#i am not complaining because many of these messes were very private and didn't want to talk about personal stuff
frevandrest · 2 years
How to Tell What a 18c Man Was Like (when he didn't leave personal writings)
Read his work-related/non-personal stuff. They were all big on writing Important Observations about nature, society, life, humanity etc. but the source was... their personal experience. Like everyone's writing was so personal they were basically telling on themselves. Any serious philosophical or political text is so filled with self-own and so autobiographical it's cringe astonishing. Read that stuff and you'll see the dude's personal thoughts/experience and life anecdotes.
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It had been four days after y/n returned, she walked upto her counter flipping through open sign as if nothing had happened.
The bruise on her jaw had faded but it was visible, and it made the crows uneasy. Inej went in first chance she saw. The restraunt already fulling up and she multitasked with enough skill that no one complained.
Waffles? She asked when she saw Inej sit on the seat nearest to the counter
A word, privately would be nice actually Inej replied, growing impatient, she had some sort of a restlessness but she didn't understand why. Only y/n seemed to be a beacon of calmness.
Uh she raised her eyebrow and jutted her chin towards the customers still coming strong.
Inej grumbled, y/n had some hold over her, and she did not understand it. Allies were all you ever found in the barrel, Nina was the closest thing to a friend she'd made, but y/n had some other kind of allure, Inej knew very little about her and that made her crave for more. She refused to admit it was a crush until she got to better know her, like she knew Kaz, the feelings were messing with her. She nodded and waited nearby, waiting for the crowd to slow down, the morning stretched to afternoon and business was at stand still.
Y/n slid a plate of warm crepes in from of Inej and crossed over the counter to come sit facing her. Inej looked at the plate, she did feel hungry but wanted to refuse it in am act of defiance. Defiance against what exactly?
Thanks Inej said, trying to make eye contact which y/n kept avoiding, never looking directly at her.
You wanted to talk she said resting her head on her hand, looking at her nails which had some batter sticking to them.
I'm listening? She said furrowing her brows, it was not unusual chit chatting but there was something unsettling about Inej's urgency.
I- where were you last four five days
Paying off debts y/n replied truthfully she thought Kaz probably already knew, but if he didn't she liked her anonymity.
Oh Inej did not expect that, she shook her head slightly, Jesper saw you fight that night, I thought I just think that um, she fumbled
Y/n enjoyed watching her fumble over her words, her pretty face showing hints of red.
I thought you were hurt she said finally
There was silence for a while.
I'm fine y/n shrugged
I was worried, she added quickly and mentally smacked her face
Because I don't know, you have an annoyingly pretty face and make my stomach flutter Inej thought to herself but remained silent. She ate her crepes. Y/n looked at her with amusement for a while and said this one's on the house Inej Ghafa and got up to get back to cooking but she could swear that Inej choked a bit when she said her name.
Jesper and Nina came in a while after that, having planned to come when there won't be many customers. Inej had left by then, leaving money in the pocket of the spare apron.
Y/n was peeling potatoes and occasionally stirring the big pot with bubbling broth like thing that smelled wonderful. She looked up at the noise of the entrance bell.
Hey Jesper she smirked, enjoy the show?
He did not expect that, his eyes widened which he tried to hide by leaning onto the counter but he slipped.
It hurts me to watch that Nina said putting distance between him and her, but internally panicking too. They'd all thought that they'd caught her in a secret and had an upper hand of sorts, but what did they want from her?
Y/n brought a plate of waffles with a bottle of syrup for Nina before she could even order and winked at her.
You're like really fast, Nina said, biting into the waffles and immediately filled with a warm good feeling, and really good she finished.
Y/n bowed and continued peeling potatoes, Jesper came and sat in front of the counter.
I did not know you were a boxer he said trying to be smooth, wanting to gain back his image of sauve badass guy.
Well now you do she replied not looking up but curled up her lips a bit, not unnoticed by Nina.
Why do you keep disappearing every now and then, why so mysterious Jesper asks
Secrets are sexy, she winked at him, moving on to cutting carrots.
I have been trying to figure you out for quite some time now Nina said trying to listen to her heartbeat to see if it'll give something away, but I really don't know you. It annoys me a bit really.
Sorry for the inconvenience? She smiled then winced, it was subtle but Nina noticed. None of them were really sure why they cared what she did but she had an aura of danger and mischief to her. It attracted them.
Kaz was sitting in his office listening to Inej whine slightly about y/n. He too had some restlessness about her. He'd seen her around Ketterdam almost all his life and yet he knew nothing about her. She's a boxer apparently, he knew she got into fights because of her scars but never thought she did that competitively.
Inej had gone to the same rink the night after Jesper hoping to see her but she didn't. Kaz and her spilt to find other clubs where she could have been but it led nowhere. Inej sighed, annoyed, Kaz shared the sentiment nodded and went back to scanning the news for something to distract his brain from. Some more compelling mystery solved he could stop thinking about this.
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tsunonotarou · 4 years
— finding out their S/O’s lockscreen/background is them
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Part one | Part two | Part four
This part will contain Pomefiore and Ignihyde
notes: Ortho's part is going to be platonic!
: gender-neutral reader!
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Vil Schoenheit
Says you have good taste
You know that smirk he has on whenever he's pleased? Yea that. He'll do that when he saw your lockscreen/background
Doesn't mind if it's a public picture of him (from magazines, shows, movies etc where everyone gets access to) or a picture of him sleeping, he doesn't mind
But! he does prefer you putting a picture where not everyone gets access to, a picture only a select few friends know or a picture only the two of you know because he likes the intimacy
Why should you use pictures his fans would use when you have so many other private ones, accessible to only you?
Of course, it has to be beautiful and approved by him
After a while if he sees the same picture on your lockscreen/background he'd advice you to change another one. Surely no one would get bored of the Vil Schoenheit but isn't it nice to start fresh sometimes?
When you innocently say you could stare at the same picture all day everyday, always finding new discovers in that picture or simply got lost in his cute smile, he swore an arrow shot through his heart, in a good way. Rook get out of here
"Do what you want." He replied nonchalantly, turning away to hide his blush from you
You asked him if he could put your picture on his lockscreen and he said no
After your pleadings and whines, telling him to put it on for just a moment, just for you to see how it'd look like, he finally did
And honestly, Vil does not want to change it
He'd quickly click his phone off and brush you away, telling you he has business to do all because he wanted to admire it in private
Even though he said he put it on because you asked him to and that he'll change it immediately after, a few days later, you still see yourself appearing on his screen whenever he clicks open his phone
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Rook Hunt
Rook's heart would react in a way where it would be seen as keyboard smashing.
Of course! He doesn't react in such an unsightly way but his heart flipped so many fucking times and he swear he couldn't take this immense happiness he feels right now
It might not seem much but the act is so sweet! Setting him as your lockscreen and background? To see him everytime you click open your phone? Reminding yourself that he is yours? Absolutely romantic.
Rook loves taking pictures. He loves taking pictures of you. He has thousands and thousands of your photo both in his phone and in his journal. Oh there are some hanging in his room, too! Oh, he has a photo album consisting of only you, too! Oh, there are a few framed ones sitting on his bedside tables too! And-
But to think that you secretly take pictures of him, too?
Rook has really good eyesight, he's also very sharp so he knows whenever you want to take a picture of him. What he does not know that you didn't want him to notice you taking a pictures of him
You thought he looked peaceful reading a book and wanted to secretly take a picture of him like that? He immediately noticed and flashed you a smile. He's so charming! Holding the bow and arrow in the most professional way and his eyes stay focused on the front. You wanted to freeze that moment with your camera? He immediately lowered down the weapon and waved
Well, you took those pictures anyway. But still, you wanted one where he isn't looking at the camera and minding his own business but you never got one
Desperate, you went for Azul's help
The deal was only to work in Mostro Lounge for a month...easy, right?
Well then, you'd do anything for a picture of Rook being unaware of the photographer's presence
It was hard for Jade and Azul to find excuses and cover up when Rook spotted them trying to take a picture of him, and also muffling Floyd when the eel almost blew the plan up, complaining something along the line of "Shrimpy wanted to—"
And also staying hidden because once Rook finds them, he will not stop following and asking questions regarding their real form
(If you think about it the scene would be funny I wish I could draw 🙂)
ANYWAYS so one time Jade finally, finally snapped a photo of Rook
Because the blond was too busy admiring you
Rook's cheeks were slightly pink, eyes in beautiful cresent shapes with a hand supporting his chin, the hunter was lovestruck
Now that you explained how you got this precious photo, his heart bursted even more in happiness
You went through so much just for a picture of him? Technically the octatrio suffered most but we don't talk about that
"I am not embarrassed being caught red-handed staring at my love. Why would I?"
This man never fails to make you fall in love with him all over again
After that he'll (have a hard time) choose one photo of you to set on his lockscreen, having another internal crisis when choosing another photo for his background, because he loves each and every one of the pictures of you!
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Epel Felmier
Cries so hard this boy is so embarrassed
It was a picture of him struggling during the daily dance practice with Vil
Composure: gone
You took it when Vil surprisingly lets you stay in Pomefiore's ballroom and stay until Epel's practice is over since apparently the boy does better when you're there
Prefers you taking a "manlier" photo of him as your lockscreen but when you told him he looks cute like this and you like it, a small pink tinted his cheeks
Whatever makes you happy
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Idia Shroud
W-What's this? He's seen a lot of shows that couples put their partner's photo as their lockscreen, but people in real life actually do that?
Before he met you, he definitely thought it was a little cringe at first, because why would you want to show the whole world who you're with!? Don't they know that some people don't have a significant other and are lonely!?
But it's just so cute when you does it
Someone is actually willing to see his face whenever? Even putting it as your lockscreen!
He's a blushing mess, it's not even exaggerated to say he fainted after stuttering nonsense
Oh...it's a picture of him sleeping while he was cuddled into you
Idia.exe stopped working
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Ortho Shroud
(Platonic! Ortho's reaction to his best friend having their picture together as their lockscreen 🥰)
Is so surprised! It was a picture the two of you took on Halloween Week in NRC, doing the 'gao' pose
Does Ortho has a phone? He could do every research he needs on himself so...
But if he does, he'll definitely whip it out and show you that he has your photo together as his lockscreen too!
After that the two of you will definitely take more pictures together
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pupvivi · 2 years
The relationship between Jungeun and Sooyoung was definitely a unique one, or so she thought. The two were practically attached to the hip. Most days consisting of copious amounts of coffee, Netflix playing in the background while they both worked from home.
The main difference being that Jungeun was very much into Alphas, while Sooyoung kept her sex live private. She respected that, and kinda wished she wasnt an honest drunk.
But according to Sooyoung she was very affectionate. The embarrassing retelling of intoxicated Jungeun wanting to be spooned so she could fall asleep made Jungeun want a hole up open up under her.
It wasn't the first time they'd cuddle. If anything it happened pretty frequently. Sooyoung got cold easily, and Jungeun never minded. Maybe because she was a little touch starved, but she never complained and sometimes even teased Sooyoung for it.
But now there was a slight problem, and it was activity poking against Sooyoung's ass. The other Alpha was still napping, blissfully unaware, and Jungeun was positioned a way that every breath was just Sooyoung's scent.
Fuck. Jungeun cursed under her breath at the embarrassing throb she felt. She needed to get up and away. Take care of this problem in her bathroom, away from prying ears. But how was she going to get up without waking Sooyoung.
As if being mocked by a higher power, Sooyoung shifted even more against her, and Jungeun had to hold her breath. She feared that Sooyoung was waking up. She needed to move fast. "Sorry but I really need to pee." She whispered more to herself than anything else, shifting quickly and practically leaping over Sooyoung who was now half awake due to all the movement.
"Hnng, that's okay..." She sleepily replied, not even bothering to open her eyes. She simply rolled back to where Jungeun was and promptly back to sleeping.
That was earlier than Jungeun expected. She retreated to her room to greedily and with just a hint of guilt, take care of her problem.
By the time she emerged from her room, Sooyoung was no longer on the couch and the sound of frying foods drew her to the kitchen. A fresh pot of coffee was on and Sooyoung was pouring two mugs, sweet cream going into Jungeun's while she added milk foam on hers.
Jungeun was very certain that whatever response her body was having to Sooyoung was because of stress. She hasn't gone out on a date in while. She could easily call someone up for a fling but the back of her mind was talking her out of it.
So she spent far too many nights muffling her moans or if she was really needy, she would reach under her bed for one of the few toys for herself. A Fleshlight that had the ability to vibrate.
That was reserved for egg she was home alone since she had no way of controlling her voice when she brought that out. She was certain she would die of embarrassment if Sooyoung even heard her making a mess of herself with that.
"Can I ask you something?" Sooyoung breached the comfortable silence between the two of them. They were cleaning up after dinner, and had plans of watching some new drama. So Jungeun couldn't quite think of anything she may have done to earn such a look from Sooyoung.
"Depends. Am I in trouble?" She lightly joked but when Sooyoung didn't answer her right away, she felt her stomach drop. "Did I fuck up?" She asked nervously.
"Not necessarily." Sooyoung's eyes darted down before a bit of red dusted her cheeks. Was she embarrassed about something. "I've been putting this off for a while, but with what's been going on recently. I need to know I'm not going crazy."
Jungeun took a deep breath through her nose and part of her wanted to believe she wasn't smelling the arousal of another Alpha right now.
"Are you into me? Like I know you're attracted to Alphas and all. Totally understand that is your type."
Jungeun took a step back, and bumped into the counter. This conversation was really happening. Okay just play it co, maybe apologize for making her uncomfortable.
"It's okay if you are, and I kind of like you too. But I don't know if it's because you're an Alpha or if it's because it's you."
Jungeun blinked.
"You like me?" The shy smile she was met with melted a lot of her nerves right then and there. "Like in a 'I want to kiss you' way?"
Sooyoung laughed under her breath. "You could say that, but I have zero experience with Alphas..." She seemed to be reflecting on what it would mean to be with another Alpha and her cheeks darkened even more. "I like when you hold me, you don't stink. But you certainly aren't the best at hiding an erection."
Now it was Jungeun's turn to blush. "I'm- I didn't mean to get hard. You move around a lot in your sleep."
Sooyoung gapped at her. "You're blaming me?"
"You try having an attractive woman pressing against you while sleeping and tell me you don't pop a boner."
The two burst into laughter at the mini argument and Sooyoung moved a little closer as if testing the limits of what was between the two of them. "Can I kiss you?"
Jungeun licked her lips but couldn't resist making one more joke. "Only you would want to kiss me after talking about my dick."
Sooyoung didn't even bother to give a response in regards to that. Instead leaning down for a kiss. She rather shut Jungeun up like this.
Being able to freely kiss Sooyoung was like a dream. Her lips were soft and when she cupped her cheek before pressing her tongue against her bottom lip.
Jungeun wasn't fully at fault for reacting so strongly. Nor was it her fault that she wanted Sooyoung as close to her as possible. "Cute." Sooyoung would chuckle when it was simply too much for Jungeun and she needed to catch her breath.
Not once did Jungeun not thank someone for being the perfect height to rest her chin on Sooyoung's shoulder. Just close enough to breath in her scent subtly if she wanted. (It wasn't subtle but Sooyoung was nice to her.)
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trashy28 · 3 years
Get Some Rest (Tech x Reader) Pt 2
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Warnings: anxiety, angst-y ?, mentions of death/near-death experiences, blood/gore, mentions of violence, fluff at the end i promise (i would say im sorry, but im not) (bet you didn't expect this right after a fluffy first part >:))
Pairing: Tech x GN!Reader
Word Count: 5.1k
Part 1, Part 2
Summary: Oh no! It's a mission gone wrong trope! I wonder what could possibly be underneath this keep-reading cutoff! It totally cannot be where the reader and the bad batch go on a rescue mission only for something to go awry leading to treating injuries, and feelings.
"Everything is going to be okay. It will be alright. You got this y/n, you got this." You mumbled to yourself under your breath as you hid behind a convenience stall on some Outer Rim planet.
Something had gone wrong, VERY wrong. The mission was supposed to be easy: get in, get the prisoners, and get out, but it had all gone downhill faster than you could say dank farrik.
Earlier in the day, Tech had tapped into a secure Separatist transmission when messing around with his datapad. The Separatists were broadcasting a signal from a supposed neutral Outer Rim planet back to their base only a system away. They had taken the native people as prisoners and were going to use them for something, but none of you could figure out what. From then on, Hunter had taken charge, deciding that there was no time to ask for approval on the mission.
When the five of you reached the planet, you couldn't help but whisper to Tech next to you, "None of this seems right. If the Separatists did take these people as prisoners wouldn't there still be ships and droids?"
Tech simply looked at you before saying, "Not if they wanted to be secretive about it," and going back to his datapad.
You let out a huff. Things hadn't been that different between you two after the kiss you shared in the cockpit of the Havoc Marauder. When in private there would be shared tender moments, like there was nothing in the world that could come between you two, but with his brothers, Tech would regard you as the friend they all viewed you to be. They all knew something was going on between you two, and you had even taken it upon yourself to rant to Crosshair one night. He said he 'reluctantly' chose to listen, but he had calmed your anxious babbling about how you thought that Tech was embarrassed that you two were something now. That brought up another fact about how you two never addressed what you could call yourselves. Any time you tried to bring it up to Tech he would either cut you off with something else he was wildly researching, or one of his brothers would walk in and need either one of you. Crosshair's words did help to remind you that "That's just how Tech is sometimes. Clones were made to be fighters, not lovers." Leave it to him to say something like that. Out of every one of his brothers you knew he was the one who wanted a normal life the most even if he didn't show it.
As you and the rest of the group began your walk from the Marauder to the closest town you found yourself falling into step next to Wrecker instead of your usual placement besides Tech. Looking down at you, he asks, "Something bothering you? It sure looks like something is,"
Looking up to make eye contact with him you say, "I still don't feel like this is right. Everything seems to be falling into place too easily. This never happens to us!"
Wrecker turns his attention back to the surroundings passing a glance over the open area before stating, "Honestly, it is a little odd, but I trust the others and their intuition as much as yours."
The finality in his tone stood true as neither of you said anything for the rest of the walk into the town square. Walking past the empty booths would have been enough to send normal civilians running at the sight, everything was ruined. Curtains torn, fruit on the floor, and vendor booths destroyed. It was a depressing sight to see, but sadly one that the group was used to, it was a time of war after all.
After a little longer of walking and reaching the heart of the city, Hunter holds his fist up and all of the groups' motion ceases. "Tech," he says, "Can you pick up anything else from that transmission or anything that could give us a clue as to what else happened here?"
"I'm working on it, have been since we landed. The Separatists have scrambled all signals, so it’s taking me a while to try and find the frequency again," Tech answers before looking around the surrounding area, "As for what happened here, I think the evidence speaks for itself."
Hunter sighs before saying, "Alright, we'll split into two groups to cover more ground. Tech, and Wrecker you're with me. Crosshair and y/n, I expect no arguments coming out of this grouping."
Crosshair scoffs as you roll your eyes and make your way to stand next to him. "Didn't plan for arguments but maybe I'll start a few just to piss you off now," you say as you turn back towards Hunter.
"Just make it back here in one piece, we'll meet back up here at 1500, and if anybody is late, we assume they have gone missing and this was a trap," Hunter says before turning away and starting to walk down one of the many deserted alleys.
"Looks like we're stuck together again Cross," you let out before elbowing his side and starting to walk forward.
Following you and shoving a toothpick in his mouth he says, "As long as you don't complain about your problems with your boyfriend the whole time this might just be enjoyable."
"Yeah, yeah, let's just get going you karking toothpick lover."
It had only been around half an hour or so of walking before you and Crosshair could hear blaster fire in the distance. You ask, "Hey Cross, am I dehydrated, or is that actual blaster fire?" Turning around to face the said man, he already had his eyepiece down checking for heat signatures and was pulling you by your arm into a space between two buildings.
"There's nothing around us, but I'm assuming the others encountered some clankers. They must have found something because well, we found nothing and have no one after us," Crosshair states before tilting his helmet down to you and reading your facial expressions, "You want to go back and help them, don't you?"
"Of course I do Crosshair! Don't pretend that you don't want to either, I know how you care for your brothers. Let's just try to make it back without alerting any of those damn droids," you reply.
Crosshair tilts his head towards a stack of boxes and towards the roof of the buildings, you were situated between. "I think I have an idea."
"Why the hell did I let you come up with the idea to get back to your brothers. Running from roof to roof isn't exactly easy and leaves us out in the open," you complain before hopping another gap in-between roofs to catch up with Crosshair.
Crosshair stops short in front of you on the next roof almost causing you to walk into him before turning around to face you, "Look, I'm just as anxious as you to get back to them, but they are all capable enough to take care of themselves and I trust them with that. You of all people should know that as well," he spits angrily, and could almost hear a growl with his final punctuation.
"I know Crosshair, I get that you are worried, but I just can't help thinking that something had to go wrong. Let's just hope that my intuition is the wrong thing," You say before putting a hand on his shoulder, "C'mon, let's make this fast."
By the time you had made it back to the town square, to your luck, you still had not encountered any droids except for the ones who were scattered all over the floor in pieces.
"Looks like Hunter got to work on these guys," you say as you bend down to touch the large gash left by a vibro-knife in the torso of a droid.
Crosshair is examining another droid with its head ripped off only a few meters from you, "Looks like Wrecker got these guys too. But the question remains: where are Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech?"
At this, you paused and drew your focus away from the droid and instead survey the area, "The real question is, why is there no evidence of Tech fighting back? There are no electro-proton bombshells and even no blaster marks on any of these guys."
"Maybe they split up," Crosshair looks at you before pointing down one of the alleys.
"Fuck, I hope you're right."
It didn't take both of you that long to find Hunter and Wrecker, but it also didn't take long for another set of droids to ambush you. That's how you found yourself pressed behind the convenience stall mumbling under your breath. You had managed to take down a few droids but were forced to take cover. The others were still scattered around picking off droids one by one just as you remembered that Tech was still nowhere to be seen. Your mind was rushing faster than you could've ever thought trying to find out any idea as to where he could have gone.
Suddenly the blaster fire stopped as you heard a final clank from a droid hitting the ground. As you stood up you looked around cautiously, and deciding the coast was clear you jumped over the stall to group up with the rest of the bad batch.
As everyone began looking over each other there seemed to be only one thought shared between the group. This was a trap and Tech was gone.
Trying to alleviate the sour mood the group was plunging headfirst into you chuckled before saying, "You guys can finally say I was right now."
The others groaned before Hunter said, "Now is not the time y/n, Tech's missing and we have no clue where the kark he could be."
"You think I don't know that Hunter?" You let out through clenched teeth before continuing, "I'm just as worried as you are right now, but let's get somewhere where we don't have to worry about droids ambushing us."
Crosshair let out a sigh from beside you, "They're right. We won't be able to help Tech if we're dead so let's get back to the ship."
Picking up what he was putting down you finished for him, "We can re-group our thoughts on the Marauder, come up with a game plan, and then retrace our steps. It will do no good thinking while our minds are in 20 places at once."
Back on the ship all of you had gathered around the small datapad you placed in the middle of the table. "Alright, I tracked Tech's datapad's last known location to here, but who knows if it even with him," you say before zooming in on the location, "We can't guarantee that it would be safe either, we all know the number of clankers they sent after us just to try and keep us away."
"As long as I get to blow something up and get Tech out, anything is a good plan," Wrecker says before heading towards the back of the ship.
Crosshair nods at both you and Hunter before getting out of his seat to go and follow Wrecker.
"I know you're really worried, you don't hide your emotions that well," Hunter says while placing a hand on your shoulder.
"No shit Hunter," you start while rolling your eyes, "I'm worried about what might happen if we can't find him, or even if it's too late and he's already gone. I don't know what I would be able to do without him."
Hunter gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, "It will be okay y/n. For our sake and yours, let's think positively."
The four of you had made your way back into the town square better equipped and without a problem. You had some of your own plastoid armor on now for a bit of extra protection in case things decided to take an even stronger turn for the worst.
"The signal from the datapad is down the alley to the Northeast," you say while glancing up from your own datapad.
The group nods back at you as you continue your way down the alley. It was quiet, the tall sand-colored buildings surrounding you couldn't help but make you feel claustrophobic. The other alleys were not like this. They had seemed to be more open, with a lot fewer canopies, but this one had canopies blocking almost all the sun. It also didn't help that it was starting to get dark.
As you reached another intersection, Hunter held up his fist to signify everyone to stop. A wave of déjà vu flashed over you, and you prayed to any gods that would listen that you wouldn't split up again. After a few moments, Hunter turned to you and tilted his head to the side, to which you answered by pointing your hand to the alley to the right. In a whisper, you add, "If we continue straight down that alley, we should reach another intersection. Tech's datapad should be there."
The four of you continued walking again and when you reached the intersection you couldn't help but let out a strangled sob. There was a pool of blood on the farthest side of the intersection that was smeared on one side. Rushing up next to the blood, you stopped mere centimeters from it as your eyes caught sight of Tech's datapad. Your hands were shaking as you reached for it and you brushed a finger over one of the bloody fingerprints. "Oh shit," you say letting out a shaky breath. How could you have let this happen; how could you allow yourselves to walk right into a trap? Now Tech was gone, bleeding out, or dead, and there was no exact way to trace him.
You see Wrecker's hands wrap around your own but don't register the feelings. Your whole body has seemingly shut off and stopped processing the world around you. Wrecker takes the datapad from your hands and passes it to either Hunter or Crosshair. You are too shocked to care as you collapse to your knees. Wrecker is at your side on the ground in seconds and pulls you right into him. The plastoid armor that would bring you so much comfort as you used to hold Tech close only burned as tears began to fall from your face. The air was thick with remorse and regret, but you couldn't hold on to the fact that he could be dead. After a few somber minutes recollecting yourself, you pushed away from Wrecker and pushed yourself off the ground, offering a hand to Wrecker to assist him. Once both of you were up and you had cleaned the sand off your pants, you turned towards Hunter and Crosshair. They were silent as ever, Crosshair had taken a seat on of the nearby crates and had his head in his hands, and Hunter had taken to looking at Tech datapad.
Breaking the silence, you spoke first, "We can't just give up and believe he is dead," startling Crosshair causing him to jump in his seat.
"Yeah, we need to think he's still out there, that the Separatist kept him alive for information," Wrecker added, backing you up.
Hunter had turned back around waving the datapad, "They were smart enough to keep his datapad here, but they weren't smart enough to wipe any messages on it."
At this, you scrambled over to Hunter's side and pulled that datapad closer to your face. Displayed was an unsent message to you that contained various numbers. "Coordinates," you say breathlessly as Crosshair joins the rest of you standing in a haphazard circle around the datapad. Adding, you ask, "Do you think those are the coords of the base where they took the prisoners too?"
"Probably," Crosshair speaks for the first time since arriving at the intersection, "Let's hope Tech's there too."
Taking Tech's datapad from Hunter, Crosshair begins off in the direction leading away from Tech's bloodstain on the ground, but also opposite the way you came. The rest of you fall into step behind him and continue your way to your destination.
On the way following the coordinates, all four of you were on high alert, but no droids had come to attack you, relieving some of the stress. It didn't help relax you guys upon seeing the droids surrounding a large sandstone castle-like building. Stopping at the crest of a hill a while away from the makeshift Separatist base, Hunter and you took to scanning the surrounding area, while Crosshair and Wrecker began to formulate some form of attack.
"Once again, I can tell you're worried," Hunter said as you both had scopes pulled out to try and find any weak points in the droid formations.
"And once again, we all are Hunter. I just hope we aren't too late," You reaffirm before pointing at a space straight ahead, "Look, they're rotating shifts. Maybe we could find a way in on their next rotation."
Hunter turns to look at you before saying, "How would we know when the next rotation is?"
"I don't know, maybe figure out what time it is Mr. Survivalist," you taunt sarcastically.
Hunter scoffs before saying "It's 1900, we could use the fact that it's dark out now to our advantage. It could help us slip in and out undetected if we want."
Nodding before standing up, you say, "True, let's go tell the others and see if it can play into their plan."
Once getting back to Crosshair and Wrecker, all four of you focused on a plan and decided it was best to split into two groups to help divide the droid forces. There would be no surprise ambushes by the droids, but instead an ambush on them. You and Hunter taking the back way in, through the gap in droid shifts you noticed earlier, while Wrecker and Crosshair would work on some sort of distraction from the front.
Wrapping up the discussion of the plan one last time before separating Hunter adds, "Remember, this is a rescue mission. Once we have Tech and possible other prisoners we get out as fast as we can."
You, Wrecker, and Crosshair nodded before wishing each other luck as they walked off from your position.
"You ready y/n?" Hunter asks.
"Ready as I'll ever be," you say back to him as you two make your way towards your position.
Once situated towards the back of the building, Hunter commed Crosshair saying, "The droids are about to rotate positions, on my word start whatever distraction you have in mind."
The two of you waited on edge while the minutes drew on. After what felt like forever the droids finally began to move. At this, Hunter commed Crosshair again with finality, saying, "Now."
From your position, you could see the blast from the explosives Wrecker had set off, along with the heavy concentration of blaster fire. The droids that were covering the area where you and Hunter immediately went to act as reinforcement to those affected by the blast.
Hunter and you ran from your location to the back of the building, quickly finding an open window. Pulling the window open more, you forced your way inside as Hunter followed. The room was empty, and most of the lights were off. Pulling out a flashlight you scanned it across the floor quickly before turning it off again to not be spotted, even if there was a small chance of that.
"It looks like we are in some type of living room," Hunter says before making his way away from the window and peeking his head around the corner of the door and into the hallway. "The hallway's clear, I would say split up to cover more floors, but seeing what happened last time I told everyone to split up... I don't think that's a good idea."
Nodding you made your way over to him to look out into the hallway as well. "I say we go to the basement if there is one. It would make sense to keep people prisoner there," You say before stepping foot into the hallway.
"Yeah, but the only problem is finding stairs that could lead to a basement," Hunter says while stepping into place behind you.
"It shouldn't be that hard, plus if Tech was still bleeding by the time, he got here, wouldn't you think there would be a trail of blood where they brought him?" You shuddered while stating the possibility out loud, just as Hunter made a noise of acknowledgment.
After what felt like hours of walking the hallways on high alert, and checking most rooms as you come across them, you staggered trying to stop yourself from walking as you finally caught sight of some blood on the ground. "Hunter," you whispered, "Look."
Hunter looked around your form to get a glance at what you were looking at, before shining his flashlight down the rest of the hall. "There's a trail too," he said while keeping his flashlight trained on the spots of blood.
"C'mon," You say as you grab him by the hand and pull him the rest of the way down the hallway.
Stopping at the end of the said hallway you are greeted by stairs to the left of you, and you turn to Hunter before silently agreeing to walk town together in sync. The stairs were solid sandstone, so you didn't have to worry about any creaky stairs, but you did have to worry about footing. Pulling out your vibro-knives at the same time as Hunter, you two started making your way down the stairs. The sight that waited for you and the bottom of the short walk would stick in your head forever. The basement was one single connected holding cell, with prisoners lined up against the bars trying to get a look at you. Some of them were crying, others wailing in pain, and some had fallen into silent spells. Noticing this, Hunter and you quickly put your knives away before you rushed to the gate with the main lock at it. While you made fast work of the lock and quickly picked it, Hunter had begun reassuring the people that we were here for help and that he was looking for someone who looked like us. With the gate, open people poured out in a mass exodus and began to make their way upstairs, without a single care of what could happen to them.
Once almost everyone was out, you and Hunter made your way into the cell where you were greeted with another terrible sight. Tech was there on a stone table in the middle of a cell with one of them, now freed, prisoners hovering over him. His armor was off and tossed to the side as he was only in his blacks, and he had a bacta patch wrapped around his torso. You rushed over to him as Hunter escorted the prisoner out of the cell and couldn't help but let out a sob for the second time today. Tech looked frail, and you hesitated to even reach out to touch him fearing that it would break him. You were immediately relieved after placing two fingers on his wrist and feeling his pulse. It was weak, but it was still there. "Hunter! I need some help down here," you call out before starting to run around the table to grab Tech's armor. Hunter came running back down the stairs at your call and once you saw him you continued, "I need you to carry him out of here. I'll get his armor, but we need to move fast before the droid realize that this was all a diversion."
At this Hunter makes his way to Tech's side without a word and picks him up and slings him over his shoulder. Grabbing the final pieces of Tech's armor, both of you begin to make your way up to the stair. Tapping the comlink on your wrist you hear blaster fire permeate through the room around you. "Crosshair, we got Tech. If I know Wrecker, he probably has some explosives, so as soon as we get out of the house, give him the word to blow this place up."
"Got it," Crosshair says before the comlink closes with a beep.
"Let's try a nearby window and get out of here as fast as we can before we tell them to set the chargers," you say to Hunter as you force your way ahead of him and into the closest room. Hunter follows you before grunting as a noise of approval. Making your way to the window, you grab Tech's helmet from where it sat under your arm and smashed it. Hunter gives you an exasperated look as he walks past you and out the window first, to which you only say, "What? It was a lot easier than putting everything down and opening it.
Once both of you are outside, you make your way to the location where you two started the mission. Reaching the spot a few meters away, you open the com with Crosshair again, "Crosshair, tell Wrecker to light it up. Now!"
Instead of getting an actual response as an answer, you could hear the various explosions coming from the area behind you.
"Nice work you two but meet up with us where we made camp before, it will be quicker to get back to the Marauder with Wrecker carrying Tech," You say into the com again before forcing yourself to walk in the direction of the temporary camp from before.
"Rodger that," Both Crosshair and Wrecker's voices come through the comlink before the transmission ends again with a beep.
The four of you, plus an unresponsive Tech, met up quickly and rushed back to the Marauder as soon as you could. Reaching the ship was a relief as Hunter had immediately gone into the cockpit and got you guys off the planet, and Wrecker took Tech to the bunks with you in tow with medical supplies.
Once Wrecker placed Tech on his respective bunk, you immediately rushed him out of the room and got to work. Removing the hastily applied bacta patch, you assessed the wound that Tech had got before he was captured. It was nasty at first glance, but you assumed it was even worse before he had the first batch patch applied. The cut ran from his left shoulder across his torso, coming to finally stop at the bottom of his right ribs. Luckily, the cut wasn't that deep, because there would have been hardly a chance, he would've survived that. Continuing your work, you cleaned the wound before wrapping it up again in another bacta patch. Standing up and observing the handiwork of your terrible medical experience, you run a full body scan with your datapad just to check for any other injuries that could internal. Thankfully, the scan came up negative and you could assume that Tech had just passed out due to blood loss. He still looked extremely pale as you stood there and stared at him, but some color was starting to return to his body.
Sitting back down, you grasped his hand in yours and looked at both hands together. As the weight of the day's events slowly started the catch up with you, you could hardly help yourself as you began to fall asleep. In a state of half-consciousness, you could've sworn you felt Tech's hand squeezing yours, but you were too tired to even process the notion that he might've.
The feeling of someone pulling your hand to their lips pulled you out of your nap and caused you to pick your head up from the side of Tech's bunk.
"Good morning Tech," you said before you could even process what was happening, but as soon as the words left your mouth your head snapped up and your eyes immediately widened. "Tech! You're up!"
Tech let out a breathy chuckle before trying to force his way up, only for you immediately to place your hand on his good shoulder and force him back down, "Nope, no getting up for you just yet. You had us all worried sir," you say while shifting your position to get a better look at him.
"I never meant to cause you guys any trouble," he says sincerely, "We had all got split up when those droids attacked us, and they caught me by surprise by sending in reinforcements."
"It's okay Tech, you don't need to justify your actions, you're alive and here back on the Marauder with us. That is all that matters," you say before gripping his hand again and squeezing it.
"Y'know while the droids were dragging me away as I was bleeding out, I couldn't help but focus on one thing," he says while squeezing your hand in return.
"Oh? And what was that?" You ask with a smile on your face.
Tech smiles back at you before bringing your hand to his lips again and placing a firm kiss on your knuckles, "I couldn't stop thinking about how I hadn't told you how much I love you."
Freezing in your place at the combinations of the words and the sincerity in Tech's tone, you couldn't help but find yourself smiling wider at what he had said. "I love you too Tech, too much. I thought I had lost you today but I'm so glad I didn't," you say with finality in your tone.
Leaning down to place a kiss on his lips you find yourself in a state of relief. Tech was back and safe out of harm's way, and he really does love you. Pulling away from the kiss, but still holding eye contact with him you say, "You still need to rest up, and don't think that kissing me will be a distraction."
Tech rolls his eye and lets out a groan before smirking and saying, "Well after I'm all healed you better make it up to me."
You smack his leg and let out a huff of frustration and as you go to walk out of the room you say, "We'll see about that one Tech. We'll see."
taglist: @bandaid-bunny @haloangel391
a/n: once again i feel like this is meh but i still dont know. i meant to have this done 2 days ago but almost passed out because of my second dose of the covid vaccine, plus i had a 6 page paper due so likeeee. anyway TAKE THIS right after the new episode, also if you guys watched it already... HOLY SHITTTT 🙏
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httpbread · 4 years
hiii! didn't see if there was a character limit per rq, so if there is n i am breaking it just ignore me jabksbcjdj could u donthe general dating hcs for yumeko, mary and ririka too? thanks!
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pairing: mary x reader, yumeko x reader
character limit has never crossed my mind until now lmao,,, also sorry i decided not to do ririka :( i love her i’m just not as familiar with her character so i dont think i could do her justice,, hope thats okay!!
- Mary avidly denies liking PDA but is almost always holding your hand. Whether she’s dragging you somehow, holding your hand under the table while she gambles with you next to her, or just trying to get your attention.
- for the most part, she’s a very confident girlfriend. She likes to take the lead and make you flustered and think she has you wrapped around her finger.
- until you compliment her. Or kiss her. Or hug her.
- Mary practically melts into a heap of embarrassment, mostly because she really enjoys it
- she never really pictured herself in a relationship especially not after the student council’s attempt to marry her off
- that is, until she met you, of course.
- she’s still trying to get the hang of the whole relationship thing though so you’ll definitely have to help her sometimes
- part of her wants to keep your relationship very private and never speak a word of it to the world
- and the other half wants to wrap an arm around your waist and yell at anyone who even glances at you that you’re hers
- not really in a possessive sort of way but more in a proud way
- she’s still shocked you said yes in the first place of course she’s proud to have you by her side!
- but sometimes she does dearly want to protect you from the world, and more importantly the school around you
- she’s terrified that one day the student council will target you and she won’t be able to win and has even debated on breaking up with you a few times just to keep you safe
- but when you wish her luck before a gamble...
- Mary really feels like she can win anything
- even though she’s scared to lose you, when you sit by her during a match she feels like she’s invincible. Especially when you take her hand discreetly under the table.
- Ironically, you’re like her good luck charm
- whenever you stay after school to watch her gamble, Mary always ALWAYS walks you home.
- she loves when you take her hand and swing it between the two of you sort of childishly as you walk along, talking about whatever had happened in the day and what you planned to do
- Mary never was one for small talk but she realizes she could listen to you talk for hours
- sometimes when you’re complaining about something she’ll get really into it and get feisty. sometimes even more than you. "I’ll go up there right now, dammit. Don’t you worry. I’ll make sure they never give you a problem again." "Mary no-"
- Mary discovers with you that she really loves sleepovers.
- there’s something about eating snacks and snuggling all night with you under too many covers that’s so relaxing to her. She doesn’t have to be big and bold. She doesn’t have to win or compete.
- with you, she can throw a piece of popcorn at your face and win at life watching you laugh or listen to you whine making her laugh
- she also, shockingly, really likes sleepovers on school nights
- that way she can play with your hair in the morning and get ready with you
- she loves walking you home from school but seeing you sleepy and sort of stumbling next to her really warms her heart. She thinks it’s funny to subtly bump shoulders with you as you trudge along. Plus the sunrise and the morning air is really nice, especially next to you.
- Yumeko sniffs out your relationship only on the second day you guys were official
- she’s delighted but Mary is dismayed
- Yumeko has claimed the title as her ‘wingman’ and now will often give her relationship advice and use you to tease her
- sometimes the advice is actually useful though... and it’s not the worst to see you making more friends... and getting along with her friends...
- but still. She tries to tell you Yumeko is nuts and you should keep away from her. It doesn’t work, but it’s worth a shot.
- Mary isn’t big on fancy dates. She’s more into casual stuff like eating together at the nearest shitty fast food joint. Mary would actually probably consider walking you home a date, unfortunately. But if it means spending time with you and making you happy, she’ll put in the effort to plan something a little more romantic every once in a while.
- this is really when Yumeko’s advice helps her out
- despite being kind of clumsy when it comes to romance and usual dating etiquette Mary does her best and she loves you very much
- she’s definitely always there to support you in everything you do and actively tries to be involved in your hobbies and see what you’re up to
- she’s also always there to stand up for you when others try and give you shit. You might have to drag her away because she has a tendency to get into full-blown arguments over even the slightest dirty look your way.
- Mary is doing her best.
- really hope you like gambling
- because her absolute FAVORITE thing to do is gamble with you
- would she use you as a bet?
- oh absolutely. no hesitation. but only when she knows exactly that she’ll win
- she thinks it’s cute if you get all nervous and even hotter if you’re confident in your gambling skills
- she’s actually a little sour when you can’t make it to one of her matches. not towards you but towards everyone who isn’t you.
- Yumeko is a freak for PDA tbh
- ALWAYS has her arms wrapped around you in one way or another. She feels like a snake trying to strangle you sometimes. she means well she just loves to love on you 
- could not give any less of a shit who sees. Will blatantly ignore anyone and everyone because you are her partner and she loves you very much.
- she’s a very enthusiastic girlfriend.
- always trying to do wild things to spice up your relationship. would absolutely suggest things like skydiving as a casual date. it’d be like a back and forth debate to finally get to a more calm medium date like a fancy restaurant or something.
- Yumeko doesn’t actually mind where you two go, she just likes to mess with you sometimes. She keeps you on your toes.
- not only is she super PDA friendly she flirts shamelessly with you all the time. She loves watching your reactions. 
- she also really loves to have you sit in her lap while she gambles. no matter how long the match is. 
- Yumeko likes to bring you to the mall to go shopping. Sometimes she tries to be sly and buy you things without you noticing but Yumeko has never been subtle a day in her life when it came to you.
- but also after a long day in the mall she always buys you ice cream and sits on the edge of the water fountain. It becomes a tradition to make a wish, even though it feels a little silly.
- Yumeko wouldn’t really go out of her way to keep you away from the student council but she would get heated fairly quickly if one of them tried to challenge you. She takes your place every single time and it is never followed by a pleasant atmosphere in-game.
- after something like that she definitely takes you to do something off-campus if not just straight to her house to just snuggle and take a nap
- Yumeko thrives off praise from you. She loves when you fawn over her with compliments and congratulations when she wins a match. She can’t stop beaming when you kiss her cheek and tell her she’s amazing.
- she definitely praises you a lot though. She thinks you’re the most interesting person she has ever met so of course, she thinks the world of you, and she is NOT afraid to show it.
- Yumeko loves you and she’ll be damned if you and everyone and their mother doesn’t know it.
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crazy-loca-blog · 3 years
Spicy Newlywed Questions
A/N: Thanks a lot to the lovely @jamespotterthefirst for sending this weekly self-indulgence challenge. Please be advised that this is a 18+ edition of The Newlywed Game, so there might be some triggers if NS*FW topics make you feel uncomfortable. This time, all the answers will be below the cut.
Rating: 18+ (Mature)
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Do you kiss and tell? Have you told your friends about your…"adventures"?
Ethan: I like to think that's where we set the limit on what we share about our relationship with our friends. So no.
Casey: Agreed... and yet, here we are publicly talking about our sex life... the hypocrisy...
Casey: I'd say the closest we are to kiss and tell is when my brother guesses some of our "adventures" and he teases us about them... but we like to keep the mystery and we never confirm or deny anything.
My spouse looks the hottest in ____________.
Both, in unison: Naked!
Ethan: No, for real. Seeing my wife naked every day is a blessing, but she's also the biggest teaser. Every time we attend some formal event, she makes her purpose to find the perfect dress to make me feel the luckiest man on the planet...
Casey: ...especially because you're the one taking those clothes off as soon as we get home...
Ethan: Exactly *smirks*
Casey: I have to admit there is something about Ethan when he's wearing his workout clothes... or when he's working out... he's lucky that Bryce and Raf are at the gym with him...
Ethan: How can you say something like that and then say that I'm lucky because Lahela and Aveiro are there with me?
Casey: You can always kick them out of the gym and tell them you're going to be busy with me... I'm sure they'll get the message.
What song best describes that night after the country club (1.15)? You know which one…
Casey: Fallin' For You by Colbie Caillat.
Ethan: *surprised* That was fast!
Casey: Yeah... the fact that I never pushed you away doesn't mean that I wasn't a mess about my feelings for you, and you know it. I think that was the moment where I realized that we were no joke and I stopped lying to myself and I just began to admit I was falling for you. What about you?
Ethan: I think Just A Kiss by Lady A summarizes very well how I felt about us at that moment.
Casey: Now... if you really, really want to make this question spicy... I'd say You're Makin' Me High by Toni Braxton *smirks*
Ethan: Should I listen to it?
Casey: At your own risk...
*Ethan listens to the song... Is he blushing?*
Casey: I told you so... *smirks*
Hottest thing my spouse has ever done is ___________. (Doesn’t have to be dirty)
Both, in unison: Existing!
Ethan: *looking at Casey* Should I tell a dirty one or should I keep it PG?
Casey: *smiles* Whatever you want, babe... I'm fine with it.
Ethan: She made a professional photoshoot not so long ago... nothing explicit, but very suggestive... and whenever she wants to tease me, she sends me just one picture to my phone... all I can say is that I can't wait to find her to go home... or to an on call room... or to a supply closet... or to any of our offices... whatever is closest at the moment.
Casey: You really enjoy those, don't you? *smirks*
Ethan: I like to think we both enjoy them *smirks*
Casey: Oh, believe me, I do! Well, to keep a balance, I'll go with a PG one. Ethan fighting for what he believes in is one of the hottest things he'll do in public. Then in private, only a few people are lucky to see the real him. He goes full protective mode for those he care about, and that's irresistible to me.
Who said “Let’s make out” first? Where was it?
*Casey points at Ethan*
Casey: He didn't say it, but...
Ethan: I couldn't help it, she always looks beautiful, but that day... *sighs*
Casey: He surprised me... I mean, I wanted it to happen, but I didn't expect him to feel the same way about me.
On a scale of 1-10, what would you rate their seduction skills?
Casey: He is a solid 12... he knows exactly what to do... he has never failed, not even once... and it's frustrating...
Ethan: *laughing* Why?
Casey: Because I can't play hard to get...
Ethan: Casey is... *looks at her*
Casey: I know I'm awful at it, so be honest, I won't get mad...
Ethan: She is a 10...
Casey: *surprised* What? I expected like a 5 or a 6...
Ethan: That's exactly why you're a 10... you're not even aware of your power over me... when I tell you I'm not rational when I'm around you... I'm not joking, dear...
What bathing suit does your spouse look the best in?
Ethan: There is this white and brown that she wore during our honeymoon that fits her so well. But she has two that she literally calls the "RIP Ethan" bathing suits. She wears a trikini when we're at the pool with our friends and a very tiny red bikini when she's waiting for me at home by the pool after her shift... because yeah, she's such a teaser...
Casey: Does it work?
Ethan: We tend to disappear for a while when our friends are visiting, so what do you think? *smirks*
Casey: I'm picking this one at random because honestly, when you're wearing a bathing suit I don't care much about what you cover, but more about what you can't cover with it *winks*
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What’s a surefire way to turn on your spouse?
*Ethan whispers something on Casey's ear*
Casey: *very uncomfortable* This... what he just did... he just knows I'm weak and I can't resist him when he talks to me like that...
*Ethan gives her a knowing look and smirks*
Casey: *even more uncomfortable* And that... that look... can I have some water?
Ethan: When she gives me a very seductive look and bites her lip... I just can't...
Casey: Like this? *She gives him a knowing look while she bites her lip*
Ethan: *very uncomfortable* Next question, please?
Who makes the most noise?
Ethan: *pointing at Casey* She does...
Casey: Guilty as charged... you should feel okay about it, it means you're doing your job perfectly
Ethan: I would never dare to complain... I actually love the effect of your moans on me... *winks*
Who loves foreplay the most?
Both, in unison: Both!
Ethan: Really... we both love a good foreplay... not only we like trying new and different things, we really like taking our time...
Casey: And when we say "taking our time", it may even mean teasing each other all day... messages, kisses, some subtle touching, you name it...
Ethan: And it only gets better if the other part doesn't expect it... I really enjoy it when you can cut the sexual tension with a knife...
One round or multiple– Which do you prefer?
Both, in unison: Multiple!
Ethan: Come on... again?
Casey: I think it actually depends... and I know Ethan will agree with me on this, so I think I'm speaking for both of us... it's more about quality than about quantity... we are lucky to have both, but if we must choose one, we'd definitely choose quality.
*Ethan just nods in agreement*
Best night/sex you’ve ever had with your spouse?
*They look at each other for a while*
Casey: I don't know actually... it's not like I have a list of our best times...
Ethan: Me neither... but I can think of a few times...
Casey: Yeah, me too... like our first time...
Ethan: ...after the attack...
Casey: ...that night by the river...
Ethan: ...when we disappeared for two full weeks, and no one knew we were together...
Casey: ...the diagnostics team office...
Ethan: ...the on call room...
Casey: ...that quickie at the museum...
Ethan: ...when we got engaged...
Casey: ...our wedding night...
Ethan: ...when we moved in to our new home...
Casey: ...pool sex... all the time...
Ethan: ...I think we could go on forever...
Casey: Agreed... next question?
Morning or night? What’s your favorite place to have sex in?
Both, in unison: Both!
Casey:*laughing* Ethan, stop! We can't keep giving the same answers half of the time! This is supposed to be sexy and hot, not funny!
Ethan: *laughing* Don't blame me! Maybe we're just discovering why we work so well... *smiles*
Casey: Well... even though we both like to try different places, I think nothing beats our bed, at night, after our shifts, and when we can have all the time to enjoy ourselves...
Ethan: Agreed... but the early morning shower is a close second...
Casey: It has taken you a while, but I have to admit you're finally beginning to convince me of all the perks of morning sex... especially when it's you who wakes me up. *winks*
Ethan: It's been a real challenge, you're a heavy sleeper, so I feel honored...
Casey: You should...
Who dominates in the bedroom?
Casey: He does, 99% of the time. And who am I kidding, it takes me to cloud nine, so I really enjoy it. But I like to think I dominate the teasing that leads to him to dominate in the bedroom.
Ethan: I had never thought about it that way... that's actually a good answer, dear.
Casey: Thank you, babe.
Casey, what’s your favorite outfit to wear for him? Ethan, what’s your favorite Casey wears?
Casey: What I'm wearing right now... it's both my favorite and Ethan's.
Ethan: Your working clothes? No offense dear, you look really sexy, but I don't think that's my favorite outfit...
Casey: I don't mean this outfit, but actually the one that's under it...
Ethan: Are you wearing the...
Casey: Nope...
Ethan: Then, it's the...
Casey: Not really...
Ethan: You bought a new one that I haven't seen yet...
*Casey gives him a knowing look while she bites her lip*
Ethan: *very uncomfortable* How many questions are left?
What’s your favorite thing your spouse does in bed?
Both, in unison: Oral!
Casey: *laughing* Shut... up! I can't be serious if we keep doing this! Well, I can proudly say that my husband knows how to use his tongue for more than just talking... and I wonder if he ever thought about becoming a surgeon because his hands are a close second...
Ethan: I can say the same... she's give me the best handjobs and blowjobs of my life, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. But when she is on top, things go to a whole new level for me.
Casey: I do enjoy when he is the one on top, so that I can look him in the eyes... and when he takes me against the wall... or against the window... or in the pool... *she begins to blush*
Ethan: *very uncomfortable* Are we done?
Casey: *very uncomfortable* I think so...
Ethan: *whispers on her ear* Your office or mine?
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
sherlock holmes reactions part 4 (?) ive lost count already but unsurprisingly ive grown even more attached to him
using this as the cover image because i made him a playlist. cause im awful
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no legit this is gonna need a read more because it's SO LONG SHIHEWIESHEFSHIEWHF
Had three mental breakdowns this week and realized i do in fact kin sherlock motherfucking holmes. this does not bode well for anything in my life mentally I've diagnosed him with so many things
Oh boy lol you want the list I think hes autistic (undisputed honestly) plus also adhd but on top of that there's the manic depression and uhhh the bpd lmao I dont even think that's it those are just. the obvious ones
But yeah man's a fucking mess and a shit person but in the same way as me so 👍
Some highlights I thought were very funny:
watson: we are in fact going to be waltzing into a place where people are Shooting People you do not have your gun. this is a problem
sherlock: don't worry watson I have my trusty stick!
watson: visible pain
This clearly happens like every day or so with them
but yeah there were some really honestly sweet scenes with them at the apartment and why am i getting soft over the crusty man being gay
have you considered tho. have you considered them
have you considered sherlock, who usually only plays absolute garbage on his violin serenading watson to sleep when he was tired and in pain and watson being so fucking in love with the man and waxing poetic about falling asleep to his music and waking up to see him fallen asleep on the couch next to him and oh my god them
They're just really sweet together for such a completely dysfunctional couple so much of the time lol I just. Sherlock being like.
Sherlock half of the time: watson you're fucking stupid. no i won't take care of my personal needs stfu. watson get a goddamn life. watson shut up. watson no one cares about your goddamn opinion. no i need to disturb you in the middle of the night it's for science. hey watson mind if i manipulate mansplain malewife
They're... they certainly are.
The main highlight of this part was I have now gotten to see him have a great time watching his homo homie get married
Its so fucking funny.......
I was prepared for a funny reaction by yuumori sherlock's face when he said it lol but. Damn i was really not prepared tbh
watson: I'm engaged!
sherlock: *pained groaning*
watson: do you... not like her?
watson: yeah... yeah... fair, I feel really bad because you did this whole case and I got a girlfriend out of it and all you got was me leaving you alone fuck man im sorry what are you gonna do without me
sherlock, highly sarcastic: dont worry watson I've always got my handy cocaine! *pulls it out and gets high in front of watson just as he's about to leave*
watson: *in fucking agony*
sherlock: good for you!
I'd like to apologize to watson on sherlock's behalf lmao. man is being a bit too codependent on main
The last thing about sign of four I do need to address is yeah, there's the Horrific Amounts Of Racism in that one and the whiplash hearing it is just ridiculous because they seem to be so knowledgeable in all other areas and fairly... politically correct, taking sherlock's original misogyny as a purposeful character flaw, but then they just mention someone indigenous once and suddenly its all parrotting racist propaganda and just... really awful shit. There's no way I'm gonna speak for the group that just got absolutely hate crimed here but anyone can tell the author just has no clue what he's fucking talking about and it's physically painful.
And I don't know, it's just so bad it seems out of character? Doyle's making these motherfuckers say shit that honestly, Sherlock would know better about. And especially Watson. Come on, you cannot tell me watson is mentally capable of being prejudiced against someone. Please do not make him that way.
I'm not sure how to handle it specifically, or what's the proper way I should handle something like that in a media I otherwise like. Is it ok to say Doyle was clearly a piece of shit on the matter and separate those characters from his bias or is that insensitive?
I don't know, I was Not a fan of it and I'm glad to see they've at least finally shut up about the guy
But anyway yeah, uhhhh onto the short stories because I'm trying to read those before I get to the final problem
Scandal in Bohemia was a fucking ride, first of all, before we even get to Sherlock's girlboss arc we have to discuss how gay the whole situation was and how Doyle's attempt at making them less gay failed spectacularly
Like he's all "ah yes I need to marry off watson and uhhh make sherlock ummmm interact with a woman so they dont look gay" but he does it SO BADLY that it makes them look EVEN GAYER
cause i mean, even the conversation they had about watson getting married back in sign of four was gay af, but how Doyle handled things afterward was in no way straighter.
Cause you know, the man kind of wrote himself into a corner with the fact of Watson narrating these stories. So Watson has to be around to witness them, and to witness Sherlock's own thought process rather privately, so he has to be around sherlock at night, a lot. But trying to come up with a reason for that happening just... it didn't occur to Doyle. He just went. Ah yes this makes sense. And it's Watson just like Sleeping Over At Sherlock's like every other goddamn day and every time his wife leaves town and having them basically still live that cute domestic home life but they have absolutely no excuses for doing it anymore. It's quite funny
Like it was gay already the way they interacted when they officially lived together but it was like, a necessity for them. Now it's not, Watson just comes over because he goddamn wants to, and it's hilarious to me.
Watson walks in on no fucking notice after a full year and Sherlock is just. In the middle of some experiment obviously but hes like
Sherlock, carrying around unidenfiable chemical mixtures: W A T S O N you look good you look good! i see you've gained seven pounds!!
watson: uh. thanks??? Hey lol *awkwardly waves* Uh um Wanted to Uhm sEe you
watson: :) ok :) *turns to camera* and we were back to the old days
sherlock: makes a deduction
watson: wowwwwwwwwwwww !! so true bestie !!
sherlock: !!!!!!!!! :))) !!!!! :))) uh fuck im supposed to be smooth Its Elementary Lol
watson: *turns to camera* when i stroke his ego like this and compliment him he blushes like a girl like i just complimented his dress so i do it more because he likes it. this is a homie trait
watson: well i should probably get going! my wife will notice that i am gone my dear buddy bro homie!
sherlock: NO DONT LEAVE IM LOST WITHOUT YOU (pretty much a direct quote lol) your. wife doesn't. get back home until monday. I know this because I am smart and definitely have not been stalking you.
watson: alright :)))))
So yeah they're right back where they were before pretty much and there's a case bc of course there is
And honestly I think this short story specifically was so insane mostly just because of how absolutely fast it all went. Yuumori kind of made me believe the original Irene Adler was more of an important character than she really is? And I think that's. Honestly so funny. Motherfucker shows up for ten pages, girlbosses her way around town, and changes sherlock's entire opinion of the female gender while still keeping him gay?
AND THEY HAVE LIKE O N E INTERACTION?? God, the power this woman(?) has. Watson looks at her once like. damb shawty 😳 and she's like "no<3" and he's like FUCK
Like yeah it's pretty much just the king walking up like "help girl the whore is blackmailing me" and sherlock being like "ok lol this will be easy" and then it proceeded to not in fact be easy or even possible
sherlock like... posed as a dead body and tried to get her to give up the location of the photo but she out-acted him and skipped the town the next day after doing the 'good night mr. sherlock holmes' thing with sherlock completely tricked
and she just. sends a letter like "dear sherlock holmes. you're a fucking idiot and i think it's funny that you lost. nice job tho mad respect" and sherlock just SHORT CIRCUITS
the king comes back a bit later like "hey Dude where's my Photo" and sherlock's like oh yeah uhhhhhhhhhhh about that and the king is like HOW COULD IT POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN THAT GODDAMN HARD i would have dated someone more noble if she wasn't so pretty i swear im on a whole different level from her
and then. GIRLBOSSIFIED SHERLOCK HOLMES RESPONDS "from what I have seen of the lady, she seems indeed to be on a very different level from your majesty" ABSEHHESHEFHHFES ROASTED
and the dude just LEAVES
After that I read a few more of the short stories and well the highlights I got from that pretty much were these conversations
Watson: sherlock. honey. have you. eaten anything today
Sherlock: *having one of his Moment Moments at three in the goddamn mornig* GRRRR CRIME ISNT WHAT IT USED TO BE
Sherlock: no one's original anymore fucking copycats
Watson: so you want the criminals to make things harder for you specifically.
Sherlock, exasperated: yes!
I love them your honor.
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vajranam · 4 years
Power Of Virtue
Results of Doing the Ten Non-Virtues
1. Killing any living being. It includes abortion, suicide (ruining a body that could have reached nirvana in this life), and participating in the military (even being a cook, it is as if you shot the gun yourself).
Personal Result: Your life is short; and you get sick easily, have little energy.
Environmental Result: Food, drink, medicine, crops, have very little effect, are always inferior, are not nutritious, are hard to digest, and cause disease in you. Most beings around you die before reaching the end of a full life.
2. Stealing anything of value: includes shady business deals, cheating on rent, taxes, or bills, underpaying what is due to local government or society, etc.
Personal Result: You do not have enough to live on or to make ends meet; and what you do have is all just common property with others.
Environmental Result: The crops are few and far between, they have no power to remove hunger, they spoil or never come up; dry spells stay on too long; it rains too much; the crops dry up or die off.
3. Sexual Misconduct. It mainly means adultery — cheating on your partner, a person to whom you are exclusively committed. It also includes some specific secondary behaviors.
Personal Result: The people who work around you are “inconsistent” (unreliable); and you find yourself having a lot of competition for your partner.
Environmental Result: You live in a place where there is urine and feces all around, and mud, dirt, filth; everything stinks and everywhere seems unpleasant and distasteful.
4. Lying, giving someone else a wrong impression about what you have seen, believe, or know; unless it would save someone’s life or prevent real suffering. If you lie and get something, the benefit comes from past good deeds, not from the lie.
Personal Result: No one believes what you say; even when you are speaking the truth, others are always deceiving you.
Environmental Result: Your work in cooperation with others fails to prosper and people around you do not work well together; everyone generally is cheating one another and is afraid, and there are many things to be afraid of.
5. Divisive Talk, splitting people up with your talk; saying things to alienate or separate two different people, (regardless of whether or not your words are true); causing one person to like another person less; it is usually subtle, like in your tone of voice.
Personal Result: You lose friends easily; people around you are always fighting one another; and people around you have an undesirable character.
Environmental Result: The ground you live in is split up, uneven, covered with crags and gullies, highs and lows, so travel is difficult and you are always afraid and there are many things to be afraid of.
6. Harsh Talk, with bad intent and effect; it includes sarcastic “nice” words and swearing.
Personal Result: You hear many unpleasant things, you hear things as bad sounds; and when others talk to you it always seems to you as if they want to start a fight.
Environmental Result: The ground where you live is covered with obstacles like fallen tree trunks, thorns, stones, sharp broken glass; it is rough, dreary, no streams or water springs; the ground is parched and poisoned, burning hot and threatening; there are many things to fear.
7. Idle Talk, meaningless chatter, criticism, disputes, useless joking, whining, complaining, speaking out of the motive of attachment or craving; gossiping about politics, sports, etc., or about people engaged in wrong livelihood; reciting prayers while not thinking about their meaning. Gossiping about others’ values or spiritual practice. Dharma is sacred and should be discussed in holy private whispers on special nights, not casually — talk in hushed tones, very beautiful sacred speech, talk about inspiring things. As an aspiring bodhisattva, you may need to discuss mundane topics with others for their benefit, but keep the ultimate goal in mind, and do not be drawn into worldly conversations.
Personal Result: No one listens to you; no one respects what you say — no one thinks that what you say has any particular value; and you are afflicted with a lack of confidence and self-esteem.
Environmental Result:Fruits refuse to grow, or grow at the wrong times, seem ripe when they are not, have frail roots; there are no leisure places around like parks, or pools of cool water; many things around make you afraid.
8. Craving/Coveting, is similar to coveting in the Ten Commandments. Wanting others’ possessions and personal qualities like their intelligence, health, fame, youth, or spiritual achievements. It comes in five stages: you are attached to your own possessions, desire to accumulate more than you have, discover another’s possessions, like to make them your own, and the desire becomes unmanageable and you “lose shame” (then you act).
Personal Result: Your personality is dominated by desire; and you are never satisfied with what you have.
Environmental Result: Every good thing you manage to find starts to get worse, decrease as days, months, and seasons pass.
9. Ill-Will, is to wish bad things upon others; being pleased when others fail or have misfortune; competitiveness, like “Oh, how did they mess up? Tell me more…” not feeling as bad for an unfortunate person as you would feel for yourself if you were them.
Personal Result: Your personality is dominated by anger; you are always finding yourself without help, or never find the help you need; and you are always hurting others, or always being hurt by others.
Environmental Result: You live in a world of chaos, diseases spread, evil is everywhere, plague, conflict, fear of harm from the military, dangerous animals, you are surrounded by harmful spirits, thieves or muggers, etc.
10. Wrong View, “Incorrect world view” means not regarding karma as being the direct cause of every microsecond of experience we have. This leads to doing misdeeds #1–9.
Personal Result: Your personality is dominated by stupidity; you are a person who keeps harmful views; and you are a deceitful person.
Environmental Result: You live in a world where the single highest source of happiness is steadily disappearing from the earth; where people think that unclean and suffering things are actually nice and happy; where there is no place to go, no one to help you, nothing to protect you.
Any actions we do that cause both oneself and others to experience happiness as a result are known as virtuous actions. The classification of virtuous actions is:
Not taking the life of living beings
Not taking what is not freely given
Abstaining from sexual misconduct
Speaking truthfully
Not engaging in divisive speech
Speaking gentle words
Not gossiping
Not coveting the wealth of others
Giving up holding ill-will towards others
Right view
Contrary at what we think virtues wasn't here before the Buddha teaching, we can find on vedic and pte hindu text the notion of virtues very similar, now when we come to Buddha teaching Shakyamuni stress on those virtues because he realised that without that nothing happened.
Virtues is rightous act made in selfless action, without thinking “ gonna get good karma doing this “ , virtues are made in selfless mind to.
How do we do virtues by practicing the Dharma ? So we do virtues because first we renounce to samsara, second we want to practice for sake of all sentient beings and last we generate bodhichitta. Without those we won’t make any virtues, now virtues applications so yes we will mess up in today world full of extreme yes we will do non vitues to cancel them we need to confess fault and hiden fault by the body, speach and mind.
There's a zen proverb that say that the zen master made more mistakes than the students. So making mistakes well it’s normal our day will be more grey tham pure with or dark. What we mistaken to be like Garchen Rinpoche for example that years of work, Garchen Rinpoche himself said himself if we look to his karma he didn't had much virtues but he didn't give up on Dharma not even for a day.
That same attitude we need to have, yes we will face hardship someday we will make just non virtues and that ok because we will regret transform and carry on its part of learning Dharma to the deep.
It’s very easy to see if we got virtues and on what we use those virtues, in past I was worried about money because I was very poor, till I notice well I am not so poor because I met Karmapa, Shamarpa, took refuge very high vows with Garchen Rinpoche, recived empowerments that Milarepa himself had, wasn't poor was extremely ritch I just noticed that virtues was in Dharma there for I focus on those and left the rest. So we maybe poor, ritch or whatever but we can see on what way go our virtues for example in our life there's an area that very grow that where is our virtues, after that area maybe not Dharma mean we actually burning virtues and if we want to practice we need to develop bodhi mind .
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lennydaisy · 4 years
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The Outer Banks. Paradise on earth. Well, it is if you can afford it.
Figure 8, home of the portentous and intitled. So detached from reality that you'd have to use their private jets to bring them back down to the ground. If they're not lounging around on their secluded beaches in front of their White House sized mansions, then they're at the country club complaining that their ice-cold lemonade isn't ice-cold enough. We call them Kooks. Guess where I don't live?
Next up, The Cut, neutral habitat of, drum roll please ladies and gentleman... The Pogues. Lowest members of the food chain. You see, it's one island divided in two. You either have two houses or two jobs. I have two jobs and will still never be able to afford one house, let alone two, but that's life I guess. The Pogues are like those kids your parents tell you to stay away from when you visit the park. Well, now the park has stretched to all aspects of life warranting us to be unwanted and neglected which isn't such a bad thing, that just means we get to do whatever we want, whenever we want.
Right now, however, this is the last place I want to be. Save-A-Lot. One of my two jobs. See how this all ties in?
The continuous, subtly, beeping of the scanner, the bright overhead lights that the same moth has been flying into for a week now, that one cart that you can hear before you see, and this frustratingly itchy, red polo shirt that I'm wearing because it's 'oh-so mandatory'.
It's been reported that a storm is going to hit us in a couple of days, so naturally, the stores been busier than usual, with both Kooks and Pogues. It's like sacred land, all differences get put aside in this very store unless there's a two for one deal at the seafood counter. In that case, no one's safe, not even me, the poor, little employee. I've been slapped with a Tuna Fish before. I don't want to talk about it.
"Can I interest you in some... What are they again? Sea salted chocolate with a crushed Macadamia nut shell and a rich creamy filling, homemade by Mrs Adams?" I squint at the packaging before smiling at the man before me who peered at me, head tilted slightly. Nodding instantly, already knowing the answer, "I don't blame you, I wouldn't trust anything made by that lady."
Smashing my fingers on the scratch invested, touch screen register, slapping the side of the machine until it eventually rings up the total, "That'll be $148.98 however, you get the extended family discount, so that makes it..." twirling my finger around the air, attempting the mental math, "10% off $148," I utter, closing my eyes as if that's going to help me find the answer quicker. 'I knew I should have joined the math team with Pope.'
"$134," the man affirms looking at me sympathetically, halting my search for my calculator that is normally taped to the till. I take the mans money, squinting at him, "Okay, I'll take your word for it man but if I get fired, I want a job at The Wreck," handing him his receipt.
"We'll see," he said putting his packed bags back into his cart, "I'll get through to you one day. You can't deny I'm your favourite" I state in a matter of fact, waving him off as he pushes his cart away from the checkout, "Bye Mason."
"I don't hear you denying it," I shout, watching him hurridly pushing his cart towards the door, "Okay bye Mr Carrera, tell Kie I said hi!"
Twirling around in my chair a couple of times, I came to a stop at the sight of a pink calculator, my pink calculator, taped to Mrs Adams till. That Bitch. I sit patiently for her to be done with her customers, waving at the elderly couple as they pass, "See you later Mr and Mrs Graham, have a nice day," I smile.
"Oh you too Mason, you should stop by again, you and your friends were such a delight the last time," Mrs Graham praises tapping her ringed fingers on my counter. Nodding at her request as her husband began to drag her away from me, claiming he 'Wants to be home today not tomorrow,' knowing his wife to be quite the blether.
"What a pleasant young lady. Wouldn't you agree, Marty?"
"Oh yes, very well mannered."
"Listen here, sticky fingers, I know you stole my calculator" My smile instantly dropping as I look upon the thief that I have the pleasure of calling my co-worker.
Mrs Adams is your typical grandma. Tonged hair, thick-rimmed glasses and filled with opinions that are always unwarranted. She has had it out for as long as I can remember, once locking me in the walk-in freezer claiming to not know I was in there despite being in there with me moments before. At least I only have to deal with her a few days a week, I couldn't handle any more than that.
"What calculator?" she questions innocently. Pointing my finger accusingly at her till where low and behold, sits my calculator, "Oh really, what's that then?"
Sparing a glance at my calculator, she shakes her head, nose pointed up, "That's an anniversary gift from my husband. I, by no means, stole your calculator."
I can't believe I'm having this conversation.
Laughing at her alibi, "Are you aware of how much bullsh-", the clearing of a throat interrupts my tangent and I suddenly became aware of where I am again. Mrs Adams raises her eyebrows at me, is she mocking me? Glaring at her one last time as to say 'this conversation isn't over', I timidly spun my chair back around, plastering a smile on my face, getting ready to greet my next customer.
Oh no.
"Hi, Mr Cameron," I greet the man, scratching behind my ear hoping he didn't overhear me. Beginning to scan his items, another figure catches my eye.
Here, ladies and gentlemen, I present the biggest dickhead on the entire island. He thinks everybody owes him something just because his daddy is well known throughout the OBX and has no problem expressing his distaste for anyone who doesn't fit his agenda. He's a cocky, arrogant snob who needs to be knocked off his podium a few inches, or feet.
"Hello, Mason, and how many times have I told you to call me Ward?"
"Clearly not enough for me to listen," I mutter under my breath, passing the already packed bags towards a very accepting Rafe, who snatched them with a scrawl printed on his face, "Your face will stay like that if the winds change" I advise innocently, waving my fingers around my forehead area, "Don't want to get any wrinkles, but if you need some anti-ageing cream, I'm sure Mrs Adams can recommend a few of her favourites,"
"Maybe even get you a coupon," I suggest finishing to scan the last of their items, "Isn't that right, Mrs Adams," I called to the lady over my shoulder how instantly peeped up at the chance to chat with the boy.
"Oh, yes. Come here deary, I'll show you my collection,"
It's no secret throughout the OBX that Mrs Adams is a bit of a renowned cougar, having no problem expressing herself towards any sort of male attention. Mrs Adam doesn't discriminate, so even assholes like Rafe can't escape the clutches of her fondness, but she's harmless... most of the time.
Ward nudges his son in the direction of the lady, who is eagerly waiting for the boy with her creams placed in an orderly fashion before her. Rafe's eyes practically begging for his dad to have some mercy on him only to earn a point in her direction.
"I hate you," he huffs at me, feet dragging towards the ladies till.
Fluttering my eyes with a cheesy smile, "I know," I say before turning to finish Mr Cameron's groceries.
"That's $236 please," I state ringing up his total as he slides his card into the swipe machine, "It'll take a minute, a caveman has better technology than this place." He shakes his head at me, waving his hand slightly, understanding.
"Sea salted chocolate, uh?" he wonders picking up the bar, as I mentally slap myself for forgetting to ask if he was interested, "Would you like to buy one?" I questioned despite already knowing his answer. It's the same one that I've heard all day.
Placing the packet back in its place he shakes his head, "No thank you, I wouldn't trust anything made by that lady."
"That's what I'm saying," ripping off his receipt before handing it to him, "Thank you, Mason," he laughs before turning towards his son, who is still listening to Mrs Adams ramble on about why she prefers Olay over Caudlíne.
About to bid farewell to the man, he turns and asks, "I hate to be a bother and I know it's short notice, but would you mind babysitting Wheezie for me on Saturday morning, I know you don't normally work weekends, it's just this storm's going to cause a run-in with my properties and-"
"Of course I will, Mr Cameron," I interrupted his ramble. He looks at me relieved, nodding his head, "See you later, Mason."
"Bye Ward," gross, I'm sticking with Mr Cameron.
Watching as the pair walk past my till I can't help but laugh as I see Rafe slouching away with a tub of Olay Anti-ageing cream. Turning around at the sound, he flips me off, "I'll get you back for this," earning a shoving on the shoulder from his dad, but I can't help but wave cheerily, "Oh, I'm sure you will."
Mr Ward Cameron, my other boss. A few years ago I put up flyers with a tear-off of my phone number offering a babysitting service. Safe to say, I got my fair share of prank calls and when I got a call from someone claiming to be Mr Cameron I assumed it was someone messing with me again, but it turns out it wasn't. He genuinely needed someone to watch his youngest daughter Wheezie and I needed cash, and he does pay generously, especially now considering recent circumstances.
Glancing at the clock that is nailed above the exit I see that it's 2:00 P.M, the best time of my day, getting out of here. Grabbing the key from my pocket, I lock up the till before heading toward the poor excuse of a staff room.
Glancing around the room blue painted room, making sure no one is still on their lunch, I quickly grab my bag and dash over to the fridge. I never, and mean never, condone stealing, that's why I don't call it that. I prefer 'borrowing and then 'forgetting' to give it back'. Sure, I never asked if I could 'borrow' the alcohol that I am currently stuffing in my bag but, that's neither here nor there.
I throw my bag, which I can already tell is going to cause my back hell, over my shoulder. I grab Kie longboard, which I did ask for permission to use, and begin to make my way past the checkouts.
Before leaving, I pivot around, "Hey, Mrs Adams," I called out just to see that she was already glaring in my direction, a bit creepy if you ask me, "Don't worry, you've only got like what, another 6 hours?" acting like I didn't know as I pointed at the clock.
"Oh, and before I forget," I rush over to her counter and rip my calculator off her till. Smiling sweetly at the older lady, saluting her as I leave, "See you next week, Mrs Adams," I laugh, running out the door, jumping onto the longboard.
Let the fun begin.
Now there is something about my friends that you should know. As cheesy as its sounds, we're a group of misfits who happen to fit perfectly together, well almost perfectly, but no matter what we've got each other backs.
Now, where do we start?
JJ Maybank. We've been best friends since the third grade after he got into a fight with some kids who were making fun of me for having a 'boys name', and I haven't been able to get rid of him since. He's the guy who jokingly pushed me off the HMS Pogue only to quickly find out that I couldn't swim. I insisted that it was fine but JJ doesn't take no for an answer and took it upon himself to personally teach me.
He's the most loyal guy I know, willing to drop anything to help his friends. I most definitely developed my kleptomaniac tendencies from him and despite how much I deny it, I have a soft spot for him.
Next, Kiara Carrera or Kie, my best and only girl friend. I met Kie during her first year at the Kook Academy, I had seen her around before, passing out leaflets about how 'we're killing our planet' and that 'the turtles deserve better'.
I was about to go fishing with my dad when I saw someone sitting at the dock, feet dangling in the water. Long story short: she was supposed to meet up with some of her 'friends' but they had sailed away leaving her behind. So, I asked if she would like to come fishing with us, half expecting her to say no, being partly a Kook and all, but she said yes. And now she's one of us, the Pogues. Not sure how her parents feel about that, but there is no denying I'm their favourite. Right?
There's Pope Heyward. I met Pope in the first grade. We were sitting beside each other at assembly and he dared to tell me that my singing voice sounded like cats dying, not that he was any better mind you. I had seen him around the cut a few times, helping his dad with deliveries and after seeing him struggle to carry four bags of groceries, I offered him some help. Of course, being a stubborn 6-year old boy, he delined saying 'I don't need your help, I'm super strong'. Safe to say, two seconds later I was carrying two bags and helped Pope and Mr Heyward with the rest of the deliveries that day.
I got an earful from my dad when I got home, but I didn't care, I'd made a friend that wasn't my brother. They didn't believe me when I said I had a friend called Pope, just brushing it off as one of my imaginary friends. Let's just say they got a fright when my 'imaginary friend, Pope' showed up at the Château.
Speaking of, up next, John Booker Routledge, John B. My twin, fraternal twin. Is 12 minutes older than me and will never let me forget it. My favourite memory with John B was when he fought to the death with our triplet in the womb. Okay, maybe that didn't happen, but you weren't there so, where's your evidence that it didn't?
He's my other half, not my better half because we all know I'm the better twin, and I couldn't live with him and his optimism. He can be irrational at times, but he always has plan A-Z mapped out in his head. I'm currently trying to convince him that we psychic powers, and by currently I'm mean from the day we were born. It's a weird sensation like there's a pit in the bottom of my stomach, and once I get that feeling I know that something's not right. And with a brother like John B, I get that feeling at least 3 times a day.
Might as well introduce myself whilst I'm at it. I'm Mason, Mason Routledge. The better twin. Yes, I too, have a middle name but I will never tell it to anyone because of how utterly embarrassing it is. I have managed to swear John B to secrecy, but I know it's just a matter of time before he blurts it out.
Now I know what you're probably thinking, 'Mason? That's a boys name.' Well yes, you'd be right but really what is a boys or girls name? The reason why I'm called Mason is simple, mom and dad were expecting twins. Twin boys. They had the names planned out as soon as they heard the news. One would be named John B after our dad, Big John, and the other would be named Mason, after our mom's dad. Makes sense, right?. Well, it was until I popped out, y' know not being a boy. But I love my name and I wouldn't change it for the world. My unspoken middle name, however, yes, I would rather that just not be associated with me.
I like to believe that I can hold my own, maybe it's because I grow up in a predominantly male household or the fact that I'm a Pogue, but I don't take peoples shit. My friends and I seem to always have the world against us, but without a doubt, I'd ride or die for them. They're my family.
Seeing the all too familiar hippie van parked at the side off the road brings me out of my autopilot state. Jumping off the longboard, I hurriedly shoved it into the back of the van. Fun fact about John B's van, he never locks it. There would be the fear about someone stealing it, but honestly, it's trashed and smells like weed, no thanks to JJ.
Quickly scaling the fence and as quietly as possible I tip-toed into the under-construction house and up the cement stairs, dodging the dangling wires and leftover pots of plaster.
'I can't believe they got rid of the turtles for this'
I'd know that voice anywhere. Peering around the corner, I spot Kie, hunched over a table reading what I'm assuming is maps for the house. Coming up with an idea, I slowly start to creep towards her, raising my hands just to clasp them down on her shoulders, "And what do you think you're doing?" I say in the deepest voice I can muster.
Jumping out her skin with a squeal, she spins around, hand over her heart, breathing heavily, "Macy, what the fuck? Don't do that," she exclaims, slapping my arm after she realises it was only me.
Unable to stop myself from laughing at her shock, "God, Kie, didn't know you had such a girly scream," I wheeze, arms wrapped around my stomach in an attempt to stop the ache.
Nodding her head pettily, "Yeah okay, you got me," clicking her tongue, but against her best efforts, a small smile dances across her face.
Taking a few deep breaths to calm my giggles, "Once you're done with sad girl hours, come out back, I've got beer," making my way towards the open glass doors.
"Caring about the turtles doesn't make me a sad girl," she exclaims as I nod my head understandingly, "You keep telling yourself that," I wave stepping outside, breathing in the fresh ocean breeze.
From under the scaffolding, I see a pair of dangling legs, "Afternoon, boys," I announce, jumping up in an attempt to smack the dangling feet that I now know belong to JJ
"Did you get the goods?" asks John B causing me to hold my hand on my heart, mocking insult, "Do you have no faith in me Johnny boy," tosing him a beer, "Of course, I got the goods."
Holding one out for Pope, even though I knew he would decline, proving my point as he shook his head, "And where did you get said goods?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
Grabbing two beers, I begin to climb up the scaffolding, plopping down next to JJ, handing him a beer which he greatly excepts, "Are you question my morals?" I ask, taking a big gulp of my beer instantly wincing at the lukewarm taste.
"No, no," I hear him say, turning around, occupying himself with the builder's tools.
It a pretty view from up here. The calm crashing of the waves. The way the cold ocean and the warm sky meet for a perfect kiss on the horizon. Imagine living here. Having no worries. Being full Kook.
Glancing at the boy beside me, I see that he was already looking at me. Lifting my eyebrows in question, "You look cute," he cheekily says, picking at the loose thread on my sleeve.
"Very funny JJ," I saying, looking back out at the water, "No, I'm serious. I love a woman in uniform," nudging his shoulder into mine and I nudge him right back, "Hey," he laughs, dramatically falling to his side, "Watch the sweet nectar," holding his can of beer dearly to his chest.
Shaking my head, I turn to see John B scaling the house, jumping up to the peak of the roof, "Hey, please be careful, Johnny B, we don't earn enough to cover a medical bill," I warn sitting my beer beside me, using my hands to block the blinding sun, staring questionably at the boy.
"Oh, but you'd catch me though, right?" he says, now taunting the idea of falling, balancing on one foot with outstretched arms, "And break your fall? Nope," I popped, reach over to grab my can only to grasp the air. Looking at where I know I placed it, my confusion vanishes when I hear the sounds of slurping beside me.
Blinking at the boy, who just peers back at me after tanning my can, crushing it, and letting out a pleasant burp which he so graciously blows in my direction, "Gross, JJ," attempting to swat away the smell. The boy just shrugs, "What were you not done with that?" faux concern covering his face but his eyes glistening with knowing mischief.
"Should I do it?"
"Yeah, jump. I'll shoot you on the way down," says Pope, aim a drill in my brother's direction, "You'll shoot me?" John B taunts, holding up a finger gun, "Pow," he laughs as Pope fall back onto the table pretending to be shot.
"They're going to have Japanese toilets with towel warmers," complains Kie, slugging her way onto the balcony, voicing her distaste for the future Kook's beach house.
"Didn't I tell you to come out when you were done being sad?", I direct, leaning my chin against the cold pole, feeling on top of the world as the fresh breeze blows through my hair.
That swiftly changes when Kie dashes towards my feet, tugging the laces on my converses loose as I hastily attempt to lift my feet away from her snapping fingers, "Go away!" I exclaim hugging my legs to my chest, tusking at her antics "God, you're annoying."
My comment doesn't affect her as she blows me a kiss which I can't help but catch, holding it to my heart sending a wink in her direction, "This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtle I guess?"
"Well, I did, but since you've-" I start, but the feeling of my shoe gets tighter distracts me, "...What are you doing?" I question as JJ finishes up my shoes, "You should double knot your laces," he comments, tapping his fingers in a random beat on the toe of my shoes.
Lightly, I begin to flick his hand away only for him to grab my wrist, fiddling with the silver ladybug charm on my bracelet, "Can I have this?" He has asked me this multiple times in the past and the answer has always been the same, "No."
"Can you please not kill yourself?" Kie squints up at my brother, "And don't spill that beer, you're not getting another one," JJ adds just as a sudden gust of wind brushed past causing John B to lose his balance and drop his beer.
"Oh, shit. No!" cries John B, making grabby hands at his fallen beer.
"Of course you did, like right when I told you."
"Well done, dumbass!"
The sound of a car pull up to the driveway halts our attack on John B, yelling being heard, "Hey, uh, securities here. Let's wrap it up," confirms Pope, making JJ and I raise to our feet as John B slides off the roof, "Boys are here early today."
Rushing over to grab my bag once my feet are back on the balcony, I lean over the railing squinting, "Gary? Is that you?" I asked, "You know it's me, Mason."
Turning around to look at friends, "It's Gary guys," I smile, "Gary, good to see you, man!" JJ adds and quickly pulls the back of my bag when he sees Gary climb up the stairs, "JJ!"
"You two, are asking for it," Kie laughs as we all rush back through the house, all of us laughing and cheering, running down the stairs, "Go, go!" I giggled as I Gary's attempts to grab me but I duck under his swinging arms, running out to the garden.
"Not much of a hugger man," JJs joke echoing off the empty wall of the house.
Running up beside Pope, I urge him up over the fence, "Come on, Pope, go, go, go," landing on the other side, watching as he lands flat on his face, "Graceful as always Pope," I giggle pulling him back on his feet.
"Come on Pope, Fatso's coming" JJ encourages, suddenly landing beside us just barely missing the hot-headed security who is dangling over the fence, "Come here, you little pricks!"
"Bus is leaving," John B pulls up the van honking the horn, Kie opening the door for us, laughing as we shove each other in. John B wastes no time hitting the gas, driving away from the angry security.
"Check out Gary, gunnin' for a raise," Pope laughs as we watch a hopeless Gary chase after the van.
Having an idea, JJ unzips my bag and leans out of the open door, "Come on Gary," he taunts, waving the beer can in front of the man like you would a dog with a treat.
"You're going to give him a heart attack," Kie sympathises but still finds his actions amusing, "You're so close! You can do it. There you go," he tosses the can at the poor man who attempts to dodge it.
"God, they don't pay you enough, man" I laugh peering out the door, taking in the sight of Gray who is wheezing with his hands planted on his knees.
Seeing enough torture for one day, Kie tugs us back in, "That's enough," she says finally feeling sorry for the poor man, sliding the door close.
"Oh, come on. That sort of initiative is just begging to be punished," reasons JJ, plopping down in the back of the van, now finding interest fiddling with the blunt he pulled from his back pocket.
I lean my head on Kie's shoulder and sigh, "I love Gary," I confess, earning a flick on the head from Pope and a nudge on the leg from JJ
We're the Pogues, and our mission this summer is to have a good time, all the time.
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Prologue: FIN!
What did you think?
I’m really excited to explore Mason’s character and her adventures with the Pogues. I have so much planned for her.
I hope you enjoyed this introduction <3
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ladyfeldspar · 3 years
By the power vested in me by my RNG, I give you...
6x09: Free Hat (aka the reason I broke the second disc of Season 6)
This is hella long, sorry not sorry.
Some days I think season 6 is my favorite season.
Tweek standing behind the other three at the SP sign will never cease to make me happy. <3
I hate ET because I think he's a creepyass little alien and I don't appreciate seeing him first thing in this episode. 😂
Okay but I love when Kyle's saying, "...to make ET more PC," he's doing little air quotes with his one hand, like:
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Stan: "That's gay." Back when saying things like that was only mildly offensive and wouldn't cause riots.
I've never seen Saving Private Ryan, and I know that it's said that it can be really triggering for people who have actually been to war and everything and I don't want to diminish that in any way, but whatever I paused on here looks like some kind of nether realm squid ghost monster and it's amazing.
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I love the progression of their expressions here: angry, unimpressed, concerned, and "why is this happening?!"
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And they're all so excited for Star Wars, that's the cutest fricking thing! I would love to see Tweek and Craig watching Star Wars together, just try and tell me that wouldn't be adorable!
ALL OF THEM ARE SO MAD! I fucking love when Tweek gets the little angry eyebrows.
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I will never ever not want to hug him whenever I see Tweek shiver like crazy while the other kids just stand perfectly still.
The message in this episode is actually so good though. "Movies are art and art shouldn't be messed with!"
"Yeah we could form a club that takes food stamps from poor people and then we could sell them back to the government for a profit!" Tweek’s face here is priceless.
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Poor Tweek. There's kind of a pattern in these episodes where multiple times he tries to stand up for himself or walk away from the main kids, but Cartman bullies him into staying and it just breaks my heart. As opposed to Craig in the Pandemics who's just like, "Fuck this." And as much as I adore all of the S6 Tweek episodes, I'm really glad he didn't stay hanging out with them for any longer and that he went back to the group of guys that are actually his friends. <3
"I'm not, I'm not a team player!" 😭 That being said, I could listen to Tweek talk all day.
"You have to offer fabulous prizes if you want people to show up to your stupid crap!" is just the S6 version of, "More people will come if they think we'll have punch and pie!" 😂
Stan: "Tweek, you go make fifty hats." Look, okay, I don't hate Stan, all right, but what the hell dude, go make your own hats! Why would you give the anxious kid a big responsibility like that!? At least have Kyle help him or something. Like you say you need to get the gymnasium ready which means what, make a banner and set up some chairs? And you're telling me you couldn't have split up the making of the hats? Jesus Christ.
(Yeah, okay, I know, chill out, they're 8.)
I posted this on my Tumblr before, so I'm not going to do it again, but that TINY LITTLE SHRIEK THAT TWEEK DOES after his dad says his name. I just. Literally. Die. Of cuteness. Every single time. It's my favorite Tweek shriek of the entire show, hands down.
On another note, his bedroom is so empty in this episode compared to in Tweek x Craig! I wonder what changed between here and then.
Tweek being able to calm himself down with some meditation is honestly so cute. And look at his happy place! I would love to have this on a shirt or a bag or just like as a piece of art hanging on my wall or something.
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Cartman's giant face showing up there. 😂 I remember the first time I saw this episode that actually startled me so much.
"I was up, all night, making hats! I only slept for an hour- and then I DREAMT about making hats! But I only made fifteen!" - This has been one of my favorite lines since forever. I make it my status on things a lot and then everyone asks me why I was making hats all night. 😂
I love Stan's expression here.
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"I don't have nearly 1000 hats!" "They're gonna kick your ass, Tweek!" 😡😡😡
Look at this shot! It really looks like Stan is the only one remotely concerned about Tweek's well-being here.
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We get so much of Tweek yanking on his hair in this episode. </3
How am I less than five minutes into this and I have talked this much?
The townspeople are literally so stupid. Good job, Skeeter.
Stan makes good speeches when he wants to. Although, you know, you shouldn't make promises without fully knowing what you're doing.
Only Tweek would think going on a TV show is terrible news. (Just kidding. I agree with you, Tweek.)
I've never understood the "1-2-3, dibs!! "Knee!" thing. Like I know what dibs is, but where I come from knees were never involved.
Typical Cartman. I feel so bad for Tweek, but I love when he looks down to see "Advocate of Toddler Murder" underneath him. Cartoon logic is the best logic.
There's also a lot of good Tweek shrieks here too.
"It's easy!?" "Yes... It is easy."
"We believe that films have to be taken away from people like Steven Spielberg and George Lucas because they're insane." The way Kyle matter-of-factly delivers this line kills me every time.
They honestly made SS and GL look so creepy. 😂
I like that Cartman's voice kind of cracks when he's like, "That's Steven Spielberg and George Lucas!"
Someone just let Tweek go home, please!
"Uh, we thought we were speaking for the children." "Yeah, we're children."
"I'm not a Jew!" 😂 Thank you, George Lucas.
Okay, full disclosure, when I first saw this I hadn't seen Raiders of the Lost Ark and I didn't get the big deal. 😂 But I do now!!!
"He...killed 23 babies in self-defense?" "Hat was attacked maliciously and unprovoked by a gang of babies in West Town Park. When that many babies get together they can be like pirahna!" 😂 I say this all the time.
Skeeter. 😂 Honestly, you are no help at ALL.
Second time this episode Tweek tries to say no and walk away.
"People aren't that into you, Tweek. They find you kind of annoying." This is so meta because I remember people complaining all the time that Tweek was a one-note character and that he had nothing really to add to the show and I just want to say SUCK IT TO ALL THOSE PEOPLE BECAUSE LOOK HOW LOVED TWEEK IS NOW. Everyone who was on board the Tweek train from the very beginning say, "Cupcakes!" 😂<3
These kids, man. I love that it’s so easy for them to just get into all these places.
"Get it, Tweek!" "Huh-uh!" I love the way Tweek says no. But, I mean, AGAIN, he tries to say no and Cartman bullies him. I don't think he ever really wanted to be in their group in the first place. I think they picked him arbitrarily in Professor Chaos because they saw him as weaker than them, and then Cartman just didn't let him quit.
The little debate about melting his icy heart with a cool island song is also something I quote often. AND THEIR LITTLE OUTFITS! I love that Tweek's is green and pink! I don't know what the hell is going on with the sleeves on everyone else's though.
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"Those rams can do to us what they will, Mr. Lucas." 😂
Oh, George Lucas. You were so close to being a hero.
Stan: "Fuck you Steven Spielberg!" I've watched this censored so many times that hearing it uncensored is so fricking satisfying.
The walkie talkies are such a nice touch. 😂
"The one with the cocaine problem escaped, Mein Director."
Mannn, I miss when they used to throw live action "commercials" into the episodes like this. This also is from the time where I was like hella attracted to Trey Parker so seeing his face is always welcome. 😂
"We always meant to have Imperial Walkers and giant Dewback lizards in the background, but simply couldn’t afford it."
Oh my God, I'm always so proud of Tweek for talking to this huge crowd of people and trying to get them to help him! His little talking through his teeth, like, "We are not talking about Hat right now, okay?!" He's trying so hard!
"Oh God, I'm gonna have to do this myself! Oh, God!" just breaks my heart! YOU CAN DO IT, TWEEK! 13 seasons from now you'll have someone who helps you believe in yourself, just hang on!
Tweek with the bazooka, oh my gosh, always makes me so happy. I can't tell you how much I wanted him to just blow them all the fuck up the first time I saw this.
"All I want are my friends. Except for Cartman, you can keep him." YEAH, TWEEK!
I hate that Steven Asshole Spielberg manages to talk enough crap to make Tweek hesitate. He was so close! I wonder how he would have felt if he actually did it though, Maybe it's better he didn't? It might have made his anxiety worse if he actually blew people up now that I think about it.
"In the tropical isles with the coconut trees, the air is fresh and the people are free, but here in the mountains there's no freedom like that, there's a man in prison and his name is Hat!" This gets stuck in my head so often.
It makes it so much better having actually seen Raiders, especially for this part. I honestly thought the melting faces was just a South Park thing but nope.
I also really love what they look like turned away with their eyes closed too. <3
Like what even is going on in this scene. 😂
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Oh my God, okay, and I know that Hat is a terrible person and I want to clarify just in case, I do not think killing babies is funny, but just the way that baby crawls up the person's arm to avoid getting passed to Hat is always so so funny to me and I can never explain why.
Tweek being the only one to be appropriately horrified by the fact that Hat is being given a baby.
"Sometimes the things we do don't matter right now. Sometimes they matter later. We have to care more about later sometimes, you know? I think that's what separates us from the Steven Spielbergs and George Lucases of the world." This is still so relevant.
The ending of this episode is also so much better after actually seeing Raiders. 😂
And we close off with a 9/11 joke. Perfection, Matt and Trey, thank you & goodnight.
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chenles-moonpies · 5 years
Mission, failed
• An nct mafia au, chapter 1
• 2k words
"You go to china, find the boy, bring him back. Plain and simple."
"Plain and simple my ass. Does he know how many people are here!?" Winwin cursed as he looked around the corner from a fight they were observing. Taeyong, leader of his gang NCT, had sent him and Yuta on a mission to track down someone that fancied his eye. Normally Winwin did an exceptional job at spy work, but being paired with Yuta lately has had it’s consequences. "Also why am I with you?” Winwin complained,  “You don't speak a lick of Chinese and always mess up important details." The two had been paired together recently after Yuta begged a reluctant Taeyong to do so for weeks without consulting Winwin. He agreed eventually, “Fine. but I'm not sending you in the private jet when you go to China. Just Business class.” He had told Yuta.
"I'm offended. You know the rules! No solo missions." Yuta reminded his friend, "Unless you're in-"
"What's going on over there?" Cheers, or rather yells, were piercing the air around them. Citizens flocked to the middle of the bustling shopping roads where a fight broke out. Winwin and Yuta looked at each other before racing over to see as well. 
"I think that's the one." Yuta whispered. The crowd was rather large so it was a bit difficult to see, however Taeyongs words echoed loosely in his mind. "Short hair, gets in fights, Winwin I think we're done!" Yuta smiled brightly at the taller male. His response was a bit delayed. Could it really be him? Wasn't he a bit… small? 
"You IDIOTS!" Taeyong yelled, hands banging down on his desk. "I told you exactly what he looks like and what do you do? Bring me someone not any bigger than a Dream member!?" 
The man scoffed, "I'm not that small-?"
"Look, you want us to do well? Stop sending me with him!" Winwin fought back, pointing back to his partner. Yuta's face grew rather disgusted, if not disappointed. "What do you mean?" He questioned. "You always mess around and distract me." Winwin huffed. 
"Then stop getting distracted. It's not hard!" Taeyong bellowed. The room grew quiet until the tied up boy spoke, “You guys seem tense. Maybe you should take a bath or something, some tea might help, maybe some Vodka-”
“Shut up!” Taeyong shouted, cutting him off. The four men stood in Taeyong’s office for a moment, unsure of what to do. “I’m sorry, sir. Should we bring him back to China?” Winwin spoke sheepishly, suddenly aware that he should probably just comply with his boss.
“Are you insane or did you break into the drug stash on floor 15? We can’t let him go now. Leave him with me,” Taeyong sat down onto his chair and spun to face his back to the other three men, “I’ll talk to him.” Winwin and Yuta promptly left while bickering quietly. The door shut quietly with a click. “Ok, let's get to it,” Taeyong pulled up a pen and paper, “Name, date of birth, nationality, family and blood type please.” The man shuffled out of the ties restricting him, 
“People call me Ten. I was born 27th of February 1996, I have a mother and father and sister and I don’t know my blood type.”
“Whatever, we’ll just get someone in to test you. You didn't tell me your nationality.”
“Well i’m not Chinese as you thought.” 
“I didn't ask where you aren’t from, I asked where you are fr-”
“Why do you need to know, huh?” 
Taeyong stared at Ten with sharp fury. But that was only the exterior he showed. Inside he was shocked. No one had ever interrupted him like that. 16 members prior to Ten and it hasn't happened once. And that wasn't even the ones he had to “dismiss”
“Just tell me where you're from, pretty boy.”
Ten looked around at the pointings that hung around Taeyong’s office, “Is this you? Who painted it? Their brush technique is very… unique.”
“I Think you’d better sit down and tell me where you’re from before we have a problem.” Taeyong spoke through gritted teeth
“Was that so hard?” Taeyong pulled some papers from his desk, “Sit down, Ten.”
“Fine,” he responded, “But I'm sitting because I want to. Not because you told me to.” 
Taeyong slid a thin pile of papers across his desk and into the other man’s lap. 
“I’m not reading all that.” Ten said, picking up the pile.
“Don’t worry, I'll give you the summary.” He sat back in his chair, “This is the NCT X Building. Its headquarters for the NCT gang. I prefer the term mafia but… to each their own.”
“Oh, shit ok.” Ten pulled out a pair of glasses from a pocket in his silk shirt.
“Long story short my father founded the mafia and I took over after the incident. I never liked the way he ran it so i changed a lot of things. So if you ever think I'm treating you unfairly i’ll remind you he was incomprehensibly worse.”
“So you’re recruiting me?” 
“Call it what you want, you’re lucky I didn't just kill you.”
“Fair enough.” 
“You’ll get to meet the other members soon but essentially there are two sections: 127 and Dream. 127 handles korean affairs, mainly based in Seoul. Dream…” Taeyong paused to laugh, “Honestly it's more of an experiment than anything and the only reason I'm maintaining it is because they’re good kids and you can't exactly leave this organisations unless you leave in a hearse.”
Hang on, did you say ‘kids’?” 
“Yes, they're all pretty young. The youngest is 17 though so don't worry they aren’t too young. Anyway Dream only really handles very minor affairs but they've been doing well.”
“Jesus, you’re not gonna put me with them, are you?” 
Taeyong laughed, “You should be so lucky. You’ll probably get put into 127 but for now you’re a trainee. Sign here.”
Taeyong presented ten with a black piece of paper with a light grey print and a white signature line. “That's some shady shit, man.” Ten said,
“Fine,” Taeyong took the paper away, “this is a gang, you don't actually have to sign it,” He said, signing the name ‘Ten’ in neat cursive on the white line, “It’s just so the less intelligent members get a sense of security from the legitimacy of a contract. But you seem smart, so you don’t need that.” Ten laughed quietly in response,
“Now,” Taeyong whispered, pressing a black button on his desk, triggering the large mahogany doors to open, “Would you like to meet the others?"
"You said there's sixteen others, right? Why so many?" Ten questioned, following his new leader out of the room. "I have my reasons. This way."
The hallways were long, some narrow, Ten noted. It wasn't dark like he imagined gang buildings to be either. Most rooms had a large glass window to show into it but a few were kept a secret behind locked doors. They peaked his interest for sure, so the male made a mental note to explore once he has a bit more freedom. 
"In here is the main break room on the floor. Usually you can find Johnny, Jaehyun, or maybe even Jeno in here." 
"So many J names." Ten laughed. Taeyong couldn't disagree there. "Come in." He nodded his head as he opened the door. 
"Johnny, Jaehyun, meet Ten." Taeyong said, introducing him. Johnny nodded while Jaehyun presented his hand. "You must be the new recruit!" Another voice spoke out. A head popped over the edge of the old, slightly tattered, orange couch in the corner of the room. "Who are you?" Ten asked.
"Mark Lee. I'm in all the units. Well, was."
"What do you mean, aren't there only two?"
"He was in dream but graduated. He doesn't have an official position yet."
"That's why I'm in all of them. In Hopes of finding out." Mark said, pointing his thumb and finger at Ten like he held a real gun. "Enough chat. Anyone know where Doyoung went?" Taeyong asked. Everyone shook their heads no. 
"Maybe in U-" 
"Right, later then. I'm sure someone is in the cafeteria." Taeyong blurted, interrupting Mark. The leader walked out, the heavy door slamming behind them. "Mark, you idiot. No one can know about U so soon!" Jaehyun scolded, smacking the younger boy on the shoulder.
"What's U? I don't understand." Ten asked, his mind buzzing to know what secrets Taeyong was keeping. He'll be damned if he gives up trying to find out. "Who knows Honestly. Kid is so overworked I don't think he would know where his head was if it weren't attached." 
Taeyong re-entered, brushing something off his shirt, and was immediately bombarded with Ten’s questioning "What positions were they all?" Ten asked. 
“Does this guy ever shut up? Why does he want to know everything so bad…?"  Taeyong thought. "Johnny is the muscle. I count on him to keep people in check, sometimes to do the dirty work. Jaehyun is 127s Charmer."
"Every talented mafia needs someone to swoon others to get desired information." 
"That desperate huh?"
"You won't understand. Not yet."
Ten took in his sudden surroundings as he noticed Taeyong had been leading him down a couple flights of stairs. "Elevators?" He asked. Taeyong shook his head. "Not to the floor we're going to. Doyoung likes his privacy." 
After walking for what seemed like hours, Taeyong and Ten finally got to their desired floor. “I get this dude wants his privacy but this is ridiculous.” Ten complained, pretending to be out of breath. Taeyong let out a small laugh, “You know, Ten, I hope your sense of humour helps you get around obstacles and doesn't cause you problems.” 
“Well,I'd be lying if I said they hadn’t before.” The two approached a tall, oak door with a silver “DY” on it next to an eye hole. “Kind of weird that you guys have peep holes on bedrooms.” Ten said as he got on his tiptoes to look through it, “It’s blacked out!”
“Mhm. Everyone but me is supposed to have an eyehole to make sure no one’s up to any funny business but Doyoung has a tendency to disagree with that rule.”
Taeyong knocked three times on the door before opening it, “Doyoung, you’ve got company!” He yelled. A tall, slender man with dark wet hair entered from around the corner, “Taeyong, you might be everyone’s boss but you can't just come in here unannounced. I’m your right hand man not your slave,” he looked up from tying a black robe around himself, “I don’t just do whatever you want me to like the others d-” He paused, “What does he want?” 
Taeyong laughed, “Doyoung, you’ve never been the best at making people feel welcome.”
“This looks like a Jaehyun thing.”
“Huh?” Ten looked at Doyoung, puzzled,
“Is this another ‘date in exchange for information’ thing because I'm not doing that again, that's why we have Jaehyun.” Doyoung walked back around the corner.
“No, it’s not.” Taeyong yelled over to him, “And if it was, you’re not supposed to say that to the person.”
Doyoung re-entered from around the corner now fully dressed in a white dress shirt, a silk tie, and tailored slacks. “I have to go out.”
“I don’t remember you telling me that.” Taeyong responded.
“I don’t remember me needing to.” Doyoung pushed passed the two men.
“My name’s Ten.” Ten shouted as Doyoung started up the stairs,
“Thats nice.”
“He’s going to be rooming with you for now.” Taeyong yelled.
“What?!” Doyoung came back down the stairs.
“It’s only temporary while we make up a room for him. Everyone has a roommate and they have smaller rooms. You’re alone and you have a room that could fit at least five people.”
Doyoung stared angrily at Ten, “Fine. But if this lasts more than a week, You and I,” Doyoung looked Ten up and down, “We’re gonna have a problem.”
“I’ll see you around, Doyoung.” Ten responded with a smile. Doyoung stormed off leaving a tapping sound on the marble floor echoing throughout the halls.
Taeyong and Ten looked to each other as Ten laughed, “I like him.”
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