#i am mossy and tired
insipid-drivel · 2 years
Stuff That‘s Part Of My Everyday Life Living In A Swamp Notorious For Bigfoot Sightings
Yes, I really do live in a swamp. So, for those of y’all that are scared of Bigfoot Country, here are some cool tidbits about what it’s like!
-Yes, there are bears. You only know about the bears if they’re comfortable enough to let you see them walking around. Don’t be an asshole and tiptoe around like a creep and scare them. If one is hanging out around your garbage cans or napping in your driveway, just start talking to the bear like it’s your best friend. They think it’s weird and walk away.
-Yes, there are wolves and coyotes. I used to hang out with a pack of coyotes in the woods when I was 10 years old. Calm down.
-We only have one species of venomous snake, and another species of non-venomous snake that looks almost exactly like the venomous one. A literal nursery rhyme is all you have to remember to tell the difference.
-The one type of venomous snake doesn’t like biting at all and is more likely to cry into a pillow and talk to a therapist than bite you if you’re being mean to it. Don’t hate on our sensitive little dangernoodles. They have anxiety.
-Bigfoot is minding his own business stop filming the poor bastard he’s just trying to go from Point A to Point B.
-I know The Eyes are scary at night, but it’s because you’re pointing your flashlight right at them when they’re trying to sleep. Turn your highbeams off and mind your business. The Eyes are just The Eyes.
-Nettles, poison ivy, and poison oak are around and you’re spending unnecessary cash on creams for it because there are multiple other plant species that grow around them whose juices produce a natural balm that stops the burning/itching.
-Leave the rock piles alone. Yes, I know river rocks have no business being stacked around in the middle of a forest and they keep coming back. Yes, it’s weird. Leave the rocks alone. That’s someone’s art.
-Bones are everywhere. We know. I have a pile of them drying out in my closet right now. They’re useful for things. Bog and forest witches are a thing out here. I’m one of them. Stay out of my Grove unless you’ve got bones, feathers, or antlers to offer. I need those.
-The deer will check on you if they hear you crying or playing a musical instrument. It’s a compliment.
-Stop making eyecontact with every animal you see it’s rude and makes them uncomfortable.
-Stop running and panicking when you hear the footsteps. You’re just gonna exhaust yourself and look like an idiot. The footsteps keep up with you no matter how fast you run. You can’t outpace the footsteps. Relax and ask for directions if you’re lost.
-The swamp will comfort you if you go there when you’re sad or scared. The swamp will fuck with you if you blunder in and start freaking out at what’s already there. You will feel it laughing at you.
-The Forest Gods are 100% fuckable so long as you’re cool with them stalking you afterward. They were probably stalking you beforehand anyway.
-Quicksand is real. It’s called mud.
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mossy-aro · 17 days
ultimately i think my insistence on aro positivity honestly is as much a political stance as a personal one.
when i say aro positivity is crucial and that i dislike doomer-ist posts that express sentiments like 'I hate being aro so much I wish I was dead instead’ it's not because I don’t think there can and should be a space for negativity and acknowledging self-hate, or the many ways being aromantic can really suck sometimes. i find that to be very important!
that being said. there is smth here about how self-hate posts are sometimes just arophobia that we inflict on ourselves. and when we put that out into the ether it (intentionally or not) can become arophobia that we inflict on other members of the community. i think there absolutely needs to be a place for negativity and the expression of anger and frustration and self loathing even - these are all good things to talk about because these are things that we experience. that being said, it can also be genuinely upsetting and triggering to people to have what is essentially arophobia shown to them and then have that be validated by other aspec people. your personal thoughts can affect your wider community on a level you may not anticipate. and i understand it i truly do! it took me so long to be able to recover from accepting being aroace - it threw my entire world off kilter and made me question everything about my place in the world.
but my insistence on aro joy and positivity is because ultimately i do believe that building is at the core essence of it all. that ultimately discussions and the purpose of community should be about construction, not destruction. and this is both a personal and a political stance. talking about how much you hate yourself and cultivating online discussions/spaces where negativity about aspec identity is the main and only theme is destructive - if that’s where we let the conversation end. these thoughts can and should be used as a vehicle to look for a path forward!
joy and positivity create a space where the focus can become on forging a path forward, on construction, on community building instead of tearing ourselves and others down with negative thoughts. it’s not productive or healthy when it stops at a place of negativity - it becomes actively destructive to the essence of community.
and i do think that this is especially poignant considering the fact that being any kind of queer, but especially aromantic (and/or asexual) means forging a path for yourself and making your own happiness where there is no obvious way forward. our communities exist mostly online (right now, anyway), there is little recognition of our existence in the real world, the effects of amatonormativity are both pervasive and actively dehumanising, and there are legal, economic and social structures in place actively making our lives more difficult. yes that all sucks! it’s good to acknowledge that. we need to in order to change it. but more importantly, that’s not the end. we are still here and our happiness, our future is for us to determine. even if we can’t change the laws or society, loving yourself and understanding aromanticism as a political identity (as well as personal), as a radical worldview, and as a protest against amatonormativity is essential for both community and personal well being. the personal is political.
tldr. i guess my point is that as a community, we should focus on building, improving, and nurturing ourselves and each other (construction) as opposed to destruction. we should recognise aromanticism and asexuality as political identities as well as personal ones and rely on community and self-love in the absence of anything else as a form of protest and political power. destruction (the recognition of everything that is wrong) is essential as a starting point - but where do we go from there? we rebuild.
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mossy-rot · 8 months
and now starts the chronicles of trying to get a replacement for the invisible will wood shirt. We're two emails deep and nothing yet
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will wood ily but this motherfucker is blank
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mossy-rainfrog · 2 years
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[ID: Two digital drawings of Hermann and Newton kissing. The first is drawn from the shoulders up, with Newt on the left, and Hermann on the right. Newt is drawing Hermann in by the shoulder and back of the neck, and leaning in to kiss him with a concentrated expression. Hermann has a gentle expression, his lips parted in a smile. The image is colored in deep teals, with bright orange illuminating them from the center, rising up from where their chests touch.
The second is drawn from the waist up. Hermann has his hand on Newt’s face, and is leaning in to kiss him with a pinched, focused expression. Newt’s eyebrows are raised, and his hands are fisted in the front of Hermann’s jacket. This image is colored in purples and blues, with speckles of the same colors in the background. End ID.]
trying to clean up some unfinished art from last year bc I miss posting! Pls take some newmann with colors inspired from PacRim posters. I remember in the director’s cut, Del Toro talked a lot about how red/the red of Lady Danger’s core was supposed to symbolize the heart of the characters, so it was really fun getting to use that specific color as the light source for them in the first drawing :0. As for the second one, heeheehoohoo it’s kaiju colors babey!!
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mosspodge · 1 year
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i am Tired. when I graduate, and make this my job, maybe i will be able to set a better pace. take time to take breaks. stop and rest. not have to do paintings and sculptures and mixed media and paragraphs on dead artists irrelevant to my area of study.
maybe hopefully. but right now i am tired, and I’m gonna fight my way out of this school, and I’m gonna turn in stuff im not happy with because I don’t have the energy to care.
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piscesbxnny · 2 years
the girl boss is exhausted, long live the girl moss (lying on the floor of the forest and being absorbed into nature to take a comfy moss bed nap).
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mossyinkynebulous · 1 year
My brain has given up. After doing three different subjects of hw, two of which are languages, within the past day, I'm done with roughly this weeks hw.
I'm not gonna say how long it took, but considering I got done after midnight, the answer is too long
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ashrimpnamedlauren · 1 year
I haven't posted in awhile, but I need to say..
What Mossysprout just found out about Snowbird/Scorchfur recently is absolutely morbid and disgusting. The fact that this was just found out is alarming.
We can't let this continue. We can't let Harper Collins and Working Partners keep getting away with this disgusting content.
For a basic summary, Scorchfur was an APPRENTICE around the time when he fathered Snowbird's first litter. This should never had made it into the book, typo or not. If you are writing a book for children, you can not keep doing this. As a victim of things like this, this is a final straw. I am going to be boycotting all new books, and I hope you will all do the same. (1) Mossy .° 🪐 on X: "Erm so someone tell me why tf snowbirds a queen when her mate, Scorchfur, was an apprentice at that time I'm trying to figure out who in Shadowclan dies in this MAP wtf is this https://t.co/XHqFxVeGce" / X (twitter.com) Mossy's post showing some proof of this, more is included in the comments. This has to end.
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sambarlavdaa · 2 years
भूल जाता हूँ
मैं अक्सर ख़ुद को भूल जाता हूँ
जब बेटी को उसका पसंदीदा गाना सुनना होता है
मैं अपनी news भूल जाता हूँ
उसके साथ दो पाल ज़्यादा बिताने
उसके साथ उसकी school तक जाता हूँ
बीवी को घूमना पसंद है
इसलिए duty के बाद की थकान भूल जाता हूँ
दुकाने इतनी घूमनी होती है उसे
के अपने ही ठिकाने भूल जाता हूँ
दोस्त यार अब चौराहे पर नहीं बुलाते मुझे
कहते है, मैं उन्हें भूल जाता हूँ
बस थक इतना गया हूँ
सह लेता हूँ, जताना भूल जाता हूँ
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 8 months
okay i am caught up on one out of two of the books i was supposed to read. deloria and i will figure it out soon i hope. i'm gonna get in bed at the very least i think
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insipid-drivel · 2 years
ngl I see new people discovering stuff I’ve written about The Weird Shit that goes down in the biome I live in (aka Bigfoot’s Swamp) and I gotta say:
-I am being more vague than I am exaggerating. Yes, there really are eyes you can see in the dark out here if you have a flashlight on. Yes they will stare and watch you. Yes, they are often red eyes.
-You WILL hear things following you around without EVER seeing them. There are almost always footsteps in the swamp/woods and unless you’re raised in it or go full Jeremiah Johnson, you will never see what it is that’s tracking you.
-Black bears especially really do get perturbed and walk off if you calm down and talk at them if they’re in the way or tearing up your garbage bins. Bear mace and other repellents are cruel unless you are in danger. Acting weird and talking to a bear - or any animal in general out here - instead of yelling at it or throwing shit at it WORKS. Just announce your presence from far off and they’re like, “Oh, you’re back, okay I’ll be over here.”
-I was not exaggerating about the bones. There are bones. There are lots and lots of bones everywhere.
-Venomous Anxiety-Ridden Please-Be-Nice-To-Me Dangernoodle:
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-Asshole non-venomous copysnek:
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The nursery rhyme we’re taught from childhood:
“Red on black, friend of Jack,
Red on yellow kills a fellow.”
-The forest god thing is legit too but the one I hang out with is usually more of a cuddle-slut than an Eros.
-Quicksand aka Mud Pits are just natural-occurring slogs of Non-Newtonian fluids and the physics are actually pretty easy to understand
-I forgot to mention that the ticks here climb trees.
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diwatopia · 1 year
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★ cruel ; neteyam
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synopsis. as of recently, neteyam's been slipping away. attempting to get to the bottom of his negligence towards you, he spews harsh words that begin to form cracks within your relationship. will neteyam be able to fix this despite being the cause of your pain?
info. angst / no comfort, gn!na'vi!reader, 1135 words
warnings. arguing, yelling, outta pocket teyam (boo 🍅), one use of y/n, crying, grammatical errors, based off "queen elizabeth" fight scene :P
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neteyam has been distant.
physically, he's there, but mentally — he's lightyears away from you.
it hasn't always been like this though. during the beginning of your courtship, neteyam was nothing short of attentive and caring. he was everything you wanted in a lover but as of recently, he slowly began drifting away from you. at this point, he's been more of an acquaintance than a mate.
and if you were being honest, you couldn't help but find the situation slightly comical. your mind fills itself to the brim with memories of falling so deeply in love with one another, but now — now, he's just gone.
"you never have to hide from me," he told you.
his words were doused in honey, every single insecurity that plague your mind began melting away. he wanted to know the real you. not the village's tskarem, not the "golden child" title that the elders bestowed upon you.
he wanted to know you.
he wanted to drown himself in your scent, burn the feeling of your body next to his, he wanted to know the ins and outs of your soul.
"i am just neteyam when we are together. not the clan's future olo'ekytan, not the successor of my father. i am simple and plain neteyam."
the memory brings the smallest of smiles to your lips, yet it does nothing to ease the surge of loneliness that consumes you, your heart. it keeps you up at night, eyes wide open as you replay everything that had let up to this point of your relationship. you were beyond tired having to play this game with him, so you decided to bite the bullet and ask him.
"neteyam are you here — oh, kiri!" you speak out, sending her a sweet smile her way. she returns the gesture, "hi, y/n! he's near the shooting range." she states simply, going back to her weaving.
you thank her before scurrying away. luckily, he wasn't too far and you were able to catch up with him. your hands nervously tremble, wringing themselves out in hopes to stop the shakiness. your strides are slow, but with a few encouraging words, you will yourself to walk up to him.
as if on cue, he turns around and catches you staring. his eyes catch you off guard, sunflower-hued orbs swirling with something you can't seem to put your finger on.
"hey..." you say, tone unsure. the sunlight sparkles, flashing through tiny openings of leaves as they sway in the wind. the mossy floor quiets your footsteps as you get closer, standing next to him wordlessly.
he parrots your greeting before going back to his previous task. he draws his bow, eyeing the target that stares back at him. "have you been well?" you ask hopefully. he shrugs, muttering something about being busy and that he's fine. your lips purse at the lack of communication on his end.
"okay, stop. what is wrong with you?" you ask sternly. your eyebrows scrunch in displeasure, subtly creating space between you and him by taking a step sideways. he looks back at you, surprised at the sudden fierceness to your voice.
he sends you a quizzical look as if he genuinely had no clue what you were hinting at, "i do not know what you are talking about." he states it as if it were a fact.
you roll your eyes at his deflection, crossing your arms irritably. "do not play this game with me," you scoff, sounding like a parent scolding their child. neteyam's eyes downcast shamefully towards the bow in his hands, the seriousness of the situation beginning to crash down on him.
"look, i know you have been having a hard time with your duties, but 'teyam, i'm here for you. there is no need to run away from me, from us —"
"there is no 'us'," he cuts you off, not sparing you a single glance. "there is nothing here. you have absolutely no knowledge of what it takes, what is thrust upon me as the next olo'ekytan. i am forced to love you, a simple clans person who does not contribute a single thing to this village," he grunts out, nostrils flaring in irritation.
"yes, i have my duties but i will not be forced to go through yet another day where you think we are true lovers. so back off." his voice grows angrier with each word. his words resemble a whip, every word that tumbles past his lips begins to hit you again, and again, and again. his breath gets caught in his throat as his face flushes a darker plum color.
your jaw drops slightly, an instant gasp leaving your lips. the tiny noise knocks neteyam out of his defensive state and with every passing second, regret begins to consume him whole.
both of you stay silent for second, just staring at each other in search of how to respond, to no avail. he watches your face morph into one that is more closed off, walls building themselves high as you straighten out your posture before responding.
"my mistake," you swallow thickly, voice almost mocking him in a sense. "i apologize for thinking there was an us. i thought i was speaking to just neteyam, not the chief's son. forgive me for thinking otherwise." your tone is monotonous, gaze meeting his in an intense staring match.
his brows drop, eyes widening as his frown begins to grow deeper. "y/n..." he tries to take a step closer to you, in return you take a step back. you cut off his advances before they can even start. "i am truly sorry for the fact that our entire relationship was a mere inconvenience for you."
neteyam hisses as if you had slapped him across his face, and after everything he had just spilt, he wouldn't be surprised if you actually did so. but there you stand, the sparkle in your eyes dimming. his mouth open and closes, trying to muster up enough words to form a proper sentence. and to rub salt into his freshly cut wound, "was there anything else the chief's son needed to say to me or am i free to leave?" you ask calmly, eyes never leaving his.
his hands twitch nervously, biting the inside of his cheek as he contemplates his next move. "there's nothing else to say on this matter," he mutters.
you nod affirmatively before turning your back towards him. as you begin walking away, neteyam's hands instinctively reach for you, calling your name desperately as the space between you and him grows bigger.
he knew he had messed up, big time.
"that's enough, neteyam." your voice stern, pointing an accusatory finger his way. he continues to watch your retreating form, heart willing him to run after you, yet his brain forces his body to remain deathly still.
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⋆ ˚。 ୨୧ reblogs / feedback are highly appreciated. thank you!
★ diwa's notes. i always write fluff n shit so i decided to change that LOL there might b a pt 2, not sure tho :P
© ilupearls 2023.
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mossy-rot · 1 year
if i cosplay dazai who wants to have homoerotic tension w me
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rainbowgod666 · 7 months
Wizardposting blogs and my view of them, OR:
My ass out here cataloguing wizards like they're pokemon 💀 i ran out of things to do fr 💀💀💀
@official-megumin: dutch (EDIT. SHE ISNT. I WRONGLY REMEMBERER A POST OF HERS. I KNOW HER ASS IS LIVING [OR FROM] NORTH EUROPE THO) megumin that still has the "only knows one spell and its the stupidest and hardest to unlock and use. Balancing the Meta my ass" problem. In a relationship with @a-sentient-cup
@autism--wizard: just a lil neurodivergent guy that likes spooders. Not much of it really. Possibly strong enough to defeat spiders georg
@the-adhd-sorcerer: moot :) also more powerful than they let on, but its like DBXV2: starter gear and GODLY stats
@mossy--wizard: moss-fueled neurodivergent boi with lots of moss. Yes their blog feels like a wet forest in the sunlight, drying up after a long rain. Not really interacted with them tho...
@wizard-council-bureaucrat: basically the MC of tumblr wizardposting. If they say something its either wizard law or just a suggestion. Probably the only wizard here that ISNT "surprisingly powerful even though their learning was less than advanced"
@wizard-intern: the blorbo.
@the-gnomish-bastard: ok i get that theyre basically pilaf from dragonball, but A: the stew arcanum is REAL bur the 24 gods thing either sounds like bullshit or he made a stew out of 24 REALLY HUBRIS-FILLED PEOPLE (which would explain his "holy fucking shit how are you even capable of HAVING A STRUCTURE WITH THE FUNCTION OF A BRAIN"), B: he was the dude that came up with the whole "floating wizard island thing" (which has so many holes like wtf put it back down) and C: im pretty sure they have been corrupted by some kind of mushroom deity, which would explain the fact that when calling him "stupid" its like SCP-682 saying that humans are disgusting. Because there literally isnt a stronger word in the human language. How in the fuck does someone have so little intellect we have to do like the jewish population of europe after 1945 when they came up with the word "shoah" to describe what happened to them. To the user running that blog. GET SOME PSYCHIATRIC HELP ASAP. Holy shit.
@not-a-suspicious-wizard: "I aM vErY tRuStWoRtHy" dude everyone knows you wanna do some weird "subjugate reality" bullshit. How about you start making drafts and NOT murdering opponents? Seriously dude if you wanna be in charge as long as you dont try weird "consolidating power like its the 1940s" shit its alright. Maybe take some craftmanship things as a hobby! Make your own throne! Come up with something to do when you are too tired to do Dominant King Bullshit! Play modded minecraft/terraria! Make origami! If youre gonna blanket the world in darkness, at least make it look cool and welcoming instead of "inevitable rebel uprising lol have fun with Prophetic Children lmao" :3
@incompetent-wizard: are you SURE youre incompetent? Chances are, you're just unlucky 😊
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jinnie-ret · 11 months
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oddinary house pt 2
werewolf!lee know x reader
genre: horror
content warnings: blood, d*ad bodies
word count: 1.5k
summary: after an odd encounter with the cyborg, y/n goes to explore what lurks outside the back of the mansion.
Y/N woke up after what she could only assume was a quick nap. At first, she was perturbed to see that she was resting in a bed that was not hers. Little did she know, she'd be getting very used to this room at Oddinary House.
She couldn't even give herself enough time to process what had just happened with the cyborg, too absorbed into the features of the room she was in. Scratches lined the wooden floors that seemed to be in better condition than the ones that were the foundation of the reception downstairs. On the bedside dressers, she could see traces of what seemed like a fine, golden dust, some of which had traces left on the pillow she had been sleeping on. Disturbingly, there was some blood stains pressed into the floorboards, and when Y/N opened up the cupboard they led to, she gagged and pinched her nose at what was inside.
It was the carcass of a baby goat.
"What the fuck?!" Y/N yelled as she slammed the door shut and backed away onto the bed, face scrunched up in disgust. The harsh motion only caused more issues, as a small trinket tray, shaped like half of a clam, clattered to the ground with pearls spilling everywhere. She tried to pick up the pearls but winced at the slimy feel of them all.
"I gotta get out of here," Y/N shuddered, standing up and as she did, her bedroom door swung open, like it knew she wanted to exit her room. But as she saw the blue wires faintly glowing, and their connections to the hinges of the door, that's when she realised.
"Chan," she shook her head with a sigh. She still didn't know how to feel about what happened, the cyborg electrocuted her and was out of control but in his call state, she could see the human within him, the rational side of him.
Walking down the corridors of the house, Y/N felt herself getting more and more paranoid. There were freakish cackles bouncing off of the walls that were tired with wallpaper peeling off of it. And she could tell Chan was trying to lead her in a certain direction, doors opening for her. If she went down one side of the house he didn't want her to, he would catch her attention by opening and shutting another. She could only abide by his wishes, hoping he had her best thoughts in mind.
It seemed like he did, as he led her to the massive back garden, which seemed to span over many acres of land. The fresh air that surrounded Oddinary House wasn't quite as fresh as Y/N would have liked, it seemed swamp like and mossy, the garden reflecting that in it's dark green appearance. Willow trees overhung what appeared to be an endless lawn, the shadows of the sight hiding what else would lurk in the distance.
"You smell delicious, my pretty," a soft voice purred behind her, which contrasted with his rough looking appearance. A scarred face, a hairy chest, yet kind eyes filled with mischief stared back at her as she jumped in fright and turned around.
"Who are you?" Y/N held a hand over her beating heart, scanning the figure up and down with her eyes.
"I am Minho, darling," he grabbed her wrist and rubbed his face against it before licking it.
"Dude! What the-" Y/N pulled back her hand and looked in disdain at the mutt like creature in front of her, who, by the way, didn't look impressed.
"You've got to let me scent you so I can keep an eye on you, wouldn't want anything bad to happen, would we?" Minho leaned closer to her, his werewolf fangs bared in between his red plump lips. There was a dangerous look in his eyes.
"Sorry, but... you're threatening me? I'm sure Mr Yang wouldn't be too happy to know that his new resident is being coerced," Y/N folded her arms, deciding she wouldn't be so compliant with his wishes despite the obvious power he had over her.
"Oh, my mistake, dear, you are a new resident here, you say? What species are you?" Minho smirked, like he knew something she didn't.
"I'm, ummm, I'm..." Y/N couldn't find the words to create a lie, and Minho could see that.
"You've just been sent here for restoration, haven't you? So I don't see why you're getting all brave, you haven't even been here for a day," Minho folded his arms, and his smile stayed right there, because by Y/N's scent he could tell she was panicking and feeling nervous.
"How long have I been here for?" Y/N glanced at him before looking away, perched on the stairs as he shuffled closer.
"I don't have all the answers sweetheart," his voice drawled, "but based on the fact that Channie malfunctioned later than usual and the time of night... I'd say 4 hours," he said nonchalantly.
"4 hours? I've been here... 4 fucking hours. It feels like I've been here forever," Y/N said exasperated, holding her head in her hands.
"Don't act like you don't want to be here, I bet it's the best sleep you've had in a while," he brushed some hair back from her face.
"And how would you know that?" Y/N batted his hands away, causing him to growl, a rumble coming from his chest as he held her hands down against her.
"Oh, just a good friend of mine, now sit still," Minho brushed off her questions and held her arms down as he began to nudge his head towards her neck, before a beautifully haunting voice was heard.
"Mr Sandman
Bring me a dream,
Make her the cutest,
That I've ever seen."
"Ugh I could kill him!" Minho suddenly growled into her neck, making her shiver in fear from the vibrations of how his voice rumbled.
Minho suddenly leapt up and shifted into his huger wolf form, and growled once more with warning, like he wanted her to wait there. He hunched over before descending off of the stairs and running into the darkness. With a few echoed growls and near roars, the singing stopped. Y/N felt weirdly relaxed after the singing stopped, almost like it was lulling her with a spell.
Minho returned, still in his wolf form, and promptly collapsed on top of Y/N.
"Ah get off!" Y/N yelled out, thinking the beast was about to attack her, yet he just tilted his head at her in curiosity and relaxed against her.
Y/N blushed in embarrassment before once again relaxing her tense body, and that is when Minho returned to his hybrid form.
"You're weirdly skittish, for someone who didn't bat an eyelid at me before," Minho observed, staring up at her with his head in her lap.
"I don't know what you mean," Y/N muttered, looking away from him, her arms awkwardly resting at her sides as she tried to create as much distance as possible.
"Hmmm, habitually avoidant too, you really do have issues," Minho tsked.
"Excuse me? I wouldn't have come here if I was-"
"You only came here because it gave you an opportunity to avoid what you've been trying to run from your whole life," Minho interrupted her sternly, grabbing her arm as his claws stuck into her deeply.
"Ow, Minho, stop, you're hurting me," Y/N whimpered as blood steadily rose to the surface of her skin, pooling around his claws that were still dug into her.
"Accept it, Y/N, you need to accept your fate. Accept what has happened and move on," he growled, nudging his head closer to her once more.
"I can't! I can't!" Y/N cried as she kicked him away, the werewolf grunting slightly as he then grabbed both of her wrists and stared her down fiercely.
"If you can't accept you belong here, your life will be so much more miserable," Minho huffed, some tufts of fur moving slightly from the intensity of how he breathed out.
"Can't beat anything I've been through before!" Y/N wiggled in his grip, her head tilted to the side as she tried to avoid his gaze. But she didn't have to worry about that any longer as he moved away from her, a sarcastic applause sounding out.
"Aw, there you go darling, wasn't so hard to admit was it?" Minho rested against the back door, Y/N instantly sitting up and staring up at him in disbelief.
"It'll all make sense soon. Why don't you get some sleep? I'm sure you'll see it all them," Minho deadpanned, entering the house, door automatically opening for him too, and reaming open until you traipsed your way in yourself.
How could his mood switch up so many times? It was the same with Chan. They were both so unpredictable. First they were welcoming and acting like they knew her so well, then they'd confront her and try and get more answers out of her. She didn't know how to feel. She was almost naive to allow herself to rest comfortably in bed again, when there were clearly more residents in the mansion. More monsters.
But she was a wounded soul who simply always seemed to see the best in everyone, and unfortunately, maybe it was to her own detriment.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hanichani @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @amararosesblog
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empressgeekt · 1 month
Trolls - Accidental Knight and the end of the world (Field of Forget-me-nots au - what if?) -PART 4!!!!
Okay, so this is a what if off of second movie of the FoF au (this post), where Barb won. This was inspired by the fic "The Beginning of the End" by AnimationFan2006 on Ao3. Pls go give it a read. I highly recommend that anyone go to look at the rest of the Field of Forgetmenots au. And I had to split it in half because I posted the first one at 2:00 am. Here is that first post! and here's part 2 and here's part 3
Keith wakes up from a dream about him and Branch practicing archery in the woods. Well, it's more of a memory, about the trolling being scared to shoot at something after accidentally hitting his brother last time. Dream Branch's presence and comfort feels so real, and once awake the trolling misses his brother more then ever. Branch's final words echoing through his mind....
"Never be afraid to shoot, it could mean your life or others."
Him and the others had taken cover on a plateau on the edges of Rock territory for the prisoner pick up. It's one of the few places with actual green vegetation in nearby because of a river that flows through it, before going deeper into the territory and the distance between the top of it and the hot ashland ground below. Demo left hours ago, and Keith's worried about him. The rock troll is a little dorky, definitely a weak link, but genuine. Branch would like him.
He joins the others outside of Rhonda, their crew consists of John Dory, Bruce, Floyd, Clay, Viva, Tresillo and Wani (DJ and the other trollings stayed at the golf course). Keith sits by the fire they set up the previous night for breakfast. He accepts the food, but doesn't interact when Bruce and Floyd try to talk to him. Keith doesn't talk much anymore. Especially to Branch's bio-brothers. The trolling's feelings towards them complicated. He was mad at them, and some part of himself wanted to be mad forever. Branch had suffered through so much, and they were never there. Whenever Keith had been hurt or sick, even if it was just a little scratch or sniffle, Branch was there patching him up with a story, medicine and a bandage. Branch's brothers didn't even bother to show up when Branch was possibly on his deathbed last year after the chef nearly cut him in half. But another part of the mossy Trolling was just to tired to be angry and wanted to just snuggle up next one of them, pretending they were Branch. Because...who knows if Keith would ever get to hug his brother again.
It didn't help that most of them were just straight up jerks. They apologized, but didn't say for what, nor did they change their behavior. Floyd wouldn't leave him alone. The red-headed brother, acted all clingy, it felt like he was trying to take Branch's place as Keith's older brother. Not that Keith would ever let that happen. Floyd couldn't be trusted, he was a lair, there was a reason that Branch didn't make promises often. Bruce kept treating him like a little kid, who couldn't take care of himself. Granted, there were somethings that Keith needed help with, but he wasn't a baby. Branch made sure that Keith had all the skills to take care of himself, and where his limits were. Bruce didn't believe him when he said that, and that was offensive not only to Keith but to Branch as well, who took great care of Keith! He just also made sure Keith knew what to do in an emergency! Unlike some people who think an eight-year-old can't cut their own sandwich!
Clay wasn't at the firepit as he was busy keeping Viva calm, since they were out of the golf course, (while she had been all for getting her sister back, going outside was still nerve wreaking), and Keith didn't mind. Clay was just straight up a hypocrite! He spoke all the time about being serious, this calm and collected guy with a plan. When in reality he never took anyone else seriously, and was a kettle ready to blow with that temper he had. Both the stringbean brother and Bruce were almost tied for most annoying since they didn't believe Keith when the trolling told them he knew what he was doing. Something had shifted with Clay recently, his temper mellowed out slightly, but it didn't change the trolling's opinion of him.
After eating, Keith would run to join Tresillo on look out, John Dory came along after a few minutes. Out of all the brothers, John Dory seemed to be the only one who actually felt guilty about leaving, and actually put effort in figuring out Keith as his own person. Not seeing him as a replacement baby brother. Not as a scared kid who didn't know what he was doing. Just as Keith. Not that Keith gave him much to work with. Still it put him leagues above the other three.
Once that anglers showed, up Keith felt excited for the first time in a long time. He was running before Poppy even exited the transport critter, but nothing would stop him from running into her arms. She looked different. Her dress dirty and ripped, a streak of black and grey going through her otherwise bright hair, and tear tracks along her eyes. But she was there and with her Keith felt safe.
If only it lasted. The soft reunion, even Viva walking over gently calling Poppy's name was interrupted by chaos breaking out in an ambush. The peace was broken, by a the zombified K-pop gang and reggaeton trolls, and Branch himself.
His brother's corrupted form is horrifying. The green of his armor, was shifted over to a burn metallic red. The smooth leaf platting and vine sashes, had been replaced with critter leather and blackened brambles. The once comforting amber color of the lenses in the mask were set ablaze with the hue of blood. The caller, and cuffs were black spiked bands, tight like shackles. Showing his brother as a prisoner in his own body. A haze of red smog surrounding him, suffocating his form.
The fight that ensues is chaotic an bloody. Tresillo and Wani take on their sisters with heavy hearts, trying to both defend themselves while not hurting their family too badly (I head canon the Reggaetón trolls as triplets, I know most people see them as a throuple, but I like the siblings angle better, sorry), with Clay and Viva backing them up due to the numbers angle. Smidge jumps in being part of the guard using her hair to subdue them best she can. Floyd and Bruce are Trying to herd the others into Rhonda so they can escape, however when they come to Poppy and Branch their both frozen. Because in front of them, sword against sword, brother against brother, John and Branch dueled. Keith could tell that Branch was holding back, or at least trying too. His strikes are shaky, like he's fighting himself. However, whatever the little restraint Branch has is slipping quickly.
John Dory is mostly panicked at this is happening. His Baby brother is trying to kill him. Not to mention, where in the world did Branch learn to sword fight like this?! Eventually the corrupted troll forced John toward the edge of the plateau, right next to the river bank before it became a waterfall. By some miracle John isn't pushed over, instead he slipped around Branch hoping to lead him away from the cliff. However, out of nowhere Branch flips back throwing his leg out and knocking john to the ground. The next few moments are clear in his mind even as his head pounds. Branch standing over him Sword raised high, ready for the final blow. Then there's the whistle of an arrow and suddenly Branch was falling over the edge, an Arrow sticking out of the middle of his baby brother's chest. John turns to look in the direction the Arrow was shot, finding Keith, the trolling trembling, his bow held up, its string shivering as if it just fired.
"What did you do?!" Clay screamed, startling the trolling, and making Poppy glare at him.
Smidge has fully restrained the other zombies attacking them. Jovi came running over, pulling John to his feet. "C'mon, if he landed in the river he has a chance," The halfing spoke.
John and his brothers, along with, Jovi, Demo Poppy, Viva and Keith load up in Rhonda and began to search the river banks below the plateau. Bruce is helping Floyd through a panic attack, and Keith is sobbing into Poppy's arms, saying "sorry" over and over again, but other then that it's a silent ride as they all look at the river bank for any unknown shapes. It's Demo that spots a grey lump among the rapids. Rhonda leaped into the water, swallowing Branch, pulling him into the cabin. Branch lands on the floor, they haze was gone but he was completely grey, soaking wet, and arrow in his chest and not breathing.
Jovi jumps in the moment the grey troll falls on the floor. He screams for people to back up as he addressed the damage. His first main concern is that the grey troll wasn't breathing. With a drowning victim getting air into the body was one of the most important tasks, and it had to be done in under five minute. He settles Branch on his back, and administers CPR, he worries about doing chest compression, but after the armor was removed, turns out the arrow wound wasn't all that deep, it was close, so close to hitting something important and killing the grey troll. Jovi's hands are horribly bloody by the time he gets Branch breathing again.
With Help from John Dory, Jovi gets Branch stable. The grey troll is stripped of his armor and weapons, left in a pair of barrowed pj shorts and bandaged torso. Tucked in tight on the sofa in the back of the Armadillo bus' cabin. Jovi isn't a doctor and for that he apologizes, but he's done his best with the phsyical. as far as he can tell, Branch has a puncture wound, along with broken ribs, but he has no answers for his lack of color.
They pick up the others, tying the Zombie's up an head back to the golf course.
On the way back, Poppy and Keith stay by Branch's side. The trolling glaring at anyone other then Jovi coming too close. It takes a hot minute but eventually Keith falls asleep curled into his big brother's side. The scene in front of her is horrifyingly similar to like when Branch was in his coma and she hates it. It hurts to see him like this, and it makes her realize just how important he is to her. She silently vowes to tell him, as soon as he wakes up.
After that she can't keep the others waiting. They need a queen right now, and Poppy can't fail them. She at first checks on her friends and thanks the new trolls for saving them, Jovi and Demo especially. When she meets Brozone, internally she's kind of fangirling, but she's to tired to express it outwardly, and it makes her very suspicious as to where they were when Branch was in trouble when she learns their his brother's too. Over all she's pretty collected, until Viva introduces herself. Now, Poppy doesn't mean to be well, mean, but she Just starts laughing. Not an "Excited to meet you this is so funny laugh" its and "Of fucking course" hysterical laugh. Viva asks if she's okay, and Poppy answers...
"Sure! Why wouldn't I be, I just found out that not only did my father lied to me for my entire life the second time like it wouldn't seriously effect me in the future! Like who cares about the other tribes! We'll never hear from them! Who cares if I don't tell my daughter about a long lost sister! it's not like their ever going to meet at the end of the world!!"
Poppy breaks down sobbing, sliding down to her knees. Cooper walks up and nudges his sister gently.
"Poppy are you okay?"
"No no i'm not."
It takes a few days to get back to the golf course. John used the hustle to get them into rock troll territory, but he wasn't sure how the experience could effect Branch in his wounded and unconscious state. With the snackpack and every one else (zombies were left where they were tied up, sadly for Tresillo and Wani, but Demo and Jovi know that Queen Barb won't leave them to die in the wilderness due to the hunting skills their sister retained after turning), it's rather crowded, so they camp out when darkness falls, and to give Branch and Keith a little privacy he sets up a curtain in front of them. He hates it, all of his brother's hate it, but for some reason he can't help but also feel like he's intruding whenever he sees Poppy and Keith at Branch's bedside.
Clay is still mad at Keith for shooting Branch. He knows it's stupid but he is. That's his baby brother and that kid nearly killed him. Did kill him! His heart had to be restarted! he vents this all to Bruce in private, and lets his older brother take some of the weight. Bruce knows that Clay reacts with anger when he's stressed, and watching Branch get hit was terrifying, but he makes sure that Clay knows he can never let Keith know this. The kid is still a kid after all, a scared kid.
Floyd is a walking mess. He thought he was going to throw up the moment that he saw the arrow hit, the feeling growing ever stronger as he watched Jovi cut away at Branch's armor and skin to remove the arrow head. Even now he wants nothing more then to be right next to Branch holding his baby brother's hand, and feeling the living pulse in the grey troll's wrist with his own fingers. But he can't, Poppy and Keith had taken that role of soothing his wounded brother while he rested. That and the fact that he's terrified. Branch is grey, hurt, covered in scars and clearly has been mad at Floyd for a long time if it was enough for Keith to pick up on. He was scared that if he went to Branch now it would make it worse. So, he talks to Jovi, asking this oddly cute halfling troll about his brother's condition. Jovi has sympathy for Floyd, really he does, but he doesn't really know how to help, he's never had siblings before, so he just listens.
Viva is desperate to help her sister, but in her panic she falls back on the old ideals that were used in the tree during times of crisis, grin and bear it. No matter what look on the bright side. Shove the negative emotions down. It doesn't work and Poppy ends up snapping at Viva. She apologizes, and just tries to talk with her sister about how she would love to get close and do all the sister things, but she can't right now. She has Keith and Branch and the others to worry about. They need a plan, but she's never been the planning type, that has always been Branch's side of things. Viva respones that she and Clay work similarly and a little bonding happens. It's not happy, or excited, but rather just a simple understanding happening between the sisters, and its enough.
When Branch wakes up, he's pretty sure he's dreaming. The last thing he remembers is Jumping in front of Keith and Poppy. After that it's hazy. Just a void of anger, screaming and fire. He couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't feel. Just a complete detachment from between his soul and body. When his eyes flutter open, and his thoughts are finally clear, he thinks he's either dreaming or dead. His head is pounding, and his chest hurts. But it's clear, there's no blinding anger, and his body is his own to control. And even better, snuggled up next to him is his brother, and at his bedside Poppy is passed out in the chair next to the couch.
When Keith sees his brother's eyes open he starts crying, hugging Branch and apologizing. feeling so so guilty and so so grateful. They had no idea how Branch broke from the control, but they were so thankful. Poppy wakes up too, and hugs him gently. Though she does choses to wait for anything else until after Keith is calmed down. Branch is bone weary tired, so the back strokes he gives the trolling are weak, but they seem to sooth the trolling well enough. Still isn't enough to get him to sleep, so Branch starts humming a lullaby ("Sacred Oath" By Beth Crowley if anyone is wondering). Something broken inside of him is fixed as the music flows from his tongue and Keith lulled to sleep.
With the trolling out cold, Poppy give Branch the run down. He wants to pass back out again and never wake up at the mention of his brothers, and at the mention of Viva he has this overwhelming desire to find Peppy and punch him in the face. But in his state Branch can't doo much other then just accept his situation. He'll make the best of it, he always does, but that doesn't mean he enjoys it. It gets a little better when Poppy kisses him before they both fall back asleep though.
When morning comes, Jovi checks him out, making sure his wound is healing, and marvels at the return of colors to Branch's still dulled coat (none of them are sure how). His older brothers are there and Clay mentions Keith was the one who shot him. Branch does not miss the wince that rest of theme give, and they way Keith wilted. Branch just tells Keith he did a good job, it was a clean shot, and wouldn't scar much when healed. Clay looks surprised by his reaction, but Branch pretends not to be paying attention. Jovi continues to ask him questions, and when the topic of food comes up, Branch ahs no idea when was the last time he ate, so Jovi recommends light foods for a while. Bland porridge was for breakfast, and it was delicious.
With Branch back, Poppy feels in control again, and she's ready to take charge once more. She talks with Demo, Tresillo and Wani while Branch naps through the afternoon, and then with whisper to each other through out the night, forming a plan. With their small numbers they would need allies, the other tribes are not an option, but Poppy still has one ace up her sleeve, Bridget.
The plan is not well recevied when they present it to everyone in the morning. The snackpack is on board, while Jovi, Demo, Tresillo, and Wani don't really care they just want a home base, however it is rejected with venom by Viva and the brothers.
V: What?! NO! We are not going to the bergens, it's not safe!
Clay: I'm with Viva, this is not an option. The puttputt course is the best defence from both giants and trolls, we need to go there.
Demo: Uhm, you're defenses are not enough to stop a power cord assault.
Clay: and how would you know?
Demo: I work with musicians, Rock tribe musicians, I need to know how music weaponry works, and you're buildings are barely sound, not to mention the plastic is old and rotting.
Poppy: would stone and metal be harder to break?
Demo: in general? yeah, but if they have the right angle and frequency they could still break it.
Poppy: See we'd be safer in Bergentown, we gather up the trolls in your outpost and seek refuge with the Bergens.
Viva: Poppy no!
Poppy: And why not?
Viva: I just got my baby sister back! I am not going to let you just walk back into town full of MONSTERS! It's my job to protect you!
Poppy: And it's my job to protect everyone else! You're scared Viva, and I get it, but we can't let our fear stop us! Believe me I know just what kind of horrible things that the bergens are capable of, but i've also seen what good they can do!
Clay: how the fuck would you know what bad things their capable of?! You were a baby when the escape happened, you know nothing of what we went through!
Branch: Don't talk to her like that!
Bruce: Bitty sit back down!
Branch: Oh shut up spruce! I know my limits! And for you're information Clay she knows just how bad they can get because she was there, when I got this *points at face scar*. Chef got real pissed when I cut off her finger, you know.
Floyd: ...th-the chef gave that to you?
Clay: If you got hurt by a bergen then how on earth can you think that going to them is a good plan?!
Branch: Because I've watch them reforge their society. And I trust Poppy over any of your sorry ass opinions.
Viva:...when we get back to the golf course you'll see....
When they get back to the golf course something is immediately wrong. It's calm but the in the wrong way. All the trip wires are broken, and the gate is smashed to bits. Inside the course is a wreak, the buildings burned and crushed. Clay calls a search for survivors and the others spanned the course. All they find are zombies, Clay almost getting bitten by one when he thinks he find a survivor in the rubble.
Viva is panicking, this was her safe place, and now it was gone. Ripped away, and she doesn't know what to do. The world around her is crumbling and she has a panic attack that leads to her passing out. She comes too only to throw up and pass out again. Clay feels helpless during all this. Everyone is gone. Until...
"Hey Captian no slappy!"
A rather annoying cloud joins the chat. Branch shoots and arrow at him out of habit. However, even he can't be too upset with Cloud Guy, after he explained that he got as many putt putts out as he could with his caterbuses. "whoa that's actually nice of you." "Oh Branch you wound me, I can be nice, after all it is the end of the world. I'd be a real jerk if I didn't do anything now." Clay breaths a sigh of relief, at the news that the Puttputts, well most of them, are safe. When they meet up with the excavated Puttputts there's a lingering question in the air.
What do they do now?
Clay knows the answer and it's not going to be easy. They're going to Bergentown.
Stay tuned for part 5
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