#i am the one who knocks
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moistvonlipwig · 7 months ago
the ozymandias phone call is a rly interesting moment in breaking bad to me for many reasons but one of the biggest ones imo is the fact that like.....a huge part of walt's abuse of skyler has been making her out to be the bad guy. he continually puts her in a position to look like the 'bitch wife' who is shutting him out for 'no reason' or the 'bitch mom' who is taking away flynn's shiny new car or the woman who 'cheated' on him with ted (nevermind that she had already separated from walt and he was refusing to sign the divorce papers and the 'cheating' was a tactic to get him to do so).
additionally she is an imperfect victim and he damn well knows that and uses that to his advantage multiple times to get her to do what he wants. marie has already slapped her and berated her for her complicity in walt's crimes and she doesn't even really understand the full extent to which skyler helped him. and both walt and skyler know full well that no one from the outside looking in (except perhaps jesse) would ever be able to understand why skyler did what she did even if they knew the whole story. because people don't hold compassion or understanding in their hearts for imperfect victims, which is to say, human victims, because no human is perfect. which is one of the things that can make abuse so isolating for the victims -- the shame they feel about their own actions & the fear of how others will judge them. the reality of the abuse becomes an unspeakable, shameful secret that only the abuser & victim know, so the victim comes to rely on the abuser even more, because at least they know the truth.
so the ozymandias phone call is interesting because in that moment walt makes skyler a perfect victim. for the first time, he makes himself out to be the bad guy (which he undeniably is, but which he has refused to appear to be in front of flynn prior to now). the way he talks to skyler on the phone is both true and a lie; he is sanding down her complexities to feed marie, flynn, & the police an abuse narrative they can understand and sympathize with. the abuse he put skyler through never quite looked like that phone call, which is how skyler knows he's putting on an act, but he did abuse her, and in this moment, despite its performative and dishonest nature, he is also, paradoxically, being finally honest and admitting what he did to her, and letting the other people in their lives see their dynamic for what it was. it doesn't heal the wounds he inflicted on skyler, it doesn't absolve him of what he did to her, it probably doesn't even make it easier for her to talk to anyone about what he did to her -- but he speaks aloud the truth he had previously made unspeakable, and he makes it clear, at least to the people who love her, that she was not the bad guy. she never was.
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alqueni · 3 months ago
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Uhh yeah. I think I'm starting to be obsessed with him for some reason because whenever I think for something to draw he pops up in my head first.😨
Bro I'm so burnt out, it's 1 AM rn and I stayed up just to finish it so I can post.
The anatomy and the hair feel so wrong but I'm too eepy to care.
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oncelerswifesblog · 1 year ago
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My two favourite things! Breaking bad and The Lorax! “I am the one who keeps biggering.”
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k1w1tast1c · 4 months ago
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Twilight Sparks aka Haysenberg
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mindlessdweeb · 5 months ago
Radiohead vs. Sirenhead epic rap battle of history
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dontcryurprfect · 3 months ago
DUDE SAID. "A guy opens the door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No.
That line...apart from the memes and such...IS SO MUCH COOLER IN CONTEXT. Telling Skyler he is too damn important and reminding her that HE is in this too far and WILL NOT leave. This is his business, and he will see it through regardless of what he must do. That is just...just...
Good fucking TV man!
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Yo Han = icon
How is he giving Not-Like-Other-Girls and I-Am-The-One-Who-KNOCKS energy?
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lorethelorekeeper · 2 years ago
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We need to FORGE Neville
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lic-rine · 5 months ago
I think I might actually have autism
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moistvonlipwig · 2 years ago
for the record i think claiming walter white is a "sociopath"/has aspd or npd/otherwise lacks empathy is a fundamental misreading of his character. if walt truly lacked empathy and remorse he would not need to do a tenth of the self-justifying he does. he jumps through wild logical hoops to justify his actions to himself because he DOES feel bad about them. lalo and todd are imo the only brba/bcs characters who actually lack empathy and remorse which you can see from the fact that they DON'T feel the need to self-justify. because why would they? in their minds, they do what they have to do to achieve their goals. too bad some people die along the way, but oh well! it is what it is.
meanwhile walt is permanently teetering on a balance beam composed of lies he has told himself and he knows deep inside that if he falls off that balance beam and admits to himself that his actions were unjustifiable then the guilt will consume him. that's also why he's so obsessed with the idea of "contamination" as seen with the rot, the fly, etc. -- because part of him knows all his actions are contaminated and he doesn't WANT them to be, he WANTS to excise his guilt but he never can because he can never stop self-justifying long enough to accept his guilt for more than a few minutes. he knows he's the problem deep down but he just cannot accept it so he keeps digging his own grave ever deeper and deeper in a futile effort to get away from himself. a lot of his words and actions actually spring from his desire to justify his past actions and make himself feel okay about them. if he felt no guilt or empathy then he wouldn'ta done half the shit he did lol
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“I am the one who knocks!”
Breaking Bad - Season 4, Episode 6
Skyler White : Walt, please, let's both of us stop trying to justify this whole thing and admit you're in danger!
Walter White : Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I make a year? I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly up. Disappears! It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!
The Iconic Moment in Breaking Bad: Walter White's Declaration of Power
In my opinion, one of the most iconic scenes in "Breaking Bad" occurs during the intense confrontation between Walter White and Skyler White, where we witness a pivotal turning point in Walt's character arc. With Skyler pleading for him to recognize the danger he's in, Walter delivers one of the most chilling monologues in television history: “I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!”
This scene perfectly encapsulates the transformation of Walter White from a meek high school chemistry teacher to the formidable drug lord, Heisenberg. It’s not just about the words he uses; it’s the way Bryan Cranston delivers them with such intensity and conviction that sends shivers down my spine. In this moment, Walter is no longer the man who feels trapped by his circumstances; he has fully embraced his power and identity as a ruthless figure in the drug trade.
What makes this scene so compelling is the raw emotion behind it. Walt's insistence that he is not the victim but instead the source of danger reveals the profound depths of his character and the moral decay he has undergone. It's a powerful reminder of how ambition and desperation can corrupt even the most ordinary individuals. Instead of being a victim of his situation, Walt chooses to redefine himself as the ultimate predator, asserting dominance in a world where he once felt powerless.
This moment stands out as the best scene in the entire show for me because it highlights the core theme of transformation and the consequences of unchecked power. It forces viewers to confront the unsettling reality that the most dangerous individuals are often those who have realized their own potential for darkness. Walt's chilling declaration, “I am the one who knocks!” solidifies his place as an antihero whose journey is both fascinating and tragic. In essence, this scene encapsulates the essence of "Breaking Bad": a brilliant exploration of morality, identity, and the lengths one will go to reclaim control over their life.
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gelatinoussorceress · 3 months ago
I think that my goal is to cause trouble and have society label me a dangerous dyke
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lntrusiveknock · 4 months ago
when what hides behind this angel face (Jk) is the most demonic soul
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superbeans89 · 2 years ago
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lina-transverse · 7 months ago
Walter White: I am the one who knocks!
Batman the Brave and the Bold Batman: "You'll be able to do plenty of knocking Heisenberg; from your cell in Iron Heights Prison."
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monstersirl1 · 2 years ago
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