#i am fixing this novel but at what cost !!!!!!!!!!!
nerice · 1 year
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there is blood in my mouth
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signedreality · 2 months
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ᯓ       ARGUMENT
        alastor / vox / lucifer / adam / husk x reader (seperate)
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ଳ synopsis ; what the hazbin men are like during an argument!
ଳ warnings : profanity, romance, petnames, mentions of death, and silly goofy stuff.
ଳ missive ; i found this on an old document of mine, so i decided to reupload it! enjoy this broadcast! and yes, i did decide to add husk because why not?
now airing ; snap out of it - arctic monkeys
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it wasn't often you and alastor got into arguments, but when you both did, it was horrid.
not only for you both, but for everyone in the hotel.
you both had gotten into an argument due to you questioning why he had been so distant lately—the inquiry being one alastor took personally as he attempted to inform you he hadn't been distant, and that you were just too busy with the others to even notice when he was present in the room.
while alastor was a gentleman, that argument was filled with a lot of things he wished to take back.
but since he couldn't take those things back, he decided to blow off some steam by murdering whoever he deemed worthless enough to do so.
with alastor and you being irritated, that meant everyone else had to deal with your cranky attitudes.
so, at all costs, they would make sure you both were back on good terms soon.
it had been a couple of days since the bicker, and all it was filled with was tense silence. you didn't even speak to alastor—let alone acknowledge him.
you were sitting on the bed you both shared with a book in hand, and alastor was staring in the mirror with his back turned to you.
the fabric of his bowtie was gripped between his fingers, yet he made no move to tie it. all he could do was just peer into the glass despite being on a tight schedule.
he had a meeting with the overlords, to which he planned to take the egg minions with him due to the fact vaggie demanded he should do something about them. yet, alastor couldn't even bother to acknowledge those things before his eyes flickered up to stare at you from the mirror.
you had always looked so joyed, but with that frown on your face and bags under your eyes from you not sleeping, he couldn't help but let out a low sigh while he let go of the bowtie. he needed to fix this.
"my dear?" alastor softly spoke up—the usual radio static in his voice vanishing. the sound of his real voice made your eyebrows raise as you turned a page. "would you mind helping me with my bowtie? i can't seem to get it right, and i have a meeting soon."
you still didn't look up from your book, which made alastor tap his side for a moment until he continued his words. "please...?"
once an annoyed sigh left your lips, alastor's smile grew slightly while you closed your book.
the novel was set aside as you stood up and walked towards him—your feet freezing right in front of him.
your hands reached up to take the strings of his bowtie into your grasp, and you slowly began to tie the fabric while alastor watched.
eventually, the bowtie was tugged on into the perfect shape as alastor lightly hummed. his hands rose up to gently grasp your forearms as your hands remained on his bowtie—the feeling of his lips meeting yours making your arms wrap around his neck.
"i'm sorry..." the words were mumbled against your lips, "i shouldn't have said those things. i shouldn't have—"
"don't you have a meeting?" you questioned as you pulled back, and alastor looked at you before tilting your head. "am i forgiven?"
"we'll talk about that after your meeting," the declaration made alastor's ears slightly fall back. this made you smile that stunning smile he's grown to favour in his time of being with you.
you placed a soft kiss to his cheek before patting the back of his head. "you're forgiven, but we still need to talk after your meeting."
"will do, my dear!" your news made alastor beam with life as you laughed, and he leaned a bit to press a long kiss to your cheek before he grasped his cane that was leaning against the wall.
"i will see you shortly, darling. i love you!" he had started to stroll out of the door before pausing—his eyes peering over his shoulder as he waited for you to reply.
"i love you too, al."
"and i'm lucky that you do." alastor gave a slight bow before exiting the room and gently shutting the door with a grin on his face.
"FUCKING FINALLY!" alastor froze at the sight of angel dust and charlie standing in front of him, and while angel dust seemed relieved, charlie only gave an awkward smile. "did you two make up...?"
alastor gave the girl a light chuckle before walking past them both, "we certainly did, my dear!"
as alastor continued to walk throughout the hotel, his smile only grew at the thought that you both were okay now. "we certainly did..." he mumbled under his breath.
༄.° VOX
you and vox constantly got into arguments, yet today was different.
the sound of objects being tossed and glitches erupting from vox's office made you sigh as you leaned back in your chair, and the echo of heels clicking on the ground only made you frown.
"ARE YOU GOING TO GET YOUR LITTLE BITCH BOY IN CHECK, OR AM I GOING TO HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!?" velvette's yells made you groan as you tightly closed your eyes.
the woman seemed to notice your irritation as she scoffed, and she walked up to your desk before placing her hands on the wood. "what did you two even gripe about this time? don't tell me it's over some stupid shit again..."
"i told him to calm down when he figured out alastor is back, and then he decided that yelling at me to 'shut the fuck up' was the best option." you spoke clearly while velvette clicked her tongue, "sounds like vox. can't you just go calm the pissy baby for a bit? some of us need to get some work done without the sound of..." her hands gestured towards his office, "that going on."
you gave her a thumbs up while you opened your eyes, and the woman stormed off to where you could only assume was her set.
more crashing erupted from the room as you pushed your chair back—the wheels squeaking while you stood up.
your shoes echoed with each step while you approached the door to vox's office, and once you opened the door, you were quickly met with a cup being tossed besides your head.
"WHAT—" vox's voice was rather glitched out before he took note that it was you, and his lips pursed as you shot him a glare while you entered his office. "watch where you're fucking throwing things..." you mumbled while you started to walk towards him.
"what is it with you an-and always telling me wh-what to do!?" his screen slightly buffered before he scowled at you, "first you tell me to calm down, and now this—"
he was cut off when you pulled his jacket to he would be face-to-face with you, and his words were long forgotten once you placed your lips on his.
his shoulders relaxed a bit before your hands moved to hold his face, and when you pulled back, all you could see was vox's dazed face. the sight made you smile while you stared at him.
"stop acting like a toddler..." you placed kissed all over his face while vox stood there—the frown on his face lightening as he sighed. "i'm not acting like a toddler."
"tell that to your little tantrum." your words were only responded to with vox lightly pinching your arm, to which you laughed before he wrapped his arms around your waist. "why did we even argue, again?"
you raised an eyebrow at him as he patted your sides, "i'm just joking."
"i still haven't gotten a proper apology from you." you taunted while vox closed his eyes for a minute before staring at you.
"i'm sorry."
"DAMN IT, I DIDN'T GET THAT ON CAMERA!" vox hastily pulled you closer before spinning in circles—laughs leaving him while you slightly shrieked.
his movements stopped as he put you into a dip, and a grin was on his face. "this isn't the first time i've said that i was sorry, you know?"
"given how stubborn you are, each time feels like a miracle."
vox only poked your side before leaning down and planting his lips on yours—your arms wrapping around his neck as he held you.
when you and lucifer fight, it's really only over the fact on how he acted at first with charlie's hotel.
the way he spoke so lowly of the idea, even if it was on accident, always irritated you. and that led to arguments breaking out.
which also led to lucifer having heavy remorse and wishing for you to forgive him as hastily as possible.
"are you still mad at me?"
"when will you not be mad at me?"
"when i decide to not be mad at you." lucifer frowned at your words as he poked your arm.
"yes, lucifer?"
"when will you decide to not be mad at me?"
"when you decide to apologize to charlie and learn how to watch your words."
and as soon as you spoke those words, he hastily rushed away to find charlie.
the sound of his gibberish apologies made you snicker while you grabbed your temples, and his shoes slamming against the floor ended up making you laugh as lucifer rushed into the room.
he launched himself onto the couch and next to you as he shot you a big smile, "i promise to watch my words! and i apologized!"
"you're a weirdo, you know that, right?" you questioned teasingly as you leaned over to softly kiss his forehead, and the action made lucifer beam while he nodded. "but i'm your weirdo," his smile slightly faltered, "right?"
lucifer grinned in celebration before leaning into your kisses, and he kept replaying your words in his head as he was relieved you were no longer mad at him.
༄.° ADAM
there's really no point in arguing with adam because of how stubborn he is.
"i'm not going to apologize!" adam griped while lute elbowed him in the back—the man letting out a yelp as he shot the woman a glare.
"just go fucking apologize! it's not that hard!"
"NO!" you watched as he flew off while lute rolled her eyes, and you only stared at her with a look that stated she didn't have to do anything.
now, he never did apologize for playing guitar at three in the morning. but if only he had said he was sorry before being brutally killed by nifty.
༄.° HUSK
it's simple—you and husk never get into arguments. never ever.
you both are the type to sit down and discuss what's bothering you both instead of yelling about it.
"hey, husk?" the man peered up from his glass as he stared at you, and he waited for you to continue as you let out a low sigh. "can we talk?"
"of course, what's botherin' ya?"
and no matter what it is, he'll always talk about it and hear you out.
he's just cool like that.
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⤷ word count ; 1,855
© signedreality
🌊        reblogs + hearts + comments are appreciated !
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weirdsht · 2 months
Another yapping session lol, I haven't done this in a while. Omfg tho, I didn't mean for this thing to be as long as I made it. I'm sorry shfgsidfhsfjgsdlg
By clicking read more you will be subjected to novel spoilers and my messy long rant about LoTCF. This is your warning.
I've thought about this for a long time but LoTCF is a fix-it novel. Not sure if someone thought about the same thing or if they have talked about it yet. But I've felt this way ever since I read about Kim Rok Soo's life.
After realising what he went through and just how hard his life is made me realise why he does the things he does. Why he has such a mindset. Why he values the little things other people would not even think about.
It made even more sense after hearing how he was collateral damage from the White Star's curse. How he can't hold the things he deemed dear close to him as he will always be bound to lose it. To lose them.
Lastly, it made me realise why the novel seems all sunshine and rainbows in the long run. Sure, there are angsty moments. Some moments and arcs made me bawl for weeks on end. Made me feel as though my heart was being ripped out of my chest (Looking at you earth lore). However, at the end of it all everyone on Cale's side is okay. It's like watching one of those old-school shonen animes where you know everyone will save the day with the power of friendship.
And I know I'm not the only one who noticed that. I saw a lot of discourse about how the series would be more interesting if someone actually died. If a lot was on the line. Something like ORV.
And omg does it piss me off so much.
Because once again LoTCF is a fix-it novel.
It's a novel about starting again. About Cale finally being able to hold and protect the things dear to him.
That's why it wouldn't make sense for him to lose more.
Plus, I genuinely think that if he loses one more thing important to him (non-material ofc) that would be his last straw. He has already been through so much. And it was because of something he didn't even have a clue about. Something he essentially had no business with if White Star just wasn't a greedy mfer.
I think some people also forget or doesn't realise the fact that this is also Cale's last chance. Like Ron and Choi Han who has lost their families several times and deemed their new group as their last chance. Their last family.
It's the same for Cale.
He already lost his biological parents. He already lost his brothers.
He can't lose his new family too.
That's why no one can die.
Despite that, as a reader, I am scared though. Scared at the lengths he's willing to go to protect his family.
Because this man has no self-preservation skills despite him always saying he has no plans of getting hurt or dying. I mean, I can't blame him for not knowing his worth. His life has been shit. He always had to go above and beyond to try and grasp the things he wanted only for them to still slip away from his fingertips. Like he's trying to collect running water with open palms.
And until now, even without the curse, he does the same thing. Because it's what he's used to. Maybe he subconsciously thinks that if his efforts dwindle a little he'll lose everything again. Not fully comprehending that it's fine now. That it's okay for him to breath a little.
Anyway, my point is I'm scared that at some point Cale will try to protect everyone and everything at his own cost. Will try to convince himself that he will be fine when he won't be. I mean I've already heard spoilers from book 2 and heard that's what seems to be happening right now.
I'm just scared that a point will come where Cale won't be able to come back from the decisions he makes in the name of protecting his family.
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candycandy00 · 26 days
Roses in the Sky - An Original Alien x Reader Story Part 10
In a future where humanity huddles in decaying domed cities controlled by alien invaders, you and your best friend Anna work as make-shift nurses in a tiny clinic run by the young doctor Terrian. The city is ruled by the aliens' violent, half-breed offspring who serve as brutal overseers. You and Anna have always tried to avoid these overseers at all cost, but your life is changed when one of those same terrifying offspring is brought into the clinic, injured and unconscious.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
This is an original Alien (well half alien) x Fem Reader story! I hope everyone who enjoys my fanfiction will give this a shot! Any feedback whatsoever would be loved! I’ve already written this story so it’s not going to delay my fanfics. Just thought I might post chapters of this between fanfics if anyone is interested.
Slow burn, as this is a novel-length story, but there will be smut in later chapters! Also: violence, blood, rape attempts, death of side characters, etc.
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When morning came, you sat up in bed and stretched, for once glancing at the clock without fear. It was your day off, and you intended to enjoy it as much as you could, starting with sleeping in.
You climbed lazily out of bed and walked into the kitchen for breakfast. Vartan was standing by the table, fully dressed. You blinked and tried to focus your vision. "This is unusual," you commented, eyeing his uniform.
"I would like to leave the apartment today."
The words came bluntly, steadily, like someone banging a sharp rhythm on a drum. You heard them, could not possibly mistake them, but still you leaned against the counter and said, "What?"
"I would like to leave today," he repeated, seeming somewhat confused by the need to say it again.
You stared at him for a second, then crossed your arms over your chest. "Alright. Go on. I'm not making you stay or anything. You barged in here to begin with." At some point you realized your hands were balled into fists. Why were you so angry?
He looked at you blankly. "Am I troubling you?"
You frowned. "No, but you're standing here acting like you're asking for my permission to leave. What do you want me to do? Beg you to stay?"
Somewhere in the back of your mind you knew you should watch your tongue, that arguing with a half-breed was never a good idea, but you just couldn't stop yourself.
He still looked rather confused. "I thought I did need your permission. I am living in your home. You still have the right to make me return to the Tower."
It was your turn to look confused. "Wait, what are you talking about? How can I make you return to the Tower if you're going back there today anyway?"
"But... I am not going back to the Tower today," Vartan said.
"You just said you want to leave today!"
"Yes, I would like to leave the apartment for a short while. There is a place I would like to visit."
You immediately reddened. "Oh! Sorry! I totally misunderstood you. Yeah, you can go out for a while. Just don't let any of my neighbors see you."
"Of course," he replied, seemingly oblivious to your embarrassment. He walked toward the door, then stopped and looked back. "Would you like to come with me?"
"Uh, that kinda depends on where you're going," you said.
"Don't worry. I will not be seeing any of my kind."
You smiled. "Okay, then. Just give me a minute to get dressed." You left him to wait in the kitchen while you went to your room to pull on some jeans and a white cotton shirt. The neckline was a little low, with small, thin lace trim. You had been told by Terrian and Anna, on separate occasions, that you looked especially nice in white. You fixed your hair then looked in the mirror. You smiled to yourself, satisfied with your looks.
Would Vartan be satisfied? Why did you even think that question?
You met him in the kitchen, and he nodded to you without a word. You felt a tinge of disappointment. He didn't even seem to notice that you looked better than usual.
He opened the front door, and you edged past him so you could look both ways, making sure no one was in the hall. When the way seemed clear, you headed toward the stairs and motioned for him to follow. You did the same thing on the ground floor, thankful that your apartment building was never very crowded to begin with.
Once you were outside on the street, Vartan took the lead. You followed nervously behind him as he walked along the pavement. You tried to keep a small distance between the two of you, so that you could easily separate from him if he ran into any of the other half-breeds. You were unsure how they would react to seeing him with a human, and you didn't want him to get into any more trouble than he already had.
Luckily, the walk through town was uneventful, and soon the two of you were standing in front of an incredibly tall, crumbling building. You looked up toward the top, squinting your eyes against the red haze of the sky. It was probably the tallest building in Gallica, aside from the Tower.
"Is this it?" You asked, hoping you didn't sound disappointed.
He nodded and stepped through the open doorway. You followed, and together you and Vartan climbed several flights of stairs. They were steep, and in such disrepair that you occasionally had to skip a step that looked unsafe. The walls were cracked and filthy, covered in long faded graffiti. There had been a handrail at one point, apparently, but it was mostly in broken pieces now. 
After reaching the sixth floor, you grabbed his arm from behind, signaling him to wait. You sat down on the steps and panted. "Sorry, I need a little break."
He sat down beside you and watched you patiently. There wasn't so much as a drop of sweat on his face, and his breathing was completely even. "Take as long as you need," he told you. 
"You half-breeds are pretty amazing. Do you ever get tired?"
"Sometimes," he replied, looking away from you.
"So what's at the top?" you asked, pointing toward the roof that looked so very far away.
"Nothing important. You will see."
You stared at him curiously, wondering what he wanted to show you. He met your gaze and you blinked. "Um, how many stairs do we have to climb?" you asked quickly.
He stood up. "I will carry you."
"I will carry you the rest of the way. Stand up."
You got to your feet slowly and he turned his back to you, squatting slightly. You stared at his back, a wave of heat spreading through your face, under your skin. Your heart raced. It was such a silly thing, getting a piggyback ride from him, but you had never really touched him before. Not outside of sewing up his wound or helping him to a cot.
He looked at you over his shoulder. "Get on," he said flatly.
You carefully reached forward and wrapped your arms around his neck, pressed your body against his back, and lifted your knees until he took hold of them and stood up straight. You were immediately surprised by how effortless he made it seem. He didn't so much as grunt as he climbed the rest of the stairs with you on his back.
The whole way up, you couldn’t shake the bizarre feeling of familiarity. Like a phantom memory that was too hazy to remember clearly. 
When he reached the door to the roof, he eased you back to your feet. You looked at the floor, red creeping into your cheeks. "Thanks," you said.
He gave no response as he opened the door and walked out onto the roof. You followed him to the ragged fence at the northern edge and stood beside him as he looked out over the city. Not too terribly far away, you could see the Tower, and at this height, you could make out more of its details than ever before.
As you had thought, the top of the tower was connected to the very center of the dome, like a support beam. What you didn't expect to see, however, was a large mechanical device protruding from the top of the tower. It resembled some kind of cannon pointing upwards, and a gazebo-like room surrounded it. You could barely make out a single half-breed standing near the device, like a soldier standing guard.
"What is that?" you asked.
Vartan followed your gaze to the device. "It is the machine that operates the dome."
"Well, I kinda guessed that. How does it work?"
"I'm not entirely sure," he responded. "I know that the Pagoda's technology powers it, and every three years we must recharge it."
"And why is it being guarded?"
"In the past, humans have tried to reach the machine and destroy it, believing they could escape the city if the dome was removed."
Your jaw dropped. "That's crazy! Everything's frozen outside! If they turned the dome off, we'd all die!"
"Yes, and that is why we guard it. Even we half-breeds could not survive for very long without the dome. I believe some humans think we are lying about the outside, to keep them from trying to escape."
You were quiet then. For the very first time, you understood why there might be a need for the half-breeds. Still, their ruthless behavior couldn't be overlooked. You glanced at Vartan, whose eyes were fixed on another section of the Tower, slightly lower down.
"Do you see those vehicles?" he asked you, pointing to an open floor a third of the way down the Tower. On it, you could see several things that you could only describe as misshapen cars with no wheels and far fewer windows. You nodded and he went on. 
"Those are called Flyers by the half-breeds. They are capable of traveling through space. The Pagoda use them occasionally to visit the mother ship. Half-breeds are not allowed to touch them, but we do see them being flown from time to time."
You were listening intently. This was the most Vartan had said in the entire time you’d known him.
He paused to look at you, then turned his eyes back toward the Flyers. "I... often think about... climbing into a Flyer and leaving this world."
Your eyes widened. You watched Vartan's face as he continued to stare at the Flyers, and you saw a hint of longing there, a hint of despair. You didn't know what to say to him. You were terrified of saying the wrong thing, something that would make him regret sharing such a private thought with you.
He looked at you again, and there was still a shade of sadness in his usually unreadable eyes. "I do not know why I wanted to bring you here, but thank you for coming with me."
"I'm glad you brought me here," you said. "I'm glad I got to know a little more about you."
He looked mildly surprised. "You want to know about me?"
You felt the familiar blush heating up your face. "Well, yeah. You're living with me and all."
"I see," he said. "I will tell you anything you want to know."
"Anything?" you asked, somewhat skeptical. He nodded, and your mind flew into a frenzy as you tried to decide what you most wanted to know. A million questions popped into your head, and you struggled to quickly sort them out. Suddenly you remembered Nariah's story about her mother. "Do you know anything about your human parent?"
Vartan's face seemed to freeze instantly, and you winced, certain you had asked the wrong thing. He looked back toward the Tower. "My mother was human," he started, speaking slowly as if carefully choosing his words. "Half-breeds are kept away from their human parents, because the Pagoda do not want us to be influenced by our human sides. Most human parents are killed anyway."
You nodded, having already heard most of this from Nariah. You said nothing and waited, making it clear that you wanted him to go on.
"My mother was kept alive for several years after I was born. I have a younger brother. He lives in a different domed city, and I only see him every so often. It’s been two years since we last met. We share both a mother and a father, which is rare among us."
You continued to remain silent, eagerly waiting for more.
Vartan's eyes were still fixed on the Tower. "I did meet my mother, if that is what you want to know. On the day she was scheduled to be executed, she somehow escaped from her cell and ran through the Tower, searching for me. She found me by spotting my father walking into my room. When she reached me, she wrapped her arms around me and began crying. She said she had to see me at least once before dying."
You were struck by the difference in Vartan's tone compared to Nariah's. Something about his voice seemed calm, almost nostalgic, as he recounted the story.
He finally turned his face to you as he finished. "I do not know why, but my father did nothing to stop her as my mother held me. She whispered many things into my ear, telling me that I am human, that I should never forget my humanity, that this is my world too. My father only spoke when she asked him where my brother was. The Pagoda guards rushed in after that and pulled her away from me. They dragged her out of the room, to be executed. As she disappeared into the hall, she screamed to my father, 'Please take care of our child!' and they were the last words I heard from her."
You waited for a moment, to be sure he was done talking, before speaking. "It sounds like your mother was very brave."
Vartan nodded his head slightly. "I find my memory of her... comforting. That is strange, isn't it?" he asked you. "A human would be troubled by such a memory, of watching their mother be dragged away to death. A Pagoda would not feel anything at all. I feel I am... different."
It occurred to you that it was that brief meeting with his mother that made Vartan different. In those small moments in which his mother had held him in her arms, she had managed to awaken something in him - something human. "Maybe you find it comforting because it reminds you that you were loved," you told him gently. "Your mother must have loved you a lot, even before seeing you, to go to those lengths to meet you."
Vartan lowered his eyes. "I could not return her love. I didn’t know how. I never even spoke to her. I was motionless the whole time she was there."
"I'm sure she understood. She loved you, no matter what. She told your father to take care of you, right? Speaking of which, isn't it strange for your father to allow her to hold you?"
Vartan's expression changed slightly, from a flicker of sadness to a flicker of something like pride. "My father is strange among the Pagoda. He is often criticized by the others for being eccentric. There was a rumor among the half-breeds that my father is not one hundred percent pure Pagoda, that his distant ancestors had mated with another race. I do not know if this is true or not. There were also rumors that his relationship with my mother was viewed as inappropriate somehow."
You smiled, amused by the fact that Vartan seemed pleased with his "eccentric" father. Perhaps Vartan's human-like behavior was a result of his parents, both of whom seemed rather extraordinary themselves. "He sounds like the only Pagoda I'd ever want to meet," you said. "What do they look like, by the way?"
"They look much like half-breeds," Vartan said, "but they are taller, with longer arms and legs. Their eyes have many colors, all on each eye. They wear dark robes, and keep their hair very long."
You found yourself trying to picture Vartan's father, a tall man with long black hair and rainbow eyes. The image just looked silly, so you changed the subject. "There is one more thing I'd like to ask. Is that okay?"
"Yes," he answered, eyes on yours.
You tried to think of a way to word your question. You had been wondering for some time now about how many women Vartan had been with. As Terrian had said before, a half-breed with a willing human was rare, but you had difficulty imagining Vartan raping someone. Then again, you would have had trouble imagining him tearing a man's head off if you hadn't seen it first hand. You took a deep breath and looked him in the face. "Have you had sex with lots of women?"
He quickly looked away, as if embarrassed, and you dreaded his answer. He kept his eyes on the ground as he opened his mouth to speak. "No, not 'lots'. One."
"I have been with one girl."
"Why only one?" you asked, the question popping out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. Half-breeds were known for their carnal exploits. They seemed to be far more hormonal than humans, and that was saying something.
He seemed highly uncomfortable with the topic, but he answered you anyway. "I did not find it to be a pleasant experience. The girl... was crying. I was very young, younger than her, but she probably thought I was older. The other half-breeds told me what to do, and I followed their directions. I did not know why she was crying. Just before it was over, I realized that she was crying because she did not want to..." He stopped talking there, unable to finish the sentence. He paused, then continued. "I did not enjoy it, doing such a thing to that crying girl, so I did not do it again."
You felt tears welling up in your eyes. Vartan had been just as much a victim as the girl, he'd been a child manipulated into doing something he would feel guilty over for the rest of his life. You reached out and placed a hand lightly on his arm. "You can't be blamed for that. You didn't know what you were doing."
He looked at your hand. "Is there anything else you would like to know?"
You reddened. "Um, have you ever thought about trying it with a human who wants to do  it?”
He looked at your face. "I have experienced physical desire, yes. And I have wondered what it would be like, with a girl who is not crying."
Your face burned a little more as you asked the next question. "Have you felt any, uh, desire for me?"
He didn't hesitate. "Yes."
"Really? When?"
His voice was still mechanical. "When I woke up in the clinic and saw you in your underwear. When you looked straight at me in the alley and told me I owed you. When you came out of your room the morning after I came to your house. When I woke up that evening to find you standing over me."
You were shocked. All those times, he'd given no indication that he felt any attraction to you at all. He must have been holding himself back because of his past experience with sex. You couldn't resist smiling. You felt a surge of confidence. "If you thought I wanted to, would you want to be with me?"
He seemed surprised by the question, his eyebrows raising as he looked at her. "Yes."
That was all you needed to hear. You wrapped your arms around his neck and stood on your toes, pressing your lips to his. He slowly lifted his hands and placed them on your back, carefully and gently, obviously unsure of the action. For several seconds, he remained rigid and still, to the point that you began to feel embarrassed. Then, as if he had simply been waiting to be certain you really did want this, he suddenly pressed himself against you, his hands moving over your body, his mouth hungry on yours. It was like a dam had broken, and all the desires and needs and aches came pouring out, washing over you.
Half-breeds were supremely hormonal creatures. Vartan, you discovered, wasn't quite as different from the others as you first thought.
He peeled off your clothes in a hurry, as if waiting even one moment to see your body was agony for him. When you were stripped bare, you stood before him, blushing and crossing one arm over your chest. You’d seen him naked before, so you knew. He was perfection, and you… you were human. 
But when you worked up the nerve to look at his face, you found him staring at you with an expression of awe, a look you’d never seen a half breed wear before. “You’re beautiful,” he said, and the sincerity in his voice made you drop your arm to your side. He looked as if he wanted to take you immediately, but he stood rooted to the spot as he asked, “Can I touch you?”
You nodded, but then quickly held one hand up to signal for him to wait. “First, take your clothes off too.”
It was too embarrassing to be the only one naked. 
“Okay,” he said, pulling off his uniform and leaving it in a neat pile on the cracked concrete. When he turned to face you, you were surprised to find him already hard. He was much bigger erect than he was when you saw him naked before, and seeing his arousal made your face flush with heat. 
You’d never done anything like this before, so you were uncertain of how to proceed. Vartan’s experience was severely lacking, but his own desire seemed to be spurring him on. He stepped closer to you and wrapped his arms around you, pulling your naked body against his. Ahh, his skin felt so smooth and warm. His hands slid down your back, to your ass, where they squeezed lightly. 
You tilted your face up and kissed him again as his hands roamed over you, aggressive yet gentle. You remembered a time when the thought of a half breed touching you was the most terrifying thing you could imagine. But Vartan’s touch was warm and careful. 
He paused to get his long jacket from the pile of clothes and spread it out like a blanket. Then the two of you sank down onto it, him on top of you. He hovered over you for a moment, then said, “I’d like to try something I read in one of your books. Can I?”
Your mind raced to try to imagine what he read. Those books were full of ridiculously unrealistic sex scenes. But he seemed excited to try whatever it was, so you nodded. 
He slid down, parting your legs before leaning forward and licking a stripe up your wet slit. You shivered, rising up on your elbows to look down at him in shock. From what you’d heard, half breeds were usually far too preoccupied with their own pleasure to put much effort into pleasing a human partner. Of course Vartan would be different. 
His tongue slipped between your folds, and you don’t know if he intended it or not, but he licked right over your clit, making you gasp. He looked up at you then, his bi-colored eyes watching your face. “The book was right,” he said, “it is delicious.”
This made you blush furiously, instinctively covering your face with your hands as you muttered, “Oh my god.”
You heard Vartan’s voice, soft and uncertain. “I’m sorry, is this unpleasant for you? The woman in the book enjoyed it very much.”
Moving your hands, you looked down at him. “It feels really good. It’s just kind of embarrassing.”
He was looking back at you with concern. “Do you want me to continue?”
“Yes!” you said, a little too enthusiastically. He smiled, then went back to work pleasuring you with his mouth. You laid back, trying to relax despite your nerves being on fire. A gorgeous half breed was between your legs, gently licking your clit, acting as if you were bestowing some wonderful privilege upon him for allowing it. Oh god, it felt too good! Your legs quivered, your back arched, and your hands gripped fistfuls of his jacket beneath you. 
You climaxed with a moan, your body trembling as he pulled back and watched you, enraptured by the sight of your orgasm. You panted to catch your breath, then he moved closer, pushing your legs up, bending them at the knees. You felt his tip brush against your entrance, and found him staring at your face, as if waiting for one more confirmation. Given his history, you understood. You smiled up at him and put your hands on his shoulders, pulling him closer. 
When he finally pushed into you, it was a slow and careful motion. He didn’t want to hurt you, but your own desire was reaching its peak. You wanted him all the way inside you, and you wanted it now. You bucked your hips against him, urging him to go deeper, faster. You wanted to feel every inch of him. 
And he complied, thrusting in, over and over, his breaths hitching in his throat and his eyes sliding closed. You moaned and twitched beneath him, your arms around his neck, trying to pull him even closer. 
His cock pulsed inside you, throbbing with pleasure, hitting a spot deep within you that had you gasping. His face hovered above yours, and he looked so beautiful, like angel. 
When you came again, clutching him ever tighter, he buried his face in your neck, kissing your throat as his own climax hit. You felt his seed shoot deep into your core, and you felt content. At that moment, the Pagoda, Gallica, the entire world dissolved into the distance. For you, all that existed were you, Vartan, and the red sky looming over your heads.
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wenclairfamily · 4 months
"A Family Weekend" - A Future Wenclair Family Comedy Adventure Tale
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Story Summary: On the day before Wednesday and Enid's children turn eighteen, the family cat is accused of some wrong doing; which results in the most wacky and insane adventure for the Wenclair Family yet!
Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair. They were a duo that shouldn't have worked... but they did... and somehow their relationship resulted in marriage. Now, Wednesday and Enid work at their old school: Nevermore Academy as teachers, raising up an entire new generation; including their own twin seventeen year old daughters: Harmony and Ana. Harmony, who carries both of her mother's special abilities, continues to grow and explore the world with her girlfriend (and now fiancé) Megan. Ana meanwhile is a different story. Today we explore what the entire Addams Family is up to just one day before all of our teenage characters turn eighteen years old... and just one week before the planned date for Harmony and Megan's wedding...
"A Family Weekend"
Written by: "Fun But Shy Girl"
Story by: "Shadow From The Past"
One Saturday morning, Wednesday was in her living quarters at Nevermore Academy eagerly pounding away at her typewriter while writing a novel. However her typing was soon interrupted by Enid walking into room as she said, "Howdy roomy." As Wednesday kept her eyes fixed on her type writer, she said, "Enid, I am attempting to finish my latest novel; and you know how I value my writing time on Saturdays." Then Enid lovingly put her hands on Wednesday's shoulders as she said, "I know... but... tonight is Family Movie Night! I know we postponed it twice already now, but I really wanna make sure we don't back out tonight. Harmony and Ana turn eighteen tomorrow, and I want us to spend their last night as our little girls watching a movie with us like we've always done once every year. Which means... no feigning illnesses, no setting loose tarantulas all over the room, and no claiming you have some demons to go fight... again. Family Movie Night is about family!" Wednesday then turned to look at Enid, and immediately saw her wife's pleading eyes.
Wednesday rolled her own eyes, sighed, and then said, "Very well Enid. As we negotiated during our first year of marriage, I shall honor my commitment to watch one non-holiday related film of your choosing from start to finish during the month of our children's birth." Then Enid moved her mouth near Wednesday's ear as she said, "And just a little reminder... that means no criticizing the movie in any way, no repulsive comments on how emotions in the film are conveyed, and no complaints about the seemingly long run time. Understood?" Wednesday then glared at Enid as she said, "Can I at least know what the name of the film that shall torture me is ahead of time?" Then a grinning Enid said, "No Wens-babe. Not knowing what the film is ahead of time is part of the fun!" Then a smiling Enid skipped out of the room, while an angry looking Wednesday turned to look at her type writer once more.
In the student restaurant at Nevermore Academy: Harmony and Megan were sitting at a table with Megan's parents: Max and Alisha. As Alisha was glancing at her phone, she said, "So as of now, the forecast for your outdoor wedding is looking like clear skies. However if the weather does become bad, we already have the nearby rec center booked out." A smiling Harmony looked grateful as she said, "Thank you Mister and Mrs Zimmerman. I don't think I can show enough gratitude to you both for paying for this wedding ceremony." Max smiled as he said, "Harmony, you're about be our daughter in law. Feel free to start calling us mom and dad. We're family now, and we're happy to help. Besides, I may be unfamiliar with the traditions of werewolf unions, and I have no idea what the traditional Addams Family Mamushka Dance is... but I insist you allow me to carry out my family's tradition of the father of the beautiful bride covering any costs for a wedding." Then Alisha interrupted Max as she said, "Actually Max, I told Wednesday and Enid they can cover the costs of 15th century swords and ancient werewolf talismans... especially since I didn't even know where to look for things like that on eBay."
Megan smiled as she said, "The point is it sounds like we're just about ready for our wedding now... although we still haven't picked out a wedding song for our first dance at the reception." Then just as Ana came over to refill everyone's drinks, she said, "You do know Lady Gaga makes the best wedding music, right? Bloody Mary would be a perfect song for you both. I mean the internet somehow already decided that particular song works perfect whenever members of our family rock their best moves." Harmony glared at Ana as she said, "Ana, we are not doing Lady Gaga music at our wedding!" Ana rolled her eyes as she said, "Fine. Your loss. I'll just enjoy dancing to it alone with Gerard after we go haunt some counterfeit money operators we plan to take down next Monday. " A curious Harmony then asked, "Who is this Gerard you keep mentioning?" Ana suddenly had a panicked face as she yelled, "I don't have a crush on him!" Everyone then turned to look at Ana with confused faces. Ana suddenly looked very nervous as she said, "Umm... I'm gonna go see how Stormageddon the Conqueror is doing in the kitchen."
Then as Ana headed to the kitchen, Megan's brother Edward walked over to the group as he said, "You like paaaancakes!?" Alisha smiled as she said, "They were actually incredibly delicious son. Thank you." Then as Max began to stand up, he said, "Well, we have to go take Edward to meet with his inclusion specialist now. We'll see you all later." Max, Alisha, and Edward then left the school restaurant, while Harmony and Megan waved to them. A smiling Harmony then looked at Megan as she said, "Your brother is such a sweet guy. I feel bad that once we get married and graduate from here, we won't get to spend as much time with him." Then Megan causally said, "Well we'll likely have him around a lot more once my parents get too old to take care of him." Harmony quickly looked caught off guard as she said, "What!? Edward is gonna move in with us?" Megan looked a bit confused as she said, "I mean... obviously not right away, but... he's my brother. Once my parents get too old, it'll be up to us to look after him."
Harmony looked a bit worried as she said, "Megan, I... I like your brother, but... I just didn't think I'd be caring for him in my own home one day." Megan closed her eyes, sighed, and then looked at Harmony as she said, "It's my fault I didn't even think about bringing up Edward in our premarital counseling sessions. Look... I know there's lots of programs out there that help adults with disabilities in very comfortable accommodation settings... but I don't want my brother being taken care of by strangers. I want him to always be in the company of family. Look... my parents are still gonna look after Edward for a long time... so can we take some time to think about this and discuss it later?" Harmony took a deep breath... and then nodded her head as she said, "Okay."
Then Ana suddenly walked over to the two, while her cat was sitting on her shoulder. An excited Ana then said, "Guys. You need to try the new chocolate pancakes Stormageddon the Conqueror just made! They're made completely out of chocolate!" Then a confused Megan asked, "If they're made completely out of chocolate... wouldn't they just be... chocolate?" Then a nervous Ana put a finger near her mouth as she said, "Shhh! Don't let the government know about that! If the truth gets out, they'll cover our secret like the Roswell conspiracy! Oh, by the way Harmony - a letter just came for you in the mail." Ana then handed Harmony a letter. Harmony's eyes immediately widened as she said, "Oh my God! This must be my acceptance letter to Jordan University. After Megan got hers weeks ago, I was wondering what happened to mine." As an excited Harmony opened her letter, a smiling Megan said, "Oh boy. Once you're in babe, we are immediately going to pick out the best couples dorm on campus to live in."
Then as Harmony looked at her letter... her face immediately looked down as she said, "I didn't get in. I mean... they say I'm on the wait list, but... how did this happen?" Then a frustrated Megan said, "How could they not let you in!? I mean... you're a genius!" Then Ana nodded her head as she casually said, "Yeah. I mean you and Megan used to build giant robots before doing the strange and unexplainable became monopolized by me and Stormageddon the Conqueror. There's no good season why they shouldn't have let you in." Megan looked at Harmony with a determined look in her eyes as she said, "You totally need to meet with the admissions officer in person and make them see you are totally Jordan University material!" A disappointed looking Harmony then said, "Yeah, but it could take weeks to make an appointment." Then Ana quickly began texting on her phone as she said, "Actually... I just got you an appointment this afternoon!" A wide eyed Harmony looked at her sister with amazement as she said, "Seriously!? How did you pull that off!?" Then Ana casually said, "Oh. Stormageddon the Conqueror is on the Jordan University Board of Directors."
A very confused Megan then said, "Hold on! How can your cat be on the board of directors of the biggest university in our state?" Ana continued to sound casual as she said, "He made a record size contribution to the school, which allowed him immediate special privileges... including ensuring that a class on the history of feline worship is a mandatory course for individuals in every major. But regardless, you better get prepared for that interview Harmony." Harmony immediately jumped up and hugged Ana as she said, "Thanks sis." Then Harmony quickly gave Ana's cat a quick kiss on the cheek as she said, "And thank you Stormageddon the Conqueror." Then as Harmony quickly rushed out of the restaurant, an impressed Megan said, "Well I gotta say Ana... you have a pretty amazing cat there." Then as a happy Ana stroked her cat, she smiled while saying, "Aw, yeah. Everyone loves Stormageddon the Conqueror."
Then suddenly a female voice filled the restaurant yelling, "There's the cat we hate!" Ana turned her head with a confused face, as she saw a blonde woman in her late 30's (wearing a long dress and stockings) carrying a box into the restaurant. A confused Ana then asked, "Can I help you ma'am?" The blonde woman pointed at Ana's cat as she yelled, "Oh, you can help all right! Help explain the terrible crime your cat committed upon my family!" Just as the blonde woman finished saying her last sentence - Wednesday and Enid walked into the restaurant looking confused and concerned. The two then approached the blonde woman as Enid said, "Ma'am, if you have a problem with our daughter and her cat, your problem is also with us." Wednesday then calmly looked at the woman as she said, "Please state your name and issue." The blonde woman glared directly at Wednesday as she said, "You may call me Mrs Weiss... and my issue is this!" The blonde woman then opened up her box, and showed a female mother cat with many kittens laying near it. An excited Enid immediately had her face light up as she said, "Aww! They're so cute!" Mrs Weiss then looked angry as she said, "Yeah! I'm sure they look cute to you all... and quite familiar... because the one who violated Miss Whiskers here, and the one who is the father to these kittens... is Stormageddon the Conqueror!" A very startled Ana then yelled, "What!?" Ana's cat meanwhile had his eyes widen as he yelled, "Rowr!?"
Mrs Weiss then pointed at Ana's cat as she said, "I've seen your cat hanging around my place before flirting with Miss Whiskers! But when Miss Whiskers rejected your cat's advances, he forced her into early motherhood! For his crime, I demand restitution from your family!" Ana then glanced at her cat as she said, "You know anything about this Stormageddon the Conqueror?" Ana's cat quickly turned his head back and forth as he said, "Rowr." Ana then glared at Mrs Weiss while she said, "Stormagedon the Conqueror doesn't even know Miss Whiskers! Where's your proof!?" Mrs Weiss held up several photographs as she said, "What proof do you need!? The kittens look just like your cat! They only need mini hats to look the same! Plus, I've got photos of your cat running through my backyard!" Then Ana angerly yelled, "Stormageddon the Conqueror takes short cuts through lots of people's backyards during his daily runs!"
Mrs Weiss looked more angry than ever now as she yelled, "No more excuses! I'm gonna bleed your family dry in court until you finally give Miss Whiskers all she's due in both child support and the lifelong therapy sessions she'll need after the violation she endured! I demand restitution this very weekend!" Then Enid stepped forward as she said, "Mrs Weiss, lets please be reasonable. As much we all seem to love our respective pets... I don't think any major court is going to take a case related to feline parentage... and especially not on a weekend." Then a reluctant Megan raised up her hand, and then slowly said, "Well... I don't know if I should be recommending this... but I think I do know of an establishment that could solve your dispute very quickly..."
Harmony sat in an admissions office (wearing well dressed clothes) while facing a well dressed man who had black hair and glasses on his head. As Harmony sat slightly nervous (but still excited), she said, "Thank you so much for meeting with me today Mister Glicker." The admissions officer: Mister Glicker remained calm, but looked mildly unimpressed as he said, "Well, it would seem I have orders from above to give your application a more thorough review. Now then... I see you're currently obtaining your final high school credits at Nevermore Academy. That's the renowned school for outcasts, is it not?" Harmony quickly nodded her head as she said, "Yes... and there are normies attending there as well now. It's become all inclusive in recent years." Mister Glicker then glared at Harmony as he said, "Yes, well even with that being said, Nevermore Academy still is infamous for admitting anyone that identifies as different. However at this school we only accept students that wish to succeed! As a professor myself, I can say without a doubt the most disheartening thing I experienced in the role of educator is wasting my time teaching students that don't take their education seriously." Harmony then quickly said, "Oh, I take my education incredibly seriously sir."
Mister Glicker then leaned back in his chair slightly, while looking at a piece of paper as he said, "Is it your education you take seriously? I see someone you know has already put your name down on the application for one of the couples dorms. Her name is Megan Zimmerman, and she lists your name as her soon to be wife." Harmony began to look more nervous as she said, "Well, yes my fiance did apply to this school as well, and got in... but I assure you I was planning to attend here long before I made any plans of marriage." Mister Glicker put his paperwork down as he said, "Well even if this school did let you in, we would like to know if you understand the risk that your new marriage may pose to your studies' as it may act as a distraction, or may pose a hindrance to both your relationship and studies." Harmony had a determined look in her eyes as she said, "My two mothers got married young as well, and they were able to start up both a business and a family at the same time, and they did it with a lot less money in the bank at the beginning. However they both grew their business, and saved up lots of money so that I could afford to go to college, expand my mind, and look for opportunities they maybe couldn't have had. And thanks to them, my entire family is now only seen in an incredibly respectable light by highly respectable members of the community at large!"
A middle aged man stood in front of a large TV studio audience as he said, "Everyone, lets welcome the Addams Family to the Gary Sprinovich Show!" Then as Wednesday and Ana (with her cat on her shoulder) walked into the large TV studio, a large crowd of young adults in the audience immediately began yelling, "Gary! Gary! Gary! Gary! Gary!" As Wednesday walked over to her chair on stage, she looked incredibly uncomfortable and angry. Ana meanwhile looked very confidant as she sat down in a chair with her cat. On the other side of the stage, Mrs Weiss sat holding her own cat. As the audience settled down, the male host: Gary looked at the audience while saying, "Welcome back to another special episode of our On the Road Tour. So for those that are just joining in: Mrs Weiss here has a cat named Miss Whiskers, who just gave birth to a litter of kittens." On a TV screen nearby, video footage was shown of the baby kittens. The entire audience immediately said, "Awwwww." Then Gary looked directly at the audience as he said, "But according to Mrs Weiss, the father of these kittens is Stormageddon the Conqueror, who denies ever even knowing Miss Whiskers. So Mrs Weiss, tell us your side of the story."
Mrs Weiss looked very calm while looking at Gary as she said, "Well Gary, I saw Stormageddon the Conqueror pushing some very special catnip into my yard one day, if you know what I'm saying; hoping my little Miss Whiskers would start sniffing it... and when she did, that crazy male cat forced Miss Whiskers into some feline five minutes of heaven deal, and then bailed on taking responsibility for his offspring." Then an angry Ana yelled, "That is not true! Stormageddon the Conqueror is not some kind of player. He's a respectable business leader, philanthropist, music star, five star chef, and respected consultant with both the CIA and FBI! He is no player. However what this women is doing here is try to play the system and get some serious money from my family! Everyone knows my mom: Wednesday Addams here is loaded. You think this is the first time someone has tried to advantage of our family!" Gary then looked at Wednesday as he said, "Now Mrs Addams, thanks to the Netflix series based on your life, it is common knowledge now that you've made many enemies that have tried to harm you in your life. Do you think Mrs Weiss may secretly be attempting to be yet another in a long line of people attempting to hurt you and your family?"
Wednesday then glared directly at a nearby TV camera as she said, "Gary, I have been nearly killed by demons, came close to being transformed into a zombie, was nearly defeated by an army of sirens and lizard creatures, had my life almost taken by a dark alternate universe version of myself... and yet, the only true enemy I see to all humanity is you and this tabloid trash program I have regretfully put myself on." Gary chuckled, and then smiled to the camera as he said, "Guilty as charged." The audience of young adults all laughed loudly, and then began excitedly chanting, "Gary! Gary! Gary! Gary! Gary!" Meanwhile at the front of the audience, Enid and Megan sat together. Enid then glanced at Megan as she said, "You actually thought this would be a good idea!?" Megan looked guilty as she said, "His show always gets results. I'm sorry."
Meanwhile on stage, Mrs Weiss began putting on tears as she said, "I'm not here to be a bad woman. I'm a kind gentle lady who has an American flag planted firmly on her lawn, who always stands for the national anthem, believes in free speech, loves apple pie, and keeps a pocket copy of the US constitution in her purse at all times." The entire audience then immediately said, "Awwww." Ana made an angry look as she said, "Are you all crazy people!? Are you seriously showing us that all someone has to do is yell about how they love America, and suddenly almost no one believes they've ever committed a crime!?" Wednesday then leaned over to Ana as she quietly said, "Welcome to the senseless world of adulthood Ana."
Then Gary walked closer to the ladies as he said, "Now Ana, I'm sure it must be rough for you to have a cat so young suddenly become a parent." Then Ana casually said, "Oh, Stormageddon the Conqueror isn't as young as he looks. I simply give him cute pills that I obtained from the Secret Mystical Caves of Minnesota to keep him looking youthful and adorable." Gary then sat near Ana as he said, "Regardless... lets be completely honest here... are you not telling me your cat doesn't remotely look like Miss Whisker's kittens?" The nearby TV screen now showed a close up image of Ana's cat, next to an image of the kittens. An angry Mrs Weiss then pointed to the screen as she said, "Look at the noses! Look at the fur! Those are his kittens I tell you! His kittens!" Then Gary looked directly at Ana's cat as he said, "Now Stormageddon the Conqueror, you still claim you're not the father. Is that correct?" Ana's cat nodded his head while saying, "Rowr."
Then Gary tried to sound casual as he said, "Now I hear you actually have a steady girlfriend right now named Princess Snuggles. So if our DNA test reveals you are the father to Miss Whiskers' kittens, how do you think your girlfriend would feel?" Ana's cat then tilted his head down slightly as he nervously said, "Rowr." Then Gary made a little smile as he said, "Well Stormageddon the Conqueror, what would you say if I told you that your girlfriend: Princess Snuggles was backstage right now!?" Then Ana's cat suddenly looked worried as he said, "Rowr!?" Then a very nervous Ana said, "Hold on! You didn't tell us about this!" Then video footage appeared on the nearby TV screen of a white female cat standing backstage. Then Gary held out his arm as he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Princess Snuggles!"
Then the white cat: Princess Snuggles walked onto the stage, as most of the young adult audience jumped out of their seats and yelled, "Ooooohhhhhhhh!" Then the other female cat: Miss Whiskers jumped off Mrs Weiss' lap and stood on the stage. Princess Snuggles then angerly looked at Miss Whiskers as she yelled, "Rowr! Rowr!" Then Miss Whiskers turned her body to the side and calmly said, "Meow, meow. Meow, meooooow." Then Princess Snuggles immediately yelled, "ROWR!" Then Princess Snuggles immediately jumped at Miss Whiskers with her claws out. Miss Whiskers fought back, and soon both female felines were fighting each other across the stage. As security guards ran onto the stage trying to get between the two female cats, Ana looked worried while she yelled, "Stop it you two!" Wednesday meanwhile just looked disgusted as she turned her head away. However the young adult audience looked extremely excited, as they all started jumping up and down as they screamed, "GARY! GARY! GARY! GARY! GARY!" Then Gary simply turned to looked at the camera, smiling as he said, "Well how about that folks!? A real cat fight on our show! We'll come back to see how these crazy cats work things out... after the break."
Harmony was sitting in the admission office as she was still nervously facing Mister Glicker. Mister Glicker then glared at Harmony as she said, "I must say Harmony, you're checking all the boxes of what a student is supposed to say in these interviews... but I've also heard plenty of other students say the same thing. It's all phony talk they don't actually mean. For years now I've encountered overconfident students that think they can take on any challenge life has for them. However as soon as classes really begin, reality comes crashing down on them, and I have students in my office crying over the fact that they're failing every course they're in. What makes you different than all the other lazy dreamers I've encountered before?"
Harmony took a deep breath, and then looked directly at Mister Glicker's face as she said, "Sir... I can understand your reluctance to what might happen if I attend your college. It's obvious you see me as a wild card. You fear I may be someone trying to skate in on the title of equal opportunity, or just wanna play house in college. However, I ask you not to judge me based on fears and assumptions, but rather on what I vow I will do as a student here. I understand that in college, I will have to fend for myself as many unexpected challenges come my way. Yes, I will be married by the time I start classes here. However my wife will be busy being a student as well. Each of us will be enrolling in different majors. So we'll both be on different paths in which we will have to figure out unique solutions to unique difficulties all on our own. But I promise I will work as hard as possible to always work smarter and not harder at every challenge that comes my way. To quote my mother, Wednesday Addams: Instead of cutting off the hydra's head and having it attack you with two others, sometimes you have to try to strangle it little by little to truly defeat it."
Mister Glicker then looked surprised as he said, "Wait a minute. I thought the last name was just a coincidence, but... is your mother the Wednesday Addams?" Harmony looked a bit surprised herself as she said, "Yes. Is that a problem?" Mister Glicker smiled as he said, "Well, actually..." Then suddenly the two heard loud chanting through the walls. A confused Harmony then asked, "What's going on?" Mister Glicker groaned, and then said, "They rent out the school auditorium to just about anyone these days, and sometimes our guests forget this is still an operating school on Saturdays. Excuse me for a minute as I tell the people renting our space to quiet down a bit." Mister Glicker then left the room as a curious Harmony followed him.
In the TV studio, Gary looked at the TV camera as he said, "Welcome back folks. Now before we went to commercial break, Stormageddon the Conqueror's girlfriend: Princess Snuggles, and Stormageddon the Conqueror's alleged mistress: Miss Whiskers got into a tussle. Now, everyone has agreed to calm down until we give the DNA results. Now Stormageddon the Conqueror, if it is proven you are the father of these kittens, will you and your family promise to help give whatever money they need to be well taken car of?" Ana's cat closed his eyes, and then silently nodded his head. Ana meanwhile just sighed, and calmly said, "Whatever." Then Gary looked at Mrs Weiss as he said, "And Mrs Weiss... if Stormageddon the Conqueror is not the father, will your promise to let this controversy go?" Mrs Weiss sighed, and then said, "I suppose." Gary then opened up an envelope, and looked at a paper in it as he said, "Now then, according to our DNA test... in the case of Miss Whisker's litter of kittens... Stormageddon the Conqueror... you are not the father."
The entire young adult audience immediately yelled, "Ooooohhhh!" Mrs Weiss meanwhile looked angry as she yelled, "What!?" Ana at the same moment: jumped out of her seat and began to dance as she excitedly yelled, "I told you! Yeah! Whoomp! There it is! Whoomp! There it is!" Then Ana immediately began break dancing, twerking, and doing flips on the stage... while Wednesday turned her head away in shame. Mrs Weiss then angerly stood up as she screamed, "Arrgh! How dare that idiot guy at the DNA lab not falsify the results like I told him to!? How much does a woman have to bribe someone to get things her way!?" Everyone immediately began to quiet down, as a suddenly more concerned Wednesday said, "What did you say?" Mrs Weiss then looked furious as she said, "Errgh. After all these years I was finally going to get my revenge on the Addams Family by dragging their name into scandal, and draining their family's fortune in cat related bills. But instead, I have to settle for my backup plan!"
Then Miss Whiskers and her many kittens stood near Mrs Weiss as they began to loudly hiss. Mrs Weiss then yelled, "I call upon the ancient demon: Ahpuch, whom I sold my soul to! Transform your hell beasts into their true form to do my bidding!" Then Miss Whiskers and her kittens began to glow a dark red color. Then in an instant, all of Mrs Weiss' cats transformed into large red lions with fangs. Many members of the audience screamed and began to run away in terror. However Gary just smiled as he walked over to the lion beasts while excitedly saying, "My God, my ratings are about to go through the roof!" Then one of the lion beasts quickly pounced on Gary... and immediately began to eat him (with Gary screaming as he was eaten alive). Meanwhile Harmony and Mister Glicker walked into the room through a nearby door and immediately saw what was going on. Mister Glicker's eyes widened as he said, "I heard a TV show was going to use our school auditorium for something crazy this weekend... but nothing like this." Then a worried Harmony said, "Hold on. That's my family over there."
Meanwhile a confused Wednesday stood up, and glared at Mrs Weiss as she said, "Why are you doing this Mrs Weiss!? What did my family do to you?" Mrs Weiss glared at Wednesday as she said, "It's what you specifically did to me all those years ago that started this Wednesday Addams! You see Weiss is the name I took on when I married my late husband. However you knew me years ago under a different name... for I am your old mortal enemy... Amanda Buckman!"
Ana instantly gasped as she said, "Oh my gosh! She's... someone I don't recognize or know of." Wednesday looked very confused as she said, "Nor do I." The blonde woman: Amanda, looked angry as she said, "What do you mean you don't remember me!? You only ruined my childhood! Do I have to go through a series of flashbacks to remind you how you destroyed my life all those years ago Wednesday Addams!?" Then Ana raised her hand as she said, "Yes please!" Amanda rolled her eyes, and then said, "Well... it was over 25 years ago at Camp Chippewa..."
*Flashbacks to Long Ago:
Young Wednesday Addams was standing with her family on the first day of camp. A young Amanda walked over to Wednesday as she said, "Hi. I'm Amanda Buckman. Why are you dressed like that?" Wednesday glared at Amanda as she said, "Like what?" Then Amanda looked confused as she said, "Like you're going to a funeral. Why are you dressed like somebody died?" Wednesday had a deadly look in her eyes as she said, "Wait."
Days later during swimming lessons, the camp counselor looked at the campers as they said, "Now who wants to pretend to be the drowning victim, and who wants to be the life saver?" Amanda then excitedly said, "I'll be the victim!" Wednesday rolled her eyes as she said, "All your life." Amanda however kept a happy face on as she said, "I'm gonna be an actress." The camp counselor then said, "Brava! Now Amanda, jump in, swim out a few yards, and start drowning." Amanda then jumped into the water, and quickly began to pretend she was drowning as she said, "Help me! Help me! I'm drowning! Help me! I'm dying!" Then Amanda went under the water as a deadpan Wednesday said, "I can't swim." Then everyone began to get worried as Amanda disappeared under the water, and only bubbles could be seen coming up.
At the end of the camp season, the campers were performing a Thanksgiving play. As Wednesday stood on stage dressed as a Native American, she looked at Amanda and the other popular girls at camp (dressed as Pilgrims) while saying, "You have taken the land that is rightfully ours! Years from now, my people will be forced to live in mobile homes on reservations. Your people will wear cardigans and drink highballs. We will sell our bracelets by the roadsides. You will play golf and enjoy hot hors d'oeuvres. My people will have pain and degradation. Your people will have stick shifts." As the camp counselors tried to stop what Wednesday was doing, an angry Wednesday proclaimed, "The Gods of my tribe have spoken! They have said do no trust the Pilgrims... especially Sarah Miller." Then Wednesday turned to look right at Amanda in character as she said, "And for all these reasons, I have decided to scalp you, and burn your village to the ground." Suddenly many other campers joined Wednesday in attacking Amanda and her friends on stage, along with wreaking havoc on the camp. As fire was set to the stage, Amanda was tied to a wooden stake by Wednesday's allies, and even had an apple shoved in her mouth (while gasoline was poured near her feet). The adults could do nothing though as many campers shot arrows of fire at them (along with many other dangerous pranks). Then as fire and screaming surrounded her, Wednesday casually walked towards the tied up Amanda with a very calm face. Then as Amanda tried to scream through the apple in her mouth, Wednesday pulled out a match that was tucked in her hair, lit the match, held the match between her fingers for a moment as she smiled... and then threw the match at Amanda's feet.
In the present, adult Amanda yelled, "I got third degree burns on my legs, which destroyed any dreams I had to be a swimsuit model! Not that I'd want to get near the water anyway after nearly drowning because of you! Thanks to that traumatic event, I can never go to beaches or lakes or pools again! And when I went back to school right after camp ended, people found out I was wearing a wig after you scalped me, and I never recovered from that humiliation! From there, I lost all confidence in myself and lost every opportunity to find success. My entire life was ruined because you decided to make me your mortal enemy that summer!" Wednesday then looked at Amanda with a confused face as she said, "Honestly... I don't remember any of that. I've tortured more people that I've found repulsive than I can count. It's not that I doubt your claims. However the events you describe from our shared experience seem far too insignificant for my childhood mind to remember." Then tears of anger filled Amanda's face as she screamed, "I was too insignificant for you to remember!? Well, you'll certainly remember me now... when you spend the rest of your life burning in hell knowing I sent you there! Attack them my beasts!"
Amanda motioned to her multiple red lion beasts. The lion beasts then ran at Wednesday and Ana with their fangs out... but then suddenly Enid and Harmony (in werewolf form) jumped onto the stage and punched several of the lion beasts to the ground. They were immediately followed by Megan who fired an arrow from a crossbow at another beast. Wednesday and Ana then each took out swords they had been hiding behind their backs, while a glaring Wednesday said, "You may have wild beasts from hell, but I have something far more dangerous and deadly... my family!" Amanda looked angry as she yelled, "Get up my beasts!" Then as Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, Ana, and Megan stood together; Wednesday calmly said, "I've read of these beasts. They are simply phantoms from hell with no soul. They were never alive... so feel no inclination to hold back."
Then as Amanda stood tall and proud she yelled, "You cannot defeat my creatures that easily Wednesday Addams! These beasts are the former pets of Lucifer himself. There is no way you and your pathetic clan can stop..." However Amanda stopped talking as she suddenly realized Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, Ana, and Megan were already attacking her beasts... and within seconds the attacks of swords, claws, and arrows instantly caused all of the lion beasts to be torn apart to shreds. Amanda immediately fell to her knees scared, while Wednesday (covered in blood from the lion beasts) walked towards Amanda with her sword out. As Amanda began to cower in fear, Wednesday looked blankly at Amanda as she said, "I believe I do remember you now. Didn't you used to sell girl scout cookies in town when you were young?" A confused but still scared Amanda said, "Yes, I did." Then Wednesday held her sword up as she said, "Well... I think I'm finally ready to try some delicious girl scout cookies... made from real former girl scouts." Then Amanda closed her eyes as she screamed, "Aaaaahhhhhh!"
An hour later, police were on the scene taking statements from various individuals. As a normal looking Harmony was wiping some blood off her clothes, Wednesday walked over to her as she said, "I assume we interrupted your college admissions interview." Harmony sighed as she said, "Yeah, well... family comes first." Then suddenly Mister Glicker ran over to Harmony as he said, "Harmony, you were amazing just now! The way you fought against those beasts with such determination and strong will... you are certainly no slouch!" Then an excited Harmony asked, "So am I accepted into the school then?" Mister Glicker then happily said, "Of course. Although... if you had just told me your mother was the Wednesday Addams from the start of our interview, I would've immediately accepted your application. I mean... your mother and I do go way back." Wednesday then looked at Mister Glicker as she said, "Do I know you?" Mister Glicker smiled as he said, "Of course you do. Amanda isn't the only person you met at Camp Chippewa that never forgot you." Wednesday looked carefully at Mister Glicker's face for a moment... and then her eyes widened as she said, "Joel?" A confused Harmony then asked, "Who?"
*Flashbacks to Long Ago:
As a young Wednesday and Joel sat near a lake together at camp, Wednesday asked, "Are you really allergic?" Joel nodded as he said, "Uh huh. To almost everything." Wednesday rolled her eyes as she said, "No you're not." Then Joel calmly said, "Am too. I can't have dairy products, or wear wool, or drink fluoridated water. You know what happens if my mom uses a fabric softener?" A curious Wednesday then asked, "What?" Then Joel simply said, "I die." Then after a brief moment of silence, Wednesday found herself scooting towards Joel.
Near the end of the camp season - Wednesday and Joel faced each other through a fence as Wednesday said, "Joel, I may never see you again. There are forces tearing us apart. Gary, Debbie, seventh grade." Joel then longingly looked at Wednesday as he said, "I'll never forget you." A curious Wednesday then asked, "You won't?" Joel then looked longingly into Wednesday's eyes as he said, "You're too weird." Then as Wednesday held onto the fence she said, "We'll always have today... and Chippewa." Then a loving Joel said, "And this..." Then Joel held up a retainer as a curious Wednesday asked, "What is it?" A pleased Joel then said, "Amanda's retainer... cara mia..." Then a passionate Wednesday said, "Mon cherie..." Then Wednesday and Joel briefly kissed each other through the fence... and then quickly wiped their lips with their respective hands.
Months later, Wednesday and Joel sat in a cemetery together as Joel asked, "Wednesday, do you think like maybe some day you might wanna get married and have kids?" Wednesday simply looked at Joel with a cold look in her eyes as she said, "No." Then Joel innocently asked, "But what if you met just the right man who worshiped and adored you? Who'd do anything for you... who'd be your devoted slave... Then what would you do?" Then Wednesday looked at Joel with a blank look in her eyes as she said, "I'd pity him."
In the present, Wednesday looked at adult Joel with a confused face as she said, "Joel Glicker... I'm surprised to see you're still alive. I had assumed all this time you were dead since the last time I saw you: my uncle's late wife was trying to drag you into her grave with her." Joel smirked as he said, "Well, after Debbie was unintentionally turned into a zombie, she was able to pull me six feet underground... but I was able to crawl my way out a few days later." Wednesday then looked a bit uncomfortable as she said, "I... I didn't come back to check. I... I'm sorry." Joel smiled as he said, "It's okay. You know... you changed my life that summer we met Wednesday. I know we were never meant to be... but I just gotta say... no one in my life before or since has ever made me feel so alive and dead at the same time like the way you did that one special summer."
Then as Wednesday looked a bit guilty she said, "Well, I... I'm sorry that in my autobiography, I described Tyler as the first boy I ever kissed." Joel shrugged as he said, "Eh... it made for a more dramatic line when it was needed. That book and the TV show it spawned are amazing by the way. So... did you finally marry someone that worships you, adores you, and acts like your devoted slave?" Enid then walked past Wednesday as she said, "See you at home Wens-babe; and remember: family movie night is still on! And if you try skipping it, I am painting your finger nails with pink tar while you sleep!" As Enid walked away, Wednesday then turned to look right at Joel as she said, "My wife is indeed my worshiper, supporter, and devoted slave... but she is also my eternal torturer... which may have been the one missing alluring quality you lacked." Joel chuckled a bit, and then smiled as he said, "Never stop being yourself Wednesday." Joel then walked away, while Wednesday turned to look at Harmony (who had heard everything). Wednesday immediately glared at Harmony as she said, "Not a word of what you just heard to anyone." Harmony chuckled a bit, and then she turned around and walked towards Megan who cleaning herself up.
Suddenly Megan's parents: Max and Alicia, and Megan's brother: Edward rushed into the room. Alicia looked worried as she said, "We just heard what happened. Are you okay Megan?" Megan chuckled a bit, and then said, "Yeah, I'm fine. Relax mom. You know I've already lived through far worse attacks on my life than what happened here today. Besides, I had Harmony here with me. We got each other's backs for life." Harmony smiled as she said, "Yeah, and Megan has become pretty good with her crossbow skills thanks to my mother's self-defense classes." Alicia made a sigh of relief, and then said, "You're right. You're both about to become adults... and continuously have proven you're miraculous at defending yourselves." Then Megan casually asked, "So how has the day been for the rest of you?"
Then Max put an arm around Edward as he said, "Well... we got a great report from Edward's inclusion specialist. She said Edward has become extremely self-sufficient working at the school restaurant, and thanks to a good word from the principal of Nevermore Academy; a program and trust has already been put in place to keep Edward working at the school indefinitely, complete with room and board, even past graduation." Edward smiled as he said, "I make good paaaancakes forever!" A smiling Megan immediately hugged Edward as she said, "Edward, that's amazing. I'm so proud of you!" Then Megan turned to look at her parents as she said, "Wait. You say a trust has been put in place? How did that happen?"
Wednesday then suddenly walked towards the family (revealing she had overheard the conversation) as she said, "That was in part my doing. I influenced the school board to set aside funds in the school budget to ensure any of Edward's needs are looked after for the rest of his life by the school; or more specifically any staff hand-picked by the head of the school's security... which would be myself." Megan looked surprised as she asked, "You really mean it?" Wednesday looked at directly at Megan, and spoke directly as she said, "Megan, you are about to marry my daughter. That makes you family, and thus your brother by extension is now family as well; and if there's one thing those in the Addams Family value... it's looking out for family." Harmony looked happily surprised as she said, "Mother... you really did all that?" Tears appeared in Megan's eyes... and then she rushed over and hugged Wednesday as she said, "Thank you Mrs Addams." Wednesday simply stood looking uncomfortable as she said, "Please Megan, from here on out, just call me... ma'am."
Meanwhile at the same moment: Ana was sitting on the stage with her cat while saying, "Well we sure had a crazy day Stormageddon the Conqueror. You do know that I know you didn't cheat on your girlfriend, right? Everyone knows you're a responsible, loyal, and safe kitty." Ana's cat nodded his head as he said, "Rowr." Then the white cat: Princess Snuggles walked towards Ana's cat as she said, "Rowr." Ana then looked at Princess Snuggles as she said, "You okay after all that Princess Snuggles? I know you got really worked up after hearing all those lies said earlier." Then Princess Snuggles look at both Ana and her cat as she said, "Rowr, rowr, rowr." Ana looked surprised as she said, "Wait a minute. You were only over emotional because of some real news you got earlier. What news?" Princess Snuggles then pointed her front right paw at a small locket she was wearing. Ana carefully reached over, opened the locket, and then pulled out a small piece of paper folded in the locket. Ana gently unfolded the small piece of paper, looked carefully at it, and then smiled as she said, "This... this a note from Princess Snuggles' veterinarian that was printed this morning. According to this... it looks like Princess Snuggles... is pregnant! It looks like you're gonna be a father for real Stormageddon the Conqueror!" The eyes of Ana's cat immediately widened as he said, "ROWR!?"
That evening in her bedroom, Enid sat in an oversized pink shirt while a blanket lay over the bottom half of her body. Wednesday then walked into the room wearing a black sleeveless night gown, and began to get into bed with Enid. As a smiling Enid looked at Wednesday, she said, "Well... that was certainly quite a hectic day we had." As Wednesday looked at Enid with an emotionless face, she said, "We've had more hectic. However... the anger that fueled Amanda Buckman's heart today... it's caused me to realize that I may have far more enemies than I even realize Enid. Thus, it's only inevitable that a much more powerful enemy may attack me again one day... and put you and our family in their cross-hairs. So... if you wish to keep yourself safe, I would show no resistance if you and our children decided to go away for an indefinite period of time to..." Then Enid put a finger on Wednesday's mouth as she said, "Shhh. Don't talk like that Wednesday. I'm your wife... and our girls love you. No matter how tough things get, no matter how powerful the enemy is... we will always be by your side." Wednesday then looked straight into Enid's eyes as she said, "But the dreams I've been having recently... they've shown me an enemy that will indeed finally overpower me. If those dreams were indeed visions of the future..." Enid interrupted Wednesday again as she said, "Then if you get knocked down... you'll get right on up again... with a little help from this family... because no one can keep the Addams Family down for long."
Soon Ana (wearing just an over-sized purple shirt) and her cat entered the room. As Ana sat on the bed, she happily asked, "So when's movie night gonna begin?" A smiling Enid then said, "When Harmony and Megan get in here. So... I hear we're not gonna be the only parents living in this house soon?" Ana's cat then simply sat on the bed as he said, "Rowr." Ana made a little sigh while still smiling, and then said, "Well... in order to not be too far from his new family when they're born, Stormageddon the Conqueror is gonna be living with Princess Snuggles starting next Monday. She's already living with Duncan's cousin who is a very nice lady, and she also has a giant back yard big enough for a large family of cats, so I know they'll all be very happy together there. But we'll still see our feline buddy around often." Ana's cat then made a small smile as he said, "Rowr." Enid made a slightly sad sigh, but still smiled as she said, "Aww. You mean Stormageddon the Conqueror is gonna move out the same week as Harmony? Wow. Once Ana goes off to college, this house is going to become so quiet." Then a pleased looking Wednesday said, "Which means I'll finally get a great deal of writing done."
Then as a smiling Ana leaned back on the bed, she said, "Don't worry moms. I'll keep mooching off you two for as long as I can get away with it. Besides, me and Gerard are always looking for a spooky and ghost friendly place to hang out at, and this place is perfect for him." A confused looking Enid then asked, "Who is this Gerard you're talking about?" Ana's face suddenly blushed bright red as she said, "He's not my boyfriend! He's a boy, and he's a friend. But he's not my boyfriend!" Wednesday and Enid then both looked at Ana with concerned faces, while a nervous and blushing Ana turned her head away.
Suddenly Harmony and Megan entered the bedroom; as Harmony was still in her well dressed outfit from earlier, while Megan was in a more comfortable blue shirt and sweat pants. Enid looked excited as she said, "Hey you two. I was worried you were gonna miss this." As Harmony and Megan sat down in some nearby chairs, Harmony said, "Yeah, well... me and Megan were just spending the last few hours getting all our paperwork together for when we get our marriage license." A smiling Megan then said, "Plus, we finalized the seating arrangement with all the grandparents." Harmony then looked a bit stressed out as she said, "Although understanding the seating arrangements that Grandma Morticia recommended was very difficult to understand. She kept going back to Who is at Seat 1." A relieved Enid then said, "Finally! I'm not the only one that feels that way!"
Megan chuckled a bit, and then said, "Regardless, this means we are 99 percent ready for our wedding now... with the only thing we still haven't figured out is what our wedding song should be." Then an excited Ana said, "You know... Lady Gaga has so many great songs that work perfect for weddings. I mean, who wouldn't want to dance and sing to Telephone on their big day?" Harmony glared at Ana as she said, "Ana, we are not having the first thing we dance to as a married couple be a song that early on says: Are you breaking up with me?" Megan also glared at Ana as she said, "Yeah, you really need to drop this obsession you have with trying to get us to play Lady Gaga music at our wedding." Ana then glared back at Harmony and Megan as she said, "Hey! Lady Gaga music works great for any occasion! Just ask anyone who remembers the greatest Super Bowl halftime show ever made... or that time when I ignored my 5th grade music teacher and sang Just Dance in the middle of our school's Mary Poppins show. I mean I think we can all agree that my little rewrite of the musical made Chimney Sweep Number 5 the most amazing character that night, am I right?"
The End held up the television remote as she said, "Okay. Everyone, get comfortable. It's time for the movie." Ana then laid on her side on the bed, while Harmony and Megan sat on the floor in front of the bed. Ana's cat meanwhile sat in between Wednesday and Enid. As everyone looked at the television screen that was facing the bed, a smiling Enid said, "Here we go." Then the television screen was turned on... to an image of a pregnant Wednesday sitting in a chair near a window. A confused Harmony then asked, "Wait. Is that mother?" An intrigued Ana then said, "Actually, I think it's Jenna Ortega dressed up as mother! Ooo! Is this the second season of the Wednesday TV series!? I heard they already started filming it! Did Netflix send us an advance copy!? Aw man, this is one crazy twist to open the new season with!"
Enid chuckled as she said, "No, that's your mother when she was pregnant with you girls. For movie night: I edited together all of our old home movies. I wanted us to look back at our family over the last 18 years before you girls turn 18 tomorrow." Megan smiled as she said, "Aww. That's so nice." Ana meanwhile looked disappointed as she said, "Aww; I was hoping we were gonna watch Wednesday Season 2. God, how long is it gonna take for Netflix to finally deliver that second season to us!? It's taking forever!"
As everyone focused on the TV screen, they saw handheld footage of Enid holding her camera phone as she walked through the hospital hallway while saying, "Okay. I just stepped out to use the bathroom. Now lets check in on how Wednesday and the girls are." Then Enid with her camera phone walked into the hospital room... to see Wednesday holding her newborn twin children... with tears in her eyes. A surprised Enid zoomed in on Wednesday's face as she said, "Wednesday... are you crying?" With tears still in her eyes, Wednesday glared at the camera as she said, "No." Meanwhile in the bedroom, everyone but Wednesday began laughing; while Wednesday just rolled her eyes.
The movie eventually showed footage of baby Harmony and Ana crawling around on the floor. Baby Ana then picked up a plastic knife, and then began hitting a toy clown with it as she said, "Stab, stab!" As Wednesday watched the movie in bed, she began to look impressed as she said, "Ana's form was definitely beyond her years early on." Then more clips of Harmony and Ana growing up passed. Eventually: footage of Harmony and Ana played that featured them at five years old using crossbows to shoot at a large pumpkin. After the two both shot arrows that hit the pumpkin, an excited little Harmony yelled, "Yay! We hit William Tell Pumpkin Head!" Then footage played of little Harmony and Ana dancing around Wednesday, while Enid could be heard saying, "Come on Wens. Dance with our kids." Wednesday looked at the camera with a straight face as she said, "No."
Then video footage appeared of young Harmony and Ana in straight jackets trying to free themselves. As Wednesday walked by the two, Harmony looked at her mother while saying, "Mother! It's been two hours! Can you please help us get free from these things!?" Then Wednesday looked at her daughters with a blank expression as she said, "No." Then Wednesday casually walked on. Then video footage appeared of young Harmony and Ana dressed in t-shirts, shorts, and baseball caps. Ana then looked at the camera as she said, "What do you think of our Halloween outfits?" A confused Enid (behind the camera) said, "I don't get it. You're both just dressed like regular kids." Then a smiling Harmony said, "I'm not dressed up like a kid. I'm dressed up like an adult having a mid-life crisis who is trying to recapture their youth by dressing up as a kid." Then a grinning Ana said, "And I'm a homicidal maniac. They all look like normal people on the surface."
Then video footage appeared of young Harmony and Megan sitting together at a picnic table. As present day Harmony and Megan watched, the two held hands as a smiling Megan said, "Aww. It's our first unofficial date we had." Then Harmony glanced at Enid as she said, "Mom, it's sort of cute you were spying on us during our first time together alone... but you didn't secretly record us on a bunch of our future dates, did you?" Enid immediately pressed the skip button on the remote, while nervously saying, "No. Why would you ask that? That would sound creepy."
Then video footage on the TV screen showed young Harmony and Ana laying in bed hugging Wednesday. A sick looking young Harmony said, "Uggh. So sick from ice cream." As Wednesday made a glaring look, she said, "That's what happens you overindulge." Then a sick looking Ana said, "But how was I supposed to know Rocky Road would give me a rocky stomach!?" Then as Wednesday put her arms around her children, she said, "Don't worry my children. I shall remain all night here with you... to witness this enjoyable pain you're experiencing."
More clips from the lives of Wednesday and Enid's children continued for the next hour. Everyone except Wednesday laughed many times, as Enid happily kept her eyes glued on the presentation... while Wednesday constantly either looked nervous at what was on the screen, or glared at the candid events being shown. As the movie neared it's end, a tired Ana slowly fell asleep. Megan also began to slowly fall asleep as she rested her head on Harmony's shoulder. As the movie neared it's conclusion, a smiling Harmony chose to close her eyes (while holding Megan's hand). Ana's cat eventually sat down on a pillow and began to fall asleep. Soon Wednesday and Enid were the only ones awake.
Enid then snuggled next to Wednesday, with her body facing Wednesday's side. As Wednesday and Enid looked at their family, a curious Enid said, "Wednesday?" Wednesday kept a calm expression as she said, "Yes?" Enid then hesitantly asked, "Do... do you ever wonder how our lives could've gone differently?" Wednesday then turned her head so she could look directly into Enid's eyes... and after a moment of silence, Wednesday opened her mouth, and with complete sincerity Wednesday said, "Never." Enid smiled, and then both married women kissed each other right before they began to sleep alongside the rest of their family.
...or maybe not...
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Wednesday Addams was in a dark place, as her eyes widened while saying, "My God. This is the moment I foresaw." Then Wednesday turned around and saw a dark figure in a dark cloak run at her with a sword out. Wednesday immediately pulled out her own sword (which she had concealed behind her back), and tried to block the other individual's sword with her own. Wednesday and the dark figure tried to hit the other with their sword, as several swings and clashes were made. However at one point, the two found their strength evenly matched as they pushed their swords up against one another. Then the dark figure moved one of their feet and kicked Wednesday to the ground. As Wednesday looked up at the dark figure, she heard a voice beneath the cloak say, "How does it feel Wednesday Addams... to finally be completely defeated by the last person you ever expected to overpower you!?" Wednesday then glared at the figure as she said, "Who are you?" Then just as the figure began to take off the hood of their cloak... Wednesday suddenly woke up in bed. Wednesday quickly sat up and saw her family laying asleep around her. As Wednesday put her hand over her beating heart, she closed her eyes... just as tears began to escape from them. With a look of total fear on her face, Wednesday began to cry as she opened her mouth and whispered, "God... I know me and you aren't on the best terms... but please... I'm not ready for it all to end. Not yet. Please... not yet..."
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Next Week: No jokes, no silly scenes, no comedic moments, nothing light-hearted. Next week... it's WEDNESDAY VERSUS HELL... PART 1
*Pictures 1 and 2 by: @annietheartsyartist (made partially with AI)
*Final Picture by: @emeriart
20 notes · View notes
mann-walter · 6 months
I Strongly Dislike the Concept of Palpatine as Naturally Evil
I am a Palpatine fan because I like how fun he is on-screen being evil (largely due to Ian McDiarmid’s acting and the overall shallowness of the characters in the movies), but forty-something years after the Emperor (and I like him called that way better than “Emperor Palpatine”) first graced the screen, I do feel tired of the same tricks played over and over again, that Palpatine is basically a male evil witch. I’ve long been a supporter of a deeper dive into Palpatine the person as a solution to this fatigue. We don’t have to have a formally Palpatine-centric major story (i.e. something on-screen), just something explaining his personal philosophy a little deeper would be welcome. Sadly, I do think such a project is unforeseeable in the near future because there’s a shift in vision.
In Lucas’ era (pre-2013, let’s just say), Palpatine is incredibly evil but there are still gapes of humanity within him, there even—as some visual guides, interviews, and novels would indicate—an attempt to build some type of “molding the world according to what I see as good” character with him starting in the Prequels years up to 2012. As a digression, I do find this concept coupled with his pursuit of power fascinating, “he is selfish, but” but “he is for progress, but”. A rather brain-tickling fictional fellow if executed correctly. But, and I do sense it becoming more and more evident, the idea has never been advanced since. There’s a prevailing concept of Palpatine as naturally the personification of evil nowadays.
On a more laughable basis, I don’t like the concept because it prevents my favorite character from being something much more interesting through character study pieces or simply by not being always relegated to the role of Final Boss in a Popular American Sci-Fi Franchise. On a deeper note, I think that the core message of Star Wars is choices between doing the right or wrong things. The story of Anakin’s redemption is ultimately that, his fall too though within more complicated circumstances. Ben Solo made the decision to emulate his idealized grandfather, and so on. I do think it would be unfair to suddenly enact extreme predestination on one guy to be evil (but how does “the will of the Force” work, does it set a rigid roadmap for everything?). And more, it would erase the profundity of his evilness so much if you think about it.
See, you have this man right here, he is incredibly evil, billions suffer because of this single human being. But then you find out that he has a severe, undeniable urge to maim, to destroy, to oppose all authority, value, and system, to play God whatever the cost, all for his own natural satisfaction. I do think there could be arguments for him not fully out of his mind, intelligent and educated enough to know norms and values, and there are steps to prevent natural predispositions to become harmful, but I personally would be a little less harsh toward such characters compared to characters who without any internal or external pressure choose evil freely. This relates to accountability, how much can we attribute to his free will?
I like my villains soberly choosing evil. (this doesn’t mean I sideline the “nurture” factor or the more complex “nature” reasoning, only that I hold them to some extent lesser of a consideration when judging). If he is evil out of his own free will, the question would be “Why?” which would be answered with a multitude of interesting personal history, cultural influences, and beliefs, making the character interesting. Let’s compare that to a scenario where Palpatine is naturally evil. You ask “Why?” and the answer you’ll get is akin to “It is how it is”, which is an incredible bore for me. The more freely the person chooses evil, the better for me.
So, yeah, I don’t like Palpatine fixed as the Dark Side incarnate. I like him incredibly evil but still very much human. Note, I do not see his pursuit of power as something inhuman, it is terrifyingly human, but maybe couple it with something else (needn’t be redeeming or sob-story-ish). Or maybe, let him mature into the incredible evil with nearly all of his humanity absent. I can totally enjoy that, as long as it’s not him being born evil.
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also, so, okay, so i'm working on a game project right now, right? i generally don't really talk about wips because deeply ingrained into my personality is "hey don't brag about stuff you haven't done yet", b/c i think that's... profoundly self-aggrandizing and i don't like it. and if it's not self-aggrandizing then it's marketing and i also don't like that. and given my track record with finishing projects i feel like anything i work on is likely to never see the light of day.
but i probably should try to, you know. talk about what i'm actually doing to some extent b/c that helps me get my thoughts in order
so i have this whole rendering & worldgen system that i'm mostly satisfied with, & i was thinking about the primary Mechanical Loop in the game being basically identical to 'the new hive': yr in a desert town, you go out to scavenge parts from various ruins, you return to town to fix stuff up. sometimes this is from people's requests and sometimes it's for stuff for your own use. sometimes, when you return to town some stuff is happening and there's plot & story developments. sometimes, you go out in the desert with other people and there's stuff to do when you camp for the day.
mostly what i am thinking about is a game that is deeply involved in, like, the day-to-day. in 'the new hive' the camping thing was mostly just the place to put your daily tfs and your sex scenes, but in this i think it'd be really neat to have a little cooking minigame, or like, various card games, and while you're doing either of those you're also talking to whoever you're with to get character interaction stuff. i really liked breath of fire 3 & 4 and a game that's all about the campfire scenes would be great.
maybe there's even system-driven stuff, like, there were sandstorms in 'the new hive' and for this i've been thinking about like, sandstorms and acid rain (there's an equatorial ocean of acid so along the coasts there's genuine highly-acidic rainfall) and how that would influence camping. you gotta set up the tent all the time, but now you also gotta set up some sand screens or a waxed & oiled tarp overhead to limit the weather effects! maybe you have to bunker down at camp for a few days due to weather problems and that kinda introduces other things. stuff like that.
i have a loose design for an overly-complicated "crafting system" that's kinda block-based, in that things have recipes like 'needs 1x sturdy element, 1x sharp element, & 1x binding element' and then you have items like "cord: binding/-50% repair cost" and "glue: binding/+10 durability", and so a crafted item is kind of the composite of all the various modifiers involved in crafting it, but then also each item is actually some kinda tetramino-shaped chunk and you get some 6x6 crafting grid or w/e and you have to physically fit all the ingredients together, and that would also determine which materials could be used together. this would probably also how the cooking system would work. codewise, not that difficult to make, but in terms of "thinking up plenty of different resources that have novel variations" design, it's kinda more difficult. also that might be too fiddly? i don't exactly want to drown the player in mechanics.
anyway you would still be able to fuck weird monsters but it might be more towards the 'fade to black' end of the spectrum than '8k word sex scene about taking a giant monster knot'. but it's all barely more than concepting at this point
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savrenim · 7 months
so for those who have been following our chronicles of Holy Fuck Not A Week Has Gone By Without Something Going Terribly Wrong, we had a pipe burst which cost $2300 to fix and handle the water damage before mold set in, and then the plumber found another corroded pipe and pressure problems that will be $1400 to fix to make sure this doesn't happen again in a month. at this point I'm just flat-out not going to make it through the summer without some serious help. 
(for those of you who have not: I am the sole reliable source of income in my household, my previous job broke the contract it negotiated with the union resulting in us not getting thousands of dollars of backpay we contractually should have and a class action lawsuit there will take years, we ran into $5000 unexpected extra moving costs, and my beloved 18-year-old cat nearly died last month resulting in $3600 vet bills. before. you know. a pipe burst last week.) 
we never filled up the ko-fi fundraiser goal from last year, which is pinned here: https://ko-fi.com/savrenim. any help would be VASTLY appreciated. I'm fairly certain if I make that goal and manage to negotiate for more overtime at my current job I'll be able to make it through the summer. any bit helps.
I've also got a patreon https://www.patreon.com/savrenim although that's going to be a bit choppy with respect to what I usually try to do monthly there just given my mental health right now and everything I'm trying to juggle. If you're interested in my writing, I'm going to try to throw together some of the stuff I already have to try to self-publish an original novel before summer as one last hail mary.
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scarabjewels · 1 month
Jack and the Cuckoo-clock Heart: I Truly Think The Movie "fixed" The Book
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As a follow up to my first post, THE DIFFERENCES
This is the second part.
Book and Movie: Madeleine was Jack's greatest love after all.
*The fix: Madeleine never betrayed him
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Madeleine sort of broke the third rule for Jack already by adopting him fully, she was his mother and by default because of her caring and nurturing nature , his love for her inevitably came before falling in love with Acacia. In the movie, his foster mother's words and her presence influenced every decision he ever made in his life. When he came back home to Edinburgh to get a new heart as the result of him breaking the three rules, he learns of her death and ultimately it breaks his heart. That was the last straw to the failure of his heart. I preferred his beautifully tragic death as it was poetic justice.
In the book, the premise is the same, but the outcome different. The movie took Madeleines death as the final blow, but in the book, the truth and her death caused him to outgrow his mother, through destroying his cuckoo clock heart. He loved her but it doesn't negate the fact that she robbed him of a normal life, because she wanted to shield him from the world. She was his greatest love, and it costed the death of his old heart, the failure of his first love and a Don Quixote journey that never met a happy ending, but lead to a new beginning, a new heart, a fresh start as a new Jack.
Book and Movie: The dialogues between the stories were almost verbatim, yet somehow evoked a different outcome.
The fix: They were straight to the point
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It's like the movie and the book were the same stories in alternative universes. Not much was changed, in fact a lot were kept the same, it was just cut short for the sake of the time, as a novel is different from a movie, much less in animated one.
Book and Movie: Acacia’s tendency to lash out
*The fix: Acacia’s thorns and slightly fleshed out character and background.
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She is very feisty. In the book, she was probably even more. What I do appreciate is that tje thorns symbolize protection, Acacia went through traumatic experiences and is all alone. She would likely have to protect her self from harm. Honestly, her reactions in the movie are understandable, especially when Jack snuck in her dressing room. She is much more level headed in the movie, and even kinder, to everyone too.
In the book, she was portrayed as having self-worth issues and is easily offended. She had "surprisingly" low self-esteem, said Jack. She would be very wishy-washy and clear commitment issues. I am glad that her feistyness was geared from a place of trauma that the audience was able to sympathise with her and that we got to know her, other than Jack's dreamy fairy.
Book and Movie: It was revealed that Jack and Acacia were each other's first love
The fix: It was revealed earlier than the book
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My issue with book is that they revealed it on an argument about Joe. It made her trust with Jack break unfortunately, and it was probably exactly why it was like that in the book. They were destined to love but not commited, as well as the movie, but shown in a realistic tumultuous toxic relationship.
In the movie, Jack pursued her, and as much as Acacia is attracted, she admits she is in love with someone else. Later, he found out he was her first love and did reveal it after. The exchange of why he didn't reveal it any earlier is much more believable, out of fear. But they did work it out and started to share more of each other. They were impulsive lovers but loved each other genuinely, and both were mature for their age. Communicative and honest.
Book and Movie: Jack ripping his heart
The fix: It was actually dangerous
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Yeah. The book really told us it was placebo. It made the build up so bad in the end. The graphic details were spared in the movie but Jack limping as he went back home made up for it. Thank you movie for making it an actual heart and not a f*cking placebo.
Book and Movie: Jack's biological mother was a young mom who abandoned Jack
The fix: She loved her child
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The book mom was described to be really young, and did not even want to see Jack after she gave birth to him. The movie made her much more sympathetic and caring, she obviously loved the child but had no means to support him. She actually held him in the movie which was sweet.
Book and Movie: The Jack Ripper Train Chase
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The weird Jack the Ripper scenes that I still DO NOT UNDERSTAND
A comment in a video essay about the film said it was supposed to represent Jack's fear of becoming like the infamous killer, but even with context from the book, I felt so lost. It was so random.
The lines the killer said about how he will now learn how to survive on his own, I sort of understand. It's just that it was not really a necessary scene in any way. I even think Melies could have told him about living on his own. It was weird and I don't understand it in any way.
Book and Movie: The steampunk elements
The Fix: turned up to Maximum
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Yep, I especially like the boat instead of the carriage. The visual is admittedly VERY BIZARRE. Moons with faces, harmonic train, circus "freaks", insane rollercoasters. In the book, the detailed sceneries and characters felt drab compared the visuals of the movie but I did wish The Extraordinarium didn't feel too much of a desert. It was more lively and Spainesque in the book. Otherwise, the train station and music video like scenes made up for more than enough.
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siren-nate · 2 months
Metroid Dread review
I've now played through Dread twice, on both Normal and Hard difficulty. I'm probably gonna take a crack at Dread difficulty just for fun but I doubt I'll get far, the furthest I'll probably make it is Escue. So, I think I can pretty confidently gather my thoughts on it and review it unbiased.
From a gameplay standpoint... yeah, this is the best 2D Metroid. No surprises there. It's the most recent, so it has the most quality of life improvements. I think it's a bit unfair to say that too loudly because all prior 2D Metroids offer experiences that Dread doesn't, and the only game anywhere near to it in modernity is Samus Returns.
What I find interesting is that a lot of clever additions are very similar to ideas that the Prime series had, the chief among them being Storm Missile. It's a thing with Metroid games that by the time you have over a hundred missiles, every new pack you pick up feels like just a drop in the bucket, especially in Fusion where super missiles are a straight upgrade to all missiles rather than a separate weapon. Prime fixed this issue with the addition of Charge Combos. What are you gonna use all these hundreds of missiles on? Expensive specialty weapons that deal a LOT of damage in exchange for guzzling down your missiles much faster than normal use, that's what.
Dread has basically the exact same concept in the Storm Missile. It's the boss-melter of the game, you will use it on every single tough enemy or boss fight after you get it, especially since it pierces electrical shields when most of your arsenal doesn't. The trade-off is that one full use of it costs fifteen missiles and the actual damage-per-missile is much lower than Super or Ice missiles, so it's trading efficiency for raw DPS. It's a very good addition to the formula that kind of reimagines the whole Missile/Super Missile dichotomy in the earlier games.
Aside from that, though, most of the new additions are a bit underwhelming. A lot of them are just new midgrades between the start and established upgrades - the Spin Boost is a one-time Space Jump, the Diffusion Beam has been reimagined as a weaker Wave Beam, etc. I don't hate these, since they do mean that Dread has the longest and most involved journey towards getting stronger, and you really start to feel it. It's especially noticeable when you finish the game once and start again.
But in terms of actual fully new stuff, the only things that really come to mind are the Storm Missile, the Flash Shift, and the Cross Bomb, and... nobody gives a shit about the Cross Bomb. You use it to get like three items in the entire game and you get it about a stone's throw from the final boss, which is bizarre when it's really not that special or combat-useful (Unless you're a cracked-out speedrunner since rapidly laying them can do more damage than beam spam against the final boss).
On top of that, even Metroid staples from prior games in the series are hit or miss. Ice Missiles have been relegated to basically just doing slightly more damage than Super Missiles and opening up some enemies for an easy one-hit-kill follow-up by parrying them to shatter them. You never use it to ascend frozen enemies; the closest thing to it is when you freeze temporary platforms so they last longer under your feet, which is basically only used in a single room in the game. It's not a huge deal, but it just feels like such a disservice; the Ice Beam in the very first Metroid was one of the most novel and interesting ideas it had by letting you turn obstacles into something useful for vertical traversal. It's been a mainstay in every single 2D game even after being swapped over to missiles rather than a beam weapon, and here it's just flat-out not a factor in the game that ends the overarching Metroid and X-parasites plot started all the way back in the first game.
One thing I am not disappointed in however is the Speed Booster and Shinespark. I don't think I can overstate how much I love them in this game; you can slide, you can walljump to instantly go the other direction while keeping your speed, you can walljump multiple times consecutively to ascend without needing to store your Shinespark and then Space Jump upwards- combine it with Flash Shift, which is a fantastic addition to your movement kit, and Metroid Dread has breathtaking levels of schmovement that make me feel like a fucking ninja.
Going back to what I talked about before, the unique experience that this game offers is the EMMIs, and... yeah, they really are the identity of this game. They're pretty well-utilized, but I have multiple big gripes with them. For starters, the number of them feels... fake. There's seven of them, right? Except, actually, there's six, because the last one gets killed in a cutscene. Of those six EMMIs, three of them are basically tutorials; the first one can't climb, the second one can't go through small spaces, so it takes until the third one before you finally get to a fully-functioning baseline one. But it's alright, because that still means there's three EMMIs with unique abilities... two of whom inexplicably shut off their unique abilities for the final confrontations with them.
On top of that, I absolutely HATE the parry system for EMMIs. For those who don't know, their parry timing is 1) completely randomized, 2) frame-perfect, and 3) impossible to see coming. What I mean by that last one is, you cannot see the tell and then parry, even if you're a supercomputer; you have to anticipate it. Any one of these things would be difficult to deal with. Any two of these things would be extremely difficult - but I still wouldn't mind it because EMMIs are supposed to be the most dangerous thing in the game and parrying is an absolute last resort. But all three means it is literally just pure fucking luck whether you manage to parry an EMMI. You can't anticipate it because it's random, you can't react fast enough to parry after you see the flash, and the ungodly levels of precision required means there's absolutely no wiggle room. It's a complete roll of the dice. I'm not mad that it's too difficult, I'm mad because why even give me the option at all if it's an utter RNG check? Why not just have the EMMI kill me when it catches me and send me back?
But my biggest issue with the EMMIs is that the level design of their zones isn't always great. Dread has a big issue with linearity at times where what seems like multiple paths is really just a long hallway with a lot of locked doors that you're going to open in a very specific order, and it's at it most grating with the EMMI zones. Running from them is at its best when you have multiple routes to take, scrambling and doubling back while the killer robot is steadily chasing you down trying to flank you and find your position. That's exhilarating and fun. But there are a few occasions where the game basically locks you in a hallway with the EMMI between you and the exit, and trying to figure out how the fuck to get around it without touching it so you can progress becomes a lot more frustrating than exhilarating because there's literally no room for error.
This is compounded by how the Phantom Cloak is an utterly worthless upgrade in every way that should never have been added to the game. You never know where an EMMI is unless it's near enough to you to be a major threat, so you have no idea when you should use this thing to avoid detection - if it's close enough that you know for certain, it's already detected you and the cloak isn't useful anymore.
Like, which would you rather do: sprint and Flash Shift and Grapple Beam through the zone as quickly as possible, doing your best to stay out of its line of sight so the doors don't lock, OR use the thing that grinds your movement speed to a halt in exchange for five free seconds of not being detected, and then either turns off or starts draining your health so you can get instakilled by the first enemy you run into after escaping the zone? The Phantom Cloak only becomes more superfluous when you reach the final EMMI, which can detect you no matter where you are on the map - there's absolutely no point in putting the cloak up to build some distance, because no amount of distance will keep it from getting on your tail again.
I think what would have made the EMMIs better is if there were no locked doors or upgrade-checks in their zones. It's just you, a maze, and a killer robot somewhere inside, and you have to go through there if you want to make progress by reaching other areas that the zone connects to. To add to that, don't even tell me when it's hearing me, or nearby on the minimap. I want to have no idea if it's following me or not other than the sound of its movements getting steadily louder. I want that absolutely terrifying uncertainty.
That's about all I have to say on the gameplay front. When reviewing something, I like to try to condense my critique into one highest praise and one lowest criticism. The highest praise for Dread would basically just be "This is the most modern 2D Metroid game, of course it's going to be the most fun to play because it has the least irritations", even if I think the EMMIs needed more work. My lowest criticism would be... God, like, most things about the story?
Nintendo doesn't tend to tell complex stories with their big franchises. Metroid is the big exception. Yes, even if the 2D games never get as complex as the Prime games because the Prime games have the luxury of scanning lore, the last four games have set up as many interesting pieces as they've closed the book on, and Fusion ESPECIALLY left some intrigue with there being corruption in the Federation and the existential threat of the X-parasites. Dread... never talks about the corruption in the Federation. It's literally not even addressed. I don't give a shit if this was a mistranslation of the original Japanese in Fusion saying that it was a specific "splinter", that's just throwing away free intrigue in your plot and it's a massive waste.
Raven Beak is the weakest Metroid villain, full-stop. His entire motivation is "I am a warlord who wants to clone Metroids to conquer the universe", which means he's effectively just Mother Brain with a new coat of paint slapped on top and without even the interesting jealous characterization she gets in the Zero Mission manga. Yes, he slaughtered his own kind, and even fed traitors of his own clan to a monster in a ritualistic execution, but making a villain ruthless does not automatically make them interesting. It doesn't even automatically make them intimidating; Raven Beak spends the entire story talking himself up and sucking his own dick, then gets merc'd in the same game he debuts in after beating Samus twice exclusively by teleporting to grab her in cutscenes.
Introducing the Mawkin as a distinct faction from the Thoha was a mistake because it completely robs the idea of an evil Chozo of any weight. Oh, yeah, these are the bad Chozo who just care about war and conquering and physical prowess. All of those other Chozo are still saints who just made a mistake when they created the Metroids, don't worry.
Everything about Raven Beak is missed potential. An evil Chozo who takes Samus's ideology of "peace will come to the galaxy only when evil is vanquished" to the extreme? Who wants to see the legacy of the Chozo's projects like Metroids preserved, rather than eradicated and forgotten? Who creates the monster that is his undoing by allowing Samus to live and grow her Metroid powers, exactly as Ridley not finishing the job on K2-L eventually resulted in Samus killing him? There are so many interesting things you could do with Raven Beak, and Metroid Dread does none of them. He's just The Remorseless Guy Who Wants To Conquer. It's a crying fucking shame.
Even aside from him, the game introduces a friendly Chozo - a living, breathing member of the people who raised Samus and molded her into the hero she is and have been the linchpin of the entire greater universe of the franchise - so that he can dump exposition for one cutscene and then immediately be killed off. I timed it: Quiet Robe got to be a part of the Metroid canon for four minutes and forty-five seconds before he was killed. It's hilarious how clumsy and forced it is.
And this isn't even getting into the bottomless well of plot holes and unanswered questions in the game's story that piss me off more the more I think of them.
How did Kraid get to ZDR? If you're going to give us fanservice this loud and blatant, fucking explain how it happened. Are you telling me that - for SOME reason - the Mawkin showed up on Zebes during Samus's final mission there, captured Kraid, left without taking any of the Metroids just laying around, and then locked him up in their basement? Why???
Why do the X-infected Chozo soldiers still seem to be following Raven Beak's command? This one's not concretely spelled out, but the final, gold one seems to be specifically acting to guard Raven Beak. Either that or it's just a coincidence that the strongest one is right before the final boss fight with him.
Why doesn't Samus just continue shooting Raven Beak when he lifts her up by the neck? I get that the Metroid powers are talked up as the deadliest and most dangerous ability Samus has ever wielded, and maybe she didn't want to risk using them unless she could get him by the head, so grabbing his arm was out of the question. But if he's out of her reach, she still has a perfectly good arm cannon that she used for both confrontations she had with him. I'm already suspending my disbelief for the sake of him being able to choke her to death through a suit of powered armor, game - can you just have him grab her arm cannon with the same hand to pin it to her side, or something?
Why didn't the X leave ZDR when they had the chance? The entire impetus of the ending of Fusion is Samus realizing that "X-parasite with the knowledge of a pilot" + "Working starship to escape" = the end of galactic civilization as the X spread from planet to planet faster than she can contain them. Quiet Robe outright states that every single Mawkin Chozo was infected - even if they were ALL contained to Elun, are you telling me NONE of them were pilots despite traveling to and from SR388? Is Raven Beak the only pilot in the entire Mawkin civilization? We see ships in the background of Hanubia, like, at least four or five of them. Why didn't the X leave when they had the chance if their only instinct is to spread and grow their numbers?
Follow-up: Where did those ships go during the escape sequence? Were they all destroyed when shit started blowing up? If not, and the X fled the exploding planet when they had the chance, how the hell is the next game going to happen with only one Samus and 4-5 ships full of X beginning their spread to different planets? Exactly how dangerous do you want me to think the X are, Metroid? Is them getting loose a doomsday scenario for the entire galaxy or not? Make up your fucking mind!
In summary - the plot of this game is a bottomless well of missed potential. My friend Lilith has told me all about better ideas where instead of Samus gaining her power-ups from EMMIs, she fights other non-infected Mawkin who are still loyal to Raven Beak and using their own Chozo power suits, which would have been incredibly fucking sick. Samus being forced to grapple with the fact that evil really is everywhere in the galaxy, even in the Chozo who played a part in raising her? Fighting this shadow of herself, this monster she could become if she goes off the deep end in her desire to bring peace to the galaxy by fighting the battles civilians shouldn't have to?
But even putting aside how these base elements could have been used better, what we did get is riddled with plot holes and an incredibly inconsistent overall threat level regarding the X-parasites. There are good elements to the story, don't get me wrong, but it's 90% flash and 10% substance. Yes, it's cool that Samus gets Metroid powers when everyone and their grandmother wanted that to happen since the end of Fusion, and the sheer cinematic scale of the Metroid Suit is unbelievably kickass - but it has no weight without a villain that I can get invested in stopping. And I don't accept "No Metroid villain has been that deep" as an excuse, because A) like I said, Mother Brain and Ridley got some pretty interesting characterization in the manga, and B) that doesn't mean things can't improve. Dread improved a lot, but it didn't improve the story.
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tiny-space-whale · 8 days
I know this isn't a novel concept, but I dont recall ever hearing it framed this way:
I think, like climate change, our society has shifted suicide prevention to an individual responsibility when the causes are systemic. Like, maybe more people would want to keep existing if we weren't constantly making it miserable to do so.
My survival is tied to my accumulation of a made-up number. I have to give a large portion of that number to people who already have an incomprehensibly big number, just for the privelege of staying alive and existing somewhere that isn't a tent or a prison. In order to make the number go up, I have to perform labor, at great cost to my time, energy, mental faculties, stress levels, life expectancy, to name a few things (all of which are Real Things and NOT made-up like the number is). For access to a method of getting to the place where I'm allowed to sacrifice myself to make the go up, it has to go down first (sometimes unpredictably, like if my car breaks down or if I get a parking ticket, which is another source of stress). And if I'm lucky I'll end up with a bit extra so I can choose between spending time at some special place of fun or relaxation where they will lock me up or threaten me with force if I do not make my number go down while I am there (which I try not to think about while having fun or relaxing).
My point is that it's just like how the narrative shifted to making the individual person the problem with trash and pollution. That YOU'RE at fault and YOU need to fix it. Recycle. Don't leave your car idling. Unplug your phone charger. Buy an EV. Never mind that 90% of carbon emissions come from 90 corporations. Never mind that the majority of ocean trash is commercial fishing industry waste.
They've done the same thing with mental health. So it's YOUR responsibility to get help about what's wrong with YOUR brain that makes you feel this way. When the reason so many of us are sick of existing is because it simply is not enjoyable to continue doing so under these conditions. And the conditions are a systemic issue that those with power to fix... don't.
If they don't end the state of misery soon, I will.
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goldenteaset · 11 months
What in Hell is Bad? (Belated) First Impressions
...AKA "This Hole Was Made For Me (But Oh God There Are Worms In Places)" XD;
Before I get into this, let me preface by saying I love otome games and have never played a Tower Defense game before. That is to say, I'm intrigued by the gameplay but am still in the "learning curve". With that settled, some bullet point'd impressions!
I've only able to actually play properly since yesterday, when all the crashes were finally fixed. (I do hope they fix the shop for the people who want to pay, though)
The quiz at the start immediately got me hyped! I knew I'd be having fun when I got to the "You've been trapped in an Angst Novel as a side character" question and one of the answers was "Create a 21+ romance out of it that's lewder than the original". My language, WHB (mostly) speaks it! XD
Actual R18 harem romance in an mobile otome game that isn't the Ikemen series('s non-canon events), truly incredible
It's funny, I'm aware that the translation is very literal in places and does need to be fixed, but there are also lines I genuinely adore and hope stick around. (Gabriel's introduction, for example. Gorgeous, ethereal language that perfectly fits an angel.)
On that note, I'm an absolute sucker for stories that deal directly with (Fallen) Angels, Devils, and what love and free will means for them. The plot so far is such catnip for me it's not funny
I also have a fascination with fetishes and what they could add to characters, and most of these I've only ever seen in research papers. Having them be this integral is like a dream...
...I'll cry in frustration if there's another hand fetishist who chops off people's hands again though. JUST BUY A MANNEQUIN'S
Minheok is way more interesting than I thought he'd be. Hearing him speak Korean compared to everyone else's Japanese (or "Celestial/Devilish" if you will) is really fun. :D
I'm loving the MC, even as I'm also adjusting her (in my case) for "OC with some self-insert" purposes. Love that she's so horny, love that she has a wide-range of tastes as a cute nod to the "MC gets along with everyone" trope, and love that she wants to make Gabriel cry!!
After Beelzebub (quiz starter) and Sitri, the third Devil to have my heart was Valefor. He's my MC's big teddy bear who protects everyone ;v;
The Secret Shop truly is secret, I haven't seen it yet
I'm loving being able to buy gacha currency with in-game money (pancakes) to better hoard. Please keep this, devs!
The level up etc. items keep making me hungry, it's genuinely great
I'm less keen on how hard it is to grind for certain items, but if I soldiered through FGO for five years I can survive this (I think)
That said, I don't think characters level up when you fight. That is ridiculous and would stop me from playing if the leveling costs became too high
Please let us play with the S- and A-Class Devils in Secret Club? :(
The chats are fun and cute, but I wish we had more...
Justice for Valefor let me put him in Secret Club he's been working so hard
Why don't the A-Class Devils have the boards like the L- and S-Classes? I want to learn about everyone!
The music is kind-of quiet? But I like what I can hear
I like the Day and Night-cycle on the home screen, very cute
Being able to have one of the Demon King's "assets" take up the whole home screen is both sexy and hilarious XD
The most YMMV opinion of them all: I wish the story segments were longer and that there was a way to do a kind of "Last time, in Chapter 1-(X)" to keep story info from being lost in the stream of battles
But in the interest of keeping things optimistic around here, I have one more impression to make:
Instantly makes this GOTY for me and I wish I was kidding
One look and I fell in love. And then I saw his potential L card/scene in the final trailer and fell even harder!!
I would feel dislike toward him re: Minheok and the Devils, but as far as he's concerned the sandwich that he rang up (MC) keeps yelling at him. I'm satisfied
My excitement at his L card reached such insane heights I started writing something starring him. That is a sign if nothing else!
...So yeah, I'm cautiously optimistic and will hopefully have even more to say soon. :D
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shamelessisawriter · 1 year
The Hippocratic Oath (a Wenclair fanfic) Chapter 1 a Woeful Threat
This fanfiction will contain descriptions of Gore violence death and so on so forth (all characters are aged up)
Story Summery: Wednesday Addams swore she'd never return to Nevermore academy. til one dark and horrible night she is spammed by her stalker, who then proceeds to threaten her family but when all that does is bore her, they threaten the next best, Enid Sinclair
Wednesday now set on tracking down her stalker before they could hurt Enid or anyone else at the school
Tic Tic Tic Tic
Typing away at her typewriter, Wednesday tries to tune out the noise that is coming from the phone Xavier gave her, it was certainly quite the distraction from her next novel.
Tic Tic Tic Tic…
Tic— Buzz— Tic— Buzz.
But it felt as with each Buzz of the phone, it got louder, which finally got the upper hand on the young Raven.
Wednesday immediately grabbed for the phone, to see that none other than her Stalker was spamming her, telling her to ‘ANSWER‘ which simply made her shake her head in annoyance
W: "I am in no interest to continue socializing myself with the likes of you, a coward who's words seem weaker than the overall bite they are hoping for."
Wednesday glared at the brain rotting device before setting it back down to work on her novel, she has been plagued recently with messages from her ‘Stalker‘ on this wretched device.
Tic Tic Tic— BUZZ
Wednesday's head snapped back towards the device, trying to use her glare to make it explode, but when that didn't happen, she picked it back up to glare at whatever they sent this time.
Unknown: "Are you planning on ever returning to Nevermore academy?"
W: "No, because I would much rather prefer to stay as far away from whoever you are as reasonably possible."
Wednesday watched with a slight glare as the stalker began to type out a message, every so often deleting and restarting in a frantic rage of some sort, which oddly amused Wednesday, bringing a mild smirk to her face.
Wednesday's smirk slowly grew into a sick twisted grin, as the words. "Failure to comply with my demands will end up costing the lives closest to you" popped up, along with an odd animated emoji of her family photo, that hangs over the fireplace of the Manor bursting into flames.
W: "do enlighten me with what you plan on doing to my family I am quite interested"
Wednesday replied, her creepy smile never leaving her face, as Thing climbs up on her desk to see what was happening.
”what are you currently doing?” Thing signed, but it fell upon blind eyes, as Wednesday's fixed gaze never left the phone, as the Stalker continued typing.
The first person that the stalker began with didn't surprise Wednesday, a picture of her annoyingly weak brother Pugsley.
Unknown: "I will treat him like a damsel in distress, but in a different matrimony then tying him to some train tracks"
The stalker explained, as they then sent an emoji of Pugsley tied to what looked like a nuke, which then exploded.
W: "I will hand it to my younger brother, in all his weakness I feel he'd be able to tell the difference between an actual threat to his life, and just regular deathless torture that I bestow upon him on a regular basis to strengthen him for certain situations like this occur you'll have to try harder then that" Wednesday explained, the smirk never leaving her face.
Thing watched, alongside Wednesday, as the Stalker started frantically typing and then deleting what they typed yet again, clearly having another fit of rage, at her lack of care for her sibling.
The stalker then sent a picture of her mother Morticia, which made Wednesday roll her eyes. "Thing… this stalker is becoming quite a nuisance…" Wednesday turned to Thing, who gave a thumbs up in agreement.
Unknown: "I will treat your mother like the witch that she is AND BURN HER AT THE STAKE!"
The Stalker declared, sending an animated Emoji of Her mother being burned alive while tied to the stake.
W: "I encourage you to do so, it is one of the ways she wishes to die"
Wednesday sent the message, her hands slightly shaking as the next picture that is sent is of her Father.
Unknown: "I WILL FORCE FEED HIM POISON" They typed in all caps, which made Wednesday huff in amusement.
W: "Knowing my father all too well, there isn't a poison or deadly disease in the world that would keep him down as long as my mother still breathes… or did you forget that we Addams' aren't technically human" Wednesday replied again, slowly starting to feel anger. she doesn't know why this feeling would come over her.
Wednesday knows her family… and that this person would never be able to kill them… not that they are unkillable, but this person whoever they were wouldn't be able to even leave a scratch on Lurch, let alone kill her whole family.
The stalker then sends a picture of her youngest brother Pubert, which somewhat tickles her, thinking that if they'd be able to hurt the little devil, they'd probably get their throat ripped out by her baby brother.
Unknown: "I WILL THROW HIM INTO AN ACTIVE VOLCANO!!!" The Stalker typed in caps again, sending an emoji of Pubert falling into lava.
W: "and he'll probably crawl back out and rip your throat out while lava fills his mouth. Now if we are done I have to go back to writing…"
The stalker then sent a photo of a man, who Wednesday didn't recognize at first, but then realized who it was, making her huff in amusement again.
W: "If you plan on threatening my Uncle at least try to get a better photograph of him" Wednesday type the last reply out, setting the phone down a little ruff.
Wednesday went back to writing her novel, Thing calmly looking over her, seeing the irritation in her eyes. ”Are you okay Wednesday?” Thing tapped out in Morse code, which Wednesday nodded to him, as she typed on her typewriter.
Tic Tic Tic Tic
Tic Tic Tic Tic…
Tic… Tic…
Wednesday stopped typing, looked at the phone for a second, before she tried to continue typing out her chapter, her breathing kinda shaking a little bit.
Tic Tic Tic— BUZZ
Wednesday's head snapped to her phone again, letting out a low growl, as she hesitantly picked up her phone, her breath catching in her throat, her eyes slightly widening, her face losing almost all its color making her as pale as a ghost.
The Stalker sent a picture of Enid….
Enid looked as Colorful as the last time Wednesday saw her… her hair has grown out a bit, still having the same slightly saturated pink and sky blue in her hair, she was laughing while talking to someone on the phone, probably Yoko or one of her other friends, completely unaware that someone was watching her…
Unknown: "I heard that she won't be having a roommate this semester…" The stalker replied, having finally calmed down enough to type.
Unknown: "it would be a shame if her new roommate were too…. I don't know" The stalker sent that message, along with an Emoji of Enid, getting shot through the heart with what must have been a silver bullet.
”Wednesday?” Thing tapped in Morse code again, falling onto deaf ears, as Wednesday just stared at the phone, speechless…
Unknown: "Did I finally hit a nerve? ;⁠-⁠)" The Stalker literally taunted her, with more emojis of Ways that they'd kill Enid, poisoning her with wolfsbane, to drowning Enid in her human form, to melting her skin with acid.
Unknown: "I'll make sure to let her know that you didn't give a fuck about her ;⁠-⁠)" The stalker sent another message, trying to gain a response from her, but as they were typing out, Wednesday quickly typed out a reply.
W: "you touch her and I'll skin you alive. you even dare think about poisoning her, I'll make sure you die a slow and painful death, I even see another picture of her from you, there will be nowhere you will be able to hide from my wrath." Wednesday replied so quickly, as she then slammed the phone back.
"Thing, inform Mother and father at once. that I wish to speak with them about this certain development." Wednesday said, glaring down at the phone that is surprisingly durable, Thing taking the hint, jumps down from the desk, crawling towards a secret entrance into Gomez and Morticia's room.
Unknown: "See you at Nevermore ;⁠-⁠)" was the last message Wednesday saw from the stalker, before turning away from her desk, heading off towards the family room.
Walking down the halls, The only thing on Wednesday's mind was Sinclair… and how they got that picture of her, without her sniffing them out. Wednesday would at least have hoped that wolfing out would have at least heightened all her senses, but she wouldn't blame her for being clueless to a threat without Wednesday being there to tell her otherwise.
Right as Wednesday gets to the family room, she walks in to her parents, being as nauseating as ever they're over affectionate behavior. "Mother, Father… Can you not go five minutes without touching one another" Wednesday glared, irritated as she watched Gomez stop kissing Morticia's arm before he could even make it to her shoulder.
"Ah! My little storm cloud! Thing said you wish to speak with us?" Gomez asked, straighten himself up as best as possible.
"Indeed Father… I've changed my plans about homeschooling myself for the next coming semester… and instead I would like to return to Nevermore academy…" Wednesday explained, making both of them gasp in delight, much to her displeasure.
"Oh how dreadful my nightmarish raven! We knew that you would absolutely adore Nevermore like we once did!" Morticia smiled sweetly at her daughter, which only made Wednesday glare daggers at her.
"If I had known you'd both tease me for such things… I would've just left without a word" Wednesday's tone of voice was cold, which made both her parents laugh.
"We just jest with you my darling little viper! For we only wish you the worst to come at Nevermore academy!" Gomez said, getting up from his chair to hug his daughter, which Wednesday tenses up in, before relaxing a bit.
"Is there any other reason you wish to return to Nevermore? We do take note of how you love your personal space from others and find it rather unpleasant to have to even share such living environments with another" Morticia asked, swiftly appearing at Gomez' side.
"Don't be ridiculous Mother… I'm only going back to that prison, for the knowledge of other supernatural beings and to ruin the time of everyone there for my own amusement…" Wednesday explained with an expressionless glare toward her mother.
"Ah, that's our daughter Tish! Taking after her wonderful mother" Gomez claimed, taking Morticia's hand, and kissing it hungrily, slowly making advancements towards Morticia's neck yet again.
"If you two don't stop this instant, I will make it impossible for there to be any more Addams children…" Wednesday's monotone voice grew colder as she slowly drew her knife from her pocket, making her parents give her a glance.
"We will give the new principal of the school a call as soon as possible! my Darling Raven" Morticia informed Wednesday with a slight smile crossing her face.
Wednesday only nods to her, and quickly evacuates herself from the room, heading back to her room in the Manor, 'at least I know if I die… they'll have just end up replacing me' The goth bluntly thought, as she hurried to her room in haste.
Wednesday closed her door as soon as she entered, putting her back against the door, slowly sliding to the ground to sit, Wednesday wondered… why would she be so worked up over this.
I mean Wednesday knows Enid can take care of herself, but what if she didn't this time, what if she let her guard down like she did with Thornhill, like she did with Wednesday and end up getting herself more than emotionally hurt…
Wednesday tried not to look back on their fight, and how she almost got Enid killed…
By The Hyde…
By Tyler…
Wednesday is snapped back to reality by Thing snapping his fingers, getting her attention.
”What did they say Wednesday?” Thing signed to the raven, making Wednesday take a deep breath, before exhaling.
"They never go against anything I ask of them as always Thing… I will be attending nevermore academy for it's second semester…" Wednesday got up from the ground, walking over to her desk, where her phone still lied.
Unknown: "🖤🖤🖤 can't wait to 🔪 +👩 = 💀 you!" Wednesday read what they had sent her in her absence, the raven picked up her phone and typed out one last message before putting it back at her desk and heading to bed.
W: "I wish you only the best luck in attempting to kill me, but once you irritate an Addams, you suffer a fate worse than a death sentence."
The next morning
Wednesday awakes the following morning, to hear no buzzing coming from her device, the stalker finally satisfied after harassing her for the remainder of her summer, which was awful because she never got to enjoy herself at her family's summer reunion, and hunting under the full moon with her werewolf relatives.
Wednesday sat up, never uncrossing her arms, when a crossbow bolt nearly hit her head, but she caught it, seeming unfazed with the murderous intent, from the two giggling boys hiding behind the door of her room.
"Pugsly, yet again you have failed to take down your adversary… I'd say you've disappointed me, but you're probably used to hearing that by now" Wednesday shook her head, as Pugsly chuckled a bit.
"Love you too sis!" Pugsly exclaimed with a wolfish grin, Wednesday then looked down to Pubert, with a slight look of betrayal in her eyes.
"You too Pubert… I thought we were accomplices?" Wednesday asked in her normal monotone voice.
Pubert smiled sinisterly, showing a grenade pin, missing its grenade, The siblings eyes widened, as Pugsly looked in his back pocket, which was where the grenade was.
"What the hell Pubert!?" Pugsly exclaimed, digging the grenade out of his pocket, running over to Wednesday's window throwing it out to explode in the air.
"I knew that you'd never betray me. But next time don't use a grenade…. You only want to torture him… not kill him" Wednesday explained, getting down on her knees with a stern glare at her Youngest brother.
The toddler only smiles, as Pubert happily nodded, "Sissy knows best!" Pubert said, clapping his hands together.
Wednesday just shook her head getting up off the floor, looking to her younger brother, who is still somewhat hyperventilating.
"Why Wednes?! Why does he get to help you torture me and not the other way around?" Pugsly after finally catching his breath, asked Wednesday, who just slightly shrugged.
"Because he is still at an age where I couldn't dare do that" Wednesday lied, a ghost of a smile teasing at the corners of her mouth.
"And he is a very fast learner… and when he is old enough I plan for him to be my protegè" Wednesday said, picking the toddler up into her arms.
"Yeah… you're basically gonna have a mini version of our father taking after you" Pugsly huffed, slightly smiling, as the three of them went to the dining room for breakfast, before her departure for Vermont and the Nevermore academy.
And for Enid most importantly.
Wednesday always felt bats tingling at her chest, when thinking of the rainbow vomit werewolf, she never understood why, but she somewhat missed Enid, she had trouble sleeping her first few days of being home, after what happened at nevermore, because Wednesday didn't hear Enid's snores or her tiny yipes that she made in her sleep.
'What are you thinking? Get hold of yourself this instant' Wednesday thought to herself, as the three siblings made it to the dining room, where their mother and father sat waiting for them.
"Well if it isn't my devilish hell spawn! Come! Sit, Lurch is making breakfast as we speak!" Gomez smiles, taking a sip from his tea.
"Are you excited for your return to Nevermore academy my dear raven?" Morticia asked, once she had sat down, after putting Pubert in his high chair.
"I don't think I'll ever be this ”excited” about returning to that awful prison you all trapped me in, even though this time around it's voluntary" Wednesday's monotone voice was soft, at the end of her sentence, glaring at her mother with a murderous intent.
"Oh how we will miss listening to your cello recital every night, before you go to bed… how it helps me to sleep on sleepless nights" Morticia smiled sweetly, bringing her own tea cup to her mouth, taking a small sip.
Wednesday glared at her mother. Morticia was lucky that she had grown to tolerate the woman’s smug behavior when the witch teased her. Wednesday then looked to Gomez, who was staring at his wife, lovestruck..
"Father, is Lurch getting my belongings ready for my departure?" Wednesday asked, to no response from Gomez who just slowly is reaching his hand for Morticia's.
Everyone at the table jumped at the sudden increase in noise, as Wednesday slammed both of her hands onto the table.
"Yes my darling viper! Lurch should be getting started on packing your belongings." Gomez said, taking Morticia's hand into his.
"Good…", Wednesday slightly growled, grabbing a fork so she could properly start eating.
Pugsley noticed the slight change in his sister's behavior, and out of curiosity Pugsley decided to do his own little investigation into the matter.
After breakfast, Pugsley grabbed Wednesday's arm, which he knew wasn't the best idea. as Wednesday whipped around, pressing a blade against his throat.
"You have only 2 seconds to release me... Or I'll make sure to put the fear of Satan into you before my departure..." Wednesday declared, a low growl shortly followed her words.
"Wednes—" Pugsley tried to speak, clearly nervous.
"Wednesday, is there something bothering you?" Pugsley asked.
"normally you don't physically show your disgust towards mother and father being openly affectionate like that, normally it's just verbally." Pugsley explained, feeling a bit of blood drip onto his shirt and skin.
Pugsley notices Wednesday's eyes soften just a bit and no more.
"I… I have been having troubles" Wednesday lied (sort of), as she removed the blade from Pugsley's neck.
"You can talk to us, you know? Mother and Father wouldn't want you to be suffering, if you don't enjoy whatever it is that is making you" Pugsley told Wednesday as she turned on her heels, walking away from Pugsley who gave chase.
"I find it rather cruel of you to think I wouldn't be enjoying the suffering that my—" Wednesday stops herself before she reveals too much, coming to a complete halt, which nearly makes Pugsley fall over.
"Wednes…" Pugsley tried to speak to his sister, who slightly turned her head.
She doesn't dare say a word…
Wednesday instead continued to walk to her room with slight haste, leaving behind her brother to sulk.
She entered her room to see Lurch carefully packing, leaving her cello and typewriter out for her to pack herself.
Looking around her room, she saw Thing fiddling with her phone. upon closer inspection, she noticed a ton of pictures of Enid.
"Thing… I want an explanation as to what you are doing. failure to explain will result in the loss of your pinky finger." She glared down at the severed hand, slowly pulling out a sharp pair of blood stained scissors.
“I've taken it upon myself to give you a way of contacting Enid," Thing explained to the frustrated Raven.
"I've created you an account on this 'Instagram' she told me about during my time with her." Thing finished pushing the phone to her.
Wednesday saw the name QuothTheRaven with her insta user being nevermore1845. "I did not give you permission to do this Thing" she glared down at the disembodied hand.
"That may be true. But I heard you talk in your sleep," Thing signed in the Addams sign language.
"you wished to speak to Enid again in your sleep. So I've given you a way to converse" Thing signed, before dodging a stab at the desk from the Raven.
"Whatever I say. in my slumber. It is between me and my demons, you no-good parasite!" Wednesday took another stab at Thing, who manages to get away from her onslaught of attack's.
Wednesday, breathing heavily, looks at her phone to see that he had already sent Enid a message.
Nevermore1845: "Greetings Enid Sinclair, it's Wednesday Addams, I have created this to better communicate with you."
Nevermore1845: "That is not through letters though. I have read every single one you have sent me, as I hope you read the ones I sent you in return."
Nevermore1845: "I will be waiting for your response. Sincerely Wednesday Addams 🖤" Wednesday read the last message, feeling her blood boil at the use of a heart at the end.
As soon as she went to delete those messages, Enid quickly replied almost in an instant, which shook something inside the Raven, that made Wednesday stop herself from deleting the messages,
PinkfluffyWolf: "omg!!!! WEDNES!!! I DIDN'T EVEN KNEW YOU HAD A PHONE SKSKSKSSKSKS" she huffed, seeing the last bit of the message made Wednesday think Enid just slammed her whole hand on the phone.
Nevermore1845: "Thing betrayed me by making this account, you were never supposed to know this existed." Wednesday typed out, referring to her cell phone.
PinkfluffyWolf: "Don't blame Thing for that! I'm happy I can text you now ;v; you should give me your number!" There it was again, those bats in her chest, Enid must have been some kind of witch to be doing this to Wednesday.
Nevermore1845: "I will think about doing that, but considering that this is a conversation that is being had on the comments to your photo, I prefer to wait when I see you in person." She felt a ghost of a smile across her face, as Enid sends back a 'LETS GOOO' Image or whatever this was.
Wednesday growled at the nickname she had been given by the werewolf, but never went to any amount to protest against it, even when her and the wolf were sending mail to each other.
Nevermore1845: "call me that again in person. And I'll be cutting out your tongue. Then feed it to you."
PinkfluffyWolf: "omg I missed you sm wednes I can't wait to see you! ❤️❤️❤️🩷🩷🩷"
Nevermore1845: "it'll be the last thing you see"
PinkfluffyWolf: "and what a wonderful way to die 😊"
Wednesday felt her face heat up after reading that, making her growl at the fact. That she was an Addams who promised to never let the curse take over her mind, she was never a fool, to fall in love with anyone.
But Enid had her ways of picking through the Ravens locks, where she keeps it caged in her body. She lets out a frustrated sigh, going over to her cello, so she could prepare it for her departure.
Almost an hour past after Wednesday finished packing her belongings, she was now in the music room tickling the keys to their grand piano, only after asking to play a few songs to help calm her nerves about the whole Stalker thing.
She was currently in the middle of playing Winterwald, a song she learned to play from her mother. because on the rare occasion Wednesday can't help but admit to herself that her Mother was somewhat tolerable to be around, for long Periods Time of course, but if anyone were to dare accuse her of such feelings, she'd skin them alive.
Wednesday then hears the door open and then close, in a somewhat slow motion.
"Unless it is time to leave, do not interrupt my musical meditation…" She informed whoever entered the room, a slight sharpness to her normal tone of voice.
"My Darling viper, is there something troubling you?" She heard the voice of her Father ask, with only the slightest bit of concern.
"What would cause you to make such accusations…" Wednesday asked, her monotone voice only growing colder as she continued to play.
"Pugsley asked me if I could talk to you before you left… considering you seem more willing to open up to me than anyone else in the house" Gomez didn't dare take a step towards his daughter, knowing all too well that the young woman would definitely attack him.
"Pugsley was merely recovering from a panic attack he had earlier. He was clearly hysterical" The raven explained, as she was getting close to the end of the song.
"You know you don't have to deal with your troubles alone my beautiful Stormcloud" He began, daring to take a step forward.
"And I get that your pride is probably keeping you from asking for help directly, But you know that at the second something truly dangerous - Something you knew you cannot handle alone - That we woulf be there for you, my sweet viper"
The song ended as Gomez finished speaking, Wednesday didn't know what to say at this moment. The only thing she could do was turn around to see him, standing there holding his hands, a devilish smile on his face. She thinks for a moment, before speaking words she never thought she'd say before.
"I'm terrified… but not for my own safety. But for the safety of someone close to me. Closer than any of you will ever be to me in a personal relationship" The raven spoke softly, her voice keeping its monotone, as she slowly stood from the chair.
"That's understandable my sweet hell spawn" Gomez began, his voice growing a bit sad in tone.
"I had to save your mother once. I was so scared I wouldn't make it in time. But the hero of the story always makes it in the end. And stops the villain from hurting who they care for more than anything in the world. And I'm sure you'll make it to see the moon light at the end of the tunnel."
He smiled, going over to Wednesday to give her a light pat on the shoulder. "You're a strong young woman My Viper… and I can't put into words how proud you make me everyday."
"Thank you Father…" She said with a slight huff, to keep herself from allowing a facial expression to show.
They suddenly hear the door open to the music room. The two look over to see Morticia has entered the room, making Gomez' eyes soften.
"Mi amor…" he said lovingly, The Witch made her way over to her husband, kissing him on the cheek, before turning her gaze to the raven.
"Lurch has gotten everything ready for you to depart now my raven" Morticia smiled at the raven. Making Wednesday glare at her slightly.
"Would you like us to accompany you on your trip to the academy?" Gomez asked, holding his wife's hand to his face.
"I'd rather drink acid than have to watch you two in your disgusting behavior for a long period of time…" The young woman hissed at her mother and father.
They both shared a laugh, much to the ravens displeasure. Wednesday then turned away from the two, walking out of the music room and heading down the stairs.
But right as she gets to the door to leave, she's blocked by Pugsley and Pubert. She stared at them with a little bit of confusion.
"Were you actually going to leave without saying goodbye?" Pugsley asked, showing a bit of hurt in his overall expression.
"Indeed.. now if you'll excuse me I—" Wednesday stopped, when she found herself unable to move. So she looked down to see her Youngest brother hugging her legs with a death grip.
"This kind of behavior is uncalled for… even from the likes of you two" the raven stated bluntly, glaring at Pugsley.
"We're just gonna miss you Wednes!" He shouted, running over to join in the hug. Making the young woman freeze completely.
Wednesday thought for a moment, looking at her brothers. Before she releases a somewhat annoyed sigh, patting Pugsley on the shoulder.
"I will admit… I will miss torturing you while I am away. But that was the whole point of Pubert's training. To torture you in the events that something were to ever happen to me." She explained, which caused her brother to pull away from the hug. Staring at her tearfully.
"How is that the nicest thing I think I'll ever hear you say to me?" Pugsley asked, choking on a sob, before picking up Pubert, releasing Wednesday from the confines of their youngest brother.
"Call me nice again… and it'll be the last thing you ever hear me say." The raven glared at her brothers, making them both giggle.
"Love you sissy!" The toddler giggled, trying to reach for his sister yet again, only to be stopped by Pugsley holding him.
Wednesday let a small smile across her face, walking past them to the door, she gave them one last glance, before heading out the door.
The raven walked towards the family vehicle, where all her luggage is stored. She entered the hearse, seeing Lurch already in the driver seat, she gave the butler a nod. To which he lets out a grunt, as the vehicle slowly begins moving. Leaving behind the house.
Someone watching from a far out, pulls out their cell phone. Bringing it to their ear "she's on the way…."
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ssbbwxviolet · 1 year
Hey y’all, I’ve been really appreciating the love these past couple of days! I really don’t want to get this personal but not only have I had quite a few people ask me about it, I also kinda just don’t know where to go from here. And for those of you who haven’t noticed yet, there aren’t any pictures of me smiling with my teeth. I’m about to get very personal and vulnerable (because what else is the internet for am I right) anyways, sorry in advance for the novel
About 5 years ago, my Dad and I we're basically at each others throats due to my Mom being home (she was bed bound and needed around the clock care. At this point, we didn’t realize this was about two weeks before she had passed away and tensions we’re already high as is) so one thing led to another and, he ended up smacking me in the face with a broomstick resulting in my 2 front teeth getting knocked out.
This has been a HUGE insecurity and as of recently, it's been causing me some pretty immense pain. I went to the dentist about a month ago now that I have insurance, and they won't even cover a deep cleaning to see exactly what I need done. So you can only imagine the cost it's going to be getting this fixed which fuckin sucks (which sounds like classic America to me LMAO)
Basically what I'm getting at is, if you’d like to cashapp me ($exewhere) and if it’s over $30, I’ll give you a free one year trial to my spicy site and access to my premium snap as a Thankyou 🥺
And if you can’t donate that is totally okay!! I get it we’re all struggling it’s rough out here! All I ask is if it isn’t too much of a hassle to please reblog this just for it to get traction.
Just for proof attached below are three pictures, first one being before the incident, second being when it had happened (October 7th, 2018), third being them currently (taken today) due to me being so depressed about them and not giving them the proper care, they’ve decayed over the years and are slowly falling out😭
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
June 2023 Collection Update: The Iceberg
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You know the comparison I'm making here. You start at the tip of the iceberg, and think it's not too bad, then you continue working your way down.... and it just keeps going, never seeming to stop. Well, I think I've made it past the surface of the iceberg, and am staring down the absolute scale of what remains submerged. So yeah, Mt. Everest is left to climb still, but I've also got a pretty sizeable hill behind me to share.
I'll start with a haul that came in today (and one I picked up yesterday). Used manga and light novels has been a gold mine for me lately, though you do have to be careful with some listings as you might get volumes in worse conditions than they appear (though most of the time not something sandpaper can't fix).
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The No Game No Life was just sorta a bonus to the Is This A Zombie?, but it actually helped bring down the cost per volume thanks to a deal I made (always try and barter for a few dollars here and there through stuff like FB Marketplace and Mercari and the like). I'd been looking for Is This A Zombie? for a while though, and was incredibly excited to come across a completed set. Though I do wish they'd bring the light novels over.
Following this up, or I guess coming before it(?), was this very interesting manga haul which is best explained as a story.
Originally, I had found a dirt cheap Rosario to Vampire manga box set on Facebook Marketplace (to the tune of 90CAD), and asked about getting more pictures because the only image was of the outside of the box set. Seller doesn't respond for a week, and then sends the image out of nowhere. I talk about going through with the sale and getting a shipping label sorted out (cause even with shipping it'd be crazy cheap). They don't respond, at least not until Thursday of last week which was about another week's wait. They say "hey, I'm going to be in your city on Sunday, are you good to meet me to pick up the set?". Immediately, I feel like I'm either going to get scammed or mugged, but it was neither. They show up with the 90 dollar box set and I leave with all my organs and my wallet alongside the box set.
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Now, onto a bit of explanation. As you could tell from the images above, I'm kinda running out of space. I know, I need to get another bookshelf to store it all on, but finding the right spot for it and getting a cheaper Billy is a PITA, so instead I've been putting that focus and effort into finding more and more cool sets and series.
Like this Reiko The Zombie Shop. It's an older Josei horror series which I thought was super cool, and when I found a listing for it for just around 10CAD a vol I jumped on it. It's a very interesting piece of history to have from Dark Horse as they only printed it to the halfway point, though it's also a very intriguing read. Leans very heavy into gore and that very "serious but not all that great" story.
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Equal parts crazy and cool though, this Empty Box and Zeroth Maria set. If memory serves, it was less than 10CAD a volume for such a hard to find set. Unbelievably happy to have such a well maintained set in my collection, and am 100% going to be sharing the love/set with friends.
Just a side note, the seller I got it from was super cool, as I got a partial set of Konosuba from them as well for the same price. Once more, Facebook Marketplace, so if you're looking for good deals on used series, I can't recommend checking out what's around you enough.
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The good deals just keep on coming, huh. Hit the jackpot with this Rose of Versailles set. I was just going to bide my time until the end of year Indigo hardcover sale, and see if I could try my luck on finding them in store at a good price, but came across this listing for 100CAD and immediately jumped on it, since it works out to be massively cheaper than the Indigo 30% off hardcovers they do at year's end.
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And I have to say, Udon hardcovers are outstanding. The Rose of Versailles of course stands at the top with it's wonderfully intricate cover design and heavy and glossy paper, but their other titles are no slouches either.
Just take a look at this Summertime Rendering (and Darling In The Franxx) set. Sometimes you'll come across things you just can't refuse. This listing was one of them. Summertime Rendering and DiTF for less than the retail of Summertime Rendering. Good deal, especially when you factor in that DiTF is still sealed, and that the seller never read Summertime Rendering.
But at the same time, getting books in conditions like this feels a bit sad almost. The seller was getting rid of their collection because they needed to repay students loans, so a lot of it was untouched and at very cheap prices. If I were to go back and do it again, I probably would have just sent money to them rather than purchased the sets, as I feel somewhat guilty having these when I'm able to pay retail for them no problem. But I can't revisit the past, so at the very least I'm glad I had the humility to not try and work them down on price, and will certainly be reading them over and over (DiTF is still on the TBR list right now though).
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And last but not least for the used hauls, this super weird set. I got the whole thing for 5CAD a volume, which is a pretty great deal, and includes a lot of interesting things. Hidamari Sketch (I refuse to call it Sunshine Sketch), GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class and Bamboo Blade (not shown), and this very odd helping of loose stuff that includes an old style Seven Seas LN, a child's manga, and a very unique volume from a defunct publisher.
I couldn't help but go for it when I saw the oddities and old series that were within. Hidamari Sketch in particular is a headache and a half to collect, and I'd never even seen a volume of Iono-Sama Fanatics before. Very cool stuff, and definitely things I wanted to share. I never even knew Seven Seas used to print light novels so small, and seeing the difference in paper quality circa Spring 2010 was very interesting as well.
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Now, last but not least, Jojos. I waited a very long time to buy these at retail, and am incredibly sad that the box for Jojoveller came crumpled in that one corner (already talked it out with support, and got a refund on it), but thankfully the books inside are intact. But man, these things are cool as all hell, I'll absolutely be sharing a post of them (alongside Jojo 6521) down the road.
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And that's where I am, collecting an insane number of series and art books, and continuing to realize just how wide this world of manga is that I've immersed myself in. It's incredibly daunting thinking about the numbers I'm racking up, but at the same time it's such an amazing hobby that I'm able to support. There's a world of stuff out there, and I want to experience that all.
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sergeantrosabellaswan · 4 months
Am I a Monster? Disney Frozen & MCU Corssover, CHAPTER ONE
Elsa and Anna Arendelle. Sisters first, best friends forever. Even with Elsa being the one with cryokinesis- the enhanced abilities to control snow, ice and the cold. Struggling to make ends meet with Elsa attending college and Anna finishing up her senior year of high school, they accidently attract the attention of both SHIELD and HYDRA.
I’m back! this is a rewrite of a past project that I had abandoned due to Covid and lack of brain cells. Let’s hope that I don’t lose interest in this little project of mine!
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Elsa shut the door with her foot, carrying two bags of groceries for the week. An exhausted sigh escaped her mouth at the silence that filled with dingy apartment, located in the poorer parts of New York. Despite the fact that the twenty one year old college student was raising her sickly high school student sister on a fixed income, the sad apartment was fixed up to the best of their ability. The thin walls were decorated with blankets to keep the warmth in, the sagging bookshelf was crammed full with textbooks and cheap adventure novels, the outdated kitchen had a fresh tray of double chocolate chip cookies on the counter and a damp towel was neatly folded next to the stove.
All in all, the two sisters did the best that they could with what little they had access to.
“Hey,” Anna, her little sister, greeted with a weak smile over from the couch, where she was working on her chemistry homework. “How were classes?”
“Alright,” smiled the pale blonde with a small smile. “I’m just happy that winter break starts next week. Speaking of which- I went and got you another blankie.” She reached into one of the grocery bags and pulled out a fuzzy fleece blanket in hot pink and electric purple.
“Thank you!” Anna happily squealed, snatching the blankie from her sister and promptly wrapping herself in a warm cocoon.
“Well with how easily you get cold, I just figured that I should just wrap you up in blankies and have myself a little Anna burrito,” Elsa teased her said with a laugh. “Especially with Paul being such a grade A sleazebag excuse of a landlord and flat out refusing to fix the heating system.”
“Yeah.” All that could be seen of Anna were her eyes and nose, causing for Elsa to reach across and tap her little sister on the nose.
“Speaking of which, how are you on medication?” Elsa asked as she began to put the groceries away. “Do I need to go out and make a drug store run?”
“I don’t think so- my inhaler is half full,” Anna said, taking her glasses of to scrub at her eyes. “But I think I’m coming down with another ear infection and a head cold.”
Elsa groaned under her breath as she figured the cost of the medicines that Anna would require to get to her bubbly self once more.
“I’m so sorry Elsa,” Anna apologized. “I truly don’t mean to be so sick all the time.” Elsa didn’t have to look to see her sister was trying not to cry.
“I know you don’t,” Elsa took out a saucepan that had seen better days. “Does chicken noodle soup sound good for tonight?” Anna nodded, setting her homework aside as she curled up into a little ball to keep herself warm.
“Oh Elsa, before I forget, you got a letter today,” Anna said in an excited voice. “Had to sign for it and everything. I put it on our bed. it has an official looking seal- who do you think it’s from?”
Elsa smiled her thanks through a mouthful of food before standing to place her now empty bowl into the sink. She entered the only bedroom in the crap excuse of an apartment and immediately saw the letter- an official looking envelope of heavy cream colored parchment.
“Well, well, well… what have we here?” Elsa muttered, eyeballing the otherwise innocuous white envelope- Miss Elsa Arendelle it was addressed to in stern typewriter’s font. 1450 West Snow Hill Drive, #237, New York NY, 00097 was addressed underneath her name, making her anxiety skyrocket for some unknown reason.
Elsa was shaking as she used her gloved thumbnail to peel the flap open and pulled out a single sheet of paper, the same font from the front of the envelope. Elsa took in the bolded header, which had STARK INDUSTRIES stamped in a simplistic stylist font.
Elsa eyeballed the cream colored letter envelope as she set her backpack onto the rickety chair next to the sisters’ shared chest of drawers. She continued to read, her hands trembling as her pale blue eyes took in the words that were scattered across the page. Elsa could literally feel her face losing all color as she closed her eyes, forcing herself to take a deep breath of air.
I should have been more careful, she scolded herself, thinking back to that day when she had interrupted a mugging between a pimply faced teenaged young man and a heavily pregnant woman.
Dear Miss Arendelle, the letter read.
Your unique abilities have recently come to the attention of the Avengers, as well as your current living situation. Mr. Stark would like to propose a simple deal: you come and work for the Avengers Initiative, and in return, you will get put onto the team’s medical insurance, which will cover all of your sister’s medical expenses- visits to her cardiologist, audiologist and her ear nose throat doctors, all her medications including her asthma inhaler and her pacemaker and any furture surgeries that she may require.
I’m also including my phone number in case you have any questions at all.
Anothny Stark
Genius. Billionaire. Playboy. Philanthropist.
(571) 998-7850
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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