#i am like. so deeply Not okay. i really did not need this info. i really wish it would've been tempered in the Slightest
bunnyboy-juice · 29 days
oughghghhghghhhhhgh (vent)
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heeseung-min · 11 months
"Oh! You got flowers again! It's the fifth time this week."
You stared at the bouquet of lillies. It's your favourite flower but you felt creepy after reading the notes that this person left for you.
I hope you like this flowers just how I like to see you every night you come home.
You discarded the flowers while your coworkers stared at you with confusing expression.
"Why did you throw that?"
"Yeah, you should be grateful you got admirer."
"Can you guys just shut up and mind your business?"
With that, your coworkers started to leave your table and went to their seats. You spent your day with stressing over the work and about the secret admirer words. It made you feel agitated on your surrounding.
"Y/n, do you want to have lunch together?"
Heeseung asked you as he keep his place nice and tidy before turning to you waiting for a response.
"Sure, let me finish this first."
While you were eating with Heeseung, you got a text from unknown number. You put your cutlery down before taking the phone.
Even when you're eating, you still look beautiful.
And below the text, there was your picture captured while you were eating. You immediately looked at your surrounding trying to find someone suspicious but everyone in there seems busy with their work and foods.
"Are you okay, Y/n?"
"Yea...yes. I'm good."
"Did something happen? Why were you looking everywhere?"
"Nothing, can we just hurry up? I remember I still didn't finish the report I need to do. I don't want Mr.Park to be mad at me."
Within five minutes, Heeseung and you finished lunch and paid the meal. Your eyes were looking everywhere when you went out from the restaurant. You felt frustrated when you didn't see any weird person.
It's night and you were waiting for your bus when suddenly a man sitting too close to you.
"Hi, I've seen you few times here. I also work in the same building as yours but in different department. Would you like to go out together?"
"I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend."
The man scoffed and then hold your hand tightly while insulting you.
"Oh you think you are that pretty? Am I that ugly? Do you think I'm dumb to not know you don't have a boyfriend?! You whore-"
You gasped loudly when the man got punched by your boss, Park Jongseong. The tight grip on your wrist finally went off and you winced a bit while trying to move your hand.
"Stay away or I call police on you!"
The man quickly ran away after Jongseong said that. He turned to you and checked on you in case the man hurt somewhere else.
"Are you okay? Do you need to go hospital?"
"I'm...I'm fine. Thank you so much, Mr. Park."
"Let me send you home. I don't trust that guy."
When Jongseong reached nearly to your house, you realized that you never tell him your address. You glanced at him who looked so relax while driving as like he really knew where do you live.
"Make sure to lock your windows and door, Y/n. Who knows the guy might be trying to break in."
"Thank you for the ride, Mr. Park. I really appreciate it."
After he went off, you immediately ran to nearest police station in your neighbourhood and told them about Park Jongseong possibly being your stalker.
"With this info, we can't really confirm him as the culprit. So, we hope you can wait for any update from us."
You came home with disappointed feeling when the police officer said that. Even when you wanted to sleep, you keep thinking about it. You decided to swallow a sleeping pill before laying on the bed.
Beep beep beep beep
While you were deeply in sleep, a man pressed on your door lock pad and you didn't notice or even heard your door got unlocked from outside. You can't even heard footsteps coming towards you.
The man aka your stalker smiling at the sight of you sleeping peacefully. He went to sit beside you and caressed your face.
"You worry about wrong person, darling."
[Part 2]
Ayo, it's really been a long time🤓🤓so sorry for not posting anything😣😓 i hope this one can satisfy you🤗 i bet yall cant guess who the stalker is🤣🤣
Taglist: @obsessed1with1straykids @huggyuvita @duolingofanaccount @stacey-stonem
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eekshade · 10 months
I’m very for angst right now- Bucky in his Winter Soldier ‘mode’ in some way hurt his boyfriend who then was sent to the hospital. Later on when Bucky’s back to normal he realized what he did and feels very sad about it and visits his partner
sorry this took so long, i know it's not really what you were looking for, more of a hurt/comfort than angst.
Sorry, Sweet Home.
Bucky Barnes x m!reader
Word Count: 644
Warnings/Info: made this on my phone, this isn't really angsty, more fluff than anything, just a hospital scene; no actual violence, not proofread, no real warnings
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Bucky sat in the pure white and blue hospital waiting room, speckles of color pop out in the minimalist paintings of nothing in particular. Tears pricked in his eyes as the guilt of harming you caused him to shudder deeply. How could he do this? How could he let himself slip like that? How could he hurt you when all you wanted to do was help? He felt numb as he shifted uncomfortably in the stiff seat.
The doctor came to him, Bucky didn't fully know what was said to him. The sound of his heart and nondescript buzzing flooded his ears. His body moved by itself as he made his way through the spotless hallway to your cleansed, pale room.
His eyes land on your somnolent body, he blinks to clear his eyes of the warm tears. His mind races a mile a minute, his self hate and shame boils in his heart. His body feels like it's going to give out underneath the weight of it all. His thoughts come to an abrupt end at the sight of your warm, shaky smile.
“Buck…? You okay?” You whispered, voice soft as a small kit.
“Am I okay?” His voice cracked deeply, taking a breath before continuing, “Are you?” He made no effort to move closer to you - the guilt stopping him.
“Of course I am, I can take you any day.” You jested, he let out a soft whimper at that.
“Honey, can you please come over here?” You pleaded with a warm smile.
He nodded hesitantly, pulling up a chair to the side of your bed. Knees pressed against the soft plush of the mattress, the contrast of the cool metal bringing him no comfort.
“I am so sorry.” He apologized, voice barley audible out of fear that if he spoke too loud, he wouldn't be able to get the sentence out. Tears running down his soft cheeks, the salty taste enters through the corner of his lips.
“Hey, no no no, don't do that. It's not your fault.” The pads of your thumbs gently wipe the tears off of his pretty face.
“-But I put you here? How could this not be my fault? I let myself go, and I let myself hurt you.” He croaked, “ I'm a monster.” He avoided eye contact like the plague, opted to look at his hands tangled with yours.
You broke into laughter, warm and bubbly, he looked up at your face, confusion gracing his angelic features.
“Sorry, I just, I love you so very much. Do you know that?” You snickered.
“Callin’ yourself a monster, but - god, I mean, look at you.” You say with a harsh snort.
“What does that mean?” He smiles at you, guilt seeping out of his system at your antics.
“Well, for starters you have an entire bookshelf of only fantasy, you organize your clothes by color, you're insanely good with kids, you love carnivals, you fold your socks, you are a cat whisperer, do you need more?”
He looks at you sweetly, opening his mouth to respond, but he closes it when he can't find the right words to choose. He looks down at his lap, a lovely smirk on his lips. He's trying to hide it almost like he's embarrassed of himself for being so easily swayed.
“Look at me.” You responded curtly. His blue eyes swiftly look up at you, shaken by your icy tone.
You lean in and leave a quick tender kiss on his slightly chapped lips, he chases your lips as you pull away. He whines as you stop him from continuing. You rest your forehead on his, your breath mixing together, “I love you, Buck, so so much.” You mumble into the small space between you two.
“I love you more.” He kisses your cheek.
“Sure sure.” You scoff, catching his lips once more.
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chaisshitposts · 1 year
Hi I am rabbit🐇 anon and I wanna say that Idk why but i m not understanding the pych-k method like i don't get what PPL say especially when ppl tag that post I just don't get it so can you tell step by step how to do pych-k method for void.
P.s we r same age lol
oh yeah??? cool! glad to meet a fellow adult 🐇 anon🤝 and that's ok, I'm more than happy to explain it for ya in simpler terms, it be like that sometimes so I get it. yer mind is like a computer, yer subconscious is the motherboard of info, and while ya do psych-k ya are basically downloadin' an entirely new program with new codin' and all that jazz with the affirmations ya choose, then ya save that affirmation in yer motherboard.
psych-k is about usin' yer entire brain, both hemispheres simultaneously, and how to do it is super simple. when you're just startin' out with it, I always recommend that ya start off with your left side (it doesn't really matter what side ya start with but some people do better when they have clear instructions)
left side -> ya wanna start off with crossin' yer left ankle over yer right ankle, set yerself a five minute timer and then start it, immediately afterwards you're gonna cross yer left wrist over yer right wrist and then interlock yer fingers. for a visual aid, check out this video -> it's not very long and I hope it'll be easy for ya to follow while ya are doin' this pose, you're gonna close yer eyes and repeat yer affirmation for the duration of yer timer. with this pose, ya more than likely will start to feel an influx of thoughts that may try and argue with yer affirmation. it's important to invite those negative thoughts and just let them flow, let them happen, and just keep repeatin' yer affirmation over and over. what yer doin' is teachin' yerself somethin' new until these resistant and negative thoughts disappear. i should also mention that sometimes ya may not experience any negative thoughts at all, which is fine too, just keep affirmin' for the five minutes. some folks also report that they feel physical symptoms when doin' psych-k, which is also normal, and it's perfectly okay if ya don't, that's also normal, everyone is impacted differently.
ya hold this posture for the entirety of yer five minute timer. once you're done you're gonna 'save' yer progress by uncrossin' your ankles and wrists and then press the finger tips of both yer hands together (kinda like when villains are havin' their evil scheme moment, y'know) just make sure all yer fingers touch each other and hold it for 10 seconds --- like below BUT MAKE SURE ALL YER FINGERS TOUCH TIPS 🙏, no palms need to be touched, you're not prayin'.
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once you're done, you're gonna repeat the entire process for the right side where ya cross yer right ankle over left ankle, and yer right wrist over yer left wrist, hold that pose for five minutes with yer timer and then save it again with the pose mentioned above.
ideally, this'll completely change whatever limitin' belief ya had with the affirmation ya chose after a single session, BUT sometimes it can take more than one single session of psych-k which is also completely normal especially when dealin' with something that's been deeply embedded in yer mind for such a long time. think of it like a stubborn program in yer computer that you're tryna get rid of, sometimes it can take a few tries to completely wipe out the old programming.
somethin' else that can happen is that psych-k did work but does not instantly reflect in your 3D which can sometimes make people think it didn't work so they fall back into old thinkin' and start reaffirmin' the old story. h o w e v e r, ya can easily find out if psych-k worked through the use of muscle testin'. I'll provide some reference posts for muscle testin' below which can also be used in combination with any and all methods of manifestin'.
muscle testing applied kinesiology
psych-k is just a form of focused, super affirmin'. it can also be used to calm yerself down just from simply crossin' your ankles, many people do it unconsciously without realizin'. i recommend that the next time ya have a moment of panic, anxiety, or any other negative feeling, ya should try crossin' yer ankles and see what happens. 🕵️
if ya need anymore clarification, just let me know!!!
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merakiui · 17 days
I wrote this whole thing out already tbh but I accidentally reloaded my tab 😭 so I have to type it out again 💔. I'm sorry if the first one somehow sent already and you get this twice
But nono that is Absolutely an NBC dress!! I see the vision!! I am personally not as big of a Rollo fan but I DO think he is a fascinating little bug. I'm putting him in a little jar under a big ol' magnifying glass and observing him for forever. I like that Masquerade offered us a look at other mage schools and how they work, what villains they're based on, etc. I really appreciate him for that. I did actually really enjoy what we got to learn about him too. Fun stuff! Love Masquerade.
AAAA fashion and eel blessings! I'm so honored :D!! Tbh Floyd has always been much much kinder in gacha than his brother ever has been,, so even tho I loved Jade first maybe I should give that other eel his proper chance. Since he seems to love my keys so much lol
I totally forgive on the forgetting to answer tho it's okay 😭!! These asks get very long. It's bound to happen! Obey Me had that update though a few months ago and it's been a godsend so far!! I played for forever but my cards weren't ever strong enough to reach the later story :( so I'm really glad Nightbringer offers the full thing for free so I can binge read!!
Since I brought up other games though,, I've been wanting to ask actually if you've ever looked into Diabolik Lovers? If you haven't and ever want to... I do want to warn you that the anime is NOT very good unfortunately </3. It's one of those animes that's just kind of a really shitty ad for whatever it's original media form was. It skips out a lot of important lore/character info, and doesn't really showcase each character properly since it tried very hard to focus on just 1 brother and failed. So the ganes/translations are 100% the way to go.
I bring it up tho bc it's my fave character's birthday today :D!! Ohh,, Reiji Sakamaki the strange little specimen you are <3 <3 my lovely wife that drugs people. I adore him. I think tbh you could like him too based on the stuff you usually talk and write about here. But obviously I could be very wrong! No way to actually know.
- :3
AAAA the horror of reloading the tab... I've done that too many times. T_T I know the pain well. </3
YES!!! Glomas gave us so much!!! It's one of my favorite twst events. Being able to see what other magic schools are like and how they function (NBC having a student council in contrast to NRC's Housewarden system). I really hope there will be more events like it! I'd love an event where the RSA students are given more spotlight or an RSA-centric event!!! It would be so exciting!!!!
:O giving Floyb a proper chance...... may he come home so quickly!!! May he jump into your arms enthusiastically!! It's Jade's loss for being so stubborn in coming home. >:( no hugs for that eel.
That feature is so helpful and nifty omg!!!! I want to finish the main story and learn more from where I stopped a while back. ;;;; after becoming a Jade enjoyer, my eyes have opened to Barbatos hehe.
DIABOLIK LOVERS OMG...... now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I did indeed watch the anime many years ago, but I actually haven't delved too deeply into the translations of the game. I might have to because,,,, vampire....... cool,,,, pretty,,, deranged.... orz the sheer grip those brothers had on me...
Please forgive my late reply!!!! >_< your wife's birthday has since passed, but that doesn't mean we can't still celebrate Reiji Sakamaki, the wife ever!!!!!! <3 I think my taste in fictional men has refined with my age because the polite (as a front) types (Reiji, Kyoya, Jade, Sebastian, etc etc) were never my preference, but now I am LOOKING. 👁 👁 I think I need Mr. Reiji carnally.
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twiixr4kidz · 10 months
could I request a wallace x reader with fibromyalgia? I've been recently told there's a very big chance I have it and I would like to know how he would react :]
(if ur wanted to research a bit here's sum info I recommend looking at here and here and here)
don't feel pressured to write this though if you think it might be too much or too overwhelming or anything, okay? :] hope ur having a nice day /gen
i appreciate the sources actually!!!! thank u sm!!! i hope i did this justice :3
wallace x fibromyalgia-having reader!!
wallace is a VERY caring partner
he may seem cold and self-obsessed on the outside but he cares deeply about you
when you mention having this weird dull achey feeling in your body, he gets a little concerned
he's noticed that you haven't been sleeping well either
he insists that you get your symptoms checked out and would you look at that.......
achievement unlocked: chronic illness
wallace is very understanding
he tries to make you feel as comfortable as possible but he doesn't really understand how it feels to be in your shoes
if you had a date planned and your symptoms are acting up, he doesn't just staying home and taking care of you
he also knows that with fibromyalgia comes a potential for heightened pain so he tries to be more gentle with you too
wallace insists that you tell him if there's anything that he can do to support you; he's well aware that he doesn't know how it feels and he's going to do hours of research on how to help, but it really comes down to what you need
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WIBTA for taking everything I can from a former friend?
I 20 met this guy J 24M last year through a mutual friend, and since we happened to live in the same neighborhood we hung out more. For context, during this entire time I am/was also supporting an unrelated person financially, so I need every penny and have way less than J.
J has borderline personality disorder and does not go to therapy. I don't want to vilify anyone in the same situation, I'm just bringing it up because J's bps deeply impacts every aspect of his life.
He'd been going through some tough times, with his love life going to shit, cutting off his toxic family and having to find his own apartment etc, so I helped him often.
Since neither of us have much, we shared stuff regularly, e.g. he'd buy me food sometimes and I gave J my skateboard, among other things. I painted his walls & decorated, because I have the skill necessary and he doesn't. I went out to look at furniture with him. I asked my parents to give him furniture they were selling (he got it free). I frequently went to his place in the middle of the night, whether he had splitting migraines or thought someone had tried to break in. I helped him organize a Christmas party, even though he cancelled it because he got angry at someone or something. I cooked for him a few times (he doesn't cook). I let him use my washing machine after he moved into his new apartment without one, even though he owned a cat so all his clothes were covered in cat hair and I have a severe cat allergy, meaning I couldn't do my laundry normally & sometimes it came out with cat hair no matter how hard I tried (this lasted 8 months and would have gone on indefinitely if not for following events). Btw I did all of this without asking for anything in return.
Earlier this year, because of his ridiculously high expectations, he dumped his best friend at the time (the mutual friend), and assigned me his new best friend. After a few months, they became friends again anyway but I kept the "best friend" title.
In July, he hurt his dominant hand during an angry outburst. I was there when it happened but he seemed fine at the time. When he came to do his laundry the next day, Sunday, he told me that his hand was sprained and we talked about how he'd need to see the doctor the next day. He agreed to go. He promised to go to the doctor.
I know he's not good with going to doctors, especially on his own. So I texted him the next day and asked if he'd already gone. He responded "Nope, don't feel like", and upon asking why, he said that "it'll heal on its own anyway". Which to me read as 'I don't care.'
This pissed me off. I blocked him. I planned to unblock him once I'd calmed down, probably in a few days. I was really upset about this because it happens regularly. Him not going to the doctor when he should is a pattern, a bad pattern. He's gotten me sick that way.
The next day he texted my partner, asking if I was okay. They explained that i was upset at him for telling me he'd go to the doctor but then not going. He blew up at them that it was none of my business anyway whether or not he went to the doctor. Whined about his medical anxiety (which is valid but wasn't the point). Said that the sprain was healing so he didn't have to go. They argued for a while until my partner got tired and stopped responding.
Apparently I am now no longer his friend. He asked our mutual friend to tell me to pick up my stuff. I'm busy these days, so I haven't done it yet.
When I pick up my stuff, it's gonna be a whole list of things: a seat/cushion, a stovetop, 75€ worth of comics, a measuring tape, the skateboard, a box. I'll also bring him laundry detergents that are laying around at my place still.
Now WIBTA if I ask him to also give me pain medication to replace all the meds I gave him and money for the furniture I got him for free at the time (I'll ask 40€ even though they're worth more)?
What are these acronyms?
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avianreptiles · 4 months
I realized i actually dont know much about kenny, so if you want you can take this as a prompt to talk about him cuz he intrigues me....
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This is not a place of honor
Okay so this is the general summary of his bullshit. I have a lore doc on the way. The lore doc goes soooo much into more detail on particular events and especially more on the reasoning and psychology of the actions in the story. The whole story itself is insane and gruesome and horrible, but i singled out on Kendrick cuz he's the most interesting in my opinion and I don't like him.
If you are waiting for the lore doc, I applaud your patience. It's coming, I swear.
Tw for talks of death, brief mentions of gore, suicide, main character deaths, politics, drugs, alcoholism, whatever. There is no happy endings in the shay/avian cinematic universe yadda yadda yadda okay
OKAY so Kendrick Poste was a transgender man born in 2098 in the right-winged, one-party dominant "democracy", the United States of Albany, to his parents, Mac and Haisley Poste. Mac and Haisley were both left-leaning and tried to raise him away from being rightwinged, but Kendrick ended up growing up not caring that much for politics. Anyways important bit, THEY WERE GOOD PARENTS. Haisley was a wonderful woman. Mac cared deeply for his son. Kendrick was When Kendrick was 12, the three of them got into a car wreck by a drunk driver, with Haisley passing away rather gruesomely, with the nature of the direction that the car hit. Namely, a good chunk of Haisley's lower and mid face had been ripped off by the carnage of the passenger door. Kendrick saw this in full view. It is very important to know that Kendrick saw this.
Kendrick and Mac are neverrrrrr the same after this. Like at all. Kendrick ends up recovering enough mentally after a couple of years and graduates high school early, applying for and getting into college at 16. The first half of the year goes by without a breeze. The second half of the year rolls by, and Kendrick falls like Icarus, got a little too close to the sun, a little too confident. After he lost all the drive to finish school, he started taking up smoking and ended up becoming "friends" with the guy that deals him weed, Percival. I can write so much on how Percival sucks but instead, I'm gonna write about how Kendrick is worse. So this guy manipulated and threatened anyone and everyone to his benefit, including his ex-girlfriend and his father. He was just some egotistical, jackass kid who got caught up gang violence and drug deals who took advantage of the people around him to make a name for himself in almost every circle of the city he lived in. He was known for just about one thing, though: Percival's big scary personal guard dog. He was a violent and often times cruel kid, cementing himself as one of the morr dangerous people to butt heads with AT FUCKING 16.
Anyways I am skipping a lot of important info but the day he turned 17, he got drafted into the war that Albany was in at the time, the Massachusetts/Albany war. The draft was basically a death sentence, as kids who got shipped off to war tended to not come back at all. For what he thought was going to be his last three weeks on earth until he had to go to the selective service office, he proceeded to let himself go almost entirely. Specific events? Threatened to kill Percival a couple times, did cocaine off of a hooker's leg at a party he went to, broke someone's wrist, and drank almost every other night. Mac at that point had given up on him, but their last conversation was when he was dropping him off at the service office, where Kendrick told him to go to hell. Anyways that was fucked up. What's up next is worse
Being drafted sucked dick. He was already pretty damn fit, and the government determined he didn't really need any physical training, but he was still a rebellious, jackass kid, and that needed fixing. Recently in the war, more draftees were going awoll, so the govs solution? Deadend. Deadend was a compound/training facility that I once described as "not supposed to make you love your country, but to fear it." At Deadend, it was basically physical torture under the guise of "if you dissent from the army/go awoll, you will have wished that the enemy had flayed you alive, with the shit we're going to do to you". It was about 2 months of that. This compound is also the reason why a lot of Albany soldiers, especially in the later years of the war, were reported to have looked "empty" or "souless" in the eyes. You had to drop your morals at the door, cuz if you didn't do everything your superior told you to, you were getting shoved into the drywall.
After 2 months, he got put into a special little group called Great Lakes Special Forces. Now I'm going to summarize some of the shit that happened in GLSF in some sort of timeline, because so much happened in the period of about a year:
-Late July 2115, placed into group with four other members.
-Late August, 2115, first kill, a girl about his age
-December 2115, Kendrick (Huron 01) is ordered to kill Ontario 01, to which he complies out of fear.
-Later in December, Ontario 02 is assigned to the group, a reminder that anyone is replaceable.
-December 2115 to about July 2116, Kendrick, distraught about having to carry out Ontario 01's execution becomes more reserved and West (Superior 01), starts to place him on more solo missions. In a combination of unsupervised warfare, cruelty, bloodlust, guilt over Ontario's death, and what not, becomes the most dangerous man on the Eastern Seaboard. His existence becomes a boogeyman tale, with titles such as "Deerhead" and "the devil with white eyes" become tossed around while describing assassinations, killings, and what not that happen within his domain. West (technically his commanding officer) around this point realized that this would be her fatal flaw, letting Kendrick get too cocky.
-In late July 2116, he is sent on more cooperation missions, and actually talks to Ontario 02, the replacement for Ontario.
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phantomoftheorpheum · 4 months
PLL: OS (Summer School) 2x03 thoughts
*Spoilers for 2x01-2x03 of Summer School
Okay y'all, so many thoughts. I'm still feeling pretty solid about my predictions from 2x01 & 2x02, but let me go through those and how 2x03 has shifted or solidified my POV.
Christian will be an early suspect because he made the "Bloody Rose" mask, but ultimately is likely innocent. - So I am at least partially correct with this one. He definitely did make a Bloody Rose mask. Whether or not he made the Bloody Rose mask remains to be seen. If he is entirely innocent (as in, he was either commissioned to make the mask, or someone asked to buy it from him after he posted it on social media or something), it seems weird he did not mention this to Tabby when they spoke about it. I also initially thought it was weird that Tabby (and Imogen) were not more freaked out by finding the Bloody Rose & A mask at Christian's, but I need to keep in mind that until the end of this episode, they didn't really believe any of the Bloody Rose stuff was legit. However, I am still sticking with my gut about all this and going with my original theory, which is that Christian will now come under serious suspicion from the girls, since they know Bloody Rose is a real threat at this point.
I'm definitely still sticking with my feeling that Henry/Faran is not a relationship that is long for this world, and Faran is going to be spending quite a bit of screen time with Greg. I still like my theory that Greg & Faran might team up to figure out what's going on with Kelly.
Speaking of, I am still very much on board with my instinct that the Our Mother of Holy Grace church is very much involved with the Bloody Rose scheme. First of all, while I have never been to a Redemption House, and I am not deeply familiar with them, Mouse's "test" felt like it could easily be a scene from one, a "trial by fire" so to speak. Also the imagery of her escaping a burning building feels very "burn in Hell" associated. Another interesting thing about this is that if the church is involved, that means that there could easily be multiple people dressing up as Rose, meaning no one really has an alibi. This is further confused by Imogen's dreams/visions, and Mouse's grandmother's mental state. What is real? What isn't?
No particular "secluded cabin in the woods" evidence either way, so I'm sticking to this one as well.
Okay, now for the new 2x03 thoughts/theories. While this episode had a lot of scenes that didn't directly move the plot forward, they definitely want us feeling suspicious of lots of people right now. We spend a lot of time with the new love interests, so we'll see where that goes.
Jen's financial situation interests me. Noa insists that Jen is "good people" and then we almost immediately have a scene where Jen steals money from work and isn't even very apologetic about it when Noa catches her. It could be easy to wave this off with a "but they met in juvie, so this doesn't seem OOC," but this clearly does take Noa by surprise. So that makes me wonder if Jen's need for cash is going to make a more main plot relevant return. Is Jen desperately in need of money and someone is paying her to get back in good with Noa and feed them info? Am I reaching?
I still really don't know how I feel about Johnny. He had quite a bit of screen time this episode, and he is very charming, but why does he matter? We don't have very many extraneous characters in the show, and while he could just be a love interest (like the role Ash played last season), it certainly wouldn't be a shock if he's got secrets. For some reason, I also wouldn't be super surprised if he got murdered? I don't know why I get that vibe. I think it might be because I still feel that Bloody Rose is punishing "sinners" and Johnny being so upfront about wanting to casually date multiple girls would almost certainly fit that pattern of judgement and warrant "punishment." But also... can't Imogen catch a break?
This is a small thing, but at Mouse's party, Greg clocks Noa & Jen's relationship. While he does so in an obnoxious way, it makes me want to go back and watch his scenes from 2x01 and 2x02 again, just to see if he's made any other obnoxious comments that might actually be insightful. Greg being so annoying could be a really interesting way to deliver serious/important information, without the audience taking it seriously. I'm definitely going to be paying attention to what he says in the future.
Notably absent from the skate party - all the adults, Shawn, Henry, and Ash. While I'm not convinced anyone has a solid alibi (as this whole plot seems too elaborate for one person to pull off), these are characters that we have no visual alibi for while Mouse is being chased by Rose. Though Ash does show up at Mouse's to pick her up shortly after, so he is at least partially covered. He is also perfectly primed to manipulate Mouse's grandmother, though. So maybe those things cancel each other out.
I struggle to believe that Ash is going to turn out to be evil enough to do something like this to Mouse (I mean, obviously I could be wrong. "It's always the boyfriend," is a huge trope for a reason), I don't want to completely rule him out just because I like him, and he's also been kind of "too perfect" in a lot of respects, which puts me a little on guard with him. But I like him and I don't have a solid reason to suspect him at the moment, so I'm going to keep trusting him for now.
My suspicions of Henry & Shawn have both gone up a little bit, particularly Shawn. They seem like the SOs that are "on the outs," so to speak. Either has potential motive (extreme reactions, but potential motive) to seek revenge on their girlfriends- Henry could have already known Faran was lying to him about being cleared to dance (though like holy hell what an overreaction if that has to do with anything), and Shawn could have already known about Noa & Jen's relationship in juvie. Shawn has been "too perfect" in a lot of ways as well, and I also don't really understand how the show will manage to validate Noa & Jen's relationship if Shawn is just 100% an innocent victim in all this. It makes me feel like he may pull a Billy Loomis and we'll discover that he's been plotting revenge on Noa for a long time. If he really has done nothing wrong, then I feel really bad for him.
Kelly seems evidently conflicted in this episode. This definitely tracks with my suspicions of her mother & church, but I do wonder if they're making it too obvious. Kelly was my first thought when Mouse's grandmother told her one of her friends gave her the info on where to take her, and she could feel quite bad about it. She is clearly seeking validation in a lot of ways, and she did seem genuinely touched that Imogen (and the other girls) want to include her in things, so it wouldn't be surprising if she's conflicted. But maybe she's just that good of an actor. I also haven't forgotten that Kelly was very diabolical in the episode that Karen died.
No sign of Wes this episode. Idk that that matters, just making note of it. He could definitely be on the chopping block if Rose is taking out "sinners."
We have now confirmed that all the new love interests are aware of the events of season 1 (to different degrees, but aware). Christian and Johnny were both pretty upfront about their awareness, but I'm not so sure about Jen (who claimed not to know much about it in an earlier episode). I have also noted that both Jen and Christian were possibly seeking out Noa and Tabby (Jen being in summer school, Christian getting a job at the movie theater), while Johnny doesn't appear to have intentionally placed himself in Imogen's path, as she came and applied to the creamery, not the other way around.
I'm pretty sure I have more thoughts about this episode, but there's so much bouncing around in my brain (I just love puzzles), so I'm gonna sleep on it and see where that takes me.
Oh, not a theory, but I just wanted to say again that I really love that this group of girls really feel like friends. They're really supportive of each other and involved in each other's lives and I love that. Anyway!
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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Okay, I went back to episode one to try and figure out more about this disorder and what it means and when it develops. I did not get much help, honestly. But I am still trying to figure this out.
Because the biggest question I have is when does this disorder typically start? Is this something that just happens randomly and at any time? Is it something you're born with? Maybe it's Maybelline? Because we need that info for what's going on with Lomfon.
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Although honestly rewatching this at this point in the show... this is screaming 'metaphor for being visibly queer and homophobia' and it's only become more obvious in retrospect. Because so much of this is about the idea that the disorder can be good or bad depending on your point of view and how people seeing others with this disorder will make assumptions about them and who they love and honestly it's really interesting in that regard, especially with Patts being pan and/or bi while Tai feels much like a gay man (Patts sought a relationship outside of the disorder while Tai never did, waiting despite his own loss of faith in the idea and isn't that just fascinating when you consider the ideas of love and loss and fear of coming out but also fear of losing love to society and just the layers are all there.)
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Also, this is fascinating when you consider how private the rainverse seems but whether or not it is... well, that's a big question the show is asking now, isn't it?
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The isolation of it all, the idea that this silence even when people are around you puts you completely in a different place than everyone else despite seeing around him how many people are deeply connected despite their rain deafness. Honestly, the main isolation we see during these times are either because the people around them forget they're deaf or because they choose that isolation (Patts staring at Tai out of the car window, Tai locking himself in his room after his parents break up) but we also see the very loving date of the non-soulmates who aren't isolated or struggling at all even as the rest of the world judges them and again the queer vibes of it all.
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TAI. TAI. Don't just say that I need more answers, damnit. GIVE ME ALL THE DETAILS PLEASE. When does it develop? How? Is it something you're born with, is it contagious, is it just something that randomly happens? What is it?!
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Again. The queer vibes. The metaphor. The very real face of queerness in the face of a homophobic society no matter how queer people represent themselves.
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(The straight couple that aren't soulmates in the restaurant, the assumptions of the workers that he had to have a soulmate even though we later find out that only a fraction of people with hearing loss have one... the assumptions that because he has one visible difference that lends itself to a conclusion that their conclusion is correct. Dying.)
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I feel like this implies that the disorder typically starts before twenty and the beginning of hearing their soulmate happens at 20 but Lomfon was obviously able to hear Tien in the rain right before he started hearing their voices. What does it all mean, damnit? He's had a crush on Tai this whole time so it isn't about queer realization and it's not the first time he's been with Tai and Patts in the rain (remember when he told Tai he didn't believe in soulmates? The was in the rain and he definitely didn't hear them both in that moment... or at least I assume he didn't from how they showed the scene in the last episode) so what is going on!!!
It's so fascinating because it really is a great metaphor for queerness, particularly the visible type, and honestly the break up between Patts and Nara when faced through the lens of how so many people approach bi/pansexuality as a whole but Lomfon is just the wrench in everything. Is he polyamory? Is he about falling in love with the wrong person or at the wrong time? Is he about how realizations and choices can be contagious? I don't know!
... I dunno, I love this show and I am fascinated by trying to figure this out but I am most heartbroken thinking about how Tien is now the only one in this group without a soulmate based in the idea of destiny when he's the one who believes in the idea the most and has never doubted the Tai's soulmate would be the love of his life despite watching his parents divorce despite being soulmates and I just... I just want him to be happy, okay?
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butmakeitgayblog · 6 months
Sorry, I really thought about typing out the whole name but then I was like “Nahhhhh… they’ll get it.” 😬 I wrote a piece of fiction for March 3rd this year that I liked, but I think I’d have trouble with a longer story but honestly your encouragement might be enough to get me to try! Another fic idea I had was a sort of Anya Likes Clarke But Clarke Is Too Busy Trying To Get Her People Out Of Mount Weather To Notice triangle, where Anya lives and gets to introduce Clarke to Lexa and both grounders are 100% smitten with Clarke, cause let’s be honest, I think if it was given time to develop, it might’ve happened. The angst that would play out when Lexa chooses to betray Clarke would just be.. mmmmph *chefs kiss*. Anya torn between her duty to her commander and former seken, and between the sky girl that had quickly made a crash landing into the deepest parts of her heart. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m 100% Clexa trash, and only Clexa trash, but I do like seeing the could-be relationships for Clarke played out. Like Princess Mechanic, or Octavia x Clarke (I don’t know if there’s a specific name for that), or Anya x Clarke. Hell, I even saw a short one shot once for an Echo x Clarke and that was interesting as hell to read.
Not to ramble too much but on this idea there’s another great one where Lexa is trapped in the mountain and gets rescued by Clarke instead of Anya. Doesn’t make the most sense, seeing as Mount Weather would not be dumb enough or have such a lack of info that they wouldn’t know who they had, but you need suspension of disbelief with all these things, okay? That one is just more one shot material but it gives us a chance to develop things between the two rather quickly, as it shows Lexa right away that Clarke is loving and amazing and that Skaikru is different from the maunon.
SORRY FOR RAMBLING IN YOUR INBOX. I have like a whole folder full of fic ideas in my notes that I don’t think I could pursue even if I spent nothing but the rest of my life going at it 😂
First of all, don't ever apologize for going off in my inbox. It's fine bby it's what it's there for!
Ok i sat with this for a few days because I really wanted to roll it over in my mind, and I have to just be honest. I am not the target demographic for this fic 😅
Now I'm definitely not shitting on your idea or even the want for this pairing or dynamic! So don't take it as that! I guarantee there are people who would eat this fic tf up ok
But for me personally, I just... I can't get down man. I can't. Because here's the thing, I have a hard time seeing Anya (specifically canon Anya) as anything other than a motherly/sisterly/mentor figure to Lexa. To the point I even wrote about it in my own canon fic that's coming. It's just something that's deeply embedded in my brain - Anya and Lexa are more like family than anything. More specifically, Anya is a kind of maternal figure, if not a hard-nosed older sister type situation.
So for me something like this causes a lot of narrative problems because I have a hard time finding a way to plausibly have it that Anya would ever knowingly go after someone Lexa was interested in. Lexa already had soooo few people in her life that were just there to support her and who she was allowed to love - which I think she did love Anya, her reaction to finding out Anya had been killed was devastation when you filter it through the hardened mask of Heda. So I have a hard time reconciling the idea of having one of those few people compete against her for a love interest. I have a hard time believing Anya wouldn't have seen immediately that Lexa was developing feelings. And when she did see that, I don't see her then ever entertaining the idea of possibly getting in between Lexa and this girl who had captured Lexa's attention.
I just don't think Anya would ever do that. Not only because of her respect for Lexa as Heda, but her respect and love for Lexa as Lexa
Also, and this is a big ALSO in the whole thing for me, going along with the idea of Anya being a motherly/sisterly/mentor figure, I just don't see Anya seeing Clarke as attractive or a viable lover interest. I mean she practically raised Lexa right? That's basically fanon lore at this point. And the thing is.... Clarke is younger than Lexa. By a few years
I just, I can't imagine Anya seeing someone younger than Lexa and not being like, "Ok well that is a fucking fetus. Who gave a toddler a handgun. 🤨"
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lunerna21 · 2 years
Okay, now that I got through the week and processed this new event...I'm fucking speechless...
I did not expect them to put so much detail into the designs of these cards
And DAMN they did not disappoint us
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I’m so so SOOOOO happy with all of them! This is going to be such an amazing event I can’t wait to see these gorgeous men, holy damn 😍❤️
I've seen bits and pieces of the translation for the event so far, and I'm DEEPLY concerned with this Rollo character
BUT the fact that he's voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya (AKA LEVI ACKERMAN) is a huge bonus. I hope we hear more of his voice in maybe Book 7, but I'm extremely happy
With the way things are starting out, I think this event is gonna be one of the breaking points for Malleus before Chapter 7.
Even where Malleus is placed with his SSR card, he's gotta be representing Quasimodo.
And MC/Yuu represents Esmeralda.....
And how Rollo is super sweet and nice to them when they first meet...
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The fact that Rollo knows way WAY too much about everyone (even down to the smallest info like Azul's glasses/eyesight) is very concerning
If Rollo tries anything with these men, ESPECIALLY Malleus, Idia, and Azul, I'll be throwing hands
Also, is it possible that we might see Rollo overblot??? And will we see more of him in Chapter 7? I mean, it's the first time we've gotten a new character since the game was released, but it would be cool to see him be involved with the main storyline.
Also..... Malleus's sleeve's being see-through 👀.... this man is making everyone absolutely FERAL for him (aka me when I couldn't stop hyperventilating)
I'm just glad they released some news, I was kinda sad that we weren't really getting anything new but DAMN
I love (and concerned) how this game has a fucking chokehold on me 😂
It's been a good week for all of us fans~~! We needed it!
Happy Halloween~~!!!🎃
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notafunkiller · 2 months
I love your page, really what I have seen on other blogs...especially shippers, scares me. Wanting to give Sebastian a folder full of accounts that "hate" his "girlfriend" seems extreme to me, the man this week says SM is a waste of time...but this has nothing to do with Sebastian because people just broadcast their opinion, celebrities are exposed to this and it is not going to change...there is a lot of hate on the internet and that is not going to change.
(I think what "angers" me the most is that the blog that is doing this witch hunt is the same one that talked and still talks bad about Ale. It's hypocrisy)
They will only make Sebastian further distance himself from the fandom and that's sad for people who don't even care about his personal life outside of being an actor.
They really need to get out into the real world, Sebastian won't give them a congratulations...I think the opposite will happen.
And they are doing it for Annabelle NOT Sebastian, they will give real names, with pictures and comments that were given...they are being stalkers for people that DO affect them (not celebrities which even though it is wrong, they are used to it).
Bullying someone for a celebrity is not going to make you get everyone to believe your narrative.
Sorry for the long post but I'm venting here because it's the only place that really listens to everything, I think you have are a very reasonable person in this fandom 🌸🌸.
Heyy, thank you so much! I am so glsd you feel free to talk here. And please, do not apologize!
Please, that envelope thing is so ??? Like it's not just ridiculous and shows this person/group of people did not touch grass ever, bur it's also direspectful to him and other fans who paid to meet and talk to him because they genuinely care about him... his roles and projects. This Annabelle shipping/relationship a§s kissing thing does not make people better fans.
(I mean they talk mostly about her on his big days so...)
If he even opens it (assuming he does not throws it away the next moment), what reaction is he supposed to have? Pat them on the shoulder and thank them? Invite them to dinner? They'd just make him uncomfortable and really creeped out bc... who has the time and urge to collect a bunch of info and photos (which btw is stalking and it's illegal) about strangers (just because they do not like Annabelle or they don't believe their relationship is real)?
It's so creepy and weird... I wonder if they'll film too so we can see his ??? face (I hope they don't, but still).
They act as if they actually are friends with Annabelle and Sebastian. As if they are doing them a favor.
They act as if they deserve a medal because they sexualize both: him and Annabelle, connect everything they do; she can't have a hobby without it being connected to him and he can't be in LA even for work meetings without being connected to her etc.
Please, Don ahd to tell them to stop leaking the live link, and Sebastian had to use a photographer blackdrop because they tried to leak/leaked his address multiple times in his live with Don, and instead of realizing how mich they creep him out and that he actually sees what people tlak on social media (because HE IS ON SOCIAL MEDIA, as much as he denies), they continue to talk about how that backdrop is from Annabelle's friend.
It's on another level... how do you miss the point?
I saw two people were being stalked + their families too. This is not just creepy, it's unhealthy and scary.
Why are you so deeply affected by people sharing their opinions on random things and people that you want to threaten them and use their families etc? Like you are definitely not okay if you do that.
Also, the double standard too! If Ale did what Annabelle does, they'd make cancel parties and send mor ethreats as they always did. And they did not stop hating on her, anyway. They still talk about how bad and awful she is.
Bullying is a HUGE NO - no matter who the person is.
Thank you for sharing and don't apologize or be shy 🌸
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tatsueigo · 1 year
Stargazing on San Lorenzo
Titolo: Stargazing on San Lorenzo
Nome fandom: All Elite Wrestling
Personaggi: Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 558
Written for @booboo-eyedbambi who is having rough days. Hope you like it bro! 🧡 tagging @moxleys-darlin too 🧡
- I'm picking you up in about ten minutes. -
Wheeler looked at the message he just got from Claudio, a surprised expression on his face. For once they weren't sharing a hotel room, since they were in Claudio's town that week. 
- Do I need to dress up fancy? Or is casual okay too? -
They had started dating more than one year ago, but he didn't know what to expect. 
- Casual and comfortable. Bring a sweatshirt too, just in case it should be cold. -
Wheeler smiled and wore some jeans, his favorite T-shirt which Claudio had gifted him some time ago. Claudio had sewed a heart on it, filled with half American flag and half Swiss flag, their ring names written on each side of their flag. He made sure to take his wallet and the key of the room, before leaving and waiting in the parking lot for his boyfriend to arrive. It still felt like a dream to him, to be able to call Claudio his boyfriend, but there they were. 
"Meine Liebe, come on in." Claudio smiled at him from the car and Wheeler just did as he was told, pecking him on the lips when he was sitting and buckled in. "Nice T-shirt you got there, suits you so well." Claudio smirked at him as he started the car, Wheeler blushing in the meantime. 
"Like you weren't the one who gifted it to me." Wheeler mumbled. "I…  I really like it and felt like it could be good for whatever we'll be doing." 
"You'll discover it soon. It is a tradition in Switzerland on this day, it's something kinda romantic."
The drive seemed to take forever, but Claudio finally stopped the car on a hill which overlooked the whole city. When they got off the car, he put a blanket on the grass, motioning Wheeler to lay on it, and he simply laid down next to him, with the youngest laying his head on his chest. 
"This night is called San Lorenzo and there are always many shooting stars. You know what they say about them? If you wish for something, it'll happen. This place is perfect and I got us some sushi too, so we can even eat while stargazing."
Wheeler watched as Claudio laid some sushi on the blanket, hovering over him a bit once he was done, to be able to kiss him. 
"I have only two wishes though. O-" He was quickly silenced by one of Claudio's fingers on his lips. 
"You have to see the shooting star and most important: don't tell me what you wished for, or it won't work." He pecked him on the lips, letting him then turn to look at the sky. 
I wish for Claudio to always be healthy. 
I wish to be together with him until death tears us apart. 
"Okay, I am done!" Wheeler chirped, eating some rolls of sushi. 
"Then let us enjoy the remainder of the evening together." Claudio smiled as Wheeler stood up to lay on his chest, kissing him deeply. 
"I love you, Swiss. Thank you for this little date and for this new info about traditions in your country." Wheeler loved to get to know more things about Claudio and Switzerland in general, it was always so interesting. 
"I'm very happy to do it. Love you too, meine Liebe."
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dotster001 · 2 years
Oooh, this looks fun! I guess I'll request for Court of Darkness. The first path I chose was Rio because he seemed like the only sane person at the time. I'm glad I did because he's a literal ray of sunshine and I could not ask for a better friend. I'm reading Guy's route (ew) for Aquia. He's just so sweet, and quite frankly the best part of reading either Guy or Jasper's path. When he said that I was his first love, I wanted so badly to requite his feelings. Can I have a fluffy romantic story with me and Aquia pls?
As for the info about me, I'm just gonna copy and paste what I wrote for one of my earlier requests so... Here ya go
Appearance: I am a 165 cm tall, average build, South Asian woman. I have wavy black hair that reaches my shoulders and I usually dress in South Asian attire, usually salwar-kameez. I also wear glasses. I don't really feel comfortable going out without them 😅
My MBTI and enneagram: INTJ 5w4
Star sign: Sagittarius sun, Virgo moon and rising
Sexuality: demiromantic asexual
Personality: I'm pretty calm, collected and hard-working for the most part. People say I'm intelligent, quiet, and polite. I can be sarcastic at times, although people often say it's hard to tell when I'm being sarcastic. I'm probably the most emotional unemotional person I know. I don't really show a whole lot of facial expressions, but I do feel things more deeply than people give me credit for. I also tend to get overwhelmed easily, especially when I'm in really noisy places for prolonged periods of time (Cries in neurodivergent. Maybe. IDK I've never been diagnosed. I'm just calling it symptoms disorder for now). When people get to know me, they say that I'm a good listener and that they feel safe to speak their mind to me. My favourite hobbies include reading, playing video games, listening to classical and lofi hip-hop, and making art. I especially like to draw and paint things that radiate a sense of comfort, nostalgia and serenity. Someone also told me that my artworks also hold a sort of innocence in the composition of the shapes, colours and the overall vibe of what I draw/paint.
(I may have spelled Acquia's name wrong this entire thing.... don't worry about it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the time with your squishy boy!)
A Tale Where Aquia's Feelings are Requited, and Rio Helps it all go down
Rio had been there for you from the moment you set foot in the world. So he was also there to watch as you and Acquia started to fall for eachother. There were two problems though. The first was Acquia didn't have the confidence to confess his feelings. The , was that his big brother, whom he respected above all else, seemed to still think he could own you.
But Rio was a determined man. A determined man who thrived off making the people around him happy. 
"Good work, mate! That dough is coming along nicely. Just need it for a couple more minutes and it should be good!"
Food brought people together, right? Well, by Rio's calculations, proving bread dough would keep people together for at least an hour. 
"This is fun! Thanks for inviting me to bake with you," Acquia laughed, unperturbed by the flour covering his clothes. 
"Hey Rio, what is it you wanted?"
Perfect timing. Right as they'd have to wait for the bread dough to rise, you arrived in the room. 
"Hey! I was hoping you could draw a picture of Acquia for me. You know, since he's such a good friend I wanted to send a picture of him home so my father would know what he looks like."
It was a flimsy excuse at best. But he was hoping that with the simmering feelings you had for each other, neither of you would question him. 
"Okay," you seemed hesitant, and Acquia was a blushing mess, but you were sitting down and taking out a notepad.
"I'll add color later, right now it'll just be a rough sketch. Just go about as normal, Acquia."
Acquia nodded, but seemed at a loss. But Rio was prepared for this.
"Oy! Rio! There's a weird weed we need to get out of the garden!"
Thoma rushed into the room with his pre-prepared excuse. It wasn't good acting, but it would suffice.
"Ah, I should see to that."
Both of you stood up, seemingly ready to help.
"No no, you guys have to stay here and watch the dough. Don't take it out of the drawer until it has at least doubled in size."
Then he and Thoma left you both, triumphant grins on their faces.
"I hope they're okay," Acquia muttered.
It had been quite a while since Rio and Thoma had left, and if you knew anything about Saligian plants, it was that it was very possible for them to eat humans.  But you weren't going to upset Acquia.
"Rio's tough, I'm sure he's fine."
"Yeah, you're right. He probably got hungry and went out for a victory snack."
You finished up the final touches of your sketch, then set down your pencil.
"Okay, all done!"
You pushed the paper over to Acquia, and held back a giggle as he started blushing again.
"This is how you see me? I look so….I guess the word is sweet."
"Well yeah," you said matter of factly. "You're my sweet Acquia."
"Your Acquia?" 
That's when you realized how it sounded, and got flustered yourself. Not that you meant it any other way, but you didn't know if he was ready for that.
"I…" he whispered, "I'd like to be yours."
"R-really?" You found yourself caught off guard.
"I mean….yeah. I like the idea of being your Acquia. It makes me feel," he blew out a frustrated breath, like he couldn't find the word he was looking for.
"I guess the idea of being yours makes me very happy," he finished, nodding to himself.
"Well, if you're mine, then I have to be yours. Those are the rules," you said, hoping to regain some of the footing he just knocked out from under you.
His smile was as bright as the sun as he gently took your hand and said, "I'd like that a lot. I'd be the happiest prince to ever live."
He frowned.
"I do have one request though. Can you draw a different picture of me for Rio? I want to keep this one."
That was a day of many firsts for Rio. Two of his best friends became paramours, and, for the first time in his life, he forgot he was baking bread.
Later, when you gave him the second picture of Acquia, he had also forgotten what the thing he needed it for was.  
And that was what reminded you how great of a friend Rio could be.
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scenearcee · 7 months
Can we get some more info about Jacqueline? Like, the story you have in mind for her, her relationship with Neivilette and the Melusines, what she did during the prophecy, etc.?
omg I am actually so glad you asked!!!!!! I wasn’t expecting there to be much interest in her!!!!!
Jacqueline was raised in a family mostly consisting of duelists, and was also expected to become a duelist alongside her brothers once she was an adult. Growing up, she was really excited about the concept, but as kids do, she also started having other interests and hobbies as well- especially wanting to be a lawyer, and an actor. This wasn’t exactly to the pleasure of her family, and as her brothers became successful duelists with their own high maintenance needs, she fell into the background. Due to this, her health needs were also ignored quite a bit, and it wasn’t until she started passing out regularly that she was even noticed by her family. She was diagnosed with POTS, as well as warned about a potential degenerative disease- preventing her from becoming a duelist at all. Lots of pressure was put on her by her family, with the logic that “if you’re not going to be a duelist, you need to be the very best that you can in another field.” Academic burnout hit her HARD, and only by the grace of her professors and tutors in primary and secondary school was she able to graduate top of her class in theatrical studies. She’s currently doing legal studies at the Palais Mermonia, and she actually got her vision at the end of a trial. She was able to prove a man innocent of murder, though it was a very difficult and convoluted process, and was rewarded for her efforts with the power of electro.
As for the prophecy, she was in the audience at the Opera Epiclese during Furina’s trial- taking notes, because of the exam she had coming up. Once it was starting to be revealed that Furina might not even be the archon in the first place however, the notebook quickly went away, and she was on the edge of her seat. As soon as the big ole Narwhal showed up, she was trapped behind some fallen support beams, and couldn’t maneuver with her forearm crutches out of there. Eventually more of the supports gave way and she was able to get out- barely even stepping outside the Opera house as Neuvillette shot into the sky. The rain was hitting her face hard, and she watched as Neuvillette deemed the people of Fontaine innocent. And of course, fantastic timing, she didn’t have much time to think about it before getting smacked with a huge wave of primordial seawater. Obviously, she didn’t dissolve, and was dragged onto the big rescue ship by a diver during the rescue effort.
After this series of events, her university life became a lot more interesting. She not only submitted the notes she took during Furina’s trial to her professors for a massive essay grade, but more and more opportunities were opening up to her- internship opportunities at legal firms. That’s not an easy decision to make, and it took her a while to do some research before picking one. But again, with fantastic timing, her professors managed to get her an internship with none other than Iudex Neuvillette- which was bound to be an interesting experience, for sure. So, she took it up, because why not. However, she regards it as her worst mistake. Not because of the workload, but rather the fact that she now has to deal with the complexities and nuances of Neuvillette’s personal life, which used to be Furina’s responsibility. And he talks about Furina specifically so very often.
What’s her relationship with Neuvillette like, you ask? Imagine the “okay grandpa let’s get you to bed” meme, because that’s essentially what it is. She deeply respects him as a person and for his authority, but if she’s alone in a room with him for too long, he starts rambling about life with Furina, oh I hope Furina got my package, Furina is such a good actress, I remember when Furina and I, etc etc. And let’s be honest, it gets on Jacqueline’s nerves big time. Especially when he is an oblivious freak with attachment issues and makes poor decisions concerning this (as he does in the fic I’m writing). She’s perfectly happy to have personal conversations with him, and be a supportive ally, but dear GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT FURINA PLEASE. It’s not easy for her to say no to his thoughts and ideas, because unfortunately she does crave praise and academic validation, and Neuvi really is kinda becoming a father figure for her. She runs around scheduling his appointments, delivering his packages at lightning speed, escorting him to trials, and more. Neuvillette really appreciates her help with getting his affairs in order, and is grateful that she’s willing to listen to him ramble on. He offers himself as someone for her to talk to, but she’s never taken him up on the offer- even though he can tell there’s something clouding her mind. He takes extra steps to make sure that she’s fed, hydrated, and has a place to stay- she has her own little room in the Palais Mermonia! Sometimes these two will be up into the late hours of the night doing work, and enjoy some pure water after they wrap it up together and head to bed.
The melusines very quickly got around to absolutely adoring Jacqueline, and she adored them right back. Although she has other issues on land, Jacqueline is an excellent swimmer, and will sometimes escort melusines from Merusea Village to the court of justice. She’s very close with Sedene and a Melusine in Merusea village, Cherie (my other genshin oc woahh). She always makes sure to keep up with all melusine affairs, every bit of drama and that kind of thing. She’s extremely supportive of their endeavors, and will go as far as eating the food they make for people and trying their little potions and machines. She really cares about them, and always greets every single one with a lot of enthusiasm! Sedene will sometimes help out with her Neuvillette babysitting duties, and has been a supportive hand for Jacqueline in this chapter of her life.
I would talk about her relationship with Furina, but she has literally never had the chance to meet her. Oops. She holds her in very high regard though.
Now, for some basic details about Jacqueline as a person. She’s 5’2 with a limber, slightly but not really muscular stature. The muscles she does have are toned, if that makes sense. She has shoulder length black hair that she decorates with silver jewelry to hold her style in place, and her eyes are a piercing silver color. Most of the time she has a pair of forearm crutches or her cane on hand, but she does go without mobility aids sometimes. She carries salt with her everywhere, to salt her food and drinks- promoting blood pressure balance and all that jazz. Also, she is a fruitcake. Sees a pretty woman? Folds like a goddamn lawn chair. She has little fan crushes on Chlorinde and Navia, and has a MASSIVE crush on Charlotte. Talking to Charlotte is always a joy. She’s definitely very exclusively into women though, and she gets very snappy and passive aggressive with men who make passes at her. Her favorite things are ice cream with bacon, silver jewelry, feather quills, satin, women, and being rewarded for hard work. However, she HATES boring music, being interrupted, chocolate, being lied to, and having to salt everything she consumes. She has a deep fear of abandonment, and is also scared of armored crabs. She had a run-in, don’t ask too many questions.
sorry this is a lot of words!! I hope this answers your question.
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