#i can go to bed earlier if I try super easily I just. get in the habit of staying up
boydykedevo · 4 months
When i was a kid i saw the dvd for the movie No Strings Attached in the supermarket and I didn’t know what that phrase meant so to me it was a Pinocchio reference and like.. about being free and independent in a really poetic way and I kinda wish that was what it really meant cuz it was sexier the first way tee bee atch
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ponderingmoonlight · 2 months
Sharing a bed with kny men
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Pairings: Yoriichi x fem!reader; Sanemi x fem!reader
Word Count: 5,7k (lmao)
Warnings: injury in Yoriichi's part, smut in Sanemi's part so read if you're 18+, this is a long ass fic y'all, not proofread
This is actually my first time posting Sanemi smut and I'm super scared. Let me know what you think 🥹🤍
Also, do you want me to do other characters too?🫶
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I heard you @laurencrsnt 🫶
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All your life, you never even thought about the possibility that maybe, you’ll encounter a demon someday. Why you, out of all people? Why especially you?
Even now with its cold eyes glaring down at you and your shoulder ripped open by its claws, you fail to find an answer for that. Is it your fate to die right here, when you only went out at night in order to buy medicine for your little sister who has fever? Is dying the cruelest death really your destiny when you wish for nothing more than growing old and watching your own children live their lives?
It’s unfair.
You shouldn’t lay here, crumpled onto the still wet street. You shouldn’t feel the sensation of your eyes watering, your hands trembling, your heart racing.
This shouldn’t be your last day walking on this earth. You didn’t even have the chance to find the man of your dreams yet…
It’s ridiculous and you know it, that spark of determination that rushes through your bones. All of the sudden you spring back onto your feet and start running. Out of the city, away from the lit streets straight into the dark woods.
Even if you have to die here, you won’t give up this easily. You won’t allow this demon to end your life without putting up a fight.
“Why do you girls always think you can run away, huh? It’s too easy to sweep you off your feet”, the demon behind you comments dryly.
With a swift motion of his hand, it digs open your tender flesh all over again, sends your violent scream echoing through the lonely forest. You fall to the ground like a bag of rice, your torn leg now refusing its service completely.
“Let me go!”, you shriek in horror.
No, you don’t want to die here, you just want to go back to bed and forget about this.
But the forest ground isn’t your bed and the demon in front of you who’s ready to slice through your throat isn’t only a nightmare.
Your heart sinks to the floor, body suddenly feeling numb and lifeless. You will die here.
“I’ll keep you in good memory. Well, at least for tonight”, the demon jeers at you.
You close your eyes, desperately try to imagine your little sister. She’ll find herself a loving husband and her very own family without any doubt. Even without you around, her life will turn out alright. Even without you around, life goes on. You don’t have to feel sad or guilty, you just have to let go…
“Get away from that woman.”
A low male voice, so charismatic that you think you might dream. He sure must be handsome. Men with voices like that always have a matching face.
A slicing blade, a dull thud. But no claws that dig into your flesh one last time, no bow of relief that you’ve been awaiting for quite some time by now. Your eyelids start shivering. When is this finally over?
“Are you alright? Please allow me to help you up.”
The second something touches your skin, your eyes snap open in an instant. But they aren’t greeted by those venomous red orbs from earlier. No, these ones are soft but strong and have that calming fuchsia color. This isn’t a demon.
This is a man.
“Don’t be afraid. The demon is gone”, he continues speaking with his low voice.
You have no control over your own body and shivering limbs. It’s impossible for you to say a single word. Are you really out of danger? Is it really over?
When he pulls you off the ground, a violent scream escapes your lips. No, you don’t want to die, you don’t want your life to end tonight. Not like this, not without saying goodbye.
“Please calm down, everything is alright now”, the stranger tries to reassure you, but his words don’t even reach your ringing ears.
You gasp for air like a fish on land, forehead now covered in ice cold sweat. This can’t be your end.
If Yoriichi doesn’t act now, you might faint due to your stress. But what is he supposed to do? You don’t seem to listen to his words and touching you might only make it worse. Maybe you need, assurance?
“I won’t hurt you, see? My hands have no intention of doing you any harm.”
Gently, he glides his fingertips up and down your uninjured harm. Despite the look of horror on your face and your gaping wounds, you do have a lovely face and truly remarkable eyes.
“I came here to help you”, he continues until his fingertips finally brush over your tear-soaked face.
What is this feeling of warmth deep inside his chest? You aren’t the first woman he saved from the claws of a demon.
“I would like to accompany you on your way back home-“
“No”, you suddenly blurt out.
Even though lying in bed on your own was all you were able to think about just a few moments ago, the thought feels like a threat now. What if another demon follows you back home? What if your little sister gets attacked because of your foolishness? No, you simply can’t go back now. But on the other hand…Just the thought of sleeping alone here in the woods runs shivers down your spine.
“I…I’ll find a place to stay. Otherwise…they might harm my sister…”, you mutter.
“Allow me to escort you to my estate, then.”
You yank your head to the side in sheer disbelief, eyes searching for a spark of humor in his calming orbs. Is he really serious about that? After all, you’re a stranger. He doesn’t even know your name. Now that you think of it…who is this?
“How can I know for sure that you aren’t a demon yourself?”
“Take my hand”, he instructs you gently.
Is this really a good idea? You take a deep breath in, try to calm down your pounding heart. What do you have to lose?
When your shaky fingers wrap themselves around his much larger hand, you get ingulfed by warmth. His palms feel rough but also comforting against your bruised skin.
“Demons are cold since they are dead”, he explains briefly.
“But I am not. I am a demon slayer. It is my only destiny to safe innocent souls from their death.”
Oh. Your gaze drifts towards a katana that hangs dangles from his belt. No, demon don’t find with those weapons. So, are those words really true?
“You…You want to help me?”
“I’d love to help you if you allow me to.”
What has gotten into him? Did he really offer you to hold his hand, let alone to sleep at his house so you don’t have to fear the night on your own? Never in his life, Yoriichi allowed himself to develop feelings apart from empathy for those around him.
But those eyes. Those eyes of yours really captivate him, devour him fully. How is he supposed to leave you out here, soaked in your own blood with bruises all over your body?
“You…really would?”
Is this really okay? When you were a child, your mother told you over and over that you aren’t allowed to talk to strangers, let alone man.
But…does that also include the handsome, charismatic and armored ones?
“I keep my word. Also, your wounds need care as well. Please, allow me to help you.”
What do you have to lose.
“If that’s the case, I’d love to take your offer”, you reply shyly.
“I’m glad to hear that. I will show you the way-“
A loud groan escapes your lips before you’re able to stop it. His charismatic eyes almost made you forget about the gaping wound the monster from before inflicted on you.
“You shouldn’t move your leg with a wound like that. I will carry you to my estate.”
“You will…carry me?”, you mutter with widened eyes.
But just when you try to take a step forward, his words become painfully clear. No, there really is no way you’ll be able to walk anywhere with that leg. But allowing him to carry you?
“I might be a little heavy.”
“Let me assure you, you aren’t heavy at all.”
“Fine…”, you grumble.
“But only a few meters.”
Gently, he stranger wraps his arms around your shoulder and knees before he starts walking.
He smells good. Like a field of flowers on a sunny day. And the way his heart beats against your cheek reminds you that you’re still alive, that you survived somehow.
This man saved you.
“I didn’t even thank you.”
“There’s no need to thank me. This is the least I can do for you after I almost came too late.”
He stares blankly at the blood that still drips from your leg. Just a few seconds later and that demon would have killed you with him simply watching. Why? Why is he not able to save them all, why is he still not good enough to stop this madness?
“Don’t tense up, don’t think anything less of yourself because I was injured. I was a fool for leaving the house this late at night on my own.”
Despite the fact that cold sweat still runs down your forehead and even though your fingertips still shake in shock, you cup his cheek and force his troubled eyes to look at you.
“I am beyond thankful for my rescue. The worst thing about dying today would have been leaving my little sister behind. But you saved me. And not only that, you even offered me a safe place to stay for the night. I really don’t know if…If I’d be able to sleep on my own tonight…”
The stranger doesn’t say a word, his eyes roaming around your face without a real aim.
“Oh, I didn’t even ask. What’s your name?”
“My name is not important-“
“I’m (y/n)”, you introduce yourself friendly.
“My…my name is Yoriichi”, the man carrying you mumbles.
Yoriichi. An unusual name that you’ve never heard before.
“That name suits you well.”
“We’ll arrive soon. I hope you don’t expect a big mansion since I am living in a rather small cottage-“
“I’m living in a tiny barrack in the city. A house in the woods sounds like a dream”, you mutter.
The second you open your eyes again, you find yourself in a wooden cabin with a plain futon lying on the floor and an improvised kitchen in the back of the house. Nothing special, very fitting for the man who gently lowers you onto the futon.
“I will take care of your wounds now”, he announces before taking off his haori and katana.
Without his threatful weapon dangling from his belt, he looks like a normal man.
If it wasn’t for those captivating eyes. He has to be the most breathtaking man you’ve ever seen.
“Fortunately, the cut on your leg isn’t deep. I’ll disinfect the wound and bandage it”, he explains briefly before his skilled hands spring into action.
“You really are good at everything”, you comment.
He’s so gentle that even the alcohol that disinfects your wound doesn’t seem to burn. Why have you never stumbled across him? You were so sure that you know each and every man around that it almost drove you insane. But him? He’s different from all the others. He’s truly special.
“You will have to take your kimono off. I need access to the wound on your shoulder.”
“Y-yeah, sure…”
Hesitantly, you pull the blood-soaked fabric down your shoulder so that only your chest is still covered. Yoriichi’s eyes seem to gleam in the moonlight like liquid metal.
“You look lovely”, he flusters into the night.
He doesn’t know what has gotten into him. Is it the alcohol rising up his nose, the smell of blood that radiates from your bruised body that makes him say those strange things?
No. It has to be because of those eyes of yours. Those eyes that captivated him from the moment he first saw them.
"Thank you," you stammer, your cheeks flushing as you nervously tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"You too," you add quickly, immediately regretting your awkward response.
Both you and Yoriichi swallow hard, the atmosphere in the room suddenly changing.
“I am finished. You should rest for tonight. After all, this was a draining fight for you”, he mutters while getting up.
You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, heart still hammering so roughly against your ribcage that you’re almost sure he’s able to hear it. What was this tension?
“But…this is your futon-“
“You are my guest. Of course, I will sleep on the floor on the other side of the room.”
Oh. A wave of disappointment rushes over you before you’re able to stop it. What were you expecting, secretly hoping? That this man will share a bed with you?
Honestly, yes.
“You…you really don’t have to…”
Oh, how much Yoriichi wished he wouldn’t have to.
“I insist on taking the floor.”
“I actually want you to sleep by my side. Please.”
The begging tone in your voice stops him mid-track.
“This night was…horrible. A little company would definitely help, if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t mind at all”, he replies a little too hasty.
“I just don’t want to invade your personal space. After all, I’m a stranger.”
“A really kind stranger”, you add shyly.
Are you acting out of line? You shouldn’t push him to sleep next to you when his offer to let you sleep here is already generous enough, right?
“Forget my question, I was acting out of line-“
“No, not at all. I would love sleeping besides you.”
He crosses the room in an instant and kneels down next to you.
“But let me know whenever I become too much.”
What a ridiculous thought. Why would he ever become too much? Him, your savior, that remarkable man.
You scoot over until your back is pressed against the cool wall, eyes still fixated on his gleaming eyes. Will you really be able to sleep tonight when this is the first time ever a man lies beside you?
And what a handsome one on top.
“You should try to sleep now. Nothing will happen to you as long as I am here”, he reassures you.
That is the least he can do after failing to protect you in the first place.
“Again, thank you for all of this. I definitely own you a favor”, you mumble.
Suddenly your lids start to get heavy, your mind slows down bit by bit. Maybe this rough night really took its toll on you. Is It the safety he radiates, his calming smell? In the matter of seconds, only your low and even breath is heard.
Finally, Yoriichi is able to allow himself a closer look at you. You look so peaceful and innocent with a face so remarkably beautiful that he can’t stop staring. You have to be the prettiest woman he’s ever seen. A man like him really doesn’t deserve lying next to a woman like you. Maybe he should give you space, leave you now that you fell asleep-
With a quiet groan, you draw closer to him in your sleep until your head rests on top of his chest and with your arms wrapped around his upper body.
He doesn’t dare to move an inch, eyes widen in utter surprise. Is this…cuddling? His mind races back and forth, eyes resting on your calm features. What is he supposed to do now?
Hesitantly, he allows his hand to rest on your back. What an unknown sensation, all those feelings that rise up his chest right where your hand rests.
For the first time since forever, he is the one who feels safe.   
He is the one who feels loved.
He is the one who feels warm.
And you? You cuddle yourself against him until the sun rises all over again.
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
This one's for you @muichirolover14 🤍
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“This is bullshit”, the man walking next to you mumbles under his breath.
“Keep focused. It was Kagaya-sama’s personal wish that the two of us go on this mission together”, you mumble with a fake smile decorating your bright red lips.
And that’s the only reason why you agreed in the first place. Why else would you pretend to be Sanemi Shinazugawa’s personal concubine if it wasn’t for Kagaya-sama and this undercover mission?
The plan is pretty simple. Countless people, including other demon slayers, lost their lives in this little innocent village that becomes a red-light district at night. Nobody knows why or who is responsible for this.
One of the upper moons, maybe.
It just made sense to dress you up as a concubine. After all, you are the light hashira, a mighty swordswoman and probably the most talented out of Mitsuri and Shinobu when it comes to acting.
And then there’s him. You glance at Sanemi’s annoyed face from the side. Why on earth did Kagaya-sama choose him? What about Rengoku, Giyu, Obanai, Tengen, Gyomei? Aren’t they a way better fit?
You sign to yourself.
Truth is, they aren’t. While Rengoku, Obanai, Tengen and Gyomei would stand out immediately, Giyu would never be able to sell you as his concubine. No, no one except the wind hashira is able to make this look natural.
No one but him looks this good in a dark green kimono.
“Stop staring at me like that, brat”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
“I was just hoping you might disappear if I stare long enough, idiot”, you bite back in frustration.
Why does he always have to be so mean, though? You really tried to get along with him countless times, put on the most precious smile whenever you talked to him and made sure to always bring him ohagi whenever you had the chance to. But Sanemi Shinazugawa never stopped hating you. And eventually, a part of you started to dislike him as well. That one part though…
You allow your eyes a minor glimpse at his barely exposed chest. That tiny part deep within your head is somehow still drawn to him. And you hate it.
“Aren’t concubines supposed to shut up?”
“Watch your mouth or I’ll leave immediately.”
“Both of us know you wouldn’t do that.”
You let out your shaky breath, your hand crushing his while you wear the same friendly smile as before.
“Don’t mess with me, Shinazugawa”, you speak out with low voice.
His face tenses up ever so slightly, hand fighting for freedom out of your merciless grasp.
“You’ll regret talking to me like that when we’re alone, brat.”
-at the estate-
“I’d like to show you to my newest possession. Please introduce yourself”, Sanemi speaks out.
Like Amane-sama showed you, you bow in front of the man that looks you up and down with his filthy eyes.
“My name is Kiyomi”, you introduce yourself oh so sweetly.
“That name really suits you. What a beauty you are. I’m sure I’d find a lot of paying customers for you here”, the disgusting man purrs and stretches out his hand in order to touch your face.
“Don’t touch the goods”, Sanemi barks at him immediately before slapping his dirty hand away.
Who does this guy think he is, trying to touch you so casually? No. That jerk isn’t allowed to caress your face. The plain thought of men like him getting to put their hands on you…
Sanemi’s guts turn.
“Aren’t you here to sell her and yourself for the night? If that’s the case, she won’t be your good anymore for the next few hours but mine.”
He smiles at you through rotten teeth, his breath almost forcing you to choke. You are only here to detect the demon who is responsible for the countless deaths in this area. You don’t have to touch any of these men. None of them will touch you.
What about Sanemi, though? An uneasy feeling rises up your chest when your eye catches a group of women who stare him up and down with lust in their eyes. Will he allow himself a taste before continuing with this mission? Will he find a woman he is attracted to? All of them look flawless, too good to even consider the service of a paid men. But if that man looks like Sanemi…
“You will find your room to the right. This is where the female customers choose their good. After paying, you belong to them”, the man explains briefly while showing both of you around.
“Why would these women pay for the services of a man? This is a noble region that is well-inhabited by countless men”, you blurt out.
“It’s not about them being men. It’s about looks. Only the fine-looking men even get the chance to work here for the night”, he explains briefly.
Fine-looking man, huh? Well, there is no doubt in the fact that Sanemi suits that description way too good. With his firm muscles highlighted by scars from countless battles, he looks like a walking god. Let alone his perfect face, his eyes that now look soft and seducing without being irritated constantly. His white hair that frames his features perfectly.
“As for the women, we look for a broad variety of bodies, looks and personalities. You are very easy on the eye and mysterious. I’m sure countless customers will fall for that.”
“And what…what services do they expect?”
The man in front of you bursts out in hysteric laughter, you can feel Sanemi’s eyes piercing through your skull.
“What they expect? Intercourse and everything that revolves around it, of course! Do you think they pay you for some cuddles and nice words?”
You swallow hard. There is no need to do that, right? You’ll somehow shrug them off and investigate this place at night. Maybe you’ll find the demon right away and-
“Now, you are a fine-looking man. Who is this?”, a woman suddenly purrs out of the shadows.
“A new worker for the night”, the disgusting man explains with a dirty smile.
“Well, if that’s the case, I’ll definitely make a reservation.”
“It would be an honor, my lady”, suddenly replies in the same cheeky tone
Your guts turn in an instant, eyes narrowing slightly as you watch how a smile forms itself on Sanemi’s usual resting lips.
“What a gentleman he is. I cannot wait to meet you.”
“The honor is on my side, my lady.”
And then he steps in front of her. Elegantly, he grabs the hand she already holds out and kisses her knuckles. Your heartrate quickens, the warm flush that starts creeping up your face barely covered by your makeup.
Fucking asshole. So he’s acting like a jerk towards you all this time while treating other women like this? You hate the knot that forms itself in your throat, the disgusting feeling of disappointment that rushes over you.
Does he really hate you this much?
“Well, I think I should introduce myself to the customers as well. Have a pleasant night, Sir”, your monotone voice speaks out on its own.
With one last bow towards him, you follow the man into the women’s corridor without even gifting him a single look. Sanemi can’t help but furrow his eyebrows at your sudden reaction. Did you really want to get rid of him so badly? Maybe you’ll actually meet up with some of those guys and…
“Are you interested-“
“I will meet up with you later this evening, my lady. Please excuse me.”
Without another look or word, he storms into his assigned room and closes the door behind him.
Sanemi’s mind starts going insane. What if you actually like one of those guys? Or what if one of them hurts you, tries to force you into something you don’t want? He heard the worst stuff about places like this.
Fuck, he shouldn’t have let you go in the first place. Why you? This mission is way too dangerous for someone like you, for someone this gorgeous-
“I’m losing my fucking mind”, he mutters through gritted teeth.
“I can’t do this”, you breathe out in sheer panic while lying in bed.
No, just the thought of Sanemi having the fun of his life with that girl from earlier feels like ripping your beating heart out of your chest. Will he really share a bed with them?
If it’s for the mission, he definitely would. Nothing is greater than his urge to kill demons, especially when it comes to an upper ranked one. That little sacrifice wouldn’t stop him.
And it breaks your dumb heart.
A hard knock on the door rips you out of your running thoughts. Is this your first customer? All color drains from your face, eyes widen in horror with every bow against the wooden door.
“Just a moment”, your shaky voice shouts.
You…Do you have to look presentable? You have to think about the things you can tell him. Maybe you don’t even have to sleep with him, maybe this will distract you from the things Sanemi is probably doing right now.
You open the door.
And stare straight into the furious eyes of Sanemi Shinazugawa.
Before you’re even able to react, he pushes himself into your room and closes the door behind him before yanking you against the wall.
“What did you do?”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
Your heart starts hammering roughly against your ribcage. Him? Here?
“What the hell are you doing he-“
“Answer my question right now!”, he barks into your face.
“I didn’t do anything!”, you shriek.
“What the hell has gotten into you!?”
“Has somebody touched you?”
His rough hands start running up and down your neck, yank the sleeves of your kimono upwards in a haste.
“What?”, you breathe out.
What the hell is going on? Just when you managed to pull your arm away from him, he grabs your wrist again with his face only inches away from yours.
“Did somebody touch you?”, he screams into your face.
“No!”, you cry back.
“But why would you even care? It looked like you had plenty of fun!”
He shakes his head while looking at you in utter surprise and confusion.
“What non-sense are you talking now-“
“Did you sleep with that woman from earlier when I was gone?”
God, you hate the way your voice cracks in the middle of the sentence, you hate the way your eyes fill with hot tears. He came here to confront you with all those accusations while he was out there having the time of his life, while all you were able to think about is him?
“No, I didn’t sleep with anyone!”
“Stop lying to me!”
“You’re the only one I want!”, he suddenly blurts out breathlessly.
“What?”, you utter in hushed panic.
This has to be a cruel joke, an unforgiving way to stop you from doing anything. Sanemi Shinazugawa, wanting you?
“Since I first saw you with your fucking perfect face and so melodic voice, I can’t think about anything else! You, sleeping with some random guy while I’m just a few doors away. I can’t take it!”
He grabs your head with both hands, eyes staring at you so intensely that you feel like collapsing any minute. If that’s really true, if that’s really how he feels…
“But…I want you too”, you squirm.
“I always wanted you, Sanemi.”
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His lips crash against yours with so much power that you almost fall over. Suddenly his hands are all over your body, tongue unforgiving as he discovers your mouth with a passion you’ve never felt before. You allow your very own hands to finally discover the deep valleys of his muscular back, to let your hasty fingertips wander over his tight chest.
It becomes unbearable. Everything starts to become unbearable. That minor gap between your bodies, the clothes that still deny you full access to his naked skin, the feeling of not having enough.
“I need more”, you whimper against his lips, not even knowing what exactly you’re asking about.
Sanemi lifts you up with ease, not even breaking the kiss when he pushes you onto the bed with his massive body lingering on top of you.
You feel like suffocating in the most exquisite way.
“I’ll give you whatever you want”, he breathes against your lips that now find your neck.
A whimper escapes your mouth before you can stop his, body rearing up underneath him.
“Fuck”, he hisses before his dark eyes meet you again in distress.
“Tell me you want this.”
You can’t produce a single logical sound, head still spinning from the unknown sensation that starts building up inside your stomach. Is this what desire feels like?
“Tell me you want this too. Tell me you want me.”
“I wanted you all this time”, you reply without thinking twice.
With a swift motion, you find yourself engulfed by his arms with his lips caressing yours all over again. Like in trance, you begin opening his kimono, expose his bare skin to your merciless eyes.
“You look so shamelessly good”, you whimper.
Oh, how often you pondered about how his chest feels like, if his scars are soft or as rough as his walls.
“Can I…?”
His hands grab the ends of your kimono, eyes staring down at you flustered. Is that blush creeping up his cheeks?
“It’s just…You know…I’ve never done this before…”, you stammer.
“Do I look like I did, idiot?”, he mutters while gently taking off your kimono until you lay underneath him.
Completely naked.
“I mean, yes…”
“No, I didn’t”, he barks.
“I guess I waited for someone special…”
“I did as well”, you reply in an instant.
Is this real or are you dreaming? Sanemi Shinazugawa laying on top of you fully nude. Sanemi Shinazugawa stating that he likes you. Sanemi Shinazugawa’s hand that start moving downwards…
Until he reaches between your legs and simply takes your breath away.
“Are you okay?”, he mutters, eyes filled with worry.
You nod absently, eyes rolling back into your skull. God, this feels like heaven. When a groan escapes his lips, you completely lose yourself. Out of instinct, you grab his neck and yank him even closer towards you, your hot breath clashing against his face.
His name sounds like a prayer coming from your mouth, forces his fingers to move even faster. Is this good? Is he doing everything alright? Your whimpers grow louder and louder, nails digging into his now oversensitive skin with so much pressure that it threatens to burst. You look so gorgeous with your eyes pressed shut, your delicate mouth forming an “o”.
And then you burst right underneath him, scream his name over and over again with your legs shaking. He can’t wait no longer, can’t contain himself another second.
“I need you”, he mutters.
“Please, let me have you.”
“Yes”, you breathe out, mind still spinning when the firework that just exploded in your lower body slowly starts wearing off.
Until you feel him all over again. But this time, not his fingers. Your glossy eyes widen in utter surprise when he carefully stretches you out and disappears inside of you, hands holding onto him for dear life.
“Are you okay?”, he whimpers.
“Please…give me…more…”
He almost loses his mind, the new sensation almost eating him up alive. Countless nights, he dreamed about what it might be like to have you, what it would feel like. But the reality is so much better than any dream.
Sanemi picks up his pace and grabs your waist passionately in order to keep you in place. Over and over, again and again your sticky skin collides with his until he threatens to burst.
“You’re mine”, he presses out through gritted teeth while pounding into you.
“I’m all yours, Sanemi!”, you cry out, nails now leaving marks on his skin.
“I need…ah! I need you! Please!”
He knows exactly what you’re asking for. One last time, he picks up the pace while holding onto you for dear life.
Until finally, you scream his name. Finally, he’s able to let it all go.
He collapses on top of you, his weight leaving you dizzy and unable to move. None of you dares to make a move, the only thing that’s filling the room being your shaky and sharp breaths.
“I love you, (y/n)”, Sanemi finally mutters, his hand caressing your cheek oh so gently.
“I love you too-“
“Mission report, mission report! Kagaya-sama requires a mission re- AH!”
“Get out of here right now!”, Sanemi barks at the crow that casually entered the room.
“Get out!”, Sanemi screams on top of his lungs before yanking up and hunting the crow butt-naked through the room
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls @barbuse @sunshine7queen @lavenderdrxp
@yaninnaacu @hopefulbelievertimemachine @laurencrsnt
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luvsturniolo · 11 months
hii, i love your writing sm ! if it's not too much to ask, could you please do a fic where the reader is matt's girlfriend and he dresses her up in his clothes partly as a joke but also because he thinks it would be cute. i just keep imagining the reader wearing his t-shirts or button up's and baggy jeans/jorts and she's trying to wear his shoes but they're too big on her and matt's just DYING at it. basically just a super cute, fluff moment. thank you sm!
— ★ !! wardrobe
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pairing : matt sturniolo x fem!reader
synopsis : while casually hanging out, matt has the bright idea to dress you up in his clothes as a joke. but he's quickly taken aback when he sees you in them.
a/n : wait this request is so cute , i hope i do it justice 😭
wc : 0.6k
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you've been dating matt for a few months now and his house has quickly become your favorite place. it's so relaxing in comparison to your own.
earlier today, you were overtaken with boredom. so you texted matt, asking him you pick you up. of course, he agreed. you've been lounging around his house for an hour or two, basking in the comfort that comes with being in your boyfriend's presence. 
you guys have watched a few movies, baked a pizza, and simply enjoyed being together. 
you're currently lying on matt's bed, scrolling through your instagram feed while he sits at his desk, writing something down in his journal.
despite not doing anything productive, neither of you could ever get sick of this. you've both come to realize that simply being together —even if it's boring to an outside perspective — is both of your guys' favorite thing to do.
suddenly, matt's head perks up at a random thought. you glance over in his direction to see him already looking at you with a wide smile on his face.
you laugh, "what?"
"nothing, nothing." he replies easily. "i just had a random idea that could be fun."
"well, let's hear it." you say, setting your phone down on the mattress beside you. you turn your full attention to matt as you urge him to tell you his idea.
he sets his pen in the crease of his notebook and before closing it, the pen becoming a bookmark so he can continue to journal later.
"what if," he begins, "you let me dress you up?"
"dress me up?" you repeat, laughing at the strange request. "my clothes are at my place and, no offense, but i don't think yours would fit me."
"exactly." matt says. "the fact that they won't fit is what'll make it so fun to do."
you tilt your head at him, still a little bit confused as to what's going on in his mind. 
matt gives you a grin before standing up from his chair and walking over to his closet. he opens the doors and begins rummaging through random clothing articles.
before long, he settles on a pair of his jean shorts and a baggy hoodie. he holds them up to show you his choices and you laugh.
"matt, that hoodie is too large for you. it's gonna completely engulf me." you tell him.
"pleaseeeeeee!" he pleads. "just try it on. it'll be funny!"
you breathe out a laugh before getting up from his bed and taking the clothes out of his hands. you leave his room and enter the bathroom. you strip out of your current clothing and replace them with matt's.
you look down at yourself and scrunch your eyebrows at your appearance. why is matt so interested in seeing you wear his clothes? in your eyes, you look extremely goofy.
regardless of how you feel, you reenter his bedroom and do a dramatic twirl to show off your outfit.
"cute, huh?" you ask him with a laugh. but matt doesn't respond. he's too busy staring at you — almost as if he genuinely thinks you look half decent. 
"yes." matt finally replies, completely serious about his answer. you give him a weird look, waiting for him to laugh or say it's a joke. but he doesn't. he just keeps staring.
"wait, for real?" you ask.
matt looks you in the eyes before stepping closer to you, "you look adorable, y/n. for real."
he takes your face in his hands, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on your lips. you can feel him smile against your lips and you get an unreal amount of butterflies from the tiny gesture. 
when the kiss is broken, he continues to cup your cheeks as he admires every indivual feature of your face.
"you're so weird." you tell him.
"maybe," he agrees, "but you like my weirdness."
you tip your head upward to kiss him again before saying, "yeah. i really do."
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tags : @kasqnxx @lvrsparadise @prettysturniolo @strniolo @urmyslxt @uhnanix @cupidsturniolo @opheliaofficial07 @thetriplets3 @sturn1olo-ffics @deadxrx @kitaysworld @slaysturniolo
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 6 months
could you do ethan x fem reader smut where they aren’t allowed to see each other due to their families feuding??
like real romeo and juliet kind of this where he climbs up into the window while she’s doing skincare or something. i can literally imagine them just talking about how much they missed each other (because they aren’t allowed to be together) then it ends up escalating into like dom ethan smut 😋😋
sorry if that’s confusing!!
Hi! I hope you like this!💕 I had the worst writers block for the last few days and I'm trying to get back into it haha
Check Yes, Juliet - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: Your forbidden to see Ethan after some drama between your family and his, so he sneaks through your bedroom window to see you.
Contains: Fluff, a hint of angst, Dom!-ish Ethan(Nothing super rough), I used "good girl" in this because I feel like Ethan would totally say that. oral - m and f receiving, p in v, Unprotected sex(Pulling out though:) Jesus, If I missed anything, let me know 💕
A/N: Ya girl loves pop-punk, especially from the 2000's so that's where I got the title for this lmao.
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You grew up with Ethan, quickly becoming best friends because your parents were so close to his…until they weren’t. They had this huge falling out after Richie’s killing spree in Woodsboro. When you were both told you couldn’t see each other, you rebelled, and it only made the two of you even closer. So close that it turned into a secret relationship.
During summer break before you were both getting ready to start college, it got so much harder to see Ethan. Your mom worked from home, and your dad saved up his PTO so he could take time off to spend time with you before you left for university. It was the same one Ethan was going to, and you felt a little relieved that you’d finally have the opportunity to be with him without worrying about what your parents thought. They probably wouldn’t even let you go if they found out he was going to the same school, especially after they forced you to block his number and all of his social media. Ethan found his way around it because he couldn’t just not talk to you.
You’d just gotten home from dinner with your parents, excusing yourself to get ready for bed. You were so tired after a long day with them, and you couldn’t wait to talk to Ethan. You had this app your parents had no idea that you used to message him. You let him know that you were home, and waited for him to respond as you took your makeup off.
When he messaged you back, your eyes widened, wondering if he was crazy when he said he was outside of your house. You walked over to your window and opened the curtain to see your boyfriend standing in your front yard, a sweet smile on his lips as you quietly opened the window.
“What the fuck are you doing?” you whisper-yelled, as he held his finger up to your mouth for you to be quiet. He walked over to the tree beside your window, easily climbing up it as he made his way to you. “Ethan, this is crazy,” you said, as he crawled inside, his feet hitting the floor harder than he expected them to. You soon heard someone running up the stairs. “Shit. Hide under my bed.”
“You okay, sweetheart?” your mom asked as she opened the door. She glanced at the opened window behind you, a curious look on her face as she turned her attention back to you.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just tripped over the pile of laundry I’ve been refusing to put away,” you lied, as she rolled her eyes.
“I told you to clean that up. Goodness, I thought someone broke in here when I saw the open window,” she said, doing a double take of the room.
“No, I tripped on the way to close it. I forgot to before we left earlier,” you said, as she nodded. “I need to get some sleep if we’re getting up early tomorrow.”
“Okay, don’t forget to set your alarm. Wake up as early as you need to. Your dad is sleeping with the sound machine, so we won’t hear it,” she said, as you innocently smiled at her. You could only imagine the ideas your boyfriend had running through his head as he listened to your mom. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” you said, as she walked back out of the room, closing the door behind her.
You quietly walked over to the door and locked it as Ethan crawled out from under your bed.
“Hey, baby,” he said, walking up behind you and wrapping his hands around your waist. “I missed you so much.”
You turned in his arms to face him, “Ethan, have you lost your mind? If you get caught in here, we’re dead.”
“I thought you’d be happy to see me,” he said, pulling his hands off you. “I can’t believe this shit. We’re both eighteen and we’re still letting our parents control our lives.”
You sighed as you reached over to grab his hands and place them back on his hips before putting yours around his neck. “I am happy to see you, babe. I just don’t want our parents to not pay for school. That’s the only thing that’s kept us apart.”
“We could always run away together,” he said, before leaning down to kiss you. “I’d rather drown in student loan debt than keep doing this shit.”
“Just three more weeks. We’ll be a few hours from here with no parents to keep their eye on us,” you smiled, “Just think of all the dates, all the fun things we can do-“
“All the sex we can have,” he said, cutting you off as his hands started to rub against your hips. You started to blush as you thought about it. “We could do that right now…,” he suggested, gently squeezing you. “As hot as the nudes are that you send me, you have no idea how bad I’ve been craving the real thing.” He leaned down to start placing kisses on your neck, making you whimper. “I can’t wait to taste that sweet pussy.”
“Fuck, Ethan,” you gasped out, as his hand started to rub your pussy over your pajama bottoms.
“I know you missed this, too. How many times have you fingered yourself and wished they were mine?” he questioned, sliding his hand inside your pajama shorts. “You’re so wet, baby.”
“My fingers aren’t as good as yours,” you whimpered, as he slid one of his fingers inside you. He angled his hand just right so he could hit that spot inside of you, your legs almost giving out when he pressed against it hard enough. “Can you use two?”
He started to laugh a little, “You can barely stand up with one. I don’t know if you can handle two.”
“We could go to my bed,” you suggested, as he shook his head.
“No, babe,” he said, pulling his hand out and backing you up against the door. He slid your pajama shorts and panties down at the same time before he dropped to his knees in front of you. “Put your leg on my shoulder,” he said, as your eyes grew wide.
“What if I hurt you? Or what if I fall? My mom will definitely come back up here if she hears anything else,” you said, your tone nervous as Ethan smiled up at you.
“You’ll still have one foot on the ground. And you can put as much weight on me as you need to. I just need your legs spread enough for me to eat you out, babe.”
“Fuck,” you whispered, before doing what he asked. He teased your clit with his tongue before he started to sloppily eat you out. “Baby, that feels so good.”
One of your hands tangled in his hair as he pleasured you, making him groan into your pussy.
He kept going until your legs started to shake, letting him know how close you were. He pulled his mouth away as you pouted in response.
“I’m going to get you off, baby. Hang on,” he said, gently sliding your leg off him so you could fully stand up. He stood up in front of you, sliding two of his fingers into your pussy. You grabbed his shirt, pulling his body closer to you yours as he fingered you.
“I’m so close,” you whimpered, his face inches from yours. “I’m so scared I’m going to be loud.”
“Shh, you won’t be,” he said, leaning in to kiss you. His mouth caught all your sounds as his fingers pressed harder on that spongy spot inside you.  His free hand went to your hip to hold you against the door as your walls started to flutter around his fingers. You were tugging on his shirt so hard you knew you’d stretch it as the feeling washed over you, your legs turning to jell-o as he got you through it.
He pulled his mouth away from yours after you stopped whimpering, your hazy eyes connecting to his dark ones. Your hand reached down to start palming him over his jeans, the feeling making him gasp.
“Let me return the favor,” you smirked, dropping to your knees in front of him. He watched you, his breathing getting heavier after you freed his hard cock from his boxers.
You lazily started to stroke him as you looked at him through your lashes, your bottom lip in between your teeth. You looked so innocent in front of him, but he knew you were far from that.
“Look at you, being such a good girl down on your knees for me,” he said, running his hand through your hair. You whimpered at his praise, your pussy starting to throb. You leaned forward, licking the underside of his cock before swirling your tongue over his tip. “You seriously give the best head.”
He meant what he was saying, but he also knew what his praising did to you. Some of his best orgasms have come from you just sucking his cock, especially when he praised you the whole way through it.
You started to take him further into your mouth, your cheeks hollowing as you sucked. “Yeah, baby, just like that,” Ethan said, his grip tightening on your hair once his tip was far enough back to make you gag. “You make me feel so good.”
It didn’t take long for tears to be streaming down your cheeks from all the gagging, his cock soaked in your saliva as he started to thrust into your mouth. You knew he was close, his groans getting whinier.
“Fuck, that perfect mouth is going to make me cum,” he said, “Where do you want it?”
You grabbed the back of his thighs to keep him close, letting him know that you wanted him to cum in your mouth. His thrusts started to get erratic as he groaned, releasing into your mouth. His hand in your hair was shaky as your mouth kept moving, the slight overstimulation feeling so good for him.
“Baby, you gotta stop,” he said after a few more seconds. When you pulled away, your chin was covered in your spit as you wiped it on the back of your hand. “Did you like that?”
“Mhm,” you said sweetly, nodding as you took your shirt off.
“This sweet, innocent shit you do during sex just does something to me,” he groaned, pulling his own shirt off.
“Oh yeah? What does it do to you?” you asked, as you laid down on your bed to wait for him.
“It makes me want to not take it easy on you, because I know you can take it,” he smirked, as your hands started to massage your breasts.
“What if I can’t take it?” you asked, your voice soft as he stared you down.
“Then I’ll make you take it,” he said, as he crawled on the bed beside you. “You know if you tell me to stop, I will, but I think you’ll just beg me to go faster or fuck you harder.”
“Fuck,” you sighed, as you felt his hand cup over your pussy. “Just don’t make me be too loud.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” he said, as he started to crawl on top of you. Your legs instinctively spread for him as you waited for him to fuck you, but he just teased you. He dipped the tip of his cock inside you, then pulled it out to rub it against your clit. He kept doing it until you finally started to whine. “You want it?” he asked, smirking at you as you started to squirm.
“I fucking need it,” you said, your eyes pleading with his. “Please, baby.”
“Only cause you asked so nicely,” he said, as he stuck more than the head of his cock inside of you, the feeling of him stretching you out making you moan. “So fucking tight,” he gasped, filling you up further with each small thrust, until he was fully inside of you.
He wanted to tease you with slow thrusts, but he couldn’t. You felt so amazing around him as his hips started to move faster.
“That feel good?” he asked, as you moaned in response. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
You were wrapping your legs around him so he could go deeper when he pulled them away, pressing your thighs against your tummy. The new position had him hitting the right spot, his cock filling you so good that you couldn’t hold in your whimpers.
“So deep,” you moaned, as his face tensed up, a feral look in his eyes as he started to pound into you. “Oh fuck!”
“That’s it, baby. You can take it,” he grunted. Your jaw dropped as you were on the edge of your orgasm. “Fuck, you’re already squeezing my cock. You gonna cum?”
“Mhm,” you whimpered, as you felt your legs being spread a little from the position he had them in.
“Rub your clit, baby,” he said, as both of his hands on the back of your thighs gripped you tighter. You did as he said, the euphoric feeling hitting you so hard that you cried out. “Fuck,” Ethan groaned, “Try to be quiet, baby.”
“I can’t” you whimpered, as he chased his own orgasm.
“Bite your lip, cover your mouth, do something. I’m so close,” he said, “I thought you didn’t want us to get caught.”
“I, fuck..I don’t,” you got out between your whimpers.
“Gonna cum,” he said, pulling his cock out and shooting his cum all over your thighs. His eyes kept fluttering as he caught his breath. “I need to find something to get this off you.” You felt his release start to drip down your thighs, towards your ass.
“Uh, I have tissues on my dresser,” you suggested, as he took a couple more deep breaths.
“I can’t wait to do this all the time with you,” he said, as he stood up to grab some tissues.
“Yeah, because dorm sex is going to happen all the time,” you joked, as he smiled.
“I don’t know, maybe my roommate will be cool,” he said, cleaning you up. “Shit, I’ll get to introduce you to people as my girlfriend.”
“You can’t wait for that, can you?” you asked, smiling at him as he shook his head.
“For real though, I think I’ll get so used to spending all my free time with you that I’ll just lose my mind whenever we’re home on break,” he sighed, throwing the tissues away before he laid down beside you.
“You could always just sneak through my window again.”
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hwangyeddeongie · 7 months
hey! do you have any yeji nsfw hcs? she’s been driving me crazy lately 😵‍💫
Aww yisss my first anon! Welcome :) (also yes, when does yeji NOT drive us crazy)
CW: smut. Men and minors DNI. I suggest going to find something angstier or fluffier :)
I’ve never done a hc format before so I hope this doesn’t suck lol
(I’m the #1 believer in switch!yeji even though @ddeongies might disagree with me so switch!yeji it is 😈)
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-first sub yeji cos she’s literally my baby
-literally such a softie both in bed and out of it
-takes care of you soooo well
-her favourite thing is being eaten out, like there’s nothing better for her
-thinks the sight of your head between her legs is one of the sexiest things ever
-blushes a lot
-like a LOT
-you look up from eating her out and she’ll turn bright red
-super loud but tries to hide it by stuffing her fingers in her mouth or biting her fist
-her eyes will start to flutter closed but she forces herself to keep them open cos she loves looking at you
-she 100% wants to make you feel good too, like she won’t be satisfied until she makes you come
-even if she’s overstimulated to the point of pain, she won’t stop moving against you until you come
-if you use a strap on her, she likes to ride
-she’ll put her forehead on yours or on your shoulder and absolutely grab at your hair
-if you grab her hips while she’s on top of you. oh my god. she’ll whimper SO loud
-be prepared for her to bite you, especially to muffle her moans
-speaking of moans
-she literally makes the prettiest noises?? 🥺
-all high and whiny and breathless she really makes it known you’re making her feel good
-not really talkative? like she’s very loud but poor baby can barely make a single coherent thought and you’re literally fucking her silly
-at least when she’s bottoming
-which brings me to (drumroll please)
-dom yeji 🧎‍♀️
-SO cocky
-like it’s a complete 180 from when she’s in her sub space
-she can still be shy though cos she’s yeji and she flusters really easily (and I said so >:<)
-here is where I insert my yeji oppa agenda
-has a HUGE daddy kink
-call her oppa/daddy? two possible outcomes:
-1: she’ll get super blushy and shy and bury her head in your shoulder
-2: she’ll smirk and adjust the angle she’s fucking you at to make you SCREAM
-“you make me feel so good, daddy.” “Mmh, gonna make me come, oppa.” SHE GOES ABSOLUTELY FERAL
-loves to point out how much you want her
-“you’re so wet already, baby. All of this for me?” “I’ve barely done anything and you’re already begging?” “be a good girl for daddy and tell me how good I make you feel” 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
-her strap game is out of this world do I even have to say it
-her favourite position is missionary cos she loves to see your face when you come
-she’ll also show off her strength to you cos she knows it turns you on
-she’ll fuck you against the wall just holding you up with her hands because she’s daddy like that
-won’t rest until you can’t say anything except her name and maybe “daddy”
-regardless of if she’s top or bottom, she’ll ALWAYS say “I love you”, when she’s coming, when you’re coming, when she’s kissing you
-she just loves you a lot :(
-now onto aftercare
-so so soft
-if she was topping, she’ll lay you down gently and go get you a glass of water and a warm towel to clean you off
-if she’s completely fucked out she’ll curl into your side and put her head on your chest to listen to your heartbeat
-will always cuddle you to death
-she will literally cry if you try to leave the bed
-if you have to go to the bathroom she’ll follow you all pouty and wrapped up in a blanket like a burrito
-loves showering with you afterwards and massaging shampoo into your hair
-if you’re both not too tired this will probably lead to another round in the shower
-didn’t mention this earlier but she LOVES hickies and will leave them any chance she gets
-loves to admire them when you’re both lying in bed, still panting
-she’ll trace them with her fingers and kiss them 😭
-because she’s an idol, she can’t really let you leave any on her (which makes her so sad) but she’ll let you mark her up in…discreet places
-(around her breasts, on her lower hips, and her inner thighs)
-this also goes for you if you’re also an idol
-sometimes you’ll leave a very obvious hickey smack on her neck if you’re feeling territorial
-she’ll whine and complain about it but she secretly loves it
-you know because she makes no effort to cover it up the next morning and literally shows it off at work
-anyway I’m a sucker for hickies but LETS MOVE ON
-when you wake up (sore, obviously) it’ll be from her peppering kisses all over your face
-she’ll say “good morning baby” in that deep, raspy voice of hers (save me omg)
-which inevitably turns you on and leads to another round
-(see this is why I could never date her because I would never let the poor woman leave the bed)
-she’ll be SUPER gentle though, since you’re both extra sensitive in the mornings
-you’ll make breakfast since we all know yeji cannot be left unsupervised in the kitchen
-she’ll give you back hugs while you cook and keep kissing the back of your neck
-she’s just very clingy okay :(
-if she has to go to work she’ll give you a long, deep kiss that leaves you breathless
-throws out an “I love you!” as she walks out the door + her notorious eye smile
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shadowdaddies · 8 months
Hey I got a request. Maybe the reader is feeling super energetic and doesn’t know how to go to sleep and Cassian or Azriel (you can do which ever you want idc) tickles them to get they’re energy out so they can fall asleep.
hi lovely! this prompt gives me Cassian vibes so I went with him. (side note, my ADHD keeps me awake all the time and I can think of many ways I'd like Cassian to wear me out before bed)
Cassian x Reader fluff
Warnings: quite suggestive
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Head laid against your pillow, you shuffled to try to find a comfortable sleeping position. Flipping over, tossing, turning, you kicked your legs under the covers. Sheets rustled as you groaned, hands dragging down your face as your mind raced, feet and hands shaking as you tried to will your body to still. 
Needing to get up and move, you tossed the quilt off your form, leaping from the bed as you headed out the door. You padded down to the kitchen, filling a glass of water, the cool liquid doing little to calm you. Trudging back up the stairs, you sighed as you grabbed the book on your nightstand. 
You settled into the pillows, cracking open your book when a loud snore sounded next to you, making you practically jump out of your skin. You sent your sleeping mate a glare, letting out a huff of jealousy at how easily he slept.
Cassian stirred at the sound, a small yawn escaping his lips as he blinked his eyes at you. A pang of guilt shot through you at waking him up, but the male only offered you a sleepy smile, hazel eyes twinkling in the dim moonlight that shone through the window. 
“You’re still awake?” Cassian asked in a groggy voice, brow dipping in concern as his hand reached for you. You sighed, setting your book to the side as you took his hand in yours, absentmindedly stroking the skin there.
“I’m so restless tonight. I have this nervous energy that I can’t seem to get rid of,” you vented, pressing a kiss to his hand before holding it against your cheek.
Cassian’s muscles rippled as he stretched out along the bed, rolling over on top of you and caging you in between his arms. Black hair cascaded around his face as he smiled at you mischievously. “You have too much energy? Did I not wear you out thoroughly earlier?” he growled into your ear.
You blushed, attention forced to the pleasant soreness between your legs as memories of earlier this evening flashed in your mind. “No, it’s definitely not that,” you laughed breathlessly, bringing your arms up to cradle Cassian’s face as you admired his rugged features. Wriggling against the sheets, your leg started shaking again as your head fell back against the pillows, closing your eyes with a groan. 
“Mmm, so you just need to wear your muscles out?” Cassian murmured, voice as soft as his touch. His hand traced lightly up your thigh, a gasp escaping you as you twitched against the ticklish feeling.
“Cass-“ you began to warn, interrupted as his hand slid up to your stomach, fingers lightly grazing the skin along your ribs. You burst out in laughter, entire body tensing and releasing as he pinned you beneath him. 
Tears formed at the corners of your eyes from laughing so hard, gasps escaping you as his deft hands found different ways of bringing you pleasure and torture. “Cass, I yield! Mercy, mercy!” you plead, breathless as he finally let up. 
Your muscles felt suddenly heavy, tired from shaking under Cassian’s tickle-attack. You sighed with a smile, pulling his body on top of yours as you pressed a kiss to his lips. 
“I love you,” you murmured, allowing him to settle his weight on top of you, wings draped out on either side like your own heated, weighted blanket. 
Cassian buried his nose in your neck, leaving a lingering kiss there as he whispered, “I love you too, sweetheart,” before you drifted off to sleep.
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leossmoonn · 10 months
Hey hope your having a good day/ night
Can you do one when the reader is picking out a dress for a date with Mike and Abby helps her?
Thank you, I hope you are too :D
this was one of my favs to write. thank you for requesting this ☺️
“what color does mike like?” you ask, ruffling through your closet.
“i don’t know. i think he likes black… or blue. those are the only colors he wears,” abby says.
“every man likes black and blue,” you sigh.
“i think mike will like you in anything,” abby states. “he’s like, in love with you or something.”
heat creeps up your neck and you laugh weakly. “i’m sure he likes me a lot. i like him a lot, too.”
“no, he like-likes you,” abby insists. she sets down her crayons and looks up at you. “he’s always talking about you and asking me what flowers you like and what to get you for christmas.”
you can’t help the big smile that brightens your face. “he does?”
“yes,” abby nods. “no offense, but it gets kind of annoying.”
you chuckle, knowing she means him asking her questions she doesn’t know the answer to is annoying. “none taken,” you say as you look back at your closet.
it’s refreshing to have mike’s feeling towards you reinforced. you two have only been going out for two months, but it’s felt like a lifetime. you both get along so well. and even when you don’t, you’re able to handle conflicts smoothly.
although he told you in the beginning that he has a lot of shortcomings, you see right past them. he’s caring, thoughtful, funny, and super cute. he actually tries, which you know, that’s what people are supposed to do, but you don’t have to ask anything of him. he just knows what to do and say.
you’ve found yourself smiling whenever you think of him, wanting to text him when something bad or good has happened, making excuses to stay late at his house just so you can spend more time with him. it’s safe to say you’re falling for him faster than you ever have for anyone else.
it helps that you and abby get along so well, too.
you were a little worried in the beginning that she would shut you out from what mike had told you about her. but she welcomed you with open arms, telling you how happy she was to have a girl around. now you two hung out regularly while mike had started to work later shifts to help pay for things like dates. you insisted that you didn’t matter and you liked having in-house dates, but he knows you deserve something better, and he wants to be able to provide that. plus, it means more time with abby, which you would never turn down.
“you should wear the red one!” abby points to the dress you’re holding out.
you hum in thought. “i don’t know. do you think it’s too… bold?”
abby shakes her head. “mike will be able to find you easily if you get lost. he’s always afraid of being he cares about getting lost.”
your chest warms at her statement. mike has told you all about his brother and his family history. you knew he was afraid to because he’s been shut down in the past for being too “complicated” or “traumatized” — which if someone can’t handle, then fine, but it’s still pretty messed up when he’s blamed for being too traumatized — but you assured him that your family isn’t perfect either. and while you will never understand his experience, you’re ready to support him and learn how to help.
“he’s very good at protecting people, though,” abby adds. “so you shouldn’t be scared.”
“i feel very safe with your brother,” you smile. you pick out a few different dresses from your closet, laying them out on your bed beside abby.
“is there one i should try first?” you ask. “mmm,” she purses her lips and looks at the four options. you picked out two black ones, the red she mentioned earlier, and an emerald green one.
“the green,” she says. “alright,” you say. you grab it and change in your closet, stepping out to have abby help zip you up. this dress is a simple, but beautiful dress. it’s a maxi dress that stops just above your ankles. the straps are thick, but they don’t cover the whole width of your shoulders. the top comes together in a v-neck, stopping at the perfect place for there to be just enough skin showing.
“what do we think?” you spin around, making abby giggle.
“i like it, but …”
“you want me to try the others on?”
“no problem. i picked them all out for a reason.”
the next one you try on is one of the black dresses. the first one is a strapless back cami dress. it has a sweetheart neckline and a very short skirt with ruffles on the bottom. as you look into the mirror, you realize how much it makes you look like an attention-seeking teenager.
“i do not remember it being this… short,” you say. you swear if you bend down, everyone would see your ass. and not that you think that mike would mind, but you’re confident everyone else in the restaurant would.
“i don’t really like it,” abby says. “yeah, me neither,” you say.
the second black one is short like the first, but the back has a bow and the sleeves cover your shoulders and half of your bicep. they’re slightly puffy and the rest of the dress has small flowers on in.
“i’m not sure this fancy enough,” you sigh. “i like the flowers,” abby says. “when I grow up can i have this dress?” she looks up at you with the biggest brown eyes you’ve ever seen. her bottom lip is pouted as she tries hard to convince you. you don’t need too much convincing to say yes, though.
after promising abby to lend you the dress when she’s older, you change into the red one. you already can tell from the moment you take it off the hanger it’s going to be abby’s favorite.
it’s a cocktail dress that stops just above your feet. it’s tight-fitting, but not suffocating, which allows it to hug you in all the right places. the top of the dress appears to be looser-fitting as there’s just a tiny bit of extra material at the valley of your breasts. along your waist are creases as if you’ve somehow made it tighter, but it’s just how it was made to sit on your body.
“wow,” abby gasps. “you look so pretty!”
your cheeks feel warm and you look at yourself bashfully. “you think mike will like it?”
“yes! he’s going to have a heart attack when he sees you!”
you laugh, “oh, i hope not.”
you finish your hair and makeup, letting abby choose what your eye makeup will look like and lipstick you’ll use for the night,
“thank you for helping me, abs. you have great taste,” you say as you buckle on your black stilettos.
“i know,” abby smiles.
there’s a knock on your door and your heart races. you look through the peephole, seeing it’s just vanessa here to pick up abby. you breathe out in relief and open the door.
“look at you!” she gasps. “do you think mike will like it ?” you ask, fiddling with the silver bracelet on your right hand.
“if he doesn’t, then i will take you on that date.” you both share a laugh before she speaks again. “but yes, he will love it.”
“thank you. alright, abs, are you ready?” you ask. abby jumps up from the bed, grabbing her box of crayons and pictures.
“if you guys order spaghetti can you bring some home?” she asks.
“sure, honey,” you pat her back. she reaches up for a hug and you bend down to her level. “i’ll see you tomorrow.”
“see you!” she exclaims, grabbing vanessa’s hand.
“mike is in the parking lot, by the way,” vanessa says. “he was reciting how to greet you.”
you giggle, feeling like an infatuated school-girl. “i can’t wait to see what he’s come up with.”
vanessa gives you a hug goodbye and the two walk off. you shut your door, locking just the first lock. you grab a coat and spray some perfume on your pulse points. a few minutes later, there’s another knock on your door. you look through the peephole once again just to make sure it’s mike. once you see it’s him, your heart begins to race and you can already feel yourself becoming a little sweaty from nerves. you hope he smells your perfume instead of sweat.
you open the door, aweing at the bouquet of flowers he has in his hand. without fail, mike always brings some type of plant to your door when picking you up for a date. sometimes he’ll bring you house plants to add to your collection or, like tonight, a beautiful bouquet of flowers. and they’re always different, which to you means that he keeps track and wants to make it special for you. it makes you fall for him deeper every time.
“i just saw abby and vanessa. they were — woah.”
he stops as he looks up at you from his stare at his shoes. he always looks at you like this, even when you’re in a ratty old t-shirt or if you’ve just woken up. you’d be lying if you said you didn’t love it.
he looks at you with wide eyes that search every part of you, not sure where to look. his pupils are already blown wide and you stifle a laugh when you remember it doesn’t take much for him to become entranced by you. the way he looks at you is like he’s won the lottery, which in his mind, he has with you.
“i… i’ve never seen you in red.” he finally finds his voice.
“yeah, i never wear it. not sure why. i might start now,” you grin.
“well, you look gorgeous in anything. and tonight is definitely no exception.” he truly looks like he can’t believe his eyes. like this is a dream and as soon as he reaches out to touch you, you’ll disappear.
you never thought of yourself as anything special before — cliché, yes, but everyone has insecurities. you aren’t not confident, but you know you’re no supermodel, even though you can definitely make yourself into one. but mike makes you feel special. from the way he softly gasps every time he sees you and the wild look in his eyes. you know later he won’t be looking at any other woman other than you. it’s the bare minimum, but it’s hard to come by. you soon realize that if you two ever break up, he’ll be your standard.
“we definitely make a handsome pair,” you wink. your own eyes graze his body, making his heart thump in his chest. he doesn’t know why, but somehow you see something in him. not just in his looks, which he can admit he’s a good-looking guy, but just his personality and what cards he’s been dealt in life. you accept everything about him, even the parts he’s most afraid of. you just make life better for him; he hopes to keep you for as long as you’ll let him.
“is this a new suit?” you ask, reaching out and smoothing his jacket collar out. the suit is navy blue with a white undershirt that has the first few buttons undone. you can see his chest hair peeking out of the cotton, making you lick your lips as you imagine what’s underneath. the suit looks to be tailored, which you know must’ve cost him a lot of money. you don’t say much, though, knowing that if mike wants to spend his money like this, there’s nothing you can do about it. although you make a note to yourself to pay him back somehow.
“yeah,” he nods. “the old one is, well, old,” he chuckles.
“you look so handsome, mike,” you sigh. it comes out all dream-like, but you can’t help it. he makes you brain numb and fuzzy and insides feel all jittery and warm.
he blushes under your gaze, looking down and remembering his little gift for you. “these are for you. they’re, uh, starlette lilies. i thought they would look nice with all your fall decorations.”
could he get anymore perfect?
“they are beautiful. thank you,” you gush. you take his hand and lead him in while you go to your kitchen to fill up a vase to put them in.
“not as beautiful as you,” mike remarks. he’s got you grinning from ear-to-ear. you place them in water with the plant food, setting them on your coffee table.
“i’m ready to go,” you say, turning back to him. he holds his hand out for you and you slip yours into his, lacing your fingers together. your palms are a tiny bit sweaty, but he doesn’t seem to mind. you’ve been on quite a few dates with him, but no matter what, you always get nervous as if it’s the first time you’re meeting him. you honestly hope this feeling never fades.
“abby helped me pick this dress out,” you say as you two walk to the elevator.
“you should let her pick them out all the time,” he says.
you smile down at him. “maybe i will.”
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yunhobug · 1 year
Yeosang NSFW Alphabet
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Yeosang x Gn!reader
w: Yeo is a hard dom, and I stand by that decision
Requested by @anyamaris
a/n: When i tell yall i was LOOSING IT while writing this one
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
aftercare for you is aftercare for him
he’s going to make sure you’re okay and clean you guys both up
but he loves to cuddle and have some pillow talk after everything has happened
maybe you guys will turn on a show and relax after in each others arms
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Loves his arms, yeosang has worked out a lot and worked hard on the body he has
he loves to lift you up and show off his work
on you he loves your hands, thinks they’re so cute, especially when you’re trying to hold onto something, your tight grip on him makes his head swirl
he also LOVES when you run your fingers across his biceps and shoulders
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Likes to cum on your chest and down your throat if you’ll let him
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Wants to have outdoor sex so bad, wants to take you on a picnic date out in a pretty secluded meadow, or maybe the beach
There’s something that gets him going about seeing you so fucked out in such a pretty place
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he’s one of the less experienced members but he’s enthusiastic about you, your body, and sex
he knows a bit about his likes but he wants to explore more
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
like seriously loves the view he gets and how deep he can go
also loves spooning, especially during morning sex
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he’s not super goofy but he can be lighthearted at times, he’s able to laugh off an accident or embarrassing moment when it happens
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
extremely clean shaven, he’s not bare but he keeps it pretty short
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I don’t think yeosang would need a ton of intimacy with his partner to have a sexual relationship
he could have sex without any romantic feelings
that being said if you want him to be more romantic he most definitely will, you’re his baby and what you say goes!
we will also go all out on anniversaries and birthdays
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
a few times a week, especially when you tease him with pictures at inappropriate times
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Yeo has a major strength kink, loves how easily he can lift you and manhandle you into any position he wants
Also has a really big thing for edging, he think it’s so hot to see you get so frustrated. When you’re shaking, crying, and begging him to let you cum
loves to degrade you, makes it so you want prove that you can do a good job just for him
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Like i mentioned earlier he wants to fuck you outside so bad but he also has a thing for car sex
it may be cramped and uncomfortable but knowing anyone could look through the windows and see y’all turns him on to the nines
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He think you look super hot while you work, especially when you’re so concentrated
also generally gets super turned on while making out but that’s a given
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Not a very big fan of choking, Yeo is typically pretty confident in bed but he gets nervous about putting his hand around your neck, would rather have you choke on his fingers or cock
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He fucking loves when you give him head, likes to sit down while you kneel in front of him and take his cock
always makes sure to wipe your tears and mock you for not being able to do it good enough
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
loves to be rough with you, but he goes pretty slow just to tease you
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he doesn’t really have an opinion on quickies, he won’t ever initiate them but if you do he won’t stop you at all
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he’s open to experimenting but he does it with caution
but he definitely likes to push boundaries
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
1-2 rounds depending on the night, he’s more focused on you though
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
definitely prefers to do everything on his own but if you had any he wouldn’t ever get upset over that (toys are your friends not competition)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
loves to tease you, is constantly pushing your limits and throws tons of faux sympathy your way
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he’s pretty quiet, he gets a bit embarrassed at his own noises and likes to focus on pulling more sounds out of you
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Loves to put you in front of a mirror, spreads your legs wide to make you watch how he works your body
“Watch with me baby, look how pretty you look while you cum from just my fingers” (AHHH)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s def one of the bigger Ateez members
Easily seven inches, and he fucking knows he’s big too
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
has a lower drive than some of the others, I would say 3 times a week minimum
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Like I mentioned in the letter “A” section he would prefer to stay up and talk for a bit
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little-emerald-snake · 7 months
Brat taming w Ominis maybe? 😳 the more mean dominis, the better
Bratty - Dominis Gaunt X F!MC
This isn’t as spicy as I wanted to go but I really struggle with writing Ominis as a super hard Dom. In my mind he is a sweet baby angel who can do no wrong.
Warnings: Mild Dominis, bratty behavior, fingering f receiving, orgasm denial, punishment
700 words
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She’d been in a defiant mood all day from the moment they woke up. Ominis knew it was likely just to push his buttons for one reason or another but the more she acted out the more he wanted to act on it and dole out a befitting punishment.
She’d come from work not long ago and when he hadn’t asked for a kiss from her she decided to pick an attitude with him. “What? No kiss? Are you punishing me for earlier today?”
Ominis scoffed, stopping his reading briefly to respond to her. “If I was punishing you for your behavior as of late, you'd know it, Darling. It wouldn’t possibly be something as bland as not asking for your kisses.”
She furrowed her brows in question and irritation, wondering what he was possibly upset about. “You doling out some serious form of punishment, puh-lease. You wouldn’t be so harsh with a punishment.”
He gave her a challenging look. “You’re being quite a disobedient brat lately. Are you looking to get punished? Is that what you want sweetheart?”
She came to straddle his lap, meeting his challenge. “Maybe I am. Maybe I don’t think you could actually punish me for anything because you’re far too teeth rottingly sweet to me.”
Ominis let out a deep chuckle that reverberated through his chest and caused goosebumps to rise across her skin. “Oh, Darling. I thought you knew better than to underestimate me. Silly, silly girl. How wrong you are.”
She leaned in close now, licking her lips in preparation for the searing kiss she knew was to come next. “Prove it.”
In a flash she was pinned underneath him and although Ominis was still pretty lithe like he had been all those years ago at Hogwarts, he was also surprisingly strong, able to pin her down effectively rendering her struggle useless. “Now you’re in trouble, naughty girl. Giving me attitude all day and acting like I won’t take charge and punish you like you properly deserve.”
She whined pathetically as he licked a thick stripe up the side of her neck where he knew it would drive her wild with excitement. Her back bowed off the couch as much as it could from under him. She eagerly tried to press against him but he’d moved just out of reach, denying her of the friction she desperately craved.
Her hands slid up, trying to tug him down onto her but he easily took both wrists in one hand above her head, effectively stopping her wandering hands. “Brats don’t get what they want, you’d do well to remember that, Dove.”
He maneuvered their bodies so he could easily hold her wrists above her head and slide his fingers down the front of her pants. She moaned with relief when his fingers touched her under the fabric where she grew hot and wet for him.
She was absolutely soaked as he plunged two fingers inside of her and used his thumb to deftly roll blissful circles around her clit.
She whined, hips lifting to seek more of his touch. More of the pleasure that he was flaring to life inside her body. He made sure she received only the pleasure he doled out and nothing more, she was being greedy as always. “Naughty, Dove. My greedy little girl thinks she deserves to cum on my fingers? Is that what you think you deserve?”
He chuckled, hearing her whine, hips bucking upwards with need. She was clearly on the precipice of an orgasm and he couldn’t have that. Just as her cries began to crescendo, he pulled his fingers out, leaving her high and dry before her orgasm could hit.
She gasped, eyes misty with confusion and bliss meeting his smug expression. She whined, collapsing backwards onto the bed at the realization of what he’d done. “Ominissss…this isn’t fair!”
He chuckled, sliding his slick coated fingers up her torso and gently sliding them into her mouth. “You’re in no position to bargain about what is and is not fair, Dove. You wanted a punishment and now you’re mad that I’m delivering. You are going to learn to behave. That bratty behavior will get you nowhere.”
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junicult · 1 year
Speaking of fiances and marriage, can you imagine Harvey's reaction to seeing someone talk to his partner, they're a stranger to him but obviously know Y/N, who looks really annoyed, obviously not wanting to talk to the person
So he steps in, introduces himself and ask "and who might you be?" And the stranger goes "oh I'm Kyle, their fiance" and Y/N just, very, very quickly fixes him and just "ex-fiance"
Apparently Kyle came crawling back but Y/N wants nothing to do with him, obviously, they've got a cute man now! Also Kyle is cringe
Kyle: I'm Kyle, the fiance
Harvey, ABSOLUTELY heartbroken: What?
Y/N: Ex-fiance, ex. It's there for a reason don't forget that, Kyle
contains ; entirely sfw. (nameless) male ex bf. fem!farmer. new bf!harvey. harvey being the sweetest (as usual.) short drabble.
note ; ok i’m going to bed. i’ll proofread this in the morning (no i won’t)
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aw i love the idea of harvey being protective over u.
he’s still pretty reserved, he’s not going to start problems unless he absolutely has to. & he definitely can’t handle confrontation, that’s for sure. obviously, if you’re upset he’s trained and prepared to help you feel better. he’s not a therapist by any sense, but if you just need comforting, he’d be one of the best to go to.
let’s say it’s the very beginning of your relationship. i’m talking you’ve only made it official a couple weeks ago, still in the earlier stages where you get butterflies whenever you see him, and you get all nervous and stuff like that.
you haven’t had the time (or energy) to disclose your last relationship with him just yet. you know he wouldn’t be upset or anything, you just haven’t talked about it.
which is why your ex coming to see you at the farm—WHILE YOUR WORKING—became a huge shock.
you’re easily frustrated. i mean, he’s getting in your way while you’re trying to work so, maybe the easiest option would be to just give him what he wanted—a chance to talk.
he’s talking, in fact he probably won’t even shut up, while you’re watering your plants and listening all annoyed.
“my mom’s still super pissed, she wants to talk to you,” he complains.
“i’ve been pretty busy lately. i already gave you the ring back, what else do you want?” you counter, clearly exhausted.
“i love you, you know that. i think we can work this out, you just need to talk to me!”
his delusions make you even more frustrated, pausing mid pout to take a deep breath—but before you even have the time to yell, you’re startled by the only man you’d actually wanna see at the moment.
“hello…am i intruding something?” harvey asks, standing only a couple feet away. you were too distracted to even see him approaching.
your ex just stays silent, looking him up and down while you blink in surprise.
“no, actually. he was just getting ready to leave.” you sigh, shooting him a pleading look that he doesn’t miss.
“oh, ok! i’m harvey, it’s nice to meet you. she’s a little busy, so maybe you can give her a call later?” harvey smiles, and it almost eases you entirely. his approachable demeanor is making it easier for him to walk closer to him—more importantly you in case he needed to reach for you. but that was just in the back of his mind.
“then why’re you here?” your ex spits, taking him by surprise but certainly not you.
harvey’s the kind of guy that means no trouble. if anything, he just wants the best for everyone.
which is why it’s your turn to blink in surprise when your sweet, peaceful boyfriend’s smile falls just a little, and his eyes squint with a certain sass, saying, “who are you, again?”
it’s pathetic seeing your ex laugh like he has any right, taking a step closer as if to challenge someone who doesn’t even want one.
“her fiancé. who the hell are you?”
“ex,” you waste no time, rolling your eyes. “he’s my ex-fiancé. we lived in the city together months ago.”
whether or not harvey is shocked to learn that, he doesn’t show it. maybe it’s because of your clear distaste to even hear the nickname, but either way, he knows better then to ask any questions right now.
“well, it was a pleasure to meet you. i think maybe we both should probably leave her to finish work. she’s got a busy schedule, anyways.”
you’ve never seen harvey so authoritative, subtle with the intent to get this man who is clearly stressing you out, away from you. his smile still seems so kind, and he’s clearly prepared to step in the way in case your ex counters with some excuse to stay.
“yeah, it’s a bummer you didn’t check to see if she was free today before you came all the way down here.”
“well i tried, but she won’t answer my calls.”
“hm. weird. anyway—!”
you almost feel sick with how much your stomach swells seeing the most amazing boyfriend handle a stressful situation as such so easily for you. he doesn’t even as so crack his exterior while he guides him away, still showing decency just to avoid a scene, which you couldn’t be more grateful for.
it was almost so baffling how easily he handled it. and attractive (needless to say.)
but you still felt so guilty, seeing him after the crisis was averted.
“i’m so sorry, i was going to let you know. i promise i wasn’t trying to keep a secret from you,”
and because of how understanding, and kindhearted he is, it’s easy to melt into his touch when he pulls you in and presses a soft kiss to your forehead.
“oh, i’m not mad at you! i’m just glad you’re okay. he seems like a real jerk.”
knowing him, his main priority will always be the most important task at hand. but of course, you know him well enough that he can’t help but have questions.
so when you get your chance to explain, you know to reassure him with your soft touch, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles and kissing his cheek to show how much he means to you. especially after that.
“i’m sorry you had to go through that,” he frowns, sympathizingly.
“no, it’s okay. the ring didn’t even fit me anyways. and besides, i’m with someone much better now.”
he smiles at your reassurance, not that he really needed it because—well, he knows already.
“me too,” he kisses your cheek. “and don’t worry, i won’t make that mistake.”
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litepowee · 1 year
ᴇxᴘʟᴀɪɴ, 'ꜱᴘɪʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴀ' ᴀɢᴀɪɴ?
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anon: two words: gossip-y sae
a/n: i live for sae itoshi, please have that known, this man is (one of my many) babygirl <33
big thanks to my irl moot for beta reading for me, check her out ;) @luvablelino
✧ comments/reblogs are super duper appreciated ✧
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Sae Itoshi was never a big fan of ‘gossip’. It was useless chatter among people trying to gain the social upper hand through meaningless rumors. That's all gossip was; meaningless. But after meeting you, his world was turned on its head. 
His room was silent except for the clacking of keys and the soft whirling of the ceiling fan. Academic papers and a half written essay light up his computer screen as Sae’s eyes strain to read the small text. He sighs, pulling himself away from the screen and leans back in his chair. Closing his eyes, he listens to the sounds of quiet rustling assuming you’ve just gotten home from class. “Sae! Are you alive?” Calling out to him, knowing that he is probably, again, cooped up in his room working on that stupid kinesiology essay.
The soft padding of your feet against the creaky wood came closer and closer to him, until your voice rang through his ears again, “Sae? M’ coming in, okay! You better be looking decent!” Sae can only roll his eyes as after a few seconds you push open the door, revealing him leaned back on his chair staring daggers at the ceiling.
“Decent? When have I ever looked just..decent?” Sae mutters, pushing off to an upright position before meeting your gleaming eyes. Cocking his eyebrows up, he opens his mouth to question the look you were giving him before, rudely he thinks, getting cut off. “Who cares how you look!”
Striding across his bedroom you dramatically fall back onto his bed, cuddling into the soft sheets. “Queen sized bed for a princess? Doesn't make sense.” You mumble out as Sae throws a glare and crumples a piece of paper with a direct hit on your head. Sending a glare back at him, you look eyes, having a stare down with the tired male. 
“So are you going to tell me why you’re here, or just continue to ogle at me?” Breaking the silence after a few more seconds of staring, “Am I not allowed to share the company of my most favorite housemate and friend?” Saying in the most nonchalant voice you could muster, only to be immediately seen through, “Only housemate and friend, get it right,”
To an outsider Sae may be sounding harsh, but you’ve known him long enough to tell there is an air of playfulness in his words. “So, what is it? Or do you really just enjoy making me suffer with your mere presence?” The words roll off his tongue so easily, it adds onto the dramatic hurt you’re staging. 
Clutching your chest, as you roll onto your back. “Sae! Whatever your middle name is! Itoshi!” He bit back the urge to chuckle, “How dare you?! You know what, maybe I won’t tell you what I was going to say! You’ll just have to live the rest of your life wondering about what I was talking about!” Pouting at him, you let silence pour into the small room.
After a few seconds, the only sound that could be heard was the clicking of Sae’s keyboard, “Well, come on now. You’ve had your dramatics, hurry up already.” He mumbles out as your eyes light up, grinning as you reach for your phone discarded somewhere in the sheets. 
“I knew you couldn’t resist tea time with me!” 
He rolls his eyes at your remark but stays quiet. Humming quietly as you unlock your phone, swiping through apps until you open messages with a classmate from earlier today. “Okay so, here’s the motherfucking tea.” Giggling, you prop yourself up onto your elbows, watching as Sae types away on his computer. 
“Aoi told me that Sera was caught “drunk” texting her ethics professor,” throwing up air quotes as you say drunk, “it’s obvious that she wasn’t really drunk but totally wants the professor with the way she’s been eye-fucking him in lectures.” You ramble on about ‘Sera’, as all that runs through Sae’s mind is ‘Kind of ironic for an ethics professor.’
“And look, Aoi even managed to get some of the texts sent between them! It’s totally obvious that the prof was into it no matter how hard he was trying to not show it.” Waving your phone around that had the incriminating texts on it, “Sae! Yer's supposed to actually look!” 
Without missing a beat as he continued to type his essay, he replied “Ain’t looking, give me a summary” Sae knows he could very easily turn around and look through the texts himself, but he doesn’t want to risk the chance of making a face of interest with you in sight. 
Sighing slightly, you turn the phone back to you, “Okay so, Sera is basically saying…” He listens half-heartedly, aiming his attention at the research paper he’s reading, “And then, he replied saying 'I see you darling, don’t think I don’t.’ No way that isn’t flirting back! Right?” 
“Huh? Oh yeah, he’s definitely going to catch a case with her and the school admin.” He said eyes scanning over the essay making a mental note that he’s about half way done a 12 page report. Rolling your eyes you continue on, “You remember Terushima right? The guy in my statistics class that I sometimes do intramurals with?” 
Allowing for a few seconds of silence aside from the furious typing of Sae’s keyboard, before you continue, “Okay so he’s like the resident playboy in class, constantly asking people out, flirting with ‘em, all that shit right?” He raises his eyebrows, not that you can see, as this ‘Terushima’ had caught his interest. 
It’s not everyday you hear of a cliche playboy on campus.
“Yeah, I think i’ve heard his name before, guy asked out Rin didn’t he?” Sae mutters out, your mouth agape as you clutched a throw pillow against your chest., “What?! You never told me that you bastard!” You threw the pillow at him at the new information that had been told. “Rinnie got asked out by Terushima? What did he say? How did that even go down?” Sputtering words out as you push yourself up, sitting cross-legged on his bed. 
Sae rolls his eyes at your childish excitement, spinning around in his chair to face you, “Couple of days ago, that guy asked Rin out to a party at his place, and said that there was a spot on his lap for him when he got there.” He spoke as if it was boring classwork he was explaining to you, as your eyes shone at him. 
“Jeez! I knew he was ball-sy but to go after Rinnie with that kinda line? No wonder he looked so dejected in class today.” Giggling out as you recall Terushima slumped over in his seat during lecture. Sae only made a sound of agreement before swiveling back to face his computer and daunting essay. 
“Oh but speaking of Terushima in class! Man would not stop looking at me, and the one time I caught his eye he had the audacity to smile and wink at me! Can you believe it? Never thought I'd see the day where I was the one to catch the attention of the campus playboy.” Rambling on in your own little world, you fail to realize Sae had stopped typing, staring down his screen. 
“You probably were making that stupid face and he thought it was funny.” He mutters out but can’t move his hands to continue working, mind too preoccupied with what you had said. Sae can’t even understand what you’re saying, probably to him, as he thinks about your catching attention from others. 
“Aye Sae! What do you mean stupid face?!” Snapping him back into reality, he turns around to look at you, stoic as ever. “The face you make when you’re trying to understand a concept, you make it all the time whenever I'm tutoring your dumb ass.” Mentally smiling to himself thinking of your ‘focused’ face, which consists of furrowed eyebrows and your tongue poking out as you furiously write. 
Dramatically you clutch your chest, falling back on his bed, “And you never thought to tell me that I make that face?! So you know? Oh I don’t know, not make it?!” He can only let a small smile slip past his lips as he looks at you. 
“I don’t know, I like it.” 
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tags: @simp-lauren @tokyometronetwork @public-safety-network @animangafics
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hunterssm00n · 9 months
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Yandere! Sheriff OC / part 3 /
Try to lock you out / I feel you in my dreams / You're everywhere, you won't go easily...
*cw include stalking, yandere behavior, abuse of authority, obsession, and dark themes* MDNI - 18+
♡˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ♡
hunterssm00n © All rights reserved by me. I do not allow this work to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
It’s just past ten when she hears the crunching of tires on the ice and gravel coming up her driveway.
She’s laying in her bed, lights off, looking at her phone, when she feels the hair on the back of her neck raise. He’s earlier tonight than usual; normally it’s after eleven or even after midnight before she hears those familiar noises. She’s also in bed earlier than normal tonight, but that’s because she’s super exhausted after a long, grueling week. Tomorrow is Friday, and by the time that fifth day of work rolls around she’s lucky to get up to the sound of her alarm the next morning.
It makes her wonder if he came here earlier than normal tonight with the hopes of catching her while she was awake.
That thought gives her shivers.
And what would happen if he did? If he saw the lights on in her home, would he take that as an invitation to come and knock on the door? Would he try to call her, like he has been? Leave her another very loving sounding, emotionally charged voicemail?
Kelli has played the last few over and over again. She has them all saved in her phone- for multiple reasons. One being that if this situation ever turned deadly, she would have plenty of evidence to build a case against him. The other reason being that she enjoys listening to his voice as he says such soft, loving things to her, and about her.
So what does that make her? As crazy as him? Surely not.
Ray is a handsome man. Maybe not handsome in the traditional sense, but in the way that he’s exactly her type. Well over six feet tall, big and burly, rugged and intimidating looking, a scar on his cheek; physically he’s very appealing to her. And behind the rough exterior, he’s got sky blue eyes that just seem so deep; so knowing.
Am I attracted to my stalker? Maybe. Hard maybe. But does that make what he’s doing in any way right? No. Absolutely not.
He’s abusing his authority as sheriff to look up Kelli’s address (as she definitely did not give it to him), come to her house, and stake out every night. When he calls, he’s begged her to call him back; he wants to hear her voice, he says. He wants to reassure her that he means no harm.
But can she trust him?
He hasn't done anything to make Kelli think that he intends to do her any harm... yet. In fact, it's been quite the opposite; he's done everything possible to make sure she’s safe. Or... to make sure she’s not going to run. He parks outside of her house every night- god only knows if he ever even sleeps. And every hour on the hour he gets out of his suburban, and walks the perimeter of the house, shining his flashlight and, seemingly, looking for any signs of trouble.
And here she thought she was paranoid. Her paranoia apparently doesn't hold a candle to this man's.
But in a way, this overprotectiveness makes her feel... something. She can't quite put her finger on the thought, or the emotion exactly. But it's surprising. And, of course, he doesn't need to know this.
And despite the fact that what he’s doing is wrong, it doesn’t make him any less appealing to her twisted brain. Quite the opposite. She should be scared; she should want to move states, go into WitSec, something that would get her away from him. But there’s no denying (to herself, at least) that she purposefully is not doing any of that for a reason. Plus, he would find her wherever she went. He’d track her down, just like he’d tracked her to her house.
Kelli can’t help but think about what he would do if he were inside right now- she imagined the scenario; how he would look standing in her doorway, how his big body would take up so much space it would make her house look tiny. The thought makes her shiver unintentionally, but not for bad reasons.
He would stare straight into her soul as she sat up in bed, surprised at his entry into her bedroom, and into her house in general. Wondering how he got inside, but also wondering what was going to happen now that he was.
“Ray?” she would ask, her voice coming out breathless and nervous- as she wouldn’t be expecting him to actually be inside the house, here, with her. At night, in her bedroom.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” He would sound breathless, like he’d been running. Or, doing something else. “I couldn’t- I had to come see you. I had to make sure…”
Her other questions would be forgotten momentarily as he would advance towards the bed, and she wouldn’t even realize she’d shrank backwards until she hit the headboard, and it thumped against the wall.
“It’s okay,” He’d pause in his movements, hands outstretched to show that he’s okay, she’s okay, everything is okay. “I’m not gonna hurt you, I’m so sorry for scaring you, and- and for breaking in here.” He would look down at the floor after he says this, and she would be able to practically sense the shame coming from him. Practically be able to feel it. “I know it’s not right, what I'm doing- I know I shouldn't be here... But I can’t help it. I want you- I need you.”
The thought of this scenario makes her pussy pulse between her thighs, and it’s then that she realizes how wet she is. And not for the first time when thinking about him, either.
She hears his footsteps outside, gentle in the freshly fallen snow, and before she can think better of it Kelli slides her right hand down her stomach, and into the waistband of her pajama pants. Her fingers slide down the front of her underwear, down, down, until they get to the soft, warm area right above her clit. They pause there for the barest moment before continuing their journey, passing over her clit and to her wet panties, soaked by her pussy lips. A choked moan catches in her throat- surprised by how wet she already is and by how good that simple touch feels.
Working her hand back and forth slowly, she listens to the sound of him walking around her house, his footsteps almost adding to her steadily increasing heartbeat. It feels good- too good. It should not feel this good touching herself to the thought of her stalker breaking into her house; to the sound of him walking around outside. Knowing he’s there, feeling his presence, it’s too much.
Before long she's cumming by merely touching herself through her panties, her other hand covering her mouth so she doesn't make any discernable sounds as the pleasure crashes through her. All the while thinking This is wrong, this is so wrong.
Coming down from her high, she relaxes back against the bed, breathing hard against the comfort of her soft mattress. Still hearing him outside of the house, she decides to chalk this one up to having not been in a relationship for a while; being untouched for so long. Because the fact that she just touched herself to the thought of her stalker is a little too much to come to terms with, at the moment.
♡˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ♡
This is an original work of mine, as are the characters.
I do not own the song 'Sleepwalking' by Diamante. The above picture is from pinterest, and there's a link attached to the original post.
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hard-boiled-criminal · 8 months
A Witch Adrift
Chapter 1 - The Idea of a Demon is Tempting
Next Chapter >
AO3 Mirror
     “Okay… you can do this. No big deal. Not like fucking up could cost you your life or anything, haha?...Right?...Yeah, let’s go with that. Good first impressions are a must here, and I know I look hot; I didn’t spend so long on my appearance for nothing. Candles, check. Chalk pentacle, check. Blessed salt circle for just in case, check. Super old book that may or may not be cursed, check. Fancy-looking athame, check. Alright, I believe that’s everything. Now for the incantation and blood, I guess. Okay, (y/n), deep breaths. Nothing to be worried about. It’s just like… following a recipe. Something simple like riding a bicycle, or cracking an egg, or committing premeditated murder. Okay, incantation, incantation…” You delicately open up the book, flipping to the page with the summoning incantation, silently scolding yourself for not placing a bookmark earlier.
     You take a deep breath, “Here we go.” Standing outside of the salt circle, you begin to chant, “O magne inscrutabilis potentia, a te peto ut det desiderium meum. Meo sanguine et devotione pathetice te peto, ut me ab aliis amoris mundum tribuas. Corpus meum ad locum quod maxime cupio. Please, Give me pretty boys! Preferably non-human, but I’ll honestly settle for almost anything humanoid!”* You prick your finger on the tip of the athame, and watch as you let a drop of your blood drip onto the pentacle encircled with salt. 
     A moment passes. Then a few more. ‘Maybe it’s like… a slow internet connection? Or maybe I just have bad metaphysical reception? And I just have to wait a little bit longer? Yeah, that has to be it.’ You end up waiting there for about ten more minutes before you finally accept defeat and retreat to your bed. “Can’t believe I thought that’d work on the first try. Summoning a hot monster boyfriend is gonna be harder than it seems.” With the heavy weight of disappointment aiding in your exhaustion, you succumbed to sleep quite easily that night.
     An uncomfortable warmth is what first rouses you from your slumber. You wriggle around a bit, trying to kick the covers off. The second thing that rouses you is the panic you begin to feel when instead of soft blankets, you feel hard wood instead– Hot wood. Your eyes snap open, and in a blind panic, you try to sit up, only to immediately hit your forehead against wood, just mere inches away from your face. You try to look around, but it’s too dark to see anything. Your surroundings are steadily getting hotter, going from an uncomfortable to a worryingly high heat. You try to feel around you, but quickly realize you are completely and utterly trapped with scarce room to move around in. ‘Ok, ok ok ok ok, okay. Calm down. Don’t panic, don’t panic . You’re fine. It’s just hot. And cramped. Think! Calm down, and think .’ You’re still panicking, but you’ve managed to force yourself to breathe in deep breaths instead of hyperventilating; it only helps somewhat, the air being too hot and stuffy to breathe easily. Reasonably, you know that telling yourself to not panic will not help in the slightest, but you don’t have much of a choice. Forcing yourself to breathe is the only option you have. Your ears are ringing and it feels as if your pitch-black surroundings have somehow managed to get even darker. You start to brace your palms against the wood in front of you, but you slightly flinch back. The wood is starting to get too hot to touch. You manage to get your hands together in front of you to be able to wrap the bell sleeves–’since when was I wearing this?’ –around your hands as some sort of makeshift oven mitts. Bracing your elbows against the surprisingly plush surface underneath you, you push your hands against the slab of wood in front of you. Desperately scrounging up all the strength you can muster, you push, and push, and push, and p–Your hands fly forward as it suddenly pops off, flinging itself to somewhere out of sight. The sudden rush of fresh air isn’t as refreshing as you hoped; instead of clean air you end up with a lungful of smoke.
     Your chest hurts and you can’t stop yourself from violently coughing. There’s so much smoke– too much smoke. You struggle to sit up and pull yourself out of your now-open box; there’s too little air and you’ve already lost control of your breathing without realizing. Using the side of the box, you hold onto it as you roll yourself over the edge, only to have the air knocked out of you when you hit the ground after falling a larger distance than you expected. With a short whine of pain, you look up; the box, which you can now tell is a coffin , is floating about a meter off the ground. You slowly roll over onto your stomach and finally manage to take a glance of the room you’re now in. 
     Blue. Bright, unnaturally blue flames surround the elegant room, accented by numerous identical floating coffins and a fountain of green liquid bubbling in the center.
     ‘Did I… did I actually succeed?!’ You feel your panic start to subside as excitement brews in your chest to replace it. ‘Did I actually manage to summon a hot hunk of a demon?!’ Your excitement quickly morphs back into panic when you remember where you were. ‘Wait, if they managed to trap me so easily and are confident enough to allow me to even have a chance to escape, that means they must be very powerful… Oh no, what if they’re really mad?! What if they hate me for summoning them?! Oh, no, you’ve really done it now, (y/n),’ Unconsciously, you shifted to rest on your knees and grab your head, anxiety quickly overwhelming any panic you felt. 
     “How dare you ignore the Great Grim!” a shrill voice makes you flinch in surprise. It seems your panic has subsided enough to have your ears stop ringing and allow you to hear once again. 
     You turn to face the, admittedly, odd voice for a demon and see… a cat . All those high-octane emotions you felt disappeared in an instant. All that hard work, and you ended up with a talking cat with… flaming ears? You rub your eyes and look again, hoping that maybe the panic combined with the smoke in your system is making you see things.
     It’s still a cat.
     “Man, this is not what I signed up for; I’m goin’ back to sleep.” You began to stand back up but stopped when you remembered all the smoke. And then also remembered that you woke up in a floating coffin that you definitely did not want to go back in.
     ‘Wait, if I was in a coffin, does that mean all these other coffins also have people in them?!’ You look at the rude cat with a newfound horror. ‘If this cat is the source of the fire, does that mean it’s trying to kill all these people?!’
     “Stop ignoring the Great Grim and hurry up an’ gimme your uniform!” The cat spoke again, but their words went in one ear and out the other.
     The room was steadily getting hotter and the smoke kept compounding, slowly filling the room. With no time to waste, you took off in a sprint towards the double doors a small ways behind the cat.
     “Wha–hey! You can’t leave without giving me my uniform! Get back here!” The cat, who was now behind you, yelled as you ran past it.
     The hot flames licked at your clothed legs, but you didn’t stop; you couldn’t afford to if you wanted to live, or at least not get severely burned. When you reached the door, you didn’t bother to stop as you grabbed and twisted the handle and slammed your shoulder into it, forcing it open. The door was heavier than you expected, most definitely going to leave a bruise on your poor shoulder, and opened only barely enough to squeeze yourself through before it slammed itself shut. You ran down the cold corridor, the cool air a welcome change to the sweltering room you escaped from. The corridor seemed to be outside, with only the stone path and some pillars separating it from a courtyard. As you ran, you clumsily patted out the flames clinging to your pants.
     You hoped the heavy doors would delay the cat, but it didn’t work for long, which you learned when you heard, “Don’t run from me, human!” come from not far behind you.
     A quick glance over your shoulder confirmed that the cat was catching up to you much too quickly for your liking. A sudden burst of heat at your back made you screech and look behind you again. The cat reared back and shot out supposedly another blue flamethrower, assuming that’s what had just hit you. Without thinking, you flung yourself to the side and dove into the courtyard. You hit the ground hard, not exactly ready to do any parkour, and rolled a few times before clumsily picking yourself back up, stumbling a bit before breaking out into a sprint again. Though thoroughly out of breath, you pushed yourself to keep going as the cat swiftly turned into the courtyard to follow.
     ‘Ahh!!! What do I do?!’ You looked around the courtyard for anything to use, but it was pristinely kept, not even a twig to be seen.  You scanned the ground for anything as you ran, looking for anything to throw– the cat was gaining on you– when you saw it. Something to use. 
     Doing your best to not slow down too much, you began to hop on one foot as you fumbled to take off the fancy shoe on your other foot. Pivoting around on one foot to face the cat as you started to run backwards, you threw your shoe at it. 
     “Whoa! What’d you do that fo–” The cat dodged the first one, but as it turned to watch it land behind it, you quickly took off and threw your other shoe, which did hit the cat right on the head. “Ngyaah!!”
     ‘I feel really bad but I think some violence is justified in this situation!’ You finally made it across the courtyard as the cat was preoccupied with the new lump forming on its head, and you made a sharp turn into another hallway, one leading inside the building. Not taking any chances, you ran through the first door on your right and slammed it shut behind you.
     You slid down the door, catching your breath as you looked around the new room you found yourself in. It was a library, except there were… floating…books. You took a deep breath. ‘Now’s not the time for that! I can process this magic shit later; I have to hide!’ Looking around, there weren’t many places to hide. ‘Well, a place on the ground would be a bad idea– it would be eye level with a cat. There’s a banister, meaning a second floor, but no stairs nearby… how do I even get up there?’ Walking forwards, you noticed a ladder attached to the bookshelf on the  far wall– one of those fancy ladders on wheels meant to reach books from the higher shelves, like in Beauty and the Beast. An idea came to you. A very bad one. It’s amazing how all critical-thinking skills are lost when you’re in a panic. You dashed to the ladder and scrambled up until you were a few rungs above the level of the banister railing. Directly behind you was the second level, but it was blocked by a wall that served as a bookcase only on the other side. You would have to attempt to leap around the wall and grab onto the banister on the side, as well as avoid the few cords and lanterns that were strung around for aesthetic purposes. You silently cursed whoever tried to make the library pretty.
     “It’s fine, bad ideas are my forte. Nothing to worry about.’ A nervous gulp found its way down your throat. ‘Maybe…maybe I shouldn’t–’ your thoughts were interrupted by angry shouting coming from outside the library. The cat was back. ‘Ah fuck, there’s no time!’ Without thinking any further about what the consequences of your stupid actions would be, you jumped.
     You safely flew over the cords and the banister was now visible and just barely out of reach. You could grab it if your momentum carried you a little bit further. It’s right there, you’re gonna make it–your short moment of joy was interrupted by your foot snagging on something: the cord. The top of the banister just out of reach, you began to plummet. In a panicked scramble, you grabbed onto whatever you could. With one hand, you managed to grab onto the high end of one of the decorative posts of the banister. Using what little strength you had in your panic, you pulled yourself just close enough to grab onto another post with your other hand. Your moment of relief was short-lived as you swung  your stomach into the edge of the mezzanine floor. You gasped from the sudden pain and realized a little too late that you lost your grip on the posts. You tried to scream, but you had no air to do so. You began to fall again, but managed to grab onto the very bottom of two of the posts. The pain in your shoulders was immense. You wouldn’t be surprised if the sudden pressure managed to partially or fully dislocate one of your shoulders. The posts were thicker at the bottom, and it was harder to keep a strong hold of. You tried to pull yourself up, but it only caused your grip to slip more.
     The sound of the door slamming open kept you from thinking about what to do now that you were, for all intents and purposes, stuck.
     “Foolish human! Did you really think you could slip away from me?!” The recognizable voice of the cat carried through the room. You turned your head as much as you could to get a glimpse of the very angry cat past your arm, but couldn’t see anything. “What are you doing, human? Get down here and gimme that uniform if you don’t wanna get burned to a crisp–yeOW! That hurt! What gives?!” The cat’s yelling was interrupted by something you couldn’t see, but you heard the crack it made.
     “Consider it tough love. Now, just what is going on here?”
A/N: Translation of the spell reader chanted:
*O great beings of unfathomable power, I plead of thee to grant mine selfish desire. With mine blood and devotion, I pathetically ask thee to grant me a world of love from others. Summon mine body to a place of what I most deeply desire.
Looks like our protagonist accidently did the wrong spell. Whoops.
Next Chapter >
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toreii · 1 year
Lost in the Book with Stitch part 11
Disclaimer: This is a fan translation. I apologize for any mistakes. I’m by no means fluent in Japanese, but I try my best. Please, support the official translation when it comes out.
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Uninhabited Island - Tropical Forest
Riddle: “Haa……haa…… Was it alright to have ran this far?”
Jack: “*Sniff, sniff*…the scent is far away. Looks like our pursuers have somehow withdrawn.”
Ace: “For the time being, we broke the robot, and ran away…”
Ace: “Lilia-senpai, Floyd-senpai. Why did you do that!?”
Ace: “If you had managed to get rid of that guy named Gantu, we might have been able to return to school in his vehicle.”
Grim: “Gantu was really angry…”
Lilia: “It couldn’t be helped. There’s no reason to believe Gantu.”
Riddle: “There’s no reason to believe Stitch!”
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Azul: “It’s as Riddle-san said. You’re not obligated to help a creature you just met.”
Jack: “Sorry, but it’s incomprehensible to hang out with that creature. It bit my finger a while ago.”
Floyd: “Yikes. You guys can’t say such cruel things. Quit it—.”
Riddle: “Stitch is the last thing you should be paying attention to! I don’t want to be told off by the likes of you who was crazy about destroying robots!”
Lilia: “To hand over…such a precious friend to a strong and terrifying opponent…I’m gentle, but I can’t do it…”
Ace: “Weren’t you smashing the capture robots with a terrifying smile a moment ago?”
Ace: “Stitch has been grinning with an evil look this whole time…this guy is pretty cunning, after all, isn’t he?”
Riddle: “Got it? The sun is about to set soon.”
Riddle: “No lights, no beds.”
Riddle: “In a situation like this, even with magic, it shouldn't be easy to spend the night.”
Riddle: “Besides, I don’t think Gantu will give up so easily. That robot will attack again.”
Riddle: “For our safety, we should go back and talk to Gantu as soon as possible!”
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Lilia: “Mmhm. You have a point. There’s no room for objections.”
Azul: “If you understand that much, then you should really listen…”
Lilia: “I’m at a loss…isn’t there something I can do to convince these guys?”
Stitch: “…………”
Floyd: “Hm? Stitch, what’s up?”
Ace: “You want to show us something.”
Ace: “…The robot that broke earlier? That’s what you’ve been occupied with?”
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Jack: “Stitch is building something so fast!”
Jack: “That robot was made of super-hard metal, but…he’s easily cutting and breaking it with his fingers.”
Ace: “What kind of strength is that…”
Grim: “What is he making?”
Riddle: “T-This is…a flashlight!? You made something like this out of those parts?”
Lilia: “Yeah. You’re amazing, Stitch!”
Azul: “Perhaps instead of that ability, you want to seek asylum?”
Ace: “Nuh-uh, you’re not underestimating us? We’re students at Night Raven College, a magician training school, you know?”
Ace: “As for light, magic can do anything! One or two flashlights should do it…hm?”
Ace: “What are you making this time? Even if it’s something that can be replaced with magic…”
Ace: “That’s…a mattress!?”
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Riddle: “A blanket, a pillow……even an eye mask!?”
Jack: “All of that was made from a piece of metal! That’s crazy!”
Azul: “Even if it’s strange, you can’t help but accept it since it’s been made…”
Azul: “Did you disassemble and knit the code that was in the robot? Even though you have thick fingers, you’re is very dexterous.”
Riddle: “Even though I didn't feel magic power, it's amazing technology to create something like this with crafting.”
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Lilia: “Apparently, Stitch is hundreds of times smarter than we are.”
To be continued…
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 year
Babification Ignihyde
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Ok so this will be shared between Idia and Ortho, like Ortho would take care of the more serious aspects of care because Idia is either embarrassed or scared he might hurt or drop our dear reader! While Idia handles the affection and basic observation of the child.
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"Thanks again for helping Ortho, it's kinda weird having to take care of her like this you know?" Idia sat nervously in his gaming chair, facing away from the young male who was changing dear (Y/n) and putting her in a nighty. Lillia had brought her by earlier, they didn't want to just leave her with Grim, but no one really knew what to do with her. So as her significant other taking care of the little girl was brought to him, of course he had Ortho to help him as far as learning how to handle and care for a baby, but the male found certain things aspects awkward. "It's no problem, you're trying to respect her privacy, right? She might be embarrassed if she learned you had to change her and stuff." The little male was somewhat right, Idia worried that knowing he had to change and bathe her would make her uncomfortable or awkward out of embarrassment. But he was also scared of dropping her, it didn't take much research to learn how fragile infants and small children are, and it scared the hell out of the poor male. Ortho though was more comfortable; he had easily scaled himself down so that he can handle her firmly but without discomfort or injury. Idia did like holding her though, she was like a little heating pillow when she'd lean against his stomach during a nap while he gamed. Of course, he'd stick to the sleep schedule she made for him, he had promised after all and though he wanted to take advantage of this moment where he wasn't really being supervised, he also understood her concern as he had been less than kind to his body over the years and his addiction was really unhealthy. So, when the time would come, he would move to the bed and lay down with her, making sure she couldn't roll around but also that he couldn't roll on top of her. He had never been so thankful to be a person that sleeps like a rock. He doesn't move in his sleep, period. It's to the point he often wakes up sore, it's why he doesn't care for super soft beds because they just make him ache more.
"It's almost 11 Idia, are you still gonna follow (Y/n)'s schedule?" Ortho tilted his head as he looked to his brother, of course he knew about the agreement as he was thankful for it. It still gave him ample time to do his games and on days where he really wants to do something at a specific time, they alter his sleep schedule so he can get some naps in so that it's still the same amount of time. "Yeah, one sec, I'm checking for any updates and saving some adjustments to some stuff. You can go ahead and get her comfy, tomorrow I'll make something so that she has one of those…. what were they…" Idia stared at the screen in front of him blankly a moment, he could see it clearly in his head. Ortho stayed quiet as he let his brother think it through, knowing that trying to guess for him doesn't help usually. "Basinets. I'll make her a basinet, co-sleeping isn't safe, so I don't want her to sleep with me for too long. I'll make it something that attaches to the side of the bed, that way she's still close." Idia nodded to himself; he knew he could build something that simple quickly. Once everything was saved and checked if Idia began shutting things down, Ortho had already put (Y/n) to bed in the little nest between Idia's usual sleeping spot and the wall by the time the older male finished. Lying flat on her back she was out cold, not even budging when Idia climbed into bed and laid down on his side facing her. He was in some basketball shorts and a t-shirt since the room was already at a comfortable temperature, so he just had to sleep with his sheet that night. Ortho had already hooked himself up to the charger and shut down, the dim blue light from the station being the only real light in the room. It was enough for him to see the steady rise and fall of her chest, she was alive, and nothing had gone wrong today. He really hoped the rest of his anxiety went away, even if they never really left the dorm, he still worried that something would go wrong. Ever since reading an article on SIDS during his research he felt like he had to have her close and within eyeshot of either him or Ortho, even having Ortho tell him of any drastic changes to her physical state. Even something as small as a sudden blood pressure spike, he wanted to keep track. He was a scientist after all, with that came attention to detail and the need to record even small changes. It had gotten easier for him to calm down through the day though so his anxiety wasn't necessarily as active as it was a downtime burden, but he kinda dreaded sleeping as that seemed to be when most accidents happen was during the care takers sleep.
Reaching over a gentle shaking hand he placed it on the girl's body, no real pressure just enough for him to be able to feel her breathing and heartbeat beneath his palm. Just something for reassurance, she needed him right now and she needed him calm. So, he pulled his hand away, curling up somewhat as he got comfortable. With a few deep breaths he managed to lull himself into a light sleep, waking occasionally through the night to check on her visually before dozing off once more.
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mars-and-the-theoi · 1 year
This is gonna sound nuts and it’s also half question and half story time so uh: can the gods interact with our pets? Because earlier my dog was in my room, just hanging out then all the sudden get jumped off my bed and made a beeline for my altar and just started going nuts like something had his attention? And I kept looking and nothing was there, there’s no food or drink on there, and obviously I’ve had this altar in my room ever since we got him last year and he really hasn’t ever paid it any attention. Even when I have had food up there. And he was going up and down but was primarily focused on Dionysos’ part of the altar? And again there’s nothing there that should catch his attention at all. I looked to make sure there wasn’t a fly or anything (but he wasn’t doing the yapping he does when there’s a fly or other insect) so I lifted him up to see if there was a bug but clearly there wasn’t. But he was really acting as he does when he’s played with. Like he wasn’t in any distress, he was clearly happy and excited about something. So I don’t know. Because again, nothing up there should catch his attention, I’ve had this altar the entire time we’ve had our dog and he’s never cared for it, then all the sudden he does for like 10 minutes. Then he just went on as if nothing happened. So I don’t know because I’ve been trying to come up with every possible explanation. Like my dog will chase glares but my curtains are closed and it’s cloudy so obviously there was no sunlight coming in (but my room only gets the afternoon/evening sun not the morning sun), I kept checking to make sure I hadn’t left any food or beverage offerings out, there were no bugs, like I can’t think of a single possible explanation on my end of things. So is it possible that they (or maybe more specifically Dionysos) was messing with my dog in a way I couldn’t see? Because I did feel a presence, like I always do when praying or am interacting with the gods in some capacity which I thought was a bit odd then all the sudden my dog was just captivated by something and was acting spot on in the way he does while being played with. Easily the most bizarre experience of my life. And I keep going and checking my altar to see if anything is there but nope. Nothing. So I don’t know.
Some stuff I forgot to add if that helps y’all help me: he did his usual play bow that he does when we’re playing with him, and he also made all the same noises that he does when he’s played with. He ran out, grabbed his favorite toy, and dropped it in front of Aphrodite’s spot on the altar (again he spent a lot of time focused on Dionysos but he did like…go to each part of the altar), and now he gets super excited whenever I say one of their names. Which hasn’t happened before. And I’ve said their names a lot, obviously. He also did some of his tricks, despite not being asked to or anything. Which he has never done that before. He might do it without being asked if he’s about to be given a treat he really likes but that’s it. He doesn’t just do them out of the blue. If this happens again I’ll definitely record it but I was just too confused and intrigued to think about doing that.
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