#i am glad i overcame this life obstacle
justinther0ck · 1 year
i finally got my driving license after failing 3 times
honestly I've never failed at something that I felt I was adequately prepared for THIS many times ever in my life so it was very humbling and when I finally passed it felt very cathartic :D
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cas-jano · 2 years
Final reflection post
I decided to concentrate on my fitness objectives as part of my CAS activities, charting my development at the gym and on the tennis court in particular. I discovered that by keeping track of my development, I was more inspired to carry on with these tasks and push myself to do better.
I did, however, find it difficult to strike a balance between my obligations and the maintenance of vital connections in my life because of my devotion to the IB program, which frequently left me with little time for personal pursuits. Luckily, despite the short amount of time I had, my involvement in CAS allowed me to keep in touch with my younger brother. We would frequently look for opportunities to engage in activities like athletics or building lego together. This time spent with my brother was a highlight of my CAS experience, and I am glad for the chance to improve our relationship through the programme.
The fact that I shattered my arm playing tennis presented me with another big obstacle. This setback might have easily made me give up on pursuing my fitness objectives, but instead it inspired me to look up other ways to keep active and involved in CAS. At this period, I developed a new love for the game of chess and started volunteering at open days to inform potential students about our institution.
Last but not least, I was honored to take part in a CAS project that helped collect money for those in need. While it was a difficult endeavor, we overcame it as a team to succeed, and it was rewarding to see how our efforts benefited people in need.
My time spent at CAS has been a vital component of my IB journey overall. It has helped me understand the value of collaboration, and time management. It has also aided in the development of my interpersonal connections and the discovery of new hobbies and passions. I am appreciative of the opportunity CAS has given me, and I am eager to continue developing both personally and professionally.
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mearpsdyke · 3 years
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josefintaljegard When I went to the icerink yesterday I got emotional. Why the tears, you might ask?
Because I was, and still am, so damn proud of being one of the very few that gets to have this experience. One of the few to skate on the Olympic ice and, for a few minutes, have the possibility to inspire a generation of figure skaters. I hope I did just that.
Did I want to skate my Joker-program here as well? Absolutely. But that disappointment doesn’t take away from all that was achieved yesterday. I try not to think about the scores, honestly I have been in this sport for too long to put too much value into them... All I can do is to be 100% prepared and then just skate my ass off and put my heart and soul into my performance, and that’s what I did.
So how do I feel now?
Still very very proud. Of myself and of my team.
Thank you Nikolai Morozov for making me believe in myself and helping me find my passion for skating again.
Thank you Kim Zandvoort for always challenging me and teaching me at an early age that there are so many different sides to skating.
And thank you Sassa for staying by our side when very few people did.
There are of course a lot of friends in the sport and outside of skating who have had an impact on my career and helped me achieve this goal, too many to mention here, but you know who you are and I love and thank you.
But the greatest thank you of all is the one to Familjen Taljegård. Sometimes it feels like my parents had to move mountains to give me the opportunity to develop into the skater, and woman, I am today.
In a small country like Sweden you can’t take any support for granted and even if it has gotten better the last year or so, we have had to face a lot of obstacles on our own throughout the years. But as one unit, my family overcame everything thrown in our direction and got stronger from it. And I am so grateful. Without my parents and my sisters (and coaches) Maria and Malin, I probably would have stopped skating at the age of twelve. So if I can say anything to all of you supporting skating parents out there; you mean the world to your kids, your love and support are crucial.
I’ve asked myself many times “Why do I do this? Is it really worth it?”. Being on the Olympic team and competing in Beijing has been a very special experience and I’m so glad that SOK and SKATESWEDEN made the decision to send me here, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. This has been one way for me to prove to myself once and for all that I am a really hard working, strong and determined woman, or else this wouldn’t have been possible.
However, to me the overwhelming support from the skating community all around the world is what brings me the most joy, again here comes the waterworks 🥲.
You might never understand how much it means to me to hear that you like my programs and choreography, that you find my skating powerful, energetic, entertaining and original and that my journey can inspire other skaters to stay in this wonderful sport longer.
Because this IS a wonderful sport that has a lot to offer. It has given me physical and mental strength, endurance, resilience, coordination, flexibility and maybe most important of all; a way to be creative and express my emotions. I have so much to be thankful for in my life, and a lot of it comes from skating.
Now I’m looking forward to the World Championships in France in March 🇫🇷 .
Hope to see you then 😍⛸❤️.
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evabellasworld · 3 years
An Unforgettable Honeymoon
For @10-porgs-in-a-trenchcoat , this is my gift for you as part of the @starwarsfandomfests event. Thank you to @lilhawkeye3 for organising this event. I really enjoyed it so far.——————————————————————————————
Summary:  Bly and Aayla head to a tropical island planet for their honeymoon, where they create an everlasting memory as a newly-wedded couple
AO3 Link
Arriving at a tropical, humid planet, Bly and Aayla got off from the cargo ship as they had their suitcases in their hands, standing in a station full of tourists and locals from all walks of life. Bly noticed a blue Twi'lek girl, who shared similar resemblances with his wife and was around 4 or 5 years old, held both her parent's hands as they made sure that their daughter was well-protected from danger.
This might be us in the future, Bly let his lips curl upwards as he rested his head on his right palm, and he saw three Rodian boys in their shirts and beach shorts, carrying their own surfboards. They reminded him of his closest siblings, Ares and Ahri, who hung out with him whenever they’re on a break from war. Ahri and Ares would love surfboarding at the beach.
Aayla glanced at her husband's curiosity and placed her hand on his shoulder, prompting him to shift his focus towards her. “You seemed deep in your thoughts, dear,” the blue Twi'lek teased. “First time on a vacation, commander?”
“Yes, general,” he replied, his voice laced with doubts. “This is my first time I’m going on a vacation with you.”
Aayla let out a chuckle, leaving his cheeks turned pink. “Did I do anything wrong, general?”
“Bly, you know the war is over, right?” she grinned. “Besides, we just got married two days ago, so you can just refer to me by my first name.”
Scratching the back of his head, he nodded slowly as he squirmed his lips and released an agitated laugh. “My apologies, general, I mean, Aayla. I'm still getting used to this new life as a clone. Besides, you referred to me as commander, so I thought I was fighting battle droids on the battlefield.”
“Don't worry about it, dear,” his newly wedded wife smiled, caressing his tan, tattooed cheeks. “You'll get through with this. Besides, I'm also getting the hang of this as a Jedi Master. It’s really difficult to adjust myself after three years of chaos. It’s strange that I have to get used to a peaceful life.”
“Yeah, it is strange,” he bobbed his head solemnly as he reached out his arms and took her hands, reminding him just how lucky both of them finally got to spend quality time with each other, without any interruptions from protocols and orders from a higher authority. “Should we head to our hotel now? I can’t wait to have some privacy together,” he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows twice.
“Lead the way, my love.”
Placing their suitcases on the red, carpeted floor, Aayla sighed in relief as the couple were greeted with scarlet rose petals on their bed, making them feel welcomed. Feeling a bit of exhaustion from the journey from Coruscant to Moluqu, she slid open the balcony door and gazed at the picturesque view of the beach from their room.
With the warm breeze blowing from the west and the illuminating pink sunlight, she sat on the rattan chair with a delicate, pearly cushion, her legs crossed.
Listening to the cheerful laughter of children, she was brought back down the memory lanes as a young Padawan, who used to sprint around the garden, which was filled with a cherry blossom tree, honeysuckles that were grown in shrubs, and morning glories that tangled around the black, iron gates. Whenever she tried to pluck a blue daisy from a pot, Master Vos always caught her red-handed and chased after her, but Aayla always outran him in the Temple.
I was such a mischievous child in the past, Aayla snickered to herself, looking at the horizon. But I'm grateful for the lessons he taught me, walked me down the aisle and accepted Bly.
The clone trooper glimpsed his wife, who was relaxing on the balcony. Changing into his beach attire, he put on his shades and leaned behind the sliding door, clearing his throat. “Hey, Aayla. We're heading to the beach right now. Are you coming? We haven’t got all day.”
“Of course, dear,” she answered him and got up from her seat. "I'll be right there in a minute.”
As she headed inside, she drew the curtains and changed into an ultramarine strapless bikini top with a high-waisted bikini bottom, carrying her towel by her forearm. Putting on her blueberry flip flops which she bought yesterday at a Coruscant night market, the couple linked arms with each other as they left their hotel room and strolled leisurely towards the beach, feeling the fine, warm sand underneath their bare feet as they took off their shoes.
Despite memorising the colours of the ocean, Bly felt like it was the first time he had experienced the shimmering sea in front of his eyes. He fought at a beach during the second year of the Clone Wars, but his eyes glimmered at the turquoise and deep blue palette of the ocean, where children and adults alike of all species gathered and swam. Rows of coconut trees were swaying with the balmy wind as tourists lay underneath the cooling shade, forgetting all their troubles at the present moment.
Aayla spread out their lemon-patterned beach mat underneath the palm tree, which was stubbier than the coconut trees. The only worst thing that could happen to the couple was a bunch of squirrels invading their peace, which occurred once during a scouting mission. “Well, we found a perfect spot to rest,” he jestered, squeezing her thighs. “Don't you agree, general?”
“Yes, commander,” bemused the Jedi Master, finding his touch rather ticklish. “We managed to find a good spot for us to rest and have a little privacy from the rest.”
He raised one eyebrow at her reply, before realising that he addressed her in a formal tone, just like how it was during the war. “My apologies, Aayla. I swear to the Maker that it was a slip of my tongue.”
“To be honest with you, I still don't mind you calling me general,” she quipped, leaning against the bark of the tree. “After all, I was the one who proposed to you in the first place.”
His smile grew wider as Aayla brought him back to that particular day, one he would never forget. “I still remember that day,” Bly reminisced as he moved his eyes upwards, before gazing at her hazel eyes. “It's as if you got down on your knees yesterday and asked me to be your husband.”
“And you were hesitating to say yes,” she recalled. “It's like you weren't expecting that day to actually come to you.”
“I was overjoyed, but I didn't really know what to say. It's funny that I dreamed of settling down with you when we were secretly together, but yet, my mind went blank when it actually came true.”
Chortling, Aayla slapped her knees and covered her mouth, leaving his cheeks turned red as a beet. “That is completely valid,” she assured him. “Honestly, your feelings that day were valid. It is normal to be nervous about moving on to the next step in life. Believe me, I've been there before and it wasn't easy for me to adapt.”
His eyes widened. “You were jittery before? But you seem so confident and calm all the time.”
“Yeah, it's surprising to see me anxious, but it's normal, you know. Everyone goes through that when they have to step out of their comfort zone. I felt the same way as you did when I decided to marry you.”
“So, how did you cope with your overwhelming doubts?” he asked, leaning closer to her. “Like, what is your secret?”
Aayla took a deep breath as she felt his warmth and gazed at his burnt cocoa eyes, ready to pull him into the other side of her mind. “When I'm in doubt, when my inner voice tells me that it is impossible to do something, when I feel like I'm never going to make it through my obstacles in front of me, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I clear my mind, I remind myself of all the blessings that I have with me and my own strength. That's how I cope with my doubts.”
What an amazing woman, Bly praised, when he heard her smooth voice in his ears. I envy her for sharing her vulnerable side with me. She is as courageous as a lioness on a golden throne. “So what are your blessings in life so far?” he wondered, gazing at the cloudless, azure sky.
Aayla tilted her head upwards as she hummed softly, before shifting her eyes towards him. “Besides surviving the war and getting a chance to see the beauty of life, I am blessed that you have become part of my life. I will never regret meeting you on Kamino, I am glad to see you develop into a better version of yourself, and I am proud to call you my loving, sweet, husband. So thank you, Bly, for choosing to stay with me.”
For a moment, he was speechless. In his mind, he desperately searched for a word that would go well with hers, but for some reason, it was empty. He felt frantic and blamed himself for always keeping quiet in the tender moments with his wife, but then, he remembered every single word she told her, about how she overcame her doubts. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I clear my mind, I remind myself of all the blessings that I have with me and my own strength.
And when he did so, the words that he wanted to spill to her finally popped up in his mind. “Aayla,” he finally spoke, after a few minutes of silence between them. “When I first met you, I only saw you as my superior. Nothing more, nothing less. But then, you sparked a couple of conversations between us, and wow, I actually felt something for you. I mean, I didn't think much about it, though, but as time went by, as battles got brutal and as we spent more time hopping from one planet to another, I realized that I loved you so much. I accepted your flaws, I commend your strength, I acknowledged your quirks, and yeah, I adored your beauty but you know what I loved most about you?”
“What is it, Bly?”
“I cherished your heart. Your valiant, compassionate, heart. That's what attracted me to you in the first place. And you know what? I never regret choosing to love you as my partner, as my confidant, and as my plucky, unfaltering wife.”
As they let their lips brush together, Aayla stood up and dragged Bly for a swim in the shallow part of the ocean, underneath the rosy sunlight. Like their love, the waves flowed with the rhythm as they lived and laughed together, creating everlasting memories on their first day of their honeymoon.
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anakin-danvers · 4 years
night visit
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Obi-Wan Kenobi x Jedi!reader
reader is fem!
Description: Obi-Wan finds out about your favorite pastime. 
Word count: ~3.6k
Warnings: a tiiiiiny bit of jealous Obi-Wan, pining, possibility for a part two??
Update: here’s part two :)
A/N: Here’s my first attempt at writing for our dear Obi-Wan! I love him so very much, he’s up there with Anakin for me, and I’ve been wanting to write for him for some time now. I hope I did him justice!
I know paper and books in general are rare in the Star Wars universe, especially those not relating to ancient texts and such, but for the sake of this piece, they’re a bit more common. Rare still, but not impossible to find. As always, let me know what you all think!! Also, I did some research into Ryloth for the fic, but everything is not accurate!!! 
P.S. my requests are open! Please feel free to drop any requests in my asks! If you wonder who I write for, don’t hesitate to ask (I am still deciding who I will write for myself)!
gif credit to owner
For how extensive the Jedi Temple Library is, it still amazes you how limited the selection can be. Well, at least it seems limited for your liking. Which is why you currently find yourself in a dusty shop in the lower levels of Coruscant, standing on your tiptoes in an attempt to reach a deep emerald colored spine that caught your eye the moment you looked at the bookcase. You’d been happy to find this place, a small shop that stores many rare finds. In your case, it had something you always tried to get your hands on when possible: books. 
You try not to swear under your breath as you’re mere centimeters away from grabbing the book from the top shelf of the wall. You could use the Force to bring it down, but then again it’s so close...
At the sound of the shop owner’s voice behind you, you break concentration and jump back a bit, your efforts of reaching the book gone. 
“If I could offer you some help?” 
You turn to look at the older looking Sullustan’s, a thankful smile on your face. “That would be wonderful. I was aiming at getting the emerald book.” 
You point at the book, and with a nod the Sullustan heads over to the bookcase, a small stool held by his right hand. He places it down, climbs on, and plucks the book from the shelf, handing it to your awaiting hands. You thank the Sullustan, smiling as your eyes land on the sturdy cover. 
“That’s a good pick,” the shop owner says. “It’s about the writer’s life, how she overcame obstacles and helped her home world prosper. I am sure you will enjoy it.”
“I look forward to reading it, then.”
After spending some more time looking through the other books the shop held, you exit the small establishment with three new additions to your collection. You consider the trip to be a success, and once you are on your speeder, you take out your data pad from your bag, writing down the location of the shop for future reference. 
Back at the Jedi temple, you quickly make your way to your quarters before a scheduled briefing with Master Aayla Secura, Master Mace Windu, and Master Plo Koon. You make sure to keep the bag containing your new treasures underneath your robe. Jedi were meant to have no possessions, and though you were sure having a few books shouldn’t be a problem, you hadn’t had any objections about it yet.  You’d like to keep it that way. 
You reach your quarters, walking in just to drop off the bag and immediately head to the meeting room. Within a few minutes, you arrive, just in time by the looks of it. The three Jedi look up at your arrival, each giving you their form of greeting. They are standing around a holotable, a projection of another planet on display. You walk over to stand between Aayla and Master Plo Koon, ready for the meeting to begin
“Glad you could join us, Y/N,” Master Windu says, “we appreciate your flexibility given the short notice.”
“Of course,” you say, a small smile appearing on your lips to reassure them it’s no problem. 
“There’s recently been some tensions resurfacing on Ryloth. Specifically with the Rylothians loyal to Senator Taa and those loyal to Cham Syndulla,” Master Windu explains. “General Kenobi and a few of his troops were sent to Ryloth to try to calm the tensions. The situation seems to have calmed, but we are sending you and Master Secura to Ryloth to deliver some relief supplies provided by the Republic as well as to assist help with any other tensions.”
You nod in understanding, looking over at Aayla, who takes over the next details of the mission. These types of missions were becoming more common for you. As the Clone Wars has thrown all of the Jedi Order onto the frontline, you were not exempt; however, your tendency to resort to negotiation tactics, spotted early on by your former Master Plo Koon and reflected by your green-toned saber, allowed you to see a bit less of the battle compared to other Jedi. In addition, your lack of being granted the title of Jedi Master as well as your lack of having a Padawan under your teachings meant you were usually assisting other Jedi who had their own troops. Though you were usually by Aayla’s side, it wasn’t uncommon for you to jump around helping other Jedi and their respective troops.
“We’ll be leaving now, that way we can have time on our side. It shouldn’t be a long stay, but we should plan to stay until the next rotation. Can you grab what you need and meet in the loading dock?” Aayla asks. 
You nod once again, grabbing the data pad that is being handed to you by Master Plo Koon. “Of course, I’ll be there right away.”
“I hope this mission can continue helping you sharpen those negotiation skills, Y/N,” Master Plo Koon says. Though you’ve had some time not being his Padawan, he still looks out for you quite a bit. 
“Of course, Master,” you say. “Thank you for continuing to help in my teachings.”
You say your goodbyes as the meeting is concluded. As Aayla walks in the direction of the dock, you quickly walk in the direction of your quarters. Walking in, you grab the first bag you see, stuffing the data pad in it along with a few things you think will be good to have for the stay. 
You make your way quickly to the dock, seeing Aayla standing near the entrance of a cargo ship. 
“The supplies are already loaded,” she informs you.
“Sounds good,” you say, and follow her into the ship. 
Aayla instantly sits in the pilot seat, leaving you to take the seat next to her. You hold back a chuckle. 
“I see you’re still taking your precautions from our last trip.”
A small smirk appears on Aayla’s face. “Anyone would try to limit your piloting after your last excuse for a landing.”
You can’t stop the laugh that leaves your lips. “Okay but, in my defense, we were ambushed. I think I made a good landing given the circumstances.”
“Tell that to the scraps of metal that remained of that ship.”
You laugh again, this time joined by Aayla. Your fellow Jedi, and close friend, would be holding that against you for the near future it seems.
The rest of the trip to Ryloth was the same, your conversation with Aayla was lovely, filled with jokes and teasing. It was nice to talk about something other than the war for once. 
When you arrive to Ryloth, Aayla stations the ship on the dock. You see a few people waiting for your arrival, the ever occurring flips of your stomach coming back at the quick sight of familiar auburn hair. 
You and Aayla exit the ship, greeted by General Cham Syndulla, Clone Commander Cody, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Aayla walks out first with you close behind. You are surprised to see General Syndulla there to welcome you two, but seeing the damage that the Twi’Lek people were still dealing with, you knew his priority at the moment was the wellbeing of his people, not politics. That and the fact that Senator Taa was back in Coruscant doing senator business.
“Master Jedi Secura, General Y/L/N. Great to see you two.” It’s Syndulla who greets you. 
“General Syndulla, we’re thankful for your welcome,” Aayla says. She heads his way, and the two begin to discuss the state of his people. 
You look over at Obi-Wan, a small smile appearing on your lips. “Obi-Wan,” you greet.
“Y/N, it’s good to see you,” he greets in return. You join his side, and together you follow Aayla and General Syndulla, Commander Cody staying behind to order troops to take down the supplies. 
Obi-Wan is a few years older than you, meaning some of your years as Padawans overlapped. During your first years as a Padawan, Master Plo Koon had some shared missions with former Master Qui-Gon, and being early in your training, you gravitated to the other Padawan on the missions, Obi-Wan. From those missions, your friendship formed, and you often trained together during and beyond your Padawan years. Even now, with Obi-Wan being a Master on the council, your friendship never faltered. 
“How have things been here on Ryloth?” you ask Obi-Wan, hoping he could update you on any progressions the situation may have. 
“Things seem to have settled some. General Syndulla and Senator Taa have had their talks and seem to be working out an understanding, news that has calmed tensions among the Twi’Lek people. General Syndulla and Senator Taa agree that right now the focus should be on rebuilding Ryloth.”
You nod in understanding. It seems your time on Ryloth would be shorter than expected. 
“How was your journey with Master Syndulla?” Obi-Wan asks. 
“It was good. Aayla still refuses to allow me to pilot with her onboard.”
Obi-Wan chuckles lightly. “Well with the way she described your last landing together, I don’t blame her.”
Your eyes narrow, the smile on your face not aiding in your efforts to put on a serious face. 
“You’re one to talk about landings. Don’t think I’ve forgotten of Anakin’s retelling of your landing with him and Chancellor Palpatine.”
Another chuckle escapes Obi-Wan’s mouth. You feel your cheeks start to warm at the sound of it. Before you start to fall into the nervous mess that he causes you to become, you speak again. 
“Where is Anakin anyways? I was surprised that the other member of the Kenobi-Skywalker duo was not here.”
Obi-Wan’s brow rises. “He’s on a mission with Ahsoka on Florrum. Something about pirates. Should I let him know you missed him?”
Now it was your turn to raise a brow. “And why would I want that?”
“Well,” Obi-Wan says, moving his gaze to look at anything but you, “you seem to be very fond of him.”
If you didn’t know any better you’d think Obi-Wan sounded...jealous? No, no, you do know better. He’s not jealous. He can’t be. 
“I like to think of him as the Padawan I am yet to have. Even if he now has a Padawan of his own,” you explain. You’ve been hesitant of taking on a Padawan yourself, afraid you wouldn’t be the best teacher. Instead, you’ve avoided having one by helping with the younglings in the Jedi temple, that and avoiding the conversation with Master Plo Koon when he brings up the topic. 
Obi-Wan nods, looking down for a second before smiling and looking over at you. “I understand. He likes to see you as a second Master himself.”
A warmth makes its way to your chest, causing you to smile. “I’m very honored to hear that.”
The rest of the walk into the meeting room is filled with small talk, mostly updates on your respective battles and missions. Once the four of you finally reach the meeting room, the conversation turns to the task at hand: the tensions on Ryloth. 
It seems that the tensions which had risen were due to Senator Taa’s plan to reopen old mining facilities on Ryloth. Though the retired mines are located outside the city, they are not completely away from population. In fact, most of those in Syndulla’s Twi’lek Resistance lived near the mines; if they were to be used again, it would be hazardous to their health and way of life. While Senator Taa tried to justify the proposition as a way to bring in more jobs, General Syndulla saw it as a direct punishment to those in his Resistance. 
“He has said that he will consider not re-opening the mines, but who is to say that he won’t try to attack those of the Resistance some other way? He’s said he plans to work with us, but in reality it’s not that way.” The frustration is evident on Syndulla’s voice. 
“There’s no guarantee he won’t do something like this again, General. But you have to trust that the Republic will stand with what’s right for all of the people of Ryloth, not just a select few,” you say, hoping to ease some of the frustration from Syndulla. 
“Will the Republic really stand with all of Ryloth? Or will it stand with its senator?” General Syndulla challenges.
“I give you my word, General. I will not allow there to be any unjust treatment to the people of Ryloth through way of the Republic. You have been through enough.”
Syndulla nods at your words. He seems to have faith in your words, the tension easing out of his face. 
The conversation lightens, moving on to ways the Republic can aid with the rebuilding of Ryloth. Aayla lists off the supplies you two had brought, and before long, the meeting is concluded. You’re talking with your fellow Jedis about possibly heading back to Coruscant early, when General Syndulla speaks again. 
“I just received word that Senator Taa will be coming in tomorrow. He plans to address Ryloth on the decision of the mines and wants to thank you for your help with the supplies,” Syndulla informs you. “We have rooms for you to stay for the night, so you should be comfortable.”
“Thank you for your hospitality, General Syndulla,” Aayla says, earning a smile and a nod from him. 
“Of course. I can show you to your rooms now.”
Later that night, you find yourself in the room they provided for you. It was spacious yet cozy, welcoming you to relax. It isn’t until you unpack your bag that you realize the books inside. They were the ones you had purchased in Coruscant. In your rush to pack back in the Temple, you didn’t realize you’d grabbed the bag with the books. 
Well, you think, some reading before bed would be nice. 
You settle for the emerald colored book you had chosen. You’re about to open it and begin reading when you hear a light tap on your door. If it weren’t for how quiet the room was, you would have missed it. 
You wait to see if you hear another knock, but instead hear something else. A sigh. Again, it’s soft, quiet enough to be ignored except you know who’s sigh it is. 
Setting the cup of tea you had down, you walk over to the door, opening it and being met with the set of pale blue eyes that makes your heart pound more than any brush with death could. 
“Obi-Wan,” you say, suddenly wishing you’d brought your tea with you to soothe your suddenly dry mouth. 
His lips form a small smile, and he looks almost nervous as he stands before you. 
“Hello Y/N, I hope I’m not disturbing you.”
You quickly shake your head, wanting him to never feel like a bother to you.
“Not at all, Obi. Please, come in.”
He hesitates for a second, then walks inside. You close the door after him, turning to see him casually looking around the room. And just like that, the once spacious room now looks incredibly small with him inside. 
Maker, the effect Obi-Wan has on you scares you. You have never felt this way about anyone but him, the foreign feeling tugging at you whenever you see him making it difficult to think, to breath at times. Yet, however strange and foreign this feeling is, there’s also a sense of familiarity that it holds. It’s what you’ve felt for a long time now, your feelings for him dating back to your shared Padawan years. 
You are drawn out of your thoughts at the sound of Obi-Wan’s voice. 
“Is this a book?”
Your eyes dart over to see him holding the emerald book in his hands, curiosity painting his face. 
“Yes, it is. I was planning to read before bed,” you explain, walking over to where you had made yourself tea. “Do you want some tea?” you offer. 
“I would love some, thank you,” he says, looking up from the book cover. 
“You can look through it if you like, Obi.” You can’t help but smile at how polite he is, not wanting to look through the book without your permission first. 
He flips through the book, his fingers touching the paper pages, his eyes reading through the words he catches. You take his tea and walk over to the small dining table he is standing by, grabbing your own on the way. You set the cups down, the sound making Obi-Wan look up at you and thank you again before taking a seat in the chair next to yours. 
“I didn’t know you had an interest in books,” Obi-Wan says, setting the book down to take a sip from his tea. 
“I’ve been reading them for some time now. The paper is a nice break from the data pads.” You bring your cup up to meet your lips, the warmth of the tea soothing you. “Now, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” 
His blue eyes meet your own, glancing at where the cup meets your lips before darting back to your eyes. The observation makes the tip of your ears warm, and suddenly you wish you would’ve opted for a cold drink to help with how incredibly hot the room now feels. 
“I wanted to see you,” he says, the simple answer putting your heart on overdrive.  
“Oh?” is all you can manage to say, your hands suddenly feeling very clammy. You rub your palms on your robe covered thighs, looking down at them to try to gain control of whatever state it is you are in. 
Keep it together, Y/N.
“I can’t believe you never told me about your liking for books,” Obi-Wan says, his attention once again drawn to the book. You thank the stars he’s looking at it and not you, taking a small breath before answering. 
“I guess it never came up. I haven’t really told anyone.”
“Why not?”
You shrug at his question. “I didn’t know what reaction I’d get. You know Jedi are not supposed to have possessions.”
He nods, understanding why you might have been hesitant to tell anyone about your pastime. 
“If I may ask, what is it about books that you enjoy?” His eyes are back on your face, his attention completely on you. 
“Reading them almost gives me the same sense of calm that meditation does. It allows me to forget about the war and the fighting and learn about something, about someone I didn’t know before,” you explain.
Obi-Wan nods, smiling. “I understand. It’s fitting, you know? Your wanting to keep learning.”
“Really? How so?” You ask, cocking your head slightly.
“You’ve always been smart, Y/N. When we were Padawans together, where would I find you in between lessons?”
“The library.” You don’t realize the two of you answer at the same time until his smile grows. 
“Exactly,” he continues. “The library. And as we began to go on missions, you were always drawn to people, wanting to learn about them, to try to know them. I’ve always wondered which is bigger, your intelligence,” he lightly touches your temple with his pointer finger, “or your kindness,” and moves to lightly touch your chest where you’re sure he can feel the violent beating of your heart. 
Your temple burns where the ghost of his touch had been. It’s the same with the spot on your chest, the robes you are wearing doing nothing to help ease the flame his touch holds. 
“Obi-Wan, I...thank you,” you say, not really knowing what else to say. 
He just smiles again, and you stop yourself from reaching over to hold his hand. You wish you could reach over and just touch him, feel him close to you. 
“Well, I should get going. Senator Taa should be arriving early, and I don’t want to be the cause of you not getting enough rest.” 
Obi-Wan stands up, taking his now empty cup to the sink to give it a quick wash before setting it to dry. He dries his hands and walks over to where you’re now standing, taking a hold of your arms and giving them a small squeeze. 
“Thank you for having me,” he says, both of you leaning in for a hug. His beard tickles at your face, and he pulls back too quickly for your liking. 
“Anytime, Obi. You know I always enjoy your visits,” you say, your whole body ablaze now as you walk him over to the door. 
“Have a good night, Y/N.”
“You too, Obi-Wan,” you say, and with a final smile, you watch him walk over to his room. 
The next morning, as you rush to be on time for Senator Taa’s arrival, you nearly fall over the bag at your doorstep. Confused, you pick it up, opening it up to find a single book. It’s blue, a deep, rich blue that’s nowhere near the same hue as the blue eyes that caused your sleepless night, yet that’s the first thing that comes to your mind at the sight. You open the cover, finding a small note written inside. 
‘To bring some calm to this mess we call life.
- Obi-Wan’
You can’t stop the smile that makes its way onto your face. Walking back into the room, you set it on top of your packed bag, excited to add it to your collection back in the temple. You haven’t read a single word from the book besides Obi-Wan’s note, but you are certain about one thing.
It’s your favorite. 
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bangchanshehe · 5 years
Beautiful Nightmare pt.1
Handling a husband and child on top of a work life was hard work. But just as you think that you have the rest of your life laid out with a clear path many obstacles stand in you and Hoseok’s way. Is your love for one another enough to stand all trial and tests of faith or will it break you and your family apart?
Hoseok X OC
Word Count: 2.9k
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You could remember it like it was yesterday. The feeling that everyone had their eyes on you as your nerves ran through every limb of your body. The amazing feeling of significance and beauty as you were guided into the church and the look on Hoseok’s face melted into one of pride, as a tear slipped down his face. The feeling of finally being his wife overcame you as Hoseok said “I do” and he slipped a white gold banded ring with a gorgeous diamond in the middle on your finger.
You smiled down at that same ring as you sat on the beach with Hoseok in hawaii. The breeze was whipping through your hair and you giggled as you hung onto your hat for dear life. You picked up your drink from the side table and placed the straw between your lips sucking up the delicious mango margarita. You placed the drink back down and scanned the beach shoreline for Hoseok. But you couldn’t find him anywhere.
You turned around to peek inside the beachside bar only to find him not there either. Your eyebrows pursed together as you wondered where he could have possible run off to. You were about to get up from your chair to go walk and look for him when you heard the sound of a small child crying. You turned your head to see Hoseok walking up to the chairs with a small child clinging onto his arms.
He gave you an apologetic look before he sat down and pat the chair space next to him.
“do you know what your mom or dad was wearing?” he asked the little boy
The child wiped his tears with the back side of his hand roughly and shook his head side to side.
Hoseok sighed to himself, unsure of what to do. He ran his large hands over the small child’s head in a loving manner and whispered to him softly
“no worries. We’ll find them for you”
The little boy yawned and nodded his head with a pout and Hoseok finally looked up to you.
“I found him sitting at the edge of the shore crying and no one was around” your eyes went wide as he continued “I tried walking around the beach, but I couldn’t find anyone who knew who he was”
You suddenly felt so sorry to the child who was surely panicked and scared. He looked so small and sweet. His chubby cheeks and sweet eyes made you want to pick him up and hug him until he felt better.
“babe, will you hold him while I ask around some more? I don’t think he can handle walking around anymore, plus I don’t want him to have a sunburn” Hoseok asked softly
You smiled up to him and nodded your head. You couldn’t believe that he was acting so well and unpanicked right now. Usually he freaks out if he can’t even find the things, he needs at the grocery store. You held out your hands to the small boy and he peaked up at you for a moment with wide eyes before sleepily stomping over to you.
He walked into your embrace and you held him tightly before placing him in between your legs, letting yours hang off the side of the chair. You played with his hair and brushed his wild, wind blown strands down and away from his face as Hoseok ran off to hopefully find the parents of the child.
You looked down at his small size compared to yours and smiled. You had never really considered the possibility of children since you had married Hoseok but seeing how cute this boy was you couldn’t help but feel a little jealous that someone has such a cute kid.
“what’s your name?” you asked him
“kang Taeyang” he answered cutely
“and how old are you Taeyang?” you asked back with a smile
He didn’t vocally answer but held up two chubby fingers, making you giggle. You pat him lightly on the head and he settled back into you, making your heart flutter. He wiggled around until he was comfortable and then after a moment you knew he was asleep as his chest rose and fell in even breaths.
As you waited you couldn’t help but smile as strangers passed by smiling and pointing at how cute the boy was. And while you definitely understand that you are wanted and needed by Hoseok, nothing could compare to the pride and completeness that a child makes you feel when you are needed. You smiled down at his relaxed face, in awe of how cute his little eyelashes, nose and lips looked.
“there he is!” you heard a woman screech
You looked up to see a puffy faced woman, who looked like she had been crying, and a man close to her side running up to you with Hoseok trailing behind them with a smile on his face.
“Taeyang!” she cried out in relief
The small boy woke up, looked at his mother and cried with his arms outstretched. She picked him up and held him in her arms as the two cried. The man who you assumed was her husband shook Hoseok’s hand and with an apologetic look thanked the two of you.
“We walked to the car for a minute just to get some snacks and when we came back he was no where to be found. Im so sorry that we interrupted your time, but I am very thankful that he found nice people like the two of you!”
“it’s no problem” Hoseok said with a  smile
“thank you” the woman said through tears as she continued to hug her child
The man nodded his head and gave us another smile before turning to his wife and walking away, happily reunited. Hoseok sat down in the chair next to you and let out a loud sigh.
“im glad we found them.” he said before turning to you “I mean I don’t even know what I would need to do if he was left behind.”
You thought about it for a moment, and smiled to yourself. “it wouldn’t have been so bad if he was left behind. We are more than capable of taking care of him. plus he was a sweet kid” you said
Hoseok raised an eyebrow and his jaw dropped “you would have wanted to keep him?”
Your smile grew as the look of shock got bigger on hoseoks face. “I mean…” you let out a nervous laugh “he was really cute, and so small.”
“did he make you want a baby?!” Hoseok asked with a smirk
You looked away from him and picked up your drink, took a long sip and then put it back down “hmmmm… I mean… I don’t know?” you said to shy to look back up at him again.
Hoseok was silent for a minute and when the shyness slowly went away Hoseok stood up and grabbed your hand. You looked up at him and he gave you a dazzling smile before pulling you up to him and ran with you hand in hand into the ocean.
You pulled back when you felt how cool the water was and Hoseok laughed at how shocked you were. You glared at him but he walked up to you and slowly walked with you into the water while your body adjusted to the temperature.  
When the two of you were chest deep he pulled you into his chest and you wrapped your legs around his waist, enjoying the feeling of being carried by him. He walked out a bit more so that everything below your shoulders were submerged and you reached your arms out to run your fingers through his hair.
Hoseok hummed and leaned in to give you a small kiss, and you pulled away the moment that you felt his hands wander down to your butt. You squirmed in his hold as he grabbed your ass firmly and you giggled.
“I love you” he said just loud enough for you to hear over the waves and people laughing as they played
You gave him a small smile “I love you too” you whispered back
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When the two of you had finally gotten back to the hotel you had rinsed off in the shower and climbed into bed, exhausted from the sun exposure and the exercise that comes with spending a day at the beach. You had climbed into bed and laid down in front of the ceiling fan as it cooled off your skin and prayed that you wouldn’t develop a sunburn. Hoseok soon joined you in nothing but boxers and a towel around his shoulders to keep his wet hair from dripping down his body.
When he noticed how you were sprawled out he walked back into the bathroom and grabbed a bottle of aloe vera gel and came back.
“stay still” he said as he climbed the bed to sit next to you.
He shook the bottle and opened the cap, squeezing as much as he could into his palm. He warmed it up by rubbing it around in his palms for a moment and then applied the gel on your legs. You squirmed at how cool and moisturizing the gel felt on your dry skin and hummed.
Hoseok giggled at you as he became more playful, squirting the cold gel straight on your skin. You laughed and Hoseok relished in his slow torture. When he was done with your legs he scanned your upper body for a moment.
“babe I want to get your stomach, take off your shirt” he said, and you quickly stripped yourself of the large shirt that was actually Hoseok’s that you loved wearing as a night shirt.
You weren’t surprised to see Hoseok turn a little shy as soon as he realized that you weren’t wearing a bra underneath, and you smiled. In all of the time that you had spent together Hoseok was still a little shy when it came to seeing you so bare for him. Despite that history that he had with sleeping around with people in college, he was actually quite the soft, and shy guy when it came to you.
He slowly and softly applied the get to your stomach and made sure to get every inch of your skin, up to your shoulders and down to your hands. Once he was done, he put the gel aside and looked back down at your nearly naked body. He ran the tips of his fingers over your visible tan lines and sighed to himself.
“I hope you don’t get a sun burn, or else I’m sure you’ll be miserable for the next few days” he said quietly
You went over the itinerary in your head for the next few days until you two left from your vacation. Tomorrow the two of you were going to go on a private cruise around the island and visit popular spots around the big island, the next day you were going to go visit the pearl harbor exhibit, and on the last day you were going to do whatever the two of you wanted to do before you left.
You looked down to your body to see your tan lines and assessed how sensitive your skin was. Sure your body was a little warm, but you didn’t feel bad at all. If anything, you might have just needed to apply the gel to put some moisture back into your skin.
“I think ill be fine” you said addressing his worries.
He hummed back to you and got up to put the bottle of gel back into the bathroom. As he walked away you could see how tanned he was becoming from all of the sun exposure and you smiled to yourself. Typically, Hoseok didn’t like tanning or becoming any darker than he already was, but you had to admit that a tanned Hoseok was sexy. He looked healthy with his new glow and then new skin tone made his muscle definition look even more impressive.
“what are you smiling at?” he asked as he climbed back into bed with you.
Your smile was causing him to smile back and you shook your head, not wanting to reveal your inner thoughts to him. He pouted and snuggled into your side like a child.
“tell me” he pleaded, and you laughed
“I was just thinking about how good you looked right now with a tan” you admitted looking straight into his eyes
He cocked an eyebrow at you for how bold you were being. And without hesitation put his hand on your hip and pulled your body close to his. You could feel the heat from is chest on your own bare chest and you looked down at where your bodies touched, before looking up at him in the eyes.
“you know baby, ive been thinking…” Hoseok started
“about what?” you asked softly and wrapped your arm around his body to rub patters in his back
“that I wouldn’t mind having a child with you” he admitted
“well I hoped that you considered that before marriage, since I definitely will one day want kids” you chuckled
“no-“ he started and then sighed “I mean like soon”
Your eyes went wide and you pulled away slightly to assess how serious he was being. “like how soon?” you asked him
“like withing the next year” he answered with a smile on his face
“so you mean you want to start trying for a baby now?” you asked him
He nodded his head slowly with a smirk on his face “we’ve been married for a year now, and ive seen the way that you looked at Sera and Minhyuk play with joon. And actually it always made me jealous how happy they are with him.” He ran a hand over the side of your waist. “and I really want for us to have a family.”
You were too shocked to say anything. A baby within the next year…. You didn’t know if you could handle a baby and a career. You knew that Hoseok and you were financially stable enough to support a family, so that wasn’t a concern. Your apartment was large enough for the two of you to plan a nursery and-… wait did you even want a child so soon?
It had been five years since you and Hoseok started dating. You were only 23 and Hoseok was 24. You still had so much opportunity to climb up the corporate ladder at work, and Hoseok worked at the gym quite often now that he had more and more people training with him at his gym.
You were sure that you wanted to have a child with Hoseok, you just weren’t planning on have a child so soon.
But thinking about all of the happy times to have while preparing for a child, and the happiness to follow made you smile softly. You could imagine a child with your wide eyes, hoseok’s beautiful skin complexion and its long dark hair. You could imagine how you would decorate their nursery and all of the cute baby outfits that you would plan.
You let out a shaky breath and looked up at Hoseok who was nervously waiting for you to say anything about his proposition. You brushed your hand over his soft hair and dropped your hand to cup the side of his face.
“you really want a baby?” you asked him one last time for reassurance.
His uncertain grimace quickly dropped and a gentle smile slowly crept onto his face. He pulled your body close to his own and he kissed your neck softly.
“I really want to have our own little children who we can love and spoil” he confessed pressed up against you
You squeezed your eyes shut and tried your best to calm your rapidly beating heart. “okay” you barely whispered
Hoseok froze in place and you waited for him to respond to you. He slowly pulled away from you so he could look you in the eyes “okay?” he asked with a beaming grin on his face
“okay” you confirmed with a small smile
Hoseok quickly rolled you over so he was hovering on top of you and you giggled at how excited he was. He raised up and sat back on his legs as he straddled your body. He ripped off his towel and quickly bent back over to give you a long sweet kiss.
When he pulled away from you he gave you a devilish grin before he rolled over and off of you so he could pull off his boxers and rip your panties straight down your legs.
“Hoseok” you shrieked out in surprise with how aggressive and excitedly he was responding to your answer.
“what?” he asked with a cocky smirk. He looked down your body and pushed your legs apart so he could scoot over to hover over your now anxious body. “we aren’t going anywhere for the rest of the night baby.”
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ahhsbdbf i am. back again,, please sir may you spare me a general tarot reading for my trans tubbo tl? i have gained a new kin and have many questions jsjsjjdnfcould you use the neon moons deck? and maybe a long reading,, uuuu i dont have. tons of info that would be that useful? but i have some,, me and tommy were really close! i cant remember if it was platonic or not but we knew eachother since being tiny,, i still went on to become president of new lmanberg but once tommy was exiled i went with him? yeah,, those are the most. importan things i can remember jsjdbfb i hope they helped! -inbox stan :]]]
Hey hey!!! Just one moon for the Neon Moon deck, but I’m very glad to fill this request for you! 
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Reading below the cut, and ty for requesting!
- Mod Tobin
AIGHT so the long reading is the long reading, and the suit name changes are on my Carrd (and I’m generally a little tired so I don’t feel like listing them rn hehe-)
But here we go!!
Beginning of the timeline: Inverted Justice & Inverted Temperance
There was lots of imbalance and unfairness at the beginning of your timeline, maybe you realized you were trans super early on? And maybe people were rude about it? It could also be other things, but I dunno enough about the source to safely say what might’ve been corrupt, dishonest, unstable, or extreme. (Those are other key words for reference!)
Middle of the timeline: Nine of Arms & Apprentice of Vials
This part of your tl seems to have started out pretty bad, where you were just anxious and upset all the time, probably having nightmares (related to the beginning?) but something later happened that gave you a fresh outlook and really helped you out. Maybe this had something to do with Tommy?
Later in the timeline: Inverted Strength & Inverted Death
This probably has something to do with when Tommy was exiled and you went with him--you doubted yourself and your choice to do so, maybe even felt like you didn’t have any self control for a while after you did? You were also really attached to your past and what you ran from with him, but I’m willing to assume he helped you out with those feelings.
Central issue: Supervisor of Vials
The central issue of your timeline seems to have something to do with staying calm and showing empathy. I get this feeling you had trouble with both of those things when it came to most people, but I’m not getting much other than that from this one.
Challenges faced: Inverted Five of Wires, Two of Arms, Inverted Eight of Arms, Inverted Star, inverted Agent of Wires
You tended to avoid conflict and repress your feelings, it looks like, and you did it even more when there was tension as an attempt to keep things from blowing up. If things blew up, I feel like you wouldn’t be able to keep calm, whether that be anxiety-wise or anger-wise.
You were also pretty indecisive, it seems, and there’s more avoidance here. You probably avoided a lot of important issues.
You eventually found it, I think, but you struggled with your self-acceptance. I imagine this was a two-time struggle, since you likely struggled with it early on, found yourself with Tommy, and then later on left with him and lost yourself again.
Because of all that, you struggled with pessimism, I think. You also may have been bored easily because of the pessimism, but I’m not too sure.
To top off this reading, you were impatient. You struggled a lot with obstacles you faced, delays, and the feelings that came with having to wait. I think this might’ve been less of something you overcame, and more of something that you just dealt with your whole life.
There were a lot of inverted major arcana--in fact, all of the major arcana in this reading were inverted! That tells me that things were really all over the place, and lots of important things were happening that involved you.
There was also a notable amount of arms, which equate to swords, which mean logic and brain power basically. I think you thought a lot, and that might be where some of your anxieties came from.
Hopefully this sounds about right!!! Remember to take what resonates and leave what doesn’t, though--and hopefully this wasn’t too much to sit and read through!! It’s a LOT to process, even for me-
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inhellwithbands · 5 years
Free rein season 3
Finally going to write my (no so) mini review.
This was the worst season so far.
Free rein is not a "good" show, it has never been and will never be. It is, however, a very cute and nice show that I love to watch with my mom.
But the characters this season? A MESS.
In simple terms:
- Zoe: OMGGGGG don't make me talk about it!!! Hate her the whole timeeeee. She was so annoying, are you kidding me?
- Gabby: I am really pissed they took all her development away. I was excited at the beginning for the "finding-her-horse" storyline for her but they took it in a completely different direction and she was UNBERABLE. Also, after stealing Zoe's routine she never really had a redemption? Like? She said sorry and then proceed to take the spot on the team anywayyyyy? Well ok
- Mia: her character is always a mess. The writers are never constant on her development and that frustrates me. However, I really enjoyed the "afraid-of-horses" storyline and, although I am still not sure I like her character, the end they gave her on this season was really good. Hope they keep it like that for the next one.
- Marcus: it's there anything worst than "good-girl-likes-bad-guy-who-changes-for-her" cliché? Yes, the "golden-boy-loves-the-diva-that-treats-him-like-shit" cliché. Can they give him a deeper storyline pls? Literally the only story they gave him this season.
- Pin: he's my baby and love of my life and will always be but that "he is changing, he isn't the same" shit was so?????? Everyone was pushing him to be The Duke™ then got mad at him for being The Duke™ but all he ever wanted was to help the horses anyway.
- Jade: She was actually my fav character this season!!!!!!! I am so incredibly happy she actually had a storyline this time!! And she's also like the smartest bitch of the island!!! Queen
- Becky: she was one of my favorite characters this season too. She finally stopped just being the comic relief and had a more mature storyline without losing her childish personality. Loved it. The way she cared for the kids? Loved her.
- The kids: I miss Rosie SO MUCHHH but those kids were one of the best this season too. Each of them had their time to shine and each of them overcame a fear/obstacle. Cutest.
Now, the thing I always care about the most: Zoe and Pin's relationship.
I am glad that they finally gave us some boyfriend and girlfriend scenes this season, bc before it seems like they forgot they were together at all. They didn't get a lot of development on this season tho, but honestly Zoe was being SO annoying this season I am not even sure if I want them together anymore.
Finally, the season finale:
The last episode was DEFINITELY the best of the whole season. It was almost perfect...untill the very end. When everything was finally good, everybody get what they deserve (kinda) and everyone is happy well, guess what? She could or could not move back to US!! :))) Great. If they don't do another season I am gonna act as if that letter never existed and that's it.
One more thing: CALLUM FUCKING SUCKSSSSSS and I was so glad the butler wasn't the bad guy! That would had been so so so so basic.
(also I have TV time where you can see my comments on each episode lol it's Inhellwithbands)
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axispheydra · 5 years
Day 8 - A Reunion
“Captain A’duku?”
“Come in, Sergeant. At ease.” He motioned to the Hyur to enter, but did not look up from the sheets he was scribbling on. They were nothing important, just supply orders, but he’d been putting them off and they needed to be submitted as soon as possible. “I trust it’s something important?”
“There’s a woman at the hall, she wanted to speak to you. Asked for you specifically, sir.”
“What about?”
“Well, she didn’t say. But-”
“Take a message, and tell her I’ll get back to her,” said A’duku, waving the man away. “I’m rather busy.”
“Ah, well, she said you would say that, and told me to tell you that she’d rather not wait.”
A’duku finally looked up. “Did you get her name, Sergeant?”
The Hyur looked like he knew he was stuck in the middle of something, and desperately wanted out of it. “No, but she said you would know her. A Lalafell lass, dark skin, and I think she might’ve been a paladin-”
A’duku’s eyes widened. “Seven Hells, don’t keep Orara waiting. Show her in, on the double.” The Hyur saluted and turned to leave as A’duku brushed the papers aside. True, he really needed to get them done, but some things were more important.
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They hadn’t seen each other in a while, not since Orara had left the Flames to become a free paladin. It wasn’t exactly on the best of terms- he’d been against her leaving the Grand Company, but in the end he knew it was her choice to make. And while he knew that no news was good news with her, she looked decidedly worse for the wear now, like she hadn’t slept in days.
“Orara, it’s good to see you again,” said A’duku, taking a seat across from her.
Her eyes wandered along the table that sat between them. “Mmn. Likewise,” she mumbled.
It wasn’t off to a great start, but he was still pleased to see her. “Well, what brings you here, Orara. Come to ask a favor of the Flames? I can’t promise anything, but-”
“No, nothing like that. It’s not business. It’s... uh, it’s...” She put her hand to her head, looking as though she was wracking every shelf in her brain for what to say. He knew she was usually quiet, but he’d never seen her lost for words like this.
A’duku sat forward. He regretted how things had ended last time, and wanted to at least try to patch things up. “Is everything alright, Orara?”
“No. I don’t know. It’s complicated. I don’t have anyone else I can speak to about things like this. You’ve always been kind and understanding, so you were just the person I thought to ask.” Her eyes went to the papers he had brushed aside earlier. “Am I interrupting something?”
“Nothing important,” he said, moving to cover them.
But Orara smiled. “You’re still putting off those supply forms, A’duku? You’re lucky they haven’t knocked you down a rank or two.”
“Well, I don’t have a soldier here who’s willing to help me with them in exchange for extra meal rations,” he said, smiling in return. “But I make do.”
Although she had smiled, Orara’s eyes lacked that luster they usually held. She was still avoiding his gaze, and her posture was slightly slouched. He didn’t like seeing her like this. “Orara, why are you here?” he said, quietly. “Not just for a social call, I’m guessing. Not that I don’t want to see you, I just-”
“A’duku, what was... Uh...” She fumbled for words for a moment. “What was your family like?”
“My family?” His ears flicked in surprise, but in his mind he was trying to guess what could have brought this on. As far as he knew, Orara never spoke of her family. “Well, Seeker of the Sun tribes are large, mostly just women and a handful of hopeful young men, all ruled by the Nunh. I’m guessing my experience was similar to what most go through. But instead of looking to start my own tribe or challenge the Nunh, I joined the Flames instead.”
“No, that’s not what I mean. What were they like? When you left, what did they say?”
It wasn’t something he thought about often, and so he wracked his brain. “Well, the Nunh was alright with it, probably because it meant less competition for him. And most of the others thought it was a fine idea, though some of the hunters thought city life would make me weak.”
A’duku shrugged; he didn’t think it was very interesting. “They weren’t cold to me, but... there’s not much room for sentimentality in the tribes, I think. It’s different here in Ul’dah, for the better, I think.”
But Orara was looking towards the ground when he finally looked back to her. “I ran into my ma during a guild request,” she said. “It didn’t...”
“It didn’t go well?”
Orara put her head in her hands. “It didn’t go how I wanted. You know how hard I’ve worked, A’duku. She said it was impressive, but I don’t know if she really felt like that. She wanted me to apologize to my father for leaving, but I wasn’t- I wasn’t wrong! They think folk like us can’t make it in the world, but even if that’s true, I don’t care!” Her voice finally broke as tears welled in her eyes. “These things are important to me! They think they know what the world is like, but they don’t even know what I’m like!"
A’duku never seen her like this before. Though Orara was easy to fluster, she typically kept her cool and only said what she needed to, and the only times he’d seen her cry was when she got badly hurt. This was something he wasn’t sure how to respond to.
“Orara, I... I know that, maybe I wasn’t as supportive as I could’ve been when you left,” he said, biting his lip. “But I don’t want you to think it was because I didn’t think you could do it. I just- I didn’t want you to leave.” A’duku rose from his seat and crossed to hers, kneeling beside it. “Truth be told, I was- I am quite fond of you. And I still am, but I think I...”
He wasn’t very good at this sort of talk, mostly because there wasn’t use for it in the A Tribe or the Immortal Flames. But when he looked back up, A’duku saw Orara staring back at him, eyes still wet with tears, and he knew he had to keep speaking.
“I think I didn’t make it clear of how proud I am of your progress. When we met, you were just a new recruit, but now you’re a free paladin. When you had an obstacle in your way, you overcame it. Not everyone can say that.”
She was smiling now, wiping the tears from her eyes, and A’duku found it hard to look back at her. “Orara, you’ve done well,” he said. “I’m not saying this as your former Captain, I’m saying it as A’duku Tia. I’m glad I was able to work beside you.”
He felt a cold touch of metal on his cheek and gave a little start before looking up. Orara was crying again, but that pain that had been in her eyes was mostly gone, and she was reaching out to put a hand to his cheek. “Coming from you, that means a lot. Thank you, A’duku,” she said.
For the first time in a long time, A’duku felt his face heat up as crimson crept up his neck and over his cheeks. Orara only laughed in response. “I’m sorry, did I say something embarrassing?” she said, chuckling. “I came all the way here to cry to you, and now I-”
“It’s not like that,” he said, covering her hand with his own. “I mean, it’s not something you did. Rather, it’s something I did. Or haven’t done, I guess. What I mean to say is... I really did miss you, Orara.”
A’duku had thought about doing this before she left, but their last meeting hadn’t ended on good terms. If nothing else, he wanted his own feelings out in the open.
He gave a small laugh. “I just want to apologize in advance.”
“For wh-”
The feel of his lips pressing against her own overwhelmed him, and the warmth of her skin next to his made his head spin. He’d regretted not doing it before, and if nothing else, he didn’t want to live with the regret any longer.
When A’duku pulled away a few moments later, he found it very hard to look Orara in the eyes. “For, uh, for that. I had just been thinking to myself that if I saw you again, I couldn’t let you leave without saying anything.”
He wasn’t expecting the slap, and it was probably much worse due to the gauntlets she wore.
“A’duku!” she hissed. “What was that?”
“A-a kiss! That’s how these things go, isn’t it?” he said. The spell was broken, and he looked and saw her face tinted red with- well, he hoped it was embarrassment and not anger. “When you have feelings for someone, I mean! I wasn’t sure what to say, so I-I just-”
“How would I know how it goes?” she said, grabbing him by the collar and giving it a shake. “I-I’ve never...!” She was lost for words, and instead shook him again.
“I-I haven’t done this much myself!” he protested, trying to stay steady. “I couldn’t do this as your Captain, but like I said, I didn’t want you to leave again. I just wanted to say something, but I couldn’t find the words so-”
It was A’duku’s turn to be surprised as Orara pulled him close and pressed their lips together again. After a moment’s hesitation, he closed his eyes and brought his hand to her cheek, cupping it against her skin and feeling the tingle from where they touched.
She released him after a moment, frowning. “You keep talking about not wanting me to leave but... I don’t...”
“Orara?” He imagined she found the words even more difficult to say than he did.
“I don’t... have to leave just yet. Just warn me before you do anything else, alright?”
“How could I refuse an order from a paladin?” he laughed.
“I always thought you talked too much,” she grumbled.
“My apologies. I hope I can make it up to you somehow.” He leaned forward again, and Orara put her hands on his cheeks as the distance between them closed.
A’duku wasn’t sure if this moment would go any further than tonight, but at the very least, he wanted to make it a a moment without regrets for either of them.
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cancerbiophd · 6 years
Hi, first I just wanted to thank you for the time that you put into answering your asks (i've send a few myself) and it's always so helpfull. And second, I was diagnosted with fibromyalgia, and although my illness isnt impairing (yet) I'm afraid that when I apply for a masters, I won't be selected even with my good grades(80%) and shadowing experiences, or that people will think that I'm lying about my illness cause I can be competitve. Should inform the uni or just keep it to myself?
Hi there! Thank you for that kind and thoughtful message! I’m really glad to have been able to help you!
I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but I am so SO proud of you for still striving for your goals. I know you’re going to do many great things. 
As for mentioning your fibromyalgia in everything related to grad school (from apps to interviews to day-to-day grad life), you have the choice and the right to not talk about it if you don’t want to. Our health is part of our privacy, and sometimes that ain’t anyone else’s beeswax. 
If you do choose to mention it, know that schools can not legally (at least in the US) discriminate you based on your health. 
One reason why you may choose to talk about fibromyalgia may be to explain anything in your academic record or CV that the symptoms may have negatively affected, like grades or time away from school. Note that you don’t necessarily need to specifically say you have fibromyalgia; the term “chronic illness” is ok to use instead. And if you do go this route, you (and even a letter of rec writer) can follow that up with how you overcame or are learning how to overcome those obstacles. I think grad school admission committees would be understanding and impressed by your tenacity and personal growth. 
Related, you can go straight for the gusto and use the experience you have with living with fibromyalgia to illustrate how you overcame or are overcoming a challenge, which is a trait that grad app committees like to see in their recruits. I think the fact that you do have a strong academic record and well-rounded experiences can back up your points: “Look at how hard working I am despite my chronic illness! You want someone with this kind of grit and determination!” 
So basically: you don’t need to mention your fibromyalgia if you don’t want to, but if you do, you can focus on the positives. 
Going a little off topic, but I hope the programs you’re applying to will let you interview with potential PIs/mentors before you decide on one. That way, you can ask them what their policies are on students taking time off for health reasons. If they seem kind and understanding about it, then that’ll be a good mentor to have. If they’re absolute workaholics who treat their grad students like robots and not human beings, then they may not be the best (for anyone, really, chronic illness or no). 
Here’s a really great reddit thread on grad students talking about managing chronic illness in grad school including this fantastic response by a user who’s a professor in psychology (or at least their description says so). They kinda reiterate what I’ve talked about (but in a more eloquent way), and it’s nice to hear it from a professor:
Congrats on accumulating such an impressive record - you should definitely be a competitive applicant. I think it's quite possible to be successful in graduate school despite your illnesses. However, when you are considering programs, you will need to play close attention to the department culture and your prospective advisor's personality. You will need someone who is willing to be flexible with you, so talk with current students and probe about whether or not each prospective advisor is supportive, reasonable, and stable when you do your campus visits. I would not disclose your conditions in your application materials or during your interviews; hold this information back until you receive an offer, and then have a candid discussion with students and your prospective advisor. At that point, be clear with your advisor how you manage your condition and how your medical treatment regimen might sometimes impact your ability to work, and carefully observe how s/he reacts. It's a huge red flag if anyone gets bent out of shape about this.
You should also look into student medical insurance when you apply. Schools vary in the quality of the coverage available to grad students, and programs vary in the proportion of the cost that falls to the student to cover.
Overall, remember that your health comes first. Moving toward degree completion at a slower pace is a totally viable option if it helps you manage your condition, so ease back into school and don't overcommit to projects right away!
They advise not to talk about one’s chronic illness in applications and interviews, but that choice is still up to you and your comfort level. 
I hope this helps! Best of luck on your apps and the whole process, and know that no matter what happens, I’m so freakin proud of you and you inspire me!
(If anyone has anything else to add, please do!!)
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jackiedablade · 6 years
My Entry For the Jashi Zine
So glad I can finally share this! I’m so proud of it. You can download a free PDF copy of the Jashi Zine here: https://jashizine.tumblr.com/
FF.net link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13113390/1/Just-A-Man
For Ashi's entire life, the Samurai was an enigma. He is a man, he does not age, and is extremely dangerous to Aku and his world. That was all Ashi's mother would say about their enemy, preferring to speak of the infinite wonders of the great and powerful Aku, and the importance of their training. If the Samurai was so dangerous, wouldn't it make more sense if he was a demon, a monster who wore a human form? Ashi's questions received no answers, just another beating.
"Focus on your training. Forget these distractions."
Wasn't it important to better understand your foe, to know everything you can so you can exploit his weaknesses? Clearly her mother thought superior skill and technique would achieve victory, overwhelm him with seven opponents at once.
It failed. His skill was on par, if not better, then her own. Ashi brought up the rear as two of her sisters trapped him on a fallen tree trunk overlooking a tall cliff. He had nowhere to run, but still he casually threw away his weapon, facing them with only his bare fists.
"We've won," the Daughter standing before Ashi whispered, certain of their victory. Ashi remained silent. The Samurai was calm, cool, and collected, not desperate to survive like an animal in a trap. For the first time, she acknowledged the possibility of defeat. For all their training, their dedication, their suffering, they failed their goal.
The Samurai killed her sisters with the greatest of ease, but was strangely insistent of sparing Ashi, determined to make her see “the truth” about Aku. He's toying with me. When my guard is down, he will torture me, make me an example of why no one should ever go against him.
Tied to his back and helpless as they navigated the innards of the monolithic creature, Ashi kept a careful watch of the Samurai’s actions. He defeated us because he is a demon. His unnatural blood gave him the advantage. Soon he will betray his disguise and show off his powers. But he overcame all obstacles with only the ingenuity and skill of a well-trained warrior, never once giving any indication that he debated trying to sneak an unnatural power or regretted his inability to use his inhuman strengths. Even during their biggest challenge, escaping through a blowhole, he seemed completely dependent on manipulating the flying creatures to take them to their destination. Wasn’t flight or levitation a common trait among the magical?
She was well practiced at attempting secret communication with her sisters, showing support for each other for successes and failures during training, as anything overt was quickly met with discipline. But no matter how subtle their motions became, her mother was always quick to spot them and quicker still to discourage such things. She was certain she could discern any deceit from him, but there was nothing. She sat down in the middle of the island, confused and hurt from all she had experienced, and finally accepted the truth.
He was just a man.
During her brief time with the Samurai, she learned of the evils Aku committed and encouraged in others. During her travels to find him again, she learned of the Samurai's legacy. First-hand accounts of his heroic deeds, forever honored by those he protected, and their descendants. A cry for help was all that was needed to make him fight for you, no need for money, supplies, or even thanks. Opportunities to use a time portal to return to his own time sacrificed to save another, never mind the chance that this world would disappear if Aku was destroyed in the distant past. The Samurai is the poison killing the land? Hardly, he was the doctor removing it and healing the damage, and it was her mission to aide in his quest and finally destroy Aku once and for all.
“How did you find me?” Jack inquired shortly after they reunited, while sharing an evening meal.
“I followed leads, meeting many people you’ve encountered. Years later, they sing your praises and hold you in the highest regard.”
She thought he would happy to hear such a thing, but instead he looked embarrassed. "I wish they would not,” he said quietly. “Fifty years, and I am no closer to completing my quest then when I first started. Aku still lives, and I have no chance of going home and saving my family and my country from their fate."
“But Jack, you still have a chance to save the people here,” she reminded him. “We’ll find your sword, and together, we will defeat Aku.”
He looked up in surprise and smiled. “That is the first time you’ve ever called me by my name. I should return the favor, what is yours?”
She shook her head. Inside the cult, her name was only used as a reprimand when she failed at her task. “I’ve made so many mistakes under that name. I want to wipe my past and start over.”
“We cannot escape our past under a new identity, but our deeds can influence how others see us. You are a formidable warrior; you saved those children; you saved my life. That means more to me than how you were raised.”
She shyly smiled, “Ashi.”
From all the stories, she pictured Samurai Jack as something akin to a demigod, but she was wrong.
He was just a man.
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Note to self.
It’s crazy how life changes. I have learned so much since becoming one with myself. The last periods of my life have been life changing yet I can’t talk about it with anyone except myself. It’s mind blowing ..so surreal. 
Throughout life, you always hear people say that “life is what you make it” and “you can be anything that you want to be” yet I don’t think that people truly understand it. Life is literally what you make it. The more you dwell on a certain situation or thought, the more you give it life. There is no such thing as “negativity”. Positivity and negativity are only things that we label them as but nothing has meaning until we give it meaning. Nobody and nothing has meaning unless we give it meaning. For example, 1 person could look at a sunset and think that it’s the most beautiful thing but another person could look at it and say “it’s just a sunset”. 
I have learned that the best thing you can ever give to yourself is yourself. Give yourself the heart and love without being dependent on anything. You are the cause and effect of life. You create the cause, the effect comes after it but to never depend on it. 
I knew that when I left Kansas that my next move was going to be life changing and MAN was that an understatement. I have learned so much since then. I have gained so much. I have over grown so much. I am beyond proud of myself. I learned and knew exactly what I wanted from and out of life. I have received all that I have asked for and more. I have gained a life that at one point I didn’t think was worth living and I am so glad that I overcame that about myself. I have a family and in-laws who love me beyond my days. And, yes! IN - LAWS because I found my best friend and thankfully I got to marry him. I am thankful for my marriage and know that he is thankful for me as well. I have a job that takes care of me and my family. I have the house and car I have waited for. I am so blessed. I have learned so much about myself that i can’t even describe it.  Mental diet is key. Limitations and conditions don’t exist unless you want them to. Nothing is ever impossible or out of reach. Nothing is standing in your way. Move out of the belief that there’s obstacles because like God, those obstacles will move.  Some days I think that I’m alone because I don’t know too many here yet but I am surrounded by so much life that it reminds me that I am not alone. 
This level of happiness is indescribable...and I am so thankful
So Laura, when you decide to log back in Tumblr months or years from now. remind yourself that you are the operant. You are so wonderful and lovely that anyone in your presense is lucky and thankful to know you. Remember that you are so loved and respected. You are beyond anything or anyone could ever hope for. Remember the things you learned and continue to learn. 
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Is He A Stalker Or A Superman?
There I was, a conscientious college freshman, studying and researching for a sociology project at the library.  I was absorbed and oblivious to my surroundings when suddenly a strange man popped out from behind the bookshelves.  
“Hello!” he said as he interrupted by train of thought.
Startled, I managed to say, “Ummm, hello!”
This stranger began chattering about classes, goals, and other miscellaneous topics.  I breathed a sigh and regained my composure.  He seemed innocent enough with his dark framed glasses, curly dark blonde hair and mustache, but who was he?  This had been one of several encounters with this stranger.  
I believed this stranger might have been a stalker!  Why else would I keep running into him everywhere I went?   It seemed like the stranger was watching for me as I went to class and as I left class. He was hoping to start conversations and I was hoping to avoid conversations.  Eventually, my semester ended and the stranger graduated college to move on with his life.  I moved on to graduate 3 years later.  
Astoundingly, I encountered this stranger again.  A church was the location this time.  This sneaky stranger had a well thought out and devised plan.  He perched himself by the front door to block my escape and to avoid a conversation.  
I thought, “Great! I will have to talk to him.”  
We did have a conversation.  Believe it or not, this time I found that he had some admirable qualities such as a sense of humor, positive outlook on life, and loved our Lord most importantly not to mention his curly locks.  The stranger whose name is Steve R Stewart became my friend and later my husband.  He has many top notch qualities; the two that stand out are perseverance and commitment.
Early in our marriage Steve desired to become a pharmacist. It took perseverance and commitment to be a pharmacy student.  During this time our apartment was broken into, our cars needed repairs, a gun was pointed at Steve and he was tied up with duct tape at the pharmacy where he worked. People told us we would never make it! We were told that Steve would not complete school.  Even though we were only in our late 20’s, we were told that we were too old to pursue this endeavor.  I am here to tell you that we overcame all these obstacles!  
Becoming a pharmacist was one of the best decisions we have ever made.  This profession allowed Steve to help sick people recuperate.  He was encouraging.  Many times I heard him say, “I hope you feel better soon.” or “after a couple of doses you should be feeling much better.” There were times he would go into the pharmacy on Sunday (his day off) to fill a prescription for someone in need.
Not only is Steve committed, but he protects.  One incidence occurred when Steve, I, and our three children were visiting the Royal Gorge in Colorado.  
As we were exploring the park, our youngest daughter decided to step off the path.  With trendy flip flops she stepped through a thick garden area of cactus.  Had she listened to instructions, she would have worn athletic shoes to protect her feet.  It was not long before we heard a scream.  
Steve, like superman, ran to her rescue.  He thought she had gotten bitten by a rattle snake.  He scooped her up, ran to the park bench, and set her down.  He knelled down to look for a snake bite.  He looked up at me and said, “I do not see any bites. Take over from here.” Like a flash of lightening he ran behind the already closed nature center.  “Where did he go?  What is he doing?” I wondered.
After I examined our daughter’s toes to find no snakes bites.  She managed to say through her tears that her flip flop fell off her foot and she stepped on a cactus plant.  I pulled out a few needles.  “Are you feeling better now?”
She responded with shaking her head yes.
“Sit here on this bench until I return. I am going to check on your Dad.”
I found Steve with his pants partially pulled down. This is unlike my husband so I asked, “What are you doing?”
“I backed up into a cactus when I picked our daughter up. I am pulling the needles out.”  
“Ouch!  I am sure that hurts greatly.” I said with a stifled snicker.
After Steve was able to remove all cactus needles, we completed our hike.
I am glad this Steve didn’t give up on stalking me. I have a great life with this stalker, committed guy, and protector. Stevie Wonder summarizes my 37 year old happy relationship with my husband.  The song is called, “You are the sunshine of my life.”  Here are the lyrics to one verse:
 You are the sunshine of my life
That’s why I”ll always be around,
You are the apple of my eye,
Forever you’ll stay in my heart.
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thisdaynews · 4 years
First Lady Melania Trump: “My personal experience with COVID-19.”
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/first-lady-melania-trump-my-personal-experience-with-covid-19/
First Lady Melania Trump: “My personal experience with COVID-19.”
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It was two weeks ago when I received the diagnosis that so many Americans across our country and the world had already received—I tested positive for COVID-19. To make matters worse, my husband, and our nation’s Commander-in-Chief, received the same news.
Naturally my mind went immediately to our son. To our great relief he tested negative, but again, as so many parents have thought over the past several months, I couldn’t help but think “what about tomorrow or the next day?”. My fear came true when he was tested again and it came up positive. Luckily he is a strong teenager and exhibited no symptoms. In one way I was glad the three of us went through this at the same time so we could take care of one another and spend time together. He has since tested negative.
I was very fortunate as my diagnosis came with minimal symptoms, though they hit me all at once and it seemed to be a roller coaster of symptoms in the days after. I experienced body aches, a cough and headaches, and felt extremely tired most of the time. I chose to go a more natural route in terms of medicine, opting more for vitamins and healthy food. We had wonderful caretakers around us and we will be forever grateful for the medical care and professional discretion we received from Dr. Conley and his team. It was an unfamiliar feeling for me to be the patient instead of a person trying to encourage our nation to stay healthy and safe. It was me being taken care of now, and getting first-hand experience with all that COVID-19 can do. As the patient, and the person benefitting from so much medical support, I found myself even more grateful and in awe of caretakers and first responders everywhere. To the medical staff and the residence staff who have been taking care of our family—thank you doesn’t say enough.
Recovering from an illness gives you a lot of time to reflect. When my husband was taken to Walter Reed as a precaution, I spent much of my time reflecting on my family. I also thought about the hundreds of thousands of people across our country who have been impacted by this illness that infects people with no discrimination. We are in unprecedented times—and with the election fast approaching, it has been easy to get caught up in so much negative energy.
It also cheered me to think of all the people I have met across our country and the world—and the goodness and compassion that exists if you seek it out. Our country has overcome many hardships and much adversity, and it is my hope COVID-19 will be another obstacle we will be able to tell future generations we overcame—and learned from in the process.
I encourage everyone to continue to live the healthiest life they can. A balanced diet, fresh air, and vitamins really are vital to keep our bodies healthy. For your complete well-being, compassion and humility are just as important in keeping our minds strong. For me personally, the most impactful part of my recovery was the opportunity to reflect on many things—family, friendships, my work, and staying true to who you are.
I am happy to report that I have tested negative and hope to resume my duties as soon as I can. Along with this good news, I want people to know that I understand just how fortunate my family is to have received the kind of care that we did. If you are sick, or if you have a loved one who is sick—I am thinking of you and will be thinking of you every day. I pray for our country and I pray for everyone who is grappling with COVID-19 and any other illnesses or challenges.
Thank you to everyone who reached out, and offered well wishes and prayers for our family. You remain in ours as well.
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kellyjane · 4 years
Multiple Intelligence / my strength and weaknesses
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I believe everyone has unique skills and talents and that is what makes each one of us special. People have skills in areas such as playing an instrument, playing sports, being artistic, acting, singing, and many more. People realize their talents at different stages in their lives. Giving back to the community by sharing the skill I have is what makes the difference. Everyone has at least one thing they are really good at.
According to my result, I’m an introspective person, always thinking, always looking inward. There are multiple categories in introspective intelligence intrapersonal, existentialist and visual.  My strengths are my calm and observant personality. The things about my strengths are they come from my personalities. I am that type of person who likes to listen because I like to listen, whenever I talk to someone or anyone I would always listen carefully to them. This is what makes me a very observant person. Everybody has weaknesses but it is up to us whether we want to keep those weaknesses or overcome it. My weaknesses is over thinking. I have no talent but personally I got skill to listen carefully the lecture for better understanding and learning modules. That skill would also be useful for effectiveness of my future career. I had to overcome certain obstacles just to meet those goals. I can say that it was very difficult for me. Especially when I need to overcome them and accomplish it. I for one have, achieved my goals and those obstacles and look now it is nothing to me but a time in life that we must all go through. School for one was a big goal for me. I had to mature over the years and really dedicate myself to get promoted to the next grade. In elementary getting the grade was easy and simple. All we did was basic English, math, reading, arts and music. As I grew up it was getting hard and challenging especially when I had to read to learn and not read to read. That was one obstacle that I had to overcome and push myself to do well in. I realized that when I got into jr. high, reading was challenging and I needed to overcome my fear of reading to read but to read to learn. So I did, I tried reading as much as I could and comprehend what I read. At times I took notes or reread the whole paragraph but it was worth rereading because that taught me to understand what I was reading. Now I can read and comprehend at the same time. With that skill I achieved and I am glad that I did. I also had to make the grades as my course got challenging. I dedicated myself to finishing all my homework and school work that I had to do. I had no fun time for myself. I would put friends last and pushed myself to finish school. School for me was a goal that I have achieved and overcome. Although, I am still achieving, I overcame a lot of those obstacles to reach my goal.  there are many goals that I hope to achieve. The things that I have achieve at this point is to be a successful student. And I am still trying to reach my goal to passed the college life by doing my best and working hard. I know that I am going to be successful. I hope that my achievements it will make my life bettering the future. The things that can make me happy are just being alive its morning in my physical body like from the smell of coffee because I love coffee hehe, spending my time with my family I want to enjoy every single time that I have with my father, mother and sister and hanging out with my friends. Since, I love doing something together especially my friends such as talking each other, telling stupid things and taking a pictures with them.
Once I achieve my goals, I can be a strong inspiration to others. There is a warrior in I and never shut it down. Whatsoever, live a humble life, spread positivity and bear the torch to others’ road to success. Knowing myself and what I can do can help me to recognize and overcome my weaknesses. 
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icanseeyourholo · 7 years
hello you!! i can't believe we are getting a sequel to porcelain skin after you had so adamantly said it was finished! i am unbelievably excited, especially to see/read (lol) Soph kick some metaphorical butt bc she's such an amazing, strong character. i hope this doesnt sound weird or offends you: but i hope u are writing bc u really want to and not just bc u feel olbigated to ur PS readers.. :) (i didnt mean that to sound offensive!!) anyway - thanks for everything... u rock
hi you!!
i‘m not offended and i can assure you i‘m writing this sequel because i want to! i had it planned long before ps was even finished and before i could have known how you would all react to the ending of ps. when i repeatedly said ‘this is how ps ends and how it was supposed to be and no there won‘t be an epilogue’ i meant it exactly like that and it was also my way of trying not to flat out lie to you haha! it was the end of ps… but not the end of sophia, josie and harry. it was supposed to end like that because life is rarely smooth sailing and there wasn‘t an epilogue because you‘re getting a sequel!! :)
only a handful of people questioned my answers and motives and i imagine they are very pleased with themselves! so, you can be sure i‘m writing this because i want to! it almost didn‘t happen but for completely different reasons. i‘m glad i overcame those obstacles, though, because their story is not over yet!
wow that was long. sorry! thanks for being excited!! ❤️
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