#i am just a deranged woman lover...
ariestrxsh · 2 months
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⚠️ content warning: ⚠️ smut, friends to lovers
📝 author's note: 📝 part two is going to have sexual content that is violent, vile, and deranged, so be prepared for that.
✍️ Summary: ✍️ Your best friend Chris, who hasn't had pussy in months, talks you into going out drinking with him in a desperate attempt to get you both laid. Amidst all the alcohol, you guys make a pact that if you both strike out with other people, you'll just go home with each other.
destiny, the two-way street part one
"We should go out tonight," my best friend Chris said to me. "What for? We celebrating something?" I glanced up at him from where I was doing my makeup in front of the big mirror in my room. "Yeah, we're celebrating my three months of celibacy," Chris rolled his eyes at me.
"No celebration. I'm just horny as fuck, and it's been too long since I felt the touch of a woman. I'd fuck almost anything at this point," Chris muttered, taking a sip of his Pepsi.
"Anything?" I paused from doing my eye liner for a second and smiled up at him. He rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean. It's just been a while. Let's go out and meet some people. I'll get you laid too," Chris said nudging me, a risky move while I was applying mascara. I raised my eyebrows up at him, suggestively.
"Not like that! I meant I'd be your wingman," he giggled. That was something Chris and I bonded on, our immature, dirty humor. "Yeah, sure. Let's go out tonight. But you have to help me find something hot to wear," I agreed. Chris helped me settle upon a long black sleeve sheer top over a black bralette and a red leather mini skirt over a pair of black Converse. Chris wore a white tank top, a leather jacket, jeans, and a red bandana. We both looked hot.
A couple of hours later, Chris and I were in downtown LA, where we met up with Nick, Matt, and a few other mutual friends. We didn't have any solid plans, but we figured we'd just play the night by ear. We all got a bite to eat, Chris and I sat next to each other in the restaurant, and started taking shots together.
"You know," Chris started after we'd each choked down a shot of tequila, "I'm an optimistic man, but on the off chance that neither of us score tonight.. we should just do it with each other," Chris smiled at me with a toothpick between his teeth. My jaw dropped, "Christopher, you are desperate!" Chris fiddled with the toothpick in his mouth, "I really am. I need pussy. I'm literally already bricked up right now. I'd only last a few minutes anyway."
"Wow! How tempting," I exclaimed sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "No, I mean, I would take care of you too. I promise," he laughed. "Do you really wanna do this?" I asked him. My gaze lingered on his lips and, for a second, I considered it.
Chris shot me this look of lust and desperation that let me know he really meant it. "Okay, deal. If neither of us finds somebody to go home with tonight, we'll go home with each other." And we shook on it. "Plus that might give me the motivation I need to find somebody to fuck before the end of the night, that way I don't have anything in common with the sad, insecure, desperate women who sleep with you," I slugged him on the arm and he smiled.
Before we knew it, we were several drinks in, hopping from bar to bar. Chris was hitting it off with a pretty redhead he'd met a couple hours prior at another bar, and I was chatting with some emo looking boy Chris had introduced me to, but I couldn't remember his name for the life of me, and to be honest, I was fairly bored.
"Hey, I'm gonna go smoke a cigarette," I shouted to Chris over the music, and his eyes followed me as I made my way to the smoking area outside. In a drunken haze, I looked up at all the stars on this clear night and took it all in. I watched the smoke from my cigarette dance across the landscape in front of me as I mulled over the deal Chris and I had made earlier. I'd never thought about him like that until tonight. In fact, I'd always found him to be a huge player. I mean, of course I thought he was good-looking, but he wasn't the type of guy I usually slept with. I found myself selfishly getting my hopes up that Chris and Redhead wouldn't work out because of how horny I was, but at least I always had my hand.
I took a few drags off my cigarette, my mind wandering and thinking about things I'd never considered before - like what Chris was like in bed, what kind of things he was into. We'd talked about our sexual conquests before, but never gone into much detail, just casual, surface-level conversation.
Suddenly, I felt someone come behind me and grab me, and I spun around as fast as I could. When I saw that it was Chris laughing at me, I was pissed. "Chris, what the fuck?! I literally almost went to burn you with my cigarette because I thought you were some creep!" I shoved him away with my free hand and took a final drag before dropping the butt to the ground and squishing it into the pavement with my sole.
"Ooh, that would have been hot, I like a little pain here and there," Chris smirked back, clearly drunk. "Where's whatever her name is?" I asked. "Would you believe she blew off an upstanding guy like me?" He laughed it off. "No way, she looked like she was totally into you. I thought for sure you were gonna take her to pound town," I said in disbelief.
"So did I. She even teased me and made me all hard, and then didn't even take care of it," Chris whined, getting close to me and poking my hip with his erection. I gasped at him doing this. "Please, can we get out of here? I want you so fucking bad," Chris said, cupping my face and looking into my eyes. In that moment, I knew I wanted him so fucking bad too.
I threw my arms around his neck and let my lips crash into his. He let out a soft moan. Our kiss was long and passionate and full of tongue. I was surprised at how good Chris was at kissing. He took my bottom lip in between his teeth and tugged at it a bit, making it swollen, and I moaned against his mouth.
Chris picked me up and pushed me up against the brick wall that was behind me, I straddled him, and he held me up by my ass. I felt his rock hard member poking me between my legs, and as we continued exploring the inside of each other's teeth with our tongues, he started grinding against me, causing a wet spot to form on the front of my panties. Chris pulled away from my lips and started to kiss my neck. I needed him.
"Fuck, should I call an uber or should we walk? We're about six blocks away from my place," I asked, unhooking my legs from Chris' waist as he let me down off the wall. "Neither. We should fucking run or else I'm literally about to rail you in an alleyway," Chris said with a serious look on his face.
"Last one to my place has to give the other person head first!" I screamed, already taking off down the street. Chris chased after me, grinning bigger than I'd ever seen before.
The whole time I sprinted home, I thought about how I was actually a bit nervous to sleep with Chris. I was in the lead the first few blocks, but Chris caught up to me. "Bet you can't wait to slob all over my knob," Chris teased me as he passed me.
Sure enough, by the time I made it to my front door, Chris had already been standing there for about 30 seconds. "I know you've been waiting several months, but you're gonna have to wait another five minutes so I can drink water and to catch my breath," I said, unlocking the door.
We both had a glass of ice cold water in my kitchen. "I totally smoked you back there," Chris teased me. "Please, I let you win," I responded. "Oh yeah, you wanna go down on me that bad?" Chris asked. "Yes, actually. Dying to," I said, purposely sounding like I was being sarcastic, but I meant it.
part two here 💖
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buttercandy16 · 6 months
Mine to Covet
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(Dark!ReverendMotherJessica x Female!Reader)
Word Count: 3.9K
Summary: An unfortunate fate where your lover's mother wants to have you all to herself, and she's willing to do anything.
Warning(s): Dark fanfiction, Smut, Yandere, Dub-Con, etc.
A/N: I do love my yandere. Another anon also asked for a yandere/kidnapping fic and I'll probably write that one next. Also, English is not my first language so please don't come after me due to my grammar. Enjoy!
Gimme me more requests!! Please!
As a Bene Gesserit, I possess supreme levels of discipline, including complete control over my emotions and urges. So how is it that I can feel my blood boil in anger and taste the bitterness of envy violate my tongue as I watch my own son woo the woman he claims as his? Why do I feel the strong urge to cut off his hand the moment it touched yours?
At first, I was confused by this foreign feeling, so I grew angry with myself. I didn’t understand what it was.
It first occurred when Paul, my only son, introduced you to me. A Fremen girl he has grown to fancy. I remembered how he gushed over you, clearly seeking his mother’s approval, my approval. But no words from his lips reached my interest for I had my focus solely on the divine creature presented to me. With a barely concealed amusement, I observed your fidgeting form battling the urge to look me straight in the eyes, it was clear to me that you were nervous, the reason may be from knowing that I am the Reverend Mother or maybe because it is I who birthed the Lisan al Gaib or simply because I am Paul’s mother, it mattered not to me. What mattered was the pleasant feeling that I get from your presence alone. Such a strange girl… However, my amusement ended swiftly when Paul held your hand in his. My breath hitched and my once relaxed hand turned to a fist as my vision started to bleed red.
What is happening to me?! Why do I feel this way?! I remembered muttering inside my head. I felt as if I was no longer in control of my own body. Fear clawed against my skin and with great haste, I silently spoke the litany of fear to calm myself. Careful not to expose the battle within to anyone present. Unfortunately, I find myself feeling the same way right now.
Not long after realization struck me like a ton of bricks. The dreadful realization that I simply covet you…the girl whom my son is in love with. I want you as much as he does… maybe even more so.
I blame my late Duke’s death for having these thoughts. Perhaps it is caused by the sudden loss of the man I loved that pushed me into having these strong urges towards you. Maybe I see him in you and I'm feeling lonely. Or maybe I’m just truly damaged and deranged that my head is now filled with such corrupted thoughts. I am desiring something or rather someone I can’t have.
But you will have her… she is yours… the voices in my head whisper.
“No, she’s with Paul… She belongs to my son,” I whisper back as I look at you longingly while hiding in the shadows.
She belongs to no one else but yours… Yours to love… yours to keep… yours to defile… yours to consume…
“Stop it… You have no idea what you’re saying. I cannot hurt Paul like that,” I weakly argue back as my eyes start to water with tears. I love my son dearly and because of that, I will fight hard against the voices… against my feelings. But deep inside I know I’m fighting a losing battle… I know that I have already lost.
Time passed and bit by bit my resolve crumbled and the thoughts of my son turned into nothing. Now, all I can think of is you… and the millions of other ways I can have you.
She is yours…
Claim her…
She is yours…
Claim her….
Eyes dark with lust and pure deranged obsession I look at you once more while hidden in the shadows as I whisper to myself, “She is mine and I will claim her.”
"You're so beautiful, " Paul whispered in my ear, making me smile.
We've been sitting out here for some time now. Watching as the sun sets for the night.
"We better go inside, Paul. It's no longer safe to stay out at this hour"
Paul nodded in agreement before he pulled me up with him and we started to walk inside.
"Oh, I almost forgot. My mother wants to see you," I stopped when I heard what he said.
"Why?" I asked, trying to remain calm as much as possible.
Truth be told. Paul's mother, the Reverend Mother, scares me. She’s a Bene Gesserit, she walks in the shadows. No one truly knows what goes on in her mind. All I know is there’s something strong about her presence, but something that felt forbidden and so wrong. She is beautiful as much as she’s dangerous.
In simple terms, I don’t trust her.
"Don't worry, she just wants to talk," he gave me a reassuring smile before leaving me in front of the Reverend Mother's tent.
After taking a deep breath I made my presence known by going inside. My eyes wandered all over the unique decor of the Reverend Mother’s tent until it settled on the middle where there’s a small table with two cups filled with some kind of tea.
“Hello little one,” a sultry voice whispered suddenly into my ear, breaking me out of my thoughts and making me turn to see the Reverend Mother invading my personal space so sensually from behind.
“Forgive me, I didn’t mean to startle you,” she continued with a chuckle.
“No need to ask for forgiveness, Reverend Mother. You didn’t” I lied, trying to remain calm as I felt my cheeks heat up from our proximity. “Paul said that you asked to see me.”
“I did,” Her eyes were on me, filled with intent that I failed to decipher. She brushed her fingertips across my shoulder, causing goosebumps to run along my skin before she motioned for me to sit on the carpeted ground right next to the small table.
After I complied she walked towards me and immediately joined me by sitting close to my side, our clothed thighs lightly brushing against each other.
“Have some tea, I have it specially prepared for us,” she said while gesturing for me to take it, there's a challenging glint in her eyes, daring me to refuse.
With no intention to displease my lover’s mother, I complied and took a little sip. The moment it met my tongue I was surprised to find it very cooling.
“This is good”
“Yes, simple but very soothing. But, you must drink deeply for the full effect,” she said with amusement dripping from her voice.
Without any second thoughts, I did what I was told, and the Reverend Mother seemed satisfied with this as I can see it in her smile. Soon I was holding an empty cup. I had drained it and yet, I’m still thirsty.
“Would you like some more?” she asked.
“Y-yes, If it’s not much of a bother, Reverend Mother,” I replied, self-consciously rubbing the fabric over my hips.
“Not at all, and please... Call me Jessica” she replied, her eyes glinting with something dark as she carefully replenished my cup.
 “As you wish, Jessica. May I know why I'm being summoned?” I breathed, my heart pounding in my chest as our gazes met before I took a generous sip from my drink. There was something undeniably alluring about her, something that both scared and excited me.
The weight of her eyes on me feels invasive like she could see through my cracks and discover all of my weaknesses. She’s watching me as if I’m her prey.
“You must understand, Y/N, I’m a determined woman. Whenever I have an agenda I’ll make sure to do everything in my power to achieve it. Whatever means necessary.” She muttered, leaning in close to my ear. Her warm breath sent shivers down my spine.
“Did Paul touch you yet?” Her tone was casual with her sudden question, but her eyes were anything but. 
“Wh-what?,” I stuttered, feeling my cheeks flush not believing what I was hearing right now.
“Have you given yourself to my son, sexually?” she leaned in closer to me.
“Uh, n-no,” I stammered, my body trembling like a leaf.
“Are you being truthful with me?” she purred, her fingertips ghosting lightly along my exposed neck. It was such a simple yet surprisingly intimate gesture that it made me feel like the tent suddenly caught fire from how hot it was.
I shakily nodded while she only looked at me with satisfaction.
“Have you taken his gift of water yet? Or yours to him?” she asked, scooting closer. Her smell was intoxicating and it made my head spin.
“N-no…not yet. He wants to wait until we are to be married.”
The Reverend Mother snickered under her breath and continued. “I raised that boy and taught him everything I know so he’ll rise and fulfill his destiny one day. But now, I’m starting to have second thoughts. It seems to me he’s just as weak as his father. A beautiful morsel such as yourself standing so willingly at the palm of his hand and yet he never thought about fully claiming you as his. So sure that you’ll stay right where you are. I guess he never thought about someone stealing you away. Such a huge mistake on his part but a blessing for me.” she said with a wicked grin, her delicate fingers tracing slow circles on my forearm as if she were teasing me.
But before I could respond, I noticed that the tent was becoming increasingly warm. Worse, I was finding my body uncomfortably warm. My face was becoming flushed and I was panting. My suit was becoming very confining. How odd, I thought. I grew up wearing this suit, but now I desire nothing more than to get them off.
My eyes landed on my now empty cup next to the Reverend Mother’s. That’s when I realized that she’d never touched her cup, not even a single drop.
She followed my gaze to her cup before catching mine. Slightly tilting her head, she then smiled knowingly.
“I-I need to leave” I croaked back, fear creeping into my bones as alarm bells started ringing in my head. 
But when I was about to stand up, I was immediately met with a sudden dizziness making me sit back down ungracefully.
It felt like my innards were being replaced by some kind of emptiness. I tried to stand again, desperate to leave the tent. I swayed just for a moment before the Reverend Mother caught me and pushed me down with my back against the carpet, a soft gasp of surprise leaving my lips.
She didn’t waste any time as she got on top of me and pinned my hands above my head in a tight grip, sharp nails digging against my skin but not breaking.
The Reverend Mother’s face was close to mine as she intently stared into my fear-filled eyes.
“Oh, no little girl. You’re not going anywhere,” she whispered above me.
Her face was blank from any emotion, but her eyes said it all.
“Did you poison me?” I whimpered. Her grip on my wrist tightened more than before, making me yelp in pain as she cut off the circulation of my blood.
“Of course not, I would never harm you without reason. Only to ensure your utmost obedience. The tea is for making you more pliant, not to kill.” she purred, leaning in close enough that our lips almost brushed. Her warm breath mingled with mine.
“What do y-you want from me?” I stammered, my voice barely audible.
She smiled maliciously at me before she started speaking.
“Isn’t it obvious, dear one? I want you.” one of her hands left my wrist and slowly traced my face with her fingers before she continued, “From the moment we met I already felt a certain pull towards you. I didn’t fully realize what it was until much later. Deep down I know you feel the same. That’s the reason why you went with Paul so that you could be closer to me.”
She’s starting to sound and look very much deranged. To my complete horror, she seems to believe her words to be true.
No…This can’t be happening. Paul… I’m with Paul!
I shook my head no but that was not what she was looking for. I yelped in pain from the sudden sting of her slap against my now-reddened cheek.
“Do not lie to me.” Her tone was assertive as she spoke every word.
“I’m not.” I cried weakly.
Another slap and tears started to run down my cheeks.
She leaned down and her warm wet tongue immediately tasted my despair with delight written all over her face. 
“I don’t like hurting you. But know that I will when I deem it necessary. So you better give me the answer that I want, little girl. Don’t test my patience. Try again.”
I only shook my head once more, refusing to back down. This made her chuckle
”Such a stubborn girl. I’ll enjoy breaking and reshaping you into my good little girl.” she whispered next to my ear.
Is she for real? My mouth fell open as I struggled to say anything. Suddenly I heard footsteps outside the tent.
“Mother, is Y/N still with you?”
Hearing Paul’s voice almost made me tear up with joy thinking that this would all come to an end. But when I looked at the Reverend Mother it seemed like I was dead wrong. Instead of seeing a look of panic, she gave me a wicked grin.
“She is… come inside, my son. I want to show you something.”
Paul entered the tent and suddenly froze where he stood when his eyes landed on us. The woman he sires pinned underneath his own mother’s body.
“Wh-what is going on here?” Paul asked as he looked at us confused.
“Paul, help me, please. Your mother has lost her mind” I pleaded as he went closer.
“Mother! Get off her ri–”
“SILENCE!” Paul’s words were cut off as I saw his mouth shut in command. His eyes were immediately filled with betrayal and hurt when he realized that his mother used the voice on him. But his mother did not care at all, “Kneel and do not move” she commanded his son once more.
I looked at her as if she lost her mind. Perhaps she did.
“Oh don’t look at me like that, little one. For it is you who made me this way” she leaned over and planted a kiss on my cheek. I tried to jerk away but couldn’t. The kiss practically seared my skin like molten lava.
She pulled a dagger from under her robes and then turned towards his son, a slave to her command.
“You know very well that I love you, Paul. But unfortunately for you, my love for Y/N weighs more heavy. I won’t let you have her. She is mine…only mine. And you will watch as I claim her.” her attention then went back to me as she sliced through my stillsuit and garments beneath it. I am now completely naked to her eyes. 
My head turned to Paul and saw the same panic set in his eyes. We were both sobbing and fearful of what was to come.
She laughed maliciously and roughly gripped my chin to look at her.
“Open your mouth” my breath hitched as I felt her voice crawl its way into my head. Not a second passed and my mouth opened.
“Take the gift of my water and you shall become one with me. Take it and you will be mine…forever.” she whispered before spitting into my mouth, “Swallow” she commanded before her lips descended against mine.
Her kiss was violent, forcing her tongue past my gritted teeth.
The tongue quickly found its way around my mouth and explored every inch. In parallel to that, her hands moved around and groped my breast. She slightly massaged them and pinched the erected nipples. It was not that the events aroused me. It was the cold that made my body like that. 
The kiss ended after a while, me being out of the air while the older woman was looking crazier than before. She licked her lips another time before stripping her garments away. She moved and kneeled in front of my face, her warmth being right on top of my face. "Pleasure me, little one." She commanded using the voice commanding voice and I immediately complied.
"Yes!" She started to move her body up and down, making her juice splash on my face. "Now, get that tongue of yours at work, beautiful girl," She ordered and once again tightened the grip, forcing me to obey her order. 
I had to stick my tongue forward, forced to have a taste of the older woman. It was sweet and I couldn't stop myself from moaning from the taste of her. She also moaned at the feeling of my tongue inside her and moved faster until she cummed in my mouth. 
Just as I was about to let go of a sigh, my left leg was lifted, Jessica’s right leg sliding under it. "It is not the end yet! I still have a lot of things I want to teach your body." She pushed her hip forward, making our center meet. 
I can't help but admit that it started to feel so good, so good that I failed to notice that I was no longer under the influence of the voice.
She repeated to thrush several more times, bringing our center together and making them part, and then collide again. She started to moan once again as I did the same, her hands starting to play with my breast, enjoying every contact through my body. Until my first orgasm was ripped from me this evening, followed by the beautiful temptress who laid on top of me while catching her breath from her release. 
She looked down at me in complete amusement as I lay helplessly underneath her. 
Jessica kissed the tip of my nose before sliding her warm body over me. She then began to touch me once more, and that was when I started to squirm a little. She moved her arms around my body, rubbing it in a very erotic way. "So beautiful! I can't help but masturbate thinking about you every day. And now, you are finally mine." She put a hand on my knee and began to gently stroke my leg.
Oh no... please no more...
"P--please... I can't. It's too much" 
I struggled as I tried to pull myself away from her, but my body is still weak from the drugged tea and pleasure.
"Shhhh... I know you can. Just give me one more, little one. I just need to taste you." 
She settled herself in between my legs, parting them by force. 
She reached between my legs and pushed something. It's her finger against my clit, causing my back to arch. "Oh!" I gasped, head falling back. "Oh, oh—" 
Jessica cupped my left breast and mouthed at it, kissing and licking. I didn't know where to look but into her eyes, trying my best not to follow the sound of a silently sobbing man. 
I'm not sure what possessed me at the moment but I was suddenly desperate to taste her lips. 
"Kiss me," I begged. "Please..." 
And she did. Soft and sweet, holding me to her. Tugging my lip with her teeth and stroking my back, my butt. She took hold of my legs, cupping the underside of my knees. Bringing my legs around her waist, she rocked against me, teasing my lip with her tongue. 
I parted my lips for her, tasting her, sighing... Jolting when she tugged on my nipple. "Oh, ow, owie—, please don't—" 
I cried out with pleasure. This was so nice; it felt so good. 
She smiled at me. “You’ve got the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen, my beloved,” she said, reaching to touch me, pulling back the hood of my clit so she could rub me with her thumb. I shivered. “Look at this tiny clit. So fucking adorable, and all mine…” 
She proceeded to slide down my body until she was face to face with my dripping warmth. 
I gasped when she started to lick me and felt my stomach twitch, surprised and excited at Reverend Mother’s eagerness to please me. I felt her tongue trace the outline of my lower lips and shuddered. A moment later, the older woman finally slid her tongue over my clit, and that's when I felt my walls clenching in a sudden spasm, screaming in pure pleasure for the second time. Due to the intensity, I blacked out.
A groan left my lips when I woke up, my body deliciously sore. 
Slightly stretching, that's when I realized that I was not alone.
To my left, Paul stood looking down at me. Tears stained his cheeks, eyes full of hatred.
“P-paul… I–”
“Silence! I don’t need your excuse. You and I are over” Paul spits his words with so much anger that it hurts.
“But Paul, it was your mother’s doing… I didn’t wa–”
The command surprised me into shock. Having the Reverend Mother use the voice on me seems to hurt less than having Paul do the same thing.
“You will not speak ill of the Reverend Mother. For she is the mother of your people’s chosen and now… your intended... for you two are fully bonded as one”
Paul’s words confused me greatly. Why would he say such a thing after everything his mother did in front of him? But my thoughts were then silenced when I saw a pair of hands rest on his shoulders. The Reverend Mother’s face appeared next to his.
“That’s enough, my son. I think my beloved has heard enough. You may take your leave” she calmly whispered.
Paul did what his mother asked but not before sparing me one last glance and whispered under his breath… I’m sorry… and now completely leaving me alone with a predator hungry for my flesh.
“What have you done to him?! Did you use your voice?!” I yelled accusingly, but she only laughed at this before kneeling beside my vulnerable form.
“No, Paul is simply being a good son. I raised him well, he knows to never go against my will. I brought him into this world and gave him his birthright, he owes me as much.” She smiled devilishly.
She looked down at me with a predatory grin before slowly tilting my chin with her finger to meet her eyes. 
It was so dark and full of lust that it felt like I was about to drown in it. 
"So here's what will happen from now on, you better listen carefully because everything that is attached to your existence will be at play if I don't get what I want, understood?" I weakly nodded, no longer having the will to fight back. 
"Good girl" Jessica praised before caressing my cheek. 
"You will surrender yourself to me and in time I know that you will so willingly. The more you take the gift of my water, the stronger our bond grows. In the meantime, you will be my obedient darling girl. Whatever I say, goes. Understood?" Her grip on my chin tightened, emphasizing how serious she was. 
"Ye-yes" I stuttered through gritted teeth. 
"If you behave like a good little girl for me, I will reward you with anything you desire, but if you disobey... You will learn that I won't go easy on my punishment. Since that's all settled then, time to quench my thirst." 
"W-with what?" I fearfully asked. 
The Reverend Mother smiled at me before leaning in close, her lips almost touching mine. 
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ghouldump · 23 hours
Girlll did you delete your last fic? Whyyyy I was about to read it😭😭
Your Best Nightmare | Lestat de Lioncourt x Reader
ෆ being away from your companion, as both of you take on stardom, can be frustrating, but it is very rewarding to see your maker for the first time in months.
(anon asked for bi!reader w/ crossdressing lestat and if possible some nsfw content)
girl, somebody messaged me and said it was weird and i was confused like you watched a show with vampires killing people like bffr, but ig i’ll repost bc somebody else asked too 😂
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The crowd seemed more lively than ever, screaming the frightening lyrics, but paid them no mind. Humans, despite having dominion over nearly every species, were quite stupid. They all had things they liked, they idolized, and in many of their eyes, it didn't take much to seem trustworthy to them. A quick photo of you holding the cheek of a beautiful mortal, and overnight, you were a national treasure — proof that vampires were not a danger.
Vampires, although people of the night, were only bound by their circumstances, and if there were others, they deserved the privilege to reveal themselves. It was cute, really, the same songs that were once deemed monstrous, alarming, and cultish, were now innovative, you were now an icon, like your lover, the vampire Lestat, you were simply adding your contribution to rock culture. However, they didn't even realize, all of them were wrong. They couldn't be more wrong about everything.
I'm your best nightmare,” you sang, as the audience joined you.
And then it happened, you were in my arms
Your lips on my throat- your hands on my, on my...
Two bodies together, the intimate sin
The pain and the pleasure, could do mortals in
How could you know, what I'm thinking of
To me lust can be, as beautiful as love
Here tonight, your pure heart and soul
Untainted passion should have no control
She asked me if I...
I told her the truth
I said "I'm sorry, it takes me, longer than you"
She smiled and blushed, and continued to grind
And promised to make me, go out of my mind
Returning her promise, she, came to a halt
Licking my lips, I, tasted her salt
Then she sat up and gasped and clutched at her breast
I thought she was coming- I'd never have guessed that
As she grew pale, as white as a flower
She collapsed to the floor and was dead in an hour
Hearing the humans singing along to the deranged song, you nearly laughed. Too foolish to grasp the very lyrics, escaping their mouths. A song about your very first hunt, alone. Delilah, the name itself brought a nostalgic tingle to your tongue.
You remember the night utterly, from the time you stumbled out of your coffin, to you crawling back in. You sat alone at the bar, The Dungeon, a frequent spot for tourists when she caught your eye. Dancing against her friend, they both laughed loudly, singing along to the music. Her skin was flawless, her makeup dark, with an incredibly flattering dress, hugging her curves beautifuly.
Just from staring alone, you almost held your throat from how thirsty you were. Standing up, you approached her, her friend nudging her, their eyes shifting to you.
"Hey," she smiled, briefly biting her lip.
"Hey," you repeated, peering into her thoughts, not a single piece was left unattainable from your view.
"Are you here alone?" she asked you, her friend whispering that she was going back to their group of friends, to give her privacy.
"I'm afraid I am," you smiled, as she moved closer, tilting her head.
"Then I'll have to keep you company"
"I'm very difficult to entertain"
"That's because you haven't met me," she giggled.
"Ah, I see, and what is the name of the woman I've waited for?" you asked her.
"Very beautiful-
"Please, I was named after my grandmother," she said, smiling as you chuckled.
"I'm Y/n," you said, holding out your hand, shaking hers.
"Would you like to get out of here? Maybe have some fun at my place?" you asked, leaning closer, to glamour her.
"Yes, I'd love to," she smiled.
"Good girl, why don't you tell your friends that you're headed back to your hotel for tonight, because you're tired, and I'll meet you outside," you winked, watching as she went to the group of friends.
It wasn't much longer before you were both nude, her moans only continued to arouse your longing appetite. Her gentle kisses, and promises to rock your world, as her orgasm drew near — it only made you want to rip her to pieces more. Holding her soft hips, you felt your fangs emerging before you began to suck from her breast. She panicked for only a moment, choosing to follow along with your erotic behavior.
"I'm coming," she cried, grinding against your thigh. Her breathing hitched, feeling your cool fingers near her glistening pearl.
"You taste just as good as you look," you whispered, staring down, as you hovered over her.
"Your turn," she giggled, her eyes still shut. If only she had opened her lovely raven eyes, to see the monster in front of her. Blood dripping from your mouth, as you stared at her, seeing her for nothing more than she could ever be to you, food.
"Unfortunately, you won't get the honor, tonight, as your life is coming to an end," you said, and just as she was able to open her eyes, you lunged forward.
Draining her, you could sense her heartbeat, hear her thoughts, and feel the sensation of her nails clawing into your back. It was all euphoric, you were a monster, you could admit, and you loved every bit of the thrill, of experiencing such an occasion, with stunning humans.
As the final song came to an end, you waved, bowing at the arena of people, the music fading, as the stage lowered, giving the illusion that you were disappearing. Going backstage, you thanked your team for working so hard for the tour, before you changed clothing — and headed to your hotel. You intended to catch your flight tonight, but with the concert ending so late, you couldn't take the risk, as the sun was bound to rise in the next hour or two.
Although you felt impatient, you would have to wait another night, before you could catch the private jet to New Orleans, to him. Lestat de Lioncourt, your muse, maker, lover, and companion. He turned you nearly 40 years ago and you have been inseparable ever since.
With the both of you busy with your careers, the two of you promised that it would be fine to have flings on the side, as long as there were no feelings attached — not that you would be able to feel anything for another anyway. You had yet to meet another as passionate, as he.
As the driver stopped the car, you quickly made your way into the building, as the sunrise began to peak from behind the buildings.
"Good morning, miss Y/n," the receptionist smiled, batting her eyelashes as you looked her way.
"Morning," you winked, before entering the elevator.
Going to your floor, you stopped for a moment, seeing Amanda, your assistant, standing at the door, it only meant one thing, groupies. Your team sometimes selected women and men, bringing them to your room. Your publicists emphasized how important it was for you to not be seen hunting, and you were simply playing your role.
"Thank you, Amanda, why don't you go get some rest?" you spoke, grinning as she jumped, glancing over at you.
"Yes, of course, sleep well," she nodded, practically running to the elevator.
Opening the door, you squinted, trying to allow your eyes to adjust to the dim room. The blackout curtains blocking any potential sunshine. Hearing the sound of the faucet running in the bathroom, you entered and shut the door. Taking note that you couldn't hear any thoughts, you looked around for a handbag or wallet, to identify the person, just as the bathroom door opened.
Gasping, you couldn't contain the large smile, as Lestat exited the bathroom, he wore a black bralette, cheeky knickers, and a silk robe on top. His blond waves looked even more luscious than usual, with a light pink gloss on his lips and blush.
"You came to California, to see me," you said, trying to swallow the emotions bubbling inside. You felt so elated, seeing him for the first time in months.
"I couldn't go another day away from you, chéri," he confessed, as you moved closer, embracing him. Mumbling a low, "baby", while he held you near, placing a kiss on your lips.
"You look so pretty," you giggled, as he pecked your lips again.
"I had to look my best to get your attention, I've seen the woman that come to your shows," he smirked.
"They don't stand a chance, next to you," you said, as he stared longingly into your eyes.
"I missed you," he finally said.
"I missed you too," you said, as those words were all he needed to hear before his lips were connected to yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth.
Biting down on your lip, he groaned, lifting you in the air, walking over to the bed, before breaking the kiss — as you peeled each article of clothing away, your eyes set on his piercing blue ones.
"This is so cute," your eyes twinkle, as he removed the robe, the obvious bulge in his panties catching your attention. Sitting on the bed, in front of him, he went to his knees. Kissing your lips, he moved down your neck, holding your waist, as you arched your back. "Love," you moaned, feeling his breath against your skin, causing goosebumps.
Laying back, you bit your lip, as his mouth traveled south. Kissing your glistening pearl, before hungrily consuming her. Your fingers found their way to his blonde tresses. Your eyes could hardly stay open, as his tongue repeatedly lapped over your cunt.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you moaned loudly, "I'm so close," you said, the orgasm escaping, as his long fingers moved up to your breast - caressing them.
"I wasn't sure how much longer I could take, being away from you," he spoke, as you agreed, pulling him close to kiss his lips, smearing the lip gloss on his pale skin.
"Take this off, please," You tugged on the bralette, you needed every part of him, bare.
As he stood, you grinned, exploring his toned body. He kept his usual sultry eye contact, as he slowly removed the lingerie, purposely teasing you.
"Lestat," you whined, giggling.
"Patience is a virtue, ma chéri," he smirked, as he approached you, bound to another night of sharing his endless love with you.
"Fuck Patience, I need you now," you groaned, making him laugh.
"Anything for you"
in the original post, i explained that all of the upcoming posts won't be released in a particular order, since i’m working on everything in my drafts.
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multiversxwhore · 9 months
Baby By Me—Jey Uso
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Pairing: Jey Uso x Mavis Pete (Black!Oc)
Word Count: 3k
Theme: friends to lovers
Warning: not edited.
A/n: listen listen listen, at first I was like “Jey Uso? ion see it” but under further inspection…well here we are lol. Anywho I think him becoming solo was the best thing for him, and I can absolutely see him being wwe champion in the future. I hope y’all enjoy, my brain worked over time to type this, literally did it all today. Also s/o AJ Lee she’s one of my favorite female wrestlers of all time. Please reblog, like, and leave comments✨🤍
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Rhea and I had been going in this match for almost forty-five minutes, forty-five minutes of beating the absolute fuck out of each other. She picked me, twisting my limps into position for yet another body breaking Riptide. Lifting me high above her head, and holding me there to show off her strength. I couldn’t help but let out a bit of laughter as I peaked up to take a look at the crowd. Just as we wanted, they were all in, standing, shouting, and cheering. All eyes were on us. ‘We got you now fuckers’ was my last thought before Rhea sent me damn near through the mat. I laid there temporarily resting as she had her moment, Rhea let out a scream so thunderous the people in the parking lot probably heard her.
“You thought you could hang with me? You are nothing!” She spits at me, dropping to her knees, and putting her weight on me, going for the cover. Her breathing was almost as heavy as mine; she had been throwing me around for five minutes straight, and I am by no means a lightweight.
“Did you see their faces?” I mumbled to her, the ref counted two, but I was able to get my shoulder up before the count of three. She slumped over me, a body language of defeat, and disbelief. It was meant as a smile, but the way her lips pulled back showing her teeth made her look more deranged than anything.
“Eating out the palm of our hands babe.” She chuckled deeply, I sucked in as much oxygen for the time I’m allotted, but when Rhea roughly grabbed onto my arms it was go time.
“I cannot believe the fight we are seeing here tonight from these two ladies tonight! They’ve both given us almost everything they have in their arsenal, and what a show it has been!” Michael Cole shouts from the commentators table, he, and Wade Barret watched closely. Their eyes on every single move the two superstars made in the ring.
“You said it Cole, almost everything, but she’s not done yet! Mavis Pete isn’t done, she’s got gas left in the tank, and as Thee Hot Girl herself says ‘It ain’t over till I say it’s over’ and— OH A HUGE POWERBOMB FROM MAVIS!” Wade shouted, jumping to his feet, his hand across his heart in shock.
“My goodness! Rhea isn’t the only woman here tonight with the strength of the gods! And she’s not done, what more could either of these ladies have to give?” They watched closely.
Rhea was beginning to recover as she slowly pulled herself off the mat, this wouldn’t be the finish anyone expected. You’d be a fool to think Rhea would get caught up in a pin, so we went the opposite direction. I ran up to her off the ropes, she caught me in a front facing hold trying to German Suplex me, but I countered pushing her away. She bounced into the ropes, caught me again, I twisted around her torso, wrapping my legs around her waist, and stretching back her arm.
“OH MY GOD BLACK WIDOW! What a call back to her mentor AJ Lee!” Wade said boisterously, Rhea screeched in pain as Mavis pulled back on her arm officially locking it into place. Just when Rhea seemed like she was going to break free, Mavis lifted her leg to enclose it around the women’s champion, ultimately blocking off her breathing.
“THIS IS IT WADE! THIS IS IT, RHEA’S HAND IS RAISED—SHE'S FADING!” Michael screamed excitedly, he was now out of his chair. The crowd was in a frenzy, mixed response, but a single person was sitting.
Rhea had dropped down to her knees, her breathing ragged, and though her body had relaxed drastically I refused to let go of my hold. The referee called to Rhea, but she didn’t respond. He lifted her arm to check for consciousness, when he let it go, her arm dropped, and immediately the ref called for the bell. The sound of the crowd was deafening, if there was a roof it'd be blown off for sure.
“SHE DID IT! MAVIS WON THE GOLD, AND MADE HER CLAIM AS ONE OF THE GREATEST TO EVER DO IT RIGHT HERE AT SUMMER SLAM!” Wade Barret, and Micheal Cole stood to their feet, a standing ovation from the commentary.
It didn’t feel real, even when they put the title in my hand, and released the purple confetti to match my colors, it felt like a dream. Fireworks went off, and my music hit. My heart felt full of emotions I haven’t even processed yet.
“YEAHHHHHH! LETS FUCKING GO! I TOLD YALL!” I screamed, I climbed to the second turnbuckle, and showed off my gold to the crowd. The crowd and I were celebrating for at least two to three more minutes after we went off air. Then I made my way up the ramp, and to the back where I was surprised by all my friends, Banica, Liv, Nia, and Shotzi. Hunter stood off to the side letting the girls and I have our moment as they embraced me in a group hug.
“You better be coming out tonight champ.” Banica hugged me the tightest, I winced in pain, but I didn’t pull away. The love was enough to make my heart explode, and I wouldn’t have asked for a better way to go.
“Duh! Don’t worry about me, y’all fine ass’ better be there when I show up.” I said throwing an arm around Liv who embraced me wrapping her arms around my torso losely.
“Sorry to interrupt ladies, just wanna congratulate you Mavis, that was a phenomenal show you and Rhea put together. You did amazing, enjoy yourself tonight, you earned it.” Hunter took my unoccupied hand in his, his expression reflected that of a proud father. I felt like I hadn't thanked him enough for pairing me with AJ Lee when I first got to Florida. The corners of my mouth turned upward into a tight lipped smile as I tried to keep the tears from flowing.
“Hey, we’ll catch you at the hotel then we’ll ride together.” Nia squeezed my shoulder lovingly, and the other girls all waved their goodbyes. Hunter nodded his head, gave me a pat on the shoulder, and left me be. Some of the officials scattered around directing where to load the crates and equipment into. A few of them stopped to congratulate me, and we exchanged pleasantries. I got changed into a matching sweats set, gathered my things, and made my way out to my Uber. I finally got a chance to look at my phone on the way back to the hotel, the notifications didn’t end, but a few in particular from April made my night more than anything.
Mavis🔥: Of course! That was all you baby! ✨❤️
April🕷️: 😭 All your hard work paid off, I told you! Congratulations! 🎉🍾🎊
She was right, I trained my ass off for six months straight, even though I felt like that still wasn’t enough, but I’m grateful for all the improvement.
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Liv stood on the couch of the VIP section, bubbling with excitement as I stood with the bottle of Don Julio. Music loud and bumping in the background, “Liv Morgan, I now dub you, ‘Hottie of The Month’ as I crescent you with the Don.” Liv tilted her head back, her hands held onto my hips so she wouldn’t tip over seeing as she already had a few shots before I got here. The section was crowded with WWE superstars, some of which I haven’t talked to, but they were having a good time. My eyes flickered over Livs shoulder, Jey was standing at a distance chatting it up with Shotzi, and her husband. He must have felt my gaze because the second my eye landed on him, he was looking up at me. His lips parted from laughing at something Shotzi said, ‘Have a baby by me baby, be a millionaire.’ The music snapped me out of my haze, “Ayeee!” Goosebumps pricked my skin as a strong hit of dopamine released, my hips swayed on beat, and soon enough I was surrounded by my girls. Shotzi had run over to join the dance circle, Liv jumped in front of me, ass perked up, and threw booty in a circle on me.
I held onto her hips grinding on her like I was her man. I'm sure the pictures will surface tomorrow, but we’ve been friends so long, we mine as well have been in a relationship. The music cut momentarily as the DJ came over the speakers, “Aye shout out to Cali’s very own, and new WWE champion Main Event Jey Uso!” ‘USSSOOOO’ His entrance music blasted throughout the club. The vip section shouted simultaneously, I took my heels off, and got on top of the couch. “AYE MAIN EVENT JEY USO IS IN YO CITYYY!” I looked over to Jey who was now grinning from ear to ear, a glint of desire in his eyes as he made his way over to my section.
“Wassup champ!” I greeted him excitedly, he embraced me in a polite side hug, he threw his duces up to someone behind me, but all of my attention was on him.
“I’m not the only one in the building, you got your gold too! He shouted over the music, I flicked my hair over my shoulder, his infectious energy affecting me, and causing a smile of my own to turn upward onto my lips. His eyes drop to my mouth, he leans in to get a closer look, I let out a giggle taking a half step back.
“What you looking at?” My hand pressed against his chest lightheartedly to keep him from coming any closer than he was.
“Damn girl, those real diamonds in there?” He asked playfully, I’d be a liar if I said me getting a grill wasn’t because of Jey. My weight shifted from one hip to the other, my finger playing with the Cuban link chain around his neck.
“Of course they are! I had to ice myself out so I could be cool like you, Main Event Jey.” I said melodically, his tongue flicked out to wet his lips, he smiled boyishly, but he didn’t know how to rebuttal to that. My heart was thudding in my chest, I wasn’t ever expecting to get this far, usually we keep it light at work, or when we’re around friends. Tonight was a different vibe, as I was clearly feeling myself. “Do you wanna be blessed by me?” I asked, my voice too low for the loud music, and the even louder party goers. He leaned in closer tilting his head down, his hand coming around me, and pressing to my lower back.
“Would you like me to bless you…with the Julio?” I offered, repeating again. My hand grasped his bicep gently, our faces inches apart, and I could hear Banica and Liv cat calling us in the background.
“Oh yea, let’s do it! Pour it up!” He smiled showing all his teeth, the flashing lights of the club hitting his silver bottom grillz, and jewelry making it glint. He held out his red solo cup, I’m not even sure where he got that from, but I laughed taking the cup from his hand.
“No no baby, come stand here…” I guided him over to the couch that occupied a few superstars, I couldn’t make out at the moment, on the opposite end. I carefully climbed up, with his help of course, I held onto his shoulder with one hand. Jey’s hands held me by the hips to keep me from teetering over, and ultimately falling on my ass. “For the second time tonight, we have another enteree into the Hottie club, ladies and gentlemen! Jey Uso!” My hand held onto his chin tilting his head back, his gaze locked on me as I carefully poured into his mouth. He swallowed the liquor down begrudgingly, he grunted, and flexed his muscles with his unoccupied arm. ‘Taykeith fuck these niggas up! SKEEYEE!’ Sexyy Red blasted through the speakers, anyone who was previously sitting popped up, and instantly started to act a fool. “IF YOU SEE ME AND YOU TRYNNA SEE WASSUP!” I shouted as loudly as I could, my arms up, waving up, and down signaling the crowd to bop like Jey did two weeks ago on Monday Night Raw. “SKEEYEE!” They responded back, following my lead, a whole sea of people bouncing with me, I looked down at him, and to my surprise he’s still holding onto me like I was already his. “HE WANNA FUCK WITH ME THEN IMMA HAVE HIM STUCK!” I poked my tongue out at him, I jumped down from the couch, my arms loosely looped around his neck. “I’m gonna go step out for a min, need some air.” I said, my lips close to his air, and fanning my face with my hand. While everyone was busy dancing, and guzzling shots I took him by the hand to sneak away.
The transition from the stuffy night club air, to the cool breeze of the California summer evening, gave me a slight chill at first. He took a look at me, stepped closer to me, and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I scooted closer into him, the thin lace of my outfit doing nothing to help keep me warm. I looked up at him from underneath his muscular arms. I noticed how his tribal tattoo peaked out from underneath his shirt, and snaked up his neck. “Did I tell you how good you look tonight?” The smile never left his lips, his cologne smells warm, and spicy. I’ve worked with him for a little over two years, but at this proximity, his energy was dizzying. He wasn’t looking at me, but rather straight ahead to the buildings bunched up along the street across from us. He had a faraway gaze in his eyes, maybe thinking of some memory that I’m not privy to.
“Not enough.” I purred, my arm wrapped around the back of him, and the other resting on his chest. His gaze shifted to me, brown eyes full of lust, and taking in my features.
“I see you all the time, from a distance I be thinking like…damn she fine–” he started, but I couldn’t help it. I burst out into laughter as I wasn’t expecting him to say that at all, or confess in the way he did. He’s always had me in stitches though, that’s the first thing that attracted me to him. He slightly let’s go of me, his eyes brows pinched
“Why are you laughing, I am serious. I said, my oh my Mavis lookin fine today. Like gah damn Mavis be lookin good every day, I wonder if that’s exhausting?” He chuckled lightly, my own laughter had simmered to a giggle, but as realization dawned on me I slapped him on the chest.
“How come you never said anything!”
“Because, all that beauty intimidated me a little, and you always surrounded by your little girl friends.” He spoke truthfully, I was shocked by this revelation, and here I thought this whole time it was just me being shy.
“Well I’m all by myself now…” My voice came out as a whisper, chewing on my bottom lip, without hesitation he pressed his lips to mine. Both our arms wrapped around each other, my fingers playing with his curly hair, and it’s softer than I imagined. I moaned into his mouth letting his tongue in to caress me, he tasted like alcohol. Butterflies fluttered in the pit of my stomach when his hand trialed down from my back to my ass. I gripped his hair pulling on it lightly causing him to groan. I broke the kiss first since my lungs needed air, a trail of spit dropped from us, and down my chin. “Jey.” I whined, a puddle of wetness gathering between my thighs, he took my cries as a sigh to continue his assault. His lips trailing kisses from my chin to the crook of my neck, and down to my collarbone sucking on the skin.
“Mavis we—oh! Oop sorry, sorry.” Liv's voice came from behind us, I nearly jumped out of my skin, getting caught up with Jey made me forget we were standing on the streets of LA. People scattered up, and down the block. The loud bumping music spilling from inside the club, into the streets. I turned to her, hand to my chin trying to clear Jey, and I’d mixed saliva from my chin. Her eyes wide with shock at first till she saw who I was locking lips with, then her eyelids lowered, a teasing smirk spread across her face. I could feel his hand squeezing my hip. If I knew anything about Jey from our time as friends, he could be more reserved about certain things.
“Damn it, I owe Nia $50 dollars.” Liv sucked her teeth, Jey and I looked at her in disbelief. She shrugged her shoulders shamelessly, I sighed out a much needed breath. My eyes flickered over to him, then to Liv who looked at me expectantly.
“We’re all kinda smashed, Banica said she wasn’t feeling well, we need a designated driver. Pretty please, I’ll owe a big favor.” She pleaded, her big blue eyes, she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, and blinked twice for extra measure.
“Hey, go ahead and take care of your friends…I can catch you later.” Jey and I unraveled ourselves from each other, and had enough distance between the two of us. We had created so much body heat that a thin shine of sweat had recollected between my breasts. I leaned up on my tiptoes, and planted a chaste kiss on his cheek which brought a big grin to his lips. My hand lingers on his shoulder as I let Liv pull me away, and back into the club.
WWE blog @slutouttanowhere ✨
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cannibalovers · 8 months
Hannibal song of the day : song no. 5
a bit about the song:
"Breezeblocks"(released in 2012) is song by alt-J, written by Thom Sonny Green, Gwilym Sainsbury, Gus Unger-Hamilton & Joe Newman(the whole group), most likely their most popular song. It starts off mellow and quiet guitar, interchanging between build ups and drops with synthesisers and a lot of deep bass, drums and other percussion instruments till the end of the song, which ends with an arrangement of overlapping vocals, like a choir. It fits genres like indie rock, indie pop, art rock and folktronica. The song itself tells a story of two lovers, where one of them wants to leave the relationship, feeling unsafe and unfulfilled but the other is obsessive and deranged and so in love that they don't let the other leave, the desire and love being so strong that they dare to hurt their lover and themselves just to make them stay. There can be another meaning to the song when taking the music video into the account(that the group themselves said is kind of different but managed to fit the vibe), which is filmed in reverse, presenting a narrative where a man kills a woman(maybe an ex or smth) who was most likely keeping his wife hostage. Since the chain of events is presented in reverse, it looks as if the man is the abusive lover trying to kill his wife, although by the end we find out he was actually defending his wife and killed the woman that kidnapped his wife, sending a message to not judge a book by its cover - don't assume and judge until you know the full story. It also references a book "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak, talking about a young boy who misbehaved badly at home and got scolded for it. His hostile and intense emotions sent him to an imaginary jungle with creatures called "The Wild Things". In this world, he feels appreciated and powerful as the wild things make him a king, but as soon as he realises the responsibilities a king has are hard, he wants to leave and go back home, to his loving mother who took care of him and coudl depend on, but the creatures don't want him to leave, threatening cannibalism (woah i wonder why I am writing this), saying "Oh, please don’t go! We’ll eat you whole! We love you so!". The band thought of it as a very powerful image and referenced these words in the song. In the end, the boy does manage to get away, unlike the lover of this song.
yeah sorry for the long intro to the song um. i've loved this song for years I swear I could listen to it forever so.
overall the song creates such a chilling mix between aggression and affection it's just so fucking insane and well. very hannigram. I think that was expected. Tbh i feel like it's prob known to fannibals, i made a post once asking ppl for song recommendations for hannibal and this song has shown up a few times and honestly? it fits them SO. WELL. especially when you think about the whole mizumono episode. The music video reminded me of mizumono a lot... so I'll be basing this on that episode a lot...
Pardon me for the pain i'm gonna provide today<3
Verse 1
"She may contain the urge to run away But hold her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks"
The girl doesn't want to be in the relationship with the man anymore, maybe recognizing that he is not in a good state of mind or she just believes they're not fit for each other anymore, whichever it is, she is contemplating getting out of the relationship, which she feels trapped in, or the man feels like he's scaring her away, hence her "running away"; He doesn't like this, being way too attached for her, he can't just let her run away after the comfort she brought him and the strong emotions he developed towards her, so he decided to weigh her down (literally) by drowning her with breezeblocks. Metaphorically, Breezeblocks are blocks used for building houses and are supposed to represent foundation here, so perhaps he has been making her stay by guilt tripping her about everything that they have built together and the fact that she can't just "leave behind" the trust, support, stability and safety that they have gained from each other - the foundation of their relationship. After she wasn't giving her idea of leaving up, he decided to actually weight her down with their foundation in forms of breezeblocks. In my eyes, the soggy clothes could also have a little bit of meaning, soggy clothes being quite uncomfortable and probably clinging to her(just like he does) - perhaps they're soggy from the times he was guilt tripping her, perhaps tears were shed and her clothes getting soggy just represent the manipulation and fakeness of them, or the severity of the situation and how long it has been going on and how this has affected her (made her feel heavy at heart and uncomfortable)
I think these lyrics summarise THE monologue in Mizumono and hannigram's plans quite perfectly. Will wanting to run away (from hannibal unfortunately...) and as Hannibal realised his plan of betrayal, reacted very aggressively by literally gutting him (sogging his clothes with blood ig) and breaking down the foundation they have built, more or so with words, but also the knife he uses. At this point I have no idea if its a linoleum knife (knife used for building, houses, rugs and FOUNDATIONS OF A BUILDING.) or a kerambit or smth else but I'll stick to the linoleum here(also check out this post about his choice for the knife, it drives me fucking insane) and say that this is how Hannibal tears down the foundation they have built together. Not only does he gut him, he talks to Will about how betrayed he feels that he was planning to leave him, after letting Will see him, after building this foundation of trust and support for each other. Hannibal was there, understanding Will and offering support and stability and he saw that Will could provide it for him back, which he chose to do only to get closer to him to betray him and take away his happiness (Will...) and stable, carefully crafted life he had. Will was something very important to Hannibal, a person that changed him and made him feel love for once, and then he lied about accepting him. He can't handle losing Will so he would make him stay and tear him down, hurt him, if that's what it would take.
"Cetirizine, your fever’s gripped me again Never kisses, all you ever send are fullstops (La la la la)"
Citrizine is a medicine used for fevers, suggesting the man is so obsessed with her that she makes him ill and stressed (overheated and overwhelmed and overthinking, hence the fever) and he needs medicine. She is constantly rejecting him, rejecting his affections and never giving any to him but instead stopping him, although it can also allude to texts, her not ending them with "xx" (kisses) but with full stops, being quite cold and distant with him.
well first, for the show it can allude to how Hannibal literally gave Will a fever and the amount of aspirin Will took cuz of that if we take this literally, but that mean the roles would have to switch so, instead in my eyes I think of how bothered and overwhelmed Will probably made Hannibal feel the more interested and obsessive he got over Will. I can't imagine how many times this man probably thought of him everyday and overthought stuff (jesus seriously hes obsessed) and how ill and diseased (although alive) Hannibal probably felt (maybe diseased and ill after he knew Will's plan...); the affections the girl is rejecting from her lover could represent how distant Will was with Hannibal at first.
"Do you know where the wild things go? They go along to take your honey (La la la la)"
This is a reference from the book "Where the Wild Things Are". The band suggested that the lyrics are about jealousy, the protagonist being jealous of other people who are catching his lovers attention instead of him, maybe this is a conversation between them about this concern, telling his lover that those people are bad and will use her and leave her(take away her honey); Maybe he's trying to convince her that he would never do that - although he technically is, eating away at whatever support and love(the honey) she has to offer for him.
I feel like this presents why Hannibal decided to isolate Will in the first place, taking away everything from him (or at least how he wants Will to see it, as we know that he was just trying to make his plan come true and return some of the things Will cared about so much). He saw everything that Will had interest in (Alana, Abigail, although he kept her for Will, Margot's child etc) as a threat to his plan of having Will all to himself and so he took them away - because he believed that they were both bad for Will but also because they were not in Hannibal's best interest. Also doesn't he like kill Will's wife in season 3 idk yet dont tell me
"Break down, now weep, build up breakfast Now let’s eat, my love, my love, love, love (La la la la)"
This probably references the many fights the couple had and protagonist's method of trying to make it up to her by trying to get back into a loving, normal routine, forgetting the fights, doing things such as letting her sleep it off and making a breakfast, starting the day over - The breakfast being his love for her. This is most likely to say that acts of service for her would be his love language and he would feel loved if she accepted his services, as well as offerings(his love) he makes for her.
for Hannibal:
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do i like. have to explain this one
first of all lets be real cooking and making ppl commit accidental cannibalism is his love language (even better when they are aware of it and accept it knowingly so u dont have to make them commit accidental cannibalism to feel like u're normal for enjoying it and ure not a monster and God didn't punish u by making u eat ur own sister and enjoy it and that they accept and understand u for this and are def not doing it as a manipulation tactic to get u closer to them... that's not smth Will would do to Hannibal wdym)
"Muscle to muscle and toe to toe The fear has gripped me, but here I go My heart sinks as I jump up Your hand grips hand as my eyes shut And I, ah-ah-ah-ah"
The chorus seems to depict the the physical fight going between the two lovers. The protagonist doesn't seem to be in his right mind as he says that even though the fear tried to stop him, he has lost control and is now hurting his loved one (or himself) - His fear of rejection making him not handle this situation well and taking the last leap of faith to "save" the relationship by physically forcing her into it. The harm can either be to himself or her, maybe threatenening suicide and her gripping his hand to stop him, or him hitting her and her trying to deflect his hand with her own.
For Hannibal, it's literally,,gutting Will. Or any physical fight or holding each other at gun point or any murder attempt they had. In mizumono, Hannibal is visibly heartbroken by Will's decisions, maybe regretting the choices hes about to take. Maybe for once he felt some fear hurting another person, the person being Will, but he pushes through it, knowing it had to be done, to show Will how he made him feel. The physical contact in this chorus could represent the hug that they shared (the most heartbreaking hug in tv history). His feelings seem to contrast with the violence in that scene so much it makes me so fucking depressed
Verse 2
"[...}She bruises, coughs, she splutters pistol shots Hold her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks"
The words have a violent imagery to them, maybe to show the lover fighting back and still not agreeing to stay, maybe even trying to hurt him, her words feeling like pistol shots to him, or it could represent her drowning, trying to catch a breath. If that's what is happening, then he tries to remind himself of his point and to not help her, because she will run away - it's better to hold her down and make her stay.
Will's most common weapons is a gun or his hands and words, so i guess it fits his image quite well(not to mention the amounts of time he held Hannibal at gun point lol). These clearly never seemed to have affected Hannibal (until the last supper) and he continues through with his plan of taking everything away from Will, showing what he has lost by not staying by Hannibal's side.
"She’s morphine, queen of my vaccine My love, my love, love, love (La la la la)"
The protagonist compares her to morphine, a drug used to help with pain - clearly he is very dependent on her and uses her for emotional stability and support, losing that would make him insecure and breakdown, he can't lose her after the vulnerability he shared with her. This also fits with the expression "Love is a drug", which to him, her love is clearly like a drug, he has become obsessed, needing her love all the time, addicted to her, suggesting the intensity of emotions she makes him feel and just how obsessed he is - that's why he can't let her go.
The contrast between the dark, violent and destructive comparisons he makes of her, ignoring those destructive feelings and calling her his "love" really deepens the juxtaposition between aggression and affection the song potrays and shows just how blind the protagonist is.
I feel like this fits Hannibal's feelings about Will quite well, considering how obsessed he is with him, to the point of destruction and isolating him to have him all to himself (and also the fact that my man was CRYING after putting Will in prison, missing their therapy sessions. LIKE BITCH). He really puts Will high up on a pedestal, suggesting just how important and addictive Will is to him and how dependent he has become on Will after opening up to him, maybe even feeling like Will numbs his pain and loneliness of never being accepted for who he actually was.
Verse 3
"[...]Germolene, disinfect the scene, my love, my love, love, love But please don't go, I love you so, my lovely"
This is the aftermath of the protagonist killing his lover. He realises that he killed her, getting an anticeptic(clearly unprepared for this and panicking, using some at-home antiseptic instead of something proper) to disinfect the scene off of his DNA. The realisation quickly hits him of what he has done, making him spiral into a breakdown as he realises that his actions didn't make her stay, they made her dead forever.
Hannibal clearly doesn't disinfect the scene in mizumono, he doesn't even wear his plastic suit or use the cloth that he always uses to not leave finger prints, there was no point in hiding anything anymore, Will helped FBI see through him, although we do see him "cleansing" himself off of the events by walking in the rain and trying to "comfort" Will, telling him to "wade into the quiet of the stream". I don't think these specific lyric apply to the situation much disinfection-wise, although it can represent Hannibal's state of mind, especially after realising everything he has done and the regret that came with it(does he feel guilty tho? i have no idea but the begging and love confessions in this line def represent his obsession and love for Will which left him very heartbroken after everything that was done)
also could represent Will........ him wanting to turn back, if he could only reverse time, undo the events so Abigail lives and everyone else lives..............ouch
"Please don't go, please don't go I love you so, I love you so Please don't go, please don't go I love you so, I love you so Please break my heart (Hey!) Please don't go, please don't go I love you so, I love you so Please don't go, please don't go I love you so, I love you so Please break my heart[...]"
the most beautiful part of the song in my opinion tbh. The layers, the build up, the overlapping vocals, it's all just so overwhelming and emotional and vulnerable.
the protagonist spirals, realising what he has done but not wanting it to be true, he's not ready yet to let go of his lover, slowly, he's losing self control and giving into his violent desires, he threatens cannibalism if she goes away(she can't really do anything my dude...) as he frantically confessse to her that he loves her. He just loves her so much and needs her so much, the desire is so strong that he will consume her if it means that she stays right beside him(or inside him), craving that impossible closeness, it's a way to forever remain with a loved one. This whole refrain is just so incredibly contradicting and depressing and desparate its insane
now, it's no secret that Hannibal doesn't want to let Will go and even consume him. He wants him to live but at the same time he wants to taste him, devour him. To love is to consume, but to consume is to devour and transform in reusable energy. He wants him as close as possible and for Will to accept his desires and give himself up, let him be his - but clearly that's not what Will wanted (yet).
...This one is so straightfoward especially considering Hannibal that I don't even know what to say really. The song itself just says it all perfectly.
in conclusion they are fucking insane for this and breezeblocks is the ultimate hannigram (specifically mizumono) song. 11/10
additional notes:
was so excited for this one but i actually wrote less than i thought wow but maybe thats also cuz most of the song repeats. or im tired
idk if its cuz i literally dont know how to explain cannibalism as a metaphor of love or why but. at the same time the song just describes pretty well on its own
my playlist
hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading<3
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reinahwanggg · 1 year
I Met You At Sunrise • Masterlist
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•pairing college student!beomgyu x fem!college student!reader
•genre college!au, strangers to friends to lovers, summer fling!au, vacation!au, socmed (probably will have written parts since i love to describe stuff) fluff, angst (maybe idk yet)
•synopsis beomgyu believes in soulmates (sue him), and when he was about eight years old, he had a dream that he was older, and his hand was intertwined with a beautiful person's own as they waited for the sunrise, very much in love. ever since, he's been desperate to go on vacation to the caribbean and find his "forever". and his chance comes in the form of two menaces graduating high school, and yoon keeho tweeting about being caribbean bound.
beomgyu's kinda delusional, but that won't stop him from meeting the woman of his dreams (literally).
•warnings obscenities (in like the first few chapters cause i wrote it in october when i cussed like a sailor), friends that "bully" each other, "kys" "kms" "ch*ke" jokes, an obscure amount of mentions of food (because y/n works as a server at a restaurant), light mode (just in case you hate it)
•featuring TXT, Enhypen, KEEHO of P1Harmony, YUNJIN of Le Sserafim, and an original character (or several. idk yet lol. more kpop artists might make an appearance)
•status ONGOING
•schedule whenever i can
•start date 2023.06.15
•end date TBA
•taglist ✨OPEN!✨ to be added, please fill out this form , send an ask, or comment under this masterlist!
•disclaimer this is the work of FICTION! all thoughts, deeds, actions and sequence of events that will be typed out and written here are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES only. it doesn't reflect any of these characters nor does it reflect how i see them. i am making this for fun and for people to read. which means, don't take this seriously, thanks.
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daily dose of slay || beomgyu and the soulmate hate club || jay and his six deranged kids
CHAPTER 1 • Do It No Balls
↳CHAPTER 1.5 • Out for a Vengeance
CHAPTER 2 • Feeding His Soulmate Agenda
CHAPTER 3 • ALWAYS CRY BROKE 1.1k words (smau + written)
CHAPTER 4 • the triangle stuff
CHAPTER 5 • shocking
CHAPTER 6 • so this is pain mmhmm mmhmm
CHAPTER 7 • finals shouldn't exist
CHAPTER 8 • when in doubt; rich people
CHAPTER 9 • jay 🔛🔝 807 words (smau + written)
CHAPTER 10• frickin hermit crab
↳CHAPTER 10.5 • enjoy your flight
CHAPTER 11 • *gasp* nepotism
CHAPTER 12 • your future gf , why ?
CHAPTER 13 • walking around eggshells
CHAPTER 14 • #finalsshouldntEXIST
CHAPTER 15 • i can take you right now
CHAPTER 17 • that’s embarrassing 917 words (written)
...more to be added : chapter names are also subject to change ...
•Director’s Cut 1 (can be read between ch.1.5 & ch.2)
• Gia and Steph (can be read between ch.3 & ch.4)
• Do I Have a Chance ? (can be read between ch.3 & ch.4)
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2023 © reinahwanggg ... don't copy me and steal my work please ! socmed writers and writers in general work very hard to do stuff like this, and stealing their work is inhuman bro. all credit to whatever happens in this plot is reserved to ME!
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121 notes · View notes
sexygrass · 10 months
Sweet But Psycho| J.JH
"If we can fuck louder than the voices in my head this might work out"
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Pairing: cheater!jaehyun x fem!reader x cop!doyoung x bff! johnny
Genre: infidelity au/ psychopath au (is this even a thing?) Thriller, fluff, and humor if you squint
Summery: link
Warning: Smut, fingerings (f receiving), oral (f receiving), public sex, voyeurism, somnophilia, body worship, praising, love making, crying, unprotected sex (don't be dumb), reader is a manipulator, gaslighting, mention of past trauma and killing a family member, self-harm, jealousy, Graphic Description of Violence, Graphic description of murder, drugging (reader uses poison), reader is lowkey a psycho, doyoung is lowkey a yandere with psychopath tendencies, he's a little bit tiny minny obsessed with reader, implying that doyoung killed reader's ex lovers, stalker!doyoung, best boy! johnny, death of some characters, implying of blackmailing. Jeno, jungwoo, and jisung mentioned.
Word Count: 20k ~ 30k give or take :) I didn't count :)
A/N: Well...it had been a ride, honestly. Like, it's here finally, so please take it. I had literally many breakdowns finishing it. Writing psychopath characters was indeed challenging, and I hope I did well. Merry Christmas for those who celebrate it, I don't, but like happy holidays!
●Play List:
"Sweet But Psycho" Ava Max / "Control" Husley / "save me" BTS / "So Am I" Ava Max / "Copycat" Bellie Eilish / "Cradles" Sub Urban / "Teeth" 5 S.O.F
"From the very beginning, I realized I saw the world differently than everyone else. That didn't sit well with some people. But I wasn't for everyone....I guess they were all scared...that I'd be...a psycho."
— Cruella de Vil
Before him, your days were filled with the hum of the traffic outside your apartment window and voices of the bristling life down the road where people actually lived their life. Their chatter was all you heard as you sat near your window, watching them while sipping some wine as you drifted deep in your demented thoughts.
behind your mask of civility, the demons within you were clawing to be set free. Behind your smiles was a deranged person with a craving for pain, yet to people standing around you, you always were calm and collected and charming woman. No one knew about the whispering. No one knew about the shadowy figures you were catching glimpses of occasionally. No one knew about the conversations in your head about a desire to kill everyone around you and walking out.
There was no color in your life, no warmth, no vitality - just a constant gray, meaningless existence, and loneliness. You always were at the center of the gatherings. You always had someone keeping your ear bleeding, but you were always lonely in crowded rooms.
Your sole motivation in life was working to have enough money to live peacefully and luxuriously, so you won't need anyone's help.
Before him, your life had been a cycle of working and sleeping, avoiding any human interactions if possible. You always found it hard to understand the people around you. It was as if they were speaking a language you can't understand, expressing emotions you can't understand, doing things that seemed meaningless to you.
But after years of learning how to mimic emotions, you finally learned how to blend in. You discovered you were an amazing charmer and a smooth talker, and you learned how to use it to your benefit. manipulation, yes—but to you, it was a means in gaining a position in society which came many perks with it such as having many influential people at your disposal to use for your own personal gains.
You got a taste of what the world could offer from sweets, but you knew all those men you toyed with and messed with liked you for your looks and your fake facade, and that eventually bore you. It wasn't what you wanted. What you needed was to stop feeling lonely and dissatisfied with your dul life, not some men to waste your precious time at.
The thing is, you had never experienced anything like that genuine love or attention you saw in movies and read about in books from anyone. The type of love that can mend a broken soul but you knew even if you had it, you wont understand it or know what to do with it but that didn't stop you from craving it, because deep down in yourself, you craved to be loved and to be cared for.
You had always been curious about how all that worked; falling in love or having someone love you back because not even your own family cared about you.
they gave you nothing but trauma and distorted childhood that aided in making you stand out from society and to be detached from reality. Your childhood killed everything good in your heart, leaving nothing but void.
Over the years, you started to notice people easily open up to you and share their secrets with you. Saw a friend in you, a comrade, an opportunity. They liked your overall charisma and your (fake) easy going personality, and to your surprise, you found yourself attending more different social gatherings where you had met many powerful figures that showed interest in you not for just your beauty and look but for your wit and smart talk.
With all these new emotions swarming you, it felt foreign yet overwhelming, and you enjoyed the attention and loved being in the center of the attention for a different reason, something you had always seeked, but yet something was missing.
It was indeed overwhelming and amazing at first, but again, you got bored very quickly. It was always the same type of men with the same personality traits who used to be your source of entertainment, but now, you dreaded them.
It didn't bring you genuine joy or fulfillment like you thought. Even the satisfaction of ruining those rich men and draining them of their wealth faded, now it brought you no joy.
Using people around you started getting easier and brought no entertainment to you. You were master at manipulation, and that earned you everywhere you wanted, but that was boring. Something was missing.
You lived day by day, feeling like a cog in a machine, going through the motions without any real meaning. Something was missing.
You know you were different, unable to function like normal people do — either the lack of exhibiting sympathy or any empathic intelligent— you just know you were unable to experience the same emotions like them, but that didn't stop you from wishing, hoping that one day you'll be find the thing you're missing.
Till a party occurred and you found your missing piece.
While deep in a conventional with the host of the party, your eyes caught a face among the crowd for a split second then you looked back at the woman but when you registered what you had seen—the most attractive man you had ever laid eyes on—you looked back only to see him already looking at you.
With a small smirk, you looked down before looking back at the woman who was busy gushing to you how much she spent on the party. You could feel you were still smirking. You were so excited to have this one. You didn't hear a word of what dahyun said.
"Are you with me?" She snapped her fingers in front of you, "who's that guy?" You ignored her question and pointed your glass in the man's direction across the room, "the one with dimple smile." You added.
Furrownig her brows, dahyun look where you ushered and her brows lifted, an exclaimed sound leaving her. "That's Jung Jaehyun! I didn't know he's back from the States. I heard he's the ceo of their family's company. It's like a million dollar company."
Humming, you saw him lifting his glass in your side with a small grin before chugging it, making you smile and look away and back at the beautiful woman in front of you.
Flirting with him was way too easy. few compliments on his suit, handsomeness, and success to boost his ego were a good start because in today's society, men do not get heard or seen for who they are. So, to see the masculine in him, compliment him on his efforts and success, to make him feel special and unique, and competent would certainly flick something in him. admire him for his true qualities and validate the things that he does well made him admire you, because you made him seen and you my girl, my woman, were quite the expert in manipulation.
At first, you couldn't believe that a man as charming and handsome as him could be idiot enough to fall for a woman like you. He willingly dropped in your hand, and you had no plans to let him leave.
But then he slowly became a part of your life, and everything changed. He was like a ray of light in the darkness, a beacon of hope that showed you that there was more to life than just surviving your demons.
With the trauma you had endured in the past, you were wary of anyone being overly nice to you but by time, you found yourself doing somewhat new—feeling something new—you began staying up late on the phone and FaceTime just to spend more time with him, and you found that you were smiling more and more and for the first time in a long time.
After him, everything changed. He made you feel seen, heard for who you are (was) because your current self wasn't accepted, you're aware of that so you acted the way you used to before everthing went off the rail.
He made you feel as if your opinions and ideas mattered. Made you feel valued in a way that no one had ever done before. For the first time, you felt appreciated for who you truly are, felt alive, like there was a reason to wake up in the morning and face the day.
He was the lost piece.
Your new sweetest obsession.
you felt a spark of excitement in your chest, a feeling you had thought was lost forever.
As you spent more time with him, you realized you were slowly falling for him despite your reservations about trusting him.
You knew you were taking a risk, but the feeling of being in love was too strong to ignore. You felt alive again, like your life had meaning, and you were finally experiencing something other than fear and lost — you loved the feeling of experiencing the type of love you craved for the first time.
Against your better judgment, you let down your guard and began to fall for him.
On one hand, you were terrified that he would inevitably betray you like everyone else in your life, But on the other hand, the thought of being loved by someone as charming as him was intoxicating. You knew it could go either way, but you were ready to face whatever the future held.
"I'm pretty sure I can handle anything."
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Jaehyun was a handsome, rich, and successful businessman that every woman wanted him for his looks or his wealth or both and was used to getting whatever he wanted But when he met you, the mysterious pretty woman, everything changed.
Your beauty stole his breath away, so he did what he usual do; smoothing his words on you in hopes to win you over because despite your cold and aloof demeanor, he was able to sense that there was far more below the surface
To Jaehyun, you were an enigma. A strong, independent, and determined woman he can see on his side. And that appealed to him. A mysterious woman that he at first thought is mere pretty designer because he was used to women falling at his feet, but this time he found one who's different. He didn't understand why you didn't care for his wealth or his looks, but he loved that you appreciated him for who he was, not for what he had become.
You brushed off all his attempts of flirts and boyish grins he sent you across the room. Rolling your eyes, a long sigh escaping you whenever he cracks a joke. You laughed, but not because of his jokes. It was his laugh what made you laugh, "she laughs!" He cooed by your ear, leaning down a bit to get in your face, making you startle and step back. A blush creeping on your face.
"She looks even cuter when flustered," he sighed, "I'll do all I can to get you all flustered then," With a lopsided grin, he winked at you.
He could tell you were the type of woman who had been through a lot. It wasn't hard to see that you were suspicious because in your defense, he was a stranger—one who seemed too good to be true.
You've dealt with men like him, and his smooth talking didn't fool you. But instead of being discouraged, he was intrigued. He saw you as a challenge, a puzzle to be solved.
He continued to pursue you, going to great lengths to win over your trust. He showed you that he was different from other men, that he was patient and understanding, and that he cared about you, and that made your resolve slowly falling apart but not entirely.
At first, you were shallow about him, doing what you know best— using him to amuse yourself. But over time, you found yourself opening up to him, trusting him more and more.
As he got to know you, he realized that you were more than just a beautiful face; you had an interesting persona and a unique thinking with a strong will. And that's what he fell in love with.
Despite your flawed personality, you were a force to be reckoned with, and he couldn't help but admire and respect you. You simply were the woman he had been searching for, and he knew he had found her at last. And he knew losing you was not an option.
You knew you were starting to fall for him when you started constantly checking your phone for his texts after you gave him your number. You smiling whenever his name pops on the screen was an indication that you started getting used to his presence in your life or how you smile to yourself when you see him waiting for you in front of your studio in the morning to have breakfast together.
You told him you were still new to the city, and you moved only recently in search of a new start, making him desire to be the one showing you around. A damsel in distress who's ready to be taken care of by a man. A man who's him.
"Let me welcome you then. tonight, a diner, me and you, just talking and getting to know each other. I'm more than just a handsome face, you know," he'd shrug with a small grin.
"Say yes," seeing his smile with those deep dimples deep in his soft cheeks, you finlay broke down and agreed. "Okay, I'll text you my address."
You liked how he never asked anything about your past or made you uncomfortable. He was so charming and relaxed, which made you extra cautious because you knew better than to trust a charming man. Your father's an example.
You started to change. It was weird and confusing learning how to function normally, but you tried. You felt better. You think you're better.
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Two Years Later...
Somehow, your innocent shopping trip went wrong. You don't know how, but you may have an inkling idea on which point. You knew any spontaneous trip with Jaehyun somehow ends up in a very questionable way. Either you get lost in Ikea, in the woods for when you take a walk after a picnic, or take the wrong way during road trips. Anything could happen, and you adapted to the idea. But god, if you were ready for this time's event.
"Jae..." You whimpered, a gasp following you when he hit that spot that had you seeing stars. Burrying your head in his neck, you held onto his shoulders for dear life.
"Gotta be quiet, doll, or they'll hear us—fuck," a breathy chuckle left his abused lips when you clenched around his swelling cock.
"Oh, you love this, don't you? You're not as reserved as you pretend to be. Love that, love that a lot," he bit your shoulder blade to muffle his moans.
"Please, jae–" your high-pitched whine is cut off by his mouth on your swollon and puffy ones with so much fervor to muffle your noises
Your legs tightened around his hips as you arched your back against the wall behind you. Your knot at verge of snapped with the tip constantly brushing your sweet spot, kissing at your cervix.
"God, that's it, princess," Jaehyun groans, nose wrinckled as he watched where you were connected, "so good for me. Taking me full like a good girl." An unfiltered moan slipped you at the pet name, and jaehyun was quick to swallow it.
What first was supposed to be an innocent shopping trip for clothes due to the season changing as the weather started getting cooler, you found yourself in the lingerie shop.
You wanted to buy new sets because yours always accidentally and spontaneously get ripped off and torn by a specific goofy boyfriend behind the excuse of 'I can buy you new ones', leaving you in need to buy new ones. You plan to buy and leave for your cozy home and cook a warm, tasty dinner for your man.
But when he spotted a deep blue lace set, he couldn't stop help but imagine how you'd look wrapped up with the beautiful piece, so he asked you to wear it for him while waiting outside your dressing room with raging hormones as if he was 16 all over again.
When you poked your head from behind the curtain and told him it's on, he wasted no time and bolted inside with you and boy if he lost his mind.
He lost count on how many times you managed to strike him with how gorgeous you look. Everything you wear always looks nice on you. Your curves and edges were so tempting. It made keeping his hands off of you the hardest task.
"Oh my fucking God, doll...you'll be the death of me one day, swear to God..." he'll mumbled whenever he sees you wearing any new dress or lingerie, just like you were at that moment.
Feeling hot under his stronge gaze, you stepped back till your bare back hit the wall, "I think I like this one. Can we buy it?" You batted your pretty lashes, playing with your hair as your legs crossed, seeking a brief relief.
You were turned on. No shock. Ever since you started dating jaehyun, there was no dull moment with him. Always sexually active, and now you were also feeling all like a teenager, too, again.
"Can we take it?" He arched a brow slowly, taking his suit jacket off, and your eyes glimmered with anticipation. "I think i won't be able to restrain myself knowing my girl be looking like this, and all for me," In a second, he pinned your wrists above your head and his mouth was on yours, your muffled gasp dying on his lips.
your lips wetly smacking on one anothers, breathing each other's air.. in this moment, it feels as though the world has completely stopped spinning—just the two of you moving.
your head tilts back, body helplessly grinding down to meet his in search of friction, thinking you were subtle but when he chuckled at how desperate you were, you whined. He ruined you, and he loved every moment of that.
Feeling his hands kneading the flesh of your sides, you panted against his mouth when he broke the kiss to bite at your neck.
"Jae, we're in public!" You moaned out but tilted your head to the side anyway to give him more access to kiss your neck, making him grin against your skin.
Feeling your legs buckle when he started sucking bruises against your collarbone, you tugged at his hair roots, and his grunt made you tug harsher.
With one hand in your hair and the other, keeping a tight grip on your hip as he guides you back onto his dick, his name fell like a mantra, your orgasm building up with every harsh thrust againt your g-spot.
His hand sneaks between your legs, finding place on your sensitive clit as he rubs it urgently.
"Holy shit–jae, wait!..I–"
"I'm not far behind you, doll. Go ahead, cum,"
With a raspy moan, you release on his cock, pussy clenching impossibly tight as you do so. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you continue to clench around him.
Jaehyun rodes you out through your high with slow and deep thrusts, "now...be good and help daddy cum" gripping his shoulders, your nails dug into his flush as picked up a brutal and ruthless pace and you indulge him, just as much as he indulges in you.
he knows you love a little bit of pain, so when je wrapped his hand around yoir neck, choking you, your eyes rolled back as your another wave of pleasurable crescendo coursed through your body resulting in a cry of his name and tears prickling at the corner of your eyes. with a groan, Jaehyun finishes inside of you, white seed painting your tight walls.
"Oh my god, Jae," you whimper, legs on the verge of giving out. Holding in his arms, hr kept on whispering how good you were for him amongst other praises to ground you after thr mind-blowing sex. "So fucking good." is all you can manage, completely drained.
"Baby, look at what you did to me," he grunt as he he checked the mess you made of him.
With a breathy chuckle, jaehyun gripped your thighs and hips like putty, hard enough to leave a bruise, and you yelped, "jae–wait–"
he rocks into you, urging you to keep moving as he pumps his cum inside your spent hole until you're so overstimulated that your juices are dripping down, coating your thighs and wetting the floor.
Both of you were sensetive as you held to each others sweaty bodies, low panting filling the room. With his arms wrapped around your waist, his warm tongue attaches itself to your skin, swiping along the expanse of your collarbone and chest.
Laying you gently on the L shaped couch, he put his clothes back before bringing some tissue from your purse, "at least one of us is prepared, huh," he chuckled and you pushed at his shoulder with your feet when he kneeled in front of you to clean you, "I can't believe we fucked in a lingerie shop," you sighed, pinching your nose.
"Won't be the worst thing we did," he shrugged, helping you back into your clothes before pulling you back on your feet.
Fixing you hair, he smiled goofingly at you before pecking your nose, "you look so fucked up—" punching his chest, he hissed, caressing the area as he followed you out of the changing room with your purse in his hand.
Once you stepped out, you realized the eyes of the staff on you, making you roll your eyes in annoyance.
going to pay for the stuff you picked, jaehyun stood behind you and swapped his credit card before you managed to read the price, making you side-eying him.
"You paid last time???" You glared at him, but he just winked at you before placing the ripped pantie on the counter, making your eyes widen.
"we're also taking the blue lingerie set," the cashier blushed, fumbling with the clothes before handing the bags for jaehyun to hold before thanking her. With an arched brow, you watched her beam with rosy cheeks. What a sight! You tilted your head at her with a dark expression and eyes void of any emotion.
Sensing the change in your aura, she looked away from jaehyun, who was focused on his phone, at you. Seeing the way you were eying her, she flinched, making you step closer to her without blinking and she coward away.
With shaky hand, she gave him his credit card back, but you quickly snatched it from her hand, making her yelp at the force.
Feeling your hand getting engulfed in jaehyuns cold hands, you snapped out of the appelling thoughts swarming your head. "Thanks, sweetie," you gave her a sinister smile that made her shiver before letting jaehyun drag you out with him.
Hearing jaehyun laughing, he drapping his arm around your shoulders, cooing at how you were glaring the whole time you left the shop. "Where you jealous, doll?" He smirked at you, "i had my dick in you just minutes ago, and I'm pretty sure they heard your pretty screams of my name. So there's no need to be jealous."
A scoff left your lips as you tried to hide your blushing face but jaehyun quickly halted, bags sliding down his wrists as his hands squished you cheeks to kiss your pouty lips, "love it when you get jealous. It's so sexy."
"That caus you're mine and hate it when they look at you." You flatly stated. Your voice naked of any emotion, just like your face as you looked him dead in the eyes. If anything, anyone can pick from your tone, It'd be possessiveness.
Jaehyun was startled for a second before giving you a dopey smile. "Yours alone. Always." Only then, slowly, a small smile curled on your lips, satisfied with his answer.
Pulling by the curb in front of your house, you unfastened your seat belt and looked at him when he stayed seated. "You're not coming?"
Hearing him sigh, your brows knitted, "Honey," you placed your hand on his forearm, "it's the fourth time this month. Why are you overworking yourself like this?" You calmly asked.
"I know, I know," jaehyun sighed, taking your hand that was caressing his arm and brought it to his mouth to kiss your palm; a habit he does to sooth you whenever he feels you're nervous or stressed or sad.
"Promise I won't take long this time, honey," Seeing the heavy pout on your lips, he leaned in and kissed you repeatedly till you giggled and pushed him away gently.
"Please don't be sad," he cupped your cheeks in his hands, giving you a dimple smile, "I'm not sad.. I just miss spending time with you.." You mumbled. "Plus, I hate staying alone... you know why."
An emotion flashed in his eyes, something akin to distress and guilt, but he quickly shook his head when his phone vibrated in his pocket. A bitter reminder.
Stepping out of the car, he was quick to open your car door for you before you getting the chance to grab the handle. Smiling at the gester, he drapped his arm around your waist as he walked you to your house porch.
"You sure you can't stay for dinner?" Jaehyun smiled, "oh I'm not falling for this," he booped you nose and you playfully rolled your eyes, sighing in defeat.
"Last time you said that, I didn't leave the house for two days."
"You didn't seem bothered. You even begged me to stay with you." You grinned at him, and he let out a deep sounded laugh, his nose crinckling. Gazing softly at him, you felt wild butterflies dance in your tummy at the sight.
Kissing you deeply, he looked you deep in the eyes, "I love you. Go get some sleep. Promis you'll see me first in the morning." He murmured.
Fluttering your eyes open, you leaned back on the door behind you, a grin on your lips, "Look at him. My man." You grinned before cupping your hands around your mouth and shouting back, "i love you too!" Chuckling, he reminded you to be quiet before the neighbors complain again.
Striding to his car, a motorcycle engine cut through the tranquility of the evening, making you look to you left to see your neighbor and childhood friend.
Taking his helmet off, a smile slowly curled on your face when his eyes snapped to yours with a sparkle of glimmere in them.
"Hey, gorgeous."
"Hey, John."
As if a switch fliped on, Jaehyun's face morphed from a happy one to a sullen one as his hand curled into a fist above the hood of the car, a flare of jealousy ignited in his core at the way the man was eying you. He knows that look because it's the same one you give him every day. Your best friend had feelings for you.
Jaehyun hated how relaxed you looked around the tall, handsome model. He loathed it.
You only felt safe and comfortable around jaehyun and never opened or talked with anyone but him, so seeing you interact with another man made him self cautious and warry of the male.
Gripping the door handle, jaehyun glared at the man intensity, a tic going in his clenched jaw, "I'll be back soon, my girl. Be a good girl for me."
You waved back at him, smiling before nodding. "Another business trip?"
You sighed, fumbling with your key to open the door, "No, I don't think so. I think just something came up in the office. How about you, johnny?"
Johnny smile widened when you looked back at him, his fatigue suddenly diminishing with one simple smile from you, "just finished another photoshoots. Nothing interesting." You nodded, opening your door but halted once you heard him call your name.
"You know, I was wondering...it's been a while since we hung out together... How about some pizza and a movie?" He leaned on the fence as his hands stabilized him, making his arms flex under his hoodie. Smiling, you shrugged. "Why not? Your house or mine?"
Seeing him jump over the fence, you chuckled, opening the door. "Giod thing that I already ordered some food then." He mumbled as he walked behind you before closing it back.
Down the road, inside the police car that was parked in the dark under the trees' shadows, doyoung pulled his Wireless device, eyes focused on jaehyun figure. when he leaned to kiss you, doyoung felt a burning feeling spread in his chest.
Gripping the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white, he felt his jaw ache from how hard he was gritting his teeth as he kept gazing at him.
When jaehyun stepped away from you, doyoung felt he could breathe normally again. Jealousy was indeed a disease, and doyoung was extremely ill. He wanted you. Desired you for a very long time. He wanted you, and he will have you. He just needs to get rid of every man around you. Why did you have to have many suitors around you?
He had no problem with killing those who dared to strike a conversation with you. He enjoyed it, actually. Immensely and would be his pleasure to kill the rich snob who had the luxury of being yours for the longest time.
Doyoung couldn't kill him—he can, but can't at same time—Jaehyun was an important individual. Famous and rich and prominent figures in the society but that didn't stop him before, it's you having feelings for him that made it complicated.
Doyoung knows you better than you know yourself. He knows what you had been through, and he knows you dating jaehyun ain't a play. He saw the way you looked at him, he wasn't dumb, quite the opposite, he was very clever, too clever for his own good and he can't bring himself to bring you harm so he will make jaehyun destroy himself for him. That was his plan. A simp effective plan.
Once the black Mercedes left the curb, doyoung set the car engine to life while glaring daggers at the model who was now chatting with you, "1 down and one to go," he mumbled under his breath and when he saw johnny walking inside your house, he felt his skin burn.
Rubbing his hand down on his face, a laugh bubbled in his throat, "Count your days." He laughed menacingly. Grabbing the wireless device, he started driving discreetly, following jaehyun.
"Jeno, He's coming. Everything should be perfect."
"Oh, and jisung,"
"Yes, sergeant!" Another voice blurted.
"Send me Johnny Suh entire profile. His family. His friends. His foot size. His blood type. Everything there to know."
With a grin, he put his focus back on the road, "Time to pull the curtains off."
The clicking of the camera was the only thing that jisung kept hearing for the past 30 minutes while he was busy checking the cameras they installed in the house. "Are you done yet? He said some pictures, not a full photo album!" Jisung, the younger patrol officer, hissed into the earpiece.
"Well, he also said 'Get me clear picture', and I'm checking all the angles!" Hissed jeno back, taking another picture, "and beside, she's wearing that red lingerie. Be quite."
Rolling his eyes, the younger kept checking the cameras they installed in the house. He felt wrong for doing this. He knows it's his job to investigate, but this felt wrong and unethical and made zero sense.
"I still don't understand why we're following him. Is this really irrelevant to the case? I mean, yes, he's suspected of embezzlement and all but why we're following him around and snapping pictures of him with this woman—? Wait...are we investigating his infidelity? Cause we know he has another girlfriend.."
Jisung's eyes went wide at his own discovery, and before jeno could respond to his nonsense, doyoung's voice blared through their wireless device, making both officers hyper focused on any new command.
"Jeno, He's coming. Everything should be perfect."
Jeno nodded even though he couldn't see him before running discreetly to their car and getting in the driver seat next to jisung, who was monitoring the cameras and checking the quality of the audio.
"Oh, and jisung,"
The younger nods to his commander's order and starts profiling the name given to him before hearing the line cutting.
"Johnny suh..isn't he jaehyun's girlfriend's best friend?" Jeno hummed. "This what I meant! This whole thing feels weird.. Don't you think that sergeant Kim is hiding something from us?"
Checking his gun, jeno sighed, "I don't know. We were given a mission. We do the mission with no questions asked."
Hearing the engine of the black Maserati, jeno snapped many pictures till jaehyun got inside the apartment. "Okay, we're done for tonight. Let's go."
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Swirling your wine, you focused on the movie playing on the TV, slowly chewing on the pizza as the killer chased the girl down the dark corridor.
"This seems fun," you blurted, making johnny hum before titling his head at you, "what?" He asked.
"The idea of chasing someone down to kill them. Look at how happy he looks with blood on his face. It's turning me on."
"Darling... they're acting," Johnny carefully explained. Shrugging, you sipped a little before licking at your lips as you leaned your back against the armrest, now facing the blond.
"And I'm clearly talking about the real-life experience," you pierced your eyes through his skull with an expressionless face. The room was dark, only the light of the TV providing a source of light.
The dim lighting made you look both creepy and attractive as you sipped your wine without breaking eye contact. He has always had a crush on you ever since you both of you used to live in Chicago back in the past when you were teens before the accident that made you suddenly disappear.
Till a year later, the house next to him was bought and he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw you. You changed. you weren't the same fragile girl he was familiar with.
Seeing the strong sexy woman you had become, Johnny felt nineteen all over again. He recalled his heart jumping in his chest when you looked at him before taking your shades off and giving him a friendly smile.
But seeing the way you eyed him made his smile falter, and his shoulders sag. You didn't recognize him because you looked at him the way he looked at every stranger he met in the streets.
He took a step towards you, ready to jiggle your memory so you'd remember him but when he heard your shriek when a man dressed in a fancy suit and tinted shades hugged you from behind and lifted you off the ground, his heart sank down.
You didn't just forget him but were taken, and from the way you were smiling? You were so in love. It was too obvious, it ached him.
Weeks passed, and he couldn't help it. Yes, it's normal to forget the faces of people you met in the past, but he was your childhood friend for God's sake! And was your only friend. So why didn't you recognize him?
You didn't recognize Johnny because he did actually change over the years. A lot. He was no longer the same scrawny guy with terrible haircut and acne but a man tall grown man with broad shoulders and strong toned arms.
Your neighbor was nothing less but a god with muscles for days and a defined face structure. He was handsome, attractive, and with an amazing sense of fashion–you could tell.
When you caught sight of a tattoo stretching on his bicep, you quickly averted your eyes back to his face to find his piercing eyes looking at you.
Holding your glasses in your hand, you pushed your hair off your face and eyed him back. It was a laid challenge to see who would break the eye contact first and god forbid you lose. Studying his face and body, you couldn't point out why there was a sense of familiarity.
When you bought the house, you were told not many inhibited the neighborhood for its expensive price, and that appealed to your desire for privacy, so you guessed the blond hot man was rich to afford living in such area.
"Why you're looking at me like that?" You smiled cunningly behind your glass. You know he has a crush on you. You knew all along.
Letting out a deep sigh, Johnny shook his head a little with a small smile on his lips, "You have no idea." Your smile turned smug, and you slowly placed your glass down on the coffee table beside you before slowly crawling to the other end of the couch.
Watching you, Johnny was alert, placing his glass down and flexing his back against the couch to straighten up. Feeling your soft thighs around his hips, his wide eyes shot back into yours. A loud gulp resonated when he caught the way you were eying him; like a prey.
With a happy expression, you found comfort on his lap, your hands going back behind his head, playing with the long blond strands.
"After all these years—" you started, your right hand going from his hair to run your fingers on his jaw before gripping it, making the man in your grasp shocked at your strength, his hands clutching your waist.
"—You still the same, right, Johnny? So devoted to me." You spoke in a hushed note, eying him down with a tilted head and a soft eery smile, making his heart beat loud in his ribcage, johnny knew about you, your past, your family, your history. He had a hunch you were off the rail, but that only made him desire you more. Something about playing with fire despite knowing it might burn him that gave him a thrill, because it was you, and he wanted your everything. Both your pain and love. but deep down, he was also scared of getting burned. He was scared.
"Even after everything I did. Everything I had become. You still like me," you grinned, the light of the TV reflecting on your face, and johnny felt his body run cold. You looked so bare, so real, with no fake smiles and naked of any masks. That was the real you. The one that no one saw, and you only showed it to johnny, and that made him feel special.
"I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but..." You trailed, your hands resting around his neck while looking him in his eyes. Everyone loved little secrets, and you saw how he leaned in, ready to hear yours. You wanted to laugh at how easily it was to play with him.
You loved that he was into you. And that's all. You can't reciprocate them or understand why he likes someone like you despite him knowing what you are. Unlike jaehyun, who's seeing what you want him to see, Johnny is seeing what you need everyone to see.
People who have experienced toxic love in their childhood will often find search for the same later on in life because it's the only type of love they know. Because a person who's been traumatized wants nothing more than to be loved but because it's so unfamiliar to them, when they get it, they're suspicious of it. And they reject it and test it, and they...punish the person who trying to love them unless they meet somebody who's bad for them.
When they meet somebody who's bad for them and is also toxic, manipulative, and neglectful, or simply is the same as them — toxic like them — this feels familiar. They would be like: "I know how to navigate this person. I'm gonna love you with all my heart."
But somebody who's consistent and honest about their intentions and is genuinely into them in a good way, caring and loving they'll be asking: "What's wrong with you? Why are you loving me? This can't be real. Let me test you. Let me push you away. Let me hurt you. Let me use you."
But the abusive, toxic one is exactly what the doctor ordered, I know exactly what to do with you, so imma love you endlessly.
You're no different, so johnny having feelings for you made zero sense to you. You can understand what he's feeling but can not understand why.
"I'm not as I seem to be. The successful, charming, and joyful designer. Dating one of the country's most eligible bachelors and having the perfect life with perfect job and partner. You see, Johnny, I do like this, this life, because both you and I know full well the life of the poor and the mistreatment. We went through with it and have seen things others won't have survived, unlike you.. You survived and well... I didn't"
"You mean," Johnny leaned his head back because you were getting too close, and he wasn't sure if he could hold himself, "your mother? The ten years ago incident?" He carefully added.
Examining your face, Johnny slowly placed you down on the couch next to him when you suddenly disconnected from the world. Your eyes were focused on a spot on the wall as you let his words sink in. Your mother.
Staring blankly at the TV, slowly, a smile curled on your lips, portraying the exact same killer you just saw in the movie.
"Oh...my sweet, sweet mother. May she rest in peace." You looked down at you socks-clad feet, a chuckle living your lips, "the author of everything I am." You finished.
Feeling a hand rubbibg your back, you looked at your left to see johnny looking at you with a neutral expression. "You see, Johnny. I have no empathy. I realized I had none after not feeling any remorse or sadness or even..any ounce of care... you know...for what have happened to my mother."
You leaned back your head against the backrest, staring at the ceiling, "I remember vividly her laying in a pool of her own blood. I remember how she looked at me with pleading eyes to help her—to do something, but I did nothing but stare.
Dad stabbed her with scissors in a fit of rage. He was drunk, and they got in a fight —That's all they had been doing for years — argue.
Father clearly got fed up with all her nagging and ranting, and the scissors were there... laying next to him on the table, and yeah... he stabbed her... right in the chest. " You pursed your lips, recalling the story.
"When a gasped left her lips and soon blood, only then it sank up in him, and suddenly he's sobered. He stabbed his wife, whom he loved and married. Obviously, he freaked out and ran out of the house like a coward." You scoffed.
"And you? How about you?"
Looking at him from the corner of your eyes, you looked back at the high ceiling. "Me? Oh, I was there. Standing by the living room doorway, watching how my mother fell to her knees before collapsing in a pool of her blood.
I was fifteen, and I know a dying person when I see one. When she looked up at me, I saw her lips move, but there was no noise escaping her, but panting and gurgling noises as she was choking on her blood.
I stood by and watched till she stopped moving before I walked to her and stood above her dead corpse. I leaned and placed my palm on her cheek before sighing. I grabbed a bag, filled it with my clothes, and my father's saved money and left.
Leaving all that behind me was the best thing I did. A person with no past, no family, no name. Isn't that what freedom is?" You smiled at your friend.
"No family? Wait," Johnny blurted, "how about your dad?? Isn't he still alive?" Seeing your smirk, he arched a brow at you, "what did you do to him?"
"Oh, him? Nothing," a grin curled on your lips. "Nothing he didn't deserve." You winked. Running your fingers up and down your throat, you toyed with your earrings.
"Actually, a year ago, I actually found him! Can you believe that? I was driving back home from jaehyun's house, and I saw him crossing the road. I checked for any cameras and witness before pressing on gas and voila! I unalived him." You shrugged, "it was the easiest murder. Felt no thrill...well, that's a lie. I did feel something when I crushed him. Satisfaction."
Running his hands over his face, Johnny leaned his head on his hands and mumbled something you didn't hear. Looking at the clock, you realized it was already past midnight, "I think it's time for you to leave."
Looking at you, Johnny pouted, "No, i wanna stay~~" A sudden gasp left him, "Are you...by any chance expecting someone else?" He eyed with a faked shocked face, "I kept telling you he's not good enough for you and you're wasting your time and energy while I'm right here," he tsked, "what a waste of good looks and charm."
Rolling your eyes, you pushed him off. It wasn't the first time he had joked about this. He always brings up the topic of how you should drop your boyfriend and date him instead, your best friend who knows you better than anyone. You always answer him the same, "Good night, johnny."
Sighing, he grabbed his jacket and let you push him. Reaching the door, he grabbed your shoulder to make you face him. You arched a brow at him as he kept staring in your eyes and back at your lips, making you subconsciously lick your lips.
Feeling his hand slid up to cup your cheek, his other hand ran through your hair before dropping at the back of your neck. You could feel him lightly squeezing your neck, making a shiver run down your spine. "I really shouldn't do this, but forgive me, i can't hold myself," he whispered before leaning down
leaning making you stand on your toes and kissed you, a shocked gasp left you throat at the gentle carass of his lips on yours. Pulling away, Johnny brushed your hair and smiled softly at you. cupping your cheeks in his warm hands, he made you focus on what he has to say because he felt of he don't tell you how ur feels, he may die.
"This may seem selfish but...i think i love you and i think I've always did. I just didn't realize sooner," taking a deep breath, he felt his heart about to burst and you eying him with your pretty eyes, wordlessly, made his hand sweat against your cheek.
Your brows furrowed. Love? You knew he liked you, not loved you...you felt mad. How dare he?? You questioned in your head. I thought he was my friend, how could he?!
Seeing your face expressions morphine into a frown, he quickly added, "When I say, love you, it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your past self and I've seen your kindness that no onr saw."
You felt your chest tighten. This feels wrong. This is wrong. This is bad. No, no, no!!! Despite your internal voices screaming at you to silence him, he clearly didn't pick at the shift in the mood as he kept talking and with his calm voice spilling warm words, it burned your heart, made your body shake with rage. You can't understand what he's feeling.
"—I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. No matter what you did in the past. No matter what you do in your present. Know that I'll always love you and would never turn my back on you. Have sweet dreams, my sweet psycho." Feeling him pecking your forehead, a breath left you as he stepped back, Winking at you before opening the door and leaving.
you knew you won't sleep. The voices were screaming at you to kill him as well but you didn't want to but you also knew you won't rest with the blaring voices in your head.
Stumbling to your room, you hysterically searched for your pills in the barhroom's cabinet that you stored for situations like this.
Ever since you met Jaehyun, you stopped taking them because with him, you be at peace and can sleep with no nightmares when he's by your side, but now he isn't with you. You're alone. You're alone and you want them to shut up.
Grapping a handful of pills, you shoved them in your moth before chugging a full glass of water.
Taking fast and shallow breaths, you lifted your head, staring at your reflection in the mirror. You hated her. This version of you. You can't stand her. And you couldn't recognize her.
grabbing the marble soap dish, you clutched it in your hand before crashing it in the mirror, making endless shattered pieces fly around, but none hit you.
"I can't stand my reflection..." Looking at the mess you made, you dropped to pick the broken glass as fast as you can before you get any new idea and end up hurting yourself.
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Parking his car, jaehyun stepped out and used his spare key to open the door. The house was dark and quiet; a sense of safety settled in him. He was tired as he dragged his body down the corridor with a pale and expressionless face. There was just so much weight on his shoulder, so heavy it almost brought him down to his knees.
Rubbing his eyes, he maneuvered around your house in the darkness, trying not to stumble on your many decorations and art pieces.
Reaching your bedroom, he pushed the door carefully to not make any creak noises that might disturb you.
Once entering the darkness of your bedroom and getting wrapped by your scent, he felt his tense body relax and his muscles to unwind. Taking a deep breath, he let a soft sigh as he leaned on the door with closed eyes. The room smelled just like. cozy as he took his jacket off and unbuttoned his shirt.
Taking his clothes off, He silently moved towards the bed before sitting down next to your feet, a broken smile on his lips. "She'll never be you," he whispered, hand stroking your thigh, "would never be as perfect as you," he laid beside you before bringing your warm and soft body closer to his and kissing your shoulder, "would never make me feel the way you do." Wrapping his arms around your stomech, he nuzzled into your nape, inhaling your calming scent before releasing a staggered breath, a choked sob bubbled in his throat but he quickly pressed his lips shut to your skin to not wake you up.
Steering in your sleep, jaehyun quickly kissed your cheek, "I'm here, I'm here," he whispered, voice airy.
It was the guilt. The guilt was eating him whole. He felt dirty for what he did. He felt unworthy of you for what he did. For what he had been doing. Holding you tight, he feared your leaving. The thought of you leaving him made his heart clench in his chest.
Imagine walking on thin ice. It's slippery and unsteady, and with every step you take, you can't be sure if it will hold your weight. Every moment, you're aware that the ice could crack at any moment, and you could fall and freeze in the frozen water below.
That's how jaehyun was feeling for a while; the thought of losing someone you love so much, losing you scared him a lot. Every interaction with you is like a needle sinking deep into his heart.
Every wrong word or gesture can cause him to lose you forever. The constant pressure of feeling like he's on the edge of disaster made it hard to focus on anything else.
Hovering above you, he admired your serene face and soft breaths. Stroking your cheek, he smiled down at you, "I'm so so sorry." He mumbled, his chest felt heavy. His heart hurts in his chest. He barely managed to get his words out as his throat logged up with a thick lump. feeling his lashed to clamp together with unshed tears, he rubbed his eyes and blinked to get to see you clearly. "I'm really sorry."
You had turned to on your side and almost still fully covered with the blanket, but he still took his time studying you. Your features were so soft, all your muscles relaxed, and your heartbeat is steady and serene.
Taking his shorts off, He pulled his semi-hard cock and started stroking himself slowly, hissing at the touch, while he reached for the covers with his free hand and with a gentle pull, jaehyun revealed your bare skin inch by inch.
You had made it easy for him, going to bed naked and wet.
Seeing the clear skin of your neck made him want to leave dark bruises all over it.
He ran his cold fingers over it. Going down to your right breast. He grasped it in His hands, squeezing it a little. Thinking about licking and biting it at the bud. You are still deep asleep. Your meds knocked you out cold.
"Oh, doll... you're gonna be the death of me,"
One knee on both sides of your thighs, he lowered himself, the tip of his tongue grazed over the length of your inner thigh, making you stir a little. A breath leaving your lips.
"I know, it's cold," he said, licking his lips relishing in your taste for a moment before he pushed himself up to your ear.
"Can't never get enough of you...making me always come back...so addicted to you," feeling his lips kissing along the column of your neck, you turned your head to the side to give him more space, it was a subconscious move and that made him grin, "that's my girl."
Sitting back on his calves, he smoothed one hand over the curve of your hip, enjoying the warmth of your bed-warm skin against his.
When his eager hands reached the meat of your ass, he stilled to gently squeeze you, coaxing a soft, low noise from your lips, making his cock twitch angrily. He wrapped a warmed hand around it and squeezed, oh so desperate to be engulfed in you.
"Damn,"he moaned. "Always so good.."
he couldn't bite back the growl rising in his throat when he finally sat between your thighs.
"Beautiful," he muttered. "So fucking beautiful."
He lowered himself to his stomach. jaehyun ached to taste you and make you feel good, but his tongue was still too cold, but his fingers weren't.
Averting his face from your pussy, he pressed his open mouth to your thigh. hot skin against his mouth as he licked and sucked and kissed your legs while his thumb found your clit and drew soft circles around it.
You sighed, hips stuttering, and jaehyun wasted no time as he made a few circles around your clit with his tongue, earning moans from you, before slipping a finger in.
You were so wet for him, His head whirled, making his cock twitch against his thigh.
He moaned, and you mewled when he finally sucked one of your swollen lips into his mouth, your hips bucked involuntarily.
"You taste so fucking good," he almost whined and exchanged his fingers with his tongue. "All of you, just all of you... so fucking sweet and all mine," he mumbled into your folds, curling and pumping his two fingers inside you where your pulse beat fast against the pads of his fingers. He could feel you tense around them as he curled them and hit the spot you love oh so much.
"J-jaehyun..?" You moaned, slowly waking up, eyes still closed as your chest heaved. "Shh, shh baby, let me take care of you, my doll. Let me show you how much I missed you."
He moved them faster and faster, holding your thigh down with the hand not in use. He slurped and groaned into your pussy desperately, a vibration of pleasure traveling through your body making you gasp.
Feeling you tug at his hair and grinding down on his face, his moaned muffled against your clit. He was so desperate to make you cum, he needed it so badly.
"J-jae..I—" you felt disoriented at first before succumbing to him.
A hard suck to your clit has you moaning out loudly, back arching off in pleasure. Jaehyun wraps his hands around your thighs to keep you still while he continues his ruthless ministrations on your pussy.
Jaehyun gazes up at you through hooded eyes between your thighs. you can feel him smirk against your cunt as he devours you, listening to your pleas. Your head was thrown back in ecstasy, still pulling at his locks roughly.
he's more than practiced at making you fall apart and making you cry and scream his name, "baby, you're so good for me, so damn good. Waking me up like this, i—" You gasped, "i—shit."
his wet lips closes around your throbbing clit, sucking harshly as his eyes focuses on the expressions you are making, taking in each of. them in and memorising what makes you feel good.
He pushed his face deeper against your pussy, desperate to taste you. He needed that so bad.
"i need to taste you so bad, doll— fuck," The longer he fingered you, the more frantic he became, fingers disappearing in and out of you hurriedly. You can tell he was enjoying this just as much as you were with his heavy breathing and the way he slightly grinds against the mattress beneath him to relieve himself.
Fucking his tongue inside of you with three fingers stretching you out, hitting your G-spot repeatedly, you can't help but scream his name and arch your back for more.
you bite your lips, tears streaming down your cheeks as you desperately hump jaehyun's fingers, his wet tongue, and his pretty face; searching for your release.
with every breath you take, soft whimpers, and 'oh my god's' leave your lips, jaehyun whimpered.
"You gonna come for me, doll?"
you nod vigorously, lust practically plastered in your eyes as his fingers and tongue begin to match the pace of your rocking hips.
"J-jae.." You whimper as you twitch, moaning as he leaves bite marks alongside your inner thighs. "god, i'm gonna—fuck!"
you sob when you feel his breath against your core again, "let it go, baby," he growls as he sucks and licks your clit with a moderate amount of pressure. "cum for me. my girl, you've been so good for me,"
You cried out, thighs going to shut around him head, but he used his elbows to keep them wide open.
he smirks when he sees tears sliding down your cheeks, "You're so so so beautiful when you cry for me, baby..."
With a final suck on your clit and pump of his slim fingers you were gone. Your head fell back, mouth open in a silent scream. Your back arched with pleasure, hips stuttering as you came on jaehyun's tongues.
Jaehyun groans when he finally gets an actual taste and with one taste, he's hooked, tongue going from kitten licks to sinking his tongue deep inside your swollen cunt, a hand grasping your thigh open while his other hand makes its way to your sweet bundle of nerves, rotating your clit in slow circles, sending shocks down where Jaehyun's situated, drenching his mouth with your sweet juices, dripping down his chin, and the sounds you make, calling out to his name with that airy high pitched tone that only he gets to hear.
he laps up your spill of juices dutifully, cleaning up every last drop as you come down from your high. "Sweetest thing I've tasted... can live on this alone."
"Oh? you thought i was done?" You chuckled, "No, no, baby, you can take one more for me, right?"
"Let me catch my breath first, lover boy."
"That's it..."
Jaehyun hissed as he fucked into you slowly, letting you feeling every inch of him as he stretched you, praising you at how good you're taking him. The soft sunshine shyly seeped through the clouded sky and poured into the bedroom, bathing your flushed and sweaty skin as you held the headboard for dear God, your legs slowly giving up on you.
Your lover's strong arm draped on your waist, pulling you in closer, taking him deeper than before, making you feel how desperate he was for you. Sex was always important for both of you, and jaehyun loved how you matched his high drive, but in days like this, where he's not fucking you hard and fast and basically fucking the light out of you till your kicking him away, it gives you an idea on his mood.
He's stressed. Something is bothering him, and he won't tell you despite your insistence.
Taking everything so slow with no rush to reach your orgasm. Basking in each other's scent. Lazy kisses. Whispered praises fell off his tongue like it was a song only he knew the words to.
Brushing his lips against the warm skin of your neck as he rocks into you faster. Moans were bouncing off of the room walls. Feeling the orgasm you ached for so bad aprouching, you arched your back, face falling into the silky pillows, muffling your moans as you gripped the sheets beside you as you were left breathless laying there basking in pleasure, taking whatever he gave you.
In the mornings like this, Jaehyun never lets you do any of the work. You are his queen, his one and only. He knew you were close from the begs and pleads, even the way your legs were shaking.
Flipping you on your back, his mouth quickly was on yours in a gentle kiss, made your head hazy at how gentle he was with you. Dragging his lips up your neck to your ear, he groaned, "I'll always have you, baby. Cum for me."
Helping you ride your high, a few sloppy strokes before you felt his hot load paint your walls white.
Pulling out slowly, both of you hissed at the emptiness. Seeing you pouting at the, he chuckled before cleaning you up. Running his fingers on your face, he smiled down at you, "I love you."
Jaehyun took it upon himself to always remind you that he's in love with you, but this time, his words carried a vulnerability that stirred the same swirl of emotions he was feeling within you. You didn't even need to say it back. The look in your eyes was all he needed for reassurance.
The next thing you knew, his lips were meeting yours in a slow, deliberate kiss. The connection between you two was like a magnetic force, drawing you closer to each other. Giggling into the kiss, a stupid grin split his face in half, his nose wrinkling.
After silent minutes, you pushed him gently off of you to go shower. "You don't have any work today, right? Let me spoil you," he murmured, trailing behind you like a lost puppy to the bathroom.
"Oh, Jung Jaehyun, you know I'm a busy woman," his whine suddenly went quiet, and you had a guess why. Looking over your shoulder, you saw him feel the cracks in the mirror.
"What happened?" He asked, worried, making you mumble something under your breath. "Nothing happened. It was an accident. I already asked someone to come fix it, and yes, I'm fine, so don't worry."
Seeing him eying the bathroom floor and inspecting for any other damages, you rolled your eyes. Always so persisting.
"My schedule for today is clear. As far as what jungwoo told me," You changed the subject, and you saw him turning away from the sink.
"Hm..jungwoo...your secretary, right?"
Smiling, you dibbed in the water, sighing as the warm water engulfed your sore muscles. "Go do some papers, jae," you waved at him, and he rolled his eyes.
"I do have some papers to finish, actually. You rest and I'll prepare your breakfast."
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Ascending the stairs, you slowly padded to the kitchen when you saw your boyfriend's bare back with red scratches, making a smirk curl slowly on your face.
Walking towards him, he smiled when you wrapped your arms around his waist. "You're up," you hummed, nuzzling into his back, "it's mid-day...why didn't you wake me up? I overslept..."
"You looked so peaceful, so I let you." Looking over his shoulder to see what he's doing, you arched a brow.
"Why are you cutting... fruits?"
"...uh for your breakfast?"
"Honey, it's 12:27 in the morning. I think we're past breakfast time," Taking a glass, he poured you some wine, "have some wine, honey," grabbing the glass frol his hand, you laughed as he carried the last bowl to place on the table and held your other hand with his free one before dragging towards the round table near the window that overlooks the back garden.
Sipping his coffee, jaehyun eyed you with tight lips, "why there was 2 dirty glasses when I came home this morning? Did you hang out with your friends or something last njght?"
Munching on a peach, you sipped your wine, "no one was here last night. I was all alone." You lied through your teeth, face calm of any reactions, "plus, you know I sometimes use 2 glasses, I mean, you once found me eating from 2 plates." You shrugged, "I think you were really tired you forgot."
Jaehyun hummed, "Yeah, I think you're right." You smiled. "By the way, I just got a text saying there's some work I need to check in the studio. Would you be here when I come back?"
A loud whine had you giggling, "You said you'll be mine all day," Taking a deep chug, you stood up and walked to your pouty boyfriend, "I did, but! It won't take long," you kissed his cheek and dimple before you kissed his wine-stained lips, humming at the wine you tasted.
"Can I drive you there?" He shouted as you headed upstairs, "No, you rest here. I won't take long."
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Drumming your fingers on the steering wheel, you enjoyed the song playing on the radio. You were in a good mood. You woke up in an amazing way, the memory making you smile coyly.
Hearing your phone ring, you checked the ID, and your mood changed. Tossing the phone to the passenger seat, you rolled your eyes. Minutes later, he called again and again and again, and you had it with him.
Hearing your phone chimes with a notification, you checked, knowing he has texted you.
Johnny: please don't do this.
Johnny: I really do regret what I did, and I'm sorry, but let me talk with you. Don't do this.
Johnny: I came to your house but no one was there.
Leaning your elbow on the car door handle, you sighed after turning your phone off and mindlessly played with your hair. Hearing the police siren, you looked at your side mirror before pulling over as instructed.
Rolling your window down, you waited for the officer to appear by your side. You didn't rush and do anything wrong. You're sure your lights were fine and you had your seat belt on, do why you're getting pulled over?
When the officer stood next to your door, you took your shades off, "how can I help you officer....?"
Studying his face, you felt a sense of Deja vu. You know him. You saw him many times in many places. Ah,... interesting. He's stalking me. How adorable. You had a hunch you knew him from somewhere, not from your recent encounters but from way back then. Like johnny? You wondered.
"Miss?" Doyoung called again and you snapped your eyes at him, "yes?"
"I was saying we need your attendance in the police station. We'd like to ask you few questions."
Pursing your lips, you squinted your eyes at him. Where did you see him before? You can't remember half your childhood due to your many traumas. Everything was a blur mess, and whenever you try to think back to your past, you get nothing but a terrible headache. As if your brain was telling you you're looking for something that doesn't exist. A memory that never happened, but you're sure you knew him from somewhere.
Nodding, you followed him to the police station.
Doyoung felt his heart about the jump out of his chest. This was the closest he ever got to you, and he couldn't believe your beauty. She's prettier than a person. Those pictures did her no justice. Of course, such beauty couldn't be captured by cameras. Biting his lip to suppress his grin, he couldn't wait to have you.
Crossing your legs, you leaned in the chair in his office, your nails drumming on the wooden desk as you waited for him to speak.
"I'm tad busy, officer. Td be glad if you went straight to the point," you forced a smile.
Anyone with eyes would notice how doyoung was eying with heart-shaped eyes. He didn't stop smiling ever since you entered with him.
"Yes," he cleared his throat, "we want you to answer a few questions about your boyfriend, Jung Jaehyun."
Hearing the name of your lover, you leaned in, intrigued, and slightly worried. Seeing the way your chest was pressed near the edge of the desk, nearly spilling from your dress low cut, doyoung slammed his knee on the edge of the desk to distract himself from you and focus.
"You okay?" You asked when you heard the thud, "I'm fine." Gulping down the drool in his mouth, he sat straight, fixing his light blue uniform.
"We think he's embezzling money from the company. We can't share any further information as it's an ongoing investigation."
Arching a brow, a scoffed laugh resonated. "Really? Embezzlement? Really?" Running your hand through your hair, you scoffed.
Grining, doyoung leaned on his elbows on the desk, a faint smirk on his lips behind his interwinded fingers, "Didn't he spend any extravagant sums lately with no apparent reason?" He tilted his head, watching your face as you thought about his question. Doyoung knew he could watch you all his life and won't get bored. Doing nothing but catching his attention. It was bad for him.
"Well," you started, a playful smile on your lips that had doyoung's cock to twitch, "l don't know about your salary or your view on extravagant sums but he spent the regular; bout 2 house in London and 3 racing care and that's not above the budget," shrugging your shoulders, you smirked at him.
" i see.." she doesn't know about his spending. Thought she'd be in control of the Financials.
"If this is everything, I guess I'm leaving," Standing up, you put your coat on your shoulders. Putting your shades on, you gave him one last forced smile before leaving.
Letting out a breath, doyoung checked his pants to see an obvious bulge. Laughing, he leaned in his chair and threw his head back. Facing the ceiling, he smiled dreamingly, "I'm madly in love with you."
Sighing, he pulled an envelope from his drawer, "Time to play my cards." Grabbing w paper and his phone call, he called a flower shop.
Groaning, you felt your hand burn from the number of sketches you did, and with jungwoo talking your ear off about some last-minute adjustments, you felt your head about to explode.
Finishing your renderings and graphics to showcase to your designs for the upcoming meeting, you sighed, stretching your back.
"What do I have next?" You asked jungwoo, checking your wristwatch, "3 pm..hmm,"
"Well," he checked his tablet, a small pout on his lips, " all you have left is to coordinate with vendors and suppliers to ensure that materials and products needed for your designs will be delivered on time and of high quality."
"Can't you do that? I wanna go home," you whined, dropping your head on your desk among the many sheets and fabric materials.
"Pass," he rejected you casually and calmly, which made you laugh, the sound muffled by the papers around your face, "Oh, I remembered! You got a delivery, someone sent you flowers!"
Lifting your head, you eyed him with a puzzled look, "i did?"
Seeing him walk back inside your office with a colorful bouquet, you gently grabbed it from his hands,"Did it come with a letter?" You asked, inspecting the choice of flowers.
"Yes and an envelope." Jungwoo handed them to you, "Okay, you may leave now."
Inhaling their scent, you smiled a little. You loved flowers, but you didn't love this specific rearrangement. The sender clearly had an idea of the symbols of flowers.
"White, yellow, orange and red flowers..whute Liles and gardenia: beauty and love," you recalled the meaning of the flowers in your hand as you delicatly touched the white petals.
"and then they sent yellow daffodils and orange marigolds. unrivaled love and jealousy?" You arched a brow, intrigued.
Two flowers left. 4 yellows flowers 3 red flowers."' An unsettling feeling churned in your stomech, "yellow rose infidelity. geranium..stupidity." Your brows furrowed. Your tongue prodding at your cheek, "this is stupid. Where's the letter?!"
With a scowl, you unfolded the letter, and you were met with neat handwriting.
"I know I don't need to explain what these flowers mean, but when I saw the lilies, I couldn't help but think of you, thus, the gardenia and daffodils. Daffodils might seem exaggerated, but their not. Trust me on that and those small marigolds? Wish jealous was as pretty and delicate, but we both know it's not. Jealousy is a burning rage, just like those orange petals. But as beautiful as you are, my love, you don't know everything, hence, the geraniums. Love makes us stupid. I know. Now, you might not understand why i sent the yellow roses, but I hope what's in the envelope enlighten you. Your rich boyfriend isn't naive as you perceive him. Maybe beside the 2 houses and yacht, he spent his money on another girlfriend? I don't know, I' let you decide.
Tearing the letter, you hastily opened the envelope. Tearing the envelope with hard and fast motion, you lifted a brow, ready to see what's inside.
As you opened the envelope, your mind took long three seconds to register the sight. Photos. Clear HD photos of jaehyun holding and kissing a woman that's not you.
You felt your heart sink as you eyed the pictures in your hand. Some slipped down as your grasp around them weakened.
You were so shocked you started laughing checking all their images captured on film, "oh wow," you whispered. "This wasn't a one-time thing.. Oh wow." A flash of anger and hurt shot through you as the realization of your beloved's betrayal hit you.
You let out a loud, bitter laugh, holding the images tightly in you grasp, before throwing them to the ground and crushing them with your heel as you stood up.
Looking down at the flowers, you tore them apart before slamming them against the wall, still laughing.
Throwing your head back, your hand went through your hair, "I'm gonna kill him," you raved, grining ear to ear.
When jungwoo heard many crashing noises in your office, he rushed inside to check on you but got pushed by your beeline figure. He grunted as his back hit the wall behind before he could catch you. He saw your car race down the road.
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Pressing on the gas pedal, the car sped down the road, taking turns with aggressive motions.
Recalling the photos, you felt your eyes sting with unshed tears and you quickly and aggressively rubbed your eyes with the back of your hand, smudging your makeup in your wake, "i won't cry because of him."
Pressing more on the gas pedal, the sound of the car's engine seemed to grow louder in response to your frustration. Your hands were firmly gripping the steering wheel.
Seeing a car suddenly halt in the middle of the road ahead of you, you cussed at you pressed breaks, pulling the steering wheel. The tires squealed against the pavement, leaving black, smoking marks on the asphalt.
When the car continued to drift, you desperately tried to regain control of the vehicle before hitting the stopped car. Your hands clenched the steering wheel, and your knuckles grew white with the force of their grip. The sound of the tires skidding on the pavement was deafening, and the smoke from the tires filled the air.
When the car finally stopped, you let out the breath you were holding. Scratch that. You were panting as you leaned back in your seat with closed eyes, resting your head at the head rest, trying to catch your breath and stabilize your heartbeats.
Hearing someone knocking on your window, you opened your eyes and peeked at your side. Seeing his face, you pushed your door open, not caring if you hit him.
"You're fucking crazy, you know that!? Like why would you do that!? Huh?! Why?!" Punching and pushing at his chest, doyoung kept giving you his dopey smile, which infuriated you. You hated his stupid gummy smile.
Grabbing your hand, he sighed, "You were racing, and I didn't know how to stop you." He brought your hand and put it on his heart. You could feel how loud and fast his heart was beating against your hand.
"I was so damn scared something might happen to you because of me. I was terrified." Feeling him kiss your palm, you yanked your hand away, a loud scoff leaving you.
"God... You were beautiful in the photos I took, but you're absolutely fucking perfect in my arms like this." Doyoung mumbled, tucking your hair behind your ear making you shudder but you didn't stop him.
"How delusional can you get? First, a stalker, now this?" You grabbed his wrist and pushed his arm away, but he didn't budge. Instead, he grabbed at your wrist instead with iron grip.
"Stalking" is such a strong word I prefer "Intense Research of an Individual" with smooth voice, he said, eying you with raw adoration, "plus, it's my job. To investigate." He winked at you, "you're running out of milk by the way,"
"This is a waste of my time. Move away!" You pushed him off, frustrated that he was making you feel things, "Why did you send me those photos?" Pushing his hand that lingered on your cheek, you glared at him.
As if something clicked in him, his smile dropped, and his face locked in dark gaze. With a fast move, he garbed both your arms and slammed you against your car. His whole demeanor changed, which made you secretly smile, "i did this out of love, I'm doing this out of love!! If anything ever happens to you, I'll fucking kill myself, you hear me?!"
Hearing that, you smiled before scoffing a laugh, "Do you really think I'll fall for such words? Anyone can die for anyone. Why on earth would your death phaze me? Id see you shoot yourself here, right now, and i won't give a damn. I think you flattered yourself a bit too much." You smirkrd, caressing his face before harshly gripping his jaw and bringing his face closer to yours, "For all I know, those pictures you sent me may be fake. You want me so bad, you'll do anything to get me, won't you?" You whispered, looking at his eyes and lips, trying to read his face but his eyes looked dead, nothing in them.
He made no reaction to you holding his face or tried to prey your hand off, He just tilted his head in your hold. you couldn't understand his expressions. You couldn't read him or know what he's thinking or what he'll do next. He was unpredictable, and you loved that. You enjoyed him keeping you at your toes. You were so entertained, you nearly forgot why you were mad.
Grabbing his phone, he shoved it in your face, a map with red dot sparkling. "See this?? It's your fucking boyfriend at his slut's house. I put a GPS tracker in his car. When you left the house at 12:51, at 15:38, he got a text and went to her. Now it's 15:45. If we hurry, we'd catch them. Get in the car," he grabbed your hand off of his face and dragged you towards his car before making get inside and started the engine, "how about my car?" You asked flatly, "I'll make someone take it to your house, don't worry."
Leaning towards you, he fasted your seat belt. "My purse," you muttered, and he smiled before going back to your car to get it, bringing your coat as well.
The whole ride felt suffocating and awkward, and you felt it dragged for an hour when, in fact, it was only 4 minutes.
He kept ahold of your hand in his while driving with the other. When you tried to pull it away, he heavily pouted, "Please let me hold it. promise I won't do anything else but to hold your hand."
Sighing, you ignored the way his face lit up when you muttered a faint 'fine' and chose to look out of the window instead fir the rest of the ride.
After defeating silence, you turned your head to look at him to find him already looking at you, which, for reasons you didn't know, your heart fluttered in your chest making you eye him with furrowed brows before shaking your head and ignoring it.
He hummed, waiting for you to speak, "so..uh..how to ask this... how did this...infatuation of yours with me start?"
Taking a turn, you recognized the neighborhood. You went with him there to buy a house. He told you it was for business. Rolling your eyes, you scoffed. No longer fuming with rage but disappointed.
"You really don't recognize me? I think I changed a little but not like johnny. No?" Tilting your head, you squinted your eyes at him, "why I'm not shocked you know him too. But no, I do remember your face, but I can't remember from where. I can't remember half my childhood if you knew me from that way back." You shrugging, watching the many houses lining up in the back.
"We used to live in the same neighborhood. You were thirteen when you stood up for me. A boy was bullying me, and you pushed him to the road. A truck hit him, and he died right there. The truck didn't stop and ran away, and I remember you telling me to dispose of him in the river. We made a pinky promis to never tell anyone about our little secret." Hooking his pinky finger with yours, he brought his other hands to make a shush motion, making you chuckle.
Looking down at your interlocked fingers, a small smile curled on your lips, your brows pulled together in astonishment. You remembered him when he pulled that car stunt, but you're not going to tell him. You still couldn't remember the incident clearly, but that sounded like a thing you did. "Thirteen you said?... I remember I moved a lot by that age."
"Yeah, next morning I didn't find you. Years later, I found you, but the cops were around your house. I felt happy; happy that you didn't change. Blood and death surrounding you wherever you go. I wanted to reach out to you when I found you three years ago, but you looked happy with your newfound freedom. You looked the happiest freed from your past, so I let you. Until you killed your father and I had to interfere. You must stop killing people and leaving them by the sidewalks. That's irresponsible."
Hearing him, you couldn't help but laugh at his scolding. "I never thought I'd be getting such advice from a cop. Don't worry, sir. Next time, I'll do it right."
"We're here." Parking by the corner, you stepped out of the car with an umbrella to shield you from the rain. Doyoung stayed in the car per your request. It was a thing you had to face alone, but he made sure you knew that he'd jump in if he saw it necessary.
Taking steady strides, you stopped by a tree before putting your shades back on to hide your face, your umbrella shielding half your face as well, but you put your glasses on for good measures.
Seeing his car park by a nearby gate, you saw a door pulled open, and a girl with a white shirt and basketball shorts stride towards him before throwing herself in his arms.
You didn't know what you expected. For him to push her back? For this to be fake? For doyoung to be wrong? For this to be a huge misunderstanding? You expected many things, but none of them were your beloved catching her in his arms and kissing her out in public.
Something died in you. Seeing that with your own eyes, a big crake tore your heart in two. You never felt such pain before. It was overwhelming. You felt a deep pang of pain and hurt as you witnessed the sight of your so called your man with another woman.
The pain was so intense, so gut-wrenching, that it took yout breath away. It left you feeling like you're falling apart, like you were crumbling from the inside out. Seeing them walk inside, laughing and chatting, you looked down at your heels, smiling, before lifting your head and looking at the house memorizing it.
Turning on your heel, your grip around the umbrella loosened. You felt hollow. The whole world felt quiet, but it was you so cut out of the world. All sounds were muted. Only you, your thumbing heart, and your voices.
Oh, the voices... they were mocking you for falling in love with a man like jaehyun. A man you knew was too good for you and was prone to leave you for someone younger and prettier.
The voices chanted one word. Kept on screaming it in your head. Tone was getting more aggressive and intense, but your facial expression remains neutral, no sign that there was a war in your head.
Walking to the car, you didn't hear the squelches of your shoe against the wet pavement, only what your demons desired, only what they were begging you to do. Only there whispers in your ears. Only their shouts in your mind.
To kill your cheating ex.
Doyoung stood by the car waiting for you. He watched you silently. He knew you'd want no one to talk with you, so he kept quiet the whole way back to your house. It pained him.
"I will take all the pain if it means you'll smile."
He wanted to tell you that, but didn't, he wanted to say many things but he didn't. He hated it. He hated jaehyun for what he did to you. He hated him to his guts. He wanted him gone for a long time, and now was the perfect chance, but he knew it wasn't his for the taking. It was yours.
"That...girl. you want her dead?" Doyoung softly whispered, "I can get rid of her for you if you want."
Grabbing your purse from the backseat, you glanced at him. He was giving you his best puppy eyes, but yours were dead. You were numb. "I can manage myself." You replied flatly. "Plus, it's not your problem, it's mine."
"Baby, killing for you is my favorite hobby." Grabbing your hand, he kissed your knuckles one by one, "if you need my help, just call me. I have your number, I'll text you mine."
Nodding your head, you left. There was no emotion left within you. You're back at the age of fifteen. Void of any life. Back at square one.
Throwing your coat at the coach, you halted by the way to the kitchen when you saw a red rose next to the pancakes he made you for breakfast.
Striding towards the table, you grabbed the plate and smashed it to the wall before grabbing your phone.
I'm back home, where are you?
Jae: oh, a sudden meeting. I'll be back before dinner ;)
Jae: I love you!
Putting your phone down, you went to your bedroom. The closet. The vanity. The bed. The photo frames. The corners of the room. His clothes. His perfumes. His watches. His rings. Everything reminded you of him.
Sitting on your bed. You finally took a deep breath.
You hadn't cried in a long time, longer than you could remember. But now, all your suppressed anger and frustration exploded, and floods of tears started to swell from your now dark eyes. One tear becme two then three then more.
soaking your shirt completely. Your small sniffs turned into gasps, and that turned into whales, then into loud screams and shouts.
Scream-crying. Even in your most vulnerable moments, you were violent. Walking to his closet, you tore and ripped his shirts within a second. Smashed his perfume bottles into the wall.
Grabbing the bedside table's lamp, you threw it at the corner, and a flame burst. With a small smile, you watched the fire grow in the corner. Slowly, it started rising. It was beautiful.
Chuckling under your breath, you took backward steps, eyes still focused on the burning fire before you turned into your bathroom.
Laughing, you traced the broken mirror's cracks with your fingers. You didn't hate your reflection. This was you. Your reflection on the broken mirror was you. The real you.
Running your hand on your face, you felt under your eyes the ruined mascara. Running your hand up to your hair, you tugged at it harshly till your scalp stung.
Looking around you, you spot the scissors. Grabbing it, you huffed your hair off of your face before looking back at your black locks in the mirror. "Pretty," you grinned at yourself.
Cutting your hair recklessly, you were still filled with the overwhelming sense of betrayal and anguish. You couldn't help but feel like your whole world was crumbling around you, but you knew this all would end eventually. You had a plan.
After taking a shower and getting dressed in your favorite red dress, you dried your hair and got dolled up. Stepping back into your bedroom, you fond the fire had gone out, a black mark painting the wall.
"That fire was short-lived.." You mumbled.
Jae: I love you!
6: 24 pm
Dinner at my house? Candles? I'm feeling romantic tonight. Don't be late.
Smirking, you leaned on the wall behind you with a content smile.
Getting inside the house, jaehyun tried to feel the switch to turn the lights on, but nothing. The house was dead silent as he called your name but got no answer.
Looking at the walls, his brows furrowed at the sight of scratches and red stains... blood? the paint has peeled off on various spots. It seemed like a peeling mark, as if someone threw something harshly at the wall, causing the paint to separate from the surface. he swears he left the house just fine few hours ago.
Walking deep into the house, jaehyun caught the faint sound of one of his favorite songs playing on the vinyl.
Following the sound, he hanged his coat on the hanger, "Honey?" He called quietly. Peering at the dining room, a smile made to his lips when he finally saw you.
Leaning on the door frame, he watched you preparing the table with dishes and lighting some candles.
Looking over your shoulder, you smiled, "You're home," You walked toward him, and he opened his eyes to wrap you in his embrace before kissing you softly.
"Your hair...why you changed it?" He asked, taking one of your blond locks in his hand. He looked startled with the new color and haircut.
"You don't like it?" You asked with a pout, " thought I'd do something new. You know, out of change. Come let us eat."
Pushing him off of you gently, you pulled him towards a chair before sitting him down, "This looks beautiful, my doll." You smiled at the pet name.
"I put your favorite song, too. 'Nothing gonna hurt you baby'." You grinned before adding with a tilt of your head, "our favorite."
The vinyl was playing softly in the background, providing a warm and intimate atmosphere. The room was cozy and inviting, with soft lighting and a warm fire crackling in the fireplace.
You set the table with exquisite details, adorning it with delicate porcelain plates and shining silverware. The air was filled with the aroma of delicious food cooking in the kitchen.
Bringing the last dish, you poured him a glass of wine before sitting down opposite of him. After eating in silence —only him was eating, you kept on watching him— you reached for your glass of wine, "how was work, honey?" You hummed, inhaling the scent of the fruity beverage.
"Boring," he answered, wiping his lips with his napkin, "nothing interesting." You smiled softly at that.
Taking another sip of his wine, you smiled faintly when you saw the furrow in his eyebrows, "hm, this wine tastes a bit different." Jaehyun murmured, licking at his lips, "tastes...bitter?" You looked at him confused before taking your untouched glass and sipped a little, "Hm..no? It tastes just fine."
Looking up at you, he saw you eying him with your chin in your palm with your play untouched, "Why...aren't you eating?" He asked warily.
"I'm not hungry, plus, I'd love to watch you eat instead. More wine?" Glancing at you, he saw your silhouette moving in both sides. Blinking his eyes, he started taking slow breaths.
Caressing his neck, he gulped down the rest of his wine, but nothing. It was only getting worse. he felt as if his throat was burning from dryness, "water," he croaked before coughing.
Jumping to your feet, you poured him a glass of water and handed it to him, "Are you okay?" You saw him rubbing his eyes as he looked at you twice as he blinked.
Pushing his chair away, he stumbled to stand up as he kept backing away from you with wobbly legs, "Wha...what did you d-do to me?" He mumbled, using his hand against the wall to stabilize himself.
Sitting on the table, you grabbed his empty glass of wine in your hand before grinning, "hurting you was the last thing I wanted to do, but you left me with no choice. But worry not, the fun has yet to begun. Cheers cheater!" Rising your glass in the air, you winked at him.
"C-cheater? what are you—"
"Don't even—oh...he passed out."
Putting your glass down, you walked towards him before crouching next to him. Pushing his hair off his flushed and sweaty face, you hummed.
Jaehyun felt as if he was running and running in a dark forest but to no destination. All he knew was that he had to run to save his life.
His felt a sting in his thigh. He took a guess it was a wound, but he had to keep running to safety, but the pain was so severe that he felt like he's getting stabbed with every step that he took.
Leaning on a tree, he tried to catch his breath and think. Looking at his leg, he saw blood but felt nothing. The sharp pain has faded to a manageable buzz, at the same time that everything has grown fuzzy and indistinct, and the world around him went dark.
Fluttering his eyes open, he was met with darkness and coldness. His brain was slowly waking up as the only thing he was seeing was his lap as he couldn't raise his head. He felt too weak to lift his head.
Taking shallow breaths, he felt his chest burn with every stretch of his skin.
He felt pain all over his body but couldn't pinpoint where exactly. He was still feeling dizzy as he struggled to move his neck. his muscles were tense and shaking with the strain. His breath comes in short, panting gasps.
When his eyes adjusted to the light, He tried to move his arms and legs but found that he was completely restrained. He realized he was tied to a chair with his hands behind his back and his legs tied with ropes to the chair legs.
His heart began to race as he realized that he was in a dark room with no windows or lights. Examining his surroundings, he realized he was in the basement.
He tried to remember, but everything was blurry. Pushing more made his throbbing head intensities. He remembered coming home, having dinner with you then... then he passed out. He remembered your last words before he fainted, making him panic. his heart started racing as he tried to free himself from his restraints, but to no avail, he was too drained.
Just when he thought the situation couldn't get any worse, he felt a sudden, hot sensation in his chest making him hiss, feeling the cold air brushing at his bare skin, he shuddered but when he sensed something dripping down his abdomen, he looked down and panic sets in.
He saw four letters carved into his chest and abdomen. Some looked so fresh while some were not with dried blood around them. looking down at his body, he realized that he was bleeding from several cuts and wounds, "oh god, oh god," seeing the pool of blood underneath him, he found no reason for it to not be his blood. He tried to call or scream for help but couldn't because he felt his throat was dry and parched.
Hearing the clacking of heels, he saw your feet clad in your favorite white heels with...red dots staining them appearing before him.
Now that he saw red, he felt nauseous, and finally, the smell around him invaded him. Trying to lift his head and move his limbs, pain shot through his strained muscles again.
Moving his hands, he hissed at the sharp and cold edge of some restrains digging into his wrists. "You're awake? Oh my god, it has been two days! I thought you had already died on me."
Feeling helpless and afraid, he struggled against the binds that held him captive. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't free himself from the chair. "I'm bleeding," he exclaimed, "shit, stop this. I'm bleeding. It hurts. Please. This ain't funny. There's a pool of blood under me," he panicked.
"I know you're bleeding. What do you think I was trying to do?" You tilted your head at him with puzzled expression, sending shivers down his spin.
You didn't just look out of your mind, but you looked as if you just walked out of a horror movie. You were drenched in blood, and your small white dress looked like a canvas with splashes of red.
Your blond hair had red strands framing your face. Your cheek and neck had blood on them as for your hands, Blood was dripping from them.
walking towards him, jaehyun jerked away, but you smiled wickedly before grabbing his neck to make him focus on your face. Looking down at him, you carassd his hair with a smile.
"Do you even know what you did wrong, jaehyunie?" you asked in a soft cadence. Jaehyun knew better than to fall for your faux facad, but the cuts on his neck certainly were fresh, and with every squeez, a wheezy breath left him.
When you got no response but whimpers and hisses, you rolled your eyes before tugging at his hair harshly and jerking his head back, exposing his bleeding neck before digging your nails into the cuts making him scream and trash away.
"I d-don't...please stop. P-please," he panted. planting your knee on his thigh to fix him and him to stop moving, he screamed again, "Stop, it hurts," he started pulling at his hands. "What do you mean it hurts? If it hurts, it's because you're struggling! Dont move, and you'll be fine."
Feeling wetness under your knee, you looked to see a forming blood stain on his jeans, "I may have stabbed your thighs too.." Pressing your knee more, you enjoyed how his face contorted in pain.
"Scream all you want, love. I soundproofed the walls and everything. Isn't that romantic?" You smiled at him.
"Please stop..why are you doing this?" He panted. Standing up, you grabbed his chair and faced towards the wall behind him.
Seeing the portrait of him kissing another woman, he froze. He felt his blood turn cold. That why she called. So she'd take photos.
"Why would you cheat, jaehyun? Weren't I enough for you?" Feeling his heart sting, he couldn't look at you. "You can't deny or lie. I saw you with my own eyes....what? Did a cat get your tongue? Why so quite? Aren't you going yo cry and beg? I have plans for your tongue..." You trailed your knife along his face, and he started trembling.
"It's a setup! It must be her plan all along. It's a setup, believe me. All this is big misunderstandment!" He cried out, "she was blackmailing me, I swear! Something about me embezzling money, which is not true! Someone is framing me, and I had no choice. Please believe me, I'd never ever cheat on you, I love you!" He sobbed as you pressed the sharp edge of the knife into the carved letters.
Stepping back, seeing him cry made you drop the knife and gently wipe his cheeks, but when you saw the mess you made, you grimaced. You started hyperventilating when you brought your bloody hands in front of your face.
Who's blood is this? Looking at your hand and at jaehyun, you felt your head throb, "what?" You whispered, "What do you mean a setup? I saw you... I saw you kissing. You didn't look forced. You looked happy.." You whispered, you felt pain in your body, you could barely hear what he was saying. You were barely able to hear your own self talking. "Don't cry. You'll make me feel bad for you. I don't want to feel bad for you." You pleaded, voice low and muffled by your palms.
"GODDAMN SHUT UP!" You suddenly screamed, causing jaehyun to flinch, "STOP TALKING! STOP TALKING!" Clutching your hair, you leaned on the wall behind you, "please make them shut up! I don't want to do this, I don't want to do that! Please make them shut up, jaehyun." You fell to ground, sniffling.
Looking at you, jaehyun felt pain in his chest at your sight, "Baby... there's no one but us," he chuckled bitterly, "no one is here."
Hearing thud upstairs, you wiped your face before standing up, "a setup you said?" You asked, and jaehyun weakly nodded, making you throw your head back with a laugh, "Oh, I see, but you're not off the hook, okay handsome face?" You grinned, tapping his lips, and jaehyun gagged at the salty and metallic taste of the blood on her fingers.
"Please don't do anything to upset me. The mess wouldn't be good for either of us. Stay still, and don't be dumb." You called before climbing up the stairs.
Walking into the living room, you saw doyoung placing an unconscious johnny on the couch. Dropping him down, he straightened his back, huffing out a deep breath.
Hearing you walk behind him, he smiled when he felt your arms slipping around his waist. "You finished him, sweety?" He asked, smiling.
Leaning your cheek on his shoulder, you hummed, "Doyoung," he smiled down at you, "why is johnny passed out on the couch?" You asked quietly after spoting blood oozing from the oldest's temple, "I had to do it. He was going to kill me." He exclaimed.
"And how would he do that?" You pressed on with an arch of your brow. You were very cautious and suspicious of him. For the past 2 days, he had visited with gifts and roses and even asked you out on dinner, which you agreed to just to keep him closer to you and keep a close eye on him.
"He was trying to take you away from me! He called me psycho and was going to report me, saying I shouldn't be near you and that you'll never love someone like me," wrapping his hands over yours, he looked down at you, "You're mine. Don't forget that. You promised. Say it," he urged, squeezing your hands, "say what?" You asked and he whined distraught.
"Please, i need to hear you say it. tell me you love me." Feeling your hand glid up and down his back, he eyed hopefully before you stepped back from him, pointing his gun at him.
"What are you doing?" Doyoung asked with his hands on his waist. His face marred with confusion and...pain? "Are you gonna shoot me? After everything I did, you still chose to protect him? Who cheated on you?" He asked in disbelief.
"Did he?" You smirked, cooking the hammer of the gun, finger resting at the trigger. Doyoung eyed you impress, a proud smile resting on his face. "Tell me, Doyoung. Did he really do that, or was it all a plot of your own creation?" You squinted your eyes at him.
"You still don't believe me? After all I did for you? Taking his side after all he did?!" Doyoung yelled, frustrated, "did he tell you he was innocent and he's the victim?" He took a step closer to you, not caring about the gun pointing at his face.
He was bristling with rage. All he could see was red. "No one can force anyone to cheat on someone they love. He's lying to you! You've seen it with your own eyes how he doesn't care about you. He's worthless of a woman like you."
You didn't know what to think, doyoung was right, you saw him cheat, he died look forced or miserable. He looked like a cheater.
He is a cheater. He fooled you. Kill him.
We need to kill someone. Kill!kill!kill!kill!kill!kill!kill!kill!—
Shaking your head to ignore the voices and focus on doyoung, you grab your face in your hand, "And you? You're worthy of me?" He grinned before taking the gun and placing it at his forehead, "don't act as if we're not soulmates, love. Even you know this."
Hearing heavy panting, you glanced over your shoulder to see jaehyun leaning on the wall with pale skin and blood smeared on his skin. You saw how he was struggling to stand still as he had to use the knife clutched in his hand to dig at the wall to aid his movement.
"No," jaehyun mumbled, stumbling on his legs, barely sble to lift his head, "I didn't...he planned it all. I..I always loved you and won't...won't hurt you, he's lying." he groaned, clutching his chest.
He was deliriuming. He didn't know which version of you was real, the one crying for his help or the one pointing a gun at him with raging eyes and murderous expression. Everything was blurry around him. He couldn't recognize the house or anything in it, and he was barely able to pinpoint your features. He felt his heart was going to stop beating any second, but he had to at least try and do something. He still had hope.
Both are lying. Kill both.
"Don't do this. We can fix it. I'll help you heal—"
"—there's nothing wrong with her–hey, there's nothing wrong with you. You're perfect the way you are." Doyoung held your face in his hand and made you face him, "you don't change a thing in yourself for anyone." Nodding, you turned to Jaehyun with a smirk on.
"I wanted you to love me while I fix myself." Lifting your arm, jaehyun finally understood. He smiled brokenly as he glid down the wall to the ground. "If killing me would lessen your pain... then fine... do it. I'm content with that."
Seeing your face soften, doyoung grabbed your hand and fired two bullets, and when he lowered your arm, you spotted a lifeless jaehyun leaning on the wall with a hole in his forehead with blood oozing out. He looked so at peace with a smile on his lips. He was at peace.
Looking at his unmoving body, you looked at doyoung with widened eyes. Your breathing became shallow and agitated as you stood there frozen, unable to believe what just had happened. Your hands started trembling, and your knees felt weak as you struggled to compose yourself. You didn't feel regret. You felt nothing. You were startled because of the way he eyed you... before he died. He was telling the truth.
"I'll do whatever it takes if it means we'll be together forever, my love." He confessed, pursing his lips before giving you a sinister smile. Seeing you lower your hand, he took a step towards you, and you subconsciously took a step back.
"You're mine," he whispered near your ear before taking the gun slowly from your limp hand. "He didn't...cheat, didn't he?" You whispered, feeling your cheek dampen, "he was saying the truth, and I..I"
"Don't cry. I can't see you crying. It hurts me so badly seeing you hurt. He deserved what happened to him. He did cheat. I left him with a choice, and he preferred his company and reputation over you. He failed his test, so dont cry. "
Letting him hug you, you dropped your head on his shoulder with closed eyes, "I'm tired." You sighed, "sleep a little. We have a long ride ahead of us." He smiled, caressing your hair, making you more sleepy.
"I don't sleep... not in this state. My mind has the scary capability of being dark and demented." You whispered back. "You are afraid of your dreams?"
"Yes," you said quietly. Hearing faint sirens, you pulled your head up, and doyoung was quick to speak, "Don't worry. I have a plan," Moving away from you, you saw him pouring gasoline around the living room, and you took the lighter from him and flicked it on before throwing it to the ground and watching the fire ignite.
Looking behind you, you saw doyoung dragging a body before dropping it near the stairs. It was the girl jaehyun was cheating on you with. Tilting your head, you eyed Johnny on the couch, "Hey, he's my friend, I don't want him to burn to his death." Seeing the way doyoung was glancing between you wnd johnny had you smirking, "my, are you jealous?"
"You think l'm jealous? Trust me, my love, you haven't even seen jealousy." Shrugging, you grabbed his hand and left the house before getting in a car.
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"Breaking new: the ceo of Jung business Empire, at age of 26, found dead today at one of the houses of his girlfriend's (Y/L/N) the worldwide-renowned fashion designer who also found dead with him at age of 25. The cause of death is said to be a gas leak. We send our heartfelt condolences to their families." The reporter continued telling the events.
The sun rose a few hours ago on the smoldering ruins of the once-grand mansion, as police and reporters gathered around the charred remains of what had been your home.
Inside the ambulance laid the only survivor, Johnny, who was still unconscious due to the amount of smoke he inhaled with the cop that saved him.
"Is he gonna live?" Jeno asked worryingly, his arm got bandaged, and his wounds and burns already tended while jisung only suffered minor injuries. When the nurse nodded and left, the younger dropped himself next to jeno.
"Why would doyoung suddenly leave..." the younger mumbled still don't understand why their sergeant suddenly took a break from work.
"Let him be. He earned it. Now Jung Jaehyun's case is closed, and there's nothing to be worried about," jeno sighed, cracking his back, letting some satisfied groans.
Getting called by another officer–Kun, jisung rushed towards him, leaving jeno by himself. Tapping his phone nervously, the younger bite on his nails as his mind drifted away.
Feeling johnny steering in his sleep, jeno pocketed his phone before looking around him for any nurse, hearing him call your name, jebo stopped and listened.
"She's... alive...he took her... he kill jaehyun." Johnny mumbled, still under the influence of drugs.
Hearing him, jeno checked his surroundings again before pulling a needle from his pocket and ingesting a liquid into The UV
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animentality · 1 year
I was going to unfollow after disagreeing with your opinions on Steven Universe
But your philosophical discussion on how mpreg and omegaverse are the collage girls and milfs of fandom?
That's content I just can't turn down.
Listen, I was around for when mpreg was hot.
Everyone used it as an example of how deranged the internet was. Now omegaverse is the new thing, and people don't really use mpreg anymore.
And you see way less negative reactions to omegaverse vs mpreg. Possibly because mpreg was this infamous creature of the early 2000s, which lurked on fanfiction dot net and other fan sites, this taboo little beast that people only brought up to laugh at.
But omegaverse is classier. It's evolved and matured.
It's no longer the screaming spring break college girl, but the older and wiser mommy who knows what she wants and isn't ashamed of it anymore.
She's a CEO in a sharp pants suit and 6 inch heels and glasses and a scarf that costs 40,000 usd.
I also propose the idea that omegaverse is more trans inclusive than mpreg, because it has a more nuanced understanding of how gender operates in this fanfictional word.
Back in the old days, mpreg was like...men shit babies out their asses.
Not many people really knew what else they could do.
They still wanted the gay sex but didn't understand exactly what they were craving.
I have always felt that "yaoi" and "bl" and m x m pairings all arose from this longing for connection.
See, in the 2000s, whether you watched Naruto or supernatural, you just noticed how female characters were just these... non people.
They were love interests. They were sexy and didn't do much, except get killed off for drama, or they were dutiful lovers, waiting for the main character to finish the plot.
Women gravitated towards gay pairings because first off, many of them are attracted to men, so two guys getting it on had this irresistible sexual draw for them. But also, these two male characters just had this genuine feeling of affection for each other.
They were well written and nuanced and had genuine connections. Women responded to that.
Where there was no compelling canon het relationship, women decided there would be a compelling, almost canon homo relationship.
So that's where boy x boy found a home.
In the hearts of women who wanted romance outside of romance novels, but didn't get compelling heterosexual ones in other media.
But mpreg was a weirder thing, where perhaps you want to impregnate this character...but he's male.
But you don't know how to do that exactly. So you go to this fictional thing...where men shit babies.
But omegaverse is better.
Omegaverse will do you one better.
It'll propose that we can acknowledge...that women can have dicks. Men can have vaginas.
Men and women can have both.
Omegaverse like...transitioned from mpreg!!!
It became gender fluid and gender inclusive.
I have always felt also that saying yaoi is just a straight woman's plaything to be wildly shallow and dismissive.
You know how many nonbinary and trans people who are afab realized they were not women through yaoi???
A thousand million trillion hundred.
Omegaverse is cool to me, ok.
Mpreg was alright, but it was sort of strange just so far as, you don't need to recreate a whole organ when you can just say, yeah. He's a man and he has a vagina.
So what.
Maybe he still has a dick. Maybe he doesn't.
But that's the beautiful thing.
He doesn't need either. He can have both.
A female character can have a big old dick too.
Gender is just...it doesn't matter.
You can prefer anal sex between two characters with penises, or you can prefer vaginal sex between a trans character and a cis one.
You can have two penises, if you want. Three. Four.
Spiked penises.
Doesn't matter.
Omegaverse to me was just like...the next step in fandom evolution.
It brought with it a whole other gendered system that I find interesting.
And fascinating from an anthropological standpoint.
I am pro omegaverse.
Not necessarily what I wank to, but...I like it better than mpreg.
I think it took the best of mpreg and tossed out the problematic side of it.
I think...the kids are alright.
And the girlies are wellfed.
Also on the Steven universe thing...I fully admit, my brain was sort intoxicated by a lily orchard video and another video by some guy.
I've been re watching it and I think I was too harsh.
In retrospect, I still think the pink diamond reveal wasn't well thought out and was an easy cop out...but I still like the series in general.
The music and the visuals and the world itself are fun. It also did way more for gay rep than its haters will admit.
So I admit my brain was seeped in toxic fumes.
But anyway.
Good thing.
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brynn-lear · 1 day
Dear B,
Once again I am going to send you a question about your relationships / selfships since they're very cute and they also warm my heart. <3
This time, my question is on what kind of dates you'd like to go with your beloveds 💕 maybe a picnic? Or to a restaurant? Or something else?
I can't wait to know, but please take your time to answer this too <3
Have a nice day and get enough rest! ❤️
Sincerely, Dresvi
sorry i ended up just writing dimitri lol-
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▪️Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd▪️
Dimitri knows it's not really a date. He didn't get his hopes up. When Brynn said she had nothing better to do in the weekend and he invited her out for lunch— she knew she didn't mean anything when she was eager to go to a infamously romantic location. Dimitri knew her all too well, that this will all miraculously circle back to her hobbies. So what if they're alone, just the two of them, in a restaurant inside Enbarr where couples propose all the time...
"Oh ho ho, I can't believe it, look at how cute the glasses are!!!" Brynn began scavenging her bag for her sketchbook and charcoal. "I have to use this for the next chapter!"
The King smiled weakly.
Yeah. He really didn't get his hopes up that this is a date. Of course he didn't. Her biggest solace in life were the children's storybooks she publishes (and the deranged short stories she puts out under a secret pen name, but he'd rather not give her a heart attack). He's really not offended.
But Dimitri's sure everyone can agree that it still stings when someone is this dense.
"I-It sure is." Dimitri cleared his throat. "Would you like to purchase some for yourself? I'm certain I could talk to the staff and inquire where they sourced them."
Brynn beamed. "Really?!"
Suddenly, whatever pain Dimitri felt disappeared for a while. What an adorable smile.
She slapped her cheek. "No! Get it together, Brynn. You're here to relax and not work on your monthly novel."
"It's fine, I'm sure the children would be happy to read about the restaurants in the former Adrestrian territory." Dimitri laughed softly. "Some might even consider the story as their first road trip."
Brynn looked away, adjusting her collar. "Right... It's for the children reading, hmm."
Ah. So she's not using this experience as material for children's books, but for "Cranberry N.V. Tilde."
Dimitri couldn't help but gulp. He's unsure just how she'd use this not-date as material for that side hustle of hers. When she writes as Cranberry, a seemingly romantic story ends in a tragic ending.
Is he... going to be a character in that next volume?
"Good afternoon, and welcome to the Golden Hour. I trust that you are both enjoying the ambiance? May I take your order when you're ready? Or perhaps you'd prefer a recommendation from our seasonal favorites?"
A waiter broke him out of his trance. Brynn stared at the waiter, memorizing his details. Silver hair, placid smile, and a name tag that boasts a unique name. Elzer.
"Salutations to you as well, Elzer." Brynn smiled. "Any dish will suffice, but is there anything you could recommend for us?"
Elzer doesn't seem to notice that he's serving the King and a war veteran. "Why, of course. I'd dare say you can't go wrong with a Châteaubriand for Two and Crème Brûlée as a side dish. You both would certainty not be the first pair of lovers to order this in their date."
Dimitri felt heat rising up his cheeks. "Oh, w-we're not a-"
"We offer a couple's discount for those combination."
"We'll take it, thank you!" Brynn smiled. "I believe that would be all. Oh, and perhaps maybe add charcuterie and cheese board in our order."
"Very well, thank you for your patronage. Enjoy the rest of the evening, Mister and Missus."
"No, thank you for your service, Sir Elzer." Brynn nodded.
Dimitri's eye widened. Missus? Not Miss? Missus as in the honorific used for a married woman? The server thinks Brynn's his wife?
B-Brynn? A-And him? Married?
He wanted to let out a soft scream for a moment. If it weren't uncouth and an obvious sign that his body was shaking in pure joy, Dimitri would've done so already.
The King doesn't say a word as the server leaves. Slowly, he turns to look at Brynn, hoping his facial expression didn't give his thoughts away.
Fortunately for him, Brynn is caught up in her own "research."
"Elzer... That's a nice name... I should use that for the uncle character who helps Desmond hide the body..." Brynn muttered.
Dimitri pinched his nose. Here he was, panicking over how their relationship is being misunderstood while she's thinking about a fictional murder.
Brynn cleared her throat.
"I don't even know what a Chaytoobrainfohtoo is but it sounds lovely! Have you eaten some before, Dimi?" Brynn chirped, her commoner tongue far too evident. "I wonder how it tastes."
"My father and step-mother would eat the dish frequently. Very frequently when they're in a... sappy mood."
"Why, the chefs must be tired of cooking the dish at least four times a day then."
"No, Brynn, the dish is... shared." Dimitri swallowed, face red. "It's a lovers' dish for a reason. In fact, it's customary in Adrestria to share u-utensils when eating it..."
Brynn paused.
Personally, it doesn't really matter to her. She shared meals with Raphael and Ignatz all the time. But no matter what disguise he wore, her company this afternoon is still the King.
Dimitri inhaled sharply. "No matter, it's a small serving, you may have it all-"
"Nah, I'll just use my hands, you can use the fork and knife or whatever." She waved dismissively.
"What?! Nonsense, I wouldn't allow you to. If anything, it is I should be using my bare hands." Dimitri yell-whispered, his face etched with pure worry.
"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but no way." Brynn shook her head. "I'm the commoner here, not you, silly."
Dimitri's gaze softened. "Brynn."
From another table, an old couple could be found laughing at their antics. There's much speculation on their minds, though most words spared were inaudible, both Brynn and Dimitri heard the last bits and pieces.
"Young love, they're so shy they can't even share a fork!"
"They're just like us decades ago, aren't they, my heart?"
"Oh beloved, it seems only yesterday when you gathered up the courage to have lunch with me here in the Golden Hour..."
"Ah, I was such a ragged young lad! I couldn't even reckon that you'd accept."
"As if it's possible for me to be blind when your feelings are known throughout the continent, my heart."
If Dimitri could get any more red from embarrassment, it would've happened. It was one thing to be mistaken for a married couple by the server, but another for grandparents to think they're recently courting each other.
He can't even tell her that, to him, this is their first date!
Truth be told, Dimitri's jealous of the old couple. At least the grandma was sharp enough to know when she's being asked on a romantic date. Not... a relatively short vacation with a royal friend.
Forget it! Might as well be bold.
"... Brynn."
The professor tilted her head. "Hmm? What's on your mind?"
"Let's share a meal." Dimitri told her earnestly. "Like real lovers do."
Dimitri saw it. Even with just an eye left, there's no way it was a trick of the mind. Her lips. It twitched upward for a second. She grinned for a bit.
Brynn closed her eyes.
"Sure. I wouldn't mind. After all, Dimitri..."
Her stare was different this time. Her eyelids were low enough to suggest something playful. Something that is an experience and a writing material to her, but a memory of a lifetime to him.
Brynn places a hand above his.
Something tells Dimitri that this will not end up in a children's book, but in a Cranberry N.V Tilde short story...
"While we're here in the Golden Hour, you're my husband, aren't you?" She winked.
... Yet here he was, praying to the Goddess that just this once, the protagonists will have a happy ending.
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thegamingcatmom · 1 year
Good evening, lovely Cat Mom! 👋🏻😸💖
I hope that this message finds you well.. aka feeling wonderfully insane, feeding the delightful dark things in your mind, and continuing to fuel your obsession with our favourite undead Mommy! 😌💞
I felt it necessary that this particular part of your reply to one of my asks deserves its own little response from me because [ *sounds of lesbian feral screaming into her pillow* ] 😩😻
(Tbh I´ve been itching to use the term "mate" for our poor little Drama Queen for a while now because it´s got such a feral feeling to it and it tells us quite a bit about Momma´s inner workings because mate is basically the equivalent to mine mine mine now and forever and there´s probs lots of biting going on and mating dance and courting and chasing is foreplay and also brrrrrrrrrr and 🥵)
As a lover of A/B/O fiction and primal kink stuff.. this sort of thing drives me crazy! It makes me vibrate with need! 🥴😵‍💫 Therefore, I am obviously eternally grateful for you seeing reader as Momma’s mate, and viewing Ellie as an alpha, and including those descriptors in your writing.
As soon as there is any sort of mention of things such as: being someone’s mate, being owned, the alpha / omega dynamic, predator / prey roles, foreplay in the form of being chased / hunted, being marked or bitten as a form of visible ownership, claiming / being claimed, mating, and breeding.. I am done for! 🥵😮‍💨
RIP me.. in the best possible way! 😻💘
Also, this little snippet from your reply to someone else’s ask:
“..clearly you approve of her display of strength, of showing who’s at the top of the food chain - an apex predator, an alpha-“
Upon reading that line alone:
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I am feeling rather insane over Momma’s mating dance, as her showing off her alpha prowess and proving herself to be more than a worthy mate for reader involving her slaughtering those who she sees as possible competition ( aka absolutely anyone! ) in front of you to impress you, and leaving absolute carnage and utter chaos in her wake in her attempts to court you, is just so.. afshdkfkehshdkhddhaaaaaagh! 🤤
Where do I sign up for an unhinged woman to treat me this way? SIGN ME UP! 🖊️🙏🏻
AIGHT YALL please do line up right here-
*gestures losely to the hole that´s opened up*
- for a one-way ticket to hell.
But be warned because it´s swarmed with unhinged, murderous, demonic women lusting after your flesh and blood and other bodily fluids and limbs might get sent flying absolutely everywhere SO strong is their desire, their instinct to climb inside your body so that you can be one now and forever because they need to be with you every second every step like a leech and eternity can be rather long lemme tell ya so it is strongly advised to proceed with caution and take a moment to think very carefully about-
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...alright then.
(Yall thirsty af, shame on you.)
But where are my manners?!
HELLAW lovely ghost aka was Mommy! 🥰💕
Your messages are always so fucking sweet and thoughtful I- 🥺💗🥺💗🥺💗🥺
ALSO, reading through your ask made me realize how utterly delicious deranged!Maggot Momma sounds even thought that´s literally my view of her so I SHOULD know how it sounds but seeing someone else wrapping it all up so nicely and with these words (alpha prowess made me melt) is just another thing entirely and makes me feel things. 🥵🥵🥵🥵
(Also, I feel it necessary to point out that my brain is a fountain of insanity and it doesn´t look like it´s gonna be exhausted anytime soon.)
And AOSFNASLNÖSAGANK primal!Momma is delicious ain´t she?? And just thinking about anything involving A/B/O universe with Maggot Momma is- I-
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I think it´s become quite clear by now that I, indeed, view Momma as the alpha, the leader of the pack (of Undeads). There´s this certain dynamic going on between her and the other Deadites/demons and it´s very likely I´m going to delve deeper into that in the future because pack dynamics (especially of the demonic kind) are just a special kind of 🥵
My recent work is a pretty good example of what we can expect of Momma & The Pack in the future and how she deals with things like insubordination.
...Insubordination concerning that bunch of misfits of course. Not her perfect Drama Queen because her mate can do no wrong because they´re perfect and if yall ever dare even implying such a thing then Momma´s personally gonna drag your ass to hell where you can rot for all eternity.
But yeah, it´s basically Maggot Momma constantly feeling this need to prove herself and gallavant about - showing everyone that alpha prowess - because not only does it secure her place as the top dog but (she thinks) it also lets her have allll the puss-
I mean-
As with all (or most) animals, the only things that matter when it comes to laying claim to a female are strength and size. And Momma´s got both.
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@gyubby99 okay I found another song that works with aponi-
Alastor x OC fic
Summary: in life, Lilly was a kind girl. Until her ex boyfriend took advantage of her. To get back at him she killed him and then herself. She now resides in hell with a different name, staying at the hazbin hotel so she can redeem herself.. now known as Aponi Wings, she has been with alastor, the radio demon, for a while, and she's been performing at a local club. He comes to see her one night at the same time her ex boyfriend does.
Alastor sat down at a table in the club, ordering a drink as he waited for his beloved to start her performance so he could take her out to dinner afterwards.
Preferably somewhere nicer than this place.
Alastor raised an eyebrow as another demon took a seat next to him.
"Come to see the performance?" Alastor asked as he took a cigarette and lit it.
"Come to see the woman who killed me," the Hog replied.
Alastor turned to him slowly, realizing who he was, who his Lilly had to him about.
Before another word was spoken, the music started.
Aponi walked on stage and up to the microphone to start speaking.
"In my life, I was Lillian Marigold Carlton who worked at taco bell in uranium city, Saskatchewan," she started, speaking to her audience. "But in my dreams I played a different role. I was Aponi Wings in post-war France! A hooker with a heart of black charcoal," She explained before the music began.
I write poems to burn by firelight Drink champagne and guzzle gin Good girls call me "the town bicycle" Don't knock it 'til you've tried my life of sin
Aponi sang as she sat on a chair, her legs spread to seem more bold.
She smirked as she spotted both of the men she knew all to well.
Oh, Alastor, my pimp, knows never mess with me
She sang as she took Alastor's cigar from him and lqyed down on the stage, face to face with her ex lover.
Last prick did that faded quick to black I have no idea where to find him, officers
She sang as she got up and walked over to him, placing her hands on his shoulders, her eyes glowing in pent up anger.
The cigar burned in her finger. But if you do, please mention that I'd Like to have returned the pretty knife That I stuck ten times in his back!
She sang as her ex lover flinched.
She took a drag of the cigar before handing it back to Alastor and getting back on stage.
For I sing songs until the break of dawn I embrace a new man every night My life's one never-ending carnival A world of boozy-floozy flashing light
She snag as her hands traveled up and down her body..
I want to be that fucked up girl
She sang with the smile of someone who was deranged.
He said, "I think I am in love with you" I've heard that lie a million times before Oh, tonight I give in to the fantasy Take love when you can, when you're a whore
She walked down onto the floor as she sang, sitting down on a demon's lap.
Alastor clenched his jaw.
For I sing songs until the break of dawn I embrace a new man every night My life's one never-ending carnival A world of boozy-floozy flashing light
She walked back onto the stage and leaned against one of the poles that was placed in the center.
I want to be that fucked up girl
She sang as she sunk to the floor, her thighs spread as all the demon's hollered.
So now I sell my love for opium In some rat-infested Chinese dive At night I burn myself with cigarettes Just to somehow prove I'm still alive
She began to rerun her life to the audience, taking the cigarette from alastor once more and burning her leg.
Alastor's eyes widened as he realized she was a bit drunk... now that worried him.
Eight months later I catch typhoid flu Kicked out, I see the ugly light of day Dying in an alley, a priest kneels down to me-
Aponi sang as angel dust walked on stage and held her head in his lap. "My child, do you have any final words to the lord you'd like to say?" Angel asked as he mimicked a priest.
"Oui. tell him that, like him, I choose to burn out rather than fade away!" Aponi shouted in an accent as the lights turned off.
They turned back on to reveal her on stage, standing legs spread over a chair.
For I sing songs until the break of dawn I embrace a new man every night My life's one never-ending carnival A world of boozy-floozy flashing light For I sing songs until the break of dawn I embrace a new man every night My life's one never ending carnival
She sang as she danced on the chair, gaining shouts from the demons in the audience.
A world of boozy-floozy flashing light I want to be that fucked up girl I wanna be that fucked up Girl...
She sang as she stood on the chair, running her hands up into her hair.
Broken heart, a flask of gin Tattooed with a safety pin Teeth all stained with nicotine Running nylons, shattered dreams Super crusty, holy terror Wild eyes and black mascara Broken heart, a flask of gin Tattooed with a safety pin Teeth all stained with nicotine Running nylons, shattered dreams Super crusty, holy terror Wild eyes and black mascara
She sang quickly as she walked around, being twirled around by other dancers.
Alastor grew nervous as he watched her.
She had relapsed. This wasn't good.
If I could have just one dream...
She sang as she sat back down in the chair.
If she could have just one dream...!
Her coworkers sang.
I'd be that fucked up girl! Hey!
As the song finished the lights went out and Aponi walked back down to drunkenly fall into alastor's arms and onto his lap.
"Darling, you're.. drunk," Alastor muttered as he held her.
She giggled. "Maaaaybe so!" She smiled.
"I thought you were sober," He stated.
"I was! But things change!" She laughed.
Angel dust walked up to them.
"Dont know where she got the booze. But she needs to go back to the hotel," Angel stated.
"I agree. Come on darling, let's get you back," Alastor muttered as he and Angel helped her up and out of the club.
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silenthillmutual · 1 year
For the violence 🔥: 8, 12, 22, and 25 (concerning either Pathologic or the Souls games)
8: common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
daniil is not a wild partyboy. like that interpretation makes 0 sense for his character. all he does is hyperfocus on defeating death to the detriment of all else. i have literally never understood this vision of him as a hedonist. i get that it's wish fulfillment to make characters wild and provocative but that is just a different character altogether. and it's so bizarre that people will do this when andrey is literally right there. genuinely wondering what fucking game everyone else played.
also do fanon designs count here because i am sick to bastard death of seeing young thin dainty white eileen the crow. actually just sick to bastard death of seeing thin interpretations of characters in any media ever but as of late i'm like would y'all stop de-beefing alfred and solaire. at least with artemy people have the excuse of his model looking thin despite textual evidence supporting him being built like a bear but what is the fucking excuse with the other two. everyone is a coward.
12: the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
something i love actually about patho is that pretty much every character has a lover out there, so even if i don't like them i know someone else does. personally i'm a fan of victor kain, especially in classic where andrey says that victor actually wants to leave town and get an education. i think that's why he is the closest to daniil of the family, but despite seeming like the normalest Kain he is absolutely still deranged. he's just kind of polite about it. i don't know that i have a reason people should like him, though, because generally with my faves i understand why people don't.
closer to the goal here would be specifically classic aglaya, i love her. she's so wordy. it's easy to get lost in her manipulations because she seems so straightfoward. there is truth in what she says, of course, and we as the player know that, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have her own objectives. i think she's fascinating, especially as the routes go on, seeing her lose her patience by the time you get to the changeling route. people always say they want morally gray woman characters and she's one of them!! which is a big reason to like her. she's ruthless but sympathetic. and i think that's very neat.
22: your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
so many people are in a rush to characterize daniil as The Worst Person Ever that they miss my favorite type of daniil quest which is "these kids are doing something dangerous and i must intervene" aka, dadkovsy moments. i'm especially fond of him running off to find these kids' missing dads on day ???? (sometime after the army arrives) because they're crying about it and know he'll help them. i see so many people (cough cough reddit) characterizing daniil as hating children based on a line that as far as i know he never even says in pathologic 2, which he would theoretically say to clara, about not liking children. and it's just people taking that statement at face value while ignoring what actually happens in the game and it's so frustrating to watch people fall for that over and over.
25: common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
i have. so many. i have rewritten this answer like three times now. but i think the thing that really bugs me is when people are like, "no one is talking about / writing fic about / drawing x character because they're too busy talking about / writing about / drawing y character who is boring / evil / morally inferior because they are popular." like i get it. being a fan of a side character sucks. being a fan of a rare pairing sucks. but like. as someone who has in the past and sometimes does still write for side characters and rare pairings, where are you all when it comes to interacting with the content that is being made? people will complain to the ends of the earth about the lack of gen fic. so why the hell aren't any of you commenting on it or sharing it? i have written it. my friends have written it. i know how little interaction it gets. if you want to see it you have to nurture it. like the concept of fandom is built around interaction, if you're not willing to interact then like as a fic author i cannot fucking help you. idk that whole attitude just. grates on me.
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otherworldlyrps · 2 years
𝖍𝖎𝖎 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 !! ♡ nothing like ringing in the new year with an updated permanent writing call !! my name is dana (25f) and i am eternally seeking solid 21+ partners for slice of life content on discord !! i am a multi-muse writer seeking all connections (mxf, mxm, fxf) all the time. ***note: i am very selective regarding mxm plots. i pen morally grey muses who originate from a variety of backgrounds and belong to a variety of age ranges. writing-wise, i am always seeking to capture life in all its beauty and wretchedness as closely as possible and, because of this, mature themes will present themselves throughout the course of my writing. ***please, please, p l e a s e read my guidelines for more information on this, as some of the content i touch on may be distressing/disturbing depending on one’s tolerance. i am seeking writers who are interested in creating constellations of sorts with our muses, ones that can then form an intricate, exciting universe for all our bbys. that being said, if you also enjoy playing out not just romantic connections but platonic/familial/work-related/etc. ones, i’m the writer for you !! pls see content below for more information: 
guidelines  |   my muses  |   ‘banned’ muse list
***D I S C L A I M E R S : i do NOT “double” so pls don’t ask !! in my experience, “doubling” almost always leads to unnecessary stress, pressure, and one story going neglected. additionally, i no longer collaborate with writers that only pen female and/or sub muses. PLEASE do not use me for my male muses, it’s extremely evident when someone is doing this and i don’t take to it kindly. all of this is non-negotiable territory for me. roleplaying should be a fun exercise in creativity, literacy, and leisure, that’s the whole point !! therefore, i am exclusively seeking writers who lovingly pen a strong, diverse array of muses and wish to bring engaging stories to life, collaboratively. mumus all the way ♡
i am always on the hunt for the following (this isn’t a comprehensive list):
age gaps. age gaps in all their glory, especially if it’s a younger man x older woman dynamic. exploring the excitement but also the struggles of individuals attempting to make something work whilst being in two completely different stages of life. 
forbidden relationships. for whatever reason, they shouldn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t possibly be able to make it work, but that sure as hell doesn’t stop them from trying.
toxic lovers. the on-again-off-again lovers, the lovers who know that it would be the best for both of them to just let go but cannot find themselves doing so, the jealous, obsessive, the deranged, the bonnie and clydes, the generally unhinged intertwining themselves together. just, please. 
friends-to-lovers. this one speaks for itself !!
exes. see description above :) 
throuples, throuples, throuples baby !! i am mostly seeking an mxfxf, but i could also be swayed into mxfxm, fxfxf, and maybe an mxmxm (under very selective circumstances.)
growing pains. the agony that is the human existence, especially during the young adult years where everyone is just trying to orient themselves to what life is about. 
crime. cartels, mafias, gangs, the luxury but also the grime and danger that comes with operating underground, in the shadows of polite society.
apartment mumus. i can’t get enough of these !! any opportunities to integrate a diverse set of muses into one setting and play out their lives/how they intertwine, i am there for. 
if any of this captures your interest, please don’t hesitate to drop a lil ♡ below or feel free to reach out directly !!
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jimunderscore · 1 year
I know it's true
everything I'd do for you
escape a falsehood of expressions
and leave a new impression upon the face
now erased from view
reborn and delighted
a new form enlightened
a feeling still frightened
don't know if it's true
I'm afraid you would tell no
that you would rather be alone
and so, I live in fear
and I'll dissapear
before I tell you what I mean
inside, there's a bitter light
of all my nature's wrongs and little rights
I know... I don't belong
always estranged, quite deranged.
unreasonable solutions to avoidable problems
I just feel for you, a flaming suggestion
an affectionate connection
It will never be quite true
the distance and how much we withdrew
the air and the people
suffocating and primeval
atmosphere is a choke
I don't want to provoke
a response of destruction
I just want your warmth
from the distant norths
I can't hide my failures
failing at the seems
wish I was something
not the thing that I am I am
just a different person
not a false man
an invisible body
for destiny self made woman
I'd do anything for you, even if it means I die
I'll come back again no longer quite a guy
if I can follow a hobby well that would be great
but currently stuck in endless cycle where I lose the stakes.
and i
would do anything to feel the inside of your palm
I don't know what we would do after we meet
eye to eye and discreet
the plans don't to so far
but I'd be happy to be there with you
a friend, sister, lover.
don't care but only for you.
I cry myself knowing it's not true.
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writerleo86 · 1 year
Terravenger - Season 5: Part Two - The Pugioh City Survival Arc - Episode 466 (Do Not Copy)
    In an abandoned building in Pugioh, many of the civilians sat at every corner while the wounded were looked after by the medics from the Golden Bay Armed Forces at the center of the building. But Ren Ravenstone who came from the Midas Armed Forces was among those who continued helping the injured.
    Ren hurried from a gravely-injured, older woman to an elderly man who laid on the bed at the other side. And the informant of the Golden Bay Armed Forces had walked toward the determined boy.
    Pug had asked "How goes it?"
    Ren took a close took at the body of the elder as he reported "Half the people at the left side have partial wounds. But others are life-threatening."
    The smiling Pug shook his head and replied "You'll do what you can. I have complete faith in you, Doc."
    Ren faced him and asked "You really think I can do this?"
    "Of course," claimed Pug. "Out of all the medics here, you're the more determined one. And that has nothing to do with who your uncle is. This is all you."
    Then Ren took another look at his patient as Pug told him "You'll be a master in the medical field before you know it. Just practice, and practice."
    A smiling Ren shook his head and commented "You're big at motivation-speaking. I'm sure Mr. Dax knew about that."
    "He did," claimed Pug. "That's why Dax appointed me as the new leader of anything happened to him."
    Ren shook his head and told him "Mr. Dax picked a good one. You'll do great in his position."
    A relieved Pug shook his head and replied "Well, I'll let you go at it. Just do what you can for these people, even if it's the last for some of them."
    "Of course," said Ren.
Terravenger -- Season 5: Part Two -- Episode 466: The Survival Arc -- Deep Within the Mafic Isle
    The pair consisting of Duo Storms and Hope McCormack continued through a dark tunnel and found themselves on a large cliff.
    "What the hell?" cried Duo.
    The startled young man walked a few steps forward and discovered that below the cliff was a long river of molting lava.
    "This place," claimed Duo. "This gotta be what Elken's afraid of."
    "Duo?" called Hope.
    The worried Hope walked toward him and Duo replied "Your hubby had a vision of us at this spot."
    "Devin?" questioned Hope. "He foresaw this event?"
    "Yeah," answered Duo. "Elken was tryna keep this from happenin'. That's why he sent that L.T. and two of my buds after you. He wanted to keep us safe."
    The duo soon heard a familiar voice yell out "And it will be better if you two stay where you are!"
    Then the pair turned around as someone hurried to them.
    "Shit!" cried Duo. "It's the Hate Queen!"
    The vicious agent called Kross stood before the entrance as she struck the ground with her long bladed whip which she held in her right hand. And the protective Duo hurried at the front of Hope.
    Kross claimed "I promised that weirdo Goran that I wouldn't hurt a hair on the prisoner."
    She stared at the other captive and responded "But he didn't say a thing about the boy. I'm not gonna kill you though."
    "Oh really?" commented Duo. "No killings?"
    "But I will hurt you," answered Kross. "I'll make sure that you don't ever with again."
    The deranged woman turned to Hope and yelled "And I was promised to wring the neck of your lover! I'm going to have so much sending the Elken to the depths of Hell!"
    After that, Duo stood ready to battle us the villainous Kross slowly walked toward the pair.
    Kross gave a wicked laugh and told the guarded Duo "Get ready, you little bastard! I am going to stab you with this whip. Then I will peel your skin off!"
    Suddenly, the pair witnessed the body of their enemy standing as if she was frozen solid. The whip had fallen from her hand. And Kross began struggling as another person walked to her.
    The charming man called Goran stood behind the right side of the paralyzed Kross as Duo continued to protect the defenseless Hope.
    "How disappointing," implied Goran. "You wanted to quench your thirst for blood by pursuing the boy. So, you decided to free him along with the bride from their holding."
    Goran made his way around the captive Kross. And he stood before the helpless woman as he gave another smile.
    "Kross," He continued. "Your unsatisfied thirst would be your downfall. You wished to cripple this boy in the worst way when you knew that I wanted the boy with no damage."
    Another individual walked toward the back of the captured agent as Goran looked into her brown eyes. Kross continued to stand there helplessly as the other villain -- Mayne Jarnsaxa -- remained behind her as he gave no expression.
    "You Kross have given me no choice," said Goran.
    A third eye opened on his forehead as Goran gave a sinister grin.
    "Kross," Goran told the woman. "Your last indiscretion has become your doom."
    The entire body of Kross began to dry as she gave a loud scream. Then the woman's body became nothing but a complete husk. And the lifeless body fell on the ground as Goran turned around.
    As the third eye closed, Goran had faced the disgusted pair.
    "A pity really," said Goran. "If she would have kept her hands to herself, she would have remained untouched."
    Then he implied to the captives in a calm voice "Surely neither of you were thinking of leaving here."
    Both Duo and Hope backed a few steps toward the edge of the cliff.
    And Goran informed them "The both of you. You have nowhere else to go. Yet you wish to flee from our kind hospitality."
    "Your hospitality?" replied Hope. "You had entrapped the both of us inside a small cell. You were using me as bait to lure Devin to his death."
    Duo added "And who knows what you were plannin' to do wit' me!"
    After that, the lively Goran clapped his hands twice.
    "Please," He warned his prisoners. "Do not make this difficult for all of us. Return with us to your quarters."
    Goran began walking toward them with opened arms as the frightened pair backed away once again. And the pair fell off the cliff.
    "Ah shit!" yelled Duo.
    Mayne hurried toward the cliff as Goran said "Honestly, they are fools. The both of them."
    The pair continued to fall long from above as the scared Hope yelled out "DUO!"
    A male's voice called out "Ventum ad Nubem Salvatoris!"   
    Suddenly, large waves of wind gathered from the air and formed into a large cloud. And the pair landed on the cloud which was able to hold the both of them.
    A shocked Duo slowly rose as he cried "This technique!"
    The male voice called out "Duo!"
    The pair faced forward and found someone floating down from the sky.
    Duo soon gave a large smile and cried out "It's you!"
    The rescuer was revealed as the student from the Kiels Armed Forces named Ronan Kelly. He was a young man with fair skin and slate-blue eyes. He had short blond hair that was slicked back. He also had a muscular body. And he was of normal height. He had on a blue stealth suit with a long black sleeve covering his left arm while a detached sleeve with a blue camouflage design on his right wrist. And he wore a pair of fingerless black gloves. He wore a pair of long bottoms that also had the blue camouflage design. Around each of his ankles was a long dark-blue pad. He had on a pair of short black boots and a thick golden belt with a rectangular buckle. And his golden KAF badge was placed on the front left side of his top.
    The relieved pair slowly rose to their feet as the newcomer finally lowered to them.
    Duo questioned "Is that you, Ronan?"
    Then Hope asked "Who is this person?"
    Duo gave a quick laugh and implied "It seems that Kiels came to help us too."
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nightfall-kachiniko · 3 years
requesting really any angst with the aot girls 😭 just need some angst i will take any go nuts
「 AOT Girls (+hanji) reacting to you dying in their arms 」
Paring : Mikasa x reader, Annie x reader, Pieck x reader, Hanji (she/they) x reader
~ 「 I suggest you listen to this song while reading for a more emotional experience (if you’re in the mood to cry lmao) 」 ~
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She cant believe her eyes. All that she can think of is how bad she failed you as you laid in her arms, blooding spilling out your mouth and head. Your arms and legs were gashed in big marks, as you felt the world before you slowly cave in.
“Y/N PLEASE!” Mikasa cried out, holding your hand. You tried to give her a small smile. “PLEASE DONT PLEASE JUST STAY PLEASE!” The woman cried hugging you. “I-I Am so sorry..” she gasped in between her tears, profusely apologizing at not being able to save you.
“you remember when we were kids?” You softly said, looking back on the memories, “Y/N P-PLEASE….p-please… please don’t leave me please please..” her sons became whispers, unable to control her emotions. “When we used to run around like animals,” you softly chuckled. You looked up at the weeping woman that was ontop of you. Slowly reaching out your arm, you placed it on her cheek, “I love you..” you confessed.
“my love..please..” Mikasa cried, her words begging like a prayer. She hiccuped as she grabbed your hand tighter, holding it. “We’ll meet again, I promise.” You said, accepting your fate. “No no.. no! Please y/n just wait a little longer please!” The Raven haired woman cried. “I love you, so much mika,”
“P-please.. please…” she whispered as you kissed her. “Another life my dear,” tears streamed down your cheeks at the sight of the end of you. “Forever and always Mikasa, I’ll always love you..” Mikasa hugged your frail body tighter her teeth gritting as her heart basically pumped out of her chest. “I love.. you to..” she said, holding back anymore tears. “I’ll.. see you.. later…” and as with your final words you took your last breath as the world faded forever around you. “Y/n.. honey..” she said, “y/n..” Mikasa tried shaking you but to no avail.
She weeped as she held your body, screaming at the top of her lungs as she cried. That’s all she could do, for her lover was gone. ‘Another life, we’ll meet again,’ was the words that lingered in her head. She still couldn’t accept the fate of her lover, the one of death.
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Zipping through the trees as she rushed over to you, not giving a shit about the titan that just ate another one of your comrades. Annie scrambled to your body as it hit the floor of the forest, blood rushing out of your head as your stomach had been impaled, gash next to your heart and she knew, you weren’t going to make it.
“Y/N!” she screamed coming down from the trees. The sky up above was all you could stare at. You couldn’t move, your body almost on the state of paralysis. “Y/n!” Annie ran to you, kneeling at your side. Your wounds were bad, injuries that even the best doctor in Marley couldn’t even fix. “Honey.. honey hey!” She said, grabbing your hand, “it’s gonna be okay,” the blonde said, tears welting up in her eyes. “A-ah…” you groaned out in pain.
Annie dug through her bag, her hands shaky and panicked, trying to find bandages. “Shit,” she panted as she hurried to take off her jacket. She placed her jacket on your gash, pushing down hard, trying to stop the bleeding. But it just wouldn’t work, blood kept seeping through it, and the now blood soaked jacket was no use.
“annie..” you tried calling out to her as she dug through her bag again, trying to find something, anything, to help. “Annie… hey..” you saw the way she was worried, her panicked expression and tear filled eyes giving you no sign of hope. “W-WHAT!” She yelled at you, jolting her head towards you. “It’s okay..” you tried to give her a reassuring smile, softly trying to grasp her hand but due to your injuries to no effort.
“I- I JUST NEED TO APPLY PRESSURE I-!” you interrupted her unnerved yelling. “It’s okay.. you cant do anything about it …” you tried saying to her. “N-NO! DAMNIT I JUST NEED SOMETHING! ANYTHING!”
“Annie, love..” Your girlfriend broke down crying into her palms, her tears everlasting and her face a bright pink from crying so much. “I’m glad I got to call you my girlfriend..” you lazily smiled, “NO DON’T YOU FUCKING GIVE UP YET!” The blonde screamed at you, tears soaring down her face. “ WHY DIDN’T YOU JUST STAY NEAR ME I COULD’VE…I…”
She wanted to curl up into a ball and die along side you there. She knew she couldn’t do a thing about your fate, and now that it’s approaching sooner than the breaths you take she couldn’t accept it. “You mean the world to me… you know that..?” You told Annie. She tightly grasped onto your hand, holding it close to her face and kissing your fist, sobbing hysterically. “Y/n please you’re my only reason of living..” she whispered, trying to catch her breath. “You’ve got a purpose, more than me.. okay..?” Tears of your own rolled down your cheeks.
“You’re not a lost girl, annie, you’ll find your way..”
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Eren jeager’s first attack on Marley at Willy’s speech was a shock to everyone. The chaos all around you had suffered long and far as the titans began their fight, punching, kicking. Laura Tyburs titan emerging and Eren jeager eating it. Your body laid lifelessly on the road. Lights soaring up ahead of you as the sound of ‘three dimensional Maneuver gear’ flew past.
Pieck saw you on the ground, her eyes scared and filled with terror. “POCK! GO KILL EREN!” She demanded, screaming as her titan form hurried to you. Pieck stopped with a thud as she emerged from her titan, seeing you on the ground.
“LOVE!” She screamed at you, her fingers near your neck checking your pulse. “Mmm..” you moaned in pain, as your tired eyes scanned the blurry vision infront of you. “I- I NEED TO GET YOU TO SAFETY I-!” She panicked as she saw one of the scouts fly above you both. Her gaze worried as she tried to lift you up.
“Pieck..”you said. “I- I HAVE TO GET YOU TO A DOCTOR I-!” “Why are you.. yelling..” you said in confusion. Blood trickled down her hands that laid under your back as she picked you up onto her lap. “What’s..happening…?” You said, unknowingly. “I-I’m scared…” you managed to get out in between gasps of air.
“I-it…” The woman stopped in her tracks, “d-dont be scared y/n.. I promise everything’s gonna be okay we”re going to get you to a doctor and they’ll take care of you and by tonight we’ll be in bed together cuddling-“
“I don’t think I’ll make it till tonight..” your tired voice said. “It’s okay though.. I just wanna spend right now.. with y-you…” Tears fell heavily down Pieck’s face as she kissed your cheek, gritting her teeth trying to not make you panic. “No no baby you will, you will I promise love!” She said, brushing your hair with her hands. “PIECK! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” A man running up to Pieck in Marley’s military uniform screamed at her. “GO GET A DOCTOR!” She yelled back, holding your hand tightly. “IT’S Y/N! PLEASE JUST GET HER HELP!”
you groaned in pain, your hands becoming numb as your vision faded from dark to light. “Pieck.. Thank you..” She jolted her head towards you, terror written all over her face. She saw how you lost that glimmer, that spark in your eyes. “W-what y-y/n baby please..” she said desperately.
“I don’t feel anything Pieck,” You said to her. “Y/n we’re getting you help I-I promise!” She wiped her tears. “You know I’ll see you again lovely..” Pieck looked at you in horror, “no love.. no please just hold on.. please,” she cried, her body shaking over yours. Tears falling down onto your wound. “I remember our first date…and I was so awkward….and I fell over with the drinks.. and even the waiter laughed” you recalled, trying to remember happier times.
“Y/n.. oh sweetie oh..” she held her mouth as she sobbed, hysterical. “You know.. you were the best girlfriend I could ask for… peck peck..” calling her by her nickname. “I love you…”
“Please don’t go..” Pieck cried. “Please.. please..y/n… please..”
“How lucky I am… to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard…” You whispered. “Forever.. My Pieck..”
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The ground below the section commander scattered with blood.
The titans surrounding the entire wall, trapping you all. The mission to retake wall Maria has failed. Almost all the horses had been crushed. Rock flew in Hanji’s way as they braced themself for impact. In the distance your ODM gear worked faulty and you fell halfway down the wall, rock hitting you as it smashed into your body and then into the wall, inches behind you. You harshly hit the ground, landing on your side. Rock blasted in your rib cage as you screamed in pain. And for a moment your vision blurred and you blacked out.
“Y/N! Y/N!” you heard your lover screaming at you, shaking your body. You slowly opened your eyes to be greeted by Hanji, their eyes watery and filled with tears as they wrapped bandages around your wound. “h-hanji…” you managed to get out, as you looked up at her, their glasses broken and their eye bleeding swell.
She wrapped the bandages around your bleeding wounds as they cried. “Honey..?” You looked at hanji as they looked back. “I did good..right?” You asked her. Hanji gritted their teeth “ no you’re not leaving just yet! I’ll be damned if you do!” They replied fiercely. “Hanji… but I think I’m ready..”
“NO GODDAMNIT!” she snapped at you, their eyes deranged and red, tears still flowing down them. They punches the floor as they gave up in frustration, begging to full on weep. “Baby..” you said, saddened by hanjis expression. “I’ll be okay.. I swear… no matter what..”
“Why Couldnt Erwin just let you stay home!” She cried, gripping their chest as if they were gasping for air. “Hanji.. I promise..” you said to her, blood trickling out your mouth as your eyes lazily focused on the person in front of you, weeping about your soon to be fate. “I had fun..” you said to yourself. “I met you… I love you Hanji..” you said to them.
They looked at you, pain in their eyes as they tightly hugged you, pulling you into their arms. She sat you on top of her lap, hugging your numb body. Blood scattering all over her clothes. You buried your head into their shoulder as they petted your hair, sobbing. “I’m so glad we were put here at the same time.. aren’t you.. my crazy scientist…?”
Hanji couldn’t speak. The feeling of the loss of you overbares them. They couldn’t say anything. They just cried into you, absorbing the last few seconds you have with them. “I love you so fucking much y/n.. I love you… I love you… I love you.. I love you..” they kept repeating, kissing your cheek as they said. “P-please don’t leave me please..”
“I’m never gonna leave you…” you said to her, “I’ll always be right here,” you said, putting your fist to Hanji’s heart.
“I offered my heart….right section commander…?” You asked as they gritted their teeth, trying to not scream from crying. “Please Hanji.. I did good right…?”
“You did… amazing….you gave it your all..” She said,replying to you. “I love you…” they cried.
“I love you more..”
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➪ Kachiniko ||♡︎ My Blog ♥︎ || ☾What I write ☽ 08/02/21
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