#i am truly craving this mans ass rn
mysicklove · 10 months
finals are not over for me until saturday (i’m pulling my 2nd all nighter tonight :p) but!!! i want to peg yuuta soso bad
making yuuta cockwarm your strap while you’re studying for finals! it was supposed to be his way of distracting you (he just wanted attention okay), but he ends up squirming instead! he won’t stop moving on your lap while you (pretend to) study, making you pinch his ass and call him your naughty slut while he buries his head into the crook of your neck and whines so pathetically <3 his ass is just clenching around the pastel pink dildo, so fucking deep inside of him and he keeps whimpering about how big it is and how it’s stretching him out and how you should just stop studying so that you could take out your stress on him <3
he was so good about it in the beginning too. stayed quiet while you worked and only occasional whimpers would slip out. but he was always quick to apologize, mumbling out that he would sit and be quiet while you work - studying is important, and yuuta wanted nothing more than for you to pass your exams, so he was determined to control his desires.
but if you leave him there for too long, his mind starts to drift to lewder things and suddenly it was growing way too hot. he begins to squirm around, ocassionally twitching, but biting his tongue to stay silent. your hands grope his ass and it lets out a small yelp, eyes wide in shock, but not saying anything. but you continue to play with his body, staring at the computer scene as if you didnt hear the stuttered breathes and small whimpers. its only when you say, "are you alright Yuuta?" does his facade crumbles and he lets out the most pathetic noise.
his hands claw at your skin and he breathes into your neck, whispering out apologies, but forcing your hands back to his ass, hoping that you will help him move up and down on the length. he gives you the wettest eyes and grips at you shirt and says, "cant we just take a short break? please? i-its too big, I cant sit still anymore!" which has you dragging him to the bed
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qitwrites · 7 years
happy birthday dearest @ryugazakkis ♥. here’s a small textfic from your precious oikuro college!au. Hope you have an amazing day ⌒°(❛ᴗ❛)°⌒
Kuroo: we’re out of eggs
Oikawa: and?
Kuroo: buy some
Kuroo: youre out loafing anyway
Oikawa: first of all, fuck u
Oikawa: secondly, im not loafing, im buying our face packs for this weeknd
Kuroo: ok, understandably important business
Kuroo: but Bo is craving my omu rice
Kuroo: and theres no eggs in the fridge
Oikawa: fyn. u both owe me.
Oikawa: i need to walk an extra 468m to reach the grocery place
Kuroo: do i want to knw y u have such an accurate measurement of the distance?
Oikawa: ……
Oikawa: i get bored easily
Kuroo: u need new hobbies
Oikawa: once again, fuc k you
Oikawa: <link attached>
Oikawa: <link attached>
Oikawa: <link attached>
Oikawa: <link attached>
Kuroo: wtf is this
Oikawa: proof
Kuroo: of wat?
Oikawa: the existence of aliens you imbecille
Kuroo: im sorry, but im still not a believer tofu
Oikawa: traitor
Oikawa: y r we frnds?
Kuroo: because u love meeeeee
Oikawa: -.-
Kuroo: tooru
Oikawa: hmm?
Kuroo: i miss home
Oikawa: we get a break in two weeks
Oikawa: hang in there
Oikawa: im out rn
Oikawa: ill bring the ice cream
Kuroo: youre the best
Oikawa: i know
Kuroo: asshole
Oikawa: theres my tetsu-chan
Kuroo: <3
Oikawa: it’s fascinating, really
Kuroo: wat is
Oikawa: the way my face twists when someone says ushiwaka within 100 feet of me
Oikawa: bo snapped a pic
Oikawa: <image>
Kuroo: meme worthy
Kuroo: truly
Oikawa: honestly
Oikawa: the man manages to make beauty lyk mine look stale
Kuroo: that’s to say
Kuroo: u have any beauty at all
Oikawa: pfff
Oikawa: tetsu-chan please
Oikawa: ur a lot of things
Oikawa: and i mean A LOT
Oikawa: but blind is not one of them
Kuroo: ass
Oikawa: i don’t see u disagreeing
Kuroo: …….
Oikawa:  (✿´ ꒳ ` )
Kuroo: wat do u wanna watch 2night
Oikawa: well
Oikawa: im kinda in the mood for horror
Kuroo: i was thinking the sameee
Kuroo: saw 2?
Oikawa: yaaasss
Kuroo: also pizza
Kuroo: hawaiian or pepperoni
Oikawa: pepperoni pleasee
Kuroo: done done
Oikawa: thanks :*
Kuroo: oikawa
Kuroo: oikawa come on
Kuroo: tooru
Oikawa: i don’t wanna talk rn
Kuroo: i know it sucks to be fighting with iwa
Kuroo: bt just calm down and think abt it from his perspective
Kuroo: and dnt ever forget
Kuroo: he loves u
Oikawa: ……
Oikawa: i know
Oikawa: i just need time
Kuroo: i know
Oikawa: dnt forget
Oikawa: we’re running tomorrow @ 5:30
Kuroo: i hate u
Kuroo: every single cell in my body
Kuroo: prays fr your untimely demise
Kuroo: is the sun even up that early
Oikawa: .______.
Oikawa: tat’s the point u idiot
Kuroo: i hate u
Oikawa: im aware
Oikawa: ill knock on ur door til u wake up
Oikawa: just saying
Kuroo: ur existence is sevearly regretted @ the moment
Oikawa: dnt be late darling
Oikawa: u can thank me later
Kuroo: go to hell
Kuroo: preferably before 5:30 in the morning
Kuroo: yes dear?
Oikawa: will u
Oikawa: fr the love of all that is good and pure
Oikawa: stop changing my bg’s
Oikawa: to posivitely atrocious selfies of urself????
Oikawa: i had to show my prof something on my cell
Oikawa: and that picture just blares up at us
Oikawa: and ive never felt so horrifyingly embarrassed
Oikawa: his eyes Kuroo
Oikawa: he looked so betrayed
Oikawa: his hatred for me in that moment
Oikawa: could prob burn a hole through wood
Kuroo: brb
Kuroo: crying so har d rn
Kuroo: ur prof saw?
Kuroo: omggg
Kuroo: ◝( ′ㅂ`)و ̑̑
Oikawa: rot in the depths of tartarus
Kuroo: just as long as u wont be there
Oikawa: 🖕
Oikawa: kuroo
Kuroo: yeah
Oikawa: correct me if im wrong
Oikawa: bt did u just walk into class in your kitty pajama bottoms?
Kuroo: yeah
Oikawa: wit ur hair unbrushed
Kuroo: yeah
Oikawa: without shaving or even remotely grooming
Kuroo: yeah
Oikawa: zombie mode activated?
Kuroo: yeah
Oikawa: alrighty the n
Oikawa: ill get u coffee wen your class is done
Kuroo: blessed
Oikawa: monosyllabic bastard
Kuroo: u doing anything for the upcoming long weeknd?
Oikawa: i wanted to go home
Oikawa: bt my parents already planned a trip
Oikawa: so no
Kuroo: ok then youre coming
Oikawa: where
Kuroo: bo and i have planned a road trip
Kuroo: call iwa too
Oikawa: that sounds like fuuuun
Oikawa: o(≧∇≦o)
Kuroo: i know 
Kuroo: ρ( ̄ヘ ̄ メ)
Oikawa: iwa says yessss
Kuroo: awesome!
Kuroo: don’t forget sunscreen this time
Oikawa: it happened ONE TIME TETSU
Oikawa: let it go
Kuroo: u were pink for a week and half
Kuroo: im neve r letting that go
Oikawa: go fuck a trumpet
Kuroo: tempting
Kuroo: bt no thanks
Oikawa: y haven’t I blocked u yet jezuz
Kuroo: u keep asking urself that
Kuroo: <voice note>
Oikawa: from all that screaming and yelping
Oikawa: im assuming bo wants curry?
Kuroo: yas
Kuroo: me 2 actually
Oikawa: do we have any ingredients/
Kuroo: uhhh
Kuroo: i think a moth just flew outta the cupboard
Oikawa: ……
Kuroo: yeah ill go shopping
Oikawa: good idea
Oikawa: and take that hyper active eternally hungry puppy wid u
Kuroo: his name is bo
Oikawa: just goo
Oikawa: shooo
Kuroo: going going
Kuroo: sometimes i wish
Kuroo: the aliens had taken u
Kuroo: wen we offered u to them
Oikawa: same kuroo
Oikawa: same
Oikawa: (。•́︿•̀。)
Kuroo: wanna try again ?? ???
Oikawa: we’re too sober
Kuroo: not if i can help it
Oikawa: ill bring the tequila
Kuroo: i approve
Kuroo: Tooru
Kuroo: it’s not your fault
Kuroo: no matter what you or anyone else says or thinks
Kuroo: it’s not your fault
Oikawa: i am weak
Oikawa: so pathetically weak
Oikawa: coach should fucking bench me
Kuroo: open the door
Kuroo: I have wine, chocolates and bubblewrap
Oikawa: …..
Oikawa: I love you.
Kuroo: I love you too.
Kuroo: youre good enough
Kuroo: dont doubt that
Kuroo: daisho’s resemblance to reptiles
Kuroo: makes me truly believe in the existent of mutants
Oikawa: well, he’s certainly
Oikawa: whats the wor d
Oikawa: slimy
Kuroo: bo wants to strangle him for touching kei-chan
Oikawa: ill join him
Oikawa: my poor iwa-chan is suffering wid him 2
Kuroo: ugh
Kuroo: i hate him
Oikawa: i know
Kuroo: bleh
Oikawa: Netflix and cuddle?
Kuroo: Netflix and cuddle
Kuroo: <missed call>
Kuroo: <missed call>
Kuroo: <missed call>
Oikawa: wt actua l FUCK
Oikawa: its 3 AM
Oikawa: y u do this
Kuroo: i want tacos
Oikawa: ok just to put this in context
Oikawa: u have woken me at ass oclock in the morning
Oikawa: 2 get fucking tacos
Oikawa: hve i forgotten anything?
Kuroo: and churros!!!
Kuroo: im craving something sweeeet
Oikawa: im gonna kill u
Kuroo: yeah yeah no prob
Kuroo: see u in 5
Oikawa: …….
Oikawa: i want chocolate filled ones
Kuroo: attaboy
Oikawa: i think the four extra months ive spent on this planet
Oikawa: has given me this undeniably invaluable insight of the world
Oikawa: im sorry u cant ever experience this kurooo
Kuroo: that’s alright
Kuroo: i see things in a way diff from u
Oikawa: how so????
Kuroo: i mean
Kuroo: i am 3.4 entire cms taller
Kuroo: the view is simply breathtaking
Oikawa: ……
Oikawa: fuck u
Kuroo: ✧٩(•́⌄•́๑)
Oikawa: hey
Oikawa: wen u free?
Kuroo: i got tomorrow evening off
Kuroo: what’s up?
Oikawa: i wanna work on that spike wid u
Oikawa: also blocking practice with bo
Kuroo: im game
Oikawa: good
Oikawa: we need cooler hand signs too
Kuroo: tots agree
Kuroo: we’ll brainstorm alright?
Oikawa: sounds like a plan
Oikawa: ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́)
Kuroo: code ET
Kuroo: i repeat
Kuroo: CODE ET
Kuroo: which means i am VERY sad
Oikawa: got it got it
Oikawa: ill meet u at the regular spot in 10
Oikawa: and ill bring bo
Kuroo: and my hoodie
Oikawa: and your hoodie
Kuroo: cookies and cream?
Oikawa: ye s plis
Oikawa: bo will have mint choco
Kuroo: got it
Kuroo: come fastly
Oikawa: almost there
Oikawa: just for 10 mins
Oikawa: ill only practice serves
Oikawa: i swea r
Kuroo: for the last time
Kuroo: NO
Kuroo: you are going to rest your knee till its better
Kuroo: even bo is mad this time
Kuroo: he wont let u on this court either
Oikawa: can i watch?
Kuroo: nope
Kuroo: focus on healin g
Kuroo: idiot
Oikawa: ……
Oikawa: im sorry
Kuroo: don’t be
Kuroo: we miss u too
Oikawa: i may not say this all the time
Oikawa: but your existence is appreciated Kuroo
Oikawa: thank u for coming into my life all those many years ago
Oikawa: and dealing with my stream of bullshit
Kuroo: likewise
Kuroo: <voice note>
Oikawa: pfff
Oikawa: tell bo I love him too
Kuroo: will do
Kuroo: oh bt w
Kuroo: Tooru?
Oikawa: yeah ?
Kuroo: i still don’t believe in aliens
Oikawa: F UCK YOU
Kuroo: I love you too
Kuroo: ♥♥
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killanyone4you · 5 years
i hate asking people to ask me questions so here are my answers
this was more fun for me then it will be for you
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?  uhh my little brother maybe
2. Are you outgoing or shy? depends on my mood i think.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?  idk if this counts but i’m seeing the used in july
4. Are you easy to get along with?  yes. usually
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?  i dont drink.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?  all kinds of people. i dont really have a good answer for this. i’m attracted to people i connect with and that’s what i focus on
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? uhhhh
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?  i cant say or i’ll be heavily judged
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?  no
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?  my best friend.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?  thank you you da best
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?  like, of all time or just like, that i’ve been listening to recently? ima answer both. so my 5 favorite songs of all time in no particular order are: Something Corporate: Ruthless. Something Corporate: Walking By. Good Charlotte: Screamer. The Outfield: Your Love and Fall Out Boy: Young Volcanoes. my top 5 of all time has changed for sure but that’s it right now. and then as far as songs i’ve been listening to non stop recently also in no particular order: LP: Switchblade (also any LP). Taylor Swift: Gorgeous (also any Taylor Swift).  Post Malone: Sunflower. Selena Gomez: Back to you. I Prevail: My Heart I Surrender. also bonus jonas: any throwback Jo Bro songs and also their new song. anyway that took longer than i expected.
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?  very much
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? no not really. shit happens.
15. What good thing happened this summer?  it’s not summer yet
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?   sure
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?   probs
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?   no haha
19. Do you like bubble baths?   yes. dont trust anyone who doesn’t like bubble baths
20. Do you like your neighbors?  i dont really know them.
21. What are you bad habits?   hating myself? idk i’m a hermit person who hides from the world. annddd that’s probably not the best habit
22. Where would you like to travel?   everywhere
23. Do you have trust issues?   uhhh. i like to think i dont but i probably do
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?  sleep
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?  most of it
26. What do you do when you wake up?   pee
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?   i just wish my skin was even. it’s a mess.
28. Who are you most comfortable around?   my little brother
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?  nope. they ran for the fuckin hills yall
30. Do you ever want to get married?  maybe
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?  yus
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? um... i feel like Will Farrell and Danny McBride could get the job done.
33. Spell your name with your chin. hard pass
34. Do you play sports? What sports?   no sir.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?  tv
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?   uh yeah. probs a million times
37. What do you say during awkward silences?  unintentionally anything and everything that could possibly make the situation more uncomfortable.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?  to answer this properly i’d have to think about it and i’m really just looking for quick answers here. if someone reads this and truly wants to know send me an ask and i’ll answer for real.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? target, the christmas tree shoppe, barnes and noble, michales.
40. What do you want to do after high school?  lol i’m old af i’ve been out of high school for 10 years yall
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?  no. some people do.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?  i’m uncomfortable or i dont know how to say what i’m thinking.
43. Do you smile at strangers?  yes. all the time and i hate myself for it.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?  neither pls both of those things are probably my biggest fears of all time.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?  the need to piss.
46. What are you paranoid about?  losing my job due to illness.
47. Have you ever been high?   yes
48. Have you ever been drunk?   yes
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?  yes
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?  grey
51. Ever wished you were someone else?   yup.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?   my plethora of mental illnesses. probably. 
53. Favourite makeup brand?  i dont wear makeup much anymore. i cant say i have a favorite.
54. Favourite store?  the christmas tree shoppe
55. Favourite blog?  does anyone have a favorite blog?
56. Favourite colour?  grey
57. Favourite food?   cheese/
58. Last thing you ate?  ice
59. First thing you ate this morning?  cake.
60. Ever won a competition? For what?  i’ve won writing competitions
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? fighting.
62. Been arrested? For what?  nope/
63. Ever been in love?   i can never tell.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?   well technically my first kiss was in pre school with a boy called tommy but i’m not sure that counts. my first like, real kiss was at a smashing pumpkins concert and i was kind of seeing this guy who was one of my best friends in middle school and we were in that middle place of like, being really good friends but wanting to see if there was more. so we were there with my best friend and his best friend (who i also had a thing for dont fucking judge me) so i was laying in the grass with my head in his lap listening to one of the opening bands (i wanna say it was fuel but i dont remember) and he texted all the people with our group to ask them to leave so all of a sudden they all walk away and once their gone he leans over me spider man style and kisses me. so to be fair it was also his first kiss but it was really awkward and bad and we didn’t talk at all after, we just went back to watching the show and when my friends all came back i got up and forced them to go to the bathroom with me to tell them what happened and to ask them why they abandoned me. later i found out he was super proud of his “slick moves” and did not in any way pick up on how awkward i felt.
65. Are you hungry right now? nope
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?  i dont really have many of either so eh
67. Facebook or Twitter? facebook. i dont even use twitter.
68. Twitter or Tumblr?  ^^
69. Are you watching tv right now?   i have youtube on my tv playing music videos.
70. Names of your bestfriends?  Jerry
71. Craving something? What?  Mexican food
72. What colour are your towels?  grey
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?  1
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?  no
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?  a few
75. Favourite animal?  elephant
76. What colour is your underwear?  grey and white
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?  vanilla i guess.
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?  raspberry sherbet -
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? black
80. What colour pants?  not wearing pants.
81. Favourite tv show?  Guys Grocery Games
82. Favourite movie?   The Princess Bride or Music and Lyrics or 10 Things I Hate about You
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?  .... this is a dumb fucking question. i shouldn’t even have to say the answer. if you’re in any way questioning the answer dont ever talk to me.
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?  21 Jump Street.
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?  She doesn’t even go here!
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?  Dory
87. First person you talked to today?  my cat
88. Last person you talked to today?  my mother
89. Name a person you hate?   i try not to hate anyone. but i guess it’s safe to say trump
90. Name a person you love?  my baby brother
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?  kind of my mom. always trump
92. In a fight with someone?  nope i dont do that petty shit.
93. How many sweatpants do you have? i’m not sure any of my pants qualify as sweat pants. i have a lot of leggings and pajama pants.
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?  a shit ton. 20 or 30. i dont really know.
95. Last movie you watched? i watched most of infinity war earlier because i was bored but i stopped about halfway thru to go masturbate. which wasn’t a result of the movie i was just horny
96. Favourite actress?  i dont really have one so i’m going to say Millie Bobby Brown because she’s a sweet baby angel
97. Favourite actor? i also dont have one but Paul Rudd is always on my mind so.
98. Do you tan a lot? no yall i’m sickly white all year round.
99. Have any pets? i have a chonky boi Pogue the black cat
100. How are you feeling?  quite indifferent rn actually.
101. Do you type fast?   i guess.
102. Do you regret anything from your past?   many things
103. Can you spell well?  nope i spell like shit,
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?  yup
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?  many. love  good bonfire.
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?  i guess.
107. Have you ever been on a horse?   yes i am... born of hillbillies. so. we ride horses.
108. What should you be doing?  dishessssss
109. Is something irritating you right now?   i had plans with my goddamn mother which i partially only made because i wanted her to bring me some things i had mailed to her house and after waiting FIVE HOURS for her to call and tell tell me she was on her wait. she never did so i finally called her and she was like “uhh i said maybe tomorrow.” UGH i wasted half my goddamn day waiting on her ass.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?  uh yes. it’s awful
111. Do you have trust issues?  you already asked this.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?  my cat
113. What was your childhood nickname?  i dont think i really had one. my stepmom called me kay.
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?    yes
115. Do you play the Wii?    i never had a wii but i played it with others
116. Are you listening to music right now?   yes. i have a random playlist on youtube playing. rn it’s malibu miley cyrus
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?   with a soda on the side.
118. Do you like Chinese food?  yes. it’s probably my second favorite kind of food.
119. Favourite book?   well all the harry potter books i think would be my favorite but i hate that answer because it’s not specific so my favorite stand alone book is Ella Enchanted.
120. Are you afraid of the dark?  not usually.
121. Are you mean?   yeah sometimes.
122. Is cheating ever okay?   on a partner? no. on other stuff maybe
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?  nope
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?   nope
125. Do you believe in true love?   nope
126. Are you currently bored?  yes. why do you think i’m sitting here answering a hundred and fifty questions for no reason? no one asked for this lol
127. What makes you happy?  sleep. books. my cat. music. driving on the highway at night. food. rollercoasters
128. Would you change your name?  probably. i hate my name.
129. What your zodiac sign? taurus
130. Do you like subway?  yes
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? my best friend of the opposite sex is gay but if it happened i’d ask him if his feelings would somehow cause us to stop being friends and deal with that accordingly
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?  my sister in law.
133. Favourite lyrics right now? this is hard because there are a shit ton but i guess the one that’s sticking out the most to me rn is “i have a thought of you for every star in the sky”
134. Can you count to one million? i mean, yeah. but why?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? yall i’ve told so many lies. but the one that just popped into my head is when i was pretty young i was mad at my older brother for who even knows what so i wrote his name on our front door in his hand writing with sharpie. it worked and he got into a lot of trouble
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?  open. my asshole cat doesn’t allow any doors in my apartment to be closed at any time.
137. How tall are you?  5′5
138. Curly or Straight hair?  weird waves that dont ever look good
139. Brunette or Blonde?  i’m brunette but i dye that shit.
140. Summer or Winter?  winter.
141. Night or Day?  both for different reasons.
142. Favourite month?  i dont have one
143. Are you a vegetarian?  no
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?  dark
145. Tea or Coffee?   both.
146. Was today a good day?  not really.
147. Mars or Snickers?  neither
148. What’s your favourite quote?  god that’s impossible. there’s no chance i could pick only one quote so i’m just going to drop one from the labyrinth because it’s been on my mind and David Bowie is a sex god. “Just fear me, love me, do as i say and i will be your slave.” like. fucking imagine the Goblin King saying that to you? i'd die. fuck me right here pls i'll do anything you say. pls.
149. Do you believe in ghosts? i dont. but i’m willing to be proven wrong
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?  “That’s all right.” said the Stork, who was flying along beside them. “I always like to help anyone in trouble. But i must go now, for my babies are waiting in the nest for me. I hope you will find the Emerald City and that Oz will help you.”
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yoongsbutt · 7 years
tag you’re it - melanie martinez
(hahaaa see what i did there)tagged by @jimihsgirl sup soup grandmeg imma tag @yoonvkook and @yooncook ITS EARLY I CNAT TAG MORE PEOPLE CAUSE I GOTTA GO NOW WW WWWW W
1. do you have a good relationship with your parents? yeaahh loovem
2. who did you last say “i love you” to? uhhh i think meg omdmnkfjhkjfd
3. do you regret anything? i don’t think so??
4. are you insecure? aasfuckk
5. what is your relationship status? married to mattimaxx and carla
6 .how do you want to die? i don’t know how i wanna die but do know how i don’t??? i don’t wanna drown man that’s fuckin scary
7. what did you last eat? tuna sandwich
8. played any sports? HAAAAAAA no
9. do you bite your nails? noope 10. when was your last physical fight? never been in one
11. do you like someone? being for real nahh
12. have you ever stayed up 48 hours? noope max is 24 rnn
13. do you hate anyone at the moment? not hate but strongly dislike with a burning passion
14. do you miss someone? i miss bts man i want them back makin a comeback ok i know they’re on tour but odmngjdfsihsdk
15. have any pets? *starts crying* n-no
16. how exactly are you feeling at the moment? uhhh pretty good actually
17. ever made out in the bathroom? never ever (never gonna let you go korean words)
18. are you scared of spiders? yes yes i am imagine wanting to pee really bad and then seeing a big ass spider the size of your hand just chillin in the bathroom I HATETETETE
19. would you go back in time if given the chance? noo butterfly effect maann
20. last place you made out with someone? in a parallel universe
21. what are your plans for this weekend? uhh watch some animu read i think i have a family thing idekk
22. do you want kids? how many? yehh 2 one boy one girl
23. do you have piercings? how many? i’m allergic
24. what is/are your best subjects? uhhh comunication annnnd english?????
25. do you miss anyone from your past? not that i can think of
26. what are you craving rn? i waNNA OPEN MY PRINGLES AND DRINK MAH POWERADE RTFN but i got to wait ughgughhghgh
27. have you ever broken someones heart? doubt it
28. have you ever been cheated on? neehh
29. have you ever made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? whats a bf/gf never heard of that term (GRANNDNDMEEEGG SMAE)
30. whats irritating rn? my stomach is starting to hurt what th efuck stopp
31. does someone love you? yeess bless their souls
32. what is your favorite color? b u r g u n d y, army green, mint green, baby blue, black???? idk i love colors man
33. do you have trust issues? naahh
34. who/what was your last dream about? i doN’T RECAAAALLLLL (god i love kard)
35. who was the last person you cried in front of? i thinkk my mom
36. do you give out second chances too easily? most likely
37. is it easier to forgive or forget? i think they both come together??? if you don’t forget than you haven’t truly forgiven yougettmee?? 38. is this year the best year of your life? it’s a cool year yeh but most likely not imma be stressin all the time
39. how old were you when you had your first kiss? no in spanish
40. have you ever walked outside completely naked? i don’t remember doing it so no
(i wanted to look for 41 to 50 but bichh it’s early and i gotta go to school after this)
51. favorite food? i love me some burgers A Stakehouse XT With Some French Fries ohmygod
52. do you believe everything happens for a reason? yeaahh
53. what was the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? restarted my phone
54. is cheating ever okay? i’d say no but i guess it could depend on situations???
55. are you mean? i hope nott
56. have you ever been in a fist fight? naahhh
57. do you believe in true love? uhhhh idk????
58. favorite weather? when the sky is foggy as fuck and it rained at night so there’s puddles on the ground and the sky is gray and i have to use a sweater cause it’s cold wowie i love
59. do you like the snow? Y E S i miss it
60. do you wanna get married? yaahh
61. is it cute when a girl/boy calls you baby? one guy i liked used to call me bby i still don’t know how i feel about that it was cringe but it was kind of cute too??=??????===?0
62. what makes you happy? my friends, my fam, my music, my books, yoongi, bangtan in general
65. your bff of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? be awk about it that’s what i do best man
66. do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yaaahhahaaas
67. who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? uhh my dad
68. who is the last person you had a deep conversation with? prolly carla
69. do you believe in soulmates? naahhh
70. is there anyone you’d die for? many people everyone that makes me happy dude
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survivorindia · 7 years
Whatever Forever- jaiden (Episode 3)
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Anyway!!!!!!!! I just got elimed and whew I'm just feeling so many emotions. Maybe I shouldn't have thrown the immunity to save lexi, maybe I should've kept ace over Ashley,maybe I never really had a chance in this game in the first place. Overall? I just feel bad for promising lexi that I'd help keep her in the game and then immediately flopping, and for Kendall, leaving my one tru ally by herself, I hope the swap goes in her favour and that both of them can vote out the rest of the returnee heroes, some revenge is always nice TBH. Ashley, gav and Alex, I really did trust two of you and I was gonna stay loyal so it sucks that y'all flipped so easily, of course the fact that Ashley had an idol probably wasn't the best thing, but we could've figured something out. I hope the three of you get elimed soon or at least prejury bc you know the great dan whatever his last name is said flippers never win and well it's no fun seeing snakes get far either TBH ! And I know y'all won't be reading this til later but good luck newbies I hope y'all truly slay this game bc really some of these returnees I would really rather see get elimed except maybe Kendall and Jordan pines. This has been a fun game for the most part, the challenges were great, the hosts were greater (even David Robb) and I met some good people in my short stay here! Do I have some regrets? Yeah but I wouldn't have wanted to play this game any other way. Keep an eye out for me in the returnee season :~) single digits I'm still coming for ya!
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So not much has happened this round. We won, yet again. And my #1 ally out of everyone in this game, my good friend Monte, was sadly voted out. But best believe I'm gonna win this game for him!
What in the heckie is Nicole doing?
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What the FUCK? These people need to CHILL out. It's our fault - we made the mistake, the hosts don't have to babysit us every step of the way. Now we gotta own it and win this tiebreaker - honestly, Danny g'luck (I WAS FORCED TO MAKE THIS S/O) to these people, because they are getting on my nerves with their complaining rn. 
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We keep winning. I love that. But Jordan Pines might wanna blindside me... so to that I say:
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Am I exaggerating? A little bit. I think. I don't know. I'm being weird and emotional so idk what the fuck I'm actually thinking... I hope I get voted out next at this point yay
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Okay, everyone listening? Two common misconceptions about pegging: If a man likes pegging, he must be gay. If you peg a straight man, he will become gay. Cue Laughter and Eye Roll - Both of these are so ridiculous as to be laughable on so many levels. Gender preference has nothing to do with the sex toys you like to play with...or the area of your body you like your partner to play with. For those of you who have fears around this - please excuse the laughter...though I do find the concept quite humorous. Think of it this way...If a straight man enjoys getting pegged by a woman there is no reason whatsoever to think that all of a sudden he will crave sex with men. Just like if a straight woman enjoys receiving oral sex from a man there is no reason whatsoever to think that she will suddenly want to be a lesbian. See how silly that sounds? (Now if the man is bisexual, just ignore all this and go to the next blog post because he prefers both genders so these points are moot.) A man who wants his ass fucked is gay, you say? Bullshit. (I seem to be in a sassy mood tonight.) Remember, the male ass is the source of an amazing amount of pleasure via the prostate gland. Whether a man experiences that pleasure from his lady's finger(s), his own finger(s), a toy (there are so many), his lady’s strap-on, a butt plug, his partner's finger(s) or his partner's cock makes no difference. All of the above are simply various examples of the pursuit of pleasurable sensations from an ass. Many really nice toys are specifically made for anal pleasure! That should give you a bit of pause. Maybe the people buying these items know something....just like the 150 - 200 million gay men in the world. But wait - I'm probably confusing you... Unexplored Ecstasy - The point here is that anal exploration is about pleasure, not an indicator of gender preference. What I find a shame is that so many straight men will not indulge in that pleasure because of these misconceptions along with the bullshit social stigma attached to it. Maybe it's just me (standing here ready with my strap-on), but that sounds like a lot of pleasure being abstained from...and oh my the word abstinence  in any form is not a popular one amongst the pleasure seekers that have found their way to Pegging Paradise! I am certain there are men out there who secretly would love to have their ass teased with...well, a variety of things. These men hesitate to ask for it because they fear their partner's reaction to their request or the reaction of others if they found out. All of this is fed by the original misconceptions as well as a puerile dose of idiotic homophobia. Get over it, people! I know...easier for me to say here in Southern California when some of you might be in conservative strait-laced sex-negative hell somewhere. But hey - we need to start somewhere, right? Are you going to let other people's narrow-minded attitudes affect your pursuit of pleasure in the privacy of your own bedroom (hotel room, board room, etc)? I think not. No Fear - So Ladies, I urge you to get over your own fears that if you fuck your man in the ass with a strap-on dildo the gay fairy will instantly appear and sprinkle him with magic gay dust and you will lose him forever to his own gender. Okay? If you can't let go of that fear, you have no business strapping on a dildo. I mean really...are you going to follow him around after you fuck him and be suspicious of all of his encounters with males? Let it go, ladies. And when you get your man where you want him and you have your way with him...don't kiss and tell. Especially if you live in one of those strait-laced sex-negative hell places I spoke of previously. Instead, treasure the vulnerability your man has shared with you and let him know that come hell or high water or nosy girlfriends, he can trust you to keep that part of your sex life confidential. Pleasure Seeking - Gentlemen, the other part of the formula here is you. If you are clear about which gender you prefer, that's your stable base. Do your best to let go of any homophobic comments you have heard, read or even, heaven forbid, said. Your anus is a part of your body that, when properly stimulated, offers a whole new world of pleasure. Orgasms with anal stimulation are most times much more intense and produce much more cum (that's always fun). Given just that, why wouldn't you want to at least check it out? If you love it, all that means is that you love getting fucked with a strap-on by the woman who makes you hot. There is no "Insta-gay" phenomenon that happens if your lady pegs you. As one man put it: I like breasts with my strap-on, thank you! Pegger/Peggee - Wouldn't it be awesome if people who were into pegging walked around in T-Shirts that said, simply, "Pegger" or "Peggee"? I mean - relatively few people who are not kink-oriented know the sexual meaning of the word so lovingly created by Dan Savage. So the masses of people leading lives of quiet desperation (read: sex-negative) wouldn't have a clue what it meant. And if asked, one could always say with a smile, "Look it up on Wikipedia". Just make sure it's a cat-that-ate-the-canary smile as you say the words and they just might look it up. Presto, you have just spread the word about a luscious, sexy, pleasure-filled act that couples can add to their carnal repertoire. You may have changed their lives forever...in a rather explosive way.
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So... mission successful. Let's quickly debrief: 1. Ashley trusts me a lot more after I told her details that Alex told me in private. Making Ashley feel like she was on shaky ground further resulted in her letting me know that she has an idol. Whether or not it is true is besides the point... the true crux of the matter is that I have Ashley left in the game with three people she can't trust and me... so that means I ought to be her #1. 2. Alex and I are as tight as ever. Even despite giving Ashley information, I was able to quickly fix that bond. I genuinely like and trust Alex, but I can't let the cloud my judgement. He's very close to Kendall, which scares me, but I have looked to leverage that in our post-tribal call. In my conversations with Alex, I want to make him feel like he is calling the shots while still looking to provide input. Thus far, I think I have done that. With Ashley allegedly having the idol (information that was supposed to be "kept secret" but was totally not "kept secret" xD), I have talked to Alex extensively about the next vote and I've made a deal with him to take out Karen rather than Kendall... while also *hopefully* keeping Ashley's idol in play. My goal here is to come out of this with both Ashley and Alex working independently, but all in all, nonetheless in my best interests. In short, the way this tribe seems to be shaking out is that there is this façade of autonomy and power that Karen and Kendall have. They have this illusion that they call the shots, while it really is Alex and I that hold the cards in this dynamic. Kendall, to get Alex completely on my side... I need to spare you to gain his trust, BUT MARK MY WORDS I'M GOING FOR YOU! *Nothing against you, just your social game is very very strong but annoyingly obvious too ;3* Oh. And Ace got voted out too... I guess.
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I never really made an opening confessional, so here I go I guess? I am really... really excited to be back. It's so easy for so many people to say "Oh yeah I've played a ton, people want me back." We see it with a ton of people, and that's not a bad thing. People want to see them back for a big reason. But I never had that. Coming off of Malaysia I was hated and people did not really respect me for who I was and thought that I was some awful person and player. It definitely hit me hard a bit, but at the time I was like, okay that's fine, there's other seasons. Tumblr does a lot. And so I applied. I applied for Sri Lanka with Marie and didn't make it. I applied for Rebels vs Rogues and didn't make it. I applied for Bora Bora and didn't make it. I believe I applied for Generations and wasn't casted, or I didn't believe I was going to have time due to time conflicts. I wasn't contacted for Maldives. I missed the application for Tenochtitlan. I applied for Sicily and didn't make it. I believe I applied for Bangladesh and didn't make it. I wasn't contacted for Arabia (though there may have been apps and I missed it). I wasn't contacted for Myanmar. And I was super excited to finally get this chance to play in Lazio but I missed the acceptance of my application. And going back to all the times I had tried to play or just was kind of ignored it was rough. I kind of thought I was done. And now I'm here playing in India. After over a year on and off of trying to play this game again. And to be honest, I'm hella pumped. Because I've missed out on so many chances to play. I think it says something when even parts of my Malaysia cast aren't even excited to see me on the season. This is kind of my opportunity to prove people wrong. My personality showed even at this Tribal where I literally told Gavin his answer to the Tribal Question was awful and completely wrecked Ace after he wished us a heartfelt goodbye. I want people to know that I am playing as hard as I can. I'm not here to change who I am to impress people. I'm here to show who I am so that I can prove to people that I'm not some worthless player who doesn't deserve to be back; I definitely feel like some people think that is the truth. I'm going to prove people wrong. Count on it.
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I know I said I wanted to be a villain but goddamn, this is pretty fucked up. Oh right context because mind reading technology hasn't been invented quite yet. To make a long story short, Karen made an alliance chat with our victim (Ashley) and now it has a name and now it is terrible. Alex brings up voting Karen and that raisin I call a heart was all like "YAAASS QUEEN!" And my brain was tempted by the #bigmove but getting rid of Karen... is truthfully not to my benefit. Sure Karen is manipulative but she seems to trust me. She confides in me with information and she includes me in all her fucked up little schemes. In a sense, I'm the Trish to her Tony. If Trish and Tony were two gay and emotionally stunted children of course. Plus she has the connections to the other side that could get us far into the game and I am confident enough in our friendship that she will stay by my side. Of course, I will remain wary of her but for now I think our relationship is mutually beneficial. Karen needs me for back up in her schemes. I need Karen to get where I want to get. She gives me information. Information I can collect in to a giant web of evidence, so when the day comes when I turn on her, I'll have the evidence via receipts to back me up. Karen never deletes anything, I am planning on using that to my advantage.
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So I was reallllyyyyyy close to using my idol tonight, and I totally would have wasted it if I had. Gavin advised me that I would be okay, and so did Alex and Kendall but like something didn't feel right. I had heard that Ace heard my name from Karen and I was like well shit. She had literally just today come to me and told me that we were all good and that she didn't hold the last game we played together against me. Like there are no hard feelings. but due to everything that was happening I kind of doubted that. But tbh I love Gavin and Alex and really hope we can work together for the next few rounds. Or even longer, who knows. I still am unsure about Karen and Kendall, as I don't really know them that well. But hopefully everything works out.
Oh I also definitely told Gavin I have an idol.... idiot move? We shall see. 
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I am so glad we won immunity. It for sure would have been me or Lexi next if we had gone to tribal. It looks like Johnny and Whitney aren't too upset that I didn't vote with them but I can't take my chances. I had been searching for the idol for a while with no luck so I asked Lexi to help me find it. She found it within a few hours lol. We didn't find the idol but we found the idol grid. It's relieving to know it couldn't have been found right away. This gives me and her time to find it. Hopefully we'll get it before anyone else and we'll be set for the rest of the time on this tribe. I doubt anyone else on our tribe has found the idol page or would suspect that we found it. I'm thinking long term so the game plan would be using the idol on lexi and getting rid of Liam. If we happen to go to a tribal council after that we could try to get Whitney or Johnny to flip to our side. Even if they don't want to we can always force a tie so Lexi and I still have a strong chance of succeeding. We just have to find that idol!
This has been a crazy round. I'm glad the immunity challenge was changed to something that required more skill. The tribe worked very well as a team. There's an obvious divide between us so I'm glad we were able to get some time to bond and unite. As for the results, it was upsetting that the returnee heroes made such a big deal out of not getting theirs in on time. The rules clearly stated it was first to 10 pm. I'm sure we would've accepted defeat if we didn't send it faster than them. It was bad sportsmanship on their part. The tiebreaker was so stressful. I stepped up and I was so afraid of letting the team down. I knew if we went to tribal my only ally left, Lexi, would be voted off. There was a lot of pressure on me and I was honestly so anxious. I felt so victorious beating Kendall by 7 minutes. I hope my tribemates remember this next time we go to tribal and don't vote me out. I feel like I've done a lot for our tribe so I think I'm safe for now. I'm really hoping the tribe swap comes within the next two rounds. We can only win so many immunities and Lexi and I are on the bottom so we really need it asap.
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