#i am a firm believer of top jj
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ellesleatherjacket · 4 months ago
Emily was used to always being in charge and dominant. She loved to boss her partners around during sex.
Until one day JJ kissed her, slow and soft at first, after a long week at work that had clearly left Emily exhausted and stressed. She whispered, "Let me take care of you tonight, Em. You're always so tense. Let me be the one who takes care of you tonight." Emily hummed and gave her a little nod.
"You're always so strong and tough..." JJ said in between kisses that were progressively getting faster and rougher. "Just let yourself relax for tonight. Let go, and let me take care of everything."
Emily nodded, a little whimper leaving her mouth. The idea of just letting go and letting JJ fuck her until she forgot about everything else made her legs go weak.
JJ took her into their bedroom, carefully took off her clothes, and then fucked her hard.
After her third orgasm, Emily realized she wouldn't mind doing this again and that her top days might be over.
Emily still fucked JJ, but more often than not, she let JJ take control and let herself enjoy her bottom days.
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redroses07 · 1 year ago
JJ Maybank Dating HCS // SFW + NSFW
A/N: Hey guys!! This is just a collection of my thoughts on what I think dating JJ would be like! Sorry if any are a little too cheesy. I can make a part two if you guys want, and maybe a Rafe version upon request. Anyways hope y'all enjoy! Love u guys! ♡⋆˙
Literally the sweetest boyfriend you could ever ask for, he has a temper but would never ever hurt you.
You are literally his everything, like when I tell you this man worships you. No matter what he is doing, if you need him he will be there.
One time he was hanging out with Pope and John B, and you called him crying. There wasn't a car nearby and he didn't want to waste time looking for one, so he no joke ran to your house. It wasn't far, but it was far enough for him to nearly collapse at your doorstep when he arrived.
"JJ, are you alright?"
"Mhm- now that m' with you baby."
I feel like whenever y'all are going out he would act all silly and say something like "Your carriage awaits m'lady" in a fake British accent when he picks you up. Then he'd kiss your hand and open the car door for you.
I think his love language is either physical touch or gift giving.
He's definitely a PDA person, like he's always got his arm around you when you're with your friends.
Sometimes he takes it a little overboard and Kie tells his that the two of you are disgusting.
"JJ stop stop." You giggled as JJ peppered kisses down your neck in front of the bonfire.
"Oh my God, just get a room already." Kie snapped.
"Oh shut up you're just jealous!" JJ says.
JJ knows he doesn't always have money to buy you things but that doesn't stop him from still giving you the most thoughtful gifts.
Once he found a patch of wild flowers, picked as many as he could hold in his hands, tied a ribbon around them, and gave them to you.
You of course loved them, and gave him the biggest hug.
SPEAKING OF HUGS!!!! JJ is totally the type to sneak up behind you and attack you with a hug.
This happens so often that you would think you'd learn to see it coming, but somehow he always manages to surprise you.
You squeal as JJ aggressively wraps his arms around your waist, smothering your face in kisses.
He's also the WORST about picking you up and throwing you in the water.
"JJ it's cold!!" you squealed in protest as he threw you over his shoulder.
"Oh well that's too bad!!" JJ cackled as he threw you off the pier into the icy water.
HIS RINGS. This is probably weird but I don't think JJ takes his rings off when he fingers you. And I know DAMN WELL that cold metal feels so good.
I am a firm believer that JJ is a little munch. He loves loves loves to eat you out, especially when he's high. He's surprisingly good at it too, and definitely gets pussy drunk.
I just know that JJ could be super submissive at times, especially when he's had a long day.
When he comes home after a stressful day he wants nothing more than for you to relieve that stress.
"I need you right now baby, can you please take care of me." JJ whines. tugging at your clothes.
"Whatever you want, my pretty boy." You say, climbing on top of him.
I feel like JJ has a thing for doing it outside. Like whether it's on the beach, on his boat, or just straight up in the ocean.
You two cannot go to the beach alone at night without it ending with your clothes discarded off to the side.
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sunkissedfae · 3 years ago
Congrats bestie!!
🖤 for JJ and prompt Telling a scary story around a fire.
Thank you!
🖤 Blurbs!
Send in some blurb prompts from below!
Tes’ 700 celebration || Masterlist
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You were hanging out with your group of friends, the pogues.
You were all talking about having a bon fire. You were really excited about it.
You heard JJ talking about how he was going to tell scary stories at the bon fire.
You just rolled your eyes and smiled.
“Oh, it’ll be scary you’ll see.” He said, as he playfully shoved your arm.
“Whatever you say JJ.” You laughed.
He walked up to you and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“You can sit beside me, I’ll protect you. Since I know you’ll be scared.” He teased.
You swatted his arm, then he walked away laughing.
He was going to help John b and Pope get all the firewood ready.
You were all sitting around the bon fire, JJ had already told several scary stories, but you just rolled your eyes.
Did he really think those stories were going to scare you?
“Ok, ok. I got one.” John b said, rubbing his hands together and sitting up.
“I heard stories before about this old lady who killed her husband with an axe, everyone was talking about it. They said that nobody has ever gotten to the front door of her house because she waits for people to come. Of course, I didn’t believe them, so I tried it.” John b started.
You started listening closely. This story was actually interesting.
“It was probably 2 am one night when I decided to do it. Pope and JJ were with me, they told me to go first. So, I made my way up to the door.”
“I got to the door and I knocked on it, I waited to hear noise before I started running but there was nothing.”
“When I turned around to look back at JJ and Pope, that’s when-“
You were so focused in John b’s story that you screamed at the top of your lungs when you felt someone grab you and yell “Ahh!!”
You, Kie, and Sarah flew off the chairs, startled.
You then looked to JJ who was practically falling over from laughing so hard.
“I scared you guys so bad!” He said in between fits of laughter.
Pope and John b were laughing really hard too.
“Shoulda saw your face!” JJ laughed.
Sarah walked over and slapped John b on the arm for laughing.
Kie said she was going to get JJ back for that.
You stood there shaking your head trying so hard not to laugh.
But when JJ made eye contact with you, you couldn’t hold it in any longer.
You started laughing, which made him laugh more, then his laughing made you laugh more.
You two were in a fit of laughter.
“That was good Maybank, that was really good.” You said, calming yourself down.
“Told ya I’d scare you.” He said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“I guess you did.” You smiled, looking up at him.
You guys all went back to your spots. JJ sitting beside you, while you made sure you had a firm grip on him.
You were making sure he’d stay right here so he wouldn’t try to scare you again.
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years ago
you’re still here : s.r
spencer watched you die in his arms, believing you were gone forever. but when he learns the truth that you’re alive in london, he can’t help but wonder why you’ve hidden away for so long. (2.4k)
all my links
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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Salem, Oregon
“No, no, no Y/n, please,” Spencer pleads as he holds you close, his arms wrapped around you as your body becomes weaker by the passing second. “please don’t go,” His cries intensify as his arms shake, watching as your eyes begin to close. “no, please.”
“I’m sorry,” You manage to whisper as tears fall from Spencer’s eyes, the last sight you ever saw as your eyes closed, and your head fell back.
“No,” Spencer mutters, shaking you lightly. “no, you can’t be, no!” His cries turn to yells as Morgan approaches him slowly, resting his hand on Spencer’s shoulder as it shakes violently.
“Reid,” Morgan sighs, afraid to look down and see you lifeless in Spencer’s arms. “it’s over, I, I’m sorry.”
Looking over his shoulder, the rest of the team with solemn faces walk over and shield around Spencer whilst the police take care of Jason Lodgings; your murderer.
“Come on, Spence,” JJ speaks softly as she kneels beside Spencer as tears fill her eyes.
“I’m not leaving her.” Spencer states firmly, still not letting you go from his embrace.
“Reid,” Hotch calls out, his voice firm as he stands tall, watching as Lodgings walks away in handcuffs, glancing down with sorrow at the blood oozing from your cream jumper, dripping onto the wooden floorboards. “we have to go.” Hotch tells the team as they slowly rise to their feet, not wanting to start an argument with their superior.
Closing his eyes, Spencer releases a shaky breath as he gently lowers you to the ground. He pushes your hair out from your face and brushes his fingers across your cheek for the last time.
“Goodbye, Y/n.” Spencer whispers to you as he stands up and turns around, ignoring JJ’s open arms and walks out.
London, England - Two years later
It was always going to catch up with you, this life was a mere facade for your sake to have a sense of normality, but normality was never something you wanted.
Nearly two years had passed by since they last saw you. You hadn’t seen Garcia flirting with Morgan, heard JJ talk about Henry with such joy or avoided the stern looks Hotch shot over when you joked with Rossi and Emily for two years. But the one thing you’ve missed more than anything was seeing Spencer smile. You missed everything about Spencer, but seeing his smile brought a sense of indescribable joy.
This was never going to last forever, and you knew that coming into the situation. Hotch and Emily helped you figure out what to do, where to go in order to keep you safe. But keeping you safe meant everyone believing you were dead in the eyes of Jason Lodgings and his team, otherwise, they’d kill your team, your family off one by one just to get to you.
Having experienced the trauma from Emily’s ‘death’ you knew this wasn’t going to be easy on the team. You were lying in Spencer’s arms, close to death as you heard him cry for you. Every part of your body screamed to react, to tell him you’d see him again soon. If only you could have, just to provide him with some sense of relief in the long term. Yet if you did, it would’ve ruined the entire plan.
Wandering through Hyde Park, you knew he was close by. Maybe he had seen you already and was too afraid to believe it. The last time you spoke to anyone you knew was a year ago in Paris with Emily.
* Paris, France - One year Ago *
“How are they all?” You question as she sits down opposite you, files in hand as she places them on the table.
“They’re healing,” She answers, sliding the files across as you grab your bag, putting them inside without any hesitation. “it’ll get easier, but they’ll always miss you.” Emily sighs knowingly. “That contains everything you’ll need to get to London and set up a life there. But please, don’t trust anyone easily, Y/n.” She warns you as you nod.
Rising to your feet, you shrug your bag back onto your shoulder as you look down to one of your oldest friends for the last time. “Thank you, Emily.” You smile to her, wishing you could say more.
“Stay safe, okay?” She tells you, unable to form more words as thousands hover behind her lips. “I’ll be in touch soon.”
With a nod, you turn on your heels and walk down the street, not daring to look back as you’ve got to carry on.
Exhaling deeply, you bury your hands further into your coat pockets. Autumn was approaching as the Summer nights came to an end. You can’t help but kick through the piles of leaves that line the pathways as children giggle with their parents behind you.
“Did you know after June 21st, the Summer Solstice the sun’s direct rays will begin to shift southward from the Tropic of Cancer toward Earth’s equator?” You can’t help but tense as you hear his voice, filled with pain behind you. “As a result, the summer days become shorter, but that isn’t noticeable for a few weeks until late August when we near Fall.”
With a heavy heart, you begin to turn around and face the one person you owe the most to.
Your eyes remain locked on his feet, an old pair of sneakers lined with dried mud. Slowly, you raise your gaze past his trousers and toward the knitted sweatshirt vest, one you remember vividly even after all this time. As your eyes reach his shoulders, you can see his hair is long again and you can’t help but want to reach out and run your fingers through it like you once did.
“Hi,” You breathe out, unable to meet his scared gaze. “hi, Spencer.” You mutter, tearing apart the tissue in your left pocket as your nerves spread through your system, igniting undiscovered anxieties about this situation.
Spencer remains silent, taking in the sight before him. He never thought he’d see you again, the last time he saw you he held your lifeless body in his arms as he cried for you to stay with him. Yet you’re here, in London, alive.
“Do you wanna sit down?” You motion to the nearest vacant bench, and Spencer walks alongside you without saying a word.
Sitting down beside him, the gap between you feels too big. You’re used to the times of sitting together on the jet, resting your head on his shoulder and drifting off peacefully.
“Been up to much whilst here?” You ask, unsure what else to say. You can see out of the corner of your eye he’s looking straight ahead at the squirrels scaling the trees like buildings in the city.
“Why?” Spencer breaks his silence, his voice firm with you which takes you back by surprise.
“I,” You pause, lowering your head in defeat as you stare at the faint scar on your hand from the initial knife wound that Jason struck you with. “I had no choice.” You admit, hearing the gunfire as you blink away the memory.
“Everyone has a choice, Y/n, always.” He reminds you and just hearing him say your name causes your heart to drop. “You could’ve told us, we would’ve kept you safe, you know I,” Spencer pauses as he exhales his frustration. “we could’ve protected you.”
“I know, Spence,” You mutter, now turning to look up at him for the first time. “but I couldn’t do it, Hotch and Emily assured everyone would be safer this way.” You try to explain as you see the pain that lines his eyes, the heartache held in his gaze as he focuses on you.
He looks older, still sleep-deprived, but there’s a hint of happiness in the lines that surround his lips. A reassurance that he does have good days, the one thing you wished he'd have since you left.
“So you just left knowing we thought you died in my arms? Do you have any idea how I felt?” He’s angry, and rightfully so. “I, I thought I meant more to you than that, Y/n.” His anger subsides as his voice softens, his defences down.
You can’t help but reach out as you look at your hand on top of his, not daring to move it as you study his reaction.
“You’re the most important person to me, Spencer.” You reason, feeling his hand take a hold of yours, resting it in his palm as he curls his fingers over your hand, refusing to let go. “That’s why I had to let you believe I was gone, as Lodgings’ team would know, they’d always know and you would be in danger because of me.”
Spencer shakes his head. “We would’ve found a way, we, we,” He stumbles over his words as you squeeze his hand.
“You think me faking my death was plan A, Spence?” You chuckle, noticing a faint smile crossing his lips. “That was plan Z, actually version 3 plan Z if we’re being specific.”
“Did you ever plan on coming back?” Spencer quietly questions as his words linger around you for a moment as you slip your hand out from his.
“What did Emily tell you, Spence?” You ask, looking up at him as you hide your hands in your coat pockets, picking at the tissue once more.
“Besides the fact you’re alive and in London?” He nervously chortles, catching you rolling your eyes playfully. “She said you were doing okay, and that you were safe here.”
“I am, with Lodgings’ team having been sentenced, I’m no longer a target to them. My life is my own again, I can finally carry on living it.” Looking up, you watch as pigeons fly overhead, swarming down on the chunks of bread left for the swans. “But I made an agreement with Hotch, I’d stay away for at least three years. Three years to ensure my safety and for Lodgings’ team to be dismantled and dealt with.”
“Three years.” Spencer repeats, and you nod along. “You’re not planning on coming home, are you?” Your silence answers his question without you needing to respond. “I understand, Y/n. Three years is a long time to be gone from us all, and people change.” He reasons to himself more than to you. “I, we all thought you were gone, and finding out you’re alive I,” His voice trails off as he clenches his jaw, fighting his emotions that have been pent up for so long.
“Spence,” You mumble his name as tears fall from his eyes. “I want to come home, I do. I just don’t know if it’s home anymore.”
“Home is where the heart is.” Spencer comments.
“Elvis Presley.” You chuckle, lifting your hand up as you wipe away his tears, feeling him tense momentarily from your touch.
“Please don’t go, Y/n.” Spencer whispers as he lifts his hand up, resting it on top of yours as you cup his cheek. “I want to be selfish, I don’t want to lose you again if I don’t have to.”
Tears glaze your eyes as Spencer scans your face for any uncertainty. “Six months, Spence.” The words are barely audible for anyone passing by, but you know he heard you.
“One hundred and eighty-two point five days.” He nods as you lower your hand from his cheek, but he still keeps his on top of yours. “Then you’ll come home?”
“I can’t promise, Spence.” You know lying would be useless with him, you were never the most confident liar around him. “But before I go, I just want to tell you something.”
“Anything.” Spencer responds in a heartbeat, his entire body facing you now as you lower your gaze and take a steady breath.
“When you held me in your arms as I was,” Even after all this time, you still struggle saying the word. “well, fading, there was one thing I couldn’t help but think as you pleaded for me to stay.”
Spencer edges closer, your thighs touching as the previous gap between you both on the bench is gone. “What was it?”
“I wanted to tell you how much I care for you, how much I love you. And I wanted to thank you for being there for me through everything.” Your eyes remain locked on his as you pour your heart out to him, knowing if you don’t say it now, you never will. “But I didn’t have enough life in me to say all that then.” You nervously laugh. “So I thought I’d say it now, as it’s still true. You are a wonderful person Spencer Reid.”
A comfortable silence falls between you both as echoes of children's laughter surrounds you. And for the first time in years, you feel perfectly content.
“You know, Rossi once told me something,” Spencer speaks up, looking down at your hand as he brushes his thumb over the scar Jason caused. “scars show us where we have been, they do not dictate where we are going.”
“Wise words from a wise man.” You comment quietly as Spencer pauses.
“I know you have scars, Y/n. Externally and internally. But I’ll always be here, wherever you chose to be.” A small sweet smile lines Spencer’s lips as you focus on him, wishing there was so much more you could say. “And I’ll always love you, I’ll always miss you. But if I know you’re healing, then that is all that matters.” He lifts your hand up to his lips, kissing it softly before lowering it back to your lap, unaware of your heart-shattering in your chest.
“I’ll see you soon, Spence.” You tell him as he stands up, hands resting in his jacket pockets as he sways back and forth on his heels.
“One hundred and eighty-two point five days, Y/n.” He reminds you, and you can’t help but laugh and Spencer joins in too for a moment and everything feels okay again, just for a second. “I’ll be holding you to it.” He smiles to you one last time as he sees the glint in your eyes falter. “Bye Y/n.”
“Bye Spencer.” You wave to him as you turn around, walking down separate paths once more, unsure when you’ll next reunite.
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andromedasstarship · 4 years ago
in the stars - chapter 5
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pairing - aaron hotchner x reader 
warnings - canon-typical criminal minds violence, stalking, unhealthy coping mechanisms, drinking, angst
summary -  “Please,” he said, staring you straight in the eyes. “Don’t go.” 
a/n - i really love this chapter! cant wait to hear what yall think :DD also for reference i aged jack down just a year so hes 3 when haley passes away, about to turn 5 when reader & aaron get together. i dont claim any dialogue straight from Emma as mine! (emma dialogue is in italics) 
masterlist / series masterlist / read it on ao3 
chapter 4 / chapter 6 
You were hyper-aware of the new way the team was looking at you as you entered the conference room. You shot a very anxious glance up towards Aaron, grateful for the very brief- but soft- glance he gave you before the business side of him took over again. You could feel the ghost of his hand hovering over that protective spot on your back again as he led you up towards the table. 
It felt like your eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets, upon seeing the seemingly endless piles of photos in front of you. Your brain was struggling to process everything that was laid out in front of you and you felt your heart rate start to pick up; seeing it in person was worse than anything your mind had created in the drive here. 
Your eyes shot up to meet the voice and you saw Spencer looking down at you with a look that was just on the edge of pity. “We tried to sort the pictures into piles of time relativity. Would you be able to go through them and help us create a firmer timeline?” 
You nodded at that, vaguely aware of Aaron pulling a chair out behind you. You gladly slid down into it. Seeing Emily start to pick up one pile and push them towards you made you nervously laugh, the stress of the moment and how uncomfortable you felt forcing it out. When the entire team gave you a weird look you said, “Sorry, it just reminded me of last time.” 
You gently picked up the stack of photos, trying to hold them as lightly as possible. The knowledge that the unsub had packaged these himself sent a shiver down your spine. You knew it was silly, but you somehow felt that by touching the photos you were somehow also touching the remnants of the unsub. 
The first stack you easily dated as around four years ago, just from your hair; you’d drastically changed it for a role. You thumbed through the photos and could feel the knots in your stomach growing even tighter. Most of the photos were blurry and relatively distant from you, as if the unsub was still getting comfortable with what he was doing. 
“This was four years ago, I had to change my hair for a role and I’ve never had it like that before or again.” You said quietly, pushing the pile back to Emily. 
She nodded, giving you a gracious smile before pushing the next pile towards you. Your face fell immediately; something the team equated to how much more personal these set of photos seemed to be. You fanned the stack out in front of you. There weren’t many, as if even the unsub could recognize the inappropriate- ha!- nature of capturing you like this. In all of them you looked worn down, as if a cloud was following you everywhere you went. 
“This was about two years ago.” You said flatly. It took a moment, but you could see everyone connect the dots in their head and suddenly the room felt very small. 
Thankfully, the next pile was rather average and you guessed that this was just an ‘extra’ pile of photos that didn’t really seem to fit into a cohesive timeframe. As you scanned over them, one caught your eye and you pulled it a bit closer to you. You pointed a finger at the sign behind you. 
“This is an exclusive club house, it’s difficult to get into. Security’s intense and everyone that enters has to sign in.” You informed the team. JJ reached out and grabbed the photo, putting it to the side for later.
You turned your attention back to the pile, making sure to give each photo a proper amount of attention, desperate to notice something useful. 
“This one,” you said, pulling a blurry photo of yourself out of the pile. You were moving too fast for the camera to properly capture you, but you recognized the outfit. “I was wearing this the day Officer Reynolds told me you all were coming, isn’t this the outside of the station?” You said quietly.
JJ moved that photo to the ‘save for later’ pile as well. You gently re-stacked the pile and passed it towards Emily, waiting for the next one. 
You watched as Emily seemed to be literally holding her tongue as she pushed the next pile towards you, a certain playful glint in her eyes. Once you were able to look at it, you couldn’t help but snort. You could feel Aaron tense up besides you, but you could find the humor in it. The ‘Aaron’ pile. 
You fanned the stack out like you had done with the others, giving special attention to the details behind you. These were much more difficult to place and a much smaller pile, considering how careful the two of you had been. 
“These must’ve been in DC?” You questioned, not really expecting an answer. You looked up towards Aaron, raising an eyebrow as if to give him the opportunity to share his thoughts. “Whenever he came to LA, I had an iron grip on our security but it was a whole different field in DC-” 
Your sentence fell flat as your eyes went wide, nearly surging out of your seat up towards Aaron. He gave you a worried look, unable to place the sudden anxiety that had taken over you. “What about Jack?” You asked worriedly, “if he knows about you he must’ve found out about Ja-”
Aaron stopped you, putting a very gentle hand on the top of your shoulder, “He’s okay, I promise.” He said, using his hand to lightly push you back into a seated position. You nodded at that, eyes still wide, but your body seemed to deflate, the tension slowly leaving you. 
The rest of the team was quiet, recognizing the personal nature of the interaction. But it was impossible for them not to notice the way your bodies reacted to each other. The way your body’s natural response to a stressor had been to move closer to him and the way he angled himself in a protective stance around you near simultaneously. 
Emily pushed the final pile in front of you and you couldn’t help the corners of your lips pull up in a soft smile. You fanned out the stack of photos, taking a good look at all of them. They all seemed to either be promo photos or film photos of your time filming Mamma Mia in Greece. 
“This is definitely from Greece. But some of these are definitely promo photos, it’s why I’m ‘posing’ in a few of them.” You said, pushing out one that visually made your point. 
“What about this one? It feels a lot more intimate than a promotional piece.” Emily asked, pulling one out from the stack. In it, you were standing on the dock, face close to the camera. You had a big smile on your face and your thumbs up. 
“On set, we had a handful of little disposable cameras that everyone could use.” 
“Do you have any memory of who owned the cameras?” 
“I…,” you paused, eyebrows scrunched tightly in thought, “I don’t know. The studio distributed all the photos after the movie came out. They’re pretty public at this point, it was five years ago.” You said weakly, feeling really disappointed in your lack of help. “I’m sorry.” You added. 
Morgan stepped up closer to the table. “Don’t be okay? Now we know that the unsub has connections in Hollywood and we know he must be wealthy enough to fly to DC on a whim if he thought you were there. That helps narrow things down.” He assured you. 
“Are there any specific photographers that you’ve noticed? Or any guy you feel like you’ve seen too many times and it’s no longer a coincidence?” Spencer asked. 
You shook your head quickly. “I’m really used to cameras flashing in my face.” You said impishly. “I can remember a lot of fans that I meet, but if it’s just someone behind a camera I don’t think I’d really notice it at all.” 
You felt Aaron move away from you and towards the computer at the end of the table. He clicked a few buttons and suddenly a woman's face popped up on the screen. You recognized her immediately from all the stories and photos you’d seen. Penelope. 
Aaron brought the computer closer to where you were and her mouth dropped open for the second time today. 
“Oh my god! Hi! Wow! I am, I am such a fan. I just-, you’re always so-” 
“Garcia.” Aaron interjected but you raised your hand at him, giving him a ‘shoo’ gesture. The rest of the team had to stifle their laughter. 
“Hi, Penelope right? I’ve heard so much about you.” You said sweetly, leaning a bit closer to the camera. 
“Wow! Okay, I can’t believe this is-” 
“Garcia, I need you to pull up visitor logs from a clubhouse that Y/N used to visit. I want you to cross reference it with other visitor logs of recent film sets she’s been on and her housing development. She’ll be able to give you a more comprehensive list.” Aaron interjected, and this time you let him. 
You turned back to the screen, giving Garcia another smile. “The clubhouse is called Royal Blue, the picture couldn’t have been more than…, I think three years ago? But I’m not sure.” 
“Alright…, okay the visitor logs seem to be locked tight, but never too tight for me. What are some of those movie sets?” 
“The earliest photo is what? Five years ago?” You asked, looking around at the agents for approval. “Yeah, five years. So Mamma Mia, to start, Little Women. I’m working on Emma right now.” You droned, listing various movie sets you’d worked on in the past five years. 
“Oh my god! I have so many questions about Mamma Mia. Like what was it-,” Garcia’s question trailed off as she caught sight of Hotch giving her a firm stare from behind you. “Right sorry, alright. I will break into the clubhouse and cross reference all of these lists to see if anyone comes up more than once. It was so nice meeting you, I hope we get to-. Alright, hanging up now!” Garcia said in a rushed voice. You watched her click a button on her end and the screen went black. 
You leaned back into your chair, staring up at the rest of the team . “So…,” you said, drawing out the word, “what now?” 
“What are you doing?” Aaron’s asked, voice coming out from behind you. 
You comically froze, hand just short of picking your keys up from the table. You slowly turned to face him, straightening your tote bag over your shoulder. “Oh! There you are, I was just on my way to come find you.” You said lightly, trying to diffuse some of the tension in the room. Aaron didn’t say anything, waiting for you to go on. “Johnny and I have plans tonight.” You said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world  
On your part, you’d already forgotten about the whole ‘I’m on a date’ aspect on your earlier phone call with Aaron. In your mind, there wasn’t anything inherently suspicious about you going to spend time with him in the evening.
Aaron was viewing the entire situation in a very different light. When he had first come around the corner, he noticed how nice you looked. When the two of you had finally returned to your place you immediately went up to your room, disappearing for quite some time. He had originally thought maybe you were upset, the cognitive interview hadn’t revealed anything and even though he knew you didn’t really believe in their accuracy, he also knew how badly you wanted to be of ‘use’ for the case. 
In your time upstairs, you had changed your outfit and styled your hair just enough to give it that ‘unstyled-styled’ look. It’s not like you were glammed out or anything, the only reason you’d put on a nice outfit was on the off chance you were photographed- hopefully not by the unsub-, on your way into Johnny’s apartment. 
“And what is it that you’re supposed to be doing?” Aaron asked, trying to keep his voice as nonchalant as possible. 
“Um, nothing much,” You said with an awkward laugh, when he was still looking at you expectantly you tilted your head. “I’m supposed to go to his place and we’re gonna run lines for the scenes we’re filming this week.” You explained. 
“I can’t endorse you going out at night. Especially to someone’s home that we don’t have eyes on.” Aaron said firmly. 
You rolled your eyes at that, picking up your keys. “Johnny’s fine, he’s been in the same place as me when nearly all the bodies were discovered.” You argued, putting one hand on your hip. 
“With the recent development in the cases, I can’t let you do this.”
You started to walk towards him, intending to go around him. “Aaron-” 
His hand shot out and gently grabbed you by the arm, stopping you from getting past him. 
“Please,” he said, staring you straight in the eyes. “Don’t go.” 
Your mouth fell open slightly in a mild form of shock. ‘We’re just running lines, I really need-” 
“I’ll do it with you.” Aaron interjected hurriedly. “We’ve done it before, I’m not too bad at it, huh?” He said teasingly. 
You pondered that for a minute. You and Aaron had run lines together plenty of times in the past, it was always something you got a kick out of, seeing Aaron try and morph into whatever character he was reading for. And while it wouldn’t be as productive as running them with your actual co-star, you reasoned it’d still be good enough. And as much as you hated to admit it, Aaron probably had a point about you not going out, especially in the evening.  
“Fine. I just need to go call Johnny and tell him something came up.” You huffed, pretending to be more annoyed than you were. 
“Here,” you said, reaching into your bag and pulling out your script, “I already have most of my lines memorized, I’ll just need you to fill in if I miss any. I have a pink sticky note denoting the scene we were going to start with. You’re reading as Knightely. I’ll meet you in the living room, alright?” You said, pushing the script into his hands as you walked around him towards the kitchen, pulling your phone out at the same time. 
“No, I’m just saying I think it’d be more believable or whatever if we did a few more like nonchalant meals before like, running errands together or something, ya know?” You said lazily into the phone, holding it between your ear and shoulder as you used your hands to mix up a drink for yourself. Out of the corner of your eye you caught sight of the Dalmore. You reached out with one hand and carefully pulled it down, still remembering exactly how Aaron liked to take a drink. 
“What meal really screams ‘we’re dating’? Dinner? That’s like the longest meal of the day, that’s gotta show some sort of commitment.” Johnny asked. 
“Hm…,” you droned, “well we just had a lunch. If we want to kick it into high gear, we should do breakfast. Perfect ‘just spent the night’ remedy.” You said with a snort. 
Aaron cleared his throat behind you and the sound made you jump. You pulled the phone away from your ear and saw you’d been blabbering for nearly half an hour. 
‘Oh. Sorry.’ You mouthed to Aaron, before pulling the phone back to your ear. “Hey Johnny gotta go, but we’ll figure it out later! Yeah…, for sure, bye!” You hung up and placed your phone on the counter. Then you grabbed the drink you had poured for him, holding it out. 
“It’s Dalmore.” You said plainly. 
“I’m working.” He responded. 
You rolled your eyes at that and held it out more aggressively. “Take it.” 
You watched happily as he begrudgingly took it out of your hand, though you knew it wasn’t too difficult for him. You picked up your own glass and tucked your phone into the waistband of your pants. “Ready? Sorry, got carried away.” 
While the two of you walked back into your living room, it was obvious something was bothering Aaron. You briefly wondered if something had developed in the case that he wasn’t telling you. 
‘What is it?” You asked. 
He looked down at you, confused. “What is what?” 
“Don’t play dumb, you have a tell.”  You explained, stopping to look up at him.  
“I do not have a tell.” Hotch replied annoyedly. 
“Yes you do.” 
“No, I don’t.” 
“If you want to be a baby about it, fine you don’t have a tell. Tell me what’s wrong anyway.” 
“I’m trying to understand why you lied about not having a boyfriend nor seeing anyone recently. We’ll need to fully vet Johnny and look into his files, even if you don’t see it becoming serious.” Aaron near spat.
You snorted. “What do you mean lied?” 
“You very clearly told me you weren’t seeing anyone, yet today has proven those claims to be false.” 
“I know that sometimes, I like to be a huge pain but I’m serious, what are you talking about? I’m not seeing anyone.” 
“Your co-star, Johnny? You told me you were on a date with him today. I just heard you on the phone make plans to stay with him overnight. I saw the pictures of-” 
“Stop! Oh my god, I can’t believe you actually believed that.” You said, unable to hold back the laughter that bubbled out of you. 
“Believed it? You’re the only who told me!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have assumed you read through the lines. Johnny and I have been going on publicity dates. We’re just friends.” 
“What were you supposed to be doing tonight then?” 
“We were legitimately going to run lines. Maybe get ice cream, we’re trying to determine the best ice cream in LA.” 
That’d explain the outfit, Aaron thought. 
“And the phone call I just heard?” 
“We were debating which meal screams ‘dating’. He thinks it’s dinner. I think it’s breakfast, ya know, cause it implies you spent the night.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me that, before.” 
“Don’t you remember when I had kinda the same thing with Timothee during Little Women? They made us hang out a bunch so the tabloids could just do their thing. I just assumed you’d fill in the blanks.” 
Aaron was staring at you as if you had two heads. It was almost like you could see the gears turning in that head of his. Internally, he was more than embarrassed for how upset he’d gotten over the idea of you with someone else. 
When it seemed that Aaron had nothing else to say, you started to walk again, not stopping until you were both back in your living room. You plopped down in ‘your spot’ on the couch, playfully patting the space a few cushions down that Aaron typically sat in. 
“Crack open that script, I hope you looked through it. If you’re making me stay home, you better be useful!” You said pleasantly, trying to change the atmosphere into something more playful. 
Aaron awkwardly sat himself down on the couch next to you, picking the script back up. As you watched him flip the script open and further acquaint himself with the lines you couldn’t help but feel a sharp pang in your chest. It was such an unavoidable reminder of the way the two of you used to run lines together when you were still dating. You had learned early on that Aaron best showed his affection through acts of service and he actually wasn’t that bad at delivering a line. Since the two of you were rarely together in person- it’s not like you’d let him waste a visit with you building a shelf or running an errand-, running lines with you was the easiest way for him to feel useful. 
Four Years Ago
“Okay Jack, you ready?” You asked, smiling down at the young boy standing across from you. He was dressed up in his winter clothes, despite the blazing heat of the summer. You and Aaron had tried to talk him out of it, but he demanded it’d be the only way for him to fully get into character. And who were you two to deny him? The sweet boy nodded, barely being able to contain his excitement as he bounced up and down on his feet. 
“Alright, places everyone!” You yelled out, holding the diy paper clapperboard Jack had made for you. You held it out from your body and did a very exaggerated clapping motion. “Action!” You said, quickly throwing the clapperboard to the couch. 
“Carrots!” Jack said, his voice more than enthusiastic for the role. 
“Huh?” You said, heavily overselling your voice and reaction. Even with the one simple word, Jack was already in giggles, struggling to keep it together. 
He leaned in closer to you, standing up on his tiptoes. “Behind you!” 
“Oh! Right, excuse me.” You said, stepping to the side and gesturing to the ‘carrots’ behind you. 
You made your voice really low to play the next part. “Woh, a real howler in July, yea? Where ever could it be coming from?” You asked, placing your chin in between your thumb and pointer finger. 
Jack kept giggling at your ‘deep’ voice, he held his ‘script’ up to his face to read his next line. “The North Mountain.” 
You jokingly ran a hand in front of your face, signaling a character switch. “North Mountain.” You stage whispered. You ran your hand in front of your face again, going serious. “That’ll be forty.” You said, holding your hand out with a ‘gimme’ gesture. 
Jack smacked your hand gently to ‘give you’ the money. But after his face fell ever so slightly. “Can we skip to when Daddy gets to come in??” He asked, giving you those big eyes you couldn’t possibly say no to. 
You stood back, putting your weight on your back leg with one hand on your hip. “Hmm.., I think that could be arranged.” You reached over to grab the clapperboard. “Alright everyone! Back to places, but let’s start at ‘Hi everyone’, okay?” 
Jack nodded excitingly and turned back to where he knew Aaron was standing, partially hidden by the hallway. “Places daddy!” He urged, pointing to where he should come stand. 
Aaron came out from around the corner and you quickly covered your mouth with your hand, trying to hold in the laughter. Aaron had a big white hat on his head and had let Jack put a small orange dot on his nose. You and Jack had definitely double teamed poor Aaron, dragging him into your little ‘movie game’ as Jack liked to call it. The three of you had started doing this a few months ago, Jack loved ‘running lines’ with you and you were more than happy to oblige him. It had started when a sleepy Jack had stumbled into the living room one night when he couldn’t sleep and he saw you and Aaron running lines for one of your other movies. Jack had taken to it so much you ended up ‘hiring’ him to help you with your more child friendly roles. 
“Alright, alright. Quiet on set!” You said, making a big deal of you bringing your index finger up to your lips in a ‘shush’ motion. “Action!” 
“Hi everyone. I’m Olaf. And I like warm hugs.” Aaron recited robotically , very clear that he was reading directly from the paper. You smacked your hand back over your mouth, unable to control the giggles. Once you started laughing, Jack fell into his own fit of laughter; both of you fueled off the others amusement. 
Of course, when you finally pulled yourself back together, a quick look at the way Aaron was standing with fake annoyance across his face and his arms crossed tightly against his chest sent you back into fits of laughter. 
“Are you two done?” Aaron asked, no true malice in his voice. 
It was rare that the three of you all got to spend time together. He’d been wary of introducing you to Jack. It wasn’t really a ‘you’ thing, but it was more of how Jack would be able to deal with it. There were the typical worries, what if you and Jack didn’t get along? Or what if you two did get along really well but then you and Aaron broke up and it hurt him even further? While you never intended to try and replace his ‘mom’, you still worried that your chaotic schedule would somehow hurt him, skewing his perception of yet another ‘parental’ figure. Not to mention the issues with him being able to keep your identity and presence in his life a secret; he wouldn’t even be able to tell people like Uncle Rossi that his dad was seeing someone. 
But now, you’d been with Aaron for over two years. And Jack had known about you for about a year now. And everything had been going perfect. Jack was a stellar secret keeper, the unfortunate events of his childhood maturing him faster than any child deserved and he was able to fully understand the importance of the situation. The two of you had taken to each other quite quickly and every night the three of you would have a ‘bedtime’ call; even on the nights when Aaron was busy with a case you’d still call Jack on your own. You loved spoiling him with whatever hot new toy was popular among kids his age or getting him special early copies of movies before they came out. Aaron used to get on you about it, saying it wasn’t necessary, but you argued it was the most necessary thing in the world. 
And now here the three of you were. Nestled away in Aaron’s apartment in DC. You had just flown in after wrapping up a shoot abroad and were just in time for the start of summer. Even though your career was at a seemingly new high, you had managed to secure a relatively empty summer. After long consideration and planning you and Aaron decided it’d be a nice treat for Jack to go spend a month or so with you in LA. You’d consulted heavily with many of your friends who kept their children completely hidden from the spotlight and had hired an airtight security team to assist you the entire time. Aaron was supposed to come out when he could, but you were all aware of how turbulent his poor schedule could be. Schedule permitting, you all would spend the next three days at Aaron’s apartment before you and Jack took off. 
“Daddy! You sound like a robot.” Jack said, scolding Aaron. His voice brought you out of your thoughts and you looked down at him with a big smile. 
“Daddy’s just no good at this huh?” You asked, shaking your head. “He’s no match for our talent, Jack!” 
“This is really hot.” Jack said, holding up his arms. He must’ve been sweating his butt off in all those winter layers. 
“You’re kidding me! I wonder who could’ve seen that coming.” You said sarcastically, reaching over to pull off his big hat and zip down the first of multiple jackets he put on. “I’ve heard that ice cream cools you down…,” 
“Ice cream!’ Jack exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. He didn’t even look to his father for ‘permission’, knowing by now you had the most sway in the house. 
“Go put on some normal clothes okay? Wouldn’t be fun if you passed out in your ice cream bowl, huh?” You told him, ruffling his hair before he dipped under your arm, making a mad dash for his room. 
“He hasn’t even had lunch yet, you know that right?” Aaron asked, giving you a fake stern look as he walked over to where you were standing. 
You rolled your eyes at that, reaching up to snatch the white hat off his head, letting your arms fall loosely around his neck. “Does it upset you that I’m always the cool one?” You asked teasingly, reaching up on your tiptoes to press the gentlest kiss on his lips. 
He gave you one of his small smiles, reaching down to press a second kiss to your lips. “How was your flight in?” He asked, one of his hands wrapping protectively around your waist as the other one found its way by your hair, gently stroking down it the way you liked. 
You let your head relax against his touch and pretended to think for a moment. Instead of answering you reached up again, pressing your lips against his, pressing yourself closer to him. You both thought you could stay this way forever; it being the first time you saw each other, in person, in nearly two months. 
“Gross!” Jack’s voice seemingly cut through the two of you. Aaron was the one to pull away first, quietly laughing so only you could hear. 
“Later.” He promised in a whisper. 
You loosened your grip on him, turning to face Jack. “Oh Jack! Funny seeing you here, ice cream, right?” 
Present Day.
“Page 103, right?” He asked, skipping to the bright pink sticky note you had used as a place marker. 
You jolted out of your memories, feeling the heat rise up your neck as you prayed it wasn’t too obvious you had just completely zoned out. 
“Yep!” You squeaked out, “page 103, line 19, you start.” You said, waving your hands. 
“And I do envy him, Emma. In one respect he is the object of my enemy, you will not ask me why, you are, you are determined, I see, to have no curiosity but I cannot be wise-” He started, keeping his eyes near glued to the page. 
You frowned, shaking your head a bit. “Stand up.” You ordered, already getting to your feet. 
“Excuse me?” Aaron asked. 
“Stand up,” you repeated, motioning upwards with your palms. “This,” you said, motioning between the two of you, “doesn’t feel right if we’re seated, we’re supposed to move around in this scene, it’s supposed to be painful.” You explained. 
He slowly stood up, looking at you for permission to start again. 
“From where you left off, please.” 
“I must tell you, Emma, what you will not ask! Though I may wish it unsaid the next moment-” 
“So do not speak it.” You cut in. “If you wish to speak to me, as a friend or to ask my opinion as a friend I will hear whatever you like.”
“As a friend, Emma. That I fear is a word, tell me Emma. Have I no chance of ever succeeding?” He asked, looking up at you for further approval, you nodded and he continued. “My dearest Emma, my dearest, you will always be my dearest most beloved Emma, tell me at once. I cannot make speeches, if I, if I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more-” 
“Let’s do a different part, yeah?” You interrupted, voice incredibly tight. You ducked from his gaze, reaching to bring your glass to your lips. 
“Isn’t this the scene you have to practice?” Aaron asked, raising his brow at you. 
“It doesn’t matter,” you replied, taking a long sip, “any practice as the character will be helpful.” 
“If this is the one that’s troubling you, we should go over it.” He pressed. 
“Page 56, start at line 9.” You ordered, throwing back the rest of your glass. “Read it over, I’ll be back.” 
Before you could fully turn to go and refill your glass, Aaron lunged forward and grabbed your arm, pulling you towards him. The sudden movement caused you to stumble, throwing your hands out to steady yourself against his chest. 
“You’ve been drinking a lot.” He stated, repositioning his grip on your arm. 
“Am I not allowed to have a drink or two in my own home?” You challenged. 
“What are you running away from?” Aaron asked, his voice so gentle it made your knees weak. 
“You.” You whispered, after a long pause. You looked up at him with sad eyes and only found confusion in his. “I can’t, I-, don’t you see how funny it is? Your character is desperate for mine to be with and my character is the one to deny yours.” 
Your confession pulled sharply on his heart. He couldn’t bring himself to say anything, not sure there were any words to appropriately apologize for how he had treated you. 
“Why didn’t you ever call?” You asked, voice so quiet he almost didn’t hear you. 
“I, I-” He stuttered, unable to think of an answer fast enough. 
“I waited for weeks,” you said, looking up at him with a look that nearly brought him to his knees. “I waited so long and you never called.” 
He brushed the hair out of your face, letting his hand fall gently against your cheek. His thumb caught a stray tear that had started to fall, softly brushing it away. “I don’t know.” He responded, his voice as quiet as your. “I don’t know, you didn’t deserve that.” 
You pressed your face into his hand, closing your eyes as you felt more tears managing to sneak past you. He was finally admitting words you had dreamed of hearing for years, but yet you were unable to find any joy in them. 
“You didn’t deserve that.” He repeated, sliding his hand towards the back of your head, pulling you firmly against his chest, while his other arm wrapped tightly around your waist. You let your body relax into his, slowly bringing your own arms up loosely around his neck. 
You felt him gently press the faintest of kisses to the top of your head. “I’m so sorry angel.” He mumbled into your hair. 
You pulled your head out from under him, looking up at him with big eyes. The two of you were silent, basking in each other's presence. Your eyes flickered down to his lips multiple times; something he duly picked up on. Just as you began to push up on your toes, nearly pressing your lips to his, eyes half closed in anticipation, his phone rang out. 
You froze, falling back onto your heels with a small sigh. “Answer it, I’m getting a refill.” You said, pulling yourself out of his grasp. He gave you an uncertain look, as if he wanted to pull you back in and ignore the call completely. 
You wagged a finger in front of him, shaking your head. In on fluid movement, you grabbed your glass and nearly ran out of the room
It took you ten minutes to calm yourself down and another five to hype yourself up to return to your living room. And that was after you had made yourself a new drink. 
When you entered the living room, Aaron’s back was to you; still locked on the phone. The tension was clear in his shoulders and your eyes drifted down to his free hand that you knew would be clenched in a fist. It was. 
“Thank you Garcia, tell the team we’ll be there soon.” He said, pulling the phone away from his ear and hanging up. 
“Aaron?” You asked. 
He rolled his shoulders back, trying to loosen some of the tension from his shoulders for your benefit. He slowly turned back towards you, his face pulled in frustration. 
“LAPD just reported another body.”
taglist - @mac99martin @iwaizumiee @kylorendrip @hqtchner @lieswithoutfairytales​ @ssahoodrathotchner @midsummernightdream @weasleylovers @evans-dejong @itsmytimetoodream @yoshigguk @28cnn @cuddlyklaus @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @yallgotkik @sunflowersandotherthings @averyhotchner @kimmy-k-k @uwu-sebastianstan @ivebeenthinkingboutu​
a/n - if youve sent a message asking to be tagged and dont see yourself here, let me know!! im so bad at remembering to move names to my taglist form!! tysm for reading! <3 ​
no permission is given to copy or republish my writing on any other platform or account. if you see this story outside of my blog or my ao3 it is stolen work. i do not own nor claim to own criminal minds or any of the character involved in it.
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annab-recs · 4 years ago
It’s My Fault - JJ Maybank
After you and Pope have a run-in with Rafe and Topper on a grocery delivery, things get out of hand quickly. You beg Pope not to tell JJ about what happened to you and he doesn’t tell him for a little bit before spilling your secret to his friend.
Requested by @maybebanks 💙
Warnings: some curse words; physical and sexual abuse (if you are being abused of any sort whether it is physical, verbal, mental, sexual, or whatever, get help please. My messages are always open for any of you and I love you)
Word Count: 2.6k+
“You guys get these groceries over to Figure Eight. Get straight back here when you’re done. No fishin’. I promised delivery by this afternoon,” Heyward told you three as you and Pope grabbed some bags from his grasp to load onto the boat.
“Rich folks don’t want to wait for you lazy sons of… Oh, JJ, thank you,” He said the last bit with sarcasm dripping from his voice before continuing his sentence, “…sons of bitches.”
“Right,” Pope answered to his father as he took the last bit of the bags before telling his dad goodbye.
“Don’t worry Heyward. I’ll make sure all the deliveries make it on time,” you grinned while speaking to the man. He chuckled before rolling his eyes.
“I’m sure you will, y/n. See y’all later.” That was the last you three heard before he slipped back into the store and you all took off to the land of the kooks.
“Doesn’t even look like the storm hit here,” Pope observed while he manned the boat. You and JJ looked out to notice the clean yards and electricity that the kooks had. Not a limb was seen in any of their yards. It was spotless and appeared to be untouched on this side of the island. If you only looked at this side of the island, you wouldn’t have been able to tell that a hurricane had hit.
“That’s because they got generators, bro. Get used to it. And then they say the juice will be out all summer at the cut,” JJ informed you two. You rolled your eyes at how unfair it was, but there was nothing that you could do about it.
“It’s nice to be a kook,” Pope muttered under his breath.
“Lucky bastards,” you agreed before y’all pulled up to your first stop which JJ would be going to fulfill. He went to the back to grab his bags and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before getting off at the dock to deliver the goods.
“Hey, what’s up?” the voice of the one you hated most rang in your ears. Rafe Cameron. You and Pope were walking through the golf course to get to your next delivery and as luck would have it, you ran into Rafe and Topper.
“Hey, how much for one of those beers?” Rafe asked as he poked the box you had in your arms with the handle of his golf club.
“They’re not for sale,” Pope spoke firmly before stepping in front of you. You tried to match his firmness by standing tall but weren’t sure you were doing so well. Rafe always bugged you. He would openly flirt with you even though you were with JJ. He would always stand too close, try to touch you, and made you uncomfortable overall. All the pogues knew about this and Pope gave you a sympathetic look, wishing he would have left you at the boat, but you wanted to join him instead of sitting around.
“Oh, wait, wait, wait. You can just give us one, then, right?” Rafe pressed as he put his club in front of Pope to get him to stop walking forward.
“Or you can order one like everybody else,” Pope told him before trying to walk forward again, but this time, Rafe’s hand stopped him.
“Listen. Wait, wait, wait. You’re not listening to me. Um, you’ve got so many, bro, and we’ve got nothing,” Rafe said as he stepped closer to Pope.
“Nothin’,” Topper added to Rafe’s bullshit.
“They’re not ours,” you spoke up from behind Pope. “They’re already paid for.”
“Already paid for?” Rafe asked as he peered into one of the bags that Pope held before slipping his golf club into it. “What the hell? You probably stole ‘em, right?” he pondered as he ripped the bag open with his golf club, allowing glass to shatter and ears of corn to spill everywhere.
“What the hell? You owe for that,” Pope warned the two, but they didn’t seem to care as Rafe swung the club at the other bag the Pope had, spilling the contents of it everywhere as well.
“Dude, I don’t own you shit, pogue,” Rafe spat as he stomped up to Pope.
“Buy your own shit!” Pope shouted and pushed Rafe away from him to protect you and possibly the beers, but you were far more important to him. He grabbed the beer box from you because he knew if you held them, then they would come for you.
“We just want one of these beers! Just give us one of these-” Topper started before he went in to take the beers from Pope, but Pope wasn’t going down without a fight.
“You guys are freaking crazy!” you screamed at the boys. The whole situation was ridiculous, but those kooks always had to be superior in all things. At least, they thought that. Topper and Pope wrestled with the beers before Topper eventually pushed Pope away, causing him to hit the ground harshly and roll a few times before he moaned in pain.
“Shit!” Topper yelled as he stumbled back with the force of the push which caused the beers to slip from his grasp and hit the ground as well. “Shit, my bad, man.”
Pope laid there, groaning. As you were about to go and check on him, he got up and charged at Rafe. Just when he was about to throw a punch, Rafe hit him in the gut with the end of the club. You screamed as Pope hunched over and you watched Rafe smack him in the back with his club again.
“Rafe! Stop!” you yell again.
“Hey! Rafe, Rafe! Come on, man!” Topper shouted, trying to get Rafe to leave before someone gets seriously hurt, more than they already have. You did not really know how to help, so you just kept yelling at him to stop.
“Stay down, bitch!” Rafe warned Pope as he towered over his body that laid on the ground in pain.
“Hey, let’s go! Let’s go, man!” Topper got in between Rafe and Pope to once again try to calm the situation and get an incredibly angry Rafe out of here. It did not work, so you went next.
“Rafe,” you spoke softly as you placed your hand on the side of his face. “Look at me.”
Rafe’s face lost most of its anger before a mischievous smile grew on it. He brought your body close to his before turning you around to have your back flush to his front side. The hand that wasn’t on his club found your neck and held you still. Once Pope noticed this, he tried to make it stop, but Topper told him that it was best to back off. Pope didn’t listen so Topper held him back.
Your heart dropped when you felt something touching your lower area. Rafe had the golf club run up your leg until it met your center and he rubbed it with the head of the club. Rafe’s hand left your neck and found your breasts. His head nudged your head to the side to allow him access to press his lips to it.
He did not listen to both Pope’s and Topper’s protests that told him to stop. You couldn’t even speak from how in shock you were. All you could think about was JJ and how much he would hate you for this. He would hate that you let this happen to yourself. He would hate it. Then, he would try to find Rafe and fight him, which would get him hurt and you don’t want that.
You were tuned out in your mind, not even feeling or realizing the touches until you felt his hand slip underneath your shorts. Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to fall, but then you spoke up.
“Rafe, please stop,” you whimpered. He licked a stripe up your neck to your ear lobe before whispering in your ear.
“Until next time, princess.” With that, he stopped all actions before pushing you off of him. At that time, Topper let go of Pope and you fell into Pope’s arms, finally feeling somewhat safe again. Pope made sure it was okay to hug you before he tightened his grip on you to make you feel more safe.
“Top, let’s go!” Rafe yelled at the boy with frosted tips as he walked away. Topper looked at you and Pope in shock, never expecting his own best friend to do that. Your dull eyes met Topper’s blue ones and you saw sympathy flash in them.
“Hey, let’s go!” Rafe yelled again. This time, Topper listened before mindlessly following the Cameron boy.
“Are you okay?” Pope asked as he pulled back to look into your eyes.
“No, but I will be. What about you?” Based on the blood on his face, he did not look too good.
“Same as you. Let’s head back to the boat.”
“How are you going to tell JJ?” Pope asked as you two were on the way to go pick the blond up from his delivery.
“I’m not. I can’t. Not right now anyway and you aren’t either. Let me tell him when I am ready, okay?” Reluctantly, he agreed. This was something for you to tell him, not Pope. You sat down in the corner like you were earlier and pulled your knees to your chest.
“Y/n! Pope!” you two heard the giggles of your boyfriend as he ran down the dock and came onto the boat. “Dude, you are not going to believe what just happened to me, man! Whoo! That was the best hundred bucks I’ve ever made! When I say count me in on all these grocery deliveries, Pope, I mean it.”
“What’s up with you two? Bro, you good?” JJ asked as you and Pope stayed oddly silent and Pope wore a scowl on his face, staring blankly out into the water ahead of him. JJ leaned forward to get a better look at Pope before noticing some blood. “Yo, what happened to your face, dude?” JJ questioned before he lifted Pope’s hat to see all the damage that had occurred earlier. “Jesus! What happened?”
“Rafe and Topper jumped me. They said no pogues on their side of the island,” Pope told him the bare minimum which you were thankful for.
“Where were you, y/n? Because I swear if they laid a finger on you, I will-” JJ started as his anger built up at the thought of them even touching you.
“No! Babe, Topper held me back from interfering, but that was it. I didn’t get hurt or anything.” JJ nodded before turning back to Pope to deal with his situation.
“What are you gonna do?”
You were happy with your decision to not tell JJ because he convinced Pope to sink Topper’s boat. If he had known what had actually happened, there was no telling how far he would have gone and how much trouble he would get in for his actions. You were already scared of what might happen if they get caught for sinking the boat.
Now, everyone was at the chateau, just hanging out. You were on the couch with JJ, all cuddled up. Pope was sprawled out on the pullout and John B and Kie were outside starting a fire for you all before you guys went out to lay on the hammocks.
JJ had his hands on you the entire time, whether they were on your thighs or your waist. They were always on your body somewhere. Then his lips connected to your neck, right where Rafe’s tongue was hours earlier. You shuddered at the thought before shifting around uncomfortably in your seat.
“You good, princess?” The last word rang in your ears. JJ had always called you princess, but now it felt different. It felt different because it’s what Rafe called you when he touched you. It did not give you butterflies anymore. Instead, it made you sick. You felt the bile rising in your throat, but you made sure it didn’t make an appearance.
“I’m gonna get something to drink. You two want anything?” you asked as you rose from your place on the couch. JJ eyed you before shaking his head. Pope declined as well. You walked over to the next room before opening the fridge to look for something to drink. You could not hear it, but JJ was whispering to Pope about you.
“Dude, what happened earlier? She’s been acting weird ever since. It had to be more than just Topper holding her back,” the blond quietly asked his best friend. Pope looked over at you searching through the fridge for a beverage, completely unaware of the conversation your boyfriend and best friend were having. It would be the perfect time to tell JJ, but he promised you. He wanted to tell him because it is what is best for you, but he promised he wouldn’t. He was beginning to regret that promise.
“I don’t know what her deal is,” Pope responded, keeping it short and sweet.
“Did she talk to you about anything? Like our relationship? It’s just something feels off between us. She’s been weird about me touching and kissing her which she has never done. It’s freaking me out. I don’t want her to break up with me.”
“She’s not going to break up with you,” he softly spoke. “I wish she would just tell you,” Pope muttered under his breath.
“Tell me what?” JJ asked. Pope looked at him with wide eyes. He did not intend for JJ to hear that last part. There was no getting out of it now and he probably wouldn’t have been able to keep the secret in for much longer anyway. It was eating him alive.
“Okay, don’t freak out, but Topper didn’t just hold her back. When Rafe was beating me with the club, she stepped in between us and Rafe started to touch her in places he shouldn’t and kissed her neck and stuff. When I tried to help, Topper held me back. There was nothing I could do,” Pope blurted out. He watched your head pop up from behind the fridge door before you slammed it shut, anger filling your veins.
“Don’t freak out? Pope, I’m going to kill those bastards!” JJ shouted as he stood from the couch.
“This is exactly what I didn’t want. Thanks for nothing, Pope,” you spat before you stormed out of the chateau with tears streaming down your face. It was the first time you really came to terms with what happened. It was like it was real now that JJ knew. You had been kind of dismissing it up until now. You hated yourself for it. You felt like you walked right into it. You grabbed his face. You initiated it. You allowed it. It was your fault. You should have just stayed in the boat like you were supposed to but, you didn’t want to be alone.
“Wait, y/n!” JJ called out to you as he ran after you. He ran in front of you and stopped you in your tracks.
“You know this isn’t your fault, right? And I won’t leave you or think any less of you. I love you, y/n. If you really don’t want me to fight them, then I won’t, but I think something should be done. It’s up to you though. Can I hug you?” You nodded before falling into his arms as you broke down in them. Everything you were scared of, he made you feel better about. He was so caring and sweet. He loved you and you loved him. You had nothing to be ashamed of. You did not cause this. It was not your fault.
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pappydaddy · 5 years ago
Deal? (j.m.)
A/N: I recently added Outer Banks to the list of shows I write for because I am actually in love with the show. So, if you want to request for Outer Banks, send me a request but please look at the rules before doing so! 
Anyway, I am also writing a OB imagine because I want to see if people are actually seeing my posts or not. In the past, my little Outer Banks posts about JJ have gotten lots of interaction. Therefore, I am writing a JJ fic. 
Paring: JJ Maybank x Fem!reader
Show: Outer Banks
Warnings: Jealously, protectiveness, some creepy dude, some punches but nothing horrible. Some blood. 
This takes place in an alternate universe where John B Sarah don’t capsize or even get on the boat in general. Just for the sake of this imagine.
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  Boneyard parties were fun, there was no doubt about that fact, but sometimes an extravagant Kook party thrown by some rich snob wanting to rebel against their perfect little shoe box life was just as fun. The Pogues especially liked them since their presence at the party always ticked the Kooks off, but they couldn’t do anything about it unless they wanted the cops to bust their party full of minors drinking and doing drugs. Since the Pogues befriending Sarah Cameron, they had an excuse to make more appearances at Kook parties. Of course, JJ couldn’t pass up an opportunity to rile up some Kooks. Especially not when he’s dating the most attractive girl on the island: Y/n L/n. Rich enough to live comfortably, but not rich enough to be in Figure Eight. 
  “Come on, Jay! It’s a pool party,” Y/n whined to her boyfriend, her hands gripping his large bicep as she shook his arm lightly. “Put the swim trunks I gave you on!” She pleaded with him. Her blonde and stubborn boyfriend simply sat on the edge of her bed, looking down at his phone as she shook his arm more violently. Many people were surprised when JJ had entered the serious, long-term relationship with the youngest (and only daughter) of the L/n family for many reasons. The main one being that he settled down in the first place. JJ Maybank didn’t seem like the type for commitment, but with their second year anniversary fast approaching - they were left with their heads spinning. The other reason was the fact that Y/n had two older and very protective brothers. Everybody was almost positive that JJ wouldn’t even get past her brothers, either they would have crushed him to a pulp or he would have thought it to be too much work for a girl. 
  “But I don’t want to get in an overcrowded pool with a bunch of Kooks.” JJ grunted, trying to type a text to John B to see if the group was almost to Y/n’s house to pick them up. Though JJ was the designated driver for the party (he drew the short straw), he still needed the van in order to cart all The Pogues home at the end of the night. Y/n groaned, plunking herself down on the bed beside him, her hands still gripping his arm. 
  “You don’t have to get in the pool! I don’t want to get in the pool either, but I am still wearing a bathing suit!” JJ looked up from his phone and gave his pouting girlfriend a look. That was the thing about their relationship, it even surprised JJ. It downright scared him when he started to have feelings for Y/n. At first, he didn’t know what had happen to make him want a relationship, but then he realized that there was just something about her. Something that made him want to spend every waking second with her, want to protect her. 
  “Why does it matter if I wear the swim trunks you bought me or not?” He asked, locking his phone and setting it on the bed beside him. She shrugged, one hand sliding down to pick play with his fingers, her eyes locked on them. They had been friends for a good year before they started dating, their feelings having come to light when the great treasure hunt ensued. That meant they could read each other decently well. Having gone through that together while their relationship was blooming into a romantic one made them more perceptive to each other. As he sat there, watching her play with his fingers, he could tell that she was bashful about the reason. 
  “Because I think you’d look really hot in them.” She mumbled, her cheeks heating up. She tucked her chin closer to her chest, wanting to make sure JJ didn’t see her red cheeks, but even without seeing her face, he knew she had the adorable redness flooding her cheeks and nose. He didn’t even try to fight the smile as he watched her try to avoid his gaze while playing it cool. 
  “Alright, if that’s what you really want, I’ll wear the trunks.” He agreed. He knew that he would have ended up putting them on before they left, not matter how much he ‘fought’ against it. She snapped her head up to look at him, her eyes wide and happy. 
  “Yay,” She celebrated with a little bounce. “Now, can I bother you for one teeny tiny favour?” She asked sweetly, taking her hand from his to pinch her pointer finger and thumb together so that they were just barely touching. JJ hummed, reaching his hand up to grab her hand back, entangling their fingers together. 
  “Any thing for you, Pretty Girl.” He nodded, rubbing his thumb across her soft skin gently. The action felt nice on her hand but also sent tingles shooting up her arm, giving her a fuzzy feeling. 
  “I need advice on my bathing suit, I put it on earlier, but now I don’t know about it,” She paused, standing up, trying to free her hand reluctantly. JJ’s hand held firm, not wanting to let her hand go until it was completely necessary. Giving up, she settled with standing between his legs as he stayed sitting. “Is it too much?” She asked nervously, popping the buttons on her high-waisted jean shorts before letting them slide down her legs. Next came the shirt, leaving her in her rather racy bathing suit. 
  “Too much of what?” JJ asked, confused since there wasn’t too much of anything. It was a bathing suit. A normal bathing suit like all of her others. 
  “Too skimpy,” She clarified, turning her head to glance at the full body mirror by the foot of her bed. “This is by far the most scandalous bathing suit I own, but Kie and Sarah convinced me to buy it last week and I don’t want to not wear it, ya know?” She rambled, inspecting it. The stringy bikini was gorgeous and totally for relaxing poolside, not for swimming. The colour of it complemented her skin, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was showing too much. 
  “Why would you even think that? You look gorgeous in it,” JJ’s eyebrows knitted together. “I don’t get where you think it’s too ‘skimpy’? I mean, it covers everything,” He questioned, his eyes scanning over his girlfriend. She looked absolutely stunning. He grabbed her other hand as it picked at the strings tying her top up. She looked down at him, her eyes meeting his captivating blue eyes. “You look amazing in it. Does it make you uncomfortable?”
  “No, I actually really like it. I feel amazing in it,” She answered quickly. “But I don’t want guys staring at me and coming up to me all night. I just want to go and have fun with you and the others, not fend guys off with a stick.” She grunted, bending her knees to sit on one of JJ’s legs, her knees poking into the other one. He let go of her hands, wrapping his arms around her waist to make sure she didn’t fall off. 
  “I get that, but you don’t have anything to worry about. I’ll be right by your side the entire night,” He reassured. “And if I’m not right by you, I won’t be anymore than ten feet away. If some asshole comes up to you, I’ll take care of him. Anything as long as you get to wear what you want to the party, deal?” His eyebrows bounced as he calmed her down. 
  “Deal, but I get to wear your shirt.” She bargained, her hands gripping his open button up. It was a nice black one, though it was ratty, it was still her favourite button up of his. He glanced down at it. She was always taking it, leaving him to snatch it back by stuffing it in his overnight bag when he left. He had just gotten it back two weeks ago when he had to wash it. He knew that her attempts of stealing it were coming, but he would have thought she’d be a little bit more subtle about it. 
  “Whatever you want, Princess.” He pressed a kiss to her lips before sliding her off his lap to stand up, grabbing the swim trunks from the bed. 
  The party certainly was in full swing. Coke was on the tables, people handing off wads of cash towards the smug guy who brought it. John B and Sarah were already sloshed and they had only been there for an hour and a half. Kie had only one beer, but was currently sharing a blunt with John B and Sarah while Pope nursed his second beer. Y/n and JJ were standing off to the side, Y/n’s back pressed against the living room wall, JJ’s hand pressed into the wall by her head. He sipped at his water bottle while she finally had her first beer of the night. She didn’t like getting intoxicated, especially not when JJ was sober. She wanted to talk to her boyfriend, not make a complete fool out of herself. 
  “Can you believe that Pope is actually drinking more than one beer tonight? I think I even saw him try a hit of the blunt.” Y/n asked JJ, proud of her uptight friend for finally letting loose. Dating Kie has been such a good thing for him, he’s gotten so much more relaxed. JJ glanced over his shoulder, still hovering over his girlfriend. 
  “’Atta boy, Pope,” He hollered over the thumping music, tossing his empty water bottle to the floor and rising his now free fist in the air to fist pump. Pope sending him a ‘Whoop’ and a fist pump back from where he sat on the fancy leather couch. “Princess, I need to go get another water bottle. You want to come with me or sit with the others?” He asked, holding her hand gently while his other one slid off the wall. 
  “You go, I’ll sit with the inebriated and keep them company.” She smiled up at him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. The two of them glanced over at their friend group as they laughed loudly about something. Their intoxicated minds finding the smallest things funny. 
  “If you’re sure,” JJ looked back at Y/n wanting to make sure she was completely okay with him grabbing another drink. She nodded, a wide smile on her face at his protectiveness. “Okay, I’ll be there in like five seconds, ten tops. Love you.” He rushed, bouncing out of her sight in an effort to rush back to her. She laughed, shaking her head before taking a sip of her beer. Making her way towards the group falling all over each other with laughter, she suddenly felt the weight of eyes burning into her back. 
  Glancing behind her, she didn’t see anyone staring at her. Shrugging it off, she continued her short walk, sitting down next to John B who didn’t even notice her presence yet. “Hey, Y/n, where’s JJ?” Pope asked, noticing only one half of the duo joining them. John B looked beside him, his eyes lighting up at the sight of his best friend’s girlfriend. 
  “Getting another water bottle, he’ll be here in a sec.” She told him, downing the rest of her beer, not wanting to set it down anywhere. John B slung his arm around Y/n’s shoulders, using the hand holding his own solo cup to point at her. 
  “She sleeps with my best friend, but not only does she do that, but she also makes him happy,” John B slurred, nearly poking Y/n in the face by accident. “Like, really happy - happier than I’ve ever seen him,” John B took his arm off Y/n creating big gestures with his hands as he talked. Dodging his flailing arms, Y/n smiled at his drunken sweetness. “I think that JJ might marry her someday, then everyone will know that they have sex!” John B carried on, making Y/n’s cheeks flare up. 
  “Hey, John B, Imma go get you a water, actually-” Pope paused, glancing at the group. Through he was slightly tipsy, he still knew that he needed to be more responsible for the ones who were way passed tipsy. “I’m gonna get you all a water, want one, Y/n?” He asked, knowing that she was probably in much better shape than him, but he also knew that she shouldn’t be venturing off into the crowd alone, let alone her being comfortable to do so. 
  “Sure! Thanks Pope!” She smiled, Pope returning the gesture before heading off the same direction JJ went off in. John B started to talk loudly to Sarah, the two in their conversation while Kie rattled off about Microplastics in the ocean, nobody really listening to her. A hand landing on her shoulder was odd, since JJ never walked up behind her at a party and touched her from behind, always wanting her to know that it was him and not some creep. That’s why her blood seemed to still in her body at the hand. 
  “Looks like you could use some better company.” Someone spoke, sliding into the spot next to her, his arm resting around her shoulders much like John B’s had seconds before. She glanced at him, everything about him screaming Touron, especially since he thought hitting on her would get him anywhere. Thought their relationship surprised every local, that still meant that they all knew about it. 
  “No, I’m really okay. These are my friends, also, by boyfriend and my other friend will be back in a couple of seconds, but if you’re looking for someone to talk to, there is a lot of Lacrosse players over there playing Beer Pong.” She pointed towards the herd of boys playing Beer Pong on the grand mahogany dinning table. The Touron glanced over there, his slicked back hair catching the light with the amount of gel he had in it. He pulled a face, shrugging and tightening his arm around her shoulders. 
  “I don’t know, I think you’d be better company,” He denied, obviously not taking the hint. Instead, he just stomped on the hint and punted it into the world’s farthest dumpster. “Besides, I don’t really think you have a boyfriend, you’re probably just telling me that so I leave you alone.” 
  “I can assure you, I am telling the whole truth when I tell you my boyfriend is going to be right back. And I do want you to leave me alone, that’s why I said ‘no’ earlier.” She remarked, her voice biting. He scoffed, rolling his eyes as he dramatically looked around. 
  “I certainly don’t see anyone coming ‘right back’,” He mocked, air-quoting her words. She huffed, rolling her eyes. “So I really don’t think you were telling me the truth about you boyfriend, Sweetheart-” 
  “Well, prepare to be proven wrong,” A new voice joined the conversation, the two of them looking to the side where there was a space at the corner of the two couches. There stood JJ, he dumped the two water bottles he held into Pope’s hands. Pope stood slightly behind JJ, looking rather nervous about what was going to happen as he dropped the bottles to the couch kie was laid out on. “Meet the boyfriend who’s now back and wanting you to leave before you leave with a limp.” He threatened the posh boy. 
  “So what? She wasn’t lying about the boyfriend, but can she really except not to be hit on when wearing that kind of a bikini,” He asked, speaking as if he was the victim being harassed. JJ’s knuckles cracked as he clenched them into a fist, his nostrils flaring, his eyes lighting up with anger. Even in their drunken and high daze, John B, Kie, and Sarah looked up with nervous eyes, watching the events unfolding. “And how can you be mad when you’re the one who left her alone after you let her leave the house wearing it?” He asked, Pope cringed, know what that comment ignited in JJ. Y/n watched, her mouth hanging open when he implied that she was JJ’s property. 
  “I see you’ve made your choice,” JJ spoke with a voice so calm that it scared the group. They had never heard his voice so calm in a situation like this. It was normally aggressive and raspy, strained from him trying to suppress his anger. It was as if he didn’t have anger issues and he was going to deal with this rationally. Just as the group was questioned what the blonde’s next moves were going to be, he lunged forward, gripping the collar of the guys polo, his fist connecting to his nose with a loud crack. “Did you really expect me not to break your nose being that much of a dick? You can’t be mad that your buddies aren’t here to protect you if they left you alone!” JJ’s normal aggressive voice returned, his fist painted with the guy’s blood as he sent blow after blow to the guy’s face. 
  “JJ! JJ! He’s had enough! This isn’t worth getting arrested again! JJ,” Y/n pleaded with her angry boyfriend, seeing him slamming the preppy boy against the wall, scarlet blood dropping to the dark hardwood floors of the house. “JJ,” She tried again, her voice scratchy from yelling so loud. “Pope! Help me grab his arm!” She called, a crowd forming to watch the fight. She knew John B was still too drunk to be able to help. Pope rushed towards JJ, the pair grabbing his arm when he went to power up another punch. 
  “Come on, man! We gotta go!” Pope called, but JJ stomped his foot into the Prep’s foot, a strangled scream leaving the Prep’s mouth as the tiny bones in his foot cracked. 
  “JJ! Stop!” Y/n yelled, tugging on the arm she clutched to her. JJ, having just sent a harsh kick to the shin of the opposite leg that he had just stepped on, glanced at her. Her eyes pleaded with him to stop as she tugged on his arm once again. He couldn’t help but compare her to earlier that night. Her arms were wrapped around his like they were right them, she shook it, just like she was doing right then, but her eyes were different. Earlier, they were light and big, resembling a puppy dog. Now, her eyes were wide and nervous, scared that he’d get in trouble over her - knowing that the Prep was no match for him. 
  “Let’s get out of here,” JJ nodded. his heart was still thumping with pure fury, but he knew he needed to walk away for her. She nodded, letting go of his arm, thinking he was completely done. “You get the others, I’ll be right there-” He didn’t even wait a second before he sent his knee into the Prep’s groin, hitting him square on. A loud ‘humph’ left the guy as he tried to double over, but JJ held him up by his polo collar. “You touch my girl, I break you. You try to press charges, I finish the job without her here to stop me, deal?” He hissed in a low voice. 
  “JJ! Stop and come,” Y/n ordered, realizing what her boyfriend was still fighting. JJ’s eyes hardened at the lack of response from the scared Prep, making him nod frantically. Once JJ’s hands left his collar, the boy crumpled to the ground, groaning in pain. “Let’s go, someone probably called the cops - the drug dealers took off.” She alerted JJ, Pope already trying to get the other three to follow him towards the van. Y/n grabbed JJ’s hand, pulling him through the watchful crowd. 
  The run to the van was all Pope, Y/n, and JJ trying to get the other three to run, basically pulling them along behind them. Once they were in the van though, that was another story. Tires squealing as JJ pulled off, speeding down the road, Y/n sitting in the passenger seat as she gripped on for dear life, and the other four being tossed around. “I’m sorry for leaving you for so long, someone decided to take an ice bath in the cooler, it took three of us to pull him out because his ass got stuck.” JJ spoke up, his voice soft. The van was quiet as eyelids became heavy in the back. Y/n looked over at him, his speed slowing once they got into Pogue territory. 
  “It’s okay, JJ. You protected me, though you went a little over and beyond, but none-the-less, you still protected me. Just like you promised,” Her voice was just as soft, the couple sharing a sweet moment. Cruising down the street, JJ couldn’t help but look over at her. “But, next time, please take yourself into account, Jay. It’s really not worth getting arrested again.” She pleaded. 
  “What are you talking about? Your safety is totally worth getting arrested for. I’d rather get arrested protecting you than you getting hurt. I would lose my mind if you got hurt.” He argued. She perked an eyebrow at him, but he didn’t see it since he turned his head to glance in front of them before looking back at her. 
  “And what happened back there wasn’t you losing your mind,” She asked. He shook his head, a light smile on his face as the air became lighter. “No matter that, how about we make a deal? You learn when to walk away and, to help you learn, every time you walk away from a fight - you get a little treat. How does that sound? We got a deal?” She proposed with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle. JJ chuckled, taking one hand off the wheel to attach to her thigh, squeezing it affectionately. 
  “We got a deal.” He agreed, his blue eyes pouring all his love and affection into hers. It was like they were the only ones in the van. JJ’s heart swelled with love so much that it throbbed painfully, feeling like it was ready to burst with all the love being confined within it. Their moment was quickly interrupted by Pope sticking his head between the seats, breaking their eye contact. 
  “Yeah, as cute and sickening this moment between you two is, I would still like to get to John B’s in one piece. So, eyes on the road, Maybank!” He exclaimed, pointing to the empty road. JJ huffed, setting his eyes on the dark road ahead, leaving his hand on Y/n’s thigh. 
  “Fine, but Y/n and I call the spare room!” JJ announced to Pope who settled in the back once again. Pope groaned, kicking himself that he hadn’t called dibs on it sooner. 
  “You two always get the spare! Kie and I get it next time.” Pope bargained, his tone low. 
  “Deal.” JJ smirked, shooting Y/n a wink, flashing his crossed fingers while still keeping them from Pope’s sight. 
  “I saw that, Maybank!”               
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softhxtch · 4 years ago
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TITTLE: FBI Charity Blind Date Night SUMMARY: For last four years FBI has been organizing a lot of events for charities. One of them are blind dates. This year Emily, Penelope and Derek decided to join in with Hotch’s name. Let’s just say, that at first he’s not the happiest person in the world.  PAIRING: female! reader x Aaron Hotchner CHARACTERS: reader, Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia (at the beginning), Angela, Olivia (OCs), Daivd Rossi and Spencer Reid (literally mentioned once) WARNINGS: none (?), it’s just fluff and cuteness, I mean they go to the hospital, nothing bad happens, but be aware of errors and mistakes. ALSO in this story Jack is not born, not sure why just thought it would fit better. ALSO2: CAC - Crimes Against Children Unit WORD COUNT: 4,5K A/N: i’ve had a long break from writing and with this new year I decided to break it. there’re probably a lot of mistakes, so feel free to correct me. english is not my first language and i’m doing this just for fun!
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'Did you send everything correctly? Are you sure?', Emily asked looking over Penelope's shoulder. She tried to keep up with whatever blonde woman was doing, but it was hard since she was moving so fast with her work.
'Yes! Who do you think I am?', Penelope answered with raised voice. Her head was shaking but eyes still glued to the screen. 'Can't you just trust me?'
'I do, we all do. But don't you think it's weird, that we still didn't get anything from-', Emily argued, but didn't even finish the sentence as her work phone started to make sound. She quickly picked it up with short 'hello' and was listening to whoever was on the other side. Her face was slowly changing as more and more words were going through the phone. Emily's eyebrows were risen and eyes bigger, scanning the room around her. Finally she nodded quickly and after adding short 'of course', she put the phone down. 'Hotch wants to see us.', Emily explained.
'Oh god.', was all Penelope could say. She stood up quickly, putting her laptop down on Emily's desk. 'I guess he got the message. Today's the day we die.', she added as dark haired woman also stood up, nodding
'Come on, Derek. You're going with us.', Emily pointed at him, raising her eyebrow.
'Me? I didn't even do anything!', man defended himself.
'It's all your fault anyway. You came up with the idea. Come on.', she added.
'Fine, but to be fair it's our idea. You're as much in it as I am. Just so we're clear.', Derek pointed out, as Emily rolled her eyes. 'Let's go.'
Derek's words were like a signal, because after that all three of them moved towards the Chief's office. They knew it was coming sooner or later. They would be called to see Hotch, he probably would be angry at what have they done, maybe furious and that's it. Maybe they would get more paper work to do. But it was unavoidable, Hotch would find out sooner or later. And some like Derek would prefer it to be sooner, but some like Emily or Penelope - later.
Derek was the one to lead the way to Agent Hotchner's office, with two women right behind him. He knocked two times one the door and opened them after hearing 'come in' from inside. Aaron was sitting in his chair, focused on papers in front of him. Pen in one hand, tracing text that for most people was really hard to understand.
All three agents looked around just to see any signs, that they could help. They paid a lot of attention to the big desk with a lot of papers on it, but everything was the same. Nothing too suspicious, but then in front of there were three chairs. Not one or two as usual. Like especially for them.
'Everything's okay?', Penelope was the first one to break the silence.
'Yes.', Aaron’s answer was short as he looked up from his papers with a raised brow. 'Is there a reason why something's should not be okay?'
'No. Of course no, sir.', blonde woman laughed as all three of them walked more inside the room.
'You wanted to see us?', Emily asked, her voice was quieter than usual.
'Did I?', Aaron answered back with an questions, putting his pen down. All three of the agents looked at each other with confused faces.
'Emily said-'
'What exactly did Emily said?', he asked. Aaron tilted his head, waiting for an answer. His face was stoic and stern as usual, very hard to read for any of them.
'Emily said you wanted to see us.', Derek answered. His eyebrows were furrowed, with thousands thoughts going through his mind per second. He was very much present when dark haired woman got the phone call, but all of the sudden he wasn't sure about it anymore. Maybe she heard something different? Or mixed up his words?
Hotch just nodded slowly. He moved his eyes from Derek to Emily, who was confused with this whole situation. She knew what he said, but just to be one hundred percent sure she went through the short conversation they had, like fifty more times.
'You said, and I quote, 'I want to see you in my office as fast as you can'.', Emily said slowly, her hands in front. It's like she was trying to calm herself down from this confusing situation.
'Exactly. I didn't specify who 'you' is.', man sitting in the chair said, like it was the most obvious thing on the world.
'Oh my God.', Penelope said, waving hands in front of her face as if she was trying to stop the tears. You could visibly see Emily's shoulders going down, her letting out breath she was holding for a long time. Derek just let out quiet laugh and shook his head.
'But since all three of you came here, then I guess something's happened.', he added, putting his hands together on top of the desk. 'You did something, that you know you shouldn't do and now you're just waiting for the consequences. That's why all three of you came here together.'
'I thought we weren't suppose to profile each other.', Derek said.
'Yes, especially when not everyone in the room is a profiler.', Penelope added with a firm nod.
'Garcia, you don't need to be a profiler to see all three of you having weird conversations, barely working in the office and basically being constantly out of place.'
'We didn't do anything wrong.', Derek said, pointing at all three of agents.
'Okay.', Aaron said quickly nodding. 'But next time when you put name that isn’t yours somewhere, you make that person is aware that you're doing this. And they give you their consent.'
'We didn't put anyone's name anywhere', Emily finally said something after, what felt like, hours of standing in their boss's office.
'Agent Hotchner, we write to thank you for joining our 4th annual FBI Charity Blind Date Night. Don't worry we'll make sure to choose precisely your date, just they way you put it in our questionnaire. Thank you so much and see you in February!', man read the email he got few hours ago.
‘You don’t have any proof, that it’s us, sir.’, Penelope said, her voice cracking at the end. Derek just sighed and closed his eyes, knowing how screwed up they are. ‘Anyone could do this!’
‘True, but you three are on the first place.’, he said like it was something obvious. The rest just looked a bit confused how they were first suspects, which made older man sigh. ‘The next one was Rossi, but he’s been out of town for the last few days. In the past he tried to set me up for few dates, but I don’t think he would do it through blind date, that you have to do questionnaire before. Who’s next?’, he asked, making his thinking face for a second, before continuing. ‘JJ? She has her own life and two kids to take care of. I don’t think she would have time to play with something like this. Oh and on top of that, she doesn’t put herself in someone else’s business. The last one is Reid and we all know, that he didn’t do it.’
‘But you have no proof, that all of us did it.’, Penelope started. Her hands were shaking and she started rambling, not knowing how to get out of that situation. 
When Derek and Emily came to her with this whole idea of putting their boss in a blind date she didn’t know what to think about it. She thought that maybe it was a good thing. After divorcing Haley and breaking up with Beth, Hotch didn’t do much dating, or at least that they knew about. And Penelope thought that someone like Aaron Hotchner deserves to be happy. He deserves to laugh with someone who he likes and is not necessarily in a team or a friend of his. She wanted him to have a person, who would be with him in tough times and would take care of him when he needed it. Hotch is a tough person, but Penelope Garcia strongly believed, that there’s a person in this world who would understand him. He just needed to start looking and if she could help, she would do it. 
Of course there’s also a lot of guilt, because whether she liked it or not, she was messing with his boss’s personal life. And how would they even tell Hotch about the fact, that they put him into FBI blind date. Penelope knew he would be furious and angry. So this kind of reaction was weird for her. Hotch wasn’t screaming, showing any anger. Nothing. Maybe a little annoyed, but that’s it.
‘Penelope.’, Derek started, trying to make her stop. She was only making it worse, by digging the topic. 
‘You can be mad at us all you want, but a date would be a good thing for you.’, Emily started, making Hotch raise his eyebrows. Derek just groaned in the back, wishing for it to be over. ‘You know, sometimes it’s good to get out of your comfort zone.’
‘My comfort zone?’, he repeated.
‘Yes.’, dark haired girl answered. She put her hands together in front of her, not knowing where she’s exactly going with this conversation. ‘You have to go out sometimes, Hotch. Have conversation with someone, that’s not us. Have a meal, that wasn’t pre made months ago, drink wine and make jokes. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll meet someone wonderful.’, she ended, going closer and closer to the man as she was going on with her speech.
‘I’m not in a mood for a relationship, Prentiss.’, Aaron shook his head, putting some papers together on his desk.
‘That’s why we put you on a ‘friendship list’. It means, that you’re there as a friend and for chairty, not really looking for a lover.’, Penelope said quickly, stepping forward towards Emily. 
‘The answer is still ‘no’, so please cancel my application.’, he shook his head, looking at the papers in his hands. When he hear any movements or complaint  from the three agents in the room, he looked at them again. ‘I will pay the charity in return. And I guess you had to put some money into it too, so I will pay it off. But please withdraw my name from the list.’
‘But sir.’, Penelope started again, bringing his attention. ‘Maybe you should consider what Emily’s said. You know, new experiences.’, she added with nervous laugh.
‘So what’s the bet about?’, Hotch asked, leaning back with curious face. 
‘If you go Rossi said, that he’ll do our reports for a month.’, Emily said after few seconds of debating if she should actually say anything else.
‘And if I don’t?’
‘We have to do this for a year.’, Derek admitted.
‘Please, Hotch.’, Emily begged, coming closer to his desk and leaning on it. She looked into his eyes for few seconds, trying to get some mercy from him. ‘I’m still half way through Reid’s reports from last month. I can’t lose this one!’
‘Well, you should’ve thought about this before going into another bet.’, Aaron answered, trying to keep his stern face, but Derek saw one side of his lips rising for a split of a second. ‘Now like I said, withdraw my name from that list and please go back to work. All of you. You can go and please close the door.’, he added. After finishing the sentence he went back to his paper, waiting for them to leave and when they did, he just couldn’t stop himself from small smile. 
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'I thought you wanted to go.', Angela said as we entered my office. She had one of the flyers of the charity events that she took from the entrance to the FBI building.
'Yeah, I did. But half of kids at the kindergarden are sick, I have a feeling, that Olivia is next.', you said, putting bag on the desk. You turn around to your friend and gave her apologetic smile. 'And I don’t wanna leave my sick child with my sister-in-law. She already helps me enough.'
'I'm sorry.', Angela just said, not knowing how to actually react. 'I know, that after last year you wanted to go.'
'Yeah, it sounded pretty fun.', you nodded. 'Plus it would be nice to finally get a kiss on the lips. Or talk to someone in full sentences.'
'Excuse me?', Angela joked, pointing at herself.
'Outside of this office.', you shook head, letting out quick chuckle.
'Someday you'll find someone. I'll make sure of this.', she said, coming closer to you. She stopped for a second and gave you quick hug, trying to make you feel better.
'It'll be kind of hard. Usually when they find out, that I have three year old child, they run. If they don't, then they get scared when I tell them I work for the FBI. And when I go on a date with agent they usually do this, because I'm a Unit Chief and have connections with a lot of important people here.', you explained with a sigh. 'I was excited for this blind date not only for meeting new people, but also because we will be on the same position. I won't be used and person who will be choosen for me would understand where I come from.'
'I know.', she said truthfully, caressing your shoulders. 'You know what? Screw it. I'll take care of Olivia.'
'Really?', you said shocked about the proposition. You knew, that Angela was the last person on earth who would offer herself to take care of kids. It's not like she hated them, just she's not the best with them. Mainly the youngest ones. But kids found their ways to her. Especially Olivia. She always loved being next to Angela and you could be sure, that she would be happy to have her as a babysitter for few hours.
'But it's just this one time.', Angela reminded, putting one of her fingers in front of your face. You immediately agreed and hugged her as a thank you.
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'So? How do I look?', you asked after walking to the kitchen. You looked at both Angela and your daughter sitting at the dinning table, consuming their supper. Your friend made circles with her fingers, asking you to turn around so she could see the back of the dress.
When the email with the set up date finally came, you were the most excited since you could even remember. It was something you looked forward to for days or maybe even weeks now. Nobody in your team didn't know about this, except Angela. And she also was very excited for you. Whenever you had breaks from cases, she would come with new ideas for a dress or make up. And even though she'd be brushed off, you actually liked it.
For a long time you had no idea what to wear. Should it be something less formal? Or full on glam outfit? But when Angela came to you with a picture of navy bodycon dress, you knew it's the one. She advised you to wear it with simple black sandals and light make up, adding darker lipstick.
'Mommy! You're so pretty!', Olivia exclaimed from her chair. She still had her mouth full from the sandwich, that you made her few minutes ago. You could see her be really excited about this night, not because you're going out, but mainly that she's gonna be playing with Angela.
'Thank you, sweetheart.', you skilled, coming closer to them. 'I'm gonna be out for few hours and you're gonna be with aunt Angela, okay?', you explained, playing with her hair. Little girl nodded, taking another bite of her sandwich. Then you stood up facing your friend. 'Okay I should be back before midnight. If I don't call you and I'm not home, then you can track my car or phone.'
'Of course, as always.', she said with a wink, which made you laugh.
'And remember, if anything happens - call me. You've been in this house so many times, so you know where everything is. But if you're unsure or Olivia does something, call me okay?', you said, raising a brow.
'Hey! Don't use your 'I'm your boss' voice!', she said, putting finger in front of your face, which made you laugh.
'That's actually my 'mom' voice.', you shook your head.
‘Doesn’t matter. Just go before you’re late.’, she said, pushing you out of the room. ‘Remember it’s really bad to be late for a date, but it’s just awful to be late on a date with FBI agent.’
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Aaron was sitting in one of three restaurants, that bureau offered to cover the expenses in. He told Penelope and Emily many times to pick the table somewhere in the corner, where he and the person who was a match to him wouldn’t be in a center of attention. It was a really long time since he went on a actual date or even out with someone, that’s not on his team. For a really long time he hated this whole idea. But the one night he was sitting in his flat with a glass of whiskey and thought, that maybe, but just maybe, it’s a good idea. That maybe Emily was right?
‘I’m really sorry, I’m late.’, female voice took Aaron out of his thoughts. He looked up, expected to see someone familiar, but that wasn’t the case. He thought, that maybe it would be someone that he knew. It definitely would be easier, than starting from zero.
But even if Aaron didn’t know personally the person he’s meeting, maybe he could just recognize the face? Place it with unit, that they’re working in or at least department. But as you appeared it didn’t ring any bell. Aaron furrowed his eyebrows, which made you immediately confused and started looking around. 
‘You’re from FBI, correct?’, you asked, pointing at him and then at the back, getting more and more nervous. ‘The woman in front told me to go to table number eight. And that’s it, but maybe I said something wrong and she didn’t understand-’
‘I am.’, Aaron said immediately, standing up from his seat. ‘I was just expecting someone-’
‘Different?’, you asked, smiling a bit.
‘No, no!’, he answered right away with his hands in front, like he was trying to stop you from something. ‘Someone, that I know.’, he ended, explaining. 
‘Oh, of course.’, you nodded. ‘I’m Y/N Y/L/N.’, you extended your hand with greeting, after what seemed like liftime in silence.
‘Aaron Hotchner.’, he answered, shaking your hand gently. Then he motioned to the table. You just nodded as both of you sat down. ‘Which department are you from? Sorry to be put it so bluntly, I just don’t think I’ve ever met you in the bureau.’
‘CAC.’, you answered, looking up from the menu. ‘I came here from New York few months ago. Got offered Unit Chief position, better salary - guess didn’t have to think through it twice.’, you shrugged.
‘That explains a lot.’, Aaron said with small nods. You just raised a brown, silently asking the same thing he did few seconds ago. ‘I’m from BAU.’
‘Oh ‘The Dream’ unit.’, you said. The statement made Aaron very much confused. ‘When I arrived in Quantico, there were actually quite a lot of changes and I had to hire new agent to my team. And about half of them started the interview with  ‘well my dream is to be in BAU, but this unit could be a good start’.’, you explained.
‘I’m sorry.’
‘It’s not your fault. More of a complement. It’s very rare, that most of agents, that want to work in a field also want to work in your team. And I’ve also heard only good stuff about BAU.’, you said, trying to keep the conversation light. 
In fact this was the last time your conversation went to the topic of work. As soon as some of the comments, that either one made, were about work, you immediately would change the topic. You promised yourself, and Angela of course, that today won’t be about work. It’ll be about having fun and going out with not-so-stranger. 
Aaron saw the effort that you made and he actually really liked it. No work, no phones, no cases, no murders. Just the two of you, great food and wine, that he didn’t even drink yet. He didn’t expect it but he was actually having a good time. So this one time he would answer his previous question: Emily Prentiss was, in fact, right.
‘Excuse me for a second.’, you said, hearing vibrations of your phone from the bad. Aaron just nodded, understanding as you opened bag and looked for phone. When it was found, you immediately opened it and panicked right away.
3 missed calls
2 unread messages
9:39 I know I was supposed to call only when there’s an emergency, but I think it is. 
10:21 We’re going to ER.
‘Everything’s okay?’, Aaron asked, observing very closely your reactions. 
‘I-I have to go.’, you said stuttering. You picked your bag and coat, wanting to leave as fast as you can. ‘I’m really sorry.’
‘What happened?’, he stood up quickly. He grabbed you by the arm, stopping from leaving the room.
'My daughter is in a hospital. And my friend, that's babysitting her won't tell me what happened.', right away the worst scenarios came to your head. What's could actually happen, that the two of them had to go to the emergency room? Did she broke a bone? Or just hit herself and needed few stitches? Or maybe she fell down the stairs and is unconscious? The questions, that were driving you crazy.
'Let's go.', Aaron just nodded and took you out of the restaurant, after paying for the whole meal.
'Wait, no. I can't ask you to come with me. I've already ruined your evening.', you shook your head as Aaron was taking you to his car.
'Don't worry about it. We can do it on a different day.', he waved you off, getting into his car. The comment caught you off guard a little. And you didn't even realize, that you were still standing on the streets until Aaron knocked on the window, getting your attention.
'Sorry.', you whispered, getting inside. He just started the engine and drove as fast as he could to the hospital that Angela land Olivia were at. 'Wait. Different day? We'll meet on a different day?', you asked, thinking about the whole conversation from few minutes ago. He laughed at how at first you didn't realize what he meant.
'If you want of course.', Aaron explained, getting slow nod from you. It was still funny for him how long it took you to get through it all. 'Look, I'm not a parent, but I can just assume, that your daughter comes first for you.'
'True.', you agreed.
'So, I could make huge scene about how you literally stormed out of our date.', he continued to explain his thoughts. 'Or just understand where you come from and help you.'
'Thank you.', you said, looking at him for the first time since you walked inside the car.
'No problem.', he said with a smile.
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If it wasn’t for Aaron, you would probably be panicked, running around the hospital. Well, you still were panicked and scared of what exactly happened, but he made you a bit calmer. Told you to step back and he was asking all questions of where to go and what happened.
After twenty minutes the two of you ended up of third floor. Your heart was beating so fast, searching for either Angela or Olivia, but you couldn’t see them anywhere.
‘Y/N, you have to calm down. It won’t help-’, Aaron started, grabbing your arm. You stopped, but didn’t look at him, only scanning the room. And then you saw it. Familiar dark hair and the handbag you bought her for Christmas. 
‘Angela!’, you called her name, bringing the attention. Woman turned around and let out deep breath, being visibly relieved.
‘Oh my God!. You’re finally here. I didn’t know how long I could keep her attention. She was constantly asking for you.’, Angela said. Then she looked behind you, seeing Aaron running after you. ‘Sorry for ruining the night.’, she whispered. 
‘It’s okay.’, you shook your head. ‘What even happened? I leave you for few hours and you end up in hospital.’
‘We just were having fun.’, she explained and you just raised a brow. ‘Okay, we were playing tag. And then Olivia got tired, so we sat down on your bed. Then obviously she wasn’t tired anymore and started jumping up and down on your bed. And she asked me to join her, so I did. And then it broke.’, she started talking very fast and chaotic.
‘You broke my bed?’, you asked as if that was the only thing you could make out of whatever she said. 
‘But I didn’t mean it. I tried really hard.’
‘And where’s Olivia now?’, you asked, trying not to get angry.
‘They took her to a cat scan. Doctor said, that her arm is probably broken.’, Angela explained, seeing you get more and more annoyed. ‘Anyway, nurses asked for legal guardian or parent, so I’m gonna go and tell her, that you’re here.’
You nodded and let her go. Your eyes were closed and head hanged down for few seconds. Were you angry? Yes. Were you annoyed? Yes. But your daughter was fine. She was alive and even though having a toddler with broken arm won’t be fun thing, you’d take it. 
‘Again I’m sorry.’, you turned around to Aaron. He was still standing behind you, just watching the whole situation. ‘I won’t hold you up anymore, you can go. Thank you for everything.’
‘It’s not a problem for me to stay. If you-’, he said, coming closer to you.
‘You’ve done a lot for me today. Beside we have work tomorrow. So let it just be one of us who’s gonna stay up all night.’, you cut him. Aaron just nodded, understanding everything.
‘So, until next time?’, he asked, slowly taking few steps back.
‘That would be amazing.’, you answered. But then realized something. ‘Hey, but I don’t have-’, you started and put hands in coat pockets. Then felt something in one of them. You took it out and made on ‘oh’ sound as you read: Aaron Hotchner, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Behavioral Analysis Unit with phone number. You looked up to look at him one last time. Aaron just shot you a huge small and waved before turning around and going to the elevators. 
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jpegjade · 5 years ago
Broken Glasses - Spencer
explination: yes, you’ve seen this idea before. i posted it like 2 weeks or so ago. i didn’t know where to go with it so i called on you guys. genius anon gave me some guidelines and i went with it, coming up with some ideas along the way. so this one is for you, anon. there were some things i added but we’ve got you to thank, really. 
warnings: none. it’s fluff
You can blame the unsub for your current predicament. You could blame yourself for your current situation. But in all honesty? You could blame Spencer for the current issue. And that’s exactly what you chose to do.
“Step in 3, 2, 1, now.” Spencer said, guiding you down the stairs in your apartment complex. 
Your arm wrapped around his, as if you were going to a fancy night out in the 50’s, you were slowly and steadily trying to make it to the Lyft so the two of you could get to work on time. 
“Spencer, I can see it.” You said. 
“No, you can’t, which is why I’m here.” Spencer said through a blurry smirk. 
Everything was horribly blurry since you broke your glasses in a scuffle with the last unsub. You didn’t know where your back-up pair of glasses were so you were stuck not being able to see anything clearly unless you shoved it close enough to your face that your nose was touching it. Even then, things weren’t clear enough to make use of anything. 
Immediately after Spencer realized that you needed help moving around, he came to your aid. He treated you with such kindness and a gentle touch that you didn’t mind having your best friend around. He knew your schedule best since his schedule was basically the same thing. He had been sleeping over at your house for the past 3 days, which almost reminded you of being a kid again. 
“I have your badge. I’ll scan it.” Spencer said as the two of you entered the building. 
“Spencer, you know you’re doing the absolute most, right?” You sighed, stepping into the elevator. 
“I am not doing the most. I feel like I could be doing more for you.” Spencer said, pressing the button in the elevator. 
He removed his arm from the current position, your arm wrapped around his, and you began to feel sad about it until you noticed him slipping his hand in yours. You tried to keep a smile from your face but it was a struggle. 
The problem was you had the biggest crush on Spencer. He was everything you wanted in a guy and he treated you with the highest level of kindness and respect but then again, everyone else got the same treatment. He was just that kind of person. Maybe this was just Spencer being a friend. Did friends hold hands? 
“Y/N?” Spencer said, sitting across the aisle from you at his desk. 
“Hmm?” You turned your head towards Spencer, squinting but that didn’t make it any better. 
You were completely zoned out, thinking about your best friend. It wasn’t like you could see anything anyway so you might as well just think while you sat at your desk working on cases. Being inside your head like that was quite common but at least you could see things when you decided to zone out. 
“You were staring off into space. Do you need help with your file? I should help you with your file.” Spencer said, rolling himself over to your desk. 
“Spencer you have your own case files.” You protested as he struggled to scoot into a comfortable position at your desk. 
“It will only take me about an hour to go through them.” Spencer said as he opened the first folder on the top of your stack, quickly reading over everything. 
“You don't have to do this, Spence.” You said, grateful for his help. 
“Okay then tell me what this says.” Spencer was trying to prove a point. 
Everything on the page semi blended together into one continuous blur. You were grateful that you didn’t have to see the gruesome crime scene photos from the case but you wished that Spencer’s point was wrong. He was smug for a while whenever he was right about something. 
“Fine, you can help.” You said, crossing your arms. “But you can only read to me. You can’t solve anything for me unless I ask for a consult.” 
“Deal.” Spencer said. You just knew he was smiling. 
3 hours and one case later, you were beyond tired. You haven’t been getting a lot of sleep lately although you’ve never felt safer in your apartment. 
“You need coffee?” You asked Spencer, who was about to read the next line of the case file. 
“Sure. I’ll get it for you.” Spencer shot up and the same time you got on your feet, sending the case file toppling to the ground. 
“I got it, Spence.” You said, smiling at his blunder. 
Walking to the kitchen area, you almost tripped on Morgan’s foot, practically ran into Garcia because you couldn’t really see if she was walking towards you or around you, and you couldn’t tell how far away the coffee brewer was so you looked like an idiot while you waved your arm around the counter. 
“You okay there?” Rossi came by, grabbing a food box from the newly cleaned fridge. 
“I’m fine. I got this.” You squinted harder. Had it not been for his voice, you would’ve definitely not been able to tell who that was. 
You had to stretch to get a cup from the cabinet because whoever washed them put your halloween themed cup somewhere you can’t reach. You knew it was yours by the colors. Garcia’s cups were much more vibrant and magical, in a way. 
Standing on the very tips of your toes, leaning against the counter for support, you were almost there. Just a little bit more and…
“I got it.” Spencer said, coming up behind you. 
He didn’t want you to fall off balance so he slipped his arm around your waist and kept it there for a while. The butterflies you felt in your stomach were incredible. His touch was so soft yet firm and you easily imagined his hips holding you in place in other situations, which you would later, but right now you crossed your arms and angry squinted at Spencer. 
“I could’ve gotten it on my own.” You said, pouting. 
“If you looked at the probability that you would get the cup, it was low. The probability that you would break another cup in the process was excessively high so I did what made the most sense, statistically.” Spencer looked blankly at you, which didn’t matter because you couldn’t really make out his expression anyway. 
“Okay, nerd.” You said, taking the cup from him. 
You ghosted your hand around the counter before you felt Spencer put the coffee brewer in your hand. You let out a small huff before trying to navigate a way to pour coffee without Spencer’s help. You almost got it when you felt his hand around your hand, holding the barrel of the mug, while you poured coffee into it. His hand was so soft and warm and you couldn’t believe it was wrapped around yours again. 
“Y/n, I think that’s enough.” Spencer chuckled. 
You didn’t even notice that your coffee cup was about to spill over. You sighed and shakily put the coffee brewer back on the base. It was a hard process but you did it while Spencer whispered whether you were hot or cold in your ear. 
“Reid. Y/l/n. We’ve got a case.” Emily said, walking past the two of you. 
You gently carried your cup of coffee to the bullpen, Spencer holding your hand the whole way. You didn’t even notice until Spencer pushed open the door and everyone’s talking ceased. Garcia was beaming at the two of you while you separated, taking seats next to each other at the table. JJ’s normal seat to your left was open so Spencer slid in, dropping your hand. You missed the soft, warm feeling of his hand in yours. It was a special feeling that you didn’t know you needed so much.  
“You’ve got me next to you, Prentiss to your right, Morgan to her right, Hotch walking through the door, and Garcia standing right in front of the screen, and JJ standing next to her.” Spencer said, pointing out everyone who was in the room. 
“Spencer if you don’t cut it out and quit babying me, I will shove this coffee cup up your-” 
“Y/L/N.” Hotch said, sitting down. “Garcia, the case?” 
“Today, my sweet children, is another grizzly case and not the cute bear kind.” Garcia said, turning towards the screen and clicking the button on the remote extra hard because it got stuck sometimes. This was one of those times, causing a weird silence as she tried to figure it out for a moment. 
You sipped your coffee, eyes darting between Spencer and the screen. You weren’t a fan of the images so you typically tried to spend as little time as possible looking at crime scene photos and more time reading the reports. The reports detailed everything for you so you didn’t have to look at the images all the time. The only problem was you couldn’t see anything in the file but that was fine because you didn’t have to see detailed images of the murders.  
Going around the table, everyone said their thoughts about the case, you being the last person to chime in about how it might be a woman before Hotch called wheels up in an hour. Not sure why it was so long but you were thankful because you needed to talk to Spencer before take off. 
Quickly, everyone filed out of the room to get their bags and you grabbed Spencer’s hand this time. 
“Spencer.” You said, watching his body turn to you. From what you could see, his body language was different. Not as open as before. 
“You don’t want to be babied, I get it. I hate when the team treats me like a baby too. So I won’t do that.” Spencer said, letting go of your hand. 
“No, I was going to apologize. I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier. I was just a bit frustrated. I do need the help, especially since we’re going into the field and my new glasses won’t be ready until we get back, basically.” You said. 
“Right.” Spencer said. 
“Do you think you could read the case file to me again? I want to be up to date before you guide me to the jet.” You grinned sheepishly. 
“I thought you wouldn’t ask.” Spencer said, happy to be able to help.
265 notes · View notes
yourmidnightlover · 4 years ago
three, four squeezes
Summary- spencer finds watches you take what he thought was your last breath. turns out they weren't, but you're now in a coma. 
TW: coma, fem!reader, spencer pining, angst/fluff ig?, blood, gunshot
WC- 5,681
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spencer couldn't stop fiddling between as he rode with you in the back of the ambulance.
the guilt he felt as he realized that everything was his doing, his fault. if he wouldn't have froze and if he would've told you how he felt neither of you would be in this position.
the regret he had of never telling you how he felt. he never got to hold you as more than best friends and kiss you like he's wanted to so, so, so many times.
the pain of seeing you in so much pain. and the fear that worsened when you accepted the fact that you would die in his arms
the fear that the last time he held you was when you confessed your darkest secret to him. you never got to hear him tell you how much he truly loved you.
he took your much smaller hand in both of his and pressed it close to his chest, right on top of his heart as if he was trying to tell you what his heart had tried to make him.
he froze.
he shouldn't have froze.
he should've held you and told you how much he loved you. how much he wanted you. how much he's always wanted you.
he should've kissed you and never let you out of his sight. because maybe, just maybe, if he hadn't let you go then you would have never gotten hurt.
he was the reason you were dying.
he was lost in thought when the holter monitor held a steady, long beep. you had flatlined.
you felt the warmth radiating over your skin as you shifted in your position to sit up. you took in your surroundings.
you were in an endless pasture, filled with tall grass that would reach your knees if you had stood up. the sky was perfect, clear, baby blue color that you haven't seen in a while. you were laying on a red blanket with a picnic basket by your side.
the smell of fresh flowers and fresh grass filled your nose. the calming scent bringing you the peace that radiated around you as you observed further into this place.
you had on a flowy, pastel purple sun dress and a pair of white flats on. you turned your head to the side, only to notice you weren't alone.
"spencer!" you cheered excitedly as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into your touch. "you're here," you breathed out.
"i am here," you felt the vibrations of his chuckle. "but you shouldn't be here."
you pulled back and looked at him confused. "wh-why not?"
"because," he pushed a strand of hair out of your face as he gazed into your eyes. "you need to go back, sweetheart."
a rush of memories flooded your brain.
you confessed your past, your regret, your love.
he didn't love you back.
you were shot.
"i... i don't want to go back," you admitted with furrowed brows. "i want to stay here. with you."
he looked at you with what seemed to be pity. he scooted closer to you and wrapped his arm around you to pull you closer to his body.
"you can be with me back there. you know that," he said as he rested his chin on the top of your head.
"no, i won't. not-" you took a deep breath, "not like this."
"but this isn't even real. i'm just a figment of your imagination. you're disassociating with your body, and i'm your safe place," he said nonchalantly, as if hearing that didn't break your heart even more.
"but i want to be with you, spence. i've ruined everything out there. you don't want me," you spilled, letting a tear slip past your eye and down your cheek.
"i will always want you, y/n. always," he assured you as he pressed a kiss to your hairline.
"how do you know?" you looked up at him with pleading eyes.
"because i'm a genius. remember, sweetheart?" he chuckled.
"promise me?" you said as you turned around and held his hand, squeezing it in anticipation.
"i promise. go back, y/n. you need to go back." he repeated.
"not yet. just a little longer with you, please. just a little longer with you," you pleaded.
spencer had to let go of your hand so the doctors could get the defibrillator. he began shaking before he told himself to be strong. he had to be strong for you.
"please don't leave me..." he prayed for the first time in a while to a god he wasn't even sure he believed in. "don't die on me."
one of the paramedics ripped your shirt open so they could begin to start the chest compressions. spencer hated seeing you so helpless, lifeless, hopeless.
"charge to 260!" one of the doctors yelled before yelling clear and connecting it to your skin.
"charge to 350!" she pressed it to your chest and abdomen one more time.
suddenly the monitor began beeping steadily again. you were alive. not okay, but you were breathing.
you had a heartbeat again.
you weren't leaving him yet.
"oh thank god!" he exclaimed as he watched the paramedics leave your side, allowing him to fill their void. he took hold of your hand once again and pressed his lips to it as he watched the paramedic on the other side of you monitoring everything going on with your status.
"thank you, y/n. thank you so much," he placed another kiss on your knuckles as he used his to wipe his tears away.
when you had made it to the hospital he decided to finally call morgan and garcia. he would let them know what happened, minus the whole love confession part, and ask them to alert the rest of the team.
morgan replied in asking if she was okay, and asked for the details later when he got there. garcia was just rushing to get out of her apartment and to the hospital to check on her 'little cherry blossom.'
garcia got there first no doubt breaking a few speed limits in the process, but he didn't mind because now he wouldn't be alone with his own mind. she engulfed spencer in her arms and let him sob it out as she did the same. she didn't ask what happened, she knew he would tell her when he was ready.
morgan took a bit longer, surprisingly. although, in his defense, he did live on the other side of town. upon arrival, he just placed a firm hand on spencer's shoulder and sat beside him in a seat, silently providing his own comfort.
jj was next to arrive. she was already in tears when garcia had called her to make her aware of the news. she gave spencer a tight hug before sitting beside garcia.
when emily got there she raced to jj to ask if they had any information yet, they didn't. she checked on spencer, making sure he wasn't losing his mind completely. she finally settled down and sat beside jj, placing a comforting hand on top of hers.
rossi and hotch arrived at the same time, they were both working late, finishing a few extra case files. they went around comforting the rest of the team, and made sure to pay extra attention to spencer.
everyone knew how close the two of you were. you were like bonnie and clyde, but rather you both solved crime instead of ensuing it. and they knew how much it pained him to see her in pain. even on cases when she would get wounded, spencer would pay the utmost care and attention to you.
spencer didn't say a word. he didn't say what happened. nobody asked. they sat in silence, with almost constant tears from the fear of losing you, waiting for answers to how you were doing.
after a few more hours, jj decided to ask the doctor yet again on any updates on your condition. she quietly got up after letting go of emily's hand and walked over to the front desk.
"ma'am," jj asked the receptionist, "is there any update on y/n y/l/n and her surgery. it's been a few hours now and we're getting wo-"
"y/n y/l/n?" a doctor came into the waiting room holding a clipboard, waiting for someone to claim her company.
spencer jumped up from his seat when he heard her name. everyone had refrained from using in fear of striking something in spencer. they didn't want to upset him more than he already was, so they just kept their mouths shut.
"yes?" he excitedly asked, feeling the sweat in his hands and the exhaustion overwhelming his body.
"she's out of surgery now. she's in a stable condition, but there's some bad news," the doctor grimaced as the others waited expectantly for the rest of the news. "she had a prolonged period of time without oxygen to her brain, she's now in a coma. we aren't sure when she'll wake up," the doctor finally spewed out. "you can go visit her now. maybe one at a time so she can decipher who's who. she can hear what you say, so make it positive and encouraging," he concluded.
spencer looked back at the team, waiting for them to signal that he could go visit her before following the doctor to your room.
spencer walked inside and saw you lying there, lifeless while barely alive. and it was all his fault. you told him it wasn't his fault. in what you thought were your last moments, you wanted him to be at ease. while you were bleeding out from his stupidity, you still claimed your love that he never told you he returned.
and for that he would never forgive himself.
oh, what he would give to hear your laugh again. to see your smile, feel your touch, smell your hair once more. he wanted you back.
so he did the only thing he could do. he sat by your side and grabbed your hand for the millionth time and held it to his cheek, trying to feel your warmth.
"hi, y/n," he started off, deciding to give this whole 'encouragement' thing a try. "there are a lot of studies on whether or not someone can hear whilst their in a coma, but i'm going to try it anyway," he tool a deep breath.
"you're the strongest woman i know, and i meant it when i told you that earlier tonight. i know that you can get through this. i want you to know that i'll be here for you every step of the way. i promise. i-i'll take off every day until you wake up. i have to take a sabbatical anyway, so i can just ask them if i can take it early. if i can't then i'll make garcia come here every single day and i'll call her so you can hear my voice," the tears filled his eyes once again.
"i-i need you here with me, y/n. please," he begged for what felt like the millionth time that night.
"spence," jj called from the doorway. "would you mind if we all talked to her for a minute? then you can come back? i need to get back to my boys now that i know she's going to be okay," she said with a bit of guilt at the thought of her being able to go home.
home to her husband and children.
y/n has always wanted children. she'd be such an amazing wife, and an even better mother. spencer wanted the chance to witness her being a mother first hand, and maybe even being the mother to his own children.
he wanted to give her everything she's ever wanted. he wanted to stay with her until he was forced to have to leave.
truth be told, the day you walked into the bau, you changed his life forever and he didn't even know it. he thought it was just going to be another temporary fill in, until you performed so well at your job that the bau just had to hire you permanently.
you're so amazing at everything you do. everything you've ever done. you always push yourself to be and do your best, something spencer has grown to love and admire you for.
so he just hopes you have a reason to fight. a reason to fight for your life, to fight for him. he hopes that you have hope.
"yea, of course," he pressed his lips to your knuckles one more time before leaving the room, hugging jj on the way out.
garcia was right outside the door, waiting for spencer to come out so she could give him a hug. she wrapped her arms around his torso as his went around her shoulders.
"she's strong, spencer. she'll get through this," garcia tried to comfort him.
"you should've heard her. she-she sounded like she was ready to give up hen she was lying there, bleeding out on the ground," spencer pulled back to look at garcia. "i can't lose her. n-not now."
"you won't lose her," she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder before he nodded to her and walked back into the waiting room, being met by emily's own embrace.
"i'm not gonna tell you how strong she is, because i think we all know that by now. but you can talk to me, reid. that's what you have to know. you can talk to any of us," she consoled before pulling back, her hands still gripping his shoulders tightly.
"sh-she told me she was in love with me," he said out loud for the first time.
"what?" emily's eyes widened at the realization before she pulled his hand to go into an empty room. "explain, please?"
"she told me she was in love with me," he repeated. "and i froze," he sighed.
"you froze? what do you mean? i thought you loved her too?" she pondered, a confused look clouding her face.
"how'd you know that? and yea, i do love her. i love her so much it hurts," he looked down at his feet. "i didn't say it back because i couldn't believe it was happening. i-i mean have you seen her? she's the definition of perfect and she said she loves me."
"oh, spencer," she said before giving him another hug, allowing him to break down in her arms.
"she walked out after that," he grimaced. "when i started walking back to my place that's when i heard the gunshot and called the ambulance. then i noticed it was her and i broke. it's my fault she was out there. if i would've told her how i felt she would've been in my arms and safe. instead, she's in a coma because i was too confused to say anything," he vented.
"it's not your fault, reid. you have to know that," she said before pulling back. "it's the guy who shot her's fault. not yours. you didn't pull the trigger."
"i might as well have. she doesn't know how i'm in love with her," spencer whined, feeling more hopeless than he did when he was kidnapped and drugged.
because at least then, he knew the team would be coming for him.
but he didn't know if you ever wanted to come back.
when you were lying there, dying, it was like you were saying goodbye as he held you in his lap. his hands, pants, and even shirt were covered in your blood.
he hadn't even noticed. he didn't care to notice. you were the only thing on his mind. everyone else knew he wouldn't leave without knowing your condition, so they didn't bother telling him to go clean up. emily noticed him eyeing his own appearance.
"go change. i'll call you if we have any updates. relax, please. she's not going to leave you," emily said before shooing him away to clean up.
spencer went to his place to change quickly and take a shower after morgan gave him his hoodie to wear on the drive there. meanwhile, emily walked out into the waiting room and took notice of morgan in his own worry.
"she'll fight. we know she will," emily confirmed as she walked to sit beside him.
"i know she will, but i'm also worried about the kid," morgan moved his head out of his hands as he looked at emily. "he told me how he was in love with her. and i'm willing to bet this has something to do with that. he's been through so much, he doesn't deserve to lose another person in his life."
"i know, you're right. he doesn't deserve this, nobody does, but he especially doesn't deserve this," emily said as she put her hand over his back, rubbing it soothingly.
"i'm gonna see if i can have my turn talking to y/n," he stood up and walked to your room, taking notice of jj still inside and penelope waiting patiently.
he wrapped his arms around garcia and let her cry as jj finished up inside before exiting and saying her goodbyes to everyone, allowing penelope to have her turn to talk with you.
showering helped spencer more than he thought it would. being covered in your blood was more frightening than he thought, so seeing his own skin on his hands was much easier for him.
he drove himself back to the hospital, wanting to avoid more prying eyes of cab drivers taking notice of his obvious grief and panic.
when he walked inside, hotch was inside your room with rossi, despite the 'one-person-at-a-time' rule. he knocked on the outside of the doorframe, alerting the two of his presence.
"kid. hey," rossi came up to greet him, giving him a quick hug before hotch did the same.
"reid, we know how close you two are, so just know that she's probably fighting to get back to you, the rest of us too, but especially you," hotch declared with a pity grin.
"i hope you're right," he glanced back in the room to look at you. "i really hope you're right."
spencer walked back into your room after the two older men left. he scooted the chair closer to your bed and held your hand. he crossed his arms on top of your bed, your hand still in his, and laid his head down on his arms.
he waited.
and waited.
and waited.
there was no progress.
he wanted you to come back to him. he wanted to feel your touch again and hear your laugh. he wanted to tell you how he felt. he just wanted you.
he was able to work at home on the few cases they received, and took his paperwork to your hospital room when he wasn't able to finish it as quickly as normal.
as the weeks went by, his hope began to dwindle, but his determination only grew. he was determined to be able to tell you how much he loved you while you were awake, so he refrained from spilling his guts while you were still unconscious.
he would read you books. your favorite books. the books you would ask him to read to you when you were feeling sad and wanted to hear his voice to calm you down.
he played your favorite songs. the songs you and him listened to on the way to work or to museums he would beg you to go to with him.
he even played chess with you. granted, he was more so playing himself acting as you. he would try to play whatever moves he felt you would play against him.
he cried with you. he cried for you to come back to him. he cried that you never stop fighting. he cried that he would get at least one more time to talk to you.
but one day the doctors noticed that you were able to breath on your own. they were able to take the tube out of your mouth and throat and nose. that was his hope. your strength was his hope.
he sped to the hospital that day, wanting to see you as soon as he could. it had been three weeks since the shooting, and he desperately needed the sight of your chest moving up and down voluntarily, a sign of your own breath breathing life into your body.
emily just nodded her head at him to go when he stormed into her office, she had received the same call seconds earlier.
when he came into your room, he as already in tears at the new progress. he brushed your hair out of your face and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"keep fighting, y/n/n. you're so close to coming back to me, to us, to the team. please keep going," he begged as he sat down by your side. "i got the call about you being able to breath on your own, and i ran into emily's office. she didn't even need to say anything, she knew it was you," he smiled momentarily.
"i can't wait to be able to hug you again, and feel your warmth again. i uhm, i never told you this, but we've kissed," he smiled at the memory. "it was that night you were drunk and told me about your parents. you had kissed me after i told you how beautiful and amazing you were, and how wrong your parents were. i kissed you back, too," he gently bit his lip at the confession. "i-i didn't tell you because... i shouldn't have kissed you back. god, i've always wanted to kiss you, but not when you were drunk and vulnerable. i felt like i took advantage of you, and i hated that i did that to you. so, i never told you," he frowned at the hidden secret.
"but please, please, please come back to me. please let me kiss you for real this time. let me tell you how i feel, and hold you forever and ever. please just don't leave me. i won't be able to take that, y/n. i know how selfish that is, but i can't live without you. these past few weeks without hearing your voice has been hell," he frowned.
he had called your phone every day since the shooting just to hear your voice on the voicemail. those 29 words have been one of the things he's loved listening to when he woke up. he'd never admit it, but you'd realize it once you checked your phone.
another thing he loved doing was look through his videos of you. in one particular video, maybe even his favorite, you had taken his phone and began recording him on it.
you knew he hated his own appearance, although you'd never understand why, so you secretly took his phone and began recording him.
"hey spence! can you come here?" you called as you were in the living room, waiting for him to bring you your chicken tandoori.
"yup! i'm coming!" he came racing out with the two boxes of takeout, giving you one as he sat on the couch. he didn't even notice the phone with how you placed it in your hands.
"thanks handsome," you teased, although you meant every word you said. his face automatically blushed at the compliment, but he rolled his eyes nonetheless.
"oh, shut it," he said before stuffing a piece of chicken in his mouth. you giggled at his reaction, his favorite sound in the world.
"never. i don't know why you think you aren't attractive. you're so beautiful, spence, i'm surprised you don't already have a special someone," you nudged him with your elbow, the phone now being rested against your thigh to get a perfect view of him. you could see the smile he tried to hide by biting his lip gently.
"but i guess that does mean i get to spend more time with you, so i won't object," you laughed out before finally taking a bite of the food.
spencer noticed the phone on your thigh after you took a bite, his eyes widening at what he realized you were doing.
"y/n! why were you recording me?!" he exclaimed, trying to grab the phone and succeeding. he turned the camera on to you as you began laughing loudly at his reaction. "what do you have to say for yourself, ma'am?" he questioned.
your smile was brighter than ever, your face red from all the laughing. you were wearing one of spencer's sweaters, your favorite one. you had taken a couple because 'they're cozier' than yours. you put your hands up in surrender.
"i guess you caught me, hot stuff," you laughed before he placed the phone down and began his tickle attack on you. "ahhh! spencerrrr! please!" you laughed out. "i surrender!" tears of laughter were streaming down your face.
"fine. i think you've paid your penance," he joked before grabbing the phone and turning the camera on only you once again, you blushing from the action. "y'know you're really beautiful, right?" you smiled widely at his confession, sensing the sincerity in his voice.
"thank you, spencer. so are you, truly beautiful," you smiled even wider before he finally turned the camera off.
he remembers that day like it was yesterday. he'd like to claim it was because of his eidetic memory, but it was also because of you.
you had gotten the weekend off and decided to spend it together, once again. you had stayed the night with him all weekend, you insisted on sleeping on the couch to which he objected, forcing you to take the bed with him.
you had woken up cuddled in each others arms, facing each other like you had been hugging the whole night. spencer felt the most content he had ever felt in that moment, never wanting to let you go or wake you, so he waited for you to wake up.
that was the best weekend he's had in a while. you two acted as if you were in a relationship, domestic. it was delightful.
there was another picture the two of you had taken after a rather successful case.
all the missing children were found safe, a rare occurrence, so you had gone out to a bar to celebrate. it was mostly emily, morgan, and garcia's doing, so you had all eventually agreed once you figured out they wouldn't back down.
you had known how spencer was at bars, he was sometimes rather uncomfortable with all of the people. it made him anxious and a bit intimidated. so after you had all met up at the bar and you noticed how nervous he was, you intertwined your arms and took his hand in yours.
"my mom used to do this thing when i was anxious or nervous to calm me down," you whispered, wrapping your other arm around his one as you squeezed his hand three times. "it's supposed to be our way of assuring the other. a way of saying i'm here," you explained before he squeezed four times in return, your brows furrowed. "what does that mean?"
"i-it could mean i'm glad you're here," he grinned as he noticed the smile that erupted on your face from his kind words.
and you didn't let go all night.
"please come back to me, i know you can. you're so strong, please just come back to me," spencer wailed. he felt your hand squeezing his as he held it, making his encouragement the entire reason you came back to him.
"spence, you're making a mess," you giggled, wiping the corner of his lip free of the chocolate you two were eating, still in that heavenly place.
"i'm sorry! it just tastes really good," he smiled back as he watched you lick the chocolate from your thumb.
"mm, you're right. it does taste really good," you nodded your head. "so i'm taking all of them!" you grabbed the box full of chocolate and began running. looking back to see spencer chasing after you, you bursted into a fit of laughter.
the tall grass tickled your legs slightly, the breeze lifting your dress a tiny bit as you continued to jog ahead of him, teasing him with your laughter. he finally caught up with you, taking you down with him as you both giggled.
“you got me, dork,” you laughed, pushing his shoulder lightly. 
“of course i do! did you expect anything less?” he said arrogantly, you rolled your eyes. 
“never from you, doctor,” you teased as he pulled you in closer to him, you nuzzled your face into his neck as he admired the view around him. suddenly he stood up, the chocolate box in hand, and began running. 
“you little tease!” you shouted before getting up to chase him as he did you previously. “spencer reid, you’re so gonna get it!” you laughed out
"don’t leave me," he turned around to face you and called out, suddenly you felt a pang in your stomach where you had been stabbed.
you made eye contact with him, a look of shock and horror on your face as you tried to figure out what was wrong before you collapsed to the ground.
"sp-spencer? what's happening?" you asked as he pulled you into his lap.
"it's been two weeks y/n, i-i miss you." he began. "i know you're right here with me, but i miss your voice. and your laugh-"
"spencer i'm right here. i was just laughing with you," you tried to interrupt his monologue.
"and i miss the way your hair would crowd my face as we slept and how it would make me wake up. i miss hugging you and-"
"spencer please, i'm here," you cried, squeezing his hand as hard as you could to signify your presence.
"please come back to me, i know you can. you're so strong, please just come back to me."
"y/n! can you hear me?!" he exclaimed, you squeezed his hand once more, a little tighter than the last time. "oh my god! oh thank you so much, y/n," he cried as he kissed your knuckles once more, your fingers twitching in the process.
"doctor. we need the doctor!" he said as he pressed the nurse's button. "she's squeezing my hand. her fingers started twitching!" he said excitedly as the nurse entered, exiting to get the doctor.
you squeezed his hands three times, him returning with four times. you understood what he meant. his eyes were trained on your face and he saw as your lips twitched upwards in a smile.
the doctor came in to perform a few tests and forced him to release your hand. he asked you to squeeze his hand once more, you followed suit. the doctor noticed your nose twitching and neck beginning to turn.
"she's gaining control over her body again. this was predicted once we found out she could breath on her own, we just didn't think it'd happen this quickly. a recovery this soon after removing the tube is almost unprecedented," he said in awe of your strength.
"she's the strongest person i know. it's no surprise that she's recovering this fast," spencer said as he took hold of your hand again.
"indeed. she should regain full control over herself within a few hours or by overnight at this point. go easy on her, she's still recovering from being shot. i also need to observe the bullet hole on her stomach, but you could stay for that if you'd like." spencer nodded as the doctor raised the hospital gown.
there was deep bruising around the bullet hole and a scab over top. your stomach looked smaller than it had the last time he'd seen it, a result from you having to be fed through a tube. you were unbelievably pale, no surprise there either because of the lack of sunlight.
"it's healing nicely, the scab looks healthy and the bruising is getting better. she's a fighter, this one," he smiled at spencer.
"you have absolutely no idea," he said, not breaking his eyes from your beautiful face.
the doctor left swiftly after charting her vitals and giving her a shot of her vitamins. spencer sat back down in the chair and held your hand once again, waiting for you to fully wake up so you could once again be in each others' arms.
later that day, at around 11:50, your entire body began shifting. spencer sat up straight away, trying to held you in any way possible.
"that's it, y/n! come on, you can do it, y/n/n," he cheered you on, smiling so hard he felt his eyes prick with tears. you turned onto your side, towards spencer, and your eyes had began to twitch open.
"sp-spencer?" you questioned once your eyes were fully open.
"yea, yes. it's me. i'm here. i'm right here," he wrapped his arms around you, adjusting his grip after you grimaced from his tight hold. "i'm never leaving. i'm never letting you leave again," he ranted out, placing a hand on the back of your head as you wrapped the arm that didn't have an iv around his body, pushing your head to nuzzle into his neck.
"i'm so sorry. i never should've left you there," you cried into his arms.
"it's okay, y/n. it's not your fault at all," he soothed as his hand started stroking your hair gently. "i'm so glad you came back to me. thank you so much," he sighed as he gently placed a kiss on your head."
"you really think i would go that easily? i thought you knew me better than that, dumbo," you laughed out.
"i'm glad to see you still have that sense of humor in you," spencer scoffed, followed by a bright smile.
"oh that's not going anwhere, spencer. and neither am i."
@averyhotchner  @greenprisca  @muffin-cup​
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jjmaybanksblog · 5 years ago
Magic Touch- JJ Maybank
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(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)
Summary: After JJ finds out a secret you've been keeping for a long time, he's right by your side to help take care of you. 
Word count: 1,822
Warnings: verbal and physical abuse/violence, mentions of blood, cursing.
You tiptoed through your bedroom window, not trying to attract your mother as you packed your bag to spend the week at John B's. Your mother was just like JJ's father, always smuggling or doing drugs, drinking until they're unconscious, or just passed out on the couch for days on end.
Your mother was never supportive of you, you worked everyday and your mother didn't even have a job. She would take her anger out on you everytime she remembered your dad wasn't in the picture. If you said or did something she didn't like, she would verbally and physically tell you how she felt about it.
No one in the Pogue friend group knew about your struggles at home. Every time you showed up with a new cut or bruise, you always managed to find a new excuse on what happened. You figured you would have to tell them at some point, you just didn't know it would have to be so soon.
You snuck around in your room, packing bathing suits and clothes. Bagging some more essentials you would need just in case. Scanning your room, you quietly zipped your bag shut before opening and closing your bedroom door. Turning around you froze in your tracks to see your mother standing there with her arms crossed.
"Are you staying at that Josh B's house?" Her mother slurred, nearly falling over from just standing there. "His name is John B, and yes I am." You stated, your tone firm even though your legs were shaking. You threw your backpack over your shoulders and walked by your mom
"Is that JJ boy going to be there too?" You ignored her question as you kept your focus on the front door. You had your hand on the doorknob before she shouted at you, "he's just gonna use you!"
Your jaw clenched as you bit your tongue. Turning around to face her you felt anger bubbling from the center of your chest. "JJ is not going to 'use' me. You don't even know him so keep his name out of your mouth." You stepped back after you spoke, not knowing just how harsh your tone sounded.
"Your father would be ashamed of you," she started, "you look just like him. And I fucking hate that, you know why? Because he should be here, and not you. Everytime I look at you, you make me wanna scream!" She spat, her voice was laced with venom and pure hatred.
"I wish you were the one who left and not him." You raised your voice back at your mother whose eyes were widened with fury. Before you could even process what happened, your mother grabbed the nearest empty beer bottle and chucked it at you.
You let out a cry of pain as you felt a sharp blow right above your right eyebrow. You stood there in fear as your fingers reached up to touch the area that had been hit. You lowered your hand to see a small drop of blood on your finger. You flicked the drop of blood away as you quickly swung the front door open. The moment you stepped out of the house, you slammed the door shut and just ran as fast as you could to John B's
Tears threatened to spill from your eyes, feeling mentally drained from those 5 minutes near your mother. You were tired, tired of both the physical and emotional pain every time you were in that house. You wanted to get as far away from there as possible. Your wound went numb as the summer breeze hit it. You were too focused on your legs running to focus on the pain.
Finally running up the driveway to John B's house, you stopped at the front door as you bent over to catch your breath. Calming yourself down, you walked inside to find it was empty. You threw your bag onto the couch and headed into the backyard to see your friends fishing. "Hi guys!" You greeted them with a forced smile as you walked up to them.
"Hey Y/N! Wait, what happened?" Kie asked from the spot she was sitting in. You immediately turned back around and headed back into the house, only to be followed by JJ who dropped his fishing rod. You picked up your pace, knowing he was following you to find out what happened. You ran into the bathroom with him close behind you. Closing the bathroom door on him, you took a look at the small gash on your face.
"Y/N, if you don't open this door right now I will break it down, and you know I will." JJ demanded from the other side of the door. You sighed as you slowly opened the door, watching his face drop in horror and sadness as he saw the wound. "Y/N…" he stepped forward, entering the bathroom with you.
He quickly closed the door behind them as you stared at the cut in the mirror once more. A mixture of sadness and anger bubbled in his veins as he took in the sight of your wound, along with the look of sadness on your face. "Let's get you cleaned up, buttercup." JJ said, pushing his feelings away as to not upset you anymore then you already were. 
Before you could protest, he easily picked you up by the waist and sat you down on the sink counter. He stood between your legs, his arm reaching behind your head to grab a washcloth and a bar of soap.
Your eyes watched his hands as he lathered the washcloth with soap and water before carefully rubbing the cut. You flinched at the painful tingling sensation, backing away from his hand for a moment. "I know, I know, I'm sorry." JJ whispered, his heart aching as she held onto his non busy hand. 
"Who did this to you?" He knew the answer since you had explained to him that you had to go home, but he didn't want to believe it. You took a deep breath, your eyes focused on the bathroom floor. "It was your mom, wasn't it?" He whispered after a moment of silence. You flickered your eyes up to meet his, and that's when he knew his assumptions were correct.
"Y/N, princess… How long has this been going on for?" He asked, tucking a piece of loose hair behind your ear. "Pretty much since we moved here. After my dad just left, she always got mad and constantly told me I reminded her of him. How she wants him here instead of me. It started out verbal but then things just kind of… escalated." You opened up, your voice just above a whisper.
"Why didn't you tell us sooner? Why didn't you tell me?" He was hurt that you had known him your entire life, but never told him about it. "I don't want people thinking I'm asking for attention or lying. And I didn't want to be a burden, I mean you guys have your own issues to deal with, I didn't want to add onto it."
He gently held the bottom of your chin in between his thumb and index finger. "Princess, listen to me. You aren't and never will be a burden or any of us, and you never will be. Especially with stuff like this. I mean, I would've let you stay over more often if I knew. I know for a fucking fact John B or Kie would. And Pope will always be there for you, whether a shoulder to cry on or someone who will make you laugh. We're your family, Y/n, we're here for you." JJ couldn't help but feel like a hypocrite for saying these words when he was going through the same things with his father.
"I don't want to talk about it with them right now, especially with John B's dad still possibly out there. I just want us to focus on him." You bit down on your bottom lip, trying to control your shaky breath.
You had always been a tough girl in JJ's eyes. You could take a joke, you weren't afraid to fight your own battles, you knew how to stand up for yourself and your friends. It broke his heart to see you so beaten up, both mentally and physically.
JJ entangled his hand through your hair and pulled you towards him, resting your head on his chest. You inhaled deeply before breaking down into tears, your body trembling against his. His other hand held your back, tracing small shapes onto your skin in an attempt to calm you down.
"Shh. It's okay baby, I got you. You're safe with us." He softly hummed a soft tune in your ear as you clutched onto the fabric of his shirt. "You're okay. I'm right here." He held you tightly in his arms as he heard you slowly calm down. You slowly pulled away from him, wiping your nose with a tissue.
"There we go, princess." He held your face in his hands and gently wiped away the trails of tears with his thumbs. You placed your hands on top of his and held them in their position. His eyes trailed down to your lips, wondering what they would feel like pressed against his.
He softly cleared his throat, his eyes dropping to the ground as he released you. "Let's get you patched up." Your cheeks turned a light pink as you shyly grinned as his back was turned. He reached behind you again to grab a box of bandaids. He quickly ripped one open and placed it on your wound, gently pressing the sides down to make it stay in place. He leaned forward and pressed a delicate kiss to the covered up wound, pulling back to see a soft grin on your lips.
You hopped off the counter and stood on your tiptoes, one hand using his shoulder to keep balance the other placed on the side of his cheek. You pressed a kiss to the left cheek, both of their heartbeats picking up speed. You got back onto your feet, your face warming up as he returned the kind gesture to you. 
As he pulled away, you two made eye contact realizing both of you wanted the same thing. "Can I-" he started, "kiss me." You mumbled. His hands snaked their way around your waist as yours wrapped around his neck. His lips gently and carefully danced with yours, as if you were a glass doll and one wrong move would break you.
Pulling back, he rested his forehead against yours. "It feels better already." You grinned, pressing your lips against his one more time. He opened the bathroom door, his arm still around your waist. "I got the magic touch. That's not the only thing I could touch though."
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suckerforslowburns69 · 3 years ago
I am a firm believer, that I can overanalyze every small detail from the show as for jiara, and make headcanons about them based on like a few lines.
Contrary to what I mentioned above, I am still confused af about the timeline of the show. Like the fact that the year the Pogues were born, changed in season 2? Or that Kiara was friends with Pope and JJ in kindergarten, even though JJ and John B became besties in 3 grade. Like before third grade, did John B live somewhere else? I am so confused.
The timeline problem is even worse when you want to make headcanons or write fan fics that are canon-complicant, and dont know whats right and whats wrong, based on the show's events.
Speaking of the timeline, I still refuse to believe that obx2 took place in one week or ten days (I am not sure). Like, please make the boat show more realistic next season. I also feel like thats one of the reasons some people prefer s1 over s2, because in s1, especially in the pilot ep, all the problems that the Pogues faced, even though a bit top notch, werent that unrealstic, compared to season 2.
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benedictscanvas · 5 years ago
all the wrong places [3/7] - spencer reid x reader
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: It only takes a moment for Spencer to realise that he doesn’t just want to marry you someday, he wants to marry you as soon as he possibly can. But since he can’t come up with a solid plan, he turns to his BAU family for help in planning the most important day of his life so far. Is that a mistake? Most definitely.
Warnings: Series probably aren’t meant to be exclusively fluffy, but this one practically is! I need some fluff in my life, damn it! There may be some mention of regular Criminal Minds things, some language but mostly just good ol’ Spence lovin’
a chapter every day for seven days! (20-26th July 2020) so please drop an ask if you’d like to be tagged <3
Chapter Three - Flash Failure
Third time’s a charm?
No, turns out third time’s a fucking nightmare.
Penelope? A complete liability. Whilst Spencer knew she was an amazing friend and he couldn’t imagine any of the team’s lives without her, he also now knew that allowing her to help him with the proposal plans was not his finest moment. Allowing her was too strong a word: he had simply not stopped her.
“You booked what?”
“A flash mob! And they’re coming over to the downstairs gym later today to practice with you, make sure you know your section of the dance.”
His section? Of the dance?
“I’m not sure about this, babygirl,” Derek’s voice was wary, and if Derek was worried about it, then it must really have been one of Penelope’s outlandish ideas. But she had been so excited about Spencer proposing ever since she’d found out against his will, and when she begged to at least help with the proposal somehow, it wasn’t as if Spencer had the heart to say no.
“And why would that be, my most delicious chocolate thunder? You don’t trust me now, huh?”
“You know I trust you in every way imaginable,” he said with a wink, because they could flirt even when Spencer was clearly breaking down in the corner of the batcave, “But Spencer has messed up two perfectly easy proposals now. You think he’ll nail this one?”
“I haven’t messed them up!” Spencer said defensively, his voice just a little too high pitched, “Okay, I messed one of them up, but the other one was a terrible idea provided by JJ.”
He half expected JJ to turn the corner right at that moment to scold him, but instead there was a very familiar knocking pattern at the door that caused Spencer’s heart to drop. He pushed Garcia’s shoulder until she closed all the proposal (and wedding) tabs on the computer. On all the computers.
“Can I join the top secret batcave meeting?” your voice rang out as just your head poked round the side of the door, and Spencer’s heart melted at the fact that you really weren’t going to come in unless you were told you could.
“Hi sweetheart,” he said encouragingly, as Derek and Penelope both flashed you a signature very-not-guilty, nothing-at-all-is-going-on-here, smiles. You didn’t seem to pay them any attention, smiling widely at Spencer with abandon as you entered the room.
“Hi,” you said brightly, and Derek and Penelope would be annoyed that you’d practically ignored their presence if they weren’t kind of used to it. When you and Spencer were in a room together, 90% of the time there was no one that could tear you away from each other. The other 10% was all on cases, where your attention was elsewhere, but there would still be times that the two of you bouncing theories around would completely miss something else that had been said.
“What brings you to my lair, my dear?” Penelope asked you from her chair, which she was lightly spinning around in. You managed to turn your attention to her, and bit your lip sheepishly.
“Actually, I’ve been looking for Spence here. Wondered if he might like to join me for a very romantic lunch?”
“You’ve got a consult you want my opinion on?” he asked instantly and you groaned, pouting.
“Why couldn’t I just want to spend lunchtime with my very special boyfriend?” you say wistfully, but when he gave you that look, you huffed and relented, “Fine, I’ve got a consult I could use your expert advice on. But, I did buy you takeout to sweeten the deal?”
He shook his head, his previous proposal anxieties almost forgotten as he walked up to you, throwing an arm around your shoulder.
“You’re enough to sweeten any deal, sugar,” he said in his best Derek voice, the man himself scoffing behind him as Penelope laughed hysterically. You were giggling too under his arm, bringing a hand up to cover your mouth as Spencer led you out of the room, “Let’s go. See you later, guys.”
“Yes. 4pm in the gym for our session remember, Reid?”
“I’m not coming!” he shouted back at the two of them, already having left.
Penelope looked up at Derek as he sat on the desk above her.
“He’s definitely coming.”
“Oh yeah. He wouldn’t risk making you angry, babygirl.”
Actually, Spencer absolutely would risk making Garcia angry, if the other option was participating in a flash mob style dance to ‘Marry You’ by Bruno Mars before getting down on one knee in front of your chair and proposing as if what he’d just done wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
He returned to the batcave after assisting you on your consult, providing important information about a few chemical concoctions that had come into play on the case, and told Garcia on no uncertain terms that she was to cancel whatever she had planned and that he’d be doing this on his own. She reacted relatively well, even if she was a little bummed. When he promised to tell her whatever he decided to do ahead of time, she perked up a little.
So when she scurried up to his desk at the end of the day, heels clacking loudly on the floor, he never expected there to be a problem.
“We have a problem,” she said under her breath, glancing over at Hotch’s office in which you were currently sat, going over your recent performance in a routine appraisal. You’d be out in five minutes, at most. The glance she spared towards you worried Spencer more than anything.
“What kind of problem?”
“A huge one. One that I cannot explain, nor can I fix unless you and your genius brain can come up with something incredible because as it is, I’m freaking out right now.”
“Okay, Garcia, you’re going to have to try to explain it.”
“Well, maybe I can explain it,” she admitted, bobbing quietly in her place beside his desk, “But I’m not sure I want to.”
Her voice was small. Timid. She was never like this. Derek clearly noticed it too, as did Emily, since both of them came over quickly.
“Everything alright, babygirl?” Derek asked, a comforting hand on her shoulder and she reached up to put her hand over his, nuzzling into it a little. Spencer was getting more agitated by the second.
“No,” she said warily, then suddenly she ripped Derek’s hand away from her, “And I don’t deserve your comfort!”
Emily and Derek both looked dumbfounded, but Spencer stood up and took her by the elbows.
“Tell me what it is,” he said softly, but with a firm tone that she couldn’t argue against, “Whatever it is, we’ll fix it.”
She took a deep breath.
“What?” it was all three of the others who said it. She sighed.
“I forgot to cancel the flash mob-” she said slowly, “-because Derek sent me a text right after you left my cave earlier. So they’re outside right now, with a huge picture of Y/N, waiting for her to exit the building which will trigger the...dancing.”
A pause.
“This better be a joke.”
“Oh god, just look out the window,” Garcia said sadly, resigned to her fate of the resident genius being immeasurably annoyed with her for the foreseeable future.
All four of them rushed over to the windows, even though Emily was only just starting to get an idea of what was happening. Sure enough, there was the mob. It truly was a mob too, at least fifty of them, with a huge picture of you on posterboard in the middle, all in colourful clothing. And there was a speaker. A large speaker.
“Fuck,” Spencer said, all matter of fact, no attempt to hide his language or keep it down.
“Yeah,” Derek breathed, eyes still on the ground, “How did you forget to cancel, Penelope?”
She whined, probably at him using her first name.
“You’re the one who sent me that particularly sexy text! What was I supposed to do? Not reply straight away?”
“Yes, Garcia,” Spencer said, sitting back down at his desk and putting his head in his hands, “That’s exactly what you were supposed to do. You were supposed to cancel that group of dancing idiots so I wouldn’t make a complete fool of myself in front of the woman I want to marry and then - then you could reply to Derek’s text.”
His voice was defeated. He couldn’t believe it. How the hell was he supposed to get out of this? There were other exits out of the building, most of them emergency exits, but they were still in the way of the car park. There was no way of getting out of this building without you seeing the mob outside, without seeing the gigantic picture of you on the sidewalk.
“This will not be the most helpful comment,” Emily piped up suddenly, coming over and crouching in front of Spencer’s hunched over frame, “But I have to say - I’m so happy for you and Y/N, Reid. You should have told me you were going to propose!”
“Oh yes, so you could offer the same kind of stellar advice I’ve received so far.”
“Well, I wouldn’t have suggested a mob,” she mumbled, earning her a sharp glance from Derek. Penelope was already feeling bad enough.
“Right, come on,” Derek said, more enthusiastically, “We have to make a plan. Y/L/N will be out of her meeting in no time, and asking you if you want to head home. What are you going to do?”
“Okay, okay - what are we going to do?”
“Yeah, we can help,” Emily said encouragingly, “We’re all in this together Reid. Maybe you should just take the opportunity and propose?”
“I am not proposing to Y/N in a flash mob!” he said, suddenly animated as he looked up, “You know how much she hates too much fuss. She’d hate it, and then, as a byproduct of that, she would hate me too and-”
“Y/N could never hate you, Spencer,” Emily said kindly, interrupting his worried rambles, “But if this isn’t the way you pictured it, that’s fine. We just have to get Y/N to your car, that’s it. So how can we do it?”
“Couldn’t Penelope just go downstairs and tell them to go away first?” Derek asked and Garcia shook her head, woefully.
“They don’t let people put them off once they’re ‘on location’,” she said, “Otherwise people against the engagement can call it off.”
“Oh, well that’s a sensible policy!” Spencer announced sarcastically, throwing his hands in the air.
“Woah there, Spence, everything alright over here?”
The one time that your voice wasn’t able to calm him down. Instead, all four of them turned to face you with thinly veiled panic, until Emily was able to speak up with an explanation.
“I went to a deli for lunch, dropped my sandwich,” she said quickly, shaking her head at her own supposed clumsiness, “But apparently they have a policy of no replacements.”
She looked to Spencer, urging him to back her up.
“Yeah, what kind of policy is that? Just makes me so mad-” he was laying it on way too thick, because you were starting to look concerned, “-because you should have got another sandwich, Emily! Ridiculous.”
He threw his arms up in the air again to drive the point home. Derek was physically wincing. This was the worst. The absolute worst.
“I think maybe someone needs some sleep,” you chuckled, reaching for Spencer’s hand and taking it in your own, rubbing your thumb against the back of his hand until you felt some of the tension leave his muscles, “You ready to go?”
He hesitated, just staring at you with wide eyes.
“That tired, huh? No more sad stories about sandwiches, Em, if this is what it does to him,” you laughed, but you were stepping up your soothing gestures by the second, comfort radiating from you as you let Spencer lean into you and rested a hand on his back, rubbing gentle circles. He could see the worry you held for him in your eyes, “We’ll see you guys tomorrow. Come on, you.”
You tugged him along beside you as you began to walk towards the door, picking up his satchel on your way and delicately looping it over his head until it was in his rightful place. Spencer was following, but he turned his head back to the others, flashing them a help me look that was as terrified as it was desperate.
“Wait for us!” Penelope called out, tottering after the two of you in her heels, grabbing Derek and Emily by the wrists to take them with her, “We’ll all walk out together, like a family.”
“Okay,” you chuckled, shaking your head fondly, “But be quick! I think this one’s falling asleep on me.”
Penelope nodded and hurriedly shooed the others to go get their stuff, or at least whatever they could grab quickly.
“I’ll just grab some of my stuff too then, Spence,” you said gently, taking your arm from his back as if you were worried he might fall over without the support, “You okay?”
“Tired,” he said bluntly, because now he had no idea what was going on and he couldn’t keep up. His brain was firing in every direction.
“I know, baby,” you pouted, kissing him on the cheek before you sauntered off, turning as you walked, “I’ll be two seconds.”
He counted. One, two. You were a good few seconds longer, but you really did try to be quick for him. Penelope was back at his side first, even though she’d had to run to her lair to get her stuff first. “I’ve got a plan,” she said confidently, with a nod, “I got you into this mess and I’m going to get you out, Reid, I promise.”
He smiled weakly. He felt as if he had resigned himself to whatever might happen now. It was as if he’d lost his agency, like his life was continuing around him but he’d lost all say in the narrative. Penelope placed a hand on his arm, a gesture, before you, Derek and Emily emerged from the office and the five of you stepped into the elevator.
There was little small talk on the ride down. Everyone was exhausted, after all. A couple of cases in a row would do that to you, especially when you finally had a day where the adrenaline had left you and you were left to catch up on all the sleep you had missed to replenish the energy lost. Penelope was buzzing beside you though, bobbing up and down on her heels in anticipation of something, and you wondered whether she had a date or something.
Spencer rested his head against the wall. You squeezed his hand again. He could tell you were beginning to worry there was actually something wrong, that he wasn’t just tired, so he squeezed in return. That seemed to do the trick.
You were just walking out of the building waving your ‘goodbye!’s and ‘see you tomorrow!’s when Garcia squealed. Actually squealed, loudly, right in your ear before screaming as she pointed into the distance.
“Bruno Mars!”
And then she was suddenly off, sprinting into a crowd of people that all had their backs turned, looking in the direction of Penelope’s pointing. You squinted. Where? Derek and Emily shared a look behind you and ran after Penelope, pushing through the crowd and shouting themselves. Suddenly, Spencer didn’t feel so tired as he full on grinned after his friends, particularly Penelope, who had definitely more than made up for her earlier slip. He’d make sure to text her later.
“Surely she can’t have seen Bruno Mars,” you mused aloud, still stuck in place from the shock of the squeal, “Although there is a crowd, I guess.”
You shrugged, still looking carefully. Suddenly, he was worried you were going to pull him into the crowd and everything would go wrong. But you looked at him to your side, his hand still in yours and reached up with your opposite hand to push some hair behind his ear.
“Let’s get you home, mister.”
He couldn’t stop himself, even if it ruined the whole plan.
“You don’t want to see Bruno Mars?”
“No,” you laughed simply, “Not when it’s probably fake and my favourite genius looks like he’s about to fall asleep on the sidewalk.”
You tugged him with you towards the car. He followed behind you with a spring in his step he tried to disguise, glancing back at the crowd to find Penelope grinning at him, two thumbs up in air. He nodded at her. She knew she was entirely forgiven. Not that she wouldn’t have been anyway.
It only really hit him later that night, with your head resting on his chest and your hands entwined on his stomach that you loved him enough to skip out on seeing Bruno Mars, just to take care of him.
As he looked down at your sleeping face, his dopey proposal eyes were back again. There was no getting rid of them now.
taglist (ily all <3)
@mrs-dr-reid @soda610 @alexxcorona113 @thupidalethea @may-beforejune-afterapril @ilovesupersoldiers @hurricanejjareau @stardream14 @mortallythoughtfulgurl @aperrywilliams @saranyx @anotherspencerreidblog @thegayestdestielshipper @burkgolden @reidsmyhusband-emilysmymistress @zozoleesi @baumindss
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sour--disposition · 4 years ago
Fluff 36 and 37 if you haven't done already, apologies if so and with any one of the boys your choice :)
“I couldn’t get you out of my mind” and “You’re just a softie”
“Did you call me for a shower?”, you asked JJ, walking under the spray, JJ in tow.
“No”, he told you simply, turning you around to face him. He lifted you slightly, so you were balancing on your tip-toes with his support.
“So why am I in your shower?”, you asked him, leaning forwards to kiss him.
“I couldn’t get you out of my mind”, JJ muttered, pulling you back in for another kiss, holding you closer. “Missed you”, he murmured into your neck, making you giggle.
“Your beard is tickling my neck”, you told him, fighting to angle your neck away from him. JJ pulled back, looking at you with a bright grin.
“You think I have a beard?”, he asked hopefully.
“I never said it was good”, you snarked, rolling your eyes as you lowered yourself off your toes. “Turn around, let me wash your hair”. You took your time, washing his hair exactly how JJ had shown you the first time you did this.
“You’re a natural at it now”, he mused, eyes slipping shut as your fingers worked over his scalp. You only hummed, all of your concentration focused on taking care of his hair.
“You need more shampoo”, you commented mindlessly. “Give me the conditioner”, you instructed, sticking your hand out by threading it under JJ’s. “Thanks”.
You took your time with the conditioner, too, making sure to coat every braid from root to tip. “Keep your head still”, you tutted as JJ’s head started to loll to one side.
“You sound like my mum”, JJ snorted, righting the position of his head.
“Yinka is a very smart woman, I’ll take that as a compliment”.
“Stop talking about my mum when we’re naked”.
“You started it”, you told him, flicking the top of his ear harmlessly. “Rinse”.
Once JJ had rinsed his hair, he turned you around wash your hair. His fingers were gentle but firm over your scalp and he took his time, knowing how much you hated brushing knots out of your wet hair. He helped you rinse your hair out, squeezing the bubbles out of the ends. He repeated the process with the conditioner, remembering what you told him about not putting it straight onto the roots, before rinsing it.
“Thank you”, you told him, crowding back into his space, resting your head against his chest. “Made me sleeping”, you said, eyes slipping shut as JJ’s arms came around your waist.
JJ got out of the shower first, wrapping a towel around his waist and holding one out for you to walk into. You adjusted the towel around your body, making sure it was secure before following JJ back into the bedroom.
“I can’t believe I came over for a shower and a sleepover”, you snorted from inside one of JJ’s tops, trying to find the right section to push your head through.
“Oi, allow it”, JJ exclaimed. You heard him mutter something before his footsteps started to get louder. You felt him position the shirt over your head and pull it down, allowing your head to pop out. “For fucks sake”, he cackled, doubling over in hysterics when he saw the pissed off look across your face.
Once JJ had stood upright, he took your hand, pulling you into him. Your face smushed up against his chest. “You love me”, he laughed, squeezing you tight. “Come on”, JJ said, pulling you over to bed.
“I have legs that work, you know”, you snarked, swinging a leg in JJ’s direction as proof.
JJ grabbed the controller for Netflix as you positioned yourself on a mountain of pillows. “C’mere”, he murmured, holding his arm up for you to wriggle under.
“You’re just a softie”, you smiled, rolling your eyes but shifting under JJ’s arm and into his embrace.
“You love it”.
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loudsuitlover · 5 years ago
Doctor Harry VI. Cerca del suelo
A/N: DISCLAIMER THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE STORY, I just want to write this here so I can read it when I get writer’s block again. I had forgotten how much I like writing. I guess I can say writer’s block is a really long, torturous and terrible thing but I’m starting to think it happened to me when my writing started getting attention because then I started writing for others and I don’t enjoy that half as much as I enjoy writing to myself. So this writing and this story is for me; but I’m gonna share it with you. That being said, happy reading!
Before: I, II, III, IV, V
**Contains filthy sinful smut and explicit language.
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Ollie frowns before she bites her bottom lip and twirls her drink on her hand and I too watch the ice cubes dancing around on her glass. Jason laughs at something he’s told Marie on her ear and by the way her eyes widen and her cheeks turn pink I don’t want to know what he’s said.
“Indie.” Jason calls me. “Are you going to tell us or not?”
“Yeah, what happened?” Marie gives me a little smile.
She’s drunk already. I watch her tiny figure on her black top and her jeans and am afraid she keeps drinking because she’ll end up throwing up like I did last Friday. She gave me such a hard time this morning when I told them about my night with Harry even though Jason cut me short in order to keep the hype for this very same moment. Drinks after dinner and gossip. His favourite Friday night plan.
“Penis size.” Jason demands.
I roll my eyes before I smile at him mischievously as he joins his hands before his face as if he were going to pray and then slowly moves them away and away. Obviously I don’t say anything and his eyes widen.
“What?!” His hands keep separating from one another. “Okay, this is impossible. I’m starting over.”
Ollie throws her head back and laugh and I just shake my head. Marie tries to stop his hands and he gives up.
“It was big.” He shrugs. “The smile you got this morning confirmed it.”
We all laugh.
“I still can’t believe you actually slept with him.” Marie condemns. “He’s your tutor for God’s sake. He has to supervise your freaking essay! Have you thought about how you’re going to go on about that?”
“Okay, Marie, you need to calm down. It’s just an essay. It’s not like they have to perform an open-heart surgery together.”
“Harry told me if I wanted he could ask professor Gibbins to supervise my essay for me.” I shrug.
“But you’re not gonna do that, right?” Olivia asked.
I shrug again.
“See? That would clearly means it affects you academically.” Marie adds.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Jason intervenes. “How is he coming on about it?” I fix my eyes on his with a questioning look. “I mean what has he said?”
“Well let her finish!” Olivia complains. “All we know is they had sex. We don’t know any details.”
“Well I’m not planning on giving you any details.”
“See? You killed the vibe guys!”
I roll my eyes.
“He didn’t say anything.” I tell them. “Because I left before he woke up.” I flinch.
Marie’s jaw falls, Olivia starts choking with her drink and Jason, being the dramatic queen he is, just spits his.
“You did what?” He yells.
“I panicked!” I defend myself. “I just… It all happened pretty fast I wasn’t even expecting to have sex with him at all and then we did and I fell asleep accidentally and I woke up at like 5 am and left because… Well because what was I doing there?”
“When you mean you fell asleep accidentally, you mean he tired you out so bad you literally just fell asleep?” Jason’s eyes provoke me with his usual spark I’ve missed so much lately.
I’m glad my drama is at least bringing playful Jason back. I haven’t heard him teasing any of us like that in weeks so I roll my eyes and sit back on my chair.
“And he hasn’t called you or text you or something?” Marie asks.
I shake my head and she places her hand on top of mine. This is what I love about Marie. I know she doesn’t approve of what I did but the way she cares about me overcomes her disagreement. She might not want me to get involved with Harry, but she’ll feel sorry for me if I don’t get what I want anyway.
“How is he going to call her if she’s the one who left?” Jason says. “You should call him!”
“But he’s the guy…” Marie shrugs. “Usually is the guy who calls.”
“Maybe that’s why I wasn’t good with girls.” Jason shrugs.
“You weren’t good with girls because you’re gay.” Olivia smiles.
“I’m bisexual.”
“You’re not.”
Jason smiles at her.
“The fact that I was never attracted to you does not make me gay, Ollie.”
She shrugs and pouts raising her eyebrows and if the concept whatever had a face, I’m sure it would be that one. They both laugh because they’re the same person in two different bodies. That’s the reason why JJ was never attracted to Ollie but they’re not ready to talk about that.
“So on Monday you’re just gonna go to his office with your essay and wait for him to give you corrections after not even calling him after you disappeared on him.”
I don’t know whether that was a question, an accusation or opcion C. I shrug. Olivia rolls her eyes and grabs my phone.
“Let me see.”
“No, Ollie! No, give it back!”
Jason defends her standing in the middle of us two as she unblocks my phone. I call for Marie’s help and she tries to grab the phone away from her but Olivia’s taller so my little ally has little to do.
“Where to begin?” She thinks out loud. “How should I start J?”
“Just call him.” Jason lets out.
“Do not. Do not call him.”
“Guys don’t be cruel.”
Marie tries to grab my phone back as the nerves eat my stomach up. I feel like puking.
“I’ll text him!” I offer and I spot Olivia’s head popping up from behind Jason’s back. She’s got a single eyebrow up and JJ and her exchange a look.
“I wouldn’t trust her but she’s about to cry. Give her the phone.” He shrugs.
Ollie hands me the phone and I check she didn’t text Harry anything with my heart pounding against my rib cage.
“What do you think I should do, Marie?”
Her eyes widen while Olivia and Jason complain about why I’d ask her and ignore them. I think Marie’s going to tell me she doesn’t know, that she doesn’t have much experience with guys, because ever since her ex cheated on her she hasn’t gone out with anyone but deep down I know I just want for someone to tell me I don’t have to call him and I think Marie is going to say that. Instead she shrugs and wraps her little arm around my shoulders.
“I think we should have another drink.”
Oh, Marie, you’re drunk and not helping much. I see Ollie and Jason arguing as we lean at the bar and wait for the waiter to take our order. He eyes my friend once as Marie looks to her nails. He eyes her again and smiles to himself.
“Marie, the waiter’s got the hots for you.”
Marie looks at him as he takes an order and then back at me with a questioning look. Damn it, she’s so unlucky. If this was a movie she would have caught him staring but this is not and that’s why Harry hasn’t called me either because this is not a movie, this is real life and in real life girls like me don’t go out with guys like Harry.
“I think you should text him.”
My eyes bulge as I look at Marie.
“What can I offer the prettiest girl at the bar?”
I hear her giggles from behind me. Good job, waiter. If he had said that to me I would have rolled my eyes and told him to get himself some glasses but this is Marie we’re talking about. She probably is the prettiest girl at the bar anyway and she’s also a firm romcom believer so that pick-up line was perfect for her.
“I’ll have Bacardi and coke and Bulldog and tonic, please.”
He winks at her before he disappears to get our drinks ready.
“What did you say?” I ask her as soon as she turns around.
“You didn’t want Bulldog? I can probably ask him to change it, sorry!”
She’s about to call the waiter when I stop her.
“No!” I tell her. “I mean, did you say you think I should call Harry?”
“I said text.” She points. “And yes, I did because I think you should. I just didn’t say anything in front of Jason and Ollie for them not to think they were right. Lord knows they don’t need me to feed their ego.”
Before I can argue, Marie’s waiter comes back with our two drinks and a bowl with gummy bears we didn’t ask for. He winks at Marie and doesn’t tell her how much she ought to pay. I smile. He’s good. Marie hands him her credit card anyway.
“It’s on the house.”
“No, it’s not.” She smiles.
“I insist.”
“If you want to offer me a drink, I’d rather you have it with me.”
My eyes widen behind my friend and I see the waiter blushing and laughing. Well done, Marie! He then accepts her credit card and asks for her phone number and my friend gives it to him and turns around as if that happened to her on a daily basis. We walk away like divas until we are at a safe distance and then we laugh out loud.
“What was that? Did Olivia’s spirit posses you?”
“I don’t know!” She laughs. “I mean we talked last night while you were on your date with Harry and you know how she is, she tried to convince me about the benefits of sporadic sex and I don’t know, it got me thinking.” She giggles. “He was handsome, right?”
“He was!” I laugh. “Guys, the waiter just asked for Marie’s number!”
“What? Which waiter?”
Jason’s eyes widen as he looks at her and Marie tells him the story and I don’t fail to notice the way Olivia’s eyes fall on her and she smiles knowingly. Oh, Ollie. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and hug her to my side even though she just tried to ruin my life by calling Harry treacherously because I know she means well.
I remember when she would tell Jason about how different things were when you actually took the time to get to know the person you were attracted to and everything about love and trust and forever and ever and Jason would go out with a different person every weekend.
It’s surprising how a heartbreak can change a person, just how love can change them back I guess for after Jack hurt Olivia she turned into Jason and ever since Jason met David he turned into a romantic soul defending and justifying a toxic relationship.
I wonder if there’s ever a healthy point. I think there might be if one of them or maybe both are psychotherapists but otherwise I think love is bound to make people crazy and then they start doing weird shit until the situation turns impossible and then one of them decides to end it or they both settle into being less happy than they could be.
“Yeah, right, and then he pays for dinner and thinks for that he has the right to fuck you and then he never calls you again.”
Marie’s words resound on my head like a mantra. And then he never calls you again… That would make everything easier and anyway part of me knew everything he wanted was a shag and then he’d get over it and act as if nothing ever happened but then why does it matter to me that he hasn’t called me?
When I look up I catch on the look Jason gave Marie for her to apologize. I don’t think they were talking about me but even if they were, I wouldn’t mind. They’re right. I feel like a prostitute.
“Anyway, Indie” Ollie has a sip from her drink and wiggles her eyebrows “did you like it?”
“What? The sex?”
She nods and shrugs raising her eyebrows as if saying what else?
“Well, Harry we all know you like.” She laughs.
What can I say?
“It was incredible.” I confess.
I don’t want to say what follows. I don’t even want to think about it. It can’t be true anyway. There’s no way it’s true. I don’t love Harry. But precisely because I don’t love him I could admit it was the best sex without love of my life. Yeah, that could be it. It doesn’t make me feel less guilty though.
“Well, at least it was worth the trouble.”
“What trouble?” Ollie asks. 
“Well, I mean it’s not the smartest thing to do if she wants him to respect her.” Marie raises her eyebrows.
“What?” I will not stand that. “So just because I have sex I don’t deserve respect?”
“No, Indie, you know what I mean. I just mean if the rest of doctors hear about it, what do you think they would think?”
“Why would I care what they think?” I am getting mad. “I can’t believe you’re saying that, Marie. It’s precisely for comments like that that we can’t move past it. Do you realize how sexist you’re sounding right now? You don’t think that same thing of him, do you? Just because he’s a man!”
“I am the sexist? You were the one who let her professor fuck her! Who knows how many students has he fucked?”
I can’t believe my ears.
“Let him fuck me?” I’m disgusted at her choice of words. “There were two people on that bed, you know? I did what I wanted to do. I didn’t let him fuck me. I fucked him too!” I only realize I’m screaming when I notice the eyes of those around us on me. “I know how to say no, you know?”
“Well you said you didn’t want to sleep with him and look at you.” She whispers. “Are you sure you didn’t leave in the morning because you regretted it? Maybe you were even embarrassed?”
“I can’t believe you’re saying this to me.”
I leave Marie gasping like a fish out of water and walk outside to the terrace. It’s the end of October already and it’s rather chilly today so I’m not surprised when I realize the only people around me are smoking.
I bring the collar of my denim jacket to my chin and hug my frame as I look ahead at the lights on the bars on the other side of the street. I can’t believe Marie had said all that to me. One minute she’s saying she thinks I should text him and the other she’s throwing all that shit at me. I know she’s overly protective but she can be such a bitch sometimes too.
And I quite frankly don’t get the concept she has of sex. She almost made it sound as if Harry had somehow raped me and for the love of God even thinking about it makes me hate her words. What happened with Harry was… Perfect.
And that’s why I left.
I feel tears blurring my vision. Fuck. I wasn’t expecting these thoughts to be clouding my mind now. I feel my phone vibrating and take it out the pocket of my jacket. Rio said he would text me when he was going home and check if I needed a ride but it’s too soon for him to want to go home already. Maybe he’s having a shitty night just like I am.
Harry: What are you doing?
I hold the phone on my hand and can barely believe my eyes as I read his text again and again. I hadn’t even thought about one of the many terrible things Marie just said. How many students has he fucked? I don’t know if I care. I shouldn’t care. I shouldn’t care about how many women he’s fucked in the past or even how many women he’s fucking now. I can’t walk around pretending I’m the most liberated woman and then question how many women my partner has fucked. If he’s fucked a lot of students well, good for them.
He clearly has experience. One isn’t a master in sex by studying about it. The way he touched me and the way he hit every spot he needed to clearly indicated practice. But it’s not about the practice or even the sex. I don’t care about that, that I know. It’s about fucking students.
I entertain the thought that Marie might be right. What if he did take advantage of me? What if he always does this? Make his student wet and then get in her panties and if I’ve seen you, I don’t remember. This is the kind of behaviour I would condemn if I heard about it. I would be one of those people who would think he was a jerk for taking advantage of a student like that. I guess that’s just another way of being sexist though.
“Hey.” Olivia places her hand on the spot between my shoulder blades.
“Hey.” I give her a little smile.
“Marie’s really sorry.” She mediates. “She wanted to come talk to you but I told her it was better if she gave you some space.”
“Do you think she’s right?”  
Olivia shakes her head.
“Do you?”
It’s hard for me to know that kind of things now. It’s a fear I can’t get rid off. After Javier, I mean after getting out of an abusive relationship like that, I keep wondering if I would ever jump right back into another. Whether I’m that profile of girl and I’m bound to have my partner abusing of me whether I realize it or not.
I’m seeing that with Jason too and I realize how scary and how hard it is. He doesn’t see it, he’s completely blind and you start wondering how is it possible that not only he doesn’t realize but he also justifies it. It’s very frustrating to talk to someone that not only allows someone else to hurt them but actually understands them. It’s scary what someone can do to somebody’s mind.
“Can I tell you what I think?” Olivia lights up the cigarette between her lips and I shrug. “I think you like him.”
I look ahead. That doesn’t matter. I still have my phone on my hand and we both look down when the screen lights up and another text pops up.
Harry: Are you home?
“And he likes you too.” Olivia smiles. “Answer him. I’m gonna get us another drink.”
Indie: It’s Friday night. Of course I’m not.
Harry: What? You go out every single Friday night?
Indie: Don’t you?
Harry: Sometimes I forget you’re 21.
Harry: Can we talk?
Indie: We’re talking.
Harry: I mean can I see you?
Indie: It’s Golden Girls’ night.
Harry: Can I call you then?
Indie: What’s the problem with texting?
Harry: Sometimes you forget I’m 27.
I chuckle and call him. He answers on the first beep.
“Why did you leave?”
Oh, boy.
“I had to go. You were asleep. I didn’t want to wake you.”
“You had to go? In the middle of the night?”
“It was morning…”
“I wanted to go home before uni so I left early. I didn’t realize I had to give you any explanations.”
“Fuck, Indie. Are you always so blunt?”
“I did warn you. You said I got to be blunt.” I shrug even though he can’t see me.
“You didn’t even let me say goodbye.”
“Well, it’s not like you saying goodbye would have made a difference, is it?”
“I would have kissed you” he argues “and that would have made a difference.”
My knees go weak.
“Are you with Olivia?”
Please tell me he’s not about to ask me for her phone number. I would tear his head off.
“Okay. I’ll see you.”
I feel tickles on my belly as I make my way inside the bar. Jason gives me an innocent smile as Marie looks at me as if I was the one deciding whether she should go to prison or not. I offer her my hand across the table and she holds it as her bottom lip tremble. I know she’s sorry and God knows sometimes I say things I don’t mean too. It would be very hypocritical of me not to let it go now.
I see Olivia smiling on the phone and give my friends a questioningly look but they shake their head. Jason stands up from the table and tells us he’s leaving. I’ve already fought with Marie tonight and quite frankly I don’t feel like fighting him about the same thing again but silently we all know he’s going because David doesn’t like it when we party until morning. I give him a hug though as he says goodbye.
“Whaaaat?” Ollie pouts. “You’re leaving? What’s this? Where are the party animals I used to know and love? Mario’s on his way!”
I spit my drink. Marie’s eyes set on mine. We’re both horrified.
As soon as Jason leaves Marie comes back with two more drinks, a peace offer she says, but I know she just wanted to see her waiter again. I appreciate the drink though. I had enough thinking tonight and I want to let it all go. Getting drunk doesn’t solve anything. Alcohol would make her shut up too.
“When did this happen?” I interrogate Olivia.
She’s been making all these questions to me and she hadn’t told us this bomb!
“He’s my tutor…” She shrugs. “So the other day we had a cup of coffee while we went on about my clinical case and…” She smiles. “He’s funny.”
“And… We started talking.”
“And how does he have your phone number?”
“I gave it to him.”
I raise my brows. If she’s gonna make us ask every little piece of information… We will.
“Because I have to catch up on the practices I missed when I went to France to visit my mamie.”
Marie and I look at each other with mouths agape before we both look at her.
“And you’re going to catch up on that now?” Marie asks.
Olivia rolls her eyes and grins as she waves at someone at the door. Marie and I turn our heads and my breath catches on my throat when my eyes meet the green.
Harry’s grinning as he walks towards us. Marie’s foot keeps kicking me under the high table but my eyes don’t leave his. I don’t think I could look away if I tried. Memories of last night play in my mind like a movie and I wonder if they play on his too. I woke up on his bed this morning for crying out loud.
“Hi.” He greets us.
“Hi.” Marie offers him her little hand and he shakes it amused.
“Hi.” I smile and his green eyes set on my lips.
If I had any doubts… He’s definitely thinking about last night too.
“Hi, Mario.” I give him another smile and he smiles back.
“Hi, Indie. How are you?”
He’s grinning like a kid in Christmas and he looks so much younger than he normally does at the hospital. I almost want to aww at him but I won’t. Oh, Ollie, please don’t hurt him. He looks like a teddy bear.
“This is my cousin Tommy.”
Mario introduces the third guy that came with them and he sits down next to Marie. The perfect sync tells me they’ve talked before they got here. Marie laughs at something Tommy says and I roll my eyes. She really needs a shag like Ollie says.
Ollie and Mario disappear to order drinks for all of them and Harry simply stands next to me with a big smile. I don’t know how I feel about him not being even a little annoyed that I left without waking him even though I didn’t do it to annoy him but… It still bothers me a little.
“Let me guess” I tell him “A glass of water for you.”
He throws his head and laughs.
“I actually drink Sprite when I go out.”
“Sprite?” I chuckle. “I’ve never met anyone who drinks just Sprite. I mean anyone over six years old.”
He chuckles.
“Well, I’m Harry. Nice to meet you.” He offers me his hand and I shake it. “I drink just Sprite when I go out and I normally say goodbye to people I fuck before I leave.”
Ouch. I narrow my eyes at him but don’t say anything and as if on cue, Olivia and Mario appear with his Sprite and Mario’s and Tommy’s drink. I look away from him and pay attention to Tommy as he tells Marie about his life but the entire time I can feel Harry’s eyes on me.
I notice women look at him too but he doesn’t seem to care. Instead he looks at me. He knows he’s annoying me. I wonder if he’s so used to women staring and trying to get with him that his brain doesn’t even see it anymore like it does with our noses.
“Is there something on my face?”
He shakes his head and that stupid smile stays.
“But it’s hard for me not to see you naked on my mind.”
My face heats up immediately and horrified I look at both my friends but they’re both busy chatting up the Italian cousins. He leans closer to my body so he can whisper in my ear.
“And remember how you taste” my breathing trembles “and how you smell” he inhales my parfum and hums in appreciation and I feel my fingers tightening around my drink “and how you feel, so tight and wet and warm” his fingers wrap around a strand of my hair and he glides them down until the tip before he rests it on my back.
“Why me?”
As I turn my neck to face him, I hear him suck in a breath at our proximity. I play it cool but my mouth goes dry too, especially when I see I have that effect on him too.
“Why you what?”
“Why do you insist on me?”
“So pretty with your lips red.”
I sigh and look away from him. If he’s not going to answer my questions then I won’t give him the time of the day.
“I don’t know.” He confesses next to me.
I turn my neck again and stare into his green eyes searching for any sign of lying but all I find is sincerity and confusion? Is he as confused as I am?
“Don’t lie.”
I hear him puffing through his nose and watch him. His jaw clenches.
“I told you I don’t lie.” He reminds me. “I really don’t know, Indie. I don’t know why I can’t get you out of my head but I can’t and I want to fuck you all the time.” He shrugs.
I remember what he said about always saying what’s going through his mind and after that, I believe him.  I feel my mouth going dry and I want him to fuck me too. I’m afraid this man can read my mind because I don’t know why but I know he knows that too. Maybe I can read his mind too or maybe I’m as obvious as he is.
“Come home with me.”
He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I still have some questions to ask him and I want to stop thinking again. I think last night was the first time I stopped torturing myself in three years and I want to feel like that again.
I guess it’s strange that it doesn’t feel weird to me to walk next to him towards his car or that we said our goodbye to my friends as if it was normal that we left together and it’s also strange that I like the way people look at us down the street. He doesn’t walk too close to me or touches me at all and I reckon he might be as scared that someone from the hospital would see us together as I am. My phone vibrates and Rio’s name appears on the screen.
“Hi, Blue.” My brother’s deep voice greets me.
Everyone in my family has always called me by my middle name. I only started being Indie when I met Dylan.
“Hi there. Going home already?”
“Yeah, the guys wanted to go clubbing but since we have mum’s meeting tomorrow morning I thought it smarter to go home.” He chuckles.
“Yeah.” I chuckle too.
“Are you coming?”
“No, not yet.”
“Are you with Jason and the girls?”
“Yeah.” I lie.
“Cool. Don’t come home alone. Call me if you need me to pick you up.”
“Sure, Rio. Thank you.”
“That’s okay. Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye.”
“Who’s Rio?” Harry asks as soon as I hang up the phone.
If he wants to know about my family I’ll answer his questions. I don’t mind talking about my family. Other things... Well, that’s another story. 
“Rio’s my brother.”
He nods. I’m surprised when he doesn’t ask anything further but he seems awfully quiet. Just ten minutes ago he was teasing me and he seemed to be ready to fuck me against that very same table and now he seems to be deep in thought. I don’t know why but I don’t like seeing him like this. I like the carefree, smiley Harry who doesn’t seem to have a worry in the world.
“Is everything alright?”
It’s the first time he looks at me like that. His green eyes seem dull and I feel like I just touched something that I shouldn’t. His gaze makes me shiver. He sighs and looks ahead and simply shakes his head.
Once again his sincerity surprises me. I’m gonna have to start believing that he does not lie. Out of nowhere, because I don’t like seeing him like that, I reach for his hand and hold it in mine and he eyes our intertwined hands together before he removes his as if mine burnt. What burns then are my cheeks. Why did I do that?
I am beyond embarrassed and I’m glad he isn’t making any comments because the last thing I want right now is to talk about it. If he were to say something, I’d thank him for removing his hand from mine. It still stings.
Lustful imagines fill my mind as we make our way inside his apartment and my eyes fix on the same wall he had me pressed against less than 24 hours ago. My mouth goes dry just by thinking about it and all I want is for him to take me like he did the night before. I turn to look at him and my eyes must speak for me because without wasting another minute he kisses me against the door.
He still has his keys on his hand, the one that’s resting on my waist, until he lets them fall and I hear the jingling sound against the floor and then his hand snakes under my denim jacket and he places his palm on my back pulling me to him and pressing my chest against his.
His lips are soft and tender and he tastes sweet and minty. I enjoy the way he knows how to use his mouth, his kisses having a direct line with my belly, that flips and roars and sends electricity to the rest of my body; and my fingers find a home on his hair as I gently tug at his soft strands. His tongue licks my lips before he rolls it over mine and we start a wet battle I don’t mind losing.
Holding my body close to his with one hand on my back, he takes my jacket off with the other, letting it fall to the ground. On the silence of his apartment, I hear the fabric when it hits the floor and forms a blue denim mound, and I hear our mouths and our breaths mixing together.
Without saying a word or stopping our kiss, he walks along the grey hall and guides me backwards towards the bathroom inside his bedroom and only once inside he breaks the kiss and turns my body around, pressing my back against his chest.
The walls are pearl grey but this time it’s a grey tile with horizontal stripes that remind me of the blunt tips of those mountain rocks where you can see the layers that build the mountain. The sink is part of a white marble top that stands below a big mirror where I can see his hands caressing the skin of my bare arms before one hand presses against my belly through my dress and up to my chest where he cups one of my breasts and squeezes the flesh. I moan and rest the back of my head on his shoulder and he takes the opportunity to kiss, suck and nibble on the skin of my neck. I watch on the mirror his right hand grabbing the hem of my dress over my right thigh and lifting it up until he exposes my hip.
Delicately his large hands grab the hem of my dress and carefully lifts it up until he takes it off me and then his wandering hands caress the skin of my front and massage my breasts. His hot breath on my shoulder raises goosebumps and ignites my desire for him.
“You’re so soft.” He whispers on my ear before he presses a single kiss against my pulse. “And so warm.”
He stops touching me and it’s like he leaves me naked all over again. I tilt my neck so I can see him and he captures my lips with his and dives his tongue inside my mouth. I moan and press my bum against his groin and I can’t control my arousal when I feel his excitement against my hot skin. I feel his fingers moving against my back as he unbuttons his shirt and I focus on the noises. His breathing on my ear, the soft fabric falling down his arms, his zipper going down…
He stops my hands when I try to unclasp my bra and I still see him through the mirror unclasping it himself and placing all my garments together on the marble top. I am not even aware of my own reflection since Harry’s steals all my attention and doesn’t let me see anything else. His body is athletic and tall and his skin is pale and inked and I want to run my tongue across all of him and kiss every corner of his body. Leaving my undies on, his large hands caress my legs as he kneels down and playfully bites the flesh of my ass as he takes off my shoes.
I think my mouth is so dry I couldn’t speak if I wanted to but there’s nothing to say anyway. There’s something about this silence between us as if we were accustomed to each other that keeps me quiet. Finally he snakes both his hands under the hem of my panties on either side of my hips and caresses down my legs taking my underwear down with his hands. When we are both fully naked, he gently pushes me so I walk inside the shower and he closes the screen behind us.
There’s no sign of the playful Harry, neither of the filthy Harry I got to know last night. Instead he looks at me as if I was the most precious thing on the world and I feel my legs turning into jelly under his worshipping stare. Despite his calm, his length rests against his belly stiff, tight and shinny and my mouth waters. I wonder if he’d let me wrap my mouth around him if I asked but I’m afraid of doing so. He doesn’t seem to mind my curious staring as he approaches me and corners me against the wall. His hand snakes behind me and he turns on the water that falls on top of us and get us soaked in seconds.
My eyes are closed when his hot mouth gapes against mine before he fully kisses me and his hands fall to my ass, grabbing my flesh as he presses me against his hard on. I thank God he’s holding me for otherwise I think my legs would have brought me down already.
Stamping wet kisses everywhere his lips land, he turns my body slowly so that my back is pressed against his front once again and I moan out loud when I feel his fingertips tickling the insides of my thighs. My mouth parts at the touch of his two middle fingers intruding ever so delicately and his worked up breathing against my cheek sends my chest into a frenzy.
My left hand caresses the skin on his arm as his wrist moves back and forth and his fingers curl deliciously inside me and my other hand searches for his hair and caress his scalp.
“You’re so beautiful, Indie” He presses a kiss against my shoulder “Do you like it?”
“Yes.” My voice is all but a whisper but he doesn’t press it.
His fingers make me lightheaded but have me dying for more so I press my hips against his and moan when I feel his hot, stiff length against the low of my back. He grunts and his fingers fasten making me lose my mind completely.
“Harry” I moan, swallowing the water that falls on my mouth from the shower in an attempt to hydrate my throat. “I want you.”
“I’m right here.” He whispers.
“I want you inside.”
I bend my neck so my eyes look into his because I’ve found he’s very good at reading them and I want him to see them beg, in case he didn’t have enough with the desperation of my voice.
“Fuck, Indie. I don’t… I don’t have a condom.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
I turn my body around and bring his mouth to mine with my hands on his neck. Our lips meet and battle and Harry’s merciless mouth attacks mine before his tongue soothes every red blood patch. I feel my lungs closing on me at the anticipation of having him bare and having him release white hot cum inside my cunt so that it drops out and stains my inner thighs but then his words resound on my head and I pull back.
“Are you-” On a sane moment, I stop the question before I ask.
Of course he’s having sex with other people.
“I always wear a condom.” He cups my face and presses a sweet kiss against my lips. “But I can make you cum with my fingers and have you afterwards.”
I nod my head and with that he takes me back to the place where I’m nothing but what he touches.
I still have trouble breathing when we come out of the shower. He doesn’t stop amazing me, the way he treats me and touches me as if I was made out of glass. I wonder if he touches every woman like that and I ignore the feeling on my throat. He’s staring at me. Please, don’t, don’t look at me like that. I feel very exposed, standing completely naked in his shower as his eyes investigate every part of my body.
He grabs a fresh towel from the cupboard underneath the sink and my lips part when instead of giving it to me or using it to dry himself, he hides his two hands underneath the towel and presses them against my skin in a calming, almost hypnotic ritual. He’s quiet and his expression is serious but calm. I think the troubled Harry is gone. I indulge in the way he softly presses the towel instead of rubbing it as if he was going to hurt my skin if he didn’t act so delicately. He’s kneeling in front of me as he dries my thighs and my belly and watching him I forget my exposure to him. He presses a kiss on my hipbone and then stands up and kisses my lips and being fully dried, I’ve never felt wetter.
I grab the towel from his hands and do the exact same thing he did to me but to his body and I feel lucky he lets me. My hair is wet against my back contrasting my dry mouth and I moisten my lips with every inch of his skin I carefully dry. His skin is tight and soft but thick and firm as it covers his lean muscles. Sometimes I let my fingers rest against his warm skin. I guess it’s my own timid version of the kisses he pressed against mine. When I look up at him, his green eyes look at me, seemingly confused.
I hate that he does that. He allows himself to do all these things with me, like staring at me as if he’s never seen a woman before or kiss me as if he meant it but he never lets me reciprocates. He takes his hand away when I hold it and now looks at me like that. I stand tall and leave the towel next to my clothes on the sink and when I’m about to walk away his long fingers wrap around my wrist and turn me around.
I watch him intertwined our fingers with the hand he has taken away before on his sudden mutism and he just stares at our intertwined hands as his thumb caresses my skin before he brings my hand to his mouth and kisses my knuckles. I don’t know why, but I take it as a silent apology and taking his hand to my lips, I kiss it on silent forgiveness. He's still rock hard and I don’t know how he can stand there so seemingly impassive when all his blood is on that one precious part of his body. In one of his mood changes, he shifts from calm, soft Harry to the passionate, wild one and he pins me against the wall before his mouth devours mine. His teeth nibble on my bottom lip and make me moan. I’m so ready for him I’m scared of it.
Suddenly he removes his body from mine and I feel the cold his void left as he kneels in front of the sink and opens the cupboard. His absence lets me see my reflection on the mirror. I almost don’t recognize myself. My hair is humid and disheveled. Some strands frame my rosy cheeks and my chest is flushed as it moves up and down on a laborious breathing. As if I wanted to make sure that woman is me, I bring my mouth to my lips and watch her do the same. They feel warm against my mouth and they’re red blood.
When Harry stands tall, he turns his neck and looks at the mirror too and his eyes darken when he realizes I was watching myself.
“You look ravishing.”
“Then ravish me.”
I hear myself whisper and wait for him against the wall. I’ve never seen anyone putting on a condom faster and then I am levitating, mentally and physically, for Harry holds my waist and lifts me up so my feet aren’t touching the ground. As if I have done this before, my legs wrap around his waist as if my body knows what to do even when my head doesn’t. Just like last night and like I did in the shower, I let myself go and I feel that invisible deadweight I always carry on my chest lift and leave me. I feel light as a feather during those seconds before he plunges into my depths breaching every barrier of my intimacy but I welcome his intrusion as we both sigh at the feeling.
I feel like I’m dancing upon that fine line between pain and pleasure for I feel so full and the pressure takes every thought I’ve ever had away and his hips are unforgiving as he pushes in and out of me. I try to sustain my body weight, hands pushing off his shoulders and I want to ask him if I’m too heavy or if he’s okay but a whisper of his name is all I can muster among whimpers and soft pants.
We’re not even five feet away from his bed, a big, soft, comfortable bed where we could have a banquet of one another like we had the night before but it’s precisely the urgency, the animalistic, desperate need that’s sending me to the edge faster than it ever has. His ruthless hips lift my body against the tile every time he thrusts and my bare back slides down the wall every time he removes my hold rolling out of me but when my nails cling onto his shoulders and I’m afraid I’m gonna fall, he pushes in again and the whole ritual begins. The adrenaline runs through my veins at the feeling of free falling but his hands and thighs sooth me with the security of his hold. He’s taking me high but he won’t let me fall.
His grunts and groans hunt me like a heavenly song and I try to keep my ears opened so I can record his sounds and replay them when I’m not with him but it’s hard to pay attention to anything different from that desirable spot only he’s reached as he hits it again and again and again and again. I miss him every time he pulls out but it’s only for a second before he’s pushing in again.
His hands move from my hips to the back of my thighs and in an instant of panic, thinking he’s about to put me down, I clench my thighs around him tighter and he curses under his breath. I watch him as his thrusts become faster and he can’t barely get his length out but his vulnerable grunts and the way he looks, flushed and out of his mind, are enough for me. His forehead falls on mine and his hot breath hits my cheeks while he grins.
“Sorry.” He pecks my cheek. “I would have lasted longer if you hadn’t done that.” He’s smiling.
“I thought you were going to put me down.” I pout.
My hands snake from his shoulders to his hair and he chuckles before he kisses my neck.
“I was going to. I was going to take you to bed and give myself a second so I could make you cum first but when you tightened your thighs around me…” He tilts his head. “Fuck.”
“Sorry.” I smirk naughtily and he chuckles.
“You should be.” He kisses me as he rolls out and finally puts me down leaving a sad feeling of emptiness between my legs. “You should be illegal.” He spanks my ass playfully and walks out of the bathroom.
I grin like a fool and take this minute of solitude to take in the way I feel and relish on it. I bring my hand to my lower lips and blush when I notice how wet I am. I close the door of the bathroom to pee and clean myself. When I open the door, I don’t find Harry on his bed but I see a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt and even a pair of boxers folded on the mattress. His voice calls my name from outside his room.
“Are you hungry?” He must be in the kitchen.
I’m not really hungry but if he has something to eat, I might nibble on it. I doubt but when I’m about to expose myself to a new possible embarrassment he saves me. He’s leaning against the doorframe of his room in a pair of olive-green sweatpants. How can someone look so good in sweatpants?
“Those are for you.” He smiles. “But you can grab anything else from my wardrobe too.”
“No, these are fine. Thank you.”
Seeing him half dressed suddenly makes me uncomfortably aware of my own nudity so I put on his t-shirt without even looking at it.
“I was going to say you could also walk around naked” he grins smugly as I walk towards him “but that was before I knew you looked so sexy on my clothes.”
I rest the low of my back on his kitchen island and let my eyes wander across the white cupboards. The counter is white marble too and so is the island where my hips rest. The distribution seems weird to me, the sink is on the counter in front of me and behind that it’s his room and on the kitchen island he’s got the stove and under it the oven and some more cupboards. I guess it’s not so much of a kitchen island as it is an open kitchen.
I tilt my neck and see the living room and the views outside the glass windows. I imagine him cooking and looking through the window. He’s got a nice view of the city from there. He’s been watching me the entire time with a smile on his face.
“What’s on your mind?”
“You want the explicit version?”
He washes his hands on the sink but tils his neck so he can see me.
“I was thinking about sitting you up on that counter and making you cum on my mouth.”
My eyes widen and my face and neck heats up. This man is going to be the death of me. He’s insatiable.
“So what do you feel like having? I have fruit and bread and-” he opens the cabinets and makes a list of the food he has as if he had not just said that and for a second I think I have imagined it.
“So you’re not going to?”
I think I did say that out loud because he turns his head and looks at me with raised eyebrows.
“You want me to?”
“No,” Yes “it’s just that you said you were thinking about it and then offer me fruit?”
I must be hilarious to him because he throws his head back and laughs out loud.
“If I fucked you every time I think about it, you couldn’t walk.”
I lick my lips. He makes my mouth dry all the time. What is he doing to me? I’m gonna end up like a sex addict like him. I enter his game. If he can say these things and then act as if nothing happened so can I.
“Can I have a glass of milk?”
“You want milk?”
I roll my eyes when I see the way he’s grinning and I swat his chest playfully. He laughs and apologizes before he pours a glass of milk and hands it to me and then he grabs a clementine and peels it as his eyes fix on me.
“When you asked me why I didn’t drink” He says “what did you originally want to ask me?”
I frown. Seriously how does he know what I think all the time? How can he know I wanted to ask him something else? Am I that obvious?
“I already got my answer.” I shrug. “I wanted to ask you why you had chosen to supervise my essay.”
He nods. I drink my milk. That makes me think about what Marie said. I’m afraid of what he’ll answer if I ask him with how many students he’s been. I don’t want him to ruin what just happened by telling me this is something he’s done before and making me feel like just another one of his conquests even though that’s what I am.
“Why do you think I chose you?” His green eyes are narrowed as he studies my expression.
I don’t know how to answer that without degrading myself to the floor. Why did he even ask me? Why would he want to humiliate me like that? I think he can sense my discomfort.
“Indie?” He presses.
“Well it’s clear, isn’t it?”
“I chose you because you’re intelligent and you pay attention and you always ask interesting questions. It’s clear that you like what you do and I thought your essay would be interesting to read.”
My lips seal. I wasn’t expecting that. I feel stupid for thinking otherwise and I feel bad and sexist for having thought that way about myself. Sometimes we don’t need anyone to put ourselves down.
“You thought I had chosen you for your pretty face?”
“I didn’t think you had chosen me for my pretty face.”
I know there are lots of girls prettier than me in my class alone. I thought he had chosen me because he had this smug obsession of wanting the only thing he couldn’t have or something like that but I don’t think I’m pretty enough for him out of all people to choose me for my pretty face.
I yawn. I must look terrible because I’m not wearing any make up since our shower. Dear Lord I’m not wearing any make up since our shower! I must have looked like a panda bear under the water. That ruins the whole imagine. He wasn’t standing there with a beautiful girl under the shower but with a moaning wet panda.
“Well good” peacemaker Harry walks towards me with a beautiful smile and takes the now empty glass from my hand and leaves it on the counter next to me before he pecks my lips “because, despite your pretty face, I chose you for what’s in here” his fingertip delicately knocks on my temple and I smile. “You’re pretty tired, aren’t you?”
I yawn again and he chuckles. My hands cling onto his shoulders when I feel his arm under my knees and he lifts me up and carries me bridal style towards his room. I chuckle and hold onto his chest.
“I can walk, you know?”
“I know.” He grins.
We both chuckle as he walks towards his room and then he carefully places me on his bed. My eyes set on the picture on his bedside table again as he gets in bed next to me.
“Who are they?” I ask and yawn.
“Tired but still nosy.” He jokes.
He lifts his head so he can have a look at the photo even if he doesn’t need to because it’s his picture. He should know what he has next to his bed.
“They’re my mum and my sister.”
I hum. My eyes are already closed when I feel his kiss on my temple.
“Did I look like a raccoon on the shower?”
I smile with my eyes closed as he laughs out loud. I wish I could see him because I’ve never heard him laughing that hard but Morpheus is very distracting. What I hear next I don’t know if he said or I dreamt it because as he answers my question it’s like he’s speaking my own thoughts.
“It’s because you stop my mind.” He whispers.
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jjbaebank · 5 years ago
Boneyard Badass pt. 2
After guiding JJ away from the party, you were in the midst of a heavy makeout session. Once JJ began to get a little too excited, you decided to get up and stop. Might as well tease him a little, right?
“I’m into exhibitionism too, baby boy, but don’t you think it’s a little early for that? We just met today,” you poked a little fun at him. 
JJ blushed a little and began to stutter. “Um, yeah, you’re right, sorry.”
It was cute. Really, you would have pegged JJ to be the type that was a player and always kept their cool around women. He seemed to be used to getting all the girls. But it was kinda cute how nervous he got around you. ‘Baby boy’ seemed to be a good nickname for him. For now at least.
“I’m just teasing, JJ,” you gave him a little shove with a grin and a chuckle. He lost his balance and fell a few steps forward, turning to you with a disbelieving look.
As he stopped, you continued walking and called “You coming?” back to him.
“You know, you’re REALLY not like other girls I’ve met,” JJ commented as he caught up with you. 
“I know, I’m quirky,” you laughed, obviously joking.
“No, you...” he tore his hands trough his hair as he tried to find the words to describe it. 
You watched him curiously, wondering what he was going to say. Hopefully it would be good, decent at least. Attached to your name, there were a lot of rumors and stereotypes that you knew a lot of people didn’t love. And you knew you were different, but JJ had actually seemed pretty into it.
“I don’t know,” he looked directly at you and admitted. “But I’d like to find out, if you’ll let me.”
You tried to keep your facial expression firm but you couldn’t stop a small smile from turning up the corners of your lips after hearing that. 
“If you can keep up with me!” You shouted and took off running down the beach, JJ chasing you around.
You ran down to the water, then did a cartwheel, the cold water and sand washing over your hands. You let out a whoop of joy, then stood up to see JJ watching you with a breathless and admiring smile.
“You like cartwheels, huh?” He teased.
“Hey, you can never be too cool to do a cartwheel!” You smiled.
“I think I can do a better cartwheel,” he announced.
“I’d like you see you try,” you fired back, playful tone dissolving as you crossed your arms. 
JJ leaned down, placing his hands on the sand. He started to turn a cartwheel but ended up falling on his face, and you burst out laughing. 
“That didn’t work out well,” you said sarcastically.
JJ groaned and reached out a hand so you could pull him up. You gripped his hand and prepared to tug him up, but at the last second he let go so you ended up tumbling into the water next to him.
“What the hell, man?” you shouted faux-angrily. “You’re in for it now!”
JJ gulped nervously and you lunged towards him, dunking his head under water playfully. 
He came up sputtering, but couldn’t help himself from cracking up. “First ‘baby boy’, now ‘man’?” He laughed.
“That’s right, but that means maybe we’ll move onto ‘daddy’ sometime,” you hinted slyly. After seeing his shocked face, you chuckled.
“YES,” he said firmly, nodding his head up and down really quickly. 
“Well, we’ll see. Be patient,” you reminded him.
“You’re gonna drive me crazy,” he shook his head at you, smiling. 
“Yeah,” you grinned back at him. “Hey, first one back to shore wins!”
You crashed through the waves. JJ had been surprised, but his reflexes were quick and he followed close behind you. You got to the shore a champion, but JJ, only partially slowing down, grabbed your waist and caused you to fall on top of him. 
“You okay?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he mumbled, rubbing his face. “I can’t believe I keep losing,” he grimaced.
“...Well, you may have lost, but you can still get your consolation prize. Only out of sympathy, of course,” you teased.
“Really? We’re going on a date?!” JJ’s eyes lit up and a smile spread across his face.
“Yeah. But we’re doing it my way. I’ll pick you up at 4 am Tuesday morning. Wear a bathing suit,” you said. You stood up and started running away.
“Wait what?! You don’t even know where I live! Or have my number!”
“See you Tuesday at 4!” You shouted back and continued running along the beach up.
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