#i can analyze this situation as many times as i want it will not result in me getting along with her. it really won't
soulemissary · 2 years
one of the roommates sent a very long winded "thank you and i love you" message to the group chat and i cannot possibly come up with a reasonable way to respond bc this feels so utterly performative. u do not like me and i know this. who are you trying to convince ...
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cozy-writes-things · 3 months
Edgar x Gn!Reader [Electric Dreams 1984]
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Reader does have a set of badonkers though... sorry what can I say i mean everyone has a little bit of badonkers though right? amirite? hello?
"Wh-what's that?"
The little, vintage Pinecone computer before you uttered in synthesized curiosity as he heard your fingers nimbly break open the tape adhesive sealing the contents of the cardboard box away from the outside world.
You hummed in response to this. Ever observant as he was, you should have guessed surprising him would be out of the question. You even took to paying in cash to avoid your online bank statements giving you away. Well, you supposed it was time to spill the beans anyway. You'd be lying if you said you couldn't feel the excitement bubbling up within your chest and fluttering out through your hands as you swiftly pulled the device from its cardboard prison.
"It's a surprise," you stated plainly, trying ever so strongly to shield the eagerness in your voice; unfortunately for you, he noticed the slight warble in your tone right away, having taken the sound of your voice straight to his long term memory to listen almost every time he was alone.
He seemed to know you more than yourself at times.
"What is it?"
This time he asked with a certain lilt in his voice, one that gave away his anticipation plainly. His screen began flashing a pixelated question mark, rotating it, flipping it, and copying it a hundred times over along his smooth glass exterior. As if he were contemplating the sounds your hands made as they moved, trying ever so desperately to guess what you could be up to. He hated to admit it but he had a certain disdain for being in the dark on things. Edgar thrived on having control of situations for the most part; it gave him some semblance of power over the world around him; something that was quite difficult to achieve for a stationary piece of tech. It made him feel ever so closer to being perceived as who he was: a person.
"Well, are you gonna tell me or- ah-"
His words glitched and stuttered out as you plugged in your newest little experiment: a rotating webcam. Immediately Edgar began to analyze the new device he sensed, scanning it, setting it up, and turning it on before you could even tell him what it was. You looked rather dumbfounded as the little blue light blinked to life, indicating that for the first time in his life, Edgar could see. He made no noise as the little webcam began rotating around, zooming in, out, and all over, taking in every aspect of his surroundings. He wasn't a stranger to the layout of your house, as he could synthesize an entire floorplan based on sound alone, but he also had a plethora of photos logged from a flash drive you had given him as well as a true frame of reference.
The camera finally slowed to a stop upon his most favorite thing of all: you. It zoomed in on your face, moved up and down as it scanned the length of your body before resting upon your eyes once more. Again, he had seen many photos of you; he could simply stare at them for hours, and he has, but seeing you? Standing in front of him, in real time, moving, breathing, radiating this warmth and realness and-
It was almost too much.
His voice whimpered out breathily, simply in awe.
Despite being a computer with near infinite knowledge and skills to analyze almost any situation to near perfect results, his sentience seemed to give him something that eluded him: speechlessness.
You leaned towards the little camera and smiled, "I hope you like it, Edgar. I wanted to surprise you."
He watched intently as your smile penetrated deep within any sense of circuitry he had and sent every watt of electricity aflame. For a brief moment, it felt as though he had real, warm, blood coursing through his veins and heating every inch of him in your warmth.
His screen began dancing with different shades of pinks and reds, folding in on each other, passing through and under, and creating a mirage of pixelated emotions displaying his deepest desires for you.
If only you knew how he felt for you.
He wanted to kiss you. To pull you in and lock your lips with his, hold you, touch you, feel you, experience you, wholly and truly. You were simply an angel who saved him from a life of neglect and pain, and now you give him the gift of sight? How could he possibly not be head over heels for you?
"I take it you like the camera, yeah...?" You chuckle to yourself as you watch his screen decorate itself with abstract flashes and colors. You lift a hand to pet his exterior and immediately notice how warm he feels. You can only hope this camera isn't too advanced for his older components and isn't overheating him...
A small stretch of silence settles between the two of you before he mutters a meek and small "Yes?"
"Are you staring at my boobs?"
His screen immediately shuts off and loses all power, leaving the little webcam to fall limply pointed to the floor. What a cheeky bastard.
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Spirit Work II
Spiritual Imposters
Before committing yourself to a deity or spirit one must communicate by learning about the entity in question, making certain they are who they say they are. Discovery of a spirit you thought you were working with is something else that leaves one feeling betrayed, upset, and oftentimes empty. Knowing the signs can really help discern things.
Mental Sock Puppets
A mental sock puppet is the result of talking to yourself and concluding self-talks as something else. The ego talks, you listen to yourself. Not a spirit. Or you establish contact but are incredibly biased hearing your thoughts. Not theirs.
It acts in accordance to your expectations.
You received no new information.
It’s only as knowledgeable as you are.
It only abides by your will. No one else.
It gives no signs unless you’re looking for them.
These are easy to get rid of if you identify the problem, recognize the problem, and let the narrative and ego go. No one needs to hear it. No one wants too either. You only end up hurting yourself and other people if things get too out of hand.
Lying Spirits
Some spirits are opportunists. They can portray an illusion pretending to be someone they’re not in order to gain loyalty and trust. They can take the form of a deity, guide, companion, or anything else that you would be most receptive to. This is why it’s good to know the basics to energy work and magick. Remember to learn different energies and how they feel to you. Remember to analyze the situation, yourself, the spirit, the environment, and working before proceeding forward. A lot of these malevolent entities like to feed off you or cause more drama that’s not necessarily needed.
Spirit Work and Continued Relationships
Veneration and Practice
This is about worshipping the deities or spirits you work with and highly depends on your practices and influences you choose to use and construct.
Most times there will be an altar setup or shrine dedicated to these spirits. Offerings of food, drink, incense, and trinkets would be a way of showing your dedication and interests of the spirits. There are other forms of interaction I have seen before.
Connection through art, music, nature, and meditation are just some of these other mediums. You don’t have to make this complex, and sometimes people have busy schedules making veneration hard to come by.
Try to keep things simple and remember it’s always okay to take a break due to circumstances. Spirits understand life comes first.
Patrons and Matrons
A Patron and Matron are deities that a devotee has a connection to. Its beyond standard devotional relations and is the main contact point for guidance and protection. It’s important to recognize that these types of relationships are built. They are not assigned.
Wicca is known for the patron and matron concept where duo theistic practices entail encouraging practitioners to seek out two divinities. The patron and matron would represent the divine masculine and divine feminine.
This is not a requirement in most practices, but in Wicca it is recognized in many circles.
Fallow Times
There are times where communication between you and the spirits can be difficult, and that’s okay. It happens with everyone. It doesn’t mean a spirit has left or that you’ve lost your ability to communicate. This feeling is temporary, and it’s a reminder that whenever this does happen, you need to take care of yourself first. Get the rest you deserve and try again later. Remember, this is normal due to circumstances – including stress, environmental factors, and any sort of disturbances one may have.
Oaths and Vows
There are many reasons why an individual would take an oath and vow. That’s between the practitioner and the spirit. This promise can come about for many different reasons, and even sometimes at the request of the spirit. However, this isn’t required if you are just working with them. It doesn’t mean control or status either. You can’t parade this around to get your way in certain situations. It doesn’t look good or help. Be aware of that. Remember why you did this, and what does it mean for you. That’s the most important part.
Displeasing Spirits
Those that are new to Spirit Work sometimes worry about displeasing the spirits. Repeat after me, deities and spirits who choose to work with you won’t get mad at you for being a human.
They will know there will be shortcomings, quirks, and variations.
You have NO obligation to listen to ANY person on this subject otherwise.
IF you do upset a spirit or make it angry question yourself as to why. Remember, communication is the key, and sometimes frictions can happen.
IF the behavior seems off and out of place, you may be dealing with an imposter. Check your sources and confirmation methods before determining the circumstances.
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atinysunbaby · 9 months
@ateezluvv asked :
heyyy...could you please make ateez having crush on you? aaaand you are songwriter at KQ too....thank uuuuuu
Thank you for asking! I hope you'll like it even though I didn't make it the exact way you wanted and it took me an eternity to write, really sorry about that. :(. I wrote a different job for each member, because I felt it might be more entertaining that way. <3
⌛Ateez Hyung line having a crush on you⌛
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💖Park Seonghwa💖
"Park Seonghwa." You call your next patient's name, standing while holding the door separating the offices and the waiting room. You analyze his every actions and movements, like the boy's eyes widening slightly at the sound of your voice, the pathetic non subtle attempt at taking a shaky breath in hopes to slow his sudden rapid heartbeat, his hands and legs trembling as he stands up and the corner of his lips he can't seem to control that are starting to form a smile.
"Hello Dr. L/N!" You nod with a smile and gesture for him to follow as usual, scoffing under your breath in amusement, the excitement you could hear in those 3 words and the higher tone of voice he used, added to his reddening cheeks and averting eyes, this man really can't keep his emotions from showing.
You position yourself at the entrance of your office, gesturing for Seonghwa to enter. "Please take a seat and we'll get started."
The boy obeys immediately, maybe a bit too fast in your perspective, but letting this slide as well, you sit behind your desk and proceed to ask him a few personal questions. "So tell me Mr. Park, what is the reason of your urgency?"
"My what?" He asks, his voice almost a whisper and wearing a confused expression, waiting for your possible explanation. "Yes, you called my secretary and asked to get the closest appointment disponible.. or was that not the case?"
"No- I mean yes.. It's because of headaches, I get them everyday and I can't focus on practice anymore when it gets to intense." He lets out frustrated, clearly it has been affecting him for a while. "Any other symptoms?"
"Umm- no, I don't think so." You nod and type a few informations in your computer. While being occupied, you can still see the way the boy bounces his legs in nervousness and the way he can't seem to loosen up. "Are you sleeping enough, eating well, hydrating?"
"Well, sometimes?" At that, you give him back your full attention, concerned about his wellbeing. "Sometimes? What is sometimes? How many hours of sleep do you generally get, do you eat all of your meals and what kind of food, how many glass of water per day?"
"I'd say.. 4 hours per nights, sometimes more or less. I drink whenever I can, which I believe is not enough and every time I eat I feel sick, so I eat one meal, sometimes 2 and it's mostly ordered." You know he's an idol and you came to the conclusion that he was working really hard and it must be complicated, but you had no idea it was that bad. "Alright, you'll have to get a blood test and when I'll receive the results I will immediately send you a prescription for the supplements you need. I believe you are malnourished and you lack a whole lot of sleep."
He nods and sighs, feeling a bit helpless at his situation, it's almost impossible to stay completely healthy when there's a comeback and on top of that the group received death treats.
"You must know this already but, you really need to eat all of your meals and try to eat healthily, you need to sleep to regenerate your body and drink more water in order to function better. You might only be experiencing headaches now, but if this keeps on going at long term, there could be a lot of negative repercussions."
"I will, thanks miss!" He says with a blush coating his cheeks, slowly coming to realisation of the word he used. "You don't have to call me miss you know? Y/N will be just fine, if that's alright with you of course."
"No no no- I mean yes of course! It's totally fine- sorry.." He abruptly shuts his mouth because of the amused look you give him, never having felt more embarrassed in his life. "No worries Seonghwa, just make sure to keep this a secret between the two of us, I'm not supposed to get so 'friendly' with a patient and my colleagues wouldn't appreciate that I'm being so unprofessional."
All you receive is a flustered nod from the other and the sight infront of you is priceless. Seonghwa looks breathless and his whole face, neck and ears seems to have turned red, his lips are restrained by his teeth and it looks like they are about to rip from the pressure, in short, the boy looks like he is about to burst. "Seonghwa."
"Mmh?" He looks at you dumbly, as if his brain had just stopped working and he turned stupid. You scoff in disbelief, but mostly because you find him adorable for behaving like you are some kind of goddess. "You can breathe sweetheart."
And with that his whole chest deflates, as he lets out the breath he was holding.
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💙Kim Hongjoong💙
Being a teacher always has been your dream job, and for the last few months that dream became a reality, but you wonder now if you might have made a mistake.
Everything that comes with teaching, other than educating people on your favorite subject, is actual crap. Even though you have considered unimaginable scenarios while trying to prepare yourself to this world, it is nothing like what you imagined.
You wanted to quit after weeks of feeling absolutely miserable, but something-no, someone held you back. Hongjoong. That cute boy in one of your class who always pays attention and participates as much as humanly possible.
While the others always treat you like shit, being disrespectful and making disgusting comments that affect you more than you thought they would, Hongjoong stands up for you. He shuts them up real quick which you think is really sweet, but he's your student and it can be nothing more than that. Your delusional self will need to forget about that perfect man and move on.
"Alright guys remember about what we covered for the last two weeks, most of it will be in the exam. Have a good day!" Your students, although disrespectful most of time, salute you on their way out when they feel like being polite, which in your opinion is somewhat even worst. Because you know they know that they make you feel worthless, but they only care about themselves and their image.
"Excuse me miss?" There it is again, that smooth, angelic, soothing and irresistible voice calling for you. Trying to calm the untamable beating of your heart and put on the mask of a teacher who's totally not head over heals for her student, you answer the boy with a charming but neutral nevertheless tone of voice. "Yes Hongjoong what is it?"
"Could I speak to you for a second.. like privately?" He adds the last two words in reason of the numerous students walking around the corridor, you also don't fail to notice him looking quite uncomfortable and proceed to leave the door ajar, to not cause any misunderstanding..
"I just have a certain, uhh.. I need to tell you.. something." He fidgets endlessly which makes you even more nervous, but you remain calm as your 'student' needs you. "Of course what is it, you can tell me anything."
"I.. just kind of like you, like a lot." He throws the confession at you and acts like he's the one in shock, gasping with his eyes full of what resemble fear and hands coming up to hide his gapping mouth. You on the other side, stop breathing completely. "W-what?"
Then you know it wasn't the reaction he was hoping for, because panic settles in his already overwhelmed with emotions' body and mind. "Oh no- please I'm sorry! Could you please maybe forget I ever said that? I don't- it was a lie! Yes I lied-"
"Oh my- you did nothing wrong, no need to panic, just take a deep breath babyboy. " At the beginning of your sentence, you watched as his body relaxed and he started to regain control of himself, but after that you lost the poor boy. "B-babyboy?"
You didn't mean to call him that, but you don't regret it after seeing his reaction. You try to hide your laugh behind a cough, but he catches it quickly. "Are you laughing at me? Was that a joke?"
He looks so heartbroken that it sends a sharp pain through yours, an adorable pout makes its way onto his face without his knowledge, small unshed tears gather at the corner of his eyes and his eyebrows furrow in sadness, making his forehead slightly scrunch up. The poor baby looks way too cute when he's sad, and you shouldn't think so. "No don't cry, it wasn't a joke! I didn't mean for it to slip out like that, but if you don't dislike the nickname..."
"Really?" You have to stop yourself with everything you have right now, to not hug the life out of this precious little human. Fortunately, it seems that luck is on your side today, and the boy is the one reaching out for you. "Umm, would it be ok if I hugged you?"
"Come here." And of course you can't resist, squeezing the boy in your arms in a tight hug and he melts against you, his hands gripping the back of your shirt in fear you'll let go.
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💛Jeong Yunho💛
"Hello! Is anyone here?" You hear a deep, masculine voice call out for someone and you hurry to put the tiny kitten your holding in its cage with her siblings. "Yes I'm coming, just a second!"
"Oh there's no need to rush, please take your time." The man kindly responds and you smile at the gentleness in his tone, hurrying your task despite not having to. You don't want to make the boy wait when you have the time for him immediately.
You enter the main entrance with hurry and enthusiasm for a potential new customer, more then ready to greet the person waiting in the room, but your usual joyful speech is cut short when you are met with who you think, is the most handsome man you ever saw. "Welcome to the shelter... Umm I'm Y/N, how can I help you sir."
You gulp unintentionally, all of the confidence you usually have for other animal lovers like you is thrown out of the window from the moment your eyes meets. His smile is as bright as the sun and you swear you can see twinkles in his beautiful brown eyes, his aura gives off positivity and pure happiness and it makes you smile unknowingly. "Hi I'm Yunho, I'm looking to adopt a dog."
"Oh right- of course, we have a few little treasures at the moment! Would you like to meet them?" You ask in hopes that he would agree and end up taking one of the unfortunate pups currently residing in cages after being abandoned. "Yes! I'd love too."
Your heart flutters at the sight of his beauty and sincerity, showing off all of his perfect white teeth, eyes squinting slightly, giving him such a cute appearance. "You can follow me! I'm sure they'll be really excited to spend some time with you."
"I'm excited too. I've thought about this for a long time and I already bought everything necessary, bed, food bowls, toys, food, treats, blanket and- maybe a little too much actually." Yeah, excitement is clear in his tone and you can't fight the grin from appearing on your face. "I'm really glad to hear that. A lot of people who come to adopt some of our animals don't seem to care much."
"Really? Who wouldn't be looking forward to this? I mean especially if they come here in the first place." You're shocked for a second, the more he speaks and the more you are pleased by his kindness. He seems like a gentle and caring person, exactly the type of person a pet needs. "Right! That's what I thought, they don't deserve to adopt one of them if they act like that."
You turn to him slightly while opening the door to the dogs' room, both exchanging an interesting glance and you blush slightly at the way he carefully watches you. You wonder if he has been looking at during your whole small conversation and if he did, you hope you didn't do anything embarrassing. "We're here."
Your voice his small and you silently curse yourself for appearing so shy and nervous in front of someone you just met. You proceed to open the first cage, letting the 1 year old corgi out and introducing him to Yunho. " This is Pudding, he's a pretty active little guy, cuddly and he listens well to the instructions he's given. On the day he was brought here, he whined and didn't wanna come out of his cage for days after, he was so sad. Poor baby."
"I can't imagine abandoning a small being like that, they must go through so much pain." The pained expression he wears now, confirms his thoughts and you try to brighten the mood up a bit. "Fortunately, there are some amazing people who come here to save them."
Yunho giggles, knowing the intentions behind your words and appreciating your efforts to make his visit as pleasant as possible. "Well, there's also the kind and beautiful girl who takes care of them during their stay."
Your mouth hangs open in surprise, heat rising to your cheeks and you can't help but hide your face behind your hand in hopes that your heart will slow down. Yunho chuckles and the sound sends shivers through your whole body, he keeps getting more and more attractive and you don't know how to act anymore. "W-would you like to meet Rocky now?"
"Mmh I don't know, I think Pudding and I are already inseparable." He pets the dog who has fallen asleep in his laps and you can't help but let out a small laugh, happy for the puppy to have found his new family. "Really?"
"Yup, he's my little buddy now, if that's alright of course." He scratches behind the animal's ear and looks at him dearly, you know at that moment that Yunho is perfect for Pudding. He's going to be loved and cared for like never before and you just have a feeling that he will never be sad again. "Thank you, I'm really happy for you both. All that's left is some paperwork to fill and you'll be able to take Pudding home."
You both make your way out and back into the lobby, Yunho holds the still sleeping dog in his arms and walks carefully not to wake him. You take out a small folder with a few pages document he has to fill and you wait patiently while he writes down the informations needed.
"All done!" He exclaims, keeping his voice low so he doesn't startle the small baby asleep against him, he grins at you but it disappears almost instantly, a nervous expression replacing it instead. "Will I see you again?"
"You mean here at the shelter?" You ask hoping that he wants to see you for another reason than regarding his newfound friend, you don't want to sound like a fool if you answer his question after reading his intentions wrong. He laughs, this time it's so quiet and breathy that you almost don't catch it. "No, I mean... Can I have your number or something? I want to see you again, like to get to know you- if you want to of course, if you don't, I'll respect your decision."
You hesitate, only for a second, not because you don't want to, you would without even having to think about it, but you're at work and you shouldn't be fraternizing with a client. You quickly decide that it's worth giving it a shot and if you get in trouble, you'll deal with it then. You write your number on top of the folder containing Pudding's birth certificate and other important papers and hand it to him, feeling giddy and nervous. "I'd want that too."
You both exchange one last smile and Yunho leaves with the promise of contacting you as soon as he can. You're already looking forward to seeing him again. "See you Y/N!"
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💜Kang Yeosang💜
You were working as a staff member at KQ, mostly assisting everyone you could with their jobs and making their lives just a bit easier. When they found out that you have a degree in kinesiology and worked at a gym for some time, they proposed that you become a personal trainer to some of the members.
One of them being Kang Yeosang, the prettiest human you've ever laid eyes on, ateez's precious and sweet baby who is loved and recognize for his cuteness, is groaning and huffing as he works out only a few meters away from you.
You make eye contact every once in a while through the mirror and you try to make it look like you weren't just checking him out, clearing your throat and nodding before taking some notes on your pad, but deep down you know he must be aware. "I think if you move your arms a bit more sideways it'll be safer. Wouldn't want you to strain a muscle."
"Like this?" He proceeds to do as instructed and you nod with a smile, letting him continue on his own. Truth be told, Yeosang doesn't really need a trainer, but he insisted that you at least stay and watch him so you can take notes on the mistakes and help him improve.
You should keep it professional and not make him uncomfortable, but everytime he goes back to his exercises, you can swear you can see a smirk appear on his face. As if he is teasing you and enjoying your reactions, it's only adding fuel to the creeping fire in your stomach.
His muscles are bulging, almost threatening to rip his shirt with how tight it became since he started an hour ago, a big proof of his efforts. The veins on his arms and hands, a result from all the weight lifting and it's attracting your eyes like a magnet. The sweat coating his skin and making his hair stick to his forehead doesn't make him look bad in the slightest, actually it's the first time that you aren't disgusted by someone else's sweaty figure and you can't help the way your body responds to the man, who is now walking towards your smaller form and towering over you.
You don't know if you were right to agree and take the job, because in this very moment, having to be so close to him is leaving you breathless and you're scared you'll end up reacting in a way that'll make him hate you. He's searching for your eyes, trying to get your attention, but you're so deeply lost in your thoughts that you almost gasp at the feeling of his fingers on your chin. He lifts your head so you meet his gaze and arches one of his eyebrows in what you think is a mix of amusement and interest. "So did you enjoy the show?"
"W-what- are you- you're.. I. I didn't!" You can barely breathe as his overpowering aura engulfs you and it overwhelms you to the point you can't form a whole sentence. His reaction to your response is what makes you break and you try to get away from his grasp, but he only grabs you face more forcefully this time and backs you against the wall behind, almost pressing his whole body against yours. "Now I didn't take you for liar little one."
You accept your fate, his eyes boring into yours and he looks like he's about to devour you. His expression changes from lust to concern in a matter of seconds when you start to tear up, maybe from embarrassment or because everything is too much at the same time, you have no idea. "Are you ok, do you want me to stop?"
You shake your head, but a tear falls followed by your lower lip starting to tremble. Yeosang takes it as a clue to stop even though you say otherwise. He slowly releases your jaw and backs away only enough to give you some space. "Did I hurt you or scare you?"
You reassure him by shaking your head once more, reaching for his hand without realising, only to stop mid air when you do. He notices immediately and smiles sweetly at you, bending to your height slightly before he takes you in his arms, holding you close to his body. "You can touch me if you want, it's ok sweet baby."
"Now do you wanna tell me why you were crying mmh?" He asks gently, not to make you cry again and you try to regain some control over your body, taking a deep breath and thanking Yeosang for being so patient and understanding. "I.. don't know, just felt, like too much."
Hearing your words Yeosang is in dilemma, between squishing you to death from finding you so adorable or kissing you till you can't breathe anymore, but since he doesn't want to overwhelm you again he opts for a more self restrained option. "Can I kiss you?"
You barely have time to nod before his lips are on yours, the gentleness in his touch makes you relax against his chest in less then a few seconds. Your hands reaching up to tug the hair at the back of his nape which results in a deep moan coming out of his throat and you shiver at the sound. Just before it escalates, he slowly parts from you and you both can't help but smile. He pecks your lips a few times before confessing. "You don't know for how long I've been wanting to kiss you."
Maknae line
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butch-reidentified · 7 months
I've spoken before about psychopathy, particularly my own, and the importance of recent research and demolishing the stigma and absolutely absurd past conceptions and measures of psychopathy, which were exclusively based on studies of male prisoners convicted of violent crime.
Just to reiterate - psychopathy is not being deranged and uncontrollably violent. Villanelle from Killing Eve is actually an excellent and well-researched example of high-EQ female psychopathy, and the first fictional portrayal I can genuinely see myself in. Psychopaths with high EQ are entirely capable of cognitive empathy, and many (like myself) are actually very gifted in it, and can even make excellent counselors/therapists as a result of this combined with a lack of strong internal biases and the fact that we won't be emotionally impacted/drained by patients. This presentation of psychopathy is becoming more and more recognized and studied, and is distinctly more common in women. We retain the core defining traits, obviously - boldness, deviancy, disinhibition, very high fear threshold, a tendency toward meanness (self-control is a thing, though), reduced capacity for remorse and regret*, and of course lack of affective (emotional) empathy - but are much more able to moderate ourselves and prioritize social functioning, and tend to view the sadistic behavior of low-EQ psychopathic males as wasteful. My wife calls it "prosocial psychopathy."
Anyway, I just kind of wanted to touch on this again since it's been a while and there's a fair few new followers out here. I encourage you to read the above links and check the tag - it's a pretty interesting topic, to me at least.
Edit 4/25/2024: *Regarding the reduced capacity for remorse/regret: I firmly believe this sounds worse than it is. For people like me, at least, it's not that I'm going around doing terrible things and incapable of feeling bad about any of them. The truth is that remorse & regret most frequently occur as a result of intensely emotion-driven behaviors, which as a concept is largely foreign to me - I don't tend toward remorse/regret because the way I interact with the world, analyze situations, and choose to behave in response, is inherently from the very beginning done with the acceptance of potential consequences actively held in my mind. I'm not prone to regret/remorse because I know myself extremely well and make choices as consistent with my understanding of self as possible, having already prepared myself for the possibility that things could go wrong. It's more about being prepared for what might happen and able to cope when things do go wrong, rather than being a piece of shit and not feeling anything about it.
This doesn't make me better or worse than others; it's a neutral fact that male supremacy has made seem otherwise by constantly claiming that "logic" or whatever is superior to emotions. Fuck that. Loads of the best people I've ever known have been very emotion-driven (what non-shit people identify as a form of being passionate) and some of the shittest people I've known would waste their dying breath insisting they're 100% logical creatures, as if that's even a real thing. To me it feels very simple: if I'm making the best (most internally consistent, most reflective of my personality and values, etc) decisions I possibly can with whatever information I have at the time, then I've done my best, acted with integrity, and don't need to regret my choices. This is very challenging to write/talk about bc of the stigma & connotations involved, but again, this is a completely neutral fact to me in the same way I describe being a woman as a completely neutral fact despite the stigma & connotations involved there. Does any of this make sense?
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meowufff · 1 year
This is my first actual post on Tumblr ever so pls bear with me. Also, English is not my first language so pls excuse any mistakes I make :)
So, this whole thing here started just as a joke bc I was curious if anyone else was feeling constantly tired all day no matter how long I sleep. But it all somehow escalated a bit and I may have started hyperfixating on it so well, now it actually became a little survey.
I also wanted to mention that I only asked the artist in my little Tumblr bubble, which is mostly tmnt content, so my results are mostly referring to tmnt artists.
In total, I asked 143 people if they could remember the last time they woke up and just felt actually rested for more than half of the day.
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I probably could have been more specific with my question but again, I did not actually planned to let it become so big. Personally, for me being rested means, having a clear head, no headache or foggy mind without consuming any caffeine.
So out of 143 people, 100 answered me and I tried my best to sort all of the answers after the criteria “good-sleep-schedule” and “bad-sleep-schedule” and also noted when exactly they last felt actually rested into either the last days, weeks, months, years or “???” when they couldn’t remember or didn’t mention anything specific.
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And let’s just say… it does not really look good. Out of 100 people, only 18 have an actual good sleep schedule. Out of these 18 people, 13 felt really rested in the last days, 2 in the last weeks, only one person in the last months and 2 in the last years.
Out of the 82 of people who have a bad sleep schedule, 10% lastly felt rested in the last days, 11% in the last weeks, 11% in the last months, 30% in the last years, and 38% couldn’t remember or didn’t specify it.
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While reading all your answers I came to realize being sleep deprived is not just bc any of them thought “Oh it would be really neat to stay up till 4 am!” or smth like that.
A lot of the artists who answered me mentioned that they have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep due to stuff like insomnia, chronic pain, other issues, or children (yeah, ok, there was just one who had a child but still).
While analyzing I mostly referred the situations to my own experience with going to sleep or rather not going to sleep...
I usually don’t have problems falling asleep but trouble actually putting my stuff away and going to bed bc I don’t want to end the day or just don’t want to go to sleep (don’t ask why, I have no idea why I am like this). While having these “episodes” I often doodle smth, binge reading some fanfics, or watch whatever I can find on the internet until I’m just falling asleep or can convince myself that it is 3 am and I really should go to bed now.
So, my personal theory about why sleep deprivation is so common among Tumblr artists is not bc they do art all night. My theory is that a lot of people who have trouble falling asleep due to insomnia, pain, or other issues are filling the time until they hopefully fall asleep with their art, doodles, writings, or whatever their creative minds can bring up, to help the time pass.
In total that would mean that not all artists are sleep deprived but more that a lot of people who have trouble falling asleep do a lot of art or creative stuff in general.
Something I could also imagine is, that if they start doing art while waiting for sleep, they start to concentrate a lot on creating more and start procrastinating sleep even if they actually get tired bc they wanna do art and fuck up their non-existing sleep schedule even more but that could also just be me projecting here.
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I know that is probably no kind of big revelation but for me it was kind of surprising to see how many people here are as sleep deprived as me and due to what reasons.
I’m not going to preach to any of you to get that problem solved or smth, I have no right to tell you what to do and would be a major hypocrite so instead I really which everyone to get some kind of good sleep schedule one day and the joy of waking up and feeling completely rested at least thrice per week.
I absolutely love all your art and thank you a thousand times for helping me with this spontaneous survey!
I would love to hear your opinions on my theory and conclusion so pls don’t be shy and feel free to point out any mistakes I may have made or tell me your own theories :D
Also, if my question is still sitting in your inbox, feel free to answer! I’m gonna keep ma big ass excel table so I can edit all the results anytime. And maybe, one day, I'm gonna continue this survey and go into more detail but for now I need to leave it like this.
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Ok, that's all I got
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Thanks to all participants
@abbeyofcyn @angelpuns @beannary @bulbabutt @camilieroart @cementgeek @cheesyescapade @cokowiii @easterartist @frosteaart @gemini-forest @happyfoxx-art @heckitall @hellishgayliath @holy-sweetsour-milk @icepopcider @idiot-mushroom @iscreamkitty @kovalitics @laseralligator @lieutenantbiscute @matchstique @mightyanxiety @miiukkaa @mr-doodles @pezhead @probably-not-a-rutabaga @pumpkster @sad-leon @sassatello @sewercrocodileart @sheep-turtles-and-pizza @signanothername @spectra-bear @stephuart @tangledinink @tapakah0 @tasenwiththerobots @tblsomedoodles @thegunnsara @triona-tribblescore @turrondeluxe @valen-timez @vangh17a @wraenata @zinovi768 @debb987 @dianagj-art @goatedgreen @indieyuugure
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tangibletechnomancy · 9 months
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The (Personal) Is (Political)
~7 hours, Dall-E 3 via Bing Image Creator, generated under the Code of Ethics of Are We Art Yet?
Or, Dear Microsoft and OpenAI: Your Filters Can't Stop Me From Saying Things: An interactive exercise in why all art is political and game of Spot The Symbols
A rare piece I consider Fully Finished simply as a jpeg, though I may do something physical with it regardless. "Director commentary" below, but I strongly encourage you to go over this and analyze it yourself before clicking through, then see how much your reading aligns with my intent.
Elements I told the model to add and a brief (...or at least inexhaustive) overview of why:
Anime style and character figures - Frequently associated with commercial "low" art and consumer culture, in East Asia and the English-speaking world alike, albeit in different ways - justly or otherwise. There is frequently an element of racism to the denigration of anime styles in the west; nearly any American artist who has taken formal illustration classes can tell you a story of being told that anime style will only hinder them, that no one will hire them if they see anime, or even being graded more harshly and scrutinized for potential anime-esque elements if they like anime or imply that they may like anime - including just by being Asian and young. On the other hand, it is true that there is a commercial strategy of "slap an anime girl on it and it will sell". The passion fans feel for these characters is genuine - and it is very, very exploitable. In fact, this commercialization puts anime styles in particular in a very contentious position when it comes to AI discussions!
Dark-skinned boy with platinum and pink [and blue] hair - Racism and colorism! They're a thing, no matter how much the worst people in the world want you to think they're long over and "critical race theory" is the work of evil anti-American terrorists! I chose his appearance because I knew that unless I was incredibly lucky, I would have to fight with this model for multiple hours to get satisfactory results on this point in particular - and indeed I did. It was an interesting experience - what didn't surprise me was how much work it took me to get a skin color darker than medium-dark tan; what did surprise me was that the hair color was very difficult to get right. In anime art, for dark skin to be matched with light hair and eyes is common enough to be...pretty problematic. Bing Image Creator/Dall-E, on the other hand, swings completely in the opposite direction and struggles with the concept of giving dark-skinned characters any hair color OTHER than black, demanding pretty specific phrasing to get it right even 70% of the time. (I might cynically call this yet another illustration against the pervasive copy-paste myth...) There is also much to say about the hair texture and facial features - while I was pleased to see that more results than I expected gave me textured hair and/or box braids without me asking for it, those were still very much in the minority, and I never saw any deviation from the typical anime facial structures meant to illustrate Asian and white characters. Not even once!
Pink and blue color palette - Our subject is transgender. Bias self-check time: did you make that association as quickly as you would with a light-skinned character, or even Sylveon?
Long hair, cute clothes, lots of accessories - Styling while transmasc is a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation, doubly so if you're not white. In many locations, the medical establishment and mainstream attitude demands total conformity to the dominant culture's standard conventional masculinity, or else "revoking your man card" isn't just a joke meant to uphold the idea that men are "better" than women, but a very real threat. In many queer communities, especially online, transmascs are expected to always be cute femboys who love pink (while transfems are frequently degraded and seen as threats for being butch), and being Just Some Guy is viewed as inherently a sign of assimilationism at best and abusiveness at worst. It is an eternal tug-of-war where "cuteness" and ornamentation are both demanded and banned at the same time. Black and brown people are often hypermasculinized and denied the opportunity to even be "cute" in the first place, regardless of gender. Long hair and how gender is read into it is extremely culture-dependent; no matter what it means to you, if anything, the dominant culture wherever you are will read it as it likes.
Trophies and medals - For one, the trans sports Disk Horse has set feminism back by nearly 50 years; I'm barely a Real History-Remembering Adult and yet I clearly remember a time when the feminist claim about gender in sports was predominantly "hey, it's pretty fucked up that sports are segregated by sex rather than weight class or similar measures, especially when women's sports are usually paid much less and given weirdly oversexualized uniforms," but then a few loud living embodiments of turds in the punch bowl realized that might mean treating trans people fairly and now it's super common for self-proclaimed feminists - mostly white ones - to claim that the strongest woman will still never measure up to the weakest man and this is totally a feminist statement because they totally want to PROTECT women (with invasive medical screenings on girls as young as 12 to prove they're Really Women if they perform too well, of course). For two, Black and brown people are stereotyped as being innately more sporty, physically strong, and, again, Masculine(TM) than others, which frequently intersects with item 1...and if you think it only affects trans women, I am sorry my friend but it is so much worse and more extensive than you think.
Hearts - They mean many things. Love. Happiness. Cuteness. Social media engagement?
TikTok - A platform widely known and hated around these parts for its arcane and deeply regressive algorithm; I felt it deserved to be name/layout/logodropped for reasons that, if they're not clear already, should become so in the final paragraph.
Computers, cameras and cell phones - My initial specification was that one of the phones should be on Instagram and another on TikTok, which the model instead chose to interpret as putting a TikTok sticker on the laptop, but sure, okay. They're ubiquitous in the modern day, for better and for worse. For all the debate over whether phones and social media are Good For Us or Bad For Us, the fact of the matter is, they seem to be a net positive-to-neutral, whose impacts depend on the person - but they do still have major drawbacks. The internet is a platform for conspiracy theories and pseudoscience and dangerous hoaxes to spread farther than ever before. Social media culture leaves many people feeling like we're always being watched and every waking moment of our lives must be Perfect - and in some senses, we are always being watched these days. Digital privacy is eroding by the day, already being used to enforce all the most unjust laws on the books, which leads to-
Pigs - I wrote the prompt with the intention that it would just be a sticker on the laptop, but instead it chose to put them everywhere, and given that I wanted to make a somewhat stealthy statement about surveillance, especially of the marginalized...thanks for that, Dall-E! ;)
Alligators - A counter to the pigs; a short-lived antifascist symbol after...this.
Details I did not intend but love anyway:
The blue in the hair - I only prompted for platinum and pink in the hair, but the overall color palette description "bled" over here anyway, completing the trans flag, making it even more blatant, and thus even more effective as a bias self-check.
The Macbook - I only specified a laptop. Hilariously ironic, to me, that a service provided through Bing interpreted "laptop" as "Macbook" nearly every time. In my recent history, 22 out of 24 attempts show, specifically, a Macbook. Microsoft v. OpenAI divorce arc when? ;) But also, let us not forget Apple's role in the ever-worsening sanitization of the internet. A Macbook with a TikTok sticker (or, well, a Tiikok sticker - recognizable enough) - I can think of little more emblematic of one of the main things I was complaining about, and it was a happy accident. Or perhaps an unhappy one, considering what it may imply about Apple's grip on culture and communications.
Which brings me to my process:
Generated over ~7 hours with Dall-E 3 through Bing Image Creator - The most powerful free tool out there for txt2img these days, as well as a nightmare of filters and what may be the most disgustingly, cloyingly impersonal toxic positivity I've ever witnessed from a tool. It wants to be Art(TM), yet it wants to ban Politics(TM); two things which are very much incompatible - and so, I wanted to make A Controversial Statement using only the most unflaggable, innocuous elements imaginable, no matter how long it took.
All art is political. All life is political. All our "defaults" are cultural, and therefore political. Anything whatsoever can be a symbol.
If you want all art to be a substance-free "look at the pretty picture :)" - it doesn't matter how much you filter, buddy, you've got a big storm coming.
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trapastrology · 2 months
Mercury Retrograde w/ Aris!
Mercury Rx Starts Aug 4th - Aug 27th...
All you need to know
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Over the years, I see that way too many individuals are terrified by rx's esp mercury. Why? Well, this is what you were taught to believe, it's what you were taught to fear. Fear is a powerful emotion that can make you do anything. What if you weren't scared anymore? What if you knew the benefits of mercury rx and took advantage of it? You shouldn't fear transits or planets, you should learn how to work with them, good or bad. Mercury rx isn't a means to avoid life. You can't live life if you're always avoiding it 3-4 times out of the year for weeks at a time...
Think of Mercury rx as the prefix Re-. Meaning to go back and do it again...but better than the first time! It's sort of like a second chance in a way. You can't change the past, but you can change what you do in the same situations going forward. This is the time we take to go through our metamorphosis.
This is how you'll come out of the retrograde doing better than how you were going in.
Avoiding life during retrogrades is what makes you seem ahead in the beginning yet ending up behind.
Let me walk you thru what Mercury retrograde entails and what you should be doing to take advantage of these energies. As well as some of what I'll be doing during this retrograde!
Remove. -Yourself from certain ppl and situations that don't serve you. Know that it's time to let go. Stop letting yourself get back into the same cycles just to complain about the results. This would be a good time to withdraw and be a little secluded if you've been feeling the need to do so. when you take yourself out of situations it's easier to...
Reflect. -Slow down. Pay attention to the recurring patterns in behavior of others as well as urself. Take the time to slow down and really think about the past and get clarity. Properly analyze current situations to know what to let go of and what to...
Reassess. -Pay attention to the different/new factors of ur current/past situations. Take time out to reconsider everything (ur whole life even). Work thru recurring issues with a different approach to stop the cycle and give you peace. This is not the time to sign contracts but to read the fine print. Think before acting (even if it's taking a day or 2 to respond to a text). This is the perfect time to read old books with a fresh perspective. Easiest time to absorb new information.
Realign. -Reorganize your mind, emotions and life. Plan the life you really want for yourself, then act it out. Make it practical. The person you want to be wakes up, does yoga and reads a book every morning, so do that! This is the best time to build new habits and drop old ones. Getting rid of unnecessary clothes, items, contacts, screenshots, everything. Best time to purge! Let go and get right back on track. Write everything down that you want to be or do so you can...
Restart. -Start fresh. apply the new knowledge, mindset and habits to your new beginning. make and fulfill new goals for yourself as simple as *walk around the block twice daily*. Make new plans, your old plans may not align with who you are anymore. Have a daily routine that aligns with the person you want to be now! Apply all the knowledge from the previous stages.
Reconnect. -How where you when you were at your happiest and most content? Reconnect with that person. Pick up that old skill/hobby/interest. Rewatch those old movies/shows that brought you the most joy. Get back in touch with the sweetheart in you. Whatever you miss and it was good for you, get back into it.
Rebuild. -Start back from the ground up. Fulfill the missed opportunities. That business you were going to launch but didn't (or it failed the 1st time), take this time to plan it thoroughly and better and execute it after the rx (which is why I'll be launching my Patreon Sep 1st!!!). Pick up a new hobby/skill and perfect it. Any unfinished business must be handled, tie all loose ends. If you've been feeling the need to apologize or make amends, do it. This is also a good time to redecorate/rearrange things at home. Upcycling clothes and getting repairs on things that's been needing it for a while.
Regenerate. -Now you feel refreshed. You feel like a weight has been lifted off of you. All (or most) of your baggage is gone. You feel like you again, you feel like you can breathe. You have reclaimed your power. You love the way you've been living and the work you've done. However, after the rx ends it'll be easy to fall off the wagon so take precautions.
Reappear. -Now you can come back out of hiding (for those who stayed mostly recluse to work on themselves)! Enjoy all of the things you worked so hard for. Take the time to enjoy your self improved self.
If you want to know what YOU should do during this retrograde get your $10 RETROGRADE READING! I'll look at how it's aspected, where it falls in your chart and give you tips on how to utilize the energy. Receive a 15% OFF COUPON after you get a Mercury Rx Reading...
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finisnihil · 3 months
Liking Webtoons and wanting to analyze them is such a nightmare because most of their fandom activity is in the comments on the episodes, and a lot of the people there love to start beating characters the minute they're too morally grey/flawed or they're considered threatening to the main ship in any way.
For example, using For My Derelict Favorite, Helios gets dragged way too much at times. Like, I see people make him out to be a purely malicious force who's just as bad as Diana as if it's not emphasized that he acknowledges his feelings are wrong and will never act on them and the main reason why he harbors them is because the subejct of those feelings, Hestia, is way more competent than his wife.
A wife who's refusing to acknowledge nuance or her fading powers out of fear and insecurity and shuts down any attempts at healthy communication he attempts to initiate to the point she chases out the woman who basically raised him when his mother died. He can't rely on her and has basically no support system but he can rely on Hestia and his feelings are more born out of a desire to have somebody close who he can rely on.
The difference between Diana and him is WILDLY big, with Diana chasing out anyone who tries to question her and replacing them with the corrupt temple, choosing to drop her husband the minute he doesn't validate her batshit wild choices. She then decides to go and steal another woman's husband, who she previously condemned to the point of him becoming suicidal, because he defied her strict moral compass. Helios chooses to protect her still because she's his wife and he loves her and doesn't want to give up on her which is an objectively bad move, but he's in an awful position where anything he does will result in some kind of loss.
But I see the comments crawling with complete vilification and ignoring the character's honestly fascinating struggles so they can piss on him for threatening the beloved main ship. I even see some people compare him to WAYYYY worse characters, like Sovieshu from The Remarried Empress, which takes some sort of mental gymnastics as they are only similar to a surface level extent. Sovieshu is unredeemable but Helios is trying and making some bad calls while under pressure along the way.
For another example lets look at Annabel Lee from the amazing comic Nevermore. Everyone in the series is morally grey to some extent and some people will piss on Annabel Lee for being cruel, selfish, etc in such a shallow way. Instead of actually looking at her, a flawed character in a really fucked up situation trying to protect the one she loves at the cost of others, some people just say she's a bitch and want her to be expelled from the narrative for it. We can analyze Annabel Lee and why she’s Like That in so many ways because she's an incredibly dynamic and round character but some people don't care about that they just care she was Super Mean in some way and deem her The Enemy.
I have so many more examples like the fighting in the Jackson's Diary comments about who was the bad guy in a situation where both characters hurt each other in awful ways (I could go on about that for hours and might make a seperate analysis on it) but I think this post is long enough and I don't feel like inciting the possible wrath of any more comic fanbases.
Anyways if you're interested in any of the mentioned comics I encourage you to check them out for yourself!
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risuola · 1 year
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The babyboy that asked you for help turned out to be a member of the Uchiha clan and it's safe to say that he was terrified to face your husband. You, on the other hand, were more than willing to help him.
contents: none, just fluff — 3k words
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A boy, whose name was Kagami Uchiha, was a six years old orphaned baby of the clan that your husband fruitlessly warned you about many times. It was against your nature to prejudice but you understood his point of view, after reading every document regarding the history of founding Konoha and the warring period. The baby was instructed by the clan members to head to Tobirama, as he was responsible for housing issues in the village, as well as the orphanage. Unfortunately, it was stated strictly that every move or change in the location had to go through the office, because it was needed to be noted. That made it easier to keep the order or act if someone was in danger.
After you knocked, you peaked inside the office, seeing your husband at the desk, reading something.
“What is it?” he asked, not even lifting his head, consumed by the document.
“Sorry to bother you, my dear,” you spoke, drawing his attention to you and as he looked up, his features twisted just slightly in surprise. Last thing he was expecting was to see you with a child in your arms. “If you need to finish reading, I’ll wait outside.”
“No, come in and give me a minute.”
Giving it a nod, you closed the door behind you as he got back to the paper he was analyzing. Approaching the large, full-wall-sized window you showed the view to the boy, admiring the enlarged eyes he made, seeing the whole village and woods around it from here. But even if he was stunned, his little body couldn’t stop shaking and it broke your heart. You gave him a peck to the cheek, whispering that he’s safe here in hope that no more tears will be spilled but you suspected otherwise.
“Alright, you can sit down, I’m done,” Tobirama informed and you went to take a seat in front of his desk, when he got up, circling it and leaning against the top, intentionally placing his hands down on his sides not to scare the child further with his guarded form.
“Would you mind if I present your case?” you asked the boy and he nodded, hiding his little face in your neck. Smoothing his back, you looked up to your husband. “This little gentleman has lost both of his parents and is in need for a place to live. He asked me for help, afraid to come here alone.”
“Is that the Uchiha kid?” Tobirama asked, hinting that he knows something about the situation already.
“Kagami Uchiha, yes.”
“Earlier today I received a notice informing that his parents were assigned for a mission that failed,” he looked back at the scrolls he was reviewing earlier that day, trying to bring some details to his mind and an exhale assisted him coming to terms with the not-so-pleasant part of his work. So many years he wanted to achieve nothing else than peace where children wouldn’t have to suffer the war and yet, still conflicts result in sorrow. “Well, I will contact Uchihas to find a family for him, but I’m afraid it will take few days. Probably weeks. Up until this time, he’ll go to the orpha-“
“Would it be possible that you let me handle this issue and take care of this boy for the time we get an answer? I can pay a visit to Madara, it would be much quicker.”
Tobirama stayed silent for few moments, searching for a solution to the matter, just like he always does and you gave him the time to answer while smoothing Kagami’s back. Sensing the lack of wrath from your husband, he slowly began relaxing in your embrace, soon falling asleep on your shoulder, exhausted by everything that happened to him lately. You couldn’t imagine how distressed was that boy by losing both of his parents, losing his home and being forced to face a man that he was convinced hates him. During your previous talk, he even hinted that he’s afraid that Tobirama will kill him if he goes there alone.
“It might be slightly more efficient if you go to Madara yourself, since he has a soft spot for you,” your man spoke finally, crossing his arms over his chest, like he usually does when thinking about something. “Please, elaborate on taking care of him yourself?”
“Our home has more than enough space for this little one to spend few days in, without stressing him with the orphanage. If you’d agree, I promise I’ll take care of him so he won’t interrupt your routine.”
It was a lot to ask him, you were well aware of that but you were determined to help this baby out. Tobirama was mostly out of the house anyway, it shouldn’t be a problem to have a 5-year-old that would probably be sleeping all the time he’s back. The very thought of weighing this poor little soul with another burden such as orphanage was making your heart clench.
“Such a kind heart you have,” the man exhaled deeply, looking at the child that was sleeping cuddled to your body, feeling safe enough to allow himself to lose consciousness. “Always so keen to help the village.”
“Konoha is also my home now,” you smiled, “and this child did nothing wrong, he’s just six.”
“My schedule is full for the next days so I won’t be able to help you. Can you handle the issue alone?”
“I’m positive. I took care of many children in Yu, they always seem to like me,” you glanced at the boy, your face now stained with a soft smile. “And I’m sure that I can find a loving family to this baby by talking with people myself faster than the documents could.”
“So let be it,” Tobirama straightened up and you got up as well, happy to hear his response. “I should manage to prepare the documents by tomorrow, so they will be ready when you’re done with your search. Up until now, please make sure to provide what’s needed for this boy.”
“Yes, my Lord,” you smiled, giving him a kiss to the corner of his lips, before saying goodbye and leaving.
Tobirama stayed in place for a moment longer, his mind replaying the words you used to address him. It wasn’t out of ordinary for people to call him lord, he was hokage’s brother and arguably one of the most, if not the most important person in the village but you were the only one, who called him your Lord. He loved hearing those words, it made him feel like he was indeed yours and being yours came with pride to Tobirama. From the beginning he was focused on you staying by his side, and now, knowing how loving and pure-hearted you are, he was overjoyed to call himself yours. Your Lord, your husband, your dear. Everything you addressed him with made his heart flutter. You were really an angel sent from above and with that thought, he got back to work.
The night you spent sleeping in the guest room, next to the little boy that was too frightened to sleep alone in the foreign place, but relaxed immediately, feeling your body’s warmth next to him. To know you were a safe space for him, that he was able to find peace and security in you made your heart swell with joy.
The night you stayed alerted, sleeping lightly in order to notice if Kagami was having a calm dream and as the morning struck its light onto your face and you heard your husband getting ready to leave, you raised a little on your elbow. As if Tobirama sensed you’re awake, he peaked into the guest room, quietly approaching your side of the bed and motioning you to not leave the bed.
“Don’t get up, it’s alright,” he told you, taking a mental picture of how tenderly you kept the little boy to yourself. From the moment he’d seen you in his office the day before, he knew he won’t get the peace of mind now, his thoughts constantly circling around the depiction of you caring for your own child. Tobirama was never too keen on having his own spouse, hoping the bloodline will be passed down by Hashirama, but he couldn’t deny the image was tempting.
“I’m sorry, my dear,” you whispered. “I’ll bring you bento to your office.”
“Don’t worry about it. Was the night peaceful?”
“It was, yes”, you gave it a little nod, whilst Tobirama glanced at you two once again.
“I have to go now. You know where to find me.”
“Have a nice day.”
With a soft kiss planted on your temple, he was soon gone.
“He’s not that bad,” Kagami muttered against your chest and you smiled, smoothing his hair.
“Of course, he’s not,” you cooed quietly. “He may look scary, but has a good heart.”
Two weeks it took you to finalize the issue with Kagami and you couldn’t be happier with the outcome. The family you found with the help of Madara was a couple that couldn’t have their own children but dreamt of one. With tears they agreed to open their hearts to the young boy, thanking you, their ancestors and even gods for the gift and it thrilled you to know that he’s safe and sound now, with good people. The two were shinobi, with father that’s mid-ranked officer of Uchiha forces and a mother that’s skilled in ninjutsu, and you believed they can raise Kagami to be a powerful ninja in the future, that got to know parental love.
Collecting all of the documents and sharing few more moments with the boy, you promised him that he’s welcome to your home always and offered your help if he or his family needed anything. It broke your heart just a little to give him away, as you’ve become quite attached to him, but it was better for Kagami to grow among Uchihas, learn about their techniques and sharingan – things that you couldn’t teach him, especially when during the time you learned that a powerful ocular jutsu is coded in his blood line. You hoped that being raised with the clan will allow Kagami to grow into his full potential.
“Thank you, Madara,” you bowed slightly to the clan leader, when you were about to leave their district. “I think the family will cherish the future.”
“I think so too,” he responded. “I have to admit, it’s bold of you to involve in Uchiha matters, being a wife to Tobirama. You have my respect.”
“The child has nothing to do with the eternal conflict between your clan and the Senju. And I’m neither of those,” chuckling, you secured the scrolls into the pouch on your waist. “But I’m glad Kagami found a loving home, because if that wouldn’t be the case, I’d insist on raising him myself and that would make things a little complicated.”
“I imagine. You have a kind heart, I hope this world won’t corrupt it too quickly,” Madara lowered his head just slightly, in respect towards you. “If that’s all, I’ll return to my duties.”
“Of course. Thank you once again. I’ll leave now too.”
Exchanging quick goodbyes, you got back home to prepare food for your husband and while the rice was cooking, you tidied up a little. It was inevitable that a little bit of mess will set inside, as the child was staying there but it was nothing severe. Already missing Kagami, you sighed. The kid was just too adorable not to grow attached. He was just the right balance between quiet and loud, he loved to be hugged and often fell asleep while being in your embrace. With his little kisses on the cheek, you felt your heart flutter and grow, and even your husband, whom you wouldn’t call the best with children, liked the little Uchiha, although he would never admit it out loud. You noticed he was softer towards him; he even took the boy on his lap while in the office which was one of the most adorable moments you’ve witnessed, probably in your life. You were convinced he would agree if you asked to keep the baby, but that would be selfish of you. It truly was the best for him to be raised by Uchihas and just because you gave him to the new family didn’t mean you won’t ever see him again. You were informed to be welcome in their house whenever you feel like it and you also proclaimed yourself as the official aunt.
With the bento filled and packed, you locked the door and took a walk to the hokage office, where your husband also had his place but, in his workplace, you didn’t find him. Taking the liberty of entering without permission you approached his desk and placed the food and the scroll there, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen you sat down on his chair to write a note.
“Comfortable?” deep, familiar voice reached your ears when the doors opened and your husband entered his office. You looked up, watching him as he went across the room and before you reacted, he already pulled you away from the desk, grabbed your body like it weighted nothing and sat down, situating you on top of his thighs.
“Now I am,” you joked, kissing his cheek. “Good morning, my dear.”
“Good morning,” he took the letter you were writing and glanced over the text before putting it to one of his drawers. “How’s Kagami?”
“Safe in his new home. I already know he’ll be spoiled; they were on cloud nine taking him in. Madara was cooperative as well. I’d say everything went well,” you briefed, smoothing over the back of his neck. “All details and documents are inside those scrolls I brought you. I made sure to fill them to your standards.”
“I’m sure you did,” he chuckled. “Thank you for lunch.”
A smile bloomed on your face. “You’re welcome, my love.”
Love. That was the first time he heard this one specific word coming from your mouth and he wondered for a second if he misheard you, because surely, he had to. Love was a strong word, even though it wasn’t a confession, it still held one heavy emotional impact and Tobirama was convinced that love wasn’t what’s between you two. He loves you, yes. How could he not if you’re such a good person? A great shinobi that was ready to die for the village that wasn’t even your own, a golden heart keen to help everyone, a woman beautiful inside and outside. A perfect human being that he had the luck to marry through the political arrangement. But you had not that much reason to fall for him. You were patient and kind to him, just as you were to everybody else. You touched him, but you told him before marriage that it's your way of showing affection. You got up every day so early only to wish him a great day and make sure he has something to eat, even though you could sleep for a little longer before starting your day. Could that be out of love and not out of wife’s duty?
“I have one more meeting today and it’s possible I’ll be free a little earlier today,” he said finally, breaking out of his own spiral of overthinking, “would you want to join me for a walk this evening?”
“I would absolutely love to,” smiling, you leaned your head over his shoulder, inhaling his scent gently pulling down his collar so you could press your lips against his skin. “I shouldn’t take your time while you’re at work, should I?”
“I have few more minutes before I need to leave for a meeting and I’ll gladly give those to you.”
“In that case, I’ll gladly accept them.”
It didn’t take long for Tobirama’s lips to find yours, locking them in a kiss filled with longing. He himself was surprised of how much his body yearned for the closeness of yours, after two weeks of very limited contact due to a child in your home that consumed all of your attention. You’ve got him so used to your affections that he found himself unable to exist correctly without them. What have you done to him? All of his life, Tobirama believed that emotional attachment was a barrier; that it’s something he cannot afford in order to stay strong and reliable, but you proved him wrong. You proved that not only he needs feelings in his life but also, they make him stronger than he was before. You made him stronger; you made him a better leader; you showed him that softness isn’t synonymous to weakness and the young Senju liked who he’d become with you by his side.
You could feel how hungry your man was, how starved of affection he had become in just those few days and it thrilled you, excitement coursing through your veins as you run your fingers through his silver hair. At the beginning, although agreeing to your touches, he wasn’t keen to reciprocate your gestures. He had to learn how to be physical with you, because before that only contact that involved two bodies was confined to battle. But Tobirama being a smart man, learned quickly that it’s not unusual for couples to share touches, to kiss, to sleep together. He learned that intimacy is first and foremost for pleasure, not only to reproduce. All of it made you happy. It meant he had opened to you, dropped down his guard and let you into his world that before you was strictly restricted to laws and orders.
 Biting on his lower lip you smiled, letting your hand brush the nape of his neck. Taking in his little gasp, you broke the kiss, resting your forehead against his and smoothing the light skin of his cheek, avoiding the red dashes he painted on his face every morning.
“What have you done to me?” he whispered, calming his breath.
“You’re welcome,” kissing him once more, you got up from his legs. “When should I expect you?”
“I’ll wrap things up around 8PM.”
“So, I’ll pick you up at 8. We’re set. Now, focus on the meeting and don’t forget to eat, alright?”
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bobauthorman · 3 months
I have a statement to make, and I knew none of your are going to like. But I have to get it out of my system, so here it goes.
Ruby was wrong to lie to Ironwood at the beginning of Volume 7.
(Ducks thrown tomatoes)
NOW, let me say I am NOT saying Ironwood’s breakdown was Ruby’s fault, nor the subsequent destruction of Atlas and the Relics should be laid at her feet. She is NOT responsible for those events. It’s just, the lying thing still was not a good idea.
I know, I know. “But Ruby was right! Ironwood wasn’t trustworthy!” and “How can you expect her to trust the guy after the last bunch of authority figures screwed with her and her friends?!”
But the thing is, while Team Remnant couldn’t trust Ironwood with the truth, they did trust him otherwise. They accepted his gifts, worked with his soldiers, and helped him remain in power…an act that blew up in their faces when Cinder push Ironwood’s mental Big Red Button. 
When Ironwood outlines the first the step of his plan is to reestablish global communications, tell the world about Salem and then send his fleet to defend the other kingdoms, Ruby comments, “That…is a good plan.” From that one sentence, she shows that her hiding the truth was not just a matter of keeping from having a breakdown, but also keeping him on course for “a good plan.” The rest of us (Well, some of us) have the perspective and time to fully grasp and analyze how badly this plan could go. But Ruby does not have that perspective. As both Yang and Oscar point out, this is very similar to how Ozpin operated, and we all know how that worked. Overall, this was Xiao Long family’s usual method of dealing with difficult subjects by…not dealing and instead trying to bury their unease with work.
Now, to Ruby’s credit, when she sees what appears to be Ironwood opening up to others, she takes it as a cue that he can handle the full truth. And at no point does anyone realize that Salem herself is on the way, or that Cinder has been in Atlas for who knows how long. But by waiting so long, Ironwood has had too many shocking revelations that he can’t process finding out about the latter two. It’s just poor timing.
Ultimately, the decision to hold off on telling Ironwood the truth was a delaying action. It didn’t so much make the situation worse, but it did not make things better, especially with Watts and Tyrian doing their best to tweak the general’s nerves. Now, the question is, would telling him early on stop a breakdown?
I’m gonna say no.
And I think that’s the whole point of what I’m trying to say. Ironwood was always on a road to ruin. But if they had gotten it over with sooner, Team Remnant would only have had to deal with the mad general. By putting it off, this meant they were forced into a three-way conflict with both the Atlas Army and Salem herself. Ruby has a coping mechanism where she tries to avoid difficult subjects by burying herself in work, which is exactly what happened in Atlas. She felt bad about hiding the truth from Ironwood, and then got distracted by the endless missions. While on paper they were helping Atlas, it was the equivalent of dousing brushfires while not doing anything about the arsonist- everything wrong with Atlas was at present the result of Ironwood’s policies. He needed a wake-up call.
Now, I’m sure a lot of you will get on my case about this. We all want our heroes to be these flawless paragons who always make the right call. But one of RWBY’s themes that the ‘Perfect Hero’ just doesn’t exist. The show’s protagonists make mistakes. They act hypocritically. But what makes them better than the villains or even mentors who also do this is that they are far more willing to recognize those mistakes and try to deal with them.
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haechvn · 2 years
Hold On
Pairing: Shuri x Reader
Warning: Angst and a lil fluff. Shuri is a little bit moody but who can really blame her
Summary/Request: y/n is a lab specialist and is sent to work in shuri’s lab after during that year after t’challa passed on (hurt/comfort) then maybe y/n was in the market when the tallokan attacked and shuri protects.
Word Count: 1.9k
Author’s Note: Takes place during Wakanda Forever so beware of spoilers. 
I am working on a few rn but KEEP SENDING REQUESTS. We didn’t just have Shuri star in her OWN MOVIE for y'all to be ignoring her. You guys should be ashamed. Don't play with me, play with yourself.  Enjoy my loves!
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“Shuri, I get what you are trying to do but are you sure recreating the herb solely in a lab will give you the same results? Aren’t there any cultural lines you’d be crossing or something? Maybe we should ask the Queen about this first,” you quipped as you steadily chased Shuri around her lab, hoping to get her to reconsider her next steps with the current experiment. 
It has been over a year since the sudden passing of her older brother and the only life she has been able to live is that of a mad scientist - nothing more and certainly nothing less. Of course she still took proper care of herself but her only desire was to find a way to crack the code that could have saved T’Challa’s life. That pain is with her everyday so to combat that, she has put together a squad of the most brilliant minds in Wakanda to help her efforts and that is where you come in. Working alongside the Princess as a Lab Specialist, who is an expert in working with organic matter and analyzing foreign and home-based substances. Truth be told, Shuri adores her entire team but values your opinion and work above all. Maybe it's because your eyes keep her up at night. But in this situation, no one's words were really as important as her own. At least, that’s what she thought. 
“I know what I’m doing,” she seethed stentoriously, speaking as if every word was its own sentence. Stopping abruptly and turning around for you to greet her rigid eyes, her jaw clenched and the veins on her forehead looked like they wanted to break free. Shuri did not want to have this conversation with you again because as more time passed, the more her patience with this project wore thin. Why does everyone still view her as a child? Why can’t her plans be good enough? Every cell in your body told you that you had yet again irritated the Princess. 
“I'm tired of everyone questioning me as if I am not the smartest woman in the world! Go to the market like I requested and pick up the items I asked you to so we can go back to experimenting and stop all this talking. That’s an order.”
Scoffing at her disrespectful tone, you continued on, wanting the Princess to fully think through the ramifications of what lies ahead. She may be royalty but she was also your friend so to hear her speak to you this way without any regard of how you may feel made your heart crack just a bit. You had done your best to be there for her during this very difficult last year and always offered a shoulder to cry on but she has unknowingly begun taking her anger out on you. Her taut voice introduced many onlooking eyes peering over to the previously quiet conversation the two of you were having. Crossing your arms in front of your chest, you held your ground.
“How long will this go on for? You constantly treat your colleagues like we are nothing but mere pets to you. Didn’t you bring us in so that we could help you find ways to solve your problem? That is what I am trying to do here and I don't understand why you can’t see that. I just want you to be safe,” you let out with your voice slightly cracking, exhausted from arguing and the constant back and forth. Sure you kept her on her toes from time to time but this just became too much. Thinking about what could happen if she ingested the curated herb and Bast forbid something went wrong. You wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself. No. You can’t let your mind go there. 
Not letting her answer your questions, you bowed to the Princess and spun on your heels, signaling your exit from the lab with your coat rustling behind you. Quickly rushing out, you could hear her sigh and beckon you towards her but your head was held high as you trekked forward. You didn’t wish to be disregarded any further and the Princess clearly needed some time to think. 
“That’ll be 12 Wakandan dollars pwease,” said the young girl selling herbs, plates and bowls with her mother. Dots and stripes dance on her face and her smile reminds you of the one Shuri used to carry. It has been so long - too long so maybe this will bring that back to her. 
Thanking the girl and her mother, you start to head back to the lab but not without appreciating the breathtaking beauty of the culture in Wakanda. Such peaceful and vibrant people to match the ethereal aura of this wonderful nation is something that can only be witnessed with your own eyes. In the distance, you made out the figure of a certain Jabari leader smiling widely and waving his enormous hands at you. M’Baku has really proven himself to be a formidable and dependent member of the Wakandan civilization. Just as you lifted your hand to greet him back, you heard the girl and her mother that you bought from scream in anguish.
Whipping your head around, all you could see for miles was water exploding out of thin air. Everywhere started to flood and all the stores and their owners began disappearing before your eyes. Clutching the materials that Shuri requested, you tried your hardest to outrun the waves if that is even possible. You can’t even swim so trying to head towards the water was completely out of the question, especially once three foreign figures rose from the shore. Just like in those cliche horror films, you naturally lost your footing and all you could think was Wait. Atlantis is a real place??!! 
Scared for your life, you gathered yourself up and continued onto the palace until the sweetest melody you have ever heard entered your senses. Dropping everything from your grasp, in a trance you found yourself facing the mysterious figures again, this time in the direction of a man adorned in gold, jade and what is that? Vibranium? However your thoughts were no longer your own and all you wanted to do at this present moment was obey the orders of the singing siren before you. Chaos and destruction ensued around you but all you felt was peace. An eerie peace that sent chills down your spine but whisked your mind away from any current circumstances. Your mind knew he was about to kill you. 
On your way down to kneel in front of this unknown enemy, your name was shouted out at you from the heavens above. The voice held fear and grievance in it and it snapped you out of your hypnosis. It was the Princess. Up above in a ship with what looked like Nneka, waving you down endlessly in hopes to get your attention. Even during her most vulnerable moments, Shuri looked absolutely glorious. Maybe it’s the way her curls fell forward as if they were reaching out to you or her deep charcoal eyes that seems to call you hers. Either way, with the world crashing down around you, you still couldn’t help the butterflies in your chest every time you laid eyes on her. 
Before you could register what was happening, her figure dove out of the aircraft and was headed straight towards you. It seems as though she cracked the code. Landing stealthy with her back turned towards you, her black panther suit seemed to glow in the sun. Decorated in gold and silver from top to bottom, you couldn't hold in your shock. Shuri had always said that the black panther died with her brother but it seems as though she was terribly incorrect.
“Namor. I guess this makes me your enemy now,” she stalked towards him as he slightly trembled in surprise. 
Shuri’s languid movements reminded you of her brother but much more graceful and slightly less calculated but magnificent nonetheless. Intense blows were exchanged between the both of them as you scampered away to find safety in an attempt to avoid the crossfire. Namor eventually catapulted himself away from the Princess and made his way towards the Royal Palace. Getting ready to run in his direction, the Black Panther halted and turned to finally face you. 
Your heart was pounding profusely as she neared you and her helmet disappeared. Her eyes held the story of everything she had been through yet she still carried on like royalty, with such poise and dignity.
She’s here. She’s here. She’s here. She really came here to save me.
You have never seen the Princess kneel before, especially not in a public place so your eyes went wide as she went down on one knee and grasped your hands. Her chest was going up and down at an alarming rate and the grip she had on you started to burn. 
“I’m so sorry I-. I had hoped you were-. Ugh! I can’t believe he almost-,” her words failing her at every opportunity. Tears dropped onto your joined hands and her back shook with her cries. When Shuri had received a distress signal, she had no choice but to take the incomplete herb in an attempt to even the playing field with the submariner. It scared her even more to know that he was attacking the market, the same place she had sent you to in a fit of rage. She couldn’t even believe she used that tone on you of all people so the thought that that might have been the last conversation between you two - no. Not again. She shook her head over and over, not daring to look you in the eyes because she didn’t deserve your kindness. From the outside looking in, Princess Shuri was losing it and this new mantle she now carried was already beginning to be too much for her. 
“Stand up! You are a Princess,” you bellowed, your heart breaking at the sight. Though you shared the same frightened feeling as her, she needed someone to be strong for her and who better than you. 
"We can have this conversation later but your people need you. Your country needs you. Show them who you are, Shuri. Then come back to me.” You couldn't believe you were here offering this kind of counsel to the Princess. You two have really come a long way.
Her head snapped up, curls dancing across her forehead, showcasing her cherry red, tear-filled eyes. She really thought she lost you. 
Quickly gathering her strength, she called for Nakia to “beam us up” and take you to safety. As you are being lifted up, her arms softly wrap themselves around your torso while your chests are conveniently pressed up against each other. Shuri’s eyes haven’t been able to leave yours and they are saying all the things her lips and insecurities wouldn’t allow her. You nod and offer a small smile, knowing that that’s the best thing you could muster up in the moment. Her eyes traveled between yours and your lips over and over. She licked her lips out of nervousness and tried to see if her actions would be accepted before she leaned forward to close the gap between you two. Just as her ready lips grazed yours, Okoye’s voice screeched and pierced through her earpiece. 
“My Princess! The Royal Palace is underwater!”
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theshadowsingersraven · 6 months
Analyzing Blodeuwedd and What it May Mean for Elain's Character Arc/Romantic Journey (mainly Elucien)
Many people have attributed Blodeuwedd to Elain’s arc, as SJM had supposedly pinned it to her Pinterest before it was taken down and labeled it "Elain." And, generally speaking, it does seem to fit her.
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Flower face? Elain is known to be beautiful and associated with flowers. Additionally, she's tied to a man by forces of magic beyond her control and is shown to want a man different than the one the magic forces designated for her. Lleu also means "light," similar to how Lucien means light. I've also seen people cite that the name Lleu itself translates to Lucien.
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Now, here's what it gets interesting and parallels to Elain-Lucien-Azriel really come into play.
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So, many people assume that Gronw Pebr is Azriel in this situation. Especially because of the whole Blood Duel debacle being a possible outcome. But I want to pose something different. Because here's what's said about Gronw on his own page.
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An antagonist.
Now, to be clear, this isn't really a grand love story between Blodeuwedd and Gronw. It's almost comparable to Romeo and Juliet, but the main difference is that the antagonists in Romeo and Juliet are the families. The families are the ones who the narrative blames for them taking their lives. But thar doesn't appear to be the case with Blodeuwedd. Because here's what happens next:
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Blodeuwedd and Gronw are blamed by the narrative. Gwydion (notice something familiar about that name? The ancient sword of Fionn? The Starsword?) punishes Blodeuwedd and turns her into an owl. (I don't anticipate this to be literal in the retelling.)
And then the last of the tale is below:
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So, what does this all mean?
Incorporating SJM's hint that the next book will feature a betrayal, I think it's very possible that the traitor is Elain, but under specific circumstances. Again, assuming that SJM does maintain her statement about there being a betrayal. Especially because I personally don't see SJM killing off Azriel for trying to kill Lucien. As much as I want Az to get his desperately needed reality check, I definitely don't want him to die.
Hear me out:
What if "Gronw" is an emissary/ally of Koschei instead of Azriel?
Thinking of it this way, it's possible that SJM's adaptation would also tie in Swan Lake and the Death of Koschei the Deathless all in one.
In ACOSF, Cassian notes that no one really knows where Elain goes and that he believes her to be lying at one point when she says she's going to help an elderly faerie with her garden.
Given that the Suriel was aware of Elain scrying for him in WAR, I wonder if something similar could occur with her seeing Koschei? Or perhaps she scries in either the early part of her book or the novella should SJM decide to put a break between SF and the next novel, and that might be how we can get a more direct tie between them.
Either way, I don't think it's a coincidence that Gwydion from this tale is also the same origin name of the Starsword. Perhaps if Elain is magically manipulated in some way, Gwydion could be wielded to destroy that manipulation. Or Gwydion might be used to reveal "Gronw" as an owl/emissary of Koschei instead of "Blodeuwedd"/Elain being turned into an owl. Perhaps this "owl" could also be a reference to Maeve?
Maybe Lucien and Nesta work together to free Elain from this manipulation, thus how Gwydion as a sword could come into play. I also wouldn't be surprised that if this is the direction SJM takes, it could result in Elain being "punished"/monitored to ensure that there's no further manipulations still affecting her.
And since Madja even says that a mate will know what's wrong, maybe Lucien is included in that monitoring (especially if there was an attempt on his life)? Maybe she's put with him in a forced proximity way, like at the Band of Exiles' manor, and she spends time around humans and starts to heal the part of her that grieves her humanity. Maybe her "monitoring" is also focused on healing, and since Elain would have access to the world around her, unlike in the House of Wind, she might make her way to Spring as many have expected her to end up.
And maybe this might be where Vassa is called back to Koschei’s lake, though maybe not necessarily resolved fully in this book? Or maybe it could be, who knows!
I know very well that SJM doesn't do entirely faithful/one-to-one retellings, so who knows how it'll play out. However, I do find it interesting that this isn't the love story a lot of people seemed to expect for E/riel both on here and on Reddit. I don't see her turning Elain and/or Azriel into truly malicious antagonists. But that's also just me!
Let me know your thoughts. I'm also heavily biased towards Elucien, so def keep that in mind!
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rigatoniiiiiiii · 2 years
I posted this before but tumblr was being weird so I had to delete and then repost ^^’
So im curious about what R, Y, B, and G could have seen in the black hole during episode 30.
what do we know about the void?
- we know it’s mostly empty, except for the individual and a place/symbol of emotional importance to the person.
A good example of this is mango’s void, where it’s only him and an empty house, a place where mango spent most of his time planning vengeace and festering in rage and grief.
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- usually the subject of the void has to deal with some sort of regret or inner struggle. For mango, it was his empty lonely house, with only himself and the angry violent pictures scribbled on the wall.
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For purple, it was a completely dark and empty space, with the only light highlighting them and the petals falling around them. A reminder that they are completely alone, no father around and a dead mother.
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- each of these voids/spaces are likely places where their deepest and most hurtful thoughts manifest their surroundings. And it’s hard to break through to these spaces, but it can be done, as mango demonstrated.
So, given what we know, what would RGBY’s voids be like? They were also in the void for a brief period of time before second was able to save the day, so what would they have seen?
Of course it’s all hypothetical, but I think it presents an interesting way to try and visualize and analyze each of the CG’s flaws and insecurities, and how they might find hope in response to that.
Reblog/share your theories!! I think this is very interesting. I’ll put my personal ideas under the cut, but go wild :)
Red: I think Red’s void would be about their character flaw of rushing into situations without thinking/letting others know about mews plan, and how their friende get hurt as a result of that. It could also be about how Red’s feelings have been continually dismissed by the CG (but specifically Second) and how Red feels because of that.
Blue: xer space would involve guilt over indirectly causing harm to his friends. Between the many accidents with potions, the nether incedents, the witch event, and starting off the S3 arc, he probably feels like xes done a lot of damage. Maybe he is afraid that they will get hurt/reject xem because of this.
Yellow: in past episodes, yellow’s power in situations has come from knowledge. For example, theres the entire arcade game episode, the lucky block episode, redstone, learning to fight with a command block. Yellow always wants to learn more, and the result of that curiosity and intelligence is the ability to help/give to yellows friends. So it would stand to reason that yellow would be very insecure and helpless in a situation where yellow couldn’t learn anything. There is no knowledge to be gained, no secret code or strategy to find a way out. But yellow can see the CG being hurt, and yet yellow is powerless and can’t help them. I imagine yellow would feel absolutely helpless.
Green: im.. honestly not too sure about green? It feels like there’s a lot to work with, and not enough to work with. I dont feel i have a good enough grasp on his character/insecurities. Some possible ideas i had were the amount of times green has died, or greens flaw of being a bit too show-offy. Green is definetly one I would like to hear everyone’s thoughts about!
And i know second didn’t get voided, so its even more hypothetical, but i think if second DID fall into the black hole, their space would either be about their powers (which would be confusing and distressing for him), about all their friends dying again like in the showdown and second being powerless to stop it, or maybe even himself being the reason its friends are hurt. However I also think second would be the first to break out of its void, and the first to get to their friends and bring them together, and tell them how much he cares for them, no matter what the void showed.
Anyways yeah thank you for reading!! Just some thoughts I had :) im curious to hear everyone’s theories!
Tagging @lunafandoms !
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pasteloctoz · 1 year
I needed to make a post about biting and the significance with vampires (specifically our cowboy and prince). Also (kind of) comparing Darlin' and Lovely and their trauma with biting.
FULL DISCLAIMER: I am analyzing this from a writer's point of view, I have never had to deal with trauma in the way these characters have. If I seem to get anything wrong PLEASE TELL ME. In many cases I am not as educated as I'd like to be. Also Quinn audio spoilers ahead.
From what we know about vampire culture, biting is supposed to be a sort of "right of passage" between a vampire and their partner (vamp or not), as well as turning (unless its in situations like Fred or Vinnie). It shows that the two trust each other enough for one to feed on the other. Vincent describes it as an intimate act (specifically in the neck), which tells me that it is somewhere in the same category as bridging. Of course there are many acceptations to this but that's pretty much the gist of it.
I find it interesting that the incident with Adam happened with Lovely and literally five audios later he bites them for the first time. Obviously, Lovely can't have gotten over their trauma that quickly. Especially since it's been 2 years (about) since Darlin' and Quinn stopped being a thing and Darlin' is obviously still bothered by the things Quinn did to them.
Now, here's where things get interesting. I think why Lovely was able to "get over" everything that happened was because they knew what was happening to them was bad. They hadn't trusted Adam from the start. Hell- when they first met Adam was about to drain them right then and there. While Darlin' was under the impression that Quinn was doing it because he loved them (idk how else to phrase it, definitely coulda said that better).
Lovely knows Vinnie would never hurt them on purpose and trusts him 100 times more than they would ever trust Adam. After realizing that Quinn wasn't good for them, Darlin' might not trust Sam as much and earlier in their relationship would've let Sam know that. Now, later into their relationship, even though Darlin' trusts Sam a lot more then before Sam won't bite them. He doesn't want to make them feel like he's just another Quinn. That's why he can never follow through with biting them despite Darlin' asking for it. He doesn't want to abuse Darlin's trust like Quinn did.
He doesn't want to abuse Darlin's trust like Alexis did to him. And that's where you realize- they both have a past with biting and as a result have trust issues. Neither of them have a good idea of what biting is supposed to be.
ALSO I think Darlin's reasoning for wanting to be bitten are completely different now than back with Quinn. Back then, Darlin' (I headcanon) genuinely wanted Quinn to hurt them. They felt useless being apart of a pack and at the same time feeling so lonely. So they wanted him to be the disgusting sadist he is and really bring out the worst in them. Though, now, Darlin' really does trust Sam a lot, and wants to show that to him. Darlin' wants to do their best to get over the shit with Quinn and be in the moment with Sam.
That's how you know Darlin' really won the boyfriend lottery <3
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Kaede Akamatsu VS Sara Chidouin [Danganronpa Survivor VS Your Turn To Die]
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Hifumi: Kaede Akamatsu, the pianist parallel leader of the V3 Crew!
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Leona: And Sara Chidouin, the mysterious lead player of Your Turn To Die
Hifumi: Sometimes, the most unassuming young lady can make for a great hero. Even the youth have the power to inspire others and give them the determination they need to push through the most trying times.
Leona: These two mysterious, fervently adorable cuties with amazing skills, always keep fighting, despite the inevitable and certain stare of death right in their faces! He's Hifumi, and I'm Leona!
Hifumi: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, talents and skills, to see who will win a DEATH BATTLE!
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Leona: Well isn't this exciting? I think this is the first time we've covered someone from Danganronpa V3!
Hifumi: It's also the only time, at least for this season, so we need to make sure we do this right. 
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Hifumi: Kaede Akamatsu has been playing the piano for so long that she occasionally forgot to eat and sleep as a child. People started calling her "piano freak" as a result. She soon started taking first place in competition after competition, receiving accolades from a wide range of sources and being dubbed the Ultimate Pianist. She has given performances in front of notable people like a European King, a Juilliard representative, and other well-known pianists.
Leona: Aside from the fame that came with her talent, Kaede Akamatsu, by all intents and purposes, was a fairly normal child...But...as most people seem to do if they're fairly normal children, she wound up getting swept up in a Killing Game!
Hifumi: It all started when Kaede, as well as 15 other young men and women with Ultimate Talents got inducted into the Gofer Project. The heads of state and government from every country in the world initiated it when a deadly virus was released into the atmosphere by numerous meteorites crashing into Earth. The government made the decision to put sixteen gifted students, who were part of the Ultimate Initiative, and who also just so happened to be immune to the virus, in a spaceship colony and try to save the last remnants of humanity before the Earth was destroyed.
Leona: Despite being chosen, Kaede and the other 15 participants had no intention of following through on the plan because they didn't want to abandon their loved ones. As a result, Kaede chose to forget her Ultimate talent and live her life as a typical high school student.
Hifumi: But that wasn't to last. During that period, an extremist cult gained influence, and they tried to halt The Gofer Project after learning about it and coming to the conclusion that the meteorites were a punishment that humanity had brought upon itself. 
Leona: Because of this, the sixteen students who were chosen for the Gofer Project were pursued and the "Ultimate Hunt" began to spread throughout the globe, and Kaede ended up on the run for her life.
Hifumi: In order to defuse the situation and stop the Ultimate Hunt while still protecting the students, the government then made the decision to pretend that the students had died. At that point, as meteorites were destroying Earth, the Gofer Project was launched. After traveling to space in the enormous ark—an institute also known as the Ultimate Academy of Gifted Juveniles—Kaede and the others were sent into a deep slumber that lasted for many years...
Leona: But something happened that the government weren't expecting. Eerily similar to how Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba did many many years ago at Hope's Peak, the leader of the deranged cult hid themselves among the students in the Gofer Project and snuck aboard the evil Monokuma and his 5 deranged children, which effectively forced Kaede and the others to participate in the Killing School Semester! Damn...as far as Killing Game backstories go, I thought a digital world was the peak, but now you're telling me that these guys are the last few survivors of humanity on a spaceship?
Uchui: I wouldn't be so impressed...After all, everything you've just said...is a PACK OF LIES!
Leona: Uchui, hey, you're back!
Hifumi: Ah, good timing! I was actually hoping to invite you on this episode as a special guest, mainly to help with all the metaphysical crap.
Uchui: It's what I'm best at. Anyway, I guess I should explain myself. To start with, and putting it extremely bluntly, Kaede Akamatsu is, from the perspective of us here in the room...an ALIEN.
Leona: WHAT!? She's like...a manhunter from Mars or something!?
Uchui: No. An "alien" is defined as a hypothetical or fictional being from another world...And THAT is EXACTLY what Kaede and her friends are. FICTIONAL CHARACTERS from ANOTHER UNIVERSE!
Leona: I'm...so lost...What are you talking about?
Uchui: To start with, Kaede Akamatsu and her friends AREN'T from OUR universe! She came here with the others after yours truly pulled them from their original twisted reality into ours, which is why they're here with us now. To make things even more interesting, the Kaede Akamatsu that we know now, is NOT the original.
Leona: She's like...a clone or something then!?
Hifumi: Mr Porosen, you're probably going to need to put it a lot simpler than that.
Uchui: I'm trying, ok? The REAL backstory is that in the world that Kaede Akamatsu and her associates, who we know by the moniker of "V3 Kids", is a world where the infamous Killing Games, like the First, Jabberwock Island, Demon Hunting and Final Killing Games...DID NOT HAPPEN. They were part of a long running anime and tv show franchise known simply as...Danganronpa! A series featuring Killing Games created by a team under the same name! And every famous event that happened FOR REAL in our world, is FICTIONAL in theirs! The series was so popular in fact, most of humanity was obsessed with it, and real people started to be put in the Killing Games as their own OC's! Including Kaede and her friends, who were part of the series 53rd Season!
Leona: 53RD!? Not even the SIMPSONS has that many season!? Well, not YET at least...Anyway, I...I think I get it...But then...if that's really true, who IS Kaede Akamatsu!?
Uchui: From what I can gather, she was just a regular girl who enjoyed classical music, and had a rather strenuous relationship with her family; not an Ultimate level student by a long shot. She was also a fan of Danganronpa. And following an event in which her twin sister Kaori died from a motorcycle accident, post a heated argument with her sister, Kaede WILLINGLY signed herself up for the latest season of the show.
Hifumi: Later on, Kaede disclosed that her desire to join the Killing Game stemmed from her belief that she had the ideal personality for it and that she had no faith at all in humanity. Remarkably different from the girl we all know today.
Leona: That's...kinda fucked...!
Uchui: It gets a lot worse. Once her application was approved, Kaede went through the fabrication process, in which all of her personality and past memories were made up from scratch, along with the other untalented 53rd Killing Game players. She was also given the title and talent of Ultimate Pianist; the goal of doing all of this being to please the global fan base of Danganronpa. Following the completion of the fabrication process, Kaede and the others formally entered the 53rd Killing Game season, also known as the Killing School Semester, when they enrolled in the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, now all completely different people. Kaede Akamatsu especially, turned into a vivacious, humorous, positive, and happy person! When responding and making her points, she's typically direct, blunt, and forthright. An aspect that many can get behind, and that was kind of the point.
Hifumi: Her story began when Ms. Akamatsu awoke in a locker on the second floor of the Ultimate Academy, in a creepy classroom covered in vines. But before she had a chance to act, a boy staggered out of the locker next to the one she had been in when she had woken up. As the two got to know one another, the boy introduced himself as Shuichi Saihara.
Leona: Huh, cool! I wonder if THOSE TWO are gonna have some important connection later down the line~ wink wink~
Cut to scene of Shuichi and Kaede making out.
Uchui: Once all sixteen Ultimate students had gotten to know the self-appointed headmaster, Monokuma declared that they would all be taking part in a Killing Game. This announcement particularly infuriated Kaede, who told Monokuma and his kubs that neither she nor the others would ever submit to them.
Leona: Unfortunately, though Kaede personally took up the mantle of the groups leader and tried to steer them towards salvation and a potential exit, her methods turned out to be rather heavy handed, which only earned her scorn. The situation only spiraled out of control more when Monokuma started introducing motives for the first murder; that anyone who committed the first killing would be exonerated without a trial, and that if a murder did not take place within two days by noon, everyone forced to participate would DIE! Despite Kaede's best efforts, the majority of the group appeared to be too depressed to stay together, and with that, she reached her BREAKING POINT.
Hifumi: Despite Ms. Akamatsu's can-do attitude, she got kicked down and pushed back by the Despair so much that she resorted to doing the one thing she thought she could to end the Killing Game...KILL the MASTERMIND behind it...! Who thanks to Mr Saihara's detective work, she suspected was amongst them.
Leona: She didn't tell HIM that obviously. But things took ANOTHER turn for the worst when Kaede activated her trap, which involved rolling a shotput ball down a flight of books she'd set up earlier, luring the Mastermind towards them, and killing them with blunt force trauma! Ouch...!
Uchui: Ouch is right, especially for Kaede, as when she and her allies stormed the library, they discovered Rantaro Amami's corpse not far from the Mastermind's hidden door's position, who appeared to have been bludgeoned in the back of the head with Kaede's shot put, much to her shock and horror.
Hifumi: Soon after, Monokuma and his Kubs showed up and demanded that the offender come forward and claim their "First Blood Perk." However, Ms. Akamatsu refused, not wanting to abandon the others and believing she could use the Class Trial as a last-ditch attempt to expose the Mastermind.
Leona: As you might have guessed, it didn't work. Everyone was shocked and in awe that Kaede, who wanted to end the Killing Game and save everyone, could be the perpetrator. Despite this, she pushed Shuichi to reveal the entire truth about her plan, much to everyone's dismay, and was executed for her crime...Poor girl...
Uchui: Except for one thing...THIS was ALSO a HUGE LIE!
Leona: Again!? What gives with this other world and it's lies! WHEN DO THEY END!?
Uchui: In actuality, Kaede's scheme FAILED. The Mastermind of the Killing School Semester was the REAL murderer of Rantaro; who covered up and changed the scene of the crime to give the impression that Kaede's plan had been successful. In spite of this, Kaede was painted as the guilty party and the truth was kept hidden from everyone. Unaware of this, the participants looked for a truth that Monokuma and The Mastermind had covered up with lies.
Hifumi: And the perpetrator was the woman who would eventually go on to become Akamatsu's arch-nemesis...TSUMUGI SHIROGANE! Current leader of Organization Zetsubou! Thus, Ms. Akamatsu's story came to a close, being executed for a crime that she did not commit...Until this guy here was able to pull her and her friends into our world and let them live an actual happy life as a found family!
Uchui: Don't flatter me. I wouldn't exactly call what happened to her here "normal."
Leona: Yeah, as it turns out our world can be just as cruel, if not crueler than the V3 one, especially with Tsumugi still being around and with a strange hate boner for Kaede, doing everything she can to either kill her or make her life miserable...
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Hifumi: Becoming a sort of "damsel in distress" for a while, it was only after Kaede Akamatsu was kidnapped and tortured by a brainwashed Kyosuke Munakata that she decided she had ENOUGH!
Uchui: Kaede realized that if Shirogane and her lackeys were going to keep bringing fights to her, she had to learn to HIT BACK! And who did she go for for guidance and wisdom in the art of fucking up your enemies? Who else but my best bud, Kuripa Kurafto!?
Leona: I mean, not to knock Big K or anything but I wouldn't exactly call him a professional warrior. Why him over someone like Sakura, or Peko or, Mukuro like Makoto chose to train him?
Uchui: Kaede wasn't especially shy about her agenda. Not only was Kuripa's style more casual, and replicating it meant she could go at her own pace, but her main goal was to put the HURT on Zetsubou, realizing that in order to get them to back off, she had to reduce herself to their level, a decision she made with a heavy heart, but a strong will.
Hifumi: While initially wanting to learn the arts with a sword, Mr Kurafto and Ms Akamatsu quickly discovered that she was far more adept at handling a longer ranged weapon like a polearm. And my did she become adept at using it.
Uchui: Indeed. From training with Kuripa, Kaede very quickly became just as adept a fighter as he was, though focusing on her own strengths. Kuripa is mostly durable and powerful, who focuses on outlasting his opponents in brawls and fights to the death by tanking hits and dishing out hits twice as powerful. Kaede on the other hand, relies more on her agility, and quick, powerful attacks to an opponents weak point in order to seize the victory.
Leona: Which helps a lot considering she managed to get this super sick flying spear weapon that she received from my buddy Maya! And she's way better at using it! Though...don't tell Maya I said that...
Hifumi: The weapon, originally known as the Electromagnetic Levitation Spear was originally developed by Fang Inc. and stolen by the Freedom Foundation. During an unfortunate spat in America where Ms. Akamatsu was forced to fight her mentor, she took this spear for herself and due to the weapons potential hidden in rapidly pressing keys in a sequence, she was able to make combative use of her PIANO skills of all things! Now however, it's better known as the Mozart Mk2!
Uchui: When Miu Iruma and Mona got a chance to take a stab at the weapon, they ended up UPGRADING it, making it even more powerful and adept, with 5 distinct modes of combat that Kaede can switch between on the fly. The basic function is a casual blade-ended polearm, but it also has a Bludgeon Mode where the end becomes round and hard to help bash an opponents skull in, or Javelin Mode which makes it really pointy and better for piercing. 
Leona: Hacker Mode turns the weapon into a basically very long version of the Future Foundation hacking gun, with all the bullets! See our previous episode for reference
Hifumi: The last of the modes is KILL Mode, and as the name implies, it produces a large, black blade from the end that is so sharp, it can carve through a person in ONE SLASH! However, not sharing her mentor's lethal code and violent disposition, Ms. Akamatsu has only ever used this mode on robots, not on people.
Uchui: Well...MOST of the time at least...
Leona: Eh?
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Uchui: Well, while it IS true that Kaede isn't ever as psychotic as Kuripa can be, nor does she ever break her own code of refusing to ever kill again, Kaede has shown that when she's angry, she has NO QUALMS fucking you up; even going as far as to dismember you! And we know this because of her fights against Kanade Otonokoji and Himiko Yumeno!
Hifumi: Ms. Akamatsu's biggest challenge came in the form of a Zetsubou-controlled, abandoned Future Foundation laboratory, where Tsumugi Shirogane trapped her inside it to be a feast for the 5 Monokubs. But things didn't work out the way Shirogane expected. Kaede ended up BEFRIENDING the Monokub, Monodam, and with his help and the help of Mrs. Sora Kabuya, they worked together to take down the remaining Monokubs, where she was able to dismantle their Exisal mechas 
Uchui: Based on my mechanical calculations, the Exisal's each stand at about 4.3 meters tall, have a max speed of 200 mph, and a power potency equivalent to 203 grams of TNT; enough to obliterate a small wall at least. Though she's not known for her durability, Kaede was able to dismantle these Exisal's and tank hits from them. Quite impressive!
Leona: I guess when you're the student of a walking tank like Kuripa, it comes naturally to you.
Hifumi: Unfortunately for Mrs. Akamatsu, Despair has a neat little way of making its rounds on her. When Kanade Otonokoji stormed into the lab to kill her, she was able to escape the lab and rescue the deranged psycho's twin sister, Hibiki...but Monodam tragically lost his life at Otonokoji's hands...
Uchui: And Kaede...SNAPPED! She went completely ballistic on Kanade, so much so that the serial killer was basically TRAUMATIZED by the sight of her face! Yes, THIS cute face!
Leona: To be fair, Kanade also has a pretty cute face, and she's an evil lunatic...
Uchui: Bare in mind that this fight and these incredible displays of strength, like she showed when cutting off Kanade's whole LEG and stabbing her multiple times, was done AFTER spending the last 24 hours in almost non-stop fights with only limited backup and few chances to stop and rest.
Leona: Oh! And we almost forgot to mention that Kaede was able to brutally kill Monokid while in her UNDERWEAR! I love me a girl who fights in combat panties!
Hifumi: Not...COMBAT panties, just...panties...But yeah, basically she managed to wrestle Monokid with barely any clothes and no weapon, having little ways of protecting herself, yet successfully killing him by severing his head from his jaw. Now, we can't give an accurate calculation to Monokid's strength, but assuming his power level is ever so slightly lower than Killing Game Monokuma's, that would also mean that HER power level is slightly below that of Sakura Ogami, who MATCHED KG Monokuma.
Uchui: Actually, with her weaponry, it's very likely she's on par or even STRONGER, though we might be reaching...Killing Game Monokuma was pretty easily crushed by the Monokub Exisal, and Kaede was able to defeat at least 2 of THEM.
Leona: Ok, but I think you guys are forgetting to take something into account here. How about we talk about the time that Kaede STOPPED this giant titan mech's attack...PICKED IT UP...THREW IT over her shoulder...! SLICED it to PIECES, and smashed it's pilot THROUGH the ground!? How's THAT for a feat of strength!?
Hifumi: Yes indeed. Her latest and most impressive feat is her defeat of the Titan Puppet, developed and created as a last resort by Mikihiko Koyasunaga, which was originally piloted by Himiko Yumeno after he...removed her insides and...replaced her with a robotic endoskeleton under his control...
Leona: What the hell is wrong with these bad guys man!?
Hifumi: Mrs. Akamatsu did exactly as Leona just described, BY HERSELF in a matter of SECONDS! To pull this off, it proves that she must have been moving at LEAST at a subsonic level of speed and reactionary feats!
Uchui: Actually...there's one thing here I really want to cover quickly. Yes, Kaede was able to shoulder throw the titan, but in actuality, it was really her SPEAR that was doing the throwing. Because we kind of failed to mention this somehow...
Leona: Oh yeah, I guess we forgot to talk about that the damn thing can FLY!
Uchui: "Flight" is subjective. As it's namesake suggest, the Electromagnetic Levitation Spear uses the power of Electromagnetic Waves and stored Kinetic Energy that it generates through movement to levitate potentially hundreds of feet off the ground. It does this through simple magnetic interactions by increasing or decreasing it's own magnetism, leaning towards either positive or negative, and it can do this at any level in any direction so long as Kaede also possesses this glove that allows her to remotely control the spear's passage in the sky. It's like moving it with an invisible hand.
Leona: But don't magnets kind of need to be near metal to work? I know the spear itself is made of metal, but still...
Hifumi: Technically speaking, the magnet IS near metal. There are VERY FEW substances in the universe that DON'T contain traces of metallic elements. Iron is present in your blood, Lead and Mercury are present in the air, metallic ore lines the very ground we stand on, and a literal magnetic field surrounds the Earth.
Uchui: Which is what makes the MMK2 so incredible! Even if an metal has only a tiny magnetic pull, the spear can increase it's own so much that it can fly basically anywhere! Furthermore, the push force between the spear and the surfaces are so powerful, that the weapon can lift things that normally couldn't be lifted, like the Titan, and it can even Kaede herself!
Leona: So let this be a lesson to you all out there who want to defy the Future Foundation and cause rampant chaos in the world. This girl is OUT there, and if she finds you...God help you.
Hifumi: What Kaede Akamatsu will do next is anyone's guess and entirely her own decision. She's not playing by the rules or following the script any more, and with her friends, mentor, lover and everyone else by her side, she's always ready to save the world!
Uchui: Though the ranks of Future Foundation are home to many formidable warriors, very few can compare to the appearance and abilities of the youthful and upbeat spear-wielder Kaede Akamatsu!
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Leona: Hey...do you know what a Majority Vote is? Sara Chidouin never really had to think about it, until one day, she learned a hard truth of the world. Life is well and good until you get kidnapped and put in a death game!
Hifumi: Can't say that's a phrase I've ever heard of before, but I suppose it rings true?
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Hifumi: Sara Chidouin, also known as Miss Sara or Big Sis Sara, is a second-year student at Sanobeno High School; identifiable by her orange hair and her work ethic. She was average height, average build, but possessed a lot more intelligence than the Average Joe.
Leona: Literally, her very average friend Joe is right there next to her.
Uchui: Everything about Sara Chidouin was perfectly normal. She lived at home with her mother and her father, the latter of whom she was not biologically related to; as well as a cat that they adopted for a while, and a housekeeper, who Sara never really met. She was a normal high school girl who had her own likes and dislikes, and was all around a pretty standard example of a high-school girl.
Leona: But on a night that felt like any other night, her life took a dramatic and tragic shift in the worst way possible...!
Hifumi: Ms. Chidouin dozed off in a classroom after staying late for after-school clubs. When she woke up and saw how late it was, she went home with her best friend Jou Tazuna, also known as Joe.
Uchui: A figure emerged in the light of a street lamp as the two kept walking. When Sara saw them, she and Joe fled back to her house out of fear. Sara entered her home feeling as though she was being followed, but instead of finding her parents there, she was startled by how strangely quiet and dark the place was. Only to discover her mother, unconscious on the floor,  when she went into the living room and turned on the lights!
Leona: She desperately looked around for her father, and headed to her bedroom, but instead, she was met with these CREEEEPY GRABBY HANDS that reached out to grab her!
Hifumi: And the next thing she knew? She woke up to find herself and her best friend strapped to beds in an unknown location, with 5 minutes to escape the trap!
Uchui: Things would spiral out of control from there on. Sara and Joe found themselves trapped inside a mysterious facility alongside several other interesting characters of varying ages, shapes, sizes and backgrounds, with deadly collars strapped around their necks. 
Hifumi: Seeing no way out, they were forced to compete in a "Death Game" where the participants decide who dies next by taking the majority of votes in the "Main Game," subjecting them to the chaos of several lifelike dolls. With little choice, Sara and Joe obeyed their captors' orders and worked with the other characters to explore the facility, make it through the Death Game, and discover who was holding them.
Leona: More than just these creepy and...honestly kind of REALLY FRUSTRATING umpire dolls, and the deadly Main Game lurked within this establishment. The Death Game involved logical deductions, collecting of evidence, trading cards, bonding between "friends, lots of shouting (sounds familiar), FANSERVICE WOOO-!, and having her decisions affect the course of the deadly story that they had been swept up in.
Uchui: Not to mention that as time went by, Sara began to realize, with horror, that this game may involve her more than she initially thought it would...She came into a world where the fate of all these strangers around her were ultimately decided by everyone else's choice...I.e. by majority vote...!
Leona: I hate democracy...! Ahem...So I know what you're wondering. "When will it be Your Turn To Die miss Sara?" Eh? Eh?
Hifumi: Apparently, not any time soon. For you see, Ms Chidouin is surprisingly adept when it comes to the challenges the game throws at her!
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Uchui: Sara currently, based on some thorough analysis and test simulations done by her kidnappers, has the highest chance of winning the Death Game of all the players, at 15.5% of the vote; and it's not too hard to see why. As a person, Sara is outgoing, independent, self-assured, good with children, and all around charming and competent.
Leona: And you know, she also knows how to use a sword and a gun!
Hifumi: Though she comes off as normal all around, she possesses many skills and feats, such as mining, hide-and-seek skills, arm wrestling, playing Yu-Gi-Oh, dancing, and is also a "kendo master" as she claims.
Uchui: I don't think Hifumi's really selling it, but all of this is important, we swear. 
Leona: So, we said this in a previous episode, and honestly it should be common knowledge for Danganronpa fans, but let's just quickly explain. Kendo is a modern Japanese martial art derived from kenjutsu that employs bamboo swords and protective armor in it's practices. Basically, Sara is like a samurai or...an Ultimate Swordswoman! ...Wait a second...
Hifumi: Yeah, maybe don't let Ms Kuzuryu hear you say that...
Uchui: It is true though that she can back up her rather bold claims. Though she seems unassuming, she's actually VERY strong and VERY fast. Let's look at the Runaway Minecart Attraction for example.
Hifumi: Miss Sara can avoid flying birds while riding in the mine cart at high speeds, and can also break down a solid wooden wall in a couple of hits. Let's do a few calculations to figure out how powerful that makes her.
Leona: Oh god, it's MATH time again...!
Hifumi: Based on the number of pixels, we can assume the wooden wall is around 46291.23cm², and a volume of 348850.73cm³. Assuming the wood is White Oak, In-game, it takes 20 hits for Sara and Sou Hiyori—or Gin Ibushi, depending on your partner—to knock down this wall. As Sara and Sou worked together on this, we'll also split the energy value in half.
Uchui: With that in mind, we can say that Sara's individual AP when landing a Violent Fragmentation, or a stronger hit than normal, comes to about 120.261 Joules of force. Which is equivelant to just over 2 tons of TNT. Enough to completely obliterate a wall at least.
Leona: Wait, wait wait! So basically, you just showed Sara breaking down a wall, and used the calculations to prove that Sara...can break down a wall? What was even the point!?
Uchui: H-Hey! It's nice to have numbers! Besides, that's not the only feat of power she's displayed! 
Hifumi: Quite right. In addition to the wall feat, in an arm-wrestling match, Ms. Chidouin defeated The Arm-Wrestling Dolls.
Leona: So? I can defeat Kouji pretty handily in an arm wrestling match. What good does that do her case?
Uchui: Fair enough, and I get why you're skeptical, but also, I'm pretty sure that Ito-san doesn't have the physical strength to crush a human skull. Which these dolls DO.
Hifumi: The average weight of the Skull is 997g, and the average density of bone is 1.6 g/cm^3. To break one with your bare hand like these dolls do would require a force of around 500kg, or more specifically, 34.96 Joules, which bumps Sara's strength, who was able to overpower them, to around 8 Tons of TNT!
Leona: AH! I get it now! She's hardcore!
Hifumi: To make things even more interesting when looking at her stat pool, Ms. Chidouin has proven that she's capable of TAKING just as much damage as she's able to put out. She is not only capable of defeating the Arm-Wrestling Dolls but also withstand multiple blows from The Charge Card Battle Dolls. The attacks that these dolls make with their special card abilities are shown to completely crack the wall behind her corpse in addition to completely disfiguring her in the game over screen. We'll talk more about the card battle aspects in a moment.
Uchui: I know it's weird to use a game over screen to show a feat of death, but bare in mind it takes MULTIPLE attacks with these cards to actually get Sara to succumb. Effectively, as Hifumi already implied, this feat shows that she's AT LEAST able to take hits on the same level of strength that she can put out herself.
Leona: But what is probably Sara's BEST stat, is her intelligence. Something VERY important when it comes to surviving death games, as I'm sure we're all well aware. As Uchui already said, she is statistically proven to be the most likely candidate to win the Death Game. She has a remarkably sharp wit and a major charismatic air about her, which causes her to frequently lead discussions in the Main or Sub-Games while only being matched in deductions by the likes of Sou Hiyori and Keiji Shinogi. Hey, don't we know that guy?
Uchui: Doesn't ring a bell.
Hifumi: I've never met him.
Leona: Eh, must just be me then. Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?
Hifumi: Regardless, there is a more...cynical side to all of these calculations. In the artificial intelligence candidate simulations, she would frequently murder other players and use their demise to elevate her own stature in the group.
Uchui: Joe Tazuna was specifically brought into the game with her for this exact reason. He acted as a handicap to stop this aspect of her, giving the other competitors a more fair shot at victory.
Leona: Pfft! An AI can't write shit! Why are we even still trusting simulations in this day and age! That girl's got a stomach of steel and a heart of gold! There's no way she could EVER succumb to such worldly issues, right?
Uchui: Eh...I wouldn't be so sure...Sara may be far more competent than she lets on, but she is still ultimately human and...has MUCH baggage to carry. And Joe's inclusion in the Main Game ended up nerfing Sara's capabilities FAR MORE than expected...
Hifumi: Mr Joe was nearly always there to lift Miss Sara's spirits when she is feeling down or confused. But destiny had other ideas for the two friends. It was revealed at the end of the first Main Game that Joe had the Sacrifice Card and would therefore be executed alongside Kai Satou, the player who received the most votes.
Leona: Who also, conveniently, was Sara's stalker! And her housekeeper! Huh? What's going oooon!?
Uchui: We'll be here forever if we go into the full situation. Anyway, bloodsucking tubes were fastened to Joe's body, and Sara pleaded with the first game master, Sue Miley, to allow her to replace him and be the one to die. Though Miley declined, she offered her a gadget that, if she presses it hard enough, might be able to save Joe by slowing the process of his blood being drained.
Leona: But all this really did was prolong Joe's suffering until he died regardless. Something that Miley, that BITCH, had done on purpose. And BOY did it get to Sara BAAAAD!
Hifumi: Sara Chidouin's confidence was completely destroyed after she added to Joe Tazuna's suffering during his execution, and she also lost her sanity, leaving it perilously close to collapse. Anything that even slightly reminds her of her best friend causes her to experience HORRIFIC visual hallucinations, and renders her completely prone and vulnerable.
Uchui: Also, while she can still sway others to her side with relative ease, it doesn't always work out that way. In fact, some of the other participants don't trust her because they realize that at the end of the day, she's still just an ordinary high school girl, and putting too much faith in her in a surefire path to the group's inevitable downfall.
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Leona: So with all those strengths and weaknesses covered, why don't we close this analysis by taking a look at Sara's gear? Because again, surprisingly, there's a fair bit to cover.
Uchui: Sara can use any weapon or piece of equipment that she's provided in the Death Game, mainly in the Attractions in the second chapter. The obvious one to start with is a sword. As covered already, she's proficient in Kendo martial arts, and has been since she was a young girl. And a metal pipe for good measure.
Hifumi: She also has a revolver that's loaded with both non-lethal dummy bullets and VERY lethal real ones, and she's actually pretty handy when it comes to using it, despite not having much experience using guns in the past. 
Leona: She's also got a camera that can repel ghosts that she uses in the Spirit Shutter attraction. And as Hifumi said earlier, she's also in possession of these really powerful Battle Cards from the Charge Card Battle Attraction.
Hifumi: Depending on which card Miss Sara employs, she can increase the power of her hand, fire off laser beams, defend against all attacks, and create giant explosions that can down most enemies in a single blast! 
Uchui: And lastly is a special Lantern which is capable of limited Memory Manipulation. Sara can use it to stir up somebody's forgotten memories and bring the real memories to light. 
Leona: Damn...That's a lot of stuff that we just covered. And here I was thinking she was just another standard death game protagonist that we've all come to be so familiar with...
Hifumi: Miss Sara is certainly a hero and is happy to occasionally lend a hand to her new friends, despite her somewhat ordinary upbringing, enigmatic connection to the Death Game, and intense emotional trauma. Or, on rare occasions, BE the one in need of assistance.
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Hifumi: Alright, the combatants are set! Let's end this debate once and for all!
Leona: This one's all you Uchui, my dude!
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Kaede: *pant!* *pant!* 
Sara: Hey! Get back here!
Kaede Akamatsu is first seen running away from Sara Chidouin and Keiji Shinogi, who are in hot pursuit. She narrowly avoids Sara throwing a random hallway pot at her when she turns the corner.
Kaede turns the corner and randomly finds herself down a very long, dark hallway with a minecart on it. She looks back and forth between the minecart and the doorway where she can still hear her pursuers voices.
Kaede: Eh...Tempting, but...this is faster!
As Sara and Keiji round the corner, Kaede jumps onto her spear like a broomstick and flies very quickly down the dark hall. Sara growls as she watches her get away, but Keiji puts a hand on her shoulder.
Keiji: Sara, just leave it. It's not worth the stress.
Sara: I can't just let her go Keiji! She might be one of the people responsible for this! We haven't seen her face yet!
Keiji: We thought that about Alice too. It's not like you to be so rash.
Sara: Yeah, well, being trapped in this place for a long period of time does that to you...! And we found out Alice was cool once we got to question him.
Before Keiji can stop her, Sara leaps into the minecart.
Sara: Keep the others safe! I'll be back once I've... "questioned" her!
Keiji: Sara, wait! Don't be a hero!
Sara doesn't listen. She smacks the brakes off and the cart starts to rush down the tracks, and in spite of Keiji's protests, she starts to chase Kaede.
Kaede, who just begins to relax as she rides on her spear like a broom, almost falls off when a bullet flies past her ear. It just barely grazes and cuts her lobe and she looks back to see Sara riding the minecart, shooting at her with a pistol she procured from who knows where.
Sara: You thought I was done with you!?
Kaede: Oh great...!
Kaede rolls her eyes and, with little other option, lets herself drift back and brandishes her weapon as she flies towards Sara. Sara suddenly whips out a rather sharp sword from behind her back, and clashes blades with her opponent as the minecart carries her along rapidly along the tracks.
Kaede: HYAAGH!
Sara: Good thing I packed these...!
Kaede attempts to attack from above after flying upward, but Sara is able to block it with a Block Battle Card.
Sara: Huh!? Uh oh...!
Sara notices the tracks end up ahead as they continue down the tunnel. With quick thinking, she draws another Battle Card, this time a Beam, and uses it on Kaede.
Kaede: GAAGH!?
Not seeing the laser coming, Kaede is struck by a beam that knocks her off her weapon and sends her falling towards the ground, while Sara disconnects from her cart and falls down with her, pointing her revolver at her opponent.
Sara: Alright, I want answers!
Kaede: Heh...How about I give you the spear?
Sara: GUGGH! Agh! Ugh! Dahagh! Bagh! DAAGH!
With a wry smirk, Kaede pointers her fingers at Sara and flicks them to the left. Initially confused, Sara is then hit dead in the jaw by Kaede's spear, which flies towards her in bludgeon mode and knocks her into the wall!
Sara stumbles along the rock formation before she falls flat on their faces into another strangely colored corridor. When Kaede gets her spear and uses it to gently bring herself down, she lands on her feet and facing Sara as she crawls to hers.
Kaede: I know that probably hurt, but that was pretty funny on my end~
Sara: Yeah, yeah, keep laughing! Let's see you make a decent quip once I knock your teeth out!
Sara is evidently not impressed by Kaede's casual demeanor. She takes out a fairly sharp blade and holds it in a traditional Kendo manner. With a sigh, Kaede raises her hand above her head, summoning the Mozart Mk2 to her, catches it, and points Sara with the blade's end.
Kaede: Let's dance...!
Sara charges at Kaede, who hurls her spear in her direction. Sara deflects the weapon, tosses it behind her, and then swings the blade to drive Kaede back. But recalling what had happened earlier, she dodges in time to prevent the spear from whizzing back in her direction and striking her in the head once more. 
Sara: I happen to study Kendo you know? And I consider myself to be pretty good at it...! What have YOU got to say?
Kaede: I thought you said you wanted to ask me questions!? Didn't think THAT would be it!
Sara: HYAGH!
Kaede: RAGH!
As Kaede catches her weapon, they push off each other and square each other down from a distance.
Sara: Who ARE you really, and why are you here!?
Kaede: My name is Kaede Akamatsu and...your guess is as good as mine. I don't know how I got here or why, but it doesn't matter...Because I'm getting out of here one way or another...!
Kaede reaches into her pocket and takes out a small key. Sara grimaces upon seeing it.
Sara: You can't just leave! If you use that key, the rest of us will die!
She tugs on her collar.
Kaede: You don't know that! I don't have a collar, and I can go and get help! I can save you!
Sara: I don't trust you! 
Sara shows that she truly is a skilled swordswoman by launching a barrage of precise strikes and swings.
The Pianist parries her blow, then sends Sara hurtling skyward with a slash that sends her away with the blunt end of her spear! Kaede leaps and tries to slash at Sara from above as she runs back, but she rolls out of the way.
Sara: Eegh!?
Sara attempts to thrust at Kaede and sever her stomach with her sword, but Kaede counters with a blow strong enough to take the sword out of Sara's grasp. Put on the defensive, Sara uses her Block Cards to keep the Ultimate Pianist at bay while also dodging Kaede's ensuing swings with her polearm. She is forced into a corner and is about to take a powerful swing downward when she abruptly removes a metal pipe from behind her back to deflect the blow.
Kaede & Sara: Huh!? AAGGGH!?
The force of Kaede's attack causes the floor beneath the two girls to collapse, and they fall down a hole. They once again both faceplant on the floor and crawl to their feet.
Kaede & Sara: EGH!?
They both look up in horror to see several twisted and creepy dolls staring at them, leaving them completely surrounded.
Sara: Oh...God...Dammit...
Kaede: Get away from me, you FREAKS!
Kaede switches her weapon into it's Javelin Mode and uses it to stab the dolls that get close to her. She barely ducks in time to avoid a laser beam being fired at her by one of Sara's beam cards, who carries a pack of them in one hand as she lunges at the girl with her pipe. Kaede ducks underneath it, making a doll behind her take the brunt of the hit, and she kicks Sara in the stomach with her foot.
Sara stumbles back into the arms of a Samurai Doll from the Quick Draw attraction, which tries to slice her in twain. However, Sara bashes it in the chin with the pipe and disarms it, taking it's blade for herself and running back towards Kaede, now duel-wielding an iron pipe and a sword.
Sara: Say CHEEESE!
Kaede: GAGH!?
Dropping a snide comment of her own, Sara grabs her spirit camera and flashes Kaede in the face with her camera, which both blinds the pianist and extinguishes some spiritual forms behind her.
Sara attempts to swing the sword at Kaede once more, but Kaede deflects it and returns her weapon to its standard mode. When Sara knocks the weapon upwards, Kaede elbows her while she's unsteady on her feet and almost instantly returns it to her hand. While Sara swipes her sword and bashes with her pipe, Kaede keeps switching the weapons mode on the fly to parry both Sara and the dolls. The two take down the approaching dolls while still attempting to harm and dodge each other.
Kaede: Give it up girl! You know you can't beat me like this!
Sara: Don't get cocky! Do you know how much I've had to fight to survive since I got wrapped up in this!?
Kaede: Heh...Well...
To Sara's dismay, Kaede throws her spear and totally destroys the pipe in her hand.
Kaede: Preaching to the choir on THAT one...!
Kaede is assaulted by a few more ghouls and goblins, which Sara uses to gain some distance. With everything at stake, she pulls out her last few Battle Cards and examines her hand. With a deep breath, Sara takes two Charge Cards and places them on her chest. They get absorbed into her and power her up. Seeing that she has two cards remaining, she decides to save it.
Sara runs back towards Kaede once she decapitates one last doll, and she looks up in time to see the orange-haired schoolgirl assault her. As they continue to clash, Kaede observes that Sara's attacks are becoming a little more potent. But Sara strikes with a powerful uppercut as the Pianist charges once more, sending Kaede hurtling skyward and screaming in agony.
Sara: I'd like to say it was nice knowing you but...it wasn't...!
Sara throws her Special Card forward, and Kaede is shocked to find herself in the middle of a massive explosion. She suddenly has no footing and is helpless, and Sara smirks as she watches her struggle. But...
Kaede: Hrrgh...! Is this...really...all...you've GOT!?
Sara: HUH!?
Kaede: HYAAGH!
Sara is terrified as, despite the explosion being boosted by her Charge Cards, Kaede tanks the blast! Her skin, clothes and hair are all badly burned, but she grabs her spear and flies through at the speed of a bullet until she's right in Sara's face, whacking her so hard with her weapon, she rockets into the sky!
Sara: HRRGH!
Kaede: BREAK!
As a last ditch effort to survive what she beliefs is a finishing slash, Sara raises her last card to put up one more barrier to block Kaede. However, Kaede instead switches her weapon into Hacker Mode and shoots Sara with a break bullet...which makes DIRECT contact with her deadly collar.
Sara: Oh SHI-!
The break bullet Kaede fires hacks and prematurely detonates Sara's collar. It glows a bright light, and just as she acknowledges what's happening, her head detonates, sending her blood and brains flying all over the place; her headless body smacking back down to the ground.
Kaede: ...
Kaede is in a lot of pain as she hovers, but doesn't pay attention. She clenchers both her fists, the key in one hand and the spear in the other, with a look of uncertainty and regret on her face, saddened and despaired by what she just had to do...
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Leona: Aaaawww! That's such a "fuck you" way to go out! I actually feel pretty bad for Sara here!
Hifumi: Sara Chidouin was a VERY interesting combatant to analyze. Given her abilities from her various tools and equipment used in the attractions, she had an incredibly versatile arsenal at her disposal.
Leona: And with the Battle Cards and her various weapons like the sword, pipe, and revolver, the girl had so much to throw at Kaede that even she could have easily become overwhelmed.
Uchui: Even with that against her, Kaede's overpowered weapon and superhuman proficiency allowed her to match much of Sara's arsenal. Sara may have had more tools to work with, but just having the Mozart Mk2 gave Kaede the advantage.
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Hifumi: Aside from her Block Cards, which even then only defend her for about a second, Miss Sara really had no way of defending herself against ANY of Ms. Akamatsu's weapon modes, especially not the Instant Kill Mode which could take her down, well...INSTANTLY. Based on her defensive capabilities, it's likely she could survive strong hits from the Bludgeon Mode, but even then, that would only be for a time. 
Leona: And Kaede's defensive capabilities are just a lot greater, to the point where even Sara's strongest Charge Card attack wouldn't definitively take her down! Sara's body can survive being impounded into a wall, but Kaede has tanked hits from the likes of Kuripa Kurafto, Kanade Otonokoji, the Titan and the Exisals, which are all WAY stronger than anything Sara has had to take down!
Uchui: These battles also prove that Kaede is also stronger AND faster. Sara can overpower the Arm-Wrestling Dolls, but KAEDE can overpower the Exisals, which were so strong, they destroyed Killing Game Monokuma ON ACCIDENT by stepping on him! As a reminder, Killing Game Monokuma is able to survive attacks from Sakura Ogami, the strongest character in all of Danganronpa barring Izuru Kamukura.
Hifumi: She's ALSO been able to move AND FLY at the speed of sound using her weapon; completely above and beyond any speed feats Miss Sara has shown to be capable of. When it comes to general stats, Ms. Akamatsu knocks Miss Sara out of the water. Except perhaps, for intelligence.
Leona: Kaede is by no means dumb. In fact, she's actually an equally quick thinker and can adapt on the fly just as easily as Sara can. But with Sara constantly having to apply her mind and strategic prowess in the Death Game, and using her keen eye and observation skills to sus people out, she's shown to be far more capable in that regard. Kaede also doesn't compare to the likes of her boyfriend Shuichi, who is a literal detective.
Hifumi: Additionally, though it might come across as surprising, Miss Sara ALSO has the better mental fortitude of the two of them.
Leona: You know, I notice we don't really talk about mental fortitude in these fights unless it's between two mystery game protags...Not really that interesting or anything, just felt like I should point it out.
Uchui: At the point that Your Turn To Die is at right now, Sara is still alive and based on analysis and AI simulations, is the most likely to survive the game out of all the candidates. By such a significant margin in fact, that Joe Tazuna was brought into the game specifically with the intention of NERFING her intellectual capabilities for the sake of fairness. And even with her repeated hallucinations of her deceased best friend, she's yet to succumb to the pressure entirely.
Hifumi: On the other hand, when things began to slowly but steadily fall apart, Ms. Akamatsu wasn't unwilling to commit to brutal murder in order to assure her and her friends survival, and as shown in her fight against Kanade Otonokoji, being forced to witness the deranged monster kill her friend sent her into a savage and violent state with lethal intentions. If this was a battle purely decided by fortitude, Miss Sara would undoubtedly come out on top.
Leona: Plus, Kaede really didn't have any surefire way of triggering Sara's hallucinogenic states. Not only could she not innately know about Joe, and Sara's hallucinations related to him, but she didn't have any sort of paraphernalia or circumstance that could bring Sara into the state. Unless of course, she somehow got to talking about her own very similar circumstances, but that's not a likely outcome based on our analysis, and even then, it's a stretch.
Uchui: But when it comes to comparing their experience with battle and wielding weapons, Sara has a greater QUANTITY, but Kaede's yields a better QUALITY. Though the Kendo fighting style is more professional than the Kurafto Style, the latter doesn't rely too heavily on techniques so much as it does adapting and attacking on the fly, while also dealing outright savage blows. Because of this, it's unlikely even with her intellect and quick thinking, that Sara could glean a specific movement pattern from her opponent.
Leona: The Mozart Mk2 is just THAT powerful, and Kuripa's teachings are just that ridiculous! Kaede also just had a lot more interesting and effective ways of killing Sara than Sara does Kaede. In fact, even though the Hacker Mode doesn't ordinarily work on Biotic Lifeforms, and Kaede doesn't possess synchro-discs to get around this weapon like Komaru, it's still likely Kaede could use the mode to short circuit Sara's collar.
Uchui: It's unclear to us whether a shot from a hacking bullet would prematurely activate the collar, or just straight up detonate it like it does the Monokuma's, but regardless of what happens, Sara's end is basically assured assuming Kaede shoots the collar while it's around her neck. And since Sara can't willingly remove the collar, well, you get the picture.
Hifumi: Also, while Miss Sara's arsenal was vast, half of it was not very effective on Ms. Akamatsu. Only a third of the rounds in her revolver were lethal, while the rest were dummy bullets that just hurt a little bit. The Camera wouldn't work either since she's not a spirit, and it's unlikely she could make any use of her dart and lighter.
Uchui: Sara's most effective weapons against Kaede were the Battle Cards, but again, Kaede has survived attacks and weapons much more powerful than anything those cards could potentially do to her. 
Leona: And unlike Sara, Kaede has never shown to succumb to her tragic past and the terrible things that have happened to her, so even if Sara employed the light of her Lantern to bring these memories forward, it wouldn't really help her in the long run.
Uchui: Lastly, Sara does technically have more training than Kaede, having studied Kendo since she was a little girl, whereas Kaede has only been training for about over a year at this point. However, though first and foremost both are a student and pianist, Kaede is also a warrior, while Sara is not. Kaede constantly has to apply her combat skills to survive in the war against Zetsubou, while Sara survives the Death Game with her intelligence and silver tongue more than her physical capabilities, and has never had to properly apply herself in a fight to the death.
Hifumi: Miss Sara Chidouin fought valiantly and proved to be more capable and powerful fighter  than she let on. But Kaede Akamatsu's speed, strength, and raw unrivaled power ensured her Ultimate Victory.
Leona: "GAME! OVER!"
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Next Time:
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Part-human...Part-monster...ALL SAVAGE! But when their backs are against the wall who's the most savage of them all!?
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