#i am so sorry naemon
crysdrawsthings · 2 years
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Well, I do keep my word, we got 100 votes before the poll closes, you get to feel the twinge of cringe ahead of schedule.
My favorite fairy tale pairing with princess, knight and a dragon. The princess is a prince, the knight and the dragon are the same person, both are emotionally stunted altmer.
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naernon · 5 years
Look. I'm the anon from earlier. I'm just worried that you're head-over-heels obsessed with a character that doesn't exist. It's not good for your mental health. I might've come off as rude, so sorry.
1.) In what world is this a message concerned that liking a fictional elf man is bad for my mental health? You did not start a discussion about how you think I like a fictional character too much. You started a discussion about how he’s a petty/resentful ass of a character, and how my little theory about how Rahjin’s Mantle corrupted him at the Orrery had nothing to do with that “bullshit”.
Unless that was your intention, to bait me into arguing back at you about it to prove your weak point about how I’m too obsessed over the topic… how kind of you. I’m sure you feel very successful in doing so. Because god forbid people have any sort of analysis into fiction and the characters within it and how they interpret it… how obsessive and unhealthy!
2.) How is this any of your business? You not only chose to do whatever it is you’re trying to do in my Tumblr inbox, but on anon, as well. If you wanted to have a serious talk with me about how you think what i’m doing is unhealthy (which is still ridiculous but besides the point), then go on my Discord, whatever.
Not like this.
3.) I am 99.9% you don’t even know me, not even to the extent of my closest mutuals. Who are you to act like you do? Who are you to presume that I’m too ‘obsessed’ with a fictional character to the point of unhealthiness?
Because, spoiler alert, what’s not good for my mental health is everything else is my damn life. Finding comfort and solace in fiction, as MANY DO, is one of the only things that keep me grounded. When that gets unhealthy I’m sure I’d know deep-down and, spoiler alert 2.0, it’s not. I’m not crying myself to sleep every night because Prince Naemon or any other particular comfort characters aren’t real and it makes me uwu sad. Comfort characters are normal. Favorite characters are normal. People liking a fictional character so much that they attach themselves to them, etc.. is normal.
Maybe if you can come back with receipts from my vent twitter (which is private! you seeing what i post there would be a grand indication that you know me at least slightly well, at least comparatively. but you don’t, do you) or whatever, giving evidence that my love for a fictional character is doing me more harm than good I’ll give you the time of day but for now this is just ridiculous.
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tvranny · 6 years
i know im not one too talk on the matter of developing/seeing great potential and/or depth in minor characters in TES games but i legit just. do not get ANYTHING involving cicero. like yeah, i dont get everyone swooning over his appearance, but any analysis is just. baffling to me. im sure one of his stans could fire back a single defining trope behind prince naemon to take me down but cicero is literally just.. a mad jester. that’s all he is. and like i get what they’re saying about people writing off any decisions he makes and any intelligence he displays off with “he’s insane, he doesn’t know what he’s doing” because that IS ableist but i just.
bethesda gave him a backstory. not really anything that develops him truly, at least to the extent that people interpret-- just. a backstory. some books in the DB sanctuary that you can find or read that give nothing more other than “this is why he’s like That”. maybe i’m just dense and in-comprehensive but there’s... not much more than that. and while, like i said, hating how his actions are written off with “he’s insane” is justified; it becomes just ridiculous when that’s literally how bethesda wrote his character. that’s all he is. they didn’t adapt him from a deeper portrayal. they didn’t seem to put a lot into him. they just made him, and all they made him IS a mad jester with some tragic backstory. not much more than that.
go under the readmore to see me rambling in-comprehensively about character writing and a stupid ass skyrim character for like 5+ paragraphs
if you’re on mobile i am Very Sorry not just for having to scroll through it but also the fact that you’re a witness to my stupidity i do not know what im talking about ever
and if bethesda really did intend to put more into his character and have the character depth that people claim him to have, that is where their recent tactic of “ok take a few characters and develop them a shitton so we have some memorable fan favorites to try and get to the level of martin septim + lucien lachance and we’re good” falls short. the DB in skyrim definitely has some endearing personalities but other than maybe astrid (in terms of character depth), cicero is really the one character that has such a backstory and probably has the most lines.
take it and compare it to ESO. MMOs are going to be drastically different than the major titles in terms of how much is included in quests and all because the format’s different and there’s less concern on pacing (i think) BUT... the writers clearly put a lot, or rather, ENOUGH, into the AD questline and it’s characters.
 im not going to go too into it and run the risk of seeming like im doing the very thing i’m criticizing (over-analyzing shit that isn’t there) and i think it’s a bit more lost with characters like razum-dar and all (fan-favorites tend to be... oversold at times esp. in an MMO where the content is constantly expanding) but queen ayrenn, prince naemon, pelidil, aranias (oh lovely babey. i can never play her quest without crying)... all developed, enough to make a lot of quest-players feel. you like these characters. sympathize. adore. zenimax has some damn issues with plot-writing but their characters, man. when put them aside the amount of endearing characters that bethesda has written it’s just glaring. 
and when you put all of that next to the level of over-hyped meta centered around characters like cicero, it’s even more glaring.
(although the scale to which bethesda characters are adored can’t really be ignored. the tribunal tend to be universally appreciated on either a purely “their lore is interesting” front or a straight-up “i love them” front, or both. but of course, major title characters are going to be more popular than characters in an MMO that was LOATHED by everyone like two years ago and the tribunal has particularly been here since the beginning (well. morrowind. around the beginning) and arguably has the most development out of many TES characters.)
point is, this is one of the many pitfalls of putting all the development towards one character that is not necessarily the sole character you’re going to be dealing with + NEEDS development, rather than balancing it out among all the others too with only some emphasis on those that truly matter. characters that attempt at a backstory, depth, stand out like a sore thumb when put up against those that don’t have any at all and don’t try to. you get people so desperate for good characters searching for more details, more depth, that isn’t there because bethesda didn’t TRULY develop him.
had naemon been the younger brother of a blander character, a character with nowhere near as much depth as ayrenn, he wouldn’t be as good. had they given random development to him or aranias or pelidil or estre or ANYONE to where they stand out on that front, it all wouldn’t be as good. as much of an experience. naemon is a good character, sure, but he doesn’t carry the “show” alone. cicero... aside from astrid, does.
(although i should note if ayrenn was alone in character depth i dont think it wouldn’t be as glaring as cicero-- as ayrenn IS kind of the “main character” (or the closest you’re going to get to one) in the AD questline other than the AD hero themselves and when you develop the leader/main character, the one you dedicate yourself to, as opposed to everyone else in an MMO questline... i wouldn’t suppose it to be that noticeable, at least as noticeable as a side character predominantly centered in the “mad jester” trope getting the most development in a questline. serana is an example of where it kind of works on part of bethesda and gives a similar effect to ayrenn, works in a way that she is developed and likable but all it gives you is “damn. i want more of this please” instead of “this... this seems a bit out of place”. because serana is the one character you deal with the most, talk to-- your companion. of course she’s developed. and that isn’t to say cicero isn’t a major character in the DB questline it’s just-- you get my point.) 
TLDR; when you give a character more backstory and “depth” than all the others in a sea of bland, minimally developed other characters-- while it works on that “fans adore him and cherish him and over-analyze” front because it’s such a damn surprise to them they actually give two shits about a character in your damn game-- they stand out and the weak spots become more and more glaring, not just in that one character that you gave a half-assed backstory but in the rest of your damn character writing as well.
also. uh. that was not my original point, my point was i just find cicero analysis silly. yeah that’s all
i dont want to be an asshole and i know people are just having fun but meta, headcanons (”oh cassius but c0da--” shut up), etc. are one thing-- passing off all these in-depth character analysis and all as canon implication at the least is another and becomes a bit. grating at times
If you read through all of that and do not get a word i’m saying i am so sorry for putting you through that and you are 100% justified
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crysdrawsthings · 2 years
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okay, listen, cringe art of the cringe ship is under the cut and i will make more on the weekend. Also all stuff of this kind from now on will have the Cringeship tag so, yeah, if you want to search specifically for this, be my guest
[Content seized by the Divine Prosecution]
Deer: rolls to seduce
Naemon: succeeds on the saving throw, because he has yet to micromanage the entirety of Summerset
Deer: oh yeah, I have good control of my dragonknight abilities!
[Content seized by the Divine Prosecution]
Also Deer: have not accounted for horny
Also yes, these two are a continuation of this sketch page that I have cut out originally
[Content seized by the Divine Prosecution]
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crysdrawsthings · 1 year
3, 5 & 13 from the couples ask meme, for whichever couple you want to answer for ☺️💙
I am so sorry it took me like, several ages to get to it, but, finally, answering this - questions coming from THIS MEME, happy to answer more
What's their favorite thing to tease each other about?
Now, I think Deer most often gets teased about her annoyingly long full name, her titles or anything of the kind, to her annoyance (affectionate). Deer in turn, I would imagine, pokes fun at Ceremoniarchy and it's great many rules for royalty in this "oh yes, but what does Ceremoniarchy says about afternoon naps, I bet it says something" (it in fact does).
How do they express love for each other? Do they have compatible love languages?
Deer's main way or showing and understanding love are physical touch and quality time. On Naemon's end it is gifts and also quality time, so at the very least they have one thing in common from day one. Deer eventually grows to appreciate gifts going from "bro, are you trying to bribe me or what" to "oh, so you spent like three month learning about this whole thing to give me a good present? This is sweet ;u;". And Naemon goes from like "you get one handshake if I am in a good mood, otherwise gtfo of my personal space" to "okay, Deer can stay and get a hug, everyone else - still gtfo".
How do they sleep?
Expectations (picture in hi-res posted HERE)
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Reality (no, bigger bed won't help, Deer will snuggle (un)comfortably close)
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Jokes aside yeah, those are the two extreme ends of the spectrum in this question.
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crysdrawsthings · 1 year
Hi!! Time to ask about your characters <3 of course feel free to change em around if there's repeats in other asks
7&12 for Deer, 5 for Sheba, 11&13 for Asgeld.
This ask was sitting in my inbox for such a long time, I am so sorry ;u;
Anyway, it refers to THIS MEME, I am happy to answer more!
What non-combat skill do they excel at? - for Deer
A lot of Deer talents are somehow combat-related, which is not a surprise, given how fighting is a large part of her life she genuinely enjoys. But later, when she gets more free time she picks up jewelry making as a side hobby! And if you can call learning a skill, she is pretty decent at it as well, especially in learning random trivia through chatting and spending time with people.
Who are they closest to? - for Deer
I would say there would be a tie between her best friend (Stabby!) and her husband and their eventual kids (truly "the family of all time" as my fried Sera put it). I suppose yes, Stabby and Naemon definitely get the most amount of "concerning 4am kitchen/bedroom conversations" with Deer, which I will use a metric here.
What were they doing before their adventure officially began? - for Sheba
Well, before going to Cyrodiil to try and figure out where her younger sister had disappeared to, Sheba was a mildly succesful practicing mage on Summerset Isles researching welkynd crystals as well as alchemy. While in Cyrodiil, and this was the reason why she ended up in prison, she was running a potion shop without Mages Guild certification, committing tax fraud as well as operating a business without proper licensing.
From a story standpoint, what is the general opinion of your character amongst the people of Skyrim? - for Asgeld
Hmm... I suppose general opinion of people on Asgeld would average to finding him personally a kind and genuinely well-meaning, if a bit lost in life person. Now, there would definitely be outliers condemning him for his ties with Cassia, his half-sister and a pretty awful person, to be honest. But those are the minority, I would say.
What questline had the biggest impact on them? - for Asgeld
Well, I would say Civil War, since this is the only one he has a reasonable tie and sort of a part in. He initially joined Stormcloaks with a rather idealistic and rose-tinted view on the situation and his comrades, but after some time was forced to meet the reality of a civil war tearing the country apart and how unfortunate some of Stormcloak politics are. He hoped that perhaps by gaining the ear of Jarl Ulfric he would be able to change some of things for the better, but unfortunately the Cassia Incident happened first and after some consideration he left.
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crysdrawsthings · 6 years
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“Placeholder for a smart caption”
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crysdrawsthings · 6 years
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Deer, Stabby and Prince Naemon feat Probably Outdated Meme. Also featuring very royal editions of things spoken.
Stabby belongs to @sleepyysalamiri, Deer belongs to me and Naemon is very canon, much wow.
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crysdrawsthings · 6 years
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And a little sketch I made based on idea that @aearyn gave to me, because she is genius, trust me.  Anyway. Naemon and Deer at some... fashionable party that was overrun by some assassin dudes. Because seriously, this is Tamriel, you can’t possibly go out to buy a breadloaf without some weird stuff happening.
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crysdrawsthings · 6 years
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Okay, I am not even commenting it. I had to draw it with my two hands while I got shippy feels so you now had to see it with your eyes. Especially @aearyn and @sleepyysalamiri And yes, I have no idea how to draw couples, anatomy or anything else.
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naernon · 5 years
im so sorry i keep posting about abnur tharn here, i am with the AD and the AD alone, prince naemon has my heart (and even if he didn’t i guarantee to you that abnur tharn would absolutely NOT be a candidate no offense)
and also, since ive taken on the task of making a tharn OC, one that’s abnur’s daughter nonetheless, i’ve kinda needed to be On Guard for any and all tharn-related details to assist me in her development.
and in the process i inevitably grew to enjoy the family’s lore. not that i like them, exactly-- i love to hate them. they’re so awful. i love it.
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naernon · 6 years
for the ask meme (TES, obvs): 3,9, 13 (for naemon), 23!
thank you!! i wrote this all last night and i havent checked for coherency or errors so forgive me if it’s a bit scatterbrained at times (although yall should be used to incoherency coming from me ghhgfg.)
3.) Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
someone said that they didn’t like serana and i was already sitting on the decision to unfollow them for other reasons and that. that was just the Final Straw.
but i think that’s it…? im so petty + impulsive (deadly combo) at times that maybe i did unfollow over a TES opinion another time but i can’t remember hgufuhfhxdfh
9.) Most disliked character(s)? Why?
OOF this is a hard one, ill list the ones that come to mind rn;
molag bal. needs no explanation
darren guitar or whatever his name is. im sorry to anyone who likes him but i just.. can’t. he’s so obnoxious. he was toned down in summerset, probably because different people were writing him if i had to guess but in the main and daggerfall covenant questline? awful. his goddamn womanizing jokes at every second of the day was “kim, there’s people that are dying” at its finest.literally one or two “haha ladies amirite fellow man ;)/haha ladies amirite……… lady ;)” jokes can be.. bearable albeit still annoying but there was so much more than that. or they were so obnoxiously written that it seemed to be more frequent than in actuality, either way, darren guitar? 0/10also my view of him hasnt gotten better since someone sent me a rude ask about how darren had more personality than prince naemon in-game due to me joking about how i don’t like him and then subsequently blocked me for being irritated about the rudeness of the ask + the fact that im 99% sure they were the anon that appeared in my fucking inbox defending darren guitar every single time i breathed a single word about him
i completely forgot he existed until you listed him as disliked and now i hate him even more. that fucking. bard from the bannered mare. the one that harassed carlotta until you told him to fuck off. i hate that dude. always have
abnur tharn. mildly obnoxious with some amusing lines until you find out what he did to queen ayrenn like. small dick mannimarco joke is now renounced, little man. Perish.my view on Estre is Complicated because she’s a really neat character and villain and ranks as a favorite in the latter department but from like, a moral standpoint i loathe her.also while it wasn’t like. pelidil levels of shittiness i’m not fond of how she hurt naemon– but then again……. now that i think of it, i really don’t know what’d she COULD do other than keep him in the absolute dark until he inevitably gets caught up in the Shitshow otherwise. i wouldn’t suppose naemon to be 100% willing to join in her efforts or even keep completely quiet about them if she did decide to talk to him about it or let him know; and for all we know, she could’ve planned to do so eventually in some way– but the suddenness of the AD hero’s infiltration of the veiled heritance probably ruined any semblance of a plan she could’ve had. so on second thought, even from a “naemon is a perfect being and i will protect him with my life and loathe all who hurt him” standpoint, i don’t dislike her too much. let’s just reduce estre to like.. honorable mentions on my “disliked characters” list then lmao(also “moral standpoint” as if queen ayrenn is anything close to the pinnacle of absolute morality. estre is objectively worse on that front, though, so i suppose i still stand by that)
speaking of which i really… don’t like pelidil. again, moral standpoint. and “naemon is a perfect being and i will protect him with my life and loathe all who hurt him” standpoint. otherwise, he’s a neat villain and the quest in which you cut him down was one of the more impressive quests in the game IMO, or even in the entire game series. good build-up.
this is getting too long so i’ll cut it there, that’s all the characters that come to mind rn anyways hfhgdhg
10.) Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
i guess if you view it in such a way, liking him is kind of unpopular– while there’s still a lot of those who even if not actively talking about him as a character, have praised his character/took his side/whatever, there’s also a good amount who don’t. not really in considering him a poorly written character, but rather from a (sorry to bring this phrase up so much so far) moral standpoint.
also, considering him in a semi-unironic “he did nothing wrong” way, which i do, is kind of unpopular– and i can understand that, in some ways. i dont think him snapping at the scene of the orrery was under his 100% control nor was anything subsequent, but there’s still the fact that he still is in an “i deserve the throne, fuck off” mindset in coldharbour, which, unless he’s STILL affected by the mantle and/or the orrery, is obviously a negative change in viewpoint compared to the “i’ll swallow my bitterness and remain loyal to my sister and the dominion, she is the rightful queen and i am just her shadow” you saw prior.
granted, i’d argue that even then, you have to consider the influence that pelidil had over him prior (as some have accurately put it before– whispered poison into his ear). especially with the fact that naemon’s quite young for an elf at… 26? around that age-range. i dont think altmer’s minds work in the way that, say, hobbits do, in that they age slower and this includes their mental capability, decision-making, etc.. (they obviously don’t) BUT, compared to an elf with more experience, there’s a bit of an… imbalance there. pelidil WAS the one who served naemon instead of the other way around so you’d figure the opposite if anything, but again, naemon = impressionable and emotionally vulnerable at the time.
anyways, got off-topic; my point was that naemon, when you consider the influence that pelidil and any other secretly heritance people that interacted with him, even when you use the fact that he still seems “corrupted” in coldharbour to frame him as bad… that ain’t it. there’s also the fact that he is being tortured, at that moment. big part of it. he PROBABLY isn’t in the right state of mind, to put it simply. but then again, i mean, one could still argue a whole “cool motive, still murder” take on it, so whatever. i dont know man ghfghduhbdfg
YIKES i rambled, holy shit. sorry. but otherwise, i dont think i have too many? there’s not much in the prince naemon…. sub-fandom, at least not enough to be able to render one opinion as unpopular compared to the next
(and i. Guess that headcanoning him as trans definitely has the potential to be unpopular. but i dont really talk about it or “enforce” it much other than off-hand comments that might imply such, drawing him with top surgery scars, etc.. so it hasn’t exactly been given any room to be considered remotely unpopular. haven’t gotten anon hate, snide comments, etc.. about any of it at all so it’s cool. but i’ve brought it up because… you know how fandoms are; if there was more to the prince naemon “fandom”, theoretically, it would be and therefore kind of IS an unpopular opinion. “does your arm hurt from reaching cassius” ok look, i just felt like i needed to provide one more unpopular opinion about naemon and i couldn’t figure out any other than that. but yes. yes, hurts a little)
23.) Unpopular character you love?
unpopular as in commonly disliked, or unpopular in… amount of people that like them? with the latter, it’s def naemon. i love him with all my heart gfigufhgdugdfh but then again who didn’t know that
with the former… hm. the thing is a lot of characters disliked in this fandom are disliked with good reason IMO– nevermind. almalexia. not to open any #diskhorse wounds but almalexia’s one of them ghdfhguhg jot that down
and i’ve heard some talk that veya is kind of unpopular, what with the recent summerset developments? yeah, fuck that, veya’s one of my favorites. this fandom (or. any fandom lets be real) has an awful tendency to praise any goddamn male character’s flaws or “negative” depth as redeemable character complexity and something that can be looked past, and yet, you see even REMOTELY the same amount if not more character depth in a female character and they’re hated. pointing this out is nothing new but it’s truly just…. something to behold.
and on that note im just going to renounce my prior statement of “a lot of characters disliked in this fandom are disliked with good reason” that’s the dumbest shit i’ve ever said. or perhaps an addendum stating that it’s only applicable to male characters is more in order? or that it’s the opposite for male characters: liked with bad reason. or… liked with over-exaggerated reason disproportionate to the actual amount of depth, complexity, and/or likeability said character actually has, paired with hatred for female characters with the same amount of complexity. “bruh don’t you obsess over prince naemon–” Yeah And What the Fuck Of It
anyways moving on sorry i got distracted hgdfgyfgh. that’s all the characters that come to mind? disregarding characters that are unpopular in an unappreciated sort of way rather than a disliked way, i really dont have a lot
salty fandom (elder scrolls) opinions
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naernon · 6 years
So, eh, I hope I won't look like some creep with this ask, but like. That post on Twitter about hand kiss? I just like, instantly went "aw yis, gOOD STUFF 10/10 StUff righT HERE VERY GOOD 👀👌" or something like this because so wholesome? So much of a content I am in the internet for? Not that any other yours is bad, this is just. Especially good one. Also well, yeah, my bestest vibes and wishes. Would have wrote it on Twitter or without anon but am I shy. Tho, also guessable too, I suppose.
this isnt creepy!! sorry anon i took so long to answer ive been kinda inactive on tumblr as a whole lately ffhudfhfhd but yes thank you!! it wasnt too unique of a thought but it was still, like– my magnum opus of Thoughts. quality content. i love AD hero/naemon it Warms my Soul
for anyone who doesnt follow me on my twitter (i only privated it recently, ill probably let it go public sometime soon idk) or didnt see it, here’s the tweet in question:
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(art in question… it’s so wonderful)
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naernon · 6 years
How about 4-9 for the salty asks?
thank you! these were fun, as with all the other ones ^ ^. sorry if my responses are a bit clumsy or anything, today’s an off-day for me and so i’ve been SO slow to answer these
4.) Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
i dont know if this counts as popular but i HATE when people (even in jest) ship vivec/molag bal. have never read the sermons or anything nor do i plan to but from the snippets i HAVE read, i just dont know how you read it and… think to ship it? more than a little messed up.
i wont get into it further but even outside of typical shipping spaces, it’s just. fucked. i normally don’t insult people’s interpretation of lore and things as a whole but when you get to shit like the sermons and the tribunal lore (particularly anything kirkbride had a say in or wrote himself) i really feel like… people have a shortage of common sense and reading comprehension and interpretation– although it gets to a point where you can blame not only the reader but the quality of the writing in itself. which… isn’t great, so it’s just a mess all around (as my lethargic middle-of-the-night brain aptly says as an example, you can’t write a quality thesis out of shit sources)
5.) Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
not particularly, no! except, maybe….
the weirdness around cicero’s uhh… fandom put me off of his character (plus i just grew to like… hm. different types of characters) and therefore put me off of LDB/cicero in any sort of way, which is something i unfortunately used to ship.
there’s also the fact that i read this one fanfiction of the LDB/cicero that i did kind of enjoy until i reached this crossdressing fetish part and…. boy, was my view changed that day. pretty sure there were weirder parts of it that i have forgotten. maybe for the best
6.) Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
i dont think so! none that come to mind at the moment. when i hate pairings, i tend to hate them for like– moral reasons, you know, in that it’d be abusive or otherwise toxic/unhealthy in some way; i guess i’m stubborn like that. any other pairings that im not into tend to just be that i never got into them but i still am tolerant of them. that being said, again, none really come to mind esp. for TES which is series where i don’t have a lot of ships gufdhguhgf.
7.) Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
answered here!
8.) Have you received anon hate? What about?
as i said in one of my other answers, every time i used to joke about darren guitar/whatever his name is (the DC razum-dar/naryu equivalent) i would get like.. a defensive ask– not too rude yet, just “why do you not like darren guitar”, and then later a “if you read more about him he does have a backstory and development”, that sort of stuff.
i dont think i was too rude in response, but i was kind of sharp, i guess; in a “i know you’re trying to change my viewpoint on this character and opinions are opinions, you can like the characters you like (and besides, most of my posts are purely jokes, im not trying to insult anyone who does like him), but im really set in how i feel about him and i hope to give the implication that nothing you’re sending forth to defend his character is working on me” sort of way
im really bloating this story to the point where the resolution isn’t exciting to hear at all but anyways eventually they send “hot-take: darren guitar has more personality than prince naemon in-game” and i got pissed and told them to fuck off; rightfully so, if you ask me. i said repeatedly i had no problem with this rando liking darrien goddamn guitar and then they came in with that rude shit about a character that’s clearly grown to be very important to me like… please. man. why. if it upsets you unfollowing is fine. or maybe closing the tab? or even asking me, “hey, i know this may sound silly but can you tag your darrien guitar hate? i really like him and his character’s important to me” in which i would oblige!!!
and i know exactly who they are, too, lmao. this is going to sound petty in how i found out but basically, on this site, when someone has blocked you, they will not appear in the notes of a post, no matter if they liked, reblogged, replied, etc. BUT, the number of notes still say the same. so if a post has one note due to someone liking it, and that someone has you blocked, if you were to look in the notes themselves to see who it is, their name will not pop up. does that make sense?
im rambling again but through that and switching to my main (where they didn’t bother to block me) i found out who it is because they’re someone i had never heard of before and they actively liked darren guitar. put two and two together, you know? but it’s just baffling. because they had the nerve to block ME for telling them to fuck off for THEM saying that rude shit????? maybe i sound delusional but…. ridiculous.
9.) Most disliked character(s)? Why?
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salty fandom (elder scrolls) opinions
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