literally everywhere, unable to be washed away. Like the earthy aroma of a freshly dug grave.
Also, sometimes a bit acrid and sulfuric, usually after she’s used some good ol’ black magic arts. A foul odour marks things she’s hexed/cursed.
She favours floral scents and perfumes but likes fruity ones as well sometimes. When she uses burns incense it’s usually sage or rosemary, and of course her favourite cinnamon.
Her breath smells like bitter coffee and apples, and strangely also… Iron-ish blood? Weird…
Beyond all this, there’s something else… Some unnatural scent impossible to place, but just smells very off in some way. It’s probably why dogs hate her so much. It’s not unpleasant, but it might make you recoil in disgust just the same.
Pine cones, cedar and other woodsy scents, which clings to him after a trip to the Montana forest. Leather, fur and hot burning rubber from his motorcycle. Also that washed out denim jeans smell, like just after it’s been done in the washing machine.
After work he smells heavily like motor oil and probably also sweat until he takes a bath ngl.
After he’s… Gotten rid of someone, he’s quick to get rid of the coppery blood smell as soon as he can. His breath still permanently carries it though. That and a sort of meaty aroma.
Cologne can’t really hide his natural animal musk, but he goes for anything that seems popular really lol.
I’m sorry guys but he smells like a wet dog, especially after a bath/shower or a swim. It’s just one of those things really, although he does try to cover it up with cologne it’s not possible for him to get rid of it entirely :( poor Max
Smells earthy in an entirely different way than Abigail, almost in the opposite sense. She smells like blooming life. Like rich soil and flowers, as if she’s been rolling in a meadow or something. Also fresh, clean linen and grass.
After a fight she’ll smell like dirt, sweat and iron from any blood (hers or the enemy’s). She’s always showering afterward to get rid of any weird smells they give off.
Her breath smells like milk and honey, because she always spreads it on her toast and puts it in her barley tea. (She isn’t into drinking coffee like Zach is)
Prefers light floral and citrus scents and perfumes, but it’s not too overpowering and she doesn’t wear it that often tbh. Usually sunflowers, daisies and oranges, but anything ‘Summery’ Jude’ll go for honestly.
Also vanilla, lemon and amber are scents I associate her with too.
A mixture of leather, gunpowder and cigarettes, as well as a sort of metallic smell from so many fights over the course of his life. The rusty stench of blood has literally embedded itself into his skin now.
His breath smells like tobacco and black coffee, with a bit of pastry overpowered by those two.
I firmly believe he uses old spice deodorant, probably got it from his dad honestly. Like he just never stopped using it because it’s just old faithful and everyone he’s been with seems to like it anyway.
Various ingredients and spices he uses for cooking are present too.
An acrid, smokey scent still clings to him a bit from when he was possessed by that demon, and it never really went away…
(Taglist: @slaasherslut, @the-pinstriped-hood, @goldrose-star, @soupbabe, @bluecoolr, @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better)
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teddiesbestestpal · 10 months
Teddie and Bunni landed safely in the Steamy
Bathhouse dungeon in the locker rooms with Teddie landing right onto Bunni.
“ Ooofff! Sorry Bun-Bun!” Teddie says clumsily as Bunni groaned.
“ Be more careful next time!” Bunni groaned, the dark chocolate brown colored skinny rabbit with brown eyes and floppy rabbit ears with lots of patchwork and stitches on his body and his ears wearing a black suit with three chartreuse green buttons in front and as lines on his outfit, as well as a frilly light orange court jester ruffle on his neck and permanent eyebags.
As Teddie got off of Bunni Teddie points towards the locker room’s exit.
“Hopefully the grinding will be worth having to feel all of this place’s.. sweat…” Bunni shivers.
“ Oh cheer up Bun! It can’t be that bad!” Teddie says.
“ oh really? Let’s see how you’ll take this!” Bunni says picking up Teddie and throwing him right into the door opening up, as Teddie lands Bunni catches up.
“ Hey! That wasn’t very nice!” Teddie says as Bunni grins sheepishly.
“ Now you know how I feel…” Bunni says under his breath.
Suddenly an intolerant officer appears in front of them.
“ Ugh… not that BDSM kink bait shadow again….” Bunni groans to himself.
“ You know what BDSM is?!” Teddie blushed.
“ Yes.. I believe it’s in one of Yosuke’s magazines.. though I’m more into Spanking myself…” Bunni lightly blushed his rabbit tail turning itself into the head of a hammer as the head alerts the shadow by hitting it, the shadow instantly casting Ziodyne on Teddie but he dodges.
“ Nice dodge Ted” Bunni states as Teddie smiles.
“ Kintouki-Douji!” Teddie says breaking his star arcana card to summon him as the persona throws a missile at the intolerant officer.
“ Guess it’s my turn… Persona!” Bunni says cracking his moon arcana card summoning Chang’e, the creature with a steel incense-like head leaking out nuclear magic energy moon shaped scent wearing a black Yukata with 3 chartreuse green crescent moon shaped buttons in the center with a circular jester neck ruffle-like orange cone on it’s neck steel hands and instead of legs a ghost tail with a green crack pattern is on it as well as it having chartreuse green crescent moon shaped glasses as eyes.
“ Fredidyne!” Bunni commanded Chang’e as it shot the nuclear skill out of the palm of its hand as the officer is defeated, both personas disappearing.
“ Thanks Bun-Bun! Here!” Teddie says hugging Bunni as Bunni blushes.
“ T-Teddie!” Bunni blushes intensely but then closes his eyes and chuckles.
“ I guess I can always rely on you correct?” Bunni asks as Teddie nods, the blue bear with that adorable stupid smile on his face.
“ Of course Bun-Bun! I’ll always try to help you out no matter what!” Teddie retorts as Bunni couldn’t help but be at ease.
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ticklystuff · 1 year
So I’ve been getting into Honkai star rail lately and I honestly can’t believe I haven’t seen anyone talk about lee Luka. One of my favorite character tropes is “tough guy who thinks he’s too cool to be ticklish is actually extremely ticklish” and he just fits that role perfectly. He’s only a side character in the underground though, so I can understand how people might overlook him, but I can’t get the thought of him being tickled to pieces out of my head
i am going to be real with you anon, i too forgot luka existed until i read this ask (i even specifically pulled for him on kafka’s banner..) BUT this ask did incentivize me to do his companion quest last night and he's so cUTE??? i'm not gonna post spoilers but his companion quest got me tearing up at the end LMAO
but yes i agree he fits the bill pretty nicely! like imagine one of the underground kids coming up to him and asking for advice on how to win a tickle fight because they keep losing to their friend or something and luka is like "ya sure i can show a demonstration" because a tickle fight is similar to a normal fight.. right? so he enlists the help of the mc like everyone else in this game because he's not gonna tickle fight a five year old. it's not gonna be too bad because he's naturally good at fighting and surely he's not ticklish is what he thinks, until a few quick tazes to his side has him helpless on the floor and he's like oh no
also also him going to the mc for tickle training because it's an easy way to increase his stamina or something.. or he's convinced himself that he can grow resistant to the ticklish sensations if he's tickled enough ehehehe
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also i totally forgot about his light cone aslkdjfklsj *grabby hands*
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the-coconut-asado · 2 years
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No doubt about it, Southwold is pretty as a picture. 
Did you know there was a Great Fire there before the even Greater Fire in London back in the 1660’s? And that when they rebuilt the town, they populated it with lots of village greens so that houses would be spaced out and pose less of a fire risk? Tell that one to town planning in Staines. Meanwhile, the white sand beach goes on for days and the pastel beach huts probably change hands for a quarter of a million, if they ever do. 
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But enjoyment has to be proportionate with effort: you can enjoy a drink in this pub but don’t bring mess in on your shoes and don’t celebrate too loud; you can have a glass of wine in this establishment but a martini is an ask too far when you have to train bar staff up to do that. And, nothing to do with this, as for the pier promising the wacky hall of mirrors - I would ask the owners to define 'wacky'.
One cafe owner was a particularly good exemplar of the school of ‘can’t be arsed’  . Believing that we were, in his words, intrigued by his charming hole in the wall, he told us that his cafe was one of a kind. ‘Kind’ is an interesting word, as he went on to seduce us with tales of  casually caber-tossing old ladies and their dogs out of the cafe - ‘we can be doing without them, they only order a cup of tea’.  
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And it wasn’t just pooch-loving pensioners he had a problem with. On he went,  bemoaning kids and families visiting in the school holidays and relieved they were all packing up and leaving  the next day so that he could do the same for the winter. And don’t get him started on hipsters. As he spoke we continued to back away to the end of the road to make our escape. Weirdly, I think he enjoyed his work, just not his customers. Win some, dim sum, as I am sure he never says. 
We  took refuge in three delightful exceptions to this cautious hospitality: The Two Magpies bakery, Harris & James Handmade Gelatos and, of course, Adnams Brewery. 
Many years ago I worked for the Badger Brewery down in Dorset, so I know what a charming bunch brewers are. We tagged ourselves onto the brewery tour, which ended in a beer tasting that sparked a revelation: that  this late in my life I have developed a taste for it. Especially Adnams Earl Grey Lager. If you like Earl Grey tea but also want a mellow kick, place your orders now. 
We started both days in Southwold at the Two Magpies bakery, where most of the local workforce seems to come for their daily caffeine and sugar kick. Aside from the crisply-fresh pastries and croissants, The Two Magpies specialise in a cob loaf which manages to be at once crusty and pillow soft. We bought more loaves than we could comfortably manage to eat ourselves so the rest made handy - and tasty -  gifts. If you aren’t planning to visit Southwold, you can also find a branch in Norwich. 
And as we were still in the middle of a sahara-like summer, gelatos were a must. H&J’s felt like a proper gelateria, right down to the brisk, businesslike exchange of cash and cone.  I went for my favourite - mint choc chip - and it didn’t disappoint. 
As I said, Southwold is a pretty picture to step into for a couple of days. And don’t worry about throwing caution to the winds - you won’t be allowed to.
If you haven’t got time for the drive there, here are three dishes using the best of Southwold local ingredients: My Earl Grey beer cake, a tasty crab gratin and some pretzel focaccia that you can mop it up with as efficiently as the Two Magpie’s cob. While we didn’t eat crab while is Southwold, Cromer up the road in Norfolk is famous for them. 
Earl Grey Lager Cake
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You may have heard of Earl Grey tea cake and beer cake. Here I have combined the two. Perfect with a cuppa (and it doesn’t even need to be Earl Grey). You can also mix about 30g milk chocolate chips into the cake batter, but on balance I prefer without. Serves 8. 
115g unsalted butter, softened at room temperature
250g light brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. Five spice powder
175g self raising flour
Zest of 1 orange
2 Tbsp. buttermilk
120ml Adnams Earl Grey Lager (or use same quantity brewed Earl Grey tea)
30g milk choc chops (optional)
For the icing: 
125g icing sugar, sifted
5 tsp (or more) freshly squeezed orange juice
Splash of Earl Gray lager (optional)
How to make: 
Heat the oven to 190 C - 180 Fan. Grease and line a 22cm loose bottomed cake tin with baking parchment. 
Cream the butter and sugar together in a mixing bowl, then beat in the eggs, one at a time, and the orange zest. Add the flour and Five Spice powder to the bowl and fold in until fully incorporated. Then add the lager and buttermilk and mix gently until smooth. 
Pour the cake batter into the prepared cake tin and bake for at least 35 min. Test the cake with a toothpick and if it doesn’t come out clean, return to the oven for a further 5-10 mins. Remove from the oven, cool in the tin for 10 minutes and then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely. 
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When the cake is fully cooled, mix the orange juice a little at a time into the icing sugar, and mix to a thick, ‘droppable’ consistency (add more orange juice, 1 tsp. At a time and mix until you get the consistency you want. 
Spread the icing over the top of the cake and let it drizzle over the sides. Let the icing set and then serve. 
Baked Crab Gratin
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The combination of crab, chives, cream cheese and a dash of Fino sherry is heavenly - and a perfect starter for a fish-based dinner party. Serves 4. 
250g white crabmeat
250g mascarpone or cream cheese
4 tbsp. Mayonnaise
Zest and juice of 1 small lemon
35 ml light 
soy sauce
Handful of chopped chives
2 shakes Tabasco sauce
20g freshly grated parmesan
1 tbsp. Fino sherry
50g  fresh breadcrumbs
How to make
Heat the oven to 180C (or 160C fan). 
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Mix the crabmeat with the mascarpone or cream cheese, soy sauce, lemon zest and juice, soy sauce, mayonnaise, Tabasco, and chives, then spoon into a medium sized gratin dish. Bake for 20 mins. 
Pretzel Focaccia
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This is my go-to focaccia, first published a few years back in Bon Appetit magazine. I love pretzel mash ups - whether croissants, bagels or bread - and once tasted, you will too. Start this the night before you want to bake so that it has a long, slow prove. I showing versions here with rosemary and lots of salt (the way I like it) and no rosemary and less salt (the way my husband likes it). Serves 8-10. 
780g plain flour
1.5-2 Tbsp kosher salt (milder than ordinary table salt)
1 tsp. Dry active yeast or Easy-bake yeast
1 tbsp. Cold unsalted butter
2 tbsp. Melted unsalted butter
2 tbsp. Sunflower oil
2 tbsp. Bicarbonate of soda
Pretzel salt (you can buy from Amazon)
Fresh rosemary needles (optional)
How to make: 
Measure out the flour into a large mixing bowl. Add the yeast to one side and the salt to the other. Gradually add 3.5 cups of warm water, stirring with a wooden spoon until you have a thick batter, then continue to stir until smooth-ish. Cover the bowl and chill overnight. 
Grease an 18x13 inch baking pan with 1 tbsp. Cold butter, making sure the entire surface is covered, then drizzle the oil into the pan and spread with your hands (don’t stint on the butter - this is what gives the bread its gold crusty underbelly). 
Turn the dough out into the pan and spread using your hands so that it covers the entire pan in an even layer. 
In a small bowl, mix the bicarb of soda with ½ cup boiling water with a small pastry brush (take care the soda will cause a lot of frothing). Generously brush the entire surface of the dough with the soda solution (keep the rest for later). Let the dough rise in a warm place until nearly doubled in size and has a loose, bubbly surface - up to an hour. 
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Place a rack in the centre of the oven and reheat it to 230 degrees (or 220 fan). Brush the dough again with the soda solution and bake for 10 minutes. Rotate the pan from front to back, , brush with 3 tbsp. Melted butter, sprinkle generously with pretzel salt and continue to bake for a further 10 minutes. By now your focaccia should be deep brown - just like a pretzel - and the underside brown and crispy. 
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Let the focaccia cool slightly then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. 
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livingwithlosingyou · 2 years
Living with Losing You - 11/6/2022
Redefine Recovery, LLC. I am so proud.  
This mostly lazy Sunday was much needed. Today’s blog will likely be fairly short because I (for once) didn’t leave the house much. BUT, I will dive into the LLC more later on. 
I woke up feeling like I got hit by a bus. That was less than ideal. As I woke up though and started moving around, I felt better. I ended up taking Sadie on a 2-ish mile walk, and then coming back and picking up a bit. Whatever I was unable to get done I plan to get done tomorrow. It was just driving me crazy how unorganized this apartment was. Ironically, car is super messy but the apartment I am almost OCD. 
I ordered PS and walked to grab that once I was basically done cleaning for the day. I ate around, ate that, and then ended up just sitting on the couch and hanging out. I gave Sadie and Latte both treats today for being the “goodest”, so they were happy campers. At one point I was sitting in your old chair and snuggling with Latte, and cuddled with Sadie / took a nap on the couch for over an hour. I ate my left over Jersey Mike’s for lunch, and had an ice cream cone. 
Okay, I really wanna dive into the marathon and LLC for a second. I am beyond grateful for Sean and what he did today. My heart was heaving and full at the same time. Such a beautiful sentiment that meant the world to your family and I. I will post some pics that your dad send me since he was able to attend in person with Ponch (can’t remember his full name but you loved living with him). Just was so glad that he was able to go and support Sean. He raised almost $15k towards suicide prevention. Incredible. 
I felt very inspired today (besides feeling very tired and sick as well). I got the LLC officially approved last week, but wasn't sure when I wanted it announce it. Well, no time is better than the present, right? I decided to make some videos explaining the LLC, and a little background as to why it came to fruition. I also made a post on the page itself, and shared this on my social media. This was honestly such a mix of nerve-wrecking and exciting. I am sure there will be people who will be nay-sayers, but honestly, I have a huge heart for this. I would much rather try and fail than not try and wonder. I do believe that I can make a difference, I feel it deep in my soul, like it’s a calling. Everything I have gone through has led me to this point. Beauty from the ashes. Peace in the abandonment. I am on a mission to do good. 
Most of the feedback that I received was so supportive and kind. I feel so grateful to be surrounding by a supportive community of people who believe in me and see my heart. And to the people who are unsure of this decision, I haven’t been so sure of something in a very long time. The only people in this world who actually make a change are the ones who are crazy enough to believe that they can. Hi, I am crazy.
You would be so proud. You really would be. I wish that I could have helped you more, but at the same time, I helped you as much as I could have. Some might argue even more than I should have. The natural guilt settles in often. When it does, I try to remember the things you said to me, and how you were always so grateful for my unconditional love. You said I was the best thing to ever happen to you. It’s hard. I know that I alone couldn’t be enough to make you stay, and I hate that you felt like you needed to go. 
This was our legacy, Redefine Recovery, LLC. This was what you left, and this is what I promised you I would continue. You wanted to help people, and you are. James, you are saving lives. You are making a difference. I wish it was in a different way, but you have impacted so many lives. 
Man, how much I love you. 
Even in the moments that were so tough, so challenging, loving you came so easily to me. You were such a light. Everyone saw it. Even though it flickered at times, you always had it in you. I want to make sure other people see that in themselves, that light. That future. The possibilities. I want people to feel heard. Supported. Loved when they feel the most unlovable. 
Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for loving me. I read something that said “If you wish to love me still, when I leave, you can, by loving life, by loving all that is life, by loving yourself most of all, the way that I loved you, for now that I cannot, you must”. I felt that. 
Oh - I officially have that meeting with Release Recovery in NYC in t-minus one month. WOW. God is good. I have a lot of work to do. The future is bright. <3. 
Rest in Peace, James Burton Nichols
10/1/1993 - 7/16/2022
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sleepingsun501 · 2 years
100 followers Drabble request! Echo and Fives being goobers, and an incident involving ice cream and various sundae toppings.
Ooh I gotcha! Thank you for the request! This was actually really fun to think about, and I can totally see them being crazy when they have sugar. Hope you enjoy it!
🍦Domino Twin Ice Cream Shenanigans🍨
“Cones are better!” Fives insisted loudly, taking a long lick of his cocoa-caf-flavored ice cream.
“No, they’re not! They’re so much messier,” Echo protested, taking a spoonful of his own purple zoochberry ice cream. “Just look at your armor.”
Fives glanced down at his vambrace in the light of the streetlamps, and there was dark brown ice cream slowly dripping down his arm. Unfazed, he just shrugged and licked it off before nibbling the little cocoa chips off the top of his cone.
“Ugh! Karking hells, you’re disgusting!” Echo whined, grimacing at his twin. “Have you even cleaned your armor since we got back?”
Fives chuckled. “Nope. Too busy trying to get your ass out the door so we could get to the dessert place before they closed.”
Rex and Jesse trailed behind them, eating their own frozen treats and listening to the twins bicker.
“I can’t believe they’re actually having this conversation,” Rex sighed tiredly.
Jesse laughed beside him and bumped his elbow. “I can. Just imagine the sugar high those two are gonna have later. Plus, Fives has caf in his.”
The captain groaned. He knew nobody in the barracks would be asleep after lights-out tonight with Fives and Echo hyped up on sugar. His attention was diverted back to the twins as their squabbling grew louder.
“But you can fit so many more toppings in a cup!” Echo argued. “I got so much more in here than just those cocoa chips on yours.” He tilted his paper cup toward his brother to prove his point. “And you have to eat yours so much faster.”
Fives took another lick of his ice cream and squinted at Echo. “Yeah, well at least I don’t take an hour to finish a ration bar, like some people.”
“I do not!”
“Do so!”
“You inhale your food!”
“You chew with your mouth open!”
“Chew this!”
Fives suddenly found his mouth, nose, and cheek smeared with his ice cream as Echo shoved his hand holding his cone into his face. With the reflexes of an ARC trooper, the shock did not last long. He smirked wickedly and swiped Echo’s cup, taking off running down the street with a cursing vod hot on his heels.
Jesse doubled over with laughter, not caring that the rest of their first night of leave was sure to be just as chaotic.
Rex shook his head and laughed quietly, scraping the last of his ice cream from his cup and watching his best two ARCs scuffle. “Fucking ade.”
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
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Series- outer banks
Paring- rafe Cameron 💗
Warnings- swaring, stabbing, kissing, mentions of drugs.
Summary- one of rafes drug dealers come up to him while your there. He tells you to run before it gets messy but you end up taking a blade for him…
Me and Rafe had only just started dating. We were just two weeks in… the honeymoon phase if you’d like. We were new but oh so comfortable with each other, I told him everything! we shared everything. I had no doubts about us lasting for a long time, a very long time. But I didn’t predict this… he didn’t share this with me, maybe it’s because rafe knew! Knew i wouldn’t like it. Realistically if he had told me i would have stuck by his side but yes i would have been scared. I was scared in that moment but…
“Nice?” Rafe questioned softly while I walked aside him licking the ice cream he’d just brought me. I nodded my head with a goofy smile to show my appreciation. Rafe chuckled and pulled me under his arm “wanna come back to mine now or you going home” “I do believe Cameron ..that I’m yours all day” i beamed under his arm.
“lucky me huh” he leant in to take some of the ice cream and i smeared it all over his mouth. He stopped in shocked and I held my stomach as I laughed. Rafe flicked it off shaking his head with a dangerous grin.
“Is it your ice cream Cameron?” I giggled running away down the road but obviously he caught me by my waist spinning me around. I was laughing too hard to get out his grasp. Not that I wanted to… rafe then put the ice cream back on his face and leant into kiss me with the sticky stuff going everywhere. “Your lucky your fast or I would have been off” “your lucky your slow because your going the wrong way” Rafe laughed pulling me away. “No I’m not… that’s the way to your house”
“We’re not going through the alley there’s shady people always around there you don’t need to be walking past that” he shook his head pulling me close by the waist. “I’ve been through that alley so many time rafe it’s fine- it’s a shortcut” I laughed walking the long way anyway. “Better to be safe than sorry my lovely”. We wiped the ice cream completely off and chucked the soggy cone away in a near by bin.
We were still a good ten minutes from rafes mansion if you would, when a car pulled up on the side of the road. I stared but Rafe subtlety tapped me to stop looking. “Get ready to run Okay” he hissed at me. I looked up at the boy confused “I’m not going anywhere rafe” I whispered back “y/k don’t fuck about okay” They got out. Two men… and another one was in the driving seat. “Rafe rafe rafe… stop right there bro your a hard man to find” “can we do this later” I could feel him eyeballing me.
“No… let’s do it now, and your pretty girlfriend girlfriend can watch” “I’m not selling anymore you will have to find a new dealer that’s that” Rafe shrugged letting go of me and standing in front for protection. Selling.. what the hell was rafe selling. “We can’t get it anywhere else we need you, your guy won’t sell to us!!” “It’s not my problem” Rafe turned to me pulling, rushing, panicking. “Did I say you can go?” The man stepped forward. Rafe was turned to me.
The sun gave his knife away. It glistened on the silver blade “RAFE” I shouted as the man lunged forward. I jumped in front of his turned back. It felt it twist into my flesh. The left of my stomach. “SHIT YOU STABBED THE GIRL??!” The other man yelled “SHUT UP! Let’s go!” He shouted getting back in to car. They soon sped off while rafe was holding me on the ground. “I told you to run, why didn’t you run” he whispered finding his phone.
I was shaking blood was pouring out my mouth and stomach from the knife wound. I heard rafe call the ambulance but that’s it. That’s all I remember.
— 1 month later
The loud noise started pouring back I could hear everything again. My eyes opened to see while lights and a hospital bed underneath me. I could smell the hospital that was for sure. “I feel like shit” I gulped looking around rafe was in the corner of the room. He appeared to be asleep. I looked around for a bell and found one to my left side. I pressed it once, that was enough to wake him up with a startle.
“Morning” I giggled at him, he stared at me like he was amazed… shocked even. “Say something then I don’t know what happened” I chewed my lip. He jumped up and walked over to me, before saying anything he embraced me. “Hey baby girl” he whispered “hey rafe” I rubbed his back. A nurse ran in to see what the bell was about. “Your- awake… that’s incredible, how do you feel hunny” “yeah not bad- confused” “as long as your feeling okay I’ll give you both a minute while I call your parents” she smiled nodding at me.
“Thanks” rafe agreed dragging a different chair over to me. “Rafe what happened” “what’s the last thing you remember” “just! Uh um- our date? Eating ice cream I guess”. “You don’t remember being- stabbed?” Rafe questioned slowly. My face pulled a mixture of faces and rafe pulled down the covers and softly lifted up the bottom of my top. I had a massive scar down the side of me. “Oh shit..” I replied as it all sank in. “Yeah we should have taken that alley” I joked, Rafe shook his head and a tear dropped too.
“I’m so sorry y/n you know that right, you have to” “Rafe it wasn’t your fault I chose to take it for you and I don’t regret it” “no I should have done better” “I’m fine Rafe I’m completely fine” I held his face “you were out for a month- today”. That sentence hit me like a train “wow um… didn’t expect that” “no” Rafe said softly. “Well I’m awake now eh” I told him “you stayed here all that time?” “I came every day of course I did”
“What because you felt like you had too” I raised my brows laying back down “y/n… I came because your mine and I wanna be with you- I can see us having a future and I knew you’d come back to me and wake up”. His words hit me quite hard, I started to well up. No one had ever spoken to me like that before. “I want all of that too rafe” I nodded putting my arms out dropping a tear onto my cheek. He hugged me back and the nurse walked back in.
“Your parents are on the way, we’re just going to do a few check ups on you make sure your okay my lovely” she twinkled at me “yeah sounds good” I agreed catching rafes hand as he pulled away.
“Then I can take you home baby girl” Rafe kissed my hand softly.
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fayesrossua · 3 years
Prompt: jean KIRSCHTEIN x AFAB reader.It’s prom night. You and Jean were crowned Prom King and Queen and both of you have had massive crushes on each other for years. It all comes to a head tonight :)
WC: 2.8K
Tags/keywords: wholesome, smutty, romance, budding relationship, super horny Y/N, car sex, banter, Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra, teasing, making out, kissing, French kissing, touching through underwear, fingering (f receiving), oral sex (m receiving), dick riding/grinding, mention of an ex boyfriend, they are just both touch deprived and petty.
Warning: unprotected sex
Notes: the most important thing to take away from this fic is that Jean is most definitely an frank Sinatra fan and sings My Way at karaoke 🙄
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“Here’s yours” Jean said, handing you an ice cream cone. You took it, smiling to the lady at the drive-thru window as Jean thanks her, driving away.
“Wanna go for a drive?” Jean asked, the quiet beeping of the car turn signal being the loudest noise as heavy silence hung between you two. He drove with one hand on the wheel, ice cream balancing between his fingers and his other on your thigh.
“Let’s do it,” you say, swallowing hard as you feel Jean’s fingers relax, softly gripping at your thighs. Your stomach is rolling with butterflies and you occupy yourself with the ice cream. Jean takes a lick out of his while he’s waiting at the red light,
“How about we go to the South end of town, there’s a really good spot to watch the sunset,” he suggested, glancing at you in his peripherals. You turn to look at him, noticing how his plastic gold crown now stood crooked on his head, and his tie was all messed up. It was probably from you grabbing his neck and collar while you were kissing him.
“Please, I love sunsets,” you say earnestly, and Jean chuckles. His hand moves, grazing up and down your leg. You eat your ice cream in peace, as he starts driving. The car is filled with mindless chatter between Jean and you — you laugh at Jean’s stories about his friends at prom, listening to the muffled songs playing on the radio. The radio got fuzzier the further you went away from town, and soon you were driving across empty planes of farm field, orange sunlight filling Jean’s car.
Jean moves his hand from your leg, reaching into the glovebox and handing you the aux.
“Pick what songs you want,” he offers. You plug in your phone and scroll through your Spotify. You chose Summer Wine by Nancy Sinatra… It was a cute song. Jean exhaled an amused laugh as the song played. “My mom listens to this kind of music you know, Y/N?” He teased. The orange sun was painting his face with a glow that made him look almost godly in your opinion.
“Then your mom has good taste, Nancy is way better than Frank in my opinion.” You said. You secretly didnt really care one way or the other, you just wanted to see him exasperated.
Jean made a disgruntled noise in the back of his throat as he ate his ice cream, looking at you with wide eyes. “Did you seriously just say that? I think you need to leave,” he said, managing to sound dead serious before he broke out in laughter. He drove up a small incline, reaching a flat piece of ground and parking the car. You look out, seeing a large, and empty plot of land ahead of you. “I can’t believe you said that.” Jean continued, licking his ice cream as he unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned against the window, facing you. You unbuckled your seat belt and brought one of your legs up, crossing beneath the other one.
“Frank was a degenerate, Jean.” You said jokingly, before biting the edge of your cone, and licking the flat surface of ice cream that was left. “You know I never took you for a Sinatra guy.” You continued.
“I never took you for a Nancy Sinatra girl,” Jean replied, sucking in air through his teeth and pretending to cringe. You guys laugh, and when it dies down, you’re struck by the sky, and how it’s light seems endless — the bright orange and pink rays filling Jean’s car. You feel around for your phone, wanting to take a picture — until you see a flash, and the sound of a camera flicking and turn to see Jean taking a picture of you. He smiles stupidly at you, leaning forward on the centre console and showing you the picture on his phone. “You know that line — she thought the sky was pretty, but i thought she was prettier—“ he said, amused as he watched you push his phone away. You thought you looked bad and you laughed at this corniness. “—well thats you right now,” Jean said.
“You’re such a sap, Jean. That was cute in 2015.”
Jean shrugged, “But I said it, that makes it okay,” he says, taking one more lick of his ice cream before rolling down his window and tossing it away.
You finish eating the cone, and scoff at him, “You’re littering, Jean-!” He exhales an amused sigh, and he leans over, hooking his fingers under your chin and letting his eyes roam over you, landing on your lips. His playful tone so quickly transformed into something deep, and serious. His gentle touch sent heat all over your body, all jokes and witty come backs dying before you could even try and speak.
Instinctively, you lean into him — your lips parting slightly as his fingers move up to your cheek. “You want to kiss me again or something?” You whisper, finally.
“I do, is that okay?” He teases, gently craning your head to the side, presenting your lips to him, perfectly kissable and glossed. He hesitates ever so slightly, and so you make the first move.
You kiss him firmly. Jean inhales through his nose, sitting up and running his fingers into your hair and holding the back of your head. His lips were soft, and cold — still tasting sweet from the ice cream. Your lips slide against his, slippery and warm as you caress his mouth with your tongue. You’re eager to hear each little sigh, or exhale that comes out of his mouth. Wrapping your hand around his neck, you sit up, trying to get closer to him.
“Do you want to go in the back?” Jean asked against your lips. You nod, and he immediately pulls away, opening his door and running around to your side of the car. He opens your door, and you climb out, quickly getting in the back and shuffling to the end, so Jean could slide in.
You feel wetness pooling in your underwear as you look at Jean. He glowered at you with wanting eyes, and you felt dizzy from how fast everything was going. You wanted it though, every fantasy you had of Jean was coming to fruition. You lean forward, reaching your hand up and taking off the plastic crown that was on his head. “I forgot that was there-“ he murmured, feeling his head. You laugh, and he takes off your tiara, chucking it in the front seat. Without any time to waste, Jean grabs your waist, “C’m here,” he whispers as he pulls you in close and kissing you roughly. His tongue slides between your teeth, and you moan gently, opening your mouth and allowing him to massage your tongue with his. His hands aimlessly roam up and down your back, and you press up against him more, desperately trying to connect every point of your body to him.
“I want to be close to you,” you whisper, giggling as he wraps both of his arms around your shoulders and presses you two closer together. Your hand lands on his thigh.
Aggressive, short spurts of pleasure shot up your body as your knees rub together. The warmth of Jean, the way he was kissing you, his touch and his little sounds was almost too much for you.
You need to be closer to him, you need to feel him.
Your hand moves and lingers around his upper thigh. You want so badly to touch his cock, the thought makes your heart beat out of your chest. And underneath your hands, you feel Jean grow tense. “Can I?” You ask in between kisses, and Jean momentarily hovers over your lips.
For a brief second he pictures you — stroking his cock, bent over the seat while sucking him off. A pleading grunt escapes his lips as he goes back into your lips. You take it as a yes and your hand roams the hard hills of his pants. You can feel a small wet spot where his tip would be and you feel yourself getting more turned on by the second.
Jean groaned softly at your touch, and his hands begin venturing down lower, tracing your kneecap and slowly inching his hand across your thigh — his fingers sliding against the natural curve of your soft inner thighs. Your breath hitches at his closeness.
Jean breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against yours as he catches his breath. He looks down at you, palming him through his pants and you can feel him tremble beneath you. Jean wants you, as bad as you want him. His fingers flip up the edges of your dress, allowing him to see the soft skin he’s touching. You exhale against him, stiffening as a gentle hand continues up your thigh — Jean’s knuckles grazing your clothed heat under your skirt. His fingers caress you loosely, his cock growing harder at your little sighs and breathy moans. “You’re so fucking pretty, Y/N,” Jean says, planting a kiss on your lips and smiling at you.
“So are you, Jean,” you kiss him back, and lean into his ear, “Can I see if your cock is just as pretty?” You ask smugly. Jean makes a tsk noise, and his hand grips at your thigh tightly.
“I think you’ll be satisfied with what I’ve got-“ he replies before leaning back and letting you unzip his pants. Your fingers fumble at his zipper, heart racing as Jean lifts his hips up, and you pull his pants down slightly. Jean’s cock presses against his underwear, and you lean down, resting your weight on your elbow as you run a hand over his hard bulge.
Jean shivers, sucking in a sharp breath as he tilts his head back on the head-rest. He bites his lip, already feeling overwhelmed by your touch as you run your hand greedily along his clothed cock. He was itching for you to pull his waistband down, to suck him off.
Eventually you did, anxiety swirled in your stomach as you pulled down his underwear. It was all mindless daydreams until you came face to face with the tip of his cock. Narrow and skinny, Jean’s cock sprung from his underwear, standing erect. His cock was a deeper flesh tone, with a vein running from the base of his cock all the way up to his tip. You felt drool build in your mouth, and before you could even think, your lips met his tip, kissing it gently. “You like my cock, princess?” Jean whispered, a smug smile growing on his lips. His smile faltered as your lips wrapped firmly around his tip, sucking and letting some of the spit in your mouth dribble down his cock.
You look up at him, your hand resting at the base of his cock and your lips just barely hovering over him, each word vibrating onto his sensitive, pre-cum leaking tip. “I love it.” You muse before starting to suck his dick the way both of you want.
Jean stiffens, and your free hand rests on his thigh, getting him to settle down. He closes his eyes at first, quivering from the hot, deep suctions you were giving him. With your jaw slack, you push his cock deep into your mouth — until he hits your throat. As you come back up to his tip, you swirl your tongue around him. Laying it flat against his shaft and bobbing up and down, feeling your own wetness gush out of you as Jean moans above you, egging you on to keep going. “Keep sucking my fucking cock like that, yeah baby—“
It takes everything in his power to not let him cum right there, but as he feels himself getting close, he puts his hand your neck, and pulls you away. “I wanted to keep going,” you whine, pouting as he brings your arm up, and wrapping his arm around your waist. He breaths shakily and leans in to kiss you passionately.
“I don’t want to cum yet.” He says, in between suffocating kisses.
“What do you want to do?” You ask coyly, into his mouth.
“I want you to ride my dick.” Jean moans out softly, slipping his hands back down to your legs, this time pressing his fingers up against your clothed cunt. You gasp, back arching as his warm hands press into your wet pussy aggressively. He pushes your thighs open with his hand, and you oblige, spreading your legs. “What do you have to say about that?” He asks, his chin resting on your shoulder as he watches his fingers push into you.
You’re having a hard time concentrate as Jean works his hand on you. If this was how he was making you feel with your panties still on, you were curious to know what would happen when they were off. “I want it.. i want your cock, Jean.” You exhale, your eyes screwed shut as Jean finally slipped his fingers in your underwear.
“Take these off—“ Jean said, pulling the waistband of your underwear before letting go and hearing it snap against your skin. You reacted quickly, sliding them off. “Sit on my lap.” He whispered to you.
You let Jean move into the middle and swung your legs around him, planting yourself on his thighs. The sun was entering the car at all angles and you couldn’t help but smile at how the pinkish tint to the sky coloured Jean. He rests his head on the head-rest and closes his eyes as he loosens his already undone tie, and unbuttons his shirt.
You silently watch him do this — an overwhelming, feral feeling washing over you.
Never in your life had you wanted to do anything more than to ride his cock and fuck him— his shirt half buttons, tie loose and his hair disheveled as he became undone before you. Waves of pleasure roll through you and you shiver as he finally comes back up, stroking his cock to its fullest length again and gesturing for you to sit.
“Did you ever think about me like this when I was with my ex?” You ask, right before sinking down onto his cock, a stinging feeling flowing through you before it was overrode by a feeling of warmth, and pleasure. Jean shuttered, his hands grabbing your ass roughly as he feels your wet pussy suck every inch of him in so well.
Jean tries to remember what you just said. “Yeah baby, I did. I heard his cock is tiny too. Good thing you’re with me now.” He grunts out, flexing his muscles beneath you as you start bouncing up and down on him. You roll your hips, slowly grinding in and out, and up and down on his cock. You were chasing that growing feeling — the climax you knew was over the horizon. And Jean’s confident words made your heart skip a beat.
“I’m with who?” You ask shyly, resting your hands on his shoulders.
Jean pulls you in, and stops your hips. “You’re mine, baby.” He whispers gruffly — as each word passes he grabs the base of your ass and juts his hips up, ramming his cock into your wet cunt. “You’re mine, and this pussy is mine. Isn’t that right?” He asks, each syllable coaxing you as you feel his cock slam into you with increasing force.
“That’s right, this pussy’s all yours, Jean-“ you reply weakly, loving how he aggressive he was being. Jean slows down his pace, and you begin desperately grinding on his cock again, trying to reach the same level of intensity that he used when fucking you. The sound of your ass coming down on his inner thighs, and squelching of your pussy were enough for Jean to help you out finally.
Jean grits his teeth, holding out as best as he could as he contemplated how he wants this to go. Part of him wants to let you soak up all of his cum. He wants to hold you close to him, and jackhammer into you until he forces his cum inside you — continuing to pump into you even after he came.
Though he also wanted you to leave him limp as you fucked him. Your hands on his shoulders, leaving marks on his arms, chest, as you ride his dick to your orgasm. For you to whisper unspeakable things into his ears and clench your pussy down on him until he has no choice but to cum.
Jean was caught between the desire to get fucked, and fuck. He chose the former — and began held your ass before ramming up cock up into your slick hole.
“Jean— please, just like that.” You plead, loving how deep his strokes were hitting you when you were also grinding on him. Jean fucks you with quickening speed and you feel your mind become foggy, “Jean-! I’m coming” — hot flashes of pleasure cut through the all the noise, electrifying your entire body as you slam down onto his cock, greedily taking your orgasm. Wordless and aching mewls escape your lips— Jean being the only word coherent enough to process. Your thighs shake as you ride him with steady speed, feeling your pussy pulsate against Jean.
Jean can’t hold out any longer. He can’t handle your pussy pulsating and tightening around him like this. “Fuck, Y/N,” All the fluids leaking onto his cock, and your fucked out moans push him over the edge. He let out a deep grunt before pumping into you one last time, and cumming. “Fuck—“ His cum painted your cervix, leaving you feeling so full and wet. Your hips slowed, a gentle back and forth before you lifted yourself from his cock, and leaned onto Jean’s tired body, resting your head in the crook of his neck. “Oh my god, you’re so good.” Jean whispers, breathing deeply and running his hand along your back.
“So are you, Jean—“ you reply, still feeling the residual pangs of your orgasm spread through your body. You sighed at his touch, needing it desperately after you were so vulnerable.
You sit in each other’s arms for a while, catching your breath, and taking in the moment. You’re mine. You know he said that in the heat of it all but you had really hoped it meant something.
“Now I’m literally starving,” he mumbles against your skin, and you laugh. It had been about 2 hours since you guys left prom, and the sun was almost down completely. You swung your legs around, sitting back down in the seat.
“Let’s get dinner then.” You say, before leaning in and giving you a kiss.
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fortuositywritings · 3 years
I Said No (Wanda x R): Pt 8
Summary: Did someone order a fluff stuffed pizza with extra cheese? 
Warnings: Language, also a bit of violence
The following day starts as most have the past week, only this time you are not dreading waking up early in the morning for a hike aka jogging at an incline with Nat. In fact, you wake up kind of pumped for it and decide to forego the usual coffee. Nat looks at you like you are crazy. You shrug. “Not all of us need caffeine to live, Natasha.”
But you do, you find out mid-hike.
“Fuck me!” you groan, dragging behind Nat.
“No, thanks. You’ve got Wanda for that,” Nat quips. When you don’t reply, she continues, “What? No comment?”
“I’m saving my energy. I don’t know how much longer I can do this. If I die here from exhaustion, hit me with a rock or something. Make it look like a cooler death,” you say. She laughs. “What happened to not needing coffee?”
“Caffeineless-Me is a delusional me. Don’t ever listen to her,” you huff.
Luckily, you smell coffee when you get back to the house. You hear voices in the kitchen and make a dramatic entrance. Clint, Pietro, and Sam’s conversation halts at your interruption. Finding Clint responsible for the coffee, you butter him up in exchange for the coffee cup he hands you. “You know, I told Laura, you were it. I said ‘Laura, you’ll never find another like this one. A king among simple men.’ True story.” Used to your antics, Clint ignores you but Pietro and Sam laugh.
You spend the afternoon at the arcade with Wanda, Pietro, and Peter. You in fact do beat Pietro at skeeball, rubbing your win in his face. He beats you at everything else. It’s hard to be a sore loser though when you are too busy having fun and entertaining Wanda. 
Wanda pulls you all into a photo booth. The group does their best to fit in what is meant to be a two person booth. Wanda ends up on your lap, you sitting next to Pietro, and Peter sticking his head into the frame. You shoo the boys out after the group photos, wanting a strip of you and Wanda. Despite the free space, Wanda stays seated on your lap, not that you mind it. The first two photos are silly. You kiss her cheek for the third and simply smile for the last one in which Wanda sports a blush looking at you. 
You ask Wanda if she is ready to go to the bookstore yet, not forgetting what you promised. She refrains from saying yes when a game calls her attention. She says you can leave after one more game. Wanda challenges you to Guitar Hero and the results are embarrassing. You stare at her score in shock. You refuse to believe it. “What? There is no way! How?” She giggles when you turn your face to her with your hands on your cheeks. “No wonder you’re so good with your hands.”
She blushes at your comment. “Do you play guitar?” You ask, but before she can confirm or deny, you stop her, “Wait, no. I don’t want to know. ‘Cause if you do, that’s too attractive and we can’t have that.”
“Why not?” She tilts her head to the side.
“Because it will ruin our dynamic, You see, we both bring certain things to the table. You bring in the kind hearted, easy on the eyes superhero thing to the table. Me, I bring in the funny, cute, one year away from graduating college kid thing. My two years playing the trumpet as a child could never match even the thought of you holding a guitar,” you explain.
Wanda looks at you curiously. She smiles cheekily, before saying, “I’ll have to play for you someday then.” She laughs when you groan saying she ruined it all and tugs you by the hand to where the prizes are. You both trade your tickets in for small inflatable sledge hammers that you immediately use against each other standing off to the side of the prizes booth. You feel the employee who helped you out stare at you both and feel like you are getting in trouble, so you stop hitting Wanda.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to stare,” the employee says. “The two of you just make a really cute couple.”
“Oh,” you say surprised, but you don’t correct him, unbeknownst to you, making Wanda suppress a smile. “Thanks.”
“Come on, you promised me a bookstore,” Wanda says, taking your hand and pulling you toward the exit. You spend an hour in the cute bookstore, which Wanda could have easily made two but she took pity on you, seeing you get a little restless walking around the store in circles. She leaves the store with two new books in hand that you had insisted on buying and a smile on her face as you hold the door open for her.
“I would say ‘I got you next time’ but I wouldn’t want to force you to actually read words on paper,” she jokes.
You roll your eyes at her playful remark. “No, we wouldn’t want that.” 
“So, how about we get some ice cream instead?” she offers, hoping to spend a little more time with you out in the town. Your ears perk up at those words. “Now we’re talking, Maximoff!”
“That reminds me. You still haven’t told me your last name.”
“And I’m not talking.” You mime zipping your lips and throwing away the key. Wanda jokes, “Well that’s a first. That was the only key, right?”
Wanda laughs when you roll your eyes and eagerly take the bag with her books out of her hand to carry it instead, replacing it with your own as you practically drag her to the ice cream shop. She tries not to react when halfway to the shop you interlace your fingers and smile at her, but her heart doesn’t get the message.
Tanya smiles when she sees you both back again at the shop. She raises an eyebrow, looking at your hands in question. You catch her look and shake your head in denial at Tanya while Wanda is busy looking at the flavors of ice cream. Tanya purses her lips disapprovingly and you nearly groan. Wanda turns to you and asks if you know what you want, unaware of the silent conversation that occurred before her. 
You tell her to order hers first. Although you see her eyeing the strawberry flavor for a good amount of time, she orders the cotton candy flavor. You look at her surprised. “What? Maybe I want to try something different.”
“Well, in that case, Tanya, I will have two scoops of the strawberry on a cone, please and thank you,” you order. Wanda gives you the same look you’d given her, so you decide to throw her words back at her. “What? Maybe I want to try something different.”
Wanda pays for your ice creams, which of course Tanya would not let slide without commentary. “She’s making you pay for the ice cream? It’s no wonder Y/N stays single. You would think she’d know how to treat a lady.” Tanya shakes her head at you, making you scoff. Wanda laughs but defends you. “She does. This is a small thank you for how well she’s actually done that.”
“Yeah, Tanya! You hear that? I treat people well,” you reiterate as you take your prepared cone from Tanya. “I even did as you said and took her to the fair.” As if it is so unbelievable, Tanya looks at Wanda for confirmation and looks nearly impressed when Wanda nods. You add to pick on Wanda, “All for her to dance with someone else for most of the night.”
This time she scoffs and you try to suppress your smile at how easy you could rile her up. “It was one song,” she defends herself. When she sees that you’re just pulling her leg, she huffs, “You’re annoying,” and goes to sit at the small table by the entrance. Tanya speaks up when you just stand there looking after Wanda with a smile. “Don’t leave her to eat alone now.”
Tanya’s voice startles you out of your trance and you make your way to sit across from Wanda. “It was two songs,” you say, continuing the banter. Wanda retorts before trying her ice cream, “Two. One. What’s the difference?”
“He got one more song with you than I did,” you shrug. You see her make a face of disappointment at the flavor she chose. She replies, “It could have been none with him if someone just asked earlier.”
“Noted. I will let someone know and pass on the message for you,” you tease, earning you a light kick under the table from Wanda while you start with your ice cream. You can only watch her struggle to eat her ice cream and look at yours longingly for so long, before you eventually just snatch hers from her hand. 
“Hey! I was eating that,” she complains. 
“Oh, is that what you were doing? That was a very sad attempt at best. Here, try again,” you say and hand her the rest of your strawberry ice cream. She tries to hand yours back. “I’m not going to take your cone. It’s not the one I ordered.”
You shove the rest of the ice cream you stole into your mouth and eat it as quickly as you can. Wanda stares at you in shock. You try not to make a face at the brain freeze you get. “Well, I just finished yours so now you have no choice.”
Wanda giggles. “You have a brain freeze, don’t you?”
Nothing gets past this woman. You try to deny it anyway. “Nope. Brain warm, actually.”
You don’t fail to make her laugh. She thanks you and you smile as she finishes the strawberry ice cream. You decide to head back to the arcade before the guys get worried. You are surprised they have yet to call or text to ask where you and Wanda were. Wanda says she wouldn’t be surprised if they did not even notice your absence. 
Someone spots you making your way out of the ice cream shop with Wanda and decides to approach you. “Well, well, well. Look who it is,” a loud voice taunts you, making you and Wanda turn your heads to see a guy your age and not so much taller than Wanda approach you. You know him as Abby’s (grocery store lady’s daughter) ex-boyfriend. 
You don’t try to delude yourself into thinking this exchange could be an exchange of simple pleasantries especially given your history and the condescending sneer he throws your way. You huff, mumbling under your breath, “Never move to a small town, Wanda.”
She gives you a questioning look but you ignore it as the ex-boyfriend stands before you both. You give him an obviously fake smile, acknowledging his presence. “Jack,” you say tiredly, not wanting to give anyone the impression you want to actually interact with him. He, on the other hand, has a bone to pick with you and does not plan to let you off easily. 
“Y/N, I see some things never change.” He laughs bitterly, giving Wanda the once over. Not appreciating this, you try to avert his attention back to you and speak in a more fed up tone. “What do you want?”
“What? I can’t say hi to your little girlfriend? You were always so eager to say hello to mine. What kind of person would I be if I didn’t show the same courtesy,” he says, scorn clear in his voice. You really do not have it in you to put up with him and the mess you made that you never dealt with, but you’ve had enough of this biting you in the ass at every corner in this town.
“Look, what I did wasn’t cool. I know, okay? I’m genuinely sorry for not taking your feelings into consideration or talking to you about it before and ignoring the whole thing after it happened. Alright? Can we just move on from this?” you ask, sincerely. Jack looks at you in shock as you await his answer, wanting nothing but to finally move past this mess. Wanda on her end is impressed by your ability to recognize a mistake and apologize. You can feel her looking at you and Jack notices it too, the act riling him up more than anything.
When Jack saw you, he finally found his chance to let everything he was holding back out and seeing you with someone else only assured him he was right about you being this asshole who just goes around stealing people’s girlfriends. He was not expecting an apology. Although it seems to be sincere, it still does not satisfy him and seeing the girl you’re with looking at you the way she is because of it just ticks him off.
So he doesn’t accept your apology. Instead, he turns to Wanda. “It’s a little late for apologies, L/N. Hey, sweetheart. Some advice, best go apologize to your boyfriend before it’s too late, ‘cause whatever you think this is,” he says waving between you and Wanda, “it’s not gonna last.”
Trying to form some semblance of a safety blanket against his fiery gaze, you pull Wanda to stand behind you. Now you’re feeling very irritated. You’re not going to hit him or anything of that nature. God knows you would only hurt yourself. You’ve always strayed away from getting into fights. Besides, why bruise your fists when you could bruise his ego?
“Hey, assface. What do you know about lasting? Last I heard you weren’t doing too well with that. Some advice for you,” you taunt him, using the same tone he did with Wanda, “when you are finally doing something right, which you’ll know since Abby’s not really a quiet one, give her neck a little squeeze and-” You snap smugly. “She can thank me later.”
The whole time you were talking, you could practically see steam coming out of his ears. It’s logical to stay clear when you see the signs of a volcano about to erupt, but when you are standing two feet away from the danger zone, it’s a little hard to avoid getting hurt. You see it coming but you are not quick enough to dodge it. Suddenly, your ass is on the sidewalk, vision impaired as your hand covers the left side of your face that is throbbing in pain. Wanda would say her vision is also impaired as all she sees is red. Not caring if anyone sees, she uses her magic to hold him by the throat, red wisps tightening around his neck. She sees the panic in his eyes but doesn’t ease up. 
“Don’t you ever lay a hand on her again. In fact, from now on you don’t talk to her unless she’s speaking to you. Don’t look at her unless she calls your name,” Wanda threatens him, her voice deadly calm, you would almost define it as soothing. Jack wouldn’t. “You know who I am, don’t you?” Jack nods to the best of his abilities, starting to feel light headed. “If you even think about touching her again, I’ll know.” 
She releases her magical hold. He coughs, bringing back oxygen into his lungs. Jack sees the red fade from the witch’s eyes but her stare still holds a fire. Not wanting to enrage the witch any further, he sprints away as soon as she says, “Leave.”
As soon as he is out of sight, Wanda turns to check on you. She finds you already on your feet but your hand is still over your face. She pries your hand away and sees the damage, a bruise already forming over your cheek. You flinch when she prods it gently. Wanda gives you a questioning look when you unexpectedly giggle.
“Sorry, it’s just. Nat always said my big mouth would get me into trouble like this one day. I was really hoping she would be wrong about this one,” you explain, looking away from her but still giggling. Wanda doesn’t find it funny. She gently takes your chin to face her. “It’s not your fault. He had no right to lay a finger on you.”
Wanda’s intense stare doesn’t waver. It’s almost demanding you to understand that what happened can’t be brushed off as a joke and it works. Your mind replays the events and you feel a lump in your throat. Wanda brushes a tear away from your cheek. You hadn’t been aware of the tears forming in your eyes. The sound of a car passing by snaps you out of your emotional state. You haven’t had a good cry in a long while, but like hell will you allow yourself to break down on the sidewalk in front of the ice cream shop where you used to work.
You chase away the tears and clear your throat. Today was a great day for the most part; you weren’t going to let this bump in your trail keep you from continuing on to have a great day and ending it on a good note. Your eyes are a vault of tears, and though you know one day that door is going to open and possibly drown you, today would not be that day. 
You pull away from Wanda’s touch but before she can say anything about it you hold that hand in yours. “Thank you. I’m lucky you were here.” You avoid cringing at how your voice breaks halfway through, evidence of the lump in your throat you cleared away. You manage a small smile instead. 
“I’m sorry you had to see me like that. I hope I didn’t frighten you,” Wanda says, suddenly embarrassed at her quick tempered reaction. This brings out a genuine giggle out of you. “Are you kidding me? Frighten me? The only scary thing about your reaction was how attractive I found it!” 
You can tell Wanda doesn’t believe you, searching your face for any sign that you may be lying and saying this just to humor her. “No, seriously. His pants were wet out of fear. My pants were wet in an entirely different way,” you press. She laughs with glowing red cheeks. As the color fades, you and she decide to head back to the arcade after you refused her offer of getting you something cold at the store to rest against your cheek.
Pietro and Peter didn’t notice you had left the arcade, but they do notice your bruised cheek quickly. After dismissing their concerns, you ask if they were ready to head back. They say they still have to trade their tickets in, so you let them go do that. It isn’t too long until you are back to the car.
It turns out you are the only one in the car with a license, but you’re not feeling up to driving back to the house. Peter looks nervous at the prospect of driving, barely having taken two lessons at school, so he isn’t going to drive. Wanda wants to sit by you, so she lets Peter sit up front. That leaves Pietro to drive.
Big mistake.
You make it home in one piece with your bruised cheek, a massive headache, and a date with the church on Sunday after promising God you would go if you make it back home alive. Pietro brakes hard when pulling up right behind Nat’s car. Luckily, he didn't hit her car. You didn’t need to survive Pietro’s wild car ride, just so Nat could kill you after. 
The twins are arguing. “God, Wanda. No one likes a backseat driver,” Pietro says as he puts the car in park and takes the key out of the ignition. Wanda yells, “No, but I’m sure we would all like to live to see past our 20’s and Peter past high school!”
At the mention of his name, Peter finally opens his eyes and loosens his tight grip on his seatbelt. “Oh, we’re here? I, um, have to go to the bathroom.” He excuses himself before basically ripping the door open and running into the house on shaky legs. Pietro also storms out of the car but more so in irritation from his sister.
“Are you okay?” Wanda asks you, taking off her seatbelt. You unbuckle yours and laugh to ease her concerns. “Yeah, just give me a moment. I don’t think my life is done flashing before my eyes yet.” 
Wanda giggles as you act out seeing your life replaying in your mind. “Okay, almost done. Exercise with Nat, board games, seeing you naked.” You laugh when she punches your arm. “Arcade, your brother almost killing us all, and finished. Wow, I lived a pretty good life.”
She shakes her head at your silliness, before practically pulling you out of the car. Most of everyone is in the living room when you come inside. You guess your bruise must be very noticeable, your cousin gasping upon seeing your face. She rushes to your side with the help of Clint and sees the damage.
“Y/N, what happened?” she asks, a motherly type of concern slipping into her tone.
“It’s not as bad as it looks, I promise.” You thank Nat when she sits you down and helps place an ice pack on your injury.
“It looks pretty bad, kid,” Clint says, not helping ease the concern on his wife’s or his best friend’s face. 
“You should have seen the other guy,” you say, acting like you actually did anything other than stare mouth agape as Wanda took care of Jack. The disbelief on everyone’s face when you said that, including Sam’s, was insulting. You scoff, “Okay, ouch. I could have taken care of business if Wanda wasn’t there, thank you very much.”
“So, Wanda was there?” Nat pries and you tell them everything. Laura thanks Wanda for doing what she did and Wanda, being of humble heart, claims it goes unsaid that she would do that for any of them and there was no need to thank her. Nat doesn’t say ‘I told you so’ but she tells you it’s time to learn self-defense as she wants you to quote unquote “be prepared next time god forbid something like this happens again”, which to you was another way of saying ‘I told you so’, 
Nat says she will personally see to giving you your first lesson tomorrow. Clint laughs at the thought and suddenly everyone is amped to watch Nat teach you some moves in the morning, inviting themselves to be your audience as if embarrassing yourself in front of Natasha was not going to be enough. Everyone leaves you alone to get ready to sleep after that. 
After changing into your pjs, you pull out your phone and scroll through your camera roll sitting on the couch. You have at least fifty or so new photos of just today. You smile as you watch the video you recorded of Wanda and Pietro playing Dance Dance Revolution. Watching them interact today, you are reminded of you and Laura and Nat and if their bond is anything like yours, you are happy that Wanda has someone like that in her life. 
Wanda comes downstairs to check up on you before turning in for the night. She hears you before she sees you, your giggles cutting through the air. She follows the sound, curious as to what has you in such spirits. When she is close enough, Wanda sees you are laughing at something playing on your phone. 
“What are you watching?” Wanda asks from behind you.
“Just some of the stuff I recorded today. Come look.” You invite her over.
Leaning over your shoulder, she finds out it is a video of her and her brother playing the dancing game at the arcade. She fails to see what you find so funny but as the video plays on, you kept zooming in and out of Wanda’s face as she pouts every time she missteps but the look of determination never wavering. 
You think it’s a cute video but you aren’t surprised when Wanda lunges for your phone in an attempt to take it and delete the video. You lean forward away from Wanda on time so that she cannot reach it. She groans, “Delete it.”
“Mmm, no.” You shake your head and laugh when Wanda wastes her energy to maneuver around the couch to take the phone away only for you to hide it behind your back away from Wanda’s hands. She looks down at you unimpressed. “Y/N, do you really think that’s going to work? I can take it with a wave of my hand.”
“Tsk tsk tsk. Always relying on your magic. Afraid you can’t get it without twirling your fingers?” you shoot back with a smirk. Your cockiness is short lived as you see Wanda sport the same look of determination she wore in the video you took. She surprises you by settling onto your lap, basically straddling you. She holds you by the shoulders. You nearly whimper when she leans into your ear and whispers, “I’ll show you twirling my fingers.”
She leans away from your ear and looks you right in the eye as one hand begins to wander down your chest. You hold your breath when she gets to your belly button. You should have known better, misreading the smirk on her face. It all takes a turn when she brings her other hand down and begins to tickle you. 
You try fighting her off with one hand, keeping the other with your phone behind your back, but she’s relentless. You flail around and you end up lying on the couch, Wanda still on top of you. You can’t help the tear that slips and you take that as your cue to beg her to stop. “Mercy! Mercy! Stop!”
Wanda eases up on the tickling, giving you time to catch your breath, but she makes no move to get off of you nor to actually take your phone away. She rests her hands on your stomach and watches you, amused when you wipe away your tear. 
“That wasn’t nice,” you breathe out. She chuckles. You stare at her as if it is your turn to gaze at her in wonder. She takes you by surprise again when she asks, “Can I kiss you?”
She’s kissed you before. Hell, you’ve done a lot more than that, so you’re wondering why she’s even asking at this point. At the confusion on your face, she explains, “I mean, can I kiss you just to kiss you?”
Finally understanding what she is asking, you sit up and give her your permission. “You can kiss me whenever you want. It doesn’t have to lead to anything.” She hesitates to move so as a show of faith you peck her lips, startling her. “See?”
Wanda smiles and leans forward to kiss you. It’s a slow but still rather chaste kiss. It takes your breath away and when she pulls back she giggles as your lips unconsciously chase after hers. She gives you what your lips were seeking for, pulling you further into her by your neck and tangling her hands in your hair. You are kissing slowly but then you’re not when you slip your hands under her shirt to grip her waist. You pull away and kiss down her neck. 
Wanda starts to feel hot. She doesn’t know when she started to grind onto you, but her hips are actively working to find some friction to relieve the feeling that’s bubbled up. You’re both wearing too many clothes, she thinks. She pushes you away and goes to take off her shirt, but when she had pushed you, you’d come to your senses. You stop her and pull her shirt back down. 
“As much as I’d like to, Clint and Nat seeing me in boxers haunts me to this day. I don’t want to imagine what they’d do if someone saw us less than decent on the couch,” you explain. 
“Oh,” she says, almost a little dejectedly, but Wanda understands. She honestly forgot they were in the living room, open for anyone to accidentally walk in on them. You crack a joke at her sounding so bummed. “Sorry if I gave the idea that I’d be comfortable putting it all out there for show. I don’t know what kind of things you and your ex-robo-boyfriend liked to do, but not everyone can be as free spirited.”
Knowing what comes next after a joke like that, you are quick to grab her wrists before she punches your arm. “Or as violent,” you add, laughing when she pouts at not getting her way. You wrap your arms around her before falling back to lie on the couch. Wanda stretches out her legs to get more comfortable, which is hard to do given your arms are still wrapped around her holding her arms down as well. 
“You’re the worst,” she mumbles into your neck. You laugh. “Hey, don’t start comparing me to your exes. It’s hard to compete with a lab-produced man. He’s probably over six feet tall and can do long division in a blink. Probably does the cheesy things you like, like serenading you and lipsyncs as the song actually plays from his mouth.”
Your arms loosen up as you speak, allowing Wanda to shift more so beside you. Wanda giggles at your rambling and throws an arm around your stomach. “He’s not an Alexa, Y/N.”
“Are you sure? Or you just never tried saying ‘Vision, play Summer by Calvin Harris’?” She bites your shoulder instead of swatting at you. “Ow. What kind of name is Vision anyway? I mean that can only mean he’s packing some serious stuff cause moaning out ‘Vision’ is just not it, you know? I mean, it’s better than ‘Brad’ but honestly most anything is better than Brad.” 
“Ugh!” Wanda lets out in frustration and a hint of embarrassment. Her face turns pink but she tries to hide it behind her hand. She says something else you don’t catch as it’s muffled by her palm. You grab her hand and move her arm back to its original position around you. “What was that?”
“I said ‘I don’t’,” Wanda repeats. 
“You don’t, what?” you ask. Wanda waits a second for you to catch up. “Wait, you and he never?” you ask. When she shakes her head, you are too bewildered by that possibility that you have to confirm. “Never ever?”
She rolls her eyes at you. “Sorry, it’s just that,” you pause. A thought that nearly shuts down your brain takes over and you have to ask, but you weren’t sure how, not knowing if she would want it brought up in case the answer was yes. “Wait! Were you? I didn’t, um.. Did I…”
“Did you, what?” Wanda cautiously asks, noting how hesitant you are to ask whatever it is you were trying to figure out. You clear your throat. “Was I your first?”
You don’t know what you hoped the answer to be. Yes? Being someone’s first can be a big deal and if you were hers, Wanda’s first time, you’d have to move to a mansion for the size of your ego. But another thought arises. Did you live up to her expectations? Her body language seemed to say yes, but maybe she’s just really good at lying. Did you actually disappoint? Wanda disrupts your thoughts by laughing… loudly. 
“Well, damn. A simple ‘no’ would’ve been sufficient,” you pout. Internally, you are a little relieved to not have been the first. When she leaves here, you’ll probably be brought up at an odd time or another in conversation. Three of the small group of Avengers will probably remember you as Wanda’s fling, but you wouldn’t be able to stand being seen as that goof that deflowered the second youngest member of the team. 
“Do not take this the wrong way, Y/N, but I’m glad you were not my first,” she says. Obviously, your response is “Ouch. I don’t know how there is any other way to take that.” She continues, “Because I got to enjoy myself with you. The first time for me was not fun. I didn’t even really like him, but I was tired of everyone comparing me to Pietro, who is as you say more of a ‘free spirit’, and I guess I wanted to prove I could be too.”
With one hand you run your fingers through her hair and with the other you rub her arm in comfort. “Well then in that case, I’m glad I wasn’t your first as well. Also, I enjoyed it too.” She giggles, making you smile in return. “Just sayin’.”
“What about you?” she asks. 
“My first time?” She nods. You hesitate to get into it and she gives you an out. “You don’t have to.”
“No, it’s only fair. My first was actually Skye,” you say. Wanda looks surprised. “I know. A lot of firsts with that one.”
“How did you meet?” Wanda keeps the conversation flowing after a heavy pause.
You chuckle remembering how it happened. “It all started with what Laura coined the great animal rescue,” you start. You tell her the beginning, the middle, and the end of your first and really only relationship. 
“Was she the girl in the picture you showed Peter?” Wanda knows the answer. Why does she do this to herself? Maybe to try to get it through her head that there is someone out there that knows you the way she does and maybe better. Of course, a straight yes or no is too much to ask from you. “Daisy Ridley? I wish! Could you imagine? Rey Skywalker?”
“Maybe Sam has a right to tease you. You are a nerd.” You scoff, “Excuse me. Anyone would be lucky to date ‘only the prettiest woman alive!’” you repeat Peter’s voice, trying to make his voice. Wanda laughs at your impersonation of the young hero.
You remove Wanda’s arm and get off the couch. She frowns. “Where are you going?”
“Getting us a blanket and pillows. It’s way late and although I can talk with you until the sun rises, I need to get some sleep before Nat kicks my ass tomorrow. I’ll be right back,” you say with a smile before turning to grab said items.
You come back, hand Wanda a big pillow you decide you would both use, and stretch the blanket out over her before getting under it and back to the way you were before. 
“Are you comfortable? Do you want the other pillow?” you ask her, which she really appreciates. Once she tells you she’s all good, you kiss her head and wish her sweet dreams.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Wanda replies.
She can’t understand how Skye held so much of you and let you go. Holding you and talking through the night with you, she knows it’s going to hurt when she will have to do the same in a few days. She holds you tighter and closes her eyes, hoping to dream of you tonight.
“Does Vision come with WiFi?”
“Y/N, go to sleep,” Wanda mutters, though she tries not to laugh.
“Sorry, just wondering. Goodnight, Wanda.”
Did Vision have wifi? He doesn’t work like a router, does he? Could she have had a personal hotspot the entire time she was dating him? Wanda needs answers.
“I bet you’re thinking about it now too, huh?” 
“Sorry, sleeping now.”
@madamevirgo @marvels-writings @gayarchnemissis @myperfectlovestory @purplemeetsblue @magicallymaximoff @b0mbdotc0m @helloalycia @ironscarletwidowsoilder @cantcontroltheirfear @trikruismybitch @your-my-mission @imagine-reblog @fayhar @idek-5 @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo @bemyvitamin @musicinourlips @paumxmff @wandamaximoffsrings @yeetus-thyself @lostandsearching @when-wolves-howl @euphoriaszn2 @gingerbreadcookieforlife 
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