#i am doing ALL sorts of crazy shit in my fanfiction
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Alastor Possessed by Erzulie Dantor
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marika-misc · 2 months
Mental Health & fandom
tw : mentions of Neil Gaiman and JK Rowling, mentions of suicide ideation (in the past)
Note : this is my personal musing and should not be read as facts or an universal truth.
(very long post)
I was never - ever- able to casually like fictions. When I like something it becomes a safe place of sort. A refuge if you will.
As far as I remember, I have been an avid reader and a lover of fictional worlds in books, movies, tv, podcats, etc.
For me, works of fictions have always been more than just pieces of media to consume. They are a get away when things get too much and they often feel like the only thing that can comfort me in a time of need.
I love more or less every kind of fictions. I have pet peeves, yes, and things I can't/won't read or watch, but I love them anyway because I know they bring comfort to other.
I like it so much, that it became my job (I'm a librarian) and nothing makes me happier than a patron telling how they enjoyed something. Even if I don't like it and wouldn't read it/watch it myself. I love when people like things.
So, fictions can't be a casual enjoyment for me. They are part of me and of what I am. When I like something, it consumes me and spreads through every aspects of my life. And yes, sometimes it's a little bit too much maybe ? But, so what ?
For me, being alive is a choice I make every day. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not, most of the time it's neutral. Being alive is hard. Life is hard. And the world is a violent, messy and loud place. So, if fiction helps me to keep going and find joy in this life ? Hell yeah ! Who cares ?
Numerous works helped me through the years to stay alive and deal with changes.
When I was 8, it was books by Enid Blyton. When I was 10, it was books by Agatha Christie and Gaston Leroux When I was 13, it was Titanic and Celine Dion (ilu Celine) When I was 15, it was Gundam Wing for 6 months When I was 17, it was Prince of tennis for about a year But between 14 and 25, it was mostly Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Globet of fire was the first book I read in english. It took me 6 months, with a dictionary. It was also my first real foray into the world of fanfictions. I had read some before, but with HP, I binged like crazy. I read in french and in english. I printed pages and pages of fics in my highschool library. And I made arts. Lots of it, now lost in the ether.
I re-read the whole serie every time I had to go through changes. It was with me when I moved 500k away from where I grew up and helped me through 3 house moves.
At 25, I moved from HP to other fandoms, but it was still very dear to me and I kept going back to it from time to time. I was on the waiting list for Pottermore for example and still occasionnaly binged fanfictions.
When JKR started to be more vocal with her bullshit, I was chocked and disgusted. I felt betrayed. And it was also the first time that I felt like I was a traitor for enjoying a thing. I couldn't be a good ally if I admited to like HP, right ? So I gave away my books and stopped interracting with the work. I even started to judge people who still bought things HP related. Because HOW could you still give money to her ? But deep down I kind of understood how difficult it was to part with something that meant so much for so many of us. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to give her money and I don't plan to. But it's easy to judge other and forget that the real piece of shit is JKR, not the fan who buy a gryffindor pair of socks and/or write fanfiction after a grueling day at work. It's unfair to have this purity weight to bear all the time and judge people for how they chose to interract with a thing they like. And it certainly doesn't do much to tell people how to feel and how to be "good".
Also, being an ally is not just refraining to buy something HP related. But it's a whole other subject.
Anyway, after HP, I started to fall even harder in the fandoms I was a part of. A fair number of them being "problematic".
First thing first, liking a "problematic" media is ok imo. I know they are not perfect and I acknowledge it. I'm still allowed to like them. Nobody can dictate how I feel.
Second thing : some of these fandoms saved my life. Glee litteraly stopped me from jumping in front of a train and for at least two years, Merlin was the only thing bringing me a little bit of joy.
Nobody can take that away from me.
Recently, Doctor Who and Our Flag means death prompted me to go to therapy again and made me realize A LOT of things about myself.
And there is Good Omens. Good Omens is my current hyperfixation and really what kept me going these last few months. I fell and I fell HARD. Probably because I needed fiction to keep myself afloat and it was there for me. It's kind of funny, because I had read the novel more than 15 years ago (I came to it when reading a lot of Pratchett) and even if I liked it at the time, I still liked other Pratchett's works better. It all changed with the tv show. I wouldn't say it's better than the novel, but it's different and the changes made (and also the fact that DT is in it, lets be honest) spoke to me a great deal. So I became invested. And I began to create again. After years of art block and only drawing sporadically, I was drawing nearly every day and finding great joy in it. Good Omens kept me alive and gave me my creativity back. It was (and still is) so important to me, that I decided to get a tattoo of the first two sentences of the novel. It's a whole design with a book, a sword, a snake and apple blossoms. It goes from my right shoulder to my elbow. I got it done in april.
Three months later the allegations against Neil Gaiman came out.
It hit me hard. Harder than with JKR. And I wasn't even a fan of his. But what he did (because I chose to always believe the victims) horrified me and made me angry. So angry. Angry for the women who suffered first and foremost, but also angry for the fans who grew up with his words and now feel so betrayed and overwhelmed by what is happening. And I'm angry for myself. Very selfish of me, I know. I'm angry, because Good Omens is my safe place and I have now to fight to keep it that way. It still brings me joy, but it also brings me anxiety and seriously fuck you Gaiman. Fuck you. Fuck you for tainting a source of joy and creativity for me. Fuck you for dirtying Terry Pratchett's legacy. Fuck you for being an abuser and proving again and again that none is really safe in the world we live in. I hope you'll pay for what you did, even if I know you will probably not.
This is so not good for my mental health. Also, how do you cope when you have the words inked on your arm and are reminded everyday of the shitshow going on ?
I hope Terry Pratchett wrote them. Not you. But how would I know ?
I talked about it with my therapist because my anxiety was out of control (again) and we did some EMDR work on it. It helped me clear my head a little and reminded me that I was not in the wrong to love something and to find joy in it. I agreed to wait at least a year before deciding if I wanted the tattoo to be covered (not the snake, sword and apple blossom part ; the book part). I could do it now, I even have some designs in mind, but I'll wait to be certain and not take a rash decision because I'm hurting. I will not give him my money anymore, but I don't want him to take the joy and comfort I find in Good Omens away from me. I won't let him. I won't let anyone.
I don't want to do what I did with HP again. I don't want to negate something I love and which brings me joy. So I will rip this book and show from his dirty hands and keep them close to my heart where it's safe.
Maybe it's not being "good" or "moral". Maybe I shouldn't separate the art from the artist and preach for Death of the author. Maybe.
But I'll do it anyway.
My own moral compass is strong and I will not deny myself again.
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siobhanbooks · 2 months
PG Vi as a fanfiction author, authors note post chapter 26
sorry for the late update, guys, but things have been crazy
so me and my boyfriend's cousin (also a good friend of mine, let's call him B) were kidnapped from my brothers house and held hostage for several hours. to cut a long story short, B got shot and I got tortured (minorly though)
so then said boyfriend and his best friend (who turns out are both FBI agents) break in there to rescue us. B is minutes from death, massive blood loss by the time the EMTs get there, I've got broken ribs and dislocated joints and am loosing consciousness.
so we get rushed to hospital, B needs lots of hours of emergency surgery and we're both unconscious for about 36 hours apiece. eventually we wake up and our respective boyfriends get to give their big i love you I couldn't lose you speeches. also B and his boyfriend finally come out to B's cousin.
then B and his cousin (X) get to speak and everything gets sorted and no more secrets between them.
haha not true. turns out X's dad had been alive for the past 8 years when he was supposed to be dead (B's uncle note). and X knew but couldn't say anything because witness protection. so now he's turned up at the hospital so I know now but B doesn't and neither do him and X's grandparents. but X won't let them know yet - fair enough seeing as B got shot less than 48 hours ago.
but good news I should be getting out tomorrow then it's a hotel near the hospital for a few days before B gets discharged and then we all go home. with very overprotective boyfriends.
also turns out my mom is less shit than I thought so... plus she's not homophobic she just hates my brother's partner for his personality not his sexuality.
anyways love you all thanks for the comments
tumblr: @violence-is-my-first-name
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
I got jump scared by a pedestrian on my way to get groceries because I was thinking about this, and I don't have a good excuse because I am also a pedestrian.
Adding a "half out of control ADHD" disclaimer on this one.
I have been seized by the brainrot, and it is holding me hostage until I finish writing out Legend and Wild meeting for the first time in the vigilante AU, and that's why the next chapter of poor Hyrule's fic hasn't been touched today.
Legend gets to be happy in this AU because I think he's earned it. He's been around for like... basically forever, so he gets to have all the friends he wants. I am aggressively improving his quality of life here. I went to the effort of finding him a sandwich recipe (and honestly might try it myself because it looks tasty).
Back to the point, which is that I was thinking about what powers everyone would have in this AU when I was going to get groceries. It's a very tough question, and the fact that my area of expertise in high school was Marvel is not helping because there are too many options to pick from. So I only managed to work out the abilities for two of the boys so far, which is half the reason why I'm making Wild and Legend play nice with each other today.
Long story short, I decided Wild should actually get a copy-and-paste ability AND I HAVE A GOOD REASON, OK. I love love love the idea that the Shrine of Resurrection's Sheikah Juice stuff is actually liquid information and since I can, I figured why not just replace his blood with it or something?? It's fanfiction I can do what I want. So now Wild has blue Shrine Juice blood and is sort of partly like a computer I guess, which means he has the ability to copy "files" and store them in his "system memory." Which... actually kind of explains the amnesia, I guess. Had to delete a few "files" (memories) to make space for the new "files" (abilities/powers). Obviously I've got to put a limit on him otherwise he'd be WAY TOO POWERFUL, so I'm thinking that each "file" either has a cool-down period of 1x every 24 hours or he has to pick 1 power to use for each 24-hour period. This explains how the Champions' gifts and the abilities from TotK work, and it makes me feel Very Smart.
Legend is actually pretty boring in comparison. I didn't really want to have to pick between his numerous items, so I gave him a very basic enhancement ability with an emphasis on speed and agility in the legs so he can run around on top of buildings and do parkour. His power isn't anything special, it's how he uses it that's actually interesting because he's had to make up for being Very Vanilla. It DOES let him keep up with most people, though, with few exceptions. And I like this because I think it kind of does reflect on how he's not really a special person by himself and that his being interesting comes from his experience and knowledge and inventory. He's the guy who's been everywhere, done everything, and knows everyone, and that's where a surprisingly large amount of his flavor comes from.
I have a rough idea for Sky, but I'm not completely sold on anything for him, yet (because of the whole deal with Demise and all). I'm extremely tempted to make him think he's a normal guy when he just uses his Terrifying Prophetic Abilities in his sleep. Like, he thinks he probably sleepwalks so he tells Twilight and Warriors when he moves in and the first week goes okay, but then for the second week he is walking in his sleep and doing Crazy Shit while spitting out Creepy Prophecies about stuff. It's concerning, and they're trying to figure out how to tell Sky to go to therapy because he is An Absolute Ray of Sunshine during the day. (Maybe he just has remlit powers?)
Legend gets to be happy in this AU because I think he's earned it <- OBSESSED WITH THIS.
dude oh my GOD i fucking love all your au’s so much, the insane amount of detail you put in em???? I eat it up every goddamn time. thank you for bestowing upon me your brainrot every day 🙏
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ocelotrootbeer264 · 1 year
Hey guys, I decided to make a fanfiction of Smg4 and Smg3. And well... I'm very bad at fanfictions... but have some good ideas... this contains cussing and angst. Also some gayness... This is called. Smg34 (In This Together)
It has been awhile. Even between the two lovers; so called Smg4 and Smg3. Smg3 is sad about Terrance. Smg4 has gone crazy with the perfect video. Smg3 knew it was a bad idea for Smg4 to have gone crazy.
"W-What are you thinking?! Smg4?!" Smg3 said while he was holding Smg4's hand as if it was the end of the world. Smg4 kept glancing back and forth to the USB and back to Smg3. Smg3 knew this was a bad sign. "W-We can make another!" "Remember what I said?" Smg4 was still looking at Smg3 and the USB. Smg4 turned his head towards the USB. Smg3 realized what Smg4 was about to do. "We...  We're friends!" Smg3 said as he looked at Smg4. Smg4's eyes widen. He let the USB fall. And grabbed tighter to Smg3.
(END of flashback)
Smg3 really wanted to check on 4. He hasn't found a home yet. *in this Oneshot Smg4 don't have an RV.* He was about to get up but the doorbell rang.
Smg3 P.O.V
I was about to get up until the doorbell rang. "What the fuck...? It is midnight..." I gotten up to the door. I open the door and couldn't believe what I saw. Smg4. "H-hello... umm... I-I couldn't find a place to stay... ummm... Can.... Can I live with you?" Smg4 said sheepishly. I felt my face becoming flustered. "S-Sure!" I said. I let Smg4 in. I knew he was tired and smelled like garbage... "Hey uh... I know what will make you feel like home!" I said, "You can take a nice warm steaming shower!" Smg4 looked at me. "Are you sure-" "YES! YOU SMELL LIKE FUCKING TRASH! I'M GOING TO FORCE YOU IN THERE, BUTT NAKED, WATCHING YOU UNTIL YOU DO IT!" I yelled out. Smg4 just blushed. I realized what I just said. Shit... I fucking messed up... "I-Ignore what I-I-I just said. Just... get in the fucking shower..." I said. Smg4 nodded and went to my bathroom. I was a fucking tomato.
Smg4 P.O.V
I was in his bathroom and it look like a modern hotel... or a Mansion bathroom. I was flabbergasted. I put down my towel and started to get undress. Man... Smg3 was right... I do smell like garbage... Once I was fully naked, I hopped in the shower, turned on the water, and began to wash myself. I calmed down. I began to think about what he just said. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I tried to calm down again. I realized that Smg3 was pounding on my door. Probably wants me to get out. I got out, gotten dressed, and opened the door. "DUDE! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?! HAVE YOU BEEN FIGHTING THAT FUCKING BEAST???" Smg3 shook me with concerned. "No... I was just so.... Amazed by your bathroom..." I said. Smg3 had a tint on his face. "R-Right... I totally get it..." He said. He showed me my room and gave me a tour. Once he was done. I went to my room and went to my bed.
Smg3 P.O.V
Finally... that fucking idiot went to sleep. I mean... I don't care about him!! Well... sort of... I gotten into my pajamas and went to my bed. After all, he is only staying here temporary... Eggdog hopped on me and cuddled with me. Though... Terrance... I sometimes have bad dreams about him... I am sorry... I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
3rd person P.O.V
Smg4 is having the same nightmare... over and over...
"H̞͔̯͕̓͂a̖ͩḫ͙̟̜̩̠̊̽̅͑a̝̗ͣ̔ͬ̂ẖ̜̻ä̱̙̗͉̯̈͆̿̾̒.̠̥ͣ.̤̭͒̐̽͋ͤͬ.͇̦̟̝̰̳̈́̂̒.̫̣̪̦ ̫̼̘͕͙̏ͧS͍̭̦͕̝͕͆͐m̑g̲̪̱̜ͧ̄̒4͑ͮ̓̉.ͭ́.̘͕̻͎̩͙̓́̄̓͌̔͛.̰͇̍̎ ̾̋͊ͫ͋g̦̟͔͛ͧ͊͗͌̿̋i̯̳̣̪̼̲͋͛̊̇ve̞͔͑͊ͦ̐͌̐ ͫ̿̊ͭ͂ͤ̓u̬ͨ̇̿͂̍̓̃p͓̥͕̹̮̠̺̀͆.̗ͦ͊ͪͅ.̥͙̰.̗̝̋̑̓̓ͣ ͓̲̜̟̱͎̪̂̿̉y̥̠ͨ̉o̪͓̬̣͋̓̒̋̚u̘ͩ ̰̥͇̼w͇̖̯̭͎̟͔ȋ͍͇̽͑̈́̆́l̪̱͕͉̼̰̜l̫̑̾ͣͤͅ ̼͓̳̱̋́ͪ̚n̓��̹̭̣͎̙̝̘͐̅̈e̤͍̳̩̝͔̮̾͌v͖̥̮̍ͧ͊̆͐e̟͊͒͌̎̚̚r͍̺̭̠̰͔̖ͩ̀̊͐ ͙̥͔̼̇b͇̪̜ͬ̈͌e̎ͦ͑̍ ͉̩̩̻̾̌̍͂p̜͕͑̊ͦ̉̚̚ͅo͔̲͇̰̰͓͋̔̃̑̑ͫp͉̹̤͓̒̈́̅̏̇u̱̗̖̣̿ͬ͐l̘̥͔̣͍̪ͥ̈͊͋ͭ̇ͬͅa̠ͮ̏̌r̹͈̠ͥ͗.͛̓.͍̒ͪͭ͒ͩ̉.͚̮͖̻̌͐̓̒ͦ ͇̤͚̟̰͙̦̆ͮ̃͂ͣ͆̚Y̓͂ͮͣͤo͔̫̼͖̹ͥu̦͉̎̊ͣ͛ͦ̽ͫ'͓͇̣̦̥̘͑̀̾̾ř͕̯ͮ̽̄̿ē̫̗͕͓̪̪ͦ̿̃̓͆ ̗̮̥̙̹̦̘̂̌͒̒j̭̞͓̻̙̹͈͗̑ͨū͌s̰̹͕͕̅ͅṭ̙̽ͧ̑ ̘̗̜̫̜ͣ͛a̝̼̥̙̲̅ ̰͎̯͍̪͒ͥͤ̈́̀ͨŝ̪t̼̙̰̒̄ͬ̐ͨṷ͉͗͗ͨ̽̒ͤp̙̹̬͚̥̀ͤͫ͂͋́̂i͉͇͚̣̹̎͊ͪͅd͙͔̔ ̜̊̆̂̔͐̚r͈̠͚̪̃̇͑̆͒̉̄e̥̼̫̋ͧ͗ͪͫ̋̚t͔̞̥̱̱͗ͅạ̲͍͉̥̑ͨ̇͑̈́ͅṛ̳͔̤̦̦̋̊̈́ď͎͇̫̾̓ͫ̂".̖̮̯̰ͫ͗́"̼͍̖̞͈̈̒
It said to him. "NONONONO! JUST STOP! I-I-I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!" Smg4 screamed, crying and sobbing his  guts out. It only had an evil grin... it shape shifted into Smg4 insane look.
I͉͈͚̗̤̎ͫ͂͂T̜̣̭̯͔̅͌͌ͪ'S̜͖̏̑ͣ̽ ̟̮̟͎͒ͯG̣̭̥̼͌̀̌͆O̤̯̍͋͛̑T̪̓T̘̣͔̪͊À̞̣̽͗̅ ͕̭̗̦̱̃B̖͕͎E͍̗ͦ ̣̜͚̝ͣͅP̹̍͛ͤ͗Ể̤̩͔͎̂́Rͤ̾ͤͦF̲̝̼̒͗̉ͩE̺̓̋C̳̱̟͖T͎̞͚̉́ͦ͊!͓ͧ͂̾!͎̫̪!͍͈̐ ͈͛̎ͨ̽̄T̳̲͉̪̤ͯ̾̐͗ͭH̜̹̘̙E̎̑͆ͦ̚Y͋ ̙̠̖͙͓̒ͩͮ͗A͔͈͉̞Ř̩̤͕̥̇̾ͧͬE͇̼͒ͫͪ ͍̙̺̓ͨ̌̿̒J̣U̖̣͙̦͈ͥͥ͑S͇ͦ́Ť̻̪̳ͣ̾̄ ̥̯̳̇͂̀Í̺̯̪̱͇̏̎D̗̉͊I̱̽ͣ͊O͇̘̫T͔̈͛̌͛S͍̩̜͈̦̐!͚̥̳̠̤̓!̪̓̚!͇͖͔̭̖̇̈́̿ͩ̊ ̙̖̎̑̍͊K̪̹̒̂̄̐Ȉ̻͇̻͈̌̋L̽͋̒L̗̫̯͋̾ ̫͚͍̜̞̐̊ͪ͛̑Ṭ̤̙̤̮͒H̬͖͚͇̝͛ͥͣ̂E͈͎̫͊̄ͯM̥̬̫̲̄͒̄ͩ͂!ͥ̊̐̓!̺̟̋̆ͨͅ ̲̙͖̬̭ͧ̋̓K͆̎ͨİ͎̩͚͙̭L͌Lͦ́͐͊ ̼̰ͣ̄͗̈ͭT̠͖ͧ́ͅH͙͖̦͗͗͂̊̃E͖̞̅M̫̭̺̽̾͊̔ ̰̄̂Ǎ̿͑L͎̐̊ͭL̺͇̩͖͈ͩ!̳̘̹̼̈́̐!̪̮ͣ!ͮ͐͑̊͂ ͦͫ̐̿̚Ś̱M͓̠̬̦̅ͪ̍Ḡ̭͚̋̌́3̼ D̓͗̔O̝̙̟ͥ͒Ė̲̜͌S͈ͮN͎'̼͓̯͇̥̊̈T̻͑̔ͯ̑ͨ ̭̻̜̈̂G͔̫͙͒̍͊ͥͧI͈̣̱͛̂ͪV̱͎̮̂E̳̳͓̰͕ͦ̍́ ͙̗̳͋̾͆ͅÀ͑ͧ̐̓ S͗̈͆̅̽Ḣ̭̲̍I̞̮̠͋̂T̪͍ ̗̇ͯA̳̜̥B̮͚̜̪̋͊̆̍͋ͅO̖̮Ụ̗̙̆T͇̳̘͖͆ ͉̹̝̻̰ͬͪ̒͋Ỹ̦̼̙͕ͩO̺ͬU͉̤̥̳̳͋ͪ͒͂!̘͊͐!̻͈̃̅̎ͨ!̃̍ͦ̐ ͉̌̽D̂ͦ͑Î̱͈̒̽̉ͥE̿͑̑̋̌ ͓̫͕̚D̥͚̜I͔͈͍̗ͨͭͣ̌Ẻ̹ ͇͎̙ͩ͆D̼̊̍I͍͙̭̲̤ͥ̿ͤ͑E͑̆̇ͪ̚!̮̪̼̦̊ͧ͒!̮̠͊ͬ!̭̒ͧ
It laughed at Smg4. Smg4 just curled up into a ball. Sobbing and praying this can just end. On the other side, Smg3 woke up by Smg4 screaming. He gotten up and opened the door to Smg4's room. Smg3 found Smg4 in his sleep, sobbing. He shook Smg4 violently. Smg4 yelped and shot himself from his sleeping position. Smg4 looked at Smg3, seeing fear in his eyes. Smg4 hugged Smg3. "I-I'm so sorry... I-I-I just... I am just a piece of shit... arn't I...?" Smg4 said. Smg3 just hugged Smg4. "No... well yes... You're not just any piece of shit... your a funny, stupid, cute, and handsome piece of shit!" Smg3 cooed. Smg4 blushed and stopped crying. "Y-you... you mean it?" Smg4 said in concern. "Of course! Why would you think I wouldn't come running into your room, let you suffer even more?! That's just fucking wrong!" Smg3 said. "Yeah... That is... wrong..." Smg4 said... They both slowly leaned forward towards eachother. "Yeah... It is..." Smg3 calmly said. They're face to face... eyes closed... going in for a kiss... they kissed. A long passionate kiss... like the ones you see in romance movies. They let their bodies wrap against eachother. They didn't want to end this moment. Smg3 pinned down Smg4 to the bed. Still kissing him. They both starting to loose air. They stopped and panted. Smg3 looked at Smg4 in his eyes and Smg4 did the same to Smg3. "I love you idiot." Smg3 said, as he gave a small peck on the lips to 4. "I love you too, Mr. Tsundere." Smg4 said. Smg3 cuddled with 4 and 4 did the same to 3. It was the next morning and Smg4 woke up. Smg4 groaned as he stretched. He looked around and didn't see Smg3 in bed with him. He gotten up and looked into Smg3's room. He is not in his bed. He heard footsteps and found Smg3 holding breakfast and coffee for him. "Miss me?" Smg3 said. "Yeah... Yeah I do..."
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sanazyung · 1 year
an in depth rundown of the structure of the bachelor, in case you are reading my bachelor fic without any prior knowledge of the bachelor and wish to know more.
week 1: limos arrive. anywhere between 25-30 contestants show up to meet the bachelor. theres always stupid gimmicks and shit and at the end of the night the lead gives out one rose to someone that had the best first impression--aptly named the first impression rose. this rose means that person is automatically safe. at the end of the night theres a rose ceremony, where the lead gives roses to those he wants to stay. typically 5-7 people go home on the first night
weeks 2-3: dates begin. these take place in the original filming location, and each week there are three dates: two group dates and a one on one. on the group dates, 10 or so contestants do some crazy and silly activity during the day (usually some sort of competition) and then a cocktail party where they get to spend time with the lead at night. at the end of the date is a group date rose for whoever the lead felt like did the best job or had the best conversation, which of course grants them immunity. the one on one lasts all day with the lead and one contestant and also has a rose up fro grabs at the end of it. every week ends with a rose ceremony where people are sent home.
weeks 5-7: travel weeks. the same structure as before continues but in locations all around the world. at some point when its down to about 10 contestants it switches to two one-on-one dates and one group date a week.
week 8: hometowns. when four contestants remain, the lead travels to each of their home towns and meets their families. one person is eliminated after
week 9: fantasy suites. the final 3 are given the opportunity to have an overnight date with the lead with no cameras. its the first extended period of time in the show where they are able to talk without any cameras. widely, as you can imagine, its used for sex, but obviously not always. in my fanfiction it will definitely be used for sex! someone is eliminated at the end of the week
week 10: the final two contestants get to meet the lead's family, and then the lead will propose to only one of them. since the show is filmed way before it airs, after the finale airs typically they will do a live special of the lead and the contestant they chose and do an update on their relationship etc etc.
happy to answer any questions you may have about the bachelor or my fic specifically if you have any!! clearly i am very Not Normal about this show so i possess embarrassing amounts of knowledge about it.
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tired-biscuit · 7 months
i've just seen your posts on dash biscuit and its so sad you're feeling like that :( If i'm to tell you the honest truth biscuit, I don't remember how I found your account but i remember being so intrigued and hooked immediately - I went on to read your War General Kiba (to somewhat expose myself.. I am War General Kiba anon from around a month ago) bc your writing itched my brain so fuckin good !!
It makes me so sad that uni started recently for me and I have been so caught up I haven't gotten around to reblogging war general kiba because I haven't gotten the moment to write my thoughts regarding those:( they're sitting in my drafts. I decided I would read every single one of your fics a month ago (unfortunately I haven't been able to yet) - including the naruto thirst you elaborated on for me, and though I haven't gotten time to read it, THANK YOU SO MUCH BISCUIT for taking your time out to do that :( <3
You deserve every single one of those likes , but you deserve them alongside an equal amount of reblogs :/ i sincerely hope that these followers and whatnot pull their heads out of their ass and start reblogging - because if they don't, they're not going to have anything to read. bc biscuit you are such an amazing and talented writer, and it always blows my mind we get to read your masterpieces for free. FOR FREE!!!! that is so crazy like, this is stuff that could get you MILLIONS and we have the blessing from you to type a few words onto our screens and read it! like WOW thank you so much <3 🍁 anon
oh my gosh, you’re so sweet; imma start sobbing!
listen, you don’t have to apologize for not being able to read my fics; i get it, life happens and we get busy as people and fanfiction definitely is NOT everything there is to life! so please don’t say sorry for that because there is literally no need for it, like i said. YOU’RE GOOD!
it just grinds my gears that i’m not allowed to vent on here about this particular topic because some people will INSTANTLY jump the wagon to call me ungrateful. i get it, i get notes, but people usually don’t understand that likes don’t mean shit on here and that the majority of those notes are just that: likes. sure, i get a little notif that someone liked my story, but i have no clue what they thought about it based from that heart. i have no clue if they’ve even actually read it. to make matters even worse, it makes the post just straight up fucking die.
i spend hours and hours and hours writing, editing, rereading, tweaking the same story for ages. i could just not post it and keep it to myself, sure, but i enjoy interacting with my moots and my followers in general, and giving people that share my interest in the same characters something to read about, because let’s be real; kiba is niche af. i like feeding the kiba girlies because i barely had anything to eat a couple years back when it comes to him and i’ve worked my fucking ass off for those notes over the years, SO OF COURSE I APPRECIATE THEM, OK?
this debate, or whatever you wanna call it, has been circling around here for ages and it’s useless at this point, i think... writers, artists, creators of all sorts say “please say thank you for my creation that i made for YOU after you’ve asked, i beg” and people call us ungrateful or stuck up or whatever the fuck. i mean, do people seriously think i enjoy self-reblogging all the time and begging for interaction like that robin hood meme with the cup???????? no, i do it because it is the only way people will see my work before it disappears into the ether once again, ffs!!!!!!!!
ANYWAYS, i will write a drabble for your war general!kiba ask when i have the time, i promise! i just want to actually make it good and write like a proper story instead of just my thoughts because he is very dear to me and i am a perfectionist when it comes to my royalty AU and it makes me overthink and just… yeah! he has been sitting in the back of my head, clanking his heavy weapons impatiently, lmao.
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
hey! i'm really not a writer but i have to take a class on it next year and i'm really scared by it, so i'm trying to get opinions and whatnot from people who do write. (that's why you might see this ask in a lot of authors' inboxes heh) i'm wondering if there's anything that helps you get in the mood to write, if there's anything that causes/makes worse a writer's block, if you find it easier to write when given a prompt or if you prefer to make things up completely, if you prefer writing a story or more of an essay, how long does it take you to finish something and how do you know it's finished? and i know a lot of these could be answered with "it depends" but please avoid saying that if you can! thank you for helping me!
there's two perspectives i have here: one is writing in the context of college courses, and two is writing for pleasure.
when i wrote essays in college, i would always need a quiet place to go, or a place where conversations wouldn't be distracting. the 3rd floor of the library. a study cubby. starbucks at 4pm. but i would ALWAYS have instrumental music in my headphones. lofi. writing music playlists on youtube. classical. whatever made me feel 'scholarly' and didn't have words. that was my go to. and i think doing that same routine, getting my little drinks and always AFTER i had eaten was key to at least having some semblance of motivation to get my shit done. cause i had to write a LOT. all the time. different lengths of things too; 500 words to full length papers.
with school, the motivation was "i have to get it done by x date". and im a perfectionist, so it took me a looooong time to write the hard stuff. especially since i had to research as well. loooong time to gather sources before i actually did any writing, loooong time sorting and culling those sources, looooong time stringing them together to make them 'perfect'. i self inflict a lot of struggle, but thats how my brain functions to get the outcomes i did (and the grades I did).
I did do some creative writing in college, mostly poetry. for that, there were certainly deadlines motivating me, but the projects got my creative side flowing a bit more. often times, i would have to stop to jot something down while i was going about my day, because i knew i would forget it later. but, a lot of the same things can be said about my college creative writing; i slaved over the things until they were perfect, until they finally looked 'right' to me. and that takes a lot of time, personally. i hated procrastinating but sometimes you really do write better under pressure.
in school, i needed clear cut prompts/requirements for my long form work. i couldn't function without them, because i always outlined like crazy. it helped organize and cull my crazy thoughts.
now, with personal writing (which i 99% fanfiction currently), it can be hit or miss. sometimes, i need someone else's ideas to get me going. other times, im plagued by horny visions during work and i have to jot them down in my phone until i can write them out later. and sometimes i lose motivation by then, which sucks.
sometimes, it takes me a long time to finish stories. whether that be due to length, or simply because i took my time writing it little by little. I can crank out a full length fic in 2 days if im really feeling it, or it make take an entire week to write 1k words. it just depends on how into writing and into the idea i am.
lately, i have to go with whatever sparks my interest in order to write. i find its no fun to try and force yourself to write for pleasure, bc it just becomes a chore then. writing as a hobby is supposed to be fun, it is not supposed to consume you (wise words that crow does not follow a lot of times).
my advice for school is to keep track of your deadlines. start earlier than you need to for big projects, especially if you have an idea you really want to role with. dont be afraid to brainstorm with your teachers, they're your resource for stuff like that. they can help steer you in the right direction if you're stuck. carve out time to write and double down on it. take breaks when you need to, of course, but try to stay on task whenever possible.
my advice for personal writing is DO NOT FORCE IT. if you get inspired by something, and feel the need to write, and you can write at that moment, do it. those words will come like no other. second best thing is to write it down to visit later. i also think its important to remember you do not have to write every idea you ever think of, even if its a really good idea! its okay to have ideas that you dont do anything with.
overall advice, dont feel like you have to edit as you go. if you're unsure of your skills as a writer, just get down the ideas onto paper. thats the first step. write it how you might tell a story to a friend. all the fancy word choice and formatting can be done later. and know that you dont have to be the most seasoned writer to be a good writer. skills take time to develop. and the class may be boring at times. but its to help you learn, so dont fret! its okay to be scared at first.
let me know if you have any other questions, i have a lot under my belt, believe me!
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athletickat · 4 years
Top Reads 2020 Fanfiction
I started reading Harry Potter fanfiction this year (thanks to Tik Tok) and these stories I’ve read keep me up at night because I cannot stop thinking about them. 
#1- Manacled by @senlinyu
This is story is a MASTERPIECE. I cannot express how many times I’ve read and thought about this story. The way Hermione loves Draco and Draco loves Hermione is unbeatable. Hermione is a literal boss bitch in this story and my favorite Hermione in everything I’ve read. The build up, the tension, the CHEMISTRY; it is the best thing I have ever read. I could write a whole damn brook report on this story and be proud of it. This story is just... ugh *ultimate chefs kiss*.
#2- Rights and Wrongs series by @lovesbitca8 
The Right Thing To Do, All the Wrong Things, and The Auction are my absolute favorite pieces of writing ever. Draco Malfoy in this series is my horny king, and the best Draco in everything I’ve read. The Auction has a special place in my heart because of hard Hermione works to stay alive and keep the Malfoys alive, as well. All the characters in each story are so well written, especially the Malfoys, and I cannot express how in love I am with each little plot detail and connection between the stories.   
#3- Remain Nameless by @heyjude19-writing
I recently read this story and I cannot get enough of it. This is first fic I’ve read with a wedding scene (two scenes!!) and I cannot put it in words of how perfect it is. This story is all about the love Draco and Hermione have for each other, and it has set such unrealistic expectations for me...ugh. Every chapter had me smiling like an idiot and I could not put it down. 
#4- Cruel and Beautiful World by Lena Phoria 
I am so happy that Lena Phoria turned this fanfiction into a book, but nothing beats the original characters in this story. The way I fell in love with all the characters (except Voldemort, gross) is immaculate. This story deals with a lot of trauma and heavy topics, but the plot and the characters are just too good. Draco is a sweetheart and absolutely whipped for Hermione, but they need each other. I have never laughed so hard while reading a dark AU fic, and this story made my abs hurt. Definitely one to read.
#5- All You Want by @senlinyu
Holy shit. This story has the best smut I have ever read. The way senlinyu describes what's happening to Alpha Draco and Omega Hermione during sex makes me laugh out loud. It is so so good and so so sexy. It is such a fun story to read, and that’s why I love it so much. 
#6- Breath mints / Battle Scars by @onyx-and-elm
This story is the definition of toxicity, but honestly, it’s still so good. Both Hermione and Draco are changed after the war, and they fall in love by rage, sex, and protection of one another. Hermione does not give a single damn about what people may say about her, and Draco just wants her to be happy (although it does take a while for him to see what that really means). Plot and characters are amazing, and the ending is *chefs kiss*.
#7- Isolation by Bex-chan 
The first Dramione fanfiction I’ve ever read, and it has a very special place in my heart. I didn’t think I would like reading Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger fanfiction, but this story changed my mind and led to my spiral of reading such amazing stories. Such an amazing read, and I love seeing Draco grow into a man that Hermione deserves and loves. This story is iconic.
#8- Hunted by Bex-chan
Another superb story by Bex-chan. A Romance/Mystery story after the war and Draco and Hermione fall in love... hard. They are great together and the plot is amazing. This story is another iconic one for me.
#9- Love and Other Misfortunes by @senlinyu
Another great piece of work from the Queen herself, senlinyu. Draco is so stubborn it hurts, but it’s okay because Hermione is there to save the day (duh). Love these two and the romance between them in this story. Also, Veela Draco with wings and fangs is too much for me. Not that it’s important or anything, but the smut level is through the roof. Love it.
#10- Bring Him to His Knees by @willhavetheirtrinkets
Auror Draco and Auror Harry are an iconic duo. I love how intricate Draco is in this story, and how his past still very much affects his present, but Hermione helps him a lot, and it shows just how much they care for each other. Hermione and Draco dance around each other until they realize *wait* they have feelings for each other! It is not complete yet, but I do check every week or so for updates because it has a good murder mystery plot and a fabulous Dramione. 
#11- The Risk-Reward Ratio by MissiAmphetamine
War fic, and honestly one of my favorite ones. Draco sucks up his pride and goes to the Order for help, and Hermione is the only one who truly excepts him. Draco is a stubborn bastard in this story, but he makes up for it. The scenes are so real, and neither character is perfect, but you’ll see how far they are willing to go for each other. 
#12- The Just World Fallacy by MissiAmphetamine
Sequel to The Risk-Reward Ratio, and this one is tough. Still so good, but deals with torture, PTSD, rape, and more heavy topics. The love that still stands between Draco and Hermione even after all that they have been through together is beautiful. I love this story, and I love seeing how each character grows into their own person while during a war.
#13- Broken by @inadaze22
I have never cried so much while reading a story. This story made ME feel broken because Hermione is quite literally shattered, but so is Draco. It’s a story that makes you feel so many things at once and it is beautiful. Super slow-burn, but in the end, Hermione and Draco are meant to be together. 
#14- This World or Any Other series by @olivieblake
Clean and Marked are incredible stories with a rollercoaster twist. I love each character in this series, and the love that Hermione has for Draco, and vice versa, is the most powerful thing in this universe. The relationship starts with a potion assignment and just extends through there. I love their characters so much alongside the secondary characters and it makes the story so interesting. 6th year Hogwarts and continues with the war, but Draco and Hermione are always there for each other no matter what. 
#15- The Eagles Nest by HeartOfApsen
Ravenclaw Draco and Hermione, 8th year, and Alchemy. This story is so complex, and I couldn’t stop reading it. I love both Draco and Hermione and how they work to settle a problem together. Also seeing all the secret rooms in Hogwarts was another compelling aspect of the story that I loved. They know they need each other, and them being nerds and all, school is what brings them together in the end.
#16- Almost Perfect, Almost Yours by BelleOfSummer
I could not put down this story. No matter how much it angered me, and no matter how much I wanted to throw my laptop at the wall, I couldn’t stop reading. The plot is so interesting where Hermione is raised by a Pureblood family, but she was adopted from muggles, so she is Muggleborn. All the while her and Draco fall in love through their teen years and go through a war together. Hermione is a bad bitch and Draco is whipped (maybe not in a good way). They experience so much together, and in the end, you learn to love them for who they are.
#17- The Green Girl by @colubrina
Hermione is sorted into Slytherin and makes all new friends that do not include Harry Potter or Ronald Weasley. I freaking love this story because Hermione is a literal Queen, and the story itself is so well written. I don’t usually read T-rated works, but I could not put this one down because it has such an interesting plot.
#18- Erised Effect by @adaprix
Smut, smut, and more smut with such a cute plot. I love little Hermione as a bad bitch and big dick Draco as a little softy. I was hooked from the first chapter and it was so crazy. The sex scenes in this are just... *fans self*. This story is a rollercoaster of smut, but Draco and Hermione are my all time favs in this.
#19- Every Day, a Little Death by @lovesbitca8
Draco tries everything to satisfy Hermione, and when I say everything, I mean everything. Such a cute story with such a cute relationship. Hermione doesn’t mean to fall in love, but alas, Draco is a sex God and it was inevitable. I love this story!
#20- Crimson with a Silver Lining by Lady Cailan
A dark AU where Draco is mesmerized by Hermione and her will to stay alive. Their love is so strong, but alas, Draco is a stubborn bastard. This story is an emotional rollercoaster and another story where I could not put it down. Also *spoiler* some family drama going on throughout the story. 
#21- Bond by MrBenzedrine89
*fans self* again because this story is incredible. Love the smut, love the club, love the love between Draco and Hermione. Super interesting details in this story with Draco, Hermione, and the infamous Bond club. Loved reading this story.
I fell down a rabbit whole of Dramione stories this year, and it made me ignore everything I had to in my life just to read them. I can’t wait to see more stories this year and procrastinate my life by reading these stories!
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infisonicosm-moved · 2 years
I try to keep my emotions and feelings about certain things kind of quiet bc I know the impending response I'm gonna get. I am in a rut though and feel like if I write it out then maybe I'll feel better.
I don't want to write anymore. I just don't have the desire, inspiration, or feel drawn to write. I feel like there's been this sort of shift in the fandom where people view fanfiction as toxic and I for one am tired of having it thrown in my face. I'm tired of people ripping me apart and making me feel bad bc I wanna write something spicy, or bc I'm writing about rl people. I'm tired of it being thrown in my face that I write fanfiction so my opinion on things don't matter. I've been kicked, and kicked, and kicked.
I don't want to discredit the people who have supported my writing and said the most lovely things to me. I appreciate those kind words more than I can express. And I don't want to come off as whiny when I talk about this. My spirit just feels so low and discouraged at the thought of people thinking bad of me bc I decide to write fanfiction about these guys.
Of all my years online, I've never seen a community think and talk so lowly of fanfiction writers like the greta van fleet fandom. I fully understand if you don't like it, if it's not your cup of tea...but why do we feel the need to be so hateful about it?
It's finally eaten away at me enough to the point where this doesn't feel worth it anymore. Anything I want to post, I'm nervous to do so. I don't feel like it's good enough. I've stared to really think lowly of my writing capability and it sucks. Writing has been an escape for me for the last year. I've had so much traumatizing shit happen to me that idk where my head would be mentally if I didn't have a story to write and escape to. It's helped keep my mind off the bad shit happening around me, it's made me feel like I have a purpose.
But, now I just feel worn down to the dirt. I feel disgusting and personally I'm tired of my writing being used against me. It hurts like hell. I wrote these things for myself and others who were seeking an escape as well. And I hate that I'm questioning if it's even worth fighting to do anymore. Writing is my safe space and it just feels like somebody broke in and trashed it all. And I guess I just need reassurance that I'm not crazy for feeling this way.
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scaryspaghetti45 · 3 years
Our First Love
(Jeff The Killer x Fem!Reader)
Disclaimer: Near-death experience, swearing, mild-stalking and thoughts about death. (It's a Jeff the killer fanfiction). I am going to do this in parts/chapters, sorry if it isn't as good as you were hoping, I'm a new writer, I'm very sorry. 2.2k words.
Synopsis: When you picture love what do you imagine? Marriage? Kids? Stable relationship? Well after a near-death experience you were so sure that you would never experience those things. You were given a second chance at life but under certain conditions. Somehow through all of this craziness, you're able to find love but with who?
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"DAD PLEASE STOP!" I screamed, hot tears burning my cheeks as my body thrashed around, trying to escape his grasp, trying to find leverage, trying to find anything to help me escape.
"I'm sorry" he whispered, suddenly his body came to a stop but mine did not, I kicked and clawed and screamed. My eyes darted around until I looked down we were standing over the rapids, I whipped my eyes up at him "Dad, please, I'll be quiet I promise" I pleaded with him, small sobs escaping my lips.
His face gave no emotion, not even a tear, I don't know exactly what I wanted, maybe sympathy, sadness, scaredness but what he did next was none of those things. He planted his feet and threw me.
"Someone save me! ...Anyone" I pleaded, my body slammed into the water causing a burning sensation on my back where the water hit. My arms flailed trying to keep my head above water, I couldn't swim and shit I regret not learning now.
My body slammed into sharp rocks, the water throwing my body wherever it pleased, I could feel water start to rip its way into my lungs, come on y/n do something! I turned my body into the next rock, gripping onto it and pulling my body above the water, I finally took a gasp of air, coughing up all the water I just inhaled.
I was safe, well somewhat, where was I? How far stream had I gotten? My thoughts were quickly disturbed when I felt my grip on the stone slip, no no no NO! I fell back into the rapid once again being thrashed about until suddenly the water seemed somewhat calm.
I thrashed my arms trying to get any air in my lungs until I saw it... The edge... I was going to die, wasn't I? This was going to be it? No revenge for my mother, me or my family? No, I didn't want to die! Not here not now! "SoMeOnE hELp" I gurgled trying to scream trying to get anyone to notice someone... Please... Anyone...
I felt the last of the air leave my lungs, my body slowly giving up on me, oxygen cutting off from my brain making my vision blur more than it already was and then my body began to fall off the edge of the waterfall "I want revenge..." I ushered my last words as I fell through the air, asshole...
I jolted to the side of my body clutching my stomach violently throwing up water, the cold air ripping through my lungs burning my throat, I took big gasps of air, didn't I die? How am I alive? I look at my hands and raised them to my cheeks, confusion ran through my mind.
I looked at the sky, God did you hear my cries? Did you save me? Did you give me a second chance? I shook my already dizzy head trying to focus on my situation, where was I? I looked around momentarily before trying to stand but quickly fell back down "fuck" I mumbled under my breath.
I looked back at my legs horrified to see multiple cuts, bruises, gashes and most importantly my once long jeans have been ripped to somewhat booty shorts. I rolled onto my sore butt to see the injuries not stopping at my legs and running all up my body, no wonder I can't walk.
I sat there for a few minutes taking in my situation questioning what to do, I am stuck in the middle of a forest with probably infected cuts running up and down my body and I'm probably going to catch some sort of illness out here as well, what fucking luck.
Another thing I had noticed when I was with my father was it was early summer but now it was late Autumn. Cold winds and most of the leaves had fallen off of the tree's, everything seemed to be hiding away from the cold temperatures and it was only going to get worse at night.
I sighed, I need to try and get up aga- my thoughts were disrupted again by the sound of leaves breaking under a foot behind me, I quickly turned around to see no one...? I was baffled I was certain someone or at least something was behind me and that's when I noticed it, a shiny small dagger lay near the closest tree near me, was it there before?
I was almost certain it wasn't, I slowly got onto my knee's and pushed up struggling to just stand before stumbling forward to the water and I almost screamed looking down at my reflection, I looked horrible, my skin was unusually pale almost zombie-like compared to my normal complexion, my eyes were sunken and dull and I looked starved as well.
Crack, what the flying fuck was that? I whipped my body around as fast as I could but again... Nothing. I looked around carefully before approaching and picking up the blood-stained blade. The sounds of a car revving echoed throughout the oddly silent forest, where was it coming from!? And most importantly, why is there a running car in the middle of a forest?
Without thinking my legs took off in the direction I assumed I could hear it, where was it? I pushed past the overgrown bushes and most likely poison ivy. Creating more scrapes and cuts on my legs and feet but if there is a car there are people and when there are people, there is safety. I hope.
- Time skip -
I had been running for about an hour, maybe more? But my legs were flaring, my lungs felt like they were going to explode and my throat was on fire, WHERE WAS THIS GOD DAMN FUCKING CAR!? My ankle rolled and I went headfirst into the ground and began to roll across the harsh terrain, my vision blurred and my head was dizzy I laid there for a second and then black.
It wasn't dark for long though my eyes slowly opened one at a time, a burning feeling running through my body, I let out a groan and slowly tried to sit up and look around, I realised exactly why I was in so much pain.
From what I could observe, I had fallen in a patch of poison ivy, I squinted before confirming, it was hard to see since the only light was from the full moon in the sky, what time was it? But I couldn't focus for too long the pain was too much. I quickly pushed up and stumbled out of the patch before collapsing into another patch of grass.
I then thought about the dagger I had collected, shit where was it!? I looked around me before seeing it sparkling under the moonlight but that wasn't the only thing sparkling under the moonlight.
It was large, with broad shoulders? Could I even call it that? It had multiple hunches on its back, its face had black holes for eyes and its mouth was opened in a snarl and drool spilled out like water almost.
Its face had locked onto my body, when did it get there? and what the fuck was that thing!? That's when the thing started to shift towards me in slow but loud footsteps and making groaning noises as it got closer and closer until it was a mere meters away looking at me with a hungry look on its face.
Its arm was long and bony with a large claw-like hand raised to strike me, I crawled back letting out a horrified scream kicking dirt as I still crawled back until it swung down ripping up the earth a few inches away from my feet.
I quickly turned back around on my hands and knees, my fight or flight instincts kicking in and I choose flight taking off into the forest but quickly sneaking back a glance at the dagger and something inside of me told me, I need that.
But it was too late, I was running as fast as I could through the forest small rocks occasionally stabbing my foot causing me to stumble for a bit, the creature always at least 3-2 metres behind me, Chasing me... Hunting me...
Was it intelligent? Could it understand what exactly it was doing? Or was it just idly hunting me? That's when I remembered the car noises! I couldn't hear them now but If people lived here... And If I could hear their car... Then they would be able to hear my voice! So I let out petrified screams"HELP ME! PLEASE!" "ANYONE HELP!" I continued to scream as I ran sometimes looking back at the creature as it let out small eerie grunts reaching out to grab me.
That's when I could see it, the small space of poison ivy we had started in, did we do a full circle? When? How? These thoughts quickly dimensioned as I saw the shiny blade in the middle of the patch, I may not be able to overpower this thing but I could definitely hurt it enough to leave me alone.
I ran towards the dagger diving for it and grabbing it, holding it tight to my chest before crawling back and pointing it at the creature, was it a creature? it looked more like a demon. My hands trembled pointing the blade at the creature slowly standing up making myself look bigger, scarier.
The creature swung at me again, I braced myself to stab or hurt the creature but it had sent me flying into a tree, my back cracking against the force of being slammed into the wood, I stared at the creature for a moment, my body burned in pain, it hurt everywhere. What if... What if I gave up? What if I let this creature kill me?...
No! I couldn't think like this! I was given a second chance for a reason! And I wasn't going to give up now! I forced myself to sit up gripping the dagger in my hand determination gleaming in my eyes. I was going to live. I slid up against the tree adrenaline running through my veins pushing me to fight for my life.
I lunged at the creature aiming for the throat but stabbed into the creature's chest, well good enough I guess, I could hear the creature let out a horrifying scream, I used my body weight and swung down the dagger ripping open the thing's chest.
The creature's voice sent chills through my entire body it looked at me with its empty sockets, it looked furious, it didn't need eyes for me to tell how angry the creature was. It ripped me away from its chest ripping the dagger out too and threw me to the ground knocking the air out of my lungs, the dagger a few inches away from my hand.
It seemed to have looked at me deciding what exactly it should do with me now, it must have clicked in its mind before lowering itself down atop of me. It was going. to. chew. off. my. head. I stared back at the creature gasping for air trying to hold the air down while also trying to reach out for the dagger.
I could hear its jaw click open as if it was unhinging its jaw, I could see its mouth, its long tongue, spiky shark-like teeth and drewl dripping onto my face. I could feel my stomach turning at this, I looked to the side grabbing one last deep breath and wrapping my fingers around the weapon before using all my courage to drive the dagger into the creature's throat and rip it open.
Blood poured all over my body and the creature, for a second, looked like it was stuck in time before collapsing onto my body and slowly bleeding out over me, I used the last of my strength to crawl out from under the creature. I laid there, breathing heavily, I could feel the adrenaline slowly wearing out, I could feel everything hitting me at once, all the pain and exhaustion.
Then I could see him emerging from the tree's and darkness, his long black hair shaping his face, who was this man? he was nothing like the creature I just fought, he was human or as close to human as you could get, he studied me from a distance and then smirked. "Help me" I whispered reaching my hand out towards him before my body shut down and my head hit the ground and swiftly faded into unconsciousness.
"Mummy please wake up" I gently shook my mother's lifeless body, trying to somehow wake her up, deep inside I knew she was dead, I knew my mummy was gone, but in my 10-year-old brain, I had convinced myself that I could bring her back if I just shook hard enough.
Her blood seeped into my pink flowery dress, my mother had sewn it for me, seeing as we had no money she thought I would like it even if it wasn't sewn good and it looked very cheap but anything she gave me was a treasure in my eyes.
My dad's large footsteps could be heard coming back down the hallway, tears started to prick my eyes, mummy was really gone, wasn't she?... My father then grabbed me by my dress lifting me into the air his face riddled with anger "you will tell them that you did this!" His voice boomed throughout the little house.
I sniffled and burst into tears, why? Why did he have to kill mummy? His face then softened into a psychopathic smile, he softly set me down and cupped my face with his large hands "oh sweety don't you see? I only did this so you can be just like daddy! And then you can join daddy and his fun club" his voice rang in my ears, the big sadistic smile plastered onto his face. I could remember this memory very well and I did not want to join daddy's 'fun club'.
Tag list <3
@cryingteacup @moffywaifu @vai-brazilian
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tania2199 · 2 years
Farewell to Legends of tomorrow
I have never been a big fan of the superhero genre – it’s great, just not my cup of tea. Speaking of comics, I’d rather prefer some dark and semi-realistic DC and Vertigo stuff – you know, like Hellblazer for example. John Constantine is one of my favorite comic book characters, I’ve read all of the original Hellblazer run and most of the new stuff. I like the movie (not really true to the comics but it was fine). I loved the show – it had really great potential and Matt Ryan who was utterly perfect for this role. He is a phenomenal actor. He really was – he is John Constantine. I was really disappointed that the show got canceled.
So naturally I decided to watch Legends of tomorrow to get more content with my favorite character. I knew absolutely nothing about the show – never watched any other Arrowverse show, but I was willing to give it a shot. And let me tell you – I was not disappointed.
It’s absolutely ridiculous. It’s fantastically weird. It’s bonkers and over the top and so fucking crazy that you really start to wonder how the hell writers come up with all this shit.
So, you know – how could I not fall in love with it?
It has queer characters of all sorts. It has characters with different backgrounds and beliefs. It has superheroes (mostly C-list and that’s wonderful) and warlocks. It has found family. And time-travel. And aliens. And time-traveling aliens. And clones. Hell, even human AI with feelings.
And Beebo. How can you forget about Beebo?
Most importantly, it celebrates the outsiders and weirdos and not doing things the proper way. It celebrates f-ing everything up and learning how to fix it on the way. Screwings things up for the better. Celebrates being human.
It quickly became my comfort show – it made me feel safe and seen while also making me laugh. I forgot when was the last time I had that much fun while watching the show – it was like a fanfiction that came to life. Most modern shows feel the need to be mature and serious and clever – and honestly often feel like a burden to watch. I binged Legends of tomorrow. It rarely happened to me before – I always was a slow-watcher, but I just couldn’t get enough of this show.
It ended way to soon.
It surely was a wild ride and I am grateful for the amazing 7 seasons. I am really sad that it got canceled and didn’t have a proper closure. But you know – the finale was as crazy as the rest of the show and it kind of fits perfectly.
I am so grateful that this show exists and I surely will rewatch it again and again.
After all, they weren't just heroes. They were legends. And you know what they say: Once a legend - always a legend.
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adorethedistance · 3 years
READING MY BOYFRIEND’S FANFICTION?? - Owen Joyner x Influencer!Reader
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JATP masterlist
Requested: OMGGG!! Could you do a an Owen fic based around his girlfriend being an armature youtuber/social media influencer (shes also an actress and they met on set and have been dating for a while) and it’s “reading/reacting to my boyfriend’s fanfiction” ? You can do whatever you want with the fanfic part it’s just a concept that has been running around in my head for a while. LOVE ALL YOUR WORK!!
Warnings: swearing, allusions to sex, very mild
Words: 1460
A/N: A fic?? From Ace?? Hi. I’m off spring break officially and so my stress has dissipated immensely. School was becoming so much these last two weeks and I thought I’d be stressed or worried, but I’m actually fine? It’s weird lol so I decided I could be productive with my stress-free moment and post a little fic for y’all. I love this prompt, and before any of you writers panic, I’m using my own fics for the fanfictions because I wouldn’t want to put y’all on the spot like that. Also this is my 3000 post! thought that was cool lol
“Do you wanna do the intro?”
“I think I have to do the intro.”
“Okay, go for it.”
“Alright,” Owen sighs out a heavy breath in exaggerated preparation for my (some would say lengthy) intro. “Hello, hi. Yes, okay, this is Y/n Y/l/n vlogs, welcome or welcome back to my channel!” Once Owen finishes his statement I’m so stunned I can’t generate any sort of response other than a slacked jaw semi smile.
“That was not even close. Do you know my intro?”
“I got the first part right!”
“You’ve lost intro privileges,” I turn back to the mess of lights and tripods in front of me and ignore the disaster of an intro Owen offered. “Oh, hello, hi! I am Y/n and this is: Reading My Boyfriend’s Fanfiction!”
“That’s basically what I did.”
“No, it is not! It’s ‘oh, hello, hi. I am ‘name’ and this is: ‘title of video’.”
“You don’t ‘welcome to my channel’?” Owen’s voice has dropped to a hushed volume as he genuinely inquires about the segments of my usual introduction.
“I do not.”
“Don’t use any of this,” he pleads when making direct eye contact with the camera. “Mister Sid. Editing Sid, please don’t embarrass me.” His pleas fall on deaf ears, knowing that I’ll be using the footage in full.
“Anyways. Butchered intro aside, I am Y/n and today I am here with my lovely “So Many Stars” costar and scene partner, Owen Joyner!”
“I’m also your boyfriend.”
“That too,” I give Owen’s pointed comment a soft place to land, “So, yesterday--it was actually like, two weeks ago, I don’t know why I said yesterday--a little while back, I came across a tweet telling me someone had written a fanfic about us-”
“Did you read it?”
“On Wattpad. Of course, I read it. There are only three chapters up right now and they’re all in the 2-3k range so it was a quick read.”
“Words,” I reply nonchalantly as I unlock my phone. I bookmarked a few one-shots beforehand for us to read, and I’m slightly cocky about my selections. Owen then responds with an outburst of shock.
“2-3 thousand words is a short read?” I merely give him a blank stare.
“Judging by that reaction, Owen hasn’t read any fanfics in his life.”
“Is that not long to you- That’s what she said.” Owen cuts me off with his own stupid joke and I briefly sigh before answering.
“No, that isn’t long. Baby, I’m here for that 130k slow burn enemies to lovers on AO3 with the ‘only one bed’ and ‘locked in a closet’ tropes.”
“The what?”
“Oh, we have so much to catch you up on.”
“So I saved three fics, an angst, a fluff, and a smut. Which do you want to read?”
“Wait, what does that mean?”
“Oh my- okay. Angst is the sad shit, it’s what you read when you need your heartbroken and a good cry. Smut is pretty much in the name, it’s explicit content that will undoubtedly get this video demonetized, but that’s okay because we do have a sponsor. And fluff is the cute moments, domestic and sometimes mundane romance that makes you smile like an idiot and put the device down to screech into a pillow.” Throughout my whole explanation, I can tell Owen was becoming more and more lost, so I opt to give him a few moments to collect his thoughts.
“Let’s start with the fluff just to ease into things.”
“Smart choice. This fic I have saved is called ‘Baby Fever’ and the summary says ‘you and Owen spend a day at the zoo babysitting Baby Shada, and her presence sparks conversation about adding a new presence of your very own’.”
“That sounds so ominous.”
“Here, I’ll read the narration and reader’s POV, and then you’ll read your own dialogue.” Owen nods and leans over my right shoulder to read off of my computer screen.
“You actually start the fic.”
“‘You ready, little one?’” The instantaneous actor mode Owen slips into has me howling with laughter at which he looks at me confused. My gasping for air makes Owen laugh empathetically despite still being unsure as to what’s killing me at the moment.
“Why are you laughing?!” He yells, dramatically shaking my shoulder.
“Just the way you jumped into that, I wasn’t prepared for you to turn on the acting charm. Okay, uhhhh, ‘I bite back a laugh when I hear Owen’s voice coo from the back seat’.”
The two of us go back and forth between reading the narrative, bouts of laughter, commentary on the accuracy of Owen’s character, and we finally manage to finish the 2.5k fic in about forty minutes.
“‘When he looks up from CJ’s tiny body and recognizes the familiar ‘baby fever’ look in my eyes, he smiles and utters a simple-’.”
“‘I told you so.’”
“That was cute! I like the tie-in of having us watching over Baby Shada- or, sorry, you and ‘y/n’ watching over Baby Shada.”
“They wrote me kinda funny, I don’t think I’d ever fabricate a life to make conversation with a stranger due to baby fever.” My jaw drops slightly and before Owen can respond to my reaction, I cry,
“That is such a lie!”
“You absolutely would do something like that, are you kidding me?!”
“No, I would not!” Owen punctuates every word with the utmost offense. He has the same look in his eye as when he was proving himself to be the cleanest phantom of the three on the Sunset Drive podcast.
“You literally told the guy at Home Depot yesterday that we were buying plants for our child’s nursery!”
“Okay, that’s different-”
“How is that different? That’s the exact same thing as fanfic you!” Owen’s furrowed brow and dropped jaw are a sight to be seen as he leans away from me, bending at the waist to stare at me with defiance. I raise my eyebrows pointedly as I await a response. Instead of actually producing a response, Owen lunges forward, grabbing my waist in his hands and squeezing gently. The feeling makes me screech and gasp of laughter from surprise and also being ticklish.
“Owen! Owe-STOP, I’m gonna drop my laptop!” I manage to say through my laughter and with one final grab, he releases me from his hold. It takes a minute for my laughter to settle but once I do, the two of us are simply breathing heavy and staring at one another with giddy smiles on our faces. In a moment’s clarity, I turn to look into the camera lens to talk directly to my editor,
“Sid, don’t use any of this. And please don’t cut to this after we finish reading to make it look like- things were happening.”
“Actually, I think you should, Sid. Just cut to right there and make the world think we-”
“OKAY, thanks for watching, bye!” I quickly stop the recording before Owen says something we’re unable to recover from. I hear him laugh gently behind me as I set my laptop down on the coffee table behind the tripod. Coming back to the couch, I move to plop down but before landing successfully on the cushion next to my phone, Owen grabs my body and moves me to sit on top of him.
“You are crazy, you know that?”
“Hmm. Crazy for you, maybe.” His cheesy line makes me scoff but smile nonetheless. I reach my right hand up to caress the side of his face as we sit cheek to cheek.
“Remind me to never film with you again.” The gesture is sweet and the sentiment is not which makes Owen laugh and he presses a soft kiss to my cheek. I lean back into him so my back is pressed flush with his chest as he lazily wraps both arms around me.
“You say that now but you’ll regret it when you wanna do a ‘boyfriend does my makeup’ challenge video.”
“Nah. I’ll just call Charlie to-” Without allowing me to finish my sentence, Owen is digging his fingertips back into the tissue of my sides and I squeal with laughter once more. This time the torment is short-lived and Owen releases me after a sweet, reconciling kiss. “Do you have baby fever now?”
“It was cute and all, but not really, no.”
“That’s too bad,” I stand up from my spot on his lap to grab my computer and hold it to my chest, “I was gonna say we could practice some baby-making.”
And with that, I turned on the balls of my feet, heading for my bedroom when I heard Owen stand up eagerly, quick to follow.
Taglist: @caitsymichelle13​ @kaitlyn2907​ @itz-jas​ @crybabyddl​ @kcd15​ @kinda-really-lost​ @calamitykaty​ @morganayennefertyrell@n0wornever​ @dream-a-little-bigger-x​ @mrstodorooki@vicesvsvirturesfanfic @curlybrownhairedboys​ @amazinggracy​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @ghostlygreenbean​ @juliefromaustralia @merceret​ @jemimah-b99​ @ifilwtmfc​ @thesweetestsinner​ @imsydneywalker​ @lovesanimals​ @thebloodthirstyvampress​ @bumbleberry-pie​ @losers-club6​ @tefilovesreading​ @dmcfarland1​@joynerxmercer @kexrtiz​ @talk-on-the-street​ @phantompogues​ @konciousdreamer​ @sunsetcurvej​ @warmnesss0ul​
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magalidragon · 3 years
Okay drabble #2 for @lalacristina18 ‘s ask! Hope you like this one! It’s a little silly and kind of Fixer Upper Fanfiction ( @nlights37 is that a thing? I’m doing it) meets my drabble “wet paint.”
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haunted house | 30. “You better watch yourself”
It was the dumbest thing she had ever done.
Except she felt like she had to do it.
How else was she going to get the cute handyman to ask her out?
"Just ask him out!" her best friend shouted, as she took a crowbar to the siding on her house, prying up the nails. Missandei was used to most of her antics, but she knew this was going too far. She watched, amazed, slightly terrified, and in awe, muttering, "You have gone mental Daenerys."
Maybe she had gone mental, but she was also put off by how attractive the handyman was. He was incredibly sweet. A little goofy; he apologized one day when he showed up in thick black glasses, saying he'd forgotten to put his contacts in before he left the house. She had wondered why someone would apologize for that, but she soon learned that Jon Snow, Handyman Extraordinaire, apologized for quite a few things that were in no way his fault or under his control.
Like when he couldn't get a part in time to fix her hot water tank, because it was a weekend and the store was closed. "No problem, guess I'll see you Monday," she had simply said with a smile and a cheerful glee, because she knew they were closed on the weekend and he'd have to come back Monday.
Or when she had purposefully yanked out some sort of fuse in her car so it wouldn't start and he had apologized that it had gone missing. "Not your fault at all!" Because it's totally my fault and then she'd pretended to find the fuse on the ground. "Will this fix it?"
He frowned at the tiny piece of place and wire. "Um, aye, that's so weird..."
Today she was going to claim there was something wrong with her siding and it needed to be replaced. She dropped the crowbar, wiping sweat off her forehead, and placed her hands on her hips, glancing at Missandei, who was shaking her head side-to-side. "What?"
"Just bloody ask him out! I'll do it for you. You're destroying your house just to get him to come over." She smirked. "He has to know what you're doing. He's just taking your money and knowing you're using him which is wrong, or he's really bloody stupid and that's not great either."
"You haven't met him yet."
"What guy could be so attractive and cute and sweet and all that for you to resort to this!?" Missandei waved her hands at the splintered wood at her feet. She sighed, closing her eyes. "Dany, love, you are my best friend but..."
"Good morning!"
Dany threw the crowbar into the bushes, spinning on her heels and beaming at the man who had poked his head around the open fence to her back garden. She waved. "Hello Jon! Good morning to you!" She rounded on Missandei, who stared at him and smirked knowingly. "You're a little early."
He turned pink, coming around the corner holding onto his toolbox. "Aye, sorry about that, I thought I might get you a coffee..." he trailed off and politely smiled at Missandei. "Oh I am sorry, I would have gotten another....here, you can have mine if you want."
To her best friend's stunned silence, he removed one of the two takeout coffee cups from the tray in his other hand and passed it to her. Missandei swallowed hard, clearing her throat. "Thank you, that's...so nice of you."
He smiled again in his shy, half-smile way that Dany absolutely bloody adored, and turned his face to her. "You called last night and said that your bathroom pipes were leaking again? I don't know what is going on, I mean..." He scratched his hair, brow furrowing, and gazed up at the old-as-shit house she had purchased with intent to completely renovate. "I swear I just fixed those..."
"Oh you did, I'm sure this place is cursed."
"By a Valyrian dragon," Missandei mumbled under her breath.
Dany stepped on her foot and crossed her arms, grinning. "And would you look at this? This siding is rotten, I think we'll need to replace it."
"Um, yes of course." He knelt and picked up some of the wood, shaking his head. "You must have an angry ghost Dany, this looks like someone took a crowbar to it." He was immediately concerned, jumping to his feet. "You should file a police report, someone could be vandalizing your property!"
Missandei sipped her free coffee and mumbled again, not so quietly, "Hmm, someone with silver hair I think."
"What?" Jon asked.
"Ignore her, she's mad." She forced another smile. "It's fine. I...thank you Jon, perhaps look at those pipes first and then we can look at the siding."
"I have wood," he blurted out.
Missandei choked. Dany flushed bright red. "Oh?"
"Hmm, in the truck. Be right back." He turned on his heel and walked away. Dany elbowed her best friend, who stared now at his retreating back.
"Oh my."
"It's beautiful. I just like to look at it."
Missandei patted her arm. "Daenerys you are my best friend, but if you don't ask him out by the end of the day, I'm going to tell him everything you've been doing and only because I'm scared you might set your house on fire just to watch him come running in with the fire hose."
Dany hummed. The idea was appealing, but arson was certainly not an option.
It was the end of the day; she'd tried her damndest to get him to ask her out. Missandei had left, becaus she claimed she couldn't watch it any longer, proclaiming them both "stupid idiots" and Dany had to agree. She was a stupid idiot, trying to get him to look at her as something other than the crazy lady in the haunted house. She'd worn her bikini top while gardening, she'd broken her siding, and stuffed leaves in her gutters.
And Jon Snow still didn't bloody get it.
Maybe he was stupid, she thought, and watched him bent over some exposed pipes in the hallway leading to the master bedroom. A himbo or something. Except she knew he wasn't, because she'd seen that he had a stack of books in his truck to return to the library, one of which happened to be her brother's boring ass tome on Targaryen History, and he'd eagerly chatted with her about it.
"So why are you a contractor?" she asked. She kept referring to him as a handyman, but reminded herself he was more than that. He ran his own business and lumber yard up in Winterfell. "Do you just like fixing things?"
He shrugged, reaching his arm down into the pipes. "I do like fixing things, but when I got out of the military, nothing really appealed to me. Didn't want a boss again and I like building things. Working on my own terms."
"I like that too." It was why she moved up North, a freelance journalist, and needing a safe quiet space to recharge and focus between assignments. She got up and cleared her throat. "I'll be downstairs if you need me." She was halfway down the stairs when she heard a strange sound. It was a yowl.
It sounded like Drogon, she thought, turning towards the wall. "Drogon?" she called.
He meowed again, pitiful. She moved closer towards the wall and knocked. Her voice trembled, calling once more. "Drogon?"
A light scratching and more yowling.
She screamed, realizing with horror that Drogon was inside the bloody wall. "DROGON!" She banged on the wall, running up the stairs, crying out. "Jon! Drogon's in the wall!"
"I think he must have crawled in when we were talking and not looking, oh my gods, Drogon!"
Jon frowned at her, still not moving. He narrowed his eyes. "Drogon's in the wall, huh?"
"I think so."
He cocked his head and got to his feet, sighing hard. "Dany, I...I think I know what's going on and..." He turned bright pink. "I really have to confess something..." He shifted on his feet and blurted out, really fast, his Northern burr thick. "I...I know that not everything here is breaking and...and I'm fixing it and stuff, but...well...the store was open and I didn't get hte part because I wanted to come see you and...and I may not have cleaned the gutters all the way so I could come back and...oh gods, I haven't charged you at all because I'm just...I like you!"
Her eyes widened, too terrified for her cat to process what he'd just admitted to her. "But...I...I'm sorry, but he's really in the wall! Listen!"
They both were quiet and after a second, heard the pathetic howling of a trapped cat.
Jon moaned, mortified, shoving his face into his palms. "Oh my gods! I'm so sorry! I thought...oh fuck, forget what I said!"
"No I can't forget it because I like you too!" They could have this conversation after they saved her damn cat.
It took awhile, of her trying to coax the damn cat out from the opening in the floor, to Jon carefully searching and finding a space in the wall to knock through with a sledgehammer so he wouldn't hit Drogon or anything unsafe. Bits of drywall and debris scattered, "You better watch yourself," she warned him, when Drogon began to hiss and pant, terrified as they drew closer to him. "He might attack!"
"He's just scared, he'll be alright."
A couple hours later, her entire hallway and stairwell covered in broken bits of drywall, plaster, wood, and insulation, her very dirty and ashy cat enveloped in a blanket in her arms, Dany finally looked up at JOn. He hadn't said a word to her about his confession of not really fixing anything because he liked her and wanted ot keep seeing her.
She ducked her head, whispering, "I know it was wrong of me too, to keep breaking things...I just really liked you too."
"I'm not good with women," he admitted.
"Clearly, I was walking around in my bikini and you didnt say a word."
"I was trying to be professional!"
She giggled. Drogon whined in her arms. She scowled. "Hey! You didn't think I was serious that my cat got stuck in the wall!"
"I thought it was another thing like when you called me to say that your pipes were clogged at ten at night." He arched his brows. "Come on Dany."
"Alright, that was a ruse...but he really did get stuck!" She let go of Drogon, who raced into her bedroom to hide under the bed and lick his wounds-- more like his pride at having to be rescued by humans of all things. She looked up at Jon, sitting on the step just above her and grinned. "Can we agree to just...kind of start over?"
he nodded and licked his lips; she shivered. "Start over at dinner tonight?"
"Yes, dinner is perfect."
"And I'll be the first thing in the morning to start working on..." he gazed around at the chaos surrounding them, sighing. "This."
"Sounds good."
Turned out he didn't have to show up early at all the next morning, because he was already there, fast asleep in her bed, both of them exhausted. Dinner had been merely an afterthought.
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hockeyunits · 4 years
This is the first time ever I write something in here, the actual first time I post something on tumblr. And the reason I'm doing it is to APOLOGIZE TO ALL FANFIC AUTHORS from the stories I've read.
Listen, I love fanfiction so freaking much! I have read TONS of it, every format, every length, sometimes I didn't even know who it was about, but still read it because the story was so well written, or so interesting...
I love the idea of creating a storyline for the characters you like, to make them live the situations your mind create, to rewrite what you thought could go another way... but most of all, I love the idea of a community being created behind of it all. It's crazy to think that I can talk to and share ideas and ask for a whole ass story for someone that's in another continent just because we find the same hockey boy cute 😌 I cannot express how much fanfiction has helped throughout this chaos we're all living, how many times it was the thing that made me scape from reality and feel bring some sort of lightness in this dark times.
The thing is, I haven't contributing to this community lately. I've been shit about interacting with authors and tell them how much O love Theis stories and how grateful I am that they crate this tiny universes and share them with us - for free I may add.
So, to everyone that wrote a blurb, 5+1 story(3+1, 4+1...),a multi chapter story, a long ass fic, a tiny concept fic, a headcanon, A NSFW alphabet, an angsty piece, a fluffy piece, a spicy piece, a baby fic... anything:
T H A N K Y O U !❤️
You've made my days better, calmed me in times of need, made me smile when things got heavy, made me giddy when everything seemed gray around and helped maintain the minimum of my mental health amidst the chaos.
@woah-were-halfway-there @spine-buster @sixmapleleafs @hockeyplayerswithpets @hockeyswedes @holidaywishes @holy-pucks @danglesnipecelly @zuucc @laurenairay @leafsbabe @leafs-lover @markymarkstrom @barzal-mat @barriesweet @anzekopistar @psychospeak-blog @hockeysmut @hocktent @hockeylvr59 @antoncutedobin @aereres @brynwrites @brandoncarlo @beauvibaby @baevillier @carey-pricemas @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @drabblemesilly @dermott @dubersbutt @dailyhockeyimagines @droppedgloves @eternal-imagines @englishmuffinwritesbooks @fivehole @fratboyvivimatthews @fredthiccandersen @fallinallincurls @f-andersen @gabelandeskog @greythreads-blog @greasygoal @ghstandpucks @hockeyplayerswithpets @harrynhappiness @hockeysmut @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 @im-only-joking @itsbadgerbadgermushroom
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Haha oh my god! Thank you for your answer! I’m anon from yesterday night by the way and I’m happy you liked reading it, I felt so bad about spamming but I just felt like I was literally spinning out of control ... I, by the way, only slept for an hour and for the entire time I was at work had this exact experience: oh my god cockles is real .... I go and do something ... I forget ... 5 minutes pass .... OH MY GOD COCKLES IS REAL and this just OVER AND OVER AND OVER again I was just ... I couldn’t BELIEVE it I was grinning like an idiot and a fool, maybe also from sleep deprivation, probably yeah, but also because ... I can’t believe cockles is real. And I thought about it more and about the confession scene, too... about how great it must have been to film that as well, for Misha to actually be able to say, in front of the world, to Jensen even if just through his character “I love You.” Like ... that’s so ... I’m happy they at least had that. I am. I will also say all of the Alma poetry, I read it all multiple times and it sliced my heart open every single time. Ugh.
But yeah. I just cannot tell you how many moments I had today throughout my day where my brain was just like .... cockles is fucking real wtf... like, because as I’ve said of course I’ve known them and I knew of the ship for years (btw finally figured out that in order to write cursive on tumblr you gotta click on the word for long instead of _doing this_ anyway). But it never ever felt real and genuinely, today every time I remembered, I felt as if I had been told, like, Aliens are real. Like it just changed my perspective of everything I was like wtf ... How did I not know and how is this actually real. It’s so crazy. That’s all I can say. I really wonder how I’ll feel about it all when I had like 12 hours of sleep and my brain has like processed it ... if the high will still be there and if the “OMG” moments will... because right now they’re still just sometimes so intense! And I CANNOT BELIEVE. And I am overwhelmed and overjoyed and like confused and?? Yeah. I also thought about, and sorry I know no one asked for this but I still am just so 😳 about this - I thought about what it was that actually solidified it in my mind and I boiled it down to these few: the almost kiss on stage where ruth wags their finger at them. the MATCHING RINGS and bracelets. the little like .. exhibitiony stuff they do that really has no other explanation, like their showing underwear, straddling, giving a GLIMPSE of underwear .. getting boners bc of it ... yeah. Then also the gifs with that fucking tree in the foreground and the picture of Jensen draped over Misha as he’s signing stuff. Also the Hitch kiss, Jensens face BEFORE and after ... and the moments when Jensen uses very ambiguous pronouns and language to describe his love of his life or rather loves: the pebble-rock thing and the one where he talks about knowing two kinds of love and being in-between and them and loving his partner and teammate. Could sound like one person, but also two. And then a huge thing for me was Alma. Fuck, that just really made me go .. this shit is real. Amplified by the fact that the poetry is so beautiful and heartwrenching. And of course all of the gifs then made it all the more solid. The thigh touches, lingering hands, their STUPID LOVING GRINS, Jensens unicorn laugh ... the EYES LIKE THE SKY BEER. Also is it crazy to anyone else how much “Watching over you” sounds like it’s about Cas? Sort of a good bye nod to his character? Maybe? OH and all the shifty eyes, the blushing and Uncomfy looks whenever someone(mostly Jared) implies something, it’s so .... crazy. And obvious. And idk how I only just saw it yesterday I really don’t but I’m glad I do now. I really feel enlightened haha. I feel like some part of me has finally found peace and I really don’t have an urge to like .. read every single destiel fanfiction ever anymore, it really feels like there was an itch that just got scratched because we WEREN’t CRAZY we weren’t imagining their chemistry... it wasn’t that all of our, like people skills and emotional intelligence just got wiped every time we watched SPN and that’s why we all got this specific vibe from them of LOVE and admiration and awe and just CHEMISTRY when it wasn’t there .... IT WAS THERE! It was and it ... yeah. It was. It is. Anyway, I will now shower and then sleep until my brain has assumed solid form again ... until then ... thank you again for the lovely answer and for compiling all your posts and lists! ... Let’s all just (respectfully) keep spreading the love!
Ahhh I JUST read the notes on my post and you guys are so lovely ❤️❤️❤️. Thank you, I am so happy i am not the only one who went through this crazy ride haha! It’s lovely to read that my middle-of-the-night, out of my mind with excitement rambling actually reached people who share my excitement :D !!
hello, dear, it's good to hear from you again! i'm glad you survived work and that you're going to be getting a lot of sleep now! i've been on the cockles truthing train since 2013 and i still sometimes get all emotional about it, so i really can't imagine how ingesting the whole thing in one night would make one's brain explode and ascend to a higher plane of existence. 😂
but we're glad to have you as part of the club, and yes, honestly, the cockles fandom has got to be the nicest, purest one i've ever been in. the people are very chill and there's exceptionally little drama. we're all just stoned on love and happiness lmao.
get some rest and let your brain process everything, and we'll talk again later 😉
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