#i asked my teacher why the united states waited until the end of the war to actually help anyone. why there are all these pictures of
alluralater · 7 months
it’s pretty horrifying to know that however this genocide ends, the united states government- my government, will take no accountability for it’s war crimes, the global destabilization, the cultural impact of casually assisting in the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. the media outlets will pretend they were non bias and still have journalistic integrity as if they told the truth to the core population. history textbooks will be published with fake reasons this ‘war’ began and how america was somehow heroic in involvement. politicians will use their involvement as a stepping stone to even more power. it literally turns my fucking stomach thinking about the future because i know what the past has been. indigenous people being removed from their lands, brutally murdered and/or tortured for one reason only. greed. however it ends, we cannot just forget and move on. palestinians deserve our fucking support. ‘to the victor goes the spoils’ how about no. how about we take this as the turning point in history that it is and stop pretending things will magically get better if we avert our eyes from the subject. barbaric acts of senseless murder should be met with extreme vocal condemnation by those who are left standing to talk about it. there is no world in which this is justified. however it ends— do not forget that this has set a precedent for governments to begin globally murdering indigenous people en masse and get away with it. the past will always be the future until we decide to change it.
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noneedtoamputate · 9 months
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Happy holidays, @land-sh. I'm your HBO War Secret Santa, and I hope you like this modern holiday AU featuring Ron and Carwood. I know you don't live in the United States, so I wanted to let you in on a few things in case you didn't know (and my apologies if you already know). The Pentagon, where Ron works, is home to the U.S. Departmen of Defense, and Instacart is an app where you can order groceries and get them delivered to your house. Fair warning for anyone else reading, it's just a tad spicy toward the end. I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful holiday season, no matter how you celebrate!
Ron stared at the calendar hanging in the kitchen. If looks could set paper ablaze, the month of December would have burnt to a crisp thirty seconds ago.
He took another sip of his steaming black coffee, careful not to let any get on his Army dress uniform.
He took the calendar down from its hook and walked over to the kitchen table they purchased three years ago, when Ron accepted a desk job at the Pentagon and Carwood left active service and started teaching history at a local high school. 
Car’s messy handwriting filled almost all of the squares. He had Army reserve duty the first weekend of the month, and as assistant coach of the boys’ junior varsity basketball team, there were practices or games almost every weeknight up until holiday break. There was the neighborhood cookie exchange, where he promised to make his famous gingerbread people, and then there was the Santa Paws fundraising event at the humane society. Car volunteered to dress up as Santa.
Ron’s small, neat cursive only filled Mondays for his personal training appointments and on December 22, with one word and arrow ending on December 30.
No one at work would ever guess that Lt. Col. Ronald Speirs loved Christmas. He loved the lights, the movies, the gifts, and, most importantly, being with the people he loved. He hadn't made it back to his parents in Massachusetts for the holidays since moving to Washington. He finally had enough seniority in his department to take an entire week off in December.
He couldn't wait to taste his mother’s shortbread, to be spoiled by his sisters, to take his nieces and nephews sledding. There really was nothing like Christmastime in New England. 
He heard Car come down the stairs of their townhouse. He wore a black turtleneck sweater, fitted tan pants, and loafers. If Ron’s teacher had looked as half as good as Car, Ron would never have passed U.S. History. 
Car smiled at him as he walked over to the coffee maker. 
“The calendar’s getting pretty full,” Ron said, trying to sound casual.
“December’s always busy,” Car replied as he sat down across from his husband. “But not too busy that we can't find time for each other.”
“Movies?” Ron asked. 
“Of course. Die Hard. Love Actually. We’ll watch them all.”
Ron leaned closer. 
“And we’ll drive around to look at the lights?” Ron was a sucker for Christmas lights.
Car nodded. “I’ll drive, so you can really look at the displays.”
Ron smiled. “Well, if that isn't love, I don't know what is.” He reached over to kiss Car.
“I gotta run.” Car picked up his travel mug. “Have a good day. I love you.”
“Love you, too,” Ron replied.
He finished his coffee and tried to get into work mode, the mode where no one would guess he loved watching Home Alone with his husband and dog and a fire roaring in their living room.
The next week, Ron looked at the calendar again. 
He was not happy.
“Why do you have ‘choir concert’ filled in on Wednesday?” Ron asked as Car buttered his toast.
“Yeah, about that …” Car trailed off as he nervously scratched his head. “Mrs. Ramirez needed some help setting up for the holiday show.”
“That was supposed to be movie night.” Ron tried not to sound too upset. 
“I know,” Car conceded. “Practice gets out early Friday night. We’ll have movie night then. I’ll even make the popcorn.”
“With extra butter?” Car nodded, Ron’s mouth curled up into what was almost a smile.
“It's a date,” Ron replied, and gave his husband a kiss.
But movie night never happened. A student teacher’s car wouldn't start in the faculty parking lot. Car tried jumping it, and when that didn't work, he waited while they called a tow company and gave them a ride to their apartment. 
By the time Car got home, Ron didn't feel like watching anything. 
“What was I supposed to do?” he asked Ron. “I couldn't just leave them there.”
“Of course not,” Ron agreed. 
But Ron lost his patience the following week when he walked into their home office and saw Car furiously typing away on the computer keyboard. 
“Dinner’s ready,” Ron said. He stood behind Car and put his hands on Car’s shoulders, giving them a gentle rub. 
Car moved away from Ron’s touch and rubbed his temples. 
“What's the matter?” Ron asked. 
“Two students asked for recommendation letters at the last minute. I need to finish these tonight.”
Ron narrowed his gaze. “You could have said no.”
Car sighed. “No, I couldn't. They’re great kids. Smart, responsible …”
Ron cut him off. “Asking for a recommendation letter at the last minute isn't responsible.”
The two just stared at each other. 
“You need to eat,” Ron finally said.
“I'll grab something when I'm finished.” Car went back to looking at the monitor. 
“And I guess this means no looking at lights tonight.” Ron crossed his arms.
Lulu came into the room and nuzzled up to Car, looking for some love. 
“Can you take her? I can't focus with her with trying to get attention “
“You don't even have time for the dog?” Ron asked, no longer hiding his anger. He leaned down to pet Lulu. “C’mon, girl, let's go for a walk.”
Ron set off on a good clip toward the park, Lulu happily keeping up the pace. 
Why does he do this? Why does he put everyone first?
He felt disloyal asking himself the question, because the way Car looked out for people was one of the reasons Ron loved him so much. 
Ron hated admitting that he felt jealous of all the attention Car had shown other people this month while making no time for him, or so it seemed.
And sadness crept over him. They seemed so distant over the last few weeks. No cuddling on the couch, binging the latest series. No long conversations over dinner. No spooning in bed before falling asleep.
And certainly no sex.
The brisk air and exercise cleared his head a bit, but he still paused for a second before opening the front door. The house stood quiet, and the chicken tetrazzini on top of the stove remained untouched. 
He threw the baking dish back into the oven to reheat and poured dog food into Lulu’s bowl. He ate dinner alone. He rinsed the dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher. He sorted the mail and cleaned out the fridge. When he ran out things to do, he poured himself two fingers of Scotch and tried to read a book, but he read the same page over and over. It was only 9:30 pm, and he wasn't tired, but he gave up and got ready for bed. 
It was just before midnight when Car finally made it upstairs. He didn't say anything as he took off his clothes and slipped into bed, staying far away from Ron’s side. 
“You're going to wear yourself out,” Ron said quietly.
“I'll be fine,” Car replied. Soon, his deep breaths signaled that he was asleep.
Ron put his hands behind his head and stayed awake for two more hours.
On the morning they planned to leave for Ron’s parents, Car woke up with the flu: Body aches, chills, and a pounding headache.
He wouldn't admit it. “Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow,” he told Ron. 
Ron titled his head to one side and gave Carwood that Ron Speirs look.
“It's possible,” Car said meekly, not really sounding convinced himself.
Ron called his mom and dad and explained the situation. Though disappointed, they completely understood and sent their love to Car.
He put in an Instacart order. There was not a lot of food in the house, as they planned to be gone for a week. Plenty of Gatorade, rice, bananas, bread for toast. All the ingredients for chicken soup, and easy meals for Ron to eat in between caregiving duties. 
The next day, he felt even worse. Ron added another bedspread on top of him for warmth and plugged in a heating pad for him to use. 
“You don’t need to stay here. Go to your parents. I can take care of …” Before Car get the last word of the sentence out, he started coughing. 
Ron rubbed his back. 
“I'm sorry,” Car said, once he caught his breath.
“No reason to apologize for coughing,” Ron replied. 
“No, not the coughing. For …” He started coughing again. 
Ron took a deep breath. He’d been trying to avoid thinking about what he was missing at home. His family, the epic games of Yahtzee, his mom's roast lamb on Christmas Day. 
But he knew Car hadn't gotten sick on purpose. If Ron had gotten sick right before they were supposed to go to West Virginia for the holidays, Car would have taken care of him without a second thought.
“It's okay,” Ron said. 
Ron couldn't have said that the day before and meant it. But today, he did.
On Christmas Day, Car felt well enough to get into the shower by himself. They exchanged gifts. Ron bought Car a new messenger bag for work, and Car bought Ron the watch he’d had his eye on for a while. Ron made chicken soup for lunch, and they finally watched Home Alone together on the couch. Car felt asleep halfway through, but Ron could tell he was finally on the mend. 
The rest of the week was mainly more of the same. Ron would make something for lunch, and they would watch one of the holiday movies they never got around to before Car got sick: Gremlins, Miracle on Thirty-Fourth Street, It's a Wonderful Life. Each day, they would sit a little closer on the couch to one another, hold hands, spoon. 
New Year’s Eve arrived, and Car felt great. They had an invitation to a party, but they decided it was bit soon to go out.
Ron, being a great cook, made steak and lobster tails for lunch. They splurged on a bottle of good champagne and talked and laughed like they hadn't the entire month of December. 
They turned on a football game, and Ron fell asleep before halftime. He woke up to the feeling of Car’s fingers in his hair.
“I didn't mean to take a nap,” he said, reaching for his husband's hand. 
“You needed it. You've been taking care of me all week.”
Ron stroked Car’s cheek and reached in for a kiss. 
They started slow, almost uncertain, the tension of the last few weeks still present. But then Car traced his tongue along Ron’s earlobe, a surefire way to get Ron hard. Wordlessly, they walked upstairs to the bedroom.
Car started undressing Ron, taking his time. Ron hadn't realized how touch starved he was for Car's hands and lips. He kissed his neck and worked his way down, nuzzling Ron’s chest with his stubble and gently biting Ron’s nipples. Ron couldn't help letting out a moan, and he could feel Car smile against him.
He let out an actual groan when Car grabbed him, stroking him exactly the way he liked. He put the head of Ron’s cock in his mouth and teased him, before taking it all in.
Ron tried to pull away, but Car shook him off. “I want to take care of you,” he said. 
Ron realized that for all the things Car did for other people, he would only do this for Ron. This was just for the two of them. He had no reason to be jealous.
Ron realized and ran his fingers through Car’s hair, staying in the moment and taking in every sensation. He knew he wouldn't last long, and that it wouldn't matter. 
Ron said his husband’s name as he came, and Car kept him in his mouth and teased the inside of his thighs as he came down. He took Ron in his arms, and Ron lay his head on Car’s chest. 
Another thing no one at the Pentagon would guess was how much Ron loved the time after making love, when they would hold each other and talk quietly. He didn't used to, not before he met Car. It was one of the ways he knew Car was the man for him. 
They stayed quiet for longer than usual, enjoying the closeness.
“I am sorry you didn't make it home for Christmas,” Car finally said. “You said was okay, but I know how much it meant to you.”
Ron kissed him. “I was home for Christmas.” He looked the man who meant everything to him in the eye.
“You are my home.”
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yuta-nakamots · 4 years
Beautiful Time - h.rj ; Part 1 of 6
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Pairing - Vampire!Renjun x Reader
Genre - Fluff? (with a tiny bit of angst)
Warnings - Mentions of blood
Summary - Vampires are creatures forced to walk upon the earth for longer than humans could possibly imagine. One would think it gets boring after a while, but not to Renjun, the foreign exchange student who seems to know a little too much about the early twentieth century.
Word Count - 2.5k
A/N - this chapter was a littler shorter and slower than I expected but I promise things will really start to pick up in the next chapter
It was your last first day of high school. Your day couldn’t get any better, having returned from summer break ready to see all your friends again. You were happy with your schedule along with the people in your classes, you knew your senior year was going to go just fine.
By the time lunch came around, you were already starting to feel exhausted from meeting your new teachers and keeping track of the assignments they had already given out, but you still had one more class left to attend which was history. World history from the early 1900s to be exact.
You sit in the middle of the room next to your friends, you guys ending your conversation as the teacher begins introductions. About halfway through, your teacher is interrupted by the door opening followed by the entrance of a boy who you presume to be one of your new classmates. The neatly ironed school uniform looking very flattering on his body, the dark maroon color of it complimenting his bleached blonde hair.
“Oh! Sorry for interrupting! My name is Huang Renjun, I’m an exchange student from Seoul, South Korea. Nice to meet you all.” His voice sounded so soothing and his pronunciation was so natural, you wouldn’t even have thought he was a foreign student. You didn’t miss the way his gaze held yours as he scanned the room for a place to sit down, the only seats being the few that were open on the far side of the room, next to you and your friends.
Ever since that first day, Renjun has continued to sit next to your group of friends and they grew to like him and included him in any group assignments that were given out. You noticed that Renjun wasn’t a talker though he liked to spout little interesting history facts and details every so often, like how the First Lady of the United States had 80 Japanese cherry trees planted alongside the Potomac River in 1912. You didn’t think much of it since the class itself was about history, you only assumed that Renjun had a special knack for it.
The first time you really get to speak to him is during a class field trip to the museum. You wanted to go look at the Renaissance paintings for both humor and educational reasons, however, your friends would rather stay in the gift shop. You weren’t allowed to go off on your own so you pouted and tried to reason with one of them to go with you, almost giving up until you felt someone tap your shoulder. “Y/n I can go with you if you want.” You turn around, finding Renjun standing behind you wearing a large pink hoodie with black jeans, sipping on the drink he was holding. You give him a grateful smile before telling your friends that you’d be leaving the gift shop.
“So tell me why you wanted to go look at Renaissance paintings so badly” Renjun said, letting out a slight laugh as he looked at The Creation of Adam.
You rolled your eyes before responding, “they’re funny...that and the fact that you can see a lot of emotion and stories being portrayed behind them, especially during such an odd era of time. Some of them are also just nice to look at” you told him, gesturing at the Girl With A Pearl Earring.
“I may not know much about the Renaissance but I’ve always heard that it was the start of modern art so I guess I’m quite thankful for it” he said, his words trailing off towards the end.
You nodded to show your agreement. “It really is interesting to see where modern art originated from and how much it’s changed from its start” you mused, a smile appearing on your face as you walked over to The Last Supper.
“Time truly is a beautiful thing” Renjun remarked as he followed you.
“It is, isn’t it?” You looked over at Renjun who was busy posing as the different people in the paintings, both of you laughing as you quickly chose a person as well, joining Renjun and his antics.
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As the semester went by, you and Renjun often found yourselves working on projects together. After the day at the museum, you had started talking to him a lot more during class and found that he was actually pretty funny. When it came to your projects, he was always responsible, making sure to do his part while also making sure you did yours. He had some of the most interesting ideas like when he proposed making your own historical-looking marble bust and you laughed at him saying that it would take far too long while he gave you a questioning look back as if daring you to bet on it.
Eventually, the time came for the large final project of the semester, which you were glad was a group project as well, eagerly agreeing with Renjun when he asked if you’d like to be his partner. You and Renjun had decided that your topic would be various art forms throughout World War II and spent a whole lot of time going through different resources to find images of paintings, old written letters and poems, newspapers, recordings of songs, and anything of the sort. Finding that this project was going to be a lot more complicated than expected, you ask if you could possibly meet up somewhere to work on it together. Renjun suggests a cute cafe that both of you enjoy going to and you arrive there around 5pm. Luckily, it’s Friday so that means you can stay out a little later and continue to work on your project, but what you don’t expect is for time to go by so quickly. “Oh wow, it’s already dark out” you observed as you leaned back to stretch in your seat.
Renjun looked up from his laptop, only just noticing the darkness as well, “It is winter so I guess it makes sense for it to be getting dark sooner” he reasoned. “Do you want to go to your house to continue working on this? We can go to my place too if you want, I just don’t want to keep you out too late because I know it can get a little sketch at night.”
“Whichever one of our places is closer is fine” you say, not wanting to have to walk further than you have to. The two of you playfully bicker, trying to figure out who lives closer to the cafe until Renjun gives up and plugs both of your addresses into the maps app, showing that Renjun does indeed live closer to the cafe than you.
The walk to Renjun’s place was surprisingly pleasant. The weather was comfortably warm and the sky was clear, the sun having just set, coloring it a warm orange hue. Your conversation with Renjun flowed easily like the breeze blowing through the tree leaves.
“What’s it like to live alone in a foreign country?”
“Ah, it’s really nice here, I enjoy being away from home. It’s like a breath of fresh air,” he told you, “I don’t live alone though, I have one other roommate who’s in the same transfer program as me though he goes to a different school.”
“Oh? Are you close to him or were you just assigned to live together?”
“I guess you can say we’re pretty close,” he said, guiding you into the lobby of a tall apartment complex, “He spends more time together with his friends from school rather than with me, but I don’t mind. I like our school.”
His apartment was surprisingly clean for housing two boys and it was well decorated too, various paintings adorning the walls along with succulents sitting on shelves nicely spaced out around the main room. You and Renjun settle down on opposite ends of the couch in the living room, continuing the work you were doing at the cafe. Another two hours pass in almost near silence, only broken when the two of you are discussing details about your project or when Renjun asks how you’ll be getting home.
“I called my mom to pick me up around 9, don’t worry about it” you told him, thanking him for his thoughtfulness.
“Oh, it’s almost 9 already though. We should start wrapping up” he said, going through the open tabs on his computer, making sure all your work was saved. You repacked your belongings, standing up to leave. Renjun follows you, wanting to walk you down and wait with you until your mother arrives, though before either of you can reach the door, it opens, revealing the purple-haired boy who opened it.
You froze, taking in the appearance of the stranger, looking almost normal if it weren’t for his bright red lips and the fangs protruding from his smile. You backed up, bumping into Renjun as the stranger took a step inside.
“Haechan, what are you doing?” Renjun exclaimed, his arm wrapping around your shoulders protectively.
“Introducing myself to the pretty lady,” the purple-haired boy said before turning to you, “hi princess, my name’s Haechan, don’t forget it.” You swore you could see red in Haechan’s eyes but you looked down out of fear and you shrink further into Renjun’s hold, your shaking hand coming up to grip the back of his shirt. “So is she your little snack or what?” You were utterly mortified, the smell of blood reaching your nose the longer Haechan stood in front of you.
You looked up at Renjun, almost screaming when you saw he too suddenly had the same fangs Haechan did, though you didn’t dare look into his eyes. All of your instincts telling you to run, but your legs were too weak, you felt rooted to the floor, not wanting to believe the sight before you. “No, Haechan, she is not a snack. This is y/n, and you will leave her alone” he said, putting extra emphasis on the ‘will’ as if giving Haechan a command.
“Ah, so this is that girl you keep talking about, the one that’s your-”
“Haechan!” Renjun exclaimed, his grip on your shoulder becoming tighter.
Haechan raised his hands in defense, “Hey, hey, I’m just trying to get things moving, lover boy.” The smell of blood reaching your nose the longer Haechan was in front of you.
Renjun scoffs before telling Haechan to leave, to which he whines, “but what if I want to get to know her too?”
“There will be another time and place for that, but not right now Haechan” Renjun said, practically seething with irritation.
Haechan pouts before leaning against the doorframe. “Jaemin went nuts after feeding so he’s staying at my place and needs a change of clothes.”
Renjun groaned out of frustration before allowing Haechan in, not moving as Haechan walked past the two of you down the hallway, opening the door of what you presume to be Renjun's roommate, Jaemin’s room.
You had practically smashed your entire body against Renjun’s out of fear, not noticing how tightly you were clinging onto him until Haechan was out of sight. Renjun brought himself to stand in front of you with his head down, his hands resting on the sides of your shoulders, lightly squeezing them to calm you down. When he brings his head up to meet your gaze, you expected to see the same red-tinted eyes accompanied by the fangs you saw now too long ago, but instead, you’re greeted by a pair of dark brown eyes and an apologetic fangless smile.
“Y/n, I’m really sorry about that. I know it’s a lot to process right now, but please promise me you won’t run off until I tell you everything” Renjun said, looking into your eyes for a sign of affirmation. You slowly nod, not knowing how this situation could get any worse.
Renjun let out a sigh and squeezed your shoulders again before starting, “I think you already know, but...I’m...not human, and what Haechan said earlier about you...you’re special to me...You’re my, uh, mate...I know it’s a lot to take in all at once and I’m sorry I had to tell you like this. If only Haechan didn’t show up, I was planning to wait a little longer and tell you differently, I’m so so so sorry, just please don’t run away from me y/n” Renjun said, his words coming at you faster than you could process them.
You stared at him in shock, not knowing what to say or how to respond at all. Renjun was your classmate that you barely knew much about. Yes, he was your friend who you worked on many projects with, but aside from that, you knew nothing about him. You stood there, unmoving and you tried to piece together sentences in your head before responding to him, eventually giving up and just letting your thoughts come out.
“Look, Renjun, thank you for not trying to kill me yet, but I’m just...really overwhelmed right now. I don’t know what to say to you or how to react to being your mate, I don’t even know if I can believe that or not, I don’t even know if I can believe that vampires are real-”
“Y/n, I can show you-”
“No Renjun, I don’t want to see anything right now. I just want to go home. I need time to think...But for now, we are only classmates. I don’t want to talk to you unless it’s about the project. I’m sorry but please just respect me this once and give me time.” You couldn’t bring yourself to look at Renjun, too shaken up from all the information he had just thrown at you.
“Okay, I understand. Can I at least make sure you get picked up safely?” he asked, his hands leaving your shoulders. You nod, not trusting yourself to speak anymore.
You let yourself out of his apartment, Renjun only following you like a shadow. He keeps at least an arm’s length of space between the two of you at all times and he doesn’t take his sight off of you until you’re in your mom’s car, putting on your seatbelt. Once you’re gone, Renjun makes his way back to his unit, his thoughts going wild in his head, running at a thousand miles per hour.
He’s worried about you and what you’re thinking, not knowing whether you’ll come back to him or not, he’s beyond upset at Haechan for barging in and creating this whole mess, but he’s disappointed at himself for not being able to control the situation better.
He walks into his apartment to Haechan waiting for him on the couch, “guessing it didn’t go too well, huh” he says to Renjun.
Renjun only groans out of pure anger and frustration, heading to his room and slamming the door, but not before telling Haechan to “get the fuck out.”
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A/N - this chapter was a littler shorter and slower than I expected but I promise things will really start to pick up in the next chapter
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whattaloser · 3 years
Why I’m a Leftist
I know I’m probably just some dude who reblogs cool stuff to most of my followers but I’ve got a nice long story/rant about my political beliefs here that I’ve been wanting to write for awhile
I am a leftist first and foremost because I value human life. Everyone matters. No person is inherently more important than another person. Everyone has inherent rights that should not be infringed. People who infringe on other’s rights are morally wrong to do so. In essence my leftism is based on doing what is right. Obviously everyone has their own opinion on what is right but what is vitally important is knowing why your moral code is right. This is why so many people become liberals or conservatives or otherwise rather than leftists. They simply do not know enough about how the world works. There are a lot of reasons they don’t know, not the least of which is intentional covering up history and preventing education. I don’t believe people who aren’t leftists are stupid, but I do believe leftists know more. It’s kinda fucked up but it’s the only way you can explain inconsistencies in other’s values.
My path to leftism was full of cringe. When i was 7 years old Al Gore was running against George Bush for president. I did not know enough to have a real opinion on it but I am happy to say that I wanted Al Gore to win. This thought was based on very little if any logical reason. I basically flipped a coin in my head I think. Or maybe there was some outside influence that I wasn’t aware of, like my older sister who I looked up to might have said she liked Al gore. Either way, from then on I was in favor of democrats and did not like George Bush. When 9/11 happened I remembered thinking how dumb it was that people lined up around the block to get gas. Even as a child I knew that some buildings going down wasn’t going to end the great nation of the United States. In general I thought the United States was a great country. I knew from movies and tv as well as elementary school history that the United States was the most powerful country in the world. 
I recall in Sixth grade my teacher mentioned she liked George Bush because he was against gay marriage. Somehow at the time my opinion was the opposite despite being raised Catholic. I believed in god until I graduated high school and suddenly my desire to be religious slipped away and so did my belief. I do not consider this a great loss. 
Sometime in middle school or early high school I had solidified my opinion that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan was pointless and George Bush was a bad president. I was heavily influenced by movies and somewhat by video games that had imparted plenty of anti-war messages. Talks with my dad about nuclear missiles, watching History channel shows about world war 2, and playing Metal Gear Solid which had explicit nuclear disarmament messages, all informed me on the horrors of war. This was not enough to make me totally anti-military. In high school I wanted to join the military because I thought it was an easy way to get life experience and eventually pay for college. I was attracted to the Marines because of how cool movies like The Rock and video games like Call of Duty made it seem to be a Marine. I thought they were the best of the best. I was simultaneously against war, against veteran worship, and very pro-military. I was indoctrinated by years of government propaganda but also disillusioned by all forms of media including the book All Quiet on the Western Front which was about a soldier becoming disillusioned by witnessing horrors of war and the negative impact it had on everyone in his country. I spoke with a recruiter during my senior year and expressed my desire to be a Marine but I told him I wanted to wait a year after high school so I could get physically fit enough. The recruiter did not care that I was underweight and out of shape. He didn’t even care that I was very enthusiastic about joining, he was still putting on his best salesman demeanor which made me incredibly uneasy. The experience is supposed to pressure people into signing up on the spot, I think they even had forms for me to sign (i can’t really remember though) but I was not ready and was aware enough how I was being manipulated although not entirely cognizant. After that I no longer wanted to be in the military.
I also have to point out that I grew up in an unstable household. My parents were both loving but they were flawed and made mistakes and had problems. My dad was a typical Gen x man’s man. A little bit too emotionally repressed, but actually really good with kids when it came to play time and still is. He worked a lot because my mother couldn’t. My mother has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder as long as I can remember. Her medical bills related to her problems combined with other financially bad decisions by my parents caused my home life to be fraught. I lived in varying degrees of poverty until my parents separated and me and my siblings moved with my mother to her parents’ house away from my father. Prior to moving though, we endured great financial difficulty. We were unable to afford school lunches but could not apply for free or reduced lunches because technically my father made a lot of money, however it was all garnished for medical bills. My father always tells about how he bought a car that had hidden frame damage and when he attempted to sue the dealership for selling a bad car he lost and was garnished for that as well. Despite making over 25 dollars an hour in 1999, my father could not afford school lunches for three kids and couldn’t afford to pay the gas bill. Without going into too much more detail, life sucked and continued to suck until I graduated, at least financially. I still found plenty of joy and it wasn’t always that bad. We still found ways to have good things like video games and we could always rewatch old movies but there’s a lot of psychic weight that comes with being that poor as a child and I’m sure it affects me and my ability to empathize with others who in bad conditions. 
So i watched a lot of movies and documentaries, read a lot of books growing up, discovered internet forums at the age of 11, played video games, moved to a town that had a very large Hispanic population, and I even grew up poor. All of this life experience turned me into a very average liberal upon graduating high school. I was a very optimistic 18 year old. I thought science could save the world. If I was 18 today I would be an average redditor stereotype probably. The point here though is I still wasn’t a leftist. Only vaguely progressive and full of optimism. This is when I got sucked into the anti-feminist pipeline.
I can’t remember what exactly what I had going on in my life but I remember it was around the time of Gamergate. Everyone on the internet, celebrities, and pop culture were saying “if you believe in equality between genders you’re a feminist” an did not like that. And there was a ton of people online to tell me I was right in not liking that. They all said feminism was not necessary anymore because legally you couldn’t discriminate against women and I agreed. Gamergate made it worse for reasons too complicated to get into in this already long post but suffice it say I was “pro Gamergate.” This put me at odds with my closes friends who thought feminism was great and had no qualms with it, and were already embracing the idea of being a “social justice warrior.” Despite reading all kinds of anti-feminist think pieces and reveling in the discourse, I was still very progressive and liberal minded person. Still thought the military was bad, that black people were discriminated against etc. But so many aspects of anti-feminism were appealing to me as a white guy who tried their hardest to do what they’re told is right, had low self esteem, undiagnosed adhd and depression, and a fundamental misunderstanding of what feminism was. Two things got me out of anti-feminism though. The first and most important thing was having friends who were patient with me about it. I didn’t reveal how into anti-feminism I was because I was ashamed but they could sense it and pushed back when they could. The second thing that got me out of it was actually finding feminists online and reading what they had to say, staying away from poorly written clickbait articles that fueled misogynist tirades against feminism. After reading and learning from feminists it finally clicked. Our society is patriarchal and that affects how people interact with each other regardless of what is legal. Many of the complaints of anti-feminism talk about how men have it in society, so how can society be patriarchal. It’s because of patriarchy that men are put in bad positions. Some of the more self aware anti-feminists had retorts against these ideas but they were emotionally charged. There’s still some anti-feminists I have respect for because of how well prepared and logical they were when it came to disputing feminism. But when it came down to the fundamental tenants of feminsim all they could respond with was anger or outright denial of reality. (If you’re like I was and don’t understand how anyone can thing modern feminism is good please feel free to ask me more, I just can’t get into specifics in this long ass post) Anyways, once you understand patriarchy and how it affects an individuals actions then you can start seeing how other institutions and cultural norms can affect an individual. This is basically fundamentals of leftism. I’d say about 90% of my path to leftism was just naturally absorbing cultural and historical information through consumption of media. The most conservative people I know are people who haven’t read very many books or seen very many movies. I’m not saying watching Austin Powers at the age of 10 will make everyone a leftist but constantly recontextualizing the world by learning something new, even if you learned it from some dumb comedy movie, can give you better grounding in a shared reality.  Don’t know how to end this but I want to say when I was a teenager I thought “communism is good in theory but it doesn’t work in practice” and I had almost no historical basis for it other than the vague notion that USSR = bad despite having consumed a massive amount of media. None of it taught me what communism actually was, I didn’t know who Karl Marx was, and I had no clue why communism in the USSR failed. You can know a lot without knowing the truth so if you’re struggling with a loved one who is mind poisoned by conservative keep in mind that they know a lot but they’re missing something important to give clarity. 
This has been my Ted Talk
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hpdabbles · 4 years
Changes in Storms
Severus stares wondering if he somehow hit his head this morning and what he was hearing and seeing was just a hallucination caused by too much blood in his brain.  “I beg your pardon?”
Regulus Black- the newly made Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Black- huffed.  “I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend. I’ll pay you.”
The younger man, who had just turn seventeen if he remembers correctly, had come knocking on his door at an unholy hour, drenched head to toe from the rain and looking half craze with his long dark wavy hair plastered to his face. For a second Severus thought he was here to kill him.
Come to put an end to the Half-blood that pushed his luck a little too far. 
It would make sense seeing as Severus hadn't yet accepted the Dark Lord’s invitation passed to him by Lucius. He pushed back his official joining of the Death Eaters only because Severus was waiting to see if he would be able to secure a Potion Appriatincehip with his own skills. He didn’t want to be in anyone’s debt. He wanted to be his own man. Who could finally be recognized for his own abilities, instead of the background he came from. 
He wanted to be claw and fight his way to the top, maybe one day open up his own potion shop and while he agreed with the message of the Death Eaters, their methods left much to be desired. He couldn’t focus on bottling fame if he was running around on the front lines.
On the other hand, the war seemed to have taken a turn in favor of the Death Eaters and should they win, Severus would rather be in their good graces. This is why he hadn’t fully rejected the offer of finical support and other benefits that came with siding with them. 
He managed to stay neutral by supplying the Death Eaters with potions, anything from healing to veritaserum, and that was why the Dark Lord himself took notice of him. There really wasn’t any potion Severus could not brew and claiming he would be more useful studying advanced potions to help the cause was the only reason he hadn’t been branded yet. 
It may be a fool’s dream because Severus certainly didn’t have the funds to achieve the more exclusive ingredients which meant all of the potions he summited weren’t going to stand out. In fact, as loath he is to admit it, the half-priced potion ingredients turn his work into mediocre at best.
No Potion Master would waste their time trying to make their mediocre apprentice less mediocre.  
He had a stack of rejected to prove it.
But time was running out. The Death Eaters would not wait forever.  
If a Potion Master didn’t take him on, then Severus would have to fully apply himself to the war and the Death Eaters wouldn’t be above using him as a human shield. He was, after all, only a Half-blood. 
So why on earth was Regulus here asking a mere half-blood, a poor one at that, to be his boyfriend?  
“Look, Severus” Regulus snaps pushing his soggy hair out of his eyes  “I need a yes or no, and I need it tonight.”
“Why?” He can’t help but ask ignoring the teen’s frustrated tone. “Why do you need a pretend boyfriend so badly? And why me?”
Silver eyes, so close to mercury, seemed to stare into his soul. “You’re the only person I could turn to. You’re my only friend.”  
That’s not overly true. Severus has spoken to the younger boy on occasions back when he was still a Hogwarts student, but they never spent too much time together to be considered friends. Though seeing as Regulus was basically ignored by the whole school, teachers included, a few exchange words must have looked like fondness to him.
That...is a little bit sad if Severus thinks about it. Sadness like this could lead to loneliness which could lead to someone being easily manipulated. Someone could easily turn the Black Heir into their personal toy if he is not careful. 
Too bad for Regulus, Severus had never been the one to feel the guilt of using others.  
He opens the door wide, giving the other male an invitation to come inside. The boy scurries by him, closer then what could be considered polite and stoping to look around the pathetic flat Severus has called home for the past two years.
It was the only place he could afford once he graduated Hogwarts, leaving his childhood house unable to spend another minute with his parents. If it meant living in a flat that was tiny enough to be a shoe cabinet then so be it. 
“You said something about pay?” Severus says leading the teen to sit on his bed. His flat only had two rooms, and one of those was the restroom, which meant everything was squished together. The bedroom, the kitchen, and the living room were all the same place.  He hadn’t bothered with couches since they took up unnecessary space, assuming he wouldn’t be getting guests anyway. 
Now watching as Regulus stares at his bedding with a slightly pink face he wished he had. “Regulus? The pay?”
“What? Oh!” The Black snaps out of whatever disgust he must be feeling for sitting one something so beneath him. He pulls out a little box from his inner rooms and taps his wand against it. 
Severus watches the box expand until it’s a fairly large chest. It opens on it own to present shinnying gold. What really stands out is the runes around the inside of the lip, indicating that it was using expansion charms, hiding much more gold then met the eye. His jaw drops. “The pay would be all of that.” 
“Are you out of your mind!? That’s way too much!” He can’t help but exclaim. “That looks like half the Black vault!”
Regulus pulls a face, pulling out three more boxes from his robes. He throws them into the corner where they expanded and spill most of the things they carry. It’s a mess of clothes and random books, almost as if the owner had just grabbed what he could get his hands on before leaving “...It is half the Black vault.”
“What?!” Severus demands. He eyes the teen who hunches his shoulders refusing to met his eyes, then looks between the boxes making his small flat even smaller and it clicks in his head. “You ran away.”
“I can’t stay there anymore!” Regulus blurts, fisting the sheets into his hands. “I can’t! Mother...the Death Eaters Severus, they’re insane and Mother wants me to join them. She wants me to die for them, for the Dark Lord, but I won’t. I won’t! If I do die for them no one will mourn me anyway! I don’t want to die alone!”
“...What does this have to do with me?”  Because he highly doubts he’ll be able to keep Regulus safe form the Death Eaters. How being his pretend boyfriend will even help.
“Father help me get away,” Regulus says looking into Severus' eyes with desperation. Begging him to understand. To agree. “He’s never cared about Sirius or me before but he’s....my father once had a male lover that the family didn’t approve of and they force them apart to make my parents web.”
Severus raised a brow. That shouldn't matter too much, unlike the muggle world, same-sex marriage was common in the wizarding world. If Regulus is attempting to say his preference for males is why his cold father suddenly gave a rat ass about him then it obviously a face lie.
Regulus sighs. “The reason the family didn’t approve of him was due to the man in question being a muggle.”
“I told him I had a half-blood lover that I was running away with. He caught me taking half the money form the vault....and he agreed to help us get out of the country. I think it’s because he wanted to do that with his lover a lifetime ago. He’s going to have an international portkey set up in a week's time so I can hide in the United States of America. I just need you to pretend to be my lover, until then.” Regulus finishes.  
Severus stares again. “But what about me? Your mother won’t hesitate to kill me the moment she finds out I was involved with you, even if it is a lie. The Death Eaters won’t be happy with me either.”
Regulus goes ghostly white  “You aren’t one of them are you?”
“Good.” Suddenly Regulus reaches out and grabs onto Severus' hand, covering it in shaking fingers. It’s hard to say if they shake due to the cold or the fear tucked in Regulus’s eyes. “Come with me.”
“I...I beg you pardon?”
“You can come with me. The States are known for their potions, you could find a job there, any Potion Master would trip over themselves to employ you. You don’t have to die for them either Severus.”  
Severus says nothing. He doesn’t know what to say.
This is all too much at once. 
Regulus tugs the hand he is holding, making the older man stumble onto the bed. The Black pulls until Severus is half kneeling on the bed and half leaning over him, staring up at him with an odd blend of adoration and longing. No one has ever looked at Severus like that. (He would later learn, that Regulus has been looking at him this way since the boy was in the third year. Severus had merely never noticed.)
At that moment he notices how utterly beautiful this boy turned out to be. The Blacks were a gorgeous lot, but Regulus was never as good looking at his brother, often overlook since he sported softer features compared to Sirius rugged good looks.
Regulus was often teased in the Slytherin common room for his fragile appearance. He looked like a good wind would knock him over, especially with self-esteem so low it was blood in the water for the snakes.
Severus wonders why he never gave the boy the proper second look he deserved. He’s attracted to both females and males, surely he would have noticed tiny fragile Regulus blossoming? 
“We should kiss,” Regulus says in a voice barely above a whisper, shaking in a way that almost feels like a touch. Severus gulps.  “To practice. My father will not believe we been sneaking around since my third year if we don’t know how to kiss properly.”
“....You’re absolutely right.” Severus hears himself say before he leans down, pressing his lips against the Black’s. The teenager under him gasps slightly, then he is pressing back, not at all experienced but more than eager to learn. It takes a moment for his mind to catch up with what’s happening and it’s only until Regulus releases a moan that reality comes crashing back. 
Pulling away he ignores the slight whine to ask. “If I agree to this, if I run away with you, what then? We get over there and never come home again?”
Regulus' eyes are slightly daze but he answers clearly.  “We can live together over there until it’s safe. Father will allow us to come back when the war ends. If you want to, I’ll come back for you. I’ll do anything for you.” 
Severus grins. Aw, poor little Regulus, still much too soft to be a proper Slytherin. “Anything?”
Regulus flushes “Anything”
Pressing the male into the bed, Severus makes his choice. “We best practice proper boyfriend techniques then.”
The storm keeps howling outside but for once, Severus doesn’t even notice it in his tiny flat that barely keeps the cold out. He has something far warmer to hold on to for the night. 
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you-a-southpaw-doll · 5 years
Lovin’ Him - A Negan!AU Story ~ Chapter 2
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Story Title: Lovin’ Him - A Negan!AU Story
Story Summary: When high school student Leigh Sullivan feels like the world is against her, and she’s prepared to end it all, there’s only one other person in the world who could save her from herself. Her best friend, neighbor, love of her life, current United States Marine, and even bus driver, Negan Morgan. But what if even his love isn’t enough? Will Negan be the one to save Leigh, or will it be too late? If it is not, what will come of Leigh and Negan? Will they stay best friends and maybe become more? Or, will the strain of Negan trying to save Leigh become too much for their long-lasting friendship, and it’ll all come tumbling down?
Chapter Summary: Negan and Leigh goof off before the bus ride home. Leigh may or may not miss her stop. There may or may not be a dinner between the two! ;) 
Word Count: 1,978
Warning(s): Explicit language. Caring Negan. Loving Negan. Slight angst. Fluff - LOTS of Fluff.  Somewhat of a slow burn? Eventual relationship. Hella teasing. Negan’s very sneaky and naughty in a good way. Teacher x student relationship – The reader is of legal age, and Negan’s a bus driver. NO Zombie Apocalypse.
Author’s Note(s): Here’s the second chapter! If y’all have any questions, feel free to message me! Also, if you wanna be tagged for future stories, just shoot me a message and I’ll be sure to add you!
Relationship(s): Negan x Leigh Sullivan (OFC)
Characters: Negan. Leigh Sullivan (OFC). (More characters will be added as the story continues.)
Taglist: @negans-network​ @thamberlina​ @prettyboynegan​ @mychemicalimagines​ @spnnnxangelsx​ @rockinkel21​ @misskittycat02​ @band--psycho​–psycho @ofxallxwexlost​ @iron-halt​ @thamberlinawrites​ @ravenwings73​ @lettherebepink​ @stoneyggirl​
Chapter 2: That Afternoon
I climb the steps of the bus. He’s not sitting in his seat. I wonder where he is. Nobody else is on the bus. I head to the back to take my usual seat in the last seat on the left side. I set my bag down on the floor. I look up as the bus shakes a little bit. 
I smile as soon as I see him. He looks mighty fine in his forest green skivvy shirt from being in the Marines and his tight Wranglers. Damn. That man can make some clothes look hot as hell. Even his black cowboy boots look hot on him. I’m kind of glad that he doesn’t have his ball cap on today. 
He has his back to me. I run up the aisle and wrap my arms ‘round his midsection. He jumps and turns ‘round. He smiles when he sees that it’s me.
 “Howdy, darlin’. What are you doing?” He asks, as his arms make their way ‘round me.
“Just got on the bus. What are you doing?” I ask.
He takes a slight step back away from me, dropping his arms to his sides. I realize why a second later. There’s another student heading to the bus. Negan gives me a sad smile as he stands away from me. He leans one knee on his seat, crosses his arms so that they’re resting on the top of the seat, and looks at me. 
I slide into the seat right behind his. The kid gets on the bus and, not paying any attention to Negan and I, sits in the back.
Negan leans closer to me, and whispers in my ear. “Why don’t you come fuckin’ sit up here this afternoon?”
“You really want me to?” I ask.
He nods and smiles. “Of course I fuckin’ do. That way I can talk to you.”
I smile. “Alright. Let me go get my stuff. I’ll be right back.”
“Take your time, darlin’.”
I head to the back of the bus, and grab my stuff. The kid that’s on the bus is already asleep with his headphones on. I head back to the front of the bus, and set my stuff on the floor in front of the seat I’m gonna be sitting in. Negan’s still kneeling in his seat like he was when I left him a minute ago. 
He smiles at me as I stand in front of him. The back of his seat, and the divider in front of me, separate the two of us.
“So. How was your day?” He asks.
“Absolutely positively freaking boring.” I say. “Yours?”
“It could’ve been fuckin’ better. Although, this morning was probably the best part of my day. Well, with the exception of right now, that is.”
“What could’ve possibly made your morning and right now so good for you?”
“Well…um…getting to hang out with my best friend.”
“Oh ok.”
I look down. I was kinda hoping he’d say talking to me or something, but I guess not. I feel two fingers against my chin, and I know exactly who’s touching me based on the tingle that goes through my body at his touch. He slowly lifts my head up so that I’m looking at him.
“You do realize that you’re my best fuckin’ friend, right?” Negan asks.
“You’re serious?” I ask.
He nods. “I’m dead fuckin’  serious.”
“So…wait…let me get this straight, ok?”
“I’m your best friend. And hanging out with me made your morning and this afternoon the best parts of your day.”
He nods. “Seems ‘bout right to me. Why?”
“I don’t believe it.”
“Why don’t you believe it, darlin’?”
I shrug. “I’m nobody’s friend, and I don’t see how I could make anyone’s day better. Normally, I just mess it up; not make it better.”
He gets a sad look in his eyes. He drops his fingers from my chin, and lays his hand on the seat right beside my arm. His fingers slide over slightly so that they’re brushing my elbow and forearm. I realize why he does what he does. More and more kids are getting on the bus. 
Even though everyone knows that Negan and I are friends, rumors could get started really easily. I mean, it is high school after all. I might be nineteen, but Negan is twenty-five. Not that his age matters to me. It never has; it doesn’t define him. 
Age is but a number, and he is my best friend. I just wouldn’t want him to get fired because some student said something that was completely wrong ‘bout him and I.
“Leigh. We’ll talk ‘bout this later, ok? Right now, why don’t we talk ‘bout something different? I hate to see you hurting, and beating yourself up like this.” Negan says, quietly.
I nod my head. “If you want to. Um…what do you want to talk ‘bout?”
“Why don’t you tell me ‘bout your day?”
“Um. Ok. I guess. What do you want to know?”
“What was the best fuckin’ part of it?”
I blush. “You really wanna know?”
He nods. “I sure as shit do.”
“Seeing you act like an adorable little boy when I gave you your Christmas present.”
He laughs. “Alright. Although, you do know I’m not a little boy, right?”
I blush. “I do. Believe me, I know that you’re all man.”
He sucks in a deep breath, and his fingers continue to move along my arm. He lays his head on his arm that’s resting on the back of his seat. He gazes at me. His eyes twinkle with some akin to amusement, happiness, and something else I can’t quite place.
“Alright. So…that was the best part of your day. Is there another part that was really good? Or was it just one of those days?” He asks.
“Well…there was one other part that made my day.” I reply, grinning.
“Oh really? And was what that?”
“Getting to talk to you and hang out with you.”
He smiles. “Serious?”
“Without a doubt.”
His grin gets even bigger.
“Mr. Morgan! It’s time to go!” A kid from middle school shouts from the middle of the bus.
Negan sighs, and looks at his watch. Yep, the one I made him.
“I’ve still got another minute before it’s time to pull out.” He mutters.
He looks up at me, and gives me a smirk. He wiggles his eyebrows before turning ‘round and sitting in his seat. He reaches over and grabs the handle to pull the door shut. I watch as his muscles move beneath his shirt. As he moves his arm, his t-shirt sleeve rises up and I get to see his tattoo. 
It’s just a simple American flag with a cross behind it and a Confederate flag, the Stars and Bars, right below it. It’s some really nice ink. He’s explained the importance of each aspect to the tattoo to me before. He has the American flag because a) he’s American and b) he’s in the military. 
Does he really need another reason to have an American flag tattoo? He has the Confederate flag because a) he’s from the South and b) he loves the Civil War and the Confederacy. He’s a history buff like me, and the Civil War is his favorite part of American history. 
Not because he supports slavery or anything. No. It’s because he respects the fact that the Southerners stood up for what they believed in. Granted those beliefs may not have been right, but the Southerners still fought for those beliefs. 
Plus, the South was also fighting for each state’s rights. The South had felt as if it weren’t being acknowledged by the North and was being taken advantage of due to the crops and other agriculture. Anyway, back to Negan’s tattoo. He has the cross because he is a Christian, but mainly because he had to truly rely on God to get him through one situation while he was overseas a couple years ago.
He pulls the handle close to him until it locks into place. He reaches back behind him for his seatbelt and buckles up. He tilts the sun visor down. He glances up in the rearview mirror. I catch his gaze. He smiles and wiggles his eyebrows. 
I laugh. He just chuckles and cranks the engine of the bus. After he does that, he waits for the other buses to pull out before him so that he can. I talk to him as he does his run. Eventually, he gets so focused on driving the bus, and dropping the kids off, that we just stop talking. 
But that’s ok. I know he’s doing his job. Since he and I aren’t talking at the moment, I sit down in my seat. I curl up in the seat, and close my eyes. Since I’m the last person to get off the bus, I still have another hour and a half bus ride.
I can take a nap. I doze off thinking ‘bout the man sitting in front of me.
I wake up sometime later to the bus being stopped, and the engine turning off. I hear the clank of metal against metal and realize that Negan’s taking his seatbelt off. I slowly sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. I look ‘round and realize that we’re back at school. 
I look at Negan, who is busy looking down at something in his lap.
“Um…Negan?” I ask.
Negan jumps in his seat, and stands up. He looks at me, and relaxes once he realizes that it’s me. He kneels on his seat like he did earlier this afternoon.
“Hey, darlin’. I hate to fuckin’ say it, but I forgot you were on here. I’m sorry.” He says.
“It’s fine. I’ll walk home.” I say, gathering my stuff.
“No. I’ll drive you home. There ain’t no fuckin’ way on God’s green Earth that I’m gonna let you fuckin’ walk all the way home. That’s a two-hour bus ride. That’s like a four-hour walk.”
“I don’t wanna be a burden to you. I’m fine to walk.”
Negan moves so that he’s standing closer to me. He pulls me into his arms. I drop my stuff, and put my arms ‘round him. I lay my head against his chest.
“Darlin’, you’re never a burden to me. Don’t ever think that ‘bout yourself. Besides, you’re my neighbor, so it’s not like I’m driving to fuckin’ Kalamazoo and back just to take you home.” He says.
I laugh. “Ok. You’ve got a point. But only if you’re sure.”
“Sure on which part?”
“Sure on everything.”
“Darlin’, I’m one hundred and twenty-five percent sure that you’re not a burden to me. You could never be one. You’re too damn special to ever be a burden to me. I’m a hundred and twenty-seven point seven five percent sure that I don’t mind taking you home. I’ve actually kinda wanted to take you home for a while now. It means that I get to spend more fuckin’ time with you.”
 I lift my head up off his chest and look at him. He looks dead serious like he’s not joking with me. In fact, he even looks a little nervous.
“C’mon, darlin’. Say something. Please. I’m sort of nervous here.” He says.
I tighten my arms ‘round him even more and give him a big ole hug.
“Darlin’?” He asks.
“You’re special to me too, and I really enjoy spending time with you.” I say, quietly.
He smiles at me. “So…you’re cool if I take you home?”
“Yea. If you’re cool with taking me home.” I blush slightly, hoping he doesn’t notice.
“Of course I am. Although, I’m starving. Do you care if we stop on the way home to get some food?”
“Um…sure. You’re the one driving.”
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c-s support + paired endings
Manuela: I… Who... Oh, settle down and stop with the knocking. I'll be there in two shakes.
>You were sleeping.
>I'd like a word.
M: Oh dear... Professor? Is that you? M: I... Just a moment. M: What should I do? I can't open the door in this state... M: Manuela, you simply must quit...oversleeping. M: Hold on. Where are my clothes? I can't even find my— Where in blazes is my underwear?! M: Oh, I— What is my dressing robe belt caught on? M: I can't tie this properly! It's not even covering— Oh, Manuela... This will have to do...
>Are you OK?
M: I-I'm fine. Just... Just hold on a moment.
>I can hear you.
M: Ugh...
M: I would hope, Professor, that you have the decorum to pretend you've heard nothing.
M: Anyway, I'll be just another moment. Patience, please.
M: Ahh, hello. Sorry to have kept you waiting. M: So... What do you want?
>That took a while.
>What were you doing?
M: Excuse me? You had a reason for coming here, I assume. M: I've put a lot of time and effort into making it possible to talk with you, you know...
M: No, you've done nothing wrong. Let's just say I'm not having a good day. M: Actually, I didn't have a good night... M: Never mind! What did you want, anyway?
>About last night...
>I have a message from a knight...
M: You heard from him? The fella from last night?! Huh. What did he have to say?
>He said, "We will never go out together again."
M: Yeah... Figures. Kind of saw it coming, actually. M: That's why I came back to my room and went to bed. To get over it. M: Thank you...for checking in on me. Was that all you wanted? M: Well then, good night.
>Sleep well.
M: Professor! A pleasure to see you.
>Why are you here?
M: I was here for confessional... Confessing my foolishness.
>Are you praying?
M: I've never been very good at praying. I was here to confess my foolishness.
M: While I'm at it, may I confess something to you too?
>No need to ask. Go ahead.
M: I realize what a burden I've been. On you, I mean. M: After every break-up, I neglect my work. And I know how that affects you. M: I'm completely worthless as a woman. Can you imagine how that feels? M: I'm going to be single for the rest of my life. I just know it. M: You think so too, don't you?
M: I'd rather you disagree, even if you don't mean it. Lie to a woman when she's down and out, yeah?
M: That's terrible to say. But if that's how you see it, maybe there is no hope for me. (female byleth)
M: Really? So, if I couldn't find anybody else, you'd marry me? (male byleth)
M: Oh, don't worry. I can tell by the look on your face you didn't mean it. (female byleth)
M: Really? So, maybe there's still hope for me… (male byleth)
M: Who am I kidding? I've known for years how hopeless I am. M: What's wrong with me? M: It's not my looks. I'm still gorgeous. Or am I? Be honest. Do I look old? No... Not possible. M: I'm the songstress who swept the Empire off its feet... Men professed their love for me hourly! It can't be my looks.
>You look just fine.
M: You're right! Although, "just fine" is a bit... Well, it's better to be attractive than "just fine."
>You're attractive.
M: I knew I was right! I'd be in real trouble if I weren't this beautiful.
M: Oh no. If the problem isn't my looks—and they are not the problem—then it must be...what? My personality?
M: I know you're trying to find a way to say it gently. But you think there's a problem, don't you?
>Your personality is fine.
M: A girl can tell a lie when she hears one. You think there's a problem, don't you?
M: I suppose I can be a bit...unkempt. M: I do have a short temper, and I may be a little lazy... Sometimes. M: But I've always heard fellas, you know, like a woman with a few flaws. M: Seems to me, there are plenty of flawed girls who have landed themselves a good man. M: So maybe...my trouble is I'm not imperfect enough. Do you think I could use a few more flaws?
M: Are you saying I'm perfect as I am? Come now. You'll make me blush… (male byleth?)* M: Why? Do you think I'm flawed enough already? (female byleth?)*
*the order of the previous choices are f -> m, but it doesn’t quite fit with the rest of the conversation so i’m guessing it’s m -> f for this
M: ...So I said, "Two can play at that game!" M: I told him, "A smalltime, little weasel like you oughta be begging me for attention!" M: Oh, it gets me so mad. So worked up! M: Why aren't there any men around here who understand what a catch I am? M: Come to think of it... You've always been nice to me. (male byleth) M: Come to think of it... You've always been nice to me. Ha! If only you were a man. (female byleth) M: I mean, you listen to all my problems... M: I feel like I can really trust you. I don't have that kind of thing with a lot of people.
>You're a close friend.
M: Right, I got it. I knew you'd say we were just friends.
>I'm sorry I can't help...
M: Just... Let's stop there, OK? You don't need to say anything else.
M: I'd like to maybe talk about this once the war is over. Once we're all safe. M: I know, I know... It's a real tragedy. M: I suppose this is what the goddess has ordained. So, I'll accept it... M: All right, enough of this moping around! What we need is a change of mood! M: We've still got a lot to do together. M: When I think about that, what are one or two men? M: ...
>What's wrong?
>Calm down.
M: I can't stay calm when I'm like this!
M: What's wrong is—it's not just one or two men. It's more like one hundred men! Maybe even two hundred! More! M: I'm... I'm completely... M: Ugh! I can't get out of this mood! M: Actually, I've got an idea. Exercise will help! M: I'm going to the training ground. Come on and give me a hand! M: Gonna work my anger out on one hundred training dummies. Maybe two hundred if we got 'em.
M: Oh... Are you sure you should be here? M: There must be tons of young girls falling over themselves just to get near a hero like you. M: Or are you not interested in such attention?
>Not really.
M: What?! M: Not looking for romance, then? M: So, that's why you never gave in, no matter how many times I tried... M: Listen. I get it. No need to explain anything. It's better this way. It means I wasn't the problem.
>You're wrong.
M: Wait. Am I the problem? M: I suppose if I had some charm, maybe you would have fallen for me. M: Oh... Why does this always happen to me?
>I want to get married.
M: I'm not surprised. You can probably have your pick...
>I'm in love.
M: I don't doubt it. So, who's the lucky gal? You probably have your pick...
>I adore you, Manuela. Will you marry me?
M: W-what... M: ...
M: Have you gotten me confused with someone else?
>Of course not.
M: Look, you don't need to take pity on me, OK? M: Or... That's not it, is it? I can see it in your eyes. M: Nobody's looked at me that way in a long, long time. M: I sound like a school girl, but this is the moment I've always dreamed of. M: So, of course I'm going to mess it up by not knowing how to answer.
>Will you have your answer soon?
M: Just...give me a minute to compose myself. M: OK... Come on, Manuela... M: Oooh... That's better. So, my answer... M: Yes! Yes, I would love to marry you! M: I'm a complete mess, and I'll be a massive pain to you from now on... M: But in exchange for the trouble, I promise to give you all of my love. M: So don't let me down, you hear? M: You know... Until this moment, I didn't realize how much my heart longed to call you my own. M: I want to love you, and to be loved by you. I want... to share my life with you. M: And you really like that idea? Oh! Oh goodness! Oh, I just giggled. Maybe I'm not as old as I tell myself... M: Or maybe you just make me feel good about myself, my darling.
paired endings
Byleth announced his marriage to Manuela shortly after becoming leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan. Manuela lent her considerable talent and experience to the rebuilding effort, using personal connections she'd gained during her time as a songstress and teacher to assemble a team of talented people to govern. She became essential to the king's rule, and her skills as a physician kept him in good health for many years. The happiness of the couple and their children was plain to see on the faces that were immortalized in family portraits. (golden deer + church route)
Byleth announced his marriage to Manuela shortly after being named archbishop of the Church of Seiros. Manuela lent her considerable experience and talent to the rebuilding effort, using personal connections she'd gained during her time as a songstress and teacher to assemble a team of talented people to restore the church. She became essential to the archbishop, and her skills as a physician kept him in good health for many years. The happiness of the couple and their children was plain to see on the faces that were immortalized in family portraits. (blue lions route)
Very soon after Byleth and Manuela had finished their grand and elaborate wedding ceremony, the struggle against those who slither in the dark began in earnest. The pair fought in many battles together, but Manuela had to leave the front lines when she discovered that she was with child. Though they spent many days apart, the family reunited once true peace had come to Fódlan. The happiness of their family was plain to see on the faces that were immortalized in their family portraits. (black eagles route)
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caitepowers · 6 years
S.C.O.U.T.S.: The Prologue
S.C.O.U.T.S.: Special Citizens Obliged and United To Save began with a group of girls raised in seclusion away from outsiders and the modern world. Only those few people who were trusted to raise them to be the warriors and defenders that they were destined to become were allowed to know about the existence of the 8 girls were masters or either combat or academics and were willing to live a life of seclusion in the mountains and forests of Japan. Not a lifestyle many or racing to take up, but the Priestess raising children found 3 teachers willing to live on the hidden compound with them, and together the 5 preistesses and the 3 teachers raised the 8 children to become lethal in Combat and have genius intelligence. Each girl had their own power and personality and was trained to be able to expertly hone their own skill.
Between their uniform levels of combat and academic intelligence partnered with their own unique abilities, it is no surprise that competition between them began to grow, for years the girls would get in trouble for using their powers against each other, they were raised to be sisters yet treated very differently which caused a lot of tension. The preistesses and the teachers gave up one night and kicked the girls out of the compound, none of the girls stuck together until someone screamed. The scream was deafening and in these parts of of the forest belonged to no stragglers. Every girl thought that itwould have been one of the other girls. Scared and alone going further from the compound seemed like a mistake but going back at the moment also seemed dangerous. Each using their own abilities to protect themselves and find others the girls slowly began to pair and group up. All 8 girls eventually found each other and tried to account for the scream, they all claimed that they didn’t scream. After about a minute of looking around for potential threats and possible plans of action all the girls began running back to the compound. The closer they got, the louder crying noise they heard. When they get to the opening before the compound they see the Gate is opened, which means that it was never closed behind them, beyond the opening was a preistess on the ground and a pool of blood and other preistesses fretting around her. She was dead, murdered and the compound was no longer secure, was no longer home. Someone knew they were there, what they were, how to kill them, and how to leave without being seen. So girls began to lean into their training and began their real world excersises it wasn’t long before they were global news assisting in global issues outside of Japan. Some say they came from the pits of hell, some say they came from the heavens, those who say otherwise frankly don’t have much of an imagination.
The real truth is that 8 girls raised in solitude, descended from long forgotten Galactical folklore of Gods, Godesses and Warriors becomes heroes for the planet they called home using the powers given to them from beyond. They saved the world. This is the thing about war it’s never really over and with a crew of only 8 against an entire universe or bad and evil, victory is a fairytale. Peace does not exist.
They are dead, all of them are dead. I was there, I witnessed it and I still cannot believe it. I am not sure if I ever will be able to bring myself to begin to understand what happened.
“We are ready for you now miss,” the guard says bringing me back to reality and out of the past.
He guides me into the room where all the leaders of the United Nations are sitting staring at me as I approach the podium in the center of the floor. The room is big, but not as big as you would think. Every time is was here before, there were about 50 cameras and 100 microphones around the podium and room recording everything that is said. But this is not a normal situation. Nothing about today is protocol. Instead of formal requests and events planned, and UN represntatives in place taking notes and translating the meeting while it is also being recorded, this meeting was not preplanned in fact as far as I know it was planned about 10 minutes ago when I was yanked off of the sidewalk here in New York. That is when I met this guard who walked me in after asking me to wait in the lobby. I didn’t wait long, I wouldn’t have waited at all but when he eberered the room two more guards flanked me and blocked the door. I was meant to stay. And as stated earlier, actual world leaders are here and not their chosen cabinet members. Before approaching the podium I stop about halfway taking in the room and fully noticing the differences. Once I get there I make eye contact with the current leader of the United Nations and the President of the United States of America. They make eye contact with me. The Leader of the UN speaks to me first.
“Identify yourself” he says. His tone was calm the only normal part about whatever was happening.
“My name is Harper” I say say nervously.
“Full name please” same tone.
“My name is Harper Leilani Stone” I say plainly, shaking the nervous tone.
“Please read what is on the podium out loud for the room to hear Ms. Stone” the President of the United States says.
Having a huge insecurity about reading outloyd in public I try and skim the pages before I begin to read aloud, but my eyes can’t leave the top of the page, and the words cannot come out.
“Is there a problem Ms. Stone?” The President asks me.
“No” I say but that isn’t meant to be the answer to his question but a response to the document before me.
“So start from the top for us Ms. Stone.” He says his patience is beginning to dwindle.
“No, no,no, no,no,no,no,no,no” I said shaking my head as I step from behind the podium nauseous at the idea that these crazy politicians are planning something like this.
“Excuse me?” He says, his patience has left the building at this point. That is why I didn’t vote for him. Ya know I always had that vibe that he was not as mild mannered as he ran out. Wasn’t the only reason but just a reason.
“Are you insane?” I say as I look at him. I look away from him and face the other leaders in the room, “Are you all insane?Do you not remember what happened the last time?”
They all look away from me like I am the crazy one.
“You are the only one who could do this, we need you to be on board” the leader of the UN says.
“Then I guess it isn’t happening” I say curtly.
“S.C.O.U.T.S.” He says, “Do you remember what that means?”
“You cannot be serious? How can all of you well educated democratic leaders think let alone fully support this idea this trash?” I go back to the podium and grab the paper and hold it up in the air. “Have you all forgotten?”
“Have you, Ms. Stone?” Says the President. “You were asked a question please answer it.”
“S.C.O.U.T.S., never heard of her” I say throwing the document in the table in front of the the In leader and the President as well as a few other leaders sitting with them.
“Mia Young, Shadow Park, Carmen Santiago, Tiffany Ellis, Heather Dudnst, Prim Hashimoto, and Jazmine Chatterjee” someone yells from down the table. It’s the Queen of England Next to her Prime Minister, I guess they both got invited. “7 of the 8 original scouts who stood with the message and principals to defend the world against evil. No one has forgotten the tragedy that happened, no has forgotten the tragedies that happened before or after it either. But evil has not rested with them being gone. We need help.” She said he tone less harsh toward the end then it was in the beginning. I make eye contact with her and walk down toward her seat and stand in front of her.
This was always the plan, not a plan I made or had any part in making, but a plan none the less. And not following through with it would be a disservice to the ones lost. I look down at the table and see the words on the paper upside down. A part of me was hoping that I would never have to do this, like something would change so I couldn’t or didn’t need to do participate or keep up my end of a bargain. But that isn’t the case and my word must be kept especially in this thing called private politics.
“Secret Citizens Obliged and Unite To Save” I say back to the men who has asked me my questions earlier. “I have never and will never forget the meaning nor will I ever retract from duty.” I say centering myself back at the podium. I am looking at the room one last time before focusing back on the President and UN Leader.
“It is with Great Honor Ms. Stone, that we have this ability to reactivate the Scout project. And we have decided that now is the best time to do that. As you are the sole survivor of the original scouts you will recruit and train the next group of scouts and prepare them for what is ahead of them. You will have two years.”
“Sir with all due respect the first group was given 18 years of trialing and they still lost.” I say offended by the time limit, no way was that a realistic expectation.
“As the sole survivor frontbe original 8 you know first hand what will work for trainings and what won’t, use that to your advantage to speed up the process.” He says, clearly he no idea what it really takes to do what he is asking.
“With all do respect it can’t be done” I say, “I am on my own and I won’t have any resources available to me how do you expect me to do this?”
“That is where we come in” he says confidently. “You and the scouts you recruit will have access to all resources and locations needed to train, survive, develop, learn, play whatever. If we have it” He says featuring towards everyone in the room, “you have it.”
“Will you try?” Asks the Queen.
“Yes” I say hesitantly. By the time I am leaving the building with a fancy top secret passport and some secret stash weapons and money, I am already developing plans A-K on how I could possible do this all in two years... hopefully o succeed and if I don’t, hopefully no one else dies in the process.
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reekierevelator · 6 years
The Time Has Come
John Maclean (1879 – 1923) reviews his life as he prepares to address the horde of a hundred thousand people which has gathered on Glasgow Green to hear him speak after his release from Peterhead Prison.
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            So here I am again.  Back on the speakers’ platform; fingers twitching and mind racing.
In a few minutes I’m expected to give a rabble-rousing speech to the thousands upon thousands of people staring up at me, despite the fact that until yesterday I was languishing in the sewer called Peterhead Jail, despite the fact I’d been on hunger strike for eight months.  But I’ll manage it.  I will do it, just as I did it after prison the last time, 1916. For even now that the war is over there are still too many who don’t understand, who aren’t yet class conscious, who can’t see through the fog of capitalism. I will do it because however weak I am today, I am no longer being force-fed twice daily through rubber tubes.
I can hardly believe it’s only 1919.  The trial seems such a long time ago.  But it was really only a year ago.  I was fit and robust then.  I conducted my own defence.  I spoke from the dock for an hour and a half, logically rebutting in turn each of the trumped up charges they laid against me. Defence of the Realm Act indeed. Then as now I said I wished no harm to any human being; that all my actions were entirely humanitarian in nature.  But they insisted I was a threat to society, that I should be keen to kill my fellow workers in other countries, that I should be more patriotic. Patriotism - the last refuge of those scoundrels; Dr Johnson was right.  And maybe it’s true that I did try to undermine their war effort, their drive to slaughter millions. I tried, just as my friends Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg did in Germany.  I was convicted of sedition, of trying to bring down the state, and sentenced to five years in the Peterhead hellhole. But now that the war has ended, I’m not such a threat, and in response to public clamour they set me free.     
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 Was it all worth it?  I suppose I should be grateful to have avoided the fate of my Edinburgh friend. James wanted to bring trade unionism and socialism to another part of the United Kingdom, the Ireland of his father and forefathers. Connolly was brought up among those Irish immigrants crammed into the caves under the arches of the city’s South Bridge. After fighting for workers’ rights against the Dublin lock-out he founded his Citizens’ Army. And in 1916, for his trouble, he ended up severely wounded, dragged up against a wall in Dublin Castle, and shot dead by soldiers. But I’m sure this country will find that’s not the end of the Irish story. Maybe that’s something Maybe that’s what I should tell them.
I still have my friends in Glasgow - Jimmy Maxton, Guy Aldred, and Willie Gallacher Jimmy’s the clever one.  One day someone will probably write a doctoral thesis on Maxton’s thinking and end up as Prime Minister.  And Guy, like me, he’s seen his fair share of courtrooms.  America saw its way to amend its constitution with a Bill of Rights in 1791. But poor old Britain had to wait for Guy to be repeatedly arrested on this very Glasgow Green, for making speeches and gathering crowds, before the courts eventually agreed that public free speech, public meetings, and public processions really ought to be part of everyone’s civil liberties.  And Willie, he’s seen the inside of prisons too, Willie still guides the unions, leading the Shop Stewards Movement on the Clyde. But he’s left his syndicalism behind, thrown in his lot with Lenin and Trotsky and founded the Communist Party of Great Britain.  One of these days I can see him in Parliament, a Communist MP.
Looking at this huge crowd of people eagerly waiting to hear me speak I know many campaigned relentlessly for my release from prison.  And now they expect a victorious call to arms, a vibrant, revolutionary speech, all fire and brimstone. They want to greet a Scottish Lenin at the Central Station rather than the Finland Station. But the prison regime has exhausted me and destroyed my body.  And it wasn’t as if I hadn’t known hardship before, growing up in the poverty in Pollockshaws where my Gaelic speaking parents had landed up after being forced off their Highland land.  In school they called me a lad o’ pairts, a clever wee boy. The Free Kirk arranged for me to be trained as a teacher.  And after that I went on to Glasgow University and took my MA in Economics. But it was the terrible housing, poverty, and illness I saw all around me that drove me to a proper understanding of economics from a socialist perspective. It’s seventy years since Engels, in Manchester but writing in German, found himself forced to describe the awful condition of the working class. And fifty since Marx wrote about the Highland Clearances.  Yet sometimes it’s hard to see that very much has changed.
Of course, when I started to speak in public about the need for reform, the need to redress the terrible ills of society, I was sacked from my teaching job. Then they barred me from teaching in schools altogether.  Nothing daunted, I founded the Scottish Labour College to teach people about socialist economics. I espoused the co-operative movement. I got the Renfrewshire Co-op to push local school boards into providing facilities for adult education, economics education. During the war I did what I could to support Mary Barbour and the women’s fight against the rent increases, imposed by absentee landlords while their conscripted husbands were away fighting in France.  Aye, one of these days they’ll put up a statue to that wonderful woman.
And now Willie Gallacher and the Clydeside workers have decided they have to strike again. Trying to reduce working hours to a forty hour week.  And it’s not that they want the same pay for fewer hours. They’ll take a bit less pay.  All they want is to make some room in the yards to give jobs to all the unemployed demobbed soldiers. But in Parliament they fear an uprising, a Glasgow Soviet, a Soviet Scotland. Churchill’s tanks are even now being marshalled in the Gallowgate. Thousands of English troops are arriving by train. Meanwhile, the Scottish troops are confined to barracks in Maryhill.  And if Willie speaks to them at Maryhill he knows the troops will come out for him. Revolution is in the air.  But I’ve told him, that kind of battle – workers in khaki killing other workers in khaki – that’s not for me, not what I want to see. If there are to be tanks on Sauchiehall Street they must be faced down without bloodshed. But can I convince this heaving crowd of that?
Like me, most of the people here couldn’t see what the so-called ‘war to end wars’ was all about, why everyone had to starve or die because of it.  Just one imperial power slaughtering the workers of another imperial power as they tried to gain a bigger slice of the cake, the wealth of the exploited colonies, for the benefit of their own capitalist classes.
The Russian workers couldn’t understand it either.  We all cheered when they abandoned the war in 1917 and overthrew their government.  I well remember chairing the Third All-Russian Congress of Soviets.  And then Lenin appointed me Bolshevik Consul in Scotland.  I hear they’ve even named a street after me in St Petersburg, or Leningrad as they’re calling it nowadays.  There’s even been talk of carving my name on the Kremlin’s walls. But what do those things matter – his ribbon, star, and a’ that?
I’m thirty-nine and feeling nearer ninety.  The force-feeding when I went on hunger strike in prison didn’t help. Some even say they tried to poison me. Now they tell me pneumonia is setting in – that I’ll probably be dead in a year or two.  People might remember me for a while, before I’m eclipsed by others; Scottish people better able to fight for socialism and independence, people who understand the true nature of Scotland.  If my funeral attracts as big a crowd as the one before me now it will be the biggest funeral Glasgow has ever seen.  Maybe I’ll be a footnote in some socialist history of Scotland, or someone might write a song, a poem, or a play about me.  My dear wee daughter Nan says she’ll write a book about me.  A hundred years from now will anyone read that passionate speech I made from the dock? Will that speech’s prediction – of another world war twenty years from now - prove true or false?  Will the egalitarian principles I've lived and fought for ever really be able to establish themselves in an independent Scotland?  Marx said capitalism forces companies to compete, to exploit resources and labour, and the devil take the hindmost. The losers are taken over, merged, or eliminated altogether, whatever the cost to the workers. Eventually there will be huge companies, but there won’t be many. I suspect, as Marx predicted, that companies will become global, capitalists billionaires, and the gap between rich and poor will only widen. Could an independent socialist Scotland really stand in their way?
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Ach, so I lost my safe middle-class teaching career, I lost my health. I gained a prison record. Have all those things really been for nothing? - But good grief, what kind of self-serving question is that for me to be asking myself?
Oh dear, the Convener is nodding towards me now.   It’s time to get up on the old hind legs and give this multitude some eloquent words to chew over.  Maybe their reaction will provide the answer to some of the questions tickling my brain.
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downeysgirl94 · 6 years
The Beginning of The End  Ch. 14 of Not Alone Anymore
Tony was shaken awake, he was in the middle of a wonderful dream he wanted to return to it but reality called. He rubbed his eyes and yawned and saw who woke him.
“Pete is it important can you comeback at a not ungodly hour?”
“Sorry Dad I’m on my way to school remember I got my trip MoMA today wanted to say bye before I left.” Peter said grinning
Tony sat up in bed and glanced over and saw pepper’s side was already empty
“alright kiddo thanks for reminding me have a good time on your trip let me know if you decide to become an artist after visiting there.” Tony said chuckling
“Dad you know nothing will replace my love of science” peter replied smiling
“Good you got my DNA after all, well I’ll see you later I’m attempting to revisit my dreams” tony said lying down on his pillow
“Bye dad remember you promised pepper you go on a run with her later” peter said walking out of the room
Tony sighed he forgot he promised he get some fresh air in central park. He glanced at the clock it was 7:30 am, he wanted to get a bit more sleep so he rolled over and nodded off.
Pepper walked into their bedroom sat on edge of their bed next to tony that was dead asleep. She ran her fingers through his hair trying to wake him.
“I know peter came in here earlier and woke you he had the most sinister smile on his face when I dropped him off at school.”
Tony rolled over and faced her smiling “yeah he was just reminding me about his field trip and our run didn’t know he had to wake me at dawn” tony said laughing
Pepper grinned “he’s got your DNA Tony he loves torturing you as much as you love torturing him.”
“Yeah let me get a bit of coffee in me and shower quickly and we can head to central park” tony said smiling warmly while getting out of bed
“What has you in such a good mood this morning?” pepper said giggling
“I had a really good dream last night” tony said as he pecked her cheek walking out of the room leaving a slightly confused pepper behind.
Peter was getting impatient he thought they were leaving for MoMA as soon as the school day started but they weren’t going until third period he was currently in 2nd just waiting for the bell to ring.  He was even paying attention to his teacher he kept zoning out the lesson. Besides being excited for the trip, peter’s spider sense kept going off in the back of his mind but he saw no danger. So peter ignored it for the most part but considered messaging his dad but decided against it he thought his dad make him miss his trip and he wanted to see MoMA. Finally second period ended peter bolted out of the room first.
Happy had dropped Tony and Pepper off Central Park they were walking for a bit before pepper finally asked
“So are you going to tell me about this dream that has you in such a great mood?” pepper asked with a smirk
“If you insist pep” tony said grinning “well you know when you have the dreams where you have to pee?”
“Then you’re like there’s no bathrooms what am I going to do, oh someone’s watching…”
“And you wake up and you really have to pee?” pepper finished
“Yeah everyone has that”
“That’s the point I’m trying to make” tony said “last night I dreamt we had a kid it was so real… we named them after you eccentric uncle what was his name... Morgan... Morgan”
“So you woke up and thought we were… Expecting?”
“Yes?” tony asked
“No” pepper stated
“I had a dream it was so real. Honey with peter nearly being grown up he’s going to be in college in no time and then I’m going to have nothing to do with myself. You be a great mother you know we had the experience” tony said smiling
“Tony I don’t know we have very busy life sim not sure we have the time for to handle a newborn with me running the company and you with that” pepper said pointing to his arc reactor.
“I’m glad you brought this up but it’s nothing... it’s just a housing unit for nanoparticles…it’s detachable”
“You’re not helping your case…you don’t need that”
“I know I had the surgery I’m just trying to protect us and future us’s and that it just in case there a monster in the closet” tony said grinning
“Honey I raised peter from a small child when I still had the arc reactor in my chest I’m sure I can handle a newborn with this, I’m not planning on suiting up unless absolutely necessary”
“Tony I’m not going to say no but I’m going to say let’s talk about this another time we still have a wedding to plan”
“ I know Pep That’s fine but how about after me and Pete upgrade his suit today after school, me and you have a nice dinner tonight show off this Harry Winston just have a nice night for us with no surprises?” tony said with loving eyes
“That sounds like a nice night” pepper said smiling
Tony pulled her into a passionate kiss
“Tony Stark” Someone called walking out of a portal pulling them apart
Tony and pepper glanced at the man “I’m Dr. Stephen Strange, I Need you to come with me” pepper grabbed tony hand nervously obviously worried.
Stephen noticed her ring “oh and congratulations on the wedding by the way”
Tony finally responded to what was before him “I’m sorry, are you giving tickets to something?”
Stephen answered “We need your help… it’s not overselling it that the fate of the universe is at stake”
“And who’s we?” tony asked obviously not believing Stephen
Bruce walked out of the portal past Stephen stopped and looked at tony
“Hey Tony”
Tony was lost for words he hadn’t seen Bruce in years now this wizard just happen to have him all he could respond  “Bruce?”
Bruce acknowledged pepper who said hi very quietly. Then hugged tony as hard as he could tony looked puzzled at pepper but continued to comfort his friend.
Once Bruce let go tony turned to pepper “ Honey I got to figure out what this is all about please get back home and make sure you hear from peter ok, once you both are there lock down the compound, I need you both safe please”
Pepper nodded kissed his cheek before dialing Happy’s number.
Tony stared after her for a second then gulped and followed Bruce and Stephen Through the portal.
Peter was on the bus on the way to MoMA he was talking with Ned about star wars for a bit but after a while Ned started to listen to music peter was about do the same he was in the middle of grabbing his headphones when his spider sense alerted him again a bit stronger than before, peter sighed he didn’t know why they were acting up so much so he laid his head on his arm. After about 5 minutes peters senses went haywire the hairs on his arm stood up peter glanced out the window and saw a weird ship in the sky, he gasped. He needed to get there but he couldn’t have people see him. Peter quickly got Ned’s attention by tapping his face repeatedly; Ned removed his headphones and looked at peter.
“Hey I need you to cause a distraction” peter said seriously
Ned saw the ship “Holy Shit” the shouted “were all going to die there’s a space ship” Ned got up directing the students to the back of the bus away from peter.
Once peter was sure the coast was clear he opened his backpack and through on his web shooters and shot a web at the emergency exit window and snuck out. He threw his mask on and as soon as the bus was on a bridge peter jumped off and starting webbing towards the weird ship.  Knowing his dad he was already there.  Karen brought up an alert which confirmed that Friday had sent an alert to evacuate everyone south of 43st and Notify first responders. Great now he knows what direction to head.
“Karen Take me to my Dad, He needs all the help he can get”
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syphiria · 6 years
Makai Ouji Pillar 95 (final) Translation
Sorry for the wait. Here is the finale~~~~~!!
RAW via Michelle. Thank you.
Note: Mobile line breaks seem to be broken. Please switch to a browser to see proper formatting.
1 (A splendid palace once stood here) (The fact that it used to be a paradise for demons, now no one knows anymore-) ([Makai Ouji: devils and realist] at last the finale-!!)
2 (Each and every one’s path continues to tomorrow-…) (Volumes 1-14, on sale now!!) (Makai Ouji devils and realist) (Final Pillar)
3 (Finally, the emotional finale!!!!) (Utako Ukihiro) (Author: Madoka Takadono)
4 S: You are Lucifer’s child? Were you after this ring just to challenge him? What a foolish and pitiful soul This is nothing like what you want C: Are you…… going to make me a slave?
5 S: I’m just going to make you sleep Until those wounds heal Everyone is doing that Here, there is no one who will harm you (Not even Lucifer) (Power unattainable even by that Emperor) C: Even I will be able sleep here?
6 (I found relief in those pillars many times) (By his side) (That’s why I tried to create this time So that this time, I may receive him) B: O new Emperor of ours Lead this Hell
7 C: I swear to fulfil my duty
8 A: In the end, with Lord Sitri in Heaven Dantalion in Limbo The one who gained the most from this battle seems to be His Lordship Beelzebub B: Your Majesty is still young From here on, it is likely that we will be required to assist C: With the disappearance of Samael and Baalberith The West and the East are missing Kings Thus, to make sure the land of the Gauls is governed, I myself will take over the ruins B: -As you wish J: To think that even after becoming a demon, I can’t cut ties with the United Kingdom B: Though if I may, there is something that I would like to ask Your Majesty
9 Leaving the command of roles of the Four Kings at that What do you plan to do with the positions of the Four Princes? J: With a new regime do you plan to assign a ‘substitute king’ and an ‘elector’? That being said, both you and we Anyone will eventually slumber The position of the Emperor cannot be left open C: That’s true… However, let’s end the conflicts from the last generation Both illogical and unproductive I’ve painfully experienced enough with this time’s case J: …… ?
10 C: It seems like I’ve been infected by that realist J: My Imperial Majesty C: Stop with that address J: Come on now, I’ve brought some good intel Hear me out ‘til the end C: ?
11 SFX dash B: Your Majesty!? J: Would you please let him go? Because he’s lived until now for this very moment
12 M: Sorry I’ve become a demon C: It’s fine No matter what form You will always be you
13 So please don’t go anywhere else…… M: Let’s bake pizza again, the three of us and invite many guests Because I want people besides us to know too of how kind you are
14 My Imperial Majesty [-One year later] [United Kingdom King’s College of Our Lady of Stratford beside the Avon Also known as: Stradford College] (TN/ The Japanese says Stradford rather that Stratford)
15 T: Graduate representative, the dux- Mycroft Swallow! W: (nihility) T: Congratulations to our new generation of graduates!!
16 Damn it… Damn it…! SFX stomp stomp If it wasn’t for the couple’s quarrel between those annoying old men I wouldn’t have been treated as missing by the house!! (The holiday ended while he was in Hell so he was treated as a missing person) I: (That’s what William makes of arguably the greatest event in History that is Lucifer’s destruction?) W: Curse them How dare there leave a scare in my glorious future diary… I: It’s fine, isn’t it W: What!? I: You’re going for further study at Oxford, right? Yet I can’t even graduate-! [Finally Sixth Form] W: Isn’t it good that you managed to advance to the next grade?
17 (This is supposed to be a view that I’m used to, yet I wonder why I feel as if something is missing-) M: Hey, congrats W: Mathers! M: E-a-r-l!
18 From today, my teaching career ends Since I thought that I’d go travelling with them E: Congrats! B: Happy times! W: Whoa!? What’s with you M: They wanted to thank you for saving Stradford’s forests If you hadn’t bought back the land, this place would have also become a polluted town W: …It’s nothing; I just used the money he left behind appropriately [After Uncle Barton died Arthur Christian disappeared some time from the school] [According to Mathers, the role of the Four Horsemen may have ended…]
19 But the council hasn’t yet passed a law regarding smog restriction M: This you’ll have to ask the person himself I: [After the said day that the old world was destroyed ‘They’ became scarce] [I heard that Sitri became an angel (at the same level as that Metatron to boot)] [Camio ascended the throne of Hell (he’s Lucifer’s son, so to say that was expected)] [Dantalion-] [is apparently slumbering in Limbo]
20 [Injured demons sink themselves into a slumber similar to death for hundreds of years] [That’s why no longer Can he and William meet] (Ultimately, he didn’t even go to Camio’s coronation) At this rate, will he continue and become a normal human? William M: Those notes have become quite thick I: Mr Mathers I’m considering eventually compiling it into one volume as you suggested, sir
21 M: You can stop with the sir I’m no longer a teacher here The Order of the Golden Dawn remains as a secret society for now I: Are you not doing what the Freemasons did? M: Are you interested? I: Of course! I’m thinking of eventually joining the Rosicrucian Order too!! M: If that’s the case, you can use this if you like I: Really!? M: I doubt I will use the name Mathers again You can go ahead and use it as a pen name MacGregor isn’t my real name anyway
22 Isaac, you’ll be the second-generation Mathers, so to speak Alter ipse amicus. ‘A friend is another self’ I: [After that, I never met the ‘Count of Glenstrae’ again] [Perhaps, maybe once] [The one who appeared in England during that horrific world war may have been him]
23 [Regardless, I succeeded his name And went on to record all the odd events that occurred around William] (‘The Lesser Key of Solomon’) […The truth is, saying that nothing strange happened around William after that would sort of be a lie] K: Young Master~~~!!! Thank God I made it on time- W: Kevin, you’re quite late K: I applied for leave just for today But my superior piled up work
24 [After Kevin took Dantalion to Limbo Right when he was about to fall from using up all his power] [It’s hard to believe, but apparently, he was saved by Michael] [He got his wings back and was able to return to Heaven] [Apparently, his current superior is that Sitri For better or for worse, they seem to be getting along well]
25 [The aforementioned Sitri still visits the human realm from time to time Even after becoming an angel] S: Still watching Even now…
26 Sign: Go die, Freemasons!!
27 SFX grab
28 M: I’ll find him Definitely
31 I: Graduation, huh A lot has happened but Can we no longer gather together and have tea like before~ Ah- T: By the way, I forgot to mention, William There’s actually a transfer student W: What? It’s the graduation ceremony today
32 Who on earth would transfer at a time like this- …Dan talion…? D: Congrats on graduating
33 W: …Why What happened to sleeping for a hundred years!?!? D: I’m shocked myself too To think that I’d awaken so soon W: In Limbo …… never I thought we’d never be able to meet again…… D: Because I wanted to see you
34 -plus I felt like you were calling me
35 K: SFX stab Let go of those filthy hands right now! D: What the heck Jerk who nearly died! K: And who exactly is a jerk who nearly died?! (I can chuck you back into Limbo again if you want!) W: Oi… S: I made it!!! William!! I’ve come by Pegasus Express!
36 C: Hey, William W: Camio too!?!? Is it alright for the Emperor of Hell and the Representative of Heaven to be casually hanging around… (Second-generation Gabriel) (Second-generation Lucifer) S: You’re going to be in a dorm in Oxford too anyway, right? In that case, I’ll occupy the common room again C: Maybe I’ll be a student again W: You guys…
37 There’s no more Substitute King selection Neither is there Solomon’s ring S: This has nothing to do with contracts W: Wha D: I like you so I want to be by your side That’s all W: L L Like…… What are you sayin……
38 S: Choose me any time you feel lonely, William Heaven’s quite a nice place (the annoying obsessed-psycho is no longer here) D: Shut-up angel The one whom William will choose is me! C: Don’t pay attention to those two, William I would love for you to come to my wedding ceremony with Maria (Maria’s bridal state is so beautiful you could die) W: My graduation ceremony My glorious day of departure!! D: You’re at fault W: What did you say S: That’s right We’ve known each other for so long, yet we still haven’t heard that crucial thing
39 D: William Who is it that you like? W: W who…
40 All: -Choose me, William!
41 SFX snap K: Get away from the Young Master’s side!! I: An angel, a demon, and a nephilim It really is rare for a human to be proposed to by everything in this world As expected of you, William W: Listen up I’m telling you this one important thing that you guys seem to have forgotten despite our long acquaintance… Open up your ears and listen carefully!
42 In this glorious life of mine Neither angels Nor demons Nor magic is needed -I am a realist!
43 All: I know!! (Thank you for being a reader for this long time!! Utako Yukihiro’s new series starts next issue!! Please look forward to it!!)
That’s it! As always, please point out any mistakes if you spot any. Thanks for sticking around for so long~~ And for those who still want more, don’t worry, I am still working on the translation for Isaac’s Fortune-Telling Diary; I will probably translate that extra booklet regarding Heaven too.
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menfenced · 6 years
So... this guy’s going around in my neighborhood, knocking on doors, and declaring that he’s running for President of the United States in 2018! 
Cool. I mean... it’s gonna be a pretty difficult thing to accomplish, since the next presidential election isn’t until 2020, but... sure. You do you. 
Anyway, he wants to run for president so he can get Congress to pass 35 bills. Probably should have asked why he wasn’t running for Congress, that way he could... you know... author and submit bills to be passed by Congress, but this was probably going to be the least of his troubles with this plan, so I just let him continue. 
He asks if I would like to read these bills. I take a moment to think about it. There’s an 80 year old man walking door to door with a duffel bag filled with about a hundred copies of 35 congressional bills, who wants to be elected as president of the united states in 2018, and who believes completely that he can accomplish this by handing out those 100 packets? 
Hell yes I want to read that! 
Anyway, he gives me a packet, thanks me for his time, and leaves. 
I start reading. 
The first several pages are all about how he wants to tax the rich to invest in programs for the poor, create affordable housing for every homeless person in America, and to just straight up give money to every American below a certain income level. He goes on to talk about all the ways they can tax the right and how Bernie Sanders was a great man, but his policies didn’t go far enough, not by a LONG shot! We need to take MORE money from rich people and give MORE money to the poor! 
This made it very confusing when I got to the bill about how we need make sure Congress can overrule any Supreme Court decision because the SCOTUS made Gay marriage legal and that’s not in the constitution and also, did you know that every communist is gay? That’s right. EVERY communist is gay. All of them. All gay. That’s how you know it’s bad to be gay. Because communists are gay. All of them. And that’s their real goal, those communists. They want to make the whole world gay and they’ve told this guy that to his face, but he’s not going to let him! 
You may think I’m exaggerating here. I’m definitely not. 
Anyway, the rest of the proposals are this weird mix of creating more social safety nets, getting rid of immigrants, stricter and more transparent campaign finance laws, rooting out gay people and communists from America, going green to protect against climate change, turning all of our national parks land into housing and business centers, giving $10,000 to anyone whose ancestors were once slaves, prison reform (not to make them more hospitable, but to make them intentionally worse) and giving children money. There are also bills that... I just don’t know how to describe. 
One bill proposes that America build 10 dams in Africa. Cause... apparently that land’s not owned by anyone who would object...? The bill goes on to explain that the power generated will go to African people. So... yeah. 10 hydro-electric dams ought to do it, am I right? Oh wait, no, the bill goes on to explain that we’re going to get England and France involved in building dams too so that their countries can make money off of African nations as well. Yup. Because that worked real well the first time around. 
Then there’s a bill about how we should require US high schools to teach EVERY child how to play one musical instrument and to speak one foreign language. The bill also states that the kid can pick any instrument and any foreign language and the teacher will just buy the necessary books to teach them that instrument/language. Oh, and also they will be required to learn Morse code. No reason given for that last one. He just thinks it’s important that EVERYONE knows Morse code. 
Then there’s a bill titled, “The Family Farm Bill.” There’s no bill listed here. It just states, and I quote, “I need to talk to some family farmers to decide the best legislation for this.” 
There’s a bill to declare war on every country that terrorists or any weapons terrorists use come from. He’s very proud of this bill, stating that this bill alone is the reason that Iran and the communists have joined forces to try to destroy him. Yup. That’s right. Iran and all communists are hell bent on killing the only guy in the country running for president in 2018. 
Other gems in this packet include: 
Calling the bills his babies and then proceeding to ask: “Please give birth to Jim’s babies.”
A link to his blog where he’ll be talking about all the other bills that he and God have come up with together. 
In defense of one bill: “A country in Europe has a law like that.” Just... a country in Europe. No word on which one, but one of them did it, and it was apparently pretty cool. Not cool enough to remember which country it was or to spend 5 seconds on google to find out, but cool nonetheless. 
Also, did I mention that the packet uses like 10 different fonts and font sizes for no discernible reason? 
Anyway, the whole thing ends with a link to a blog post where this guy promises to name every communist in America so that we can get rid of them. 
It was a wild ride. 
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pienerd55 · 6 years
Avatar one-shot
               So I dusted this from 2015 and decided to ge give it a good edit and rather than let it collect more dust I'll share it here. I wanted to write about an Avatar from a more present time i.e pre smartphone era and social media 2000s. Well here goes nothing
Episode 1
Air Water Earth Fire. Only the Avatar can master all four elements. Thirty years ago, calamity arose in the independent states of the Earth Nation. Distrust grew amongst the states as they competed in all things: military, resources, alliances, and technology. The Spirits became affected as well bringing the whole world on the brink of destruction. Only the Avatar could unite the nations to confront the more pressing threat and save the world. His actions ended with a grave sacrifice.
    Our sacrifice bought us many years of peace. But peace is fleeting and the flames of contention begin anew. Like the seasons, the cycle of the Avatar began anew and gave rise to a new Avatar dedicated to mastering all forms of the elements as she works to end the war. But this story is not about her, this story is about a young man named Eiji, unbeknownst to him, a great destiny lies ahead.  
                        Episode 1
    Lut: A town located in the city state of Jinbu, located in the independent states of the Earth Nation. This town is known for supplying much of the metal that is traded with the United Republic of Nations and has a steady flow of tourism as well. Named for the dirt and the mud caked on the hair and the bodies of the miners who live and work there. Although many technological advances had happened in the past couple of decades, this town still carried on a proud sense of family and tradition and the people would pass on these values to their children.
The sky was overcast and the rain was pouring. Two men, clad in protective gear sparred with each other undeterred by the rain outside of a dojo . The trainer, a middle aged man with a spring in his step hurled boulders one after another at another younger man, his student. An amateur might have thought the young man to be freakishly fast, but in actuality the student anticipated each and every attack. Undeterred, the young man moved closer and closer till he stood right in front of his trainer. Before he could react, the student kicked at his neck, stopping only an inch from the trainer’s torso.
“Ha! I got you now old man!” In response, the trainer scoffed. Behind his back, he held another boulder suspended in the air. He threw the boulder into his student's stomach, leaving him gasping for air.
“What...was... that for?” Eiji asked between pants.
“Hesitation will be your undoing Eiji. Never forget that. I expect you to keep this in mind for our rematch next week.” his teacher replied.
Eiji sighed and replied, “Yes, Sifu Cheng” He extended his hand to his student and the two walked inside to dry off.
Eiji smirked, “That match wasn’t bad for an old man.”
“Need I remind you, this old man just pummeled you into the ground” the trainer laughed in retort.
“Only because I let you win!” Eiji smirked.
“Keep thinking that mop head!” Sifu yang said, making fun of Eiji’s shaggy hairdo.
“Give it a week, I'll bring you down a peg or two.” Eiji replied. A cell phone faintly rang in the background. Eiji walked over to his bag, then he removed his glasses from one of the bag pockets and put them on.
“Well, that’s my cue to get to work. See ya tonight teach!” He waved at his teacher.
Sifu Cheng looked at him, satisfied and waved back.
The rain had finally let up into a light drizzle. Eiji got on his bike and began to ride to work. As he rode, a passing car splashed water all over him.
“Great, the boss won’t like her floor wet.” He frowned and rode about another five minutes to get to work. He hoped that he wouldn’t get noticed too much if he ran to the back door, but his hopes were dashed once he was caught by his manager.
“Song Min just called in sick… Why are you getting my floor wet? Whatever, I have a spare uniform in the break room. After you put it on, I’ll need you to wait tables with me tonight because it’s getting busy.” With a stressed look, she tossed him a small towel.
Eiji went into the breakroom and quickly got dressed. When he walked out, his boss yelled, “I’m going to need you to wait on tables three, five, and seven.”
Eiji sighed at the thought of the extra work  He grabbed a notebook and with a smile he walked over to the lone customer at table five and asked,
“Hi, welcome to The Smoked Moosow, My name is Eiji and I’ll be your server. What can I get you to drink?” he asked.
“I'll just have a water. And make sure to leave me the pitcher.” The short, bulky man flashed a crooked smile at him.
Eiji returned the smile back at the rude man out of courtesy,
“Of course sir.” He walked to a nearby water station and did as the man instructed .
    The restaurant’s telephone rang and the manager quickly ran to the kitchen as if she was expecting the call.
“Hello, yes this is The Smoked Moosow. Will you be dining in or taking out today?”
She nodded a few times. “President Fukuhara, I'm afraid the VIP room is closed due to repairs… You still wish to come? I’ll be sure to reserve a booth in the front room. I apologize again. Okay, I’ll see you soon.”
Five minutes later, an affluent group came inside. They consisted President Fukuhara, the CEO of the hotel chain The Four Elements, his young daughter Ami who couldn't be more than twelve years old, as well as a small business owner.
As they sat down, Fukuhara began a pitch to the small business owner. As soon as he began speaking, he immediately captured the attention of the small business owner and talked of a merger.
    Thirty minutes had passed and Ami’s cell phone rang. She apologized and silenced her phone. The phone incessantly lit up again, she flipped it open and noticed an important number.
“I better take this.” she promptly excused herself. She looked around and tapped Eiji on the shoulder.
    “Excuse me, can you tell me where I might find the bathroom?” she asked.
    Eii set down his tray and gestured toward the back of the restaurant.
    “The bathroom is the first door on the right at that back corridor.” He responded.
    “Thank you.” Ami slightly nodded and walked to the bathroom.
    Eiji picked up his notebook and looked for the man with the crooked teeth. As he walked to the table, he noticed that the man wasn’t there and that his pitcher and cup were empty. He shrugged and moved on to the next table.
    In the back corridor, the young woman bumped into the man with the crooked teeth.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”Before Ami woman could finish her sentence, she looked upward in horror as several sharp icicles hung in the air pointed at her.
“Now don’t say a word. I’ve got    some unfinished business with your daddy.” He put his arm around her and said,
“Come with me”.
Ami followed him to the front of the restaurant, her knees buckling.
    At the front, Fukuhara continued his pitch until he was interrupted by a scream from one of the other diners. What he saw was his worst fear, several sharp icicles suspended in the air a precious few inches from his daughter’s neck.
Eiji ran to the kitchen and watched carefully. He had a chance to leave but he couldn't knowing he unwittingly provided ammo.
    He angrily stood up and slammed his hands on the table.
    “What’s the meaning of this?!” he demanded.
    The man used his free hand and threw one of the icicles at Fukuhara’s neck suspending it in the air just like he had done with the daughter.
“So noisy, I'll tell you when you sit down” The assailant said irritated.
Fukuhara reluctantly sat down in response.  
“If you look under the table, you’ll find a laptop computer ready for you to transfer 30 million yuan to my account. If you do that, your daughter will remain unharmed.” The assailant instructed.
“Why are you asking for such a thing?” the CEO asked.
“You fired me for no good reason! My son is dying. And now I can't afford the treatment I need for him!” The assailant yelled.
“I have done nothing of the sort, you're anger is misdirected. Please leave my daughter alone and I promise I'll have internal affairs look into this for you.” The CEO said as he tried to sympathize.
In response, the assailant moved the icicle from the front of the CEO’s neck to the top of his head and melted the water.
“I don’t want your sympathy or your excuses. Just finish the transfer.” The assailant said as he looked at the CEO condescendingly.
The CEO sighed and completed the transfer on the laptop.
“It’s done. Now please, let my daughter go.” the CEO said.
“Now now, I’ll be the judge of that.” The assailant said with a smile on his face. He picked up the laptop and as he turned around, Fukuhara attempted to send a message with his cell phone.
The assailant glanced behind him and found out. “Didn’t think that I would catch on to your plan to alert the police? I was going to see how much more use I could get out of her but all you’ve managed to do is tick me off!” he yelled, breaking the phone in half.
The situation was escalating and Eiji felt he had to do something or they could all be hurt. He knew that he needed to direct the assailant’s attention from the customers to himself. He stepped out front while clenching his tray and said condescendingly,
“However messed up you think your life is, you are only making it worse. He's saying he'll help you.”
The assailant turned toward Eiji and scoffed.
“Beat it kid! This has nothing to do with you.”
“You brought me into it the moment you barged into my workplace and threatened these people. You’re nothing but a coward!” Eiji retorted.
“That’s it! You’ve got on my last nerve!” the assailant yelled irritated,
Eiji saw the icicles beginning to move from the daughter toward him and he smiled because he accomplished his goal.
“Run!” Eiji yelled. In response, the diners scrambled to leave.
Eiji blocked each icicle flung in his direction using his metal serving tray as a shield and ran into a corner of the flooded VIP room, his assailant in pursuit.
As he entered into the room, he asked “Are you an idiot or do you have a death wish?”
“I think you're the bigger idiot. They're gone.” Eiji said.
The assailant yelled, “ I'm gonna kill you!”
“I bet you can't hit me with those things!” Eji goaded. He knew that if his assailant bent water, he could be done for.
Water droplets ascended from the floor and Eiji smiled. He still had a chance. Before the icicles started falling, he charged forward icicles narrowly missing him and scratching him in the face. Others flew into the wall causing cracks.
 Ignoring the blood flowing, Eiji had closed their range. Unable to focus on using the room against Eiji, the assailant could only launch any additional icicles forward. After raising his makeshift shield once more to block, he hurled his tray at the assailant’s bending arm before he could launch another assault. The assailant screamed out in pain, unable to bend.
He pulled out a knife with his good arm angrily thrusting at Eiji. Eiji dodged, quickly placed his arm under the assailant’s arm and in a swirling motion disarmed him.
The assailant yelled in pain and moved to counter with his left hand closed with his fist. Eiji sprang up, batted the assailant’s arm away, and roundhouse kicked him in the face knocking him into the tables and knocking the chairs over. Eiji exhaled and relaxed his body.
         The moment of peace was short-lived as the manager had gone back inside of the restaurant. “What's going on?! Why would you do something so stupid? I just got off of the phone and they'll want you to make a statement.”
She took a look at Eiji’s bleeding face,
“What's that?! Go to the breakroom and take care of that. After that I need you to come to my office.” She walked to her office while Eiji went to the breakroom.
Eiji found some tissues and pressed them against his face to stop his bleeding. When he got it under control, he disinfected his scratch and bandaged it and walked to the office as instructed.
“There’s no easy way for me to say this, but I’m going to have to let you go. I'll make sure to mail you you're last check.”
“You’re firing me?” Eiji asked bewildered.
“I’m letting you go. Our business has a strict anti-violence policy and you clearly violated it with your actions earlier. ” She said with her arms folded.
“I saved that girl. Are you saying that I shouldn’t have?” Eiji retorted.
“I’m not saying that. What you did was both heroic and stupid. You don't know what kind of tricks that man had rolled up his sleeves. We have this rule in place to protect our employees. In all fairness, that's just how it is.” She took a second look at his wound and said, “Make sure to keep that clean and covered.”
“I understand.” Eii said relentingly.
The police soon arrived and brought the unconscious waterbender into custody. Eiji and his manager walked to the front of the restaurant to give their statements. President Fukuhara returned to the restaurant because he wanted to give as detailed a statement as possible. After talking to them, he left in his car.
“You’re the one who knocked that guy out?” the officer asked.
“Yeah.” Eiji nodded.
“And I can gather from these testimonies that you’re a nonbender?” The officer asked while glancing at his notepad.
“Yes sir.” Eii replied.
“You know that was a very dangerous thing you did there. You could’ve gotten seriously hurt.” The officer remarked.
“I’m used to sparring with benders. All I knew was that no matter what, he was going to hurt the girl and I had to stop him.” Eiji said.
The officer raised his eyebrows impressed.
“Great job kid. Who’s your teacher?” he asked.
“Sifu Cheng.” Eii answered.
“The Sifu Cheng? The one who helped Avatar Weisheng before he…” the officer stopped before the conversation could take an awkward, darker turn.  
“That’s him.” Eiji said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. Avatar Weisheng was a sensitive subject for many, especially him.
“I better get going before he gets worried.” Eiji said.
“Would you like a ride home?” the officer offered.
“No thanks. I’ll ride my bike home.” Eiji said while excusing himself.
    As he rode home, Eiji felt annoyed that he lost his job. He’d have to rely on his teacher as he would look for a new job and if anything, Eiji hated feeling like a burden. He looked upward to the stars for comfort and he felt the strength to ride home.
He sighed after glancing and thought,
“At least I’ll finally have time to watch my remastered Nuktuk mover box set.”
              Eiji soon arrived at his teacher’s house. He walked inside and took off his shoes. From the front room, Eiji could hear his teacher’s voice and two other voices talking with him. After taking a glance at his teacher, he saw that his teacher and two guests were seated in the front room on cushions drinking tea from the table. President Fukuhara and his daughter Ami had sat wrapped in blankets talking to Sifu Cheng.
Eiji didn’t feel like meeting any new people or talking about what happened since he was mentally and physically exhausted from the day’s events. He decided not to go into the front room and tried to sneak his way upstairs. Before his foot could touch the first step, he heard his teacher say,
“Ah Eiji, come and meet our guests. I hear they’ve really been looking forward to meeting you.”
Eiji looked annoyed as he heard his teacher. He quickly replaced his annoyed look with a smile and walked into the front room.
“Now Eiji, I’d like you to meet President Fukuhara and his daughter Ami.” Sifu Cheng said smiling.
“It’s nice to finally meet you young man! I’m sorry to stop by unannounced, but my daughter has something she’d like to say to you.” He looked at his daughter, but she remained silent.
He placed his hand on her shoulder encouragingly
“Come now, don’t be shy. Tell him like we practiced.”
Ami looked up and slightly smiled.
“Thank you for saving me and I'm sorry you got hurt” She said.  
“You're welcome and it's not your fault. I'm happy you're ok.” Eiji said reassuringly.
“Isn’t there something else you’d like to add?” her father asked.
“And will you escort me to the grand opening of the SS Four Elements?” She asked while brushing her wet hair behind her ear.
Eiji felt like her invitation put him on the spot. He searched his mind wondering how to respond and looked at his teacher for help. Sifu Cheng quickly returned his glance with a look that said, “Refuse her and you’re dead.”
Eiji said,
“I’d really like to, but I’ve got an exam coming up at the dojo.”
“ According to what they told me, you just passed it” Sifu Cheng responded.
Eiji looked at him and asked,
“Arent there any places hiring?”
“Nope, they just did all their hiring. We've got the new year holiday coming up.” He said with a smug look on his face.
“Then it’s settled. Meet me at the airport in the morning!” President Fukuhara said enthusiastically. He looked down at his watch and said,
“Well we’ve got to get going now!” and heartily shook Sifu Cheng’s hand. “Thank you for having us tonight!”
“It was my pleasure.” Sifu Cheng said while escorting the guests out.
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buzzfeedwheeze · 7 years
The New Teacher - Shyan fanfic
Sorry it took me so long to post the new chapter. I didn't know what to do with the fic (I blame the new Star Wars movie and the WiFi at my beach house), but I think I found my way again!
Hope you enjoy.
You can find it at AO3
Two months passed really fast and Shane got into a new routine. One that he actually enjoyed. Apart from having to give his son up two weeks a month, he was actually quite content. He would wake up earlier than what he used to, just so that he could have breakfast with his kid, generally milk and cereal because it was the fastest option and they were both lazy suckers. Then Shane would drop Andrew at school, go to work, banter with Ryan Bergara on Twitter and sometimes prepare a nice meal for Andrew and his boyfriend Steven. Yeah, somehow the new teacher became a part of his life, whether it was a conscious or unconscious decision of his. Usually at the lunch break he would find himself engaging of multiple discussions with Bergara about aliens, ghosts, movies and one time they even had a passionate debate about popcorn.
After one week of smiling like a teen after he received a new notification of @ryansbergara, he was forced to admit that there was more than simply bantering going on. Their fights didn’t feel real, or maybe they never were. When he took Andrew to school or went to pick him up he would wait to see Bergara arrive and then would tease him on twitter about how he looked ridiculous with his weird love for yellow clothes, especially one vest that he wore a lot. Ryan would always reply with a “stalker :)” and Shane would grin from ear to ear.
Now, he found it kind of hard to look at the man, that being the reason why he adopted the method of avoiding at all costs to get out the car near school grounds. Andrew reacted to this novelty with curiosity at first but now all he did was smirk when he got to the car, always making sure to mention the damn teacher. But although he wanted to avoid Bergara he couldn’t help but show up at the exact time he knew the teacher was about to arrive at school. He didn’t want to confront his feelings, but hey, he could still appreciate a nice body, with a great face, fantastic humor, amazing knowledge, sweet eyes... Ryan Bergara was the closest thing, for Shane, to proof of the existence of supernatural beings. Of course, he had flaws, Shane knew there was no such thing as perfection, but that man was pretty damn close to it.
But today was saturday.
Meaning no Bergara and no need to confront what was going on between them. The only thing planned for the day was a draft of a new cartoon he had to present for his superior on Monday and a dinner at the new restaurant that opened near his apartment. He was going to take Andrew and Steven and they were going to order enough food to make themselves ashamed on the next day.
A great plan. He had a cocky smile in place as he skimmed through the newspaper.
“Why are you smiling like that?” he looked up to find a very sleepy Andrew exiting his room. “It’s kinda creepy since you’re reading the Sports” the boy then rubbed his eyes.
Shane rolled his eyes. “Keep that attitude young boy and you won’t be having any pancakes today”
Andrew frowned. “You wouldn’t dare…” then his dad wiggled one eyebrow. “YOU WOULD! YOU SICK BASTARD!” Such a drama queen… I taught him so well. Shane smiled fondly as his son threw his hands in the air as he grunted on his way to the kitchen.
Shane got up quickly and took over his position on the stove. Andrew had already set up the table and was now resting his face on his hands as he watched his dad. Shane prepared the dough and after a few minutes, full of flips and a lot of cursing, the pancakes were ready.  Before placing them on the table he turned to Andrew.“Want me to cut them on Disney characters shapes?”
“What is the point of eating pancakes if they are not Disney themed pancakes?” he raised an eyebrow.
Shane had to blink a few times because he wasn’t seeing big grown up Andrew, there, right in front of him, was little Andrew with chubby cheeks and small hands. He quickly turned and focused on the task of cutting the pancakes into various shapes to make Andrew’s new favorite character from ‘Disney’. The sound of nervous fingers tapping on a screen and the rhythmically sound of the knife hitting the board helped Shane concentrate and suppress the treacherous tears. It was hard to get around the idea of Andrew no longer being his little boy. I’m becoming one of those dads.
Soon he placed an almost perfect, considering that it was made with pancake, BB-8 right in front of his son. Andrew gasped and stared at the plate he like used to do when he was a kid. “I was going to do a Kylo Ren. But since you are probably going to post it on Instagram, and I know you are not ready to share your obsession with Kylo, I thought it was better to play it safe. A good ol’ bot for ya.”
Andrew reached over the table and hugged his dad. “You are the best”. He snapped a photo and munched on his BB unit quite happily. Shane just ate his regular stacked pancakes but his heart was so warn that he felt like they were made of pure gold.
They ate in silence and after breakfast Andrew washed the dishes and left to meet Steven and head out to Matt’s place. Some other friends were going to be there as well, their friend Adam, Ashley and a girl called Jen. Apparently they were going to have a Harry Potter marathon and survive out of popcorn the whole day. They were living the dream. Shane tried to tag along and Andrew said that even though he was cool there was no chance he was going since he had a project to begin. Boo hoo adult life sucks.
Shane got all his stuff and found a comfortable spot on their dining table. Put on his ‘Thinking Cap ON” playlist and started to take notes of some ideas he had on the past few days. But as he jotted them down he felt like they weren’t exactly very creative or even original. No one would ever bother to invest on a cartoon like that. So he decided to start by designing the main character. It wasn’t how he normally worked but he had a deadline and he needed to present something to his boss. Anything. He opened his memos and found some notes from the briefing he had had last week about the new cartoon. The notes were kind of confusing but at least he managed to get some of the things his boss wanted.
“Supernatural. Two main characters. Diversity. Funny. Not too scary. A bit of sarcasm.” Shane wanted to throw his phone on the street so a car could smash it. “I’m so fucked right now.”
The hours flew by like minutes and he only had the sketches of the main characters done. He opted for two girls. One was blond with a big nose and thick glasses. He decided that she was going to be a bucket full of sarcasm and bad jokes. The other one was smaller, a mix of Asia and Latin America on her features. He didn’t know what to do with her. He stared at the page in front of him and tried to see what was behind those big beady eyes he drew. Maybe she was going to be more like a sidekick, always scared and hiding. Shane was about to to write that, but something stopped him. That wasn’t right. There was more to those characters and without a plot he couldn’t fully comprehend them. Especially the tiny girl. Shane shut the sketch book and decided to prepare his lunch.
After having lunch, Shane did no progress at all. All he had was two sketched and barely filled profile about the characters. He had longed abandoned the notion of having a plot or even having ideas for one. So until Andrew and Steven called for him to go pick them up, all he did was complain, play Disney Crossy Road and watch old episodes of Brooklyn Nine Nine on TV. Their call would be a true blessing. He would finally be free of his responsibility and be able to go out and enjoy his weekend. Or at least his saturday night since he needed the damn project ready.
Then as if by magic his phone screen lit up. Shane turned his attention from the TV to the now vibrating phone. It wasn’t a phone call but a series of text messages from Andrew asking his dad if it was ok to pick them up an hour earlier and that he didn’t want to disturb him now that he was focused on a new project. Shane replied quickly with ‘im already on the car’ and a ‘FREEDOM’ followed by a series of gifs to illustrate his state of mind. He got up, collected the car keys and soon he was driving on his way to Matt’s house.
The traffic wasn’t that bad so he managed to arrive in less than 15 minutes at the fancy neighborhood that Andrew’s friend lived. The house was at the end of Capt. Hugo Vega Street, it was a huge modern mansion that even had some bushes cut in the shape of animals. There was a fucking crab and a flamingo, for fucks sake. Shane pulled over in front of the house and was about to honk when he saw that Andrew was waiting outside. He waved at him and watched as he began to tow Steven by his hand. Andrew sat by his side while Steven took the backseat. Shane watched through the mirror Steven laying down on the seat and chuckled. “So how wa...”
“Dad please drive!” Andrew interrupted him. “If we stay here longer I might have to go inside and kill Matt with my bare hands. Do you want me to go to jail?!” he looked exhausted.
“Let me guess.”
“You wouldn’t be able…”
“Matt’s idea of eating solemnly popcorn was a disaster and you had to deal with a very hungry Steven Lim complaining.” Andrew gasped and stared at him with wide eyes. “I had to travel with you two to a festival when you were little and I know some things don’t change.” with that he drove to the restaurant as fast as he was allowed to.
Steven practically ran inside the place when he smelled the aroma of hot meals being served. They checked their reservation and, thank god, got a great table. Soon a waiter with a fake smile kept on for pure obligation asked for their orders. Eyeing the kids barely keeping it together, staring at the basket of bread as if it was some sort of rare item, Shane picked up the menu and ordered an absurd amount of food. Lots of chicken wings dipped on spicy sauce, french fries with olive oil and herbs, one small pepperoni pizza, medium portion of quesadilla and a basket with a mix of different nacho flavors. It will do. When he finished listing almost all of the items on the menu one very scared, or maybe impressed, waiter left to go deliver his order to the kitchen.
“Food will get here soon, kids, don’t worry.” he looked at them reassuringly.
Steven looked up and his tired expression was replaced by a huge smile, which left Shane feeling pretty smug. He was capable of making those kids feel the joy of life again. Then he noticed Steven poking Andrew on the forehead, which only made the other one glare at him. But it was all he need, pointing at something behind them he whispered something for Andrew. Andrew perked up on his seat and managed a small smile when he saw whatever Steven asked him to look. Shane couldn’t hear what they were saying so he turned to look for whatever got them all so happy. You gotta be fucking kidding me.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me.” Ryan Bergara was there at the hall gesticulating like a maniac while talking with the maître. Shane of course still felt the urge to fight Bergara, but watching the other man arguing with someone, that wasn’t him, made some weird protection instinct kick in. It was almost like it was his duty to protect Ryan Bergara from all evil in the world. I’m so pathetic.
Deciding to ignore the situation was the best option for him, so he turned to look at the boys and noticed that Andrew wasn’t at his place anymore. Steven just shrugged and nodded his head in the direction of the teacher. I raised a snake. Shane thought bitterly as he watched Andrew talking with his teacher at the hall. Bergara was blushing and Andrew looked at him with one of his, perfected through the years, puppy eyes look and Shane rolled his eyes. Surely he was inviting Bergara to sit with them. There was one spare chair and Shane considered throwing it across the room for a second or maybe throwing himself across the room. Lost on his thoughts and still watching the chair squinting his eyes, Shane didn’t notice when Andrew got back to the table with the teacher.
“Hi, Shane… I mean Mr. Madej.” Bergara was blushing and stuttering and all of his previous thoughts of destroying the chair vanished. Boy, he was a handsome man.
“Hi. You can call me Shane Madej.” Stupid mouth. “I mean, Shane. Call me Shane” Shane got up awkwardly, bumping on the table and almost knocking down everything. He shaked Bergara’s extended hand vigorously. Then Shane helped Ryan sit, which obviously made things worse. Internally he was a mess, an eternal replay on his mind of Gordon Ramsay calling him an idiot sandwich.
Steven and Andrew were sat on VIP places to watch the show unroll in front of them. They kept snickering and whispering thing to each other, which left Shane no option but to make small talk with Ryan Fucking Bergara as they waited for the food. When the meal arrived he kicked Andrew on his shins and got the boys to talk with the teacher, who seemed to relax and appreciate better his meal.
After they ordered the dessert and were waiting for it to arrive, Shane noticed Andrew leaning in on Steven’s direction to whisper something then he got up abruptly and announced he was going to the bathroom. But before he left he winked to his dad, and Shane knew this was no teenage hook-up-on-the-bathroom plan. No. It was a masterplan to leave him alone with Begara. And his suspicions were soon confirmed when Steven giving him an apologetic smile left to go to the bathroom too.
When they left Ryan began to laugh which caused Shane to look at him with an arched eyebrow. “What?” he managed between giggles. “It’s just that no matter how many years have passed teenagers will always try the bathroom excuse to go make out.”
“Yeah. The ol’ bathroom excuse to make out” he said through gritted teeth.
“They even try that at school!” Ryan wheezed. “I just look at them with one raised eyebrow and say ‘really? I’ll tell you kid, I invented this excuse. Go back to your work’.”
Shane’s annoyance left just as soon as it arrived. He looked at Ryan with glinting eyes and in a malicious tone asked. “You’re telling me, you skipped class to make out with girls in the bathroom, Bergara? The shame”
Ryan gulped and stared at Shane mortified. And stuttering a bit he managed to spit out the words. “I-I supp-suppose at the time they were girls.” he sipped his cranberry lemonade and eyeing Shane by the corner of his eye said in a much clearer voice. “You can call me Ryan, you know.”
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed. It’s rude.” Shane’s heart was beating so fast that he felt like it was going to escape his chest. “Considering that people always assume I’m heterosexual or just deny my bisexuality, I should’ve known better.” he didn’t want to look at the man sat by his side. He knew the look of disgust people generally had on their faces when he admitted his sexuality.
“Bisexual? That’s nice.” Ryan’s voice was so sweet that Shane had to look up. He was looking at him with those gleaming eyes and soft mouth curved into a beautiful smile. Shane smiled back.
“I guess it is.”
Ryan sipped his drink again. Coughed a few times then turned to Shane. “So, Andrew was telling me some other day after class, that you work at Disney?” then after stealing one of his fries added. “Your son really loves you, he’s always talking about you.”
“Yeah, I do. I work at the animations studio.” he was torn between hugging Andrew and cutting his allowance. He’s basically selling me to his teacher as if I’m a cow.
“That’s so cool! I love Disney!” he now was turning his whole body on Shane’s direction. “You see, I have this friend, Helen, and we go every year to Disney together. It was where our friendship sort of began.”
“That’s really sweet. I, too, love Disney. Otherwise I wouldn’t work for them.” he also tuned his body. Their legs were touching.
Ryan looked at their legs, coughed a bit and blushing continued to make small talk. “Yeah, you don’t strike me as the type of man who would work at a place you hated.” his eyes followed Shane’s movements as he sipped on his green tea. Ryan shook his head. “Hmm… Working on any new projects? The new Moana maybe?”
Shane didn’t listen the question since he was too focused on studying those full lips moving. Quickly, he reached for his tea. When he noticed Ryan waiting for something, he apologized and asked him to repeat the question. Questions about his new projects always got him excited. He would feel like a secret agent when he asked for secrecy and judging by Ryan’s expression, he was probably into it. Shane and Ryan leaned on the direction of each other, and Ryan’s legs were now between Shane’s. They were whispering but sometimes, one of them would laugh too loud (Ryan) and other would smile like a stupid RomCom guy (Shane).
The kids got back to the table at some point, but the two of them barely acknowledged them. Their desserts were left untouched in front of their places. Shane had to admit that maybe Ryan had some great ideas. Well, and some not so great. “What if they are like the ghostbusters?! But they hunt sea creatures instead of ghosts.”
“Are you insane?” The boys would chuckle and Shane would just keep shooting questions at Ryan.
“You said you wanted two girls, right? What about two girls that investigate allegedly haunted locations around the world. The skeptic one could be a ghost that came back to have some fun at the cost of the other girl. Always pulling pranks and ordering other spirits to scare the believer who is obsessed with finding proof of ghosts existence.”
“Ryan Bergara, you are basically telling me to make a genderbent version of yourself.” Shane chuckled.
“Shut up, Shane. There’s more” he rolled his eyes. “The skeptic girl liked to scare the other girl at the beginning. But then they started to go to more dangerous places and she began to protect her and grew fond of the tiny scared, yet brave sometimes, human. I’m not saying there needs to be a romantic relationship, since they are teens, but they can be really good friends.”
“I like this. A lot. Even the romantic part.” then smirking a bit he added. “Now it definitely doesn’t seem like you are trying to be the smaller girl.”
“Well, for me it does sound like genderbent fanfiction of you two” Steven mumbled to Andrew
“What did you say, Steven?” Shane nervously asked as he eyed Ryan. I guess he didn’t hear it. But he’s blushing a bit.
“Nothing.” Andrew replied while glaring daggers at his sleepy boyfriend. “He just ate too much cake.”
“I guess we should be going.” Shane said as he started to look for the waiter to ask for their check.
“Yeah, it’s probably better. I need to take the bus home. We need to see how much I…” Ryan began but was cut off by Shane.
“No need. This dinner is on me. Would like a ride home?” Bergara shook his head. “Then I guess you should be going.” Shane added a bit off.
Ryan got up and said his goodbyes. Shane watched him walking out of the restaurant and something ached on his chest. He left his credit card for Andrew. “Meet me outside kiddo”. Just after he got out of the restaurant there was no sign of the man nearby, then Shane saw a small bus stop in the distance and a small figure walking in the direction of it. Shane ran.
The bus stop was close when he felt a hand touching his shoulder which startled him “Fuck, sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” a familiar voice made him relax and Ryan turned to stare at its owner.
“Hi. Again.”
“Yeah, I could’ve asked you on twitter, but I guess my brain thought it was a better idea to ran after you in the dark.” Shane was rambling. “And you have no clue of what I’m talking about and…” a small hand slapped his arm and Shane looked at Ryan half surprised and half in pain. “What…”
“Just spit it out, Shane”
He looked at Ryan and gaining back his non-justified confidence ‘spat it out’. “I was wondering if you you would like to meet me tomorrow at a coffee shop. It’s a small place, very intimate. We talk about my new cartoon and maybe other stuff.” I can’t believe I’m asking my son’s teacher on a date.
“Like a date?” Ryan’s voice was hopeful.
“No” Yes. “I mean, maybe.”
Ryan smirked and added before making a signal for the bus approaching the stop. “Then DM me the details for our date of Schrodinger, Madej”
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usashirtstoday · 4 years
Black Cat Fuck Corona T Shirt
Actually love the lives to it is also a Black Cat Fuck Corona T Shirt coronavirus survivor and his neighbors are struggling to deal with both issues at the same time I got was taken extra money out there pockets and is going to the grocery store deadline of the water roster but you add on the pandemic not a water live in their team grab the started in 2014 when as a cost cutting measure official switch the city’s water source from a cure on to the Flint River but the water was improperly treated allowing and other chemicals from the pipes to leach into the water supply the city switched back to its original water source in 2015 the line news was on the ground in Flint from my side of the crisis we heard first hand from parents about how they believed the tainted water affected their children my son gave up trying to get his bones hurt to give him there’s nothing to do for to take away although tens of thousands of plaintiffs ever pointedly saturating the payout as part of the settlement much of the money is expected to go toward the children. I came up with a book about what happenedand why this all has gone downand I’m just make it up on this I’m just assuming I’m going to stop the result was the only because it makes sense in my mind is going to take such a letter I think that there like I think they’re getting that B of a fixed budget right are fixed pay scale light like D D get like making a number of hundred thousand dollarsand up so that goes to themand no matter how many episodes that’s what they get what they have made one of the big shows of all time it is the goose is line goaland asked if they want to do another season they could do another season my thought process is they want out of his current contract they want game of thrones over so they can make the next project for HBOand then go rose remember that billion dollars we made you on selling DVDsand sinand getting new subscriptions do you want the next goose is next time is half 1 million for each of us for each episode it’s a really bad negotiation technique to write the show major name in a way that all of your fans are the vast majority are upset with you by the end of the seriesand the way that now ruin the relationship into more business Star Wars next fight but quickly that’s of course bold fromand I wish I had when I was hungry till I saw them to say that it is very delicious I showed it to me the worst part of that whole episode are so much dumb shit no much dumb shit that happened that just didn’t make sense it was just the worst part was the destruction of Jamie’s entire storyline is entire up down up down very Unitedand ascendant like his whole thing at the end saying likewise going back like oh I don’t give a fuck about the people for the innocenceand it’s like you it’s been established five times with different quotes over the over the years your initial good guy turn that you do care that was your rationale for killing the mad King that was the reason that you are trying to talk sense to so many you know bad or bad faith you characters from the series you are in your good thingsand then he just I guess the only reason to go North Virginia was the fuck Breanneand then he goes backand dies with Circe there doesn’t make his so what was the fucking point of his entire story arc shit they all though just a little while he did have moments with here’s a sideways life point of wars complicated rights of the North men come in the battle for I don’t know 812 minutesand then start raping chicksand a course John Snow takes the girl or whatever their eight minutes in. They Know You Are to Buy Our This Art Studio Where Creative Guy with a Great Idea and a Ton of Possible
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To be a black empowerment in this country stop making excuses evil place on earth my wife both estoppel is an Omega so we had a good quality black candidate for 2024 in Wyatt is going to be wild is glory while between importance to us by support people to support both do is wait becoming so big barbecue and apologized and was supposed to be fine with we are having more morbidity for our sales and dignity for focus on the last word both you know my rights back is not the so stand tall on your ancestors your children and the life and alignment in the things that will be there and have some. For two all for you guys who with your brother I did yes he is my twin brother identical when we were identical we were born identity I don’t know 18 we started to divert a little bit that’s it a young box I think of when you need to maybe go there now is a really do not look identical but yes you okay saying I yeah if had a people you know they don’t like it that’s that youand your brother with Sammy Sammy yeah that your brother took full advantage of having yes I did what we were bad bad bad boy mom in the audio for you are out in certain situations I keep going okay I went by he was having trouble at school is about to UCLA yesterday I went to UCLAand he was the Greek studies is one of his degreesand is having trouble passing was actually not going to graduate I was coming back from actingand he said listen my teachers offered me the points that I will need to graduate I just have to deliver a Greek monologue from the Greek found what are the chances that you know a Greek tragedy is actually this could cause the give me a shot you get tomorrow come at 12 noon black shirtand jeans black shoesand that you wrote to me of the crude map of where to go to the past by financial aid you can meet Eduardo wattage kids are Luisand Melinda had can enter the room is 401 go sit in the tiny room just to find a place to sit so get this together I follow the crude map say hi to Eduardo hello to the kids will want to open the door expecting a small classroom auditorium of this size I find a place to sitand that way way the professor calls on me she says Sammy Maui click I usually look to the leftand I came downand poisoned in a deliver the monologue started out slow my heart was pounding I think okay you actually have an audience right moment EMR video slowly in a really start to appreciate having the audienceand its it’s working the end of it I get a ton of applause from everybody rightand I thought we did I overshoot this certainly I did because the professor looks at me to hearand see the skeptical look on her faceand yet opens the doorand takes me outside his did you learn how to do all of that all the is just a hobby to this bookand you stayand do this for my next class I said to get the points today at times I very well have on my cars in the red zone I gotta go graduated we waited in now the head you did it it was Oedipus Rex the correlation you that you don’t circles in the ad to be doneand we North deadman Apple crisp finds myself because I slice of Scottish history playing robberies booking to begin streaming on fixed the ninth on November the why of the is what he remembered why is this well he was the first person the first king of a unified Scotland in the kind of enter national politics of the time there were many many clans many many people hate one another within the country to have one person unite all of the disparate Scottish clans against the crown of Englandand with 500 men he defeated 5000 he defeated it was like you know I don’t know Puerto Rico try to go against that you go to war with America was like it’s the biggest most dynamic most modern army in the world in an Scotland beat field to of the disorder was old fashioned me I watched it and the story unfolds I get into those one thing I noticed one scene I’m looking forward to in thi The your life as a viewer you are you are headed to the story was on the so there’s a story that finds himself after battling’s been defeatedand is worried that Davidand Goliath the man went against incredible oddsand got kicked to the curband his army was just absolutely you know Heather had the butts kicked until they finally won in one of these low moments he finds himself in a cave in a according to legend sees a spider’s weband a spider in the weband and as he gets pummeled by rain in this in this small cave is the spider gets it Byron aSpire keeps on coming back to this is a story about perseverance in the face of adversity this is the part of this is just I along with my mother what we like it okay to drive that this is a you can Bible Scottish nobleman to join your club is supposed to do designed to discuss cryptic it was if I was in for rain wasn’t sent to me rebellion meal tried for eight years failed because your family were too busy trying to clean the curtain wasn’t theirs singing was to linguistically singleand set aside the back country the site was located east method people are tired of war suffered bullish was tortureand slaughter the people I had the best Justice Wallace Jeep Scottish hero to Jackson filming in Scotland After I had us to you mean I figured I would get crucified by some people floors I just went fulltiltand tried to tried to do it I had a wonderful dialect coach we filmed in Scotland entirely in most of the Castro Scottish I have a lot of people to know quietly whispering in my ear felt I was doing something you state doing doing the Scottish event at nightand I’m not a conservative socio and not not not regard but just by virtue of the fact that your promoter of your mouth is doing it all day that you find yourself at the publisher on the ship to couple drinks easily like I said so he doesn’t feel a couple changes in lanky because you’re not in waking when I had hypertension waiting to them ordered a 40 million find yourself falling back in random it’s funny I did so with them I it was a great opportunity so every morning I would wake up at I do know I work out I get the make up chairand they’d put this is Molyneux I had yesterdayand I would we would just read Shakespeare for an hour just just re chase her overand we went through nearly everything that myself if I if I’m reading Jason second a record player will you go backand and play yes Scottand Chris find the accent you that the cost to look right during the grueling conditions in Scotland filming for monthsand then you premiered filled in Toronto not look on attention to what happened what I have so there’s a scene in the film where I am I I bear theand yet it seems likely the front to the back yard you don’t like one is a grocer never got the to the team all morningand late 40s members I’ve already okay very much I review at the PSA booty but I do the freethinking soaking in the titling of the pot is vanity like mother there there F number one is one more near they wanted to do that See Other related products: Black Cat Fuck Corona T Shirt
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romanssippycup · 7 years
Undeniably Important Chapter 9: Coincidences?
I’m bored and hyped up and cannot study for the life of me, so have chapter 9 everyone! Hope you all enjoy!
Chapter 1 – Chapter 2 – Chapter 3 – Chapter 4 – Chapter 5 – Chapter 6 – Chapter 7 -- Chapter 8
2:45 pm
Anxiety could not believe his eyes. Everything that Logan had theorized about him were real situations that he could testify to. From the Fight or Flight response, to the feeling of nervousness, and even the butterflies in Thomas's tummy. Logan had even gone so far to say that Anxiety could quite possibly represent Thomas's body as a whole. Involuntary functions included. Some of the descriptions the Logical trait gave, made Anxiety slightly sick to his stomach, but at least he was giving a thorough description of his investigation.
Logan even referenced a curve. Something about relating productivity to Anxiety and that he is needed in performing everyday tasks. Anxiety didn't fully understand it, but it wasn't his job to.
The darker aspect continued to skim his theory. All the information was there. Logan truly did believe that Anxiety was more than just anxiety. He had described it all so well that even Anxiety himself was beginning to believe that he was more than what his name suggested. The darker trait found himself slightly smiling as he read more of the information on the page, but suddenly his face fell as he realized what he had done.
He hadn't trusted Logan's words. Anxiety needed proof, but sometimes in friendships proof is what breaks the bond more than strengthening it. But, there were times Logan was just as mean to him as Roman was. Maybe, Logan deserved it. Anxiety closed the notepad and looked at it sorrowfully lost in his own thoughts. Now, no one could trust him. Not even Patton.
He had let down the one aspect that actually believed in him. And now...he might lose a potential friend. He knew what he had to do, but surprise surprise! He was anxious. Don't get me wrong, Anxiety is no coward. But when it comes to facing challenges, it takes him awhile before he musters up enough strength to own his actions. And facing Logan? Granted he was the logical trait and he couldn't feel much anger, but you never wanted to be on his real bad side.
Anxiety shuddered. He thought about the different ways he could approach the situation, but they all seemed to end at the same place: complete loss of trust. In frustration, he gently tossed the notepad to the other side of the bed and was about to go back to his music, when he gave the notepad one final glance. In the end, he was very glad that he did. It was not only his saving grace, but everyone else's.
From that one glance he gave, he noticed the notepad had opened to a page that lied in between the blank pages towards the back of the pad. Written on that page was one single word. A word that spoke volumes to the one reading it.
Anxiety's eyes widened. He was only a second ago trying to comprehend why Logan would write something completely out of the ordinary in such a random place, but then something struck him.
It wasn't Logan's handwriting.
It was his own.
A half an hour earlier...
Logan roused slowly. He had taken a short rest after opening Patton's presents and putting them in their proper places. Now that he was awake, he could begin to get ready for the dinner tonight. He thought about the tie that Patton had given him in one of the gift boxes. It was a deep blue with pictures of all breeds of puppies and dogs on it. As much as he hated to admit it to himself, he really liked that tie. Now, would he ever wear it would be the next question to ask.
He thought for a moment. Patton gave him the tie and the fatherly aspect was probably expecting him to wear it tonight. Logan's thought process was as follows: he was given a gift, it is impolite to refuse a gift or not use the gift for its intended purpose, and because they were going somewhere somewhat fancy, it was acceptable to dress occasionally. There. He had reasoned with himself that it was ok to wear the gift.
Logan got dressed into his normal 'teacher' outfit, but instead of his signature blue tie, he replaced it with the gift tie. He straightened himself up and looked in the mirror. The dog tie didn't look half bad on him. It was very eye catching though and Logan was slightly nervous of the comments he would receive from Roman and Anxiety. But as long as Morality was happy, it shouldn't matter too much.
In letting his mind wander, Logan had not realized that he was smiling into the mirror. When he saw his lips curving upward, it scared him so much he hopped backward an inch. He shook his head in disbelief and reaccepted his straight face. After combing his hair, he sat down at his desk and reopened his notepad. He had already looked through it once before he fell asleep, but he just wanted to make sure nothing was out of the ordinary. Seeing it out of his possession this morning had really nerve-racked his brain.
He flipped through the Theories section and opened it up to a page with no label. This was something that he had begun writing this morning before the Outfit War. The events of the previous night like his encounter with Anxiety and the spilled milk had caused him to ask a question that many overlook in their day to day lives. Wanting to remember where he left off from earlier, he began to read quietly to himself so he could regain his train of thought.
3:03 pm.
"The human being can be divided into roughly four parts: the mind, the heart, the spirit, and the body." Anxiety read.
"Each has their own, unique role and are very different from each other. But there is one thing that they all have in common: they can all be affected by the same outside sources."
"These outside sources could be mental, physical, emotional, and even spiritual in some scientific cases. Here is an example of a physical outside source. If someone were to be punched by another person, a bruise would appear and their body would be noticeably affected, but so would the person's mood and thought process. The person then will have to think of a way to respond to the situation they are in and decide if they will fight back, run away, or take an alternative course of action." Anxiety scratched his head thoughtfully.
"An emotional outside source could be hurtful or encouraging words. When heard, they either build or tear down one's ego, affecting the mood, thought processes, and eventually the productivity of the body for usually the remainder of the day."
"All four sides of the human being are needed every second of every day and often work together like a team. There are times, however, when it is not an outside source, but an internal source that affects the person. These sources are but not limited to: negative thoughts, internal injuries, disabilities, sickness, and the list goes on. When these occur, it normally has a larger impact on the person, because it puts a strain on the relationship of the four parts. When uniting to fight an outside source, the human has a better chance of survival because the foundation is holding strong. The same cannot be said when fighting an internal source because if just one of the four is acting up, the results could be damaging to the human. Or even fatal if one of them happened to no longer exist."
Anxiety let his mind rest for a second as he turned the page. This was a lot of information to take in. Logic certainly owned up to his name.
"The human brain is built to learn, gather information, and rewire itself accordingly to its surroundings and the situations it experiences. It does this through the different problems it encounters. Normally, the problems that happen outside of the human being are the experiences that shape them into who they are today, however; This is only true if all four sides are considered one human being. If, for some reason, the four parts are 'allowed' more leeway, they can begin to explore their limits on their own without needing the other sides' help or approval. Essentially, it just means it is easier for the human to break apart inside because harmony is not as easily obtained."
"In the case of Thomas, we are still Thomas and he is still us. We only figuratively gained a conscience because he personified Roman, who was able to work inside of Thomas's imagination and create the mind palace. The mind palace is the loop hole inside of the pocket dimension. Roman was not able to expand Thomas's imagination directly to accomodate us, but the mind palace had already existed between the fourth and fifth dimensions. (see chapter 5 for explanation on this part) Patton's, Anxiety's, and my parts of the brain registered the mind palace not as imagination, but as a bridge to the fourth dimension and to other unknown areas of Thomas's mind. This is why we he can summon us voluntarily, or we can 'pop' in on him when he leasts expects it."
"But because we can do all of these fascinating things, we need to be careful. I have been able to find no sources that state that other people were able to achieve this sort of understanding. Thomas must be a special case. His decisions influence the real world on a very large scale, but now ours can too. We can act unbeknownst to Thomas, even though he is involuntarily controlling us. This means that everything happening inside the mind palace can be considered an internal source. Not only that, but outside sources also affect his sides more than they would have originally. It is undeniably important that now more than ever we practice good teamwork and be responsible for everyone's-"
The writing stopped there.
Anxiety felt as if he had ridden a roller coaster that just stopped working half way up the drop-off. Be responsible for everyone's...what? Wait. No.
He rummaged through the blank pages of the notepad until he found the one page the pad had opened to earlier.
Instead of tossing the notepad in frustration like he did earlier, he chucked it at the wall in complete bewilderment. Thump!
1 minute earlier...
"It is undeniably important that now more than ever we practice good teamwork and be responsible for everyone's-" This was where Logan had left off. Satisfied that he remembered where he was going with his newest theory, he picked up a pen and wrote the last word of the sentence.
"...choices." He was about to write the next section when he noticed something odd. The ink hadn't come out of the pen and onto the paper. There was no evidence he had even tried adding another word. He raised an eyebrow, tried shaking the pen, and then preceded to write the word again. Still nothing came out. This was a pen that came from one of Morality's gift boxes, so it should be very new and easy to work with, unless it was a prank.
Logan rolled his eyes and grabbed a random sheet of scratch paper from his desk. In the corner of the paper, he drew a heart with the pen. To his surprise, the ink came out perfectly fine. Logan scratched his head.
"Strange." He whispered to himself. Again, he tried to write the same word on his notepad. Again it didn't work. His gaze shifted between the pen and the notepad.
"Is this a joke?" His mouth slightly agape as he stared at the page in utter disbelief, but was shaken out of his thoughts when he heard a muffled thump.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" It was Anxiety's muffled shout coming from his room. As expected, Logan could hear Patton's door swing open and his footsteps while running to the darker aspects room. The conversation between Anxiety and Patton could not be heard clearly, because Logan was still in his room. Patton was more than likely just checking to make sure Anxiety was okay.
Logan refocused on the notepad in front of him. He had to get to the bottom of this new mystery. He checked the clock in his room.
3:16 pm.
Logan grumbled. He didn't have enough time to do a thorough research process on the notepad before dinner, but at least he could get started on it. After pulling out several things he needed from various places around his room, he began the process of deductive reasoning. He tried to think of all the possible probabilities that this effect would have been caused by. But little did he know, he was still missing one important piece of evidence. Anxiety still had the real one.
4:17 pm.
Thomas was sitting on his couch when a car pulled up into his drive way and sounded its horn. He jumped off the couch, grabbed his wallet, grabbed his keys, and walked out the door making sure to lock it behind him.
"Hey Sanderstorm!" It was Joan. "You ready to go?"
"Ready as I'll ever be!" Thomas walked up to the car and got into the back seat with Leo.
"Where we going Thomas?" Talyn looked behind the passenger seat at their friend.
"Mahzu Sushi and Grill!" Thomas said confidently.
"Alright. Here we go!" Joan drove off and the friends laughed all the way to the restaurant.
Taglist: @mewsicalmiss @here-to-vent @anonymous-snake @cup-of-blue @storytellerofuntoldlegends@cookieartcannon @thagrinbery @ts-sideblog @protecterofalltheaus @pasteries-and-portugal @justanotherpurplebutterfly@remmythepegasis @leesacrakon @kitsuneprideleader@fancifulfox @dolphin-squirrel @evilmuffin @petunia9402@greymane902 @we-get-it-youre-adorable @withoutfandomsiamnothing @irrelevantbutfabulous @allmycopshowsarecancelled @virgils-jacket @just-fic-me-up@evanisonfire @fandomsandnonsense7 @novagalaxy4real (Let me know if you want to be tagged. :) )
P.S. (I’m very proud of how this chapter turned out!)
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