#i am never over baby orcas
naffeclipse · 3 months
I am absolutely insane over humpback reader and orca Eclipse staying together and making their own pod. Reader giving up being with their family to be with Eclipse. At least they can visit them maybe.
But how happy Eclipse must be! He has someone in his pod! He's not alone! And I bet he is the bounciest, most eager siren when humpback reader starts carrying his child. He gets to care for her and hunt for her and know he is going to be a dad? Heaven for him.
Humpback reader playfully swatting him away when he tries to adore her while pregnant. She's not weak. She doesn't need his constant assistance. But she does look happy whenever he tries. Can't fool Eclipse. He knows his mate likes when he pampers her.
Shehdyjrnfntj They're just so silly!
Me too, babe, me too <3 I'd like to think they can visit in the future when they cross paths and see they have a little pod going on!
Oh, Eclipse has never been happier! And he's a very doting and protective mate when Humpback Y/N is pregnant. She is not dainty or fragile now that she's carrying his kid but she does think it's amusing that he's so worried and insists on catching fish for her. There's no more play fighting while she's pregnant but Eclipse makes up for it by being touchy and always by her side. He's just so excited to hold their baby when they arrive <3
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woundgallery · 5 months
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I don't submit many poems for publication, but I am truly delighted that this old piece found a home in a beautiful volume of Prairie Schooner. I wrote this in April 2016, when I was re-emerging from the most deadening period of my life. As much as this poem, on the surface, is about heartbreak, it is much more about the gift of opening myself once again to communion with others and communion with the mystery of our fragile, interconnected world. The person I wrote this for took me by the hand and--with gentleness and understanding--helped me put aside weariness and remember that the world was a place that could still surprise me with a beauty that surpasses explanation, that cannot be neatly explained and shut away. Though it's been years since we have spoken, I am forever grateful for him.
And, as spring quickens in New York City, I am grateful once more to reflect on all I would have missed if I had not made it through the gauntlet of 2015. I would never have met my cat (and love of my life) Willa who wakes me each morning by wildly purring, head butting me like a baby goat, and nibbling my cheeks and nose because she’s just so happy to see me; hiked on Orcas Island with Michael and found a surprise lake which we named Lake Ineffable (because no name was beautiful enough for it) where we stripped off our clothes and swam and embraced each other, blissfully alone and dazed by superfluous beauty; found out that George Washington National Forest may have more fireflies than anywhere in the world; grown into my vocation as a social worker and been blessed to sit in communion with my clients for eight years; built a beautiful relationship with my parents based on mutual respect, affinity, and humor; seen my friends’ babies discover the world; slept beneath a meteor shower sky on a NYC beach in the arms of a man I was suddenly and entirely falling in love with; discovered Eric Rohmer; discovered Wim Wenders;  moved to Laramie, Wyoming where everything looks like the abandoned set of a Western film where the paint has flaked off but he extras are still wandering around despondently; moved to Montana where I remembered that I am part of the whole, not just a body in passing; woke in Missoula to the cold air seeping through my window—still half in a dream of Oregon in October—and stirred, deliciously alert beside the boy I loved, craning toward his sleepy, freckled back, to clutch him closer, the brisk quickening of fall making my body a new thing—wild and tender and alive; swam naked in the ocean; had the chance to work with my best friends and fall even more in love with the people they are based off the kindness they showed our clients; had my best friends, in turn, respect and love me more based of what they saw me showing clients; sat by a lake at night and felt an earthquake swell like a heartbeat beneath my body; drove from Missoula to Washington, Ryan’s van weaving through a forest fire zone until we reached the pure, amnesiac sweep of the Pacific; discovered Simone Weil; been, not only forgiven, but embraced by the person I most wronged after six years of estrangement; made up a silly-serious shared mythology with Steven about a vulture God named Hamm who watches over us with a severe equanimity; backpacked through Olympic National Park with Michael and seen and been seen by the strange shaggy haired deer and rabbits who looked at us without fear; discovered Agnes Martin; read poetry with my sage & strange Mara; discovered Olivier Messiaen; discovered Mary Ruefle; discovered Ana Mendieta; realized that I like the color yellow; moved to New York City; discovered Carol Rama; learned how to enjoy dancing to music other than punk rock; seen a moose in the wild; spent a summer in that yellow shotgun house with the overgrown yard and the porch overlooking the river where we made dinner each night listening to recordings of bird calls; experienced the delights of solitary sunbathing on Brooklyn roofs; encountered places named Hellgate, Bitterroot, and Rattlesnake; recited The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock at 3 AM, wading in the waters of the Long Island Sound; realized I am capable of keeping houseplants alive; heard the thrumming ecstasy of the grouse's wings; learned the name of those clustered, mustard-colored flowers that grow on the Oregon coast; grew grateful for beauty again, remembering the world is not a place I can neatly explain, cannot fold in linen and shut in a drawer; and, most of all, remembered the daily ways we concede—plainly, without theatrics—to live.
Today I am thankful for those who love me and those who allow me to love them.
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solivagantingrebel · 2 months
Fanfic writer questions!
How many works do you have on ao3?
8! But if we count my other account that I abandoned, 10.
What's your total ao3 word count?
So far, roughly 142k words.
What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly just COD fandom (exclusively Ghostsoap!)
Top five fics by kudos:
Leaving Your Heart On Fire - omegaverse smut amirite? (first attempt at smut fic too, which is, something!)
carry me in your teeth (with tender jaws of sympathy) - seal!soap x orca!ghost with hurt/comfort, biting and other shenanigans. honestly, i never thought people would like it that much since i hallucinated the plot & the first chapter within a day lmaoo.
Only Yours - another omegaverse smut! second one in the series, but whatever. wall sex galore tho <33
Sweetest Gift - lingerie & shibari & bdsm. need i say more
With The Softness Of Your Breath - what if hallmark movies were good, and ghoap? ALSO childhood friends and retired au + all the christmas goodness. this one is very deserved and i will literally kiss everyone who read this on the mouth for giving it a chance even tho i know first person pov isn't favoured in fandom spaces. i poured my heart into it, ty <3
Do you respond to comments?
I try my best to! Miss some sometimes because i'm too busy giggling and kicking my feet over the sheer amount of elation i feel whenever i get the notification.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Happy ending kind of guy, so none. Unless you count the letter. MCD 😔
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
CHRISTMAS FIC,, but all of them are going to be happy ending so we'll see!! my current longfics will take the rest of the year, or more, to end though, so who knows.
Do you get hate on fics?
No? But I did get a comment about how first person pov was something that a reader hated and they were looking forward to reading the fic with the tags & summary. Oh well, their loss.
Do you write smut?
ABSOLUTELY,,, i adore writing smut. right after fluff and angst, i have to say.
Craziest crossover:
None yet :(
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! I wouldn't mind it though.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but Alex. i am looking at you with the softest, darkest brown eyes ever.
All time favourite ship?
GHOSTSOAP. but also capitaru and cami. if you know you know. i don't mind ghoap x reader too, but i swear they NEED to be fucking each other as well, no ghoap 'thinking' of each other as friends and nothing more. all of us are in love and fucking and that is final, or there is nothing.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Beyond Life and Death,,, im so sorry my first attempt at a longfic but i really overestimated everything before i started writing it. Still hold it in my heart, since it was how I taught myself to write fanfics in general but it's a mess, honestly.
What are your writing strengths?
I. have no idea. I've been told I'm good at setting scene (emotional, erotic, angsty) so maybe that? Words also fly out of my mind at the speed of light whenever I am deeply dissecting a character's inner monologue, feelings and thought process AND ALSO TRAUMA, so that too.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I would say action if it were me from the past,, but I've gotten better at it. So, for now, plot, but I'm working on it!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
First fandom you wrote in?
......JJK. You will not find that fic though.
Favourite fic you've written?
All of them are my babies don't make me choose 😭
I have no idea who has done this tag game and who hasn't. it was trending like months ago, so open tag for now! do feel free to yap about your fics and tag me if you, i'd love to know <3 (get some recs meself) ill tag a few but feel free to ignore me if youve already done it lmao @eiraeths @myriadblvck
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Headcanons- Enzo Reyes
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Hello everyone! I am still swamped with college work but I wanted to post something so here's a little HC page I have had brewing for a while. Expect Rudy and Nova's soon! Also, I have discovered I absolutely love Reyes, and it's a shame he gets so forgotten about. God, I love a strong nose on a person, fan-freaking-tastic. Cura Ut Veleas! ~ Ceadis
Born November 13th, 1987, in Regina, Canada.
His parents were never married and had a contentious co-parenting relationship throughout his life
He moved with his mother to Alberta when he was 7, so he mostly saw his father over breaks and such
He is ¼ Tsuut'ina on his father's side (his father is half Tsuut'ina and half Spanish,) the two bonded over trapping and hunting. When he’s home, he will stay with his cousins on the reserve to go hunting with them.
Complex relationship with eating meat: believes you should only hunt/kill an animal ethically and for sustenance. Morally opposed to food waste. 
Can skin a deer in record time and not waste any meat/material from it. 
Complicated relationship with Catholicism, but both his mother and father are, at least partially, Roman Catholic.
Both of his parents married others, he has a year older step-sister on his father's side and two younger half-brothers (3 years younger and 5 years younger) on his mother's side. 
At age 13 he got into a massive fight with his mother over something silly (he forgot to turn in a take-home math quiz,) so he hitchhiked his way to his father over the course of 5 days. This is when he picked up his forgery skills from a truck driver he got a ride with. 
He accidentally evaded the police who were searching for him until he showed up at his father's house unharmed. 
Extremely proficient in hunting tracking and forgery. 
More than anything the police were just impressed he evaded them so well once he was delivered home safely. Was recommended to join the military by one of the deputies that brought him home. 
His first language was French (his mother speaks mostly French), second was Spanish (under his father.) Didn’t speak any English until he was 6 or so. Barely speaks French anymore unless with his mom. Is still fluent in Spanish. Also knows minimal Tsuut’ina to communicate while staying with his family that only speaks it. 
Terrible alcohol tolerance, 2 drinks and he’s wasted. 
Incredibly emotionally drunk. 
Chuy once convinced him to watch a nature documentary while drunk. He cried for thirty minutes when a baby seal got eaten by an orca. 
The least braggadocious guy ever, will never volunteer his skills or talk about them. 
That being said, he never backs down from a challenge. Just humbly accepts it and usually wins. 
The only person who can hunt/track a target better than Price.
Price fucking hates it.
Best friends with Chuy. Package deal. 
Enzo is incredibly shy but extroverted, he loves to talk to others and be involved in the action but it’s hard for him to initiate. 
Chuy is confident and introverted and acts as a good barrier for Enzo to feel more comfortable when talking with others. 
They bonded over a love for the outdoors/hunting, Reyes helped Chuy when his rifle broke down one mission and they’ve been besties since.
Has a tendency to talk back, but not out of a challenge to authority, more out of curiosity. 
The “Excuse me teacher, but isn’t it…” kid all grown up and never kicked the habit. 
The biggest nerd ever. Warhammer 40k, DND, wildlife fun facts, doesn’t matter. 
Trivia legend, he’s read a book on just about everything. 
Had to be banned from trivia night because he always wins. 
He always has a pack of waterproof playing cards on him, his favorite is a set he got from the Alberta Airport that have wildlife fun facts on every card.
Did you know that Caribou have 4 chambered stomachs and can swim up to 6 miles an hour?
Reyes did.
Reyes told you.
About 4 times.
This past month alone.
But who's keeping count, really?
Reads over a hundred books a year, easily.
Mostly nonfiction focusing on history, he will write out notes to better remember what he’s read.
Is not opposed to fiction books, but does not typically seek them out. 
Is in a makeshift book club with Gromsko and Nova
It is a poorly kept secret that he will do weapon mods/maintenance in exchange for books, the issue is finding a book he hasn't read yet.
Is on a first-name basis with his hometown's librarians.
Has been working on and off on a Ph.D. in history through an online/long-distance program.
It is about the purposeful destruction of the Canadian governmental records relating to First Nations regiments in the army during the 19th century. The process has been incredibly slow because he works on it remotely and, as stated, many of the records either do not exist or were intentionally destroyed.
Teddy Bear. Gives great hugs, sweetheart of a man, loves to cook for others, and always volunteers to help people. Just generally a great dude. 
This does not extend to his job. 
He doesn’t have a weak stomach when it comes to his work. 
He is ruthless, he is calculated, he is damn good at what he does. 
He gets along well with his comrades, sure, but he’s not letting himself get killed in the field for something stupid. 
Incredibly capable. Do not mistake his affability for weakness.
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sorry-imma-scorpio · 6 months
i am a pomegranate ripped by ungrateful hands. their fingers are coated, lips red with my blood. they have consumed me in my entirety, but will i ever be free? ﮩـﮩــﮩ٨ـﮩــﮩ٨ـﮩــﮩﮩ٨ـﮩــﮩ٨ـﮩ٨ﮩ٨ﮩ٨_______________
illicit affairs by Taylor Swift - analysis by me
"Lyrics" and my analysis
--- have fuuuun ---
"Make sure nobody sees you leave / Hood over your head / Keep your eyes down / Tell your friends you're out for a run / You'll be flushed when you return."
I am not allowed to walk alone at night not for my own safety but because these people go into fucking cardiac ARREST when they cannot control my actions
“-------- and the Babysitters" was funny at first but not anymore. I am tired of being babied and watched through a fucking nanny cam by my own government spy of a roommate.
"Take the road less traveled by / Tell yourself you can always stop"
When I walk, talk, or even breathe I have to do everything in secret. I cannot tell anyone anything at all. Everything has to be kept under lock and fucking key because I am “too unstable” and I need to be checked in on. I NEVER ASKED FOR THEIR HELP I ASKED FOR A FRIEND. Just because I am crying or upset does not mean that I need someone to be my therapist. The advice was appreciated but it was not necessary. Walking over to hang out with you guys and immediately being drilled about how my day “really was” because “it was okay” was not answer enough made me feel like a burden to the point that I had to completely shut everything off and everyone out. I have become a group project that got neglected.
"What started in beautiful rooms / Ends with meetings in parking lots"
Giant room with a lot of windows. Talking about how I knew that it was going to snow because I can feel it. You can smell it (Thank you, Lorelai Gilmore). Sunset pictures.
“Where’d -------- go?” “To take a picture of the sunset.” “That’s the -------- I know.” Well who is this one? Do you know this ------ or do you think you do? The last conversation we had was you comparing me to a depressed orca which is honestly worse than my joke about you calling me a whale. (I was pacing in his kitchen and he brought up that I was like an orca in too small of an enclosure. Sad. I understood that. But he thought that I didn’t so he got all up his own ass defending himself).
"And that's the thing about illicit affairs / And clandestine meetings / And longing stares"
SHE WAS GOING TO HIDE IT FROM ME IF I DIDN’T FIGURE IT OUT ON MY OWN!!!! She would have rather lied to me than tell me this. She held me. Rubbed my back. She consoled me as I cried into her lap about how I was doing mentally
"Leave the perfume on the shelf / That you picked out just for him"
She was wearing his favorite perfume as she did this. I was literally breathing in the sweet, vanilla scent of her lies and deceit. Every breath I took filled my lungs with the freshness of her betrayal, literally as fresh as the wound in my back. The knife was jagged, and rusted. She left this out in the rain. She left it there until the blade was saturated with acid and would burn unscathed skin. And then she opened my back, no, I opened it to her. I exposed my softness and vulnerability as a form of trust, and like a hostile wolf, she tore through flesh and ripped my organs from my body. Clenching my heart in her teeth and biting down. Squeezing the very life out of me until there was nothing but a shell left. Nothing but a husk of who I once was.
"So you leave no trace behind / like you don't even exist"
Where are your texts to me? Your calls? Thoughts? Questions? Because I can tell you where they are not- in my own messages. You have my phone number, you know where I live. But when I delete social media for my own reasons, all of a sudden I am a problem and an issue.
"Take the words for what they are / A dwindling, mercurial high / A drug that only worked / The first few hundred times / And that's the thing about illicit affairs / And clandestine meetings / And stolen stares / They show their truth one single time / But they lie and they lie and they lie / ...a million little times"
Why am I so dependent on this friendship? To the point that it is like my drug of choice and I am a fatal addict. My own perception of myself and the world around me is so twisted and intertwined with your lies and talks of peace - giving the thought of a requiem. Yet I am not the one who has died but my spirit has. I am singing at a funeral tomorrow only it is my own. I will write, perform, and applaud my own eulogy to a near-empty audience. Chiron will be the only attendee, and he will offer his coins to me.
"Don't call me "kid" / Don't call me "baby" / Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me / You showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else / Don't call me "kid" / Don't call me "baby" / Look at this idiotic fool that you made me / You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else"
“Kiddo”. After I told him not to. “Consent is sexy” you fucking liar. How am I supposed to feel like a person when you are always infantilizing me and I cannot deal with being parented by someone who did not birth me. You did not raise me. Were you there when I was sick with deadly strains of the flu? Did you hold my hand when my aunt Marjorie passed away? Where were you when I searched every part of my best friend’s house because I was terrified that she might kill herself? There is only one answer. You were not there. Neither of you are my parents so don’t fucking act like it. This part of the analysis was going to be purely “kiddo” because that nickname wasn’t quality when an older family member would call me that. So why the fuck would it work for you? It doesn’t. I cannot be infantilized as I am not an infant. I am not a child who needs to be put down for a nap because I am throwing a fit. 
This is not overreacting. 
This is not me being a child.
I am not being an asshole.
Just because I no longer look at you like you hung the moon and carved my face into it just to call it beautiful. Just because I no longer look at you like this and I look at you like the friend that you are. 
I am being an asshole.
Make this make sense.
You guys were my biggest supporters in -------. I have a few other friends but none that rallied quite to the point of this. I have now come to realize that you are not passerines flying to my window to wake me peacefully in the morning. But you are shrikes lifting me into the air just to drop me upon jagged rocks. With the unspoken hope that I would crack. That I would break open and you would be there to clean up the mess. Because lovebombing is in more than relationships. It is in friendships. It is in bonds created by shared interests. I have not been lovebombed because that would imply that there was no meaning to the words the entire time. I would like to believe that you guys truly care or at least cared. But the way that you work behind my back? The way that my roommate is your confidante. Your eyes in the room. Why have I had to become media trained overnight? I do not need to hide from the masses but you make me feel like I need to change my appearance and move in secret. I feel like I need to become a spy in a foreign country except the foreign country is my own home. My own room. My own mind. Why do you have free access to my own thoughts and feelings where I cannot access them? You can joke about my condition. All day every day. But when I do it, I am a recovering alcoholic joking about cracking open a cold one with the boys. When you do it, it’s funny. But when I do it, it’s worrying, I need an intervention, and I cannot be trusted to be alone. I call you because you conditioned me to. I didn’t call my mom. Or my dad. I called the two people in the world who knew how to break me the most.
"And you know damn well / For you I would ruin myself / ...a million little times"
This one could speak for itself. You could walk all over me. Spit in my face. But for some fucking reason I can't move on. I can't leave. I am trapped in this house and it is on fire. I am a fly on the wall of my own friendships within my own life. If I tried to escape I would simply be throwing my body into the glass of a double-paned window. Shattering the side I make contact with, breaking everything. The battering will bruise me. The sun will bleach me. I will be destroying myself and everything I touch. For I am King Midas, and my Touch of Gold is that of death.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
13 Days of AUs- The Sixth Day of Christmas: A Future TokoDeku AU
Summary: On the 13 days of Christmas, Music gave to me… 13 different POTSOD AUs! Each contains a different pairing and different plots but within: a collection of plot line that will appear in the main series… though have fun figuring them out! (Including a few pairings that will appear~)
 A teenager sits in her room, looking down at a piece of paper. The girl has green hair and eyes and freckles covering her face. She taps a pencil o against her desk and sighs. She leans back in her seat, obviously thinking.
 “Izumi?” A maternal voice asks. The door to the room opens to let in an older green-haired woman who smiles at Izumi gently. She smiles back. “I was checking to see how you’re making out,” the woman says kindly.
 “Alright, mom,” Izumi says. “Just struggling with this essay. UA is supposed to be the hardest school to get into, and their prompt for this essay feels… so big and confusing.”
 “You’re probably overthinking it,” Izumi’s mother informs her daughter. “I trust you’ll figure it out, but you have a tendency to assume the worst or to complicate things.”
 “I know,” Izumi says. Her mother suddenly turns and laughs. “Wha-“
 “Mama!” A toddler comes into the room. She wears a cute shirt with Gang Orca on it and looks a little like a patchwork doll. Her skin is two different colours, stitched together blockily, and her hair appears like ribbons, button-like eyes blinking as she walks to the teenager.
 “Hi, Tomoe!” Izumi says, picking up the girl. 
  “Mama! Work?” The little girl asks, pointing at the paper. Izumi nods.
 “I am, baby. I have to write a paper on two heroes dear to me and why. But only one can be a pro.” Izumi tells her daughter. Tomoe makes a surprised noise.
 “Ah, then you are overthinking it,” the eldest woman laughs. “Come on, Tomoe, let’s leave your mother to work a bit longer. We have cookies to make.”
 “Cookie!” The toddler cheers, squirming out of her mother’s arms. Izumi laughs and lets her go before turning to her work. She pauses, a look of thought crossing her face as the door closes. She looks at it, and then a smile crosses her face. She turns to begin writing.
 “My name is Midoriya Izumi, and I was diagnosed Quirkless at age five,” her voice echoes as she writes. “My life became hell after that. I was bullied, scorned and lost my friends.” 
 The screen flashes pictures of a green-haired child crying and whimpering as she faces off against a blonde boy, teachers and even what looks like a neighbour. 
 “I only had one comfort during this time: All Might,” the screen morphs to show the girl watching the infamous debut video of the number one hero, switching to show her running around in a onesie of him and then her gushing over hero merch. “All Might was a god, someone who would think I could be a hero. I loved him, loved him so dearly it felt like life itself was being pulled from me. Then, I met him.”
 Izumi is shown to be facing the hero, looking at him with hope in her eyes. A hope that seems to crumble, the screen focusing on her eyes.
 “Be realistic.” the hero’s voice says.
 “He told me I could not be a hero. That being Quirkless meant I could never be like him. In this way, I felt destroyed, ripped apart, and my pieces were no longer fitting.” the girl is shown walking down a street, crying. “Then, I met him again. It was after an incident at my school where one of the teachers turned out to be working for an organization called Humarise. They tried to kidnap me after paying a bunch of criminals to attack the school. I fought off the teacher and disabled one of the attackers.” 
 The screen shows the teenager doing what she claimed, slamming a teacher’s face into a wall before tackling a large and intimidating man, using a pen to stab at his neck, teeth bared.
 “He told me something different. He said I could be one. I did ask about the change, briefly becoming furious when he mentioned he theorized I am a late bloomer and a false negative. How dare he, I thought, how DARE he try to claim I could become a hero then, with a Quirk. However, he told me that he had been wrong before.” 
 The screen changes to show All Might bowing to Izumi, the girl looking shocked before it changes to show her hauling trash off a beach.
 “I decided to accept his offer of help, his secretary coming to check on me often. I unlocked my Quirk with their help, though I had been training with my friend Tokoyami Fumikage for some time before we met.”  The screen moves to show Izumi and a bird-headed teen lifting weights in a gym together, talking. It moves back to show Izumi in her room, still writing. “All Might is my hero because he made a mistake and owned up to it later with me. He may have his flaws, but he’s a good man who is kind and generous. I could never ask for a greater hero in the pro ranks.” The girl pauses and looks around her room. It’s filled with hero merch but also contains pictures of her alongside her mother and daughter. The teenager sighs and nods.
 “However, I learned that good people can do bad things young. When I was a child, my mother seemed to be against everything I did. She had an image of me that she wanted to see become a reality dearly. She would block out things she did not like and refused to back away from her ground. At first, anyway.” Izumi sighs, pausing in her writing. “I was once friends with a boy named Bakugou Katsuki. Or, as my therapist says, I was friends with the idea of him. He was a smart boy with a strong Quirk who quickly became the target of praise. My school at the time fully believed that might makes right, and he was praised backwards and forwards. My mother even saw him as a great hero in the making. At least until she caught him and his gang holding me on the ground as they tested their Quirks on me.”
 The screen shows the image, the younger version of Izumi screaming as a blonde boy laughs, explosions coming off his hands. But there is her mother, watching this with horrified eyes.
 “Mom cracked down, told the boys’ parents and started waking up. She stopped being so focused on image and what I should be. Instead, she allowed me to explore. She started going to therapy for herself and found me one. We began to make moves to a healthy relationship. Then…” The screen goes to Izumi again, the teenager hunched over her paper, shaking. She swallows and begins writing again. “We had a teacher named Yamanaka Hari for math. He was kind, the kindest teacher in school. I felt safe. 
 “I was eleven the first time he touched me. Twelve the first time he raped me. And thirteen when I gave birth to a baby. My mom knew something was happening, and when I told her….” 
 The screen changes to show a regular-looking middle school, with people talking and teachers working. A man is in front of a class, teaching math. The door flies open, and everyone jumps. Standing there is Mrs. Midoriya, her eyes almost glowing as she glares at the man.
 “You fucking TOUCHED MY DAUGHTER!” she screams, the man suddenly screaming. The screen moves to show Izumi continuing her writing.
 “My mom broke seventeen bones and castrated Yamanaka. He’ll never touch another person, and mom got off with a slap on the wrist for her actions. No one cared, not when more evidence of me not being the first came to light. Aldera had two former Quirkless students. And they had tried to speak up only to be ignored. Mom packed us up and moved as soon as the court case finished, my daughter Tomoe in tow. So, my hero, who is not a pro, will always be my mother. For changing for me and doing everything in her power to protect me.”
The screen focuses on the smile of Izumi before it changes to show Principal Nezu reading over the essays. He grins as he reads one.
 “Why, Midoriya Izumi, you’re going to be a fun one.” he chuckles.
-Alright, so in this AU- Inko wised up when she was confronted with the cruelty Izumi went through. It shocked her enough that she got a therapist because she wondered how she hadn’t seen this. Said therapist worked through Inko’s populationist ideals, and then Yamanaka attacking Izumi had her fully break away from her old ideals. 
 They moved and ended up near the Tokoyami family who Izumi became best friends with. They have mutual crushes, but while Izumi is more adjusted in this AU, neither has made the step forward yet. 
-All Might met Izumi mostly the same way at first, and then after more thought realized he fucked up, but couldn’t find her until the attack on her school. (This also has a side effect of making people side eye Humarise more before the bombs)
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tracle0 · 2 years
I am torn up over whether or not animals learn their language.
I have a niece and nephew. The niece is learning to properly talk, my nephew is still babbling in baby speak. We teach them both how to say things. She can say “please?” When I offer to do a task for her. He waves excitedly when he sees me. Those are things we have taught them.
My nephew cries when he’s startled or tired or hungry. He has been doing this since he was born, and will continue doing it until he’s old enough to express what’s wrong with him (and hopefully for a while after that). We did not teach him this. Perhaps we reinforced it - he’d cry, and he’d get fed. He’d cry, and he’d be held. He’d cry, and he’d get space to sleep.
Last night, there were cats yowling outside my window. I listen to the whining noise and wonder if they’ve always known how to do that, or if they were taught it. I think about a young cat, first encroaching on another’s territory, and wonder if he was startled when such a cruel noise greeted him.
Some of it has to be innate. I was never taught that a long, hard state is a sign of aggression, never shown a diagram about what different smiles mean, but I still know; too many teeth can be an over-enthusiast aunt seeing me at Christmas, or it can be a leering man, trying to swindle something from me. Closed lips can express my discomfort at a crowded room, or be genuine delight. A lot of it is in the eyes, maybe?
So much of animal language is non-verbal. The 45 degree head tilt. A wagging tail. Ears pinned back or eyes stretched wide. Are any of these taught? Or are they just… known? I assume most of it is innate. You don’t hear a dog correct it’s puppy’s barks.
Crows have different alarm calls for different threats that they call for their fledglings. The fledgling learn what enemies of the nest look like and remember, pass this on to other crows when they’re older. They can tell each other which people are friendly, which people throw rocks at them. Did they have to be taught how to exchange this knowledge?
Animals from different counties have different dialects. Orcas have different languages, and cannot understand those from different oceans. At the same time, ants from different colonies can merge together and work together even between different countries. Meaning portrayed through scents we never notice, sounds we’ll never hear, movements far too subtle for us to see. I want to know what they’re saying. I want to know if they had to learn.
The fact I’ll never know drives me crazy.
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davekitties · 7 months
oops I got high and rambled about gender my b
ironic that I only wear black (mainly) and my top 3 favorite pokemon are sylveon, skitty, and shiny virizion. the color pink, a longstanding enemy of mine, yet I still have a rather soft spot for it. to me, pink is defiant, but idk if others see it that way. a color chosen to represent women in today's society, scorn upon those who wear it "wrong," praise to those who do it "right." growing up, I always hated pink: it represented everything I never wanted to be. I never wanted to be a home maker and cook and clean and also work 40+ hours a week and take care of children. this terrified me as a child, and I grew to detest anything that would link me and femininity, ie., the color pink. I can't explain the rage my mother unleashed upon finding all the baby dolls I hadn't been playing with under my bed (re: at least a dozen). there were also unopened barbies and other baby/doll related toys and my mom grabbed one she'd gotten me recently and said, angrily, "come on, we are going to Walmart to exchange this for something you'd actually want." I, naively believed that I had finally gotten it to her, as I clutched my new giant stuffed orca plush I had found on clearance for $9 (she had spent like $40 on the gift we returned and I told her to keep the rest to make her feel better). but it was just one battle in the war to "make me a woman," something I never wanted to be.
eventually I would end up conforming to their ideals and standards (loosely) of how I was "supposed" to act and behave. I was too broken down, depressed, and tired of fighting. it was easier (on the surface level) to conform than it was to continue to fight. even still, though I tried my hardest to fill this role imposed upon me, I still loathed pink. anything but pink. pink was the personification of womanhood and why I hated living my life like this.
I was 17 when I first heard the term transgender. at first, I didn't get it (I'm a little dense sometimes), but then I kept reading the definition on that computer in the GT room that was being used to host the first ever meeting of the school's first ever GSA club. when I thought I finally understood it, my first thought was "yeah, makes sense," and then I moved on. I liked my skirts and my dresses, I liked to put on makeup every day, I liked to cook dinner every night, I didn't mind bending over backwards for everyone in my life.
when I was 19, it was a like a slap in the face one day. talking with a friend, it finally dawned upon me I didn't have to do this; I didn't have to *be* like this. I was... distraught, to say the least. a lot of things clicked into place for me (being a "tomboy," not liking "girly" toys or shows, always wearing "boys" clothes, having the feeling like there's something missing), and it *hurt*. what do you *mean* that I don't have be a woman if I don't want to be? this thought kept running through my head, along with the anger of everyone who forced me into being more feminine than I ever wanted to be.
I wanted to scream. I was so angry that it took 19 years of my life to find out that I didn't have to be a woman, that I could be literally *anything* else. it wasn't pink's fault. pink was whay I imagined was oppressing me, but it wasn't a simple color, it was society at large.
I'm older now, not as angry any more, but still sad. its not good to imagine how your life would have turned out if you had known information sooner, there's no use in speculating. I am what I am, neither man nor woman, and it's because of that that I feel comfortable enough to embrace pink again. pink has been a constant throughout my life, and I kind of hope that never goes away.
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longnurse · 2 years
Lego batman movie 2
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(Joker's face is slowly saddening) I don't need you. Joker: What? Batman: As in relationships. Joker: Are you seriously saying that there's nothing, nothing special about our relationship?! Batman: Whoa! Let me tell you something, J-Bird. So when people ask you who's your number one bad guy, you say. Joker: Okay, look, I-I'm fine with you fighting other people if you wanna do that, but what we have is special. Joker: Stop him before he starts singing! Let's get nuts! Because I just wrote a song about how I'm going to kick all of your butts. Joker: Batman?! What are you doing? You are completely outnumbered here! Are you nuts?! Batman: You want to get nuts? Then come on. Freeze! Penguin! Crazy Quilt! Eraser! Polka-Dot Man! Mime! Tarantula! King Tut! Orca! Killer Moth! March Hares! Zodiac Master! Gentleman Ghost! Clock King! Calendar Man! Kite Man! Catman! Zebra-man! And the Condiment King! Pilot Bill: … Okay, are you making some of these up? Joker: Nope, they’re all real! Probably worth a Google Joker: And let's not forget Clayface! Poison Ivy! Cop: Freeze! Mr. Joker: Catwoman! Catwoman: Meow-meow, you're in, meow-meow. Joker: Two-Face! Two-Face: We need that door open baby. Riddler! Scarecrow! Scarecrow: Pizza delivery! Joker: Bane! Bane: Hello. Joker: Your city is under attack by Gotham’s greatest criminal masterminds! Including. Pilot Bill: Like that time with the parade and the Prince music? Joker: Hey, quiet! Joker: Well, tonight is going to be different! Tonight is my greatest plan yet! And trust me, Batman’s never gonna see it coming. Joker: No he doesn’t! Pilot Bill: Like that time with the two boats? Joker: This is better than the two boats. Joker: Pffft! Pilot Billson: He always stops you. Joker: What? Pilot Billson: Batman will stop you. I will be taking over the city! Pilot Billson: Mmm. with a smile! ( Pilot Billson stares unimpressed) Joker.
You're a fish! You're a frog! You're a fish-frog!ĭialogue Joker: I’m afraid Captain Dale had to bail! I’m your new co-pilot! And I always come to work.
Hi there! I'm from Phantom's Own Laundry.
I sure do! Time for operation "Take Out The Laundry!".
Sir, if you don't mind my saying, I'm a little concerned.
If you call me "Batgirl", can I call you "Batboy"?.
Hey Batman! I'm rubbing my butt all over your stuff! Gonna have to rename this the "Buttmobile".
This music fills me with rage! Let's use it!.
What am I gonna do? Get a bunch of criminals together to fight the other criminals? That's a stupid idea!.
The first lesson is: Life doesn't give you seat belts!.
How dare you tell me how to parent my kid I just met!.I can only look you in the eyes right now.reading: "If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make that change. Not sure what RatPac does, but that logo is macho. edgy, scary music that would make a parent or studio executive nervous. All important movies start with a black screen.
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redpandaramblings · 3 years
Two Weeks- Alpha Gang Orca x Omega f!reader
Hello everyone! Was in an odd mood, so I wrote this little drabble epilogue for A Matter of Admiration. While this short could be read as a stand alone, it will absolutely make a lot more sense if you read the main story first.
Content warning- Omegaverse, fluff, minorly suggestive
Kugo impatiently tapped his fingers on his desk. It was approaching midnight as he stared at the clock on his computer screen. Each second seemed like five as he waited for the minutes to tick by. This had become a usual habit of his in the last few months. At least three times a week he could be found here at this time doing exactly the same thing. It used to be every day, until you had realized what he was doing. A scolding he probably would have ignored, but he felt like he was going to die the week you wouldn’t accept his calls. It hadn’t been any comfort to see you looked in as bad of shape as he did after that week.
Three minutes after midnight the videocall request notification lit up his screen. It’s a wonder Kugo didn’t break the mouse with how fast and forcefully he clicked accept. Your smiling face lit up his screen and his heart.
“Hello Handsome. Miss me?”
“Every second.” He murmured.
Your smile softened. “Miss you too. Promise you’re actually getting sleep though?”
“I am. Wish you were here though. Hate this time difference.”
“Me too, love. Me too. It’s only for a few more weeks though.”
“And then you’re home and never leaving my sight again.”
You chuckled. “I think that would make patrols rather difficult, beloved.”
He smiled at you, leaning his head on his hand as the tension of the day drained from his shoulders. “We’d figure something out. I’m sure you could come up with something.”
“I absolutely could. But I don’t think tactical baby harness would be a good look on you.”
“Oh, I don’t know. The public might find it charming. Soften my image.”
You laughed. “As if you’d let me anywhere close to the action.”
Kugo hummed and nodded as he contemplated. “This is true. Guess I’ll just have to retire from hero work and become your lab assistant.”
“You’d burn down my lab in an hour.”
“Well then, I guess I’ll just have to become your sugar baby.”
You cackled. “Oh. My. God. You did not just say that. You absolutely did not say that.”
“What’s the matter? Don’t want to buy your sugar baby pretty things?”
You wheezed. “That’s it. I’m hanging up.”
He nodded, making an exaggerated sad face. “Parental abandonment. No wonder I resorted to becoming a sugar baby.”
You were gasping with laughter. “Stop!”
He grinned as he watched you. He loved when you laughed, memorizing the way your mouth open and the crinkles by your eyes. You calmed, wiping the tears of laughter away. You attempted and didn’t quite succeed in trying to look stern.
“You’re not allowed to use the phrase ‘sugar baby’ ever again.”
“No promises.”
You shake your head, leaning back in your chair, your spine popping in protest. “Fearsome Gang Orca, everyone thinks. So stern and serious and strict. Always intimidating. What a crock.”
You smile softly. “Never. Love you, Alpha.”
It had been months, and it still filled his stomach with butterflies every time he heard it.
“Love you too, omega. You taking care of yourself? Have you eaten yet?”
You shook your head. “Taking care as much as the job allows, but haven’t eaten yet. Give me a sec and I’ll grab it.”
Kugo watched his screen as you stood and made your way across the lab you were in. He wished he could reach through the screen and touch, and smell, and bite. Your form was perfect. You were perfect. You were perfect and his. And you were over ten thousand kilometers away. He growled low in the back of his throat.
You smirked as you settled yourself back into your seat. “Behave, Alpha.”
He cleared his throat, flushing. He hadn’t even realized he was making noise. Kugo brought his attention fully back to you, a gentle smile spreading across his face when he saw what you held.
“I miss those almost as much as I miss you.”
“Wish I still could get them to you somehow. But I don’t think a bento would survive that long of a trip. And I know you. You’d eat it anyway and make yourself sick.”
“Well, couldn’t let your hard work go to waste.”
You shook your head. “You’re at least eating though? Promise?”
“I am, promise. Even if nothing is half as good as what you make.”
The conversation continued on, Kugo mostly talking as you ate. He told you about how things were at the agency, making you laugh at stories about the trouble the new interns had gotten themselves into. In no time at all, an hour had flown by. The clock chiming if your lab interrupted your chatter about the latest gadget you had been tinkering with. You frowned and sighed. “Guess I need to get back to the grind.”
“I wish you didn’t.” Kugo murmured.
“I know. But just two more weeks now.”
“Two more weeks. Feels like forever.”
“I know.” You smiled sadly. “But it will be over quicker than you think. Unless I take Jim up on his offer to renew my contract of course.”
Kugo growled loudly and you laughed. “Don’t even joke about that.”
“You don’t need to worry. It’s been fun and I’ve learned a lot, but your agency has certain benefits nowhere else can match. Such as the handsomest Alpha in the world.”
Said alpha gave a pleased rumble. Kugo caressed the side of his screen, wishing he could touch you instead. “Just two weeks.”
“Two weeks.”
“You’ll be lucky if I don’t just mate you at the airport.”
“I wouldn’t mind, if I didn’t think it would tank your hero ratings. Actually nevermind, I would mind. Your rank would go up because people would be ogling my handsome Alpha.”
Kugo chuckled. “Wouldn’t want anyone getting too good a view of my pretty omega, either.”
The two of you smiled, just drinking each other in for a few moments longer.
“Do have to go now,” you sighed.
“Go do brilliant work like you always do.”
“Two weeks.”
“Two weeks.”
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pinkcupboardwitch · 2 years
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Rome… And Me.
A playlist for when you love your husband, but also your husband’s boyfriend whose love language is murder, and he loves you.
I. Opening:
Earth - Hans Zimmer (instrumental)
9 Crimes - Damien Rice
It’s a small crime
And I’ve got no excuse
And is that all right?
II. Livia:
My Skin - Natalie Merchant
Oh, I need the darkness, the sweetness
The sadness, the weakness
Don’t You Give Up On Me - Lissie
You are the moon, I feel your weight
You tug at the ocean, you help it change
And you keep on reminding me of a darkness only I can see
Never Love an Anchor - The Crane Wives
Do you ever think of me and my two hands
And wonder why they never soothed your fevers
And wonder why they never tied your shoes
And wonder why they never held you gently
And wonder why they never had the chance to lose you?
Please Don’t Say You Love Me - Gabrielle Aplin
Just please don't say you love me,
Cause I might not say it back,
Doesn't mean my heart stops skipping
When you look at me like that
Devil’s Spoke - Laura Marling
But I am your keeper
And I hold your face away from light
Hotel Song - Regina Spektor
I have dreams of orca whales and owls
But I wake up in fear
You will never be my….
You will never be my fool
Darkness Descends - Laura Marling
Convinced that I am going mad
Oh, I bury my head into his hands
So sure that I'm losing faith
Fuel to Fire - Agnes Obel
All that I say to you
Is like fuel to fire
Into the town we go, into your hideaway
Love Be Brave - Laura Marling
Something strange takes over me
I am brave and love is sweet
And silence speaks for him and me
III. Marcus:
NFWMB - Hozier
Nothing fucks with my baby
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing
Call Me Lover - Sam Fender
You know I'll be down here waiting
I'll take you to see your man
When you are done, we'll go driving
Catch the coast in the evening light
I’ll Keep You Safe - Sleeping At Last
You'll be an architect,
So pull up your sleeves
And build a new silhouette
In the skylines up ahead.
I Found - Amber Run
I'll use you as a focal point
So I don't lose sight of what I want
And I've moved further than I thought I could
But I missed you more than I thought I would
Glory - Dermott Kennedy
A set of eyes had pinned him
Became his version of a kingdom
She’s everything the devil can’t be
When she’s singing to me, “Glory”
If There’s A Rocket Tie Me To It - Snow Patrol
A pulse, your pulse
It's the only thing I can remember
I break, you don't
I was always set to self-destruct though
Mausoleum - Rafferty
They took my guns and horse and swords for history
But they kindly left a photograph of you and me
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The Police
I resolved to call her up
A thousand times a day
And ask her if she'll marry me
Some old-fashioned way
Queen Bee - Johnny Flynn
But my breast is lit with flames to shun
The dying of the light
Oh blow the wind and come the rain and take my heart again
IV. Closing:
Poison and Wine - The Civil Wars
I don’t have a choice, but I still choose you
I don’t love you, but I always will
I always will.
For The Love Of A Princess - James Horner (Instrumental)
“Agrippa loves Rome...and me.” // “Always. Always.”
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lolawassad · 2 years
this honking sucks
Characters are all above 18, reader is 5'7 bakugo is 5'10 shoto is 5'11 gang orca is 6'8
MINORS DNI, reader shoto n katsuki r 19 gang orca is 35
Im gonna say that everyone is kinda ooc, i also wanna say i used banana's because thats what i heard people used to see if ghosts would reply if you offer them fruits? And where im from almost everyone always owns banana's, so im using banana's! Sorry if you don't like them.
Also this is awful lol
MINORS DNI nsfw fic, mommy kink, reader is targeted by a OFC villain named Miss Magic
Bakugo x reader x todoroki x gang orca
3rd pov
You yawn when you look at the time and notice its already night, you turn on your nightlight and then turn off the normal light, you set the televisions sound lower and get in bed
As you close your eyes you feel your phone vibrate next to your head, you grab it and turn it on silent before replying to izuku's goodnight text "nightnight my favorite greenette!" to the class groupchat
You put your phone down again and turn around in bed, your face facing the wall knees pulled up a little and hand resting between your thighs, stuffed animal cuddled into your arm and pulled to your chest
~dream pov~
You wake up and look around only to notice a banana on the floor, you frown and go to put it in the mini fridge in your room, when you walk past the second bed in your room you notice another banana laying on the bed
You put the other banana next to the other and go to your bed you sit on your knees legs slightly spread, you look confused at the bed before you see the banana is thrown "i-is someome th-there?" you ask
You barely finish the question and a gorgeous dark skinned woman in a red jumpsuit is in front of you "hey baby, thank you for inviting me" she beams before her hand goes between your thighs "may i?" she asks making you nod
She smirks and her hand slides into your panties, she softly rubs circles on your clit leaving you wanting more, you let out a few mewls before she decides to give you more, she slides two fingers inside of you, her hands go to your chest and she pushes you to lay down, she still continues moving her fingers in and out of you and softly kisses you "you gonna cum for mommy? Come on cum for mommy"
Knock knock
You look at the back door of your room before the knocking gets louder
~awake pov~
You blink a few times before looking at what you have on, you quickly grab your robes and put it on, you open the door to your room and in walks a really tall guy, you sputter out questions but he ignores you
He walks to your desk and takes a few things and walks back out of your room "I JUST GOT ROBBED?!?" you yell out into the hallway still looking at the tall man walking away, a door slams open
Its iida! He looks at you before he speeds over to you and lifts you bridal style before he dashes after the person who just robbed you "you are lucky its seven am and that bakugo is working out at that time, otherwise he wouldve been really angry at you" iida scolds
You sheepishly smile at him "im sorry, i just woke up to knocking and- thats him!" you say while pointing to the man now standing with pro heros endeavor and hawks
"y/l/n thats pro hero gang orca, why would be rob you" he asks with hand chops after putting you down, "i dont know iida-san, he just barged into my room" you say making him nod suspiciously before he walks back into the UA building
Gang orca notices you standing there and storms over, the other two pro heros quickly following "where did you get this, you villain" he accuses while holding up a necklace you have never seen
"i-i dont know i have never seen that" you stutter out, he scoffs "it was on your desk so what it just magically appeared?" he demands, you shrink back slightly before feeling a cold hand on the small of your back
"y/l/n is this man bothering you?" you hear the monotone voice of shoto todoroki speak up "son, step away from the villain" endeavor demands shoto but the latter just rolls his eyes
"y/l/n is not a villain, she isnt made for seeing blood, she also could never harm anyone, she apologizes for five minutes when she accidentally bumps into someone, stop accusing her of things she didn't do" shoto sneers, his hand goes from the small of your back to the plush of your tummy and pulls you into his side
"y/l/n did you have a weird dream earlier?" hawks asks making you nod quickly, the smaller hero turns to the two large heros "shes back" he concludes making the others nod
"y/l/n, im gonna need to bring you to my agency and i need to ask you some questions, i also want to apologize for calling you a villain" gang orca says
Shoto glares at the pro hero before he stands infront of me making me look at him "you okay with that y/l/n?" you nod "also i told you to call me y/n" you say softly making him give one of his rare smiles "be careful y/n, you want me to come with you and wait outside?" he asks
"i-if its not a burden yes please" you say making him ruffle your hair softly "lets go then y/n" he says, his arm goes around your waist pulling you into him again and he starts following gang orca
You pull out your phone and see the class A groupchat blew up "hey guys im fine :)!! Just a misunderstanding.. im hoping! going to gang orca's agency, lets hope rumi🐰 isnt gonna be there because she will tear him a new one for bothering her favorite intern, also thank you iida for helping me! <3"
You are quick to get a text from bakugo "so what, you and iida? You couldve fucking called me to help you" he texts making you frown you go to reply but he sends another text "ill fucking be there too, dont want you there alone, fucking extra"
Shoto pulls out his phone aswell and texts the group "y/n and me will be getting to the bottom of this, im thinking she was the victim to a villain but i have no idea how they got into UA" he texts before sending "🤔" right after
Bakugo scoffs after reading that text and blasts a punching bag across the gym and he storms out, making his way back to his dorm so he can shower and change before going to gang orca's agency
When you reach gang orca's office shoto grabs your hand and kisses it "ill be right outside, you need anything you come get me" he says making you nod before walking into the office
Gang orca closes the door behind you before he pulls out a chair for you, when you sit down he walks over to his giant office chair and sits down
"im going to need you to tell me everything about the dream" he says getting straight to business, you're eyes widen and you look away flustered "it was.. Kinda.. Yknow" you say using hand movements, he frowns "y/l/n, i need every detail" he says
You start quickly speaking telling everything that happened in the dream, speeding up at the nsfw part, he nods "i am going to need to do what she did to you, y/n, this villain works in a weird way, one time she slept with someone in their dreams and.. Well she hid something inside of them, we need to make sure she didnt do that with you too"
You stand up before dashing out of the office, you find a wall and softly bash your head into it, bakugo, who has now joined todoroki, frowns and jumps up, his hand going on the wall so you bash your head into his hand instead
"fuck is wrong with you" he demands making you shake your head, you turn and burry your head into his chest making a blush appear on his cheeks, shoto walks up behind you "y/n whats wrong?"
You sputter out what happened and shoto frowns "we uh, bakugo and me we could, do that instead of gang orca if that would make you more comfortable" he offers, his cheeks bright red
You nod into bakugo's chest "yes please"
Bakugo softly lifts you bridal style as shoto storms into the office, holding open the door for you and katsuki before they both sit down
"you will not be touching OUR girl, we shall do that" katsuki sneers "you're girl?" you softly ask making him send a look that says "dont question me"
"i will have to watch to see if you guys arent just gonna use this as an excuse to have coitus with the lovely lady" gang orca says making shoto nod "we understand sir, but she will not be naked in front of your eyes, that view is only for bakugo and me"
"i will give you guys a moment to get ready then" gang orca says with a wink to you and walks out of his office
"sinc-since when am i yours" you ask flustered making both boys smirk "since the second we laid eyes on you, remember when we fought all the time? It was because we didnt want the other to have you, but we can share if thats okay with you, snowflake" shoto says making you nod
Katsuki pecks you're forehead "i dont like that hes gonna be watching, fucking creep" he sneers out "ill blast him into next eternity if he even tries to touch you"
You bite your lip and dont look at either of the men infront of you, shoto frowns and grabs your chin and makes you look at him "whats wrong?" he asks
"i.. Im nervous" you confess "i have never actually-" you say trailing off, shoto coos softly "aw, my little snowflake"
Bakugo tsks "course you havent, you where saving yourself for us werent you? What a good girl" he says while also getting closer to you
The door slams open and gang orca walks in again "ready to preform the test?" he asks, you nod making the guys nod aswell
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echo-of-sounds · 4 years
i’m not angry. i’m concerned
Small drabbles of Aizawa, Toshi, Hizashi, and Gang Orca taking care of you after you have a relapse of self-harm.
Warnings: self-hate, self-harm, punching a wall, hitting oneself with an object, bad bruising/swelling, (semi-graphic) cutting, blood
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Aizawa Shouta
You knew it would only deform your hand more. And you still did it. Now you were left with bruised and swollen knuckles. Damage jarred your bones. Trauma twitched your muscles. And they just kept swelling. They were so big, pulling tendons, stretching skin uncomfortably, distressingly. Cries and hiccups slipped through your stifling.
Footsteps hurried down the hallway. You turned around. Shouta questioned your back, “What was that noise?”
“Drop- Dropped something.”
“It didn’t sound like it. It came from the wall. Did you throw something?”
“I-” Tears and twinges killed your reply. You gripped your wrists, trying to cut off the rocketing pain spasms. He’d criticize, blame you for your stupidity. He wouldn’t even have to speak to let you know the shame he held. One apathetic, antipathic look and his repugnance would be clear, ridiculing your caricature of a hormonal, huffy teenager.
Even your body was revolted by the action. Eight months of self-power- no knifed skin, no disfigurements- was snapped in one vulnerable second- a weak, weeping second that left you pitiful and hopeless and useless and worthless-
Warmth wrapped your back. You jerked from his embrace, crying for him to leave. His voice was as warm as his body, “I’m not going anywhere. You need me right now.” Hands supported your monstrous one while he wordlessly directed you to the living room then the couch.
He briefly left your side before coming back with ice, pills, and a drink. You readily accepted the painkillers. 
While you sipped the water, he closely examined your knuckles. He asked, extending one of his fingers, “Can you push down?” It hurt but you could. “Can you bend them?” It was rigid but you could. “Can you make a fist?” It was tight and inflamed but you could make half a fist. “You have motion, which is always a good sign. If the swelling doesn’t go down by morning, we’re going in for X-rays.”
His words were caring. Yet guilt burst. You sobbed and tried to stand, to get away from his judgment. But he caught your hips, moving them onto his lap, hushing your feeble protests. “It’s alright. Just stay with me.” The cloth-covered ice pack was lightly swathed around your hand.
“Sho, don’t be angry. I didn’t mean to…” you cried through the smothering tears.
“I know, honey. I know.” He kissed your forehead. “I’m never going to be angry with you for something like this. I’ll only ever be concerned. I promise. I love you.” Two more kisses came. You nuzzled into his neck, wanting his warmth to soothe the frayed and confused emotions. “I love you so much.”
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Yagi Toshinori
A loud sob broke through your attempts to remain quiet. You smacked your hand over your mouth, hoping he didn’t hear. But your hopes were dashed almost immediately. The door creaked open. You kept your head down, clutching the damp towel to your water-coated skin.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart? Why are you crying?” His calm voice trailed closer. A faint hum came as he noticed the issue. Delicate, cautious hands settled on either side of your lower thigh, cradling the bruised, swollen skin. He whispered your name, so earnestly, so soberly. It caused another sob to escape. “What did you hit yourself with?”
You shook your head, digging your nails into your hair at your juvenile, near infantile, action. The vague thoughts, the acute, uncontrollable anger, the snapshot self-harm wasn’t understandable no matter what the fucking DBT book said. And now your eight-month progress was rendered pathetically pointless.
One hand found your arm, caressing, seeking any response. He breathed your name. “Did something happen?” At more silence, he dropped to his knees, begging, “Sweetheart, please, talk to me. I’m not angry. I’m concerned about you and your safety. What did you use?”
You weakly pointed to the discarded brush. The handle broke off from the rest at your final, hardest hit.
“Did you do anything else to yourself?”
“No,” you choked.
“Okay, okay…” he muttered. “Can you stand?”
“I don’t know.”
“Come on. Let’s try.” Your grip on his outstretched hands was horribly frail, unable to haul your weight. He helped, easily pulling in your absence. The towel fell and left you naked but you couldn’t care.
Your first step ended with you against his chest. The swelling spread to your knee, stiffing, tensing the joint. “I’m sorry,” you wept into his shirt. “I’m so sorry. I don’t- I don’t know why…”
“You don’t need to be sorry.” He kissed your head. Bearing your weight for you, he slowly guided you to the bed. A pair of underwear was guided up your legs then he laid you down comfortably. He kissed your head again, mumbling, “I’ll be right back. Okay?”
You nodded and nearly nodded off when your leg was lifted and a pillow was placed under it. Cold covered your knee next followed by a blanket. You welcomed the water and pain relievers.
After multiple gulps, you tried to explain but your breath caught, “Toshi, I didn’t- I think- I- I-”
“Shhh. It’s alright. It’s alright.” He slid under the blanket, curling up beside you, affectionately rubbing your stomach. His endearing voice softened into your ear, “You don’t need to talk right now. All you need to do is relax. Can you take some deep breaths?” He counted for you. And again for your next one.
“I love you.” Lips brushed the side of your face repeatedly. You leaned into them, letting his arms wrap around you. “I love you so much, sweetheart. You’re going to get through this, I promise.”
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Yamada Hizashi
A couple of knocks startled you. Hizashi called your name. “Are you okay? You’ve been in there for a while.”
You didn’t hear his usual rambunctious proclamation of coming home. If you didn’t answer, he would obviously know something was wrong. “I’m fine,” you croaked. Your voice shouted that you weren’t, in fact, fine.
The door opened and you cursed yourself for not locking it. “Oh, baby…”
It was deplorable. You mashed your palms into your eyes, not wanting to face his anger, his horror, his utter disgust. Your defenseless, nude body, blood-soaked paper towels, smeared red thigh and hands, and the razor that did the defiling laid out helplessly, staining the floor.
Eight months went down the drain in just a few minutes. You couldn’t recall why or what you were thinking. It was all moronic, whatever it was. Now you only felt pain. An itching, pulling pain that was accompanied by gruesome liquid and coagulated blood.
He called your name, trying to reach you. But you didn’t want to reach back. He’d reprimand you for dirtying the floor. He’d criticize you for failing. He’d be sickened at your cuts. It was gross. You were-
“Please talk to me.”
The tears you thought you stopped sprung out loud and pathetically. You apologized, again and again, hoping he didn’t hate you and your beastly body.
A hand took your shoulder. You were moved as you continued repeating remorses. A cool cloth tried to gently clean your imbrued leg. Raw skin ignited. Slashes stretched. You gripped his wrist, shaking your head for him to stop. It was all too ugly. And you didn’t want him to see it, touch it.
“I need to clean some of the blood to see the cuts better. I need to see if you need medical attention.”
You collapsed and wailed into his chest, “I’m so sorry. Please, please, don’t be angry. Please. I’m sorry- I didn’t- I’m sorry, Hizashi. Don’t be angry. Please-”
“Shhh, baby girl. I’m not angry. I’m not even close to being angry. I’m just worried about you.” He mourned your name, kissing your temple. “Everything’s gonna be alright. I promise you that.” 
The cloth went on in a light motion. It eventually settled against the wounds, pressing with pressure to stop the rest of the bleeding. 
You continued crying into him. A few of the tears weeping onto your shirt weren’t yours. Lips graze your forehead, whispering, cherishing, “I love you so much.”
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Gang Orca
The slits spilled over, painted your palm and wrist red. It happened too fast. You couldn’t think. You couldn’t stop your hand from gripping the blade and opening your skin.
Anger and fear didn’t control your movement. There wasn’t any sadness or anxiety harassing your mind. For so long, everything’s just been insignificant and now that blood slurred your skin, everything was still nothing. Injuries and confusion don’t count. Shame was a given. Pain was another but none of it was whatever you wanted.
There were no paper towels or tissues near. Your legs wouldn’t move. You could only stare at the detached emotions leaking from your hand. But seeing the layers of skin separate more and more grated pain into panic. Your voice broke as you shrieked, “Ku-GO!”
Heavy footsteps rushed into the bedroom. Your name waned softly from his mouth. You couldn’t look at him. You didn’t want his revulsion. Or his annoyance at your inane, weak-minded behavior. You were supposed to be clean of it. Though it always found you, no matter how many months you thought you outran it. 
He whispered, “I’m right here. It’ll be okay.”
“It hurts,” you gasped, tears now blurred everything. His warmth seated beside you. Your hand was carefully lifted and a cloth wrapped tightly around the wounds.
“I know it does. It’s scary, isn’t it?”
You nodded, desperately trying to calm yourself.
“It’s going to be alright. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere, I promise,” he helped compose your breathing. A hand barely stroked your back when you shrunk away from his touch, his irritation, his condemning of your feral actions.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do this. I don’t- I don’t- I don’t know why. I fucked up… I fucked up… I'm sorry…”
“You don’t need to apologize. I’m not angry with you. But I am incredibly concerned and worried. Right now, these need to be cleaned. Will you let me pick you up?”
You nodded again. Kugo easily lifted you, stopping to grab the medical kit before taking you to his comfy armchair. You curled up in his lap and rested against his chest while he thoroughly dressed the injuries. Despite his bulky fingers, he was as gentle and graceful as can be. Quiet praises came in between each bandage.
They brought more tears. Turning into his shirt, you cried out your grief. He hugged you close and caressed your arm. “Everything's okay. You’re okay, my love.” He held your hand to his mouth. “I love you more than anything else. You're going to get through this. And I'm going to be right here the entire time.” 
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keilemlucent · 4 years
tiles & released tension
gang orca | sakamata kugo x reader
continuation of this fic 
word count: 2.2k
the cycle of lust 
warnings: fem reader, monsterfucking, weird tongue, weird dicks, marking, mouthfucking, heat cycles, 
commission for @baroque-baby!!! thank u so much!!!!!!! 💗💗💗
a/n: wow here it is!! the second of the two comms :’’^) enjoy some more... Monster fucking esque stuff AND heat cycles!!!! enjoy y’all :’’^)
Despite how physically demanding the overall experience of Kugo’s rut was, you were well taken care of. Beyond that, even. He spared no expense, forgot no detail, and left no need or want unattended.
He was a dutiful lover despite his carnal hunger.
You vaguely knew when it was day and night. Your temporary home had large, arching windows and skylights that let sunbeams in to bend against the rippling pool. You knew when it was bright outside, though the exact time of day didn’t seem to matter much to Kugo or you.
That ‘morning’ (whenever you awoke, it was light outside), you’d woken up in the pool, tucked against Kugo’s chest in the lapping, gentle current of the water. It was always a bit scary, waking up being naked and half-submerged.
Yet, you were always mentally-reminded that no harm would come to you. Drowning? Absolutely not. Kugo was literally holding you. If any other danger entered a twenty-meter vicinity, you were sure Kugo would be ready to crush the threat instantly.
But, there were no threats. A peaceful courtyard that let in nice light during the evening with lots of pretty flowers and landscaping.
In some of your more fucked out and fucked up moments, arms braced against the wet tile as Kugo reamed you for the umpteenth time, you found yourself dazing off at the reflections and colors as you blinked back overstimulated tears.
Yet, that morning, you’d woken up without a writhing cock in you. Though it was close by and ever-hard, just as always.
“Mornin’,” You yawned, stretching to pop a kiss onto Kugo’s cheek. His chest rumbled out a sound too low for you to hear, a new, cetacean-based feature he’d developed over his rut. “Sleep well?”
Considered how much cum he spilled into you and the surrounding pool the night prior, he had to be exhausted, right?
To some extent.
He was a pro hero, with the stamina to match. Not to mention most of your days were spent in the pool of perfectly treated and temperate water, allowing Kugo to be in his most optimal state whether he was fighting villains or fucking your brain out.
You weren’t complaining.
Once again, dutiful.
Kugo adjusted you as he needed, a low growl pitching from his throat.
You ended up on your knees, skin scraping the tiles on the submerged bench below. It was a favored position, allowing the upper half of your body to be up and out of the water. Though you had, several times, gotten a mouthful or noseful of water due to Kugo breeding you (so fucking well) in the pool, it wasn’t preferred.
(Most of the time.)
Kugo rumbled as he floated in the water behind you, thickly-taloned hands coming to rest on your hips under the water, “You’re so beautiful in the mornings, you have no idea.”
He’d been waxing more since all of this started. In the moments he wasn’t insatiably worked up by his primal state, he was lavishing you in compliments and kindness as you’d never seen.
Kugo fished around in a nearby float basket, pulling away with a fancily crafted bottle of lube. It was a light lavender, oil-based, and heavenly smelling as he poured a bit of it on his hand.
Considering how long and sharp his nails had become, it was far too dangerous for him to prepare you like he once did.
Good thing his cock was tapered.
You could feel the bump of it against your ass, almost slivering against your hot skin under the water. Kugo slicked it down with the lube as he grabbed another item from the basket— a small bullet vibrator, waterproof and strong.
You beamed as he laid it on the pool deck by your arms.
“Am I allowed to use that?” You asked, keeping your voice teasing and sweet, still scratchy from sleep.
Kugo grunted another primal noise.
Consider it’d been several hours since he’d had his fill of you, he was bound to be insatiable. He tended to get a bit more... animalistic when he got so needy for you.
Social conventions had been mostly negated during the weeks of Kugo’s rut, it was a necessity. Not to mention that they were difficult to even think about with the distractions at your disposal.
The tip of Kugo’s cock, slick and squirming, teased as your entrance as he settled behind you, towering over your bent frame. The water sloshed around both of you, though neither of you minded.
You were far more focused on the way the appendage was teasing from your clit to your leak cunt without rest.
Laying your head on your arms, you arched your back at an even harsher angle, just barely grinding against Kugo as he prepared you as much as his cock would allow.
(It wasn’t entirely necessary considered how often he’d been stuffing you full— your cunt was practically shaped to him by that point.)
His chest bore down on your back, heat radiating off of him as he pressed you into the tiles and pool wall. You swallowed as his hand grabbed around your throat and jaw, pulling your head to the side so his long, (also) tapered tongue could lave along your shoulders.
“You always taste so good in the mornings,” Kugo spoke low and rolling. You squeezed your eyes shut, rolling your hips back to bump against his own.
As much as he fluffed you up verbally, you could feel how he was holding himself back from wrecking you.
His talons bit into the meat of your hips, his tongue licked its way to your ear, gooey saliva mixing with the water and sweat against your skin. His deep breaths, coming harsher each minute, made his chest bear down on your own, flattening you to the til, though not fully squishing you.
“Kugo,” You spoke in a singsong voice, grabbing the vibrator and flicking it on. “Why don’t you fuck me like you mean it instead of being polite? I thought we were past formalities.”
He went still, aside from the twirl of his thin cockhead at your entrance.
“I mean,” You were pressing your luck, but that was part of the fun. “I know you want to breed me so well that I leak all day, so why not get to it?”
You hummed, just for a moment, before Kugo was pressing you down, hard, squeezing the air out of your lungs in the best possible way.
“Is that really what you want?” Kugo growled, the sound shaking in several different pitches as he fucked into your cunt in one clean stroke.
You choked on your breath, scrambling against the wet tile as the vibrator slipped out of reach into the water.
Taking him at full length in one go wasn’t impossible, but the stretch of it all at once ached. His cock pressed and writhed in your cunt as he held his hips steady, shaking slightly.
You took a shuddering breath as his fat tongue rolled over your shoulders.
“How badly do you want to be ruined?”
If you could’ve melted into the water of the pool, you would’ve.
Part of you wanted to give one last fiery retort, but you were far too mushy to muster it up as Keigo thrust fully once more. He nearly bottoms out, you figure, considering the way his cock twists against your inside, pressing at your knot of nerves.
You moaned, lips parting and falling open.
Kugo greedily took the opportunity to further crane your neck, his thick tongue dipping into your mouth, snaking along the backs of your teeth.
You were caught up in it all, the sensations seemingly so fresh after sleep. Each new slam of Kugo’s hips, the taste of him filling your mouth, and the sounds of slapping water all felt magnified.
Whining, you bucked back into his thrusts, feeling the slow expansion of his cock inside you as Kugo grew ever closer.
His throaty laugh vibrated into your own mouth, the sound almost too loud for you to fully catch as your bones rang in your flesh with the tone He took your shock to push his tongue further, deeper into your mouth, licking at the back your tongue and molars.
It was almost too much, as oxygen became a luxury.
Except, Kugo grounded you easily, the hand on your hips and the pressure of his body above yours tethering you to reality as he fucked you in earnest.
Each slap of his body against your own ignited a new wave lust in your, slick spilling down your inner thighs and into the water. Your clit ached, helplessly ignored under the pseudo-surf. You didn’t have the mind in your to try and clamor for the lost vibrator, your mind swimming far too deep to think that far.
Instead, your ground back into Kugo all your could, your noises and moans dampened by the tongue throat-fucking you.  
He didn’t seem to mind at all.
You could feel yourself getting fuller and fuller, as impossible as it seemed. Kugo’s cock expanded as it neared climax, pressing at your walls before painting them white and sticky.
The grip on your jaw released, his tongue recoiling from your mouth as his head fell against your shoulder.
“How is this for ‘breeding’ you?” Kugo knew your asked, but asked anyway, chuckling at the way you desperately dripped for more of him.
You nodded, “Very, good. Very—”
Kugo’s pace became rougher.
His hand slipped under your, into the water to rub the meat of his palm into your clit in small, insistent circles. The nearby scrap of his claws only served to make you twitch and want more.
“P-Please, more!” You cried out, laying your head onto the tile as his thrusts got rougher, his teeth scraping and sucking at your neck, and his tongue soaking your skin—
And with a few final pressed of Kugo’s hand and you were coming undone for him in time with him absolutely filling you up.
It was filthy in the best possible way.
You sputtered out profanities as you came, Kugo’s hot seed spilling into you in thick, creamy spurts. The heat of it was almost scalding against the temperature of the bathwater.
Kugo kept a firm grip on you, despite the way how his skin had become so slick, fucking you through his long orgasm. It was something to do with his rut, but Kugo tended to spill into you not for seconds, but rather minutes.
It gave you time to come down as his fattened cock filled you.
You went pliant against the pool deck as another spurt of cum filled your core. Kugo was still in the throes of it, grunting every few moments and grinding into your insides. You weakly pressed back, shaking with your own breath.
Kugo’s hand pressed into your stomach, feeling the bulge of his own cock and cum filling you. The touch only strengthened your own sensations, the mix of it, and your full womb causing your eyes to roll back in your skull.
And then, it all slowed.
You were both still for a moment, the remnants of your movement told in the slosh of the pool and its harsh ripples.
Kugo gently turned your face to his, smoothing back some of your hair and dropping a few deliberate kisses against your cheeks, “Are you alright?”
You nodded, blissed-out and fucked out, “Very alright.”
It was all the response you could manage.
You couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed as Kugo pulled out of you, an odd rush of water and fertile nut mixing below you. The absence of the stretch of his cock left you wanting.
But, Kugo was a dutiful mate, even in this state.
He carefully lifted you in his arms, carrying you out from the breeding pool to a nearby room.
It was one of the rooms you slept in, that of a handful of others. This one had a rounded ceiling and high windows, cream-colored walls and a large, water-proofed lounging bed.
Kugo gently set you down on it, grabbing a blanket-sized towel and wrapping you in it as fully as he could.
He tended to focus on your physical needs after fucking, especially when you two had been doing it so much. You’d never complain about how there was almost always a perfectly chilled water bottle in your hand and a bottle of massage oil at the ready.
Still, you wanted him—
That was why you were there, after all.
Kugo had stepped out, undoubtedly gathering up the supplies to tend to your body as he knew you needed.
You flickered your gaze to a nearby mirror, taking in your own visage.
Clearly, you’d been through the wringer. Dark circles punched under your eyes, your skin pruned from so long in the sweet-smelling water, and a smattering of rakes from Kugo’s teeth laid across your shoulders.
You looked like hell.
You smiled.
Kugo walked back in a moment later, just as you were standing up, wobbling on your jellied legs.
He was quick to wash to you, pulling you up against his slick body (as his cock began to re-harden again), “Sit down, love, please. I can get you anything you need.”
“You can,” You beamed up at him, craning on your tiptoes and pulling him down by his neck. “And guess what I need?”
He rumbled out a laugh, undoubtedly knowing where your words were going based on your suddenly tender affections, “And what's that?”
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
SFW Valentines Request: How about this? (THIS IS ABOUT TO BE REAL FLUFFY) Y/n had decided to take a walk outside. Suddenly, it just started snowing like there was no tomorrow! And damn it was cold! He then realized that he wasn’t too far away from his boyfriends house, Midoriya. He went over there and the two cuddled under blankets by the fireplace.
Reader: Can be GN, but I myself am male.
Thanks and happy valentines to you! ❤️
Happy Valentine’s Day! This sounds so cute!! Thanks so much for the request, and I hope this works for you!
Sorry it’s so short, I had to rush to get it done in time hehe
💖Valentine’s Day Special💖
Snowy Hearts; Deku x Male! Reader
Genre: fluff, slight angst
Type: Drabble/ oneshot
Word Count: 620 Words
Warnings: snow, hypothermia, a few curses
Other: I never get the chance to write for male reader so I’m taking the chance to write y/n as a guy, can be trans or cis that’s up to the reader to decide!
Fluff Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy (lemme know if you wanna be added to or removed from the taglist)
Remember to check if requests are open before requesting, this was made during the Valentine’s Day Request Event
It had been so sunny just an hour ago, you didn’t understand how you got trapped in the snow.
You were rubbing vigorously at your bare arms. You’d put on a Gang Orca tank top, it had been warm out, you didn’t even grab a jacket when you headed out for your jog.
You were shivering, marching through seven inches of snow with more falling onto your hunched shoulders.
You huffed, and a cloud of pale mist formed on your mouth. You pursed your lips. Was it really that cold out?
You wandered into another neighborhood, desperately searching for the bus stop that would take you home.
You groaned loudly, seeing a distinct absence of bus stops. You were going to get hypothermia, you knew it.
You were cold
And why the fuck was your butt buzzing?
Oh wait that was just your phone.
You pulled it from your pocket, seeing your boyfriend’s face on the screen.
💚Izuku Bby💚
A soft smile spreading across your face, and you pressed the accept button without hesitation.
“Hi bebe!!” Izuku’s voice on the other end of the call calmed you. “Happy Valentine’s Day!! How’s my lovely boyfriend doing?”
“Freezing his ass off in a tank top and shorts.” You half laughed. “I was a bit of a dumbass and I didn’t expect it to snow.”
“What? Y/n where are you?” He asked, clearly worried.
“Uhh third street? I’m near some apartments and a beach...” you muttered
“That’s close to my house, just stay where you are and I’ll be right with you! Just hold on a moment!”
Did- did he hang up on you?
You felt the cold melt away for a moment, you your head was foggy and full of cotton. You giggled a little, pressing your ice-cold fingers against your warm cheeks.
You felt a little delirious, warm and fuzzy.
That would be the hypothermia.
Suddenly, you heard a muffled voice next to you, something heavy being placed over your shoulders, you were turned around, and locked eyes with a worried boyfriend.
Your worried boyfriend.
You felt him pull you close to him, saying something you didn’t quite understand before dragging you along with him through the snow.
Dark spots swam in your vision, and motion blurred together, until you found yourself curled up in thick blue blankets, two large green eyes staring down at you.
The bed was warm, blankets soft against your cold skin. You hummed, lips floating upwards into a loopy smile.
“Hey~ Zuku~” you purred, and your boyfriend leaped up from his seat, grabbing you tightly. You laughed, reaching up and hugging him back tightly. “Hey, hey! Your squeezing me so tight! I can’t breath!”
He pulled off of you, hands still gripping your shoulders.
“Why did you go out like that? The weather forcast said it was gonna snow!”
“Izuku, I’m an idiot. I don’t watch the weather channel. I saw sunny skies and I thought I should go for a jog.”
“It’s February, Y/n. Of course it would snow.”
“Like I said, I’m an idiot.” You explained. He sighed, pressing his face into your chest, taking a deep breath.
“I- I was worried about you.” He muttered.
“I know, I’m sorry.” You whispered back, putting your hand in his curly locks and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“D’you feel better now?” He asked, looking up at you.
“Yes, is this your bed?”
“Yeah, it is. Sorry if that’s weird to you-“
You quieted his worrying with a quick kiss to his lips.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, you’re my hero.” His cheeks flushed, and a stupid giddy smile spread across his face.
“Thanks, I love you~”
“I love you too, Izuku.”
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dynyamight · 3 years
I've seen a lot of people do it, so if you are up for it~ Ship your moots!
FINALLY. THE AWAITED LIST OF MOOTS IS COMPLETE. sorry this took forever anon!!
now, this is going to be long & i will try not to overexplain my ship pairings. did i take time to think about each paring? yes. but, will they be serious? no. they are dumb & silly.
let the crack pairings begin <3!!
@dekusneakers x BAKUGOU & TODOROKI now you would think? sneakers in a throuple? how come? mmm simple. i couldn’t choose one for her so she gets both. the more the merrier. besides, she deserves love from both sides, kisses on both cheeks. one begrudgingly smooch & one icy kith. as a deku kin, she’s completely satisfied. you’re welcome
@izusun x AIZAWA & ORCA similarly, i can’t have my bestie here with just ONE babe. so, i thought why don’t we get a fatherly figure & a dad bod to give her all the love she needs. so yes, bestie, you two deserves hugs at both sides of you. a twiggy one & a muscly one. the sun needs some shade, & that shade is these men.
@midnightpirates x SUKUNA he’s a mass murderer !! you can’t— oh, but i can. you see, yanna here hates mahito & guess who was the one to fuck up his shit. ah, that’s right, it was sukuna. two mahito an/tis sitting in a tree <3 it’s the perfect match made in hell.
@goth-himbo-dabi x DOCTOR WHO once again, people might wonder: why not dabi? my answer? it’s because my bby here finds the twiggy men attractive. i know, bummer. & you can’t get any twiggy-er than david tennant & matt smith. but which doctor? all of them.
@minisheku x KAMINARI i see you simp for his dunce face. & honestly, who wouldn’t?? also, i originally put sheepku,, but that’s ,, a bit weird. but, here’s the solution. you OWN a sheepku, with kaminari. ah yes, a modern day family unit. & he can entertain you, as well as be a source of electricity for your drawing tablet !! resources !!
@oyavaski x EN you said he was hot literally in your tags earlier in a reblog. so, i am simply gifting you water to quench your thirst. may you two meet in afo, & fall in love in the subconscious of deku’s mind. will deku feel awks? yeah. but like pfft, he’s so whipped for bkg, he’ll forget you two chilling in the corner of his thoughts.
@okworstie x GOJO & WATARI i never have to look up the gojo tag, like ever. because you’re always plastering his face all over my timeline. & yes, this is a good thing. but, the same applies to watari. i have never even seen bakudiez, or whatever it’s called, but apparently he’s aro, & there’s a moth man, & tape hits post limit thursday’s? yeah just keep both, mimi.
@rrandomtthings x AN/TI as one of fellow loyal, amazing bkdks, i think it’s only fitting that you find true love with a bkdk an/ti. create the banti we seek in our community. the enemies to lovers trope is in your blood, written in your deku genes. so, i dedicate the banti movement with this small offering of a ship. may you find diamonds on the minecraft server & build a diamond cabin.
@believeyourgalaxy x ITADORI you two are such cinnamon rolls !!!! super friendly. super kind. super relatable. & together, you guys can pin over megumi. maybe hopefully, sam can help itadori with his low iq brain to finally get together with megumi. because damn, sam can be like “this is my boyfriend, itadori. & this is itadori’s boyfriend, megumi.”
@wrensknight x SHIRAKUMO i didn’t even know it was oboro birthday, until you not only made a public post about to, but made art for him. cloud boy needs that partner to respect & cherish him entirely. & you just treat him so right?? draw him so good?? i hope you can go cloud watching & then later, ride the clouds with him. till death do you guys uh,, you know,,
@b1m0 x MIDORIYA you can't stand when he gets injured, let alone reckless & trying to save the world, when he should literally be saving his own ass. but, that just means you care about him DEEPLY. plus, you both are wholesome people. obviously two cinnamon rolls make a whole bakery !! & who doesn't want a bakery ?? i sure do! wehjw idk why i brought the point here, but just know you two make sense.
@mysterionrising x RENGOKU & VIGILANTE DEKU it’s that enemies to lovers trope once again !! for someone who wrote him off as annoying the first seconds she met him, kenny sure flipped over to the stan side. ever since then, i can only see kenny when i see rengoku. but, you know who else reminds me of kenny. vigilante deku. it’s super fruity that you have an entire bomb playlist for him. so keep him too !!
@kamishima x KIRISHIMA you are the biggest kiri simp i have ever met. you basically ship kiri with anyone who makes him happy. though, you do have a lot of ships, but with kiri it’s different. & so, i was thinking ‘mmm, if bug ships kiri with so many people?? shouldn’t she ship him with HERSELF?’ boom. suddenly both kiri & bug are happy, with a lovely home. my work here is done.
@ckatsudon x LAW LIET did i dig through your blog. why yes. & you know what i found? reblogs & tags dedicated to L. he’s best boy. he’s precious. he deserves a better end. an end with you. mmhmm !! because if we rewrote death note, where you were light, i think L & light could have been canon. & that also would make you happy. & the rest of the entire world
@drfox-kinnie x UNIKITTY i don’t even know the show, let alone who unikitty is exactly. but, you reblogged a banner, confirming your love for unikitty. & so, i am of course doing you a big favor !! she’s bubbly, friendly, & passionate just like you !! & bestie, while i may not know nothing about her, i know you love her. so, maybe you two platonically have a wonderful time, adventuring with the other wholesome characters !! also,, is she big enough to travel on? if so, look i got you a cat car!!
@midorree x MINACHAKO i ship you with another ship. why? because i can. besides, you are like my moot who is genuinely a head leader of the minachako ship on my timeline, & you have steadily been converting me?? but, i also noticed that mina AND uraraka have stolen your heart, & you have yet to fight them for it back. i hope you three can go into a brawl & see who can grab each other’s hands fastest.
@kiribakuxkacchakolover x HATSUME YOU HAVE IT AS YOUR TITLE HEADER. like you are literally having a billboard that calls mei your cutie patootie. &, you ask, & you shall receive. i hope you two can be the dorkiest nerds together, & ramble for eons & eons. i hope i’m invited to the transformer wedding you two will have <,3
@balaroo x MIRUKO like before, you too have your interest out in the open in your title header. but, you see, miruko is a total babe, with confidence & ego & with this stride that makes even the most alpha male quiver. you would be a total wife to miruko’s girlboss energy & that’s why this ship totally works.
@quix-mix x FREDDY FAZBEAR my precious lil young moot, i dug into your blog & noticed you enjoy the fnaf games. & mmm are you perhaps wanting to cuddle a certain demonic teddy bear? well, i approve. he'll fall in love, head over heels, with your art, he might not possess you right away !! might. but, listen, you always do enjoy the villains (; i gotchu !!
@lonely-rabbit x LANCE you said we’re moots & i agree, we are. however, i have noooo idea what even are your preferences. so, i went digging. & it’s such a coincidence that we bonded over our voltron trauma, & yet you still continue to simp over lance. &, like i don’t blame you !!! he’ll always be dumb baby & so all i ask is that you love him, for our sake. & sanity.
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