#i can play the bass part from several fall out boy songs and 1 green day song
anotherpapercut · 1 year
does anyone want to start a small, tight knit, and somewhat homoerotic band with me
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somersetmummy · 3 years
(A/N): This fic is part three of the continuation of the story taking place following book 1 chapter 11 (after being rescued by Sam from Sofia's closet). I’m sorry this took so long post, I’ve been dealing with some things in real life and unfortunately writing fell to the bottom of the list!
Series/Pairing: The Nanny Affair (M!Sam Dalton x MC Katie Hide)
Original characters - all property of PB: Katie Hide (MC), Sam Dalton, Jenny Blake, Robin Flores
New characters: (present in part 3 but not mentioned by name) Serena-Rose Warren, Tessa Finch, Lucinda Hansen
Rating/Content warning: 15+ (a little bit of lust & desire, a few naughty words but nothing graphic)
Word Count: Around 3000, I lost count!
Summary: While out with her friends, Katie bumps into a familiar face, will the night lead her home to Sam or elsewhere?
- Scroll to the bottom for bonus text messages and group chat -
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Part Three
As the newest bar on the New York social scene, Atlas had drawn quite a crowd. Hopeful revellers huddle together in the queue outside teased by the sound of merriment within each time the door opens for one of the guest list elite. Katie tentatively approaches the doorman, politely name dropping her way in, wondering to herself in disbelief how this is in fact her life.
Once inside, the unmistakable energy of Jenny and the gang pulls her towards their table in the middle of the room, a melting pot of silken hair, sequins and stilettos, it's hard not to be captivated by the glamorous group she calls her friends.
As she cautiously makes a beeline for the table Jenny notices her approaching, her face lighting up in recognition of her friend. Looking effortlessly edgy as usual, her short dark hair matches the black silk tank top tucked into a feathered black mini skirt. She eyes Katie and unapologetically wolf whistles in her direction.
With her new found confidence, Katie removes her jacket and saunters over to her friends, inwardly basking in the attention of several male pairs of eyes drinking her in along the way. While skimming through the crowd, a blush spreads delicately across her neck and cheeks as she feels one pair of eyes in particular playing close attention. Before she can take a good look around she's embraced by an overly enthusiastic Jenny, almost knocking the wind out of her.
Grinning sincerely back at Jenny, she then moves to Lucinda, Serena and Tess in turn, hugging them tightly and instantly feeling herself relax more than she has done in months, all memories of the drama of her new life checked at the door.
When she had first moved from England for her grad programme, Katie met Jenny almost immediately. One unsuspecting Sunday morning, having escaped the deafening throbbing of heavy bass coming through the wall she shared with her neighbour, Katie was in need of a quiet space to seek refuge and study. She came across an unimposing coffee shop a few blocks away and was immediately drawn to the homey interior as she gazed through the window. As she stepped in, calm washed over her, it felt like home. Settled with her head in her books, it wasn't long before a tornado of colour, energy and expletives tore its way across the room towards her. Jenny.
Taken aback by the intrusion, Katie sat in dismay as this whirlwind of a person rambled on about needing some kind of cover story for being there as her ex sat at the other end of the room with a decidedly less chaotic redhead in his arms. Katie graciously agreed to play along and let Jenny sit with her. It wasn't long before the ex was forgotten as the two women got caught up in conversation, the more they learned about each other the more they found that despite being complete opposites, they blended effortlessly. From that day on, Jenny had taken Katie under her wing and the rest, as they say, is history.
A few minutes after settling on the tall metal stools at the pristine granite topped table, a bucket of Dom Perignon on ice arrives along with 5 glasses. The group look to one another, perplexed, nobody owning up to the extravagant order.
"With compliments of Mr Dalton..." the bartender explains before turning to head back to the heaving bar.
With only Jenny knowing the truth about her as yet un-named relationship with Sam, the rest of the girls just assume it's part of his flashy, rich guy MO, unaware that there could be any other meaning to this gesture than of him having the means to do something nice for his hard working nanny. Jenny on the other hand is about as subtle as a brick and leans in immediately, at least with the decency to lower her voice to a whisper.
"Someone's wanting to impress your friends...and it's working!!"
As Katie throws daggers at Jenny in response, she can't stop her lips from curling in amusement. Turning to take one of the glasses and join in with their toast to friendship, she feels a warmth radiating from her heart reminding of the incredible man waiting for her at home.
After a couple of hours of conversation and countless cocktails, the friends make their way down the stairs to the packed club in the basement, the chic modern décor highlighted by atmospheric blue lighting illuminating the room.
As she slips through the throngs of people to the middle of the dance floor Katie once again feels like someone is watching but can't pinpoint where they might be in the crowd, instead shrugging it off and throwing herself into dancing with the girls.
Unbeknown to her, the pair of dazzling green eyes which she felt boring into her belong to a very familiar face, still watching with a bemused smile as she dances sultrily to the rhythm of the music.
Completely entranced and thoroughly enjoying the view, Robin, who had been leaning against one of the VIP booths at the back of the room with a drink in hand, can't help but pull his phone out and capture the moment on camera.
His favourite past time of getting one over on his semi-brother had never been easier since meeting Katie. He'd quickly realised that flirting with her was a sure fire way to get under Sam's skin. Without a second thought, his fingers get to work tapping away on his phone's screen. As expected, a barrage of messages are swiftly returned warning him against doing anything remotely 'Robin'.
Rolling his eyes and with a heightened sense of determination, he pockets his phone and downs the rest of his drink licking the lingering taste of whiskey from his lips. He has no intention of listening to his brother's warning to stay away, after all Sam isn't here and surely what he doesn't know won't hurt him.
Completely oblivious to him moving towards her, he cuts through the crowed with laser precision until he's standing a hairs breath away from the delicious porcelain skin of her back. Her cheeks once again tingle with blush and the hairs on the back of her neck stand to attention as she feels the same, now familiar, gaze upon her once more. This time the intensity courses through her body, urging her to turn around.
Cautiously spinning on her heel, a short gasp stifled by a giggle escapes her as her eyes lock on Robin's mischievous grin. He beams at her, challenging her as his hands reach shamelessly for her waist.
"You look amazing out here," he quips, "but I think this song sounds better when you're dancing with someone."
Her cocktail induced daze prevents her from thinking about objecting. Instead, rising to his challenge, she throws him a playful smile and turns back around, pressing her hips into his crotch and swaying seductively to the music.
His hands delicately slide up from her waist, his fingertips stroking the bare skin of her back before caressing her neck and finally moving up her arms to meet with her hands which skim through the air as she sways. Their fingers interlock as he pulls her arms back down to her hips, spinning her round to face him, both breathless.
Instinctively she throws her arms around his neck while his swiftly fall to the small of her back, igniting small sparks up and down her spine.
Robin can't quite believe his luck and thanks his lucky stars that he accepted the last minute invitation to join some old friends at the hottest new bar in town, when what he had really wanted to do after his long day was go home and order pizza.
They move to the music together for a few songs, comfortable with each other's presence and both enjoying the close attention they so rarely receive from anyone else.
Perhaps it's because of their shared experience of looking in on the Dalton's world from the sidelines, but there's something so familiar and natural about being this close to Robin and a kind of ease she's never felt with any man before.
Sure, Sam insists that there is something real between them, she feels it too and their undeniable magnetism between proves there's a connection. But he's never committed 100% to her, at the end of each day he still goes to bed engaged to someone else and she can't help sometimes feeling like she's just an observer to his life.
Lost in their blissful cocoon, it isn't until another pair of hands snake around her waist that she is reminded of where they are. Warm breath from lipgloss stained lips tickles her ear causing her to take a step back from Robin, sobering her to their surroundings.
"Babe, we're heading over to the bar for a refresh, time to leave lover boy!"
Jenny winks at Robin, unapologetically looking him over like he's a piece of meat she wants to devour. She clearly doesn't realise that 'lover boy' is in fact Sam's brother, a fact which Katie doesn't intend to share. She can only imagine the probing that would follow if Jenny knew the truth.
"I'll be right there."
She offers a gentle push to Jenny's rear, encouraging her to move on. Fortunately she complies and slinks off towards the bar, not before giving an impressed nod, clearly approving of Katie's dancing partner.
Turning back to Robin, the space between them has grown and the anticipation in the air dissipated as they reluctantly realise their time together has come to an end.
Without missing a beat, Robin flashes a devilish smile as he steps close once again, reaching for her hand, bringing it up to his lips for a soft kiss.
"Until next time Katie..."
He shifts even closer causing her heart to skip a beat. His hand caressing her cheek as it slides through her delicate tresses tilting her head upwards to meet his gaze. His eyes bore into hers for what fees like an eternity before his lips tantalisingly brush against her ear.
"Unless you want to take this back to my place?"
Her breath catches as a warm glow rushes through her veins. The question hangs in the air around them like a fog clouding her judgement.
Of the two brothers, Robin is by far the easier choice, he is after all available without any strings attached.
His stature is much the same as Sam's, his skin slightly lighter, with a similar warm tone. But the eyes....those dazzling emerald green eyes which she could get lost in, framed by delicate laughter lines painted across his beautiful face. His relaxed demeanour and ability to always smile no matter what is going on around him is infectious.
Yes, being with Robin would be easier, life simpler and undoubtedly endlessly fun but as she stares back into those hypnotising green eyes, their foreheads touching, she realises with a pang in her heart that it undeniably belongs to someone else.
In defeat she licks her lips, a small movement which immediately captures Robin's attention, and shakes her head in reply.
"Oh Robin, as tempting as that sounds, I think we'd be wise to go out separate ways tonight."
He returns her smile with a soft kiss on the cheek.
"Can't blame a guy for trying. I guess I'll just have to wait until next time"
Winking, he slips away into the crowd like a ghost and for a moment she wonders whether he was even there at all.
After making her way back to the penthouse in a daze, Katie gingerly steps out of the elevator, tiptoeing carefully down the hall. Her heart skips a beat as she catches sight of Sam fast asleep on the couch.
She can't help but smile to herself as her eyes trace the outline of his sleeping body, that magnetism she so often feels when she’s around him pulling her across the room until she's standing over him.
He looks beautiful, peaceful, almost vulnerable. She realises she's never seen him sleep before and hopes it’s not too creepy to stay and watch him for a few minutes as she slinks down to sit on the footstool between the couch and the coffee table, her knees brushing against Sam's thighs.
Lying on his side, his strong arms are folded across his chest as if protecting himself like armour. His chiselled chest gently rises and falls with each breath, eyelashes fluttering delicately as he dreams, his lips slightly apart, tempting her to kiss them.
She leans closer to him, elbows resting on her bare knees. A curl of his dark silken hair has fallen in front of his eyes and she tenderly stroke it back across his forehead and he involuntarily smiles at her touch.
Staring down at this beautiful man a realisation rushes into her mind like a car speeding out of control. She is completely and utterly, hopelessly in love with Sam Dalton.
Mind slightly fuzzy, her cocktail induced confidence and new realisation makes her brave, encouraging her to gently press her lips to his while cupping his face with her warm hand. He responds immediately by sliding his arm around her waist, kissing back softly, still half asleep. She leans closer still, lips grazing the top of his ear, her voice a whisper.
"I'm home, it's late, you should've gone to bed."
His eyes flicker open, adoration pouring over her, his hand still clinging to her waist.
"I couldn't sleep until I knew you were home safe"
Her lips curl in amusement. "You do realise I’ve just woken you up right?!”
Laughing softly to himself, he sits up so his knees are touching hers and their eyes lock while they share a secret smile reserved only for each other. He runs his hand through his hair and checks the time on his Rolex.
"Oh man, I didn't realise it had gotten so late....did you have a good time with your friends?"
"It was amazing. I miss seeing them...as much as I love being here with you and the boys I've realised it's still good for me to have some time for myself."
He softly skims his hands up her thighs, his slightest touch stoking the fire within.
"Of course, I want that for you too."
Leaning in to one another, the air crackles between them, their night apart building as much desire as any foreplay. As the space between them closes, their breath tangles together. The drumming of their heartbeats the only sound they can hear, until the shrill cry of Katie’s phone cuts through the air.
Pausing with their foreheads resting together they both turn to stare at it willing it to stop, but the phones persistence echoes around the room as it continues to ring.
"That'll be Jenny checking I've got home...I'd better answer or she'll keep ringing." She sighs, hesitantly pulling away from Sam while lifting the phone to her ear.
"Hey Jen.”
Sam’s whole body slouches, visibly defeated. He shakes his head before lightly kissing her cheek as he stands, the moment regrettably over.
"Goodnight Katie" he sighs quietly, so only she hear.
Jenny animatedly chatters on about the hot cab driver who asked for her number, though Katie barely hears her as she zones out watching Sam's back retreating to the boys room to check on them before he goes to bed.
"Goodnight Sam" she sighs in resignation, her words swallowed by the now empty room.
TAG list: @shewillreadyou @txemrn @silma-words @thefrenchiemama @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @chemist-ana
- Bonus -
Text messages between Katie and Sam after the champagne.
Text messages between Robin and Sam about Katie.
Girls group chat the morning after, completely unrelated, just for fun, just to show their dynamic!
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alienshea · 6 years
And now, for no absolute reason, I will give every Gorillaz song from the main 6 studio albums my rating from 1-10
Re-Hash: 7.5/10
Bopping tune, 2D doing his own backup vocals make me swoon, Noodle is great as always, no one really knows what the lyrics are but they’re valid
5/4: 6/10
Better than average,not the best song i’ve ever heard but still pretty good, kinda uncomfy with Noodle screaming about someone turning her dad on, drumbeat makes me wanna dance, wished they couldve made the music video
Tomorrow Comes Today: 7/10
The kind of song that gets stuck in your head all day, love the overall sad tone, music video makes me laugh now bc that one murdoc gif, makes me cry when i have depressive episodes
New Genius (Brother): 7.5/10
Love 2D’s voice in it, lyrics hit home a little bit for me, have never skipped this song tbh, overall pretty good song
Clint Eastwood: 8.5/10
I literally know all the words, I love the rap, iconic, there’s a reason it’s popular, Del is everything
Man Research (Clapper): 3/10
oooo boy i’m gonna get shit for this one, i always skip this song, i can’t stand the whole “yeah yeah” thing, the only great part about this song is the “tHiS Is a bReAkFaSt ClUuUuuUB!”
Punk: 6.5/10
gets me turnt, toooooo short, tbh i like any song where 2D yells
Sound Check (Gravity): 9/10
looooove this song, gives me body chills when the drums kick in, love the deep ass voice, overall emo kid bop
Double Bass: 8/10
nice jam, I like listening to this when I do homework or art, relaxing
Rock The House: 8/10
legit makes me get up and dance, great rhythm, music video is beautiful
19/2000: 9/10
amazing bop, gets me pumped, iconic af, first gorillaz song i ever heard and first music video i ever saw, n o o d l e
Latin Simone: 7/10
I don’t speak spanish so i cant really sing along, love the feel of it, will listen on repeat, prefer the english version but im biased
Starshine: 6.5/10
idk I don’t really listen to this one, not a bad song i just wouldn’t play it on repeat or actively look for it, i do like the vocals
Slow Country: 8.5/10
love the feeling this song gives me, kinda like im just floating, super chill song to get high to, have never skipped this song, i like the lyrics
M1A1: 8/10
super fun song to sing along with, honestly the best song they couldve ever chosen to start a concert, he   s c r e a m
Demon Days
Last Living Souls: 9/10
absolute favourite song on the album, breakdown gives me chills, constantly changing it’s tune and i love it, the basssss <3
Kids With Guns: 6/10
I love singing the chorus, great song to have in the background, chill af
O Green World: 7.5/10
i love the instrumental of this one, vocals give me chills, kinda wish you could hear the singing more tho
Dirty Harry: 6.5/10
bopping beat, i love the rap part, overall not really the type of song i’d play on repeat but not bad
Feel Good Inc: 8/10
first and foremost the fucking bass of this song is the reason i’m learning bass, chorus gives me chills, kinda overused but i understand
El Manana: 6/10
kind of a meh song for me personally, not a bad one just not the greatest
Every Planet We Reach Is Dead: 9/10
banger, the reason im also learning guitar, vocals are on point, has made me cry before
November Has Come: 7/10
love the chorus, rap is kinda meh for me, i like the beat
All Alone: 5/10
not really a song i listen to, i like the bloopy noises
White Light: 4/10
I always skip this one tbh, better than man research but not by much
DARE: 6.5/10
this song haunts my dreams, its like the best kind of elevator music, on another note you fucking go noodle
Fire Coming Out Of The Monkey’s Head: 7.5/10
I WANNA BE A COWBOY BABY, narrative is really fucking good tho
Don’t Get Lost In Heaven: 8/10
beautiful, usually dont like gospel-esque music but i love this, gives me chills
Demon Days: 6.5/10
not my favourite tbh, meh for me
Plastic Beach
Welcome to the World of the Plastic Beach: 7.5/10
i love snoop dogg, also this song gives me good vibes
White Flag: 5/10
ehhhh not a fan of this one, i usually skip it, i like the orchestra tho
Rhinestones Eyes: 8.5/10
i fucking love this song, great tune great vocals, i never skip it, i even got my boyfriend to start loving this song even tho he doesnt really like gorillaz
Stylo: 9/10
jesus this song, makes my heart hurt, i absoultely long singing along to this, his voiceeeee, bobby womack!
Superfast Jellyfish: 8.5/10
quirky af, i love de la soul in this one a lot, have never skipped this
Empire Ants: 9/10
so beautiful, has made me cry, both of their voices are so soft and lovely ugh
Glitter Freeze: 6/10
starts off strong but when it starts sounding like a drill i usually yeet out
Some Kind Of Nature: 8/10
used to be my favourite until i started listening to the album more, 2d’s part is so soulful omg
On Melancholy Hill: 8.5/10
so sad and amazing, music video is probably my favourite, is me and my best mate’s “song”
Broken: 9/10
ugh beautiful, i know all the words and always sing them loud af, has never skipped this song, honestly is everything
Sweepstakes: 5.5/10
not a big fan, i usually skip this one, not a horrible song just not for me
Plastic Beach: 7.5/10
love it, better at the beginning than the end, still a bop
To Binge: 10/10
WHEEEW BOY, i love this song, its so sad and amazing and gay jesus christ, the best thing murdoc has ever done
Cloud of Unknowing: 7/10
soulful and beautiful, again bobby womack!!
Pirate Jet: 7/10
i love the tune bc it gets me feeling ~spooky~, lyrics dont really make sense but thats okay
The Fall
Phoner to Arizona: 8/10
gets me bopping and grooving, great music to play in the background while writing or doing art, my go to for when i draw or need background sound while I relax
Revolving Doors: 9.5/10
OOF, it so sad and it makes me feel things, i scream the lyrics errytime
Hillbilly Man: 10/10
fell in love with this the second I heard it, has been my favourite song of all time for over 2 years now, will never skip it in my life, i yearn to learn the guitar 
 Detroit: 6.5/10
generally a good happy bop, usually play it as background sound
Shy-Town: 6/10
nice to the ear, i don’t really like the prerecorded vocals of 2D but when Damon sung it live it sounds much better
Little Pink Plastic Bags: 8/10
i love it ugh, relaxing af, will never skip
The Joplin Spider: 9/10
big love for this song, its just soooo goooood
The Parish Of Space Dust: 7.5/10
big cowboy energy, sounds so sweet, 2D’s voice is unnnf
The Snake In Dallas: 7/10
good for when you wanna party but you’re depressed and can only stay in bed, love the little robotic sounds
Amarillo: 9.5/10
i meeeean what can i say, this song is so sad and gay and beautiful, ive cried while listening it this, will never skip
The Speak It Mountains: 7.5/10
this track is really weird and creepy and kind of not a song but i adore it anyway
 Aspen Forest: 8/10
beautiful sounds, the piano is so soothing, will play this on repeat while i zone out
Bobby In Phoenix: 9/10
i wanna cry every single time i hear this bobby come back
California and the Slipping of the Sun: 7.5/10
this song so so pretty and i cry every time ugh, he sounds so fed up im sorry pretty boy
Seattle Yodel: ???
OVERALL SCORE FOR THE FALL: 8 (rounded down)
Ascension: 8.5/10
absolute banger, i get pumped everytime this comes on, skys falling bb
Strobelite: 7.5/10
i used to hate this song but then the music video came out and i tried it again and now i love it dont @ me
Saturnz Barz: 9/10
theres so much i could say about this song ans the mv unf
Momentz: 9/10
banger, i dance like a maniac every time i hear it, will never skip
Submission: 8/10
gives me a good chance to work on high notes, makes my skin tingly
Charger: 8.5/10
2D’s voice is so griity and i can help myself
Andromeda: 8.5/10
I’ve never skipped this song, has made me cry, makes me dance
Busted And Blue: 9/10
has made me cry several times, vocals are everything, will never skip
Carnival: 7/10
is a bop, don’t really listen to it much anymore but it’s alright
Let Me Out: 8/10
i love it, one of my favourites to rap with
Sex Murder Party: 4/10
ehhh dont like this one, i always skip it
She’s My Collar: 8.5/10
i dont want to admit the things 2D’s voice in this makes me wanna do
Hallelujah Money: 7.5/10
hated this at first, grew to love, very soothing
We Got The Power: 9.5/10
gets me FUCKING PUMPED, we do got the power fuckers
OVERALL SCORE FOR HUMANZ: 8.5 (rounded down)
The Now Now
Humility: 8.5/10
summer bop, makes me wanna dance, have never skipped
Tranz: 9.5/10
i love singing along to this bc it makes me feel sexy oops, always screams the lyrics
Hollywood: 7/10
not a huge fan of this but ill listen to it, favourite part is the chorus, also snoop doggy dogg
Kansas: 9/10
oof this song makes me cry, i always scream this 
Sorcererz: 7.5/10
ooo them vocals thooo, makes me relaxed
Idaho: 8.5/10
i love this song sm, one of my favourites of all time to sing, i wanna learn the guitar for this
Lake Zurich: 8/10
I love to listen to this while relaxing or writing, makes me wanna dance, COWBELL
Magic City: 8.5
always dancing to this, billboards on the moooon
Fireflies: 10/10
yall saw this coming, i always cry, its so somber, in close competition w HillBilly Man for my all time favourite
One Percent: 6.5/10
only song on the album i would skip and it isnt even that bad
Souk Eye: 10/10
its so gay and sad i love it sm
So after months of me saying i’d rate the songs in order I finally did! Now keep in my the overall scores are averages, my personal rating for each album is:
Self-Titled: 8/10
Demon Days: 7/10
Plastic Beach: 8.5/10
The Fall: 8/10
Humanz: 7.5/10
The Now Now: 9/10
thanks for reading, i did this so i wouldn’t have to write an essay oops! <3
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chaos-and-recover · 7 years
Alright let’s do this.
1: Favorite band?
AFI and/or July Talk
2: Favorite song?
Of all time? I think I realized recently that it is in fact Falling Slowly. The fact that I have like 7 different versions in my music library was a solid clue that I fucking love it.
3: What’s a band/artist you loved as a child but can barely listen to now?
My brother and I loved Kris Kross when we were little. That’s some cheeseball rap right there. Also when I was 12 I was super into Prodigy. But then, Firestarter is still a good fucking song.
4: Did you ever see a band/artist live?
Yes? A lot? Many times?
5: Are you going to any gigs soon?
I was supposed to go to Chicago next weekend to see my boys the Plain White T’s but they cancelled the show and I’m bummed.
I’m seeing Jimmy Eat World on December 5th and I’m stoked about it.
I’m also seeing July Talk three nights in a row on the 20th, 21st and 22nd because I have no self control and I love them.
6: Ever been to a festival?
Yes, several. I used to love them and now I’m too old for that shit and there’s too many of them and the bands are spread too thin and no one festival has enough bands I like to justify it lol.
8: A song with a number in the title?
Green Day - 21 Guns
9: A song that gets you through shit?
AFI - Narrative of Soul Against Soul
10: A good song for long bus rides?
Anberlin - Autobahn
11: A song you’d have sex to?
Take That - Pretty Things (I mean it’s kinda weird but uh I’m into it)
12: A song to shut everything out?
36 Crazyfists - Slit Wrist Theory (like 90% sure this song almost got me sent to therapy given how many times my 17 year old self blasted it)
13: A song for when you’re lonely?
The entire “Cities” album by Anberlin is my security blanket. I’ll saw The Unwinding Cable Car though.
14: A song that’s become a joke between you and your friends?
Jack’s Mannequin - Dark Blue ( @sinceubeenjon knows why)
15: A song to jam out to at 4AM?
The Used - The Taste Of Ink. Because it literally references 4:00 in the morning lol
16: An album you could listen to for days on end?
I’m pretty sure I did listen to Decemberunderground by AFI for days on end in 2006. And like… constantly ever since.
17: A song that punches you in the gut every single time?
Anberlin - Atonement. Fuuuuuuuck me :) 
18: A song for when you’re crazy angry?
I wanna saw Slit Wrist Theory again but I’m also trying not to repeat songs so uhhhh The Used - Box Full Of Sharp Objects. I have a lot of angst apparently.
19: If you had to pick one song to represent what you’re feeling right now, what would it be?
It’s not actually Christmas but it is a holiday in the US and I have a cold so “It’s Christmas And I’m Sick” by MxPx. Honestly, I have nothing else. I have no feelings right now lol.
20: A song that calms you down?
The Used - Bllue & Yellow
21: A song that makes you feel alive?
Anberlin - Dismantle.Repair
22: A band with an insane fandom?
Are Twenty One Pilots fans still bonkers? That’s one. Or a certain segment of 1D fandom. You know the one (the Larries. Jesus christ people.)
23: What are some lyrics you love to pieces?
There are so many. Here are some of my favourites:
“It’s not about the money we makeIt’s about the passions that we ache forWhat makes your heart beat fasterTell me now what does your body long after?”-Time & Confusion by Anberlin
“And as the days go onThe love, the lust, the buzz that wasReduced to dust, could be becauseIt never was something moreThan just a void filling feeling”-FL,GA by The Rocket Summer
“I saw you every time I closed my eyesIn the Hughes film I had scored, produced and starred in in my mindI could recite you, well I’d written every lineBut you strayed far from the flawless script on which I’d spent a lifetime”-Veronica Sawyer Smokes by AFI
“I tried, but it rang and rang, I called all nightFrom a payphone, remember those? From another lifeIf everything I meant to youYou can’t lick and seal then fold in twoThen I’ve been so blind.”-Dizzy by Jimmy Eat World
“Let it out, let me in, take a hold of my handThere’s nothing like another soul that’s been cut up the sameAnd did you wanna drive without a word in between?I can understand, you need a minute to breatheAnd to sew up the seams after all this defeat.”-Handwritten by The Gaslight Anthem
I’m gonna stop there.
24: Would you ever get any song lyrics tattooed? If so which ones?
I have some! I have “Just point to the light that casts out the dark” from White Fireworks by The Rocket Summer in Bryce Avary’s handwriting and I’m pretty damn pleased with it. I’d probably get more. He also wrote “Be reckless, be bright” for me from The Rescuing Type that I wanna get done. 
25: What’s a band/artist you’d addict your children to from an early age?
Kids? Gross. I’m gonna try to get my niece into some good shit. When is an appropriate age to get her into AFI?
26: A vocalist you love?
I’m perfectly neutral and rational about Davey Havok, tbh, I’ve never been extra about him a day in my life.
I also love me some Adam Lambert and have very strong opinions about him fronting Queen (they are all variations of “he’s great at it fight me.)
27: Has a band/artist ever inspired you to do something?
Yes, usually dumb shit, like travel across a country/continent/ocean to see them.
28: A band/artist you love but no longer exists?
29: What was your favorite band/artist when you were 12?
The Backstreet Boys, lol.
30: A band/artist you can’t stand?
Twenty One goddamn Pilots. Also ask me how I feel about Metric some time. (I FUCKIN HATE METRIC.)
31: What’s your favorite genre?
I honestly don’t have one. The music I like is all over the goddamn map.
32: Can you play any instruments?
I played percussion for 6 years in school and was self-taught on bass, though I haven’t pulled mine out in literal years. (One day I’m gonna get it out again and learn Pink Eyes by AFI. It’s gonna happen.)
33: Do you sing?
Hahahahahahhahahaa not so anyone can hear me.
34: If you could be a member of any band for one show, who would it be?
I would Jordan Pundik from New Found Glory because I still maintain that he only has to sing like half of every song and the crowd does the rest.
35: Do you have a favorite piece of merch?
My current favourite merch item in the world is my 36 Crazyfists hoodie. It’s so soft, so warm, so comfy. My Anberlin carabiner has served me very well over the years too.
36: What’s the first album you ever bought with your own money?
I always tell people it was the first BSB album but it was actually a Raptors promo CD released ahead of their first season in the NBA. BSB just sounds more like it’s a real thing that existed.
37: Do you prefer buying physical copies of albums or do you download them on the internet?
Physical. Digital versions just… I don’t connect with them as well? I don’t know, I don’t feel like I really own them if I can’t touch ‘em.
38: CDs or vinyls?
Vinyl. Also, not to be a pedant, but the plural of vinyl is vinyl.
39: Do you play your music out loud or with headphones?
Headphones. Used to be out loud all the time back in the days of desktop computers when I’d be alone in a room on the computer and could do that without annoying everyone lol.
40: A band/artist a friend showed you?
I guess I can blame Raven for how much I love Eric Church, does that count?
41: A song that gives you the chills?
Anberlin - The Unwinding Cable Car, but like, a very specific recording of it. This one, in fact, starting at 3:08 when Stephen is singing the bridge and the crowd comes in with “this is the correlation between salvation and love” part completely unprompted and it builds up until he’s holding “heart” and we’re holding “dark” and it’s fucking magical and you know what’s not captured on the audio recording? The look on Christian’s goddamn face when that happened. That was a hell of a show.
42: A song to play at your funeral?
I mean, you could go ahead and play that version of Cable Car linked in the last answer because it’s probably what killed me anyway, but if you wanna be more cliche just bust out Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World.
43: A band/artist with amazing an instrumental but really bad lyrics?
I listened to BedLIGHT for BlueEYES for the first time in a few years the other day so um. Them. The lyrics have not held up super well but my GOD they’re catchy. (Although “But I guess I shouldn’t hat you you, in fact I oughtta thank you for helping me write this song / If this album tops the Billboard I think I’ll save the quarter to call you and let you know” from Too Late still fucking kills though.)
44: A love song?
Any love song? 200,000 by my sweet baby boy The Rocket Summer, it’s the cutest fucking song in the world.
45: A song you love to sing to yourself?
I don’t sing to myself, that’s embarrassing (it’s probably like, Raise Your Glass by Pink or something, though)
46: What do you listen to when you go for a run?
When I did run more often it was to movie soundtracks. 127 Hours had some really good running tunes. Also there’s a song on the Inception soundtrack that was perfect for a good sprint.
47: A song that represents a deserted city at night?
The Taste of Ink by The Used kinda gives me that feeling, I guess.
48: A wild song?
Wild? How about Wild by AFI, is that good enough lol.
49: An upbeat song with grim lyrics?
Motion City Soundtrack - Everything Is Alright.
50: What are some song titles you love?
Okay so I can’t really think of any but it took me until entirely too recently to realize that “Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off” and “But It’s Better If You Do” by Panic! At The Disco fucking… they go together. They’re supposed to be read together. Years that took me. That album was my second most-played in iTunes and I didn’t… figure that out. I’m dumb as hell.
51: If your life ended today, what song would you chose to represent it?
One song, to represent my entire life? Hell if I know. Probably like, Tonight by NKOTB though, let’s be honest.
52: Can you give me a 5 song playlist on ___?
53: Do you listen to instrumental music?
Sometimes, sure.
54: Weirdest band/artist you know of?
Foxy Shazam were weird as hell. We put their album on at work years ago because the sticker… I can’t remember what the sticker compared them to now but it was a mix of bands that made us say “that can’t POSSIBLY be right” and then it was? (one of them was Queen, I remember that). They were fucking weirdos and I miss them TERRIBLY.
55: A song about drugs? 
You know who I haven’t mentioned in this yet? Lucky Boys Confusion. They have a lot of songs about drugs. 40/80 comes to mind. What a jam. What a band.
56: A heart-wrenching song?
This might seem like an odd choice but 11.24.11 by 36 Crazyfists. It goes hard as hell but then “don’t plan to live forever but I wanted her to,” and it’s about his mother, it just fucking wrecks me.
57: A band/artist you’re proud of?
July Talk. They deserve to be bigger but they’re doing so well and I’m so proud of them and if they were any bigger I would absolutely be insufferable about it.
58: A band/artist who’s music could bring you back from the dead?
If I had been dead for like five years but you told me Lucky Boys Confusion were going on tour I would be up and at every single show in a snap, I want to see them again SO BADLY.
59: A band/artist with a sick aesthetic?
Listen, I fucking love July Talk’s black/white, light/dark, sweet/rough contrasting aesthetic. It is everything. It is so well-executed. Talk to me about the first album and how well they played into it. I love them. I love everything they choose to be. I FUCKING LOVE JULY TALK.
60: A song that has a lot of meaning to you?
Plain White T’s - Radios In Heaven is a bit of a thing for me.
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