#i am going to lose every single one of my marbles
soap-brain · 2 months
I think they should make a social media app where only non usa-ians are allowed
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eldritchravens · 6 months
Welcome Home - The Homewarming Update : A compilation of the secrets I could find
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This post is simply a compilation of all the things I could find during my exploration of the website. I'm not going to delve too much into theories. Enjoy the read!
1- Statics
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Every background is now filled with statics. I tried zooming out but I couldn't find anything. Not really a secret, but still interesting to note.
2- It's a dog! Oh, and a pea!
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Found in the "Official Welcome Home Cook Book" in the merchandise page. I am... A little worried about Barnaby. For those who are aware, the pea is foreshadowing for a much bigger secret.
3- Audio distortion
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Surprisingly, I was only able to find one instance where the audio distorts. In the "Homewarming Storybook Record", when Wally speaks here (timestamp is 18:16), the audio gets distorted. Please let me know if you found more audio glitches on the main website!
4- The page is breathing
I was able to capture something that made my skin crawl. Look very closely at this illustration. It's... breathing. I'm unsure if any other image in the website does that too. Very troubling.
5- Lost track of time
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Uh-oh! Looks like our beloved writer is losing their perception of time itself. An effect of the black substance maybe? You can find this on the News page.
6- Pixels? Smudges? Oh, and a new friend!
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In The Neighboorhood page, Home now has little white pixels around him? I'm unsure if this was intentional or not. Interestingly, the secret link under Home dissapeared along with every other traces of Wally.
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The logo on certain pages looks... dirty? Look closely, there are brownish stains on some letters. This doesn't appear everywhere.
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And! New friend! Hello new friend!
7- Symbols!
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Okay, now onto the main course. Something I think we've all noticed straight away! There's a ton of tiny little doodles splattered around the website. The doodles are all named after a letter. Here is every letter translated from their respective symbol you can find on the website :
Home : M I O A Merchandise : P Y E R Media : Y G About us : A R Stickers : E News : T Neighboorhood : S F N E Wally : W Exhibition : N Ghestbook : W W W Transcript : Y
"www" huh? Interesting, like a web link. At first, all of this doesn't really mean anything, until we stumble upon this!
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Fascinating, it's a code! Eddie here is giving us the translation to every single doodle. Next, if we solve the question here "What does Home wear at parties?", it gives us the next clue we need. The answer is "ADDRESS". Address? Now, remember the "www" thing? That's right! We need to assemble the letters we found to make a link!
8- Away from Prying Eyes
After assembling a link, you will be able to visit a secret page. In it is by far the biggest secret in this update : https://www.awayfrompryingeyes.net/
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When I tell you I lost my marbles when I discovered this. There is a lot to say here! Firstly, one thing to note is that unlike any other secrets we had found in previous updates, Wally didn't put this here. Instead, it was this mysterious "W". Go read the whole thing! It's PACKED with information!
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"W" purposely put this here for US to find. W is in distress, confused and scared; this looks like a call for help.
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Might or might not be important, but the word "Paranoid" here starts with a capital. It did catch my eye, so maybe it is noteworthy.
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This entire phone call is absolutely fascinating and gives us answers about the lore. I highly recommend people to give it a listen : https://www.awayfrompryingeyes.net/phone
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AND THIS??? OH MY GOODNESS!!! Clown is spoiling us with gifts for this Homewarming! Truly, thank you Clown and the whole WH team, you're doing such a marvelous job. Watch the whole thing here : https://www.awayfrompryingeyes.net/commercials
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And what's this hidden among the commercials? Eddie! Remember how I said the pea was foreshadowing? Eddie can hear Home's heartbeat. Well, our dearest mailman doesn't look too well :( Thankfully Frank seems to be looking out for him!
Important things to note: This update is almost completely void of any trace of Wally infesting the website. The symbols were placed by the website manager here. Wally is not there anymore. Also, Eddie is purposely left out of the main update, only to be the center of attention in the commercial compilation.
Well! That's all I managed to find for now! Please let me know in the replies if I've missed anything. Thank you for reading, and Happy Homewarming! <3
Edit : Added some new things I just noticed!
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norrisreads · 1 year
illicit affairs #CL16 #MS47
PAIRING: charles leclerc x ex-gf reader! mick schumacher x reader!
SUMMARY: he was once the man you’ve always dreamed of, until one day a decision made drunkenly by him made you realised you were never the chosen one
WARNING: angst + cheating, fluff at the end
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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
being in a relationship has it’s ups and downs, not everyday is full of smiles and laughters, some times it’s deadly silence just like the situation right now between you and charles
you were in a relationship with charles leclerc eversince 2016, you’ve seen him won the formula 2 championship, jumping to formula 1, you were there when he went through hard times, there were days you had to put him over yourself and you’ve never once regretted it.
But here you are, in a relationship that’s full of rocky roads. Charles and you met through his younger brother arthur, you were just a year older than Arthur, and the both of you used to hangout at the leclerc’s apartment daily as the both of you were and still has a close friendship. Arthur had given an advice to you in the early stages of dating with his brother, an advice you should’ve listen clearly.
“i’ll pack my things later, and i’m moving out tomorrow charles” the both of you is currently in the kitchen, you sitting down sipping on your warm honey lemon tea and him just munching down on the breakfast you’ve made for him
“i’m sorry, i swear i do not know what came on to me. she just happened to be there, i should have pushed her, cherie” you heard the metal fork cling as it came in contact with the marble counter top, you refused to believe the news that was trending everywhere
Formula One driver Charles Leclerc caught cheating on his fiancé, y/n l/n last night
When you were woken up by Arthur calls, you were confused of course until you clicked on the link that was send to you from Arthur. Ironically last night, you were on the call with him frantically worrying on Charles whereabouts, other than being woken up by Arthur’s morning calls, you were greeted by the sight of Charles sprawled out on the sofa in the living room.
All the times you were asking for signs if he was made for you, and even though the news did broke your heart, it showed the truth to you and made you realise that you wouldn’t want to spend your precious moments crying and fixing a relationship that is probably isn’t even worth it anymore.
“Sorry doesn’t fix the heartache i woke up to this morning, Charles. If this relationship isn’t worth the fight for you, you could have ask for a break and not cheat on me with someone else. That is so low of you, you knew how cheating affects me, you promised you will never do what he did and here you are proving me wrong”
“i know mon cherie, i am aware and i am so sorry. all i can do right now is to apologise to you, i am so sorry. i love you, i really do. you’ll always be the person my heart beats for cherie, please listen to me” you could hear Charles footsteps approaching you
“sometimes i wish you are able to see how much i sacrifice myself for you, when you were devastated from losing races, i would drop every single thing i was doing and run to you, calm you down.” you could feel tears running down your cheeks, reminiscing the memories the both of you have made together, from bad memories to good memories
“i supported you in every races no matter how exhausted i was, i would pray everyday that you wouldn’t crash and hurt yourself or blame yourself. I had to turn down job offers because i know that i am your number one support system, and i’ll always have to be there” his hand reached yours and tightly gripping it not letting you go
“but I’m exhausted Charles, I’m exhausted that i am always the one putting so much more effort in the relationship, i know you’re fighting for your dreams but what about mine? You’ve never asked about it, i know so much of you yet you know so little of me. I’m sorry Charles, if this happened a year ago, i would have accepted you back in my life but i’m not her anymore.” you let go of his hand, walking to the sink of the shared kitchen and washed the mug
Charles of course had nothing to say because he knew how badly he has been treating you, especially when whatever you’ve spilled your hearts out were accurate, he knew too little of you.
“where are you going to stay, will you be at Arthur’s ?”
“i will crash over at Arthur’s until i found a place, you shouldn’t be concerned where i am staying, be more concerned with Arthur, he’s fuming Charles. He’s your brother, fix the relationship”
with that, you walked to the shared room and started packing your items while Charles left the house to give you space.
what Charles doesn’t know is that you had been blessed with a gift, but for now that is just for you to know.
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Just 2 and a half years ago, on the 14th of February 2019, your baby girl was born into the world. Of course, Arthur, Pascale and Lorenzo knew about the pregnancy and promised to keep it a secret from him.
When you left the house, you were 2 weeks pregnant, you managed to settle in to an apartment nearby Arthur’s apartment due to safety reasons. You were glad that you’ve rarely bumped into Charles, because as of now you’re unsure if you would wanna let Charles know of the child that the both of you shared.
Pascale would constantly come over to provide assistance and you were glad she was there for you even when you aren’t apart of the family anymore.
Just a year after you’ve left, Charles had gotten in-to a relationship, Arthur would always talk to you about how she wasn’t you and it’ll end with you lecturing him on how he should’ve been happy for his brother instead of hating his relationship.
“she’s not you, y/n. she’s just so different” Arthur shouted across the living room while entertaining your daughter, Valentiné Aurore Hervé Leclerc.
Your lovely 2 and a half years old babygirl, Valentiné Aurore Hervé Leclerc, is the greatest gift to you, she was your strength and the reason you are still in this world.
Of course, you did struggled being a single parent but the support you’ve received from your family, friends and his family was never-ending.
“don’t say that thur, i’m sure she’s great and just shy. he’s happy, let him be thur” you lightly hit the back of Arthur’s head
“look baby val, your mum just hit me on the head” all val did was laughed and continued playing with the toys Enzo had gifted, with the exact same eye-smile Charles had
“would you ever let Charles know about val?” Arthur asked, taking a seat beside you
“of course, i wouldn’t mind because val deserves to know his dad too” you smiled while looking at your baby-girl playing
“though i prefer Charles to just be an uncle, rather than a dad. Furthermore she loves the existence of him, sooner or later she’s gonna call him papa”
“I’m glad you’ve found someone that truly treasure you, he’s a great person though you have to seriously stop dating drivers.”
the both of you laughed, and as you were speaking about him, you heard the keypad of your house door being key-ed in and just a minute later the door of your house opened.
“miiiiiicckkkkkkkkyyy” val dropped her toys and ran to mick.
mick placed his items on the counter top and picked up val, “how’s my favourite girl doing?” while giving kisses to your baby-girl
mick walked towards you and Arthur, “ thanks thur for your help, you’ve been nothing but nice to us”
“it’s alright mick, though i’ll prefer you to be away so val will start loving me more” arthur joked knowing before mick came into val’s life, arthur was her favourite uncle
“hello baby, I dropped by the restaurant and bought the soup that you were craving for, i hope it’s still hot though” Mick gave you a forehead kiss while holding val on the other arm of his.
Thur picked up his bags and said his goodbyes.
you are currently dating Mick Schumacher, the relationship has been since end 2020, you’ve met him when you were working at your cafe and happened to serve him and he happened to take a liking towards you. Mick knew of Charles and you history and have assured you that he does not really mind and he truly appreciate both val and you.
When val turned two years old, mick had brought her to one of val’s biggest dream place ever as all other kids calls it, Disneyland and spend the whole day with her and you’ve could see the look on val’s face that only lights up when she’s around Mick and realised that this was the man that you would want to build up your future with.
Charles knew about your relationship, with the presence of you you standing beside mick supporting him during the races.
You weren’t always there for the races but since it was mick’s first few races, you wanted it to be special for the both of you. Val was sleeping over at your best friend for the day, inviting her would’ve caused a huge mess between the both of you especially with the first glance of your daughter, anyone could tell she is related to Charles Leclerc.
Of course it was a surprise to him, leading him to text Arthur right after the both of you had a 5 minute conversation together.
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“okay baby, stay by mama and don’t run anywhere else okay? papa is gonna be busy for a while and you’ll able to see him on this track” you were instructing val to not run away, val has turned out to be a daddy’s girl ever-since Mick came in-to her life, being away from Mick for a few days was torture to her(us), face-timing was the usuals for the three of us.
of course, hiding val on the way to the paddock was hard enough, you had to ask gina’s help which she did assist in and came by earlier than you and Mick in order to avoid the assumptions.
“but will papa see me here? will he wave at me and you, mama?”
you’re now carrying your daughter on your other arm, while she’s fidgeting with the lanyards around her neck.
“i’m not sure baby, papa’s car pass by super fast val. they’re faster than the cars we have at home,baby”
val nods her head and snuggled her head onto your neck, signalling that she was sleepy.
“baby, you sleepy? wanna head back to the room?” she agreed as she had spend her afternoon nap being awake following Mick around everywhere.
On the way to the haas paddock club, you were on your phone, single handedly texting gina if she could bring out the blankets that was in your bag as she was still at the club waiting for Mick’s team meeting to be done.
until you bumped on-to someone, and that someone just happened to be him.
just when you’re holding your daughter, what a great timing
“mama, why stop?” Val’s rubbing her eyes wondering and snuggling back on to your neck
“a moment baby, just get back to sleeping okay?” rubbing val’s back soothing her down to get her back to sleeping.
Charles was shocked yet confused on why you’re holding a child and the said child was calling you mama. Charles knew your relationship with Mick had just been ongoing for 3 years and he knew that the little girl that you were carrying is more than 3 years old, but what he didn’t know was that the little girl on your arm was his own daughter that he had no clue off.
“y/n, you’ve never told me you had a daughter?” charles stopped in his tracks and you could see behind him was arthur and lorenzo, with a shocked face.
“oh look charles, you’re late to your team meeting. Let’s go carlos is probably finding for you” enzo distracting him, but it was no help because he was still there staring at you and your daughter.
at this point you were looking at arthur for help but from the facial expression on arthur’s you knew he had zero plans to back you up.
“yeah haha it’s something i’ve kept private” you tried to walk away but he stopped you and take a look at val’s lanyard that was around her neck.
and one thing you didn’t realise was mick had given the staffs val’s full name to print out on her paddock pass, and that is when charles realised he has a daughter.
“valentiné aurore herve leclerc?”
oh yeah we are so fuck, by we it’s lorenzo, arthur and i.
you were looking at arthur and lorenzo with wide eyes.
“the both of you are aware of this?” charles turned to both of them and questioned the both of his brothers with disbelief
“it’s not their fault, i made them promised to not tell anyone”
“why didn’t you tell me? i am her father” at this point you could see people were curious on the conversation that was happening, because why would mick’s current girlfriend be seen having an intense conversation with Charles Leclerc?
“let’s talk later, she needs her nap. i’ll come over to arthur’s apartment and explain everything ” and charles knew that tone of your voice, the one where you would always use when you’re anxious or nervous and charles agreed on meeting you at arthur’s apartment
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Mick knew what had happened when you bumped you onto Charles, Mick wanted to accompany the both of you to Arthur’s apartment and be there for you while you explained things to Charles, and of course you agreed.
You knocked Arthur’s door, and you were greeted by pascale.
“i’m sorry darling, I tried but he was too persistent” she apologised to you, holding your hand giving you comfort
“it’s fine, it’s time i guess” you smiled at her
when you’ve reached Arthur’s living room you could feel the tension between the three brothers, you took a seat beside Arthur and Val automatically went to Arthur’s Lap.
Mick sat beside you, rubbing your back, calming down your nerves.
“val baby, come to papa. don’t bother uncle thur” mick called out to your daughter which she listened and walked over to Mick’s lap and mick carried her to arthur’s guest room which pascale followed behind.
Charles cleared his throat, “tell me from the start”
“when we broke off and i left, i found out I was 2 weeks pregnant”
“and you didn’t think of telling me?”
“it was hard Charles, i didn’t want you to stay with me just because i was carrying your daughter”
“continue” charles head in his hand, stressing over this situation
“i kept it of course as you can see, but please don’t blame it on lorenzo and arthur. i’ve made them swore they wouldn’t tell you, i didn’t wanna ruin your career. I was gonna tell you, just not now. I was thinking of telling you when val’s gonna understand the situation more. Mick knows about us and he was there for me for everything”
“I could’ve helped you, y/n. as a friend I could’ve helped you. she has my dna, she’s mine, i deserve to be in her life too, does she know?”
“she knows her father’s absence in her life, but she doesn’t know it’s you. we’ve never really talked about it”
“why the name? why did you used my last name, if you didn’t want me to be in her life y/n?”
“She’s apart of you, of course i had to include that and she looks exactly like you, no matter how much i refuse to believe’s she from you i had to accept it”
Charles walked over and sat beside you and held your hand.
“please let me be in her life. not as a father but as someone she deserves to know. i don’t mind Mick being her father, he deserves that title, but just let me be in my daughter’s life”
you agreed to charles, because as much as you disliked Charles, you didn’t want your daughter to grow up not knowing how does her biological dad looks like and starts questioning if she ever did something wrong.
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Charles took the time to get to know val more, Mick and you would allow Charles over to let him have his own time with his daughter or they would sometimes have a day to their own.
Val knew who charles were but wasn’t really keen in calling him papa, as for the past few years Mick was more of a father figure to her rather than Charles.
As much as Charles was disappointed, he understood where she was coming from but he was glad Val had accepted him in her life not as a father but as some she would like to keep close contact with.
As for you, you’ve still kept the news of you having a child private, though there were rumours speculating around which you didn’t really pay attention to but you felt that it wasn’t a need for you to go public that you had a love child with their favourite driver.
Mick’s gotten signed to Mercedes and since he was a reserve driver, he would spend most of the time at the paddock with val and val has never been much more happier being close to her papa.
She would sometimes be in the Ferrari’s building or Mercedes’. Of course other than P, and the other driver’s children’s, val is currently the favourite especially amongst Charles and Mick’s circles of friends.
You were glad that the heavy weight on your shoulders was lifted off. Though, it took you a while to let Charles know about val, it’s all sorted out and you’re glad.
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—✩࿐ end note: thanks for reading! wanted to end it off more angst less fluff but dad! mick just warms my heart, i’m still finding for good ig post templates or twitter templates! other than that, i hope you enjoyed reading! ♥️
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twistedchatterbox · 1 year
“Even in madness we are meant to be”
Summary: Even in overblot they long for you, please, love them.
ft. Riddle, Leona, [Azul, Jamil in part 2] [Vil, Idia, in part 3] [Malleus in part 4] 
Tags. Romantic, not angst, Reader is NOT Yuu/MC, Lovesick Boys, GN-ish reader, Queen is a gender neutral term, established relationships, overblot, yandere-esq vibes, spoilers for literally everything and every single chapter can be expected here
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wordcount: 1600+ | Masterlist & Taglist
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A trial, they said, it can’t go too bad, they said. Now this shell of your sweet crush smells like gasoline ink and danger; except he burns everything other than you, including himself if the blot is anything to go by, and you wish you could have intervened but.. oh well. From his eyes, Riddle saw red one second, blot next. And from your eyes, you couldn’t even say whatever you saw was your Riddle; not with such a crazed and sadistic look in his eyes, somewhere between amused and furious by the sight of his prior dormmates attempts to escape. No, not this one. Yet even now you find yourself wavering when he looks back at you. You can’t bring yourself to say looks tend to be deceiving, not now.With trembling hands he reached out to you, deceptively weak only to pull you against his twisted form with all his might and hold you there, his left combed through your hair as he let out a feigned sigh of innocence. “Of course,” Riddle laughed –it sounded so wrong– “I knew you’d never disobey me, my trust~ You’ve always been so sensible” you wondered, was this what he was told? Not that you could keep yourself wondering for too long, as you felt him nudge something against your ear; a thornless rose, unlike himself. “We were meant to be, weren’t we?” He asked with a wicked, playful tone, it sounded poisonous yet sincere, it made your head and heart hurt. “If I am the queen of hearts, then aren’t you my king? Or would you rather be the queen of my heart instead?” Riddle said, knowing neither of the questions were wholly questions, or at all. Yet he demanded answers, silently, tilting your chin up to meet his blot induced gaze, he was so close- Yet it was the way he was whispering against your lips that made your heart stop “Well?” Riddle mumbled, close enough to touch the tips of your lips, close enough to make you feel his words on your skin, fanning his soft breath against your own. You barely held it together enough to nod, trying to ignore the way his amused expression softened all the while his grip on you tightened. Leading you somewhere, deep into the maze where the ‘troublemakers’ will not harm you when he goes back to deal them their punishments. Something about you felt off, guilty when you admired his form, maybe it was the way he securely re-tucked the thornless rose in place every few minutes, or maybe it was the way he smiled into your hair; despite the overflowing blot, or because of it, you couldn’t help the dizziness that clogged up your head- or heart. Shaking off the dizziness upon hearing his voice, you tried to meet his gaze; feeling his hand gentlemanly curl against yours, Riddle led you to the canopy in the middle of the maze where you saw two thrones that did not belong there. “For me, and the queen of my heart” he whispered, and for a moment, had it not been for the withering surroundings, you could mistake it– this blot-driven shell– for your Riddle, not a twisted cognition made out of his mind. As if you could blame him for it all- you felt as though some of it was on you, and so much of it on the woman he had to call mother. You bit your tongue, it wouldn’t do you any good to lose it, or your head. Even if it’s too late for your heart. And when his voice, deceptively soft and convincingly sweet, asked you to “Follow me, my Rose”, you complied. Not even in black roses and cracked marble could you resist the tug on your hand nor heart. Following him, and sitting on the throne next to his; unaware of his lovestruck eyes. Soon, thorns and roses encapsulated the canopy and Riddle took it as his cue to stand, only to lean down to meet your gaze and place a gentlemanly kiss on your wrist followed by one on your ring finger. Ink. it hurt your head and heart, looking at his signature sign of showing affection now covered in an impulsive rush of blot and tears. A trial, they said, it cannot be that bad, they said; yet here you sit on a rose throne, with a kiss on your wrist and ring finger. A trial over red roses is history, but what can the king of hearts, or the queen of his, do when the roses have been painted black instead? You huffed, softly to yourself as if the wilting garden had ears, “I’ll just have to see it through” you whisper to yourself, cradling the kiss-marked wrist and hand on your other. No matter how the tale was spun; the king and queen of hearts stayed together, with a newfound soft smile rising on your face, you decided that you’d take this page out of their book. “And I’ll stay here to see it through with him, through everything” and you knew you could recite this by heart.
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Sand. One second it was blue, a clear day where everything the light touched looked so close, now covered by the fury of a storm.  The sand storm’s lashing swings reached far as you can see, the storm reigned over the stadium and possibly beyond; nothing was touched by light at this point, it had gotten intense enough to completely obscure everything. Yet you could never for the life of your own mistake the feeling of the culprit’s eyes burning on the back of your neck, that ever familiar feeling of Leona’s eyes scaling you up in an attempt to calculate or guess how you might react if he simply approached you now. As if you could escape. You weren’t even sure where things began or ended, unable to pinpoint anything, including at what point did this relentless storm start raging in his head. How long had he kept it from you? For too long, if it wasn’t obvious by the circumstances. You found yourself so.. frustrated. In a way, angry. Angry that he kept you in the dark as his irrationality- or more accurately, his desperation- boiled over the limit. But you knew you couldn’t do much, not now at least. You didn’t have the means to pull something reckless, not when he was so.. poorly balanced on this fragile line of danger. Sitting on the shattered pieces of his self control in the way a king would on a throne, one he would never have; a mocking reminder. Instead, what you had was the touch of a coarse hand on the back of your shoulder blades to see your unsurprising company you’d expected, now obscured in a flurry of emotions bursting at the seams with blot as its physical body. Leona. He felt cold to the touch with whatever was encasing him entirely, you wouldn’t be shocked if he was not in his own body; the ink, it smelt like gasoline. And you weren’t sure whether or not you were the flame. Physically, that was the only part of Leona present in this space next to you. You doubted that his mind was with him- Even as his cold, coarse hand rubbed circles on your hand gingerly to kindly request your attention, you couldn’t bring yourself to believe that this was the boy who made a promise to you that you’d marry each other when you two grew up. The boy who promised you he’d be king. Barely hearing the ‘can I’, you decided to flip a coin mentally and nod, aware of how much sand would get in if you even tried to speak. And just like that, you were pressed against the jet black fur painted by the same thing that drove him to extremes, hoisted up for an ideal bridal carry; had it not been for everything else, you swear the hand guarding your eyes from the storm would make your heart throb so much more. Soon, maybe far too soon, you felt him shift his hold so that he could hold you securely and tight as he sat down on what felt like a makeshift throne on the hoops. Though it puzzled you when you felt rumbling in the cage of his ribs, knowing that tune somewhere in the back of your head, yet shocking nonetheless. The lyrics and melody were strumming onto the cage of his heart, his idle hand combing through your hair with ease, getting the sand out slowly and as much as he could. “I’ve always wondered,” Leona murmured, and you listened, finally freed of the sounds of storm whipping, “just why you stayed.”, and you wondered which direction he was going, despite your hunch. “I thought it was foolish at first.” He confessed, the crack of his now-smokey voice revealing a fragment of something so.. genuine. Vulnerable. His clawed hands busied themselves, the tip of his nails traced the side of your face and tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear; leaning down, planting a kiss on the end of your brow. The gentle feeling of his breathing and heartbeat was the opposite of this cage made from blot and you couldn’t help but focus on the way he held onto you in the midst of falling apart. Thoroughly enjoying the way a shiver moved up your spine, Leona’s palm cupped the underside of your chin; face to face and barely apart from your lips as he whispered to emphasise his point- “But I think I’ve changed my mind. I want to keep you here, by my side.” getting closer, now whispering directly against your lips- “Let me prove myself as a king worthy of you.” -and if you happened to be the flame to set this alight- “Me and my heart- bared for your taking.”  -you might just find out that the gasoline feels too fine.
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revehae · 29 days
two days ago, this blog turned two years old. well, that’s if you ignore the fact that i accidentally deleted my blogs this january. in spite of that, so many of you are still here with me and have been supportive even when i was quite literally losing my marbles. you guys have been patient through my periods of inactivity and reread my fics with the same amount of appreciation for them as you had the first read - if not more. and for that, i say thank you.
but i’m also saying goodbye.
just kidding! i was being serious for too long and so i felt the need to potentially strike some fear into someone’s heart for fun. anywho, no, i’m not actually leaving. not yet, anyway. there is so much more i want to do with this blog and so many ideas i want to share that will most likely carry on to the following year. so yeah, you guys are still stuck with me.
am i taking the two-year anniversary of a mostly k-pop tumblr blog teeming with dark, degenerate fantasies that ought to get me stoned by stubby, hairy ogres way too seriously? perhaps. but i’ll never forget what this blog means to me. i’m in a place now where my trauma is no longer something i feel suffocated by or bound to, but when i created this blog, i admit that there were still large parts of me that felt like i was “broken.” this was only possible because i found safe places where i could acknowledge it without fear of being judged, blamed, or attacked.
i realize not everyone has those places. one of the greatest delights i have is being able to own a blog where people with similar experiences as me are able to confront their pain in a way that makes them feel safe, comfortable, and most importantly, in control.
i went through periods of time where i wouldn’t even leave my room because i was so terrified of being subjected to the same nightmare again. i couldn’t go out in public, because when i did, i was constantly worried that someone was out to give me. this affected my relationships with my friends, family, myself, sex, the world - everything. it is a hell i wouldn’t even wish on Trumpington McDonaldton. or would i? just kidding. not really, considering his track record. but, back to the point, i know what it’s like to live in the dark. i know how unfair it is that someone can swoop in, ruin your life, and never, ever face consequences. meanwhile, you are staring at the consequences of what someone else did every single day. i know what it’s like to blame yourself. i know what it’s like to wish that things were different.
but i also know that as unfair as it is, as painful as it is, and as hard as it may be to accept, no one is going to single-handedly fix you. you have to be your own healer. you have to put the work in to build yourself back up and bounce back stronger than ever. i know firsthand how intimidating that can be, however, in my experience, the first step was not hiding from what i’d gone through. in a way that i originally never thought would be possible, writing and reading noncon fics was one of the most helpful ways of doing that. everything about this blog has been extremely cathartic for me. and the best part about it is that many of you have told me it’s cathartic for you as well, which fills me with a glee words cannot describe.
now, of course, my blog is not limited to Traumatized Individuals who had their brains rewired in the worst way possible via some negative experience - although i doubt you’re not still somehow traumatized if you religiously read my content. if you aren’t a victim of SA, you aren’t going to be crucified for reading noncon. it’s okay. don’t worry. but still, i will always support and stand up for those that are, even if they don’t cope in the same way as me. because not reading is also okay. there are so many different ways to cope with SA; i’m just happy to provide one of them to those that seek it out.
again, thank you all! thank you to those that have been here since the beginning. thank you to those that followed me this week. thank you to those who leave nice messages in my inbox, and reblog, and leave comments. thank you to my dearest sweet mutuals. thank you to those who followed me here from lisired and didn’t unfollow me when you realized i’m a little bit insane. thank you to those that read my fics over and over and never get bored! let’s heal together everyone. but let’s also be depraved and Scare The Hoes. and if you read all of this, i love you and i hope you get everything you ever wanted in life.
- with all of the love in the world, revehae!
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
The Last Visit: An Eddie Munson Oneshot
TW: Death/dying, mentions of blood, cemetery
A/N: This is pure sadness, but like a tiny tiny tiny hint of happiness if you squint? I’ve had this idea in my head all day and it just seemed interesting and I hope y’all enjoy also sorry I didn’t edit it much I wrote it in one sitting✨
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Eddie zips up his jacket as he walks down the worn out path, the only sound he hears is the crunching of leaves beneath his shoes and trees blowing in the slightly chilly autumn breeze. He looks around and can’t help but feel a little sad at how empty it is, he knows it’s an odd time to be here but still he feels as though he shouldn’t be the only one here every time he comes to visit. The moment he turns the corner his eyes land on the reason he’s here, the Hawkins cemetery, he smiles when he sees the flowers he put up last week are still there and haven’t blown away or dried out yet.
“Hey sweetheart.” he whispers as he places his hand on the cold stone. “Miss me?” He asks as he takes a seat on the bench in front of the headstone.
“It’s a little hard to miss someone who doesn’t ever really leave.” Your voice is as clear as day as you lean against the shiny marble stone that has your name etched on the front of it. Eddie just rolls his eyes as you playfully glare at him.
“I don’t want you to get lonely.” Eddie watches as you look around at all the headstones covering the ground of the cemetery.
“I’m not alone Eddie.” You explain as you walk around your headstone and pick up the flowers he had picked just for you. “It’s been six months.” Eddie looks down at his feet as you bring the flowers up to your nose so you can smell them. He doesn’t need to be reminded of how long you’ve been gone, he knows exactly how many weeks, days and hours it’s been since he lost you.
“It feels like it happened yesterday.” His voice is low and you know he’s a few moments from losing it by the way he runs a hand over his face and looks away from you. “I can still hear Harrington’s voice in my ear telling me you’re gone.” His voice cracks as you slide down the front of your headstone so you’re sitting with your back against it as the memories of your last few moments alive flood your mind.
“No no no.” Steve’s voice is frantic as he runs to the middle of the street in front of Family Video where you were headed to start your closing shift. “You’re okay.” You can tell by the way his eyes get wide as they scan over your face and your body that he’s lying. You can’t feel much as you lay in the middle of the intersection’s crosswalk, Steve carefully lifts your head so it’s resting in his lap.
“It’s just a scratch right?” You mumble and Steve just nods his head as a few tears slip down his cheeks.
“Yeah just a scratch.” He repeats as he grabs your hands and holds them in his, you can hear sirens in the distance but you know they’ll be too late because you can feel the warmth of the blood coming from your head now covering Steve’s lap.
“Tell him,” you find it hard to speak but Steve just holds onto you tighter as he nods to try to encourage you to keep going. “I love him so much.” You feel your eyes water as tears freely fall down your face. “And I’m sorry I won’t be home for dinner.” Steve looks away from you as he tries to hold himself together.
“I’ll tell him.” He promises as he looks at you one last time before you feel everything beginning to go dark. “It’s okay.” Is the last thing you hear Steve say before your eyes close for the last time.
“I’m sorry.” Is all you can say as you look over at Eddie who is already staring right back at you as a single tear rolls down your cheek. “But you can’t just keep coming here Eddie you need to try to move on.” Eddie lets out a sigh of frustration as he stands up.
“Move on? How the fuck am I supposed to move on when my wife was taken from me by some asshole on a random ass Tuesday afternoon on her way to work?” You let him get it all out because you know he’s been holding it in for a while. “It makes no fucking sense so that’s why I can’t move on.” He runs a hand through his hair as he looks at your headstone. “Why’d it have to be you? Of all the people in the world why are you the one that had to die that day?” You stand up and drop the flowers letting them land right in front of your name.
“It was going to happen eventually.” You know that’s not what he wanted to hear as he takes a step closer to your headstone. “You deserve to be out there living your life not hanging out with dead people.” You fight the urge to reach out and touch him but you know it’s pointless because he can’t feel you.
“You know she looks just like you.” You smile at the mention of your daughter. “Sometimes a little too much but in a good way.” Eddie reaches into his back pocket so he can grab his wallet.
“Better me than you right? Isn’t that what Wayne would say.” Eddie just chuckles as he shakes his head, he opens the wallet and holds up a photo of your little girl who just turned two almost three weeks ago. “If you needed a reason to move on and start living your life to the fullest you have the biggest one in your hand right now.” Eddie looks down at the photo and smiles at his little girl’s big goofy grin on her cake covered face. “She needs you.” You watch him bend down and place the photo next to the flowers by your headstone.
“I love you.” Eddie swallows back the lump in his throat as he looks at your name etched in the stone.
“I love you too.” You answer as you move so you’re back behind your headstone. “Moving on doesn’t mean you love my any less Eddie.” Eddie turns so he can look at you as you speak. “It just means you’re making room to let others in.” You give him your best reassuring smile making him just nod because you’re right, as usual. “This is our last visit.” Eddie knew this moment would come, where he’d stop being able to see you and it would become all too real that you’re actually gone.
“I’m not ready.” He knows he sounds like he’s begging but he doesn’t care, you feel his sadness and it’s overwhelming making tears flow down your cheeks. “I can’t do this without you.”
“You already are.” Your voice is soft and sweet as it flows into Eddie’s ears. “You’re going to be okay Eddie.” You look away from him as you begin yourself starting to fade. “I’ll check in on you two from time to time.” Eddie just nods as he wipes at his cheeks with the back of his wrist.
“I love you.” Is all he can saw as he watches you give him one last smile as you fade away and eventually disappear. “I’ll always love you.” He whispers as he places a hand on top of your headstone. He stays there for a few more minutes before he looks at his watch and sees it’s almost time for him to go pick his daughter up from your mom’s house so the two of them can go have dinner with Wayne.
“See you later sweetheart.” Is all he says before he turns and begins his walk back towards his car. Eddie knows this is the last time he’ll come visit you for a while and deep down he knows you’re somewhere smiling down at him because you’re right, he needs to start living life again but not just for himself but for the little girl that calls him dad.
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lestappenforever · 10 months
Hello my beautiful girl, let’s go to the chapel and get married! Time to share my brainrots, I call them”things I’d like to read after this tacky Las Vegas week”, let’s go:
Max freaking out, asking for Charles’ hand in marriage and running to the chapel dressed as blonde Elvis.
Lando playing pranks on them so they finally get their head out of their asses and hook up
Nightclub extravaganza with shots of tequila, dancing, seduction, kisses on an alley, getting handsy etc
Drunk sex, waking up hungover with Max by his side and totally losing his marbles because he was such a dirty slut on top of max but now he’s so embarrassed he might die
Max literally camping outside Charles’s hotel to fancy him with his Elvis abilities of awfully singing
The Steve support group catching them on yet another compromising position and discussing how to proceed since the trauma of seeing them naked scared even the most professional of Steve’s: checo.
Some jealous Kelly arguing about “so this is why you asked me to stay in Brazil and not to come to Vegas? You’re banging Charles???”
Everybody shitfaced jumping on the bellagio fountain
This is peak fiction, even if people write tiny dribbles, I’d fucking LOVE THEM. Vegas was tacky? Yes. But it gave us so much lestappen, I’ll never get tired of it. I’m not even regretting waking up at 3AM. See you soon my love 🫶🏻
Evie, my beloved, my beautiful angel, my universe, I will meet you at the chapel to go through with our long-overdue wedding. ❤️
Once again, my darling Evie, you bless me and everyone else reading this with your beautiful, wonderful, amazing Lestappen brainrots and I could honestly get on board with them all. So many potentially wonderful fics or drabbles could be written for every single one of these brainrots.
Lestappen truly has reached a point where they are practically writing fics for us and I am personally so here for it. And Vegas might have had it's definite downsides, but I will never forget the Lestappen content it brought up.
I adore you and love you with my entire being, my beautiful Evie. I hope you're having a wonderful day. 🫶
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alexiavettel · 2 years
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chapter three
pairing: charles leclerc x fem¡stroll!reader
word count: 1.8k+
warnings: kinda toxic!reader, mentions of Charles’ father, overthinking
disclaimer: any photo used is not supposed to represent the reader, are all Pinterest pics that match the context
⇦⇦⇦ previous part
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Y/n Stroll POV:
There’s only one week left to the pre-season testing and they want us to go in a yacht and play cute happy couple while we could be training. I tried to fight my father and he just said “You signed the contract, honey. You knew what you were doing”. When I go to another team I promise I’m going to only see this old fucking man at Christmas!
And that’s how I ended up in this situation: sitting alone at the dock waiting for this asshole.
When I was about to go back home the bastard I was waiting for finally arrived.
“Please don’t shout at m-“
“I have waited for you for 45 minutes you asshole! Explain yourself!”
“Okay, first of all stop stomping like a kid” I might look a bit childish but can you blame me? “Second, I had something important to solve”
“What is so fucking important that you couldn’t even take 2 seconds to text me to tell you were going to be late or that you couldn’t come?!”
“I had a meeting with the team about some new updates they are looking for-“ he helped me get in the boat.
“I don’t need to know your bullshit. The fact is that you didn’t care enough to send me a simple fucking text and kept me waiting while I could be doing something better and more important than spending shitty time with you!”
“God okay, I am sorry! Is that what you so desperately want to hear?”
“Fuck you, Leclerc!” I marched to the farthest place from him, which happens to be the front of the yacht.
He can’t understand that I need every single minute I have to practice, obviously he needs it too but it’s so much easier for him, a man, a man in a dominant car specially. It’s so fucking frustrating pushing the car to the maximum and it still doesn’t give you what you want, what you need. And when you lose control what they will blame? The fact that I pushed the car too much until it almost exploded in my hands? Absolutely no. It’s surely because I’m a woman.
“You know Phill, Y/n is an incredible driver but I think sometimes the cars aren’t just made for women. I don’t think they can handle that much pressure, you got me?!”
“Y/n how much of the car Aston Martin had to adapt for your female body?” that’s not even close to the worst one but I would never get those if I were a man.
“Is it harder to drive when you are on your period?” “You have to do the underwear FIA check too?” “Come on, is it hard to handle yourself being around 19 men, right?”
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the boat engine starting. Yes, now I have no way out…
“I bring lunch, you’re coming?” I was just getting my things back inside after putting my bikini on when I heard his hesitant voice.
“Y-Yeah sure” I shouldn’t have screamed at him, he didn’t deserved it. At least not this time.
“We are going to eat outside, all right?” when I finally found him he was shirtless at the kitchen (one of the prettiest I must admit, all clear tones and marble).
“Hmhm” I humm as I helped him with the trays.
“Pretty bikini” I paralysed in the moment I sat down next to the food “What? Am I getting the silence treatment now?! I know I fucked up earlier but I’m sorry okay? I just got caught up in the moment I forgot to call you”
“It wasn’t a silence treatment, I am just shocked that you can actually complement me” I couldn’t and help but let out a scoff “but I’m sorry too, to be honest. I shouldn’t have screamed at you, I got carried away by my disappointment towards somethings that doesn’t involve you specifically. So I shouldn’t have done it…”
“Oh my God, you can actually apologise!” he almost screamed.
“Fuck you, Leclerc”
“Yep, that’s the Y/n I know!” he messed with my hair getting an arm smack in return “Soo we got fruits, salad, loaves of breads, juice, jams and some slices of ham, cheese and salami”
“Oh God! I love salami!”
“Me too! By the way, fancy a swim after? I want to use the new jet skis”
“Yeah why not? But we have to wait a little after eating y’know because-“ I say while doing a sandwich for me.
“Don’t mom me, I know why”
“I don’t mom you!?”
“Whatever you say, darling. Gonna be back in a sec!” and he leaves. After calling me darling with the biggest smirk on his face and with a weird naturally…
“What is that?” I asked after he came back with a pot of something red.
“Cherry jam, I didn’t bring with the rest because-“
“I am allergic to cherries”
“Yeah and I know how you eat everything that’s red, thinking it is strawberries”
“Can you blame me? Strawberry is the best fruit, boy” I can’t help but think why he actually remembers I’m allergic to cherries… Whatever, it’s probably from eating together at restaurants so many times.
“Nah peaches are superior”
“Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc I’m going to kill you!” I screamed from the top of my lungs as he splashed water all over me with his jet ski after I clearly had told him that I didn’t want to wet my hair.
“Not like you can catch me, darling” he speed away laughing… I want to drown him.
When I got by his side my desire was to crash the fast machine into his but I just took a turn and wet him all. Meeting with his face dropping water, eyebrows frowned but the biggest smile in his face as him try to dry his face. That made me smile.
Then he pointed the boat as a sign to come back. “Last to come to the boat have to do what the other wants for a whole day” I offered him, who wore a wicked smile agreeing with it. There’s no way he could beat me.
He actually could beat me. But only because my jet ski stopped midway, the engine has gone completely off.
“I’m going to help you but with one condition…” he proposed coming at me after seeing I apparently got a problem “I can choose when you’re going to obey me all day”
“You know this is literally your problem right? Your jet ski, not mine. And I’m not going to obey you, I’ll do you favours. But I’m not in the mood to swim my way to the yacht so it’s okay, you can choose when. But that can’t include race stuff” it was part of the challenge since the beginning but I think I forgot to mention it, so points to me!
“Whatever you say, sweetheart” he made me go behind him in his own machine to try to fix it “By the way, I had never seen you in one these how are you fast?”
“Well it’s not too different than bikes, and I am completely in love with my bikes”
“You ride??? You mean like motorcyclettes?” He stopped doing whatever he was doing to look shocked at me.
“Yeah I can show you the pics of my babies when we came back to the boat”
“Babies? Oh dear god! But anyway that would be soon since we are coming back right now, darling!” he needs to stop calling me that...
“How do you fixed it?”
“It’s the battery, I can’t fix it. The man who sold me that one probably didn’t use it in a very long time and didn’t switch the battery to sell it. I am going to call him after, but now you have to sit still here” he explained while tying a rope to connect the two jets.
“So yeah that’s it, my babies. They’re probably my most precious possessions” I gave my phone to him see the bikes while we sit together waiting for the sunset, shivering below a sharing blanket.
“I didn’t take you as a bike type… Why your ‘most precious possession’ isn’t a f1 car?”
“I’ve got last year’s, but once I leave Aston Martin I think it will be the only one I’ll keep”
“Are you planning to leave?” apparently the sun doesn’t want to go down, now would be an amazing moment huh?
“But then why would you agree with this deal?” He seems anxious…
“I still need a seat this season, ferrari boy”
“Oh…” an awkward silence took place after this and the sun finally started to set down.
“Even the moon it’s here too, so pretty” I said after asking for a pic in the wonderful mix of blue, pink, orange, yellow and purple in the sky.
“My dad used to say that the moon and the sun are a couple and when they’re in the sky at the same time, it's the only moment they can properly see each other and the closest they can ever be”
“My best friend used to tell me a story about how they fell in love with each other, and how the moon always try to hide her feelings from the sun ‘cause she knew they could never work out. But the sun being so shiny, warm and radiant, couldn’t hold himself and tried every single solar eclipse to ask the moon out, even receiving a ‘no’ every time he never took it as a real answer because he knew about moon’s real feelings”
“Your friend is no fun, is a sad story with a sad ending”
“It’s not sad, Leclerc! It’s an analogy of real life situations, sometimes life is sad and we can’t do anything besides watch it burn”
“But they could try! They would still see each other in the sky like now, they would still see the beauty left behind from the other, they could see each other properly in eclipses and all! If the moon really loved the sun she would’ve tried”
“Maybe it’s not that easy. What about the earth in that situation? And they could never touch each other! The sun would burn the moon down and he didn’t even think about that, the sun would be the end of the moon and even knowing that she still loves him… Being all destructive. Sometimes love can be like this”
The silence where this story belongs came to us, in a now dark sky where only the moon could be saw. Two bodies laying down in a boat in the middle of the ocean, looking at the sky and thinking about whole different things.
“But why the sun is a male and the moon a female?” he frowned.
“Me and my mate used to see it like that, the moon passes me this feminine energy”
“Still like my story better”
“You’re a kid who doesn’t understand the complicity of it” I got up and offer him my hand.
“I am not a kid!” He slapped my hand and got up himself
“See, kid’s behaviour”
“I’m gonna get dressed and we can come back right?! I believe some people saw us today and we are probably being shipped in twitter”
“Yeah, I’m turning the boat back…”
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my taglist!!
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kedreeva · 2 years
Hello fucker im the anon losing my absolute marbles about godfuckingdamned stranger things
Not only are you apparently not going alone to hell and have fucking grabbed me and decided to take me along with you you fuck but i feel as though i was plucked out the 3 story window of my fucking flat and shoved inti the metaphorical backseat of the fucking zamboni machine heading straight for hells fiery gates WHILE I WAS MERELY TRYING TO WET MY NIN EXISTENT FLOWERS ON THE WINDOW SEAL
Having said that i can absolutely fucking tell that the characters themselves are holding the fucking thing together and it would work eith absolutely nonsensical plot SINCE I KNOW ALMOST NONE OF THE PLOT (UNFORTUNATELY I DO KNOW A BIT NOW SINCE IVE BEEN CONSUMING THE FUCKING FICS OF THIS FANDOM LIKE A MANIAC FOR THE PAST 2 DAYS) AND IM STILL LOSING MY SHIT OVER THEM
I have also fucking decided to start watching the fucking thing right fucking now even though im so fucking behind on several deadlines and assignments including a very important one thats due right thia fuckinh week and for which i have yet to write ANYTHING and which has to be about 80 fucking pages long by the end of it so yes i am truly having the fucking time of my life goddamn it i was gonna start watching the fucking thing literally last night but i fell fucking asleep at about 2am because of the all nighter i had pulled the previous night reading the fucking steddie fics and last night i fell asleep woth my fucking phone in my hand doing guess fucking what READING ON AO3 ONCE AGAIN
I literally only vaguely know how steve and eddie look and dustin a little bit and robin a little bit and thats IT but goddamn do i have strong feelings for like 9 characters i know fuckall about except for fanon
As for the goddamn fic that made me lose the last of my sanity it wasnt even a Proper h/c per se just had some h/c in it which was game enough for my tired ass to deem it a h/c fic in my exvaustion and insanity and i do NOT unfortunately remember the name of it but i do know that it was by a fellow whose usernmae is pukner which i somehow remember and it was about 40k long amd what fucking made me read it and LOSE it and i mean LOSE IT like fucking LOSE IT was that it had NONBINARY steve kedreeva it had fucking NONBINARY STEVE so yeah i truly have given uo all of my 2 drops of remaining sanity for the smallest possible little bit of serotonin i could possibly receive
I blame you SO hard for everything you are literally never gonna stop hearing from me about this you shall deal with every single mental breakdown and Thought™ that i have because of stranger things from now on because youre the reason why im in this shitshow in the first place my fucking friends and acquaintances and EVERYONE both online AND IRL have been trying to get me to watch stranger things EVER SINCE IT FIRST CAME OUT and _THIS_ is what fucking does me in
Well, I found the fic in question, and a) there's more than one NB Steve written by this person and also they're on tumblr by the same name
and b) Hey....... anyone out there got some nonbinary steve harrington fics to rec? bonus if they're hurt/comfort fics apparently. If I'm going to be blamed, I'm gonna fuckin EARN IT :D Drop 'em in the replies or reblogs or askbox, happy to reblog tumblr links too.
c) heyyyy drop your Steddie playlists for anon let's make it worse as a FAMILY
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stormyoceans · 2 years
top 10 most romantic vice versa moments? :)
SFJKSGFKGSKDGJSG SHORT ANSWER WOULD BE ALL OF THEM THEY LITERALLY INVENTED ROMANCE!!!!!! but apparently i like to hurt myself and aim to lose whatever sanity i have left so HERE WE GO I GUESS
1. the kitchen scene in episode 12. most of the time romance isn't actually in the grand public gestures but in the small ones we share every single day in the privacy of our homes and this scene is a perfect example of it like THE BACK HUG. THE CHEEK KISSES EXCHANGE. "WHATEVER COMES FROM YOU IS SO GOOD". PUEN TIGHTENING HIS HOLD AROUND TALAY AND TALAY'S HAND REACHING FOR PUEN'S OWN INSTINCTIVELY. "THANK YOU FOR COMING BACK AND SEARCHING FOR ME. AND THANK YOU FOR TAKING AWAY MY FEAR OF TOMORROW". PUEN'S HANDS ON TALAY'S WAIST. TALAY CUPPING PUEN'S FACE. "I THANK YOU TOO FOR BEING BORN SO THAT I COULD LOVE YOU". THE QUICK KISS AT THE END THAT'S JUST SO CASUAL AND INTIMATE AND SOFT. i've literally never seen two people be more domestic in love and enamored with each other in my entire life im sorry but this is truly peak romance to me!!!!!!
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2. the reunion scene in episode 11. romantic scene moment sequence of events of all time OF ALL TIME truly changed the trajectory of my life my outlook my values the very foundations of my personhood i genuinely can't have more than surface level thoughts about this scene or else i'll go insane fr. LOVERS TRASCENDING SPACETIME AND FINDING EACH OTHER AGAIN IN THE SAME PLACE ONE OF THEM FIRST FELL IN LOVE WITH THE OTHER BUT IN A DIFFERENT UNIVERSE IN A DIFFERE BODY!!!!!! “TALAY” BEING THE FIRST WORD OUT OF PUEN’S MOUTH!!!! TALAY BEING SO OVERWHELMED HE CAN’T SAY ANYTHING AT FIRST!!!! “AI’DANG”!!!! THE BONE CRUSHING HUG!!!! "YOU MUST BE VERY TIRED. FROM NOW ON THINGS WILL BE OKAY"!!!! THE WIFE TEASING BECAUSE THAT'S EXACTLY WHO THEY ARE BICKERING BANTERING NERDS ABSOLUTELY SMITTEN FOR EACH OTHER!!!! THE HEARTACHE THE LONGING THE REALIZATION THE RELIEF THE COMFORT THE TENDERNESS THE UNDERSTANDING THE JOY THE LOVE!!!!!! losing my mind my marbles my capacity for rational thought and my grasp on reality
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3. the hat scene in episode 9. doctor jimmy fucking pay my therapy bills and answer for your crimes in a court of law i watched this scene 9373828 times but also i can't look directly at it because i'll implode instantaneously. he really was out there that day making the most choices looking awestruck to the point of reverence and giving so much adoration tenderness wonder devotion LOVE!!!!! AND IF PUEN'S REALIZATION OF WHO TALAY IS WASN'T ALREADY THE MOST DERANGED EMOTIONALLY CHARGED INSANE SHIT EVER PUT TO FILM THEY ALSO GAVE US ANOTHER CONFESSION!!!!! "NO MATTER WHAT WILL HAPPEN, ALL I WANT IS FOR US TO REUNITE"!!!!! "I THINK I AM FALLING FOR YOU"!!!!! "CAN'T YOU TELL? IM FALLING FOR YOU TOO"!!!!! LIKE NOT ALL OF THIS ON TOP OF THE SOULMATISM THING PLEASE IM ALREADY ON THE FLOOR WAILING STOPPPPP KICKING ME WHEN IM DOWN
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4. the post reunion scene in episode 11. so you get the reunion scene and are now agonizing on the floor partaking in fits of female hysteria trying to get a hold on yourself but hey, you think, at least that's the most romance they're gonna give in an episode, right? you're safe.... right???? FOOL!!!!!! YOU'RE NEVER SAFE IN THIS SHOW!!!!!! and what's more devastatingly romantic than puentalay just being puen and talay and talking about their feelings like THE RETURN OF "DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG THOSE 43.200 MINUTES I WAITED FOR YOU FELT LIKE"????? "IT WAS NO DIFFERENT FOR ME. BECAUSE FOR ME IT WAS 2.592.000 SECONDS I WAITED FOR YOU"????? "IM SO HAPPY"????? PUEN FIXING TALAY'S HAIR????? THE FOREHEAD KISS????? "DOES IT STILL FEEL LIKE A DREAM? OR DO YOU WANT ME TO DO MORE"????? THE HAND HOLDING????? "PROMISE ME YOU WON'T LEAVE ME AGAIN"????? "I WON'T LEAVE YOU AGAIN. I PROMISE"????? THE KISS????? anyway i'll be clinically dead for up to three business days do not contact me im becoming one with the soil
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6. the hourglass scene in episode 12. i guess puen declaring his feelings for talay to the world would be the easiest choice here, but it's in the quiet moments just between the two of them where i always feel my heart swelling and overflowing with emotions. AND WHAT A MOMENT THIS ONE IS!!!!!! "i didn't need to look at it (the moon) and imagine your face anymore"!!!!!! "i don't want to leave you"!!!!!! THE HOURGLASS WITH THE SAND THAT DOESN'T FALL!!!!!! "I DON'T WANT TIME TO GO BY WITHOUT YOU FROM NOW ON"!!!!!! TALAY HUGGING PUEN FIRST!!!!!! PUEN STROKING THE BACK OF TALAY'S HEAD!!!!!! "FROM THIS MOMENT ON IT'S YOU AND ME. TALAY AND PUEN"!!!!!! MORE HUGGING AND HEAD STROKING!!!!!! CITY PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND!!!!!! friends im not gonna lie. im on the verge
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7. nivea bathtub scene my beloved in episode 3. im physically incapable of watching this scene without giggling twirling my hair kicking my feet pausing and screaming into a pillow. THE WAY TALAY LOOKS AT PUEN JUST RELAXING IN THE BATHTUB WITH HIS EYES CLOSED AND DECIDES TO CLEAN HIS FACE AND DOES THAT SO GENTLY AND INTENTLY????? THE WAY PUEN BRUSHES THE COTTON PAD ON TALAY'S CHEST AND SAYS "IF THIS CAN BE USED TO WIPE AWAY DUST, I SHOULD USE IT WITH YOUR HEART. I THINK YOUR HEART HASN'T BEEN USED IN A LONG TIME"????? and i always praise jimmy for his insane ability of expressing so many emotions through his eyes alone but sea is honestly just as good THE WAY TALAY'S EYES LOOK SO BIG AND DEEP AND INNOCENT AND VULNERABLE IN THIS SCENE AND HE CAN'T HOLD PUEN'S GAZE FOR TOO LONG????? the tension the yearning the electricity THE ROMANCE
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8. the first bed scene in episode 6. talay admitting out loud everything he missed about puen while puen is asleep!!!! just because he feels like saying it!!!! and all of those things being intrinsically PUEN!!!!! "I MISSED YOUR ANNOYANCE, YOUR SHYNESS, YOUR NICE SINGING VOICE, YOUR CARE, AND LASTLY JUST YOU"!!!!!! HE BASICALLY CONFESSED RIGHT THEN AND THERE AND DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE IT!!!!! AND THEN PUEN WAKES UP AND SAYS ONE OF THE MOST RIDICULOUS FLIRTY LINES I'VE EVER HEARD AND I RESENT THE FACT THAT I LIKE IT SO MUCH. thank god talay didn't get it but also i wish he did because "i like the sound of the sea" LIKE PUEN REALLY SAID HE LIKES THE SOUND OF TALAY AND SOMEHOW THAT MAKES /ME/ BLUSH????? and then they decided to make things even more disgustingly romantic by having PUEN GIVING TALAY AN EAR MASSAGE TO HELP HIM FALL ASLEEP????? is my mental health a joke to these people
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9. the missing you scene in episode 6. TALAY LITERALLY POWER WALKED TO TUN'S PARENTS' HOUSE JUST SO HE COULD SERENADE PUEN AND TELL HIM HE MISSED HIM AFTER NINE DAYS OF NOT SEEING EACH OTHER. and that's pretty romantic as it is, right??? you'd really think that would be more than enough to get the point across, but since no one in this show seems to be satisfied if they don't make any scene as deranged as possible, we have TALAY LOOKING STRAIGHT INTO PUEN'S EYES WHILE SINGING "OH DEAR LOVE, I LOVE YOU". WE HAVE THE OG "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG 12.960 MINUTES I WAITED FOR YOU FELT LIKE?" "I KNOW. BECAUSE FOR ME IT WAS 777.600 SECONDS THAT I SPENT MISSING YOU LIKE CRAZY TOO". WE HAVE THEIR FIRST REAL HUG. honestly everyone involved in this show should be in JAIL
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10. the helmet scene in episode 3. there are romantic puentalay moments that actually make me tear up from the sheer immensity of their feelings for each other and then there are romantic puentalay moments THAT HAVE ME GAGGING ON THE SIDE BECAUSE PEOPLE IN LOVE STINKS!!!!!! this scene definitely belongs to the latter group like PUEN GLUED TALAY'S HELMET SO WHEN TALAY FINALLY GOT IT OFF HE COULD READ THE WORDS WRITTEN ON THE BACK!!!!!! TALAY LITERALLY HAD THE SAME THOUGHT AND WROTE ON THE BACK OF PUEN'S HELMET TOO!!!!!! "THE ONE WEARING THIS IS CUTE" AND "YOU'RE SO GREAT"!!!!!!! and even before we got to that they were just standing there saying stuff like "im so lucky to have you"!!!!!! "im also glad i have you"!!!!!! "i'll live tun's life to the fullest. to the best. with you"!!!!!! THE PINKY PROMISE!!!!!! I HATE THEM ACTUALLY THEY'RE INSUFFERABLE
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lightdancer1 · 2 years
A small Sandman fic
Destruction stood, pacing around his sister, who was sitting on a marble column.
I don't understand how you do it.
She was busy looking at her nails as he spoke.
Everyone gets angry at me for suggesting I want to leave, that I want to figure out who I am when I'm not just the will animating an idea, or part of the universe. How dare I set such horizons?
He shook his head, furiously.
You, on the other hand, give up that power even for a day, live as a mortal. That's how I found you here. You're my sister as a human being. How do you do this?
The girl looked at him.
"I consider it a blessing, Destruction. For twenty-four hours I'm something real. Not something empty."
You literally give everything up! You look like my sister, but you're human.
"Yes, I'm your sister as a human. I actually can hold hands with people without killing them. Breathe, eat. Sleep. Experience every single domain except mine as a human does."
I don't understand.
"You literally want to find out who you are as a person because this conversation we keep having about what it is to be one of the most powerful beings in existence and yet empty never has a satisfactory answer. You are enough of a person to rightly resent being asked to keep six people from strangling each other across the table every time you sit between us."
She crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"I was having a perfectly fine day, here. It's a beautiful day, I was enjoying a fair and a morality play and you had to drag me out here for this?"
You die.
She blinked.
"Yes, that's what a mortal day means, little brother. I die. A lot. I've done this for a few billion years now, once a century. It has no mystery for me. A heartbeat is a wonderful thing. This body...."
She smacked her fist on the column hard enough it bruised, yelping slightly.
"It can be hurt, as I can be hurt. My only complaint is that it's not long enough. A single day is just too short and I have to wait a whole century for another one. Sometimes if I'm excessively bitchy a particular century it's because it's been a bad one at work and my mortal day is the best thing that century."
You die.
"Yeah, we've established that, little brother. I don't get a long time with this, can we please get to the heart of it so I can go back to what I was doing?"
He looked her over. The being who sat in front of him on the column in that dark dress looked like his sister but she also looked like the child his sister appeared to be.
Is it really worth it, to give all this up? Even for a little bit?
Death shrugged.
"The only one who can answer that question, little brother, is you. It's your life. Don't stay on the job, or quit it, because of what the rest of your family tells you."
Destruction gave her a long look.
"That's really the big reason I keep telling you to leave. You keep thinking of yourself as who you are for our family, as one of the Endless. You will never be happy if you keep asking the what ifs. Go see who you are, if you're not Destruction of the Endless. You might be a chef, you might be an artist, you might be a blacksmith, you might be a clown, fuck if I know."
She got up and slipped down from the column, holding her hand (unaware that she'd broken her pinky and part of the bones in her hand, though she would find that hand hurting for the rest of that day). Destruction stood deep in thought.
She turned to look back at him.
"You need this for yourself, little brother. It might be-no, it definitely is selfish. But we're still people, dammit. If you do it, I hope you see that. You, all of you, keep looking at what we do like having power is enough. What good did it do Dream in the Affair of the Helm? Or Despair when she was murdered? Did it stop Desire from losing their relationship with Dream?"
She shook her head.
"Looking at your life as the perspective of one of the most powerful beings in the universe is the wrong way, Destruction. It will give you questions nothing can answer. But that's my view. I'm not you. I hope, whatever, and whenever, you decide you'll find out what's right. But let it be your decision, don't try to put the responsibility on anyone else. You can decide, little brother."
She was gone before the words he wanted to say came out of his mouth.
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drill-teeth · 5 months
I was like this close to bursting into tears and calling an ambulance today I could hardly get up or swallow my medicine and I can't sleep now because it still hurts every time I so much as twitch. And I appreciate my doctors because at least they're listening to me and testing me for stuff. But I only have so much time and money right now for appointments between working my ass off and some bitch wrecking my fucking car, so if they don't diagnose me soon, I'm gonna freak the fuck out. AND ACTUALLY if a single person whines to me right now that it's so hard to do things with adhd or autism or whatever I'm going to lose my fucking marbles. Because I empathize and struggle with my mental illness too. But at least they have the option to fucking play games or draw or do chores or SLEEP. Instead of lying in bed twitching and crying because they can feel a brutal stabbing pain in their neck and shoulders with no one around to help and no money to afford the ambulance to the hospital while also experiencing a nightmare of self doubt thinking "am I really that disabled" while trying really hard not to just scream in agony.
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call-me-jennn · 6 months
in the throes
My apartment doesn’t have in unit laundry. The laundry building is just a short walk away, especially when you cut through the pool. All you need is a key fob to get in. The fucking key fob. 
It’s simple. You gather your laundry in the basket, the detergent pod, the key fob and the payment card and walk to the laundry building to wash your clothes. Then in 45 minutes, you go back to put the clothes in the dryer. Then after an hour, you pick up your clothes, bring it back to the apartment, and fold / put your clothes away. Couldn’t be simpler. But every week it’s a battle. Jenn vs the key fob. 
I don’t know what it is, I just always lose the key fob. It had a dedicated hook where it was supposed to be hung, but then the lanyard fell off. Now I have a dedicated marble dish, and I just can’t manage to put it back there when I’m done. 
It starts with preparing to do laundry that I realize that it’s not where it’s supposed to be. I can’t find it and I start to have a meltdown. I can’t do laundry without it. I get overwhelmed with all these emotions of frustration and disappointment in myself for not putting it back to its proper place. I try not to cry. Where is it? I search all the flat top surfaces of the apartment, my fanny pack, and the pockets of all my clothes. I always eventually find it somewhere. This past time it was under a stack of mail, inches away from the marble dish. I guess I had tried to put it back in its place, but still managed to fail, by inches. I’m get so frustrated at myself.
Then I wash the clothes. After 45 minutes it’s time to put the clothes in the dryer. Where is the key fob? It’s really a toss up where it might be. It’s a 30 second walk to the laundry building, how could I misplace it in that walk? Sometimes it’s in the dish. Other times it could be anywhere. My pockets or my fanny pack. One time I couldn’t find it and it ended up being under the bed. Another time I found it on the sidewalk outside, dropped during a detour when I got distracted by the lights and sounds of police sirens, similar to the way a dog gets distracted by a squirrel.
I can usually find the fob when the clothes are finished drying. But the process of picking up the clothes and bringing them back to the apartment to fold and put away has me focused on completing those steps. So focused that I forget that there’s another step I need to complete. Putting the key fob back. And that’s how the key fob ends up staying in whatever pocket, or on the desk, or on the dining table, or wherever instead of where it’s supposed to be. Then the next week comes and I realize I don’t know where the key fob is.
Are you fucking stupid Jenn? Honestly, I wish I was. I think I’d be so much happier if it was just stupidity. If I were just stupid, I think maybe I wouldn’t be aware that there’s even a problem. Or maybe I wouldn’t be able to figure out a solution. But it’s not stupidity, it’s just brain dysfunction. I’m painfully aware of the problem and fully know what the solution is. I just can’t do it.
I swear I’m not just stupid. If you saw me at work, or at the hospital or at school, you’d think I’m smart. I can do so many things, I can solve problems and I can come up with creative solutions. My brain is a Ferrari. How can I be defeated weekly by a stupid key fob? My brain is a tricycle. Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I’m insane. This key fob destroys my self esteem every week. I’m reminded every week how useless I am. I have a good memory. I don’t take any notes in school because I remember everything. But I can’t remember to put back the key fob.
During this past weekend’s meltdown, he, as he does every single time, hugs and gently consoles me. It’s not a big deal, he says. It’s okay if the fob gets lost, we can always order another one. But why don’t you put the key fob on your set of keys, he suggests for the thousandth time. My keys, which has an Airtag on them, the Airtag that he put on them. Finally, after years of struggle, I put the key fob on my keys. And just like that, problem solved.
And that’s me medicated. Unmedicated, it was this, but with everything. Forgot to pay a bill, forgot to submit my resume, forgot to take my exam. Can’t find my keys, can’t find my debit card, can’t find my glasses. Each little thing accumulates into a dozen failures constantly. And you feel horrible because with each one there was a simple solution that could’ve prevented it from happening. If only you had the brain power. For a long time I thought it was just laziness. But it’s not that I don’t want to do these things. I didn’t just choose not to. You think I wanted to be like this? I don’t know how else to describe it other than that it’s just hard. Everything was just hard, all the time. Now some things are just hard some of the time. Things are so much better now.
After years of weekly losses, I’ve finally defeated the key fob. On to the next battle.
(I know I don’t write as much anymore but this ADHD medication unfortunately makes me feel less creative. Today’s inspiration struck because I forgot to take my medication hehe.)
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fortjester · 1 year
23 29 49 for tlt!
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
hm, difficult to say. most au's/concepts i come up with sort of run away from me at high speed and i end up writing them just based on how much thought i've already put into them, so aside from the chess au i talked abt for one of the other asks i answered, there's only a few au's/concepts i would like to see but haven't gotten around to? a lot of Gideon Raised In Other Houses AU's i generally get hype abt (re: lose my gd marbles abt) like -- Gideon raised on the Sixth alongside Pal and Cam? I'd go bonkers. Gideon raised on the Fourth, achieves cav primary for same-age heir, only to see them killed in a combat zone and return to Tisis to see Isaac named as new heir? frothing at the mouth. Gideon raised on the Second and laying the groundwork for BARI-Star AU? love it love it love it!
29. What songs would be (or are) on a playlist for [insert fic]? Explain your choices if you want!
since you said tlt in general, i'll just tell you the top five songs on my gideon and harrow playlists lol.
Harrow's songs are: Bishops Knife Trick by Fall Out Boy (listen to that bridge and tell me I'm wrong), Revolution 0 by Boygenius (oh, Harrow abt the Body anthem my beloved), Under My Skin by Jukebox the Ghost (first song to go on her playlist, fresh from first GtN readthrough), Sun Bleached Flies by Ethel Cain (i'm so sorry but "god loves you / but not enough to save you" and "i always knew / in the end / no one was coming to save me / so i just prayed" is so harrowcore i lose my whole gourd about it), and In Hell by Japanese Breakfast ("hell is finding someone to love / and i can't have you")
Gideon's songs are: Marrow by Thao and the Get Down Stay Down (I won't go on and on abt this one bc im fighting a parallels post heavily featuring lyrics from it every single day and i need to believe that i'll win eventually), One More Hour by Sleater-Kinney (shout-singing, passive aggressive lyrics, heavily sapphic coded = gideoncore to me), Big Black Heart by Better Oblivion Community Center (idk, heart imagery and trashcan ending always give me gideon vibes smth chronic), Kiss City by Blondshell (the lyric "i'm adjacent to a lot of love" floored me the first time i heard it and it floors me every other time to, it's SUCH a Gideon lyric), and lastly but not leastly Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye ft. Kimbra (iykyk)
i will drop the links to their playlists with very little provocation
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
i have about a dozen wip's on the backburner that i stir every so often when i remember they're there; dead cav club au, tv show au, various Anastasia the First speculative fics, plus something i'm fiddling w/ that i will tentatively codename "pied piper au" (if that doesn't fully give it away)
i am also participating in the tlt big resurrection event (referred to in my tags as tlt bre) and I am working on something that i have been codenaming "fucked up au" on my blog. can't tell you very much, the premise itself gives a huge chunk away, but i've breached 70k on it and still have a good quarter of it to fill in/fully draft. This being said, here's some out-of-context dialogue from the first chapter:
“Teacher said there was no way to contact anyone from Canaan House,” Harrow says, dubiously. She herself has never had need to use one, and even if she had she’s not sure she’d know how to use this relic. It’s quite obviously a lot older than any radio the Ninth has, and there’s an abundance of dials and switches that aren’t even labelled.
Nevertheless, Gideon continues to fiddle with the radio as if she weren’t a cavalier at all, but some kind of tech expert. “Well, he wasn’t lying about that. This is a classic am model; it’s for receiving broadcasts, not sending them.”
Harrow gives the device a doubtful look, “What’s the use of receiving if there’s no way to reciprocate?”
Gideon mumbles something under her breath that sounds suspiciously a lot like that’s what she said, but when Harrow asks her to repeat herself, she says, “I said that’s a good question. Pretty sure it was for entertainment.”
ask game
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epaily · 3 years
my mental state is as frail as glass
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annathesillyfriend · 2 years
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August slipped away like a bottle of wine which mean it's time for another rec list! Marvel? Who's she? Tom Holland? We don't know him. As you will see, Top Gun men have taken over my life this past month along with Steve Harringtion (still haven't seen Stranger things but let's not talk about it). I hope you're gonna enjoy all these wonderful stories just as much as I did 💕 Have a beautiful September 😌😌
To all the writers - I love you and I appreciate you so much!
To all the readers - please, share the fics you read and love. The reblog really makes the change! It’s the least we can do to show our gratitude.
Also, please, mind the writers’ warnings!
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the actress and the aviator blurbs by @greenorangevioletgrass
↳ collection of wonderful stories all about my favourite duo written by my favourite person ✨ i love every single one of them with my whole stupid heart :')
ocean in a seashell by @seasonsbloom
↳ one shot, 18+, what a stunning story it is, i am at a loss of words, please read it!
this fic by @bradshawsbaby
↳ one shot, 18+, mr bradshaw makes pregnant!wife feel good while making me lose all my marbles 🥵 i also highly recommend the whole rooster masterlist!
silk by @siempre-bucky
↳ one shot, i've read so many jake fics this month (like SO many) but this one has decided to implant itself in my mind and never leave, i think about it at all times
and the truth of the matter is (i'll never let you go) by @fidogo
↳ one shot, 18+, definetly in my top jake fics, loved this with my whole being
king of my heart by @kyber-crystal
↳ one shot, jake really is the kind of my heart (body and soul)
butterflies by @almightyellie
↳ one shot, this makes me go AGHHH 😫😫😫 but like in the best way possible
do not disturb by @callsign-valley
↳ one shot, 18+, every single cell of my body is in love this with one
it's not me, it's you by @phoenixsbby
↳ one shot, I LOVED THIS!!!!!!
the last word by @sunlightmurdock
↳ one shot, 18+, don't we just love mouthy boys 👀
tommorow never comes by @purplevortexx
↳ one shot, i enjoyed this one so much!
i drive your truck by @wombtotombx
↳ one shot, this shit hurted 😫 but it's also so good!!
dime store cowboy by @//seasonsbloom
↳ two shot, 18+, a big yeehaw moment 🤠🤠
this fic by @seasonsbloom
↳ one shot, i just love that man so much
of gym buddies and overlapping schedules by @priceof-freedom
↳ one shot, i loved this so much!!!
about time by @lovecraft
↳ one shot, 18+, the summary of this fic is 'bob gives you a compliment, you nearly give him an aneurysm' and if that doesn't make you wanna read it, then something's wrong with you 😬 SO GOOD
my love, forever by @robertcallsignbobfloyd
↳ series, i am loving this series so much 💕
sunscreen by @siempre-bucky
↳ one shot, dad!bob owns me
hair by @//siempre-bucky
↳ one shot, see above 👆👆
this fic by @//siempre-bucky
↳ one shot, i might be a little bit obssesed with bob and Kristi's work 👀
take me by the heart, take me by the hand by @ae-gar-targaryen
↳ one shot, danny ramirez and all of his characters are meant to be somebody's boyfriend i swear
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twisty by @musingsinmoonlightlibrary
↳ one shot, 18+, the summary alone has me losing it but the fic itself is even better 💕
for the first time by @jobean12-blog
↳ one shot, 18+, Jo, you bloody legend, this is so BLOODY GOOD
i need him like water by @pellucid-constellations
↳ one shot, get your tissues ready :')
drunk in love by @bethdutten
↳ one shot, 18+, reader can't keep her hands to herself and i can't really blame her
delicate by @mediocre-daydreams
↳ one shot, i loved this as much as i love the song it was inspired by 😌
i've got time, i've got love by @rodrikstark
↳ one shot, mannn i love this
...and i'm wearing tights by @ronearoundblindly
↳ one shot, 18+, no thoughts brain empty 🤤
neogenesis by @murdock-and-the-sea
↳ one shot, Vidra's back at it again making my heart melt :')
the favourite by @softspideys
↳ one shot, stark!reader, i don't know what is says about me but i live for stories likes this one 😅
middle by @fluffyprettykitty
↳ one shot, boyfriend!joaquin is just a dream
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bound to you by @vendettaparker
↳ series, royal!au, the best word for this story is a masterpiece, stunning work!!
no shoes, no shirt, no problem by @heyhihellowhatsup0
↳ series, 18+, another banger of a story from Nicole, tom + a lovely island sound like a dream 🥰
this fic by @//sunshinehollandd
↳ one shot, the softest thing ever 🥺🥺
i see you by @luciwritesstuff
↳ series, social media au, this was so fun, i loved it 😁😁
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i love you by @collecting-stories
fools by @spencerrxids
↳ series, i just love stories that make my heart hurt
hidden keepsakes and i don't hate you, i just don't like you by @hellhue
↳ two shot, 18+, yes, that's all i have to say
dirty dancing by @nexusnyx
↳ one shot, biker!reader, this made me yell 😁
this fic by @sunshinehollandd
↳ one shot, dad!steve, i can't even 😫😫
wash day by @//sunshinehollandd
↳ one shot, 18+, okay when is my turn to wash his hair???
chain reaction by @custardcrazy
↳ one shot, so lovely 🥰
power trip by @silkscream
↳ one shot, 18+, yes yes yes
and i get this feeling in my chest by @upsidedownwithsteve
↳ one shot, jealous steve and some soft times 😌
june baby by @luveline
↳ two shot, single mum!reader, i haven't read part 2 yet but i am looking forward to do so, incredible story!!
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