#i am suffering from writer's block so i wrote about suffering from writer's block
frownyalfred · 1 month
20 Questions for Writers
I was tagged by @lurkinglurkerwholurks
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 146! It would be a larger number if I hadn't deleted all of my Supernatural fics back in the day. There were at least 30 of those, maybe more...
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
913,163 - I'm hoping to hit a million soon!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Batman, Superman, Justice League, Star Wars, Marvel
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Take Care of Business Everybody Wants You It Was Always You a sky of honey Anything Like Me
5. Do you respond to comments?
Not anymore :/ I have a really hard time keeping up with writing if I'm responding to comments. I hope my readers understand.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm. Probably lonely town? Dick is getting de-fibbed in the alley by Bruce, and it's not clear if he's going to survive or not.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
here as I am is hilarious if you're into jealous!Clark. otherwise the weight (salmon ladder fic) always gets me.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yep. Mostly on borderline, but on other fics too. I love how, as I've gotten better at writing, it's changed from "wow this sucks, your writing is awful" to "you suck because you chose to have [character] do this." Luckily I think most of the hate filters over here to Tumblr, where I can happily block and forget. These days, I mostly get people commenting about how I'm wrong about something. Wrong about something I researched and triple checked before posting...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep! All of them, I think? At least, I haven't balked at much yet. I'm not really into the excrement related ones, so I think that would be one of my no-go's.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yep! bloodletting (Mandalorian/Star Wars and DC Crossover) and a few Marvel/DC crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep, a few times. What I'm more pissed about is all of my textposts being monetized over on TikTok and IG. I could be making bank off of those, considering the reach. And several of them are basically mini-fics.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Tons. Check them out here. There's also some podfics and related works there.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really. I've made attempts but I'm really bad at it. I tend to write spur of the moment and follow my gut on where the conversation/action goes. Planning out a fic with a partner would do them a disservice, I think.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I really love Superbat, but Codywan is right up there with it. Something about Cody being a loyal BAMF soldier and long-suffering big brother gets me.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
My vampire AU. Not because I don't want to continue but I cannot decipher my notes as to what should happen next.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm very quick, I can type up a full draft in a few hours. I like natural, snappy dialogue and I think I'm good at it. I don't shy away from weird or uncomfortable situations. I'm comfortable with writing a lot of sex/etc.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I write too quickly, sometimes I get ahead of my plot. My dialogue and descriptions can sometimes be a little too bare, or I overcorrect and become too flowery. My fics take on the tone of whatever I'm thinking about at that time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If you're confident in your language abilities, go for it. If you're just plugging it into google translate, consider why you're doing that first. Is the addition of this new language actually something someone would say in that moment? Or are we just using it to signal to the audience that they speak another language? Is there a way to show this without telling? That being said, I love using Mando'a in my Star Wars fic, and I've studied it for a while now to be able to do so.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Probably borderline or a sky of honey. Both took a ton out of me and I'm proud they're whole and standing on their own right now.
I'll tag anyone who wants to play! Go wild.
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eerna · 4 months
eerna what's going on in s3 bridgerton your posts and answers making me scared to watch on my life lmao
pls don't hate me, Colin lovers, but I was told by a friend who read the series that he's more fun and chill in the books and also i just....find Polin from even s1 is kinda uhhhhh?awkward?? cuz he's kind of unnecessarily serious and so not chill in the previous seasons?? maybe i don't see his appeal because I'm no Penny but i do not see his appeal in the show
so rn i haven't even watched it and seeing your posts is making me moreeeeeee 😶‍🌫️ it's okay give us the cringey details
Nsbysbbsb NO WORRIES!!! I have a weirdly big amount to say about this show bc I am no longer suffering as much as I did in s1 and 2. Prepare for an essay on my feelings on Polin and thank you for enabling me.
Ok so Colin. Not saying your friend is wrong bc I didn't read the book, but p much everyone I saw talking about it said Colin was very angry and aggressive in it, and for NO REASON since he's supposed to be the "calm brother". I'm glad that the show let him get upset, but never the way he was in the books/Anthony was in s2, where I legit worried about Kate's safety sometimes. Colin was my fav Bridgerton brother bc he was totally different from all the other men on the show, calm and silly and romantic.
Thar being said!!! I never ever thought of him as a GOOD love interest, and s3 only made it worse. First off, yeah, s1 and 2 do NOT show him and Pen as friends nearly enough to warrant the speed of their connection in s3. I blocked s2 from my memory bc I hated it So Damn Much so I can't 100% stand behind my words, but I don't really remember many friendly scenes with the two of them that didn't feel like he was just entertaining his sister's bestie? I remember he once danced with her, and he sent her letters from his travels, and that's it. Then in s3 we are supposed to believe Pen knows him soooo well, she sees through his tricks when no one else does, he can't stand losing her friendship when she stops talking to him. How, when the impression I got from their relationship was "oh she is clearly silly in love and he doesn't care about her enough to notice"!!!
And s3... Oh boy. Colin gets his "glowup" and becomes a rake bc Bridgerton writers would probably spontaneously combust if they wrote a virgin male lead. We see him flirt and smash other women and it is always so so so awkward. I've seen people trying to rationalize it as "Oh he is supposed to be pretending, oh we are supposed to find it cringe" but NO, he is objectified the exact same way Simon and Anthony were, and we as the audience are supposes to think it is sexy. To be fair, Pen finds it concerning but I think that has more to do with the amount of silly, vapid women constantly swarming around him. So now we are even FURTHER away from seeing any reasons why the two of them would be friends. And then we get hit with the "Colin teaches Pen how to find a husband" plot, and oh my god it is so bad, IT IS SO BAD, they have like 2 lessons across 1 episode before they are busted and stop and he literally taught her NOTHING she IGNORED HIS ADVICE AND FIGURED IT OUT BY HERSELF but everyone treats him like a war hero for taking one for the team and teaching the poor unlikeable social reject how to act. We also have the stupid scene where she is criyng begging him to kiss her because she is convinced otherwise she would die without being kissed, and he is trying to elegantly avoid it, and oh my god, I hated this, it is framed as cute and romantic but it is so uncomfortable and bad. AAAAAAAA. Anyway. Then there is this hilariously horrible incident where he saves her from a feral balloon, and if you are wondering wtf am I talking about, its because it is really bad and written like a Scary Movie slasher scene. There are exactly 3 moments that I liked, and ALL of them were bc Colin seemed very lost and desperate. First was when Pen told him they should stay away from each other after the scandal of them hanging out came out (which I liked bc if it were any other girl, some unhinged character would force them to marry, but since it was Pen they were like "Well obviously it's true there was nothing untowards happening it is just cringe haha loserrr"), and he looked like he stopped comprehending English. The second was when he was confessing his feelings, he got on his knees and looked like he was about to cry and I thought that was sweet! Well, he did mention torture which is a very ugly word to use in such a speech, but whatever. The third was after the Infamous Carriage Scene when he says something silly and the two giggle together and I was like PLEASE WHERE WAS THIS ENERGY IN S1 AND 2!!
And may I just say!! The actual Bridgerton Glowup one was PEN and NOT COLIN. In s1 and 2 you could tell she was pretty, but in s3 they made her so damn beautiful that my friends and I would go "Oh wow" several times per episode. And it's not only the clothes, they would put her in rooms where she pops out and sparkles and frame her in shots just perfectly. Idk why they only gave her 1 alternate love interest and then shot her Like That, there should have been at LEAST one more guy following in Debling's trail. Now she's the hot one in the relationship so I can't buy her desperation for Colin's approval or society's perception of Colin as a charity in any way.
With all that said. I think this is the best season of Bridgerton proper. It still isn't something I'd enjoy unironically, but at least it is neither a horrible age gap dynamic feat. SA nor a horrible disgusting juggling of sisters feat. murderer vibes. The only thing I'd say is worse than it used to be is the clothes, which are slowly creeping towards The Reign level of ahistorical and bad.
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skyfallscotland · 1 month
Writing Advice: tips, tricks & helpful links, from your friendly neighbourhood fanfic author ✨ (part one—the advice)
see part two—the resources here
I've mentioned this before, but I truly believe no one's born a great writer. A great storyteller, yes. A great writer? That's learned. I've been reading and writing basically as long as I can remember. Learning to write is like...learning through both practice and symbiosis. In saying that, I get asked about this a lot, so here's what I do and some things that might help you.
Write what you're inspired to write, when you're inspired to write it.
So you have an idea—great! Are you a plotter or a pantser? Some people like to start with an outline, others just jot down a few notes and let the keyboard take them where it will. I'm in the latter camp, generally. For me, the best way to avoid writer's block is to write what I'm inspired to write, when I want to write it. Sometimes I'll write five chapters of a story at once, others I'll switch between a multi-chapter and a one-shot.
What's most important for me, personally, is that I don't try and force anything. If you suffer from demand avoidance, the worst thing you could possibly do (in my opinion), is set arbitrary goals. You don't need to write 500 words a day. If you want to, great! If that helps you, also great, but in my experience, that will generally just make my brain say well no, now we're not writing anything for a whole week, maybe a month, if you test me.
I also personally like to have a whole fic written before I start posting it online, or at least most of it written. I like being quite far ahead of what readers are seeing because I am a pantser. It takes the pressure off and honestly, there'd be so many plot holes if I didn't. Which brings me to...
First make it exist, then make it make sense, after that make it good.
What you see me post is not my first run-through. It's not even the second. I've written, read over, and changed things at least a handful of times before ever posting it, especially when it's a multi-chapter work. Sometimes I'll write a scene I love and then realise it just doesn't flow well, because three chapters back I had someone say a certain thing. In that instance, I'll put the scene aside.
Note that I said 'put aside' not 'delete'. I never delete them until I'm finished with a fic and I'm certain I won't need them, ever. Been there, made that mistake for you! Having a separate document with just various scenes you can insert at a later date also helps you to feel like it's ok to write what you want to write when you want to write it. I'll be honest, I jump around a lot. Sometimes I'll be inspired to write a scene I know isn't coming for another five chapters, but in my opinion it's best to just write it because when I get there five chapters down the line, I might not have the inspiration or I might have forgotten how I wanted things to go. Write what your brain wants to, fill in the blanks later!
Write from the heart.
My most popular work is the one I find the easiest to write and I almost never wrote it at all. Isn't that ridiculous? I almost never wrote it because I know it's cliché and excessive, and honestly...looked down upon. I almost didn't write it because of other people's opinions; then I said fuck it, I want to read it so surely there's someone else out there that does, too? Turns out there were thousands of you. Who knew?
But that work has really resonated with so many people and I think that's because I've poured so much of myself, my pain, my own experiences into it, into her. For that reason, I'd tell anyone starting out to try original character fic if that's what they want to do. Fuck the haters. All their favourite works were original characters once too.
Don't read similar fic while you're writing yours...unless you need to.
Let me explain. If I'm writing a certain type of alternate universe, or a certain storyline I know someone else has written, I won't read theirs until I'm done if I can help it, especially not if I'm actively writing my take on it. This isn't a hard and fast rule, it's obviously up to you what you feel comfortable with, but I would never want to have someone else's work influence my own too much, or get our ideas confused in my head, you know?
An exception to this rule, for me personally, is if I'm stuck with specific things in particular, like smut. When I wrote my first smut piece from a male POV, I was struck by the fact that I had no idea what an orgasm felt like for them, or how to describe it, because despite reading M/M fic for years, I apparently never absorbed that particular verbiage, so I went looking and read a whole bunch of smut from the male POV just to get an idea. Which leads into...
So you suck at kung-fu fighting.
Action scenes. I'm convinced we all hate them just as much as each other. I hate them so much I've changed whole plotlines from canon just so I don't have to include them. Unfortunately, my main fandom features a bunch of knife-throwing, sword-wielding, dragon riders at a war college who spar for clout, so I mean...it's unavoidable.
I still suck at writing it though, so what I now do for sparring and other hand-to-hand combat is search up youtube for sparring videos or self-defence lessons. It's much easier to describe what you're seeing than to imagine the mechanics and positioning of an artform you've never performed. The kung-fu thing was a joke, I like capoeira personally.
Stop being so damn hard on yourself.
Listen, everyone wants to be better than they are when they start out, literally everyone. I know I sure did. That's normal. Accept that it's normal before you start because the thing is, no one's a harsher critic on you, than you are and you'll always want to be better. There's a quote from Ira Glass that I'll paraphrase:
“Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap[...]It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer. And your taste is why your work disappoints you. A lot of people never get past this phase, they quit."
It's very true. Hopefully you have the support of a really welcoming fandom to reassure you that actually, you're nowhere near as bad as you think you are.
@justallihere says you can’t be good at something you don’t know anything about and it's so true, I've phrased it before as learning by symbiosis, when you read more, you'll internalise more. You're subconsciously learning how story structure works—plot hooks, transitions, metaphors and similie, grammar, style and punctuation.
Show don't tell.
...yeah this one I haven't mastered, I could use some help with that myself if anyone's got any words of wisdom, thanks.
Take all of this with a grain of salt.
I couldn't tell you how many writer's advice threads and blogs and whatever-else I've read over the years—too many, for sure. What I can tell you is 80% of what I've read was crap. It doesn't apply to me at best and it's unhelpful at worst. Maybe it's the neurodivergence, maybe it's just the fact that everyone's different and all you can do is give things a try, but based on that I can say with certainty that not all of this will work for you and that's absolutely fine! But I hope at least a few things do 😌
For links to more specific resources including thesauruses, generators, and other writers' advice, click here.
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esoteric-joke · 2 months
Interview with Darling28
Welcome to the first interview of The Dear Writer Project and a massive thank you to the wonderful Darling28 for being so supportive of this whole idea since the beginning!
Darling28 about her writing process, her inspirations, her experiences with writers block and her future plans on writing:
What does your writing process usually look like and is it always kind of the same for every story you’ve written?
Oh interesting question. It's usually the case that ideas come from the simplest things and suddenly a complete plot is in my head within minutes or sometimes even seconds. At least the rough outline. Apart from that, my characters often like to take the plot for themselves and I just watch in amazement at what they let me write. I often suffer as much as the reader when I write because I let it flow out of me and often don't know what to expect. Most of the time, though, I have a specific scene in mind in the beginning, often for the middle of the story, and I can hardly wait until I finally get to the point where I can write it. The end of a story quite often involves a marriage proposal, I realise, even if I don't always intend to, but Louis and Harry in my stories are very stubborn about it.
But other than that, my writing process is pretty simple: get excited about a new idea, start writing immediately, often at a speed that makes my betas despair and end up questioning the whole story until I reread it myself and suddenly love it.
Do you have any sort of structured writing plan before you start writing or do you just write what comes to mind?
I'm absolutely far from structured. I have the problem that my best ideas about what to write next come to me when I'm driving and I have to memorise whole conversations or scenes for the rest of the journey. As soon as I've parked, I write it down as a note. But there's really nothing more than these few notes, no mood board or major characterisations, I just let myself go with the flow. I also think that would take some of the fun out of it for me personally, I love getting to know my characters over the course of the story and I don't want to plan everything in detail beforehand.
You said before that you write a lot, especially after you’ve got a new idea in mind. How much time do you invest in writing in your day to day life?
I actually write every day and usually around 3-4k. I think it takes about 3 hours of my time, but that's really just a rough estimate. I usually write already in the morning at breakfast before I have to go to work and then spread the rest over the afternoon and evening.
Our Souls Intertwined is your longest work at the moment. Was it also the one you wrote the longest on?
Our Souls Intertwined… I wrote this story together with freakingmeout and we took turns writing chapters, each of us wrote one character. Despite the length, I don't think we really needed much time to finish it because the other author is just as fast as I am at writing and often each of us had finished a chapter within a day. It was perhaps a little worrying in hindsight haha.
If it wasn’t Our Souls Intertwined, what work of yours did take you the longest?
Oh wow I think you've got me now and I can't give you an answer off the top of my head.
I'm guessing it might be Calm after the storm because that's my longest story that I wrote on my own. So it makes sense that it probably took me the longest to write.
But when I think about it, it could also be the current one I'm writing that hasn't been published yet. My last few weeks haven't been easy for personal reasons and I haven't had time to write and everything has stalled. I just started writing again a few days ago and am catching up.
She also told me that she sometimes drives her betas crazy with the amount and pace that she writes. On some Sundays she writes all day and sometimes feels a bit empty inside afterwards, she admitted.
What work of yours did come together the fastest?
I would say Men are shit. This story practically wrote itself and I could just let my thoughts, which I put into the story as Louis’, run free and didn't have to think about them any further. It was a great experience and I love this Louis so much!
Do you finish writing the story completely before you start publishing or do you start publishing whenever you finished a chapter?
For my first stories, I posted while I was writing. So I finished a chapter, had it proofread and then published it.
However, my only beta at the time had of course her own life and sometimes couldn't keep up with the speed at which I wanted to update again.
So at some point I started to finish writing and only then published it.
What worked better for you, personally?
Both definitely have their pros and cons. But I really liked publishing in the writing process. You get immediate feedback on what you've written, sometimes even ideas for the rest of the plot from readers' comments.
However, it would have stressed me out a lot, like in my situation the last few weeks where I couldn't write anything and had to make the reader wait for updates.
What inspires you in your day to day life the most?
The story often comes to me really quite by chance, mostly inspired by songs, not so much by the lyrics but by the feelings they convey, what lies between the lines.
Did you ever have a writers block and what helped you out of it / What do you do if you feel unmotivated?
Yes, I've had a writers block for the last few months and I've missed writing so much. But there's no point forcing yourself and for me it was best to wait until it felt right again. Before that, I didn't have anything like that as far as I can remember. Sometimes I just didn't know what to write next and got a bit stuck, but my advice here is: just start writing. Don't think, just do it.
And if I'm just unmotivated then I leave it for the day because I know it'll be definitely easier the next one.
What do you find most stressful/annoying/repetitive in the process of writing a story?
For me it's the hardest thing to end the story because then I'm usually so connected to the characters that it feels like saying goodbye to a dear friend every time and I'm actually really sad.
Oh and one thing that really frustrates me is that my Louis and Harry very often crash the chapter with sex. I love writing smut but sometimes they overdo it (okay it amuses me a bit too).
Darling28 also told me, that one of her favourite phases in writing a story is the getting-to-know-each-other phase. She said that she loves it because that’s when she feels like the characters come to life and the tension between them grows.
Can you tell me something about any future projects you’re working on?
I'm happy to tell you about future projects!
In addition to my many ideas for stories that I haven't started yet, I'm currently writing four open ones. Two with other authors and two of my very own. I hope that I will soon be able to present the readers with something new from me, because for me it is always the best thing to finally be able to share my work with the fandom.
For the next part of the interview, I asked Darling28 more specific questions about her works.
What work of yours is your personal favourite?
It's really difficult to name THE one. But I'll go with the three that come to my mind first, okay?
Calm after the storm, because I love their love in this story and I felt for both of them while writing it. It still touches me today.
Men are shit, because Louis is just chaos but so sweet at the same time. I loved describing his ADHD brain, letting his mind run wild. I wanted to give neurospicy people a story in which they can find themselves and feel understood.
True Colours, because I wrote this story for my friend and beta who wanted me to make Harry really suffer as it's usually Louis in my stories who has to go through everything horrible. I love the development of the two of them in this story. They heal together and I don't think there's anything better.
What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who isn’t familiar with your works and why?
I think that would be Paparazzi. That's the most popular one of mine and it contains a bit of everything but it's not as extremely angsty as others that I wrote. A bit of enemies to lovers, gay awakening, smut, fluff - what more could you want?
A lot of your works are based around complicated and complex topics like having a bad relationship with your parents, mental health issues and homelessness and everything that comes along with it. Why do you specifically choose to write about those topics?
I love the drama and the big emotions.
But also because none of our lives are perfect. Everyone has their own struggles and their own traumas and I love picking up on that. It especially touches me when readers find themselves in it, feel understood and heard. I think for some it's some kind of validation. It's wonderful to turn something very sad into something very good. As much as I love the drama, I also love the happy ending.
And of course it's also free therapy in a way. There's always a part of me in most stories.
The Magic Within You is your only story, that doesn’t really have any of those topics (besides of Louis’ tendencies to panic quickly). Why did you want to write something so different to your usual writing style?
The Magic Within You is a pure, cheesy Christmas story that was set up like an advent calendar when I posted it, but I think it can be read very well throughout the year.
I always find Christmas a difficult time of the year myself. Lots of people come together and I'm often overwhelmed. I especially wanted to give people who might feel the same way a cute story, offer some distraction and sweeten the day. I hope I succeeded.
By the way, I love how you mentioned the panicky side of Louis. So adorable.
Is something like an advent calendar planned for this christmas season too or was it a one-time thing for you?
No, I haven't planned another one, but never say never. Maybe I'll suddenly get an idea in October and start writing like crazy.
Actually, a sequel to The Magic Within You was planned for this summer but unfortunately I couldn't do that for personal reasons that I had already mentioned. But I definitely want to publish the sequel next year!
You wrote Our Souls Intertwined and Bring me to life with freakingmeout. How did that go?
Oh it's a totally interesting experience because here too we only had the rough plot, but because everyone wrote their character in alternating chapters it was always exciting for the other to see what would happen in the chapter of the other. Sometimes I sat there shocked or totally amused and had to think about how I was going to live through certain situations with my character. It's definitely anything but boring and you experience it as an author as well as a reader.
When I asked her if it feels like a roleplay kind of thing she actually confirmed that it does sometimes feel like exactly that.
Paparazzi is your most popular work. Why do you think this one in particular got the most attention?
I have absolutely no idea why Paprazzi is the most popular one. I often ask myself that but maybe it's really because it's not such a heavy one? But instead of looking for answers, I prefer to be happy that so many people like it.
Is there a work of yours that you’d like to get the attention that Paparazzi got or just more attention in general?
Oh yes, definitely. In my personal opinion, Holding On To Heartache has far too little attention. I know where it comes from, or rather I suspect that the tag 'suicide attempt' puts a lot of people off, but I still think it's worth reading. You can always expect a happy ending with my stories.
Is there a work of yours that you wouldn’t publish again in hindsight?
I must confess that I have already deleted my very first story. And I know that my betas and friends will kill me if they read this now. Because they kept stopping me every time I had a crisis about this story but I did it nontheless one day. I guess my secret is out now... oops. If you read this, please don't be mad!
But I'm actually thinking about revising it and publishing it again at some point.
Are there any characters in one of your stories that are inspired by people or animals you know in real life?
Yes... Bree in 'Paparazzi' is my friend and beta. But I don't think I realised until the later chapters that I was using her as a role model for this absolutely wonderful character.
For the last part of the interview, I asked Darling28 some personal questions that are more about the fandom and less about her experiences with writing.
Since when are you in the fandom and what made you become a part of it?
I am a Lockdown-Larrie haha. I was watching Tik Tok videos out of sheer boredom like probably so many others and suddenly a video with two guys popped up. It's this one where Harry is sitting on the armchair, Louis is sitting on the armrest while Harry is looking up at Louis, absolutely enamoured. I was just sitting there and I remember thinking: who the hell are these two guys that are so in love?
I read through the comments and searched the web for more informations. After that, my days were filled with watching all the YouTube videos and then making a Twitter account. I was absolutely down the rabbit hole and I don't regret it one day. At first I was in the lane of LHH (I mean, come on, just look at him) but then I listened to Louis music and he got my number 1 and never lost rank again. Also, the song Just hold on saved me, the lockdown was not a good time for my mental health.
Your favourite Louis and Harry Era?
LHH forever. If I had enough money I would bribe him to let them grow long again. Although I'd have to meet him first. My plan isn't finalised yet as you can see but yeah... I think you know now how serious I am, haha.
And Louis... Hedgehog and FITF. I just love when his hair is fluffy.
Your favourite movie H starred in?
My Policeman. Damn, I was broken after watching it but it's so good.
Who’s your favourite writer in the fandom at the moment?
One of my favourite authors is BoosBabycakes. I especially love their a/b/o stories!
And your all-time favourite fic in the fandom?
Oh, that's really difficult. There are too many good ones and I really need to think about it for a moment. But I would like to name a story that is not one of the fandom's always recommended ones.
Okay... I go with this one, it's definitely one of my favourite a/b/o stories, the nesting is so sweetly described and I think I really need to read it again:
You've Got A Higher Power, You're Once In Any Lifetime by BoosBabycakes
What makes you want to stop reading something?
If the story is written in first person or the plot doesn't make sense to me and I question too much in the story. Some stories are also too artificially drawn out for me. I don't like slooooooow burn. My attention span doesn't last that long.
Your favourite song at the moment?
Call me by Neeve, it's a small german indie band but I like them a lot.
Of course nothing beats Louis music, I hope I don't have to mention that, do I?
Do you have a favourite movie or a favourite series at the moment?
No, neither of them. I haven't watched anything for ages. I prefer to spend my free time writing.
What was the most unusual thing that inspired you at some point?
Erm I hope this doesn't come across as weird but Louis' bum and waist. For some of my a/b/o stories and ideas that I still want to write.
What is your favourite season?
Spring, when everything turns green again and starts to blossom.
She also told me, that she has hay fever and that sometimes it’s unbearable for her until autumn but she still loves spring the most, especially after the darker months.
Who would you like to read an interview from?
I don't have a specific author in mind but I'd like it to be someone with a smaller fanbase to draw more attention to them.
I wanted to make it a little tradition for every interview, that every writer gives every of their works a colour and a season. It’s just a fun little thing for the end of the interview I thought would be interesting. Thankfully, Darling28 thought it was a great idea too, so here are the results:
Captured Ink, Hidden Hearts - pink and black, spring.
Bring me to life - darkblue, autumn.
Our Souls Intertwined - dark red, late summer.
True Colours - rainbow, obviously, autumn.
Men are shit - pink and green, summer
The Magic Within You - ice blue and white, winter (on a sunny day)
Tainted Love - brown, winter
Calm after the Storm - purple, early spring
Tank tops and a phone call - red, summer (a very hot day)
Letters - dark green, last summer days
I'm with you - white and grey, autumn
Paparazzi - yellow, summer
Holding On To Heartache - black with golden sprinkles, winter
Paradise is in your own mind (Sequel HOTH) - dark pink, spring
You Sunshine, You Temptress - green, summer
Careless Whisper - dark blue, winter
A huge thank you again to Darling28. Thanks for understanding my vision and being so open and kind. I appreciate it so much.
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lady-raidia · 10 months
Hi my fellow german ♡
If you're up to, I'd love to request a Gil-Galad x reader writing (: I'm so sad that there is still not much out there. Something fluffy like love at first sight or first kiss (or both haha)
Thank you so much in advance!♡
Hey there! 💗 I am so sorry that you had to wait such a long time for me to respond! :( I was suffering from a writers block and I couldn't write anything for months :'( But I am back and I am trying to catch up! I hope that you enjoy this One-Shot (or maybe two shot hehe) even though it ended up a little bit shorter than I wanted to. But I will try to write a part 2 for this one, so we can have more Gil-Galad content hehe. Again, I am so sorry that you had to wait for such a long time! And I am sorry if my english sounds weird in the story :o But please enjoy! 💗💗
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Pairing: Gil-Galad x Reader
Summary: You are an old friend of Galadriel and visit her in Lindon, where you wander off into the forest. You just wanted to enjoy the nature but you found a hidden treasure that will change your life.
Warnings: None, just some Gil, snobby language and bad english.
Request Here / Masterlist
Nestled amidst ancient trees and shimmering waters, you have lived a life full of peace and harmony. You had chosen this life, far from Lindon, to escape the gossip and side-eyes you would get when passing by other elves who knew you were not like them. Your father was an elf, but your mother was of the race of men. She was the most beautiful woman you have ever seen but the fragility of a mortal life took her away from you. After her passing, your father followed her into death, since his heart couldn't bear the grief and loss it had suffered.
You grew up in a small cottage close to Lindon, the place your mother and her mother were born and raised. It was your sanctuary, your haven, and as a child, you thought Valinor must have looked exactly like your home. Even after your parents passed away you stayed at that small cottage to care for the garden your mother cherished so much.
Even though you lived your life far from others, you still had close friends you have known since childhood. One of them was Galadriel and you would refer to her as your best friend. You held her dear in your heart and even though you hadn't seen each other for centuries, you regularly wrote letters to each other. You would usually write about how your garden is growing and that the birds are nesting again, while Galadriel would entertain you with the adventures she had been on. (If you can call it an adventure. She is trying to hunt down orcs to find Sauron and with each letter you get from her it becomes apparent that she is slowly losing her mind. You are worried for your friend because she seems too fixated on Sauron being still alive.)
A couple of days ago you received an invitation to Lindon to celebrate Galadriel and her troop for „freeing the world of all evil“. You were happy to hear that her efforts to hunt down every orc are finally being acknowledged! And you wouldn’t be her friend if you wouldn’t tend that celebrations! So with a mix of excitement, worries and nostalgia you went on the journey towards Lindon.
When you arrived, Galadriel greeted you with open arms and a radiant smile on her face! It must have been decades the last time you have seen each other. But before you could talk about old memories and laugh about the shenanigans you did when you were children, she introduced you to Elrond, the herald of the High King. He offered to guide you around since Galadriel had business to do and while he was giving you a small history lesson that wasn’t really anticipating, he also warned you to not get too deep into the forest. For someone who doesn’t know the woods very well it is easy to get lost in them. And the last thing Elrond wants is to lose you and having Galadriel yelling at him for not paying attention. You had to promise to not go on your own and to always stay in the city. And you really wanted to keep that promise. You really did.
The days before the celebration you tried to spend as much time with Galadriel as possible. But she still had some duties she had to attend to, so she would usually leave you alone in the evening. It is your third evening here in Lindon and you already wish to be back at your small cottage. Elves aren’t a noisy folk but still it seemed like their voices were yelling at you. All the people, the talking, the faint music in the distance - you weren’t used to it, so for that moment it was just too much for you. You needed a moment of silence and since you arrived in Lindon it seemed like the trees were talking to you. You remembered the promise you’ve made and said to yourself that you would only walk for a bit - not too far off, so you can easily find a way back. Also, you have the senses of an elf, so nothing could go wrong.
With a sense of childlike wonder, you ventured off the path that was before you and headed straight into the woods. The forest with its towering trees, vibrant flowers and singing birds, mesmerized you and you have totally forgotten the words of Elrond. With each step you take, you get further away from the city but closer to the calmness of your soul.
Lost in the magic of the moment, you failed to notice the sun slowly going down and being replaced by a soft darkness.
„Beautiful isn’t it?“ Suddenly, a voice broke through the silence of the trees, dragging you back to reality. Startled, you turned to find a men standing in front of you with a gentle smile on his face. His presence was both mysterious and comforting. You have seen his face before, many years ago, but you can’t remember who he was. Maybe a friend of your father?
„Indeed. While the soil here might look like any other forest, it is made of hope and wishes from those who have walked here before us." You spoke softly while maintaining your gaze on the man in front of you.
He came a few steps closer to you with a light smile on his face. „It has been a long time since someone recognized Lindon's beauty. Too many became used to its sight and stopped wondering what miracles it might hold.“ You listened carefully to his words and nodded „But it seems you are not from Lindon. Lost, perhaps?“
„Galadriel is a friend of mine, and I am not lost. My feet tend to carry me places where my heart wants to go but my thoughts are too afraid of.“ The man before opened his mouth to share his thoughts with you but was interrupted by the voice of Galadriel who came running towards you.
„Y/N you shouldn’t be here!“ She looked at you and then made eye contact with the dark-haired elf in front of you. „I apologize! Y/N is a visitor and a friend of mine, my king.“ You nearly tripped over a root when you heard your friend address that man as „my king“. The reason his face was so familiar is because he is the High King of the Noldor, Gil-Galad.
Galadriel drags you away from him before you have a chance to speak, scolding you for being so careless. You apologized to her several times and felt that by not addressing him by his title, you had offended the king. In fact, he felt no offense at all. The thought of your conversation still lingered in his mind as he watched you and Galadriel walk away. Whenever his shoulders are unable to bear the weight of the crown, he retreats into the forest to enjoy the silence. Usually, the elves of Lindon don’t go that far into the woods so he can be on his own. But today, you were carried deeper into the woods by your own feet without a care in the world. For a while, Gil-Galad watched you admire the flowers and trees while the last light of the setting sun was reflected in your eyes. He was in awe and for the first time in his long life, he didn’t have the courage to speak. But when darkness slowly reached out, he talked to you and he was immediately enchanted by your voice and words. He always thought that he had lost his heart in the woods but it seemed that you found it. Now it is up to you if you want to claim it for yourself.
To be continued 💗
@fenharel-enaste @starlady66 (I am back, I hope it is okay I tagged you guys again! :) )
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THE CHASE - PART 4 | Hangman x Reader
first off, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! and second, thank you so so so much for your patience with this next part! As some of you know, I was between 36-37 weeks pregnant when I started writing and posting this story, I gave birth at 39 weeks (Nov 9) and have been soaking up all the time with our little girl that I can. However, I was also suffering from a HUGE bout of writers block - I wasn't happy with how this part was turning out and actually deleted a bunch of it and re-wrote it. On top of that, I was (and still am) going through some PPD and PPA - I am doing better but I know it's still there, so your continued patience is ridiculously appreciated. Then the holidays came and I'm sure you all know how stressful those can be!
Anywho - Here's 1475 words of a little filler and some fluff and Jake realizing his feelings are stronger than what he originally thought.
A frustrated groan slips past your lips as you swipe the clothes hangers in your closet from one side to the other “how am I supposed to dress appropriately if I don’t even know where we’re going.” 
After their game of dogfight football, the daggers had brushed off the sand and returned to bar, Jake sidling right up to the nearest barstool to you “so, I’ll pick you up tomorrow night at 7.” for a hot moment, you’d forgotten what he was talking about and cast him a confused look as you were pouring beer for another patron. His smirk didn’t falter “for our date, of course.” You nodded and set the beer down for the other guest and turned to him “beer or whisky tonight?” His grin stretched, showing off his pearly white teeth “Beer, and I’ll see you tomorrow at 7.” He took the opened bottle you handed him and almost strutted over to the remainder of the group by the pool tables. 
So here you were, standing in your closet wrapped in a towel from the shower, your hair pinned up in a clip, and wondering what in god's name you were supposed to wear on this date with Jake and it was already 6pm. There was a little black dress that was staring at you from the rack with flutter sleeves and an open back, short but not too short to be deemed too risque, you could never go wrong with a little black dress. You grabbed it, and laid it on your bed as you got to work with your hair and makeup. 
Jake was nervous. More nervous than when he realized he was the one who threw his CO out of the bar the night before meeting him officially, more nervous than hearing the mayhem that took place on the dagger’s mission while he was sitting on an aircraft carrier as the spare and unable to do anything about it. He glanced over at the bouquet of flowers in the passenger seat and took a deep breath before pulling up in front of your house. Shutting off the engine he checked the time, just before 7, he was nothing if not prompt. He grabbed the flowers, wiped his hands on his dark jeans once more and got out of the car, making his way up your path to the front door, one more deep breath, and he knocked. 
You looked frantically at the clock on your bedside, it was already 7pm, and he was here. “Shit” you hissed as you hastily grabbed a clutch and slipped on a pair of trusty wedge sandals before making your way down the stairs. You opened the door, not fully taking in his appearance “sorry, give me just a second, have to switch some stuff from my purse” you turned so quickly you didn’t even really give him a chance to appreciate your attire either. Grabbing your larger bag, you grabbed your ID and some money from your wallet and slipped it into your clutch, and as you were buttoning it closed you finally looked up to see him standing in your doorway, holding a bouquet of flowers, in a button up that showed off his muscles just enough to know he had them and jeans that you were sure if he turned around would frame his ass perfectly, your mouth went a little dry. “Hi”
Jake felt like he was staring, he probably was, you looked so beautiful. He couldn't help but smile as you fluttered around taking things out of your other purse to put into your smaller one, his tongue swiped across his bottom lip when he saw the open back of your dress and your legs stemming from the tasteful hem of the dress down to your very cute wedges, he could get used to this. When you turned around to finally face him, his smile grew. “Hi” Your eyes widened a little as you took in his appearance as well and he held the flowers out to you “these are for you, should probably go in water before we leave…” You nodded, lips still parted slightly as you approached him and took the flowers from him “of course, come in just a minute.” You turned and walked towards the kitchen, Jake walked into the entryway and closed the door behind him, and he took in your decor as he waited.
Flowers. He got you flowers, and how did he know hydrangeas were your favorite? You took them into the kitchen, smelling them with a small smile on your face as you set them next to the sink and grabbed a vase to put them in. Snipping the ends and setting them in the vase, you left them on the kitchen counter as you picked up your purse and returned to where Jake was standing at the entrance, his hands stuffed into his pockets. He smiled at you as you approached “you look incredible” holding out his arm to you “ready to go?” A light blush covered your cheeks, as you took his arm and he led you out of the house, allowing you to lock up, before leading you down to his truck and opening the passenger door for you. 
This was more than you expected, he was being quite the gentleman. The radio was playing softly in the truck when he started it up after closing your door for you. You stole the brief minute it took for him to walk around the front of the truck to take a deep breath and calm yourself. It never occurred to you that Jake would be a complete southern gentleman, even though he’s never shied away from being Texas born and raised. Thinking back to what you’d always heard from everyone, Penny, your predecessors at the bar, several other scorned women, his name on the bathroom stall, Phoenix… Hangman only cared about one thing. But this wasn’t Hangman tonight, this was Jake and you promised to give him a chance.  You were shaken from your thoughts as he hopped into the truck himself and turned the engine. 
Jake took a deep breath before climbing into the truck and heading towards the San Diego bridge that would bring you both into downtown San Diego. He had made reservations at a restaurant overlooking the marina that wasn’t cheap, he really wanted to impress you. As he drove, the music playing off the radio softly in the background, he looked over at you again “Penny for your thoughts?” Your eyes snapped up to meet his “truthfully? This is a lot more than I expected, the flowers, opening my door, you’re dressed very nicely and not in a cocky way” a very small smile graced his lips for a moment as he turned his attention back to the road “this is a real date, darlin.” 
You didn’t know what to expect, when you told him you wanted to be wined and dined you hadn’t expected him to take it seriously. But you were pleasantly surprised with how he was taking it, and before you knew it you were heading across the bridge into downtown San Diego and down the highway towards the Marina. The lights from downtown reflected on the water and you rolled the window down slightly to let the salty air into the cab of the truck and allowed it to calm you as Jake pulled into the parking spot.
Jake’s hands were still sweaty, he was still nervous - uncharacteristically so. But he stilled the engine, and turned to look at you sternly “don’t you dare reach for that door handle, I know you’re an independent woman but my momma would hang me by my bootstraps if I didn’t get the door for any woman - independent or not.” You blinked at him in surprise and stifled a small giggle as he got out of the truck and jogged around the front to get the door for you and unbeknownst to you, wiped his hands on his jeans again before offering one to you to help you out of the truck. “Thank you, Jake” you whispered as you took his hand and stepped down from the truck. As he held your hand and walked into the restaurant, he realized the feeling of your soft hand in his felt better than any throttle of any plane he’d ever sat in, giving him a feeling of euphoria he didn’t want to ever fade. There was no doubt in his mind, as you both followed the waiter to the table near the window set for two, and as he pulled out your chair for you and watched you sit, face alight with the flickering glow from the candlelight, he was totally, utterly, and completely hooked on you, and he never wanted the feeling to end.
Jake's got feels and he's got them bad!!
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wutheringmights · 3 months
Commentary for latest CTB chapter???👀👀👀👀
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Thank you! You guys are as prompt as ever. Unfortunately, I needed a few days to get my thoughts together (and honestly would have taken even longer if I wasn't going out of town this weekend).
I kinda struggled a bit to have Important Thoughts about this chapter (I have been so tired all week), but I did my best.
(Triggering content from the chapter are discussed below).
I’ve mentioned many times already that I suffered from a massive bout of writer’s block during this chapter; and it’s a bit hard to pinpoint what exactly caused it. 
On one hand, I think the last chapter was just so much that I may have burnt myself out on an emotional level. Usually, a week or two off is all I need to fix it, but I also had a lot of personal responsibilities that took up all of my bandwidth. 
And, frankly, there’s a part of me that is a little freaked out that I’ve been working on this story for so long, and that I might not be able to finish it within my self-imposed deadline (if I have to see CTB’s 4th birthday, I am gonna lose it). That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy writing CTB or that I feel pressured to keep going; I just felt exhausted and overwhelmed by how much of my life I’ve sunk into a story that not only refuses to end in a timely manner, but that I can’t share with anyone I know in real life. 
My burnout required a few months' rest to get over, but that’s not to say I didn’t try to work on this chapter that entire time. 
So I actually started this chapter back in April, right after I published STP. I wrote this opening scene of Link ruminating over the past and got stuck trying to transition to him being found. I got so stuck that I ended up bouncing over to the present-day section, where I got stuck in a new and novel way (which I’ll talk about more later). 
That means that everything else in the past I wrote the day before posting. On one hand, I was raring to go and I felt really good getting all those words onto paper. It did a lot for my ego. On the other, I really wish I took more time to revise a lot of this. I think the pacing overall is really strong, but there’s a few ideas I threw out into the story that I really wish I lingered on. 
For example, I mention that Link’s physical abuse was a relatively short stretch of time compared to how significant it is. Him being violent towards the engineer feels like it went on forever and forever, but it only lasted about 4 months. I like this detail so much because it helps to illustrate how even short-term abuse has lifelong effects on people. If I lingered on this chapter a bit more, I would have found more ways to ruminate on it. 
I almost had Ayane discover Link in his house. I ended up changing it to Jakucho since, as much as Ayane likes Link, she would not care enough to go check up on him.  
For the longest time, I imagined Link’s room at the Miyashita estate to be the same as the one he was held prisoner in post-Kakariko Well. But I ended up stating in that chapter that the room was located in a part of the house he had never seen before. So Link’s room was changed from a formal guest room to a study.
In universe, this is so that he’s encouraged to read books and is easily within Jakucho’s reach.
I personally got a hearty chuckle out of Link being denied chopsticks by default; he’s probably very good at using them in the present, but during this time he’s probably really shit at it. Real white boy behavior. 
If I gave myself more time to work on this section, I would have played around with the idea of him being haunted by an imaginary engineer, just as he had been haunted by an imaginary version of his old self on the way to the Kakariko Well. I don’t know if I would have committed to it, though. On one hand, it would have been a cool way to illustrate his inner thoughts. On the other, it implies a mental break I don’t think he’s experiencing. 
On a similar note, I worry that this chapter wasn’t that effective because it was way less (for a lack of better words) dramatic than the past few “Link Has A Breakdown” chapters have been?
Let me explain. So nearly every time Link has been under emotional duress before this, I’ve played with the prose to show how his reality is being warped. Take chapter 24 for example. Link gets stuck on the engineer leaving him, so the passage of time in that chapter becomes unclear-- both in him not realizing how quickly time is passing and him constantly going back to the day he realized the engineer was gone for good. The prose is written in a way that conveys that reality has broken. It’s very melodramatic. 
But for this chapter, reality is firm. Link’s mind has cleared enough to see what happened in the past clearly. The prose can’t dramatically screw with perception because that’s not what’s happening. The passage of time and the depiction of reality has to be crystal clear. 
So despite making these long, semi-experimental passages one of my signature moves, I couldn’t use it here without actively detracting from the story. On one hand, a more grounded chapter effectively shows how this breakdown is different. On the other, it’s a little basic. 
I have a bit of a problem where past!Ayane is a bit too similar in personality to Linkle. Ayane in the present day is supposed to be a cool teenager who is probably a bit of a mean girl at school-- the kind that will grow out of it the moment she leaves for college. But I wanted to show her entering this stage of life in the past, so she’s less bratty and more troublemaking.
Speaking of which, any reference to Ayane “going through a phase” is supposed to refer to her becoming a moody teenager. I didn’t realize until literally yesterday that it might come off as her family being transphobic. They’re supportive of her being a girl; they just get fed up with how much of a kid she is. 
The point of the chapter that made me start tearing up in the coffee shop is when Ayane got mad at Link for destroying the journal. I’ve been that kid who understands cognitively that a parent in your life is not well but still struggled with what that meant on an emotional level. Her family definitely explained to her that Link isn’t well and etc, but that can be kinda abstract for kids to really understand. So when the mental illness causes him to react badly, it seems to her that he is hurting her because he does not care about her. 
And there are a whole slew of issues you can explore with that idea alone, like how culpable is Link for his actions when he is unwell but still the adult? I’ve already started exploring bits of it with the child’s relationship with Link and the engineer. But exploring this idea from a different perspective (the child and his fucked up emotional issues vs Ayane’s normal preteen perspective) is always interesting. 
Link impulsively trying to kill himself was not in my original plan for the chapter, but after everything... yeah, he would try. This might have something to do with an episode of You’re Wrong About I was listening to work last week where they talked about the percentage of suicides that are impulsive decisions versus premeditated.
(Of course, today I listened to the episode on copycat suicides and now I am very nervous about this chapter being used as an instruction manuel)
I was going to have his attempt be to freeze to death outside, but then I thought of the obi belt, and I really could not resist alluding back to the hanging scene in chapter 13
It ended up being a good transition into a scene I’ve wanted to do for a while now: Ayane’s mom asking him to continue acting like Ayane’s older brother. 
I originally wanted that moment back when their friendship was just starting out, but decided to toss it to his depression arc to act as a moment of encouragement for him. What I didn’t expect was to stumble into this scene being both a way to talk him out of suicide, as well as him realizing he’s a shitty brother. I’m a terrible brother is a monumental realization for him, and I stumbled into it by accident. 
I was tempted to remove Ayane’s mother from this scene and put Jakucho here instead. But Jakucho would never ask Link to play an older brother role. Plus, I like the idea that a random, near-stranger accidentally talked him down without realizing what they were doing. 
And of course, having Ayane’s mother talk helps to develop the Miyashita family dynamic and give a better idea as to why Shigeo is estranged. 
Ayane’s mother also has a very tiny appearance earlier in the story-- chapter 9, when we meet Jakucho for the first time. Granted, I think I only referred to her as Impa’s sister. 
I also stumbled accidentally into the moment with the koi fish and using them as a symbol for perseverance. I really like that scene. I almost named the chapter “The Koi Pond” in its honor. 
I also admit that until fairly recently, I also didn’t know fish could live in frozen water. 
I went back and forth about whether I wanted to make a big moment at the beginning of the chapter about Link going non-verbal, or if I should let it build up slowly; I ended up going with the latter.
I didn’t want to make his non-verbalness the center of his issues when it’s just a consequence of his depression. He’s not depressed and non-verbal. He’s non-verbal because he’s depressed. So waiting until the second half of this section to address it homely drove home that this is only a symptom of a larger issue. 
This chapter also gave me the opportunity to address my sign language headcanon; it’s standard taught in school, but not in a way where everyone is actually good at it. It’s like learning Spanish in elementary school; you grow up remembering a few phrases and words, but never actually become bilingual. 
I like the way the bell motif is used in this chapter. In the past, Proxi’s bells are a sign that things are going to get better. In the present, the Castle Town bells signal that things are about to get a whole lot worse. 
But, yes! After all this time, Proxi is finally here. Hopefully the long wait for her introduction/return will be worth while.
For the present day:
Remember how I said my writer’s block struck for this part of the chapter as well? I solved it in the dumbest way possible. 
One of my big issues was that I didn’t know how to string everything that I needed to get done into a cohesive chapter (because if the chapter isn’t good, then I would have wasted so much of my time on a story that isn’t good, and etc.). My solution was to write a flat draft with only the stuff needed to move the plot forward (talking to Ganondorf, getting on the boat, etc), and then do revisions where I added character moments.
Except, I did character moments by the character. So I would spent a week adding scenes about Spirit, then another about Time, and so on. I said in this post that I turned a 5k draft into a 12k draft. Yikes. 
Because I wrote the chapter like this, I think the pacing is not great. The dinner scene and the post-Midlink gossiping was originally one scene, which I split into two to accommodate other character stuff. But I also think this is one of the most well-balanced chapters in terms of how many characters got a moment to shine. 
I’m really enjoying how much you all enjoy Ganondorf. I think nearly every comment on the chapter so far has mentioned him. I almost regret keeping him in the Zora’s Domain right now, but have no fear. He will be back. 
I am endlessly amused by this moment when Warriors realizes he has to talk to Spirit again, and he thinks “Spirit. / Fucking Spirit.” Is he cursing him out, or is he remembering... you know...
I mentioned a long time ago that one of the issues I had to fix when starting this chapter was finding something for the rest of the Chain to do in this final act. I figured out what their deal is, and a lot of tiny moments in this chapter is the set-up for that.
In a similar vein, I feel like I lost the thread on Time for a hot while there. I really had to mull over what his problem is, how he was going to respond, and how I can show Time responding near Warriors so that the reader can know. I’ve never had this much difficulty writing him-- or characters in general-- before. Hence, my on-going battle against writer’s block.
Another amusing moment that only I think it funny: Spirit lifting Warriors up by the scruff of his neck to haul into the alley way, like he’s an old cat. Honestly, I should write more jokes based around Spirit being strong enough to lift Warriors now.
Now that I think about it, I have a scene in my head where Warriors bitches so much while traveling that Spirit just throws him over his shoulder and carries him like a sack of rice. Is it out of character for both of them? Yeah, but we can imagine it happens in the AU where they are friends.
I have been wanting to provide some form of a resolution for Midna and Twilight for so long, but there hasn’t been a good moment to make them talk-- or at least, a moment where they can talk while Warriors is nearby to listen.
I really enjoy striking a comparison between how Midna and Twilight hashed everything out versus the bullshit Warriors got up to last chapter, especially because Midna and Twilight’s solution was to just give up. It’s not going to work out ever, so they might as well enjoy themselves now.
I love MidLink so much, but part of that love is in how it 100% would not work out between them. As Midna says, they would hate each other in a year. But they keep trying anyway because they love each other right now and that’s what matters. 
Speaking of which, Midna’s “we’ll hate each other in a year” line is a reference to the Greta Gerwig Little Women movie. I love that movie so much, enough that I can forgive Timothy Chamalet for being in it. He has a scene where his proposal is met with basically the same sentiment from Saoirse Ronan’s character. 
Tiny little headcanon: Skyloft’s theater style is very similar to ancient Greek theater, with heavy use of masks and choruses. That’s why he mimics holding a mask when performing Twilight’s line for Lana.
His line was originally something Twilight actually said, but then I went in a revised the MidLink scene and got rid of it. I kept Sky’s mocking of it because I thought it was more realistic.
I won’t say much about what the boys talked about post-confession scene, except to point out that they were kept up by the noise, they might have an idea of the timing of when everything went down during the Hot Mess
I’m glad everyone found my joke about always going to Wild’s era funny lol
Chateau Milk (aka: alcoholic milk beverages) is a tiny little world building detail I have been dying to do for ages. I wanted to use any scene of milk-drinking to shove in a joke about Hyrule being intensely lactose intolerant (he’s immune to all bad food except dairy), but I couldn’t squeeze it it. 
The ribbon kinda got a disproportionate role considering how briefly I referenced Spirit losing it last chapter. 
The reason Warriors was sharing a room with Four was so that I could finally do a follow-up on the Four Swords stuff I started forever ago, but it has once more been punted off to another chapter. Maybe one day...
By the time I got to this second conversation with Time, I was feeling much better about how I was writing him. Between this and his earlier appearance, this is definitely the stronger moment. 
I also deeply amused by Ganondorf and Lincoln have to pretend to be very bitchy with each other in order to not seem like they were married. I wanted to write a scene where Ganondorf argues that Lincoln needs to show him the proper request so that Lincoln would have an excuse to kiss his hand, but I ended up not having the energy or will power to go back in and add it. 
Spirit is so not used to anyone having a genuine interest in his senses that Sky’s question totally caught him off guard. Thank god Sky is the type of person who would ask because I got a good moment to clarify more of the limits of Spirit’s senses-- mainly, that a lot of the info he gets is so contextual that most of it is nonsense to him
To clarify, Spirit’s senses freak out people outside of his era. In New Hyrule, where the idea is a bit more common place, it’s considered rude to ask just as its rude to tell people what you sense. Lokomo customs, and all that.
I didn’t plan on having Spirit cut his hair, but I was deep in the throes of writer’s block and felt like I needed to write about Spirit doing something a little insane to respike my interest. Cutting off your hair because the guy you hated saved your ribbon fitted the bill nicely.
(Nonetheless-- RIP Spirit’s long hair. You were much beloved)
Spirit and Lana’s relationship has always been very underbaked on my part. I didn’t do a lot with them at the beginning of the story, and I haven’t done much with it now (or even much with Lana in general). Here is a vague attempt to salvage my mistakes. If I could ever revise the whole of CTB (I will never), this would be one of the things I would improve
Oh God... the Nephus stuff...
Like, I knew this was going to happen. What I worry about is whether it feels cheap to just have a character go back on their word like that. It’s realistic, if only because Warriors’s deal was really shitty. But on the other, it’s not very satisfying for the reader. You want the characters to have complex reasons for everything. I’m not sure that this qualifies. 
And this applies to all of the war stuff this chapter. Did Nephus lie about not wanting the Triforce? Whatever the answer is now, it’s not going to be satisfying. 
I know I said previously that Lincoln had no suspicions as to what happened during the Hot Mess. Well, I lied. Guy had it figured out fairly early on and only needed the opportunity to ask.
I just hope this scene with him and Spirit shows how Lincoln can be Warriors’s dad. Warriors is his mother’s son, but some of his insanity is from his father. 
Also we’ll pretend Lincoln has had that arm tattoo this entire time. The tattoo is not plot relevant, but it’s important to me.
Legend’s “it’s always the fucking Triforce” speech is my favorite Legend line in a chapter.
On a subconscious level, I was basing Castle Town on Boston. Why? I have no good reason. Just felt right. 
I really wish I managed to get us to Castle Town any time before this part of the story, if only to explore all the various neighborhood ideas I have. I managed to squeeze in the Gerudo neighborhood, but I have more thoughts on neighborhoods for the Zora, Goron, Rito, and even regular-old humans. 
I’m going to tell you right now that the girl in the graveyard is not plot relevant. I had a whole thing about the grave being a memorial for all the heroes across the eras and her praying to the memorial for a new hero that I just never got around to explaining
“Shines with humility” is another line that deeply amused me. Like, buddy. That is not how humility works.  
The Master Sword rejecting Warriors is supposed to feel very fitting and very unfair, all at once. I wanted people to understand why he’s lost the right to use her while still being frustrated that he was still being punished. I wanted this to be another opportunity for complex feelings. I don’t think the scene hit the right way, but that’s alright.
There was a point of time where I was plotting this half of the story when I realized I could use the Triforce scar idea that I had previously abandoned. I like the idea and the scene a lot, but I wonder if it feels forced? Like the whole story bent over backwards to make my silly idea possible. Let me know if this feels like a natural conclusion, or if I messed up somehow. 
That being said, this whole scene where Warriors and Spirit were cutting the Triforce into his hand was a lot of fun to write. Nothing breaks writer’s block like writing an insane character dynamic. 
I feel like I should talk more about themes and what this means for them, but you have eyes. You probably get the point by now. Instead, I will inform you that I did try to read that section to my writing friends, who all agreed that they did not have enough context to understand what the fuck was going on. And, yeah. That’s fair. 
I really wish I waxed more poetry about Warriors reentering the public eye. I did not have enough willpower to revise the hell out of that scene. However, I love the ending bit with Warriors asking Hyrule to make sure he gets the scar. 
One last thing-- I really should have done a revision because an important plot element may have gotten lost in it. I won’t say what, but hopefully it won’t cause problems down the road. 
And that’s the chapter! I feel like I didn’t have a lot to talk about this chapter, despite taking a near-week to write up all my thoughts. Next one should hopefully come sooner, but note that I still have a few more weekend trips and real life responsibilities to handle. My life is not settling down again until the beginning of October. 
I really want to emphasize that my bitching about my writer’s block and the source of it is not something I really need sympathy for, and it’s really not something encouragement is going to fix on it’s own. I appreciate the thought, but a lot of my issues right now just require some self-reflection on my part. I don’t want anyone feeling forced to drop a nice word or feel worried I’ll drop the story without it; I’ll still dedicated to finishing CTB. I just need some time (and to stop hanging out with my extended family). 
In other news, my friend offered to bind CTB into a book for me. Well, books. She knew the word count going in, but I have heard many complaints about how long CTB is. Apparently, it’s 6 volumes so far. Some volumes only have two chapters. When I told her I updated last Sunday, I saw the light leave her eyes. I love her dearly, and I will find a way to pay her back for this.��
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weaveandwood · 16 days
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @alpydk (thank youuuuuu friend!) and several people over the last couple weeks to post WIPs. Well, truth is, I've been suffering from writer's block. After I published Midnight at the Elfsong, all desire to write left me, so I took a break. And that break led to me starting to play Dragon Age: Inquisition along with a few friends here and that led to me getting the most intense brain rot that I've had since I discovered Gale Dekarios.
I haven't felt this inspired in a long time, and as someone who lost their creative spark for 8 years, I am determined to follow where it goes - I will not lose it again. And right now, it is heading down a Dragon Age path. In writing for this new fandom, I'm finding that the BG3 portion of my brain that was locked down is finally starting to come unlocked so hopefully I can update Weave and Woods and The Bard and The Blade (and write more smutty one shots!) soon.
For now, I am following the path my creativity leads me, wherever that is, and now, in addition to Baldur's Gate, my blog will feature my own Dragon Age works (I have already been reblogging stuff, but this feels like an announcement).
I hope you'll stick around! I'm not going anywhere in the BG3 fandom, I'm still thirsty for Gale. I'm just also REALLY thirsty for Cullen Rutherford and Warden Blackwall and want to show my love, even if I am 10 years late.
That said! Here is a snippet from something I wrote today about my Inquisitor Brinni, a dual-wielding rogue elf.
Brinni. Beloved and favored of the Keeper of Clan Lavellan. Hunter.  Spy. Suspect. Prisoner. Herald of Andraste. Brinni. Who even am I anymore? Brinni thought as she leaned against the heavy stone gate, staring out over the lake that Haven overlooked.  Haven. For who? Not her.  She was to stay here, help the Inquisition as the Herald of Andraste. She kicked an errant rock on the ground, her mood as cold as the weather. All around her she heard whispers, the skeptics and faithful both talking about the Herald of Andraste.  Did you hear? She closed the rift, sent by Andraste herself! An elf? Chosen by Andraste? But I thought she was a prisoner for killing The Divine? She laughed to herself. She was no herald. She was just someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and found herself embroiled in…whatever this was. Surrounded by more humans than she had ever seen in her life and eyed with suspicion wherever she went. She wished she could remember what happened. She wished her Keeper had not chosen her to attend the Conclave. She wished she was back in the wilderness of the northern Free Marches, hunting with her clan mates, her friends, her family. Her eyes stung with tears that would remain unshed. There were too many watching her, and she would not give them anything else to gossip about. She knew she should make the rounds, start talking to these new people that surrounded her, but she wasn’t ready to leave Brinni the hunter behind and become Brinni the Herald.  So she stared at the water some more. The lake’s gentle waves coupled with the rhythmic clangs of steel from the training area soothed her. She instinctively reached over her head for her dagger, remembering they were safely tucked away in her quarters. She wanted to train, to fight, to hunt, but all she could do was stand, watch, and be watched.
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friedfriedchicken · 4 months
Hello fellow WFC Breaksounder may I please ask for your head-canons of them 🙏
OHHH YOU GOT IT BESTIE- I'm writing a fic right now but I'm in writer's block so this is gonna be fun letsgooo
Gonna keep this fluffy because I'm in a fluffy mood (<- person who just posted an angsty fic)
I wrote a ton of like- story points- so I'm stuffing it under a read more because uhhhh that's long whoops
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Headcanons on how they met because I'm a yapperrrr and I've barely had anyone to yap to about them <3
Soundwave and Breakdown first met during the war. It was by chance that Megatron brought both of them on the train-station-thingy mission but he needed a trusted officer and a good soldier who wound't yap (WFC Breakdown is a yapper but he wouldn't dare say anything that would get him on Megatron's bad side.)
Their first encounter stuck with Soundwave. He's not sure why but something irritating about Breakdown made him smile, or whatever equivalent he had.
Megatron, being old friends with Soundwave, could tell that his Intelligence Officer was comfortable and let his old-self peak through. Whether it was concious or subconcious, that's for Primus to decide. Breakdown really enjoyed being brought into this weird friendgroup for like, 6 hours, or something.
Breakdown and Soundwave wouldn't cross paths again until Breakdown and Knock Out were summoned to the Nemesis.
By this point, Breakdown has mostly gotten over his anxiety, being the character we know him as in Prime, which Soundwave found odd. Soundwave never bothered to keep close tabs on Breakdown because what problems would he cause anyways? Not enough to be a threat, that's for sure.
Anyways, they don't say much to eachother, they're just two Decepticons on the same ship.
That is, until Breakdown was taken by M.E.C.H. and dissected.
Soundwave suffered a similar, even more grevious injury, during the height of the war and felt like he had to help the wounded bot. Also Knock Out was out racing because who knew Jasper, Nevada had such great street races!?
So that put Soundwave in the position to patch Breakdown up. Breakdown was scared at first (who wouldn't be when Megatron's right hand bot is staring you down?) but when he figured out what Soundwave was doing, accepted the help.
Soundwave is a smart 'con and like any good doctor, started to observe Breakdown to make sure his body adjusted to the patch job. It's during this that Soundwave began to feel some odd emotions. Not the same irritations but, something else. He couldn't describe it but he wanted to know more about the blue-grey truck.
Breakdown took notice of Soundwave's sudden attention and took this as a sign to start opening up to the silent bot. Breakdown, as always, was a yapper and liked to befriend the Vehicons onboard the Nemesis because all the other officers were less than friendly or Knock Out. Talking to the same guy over and over again can get boring, as much as you like them.
Knock Out became suspicious of Soundwave but quickly deduced what was going on and started to play matchmaker between his friend and the Intelligence Officer.
And normal relationship headcanons because I am obsessed with these two
Their love language is gift-giving and acts of service. Breakdown has an interest in Earth with how different it is from Cybertron and likes to bring back little presents for Soundwave. Soundwave returns the love by grooming Breakdown, as taught by Knock Out lol. You can tell the two just had a date when Breakdown looks extra shiny and/or Soundwave is trying to adapt some Earth tech into the Nemesis' systems.
Soundwave doesn't like to leave the Nemesis because standing on Earth makes him feel cramped and lost so the pair don't often go on dates outside of the ship but when they do, Breakdown tries to find places similar to Cybertron to comfort Soundwave. They've been to a few drive-in theaters, courtesy of Knock Out, of course.
Sometimes Soundwave sends Laserbeak out on missions with Breakdown for "insurance" but in reality, Laserbeak is also in on the pairing-up. Laserbeak also likes to take pictures of Breakdown just for Soundwave along with actively making sure the Decepticons have footage of whatever's going on just incase something happens.
Megatron absolutely can not fathom why Soundwave had suddenly become interested in Breakdown. The warlord suspects that Soundwave misses the gladiatorial arena and is trying to scope out a new rival to re-enact the old days with so Megatron is a little worried he might have infighting among his soldiers. As long as Soundwave is functioning, Megatron won't step in but, y'know. He hopes it's nothing bad.
Starscream is oblivious to the on-goings behind him.
Airachnid also takes notice in the pair's chemistry but says nothing. It's not her place to talk and she wouldn't gain anything if she did besides look like a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Dreadwing sees Breakdown's and Soundwave's closeness but never thinks too deep into it until after Breakdown's death.
The Autobots never find out about Soundwave and Breakdown's courting.
Both Soundwave and Breakdown come to think their love for the other is one-sided until Knock Out has to break the glass between them. He's very blunt and even a little rude about it but he's just so fed up with them dancing around eachother and never with eachother that he just had to burst in. Laserbeak doesn't react well to this and gets embarrassed on Soundwave's behalf. They all sort out their emotions later and things go smoothly.
Breakdown hoped to fix his broken eye after the war ends but goes back on that thought when he realizes that he'd much rather match Soundwave. Maybe he can get a visor like Soundwave's to cover his missing eye!
Soundwave wanted to finally retire after the war but he starts opening himself up to other possibilities after starting a relationship with Breakdown. He'd be fine doing anything as long as it's with his partner and minicon.
When she's bored, Miko will start making up nonsense lore for the Decepticons to get the Autobots' attention. Her favorite is suggesting that Breakdown and Soundwave have a fairytale Shakespearean tragedy K-drama-esque romance going on between them and it really peeves a majority of Team Prime. Hence why it's her favorite nonsense lore. Even Agent Fowler gets heavily confused and concerned for Miko's well-being.
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azacharie95 · 4 months
When your SPM brainrot comes to haunt you and then gives you the best ideas but you’re stuck in freakin’ wRITERS BLOCK- So instead, here’s my take on all of the Count’s minions before they join him + headcannons and anything that comes to mine-
This is mostly just word vomit and it’s not proofread so sorry for all the spelling errors- started this at 3 am and now finishing 12 hours later- yIpPie- maybe some day I’ll have the energy to write all of these down into a story one shot thingy-
The first I want to start with is O’Chunks because he needs some love (and by that I mean I’m about to throw against the wall of ideas because OH BOI-).
O’Chunks suffers from nightmares of the day that all of his men were killed, which also led to him having a really hard time trusting anyone other then The Count thinking they were going to betray him before get got close with Nastasia
I like to think that O’Chunks have always had semi crushes on each other but have been very blind to it since Nastasia was mostly blinded by The Count
Before his life with The Count he lived somewhere near York Town in another town before he had gone to war and got he and his men sold out and murdered (did he watch? Yes. He had to as captain.)
He was then saved before he was killed by The Count but by then the damage had already been done and he was now blind in his left eye and his head had been slightly bashed in making him kinda forgetful about a majority of his life that didn’t come to haunt him in his dreams
Before his life with Bleck, he did in fact have a family that he had to leave behind but now he can’t remember what they look like or even how to get home (or an even worse option, his entire home was raided and ransacked so there was nothing to go back to anyway and he just couldn’t remember what he was missing forever-)
As for his family? I like to think he may or may not have had a wife but he definitely had a daughter who acts a lot like Mimi making him grow very familiar with her quickly
He also really likes grapes for this-
Up next on the chopping block is Nastasia herself, and I’ll be honest I didnt have a lot at first before it hit me like a train wreck in my sleep-
I like to think she was a halfblood of The Tribe of Darkness, her father being of the Tribe and her mother being a kind of vampire/monster that many people feared (hence the similarities of skin tone with The Count)
She was raised by her mother for a long time but was chased for most of her life for not being ‘human’ or the Ancients just really wanted to get her because they didn’t like halflings because it was a waste of their magic potential and dangerous- maybe they were just speciesest- idk
She was caught in a magical trap deep in the woods and left to starve there for awhile up until Count Bleck had found her and freed her (because this was weeks after the Timpani incident so he still had a heart to help others)
Being so grateful and having nowhere else to go, she tagged along with The Count where she was given her more human like bat from so she wouldn’t run into any trouble anymore (that and at first she was sure he was going to kill her for just being alive
Now Dimentio is a really really tricky one because I have some ideas based off of different things I really liked (the idea of him being younger like Mimi is one of them but as for cannon wise I wouldn’t be so sure-)
One things for sure though is I truly believe that he was The Magician’s son and Shadoo was his older sister
His mother and father were the original leaders of The Ancients and The Magician was one of the writers of The Dark Prognostics (it was handed down to each of the original leaders of The Ancients/he or his wife originally wrote it because of vivid nightmares of the future-)
I fully believed that Dimentio’s mom would be like Master of Time or something- making Dimentio call himself the Master of Dimensions (yes I just gave him mama’s boy syndrome- no I will not be taking it back-)
He and Shadoo were close as she was his older sister that took care of them and had very promising magical abilities leading his father to take her everywhere with him to try to make those powers stronger while Dimmy just mostly tried to help where he could seeing as his powers wouldn’t kick in until later and wasn’t as strong as hers at first
While The Magician and Shadoo were away, The Tribe of Ancients was attacked/a spell had gone wrong setting the entire tribe into a state of panic because no one could escape
As a last ditch effort, Dimentio’s mom (What her name would be? I have no clue-) sacrifices herself to save what she came of the tribe and kind of freeze Dimentio in time hidden away where no one could really find him and wake him back up
Now you can play with HCs and CC here and say that Count Bleck and his minions accidentally woke him back up or someone random did because they were looking around where they shouldn’t have been (leading him to either be a child when the game rolls around or he escaped and trains before going to look for The Dark Prognostics because he had no idea what happened to him over 2,000 years)
For cannon I like to think that he escaped and went to go and train to get back his father’s book before ultimately going bonkers because everything he ever knew and loved was violently ripped away from him and he was left alone (making it a big reason why he both despises and adores The Count as having The Ancients blood in him).
So he wants to create perfect new worlds to bring back the world he was forced to leave behind and kill everyone in the process since it’s the worlds fault he was stuck like this anyway
For Fannon tho? I like to think that maybe Bleck had been the one to wake him up and witness his mental break when he realized his entire family and tribe died over 1,500 years ago leading The Count to take care of him forcefully because his bleeding heart over his wife screams “DON’T LEAVE BROKEN CHILD TO GO CRAZY-“
The ultimate reason he betrays The Count is because he doesn’t want his new family to die twice and is willing to do anything to create a new perfect world where he can bring back his original family and bring his new one along even if that means manipulating them to do what he needs to do to “save them” and become the forced king of the new world
Mimi’s is one of the more darker ones IMO and was the main reason that I came up with any of these and decided to throw it onto the internet-
Mimi was raised by her mother and father in a kind of poor situation before being sold (or kidnapped- idk what to go with here) to a wannabe tribe of darkness who wanted to recreate the magic of the ancients no matter the cost
Fully 100% convinced Mimi is a minor (no sure exactly give or take 13-18)
So they started experimenting on her to turn her into a pixel and try to recreate the powers that they used a long time ago but they really messed it up and turned her into a kind of walking corpse
She still could use the powers of a shapeshifter pixel, she just didn’t look the part because they replaced a lot of her ‘human’ parts with metal gears and wires turning her into a walking zombie pixel corpse as a child who only wanted to go home
this is also the reason she kind of has to snap her neck to change from her OG form to her preferred ‘human’ form because she isn’t copying anyone so it hurts more to change into something she wants rather then copying someone else’s while they’re right there (or maybe it is a copy and she keeps a copy of every person she’s copied and it’s just more painful to change into someone else based off of memory or from a long distance? Up to you really-)
The Count had found her because he had heard rumors of people trying to copy after his people and figured maybe it was Timpani trying to find him again but it turned out to be so much darker and killed the wannabes to save Mimi’s life
Since she had no where to go, The Count brought her along thinking that maybe Timpani would like her just as much as he did like a daughter they never could have
She is the silent favorite amongst the minions and everyone knows it minus The Count who says he doesn’t play favorites (yes he does-)
Then we have Mr. L HC simply because he is part of the team and no one will let him think otherwise-
He kind of plays an older brother role to both Mimi and Dimentio (which is why they pick on each other so often and why Mr. L and Dimentio hit heads all the time)
He also gets along well with O’Chunks and they fight/train a lot (I saw this on another person’s HC list and I loved it so I had to add it here-)
Stepping into Fannon territory- He sees Count Bleck and a mentor and boss figure since The Count treats him more like a human then his parents and friends ever did
Even after he isn’t brainwashed anymore he can remember being treated with kindness by the other members and being brought along and invited to things more then his brother and his friends ever did
He doesn’t fully forgive Dimentio for what happened but slowly warms up to the idea of coming to peace about it since no one really wanted to forgive him until they knew why he was so desperate for it
He’s slightly frightened of Nastaisa even to this day because of what happened and that someday she might just snap and jump him again (even if he knows he could take her down perfectly well, he isn’t going try because she’s much faster then him)
Then the dear Old Count himself- picking up random people and children to fill in his broken heart no matter the cost-
Timpani and Blumiere knew each other for longer then the flashbacks gave us credit for (over the span of like 6 months to a year I would think-)
She’s also the reason he had so much light in his heart and hope for other people- to this day it’s her fault that he loves the stars so much and seems to have a child like curiosity about things he doesn’t understand
His father was also highly abusive into making sure his son would follow the right path into taking up the tribe leaving The Count to have many scars on his body along with his heart since Timpani was the only person who ever listened to what he had to say about things (he couldn’t have any friends since he was the chief’s son either so it was like a breath of fresh air to him-)
When his father told him what had happened he believed that his father sent her away while she was dying and so, Blumiere left the tribe to go and look for her before he ever came back to read the Dark Prognostics
5 years passed before he ever returned and his dad tried to convince him to come back only for The Count to murder everyone that was left in his tribe/in the castle they all lived in before reading the Dark Prognostics
As Blumiere died, so did his love for everyone and everything making it so that he was living from a 3rd person POV making him mentally and emotionally detach from his minions who had grown onto him.
It isn’t that he shows he doesn’t care either because he stopped caring about everything they did, only wanting the end of all worlds to come so that he didn’t have to live in the constant said of black and white that his father put him in all those years ago
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musewrangler · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thank you so much for the tag @wendingways I'm FINALLY getting around to it. :D
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
2, 962, 169
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars, Hornblower, Narnia [just one]
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
He Who Sheds His Blood With Me
Forging Ahead
I Felt You In My Bones
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do as much as possible. I appreciate my readers making time to say something. It takes effort on their part and I want them to know I am grateful. Equally, I get lots of fun thoughts from my readers and it's delightful to interact with people. :D
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh definitely the fic I could never write. ;D By which I mean---there was a prompt somewhere that said 'the aftermath of a scene you'll never write'. So I knew immediately what that was and ripped my own heart out to write "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night". Literally, I was ugly crying the whole time. And it convinced me that nope, I can never do this in my 'real' fics if you will. xD
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmm. I am a girl who likes a happy ending. Granted, it's after kark tons of pain and suffering usually xD, but...
I think I'll land on the Dragon Speaker. I could name quite a few others, but I spent more time developing the happy aftermath so that's why I choose it.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
I've said it before---I have some of the BEST readers. And I've had folks who've disagreed with some of my takes on character or plot, but they are welcome to do so if they are respectful and they are. It produces good conversation and perspective. I can think of one time I had someone actively unpleasant, but let's hear it for delete and block! :D
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. It's just not my cup of tea.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of and I hope not. Obviously, a lot of us have similar ideas----writing is just like that. But I don't think anyone has taken my work directly. That kind of thing does get me riled up because I know the work all of us creators have done to make these stories. Don't do it, kids.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes I have and it's very fun! I have a very industrious and delightful reader who has translated a lot of my work into Russian. :D
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I have a few times. :D
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Depends on context here. I don't read or write fics for just romance. I need purpose beyond the couple if you will. If we're talking within Star Wars then canonically it's Han and Leia. If we're going with my own fanfics it's a toss up between Mara and Max Veers and Firmus Piett and Sola Naberrie. ;D If we're talking broad literary ship Benedick and Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
WIP I will never finish? What are you talking about?
Genuinely, I hate the idea of abandoning my fics. Just can't. Some of them are taking longer than I had thought, but that's ok. Life happens. I will finish. ;D
16. What’s your writing strengths?
I think I develop character fairly well. I like to have a plot mapped out before I start writing, so I think I do all right with story cohesion and flow. I am a firm believe that you need to care about the characters more than anything else. World building and correct editing are good things, but if no one cares about your characters, it can get boring and readers lose interest.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
A good balance of action, description, and dialogue. Dialogue is easy for me and I like the characters interacting. But action and description are very important as well to SEE the scene and I need to work on my descriptive choices. I'm also ridiculously impatient. I want to publish NOW. And this means that perhaps some needed editing or more polish/depth is overlooked. I'm working on that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Absolutely. I've used mando'a a lot now in Star Wars. In history AUs I've dabbled a smidge in French and Latin to set the tone a bit. Definitely do your homework whether using a real or fictional language. People notice!! :D
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Haha. So in terms of more serious writing like I'm doing now, it's Star Wars.
I wrote by hand in notebooks during high school for the original Star Trek. Had all kinds of crush on Pavel Chekov. xD We watched the re runs of it and I liked the movies as a kid so....
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh goodness. Can that really be answered? I like them all for vastly different reasons. If we're going for world building then likely Dragon Speaker. If we're going for in depth history fun, then The War in the Shadows. If we're going for fic I saw most clearly in my brain as I wrote and LIVED it, then Showdown at Alliance Ranch. Within the ER verse, quite possibly Fidelity because writing all that courtroom drama and the intense brotherhood of Firmus and Max going through that was just so satisfying.
But over all story? Honestly can't pick just one. Sorry!
Gently tagging @hollers-and-holmes @winterinhimring @kraytwriter @kanerallels
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 22, 23 for the choose the violence asks 🔪
1. the character everyone gets wrong
Faragonda. People either think that she's secretly a villain or that she's a meek, old grandma. The villain part is really annoying because people act like Faragonda sending the Winx on life-threatening missions is a writing choice made in regards to showing her character when it's a writing choice made for the sake of plot. The writers don't care how Faragonda comes off if they can get their little plot with getting the Winx to save the day work. It's true about everything. How come she spies on the Winx but never does it when they actually need help and she could save them but at the cost of interfering with the plot? Her seemingly keeping the Agador box (4x01) is just the writers being lazy with coming up with a new design for something that will be on screen for 10 seconds. Honestly, name one of her "shady" actions that cannot be explained as a plot convenience. The other side of the spectrum is honestly just... Are you blind? She clearly has a lot more backbone than people realize, yet when that's noticed, it somehow makes her a villain. I am tired.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Somebody implying that Daphne is at fault for getting killed by the Ancestral Witches because she chose to sacrifice herself for Bloom and she could have just let her baby sister get murdered if she'd wanted to save herself. What even???????? *flips table*
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I block over too many wrong opinions or just a few opinions that are Very Wrong TM. So it's usually that. I don't try to remember what exactly made me mad.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Roxy, kind of. I don't hate her but every time I see someone whining about her not being part of the later seasons and bemoaning the fact that she was supposed to be the seventh Winx but then dissapeared, I start to hate her... until I distance myself from that part of fandom. I think Roxy has much potential in her quality of being a foil to Bloom, someone with a very similar backstory but completely different feelings on magic and being a fairy. However, the writers are so hellbent on making her Bloom 2.0 that they completely ignore the differences between the two that they themselves wrote in and the fandom just makes all of that worse when they try to shove Roxy everywhere and force her into the same mold that the Winx fit into. Roxy should have gotten to decide for herself and instead of going to Alfea should have stayed at home with her long-lost mother. Morgana was literally the queen of the Earth fairies. I bet she could have taught Roxy everything she'd learn at Alfea and more, considering that Earth seems to have a different branch of magic altogether that probably differs from the curriculum at Alfea. Plus, that way she could have spent some time with the mother that is a stranger to her and she could have found her own path instead of being forced into something she clearly didn't want just to be like the Winx and, more importantly, Bloom.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
The idea that SotLK is a better movie than Magical Adventure. The way that Bloom makes headway in her search for her parents is so fucking random. We never learn how the Winx found Hagen, the English dub cut the part where Daphne explains why she now thinks that the Roc might have survived when, for 20 years, she believed it to have been destroyed, and the Book of Fate is the literal fucking worst plot device ever. It straight up tells them that Marion and Oritel are in Obsidian. Don't even get me started on the whole mess that happens once they get there or the search for the key to Obsidian. And the theme - if it can even be called that - is a joke.
Magical Adventure suffers from the fact that the scenes have to be in a certain sequence to make sense and keep the suspense but that sequence makes the story feel like two movies mashed into one. However, the two segments are not bad at all. Sure, there are things that don't work (ugh, that montage with the suitors - what were they thinking?!?!?!). But the movie tries to focus on Bloom's relationship with her birth parents, which the first movie completely skipped over. Bloom and Sky are actually somewhat likable. We see the Winx without magic which hasn't happened since when? Season 1? The Ancestral Witches are actually scary when they possess the Trix and the fights are interesting and creative. Plus, there is a coherent theme about how parents' actions affect their children (there was another nuance here that I can't remember now because it's been a while since I watched it).
Anyway, Magical Adventure supremacy.
9. worst part of canon
I already talked about all the bullshit in SotLK and besides I really hate what they did with Zenith. The source of most technological advancements and, of course, they made the whole society be logic-based and emotionless. I. Cannot. Stand. It! They should have made Zenith's technology come from a place of empathy, of wanting to improve life so much for everyone that they become too focused on their work and don't notice how they isolate themselves from everyone else, including each other. It would have been so much more interesting and they could have kept Tecna as a logic-driven person, who's not good with feelings because that's just who she is. She'd fit even better with Winx if she comes from a planet so dedicated to helping everyone else that they neglect themselves and their emotions.
10. worst part of fanon
Blorboifying Valtor. I'm sorry but if you think you want a real-life Valtor, you need to go outside and touch grass. Not to mention that Valtor stans in general seem to have a very distorted view of him. This man has the temper and anger management of a fucking toddler. The only reason why he manages to remain collected and calm a lot of the time is because pretty much no one can stand up to him and pose a threat to his plans and his ego. At the same time somehow people completely miss the fact that he's vain and self-centered and clinging so desperately to his charisma and skills because he knows that deep down he is nothing more than a monster that was created to be a tool for the Ancestral Witches and he hates that. He's practically in constant denial mode about how truly sad his existence is.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Krystal! She's already at a disadvantage because she's introduced in season 5 AND is instantly shoved in the bullshit drama between Helia and Flora. I have seen people hate on her and call her a shady bitch when all she's done is be overexcited about seeing Helia and managing to defeat the Winx at volleyball and then realizing that maybe the situation came off wrong to Flora and trying to talk to her and tell her that Helia only loves her and he and Krystal are just friends. She's just an excitable teen and she's not at fault for Helia acting weird as fuck and introducing Flora to her as his "friend" as if they haven't been dating for 3 years. Smh. #JusticeForKrystal2kforever
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
Giving alien features to the girls. Like, I get it but it's always surface level because in the end it's so much easier to work with humanoid characters that you don't have to invent a whole new biology for. It seems completely pointless and usually doesn't come into play a lot. It feels like it's added more for diversity points rather than because it's fun or interesting.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Making Flora a drug dealer. The "Flora does recreational drugs" take honestly feels like people are desperately trying to make her interesting because they don't like her as she's portrayed on the show. And the idea of "Flora is okay with parts of nature that are dangerous and volatile" somehow always seems to lead to "give Flora a gun" when the two have nothing to do with each other. Flora wanting to protect all nature as it is is one of her defining traits. It feels like people are trying to erase her gentleness because they think that a mild-mannered character is worthless. Honestly, the show doesn't help. They make her empathy come down to "don't hurt it" even when the "it" in question is trying to kill her friends. They could have improved on that by letting Flora specialize in restraining spells that don't hurt the creature they're used on so that she can protect her friends and stick to her beliefs.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
The Company of Light. Even the writers ignore it because a) they did not think it through when they added that backstory and created several plot holes, b) they never did anything with it (for the last time - where's the fucking spin-off?!?!?!?!) and c) they constantly make all of the Company members appear incompetent and weaker than they are for the sake of the plot and letting the Winx in the spotlight. Give these people screen time! They are interesting and important! *cries*
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
I guess Blicy. I just didn't understand why Icy would want to date Bloom but I read a really good fic and I can see it now.
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
Idk if you’ve answered this but I’ve stumbled upon your tumblr and I just realised your the one who wrote el amor del inframundo and I have to say it’s easily one of the best fics I’ve ever read. I’ve never been into au’s and I wasn’t into Charlos that much either until I read it and it just changed my whole perspective on them. I love that fic so much I have it open as a tab on safari, refreshing it every now and then in hopes that it gets updated (that’s how much I love it!!!) I guess my question is if you have plans on continuing it and if not could you possibly tell us a short little summery of what happens between them, I just desperately want to know what their first kiss is like🥺 (also I regularly think about the scene where they’re both high, god that was such a good scene)
Hellooooo i caught this in the mess that is my inbox! Hi, yes, i am the author of the mafia au and it makes me incredibly happy that you liked my fic that much! Thank you for all your kind words, this is the stuff we writers live for, because knowing people like sth i wrote just makes me wanna write more! 🥹🥰 so far the plan is to finish it sometime and somehow, and the stats on the next chapter are following
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i have no idea how the story is going to go exactly, and im in a mini-block with my wips, but, i can share a scene from the next chapter :) as soon as the muses and brain allow, i'll work on it, bcs i have a story to tell here and i personally think it's a good one. So, excerpt from ch2 of el amor del inframundo under the cut, in which chess is a metaphor for many things :)
"Oh God, you're not playing chess with him, are you?" Mattia asked, chuckling and patting Carlos on the shoulder.
They were waiting for dinner to be served at the house of an associate, and Charles and Carlos were amusing themselves before they had to go and pretend they weren't bored out of their mind. They found a chess set in a room and were currently playing their third, winner-deciding game.
"I do," Carlos said, observing the board.
"You like to suffer, my friend," Mattia said, not moving away. "Charles likes to play, but he is not very good at it."
Carlos paused in the middle of reaching for his rook, and Charles bit back a smile. He’d seen Mattia when he caught sight of the two of them playing, and he felt a sliver of satisfaction at accurately predicting that he wouldn’t be able to stay away, eager to brag, as he always was.
"Ah, Mattia, don't deprive me of the only opponent who will still play with me," Charles said good-naturedly. Carlos raised his eyes to Charles, whose wide smile didn't show any dimples.
"Oh? You played with him?" Carlos asked, his voice even despite the turmoil behind his eyes.
"Yes," Mattia said, condescension clear in his voice. "He makes rash moves, otherwise he wouldn't lose so quickly. Probably would still lose as often."
"He loses to you," Carlos said more than asked. Charles wanted to kiss him for it, or suck his dick, anything really, to show him how fucking arousing he found Carlos' intelligence.
"Yes. Maybe you should play with me, or Antonio, and have a real challenge," Mattia said. Charles just kept smiling, and Mattia shook his head, then walked away.
Carlos played his move in silence, observing Charles.
"You played with Mattia?"
"Yes," Charles said, moving his queen. "And Antonio, and probably everyone in, ah, management."
"And you lost?"
"Yes," Charles said, tapping one of Carlos' white pawns he ate before on the table. "To all of them."
Carlos moved his pawn. Charles countered with his knight. Carlos narrowed his eyes. He reached for his queen, then reconsidered and moved his rook.
Charles grinned, and ate Carlos' rook with his queen.
"Check-mate," he said, grin wide and unrepentant, because he knew Carlos wouldn't have been able to see the trap Charles had set up for him before it was too late.
Carlos pushed the white king in front of him down just as Mattia passed them again, Giovinazzi on his heels. Just like a good dog should, Charles thought unkindly.
"I guess you're an even worse player than Charles, Carlos, if you're losing to him," he said, and both he and Giovinazzi laughed. Charles kept a good-natured smile on his face, chuckling a little.
"Yes," Carlos said, looking straight into Charles' eyes, his gaze clear and calculating and filled with understanding. "I guess I am."
Charles dimpled back at him.
"Another game?"
Carlos smiled back slowly, slyly, and nodded.
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howlingmoonrise · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you for the tag @galvanizedfriend!!!!!!
How many works do you have on ao3? 45!
What's your total ao3 word count? 168,011 words
What fandoms do you write for? i'm an awful, awful fandom hopper :x but i write most consistently nowadays for petshop of horrors
Top five fics by kudos: 1) my dracula/barbie fic la petite mort is in first place, to the surprise of absolutely no one🤦‍♀️ 2) warrior, a post-movie shan yu/mulan oneshot 3) standing sentinel, an alien vs predator fix-it oneshot where lex goes with the predators and scar survives 4) surprising even me????? bonded, a soul eater soulmate au oneshot from 2014???? it has 8 comments total and half of them are my replies???? HOW. 5) not as surprisingly, in the woods somewhere, an ever after high cerise hood/daring charming au where daring accidentally ends up becoming the next riding hood. rare fandom/pair niche ftw!
Do you respond to comments? do you know when you reply mentally to things and then forget to actually do it irl? 😬 i have a really bad habit of opening comments on mobile, where i never type anything if i can help it, gush and draft the entire reply in my head, and then... yeah. i do eventually actually get to them all, but some will suffer through a year of no response before i pull up my sleeves and get to them. but dear gods do i try. the full answer is "yes, i do, and i absolutely love them all" but i feel very guilty about taking so long so i'll stick with "i try" 🙏🙏🙏
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? probably see you soon, a voltron legendary defender shidge fic, or songbird, a petshop of horrors angelica/p-chan oneshot with a bit of an experimental style. i think they're probably only fics i have that have a 100% unambiguously unhappy AND undeserved ending
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i usually try to aim for at least an ambiguously happy ending, so most of them? buuuuut that being said, i'm gonna point to my earlier fics in the soul eater or the yuri on ice fandoms, i was a lot sappier back in those. i've gotten a taste for a bit of a crunchier ending since then.
Do you get hate on fics? not really. i did receive hate for my voltron ships directly on the blog, but we all know how rotten that fandom was lmfao
Do you write smut? occasionally? i feel like i was in my smut-writing peak back in the soul eater fandom, but i was VERY productive in writing fic in general back in those days, and that no longer holds true. i feel like i'm a lot more self-conscious in writing smut nowadays and about how badly my writing in that genre would sound - the ideas are willing, but the flesh is weak.
Craziest crossover: i hate that my writer's block has cockblocked me from going crazier since despite wanting to write even wilder ships but. once again. my dracula/barbie fic la petite mort.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not exactly. as far as i'm aware, no one has taken it ipsis verbis, but i have seen unauthorized and uncredited translations of my works floating around.
Have you ever had a fic translated? *side-eyes paragraph above* yep! my works seem to get podficced more than anything though
Have you ever co-written a fic before? i started writing one in my old, old days in the danny phantom fandom (hello, first fandom!), but our email exchanges petered out and it never got finished or posted anywhere
All time favorite ship? how the FUCK am i supposed to chose. my dude. why would you do this to me. it changes with the phases of the moon.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i am 97.89% made of wips. 😬😬😬 there's just. so many. the first ones that come to mind is a magicstone (magica de spell/gladstone gander from the donald duck comics) angsty-ass oneshot, and also a jane darling/peter pan fic from peter pan 2 return to neverland, both of which i only ever posted snippets for a wip ask game years ago 😭😭😭 i also very much want to finish my shan yu/mulan longfic to the victor, the spoils and i have every intention of doing it but then i look back and. it's been half a decade already. rip.
What are your writing strengths? uhhhh. i find interesting dynamics and ways of bringing characters together? i'm a rare/crack shipping bitch so i need to find a way of really selling what i'm writing so that people will read it, so i guess i've honed my skills in that direction. i also usually get comments complimenting my writing style, though my own taste for it varies wildly. i also think i'm good at adapting my own style to fit the source material one.
What are your writing weaknesses? apart from being in a semi-permanent state of writer's block and never finishing anything, you mean? where do i START. action scenes. comedy. not doing run-on overly-wordy sentences no one but me will understand. too many italics. FUCKING PLOT. why can't i write solely vibes and pining, WHY does plot have to haunt me while blowing raspberries at me for not knowing how to plan anything more complicated than a fairytale-level quest.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? english already IS another language for me 😂 that being said, i don't generally like it unless it's an untranslateable pun term or plot-relevant, in which case footnotes are appreciated. exceptions are titles/honorifics/actual names of things.
First fandom you wrote in? danny phantom, all the way back in like... 2009? it was how i learned to speak/write english beyond the basics. it was very, very bad, but i'm glad i got to go through that and experiment so wildly in such an encouraging fandom.
Favorite fic you've written? cinq d'épées, my princess and the frog dr facillier/charlotte la bouff 15k oneshot LITERALLY EVERYONE IS SLEEPING ON. why do people keep gushing on the dracula/barbie fic when that fic is RIGHT THERE with far less views than most of my other fics and way better writing quality. i honestly hate reading my own writing and even i enjoy rereading that one, villain/heroine morally grey ships my beloved.
thanks again for tagging me!!! tagging @sandmancircus @acernor @nemainofthewater @produdfctititty @starfishride @malgraw @olderthannetfic if you guys feel like it!
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fenharael · 1 year
From the ask game! 10, 17, 49, 68, 76 (last one about bloodlust)
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
(from current WIP outline) "Ceres blinks and looks around and sees Envy fast asleep. He looks at their mother’s bed and see’s it is empty, his father is gone too. He sits up, afraid, and shakes Envy awake. Envy gets up and walks to their mother’s bed and see’s it is indeed empty. In the darkness, there is something (an object) wet on the sheets. At that moment, their father walks in, he is backlit by the pale morning light and looks haggard. They both stare at him in silence. His hands are dirty, his face is streaked with tears. He tells them their mother is gone."
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block) 1. Go for a walk 2. Listen to inspo playlist or mood music 3. take a break. Usually I'll hop between art and writing if I get stuck on one or the other. If I am stuck on both I'll just be really lazy and play a videogame.
49. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I've been really lucky so far honestly, everyone has been really kind to me and I haven't gotten any rude comments. I am a little surprised, but if I ever do I will probably save them lol. If it's something constructive I'll probably think about it, but if it's just someone being a jerk I'll probably laugh about it and post it here or on twitter or something.
68. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
Reading, listening to music, daydreaming. Sometimes I'll do the "imagine an epic anime AMV" thing with songs that get me really hyped and go from there. Tbh I have a few scenes I want to write that are basically like, extremely epic anime style things. But whatever they look cool in my head and I AM NOT AFRAID TO BE CRINGE.
76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of [Fanfic Name]?  A few things! Ranni's questline was going to play more of a part, and Envy was going to become the Lord of Night in my first version. She was going to kill Varré and it would have had a catastrophic effect on her psyche, so to sort of "freeze" the pain she would marry Ranni and wish all of the suffering of the world away into the night. I was originally going to have Varré forcibly strip Envy for the bloody finger scene but honestly that day I was feeling sort of lazy and also felt it was more symbolically appropriate for her to strip herself and offer herself up freely. Was gonna have Yura and Eleonora be a bigger part of the story but ended up dropping it, I wasn't very confident in my plotting ability. (I am still not very confident in my plotting ability lol) There was going to be a scene from Envy's POV while she was taking a bath where she cuts her hair. I wrote an outline of it but wasn't happy with it, so just ended up writing the scene from Varré's POV and to give him more screen-time. There was going to be more content post-Age of Rose Gold where it would explore Envy's role as Elden Lord, and how she interacted with Marika/Radagon and how Varré fit in. It was basically like, mommydommy Marika, Radagon is a broken fuck machine, a whole lot of royalty/god kink, and breeding kink.
I didn't write it because I realized I didn't really have a coherent plot so much as just a series of scenarios with Envy getting railed ASJHFOSDHLFKLGK maybe I'll still do it but I also it was veering into "well, Envy needs to get pregnant and produce an heir" territory and I... am still sort of undecided how I feel about that. It makes me uncomfortable. It's a concept I've toyed with but like... I dunno. Anyway I think that's it!
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purple-cat-demon · 2 years
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I posted 548 times in 2022
12 posts created (2%)
536 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 525 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#mlqc - 370 posts
#mlqc gavin - 322 posts
#cheri sundae - 228 posts
#artist: norelle-n - 67 posts
#mlqc spoilers - 65 posts
#mr love queen's choice - 60 posts
#love and producer - 60 posts
#mlqc cn - 54 posts
#恋与制作人 - 34 posts
#artist: 喵哦哦哦哦哦 - 33 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#the truth is it's like this. bc i started last summer and gave up but. today was a shaw day and i said screw it its getting. finished.
My Top Posts in 2022:
A little update of sorts:
I finally got back to Forever Starts Under the Ginkgo Tree after suffering a gnarly writer's block. Not quite done writing this last part but I'm getting there~
I started an origin story for my two OCs that will tie into my Dungeons and Dragons group, but it's a story that's been in my head for a LONG TIME.
Started writing down notes for Hazel and Gavin's Wedding Fic. (Then I started remembering all the details of my wedding and got a little overwhelmed 🤣)
4 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Ya know, it just occurred to me that I have failed to use the nickname "Hazelnut" for any of my Gavin x Hazel fics...
5 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
So I have the first part of my OCs Origin Story typed out; eagerly getting the second part finished so it can be typed out, and still writing out the third part.
I have so many scenes in my cracked little mind that need to be written and honestly, it feels good to be this invested in my own characters 😅 Now if I could just DRAW these OCs, I would be ecstatic~
I promise I have not forgotten about the last part of Forever Starts Under the Ginkgo Tree! The material I wrote out for that last part seems off to me so I'm trying to revisit it and rework it somehow so it hopefully doesn't sound redundant or boring... I do plan on keeping the morning s*x part though😏
As always, I am forever grateful for your patience and thank you for enjoying my works!
6 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Forever Starts Under the Ginkgo Tree Part 9
Pairing: Gavin x Hazel
Genre: 🔞Smut🔞 romantic/domestic fluff
Word Count: 4,714
Warnings: wet dream leading to actual sex, unprotected sex.
Beta by the lovely @sin-with-quiche
Dear GEEZUS, this has been a very long time coming and I have my finicky Muse to thank for that (the highly distractive little brat), but yes, this little saga is finally done after about 2 years in the making?? So I hope y'all enjoy the final instalment of Forever Starts Under the Ginkgo Tree~ 💙 thank you all who have been reading it and have been very patient for each instalment~
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~~Sunday 7:30am~~
"Wakey wakey, my love~" Hazel gently whispered in Gavin's ear. A soft moan came from her fiancé, still touring dream land.
"Ngh, how is it that you're awake before me," he shifted towards her, "and here I thought I wore you out last night."
In a swift move by her deft fiancé, Hazel was back on the bed and under him, playfully laughing as he snuggled into the crook of her neck. A hand had snuck up her pajama top and lightly fondled her breast, his fingers gently pinching an already hardening nipple.
“Mmm, how are you this frisky so early in the morning, my love," Hazel giggled
He smiled into her neck before kissing it.
“I could ask you the same thing,” he answered, nibbling her ear before trailing back down to her neck. Lifting his head, he leaned in for a kiss while his knee parted her legs enough for his hand to move downward. Hazel anticipated that delicious next move—
A few moments passed before Hazel opened her eyes to find Gavin had disappeared.
“Huh,” she sat up and looked around, her bleary gaze settling on the sleeping form of her fiancé next to her.
‘What the hell? That was a DREAM?!’
Silently waging war on her rudely overactive imagination, her small tantrum roused the officer from his sleep.
“Mm, what’s wrong, my love?”
“Nothing…,” she whimpered, thoroughly duped by her very convincing wet dream.
Gavin sat up, shifting closer to his visibly dejected bride-to-be and nuzzled into the back of her neck, taking in her scent.
“You sure nothing’s wrong," he wrapped his arms around her torso and rested his chin on her shoulder.
“Y-yeah, I just had a super realistic dream, that’s all," she shivered at his touch.
“Oh? And what was it about?"
Hazel felt her face get uncomfortably warm as she recalled the unfinished business of her lewd dream.
“W-well, I guess you could think of it as a continuation of our…session last night.”
“Is that right,” he inquired, mildly intrigued by this dream of hers. He glanced over at the clock on her nightstand, it read 6:56am, he then had an idea.
“Judging from your cute pout, I’d say this dream of yours was…unfinished?”
Hazel squeaked at his deduction, squirming in his embrace as one bold hand found itself in her pajama bottoms.
See the full post
17 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I just gotta say, I wholly adore this card art so damn much~ Just look at these two 😍
I'mma just leave it here for y'all~
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*note: it didn't actually take this long to evolve this card 🤣
33 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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