#i can freely ramble and rant about the things i like or don't like and i get to talk with people
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ichorcoveredhands · 4 months ago
(Toonsona reference can be found below the banner.)
I'm Ichor, and I'm an 18-year-old writer and artist currently obsessed with Dandy's World. I go by he/they pronouns and am transmasc!
Please remain polite, don't ask for my main, and don't ask to be friends. I'm absolutely fine with being mutuals to people who I interact with, but I'm incredibly bad at socializing normally outside the game.
Feel free to send in asks! Those are the main ways I like to interact with people on here, as it gives me a chance to rant and ramble about things of interest without starting the conversation. I love looking at other people's art, writing, and ideas! So don't be afraid to send something in.
I use the block button freely to curate my online experience. If I'm unhappy with someone or something, I block them and move on. No hard feelings!
Asks can be found on #ichor asks Posts can be found on #ichor posts Submissions can be found on #ichor submissions Fanfiction updates can be found on #ichor updates Content that I love, and want everyone to see, can be found under #ichor favorites
Thank you for visiting!
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Toonsona for anyone interested in seeing Ichor >v<
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the-bloody-sadist · 1 year ago
#we don't support peer preasure in this house
Love your hashtag above.
Can I ask how do you deal with hurtful comments on your fanfics from someone you consider a friend? Like I know if some stranger send hurtful comments it felt bad but damn when someone you know said the same thing it felt worse. Early this year I was kicked out and blocked from an animanga lover group when they find out that I wrote mlm fanfics from major shounen series (naruto,bnha, aot, jjk). This what they said :
“I'm convinced you must have never had friends before because all of these relationships are perfect depictions of what PLATONIC friendship is. If you want a gay story support ACTUAL gay couples like in BL & GL manga. Do you know how frustrating it is to see people move mountains for a non canon ship that’ll never happen then ignore actual gay manga’s and anime’s in BL & GL anime/manga...."
What do you think? Even until now, I'm still feeling a bit guilty for liking non canon mlm and wlw ships from shounen series. But when I found your blog and read your posts, I felt way better. Especially that answer of yours to anon who asked is it weird to love mlm& wlw more than wlm. Thanks for sharing your hard work (analysis, fanfics, arts, reviews).
Sorry for my rants and for my weird feelings.....
Ohhhh this is so precious please don't apologize for sending me this ask, I love feelings and hearing about other peoples' experiences with them and how my art/accounts have somehow been relatable because of that.
The peer pressure in fandoms is absolutely insane and convinces me that the social aspect works the same as any high school full of bullies. There WILL be mean girls, there WILL be cliques, and if you're a creator like me, you're going to be a MAGNET for like ten different types of them.
As for how I deal with hurtful comments, I was raised in an environment that constantly shamed me. I was controlled from all sides on what I could draw, write, and consume, so I'm used to being shunned by those who "love" me because of what I'm interested in! Because of this, the hate comments were what I EXPECTED going in and the positive comments were actually the things that threw me for loops. Hurtful comments only had the power to nag at me when I didn't have an audience (or friends) to bounce them off of so they wouldn't keep popping up as a "do I actually do this, though?" "am I actually bad for this?". But now they don't bother me; they give me the chance to either make a troll reply or spice up my friends' group chat for the day.
As far as a FRIEND leaving a hurtful comment??? I have so much sympathy for you. I am SO sorry they treated you that way.
When I make friends, I tell them openly what I do and to what extent. This way, I gather the type of people I want and push away those who don't. If they think it's not okay, they're silly.
Those friends who kicked you out of their little club? SILLY. They think they're so pure and moral for gatekeeping what can and can't be done with creativity and passion. They won't ever know what it feels like to live as freely as you do. In the end, their opinion is an opinion that is largely not shared by the logical, rational public. Any professional in the art/film/writing industry can tell you that much. How else are we supposed to make stories? Have a little IMAGINATION!! DAMN!
I'm saying a lot of this because it's the best thing to tell yourself when you read things that are clearly meant to make you feel shame when you haven't done a single thing wrong. Since this is Tumblr and I can ramble to my heart's content, maybe it'll help you if I also point out the specific tools that have been used in that message they sent you. Sometimes a good breakdown of tactics is all it takes to remind yourself you're not in the wrong.
"I'm convinced you must have never had friends before" AKA "you're so ignorant" - invalidating your experiences to crumble any foundation you might've had to stand on if you wanted to argue back. Starting off with this helps them cut you down so your self-esteem is lowered.
"these relationships are perfect depictions of what PLATONIC friendship is" - their opinion is being stated here as a fact, as if the entire world agrees with them and there's no other way to see it. First of all, this means NOTHING to the shipping world, since it exists largely to turn friendships into romances. Idk what they wanted to do with that one.
"If you want a gay story support ACTUAL gay couples like in BL & GL manga" - I'm not sure what kind of burn that is. SUPPORT ACTUAL GAY COUPLES LIKE THE REST OF US!! Okay snuffledumpkins. Guess nobody taught them how to MULTITASK!!! GUESS WHAT? I CAN SUPPORT ACTUAL GAY COUPLES *AND* NON-CANON GAY COUPLES, FREAK! WHAT NOW, HUH??? Being serious though, this is an attempt to define for YOU what ''''''true gay couples'''''' are (ACCORDING TO THEM), when this is an entirely fluid meaning and can be applied to whomever you'd like in fiction. This is THE PURPOSE OF FANFICTION.
"Do you know how frustrating it is to see people move mountains for a non canon ship that’ll never happen then ignore actual gay manga’s and anime’s in BL & GL anime/manga...." AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! (inhales) AAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH imagine being so stupid that you don't know how much better LGBT representation can be in fanfiction and non-canon works than in actual BL/GL works. Imagine thinking that the only way you are allowed to enjoy BL/GL relationships is through canon couples, otherwise you're not helping the cause. Here's the biggest thing to remember: they don't give a fuck about the cause. They are using that language as a way to shame you. Oh you think these friends are in love??? You must not support LGBT people in real life. You must not support ACTUAL stories about ACTUAL gay people.
The logic jump is LAUGHABLE.
[puts the megaphone down][coughs]
I hope that helps. :D Thank you for the ask, and much love to you! It means a lot that you appreciate my work and my analyses and my opinions enough to ask me about such a painful subject.🖤
You are, in fact, quite normal for your opinion, and my entire audience would agree.
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airi-p4 · 1 year ago
Things that a proper ship needs
Proper Development
But the Love square is just
Like i'm sorry what?
And then there's some Toxic LS stans who bash the characters (and doxx lukanette and adrigami shippers), with their only excuse being "ThEy R iN tHe Way of adrienette/Ls
Imagine being so insecure about ur ship knowing it's just a heterosexual basic, boring, baseless, bland ship. So then u have to ruin others happiness just so u can feel good abt ur crappy ship.
^^^^^^ I agree.
Originally, I wrote a full rant/rambles about how I strongly agree with this but you know what?
I don't care at all about canon anymore and I don't want to salt much either, so I'm keeping it very short:
YES, these are some of the reasons I dislike/hate the LS. And YES, I'm tired of the hate Lukanette gets for nothing (I could go on and on about this topic but I won't).
Honestly, I don't want to comment on canon anymore (I'm not watching the show and I hate it- it's so much CRINGE to me), so I don't think I'll be answering any more asks regarding it.
All I want is to freely enjoy our little Pro Lukanette / Pro LukaMari bubble and the (fan) content. That's all.
Sorry for taking so long to answer ^^; Have a nice day!
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supersoakerfullofblood · 11 months ago
Back with another question hehe. brace for ramble.
so. i was reading about povs and narrative styles and what not, and the person had to mention, of course, that of Virginia Woolf where she manages to jump from the stream of consciousness of one character to another expertly without missing a beat.
The person went on to subjectively add that that style isn't for everyone and best avoided unless you've mastered the craft (do you agree? why why not?)
But that's not the question. My concern is that i may have done this in one of my WIPs. but here's the thing, i assumed what i was doing was omniscient narrarion (i remember it as following the streams and thoughts of ur characters and being all-knowing kinda) but according to the same thing I read, the person claimed that with omniscient narration, while u do move freely, u are sticking to/favoring one character more than others, because too free a movement will confuse your readers. (what's ur two cents on that too)
I realize as I type this that I might need to share an excerpt of the WIP for you to actually see where the pov/style falls exactly (is it truly omniscient, or am I failing at being another Virginia (who I recall in Mrs. Dalloway for instance, she only followed the consciousness of like 3 people), or is my work utterly hard and confusing to follow?)
so for now imma wrap up and have u share ur thoughts on what i blurted. Thanks for putting up with my long rants yet again lol
I think that might've been my post, because that all sounds eerily familiar hahaha
One thing to remember with Woolf is that not everyone is a fan of her style. By all the formal metrics with which we judge prose, she's an incredible writer, but that doesn't mean everyone has to like her stuff. Her prose is thick, and the frequent POV shifts (so many shifts that the novel feels liquid where others feel solid) is inherently confusing. Woolf gets away with it because she has damn good reasons for employing it (highlighting the liquidity of institutions and individual identity under modernism; showing how each person is inherently a collection of the people around them, and there's very little, if anything, immutable about a person; etc.), and her prose is so mind-bogglingly gorgeous that she convinces the reader to stay with her through the POV shifts. Once you really get into Woolf, these shifts become part of her delight, but for a lot of people, this liquidity in narration erodes their enjoyment of her novels, and they put them down (which is fair, though sad). When I said writers should probably avoid writing like that unless they've mastered the craft, I meant that the average writer isn't nearly strong enough in the craft of prose to get people to read something with Woolfian POV shifts, and that the average writer probably doesn't know how to even write those shifts. (This includes me. I tried to write in a truly Woolfian POV style, and it was awful. Third person limited for me!)
I definitely can't gauge your writing without seeing it, but I would say as a blanket statement not to worry too much. I don't know if it's possible to accidentally write the POV Woolf writes with haha, and if your story has a main character/protagonist, that character is probably your central viewpoint character, whether you know it or not. Your story might be confusing to follow, but that isn't inherently a negative. If the prose is strong enough, readers will put in the extra muscle to understand the story (think of all the To the Lighthouses, Infinite Jests, and In Search of Lost Times out there, books known for being daunting but beloved). If you're still worried, though, there's nothing wrong with revising until you're happy with your POV. Just know that nothing is ever inherently wrong in writing, and you can make anything work if you grease the prose's wheels.
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keyh0use · 1 year ago
what are we saying rafes favourite thing about barry is? and vice versa
oh goshhh i don't even know where to start.
jk yes i do
rafe is obsessed with barry, that's obvious. physically, rafe loves barrys curls and his mean grin and his southern drawl BUT his favourite thing is barrys hands.
they're big and strong and overworked and barry always holds rafe just right. when rafe sits on barrys lap (another favourite of his) at parties and stuff, his man's fingers spread out over his thigh and brush against the inner inseam, giving something rafe can focus on when everything around him gets a little too overwhelming. or the way barrys hand splays out over rafe's belly when he tugs him close from behind. obviously he's got thick, calloused fingers so that's self explanatory. and rafe loves being choked and pinned down by someone that's obviously stronger than him, and who isn't afraid to hurt him in the process 😌
emotionally? barry is wiser and smarter than rafe, but he's a good listener and freely let's his boy rant and ramble and cry, only offering comfort unless asked for advice. which he gives gently. he doesn't pick apart rafes insecurities or tell him to man up when he's crying. the only person rafe can ever really count on to be there.
okay barrys turn. this is gonna be controversial (and I don't know what to categorize this as in their relationship, like physical or romantic or whatever) but i think one of barrys favourite things about rafe is his status 😌 i think barry loves showing rafe off which is so new to him, he's never wanted to do that with anyone but it's like publically claiming the kook prince as off limits and he gets a major kick out of it. that's why he's so comfortable being affectionate at fancy dinners and the country club and stupid midsummer's which rafe demands he attends. (and he does without complaint, just to shove it in all the snooty kooks faces) and he tugs rafe onto his knee like the boys on display, pretty little trophy on its favourite shelf. being with rafe makes him happier than he's ever been and makes him feel special, which is a little selfish but rafe would tell him he deserves to be for working so hard 😌😌
physically though, barry loves the preppy frat boy look and the lean body but his favourite thing is easy: rafes eyes. barry feels cheesy and like a hopeless romantic when he gazes into them across the couch or when they're handing something between them or when they're lying face to face in bed. and rafe always looks at him in such an honest, loving way that it makes his stomach tie in knots. and of course when bright blue eyes fill with tears until they start streaming down his face all because of whatever barrys doing to him 😌
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firstdivisiongirl · 11 months ago
Hi! I hope you're having a good day. I'm supposed to be doing homework, but I got distracted by the booping thing and now I'm here.
If you have the time, I'd like to request a romantic matchup with a Tokyo Revengers character. I'm nonbinary - they/them pronouns - and pansexual (I apologize if this creates too big of a pool for characters). I can't say that I have a type either. Whether it be someone who's soft and kind or confident and strong headed, I'm weak for them. What can I say, I love a little bit of everyone. I'm an INFP-T who is often drowning in overdue homework only to pull a few all-nighters back to back to catch up, and cry even though I put myself in that position (my sleep schedule is in shambles). My parents are protective of me because I'm the youngest of the children by a decade and not very strong. I'm an even 5'. Paired with shitty eyesight and small frame, I'm not menacing at all. It also doesn't help that I greet everyone with a smile, even when faced with snarky comments or someone I'm greatly upset with. Of course, this doesn't mean I won't get angry later and rant for a good hour or so through tears. For some reason, no matter how calm I am on the inside, I start crying when crying to express myself in serious situations. (if anyone has an idea on how to stop this, please help)
Since I'm nonbinary, I try to lean into a more androgynous look, but my mom still tries to instill a sense of "womanhood" in me (which gives me anxiety and a lot of body dysphoria). It makes me lean away from more feminine colors in clothing, which sucks because I'm a stickler for a cute pastel shirt. That being said, I try not to let that get to me by wearing whatever I want because I also strongly believe that colors and clothes don't relate to gender. I usually wear baggier tops at least because I can't buy a binder yet.
I like listening to people talk about themselves or anything that interests them, as long as they don't mind me rambling about something also. My mom has told me I'd make a really good therapist because I always help her break down her problems and get a different view on things. My sister vents to me frequently because she feels I offer a place of no judgement and she can speak freely.
A lot of my personal joy comes from seeing others happy. In a friend group, I'm often the one trying to include everyone and make people laugh, even if I'm anxious myself. Even though I can get swept up in my emotions, I always stop and think about things in a logical view (which sometimes leads to me taking action before realizing I should've thought it through). I definitely wouldn't do well in the TKR universe in terms of fighting, but I'd probably figure out some way to be helpful because I hate feeling like I'm not contributing anything. I also like to think I have a pretty good pain tolerance, so maybe I could buy time or something.
I've been told I'm very extroverted and outgoing, but I actually have a low social battery and often find myself overwhelmed in social outings with lots of people or loud noises. I almost started crying in downtown Seattle and New York City when I was on vacation (even though I was having fun). This can lead me to shutting down at times and going relatively non-verbal. Overall, I'd describe my personality as laid-back, open-minded, and not confrontational. I try to push my way through my insecurities and short-comings, but things hardly work out the way I want them to.
I like video games and sleeping in, but I'll push my own hobbies aside for people I enjoy hanging out with. I'm not too picky about food, as long as it isn't spicy (i'm a bit of a wimp). I also really enjoy sweets - cakes, pastries, cookies, candies, chocolates. I love them all. I often end up not eating because I either get distracted or I simply don't feel like it. Technically, I'm allergic to dairy and tomatoes and I can get really nauseous or itchy, but my favorite foods often have those ingredients so I act like I'm immune.
Anyways, I apologize for the long description. I hope I followed all your rules and gave you everything you need. Please take your time, I am in no rush and I know life is always busy. I hope you have a good day!
Hello. The wait it finally over. Sorry it took so long. Things got crazy. Let's just jump right into it!
You Got...
Souya Kawata!!!!
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He is really good with people and very patient. If you got overwhelmed and needed time, he would be there for you anyway he can.
He would make you the best foo. Anything you want, he will make!
He is a good listener. Will listen to you for hours
Would tell you everyday that you are amazing and that he loves for you!
He would protect you. You being safe is the most important thing to him!
He would help you get anything done that you need. He would keep you on track.
He would like that you are laid back. He already has Smiley, so someone in his life who is chill would be nice.
Video game dates. He would play a mean Mario Kart. I think he would pick Yoshi!
I hope you enjoy
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info-dumping-ground · 11 months ago
Welcome to the dumping ground, your top location for dumping your info!
Are you neurodivergent and need somewhere to infodump? Are you hyperfixated on something and need to meet other people to discuss it with? Is there something that you like so much that you might burst if you don't rant about it?
If yes, then you're in the right place!
The dumping ground is a place where you can freely rant about the things you like, and possibly find other people who'll want to discuss it with you! Just send in an ask and go nuts about a thing you like, let out as much info as you want! Or, if you need to meet other people to discuss something with, send an ask with what you're into, I'll tag it, and hopefully people who also want to rant will reblog the post and let you know!
More details and rules under the cut :>
Start off your ask with what exactly you'd like me to do with it- you could send the ask and then ask me to delete it if you don't want your ramblings to be shown to the world. Alternatively, you could tell me what exactly to tag the post with so more people who could potentially want to talk can find it!
Most topics are fine, but anything that I deem triggering will have trigger warnings on it. History and real world events are fine to rant about, as long as the ask is respectful.
However, I will unfortunately not post asks about NSFW topics. Both for the fact that I personally find it uncomfortable and the fact that other blogs exist for discussing such subjects.
The only other asks that are not allowed are ones that are bigoted or discriminatory. If I accidentally post something that is along these lines, please kindly tell me and I'll remove it. I can't know the ins and outs of all topics, so I might misjudge if something is discriminatory
Tags I will use:
#Dumping Info = A general tag for posting an infodumping ask
#Dumping Buddies = A general tag for when someone is looking for other people to talk to about a topic
#Not Dumping = A tag I will use when posting something unrelated to the blog theme
#Dumping Ground Rambles = A tag you can block if you want, I will tag posts where I infodump about my own interests with this :>
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itslikeababywithamustache · 2 years ago
Anyway yeah I made the lowkey side tag awhile ago to start talking about other fandom stuff but I think I might just turn that into the whole blog at this point bc I'm not really doing any big creator stuff for any fandoms I'm in rn, but I do want to rant about things but I never want to on my main for some reason?? Idk why it's just like a weird rule in my brain I didn't get a choice in making, but I also don't rant much over here because I'm like "well but like it's supposed to be lab rats..." and it felt weird to keep ranting about a bunch of other stuff when I wasn't also engaging in what the blog was supposed to be.
Not that I'm uninterested in the show anymore or anything, I'll still talk about it along with other things, just won't be my focus.
My mental health has just really kinda like. Idk I dunno if I'd classify it as "tanked" but definitely done something and I just don't have the motivation and energy to engage and create the way I used to. Which I miss, and really hope I can get back. But for now there are a few suspicions about some stuff and I'm just tired and I don't wanna be a definitive thing anymore and just want a space to ramble freely (where my brain will let me).
So yeah. This is Officially gonna stop being an Official Lab Rats Universe Blog now. I'm gonna change the description after this post but I'm not really gonna touch the rest of the blog. Might mess with the profile pic at some point but I like the URL. And I'm gonna leave the tag pages and all that so people can still find stuff. Plus I can't change or remove any of it on my phone anyway. Also also if I ever do make more stuff I've got things already set up to just add to for the archive. So. Yeah.
You're also still welcome to submit and ask stuff too, like, kinda obviously probably cause I'm gonna leave open, but idk I feel like I should throw that out there, I'm not like, hermitizing myself.
ALSO. Just bc I haven't been engaging... don't think I haven't seen y'all changing the Kaz/Chase ship name to that abomination of colors
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I started them I am not afraid to end them.
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deevotee · 2 years ago
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You can call me Devo!
I try not engage in discourse of any kind usually, though I may rant or ramble about things that bother me from time to time. This blog is 18+ and will have NSFW posts mixed in with the SFW ones.
My main fandoms are Kuroshitsuji, Soul Eater, and Merlin for the moment, but there will be other things mixed into this blog! If you want to find the other fandoms I'm in (Yugioh, DC, etc) then please go to my carrd for the rest of the links ^-^
NOTE: I block very freely. I am generally not the type the undo blocks, though may rarely, but I will not answer questions as to why I blocked someone. That is a can of worms that invites drama and I am not here for it. If you send me asks/messages trying to get me to tell you why I blocked someone I will take that to mean that you want to start drama and will block you as well.
I may be slow at responses - I have social anxiety and adhd so I tend to both freak out and forget that I have things to respond to. Again, nothing personal at all! I love getting responses from people still!
I have lots of links so you can find them all here! ◈ AO3: Here
Main ships/content:
My main ships and fav characters for Kuro are Ciel/Finny and Sebastian/Bard but I multiship a lot so expect lots of different stuff
I do ship Cielcest and Midfordcest so sometimes there will be content of them, I try to tag appropriately so people can mute the stuff they don't want to see (I don't ship Sebaciel any more but I'm super supportive of people who do! <3)
My main ship for Soul Eater is SoulMaka, and the main ships for Merlin are Mergwen, Merwaine, Merleon, and Merdred. Again, I multiship a lot though
I like to create a lot of different content, you can find my tags for things I've made below ↓
General Post Tag | Fandom Memes | Headcanons/Rambles Gifs/Photosets | Edits/AMV's | Manga Caps | Videos
Black (Butler) Label Line Stickers
Fanfic's and Drabbles others have written
Kuro + More Resource Drive!
Feel free to tag me in any Finny and Cielinny content you come across! I never get enough of either ♡
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misqnon · 11 months ago
HI im the anon who sent in that ask about one piece the other day and!!! AGHH. im too shy and socially anxious to send a message so sorry for communicating through asks but !!
THANK UU for responding to me !! it makes me so happy when people seem excited to talk to me, and i love hearing about peoples interests, so. i was very happy reading ur reply!!!! also this is probably an even longer message 😭 i cant help it i love to ramble
my history with one piece is long and complicated LMAO so i wont rant about it, but i started watching anime when i was 7 and one piece caught my attention when i was 10 i think, so ive had a lot of time to experience it tbh. but i was never that into it until i read the manga!! if im recommending one piece, i usually recommend the manga because its so much easier to get through imo.
honestly now that im caught up im like.. so afraid for the end of one piece. i never want it to end. i keep hearing that this is the final saga, and that one piece is ending soon, and my brain just. cannot comprehend it. i dont know if its just denial or what but i fully believe it won't end for another 5 years.. i havent experienced enough of the one piece world!!! i need more!! tell me everything about everyone in one piece PLEASE . it cant end . and those thoughts have been plaguing my mind since i restarted it LOL
looking at old forums to see peoples opinions from when each chapter dropped is genius??? i might have to do that.. i want to see their theories. i want to say "you have no idea whats in store...." or admire how smart they are for guessing things correctly
i find it funny that u like sanji cuz i have such complicated feelings around him. like he was my absolute favorite upon first introduction. i loved his kindness, i loved his interactions with gin, and i thought he was cool as hell. he was definitely a positive role model for my very damaged child brain. but i think the pervert joke and him treating women differently has pretty much ruined him for me. when i was younger a part of me felt like it was only right that he treat women better, but im pretty sure i just felt that way bc i hated the experience of being born female so much that the only way i could cope was by taking every and any advantage i could get. and then i figured out i was non binary.. and hes been turned into the most cartoonishly disgusting pervert .. and i see his potential and it just.. UGH!! you could have been so good. anyways all my feelings around him make it a lot more interesting to see u talk about him!! usually i just headcanon him as transfem and that satiates my burning rage and hatred towards him. but seeing sanji likers talk about liking sanji makes me actually like sanji more!! at this rate i might turn back into a sanji fan
im not in any one piece fan spaces but i AM consuming one piece content as often as possible (so all day. i dont have. a job. or school.). i know this is most likely a passing hyperfixation for me but im loving it anyways. i will definitely keep an eye on ur blog bc im sooo excited for when u catch up. im having so much fun theorizing about the end of the story and . and i hope u will too!! eek rant over thanks for listening (metaphorically)
HI ANON!! once again putting this under cut bc i will once again be freely speaking my way too many thoughts about the silly pirate manga. (fair warning. this. this is 2K words. anon im.....so sorry)
you don't have to worry about communicating through asks btw i literally do not care do whatever makes u comfortable my dude <3 and 1. thank YOU for sending a message :^) 2. i am loving the joyous atmosphere we have created ranting at each other back and forth HAHAHA it makes me happy to talk about interests like this as well!! (looks at length of my last reply and this one) clearly. we can think of this as like. electronic pen pals 👍bc i do be basically writing letters here LMAO
yea as u can tell its a little complicated for me too lmao ( i mean. the damn thing has been going on longer than i've been alive, so. it's touched many people in many ways. and it's complicated in its OWN right which. i'll get to. but holy shit 7 is younger than i expected! thats still a pretty long history (though i cant talk bc at age 4 i had a crush on goku even tho i had no idea what was happening half the time i was watching the dbz reruns on tv </3) and YEA. YEA THE MANGA IS. SO MUCH MORE STREAMLINED AND WELL PACED. EVEN THO I MISS THE COLOR AND MOVEMENT AND VOICE ACTING OF THE ANIME it was just takin too long. and i really like oda's art, so...reading the manga lets me look at it better. and there's more care put into the frames. but overall ur right the manga is chefs kiss in comparison to other versions (WHICH ARENT BAD!! JUST...SLOW. and though i think the live action wasnt really NEEDED i did. like it. and it is what got me back into op + got me caught up through east blue a lot faster HAHA)
tbh hearing that its in its last saga made me feel like i got into one piece at a really good time bc if i plan it right i can catch up and then follow along with the release for only a little while until its done. also the live action s2 and the "The One Piece" reanimated anime will be coming soon too. the content saturation is everywhere 👍(showering in it) THOUGH I DO FEEL A BIT PRESSURED LIKE. WHAT IF ONE PIECE FINISHES BEFORE I CATCH UP . which is insane bc im almost to wano (even though i hear wano is really long). and also...i think its been called the final "saga" but idk if that means final ARC you know...kinda like how water 7 and enies lobby kinda blend into one. or impel down and marineford are lumped together. idk i feel like we got a bit more. i just feel like there's so much we havent got answered yet and i dont think oda would just leave that stuff hanging. i know there;s a list out there of things that one piece needs to adress/come back to before it finishes but i havent looked at it bc im afraid of spoilers. however, just in my own mind theres a LOT i know has to happen that we need plenty of time for!! so. i wouldnt be surprised if it WAS 5 more years. i mean like...shanks needs to happen. i think zoro and sanji are gonna have a battle at some point (based on stuff ive seen from wano. im assuming) they gotta see laboon again. gotta revisit shirahoshi's situation. gotta see the dreams come true of each crewmate. tie off loose ends of side characters like tashigi and koby and the warlords. yanno
the "you have no idea what's in store.." is literally my exact emotions . i havent done it for this fandom YET but i plan to go to forums reading over ppl's theories like this
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slash seeing how they react and getting giddy about it bc i like seeing how people react to shit. esp if they're shocked or enthusiastic about it like i usually am
about sanji. okay. listen. listen here. i. hate sanji. JNFNVFKDNL
no but actually no matter how complicated someone's feelings are towards sanji i promise you for sanji likers they are probably 100x more complicated unless they're weird dudebros who think he's cool (which he is but only like 10% of the time and not when he's being a chauvinistic ass)
one thing about me is that i. hate doing things that are distasteful or offensive in any capacity and that extends to the media i consume in that i dont like consuming media that is excessively problematic. i understand nuance so like OBVIOUSLY nothing is perfect and everything has problematic elements - but for a lot of shows there's one too many things on one side of the scale and i just dont like having that guilt on my shoulders consuming it. one piece fits that category but it's also SO BIG and SO LONG and its been going on for a WHILE and is such a phenomenon that i can let SOME stuff "slide"...and also realize "bitch one piece is so popular and near its end at this point that you, a single tumblr user, liking it or not liking it is not going to make a difference" and i'm (still) trying to make peace with that. things like oda's passive racism, The Entirety of Kamabakka Kingdom (literally don't even get me started), his blatant sexism in universe and his own opinions in the SBS...i've just come to realize i need to consume my media critically but still let myself have fun. im going through a rough period in life and this happens to be what my brain hyperfixated on and i cant change that so might as well have this outlet. ive made a lot of friends and am really enjoying the story for its good parts (found family, anti government and anti authoritarianism, importance of dreams and ambition and self love, the importance of mental health and trauma and how your past doesnt define you...etc)
i extend a lot of this thinking to sanji, too. to be fair i dont remember why he became my favorite. i think he was my fav when i watched it all those years ago but he wasnt a BIG FAV or anything. watching film red and the opla i think i went into it remembering he was my fav and he just stayed that way, but then i watched more and really started to like him for reasons like 1. im weak to flirtatious characters in general 2. im also weak to blonde men 😔 3. he's an asshole with a kind heart and i love a good juxtaposition 4. he just has some really cool badass moments tbh 5. and he's a LOT. i love characters that are a lot. he's loud and messy and overreactive and prissy and insecure and self sacrificing and also just SECRETLY ONE OF THE KINDEST MOST COMPASSIONATE MEMBERS OF THE CREW? notice how none of these have to do with his pervert shtick lmao
i do actually like his woman thing to an extent, i think its cute when its just him having heart eyes at every woman he sees and being weak to literally any woman who looks at him- cause that's still putting women on a pedestal, but its a fairly harmless character flaw for a fictional character to have. pre-timeskip sanji is a gift for all these reasons. and like, thats when everyone fell in love w his character i think. i MIGHT even forgive his whole "i wont hit a woman" thing bc its not like he doesnt think women shouldnt be hit in general to such an extent (i dont think he ever opposes to anyone else doing it on the crew, HE just doesnt like doing it PERSONALLY bc its his own moral principle he wont break just like the whole wont fight with his hands thing) even if the whole thing stems from the sexist belief women are lesser/weaker (esp after his backstory reveals some stuff)
but the pervert shtick? and the WRITING HIM AS TRANSPHOBIC/HOMOPHOBIC THING?? yea i literally hate that part of his character so much and wish it wasnt added. like i see how it relates to the character oda has decided sanji is but i still dont think it was needed. or okay. lol. i dont think any sanji fan actually likes this part of him. somedays i look at myself in the mirror and i'm like "am i fangirling over a more conventionally attractive bnha mineta rn" and i put on my clown makeup
but he's more than that. for all the reasons i listed above. and the BIGGEST thing that keeps me sane as a Sanji Liker (tm) is the fact that i 100% see half of his shitty character traits as something that are a product of Oda, the author, influencing his own work. im not gonna lie that canonly he still gave sanji those traits so yea like as a trans (? still working on that) GNC bisexual woman my favorite character atm is this weird little guy who's kinda chauvinistic and also canonly a homophobe (...at least, to an extent, bc apparently he has a really good relationship with iva? again, i could write an essay on just the queer rep as well) and thats a little embarrassing but. alas. i already fell in love with the character. and if you consider the writing is done by a dude who's got his own issues and just take the character for what he is...i do still rlly enjoy the idiot. and TRUST ME, i will headcanon him as a repressed bisexual who's probably GNC or a little trans or AT LEAST likes to do drag bc c'mon now. oda PUT ALL THAT IN CANON...AND EXPECTS US NOT TO PLAY WITH IT? you could make a compelling argument that he's 1000% straight and cis and kamabakka was a fluke that he resents but i think you could just as easily interpret it the other way. or just say fuck word of god i'm gonna enjoy this character the way i want (draws sanji in a dress for the millionth time bc i can and it makes me feel better. and once again HE WORE ONE IN CANON...AND WAS SMILING ABOUT IT, FOR A WHILE. IDK IDK CALL ME CRAZY) tldr; sanji is fucked but the worst parts are a product of oda himself and i like the character for other reasons and purposely try to consume him very critically for those reasons bc i do still really like him. like. hes my #1 fav character atm unfortunately. but he's nice in a lot of other ways 🥲
SORRY FOR THAT I TALKED WAYYY TOO MUCH!!!! but i enjoyed it so thanks for the opportunity :') im glad ur vibing with op and we're both enjoying this silly little show. tbh half the reason im trying to read it so fast (and why i read WCI early) is bc i was scared my hyperfixation wouldnt last long enough to finish the series BWAHAHA. here's to hoping we both get to see it end and enjoy the journey that comes with that!
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dark-side-blog3 · 2 years ago
Sorry for not being specific, I was talking about those fucked up fanfiction, that simply made you feel very bad (to the point that it was physically unwell to even finish or stay calm after all of that). Or at least your mood was ruined. It can include anything that you find fucked up to yourself. You don’t have to share any links, just please briefly retell, it would be enough. I’m just very curious about your opinions and tastes, that’s why I’m asking this. If you don’t want to answer, freely ignore me.
Ah! Well in that case, there have been quite a few fics I had to stop reading because the writer began including physical descriptions of the character who was supposed to be reader insert; And whats worse, there have been a few times while reading Kuroshitsuji fics where the writer threw a bitchfit about black readers commenting on their reader insert that the insert character is clearly supposed to be white and ruins the immersion, and the writer reacts in a crazy rant about how its not meant for black readers anyways.
I fucking hate that. Like, firstly, don't be a dick? I feel that that isn't a hard rule.
And second, I can't stand when the reader-insert is just some OC but it's written in second person. "You have large blue sapphire eyes and silver hair that goes down to your waist"-- No the fuck I DO NOT! Oh or when this fic (it was one of my first-ever-read yandere fics) slowly retconned the reader into the writer down to making the readers Christian and read MORNING PRAYERS AT THE START OF EACH CHAPTER. For a yandere 2p england fic???? Ma'am? This might be an exaggeration I stopped reading it when the prayers happened
This doesn't make me stop reading permanently, but just last night I did have to stop reading so I could rant to myself like a crazy person that no one fucking wears a burgundy cocktail dress with a sweetheart neckline black mesh sleeve and above-knee to a black tie event! So I guess another pet peeve of mine is when someone describes an outfit for the reader to wear. 9/10 times the outfit they choose isn't something a real person would wear to the event they describe, it's just something they thought was fashionable.
Oh! When someone says a fic has a gender-neutral reader but then they have other characters use "She/her" and the character wears exclusively feminine things.
I also had to stop reading a fic when I learned the yandere character with a weird name was actually a youtube that people were, inexplicably, referring to by his online name? While trapped in his apartment? I don't vibe with real-person fanfics.
Exiting the meta in terms of what I don't like... Well, the basics like incest, pedophilia, and animal fucking are hard nope for me. But deeper than that... It's hard to think of a fic where fucked up shit happens that I didn't enjoy.
I mean... I like gore. I like emotional manipulation. I like when a fictional character's life is ruined. I really like the horror aspect of yanderes. And I'm asexual, so every kink seems just about as weird as vanilla sex to me.
I sat with this thought all night, and I don't know if there is a fic that was so intense I had to stop permanently.
I might take a break to ramble about character choices and what I would have done, or the outfits, or the graphic beatdown with perfectly described wounds and splatter horror. Various tubes being fed through characters orifices. Of chemicals being slowly dripped into sensitive eyes and ears, blinding and deafening the victim, no matter how hard they struggle against the torture. I've had fun reading a writer include their niche kink for something I didn't know could be a kink! I've had fun reading writers who have what's considered a standard kink in yandere.
I honestly end up having fun with almost any yandere fic-- and the fun gets amplified when the writer has good grammar and takes care in the way they describe the reader so it doesn't give anything away but also doesn't give off generic pop-song-pandering vibes.
In conclusion: I am just here to vibe. All yandere fics that have a writer above 18, and don't have real people, animal sex, incest, or pedophilia, are good fics.
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cursesavior · 4 months ago
Suguru scoffs a bit at her reaction to his unusual way of speaking about non-sorcerers - "We practically live in a zoo, you know. This entire world is overrun with animals." They're everywhere, cursed energy flowing uncontrolled until it creates monsters - monkeys make the damn mess and they're meant to throw away their lives cleaning up after them? What a joke. He could rant about it all day - and he has, on certain occasions - but he won't bore her with that yet. Jumping straight into his deranged rambling would drive her away at this point.
For a moment he watches the black smoke that flows from her hair - her appearance always made her stand out quite a bit amongst their peers. It's truly unique, something special - and something that guaranteed she'd never fit in with monkeys. Even if they couldn't see the plumes of cursed energy that radiate from her, surely they could see that something was different. Surely they could sense their insignificance in her presence, the weak sensing the power of the strong, knowing they could be crushed underfoot, trampled like the insignificant weeds they are. Or maybe his thoughts are getting away from him again and going to that murderous, vengeful place they always tend to go. That's probably it.
He has the audacity to laugh when she questions his motives, something genuine but with a slight edge of mania to it, just of a hint of the madness that's twisted his mind. "Please. What kind of monk would I be if I made you pay for your life? That's not what I have in mind." He waves his hand dismissively, like it's oh so ridiculous. "Forcing someone to work with you just breeds resentment. Someone who doesn't want to be here certainly won't be loyal, and that's the last thing I need, truly. So no, it's not like I'm going to force you to do my dirty work or anything silly like that. I guess you could say I just wanted to get on your good side - because what I'm looking for is strong allies."
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There's his chance. Now he can finally go into his spiel. It doesn't feel right to deliver his monologue while sitting down, though, so he brings himself to his feet in one smooth motion and making a grand gesture with open arms. He wasn't always quite this animated, but again, showmanship. "You see, I defected from Jujutsu Tech with a goal. A dream, even: to create a world in which sorcerers can live freely. But isn't that impossible? How can sorcerers live in peace when there are curses rampaging about, preying on the weak? Ha!" Another short laugh, tilting his head back dramatically. "You know how curses are the result of all the cursed energy of humanity building up over time? Because sorcerers can control our cursed energy, we don't leave those same traces of cursed energy everywhere we go... Meaning curses are the sole fault of filthy monkeys who can't control themselves. So of course, in order to create a perfect world, I first have to take care of the pest problem."
His voice calms near the end, back to cold and logical, but still with that seething hatred hidden somewhere in his tone. He settles down, bringing himself back to the floor to be on the same level as his guest. "As you can imagine, that's a dream that takes a lot of work to achieve. Sure, I might be able to do it on my own, but the time it would take to gather enough curses to do so... Well, there's no point in making sorcerers suffer any longer than they need to." He shrugs, as if this were the most casual and mundane topic of conversation. It is for him at this point, he feels like he's explained this a hundred other times. "Like I said, I'm not going to force you to join my side. Beliefs like mine aren't something you can force people to accept. But I figured I'd take my chance and see if you'd hear me out - you'd be of great help, you know." He smiles - he's sure that she'll just think he's crazy, unhinged, a madman for suggesting something so drastic... But hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained. It's not like she's the self-righteous type that would kill him for his intentions. She doesn't seem that way, at least, especially not after he saved her life. "Think about it, the kind of life you could have - that's all I ask."
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AT FIRST, PERSEPHONE WONDERS IF THEY MISHEARD HIM. a side effect of the blood loss, or perhaps simply a mistake in auditory processing. but what other word could she have misheard as monkeys? geto glides across the room and sits facing the futon where she lay, red-spotted bandages wrapped tightly around her abdomen where the bite wound sinks deep into her side. persephone doesn't make to shoot upright as their instincts tell them to; they don't cut and run, barrel past the owners of the voices that drift through the closed doorway. they push themself up on one prosthetic arm, the whir and click of the carbon-fiber machinery audible in the silence of the room, the slow pulse of cursed energy lighting up the seams between metal plates in brilliant blue.
thankfully, geto absolves her of her confusion when he continues speaking. so he was saying monkeys — and it doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist to figure out who he speaks of. not when she takes into account what he told her in the alleyway. the reverence with which he spoke of strong sorcerers, the casual objectification in his tone now. his cultists, then: in particular, those who he does not consider strong. those who are expendable, a resource, a commodity. in a way, it reminds her of the way her boss views the majority of the unseen. they aren't nearly this direct about it, but she's been able to surmise over time that they do not consider most people's lives valuable.
when it comes down to it, a religious cult and a crime syndicate aren't all that different. faith is as much a currency as money.
interesting... so the monk getup is a means to an end. working her brain has always been a method of relaxation for persephone: solving puzzles, taking herself through a complicated problem, creating a detailed plan. geto is such a puzzling fucking individual that paradoxically, decoding his strangeness puts her more at ease. a fraction of the tension melts from her frame, pulls away, dissipates into the air with the smoke wisping around her.
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at the mention of tea, they shake their head in silent refusal. he may have brought her out of harm's way, but that doesn't make him trustworthy enough to accept food or drink. ❝monkeys, huh. i don't suppose you broke into the fucking zoo. ❞ a pause; absentmindedly, they gather the endless ocean of inky hair over their shoulder, letting the ends pool in their lap. they watch, for a moment, the curls of black smoke that plume up from its ends and rise in front of her in otherworldly coils before dissolving into space as if they were never there.
a side effect of her parents' dark deal with a curse before the twins' birth. persephone's hair is straight from the world of curses, lightweight and cool to the touch; within its deepest pockets of darkness, if the light around you is low enough, you may catch the faint glimmer of stars. her brother got demonic eyes. seph has always thought she got the better end of the stick on that front — at the cost of holding both twins' cursed energy within her body, enhanced by the curse-fragment in her soul, enhanced by the rage, enhanced by an innate technique that may one day kill her. orion got off lucky. the sorcerer world is a goddamn trash fire.
hostility edges into her voice again, dark eyes taken over by the caution of a cornered predator. ❝ okay — cut the shit, geto. what do you want from me? people don't pull acts of kindness without an ulterior motive. just lay out the debt so i can settle it and get out of your damn hair. ❞
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fluffykitteninabox · 2 years ago
I never blamed Dabi for using the footage of Hawks killing Twice, but I also wonder what was Hawks supposed to do after offering Twice a chance to surrender, besides offering asylum for the rest of his friends as well since that was the main reason Twice rejected his offer?
This is coming from someone who only watched the anime adaptation, so I would like to know why this event is a setback for Hawks character development.
Hi, thank you for the ask🥰🥰
here, have some sparkles ✨✨✨
Also sorry in advance but I ramble a lot and...
I don't know if there's an equivalent phrase in English but in Greek we say "Μέσω Λαμίας" when we do something in the most inefficient way possible.
This is me in this post! 😂 (and also Hawks too in a way👀)
Also I'm not a meta blog so I don't always have a conclusion when I start responding and I might realise something new mid way through typing and then I go back and edit stuff because I change my mind so...
hopefully this makes sense
First of all I do agree that this is the main reason Twice rejected the offer, but probably not the only one.
I think the two "requirements" for his offer to work would be
Hawks extending the offer to not just Twice, but to the other LOV members as well
Convince Twice that this offer is genuine and he's not just lying to him
And that second one is kind of hard to do because Hawks gave their location away to the heroes who are currently ambushing them and he's also attacking Twice specifically. Plus Twice had been let down by heroes and society itself in the past (as have all the other league members) so it would be hard for him to trust that this "chance at rehabilitation" isn't at best going to fail, or at worst a trick.
And I don't think Hawks meets either of these two requirements. I'm not saying he's lying when he offers to help Twice. It's more like... he can't actually do what he's promising here.
The commission gave Hawks the order to kill Twice, not bring him for rehab. So in his mind that option wasn't possible from the start. He entered the battle knowing how it would have to end. That's why he wastes a bunch time by explaining himself to Twice, he doesn't want to do it.
If Hawks doesn't offer help to Twice, then there's also the option of simply arresting him without talking to him at all. (Then they would have probably placed him in Tartarus, because other people would have witnessed his arrest and the commission definitely wouldn't want people to know they give heroes assassination missions.)
I pointed it out in some posts here and there, but Hawks very clearly had the upper hand in the battle right up until the moment Dabi joined. The scene starts with Twice already pinned down to the ground surrounded by Hawks' feathers. Even when he starts making clones to fight, we see that Hawks doesn't need to put much effort to destroy them. He almost doesn't move from his spot at the door at all before Dabi comes in. He could have very easily knocked him unconscious and taken him quietly. We know he is physically capable of doing all of that.
But again, Hawks went into this with the predetermined notion that anything other than killing Twice wouldn't work.
So in this case Hawks had other options technically speaking, but he thought he didn't because of the way the HPSC have conditioned him to follow their orders. When Dabi joins the battle Hawks loses the control he had over the situation.
He could stand still before and let his feathers do the work, now he has to dodge Dabi's attacks.
He had Twice immobilised on the floor, now he escapes literally from under him.
He was wasting time before, but now he needs to find a way to end this quickly.
So he does what he was ordered to do in the first place.
All of this to say that Hawks had plenty of other options, but also no other option at the same time!
Twice's death was a tragedy because it could have very easily been prevented, but it was also inevitable.
Hawks had the ability to make other options, he's not like the nomu, he has free will. It was his own choice to kill in the end. But because of the way he was groomed by the commission in his mind there was only one option.
Now about the second point..
I don't think Hawks' decision to kill Twice was bad for his character development. In fact I always thought Twice's death was a great direction for the story to go. It creates conflict which makes things interesting.
My problem is that this very interesting plot point wasn't used to its full potential afterwards.
We don't see Hawks thinking about his decision, whether or not he could have done things differently. We don't see him regret it. Again I have said in some other posts that I (personally) didn't even need Hawks to regret killing Twice specifically. I would have been happy to see him struggle with his decision to kill a person in general. He took someone's life, I think he should have been more affected by it. But by some of his lines in the latest chapters it seems like he didn't struggle with that at all. (I'm keeping it vague because you said you only watched the anime and I don't want to spoil you, even if it's just a couple of lines)
This didn't just affect Hawks' character arc, he's just the worst case because his character arc was stopped in its tracks.
Imagine Twice's death as Chekhov's gun in a way, but it's for character growth. And then Hori brought some bullets to shoot but forgot the actual gun! Twice died and we saw how that affected the villains (and not even all of them) but we didn't see how it affected the heroes.
We never got to see Tomura's reaction to losing another member of the league (when we saw him avenging Magne in the Overhaul arc)
Dabi asks Tokoyami "who do you think really needs saving?" and Tokoyami never thinks about that ever again.
Hawks kills a man and then proceeds to never think about it again (except to publicly acknowledge the fact)
Also Hawks is used in the Todoroki family side plot a lot after the war, which in my opinion is a bit forced. I think it would be more interesting to see him separately from his parasocial relationship with Endeavor. He was already lacking in the self identification department because of how the commission groomed him, I was hoping he would separate from them after the war. Not only does he not do that, he also latches onto Endeavor and is now only a tool to push his atonement arc forward. And he doesn't even do a good job doing that! (Again keeping this kind of vague, hopefully I didn't accidentally spoil anything you don't already know)
Basically I wanted to see more of his internal conflict. I wanted to see him struggle I WANTED ANGST AAAAAA!! 😂😂
Hopefully we're going to get that now with the inevitable Hawks vs Toga, but this will still be external conflict caused by his actions. I still think it would work much better if we saw his thought process before he gets narrative consequences.
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phaltu · 3 years ago
zan, i wanted to ask you something - and i hope you don't mind the lengthy ask, but i'm gonna split this into two (or three). i wanted to ask you this because you are one of my favorite writers in danmei, and i wanted to get your two cents on this. so. if there's one thing that i've noticed in danmei fandom, it's that there seems to be two groups of ppl - i'll call them A & B. A are those who don't necessarily create, who are more there to rlly digest and meta the texts. if they do create 1/
- then they're most likely to be canon compliant, e.g. following mxtx's rules of no switching, no separating. B is what i would call the transformative one, who aren't rlly canon compliant and who break those "rules", so they switch up dynamics or separate the main cp. personally i'm not inclined to switch or separate, but even so, if it's not done because bottoming is seen as "weak", which is another thing altogether, then i think it's all good? and my ask is - 2/
- i've seen ppl in group A diss ppl in group B, calling them stupid for shipping character a of main cp with side character b (regardless of whether or not they want that ship to be canon, which is not usually the case), and even outright saying that ao3 sucks (which is okay, warranted, giving that ao3 lacks in the blocking/reporting feature), but generally i'm just a little.. surprised because i come from fandoms where practices in group B were the norm, ppl would go ham with canon 3/
- and altho both groups are not mutually exclusive, you can have someone who is very canon compliant in their own fics but reads more transformative works, i just. i guess i'm confused (and paranoid) because i don't know what should be, or is the right "approach" re: fandom. on the one hand, i like canon compliant, and do write canon compliant, but on the other, i would also like the wiggle room to create freely. i don't want to be cancelled by group A for having OOC characterization 4/
or get called out for "writing OCs with the characters' faces just pasted onto them". and i know, i get the irony, why am i, a fully grown-adult (ha!) so concerned abt what other ppl on the internet think abt me and my whims? a few years back i was worried i wasn't wild enough with my fics, because i was very canon-compliant, and a few years later i'm worried i'm not canon enough. just - may i ask what is your approach to fandom, in general and in danmei? i know i said only 2-3 asks but ;_; end/
Honestly I think it's all about who you follow! I follow a wide variety of folks and funnily enough, people I mutual'd from one danmei are rigid with canon and people I mutualed from others are WAY more open to being like group B. Both have their pros and cons-- the former, I have to end up seeing ships and concepts and pairings I loathe untagged, and with the latter, I can't run blockchain on their insane friends that rant like they and the author because then I'll accidentally block people I actually like talking with.
anyways my approach in fandom has really...always been to just do my own thing. compared to how I was when I participated in Voltron, I don't really get involved in discussions about characterizations and meta and critical analysis or what not. First, because I like to put that energy towards writing personally, and while others get joy out of it, I don't particularly personally, and second, I pretty much have only 2, 3 friends I talk about the danmei I consume with when it comes to actual headcanons because we're on the same page when it comes to how we interpret texts, so it's fun.
I love making things for fandom and I like consuming things and I love fandom community that way. I love the what-ifs and the horny ideas and what not. But critical analysis and head canons and meta in general is just not my shtick. anything i have to say about the character, i say it through fic which brings me to my last part in this rambling answer which is that as long as the fic feels right to me, it's going to go up.
I've written some OOC stuff myself but as long as you have the confidence in what you're writing, people are going to be really forgiving. Sometimes when I doubt myself, I think about all the people tweeting wildly incorrect meta with their whole chest talking about how you need reading comprehension if you don't see it their way, and channel the same inner confidence, as misguided as theirs may be.
if someone was to rip me for my characterizations I'd feel hurt for sure but I don't pre-emptively think about it when I'm posting something. If I do, it's kind of a "well if it sucks it sucks I guess" which is part in due to me just getting slapped so much irl that fandom is low on the list of things to spend time having a crisis about
also if you're following anyone that says ao3 sucks just unfollow them. mute them. get rid of them. if they're mutuals mute them. so many mutuals have to cycle through the mute bin for my own sanity and in some cases, our friendship
ANYWAYSSSSSSSSSSSSS long rant over just post that fic!! do it!!!
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tothemeadow · 4 years ago
I've been a proshipper for awhile now but I don't think I want to be anymore? I'm not an anti either though. Maybe I just need a fresh online start? I know it all comes down to not bullying others, which I would never do but there's so much casual racism in the community and whenever I bring it up I get told it's just fiction. As a poc seeing people with blm in their bio creating media that exists solely on race, whitewashing, or stereotypes feels bad. My friends also screenshot teenagers that say they don't like problematic content (not being violent, just complaining in their circle) and then make a whole thread mocking them and it makes me feel sick. Idc that "that's what antis do", two wrongs don't make a right. Idk, I just feel too old for discourse posting (I'm only 22) and I realized that I want to enjoy my problematic content on my own I guess. Barely any of these issues exist off the internet. I like all the characters I want without judgement AND I can also freely say "fictional 18+ content of a 5 year old is weird" and not get an essay about how I'm trying to commit mass censorship. I don't want to be harassed by people for what I like, but I don't want to be called a cop for saying "maybe writing the N word in this fic as a white person is bad." I ESPECIALLY don't want to be gaslit and told that the people doing it aren't "real" proshippers. Sorry for ranting, I just feel alone on this I guess.
I’m glad you feel comfortable getting this off your chest, and I appreciate your honesty. Perhaps I can provide some comfort ot advice?
First and foremost, ship whoever the fuck you want. As long as it’s legal, go for it. Frankly, I ship characters because there’s nice pieces of art/writings? Also, it’s a fictional character and there’s worse things in the world to worry about?
Anyway, the internet is a shit place. While there’s incredible things out here, people strive for negativity to the point where it isn’t even funny. Since things are “anonymous” or not face-to-face, people act like cowards and target others since they “can’t get in trouble.” In my opinion, people tend to lack maturity when it comes to the internet and it’s disgusting. This is a big reason why I don’t have many social media accounts, and by god it’s one of the best decisions of my life. I’d rather spend my time worrying about my frail grandmother who has Alzheimers rather than argue with some stranger over an issue that neither of us can control.
As for the race issue, I try to keep things neutral as possible in my works. Unless somebody specifically asks for something, that’s how I try to do it. I myself am white, and I know a lot of works cater to lighter skin people. It’s unfair, yes, but there’s nothing I can do personally about the issue. (This is where my POC writers come and serve justice, to kudos to you 👏👏👏)
What I’m trying to say is that the internet is not a good place. While there IS some safe spaces, overall it’s shit. People do get sensitive for the wrong reasons, and it completely blows my mind for their arguments. Maybe I sound like an asshole about this, but I truly do think people are wasting their time and energy on trying to bring others down. If someone randomly left a message in my inbox saying something along the lines of “you suck, fuck off,” like... Who cares? They’re probably gonna be on anon anyway? Whatever I write and post is not affecting your life whatsoever, besides the point of you “not liking it.”
And that’s what it boils down to. If people don’t agree with each other, they tear the other down. And it’s like hey, if you wanna act like a damn monkey, go to a zoo. I understand that people don’t share the same ideology as me, but come on. It’s not hard to not treat others like shit. Then again, common decency is too hard to understand nowadays, at least at a majority level.
I probably sound like I’m preaching or I’m saying I’m better than others. And you know what? That’s okay. Why? Because I respect others, especially online. If I don’t like what I see, I click away rather than target them and try to make them feel like shit. Like what RuPaul said, it is NOT your business what other people think of you. If they don’t like you, who cares? If they don’t like what you’re into, who cares? As far as I’m concerned, it’s your own life and you can do as you please.
I realized I’m rambling, wow. I may have gotten off topic >.> Either way, I’m trying to say is “do what you want.” Granted, I’m not saying you should do illegal shit, but just... enjoy what you want? I don’t think I can convey this through text, and I apologize. Being online means you have to walk on eggshells constantly, and that’s what sucks about it. I mean, aren’t most things out there for our enjoyment? Who decided it would be a good idea to knock that idea and turn communities into such toxic places?
If I could rewrite the world, I would. I personally apologize if my words seem “typical” in any sort of way. I know people tend to write with their familiar with, and maybe of caution? Like, they don’t want to screw something up? I dunno. This is a big rant, yada yada, and I don’t know if it makes sense or even helps. I’ve said numerous times that I want this blog to be an open place, so I thank you for being honest.
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chdarling · 4 years ago
hi! i'm the looking gay/bi anon and i wanted to thank you for your answer and how lovely and insightful it was. i was afraid maybe i had dropped this very personal and draining thing on you because i know that we don't know each other and strangers coming to talk about their problems in people's inboxes can be heavy sometimes, but i don't think that's how i you took it and i'm very glad for it. i don't know if you want an update, but i'm going to give you one anyway. i've decided not to come out to people, but not to hide my identity either and to talk freely about liking women (and men) without even having to do a big "coming out". just to drop it into conversatiom as if people knew already. anyways, thank you for your advice and i hope that you have found/will find peace in this situation as well. it really helped me to talk about it with someone who could understand, so thank you for listening even if you don't know me it was very kind and selfless of you <3
Yessss girl let’s normalize living our lives without explanation or disclaimer! Everyone else can just figure it out and keep up!!
Also, strangers on the internet helped keep me sane back when I didn’t know a single soul who was out. We’re all just people looking for connection and community, and I am deeply moved that my (occasionally excessive 😅) ramblings helped in any way. I am always here to listen and/or rant about heteronormativity to anyone who needs it ❤️
Sending you so much love and joy...this message got me all in my feelings this morning 🥺🥰❤️
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