#i blame the frontal lobe developing
angelcommunist · 26 days
checking in to post that i am the best version of myself yet!!
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chaoxfix · 1 year
ugh ive literally moved cross country 12 times and im only in my mid 20s, i NEVER get attached to where im living or the friends i make along the way. why is this the only time ive ever been this sad about leaving :/
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revenge-of-the-miffed · 9 months
Ugh God forbid anyone ever admits that the fandom baby boy (who is a middle aged man & is a leader in the fucking governing body of his people) maybe kinda sort of fucked up in any way.
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captainjoongki · 6 months
The double standards are insane??? So many people on twitter are condemning HW for his mistakes but HI is a saint who has never done anything wrong when she shares a lot of the blame for the downfall of their relationship, her flaws are endearing but his make him a horrible person.
step 1 when watching a kdrama: gtfo off of twitter because they wouldn’t recognize nuance if it was wearing a top hat. i am convinced that media over years has become so watered down and obsessed with being a GreenFlag (hate that word) that the very second something complex shows up people lose their shit. it’s amusing but ridiculous.
secondly, this is a show about marriage and marriage does not have a side it’s a team thing so yeah anyone taking a side here when the writer has CLEARLY shown both sides and validated both of their emotions is an idiot. HW and HI’s problems cannot be fixed with a kiss like other dramas. they have a lot to work out and while both love each other they have not been in a good place for 3 years so judging any of them that too with a non-linear drama is very dumb.
anyway i would ignore those people they simply do not have developed frontal lobes yet <3 your mind is sexy though babes you get it!
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sidewayspeace444 · 2 months
I’m actually glad Sydney Sweeney is out here eclipsing fish because for the longest time people made excuses for tuna can because she was young and didn’t know better and was inexperienced in her field.
People used this to hate her on husband and victimize her.
But here we have a young woman the exact same age (Sydney) as her thriving and making big boss lady moves and about to get married. She’s successful and started her own production company because then she could make her own work. She’s 26. There is no “she’s too young to know better, she’s been manipulated and her frontal whatever lobe thing hasn’t been developed shame on everyone else”
Sydney is smart enough to know this cutthroat industry isn’t kind to anyone especially not women and young women. She used this to her advantage and capitalized on her looks where she could, but pushed through her talent and work ethic. I don’t think she’s the best actress in the world but I respect her hustle and she demands respect.
Sydney’s fiance is older than her (think he’s also around 40) but nobody is checking for him because she did not get famous through him, she got famous through herself.
Let’s not blame women for men’s faults but also let’s not excuse women and victimize them when they are grown adults.
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senshis-tenshi · 2 months
I also noticed that neurotypical people don't hate me as much anymore since I stopped trying to fit in. When I was under 24, I spent my entire life wondering what's wrong with me. Why I can't just be like everybody else. What everyone knows that I just don't understand. I always felt like an alien trying to pretend to be human. Idk if anyone else has seen that Babbel advertisement where an alien tries to learn the human language? Kinda like that lol.
But as my frontal lobe started developing... LMAOO
People say that a lot but once I started approaching 25 I stopped taking things so seriously. I thought to myself, you know what? Fuck this. I will never fit in, so let me be purple with yellow stripes in a world where the norm is being orange with blue dots.
I started attracting more yellow people with purple stripes.
And the neurotypical people around me DO see that something is wrong with me. They always did. The only difference now is that I'm no longer trying to hide it. I'm openly weird and off putting and tbh? Most people find it funny. Endearing even. I started being nonchalant about it all. When my family comments on me not having a partner again I don't get self conscious, I say that my fairytale prince got stuck in a tree on his way to me. When they ask me when I'll finally grow up, I don't shyly hide my Hello Kitty backpack anymore, I say hopefully never. I squeal when I see Sanrio or Calico Critter related things. I make noises and stim when I think nobody is watching - and instead of getting embarrassed when someone sees me, I laugh it off. And you know what? I manage to do my household, take care of my pets, feed myself, pay my bills, go to work, EVEN BETTER than ever before.
My coworkers at my last job HATED me for being like this. Because I could connect with the patients and the children much better than they could. I had a natural connection with them that they could just never achieve.
I'm tired of hating myself into something I will never be. I want to be happy, dammit. I spent so many years hating myself, blaming myself, punishing myself, and it never changed a thing. But once I allowed myself to just BE, things started changing. Surprise surprise.
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
I’ve been slightly obsessed with Byler and dorothea/ttds (as anyone who’s seen my awful edits can tell lmao) so maybe something with that idea of coming back for a Christmas break situationship but not being able to stay? Super angsty which I know you’ll love ❤️
LIV AHHH!!! thank you so so much!!! also, i love this prompt, so thank you thank you for sending it to me! i hope you enjoyed this modern au based on ttds/dorothea (also tbh i was listening to the very first night as well bc it felt right hahaha).
and it always leads to you 
The sun is shining today.
The sun is shining today, and for some reason, Mike is awake much earlier than he’s ever awake nowadays. The old alarm clock sitting on the side table in his childhood bedroom reads 7:14 AM, which means Mike has been asleep for less than five hours now. It’s Sunday. There’s no reason for Mike to be awake right now, and really, he should just go back to sleep.
But Mike can’t.
He can’t, because the sun is shining today, and because his bed feels warmer than it has in years, and because Will Byers is fast asleep beside him, his brown hair messily sprawled out onto the pillow. 
Will looks younger when he’s asleep. He looks a lot more like the Will Byers that Mike has known since he was just five years old—the Will Byers whom Mike has laughed with and cried with and spent so much of his life with. He looks like the Will Byers that Mike fell in love with and tentatively held the hand of when they were just sixteen and falling into something so much bigger and grander and more beautiful than they could’ve ever imagined.
Will looks younger when he’s asleep, and in this quiet moment before the rest of the world wakes up and begins its day, Mike feels a lot younger too. 
He feels like he’s eighteen again—wide-eyed and bushy-tailed with his entire life in front of him. For a moment, he’s eighteen again and like the world is his oyster and like there’s nothing in the damn world that could ever break up the Party. The last seven years fade away into nothing, until Mike is eighteen years old again and waking up nearly every morning to the sight of his boyfriend’s face and thinking one thing to himself.
I want to spend forever with you.
How quickly things fall apart.
It’s not Will’s fault… honestly, it isn’t. The thing is, right before the two of them were supposed to start school together at the same university—the one at the top of both of their lists and the one that the two of them had been talking about going to with each other since they were fourteen—something completely and entirely unexpected had happened. 
Will had been contacted by some fancy, renowned art school all the way over in Europe and offered a full ride scholarship. Apparently, some higher up at the school had gotten ahold of his art portfolio and was willing to move heaven and hell to get Will Byers to attend the university. It was the chance of a lifetime, and the choice was clear.
Will had to go. 
And really, Mike can’t blame him. He can’t blame Will, because for the first year, they tried. God, they tried so hard, but between an eight hour time difference and busy schedules and life simply just getting in the way, they hadn’t been able to do it. For the first time in their lives, they weren’t in close proximity to each other, and they just… they fell apart.
When they broke up at first, Mike was angry. He won’t even pretend that he wasn’t. He was angry, but more importantly, he was hurt. And in the midst of all that anger and hurt, he’d said things he regrets now and had done things like delete Will’s phone number and block him on any forms of social media—desperate to just escape the feeling of rejection and of being left behind.
That was nearly six years ago. They’re older now—like actual, full grown adults with fully developed frontal lobes and everything. And for the first time, both of them are back in Hawkins, and Mike hadn’t even been able to avoid El and Max’s threats to come to dinner with the entire Party. The last thing he wants to do is make an enemy out of two people who most definitely know where he lives and who are also the self-proclaimed godmother’s of his dog, Maisie.
Seeing Will in person for the first time in literal years had been… interesting. And Mike, now being an adult with a fully formed frontal lobe, had been so, so incredibly normal about his high school ex-boyfriend, who had somehow gotten even more fucking beautiful over the past several years and who somehow still had a way of making Mike’s heart skip a beat and the butterflies in his stomach go absolutely wild. 
Most surprisingly, being around Will had felt… normal. It’d been a little bit awkward at first, like neither one of them knew what to say to each other, but as much as Mike knew that he wanted to just bury their messy past and actually try to be friends, he could tell Will wanted to do the same.
So, that’s exactly what they did. You know… because they’re two adults, with full-time jobs and 401k’s and fully formed frontal lobes, who most definitely are unconcerned about their two-year long high school romance. Whatever romance they’d had when they were kids was long gone—a fond little relic of the past that they, as adults, could now look back on and smile about.
(Or… at least that’s what Mike will tell anyone who asks.)
“Why’re you up already?” Will mumbles, and Mike flinches, startled out of his thoughts. To his surprise, his… best friend? ex-boyfriend? current fling? is awake now, blinking sleepily and looking at Mike with half-lidded eyes. 
“I dunno,” Mike admits, rolling over so he and Will are face to face now. “I’m usually up this early for school, so I guess I’m just used to it.”
Will narrows his eyes, still a bit sleepy and suspicious. “It’s Sunday, isn’t it?” he says with a yawn. “You get up at… 7 am on Sundays?”
“God, no,” Mike laughs, and when Will smiles back at him, Mike’s stupid stomach does a little somersault. “I don’t know. I haven’t been up for very long.”
Mike pauses, then he gives Will a curious look. “Why are you up?” he asks suspiciously. “Wouldn’t it be like… sometime in the afternoon where you live? I figured you’d be all jet-lagged and shit.”
“I came right from the airport to dinner yesterday,” Will says, yawning once more. He shifts a bit closer to Mike now, so their lips are barely inches apart, and Mike’s breath catches. “Must’ve been too tired to get jet-lagged.”
“You can go back to sleep if you want to,” Mike suggests, his voice quiet. “I… I doubt my parents will come knocking on my door, so if you’re still tired, you can—”
He never gets to finish his sentence, because oh.
Oh, okay.
It’s early in the morning. The sun is shining. And Will Byers is kissing him.
Will Byers is kissing him.
Will Byers is kissing him.
“I’m okay,” Will murmurs, his voice low. “I’d rather just… stay up with you. If that’s okay.”
There’s a look in his eyes that makes Mike’s breath catch again, and Mike can’t help the smile that forms on his face. “Yeah… yeah, of course, it’s okay, Will,” he whispers, reaching up to cup Will’s cheek gently. “Whatever you want.”
A slow smile forms on Will’s face, and he leans close, kissing Mike soft and sweet. “I just want you,” he whispers back. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
For a moment, the two of them are eighteen again. For a moment, they have their entire lives ahead of them, and the world is their oyster. For a moment, neither Mike nor Will knows anything about the world, but they do know one thing. 
I want to spend forever with you.
“Me too,” Mike murmurs, and he gently runs his thumb across Will’s cheek. “Me too, Will.”
And after another shared smile, Mike closes the gap between them.
When this moment is over, they’ll go back to being twenty-five again. When this moment is over, they’ll be forced to remember the fact that they have their own lives—lives which have long since been separate from each other. When this moment is over, both Will and Mike will have to return to their own worlds, where “forever” with each other simply isn’t an option and hasn’t been in years.
But for right now, it’s just the two of them.
Mike and Will.
Will and Mike.
The way it always has been.
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terraliensvent · 5 months
why did exes friend expose exe for reading this blog constantly?? exe gets mentioned, immediately their friend comes to "clear up" the situation
exe ik ur reading this but dude u gotta go outside or find a hobby outside of drama and picking fights over literal furry species... youre always instigating shit or diverting attention onto u? youre shooting yourself in the foot. u spend hundreds on cs, ur gonna be discussed abt that in drama centric communities. youre also always being either passive aggressive or down right aggressive, funneling attention onto u for literally anything, even a fucking spamton meme then getting upset when nobody fucking cares. and u make up shit excuses to have the argument. if u didnt do this shit, u wouldnt be talked abt like this, u would just be a guy that spends obsessive amounts on cs. but no, u blame ur autism on everything and now u blame ur self proclaimed BPD/osdd. ur in 20s... grow tf up, have some accountability. ur frontal lobe is gonna develop and ur gonna be so fucking embarrassed abt the massive digital footprint uve left for EVERYONE to see. u can change ur user, ur "identity" but if u don't grow tf up, ur always gonna be an unlikeable person who rightfully and justifiably gets brought up on drama blogs. ur not the victim. ur just self obsessed.
post related
i could not have said it better myself, i have nothing to add here
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blorbocedes · 2 years
I know people love Maxiel but I see Dan and Max at RB and just want to yell Stay away from him!!!!! That's a child!!!!!! I know the way he looks at you with eyes and the smile is hard to resist but his frontotemporal cortex is not developed yet!!!!! Get a job!!!!!
sadly daniel likes them with their underdeveloped frontal lobe 😔 can I REALLY blame him when baby max had 🥺 "adopt me" eyes at any older man
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
What I want to know is why whenever anything comes up few started running from blogs to blogs commenting and sending anon ask to blogs that they are " real" and u guys are unhinged,u will get hurt when they get merried..and you are reasons they getting " harrased"...I have seen this many times by now,I mean we are not forcing our view on them and whenever they come to is we just give them our logic points respectfully and yet we are the one getting blamed for everything, why they come to PR blogs anyways there are plenty who believe it's real go there, share your view, we never encouraged anyone to harrash or harm anyone we are just having discussions about our own view points,and I think all of here are ADULT with their frontal lobe fully developed and they are very capable of making their own decisions,but no this few has very big urge to keep throwing their unsolicited 2 cents on everyone who doesn't share their views.why they care for well being of ppl they don't even know,like what will we do, well we are very much capable of taking care of ourselves.so don't waste time specifically ours...thank you for you for your 2 cents which neither we asked nor we needed.
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I can't understand it either? Why are they so focused on the other side? We don't have a problem with them having their pov.
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cassiopeianoctis · 1 year
confused, hungry, and sleepy :)
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I am going to be unserious here because I think I am overwhelmed by all the feelings I'm currently unintentionally processing. And I consider my self a writer, not professionally, more in a reflective casual unserious way. I warned you before, that this is very unserious that you probably won't learn anything from this article at all.
I turn 25 years old in one month and it's a big deal for me. First and foremost, 5 years ago I didn't know I would survive this far in life. Second, more than a decade ago I created an image of my 25 years old self that may or may not happen in factuality. The only fact I know, in one month, my brain's frontal lobe will be fully developed and I can expect less noise and unnecessary thought happening inside my head. If it doesn't happen, I blame the internet for that.
I am not terrified. I am excited. I am instead, in many ways, terrified that I am more excited rather than scared of facing this new important age. Shouldn't I be scared? I don't know. Friends who are older than me and are already there had told me many stories about the whirlwind of turning 25, 26, 27, and the journey of fully absorbing themselves into the real adulthood starting at this age. But I won't budge with what I was supposed to feel, and instead I will accept what I feel as it is. And yes, I am excited.
This may or may not happen because of certain things that had happened to me in the first half of 2023. On a more important note, I usually write self reflection article at the beginning of a new year. This year, however, I didn't. And to make up for that absence. I can say my first half of 2023 was a little bit of everything happened all at once. I was happy, I was depressed, I was excited, I was angry, I was sad, and back to square one, I was happy again. As a believer, I think it probably happened that way because god was giving me some kind of a test so all roads will bring me back to Him. And it worked.
24 is a messy age, for me. I'm doing a job that I'm not satisfied with. I have been holding on for a year, because I still think I have to ace this test--I have to learn how to be comfortable in uncertainty, dissatisfaction, and grow to become resilient. Until my mind and body just couldn't do it anymore--and I turned to god to pray for a way out. At 24 too, I was preparing masters that I fortunately will postpone to 1-2 years later. I am explaining this because this 2 things had become my only source of overthinking and anxiety for the past year. I was so scared of not excelling and not being where I want to be that I was chasing everything at the same time. Until I realize, life is not supposed to be this difficult. Why can't I just let it go? I am 100% sure it's not the right time and I don't have to force myself to do it now!
Anyway, 24 was a horse race. It was a car race. It was a heist. It was a car chasing moment between me and the uncertainty of the future. Then it hit me--I wasn't able to fully be dependent on god and trust in Him more fearlessly. I am highly spiritual and I should have mastered this a long time ago. But life happens and sometimes we go back to being human; which is forgetful and egotistical. Thinking I could solve everything. Thinking the answer is all within me. Sometimes, it's not. In most of the time, I don't have the answer.
At this age too I discovered that I am not the independent girl I thought I was. In terms of relationship, my codependency is uncontrollable. This is my highest dilemma too, because I value my devotion, my empathy, and my ability to love. I am selfless, I am loyal, and I am understanding. But, where do I draw my boundaries? I had my first ever relationship last year and it ended very recently. It broke me to a thousand pieces because throughout my life I had always thought once I have a boyfriend, he will be the one I marry. That's why I was never in a relationship. I was saving my heart and devotion to the one special person that I choose to open my heart to after long observation & consideration. I did it at 23. But again, life happens. Sometimes, it doesn't go the way you had planned it to be. Back then, it would be hard for me to process it, but now it's kind of easier for me to come to terms with acceptance.
One thing I learn about the whirlwind of my early 20s (those age before 25, I mean) is that all of these hardships had brought me to the other sides of me that I had never seen before. I know my self better because of these rage and tears. I never knew I was, in fact... whole. All this time I was sure that I was broken inside, that I always needed help, that I always felt miserable because something inside me is not right. But to be honest, that is the process--and that in many ways is definitely not the condition.
I am actually stronger than I thought.
I was broken when my parents got divorced 5 years ago. I was depressed and suicidal for several years. I really thought I was going to die when I felt like the whole world was against me. But today, I am very thankful for all of that. I earned a very valuable lessons. I became the strong older daughter that my family lean on to now. I became that friend who is willing to share everything she has and she knows so that everyone around me can take pieces of me that are positive to their growth--my existence is not a waste and I believe it now.
I am an independent thinker. I am an independent woman who understands her right to be whoever she wants to be. And I choose to be the kind of person who is not afraid to give. I was clammed up inside a seashell when I was younger. Because I knew I liked to give, but I was constantly getting disappointed by people's disapproval of my giving. I thought, I was just being nice... why can't you accept me and what I want to offer to you? Now I know, people have the right to accept whatever they want to accept. I have to be smarter on choosing who I want to give compassion and love to, and those are the people whom I call my close friends now. Those people who keep telling me and reminding me of my worth. And I think in terms of romantic partnership, that is the key quality that I seek too.
I value friends and romantic partner who can acknowledge my worth and never gets tired of seeing the best of me.
Talking about romantic partnership too, at 24 I witnessed a lot of my close friends getting married or finding the one and planning to get married next year. I am beyond happy for them, and I truly genuinely become happier too when I see their best smiles on their wedding day. I get to be close friends with their husbands and partners too, and I was somehow glad that all of my girl friends end up with good men. And of course, as a confused, hungry, and sleepy 24 years old woman...I often ask "When is it going to be my turn?"
A very unserious question that is, of course I know I will have my own time to shine, and of course knowing how highly I value my ability to love, it's going to be hard too to meet and choose my future husband. And me being picky is not an obstacle, it is a gift. I understand my value and I understand that not everyone has the ability to receive the kind of love that I have. When I love, I love hard. And so yeah, I am patiently just continuing my life while keep praying for the best to god. I am not a casual dater. And knowing the difficulty of life ahead of me, I truly wish that I will be engaged this year and get married sometime next year in 2024. I don't know. In terms of romantic partnership, this is my wish and I can't think of anything else.
It may seem like I am over-explaining my goals and personal confusions, but this is just my way of processing everything. Again, a very unserious article that you probably cannot learn anything from. I am simply just pouring out my thoughts so I can sleep well tonight (Fact: I have been having acid flux this week because I've been drinking 2 cups of coffee everyday because I was always sleepy during the day and it happened because I've been losing sleep every night!)
So this is my piece. I am currently just so excited counting down to my 25th birthday. I only started to feel excited for birthdays when I was 22. And I think it is an achievement for me, to finally not being ashamed of feeling excited about something, and also to finally being able to feel excited about something. I have been planning for travel with friends, hiking trips, road trips, deciding what to wear for Taylor Swift's Eras Tour next year, strengthening my faith through learning and practicing, planning for masters, and planning for my wedding that I don't know when will happen.
I am counting down to 25 doing all these things that I am excited about. Doing all these things that I never got to do before. And most importantly, I finally get to do these solely for myself and because of me. No one is there in the agenda. No one inside the frame that I intentionally try to impress.
For the first time in my life, I do these things for me and me only. I am finally a hundred percent content with myself and I am at peace.
With love,
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majaloveschris · 2 years
Hi, original anon who answered the five questions here.
"Anon, How do you know this was “thirst follow” for him? What evidence do you have to imply something like that? And how do you know they didn’t meet “organically" Just say you don’t like them instead of presenting your own opinions as truth.” // I literally said "it seems to me like"... I didn't say I know this for a fact. And the evidence (or lack thereof) is that there isn't anything that indicates they *did* meet organically or off instagram. All we know is he followed her (which, I agree with the other anon, could’ve been because of Netflix) and then she followed him back a year later.
“And what’s this let’s blame the men and give women a pass? That’s quite sexist because you’re acting like the 25 year old women are so stupid and naive anyone can take advantage of them. Stop babying the grown ass woman just so can bash Chris Evans and get real. Also, the whole manipulation can go both ways and men can very much be manipulated.” //
I don’t doubt that it takes two to tango, but he followed her first. I don’t think she’s stupid, and naivety was not meant as an insult. People who are 25 simply don’t have the emotional maturity and life experience of people who are 41. Your frontal lobe has barely developed by the time you’re 25, so I’m not babying her, it’s just biology. She is of age, and “grown”, but not to his level; they are not equals. (Also, idk if I’d call someone who still lives with their parents a “grown ass woman”.) And it’s not hard see why a young woman starting out in Hollywood would want to be with an A list, rich actor who could determine the future of her career. Sure she gains from the relationship too, but in this dynamic he has the upper hand. I agree that men can be manipulated, but I don’t see how she’s the one in control in this situation.
“P.S. Nowhere in your ask did you indicate this was your opinion and anyone who’s reading this without any information can take it face value”// Again don’t know why you chose to ignore where I said “it seems to me like” and “my take”. This is a tumblr blog where people share their opinions, not Chris’ damn Wikipedia page. If you’re taking information from Tumblr blogs at face value, that’s your problem.
“Stop trying to drag this man through the mud just because he’s doing something you don’t like.”// Lmao I’m sure my anonymous Tumblr ask will have a huge impact on his reputation and career. I stated that I still like him and what my problems are with age-gap relationships, and I’m entitled to my opinions. Also, being critical of your faves doesn’t mean you’re trying to drag them, believe it or not it can actually be healthy. On the other hand, not sure why you believe he’s 100% innocent and needs to be defended online.
Anon to anon
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nobodycares-filmblog · 2 months
Taps (1981)
I don't really understand the romanticism of military schools that stems from this film, the opening scene maybe but walking away from having seen all of it? I don't understand.
It turned sad quickly, as you could tell that they were in over their heads from the very beginning.
Additionally, the adults portrayed were very very frustrating.
The adult officers killed Charlie, no doubt about it, and yet they refused to take responsibility and instead blamed other children
If they had maybe followed through on the very simple demands that Brian asked then it would not have developed so quickly into violence. They requested conversations, nothing more. Conversation with the General, with the board of Trustees, they requested a discussion about their school and the military did nothing but threaten them
Really all the boys wanted was their school, maybe if the military actually listened they could have sat down and talked instead of shooting first and asking questions later, leading to the death of a twelve year old boy
Finally, the end scene, while unpredicted, was not unsurprising. Give a teenage boy with an undeveloped frontal lobe a gun and he will shoot, and someone will get shot.
Really all I want now is for the adults in the situation to take some goddamn responsibility actually, they shot at children, they killed children.
I am left very frustrated, which I suppose is due to the skill of the film so congratulations it was a good film. Not one I'd watch again though, I'm still quite mad.
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xplrvibes · 2 months
You know, on Reddit, people gave me so much shit about how I expressed how much I couldn't stand Elton nor Corey but especially Elton. To those that said to me "But SnC signed off on all those terrible pranks & agreed to them". Let me ask you, do you ask young kids for expert opinions on anything like major financial decisions such as buying a house? Would you ask your dentist for advice on arthritis in your knees? No. You don't ask someone completely out of their element for advice on something they're not knowledgeable on. Just like I wouldn't expect immature teens/early 20s kids to make smart decisions. In the OG Traphouse SnC were 20, Corey 22 and Elton a grown ass man at 26/27. A man with fully developed frontal lobes. He was also vastly more worldly than them.
Instead of telling the younger ones to chill the F out with their pranks, he egged them on to do their worst. I'm not going to rehash Elton's pranks I felt crossed a serious line but will say I felt that man behaved like a sociopath & took advantage of those kids who were younger than him. It always rubbed me the wrong way & I made up my mind about Mr Castee back in 2017. So last year when he blamed the fans for his messed up behavior towards SnC which started back in Dec 2020 (much earlier if we count some really inappropriate jokes), I was pissed. One of his defenders even blocked me here on Tumblr for pointing out how Elton was no victim.
So it comes as no surprise to me that he is still blaming others for decisions & actions he chose to make himself. SO here I am cackling at all that has been said at 2AM. Yes, we knew he was shady (& Corey too) & now some of his contradictions are glaring. I hope maybe now people can stop defending his (& Corey's) awful behavior & leave Elton & Corey behind already. SnC fir the most part seem to have. Apologies for the length.
Oh trust me, it happened to us on here too when we vocalized the same sentiment.
This whole situation has been a little validating on a personal level, to be honest. Can't say tumblr didn't clock all of this last year lol.
Anyway, I think I've spoken about the pranks before, but yea - one of the reasons I've never liked Elton was because I felt like some of the stuff he did went way too far. And it's not even the obvious ones that people always use that got me...for example, the wig prank on Colby. The prank itself was fine. The problem was when he forced Colby to dress up and go degrade himself in the street under threat of not having this wig removed.
The way he went about all of that and the glee in his eyes always gave me sociopathic vibes for sure, but also - that man has a humiliation kink and a control kink and seems to enjoy doing it to people who won't say no.
Kinda weird.
Anyway, yes - we called this last year when that video came out. Elton and Corey both were way too hot to make that video with snc to get the heat off of themselves, and were tripping over themselves to place the blame on anyone but themselves. The fans can be little assholes sometimes, sure, but let's not forget who started everything.
Elton started making unprovoked comments about snc back at the end of 2020, when they announced their intention to start 25x25. Corey was still living with - and I would presume he was still on somewhat friendly terms with - snc at the time Elton started this shit. The fans only started going after Elton, and later Corey, after they started being shady. So, blaming the fans was always a ridiculous cop out to me. Said it then, and I'll say it twice now.
Anyway, now all of a sudden, Elton is blaming Corey for all the shit talk. And here the the thing with this that I have an issue with: either: a) Corey was shit talking snc to Elton while still friends with snc, or b) Elton maybe, just maybe, started shit talking snc himself because he was jealous and bummed that he lost control over his shining stars.
Either way, neither Elton nor Corey are the type of people you want to do business with or be friends with, and are definitely not the people you want to do both with.
Snc would do well to stay leagues away from them both.
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scarletlizzard · 4 months
okay little 25 year old 😵
yes, i am 28, but i have the humor of a 16 year old 😞😞 i blame my 17 year old coworker
- 🍷
HOLD IT!! I've got two more weeks before my frontal lobe is fully developed.. give me those two weeks please! (Everyone still has to listen to me)
Ohhh, so you're OLD! (Kidding) what kinda job do you have?
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rarestnicole · 6 months
I’m turning 24 in a week! 🥳 I have a secret though. 😆 I’ve been calling myself 24 ever since the year started. Minsan nga nakakalimutan ko nang 23 pa lang pala ako. 😅 I’m thinking about it being more like a mindset than a couple of numbers, do yunno what I mean? xD
So how do I feel about turning 24? Do I have to feel something? I think so. Do I have to make a big deal out of it and put it on writing? YUP! 😂 It’s not every year that I turn 24 in mind, spirit, and actual age. Lol.
I actually like it, turning 24. I feel like I’ve been presented to a whole new sense of responsibility and accountability. Weird feeling, but it’s here within. I feel like this is another start. In many ways, it sure is another start. Haha. But aside from them all, I do hope that it’s a new beginning of someone that I am. I can already feel that I’m leaving someone that I used to behind. I’m not gonna forget her, I’m just leaving her here, there, somewhere that she should be left in. I won’t forget her, though. I’ll always be thankful to the versions of me, even when I’m not always proud of how I acted and reacted sometimes.
I’m glad to be growing. And I’m most certainly happy to grow more. If growth entails pain and failure and more self-blaming, I wouldn’t mind. Self-awareness will always be my priority. I know I should be careful and be more wise when it comes to knowing myself, and I can only hope and pray for me to be ready. Sometimes, it could lead to self-sabotage, and I don’t want that.
I know. I’m aware that I only have a year left before I reach the point of complete development in some parts of my brain. I’m about to be an adult with a fully developed frontal lobe. 😂 Kaya mas uunahin ko talaga ang pagkilala sa sarili ko and all my traumas, my demons, my pet peeves, and more before I explore out there. And, oh!!! I’m also working on myself sa lover girl concept. HAHAHAHAHAHA. And aspect? Jeez, this is funny. I have to quit thinking ill of having to share my freedom with someone else. Huhu. I’ll get there. 😂 At least I started while I was 23, right? I’m trying to have an open mind about relationships and whatnots. Phew!
Thanks to the books that I’m reading, I’m finally getting comfortable about the idea of having a boyfriend. 😣 Getting pa lang, ha. I’m not there yet. Wew! 😮‍💨 KASI IT WILL ALWAYS BE WEIRD—o, ‘di ba!!! Naka-always pa rin. Ugh. Right now, thinking about it, it’s weird na may maghahatid sa akin, I’m not used to that. I’ve almost always brought myself home, never minding the darkness and the fact that I am alone. Huhu. I have sooooo much to think about, to consider, and to compromise with. I hope that I’ll be ready when the time comes for love to come knocking on my door. Naku, shuta, baka sunduin pa ako. 😬 Chariz.
I also want to think of my future, financially. And academically. And more. Yes, I have so much to prepare for pa. Especially before getting into a relationship. I WILL NOT enter a relationship without being stable in many ways more than one. Jusko.
I also wanna start a collection! OMG!!! Small joys that I won’t allow to be vices. Ooooh, this must be the adult urge to collect something? Lol, no. I just happened to fall in love with a specific masterpiece that I want to know it more, dive deeper into its universe, and learn more about it. I’m liking it a lot, I kinda regret getting to know it just recently. Hmpt. But this may be its perfect time to exist in my life, so, yeah. At least dumating. Yiiiie. <333
And lastly, I want to write moooore. I want to be moooore consistent and be mooore intentional.
Here’s to hoping for the realisation of these things! 🥳
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