#i can just see him dancing with Brisket
just-in-case-iloveyou · 8 months
i know in my heart that Glen curated this playlist, and i know he listens to these songs unironically. he enjoys the hell out of them
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pretty-batty · 26 days
Feast for the Beast
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Eddie x Original Female Character Pt 8 of Eldath's Priestess 3963 Words
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Warning: SMUT (18+ only), description of facial deformities, monster fucking, rough sex, thigh fucking, inhuman shween, biting, messy sex. Allusions to past "carrion" eating, body horror, gore, stitches. Now on ao3 Thank you @anakinkshamer for being my beta reader
Summary: Eddie can no longer keep up the lie. But can Judy handle the beast he becomes under Vecna's frenzy?
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The frenzy was coming soon. The need to hunt gnawed at the back of Eddie’s head, raising what little hackles he had. He insisted they wait to change his stitches. Rather than tell them why, he explained that he needed to prepare himself.
He sat on the couch with Judy nestled in the crook of his arm. And like the magical psychic she was, Judy looked up at him and spoke. “You okay, baby?”
He was silent, contemplating whether to lie again. But one look in her gray eyes, he decided against it. His lips parted to push out a shaky sigh. “Getting hungry.”
“Like normal hungry…?”
He shook his head, his curls dancing over her face. Judy grinned, shimmying out of his arm and sweeping her leg over his hip. She stroked down his shoulders, settling in his lap. Oh. Sexy hungry. Eat you out hungry. She knew it, smiling. “You can feed on me.”
All Eddie did was just stare at her shoulder, face sullen. No amount of her grinding herself against him could stir him out of it. Her smile dropped as she dismounted, kneeling between his legs. Her fingers cradling his face, trying to catch his eyes.
“It’s not a joke.” He whispered, “I don’t know what to do.”
“Okay,” Judy cooed, “okay, baby. What did you do before?”
He managed a choked whine, clamping his eyes shut and shaking his head. His chest heaved in short bursts, hyperventilating before letting go in a cry from behind his teeth. His brow dropped onto her shoulder, crying against whatever fabric she was wearing.
He shuddered like a flower caught in a harsh wind, cradled in Judy’s arms. Finally, he collected himself enough to tell her. Admit his most horrible act as he dragged himself through hell.
“I feasted on the…” He blinked hard, regaining himself, “the dead. Carrion. Like a vulture. There were so many, and I didn’t even think. It was like something was eating through me. I was still hungry, my stomach felt empty, but the nagging pain, the creature in my arms and legs, thrashing behind my eyes, was at peace. It would happen every week, and when my mouth would heal, every time, the seams would split open again. It’s why I keep my face stitched up. Why I stayed away, even when I had a mind of my own.” Eddie’s soft gaze met Judy’s, pleading for some solace in his confession, “I’m a monster, Judy.”
But Judy was silent. Her heart ached, broken for a boy who was never malicious. Not for as long as she knew him. Taking a beat with a soft smile in her eyes, she made her decision. She would take care of him. She gave his shoulders a squeeze before standing. “Is it blood, or just flesh?”
“Does the source matter?” She turned to the window.
“Okay,” she watched the cars pass by her house, “let me take care of it.”
Who knew meat was so heavy? Several pounds of shoulder, brisket, and offal (edible organs) hung off her body from various plastic bags. The last was cradled in her arms in a paper bag. A liter of pigs blood. She was still bristling at the interaction she had with the butcher.
“I don’t keep Kosher.” Was all she should have had to say. Not play 20 questions with a man she’d never see again, God willing.
She entered to see Wayne and Margie at the dinner table. Eddie was hiding out in her room.
“Did he tell you what was going on?”
“Didn’t have to, a lot of people have been swooped at by those bat things tonight. Those weird beasts running in the woods. Animals dead. Must be like a feeding frenzy.” Wayne said plainly, nodding to Judy’s bounty, “those for him?”
“Yeah, enough to equate to a quarter of an adult male. I hope it’s enough to sate it and make it easier for him.” She admitted, hauling the bags to the counter. “Don’t know how to prepare it, though. I don’t want him to feel like an animal.”
Margie rested a hand on Judy’s shoulder, “I think I can help with that. I’ve read all about preparing offal. Those will be untouched. As for the meat, I think giving him a variety will make it more sensible. Let’s unwrap what we will use now, stash the other in the cooler. The new fridge will be delivered tomorrow.”
Judy’s aunt was always a wonderful cook, even if there was no actual cooking involved. Her palate was second to none, and in another life, she would have easily beaten the best chefs of the era. Her plate dressing was the most notable, as she could dress even the most grotesque creation beautifully. The way her hands sliced and handled the cuts of beef and pork, the way she heated the blood and thickened it to form a gravy, it was as if she was preparing the grandest meal for the highest king.
As Judy carried the tray to her bedroom, she couldn’t help but marvel at the meal. Eddie met her at the door, mouth covering his face. His eyes wide in fear, Eddie nudged Judy out of the way as he bolted to the bathroom. He stopped in the doorway, looking to the tray in Judy’s hands.
“Oh uh, thanks!” He slipped the food from her hands.
Before she could say, “you’re wel-” He closed the door and turned on the fan.
There was no click of the lock, but Judy respected the little privacy that piece of wood provided him. She simply slid down the wall beside the door, sitting and listening for him to call for her when he was finished.
But she didn’t hear him speak, only hiccupping sobs and feverish gnashing of teeth ricochetting off the walls of the shower. He groaned and sighed as the meat traveled down his throat, the beast within him sounding pleased. He slurped the thickened blood and continued to consume all that was before him. The fan covered up any other sounds. In fact, the only one who could hear anything was Judy. Eddie would appreciate that once the frenzy was over.
That’s when she heard him whine, hyperventilating. No more chewing sounds, no more scarfing and grunting. There was a thump on the shell of the shower, then the sound of the faucet starting and then the shower head. Another whine, and then sobs, as quiet as he could be.
“Eddie, are you okay?” Her fist gently rapped at the door, “Can I come in?”
“Yeah,” came a breathy voice, before trying again to be heard, “yeah.”
She did so, sliding through the smallest crack she could make before closing the door behind her. Eddie was in the shower, the curtain had been removed. He had rummaged through the garage when Judy was out gathering his meat, bringing out a large, heavy drop-cloth. He had laid it to cover the entirety of the floor from the tub to the sink. It collected the water droplets that sprayed from the shower, mixing with the specks of viscera from his feast.
“I…uhm…I popped a stitch.” He said, the tremble in his voice returning.
Judy was finally able to take him in, or all that he would let her see. His legs were folded in on himself, hiding his pelvis. The blood diluted by the water washing from his body and swirling down the drain.
“It’s okay. We were going to take them out anyway, clean you up before we put in new ones.” She smiled, reaching through the shower’s stream to stroke what little of his face she could reach.
His mouth was swollen and red, covered in blood, each time he moved his jaw to speak the cracks in his face split, straining against the stitches. The inner stitch on either corner of his mouth was gone, no doubt down the drain. “Can you…can you cut the others? Release my mouth it really hurts. I can’t do it myself, I’m…” He grit his back teeth, “I’m scared.”
Judy turned off the shower, allowing the rest of the water to pour out the drain. She retrieved the cuticle scissors and doused the blades in isopropyl alcohol, volunteering her own towel to Eddie, letting him gently pat his aching face dry. She didn’t notice how his eyes fluttered closed when he smelled it. His hands immediately covering his cock and his jaw clamping back a moan.
They managed to configure themselves in a way that had Eddie’s head leaning back and resting on a folded towel, Judy leaning over him with one light bulb able to not be eclipsed by Judy’s puffy hair. Thankfully the tissue around the stitches had been moved enough to disturb buildup.
“You ready, big guy?” Judy asked, pushing her glasses back up her nose. Eddie nodded and closed his eyes. His body tensed to keep himself still, to ease the process for her. She leaned in and began to carefully snip through each stitch, the grody cotton falling away slowly as the doubled-up thread gave way to each close of the blades.
Judy’s neck was all Eddie could see, and smell. The expanse from shoulder to shoulder, chin to sternum, exposed to him and all that entailed. Her smell, the warmth from her skin. Each inhale he took sent an intense wave of need to his cock.
Unbeknownst to Judy, Eddie’s genitals had swollen far beyond human comparison. As if fluid beneath the skin had gathered and smoothed out and imperfections. It was softer in feeling but larger in girth. Clear fluid streaming out of the tip, hot and itching for her. And it ached. Oh, how his entire lower half ached. He clamped his hands around it, trying to slow it down, but that did nothing but make it worse. Stroking did too. Like it ached for one thing only, the thing that had awoken it in the first place.
She was so engrossed in the procedure, obsessing over gently snipping each stitch, she hadn’t seen anything else. The top two lines of stitches had released, and the skin pulled back. She saw the gums around his canines and pre-molars had receded, and the tooth itself growing into the bone, making them bigger, tougher. The edges of the skin were raw. His top lip, which resembled the top lip of a Demogorgon maw, released upward to show his incisors, the gums had receded there too, but not to the same extent. The teeth meant for tearing meat were strengthened, where there would be porous dentine and bone was more enamel. If she didn’t love him, his face would have been unnerving.
But to Judy, she was just sad. Morose even over the immense pain this first transformation must have been for him.
She moved to each cheek, each stitch clipped wave way to his back teeth. All the way to his top two wisdom teeth. After the pre-molars, the rest of the teeth were unchanged. The last stitch strained slightly, causing Eddie’s focus to return to his mouth. He folded his lips and cheeks, firming the corners of his mouth, allowing her to snip the last.
“Good job, Eddie.” She sighed, placing a kiss between his brows. Eddie’s hum was more lustful than proud. “Can you keep your mouth closed for the other side?”
“Mm.” He answered, forcing all his facial muscles together. She continued, this time the tension was minimal. A relief each time the thread gave to the blades, but the tension continued to build elsewhere.
His chin was the final set. The hardest to cut through. The one he obsessed over, sewing it together in a cross-stitch, keeping it from separating at all. That was how he could talk, by keeping his hands over the other fissures, he could leave his bottom lip and chin to move. Without it, his face was unrecognizable, and any hope of talking was gone.
One of Eddies hands gripped Judy’s wrist, soaked by his cock and the juices that flowed from it. She felt it drip down her arm as she stopped.
He shook his head.
“You want to wait until we can fix it immediately?”
He nodded.
Judy’s eyes traveled down the stitches, like a trail to finally bring her focus to his swollen cock laying against his abdomen. “Oh my God, Eddie. What?”
Eddie’s other hand lifted from it to form his mouth again, not realizing it would reveal him completely. She stopped him before he could with a stern “no.”
He kept his lips pursed, forcing his maw closed as Judy ran hot water from the faucet and put a bar of soap in his hands. In his panicked and feral mind, he had forgotten about cleanliness, haphazardly washing his hands before forming a cup around his maw, opening a gap between his fingers to allow sound to emanated from the chamber. “Hurts…really bad. Like…not infected bad but…I just. Your smell. It’s…” He blinked back his shame, kneeling in the tub as his need dripped down his balls. “I tried when you were focused, see if it would calm it down.”
It took her a moment to realize what he was trying to say. The frenzy must heighten other desires besides food, other hungers.
“It just made it worse. I need…”
“Okay, let’s do this. Holy shit…” She looked at it. “Uhm…We’d need to be in a different position. Because that’s not fitting when I’m on my back. Shit but I need something under my hips if we’re doing it from behind.” Judy continued to stew. She slipped out of the bathroom, returning with her boombox, Ride the Lightning still inside. She continued to mutter to herself regarding logistics and the ethics of having sex with him in a feral state. She closed the door and locked it, taking off a piece of clothing at a time, starting with her earrings and ending with her jeans. Breasts still contained behind a front-clasped bra, panties at her hips. She finished her torrent of planning, “Drop cloth should be fine.”
She turned to Eddie, also on his feet, gazing at his face in the mirror. From a distance, he opened his maw, tongue sliding along his back teeth. Getting on her knees, she gazed up at him. His eyes left his own reflection in the mirror, to see it in her glasses instead. Judy finally got to see it, the petals of his cheeks moving independently from his jaw, flashes of teeth and reddened gums. The bright yellow of his eyes returning.
His claws reached out, removing her glasses for her and placing them on the counter. His talon pressed down on the boombox’s switch. With the slam on his drums, Lars and Cliff opened the guitars into their two-note cry. A startling opening to the album’s title track.
Intense. Guitar licks like you wouldn’t believe. Most of all, it was loud. Loud enough to cover the sound of a hard fuck.
Judy’s favorite.
She loved to fuck to Ride the Lightning.
Judy couldn’t see the details of Eddie’s face, just streaks of red and pink blending into his pale skin. When he got close enough to her, his maw was pinched together, pressing his forehead against hers. His claws caressed her face and neck, chest beginning to rise and fall deeper. Her scent filling his nose, striking the iron in his core. He was stalling. There was no doubt. She could hear him grinding his molars, clenching to control.
“Eddie, baby, it’s okay.” She said, her voice nearly hypnotic to his frazzled nerves, “I’ll be fine.” Her hand reached down and ghosted her fingertips over his swollen cock, more need seeping from his slit. “Take what you need.”
His breathing came out stuttered, short inhales and exhales before one long sigh. Judy took a chance, her lips gently pressing against the petals of his top lip. Another long sigh passed through his nose, his hips gently bucked into the air.
Eddie’s glowing eyes narrowed playfully, parting from her and crawling to slot himself behind her. There was a sense of excitement in Judy’s body, heart fluttering down to her pussy. In this circumstance, logically, she knew she should have been on her guard. But in the end, her lust won out.
She wanted to try it.
Facing the locked door, palms against the coarse drop cloth, Judy readied herself. She shimmied out of her panties with the help of Eddie’s claws. His hot shaft rested along the crack of her ass. Any touch let to a stream of pre-cum to leave Eddie’s cock. He grasped himself and stroked the head along her folds, painting her with it. Sinking the tip in a few times, guiding his own need inside of her with his talons. Judy purred at the attention, but her knees and shoulders ached already.
Facing away from him, she believed she could hide her pout. But the sigh was audible enough, and Judy’s eyes widened when she realized it. Looking over her shoulder to see Eddie’s blurry but furrowed brow, his eyes narrowed again.
He grasped her hips, sinking himself inside of her. Pulling her closer and closer until it stopped. In Judy’s surprise, she had clenched. His right hand ran up her spine, warm palm and a little pressure, as if to say, “relax.”
She breathed deep into her abdomen, lips parting in a moan. Eddie continued to thrust himself in.
The cock was softer, stiff enough to drive into her, but the skin itself gave as he fucked her. With each pass, his need milked out from his tip and flowed into her. Eddie continued to grow more mindless, needing more, more, more.
Judy's arms weakened as he kept going. From behind her, Eddie's maw hung open, his pointed tongue tasting the air as he panted. Finally, her arms gave out as she slowly rested herself on the drop cloth, arms folded to support her head. Each time he drew out from her, their combined juices fell down her legs.
Eddie's claws gripped her hips harder as he took on her weight. Without his hands or stitches, he could not speak. But with this little lift, he was whispering to her “let go.”
Judy could sense it, surrendering control to Eddie as he continued to fuck into her. All he had to do was keep her up, keep her close. One hand moved up to grip her shoulder, the other remaining on her hip as he bounced her on his swollen cock. Her entrance finally gave way to the swollen base, and she let out a whine from her gritted teeth.
Their combined need poured from her with each draw of his cock, his pace growing more frantic. Judy had receded into herself completely. Her clit remained untouched, and each sensation remained somewhat muted. This was not for her pleasure.
Eddie pulled out a little too far, and when attempting to slide back in with the next thrust, his cock missed and ran between her thighs. His tip catching her clit and leading to a gasp from her lips. He froze.
She unfolded her arms, sinking her palms back to the floor. “Fuck, Eddie please do that again.”
Her thighs instinctively tried to close, and rather than keep them open, Eddie readjusted himself. He pushed her thighs closed, bracketing his calves on either side of hers. Her soft skin enveloped his cock as he drew himself back. Just as it had inside her, his cock gave way and expelled more from his tip. His cock stroking her lips and clit as he did it again. And again. Judy's head reared back, eyes closed with a smile, finally receiving attention as her skin buzzed.
Eddie's face drove forward, bending over her to press himself into the side of her neck. His maw opened to her skin to taste as he returned to his thrusting. The tip of his cock rubbing against her with such fervor, she quickly doubled over, trembling. It was too much. But she wouldn't deny him. No fear of wrath, nor sting of shame kept her, oh no, it was his hunger she fell prey to.
The old Eddie's hunger, amplified by the mindless rutting, his spit and need covering her body. Her nerves were alight in pleasure. Tears springing from her closed lashes. Her jaw kept clenched. She hung her head down, opening her eyes to see it. The head of his swollen cock slipping between her thighs, the release growing cloudier with each pass.
He was getting close, sweat dripping down their bodies as Judy lifted her head. Eddie followed suit, pulling her back with him until his back hit the floor. She felt him cling to her, trusting her to keep her own thighs shut as he continued rutting. His heels dug into the floor, legs tensed as he kept himself up. His teeth sunk into Judy's shoulder, making her scream out, covered by Kirk Hammet's wailing solo that continued to blast through the boombox.
His whole body tensed beneath her as his cock erupted, cum streaming from between her thighs, each pass leading to another fountain of him. He emptied himself onto Judy's skin, hotter than she had ever felt before. Everything below her navel and above her knees was soaked in him, below them as well.
Finally, he was empty. The frenzy was gone. He released her shoulder from his maw. His arms weakened but still stayed around her. Judy remained still, trembling. His bite surprised her. His power surprised her.
Not being able to hear his voice, that scared her.
No skin was broken on her shoulder, but the bruises were deep. Eddie had never bitten her before, not like this. A little nip occasionally, but not a whole chomp. She was the one more likely to do that. And even then, it was rare.
Judy didn’t know what to do. She was completely soaked. Eddie’s cock still clamped between her thighs. But, to her relief, Eddie was willing to take control. He laved his tongue over her bitemark before kissing it as well as he could. His hands guided her left arm around his neck, his hands sliding beneath her thighs. He sat up, pulling his legs beneath him. Their mess fell from between Judy’s parted thighs, a slight hop and he balanced on the balls of his feet.
“I don’t think you can do that. You’re not strong enough.” Judy said, voice coming out like a strained whisper. But Eddie simply breathed deep, picking her up as he rose to his full height. Judy’s free hand scrambled to find something to grip on to. She watched his eyes move from her to the toilet. She lifted the lid and Eddie set her down, letting her feet finally reach the floor. She stood, hand resting on the counter, giving her a way to guide herself on to the toilet.
As she did what she needed to do, Eddie started the shower once again. The drop cloth caught the torrent of sex and famine, but as Eddie nodded to the shower, she realized she would not be the one to clean up. She was back in his hands.
He joined her, taking turns under the water. She gazed at him, vision still obscured, water blocked by his head. His maw opened into a smile, too wide to be human, before leaning his head to the side. The showerhead sprayed water directly into Judy’s face, before once again being blocked by Eddie’s head.
As Judy sputtered in surprise, backing up to rub her eyes, she smiled to herself.
Thank God, he’s back.
Phew, that was intense! Thank you so much for reading my loves. I will start giving myself a less intense deadline. New chapters every weekend. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! tag list: @loserboysandlithium
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maxbegone · 1 year
wip wednesday aka i can't believe i'm actually writing again
working on a thing affectionately titled "rwrb fic or something." i hope you enjoy.
They’re on the road by one, and a little over an hour later, Alex is walking through Austin with Henry at his side. Henry’s in Alex’s Stetson, which, Alex says, is the hottest he’s ever seen him. He notes that he has to get him his own one of these days. At this point, it’s a necessity.
They make a beeline for Franklin Barbecue with one of each of their respective security teams in line with them, and Alex is nearly vibrating out of his skin as he talks about the first time he came here with his family when his mom was in the state legislature and held a fundraising event. He and June both fell asleep in the car on the way home, exhausted from the excitement and the brisket and the pulled pork. They each had to be carried inside.
“I swear I smell this place in my dreams.”
It takes a while, but it’s worth it, just like Alex expected it to be. His fingers are covered in grease and sauce, and there’s a solid mountain of thin paper napkins on the table along with several wipe packs torn open, but none of it stops him from using the heels of his hands to grab Henry’s face and kiss his own sauce-covered lips.
“No, this is the hottest I’ve ever seen you,” he announces into the little space between them.
Henry, whose hands are similar to Alex’s but suspended in mid-air, laughs. “I feel like I need a shower.”
“That can be arranged.” And, because he’s a menace to society, Alex doesn’t break eye contact as he sticks his thumb in his mouth and sucks off the excess sauce.
Henry drops his head, shaking it back and forth. “Oh, that’s not fair.”
“You can be a little messy, Your Majesty, no one gives a shit.”
“You’re a horrible influence on me.”
“You say horrible, I hear wonderful.” Alex goes to do it again, but is stopped this time by the way Henry is batting his hand away and kissing him.
Then he’s saying, “Show me messy,” in a low, sultry voice and Alex immediately makes them wrap up and get out of there.
They end up in a random bar, one that’s starting to get busy now that it’s early evening, and he drags Henry straight to the bathroom which, miraculously, turns out to be a single-person accommodation. Even if it wasn’t, Alex knows Cash is stationed a few feet away outside.
If Henry wants to see messy, then Alex will gladly show him messy. He drops to his knees with a wink, undoing his belt and turning his baseball hat around so the brim isn’t in the way. Thus marks the first Texas dive bar-based blowjob Henry’s received, cheeks flushed a beautiful shade of red and chest heaving.
“Fuck,” Alex hears above him. “I—fuck.”
“Such a way with words, sweetheart.” He stands, giving Henry a proper kiss.
“Why was that so…so mind blowing?” Henry asks. He’s still moderately panting.
Alex leans back against the sink, arms out. “It’s Texas, baby!”
Apparently that’s enough of an answer for Henry, who weakly pushes off the wall that’s covered in stickers and silver Sharpie profanity, slamming into him. He wouldn’t be surprised if his lips were a little bruised later on tonight, but he doesn’t care. Not when Henry’s on him like this.
They go at it until there’s a knock on the door and Cash’s voice carries through, saying, “You got a line forming,” forcing them to make themselves look presentable.
Alex laughs. “Shit.”
“How about you buy me a beer and show me how to line dance?” Henry suggests as they exit, his fingers hooked into one of Alex’s belt loops to keep him close. They’re met with a mostly unfazed short line of bar-goers and Cash.
“I swear if I wasn’t so fucking love with you already,” Alex trails off, guiding Henry toward an already-forming crowd.
It’s ridiculous and lovely in every single way; Henry misses the mark several times, bumps into Alex nearly every other step, barely catching himself in the process. By the time he does get the hang of it, there’s an older woman in a frilly dress and brick red lipstick grabbing Henry by the hand and spinning him around. There’s a permanent smile plastered to his face, and as Alex takes a quick breather and watches as the woman pats Henry’s left leg as a way of telling him to move it back and follow her lead, he finds himself putting this whole day on the list of his favorites when it comes to that man.
The thing is, Texas looks good on Henry; he’s already sunkissed from just two days at the lake, but it’s not only that. He’s more carefree here, more himself. Alex knows not everyone is going to recognize Henry, even if Alex’s own mother is the President and just last year he, a native Texan, was involved in an international scandal with that very Prince of England. But either that doesn’t matter or at the moment, the universe doesn’t care, because Henry is laughing and likely talking freely with more strangers now than he ever has in his life.
Henry can be shy and reserved, a natural introvert from years of Royal protocol, while Alex has a caffeine addiction and is always running a mile a minute. If given the opportunity, they’ll both have their noses in some sort of book or, if prompted, can wax poetic about their greatest passions. They’re two very different external personalities, but so similar deep down. They meld so well. If Henry’s the glue that keeps Alex from truly falling apart on his worst days, he only hopes he can be the same.
Alex is pulled out of his thoughts by Henry himself walking over with outstretched hands, a little breathless.
“Rhoda has demanded I make you join us,” he says cheerily, lacing their fingers together.
“Is she your new dance teacher?” Alex teases, watching as Henry rolls his eyes.
“Yes, she’s much better than you. Now, come on, before the song ends.”
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u5an5 · 2 months
SCP : Sedition - SCP - 053
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_Overwiew room_
*Watch and Dr. Reyes are standing next to CCTV setup with some other man sitting in a chair in front of it*
Dr. Reyes: Just a few more adjustments before we begin.
Dr. Reyes: *motions at the other man* Watch, this is Technician Slyne, he's been helping me whip this little device together.
Tech. Slyne: I just hold the spanners. *shakes hands with Watch* You can call me Greg.
Watch: *shakes hands with Greg* Nice to meet you, Greg. 
Tech. Slyne: So you're that guy the SCPs have a soft spot for, huh? How'd you manage not piss any of them off?
Watch: I wouldn't say I've avoided that. 
Tech. Slyne: Hm, well they haven't killed you yet, so I'd say you're doing something right. Be cool to watch you in action.
Watch: If I had to watch me talk the whole time, I'd be bored to tears.
Dr. Reyes: Alright, the emitters are operational. You should be safe in the Visitors Lounge. You know the drill.
*Reyes' pager beeps*
Watch: Keep away from the glass, refrain from prolonged eye contact, etcetera, etcetera.
Dr. Reyes: *checks the pager* <irritated> Eugh. A few of the 939's managed to maul a doctor. Sounds like I get to look forward to another shift in the morgue.
Dr. Reyes: Look after him, Greg.
Tech. Slyne: No problem, doc.
Dr. Reyes: Good luck, Watch. Be careful.
Watch: Speak for yourself.
*Dr. Reyes walks out*
Watch: Is everything ready?
Tech. Slyne: All yours, man.
[Rest bellow the cut]
_053s cell observation room_
SCP-053: *playing with her toys* I am sorry, Miss Brisket! The cake is gone! What?! You lost the cake?! Now what will the alien ninjas eat as a peace offering? I hear that they like the heads of traitors! (fighting sounds)
*Watch silently walks in*
SCP-053: The alien ninjas will leave us alone now that the beast has been slain!
Watch: I trough alien ninjas were too evil to make an alliance with!
SCP-053: Watch! You're back! You said you would only be a week!
Watch: I know, I was held up by the Pig Prince and his band of dancing swine.
SCP-053: That sounds stupid. You just made that up.
Watch: I... I thought-
SCP-053: (laughs) I know, I am just joking. Did you bring me a present? You are really late after all.
Watch: I thought about getting you something, but I was just so busy. *hides both hands behind his back*
SCP-053: What is behind your back?
Watch: What? Nothing, see? *shows right hand*
SCP-053: No, the other hand!
Watch: *shows left hand* Nothing there either. No idea what you could possibly mean
SCP-053: <whining> Stooop! Why are you being so mean? You don't want me to cry, do you?
Watch: Alright, alright. Here you go. *shows the toy*
SCP-053: (gasp) <excited> Is that-?!
Watch: Your own personal 682. Huggable, portable and dry-cleanable.
SCP-053: I want to see! Let him in!
Watch: Cool your jets, he's on his way.
Watch: *puts the plush into dispenser, taps something on keyboard* Item for transit.
SCP-053: *walks up and takes the plush on the other side* He is perfect! This is well made! Did you do this?
Watch: By hand. I've got the needle jabs to prove it.
SCP-053: You did not have to, for me.
Watch: I wanted to. You're my best friend.
SCP-053: Thank you, best friend! *puts 682 toy aside*
Watch: Not gonna play with him?
SCP-053: I need an audience to help me draw. Otherwise who am I drawing for?
Watch: You could draw yourself?
SCP-053: I... would rather draw for them. 
Watch: Well, while you've caught me in your audience, do you mind if I ask you some questions?
SCP-053: Absolutely! I hardly get to talk to anyone around here... or at least, they do not usually like to talk back.
Watch: Oh, don't worry. You'll be lucky to shut me up.
SCP-053: (giggles)
*Watch is sitting on a chair with crossed legs, looking at questions he has on his clipboard*
Watch: *looks up* First things': How are you adjusting to your new room?
SCP-053: It is excellent! I have soo much room now! The old room was so tiny my elbows scraped the walls when I stretched too far. And my tree is able to grow, it's very happy.
Watch: Certainly looks comfier than my room.
SCP-053: Why do you not ask for a better one?
Watch: I did do something wrong. Nothing bad. Well, not bad to you. I'd never hurt you.
SCP-053: It was only bad to them? The suit men?
Watch: Yeah. The suit men. They don't like what I did, so I don't get a nice room like yours.
SCP-053: They must really like me. Do they still give you food?
Watch: ...What? (chuckles) Of course they do!
SCP-053: <firmly> Good. It is not right to let someone starve, even if they have done something bad.
Watch: I'm sure they'll keep me well fed for a few more years.
Watch: ... Do you remember how long you've been here?
SCP-053: It must be a long time. The days just mix together in here.
Watch: It's been almost half a decade since you arrived. Still the same little girl.
SCP-053: Is that strange?
Watch: Yes.
SCP-053: Is it bad?
Watch: Depends on who you a-
SCP-053: I ask me. And I say it is good.
Watch: (amused huff) Fair enough.
Watch: Is little 682 fitting in with your town nicely?
SCP-053: He is a little mean to everyone, but he is nice to the teacher. She knows there is more to him than just being mean.
Watch: If he's so mean to everyone else, what does he see in the teacher that makes him nice? Or not eat her, at least.
SCP-053: I do not know. He does not like people knowing what he feels, but... I think he secretly likes for who she is. But this is very strange to him.
Watch: Why is that?
SCP-053: Because he does not like anybody! She is just like everyone else, so why does she not anger him like the rest?
Watch: A hidden sensitive side to 682? I say it's impossible... If I did, then I feel my grip on reality would let go.
SCP-053: What?
Watch: I'm just saying, it seems more likely he sees something in her he can relate to. Maybe she's just as bad as he is?
SCP-053: ... *to her toy* Is that true? Are you really as mean as he is? ... *to Watch* I do not think you're right. She is not a bad person at all!
Watch: Well then... maybe she has the power to do great things, and wants to use her to do great things for himself?
SCP-053: That may be, but there is still one thing he has not counted on.
Watch: What's that?
SCP-053: Being a friend with someone so powerful in heart... it changes you. Whether you want to just be friends or use that person from the start.
SCP-053: Something so evil wants to be my friend, they had better fear becoming a good person.
Watch: Your friend?
SCP-053: <startled> Huh?!
Watch: Are we still talking about the dolls?
SCP-053: <distressed> No- I did not mean- The teacher! She- I want the next question!
Watch: (chuckles)
Watch: <to himself> (tsk) What's the point of asking that?
SCP-053: What is wrong with the question?
Watch: Oh, just... I've asked this every interview. I doubt we'll get a straightforward answer.
SCP-053: I could know the answer!
Watch: I doubt that.
SCP-053: I am smarter than you think!
Watch: It's not that kind of question-
SCP-053: Then ask!
Watch: Alright. Do you know anything about SCP-001?
SCP-053: <getting exited> There is a 001? Is he a kid too? Does he want a friend? Hey, how do I get a better number?
Watch: Woah, Woah, I thought I was asking the questions.
SCP-053: This is important! Being fifty three does not sound good! And I do not even know why I am only made fifty-three!
Watch: Don't worry, it's not a competition.
SCP-053: <whining> But, still!
Watch: Hey, being the fifty-third SCP isn't too bad. There are thousands of them.
SCP-053: How much are thousands? More than a hundred?
Watch: Much more.
SCP-053: That does not sound so bad. Did I beat you?
Watch: I don't have a number.
SCP-053: Oh. I thought...
Watch: What?
SCP-053: Nothing. It is not important. <hopefull>Is 001 a kid like me?
Watch: Afraid not.
SCP-053: Oh. Well, there must be other children. Can we play together?
Watch: It's not that simple. They're all... different.
SCP-053: I like different friends! I like you, and you are an adult.
Watch: Not that kind of different. It... may not be safe.
SCP-053: <resigned> Oh. Okay. I understand.
Watch: Are you okay?
SCP-053: <choking back tears> Y-yeah.
Watch: When did you first notice you could influence the behaviour of people around you?
SCP-053: ...Huh? What are you talking about?
Watch: You know, when... when people get angry.
SCP-053: <distressed> I... I do not know what you-
Watch: (sigh) *puts up hand to his face* I told them you wouldn't know.
Watch: *puts hand down* Uh... Have you noticed strange things happening around you?
SCP-053: Not much. You are kind, and Doctor Reyes, he even reads to me from his book on mythical creatures! But...
Watch: Go on?
SCP-053: Some of the people who bring me food, they look at me... strange. Some look so afraid of me, while others have anger in their eyes. Like I have done some terrible thing...
SCP-053: <distressed> I have not done anything wrong, have I?! Something I can never take back, and forgotten it all?!
Watch: No, no no, calm down. It's all right, you haven't done anything wrong.
SCP-053: <more distressed> I cannot be sure! How do I not know you are lying to me?!
Watch: Do you trust me?
SCP-053: Yes?
Watch: Then believe me. You've done nothing wrong.
Watch: I hear you've been having trouble sleeping. Nightmares?
SCP-053: ... *looks up at Watch then goes back to drawing*
Watch: Wanna talk about it?
SCP-053: ...
Watch: I've been having dreams too, you know? I'm on a dark road, the wet ground under my feet, I can taste the rain in the air. It almost seems frozen... like a picture.
Watch: I'm running, and I can feel a hand in my own. Someone is running with me. We're being followed. I can't hear it, but I can feel the breath on my neck.
SCP-053: What is it?
Watch: I don't know. I only see a shape charging after us, I can feel time slowing down around me, my hand losing \ grip as the person with me lags behind.
Watch: Finally... we let go.
SCP-053: What do you do?
Watch: I'm too scared to turn back. I just... leave them. But the thing... it never stops. It's always there, chasing me down... like a guilty conscience.
SCP-053: ... In my dreams, everyone runs away. I am outside, but I might as well still be here. I cannot bear the loneliness. I am sad when no one is here.
Watch: You'll never be alone, even if it seems like I'm not here.
SCP-053: Then why does no one come into my room?
Watch: ...You know, I have a friend who would be more than happy to meet you.
SCP-053: Who is it?
Watch: It's an SCP, like you.
SCP-053: <exited> Is it another kid?
Watch: No, no. Its name is 999, but we like to call it "The Tickle Monster"
SCP-053: (laughs) That does not sound much like a terrifying monster to me!
Watch: Only terrifyingly fun! Would you like to meet it?
SCP-053: Sure!
Watch: *turns towards CCTV camera* Hey Greg, any chance we can bring 999 down here?
Tech. Slyne: *trough intercom* 'Afraid not, 999 was shipped out yesterday to that new facility.
Watch: Damn…
Watch: I think we should take a little break. *to Greg* Think you can grab me a sandwich from the canteen, and the number 348 for my friend here?
Tech. Slyne: 348? I'm not sure I have the clearance to get that.
Watch: Tell Jacobs I requested it. He'll give you the okay.
Tech. Slyne: ...If you're sure. I don't wanna be amnesticised because of this.
SCP-053: What is a 3-4-8?
SCP-053: *slurps her soup bowl* This soup is delicious! It is warming me to my heart. What is it?
Watch: *eating sandwich* Not sure, but I think it was some kind of Laksa.
SCP-053: Do you get your own laksa?
Watch: 348 is a little difficult to predict. It's a bit random, but always makes you exactly what you need.
SCP-053: <concerned> ..I am not hurting it, am I?
Watch: (chuckles) No.
SCP-053: *to the bowl* Well, this laksa is perfect, 348. Thank you very much!
SCP-053: <in hushed tone> ..It can hear me, right?
Watch: *shrugs, chewing sandwich* I 'unno.
SCP-053: Watch, can I ask you something?
Watch: You just did.
SCP-053: Oh, right! I mean, is it okay if I ask you something... personal?
Watch: Sure.
SCP-053: ...Where are you from?
Watch: Why do you wanna know that?
SCP-053: You do not talk about yourself much.
Watch: I told you the dream.
SCP-053: I do not know anything about your family, where you grew up, what you do. I like you, but I feel like I do not know you.
Watch: There-... There's not much to tell. Didn't have a proper home growing up. Bounced around Arizona and parts of Texas before heading out on my own.
SCP-053: I do not think you are telling me everything. Didn't you have a family? A friend?
Watch: I was never really user friendly. Always found a way to disappoint them, or lose them.
SCP-053: You have not disappointed me.
Watch: And you're pretty hard to lose.
SCP-053: (laughs)
Watch: Some people never had families, but it's not something to pity them over. Its easy not missing something you never had.
SCP-053: But...-
Watch: Don't feel sorry for me. I'm making a family now... one step at a time.
SCP-053: Have you ever tried to find them? Your family?
Watch: I know where they are.
SCP-053: Oh... What do you think they would say to you?
Watch: Not sure. "We're here for you", or something tender-family-moment-like, I hope. What about yours?
SCP-053: ... *slurps on soup* 
Watch: What does your bowl say??
SCP-053: Huh?! ..."Nothing is wrong with you". Did you write this?
Watch: It always gives you exactly what you need.
SCP-053: *starts crying softly*
Watch: Are you okay?
SCP-053: Yes. My dad used to tell me this.
Tech. Slyne: Sorry to break this up, but the researchers are asking for 348 back.
Watch: That's alright, we're finished with it anyway.
Tech. Slyne: Roger that.
Watch: Breaks over. Are you okay for couple more questions?
SCP-053: I am now.
Watch: This one's gonna sting a bit, but... do you remember your parents?
SCP-053: No... Not my real parents.
Watch: We always thought the ones from the village we found you in-
SCP-053: Oh! No, that was my family. My father told me he and my mother found me in the desert. They had seen the light in the distance and found a fire, I was nearby.
Watch: And they raised you, huh? What do you remember of them?
SCP-053: My mother was very kind to me, as was my dad. They both felt it was important I learn English and Español for when I grow older, so we would play word games. But... one night, I heard them having a fight.
SCP-053: I... cannot remember what happened after, but I never saw mummy after that.
Watch: What happened?
SCP-053: Daddy said she had to go far away. But she took the rug and nothing else. Where would she go with only a rug?
Watch: <stumped> Maybe... she just really liked the rug. Meant something to her.
Watch: Let's move on a little bit. How was life with your father?
SCP-053: Father tried his best to make me happy. He worked soo hard, and when it was time for me to go to school, he forbade it. 
Watch: Did he say why?
SCP-053: He only said "for protection". I do not understand what he was protecting me from? They had both been excited to send me to school so I could learn about the world.
Watch: So what did your father do with you?
SCP-053: I stayed at home. Some days he would work, other days he would teach me. He always looked so tired. When he did put me to bed, he would always tell me stories from his childhood.
SCP-053: Sometimes he did not finish these stories, and... the next day, he would seem even worse.
Watch: He never let you out at all?
SCP-053: I watched the children playing through the cracks in my window. He had boarded them up. He said... he said they could not see me until it was safe. But, they seemed so nice.
SCP-053: Anyone who came to our door, he would shout at them until they left.
Watch: Were you scared?
SCP-053: Of him? No. I was worried about him though. Afraid of what was happening that he could not let me see. I asked if I could help...
SCP-053: He would pat my head and smile, and tell me everything was alright, with his little girl in his life. There was nothing wrong with me.
Watch: No, there wasn't.
SCP-053: I should have listened to him. I should have stayed inside.
Watch: You left the house?
SCP-053: <distressed> I could not take the loneliness anymore! I just wanted to play! But the town, they got mad with my father. I wanted to tell them that it was my fault, but... when I woke up, they were all lying there.
Watch: Who was?
SCP-053: The town. The people. I thought they were sleeping, and so was my father. But, they did not wake up. I was alone. That is when the suit men came and took me here.
Watch: Do you wish you were still there? Living with your family?
SCP-053: I loved them, I still do, but... I did not like where we were. Here is not so bad, but, I miss being able to feel a warm hug before going to bed. Do you know what I mean?
Watch: We'll sort this out one day, and you'll get that hug
Watch: Do you think about living a normal life?
SCP-053: What is normal?
Watch: I don't suppose you've experienced much in the way of normal.
SCP-053: Do you know what it is like?
Watch: No, I suppose neither do I. Quite a few people are privileged to the unusual lives we lead.
SCP-053: Then we are lucky.
Watch: Why is that?
SCP-053: If we were normal, it would be boring.
Watch: But you'd probably have more friends, and get those hugs you wanted.
SCP-053: I guess so. Since I cannot change what I have, I should make do with it then.
Watch: Unusual comes with its trade offs. Always the bright side to everything.
SCP-053: <teasing> I think you could benefit, Mr. Negative
Watch: There ain't no Wondertainment tag on me yet!
SCP-053: Wondertainment...?
Watch: Its- Nevermind.
SCP-053: Watch?
Watch: Yeah?
SCP-053: Have you ever had anything close to a family?
Watch: I don't- want to upset you.
SCP-053: It would upset me more if you did not say.
Watch: I... uh- wasn't alone my whole childhood.
SCP-053: Who was there?
Watch: When my parents died, they left me and a little baby girl. I tried to make sure that wherever the system stuck us, we weren't separated. It was easy to tell how little they cared.
SCP-053: What happened to her?
Watch: I often found myself in confrontations with my carers. My sister on the other hand, she... people got too close to her. She was an easy target. As hard as I tried, I couldn't always be enough to keep the bad people away.
Watch: So we hit the road. I thought I could take care of her. I was stupid. I didn't want the system to catch up to us, we kept walking and walking. A long, heavy storm came... it never stopped raining.
Watch: She told me she felt cold, and I just kept leading her further into the dark. But soon... she couldn't even walk. And after that... she didn't even move.
Watch: The one shred of family I had, and I snuffed it out of existence...
Watch: I regret it every day. We should have just kept taking the abuse. I shouldn't have done something. Maybe she'd still be alive *pinches nose*
SCP-053: You were trying to help her. You were only a child, trying to do something beyond your years. You tried to do the impossible because you knew it was worth leaving rather than staying in terrible places.
SCP-053: It did not stop you from finding another family.
Watch: I'm... trying to. There's still a lot I need to move past. Thank you though.
SCP-053: I am happy to help, my friend!
Watch: This isnt on the questionnaire, but I'm curious. Do you remember if your parents gave you a name?
SCP-053: I never liked it. I like 053 better.
Watch: Why?
SCP-053: *shrugs* I-unno. Just sounds better to me. You do not like it?
Watch: Names can mean a lot. They make up a part of your identity. I don't think it suits a child. Seems cold.
SCP-053: I see. Then I will need a good name.
Watch: How’s about Lily?
SCP-053: I do not want to be called a flower!
Watch: Alright. Madeline?
SCP-053: I do not feel it suits me.
Watch: Hmm.
SCP-053: What was your sister's name?
Watch: Evelyn.
SCP-053: Evelyn.
Watch: It means "life"
SCP-053: I could not do that, it was hers.
Watch: Take it. I'm sure it's what she’d want. I think its meaning fits you more than the number 53.
SCP-053: (giggles) Okay! Evelyn.
SCP-053: (hums some tune)
Watch: What did you draw? Can I see?
SCP-053: They are not all finished. This one is the town. This is me giving 682 a bath. It is not to scale. And that is us in a park.
Watch: Are we on swings?
SCP-053: I was going to draw us on swings, but you were so big your feet always touched the ground.
Watch: I'm not that tall-
Tech. Slyne: Excuse me guys, we've only got ten minutes left.
Watch: Okay, we'll wrap things up. I just need to-
SCP-053: <whining> I thought we were going to play noow?
Watch: I knoow, but we've got word association to go. We rush through, we can play. Okay?
SCP-053: Okay.
Watch: Alright. Flower.
SCP-053: Sunshine!
Watch: Sunshine
SCP-053: Flower!
Watch: Cheeky.
SCP-053: Me! (laughs)
Watch: (chuckles) ... Sky.
SCP-053: Heavens
Watch: Home.
SCP-053: Lonely.
Watch: Friend.
SCP-053: Watch.
Watch: ...Scarlet.. King.
SCP-053: ...
Watch: What does that have to do with... I'll skip that one. Double entendre or something.
… (uneasy silence)
_field emitter generator room_
*field emitter generators are shown. At exactly 00:18:00:00 TCG they break down.*
*electronics turn down, lights go off, emergency lights and alarm start to blare*
_053s Observation Room_
*power goes off*
SCP-053: Watch!
Watch: It's okay, it's just the lights. Everythings gonna-
Tech. Slyne: Stay put, I'll find out what happened! You okay?
Watch: I'm good in here!
SCP-053: I'm okay.
_Overwiew room_
*alarms are blaring*
Tech. Slyne: <under breath> Oh my god, Reyes is gonna kill me-
*more alarms*
Tech. Slyne: Ugh... *takes his head in hands like he just got a big headache* Oh God! Oh! God! *falls on floor, writhing in pain*
Tech. Slyne: Argh! God! *starts smashing his face into the floor, blood splashing out is visible*
The CCTV does not display a video feed. Audio feed is still being recorded.
Tech. Slyne: (growls and snarls)
Note: It is assumed Greg runs into the hallway of the observation room.
_053s Observation Room_
SCP-053: It is getting cold.
Watch: Central heating is off. Don't worry, it'll be back on soon.
(loud bang)
SCP-053: What is that?
Watch: I don't know.
SCP-053: It does not sound friendly.
(multiple closer, much louder bangs)
Watch: *stands up*... Greg?
(multiple much closer, much louder bangs with sounds of yelling and growling)
SCP-053: What is wrong with him?
Watch: Move to the back of the room! Now!
*Greg manages to break down the door*
Watch: Stay back, Greg! I'm warning you!
*Greg runs at Watch, yelling the whole time. Camera starts to flicker aggressively*
*Greg holds Watch up by his throat and throws him into the wall. He then tries to break down the glass wall separating him from 053*
SCP-053: <terryfied> Aah! Watch! Help!
Watch: Evelyn! *almost instantly runs up to Greg and grabs him away from the glass. He then throws him into the place the camera was set with seemingly inhuman strength.*
*Camera flickers off*
Tumblr media
*the Woman from end of 035 recording is shown, setting up camera to be directed at her face*
Woman: Log E-18
Woman: I've seen so many hours of SCP interviews, spent months scouring for anything I can use, or anyone that can help me. Maybe in another world, we could have helped each other. 
Woman: The things you are able to accomplish, how you connect with subjects and what you were able to extract. *starts typing on keyboard*
Woman: But you're just a pawn, kept under lock and Key by the foundation. I can't let them have you. How you've been able to survive the encounters astounds me, as much as it eludes my understanding.
Woman: Even after what happened with 053, by all reasoning, you should be dead. She came back, as expected. The technician died, again, expected. *crosses arms* But you didn't.
Woman: I can only assume that Jacobs is shielding you from the eyes of the other O-5 Council members, but what I have planned should fix their attention straight on you. There is no other way. *goes back to typing*
Woman: Another victim in a long game, and for all intents and purposes, you don't exist. No file, nothing.
Woman: You can't hurt a ghost, and that's what you are, Watch: a ghost.
*Woman grabs the camera and turns it off*
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joe9cool · 2 years
TW: Mention of suicide. Just the word, also no hate to any real life people. This is just a work or fiction.
Justin was freaking out. What should he do? Should he tell his parents they should cancel their flight? He couldn’t do that, they would ignore him anyways and he knew she would never admit it, but his mom was losing her mind. This was his first major injury at the NFL level, and he was in alot of pain.
But that also left the question of Sara, she was staying at his house. What was he supposed to do about her? He didn't want her to leave, but he wasn’t sure that they were ready for that step. I mean they haven’t even had a talk about what this meant. Now she is going to be meeting his parents?
He wondered how he was going to navigate this situation, he didn’t think his injury was serious for his parents to come from Oregon, his parents had lives, jobs, and friends. Not to mention Patrick was still living with them. They had enough on their plates, they didn’t need to come down just for this.
He went through the rest of the tests in a daze, so much so that he didn’t realize how much time had passed, or there was a knock on the door.
Mike came in, Sara right behind him holding his bag. Mike had a shit eating grin. “I ran into your girl as she was going to drop off something."
She held up his bag, " I was just going to give it to Mike but he insisted that he take me to you."
The team doctor was starstruck, “I'm not trying to be unprofessional here, but its very nice to meet you.” He shook Sara’s hand. “My daughter is a huge fan of the show, and your acting in general. Would you mind if I took a picture for her?”
Sara blushed. “Um sure.” The doctor passed his phone to Mike and he took the photo, not realizing that Justin was glaring at her the whole time. After the photo was taken, Sara wanted to leave. Detecting that Justin wasn’t happy about her presence but Mike wasn’t having it. He wrapped his arm around her. “Naw see we gotta introduce you to the guys that are here! You’re telling me Herb has been keeping you a secret all this time and now you wanna leave?”
Justin tried to interfere. “Mike. Stop”
Mike brushed him off, continuing his hold on Sara. “Naw man you finally get a girlfriend, and you tryna hide it! And look at that ,a famous movie star!” He looked at Sara “Did you know Herb had no intention of calling you after you gave him your number!”
Sara smirked at Justin. “Oh I’m sure I was the one that called him”
Mike busted out laughing. “I fucking knew it.” He slapped Justin on the thigh. “I bet Ekeler $50”
Justin’s face paled “Wait Ekeler knew?”
“Hell ya man! You ain’t that slick, we all knew you were seeing someone. Hey, I am happy for you guys. Make a cute couple,” He walked out. “Hey Sara, you need to come to one of our Brisket days.”
He left, leaving the Doctor, Justin, and Sara alone. The doctor decided to check on some results leaving the couple alone.
“I was going to text you to let me know when you are here I could have discreetly picked it up.”
She shrugged. “I was trying to message you, I was looking around for security and Mike spotted me. I am sorry”
“Its fine. Hey listen” He scratched the back of his head. “I got a text from my parents that they are en route from Oregon.”
Sara sighed. “I guess that means I should be-”
“You can still stay with me.”
That stunned her into silence “Sara?”
“Wow. Are you sure? I mean I would love to meet them but what does this make us?” She had to put it out there. It was driving her crazy not to know what this was. They had been dancing around the subject for a few months.
Justin looked around. Now was not the time to be discussing this “Let’s talk later, I don’t think this is the place.”
Sara nodded. “Okay, but I am not going to forget about this.”
They were interrupted by a knock. The doctor poked his head in “Um Justin? We have the results ready.”
“Okay I have to go, I’ll pick my parents up from the airport when I am done here. See you at home.” He got up and left with the doctor.
Sara smiled like a schoolgirl
He said “See you at home.”
“Come meet my parents”
They did have to have the talk but right now none of that matters. She had to impress the people who made the man she loved.
A fucking rib cartilage fracture.
“You will be put as day to day” Coach Staley said. “We will be giving you a few days to rest and recover.”
“How long will recovery be in general?”
“Months, I would recommend missing a few games.” Justin and Staley both shook their heads no. “No way, this season is too important.”
“Justin, we don't want any long term damage. You’re taking a big chance if you continue to play like this. Its going to be really uncomfortable.”
Staley stepped in. “Look, we have a few extra days. Justin, go home and rest, spend time with your family. We will check back in on Monday. “
The doctor had prescribed painkillers for him to take and bandage wraps for his midsection. He warned Justin that sneezing, coughing, and laughing would be painful for some time.
Justin went to the pharmacy to pick up the stuff he needed before heading to the airport to pick up his parents. As he was waiting in the pick up area, he was trying to figure out how he was going to make this speech. He was also wondering if his parents knew who she was, he would like to think they are hip. However, they are still his parents and used to actors and actresses from their generation. He can recall he and his family in theaters when Bohemian Rhapsody came out.
It was funny, because he never gave that movie a second thought, but now that he is dating the person that was Freddie Mercury’s love interest he might have to watch it again. He broke free from his thoughts when he got a text from his dad saying they had arrived. He placed his porsche in park and put on his mask so he didn’t get recognized
It didn’t take long for him to see his parents coming towards him, considering they have been there so many times. “Justin!” His mom reached out for a hug but stopped herself as she remembered the reason she was in town. “Oh I’m so sorry baby. How are you feeling?”
He shrugged. "Fine as can be." After they were all settled and in the car Justin told them the complexity of the situation. After a quick silence he decided to break the news. "So listen I actually have a friend staying with me right now. I was going to text you and say not to come down because I was covered but."
"Oh? A teammate?" Holly questioned.
"Um no"
"Someone else came from Oregon?" He smiled. His parents knew he didn't have any friends outside of his teammates in LA.
"No it's actually someone I've been seeing." The air got sucked out of the car. Justin saw in his peripherals that his dad turned around to face his mom in the backseat. "Mom. Dad?"
"I had no idea you were seeing anyone. Is it new?" Holly was the first one to ask questions.
"Well it's been a few months."
"A few months huh? And she's already staying with you?" Justin knew what his mother meant by that. She was protective of her sons and she wasn't stupid. Once word got around that her son was going pro, girls started to surround him. Her other son Patrick was going through the same thing. Girls would do anything if it meant they became the girlfriend or wife of an NFL player.
"Mom, it's not like that. She makes more money than me." He didn't know her exact net worth, but he had overheard conversations with her banker and investors and wow.
His dad finally spoke up. "What does she do?"
"She works in the entertainment business."
"Oh like on sets?"
Justin smirked "I guess"
"Well that's great sweetie. We can't wait to meet her." He could tell his mom was still hesitant. He didn't introduce them to girls. The last one being in high school.
By the time they arrived and Justin unlocked his door he could smell food and sweets. Sara came around the corner with a bright smile on her face. However he knew her too well. She was twisting the ring she usually wore on the forefinger. It was a habit that she did when she was extremely nervous.
"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Herbert. I'm Sara" she stuck out her hand. "Nice to meet you."
"Sara, nice to meet you. Please we are Mark and Holly. "
She smiled. "I made dinner, and there's cookies in the oven. I had no idea you guys were coming in."
Holly smiled. "We usually don't, but I was so worried seeing him on the field like that. I thought he would need help. But apparently not."
Sara reached their bags, ready to put them in the guest room but Mark insisted they could do it.
Holly remarked. "If I had known about you.
I would have brought out the photo album."
Sara felt a pang. "He didn't tell you?"
"No, he is very private even with us. So I'm not too surprised." Sara looked out to where Justin and Mark were standing
"I haven't said anything to my parents. So I can't say anything." She confessed.
"Really? Private as well "
Sara was surprised that she would spill information to basically a stranger. "My parents are somewhat wealthy snobs. Corporate careers only matter. My sisters and their husband's are all basically business and law school graduates and there's me."
"Justin said you worked in entertainment."
Sara smiled. "I'm an actress." Holly clapped her hands together. "I knew I recognized you from somewhere! You were in Little Women!"
"Yes, and a few other films."
"Is everyone getting along?" They looked over to see Justin and his dad heading in. Justin looked nervous.
Holly smiled. " Everything's great."
Justin was suddenly distracted by the huge edible arrangement on the counter with a teddy bear. "What's this?"
At the mention of the fruit Sara's mood soured. "It came while you were gone. I don't know who it's from there's a card though."
One of the good things about acting is that she could hide her emotions once she processed them. She had more than enough time to process this.
The bear was holding a heart that said 'get well soon' which peaked her interest when the delivery guy dropped it off.
She knew that she had no right to look at the card in the envelope but it wasn't sealed. As Justin looked out the card she knew exactly what that fucking card said.
'I'm always here for you. Miss you
Your Tay Bae
She watched his face out of the corner of her eye. He seemed neutral as he ripped up the card.
"Justin!" Holly scolded. "That's rude! Who sent that nice arrangement?"
"The O-line sent it. Trying to mess with me by sending the bear." He rolled his eyes.
Sara wanted to punch him
One of her flaws was that she was a very jealous person. Obviously dating someone with a fan base involves female fans getting out of hand. She dealt with that with Harry.
But this.. this was something else.
Who the fuck was Tay?
She made sure to keep record of the name
He wouldn't be stupid enough to follow this bitch on instagram
"Sara!" She snapped out of her daze to find the group looking at her. "Huh?"
"I said something smells good." Mark laughed as she flushed bright red. "You were spacing out."
"I'm so sorry, where are my manners. Yes I made a spinach mancotti." She took the food out of the warmer. Justin began to pull out plates.
Dinner was a hit. Sara loved his parents, they were easy to talk to. They asked about her career and how she got started. Justin realized he didn't even know the answer to these questions and he started to feel bad about not really asking her about her career. She was so invested in him that he didn't even pay attention to hers.
The card seemed to be forgotten as everyone ate, dessert and coffee was served. Holly and Mark couldn't stop complimenting her cooking skills.
"I took culinary classes in high school and college. I was always more drawn to the arts rather than sports."
"Oh god it's so nice to hear that. My family is sports obsessed and so am I. It's just nice to discuss some other topics.
After dessert Justin and Sara cleaned up while his parents sat outside on the patio. She insisted on them not helping with nothing and relaxing.
Unbeknownst to the couple in the kitchen. The elders were watching him
"That kinda reminds me of us when we were younger. " Mark remarked to his wife as he saw his son pinch the brunette's butt as she swatted at him laughing.
"Who would have known he found someone? You know he did not discuss football or the game once since we met her." Holly smiled and took a sip of her drink. "Who would have thought?"
"I don't think I've seen him like this with anyone."
They watched as Justin looked at Sara while she was wiping down the counter. He was staring at her like a love struck boy. It was adorable to see.
Before too long the couple joined them and they spent the rest of the night talking. Around 10:30 Holly and Mark went to bed.
Soon after, Justin and Sara headed up to his room. Sara helped him out of his clothes and switched out his wrapping. After he was done and laying in bed Sara did her night routine. When she walked out of the bathroom she saw him reading.
"I'm going to turn this light off since you have your nightstand on." She turned off the overhead ones.
"If you need anything I have my phone up. Goodnight babe." She was about to head to the living room when he called out.
"Uh where do you think you're going?"
She looked confused. "I'm sleeping on the coach. It pulls out."
He rolled his eyes. She was silly If she thought she was going to sleep on the coach. "Um I know it pulls out, I bought it."
Sara rolled her eyes. "Get your cute ass on this bed." He patted the spot next to him.
"No way, you said I'm violent in my sleep. I'm not risking you getting hit."
"I didn't say 'violent' I said 'move around too much. Difference" He smirked.
"Don't change it. I remember it clearly as day. 'Gosh Sara you're violent.'" She mimicked his voice.
He laughed then let out an 'Ow as he held his rib.
"See I already did enough damage. Goodnight."
She left the room, and Justin was left pouting. The whole point of her being there was to sleep with him. Not sexually, well maybe a little sexual. He liked that physical connection. He liked closeness, it was embarrassing to admit but he and Sara tried cockwarming a few times and he had become obsessed with it. It would usually lead to sex, but if it didn't he would be content with that.
After a while of reading, he fell asleep.
Sara waited til she heard the snoring from his room. Then she investigated.
She put her brightness on low, then went to the first place she thought of
She was going to log into her personal account. The one that only followed family and close friends but she thought against it. She went into her fan page account. It wasn't to actually have a fanpage for herself, it was to snoop on people and other things. See what they were saying about her.
Clicking on Justin's profile she went to his following. The first thought that ran through her head was the name
Tay Bae.
Tay is usually a shortened version of Taylor. Let's start with that. She put in the name Taylor.
11 results. Most of the names were guys, except for two.
There was taylor who was a sports dietician that was private. Then there was Taylor Biscotti.
She was a sports reporter for the Chargers and NFL analyst. She was blonde, pretty the usual nightmare for girls like Sara.
But that didn't prove anything. But then she thought about the conversation she and Bella had in the kitchen.
Everyone has a past, why is he so private?
She didn't Google Justin's personal life. She swore she would never do that. Anyone can do that and make assumptions. Hell people have done that to her.
But now she had to get to the bottom of this.
Going into Google Images she typed in
'Justin Herbert and Taylor Biscotti'
The first photos were interviews they had done together but the caption on one of them caught Sara's eye
Justin Herbert in lowkey relationship with NFL-
Upon clicking the article, she was going to be sick.
Justin Herbert is in lowkey relationship with Taylor Biscotti
The two were spotted out and about the Irvine area after picking her up from the airport.
She took a deep breath, okay maybe this is an old article. She looked at the date.
June 15th 2022.
She searched again and stumbled upon an interview she did with him on Twitter last season. To the normal person it would seem like a normal interview. But she knew Justin, she knew his body language and his facial expressions. In the comments there were some crude ones about them. Remarks about Herbert getting interviewed by his girlfriend.
"You motherfucker" She whispered.
Sara liked to see the best in people she really did. However being an overthinker overruled that.
Maybe he ended it once they started dating. But why the fuck would she send that expensive arrangement? She kept deep diving. She found some blogs that speculated due to their careers it was just a hook-up and nothing serious. But again who the fuck sends a hookup something like that?
Also another thing bothered her.
"Both reps were reached out for comment but no return."
Now if nothing was going on why wouldn't they deny it.
Sara liked to hurt herself so she went back to Taylor's page. Her most recent post about the NFL being back and she was rooting for the Chargers made her angry. Torturing herself further, She looked at the comments.
Beautiful Taylor
Go Chargers!
Justin is a lucky man!
You still seeing Herb?
She couldn't handle it. She logged out and deleted her search history.
She locked herself in the furthest bathroom and stifled her crying.
Is this why he didn't want to follow her? Why was he so private? Was he protecting her feelings?
What about her feelings? It was at that moment that she came to the Realization that she was falling in love with him.
Maybe she was being overdramatic. Maybe it was just a hookup and they were cordial. They work together and Justin doesn't like awkwardness.
She calmed herself down by coming to that conclusion and splashed cold water on her face. Now was not the time to bring this up. Not with his parents here and him being injured.
She headed back onto the couch. Just as she was about to drift off she felt herself being pulled against something. "What the-"
"Shhh" She felt kisses on her neck and she settled down. "You're supposed to be sleeping." She tried to keep the bite out of her voice.
He didn't seem to notice. "I can't sleep without you. I miss you."
She tried to get out of his arms. But despite his injury, his good side still had more power than him. "Stop fighting me" He growled. He tried a different approach. "You're gonna risk hurting me and we can't have that can we?" He continued kissing down her neck and sucked on the spot that got her going. She held back a moan
He was being so cuddly and clingy. She had to ask "did you take a pain pill?"
She felt him nod. She felt herself nodding off again. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to hear what came out of Justin's mouth
He whispered. "I'm crazy about you."
And in that moment, all was forgotten.
The rest of the weekend went great. Holly and Mark got to know Sara more. She tried to back off and allow his parents to spend time with him. She kept herself busy on the phone with her publicist trying to go over specifics over next month's darling premiere. Justin and his parents were at the training facility going over his treatment plan before he dropped his parents off at the airport.
"Oh by the way." Her publicist Heidi was an older woman with sharp tendencies. To many people she came off as a bitch. But the truth was she knew the business like the back or her hand and didn't want to see her clients get caught up on the wrong side. "What are you doing in Irvine?"
"I was scrolling at your tag on Twitter. There was a guy posting a pic of your autograph, saying you refused a picture."
"Oh! Yes I was grocery shopping and I didn't want to get recognized. " hoping that she bought the lie.
"In Irvine?"
"Yes, I'm sort of taking a break, plus one of my friends from college lives there so I was staying with them for a few days."
Heidi didn't seem to think anything of it as she changed the subject. "Also Mr. Styles' team requested that you two take a photo on the carpet together at the premiere."
Sara was confused. "Why would he want that?"
"Beats me, but he is pretty consistent. This could be a big opportunity for you two. Maybe a big reconciliation. An interview where you say you want to work together? This could be big Sara, if rumors start that you two might get back together this will blow up!"
'Except I'm over Harry and don't want to be in the press with his name' She thought to herself. She took a deep breath. "Heidi I don't want to be associated with rumors that aren't true. It would just be a lie, I'm not saying I could never be cordial again. It's just I can't see anything past that."
She heard a sigh of disappointment. "Okay well its something to think about. You two would be the ultimate power couple. The press, your fans would go nuts!"
"Yeah I'm not too sure." She heard the front door open and she was grateful for the distraction. "Hey can you text me? I got to go." Sara hung up before Heidi could respond. She looked over at Justin.
"Parents on plane?" He nodded. He seemed nervous. "What?"
"Can you help me shower?" He took off his cap and ran his hand through his greasy hair.
She laughed. "Why are you so shy? I've seen you naked so many times." He flushed even redder, making her laugh even harder. "Come on, let's go."
She set up a bath for him since she would have to wash his hair and it would be too hard for him to stand up.
She got all of her products out. He had too nice of hair to be using patene. She did a bubble bath and turned on the jacuzzi jets.
Once she stripped Justin she undressed to her underwear. At his raised eyebrow she shrugged. "I don't want my clothes wet."
He slowly lowered himself in the water, groaning at how good it felt, Sara sat up on the ledge on the tub behind them. She guided him to lean his head back. She rinsed his hair before lathering up the shampoo. Making sure she was massaging the scalp as well. "God that feels so good." He moaned which made her smile. She did a couple washes, while rinsing his hair of the suds she remarked. "You have such nice hair."
"It's getting long again. I need to cut it."
"Just a couple inches. A little cleanup." She heard Justin start laughing. "What?"
"You wouldn't like it if I buzzed it off like last time.
She pulled back. "You mean you buzzed off all of it! When?"
"Give me my phone." She got up and handed him the iPhone on the bathroom counter.
After a few minutes of searching he showed her the 2020 photo. She was silent "Babe"
She snapped out of whatever daze she was in and looked at the photo. Immediately she burst out laughing. "You look like a cadet! Fresh out of high school and all!" She said between giggles.
Justin had to defend himself. "Hey! It wasn't that bad!"
"Yes it was!"
"So if I came to your place one day with this cut. You would break up with me."
She pretended to think about it. "I wouldn't say break up. Maybe some space til it grows back. Which lucky for you it does. "
After the condition and some help with body washing :which came with some innuendo) the pair dried off and began to look for a snack. She was about to open up the chips and salsa when she saw Justin throw out the edible arrangement. Bear and all.
"Aren't you going to eat that? The team payed alot of money for that." She couldn't hide the smile that came across her face.
"Naw it's old."
They continued looking around for snacks. Finally Sara had an idea. "Let's go out"
"What. Where?"
"I know a place, trust me it's very private. I know the owner." Justin was hesitant. "Please trust me." She grabbed his hand and she saw him have an internal struggle before he said. "Okay"
After locking up, she led him to her car with tinted windows, the sun was almost down and once they reached their destination. After a quick phone call she began to drive.
As the city lights passed them by, Justin was staring into Sara's profile. She was stunning, and cute when she was focused.
He meant what he said when he said he was crazy about her. Again it had only been a few months but he had never felt so…. Alive. Normally he would be watching game videos. This weekend was about rest and he had done that. The team had told him it was all about pain management going forward and that he should be able to play against the Jags.
He was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't pay attention to the radio playing or that she was singing beautifully to the song.
"You sing?"
She smiled. "You forget I was a theater kid. I had the lead role in musicals. I was on the drama team in college."
He actually didn't forget. " So you would have hated me in high school."
"You were the star quarterback, you and your teammates would have bullied me."
"I wasn't like that. You watch too many movies with that trope."
Sara was silent for a bit. "I lived it." She said softly.
"I was bullied alot. My older sisters were all athletic and smart. I was smart, but not athletic and I was constantly compared to them. Even By my own family. I've dealt with it. It still hurts, especially this industry. Sometimes I still feel like I'm in high school when any guy I showed interest in chased after skinny blonde popular girls."
She continued "and that's fine, everyone has a preference, it's just hard when you never were anyone's preference."
"I'm sorry."Justin didn't know what to say. Cause in theory he was one of those she was talking about. He thought back to all the women he was involved with. There was a brunette. But it was mostly blondes he was after. Until Sara came into his life.
"When I told my parents I wanted to pursue the arts they told me it was a waste of time. They paid for all my sisters' degrees, didn't help me with mine. They compared paying for my school to flushing money down the toilet."
"You didn't deserve that." He thought about his and brothers upbringing. His parents were always supportive of everything they did. He couldn't imagine not having that.
"Things got better when I came out here for college. I found myself. I began auditioning for cameos and finally got a couple of commercials, and befriended some nice people. Which wasn't easy, so many people would backstab you for some loose change if they could. Found that out the hard way early on."
"I'm sure your parents are proud."
"They say they are for the cameras. But I know that deep down they think it would be better if I was a lawyer or a doctor. It looks better to their country club friends."
"Well if it's any consolation. I'm very proud of you. Watch some of the commercials I did and you could give me some pointers." They smiled at each other as he grabbed her hand
At last they arrived at their destination and Justin realized they were far out of civilization. The place looked like a run down shack. "Uh what is this place?"
"So this place I discovered accidentally when I was nineteen. I was going through a rough patch with school and just not in a good place mentally. I rode my bike far out, and while riding about a block from here my tire deflated. So I came to Jerry's pub crying my eyes out with no money and he calmed me down, fixed it and gave me a ride home. I would always come up here since then. He's pretty much my second dad."
"It doesn't even look like this place is open."
"It's not busy on Sunday nights, however if I'm coming I'll call and he will clear the place out ahead of time. So it will be just us and him if you don't mind."
She reached her hand out and Justin grabbed it and let her lead the way. She knocked on the door four quick times before it opened. A well toned, middle aged man answered. Immediately drew her in for a major hug. "Thank you so much for doing this on short notice Jerry."
He had a deep voice. "Anything for My favorite girl." He looked at Justin. "And you must be the friend. I'm Jerry, owner here."
Justin returned the handshake. "Justin."
" SareBear here tells me you guys are seeing each other. What do you do for a living son?"
Was this Sara's dad? Was this a set up? "Um yes sir. Um I play Quarterback for the Los Angeles Chargers."
"Isn't it San Diego?" Jerry laughed. "I'm sorry. I don't really keep up with sports like that."
Justin found himself laughing too. "It's fine, I like it that way."
Jerry's place was a small bar, old fashioned dive with a jukebox. He made them drinks. (Wine for Sara, water for Justin since pain meds.)
It felt normal, she felt normal. Like a normal twenty-six year old who was falling in love with someone that could be the one.
Her favorite Taylor swift lyric went through her head.
"And all at once you are the one I have been waiting for."
Maybe this was her moment.
She and Justin talked for a few hours until Jerry joined them. At some point Sara excused herself to use the bathroom.
"I like you Justin, your a good man with a good head on your shoulders"
"That means alot. I always try to be humble."
"You treat her right ya hear? Harry messed her up real bad. She's a good woman who deserves to be loved by a real man."
Wait. Who was Harry?
Justin nodded "Sara told me how you guys met, but can I ask what drew you to her?"
Jerry smiled. "She reminds me of my daughter Kate, she was the same age as Sara, the pride and joy of me and my wife's life. All of our kids, but Kate was our oldest. Outgoing, funny, always wanting to help and be a bright spot in someone's life."
"Here and Sara get along?"sadness crossed the older man's eyes. "Kate committed suicide her senior year of high school."
Justin felt so low. "I'm so sorry"
"Yeah she tended to hide a lot of her emotions til it bubbled over. She was so busy taking care of everyone else that she neglected herself. I blame myself, she was going through so much but always downplayed it. Bullying, was scared of the future. She felt lost. I see so much of Kate in Sara that I worry about her."
"What do you mean?"
Jerry sighed. " She buries her emotions. Sara keeps everything to herself. She doesn't want to burden anyone with her emotions. I've met her parents, nice people but they don't appreciate what an amazing soul she is. Call her immature
, a dreamer. She says it doesn't matter but she tries so hard to impress them, and it seems like it's never good enough. I've told them about Kate. Hasn't affected them."
He took a swig of his drink. "Someone like Sara… she comes around once in a lifetime. She's a special person. I hope you realize that you are one lucky man."
Justin nodded. But before the conversation could continue Sara came back to the booth. "Jerry, I see you got a new jukebox that has Bluetooth connection! Welcome to the new age!"
He rolled his eyes. "Yeah and guess what? I've had it for three months and not one person uses the damn feature."
"Well today is everyone's lucky day. " She hooked up the phone.
" I'm gonna put my phone on shuffle."
The first song was upbeat . Sara began swaying and singing the song. Jerry smiled and went to take his glass to the back of the bar. Justin thought about his words
'She's a special girl'
A few more songs played, he found himself singing along to the ones he knew.
They called it a night with promises to come back.
Sara was on a high as she drove them back. The 1975's falling for you came on and it was the song to set the mood perfectly
'On this night, in this light
I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you.
Once they arrived back at 1 in the morning She helped Justin get ready for bed. After a bit of back and forth about her sleeping arrangements ( she gave into sharing his bed with him) she headed into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
As she was shutting off the lights. Sara noticed his phone on the kitchen counter. She went and grabbed it when it started to light up and vibrate in her hand.
Suddenly she was brought back to the harsh reality when she looked at the screen to figure out who would be calling him at this hour.
Taylor B.
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refinedbuffoonery · 3 years
Looking Through A Window (2)
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macriley married undercover au
Oh man. My dudes. I received so much love and support and excited feedback on the first chapter that I thought my heart was going to explode. Y’all are so wonderful. Keep it up. <3
Luckily, Matty lets them take the Phoenix jet to Houston. Flying commercial would make today even more tortuous than it already promises to be, albeit for a different reason. 
No matter how hard he tries to distract himself, Mac cannot stop staring at the diamond ring on Riley’s finger. The princess cut gem is stunning and ridiculously large, but it suits her cover as a lucrative arms dealer. A white gold wedding band sits below it. Riley left her usual assortment of rings at home, and Mac can’t help but think her long, delicate fingers look bare without them. 
He tears his eyes away from the rings again and again, both on the plane and while driving to the safe house. Riley drives with just her left hand, her right elbow resting on the center console. Mac likes driving, but there’s something relaxing about riding shotgun while Riley drives instead. He’s never been able to put a finger on it, but the sense of ease washes over him all the same. Admiring the way sunlight illuminates her engagement ring is simply a bonus. 
He doesn’t let himself imagine what he might give her, in an alternate future where she reciprocates his feelings and one day wants to marry him. 
Harley obediently lays in the backseat, staring out the windshield. She's been on her best behavior the entire twenty four hours Mac's known her, ever the professional. 
Which puts her completely at odds with Mac and Riley's shenanigans—cracking jokes, dancing on the plane and in the car, doing purposefully bad impersonations of Russ. These are the best parts of going on ops alone with Riley. They can let loose in a way they just couldn’t when anyone else other than Bozer was around. Everyone else is professional all the time; Mac and Riley are only professional when they have to be. 
Riley taps the steering wheel in time to the classic rock song on the radio. “What do you want for dinner?” 
“Dinner? We haven’t even had lunch yet!” 
“True.” Riley chuckles. “Can you tell I’m hungry?” 
Mac gives her a sly look. “Not at all.” 
They settle on Texas barbecue for lunch on their way to the safe house, because that’s what Jack would choose if he was here. If only the old man could see them now, all grown up and getting sent to take down terrorists unsupervised. 
Seated in a booth in the far corner of the restaurant, Mac raises his brisket sandwich in a toast to Jack, in whatever afterlife he found himself in. Hopefully it’s the one with an endless supply of good barbecue. 
“Oh man, Jack would’ve loved this,” Riley says through a mouthful of food. She sneaks Harley a piece of brisket. 
Mac smiles. “Yeah, he would’ve.” 
It’s easier, now, to talk about him. At first, Mac hadn’t been sure he could ever get to a point where talking about Jack didn’t make him want to hit something or just curl up and sob. 
But here he is, on the other side. Him and Riley both. 
Their safe house is another twenty minutes away from the restaurant, in a nice neighborhood full of trees and children playing on the sidewalks. It’s so much greener than a California neighborhood could ever dream of being. There’s even a park across the street from their apartment complex. It’s exactly the sort of place a young, affluent couple would want to live. 
Riley parks in their designated space, and the pair ascend the stairs to apartment number 202. Outside of the car, they don’t dare use each other’s real names until they’re sure the apartment is free of bugs. The place was furnished earlier that week by other Phoenix agents, but Mac and Riley do a thorough sweep of every room just in case. 
It’s a nice apartment. Wood flooring, granite countertops, matching cabinets throughout. There are pictures on the walls, but Mac doesn’t bother to stop and check what they are. 
Riley clears the space from back to front, so Mac does the opposite. He clears the kitchen first, frowning at the absence of any sort of food, before moving on to the living room. 
Mac stops dead in his tracks when he enters the bedroom. The singular bedroom. With a singular, queen-sized bed. 
Oh no. This is not happening. 
Mac shakes his head and rubs his eyes, hoping his mind is just playing tricks on him and that there’s actually two beds. Or a whole other room he missed before. 
The one and only bed seems to mock him. 
He walks back out, finding Riley already sitting at the kitchen table, turning on her laptop. “Uhh, Riles? There’s only—”
“One bed,” she finishes, not bothering to look up. “I know.” 
Oh god. He can’t do this. He can’t. Not with his dignity still intact. Mac stammers, “I’ll, uhh, sleep on the couch. You can have it.”
That gets Riley’s attention. “Don’t be ridiculous. We’re going to be here for weeks. You’ll hurt your back sleeping on the couch that long. Just sleep with me.” Riley’s eyes widen as she realizes what she just said. “In the bed,” she quickly adds. 
Mac ducks his head to hide his blush. 
“What are you working on?” he asks in a feeble attempt to distract himself from their sleeping situation. Because it will definitely be a situation if Mac’s not careful. 
“Connecting to the Wi-Fi,” Riley says in a slow, “What else would I be doing?” sort of way. 
“Right.” Mac silently curses himself. Of course that’s what she’s doing. “Anyway, I’m assuming you already know this, since you probably opened the fridge too, but we have no food.” 
“I saw.” She’s multitasking again, manicured fingers flying faster across her keyboard than Mac can keep track of. “Why don’t you unload our bags while I finish this, and then we can go.” 
Unable to help feeling like he’s been dismissed, Mac complies without protest. 
Soon they’re back in the car, headed to the grocery store, and the whole thing feels ridiculously domestic. Mac’s never been a fan of grocery shopping, but Riley makes it almost...fun. For starters, she’s not methodical about it the way Bozer and Desi are. But more than that, getting to spend time with her doing mundane, non-work stuff is a nice reminder that their relationship is more than just the job. They’re friends too. 
Mac wishes there is a way to tell her all that without it sounding weird. 
They come home, unload the groceries, and take Harley for a long walk, and that feels easy too. It feels normal, even though literally nothing about this situation is normal, and Mac already knows he’ll miss this when the op is over. 
But normalcy ends when Riley beckons Mac to sit beside her at the kitchen table, and together they write an advertisement for their arms dealing business. Once they’re satisfied with it, Riley sends it off into the dark web, and there’s nothing to do but wait, like a spider after spinning her web. 
The waiting is the worst part. 
Mac is contemplating taking Harley for a second walk when Riley asks, “Want to help me make dinner?” He takes one look at her hands on her hips and the “you don’t actually have a choice” look on her face and knows he’ll be left to fend for himself if he doesn’t help now. Mac learned that the hard way back when he and Riley lived together. 
They work in comfortable silence. Mac chops vegetables and grates cheese for their quesadillas while Riley does the actual cooking part. Even though they are doing separate tasks, Mac is acutely aware of every move Riley makes, no matter how insignificant. Flexing her long, thin fingers around a knife. Itching the back of her calf with her foot. Dancing in place, spatula in hand, while she waits to flip the quesadillas sizzling in the pan. 
Mac smiles softly. Her random little dances are cute. He’s noticed them more and more since realizing he has feelings for her, but if Mac is being honest, he’s always thought the dances are cute. 
Riley hisses as she peeks under the tortilla, checking to see if it’s browned yet. 
“You good?” Mac asks, frowning. 
“Yeah, I touched the pan by accident.” Riley runs her thumb under cold water. 
Her laptop dings while they eat. Wide-eyed, Mac glances at Riley. That was fast. She grimaces before sliding the laptop closer and checking the notification. 
“Is it them?” he asks tentatively. That’s the hard part about this; in order for their business to look more legit, they had to just put an ad out and hope for a response, rather than target the terrorist organization directly. 
Riley exhales. “No, it’s not them. It’s someone else.” 
Swallowing another bite of quesadilla, Mac says, “I don’t know whether I’m relieved or if that’s worse.” 
There are no more responses that night.
Mac wakes up in the same position he fell asleep in—on his side, facing outward, with as much space between him and Riley as possible. When they crawled into bed the night before, Riley did the same. 
Harley spent the night on the couch. 
She’s a very guarded dog, Mac is slowly realizing. Tolerating, but not trusting. Mac supposes he would be like that too if he was a dog and he got stuck with a bunch of strangers after his human suddenly disappeared one day. 
He makes coffee, feeds Harley breakfast, and takes a shower, all before Riley loses her battle with the snooze button and finally gets out of bed. While she showers, Mac takes Harley for a walk in hopes that the cool, spring air will ease the anxiety that took root the moment Riley released their ad into the void. 
It doesn’t. 
Dark, puffy clouds loom on the horizon, and the few birds Mac hears shriek at each other in warning. It looks like a storm is coming. 
When Mac returns, he’s met with a grim expression, one he understands without Riley uttering a single word. “They answered,” she confirms. 
“What did they say?” Unclipping Harley’s leash, Mac moves to stand behind Riley, resting his hands on the back of her chair. The scent of her shampoo tickles his nose, and he forces himself to ignore it and focus on what Riley’s saying. 
“They want to meet. Today.” 
“Time or place?” 
Riley points at a small box on her screen. “Just an address.” 
“What’s there?” 
“A warehouse,” Riley says. “Owned by the same shell corporation other Phoenix techs already tied to the organization.” 
“Not very clandestine, are they?” 
“No, they’re not.” Riley looks up at him, her head bumping his sternum, and butterflies ricochet inside Mac’s rib cage. There’s something soft in Riley’s expression that makes Mac want to kiss her. “Are you ready for this?” 
Mac sighs. “As ready as I ever am. Are you?” 
“Yeah,” she says, but her confidence falters. Without thinking, Mac squeezes her shoulders in reassurance before walking away to change.
The warehouse is located on the edge of the city, in an industrial area that has certainly seen better days. Even from a distance, Mac can see cobwebs decorating the warehouse windows and rust creeping up the roller doors. Aside from Riley, there’s not another soul in sight. 
As per the directions the organization sent after Riley confirmed the meeting, Mac parks on the south side of the building, near the only functional-looking door. He doesn’t look at Riley as they get out of the car, instead desperately trying not to cringe at the cold, heavy weight of the gun holstered at his side, hidden beneath his jacket. 
High-end arms dealers couldn’t walk around unarmed, unfortunately. 
Although her hands are occupied with holding Harley’s leash, there’s a gun hidden beneath Riley’s suit jacket as well. Mac’s stomach churns. The second Riley emerged from their bedroom earlier wearing that jet black suit, she was a different person. She was wholly Genevieve Turner, and no matter how hard Mac tried, he couldn’t find even a single trace of his best friend beneath the icy exterior. 
Locking their SUV, Mac smooths the lapels of his own black suit and slips into character as well. 
The dark clouds Mac noticed earlier are directly overhead now. Mac has never believed in omens the way Jack did, but he can’t help hearing Jack’s voice in his head, warning him that black clouds are a sign of certain doom. Or something like that. 
There’s no one inside the warehouse, at least as far as Mac can see. “Hello?” he calls, the word echoing slightly in the open space. Aside from a few random wooden crates, the room is empty. 
A door slams, and then an older man comes into view. He’s probably in his late fifties, with graying hair and a beer belly his shirt doesn’t quite cover. The man swaggers like he owns the place, although Mac doubts the leader of a terrorist cell would deign to play tour guide. 
No doubt there’s a quip on the edge of Riley’s tongue about entitled white men, but she doesn’t share it. 
The man extends a hand to Mac in introduction. “Conrad.” His sneer doesn’t reach his eyes. 
Mac frowns, keeping his hands at his sides. “Last name?” 
“Doesn’t matter.” 
What he’s about to say might screw everything up before it even starts, but Mac says it anyway. In his gut, he knows it’s the right call. “If it doesn’t matter, then we’re done here. My wife and I have no interest in entering a business relationship with someone too inexperienced to understand that trust is integral to any transaction.” Mac spins on his heel and strides toward the door, Riley falling into step beside him. 
“Wait!” the man calls. They pause, turning around slowly. “Deacon. Conrad Deacon.” The man seems to know he’s already lost. Good. “Welcome to the cause.” He gestures for Mac and Riley to follow him. 
Mac stands his ground. In his peripheral, Riley stands utterly still, the perfect mask of cool, collected neutrality. Almost bored, even. It’s scary how easily she becomes her cover. 
“Come on now,” Conrad says, taking a single step forward. “We have much to discuss.” 
That’s enough of the power play, Mac thinks, but just as he’s about to give in and follow Conrad, Riley utters a single, sharp command that rings through the room. “Sit.” 
Harley obeys. 
Riley’s lips curve in a cruel, taunting smile. “Then enlighten us.” Mac suppresses a shiver; he’s seen this side of Riley plenty of times before, watched her hone it over the years, but it’s still unnerving. Admittedly, it’s also kind of hot. 
Conrad ignores her entirely. He croons, “Why don’t we start with your names?” It’s phrased like a question. It sounds like a question, but Mac sees the demand for what it really is. 
Mac gestures to Riley. “This is my wife, Genevieve Turner. And my name is James.” His father’s name tastes like ash on Mac’s tongue. 
“And the dog?” 
“Killer,” Riley sneers. Mac isn’t sure if she’s kidding or not. 
Again, Conrad doesn’t acknowledge her. “James, why don’t I give you the tour and explain what we do here.” 
“We’ll go on the tour, but we are not here to join your cause.” It takes every ounce of Mac’s willpower to maintain his neutral tone. “All we care about is what you’d like us to provide and how much you’ll pay for it.” 
Conrad doesn’t hide his displeasure. “Fine. Follow me.” 
Mac and Riley are led through the open warehouse. The layout is straightforward and nearly impossible to get lost in. But after Conrad shows them a room full of rifles—countless hung on the walls, floor to ceiling, the rest in half-open crates—Mac finds himself counting the number of wooden shipping crates scattered around the building. 
He doesn’t like his final number. 
Arming terrorists doesn’t sit well with Mac, even if it serves a purpose. It makes him sick, knowing he will likely be indirectly responsible for their next attack. 
Especially because those crates are no doubt full of the kind of rifles designed to kill people most effectively. The ones hanging on the wall are military grade, probably cutting-edge. Desi would know exactly what they are and how they work. 
Trusting Riley is paying close attention, Mac only half listens to Conrad babble about the cause. But then the older man says something that stops Mac in his tracks. “Our country is being run into the ground by whiny do-nothings,” Conrad asserts, “who waste our money and spew garbage that some people matter more than others. Well, you know what? Hardworking, everyday Americans matter. But no,” he scoffs, “those damn liberals don’t like it when we remind them of the truth. Once we’re rid of them and the insufferables who elected them, this country will be better off.” 
The ground sways under Mac’s feet. He knows these people believe this, read it in Matty’s extensive briefing notes. But it’s another thing entirely to hear someone say it to his face. 
He can only imagine what Riley must be thinking. 
Clearing his throat, Mac tries to redirect the conversation. “Like I said, we don’t care about your cause. Just tell us what you’re looking for, and we’ll be on our way.” 
Conrad eyes him suspiciously, but complies. “We’re looking for something a little more than what you can get at the store, you know?” 
Mac doesn’t, not exactly. He’ll have to ask Desi later. “I do,” he lies. 
“Good. Here’s what we’re willing to pay for it.” He hands Mac a folded piece of paper, and Mac does a double take when he reads the number. There are a lot of zeroes. “And as a show of good faith, we’d like it delivered tomorrow.” 
“Tomorrow?” Riley splutters. Mac feels it then, the broiling rage slipping through a crack in her persona. He needs to get her out of there. Now. Not just to preserve the op, but for Riley’s wellbeing. Some audacity Matty has making Riley play nice with men like this. 
Mac slides his hands into his pockets, using the movement as a cover to brush his knuckles against Riley’s fist. I know. I’m here. I’m sorry. 
For the first time, Conrad addresses Riley directly. “Yes. Tomorrow. Unless that’s something you can’t do?” 
“We can do that,” she replies calmly, and the difference between her reactions is like night and day. As quickly as that crack appeared, it was gone. 
“Excellent.” Conrad takes another step toward Riley, offering to shake hands, but Harley’s low, menacing growl keeps him at bay. Rewarding the dog with a quick scratch on the head, Riley closes the gap and shakes Conrad’s still-outstretched hand. 
“It’s a deal,” she says. Following suit, Mac shakes Conrad’s hand as well and follows Riley out the door, neither of them uttering another word. 
Mac drives. One look at Riley’s trembling fist decides for him. 
By the time the warehouse disappears from the rearview mirror, he can’t take the silence anymore. “Hey,” Mac starts, but Riley cuts him off with a hand. 
“Not until we’re inside.” 
They hit every single red light between the warehouse and the apartment, and Mac anxiously taps the steering wheel. Raindrops land on the windshield. They’re small at first, but soon the drops are large and numerous enough to refract the streetlights, and Mac struggles to see where he’s going. He adjusts the windshield wipers over and over, never landing on the right speed. 
Too slow. Too fast. Too slow. Too fast. 
Mac settles on a setting that’s slightly too fast, and the squeak of rubber on glass nearly matches his heart thudding in his chest. 
Riley stares straight ahead, unmoving, unblinking. Mac wants to reach out, to let a gentle touch say what he verbally can’t, but the road is slick enough to make him keep two hands on the wheel. We’re almost there, he reassures himself. 
By the time he parks, it’s pouring hard enough that the ten second walk from the car to the door soaks them to the bone. Riley’s hands shake as she unlocks the apartment door. 
Once they’re inside and Mac unclips Harley’s leash, Riley turns to him with pained, pleading eyes. His heart breaking all over again, Mac draws her in for a long, tight hug. She doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t have to. 
Mac just cradles the back of her head and sways gently, wishing he could fix the world for her. 
Neither pulls away, even when Riley suddenly says, “If Conrad was smart, he would’ve had someone bug our car while he paraded us around the warehouse. I don’t think he’s actually smart enough to do that, but we should check first, just in case.” 
Mac curses himself for not thinking of that. “Good call.” He rubs Riley’s back, hoping the gesture is soothing. “I hate the way he treated you,” he snarls. “Like you weren’t even worth acknowledging.” 
“Welcome to being a woman.” 
It was more than that. They both know it. But neither say it.
“You need what?” Matty shrieks over the phone. 
Mac winces. “Sorry.” He’d called Desi first, to ask what kind of guns Conrad meant with his innuendo, and received a verbal lashing for not asking any follow-up questions. But she made her best guess anyway. Now on the phone with Matty, it doesn’t take even a single brain cell to know that her reaction will be much, much worse. 
“He wants us to prove ourselves,” Riley adds. “As a show of good faith.” The words come out dripping in venom, but their boss doesn’t comment. Mac takes a second to study her; Riley changed into leggings and an oversized flannel shirt, and there are still remnants of dark makeup smudges under her eyes. Now, she’s sitting on the kitchen counter with her knees tucked into her chest. It’s weird to see her take up so little space. 
Matty sighs, deeply and loudly in a way conveys her annoyance more than words ever could. “Fine. A few weeks ago, Border Control confiscated a huge shipment of smuggled guns near El Paso, so I’ll see if we can borrow those. But next time, Blondie, don’t make promises you can’t keep.” He doesn’t correct Matty in that it was Riley who made the deal. That would only add fuel to the fire. 
“Thank you,” he says, and Matty hangs up. Mac runs a hand through his damp hair. “That went well.” Riley’s lips twitch, but it’s not the amused reaction he hopes for. He’s at a complete loss regarding what to say to her, so Mac gently asks, “What can I do?” 
Riley slides off the counter, and Mac reaches for her automatically, although he doesn’t actually touch her; his hand hovers just beside Riley’s elbow. She doesn’t shrink away, but she makes no move to touch him either. 
“Help me put him and everyone like him in a deep, dark hole where they can’t hurt anybody. And then just…” she trails off, taking a deep breath. “Keep being you.” 
With that, she walks away, leaving Mac alone in the kitchen, racking his brain to figure out what that last part means.
Later that night, Mac tosses and turns, replaying Conrad’s words. Once we’re rid of them and the insufferables who elected them, this country will be better off. They seem off-kilter, like what the man said and what he really meant are misaligned. Mac sighs, rubbing his face. 
Another bolt of lightning illuminates the bedroom, and Mac automatically counts the seconds until he hears thunder rumbling in the distance. The storm is moving closer. 
Beside him, Riley lies on her back with her eyes closed, although her breathing is too light for her to be asleep. Mac wonders if her mind is just as loud and chaotic as his. 
For Riley’s sake, he hopes it’s not.
Sleep never finds Mac. 
The storm rages all through the night, but by the time dawn arrives, the thunder and wind dissipate, leaving just the steady downpour. The clouds are dark enough that Mac can hardly tell the sun even bothered to rise this morning. 
When Riley’s alarm goes off, it’s like the shrill tone is mocking Mac for being awake. Riley groans as she shuts it off. 
“Morning,” he mumbles. His throat hurts. He needs water. “Did you sleep well?”
Another groan. “No.” 
“At least you slept,” Mac mutters.
Riley rolls onto her side, drawing one of the extra pillows into her chest. “Do you always toss and turn that much?”
It was his fault, he realizes, that she didn’t sleep. Mac suddenly feels guilty. “Sorry. And no.” 
He expects Riley to be upset at being kept awake, but she isn’t. With a look that just might be understanding, she softly asks, “What were you thinking about?” 
Mac can’t say that his thoughts whip around his mind like raindrops in last night’s storm. Not without sounding crazy, at least. So instead he says, “I don’t even know. I just have a bad feeling about this.” 
“Me too,” Riley admits. “It feels off.” Her eyes are heavy, and Mac’s had enough early mornings with Riley to know it’s not just the lack of sleep weighing her down. 
“Go back to sleep. I can handle the delivery.” 
Riley rolls her eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not letting you do that by yourself.” 
He doesn’t argue. “Okay.” 
A moment passes between them. It’s been happening more and more lately—holding eye contact a little too long, sharing smirks when no one else is looking, stealing moments where it’s just the two of them and nothing else matters. Each one gives him hope that there’s not a wall between them, but instead, a door. Someone just has to be brave enough to open it. 
Sitting up, Riley quipps, “Just don’t make me regret letting you sleep in the bed with me.” Mac snorts. 
“No promises.”
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S.N.A.F.U CH-41 'Austin’
Nothing much improved for either Daniel or Lando a week and a half later in Istanbul for the Turkish Grand Prix after qualifying in sixteenth position having only taken part in the first qualifying session Daniel could only improve three places finishing the race in thirteenth. Lando fared marginally better qualifying in eighth and finishing seventh.  It was a week after Turkey Eadaoin flew to the United States and met Daniel in New York where they spent a few days seeing the sights, going to a football match and seeing a couple of Broadway shows before boarding their early morning flight to Austin.
“You’re perky,” Eadaoin commented laughing as Daniel skipped down the first class aisle.
“I’m always perky race week,” he replied cheerfully as he found their seats “I absolutely love Austin, I’ve had some awesome times here.  Ugh the brisket is to die for!”
“There’s still nothing I can do to convince you to get rid of the trucker beard?” Eadaoin asked half heartedly as they sat down in their assigned seats.
“Nope,” Daniel replied with a grin “the cowboy beard is tradition, it stays.”
“The full beard is far sexier,” Eadaoin murmured in his ear “it feels better.”
“Where?” Daniel asked with a snort of laughter.
“I’m not answering that question out loud!” Eadaoin replied her face turning the same shade as her hair “not that I’ll get to feel it there anytime this week, once we land in Austin you’ll be busy with race stuff.”
“Not a hundred percent of the time,” Daniel said “I have made a point of having some time off for us and us alone during the week.”
“When?” Eadaoin asked in surprise.
“Tuesday night,” Daniel replied “somewhere special.”
“Is it private?” Eadaoin asked worriedly “after all this shit with Jem and the constant attention you get when we’re out we don’t get much alone time just to be us.”
“Its very private,” Daniel promised “I know you crave the privacy that a normal relationship has Darling and I know all this drama with Jem hurt you so I organised something special while we were in New York. It’s for your birthday.”
“That’s Sunday!” Eadaoin replied as the last of the passengers made their way to their seats.
“I know but that’s when we go out to dinner with Michael, Blake, Max, Pippa and Lando,” Daniel replied “I want to celebrate your birthday alone, just us.  Black tie good food a bit of music, maybe some dancing....”
“Okay now it makes sense why you wanted me to bring my LBD and heels,” Eadaoin replied as a dawning realisation “I thought maybe it was for some kinky reason.”
“Weeeeeeeeeeell,” Daniel began a huge smile spreading across his face “that’s not the primary reason, I asked you to bring them but I’ve always had a bit of a fantasy about you in heels.”
Eadaoin rolled her eyes
“Down boy,” she said in a low voice “you know if you ever have a fantasy tell me about it, I might be able to help you out a bit.”
Daniel lit up.
“Really? He asked in surprise.
“Yeah of course,” Eadaoin replied “babe you’re my partner we’re supposed to share things like that.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Four and a half hours later Daniel and Eadaoin’s plane arrived in Austin.  As soon as the wheel’s skidded along the tarmac Daniel sat up even straighter and lit up.
“We’re here,” he said excitedly “I can’t wait to show you around town darling, as much as I can anyway.”
“Don’t worry about it if you can’t I’ve been here before and can wander around town myself,” Eadaoin informed him, leaning back in her seat as the plane braked hard.
“Hopefully you won’t have to do that much.”
Being in the front of the plane Daniel and Eadaoin were one of the first to leave, they walked down the sky bridge and into the arrivals lounge where Pippa was waiting for them.
“Hey you two,” she said brightly “how was the Big Apple?”
“Relaxing,” Eadaoin replied “we had a few er...”
“Fangirl encounters,” Daniel volunteered.
“But for the most part we were left alone,” Eadaoin continued as they headed for luggage collection.
“Well hopefully you’ll encounter less of that here,” Pippa said “though someone on your flight saw you and has posted photos of you two snogging on Twitter.”
Daniel swore
“I knew that wouldn’t be welcome news but if it helps whoever posted it doesn’t think it’s Eadaoin,” Pippa said as they pushed through the crowd “Eadie you keep your identity hidden with face masks, hats, scarves and the like and have since Monaco and in these photos the peak of your cap is obscuring your face hence the debate about your identity.”
“Well I suppose a pic of us kissing isn’t as bad as someone accusing me of domestic violence like Jem has,” Daniel grumbled.
“Excuse me I need to make a pit stop,” Eadaoin said moments later as they neared some toilets “can you wait for me?”
As soon as Eadaoin disappeared into the ladies restrooms Daniel turned to Pippa.
“Have you heard from Donnacha, Roisin and Cahir?” he asked.
“I have,” the older woman replied “they’ve settled into L.A and have been seeing all the sights.  They’re flying into Austin Wednesday morning and I booked you all plus Michael and Blake a table for dinner that night at Stubbs.”
Daniel embraced Pippa enthusiastically.
“You are a fair dinkum star!” he said gratefully “I’m going to buy you your own McLaren for Christmas, d'you want your own McLaren?”
Pippa laughed and gave her charge a playful shove.
“Buy Eadaoin her own McLaren first you doofus,” she said “I’ve got a very nice car anyway; she’s still got no idea her family are coming?”
“Nope I haven’t mentioned it in the slightest,” Daniel replied “all I’ve said is that we’ll make a point of zooming them after the race on Sunday but she has no idea that I’ve organised for them to some to town to celebrate in person with her.”
“You’re going to score million of brownie points when she finds out wheat you’ve been up to,” Pippa said “you go to a lot of effort for Eadaoin and its very sweet to witness.”
“Yeah, well you go to a lot of effort for those you love don’t you?” Daniel reasoned as Eadaoin emerged from the restroom “I’d go to the moon and back for her.”
The following night Daniel and Eadaoin began getting ready for their night out.
“So you still won’t tell me where we’re going?” the redhead asked as she slipped into her favourite knee length little black dress.
“Nope but it’s a surprise and I promise you’ll love it,” Daniel relied as he did up his shirt “and it’s not far either.”
“You’re frustrating as hell you know that?”
Daniel finished getting ready before Eadaoin and waited at the front of their suite as she slipped into a pair of nosebleed high stilettos.
“I’m ready to go,” she announced walking up behind him and tapping him on the shoulder.
Daniel turned around and his jaw fell open.  Eadaoin stood before him dressed in her knee length lace accented LBD, sheer stockings and her hair pulled back into a tight up do a few stray tendrils framing her face to which she had applied the lightest touch of makeup.
“Holy shit you’re gorgeous!” he exclaimed as she performed a little twirl “wow, I need a picture of you!”
Eadaoin rolled her eyes but consented to posing for him alone then for a selfie.
“Fucking hell I’m so lucky to have you you know that?” Daniel said holding her face and looking deep into her hazel eyes “every day we lounge on the couch or hit the gym together or go on a date night like this I honestly wonder why my life turned out the way it has and that you walked into my life....”
“Don’t you think it’s more you ran into my life?” Eadaoin pointed out “literally?”
“Semantics” Daniel replied rubbing his nose against hers “however we met I’m glad we did.”
Eadaoin lifted up her chin and Daniel leaned in and captured her lips with his, she ran her fingers through his carefully styled curls and returned the kiss with fervour.
“Can we stay in and do that all night?” she asked once they finally parted.
Daniel chuckled
“No I have a special night planned,” he replied taking her hand “you’ll love it I promise.”
“Lead the way.”
The loved up couple put on matching black face masks and left their room walking down the hallway to the lift but instead of pushing the down button, Eadaoin was surprised to see her boyfriend press the up button.
“Up?” she said “but there’s nothing up there but the roof.”
“Mm I know,” Daniel replied mysteriously.
“Danny what’s going on?”
“Date night!”
The lift arrived and they got in travelling up to the very topmost floor.  As soon as the door opened Eadaoin let out a gasp.  In the middle of the roof was an entertainment deck in the centre of which was a singular table set for two.  Surrounding the deck was several strongly scented flowers and ferns and icicle fairy lights hung from overhead.  Behind the table hung a huge ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’ sign and from somewhere played soft violin music.
“”Oh Dan,” she said.
“Sir, Ma’am may I offer you a champagne or a soda?” a voice asked.
Eadaoin turned her head and saw a young man in waiter’s attire carrying a tray with glasses of champagne and coke on it.
“Champagne, please,” Daniel said taking one of the flutes “darling?”
“Same thankyou,”
“If you’d like to make your way over to your table I’ll be by shortly with the menu,” the young man said.
“How did you even organise all this?” Eadaoin asked incredulously as they made their way over to the table.
“A lot of phone calls,” Daniel said putting his glass down on the table and moving to pull her chair put for her “I knew I wouldn’t be able to spend the actual day of your birthday with you til after the race and it’d likely be with other people so I rang management and asked them if they could do this.”
“It’s beautiful thankyou.”
The waiter returned a few minutes later, took their meal order and re-filled their glasses. Daniel then reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small but elegantly wrapped box.
“Would you like your first present now?” he asked.
“My first present?” Eadaoin asked in surprise “you got me more than one?”
“Yeah, you’re getting another one Sunday night but this one is a bit more personal and I didn’t want to give it to you in front of a bunch of people,” Daniel replied softly “would you like it now?”
“Yes of course!”
“I thought long and hard about what to give you,” Daniel went on pushing the box across the table “I thought of giving you your own McLaren or an obnoxiously expensive piece of jewellery but I also know you’re not a superficial person and while those things are nice you’d prefer a gift with a bit of thought put into it....go on.”
“Maybe next birthday you can look at the McLaren or obnoxiously expensive piece of jewellery,” Eadaoin joked as she slipped a nail under the edge of the wrapping and broke the tape.
“Yeah maybe.”
Eadaoin carefully unwrapped the box and wiggled the top of it off.  Inside were three set of keys each attached to a Ric3 keyring.
“Keys?” she said in confusion.
“One set is for the apartment in Monaco, the second is for my apartment in Chelsea and the third is for the manor house in Twickenham when the renovations are done,” Daniel said in a shaky voice “I suppose what I’m saying is....”
“Take a deep breath,” Eadaoin instructed as his voice faltered.
Daniel followed her advice and his breathing evened out.
“These past nine months with you have been out of this world,” he said “after all the shit that went down with my ex I swore to remain forever single but meeting you had changed that, I don’t want to have to plan to see you between races.  I want to come home and have you there when you can’t come to the races with me.  I’ve decided to move back to London and make it my permanent base and I’d like you to come with me. Darling I’m asking if you’d like to move in with me, either to the Chelsea place or you can wait til the end of the year when the house in Twickenham is finished.”
Eadaoin’s jaw fell open.
“Are you serious?” she asked incredulously “you’re actually asking me to move in with you?”
“I am,” Daniel replied “your home is where your heart is and right now that’s you you’re in London.”
“But won’t you miss Monaco?” Eadaoin asked “most of your colleagues live there, Max lives there...”
“Yeah they do but I can always go there on the weekend or plan ahead to go there,” Daniel reasoned “and the last few months I’ve been spending more time in London seeing you between races than Monaco anyway so shifting back to London seems to be the obvious move, it’s easier for me to get to the MTC if I’m based in London anyway.”
“So your place in Monaco would be a holiday home-ish?” Eadaoin asked.
“Yeah that’s the plan.”
“Wow you really are serious,” Eadaoin said in amazement “I have to admit it would be nice to see you more often between races.”
“You don’t have to answer right now,” Daniel said “I know this is a big decision to move in with someone, especially after you’ve lived on your own for so long but I love you and I want to see if we can work living together.”
A lump formed in Eadaoin’s throat and a tear ran down her cheek.
“Well we pretty much do already don’t we?” she said “I mean I can’t remember the last time you went to Monaco or your Chelsea place without me there and at least since Monaco you’ve spent every break at my place and I wouldn’t be surprised if all your stuff is either at my place or your Chelsea place.”
“Yeah most of it is,” Daniel confessed “I was just thinking that, the manor house is due to be finished just after the Brazil race and that’s the place I really want to make my ba-”
“Yes,” Eadaoin answered.
“I’ll move in with you.”
Daniel broke into one of his megawatt smiles then got up, leaned across the table and kissed her deeply on the lips.  Eadaoin returned the kiss with equal enthusiasm.
“Let’s tweak things a little though,” she said.
“I’m open to ideas.”
“Seeing as the Brazil race is only a few weeks away and that’s when you expect the manor house to be finished by how about until then you stay with me and we move there together?  New place, new start.”
“Sounds brilliant.”
“What about your GT?” Eadaoin asked “would you put it on a truck and transport it back to England or drive it over?”
“Probably put it on a truck,” Daniel replied “it’d take less time and give me more time to move actual stuff.”
Eadaoin sighed
“I honestly never thought I’d ever be in this position again,” she said “moving in with a guy, I’ve been quite happy being on my own but since we started being with you has become my preferred option.  Mum’s been asking me since Monza when we were going to dive in and get a place together.”
“Really?” Daniel asked in amusement.
“Oh yeah and I’ve always said if we ever got to that point it would happen when the time’s right, and well after tonight I suppose the time’s right.”
“I’ll admit Blake and Michael have been saying the same thing to me,” Daniel confessed “those two pricks are always giving me shit about you.”
“If I were them I’d be giving you shit about me too,” Eadaoin told him teasingly “you do tend to bang on about me quite a bit.”
Daniel blushed a magnificent shade of scarlet.
After a long and leisurely evening meal Daniel stood up and held out his hand,
“Can I have this dance?” he asked with a soft smile.
Eadaoin smiled and took his hand.
“You can.” She said.
Daniel tapped the screen of his phone a few times and the music changed from miscellaneous orchestral background music to a slightly louder tune, something Eadaoin instantly recognized as the Sting version Fields of Gold.
You'll remember me when the west wind moves Upon the fields of barley You'll forget the sun in his jealous sky As we walk in fields of gold
“Oh I love this song!” Eadaoin murmured laying her head on Daniel’s chest and listening to his heart beat “the Eva Cassidy version was the song my parents danced to when they re-affirmed their vows four years ago.”
“Well this isn’t a wedding just a date night for us,” Daniel replied in a low voice as they swayed together “let’s do it again for the last race of the season, I’ll bring you over and we’ll do black tie.” So she took her love for to gaze awhile Upon the fields of barley In his arms she fell as her hair came down Among the fields of gold Eadaoin sighed
“That sounds lovely,” she said dreamily “if I can get away from work I’ll definitely come over.”
“I know I stay at your place or you stay at mine between races but I don’t really get to see you enough,” Daniel informed her, his nose screwing up in distaste “it’s the one thing that sucks about my job; I don’t get to see those I love enough.  I hope restrictions loosen enough this year that I can go home for Christmas.  I want to show you the farm, show you around Perth and Margaret River, introduce you to all my old school mates....”
“Whether that happens this year or next it’ll happen eventually,” Eadaoin said comfortingly as she reached up and flicked an errant curl of hair out of his eye “whatever happens we’ll spend Christmas together and it’ll be great.”
Will you stay with me? Will you be my love? Among the fields of barley We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky As we lie in fields of gold See the west wind move like a lover so Upon the fields of barley Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth Among the fields of gold
“Will I get to see you in some special Christmas lingerie, wherever we spend Christmas?” Daniel murmured in her ear.
Eadaoin flashed him a wink and leaned in to press her lips against his.
“That’s a surprise,” she murmured mid-kiss “if I told you what I’m getting you for Christmas there’d be no mystery in our relationship would there?”
I never made promises lightly And there have been some that I've broken But I swear in the days still left We'll walk in fields of gold We'll walk in fields of gold
Daniel sighed happily and stepped back to spin her in a lazy circle
“I suppose not,” he said placing a hand on the small of her back and pulling her close “I wish you could come to Mexico for the race there, it’s an awesome place to chill.”
“I know, I wish I could too,” Eadaoin replied, leaning into his touch “I had to beg and grovel for the two and a half weeks off to go to New York then Austin with you and I don’t like my chance of getting any more time off til Abu Dhabi at the earliest.  Even then it may only be the weekend.”
“I suppose the fact you won your firm a multi-million pound case last month helped your bargaining ability,” Daniel surmised.
“Hmm I suppose it did,” Eadaoin agreed.
Many years have passed since those summer days Among the fields of barley See the children run as the sun goes down Among the fields of gold
You'll remember me when the west wind moves Upon the fields of barley You can tell the sun in his jealous sky When we walked in fields of gold When we walked in fields of gold When we walked in fields of gold
As the last notes of the song faded out Daniel grasped Eadaoin’s face in his hands and leaned in capturing her lips with his she in turn ran her hands up and down his sides, resting her hands on his hips before returning the kiss with fervour.
“How long can we stay up here?” she breathed once they parted several minutes later.
“Mmm couple’hours,” Daniel replied “d'you want to go back to our suite?”
“Eventually, not yet,” Eadaoin replied “I’m enjoying myself far too much.”
Daniel and Eadaoin spent another two hours up on the roof of their hotel, dancing, drinking and just sitting on their chairs watching the stars they then returned to their suite and spent the rest of the night entertaining each other in a more physical manner.
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lailyn · 3 years
This Magical Journey Called Multiple (Chapter 1)
Pairing: Loki/Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Drama, Idiots In Love, Mpreg
Summary: Loki thought he had struck gold this lifetime around, having found not one, but two loves at once. This new life he is carrying could only be a blessing, so why isn't everybody happy?
“I am not injured,” Loki insisted. “It was the heat, it must have gotten to me.”
“It’s still a good idea to take it easy, Bambi. Heat stroke is one of those things that can hit you from out of nowhere,” Tony said.
At Stephen’s mildly-impressed look, Tony gave a modest shrug. “We’ve been together how long? Of course I’ve picked up a few things.”
Stephen rolled his eyes. “At least something good has come out of it.”
Ignoring Tony’s indignant ‘Hey!’, Stephen conjured a tall, cool glass of water and offered it to Loki, who looked all manner of singed save for his armour. “But Tony’s right. There may not be external burn injuries, but we humans are about seventy percent water, and I’m guessing you’re not that far off either.”
“I’m not a child,” Loki grumbled. Nevertheless, he dutifully accepted the drink and took a few long gulps, stopping abruptly when a sudden nauseous feeling assaulted his senses the moment the water hit his stomach. “Tony, please don’t make that face. It’s making me want to do things.”
“I can’t help it. It’s my fault. I should have - ”
“No should haves, could haves,” Loki interrupted. “Stop it. Shit happens.”
“Language,” Tony admonished lightly but his body language was still steeped in guilt.
“Guess I’ve picked up a few things too,” Loki murmured, nodding gratefully at Stephen as his husband stepped in to wrap an arm around Tony’s shoulders. Not only was the Sorcerer Supreme a good lay in bed, he was a mind-reader too. Loki sure got lucky this time around.
Tony straightened up a little in Stephen’s one-armed embrace. “Glad you guys had my back or I would have been smoked brisket.”
At the mention of brisket, the nausea reared its monstrous head again and Loki gagged.
“Let’s get you out of the sun.” Stephen was beginning to sound worried now. “You don’t look so good.”
“I’m fine,” Loki said, swallowing compulsively. Before either of his overbearing husbands could argue, (they were always so noisy when they fussed) he corrected himself, “I will be fine.”
“Right,” Tony snorted. “Nice try. Come on, up. Next time, don’t skip breakfast.”
Stephen snorted even louder. “And the frying-pan said to the kettle, 'Avant, black-browes'.”
“I don’t know what you just said, but it can’t be good,” Tony grunted, nearly toppling under Loki’s weight, who really was more unsteady than he was letting on. “Will you boom-boom-whoosh us a portal already?”
Stephen shook his head and wrapped his arm around Loki’s waist, taking on some of the burden.
“I can walk,” Loki whined.
“Sure you can,” Stephen said kindly. “We just happen to do it better.”
Tony didn’t know how anybody could sleep with the AC blowing full-blast in their face but Loki did just that, and for twelve hours straight too. Their not-strictly-human husband had never slept for such a long stretch of time and it could only be a testament to his exhaustion.
As he closed the bedroom door behind him to give Loki some privacy while he freshened up in the bathroom, his worried eyes met Stephen’s equally troubled gaze.
“Think he’s coming down with something?” Tony asked quietly.
“He seemed fine yesterday when the call came, and he was fighting fit," Stephen mulled as they walked back toward the kitchen together. “Wasn’t he?”
“Yeah, he took down those Doombots like they were nothing. He did that flashy move of his, you know the one where he’s like ribbon-dancing in the sky, except his ribbons turned into deadly blades the minute they came into contact with a Bot.”
“I have to take your word for it, I guess. I was kinda busy keeping a few buildings standing,” Stephen said enviously, as it was a sight he wouldn’t have minded seeing himself. Watching Loki in battle was always a spectacle, even back when they were still rivals.
Tony must have misconstrued the envy in his voice and decided that a little teasing was in order. “Aw, I’m sure you were great, honey.” He reached out to squeeze Stephen’s bicep. “Feeling a little sore there?”
“I held them up by magic but thank you for asking,” Stephen said dryly. “I wouldn’t mind a massage though, if you’re offering me one.”
“I’ll see if I can fit you in my tight schedule.” Kisses stolen in passing whilst walking down hallways were often sweet, made sweeter still by the relief Tony could feel bleeding through their locked lips. It had not been too long ago that they had almost lost Loki to that terrible illness, and it was that same shared fear that had plagued both Stephen and him since yesterday.
As they sat back down to their now-cold breakfast, he could see just how much Stephen’s face had brightened. The appetite that was almost killed by JARVIS’ mid-meal interruption to inform them that Loki was finally awake came back with a vengeance, and Tony shoveled his eggs into his mouth like a man starving.
It was after a few bites that he deemed his hunger momentarily sated enough to broach another issue that had been weighing on him.
"How was Loki...the night before last?" Tony asked tentatively.
It was an arrangement only recently agreed upon that they made use of the ten bedrooms in the penthouse, with each claiming a bedroom of his own and still having the freedom to choose where and with whom to spend the night. It came about after Stephen's odd hours and Tony's unpredictable work frenzies clashed with Loki's need for absolute silence when sleeping.
Tony had never met a lighter sleeper in his life. So when Stephen got called out on Sorcerer Supreme business for three nights in a row, it did not surprise either of them when Loki, tired of the interruptions to his beauty sleep, set fire to the bed.
Tony wished the mercurial God of Chaos could spare the custom-made, eiderdown-covered Alaskan king bed...alas, new beds he could always buy, but there was only one of Loki.
"Sleep in separate bedrooms! It's the secret to a happy marriage, don't you ever watch The Crown?" Pepper had said, rubbing salt into the wound the next day when he called her up the next day to moan. "God knows you have enough rooms to sleep in a different one for every night of the month."
Which was an exaggeration of course, for only the top floor of the penthouse had four bedrooms on the same floor, one for each of them, and the biggest, most lavish one reserved for when they needed to spend time together as a proper throuple.
Clearly perturbed by Tony's question, Stephen carefully set his fork back on his plate. "Could you be more specific?"
"Did he seem a little...impatient to you?"
"Impatient?" Stephen frowned. "What do you mean?"
"You know…" Tony drawled, "More...urgent. Demanding."
"You mean horny," Stephen deadpanned.
"Shhh. You know he doesn't like that word!" Tony whispered loudly. "It depreciates his aesthetic."
Stephen chuckled. "You can say horny, Tony. Loki's not here."
"And now he is," a sultry voice suddenly spoke from behind, and Stephen nearly yelped.
"Loki!" He gasped. "How long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough," Loki said coolly, sliding into the empty chair beside Tony, to whom he directed his next question. "So what else does he say about me when I'm not here?"
"Only the most flattering things, sweetness." Tony rubbed his hand up and down Loki's back. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I'm drunk on sleep." Loki's nostrils flared as he tried to kill the oncoming yawn but failed. "But not bad. You?"
"Nothing an Advil or two can't fix." Tony reached out a hand to stop Loki from stealing a piece of toast off his plate. "I think Stephen's wanting to take your spinal fluid or brain tissue or something first."
Stephen rolled his eyes. "Just your blood will do."
"Why?" Loki whined. "I hate those adamantium needles, they itch like a bitch."
Tony let out a scandalous whisper. "Language!"
"I want to make sure there's no electrolyte imbalance and that your sugar level's okay. You were vomiting quite profusely yesterday," Stephen said,
"I'm not anymore," Loki pointed out. "I feel absolutely fine."
"It's just a precaution, Loki," Stephen tried again but before he could say anything further, Loki held up a regal hand.
"And I can tell you with absolute certainty that my blood sugar level is very low because I am very, very hungry and if you do not feed me within the next thirty seconds I will eat your face," he growled. "Literally."
Stephen slowly, wordlessly, slid his plate across the table.
"Thank you, Stephen," Loki said sweetly  before attacking the egg-white and quinoa omelette with gusto. He swallowed the first bite and made a face. "This is nasty."
A heated debate and a number of mortal threats later, Loki was well on his way out the door. “Anytime today, Stark. Get a move on.”
“Can’t you go?” Tony pleaded. “I’ve never done my own grocery shopping before.”
Stephen looked at him incredulously. “You don’t have to do anything. You just have to prepare the money when he asks and make sure he doesn’t buy out every stall he happens to like.”
Loki tapped his foot impatiently. “Shall I go by myself then?”
“No!” Both Stephen and Tony said in unison.
“Nice try, Bambi,” Tony added. To Stephen, “You owe me.”
“This and more.” Stephen kissed Tony quickly. “Bring him back in one piece if you can. Oh, and I’m speed-dial number one, two and three on both your phones.”
“Oh, for God’s sake.”
Stephen's eyes disappeared behind his smile. “Loki, babe? Can you come here for a sec?”
Loki marched back to where Stephen and Tony were still huddled by the kitchen counter. “What is it now?”
Stephen dropped an effervescent electrolyte tablet into a glass of water. “Drink this before you go. You need to replenish your electrolytes.”
Loki groaned. “Stephen, I am electrolyted up to my eyeballs. Enough, please.”
“Today’s going to be a hot day, according to the weather forecast,” Stephen warned. “Can’t risk you getting dehydrated again.”
“It can’t possibly be hotter than yesterday," Loki said. He turned to Tony. "You need to figure out how to increase your heat resistance to Doom's fire-breathing Bots, I can't be covering you all the time. What if I'm not there?"
Stephen’s gaze vacillated between his two lovers in alarm. “Are we expecting any trouble today?”
“No, it was simply a theoretical question,” Loki said patiently. “Tony needs to build better suits.”
“And you need to see a sleep hygienist,” Tony said, just as sweetly. “Can’t have you burning any more beds. We are living in a high-rise, you know.”
Loki shrugged. “It’s not like both of you can’t fly.”
Stephen chuckled, “He’s got a point.”
“Whose side are you on?” Tony grumbled to himself. “Are we going or what?”
Stephen sighed. If he had not made prior arrangements to visit Kamar-Taj that day, he would have been more than happy to take Tony’s place.
He kissed Loki, a tad harder than usual. "Be careful, you two."
Loki laughed. "We're going to the market, Stephen, not off-world to another planet."
“Thank you for the reassurance, Loki.”
Loki’s kiss took Stephen by surprise, not so much the hard pinch Loki gave his cheek. “You fret too much.”
“Don’t be. It’s sweet.” Loki’s green eyes glinted. “Makes me want to eat your face every time.”
Strolling the gorgeous Botanical Garden in the Bronx at this time of year was...interesting. Being public figures, it was a given that they would be recognised, but most everybody gave them a wide berth, wholly content with admiring from afar.
If Tony had reservations before, they disappeared quickly enough. Loki’s excitement and appreciation for the diverse arrays of artisan foods was contagious, and as they went from stall to stall perusing the seasonal produce on offer, Tony found himself in danger of doing the very thing he had promised Stephen he would keep Loki from doing.
“That was the best goat cheese I’ve ever tasted,” Tony gushed, arms laden with carrier bags full of cheeses, preserves and a variety of herb-infused olive oils. “You sure this is enough?”
“Nope,” Loki said. “But next week we can get Stephen to come with us and buy some more.”
“Sounds like a plan. Your ice cream’s melting.”
Loki held it out and Tony took a lick. “That’s yum.”
“You can have it if you want,” Loki said, sounding suddenly faint.
Tony frowned. “What’s the matter?”
Loki took in a few deep breaths, his face suddenly the colour of parchment. “I don’t know.”
The ice cream cone slipped out of his hand onto the ground when he abruptly bent at the waist, propping himself on his knees. “Just...give me a moment.”
Tony fumbled with the bags, managing to shift them all onto one hand, freeing the other so he could take Loki’s arm. He led his husband to a bench and sat him down.
“Do you feel sick again?” Tony asked, palming Loki’s forehead. His hand came away clammy. “ Do you need some water?”
Loki nodded his head to the first question, and shook his head to the second. His throat bobbed up and down erratically as though he was trying very hard not to lose the content of his stomach in front of all these people.
“I’m calling Stephen.”
“No!” Loki lunged to try to snatch the phone out of Tony’s hand, but the sudden movement sent a jolt of pain like a knife to his stomach. He doubled over and moaned in pain.
“Loki.” Tony dropped onto the bench and placed a hand on the small of Loki’s back. “Shit, shit, shit.” He stabbed the speed dial on his phone and began to pace. “Come on, come on, pick up.”
By a stroke of fortune, Stephen answered before the first dial tone ended, his “Yeah?” a cross between irritable and amused.
“We have a situation,” Tony said tensely.
“That bad, huh?”
Stephen’s indifference was expected given Tony’s propensity for drama, but today was not the day. "Strange, I’m not kidding. I think you need to come get us.“
"Loki may not have the patience for fresh produce and mingling but I’m sure I can trust you to keep him from terrorising the poor farmers for a few hours,” Stephen said, letting out a small chuckle at the imagery. “Or has he stabbed someone already?”
Tony remained uncharacteristically silent.
“Tony?” Stephen began to feel uneasy. “Please tell me Loki did not actually stab someone?”
“Loki’s not feeling well."
There was a sudden pause. When next Stephen spoke, his voice sounded strange. "Well, come on home.”
Loki lifted his head, as though he was listening in on the conversation all along.
“Can you walk?” Tony asked quietly. He helped Loki to his feet, only to regret it a second later. He did not think it was possible for Loki’s face to go that many shades paler, but it did.
Tony cradled the phone to his ear and quickly pushed his swaying husband back onto the bench. “Yeah…that’s a negative.”
Another pause ensued; thankfully it was a shorter one this time.
“Stay where you are.”
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
Was Jk shading Taehyung during his New Years wishes to him at GDA? Twitter people are reading a LOT into it, saying that Jk is still salty at Tae and vice versa. They seem pretty chill to me. Why do people always find reasons to believe there is Vminkook drama?Is there a reason to think they aren't repairing their freindship?
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First of all, why would JK shade Taehyung? What are they fighting about, I wonder. Has anyone known JK to be the passive aggressive king slash shade throwing one in that trio? Because, not me...
I don't see him as the, 'those two are hanging out now followed by a slight head tilt,' kind of person. The 'Jimin wants to come but JK is keeping him from coming,' the 'well, you ignore me anyway so I couldn't tell you were on a mission' kind.
Or even the, 'my friendship relationships are gold to me and it's important for me to nurture those connections' knowing damn well the elephant in the room has a possessive streak and he himself has been on record, allegedly, stating he has one same age friend and all his friends are hyungs- so what is JK to you then Jimin?
Then the whole, 'texting is not a great way to build connections and is a barrier to effective communication' -words spewed in full cognizance of the fact JK is a bad texter yet prefers texting to talking on phone anyway- that is what I call shade. Not sure what was in the water that day, but chilee Jimin was all over the place in that Be Behind video. Lmho.
I think everyone, including even the semi-rational Tuktukker, know damn well what JK meant by that statement and what had prompted it- but leave it to them to circumvent.
Ah, V hyung... we used to have a special bond. When we were trainees, we had such great chemistry. V used to be the easiest hyung to talk to, now it's awkward.
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Where is the shade in this? I don't think at all that he is or was in anyway shading Tae or any one. To shade would imply he has stock. He don't.
I hate when people talk about Tae Kook as if there is something wrong with their bond. There isn't. It is what it is. It's just not what their shoppers make it out to be. They are looking for depth where there is none. The fact of the matter is Tae Kook lacks depth to their dynamics. We know it, JK knows it, BigHit knows it. No amount of bullying Jimin or Jokers will add that missing depth back to their relationship. Sorry.
'He is still salty,' honey he was never salty about anything to begin with. They tried it! Making it sound like JK wants Tae to change in order to relate with him again. He don't.
Why would JK be salty about Tae's growth? Why would he object to Tae's growth?
Because that's what it is. This whole Tae Kook tensions is not about them fighting, it's about them growing apart. Tae grew the fuck up and JK can't relate with him or treat him the way he used to when they were young.
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And if these self absorbed, legally blind shoppers looked beyond Tae Kook for a second, they will know it's not just JK complaining about Tae changing and becoming different as he grew up.
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Tae used to be the easiest hyung to talk to and bully because they were closer in age and Tae allowed for such familiarity between them. Similar to how, Jin and Jimin allows for a certain degree of familiarity and informality between them and Jk.
While Tae allowed and was open to this level of closeness and informality between them, JK apparently held on to the gates, only scraping the surface of it and inhibiting the depth that could have been to their dynamics.
Was Tae content with that dynamic? No. Did he communicate that to JK? May be he did but JK wouldn't let his guards down. Tae failed to breach JK's emotional boundaries and years later he would express this sentiment openly to JK in their conversation in Soop.
Whereas, JK admitted to Jimin's successful breach of his emotional walls when he recounted the story of their rainy day fight- let me not hear any one compare Jikook to any of JK's ship in BTS, I whoop your ass. D!
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This is the intimacy that is missing in Tae Kook. When you are close to someone, you not only feel at ease with them enough to express your thoughts freely with them, you are comfortable enough with them to be yourself, be different, to antagonize them without the fear that your differences and outbursts will sever your bond or lead to irreparable damage to your bond.
Fact is, in as much as JK felt close to Tae in the early days, he harbored a fear that being fully himself enough to be 'opinionated' and fully honest in his self expressions towards him, would break their bond.
He clearly didn't trust their bond was strong enough to handle all of that. That's the intimacy you find in Jikook. The trust. They are both unapologetically themselves with eachother because they trust in their bond.
Which means they share a lot but are also very opinionated with eachother, clash and assert themselves with eachother. And I know the kumbaya fake woke Jokers hate to hear it, but Jikook are strong not because they don't fight but because their bond withstands the test of a fight as Tae explained in his conversation with JK in Soop.
He was able to get closer with Jimin and Jin by being openly assertive with them- going against Jimin in the dumpling incident and all the times they fought, directly confrontational with Jin over their dance choreo but with JK he had always been scared to open himself in that way with him for whatever reason- I won't bother speculating on. It's their ship, they should do the maths.
May be he learned his lesson. He's learned not to fear conflict, to be assertive without fearing he would be punished for it, to be less passive aggressive as he was before and express himself and his feelings more openly over the years.
But it took him closing himself off to get there. Always looking in photos as if Yeontan ate the last brisket. Exuding melancholic vibes.
Young Jk equally didn't have a positive view on conflict and conflict resolution and I think he knew his place as the youngest and did not want to be as opinionated or assertive against them and so, as he explained to Tae in Soop, he opted to keep a safe distance emotionally from everyone- not just Tae.
When JK talks about we used to have a special bond, all he means is they used to be mischievous, get in trouble together, be brats, chat shit under their breaths behind their hyungs- partners in crime and as I like to call them, be the evil power duo of BTS.
They literally shared one brain cell lol, and conspired a lot. Their bond was unique only in that Tae was a rebel at heart and a bit innocent or immature as RM and the others would say.
Ship wise, Tae used to be on his side. He was protective of him and and looked out for him when they were young- that's of course before he started passive aggressively exposing JK's relationship with Jimin on VLives, incessantly shipping Jimin with Suga, dragging JK's ass away from JM's car so he could ride with him and all of those harmless moments that to anyone with little understanding of Tae's character would assume Tae didn't support JK's relationship.
And even after Soop, he put JK on the spot when he tried eye fucking Jimin through the view finder during their dynamite MV- he knew what JK was going to do. He's seen him do that a countless times to Jimin- HE KNOWS.
There is a reason JK gave him that look in the Dynamite shoot interview when he thought Tae was intentionally trying to expose him holding hands with Jimin behind Suga.
As much as these little things may be irritating to Kook, I don't think Tae gotta kiss his ass too. Jk can be messy sometimes with his Jikook agenda.
Of course they dynamic would change if Tae changed too- which is what Jimin and everyone says of Taehyung. He is very reserved and mature now. He is not the same childish, immature, reckless teen JK or Tuktukkers used to know.
He grew faster than either JK or JM had hoped and they both miss that part of him. Tae said he wished he could get a time machine and show Army the 'Chimchar' he was back in the day. The only way Taekook can be real is if we all hop into a time machine and go back in time to change the trajectory of events.
Tuktukkers need to let go of their old ship, that ship is dead and embrace the new ship brewing in its stead.
Jimin have said occasionally, that side of Tae pops out but he is very different from who he used to be when they were young. Which explains these outbursts of moments and interactions reminiscent of their past bond but that's all that is.
Why do these people insist on infantilizing Tae and holding him to his past?
That comment at GDA wasn't shade. But it was an inside Joke I feel. Like I said, when JK talks about their past history and bond, to me it's reference to a time period where Tae was on his side and was mischievous. To me it's code for 'I miss when you were less uptight and strict.'
He brought up when Tae gave them leeway and was lenient with their schedule during the making of Be- a sentiment all the members expressed in the Be behind video when they praised Tae for giving them much room in their schedules.
It was the same thing he said during his speech to Tae at GDA after bringing up the whole past bond thingy. He wanted to express appreciation to Tae perhaps because the loose schedule Tae had created had given him much time to go home and give his man a blowjob or go house shopping with him- who knows.
The way he kept looking at Jimin while saying that... yea. I'm going with that. Lol.
That loose schedule definitely put Tae in JK and JM's good graces.
My take away from that moment though, is- JK's agenda to give Tuktukkers hernia����
Lord I'm dying. I laughed so hard my ribs hurt. Pray for me. Lmho.
Chilee JK.
Dude is on a mission to run the entire Taekook gay, Taekook married propaganda campaign into the ground. What guts me is, he knows what Tae Kook is. I bet he went online after that Tae Kook Vlive to watch Tae Kook compilations. He's been on a mission to obliterate that ship since. Lol.
I mean I won't put it past him. Probably looked up Yoonmin while he was at it and showed Jimin analysis videos of him moaning in Suga's bedroom🤣🤣🤣🤣
Would explain why he was laughing when he saw Yoonmin in the comments during the VLive and why Jimin looked like he wanted to eat us alive. Lmho.
Oh Tae touched my peepee? You bloody moaned in Suga's bedroom how about we call it even?
I joke but I mean, this is the same dude who took an online personality test after Tae read his results to him in Soop- he definitely watched those Tae Kook compilation-Y'all laugh else I'll shoot you. Lmho. I can't be the only one who finds this funny!
He knows what shipping is, he knows how statements like that would be construed by the fans- and the fact Jimin had spent an entire interview and behind scenes openly disavowing his glorified friendship connections... I smell a renewal of commitment somewhere.
Don't mind me. I play too much sometimes.
There is nothing wrong with Tae Kook's friendship. If anything, it seems JK feels very appreciative of Tae in recent times which is usually a good sign between them because for Vminkook to thrive they all need to make space for eachother and for the pairings amongst them to thrive- Vmin, Taekook and Jikook.
I hope this helps?
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viastro · 4 years
prom dress | kwon soonyoung
ミ★ synopsis: in which your dates ditch you both at prom.
ミ★ genre: high school!au, humor, fluff
ミ★ warnings: none!
ミ★ word count: 1,666
ミ★ pairings: made up character x female reader (only for the beginning) hoshi x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys! I don’t really like this oneshot uhh I literally pulled it out of my ass and it did not turn out the way I wanted it to. I hope you guys still enjoy it tho!
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“Wow, you look amazing.” Gunwoo says as you walk down your stairs. 
“Of course she does! I did her hair and makeup.” Your mom boasts, and you roll your eyes with a smile. You walk over to your date, giving him a hug.
“You look handsome Gunwoo.” You compliment, patting his head and he gives you an embarrassed smile. “Psh, stop.” 
“It’s true!” You laugh, and he laughs along with you. He took the time to find a dress shirt that matches the color of your dress, a royal blue. Your dress is satin, a bit form fitting but it still gives you a bit of wiggle room which is a necessity for a prom dress. 
“Okay! Let me take pictures of you two.” Your mom squeals, turning on her camera.
How you and Gunwoo ended up going to prom together? You can’t give a real good answer to that. You and him aren’t even that close, you’re just lab partners. He asked you to prom because him and his girlfriend broke up right before tickets went on sale, so now here you are.
a pity date.
“Okay mom, I’ll see you later tonight!” You say, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll have her home by 12 auntie.” Gunwoo smiles as he gives your mom a hug.
“Okay! Have fun you two.” You both wave bye and head out the door, walking over to his car.
 “Where are we eating?” You ask as you buckle in your seatbelt. Gunwoo turns on the engine, handing you his phone so that you can aux. “You know that cute little cafe? The one that has all those aesthetic spots where we can take photos?” 
“Yes! I heard they have really good boba.” You squeal, making Gunwoo laugh as he pulls out of your driveway.
“I’m glad to know that you’re excited.” He says as you put on Day6. You glance out the window, looking up at the stars for the rest of the drive there.
“You go sit down, I’ll order for us.” Gunwoo tells you and you nod, going over to sit in one of the booths. You take out your phone as you wait, scrolling through Twitter before Gunwoo sits back down with your boba.
“Yay! Thank you Gunwoo.” He gives you a smile.
“The food will be ready in a few minutes.” You nod your head, and you get your phone ready so that you can take a video of you two shoving the straws into your bobas. You put your straws into the bobas successfully, giggling like little kids afterwards.
“I can’t believe I just did that.” You mutter, shaking your head and he laughs a bit more.
“I feel like a middle schooler.” Gunwoo tells you and you accidentally snort up boba at the comment, making him choke mid-sip. 
“Oh my God, are you okay?!” He asks while laughing and you laugh as tears fill your eyes from the milk tea up your fucking nose.
“I’m okay.” You respond, blowing your nose to get all the tea out of your nose. Gunwoo’s face is red from laughing so hard, as is yours.
“Holy shit.” Gunwoo whispers and you look up at him after having calmed down. You raise an eyebrow and look in the direction as to where he’s staring, only to see his ex-girlfriend, Youngmi with her prom date. Your eyes widen at the sight of her date.
It’s Kwon Soonyoung, the guy you've lowkey been eyeing since the beginning of the school year. Soonyoung is incredibly handsome but at the same time very cute? It’s hard to explain, but just know his duality is insane. He has squishy cheeks, and looks very boy-ish when he smiles. When he’s not smiling however…. Good lord.
“We can go if you want?” You ask Gunwoo, turning around to check back on him. He shakes his head, giving you a small smile instead.
“It’s okay, we can leave after we eat and take a few insta pics.” He responds, and you nod your head. You move your curled hair to your right shoulder, holding out your phone to take a selfie with Gunwoo. 
“Say… boing boing!” Gunwoo rolls his eyes playfully at your request, but mutters a quiet boing boing anyways. You take a couple shots, checking them over once you pull away. You notice that Gunwoo is looking in the direction of Youngmi in a few of the photos, and you let out a small sigh.
“Here’s your food.” The waiter interrupts, placing your plates down in front of you and Gunwoo. You practically inhale the ramen, making Gunwoo chuckle at you.
He’s not the only one who chuckles at the action, as you turn your head and notice that Soonyoung is smiling at you from the booth on the other side of the cafe. You feel your face warm, turning away immediately to prevent yourself from choking at the fact that you caught him staring at you. 
“So cute.” Soonyoung whispers to himself as he watches your cheeks turn red. “What was that?” Youngmi asks as she takes a bite of her brisket. 
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” Soonyoung responds, and Youngmi nods slowly, continuing to eat as her attention drifts off to you and Gunwoo.
“Can we go get some water? Dancing made me thirsty.” You tell Gunwoo as he takes your hand and leads you out of the literal mosh pit. 
“Honestly, I’m literally about to sweat buckets right now so let’s sit down.” Gunwoo says, and you sit down at a table. 
“I’ll go and buy us some water, I’ll be back yn.” You nod your head gratefully as he walks off to buy some water across the dance floor. You take a look around the prom venue, noticing the couples grinding on each other and a girl literally oh my god she fell.
You notice a water bottle get placed onto your table, and you turn your head to see oh christ almighty.
Soonyoung is standing before you in all his glory. He’s giving you a small smile, a few drops of sweat dripping down his neck from dancing. “Can I sit here?” He asks and you nod your head slowly, realizing that you were literally gaping at him. 
“I don’t know if you noticed, but our dates ditched us.” You raise an eyebrow at Soonyoung’s words, immediately turning to see Gunwoo speaking to his ex-girlfriend Youngmi. They’re smiling at each other, and she reaches out and holds his hand. She gestures to the dance floor and he nods his head, before his eyes widen and he turns to look for you.
He gives you a look that basically means, is it okay if I go? To which you nod your head, giving him a thumbs up. He gives you a grateful smile, letting Youngmi take him onto the dance floor. You let out a small sigh, leaning back into the chair and glancing over at Soonyoung.
“We just got ditched.” Soonyoung says, and you nod your head, letting out a laugh. 
“I wouldn’t usually expect someone who just got ditched at prom to laugh.” Soonyoung tells you and you push your hair back with your hand.
“I mean honestly, I never thought I’d get ditched at prom. Or like, be sitting here with you while our dates go and dance together.” You answer honestly, and his eyes widen a bit in surprise. 
“Is sitting here with me a bad thing?” Soonyoung asks you, and you give him a small smile, to which he grins.
“No, it’s not.” You respond and he giggles, making you giggle as well. You open up the water bottle he got you, taking a big gulp. The music changes to a slow song, and you notice all the couples start holding each other close. You see Youngmin rest her head on Gunwoo’s shoulder, and him smiling content at the recent turn of events for the night. You let out a small sigh, taking another gulp of water.
“Damn, I feel kinda lonely now-” You stop mid-sentence once you realize Soonyoung is standing now, hand outstretched towards you.
“Yn, would you like to dance with me?” You bite the inside of your cheek, reaching out and grasping his soft hand. He smiles down at you, and you feel a blush form on your cheeks once again. “Yes, yes I would.” 
He leads you to the dance floor, wrapping his arms tentatively around your waist. You reach your arms up, linking your hands behind the back of his neck. You both sway in silence for a beat, taking a look at the couples around you. While Soonyoung stares down at you, taking notice of the way your eyes sparkle under the lights.
“Not going to lie, I’ve had a small crush on you this whole year.” Soonyoung confesses, and you immediately turn to look at him with wide eyes. “Are you being deadass right now?” 
“Hell yeah. I’ve been too shy to actually try and have a conversation with you though. I was hoping we’d be lab partners, but the teacher paired you and Gunwoo up so I was stuck with Chan.” You feel your face progressively get warmer at Soonyoung’s confession, and he smiles at you.
“I can’t believe this…” You mutter and he spins you around, making you squeal as he pulls you back to him.
“What do you say we go to the arcade across the street?” Soonyoung suggests, and you grin. 
“That would be absolutely epic.” 
“Okay, let’s go after this song finishes.” 
“But wait,” You say, looking back up into Soonyoung’s eyes. He cocks his head to the side as he looks down at you.
“Don’t you want to hear my answer to your feelings?” You ask and he gives you a sweet smile. 
“I don’t want you to feel forced to return my feelings, I’m willing to try harder.” Soonyoung answers and you feel your heart warm. “What a sweetheart you are.” You tease, retracting your hands from the back of his neck to cup his face.
“Let’s make the arcade our first date.” You tell him, squishing his face and he laughs at you, pure affection in his eyes as he stares at you. He turns his head a bit so that he can place a soft kiss on your wrist, making you squeak. He gives you a big smile, squeezing your waist softly.
“I’d love that.”
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coll2mitts · 3 years
#28 Hairspray (2007)
Welcome to Hairspray, where a well-intentioned, woke, white teenage girl singlehandedly ends segregation in 1960s Baltimore.
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Y’know, after watching Cry-Baby, I wasn’t super keen on revisiting Hairspray, but I figured it deserved a fair shot.  I hadn’t seen the original since I was in high school, so I booted up HBO Max and settled in for a long night of old-timey dance moves and racial inequality.  Guys... the 1988 version of Hairspray is flippin’ great.
The cast is just to die for.  Ricki Lake, who I only knew as a talk show host in my childhood, is a great Tracy Turnblad.  My favorite devious sea witch Divine is her mother, and Jerry Stiller is her father.  Goddamn Debbie Harry and Sunny Bono are her rival’s parents, and Amber Von Tussle is motherfucking Colleen Fitzpatrick.  As someone who has a vested interest in all famous Colleens, I was stoked to see that Hairspray was Vitamin C’s first acting gig.
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FUN FACT: According to Wikipedia (which is never wrong), Graduation (Friends Forever) charts on iTunes at the end of every school year.  Colleen is also the VP of music at Nickelodeon, so she’s doing just fine.
Anyway, the original Hairspray is campy, edgy and hilarious.  If I were Miss Soft Crab 1945, I too would bring it up every chance I got.  The story really boils down to two horny teenage girls trying to claw their way to the top, but the charm of Tracy is she’s trying to pull everyone else up with her.  The way they handle segregation and racial inequality is over-the-top ridiculous, but somehow more realistic than its updated counterpart (put a pin in this).  I mean, a racist white woman shoved a bomb in her hair to own the libs and it gloriously explodes on her head.  I haven’t seen the musical adaptation of Hairspray, so my opinions of how true it is to its source material won’t be explored here, but the 2007 movie adaptation, to me, left a lot to be desired.
Hairspray might be the most popular in a recent trend of non-musical movies being adapted for Broadway.  I remember back in the 90s when Beauty and the Beast hit the stage - it was so successful Disney now has the movie-to-Broadway pipeline on speed dial.  But now we’re getting a shitload of movies with no musical elements being fast tracked to Broadway, like Kinky Boots, Bend it Like Beckham, Mean Girls, Beetlejuice, Heathers, Waitress, Legally Blonde, fucking Groundhog Day with music written by Tim Minchin, just, so goddamn many of them.  I love musicals, but to say I didn’t want to see The Heathers threaten Veronica in 3-part harmony would be an understatement, so I’m immediately skeptical to the quality of this content and hesitant to consume it.  Unfortunately for me, Hairspray is one of the few who had their *corny* musical adaptation also committed to film, and it is a neutered, earnest, high school choir translation of the original and it made my teeth hurt.
The two positives I’ll give the remake are the sets/costumes are great, and the cast serve their roles well, although I will never be OK with someone wearing a fat suit as a costume.  The songs are... fine.  Again, this era of music is not my favorite, so I’m never going to get excited over “It Takes Two” or “I Can Hear the Bells”.  It’s just the tone is so different from the original, and by the end of the movie I was exhausted and very glad it was over.  Writing about it now has required several breaks and side-tangents and I can’t even get to the fucking synopsis of the movie... ugh let’s just do this.
Tracy Turnblad is a “pleasantly plump” teenage girl living in 1960s Baltimore whose sunny disposition makes her oblivious to the reality of murky situation she is living in.  We’re quickly introduced to her obsession, “The Corny Collins Show”, which features a number of far-out teens that love to dance, including multi-year winner of Miss Teenage Hairspray and miss Pitch Perfect herself Amber Von Tussel.  Her mother, Velma, played by Michelle Pfeiffer, is the station manager at WYZT, and uses her power to keep Amber featured front and center.  
After a girl on the show gets knocked up, an audition is held to replace her.  While Tracy’s mother Edna, regrettably played by John Travolta in a fat suit, is afraid that Tracy’s weight will prevent her from landing the gig, her father, puzzlingly played by like a 60-something Christopher Walken, is generally supportive.  True to Edna’s feeling, Tracy is fat shamed by Amber and Velma and doesn’t make the cut.
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After getting detention for skipping class for an audition that didn’t pan out, Tracy makes friends with a bunch of black students who are all excellent dancers.  Turns out her new friend Seaweed is the son of Motormouth Maybelle, the sometimes-host of "The Corny Collins Show”, played by Queen Latifah.  Velma, in addition to being a massive bitch, also segregates the station’s black talent from the main show, only to be featured one night a month on “Negro Day”.  While Tracy is boogying down, Link, Amber’s boyfriend and one of the stars of TCCS, peeps at her ass and tells her if she shook her rump in front of Corny at the Hop, he’d have no choice but to put her on the show.
In the original movie, Tracy Turnblad fucks.  She moves in on Link and devours him whole, with no mind given to her size.  She is a kind of bratty, confident young teenager that isn’t afraid to reach out and grab what she wants.  Tracy in the 2007 version is the most innocent cinnamon roll that has ever been baked.  Link gives her one compliment and she drifts into fantasies of marrying him.  Part of me is annoyed by this, but the other part of me appreciates misguided optimism played as humor.
At the Corny Collins hop, Tracy steals borrows Seaweed’s dance move and lands a place on TCCS council.  After declaring she wants every day to be Negro Day, the head of the station declares he wants that “chubby communist girl” off the show.  Corny, played by a dreamy James Marsden, sticks his neck out for Tracy and furthermore, says the show should be integrated.  As Tracy’s popularity skyrockets, the station shows more leeway to her size and her look, but to maintain some semblance of control, Velma works to completely edge out Negro Day.
Meanwhile, Link is clued into how fun it is in detention, and him, Tracy, and Penny all dance their way to Motormouth Maybelle’s record store for a potluck.  When Seaweed introduces his new white friends to his mother, Penny delivers my favorite line of the whole movie, “I’m very pleased and scared to be here.”  Amber rats out Tracy’s activities to her mother, and Edna arrives to Motormouth’s with the intention of dragging Tracy home until she realizes that black people are OK because they eat brisket.
After Edna shoves a bunch of food in her face, the gang finds out that Negro Day on “The Corny Collins Show” has been cancelled.  Tracy has the great idea to protest the television station, and all the black people are like, “Why didn’t we think of that?”  Link decides to bow out of the march because there’ll be talent agents at the Miss Hairspray Pageant, and he doesn’t want to give up his big shot at fame and glory to fight for a entire race of people’s basic rights.
The next day, Tracy and her mom are the only white people in a sea of black people to march to the station.  Queen Latifah sings a very earnest song about the resilience of her community, because this is the Serious Portion TM of the musical.  Tracy assaults a police officer without giving any mind to what it would do for all the black people she’s marching with, and runs away to let them handle the consequences.  The movie doesn’t show any police brutality because Reasons, and a bunch of protestors are arrested and immediately bailed out by Tracy’s Dad.  Tracy eventually ends up back at Motormouth Maybelle’s record shop so she can hide there without considering how dangerous it would be for Motormouth to harbor a fugitive of the law.  
The next day is the Miss Teen Hairspray competition broadcast at WYZT, and with Tracy being wanted by the police, they have to sneak her into the station.  She bum-rushes the set to sing a song with a now-enlightened Link about not stopping progress, while also inviting Motormouth Maybelle’s daughter, Little Inez, on stage to dance.  Everybody calls-in to vote for her because the only racist people in Baltimore run the television station, and Little Inez is crowned Miss Teen Hairspray.  Amber is like fine with it even though her mom isn’t, and everyone dances and sings to celebrate that “The Corny Collins” show is now integrated!  Meanwhile, I’m left wondering why Amanda Bynes was forced to wear a dress that she can’t move her legs in, even though they knew she would participate in the show’s closing dance number.  The end.
Oh, and there’s also a whole B plot where Velma tries to fuck Tracy’s dad and Tracy’s mom finds out and gets upset for like 30 seconds.  This is immediately resolved by a song and dance number among a bunch of laundry.
This movie is fine and competent or whatever, but for some reason it just rubs me the entirely wrong way.  Tracy constantly says that the 1960s are changing for people who are different, implying that an overweight white teen also knows what it’s like to be discriminated against in the same way black people are.  The movie does roll its eyes at some of her most tone-deaf “I’m an overenthusiastic ally” moments, like “I wish every day was Negro Day!” and “This is afro-tastic!”, but it also goes out of its way to talk about how much Tracy has helped the black community.  Like, by doing what?  Being fat and on TV?  That being said, she does use her privilege to feature black dancers on a major television broadcast, so by the end of the movie she becomes the person everyone says she is.  Also, I’m a dumb, overweight, white, middle-aged woman, so I’m not the right person to get all indignant about a well-intentioned feel-good Broadway musical.
Final thoughts: If you love bright colors, cheese, and sincere, glossy reflections of the 1960s civil rights movement written by a bunch of white dudes, this movie is for you.
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Oi boats
Soo you've said you wantes some au suggestions ideas and my only thought was: a Restaurant Au
Now listen i know this sounds like garbage but the idea of William and Felicity having a cooking dispute is hilarious to me
Listen anon I have got to know who you are this was my favorite AU idea
Here’s part one!
This was it. Her very last chance.
You cannot blow this Felicity.
The restaurant loomed over her, casting a huge shadow over every thought of paying her bills. She had been fired from every other job so far. Stupid capitalists closing down {each Tree Diner. Thankfully Janice had enough to retire before that stupid mega corporation bought out her beloved diner.
I hope those corporate bootlickers get food poisoning from their second hand brisket baskets of trash.
Corporations didn’t dare target big fancy city restaurants who needed more people to wait tables. Leona’s was a lot bigger than Felicity had expected, with multiple floors seating wealthy patrons. But she currently had exactly one (1) skill and damn if she wasn’t good at it. Who knew how Janice had a contact here, but Felicity was never one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Apparently, she wasn’t one to look at all. Pity for the poor other person running out the door with a stack of what seemed to be important documents. Papers flew in every direction imaginable, including the very slippery floor beneath her foot.
“Woah, are you okay?” A firm hand secured around her waist and holy heck was this man handsome as hell.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t see where I was going because I guess I was just really nervous? Still am. Nervous, I mean.” She laughed nervously, who would have guessed, not daring to even move. It wasn’t every day she got to play princess with hot guys whose shoulders were perfectly made for her hands to fit on.
“Mhm. I can see that.” He smirked, a dimple dancing by his mouth.
She pointedly avoided his intensely blue eyes studying her as she knelt to pick up all the papers scattered around her like some kind of crime scene.
You cannot blow this either, Felicity.
“You’re applying for the server position?” She looked up to see him gathering up papers barely a few inches away from her.
“Um, yes.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear,
“Let’s hope you’re better with plates than you are with your resume.” What? He was offering her resume to her, but it might as well have been an eviction notice. Was he threatening to dangle her job in front of her like that? She snatched it back and almost tripped trying to stand up.
“I… plates are easier to- listen, I don’t need-“ The words died on her tongue. Felicity all but ran from the ridiculously attractive man and towards what she hoped was the kitchen.
It was the supply closet.
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milfisolde · 4 years
under read more bc i put too much effort into my ocs and there is A Lot. tw for violent stuff
this will be updated every time i think of something for him!
deviantart link
“The Ravenous” ? idk I suck at titles
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no accessories
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Size reference
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why does he have anime hair if hes a fish? because he’s my oc and i say so
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Short crappy bio
A young shark-like Vastaya. Born in Ionia, west of the island Sudaro. He was captured as a child by  Bilgewater pirates after straying too close to the surface and being found. Was then put to work on the Slaughter Docks, and trained to hunt in the traditional Serpent Isles manner: “launching themselves at their targets to secure tow-hooks with their bare hands, and beginning to butcher the creatures while they yet lived.”.
I need to update myself on League lore, but I would like him 2 be acquaintances with Nami and Fizz. Also, Rollick would have heard stories about Pyke and would find him really cool. Ideally, he would have Johnny Yong Bosch as his voice actor because I love how he voiced Kung Jin in Mortal Kombat X, but I don’t know how he’d do with a pirate accent lmao.
Would be classed as a Fighter with the sub-class Diver. At least I think he would.  
His kit is basically just a mash-up of multiple champions with extra ingredients. Riot do it themselves, so I'm allowed to, too. Pirate lingo used for most of his abilities and voice lines b/c I'm not creative for naming things.
 Passive "Blow the Man Down." : A mash-up of Rengar and Darius' but more complicated. Auto-attacking 3 times in a row, or using abilities, gives his unused abilities 3 different tiers of empowerment. (Like, if you auto-attack 3 times, use W, then Q, his E will have tier 3 empowerment.). Tiers 2 and 3 gives the target bleed when hit by abilities, applying "Blood in the Water."  Applying the bleed multiple times makes it stack, tier 2 stacks like two stacks of tier 1 bleed, tier 3 stacks like two stacks of tier 2 bleed. How many times can it stack? Idk. 5? 7? 10?? ok probably not 10 that would be stupid.
2nd passive "Clipper." : Rollick moves faster in the river; this move speed scales with his normal move speed.
Q "Feed the Fish." : Tier 1 is a swipe in an AOE cone with his claws. Tier 2 is a small lunge in a targeted direction with two swipes, one with each hand. Tier 3 is a longer distance lunge with a bite. If tier 3 lands on a moving target (examples: scuttlecrab when it dashes, Ezreal using his E), it will follow the target like Warwick Q/Evelynn E. The bite will also heal him for a small amount.
W "Hook, Line, Sinker." : is like Rengar's Bola Strike with a wider but shorter range for tiers 1 and 2, but he leaps in the targeted direction at tier 3 and if he hits something, covers it with his net and stays on top of them for a short amount of time. Tier 2 spins the target around from they way Rollick throws his net and will turn the opposite direction of the way the target was originally standing. If you're facing Rollick and the tier 2 net hits you, your back is now turned to Rollick.
E "Chase." : Warwick Blood Hunt but either less or more annoying. Cooldown is shorter in duration, but so is its active. The passive part of it only shows paths to champions affected with a bleed, burn or poison DOT effect. (Includes: Rollick's "Blood in the Water", Darius'  "Hemorrhage", Brand's  "Blaze", Gangplank's  "Trial by Fire", Lillia's  "Dream Dust", Cassiopeia's  "Noxious Poison" and  "Debilitating Poison", Twitch's "Deadly Venom", Teemo's  "Toxic Shot" and  "Noxious Trap", Singed's  "Poison Trail", the  "Scorch" rune,  "Ignite" summoner spell,  "Challenging Smite" summoner spell, "Azakana Gaze" from  Demonic Embrace, and "Torment" from  Liandry's Anguish.
R "Cleave 'Em to the Brisket!" : Similar to Skarner's "Impale". Rollick takes the hooked blade he has on his belt and lunges at the target, stabbing into the enemy champion's chest with his chest to their back, and drags them away. "Cleave 'Em to the Brisket!" can only be used on a champion that has their back turned towards Rollick. It applies a tier 3 "Blood in the Water." upon use. It can yank champions out of  Displacement Immunity, but doesn't suppress the target champion entirely, they are still able to use dash and blink abilities, use Thresh's  "Dark Passage", recast  "Death Sentence" , and use most movement summoner spells ( Flash, Hexflash, Mark/Dash), but if they do, half of their current HP is taken away from the hooked knife being dragged/yanked out of them. If you are 30% HP and you use one of the movement abilities mentioned, you will leave with 15% HP and two stacks of tier 3 bleed. For 5 seconds after using his ult, Rollick uses his knife to attack, gaining increased auto-attack range and his autos apply a tier 1 bleed stack per hit. The enhanced auto-attacks drag his targets towards him because of the hook part in his knife getting caught on them.
Animation ideas
(I used google to find every gif/picture, save for the “dance” one. they have tumblr links bc when writing this tumblr shit itself when i wanted to save it as a draft and i kept it open in a different tab and copy/pasted everything. im sorry some of the gifs are weird aslkfjdjf)
Walking animation is him using his arms and tail to "crawl". imagine the gif has a tail instead of legs
Running animation is the same concept, just with much more effort put into making himself move faster. Moving in the river looks more like he’s swimming rather than crawling. Slowed animation is him dragging himself slowly with his head facing the ground, putting weight on his elbows instead of using his arms completely. Like an army crawl but in pain.
Idle animation is him crossing his arms and resting on his elbows, then looking around and inspecting his claws.
If left in idle animation for more than 15 seconds, he drops down completely and puts his head in his arms and dozes off. Moving after the sleep idle will have him shake his head awake when starting to move.
Death animation is him trying to crawl, being unable to, then collapsing on his side and flopping onto his back.
Taunt animation is him straightening himself then lashing out with his hands and baring his teeth before "biting" the air in the direction he’s standing, voice lines coming out before the bite part.
Joke animation is him chasing his own tail? Maybe he gets tangled in his net after doing it for a second and just struggles there until the animation is interrupted.
Dance is uh. He straightens up and does knife tricks. He doesn’t have legs, doesn’t have a staff like Nami, and just wouldn’t dance like Cassiopeia.
I made the gif using footage from here.
His laugh animation would be him laughing and flopping onto his back, then turning back onto his stomach. All but one of his laughs would be loud and hearty, the one that isn’t would sound like Kung Jin’s laugh.
Voice line ideas
First encounters:
Bilgewater/Bilgewater themed champion:
"Ahoy!" "Ahoy, bucko!" "Ahoy, scallywag."
Multiple champions simultaneously/champions who have a visible partner/partners with them (examples: Kindred, Sejuani, Lulu with Pix, Elise with her Spiderlings, Azir with his Sand Soldiers):
"Ahoy, me hearties."
"Pyke?! I’ve heard stories of you! Though… You’re smaller than I had imagined..." "Hey there, old salt! " "Ahoy, seadog! "
"Good to see a friendly face! Shame it’s on the wrong side." "Oh! Little lass! Have you found your stone yet? "
"Little trickster! Where’s your big friend? "
“Test? Gonna get myself an A-plus-plus! …That’s the good grade, right?
Any champion:
"Scurvy dog! " "AAARRRRGGGGHHHH! "
Bird/bird themed/winged champion:
"Polly want a cracker? "
Tahm Kench:
“The only creature with an appetite bigger than mine” “You put me to shame with that maw of yours! You could fit me in it!”
Tier 3 "Feed the Fish.":
(after used on champion wearing armour/with tough skin)
"Ouch… I think I broke a tooth. Good thing I got more. "
(after used on champion with fur/feathers/long hair)
" (violent spitting-out-fluff noises) Blegh! "
Tier 1 and 2 "Hook, Line, Sinker. ":
"Catch! " "Avast, ye! "
Tier 2 "Hook, Line, Sinker. " after turning someone around:
"Bring a spring upon ‘er! " "Broadside! "
Using "Chase. " with a DOT’d champion in range:
"Chum in the water…" " (deep inhale, then a rumbling growl) "
Using "Chase. " with affected champion visible:
"Lookin’ a bit squiffy there…" " (laughter) Yesss… "
Eliminate champion:
"Take a caulk. "
Eliminate champion while using "Cleave ‘Em to the Brisket!" or the enhanced auto-attacks after:
"Hah, keelhauled! " “Taste me steel n’ may the devil take ye!”
"Dead men tell no tales…"
"What a flogging…" "Alright, I’ve fed the fish… Now it’s their turn. "
"Heave to! " "Avast ye! "
(Assist me!):
"All hand hoy! " "All hands on deck! "
(Assist me!) followed up by (On my way!), or vice versa:
"Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! "
(Area is warded.):
"They’ve got a lookout. "
(Target champion):
"Thar she blows! " "Sail, ho! " "Savvy? " "Hang ‘em from the Yardarm! "
Allied champion drinks potion or gets healed by another ally when Rollick has missing HP:
"Splice the mainbrace! Please?"
Alone with low HP, no potions or actives available, or sells all items:
"Looks like I’m marooned…"
Healed by ally:
"Feeling shipshape!" "Much obliged." "I’m in your debt." "Thank you!" "Thanks!"
Receives shutdown gold:
"Ha-ha! Plundered! " “Bounty taken.”
Flashing away from enemy:
"Blimey! " "Gah!” "Sink me! " " (girly shriek) "
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Klan Ribs
Just so we’re clear, I’m not racist, the klan just makes really good ribs. And believe it or not, some of the klansmen are halfway decent people. Aside from the whole ‘racism’ and ‘white supremacy’ thing of course. But you have to believe me, I’m not racist. About two years ago my work buddy comes in gleaming about a meeting he attended the night before.
“What are you in such a good mood for?” I ask.
“Dude you’re gonna think I’m crazy if I tell you this.”
“Try me.”
“I went to a KKK rally last night.”
“The fuck!?”
“Ok first of all, I didn’t know what it was. I only went on accident.”
“How the fuck do you go to a meeting full of dudes in white hoods on accident?”
“See that’s the thing. I joined this motorcycle club that meets at one of those halls at the Sheraton. I walked into the wrong room but I didn’t even know it until I was halfway through the meeting. I walk in and ask the first guy I see ‘hey you’re the guys with the bikes out front right?’ And I mean he’s a klansman so there’s already a 50/50 chance he rides a motorcycle, so he says yes. And I’m like, sweet, and I see there’s a nice spread of food, a bunch of barbecue and soul food type stuff. And I’m starving, so I make myself a fat plate and this stuff is absolutely delicious, it got me thinking maybe the most racist thing the klan does is keep their barbecue recipes a secret from the rest of the world.”
“Hold up hold up hold up, the white hoods didn’t set you off?”
“Dude, the meeting is at a fucking Sheraton, they can’t book that place if they all show up in hoods. So anyway the first half of this meeting, everyone is just chilling, talking about whatever, I’m chatting with that guy about my Harley. Then we all sit down and a guy gets up on stage, and even at this point I still don’t know what I’m in for. He’s looking around the room, saying he sees a couple new faces, and he singles me out. He’s like ‘I see we have a new brother, and I see you’re enjoying the food.’ And I’m like, yea totally, shit’s amazing. That’s when shit gets real. He starts talking about white power and everyone is saying amen and all that like it’s fucking church. That’s when I knew I was in too deep.”
“So just leave the goddam place.”
“Nah man, cause I mean it, I had a LOT of food. Even had a to-go plate ready. I couldn’t just leave, that’d be rude.”
“Oh of course, you have to fake being racist to avoid being rude. Makes sense.”
“Please, just shut the fuck up and listen. So I gotta sit through thirty minutes of these racist ramblings because the last thing I need is to be on the klan’s bad side. But with that barbecue they had, it was bearable. You should come next time.”
“Next time! Motherfucker are you telling me you’re gonna go BACK to a klan meeting?”
“I don’t think you’re understanding—not comprehending—how great this food is. Plus if you think about it, the more we eat, the less food there is for the klan, so we’re kinda doing the world a favor.”
“Dude, even if I was depraved enough to go with you, I don’t think I’m gonna fit in too well, you know, cause I’m fucking Jewish.”
“See that just makes it all the more beautiful. You’ll be pulling one over on them and they don’t even have to know. As long as you’re not black, you can hide every other thing those fuckers hate. No one has to know you’re Jewish or Catholic or if you suck twenty dicks a day. Just don’t wear the damn yarmulka and eat the Kosher options.”
“Ok first of all, you’re an asshole, I just hope you know that. Second, I don’t practice being Kosher, only the strict Jews do that. My sect of Judaism is pretty chill but I’m still Jewish.”
“Dude, I’m pretty sure the owner of that hotel is a black dude too. The klan doesn’t even realize that every time they book that place, they’re putting money in a black man’s pockets. What harm is it gonna do to come with me and increase the irony just a bit?”
So anyway he convinces me to go with him the next week just because I thought it’d be funny, and the man was not lying. Those ribs and that brisket were ON POINT. And he had already made a ‘friend’ there and they just talked about their common interests, bikes, football, regular coworker kind of talk. Every time the guy brings up racist shit we kinda just danced around the subject and brought it back to normal conversation. And I know what you’re thinking, how do we make it through the rest of the meeting. Well it’s easy when you can’t even hear what they’re saying over the sound of you munching on the best, most racist plate of down home cooking. And yea, they meet up outside of the Sheraton for other stuff where they actually have the burning cross and hoods and all that shit, but it’s not like they know whether I’m there or not because you can’t tell who’s under those robes. So yes, I’m technically in the klan because I’ve been attending their meetings religiously just to demolish their short ribs and bratwurst and country fried steak. But I’m not racist.
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britishchick09 · 4 years
danger force return of the kid livewatch
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the version i’m watching on dailymotion is slightly chipmunked and it’s adorable ^_^
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awww  sweetest hug ever! ♥
chapa: “don’t make me get the crowbar!” omg :o
miles: “you hate to see it” and you love to see the meme ;)
henry’s dad is graduating from an online school how 2020
mika: “we once caught a guy that was stealing books... FROM THE LIBRARY!” omg shocking! :o
henry just said ‘noice’ wtf mr. hart
henry spent ‘his whole childhood’ defeating people but wasn’t he like a tween when he became kid danger?
ray: “henry’s MINE now” awww :)
idk if henry can still become kid danger (i haven’t seen the henry danger finale) but i really hope he does
henry: “everyone thinks kid danger is-“ chapa: “hot?” miles: “dead?” lol
ray wants henry to pick his nail color awww :)
henry wants them to ‘handle it themselves’ does that mean he can’t transform? :o
henry just deleted ‘where are you?’ messages from charlotte HENRY DID YOU SERIOUSLY ABANDON YOUR FRIENDS FOR RAY YOU’RE NOT JOHN WITH YOKO
the audience just gave a quiet ‘aww’ when henry deleted the messages same :/
ray: “you wanna see my axe storing room?” your WHAT room
henry: “do i even have to axe?” eyyyyyyy ;)
ray and henry are the best of friends! :D
they’re playing a just dance ripoff how sweet :)
henry: “this has been so much fun!” ray: “I LOVE YOU TOO!” henry: “what?” ray: “I SAID GET READY FOR ROUND TWO!”
the game is calling for a tango STOP THE SHIPPING
and the game is called PRANCE PRANCE REVOLUTION lol :D
ray wants the kids to leave to spend more time with henry ♥
ray: “quit your bellyaching!” henry: “yeah, this is what you get paid for!” the kids: “YOU GOT PAID???” lol :D
ray wants to stay up there ‘as long as he can’ wowza what a shippy shippy
the intro pops up nearly 6 minutes into the ep what a long and exciting cold open! :D
chapa to mika: “we got your heart to start beating again...” wtf happened :o
bose’s mouth was full did he have a towel in his mouth lol
mikes screaming “I HATE YOU!!” is better than anakin lol
mika isn’t up for this bs YOU GO MIKA!!!!!
omg henry and ray started a totally sick rock band yo!
henry: “don’t need to practice when you’re already perfect, dude!” hannah montana wants to know your location
why is ray obsessed with henry’s mom creepy
henry: “gotta save my messages to the cloud!” F U T U R E!!!!”
char’s messages are like ‘you can’t run from this’ HENRY WHAT’S GOIN’ ON HMMMM?????
ray: “...that didn’t sound like your mom.”
henry asked if he was ‘totally untrackable in the man’s nest’ WHAT DID YOU DO HENRY
ray: “finding you in here would be like trying to find a gray hair on my head!” henry: “there’s one right there.” ray: “whaaat?”
henry’s been there for 3-4 days HENRYYYY!!!!
chapa: “we also think we should be able to vaporize someone FOR NO REASON AT ALL!!!!” daang chapa p-i-double wuble s-ed too!
ray: “time is a tall glass of water” henry: “please don’t punch my glass-” ray: *PUNCHES GLASS LIKE A BOSS*
ray: “next crime that calls is goin’ home in a body bag” sweet serenity celestia captain man calm down
henry: “who knows when the next call will come in?” call: *comes in* lol
HENRY TRANSFORMED YAAAS!!! and i guess the dark outfit he wore in the insta teaser pic is his new hero form?? :o
henry: “up the tube!” captain man: “...we go down the tube.” lol :D
and awayyyyy they go!
robber: “part of the reason i rob people is for the connection i feel and i feel like you’re (the cashier) not here with me right now!” awww ♥
the cashier walked past captain man’s book first of all awesome call back and secondly why is a book being sold at a convenience store
captain man: “let’s slow fight this crime”
robber: “is this your sidekick?” ray: “naw, we’re just vibing!” henry: “you don’t even know what that means” ray: “it’s means, like, we’re together but not really” johnlock wants to know your location
henry really wants to get back to the man’s nest what’s goin’ on here????
a drone just said ‘henry hart located sending bounty hunter’ first of all wtf and secondly BOBA FETT CROSSOVER WHAT
even captain man’s like ‘wtf dude?’
mika: “i finally got mom and dad to fall asleep! you know what that means...” others: “SCREEN TIME!!! :D” kids these days...
chapa; “i wish i had a phone!” the way she said it is a total ‘god i wish that were me’ meme
the ad on is for ‘imdb tv’ THEY HAVE A STREAMING SERVICE??????
mika has a big phone or a tiny tablet
mika to a caller: “WHAT DO YOU WANT????” miles: “YOU’RE INTERRUPTIN’ SCREEN TIME!!!” sweet serenity you two CALM THE FRICK DOWN
captain man: “the kid and i are in a bit of a jimmy jam...” jimmy john’s wants your location
henry: “you want to fly the mancopter? get a bunch of puppies?” you’d think the kids would want to fly the flipping mancopter but they want puppies instead. kids these days! :D
captain man: “what’s gotten your brisket in a basket?” lol
henry: “dystopia’s really scary-“ well duh you live in a town called DYSTOPIA what did you expect
henry messed with a guy WHO EATS PEOPLE’S SOULS WTF
captain man reaction: “...so you didn’t come to swellview to see me?” i think you should be focused on the, i don’t know... EATING PEOPLE’S SOULS PART RAY
the lights just went out OH MAN
henry: “we’re gonna die, dude!” captain man: “hold on gotta try and think of an opening quip-“ this is like yakko saying ‘we need a perfect opening’ line in the animaniacs reboot lol :D
captain man: “knock knock-“ the blackout guy: *shoots captain man into a wall* captain man: “typically you’d say ‘who’s there?’“ lol
shoutout: “how did you miss the floor awol?” awol: “at least we’re here! we could’ve been in another country!” oh miles! :D
chapa: “why are the lights out?” henry: “it’s blackout! he’s a bounty hunter from dystopia-“ chapa: “aaalllllready stopped listening.” why does nobody care about a soul-sucking bounty hunter tho??
captain man has a wall on his back like peter being stuck to the couch in that one family guy ep lol
the lights go on and everyone cheers! :D
captain man: “i said i wasn’t done with my quip! knock knock-“ *gets thrown to the ground* he’s never gonna get to that quip huh
henry: “looks like captain man is taking care of him.” no i think HE’S BEING ATTACKED HENRY
henry: “tell schwoz he can keep my dirty laundry-” why didn’t he pick it up before he moved tho
awol: “captain man says you’re the best superhero he’s ever seen!” henry: “that doesn’t sound like him.” brainstorm: “he also says you have a surprisingly good singing voice.” henry: “i guess i’m alriiight...;)” lol
volt: “captain man says that we’re garbage and we’ll never measure up to you” geez ray be a bit nicer to them (especially chapa) not everyone’s your bf henry
awol: “let’s take this guy down together! ... that sounded really cheesy” lol i love how they all agree except for shoutout :D
the blackout guy wants to know why captain man’s not dying DOES RAY NOT HAVE A SOUL????
blackout falling down because of a scream is the best :D
yay they did it!!! :D
captain man: “what do you get when you cross a duck with a shutzu?” nice dodging the nickelodeon censors ray ;)
barrow raffle ad: “you could win a million dollars! if you ask us, that’s a win-win” a win-win is letting me finish this ep
captain man kicked blackout and he didn’t respond IS HE DEAD??? :o
schwoz left an alive present in henry’s jeans WTF SCHWOZ
henry: “tough group of kids you got there.” ray: “yep, it always surprises me how much grit and determination each one of them has- oh my god, they’re baby-talking the puppies” lol what a perfectly delivered line :D
henry: “buh-bye dangers!” awww dangers!!! :’)
the higher-pitch of the vid makes mika’s puppy voice SO ADORBS! ♥
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*phone alarm* henry: “that’s my guber!” i know it’s an uber pun but henry’s getting a goofy goober ride awwww yeah! B)
ray doesn’t want to let go awww :)
yo schwoz put a turtle in henry’s pocket lol :D
ooh there’s a post credit scene! :D
and it’s bloopers how sweet :)
that was a great ep as always (probably my fave ep along with the quarantine special)! him and captain man have awesome chemistry and henry with the kids is great too ♥ see ya soon henry! (and danger force)
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caramelslate · 4 years
Day 4 of Moms Made Fullmetal Week!
Prompt:  Victory or Responsibility or Homework
AO3 link here
Enjoy reading!
Izumi Curtis has never experienced this level of exhaustion.
Considering the fact that she once got trapped in a collapsing mine (long story), wrestled a bear, and survived a month of the bitter cold wilderness up near Briggs, saying she was exhausted is really something.
But here she was, fatigue right into her very bones, looking out the view of her hospital window at the nearby ruins that were once the Central Headquarters. The once pristine front of the military base is now littered with missile holes, a tattered flag of Amestris hanging from a snapped pole. Izumi knew that the inside looked far worse, with an entire building almost gone because the monster, the one the homunculus called Father, had blasted off with the incredible power of God.
Right after Ed returns from the Gate of Truth, clutching the frail thin body of his younger brother Al, the officers that are present promptly get to work. They got Al, who upon coming back, immediately collapsed to the ground, possibly from exhaustion. Izumi remembers the way Hohenheim trembled at the sight of Al and despite the evident lack of strength to even support himself, he surged forward toward his sons.
The injured were immediately rushed to Central Hospital while the rest of the men went inside to try and capture those who were in it with Bradley’s plan. Most of them are high ranking officers that are arrested and are now in jail awaiting trial. Mustang’s team sent out a statement declaring that it was a coup instead of saying it was an all powered individual who almost sacrificed their souls for more power than he was capable of containing.
She leaned back in the hospital bed, turning her head to the side to loosen it up from being stiff. It has definitely been a while since she got into a battle, much less something as big and destructive as this one. Sure, she’s gone into some trouble before but since teaching those two boys, she hasn’t taken any more students and her alchemy is affecting her condition so she hasn’t done anything very tiring yet. That’s why when the battle was over and the adrenaline running through her body had worn off, Izumi wasn’t surprised when she started coughing up blood. Terrified, the officers around her immediately hauled her off to the hospital.
Sig came rushing in as soon as he heard, now the man was hunched over into himself, squeezing himself in that chair that was obviously too small for him. A smile slowly slipped into her lips as she looked at her husband. Despite everything they went through, he still stayed behind and left her to fight. That was one of the reasons why she fell in love with him in the first place. He doesn’t treat her like a fragile little thing, even before her condition, she wasn’t treated like a vase that is vulnerable to breaking. Sig knows she’s strong and he acknowledges that.
After getting a scolding from the doctor about overdoing it, she was confined to a week in the hospital for further observation and once she gets home, she has to be in bed rest and limited physical activities.
Izumi had just started to slip back to sleep when the creak of the door brought her back. Turning towards the sound, Edward’s head popped out the open door.
“Hey, Teacher. There’s someone who wanted to see you.” His blond head went back and he came back wheeling Alphonse in on a wheelchair. Ed pushed his brother at the side of her bed and for the first time since Alphonse finally got his body back that she studied him.
Gaunt cheeks, thin pale lips, his hospital gown is hanging on his body, a blanket was thrown around his shoulders. His arms and legs are almost to the bone. He honestly looked terrible but when Izumi looked into his eyes, she unexpectedly teared up.
Pure unadulterated joy, his golden eyes dancing with mirth with the feeling of having the only thing he has been working hard for all these years. Alphonse slowly lifted a thin hand from his lap and rested it on her knee. Despite the blanket covering her legs, she could feel the warmth from his bony hand.
That was the moment when Izumi, the housewife, started crying.
Twin expressions of disbelief stared at her as she hastily brushed the tears away and tried to reel in her emotions. These two boys who had their years robbed away, who had to become adults to correct the mistake they made, after all the tragedy that is their life, as she stared at Al’s hand on her knee and Ed’s arm resting over the back of his brother’s wheelchair, they finally have what they wanted the most.
Izumi lets out an embarrassed laugh, “Sorry. It must’ve been a surprise to see your amazing master suddenly cry.” She smiled at them. “It’s so nice to see you, Alphonse. Aren’t you supposed to be resting?”
“I told him he needed to rest but he insisted on visiting you first.” Ed’s words warmed her heart. She chuckled slightly, “I’m going to be here for a week. Doctor’s orders. You can visit me anytime you want while I’m here.”
“I wanted to pay everyone a visit first. Besides, the sun’s down and I’ve just woken up. The doctors said that my body was just catching up with time and needed more rest from time to time.” Al grinned, “I haven’t been able to sleep for a while so I’m still getting used to the idea again.”
While Ed has a very explosive type of personality, Izumi would say that Al is like a lamp, steady and stable. He’s very quiet but he wears his heart on his sleeve. When the boys visited her back home and Izumi realized what had happened, she laid down on her bed that night and cried. She doesn’t show emotions around the two before but what they went through is a very familiar feeling. The sense of longing and loss, doing anything to bring back what was gone and suddenly having something taken away from you for the taboo you committed is a feeling she knows all too well. And for a moment, she blamed herself for now seeing the signs. Maybe she could’ve changed both of their minds. But in the end, she knows no amount of explanation could change a determined alchemist.
Sig has tried to warn her about going too far but the guilt is way too strong, too loud enough to drown out the voice of reason in her mind. Now years later, she still pays for that mistake.
When she received that call from Ed, confirming that the thing she brought back that fateful night was not her unborn child, she felt no regret, like Sig had expected, but joy. That her child did not suffer more than she thought. However, despite having a huge weight off her chest, she couldn’t shake the fact that she still needs to do something for the two orphans she took in.
She has been around Al when he was still attached to the armor and while a lot of people coveted the ability to be almost indestructible, she knows Alphonse. Despite this power, the only thing he wants is the simplest things, to be able to eat, sleep, and feel much like any other human being. The way he craved his mother.
Seeing him now with a smile on his face, his voice warm and giddy, and his eyes bright and laughing at something his brother said, Izumi could help but feel that last weight is gone. She had done what she could and left the rest for the Elrics to do their part to get what they wanted at the end. Normalcy.
“Why do you want to visit that bastard anyway? He’s just a big baby.” Ed pouted. Al frowned, “That’s not very nice, brother. Colonel lost his eyesight too.” Both of them went silent for a few minutes.
Ed grumbled, “I guess we can spare some time. I wanted to visit Lieutenant Hawkeye too and I am very sure that Colonel Bastard pulled some strings to be put in the same room. I swear he’s very clingy at Hawkeye. It’s like a little kid clutching his momma’s skirt.” Al simply smiled at his brother’s antics.
It is hilarious how these two, just hours earlier, were one of the youngest alchemists who fought an immortal being, survived the battle, and won.
“You two should go rest, especially you, Al. Make sure to eat a lot. I’ll make a brisket when you visit me back in-" A coughing fit interrupted her, she pressed her handkerchief against her mouth. When she drew it away, the white cloth was stained with blood. “Izumi-" Sig began to stand, but she waved him away, saying he’s fine without words. Her husband sat back down, still worried.
Ed rushed towards the table beside her to pour water from a pitcher. He handed it to her. “You’re the one who should be resting.” Alphonse admonished her. “You should push yourself too hard.” She took the cup and drank the entire thing.
“Al’s right. The battle took a toll on you, I can see it. I know you wanted to sleep, your eyes are drooping. We’ll leave now and visit some other time.” Ed decided and waved to Sig, who waved back with a smile.
The older Elric grabbed the wheelchair handles and pulled his brother away from the bed.
Al promised to come back tomorrow morning for lunch and the two brothers left and closed the door with a click.
Sig finally stood up and rubbed her back, “Are you sure, you’re fine?” his huge hands lightly cupping her shoulders. She rested her hand over one of his and smiled back. “I’m fine. It helped that those two rascals came to visit too. Made my day seem normal with the two of them bickering in here. I forgot I just fought a homunculus and unleashed everything I had on a being that had the power of God.” Izumi snickered at the thought. “Those two grew surrounded by the weirdest things, they were able to still act like their normal selves after what had just happened.”
“You’re a good mother, Izumi.” Sig’s deep voice declared.
She looked up and he was staring at her with eyes filled with love and dedication. “What?”
Sig sank down to sit by her side and said, “You’re a good mom. I know those two didn’t come from you and I know they annoy you to hell sometimes but still, you treat them as if they’re ours. And even back then when you told me you’re relieved that it wasn’t our baby the one you brought back, I know you didn’t want them to suffer. If not wanting your children to suffer, putting their needs and emotions before yourself isn’t being a parent, then I don’t know what is.”
“There’s more to being a parent than that, Sig.” Izumi said. “I know,” he replied. “But you have all those. You just have to see it for yourself.”
“Who are you and what have you done with my husband?” Izumi jokes, trying to lighten up the mood. Sig has always been steadfast and quiet. It’s not common for him to be saying things like this. “Why are you going sappy on me?” she asked.
“Because I’ve seen the way you look after those two.” He jerked a thumb towards the door, indicating the brothers. “You don’t show it, but you hover over them. It’s really amusing to watch. Trying tough love when you’re really a softie inside.” Sig chuckled when Izumi lightly slapped his hand. “But seriously, Izumi. You would’ve been a great mom.”
She felt the tears well up when she said, “You would’ve been the best father too.”
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