#i can hear it. i can hear the line. DONT MAKE THE WATER DANCE PLEASE I CANT TAKE ANYMORE
strawberryking · 6 months
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Demyx commission for my good friend @reichan-gaz !!
I loved doing this one it was so fun
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alwritey-aphrodite · 10 months
ok so these are kind of just half-ideas that I’ve thought of that aren’t fully formed but I’m sure you’ll be able to think of something with your giant amazing brain😍 feel free to disregard these tho they’re kinda trash
- sejanus being really flirty with reader at the club place while he’s in district 12 (idk if that really fits his character but I feel like he could get bold at times🙏) and she’s just not really connecting the dots. her friend Lucy gray has to flat out tell her and reader has a giant revelation
- reader catches snow recording sejanus’ conversation about the rebellion and calls him out for it, stands up for her mans
-ok so this is kind of a song prompt— “Dear Arkansas Daughter” by Lady Lamb specifically the line “you with the dark curls, you with the water color eyes” not really sure what you could do with that, but maybe something with capital!sejanus w/ his curly hair
hope these give you some inspo pookie!!
pooksters 💖
Your ideas are not trash!! Please feel free to send more or just to hop into my ask box to chat <3 I went with the first idea because it’s adorable but I might come back and write the other ones at some point
If the day that Lucy Gray was reaped was the worst day of your life, then the day that she miraculously returned to District Twelve as victor of the Hunger Games was the best. Ever since then, you spend most of your nights at the Hob with the rest of the Covey, sometimes taking the stage yourself but most of the time dancing and clapping from the audience.
Peacekeepers off duty are a normal sight in the Hob, but there are two in particular that seem to have a connection with Lucy Gray, two Capital boys that she knew during her time in the Games. You’re not sure how they came to be peacekeepers stuck in District 12, but you know better than to ask. They’re nice boys, and the blond one, Coriolanus, is absolutely smitten with Lucy Gray, you’re sure he’d do anything she asked. The other one, Sejanus, seems to have less of a connection to Lucy Gray but he’s kind all the same, and most nights he spends at the Hob are spent talking with you at a back table, away from the stage and the dance floor.
Tonight, Lucy Gray is taking a night off from performing and has joined you and Sejanus as you watch the rest of the Covey, Coriolanus never far from her side.
“I like your dress,” Sejanus says over the music, leaning over to speak into your ear so you can hear him clearer.
“Thank you, I made the one Maude Ivory’s wearing too,” you gesture towards the stage where the younger girl is busy singing.
“You’re very talented,” Sejanus turns to face you, giving you his undivided attention despite everything that goes on in the Hob.
“Oh, it’s not as hard as it looks,” you respond with a smile before pushing off the wall and heading to the bar, leaving a giggling Lucy Gray to deal with a despondent Sejanus.
“You’d think a girl as pretty as her is used to all the compliments and the flirting, but you’ve gotta be more obvious than that,” Lucy Gray tells him with a mischievous smile, as if you’d rather have the floor swallow you whole than have her share this information. Before Sejanus can respond, you’re returning with a tray of drinks for everyone in your little group, and he just about melts with the smile you give him as you slide the glass into his hand.
“Maybe, if you’re not busy, you could show me around some time? I’d really like to learn more about twelve,” he asks, and you’re quick to nod in agreement.
“Oh sure, I can show you all the best spots,” you reply kindly, but Lucy Gray knows you’re still not getting the message.
“He means you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever seen,” she whispers into your ear, loud enough for Sejanus to hear, “and the sweetest and the funniest and the most talented.” You look to Sejanus with wide eyes, as if Lucy Gray would be lying, but he’s nodding at you, despite the blush that’s taken over most of his face.
“Well, I’d still love to go,” you tell him, rewarding with the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen. The two of you spend the rest of the night talking, the chaos of the Hob fading into nothing while Lucy Gray silently watches with a smile.
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moon-is-a-cryptid · 1 year
Like dynamite
⭐️pairing: Bakugou katsuki x F!Reader
⭐️CW: fluffy, mentions of pregnancy from another fic
⭐️Type and A/N: adult au!, kinda a ‘when they met’ of Lavender and honey, same stuff as the reader has tattoos and piercings
Dividers used brought to you by: @cafekitsune 🥰(they have really cute dividers check them out 😩)
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Katsuki walked with Kirishima on their normal patrol, his usual scowl seemed angrier than usual. Kirishima being the one to blame for that “Come on Kats you need to put yourself out there! Go on a date for once would ya?” Kirishima elbowed Katsuki making Katsuki huff. He had never been one for romance and hadn’t really thought about it until Kirishima had brought it up earlier in the week, how Katsuki needed to find someone to keep him out of the office so much. To which Katsuki brushed off saying he wasn't interested. But in all reality, it started to set in for Katsuki, especially when he came home to a dead quiet house only to lay lonely in his bed wishing he had someone there to hold, talk about his day with and eat dinner with.
These thoughts stewed in Katsukis brain as Kirishima continued on listing potential dates for Katsuki when in the distance Kirishima and Katsuki hear music and cheering. Looking at each other quizzically Kirishima asks “was there an event we were unaware of?” “not that i know of” Katsuki gruffs out “lets go check it out to be safe” Kirishima b-lined towards the noise Katsuki not far behind him.
What they come to is a crowd of people in the middle of the park with a pretty decent opening in the middle “What the hell is this? A mosh pit?” katsuki whispered to Kirishima, who only shrugged in response. They stood there in the crowd until the music starts playing again and someone speaks out “This one is a request since we have pro heroes dynamite and RedRiot In the crowd today” The song Dynamite by BTS playing over the speakers no movement is made until you make your way to the middle and start to dance the choreographed routine, people slowly made their way to join you but katsuki was only watching you move to the beat. Wearing one of his brand Dynamite workout tank tops and some workout shorts, the tank top shows off your colorful yet dull from fading tattooed arms and your hair is braided back showing off your pierced-up ears and gauges and a little gauntlet tattoo behind your ear. You donned snakebites, a bride piercing and an eyebrow piercing all orange spike from your skin. Katsuki was stunned by you as you took charge of the dance and mouthed along to the words. Kirishima placed his hand on Katuskis's shoulder “seems i dont have to set up a blind date for you Huh?” Kirishima snickered into his ear making Katsuki turn towards him with a glare as the music died down and cheers ensued.
You make your way through the crowd to your bag and water bottle as you sit down to take a few gulps and play on your phone, the sunlight that was beaming on you soon turns to shadows as Katsuki approaches. You smile up at him “hey Dynamite and RedRiot! You two enjoy the show?” you say wiping away sweat from your forehead. “Yeah we did! Whats your name? We might want some entertainment at the agency for an office party!” Kirishima smiles his signature toothy grin. “Y/n L/n but please just call me Y/n” you stand up taking your bag and bottle “i don’t usually do show for money but if you need some lessons id be no charge for our Pro’s” you nod to the Crowd cheering on a new dance “this is all for fun, I run a dance studio over on the main drag through town” Katsuki steps in “you got a card or something so we can contact you some time, im sure the sidekicks would enjoy some dancing lessons” his voice different from what you had heard on TV and through articles, he was calmer but the shifting of weight from one leg to another let on he was nervous about something. “Oh well i dont have any business card but-” you pulled out a pen and grabbed Katsukis arm, scribbling down on his Bicep he watched as a pink flush spread across your cheeks “here is my personal number, feel free to text me at any time, im usually up at most hours” you smiled letting go of his arm. Katsuki looked down at the number before pulling out his phone to place it in his contacts. “Well im sure you two need to be back on patrol. Ill be looking for your messaged” You waved and turned to make your way towards the main drag. Kirishima waves you off as Katsuki is typing away on his phone “i think you may have scored man” Kirishima turns towards Katsuki as they continue on their patrol.
Later in the evening, you're shutting off the lights to your studio at 9:30 pm as the last of your dance groups leave when a ‘ping’ goes off from your phone giving it a glace
Hey. its katsuki
You responded with a simple hey, as the texts went on you two texted throughout the days, meet ups for coffee and walks in the park included. Little did you know that those days spend texting would lead to you one day making Lavender Honey bread at 1 am, while carrying the first son of katsuki Bakugou.
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Tag list 🏷️: @meggsngrits
Should I do a date scenario with this? I think this little ‘Katsuki has an alternative styled wife’ series thing I’ve got going on is fun 🥰
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moonspirit · 3 months
i had a lot of fun making the previous music hcs so here’s some more for other characters. (i really tried to pick popular songs or songs that have trended at one point but um.. maybe i didn’t?)
eren- last resort, papa roach.
OH GODDDDD HES EVEN WORSE THAN ARMIN PLEASE DONT GIVE HIM THE AUX.. he genuinely thinks listening to that god awful song makes him cool, he’s all like “heh.. 😈 that? it’s just my go go juice.. 😏” when someone catches him listening to it. like no. GET OUT. AND TAKE THAT SONG WITH U.
mikasa- twilight, bôa.
i personally think she would be a swiftie, however i’m not one myself so i can’t really say much about that. i think she would LOVVEEE this song, it’s my favourite bôa song. GOD I LOVE BÔA!!! they also made duvet so she might also like that. also imo she’d be a twilight fan (the movies/books) so yknow.. name is fitting. she’d probably listen to it while placing a curse on someone or summoning bahpomet or something.
sasha- just a waste, pinkpantherress.
now there were a few songs by pinkpatheress i could’ve picked for sasha but i decided to go with my personal favourite, if u haven’t heard it then u can thank me when u do. (it’s unreleased but it is on spotify as an episode)
she wouldn’t even notice if the song started playing because she’s so preoccupied with her food but if someone mentioned the song she’d be like “omgg!! yes i love that song!!” 
ymir- carmen, lana del rey.
i LOVVEEE lana del rey she’s my favourite person ever, id sell my friends and family for a cup of her bath water. sorry i get weird with her 😭 anyway!! call me biased but i hc ymir as a lana del rey fan. she’d also like A&W by lana. she probably listens to her mostly while drunk, she’d be yelling (yelling. not singing. yelling.) the lyrics. she’d be so loud u can’t even hear the song anymore.
floch- closer, nine inch nails. 
i love NIN, especially that song. and so would floch! not for the right reasons tho.. if a pretty girl walks past him he’d play the “i wanna fuck u like an animal” part and mouth the lyrics. he learned from his mistakes after his second visit to the police station. he doesn’t learn enough tho because he constantly corners girls and says “hey girl.. u wanna the song closer a reality? heh.. together..? 😏” yeah he probably has an STD he was gonna pass onto those poor girls. (good thing they have enough sense to say no)
hange- 19-2000, gorillaz.
idk i think she’d like whimsical and strange songs like that. i tried to pick a more mainstream one in the hopes that u know it.. time will tell. if we’re being honest she would listen to “unidentified creature eats u alive asmr (u enjoy it, 18+)” or something like that instead of music in her free time (no it doesn’t exist.. or at least i hope so)
marco- mr.loverman, ricky montgomery.
isn’t he just the sweetest. i don’t care for marco he’s just there but for some reason i have the urge to hc him as a barb.. his fav nicki song is def super freaky girl.. idk why. anyway back to mr.loverman!!!! he would also like line without a hook by ricky (it’s that one “she’s a she’s a lady” song) he’s like one of 5 ricky montgomery fans. 
miche- hey sexy lady, shaggy.
i love miche he’s so underrated, we didn’t get to see a lot of him so i don’t have much to base his music taste off of. but this is what i decided on.. yeah it was 100% based on his looks. i would’ve liked to give him a spanish song cuz i hc him as having a bit of latino in him but i think hey sexy lady is spanish enough for him. maybe he’d like gasolina by daddy yankee. (okay you HAVE to know gasolina i’d be so surprised if u didn’t)
hitch- partition, beyoncé.
oh god do NOT play this song while she’s within earshot.. she WILL do a strip show and start pole dancing and she WILL expect to be applauded for at least a solid 3 minutes after her performance. don’t blame her tho it’s a rlly good song. i think she’d also like donk by beyoncé. 
erwin- sway, michael bublé.
he’s the one who introduced elvis to levi but i think sway would be his favourite. he doesn’t have a lot of time to listen to music so when he can he pours himself a nice bottle of wine usually reserved for the military police, locks himself in his office, and (very fittingly might i say) sways to this song. he usually ends up spilling his wine but he has too much fun to complain.
this is a lot of people but i got carried away 🙏 anyway PLEASE PLEASE tell me what songs u didn’t know i can’t function i keep wondering about something!
Okay, I've kept you hanging for like, AGES now, I'm sorry 💀
But man! Listening to all these and giggling at the mental image of these silly idiots being lovably pathetic was a fucking fire tonic for a sickness xD
Eren DOES seem the type to listen to... fucking, Papa roach lmao. It makes him look edgy and emo and cool and on the verge of all those "feelings" he's always saying nobody else understands. The only person who thinks he's cool is himself and everybody else is just tired of his shit taste in music. He'll have to marry a Mama Roach if he wants to keep listening to that, because no-one else is taking him lmao.
On that note, Floch too follows in Eren's noble and brave footsteps by listening to... yeah. He's never seen a condom in his life and now that he has, he doesn't want to see it again and runs like it's some trap laid by the Good People against a "hot satan" like himself. According to him this is the best pick up song and best bedroom song and best aftercare song and doesn't understand why people run from him.
Mikasa and Sasha omg! Mikasa wandering through dark foggy forests with her amulets and summoning spells to the tune of this song before conjuring the most terrifying creature imaginable and calling it "a good boy" seems very fitting. But sasha! Omg Sasha, I can just picture her playing this song while pottering around her kitchen making a burger or a sandwich, singing along and shaking her butt to the beat haha xD So cute ajsgsgjw.
Ymir being a Lana Del Ray girl surprised me tbh! I had this thought that she's more of a Cigarettes After Sex type of person but... Well, maybe the two intersect at some point xD I also like thinking she likes listening to songs that often sound cynical and critical of the world - idk why, don't ask me to explain xD
Hitch would like stripper vibe songs. They make her feel like she's in her game in tip top shape! But I also like to think she'd enjoy some lo-fi city pop music for late night drives either solo or with friends. Somehow the mental picture of her in technicolour sunglasses driving through a cyberpunk city is very appealing to me 💀 sorry
Hanges taste sent me flying to MARS OMFG xD She would!! She wooouuuuld! Love! Strange songs!!!! Especially kreature songs!!!! And alien fetish(?) ASMR that would make any ordinary person hurl their earpieces at the wall, but not Hange. Not Hange, because the weirder and more surreal it is, the harder she loves it! Listen listen I think she would be the first one to appreciate movies like Shape of Water and related themes!
Oh she also likes those "10 hours of precambrian era sounds" and "20 hours of Jurassic era nature sounds" etc.
Marco wholesome. He likes songs that blast you with a big wave of good vibes. Also he's biiiiiig on the nostalgia. The older a song is, the more he enjoys it, especially If he has personal memories attached to it! I also see him as the type to really dig those "Most Wondrous Music" playlists on youtube even leaving encouraging comments below and engaging in YouTube comment poetry (it's me I was part of that community of people 🙃).
Erwin and Mike tho. The big people of the bunch. Their tastes are fitting. I hc Erwin as a bit of a classical music man too, but as far as they both go, at some point they discover that the youngsters are very fond of a particular song, and they too become fans of it.
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writing-wh0re · 3 years
I can have one where Peter is a fuck boy and unknowingly slept with Y/N (stark) and they meet at the tower on a group meeting day. (and he in front of the avengers pretends to be innocent). Love you
All writing will be #writing-wh0re-requests.
Peter Park x Female Reader - Tony Stark's Daughter.
Words: 3,625 - longest I've ever written.
Warnings: Smut18+, Vaginal intercourse, Male and Female Performing Oral, Praise Kink, Unprotected Sex, Fuckboy Peter Parker, Angst.
A/n: I hope you enjoy this, I took three hours to write and edit this. I got a little carried away with it (I think) and I apologise for it being sooo long.
So far your senior year had been amazing, you were destined to finish top of your class which would make your dad happy and you had also been offered an internship with him, which some of your classmates thought was bullshit but hey, considering you didn’t want to go to some flashy expensive school, you were doing pretty good, even with your dad’s help.
That was until you went out to your first party with your best friend Macie, she thought it was about time you let loose and have fun. You didn’t want to go and had even told your mum and dad who only encouraged you to go out, so that plan backfired. So here you were, standing in Macie’s living room, red solo cup in your hand while dancing with your best friend, happy to have listened to her for once and let loose.
“How do you know this many people?”
Macie shakes her head “I don't know them, they’re Tyler’s friends from his school.” I nod in agreement, looking around the room for Tyler, Macie's boyfriend who is chatting with a guy I’ve never seen before. His brown slightly curly hair, puppy dog eyes and a smile that causes butterflies inside of my stomach. Macie grabs my shoulder, following my line of sight before laughing and shaking her head.
“Peter Parker.”
“Peter Parker” I repeat his name, loving the way it sounds as it falls from my lips. “He’s fucking hot.”
Macie laughs at me before nodding. “Yeah he’s alright, he goes to school with Tyler. He’s a bit of a ladies man but I don’t know too much about him.”
“He’s into science and technology?” I almost feel bad for questioning the boy's intelligence, judging him solely on his handsome appearance.
“Yeah, Tyler, Peter and a guy called Ned won their last science fair two weeks ago.” Macie informs. “Let's go say hi.” Macie grabs my arm pulling me through the body’s of unknown teenagers before we come face to face with Peter and Tyler.
“Hey babe, we were just talking about you.” Tyler pulls Macie into his side, kissing the side of her head.
My eyes fall to Peter, both of us smiling at each other. I feel my skin fall hot slightly as his eyes wander over my body. I mentally thank myself for wearing my red leather shirt and lace crop top.
“I’m Peter.”
“Y/n.” I smile before hearing someone clear their throat. Turning my attention to Macie, a cocky smirk on her face.
“Tyler and I want to play beer pong, want to join?”
“You’d have to be partners though.” Tyler quickly adds, before walking away with Macie to the table to set the game up, not even waiting for a response.
I look to my side slightly silently asking Peter if he’d like to join.
“I need words Y/n.” I take in a sharp breath at what Peter just said to me.
“Uh, would you, um like to be my partner for beer pong?” Peter licks his lips before smirking at me.
“Of course.” His hand falls to the middle of my back as he guides me to the table Tyler and Macie had just set up. Macie raises her eyebrow at me, causing me to blush and shake my head, knowing exactly what she is thinking.
“Okay so standard rules, but we haven’t decided what the winner gets yet.” Tyler states.
I watch Macie stand on her tippy toes whispering something into Tylers ear causing him to chuckle.
“Okay, the winner has to make out with their team member.”
I sigh at my best friend before nodding.
“Fine, okay.”
“Sound a little more excited.” Peter whispers, flicking his eyes from mine to my lips. I roll my eyes, ignoring his comment as Macie flips a coin.
“Heads.” I call quickly, watching Macie reveal the coin, heads being the winner.
Tyler throws Peter the ball, catching it perfectly in one swift motion.
“Fuck.” I whisper to myself, seeing him smirk slightly. He surely didn’t hear me, did he?
I stand beside Peter as he lines up the first shot, landing the ball into the cup causing Tyler to groan.
“Lucky shot.” Macie mumbles before lining up to take her shot, missing the cup as I pout.
“Awh Mace.” Macie narrows her eyes at me before flipping me off.
I grab the ball, lining up the shot, before I can let go of the ball, Peter’s hand falls to my elbow, his other placed in the middle on my back.
“Lower, otherwise you’ll miss and we want to win.” His warm breath fans my neck causing my heartbeat to pick up. I let the ball slip through my fingertips, missing the cup I was originally planning on but landing the ball in the one behind.
“That’s unfair.” Macie complains before drinking from the cup.
The game continues with us losing our lead, until the last cup for both teams. I take a deep breath, knowing it's my go and praying that I won’t miss this shot.
“Breathe, lower your arm, line it up and sink it.” Peter whispers, his lips against my ear, his hands placed on my hips. I follow his instructions, taking a breath, lowering my arm and letting go of the ball. The room feels like it slows down as the ball bounces on the table, landing into the cup.
“Good girl.”
An uncontrollable whimper leaves my lips which causes his grip on my hips to tighten, feeling my arousal pool in my panties.
“Holy shit, you won!” Macie cheers, clapping her hands as Tyler follows suit.
I don’t get a chance to respond to Macie as my body is spun around, my chest bumping into Peter’s. One of his hands cupping my cheek, the other still on my hip, his lips locking onto mine. I feel my body relax against his lips, putting my arms around his neck deepening our kiss.
Peter smiles against my lips, everyone around us whooping and hollering at our interaction. We pull away from each other, before he leans back in, quickly pecking my lips.
*Optional but I listened to this song while writing this next part*
“I love this song, Y/n come dance.” Macie almost squeals, grabbing my arm and pulling me from Peter’s embrace. “Was that as good as it looked?”
“God yes.”
Macie smiles at me before mouthing the words ‘she got that rich girl la vibe.’ gesturing to me as I flip my hair over my shoulder, laughing at my best friend. Macies hands fall to my hips, swaying to the beat with me, I place my arms around her neck singing the words with her.
Macie goes wide eyed slightly before letting go of my hips, I raise my eyebrow about to protest her actions before feeling a familiar grip. I tilt my head back, resting on his shoulder grinding my ass against his crotch, his grip tightening on my hips.
I roll my eyes, spinning around in his embrace, without a second thought I lean forward, kissing up his neck before softly biting his earlobe.
“Make me.” I dont have a second to think before I’m being pulled behind Peter, a smug smile on my face. He drags me through the crowd, banging on the bathroom door before pulling me through the door with him.
His lips are instantly on mine, my back against the door, his fingertips running up and down my sides. I grab his wandering hand, placing it on my boob causing him to groan softly. I bite his bottom lip, pulling back as our eyes lock together. His lips fall to my neck, kissing and biting the skin.
“You’re fucking gorgeous.”
His compliment causes a shiver to run down my spine, my fingers running through his hair, pulling on his curly locks earning a moan from his lips. The warmth of his body leaves mine, grabbing my hips and picking me up, I softly squeal, shocked how easily he lifted me. Peter places me on the bathroom counter, tugging on top as I pull the flimsy lace fabric from my body, his lips instantly kissing my boobs, swiping his tongue across my nipple.
“Fuck.” I hiss, watching Peter pull my nipple between his teeth. Peter kisses down my body, pulling my skirt up letting it sit around my waist.
“You’re dripping for me.” Peter presses against my clit through the fabric of my g-string. I slowly rock my hips up, attempting to get some friction.
“Needy little girl.”
I whimper at his words, feeling myself become wetter by the second. A gasp falls from my lips as Peter pulls my panties to the side, blowing on my glistening heat.
“Please.” I beg, causing Peter to chuckle. He trails feather light kisses up my thighs before licking a stripe from my core to my clit. On instinct my fingers tangle in his hair, my head falling back against the mirror, mouth agape as moans and gasps fall from my lips like water.
“Yes, fuck.”
Peter slides a finger inside of me, causing my pussy to clench around the contact. His lips cover my clit, sucking on the bundle of nerves earning a hiss from me. Peter adds another finger, pumping in and out of my pussy, my hand slaps across my mouth, muffling my cries of pleasure. Peter looks up at me, using his free hand to pull my elbow.
“Let me hear you.”
I flutter my eyes closed, Peter’s lips on my thigh, sucking and biting the skin, his fingers still buried deep inside of me.
“I’m close.”
The second the words escape me, I regret them. Peter pulls away from me, standing to undress himself. Without a second thought I fall to my knees, looking up at him through my lashes.
“Naughty girl.”
My hands fall to his pants, unbuttoning his jeans before hurriedly unzipping them. I palm his cock through his underwear, a breathless moan escaping from his lips. I tug at the fabric, having his help to pull it off. His dick springs free, my breath hitching at the size of him.
I take him in my hand, pumping up and down slowly, swirling my tongue around the head. Peter bites his lip, his fingers brushing through my hair, his eyes focusing on my every move. I lick from the base to the tip before taking him fully in my mouth, bobbing my head up and down. The sounds Peter makes cause my pussy to ache, his fingers pull on my hair, helping to guide my mouth. I gag around him as he hits the back of my throat, an unholy sound falling from his lips at the contact.
Peter pulls my mouth off him, pulling me up by my arms, placing me on the counter again. I grab his cock, running it up and down my slit, causing Peter to chuckle.
“Someone’s eager.” I simply answer him by positioning his cock at my entrance, hooking my legs around his waist to pull him into me.
I moan at the feeling of him inside of me, his eyes flutter closed at the contact, moaning at the sensation.
“You feel so good.” I smirk at him, watching his eyes flick to where our bodies meet, his thumb brushing against my clit.
I pull Peter closer to me, locking our lips together as he slides in and out of me, deeper with each thrust, causing my body to tingle, the speed of his thumb picking up before slowing right back down.
I pull away from our kiss, trailing kisses down his jaw, running my tongue down his neck, sucking and biting the skin. Peter grips my ass at the contact of my lips, spanking me hard as I rack my nails down his back.
“Just like that Peter.” I whisper in his ear, softly biting his earlobe as he groans.
“Fucking so good.”
I feel the band inside of me tighten, my pussy tightening around his cock.
“Cum for me, come on baby.” My eyes roll back, shocks of electricity flowing through me, holding onto Peter tight. Peter moans against my shoulder, biting the skin before finding his own release.
Before he pulls out, Peter kisses me, holding my face in his hands.
“You’re incredible.” Blush heats up my cheeks as he pulls out of me, hissing at the loss of contact. Peter and I both get dressed quickly, walking back out to the party, moving through the crowd to find Macie and Tyler.
I lock eyes with Macie as her mouth falls open, quickly rushing over to me and pulling me away from Peter.
“You had sex.”
“Shh, don’t tell the whole party.”
Macie rolls her eyes, moving my hair over my shoulder before wincing.
“Have fun explaining that one to your dad.”
I go wide eyed slightly, turning to the hallway mirror and seeing three hickies on my neck.
“Fucking hell.”
Macie chuckles at my expense, pulling me with her to go back to Peter and Tyler. I frown my brows, Tyler now by himself.
“Uh, where did Peter go?” I question as Tyler shrugs. I quickly look around the living room, my eyes landing on Peter watching him slip out the front door without a word.
“Did he just leave?” Macie asks almost dumb founded.
“Guess so.”
“Don’t beat yourself up Y/n, just be lucky you didn’t sleep with Peter, he’s a bit of a fuckboy to be honest.” Tyler chuckles as I feel my body fall cold. Tyler looks between myself and Macie, choking on his drink slightly. “You fucked him.”
“I’m going to head home.” I mumble, Macie quickly pulling me into a hug, walking me to her front door, the same one Peter had just ducked out of.
“You can stay.”
“It’s fine Macie, I want to shower and sleep in my own bed.” Macie smiles weakly at me, pulling me into another embrace. “I’ll text you.”
Macie nods in response as I pull my phone out, calling Happy to pick me up.
The next morning I wake up feeling rough, hating that I mixed different alcohol’s and feeling off about having slept with a complete stranger, knowing how unlike me that is.
���Good morning Y/n, your dad would like to see you in the kitchen.” Friday’s voice bounces off my bedroom walls. I groan at the announcement, grabbing a scrunchie to throw my hair up in a messy ponytail. I quickly look over my outfit, sweatpants and a stark industries crop jumper, good enough. I grab a pair of socks before walking out onto the cold tiles.
“Friday summoned me.” I announce walking into the kitchen, seeing my dad and the avengers sitting around the table. “Oh awesome.” I whisper.
“And what time did you get home?”
“Eleven, maybe.”
I open the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and sitting on the bench, facing everyone.
“How was the party? You’ll have to tell us everything.” Wanda smiles as I nod.
“Y/n Stark, what is that on your neck?” My dad bellows, standing up and tilting my head, looking at the hickies on my neck.
“Nothing.” I push my dad away as everyone at the table snickers.
“You did tell her to go out and party.” Steve states causing my dad to turn and point at the super soldier.
“Stay out of this Rogers.”
“She’s young Tony, let her enjoy her last few weeks of school.” Nat pipes up causing my dad to tut and sit back down.
‘Thank you.’ I mouth to Steve and Nat as they both smile and nod at me.
“So why do you look like you’re having a meeting?”
“We are welcoming a new member to the avengers.” My dad states, sipping his coffee.
“Right, so why did you want me here for that?”
“Because you haven’t met him yet and you’re both going to be interning for me in a few weeks, thought it might be good to be acquainted.” I nod in response to my dad, taking a sip of my water.
“They’re all waiting for you.” I hear Happy’s voice say as he walks into the room, all of the avengers stand and look behind me, I turn and look over my shoulder, feeling my heart beat pick up, my mouth falling dry.
“Peter.” His name falls from my lips in shock.
Peter’s eyes lock onto me as he swallows harshly.
“Peter, buddy, welcome.” My dad greets him like an old friend, his eyes moving from mine to my dads.
I feel a hand grip my forearm, a gasp pulling me out of my thoughts, I quickly pull out of the grip.
“Get out of my head Wanda.”
“He did this.” Wanda whispers gesturing to my neck, Nat and Steve both looking at me. I hold my finger to my lips, pleading with my eyes.
“How much did you see?” Nat whispers to Wanda. I don’t hear Wanda’s response as my dad calls me over to him. I quickly slip off the bench, Nat with a small smirk on her face. I sigh softly knowing they know.
“You called.”
“Peter Parker, this is my daughter Y/N Stark, she will be interning with you and is typically on our communications for missions.” My dad states as Peter puts out his hand for a headshake, I scoff before accepting his gesture.
“So what’s your ability?”
“He’s Spiderman, isn’t it great to finally put a face to the suit.” My mum says, standing next to Happy. Instantly, everything from last night makes sense, the smirk he had when I whispered, the soft touches, leaving the party abruptly. It all makes sense, he knew what he was doing. He could read me like a fucking book.
“Y/n is very fond of you, she studied your web abilities.” My dad states, causing me to run my hand down my face.
“Ah, well, maybe you should show me what you learnt and I could fill in any blanks.” Peter states, causing my dad to hum in approval.
“Why don’t you do that now while I get paperwork ready for you to sign.” My dad smiles. I feel a hand cup my shoulder, looking to the right and seeing Steve.
“Steve Rogers.”
Peter grabs his outstretched hand, wincing slightly at the grip Steve gives. I slightly elbow the super soldier, knowing Wanda told him what she saw.
“Maybe Banner should go with them, do you want a teenage boy to be left alone with your teenage daughter?” Steve asks, my dad sighs before chuckling.
“Clearly she was with a teenage boy last night, I’m sure Peter here is harmless compared to last night's company.”
I hear Nat and Wanda giggle before passing it off as something else.
“Go.” My dad instructs, I sigh, turning away from him and leading the way to the lab.
The walk to the lab is silent, only my dad’s voice bouncing off the walls asking the group why they’re being weird.
I walk over to my desk, grabbing the file on ‘Web Slinger’ and handing it to Peter.
“Take it.”
Peter’s hand brushes against mine before he grabs the file, sitting in the chair beside mine.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
I scoff, shaking my head. “Oh yeah because you gave me time to tell you.”
Peter sighs, putting the file on my desk before pulling my chair closer to him.
“Could have told me beforehand.”
“It didn’t seem to matter, how was I supposed to know who you were?”
Peter stays quiet, his eyes looking everywhere but mine.
“Not like you stayed afterwards for us to actually have a conversation.”
“I had shit to do, people to save.” Peter states, now looking at me dead in the eyes.
“Fine, I get that but couldn’t you give me your number or some way of contacting you?”
Peter once again stays quiet.
“Did you tell them? Because Captain America seems to be protective.”
I scoff, rolling my eyes. “No, I didn’t tell them. Wanda Maximoff read my mind, guess she told him.” Peter sighs before I continue, “Look, we can just forget it, okay? You’re a part of their team now and we’re just going to have to move on.”
Peter’s hand falls to my knee, his thumb rubbing against the fabric of my sweatpants.
“What if we don’t move on? What if we start something?”
“Peter, I don’t want you to feel you have to start something because I’m your boss's daughter, if you want to forget it ever happened we can.”
Peter tuts, moving his hand from my knee to my face.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you. I meant what I said last night, you’re incredible” My heartbeat picks up, butterflies erupting inside of me causing Peter to smirk. “I have an effect on you.”
“Cocky arent you.”
Peter smirks smugly, before brushing his lips against mine.
“If you don’t want to try this, stop me.” Peter hesitates for a few seconds before I close the gap between us, kissing him. Peter’s hands move under my thighs, picking me up from the chair and placing me on my desk.
“Peter Parker!” Peter jumps away from me at the shouting of my dad’s voice. “You two have some explaining to do.”
Peter scratches the back of his neck, looking at me as I shrug lightly.
“Maximoff told me, I should have listened to Rogers, but don't tell him I said that.” My dad walks over to us, grabbing the chair Peter once sat in. “I’m listening.”
Peter takes a deep breath before explaining it all to my dad, leaving out a few details as I but in to fill any holes.
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Repost: Ask on Why I Think Jimin is the Best Dancer in BTS
Anonymous: Hello, I hope you are having a wonderful week. I have obviously been going through your blog and love it. It's baffling to me that Jimin is not your bias lol. The way you write about him comes across as though he is one of your bias lol. I love what you wrote about him or any other members. I do want to know a bit more about your opinion about their dancing as well as their performance skills. You mentioned that you think Jimin is the best dancer. Now this is obviously a subjective opinion and a lot of fans would come at you for it but I am really interested to know why you think that. What makes Jimin better than J-Hope even though more than half the fandom will fight you on it? I also want to know a bit more about your perspective on their performance skills. I personally think Jimin is the best performer in the group and most likely one of the best if not the best performers in Kpop. However, I don't think he is the best dancer. He is definitely a good dancer but I wouldn't rate him about JHope. In saying that though, I find him to be the most charismatic performer which sometimes if not often overshadows other members skills. People tend to look at him in performances and feel thatt he is the best dancer whereas I feel that he is the most charismatic one in stage. I dont know if he realizes that often after performances he becomes the centre of attention and has calmed down because of it. I have found him quieter in recent performances and am wondering why that is. It almost felt to me that he was willingly side lining himself which doesn't make sense if your job is to basically perform. However I have also noticed other members fans complaining about him standing out so maybe the members and company have had this discussion. Who do you think are the best performers in BTS?
I rate my performers as below:
1- Jimin
- JHope
3- V
4 - JK, Suga and RM but JK slightly above Suga and RM and more closer to V.
5- Jin
Just wanted to know your thoughts. Lastly, why isn't JHope as well known for his dancing skills or his performance skills as Jimin? I would say he is the best dancer in BTS and one of the best in KPOP but I don't hear as much about his dancing. Is the preference given to the better looking member? The first thing I noticed when I got into BTS is Jimins looks above everything else so does that give him advantage? Now I am not saying Jimin isn't a good dancer. He is equally as good but maybe JHope has an edge. Please note that this is not to shade any members. I am just curious about it.
(this will be a long one for no other reason than me rambling a bit. Sorry everyone. :))
Hi Anon,
Sometimes it surprises me that people are surprised I can speak very positively of someone I don’t bias (lol what is going on in the fandom if this isn’t normal?) but on the other hand I kind of get it. It’s easy to develop tunnel vision to think your bias walks on water while everyone else is only barely decent.
I like Jimin. I’ve always liked him for his artistry, thought he was hot, and later came to like him as a person, but that latter bit took some work for me. I had to work through prior assumptions and narratives I had about him. So now, I kinda like showing off how much I like him, if that makes sense. Also, every few days I get asks from antis, taekookers, or just general weirdos that sometime give me added motivation to remind us all that Jimin hung the sun and moon in the heavens, Jimin turned water into wine, and that Jimin is an interesting, intelligent, and beautiful person whose face you should want to sit on.
Not everything I think about him is positive, obviously, just as I have my own quips about all the members. But as I said in my long-form post on hate (linked here), I choose not to highlight those things often all over the internet, based on my very subjective perception. Too many people seem to enjoy doing that already, and I’m not interested.
I noticed jikook about the same time, and I think it’s impossible to be into jikook, to see and appreciate what they are, without liking both Jimin and Jungkook. (Unless you’re a rival shipper - then seeing what they are might just trigger you.)
This might be hard to believe, but I struggle to articulate and write on things I really really like, to strangers. As I’ve said many times before, I run a separate music blog with some friends, and our process becomes a bit… inefficient when I have to write about certain artists I really like, such as Tyler Joseph. My friends help me a lot during those times, they take my blathering ramblings and make it coherent. I come off as a bit unhinged talking about things that really excite me, so the somewhat calm/coherent but perhaps excessively adoring posts you all see me write about Jimin, are quite possibly the biggest proof he’s not my bias. Lol.
Guess I’m just weird that way.
Main answer:
Usually, the ‘best dancer’ debate is one I’m completely uninterested in participating in. I don’t think it matters very much who anyone says is the best dancer in the group. Most of us can tell BTS’s two main dancers: J-Hope and Jimin, are fairly equal in skill and better than most other dancers in the entire industry at the most basic level. And when it comes to comparing two members in any area, I don’t see it as a big deal. All our views are almost entirely subjective (“almost” because technical skill can be critically assessed, and is usually plain to see), and none of this is that serious anyway. Who cares if I think Jimin is a better dancer, like I’m nobody, right?
But you know, being a Hobi bias and talking about dance sometimes requires some delicacy, because aside from his skills which are objectively incredible, a lot of the narratives around Hobi are things he himself has actively crafted from scratch, or have been explicitly spoon-fed to fans over the years, from magazine publications, interview hosts and even BTS themselves. So taking an opposing view can be seen by some as being against Hobi himself because of how he’s expressed his own view of his dance skills, which is very different from how Jimin describes his relationship with dance, something that he too is obviously passionate about. For example, look at this interview and see how both Jimin and J-Hope talked about dance.
From Anan Magazine June 2017.
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In case the text is too small to read, I’ll quote the relevant section:
“I hope I am behind no one in dance. I don’t want to lose to anyone in dance.” He’s basically expressing his passion for dance, but he frames it by first declaring how he wants to be the best and not be behind anyone.
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Jimin by contrast speaks about it very generally but personally too, apparently unconcerned with how he compares to anyone else. Even later on in Jimin’s interview when he talks about singing, he says he wants to be a good singer everyone can approve of. The element of outranking people is not a sentiment that’s present at all in his descriptions.
Let’s look at some more interviews.
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Note in both cases, dance is alluded to, but for Jimin it’s only implied and towards the end.
(Aside, this interview is so interesting to read because it’s one of few that shows them all being very innocent and unguarded. For example, the boys have hinted here and there over the years that the most image-conscious member is V (which would make sense given his social intelligence), but in this interview they explicitly say it. And this contrasts with some more dominant views in the fandom that say it’s J-Hope that is most image-conscious. But it’s always been V, and the boys confirm it here. There are similar small but candid descriptions of other members in the interview too.)
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…and would still be told point blank J-Hope is the best dancer.
Anon, one reason it’s taken me some time to answer your ask is because I was looking for a specific interview and I can’t find it. I vaguely recall in that interview, J-Hope is explicitly asked how he feels being the dance leader but having Jimin be more known for his dancing (despite all the times J-Hope is declared to be the best dancer in the group and this is something that the members have said louder and louder as the years went by…), and J-Hope replies that yes it’s sometimes hurtful to not be recognized for his work, but that Jimin is also a great dancer he’s learned from and I think he also said something about how that means he needs to work harder. I remember when that interview dropped the energy in the fandom was off for a bit, and maybe it’s only coincidence Hobi akgaes started becoming bffs with taekookers around the same time. I personally felt for Hobi in that interview and it was a bit hard for me to watch (I’ve previously written about how the hype around Jimin’s dancing was something that used to annoy the heck out of me). Anyone who knows the interview I’m talking about please help a sister out with a link (I can’t even remember the year its from).
Anyway, my point is, if we’re going to use Jimin’s good looks (as though Hobi isn’t objectively good looking himself), Jimin’s charisma, etc, as reasons people think he’s a better dancer, it’s only fair to not discount how there’s very deliberate, consistent, and unrelenting messaging from practically everyone that also serve as reasons some people think J-Hope is a better dancer, regardless of what we both see with our eyes. Some in the fandom have tried to make peace by separating the competencies of the two, classifying Hobi as a Hiphop dancer (which he is), but categorizing Jimin as a Contemporary dancer (which he technically isn’t, but because he’s Jimin, somehow is, but also is definitely more than a Contemporary dancer).
J-Hope is one of the best dancers in the industry, but I’d also say he seems to be a very efficient dancer. He executes the moves in the most efficient ways while maintaining somewhat consistent energy throughout (look at his Go Go hip thrusts above for example), and sometimes that means sacrificing impact. Jimin by contrast, almost always goes all in, and that’s one reason I think he’s a better dancer. Jimin also has the most high-difficulty specializations in his arsenal, in my opinion, across all dance styles, and this is one reason he is irreplaceable to BTS. Without Jimin there’d be no Black Swan or Butterfly solos, there’d be none of those ads in 2015 - 2017 where he performed Contemporary style dances that helped build BTS’s profile in Korea and Asia, no b-boying aerial flips that till today helps establish BTS as a solid dance group despite most of the members clearly not being dancers, there’d be no Lie/Boy Meets Evil duet, and so on and so forth. J-Hope shines during dance breaks where he’s given free rein to do nothing but dance however he likes, Jimin shines more when there’s structure/choreography he’s perfected to the point it becomes an innate expression of how he feels the music. I just happen to like Jimin’s more.
I’m not sure how sensible it is to treat performing and dancing as two different things. I see why some people might separate them, but I think to dance is to perform. And while J-Hope too is an excellent performer, Jimin has elevated this to both a science and art.
I don’t know what Jimin ate before their 2019 SMA performances but he needs to stick to that diet cause his dancing was ridiculous.
Cause what the fuck was this?
I’m not even going to post the fancam for IDOL because people died. It is that good.
Anon you asked for a ranking. Here’s mine:
Yoongi tied with Taehyung.
Namjoon tied with Seokjin.
I’m surprised you say J-Hope isn’t well known for his dancing, because he is. If nothing else, ARMYs have made sure of it. Hobi doesn’t need my help in that department, I assure you.
Originally posted: April 24th, 2022 7:56am
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ellsbclls · 3 years
you write hurt/comfort so beautifully, it makes me want to have tom comfort me like that ): do u think you could write something where he's taking care of you after a long day at work?? and if it's a little nsfw i wouldn't mind but u dont have to do anything ur not comfortable with. again L O V E ur work!!
thank you so much 🥺 i guess i just try to portray a type of love i think everyone deserves! but also thank you for giving me this idea because my mind went rampant. i also don’t know why the reader is a musician, but just roll with it i guess idk what happened there??? 
i hope this tickles your fancy! nsfw, so extended warnings will be under the cut! please do not interact if you're a minor!!
extended warnings: cue fingering, and some messy, needy sex in the bathtub 🛁✨
The steam rising from the bathtub makes light work of your weary muscles, menthol vapors kissing up your spine, soothing the knots scattered across the length of your back. You were in dire need of this, after the plight of a day you’d endured. A couple of hours in the studio had quickly spiraled into a six hour-session, with nothing to show for it but a lousy sixteen measures of brass ensembles — and by the good grace of your talent and patience, the artist has requested you drop in for their session again.
The thought makes you want to drown.
Instead, you opt to curl into yourself, softly pressing your cheek into your knee, watching the spindles of warmth waft up from your well earned bubble bath. In retrospect, the weight of your day didn’t fall solely on this new client — if you’re being honest, they actually had a lot of potential. You wouldn’t mind having your name tethered to a couple of their hits — but Tom had just returned home from a three month long shoot, and you’ve only been graced the luxury of his presence for less than 24 hours. Any time that isn’t being spent with him feels blasphemous, but since he has yet to return from his unknown whereabouts, you seized the opportunity to flush out as much irritability as possible before he returned.
You didn’t know just how tired you were until you were woken up.
A half an hour passes before you’re tousled from your dreamless slumber by a docile touch, familiar digits scaling the curve of your spine before they take a detour at the nape of your neck, carefully parting stray strands of hair to either side of your frame.
“Tom?” You hum, dulcet tones wafting through the steam akin to a dream as it ebbs from the rim of your subconscious.
“Yes, darling?” He muses, entranced by the frothy remnants of your bath soak as he dips his fingertips into the water.
“I missed you today.” You melt into his touch, allowing your head to fall to the side and survey his attire. His hair is all tousled, chestnut locks sprouting from the bottom of his backwards strewn baseball cap, and those honey-dipped hues you adore so much are creased with concern. You want nothing more than to soothe them away with the pad of your thumb, and so you indulge yourself, reaching over the edge of the tub as you continue to ramble. “I started the day already praying for it to be over with, and somehow, every single inconvenience fathomable decided to fall onto my lap. I mean — who the fuck needs seven different french horn tracks in an overture? A real band barely needs one.” Tom’s nodding along to your ramblings, but you both know that he doesn’t fully under the lengths of your frustration — just as you’ll never truly understand the inner workings of his own career. “The only thing keeping me together was the thought of coming home to you.”
“I’m so sorry, my love,” He coos, and continues to caress your back, working out all of the knots that the steam couldn’t relieve. “If it’s any consolation, I was only running late because I had to stop and buy some pancetta on the way home.”
“Don’t apologize. I assumed you would be back since all your stuff is still here.” You tease, mirroring his bemused smile, letting his world seep into your slowly booting brain. “Pancetta…” Not many people knew this, not even Tom before his first attempt, but the boy could whip up a mean bowl of pasta. You remember floundering across the bed the night before, identical to a little kid throwing a tantrum, moaning over just how badly you were craving carbonara. Silly of you to think that he’d take your melodramatic request in stride. “Are you-“
His enamored gaze is answer enough, but he pairs it with a chaste kiss to your forehead that has you nuzzling into his touch. “Only the best for my lil’ lady.”
You show a mere fraction of your appreciation with a swift, flurry of kisses over his cheekbones, pulling him closer by the downy bundles of his hoodie. Lovedrunk giggles and contented sighs bounce off the tiles before you’re both submerged in a comfortable silence, one that leaves the both of you free to shamelessly examine the other, one clad in their comfy, weatherworn disguise while the other dawns nothing but an enchanted smile. Even with the disparity between your attire, you both end up with flushed cheeks and dopey grins.
Hours, days, years seem to press on until you break the silence with a silly question, one that you ask in hopes of hearing his gentle, candied voice once more — or even better, his laugh. “What would you do if I was as big as a thumbtack? Would you still love me?” You query, a childlike sense of wonderment tinting your sugar-coated sigh.
He takes a second to ponder your questions, taking it into far more consideration than you had in bringing it to fruition. You can’t stifle the tiny puff of air that leaves your lips, the semblance of a chuckle, and Tom, with his wild brow and theatrical ways, whips his head in your direction, sending you a cautionary glare. “I suppose I would…” He starts, only to tap his finger against his bottom lip, drawing the suspense to its boiling point by the time you shove his forearm. “But then again, it doesn’t matter what size you are, there’s no limit to how much I love you.”
“Hmm,” you manage to vocalize. Your heart is now a star, an incandescent ball of fire caged beneath your ribs, and if he hasn’t gathered it by now, then he can bask in the warmth of your smile and know that for him, for him it is the sun.
You have to admit that you got ahead of yourself. One moment, you were binding your lips in a bruising, indulgent union, urging him to bask in the lovelorn rays of light he summoned, but only managing to pull him into the bathtub, fully clothed and unsuspecting. What was once your lukewarm oasis is suddenly a swirling cauldron of spearmint, teatree, and now unmistakable notes of him, sloshing against the edge of the tub as his frame struggles against the latent tide. There’s bound to be one hell of a mess waiting on the bathroom floor, but now that he’s settled in your grasp, you see no reason to fret just yet.
“Y/N.” His voice is deadpan, which can mean one of two things — he’s either overwhelmed with joy, or exhibiting a great deal of restraint in not drowning you right then and there. You choose to cancel out the latter, and offer the best attempt at innocence your babydoll eyes could muster, peering at him through your lashes with a teeth-rotting gleam.
“What?” You ask simply. His eye starts to twitch, and you only double down on your facade. “I just wanted to be closer to you.” Wading through the newly shallow body of water, half of its contents now dispersed across the tile floor, you make light work of his soggy hoodie, sloughing it over his head as he grumbles beneath it, giggling when it catches against that razor-sharp jawline of his.
“Well, you are very close now.” You notice how his voice drops down an octave, and you’re embarrassed to admit just how quickly the coil in your stomach tightens at the sound of it, how it already aches to be pulled taut. 
Tom seems unsuspecting enough when he captures your lips once again, his brims as delicate as baby’s breath against your own, tentative as they glide in a sultry dance. He doesn’t need to coax a confession out of you, the truth is already there, nestled in your urgent, needy pressure, in the whimpers threatening to spill into his lips. He’ll indulge in this little game for a moment longer — where you pretend that you aren’t desperate for his touch, and he pretends that he isn’t just as desperate to provide it — but once you fumble into his lap, clumsily grasping for more, and more, and even more of him, his resolve begins to crumble.
“I need you.” you whisper into the hollow of his mouth, golden-tongued and virtually earnest, coaxing a trembling sigh from the back of his throat.
He hums back, contented, basking in the intoxicating warmth of your silhouette, tracing the curve of your breasts with his knuckles. “Long day, my love?”
“Mhmm,” You demonstrate your point with a wistful sigh,  enveloping his great hands with your smaller ones, coating them in languid kisses until there was no skin left untouched.
You’re just too fucking cute, he muses. He can never say no to you, not even in jest.
Two of his slender digits roam the valley of your stomach, knuckles ghosting over your navel in their listless descent before they venture between your thighs, surveying just how badly you really need him. He dips his middle finger between your folds, tender and slick with your arousal, and emits a husky groan as he traces a steady line between your entrance and the spot just below your clit, ghosting your little bundle of nerves with each taunting caress. “You’re already soaked, my love. This all for me?” He coos, nudging your jaw with the tip of his nose, pressing a wet, open mouthed kiss against the column of your neck.
“All for you,” You sigh, digging your nails into the broad planes of his shoulder. “Please, Tom, please touch me.”
He finally spares you, thumb sloppily circling your clit as he plunges two digits into your opening, welcoming the lithe intrusion with a warm, velvety embrace. You slump into his embrace, nipples straining hard against the soaked fabric of his t-shirt, and raggedly whimper as he starts to work you open. The reminder of your nude form plastered against his clothes, albeit soaking wet, summons another pool of wetness to your core. You’re flooded with thoughts of delectable anguish — of denim kissing your hips, dragging against your bundle of nerves, as he ravages your bare little cunt, proving that you’re so desperate for his cock that you can barely wait for him to undress.
“Is this all you needed, baby? My fingers? You wanted me to stretch this pretty little cunt out?” He can’t stop the filthy words tumbling from his lips, especially not when your tiny mewls of pleasure are flooding his ears — you’re just so soft and pliant under his touch, so eager to be filled to the brim, it’s intoxicating to know that you’ll take anything he has to offer you. “I’ve got you, baby. I’m gonna give you everything you need. Gonna have you spilling all over my fingers and then — fuck! — then i’m gonna fill you up with my cock. How does that sound?
“Y-yeah,” You’re rutting against his palm at this point, grinding down to meet each thrust, to feel impossibly closer, fuller, ambling toward an orgasm that is already barreling toward you. As he finds a new angle, the pads of his fingers nudge against your g-spot, and the heel of his hand careens over your clit with such a delicious pressure that your thighs begin to quake. “‘M so close.” You whine, prompting him to punctuate each thrust with a curl of his fingers, dragging your orgasm from the pit of your stomach.
“Then let go, baby. Let go for me.” You need no further persuasion, your eyes squeezing shut as you teeter off the edge, with nothing but a raspy, desperate string of obscenities, clawing at the slope of his shoulders, and bathing his hand in sultry waves of nectar as it spills from your weepy little hole. His fingers are trapped between your fluttering walls, working you through your climax with nimble, tentative thrusts, stretching each wave of pleasure out until you’re trembling over little ripples.
“That’s it, that’s my girl.” You feel so small beneath his gaze, teeming with endless pools of adoration, like you’re a freshwater clearing and he’s parched. It nearly distracts you from his fingers as they slip from your opening, but each receding wave of bliss is tethered to him, so you groan at the loss of contact. Your walls flutter hopelessly around nothing, chasing the delicious stretch of his digits in their absence, but you’re instantly qualmed by the sound of his zipper being pulled down, no doubt freeing himself from the waterlogged confines of his jeans.
“Can I?” You sink your hands into what little water still remains in the tub, hooking your fingers through the belt loops of his jeans, but he swats your shaky hands away, adamantly shaking his head as a small frown of confusion forms between your brows. “You don’t wanna take ‘em off?”
“This is about you, my love.” He whispers, his free hand smoothing over the small of your back, stroking the patch of dew-ridden skin with his thumb. “And right now, all I wanna do is keep my promise.”
“You’re so good to me,” You whisper just above his lips, leaning back into his touch, peering between your bodies to survey his ministrations. You’re still a bit dazed from your first, earth-shattering orgasm, but the prospect of another has you buzzing with excitement, and Tom knows that look well enough to speed up his course of action.
Pearly veneers sink into the swell of your bottom lip at the mere sight — his cock is beyond compare. Even as its impatiently pulled through the opening of his jeans, it’s put on a mouth-watering display as he leisurely pumps himself, smearing tiny pearls of precum across his flushed, leaky tip with each upstroke. He’s far too enticing, far too pretty with his rosy cheeked, droopy-eyed charm, to resist, and you’re quick to replace his hand with your own, curling your fingers around the base and mimicking a couple teasing pumps before guiding him to your entrance.
Tom spreads his legs a little wider to accommodate you, the sensation of wet denim rubbing against your thighs, knocking your legs farther apart, causes a soft whimper to fall from your lips. It doesn’t take long for you to align the head of his cock with your entrance, teasing him with a couple of lascivious drags through your folds before you sink onto his length, reigniting the remnants of your last orgasm as inch after delicious inch prods your tender walls apart. By the time he bottoms out, you’re nothing but a trembling pile of limbs, and his lips seek out your own just to muffle your staggered breaths with a burning kiss.
You allow yourself a couple of seconds to adjust — no matter how or which way you take him, he still pushes up every crevice of your insides, demanding every square inch of your velvety heat. A wild flurry of crimson blossoms across the high planes of your cheeks as Tom nuzzles his forehead against your own, brushing his nose against yours, coaxing a melodious string of giggles from your chest while you scrunch up your nose. He presses a chaste kiss to the corner of your lips and smiles against the spot. “You look so pretty like this, my love. With that gorgeous smile of yours, and that pretty little pussy squeezing my cock.” You feel like you’ve got whiplash, trying to come to terms with how obscene he can be under such tender movements. “Just wanna turn you over and bury myself inside. See how tight you feel when you’re folded in half.” His hands reach down to rub gentle, circular motions into the small of your back, and you can’t help but pulse around him at the juxtaposition.
Once the uncomfortable stretch of his girth melts into pleasure, you finally start to work yourself over his length, and you swear you can feel every gorgeous ridge and vein of his cock as you rise up to the tip, only to plunge back down with a impish yelp, setting a clumsy, needy pace that certainly gets the job done. You don’t really find your rhythm until Tom helps you out, sinking his fingers into the supple curve of your ass, orchestrating a hard, punishing pace as he drives up into your sopping cunt, meeting you in the middle with each thrust.
All at once, the bathroom is washed in a crude symphony, the combination of your heavy panting and slapping skin intermingles with the shallow splash of water as it laps against the edge of the tub, punctuating the sinful drag of his length, and how the tip pounds against your furthest wall as you impale yourself onto him. You can feel another orgasm start to build, and since Tom has made it his solemn vow to not only study, but master, every little, scrumptious detail of your body, he senses it as well. 
“You got another one for me?” He asks between labored pants. His own orgasm is starting to peak over the horizon, following in the blazing trail you’ve set, you can tell by the way a thin sheen of sweat starts to build against his hairline, and his brows almost meet in the middle, as if the feeling of your pussy pulsing around his cock is unfathomable. He uses the grip he has on your waist to take control, using one hand to scale up the breadth of your back, and as his palms leave a blistering trail up, up, up your sides, he pulls you flush against his chest, attempting to plant his feet against the floor of the bathtub, 
He needs the leverage to piston his hips up into your own, to pound into your greedy hole at an unyielding pace — to keep his promise — and as you start to feel the tell tale edge of your climax cresting over your weary frame, you spoil his shoulder with sweeping, butterfly kisses and flood his mind with sweet, sweet nothings, luring him to the brink with the same dulcet tones you know drive him wild.
His hips stutter into your own, and before the words can even exit your lips, you’re dragged to the edge of bliss with a couple of rough, uncompromising thrusts that have you wildly spasming around his length. He joins you almost immediately, throbbing against your sensitive walls as he fills you to the brim, driving the mixture of your arousal further into you as he fucks you through your orgasm. 
Once he pulls out, he’s quick to wrap you up in a soothing embrace, planting kisses over every acre of skin he can get his lips on, but you’re too focused on the trail of cum leaking down your thighs to really indulge him, curiosity getting the better of you as you gently weave your arm between your bodies and collect the wetness on your thighs. You swear you can feel the rumble of his chest once you pop your fingers into your mouth, humming around the sodden digits, making a spectacle out of the addicting elixir pooling on your tongue, but his glimmer of reinvigorated stamina is put to rest by the sight of your drowsy, half-lidded stare.
“Why don’t we get you dried off? Then I can start dinner.” He hums against your cheek, punctuating his suggestion with yet another chaste kiss. It’s genuinely like he can’t get enough, and neither can you as you sleepily nod.
“Will you wake me up when it’s ready?” You sigh, teetering on the edge of slumber once more.
“Of course, my love.”
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bloodycassian · 3 years
Little bit smutty! Part 2ish of hellish Reader x cassian
You stared at him. He stared back. And the rest of them stared at both of you.  His eyes did not leave yours for an instant. Even when the door slammed shut from a cold wind. Shapes moved in the corner of your vision, but you stayed locked with Cassian. Your shared link was currently a courting battle. A dance of thoughts and feelings, mixed emotions and fear. The fear mainly from your side. And he was trying to comfort you.
"What's going on?" Someone whispered. A small voice, but concerned.  A huff of breath, and they were shuffling out of the room. Leaving you and the war lord alone. You could still hear them from the kitchen, but you let it fade. You let yourself be drawn back on that platform where his presence waited for you. You closed your eyes.
"Where are you from?" He asked, too casual to be normal. His mind was protected, but he had opened that connection just enough to be able to ask you questions. "You think I'm going to answer that after your friend nearly killing me?" You said, dancing your essence around him in a tickling way.
He rumbled, that earthy tone of his presence was warm. Welcoming, as if he was made just for you to come home to. "If I had known-" He began, but you cut him off with a sharp shove of force. "You would have what? Not almost killed him?" 
He sighed, exasperated. Shame roiled in his gut, but he knew what had to be said. He pushed down the feelings of guilt for what he had done to his brother.  "Brother?" You inquired, surprised. "You look nothing alike." Which was neither a good or bad thing. They were both some of the most gorgeous males you'd ever seen. Much better looking than the warriors at home who only worked on the muscles visible. You could tell he was built, a lithe warrior through and through. You tried not to imagine him shirtless. A booming heat raced down the line, and you tried your best to get away from those thoughts. He shifted on the couch.
"Metaphor. Tell me how we can help you." He was upfront, straight to the point and you appreciated it. However, you weren't going to give up your assignment just because you'd met a male that happened to be your mate. The Witches would burn you alive. Or turn you into a wicked monster for the rest of eternity. You shivered at the ideas that they could draw to life.
You scowled, "You mean how I can help your court, right?"
"You tell me. You seem pretty freaked out about whoever you're doing this for." He said with a sly tone. You felt yourself burn, rage and embarrassment lurching forward. A quiver of humor ran down the line that connected you. You tried to shut it out, to somehow cut off that connection.
"Sorry honey, we're stuck with this now." He said aloud, breaking you away from that dark bridge. You cracked your eyes slowly, wishing it was all a dream. His cocky expression made your heart soar, and your muscles burn with the urge to hit him. 
It was a struggle for Cassian to leave you. Especially to leave you with Amren. He warned her that if anything happened there would be helll to pay. She merely waved a hand and told him to piss off. He was fighting himself and everyone else, it seemed. 
"We cannot have them here with so little knowledge of-" Azriel stopped when Cassian entered, his boots thudding against the familiar wooden floor. He looked away, ashamed. Rhys was trying his best to keep himself under control and consider the mating bond. Tried to make himself think back to the first weeks of his and Feyre's taking place. The possessiveness, the hunger. He looked at his brother in a new light, being able to control his urges was a battle even Rhys hand't won. "Az, I'm sorry." Cassian said through his teeth. He was tired of the guilt, of the way Azriel dared not speak around him. "Can you please just-"
"Not until we have your bond...figured out." Rhys interrupted. He looked Cassian up and down in a way that made Cas feel dirty. 
"Theres nothing to figure out, Rhys. My mate is just an assassin sent to kill my own brother, and now we dont know if there's a scouting party out for us or not." "I know Cassian, it's not about the threat. It's about you." Rhys met his brothers eyes, saw the smoldering there. Azriel only glanced to Rhys, then wrapped those shadows around himself and left. He ascended the stairs slowly, not daring a glance in your direction. You could see the shadows crawling after him like a loyal pet. 
It gave you goosebumps to watch. You stared at the small female that was assigned to watch over you. She sipped from a paper cup like it was salvation. "Good wine?" You asked, nodding to her hand. 
She glanced between it and you, then trilled a long laugh.
+ Cassian knocked on your window that night. Rhys had refused to allow you to sleep in the same house together, especially since you were locked up. He feared Cassian would break down the entire house trying to get to you if he had any...urges. 
Your heart raced when your eyes met his through the glass. His smile was bright against the dark sky. "What do you want?" You hissed, trying to make sure he heard the quiet rage in your voice. 
"Come on, I wont tell." He gripped the windowsill, and held a hand out for you. He reached down that bond and caressed your spirit with a warm, golden light. Hope, and joy. Your stomach flipped. And without thinking, you let him take you into the night. You found flying with him exhilitarting, and relaxing. The soft sway that carried you nearly put you to sleep. The mind bridge was silent, as if it was waiting for something. His siphons glowed a happy amber that lit up the water when he coasted over a small lake. Then he landed, the rocks on the bank making nearly zero noise. 
And the breath was knocked from you. The tall mountain eclipsing the stars themselves was reflected in the lake in perfect clarity. The stars shimmered around it, framing the snow capped peaks. There was a brush of cold wind that made you wrap your arms around yourself. Then, Cassian was there. "May I?" He asked, holding a long sleeved tunic up. You hadn't noticed the bag he packed before. You nodded, and let him guide the sleeves over your arms. 
He brushed your hair off of your neck and you felt it then. The hot rush that snapped in your core. He stilled completely, that bridge alight with heat that was never there before. Your neck tingled, practically begging for him to touch you again. Your skin was too hot. 
His words began tumbling out before he could think. "I'm sorry I-" Nerves pricked at his stomach, making him nearly nauseous with disgust at himself. Stupid. Stupid male taken over by instinct and nothing else. He was risking his entire court for one person. His mate, though. He tried to shake the reasoning away, but it was undeniable.
"Touch me." You managed to whisper. Your eyes wide, you dared not look at him. If you did you feared you would be the one taking him instead of the other way around. You stared out toward the icy peaks. 
He hesitated long enough for your eyes to dart to his, to see the full blown pupils there. His siphons flared, and you couldn't hold back the flare of desire any longer. He met you half way, lips crashing into yours. It was a competition, who could get the other to moan first. You were determined to win.
He flicked his tongue over your lip. You growled and ripped his tunic off, exposing the muscled torso underneath. You pulled away, wanting to taste him everywhere, anywhere. He kept you at bay, watching you for only a second before a wicked grin appeared. "My turn." He growled, his voice deep and husky. 
He pulled off your shirt and traced a long line down your side, earning a hiss from you. Then, he stopped. Suddenly, coldly.  "You're-" His mouth fell open at the tattoo on your sternum. The sigil that marked you with what you were. You had forgotten completely. You rushed a hand to his hair, pulling back sharply. "Shut up and fuck me." You demanded. Despite his unease, he obliged with a cocky grin.
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azuregiggles · 3 years
Home Again
3.7k words.
Summary: Karl is attempting to outrun the monsters that chase him and the voices that echo in his head. On his escape route he meets an unusual being who helps him realize that maybe things aren’t all what they seem.
WARNINGS: Angst, Tickling, Light bondge?, Derealization? But its fluffy in the end :)
Karl’s breathing was heavy as he crashed through the woods. Over bushes and under branches he didn’t dare look back. He knew his pursuers were close behind. Monsters who’s hoarse cries echoed through the trees behind him. That screaming, that heavy screaming. He couldn’t bear to hear it any longer. He had one thing on his mind. Escape.
Every shadow and shifting twig made his heart jump into his throat. DANGER. They were chasing him. They wanted to capture him and drag him back to the den he’d woken up in. Back to that prison of lies. They wanted to laugh and watch as he slowly lost his mind.
His mind raced as. Fast as his legs and heart. HIDE. He needed to lose them. RUN. RUN. RUN. He couldn’t bear the voices that screamed in his head. They weren’t his yet they told him what to do. They were the only thing that seemed to be constant in his life these days and so he listened. He followed the instructions to not stray from the path.
One voice told him where to go STAY ON THE PATH, it rang again. “This is the FOREST there is NO PATH” Karl screamed in reply. The second voice called his name the same way the monsters did. They knew his name and never stopped calling it, hunting him and haunting him simultaneously.
Their faces were unknown, their intentions unclear, their voices all torturous and painful. He continued to run as fast and as far as he could, slowly growing tired. The sun was setting. The voice in his head whispered, slowly growing in volume. Dark. Cold. Danger. Danger. DANGER! The voice yelled and Karl skidded to a stop, only inches from careening into a deep ravine. Lava boiled down below, soon to be one of the only sources of light. Waterfalls along the edges roared in Karl’s ear and amplified the echoes in his mind. LAND IN THE WATER. JUMP. SAFE. RUN. HIDE. He stepped forward.
“Don’t” a new voice, a more physical voice rang in his ear.
Karl spun in a circle but he couldn’t see anyone. ALONE. HIDE. JUMP. THE WATER. DANGER. He turned again to see the faint glow of torch light approaching slowly as his hunters ran towards him NO TIME. RUN. Karl looked into the gorge and his stomach turned.
“Come to me Time Traveler, Shapeshifter, Karl Jacobs.” The new voice spoke again. This time Karl noted that it was soft and comforting. When it spoke it was like two people with the same voice speaking in unison.
“Where?” Karl shivered in place. His inability to identify the voice’s location made him all the more cautious. ENEMY. DON’T TRUST. RUN. STAY ON THE PATH. “WHAT PATH!?” Karl screamed at his own mind.
“This way Karl. Follow the lights.”
Karl turned to the torchlight that grew closer “NO! I won’t go back to them! They’ll kill me!” LIGHT. TORCH. DEATH. HUNTERS. MONSTERS. DANGER. The voice in his mind reassured him.
“Not the torch Karl. The lights. Look to the east.” The soft voice almost whispered, the comforting tone slowly drawing Karl from his panic.
Karl turned east and watched with awe as dozens of little lights rose from the grass. Fireflies. They gathered in two lines creating a path out of their glow. A few swirled around Karl in a warm breeze. The trail led across the ravine and continued into the woods on the other side. “How do i cross-“
A stone bridge built itself, spanning from where Karl stood “Come now” the voice called like an old friend.
Karl found comfort in realizing that the voice had direction now, he could tell it came from the woods beyond where the fireflies lead. He stepped onto the bridge DANGER. RUN. ESCAPE. The voice in Karl’s head screamed louder than ever, it was almost deafening THE PATH. THE PATH. STAY ON THE-
“SILENCE” the comforting voice commanded and the presence within Karl head retreated. The echoing ceased.
Karl was suddenly aware of the sounds that had previously been drowned out. The crickets chirping, the rustling of the leaves in the breeze and the evening birds’ song. He could hear the cries of his hunters, their voices clearer, they almost sounded human.
“Come along then Karl. This way”
Karl took a sheepish step onto the bridge as if it’d collapse. With each step forward the stones behind him would vanish. He couldn’t go back. The gentle glow of the fireflies brought him peace of mind, the warmth of the breeze eased the tension in his every muscle. “Who are you?”
“A friend. A protector. Come see me. Let’s talk about the people chasing you.” The lights made a way through the wood.
“Can you stop them? Are you here to save me?” The soft glow left no trail behind Karl as he walked into the growing darkness. He sped up as the screams and shrieking of his hunters echoed through the air beyond.
“So full of questions. I can promise you safety. Come now. Quickly, we have little time before they come for you.”
Karl began to sprint after the firefly trail. He soon tripped into a clearing with an enormous tree. It stood at least 50 blocks high, its branches were widespread as if it was trying to reach across the forest. The strangest part, however, is that it was green. Not just the leaves which had an almost neon glow about them but the trunk and branches as well. It’s roots above the dirt we’re almost as tall as Karl. He wandered towards it slowly. Thousands of fireflies danced around it in the grass.
“Come to the tree Karl. It is where you’ll find me. I’m here to help you.” The soothing voice called to him.
“Where are you?” Karl asked again as he reached the center of the clearing. He put his hand gently on the bark. The tree shuddered and from its branches descended a tall creature with four arms. It was dressed in a long green cloak with the hood drawn up over its head and a porcelain mask with a wide open smile hid any sign of its face.
“Welcome to the center of the forest. This is a place not often seen by mortals. I have brought you here for a reason.” The creature drifted down much like a leaf before landing directly in front of Karl. It was when their feet hit the ground that Karl realized how tall the thing before him truly was twice his own height at least.
“What do you want from me?” Karl was too afraid to run.
“I want nothing from you that you are aware of. I am going to assist with that which has been troubling you. I am XD guardian of this world. You have been brought to my home.”
“You’re a guardian? Can you save me from the monsters that chased me here?”
“What monsters? Nothing hostile can reach this far into my woods.”
“They’re not like skeletons or creepers! They’re more like humans, b-but one has horns and a tail like a demon, th-the other has golden wings. They’re hybrids or something.”
The god chuckled and held out two of their hands, a light blue mist swirled between them. Slowly it became an image of Sapnap and Quackity. Both had tears streaming down their faces as they held up torches and screamed in search of their missing fiancé.
Karl nodded and backed away from the image “They know my name! They had me trapped in their house , I-I thought they were going to kill me so I ran. Th-They’ve been chasing me and they want to kill me. My inner voice told me so!” Karl was frantic and clung to the god’s robe.
XD’s interest peaked “Oh? An inner voice? Tell me about this voice.” The was an almost mischievous undertone to his previously monotone voice.
Karl nodded “Yes, it helps me understand what’s going on around me. It keeps me safe.” DONT “It makes sure I don’t stray from the path.” NO! DANGER! RUN! PLEASE! RUN!
“I thought so” the god sounded like a disappointed parent as they sighed “Karl allow me to clear the fog from your mind.” They held up the vision of Sap and Big Q “These two are searching for you not hunting you.”
“But the voice-“
“Was wrong” XD interrupted softly “They want to take you home. To make sure you’re safe. Look closely, don’t they seem familiar?”
LOOK AWAY. Karl looked closer and a warmth rose in his chest as he realized their expressions showed concern and fear rather than malice and hostility. “They’re… worried?”
“About me?”
“Correct. That voice you’re hearing is wrong. These two care for you greatly. They love you.”
LIES! the voice screamed with more force, taking his mind. “You’re lying” Karl backed away. RUN. Karl tried but was effortlessly lifted by the god.
XD held the struggling semi-human with no effort “Please don’t make this difficult Karl. I can assure you I only wish to help.”
“No! Let me go! HELP!” Karl shrieked and kicked the air. “Put me down you monster!”
XD gave an indignant huff “Monster? That’s rather rude.” They carefully began to knead Karl’s side. “All three of you need to calm down. Now will you listen Karl?”
“Yes! Okahahay! Plehehease juhuhst stahahap.”
The fingers stilled “Do you want your memories back Karl? I can get them for you.”
The time traveler froze. “You can do that?” He felt elated when the god nodded “How?”
“It’ll take some convincing that voice of yours but no worries, I’m very persuasive.” XD chuckled and laid Karl against the root of the tree, making sure the position was comfortable. One of their large hands pinned both of Karl’s hands above his head. “I need you to trust that I won’t hurt you okay?”
“O-Okay” Karl was giggling as his nerves ignited with how vulnerable he was. A vine slowly curled around his wrists allowing the god to have use of all four hands.
“Now let’s see if we can’t convince that voice of yours to come out, shall we?” XD wiggled a single dull claw into each of Karl’s sides.
“Aaah! Wahahait nohohoho” Karl whined and kicked helplessly. He could hear two sets of giggles apart from his own. The voices in his mind was, laughing?
“I knew you were in there. Now come on out and leave the mortal alone. Both of you!” XD’s second set of hands dug into Karl’s ribs.
All three shrieked and began to beg “STAHAHAP NAHAHA PLEHEHESE” GOHO AWAHAHAY. A white circle of light appeared over Karl’s belly button.
“So that’s where you’re hiding.” The smirk could be heard in XD’s voice. Two hands now clawed into the hollows of Karl’s armpits, the third massaged his hip and the last hand wiggled a single claw into Karl’s bellybutton.
To say the man screamed would be an understatement. Karl squealed so loud he was sure he’d wake the entire forest “NAHAT THERE PLEHEHEASE NAHAHAT MY BUHUTTON”
XD chuckled “Weak spot?” They chuckled again as the mortal frantically nodded and kicked.
XD withdrew his hands. From the ring of light on Karl’s belly appeared two blobs, one black and one white. “There, no more misleading little voices.” They picked up the two blobs from the grass.
Karl, who had been thankful for the ability to breathe, was quickly driven back to hysterics as XD used one hand to claw his belly to keep him distracted.
“You both have some explaining to do” Quackity and Sap’s voices were drawing closer causing the god to sigh “We’ll talk later, give me his memories XC I know you have them.”
The white blob had an X where it’s eyes would be and a deep frown that resembled the letter C. It shook its head no.
The black blob looked a bit more angry with a V where xyr eyes would be and a downward bracket for a mouth. >[ head butted XC and made a series of angry chirps and squeaks.
XC gave in and burped out an orb of blue light. It squeaked in frustration.
“Very good. Now both of you stay quiet.” XD hid them in the sleeves of their cloak. They ceased tickling Karl and couldn’t help but grin beneath their mask at the sight before them. Karl’s cheeks bright red and his eyes teary. His hair was a fluffy mess and he giggled from the phantom tickles.
“Is ihihit ohohover?” Karl snorted. He found relief when XD nodded.
“Look what I managed to get.” XD held up the blue orb.
“Is that?”
“Your memories” the god confirmed.
“How do I get them back?” Karl looked at it in confusion as XD cradled him, removing the vines from his wrists.
“It’s like a pill. But wait until they find you. It’ll help with the rush.”
Karl would have asked for an explanation but as the god put him down, the moment his feet hit the floor the world spun and the clearing was gone. Karl was left with a glowing blue orb and a lot of questions. He slowly became aware of the voices that screamed not too far away and walked toward them.
“KARL! Where are you!?” Quackity sobbed as he screamed into the night.
Sapnap sat on a rock and tried to calm himself “Fuck! We lost him, he’s actually gone.”
“Don’t talk like that! I don’t care! We’re finding him and bringing him home!”
“He doesn’t even know what home is Quackity! He doesn’t know us!”
“I don’t care! We’ll find a way to make him remember , he HAS to! I said I was going to marry both of you assholes and I meant it!”
Sapnap’s tail and horns ignited and he punched the closest tree “He can't remember that we’re engaged! You can’t force him to marry us! Face it, even if we find him he’s GONE” he saw the betrayed look in Quackity’s eyes and punched the tree again, knocking it over “FUUCCCKKK” he fell to his knees “What do we do?”
Big Q hesitated “We keep searching. We’ll tell everyone what’s going on and have them keep an eye out for him. We’ll get him back. We just-” he paused hearing a branch snap. He spun with his torch to see Karl standing there shyly. “Karl! Oh my god!”
Karl held up the glowing blue orb.
“Karl what is that-“ Sapnap was cut off as his forgetful fiancé looked him in the eye and popped what appeared to be a glowing marble into his mouth. “I- Karl! Spit that out!”
Karl swallowed it. The blue glow spread to the rest of his body and Karl fell to his knees as his memories started flooding back. His childhood, his time travels, his fiancés. His mind became stuck on the two men who rushed to his side and were currently cradling him.
Karl had finally worked up the nerve to ask Sapnap, his longtime crush, to hang out one on one. Sapnap, of course, caught on immediately and teased Karl into a flustered mess throughout the entire day. By the end of the date Sap had to ask Karl out because the time traveler had been too shy.
Karl and Sapnap had finally agreed today was the day, they were going to ask Quackity to be their boyfriend. It had been a long process to work out and ensure they were all comfortable and emotionally able to handle the situation. The day was sunny and warm, when Quackity agreed it felt all that much warmer.
The three men sat together on a picnic blanket basking in the warmth and the breeze of the day. They all laughed and smiled about the dumbest jokes. Karl and Sap joked about how Quackity finally seemed to be at ease whenever it was all three of them instead of just one on one.
"Sh-shut up assholes! This whole poly thing is new to me." Quackity giggled and argued.
Karl wrapped his arms around Q's waist and kissed his cheek, Sap repeated the motion from the other side causing the duck's face to go red.
"I hate you both" Quackity chuckled.
"We love you too," Karl and Sap said in unison.
It had been a lovely trip to Las Nevadas. A place built up by Quackity to show his boyfriends. They'd gambled, spent time in the pool, eaten amazing food, and even taken naps together. After a week of being spoiled came the cherry on top. Quackity dropped to one knee and pulled out a black box with two rings. He'd hardly had time to finish the question before he was smothered by hugs, kisses and a million yeses.
***** End Flashbacks *****
Karl teared up and came out of his daze. He was leaned against Sap who had his back against a tree fast asleep. Quackity was pacing back and forth in the torch light. “Ducky?”
Quackity froze and turned to Karl, eyes wide. “What did you say?”
Karl began to sob and held out his arms “D-Ducky, Quackity! I love you!”
Quackity beamed as tears began to swell. “You remember me?” He laughed his frustration away as Karl nodded, standing. He yanked Karl into his arms and tangled his fingers in the brunette’s hair. “Holy shit I’ve missed you.”
“Is Karl awake?” Sap’s voice was heavy with sleep. He grunted as he was tackled back to the ground by Karl. “What the hell. K-“ he was cut off by lips smashing into his own. A light blush dusted his cheeks.
Karl sobbed and cradled Sap’s face, looking him in the eyes “Hi Kitty. Sapnap. I’m so sorry I forgot about you.” Karl was promptly pulled into more kisses by both of his loves.
The three laid in the grass slowly calming down. Karl was blaming himself and the other two weren't having any of it.
"Karl, it's alright. It's not like you were in control of what happened." Sap reassured him. "We're just glad to have you back."
"You're not allowed to beat yourself up." Quackity added.
"What do you mean!?" Karl's chest heaved and his voice broke "I FORGOT both of you! I-I ran away thinking you were MONSTERS I don't deserve- AAAAHHH"
Sapnap smirked from where he was laid across Karl’s legs, chin on his waist and hands poised on his hips. "Did you forget about this~" he gave a low chuckle that made Karl shiver.
Karl turned bright red "N-No…"
Quackity purred in the oldest's ear "Karl~ are you still ticklish?" His fiancé squealed and craned his neck away.
"Stahahap guhuys, nohoho!"
Sap chuckled once more, pushing the hem of Karl’s hoodie up "Well, well, well~ what a delicious looking belly you have my darling Bunny~ Mind if I have a nibble?"
"Sahahahappy, Kihihitty dohoHOHONT AAHH!" Karl was cut off by his blaze fiance nibbling his lower belly, using his fangs to his advantage. "SAHAHAP NOHOHO" Karl twisted in Quackity’s hold and kicked what little he could with Sap on him.
Quackity giggled and, not wanting to be left out, vibrated his fingers into Karl's ribs. He indulged in the shrill shrieks that followed. The contrast between Q’s rough tickles and Sap’s slow paced nibbles was maddening.
Karl twisted back and forth trying to dislodge the attacking fingers. "DUHUHUCKY STAHAHAP" he relaxed between his lovers, too emotionally and physically exhausted to really fight back. Not that he wanted to. He vividly recalled how tickling was an important and constant part of their bonding. They used it to cheer each other up and pester one another. It was practically their love language.
Sap looked up at the others “You guys ready to go home? I don’t want mobs to sneak up on us.”
Karl was still under attack by Quackity who now nibbled on his ears. “Okahahay lehehet’s gohoho.” Q moved to nibble on Karl’s neck, his golden fangs grazing over the hypersensitive area. The time traveler tried to scrunch up his shoulders in defense but the duck hybrid had already locked himself in place. “QUAHAHAHACKITY NAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEASE!”
“Say my name again.” Q demanded before resuming nibbling.
“Once more”
“JEHEHERK!” Karl earned himself a raspberry “AH! QUAHAHAHACKITY!”
“Good” Q ceased his attack “Never forget it again. Promise?”
“I prohohomise. I’ll never forget my Ducky or my Kitty again” Karl grinned, hugging each of them as the trio stood. All three knew it was out of the time traveler’s control but for now that promise was something to ground them after months of feeling they were fading away.
Hand in hand the three wandered home with Karl falling asleep about halfway. Sapnap easily carried his love on his back. Quackity pushed open the front door and started to pick up the few things Karl had knocked over during his rush to escape. Sap carried the slumbering man to their bedroom and softly laid him down in the center spot.
“Do you think we’ll still have him in the morning?” Q asked, walking in.
“After everything that’s happened today we better.'' Sap chuckled.
“Any idea how his memory came back?”
“Not really. But that marble he ate…”
“But where’d he get the marble?” Q’s tone had dropped. “Did he always have it or did someone give it to him?”
“I don’t know. Can we not talk about this tonight?” Sap’s tail wrapped around his fiancé’s waist pulling him close. “It’s already been a lot to process. But I understand your concern. Just, please not tonight.” He yawned and kissed Quackity.
“Fine, we’ll figure it out later” Q sighed softly.
“Kitty” Karl muttered in his sleep “cuddle me Ducky.”
Both men smiled down at their sleeping love and climbed into bed on either side of him. Sap rested his head on Karl’s chest, listening to his heartbeat. Quackity nuzzled into Karl’s neck. The three slept soundly through the night and when Karl still had his memories the next day they were elated. Home felt like home again.
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justauthoring · 3 years
My Sincerest Condolences
Prompt: Heya I got an idea for a haikyuu request! So I have knees problem and I can't play any sports cause they dislocate (i know ew) and because of that I can't play volleyball (or i have to be extra careful) and I know Oikawa injured his knee (i dont remember if they said how) so my idea was, what if reader really loves volleyball and wanna play but she can't cause of knees or legs issues so she just watches and then ont time after a practice, when the gym is empty, she sneak in and starts playing with a ball and Oikawa forgot something so he comes back and sees her, and then they talk and she says she can't play and well i guess he can relate since he did injured his knee and couldn't play for a while, so he gets all soft (love me some soft Oikawa) and plays with her? I don't know something like that, I just want soft Oikawa 🥺🥺🥺 plz and thank you if you write it!
A/N: I relate to this so much given that i’ve literally dislocated my knee twice and I used to love to dance but because of it, can’t do it much anymore :( Also i’m fully aware that I keep writing about Oikawa but I literally cannot stop myself. I love him so much. Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x F!Reader
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The ball feels good in your hands, you note. Better then it’s probably ever felt.
It’s been far too long.
And that it certainly has.
You push the pads of your fingers into the ball, feeling the coolness of it to the touch, before spinning it. It’s so quiet in the gym, just you, that you can hear every breath you take, every squeak of your feet if you shuffle, and most importantly, you hear the anticipation in your body, running through your veins, at finally seeing a net so up close.
There’s no one around, it’s just you, and realistically, you know you can’t do much with just yourself. But that doesn’t stop the excitement coursing through your veins.
Besides, you used to be praised on your serves, and that wasn’t an impossible task alone.
Don’t push your knee too hard. 
You won’t be able to play anymore.
We recommend you give up volleyball.
It’ll only cause more issues in your future.
Any wrong move.
You need to be careful.
Eyes clenching shut, your grip on the ball tightens. “Damn,” you whisper, despite being alone, trying to suck in the flood of emotions that hit you like a slap to the face. 
It was entirely too unfair. And it was your reality.
Staring down at your right knee, at scar that stares mockingly back at you, it occurs to you you probably shouldn’t. That you could really hurt yourself. But... it’s been so long, and it had already taken everything away from you -- was simply practicing something unachievable too?
“Screw it,” you hiss. You’ve already made it this far, sneaking into the gym far after school and practice was over, solely because you knew the net would still be up for a practice game early the next more.
The ball feels amazing, fits perfectly against your hand, and the sight of it soaring through the air is a sight you’ve missed. Your line of shot unachievable from the crowd, something only attainable by where you’re stood -- your serves, one that used to have the crowd cheering and the opponents anticipating in fear, that had been so cruelly torn from you.
You finally hit it again.
You’re so enthralled, so focused, that you don’t hear the gym doors open, don’t hear the footsteps that follow, nor do you notice the figure just stood off to the side watching you for the past ten minutes. You’re all too oblivious, and the figure doesn’t announce his presence until he notices the familiar look of pain on your face, one that he knows all too well, and the way you halt in a second, repositioning yourself.
“You could really hurt yourself.”
You jump at the voice, ball falling from your hands and bouncing away as you spin, turning to face the newcomer with wide eyes. Your shock, however, doubles when you see exactly whose there -- because instead of a teacher or staff member that had caught you red-handed like you expected, you see the all too popular captain of the boys volleyball team.
“O-Oikawa-san! Sorry,” you bow quickly, cheeks flushing. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
He juts his hip out, a pleasant smile on his lips that you often see him using on the flock of girls that follow him, holding up the pads in his hands for you to see. “I forgot something,” he explains, “didn’t expect to see anyone here.”
You tense. “I’m-I’m sorry if I was intruding!” You explain, holding your hands out before yourself, words stumbling past your lips. “I just... saw the net and couldn’t help myself.”
Oikawa waves you off. “Your serves were impressive,” he compliments, stepping towards you and picking up the ball that had slipped from your hands moments early. “You play, then?”
You’re not oblivious to the slight edge to his voice. It’s not threatening in any sort of way, but there’s something there, in the way he looks at you, that tells you he knows something. What, however, you have no idea.
“Used to,” you explain, rubbing the back of your neck before setting a hand on your knee. “Torn ACL. Can’t play anymore.”
His gaze softens, puzzling you even further.
“What’s your name?”
“Y/L/N Y/N, third year. Why?”
“That’s why I thought I recognized you,” his eyes flash, “you used to play on the girls team. You guys made it to nationals last year, you won six points on serves alone.”
Swallowing thickly, you force back the memory that desperately tries to crawl itself back to light, shrugging your shoulders. “Yup,” you nod, cheeks still warm. “Of course, that was a while back now. Surely my names not still mentioned.”
“Maybe,” Oikawa shrugs. “I still think you left a lasting impression. An impressive one at that.”
“Give her space! Don’t crowd her!”
“What’s happened, Y/N? Where does it hurt?”
“We need to get her to the hospital, it’s... it’s bad!”
“You’ll need surgery, Y/N.”
“You’ll never play--”
“--Ah, well, sorry for the intrusion once again,” you quickly make your way towards your bag and blazer, gathering them in your hands with a certain fluster. “I’ll be taking my leave now. Have a nice--”
“You came to play, didn’t you?”
You pause at his words, turning to look at him with a frown. “It’s hard to play by yourself.”
Smiling gently, he holds the ball in his hands towards you, eyes bright.
“Two is still kind of hard,” you quirk a brow.
“But not impossible,” he raises a finger at you. “Come on,” he sighs when you don’t move. “You went through all this effort to sneak in, might as well take advantage of it.”
You flush at his words, slowly setting your stuff down.
“You’re oddly generous.” You comment, coming to a stop in front of him as you let your eyes drift across his figure curiously.
He shrugs, “I might just know how you feel more then anything.”
Quirking a brow, you cross your arms over your chest. “Oh?” You drawl, “and how’s that?”
“I hurt my knee too,” he explains, glancing down at his legs before shuffling on his feet. “Was out of games for a long time to rest up, it was excruciating. I couldn’t wait to get back out there.”
“You can play, I can’t stop you. But, it would be best if you didn’t.”
“But mom--!”
“But mom, nothing, Y/N. You’re not playing anymore. Not when you could seriously hurt yourself.”
“I’ll be careful! Extra careful! Just please, I love volleyball, don’t... don’t take this away from me.”
“...I’m sorry, sweetie. But it’s for the best.”
“Yeah, well,” you glance down at your feet, “I’m not just out for a while. I’m off the team. I’ll never play again.”
Oikawa blinks, lips parting.
You seem to realize what you said, shaking your head. “Sorry! Sorry! I don’t mean to complain,” you rush out, “I appreciate the offer, Oikawa-san, but it’s best--”
“I’ll play with you.”
“I’ll make sure you play again.”
Blinking, your lips part. Silence echoes for a moment, then, you laugh lightly. “And I told you, it’ll be pretty hard with just the two of us.”
“I’ll get the rest of the team to play,” he says eagerly, without a second of hesitation, causing you to blink up at him in surprise. “At least, the third years. They’ll do it, anything for practice. Then again, we’ll need another to be able to play three against three, but I’m sure I can rope one of the first--”
Setting your hand on his arm, you squeeze, his words falling silent as you shake your head. Oikawa stares down at you, baffled, before you look up at him and his eyes widen at the way your eyes have watered.
“Why are--”
“I don’t know why you’d go so far for me,” you whisper, “but... thank you.”
And your words hang in the air for a moment, silence echoing, before Oikawa eases and he’s suddenly smiling down at you.
“Your serves are amazing,” he whispers, a certain new air to him, “I’d love to see how they compare to my own!”
At that, you let out a small laugh. Oikawa was certainly different then you’d ever expected him to be.
“I’ll wipe the floor with you.”
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tangledstarlight · 3 years
hello 😌
“You’re in a coma and I confess all my feelings only for you to wake up” for juke please :)
you really went 'hm lets chose the saddest option' huh??? what follows is all on you okay i dont take any responsibility for it 😬(i really made myself a lil sad with this one okay). anyway!! hope you like it!!! 😊💜
trigger warnings!! mentions of injuries and character deaths
20. you’re in a coma and i confess all my feelings only for you to wake up
50 cliche tropes and prompts!
Julie didn’t like hospitals. Though she supposes that most people don’t like them. They’re too bright, too loud and too quiet at the same time.They can be places where you get the best news of your life. But for her they’d always been the place she got the worst.
She can still remember sitting in the waiting room as a doctor talked to her dad, and she can appreciate them trying to spare her, to give her one more moment to live in a world where her mom is alive. But she’d heard the alarms and the nurses rushing into her room. She already knew long before her dad came back over and knelt in front of her and Carlos.
Hospitals were places for bad news.
Where people died and didn’t come home.
(And she knows it’s stupid, and that it’s just a childhood superstition, but a part of Julie had always thought the day her mom died was her due to her. That her mom her died on the one day they’d had to leave early because of a stupid dance rehearsal, and no one had been with her. And maybe, if they’d not left, her mom might still be alive.)
Julie really hated that she’d almost not walked into the building after she’d gotten the call. Because if she didn’t walk in, she didn’t have to see him. She didn’t have to hear what had happened and what they’d done to help and how they didn’t know if he’d wake up. If she didn’t walk inside Luke would be okay and she could go home and pretend he’d just been held up in traffic.
A kind nurse had led her to his room after a doctor had explained about the accident, about the car that had run a light and how there had been bleeding on his brain and fractures close to his heart and that ‘surgery went well, we’re hopeful’.
Alex had been pacing in the space nearest the window, back and forth, back and forth while Willie watched with his arms right across his chest, and Reggie had been sitting in the chair next to his bed, staring intently at the monitors beeping away.
Julie had walked in slowly, and she knows she’d looked at the other boys, knows that she must have said something because Reggie stood up and arms wrapped around her in a hug and she’d been ushered into the chair.
But all she really remembers is looking at Luke in the bed.
Too still, too pale, covered in bruises and bandages and wires.
That had been 2 days ago.
Julie hadn’t left the hospital, his bedside, since. Even though she’d insisted that the boys go home, rest, shower, and have a real meal. They’d tried to make her go too, but something in her eyes had made them stop. She doesn’t know what they saw. But that’s fine. They’d left her to it.
They say people in a coma can hear you, that’s what the nurses and doctors keep reminding them. That they should talk to him. But for the first time in the 10 years that she's known him, Julie doesn’t know what to say.
Alex talks about the shows he’s missed and who’s released a new album that day, keeps him up to date with the ever changing top 100. Reggies tells him that his guitar is fine (‘because we all know that’s going to be one of the first questions he asks’), and all about the fight he’d almost seen in the parking lot. They talk to him like they always do. Like he’ll respond.
Talking to Luke has always been one of her favourite things, one the easiest things. They’d just clicked from the moment they’d met, and there hadn’t been a day since where they’d not talked.
But now, as she sits in the chair next to his hospital, where he’s too still and too quiet, Julie doesn’t know what to say. Doesn’t know what to do with all the thoughts and feelings at war within her.
So, she does what she’s always done, she tries to write about them. About her. About him. And if she says it out loud as she goes, well that counts, right?
“You know,” she starts, and has to clear her throat at her how croaky her voice sounds, not sure when she’d last spoken. Knowing it must have been a while. After taking a sip of the warm temperature water Julie tries again.
“Y’know I sometimes think I've loved you my whole life. Which I know is impossible because we didn’t meet until we were 16 but, I don’t know. It was like I’d just been waiting for you,” she trails off, fingers tight around the pen as she stares at the page of his notebook, “For Alex and Reggie too. But— but mostly you. I’d been waiting for you to barge into my life and demand I start living again. I kind of hated you a little for that at first, y’know? I was quite happy living in my musicless life. At least I pretended I was. You saw right through that.”
Julie shakes her head at the memory, at 16 year old Luke asking why she didn’t sing anymore, at him saying it was silly to live in the quite when her mom had clearly loved all the noise.
“I don’t think I believe in fate or anything, because if fate is real it means my mom had to die and I just— I don’t think that’s right. But I think we were always meant to meet, that we’re… tied together. And that our lives are supposed to be lived together. Silly, right?”
She smiles over at him, lips almost quirking up with humour, and she can almost imagine him opening his eyes and smiling back at her the same way. But he doesn’t. The monitors continue beeping and Luke continues sleeping.
The doctors start to look a little worried when they check his vital signs on day four, whispered exchanges with nurses and eyes darting to where the three of them hover around his bed. It’s Alex who breaks first, turning to glare at Luke’s still form and demanding he, “Wake up. Wake up right now Luke. You are not allowed to just die on us. Not like this damn it!”
There had been tears, threats and bargains. Luke had slept on and Alex had stormed out, Reggie following after him and Julie had stayed in the room. Where she’d been for four days.
“Alex is right,” she starts quietly as she reclaims her chair, “You can’t just die on us like this Luke. We’ve only done one album, you always said you wanted to go out in blaze of glory or after you’d had at least five number one albums. We’ve barely even started.” There’s no response, not even a slight hitch on the machines and Julie blows out a breath, slumping back in her chair.
She lets her eyes trace over his face, taking in the way his eyelashes brush against his skin, the way his cheekbones stand out, the yellow-purple bruise that’s finally starting to fade along his jawline. His hair was already getting a little long and had never been great at staying neat, and four days in a coma seems to have done nothing to help that fact. If she pretends there’s no tubes in his nose, wires across his chest, needles in his arms, Julie can almost imagine they’re back in the garage after falling asleep after working too long on a song.
“I heard you, that night,” Julie whispers, leaning forward to carefully slip her hand under his, like they’re holding hands and whispering secrets in the dark. “When we were on the bus, and I’d gotten scared because of the thunder and you stayed up watching Disney films with me. I heard you when she said you loved me, when you thought I was asleep.”
Her thumb runs over the back of his hand, tracing a parallel line to the needle going into his skin.
“I didn’t say anything because I was scared. I’ve loved you for so long, and knowing you loved me too it just— it scared me,” it’s a secret she's keeps locked inside for so long that a sudden weight feels like it’s lifted off her chest at saying it out loud, “You mean so much to me Luke that I— I got scared about what might happen if we acted on the feelings and it all went to hell. I wouldn’t know what to do without you.”
“But right now I’m more scared about maybe never getting to tell you. So I need you to wake up Luke, I need you to wake up for Alex and Reggie, and for yourself. But I need you to wake up so I can tell you I love you, okay?” She can’t look at him, doesn’t want to not see his eyes, always so bright and full of love, not looking at her. “So wake up, please.”
Julie almost doesn’t notice the change. Almost misses the way the monitor's beeping changes slightly, the way his fingers flex where they’re resting over hers.
“Luke?” Her eyes snap up to his face where his eyes are blinking open, gaze slightly hazy with pain but most definitely looking right at her, his lips turned up a little at the corners around the tube in his mouth. “Oh god. Hold on, just— let me get someone!”
It’s an hour later and many tests and questions later that Julie finally finds herself back in the chair by Luke’s bedside, and this time when she slips her hand into his, his fingers wrap automatically around hers.
“I love you,” he says, voice rough and there’s a slight wince on his brow but his lips are pulled into a wide smile and Julie can’t stop the laugh that bubbles past her lips.
“That’s what I was supposed to say! You can’t just beat me to it,” she shakes her head, and smiles at him, “I love you too.”
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honeypirate · 3 years
Through The Roof
Elfman x fem!reader
You didn’t know you’d run into another guild member on your mission, being a fairly new member and all, you wouldn’t have recognized him if it wasn’t for the guild mark on his neck.
The city was busy and bustling, it was Saturday morning and the market had just opened. You were here to find out the reason behind many missing persons in the city, the only fact you had to go on was that where the break-ins happened, a small wooden bird was found. You took the mission from the board and got here in a week, now you were investigating and asking questions in the town square, where the last incident happened.
As you stopped for lunch you were waiting in line at a food cart, looking out at the crowds of people, when you first spotted his silver hair, you had to double take when you saw the black mark on his neck that was a twin to your own. You stared for a few moments, admiring his strong arms and handsome face, wondering how he got his scar on his face, before you panic and gasp, turning quickly when you realize he’s walking your direction
Your heart was racing, the smell of fresh bread filling your senses when the door to the bakery opened. For some reason, when you thought about this handsome man realizing you were in the same guild, you felt shy. You didn't want him to know because then he would talk to you and you might embarrass yourself.
Your eyes focus on the window and on your reflection, you have on a white sleeveless tank top tucked into black tapered at the ankle cotton pants that are held up by a black ribbon. Your arms are out, your hands on your hips, the various scars looked even lighter against your skin which was darker from your travels.
You reach up to fix your hair and notice the man is now behind you, you make eye contact with his reflection and he smiles “y/n?” he asks and you turn around, smiling up at him, your heart hammering in your chest as you tried to seem like you weren’t incredibly nervous.
“I know by your mark that it’s you, I dont know why i asked.” the handsome man holds out his hand “Elfman Strauss, Maracov sent me, thought you might need some help since he got an update about the posting” you take his hand and shake firmly “it’s nice to meet you Elfman, what was the update?”
“The mission was moved up a few ranks, the birds belong to a dark guild that moved into the area, the only problem is if anyone finds the hideout, it immediately disappears” you sigh as you reach your turn at the food cart “isn’t that interesting then… well.. Can’t fight on an empty stomach. Are you hungry?” you ask, your worry about embarrassing yourself slowly ebbs away when his only answer is a shrug after his stomach growls incredibly loud. You double your order with a laugh. You pay and before he has a chance to even object you are already shoving his half into his hands. “Let’s sit and you can tell me about yourself so I know how we can fight together well”
After you finish your lunch you are both laughing so hard your sides hurt, he was so easy to get along with and so funny. You were put at ease so quickly after he made his first witty remark, you got through introductions and talked about how your magic worked, once you were done talking business he really opened up, being his true self with you.
“How about we split up to investigate and if we find anything we find the other before we attack? And if we don't find anything we will meet back up at the inn” he nods “i’ll follow your lead!” you laugh “you really shouldnt though, im a greenie, if you have a better idea please let me know so i can learn too” he nods “dont worry, it sounds like a good start. It’s what i was thinking” you beam up at him and his heart melts “cool, okay i’ll take the north side you take the south”
When you go to knock on the door of the last house your hand freezes in the middle of the air as the side of the building explodes out, you panic when you notice the body in the wreck is Elfman. Your stomach drops “are you okay?” you shout and he puts up a fist, his thumb up. “Found the hideout” he groans and you run around the rubble to his side “you said you’d come find me!” the group of people who appear through the smoke and duts, was obviously the wizards you were looking for, no mistaking the thick feeling of hatred and bloodlust that fills the air.
“He fell through the roof” a guy in the middle with blue spiky hair says, spit stuck in the corner of his mouth. Your body moves slowly, placing yourself between the group of evil wizards and Elfman “so you threw him through the wall? Makes sense” you say through gritted teeth “well he’s the only one to break through to our hideout, we had to show him a good time” a small spindly person to your right says while laughing.
Your hands balled into fists against Elfman's chest and you sigh, relaxing and then putting on a sweet face as you stand and look at the one you think is in charge, tall dark hair and a smug smirk. You lick your lips and look the man over as you saunter over to him “Maybe I could show you guys a good time now?” You purr up at him and press yourself against his chest, he almost believes you, for a split second he buys your act, until your hand touches his neck and you use an electricity spell to taser him.
The other group members yell as they go to attack you but before they can Elfman is in his beast form, throwing their bodies to the ground.
“You almost had me convinced there.” he says with a nervous laugh when he changes back, his shirt now in tatters. “I know we just met an all, but Elfman…” you look up from your spot, crouching and tying up the bad guys, to meet his eye with a smile “betrayal isn’t the game I play” you stand and walk over to where he is, rubble and unconscious bodies surrounding you.
You reach up and brush the rocks and dust from his hair, checking him over for injuries, before meeting his eye and placing your palm against his chest “but if you wanted to have a little fun,” you lean in closer and whisper “I wouldn’t object” you chuckle at his bushing cheeks and the way he stumbles of his words. You pat his chest and walk away, grabbing a bad guy by the ankle and pulling him along “can you get the others? Let’s go turn them in and then hit the baths I’m so ready to relax”
You finish bathing in the hot red waters, the giant statues were kind of unsettling but you just kept your eyes closed. You wrap yourself in one of the robes that were provided to you and the silk of the material made you sigh in comfort when it touched your skin.
When you exit the bath to head back to your room you run into a half dressed and still dirty Elfman. “Hey what’s going on?” You ask, a little worried. He looks embarrassed, his cheeks flushed under the streaks of dirt, he reaches and scratches his neck with a nervous laugh “there are no rooms left, I’m on my way to the-“ you reach into the pocket of your pants which were folded in your arms and place an extra key in his hand “stay with me!” You say with an excited smile and then you realize what it sounded like.
Your cheeks flush a dark red and you look down to where your hands are connected, the key between your palms. “In an innocent friendly we’re in the same guild way. Like I’m not trying to make a move. Not that I don’t want to! You’re gorgeous! But I don’t move this quick! I.. I.. oh god” you laugh “you can stay with me unless it makes you uncomfortable, of course. Your choice” you walk away then, your heart racing and your cheeks hot enough to cook on. You felt so stupid.
“She.. she thinks I’m gorgeous” he’s frozen to his spot as he looks at your key, he feels honored that such a great magician and beautiful woman is so nice and is sharing her room. He will not! Mess! This! Up!
He takes off towards the baths, excitement in his stomach and heart to have more time with you.
You get some food delivered to your room and Elfman makes it back just after it’s been delivered. “I hope you’re hungry” you smile and kneel by the table as he makes his way into the room. “Oh come on you bought me two meals, letting me stay in your room. I’ll pay you back, I swear” you laugh, the sound was music to his ears “please, don’t worry about it. I like to take care of people. It’s just what I do.” You pat the ground next to you and begin to plate some of the food, setting some on his plate as he kneels beside you “thank you” he says softly. You place your hand on his back, rubbing it back and forth for a second “you’re welcome, Elfman”
you eat in silence for a moment, too happy with the food in front of you to think about anything.
You hear a little laugh and you look up to find him watching you “what?” You ask, your cheeks beginning to flush. “Nothing. You just uh, dance when you eat. It reminds me of my sister” you move your legs to the side so you could face him “you have a sister?” You smile and he nods “two actually” he holds up two fingers and then takes a drink of water that was on the table.
“What are their names?” Your whole attention was on him now, your tummy full and your eyes looking over his profile
“Mirajane and Lisanna” he clears his throat and tells you the story of his sister’s death and you swipe away your tears as you listen quietly, you didn’t know them but you can feel the hurt.
“Now, “ he says, his voice quiet and solemn “i live for Lisanna, so she can live on in my heart” you reach up and gently cup his cheek, wiping away his tears with your thumb “you’re so strong Elfman, thank you for sharing your story with me” his hand covers yours on his cheek and you lean up on your knees, bringing you up taller than him so you can kiss his forehead “i’m glad you were safe today. And that you chose to stay” his arms snake around you, hugging you tight to his chest, he felt so connected to you it was like he’s known you for years, not just hours.
You stayed like that for who knows how long, two touch starved people finally getting a little taste of affection and not wanting to let it go. You lay your head on top of his, your hand carding through his hair above his ear as you just held each other.
He felt your hand relax and fall to his shoulder, heard your breathing even out and slow down before he felt your body grow limp. he took the initiative and gently pulled you into his arms bridal style, holding you close to him for a moment as he looked at your calm relaxed face, relishing in how sweet and pretty you looked, before standing and taking you to the bed.
You woke up before the sunrise and laid there, staring at the ceiling as you tried to remember how you got to your bed. You gasp softly and your head turns swiftly to the side, before rolling over and smiling wide at the sweet man sleeping next to you. You sigh and then lift his arm up, moving slowly to cuddle yourself into him “im so glad you stayed” you whispered and kissed his bare chest before his arm tightened against you, making you smile as you fall asleep again,
When you wake up again, you smile at the weight of him laying on top of you, his head on your chest and arms out on either side, his legs between yours. You chuckle softly and begin to run your fingers through his hair.
He gasps and wakes with a start, pushing himself on his hands and looking down at you, your hands paused in his hair and you smile “good morning” you say and he looks at you for a few seconds more before releasing his arms and laying back down against you, tilting his head into your neck as he whispered “good morning beautiful” he mumbles and then smiles when he watches your neck flush, he leans up to get a look at the blush on your cheeks as well.
“Want to go to breakfast before we head out?” you ask, beginning to play with his hair again. “That sounds really nice” he says with a soft sigh, the feeling of your soft hands in his hair was relaxing.
When you are ready to go you meet Elfmman by the door of the room and he looks nervous you chuckle softly “are you okay?” you ask and he nods before clearing his throat “i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable by staying in your bed and not sleeping on the couch i-” you chuckle and place your hand on his chest, leaning up and kissing his cheek “i love that you stayed. I felt really special.” you run your hands down his chest and you kiss his guild tattoo on his neck softly before pulling back “are you ready to go home?” he nods with blushing cheeks and you smile “me too”
You talk easily on the trip home, sharing stories like old friends who could never grow apart. You stopped at inns to stay at or spent the night under the stars, sharing a room or having your bed rolls right beside each other. You grew closer to him over this week and by the time you returned to the city you were pretty sure you’d do anything for him.
When you saw the gates to the city you stopped to take in the view. You were a little worried about what would happen when you got back to the guild, what would happen for you and Elfman. Would you just be friends who once had a moment? Had one mission together? would you pretend it never happened?
He looks back at you and smiles as he waits, when you notice him you grin “do you want to go on a date with me?” you ask, straight to the point and his jaw drops “this is SO NOT MANLY! I was going to ask you out!!” he says a little bit flustered and you laugh at him, reaching and taking his hand as you walk again “so that’s a yes?” you ask and he clears his throat “yes it’s a yes. But i’m planning it, so i’ll pick you up tonight at sundown” you laugh and give his hand a squeeze “it’s a date” you say and his heart flutters at your sweet smile.
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Emp-ire “At Gunpoint.”
Sorry for posting so late. I wrote this yesterday, but have been kind of absentminded lately. I hope you enoy.
Adam woke up with a numb arm and a groan. He rolled onto his side, hearing the clatter of glass as he did, sitting up and slamming his head hard against the table above. He cursed, rubbing his head as he crawled out from under the table and stumbling to his feet. Quiet snoring over by the bar alerted him to another human’s presence and found Ramirez sprawled on top of the bar itself using a boot for a pillow. He looked up to find the bartender smirking at him from behind the bar.
He smiled rather sheepishly boots clattering over the floor as he walked over and unceremoniously turfed Ramirez onto the floor.
The other man yelped in surprise and flailed about for a second before looking up, “Adam!”
Adam looked around the room trying to find his hat, and surprisingly, found it sitting on top of a mounted ram’s head on the wall. He walked over and picked it up, placing it back on his head as Ramirez wobbled to his feet.
“You boys enjoy your night.”
Ramirez squinted at the light leaving in through the window, “That was…. One eventful night, drinking, debauchery and catching outlaws.” He slapped Adam on the shoulder, “What a good time.” A ‘small’ smile crossed Adam’s face, “Leave it to us to manage not to have a normal evening. Now come on, let's go find some horses.”
They found their houses in the stables just outside of town. The place was enough of a tourist trap that it was likely the horses were available to rent. He doubted they would just be allowing anyone to take one for a joyride though and stepped into the stable first with Ramirez walking behind him.
“Smells like horse in here.” Ramirez muttered
“Stop being such a Diva.” Adam said walking forward to where a farm hand was carting away a wheelbarrow of waste and the stable manager was standing patting one of the horses.
The smell of horses and fresh hay wafted over him and he had a sudden flash of his childhood.
His father’s voice echoing in his head.
“That’s it, not too tight on the reins, Adam. There you go.”
He shook himself and walked up to the man who turned, “Mornin’ the man greeted touching the brim of his hat, “What can I do for you.”
Adam motioned a finger at himself and Ramirez, “We were hoping to rent some horses,”
The man looked them up and don skeptically, “Do you boys know how to handle and take care of a horse?”
“I do, my friend there doesn’t… so he'd need something…. Gentle perhaps something you use to teach children.” 
Ramirez frowned, Adam smirked at him.
“Well guess we will have to see. I don’t just rent out my horses to anyone you know. Have to prove you can take care of them and treat em nice before i allow that.”
Adam nodded, “i’d question you a bit if you didn’t have that policy.”
“Well  I can suggest a few.” He turned to walk down the line, “For your friend there, he might want to take Buttercup, she's a sweet old girl, still has some spirit left in her but she's gentle and sure footed out of all the animals I had ever known. How about you sir, what’s your experience.” 
Adam shrugged, “Dad taught me to ride when I was a kid. I can gallup and stay on at a jump, know how to groom and take care of one, but I admit it's been a few years.”
The man nodded slowly and thoughtfully before walking to the end of the stable and patting a stall door, “This is Maroz, she’s a bit stubborn, but I think a man like you might be able to handle her.”
Adam walked over with Ramirez at his back to look at the horse, Stunning, white like a pearl, with thick legs but a long mane managing to look elegant and imperious at the same time.
“Wow, she's gorgeous.”
“Well go on, let her get a sniff at you.”
Adam walked up to the gate offering her the back of his hand fingers slightly curled inward, in an almost fist. She stuck her head forward sniffing at his hand, hot air blowing in great gusts over his skin.
After a moment she snorted and nosed at his hand allowing him to gently pat her along the velvety skin of her muzzle.
“Well hello gorgeous.” He said.
She tossed her head a bit.
The man nodded pleased and opened the gate, allowing Adam o take the rins and walk her onto the floor.
“A firm hand, thats good, a lot of people arent firm, but you have to be. You have to let them know you are in charge. It gives them a sense of security.”
He led Ramirez over to another stall where a silver horse stood tossing her head. She stopped as he approached and sniffed at him.”
He looked a bit nervous, “They are a lot bigger up close.”
Adam smirked, “Oh come on, they’re sweet.” he patted Maroz’s side and the horse tossed her head.
Adam left Ramirez with the stable owner for a moment as he went over to put a saddle on the white house throwing the leather over her back and tightening the girth-strap before adjusting the stirrups. 
The stable owner walked over to check his work and seemed pleased.
Go ahead and hop on take her for a ride around while I get your friend saddled up, and show him a few of the basics.
Adam nodded, throwing his foot up into the stirrup and then hauling his other leg over the back of the horse. She shuffled a bit, but once he had himself situated things started to become more familiar and he gently tapped the rains urging her forward into a slow walk.
Ramirez was still eying the horse like it was going to eat him, which made Adam smile a bit.
He walked her outside and urged her into a light trot ad then into a canter around th stables, his hips moving with her as her body rolled under him.
He lifted his face to the open air.
He had forgotten how much he enjoyed this.
Once that was done, he urged her into a gallup and she responded to him thundering over the desert ground sending up clouds of dust after the. He whooped in glee, leaning low over her neck before turning her around and pulling her to a stop before the doors of the barn.
Ramirez was there strategically trying to figure out how to haul himself into the saddle. He tried once, overbalanced and fell backward into the dirt in a puff of dust. The horse whinnied like it was laughing at him. Adam laughed, “Guess ice dancing doesn't exactly translate into horseback riding eh?”
“Shut up Adam, By the end of today this beast will be my bitch.”
Adam leaned against the pommel of the sadel with some skepticism. Ramirez tried again and ended up hopping away off balance.
He patted Maroz’s neck, “See girl, I did that and I only have one leg.”
“An ENHANCED prosthetic if I may remind you.” Ramirez said. The silver horse sat there with no end to her patient nature.”
Ramirez finally managed to haul himself into the saddle, and from there wasn’t too bad. He had a good sense of balance even at a trot and got the hang of it pretty quickly, walking and even trotting slowly around the small paddock.
The stable master urged Adam t jump the horse a few times, and he managed a few low fences before chickening out at something bigger and pulling the horse to a stop.
The man tapped his chin lightly, “Alright, I suppose you’re capable enough. I’m still gonna give you some instruction before you head out.”
Adam took the instruction very seriously, forcing Ramirez to sit down and listen as well. What they were about to do wasn’t going to be a picnic and they wanted to be as safe as possible while they did it.
After a while they had their extra clothing and bedrolls rolled up and packed on the horses.
They purchased a map and a compass and were waved off into the open country at a slow walk with the sun high overhead.
Adam held the reins gently in one hand, fist resting against his thigh.
“Showoff.” Ramirez mumbled almost white knuckling the reins off to his side.
“I can’t believe you are from Texas and don’t know how to ride a horse.”
“An ice skater from texas, a sexy almost Olympian from the city.”
Adam snorted and laughed, “You asked for this trip, you asked for this to happen.”
“I wanted us to dress up and go drinking, I didn’t think you were going to drag me out into the desert to go live on the land and…. I dont know skin alien rabbits or some shit.”
“We brought food quit being dramatic.”
Ramirez looked up at the sky, “Forgot my harmonica, guess I’m going to have to start singing.”
“Sing what?”
“I don’t know, country songs and shit.”
“What country songs do you know?”
He shrugged, “Plenty.”
“Like what.”
“There Is the, I love my truck song.”
Adam and the hose snorted at the same time.
“There is the, I lost my wife song, the I like drinking song, the I love country dirt song,and the I love lovin women in corn fields song.”
Adam choked and started to laugh, the sun beating down on them, “I would LOVE to hear your rendition of the love lovin a woman in a corn field song. And yes that is a challenge.”
Ramirez reached up to stroke his chin just a bit, “Hold on, gotta remember the lyrics.”
Adam waited grinning as his friends tared intently at the saddle before him.
“I….. Ah ha um…. Driving my girl down to the field…..er.”
“Go on…..” Adam reached down for his canteen and took a sip
“Getting all ready to uh…. Plow her field.”
He regretted pretty quickly taking that drink as sudden laughter caused him to spurt water out his nose like a broken faucet. He choked and gagged and gasped for air, howling with laughter to the point he was bent double on his horse silently shaking ad slapping his leg repeatedly with murth.
When he could finally speak he sat up and gasped, “You dumbass rymed field with field. You could have at least used yield or wield or healed or kneeled. Heavens above, now I KNOW why you’re a marine.”
Ramirez flipped him the bird, and Adam urged them into a light canter over the dirt. He kept an eye on the horses, making sure not to tire them out too much though he doubted the pase at which they were riding would actually have any adverse affect on them. He doubted Ramirez would be able to handle a full gallop any time soon but was happy to feel the wind rushing against his face and neck.
The air smelled alien, as alien planets tend to smell. It was hard to describe it, almost metallic, like he could taste it, and as the sun set the sky overhead grew purple. They said there was a higher concentration of oxygen on this planet which is what made the usually red to orange sunsets on a place like earth purple on a palace like this. It was pretty in a very strange way, casting an eerie light over the orange red desert as if they had been thrown into some strange space cowboy fantasy, which he supposed they had.
As soon as the sun met the horizon, Adam ordered them to a stop below one of the rock formations against the leeward side and set up camp. There was a pamphlet in the saddle bags that discussed local flora and fauna of the area, what was safe to burn, and what was safe to eat.
They had more than enough food to last them on their trip out to one of the settlements, so they didn’t worry about that as they sat down by the fire watching as the sun cast bright orange streaks of light access a purple sunset. 
Adam leaned back against his saddle watching the horses as they grazed quietly off to the side on strange bluish rock grass that was apparently pretty good for horses.
“Not half bad.” Adam muttered, taking a swig from his canteen.
Ramirez only grunted from where he leaned against his saddle using it as some sort of pillow with his hat drawn low over his eyes.
Adam reached a hand down to his belt, fingers brushing over the stolen knife.
What was he doing?
He had never stolen anything, not in his entire life.
Not even when the person desperately needed to be stolen from. He glanced down at the knife again. What had come over him in that moment? Were his thoughts of Sunny really so profound that he would think about becoming a thief just to impress her.
Was it…. Was it perhaps this whole atmosphere that made him so likely to steal.
The wild west, the final frontier, a place where the rules were fast and loose and finders meant keepers.
Off to his side Ramirez was breathing deeply probably asleep after a long day of riding.
Adam felt that, his legs hurt somewhat, and so he stretched them out, leaning back against the rock.
At least they didn’t have to worry about rattlesnakes or spiders. The biggest issue here were these sort of one eyed looking lizard things that had little spines on their skin that could cause a mild rash on people, though that was only on the people who happened to be allergic to them.
He closed his eyes trying not to think too much and certainly trying not to think of Sunny.
Wherever she was.
Likely alone.
Likely still mad at him.
He cursed himself for ruining their friendship which had taken so long to build. What they had come from before just go go back to square one so many years later. He took a deep breath and tried not to think, just tried to let himself sleep.
He woke to the disturbed nickering of the horses.
Anda cold gun barrel pressed to the back of his head.
He jolted upright reaching for his gun, but the barre pressed harder against the back of his skull, “I wouldn’t try that if i were you, Partner.” the words came out spitting and derisive, and Adam held his hands slowly in the air blinking against the light of their little campfire.
On the other side of the circle he could see another dark figure standing behind Ramirez's gun pointed at his head in a similar fashion to Adam.
Ramirez looked almost as groggy as he felt, and chanced a look at him across the fire.
“Don’t you boys even THINK about trying anything.”
Adam kept his hands where they were his voice calm, “I am sure….. This is all just some sort of misunderstanding.”
He winced as the gun barrel pressed harder against the back of his head.
“No misunderstanding about it ‘friend’ you’re being robbed, so you are going to sit there and shut up.”
“Go ahead, I’m not stopping you.” Adam said his hands surprisingly steady”
He watched as the men rifled through their things pulling out food ad ammunition only to shove them into their bags and keep rooting through.
One of them went rifling through Adam’s pockets and gumbelt while they had them sat on the rocks, Pulling out his handgun and the knife which had already been stolen. 
“Are we done now?” Adam asked probably not intending to have such an acerbic mouth, but finding the annoyance biting to the front of his thoughts against his will. And were out before he could stop them.
“Get insolent would you.”
A sharp pain exploded on the side of his head, and he went sprawling to the dirt, his hat rolling off towards the fire.
He groaned and crawled to his hands and knees spitting dirt and blood onto the ground.
Someone knelt in front of him, gripping his chin aggressively and forcing his head back to look up at them, “I-”The man paused and then frowned, “Do i know you…. You look familiar.”
Adam jerked his head away, “Guess I just got one of those faces.”
“No, no I know you from somewhere.”
Adam sighed, this was all playing out like some poorly written trope, and if he knew where this was going ---which he thought he did-- than it wasn’t going to end well.
“You been drinkin again Davis.”
“No I swear, take a look at him.”
There was a shuffling around the fire and Adam’s head was forced back again by a handful of hair as the group leader clomped over the dirt,spurs jangling as he did, coming to crouch before Adam with a contemplative expression. Unlike their encounter with the outlaw last night, this man was…. Well he was a lot more put together. He was clean shaven with a well tanned complexion and a velvety black hat only slightly coated by dust. He wore a red vest over a black shirt, and all the silver buckles that held him together shone in the darkness of the fire.
He scrutinized Adam for a very long time before.
“Well slap my ass and call me Nancy, if it isn’t Admiral Vir of the UNSC.” he spit into the dirt and the rest of the men around the fire moved in to circle around him.
Adam sighed, he knew he had been had.
“Figure that out all on your own '' He wondered staring the man in the face with barely concealed contempt.
Across the fire Ramirez was staring at him with a ‘what the fuck do you think you are doing.” Sort of expression.
The man laughed mirthlessly, “You’ve got a tongue on you, Admiral.” He glanced over at Ramirez, “And who is this, faithful dog or your lover.”
Adam sneered, “I could ask the same thing about you and all your….friends.”: He glanced around the campfire  at the group of armed men.
What the fuck was he doing/?
“You’re funny Admiral,” h looked around, “isn’t he funny boys.”
Around the fire, the group of men laughed with cold derision.
Their leader crouched down, and patted Adam slowly on the shoulder, “I am Happy to see you Admiral, very happy to see you.  I’m a big fan, loved your movie, though learning that you were in support of those alien fuckers put me off a bit, I have to admit.” He placed the barrel of his gun below Adam’s chin and tilted his head back slightly. “Almost didn’t recognize you without the eyepatch.” He tapped the side of Adam’s head with the gun barrel, “Freaky that thing is, referring to Adam’s eye.
Adam snered, “Then you’ll really find this freaky.” 
With a sharp whirr, the steel eye prosthetic jolted to life and flashed upward with a ferrel hiss. No one had time to react before the sharp thud of metal on flesh as his metallic shin drove itself hard into the fork of the man’s legs.
He achieved the desired effect as the man crumbled like a wet piece of tissue gagging and choking into the fetal position.
Adam was grabbed by the shoulders and pinned bodily to the ground, more than five weapons pointed at his face.
Just ahead the bandit leader lay on the ground mewling and gagging every so often.
It took him a good fifteen minutes to recover and when he finally staggered to his feet Adam more than expected to be shot. In a blur of motion the man pulled his gun and pointed it at Adam’s head a grimace still plastered over his face. His hand trembled with what must have been rage but he eventually lowered his weapon, “If you weren’t so valuable, I would shoot you where you stand.”
He glanced over at Ramirez awith a thoughtful expression, “Try anything like that again, and I kill your friend.”
That mande Adam Freeze, and he glanced over at Ramirez with wide eyes,
The man snarled, “Thought that would get your attention, but still…. I owe you.”
Adam probably should have seen the boot coming, but he only registered it at the last moment before blacking out completely.
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deripmaver · 3 years
4 5 6 for ALL OF THE CaPri FANFICS
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue? 5: What part was hardest to write? 6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
Ink On Paper (tongue fic) 4. lmfaoooooooo there isn't a whole lot of dialogue in this one oop-
Laurent nodded. The wax softened as he pressed his hand into it, erasing his previous message. Soft, warm, melting under his touch. He wrote again, I need someone who is not afraid to read out the insults I make towards the idiots at court. You have been fired, Damianos.
i guess it technically counts lmfao. i just wanted to show laurent post-trauma still able to make jokes and snipe at his husband so it wasnt all doom and gloom 5. i'm not sure exactly what "hardest to write" here means because like... a lot of these fic have serious gore or otherwise upsetting content, but both emotionally and actually writing wise i find that kind of thing actually pretty easy to write hahahaha. i think i got stuck with the chronology and the decision to make it non-linear made it flow a lot better. for the record writing laurent getting raped and then having his tongue cut out was actually very easy to write, i think i got it out in basically one go. #cancelme the more fucked up and intense the easier i find to nyoom through it 6. my first ever fic in the capri fandom!!!! hehehehhehehe <333333 Level Of Concern (plan B fic) 4.
Before Nicaise could say anything, Laurent spat, “Does he know you had your first heat?”
SURPRISE nic was the one who was pregnant the whole time!!!!!!! 5. this one i banged out REALLY quickly so i cant think of anything here 6. capri omegaverse!!!!!!! i wish there was more of this 🥺🥺🥺 Like Me (what if Auguste was also abused fic) 4. ******CW INCEST MENTION CW ABUSE MENTION******
“Your brother’s stuck his dick in every single member of your family,” Auguste spat out, laughing, crying, and so miserable he thought his heart would stop. His voice rose again, and he felt something burst from him as he screamed for the whole world to hear, “Did you know that? Did you, huh papa? Did he fuck you too?”
dude this line is so fucked up lmfao but i enjoyed writing it so much. actually this entire scene where auguste is having his breakdown was really intense to write and im really pleased with how it came out OR
Auguste grabbed him suddenly, looking up into his grief-stricken face desperately. “Please, Laurent,” he pleaded, voice breaking. “Please. Don’t let him end up like me.”
i felt entirely too clever with this line lmfao. i was like ~ooooohhhhh title drop~ im so dumb 5. i just remember this one like. dragged on for some time. i couldnt figure out what to do with it, how to get everything to coalesce around the final reveal about auguste 6. plot twist!!!!!!! plus auguste angst. i really enjoyed this one, i wrote it after watching the movie Spotlight which is one of my all time faves Softly, Gently 4.
“My King has been overexerting himself again, I presume?” Paschal sighed, shaking his head with a fond smile. “When have I ever done that?” Laurent cocked his head to the side, a wry smile on his face.
hehehehe sassy laurent my beloved <33333 5. honestly im just going to skip this one from now on lskjghmvlksjhglkvsjhdl i just get "stuck" sometimes without rhyme or reason and its usually on boring stuff, but then i cant remember later. the hardest part for me is when my dumb fucking adhd brain wont let me focus on writing but once i overcome that its usually pretty smooth sailing 6. horny omegaverse.................... my beloved............... giving men vaginas for horny reasons my beloved......................... Water of Life (birth fic)
“Do you want to hold him?” Erasmus breathed, eyes glassy. The baby cried, Erasmus bouncing him tenderly in those sunkissed arms. He looked apologetic. “Only for a moment, it’s not quite over yet.” A playful smile danced on Erasmus’ lips, and he brushed away a slick, damp curl from the wailing baby’s head. “A head this big, he certainly takes after Exalted.”
a cute, fun lil line in the sea of horrible angst lmfao ORRRRRR
Erasmus knelt before Damen, before Laurent. He said, “Exalted… Can you command his Highness to push?” Damen froze. “Do you mean…?” Erasmus nodded. “Alpha command.” Damen’s expression crumpled. He said, in a voice that shattered Erasmus’ heart, “I can’t. I can’t do that to him.” Erasmus licked his lips. “Exalted, in this state, he can’t push. His contractions are weaker. He’ll-” “I can’t,” Damen cried, clinging to Laurent’s limp body like a lifeline. “He’d… He’d never forgive me.”
damen is so sweet........ he loves laurent so much...... ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
He stopped at the doorframe, turning to face Laurent with tears in his eyes, and whispered, “How long does it take, your Highness?” Laurent, shocked enough to respond, hissed, “What?” “I still wake up in the middle of the night thinking of it,” Erasmus said, voice thick in his throat, tears burning at his eyes. “How long until it’s over?”
real sad hours if u up click like. i love erasmus and laurent bonding over their shared trauma <33333333333333333333 laurent and erasmus friendship propaganda 24-fucking-7 bay bee!!!!! 6. unironically this is one of my fav fic ive ever written skdljmfhgvlksjdhflmgkvjshldkjfghvmls call the midwife is one of my favorite shows and writing this made me look at birth as something visceral and possibly horrible and traumatic. i wanna write more fucked up birth scenes, SO MANY MORE. ridley scott knew what he was doing Sandalwood (erasmus/kallias my sweet boys i love u so much) 4.
“I do,” Erasmus breathes, ducking his head, flushed as though embarrassed. “In the gardens, the perfume from the orange trees all around us on those summer nights.” Kallias smiles behind him – Erasmus knows his body so intimately he can feel it in how Kallias’ posture changes, though he can’t see the soft turn of his lips. “The scent was so cloying I thought it would drive me mad. It made me want to kiss you senseless.” Erasmus laughs, breathlessly, imagining the warm heat of Kallias’ mouth against his. “Don’t blame that on the orange trees, dear one.”
beloved..................... im weeping.......... 6. these two make me fuckign CRY ON THE REG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH MY SWEET BOYS YOU DESERVE THE WORLD- Wisps of Smoke******************* (lauguste fic) 4. ***CW EXPLICIT INCEST*** (i mean....... obviously lmfao)
“Call me what I like,” Auguste growled against his ear. “You know what I like.” He did. Laurent did. He knew everything Auguste liked – the slow flick of Laurent’s tongue on the underside of his cock, that tender spot behind his earlobe, the way Laurent’s thighs looked straddled atop him like his horse – and this. “Brother,” Laurent gasped, desperate, “Brother, please, harder. Harder.”
i wanted the incest to be explicitly part of the kink here lmfaoooooo 6. hehehehehehehhehehehhehe lauguste................... i need to write more of u But I Love It (laurent is allergic to latex fic) 4.
“Laurent,” Auguste said, voice high in warning. Laurent braced himself, stiffening visibly. With what seemed to be monumental effort, Auguste continued, “You know, Laurent. I’m proud of you.”
IM A SOFT BITCH OK???????????????? auguste is PROUD of his baby bro for overcoming his sexual trauma and getting that fat dick 6. SLJHVDLMKJDHGVLK PEOPLE FUCKING LOVED THIS FIC i tried to be funny and i think it worked. plus some softe bits thrown in. i also kind of see lots of humor fic where its a no abuse au, but i wanted to write something comedic where the regent still. existed u kno????? anyways hahahahha i dont think i can write anything like this again but im glad y'all liked it Is It Cold In The Water (slice of life fic) 4.
Laurent opens his mouth to say something cheeky, but instead, what comes out is: “Do you think Aimeric had the right idea?” Damen is quiet for so long, gaze serious and framed with his long, dark lashes, that Laurent wonders if he’d spoken aloud at all – and when he’s sure he had, he realizes Damen had remembered Aimeric after all. When he speaks again, the sleep is gone from his voice. “Laurent,” Damen says carefully, as though approaching a spooked horse, “Is something wrong?”
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 soft,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6. ruby likes this fic lskjdvhmflgksfjdhmvglkjsdhflkvgmjhlekjfhdvlgskjfhv im a SIMP- The Devil's Got Nothing On Me (AIMERIC FIC LEGGOOOO) 4. there are lots of lil nuggets in here!!!!
Aimeric blinks, and all he can think is, you knew? He says, "I – I just." "I am a patient man," Guion breathes, "I support everyone in my household. Everyone. But Aimeric, you are truly testing my patience. Your mother came to me in tears, begging me to find you. Look at what you did to her! There was nothing I could say until we found you!" "I'm sorry," Aimeric whispers, looking at Loyse, "I'm-" "Look at me," Guion roars.
this conversation was inspired by a very miserable encounter with my boss lmfao. fuck that guy and fuck guion
The regent, blue eyes sparkling - and Aimeric has never thought eyes could look just like a summer sky until now - says to Guion but really to Aimeric, "I was thinking I could take little Aimeric riding tomorrow. Just the two of us." Loyse says, before Guion can speak, voice trembling with relief, "I think that's a wonderful idea, your Highness."
~dramatic irony~ lmfaoooooooooo. WE know of course that this is a bad thing, but it's always fun to have characters make bad choices that they have no idea are bad. i also did this briefly in "Like Me" with auguste's ex wife taking nicaise to church because she was so overwhelmed at home and he offered to help. of course, the regent is always happy to help out. evil evil evil
"-was worried it might be difficult for him." A soft, lilting laugh. The guards had said the regent was in the library, and then there is Guion, right there with him. Aimeric is suddenly angry, not sure why his father is with the regent, who is his and no one else's. The regent responds, "I daresay it's been perfectly easy. It seems you've done most of the work already."
i wanted to highlight the fact that it was aimeric's neglect that lead him to the regent in the first place. hence "youve done most of the work already" - guion by ignoring and neglecting aimeric created the perfect environment for the regent to sweep in and take advantage. like leaving food out btwn 40-140 F is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria LOL. the books touch on that but i wanted to make it explicit
He is so, so ashamed. It's unbearable, the thought of her kind eyes, the way she cried for him, the way he pushed her away. Before he'd left to join the prince's guard, she had taken his hand, kissed it, and said in a voice fragile as glass, "It's been such a long time since I've seen you smile like that," but in that moment he could think only of the regent's letter warm in his pocket.
6. honestly i know ive sounded super conceited this whole time but i kind of tear up whenever i read through the end of the fic lmfao. aimeric is just so fucking depressing as a character and i love that i really got to explore that in this fic. he really didnt have anyone, did he????? he's like a tragic greek character where you just watch him stumbling towards his inevitable end and it hurts the whole time. its even worse on the reread ANYWAYYYYYYY thats it. thanks so much for the ask anon!!!!!!! feel free to send me more!!!
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Che “Taza” Romero x Reader
@arveeee asked: Hi there! Would you write some Taza story, where he is taking you for a ride, and you dont feel like it, and start to grumble about it, he gets mad, but at the end you found out that he is taking you to some amazing picnic spot, where he prepared romantic dinner, so you end up with some angry make up sex?
@redheadonfire20 asked: Could you write an imagine for taza where he and the reader are dancing and it leads to smut? Btw your writing is amazing!
Word Count: 1.5k
Author comments: This work wasn't re-edited, so I'm sorry if you find grammar mistakes! I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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You finally sit on the copilot seat of the big SUV, frowning and crossing your arms over your chest, after a fifteen minutes fight because you don't want to go out of the ranch. You've been working the whole week at the hospital, you're tired, frustrated and hungry. One of the worst combination of all time. But Taza wants to spend some time together, and you understand it. You miss him too. But you don't see the reason to do it out of your home, going to San Diego.
When he leaves some things inside the trunk, he have a sit by your side, closing the door and looking at you for an instant. Forcing you to find his pleased eyes with two fingers under your chin, he smirks leaning towards you to press your lips with his. And you fall for him again. It's impossible to be mad at this man, kissing you so soft and gently that makes you sigh completely in love.
“You will like it, I promise”.
“I know”. You confess placing a hand on the back of his head, to push him closer over your seat. “I'm sorry for yelling you before”.
“I am too”. He replies back, giving you a last smooth kiss. “Rest a little more, you have two hours”.
Nodding while you adjust the seat belt above your chest and abdomen, you get comfy by curling both legs against your body and resting your head on the window, with a hand holding Taza's forearm. If you're not touching him, you can't sleep.
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One of your favorite songs plays on the phone close to your feet, moving slow, barefoot on the warm sand. Your head resting on his chest, closed eyes, almost dancing with his arms wrapping your waist close to him and yours around his neck. The soft breeze from the beach and the sound of the waves breaking on the shore makes you feel more relaxed than never. He wasn't wrong. You love these kind of moments together, taking pleasure of your intimacy without anyone bothering you. You've been together since three years ago, when Bishop introduced you, falling for each other instantly. And he's delighted of taking care of you after long turns working in the hospital, as you do when he comes from a ride. Something mutual that you two do without asking.
The night has fallen after eat the mexican picnic he cooked for you, while you were sleeping this morning. Quesadillas, rice with frijoles, fruit salad, white wine… Well, you can't ask for anything better. That man knows you well. And you know that there's no one better than him for you. A soft smile get drawn on the corner of your lips, when you feel him kissing your forehead so gently that bristle your skin with some chills.
“Do you know how much I love you?” You whisper as if it was a secret.
“Tell me, mi amor”. He mutters because, even if he knows how much you do, hearing you saying those words make his heart jumps.
“I couldn' live without you”. You just say with a slow tone of voice, to give him the enough time to memorize them.
“I couldn't either”.
Resting your chin on his chest, you can see him smiling like a child, leaning a little to catch your lips softly. Every kiss feels like the first he gave you at the door of your previous house, after having a party with the Mayans. Your lips know his pretty well, every inch, every taste on them… And you couldn't get tired of them taking away your breathe.
“Come with me to the water”. Taza asks you, feeling his hands going down to the dress folds, touring your warm skin with his fingertips so ephemeral that makes you gasp nodding, totally playing with your mind.
Taking off the dress above your head to leave it on the towel, you do the same gesture with his white shirt, letting him guide you to the shore between his arms surrounding you. The water isn't too cold, continuing your steps, until you're able to dive some seconds. Your boyfriend catches you again as soon as you come to the surface, wrapping his waist with both legs. Now you can feel how hard he is, cupping your ass in his hands and pinching it, looking for your tongue again with his own. You actually don't care if someone can see you, in the middle of the night, in a deserted beach unleashing your passion.
“Tienes que estar calladita, mi amor”. (You have to be quiet, mi amor).
You can't promise it. Che knows exactly where he has to touch you to make you scream out his name. And he loves to play with this fact whenever you fuck in public; in the clubhouse, in the Romeros and Bro. office, at Vicki's house, even in the mall. What can you say? Taza has you spellbound. You can't resist.
He pulls down a little his swimsuit enough to free his erection, pressing it against the fabric of yours. He always does, teasing you until you start to sob desperate. But it's somewhat late and you have two hours of road. So very reluctantly, he moves the fabric with two fingers, sliding his hard cock inside you. Covering your mouth with a hand, you close your eyes swallowing. It feels so good. You need him the whole time.
“So tight… only for me”. He soughs resting his forehead on yours.
Your hips start to dance from top to bottom, with his hands holding your ass and pressing you into him. At first you want to enjoy it, going slowly, driving him crazy; until you feel somewhat anxious. Your waist bouncing him faster, drowning your moans on the space between his neck and his left shoulder, biting his skin gently. His breathing is shaking, irregular and heavy, letting you know how much he likes it.
Taza pushes your lower back every time you dig his cock in your warm pussy, closing his eyes and trying to control the sounds that born in his mouth. You know by Vicki's girls he has been with a lot of women, and you can blame them, look at him. He's like the good wine, getting better over the years. But he has never been with someone like you, who follows him into every crazy idea he has. And it's not only because of sex, but because of you take care of him and love him unconditionally. That's what it makes your relationship so special.
“Fuck, mi vida…” You growl in his ear, biting the lobe before kissing the line of his jaw.
Taza starts to pounding you having help of his fingers nailed on your body, moving at the same time you do. Every thrust is deeper and pleasant, making you groan somewhat loud. One of his hands get tangled in your hair, pulling it back to arch your anatomy and have some more space on your neck to bite it. Wrapping him tightly among your legs, the pushes hit your g-spot making you lose your sanity, beggin for more almost in some sobs.
“Baby, I'm so close”. You say with a broken tone of voice, feeling how your nipples under the fabric touch his chest, a signal that you're going to cum.
“Do'et, pequeña… I wanna fucking feel it”. He demands with a rough growl.
Bouncing above his cock once and again in a rapturous rhythm, you have to cover your mouth again to drown a loud howl full of pleasure, while your legs shake around Che's body. He's proud and delighted of you being so quiet outside, so he can fuck you everywhere whenever you want it. And it only takes him some deeper pushes with his abdomen colliding on your pleased clit, so spread for him, to fill you with his heat and satisfying you with the sound of your name mixed with his soft moans.
“Fuck, cariño”. You chuckle right in his lips, infecting him, caressing his messy hair because of the waves.
“Next time I'm gonna fuck you at the Templo”.
“I wanna wear your kutte”.
“Uh… Naughty baby girl… Sounds good, mi amor”.
You don't want to pull him away yet, but you do by placing your feet underwater and putting on well your swimsuit as he does. And he kisses you, as always, a little exhausted but with all the love he feels for you. Sucking and licking your lips, until reaching your tongue, walking backwards to the towel extended on the dry sand. Lying down there, you serve another two glasses of wine to cheers for another adventure together.
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thirsty-pixie · 5 years
New beginnings
Warning: smut unprotected
Request for @captainamerica97
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"Harry stop people are watching" I laughed and pushed harry away while he was trying to kiss my neck. I had been holding put from Harry for about two and a half weeks now and he was hating it. It started after a fight we had about one of the girls that came into the restaurant flirting with him and he said it wasn't a big deal. I was only mad at him about it for a few days but I decided to see how long I could do it just to drive him crazy. "If you two keep going like this you're gonna scare away the customers" I laughed and looked at Uma who was walking out with a plate of food. "Its all him Uma" I said nudging Harry off of me with my elbow he just smiled and winked at me.
That night Harry had invited me over for dinner, I couldn't resist since he said he would make me my favorite dish. He may not look like it but he is an excellent cook. I check myself in the mirror making sure my makeup and hair looked good before walking out the door. I had a cute dress that was probably a little too short but I knew it would drive him wild. I recieved dirty comments and whistles from some guys at I made my way to Harry's place, and I tried my best to ignore them.
I knocked three times on his door and the door swung as if he had been waiting right next to it for me. "Hello love" his low raspy tone mixed with his accent gave me chills. "Hello Harry" I gave him a kiss on the cheek befor walking passed him into the house. "You look absolutely enchanting in that dress" he said as he shut the door and followed me in. He placed his hand on the small of my back and lead me to the table where he pulled my chair out for me. "Thank you it looks amazing by the way" I chimed smiling as he sat down.
Throughout dinner we talked about out parents and everything else going on in our lives. Afterwards he smiled at me deviously and pulled an old bandana from his pocket, he curled his finger motioning for my to come to him. I blushed and walked towards him, he folded the bandana and tied it over my face blindfolding me. "I have a surprise for ya" he whispered in my ear sending a chill down my spine. He gently pushed me forward his hand lightly holding my shoulders as he guided me to the surprise.
"Ya ready?" He purred in my ear making me smile "yes" he pulled the blindfold off and I gasped. His room, that was usually a mess, was cleaned he had lit candles placed throughout the room and a bottle of my favorite peach rum and two glasses set on the nightstand. "Yep.... I'm pretty romantic" he stated proudly causing me to laugh. I sat on the bed next to him as he poured us each some rum, after a few glasses he was on top of me kissing my neck. I was running my hands through his hair breathing heavily as he pressed against me his hardened bulge pushing against thigh. He pulled back and looked at me his eyes trailing down my body then back up, "what?" I asked self consciously he just smiled.
"How did I get so lucky. I got the prettiest girl I've ever seen all to myself" I blushed and pulled him down by his shirt pressing my lips to his. I grabbed the hem of his shirt and gave it a small tug, he took the hint and sat up pulling his shirt off in one smooth motion. I traced my fingers down his chest lightly and over his abs stopping at his pant line, I looked back up at him and he had a smirk plaster in his face. I rolled my eyes and giggled he knew I loved his abs but I usually never feed into his mammoth sized ego.
Harry leaned down to kiss me while sliding his hands under me to unzip my dress, once he unzipped it he gently slid it off my shoulders and down my body. He dropped it off the edge of the bed and slowly started kissing my thigh. He kissed up my thigh gently biting my hip before continuing to kiss up my stomach. He placed his hand on one of my breasts and gave it a light squeeze before returning to my lips. His tounge trail over my bottom lip before dancing into my mouth flicking and twisting along with my tongue. He unclasped my bra with one had and slipped it off throwing it off the bed, he pulled away and began kissing and licking the freshly exposed skin causing me to moan loudly. I arched my back and I felt his breath on my stomach as he made his way between my thighs.
I felt his hook his fingers into my underwear and he slide them down my legs. I felt his finger slide down my folds slowly before sliding back up, he hummed then brought his mouth to my clit. He flicked his tounge slowly then rapidly changing pace every few seconds, he sucked and nibbled before pushing a finger in. He pumped his finger slowly as his tounge traced small circles over my clit. He added a second finger and began pumping faster and curling his fingers. I moaned bucking my hips trying to cause more friction driving myself closer to climax when suddenly he stopped. "Ah ah ah not yet love" he began undoing his belt pulling off his pants and boxers all at once.
I whined as he positioned himself over me, he slid his men up and down my folds agonizingly slow causing me to whine again. He pushed the tip in slowly and pulled out again teasingly, "H-Harry" I begged making him smirk. He pushed in slowly until he bottomed out a low growl escaped his lips and he began to thrust. He propped himself on one elbow the other hand holding my my up around his waist as he roughly thrust into me. I screamed and threw my head back, Harry brought his lips to my neck kissing and biting the sensitive skin causing me to moan louder.
He squeezed my thigh tightly his fingers digging into my leg most likely leaving bruises, he moaned and cursed while bucking his hips into me. His moans grew raspy and his thrusts became sloppy, meaning he was nearing his climax. He dropped my leg and sat up continuing to thrust as his thumb circled my clit, I arched my back and moaned and I finished. Harry stopped thrusting and sighed laying beside me he kissed my cheek and smiled. "Its been to long I'm out of shape now" he said making me laugh "Harry. It hasn't even been three weeks" he chuckled befor pulling the covers over us. We cuddle and talked until the last candle burnt out before we fell asleep.
I paced back and forth in my room holding passing the test sitting on the table with each lap I did. I combed my fingers through my hair and groaned "how can this happen?!" I sank dont onto my bed holding my head in my hands. How am I gonna tell harry.... I'm too young to have a baby..... "Y/n I'm home"
"Shit!" I whispered jumping up to hide the test as my mom came into my room. "Uh hi mom" she raised an eyebrow at me and folded her arms "are you alright? You look pale" I nodded and smiled "oh I'm just a little hungry" she nodded and said ok before leaving to go make lunch.
It had been about three weeks since the night I spent at Harry's, we had hooks up a few times since but he wore protection all those times. My shift at Ursula's was in two hours and Harry wanted me to come over an hour before to help set up some new lights he had gotted for his room. I chewed my fingers and looked at the tattered magazine that was now covering the pregnancy test. I set the magazine to the side and grabbed the test sliding it in my back pocket before heading down to the kitchen.
My mom had made me a sandwich and left a note, "went to the market to get more bread see you after work -love Mom" I smiled and grabbed the sandwich taking a big bit before running out the door to go talk to Harry. On the way I at the sandwich but had to stop and throw up because I was so nervous.
By the time I got to Harry's I was shaking. "Hey what's wrong?!" He asked as he sat me on his couch. "Uh we uh we need to talk" I stuttered felling nauseous again. He nodded with a concerned lookin his eyes, I stood up and began pacing trying to think of a way to tell him. He watched me nervously as I pinched the bridge of my nose, I felt like I was gonna throw up again and I broke down and state crying. Harry jumped up and hugged me rubbing my back and combing my fingers through my hair, "hey it's ok just talk to me..... you're scaring me babe" he whispered to me as I cried.
I nodded pulling away from him I slid my hand into my back pocket wrapping my fingers around the test, "Harry..... please dont be mad..... but I..... I'm pregnant" I pulled the test from my pocket and held it out in front of me. His face went pale as he grabbed the test "ya serious?" He asked his voice monotone like he had turned into a robot. He looked at me and smiled "can we keep it?" He sounded like a kid asking his parents is he could keep a stray puppy that they had found. "Um yeah if you want to we can" I mutter a little confused by his reaction.
He dropped the test and wrapped his arms around me I laughed as he spun me around. A weight lifted of my chest and he set me down and kissed me, he got down his knees and put his ear against my stomach. "All I hear is grrrurrrghrrrrg" he said looking up at me. I almost fell over laughing "Harry it's too small for that yet, plus I thing that's just my stomach growling" Harry gasped and went to the kitchen. I heard plates and pans clanking and he came back out with a plate full of snacks. My eyes began to water as I sat down, I was relieved he seemed happy about it.
"Argh there" Harry groaned as he set the last box down. We had decided that I should move in so when the baby was born we would all be together. I smiled watching Harry as he bent down placing a hand on my belly "alrighty we got mamma all moved in...... oh my god Y/n I felt a kick!!" I laughed and kissed him. It had been about 7 months since I announced to Harry that I was pregnant and it seemed like life couldn't get any better. He was more excited to have the baby that I was it was the cutest thing.
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