#i believe in nahyuta rayfa apollo siblings
minteehell · 28 days
Just finished SoJ 😭 Here are some sketches i made while finishing the game
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Ngl I love the lore sm but I just wished that they dont drop it all out of nowhere,, and I wanted the game to be more focused in Khurain instead of having to go between two places
And yeah… i do love the game, but not as much as the phoenix wright trilogy though (maybe Im just a big fan of 2Ds lol)
Also can u guess who my fav character in this lmaooo (its Rayfa. I love her character development.)
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warning-heckboop · 6 months
I want to believe Apollo and Trucy's special eyes reflect light in the dark like cat eyes do and like everyone who knows them for an extended period of time just knows this and doesn't think anything of it
Except Rayfa never really spent a lot of time with Apollo until after he moves to Khura'in after the events of Spirit of Justice, so one night Nahyuta is woken up by the sound of his siblings just screeching at each other at 2am because Apollo just wanted a midnight snack at the same time Rayfa wanted a glass of water and she scares the shit out of him when she sees his eyes and screams in absolute terror thinking he's been possessed or something
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rivalsforlife · 4 years
Additional, what's your thoughts on AA6, then?
Oooh okay I know that AA6 is generally better received than AA5, but I didn’t really like that game much either, for somewhat similar reasons why I didn’t like AA5?
Like not only did it abandon most of the plot threads of AA5 -- which they have even less of an excuse for, since this game came out three years after DD and on the same console -- but it had a similar problem that DD had involving pushing back major characters. Namely, Athena, who was kind of hyped up in DD as someone who was going to “revolutionize” the courtroom, but then barely had a major role in SOJ aside from the fourth case (which only had the one trial day and no investigation time, and was completely disconnected with the plot.) And yeah juggling three protagonists at the same time is a bad move, but if you had to pick a protagonist to give a smaller role... I would not pick Athena.
I guess the thing about Spirit of Justice is that it’s an Apollo game which tries to be a Phoenix game. I can’t really see any reason for Phoenix to go to Khura’in and stay there. Sure, he wants to hang out with Maya, who he hasn’t seen in a few years -- but she was supposed to come back in a couple of weeks. Also, and this is one of my bigger issues, one of the biggest shows his daughter was ever going to perform would be in the time he was gone, but he didn’t seem to particularly care about missing it. And, and, and! He didn’t even get to SEE Maya for two weeks after he arrived! So why go that early?
I know the semi-canon prologue kiiind of touched on that with Phoenix thinking Maya was in danger, and I can definitely see him rushing over there if he thought she’d been hurt and/or accused of murder somehow. But... the prologue isn’t really CANON canon, it’s not ever stated explicitly or shown in the game. Instead the game just has him say he was worried about Maya for no particular reason, so he... abandoned his daughter just before her big show... and then didn’t even go back after she was accused of murder? I know that he couldn’t have made it back in time for the trial, but he didn’t even go back to comfort her? For two weeks? Where he was in Khura’in and couldn’t even see Maya? 
It just strikes me as a “we need Phoenix to be in Khura’in for Plot Reasons and not because it’s something his character would ever actually do” kind of thing. And, you know, there is that one interview where they say that Phoenix had to be in Khura’in because they needed to “challenge” him more, but this isn’t really much of a challenge. “He needs to win otherwise he’ll die”??? Big deal, we all already KNOW Phoenix would die to defend his friends! We’ve played Bridge to the Turnabout and seen him run across the burning bridge because he thought Maya was trapped with a murderer. Like, the stakes aren’t that much higher. Phoenix wouldn’t let something silly like death get in the way of doing what was right. That one concept about an “underground court” where Phoenix couldn’t trust his clients was a MUCH more interesting concept because it actually challenges one of Phoenix’s core beliefs. Instead, I can’t say that Phoenix has grown or changed at ALL before and after Khura’in.
And aside from Maya Being There and a general intolerance for injustice, Phoenix has no personal stakes in the general conflict of Khura’in. You know who apparently does? Apollo. But his connection to Khura’in isn’t even really explored until the last case, where they shove all of the Dhurke and Nahyuta development in at once. Of course, his beloved childhood friend he was so distraught over in the last game isn’t ever really mentioned, nor does his loss seem to have any long-term effect on Apollo beyond DD.
And speaking of Dhurke and Nahyuta... another issue I had with Turnabout Revolution is that it was trying to do SO MUCH that it didn’t give much focus. Also the severe delaying of Nahyuta’s character arc: he’s pretty much in Second-Case Prosecutor Mode until the very last case, where we only see him for the last part of it. It makes his development feel a little rushed, I think -- it’s been a while since I played SOJ though, so take that with a grain of salt.
Also I want to say that I really love Maya and I’m glad to see that she’s okay, but it doesn’t feel like she had a huge role in SOJ despite the game pretty much existing to bring her back in a big way. She comes back, and she’s still not the Master, inexplicably, despite it having been nine years since T&T. The game says it was because she could only channel spirits 30% of the time or something before, but... that never really came up past Turnabout Goodbyes? After that she’d pretty much always been able to channel whoever, whenever she needed to (including channeling Dahlia for several days) so I don’t really buy that excuse. My fear is they didn’t want to risk changing Maya Too Much so they just kind of tried to keep her as close to original Maya as possible. Plus, she only shows up for two of the five cases, in which she spends almost all of her time accused of murder, kidnapped, or channeling someone. And all of her important interactions are with Phoenix, or sometimes Rayfa, and like maybe an offhand comment to Apollo? But she doesn’t ever bond with Apollo or Athena or even Trucy -- she and Trucy never even ACKNOWLEDGE each other, which is SO weird, because this is her best friend’s daughter, why is she acting like she doesn’t even know her? 
There’s more with Trucy -- the game tries to claim Trucy has a bigger role because she’s accused of murder, but the entirety of that case irritates me for how it completely disregards previously-established Gramarye lore to add in This Random Dude (who does have an awesome theme song, but still), and then perfectly sets up the opportunity for a sibling reveal only to completely ignore it. (You’ve got a guy who knew Thalassa and should have known about her perceiving power + bracelet, and has a huge complex about being defeated by a Gramarye, coming face-to-face with Apollo with his perceiving power and bracelet and... nothing! Not even acknowledging it!)
oh and the civil trial. the civil. freaking. trial. is SUCH a cool concept that they ABSOLUTELY fail to make work. Because instead of it being about Phoenix’s ideals failing him, or him believing in his client until the very end but his client just turned out to be a terrible person, it was yet another Farewell, My Turnabout but worse, with Phoenix only defending this guy because Maya’s kidnapped again... and he learned absolutely nothing from last time, where the only reason he got through the trial safely was by trusting Miles and teaming up with the other side to delay the trial for a rescue, instead he just decides I’m Not Telling Apollo Anything and struggles like he did in the second game. Plus it takes any victory of Apollo triumphing over Phoenix away, because Phoenix wasn’t actually trying his best. It had the opportunity to be an exploration of “what would Phoenix do if his trust in people actually went wrong”, but they abandoned it because Phoenix Wright Is Never Wrong. Instead it was just so weak!
Wow this is ALL OVER THE PLACE I’m sorry about that anon. ending with a bit of positivity, I really like that Final Big Twist at the end of the game, I think that was a super cool use of spirit channeling! And getting a little more spirit channeling lore was nice (though I would have liked to see more about the structure of Kurain Village -- you expect me to believe this random dude has a major role as the mayor of what has always been described as a matriarchal village?) I guess my main issue is... a lot of potential for cool things (in the civil trial, in Maya getting to know and bonding with the New Generation, sibling reveals and spirit channeling lore) and it doesn’t really deliver on most of it.
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crackmadhi · 6 years
Underneath it All
Tuesday, 2 January 2029
It was nice being back in the states. Apollo had gotten the possibility to stay here for three weeks and he was enjoying his time off. It was fun being with the Wrights and Athena. Even if he missed Nahyuta and Rayfa quite a bit.
Right now, he sat on the couch, while scrolling through his phone and Athena and Trucy played chess on the kitchen table. The chess set had been a gift from Edgeworth for Trucy and she loved it to the bits. Apollo could not blame her, it was pretty, and custom made. Also, the pieces were blue and red, which were her favourite colours.
“Nooo!”, Athena cried losing the third time in a row.
Widget turned blue and he had to pull himself together to not make a snarky remark. Then suddenly he felt his bracelet tighten. Confused he looked at it and sat up properly. Mr. Wright had entered the room.
He looked gloomy and slowly wandered over to the table. Trucy put the chess board aside and Apollo saw Athena holding her hand over her right ear. So, there was discord in his voice. No news to the lawyer in red, but this was even extreme for him.
“Apollo, would you please come to the table? I need to tell you and Trucy something very important”, the man exclaimed with a voice devoid of emotion.
Apollo got nervous. His bracelet was tightening because Phoenix displayed no ticks whatsoever and he had the impression that Athena could not really identify the emotion’s in his heart as well, since she frowned deeply and made a worried huff.
Suspiciously he got up and sat down in front of Mr. Wright. Apollo felt Trucy next to him getting smaller and exchanged a look with Athena. This was bad.
“Daddy, what is it? What is going on?”, the girl asked worriedly, and he shot the man across the table a testing look.
Apollo was no longer a clueless apprentice, no longer somebody you could take on that easily. He had learnt over the years and his time in Khura’in had taught him to fight with every means he could access. If Phoenix was going to act stupid, Apollo would fight him. That much was sure.
At once Phoenix put on a smile and laid down flyer. Apollo wrinkled his forehead and looked at it. Lamiroir. She would give several concerts in the States. In the next few weeks, even some in LA. What had that to do with anything?
“I’m sorry but I don’t follow? Would you stop being so obscure? Why would you show us this flyer?”, he said to him.
“I was sent three tickets for her next show. I thought you might want to go there with Trucy and Athena…”
“Why won’t you go yourself, and did Lamiroir send you these?”
He nodded simply and lowered his gaze to the table.
“Why are things always so complicated, when it is about that woman? And why do you even talk to her? What kind of connection do you two have? This makes no sense at all, Mr. Wright.”
He tried to open his mouth, but Apollo cut him off right away: “Don’t dare to talk in riddles anymore. Just get us straight answers for once in our life. That would be nice for a change.”
At that Phoenix paused. For a short second a light flickered in his eyes. Then he took a deep breath and put on an old smile. His eyelids were slightly lowered, and the brows lay right above his eyes.
“I should do so much, shouldn’t I?”, the older lawyer chuckled and laid one hand on his knee, while putting the other softly on the table.
“I have failed. In being honest with the two of you, Apollo, Trucy. I’ve known something for a rather long time and did not tell you, because Lamiroir asked me not to tell you.”
He let out a dry laugh and turned to the side. His voice had become hollow.
“At least it is what I told myself long enough. Really, I had no right to keep this from you. You were old and strong enough to know and to understand… … When Lamiroir got her memory back, she called me. What she remembered was… She used to have a very different life. … As the woman of a traveling musician who tragically died in a fire in which she also lost her son. That was in Khura’in.”
Apollo sat straight in his chair. His eyes were open wide, and his left arm was shivering. This could not be happening. This was not how things went. This was not what he wanted to hear.
To his horror Phoenix continued. With empty eyes he looked to his daughter and added: “She went back to where she had been raised. Took back her maiden name and eventually married another under her father’s growing badgering. This time her husband took her name on the stage. … And she remained Thalassa Gramarye until she lost her memory during an accident in their rehearsal.”
The magician’s chair fell to the ground. Her hands were pressed on her mouth as she stood in front of the table and glared at her father with so much anger and disappointment in her posture that Athena wished she could have her headphones back.
Apollo on the other hand was frozen to stone. The shivering had abruptly stopped, and his breathing got slower and slower. His eyes had lost focus and he was staring beyond the walls behind Phoenix.
There were no words to describe what he felt. Betrayal, rage, defeat. He had felt them all. More than once at the same time. But neither of them managed to capture what this was right now. Maybe because nothing really fit.
Maybe because he was just exhausted.
But what had Apollo expected from a man who had him present forged evidence in court at his first trial?
Apollo flinched and stared at his sister. The usually so sweet and kind girl had screeched, clenched her hands and hot tears were rolling over her from fury deformed face. Athena was even shivering from the sound of her voice and Phoenix defensive smile suddenly was wiped away from his face.
“Why would you do this”, the girl continued swinging her hands away from her chest and forcing her voice to be as loud and violent as it was possible for her, “after everything?! Why did you have to LIE? You knew this for so long and kept it from us? You kept my own brother from me? I don’t understand this! I - I can’t believe it! It was you and I for seven years, us against everything! No lies, no secrets! You promised me that you would not keep stuff from me! Not like everybody else did! You promised! And- And now this!? Now you let us know that we are siblings and our mother is alive? Now?! Not before you left the country to your almost death trip to Khura’in? Not after I had been KIDNAPPED and Apollo’s best friend had been MURDERED!?”
The air was thick and heavy. For a second everything stopped. The daughter needed an answer and there were so many to give. Too many for Phoenix to formulate at that moment. Especially, since his throat was now dry and his will to defend himself had been long gone.
Slowly, Trucy realized that she was not getting anything from her father and let her arms fall down and her shoulders drop. Her bottom lip wavered, and a small sob escaped her mouth. With angry eyes she turned away, Apollo stood up next to her and laid his hand on her upper back. At least she was not alone.
“I hate you for this.”
Phoenix eyes were closed. He nodded. Apollo shook his head and lead his sister away from the table. He had to get himself and her out of this place. Away from Phoenix.
In complete shock Athena watched Apollo walk away and stared back at Phoenix. The man did nothing to stop them. No fighting, no trying to defend himself. Instead he let his daughter just walk away after she had declared her hater for him. He even nodded.
Athena’s hands tingled, her heart speeded up as her boss looked at her. A loud noise emerged through the room. Apollo had shut the door. Phoenix simply huffed.
“You have all the right to stand up and leave as well, Athena”, the man said with a broken grin.
Athena stayed still. There was too much discord to leave now. She stared to fear for the man’s sanity.
Carefully she watched him lean back in his chair and cross his arms loosely in front of his chest. His face was turned to the side, no muscle moving at all. It looked like this miserably smiling expression was carved into his face.
The noise from his heart became louder and under this growing buzzing Athena’s ears began to ring. Her breath fluttered under the pain but there was no way, she was to leave him now. Not like this.
“You must think I am horrible, and I deserve that… … but would you do me a favour?”
Athena only stared at him.
“Go after them. Not to tell them that they should come back or forgive me. Just… look after them, if you think that’s the right thing to do. They might need somebody like you who’s able to listen and they can trust. They deserve that.”
Athena hesitated. Phoenix wanted her gone. He wanted to be alone. Inside her guts she felt a sting that told her not to leave under any circumstances. That her boss was capable of doing something incredibly stupid right now.
But he would not talk to her. And Apollo and Trucy truly could need her help. To them she could talk, and they might actually listen to her advice.
With a heavy heart she swallowed and asked Phoenix: “If I leave, what will you do?”
The muscles on his arms shortly tensed up but relaxed just as fast. He did not meet her gaze as he answered: “I will… …take some time to… …digest this.”
“Mr. Wright”
Her words hang dooming in the air.
“You won’t do something to yourself, will you?”
Phoenix expression changed. A slight tremble run over the man’s lips and his eyes fully opened. Shocked he looked at his employer, as if she had just said something that nobody had ever openly told him.
He gulped, thought about forcing a smile but let it be. Instead he decided that this was a sign. That there were still things to be done and that he still had to stick around. There were people that deserved answers. He would provide them.
So, he raised his voice and told the young woman without a trace of discord in his voice: “I won’t.”
Even though Athena heard his sincerity, she still doubted him. But there was nothing for her to do. It led her to stand up and nod at her boss. He faintly smiled at her gesture and raised from his chair as well. Swiftly he walked around the table and accompanied Athena to the door. There he took a crumpled paper out of his sweatpants’ pocket and handed it to her.
Athena raised her eyebrows in question and shot the man a look. He huffed tiredly and explained: “Thalassa’s in town. It’s her address. If they want, they can go and talk to her. She knows that I’ve told them today and hopes for an answer.”
He laid a hand on Athena’s and let out a deep breath.
“But you don’t have to tell them that. Mention that you have it, if you think it’s right or just give it to them, if they want to meet her. I trust you will do the right thing for them”, he added and reached for her jacket on the clothing rack.
With a slow motion he handed her the garment and she put the small paper in the jacket pocket. A last time Athena shot her boss a worried look. She did not trust him to be on his own, even if it had never been a problem before. But then again, he hadn't lied when he had promised her that he would do nothing to himself, and so Athena let it go and left her boss alone with a brave wave.
She did not turn back to see the proud and grateful look on the elder’s eyes. Which was good for the other, since it would have motivated her to stay with Phoenix. And that was not what the turnabout terror needed right now.
Link to the fanfiction:
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nerdyskeleton · 7 years
22 blackmadhi
aww yeah. tbh I’m running out of good ideas for blackmadhi angst. oops. I hope you like it, my friend!!!
The feather in his mouth twirls at top speed. Simon hasalready turned it into a tattered mess from fear and nervous energy. Rayfawatches him with her nose scrunched up.
“I do not understand why you are so concerned, Skunk Head,”she announces. “My big brother will obviously be the victor. There is no doubtin my mind.”
Simon does not respond, which angers the princess. Shestomps her foot and jingles her staff and demands a response from him with ashrill command.
Apollo pipes up from his spot leaning against the wall with,“Your Benevolence, let’s not upset Prosecutor Blackquill, okay?”
“I am not upsetting him!” she insists, despite doing thatexact thing.
Simon inhales deeply and faces her. “You will do well tokeep your mouth shut. You cannot imagine what sort of monstrous things youraunt will do to him.”
Apollo coughs and comes a little closer. He is almost alwaysthe mediator whenever Rayfa is involved, yet she beats him to speaking with ascoff and violent shake of her staff.
“I do not? I amnot aware of what awful things the woman who had me believe she was my motherfor my entire life would do?” She gets closer, and Simon feels vaguelythreatened. “You know a traitor, but you do not know Ga’ran.”
This child is right. Simon has no chance to form an eloquentresponse, as the large doors they surround open and out struts Nahyuta. Hisposture is rigid, and he looks regal – that is, until the door closes, and heslumps over some.
Simon is at his side immediately. “Are you all right?”
“I am well,” he answers softly. Rayfa stands next to Simon,which puts her at the perfect position to be suddenly engulfed in a hug by herbrother. Her staff clatters to the ground, as the act has clearly taken her offguard. But still, neither Sahdmadhi sibling make any noise.
Nahyuta pulls away and rests a hand on Simon’s shoulder.
“Are you finished in there?”
“No. Ga’ran requested a break.”
He snorts at that. “When I lived as a prisoner, I seldom hadsuch wishes granted.”
“She is the former queen and regrettably…still my aunt.”Nahyuta’s voice drops in volume as he murmurs next, “She also terrifies me. Icannot deny her much out of fear.”
Simon knows the feeling. He pulls Nahyuta into a hug, yet itis short lived, as he decides to return to such terrible seclusion in thatroom. Simon, feeling scared and desperate for him to stay by his side, followshim to the threshold. Nahyuta kisses his cheek softly and slips through thecrack of the open door.
“I love you,” he says, unsure entirely if Nahyuta hears himor not.
But from the other side, he huffs – the sound is a mixtureof laughter and a sigh. “I will return. Do not worry.”
The door shuts and locks the next second, and the waitinggame continues on.
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gyakutengagotoku · 7 years
Oh sorry, wasn't talking about a particular character. I guess characters like Simon,Trucy,Maya,Klavier,etc who have siblings or parents
Okie dokie.
Given the heirarchy of familial status in Japan, people who are of higher rank, can call those of lower rank anything they like, but it’s usually the first name without any polite suffixes. This is why in most anime, characters that refer to each other by first name usually add something to the name to distinguish them from being outside the family.
Blackquill refers to his sister as “姉貴” (aneki), which is a very casual and cool-sounding way to refer to one’s older sister. An English equivalent would be like “Sis”. Given their sibling rivalry, it would make less sense for Simon to be all polite with her like “nee-san”.
Trucy refers to Apollo as… Hahaha, jk. She refers to Phoenix as “Papa”, which is the same way she referred to her own father back then, so she isn’t simply changing it up just because her father changed.
Maya is a little cutsier with how she calls her older sister: “onee-chan”. She also calls Pearl by nickname, “Hami-chan”. The way she refers to her mother and aunt are the standard polite way, “okaa-san” and “obaa-san”.
Klavier calls his brother “アニキ” (aniki), which like “aneki” for the sister above, is a very casual way to refer to one’s older brother. It’s in katakana to show his maybe-accent.
Franziska calls her father “Papa” as well, and treats Edgeworth as her brother, so he gets the first name treatment as well.
I believe the only time we ever got a chance to see Edgeworth refer to his father was when he was testifying back in 1-4. He said “父” (chichi), but that is simply the formal way to refer to one’s father when speaking to someone else. I only assume he calls his father the usual way, “otou-san”, anyway.
Yumihiko/Sebastian calls his dad “oyaji”, which is just “old man” out of context, but a closer equivalent in EN would probably be “Pops”.
As for other characters from GK2 who have dads *coughNaitoucoughSouta*, iirc it’s not anything special.
Hmm… since Rayfa and Nahyuta are royalty, they get especially formal ways to refer to their parents in person, “父上” (chichiue), “母上” (hahaue). You don’t hear much of these being used these days, outside from historical dramas. (To other people, though, I think it’s just “chichi” and “haha” without the “ue” part.)
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