#enzo reyes
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mercury-hg-80 · 9 months ago
so many characters I can't even remember them all 😵‍💫
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allemantheias · 11 months ago
"I had the nightmare again."
"It's okay, baby. As long as I'm alive, that's all it will ever be. A nightmare. Not reality." He pulls you against his body, makes you feel safe. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not now, I just want to go back to sleep."
"Wake me up if you change your mind." He kisses your temple and rests his head back in the pillow.
"I will." You close your eyes, savour the warmth of his body. It only takes a few minutes to sink into a deep, nightmareless sleep.
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gold0kapi · 2 years ago
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The Beach Episode
(Left to right: Gaz, Luna, Enzo, Ghost, Soap)
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lilchickie · 9 months ago
I was searching pics for an Enzo Reyes x Reader fic I was finishing on my @fic-heaven account and
Enzo's face model is beautiful as hell and it's sad he doesn't get much appreciation from the cod fans. He's a retired Sargeant called Rudy Reyes and Jesus Christ look at this man:
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Look at him! Gorgeous!
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demoborg · 1 year ago
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Gus and Reyes
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fic-heaven · 9 months ago
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The three fools
Random trope: You break up with them
Unedited/ mentions of homophobia/ cheating/ angst/ violence/ family drama
🐥I've watched too many reddit stories and needed to write sum succulent angst~😩
Gustavo Rodríguez (Gus)
-You broke up with Gustavo because he was more in love with his ambitions than he ever was with you.
-You had loved and supported him through everything his entire life, his passion for surf, his unbreakable love for his family, his silliness, his slight awkwardness on the first few dates you two had...
-But the day an eighteen year old Gus told you about this retired US Marine he met while giving surfing classes to some tourists, your whole relationship changed.
-You loved him and he loved you. But suddenly the idea of protecting Costa Rica at it's entirety from cartel and to later protecting the whole world... Made Gustavo's love for you lessen as his heart focused mainly on his new dream of saving lives. Or at least that's how you felt it...
-Seeing him daily on the beach turned into three days a week, later one single day a week and soon it became a miracle. Oh but that was only when he was a cop... Once he got the chance to become more, a higher ranked officer with more responsibilies in another city?
-Gus went home that day (you two lived together then because of an ugly fight about him barely being in your life anymore) he was eager to tell you all about this new job and the excitement he radiated brought a weak smile on your face. You loved his passionate spirit, but you dreaded his absence...
-He said you guys had to move cities for this job and you straight up said "no." After a very heated argument about his job, about the life and family you were leaving behind because of HIS ambitions... You told him he should feel free to leave.
-"There's no one I love more than you." You said.
-"Then come. Support me like you've always done! If I'm so important to you, mi amor... Why don't you please, PLEASE, come with me!? Cómo diablos is this going to work if I don't have you by my side!?"
- "I stopped being important to you the moment that American planted the seed of a new dream inside your brain, Gus... Now answer me. Would you chose your dream over our future together?"
-That wasn't fair. He went silent, his lower lip quivering under his moustache. He tried blinking the tears away, big hands flexing on the rails of your porch.
-The way Gus looks at you with betrayal and heartbreak written all over his glossy amber eyes will haunt you forever. And yet... You spent so many nights grieving his absence that breaking up with him now felt... Inevitable..."
-"I'll pack your stuff and send it to your mom's. Good luck on this new job, osito... I knew you could make it... I always have faith in you and I know you will do better for this country and wherever you go."
-"Pero yo te amo, princesa-" He choked out in a sob, he was trembling, legs giving up under his weight until he fell on his knees not caring if any neighbors saw you and the scene unfolding on your porch.
-"I want to marry you... I want to see the world with you... Have children..." Gus cried, voice cracking constantly in pain, his long lashes wet as fat tears ran across his face. It was such a heartbreaking sight you felt like you were dying.
-"Don't make this more difficult than it already is Gus..."
-And with that, you closed the door behind you leaving a broken man on your doorstep.
-Soon his father and sister came to collect Gustavo's things without saying a word to you, his dad did look at you in sorrow clearly saddened by how things had turned. And his sister? After collecting everything and before leaving she slapped you across the face and that was the last interaction you had with his family.
Enzo Reyes (Reyes)
-You left Reyes because he betrayed your heart.
-You two met when you were transfered from KorTac to SpecGru.
-You couldn't stand each other but eventually with much help from your two mutual friends and coworkers, Reyes relented on being an asshole and you actually started to enjoy his annoying self.
-A few months passed being friends until you confessed and to your surprise he voiced his reciprocation. Though you never felt like it was sincere enough.
-One year together and the fights you used to have at the beginning returned. It came as a surprise, how irritable this man had become from one day to the other... The mood swings worried you.
-So you did what you tried to avoid doing ever since the pointless fights begun. You gave Reyes an ultimatum, and he laughed like it was the funniest joke, like he didn't believe you had the courage to leave him over how irritable he had gotten.
-You felt like someone had kicked you in the gut, it suddenly hit you that perhaps you truly were at fault here. That perhaps he was right, that you were seeing too much Into things and were being unfair, that you had to accept how your lover was.
-Enzo didn't seem as tense after seeing you less reactive to his sudden bursts of anger and weeks later, the Canadian could feel nothing but pity for you and shame on himself.
-He told you this while being drunk as a Dane. Though he never really explained why, you thought he felt ashamed for treating you wrongly and that wasn't far from the truth.
-The reality was, Enzo started feeling bad about the affair he was hiding behind your back.
-Half a year into your relationship he had met this beautiful civilian girl who worked on a mall near the base and lived closer to his apartment. At first they just shared small talk as he was a regular at the coffee shop she ran, but soon he invited her to his apartment and many outings together (while you were off on missions too far to know what was happening) they begun having intercourse. It wasn't serious, just a quick fuck and she'd be gone.
-What Reyes realized when you celebrated your one year anniversary was that he had started craving her touch so often while you guys were working or at base together it made him lash out to you for the stupidest of reasons. That's why he felt shame. Not because he was cheating on you, but because he couldn't keep his composure.
-The fool thought he actually had enough reasons to cheat on you and promised himself that if you were to find out he'd straight up admit it and excuse himself. Because you'd understand, right?
-So one day you two sat on the old couch of the base, his arm wrapped around you while you scrolled through his gallery reminiscing in old memories Reyes had captured and held on lovingly on multiple albums on his phone. But something picked your attention.
-There was an album called "her". He didn't name it after you, that's weird...
-But when you pressed to open it he was too late to make you unsee what you saw. There were tons of nudes and videos of himself and some other woman you have never seen. You were silent thinking at first that perhaps this was his ex and these were old pictures he had forgotten to delete... But looking at Reyes... He was already explaining the cheating like he was talking about his gym routine.
-You stood up then and he took his phone from your hands with a quick snatch and a carefully put neutral expression.
-Enzo rolled his eyes thinking he'd have to endure your temper tantrum but thought it was fair since you always seemed to endure his.
-Instead, you whispered with a constricting throat: "I'm sure she's worth it, Reyes." You never called him by his last name and he didn't like this broken side of you one bit. "Good luck."
-"Sure. Call me when you stop crying so we can talk this like real adults, we could even go on dates the three of us together. Wouldn't that be nice?" He smirked and you were gone chosing to spare yourself from suffering more of this...
-Reyes though you'd be okay by the end of the week but he never saw you again.
-It's like the weight of the world got on his shoulders when one of the other operators casually mentioned that you had gotten transfered once more.
-After, he had broken things off with the civilian girl and begun his incessant search for you, eager to find where exactly you had been transfered to. He wasn't going to let you go that easily.
Nila Brown (Nova)
- You left Nova because of her family.
-Your relationship with Nova was perfect, she was sincere, loving, caring and protective of you.
-But her family never took your relationship seriously, often calling you her "little friend" and her "Rebellious phase." That was when you two were teenagers. But she was a thirty year old woman now and they kept calling you that.
-You two had a little apartment near her base, you worked in a flower shop while she was dealing with cartel, terrorists of any kind and any danger imaginable around the world. It was a very contrasting match but you two were just like jelly and butter.
-Due to her work, to say you were worried about your girlfriend was an understatement.
-You often spent most Fridays on her brother's house, her little nieces and nephews always loved to see you and spend time with you when her brother and his wife went out. Of course you did it for free, they never fully treated you like family but you'd get there! You were sure of it! Still, it stung that... Almost twelve years had passed and there wasn't even a picture of you on the wall of any of her relative's houses. But you weren't going to give up.
-You couldn't fathom on how many more years you had to spend with your loving girlfriend to call her your wife and be part of the family. Often thinking that perhaps when she proposes to you then her family will start looking at you with different eyes.
-You two had briefly talked about marriage before but it seemed a topic she wasn't comfortable on approaching. You were sure it was because of the "light" homophobic mentality of Nila's parents but wasn't your love worth fighting for?
-Then an idea popped up.
-Maybe you had to show her how truly in love with her you were, how after eleven years formally together you were more than ready and willing to step up and marry her.
-You had your mother's ring your father had given you years after her passing because he was convinced (and very right) that you'd love to propose to Nova with it.
-You knew it had to be now or never. So you spent weeks preparing a wonderful surprise for your girlfriend.
-When she came back from a long mission you had planned a beautiful dinner at your father's restaurant. He had placed a table on the garden you arranged yourself while the rest of the family hid behind some bushes.
-Nova was crying overjoyed by the beautiful date you had surprised her with totally clueless that her family had picked on your intentions of proposing when your father messaged them to come and support your union. They went bananas.
-When you finished dinner you had given Nova a beautiful speech of how lucky you felt for getting to spend so many years by her side and how you wished to make it official before you took your mother's ring and got on one knee in front of her.
-Her beautiful milky cheeks went red, eyes teary with so many emotions she struggled to keep her sobs low. She was nodding eagerly, her trembling hands reaching out your way so you'd slide the ring on her finger.
-Your family cheered you two, your father and aunt going so emotional they couldn't keep their cameras still so they could film the moment perfectly. Your father actually was a little upset that Nova's family was arriving late but he didn't voice it out as he thought they'd be on time for the celebration. Your family was clueless of how cruel and disgusting your girlfriend's family behaved around you two because you didn't have the gal to tell them.
-They found out pretty quickly though. Because as soon as your family approached you two, Nova's mother rushed with this crazed look on her eyes and snatched the ring off of her daughters finger, Nova was horrified, her father soon following after along with her brother picking up a fight with your confused father who tried to calm everyone down even though he was clueless of what the issue was.
-You were stupefied as Nova's family had the balls to put up a fight with anyone on their way because they couldn't stand her daughter saying yes to you. A woman. Her childhood best friend. Her "little secret" and her "personified rebellious stage."
-You cried as your supposed to be mother in law smacked you, scratched you and cursed you out in front of your family and girlfriend while you tried to take back the ring of your mother she had firmly tried to steal from you.
-Nova did absolutely nothing seemingly torn between her family's approval and the wellbeing of her fiance. The sight of you bloodied and in tears as you were attacked by the woman who raised her had broken something inside her, her heart beating so fast she could barely hear your pleas and cries for her to intervene. Nova knew then that any field of battle was far more preferred than the beautiful garden where your proposal had taken place filled with your families fighting for and against your union.
-Your aunt had pushed the old woman off of you and had taken you inside while Nova did nothing but feel guilty as her parents scolded her instead of following behind you. She was in shock, she couldn't react and that'd be a regret she'll carry for the rest of her life.
-As it turns out, your father had kicked Nova's family from the restaurant and promised to file a report to the police if they were to come back or try to touch you in any way.
- Nova's mother had stepped on your mother's ring before your aunt could help you, breaking the beautiful gemstone to pieces... You then decided to spend some time at your father's.
-You didn't hear a word from Nova until two weeks later. She tried to call you many times during those weeks but you didn't pick up until you decided to meet with her at your workplace with your aunt because you were afraid she'd show up with any of her relatives.
-Nova was a wreck, she had bags under her eyes, she looked more tired than usual, more tired than when she came back from any long mission. She teared up when she saw you arranging the cash register. You couldn't even look at her.
-When she begun talking to you, pleading to fix things and begging for your forgiveness you sighed still looking downwards.
-"I've known you for more than a decade. I had loved you unconditionally even when your family verbally attacked and humiliated me and you did nothing to stop them only making excuses after excuses." You were perplexed you could even say this without breaking down. Your girlfriend cried biting down her lip to contain her sobs. "But that night changed everything..."
-You were a husk. A shell of the woman she loves, like what happened had robbed you of your kind, cheerful spirit, like you were dead in life.
-"And I'm afraid... You can't do nothing to repair my broken heart."
-The moment your trembling fingers placed the broken ring of your mother on the counter Nila covered her mouth with her hand horrified at the sight letting out a soft "B-baby..." Falling from her quivering lips. She felt nauseous, like she was about to throw up and you actually had to rush to lay her on the floor because she was loosing balance.
-Your aunt had rushed in when she saw what was happening and your now ex lay passed out on the ground.
-You two drove to the apartment you two used to share, placed her on your bed and called her brother. Your aunt told you to leave, willing to put up with the uncomfortable encounter but you refused.
-To your surprise her brother showed up with a somber look. Almost like his sister's. He sat on the couch when Nova had woken up and tried to drink some water. He couldn't look at you and you couldn't look at none of them.
-"I'm sorry." He said. But you stayed silent.
-"I love you..." Nova blurted as soon as she spot you. You were standing up then, you gave her a short glance, took your aunt's hand and went to your door. "Goodbye Nils. I'll grab my things tomorrow."
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c4tb0yl3on · 9 months ago
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Old cod + oc doodles 🎀
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captain-mj · 1 year ago
Hi just came from the clock app could I please request a kelpie soap ghost ficlet/HC’s, maybe even a creature 141 and friends (the concept is popular so if you don’t feel comfortable doing it fine). I also saw on tic tok you got a book of folklore for Christmas what creatures do you think everyone is from it?
I really love folk lore
I hope you all had a great holiday season!
So you see... Morally I cannot do anything romantic with Kelpies. I also have done a few creature things before. However, I can do a creature match up! There's tons of creatures in the book that, while not human, they would make cool ass companions/pets
Also you may be interested in my Vampire au or the Creature Fic I did!
What creatures I think they'd have as a companion
Soap: Will-O'-The-Wisp
Ghost: Hippogriff
Roach: Kitsune
Gaz: Bake-Danuki
Alex: Mishepishu
Alejandro: Alicanto
Rodolfo: Chickcharney
Price: Ceryneian Deer
Graves: Wampus Cat
Laswell: Griffin
Farah: Phoenix
Chuy: Thunderbird (Hoop snake was a close second)
Reyes: Cockatrice
Valeria: Feathered serpent
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seriously-mike · 1 year ago
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What's the deal with König? I mean, all things considered, it was IW's undoubtedly bright idea to create a fairly uninspired copy of a fairly uninspired multiplayer operator called Sebastian Krueger, who was the faceless Austrian guy on the Bad Team of Modern Warfare 2019.
But then, someone had another undoubtedly bright idea: all in all, Krueger was fairly calm, even despite the fact that he was something of an Arrogant Kung Fu Guy stereotype. So, let's make König hyperactive, twitchy and Jack Reacher-sized instead!
Okay, I understand he's an "insertion specialist" (FNARRRR), which makes him a natural candidate for slash fics, but then, I remember MWII operators mostly because of how annoying they are. And König doesn't even make it to the top 3, for better or worse.
However, what I can't comprehend is: how is everyone apparently ignoring Enzo Reyes and his Valentines Thirst Trap skin? It's even named "Snack", much to my amusement.
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reyesbignaturals · 1 year ago
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when i'm at my lowest, i mentally return to 2012 anyway here's some of my underrated cod favs in the old cringy aesthetic style
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papaver-decervicatus · 1 year ago
Headcanons- Enzo Reyes
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Hello everyone! I am still swamped with college work but I wanted to post something so here's a little HC page I have had brewing for a while. Expect Rudy and Nova's soon! Also, I have discovered I absolutely love Reyes, and it's a shame he gets so forgotten about. God, I love a strong nose on a person, fan-freaking-tastic. Cura Ut Veleas! ~ Ceadis
Born November 13th, 1987, in Regina, Canada.
His parents were never married and had a contentious co-parenting relationship throughout his life
He moved with his mother to Alberta when he was 7, so he mostly saw his father over breaks and such
He is ¼ Tsuut'ina on his father's side (his father is half Tsuut'ina and half Spanish,) the two bonded over trapping and hunting. When he’s home, he will stay with his cousins on the reserve to go hunting with them.
Complex relationship with eating meat: believes you should only hunt/kill an animal ethically and for sustenance. Morally opposed to food waste. 
Can skin a deer in record time and not waste any meat/material from it. 
Complicated relationship with Catholicism, but both his mother and father are, at least partially, Roman Catholic.
Both of his parents married others, he has a year older step-sister on his father's side and two younger half-brothers (3 years younger and 5 years younger) on his mother's side. 
At age 13 he got into a massive fight with his mother over something silly (he forgot to turn in a take-home math quiz,) so he hitchhiked his way to his father over the course of 5 days. This is when he picked up his forgery skills from a truck driver he got a ride with. 
He accidentally evaded the police who were searching for him until he showed up at his father's house unharmed. 
Extremely proficient in hunting tracking and forgery. 
More than anything the police were just impressed he evaded them so well once he was delivered home safely. Was recommended to join the military by one of the deputies that brought him home. 
His first language was French (his mother speaks mostly French), second was Spanish (under his father.) Didn’t speak any English until he was 6 or so. Barely speaks French anymore unless with his mom. Is still fluent in Spanish. Also knows minimal Tsuut’ina to communicate while staying with his family that only speaks it. 
Terrible alcohol tolerance, 2 drinks and he’s wasted. 
Incredibly emotionally drunk. 
Chuy once convinced him to watch a nature documentary while drunk. He cried for thirty minutes when a baby seal got eaten by an orca. 
The least braggadocious guy ever, will never volunteer his skills or talk about them. 
That being said, he never backs down from a challenge. Just humbly accepts it and usually wins. 
The only person who can hunt/track a target better than Price.
Price fucking hates it.
Best friends with Chuy. Package deal. 
Enzo is incredibly shy but extroverted, he loves to talk to others and be involved in the action but it’s hard for him to initiate. 
Chuy is confident and introverted and acts as a good barrier for Enzo to feel more comfortable when talking with others. 
They bonded over a love for the outdoors/hunting, Reyes helped Chuy when his rifle broke down one mission and they’ve been besties since.
Has a tendency to talk back, but not out of a challenge to authority, more out of curiosity. 
The “Excuse me teacher, but isn’t it…” kid all grown up and never kicked the habit. 
The biggest nerd ever. Warhammer 40k, DND, wildlife fun facts, doesn’t matter. 
Trivia legend, he’s read a book on just about everything. 
Had to be banned from trivia night because he always wins. 
He always has a pack of waterproof playing cards on him, his favorite is a set he got from the Alberta Airport that have wildlife fun facts on every card.
Did you know that Caribou have 4 chambered stomachs and can swim up to 6 miles an hour?
Reyes did.
Reyes told you.
About 4 times.
This past month alone.
But who's keeping count, really?
Reads over a hundred books a year, easily.
Mostly nonfiction focusing on history, he will write out notes to better remember what he’s read.
Is not opposed to fiction books, but does not typically seek them out. 
Is in a makeshift book club with Gromsko and Nova
It is a poorly kept secret that he will do weapon mods/maintenance in exchange for books, the issue is finding a book he hasn't read yet.
Is on a first-name basis with his hometown's librarians.
Has been working on and off on a Ph.D. in history through an online/long-distance program.
It is about the purposeful destruction of the Canadian governmental records relating to First Nations regiments in the army during the 19th century. The process has been incredibly slow because he works on it remotely and, as stated, many of the records either do not exist or were intentionally destroyed.
Teddy Bear. Gives great hugs, sweetheart of a man, loves to cook for others, and always volunteers to help people. Just generally a great dude. 
This does not extend to his job. 
He doesn’t have a weak stomach when it comes to his work. 
He is ruthless, he is calculated, he is damn good at what he does. 
He gets along well with his comrades, sure, but he’s not letting himself get killed in the field for something stupid. 
Incredibly capable. Do not mistake his affability for weakness.
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darkworkcourier · 2 years ago
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They really looked at my sweet boy from Alberta and made him a veteran of the Alberta Rat Wars
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chadillacboseman · 2 years ago
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Reyes' slutty little outfit literally called "Treat". The devs know what they're doing.
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shadeops21 · 10 months ago
Hello, I seen your guides and they are very detailed and helpful. I got a question, do you still work on MWII operators? I saw your guide for enzo reyes and wondered if you could add on to a skin called "Low Drag" for reyes. If you could get to me what is that weird heart monitor? thingy on his wrist.
If you charge for your work I would very much be happy too. I had enough troubles finding for myself.
Thank you, if you can please get back to me.
I have decided not to include MP operator skins into the 2.0 cosplay guide purely because it was just tons of extra work for stuff that was growing more and more stylized and fictionalized with each character and skin that got made.
Case in point, Reyes' "Low Drag" skin. I haven't been able to get a full match on the vest he's using but it takes design cues from Crye's Airlite SPC and the JPC with hints of Eagle Industries' Fast Attack Plate Carrier (mainly the shoulder straps where it meets the platebag).
The wrist accessory that Reyes has on his left wrist isn't a heart monitor or fitness tracker, but it's a Garmin Foretrex 401 GPS Navigator, and those are quite popular with SF personnel as a compact navigation aide to augment issued systems like the PSN-31 DAGR and other government/force-issued systems.
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lilchickie · 11 months ago
Random Gusito screenshots I took
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Can we talk about how Soap handled him like a bag of potatoes? Lmao the way he's folded
I wish HE would carry me the way jabón carried him
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That's his pleasure face
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You see that bag back there? That's me
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Papa oso be running away like nyuuuummmmmm 🐻💨
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Pov you are the last Pringle
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He's so majestic 😭🇨🇷
Anyway. That's about it.
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hhhhdghdhd · 1 year ago
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