#i am unmanipulateable
hero-in-high-tops · 7 months
I was not expecting the tag for classroom of the elite to be filled with almost exclusively reader x character fics and the fact that it's all ayanokoji has me concerned for you all
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madchild-dennis · 1 year
As much as I've done all this:
I'm still considered insignificant to many.
So, if they continue, God will make sure the next time I swing my sling and I behead them with their own sword. It is seen by MANY more. Therefore changing me from insignificant to important/essential to MANY.
Maybe that is what's about to happen.
Because IT'S TIME.
(Hahaha, that was a cartoon I grew up on that depicted bible characters as vegetables without hands. This one depicted them right before JERICHO...and it connected to the "IT'S TIME!!!" Statement)
I know, I know.
To those who have been following for a while have seen me say that I say God has been saying "it's time". So it's hard to believe this one don't it.
Well outside of the signs I have that I know is apart of God indicating that I'll be travelling (assuming to Canada as shared with my close friends) VERY soon.
I also know this because of my current tiredness of Jamaican Cuisine, Patty and even KFC. I've had this before. But this was in 2020 & 2019 when I was in Jamaica. When I become tired of Jamaican food, it always happen a few weeks before something works out for me to head back to Canada. For the almost 2 years I've been here, I haven't been tired of the cuisine but curious, learning and enjoying it, until NOW. Like I seriously crave something different or the more authentic options I had in Canada.
But that's just my internal personal reason/evidence.
Let's talk about my Purpose or God's plan as me being Queen and how I KNOW it's time. To be Queen and truly be for the people. It has to be VERY OBVIOUS that I'm uncorruptible, unmanipultable, have integrity and truly led by God.
With time integrity, being guided by God and uncorruptiblity as been obvious, but being unmanipulatable hasn't been obvious. There are many who have integrity, uncorruptible and led by God BUT there's always SOMETHING, that is their weakness that can be used to manipulate them.
As much as I know I can't be swayed. The masses don't know. Because they could say I'll always forgive my parents (because they would) or weakened by who they have sex with/date/in a relationship with/marry (like them) or there is someone she always listen to. NOT ME!!!
In fact, God used flaws, issues or create situations to not just create assurance of this. It is to also assure, hinder or warn (before any fatal attempts) against trying to manipulate me into any decision (other than to follow God's plan/purpose or to do whatever benefits ALL affected persons).
My parents can't be a manipulative option because I wish they were dead and even if they fix up and do as God demands, they are NOTHING to me and will only redeem themselves through my children. And that's ONLY if they start with the children I plan to adopt.
Spouse...I have none. If it's the one I don't speak about. Obviously no matter what he or his mother does, once it's not what I ask. I could care less what he does (or they do). NO MATTER WHAT. And if he does what I ask, it is all structured in a way to develop trust and an unshakable unit that is to prioritize the union over EVERYTHING ELSE (other than God and oneself). Therefore not able to create a space for anyone to can manipulate anyone. Not even his own mother could be able to manipulate him or indirectly manipulate me or such. This is ONLY if he does as I ASK within the timeline asked. And OBVIOUSLY I am not settling for ANYTHING LESS, no matter what they try to do to avoid it or anyone else.
My Aunt is currently incapacitated due to illness. As much as I have love and respect for her and know she wouldn't stir me wrong, if she dare to manipulate me against God I will cut her off too. Plus people know I do ME, ONLY. NOT what others think I should do.
My siblings, have no sway on me. I've made it publicly CLEAR. Plus I have and will cut them off if they try. I've done it before.
Sex, loneliness and a desire for romance doesn't rule me. Therefore can't be used against me.
I'm not rules by money.
Food or gluttony is not an issue. I even eat what I dislike when I have to, due to the need for fuel.
Peer pressure never worked on me as obviously seen.
It's clearly obviously,
That's after publicly sharing ALL I've been through.
Being that it's abundantly OBVIOUS, PUBLIC and tangible, and the people will see. They can see and freely choose to go with God's plan or the corrupt politician's plan.
To choose between
The lady who rather do crazy things in the name of God while, protected, provided for and seem to care. So crown her Queen as God says
Choose to blindly trust the Prime Minister, Government and system that I CLEARLY flawed and corrupt. To choose a President as Head of State that is to benefit the Government (as the opposition leader said) which clearly doesn't prioritize the people.
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