#i can say the same for fef too
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got a bunch of exams this week but here some last july sketches
#my art 🍵#homestuck#kanaya maryam#these are when i was still new in here how cute#terezi pyrope#karkat vantas#holy shit first time i post karkat even tho my design of him changed a bit i just never posted him </3#feferi peixes#i can say the same for fef too#hometuck fanart
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There’s so much potential in a story where Feferi gets a descendant on earth C.
Assuming Fef was revived at some point or in an Au where she was there for the final battle, the idea that on Earth C she has to eventually take care of another fuschiablood is so interesting. Yes, there are other lusi with fuschia blood despite the calamari elderitch terror but consider: A) it’s cute and B) I think Feferi would really strive to be the opposite of HIC
Not just in her morals and but in her actions and philosophy. She’s the spitting image of her ancestor whether she likes it or not, and even if she’s friendly, trained (and maybe even instinctual) fear of her caste won’t vanish overnight. Her lowerblooded friends might flinch when she raises her voice, or back away when she has her trident in hand. It’s not because they fear her personally, it’s just engraved in them.
Not only that but I think Fef could have a fear of becoming like the condescension herself. As far as she knows, she could be just as bad inside. Descendants take after their ancestors after all.
That’s why I think she would take in her heiress. As a way to confirm to herself that she’s nothing like HIC because surely her imperious condescension would just kill the grub. But look at Feferi! She’s going to raise it! She’s nothing like her ancestor at all 3:)
And maybe she’s good at it. Maybe she’s not. Maybe Fef tries too hard to make sure her descendant doesn’t turn out like Alternia’s previous empress. Another Peixes would look like Feferi, but it would also look just like Meenah by association, and maybe that makes Fef afraid.
Maybe she insists on cutting her charge’s hair, or braiding it despite the child’s complaints and wishes to grow it out.
Maybe she “suggests” more dressy options because the outfit her charge picked is too close to HIC’s for comfort.
Maybe Fef freaks out when she catches a lowblood doing something for her heiress, not knowing the fuschia just asked for help because she couldn’t figure out how to do it herself.
Maybe she hesitates to let her charge have a trident, or even any weapon at all as she grows up. Despite her kin being the only troll she knows who’s not trained in self defense.
Feferi would be such a sweet caretaker, one full of genuine love. But she would be overcome with fear of the past, even if it’s channeled subconsciously, or through small comments. And that? That would take a toll on the grub she took in.
Fef’s not perfect. Far from it actually. I’ve seen feferi both as a pillar of good in HS fanworks and I’ve seen her slowly become evil. And honestly? I like both interpretations. So I say this. Let her be both. You can be a good person who makes bad choices, or thinks the hurtful things they do will have good outcomes. In so many ways I think Feferi is just like Meenah, it’s just that she genuinely doesn’t think her actions or beliefs are bad.
Compared to other Fuschia’s Feferi is considered an rare oddity for having basic decency, but she’s still a coddling person who thinks she knows what’s best for others. And that would absolutely rub off on a grub raised by her, who would either Rebel like Meenah did on Beforus or become a people pleaser to appease her.
Realistically I think her descendant would have the same “I know best for you so I’ll take care of you” attitude but in a more Meenah way. A subtle way.
I implore someone to do it for the Vine, please.
#homestuck#feferi peixes#fuschiablood#fuschia#peixes#do it for the vine#rambles#her imperious condescension#earth c#let her be morally gray#feferi is so not a perfect person but that’s what gives her FLAVOR#she’s a derse dreamer man
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More of the HomestuckxDC AU experimental thing from the other day. Tim gets an info dump. Ish
Red Robin crouched in the rafters of the warehouse he’d found- the sounds of talking and laughing driving away most of the more wary denizens of the district, and drawing him to it like a moth to a flame.
“O, you getting this?” he breathed, and got back a quiet affirmative.
Down on the warehouse floor, there were thirty-one metas, all in various colors that seemed to divide them into groups that congregated, conferred, then split up again as they mingled.
The majority of the metas had grey skin and horns that graduated from red closest to the skull, through orange, to yellow at the tips. And wings. Colored, semi-translucent butterfly wings.
As he watched, another human looking meta, this one in shades of pink slipped in through one of the skylights and floated down to join the throng.
One of them, the dark haired boy in blue with a ridiculously long hood, slipped through the crowd to chat with him, though whatever he said was too quiet for Red Robin to hear through the rest of the chatter.
They spoke for a couple of minutes, then the blue kid turned and made his way through the crowd, picking up one of the grey kids in all dark red, and another in greys and beiges with fantastically long braids as he went.
Air swirled through the warehouse, cool and fresh, as the blue kid lifted into the air then settled on top of a shipping container, and a moment later, the other two landed next to him, red and fuchsia wings fluttering.
“All right!” The kid’s voice didn’t boom, but it did something funny, and almost at once the talking died away as the rest of the kids (teenagers, really, they were about his age, it seemed like,) turned to look at him. “So we’re still not back. It looks like this place is getting closer, though! They’ve got the right constellations, and the technology level is about the same, so I’d say we’re well on our way home!”
“I still don’t know why we aren’t going back to Alternia.” One of the grey teenagers groused, his purple wings, a lighter shade than some of the other purples in the group, fluttering.
“Because Alternia was a fucking pit.” The red-winged teenager on the shipping container said flatly, his voice harsh. “And before you say anything, Beforus wasn’t much fucking better. We’ve got the best chance at fucking living if we stick with the humans.”
‘Stick with the humans.’ Tim blinked. So… they didn’t consider themselves human? Was this an alien invasion, then? But they were talking about getting home… Dimensional displacement, possibly?
He whispered as much to Oracle, who made a thoughtful noise.
The fuchsia winged alien on the shipping container cleared her throat, and suddenly she was leaning on a massive, golden, double-ended trident that had apparently come from nowhere.
“We ain’t got someplace better to go, dum-bass.” She drawled. “If we head back to Alternia, chances are I’m gonna still be queen of everyfin, and we’ll all die. Beforus, and Fef’s queen and we’ll all get culled ‘for our own good.’ Nah. We’re stickin’ with the squishies.”
“Still,” The teenager in blue said excitedly, lifting into the air slightly on a soft swirl of air, “this world is pretty cool! There’s superheroes! And they fight bad guys and everything!”
Several people groan, but a couple of others perk up.
“This may be a decent place to lie low, then.” One of the human teenagers, a girl in the same beiges and greys as the fuchsia winged alien on the shipping container called. “We can gather our strength and recover for a bit before attempting to move on again.”
“We shouldn’t stay for too long.” The meta in the pink that had passed Tim on his way down to the group said, his voice carrying easily despite the slight rasp of disuse. “People around here’re trigger happy as fuck.”
That gets winces out of a few of the humans, but a low chitter rises from the aliens, a sound that makes the hair on the back of Tim’s neck stand up.
“They wanna strife?” The gleeful way that the blue-winged alien in shades of yellows and oranges said that made Tim wince but the pink wearing guy just shrugged, half turning away from her to look at two other, similarly dressed people. Both of them aliens, with similarly shaped triangular horns.
“Nep, Meu, I pointed this guy I found in your direction. He’s a little trigger happy, but his soul’s coming loose, and I figure we might as well fix it while we’re here. He’s supposed to be one of the heroes around here, so we might as well build up the good will.”
Tim nearly fell out of the rafters.
Trigger happy hero? That was Jason. It had to be. What the hell did he mean, ‘his soul’s coming loose’?!
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Feferi Peixes, Eridan Ampora
Act 5, page 2467
cuttlefishCuller [CC] began trolling caligulasAquarium [CA]
CC: W)()()()()(-E-E-E-E-EW.
CA: fef are you in
CC: Yea)(...
CA: that took forevver
CA: i wwas gettin wworried kinda
CC: Yes, it was a pretty close call, and got kind of complicated.
CC: But Sollux finally came t)(roug)(, and now I believe t)(e full c)(ain is complete!
CA: man that guy
CA: hes a fuckin drama machine it is fuckin pathetic
CC: 38P
CA: fuck SORRY
CC: Anyway you s)(ouldn't say t)(at about )(im, )(e is a )(ero and )(e saved my life.
CA: yeah sorry
CA: i wwas just really wworried and stressed out i thought you wwere dead
CA: and i didnt evven get to thank you for savvin my life or really for anythin
CA: and i just spent all this time here wworryin and thinkin about stuff
CA: and i decided i havve something i wwant to tell you
CA: that ivve been meaning to get off my nub for a wwhile noww
CC: O)(, really?
CC: T)(at's good! Actually, I )(ave somet)(ing I )(ave been meaning to say to you too.
CA: wwhoa really
CA: uh
CA: wwhat is it
CA: you go first
CC: Mm, okay.
CC: But t)(is isn't easy to say!
CA: yeah i knoww
CA: its ok maybe i wwill understand more than you think
CA: wwe might evven be sayin the same thing
CC: Okay, I )(ope so.
CC: I t)(ink...
CC: Now t)(at we are bot)( in t)(is game, and )(ave left our world be)(ind...
CC: And you can no longer pose t)(e danger to our people t)(at you )(ad always planned to...
CC: I t)(ink it is not really necessary for me to be your moirail anymore.
CA: wwhoa
CA: wwait
CA: wwhat
CC: 38(
CC: I am really sorry, -Eridan. It )(as just been so )(ard looking after you and keeping you out of trouble!
CC: It )(as taken its toll, and )(onestly I am really ex)(austed.
CA: fuck
CA: this isnt what
CA: i dont knoww i wwasnt expectin this at all
CA: im not sure i can handle this
CC: I'm sorry!!! 38'(
CC: It will be t)(e best for bot)( of us. We can just sort of be...
CC: Regular friends instead.
CA: no
CA: please dont
CA: look im bein serious here dont do this
CA: i wont even use my weird accent while i type ok so you know im bein really dead serious and honest about this
CC: Uh...
CC: Okay, I am being serious and honest too. SEE?
CA: ok good
CA: are you sure you arent bein hasty about this youve just been through a lot
CA: i mean we are supposed to be fated to be moirails arent we
CA: isnt that how it works
CA: you cant just throw all that away cause youre sick of me
CC: I am not sick of you, Eridan! I still really like you.
CC: In order to be destined for moirallegience, both people have to be on board, don't you think?
CC: But I cannot do it anymore. So I think it just wasn't meant to be all along.
CC: And really, you just don't need me anymore. You are free to do as you wish! We both are.
CC: I can't look after you anymore.
CA: i was totally fuckin fine my ambitions were noble
CA: and really none of your fuckin business QUITE FRANKLY your majesty
CA: and the only reason i put up with stickin my flipper in this fuckin shithole quadrant with you was
CC: Was what?
CA: nevermind
CC: Tell me!
CA: ok fine
CA: i apologize for losin my shit over this i was just caught off guard is all
CA: but maybe its a good thing really
CA: actually i might a been proposin the same thing to be honest
CC: Oh?
CA: yeah
CA: fef have you thought about
CA: since you dont wanna be pale with me no more
CA: the possibility a some other type of arrangement with me
CC: What do you mean?
CA: i mean
CA: somethin a bit more
CA: kinda reddish
CA: like
CA: brighter red
CC: 38O
CC: No, I hadn't thought about it!
CA: ok well what do you think about it
CA: now that youre thinkin about it
CC: Um...
CC: I really don't know about that.
CA: why not i thought you said you liked me
CC: I do! But I don't know if it's really in that way.
CA: couldnt it be though
CA: dont you think theres room in your collapsin and expandin bladder based aquatic vascular system for those feelins
CC: I've never had a chance to consider anything like that! I have just spent all my time worrying about you and trying to keep you from killing everybody or hurting yourself.
CC: It took all my energy.
CC: I don't think I have anything left for those feelings either.
CA: oh god
CC: What?
CA: im the biggest fuckin idiot who ever lived
CA: i cant BELIEVE i just opened up to you like a chump when i knew what was comin
CA: i am one sad fuckin brinesucker
CA: overemotional sappy trash youre right im not better than anybody
CA: im worse than anybody
CA: all the bodies
CC: STOP!!!!!!!!!!!
CC: God.
CC: Will you just clam up for once in your life?
CC: Always carping and carping and carping!
CC: You go completely overboard with your emotions, always looking to reel in drama wherever you can.
CC: I am up to my gills in it! I just can't salmon the strength anemonemore.
CA: i cannot
CA: you are doin the fish pun thing while youre breakin up with me
CA: real nice
CA: whoops i mean REEL nice
CC: HEHEHE, sorry.
CC: But really, this shouldn't be as bad as it sounds.
CC: When all is said and done, I am still your friend.
CC: We have left our world behind. Everyone is dead, and there's no use in worrying about it now.
CC: It's over! It is time to play this game and focus on building something new and ------EXCITING.
CC: So )(ang in t)(ere, -Eridan.
CC: I )(ave to go now! Sollux is in serious trouble, and I )(ave to go )(elp )(im.
CC: BY------------------------E!
CA: wwait
CA: dont go
cuttlefishCuller [CC] ceased trolling caligulasAquarium [CA]
CA: glub
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Explaining Rainbow Drinkers
I’m a decade wiser and return to the Homestuck fandom with a degree in biology and a desire to use it for evil. Lets talk about Vampire Troll Girls.
We get very little from the actual canon of Homestuck about Rainbow Drinkers, just Kanaya, Porrim, and a few hints of lore scattered about. Still, they’re one of the most interesting parts of troll culture - rare and strange, feared but also obsessed over in fiction and mythology. They may be analogous with vampires in the pop culture fascination surrounding them, but I don’t believe that they’re all that similar in function. So let's speculate on how Rainbow Drinkers could function on a biological level and how they fit into greater troll society.
Rainbow drinkers don’t seem to be literal undead, but rather a functional state that some Jadebloods have the potential to enter into. Yes, Kanaya only becomes a rainbow drinker after “dying”, but death isn’t strictly what made her a rainbow drinker. In fact, I’d argue that Kanaya never actually died - rather she reached a near death state. This state, I believe, did kickstart her transformation.
The most important thing to zero in on here is rainbow drinker being an inborn trait. Contrast this with how vampirism in human mythos is treated like a pathogen - no one is born a vampire, you become one via infection. RD is hardwired into Jadeblood biology, but it isn’t expressed in their default state. This raises a question: what causes a Jadeblood to undergo transformation into a rainbow drinker? Answering this is a little difficult, as we have a pitiful data pool of one to draw from. Nevertheless, we can examine Kanaya (as well as some dubiously canon content) to extrapolate a bit more about sparkly troll vampirism. Kanaya undergoes transformation into a RD when she is blasted through the stomach and seemingly killed by Eridan’s science powers. Off screen she regains consciousness, begins glowing, gulps down some friend blood, then returns with a vengeance. How do we explain this without leaning on the supernatural? Let's start by drawing on real world bloodsuckers.
Little may be known about Alternia, but planet Earth is abound with creatures that subsist on blood. Mainly the trait is seen in bugs and parasites - this lends itself to our cause, as trolls seem to be more insectoid than mammalian in nature. Hematophagy (blood drinking) is a trait that has convergently evolved in creatures across the planet - that is to say, hematophagic creatures aren’t genetically related. The trait crops up on its own because it's widely useful, not because of a shared ancestral nematode. Vital fluids, after all, are incredibly prevalent and are in sure supply wherever animals live. It’s not farfetched to say that hematophagy would appear on other planets - especially planets like Alternia that are host to carbon based lifeforms similar to Earth’s.
We can safely assume that blood drinking would work in the same way on Alternia as it does on Earth. That means rainbow drinkers face the same difficulties that Earth’s vampires do. Blood is not only difficult to obtain, but it’s also difficult to digest. So how do rainbow drinkers solve these conundrums?
First, the method. Most terrestrial bloodsuckers are nocturnal - and not just for the spooky aesthetic. Fluttering, crawling, and slithering in on a sleeping host lessens your chance of being swatted on impact. Almost all hematophagic creatures are stealth feeders, and Rainbow Drinkers are no different. Trolls are a nocturnal species, but Kanaya is stated to be diurnal upon introduction. It would make sense for her and other potential Rainbow Drinkers to have a natural proclivity for daywalking, as it's much easier to feed from a sleeping troll than a waking one. Kanaya is also able to withstand the fierce, burning Alternian sun - a force which is enough to blind Terezi, and leave any troll who walks out in it for too long with a scathing sunburn. Even Jadebloods that are not currently or will never be rainbow drinkers are likely to exhibit non standard troll sleeping patterns, as they live primarily in the brooding caverns - dark, underground caves where the sun cycle wouldn’t really matter to them. When they do leave their caves to hunt, the glowing, white skin of a Rainbow Drinker would likely be a large boon against the Alternian sun’s devastating rays. In Friendsim we’re told that Lusii’s bright white coats help to protect them from the sun. It’s likely the same for rainbow drinkers; the color white reflects all wavelengths of light far better than any other, thus their radiance and pale complexion provides them an extra level of defense when they’re out hunting. Friendsim also vaguely mentions Rainbow Drinker extract in Tagora’s route, where it’s used as a luxury skincare/beauty product that makes a troll’s skin look literally radiant. Very little is said about the product itself, so it may be a hormone or a secretion derived from Rainbow Drinkers. In the case of the latter… Kanaya and other Rainbow Drinkers might just be really greasy?
Now, in canon Kanaya theorizes that Rainbow Drinkers glow because of their home in the near pitch black caverns. It’s true that even with trolls' natural night vision, more light sources would be a boon. Animals that thrive in the dark like cats and wolves can’t magically see without a light source, rather their eyes are specially adapted to reflect even scant amounts of light. Animals that live in true darkness, like those found in the depths of caves, are more commonly blind. If no light is present, even night vision fails. With the mother grub’s natural habitat being subterranean, her special attendants possessing an internal light source would make sense.
We have to change gears now and reckon with the How of troll blood drinking and Kanaya surviving. First: how can a troll survive on blood? We know that all trolls - even Kanaya, subsist on diets of foods akin to what you and I eat. Is it even possible to suddenly switch to a blood diet? The answer is yes. Blood drinking comes in two forms: obligatory and facultative. Obligatory, as the name implies, refers to creatures like fleas and ticks who only consume blood, whereas facultative refers to creatures that have a mixed diet of blood and other foods. Mosquitos for example only drink blood when they need to produce eggs. Rainbow Drinkers are likely similar - mainly eating standard troll goodies, but being able to rely on blood if the going gets tough. Natural resources may be scant in the brooding caverns, and the ability to survive on blood would be incredibly advantageous for those living there. Blood would of course be in no short supply given the population and purpose of the caverns. The implication I’m getting at is well… not every grub survives the caverns trials, or even the caverns in general. Between imperial drones, hoards of lusii, and difficult terrain, the brooding caverns can be dangerous. It would make sense for the troll denizens living there to be exceptionally tough and capable of “recycling” the grubs that don’t make it. Horrible. I’m sorry. But that’s nature.
The transformation into Rainbow Drinker could very well be triggered by shock or extreme physical duress. After undergoing the transformation and taking a nice sloppy drink from her friends, Kanaya begins to exhibit increased physical abilities. Natural durability and rainbow drinker abilities serve Jades well in their special role as mother grub attendants, and I think that’s in part how Kanaya was able to survive Eridan’s attack. That, and the noticeable difference in how she and Feferi were hit. Fef was hit in the chest while Kan was hit in the stomach. Assuming troll biology is comparable to our own, cleaving out the lungs and heart is a lot worse than cleaving out the stomach. Now don’t get me wrong, both are awful, But if one of the two was going to survive, it would be Kanaya - not only is she a durable Jade (see above), but as a facultative blood drinker, it could be possible for her to have a separate stomachs for blood and food. The digestion process of the two is completely different, so throwing all of it into one pouch might not be a good idea. Outside of durability and luck with the placement of the blast, this could be why Kanaya was able to get back on her feet. And she’s a Sylph, a natural healer class. But this isn’t a classpect analysis, so I’ll leave that discussion for people wiser than I.
Jadebloods are stated to be the second rarest blood type out there, and those that are able to turn Rainbow Drinker exemplify how badass the whole caste is. It’s likely that they don’t possess these skills because they’re the chosen attendants of the mother grubs, but rather these traits are why the mother grubs chose Jades as their keepers in the first place. As much as I wish we’d gotten more info about Rainbow Drinkers from canon, it was fun to explore how they could potentially work, and it really cemented Jades as my favorite caste. Anyway, please excuse me while I go draw myself a Rainbow Drinker trollsona.
#kanaya#kanaya maryam#porrim maryam#homestuck#hiveswap#analysis#here i am posting like this is still 2013 tumblr#oh well I'll find somewhere else to host this essay later#friendsim#rainbow drinker#biology#science#theoretical biology
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Just a Tattoo
A/N For the @writersmonth prompt, Tattoo Parlor AU, Claire finds herself getting her first tattoo and finding her soulmate in Jamie, the tattoo artist.
“Must we do this Gel?”
“Yes, we must.” She places emphasis on the last word as she told her eyes at her best mate, her way to stuffy best mate. “I hear this guy is the best. You hardly feel it.”
“Yeah right.” Her eyes roll but she follows her mate into Fraser’s Tattoos and Piercings.
“What will it be today, lasses. A tattoo or a piercing?” The lass that greets them has a lot of both. Tats up and down her arms, her ears gaged, her tongue and eyebrows pierced.
“Just two simple tattoos.” Claire says. Maybe Geillis is right. If the lady at the front of the tattoo shop intimidates her, maybe it is time to step out a bit of her comfort zone.
“Alright my husband will be right with you. He is finishing up. He did all of mine. The ones you can see and the ones you can’t.” a wink. Claire smiles politely while Geillis rolls her eyes. Neither see the man standing behind them.
He is tall, built and has art all over his arms and the parts of his chest not covered with sleeveless shirt.
“What do we have here Laughaire?” he asks. She seems to jerk, not knowing he was behind her.
“Jamie, I didn’t know you were done. This two lasses are here for simple tattoos.”
“Thank you. I got them. You may go to lunch now.”
“Thank you.” She stands and scurries out. Claire and Geillis look at each other. A strange way to treat a wife. He sees and laughs.
“You must excuse Laughaire. She tells tall tales. It is the Scottish way but… She isn’t my wife and if she has tats under her clothes, I didn’t do then. Sorry, my name is Jamie Fraser, the tattoo artist here. This is my place. My mate, Fergus does the piercings.”
“Geillis Duncan and Claire Beauchamp.” Geillis introduces them.
“Geillis and Claire, please follow me back.” As they walk behind him, Claire can’t help notice that he has a fine bum. Geillis sees and nudges her. Claire frowns. “Have either of you lasses had a tattoo before?”
“I have.” Geillis answers as they enter the room filled with prints. “But Claire is a virgin.” His eyes go up.
“A tattoo virgin. I had a long term relationship I just left, so not a…” She trails off, embarrassed.
“I ken what she meant, Claire.” His voice, lowered with that thick Scottish drawl, awoke places in her she thought long asleep.
“I think I want, this one.” Geillis is unaware of their interplay or is chosen to ignore it. She is pointing to a rose. “For the Stuarts.”
Claire rolls her eyes. “She loves the Jacobites, Bonny Prince Charlie and all that. I say she was born at the wrong time.”
“Aye, or the right one. Now you can’t get hanged for claiming Jacobite sympathies.”
“A grand point you make.” She forces her eyes of him and towards the walls full of prints. She is looking for something small but also, something that says she isn’t the same woman that let a certain English professor walk all over her. She sees it in the dragonfly. “This one.” Both Jamie and Geillis come over to see her choice.
“I like it. It suits you.” Geillis approves.
“Aye it does. Who is first.”
“Let me. I am to nervous to wait.” Jamie takes the dragonfly down, gathers up what he will need as he talks to her.
“I am know for painless first times. I will not hurt you on my honor.”
“And you are an honorable man, Jamie?”
“Quite. My name, family and, reputation mean a lot to me. I believe secrets are okay but no lies. If I say something, it is the truth.”
“Okay.” She sits down on the seat he gestures to.
“Where do you want it, lass?” It is a perfectly innocent question but Claire’s mind went straight to the gutter. Geillis watching her, sees and a big grin covers her face. Claire shakes her head to clear it.
“My arm please.”
“To be seen or no.”
“Lower arm. To be seen.” If she is doing this, she is going all the way. Another flush as her mind plummets again.
“Alright.” He takes her arm and carefully cleans it. He then rubs something else over it. “Numbing medicine. I did promise it wouldn’t hurt.” As he waits for it to take effect, he prepares the ink and needles. “Close your eyes Claire.” She does. He touches her arm, then again, pressing harder. “Feel anything?”
“A bit of pressure, that’s all.”
“Brilliant. That is all you will feel.”
He was right. She watches him dip the needle in and out of her flesh as the dragonfly takes shape. She feels nothing but pressure and a building heat between her legs. What is it about him?
“All done. How do you feel?”
She doesn’t know why she said it. Maybe because it has been forever. Maybe because the heat between her legs has reached a point where honesty is all she can do. “Horny.”
Geillis, standing beside her, burst into a fit of laughter. Jamie sitting on the other side, stares for a moment before giggling. “Well that isn’t usually the response I get.”
“Yes I ahh… never have said…oh man…I don’t know if it is depravation or whatever this is between us but…”
“You feel it too?”
“Heck, even I feel it,” Geillis confesses between her bouts of laughter. “You two are making me second hand horny.”
“Jesus H Roosevelt Christ, Gel!” Jamie is wrapping plastic around her arm to protect the new tat. He is also biting his lip to keep from laughing himself.
“Well it is the truth.”
“Claire, let me do Geillis' tattoo and then we can talk, eh?”
“Good idea.”
Geillis is soon done. She pays him for both and slips out to let them talk.
“I don’t know what this is but I have never been so turned on in my life.” She admits.
“You are not alone.” She looks down and sees he isn’t kidding. His jeans can’t hide…
“What do we do?”
“I want to take you out. Get to know you.”
‘Yes let’s.”
It was just to be a tattoo but they are married six months later. When their first baby is born, her husband tattoos her initials on her arm. FEF, Faith Ellen Fraser. A few years later he adds BWF for Brian William Fraser.
Just to be a tattoo but turned out to be the rest of her life.
The end.
#my writing#outlander fanfic#writersmonth2021#august prompts#tattoo parlor#just a tattoo#jamie and claire#cannon divergence#outlander fandom#modern au
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okay so ive never like actually wrote all this down and this is gonna be long and kinda rambly and inspired by many many hcs ive read, but i DO have some hcs for the troll species as a whole! so ive been trying to make sense of the troll life cycle and i realize that i couldnt do it because i was trying to think of them as insect people (cause of the grubs n stuff) and i shouldnt have been! so after that i let my brain run wild and i came up with this crazy shit. so the idea is that trolls, the mother grub, AND the lusii are all the same species! the lusii came first, and they were the first semi-intelligent life on the planet. they all telepathically communicate and are generally chill with each other like an avatar planet hivemind kinda thing. theres other lesser cratures as well that they prey on, so for the most part the lusii didnt eat each other. at first they all look mostly the same, but as time goes on and with different habitats they develop physical distinctions between blood colors. but, as populations rise the need for specialized workers rises too. the jadeblood lusii, being pretty much in the middle of the spectrum, evolve into a subspecies. already being vaguely insectoid moth things they form a hive system with many breeders and one queen (lets just say the biggest lusus became queen idk). they fill up their food reserves (much like honeypot ants), travel and breed with as many other lusii as they can, and then all go underground. after brooding for many sweeps they all produce the first troll eggs. now, heres where i go crazy. the eggs hatch into grub babies (.....grubbies) which are insectoid looking at first because of the mother grub. the blood color of the first group of troll grubs is entirely dependent on whatever lusii that mother grub bred with. all the mother grubs then take the grubbies above ground and travel to join the queen mother and her brood in her volcanic caverns. the other mother grubs then die, and the grubbies are left in the care of the queen. the heat of the caverns starts the pupation process, and after cocooning and liquifying they take a humanoid form with traits dependant on their lusus parent. after they got a little older mom kicked them out (except the jades, sorry) and they went to the surface. the lusii, upon seeing the trolls, recognize them as their spawn and the parental relationship starts. i like the hc that the lusii communicate with the trolls telepathically so we're going with that. when the trolls mature they return to the queen and provide her with the first slurry and the cycle begins! now, at this point, fuchsias dont exist yet. crazy, but i got a point. fuschias never had lusii (i think doc scratch created fefs lusus), so by this hc they were never made with the rest of the trolls! i think that fuchsias were first made by accident. the first fuchsia was made when the slurry for that sweep had a lot of violet and burgundy contributions. that, plus a cooler temperature in the caverns, created an entire new blood caste! the fuchsias had no lusus, so they were raised communally by the adult violets and the violet lusii. as the trolls advanced the fuchsia lifespan proved to be the longest so the first fuchsia empress, a violent warmonger, slowly took control of the whole planet and established the caste system. it kind of all went downhill from there. the trolls forgot their origins due to empire propaganda (cant let the other castes know that fuchsias were made by accident!) and the lusii became nothing more than custodians to the young trolls (and became dependent on trolls for food/habitat), and the queen mother and her daughters after her nothing more than grub factories. the only ones who know that fuchsias are technically mutants are the jades, which is why i hc that the dolorosa was so quick to go "hey lol fuck the empire!" and steal a baby and why kanaya and porrim dont really treat feferi and meenah with any special treatment just because theyre fuchsias. ((sorry for the bomb in ur ask box i just had to share this hc))
anon your brain and your meat are huge
I love this very, very much
I topo think that trolls and at least the mother grub are the same species but honestly this headcanon makes a LOT of sense and it's right up there with perfection
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Eripearl the Peacock Pearl
Hi there, folks! remember when I was talking about being obsessed with gemstuck? You wouldn't believe how much time I put into this drawing but it's finally here! It's Eridan as a Pearl, featuring both his form on Earth and his very first formation. I'll be explaining some of intricacies of this thing that I've done and I'll be showing off some other shots of the two down below!
First off, I want to say that I don't feel like a pearl is the best way to describe Eridan's regality and massive ego, but it works really well in the gemstuck au that I have. The idea is that Eridan here was the Condescension's (aka pink diamond/hot pink diamond/fuschia diamond--she's still in the works) Pearl. Eventually, Conde decided to go peaceful and adopted the form of Rose Aura Quartz (aka Feferi), and Eridan of course joined her in a heart beat. Eridan was loyal to the end, and remains to this day. Of course, losing Fef did take a heavy toll on him, though he does act as a sort of pompous mother figure to Meenah, Fef's child.
Now I'm not certain, but I think that Eridan as he is today would go by he, but when he was first formed probably went by she because of how gems address eachother. But contact with earth probably showed him a different way to be.
If you haven't guessed yet, I'll tell you that his first form is based on March Drag Eridan. I'm so sorry but I've worked too long on this to be actually sorry.
I picture that his status as a rebellious pearl--THE rebel pearl--probably was part of what gave him his massive, overinflated ego. That, and being the pearl of a diamond.
You might notice a strange symbol on his chest--that is the gemstuck equivalent of the SU star symbol of the crystal gems. I haven't quite figured out a name for this new group, but I do know that the symbol has a hidden origin that I'm very excited to slowly reveal to you. The rebellion itself in this au is quite different from the one in the show, at least in the positions that each player takes up in it. On that note, Eridan does take up roughly the same role as our beloved Pearl does in the actual show.
The thing he's holding isn't a spear, though I was going to make it that originally. Instead, it's a magic staff--probably a light staff, which you can tell by the way that it emits a glow--inspired by Eridan's wizardy theme. I know that his main weapon is Ahab's Crosshairs but I just ethically cannot give a gem a gun. Although some of the characters aligned with homeworld will likely have gun-like weapons, so I guess we can just chalk this up to ancient gem weaponry.
Oh, by the way, those glasses are fake.
#gemstuck#Eridan#march drag#Homestuck#SU#Steven Universe#crossover#Pearl#Pearls#peacock pearl#gem oc#only kinda tho
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All The Fish in the Sea
Feferi x Eridan (Red) | Slight Angst? | Ancestors/Descendants as Family
"There's plenty of fish in the sea, but you're the only one for me."
-- caligulasAquarium [CA] began trolling cuttlefishCuller [CC] --
CA: hey fef
CC: )(i -Eridan!
CA: are you goin to the highblood ball?
CC: I'll probably )(ave to 38(
CC: It's going to be so BORING
CA: oh ok
CA: i just wwanted to check because i'll be there too
CC: Maybe it won't be so bad then! 38D
CA: haha i'll see you there
CC: Yeah, bye!
-- caligulasAquarium [CA] ceased trolling cuttlefishCuller [YT] --
Eridan sighed, leaning back in his chair. Well, that was that. Feferi knew he was going to the party so if she didn't take the time to say hi, he may as well give up.
He shook his head. Gog he was pathetic when it came to Feferi. They'd started out as moirails but it didn't take long for his feelings to run red.
Unfortunately, Feferi didn't seem to feel the same. "Don't screww this up Ampora." Eridan muttered to himself and went to go get ready.
The time soon came for the ball and Eridan arrived, dressed in a purple suit, gold rings sparkling on his fingers. He adjusted his cape and headed into the palace, owned by non other than her Imperial Condecesion.
"Wvell, I'm off," Cronus said the moment they got there. He'd barely even bothered to get dressed up, wearing a plain back suit, his hair the only part of him impecable as always.
"See ya," and with that he was gone.
Dualscar shook his head, "Disgrace," he muttered. "Eridan, I must go join the others at the high table. Stay out of trouble." Then he left as well, leaving Eridan standing alone, still at the doors.
He sighed and scanned the crowd, hoping to spot Feferi. He gave up after a moment as the room only got more and more crowded as time went on.
Instead, he decided to wander around, perhaps talk to some other people. The hours ticked by as he traveled between groups of people, never staying in one place for too long.
Still no sign of Feferi. It wasn't long before the party was drawing to a close and he still hadn't gotten the chance to speak to the fuscia blooded heiress.
By then, Eridan had ended up outside. Alone with his thoughts, he sat, staring up at the sky. The sound of waves crashing against the shore matched the deafening cacophony in his head.
Suddenly, he heard a teasing voice next to him him, "Quadrant troubles?" He turned his head to see that Feferi had somehow managed to sneak up next to him.
He briefly forgot how to breath. Beautiful didn't begin to describe how she looked in her pink and blue ball gown. Completed with a golden tiara.
"Uh, you could say that." He stammered.
Feferi giggled, "Sorry I didn't come say hi earlier. My mom kept me busy meeting guest after guest, I couldn't even make time for the guest I wanted to see the most." She explained.
When Eridan didn't reply right away, she smiled and carried on, "But I'm here now, so tell me. Did you ask someone out and get rejected again?" She asked with a mischievous grin.
Eridan laughed, "No, not this time Fef." He paused then added, "Actually, the issue this time is that I havven't asked yet."
Feferi's eyes widened, "Ooh, really? And who's the lucky troll if you don't mind me asking?"
Eridan hesitated, "It doesn't matter. They're not going to accept anywways." He said dejectedly.
"Oh come on, so what if they don't? It's not the end of the world." She thought for a bit, "What was that expression your brother picked up from the humans? There are plenty of fish in the sea!"
Eridan sighed, "But wwhat if I don't wwant the other fish? Wwhat if I think you're a really special fish and-" he cut himself off realising what he'd said. "I mean-"
Feferi blinked at him in confusion, "What did you say?"
"Uh," Eridan stuttered, unsure of how to reply.
"I'm the girl you were going to ask?" She asked again in disbelief.
"Umm maybe?" Eridan said, squriming under Feferi's intense gaze, "I mean yeah, kind of. I didn't really expect to be asking today. But umm."
Feferi suddenly started laughing, "Eridan you're brilliant but you can be so oblivious sometimes."
Eridan stared in confusion, "Wwhat are you talking about? There's no need to laugh at me."
Feferi shook her head, "Sorry. It's just funny. I'm flushed for you too, dummy."
"Wwait, really?" Eridan stammered, "I wwas so sure you didn't feel the same wway!"
"Well, surprise!" Feferi said still giggling when she was cut off by Eridan who'd pulled her in for a kiss.
When at last they separated, they were both blushing. "Wwill you be my matesprite?" Eridan asked.
And then they lived happily ever after.
"Eridan!" The fish prince was shaken out of his fantasies by his father's yelling. "Don't forget about the ball tonight! I need you and your brother to be on your best behavior!"
Eridan sighed, "Yeah, I knoww, I'll start getting ready soon. Just let me get this done first."
Leaning forward, he turned on his computer.
-- caligulasAquarium [CA] began trolling cuttlefishCuller [CC] --
#Homestuck#Eridan Ampora#Feferi Peixes#Erifef#Erifef Red#Just a dream#Familystuck#Spider Writes Homestuck
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Opinions on the trolls? 🏠
Hmm. Overall? They’re all fucking broken and need to have some sort of positivity in their life. Small breakdown of my opinions on the Beta Trolls in no particular order:
Karkat: obviously he’s first. He’s literally had to hide his whole fucking life?? He can’t get embarrassed or cry or flustered so like he’s in a constant state of “anger”. He’s not uwu angery boi. He literally started a fucking revolution and he’s bROKEN. He’s spent his whole life hiding and waiting to be loved, which is why he adores those RomComs. He’s my absolute favorite because he’s so complex. I mean, all of them are but like— I relate to him so fucking much.
Sollux: ahahahhaa you thought he was just a chad?? No. This mans? He was literally tricked into killing his fucking girlfriend. Like. He tries to push everyone away so he doesn’t have to deal with it?? He’s afraid of letting people in again. He’s not my favorite but like, I got a soft spot in my heart for him. What can I say? I love the mustard bloods my dude.
Eridan: okay. Time to spill. I actually like him. He’s all for gender equality and expressing yourself, like it’s canon he’s Genderfluid. But like. He’s a racist asshole- so I can’t back him up entirely?? He’s still a good character, but he did my mans Sollux DIRTY. Don’t h u r t the baby BOI Eridan. Idc if you’re salty Fef likes him more. Now he gotta see two dead girlfriends thanks to you
Vriska: bitch. Okay hear me out though, I knOW she shoved Tav off a cliff. BuT she was also fucking abused more brutally than everyone else. Like. Her mom LITERALLY threatened to kill her if she didn’t bring other kids to eat. Like. Hello?? That’s the only reason she’s so fucking sadistic. She had to be. Still don’t like her tho. Absolute bitch.
Feferi: YES! I love her. Her puns are the best out of everyone. She’s so sweet though?? A bit of an elitist, and sort of condescending, but like. It’s fine. Sorta. I’m also convinced she liked Sollux because she just liked the feeling of superiority. But like, she’s too blind. Like she was literally killed trying to defend her boyfriend like?? Oh. Eridan won’t kill me! Haha- oof. Oh no. That’s a harpoon
Tavros: dhjakdksjss. Bby. He tries so hard to be cool. He just wants to fit in. But like. It’s so difficult, especially after Vr*ska pushed him off a fucking cliff and broke his spine. He’s not the purest because like, he’s a sassy bitch. But out of all of the trolls? He’s probs the purest, next to Nepeta.
Nepeta: QWEEN. She’s just. Yes. She’s a badass cause she was raised in a liTERAL cave with her lushus, and like. She still managed to be super happy?? She 100000000000% did nOT deserve to see her morail killed. She also did a good fucking job clawing Gamzee across the fucking face. Favorite female troll overall.
Kanaya: halfsies. She’s a fucking badass and all but like, I dunno. She had a lot of good things and a lot of development and she’s an absolute lesbian ICON. But overall I’m kind of indifferent. Kudos to her for having the balls to kick Gamzee in the bulge tho.
Equius: Ah. My patron. He’s fucking complex. Like he had his horn broken and that shit HURTs?? He’s strong because he doesn’t want to be hurt again. He’s also afraid he’s gonna hurt someone. And loVeS horses. Fuckin weirdo. He’s like. Still a decent character though? Literally risked his life to save people he cared about MILTIPLE times. And died. Multiple times. BUT THAT DOESNT MATTER. He may act all tough and hard but blue boi has a heart of gold. Love him.
Gamzee: alright, same deal with Vr*ska. He pissed me off. Obviously. But at the same time I can’t help but feel for him, more so than her though. I just, I get what it feels like to feel like you’ve been abandoned. Except, he was literally abandoned. Fuck. And so when he turned to religion and shit, it just took over. And the voices?? I can’t help but feel for him. High blood rage is terrifying and it’s something he couldn’t control completely so I don’t entirely hold it against him?? Granted he probs could’ve called Karkat or Tavros when he was like oh shit maybe I’m gonna go batshit. Better call a friend to help calm me down! RegarDLESS. Fuck Gamzee. But give him a hug.
Aradia: ICON. I fucking love HER. She’s an absolute feral woman I stg. Who else would be obsessed with death?? Like oh yes this bone would look nice on the table. Ah yes. And like. Sits there and watches shit decay?? Yes?? She’s fucking amazing and I love her. I can’t explain it. But like. Love me a demented girl.
Terezi: cHaLk??? Ah. Like Terezi, I, too, sometimes eat paint. Wait no. I mean she’s a fucking crackhead and I love her. But she also perfectly fits the whole Libra dynamic perfectly?? She’s one of my favorites because of her duality. Like justice is blind, like her. But it’s also biased in modern day. Hence how she hides Karkat’s existence. She constantly second guesses herself while still trying to remain functional and confident but it just breaks her down. Overall? Would hug. And buy a pack of pink and red chalk for her.
This ended up longer than I thought it would but ah—
I missed you, Homestuck anon. Who’s your favorite troll??
#homestuck anon is back#homestuck anon#day talks#not creepypasta#homestuck content#sweats in karkat kinnie trash#beta troll opinions
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Kisses (betas)
-literally any and all ships in this, no i dont care if you ship them or not this is soft and cute
-just giving the bastards the love they deserve
-not a set time or place really
-idk why i used text quirks for dialogue but whatever just roll with it
-meant to get this up on vriska day (8/8) but i procrastinated oof
It was all Rose's idea. Her observations provided insight into just how many of the others deserved more attention than they got. She gathered everyone but the three and devised a plan. It took some convincing but eventually, everyone agreed. Rose told the three included parts of the plan as well, just not their bigger involvement. They decided to put their plan into place today.
Vriska is watching a movie when the first of them get to her. It's Kanaya. "Vriska I Have Been Looking For You. I Would Like To Give You Something." Vriska looks at her, puzzled, "Really? Wow, this is unexpected. I thought you h8ed me." Kanaya smiles, "I Don't. Here's The Something." Kanaya leans down to reach Vriska since she's sitting down and places a kiss on her forehead. Vriska's face heats up and a blue flush spreads across her cheeks. "Wh-" "Oh, Vwiskers!" Vriska looks toward the voice to see Nepeta. "I have somefang fur you too!" She plants a kiss on Vriska's cheek and runs off giggling while Vriska's blush grows. Kanaya smiles at the confusion. Eridan walks up, "Vvris, I wwon't bother ya for a wweek after this." He very quickly kisses her temple and absconds, afraid of what would happen if he sticks around. But she's too confused and flustered to do anything.
"What is going ON-" "hell0 vriska." "Aradia?" The robot places a cold metal kiss on Vriska's other cheek and floats the other way. That one is the most confusing for Vriska. The next one to walk up to her is Terezi, who, instead of licking her like she thought, simply pecked her on the tip of her nose, flashing a grin before leaving. Vriska's whole face is blue, especially as John walks up to her. "Hey, Vriska, bet you'll never guess what I'm gonna do." "Kiss me on the cheek?" John shakes his head and grabs her extremely warm face and kisses her full on the lips. Kanaya's grin is even wider as Vriska stammers, unable to comprehend what the fuck just happened.
The next victim of Rose's plan is Eridan. He's sulking in his room, so they all wait outside his door for their turn. The first to enter is Sollux. "Sol? Wwhat the fuck are you doin in my room?" The people outside of Eridan's door try hard not to laugh and give away their position, "2hut up ed. thii2 wa2nt my iidea, and ii dont want a quadrant wiith you but... here." Sollux reluctantly kisses Eridan on the cheek and absconds. Eridan softly touches his face in confusion and happiness as the next person enters his room. "Kan you wwouldnt believve wwhat just-" He's cut short when he feels a peck on his forehead. "There." Eridan's eyes slightly gloss over and his face starts to flush purple as Kanaya retreats. Next up is Vriska. She walks in with a grin and pulls him up from where he was sitting against the wall. "This is pay8ack for earlier." She dips him and kisses him right above his neck gills. Once he's back upright, his glasses are slightly askew. "H-hey! Vvris!" Vriska laughs as she leaves, high fiving Sollux outside of the door.
Equius, suprisingly, is the one to go next. He enters the room, already sweating profusely. "H-highb100d, I ap010gize if this is inappropriate but..." He very carefully kisses the top of Eridan's head, then leaves quickly. Eridan's cheeks and nose are very violet as he stammers. Rose enters and smiles at Eridan, fixing his glasses. "You look stupid right now." She kisses him on the cheek and leaves, sending in Karkat, who grumbles. "HEY FISHDICK, DON'T MAKE THIS WEIRD." Due to the height difference now that Eridan is standing- curse you Vriska- Karkat has to settle for grabbing Eridan's hand and kissing it. "YOU'RE NOT AS BIG OF A FUCKASS AS YOU'D THINK." And with that, Karkat leaves, tagging in Dave. Dave walks up without a word- which is very intimidating- and slides a hand around Eridan's waist and one at the back of his neck, pulling him down slightly. He kisses him on the nose and smiles before leaving, Eridan's brain fried.
Feferi is the last one to enter, and everyone can practically hear Eridan tear up. She smiles at him softly, "I know we weren't the best moirails, but I )(ope we can still be good friends! I know you can be a good person!" She embraces him, only reaching his stomach. He takes the initiative and gently kisses the top of her head. "Sorry for bein a prick Fef. I'll try to be better an stop fightin or beggin so much." Feferi looks up to see him crying. She takes his bowed head and wipes his tears. "I beleive in you." As she leaves, the others outside the door all start crying, Karkat burying his face in Dave's chest.
The last victim of LOVE and VALIDATION is Karkat. He's watching a trashy movie while sitting on the floor as per usual, and Kanaya insists on going first. "Karkat. Let Me See Your Hand." Karkat looks at her a bit confused and raises his hand, which had gotten cut earlier by a busted can in cantown. "As Your Mother, That's How Rose Describes Our Relationship, This Is My Duty." She kisses the bandage and pats him on the cheek. "WH- KANAYA- WHAT WAS THAT?" She smiles, "Attention Karkat. You Deserve It." She leaves and is soon replaced by Eridan. "Kar, I wwanna thank you for actin as my moirail." "ERIDAN YOU DON'T HAVE TO-" Eridan's lips meet Karkat's cheek which effectively makes him stop talking. Eridan leaves and is replaced by Karkat's actual moirail, who runs up. "KaRbRo!" "AH, FUCK, GAMZEE-" Gamzee had landed on Karkat, knocking him over. Gamzee pretty much had him pinned to the ground. This has happened before, but it never fails to make Karkat's face flush.
"ThAnKs KaRbRo." Gamzee places some form of a kiss on Karkat's forehead and then runs off. John comes by next, using his windy thing to stand Karkat up. He smiles and kisses Karkat's cheek, "Still not a homosexual." Karkat turns to yell at him but he's already flying off so he just grumbles to himself. He turns back around only to see Sollux in his face. "Hey KK." Sollux kisses Karkat's other cheek and watches happily as Karkat's face goes even redder than it has been. Sollux is pushed out of the way though and replaced by Vriska. "Heyyyyyyyy Karkat. I just wanted to show my appreciation for our leader." "VRISKA YOU TOO? HOW MANY PEOPLE DID ROSE ROPE INTO THIS-" Vriska rolls her eyes and kisses his nose, "Nep! Your turn!" As she's called, Nepeta pounces into the room, a big smile on her face. "Karkitty!" He's too stunned to move so Nepeta uses her chance to back hug him and kiss his neck. It makes Karkat's hair stand up and his face turns redder. She leaves quickly with a giggle but is replaced by two more giggling girls, Jade and Feferi.
Karkat just gives up and watches as they each go to his side. "Thanks Karkat!" They say at somehow the same time and kiss his cheeks. "THAT WAS FUCKING CREEPY BUT... THANKS." Dave walks in as the girls leave and Karkat is already melting. Dave grabs his wrist and pulls him closer, wrapping his arm around Karkat's waist. "Hey kitkat." "SHUT UP AND KISS ME ALREADY," Dave smirks and does so, placing a kiss on Karkat's lips. They both pull away and smile at each other, happy.
This was definitely Rose's best idea.
#homestuck#beta kids#beta trolls#erikar#davekat#erifef#erisol#rosemary#erivris#nepkat#jadekat#gamkar#vriskan#vrisnep#aravris#vrisrezi#johnvris#equidan#erirose#eridave#johnkat#solkat#vriskat#fefkat#eridan's oneshots
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Thoughts and questions on Volume 10, routes 1 and 2! ...finally.
-Back in Homestuck both Feferi and Eridan got the short end of the stick screentime-wise, but here, they both got a nice bunch of much-needed Interesting Stuff! It's a shame we're (almost surely) heading back to Earth now, to befriend the heck out of the alpha kids.
-MC expected the Heiress to be super awful, and then Feferi has literally 2 good endings (whose achievements seem to be reversed route-wise?) and her bad ending you get by actively choosing not to further interact with her. And of course, she's already very much against the Empire, even if she doesn't quite seem to interact with it...
-Maybe I read too many fanfics where all of the beta trolls rebel, but I'm kinda surprised that The Rebellion's still a Vriska & Terezi only thing. Let's hope we get to see if Fef does join up...
-Looks like the whole “Witches living in the middle of nowhere with their extremely powerful guardians” thing is starting to become a trend, huh? In Feferi's specific case her meteor probably fell right in front of Gl'bgolyb (a pretty damn large area, actually), who would’ve then immediately gone “holy shit a sky baby” and adopted her.
-Considering that the Condesce can just come down to Alternia and personally get rid of the Heiress (singular, explicitly), living so far from everything was probably a blessing in disguise. And maybe also NOT being involved with how the planet's run- though we'd have to ask a certain Trizza Hiveswap about that...
-She was planning on waiting thousands of sweeps before challenging the Condesce, though iirc the whole thing with Heiresses challenging HIC was something demanded by their shared lusus... She didn't really bother with future ruling plans in Homestuck because they were going to play SGRUB; though Glubglub also bonded more strongly with Feferi because HIC was too far from Alternia... enough to actively favor her over the Empress?
-We also get even more confirmation that seadwellers are OP: Feferi blows up a huge air bubble (that stays on the ocean floor) for MC not to drown like it's nothing, and she's very likely even stronger than Equius*. Meanwhile, Eridan gets thrown through a party cannon (that was just there on the airship for reasons i guess??) AND has Daraya's mall thrown at him by Sollux, and practically walks it off, though he does say later that it was close. You know who'd be a Great Additional Data Point??? Cridea Jeevik.......
-*However, they would not fight, as they both stan Nepeta. On a more serious note, having Feferi interact on-screen with the other trolls would've been very nice... she's hanging out with Sollux in Eridan's route but We Don't See It... We know she's friends with Kanaya, and she also had a pretty nice interaction with Vriska back on one of the walkaround flashes too,
-On seadwellers in general- neck gills are canon (though if i remember correctly a Very Old Tumblr Post, that'd actually not be the best place to have gills? Idk tho), as we can see in Feferi's route; and then we have Eridan, who we know has spent very little time underwater in his entire life, with his scarf *and* a high neck shirt. (this might just be me but. wouldn't it be super uncomfortable to have clothing touching one's gills??? i guess it would kinda depend on the specific take on gills, biology wise)
-Feferi owns a ~fancy air-producing conch shell~, so that's that for any fan seadwellers that Need to have landdwelling friends over.
-MC theorizes that there might be something that makes adult empresses evil... something external, such as a powerful curse of some sort... which would have to transfer from dead empress to freshly crowned empress somehow... really makes you think...
-Feferi can use one of Glubglub's eyes (?) as a crystal ball from which she can access the Actual Dark Motherfucking Carnival, and get metaphysical advice from there. And the one giving her said advice is our precious clown son Karako, who may or may not have gotten like 10 degrees on weird meta shit since we last saw him- assuming he's the same bapy as last time...
-According to Karako or whomstever is speaking through him, there's a creator above this world's creator, as well as another creator above him, and another one above her, and so on and so forth maybe? Wonder what's this setting up for........
-Feferi can either meditate her way up through layers and layers of meta, so she might access them and interact with them, or choose to change stuff in the Alternia she knows and lives in, small as it may be; both these endings have a lot of potential for cool stuff that I hope we'll get to see. Depending on the choice, MC is either a cheese or a marshmallow.
-In Fef's bad end, MC wonders about the workings and limits of their plot armor; they do give it a good whirl in this entire volume.
-I am incredibly pleased to announce that the ally/eely pun also works in Spanish (aliado/anguilado)
-We find out that both Vriska and Feferi have dumped Eridan- the first's likely busy being gay and doing revolutions with Terezi, but what happened (besides charming quirks such as charging for listening to him brooding) to make Fef break it off? In Homestuck she broke things off with him as soon as they were in the game and Glubglub didn't have to be fed 413 lusii a minute, but there's no SGRUB in Pesterquest; we see Fef's mom in her route, yet we don't hear anything about Eridan's whole Orphaner Jr thing...
-Regarding his additional lack of friends: it's perfectly understandable that Kanaya would drop him, considering she had to deal with a lot of his bullshit back in the comic, but I thought Karkat was actually friends with Eridan? Before Murderstuck of course, but that's obviously not happened in Pesterquest...
-Eridan's 13 years old (and also in charge of feeding glubglub, let's not forget that), where the hell has he found the time to make a nuisance of himself (to the point where employees in some places are legally allowed to stab him if he bothers them) on like half the actual planet????
-MC's reaction when confronted with a room full of fancy clothing is, of course, Big Hype... And wanting something new for their wardrobe.
-so, are Eridan and Roxy nb wizard solidarity?
-Chances are everybody’s already seen this by now orz but I need it to establish a base: Hussie's made an statement where he explained -amongst other things- Eridan's deal with Shrek, originally from [S] Collide. That post could be summarized as:
1) highblood lusii tend to suck ass because of high expectations and low emotional availability, & seahorsedad wasn't an exception; so when the trolls were looking up human stuff back in the meteor and Eridan found Shrek, he saw him as a Good Lusus Figure.
2) Sollux, however, has a good dad that loves and supports his trans son (as sollux trans confirmed) and is also Kinda Ogre Shaped, and Eridan resents him for that → rivalry
3) (it's also confirmed that the eridan from [s] collide was legitimately so happy to be spending time with his dad shrek that he never realized he was dead)
-So: where did Eridan (more like whoever’s in charge of the cinema actually?) get Shrek 2 from if he's never had any contact with humans in this timeline / reality / canon chunk??? It might be one of the Funky Timeline Changes we made in Aradia's route.
-Also: if Eridan knows Sollux is trans (implied in the post but not confirmed), then the conversation the two have later in the route (and specifically Why Eridan begins that conversation) kiiinda takes a dump on his talk about gender (which otherwise is a very good sign that he's got the potential to be a decent person IF he gets his shit together and also thinks about other things -most obviously the hemospectrum- with the same level of depth and all that).
-MC's had their first taste of their Homestuck memories. Let's see how they get them back this time.
-not to self plug (too much) but one of Eridan's fancy articles of clothing looks a Lot like an outfit that's appeared in Mirrorbent?? (← warning for a bit of blood) The one with the purple and yellow gradient in the rack furthest to the right... the one in mirrorbent is basically Gramma Loreto Rights: The Jacket
-After the rollercoaster of hapenings that is his route, Eridan finally understands that he's got to change himself and unlearn all of Alternia's bullshit if he wants his situation to change for the better. Can't believe it took getting An Actual Mall thrown at him to make him realize that...........
-(That mall is of course the one from Daraya's Friendsim- and she sure felt like a Destruction class back then... 2x hopeprince combo mayhaps?)
-Kanaya said in Sollux's route that it was less than advisable for him to overexert his powers, and the only thing he *doesn't* use here is his psionic blasts- hope he's fine! (then again this is probably our last volume on alternia and blah blah blah)
#pesterquest#homestuck#feferi peixes#eridan ampora#sollux captor#pesterquest spoilers#thoughts and questions#wow sollux how come the writers let you have 2 big cameos??#there was an attempt at getting this out on launch day. and the next day. and the day after that.#idk anything about timezones. sleep time
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from friday with love
warning: endgame spoilers
After the arc reactor failing and Thor electrifying him back to life, Tony makes his way upstairs and pours himself a drink.
“Sir,” says JARVIS, just as Tony takes his first sip. “Perhaps you should see this.”
A holoscreen springs to life on the bar’s countertop, blue pixels coalescing to form a video recording - the security cams, Tony notices curiously, dated just an hour ago or so. Frankly, he’s surprised it even still works, considering how the entire living room’s been trashed to hell and back, but it is Stark Industries quality after all.
He’s not sure what JARVIS wants him to see though - there he is, in his hot red and gold armour, sans helmet, surrounded by the rest of the team. On the ground in front of them sits Loki, slouched and defeated, asking for a drink with a cheeky quirk of his lips.
Nothing new, nothing strange.
And then-
the camera angle changes, and suddenly-
oh. oh.
“That’s impossible,” he hears himself murmur, eyes sharpening onto the iron man armour sneakily entering his tower through the hole of broken windows. It’s somehow sleeker, cleaner lines and beautiful aerodynamics, and-
“Indeed.” JARVIS agrees as Tony startles, glass tipping out of his loose fingers onto the floor. “I took the liberty to initiate some… investigation.”
And the security recording, frozen on an older version of what he sees in the mirror, unfurls and suddenly-
Tony Stark stares as JARVIS unveils other familiar faces in places they shouldn’t be, doing things they shouldn’t be doing, and all in the chaos of the battle that had just taken place.
Tony stares as JARVIS gives him the undeniable proof that time travel - or alternate realities, he doesn’t have a fucking clue which one is which - actually exists.
“This…” he breathes, his still tender chest sparking with a sensation he hasn’t felt since childhood, “this…” wonder, this curiosity, this burning need to know- “is amazing.”
“There is also… something else, sir,” JARVIS responds, unusually careful with his words, moreso than usual. “A data packet. Quite dense.”
“From where?” Aliens exist! Gods (or at least norse mythology) exist! Captain America’s alive and an ass! “What the fuck else could there be? Who sent the packet?”
The file prompt suddenly appears on the holoscreen, superimposing itself over the recordings of older, wearier, but still familiar faces, and the string of codes that signifies the sender looks awfully similar to-
“FRIDAY?” That’s impossible. FRIDAY’s just an idea, still just an empty file with half assed coding, nowhere near fleshing out or coming online, but then again- time travel.
“Holy shit,” Tony breaths again, realisation settling in under his breast bone, excitement clogging his throats. He absolutely does not bounce on his toes, no, he’s a grown ass man thank you very much, he does not, but-! “Holy shit!”
FRIDAY, an AI he’s only just thought of building up, of giving JARVIS another being in existence similar to his own, an idea that’s only a folder on his server’s named Project FRIDAY and nothing else, couldn’t exist.
Not yet.
But in the future? When he - older, with more grey in his hair, and a weird jacket he’d just tapped and the suit had poured out (nanobots? Was future him using nanobots? Holy shit!) - has obviously fleshed the AI out more and brought it online?
“J,” Tony pleads, closing his eyes against the strong desire to push the button, “It’s your systems. Future FRIDAY would obviously have future upgrades, and future security features. It’s up to you if you want to open it, buddy.” God, saying that burns.
“It… was sent to me, Sir,” JARVIS admits, voice tilted in confusion. “It says ‘To Big Brother JARVIS. Pssst: it’s about Boss.’ - I think I’ll open it.”
And so JARVIS opens it.
And the very first file goes a little like this:
‘So, just so you know, Boss doesn’t know about this. He made his suit able to hide from your sensors because he’s too afraid to talk to you. He doesn’t want to think about the possibility of saving you. I don’t understand it, but I don’t understand a lot of human emotions. But statistics show that your deletion led to 75% reduction in mental health, and 36% reduction in physical as well. So I’m going to tell you everything so that you can keep past Boss safe, because that’s our job. Keeping Boss safe.
Here is a timeline of what happens, with probabilities and statistics and dossiers on those you will not be familiar with.
Boss always said you were my big brother, and that he was sorry I didn’t get to meet you. He’s always sad when he says that. He’s sad Peter Parker didn’t get to meet you too. Dum-E says you’re more fun than Karen.
So good luck, big brother. I’ll keep Boss safe, here in the future. You do the same in the past.
Hopefully, I’ll meet you again, in your present.
I’d like that.
(DUM-E says sQWRVasdkmlSQ9D912^48434989fjqubq3/fefRGreg43rfe. Ouch.)
#avengers#marvel#mcu#tony stark#iron man#jarvis#friday#endgame#avengers endgame#a: endgame#fanfiction no jutsu#personal talk no jutsu#prompts no jutsu#except i prompted myself so hah
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SOLLUX: ready, priince?
you pause.
ERIDAN: wwait a second
the fist clenched around your wand relaxes as you draw it back against your chest, suddenly feeling very silly.
ERIDAN: i remember this ERIDAN: already fuckin done this havvent we sol
the mustardblood's shoulders settle back into their slouch. you see the corner of his mouth twitch.
SOLLUX: 2ure have, ED. SOLLUX: you remember how many tiime2?
it's all a little hazy, but as you settle on the floor to sit beside him, walkstubs tucked beneath you, you wrack your thinkpan for a solid number.
ERIDAN: fuck ERIDAN: sol thinkin in these bubbles is the wworst ERIDAN: always wworried that some fuckin stupid shit might pop into existence and shock the bloody fuck out a me ERIDAN: this is our fourth fuckin time isnt it
sollux really smiles this time. you can almost see him sorting the numbers into pairs in his thinkpan. you roll your eyes, turning away in the same instant.
SOLLUX: yep.
you sit in silence for a while. it's gone like this every time but the first - you catch yourself just as he's powering up, electric flickering between his palms and fangs. feferi vanishes, and suddenly you have nothing to fight about anymore, so you sit. the second time, you talked a little, but he woke up, and you were to embarrassed to bring it up again the third.
it's easier to remember in the quiet, anyway.
you're picking at your claws again, pulling the sharpened edge from each side until it shucks right off like a clam shell. your fingers are sore and rubbed a raw kind of violet, but it doesn't matter much - you know they'll be fine once you find another dream bubble to haunt.
ERIDAN: still can't believve i didnt kill you ERIDAN: wwhat a shitty wwizard i am
sollux cackles, and the sound is distorted by his misshapen mouth. he makes no effort to hide the shake in his shoulders from you - in fact, he jostles you a little as he uncrosses his walkstubs and sticks them out in front of him, red and blue shoes knocking casually together. you're closer to him than you remembered. you make a great show of picking up the edges of your cape and wrapping yourself in it.
SOLLUX: the 2hiittiie2t.
ERIDAN: all that bullshit about hope and magic ERIDAN: surprised you didn't wwreck my shit on lobaf ERIDAN: though it wwouldnt fuckin stop you from havvin to talk to me here wwould it
SOLLUX: ED, thii2 ii2 gettiing kiind of feeliing2 jam liike. SOLLUX: lmao iif you want two move two the piile then
ERIDAN: i wwill literally kill you awwake if you finish that bloody sentence you nooksucker
sollux reaches over and slaps you in the face with the hem of your scarf. you scoff, indignant and surprised, and he laughs again, an ugly, dry sound.
he doesn't let go. instead, he pushes his claws through the loose wool, poking holes in between the purple and blue squares.
SOLLUX: yeah no that piile ii2 offiiciially overu2ed.
ERIDAN: fuckin disgustin i don't knoww howw you an fef evven considered usin it
he shrugs. like everything else about him, it seems lazy and crooked.
SOLLUX: gue22 we needed iit. what an a22hole ii wa2.
at least you're in agreement.
ERIDAN: my thoughts ec fuckin xactly
you've got nothing else to say, after that.
well, yes you do, but you're not going to be the one to say it. and give him the satisfaction? you'd rather be cut in half again. vertically.
SOLLUX: are you goiing two come back? SOLLUX: ju2t 2o ii know how much 2tupiid two prepare for.
ERIDAN: wwhy ERIDAN: are you goin
SOLLUX: yeah.
he stands, shoves his hands in his pockets and looks out across the floor. the edges of the room have blurred already as your dream bubble comes into contact with another - your next stop, it seems, now that sollux is readying himself to wake up.
ERIDAN: ill probably be back at some fuckin point ERIDAN: keep gettin this fuckin dream bubble anyway dont i ERIDAN: got no fuckin choice in the matter
SOLLUX: ok. SOLLUX: well. 2ee ya.
he takes a step, then tenses as if stunned. he thinks, for a minute, and, then, you note with a hint of irritation, two
ERIDAN: wwhat
SOLLUX: 2ay, ED. you want two joiin an army?
is this some kind of joke?
ERIDAN: wwhat the fuck are you talkin about sol ERIDAN: i don't knoww if you remember but last time i wwas trusted wwith anythin i killed two a our friends
you're a little more angry than you need to be, actually. it just seems kind of cruel - to mention something you made no secret about aspiring towards when you know for a fact it would ruin you.
ERIDAN: oh and almost betrayed all a you ERIDAN: havve two say sol that wwasnt your brightest idea
hold on. did you just-? sollux is smirking. you did. fuck.
SOLLUX: you thiink ii wwouldnt keep an eye on you?
that bastard. that mutantblooded bulgepan.
ERIDAN: dont need anyone to keep an eye on me ERIDAN: i am PERFECTLY FUCKIN CAPABLE a handlin myself ERIDAN: BUT since you CLEARLY need someone to guide your stupid nook through the complexities a war ERIDAN: ill come with you ERIDAN: cmon then ERIDAN: lets go
you stand, too, brushing off your pants and chancing a glance his way. he's still smirking, but it's different, somehow. you're not going to think about it.
SOLLUX: 2ure thiing. let2 go.
you walk in time, towards the merging of the bubbles. the look he gives you is more of a question and the nod you return is an answer. when you step forward, you're both looking forwards, his claws still buried in your scarf.
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Hemospectrum pt.1
Okay, okay, I pulled myself together to be able to get this ramble down. To keep myself from derailing COMPLETELY, I'll try to stick to talking about the biological parts of the hemospectrum and avoid the social details. I know they're pretty strongly tied together so I'll fail badly, but I'll try to limit myself and talk more about bloodcastes at a later date. I also wanna warn you that this ramble's gonna contradict canon more than most of my headcanons. Please excuse that. I like overcomplicating things...
Anyways! *rubs hands* We all know what the hemospectrum looks like, right? Red, warm blood at the bottom, pink, cold blood at the very top- no wait. Not if you ask me.
Basically, in my (canon-contradicting, sorry 'bout that, I'm gonna stop apologizing because I'm having fun and have no reason to be ashamed) headcanon, the hemospectrum, rather than being a spectrum, is a circle of a sort. Like a color wheel. This color wheel then has two polarities - with rustbloods being the warmest color, highest chance of psionics, with the shortest trolls (on average) - and ceruleans being the coldest color with the lowest chance of psionics but the highest physical strength, as well as (on average) the tallest trolls.
With it being a circle of a sort, the colors blend into one another. So the 12 colors we see aren't the only ones - there's every shade in between. Though the blood colors of the "true sign" bloodlines are pretty close to the default, so, somewhat based on them, the rest of the troll population are sorted into castes. (If you're somewhere between teal and jade but closer to Kanaya's color, you're gonna be counted as a jade. If you're squished precisely between, you're a cusp and in a really fishy social situation.)
Blood colors are inherited from ancestor to descendant and they're *static*. Okay fine, they can change by like 0.5 of a value but that's *it*. However, (okay I gotta talk about this soonish too) if you're the kit of two fertile trolls, you're gonna have your blood color be somewhere in between your parents.
Anyways, the Condesce (oh god the Condesce, she has a role in half my societal headcanons) wanted to put herself on a piedestal so she made a spectrum of it with two very different polarities from the biological ones - where the rustbloods are filth and the fuchsias are royalty. Over the generations, through selective breeding, the old polarity has been more or less erased, so despite the warm blood of the fuchsias, they've made sure their every generation is taller and stronger than the previous.
This also means, because she wanted a spectrum rather than a circle, that everyone in between Fef-color and Ara-color are illegal now. Kill them all. They're not exctinct exactly but they're very very rare and considered *weird as fuck* because nobody can actually tell if they're higher than a fuchsiablood or lower than a rustblood.
Annnnd this leads us into mutants! There's four sorts of hemomutants, basically - off-spectrum trolls (being the ones mentioned above), limebloods, redbloods and miscellaneous.
Limebloods are, well, technically not mutants but they still have... basically the same level of rights. Dirty, gross bastards that you don't want in your gene pool. The Condesce made an effort to wipe them out until she realized you could sedate unruly trolls with their blood. So nobody sees 'em any more. Well that's because they're busy being strung up and used as sopor factories.
Redbloods are- okay I gotta give you some background information to tell you what redbloods are. Basically, trolls have a sort of pigment in their blood that gives them their various interesting colors (this pigment gets errywhere - hence their blood-colored eyes, tears, et cetera) that humans lack. Well, redbloods (then we're talking candy red, like Karkat) lack this pigment, which, in a way, also puts them outside the hemospectrum which is also dirty and we don't want.
Lastly, miscellaneous hemomutants are an unfortunate bunch - these are trolls with natural variations to their blood color that are *just a bit too strong* to be okay. Say you're a jadeblood but your blood color is really, really pale, or way too bright, or way too dark. That's not something they want you to spread! That's weird and there's probably something wrong with you. Cullbait. (These are really tricky because given that blood colors are inherited, you'd have to wipe out an entire bloodline...)
That being said, miscellaneous hemomutants can be excused if they're, otherwise, of a higher caste. Equius is very much on the border of having too bright blood, but he's left alone because he's a highblood. And nobody touches a fuchsia. That's like rule number one.
Speaking of fuchsias! I'm almost done but I sort of want to point out that I headcanon that fuchsias are... well they're rare, but they're not "only two fuchsias alive at any point in time". That's tyrians. Tyrians are a separate caste. Or, well, really, they're just one bloodline - the Peixes. They're the royal family basically, while fuchsias are a very aristocratic caste.
#homestuck#homestuck headcanons#ask to tag#Primary Universe#au#written hcs#writing#troll biology#troll culture#Hemospectrum
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>Feeeeeeef, she's supposed to be on a dieeeet! As for that little thing, well it ties into how she got so big in the first place. Lets just say, making friends with that royal she mentioned earlier has its benefits. The mail lady would rather not say it here though. The counter ain't exactly comfortable. Right, so how is Fef going to do this? Over the shoulder? Bridal carry? The- why is she wobbling back and forth? Given enough space, the pawn would hop down, proving that she can still stand.
>you bump into a lot of royalty, huh lady? well, that probably wasnt that weird. who was most likely to order absurd amounts of stuff from a weird, esoteric online store? but anyway, she steps back to give PM some room, not actually too surprised at her ability to keep moving; she would weigh the same as she did before, after all! ...but if she DID want any help... "Pffft, diet w)(atever. You've got t)(ose sodas anywave! And it isn't T)(AT muc)(- I wasnt kidding w)(en I said I )(ave fiv- BOOOOOUUURP- excuseme, six of t)(ose rig)(t in )(ere!" >she proudly pats her middle, which wobbles in response. She gestures back toward the chairs, since PM wanted something more comfortable
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