#i am so so so glad the under the red hood movie exists
mxrekai · 4 years
*deep breath*
Yknow what I’m just gonna say it,
 The favortism that Bruce and the DC writers show Damian compared to the others is fucking disgusting and REEKS. Tim knows it, Jason sure as HELL know it, and Dick knows doesn’t really give a fuck.
Don’t believe me? Okay, how about where Bruce assaults Jason to near death in RHATO #25? And doesn’t apologize and instead just tracks Jason down to justify it saying “oh! I did it because I love you!” Yet he can apologize to Damian for literally anything and everything.
Or how when Damian died Bruce wanted to go on a mission with Jason in Batman Vol 2 #20 and he was glad because he thought his dad wanted to spend time with him. WRONG. He just wanted to trigger him in hopes he remembers something and when Jason is obviously uncomfortable he… starts a fist fight with Jason and starts yelling about how he wants his son back? Sir this is a Wendy’s.
This ^ and all the other crazy things he did to bring Damian back left a bad taste in my mouth because I don’t recall him going to this length AT ALL to bring Jason back.
Cutting Jason’s throat in Under the Red Hood to save Joker of all people and leaving Jason to explode in a building.
 How the DC writers legit named the movie “Son of Batman” WHEN BRUCE HAS 3 ADOPTED BOYS AND A DAUGHTER??? I don’t remember Dick’s movie being named son of Batman? Or Tim’s, or Jason’s?
So where was Dick and Bruce’s rage when Damian was killing people? And attacking Tim who didn’t even do anything? Where was it huh? Oh wait! I know! It was non-existent.
I am so sick and tired of the way the writers and Bruce handle Bruce’s terrible parenting skills. It is so unsightly and toxic.
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yeojaa · 4 years
whenever i see that you've responded, i'm always dumbfounded at how cluttered my mind is and how disorganized my asks are; my brain refuses to think coherently; i just jump from point to point with no clear structure 😭. WHATEVER YOU CHOOSE TO DO, I WILL BE HERE TO SUPPORT YOU!! noooo, if you die, i will resuscitate you with my love 🥰i do love the mcu! gwen stacey is lovely and i have a soft spot for wanda, even though they water down her character and powers in the films. i recently /cont
cont:   watched all of them again and ugh, i love the universe even if its flawed. Oh! have you seen the DC animated universe? my friend showed it to me recently and i love love love the batman x robin ones (damian is a little shit and i love him for it). for scents, i love anything rose-scented? (or related tbh. my favourite tea blend is rose black tea) and vanilla and sandalwood. there's also a store that sells waffle scented candles and it made me realize, i actually would like to smell like a freshly made waffle cone. and fresh laundry and rain. i love the smell of laundry. AHHH IF YOU WRITE A NEVER LET ME GO AU! i will cry. and then cry in your ask box with happy tears. i love anything that debates what makes humans human and never let me go really punched me in the guts when i watched it. SPEAKING OF WHICH, MAAM YOURE HURTING ME WITH YOUR TALENT. "dear no one" and "see nothing but you" hurt me (or maybe, i just love angst). for "dear no one," idk how you did it but everything feels cold, drenched in her heartbreak. it's like the opposite of "never let you go" in a sense: one talks about how the unfamiliar feels like home, while the other explores the foreignness of a space that used to belong to them. and oh, i don't think i could ever eloquently describe how heartbreaking "see nothing but you" was. "In this room, love exists in every breath, every batted eyelash. It sinks into your bones and coats your teeth." i absolutely LOVED this line. out of context, the first line is so sweet and tender. then the second one unveils how heartbreaking it is? it's not just the room that's filled with love: it's oc too. she's so filled with love, down to her very bones, that she can't escape herself and her love for him either. ugh, you hurt me erin, in the most beautiful way possible. my asks keep getting longer, but i just wanted to say, thank you for writing. i know that writing is for personal enjoyment, but it's always nice to have feedback, even if it's just random squealing, so i'm glad that my comments are making you happy! i always say this, but you deserve all the love in the world and if i could pluck the night sky of its stars and give them to you, it'd be bare. you are my sun, moon, and stars, lovely. i hope you sleep well and warm, enveloped in love. (i didn't get to ask you! what's your favourite scent? and do you have a favourite season?)
eyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee—am going to put everything under a read more because i, like you, just word vomit like crazy
your asks are adorable. i hope you know that. they are the uh. uhhh. whipped cream topping on the ... sundae of my life. you’re too busy being adorable to be coherent. IT’S A REAL ISSUE but i accept it 💗
i really enjoy wanda in the comics but she definitely gets shafted in the mcu. but.. c’est la vie, i suppose. the universe is super neat though. which of the mcu movies are your favourite?? but AH! DCAU!!!! one of my favourite movies ever is under the red hood, if you’re able to watch that. batman ninja? ninja batman? also very cool, mainly cause the art is NEAT AF. i could go on and on about the dc animated universe eheueuheeh. i haven’t watched the batman x robin ones otherwise but you have opened my eyes......
those things all sound like they smell amazing. fresh affle cones are.... a whole vibe. it’s insane. if i could smell like that and fresh laundry every day, i’d be happy. so i suppose you would make me happy (ba dum tsss) 
i am so glad you enjoy my writing. and that you seem to read so much of it. i know my masterlist is uh, grossly extensive and frankly a little repetitive so it makes me so happy you put yourself through that KLDJASLDJ both of those stories are.. deeply sad to me. but i think also realistic in a way, because you can be filled with love and still be heartbroken, y’know? the dichotomy of love 😩😩 it’s a real sad thing
but yes! i just! i am so grateful for you. so thankful. so utterly lucky. writing definitely is a very personal thing, but i also like... i do it for people. to share my brainchildren and to idk. create something that people enjoy. so getting these sorts of asks? these utterly lovely comments? it’s the greatest reward i could ever ask for and dsjaldad i just. i can do nothing but keysmash any time you are so lovely 
you are endlessly wonderful. the biggest sweetheart. i adore you to the moon and back and i sincerely hope you’re always safe and happy and receive all the love you give in return
(also i love gourmand scents. tonka bean. honey. things that smell like baked sweets or cocoa. also fresh laundry, sandalwood, lavender. i prefer citrus-y and/or dessert-like things versus floral. ANDDD i love fall. i love when the season is changing from the summer and there’s that chill in the air. you can start wearing your fall coats and cozy sweaters and it’s nice to sleep with the window open to let that crisp air in)
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pinkrae · 7 years
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract [review]
So, me and my boyfriend watched the latest DC animated movie Teen Titans: The Judas Contract and I’d like to give my opinion on it. For those, who want to avoid spoilers, I’ll give a quick general opinion of the movie itself and will go in further detail under a read more.
VVV SPOILER FREE [aka, short version] VVV
In general, I liked the movie. It was fun to watch and had good fight scenes that left you at the edge of the seat at times. Add a bit of dirty humor and character development in it and the movie is more than enjoyable, with a few minor Nope moments. But even those didn’t ruin the movie for me, as I am a big huge fan of Teen Titans and I just love seeing them finally getting proper treatment in contrast to that hellspawn of a crap show that is TTGO. Plus, we got to see some pretty awesome characters that need more screentime! 
Overall, I’d say that plot-wise DC stayed as true as possible to the source material, and any fan that loved the original Teen Titans series and the comic that the movie was based on would really like it. And not just that, I’m sure new fans that aren’t familiar with the Judas Contract would be into it as well, even if just to see the amazing assortment of characters they’ve put in. I know I loved it. A lot. But again, I just really love seeing my bbies on the screens again and I’d watch and love anything DC’s giving me. xD 
So, all in all, I recommend the movie, absolutely. But for a more in-depth comment, click below. BEWARE though, it’s super long. ;D
First of all, a flashback of the sorta original team meeting Starfire at the very beginning of the movie. Even for a fan, who would kill to see every single one of the Teen Titans characters on screen, I sort of felt that this scene was just a tad unnecessary, as it had no real relation to the movie itself, other than to just show Starfire’s origin (as well as a shot of Kory’s butt and a DickKory kiss that they obviously couldn’t live without). On the other hand, however, I get what DC’s doing. If you’ve seen previous animated movies, such as Son of Batman and Justice League vs. Teen Titans, you already know the origin of Damian and Raven, which is a really cool sneak peek for those, who don’t read comics or are not familiar with these particular characters. And now in this movie we received a glimpse of Starfire’s origin, plus, as we later on see - flashes of Terra’s past as well. And Jaime’s family gets an appearance, too, so all we really need now is to look a bit into Gar’s past and we’re good. So for me, the first scene was a 50/50. On one hand, it felt rushed and non-relevant to the story, but on the other hand it’s cool to see DC providing a bit of character background to those, who may be new to this fandom.
Next up - Dick and Kory. Not my favorite ship in the world, but hey, it’s canon, what can you do. And DC finally revealed more than just throwing not-so-subtle hints as they did in the previous movie. Also, all the dirty jokes - priceless. Really good for a laugh, definitely. It was nice seeing them working as a team and building their relationship at the same time. And, well, it was nice to see Dick in general. I’m always excited to see him around.
Then the team itself. Damian. Always refreshing to see his butt kicked. xD Don’t get me wrong, I adore Damian and his snarky attitude, but I’m glad that the movie didn’t focus on him as much as in other movies featuring this batkid. He got beaten and removed from quite a big part of the movie, which was both kinda disappointing because it’s Damian, but at the same time I can’t entirely say I minded it.  Raven. We didn’t get to see a whole lot of her, which is kinda understandable since the movie was expected to focus on other characters, but hey, there’s no such thing for me as too much Raven screentime. c: What we did get to see, however, was sorta of an aftermath of the previous movie about how she gets along with her trapped father that she’s always carrying with her in the form of the gem on her forehead. That was a neat little nuance that I enjoyed a lot. Also, although it doesn’t seem so at first, it looks like her friendship with Damian is still going pretty strong, so the bond that they created in TT vs. JL wasn’t forgotten, which I have a lot of respect for.  Blue Beetle. As my boyfriend would say: “He’s not the jerk they made him out to be in the last movie”. xD And yeah, it was super cool to see a lot of character development specifically for Jaime (which is a tiny bit weird, since, again, the movie’s expected to focus on other characters). We get to meet his family (and, spoiler alert, at the end of the movie he gets to see them too~), his struggles and how he tries to deal with them. It was absolutely amazing. Beast Boy. As always, we got to see a lot of sides of this lil’ green bean. As the social butterfly that he is, it made a lot of sense that he’d be on social media, post pictures and count followers etc. Although I would’ve liked to have seen it in the previous movie as well (since, as we see in the flashback at the beginning, he’s been on social media for quite a while), it was a nice addition to his character here. And while he’s forever with a smile on his face, his interactions with Terra changed from humorous ‘trying-to-impress’ sort of style to a deep understanding of each other (even if Terra didn’t want to admit it and never would), creating a great character development for Gar, especially after her death. Terra. A part of me didn’t entirely like her.. behavior in the movie. Probably because of the influence of the Teen Titans series’ Terra, who was always bubbly and cheerful among the teen titans. This Terra was suspicious from the very beginning and she had already been on the team for a whole year. You’d think that a person would be able to show more genuine happiness over such a long course of time. But no. Not Terra. So that bothered me a little. But other than that - her design was closer to her comic counterpart and I loved that the most about her. 
NOPE moments:
Slade and Terra. Man. I know and I understand that it’s kinda a canon thing, but oh boy was it cringy to watch. I wish they hadn’t shown that, but I get it that it was her entire motivation to be on this mission in the first place. As creepy as it may be.  Terra’s look in the last parts of the movie?? Dafuq happened with her? Like, why the sudden change? I get that it was the end of her mission and she could return to Slade (*gags*) and everything, but why the fuck did she have to cut her short hair even shorter and pierce her ears?? Also the dark lipstick. Was that supposed to be like a rebel kind of thing? If so, it was really misplaced and out of the blue. So unnecessary. Just no. 
CONFUSION moments:
AKA - DC, are you sure you have your timelines in check??
So. The thing that me and my boyfriend spend too much time talking about is, first of all, the actual age of the teen titans. Because that has never ever been mentioned anywhere. At all. I’ve checked so many sources and come up with nothing. No information or whatsoever. That’s why a lot of things confused us. For example, if Gar was a Teen Titan 5 years ago already, how old is he really? How old is anyone, for that matter? Well, the eldest ones there are obviously Starfire and Dick, so technically Gar should be around that age as well, unless he was suuuper young when he started out in the TT.  But the biggest issue was the timeline itself, as pointed out by my boyfriend. Five years ago they met Starfire. And in the movie Terra celebrated her 1 year anniversary since joining the team, aka, it’s been 1 year since the previous movie. So that makes it that Starfire came to Earth 4 years before Justice League vs. Teen Titans. SO. What the fuck? xD This means that from then on out, in the span of only 4 years, Dick, first of all, went from Robin to Nightwing (which, we all know didin’t happen right after Star came to Earth), then they had to have gone through the Jason!Robin time and Tim!Robin time before they even got to Damian!Robin. And even if Jason and Tim weren’t part of the Teen Titans in this universe, they’re still there. They exist. And they didn’t come to be in just 4 years, that’s crazy. So it just makes me wonder - what the hell did DC do to Jason and Tim? Well, we have seen Jason in the 2010 Batman: Under the Red Hood, but they seem to have thrown Tim out of the equation all together and it just makes me really sad. And it’s confusing asf, too.
Well, to end this review on a positive note: YAY FOR DONNA AND JERICHO.
In the last scenes of the movie we see Donna Troy getting the hang of her flight ability and in the after credits scene we clearly see Jericho and that earned quite a few squeals from the both of us. :D I’m a little confused about Jericho’s age here, though, but hey, it’s all confusing when it comes to ages here >.> All I can hope for some RaeJeri bonding in the future~ C: This ending definitely left me wanting more. And I just can’t wait to see what comes next. I WANT MORE. Even despite all the confusion, I really love this DC animated universe. It needs to be more thought-through in terms of time, sure, but I still love it. I genuinely enjoy it and can’t get enough of it. And I wish we get many more Teen Titans movies because they deserve it! The Teen Titans deserve all the love and they definitely need more of it. Go watch the movies. All of them. Seriously.
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strangesickness · 4 months
being a DC fan is so annoying because its like. yes i love this character. no i can not recommend you any storylines with her in it. because DC does not know how to write her. yeah. sorry.
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