#i am basically trying to push myself off a cliff
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baekuras · 6 months ago
i havent done more bUT at the very least i finally started dusting off my resume so i am more prepared to actually change my life than before
fucking terrifying at every step and this hellscape of a life may never end but change doesnt come from doing the same shit over and over so smths gotta give
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forever-fan · 1 year ago
My FNAF Hyperfixation has inspired me!
So I've been reading a bunch of FNAF time travel fix-it fics. If you don't know what I am referring to, they are basically fics where Michael/William/Henry/basically anyone else finds themselves in the past by some circumstance. They then try to fix the future.
Now that you know what I'm talking about I can actually get to the point. I have decided to write a FNAF time travel fix-it fic. It is tied to an AU, so don't come at me about "canon". Here is a sneak peek at it.
Michael wished he died in the fire. Well, technically he was already dead. He had no pulse and he couldn't breathe. His brain had long since stopped working and he got his energy from Remnant rather than digesting food. In all reality, he was a stubborn spirit trapped within his own corpse.
Michael hadn't died in the fire that Henry had set. Hell, his body was barely harmed. All he remembered was passing out before waking up in a random alley. Michael realized someone saved him, but now he was even more alone than ever before.
When the Mega Pizzaplex opened on top of Michael's old restaurant, he knew there would be trouble. Sure enough, there was. Michael took a job as a security guard and found that, while they weren't murderous, the animatronics weren't quite right.
Michael also found his fellow guard, Vanessa, to be a little shifty. She turned out to be way more than shifty when she pushed him into the daycare ball pit from a height that would have maimed or killed anyone else.
Michael's afterlife only got worse when he emerged from the ball pit and found that he was back in Fredbear's Family Diner in 1980.
This short introduction obviously doesn't tell you all the fun little headcanons that I have for this fic. I guess you'll just have to read it to find out. Of course, I haven't written in yet. But! I am so hyped about the movie that I think I'll probably finish the first chapter before twenty-four hours have passed.
[Edit: My entire document on Microsoft Word deleted itself from reality... RIP. So... I'm rewriting the first chapter all over again. :> And trust me, I looked through all of my files and drives. Let it be known, I have turned on auto-save cause it sucks to rewrite dialogue, and know for a fact that it's not the same as it was. Also, I lost a doc with half of my headcanons for a different fnaf au. Sadness.]
Real quick, I do have only a little bit of important information for anyone who wants to understand the timeline. (Also so I can remember the basic timeline I made for myself.)
Original Timeline
1968 - Michael is born.
1973 - Elizabeth is born.
1974 - Charlie Emily is born.
1975 - Evan is born.
1980 - William discovers something called Remnant.
1981 - The Missing Children Incident happens and Fredbear's barely stays open.
1982 - William begins to create the Funtimes to harvest Remnant.
1983, March - Elizabeth dies at her friend's birthday party, three days after Circus Baby's Pizza World opened.
1983, August - Evan dies a week after the bite of '83. (FNAF 4)
1983, August - Mrs. Afton [Yet to be named] dies after driving her car off a cliff.
1983, October - Charlie is murdered by William at her own birthday party.
1986 - Michael goes to college to get away from the tragedy and gets a little therapy.
1990, April - Michael receives a letter from his father asking him to find Elizabeth.
1990, June - Michael dies in the Sister Location. (FNAF 5)
1991, January - Michael assumes the name 'Fritz Smith' and works at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria before being fired on his first day. (FNAF 2)
1993 - Michael uses the name 'Mike Schmidt' and works at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. (FNAF 1)
1993 - William dies in the Spring Bonnie suit
2000 - Michael works at Fazbear's Fright. (FNAF 3)
2010, Late December - Michael opens Freddy Fazbear Pizza Place. (FNAF 6, Pizzeria Simulator)
2010, Early January - Henry sets the fire, and Michael survives. (Still FNAF 6, Pizzeria Simulator)
2020, July - Michael works at the Mega Pizzaplex and is pushed into the ball pit only six days before the events of Security Breach.
Time Travel Timeline
[To be edited as chapters are added. Peek under the cut only if you have read the most recent chapter, or if you don't give a shit about spoilers.]
1980 - Michael arrives in the past. He is not happy.
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amethystsoda · 2 years ago
It’s kind of cliche how stereotypical my abuse and indoctrination was growing up—
(I guess this is technically a bit of trauma dumping??? But hopefully it’s more like “here are some experiences other traumatized millennials will relate to.” We share in this history together 🤝)
Family was into religious cult activities (aka evangelical pentecostals) and made us spend lots of time at church (good for becoming someone who cares about others and giving, but not good bc brainwashing/shaming/etc)
Only got one year of kindergarten before getting pulled into homeschool after a move. Mother got into talk radio and the conservative brain poisoning.
Not allowed to watch cartoons other than veggie tales. Christian bookstore almost exclusively. Hyper patriotic. ONe nation under GOD!!!!!!! *eagle caw*
Rapture scare and apocalypse fear—don’t deny Jesus if someone tries to shoot you and make you renounce Christ. Forced to watch The Omega Code at way too young. Listened to the audiobooks of all the Left Behind series (content including rapture, natural disasters, assassinations, beheadings for not taking the mark of the beast, etc).
My biggest fear around 7-10 years old was that I would have to be loyal to Jesus and get beheaded. I literally sat around thinking about how scary a guillotine was and how I would have to steel myself to accept that fate.
Also as a Pentecostal family, my parents believed in speaking in tongues. Cue up me at maybe 4 years old being forced to “learn the language” (I was getting no divine insight, no spiritual spark. I was a child with my brain still developing)
but being put into the empty bathtub until “the spirit worked” (aka I faked it and replicated how my parents did it with tear streaked cheeks, just so I could escape that hell).
Spanking as punishment… I wasn’t even that bad of a kid. They just didn’t know how to handle me being an independent thinker and curious.
Talk out problems?? Nah. Open palm spanking your butt will silence you and train you not to talk back. You said something I don’t like??? Time to push you to the wall and grab your chin and yell at you until you “repent.” (No wonder my response eventually was just to shut down.)
It didn’t stop there. When we got older and they didn’t spank as much. It was “you have to pray and repent out loud” “you have to read scripture.” And for someone who went nonverbal during those times, it was so painful to do.
I got diagnosed with adhd in kindergarten but my mom basically said “that doesn’t exist” and ignored it. I had tons of sensory issues and that motor system stuff where you trip or are clumsy a lot. I cried when the crinoline of dresses scratched my legs. I was hyper fixated on red shoes and butterflies.
I had purity training at 9 years old. A sliding scale off a cliff diagram of “dangerous actions” (the start was holding hands. Off the cliff was laying in bed naked and sex).
Growing up fat and constant throat infections but no doctor’s care because “you just need to pray when you’re sick and quote scripture and god will heal you.” The advil? Hidden up in the kitchen cupboard and judgement any time you would reach for it.
I remember never talking about crushes too because everyone would embarrass me. I didn’t know any terms for demisexual/bisexual. I just knew I felt deep love for everyone, and sexual desire for almost no one.
I often think about how things could have been different. How I ended up parenting myself and only relying on myself. No one else would care for me, so I had to.
Sure there were occasionally good moments.
I’m sure my mother was trying her best with my dad constantly at work until late hours.
But it also could have been so much better…
If you also grew up like this, I am holding you so tenderly. I’m holding a warm washcloth to the old wounds and wiping the childhood tears off your face.
I’m giving 10 year old you a mug of hot cocoa and a warm blanket and putting cartoons on. There’s no yelling. No threat of abuse. You’re safe 🫂🫂
We’ve been through so much, but there are better days ahead. 💖💖💖
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eimearkuopio · 7 months ago
We are all islands in a stream, and we are all connected under the surface, but we don't live under the surface. Most neurotypical islands are set up to be more or less self-sufficient. Yes, it's probably nicer if you and a bunch of other NTs form a community and engage in trade, but if need be, you can produce enough to survive without leaving your island. It is possible to live in the well.
NT islands are rocky. They have cliffs. Maybe there is an inlet where you can park a boat, but you can shore up defences if you need to. Build a round tower from the local stone.
I'm autistic. My island is more of a sandbar. And I was pretty lucky, in that my family have some very nice islands, and always made sure I had what I needed from their surplus. And it turns out, sandbars aren't useless! You can produce enough to actually trade from them, and be a valuable part of a community!
You can't produce the basic stuff at the necessary rate to be self-sufficient.
And in the past few decades - let's say from the Reagan era onwards, but there are other markers we could easily choose, they're just not worshipped by as many raiders these days - there have been A LOT of raiders.
So the neurotypicals and the rich people with weapons and towers and thriving communities and maybe a navy are all making it much harder to become members of thriving communities. If you weren't already in, you're not getting in now.
And there was a time when we expected people like me to find a new community, to join it, to thrive. But I can't in this world. I had to wait for the Queen of my hive to die so I could gently announce that I was still here and my little sandbar is at capacity of people I have been trying to help, and telling me that I should push them off and protect myself won't work, because my island doesn't have any fucking cliffs and I can dive for pearls to trade but I can't grow fucking potatoes. The raiders are a problem, but the reason I am in danger of starving to death clutching a million pearls of wisdom is that the regular community has let their own fear condemn my kind to death.
If you want to be safe from the raiders - if you want me to be safe from the raiders - You're going to need to leave your islands and help me. I don't have the resources to stop them myself, but I've got a really big supply of pearls (and probably a serious case of malnutrition from being forced to live exclusively on a sandbar for the past 15 years, please send proverbial crates of oranges to your local neurodivergent weirdos who are even more fucked up than I am cause at least my family tried to share their bounty even if they never fully understood just why I couldn't grow my own fucking crops).
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decluttermysoul · 1 year ago
My vision feels like it's getting worse, and I'm not doing myself any favours not going to a doctor about it, I'm delusional enough to think that it will go away on its own
I love Water a lot, but I keep asking myself the question of if their life would be better off without me in it. Since I know I'm a bad person due to the way I feel and I'm too much of a coward to accept it's never going to be the way I daydream about, am I really just adding fuel to a fire that will one day combust into flames and destroy everything around me and possibly Water too. I want to avoid that ever happening.
If I weren't in the picture, they could carry on with the right people they already have.
I feel like I'm a piece of a jigsaw that doesn't slit anywhere into Water's life, like a piece that's just trying to become a part of the picture but isn't even in the right set
That's a stupid analogy, but I'm basically made of those, sue me
I really want to mean more to Water, I think I've made it to the cap and I'm desperately trying to think of ways to push past this cliff face
I'm so frustrated at myself, so frustrated at my life and choices
I really don't know anymore
This post is a fucking mess, but that suits me to a T
I can't type anymore because my stupid hand is hurting for some dumbass reason
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bittykimmy13 · 3 years ago
I gotta do my favorite couple, Jon and Sylv. As always, I live for FLUFF.
❝  you’ve got me in the palm of your hands.  you could crush me and i would still thank you for touching me at all.  ❞
❝ just let me look at you for a little bit ❞
I love both(:
OH GODDD WHAT HAVE U DONE 💕 You love both?? I used both ;)
Enjoy some sugary sweet Jon and (drunk) Sylv 💕✨
(( Send me a yearning prompt!! ))
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The hunt had been annoyingly grueling, but at least they could hole up in the motel room and sleep it off. On the drive back, Sylvia had fallen in and out of sleep in Jon’s hands, too pumped with adrenaline to drift off properly despite his attempts to sooth her.
When he finished showering and changing, he hoped he’d find her asleep on the pillow. Instead, he found her on the table, kneeling as she drank from a bottle cap of whiskey. Cliff looked on with exhausted amusement, taking a sip from the bottle.
“Are you kidding me?” Jon said to Cliff, who shrugged innocently.
“Jon!” Sylvia lifted the bottle cap to her lips and drank. She coughed at the taste. “Have you tried this stuff? It’s like… spicy!” She giggled as part of it spilled onto the table.
Jon swooped in and snatched the cap away. Sylvia had already gotten clean for the night. He doubted she would appreciate waking up smelling of whiskey.
“Hey!” She whined, aiming to grab the cap. She got to her feet and immediately lost her balance, skittering back and falling to a hard seat. She looked around in a daze as if she’d forgotten what she was doing.
Cliff stood to make his retreat to the shower, but Jon didn’t let him off the hook so easily. “Dude, you basically gave her a bucket to drink from.”
“Hey, I didn’t think she’d keep going! She spat out the first sip, and before I knew it, she finished half.” Cliff glanced at the table, where Sylvia was carefully trying to stand, arm and wings spread for balance. He winced with concern but didn’t back down. “C’mon, she’s safe in here. It was a long night. She’ll sleep it off.”
He grabbed clothes from his duffle bag and disappeared into the bathroom, leaving Jon with a thoroughly-drunk Sylvia.
Sighing, he returned to the table and reached out to gingerly help her balance. “How do you feel, Sylv?”
She leaned against his fingers with wobbly knees and blinked up at him. “Me? I’m fine. I’m… amazing. How are you? Can we go outside? I wanna see how high I can fly.” She grinned from ear to ear like it was the best idea ever.
Jon chuckled. “Maybe later. Let’s get you to bed before you hurt yourself.”
Her smile dipped away. She pushed off of his hand, affronted, and flitted crookedly into the air. “How am I gonna hurt myself?” she scoffed.
“You can’t fly a straight line, babe.” Jon reached for her, but she darted back with a sly, spirited smile. He tensed, knowing she was approximately one second away from making a game out of this—one that would land her with an even worse headache than the hangover would give her.
“Oh yeah?” she said. “Then watch this.” Sure enough, she attempted to fly past him.
Jon took a small step to the side, and she bumped head-on into his shoulder. She gave a squeal as her wings flapped unevenly and made her descend. She managed to grab the hem of his shirt sleeve long enough to balance her flight—though Jon’s hand waited right below to catch her just in case. She looked straight down and saw his hand coming up to snatch her.
With another burst of haphazard speed, she was out of his reach.
“Sylv,” he huffed.
She glanced back to laugh at him and promptly crashed into the lampshade by the bed.
In her daze to orient herself, Jon had no trouble closing the distance and catching her between his hands. He sealed her gently between his palms, eliciting muffled whines of protest. She squirmed as he took a seat on the edge of their bed.
“Okay, I’m gonna let you out,” he said slowly. “But you have to promise not to fly. Deal?” He brought his hands closer to his face to hear her.
“Deal,” she muttered defeatedly.
When he opened his hands, he put his thumb across her lap to stop her immediate attempt to fly off. She grunted and tried to kick free. Her wings flitted madly. It took all of five seconds before she was too winded to do anything except flop back against his fingers.
“Fine, you win! Big, mean hunter,” she said dramatically. Her cheeks were flushed as she pouted up at him. Her hair was playfully tousled from her hijinks. Just when he was thinking about whether to fix it or make it worse, she gave another little kick at his thumb. “I thought we were going to bed—why are you staring at me?”
“Just trying to figure out if you really think I’m mean.” He dropped to brush a kiss against her forehead. That was all it took for her to forget her annoyance and laugh. “And just let me look at you for a little bit. If that’s okay.”
Their brief game of chase forgotten, she planted her elbows on his thumb and propped her chin in her hands. Though he hadn’t had a drop to drink, Jon’s face flushed; she knew the way she was looking up at him was painfully adorable.
“Look at me all you want,” she said, her words lilting and slurred. “You’ve got me in the palm of your hand. You could crush me and I would thank you for wanting to touch me at all.”
He didn’t want to touch her. He needed to. But no matter how bad the need, she was too far gone. He rubbed her thighs with a light touch. “Crush is a little extreme, don’t you think? Get some sleep, Sylv.”
Turning, he set her down a scrap of his shirt that she liked to use as a blanket. For a second, he worried that she’d try to make a break for it again, but the moment she touched the blanket, she all but melted into it. She grabbed one side and rolled herself into a burrito, nearly falling off the pillow in her zeal.
“Isn’t that a little tight?” Jon chuckled, reaching for her again. “You’re gonna wake up with sore wings.”
“M’comfy,” she protested, wiggling adamantly into the folds.
But he could already picture her wincing as she flexed her wings tomorrow. They had a brief tug-of-war with the blanket until it was loosened enough. Thankfully, she didn’t try to wrap herself tight again. She gave a long yawn and snuggled into sleep.
Jon rested his head on the pillow and draped his arm behind her protectively. As her breaths slowed, his loving gaze blurred at the edges until he had drifted off along with her.
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nothoughtsonlynat · 4 years ago
Resurrect Me (N.R.)
Warnings: swearing; death; Hell/the Underworld; cliff jumping lol
Word Count≈ 3.1k (yikes lol my bad)
Hecate一 the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, the moon, ghosts, and necromancy. Known to be an intricate mosaic of good and evil, destruction and beauty. Capable of granting wishes, summoning the dead, resurrections, teleportation, warping realities on unfathomable scales, mind control, energy manipulation, and any sorcery or magic known to the Gods. Second only to Zeus himself.
I am the human embodiment of Hecate. I am not Hecate; she merely resides in the depths of my soul and provides me guidance. We do not communicate through words; she speaks through dreams and gut feelings, and sometimes even through signs in the outside world. I have not mastered the powers she’s granted me, nor have I reached my full potential. In addition to the Goddess’ powers, I hold the basic Olympian powers, such as superhuman speed and stamina. I have no recollection of how I merged with Hecate or the life I lived before this point, and she has provided me with no answers, but I do not question her motives. 
Agent Phil Coulson came across me in my temple in Turkey. Apparently, he had discovered strange energy readings coming from the temple. When he arrived, I used the power of energy manipulation to blow the concrete off of me, and that is the first thing I remember一 emerging from underneath Hecate’s temple.
I joined the Avengers during the Battle of New York. Agent Coulson had recommended me to Fury when he was piecing together the Avengers Initiative. In the three years between my awakening and the invasion, I practiced my sorcery mercilessly and studied Hecate deep in the Greek countryside. I’ve stuck with the Avengers throughout the years, fighting every battle alongside them. Through the ups and downs, I’ve fallen head over heels for Natasha Romanoff. One would assume that with so much power, I’d be confident and have any mortal begging at my feet. That couldn’t be any more inaccurate, however. As I’ve said, I am not Hecate; I am simply the human embodiment of the goddess. And as a human, I turn into a blushing, stuttering mess whenever the levelheaded assassin is near. Consequently, there have been many years of pining, but I’ve yet to muster up the courage to ask the woman on a date.
In our most recent war, we’ve gone up against a mad titan一 Thanos. We lost terribly. Half of all living things inhabiting the universe were snapped away. I can’t help but ponder whether things would’ve gone differently if I had better mastered my powers. I potentially hold all the capabilities of the goddess of magic; aside from Zeus, I hold more power than any being to ever exist. I’ve practiced my sorcery every day for the past five years on the off chance that we ever get a rematch一 a chance to bring everyone back. I’ve improved significantly, but Hecate has been oddly quiet for the past few years. It’s driving me crazy. I know she’s still there, but she hardly provides an ounce of guidance.
And so, that is where I find myself now一 practicing sorcery in the room specifically designed to isolate me when I use dark magic. Everyone who has access to the training section of the compound knows that they should never enter this room. It is far too dangerous for regular mortals. As I warp the room’s reality, a dark mist envelops me. When it clears, the room has changed into a 50s ballroom. I look down to see an elegant maroon ball gown covering my body, and I scan the empty area. I hear a pair of heels clicking toward me, and I spin around, already panicking. In order for someone to be here with me, they would have to be an inhabitant of the location’s true reality. My eyes land upon the woman I’ve grown to love, dressed up for the event. She is wearing an extravagant light blue ball gown, and her hair is carefully done up. 
“Natasha? What are you doing here?”
“Why I came to dance with you, of course.” She steps closer and drapes her arms around my neck, swaying to the nonexistent music. Stay calm. Don’t panic. There’s no way I’m making her do this. I’m not even doing anything! Of course I’m the one making her do this, who else would it be?! Breathe in. Breathe out. My powers don’t control me. I control them. Just breathe. I can do this. I know how to do this.
As I focus on the magic coursing through my veins, a black mist envelops us, and the room returns to its original form一 a basic training room with black padded walls. I immediately take a large step back from Natasha.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Natasha?! You know you can’t come in here! I could’ve seriously hurt you!”
“I...I’m sorry. I thought you’d just be moving shit with your mind. I didn’t realize you could do...that, whatever that was.”
“That was reality manipulation. I didn’t know you were here and I don’t have full control of it, so you got caught up in it. Are you okay? Do you remember it?”
“Yeah, I remember it clear as day. I was still me and I was still in control, it was just...different, I guess.”
“Well, I literally warped your reality, so even if you felt in control, you might not have been.”
“You stopped it, though. I remember when that seemed impossible. You’re getting better.”
“Thanks, I guess.” I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck. “What did you come in here for in the first place?”
“This is gonna sound crazy, but Scott Lang is here. We might have a way to bring everybody back.”
“Wait, what? Holy shit. It’s happening. Okay, come on then!” I eagerly walk past her, grabbing her hand as I pass her, and we leave my training room. I realize that I’m still holding her hand as we make it to the meeting room, and I immediately drop it, clearing my throat. If I wasn’t so familiar with the sensation, then I would swear that my ears and cheeks are on fire.
We all step onto the platform in matching white and red time-travel suits. “We’re really doing this?”
“Hell yeah, we’re doing this,” Clint answers.
“Alright, then. We bring everybody back,” I say with determination. “Whatever it takes,” Steve adds.
“See you in a minute,” Natasha adds with a smirk. Before I can appreciate how beautiful she looks with the glimmer of hope in her eyes, we’re flying through a flurry of colors. Nebula, Natasha, Rhodey, Clint, and I land on Morag. We all say our respective goodbyes before Nat, Clint, and I get on a jet to head to Vormir.
“A soul for a soul.”
“What? That’s insane. Look, no offense, Mr. Bloody Tampon, but why should we just trust what you’re saying? Because you know their fathers’ names?”
“I didn’t.” I looked into Natasha’s eyes as she spoke and I instantly wish that I could replace the dull sadness with the bright hope that had filled them before.
“He doesn’t know my father’s name. If he’s some mystical being, then why can’t he tell me that?” I turned to face him as I asked the question.
“I’m afraid you are a mystery. I am meant to know everything about any being who seeks the stone, but I know nothing of your identity.”
“Hm. Seems like a load of bullshit to me,” I deadpanned.
“We need to do this. We need to bring everyone back. I’ve spent the past five years trying to reverse the snap, and now I finally know how to fix it. Let me do it.” As Natasha spoke, she grabbed both of my hands in hers.
“And I’ve spent every day for the past five years training to do this. I wasn’t just practicing sorcery and talking to dead people for fun, Nat. All I wanted was to do better一 to fix this. If anyone is jumping off that cliff, it’s gonna be me.”
“No. Absolutely not. Neither of you is dying for that stone. I’ve done horrible things these past few years. I’ve killed...so many people. It should be me,” Clint says, and Natasha and I turn to face him, but one of her hands remains in mine.
“No way in hell, Clint. And not you either, Nat. Both of you guys have families. You’re not sacrificing yourselves. I won’t let you. And you can’t stop me even if you try.” Nat gives me a questioning look as I mention her family and I speak in her head ‘I know about them, Nat. And they need you. She needs her big sister.’
“What are you saying?” I can hear the anxiety lacing Nat’s words, and it causes a pit to form in my stomach.
“I think you know what I’m saying, Natty.” 
“Then you don’t leave me much of a choice.” She shoots a Widow’s Bite toward me, but I stop it using energy manipulation without even having to lift a finger.
“You can’t beat me, Nat. Please, don’t fight me on this.”
“I call bullshit.” Out of the corner of my eye, I see Clint running toward the edge while we’re distracted, and I teleport in front of him, throwing him backward. I use mind control to force him to stay down. I sense Natasha running toward the edge behind me, and I teleport in front of her. I use energy manipulation to keep her in place, and I grab onto her biceps.
“I’m really sorry, Nat. I hate that I’m doing this to you, but I can’t let you throw yourself off a cliff for some stupid stone. Your life is worth so much more than that. You’re an amazing person, and your ledger was cleared of its red so long ago. Don’t let anyone tell you any different.”
“This is sounding an awful lot like a goodbye.”
“You can be sarcastic all you want, but I’m not walking out of this one, Natty.”
“Don’t do this. The team needs you.”
“No, they don’t, Nat, and we both know it. They need you.”
“And what if I need you?!”
“Well if that’s the case, you’ll figure it out, just like you always do. Don’t let something like this hold you back. Goodbye, Natasha Romanoff.” I kiss her cheek before turning around. I start walking towards the edge, but it quickly turns into a sprinting pace as I hear Nat screaming for me to stop. Just before I reach the edge, I lift the mind control from Clint and I release Nat, just in case it doesn’t automatically lift when I die. I push myself off the cliff, turning mid-jump so I’m not facing the ground. As I’m falling through the air, I see Clint holding Nat in his arms as her screams fill my ears. I hit the ground and everything goes black.
“Hello, y/n. It’s good to see you again.” I sat up and一 what the hell is that smell? “Ah, yes. That would be burning flesh. Welcome to Hell, darling.”
“Uh...what? Who are you?”
“Yes, I suppose I should explain, hm? I am Hecate, Goddess of一”
“Yeah, I know what you’re the goddess of. How did I get here?”
“I thought you were smarter than this. You died, obviously.”
“And went to Hell? Damn.”
“Oh, relax. Hell isn’t what the mortals think it is. This is the Underworld. All of the dead reside here. The bad people get punished, the good people don’t. Simple as that. We don’t have a lot of time, so I need to explain. I am cursed; I cannot leave the Underworld. However, my human embodiment can, and that is where you come into play. You hold all my power, and I can see you’ve been practicing, but you’ve never lived up to your full potential.”
“Hey! Rude!”
“Don’t interrupt. I didn’t allow you to live up to your full potential, not until we met, anyway.”
“And I had to die in order for that to happen?”
“Yes. I’m giving you all of my power, but I can still stop you if I ever need to. I know you don’t want to risk hurting the people you love, especially the redhead, but you need to trust yourself. Trust your powers. Have a little faith. You are a goddess, remember. Don’t let people forget it. That purple thumb is nothing compared to you, even with his colorful rocks. Your family needs you now. You must help them.”
“That’s it? Why do they need help? How will I know what to do?”
“I will always be there to help you, Y/N. You can handle this. This is nothing. You are part of me, just as I am part of you. You are my daughter, after all. I should know your capabilities better than anyone.”
“Wait, daughter?!”
“Oh, did I forget to mention that part? Oh well, it doesn’t matter right now, anyway. You need to go.”
“Go where?”
“Home, darling.” 
The earth above us cracks open and I can hear faint sounds of fighting on the surface. I look at Hecate as she nods. Before I even realize I’m doing it, black mist surrounds my body and lifts me through the crack. I step out of the mist onto the ground and a staff appears in my right hand. I tap it once on the ground and my white suit is replaced by an all-black leather outfit that’s definitely made for a goddess. I smirk and make eye contact with the titan across the battlefield. His sickly creatures race toward me as they notice the new threat on the field. I summon an army of ghouls from the cracks in the earth. As the aliens and the undead clash, I teleport in front of Thanos.
“And who might you be, dear?” He acts confident, but I can sense his fear.
“I am Y/N, daughter of Hecate.” He tilts his head in a questioning manner. “Oh, did someone not study mythology? Hm, then let’s be blunt, shall we? I’m a goddess, ass-chin.” I throw my staff at his throat, but he catches it. He moves to swing his large sword at me, but I capture his arm in black mist. When he tries to move the other arm, I restrain that one, as well. “Well, that surely can’t be all you’ve got, hm? Pity, I thought it’d be more exciting than that.” If I were to look in a mirror at that moment, I would’ve noticed my ghostly pale skin, black eyes, and the raw power spreading through my veins like a black road-map.
“It’s not over yet, my dear child.” Before I can question the meaning of his words, an alien tosses him the gauntlet. It slides on his exposed hand, but I hold it open with dark magic. I look around and notice that the army of the undead is nowhere to be seen. My teammates are pinned down, even with the help of those who were snapped. There is a feeling in my gut and a voice in my head that tells me what I must do. I pull the gauntlet off his hand with black mist and slide my hand inside. I feel the power surging into my body. “What are you doing? That power will kill you!” Thanos sounds truly desperate.
“That’s cute. Truly, it is, but you can’t kill someone who’s already dead.” I close my hand and snap my fingers. His army fades to dust and he slumps to the ground before floating away with them. I drop the gauntlet to the ground and look around. Natasha runs toward me and throws her arms around my neck in a firm hug.
“Wha一what happened to you? How are you here? I thought you died!”
I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder before saying, “I did die. I am dead.”
She pulls away and looks at me from head to toe. “Well that explains why you’re so damn pale, but now I have so many more questions.”
“I am Hecate’s daughter, so I am technically a goddess, like her. I’m not sure if I was technically resurrected or not, but I can probably一”
She cut me off with a gentle yet passionate kiss. She pulls away and searches my eyes. “I’ve wanted to do that for a very long time,” she admits.
“Me too,” I breathe out.
“Yeah, I picked up on that. You’re not very discrete.” I laughed and a smirk spread across her face. “As sexy as this whole ‘powerful goddess’ thing is, am I going to get the old you back? You know, the one who blushes whenever I look at her? The one who’s, like, alive?”
I smile at her and glance down at her lips as a thick black mist appears behind me. I step backward into it as her face morphs into a look of confusion. She disappears from sight as a wall of black fills my vision, and a surge of power spreads throughout my body. I fall to my knees and the black cloud disappears. Natasha rushes over and kneels in front of me. “Are you okay? What the hell was that?”
“I’m not entirely sure, but I think I’m alive again.” I lift my head and meet her eyes.
“Your skin isn’t crazy pale anymore, and your eyes are their normal color again.”
We both crack up and I lean my forehead against hers as our laughter fades.
Tony interrupts our moment of peace. “This is all good and dandy, but does someone wanna explain what the hell just happened?”
I raise my head and look at my teammates一 my family. “I kicked the purple thumb’s ass. That’s what happened.” I can feel a warm presence in my heart, and I know that my mother is with me.
“Yes, yes, I noticed. I also noticed a bunch of demons. Care to explain that one?”
“They weren’t demons...they were just...the souls...of dead people. I can summon the dead. You knew that.”
“Uh, I definitely didn’t know that.” I laugh and shake my head at the eccentric man. 
I stand up, pulling Natasha with me, and bring her into another embrace. “I’m really glad you’re okay, Natty,” I whisper in her ear before pressing a delicate kiss to her temple.
A/N: I literally had this completely finished and edited over a month ago and I hadn’t posted it yet soooooo... idk here it is
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makeste · 4 years ago
BnHA Chapter 307: The One With Shindou
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor and Hawks (and Jeanist too, although he didn’t really do anything, but BY GOD, WHAT IS UP WITH HIS NECK) held a press conference and were all, “everything you’ve heard is true, so we would just like to say, from the bottom of our hearts... our bad.” U.A. opened its doors to the public as an evacuation shelter. Deku and All Might told basically EVERYBODY about OFA, which is absolutely wild, and yet somehow we hardly paid any attention to this at all. Mostly because the chapter ended with Deku being all “I WALK A LONELY ROAD, THE ONLY ONE THAT I HAVE EVER KNOWN” and peacing out of U.A. to embark on a solo journey of angst. So this is either gonna be the best or the worst thing that ever happened to this series, so TIME TO FIND OUT WHICH IT IS.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “so who do you guys want to see next? Deku? Bakugou?? Well how about SHINDOU?” Shindou is all “hi :) I’m Shindou :) :) remember me :) :) :)?” Horikoshi is all “I’m so sorry for depriving you guys of Shindou for so fucking long, how about an ENTIRE CHAPTER ALL OF HIM” and then he REALLY FUCKING DOES IT because, I don’t know?? Did we make him mad?? Am I being punished for something I did in a past life?? It really is, honest to god, seventeen whole goddamn pages of Shindou, punctuated by a few pages of Muscular, and topped off with one (1) whole appearance by Deku at THE VERY END. And we don’t even get to see his face. I am beside myself lmao I’m sorry you guys, you can skip this recap if you want. Or just skip straight to the end, because movie 3 promo.
“long time no see” now what could this mean?? can’t think of too many characters this phrase would apply to right now. although I can think of one big one, and I know that fandom has been trying to manifest his deadbeat ass to finally show itself for years now. could it finally be that time? if Hisashi shows up and debunks DFO a big chunk of the fandom is probably going to riot lol
(ETA: why oh why did I get my hopes up like that lmao. I’m pretty sure Hisashi doesn’t actually exist and Deku was either immaculately conceived, or the stork really did bring Inko a lil green baby from the cabbage patch.)
anyway, so the chapter is opening on this random scene of CRIME and DISARRAY
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was this all done by that big villain from the previous chapter? utility poles knocked down, random holes in the sides of buildings, and it looks like this one car pulled over in a hurry and the driver just hopped out and ran
who are these people talking
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I am immediately struck by the urge to push Shindou off of this ledge. is that mean? probably that is mean, but also fuck this guy lmao. every year you cheat someone out of their well-deserved spot in the popularity poll, and every year I want to punch you in your stupid face for it
bah. and how are you doing, Tatami. love that hero name even if you do have arguably the dumbest superpower in the entire series
listen, though. here I am shitting on these Ketsubutsu kids for no good reason, and I’m sorry about that, and truthfully it’s mostly because I just want to see Deku and/or Kacchan and so it’s hard to give a fuck about anything else right now. BUT, I will immediately cease and desist ALL of my complaining if this means we also get to see my best girl Ms. Joke, omg. Horikoshi please
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but LSKJFLEK at this random reminder that Bakugou refused to shake his fucking hand. like, that’s his “fun fact” apparently lol. it’s what he deserves
also living for this “cringe” here, too. fuck you Shindou. I am so, so sorry to any Shindou fans out there you guys because I’m just going to be like this the entire time he’s here. the hate is flowing through me
how has it been three whole pages and I still have to look at his stupid face
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anyway so it seems like the kids are having to pick up the slack for Old Man Samurai and all those other assholes who retired. I’m guessing the U.A. kids will be seeing a lot more action as well
but in the meantime let’s hope no villains attack here all of a sudden, because all Tatami can do is make herself shorter while Shindou creates an earthquake to bring the entire building down around them dflkjslk
these guys don’t particularly want to go with them and I can’t say I blame them
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so now Shindou is saying that yeah, they can probably handle the looters and such by themselves, but it’s a different story when it comes to the Noumu and the escaped Tartarus prisoners. Shindou how dare you make a reasonable point that I can’t immediately argue with
he says that one of the escapees was sighted in the area, so that’s why they’re trying to evacuate everyone
and the guy disagrees and says he doesn’t trust the heroes and thinks they’re pompous
fdskljk. fucking...
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ME: Horikoshi can we please stop and get Deku HORIKOSHI: we have Deku at home THE DEKU AT HOME: 
Horikoshi. please. we get it, the civilians don’t trust the heroes anymore. I UNDERSTAND. I COMPREHEND THIS. so unless there is some other point to this scene I respectfully ask that you hurry things along because omg
did Tatami always have this habit of speaking in meme language and such? I thought that was Camie’s thing but hey
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listen, I’m here for anyone who’s willing to drag this man down into the depths of the earth. I would just also rather not spend the entire fucking chapter on this oh my god. Horikoshi do you have any more of those chapters where things happen in them?? those are good, I like those
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so whoever’s on the other end of the call (ETA: it’s that rock-looking guy who can harden anything that he touches. why does BnHA have so many hardening powers) is telling them to run because there’s apparently a villain heading right for them, oh my
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depending on who it is I can’t promise I won’t be rooting for them over you, buddy
ohhhhhh shit
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huh. well that’s... hmm... but on the other hand...
okay lol no, I know it’s bad. Muscular fucking LOVES murdering kids. not even Shindou deserves that. I’m sure he has a family that loves him and stuff. and Tatami seems like a sweet girl. they don’t deserve to be murdered
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that is the question isn’t it? are we really going to spend the entire chapter with Limbs-Retracting-Girl and her boyfriend, Joseph Gordon-Levitt from (500) Days of Summer??
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YES PLEASE CALL YOUR SENSEI. my god do you know what I would give to see Ms. Joke take down an S-class villain??
(ETA: all I’ll say is that we were robbed here, you guys.)
now Tatami is running away while Shindou stays behind omg
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Horikoshi I know I said I hate the guy, and I do, but my god. seems I don’t hate him half as much as you do you. been nice knowing you Shindou my man
are you serious Tatami really ran all the way back up here to try and evacuate these guys one more time
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SHE’S SUCH A GOOD PERSON omg if you assholes don’t listen to her you deserve to get murdered
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okay but seriously, now he has to be dead
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r.i.p. Shindou. he died doing what he loved, talking a lot and being utterly useless
then again, damn Shindou are you really gonna come out here and be a badass?? gonna make me eat my words there kiddo?
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I have absolutely no idea if I should expect this to work or not. all I know is that this is page 14, and so it would seem we really are going to spend the entire fucking chapter on fucking Shindou. this beautiful chapter had so much potential, Horikoshi. and now look at it. I hope you’re happy
nope it didn’t fucking work at all lmao
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IT’S JUST LIKE I SAID. r.i.p. you pretentious handsome lump
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DEKU YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO LOL. anyway but it’s good to see you!! it’s good to see ANYONE other than these guys sob but especially you
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somehow Horikoshi actually made the bunny mask look badass?? I don’t think this is sustainable, but I am here for it while it lasts
Shindou should by all rights be nothing but A HANDSOME PASTE at this point lol but WHATEVER. it’s BnHA; getting smashed into walls and cliffs has more or less the same consequences as being set on fire. slap a band-aid on it and you’re good to go
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well. and that’s it. I just did not care about any of that lmao. a rare dud of a chapter. well, but we’ve had something like ten in a row that ranged from “pretty good” to “amazing”, so I guess that’s fair
anyway I feel like I owe you guys something other than endless bitching and moaning, so! BONUS:
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now this is more like it
first of all, I’m absolutely living for this promo’s “YEET THE CHILDREN OUT OF A HELICOPTER” vibes. FUCK YEAH WE’RE HEROES BITCH
is Deku wearing a jetpack/parachute?? let’s hope he is because I’m assuming he doesn’t have Float yet, so if that’s not a jetpack then it is a LONG WAY DOWN kiddo
these maniacs actually got Deku to wear something other than his red shoes holy fuck. I’m speechless. are we sure that’s not an imposter??
Shouto has the funniest falling position I’ve ever seen. I’m assuming his left arm is not in fact tucked under his leg like it appeared to be at first glance?? like, wtf is the outline of your body right now Shouto
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this is what I think it is after careful analysis, but at first I thought this kid had some hidden contortionist abilities
and then there’s this guy
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I MISSED YOU YOU BIG GOON. loving the new gauntlets!! and he’s changed up his impractical metal neck thingy into arm thingies! but most importantly, ARE THESE WHAT I THINK THEY ARE
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and meanwhile, look who’s with them! Endeavor makes perfect sense of course, but Hawks is a very welcome surprise. does this mean we can expect to see Tokoyami too? because I would fucking love that
lastly, so this confirms the whole “world heroes” thing! which we all pretty much guessed anyway lol. I wonder if this movie will take place in another country (fingers crossed). the city in the background doesn’t look particularly familiar, but this image probably wasn’t meant to be analyzed in that way lol. anyways, looking forward to this so much, PLEASE GIVE US A TRAILER SOON omg
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crimziedrawings · 4 years ago
I had a Elorcan story that I was really excited about but I've been too busy to actually write it so here, have the outline I created instead. It's a bit choppy, I had the fine details in my head and the outline was just to contain the general points.
The Dead Gods' Blessing (an Elorcan story)
Chapter 1
• Elide/Lorcan wake up, blissfully
• Elide reminds Lorcan that Aelin/Rowan/Fenrys/Vaughn (the gang) are visiting, he is not happy
• Lorcan makes Elide breakfast while she is bathing as a surprise
• They talk about the baby and baby names
• ~ They meet the gang outside the front door because Elide is so excited
• Lorcan's fae-male-protective-bullshit comes out
• Fenrys smirks, Rowan looks a little sad
• Elide reveals the plan for a picnic
• ~They go down to a creek nearby with a nice view
• Elide has to go to the bathroom since the baby is pushing on her bladder
• Chapter ends with Elide screaming
Chapter 2
• Lorcan and the gang runs after Elide
• They don't see her but Vaughn finds blood
• Lorcan freaks out
• Suddenly they see something move and run after it
• A creature has Elide
• They chase it down to a cliff
• The creature scrambles to stop but ultimately falls off
• Lorcan screams and tries to follow
• The Cadre holds him back
• Aelin looks down at the cliff and spots the monster impaled by the rocks, notices a human hand underneath
• Lorcan manages to get away and crawls to the edge, seeing the same as Aelin
• He screams and cries
• The rocks give way and it falls into the water
• Rowan tries to comfort him but fails as Lorcan's grief is so overwhelming that he loses control of his powers
• Aelin tries to use the bond to make Lorcan stop but is interrupted by a whisp of darkness (Lorcan's power)
• Rowan, Aelin, and Vaughn join forces to create a shield around Lorcan
• *Fenrys pov
• It last a long time unless Lorcan passes out
Chapter 3
• Lorcan wakes up in his bed
• He feels heavy and looks over for Elide
• She's not there and he remembers what happened
• He doesn't want to believe it, refuses to and starts to lose control again
• Someone comes in and injects him with something, and all of a sudden he passes out again
• ~ He wakes up again to find Rowan besides him, with red trimmed eyes and looking like a mess
• Lorcan begs "Please... Please tell me it wasn't real, I can't-"
• Rowan reaches over and grasp his shoulder, sad for his brother and says "I'm sorry"
• Lorcan continues to cry and Rowan stays with him
• Lorcan asks "How did you do this? How did you go on, please tell me how"
• Rowan replies "I didn't. I can't ever forget what happened. I spent some time in disbelief. There was a moment where I knew it was the end and I couldn't handle that. I was so close... But then someone showed up at my door. Nearly broke my door, as I recall. He told me that it's gonna hurt but I need to keep going and fight. It's what she would want. You saved me, Lorcan"
• Lorcan says "I was wrong. I did not understand what it was to be in your place. The pain, the loss, it... you lose yourself"
• Rowan says "No, you were right. Because everyday it became a little easier to breathe to the point where I found myself again. In Aelin. I am eternally grateful for your appearance because I got to meet Aelin, my real mate"
• Lorcan screams "there is no one else! There will never be anyone else! Elide is it for me, she will always be the only one. I can't do this, Rowan... it feels like all the air has been taken from me and I can't catch a breath. Elide was all that was good of me. I'm barely alive without her. And barely alive is just suffocating..."
• Rowan looks sad
• Lorcan "And I was going to be a father"
Chapter 4
• Rowan walks in to see Lorcan still in bed (he smells)
• Rowan says he need to get out of bed, he has a city to run
• Lorcan basically has given up
• Rowan talks about how it's Elide's home and his home now too so he has to get up. He also says that he is staying in Perranth for a while.
• Lorcan says he doesn't need a babysitter but gets up anyways
• He goes to take a shower and comes out to open curtains and windows, a made bed, and his clothes laid out
• He knows it was Rowan and rolls his eyes
• He gets changed and looks in the mirror, catching a glance at his ring
• He starts hurting again, but decides to go on "for you, my loves. For both of you..."
• *Rowan's pov*
• Rowan is sad for his brother but is proud of him for making that big step
• He called for a town meeting in the castle's front grounds and is watching as Lorcan steps forward on the balcony
• Lorcan announces that Elide is dead and that he will continue to build Perranth if they will have him
• The town bows, as a sign of acceptance and for Elide
• Rowan knows it's going to be hard being away from Aelin for a while but Fenrys and Vaughn are there, and his brother needs him
Chapter 5
• It is 2 and a half months later
• *Fenrys pov*
• Aelin, Fenrys and Vaughn visit again
• Fenrys and Vaughn walk in first because Aelin got distracted by some cake
• They ask Rowan how Lorcan is, he says that he has his moments but he's been strong for Perranth
• Aelin walks in and there's an explosive reunion between the two so they go off, presumably to a bedroom
• Fenrys and Vaughn walk to the library to find Lorcan there
• They try to talk but Lorcan doesn't want to talk about it
• He instead asks why they're there
• Fenrys responds that they wanted to see their brother
• Lorcan asks for the truth
• Fenrys reveals that they have a mission and that they can't protect Aelin while on the mission so she's staying in Perranth for a while
• Lorcan isn't happy
• ~ Rowan is happy to have Aelin back
• They stumble out of a closet
• Fenrys and Vaughn are distraught as they see this
• They say they're leaving
• Rowan and Aelin wish them luck
Chapter 6
• Fenrys and Vaughn are riding through the mountains
• They talk about Lorcan
• Vaughn recalls how surprised he was to hear that Lorcan was married
• Fenrys responds that he missed a lot and tries to get info on where Vaughn was all this time, but he still won't tell
• Fenrys talks about how good Elide is and how happy Lorcan was with her and about being a dad
• "Out of all of us, he deserves that peace the most"
• Vaughn announces that he spotted the cave entrance, the one that the anonymous tip gave
• They tie up their horses and prepare, then go inside
• They go in further and eventually come across different paths so they decide to split up
• Fenrys scouts the hallways for a while, passing numerous rooms
• He hears footsteps so he ducks into a room quickly
• He freezes and waits for the footsteps to pass
• He exhales, is relieved, but then a voice startles him
• "What do you want"
• He swirls around, seeing darkness
• Then a candle is lit, and his eyes start to adjust
• "Fenrys? Is that you?"
• Fenrys cannot believe what he is seeing "Elide?"
Chapter 7
• Elide is happy to see Fenrys
• Fenrys is confused as to how she is alive, they saw her body being impaled and crushed
• Elide explains that the creature had another person in its hold-after all, it had 6 arms, and that she was dropped while the creature was running
• Elide understands how they could've believed she was dead
• She asks how Lorcan is
• Fenrys responds that he's breathing but only to run Perranth, for her
• Elide is sad
• Fenrys asks how she got there
• Elide says that after the creature dropped her and she passed out when she hit her head, she was found by some travelers. They took her to their home in the mountains and cared for her. They were behind on some debts and were taken, the people assumed Elide was one of them and took her as well, next thing she knows she is in this dark room alone
• Fenrys asks if she's ready to go home
• Elide is nearly crying, nodding
• He goes to check the hallways and when he turns back, Elide is wrapping a scrap piece of fabric around one shoulder, it slinging around her small frame
• Fenrys finds it weird but shrugs it off
• Then Elide is bending behind the bed and picking something up, putting it into the fabric so that it is held up
• Elide walks over to Fenrys, ready to go
• His breath catches as he sees that it's a baby
• "His name is Ragnar"
Chapter 8
• Fenrys is speechless, struck dumb at the realization that he didn't even consider the survival of the child. The first thing that comes to his mind is "its a boy?"
• Elide chuckles softly and responds with yes
• Fenrys is reminded of the situation and checks the hallway before pulling Elide behind him
• They manage to get out safely and go back to the horses
• They realize they have to wait for Vaughn
• Elide figures they have some time to kill and looks down fondly at Ragnar and says "do you want to meet your uncle fenrys?"
• Fenrys is near tears when he hears her
• Elide asks "do you want to hold him"
• Fenrys is hesitant but Elide assures him that it will be fine, he won't bite
• Fenrys is amazed at how light and small he is. Also how beautiful. He definitely looks like Lorcan.
• Elide ask for water, Fenrys says that its in the pack around the horse
• Vaughn comes back and stops when he sees Fenrys and the baby
• ".... did you steal a baby?"
• Fenrys looks up and smiles
• Vaughn is confused but then he sees Elide coming around the horse
• He is in disbelief, and his confusion of the baby is resolved when Fenrys hands him back to Elide
• Fenrys says he'll explain later, they have to get them home
Chapter 9
• *Elide's pov*
• Long ride, thinking of her time and much she misses Lorcan
• Vaughn was able to go a little faster as Fenrys did not want to harm Ragnar, only a mile ahead or so
• Because of that, when Fenrys and Elide arrived, Vaughn was already searching for Lorcan in the castle
• Elide hands Ragnar to Fenrys and slides down the horse
• Aelin and Rowan were in the nearby garden so they came out at all the commotion
• Aelin cries when she sees Elide and runs to hold her
• They are both crying
• Elide looks over and sees Rowan then goes to hug him
• She pulls back, looks at them both and says "would you like to meet your nephew?"
• Aelin gasps as Fenrys steps forward with Ragnar
• Fenrys looks at Elide and she nods
• Rowan has tears in his eyes as Fenrys hands Ragnar to him
• The front door burst open and suddenly Lorcan is there, panting
• Elide sobs as she sees him and start making her way toward him
• Lorcan runs to her and they meet halfway
• Lorcan picks her up and holds her, small kisses in between words
• Lorcan "Elide, Elide"
• Elide "I've missed you so much"
• Lorcan "It's really you"
• Elide "Yes, yes, it's me"
• Lorcan "I love you so fucking much, you are never allowed to leave my sight, ever"
• They share a big kiss and both have tears running down their faces
• Lorcan "I was so lost without you"
• Elide "You seem to have found your way just fine"
• Lorcan "No... I kept going, for Perranth, for you... but I broke down everyday"
• Elide is speechless, "Lorcan..."
• Lorcan "Now that you're here, I can finally breathe again"
• Another kiss
• Lorcan rests with his eyes closed, breathing in her scent
• Elide "Do you want to see your son?"
• Lorcan's breath catches as his eyes shoot open. He takes a few stuttering breaths before asking "I have a son?"
• He looks over at Rowan who is now standing a few feet away
• Rowan is smiling down at the babe
• Elide walks over and takes Ragnar from Rowan, then walks back to Lorcan
• Lorcan is barely breathing at this point
• Elide places Ragnar into Lorcan's arms
• Lorcan "My son"
• Elide steps closer and says "I've named him Ragnar"
• L "My Ragnar"
• Ragnar opens his eyes at Lorcan
Chapter 10 (Final Chapter)
• Elide and Lorcan are laying in bed with Ragnar in the middle
• Elide and Ragnar are asleep, Lorcan is not
• Lorcan gazed lovingly at his son
• Elide wakes up and sees that Lorcan is awake
• Elide "you need to get some sleep"
• Lorcan "I can't"
• There's a look
• Lorcan "I've had many dreams like this, where you come back and we have our child and we are finally a family... but then I wake up. And it kills me every time"
• Elide reaches over to rest her hand above his, which is resting lightly on Ragnar's stomach "this is real, my love"
• Lorcan looks at Ragnar and decides that it is real, because even his dreams could not picture his son being so beautiful
• He is reminded of how he felt when she told him he was pregnant, and how his fears ranged throughout her pregnancy
• Then he remembers that she went through childbirth alone and is heartbroken and angry
• Lorcan "I am so sorry"
• Elide "For what?"
• Lorcan "You brought our son into this world by yourself"
• Elide has a moment and then says "It was hard. But I kept hearing your voice, telling me to stay strong so that we could- so that we could be a family. In a way, you were there"
• Lorcan grabs her hand and kisses it as not to disturb Ragnar
• Elide whispers "I love you" before drifting off to sleep
• Lorcan kisses Ragnar's head and strokes Elide's hand as he says "I love you too"
• He falls asleep
• ~ Lorcan wakes up to find Elide and Ragnar gone and starts freaking out, thinking it truly was a dream again
• Then Elide walks out of the bathroom, holding Ragnar to her chest
• He sighs in relief
• Elide says to Ragnar "Look who's awake"
• Elide settles into bed next to Lorcan
• Lorcan kisses Elide deeply, the fear that had pulsed through his body still causing him to think irrationally
• Lorcan "it wasn't a dream"
• Elide "I told you"
• Lorcan smiles and looks down at Ragnar "and how's my boy?"
• Ragnar is looking around the room and his eyes rest on Lorcan, then his arms reach out towards him
• Elide "I think he wants his papa"
• Lorcan takes Ragnar from Elide as she say that she's going to take a bath
• Elide "Tonight, Aelin and Rowan are going to watch Ragnar"
• Lorcan "What? Why?" He just got his son, and he wants to spend time with him
• Elide "Because we have a lot of catching up to do" she winks and pulls her nightgown off before walking into the bathroom
• Lorcan is left staring after her, thanking the universe, the dead gods, whatever the hell is out there for this moment, for his family
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sapphorarelyreads · 3 years ago
19/2/21 Notes from my diary?
I want to love. I want to love someone. No, I’m not desperate, it’s just I want someone so hard like it’s stopping me from functioning as a person. I do realize that at the core of this lies the reason that is I want someone who tells me how they truly feel about me, someone who likes me and I can like them back, someone I can be honest with, someone who sees me for who I am and doesn’t adjust with/ endure my presence rather who celebrates it and loves it and someone who wants to spend time with me, someone who is not embarrassed of me. Like literally fucking love I guess idk shit about it anyways. I want someone who loves me like Patroclus loves Achilles, someone who loves me like 1D fans love the band, or someone who loves me like Patrick loves David or how Ted loves Alexis. I can’t fathom the feeling when I hear songs about heartbreak or love, because I can relate to them but not, like its confusing cause I’ve never been in such a situation. Sometimes I feel like I’m sick of myself, I’m tired, sickly, useless, worthless and honestly, I’m just a speck of dust in the universe waiting to mysteriously disappear. Like my presence or absence won’t affect anyone like if you remove me from an equation, it still remains the same, it isn’t altered or progressed or anything. And no, I think that self-worth/confidence is something made up to basically feel better about yourselves. Like, my problem is kind of like, eh, there are two peaks, overconfidence and underconfidence?? So, like, most people, that I know of, seem to exist in-between or like, it’s basically a spectrum for them. I find it impossible to exist in-between, though I of all people should know better given the fact that I was average in every single fucking thing in my entire time spent here, I can’t. So when given the option, I opt for the extremes. And overconfidence is just ego, pride and all that shit and I know that once I get into it, I can’t control myself from messing things up (not intentionally) whereas with underconfidence, there is no risk involved and I just shrivel into a ball in the corner and float away, not into a world of my own but a world where everyone exists and I just don’t.
Like, not killing myself or something but like my non-existence would be the happiest thing that will have ever happened to anyone. Sometimes my mind tells me to eat too much of something, be it food or medicine or sometimes I like to light tiny stuff on fire and smell the gases released. I feel like I’m not me. My face is not mine neither is my body. My face looks like that of someone who is mean or the ‘bad’ type or the ‘boastful’ type and its hard for me to conform to that notion. I want to love my body, I want to learn to love my body but I can’t, it’s like a shield is stopping me from passing through. I just want to confirm that this ‘rant’ isn’t due to the fact that I’m having my periods right now but rather a locked or an unknown cave or a dungeon being discovered. I read books, watch movies, listen to songs, where people, people like me, fall in love, go through stuff and I want to be there, in that position, experiencing the things they do, because honestly, my entire life and not to forget, my existence, feels like a complete lie, made up to satisfy a role like that of a tree or rock in school plays. I honestly wish that I don’t deserve all these good things, good people and kind stuff. Like I deserve to be pushed off a fucking cliff for not contributing to the development of humanity. I can’t think on my own. All I do is assimilate stuff and I keep copying others’ behaviors and habits and try to find or complete me as a person. Like, I’m not kidding, every single aspect of my behavior and personality is widely influenced, more like counterfeited from people I know or people I met. I can’t even differentiate or side with stuff and I get influenced by every single person I talk to and I pick up their behavior or habit. For instance, if you’re reading this you would’ve noticed that I used the word ‘like’ frequently. I picked it up from a person. And when I text, I always start with lowercase, again, picked it from a person; my hair, my clothes, and every fucking thing about me, except my physiology, gender and sexuality, I picked it from a person. The lack of originality makes me aghast and amuses me like why am I this human who is never original. Like the only ‘original’ thing I did was probably right this shit as an essay and like I (sighs), can’t deal with it right now. I’m going to sleep, i.e., lie on the bed, shut my eyes, try not to hurt/harm myself and others, thinking about pretty girls and wlw songs and try to have a dream where I date a girl. 
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apparentlyaswarmofbees · 4 years ago
I've been asking around this one question for a few people now, because I like hearing what people have to say about it...
So I wouldn't mind it if you shared a list on who's your favourite (from Most to Least) from the Obey Me! Crew (Brothers & Formally Undatables)...
Also, please feel free to ramble on about why you placed them in each space...
O-oh dear-
First off, you spoil an infodumper like me too much lol (I am happy sfjsjjdjn) and I am going to go overboard (and changing the order of things) for my own pleasure.
And so...
Second off...
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Here is My List of LEAST to MOST Favorite of The Obey Me Boys ^^
That I just did on spot because I didn't have one ready because it's hard for me to rate the characters as they all have their traits and even their flaws add something good to the character but I'll be dammed if I don't enjoy deep frying my brain for fun.
Please take note I am taking this literally and all characters in here are FAVORITES, just some will be more and some less, which mean I LIKE ALL OF THEM. Yes, I have changed my opinion on a certain two characters I have said to not like, and I am not ashamed to say I was incorrect.
So let's start this off with the right foot shall we?
#12 | Diavolo
He is still infuriating I won't deny that. And I won't pity him though he is a tragic character that is so lonely he overrates any kind of affection, that doesn't know how to interact with others without exagerating, that has no one to give an oposing opinion because of his status and so it's increasingly hard for him to learn to make good decisions, and with his goal to unite the realms I could almost say he is naive. He's a bit of a puppy always wanting some pets, but as a not dog person, I don't have enough in me to be always playing, so to me an overly needy puppy can end up getting annoying, though of course, I can't help it but at least give it a few pets before going my way.
#11 | Simeon
Yes in the end I actually liked him all along but was just in denial after I thought about it. Simeon is a good character, he's a dick even though he's an angel and he doesn't bother to be any different, he definetelly has his own set of rules he follows and I believe he would be a Chaotic Good just like me. He's well made. And as much as he is pretty unlikeable, the mystery, the questions, the fact that he has always been the same we just didn't get to interact with him much to see it, to have a naturally asshole character put down some of his walls to help us even if part out of possible self interest. And of course he's also fun. Simeon is charming, and I have come to appreciate all of him.
#10 | Luke
A kid. A brat and a tsundere. I Absolutely love the character development and it's extremelly adorable. He's now officially our guardian angel and I love that. He was just a prick that I rolled my eyes so hard whenever I encountered him in the game and now he's just a lil' bratty brother that is fun to tease and squish the cheeks off. He's a really nice kid in the end, just previously ignorant, but still nice because he was willing to learn and change despise saying he didn't want to. I personally can understand Luke as I was pretty alike as a kid. Again, he's a nice kid I would gladly buy some balloons and cotton candy for.
#9 | Barbatos
The number 1 buttler, he's just, a good dude l o l. He has his distance from everyone due to his position but that doesn't make him any less interesting. He is mysterious and powerful and yet he feels, so chill. He's also fun and actually has a pretty soft personality in which he knows exactly when to switch off to strict. He's a character I respect and wish existed in real life so I could be friends with (╥﹏╥).
#8 | Solomon
Shady sorcerer is actually a pretty good guy though mildly insane. He is actually responsable (and takes it pretty seriously seeing he's basically the representative of the human realm). He's kind though again, mildly insane, and diligent. He may have terrible food but the fact he does it with good intentions is pretty adorable, he just likes to follow his instincts and be spontaneous because he likes new and exciting things. He probably has quite a bit of angst to him due to his not only immortality in not aging but also by not being able to be killed but even so it feels that, contrary to how many human immortals end, he still hasn't lost the light in his eyes and can still enjoy things and enjoy being alive, and that is most likely thanks to other immortal/long living beings such as demons.
#7 | Lucifer
Yep. Lucifer is actually a really fucking great character, he's fond of his family, hard worker to the point of destroying himself, self punisher, elegant, pretty af, cute at times. But not exactly my most favorable cup of tea. Seeing I can see through his bullshit all his posessiveness, all his pettiness, all his actions just becomes ridiculous and annoying. And theres also a problem with the fact we always end up submiting to him, I don't want that. For every time he disrespects me I want him to kneel and kiss my feet. His pride collides with my own, and his decisions do too. But even so he is very reliable and so he has my respect for that, I do want to hug him and tell him he deserves nice things and that he can rest now this is not the war anymore you don't have to bow down to anyone anymore you didn't doom your brothers but freed them instead, but then again he makes bad decisions because he has zero braincells for emotional intelligence and that pisses me off and makes me just want to yeet him off a cliff. Yeah Lucifer, I would gladly kick you in the balls with ♡°.•love•.°♡.
#6 | Leviathan
Surprising is it not? But it's true, I often focus on Levi due to him not only being pretty alike to me but also because he's related to many things I have been familiar with since I was born: animes and games. His anxiousness is relatable, the outcastness is relatable, the awkwardness is relatable, the obsession is relatable, the references are relatable, the infodumping is relatable. He's very relatable to me, but not my most favorite, and all because of his envy. He's a guilt tripper, and though I am long immune to it in real life due to extreme exposure to it from my family, it still is enough for his rank to go down. I still love him though, but mostly as the character that represents the thing I am most familiar with in life: myself.
#5 | Beelzebub
Big puppy, he's the type of guy who will talk to plants. He has big and strong hands that could crush anything and yet he will do his best to handle some things gently. He's chill and non judgemental, loyal to the core. Once you win him over, you win him over, he would die for you. He is purposely childish at times and it's cute. He is amazing. I wish I could enjoy eating like he does. He's the only character I truly feel hurt for, as he is deeply inflicted by survivor's guilt and it just pains me I can't comfort him because he isn't real ಥ‿ಥ
#4 | Belphegor
Hoh boy. The brat. The fandom itself is pretty divided on their liking of Belphie and it's understandable lol. But I personally understand Belphie. To hide hurt behind anger, hate and spite, to turn to agression to prove a point but you end up just fucking up. But the guilt and wish to fix things can lead one to giving themselves up, and so it becomes a constant battle of getting close but not too close for the sake of both parties involved. I get this boy more than I wish I ever did, and that's why he's high on the ranking. And because he's cute ngl.
#3 | Satan
H o h b o y, another one that reminds me of myself, only it's the aftermath of the above where one bottles up all their negative feelings because being emotional is not being rational and who the fuck even wants to not be rational. Where you have no fucking idea who you are because all you know is to stomp your feet and scream for the sake of making an statement but that just proved all your enemies a point so now you turn to smarts to prove yourself. To make others angry, to make them frustrated and infuriated with your knowledge because you want to prove yourself, be reconized for who you are, to be someone and also, hopefully, change other people's ways, to make them understand they are wrong because you deep down actually want to get along with them. Yeah, Satan is high on the list, and it's also because he likes detectives uwu.
#2 | Asmodeus
What a fucking icon he is I love him okay. It frustrates me when people use cheating as a angst prompt for him as he's obviously someone who just isn't made for monogamy, and he's pretty honest and I feel he would have nothing to hide and would talk it all out with all his partners. He's a sweetheart that works hard on daily basis and hour after hour to mantain an image, he likes the attention, he wants to be loved. If anyone mildly self centered ever told me 'I love you as much as I love myself' I would marry them on spot. Asmo is just incredibly sweet and I love all his affection and respect him for all the work he does to make a good impression and look up to that self confidence even though most of it is actually just him trying to convince himself. Also perfect example off gender is an ilusion lol.
#1 | Mammon
Yep, our number 1, The Great Mammon, the most lovable dumbass that has been by our side from the start though with a bit of whining. This man is perfect. He has incredible self control over his powers, and as someone who used to be an angel to be able to use money all you want bro. I wouldn't feel bad either. He's our protector from start to end to the point he focuses on us instead of the queen in the Dame event. He isn't stupid just has selective focus just like me! And all the people with ADHD and many other neurodivergents. When he wants something he does is perfectly and diligently, he just needs the right push at the right time. He's the most good of all demons and even angels and he loves all his brothers deeply, he is always there to support everyone to the point of even allowing himself to be the punching bag for the sake of them not turning too much on one another. He was literally our first SSR card, our first call, our first pact, our first and the best. He IS great, truly.
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pokedash55 · 4 years ago
Raincloud HC and Mini Fic
Inspired By @parachutingkitten
- They saw each other at the nya tribute but didn't get to actually meet
-Bentho became king of merlopians but struggles with citizens seeing him as a real king, as many still are distrustful of the surface world
-He has gluttonous there as the royal scientist and Gripe helps him out, but the citizens still don’t view him has a true king after what happened with Kalmaar
-Bentho and Vania have a cordial meeting for royal business
-Vania is struggling less with her people and more with her city economically recovering.
-Bentho wants to bind the kingdoms somehow, since her kingdom is so inland that if they had good relations with a mountainous region it's one step closer to accepting him.
-They are skeptical of SURFACE DWELLERS not humans so it's a good try. 
-establishes trade and economic relations with each other. Maybe trade or sell deepstone and bioluminescent stones for jewelry and architecture in return for some shintaro product unavailable under the sea. Maybe a metal or type of cuisine? Not sure. Flowers perhaps since they have so many in the garden. 
-Both relate to having less than respectable family members and share experiences with defeating them
-share new ruler problems they face and can relate to each other very well
-benthomaar can keep up with the bubbly energy of Vania and they both have a backbone to keep their bond from being too unhealthy, fluffy and overly optimistic.
-bentho has trauma from kalmaar's abuse and goes overboard to try and impress vania and thinks he has to be the best damn guy and best royal ally possible to keep her current friendship
-Vania is pretty easily impressed and is very vocal with her admiration so he'll be overwhelmingly happy and confused when she latches on so quickly.
-she'll show him around the sky city, bentho never been so high up, and can introduce him to her allies down below.
-Bentho loves the caves much more than the city in the sense that it's more comforting and all the underwater streams and lakes remind him of home.
-all streams lead to the ocean so I'm not surprised if they find out the water is connected to merlopian seas some how
- this can also work to compliment the kingdoms
- Like Merlopia can reach out and achieve diplomacy with another kingdom instead of being so islationist, and shintaro struggles with moving on from a unsustainable and horrific economic system so they could help eachother alot. 
-Both very isolated so coming together may be a good step for both countries’
-Merlopians could be accepting of geckles and munce since they live below the surface, and the shintarins live high above it (so they couldn’t flood it even if they wanted to). It’s baby steps towards liking the rest of NINJAGO as a continent. 
-When they become closer friends she Opts for calling him Ben or Benny, since she is so outgoing and bubbly like that, but immediately backtracks and asks if it was ok and apologizes, saying she went over the line
- He would stand up for himself and deny BENNY but I think Ben would be a cute name between the two uwu
-Benthomaar is naturally formal in his ruling and has to push himself to relax while Vania is very lax and friendly with her ruling but needs to push herself to be demanding and formal (She took awhile to use the “Princess” card against Halmaar, opting instead for mutual understanding)
-ok quasi-fic time
FIC SKELETON (might finish writing someday but here’s the basics with some interaction)
 summary: : They spend the day learning about each other kingdoms, and in turn eachother. 
CHAPTER 1: Shintaro
Vania goes about giving Bentho a tour of her city and he is overly courteous of her. She finds it cute at first but then she starts worrying if Benthomaar thinks she can’t handle herself.
Introduces Bentho to Chompy. He finds the dragon very cute and that gets a big smile out of him, really showing off his very sharp teeth. Chompy loves him immediately and starts to climb over him and sit on his head and stuff. Bentho reciprocates pretty much immediately, no stranger to the values of an animal's unconditional love. (The only love that ever seems unconditional in his experience.)
 He has trust issues from Kalmaar and tries extra hard to earn love so he goes overboard sometimes, he’ll be the sort to open doors literally all the time, agree with her ideas more aggressively than is really needed, go out of his way to try and physically protect her from perceived threats, etc. Not knowing this fact, and being insecure about her own leadership skills, she thinks he is babying her, or worse, pitying her. She eventually tells him that she can indeed handle herself. 
“I can handle myself Benthomaar, you don’t have to do all these things for me.”
“I… Know that”
“You’re very sweet and I appreciate your generosity but… this”, gestures to all the things he bought or given or made for her, and gestures to the situation they were in where he immediately went to protect her from, “simply is too much”
The walk back is a tad awkward after that. Bentho remarks he’s never been so high up before and he does seem very dry from the heavy winds and cold air. 
Good thing it’s about time to show him the lower parts of the Kingdom anyway. 
“Halmar, I am escorting Benthomaar down through the mountain. Can you be in charge while I’m gone.”
“As you wish my queen”
Benthomaar looked the armored man up and down. “Halmaar? Are you of royal blood too?” he asked.
“What?” Halmar bluntly questioned aloud to the merlopean king before sputtering out in a bow, “I mean, Pardon?... Your majesty” 
“Benthomaar this is Halmar. My right hand advisor and head of our defensive force.”
“Oh. In my people, -Maar is given to that of royalty. ‘Halmaar’ means Brave Sea. ”
“Well I can assure you he’s very brave.” Vania beamed as Halmar recovered from his bow. “And will protect the city while I'm gone” she reminded him playfully, as she moved benthomaar out of the temple. 
CHAPTER 2: The Dungeons
Going through the dungeons vania remarks on her father’s previous ruling over it. They share stories and struggles. 
Talks about her father and how the ninja came to help. Goes into the topic of her ruling struggles. 
“Now that I have helped bring King Vangelis, my father I mean, to justice, people expect me to fix everything. They come to me asking for plans to retain Shintaro's glory, or with pleas for more funds. The people put so much faith in my father and, although his actions were Terrible… it made the city so wonderful for everyone living here. I don’t think I’ll be able to make Shintaro prosper the way he did. I love my people but they expect so much of me all at once. I admit It is very difficult to keep track of it all.”
“That sounds rough, but at least your subjects care for you. The people of Merlopia don’t see me as their king...and they have every right to. I helped the surface dwellers and my actions led to Kalmaar’s death. In their eyes I am a traitor…. Many don’t follow my commands unless they are directed through Gripe. It’s understandable they won’t respect me… I was adopted after all...”
“Well I respect you. Why, from the past--” counts on her fingers with a tongue sticking out “-- three hours I’ve officially known you, I’d say you’re a wonderful ruler! I hereby royally dub you a great king! You can tell your people that!”
*Small air laugh recovering from his Sadness* “Thank you, Vania. I don’t know how much they’ll regard a compliment from the mouth of a ‘surface dweller’, though”  
*Smol vania /hj sad pout to one side*
“But I appreciate it, really!!” He corrected arms waving at his front, trying to recover from his previous, in his eyes, disrespectful remark (also in his eyes failing horribly at doing so. He needs to queen to like him. This isn’t going well and-)
“I know you do.” she beamed, “ Now Come on, I see the cart tracks we’re getting closer!!” she happily stated, almost skipping past the new King.  
Bentho looked onward at the long haired blond who was trying to walk and balance on the rim of the track, and smiled with relief that she is so easy going at him. He essentially disregarded her royal decree to her face and she brushed it off like nothing. Trimaar had always honored heavy respect towards other royals but it seems this Queen runs things very differently. Even the day had been tame. It felt more like some playdate than an official royal gathering,but with how stressful becoming King had been it was a pleasant change of pace. 
“Hey Bentho! We’re HEeeereee!” Vania waved excitedly as the other royal caught up to her standing near a steep ledge leading down to an opening with a large passageway. 
Have to go down a large mountainous trench first to reach the dungeons. Benthomaar prepares to scale down the cliff but Vania brings out her wings and tells bentho to hold on. She flies him down the cave--
(Flying is vaguely exciting, but also vaguely terrifying. He’s never really had to deal with the possibility of falling before. Buildings in Merlopia aren’t that tall and you literally can’t fall underwater, there’s always something supporting you.) 
The two meet up with the chancellor of the geckles first. He welcomes Queen Gania and her friend Genthomaar and he asks first for trial by mino, but Vania orders him off. Scoffing at her majesty’s boring overriding of their usual procedures he opts for a simple vote for bringing the new unfamiliar face to the munce queen. Bentho gets rocks thrown at him and the geckles cheer as they escort the two to where murtessa is. Vania giggles at him.
 Next up is the muntz. 
So she'd challenge him to a quick duel to see if he is a fitting ally. Naturally Benthomaar rocks with a spear, so he's good, but he'll be really confused at first and probably not want to fight her.
He doesn’t win, but Murtessa sees through his fighting that he has a good heart, and a brave one. She declares him an ally of the Munce. King Menthomaar. And then gives him a hearty slap on the back and invites them all to dinner. They politely decline (Vania, to preserve her stomach. Munce food is, ah, something else.) 
Murtessa thinks Bentho is a good kid and a good fighter. She thinks it's funny how polite he is, though. Gives him some royal advice that he’d be a little better off if he would carry himself like a king. “Confidence! Important in every Munce ruler!” 
Bentho finds her and Munce a bit...much, but they also kind of remind him of the Maaray back home so he also finds it kind of familiar. (Also he doesn’t know it, but shark Merlopians are kind of rough and tumble, too. Like Munce, but without tight knit families or a set kingdom.) 
CHAPTER 3: Merlopia
Goes back to the temple to discuss whats next. 
“If we are going to be partners in this royal engagement, I think you should see My homeland. Merlopia”
Vania just laughs at his wording
“What did I say?” Genuine confused babi just trying to be overly courteous cause he feels like he must be a GOOD KING. ULTRA KING.
Brings her to the beach. He signals her to wait there and he dives into the water to ask nya for some help in bringing Vania down the depths. She knew the bare basics of what happened but seeing nya in such a state made her a tad saddened. 
“Nya. Can you help bring my friend to Merlopia?”
Nya nods all slow and goddess like. “You helped me defeat Wojira, correct? For that I’ll grant you this.”
“Thank you, nya”
“That’s NYA??” 
“Do I… know you.”
She just frowns at that question. She knew she and nya were not super close but to be forgotten like that. Ouch. “I guess not”
Nya makes a large air bubble and descends quickly down the depths. And like cool camera pans and junk and bentho is riding the wave nya is making outta the bubble and vania sticks her head outta the bubble for a sec to meet his gaze and feel the current go by. Fluff insues
“Don’t worry there is air in the palace”
Vania just loudly exclaims in relief cause honestly she was prepared to be living in a bubble forever. 
Nya just...disintegrates. Which is a bit strange to see, even for Vania who usually likes weird stuff. But she doesn’t linger on it long because ooooohhh Merlopia is so pretty! I mean Shintaro is pretty too but this is a whole different kind of pretty. It’s like the gardens of Shintaro, but that’s the whole city. It’s so colorful compared to the flawless Ivory City. 
They tour around a little bit, with Vania looking at everything in interest. She even likes the Royal Ripper Sharks (who are being treated a bit nicer now that Kalmaar is gone, and are sicced on people far less frequently than before.) Benthomaar gets a bit nervous when Gripe runs up to him with a bunch of kingly concerns and kind of tells him a lot of noncommittal responses. 
Since they declined dinner with the Munce, Vania’s stomach starts rumbling, and she embarrassedly admits that she was pretty hungry. 
Benthomaar invites her to dinner in Merlopia. 
They eat  while discussing trade stuff and diplomacy? (And also their day and the G&M and such.) 
Also a fun chance to make up some Merlopian culture and food, and for him to share it with her. Unsurprisingly, it’s a lot of fish. But that’s honestly great because they don’t have a lot of that in Shintaro. There are a few streams a hike away that she's had every now and again, but for the most part fish isn’t something eaten often in Shintaro. 
Benthomaar is pretty happy with this set-up because he had been eating dinner all by himself which was very lonely and wistful.  It's much nicer with her company, and he needs her to know that, and really wants her to stay around and to like him so that they can do this again. So his super-manners-having-to-prove-himself-worthy-of-friendship kick in again and he starts getting super formal and passing her stuff and offering dishes a little overzealously and such and she's like "this again what the huh?"
“My lord, you're...doing it again.” 
“Sorry, I’ll do better.” 
“Better? You’re doing just fine. Really. The meal is great, the presentation is beautiful, and you’re being so kind. I just...don’t need this much attention at once, that’s all.” 
No I’m not it’s not good enough. I’m not good enough. * frowns silently * *internal screaming * 
They decide to meet again later to discuss trade and commerce deals and both bow goodbye after dinner, but soon as she leaves the dining room and gets lost roaming the temple (this palace is constructed like the caves how do they find anything) eventually ends back up at the dining room, where benthomaar is cleaning up the table and stacking the used dishes and they both realize that she can't get back up on her own. They share a laugh and Bentho promises to escort her back up.
Vania wonders why he is cleaning and not the palace servents so she decides to help him clean up, since it seems his people weren’t going to. 
The end
(Also Nya is busy being a goddess somewhere else, so they’ll have to get her transportation back at a later date. With any luck there’s an air-breather-friendly manta saddle that they can use for her.)
They are too precious for this world someone please do more of thisssss
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zenith-impact · 4 years ago
Embers - Part Five
Catch up on AO3 here!
[1] - [2] - [3] - [4]
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You woke up in a room even though you were fairly certain you’d fallen asleep in the main hall.  Granted, you didn’t remember much after your conversation with Diluc. He’d gone to bed. You’d kept reading, practiced a bit more, and then apparently dragged yourself upstairs in your exhaustion. Paimon and Lumine’s voices echoed from downstairs followed by Diluc’s. You couldn’t quite understand them, but it helped you get out of bed and change so you could see two of them off
“Good morning!” Paimon said. “Did you sleep well?”
She’d asked you that every morning since you’d arrived in Mondstadt. “Yep,” You said. “And you?”  
“Great!” She said. “Paimon had good dreams,” Her eyes seemed to sparkle and you knew the conversation was over.
“Leaving today, right?” You said to Lumine.
She nodded. “We’ll be back in a week or two.”
“If we’re lucky,” Paimon said with a shrug. “Lumine’s going to get all lovey-dovey  again and Paimon’s going to have to forage for all her food…”
Lumine took a slow, deep breath. “When have I ever made you forage anything?”
“When you’re tired?”
“Not even then.”
You smiled as you sat at the empty spot next to Diluc. “Sleep well?”
He hummed as he sipped his drink. “Fine,” He eventually said, eyes flickering to you for a brief moment. You thought he looked tired, but you didn’t think it was a good time to say anything. “And you?”
“Fine,” You repeated with a small smile. “Dreamed of basic pyro skills all night.”
You swore you heard a quiet snort, but his face didn’t give anything away. “Then you should be good at them by now.”
“Nothing like Master Diluc,” Paimon said with an air of adoration. You didn’t know whether to laugh, blush, or be offended. Eventually, you decided just to let it go, especially when he didn’t pay Paimon any mind.
“Be safe on your journey,” Diluc said as he stood up. “Abyss Mage activity has increased, as I’m sure you’ve realized by now.”
“We’ll be safe, Master Diluc,” Paimon said. “Promise.”
Lumine pushed her chair back and nodded to him. “I guess it’s time for us to be off.” She nodded toward you as Paimon darted over the table. “If you need my apartment while we’re gone, I left the keys with Amber.” She patted Paimon’s head, earning a quiet “heyyy”. Lumine just smiled. “Thanks again Diluc. We’ll be sure to repay your kindness when we return.”
“How are we going to do that?” Paimon said as they left the room. You heard a quiet, we’ll figure it out as the front door closed and silence fell upon the winery. Diluc sat back down, even though his plate and cup were already empty.
“You don’t have to stay here for me,” You said.
“It would be rude of me not to.”
“I’m the one who came down late.”
“You were up late."
“No later than you.”
He didn’t deny it as he refilled his cup with coffee. You looked down at your plate for the first time, stunned at just how many pancakes were there. You counted at least six, and they were all a generous size. Then there was the cup of what you assumed was grape juice that was so large you weren’t even sure you’d be able to lift it with a single hand. “You’re all very generous around here.”
“We don’t spare any details at the winery,” He said as if it was the simplest thing in the world. You poked at your pancakes, uncertain how to tackle them without making a fool of yourself. You finally decided just to focus on the top one and figure out how to argue your way out of eating a majority of the rest later. And you were fully aware that Diluc was watching you with some kind of expression. You couldn’t tell what it was over his coffee mug, but he seemed interested at the very least. Maybe he was waiting to see how you liked the pancakes. Surely that was it.
But as you started to take your first bite, a series of shouts echoed from outside. Diluc’s gaze shifted to the window as Adelinde entered the room. “There’s a… small dispute I think you’ll need to deal with,” She said apologetically.
Diluc sighed as he rose from his seat. “I’ll be back in a moment.”
“I’ll try and wait patiently.”
You swore you saw a smile, but he was gone before you could confirm it. Adelinde followed after him, shutting the doors, leaving you to navigate your pancakes in peace.
Halfway through, a soft breeze entered through the window. Beautiful music echoed on the wind, drawing your ear. You slowly pushed away from the table, praying that nobody would be offended if you left the rest of your food behind. You snuck out the front door, glancing at Diluc, Adelinde, and two arguing workers at the far edge of the winery. None of them saw you, but you knew you wouldn’t be gone long. You broke into a jog, following the music.
After a few minutes, you saw a young-looking, black-haired bard in green on the edge of a cliff. He paused his music, glancing at you with both curiosity and amusement. “Welcome, stranger!” He said, playing a long note on his lyre. “Did the music draw you here?”
“Seems so,” You said.
“Come on up!” He laughed as he played another note, his legs swinging in the wind. You moved slowly, climbing the cliffside until you hopped up beside him. There was something about this bard… something you couldn’t quite place your finger on. Maybe it was the way the wind seemed to bend around him. Maybe it was the way the music carried further than it ever should have. Or maybe it was just that smile he gave you as if he’d known you forever.
“Care for a song?”
It only felt like a few minutes that Diluc was outside, but he came back in to find you missing and the table cleared save for his cold cup of coffee. He sighed, warming it up in his hands before sipping it down, wondering where you’d gone. You might be in your room again, reading some more. That was acceptable. Maybe you’d gone for a walk. He hadn’t seen you leave but he hadn’t really been paying attention. Being forced to fire a worker on the spot was not something he liked doing, yet here he was. Assuming you hadn’t gone too far, he was certain he could find you if needed. And he knew he’d have to leave you alone again tonight to check out some new domains he’d found the night before, but had been too tired to deal with. It was a frustration, yes, but nothing had wandered over to Mondstadt according to his sources, so he was currently in the clear.
“I’m certain she’s outside,” Adelinde said when he asked. “I saw her wander by while you were dealing with that argument.”
As predicted, it wasn’t that hard to find you. After hearing the music, he followed it on a hunch, only to find you sitting side by side with an all too familiar bard, playing his lyre without a care in the world. “Venti,” Diluc said, looking up at you both. Venti hummed, either oblivious or ignoring him.
You looked down though, smile clear on your face. “You know him?”
“Quite well,” Diluc said.
“Master Diluc!” Venti yelled, waving before he hopped off the cliff. Diluc almost smirked at the bulge in your eyes when Venti landed with the softest of thumps, even though the cliff was a good 20 feet in the air. “What brings you here?”
“You’ve stolen my guest.”
Venti laughed. “Sorry about that. I just couldn’t help myself.”
They both looked up at you as you slowly moved toward the edge, clearly debating on how best you were going to get down. Diluc shook his head as he moved under you. “Just jump,” He said.
“I’m not as light as you think I am.”
“You doubt me?”
“I’m still getting to know you.”
“You can trust Master Diluc!” Venti said.
“I never said I didn’t!”
“Just jump!”
Finally, you took a deep breath and pushed yourself off the edge. Diluc heard a gasp of surprise as he caught and set you down all in one fluid motion. After a moment to collect yourself, you looked to Venti. “How did you manage that?” You said, waving toward the cliff.
“Just some anemo magic,” Venti said with a shrug. “Nothing special.”
“Sure.” The disbelief in your voice was almost laughable, but Diluc kept his cool. Venti’s true self would be a topic for another day. 
“Well, whatever you were doing,” Venti said. “Don’t let me stop you.” He grinned as he continued to strum the lyre in a song Diluc had never heard before. Maybe it wasn’t a song at all and more just a string of notes thrown together until he made music. Diluc hadn’t heard Venti outside of the bar recently, so who knew what the bard was up to. But he clearly had no intentions of leaving anytime soon, so Diluc would just have to work around him.
“You can summon your catalyst, yes?” Diluc’s sword appeared in his hand, and he pressed it lightly against the ground. Venti glanced between you too, clearly invested as you nodded and summoned your own catalyst. “It’s a start.”
“We don’t want to use it like a conduit, yes?”
“Not yet.”
“Oh is this a training session?” Venti said as he tucked the lyre away. “Let me help! I promise I’ll be good.” He grinned, puffing his chest out as he put his fists on his hips. “Anemo and pyro go so well together.”
You snorted. “If you want an explosion, sure.”
“Those can be fun!”
“We don’t need two arsonists running around,” Diluc said flatly.
Venti chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. “It would only be a small explosion, Master Diluc.”
“Sure,” Both Diluc and you said, glancing at each other before you blushed and looked away.
“I could always sing a song,” Venti said. “Make one up on the spot just for the two of you!”
Diluc blinked as you coughed. Venti’s smile was genuine, but Diluc was perplexed. “Why would you do that?”
“It would be very romantic.”
Diluc’s eyes narrowed, and he could hear you practically choking in the background. He wasn’t sure if it was laughter or humiliation. “That’s unnecessary.”
Venti shrugged. “Whatever you say!” And yet he stayed, watching both of you expectantly. Diluc almost considered sending him away. But the bard was persistent, and likely wouldn’t leave when asked anyway. Not without a new song to sing.
So, Diluc sighed and turned to you as he let his sword phase to his back. “I’m sure there are some Hilichurls nearby. Or a camp at least. You can practice there.”
“I saw them just up the hill,” Venti said. “Couple of brutes, though. One with a shield.”
Diluc crossed his arms. “Easy enough to deal with.”
Venti huffed. “For you, maybe.”
“Everything’s easy for Master Diluc,” You said in a clear Paimon-esque tone. Diluc glared at you, but you were too busy smiling as Venti burst into laughter.
“That was pretty good!” He said. “Now let’s go find those Hilichurls.”
“We don’t need your help,” Diluc said.
“I just want to see how this stranger does!”
Diluc sighed. “Fine, but stay out of it.”
“Will do."
As Venti predicted, it didn’t take long to find a Hilichurl camp. This particular one was filled with all sorts of training tools. Towers. Targets. Multiple brutes with large shields. Smaller Hilichurls dancing around a fire pit. All of it was what you expected to see, with maybe a few extra creatures. Diluc went first, and you could only watch in silent amazement as he ignited his sword and tore the shielded creatures apart. With some prodding from Venti, you eventually joined in, throwing your flaming feathers into the fray. Most hit their targets, much to your pleasure, though a few careened into the cliff, bouncing off and igniting the grass. Diluc jumped away but didn’t look at you as he swiped his sword toward the last shield. A massive bird swept through, burning the Hilichurl alive. He dropped his sword, and it appeared on his back as he turned to you. “Destroy their equipment.”
“Me?” You said.
Slowly, you nodded. You weren’t quite sure how you were going to accomplish it, as the fires created by your feathers weren’t really enough to take out these towering structures. Maybe that was the point. You couldn’t rely on your little fire feathers for everything. But could you make something big enough to accomplish what you wanted.  
“You know what to do,” He said.
“Kind of,” You replied.
“Have you never used a catalyst before?” Venti asked.
“I have… a little bit.”
Venti summoned a bow, pulling the string taut. “Think of channeling all your power at the very edge of your weapon. Then release it.” He let go, launching an arrow into one of the targets, shattering it.
“He’s not wrong,” Diluc said. “But you have to focus differently than he does.” He summoned a ball of fire in his palm. “Remember what you read.” He clenched his fist, sending it away. You glanced back at the closest tower, your catalyst spinning in front of you. You took a deep breath, trying to imagine the flames you wanted to summon. A small flicker of fire appeared in the center along the feather. You gently tugged at it, pulling it out onto the outer rim. You thrust it forward, but only feathers appeared. You frowned, trying again. More feathers. You were glad they were hitting their target, but the flames sputtered out. You needed something more. Something strong.
“Don’t rely on the feather,” Diluc said. “Focus on yourself.”
You were trying. You really, really were. And you could feel the pyro magic swimming somewhere within you. But you had never pulled on it alone. You’d always used something else. Something to connect it to you. But this was different. And as you felt the eyes of both Venti and Diluc on you, you knew you couldn’t give up. So, you tried again, ignoring the feather as you pulled your flames into your hands. The catalyst spun, shifting forward with your arms. A burst of flame pulse outward, consuming a nearby tower. You stared at it, partially confused and mostly relieved. “Good,” Diluc said. “Now do it again.”
The second time was methodical. The third time you missed entirely, but still managed to burn the target in the aftermath. The fourth was easier. By the fifth, you had it mostly down, though you were starting to feel exhausted. You’d never relied so much on your own body and you felt ready to collapse at any moment. But you kept at it. Tossing flame after flame until the whole camp was a smoldering mess of burnt wood. Your breathing was heavy. Your body felt like it was on fire. But the satisfaction you got as you sat up straight and sent away your catalyst was worth it. You turned toward Diluc with a smile on your face. “Decent?"    
He nodded. “It’s a start.”
You took a step forward and your knees buckled. But he was there first, catching you before you face planted straight into the dirt. Venti appeared by your side, channeling a small amount of anemo magic to cool you down. “You’ll get used to it,” Diluc said. “It just takes time.”
You nodded as your eyes fluttered. “You can just leave me here,” You mumbled. “I’ll be up shortly.”
He sighed in exasperation as Venti pulled away. You felt Diluc pick you up, and you realized for the first time just how warm he was. You’d thought he was purposefully doing it with the Cryo Mage to keep you alive, but it seemed he was just warm all the time. Is that what you had to look forward to?
“I should get going,” Venti said. “I’ve got a song to write.”
“You got inspiration from that?”
“I get inspiration from everything,” The bard said proudly. “Besides, you clearly have her taken care of.” You looked up through your half-lidded eyes to see the faintest of a blush on Diluc’s face. He glanced down at you, then quickly looked away. You couldn’t help but smile as you closed them again, resting your cheek against his chest. His heartbeat pounded in your ears, but you didn’t mind. It was soothing enough that you soon found yourself drifting off to a peaceful slumber.
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ship-ambrosia · 4 years ago
Chilumi Week Day 4 - The Heart of a Hero (Hearts)
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Should I have made a more romantic prompt? Maybe 😂😂
Summary: The more they fight, the more he falls. The more she reminds him of who Ajax once wanted to be.
   He pulled back the string of his bow, unconsciously counting the seconds as he felt energy flowing from his body into the arrow between his fingers. Without wasting a beat, as soon as the Hydro energy at the arrowhead had burst he let his arrow fly toward his target - the golden-haired, golden-eyed girl charging toward him at a speed that would intimidate a lesser man. But Childe wasn’t one of the Fatui’s Eleven Harbingers for nothing, his stance didn’t falter one bit.
   Lumine dodged, and he smirked. He knew she would.
   As easy as he breathed, he’d tossed his bow into the air and watched it disappear into golden dust. More Hydro energy gathered in his palms, and he rose two watery blades in his hands to meet the arc of her sword coming down on him.
   “Not bad, girlie,” he purred as he admired her, all of her, while their blades were locked. The fierceness in her eyes, the way she gritted her teeth, the sweat on her brow. There was a sense of pride in him upon seeing these things, seeing the way he made her work. Knowing that it was him, who turned her into the beautiful fighter that she was.
   He realized too late what she was doing. Childe’s eyes widened when he noticed the gathering vortex in her offhanded palm. He broke the bladelock and attempted to move away from her out of range, when the Anemo blast unfurled from her hand. He was caught just at the edge of it, but caught nonetheless and was sent flying, landing on his back with his swords dematerializing in a splash of water around him. The way the wind was knocked from his lungs sent shivers through his body. She was still amazing, still constantly pushing him to his limits. He didn’t think he could ever get enough of her.
   “I think,” she said, walking over to him and putting her hands on his hips. “That means I win again.”
   “You’re starting to fight dirty, like me,” he breathed out, grinning up at her again. “Am I corrupting the princess?”
   Rolling her eyes, Lumine leaned over and offered him a hand, which Childe took and pulled himself to his feet - only to then immediately twist it around and knock her over onto her back, as a hydroblade appeared in his hand once more. He pointed the blade at her.
   “That’s a win for me, actually,” he informed her.
   Lumine’s shocked expression twisted into annoyance. “You’re insufferable.”
   He laughed, pulling her back to her feet and ruffling her hair a bit. “Whaddya say we start a fire and cook up something to eat? I could really go for some of your cooking after my victory.”
   When he looked back at her though, Lumine was staring off in the distance, intently. “Shhh, Childe,” she quieted him. “Did you hear that?”
   His playfulness melted away, senses on alert for danger. Childe immediately began making for higher ground for a vantage point. There was little out in the wilderness around Liyue that truly concerned him; but he would never let Lumine get hurt while he was around.
   This time he heard it; a strange sound, something between a groan and a scream. It was definitely human to him, a sound he’d heard before - from his work in the Fatui, as much as Lumine probably would be disappointed to hear the details of such an event. Childe scanned the rocky cliffs of Liyue that surrounded them.
   “Help!” The sound formed into words, confirming its origin as human. At least, he sure hoped anything that called for help was human.
   After the second cry, Childe spotted the source; a camp on the crest of a hill not too far from their location. He could see several figures sitting around a fire. There was a boxy shape with them, some distance away. As he watched, one of the human shapes stood up and walked to it; the box was large enough to fit a human inside of it. His blood ran cold when he pieced it together. Something unfamiliar, yet familiar all at once, stirred within him.
   “Childe! What do you see?” Lumine called up to him, but her companion was already gone, pushing aside his scarf and leaping from his overlook, allowing the device attached to his back to spread its wings.
   He had been surprised when Lumine gifted him the wind glider. He knew they were sacred tools to Mondstadters, the children of the wind, who placed strict gliding rules on themselves and outsiders who happened to get their hands on them. She was their Honorary Knight, so of course she had been given a glider. He was a member of the Fatui, and Mondstadt certainly had no love for them - but he’d seen the delight on her face as she danced on the wind between the rock pillars of Jueyun Karst, and secretly he’d wished he could be up there with her, experiencing a whole new kind of adrenaline rush between the clouds. It was a tool he’d kept to himself, away from the prying eyes of the other Harbingers. Who knew when it might give him an advantage over them?
   Now he didn’t feel the rush, or the wind carrying him. He was moving purely on instinct, a body that knew how to fight, knew how to kill. He landed against the side of the cliff, not wasting a breath of stamina as he swung himself effortlessly up and over the edge.
   The Treasure Hoarders hardly got a moment to react. Childe looked to the box, to the cage, and saw exactly what he knew he would see there. He fired three quick shots, downing two of the members in one hit before manifesting his blades into his hands and leaping into the fray.
   “Who the hell is this guy?!” He heard one of them cry between his swirling blades of water.
   Childe ducked out of the way as a potion crackling with Cryo energy was thrown at him, throwing his elbow into the same man’s chin. Another struck out at him with a kick, which he sidestepped before delivering his own strike to the man’s gut, who went down swiftly. The third fool to fight back swung a hammer at Childe, but he’d trained enough with his own Vanguard - who used electrified hammers too, this was just a normal one - and thus he took the ordinary man down without breaking a sweat.
   By the time Lumine caught up with him, Childe had already approached the cage with the key he’d gotten off one of the Treasure Hoarders, opening the door and freeing the elderly man inside.
   “Childe!” She was huffing and puffing, like it had taken her a great amount of effort in order to catch him. He supposed he had just dashed off without so much as a warning. “Why did you leave me standing there, all by myself?”
   And then her eyes widened, having noticed the man in the cage, and all frustration toward the young man she was traveling with disappeared.
   It was sunset by the time they saw the gates of Liyue Harbor in the distance, having helped the old man back to the city. From what they could gather, he was a rich nobleman living in Yujing Terrace, who had been out searching for stashes of Noctilucous Jade. Lumine didn’t have the heart to tell the man he was in entirely the wrong place for it, to the west of Liyue when the jades were found to the west, toward Dragonspine Mountain, and she especially didn’t want to encourage the elder to make the trek out there on his own. Once they’d helped him past the Millelith standing guard, they parted ways. Both Childe and Lumine drifted near each other, around each other, like two celestial bodies that couldn’t pull away. They were silent though; up until the moment that their stomachs started growling.
   “I can’t believe we forgot about lunch,” Lumine spoke first, sheepishly.
   “Yeah,” he replied. “I’ll treat you. How’s that sound? Dinner on me?”
   With little reason to decline Childe’s offer, they both made their way to Wanmin Restaurant, together. As they waited for Xiangling to serve them her nightly special, Lumine couldn’t help herself anymore. “Childe?”
   He looked up from practicing with his chopsticks - wrestling with them, was more accurate - and frowned. “Is something wrong?”
   “No, I mean... not really...” she swallowed hard under his expectant gaze. “I was just surprised you bothered to save that old man.”
   She could tell he was searching her face, trying to read her reaction. “Why?”
   “Fighting the Treasure Hoarders I get, I know you do it a lot because it’s basically a free fight for you,” she explained. “But you didn’t jump in because they were Treasure Hoarders. There’s no way you could tell from that distance. So you jumped in to save him.”
   “I’m not following. You seem to have a pretty good understanding of what happened.”
   “You do things only if they are of some benefit to you,” she pointed out. “You saved me from the Millelith, and kept paying for everything for me because you wanted to gain my trust. You introduced me to Zhongli because you knew he’d end up telling me where the Exuvia was. I know you accompany me on expeditions just so you can get the chance to let loose and fight.”
   “I didn’t know you thought so highly of me,” she didn’t miss the sarcasm in his voice. Childe was hurt by her words? Or maybe it was more lies. She enjoyed his company, but it was hard to tell when he was being entirely truthful.
   “But you didn’t get anything out of saving that old man,” she pointed out. She watched as Childe’s eyes widened in response, as though he hadn’t realized it until now - there was no advantage. Just an old man safe at home now.
   “You don’t know that,” he spoke shortly, trying and failing to hide how much she’d rattled him.
   “Childe, why did you save him?”
   “I don’t know,” his reply was soft, but not soft enough to conceal it. That was a bold-faced lie. He knew exactly why.
   The words of his father danced around in his head, stories of heroes all across Teyvat, battling evil and saving people. Young Ajax would listen with starry eyes, his father always scolding him for being distracted from their fishing rods but continuing to do it anyway. There was nothing he had wanted to be but a hero then. Nothing he had wanted to be but a traveler.
   He was jolted out of his memories when Lumine moved closer, placing her hand on his. “Yes you do,” she said defiantly, and he knew she had seen right through him. He smiled to himself.
   “Maybe I’m just tricking you,” he purred, all honey returning to his voice. “Maybe I’m trying to gain your trust again so I can tear it all down.”
   Lumine narrowed her eyes. “Then you’ve already succeeded, because you have my trust. I’d like to think you can rely on me, too.”
   “Never tell someone from the Fatui they have your trust, girlie. They’ll use it for their own ends. They’ll use it to break you. They’ll use any means to get an advantage over you.”
   “But you don’t. Not anymore,” she gently ran her fingers over his knuckles, and Childe was very irritated by the way she made electricity dance over his skin, the way she made his heart start to pound. “You don’t actually fight dirty. You always like to fight on equal ground. You’re just creative.”
   He was supposed to be the one playing with her feelings. Instead he felt like Lumine had reached into his chest and was playing music with his heartstrings.
   He sighed.
   “My real name is Ajax,” he could hardly believe the words coming out of his mouth, and he watched Lumine stiffen as she comprehended them. He saw her eyes flitter around his face, the way it does when she tries to detect his lies. Even though he knew her tell, he’s still never been able to successfully hide a full lie from her ever since they began to spend time together. When he doesn’t want her to find out something, he usually just redirects now. “Ajax is the name my parents gave me. Childe, and Tartaglia, those were gifts from the Tsaritsa. And to be honest I hardly feel like Ajax is part of me anymore.”
   Lumine was silent.
   “My father used to tell me stories of heroes, all the time. Not just heroes from Snezhnaya, but from all across the continent. I wanted to be just like them. I wanted to save people. I wanted people to tell stories about me. Now I’m Childe, and I’m kind of a bad guy,” he chuckled. “Ajax’s dreams are long gone.”
   She gave him a serious look, eyes burning. He’s only seen her with that intensity once before, when they fought in the Golden House. “No they aren’t. If they were, you wouldn’t have saved that old man today.”
   He felt her hands cup his face, and he froze between them, unsure if Lumine was about to make a big mistake. His eyes flickered down to her lips, and he thought about all the times he’d imagined making it too.
   But she stayed right where she was, staring into his eyes. “I’d like to see them one day. Ajax’s dreams. I’d like to travel with him. And I’d like to try and make them come true. You have the instincts of a hero. You could still be one.”
   No, he thought. Not anymore. But somewhere deep inside his mind told him that was a lie, too. Staring into her eyes, he thought that he kind of believed her words. With her around, Ajax could become a hero.
   She was changing something in him. Each moment he spent with her left him with dreams of running free, untethered, as an adventurer, a traveler himself, back to the wide open skies and heroic deeds that used to decorate his dreams. Of course he was drawn to her - she reminded him of who he used to want to be. Before the day in the Abyss, before it all had come crashing down. But she was changing him, slowly bringing Ajax back out of him. He’d never be entirely the same again, but it still scared him to think how much of an effect on him she had.
   “I told you, girlie,” that familiar smile crept onto his face. “I want you to see me conquer the world. That’s not something a hero wants.”
   Maybe one day, Ajax spoke very softly, in the corner of his mind, in response. I’ll be enough to be considered her hero.
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purplesauris · 4 years ago
The Way the Pendulum Swings
Yes, I am back again with more writing, no, i cannot control myself. My fantastic friend @frostedbasilisk and I got talking, and I was inspired by Buffskier. (yes, i will continue using the name. Look at their beautiful rendition of Jaskier from a scene of the fic here!
Read on AO3 here!
“I think we need help.” Geralt says, leaning over and offering a hand to hoist Jaskier up. His doublet is now covered in dirt on the back and Jaskier’s pride is wounded, but Jaskier grins sheepishly all the same. 
“I told you, I’m uselessly lead footed.” Jaskier dusts himself off as best he can and fixes his hair, turning so that Geralt can dust him off the rest of the way. “If you can’t teach me dear, who possibly could?”
“Vesemir trained me.” He points out, and Jaskier raises both eyebrows in shock, tilting his head and hmmming. 
“You want to go up north, so that Vesemir can train me?”
“It’s only a few weeks early.” Jaskier pins him with a look that could wither the largest tree, and Geralt has to fight to keep from withering too. Jaskier’s expression lightens quickly, eyes softening, and he goes up on his tiptoes to press a kiss to the tip of Geralt’s nose. 
“Fine. But if he can’t train me, I suppose it’s a lost cause, hmm? Then my big brute of a witcher will have to protect me.” Jaskier’s voice is fond, and though the word should sting, he wields it like such a compliment that Geralt feels himself relaxing. Jaskier likes his brutishness, and has said so many times. “Shall we set out in the morning then?”
Their trip up through the mountain is much more pleasant this time- the breeze is just barely beginning to hold the frigid notes of winter, and animals are plentiful along the path. They can take their time, too, in no rush to beat the snows or be the last ones there, so Jaskier can truly admire their surroundings. He spends just as much time singing as he usually does, but now it’s waxing poetics about the way the grass sways in the wind and the mountain air plays with flower petals. It’s meaningless and frilly, but Geralt likes to hear Jaskier like this- wondering at the world around him and seeing the beauty in everything. Not that he’ll tell him such, though if he hums along when Jaskier’s a few steps ahead, no one can blame him.
Geralt has to end up climbing the side of the keep and slipping over when they get up to the massive gates. Vesemir isn’t expecting anyone for at least another month, so the gates are firmly shut and Geralt has to open it for them. Jaskier leads Roach inside and meets Geralt at the stables, helping in taking off all the packs and brushing her down. He leaves that mostly to Geralt in actuality, and feeds Roach a couple of apples from their pack as a treat. 
“You’ll make her fat.” Geralt scolds, but Jaskier just laughs and kisses her soft nose. 
“She works too hard not to get an apple from me.” Roach butts her head against Jaskier’s chest in agreement, and he looks at Geralt to say see? Geralt shakes his head, but he spends an extra bit of time brushing her down and getting her comfortable. Jaskier murmurs quietly to her, telling her what a good horse she is for putting up with Geralt for so long and smiling when he hears Geralt scoff quietly. 
“Geralt, Jaskier.” Jaskier jumps at the sudden arrival of a new voice, and Geralt merely glances over at his adopted father. “You’re early.”
“Geralt’s idea, I’m afraid.” Vesemir chuckles, as if that he already knew that well enough. “He says, and I quote, that I am “woefully unprepared to fight off even the weakest of foes”, and thus, my only hope is you.”
“That’s all he said?” Jaskier grins at Vesemir, snickering when Geralt grumbles and stoops to grab their bags from the hay. “Well, I have to agree. I suppose I could put you through accelerated training.”
“Then consider me your dedicated pupil.” Jaskier bows low at the waist, blue eyes bright when he straightens up. Vesemir smiles at that, a fleeting glimpse under the usual stern exterior, and Jaskier takes it as a win.
No one expected Jaskier to take to training quite the way that he did. Much like a fish to water, actually. Jaskier still woke early to tend to the livestock, as had been his job the last three winters he’d managed to come up to Kaer Morhen, and still managed to make enough food to feed the witchers and leave them wanting for nothing. But when he wasn’t embroiled in other chores, he was outside, under the watchful eyes of Vesemir. Vesemir had sent Geralt off to tend to the monsters in the forests while they trained, and when Jaskier had asked why, Vesemir had just said that Geralt was a mother hen. 
They’d started off with basic fighting, and Jaskier’s progress went significantly faster than it ever had with Geralt. He seemed a natural at it; graceful and light on his feet in a way that many witchers struggled with even today, body already strong from years on the Path. Vesemir wasn’t sure where the problem was in teaching Jaskier- he was attentive and driven to continue until Vesemir had to tell him to stop. By the end of Jaskier’s first month, Vesemir watched and paced the length of the wall as Jaskier hopped and danced around the huge pendulum swinging in the wind. The first time Jaskier had hauled himself up onto the poletops Geralt had nearly called the whole thing off, protests on his lips. He’d remembered his own training as a child, much younger than Jaskier, and had decided to trust him, and trust in Vesemir. 
Jaskier thought that the pendulum was fun. Geralt had never thought balancing on the tops of poles and dodging a large, spiky pendulum was fun, but Jaskier laughed and jested with Vesemir the whole time, catching himself when he stumbled and swearing like Lambert when a spike slammed sideways into his thigh. After the pendulums, Jaskier would be sent to run the walls in true witcher school fashion, and by the time dinner came around Jaskier was all but dead on his feet. Still, he got up day after day, boasting of the newest bruises that had formed in the night as if they were a badge of valor. 
“You hide it.” Jaskier stumbles atop the poles, righting his footing as Vesemir lets out a careful- and watches him a bit closer.
“Hide what, dear teacher of mine?” Vesemir raps a wooden sword against one of the poles, making it shake under foot, but Jaskier merely hops to another pole and brandishes his sword. 
“Your fighting prowess.” Jaskier stops then, dropping gracefully into a balanced crouch so he can hear Vesemir over the roaring of the wind. Vesemir allows him a moment to talk, since he started it, and watches the way Jaskier adjusts to keep the wind from blowing him off the poles. “You were already trained, weren’t you?”
“I’m a noble, Vesemir. There isn’t much that I wasn’t trained in. My father thought it important that I learn, in the worry I be called to war.”
“You’re a noble.” Vesemir points out in refute to that, and Jaskier laughs. No noble has ever been called to war anymore than they’ve been called to shovel pig shit. “It’s served you well now, though.”
“I suppose it has.” Jaskier agrees, standing once again. Vesemir uses a weak blast of aard to get the pendulum going again, and Jaskier twirls around the obstacle, feet hardly touching one pole before he vaults for the next.
“When the other boys get here, let’s put that to the test.” Jaskier doesn't say anything, but he’s grinning, and he pushes himself just a bit harder. 
“Since when the fuck have you been first?” Geralt grunts as Lambert claps him on the back, nudging the younger man with his shoulder. ���No Jaskier this year?”
“He’s here.” Geralt turns back to the dummy he’s restuffing, pointedly not looking toward Jaskier on the far side of the grounds. “With Vesemir.”
“What, talking about boring old history in the library again?”
Geralt smirks at that, tilting his head back toward the pendulums and turning to catch Lambert’s reaction. Lambert looks over, eyes widening, and he breathes out a holy shit. “You let Vesemir sink his claws in?”
“He asked.”
“He asked? Bullshit.” Lambert goes jogging over, and after a minute Geralt follows, sure that trouble is brewing. Lambert gets to Vesemir first, and the old witcher doesn’t even bother to look at the newest arrival. 
“He’s training.” Is all he says, as if that’s ever been enough to settle Lambert. 
“Like hell he is, Jaskier, what the fuck are you doing?”
“Exactly what Vesemir said!” The bard calls back, swaying between not one, but two pendulums now. Vesemir had added the second only upon Jaskier’s insistence. Geralt can smell the worry emanating off of Lambert, and he reaches out to grab at the man’s shoulder but finds him already moving. He reaches a hand, trying to catch Jaskier by the ankle and pull him down, but Jaskier hops away with ease and gives him a dirty look. Lambert grabs for him again, but again Jaskier skips away, glancing down and waiting for his next move. The pendulums move with almost the same sway, and Jaskier doesn’t even have to look to anticipate their moves. “Helping?”
“No, you little shit. You’re on the edge of a cliff and I’m not going to be the one cleaning your carcass up. Get down.” 
“Make me.” Lambert growls, lunging and following Jaskier along the wall as Jaskier dodges and leaps away just shy of Lambert’s reach. Somewhere in the time of them having come over to witness Lambert chasing after Jaskier like a kitten with a toy Eskel has arrived, and he slings an arm over Geralt’s shoulder as he approaches. 
“He’s better than you were.” Eskel remarks, watching curiously.
“Shut up.” He’s done remarkably well though, Geralt has to admit. Just seeing that Jaskier is able to dodge Lambert has his heart settling a bit. He can at least be trusted to run if danger shows up. Geralt’s heart doesn’t get a chance to rest much as Lambert finally catches Jaskier’s ankle, yanking him forward. Jaskier’s leg goes out from under him, and Geralt watches in slow motion as Jaskier tips backwards, out toward open air. Vesemir leaps forward, reaching, but Jaskier goes plunging over the edge, and Geralt’s heart stops completely. 
“FUCK. FUCK, I killed the bard-” Lambert goes to hoist himself up so he can peer over, but stops himself short when he hears something. A pained grunt, and a swear colorful enough to curdle milk.
“No, you didn’t, but I’d appreciate it you didn’t attempt to do so again.” Jaskier’s voice comes from the other side of the wall at the same time that he swings himself up and rests on one knee. His arms are shaking and Geralt can smell blood- he’s pulling Jaskier down and hugging him tight before anyone else can move. “Geralt, I’m fine.” 
His voice is muffled against Geralt’s shoulder, and Geralt shudders before pulling back to look for the blood. Jaskier’s palm is torn up by the rough grit of the wood, and Geralt counts at least six splinters that will have to be pulled out. He’s alive though, and that’s enough for him at the moment. “Still like the pendulums?”
“What’s not to like, love?” His tone is light, but his scent is bitter with fear and his voice shakes a little at the end. Geralt presses his lips together, trying not to frown and failing to do so. Jaskier does laugh then, quietly, and he tugs his hand from Geralt’s to turn to Lambert. He holds his bloody palm out, raising a brow. “Kiss it better?”
“Kiss my ass.” Lambert bites out, scowling and leading the bard inside to clean out his hand. Eskel eyes the pendulums still swinging in the wind, and looks toward Geralt. 
“Once, for old times sake?” Geralt shakes his head, but joins Eskel all the same to duck and weave around the pendulums and each other. Vesemir corrects their form, though he hardly needs to, and Geralt only gets down once the pendulums settle and it’s near impossible to move around them. He hops down, landing lightly, and hears soft clapping. Jaskier’s one hand is wrapped tight in a bandage, but he seems put back together again, and Lambert is hanging a step behind his shoulder. 
“Now imagine how much better I’d be with witcher reflexes. No one would ever catch me!” Jaskier casts a sly glance toward Lambert, lips tugging up into a smile. “This one almost didn’t. Beginner’s luck.”
“Who’re you calling a beginner?”
“Not used to sweeping men off their feet, hmm?” Lambert’s cheeks go pink as he scoffs, waving a hand. He opens his mouth to say something, but Vesemir interrupts, nodding his head.
“Heal quickly. We’re going to test your training.” Geralt frowns, wondering how much he could have actually done in a month, but Jaskier’s eyes are eager.
“Yes sir.” 
“We’re sparring today. Each day, one of you will fight him, to see how he reacts.” Jaskier is standing next to Vesemir as he announces the plan, excitement written all over his face. “Lambert will go first.”
“Really? You want to start with me?”
“Scared? I promise I’ll go easy.” Jaskier quips, rolling his sleeves up and taking a couple steps into the large sparring circle they've marked in the dirt. Lambert growls softly and strips out of his armor, leaving it in the dirt. 
“Don’t bother, this’ll be over before you know it.” Jaskier walks in a slow circle, watching Lambert and humming softly. 
“Are you sure?”
“False bravado makes you look like an ass.” Jaskier nods his head as if he agrees, rolling his shoulders and matching Lambert’s pace. 
They spiral in the ring, slowly coming closer. It seems like neither of them want to strike first, until Jaskier steps forward and swings. The blow is weak, shaky, and Lambert bats his hand away easily. He punches the bard with a swift hit to his stomach, scoffing. Jaskier oofs, bending over, and Lambert comes in closer, aiming another hit meant to incapacitate him. Jaskier’s gone and behind Lambert before the man finishes his swing, bouncing light on his toes. Lambert whirls, using the momentum to punch forward, but Jaskier slips past him, slamming a fist into the underside of the man’s upper arm and dancing away. Lambert grunts, fingers tingling unpleasantly, and advances forward. Geralt watches in fascination as they play cat and mouse, Lambert chasing and chasing as Jaskier whirls and skips away, staying just out of reach. Lambert is faster, manages to keep up easily, but the only blows he manages to land are glancing and Jaskier seems to handle the pain with ease.
“He’s fast.” Eskel murmurs, eyes flitting between the two opponents and lingering longer on Jaskier. Lambert snarls, red faced after another blow hits dead air, and his pupils contract as he watches, waiting. Jaskier stops too, panting and using the moment to catch his breath. Geralt sees the moment that Lambert decides what he’s going to do- his heel digs into the dirt and he launches forward, roaring and tackling Jaskier. The hold is one he doesn’t think that Jaskier will get out of, especially not with an enraged Lambert, but Jaskier grabs onto the back of his shirt and brings his leg up, knee slamming into Lambert’s side twice in quick succession. Lambert’s rib snaps with a dull crack on the second hit, and he howls as the two go rolling in the dirt. A broken rib has never stopped him before, never stopped any of them, but he’s distracted and Jaskier uses the momentum of their roll to fling himself up and off. He scrambles from his knees to his feet, arms coming up and taking the brunt of the blow Lambert aimed for his head. Geralt can see the purple bruises already forming along Jaskier’s arms.
“We should stop this.” Geralt breathes, knowing that if they don’t, Lambert is going to do something he’ll regret later. Still, Jaskier hasn’t left the ring and neither of them have yielded. Lambert’s eyes have gone wild, and Geralt’s heart picks up at the sight. Even he will admit he doesn’t want to go up against Lambert like this unless he absolutely has to, and he’s even more impressed and slightly aroused that Jaskier is holding his own. Lambert gets in close and delivers a vicious right hook, and Jaskier ducks down into a low crouch. Geralt’s eyes track the movement, and he sees Jaskier’s thighs flex and his head tuck to the side as he springs up from his crouch, ramming his shoulder up into Lambert’s tender ribs. Lambert goes stumbling back, hissing, and Jaskier follows him, using one hand on the witcher’s chest to shove an already wobbling Lambert from the ring. 
“Match.” Vesemir says, glancing down at his son who is currently laying in the dirt, hand pressed to his side as he pants. Jaskier pads over and crouches next to him, tilting his head and probing at his side. Lambert smacks his hands away, and Jaskier grimaces. 
“Sorry Lambert. Did it break fully?”
“Just a fracture. Only thing broken is my pride.” 
“I tried to warn you.” Jaskier teases, pulling a vial from his pocket and handing it over. “Thought you’d need this.”
“Cocky son of a bitch-” Lambert takes the Swallow and downs it in one go, laying still so the potion can do its work. Lambert lays his head back in the dirt again, and Jaskier settles by his side to wait. “Thanks.”
“Thank you.” Jaskier says in return, grinning when Lambert shoves him. 
“I can’t wait to see Eskel beat your ass.”
Jaskier looks up at the aforementioned witcher, still smiling. “I can’t wait either.”
Eskel refuses to fight him until his bruises are healed, citing unfair advantages if his opponent is wounded already. No one begrudges him this, and Jaskier takes the time to train a bit more in swordplay. They meet back in the ring a week after Lambert’s fight, Jaskier bouncing on his heels and grinning all the while. Eskel is the mirror opposite; he stands calmly on the other side of the ring, watching with amusement as Jaskier looks at Vesemir to signal the start of their fight. Vesemir waves them both into the ring, nodding. “Begin.” 
Just as before, they begin circling, slowly moving toward one another. This time, Jaskier doesn’t hesitate. He goes on the offensive immediately, throwing quick jabs that hit with loud thuds against Eskel’s forearms. He absorbs the blows and continues his slow pacing, letting Jaskier come to him. It’s smart, after having seen the way that Jaskier was content to let his partner slip into a rage before doing any substantial damage. Eskel hardly gives anything back, but he’s wearing Jaskier out and he knows it. Jaskier backs off when he can’t break through Eskel’s guard, panting and hands trembling lightly. His knuckles are already bruised horribly, and Geralt frowns. Jaskier has wasted all his energy trying to break through Eskel’s guard- Eskel only has to deliver a single blow to Jaskier’s abdomen to send him flying, and he skids along the ground, stopping just inside the circle. Jaskier curls into a ball, wheezing, and Geralt strains to make sure that he didn’t hear a rib snap or something pop. 
“Get up, bard.” Eskel’s voice is soft, and he allows Jaskier room, time to get up. Jaskier rises to his knees, gasping, and then he stumbles to his feet, raising his hands and swaying. “Yield?”
Jaskier shakes his head and Eskel sighs, padding forward. He doesn’t want to knock Jaskier out or blow him from the ring, but Jaskier is stubborn, dodging to the side when Eskel tries to push him out of the ring. Eskel follows after him, patiently corralling him to the other side of the ring. Jaskier is still stumbling, blinking rapidly as if the sun bothers him, and Eskel seems to take pity on him. He sweeps a leg out, intending to take him out once and for all, but Jaskier leaps up and over. Eskel grabs at him, knowing where he’ll land, but Jaskier is waiting for it, and he grabs Eskel's hand. He spins on his heel, dragging Eskel’s arm with him and pivoting when Eskel tries to break his hold. Jaskier presses a thumb viciously into the meat of Eskel’s thumb, making the bone grind as he finally gets Eskel’s arm behind him and wrenches upwards. 
Eskel is the one to gasp in pain now, and Jaskier uses his leverage to press him to his knees in the dirt, bending over until Eskel’s face is nearly on the ground and his shoulder shrieks in protest. Geralt feels his blood heat at the sight of Jaskier holding a witcher down with a very well done pin, and his nostrils flare when he smells a spike of arousal from Eskel in the ring. That… doesn’t bother him as much as it should. Jaskier’s voice is raspy as he pants raggedly, pupils wide. “Yield.”
Eskel tries to wiggle his way out, but Jaskier pulls his arm a bit tighter, digs his thumb in harder, and Eskel gasps again. “Yield, I yield.” 
The words stun Geralt, and he looks at Lambert in astonishment as Jaskier lets Eskel go. “Match.” Vesemir calls, pride warming his words. Jaskier nods, smiling, and then promptly turns, takes a few steps away, and vomits into the grass. Geralt hurries to his side immediately while Lambert goes to help Eskel up, rubbing at Jaskier’s back and murmuring softly. The smell of bile hits his nose, sharp and raw, and he grimaces as Jaskier dry heaves, tears dripping down his cheeks. Geralt looks closely at what Jaskier throws up, looking for any blood, but finds nothing but their breakfast from this morning. Good. Nothing seems to have been damaged internally, at least not that he can tell yet, and Jaskier straightens up slowly, wiping at his mouth and burping.
“Ugh, that’s disgusting.”
“Are you alright?” Jaskier nods, giving Geralt a soft smile. Eskel comes over now, holding out a waterskin and allowing Jaskier to rinse his mouth out. Eskel also urges the bard to drink a bit, and rubs the back of his head sheepishly. 
“Didn’t mean to hit you that hard, Jask.”
“No, it was a good swing. Almost had me there for a minute. Am I going to get a medal?”
“For what?” Geralt says, voice tinged with amusement and worry and everything else in between. 
“Well, beating two witchers at hand to hand combat, of course.” 
“You still have one more to go. Beat the White Wolf, and then we’ll talk.” Lambert peers around Eskel, wrinkling his nose at the smell of vomit and pointedly not looking Jaskier’s way again. Jaskier locks eyes with Geralt, winking, and Geralt regrets agreeing to the sparring now more than ever. 
It takes Jaskier a full week to recover from Eskel's well placed punch, and he spends every minute of it working or training. His stomach recovers fine, much to Eskel's (and Geralt's) relief, and Jaskier seems supremely pleased that he was able to even survive such a hit. The weather has gotten colder now as winter fully grasps the valley, and snow falls lightly as they convene outside for Jaskier’s final test. 
“Something different today. Swords.” Vesemir waves toward the wooden training swords and Jaskier grimaces. Lambert though, is grinning. If there’s one thing that Geralt is known for, that Jaskier sings of constantly, it’s his swordsmanship. 
“Really? I don’t think-” 
“He’s already proven his hand to hand. I want to see his sword skills.” Jaskier doesn't object, taking a sword when Geralt holds it out to him. Geralt looks like he's swallowed something sour as he rolls his wrist and dips into a slight crouched stance. Jaskier mirrors the stance but doesn't seem nearly as comfortable. 
"You don't have to." Geralt says softly as they walk a slow circle around each other. 
"I do." Jaskier replies, nodding his head. "Let's get this over with, love."
Geralt feels his heart constrict- he doesn't want to risk hurting Jaskier, doesn't think he could stomach it, but Jaskier isn’t going to back down. He starts out easy, blows that Jaskier can parry or block without being terribly inconvenienced. He can imagine the sad, frustrated look on Jaskier’s face when he loses, and Geralt’s heart breaks for him already. Geralt is half in his thoughts when Jaskier swings, blade sailing for his side. He moves to block, but Jaskier’s arm twitches and he moves trajectory, smacking Geralt hard on the arm with the flat of his blade. Geralt’s skin stings, and his eyes narrow minutely. His nostrils flair- he’d expected Jaskier to smell like rotting fruit- anxious and resigned, but he doesn’t. He smells of citrus, sharp and bright. Excited.
Geralt lets himself go a bit harder, moves faster and with more of that impossible dancer's grace. None of the witcher’s fought quite like he did, with spinning, overly dramatic moves that were just as effective in disemboweling someone. He expects Jaskier to fall behind, expects to feel his blade strike some soft part of Jaskier’s body, but Jaskier… doesn’t. He grins, laughs, and moves through Geralt’s moves as if they were his own. He mirrors them as effortlessly as Geralt attempts to hit him, and Geralt isn’t sure what to think of this. Jaskier’s spins and hops around him, drops low into near splits that has Geralt wincing in pain at the thought. No wonder he liked the pendulum- they’re the perfect way to avoid an enemy, and he spent ample time on them. 
“Stop dancing with each other and fight!” Lambert calls, and that breaks Jaskier’s concentration. He glances over, away from Geralt, and Geralt lunges forward. His blade is a hair's breadth away from Jaskier’s head, a move that will knock him out if Geralt’s lucky when Jaskier bends backwards. He doesn’t stop just out of reach- he bends fully over, spine creating an elegant arch as his hands plant in the dirt and he flips backwards. The toe of his boot catches Geralt’s wrist, jarring his fingers, and the blade goes flying as Jaskier completes his hand stand and drops, chest to the ground. The world around Geralt tilts sharply as the heel of a boot smashes into the backs of his knees, and he goes down onto his back, wheezing and failing to suck in a breath. 
He hears the shuffle of feet in the dirt as Jaskier steps forward, rolling his wrist and twirling the blade the way that Geralt has done a thousand times. He presses the dull wooden tip against the soft skin under Geralt’s jaw and digs in lightly, tipping his chin up. His eyes are dark, dangerous, and Geralt feels heat pool in his stomach. He shouldn’t be getting aroused at this, at being beaten, but Jaskier is spectacular, wreathed in light with snow in his hair and cheeks red from exertion. 
“Yield, love?”
“Yield.” Geralt breathes out, raising his hands in a placating gesture. A smirk plays across Jaskier’s lips, and Geralt wants nothing more than to kiss him until neither of them can breathe. Jaskier tosses the sword in the dirt and offers Geralt a hand as he leans up. Geralt thinks for a moment about yanking Jaskier down and pinning him into the dirt, but Jaskier draws in a sharp breath and narrows his eyes. 
“Don’t even think about it.” Geralt schools his expression into one of faint annoyance, for having lost of course, and not because he’s predictable enough that Jaskier knows what he was planning. Geralt scoops Jaskier’s discarded blade up as he gets to his feet, and hears Lambert begin to laugh. 
“We have got to be the worst witchers- a fuckin bard beat all of us!” Lambert laughs harder, doubling over and slapping his thigh. 
“Vesemir must be quite the teacher.” Eskel says in agreement, eyes sparkling with amusement as he nods toward Jaskier. Jaskier reaches to brush some dirt off of his pants, smiling and glancing over at Vesemir. Vesemir nods, sharing a small, private look, and Jaskier straightens up.
“I uh, may have misled you lot about my apparent lack of skills.” That shuts Lambert up, and he stands up, frowning hard. Jaskier laughs nervously, shuffles his feet in the dirt, and hurries to explain. “While I am nowhere near your skills as witchers, I ah, was trained as a child. Extensively, I might add, in the art of war.”
“Ha! So the old man isn’t responsible for that?”
“Well, he certainly helped reawaken old skills.” Geralt stares at Jaskier, confusion on his face and lips pressed together in a tight line. 
“But… Every time I tried to-” Jaskier clears his throat, blushing, and takes Geralt’s hand in his.
“Ulterior motives, love.” Lambert scoffs in disgust, Eskel laughing quietly.
“Show me that move, the one you used to disarm Geralt.” Lambert insists that night while they’re eating dinner, golden-amber eyes shining.
“Inside? Fine.” Jaskier sighs dramatically, standing up from the table and moving a few steps away. He folds himself back, fingers splaying against the stony ground, and lifts himself up onto his hands, tilting his body and lowering himself down until his chest is parallel to the floor. He pauses there a moment, then swings his legs around in a sharp burst of speed, knocking over one of the chairs and grunting at the pain in his shins. He’s folded oddly now, still holding all his weight up and off the ground, and he slowly unfolds himself, shaking out his hands as he hops to his feet. “Good enough?”
“Holy fuck.” Lambert gapes, thoroughly impressed. Geralt doesn’t say anything, but he has to agree with Lambert’s amazement. He hadn’t been able to see the whole move, being the target, but it’s rather impressive, and highlights all of the lovely muscles in Jaskier’s arms.  Lambert leans over to whisper at Geralt, eyes tracking Jaskier as he picks up the fallen chair and collapses into it, grinning when Eskel says something to him. “You lucky son of a bitch.”
Geralt feels his chest rumble, and distantly hears himself growl, but his eyes are on Jaskier and the exposed column of his neck. Geralt blinks, shaking his head, and tries his best not to seem like a luststricken fool. Jaskier’s eyes aren’t on Geralt, and he can’t possibly have heard the noise Geralt made, but he tilts his head, the muscles in his neck shifting as he slouches in the chair, legs spreading just a bit. Geralt growls louder at that, and Lambert rolls his eyes, smacking Geralt lightly on the shoulder. Geralt jolts, swallows hard and tears his gaze from Jaskier. “Jask, come here. I want to know how you fought like that.”
Jaskier rises to his feet obediently, plopping back into his old seat near Geralt. “Like what?”
“Like me.” It’s been bugging him since they came inside, and he wants to know. He didn’t do that with Eskel or Lambert- he’d used what advantages he had, but he hadn’t bothered trying to emulate them. 
“I watch you. A lot. And… Working on the pendulums, it gave me a better sense of your footwork- the way you move. From there, it was about putting the pieces together to create-”
“A dance.” Geralt’s eyes meet Jaskier’s and Jaskier nods, beaming. 
“Just so. I didn’t need to be able to actually best you in combat, I just had to survive long enough to disarm you.” 
Lambert looks between them, then glances at Eskel, pretending to throw up and rolling his eyes. Geralt sees him mouth the word ‘saps’ and he reaches out to flick Lambert’s ear. He hisses, swatting Geralt away and glaring. He’s still covering his ear from further onslaught when he looks expectantly at Jaskier, as if to say what about us?
“Hmmm. As for you two, I couldn’t spend nearly as much time watching, so I used what I knew. You, my spitfire, are easy to piss off and keep that way. It makes you easy to read.” Jaskier winks at Lambert even as he scowls, but he won’t argue. It’s pretty accurate and he knows it. Jaskier’s attention turns to Eskel, who’s waiting quietly to hear his weakness. “You, my gentle giant, are harder. You’re much more patient, and I can’t rile you for the life of me. But, I can use that gentleness against you.”
Eskel hums, considering this, but he also finds no fault in Jaskier’s thinking. He didn’t want to hurt Jaskier, especially not in front of Geralt, and that had made him easy prey. “Okay, now I have a question about you.”
“My favorite subject.” Jaskier grins, waving for Eskel to go on.
“How did you become so flexible?”
“Ah, yes, everyone always seems to ask me that.” Jaskier muses, tapping a finger on his chin and smirking when Geralt nudges for him to go on instead of dragging out the silence. “I traveled with a carnival troupe when I graduated from the academy. I played the music to accompany their shows, and learned much from the acrobats in the family. One of them, a very pretty elf, was particularly interested in using it combatively. It’s served me well, thus far.”
“Very well.” Lambert’s grin is saucy, and Eskel groans as Jaskier laughs. Geralt sits there, throat dry and cheeks blazing red. He sees Jaskier glance over out of the corner of his eye, and he tenses up to keep from reacting as Jaskier’s hand slides up his thigh suggestively. Geralt swallows hard, and Jaskier sighs at the same time he begins to draw patterns over the fabric of Geralt’s pants. 
“Well, now that I am an honorary witcher through ancient rites, I am going to sleep. No one dare wake me.” Jaskier’s voice is threatening, but he’s smiling and chuckles when Lambert mutters honorary witcher my ass. Jaskier glances over at Geralt, hand falling away as he stands to leave. He stoops to kiss Geralt lightly, humming against his lips. “Coming up soon?”
“Mhm.” Jaskier heads up to bed alone, and Geralt only manages to stay with his brothers for another few minutes before following Jaskier up to bed. Lambert whistles at him as he leaves, and Geralt’s cheeks are red as he climbs the stairs up to their room. 
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the-chick-of-the-air · 5 years ago
Ok, I already posted this in one of the group chats a while back...
But I’m in between fics and wanted to post something to stay consistent! 🙃 I hope you all enjoy!
Summary: a lil missing scene from twk- what happend during that night Jude snuck into the palace after her return from the Undersea? Basically just filling in the time skip. Rated G.
Pretend This Has a Title
I can’t reassure Cardan, can’t tell him his worry about being feckless is unfounded, so I stay quiet for a long time, allowing the Roach and the Bomb’s conversation to wash over me.
Before long, Cardan takes his place on his bed again, unfazed that I’m still in it. To be fair, he is the one that put me here to begin with.
“You’ll need to get a costume. I suggest the market.” The Bomb tells me, and I nod, realizing only now how heavy my head feels. How my eyes want to shut against my will.
“I plan on that. Worst case scenario I’ll just steal something from one of the courtiers.” Cardan’s eyes are on me, have been for a while, and while unnerving, I find I don’t quite mind it. Especially when my plan gets the barest of smiles from him.
I allow myself to fall silent again, letting the others speak. Though he converses with the Bomb and the Roach, Cardan’s eyes never leave me. I don’t dare look at him though, not in light of his confession. Rather, I lean back on my elbow, trying to give my muscles a break from staying upright.
Cardan has other plans.
Almost as soon as I am leaned back, he grips my arm just above my elbow. Grabbing my hand with his free one, he pulls my support system from under my weight and I fall back against his numerous pillows. At first, I’m worried he is reverting- doubling back on this strange truce we have found ourselves in- and resuming his old tormenting ways. But the way he is gripping my hand, like he’s afraid of letting me go, tells me otherwise.
He turns my palm over, gently tracing the lines that are still pruny from my time underwater. The Bomb and Roach carrying on speaking as though nothing out of the ordinary is happening.
Noticing that I still haven’t completely relaxed- because honestly, how could I?- Cardan makes a “tsk” sound under his breath. Nodding along to whatever Roach is saying about the upcoming party- I’ve ceased listening at this point- Cardan gently rests a hand on my forehead. I’m confused, thinking he is checking me for a fever, even though it’s not common knowledge amongst the Folk that mortals overheat when they are sick. But he surprises me by pushing my head down until I’m fully nestled against the pillows.
Again, nothing is said, though I’m kind of reeling. Or, I would be, were I not already being manhandled by the clutches of sleep. Cardan doesn’t stop there. He moves his hand from my forehead to my hair, running his long fingers through it.
Maybe he thinks I’m too out of it to notice, maybe he doesn’t care. Over all I got my wish- this is very unlike him.
With the voices of people I trust surrounding me, and the feeling of a young king’s fingers in my hair, I finally fall into a semblance of restful sleep.
She’s out like a lantern as expected. And Roach is looking at me funny.
And still, I wonder how that can be an incentive for murder.
The Bomb is watching Jude with a small smile, one that only grows wider when she takes note of how I’m still petting her head. There’s something soothing about the act, and all these ridiculous feelings I’ve finally come to terms with are rearing their serpentine heads in the back of my mind.
“We have an early start tomorrow, so…Good night, Your Majesty.” Roach bows and grips The Bomb by the shoulder, hauling her out the door and closing it behind them.
Now that it’s just us, my full attention is on the slumbering mortal next to me. She looks smaller than she has ever seemed like this, weak and thin. Pale due to the lack of sun on the ocean floor. Yet she still managed to break into the palace and drag me from the fitful sleep I was having.
My fingers are shaking the next time I drag them through her hair. Those weeks of not knowing where she was, and then not knowing of how she was once we discovered her location… I never thought it possible for darkness to get darker. For it to feel so heavy. I went to a place, without her, one I was terrified I would not come back from, not without her by my side.
I was horrified, at first. How had I come to rely so heavily on a human girl? So much so that my self loathing only grew deeper once she was in enemy clutches due to my own arrogance? So much so that I felt there was no point to my endless, immortal life without her?
I felt that fear gripping me again. Every night she had been amiss, I couldn’t even sleep. I simply lie awake and wondered at the crushing pain in my chest, as though I actually had a heart to break. It was not a common thing for us fae to weep, but I found tears my near constant companion when I was alone.
I steady my breathing, least the sound of my unrelenting panic wake Jude. And from the snippets of whispers I heard about her treatment in the underwater prison, I daresay she needs the rest more then I do.
Speaking of.
The sun will be high soon, which means I have a few hours of sleep left to wrangle. And now that my Seneschal was back where she belongs, by my side, perhaps rest won’t deign to grace me with its sweet unconscious presence.
I grab one of the many coverlets draped across the large mattress and bring it up over both Jude and I. Despite how she’s knocked out and I can feel the slow fingers of sleep sliding around my mind like a vice, I keep up my ministrations, slowly dragging my fingers through her hair, brushing the rounded edges of her ear. Such an interesting shape.
Finally, on the edge of falling backwards off the cliff of wakefulness, just before I succumb to the safety net of darkness, I am able to ease my inhibitions and softly confess to her the words that catch in my throat in the frightening light of day.
“I love you.”
There we have it! Let me know what y’all think!
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