#i always knew. i even tried to convince my mother but she went NOPE. guess what ma? i was right all along.
i finally finished watching tua and i can proudly say that i'm one of the few people who guessed they'd set lila and five up right from season 3.
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supercorpkid · 4 years
What the hell, you’re in hell.
Part 2 of T is for Trauma - The Series
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader
Word count: 2040.
Warnings: kidnapping. Injuries. Angst.
Previously on the series – part 1
Things have not yet fallen into place with your moms. Of course that, as a family, sometimes you all say things you didn’t actually give too much consideration and end up kind of hurting each other’s feelings on the way. Most of the time, there’s a big apology, hugging and crying. You haven’t done any of those things during the night, and in the morning, you were kind of late for school so you didn’t have time to talk to them. To be fair, you didn’t even see them since your big blow out.
So, after school you say goodbye to Jamie, and decide to walk to L Corp. Since people are now paying more attention to the sky, you don’t want any more pictures of you flying around for a while. You don’t know how your momma pulls off not being recognized just by using glasses and a ponytail, but you sense you might not be able to do the same.
You’re on your way to L Corp to finally talk to Lena. You know that you hurt Kara too, but you did worse with Lena saying you didn’t expect better from her. That was shitty of you, and you know it.
Sure, there were also a bunch of things that you said that were totally true. Now that you think about it, you were only trying to convince yourself that you didn’t care that they never show up at your science fair, physics decathlon, or anywhere else in the school aside from the principal’s office to hear something bad about you. You don’t know why they stopped doing that when you got older, but not seeing their proud and loving face in a sea of people that hate you, really did a number on you.
Jamie has obviously noticed that this was the reason you left in the middle of the event, and she went all therapist Olsen on you and told you, you should tell them the truth. Tell them it hurts, that you miss them there, and apologize for saying it so aggressively.
So, your plan is talking to Lena first, and then buying some donuts and flying to CatCo right after, so you can talk to Kara. You could never know none of these plans would come true.
You’re walking, when you pass a black van parked close to the sidewalk and you feel something burning in your body. That’s so weird, you’ve only felt like this once. And only when you’re shot with a Kryptonite bullet.
You try to run, but your legs feel wobbly, and you can’t go very far before your legs give in and you fall on the ground. You look behind you, to a guy leaving the van, and going towards you. You take off your glasses to see inside the van, but you can’t see anything.
“Lex was right, Kryptonite always works.” You hear when the guy is in front of you, but you can’t see his face, it is covered with a black mask. You know they have kryptonite, but you have to call your momma for help. You put your hand on the watch and he notices your movement. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, child.” He easily lifts you up by the wrist, and takes the watch out.
He is not just a normal guy. You can see by the way he lifts you up like you weigh nothing. He either has super strength or some other kind of power.
“What do you want from me?” You manage to ask and he laughs right at your face. He walks back to the van, you’re still hanging a few feet off the ground, by the wrist. You look around to see if no one is seeing this clearly evil person carrying a girl to a black van, and your answer is that no one is. And the ones that are, certainly don’t care.
“Why would I want anything from a child?” He throws you in the van and you look around to see the kryptonite. It’s so close to you now, that you feel the burn going inside your bloodstream, and you whimper.
You look outside at the man’s hand, and you see him dropping your watch on the ground. He was smart, not to take it with him, ‘cause Kara could track you with it. Your hand goes instinctively to your necklace, as long as you still have that, Lena can track you.
“What do you have there?” One of the other guys notices your hand and tries to take it away from you. You fight, punching him with all the strength you have left, and he falls back with a hand on his nose. But you can’t fight all three of them, not while being exposed to Kryptonite. So, they snatch the necklace out of your neck and dump it on the street.
“No, please, no. It’s just a necklace, it’s my grandmother’s necklace, please.” You cry out, but they take no pity. They close the van and drive you away for good.
You want to take the high road, you really do. You want to go quietly and pretend that you don’t care about the fact that you’re being kidnapped right now, but if there’s a slight chance that Kara can hear your cry for help, then you don’t really care about taking the high road.
So you cry and you scream. You do everything you can to get help before you’re taken to Rao knows where, but help doesn’t come.
You try to use your x-ray vision to know where they are taking you, but, and you can’t believe you’re thinking this, these kidnappers are kind of smart, because they covered the van in lead, so you can’t see out, and Supergirl can’t see in.
“So you work for Lex Luthor. Why is he sending people to kidnap me?” You scoff, with not so much strength left in you.
“I don’t work for Lex!” He yells looking extremely offended by your insinuation. “He simply gave me some ideas, but I’M the brain of this operation.”
“Ok. Then what do you want from me?” You ask again, not satisfied with the last answer. “If you want to fight, stop the car and I’ll fight you!”
“No offense, but I can’t fight you. You’re like twelve.” Offense very much taken, excuse him. “I can’t fight a kid. And I don’t want to anyways, I want Supergirl.”
“Why?” You should’ve known. You always knew someday you would get into serious trouble because some evil jackasses are trying to get to your momma, but right now? While you’re in the middle of a fight with her?
“You’re too young to understand!”
“I’m not too young!” He scoffs like he is sure you’re twelve and you huff. “I’m sixteen!”
“Boss, you said we were kidnapping a kid.” Says one of the other men, looking at you in shock.
“It’s not my fault she looks so young.”
“So you’re ok with kidnapping a kid, but not a teenager?” You ask one of the guys and he looks back at you.
“Shut up, I think you broke my nose, you stupid shit!”
You open your eyes, and look around. You don’t remember closing your eyes in the first place, so it is very surprising when you open them and find yourself in a low light lit room. The only thing you see clear is a chair, and the ‘brain of the operation’ in it.
“Hello child.”
You want to punch his face so badly, but you can’t. They have you wrapped in chains with kryptonite in the middle. It burns so much you can’t even get up from where you’re lying on the floor.
“How long do you think it will take for Supergirl to find you?” He mocks and you try to use your x-ray vision to find out where you are, but it’s all made of lead. “I do think we made it too hard for her. She can’t track you. She can’t see through lead… I wonder if she will find you before the kryptonite kills you because of over-exposure.”
“Let me go.” You grunt, your voice almost gone and you hear laughter in response.
“Your mother put me in jail for years. I had a child too, you see. Now he is a man, and wants nothing to do with me.”
“Is there where you met Lex?”
“Why are you so interested in Lex Luthor? Oh, yeah. He is your mom’s arch enemy” He tilts his head to look at you. “I told him all about my hate for the Supers, so he gave me some ideas. And I guess he was right. I mean, just look at you. You look like you’re dying and I didn’t even have to hurt you.”
“You shouldn’t follow Lex’s footsteps. He is sentenced for a lifetime.”
“I thought you were dying, but you are way too talkative for someone who’s dying. Should I black you out again?”
“Supergirl will find me and you’re going back to jail to keep Lex company for the rest of your lives.” You growl between your teeth.
“I might. Or you might die first and I’ll have the last laugh. I guess we'll see.” He walks to where you are. “I must say, it’s an incredibly powerful feeling to make a Kryptonian bleed.” He stomps on your head, and you see nothing after that.
When you wake up again, you can taste the blood on your mouth. You feel weak and nauseated, and your ears are ringing loudly. You don’t open your eyes, because you also hear muffled voices. It’s hard for you to make up the conversation with the constant noise in your ear. You focus on the conversation, and try to forget the pain you’re feeling.
“She’s totally green. Look at her. She looks like Shrek.” Laughter. “Maybe she died already?”
Nope, still pretty much alive and suffering, thank you.
“Maybe coming to Gotham was a little much. Supergirl will never find her.”
Gotham? Fuck. He is right, your momma might not find you before you die of over-exposure.
“I’m so bored. Let’s go grab something to eat. She’s either dead or dying, so who cares?”
Well, he is right. You are dying.
You open one eye, the one that was not directly stepped on, and you see you’re indeed alone. Ok, you’re dying, but you’re not dead yet. What can you do?
There’s not much in the dim lit room, or at least not a lot you can make out with your one watery eye, anyway. There is one thing, only one thing that can help you. An old radio system. The best kind.
You force yourself up. Your head is heavy and you barely can’t leave it up. You can’t stand up, so you crawl to it. The taste of blood is strong on your mouth, your stomach is twisting and growling inside, you know you’re minutes away from throwing up all over yourself and passing out again.
You open the radio, you’re not even sure how, do you still have super strength? Is it just poorly made? It doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters right now is that you are able to pass your location to someone.
- - . .. -
-- .. -- .- -.
You press the button a few times and close the shell again, crawling back to the place you were, and laying down while panting because of the pain and the effort. You close your eye, and pray to Rao your message is received by them. You pray they’re looking for you. And you pray you don’t die before telling them you’re sorry for all the things you said, and that you love them more than anything in the universe.
It doesn’t take long until you hear the men coming back to where you are. You stay completely still, and even hold your breath to make sure they don’t notice anything.
“See, I told you. Dumb girl didn’t even move. She dead, man.”
She ISN’T dead. But if she gets out of this, you might be, you stupid shit.
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bebepac · 3 years
The Double Date Mistake?
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I am participating in @wackydrabbles​ prompt # 92 “I don’t think that was meant to go there.” will appear in bold.
This is also chapter 2 of The Meet:  To catch up on what you’ve been missing of the Meet so far Please click:  The Meet Masterlist
Original Post Date: 05/01/2021 at 3:15PM
The Book:  TRR
The Pairing:  Liam x F!OC (Liam x Jilian) 
Word Count: 1948
Summary: Jilian goes on a double date with Bebe and meets Leo for the very first time.  Jilian and Bebe share how they first met each other to the guys.  
Warnings: Sexual innuendos.  Profanity.  
Leo and Liam belong to pixelberry, Jilian belongs to @queenjilian borrowed for the duration of this series. All others are my own to help us tell the story.  
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“And done. He has your number now Jili. Now fly my little birdies fly.”  
She thought he would text right away but he didn’t.  The whole way to Bebe’s apartment the twenty minute drive Jili’s phone was silent.
Bebe looked at Jili as she glanced at her phone.  What the actual hell?
She texted Jilian.
“Bebe why the hell are you texting me? I’m sitting right next to you?”
“I was just making sure your phone was on.”  
“I mean he’s still working Bebe.  He can’t just drop everything and just start texting away.”
“The hell he can’t. What in the actual fuck is wrong with you bruh?” Bebe grumbled as she angrily typed on her phone.
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“Wing Woman are you trying to crash this plane?”
“The mother  hasn’t even taken off yet with you two trying to pilot it. I’m gonna need you to get your life together Jili.”  
The driver pulled to a stop. “Damn I really wanted to see how this turned out.”
Bebe got out of the car in a huff.
“I’ll let you know.”   Jili called out the window to her.
Jilian wasn’t going to let it stress her out.  He was still at work. She knew her job got busy at times, and she couldn’t just sit on her phone and do nothing.  As she was walking up the stairs to scan her door key fob, the phone rang.
It was a local number she didn’t recognize.
“Jilian. It’s Liam.”
“Hi Liam.”
“I apologize for not texting or calling sooner.  Things got busy at work.”
“Oh I figured that was what happened.”  
"Bebe is something else. I feel a little attacked. I can tell it's from a place of love though."
"She's my best friend Liam. My true sister from another mister."
"So it's safe to assume you are single?" Liam inquired.
"I am, and for you the same?"
"Yes Jilian I am. Is it forward of me to say maybe we can change that for each other. I would really like to see you again. I'm off next Friday would you be free then?"
Jilian sighed.
"Friday is my date night."
"Oh. I just assumed you being single you weren’t seeing anybody even casually."
"With Bebe. We restaurant hop. We're self proclaimed foodies. 
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Do you have any friends maybe we could double?”
“My brother, both him and Bebe have big personalities, I think they’d really get along.  Think she would be okay with that?”
“Yeah I think I could convince her.”  
They continued to talk, and about everything under the sun.  Liam was funny and witty and kept her attention.
She began to realize how much she had in common with the charming Liam Rys.  
She had cuddled into her bed under her covers laughing and chatting with him.  She finally rolled over realizing it was almost dawn.
“Oh my God! Is that the sun?!?!?!” she shrieked, surprised into the phone.
“I’m so sorry Jilian I completely lost track of time.”
“I have to go, I have to be at work in forty five minutes!!!”
Jilian said her goodbyes to Liam and hurried to work.  
Right when Jilian was sitting in her office reading over her chart  for her first patient’s checkup, there was a delivery.  
A large coffee drink had been delivered to her with a sweet gooey cinnamon bun.
“Gift for you Jilian Winchester.”  
Liam was really sweet.
She texted him thank you.
He had let her know he had an extra espresso shot added to her coffee.
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Liam was a lifesaver.  
*^*^*^*^* The Double Date *^**^*^*^*
When Jili and Bebe got to the restaurant  Liam and Leo were already seated at the table both stood to greet them.  
Liam softly kissed  Jili’s cheek.  
Bebe glanced at Leo.  He was cute, but he was probably about five inches shorter than Bebe, not to mention Bebe was wearing heels making her tower over Leo.
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Liam changed the subject breaking the ice between everyone, and the conversation between the couples started flowing.  
Jilian slipped in the subject of Liam and Leo honestly not looking much like each other.  
“We’re half brothers, we have different mothers. But don’t get it twisted Bebe.  I can scale you like Mount Everest. Taller women don’t intimidate me one bit.”
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“Um….thank you for that blatant honesty…. Jili will you accompany me to the restroom please?”  
“Excuse us for a moment.”  Jili smiled politely.  
“Absolutely not Jili!!!!!”  Bebe was adamant when the door to the bathroom closed.  
“Bebe I didn’t know!  I swear when he said older brother, I was thinking he looked like him.  You would think older brothers are taller, bigger, and wiser. He is funny though.  You two do have similar personalities. Maybe try to focus on that Bee.  Let’s just try to have a fun time.  You don’t have to see Leo again.  But I know I want to see Liam again. I like him.”  
“You owe me big for this!!!”
Both women come back to the table.  Their drink orders had arrived.  Bebe takes a long sip on her drink.  
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“That’s what I’m talking about!”  Leo smiled.  “A girl after my own heart.”  
“How did you and Bebe meet Jilian?”  
“We actually met in NOLA. We were both presenting at a medical conference.  Bebe for the Pharma side, because she’s a pharmacist,  and me for medical for being a nurse practitioner focused in the at risk population.”
Leo eyes flit to Bebe.
“So you’re a drug dealer?”  
Bebe smiled.  “ Legal Drug Dealer. Yep, that’s what I call myself. I’m slinging pills to pay the bills.”  
“I can dig it.”  
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“We met the night before our conference began, in a bar.”  
When Jilian walked into the bar she noticed her right away.  There was a woman at the bar,  drinking her drink telling what appeared to be a funny story that had multiple people’s attention.  All were laughing with her.   She had to be a local. Jili thought.  
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She had strings of beads around her neck.  
“What can I get ya?”  the bartender asked.  
She looked at Bebe.  “I want whatever she’s having.”  Bebe was the life of the party.  
“Well I did a little pre-gaming at the drive through daiquiri shop though. 
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But mostly Hurricanes.  Get her a Hurricane Sal.”  
The bartender winked at Bebe.  
“Don’t skimp on the good stuff either!”  She yelled out.
Jilian’s eyes widened when the bartender  brought her the drink.
Bebe held up her glass to clink with Jilian’s glass.
“Laissez le bon temps rouler!!!!!”   The crowd screamed in agreement at Bebe’s declaration.
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Jilian took a long drink of the cocktail.  No wonder.  
“Yep! You like it.  I’m Bebe, what’s your name?”
“I’m gonna call you Jili.  What brings you to NOLA?”  
“Work, a conference.”  
“Bleh you said the “W.” word.  That’s not existing in my life right now.  We’re here, we’re alive, no regrets Jili.  Let your hair down and enjoy yourself.  I mean literally.  That bun is a buzz kill.”  
Jili pulled the pins out of her hair shaking out her locks.  
“So much better!!!! You’re a babe!!!  See they’re already looking at you differently.  We’re not interested though.  Unless they’re buying more drinks.”  
Jili glanced at the guys that were now looking in her direction.  
“You’ve got a lot of bead necklaces going on.”   Jili commented.  
“There are two ways to get beads in NOLA.  Buy them or earn them.”
Jili looked at Bebe and raised her eyebrow with a smile.
“Let me guess, your ass hasn’t spent a dime tonight.”  
Bebe took a long sip of her hurricane.  
“Nope.  Not a single dime.  Including alcohol.  I'll tell you what Jili.  Life’s too short.  I’m not going to regret any of my choices.  I spent a year in Costa Rica, living my life Pura Vida.”
“Pure Life.”  Jilian smiled.  Bebe was a carefree spirit, and people gravitated to her.
“We’re only here for a blink Jili.  How do you want your story to be told?”
She decided to throw caution to the wind and party the night away with Bebe.
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Jilian’s alarm went off the next morning.  She was incredibly hung over as she tried to pull herself together.  
She had a random memory of her and Bebe walking down  Bourbon Street singing “Lean on Me”  while they were linked arm and arm.  The drunk leading the more drunk back to the hotel.
She smiled, straightening her black business suit.  She was about to pull her hair up into her signature bun but decided to let her tresses fall free instead.  
As she was getting checked into the convention she slipped her ID badge and program of speakers, herself among the list.  
She heard her laugh.  Jili whipped her head around and saw Bebe at the back of the line with two others.  Bebe was wearing a bright pink business suit, and her shoes and clutch had the print of medications on it.  
“The legal drug dealers have arrived!!!! Big Pharma in da house!!!!!!”  
Jili laughed, shaking her head.  
“That’s how we met Liam.”  
“We found out later we lived near each other, and made plans to meet up.  Been friends ever since.  That was like six years ago.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t ask us how we met.”  Leo asked.
“I assume you are brothers…. You met… at birth?”
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Bebe shook her head at Leo.
Everyone was calm after not to mention the alcohol free flowing.  They headed to  a lounge after dinner, called Blue Notes.  The music there was full of soul and blues.  
The drinks continued. The music there stirred the soul.  
“May I have this dance?”  Jili nodded, taking Liam’s hand.   He held her close.  
Leo eyed Bebe.   “You know, I have always been one to have a huge case of FOMO.  So you and me let’s hit the dance floor too.”  
Bebe downed her drink in one swallow.  “Why the hell not.”  
They walked out to the dance floor.  With Bebe’s high heels Leo was chest level to her.  He pulled her close resting his head on her bosom.
“Um….so we’re doing this… okay…”  Bebe looked surprised but she was smiling.
Liam laughed softly when he glanced in their direction.
“I don’t think that was meant to go there.”  
“The height difference honestly never crossed my mind Jilian.  Things seemed really awkward for them for a bit, for more so Bebe.  Not so awkward now.”  
Bebe and Leo were looking at each other laughing.
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“You know this is never going to happen Leo Rys.”  
“A man can dream.  Well….It could happen for the night.  I can tell you’re curious. Let me tickle your fancy tonight.”
Bebe laughed harder at him.  “You don’t give up do you Leo?”
“Nope because I get what I want.”    
“If nothing else Jilian, I think they will at least be friends from this, if nothing romantic happens.”
The next morning Liam was cooking  breakfast when Bebe walked out of Leo’s room. Leo’s sweatpants looked like capris on Bebe.  
“Good Morning Bebe. Would you like some breakfast?”  
Leo walked out of the room a few minutes later.  
Liam smiled looking at the two of them.  
“Breakfast Leo?”  
“I already ate.”  Leo winked at Bebe.
Bebe choked on her orange juice.  
“Oh you were talking about bacon and eggs, sure.”  
Nope not at all awkward at all.  Liam thought as he fixed plates for himself Leo and Bebe.
Bebe was climbing in her ride share when her phone rang.
“Bebe… Liam just told me you had breakfast with him and Leo… at his apartment.  You spent the night with Leo?”  
“Leo was right, Jili.  Not all of him is fun sized.”
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Tags in the comments !!!! 
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kj-1130 · 4 years
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@youngjusticeimaginesus​ here is your request!
Main Masterlist
     You had been adopted by the Danvers family when you were quite young; barely a year old. They had been there for you basically since the beginning and you did consider them your family, regardless that you weren’t blood related. 
     While Kara and Alex had been living it up in National City, you were still stuck in boring Midvale. You were still in high school so you couldn’t exactly move with them. They visited every now and then, but you wished you could see them more. They made life so much better. 
     Midvale wasn’t the most exciting place to you. There wasn’t much for you to do--or much that Eliza allowed you to do-- and honestly, the people sucked. A lot of them were close-minded assholes who couldn’t care less about anybody. The students at the school you attended were somewhat bearable, but there was always that handful that thought they were better than everyone and ruled the school. 
     Unfortunately for you, your mouth had put you in the situation you were in now. Some guy--that you were pretty sure had been in eleventh grade for the past three years--had you pushed against the locker, your collar in his hand. 
     Apparently, you were in the wrong when you corrected his grammar and took the last apple all the same day and you guessed it pissed him off. 
     “Got nothing to say now, huh?” 
     You simply scrunched your nose and reached into your pocket to grab something. You held out your hand and in it was a mint. 
     “Your breath stinks. Do you want it?” 
     ‘Ooh’s’ rang out as he punched you in your jaw. Probably shouldn’t have said that. 
     The boy(?) chuckled darkly and shook his head at you.
     “That ain’t nothing. I suggest you learn to keep your mouth closed unless you want some more?”
     You didn’t keep your mouth shut. 
     You were currently limping home while holding your jaw that still ached. Your backpack hung loosely on your left shoulder, your right one still sore from when he slammed you into the lockers. Your stomach hurt and you were pretty sure it was bruised black and blue. 
    You stayed the rest of the school day after the fight happened because you knew Eliza would have your ass if you were home early regardless of the situation. And it’s not like the school would call her. They turned a blind eye to every incident, fight, just about everything really. You thought they just didn’t want to do the paperwork. You didn’t blame them for that though; paperwork sucks. 
     So you just sat through it. You tried to make it straight home, but you were tired and in pain and you just wanted to rest, so you stopped at a bench that was on the sidewalk to take a breather. 
     You really could’ve handed his ass to him if you tried. Every now and then, Alex would teach you some self defense moves, but you knew fighting him would give him another reason for him and his buddies to target you. Also, the school system sucks and you would most likely be at fault for ‘agitating the student first’. And for some reason, the dude was a golden student at the school despite being like, three years younger than the youngest of the staff.
    “That’s probably why he gets away with it; bribes ‘em with sex. He’s probably not even that good. Shrimp dick,” you muttered while getting up from your spot. 
     Eventually, you made your way up to the driveway and got the key out to open the door. 
     “Stupid motherfucker. Stanky ass breath. Oompa loompa, noodle head looking ass. Got me fucked up.”
     You were so busy muttering insults, you didn’t notice your sisters sitting in the living room with your mom. You simply stomped--well the best you could--your way upstairs still mumbling any rude remarks that popped up in your head, most of it just angry gibberish at this point. 
     Both sisters looked at each other, then their mother with questioning looks on their faces. They all jumped when the door slammed closed. Alex decided to go check on you and Kara followed. She knocked and waited for you to answer.
     “Mom, for the last time; I don’t want to go to your weekly book club meetings. Who willingly reads Fahrenheit 451 anyway? That book gave me a migraine.”
     Your siblings both chuckled at your comments and opened the door. 
     “Not mom.”
     You pulled your head up to look at your sisters and furrowed your eyebrows.
     “You’re here?”
     Kara nodded her head and took a seat at the end of your bed and Alex watched as your face contorted in pain as you turned to look at them. 
     “Yes. You were probably too busy mumbling and stomping to notice.”
     Alex nodded in agreement and gained your attention.
     “Speaking of which, why were you mumbling and stomping? What’s going on?”
     “And don’t say nothing because I can see you cringe every time you move.”
     You sighed and realized there was literally no point in lying because they could tell if you were.
     “So there’s this dude in eleventh grade; I’m pretty sure he’s like 20 though. My question is how fucking dumb are you where you fail like three times? What type of sense does that make? Okay, maybe once is understandable; the school system sucks major ass and the material is absolutely useless anyway. Like why are we not learning how to start loans or do taxes. What is the point of school anyway? I’m not going to need to know the area or perimeter of the building I work in. The history is all bullshit too. Like I’m supposed to believe Christopher Columbus discovered America. ‘Discover’ my ass. That cracker wasn’t nothing but a racist and rapist. And I’m really supposed to believe Pocahontas willingly married that man? If they don’t go on somewhere with all of these lies. They always said lying is wrong in kindergarten. Why the fuck tell us that when all they do is lie? History is all a lie. All they do is-”
     “Right! Sorry. Anyway. So he said something and I legitimately almost had a stroke trying to process it, so I corrected him and tried to make sense of what he was saying. Also I think I was in front of him in the lunch line one day and I got the last apple. I’m pretty sure he was like ‘leave it there or else,’ but I wasn’t worried ‘bout him. A bitch was hungry and I wasn’t about to starve at his expense. So like today he pinned me against the lockers. Lowkey thought he was about to eat my face off cause he was real close. I guess he was still hungry, but whatever. And he was like, ‘got nothing to say?’ And I was like ‘your breath stinks.’ And I handed him a mint. And then he punched me. In the jaw. And then he was like, ‘I can do a lot worse if you don’t shut up.’ I didn’t shut up. He punched me in my guts. I threw up in my mouth a little. Not gonna lie I wish he had hit me a bit harder so I could’ve thrown up on his new shoes. I’m pretty sure my shoulders are bruised too. He’s probably a kinky motherfucker in bed. He was like, an inch away from choking me now that I think about it.”
     You shrugged your shoulders and went back to reading your Dork Diaries book. 
     Alex and Kara both slowly blinked, trying to process your fast rambling. 
     “Hold on. You got beat up?”
     “You didn’t tell the teachers?”
     “So you sat in pain. All day.”
     “Yeah, pretty much.”
     Kara looked at you concerned. 
     “What about those self-defense moves Alex has been teaching you?”
     You put your book down and gave them your full attention. 
     ‘Well, when I thought about it, I was like ‘schools think my shoulders are too sexy and can be a distraction, so I can’t wear tank tops.’ I can’t blame them though. My shoulders are beautiful and apparently they give guys boners. Anyway, I was thinking, ‘if they’re so sexist when it comes to clothing, how far are they willing to take that?’ And the more I thought about it, I was like, ‘wait, that dude is like only 3 years younger than the youngest staff member. So what if he’s like paying them with sex or something?’ And then I thought about it some more, and started thinking of all the times he was late to class and his clothes and hair were messy. And that time when I caught him and the calculus teacher sneaking out of the bathroom. I could probably catch them in the act. That’d be great blackmail…”
     You trailed off, starting to make a plan in your head.
     “What was the point in telling us that?”
     “Oh! I’m saying it’s hard for him to get in trouble. Like I’m pretty sure he’d convince some teacher that he’s innocent and that teacher would convince the principal he’s innocent and boom! I get suspended for no reason.”
     Kara and Alex looked at each other, already knowing they had the same idea about this whole situation. 
     “Well, let’s just get you patched up and talk to mom about switching schools. I don’t know about you, Kara, but I don’t feel comfortable with you going back there.”
     That same night, a special someone got a visit from Director Danvers and Supergirl. That same special someone also got their shoes burned to a crisp.
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emf005 · 3 years
Like Me for Me Part II
Sirius x Reader
Warnings: Probably some language
Part 2 out of 3
You were sitting on the bed staring at the wall when your friends came in.
“Hey, Y/N.” Lily greeted.
“Guess who’s going with James Potter?” She frowned. “To be clear it's you.”
“You got a date?” Marleen asked happily, jumping onto your bed.
“With who with who with who?”
“Hallelujah! Thank Merlin!”
“Instead of thanking a dead guy, try thanking Remus.” You offered. “He convinced him into taking me, for some reason.”
“You still don’t want to go?” Lily asked and slid next to you on the bed. You shook your head.
“Nope. I tried to get out of it, but he was persistent.”
“Come on, Y/N! It's going to be so much fun! Now we can really have fun!”
“Come on, Y/N/N.” Lily said with a nudge. “At least attempt to have fun. For us?”
“He’ll probably go out and dance with the girls he actually wants to dance with so I’ll be free the whole time.” You smiled. They both frowned at you. You had no faith in any type of male. “Fine. I’ll try and have fun. Ok?” They nodded excitedly and bounced to get ready for bed. But you weren’t as sure as them. You never would be.
“So she said yes.” Remus clarified with a wide grin on his face.
“Sort of.”
James sat up with a confused look on his face. “What do you mean, ‘sort of’?”
“Well, she actually turned me down at first because she claimed I was only asking her because Mooney told me to.”
“Which is true,” James reminded him.
“Right. So she didn’t want to go. She actually wasn’t planning on going at all, for some reason. She’s going to be here, so why not just go?” He directed his question at Remus. And, though he knew the answer, he just shrugged. “She also said her and I were doing You two a favor.”
“Like what?”
“I’m guessing asking her out was the favor for Remus. But I’m not sure what her favor for you was.” James shrugged.
“Maybe she’s going to get Lily to go with me,” he had a dorky smile on his face as he laid back and stared at the top of his bed.
“Sorry, mate. But no one’s that persuasive.” James threw a pillow at Sirius and mumbled a shut up.
“Hey, just don’t go being… you to her. Alright?” Remus asked. Sirius raised a brow at his friend.
“And what do you mean by that?”
“I hate to say flakey but flakey. She already has self-esteem issues-”
“Wonder why,” one of the boys in their dorm scoffed. They glared at him.
“And trust issues,” he continued. “I just broke the surface, please don;t make her worse. I am begging you.”
“Why would you even suggest I ask her? We aren’t each other's type, first off. Second off-”
“No second offs. Just be nice to her. Ok?”
“Sirius. Promise me.”
“Ok, ok, I promise. Jeez. Protective much?”
“Very.” Remus answered, making Sirius a little worried and scared. He had seen Remus make that face only once before when someone had made a comment about Peter and always hoped he would never be on the receiving end of it.
A few days had gone by and you had sent a letter to your mum about picking out an appropriate (emphasis on appropriate) dress for you to wear. You had yet to receive a response. No doubt she was struggling to figure out how to send it. She had trouble even sending a letter. You were muggle born so she wasn’t exactly uccumbstened to anything magical.
“So the dance is tomorrow, what are you wearing?” YOu shrugged and set your goblet down.
“Don’t know. Mum hasn;t sent me anything y-”
Hoot hoot hoot.
You three looked up to see your owl, Diana, soaring into the room. With her was a large box which she dropped in front of you and then sat on your shoulder.
“Oh no.” Your friends pounced up and began to take the lid off. “Not here,” you hissed. You didn’t like the looks you were getting from the rest of your table. “Who knows what she could’ve put in here.” They nodded and picked up the box, which was much heavier than just a dress would be. What had she done this time?
“Oh my god,” Marleen gaped at the dress in the box. You had hid your face in your hands and Lily was making the same face as Marleen.
“Y/N, we haven;t even pulled it out yet and its-its-its-”
“Gorgeous! Merlin, Y/N! You are going to be stunning! Look at these shoes and these hairstyles suggestions. And the makeup and the jewellery.” She was practically salivating.
“Mar! Snap out of it!” You snapped your fingers in front of your friend's face. She shook herself out of it and wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth.
“Sorry! Sorry! But my goodness! Y/N!This is going to be beautiful on you!” You sighed and sat down on your bed looking at the mass of fabric in the box.
You finished Lily’s hair and looked at her through the mirror.
“What do you think?” She smiled brightly.
“I think you still haven’t even begun to get dressed!” She scolded, looking at your attire. Sweats and an old tight t-shirt.
“I told him eight. No earlier. Now go get dressed! James’ll be waiting.” She smiled giddily and bounced out of the room to put on her knee length red dress. Marleen leaned on the doorway and looked at you with disappointment as you started to clean up your station.
She had been the first one out of your friends that you had done so she was in charge of getting everyone in their dresses. Lily was your last one before you could finish getting dressed. You looked up.
“Nothing. But hurry up. I want to see you there no later than eight sharp. Got it?”
“No promises, Mar. Have a good time. I’ll see you in a bit.” She frowned but went out to help Lily finish putting her dress on. You pulled out your mother’s drawing of the make up she had suggested and the hairstyle you had chosen and set them up on the counter so you could get ready yourself.
Your dress was a simple, straight dress that hugged the top of your body to show off your figure/ The sleeves were lace and it left your back exposed, only with one strap along the top of your back. The front had an identical strap going across your collar bones and dipped a bit lower than you would have liked. Which meant that your mother had chosen a dress where the smallest bit of your chest was exposed, you would have prefered a turtle neck.
The color of your dress was a deep crimson color with gold sparkles sprinkled throughout, making it glimmer. Your shoes were the same style as the dress, and the jewelry was gold and crimson, like the dress. When your mother shopped she shopped hard.
Out of the thousands of hair styles she had sent you, you had opted for the most simple. Hair wavy with a braid around the back of your head with crimson flowers. Your makeup was simple with red and gold and light blush and sparkles. You were glad that your mother had sent easy make up. You really didn't like to put it on yourself but sometimes it was a necessity.
You glanced at the clock and saw that it was seven fifty nine when you had finally finished getting ready. You were going to be late, but only by a few minutes. You took off your shoes and bolted out of the dorm room, through the common room and out into the hallway. You jumped on the banister, like you always did, and slid down hoping off and bolting to the great hall stairs. You looked up at the clock on the wall.
A new record.
You dusted yourself off and put your shoes back on and fixed your hair before you turned down and stood at the top of the stairs. You saw Sirius leaning against the wall. He looked bored and you couldn’t blame him. You hadn;t even started going into the dance and you were bored. You were also nervous as hell, but that's besides the point.
You began down the stairs and the clicking of your heels made him look up.
“I’m going to go out,” Sirius said, looking up at the clock. It said seven fifty five. “She should be here in about five.”
“Ok. And please-”
“I know, I know. Relax, it's not even a date. Ok?”
“Alright.” Sirius left his friend. He spied Lily and James on the dance floor. Lily was smiling, looking like she was actually enjoying herself. That put a smile on Sirius’ face. He felt bad for his friend sometimes. James really had always loved Lily, he was just super immature and didn;t know how to act around her. But this past summer he had really grown up, some.
Sirius leaned against the wall and looked up at the stairs waiting for you to show up. He g;anced back at the clock, 7 fifty-nine.
Where were you?
Not like he cared too much. He just didn;t want to waste his time if you were going to be a no show.
The minutes ticked by and just kept ticking. He was about to go back in, deciding that you had decided not to come and left him dateless when he heard the click of heels. He looked up and his jaw dropped.
You were drop dead gorgeous. Your Y/H/C was over your shoulders a bit and the top of your dress hugged your body in the right ways and places. Your eyes popped and the way you had done your make up wasn’t overpowering, but just enough that certain features popped, there was definitely an element of natural beauty.
You quickly walked down the stairs to him and stood in front of him, awkwardly and nervously. You put your hands behind your back and sucked your lips into your mouth, a bad habit you had picked up.
“Uh… Hi. You look lovely,” he held out his arm and you took it with a giddy smile.
“Thanks, you clean up nicely yourself.”
The two of you entered and you looked around, giving a shy wave to Marleen who was hanging by the punch table with her date. She gave you a thumbs up and you replied with the middle finger, causing her to laugh and blow you a kiss, mockingly. You were so going to kill her later.
“Y/N!” You looked up to see you were in front of Remus and his date, Maria. You never really talked to her, but you knew she was a quiet ravenclaw in your grade.
“Remus!” You gave him a hug.
“You look beautiful. No surprise though.” You rolled your eyes.
“You look nice too. I love your dress, Maria.”
“Thank you,” she said quietly, looking at the floor. “You look very beautiful too.”
“Thank you.”
“Want to dance?” Remus asked his date. She nodded and drug him out onto the dance floor, leaving you and Siirus alone at the table.
You stood in an awkward silence for a few songs. You had never actually ever been to one of these dances so you weren’t sure how to act or what you were supposed to do. You were also waiting for Sirius to leave the table to go dance with someone he wanted to. But he surprised you by staying by your side.
Finally he broke the silence.
“So, do you want to dance?” You looked up from where you were fiddling with your dress.
“Uh, yeah!” He smiled and you two walked out onto the dance floor. You looked around at everyone to see what they were doing and how they were dancing and tried to mimic it but you had no idea what you were doing. You still felt really stiff and awkward.
“You have no idea what you're doing do you?” He asked half way through the third song. You laughed.
“That obvious?” He laughed and you two kept on dancing to the music till it ended and a slower song began to play. You glared at the band playing. You had no idea how to dance, let alone slow dance. Sirius was about to say something but you interrupted him.
“I’m thirsty. Are you? I’m going to go get some drinks, do you want one? Great!” You literally ran off the dance floor leaving him standing there. He slowly headed back to the table, wondering what your reaction was about.
You were pouring some punch into two glasses, thinking about how stupid you had acted when you had heard the song come on. First off, you didn;t want to embarrass yourself dancing like you knew you would. Second off, the last time you had slow danced was with your father when you were a kid and that brought up some unwanted memories.You headed back to the table and set a glass in front of Sirius and sat down across from him.
“Going to talk about what that was about?”
“Nope.” He nodded and took a sip of his drink when he heard your stomach grumble. You cringed and he laughed and stood.
“I was going to grab something from the buffet table. Do you want anything?” You smiled gratefully.
“Anything you grab would be lovely.” He left you sitting alone at the table. You hadn’t realized how hungry you had gotten. Apparently having a good time would do that to you.
“Hey doll face.” You froze when you heard the voice. You weren;t sure whose it was, but you did know the tone of it. “You're looking a bit lonely over here by yourself. Why don;t we go for a dance, or a,” he put his hands on your shoulders and leaned down to your ear, “walk.”
“I’m just waiting for someone, thank you but I’m fine.”
“No boy in their right mind would make a lovely lady like you wait. Come on, just one dance.”
“I’m fine.” His hands stayed rooted on your shoulders.
“Come on. Someone as pretty as you-”
“I think she said that she was fine.” A familiar voice said from behind. Both you and the boy who had been asking you to dance turned to see Sirius with a plate of food in his hand and a raised eyebrow, looking anything but happy.
“I was just-” he stopped when he noticed Sirius’ eyebrow raise higher. He grumbled something and left you alone, but not before squeezing your shoulders as if to say I’ll be back. Sirius sat down and sat the heaping plate of food in between you two.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, thank you . I never thought he’d leave.”
“Must say, never thought you were one to get shy like that. I half expected you to punch him like you did.. What is his name?... Albert Killingsby.” You laughed and reached for a piece of ham he had put on the plate.
“You remember that?”
“How could anyone forget that? We were first years and you punched a seventh year. Broke his nose if I’m not mistaken.”
“Yes, and knocked out his two front teeth.” He began to laugh again and popped something or other into his mouth from the plate. “Not to pat myself on the back or anything.”
“Oh of course not.” He paused. “It was an excellent punch, though.” You smiled.
“It was indeed. He was livid after that. I think I was almost expelled. He was some pure blooded creep or something or other,” you rolled your eyes. “Not saying all pure blood are bad. That is not what I was-”
“I know.” He smiled again. This one wasn’t teasing, but reassuring. It actually made you feel more at ease.
You and Sirius fell into an easy conversation full of a lot of laughter. The night wore on but you two really didn’t notice. Neither of you had ever had a real conversation yet the talking just kept going. Soon you grew tired of sitting and eating and talking (More the sitting rather than the eating).
“Care to go for a walk? My legs are falling asleep.”
“Sure.” He stood up and the two of you walked out of the Great Hall.
“Remus! Remus!” Lily shook him.
“Look!” she pointed to you and Sirius leaving the Great Hall. He smiled.
“What?” James asked, walking over with two drinks for him and Lily.
“Sirius and Y/N just walked out of here together!” She said excitedly.
“And you're ecstatic because…”
“Because she’s had a crush on him since third year!”
“And he might like her.” James’ eyebrows shot up.
“That's why you wanted him to take her?”
“That and she needed an evening where she got dressed up herself.” Remus answered.
“She was very beautiful tonight. I didn;t know you and Marlene were so good at makeup, Lily. Not saying anything in an offensive way.”
“That's all her.”
“She actually gets the girls and I ready every time we’re going out or anything.”
“So the other day at the lake when you asked her about getting ready?”
“I was being serious. She has the best style of everyone in the entire school.”
You leaned on the banister, suddenly wishing you had brought a jacket. It was snowing and your backless dress was just making you shiver, but it felt nice. You let out a sigh and you could see your breath fog in front of you.
“Legs still falling asleep?” Sirius asked, leaning next to you.
“Thankfully, not anymore. That is one of the worst feelings. Just pins and needles,” you shivered from both the thought and the cold. Sirius chuckled and looked out over the Hogwarts ground. “I’ve always loved snowy scenes.”
“Really?” You nodded.
“Really. Just something so calmingly chaotic about them. And everyone dresses in sweaters and sweatshirts, so I never really feel like the odd man out anymore.”
“Why do you dress the way you do? Not being rude, but-”
“I feel better in it around people. Boys, more specifically.”
“Do you mind if I ask why?”
“No.” He waited for you to elaborate.
“Not going to explain?”
“You only asked if I minded if you asked, never actually asked.”
“Well then, why?”
“I don’t like being pretty. I mean… I do, and it does make me more confident but… but the way boys can treat girls because of their appearance is just terrifying. You even saw an example of that tonight.” You let out a sad laugh and shook your head. “I’ve seen a lot of that at home. Men using girls for their looks only to just toss them away when they’re done.”
Sirius wasn’t sure what to say. You had always been so confident in sweaters. Never seeming to be shy or self-conscious around anyone. No fear or anything. And the fact that you had said that you were around it at home…
“Sorry. I said far too much.” You laughed awkwardly.
“No. I don’t know much about you. What else?” You laughed.
“You want to know more about my messed up home life?” You laughed. He didn;t answer and when you looked over at him his expression only said one word: “Yes”. “Wow, uh, ok. I had a twin brother, Nick. I live with my mum who is an independent fashion designer. Um… nothing much else, really.”
“Uh… I guess I got caught, huh? My brother died saving a kid from getting hit by a car. He shoved the kid out of the way but couldn’t get out of the way in time.” You kept your gaze out at the Hogwarts grounds. You and your brother had been very tight and you were still dealing with the loss, it had just happened a few months ago and no one knew around Hogwarts. You didn’t like pity, one of the reasons why you liked to be head of your class.
“I’m sorry.” You smiled weakly and looked over at him, only to see that he was already studying you.
“It's not your fault. It really wasn’t anyone's fault.”
“You're not angry?” You shook your head.
“What good would that do? It's not going to bring him back. And who would I even be mad at? The kid running after her ball? My brother for being brave? The man driving? It wasn’t his fault. It was just an accident.” He kept staring at you and you smiled. “What?”
“You're just… different. Not in a bad way, just different.” You shrugged.
“My dad used to say that a lot too. So did my brother. And my mum says it often now that I think about it.” You creased our eyebrows and thought about it for a minute. Were you really that strange? Sirius laughed. “What?”
“Oh come on, that's just mean. I’m not a funny person, so something must be making you laugh. Come on, tell me.” You jumped up onto the banister, regretting the decision immediately since you sat in a layer of snow. You slid back off quickly and he snorted again. You hit his arm playfully. “Come on, tell me.” You said through chattering teeth.
“Not a smart idea to wear a backless dress to a christmas dance.”
“You're avoiding the question.”
“And your freezing.”
“Come on. Why are you laughing! I get enough of that in the hallways, but I at least know what they are laughing about then.” His smile dropped.
“How often does that happen.”
“The comments around the school.”
You shrugged. “Often I suppose. Still better than being hit on. I’d rather be called nerd and ugly or four eyes rather than having the opposite.”
“Oh! Where are your glasses?”
“They’re actually fake. I have perfect vision, I just don’t like to be without them, they cover up some of my face and make me look different.”
“I don;t think I’ll ever understand you.” You laughed.
“You’ve been talking to me for a few hours and you think that's enough to understand my intense way of thinking?” You joked. You started to shiver again as the wind picked up. He took off his jacket and offered it to you. “Won;t you be cold then?”
“Nah. I’ve survived worse. Come on.” You took the jacket and threw it over your shoulders, it immediately warmed you up.
“Did you charm this? It's really warm.”
“Nope. It's just really expensive.” You touched the inside.
“Fur lined? Wool? Christ this is an expensive brand.” You mumbled and he was slightly surprised.
“You know clothing?”
“My mum is an independent designer. I am well versed in cloth and styles and brands.”
“Oh that's right. I forgot you said that.”
“Yep. I am very stylish and very good at hair and makeup, the works.” He nodded and noticed a small smile play on your lips. “My dad though, he was a wreck.” You laughed. “Sorry. Saying too much again. Please just get the subject away from me.”
“Nope, I want to hear more now.” You groaned.
“I really hate you sometimes.”
“No you don’t. Come on.”
“Um well… he was a school teacher. He taught at a very prestigious college, that's where he and my mum met, actually. They went to the same college and he was writing a paper on fashion and got assigned her as the designer to interview. He fell head over heels, how my mum tells it at least. She was just insulted by his lack of fashion. He became her new project. Very romantic,” you added sarcastically. “Um… my mum is beautiful. But he loved her for her, not her looks. They were the weirdest couple I have ever met. I came down stairs one night to find them arguing one night.”
Sirius’ heart stopped. You had always said had or was when it came. And his curiosity overtook his capability to keep his mouth shut. He was waiting for divorce or something like that.
“And when I snuck in I started to laugh. They never fought, ever. And they were staging in the kitchen at three in the morning arguing over who got the last chocolate pudding.” You smiled and shook your head. “They ended up sharing it. They were the definition of perfect.” Your smile fell. “He died when me and my brother were seven. After about a year, mum decided that we needed a father figure. She asked if it would be alright if she got back out there and, of course we said yes but… but no one could be our dad. None of them love her… or even really like her. They despised me and my brother when he was alive. They’re just.. Horrible. They’ve aged her. And it's all because she’s beautiful.”
“So you don’t trust looks.”
“If I fall in love, I don’t want to have someone love me because I’m pretty. I want them to love me. That may be naive or foolish. But I guess that's me.” You hugged the jacket around your body again. “This is why people need to stop me from talking. I get way too personal way too quickly. Please change the subject.” He laughed for a moment and threw a friendly arm around your shoulders.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that around all us. James has his eyes on Lily, Remus is Remus,” you laughed. “Peter’s already got a girl and I hop around.” You rolled your eyes and laughed. But that last part hurt a bit. Here you were finally talking to the boy you had had a crush on since forever, but, then again, so did half of the girls in Hogwarts.
“Yeah, well, doesn’t matter. I’m fine how I am. My friends are pretty and popular and I’m the nerd who opens her mouth too much.” You shrugged. “What can you do? So, now you have to tell me something completely and utterly embarrassing so I don;t feel alone here.”
“Is that how this is supposed to work?” He asked with a quirked eyebrow.
“Yep,” you hummed and started to walk away. He smirked and followed you.
You two continued to walk around Hogwarts for hours after that. Talking and laughing until you had finally reached your common room with (empty) mugs of Hot chocolate in your hands. He had your heels in his hand and you were still wearing his jacket. You had never had so much fun in your entire life.
“Well, thanks for putting up with me tonight. I hope you had at least a little bit of fun.”
“I had a great time, actually.”
“Actually?” You whisper-shouted, acting offended. He smiled and bumped his shoulder against yours.
“Shuddup, Y/L/N.” You laughed and leaned against the back of the couch.
“But in all seriousness, no pun intended, thanks for taking me. I honestly would be in the library right now if it weren’t for you.”
“Any time, Y/N. Really, I had a lot of fun. We should hang out more, if you’d like.” You were practically beaming.
“I’d like that a lot, actually.” You shrugged off his Jacket and reluctantly handed it to him. “I guess I’ll see you then.” He took it and handed you your shoes back.
“Yeah. I guess I will.” You turned and started up the stairs. “Hey, Y/N!” You turned and looked at him with a smile.
“Goodnight.” You smiled, a bit disappointed that's all he had to say, but what were you expecting?
“Good night, Sirius.” You left him standing in the common room. Everyone was already asleep, so you silently took your hair out and got changed for bed, making sure to get all the makeup off your face. You sighed as you looked at your self in the mirror. The wet wash cloth in your hands. It hadn't touched your face yet.
“Good night to you too. Who knows when you’ll come back out.” Then you gingerly removed all the makeup from your face and went to your bed for some much needed sleep. But that wasn't how it went for Sirius.
Part 2 done! I hope you're all enjoying! Let me know what you think! Part three will be posted tomorrow(Probably).
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
Murder Is Not On The Schedule (Ron Speirs x Reader)
So this is loosely based on a prompt I found on Pinterest about murder not being on today’s schedule and immediately thought SPEIRS! I also wasn’t feeling great this week so I wanted to write something lighthearted...ya know? So this is what my brain came up with. 
Warnings: some swearing, sexual tension (cuz i can’t seem to write Speirs without it...sorry?), my poor attempts at humor
Tag List: @happyveday​ @sydney-m​ @saritanotserena​
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  The sound of mortars and 88s followed me as I walked into the room being used for Captain Speirs' office in Haguenau. Those same sounds should be terrifying but no one flinched anymore thanks to Bastogne. The office was in the back of Easy HQ, looking towards the river. All the walls and windows were still intact, even if the place was dreary and drafty, it fulfilled its purpose. 
 Speirs, who had been staring out the window in parade rest, turned around to lean back against the window and looked over at me. "Lip in bed?"
 "Yeah. Finally convinced him that I could handle it." I dropped down onto one of the two chairs. Both chairs were placed at the table which occupied the center of the room. 
 Lipton was an admirable man, second only to Winters himself. But Christ Almighty, he had to be the worst patient with his perpetual refusal to rest. I did not envy any of the medics who were diligently trying to take care of him. It pretty much took both myself and Luz to drag him to one of the cots in the back and me swearing in blood that if I needed help, I would find him. 
 And if I threatened him a little, no one needs to know, right?
 "Well, I appreciate you stepping up and taking over for Lipton while he is sick."
 I shrugged, already looking at all the paperwork spread out on the table. "He kept us together while in Bastogne. It's the least I can do. Besides, I used to be a secretary before joining up. It's not a problem."
 "Lucky us." He murmured, distractedly. One of his hands tapped a repetitive pattern on his thigh as he seemed to stare at nothing. 
 I knew there was to be a patrol tonight. A prisoner snatch. From what little I had overheard and observed, it weighed heavily on both Lipton and Speirs. My guess was all the names had not been chosen yet on who had to go. Glancing at Speirs, eyebrows furrowed just slightly, repetitive tapping, biting just the inside corner of his lip...he was working on the list in his head. 
 I could not help it as my eyes traced his jawline...his messy hair that looked so damn soft...those dark eyes that pierce your soul but also lit up like a beacon when amused. He looked like a rugged, dirty Greek god with an affinity for bloodlust. Even his hands looked perfect to hold my--
 You are here to help. NOT OGLE YOUR CO! 
 Even if he is pretty.
 Wet dream worthy?
 Whoa! Too much. Pull up, you buffoon! 
 With all my willpower, I turned back to focus on organizing the reports on the table and checking to make sure we had enough paper. Who knew the army used so much paperwork? Everything had to be documented. I could see why it seemed Winters never left his office...or Nixon. Without Lipton's help, I doubted Speirs would ever see his men. I absent-mindedly wondered if I should offer to help out more often. 
 Obviously out of the goodness of my heart and not to ogle the handsome devil currently before me. 
 Several minutes later, there was a knock on the door. After Speirs bid them enter, two replacements stepped into the room. Their ODs were clean, helmets practically sparkled in the sunlight, eagerness written all over their faces. They did not carry the weariness from the Ardennes on their shoulders. They still looked like boys wanting to play soldier with the other neighborhood kids. All I could figure was they had gotten dropped off with the other soldiers returning from the hospital. 
 Both rapidly saluted Speirs, who only lazily saluted in response, still leaning against the window. 
 "Captain, sir." The shorter of the two spoke first, practically bouncing on his toes. "We were wondering if we'd see some action soon."
 The other one chimed in, a proud smile exaggerating his chubby cheeks. "Yeah, we heard a rumor there's a patrol. Sir, we're ready to get our rifles dirty by killing Krauts, sir."
 Christ. These two are greener than the Jolly Green Giant. 
 I quickly muffled a snort by turning it into a cough. It must have not been as subtle as I hoped with the side-eye Speirs gave me. 
 Speirs sighed, crossing his arms across his chest. "Your platoon leader will let you know. I suggest you head back to your OP… and try not to get hit by mortars or snipers on your way there."
 The two glanced at one another, seeming to remember that Nazis were just as likely to kill them. A necessary reminder. After another round of salutes, they hurried out and closed the door behind them.
 "Jesus Christ! If I hear those two asking about killing Krauts again, I'll shoot them both…. And murder wasn't on my agenda today."
 "Murder usually isn't on anyone's agenda." I murmured, making notes on a supply list. We definitely needed more ammo...and chocolate bars. There might be a mutiny if we did not receive more chocolate bars and cigarettes. 
 "No, it's on mine. Just not until Thursday."
 My head whipped up to stare at Speirs. I honestly was unsure if he was joking or serious. I mean, hell, we all knew the rumors about him. With his signature serious expression, he held my gaze, as if waiting for me to question him. I chose not to. Really, I believed him. He would be the one to throw a grenade near his men to get them to pay attention. Or get bored and sneak into the enemy's camp to steal their rifles or something just to mess with them.  
 Then I saw the twitch of his lips, forcing back a smile. 
 At that I laughed, shaking my head. "No offense, sir, but I think we need to find something better for you to do with your time."
 "Oh?" He tipped his head slightly, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Like what?" 
 Shit. Don't say that aloud. 
 "Mmm…" I tapped my lip with my finger, pretending to think about it. "Preferably something other than terrorizing your men."
 "Ah, but it's fun. You should join me."
 I shook my head, not even trying to suppress the indulgent smile on my face. What had my life become? Here I was joking with CAPTAIN SPEIRS about committing murder…. for fun? Later I should question my sanity, but right now, I was more than amused to see him in this new lightheartedness. I had only ever seen him always stoic, poised, ready for anything in war. I found this new side of him only increased his attractiveness. 
 Damn it. 
 "What are you doing on Thursday?" He probed, still watching me with a hawk-like gaze. 
 I shrugged my shoulders, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible. If he was going to joke around, I felt I could return the favor. "Maybe I'm going on a date."
 "With who?"
 "Whoever can afford me, I guess."
 He laughed, widening my own smile. I had never heard him laugh before, and if I could admit it to myself, the world was missing out without that sound. He shoved off the window, to come sit on the corner of the table, one leg dangling off the side, almost touching the chair I sat on. "And what would a date with you consist of?"
 I thought back to before the war. Back before I was weighed down by pain and death. What my life had once entailed. "An elegant dinner at the best restaurant around. Pictures or dancing afterwards. I'm not picky. Then after all that, if I had a very good time, I might be tempted to bring him back to my apartment for some late-night drinks and, well, we'd see where it went from there. But don't tell my mother that last part."
 "Sounds like you've got it all planned out."
 "I'm a lady who knows what she wants."
 "Mmm…" He ran a hand over the stubble growing on his jaw. "I need to change my schedule for Thursday now."
 This information you are trying to process does not compute. Please try again.
 "You taking me out on the date?" I teased back, leaning back slightly in my chair. Mentally, I prepared for him to make a joke about killing whomever was taking me out for the company's sake or something along those lines, since the idea of him having interest in me was preposterous. 
 In one swift move, he shifted over so his leg was between mine allowing him to lean forward and hover over me. The air between us suddenly felt hot compared to the rest of the room. Those dark eyes scanned me, as if slowly undressing me with both the utmost care but also unbridled passion. "Yes. Though we might have to skip with the elegant dinner. I'll share the better parts of the K rations. We also might need to skip the pictures or dancing. But I am positive I can steal some of Nixon's Vat 69 and we can go straight to the late-night drinks. Of course, I'll be a gentleman and let the lady decide what happens after." He finished with a cocky wink at me. 
 Holy mother of-
 I was not ready for that. 
 I could only stare at him for a long moment. My body practically throbbed for him with the image he painted in my mind. The way his voice became so smooth and sensual. The peak of his tongue as he quickly licked his lips before speaking. Now he sat there, his leg dangling between mine, keeping me glued to my seat. Subtly, I tried to press my thighs together to alleviate some of the pressure building. Not that it helped with his intense gaze making my heart beat faster and his lazy smile telling me he KNEW the effect he was having on me. 
 Act cool. 
 Act cool! 
 Play it off! 
 I leaned forward, smirking. "Do you always offer to take your executive officers out on a date? If so, I can see why Lipton likes you so much."
 He chuckled, eyes alluring and heated. "No, not all of them. Just the ones that I've been admiring for some time." 
 Well shit. 
 Don't you dare, you've dreamed about this man before. Ride it out, you coward! 
 I blinked in surprise but before I could respond, he had already made his move. He leaned forward and braced his hands on the arms of my chair, hovering over me. His face now was only inches from mine. I was positive he could hear how fast my heart was beating. My lips parted, trying to encourage breath into my lungs that were struggling to send oxygen to my brain. His eyes drifted down to my lips and lingered there. As if in compliance, my own eyes glanced at his lips, how soft they looked, even slightly chapped still from our time in Bastogne. His hands slid ever so slowly further up the arms of the chair, stopping just next to my elbows. Now I could see the faint lines around his eyes. His hair slipped forward, calling my eyes upward. I struggled to not reach forward and touch it. To see how it felt with my fingers running through it. A soft chuckle had my eyes snapped back to his, as he watched me with an intensity that border-lined frightening and lascivious. 
 I gulped. "Captain Speirs…"
 "No," he just barely ran the tip of his nose over the shell of my ear. His hot breath caressed my skin. My eyes fluttered closed on their own accord; my body unable to handle the pleasurable sensation. He whispered into my ear, voice fully commanding and salacious. "No, you call me Ron when we're alone."
 Mission control. We are going down. I repeat we are going down in flames! 
 My underwear was not prepared for this! 
 "Ron." I liked the way his name rolled off my lips. If the quiet, sharp inhale from him said anyway, he liked the way it sounded too. Tilting my head just the slightest, I could look up into those dark, smoldering eyes. Our lips though...I could taste his breath on my tongue. I could feel the warmth from his skin radiating onto mine, turning me into a puddle of desire.
 Oh God, he smelled like everything that is beautifully masculine. Not the nasty, sweaty teenage boy but the pheromones that make your ovaries take notice and your uterus demands for something to be done with it. How was that possible? 
 "I'll...um, I'll make sure to add this to your schedule on Thursday." I whispered, almost able to feel his lips ghost over mine as my lips formed each word. 
 His hand trailed up my arm, setting fire to my nerves. Gently, he wrapped it around the base of my throat, his thumb rubbing a pattern into my skin. The whole time our eyes remained locked. His pupils dilated, desire coloring them and I wondered if mine looked the same. The small amount of air between us was thick with tension and salacity. My body screamed for me to drag him down and crash our lips together. To see if he tasted as good as he looked. My hands were stuck in my lap though. It felt like we were in a stalemate, unable to move forward, to take that next step.
 If something does not happen, I swear I will spontaneously combust! 
 Then someone knocked on the closed door. 
 Dear universe. That was NOT what I meant! 
 With a sigh, he slipped his hand up to rub his thumb along my bottom lip for the briefest of seconds. I swear the regret coursing through my veins, I could see mirrored in his eyes. Ever so slowly he retracted his hand and leaned back, but stayed on the edge of his desk, his leg still between mine. 
 "Enter." He called out, only turning his heavy gaze from mine when the person stepped through. 
 First Sergeant Talbert walked in, opening his mouth then hesitated for a second as his eyes seemed to take in but not fully comprehend the scene before him. "Um, sir, there's a couple of replacements asking about a patrol…"
 "Oh, for fuck's sake!"
 I laughed at Speirs' pained expression. Quickly, I jumped to my feet and brazenly patted his chest, my hand lingering on the feel under my palm. "I'll take care of it before murder happens."
 "That's not till Thursday." He looked at me with a wry grin. His hand subtly reached forward to skim my hip before grabbing the edge of the table. 
 "Remember, you're busy now. Murder has to wait."
 "Fine. Friday it is then."
 "If you have the energy after." I winked at him. I only caught a glimpse of the hunger that flooded his eyes before I turned on my heels and headed out the door. The whole way out I could feel his heated gaze on my back, like his fingers were trailing down my spine. I shivered in anticipation for what it would really feel like. 
 I'll make sure he doesn't have the energy to terrorize Easy… I'm definitely doing this for their sakes… completely self-sacrificing… yep, I won't enjoy this at all. 
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peachyteez · 4 years
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second chances ≫ DAY SIX, GIVING IN.
as a feral wolf hybrid that was violent with all of the employees assigned to him, seonghwa was subjected to be put down. however, jiyu being the softhearted feral hybrid nurse she was, she decided to save seonghwa no matter what.
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✧ taglist: @defsoul15, @choisaniskillingme, @t-tbinnie, @multi-bookmarkscripts, @hello-its-ya-boi, @sunsethw4, @chanyeolol
can’t be tagged: @sherzess
feel free to let me know if you would like to be added to the list! :)
✧ notes: welcoming hybrid caretaker!chanhee (from the boyz hehe)
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“you look like you came from the walking dead,” was the first thing yeonjun said to jiyu when she walked in the office and honestly, he wasn’t wrong. anyone could notice the dark circles underneath her eyes and her dazed and sleepy expression. “did you even sleep last night?”
sighing, jiyu put on her white coat and crashed into her chair. she buried her head into her arms onto the table. “nope. was too busy thinking about some things,” she sleepily mumbled.
yeonjun had a gut feeling. “and did you decide?”
yeonjun deadpanned. “so you’re telling me you stayed up the entire night to think...and you didn’t even come to a decision?!”
“sounds about right,” jiyu said as she sat up and stretched her arms above her head. “i just don’t know what to do, jun.”
yeonjun softly smiled. “well, i can’t make the decision for you, ji. that’s something you need to figure out on your own.”
“look how that turned out,” she wryly mumbled. “you think they’ll let me nap in the infirmary?”
yeonjun started working on beomgyu’s report. “just don’t sleep the whole work shift.”
jiyu rolled her eyes and let out a playful scoff as she got up to go to the infirmary. “if i’m not back in an hour or two, then come wake up me.”
walking down the hall, jiyu tiredly rubbed her face before stuffing her hands into her white coat pocket. she felt a piece of paper slightly crumple and she sighed, knowing exactly what it was. the adoption form.
thinking back to the night before, she wanted to pull her hair in frustration. whenever she came to a decision, her brain would always think of an excuse to talk her out of going through with the adoption.
so absorb in her thoughts, she failed to notice someone else walking out of the infirmary. “good god, ji. you look like—”
“i came out of the walking dead?” she finished.
“well, that’s a nicer way of putting it—ow!” he yelped when jiyu punched his arm. “go sleep in the infirmary. you look like you need it,” he added, rubbing his arm where jiyu punched.
“thanks, chanhee,” she chuckled as she walked past him and into the infirmary.
falling into the bed, jiyu realized how exhausted she really was when her eyes closed and she immediately drifted off into dreamland. funny how easily she fell asleep here compared to her own bed at home. she was so deep asleep, she didn’t notice the two people that entered the room.
“there she is,” yeonjun gestured to the sleeping female on bed to the wolf hybrid.
seonghwa peeked in and his facials softened seeing that jiyu was okay. when yeonjun, his former caretaker, came in to check up on him instead of jiyu, he thought something was wrong—or she could’ve been avoiding him after what he said the previous day.
“c–can i stay here?” he tentatively asked yeonjun.
yeonjun chuckled at the wolf hybrid. “you’re really attached to her, aren’t you?” he asked.
it’d be a lie if seonghwa said yeonjun was wrong. he didn’t realize how attached he grew to her until today when he didn’t see her.
“i guess she didn’t tell you why she’s hesitant, right?” yeonjun humourlessly smiled. “let’s just say that she wasn’t supposed to be here,” he mumbled under his breath. patting seonghwa on the back, he gently nudged him into the room. “to answer your question, you can stay.”
and with that, yeonjun closed the door and left.
seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows. what did that even mean? sitting down next to the bed, he stared at jiyu, taking in how peaceful she looked. his ears twitched as he observed her.
jiyu readjusted her sleeping position, startling seonghwa since he thought she was waking up. but when she settled down again, he noticed a folded piece of paper that fell out of her coat pocket. carefully reaching over and grabbing it, he was shocked when he opened it and found it was a filled–out adoption form.
and it had his name and her signature at the bottom.
his tail started uncontrollably wagging, which made noises as it rubbed against the chair. jiyu furrowed her eyebrows and slowly opened her eyes at the noise.
what she wasn’t expecting to see was seonghwa sitting on the chair next to the bed with his eyes practically glowing as he stared at a piece of paper. “seonghwa, what are you looking at?” she sleepily asked as she leaned over to look.
her breath caught in her throat when she recognized the paper. quickly reaching a hand into her coat pocket, she realized it wasn’t a dream. “u–um...i can explain!” she frantically said as she sat up on the bed. “i know you’re iffy about adoption, so that’s why i never said anything about it. but yesterday, you and yeonjun talked some sense into me and—”
seonghwa blinked as he tried processing her words. she could be a rapper with how quick she’s talking...
“—so i put a lot of thought into it and—”
seonghwa reached over and put a hand on top of her head, a quiet signal telling her to calm down. “have you considered being a rapper?” he lightly joked. “and i’m not mad.”
jiyu stared up at him and blinked in confusion. “y–you’re not?” she meekly asked.
“if i were to be completely honest, no. actually, i really wouldn’t mind if it was you that adopted me,” he casually added, making jiyu’s eyes widen.
“but you seemed hesitant yesterday on the topic of adoption so i didn’t push it any further,” he said. “but this makes me confused, too,” he held up the adoption form.
jiyu sighed. she decided to ultimately come clean about everything, even if it made his views of her change. “and i’ll explain everything,” she softly smiled. “it’s a long story, though so get confortable,” she warned.
seonghwa got up and laid on the bed next to jiyu. her eyes widened. “um—”
“you said get comfortable and my butt’s going to hurt from sitting on that chair,” he explained as he crossed his arms underneath his head. “so, what’s your story?”
“do you know hwang corporations?” seeing seonghwa nod, she bitterly smiled. “that’s actually my family’s business.”
seonghwa, quite surprised at the revelation, cocked an eyebrow up at jiyu. “then what are you doing here?” he asked before realizing how rude he came off. “i mean—”
“it’s fine, i get what you mean,” jiyu chuckled. “but my life was planned out for me ever since i was born. i’m the only child, so naturally, i’d have to take over the company when i’m old enough.”
“but i don’t want to. i was tired of everything being planned out for me, i was tired of being a puppet rather than an actual daughter in my dad’s eyes.”
seonghwa intently listened. “what about your mother?” he carefully asked. seeing jiyu’s expression tense, he realized he must’ve overstepped.
“she died when i was fifteen,” jiyu sadly smiled. “she was actually a hybrid caretaker, too. i must’ve gotten the passion for hybrids from her.”
“but i managed to convince my dad to let me have five years to myself before i have to take over the company. and he agreed, with the condition that i’d have to take over the company with no arguments or fights. so with that, i packed up and moved out. no support from my dad, except the apartment i live in right now.”
“and now here i am four years—i finished university and became a hybrid caretaker. i have a year left before he takes me back, so i’m trying to live it out as best as i can.”
seonghwa went silent as she finished her story. “so to sum it up,” he started, “you don’t want to adopt me because you’re leaving in a year.”
jiyu nodded. “i’d feel bad for leaving you after only a year...so that’s why i have second thoughts.”
“have you considered my feelings?” seonghwa asked. seeing jiyu’s confusion, he sighed. “no one ever said you had to give me up after a year.”
jiyu looked down and fiddled with her fingers. “i’m scared of neglecting you since i’ll be busy with the company. it wouldn’t be fair to you.”
seonghwa sat up and stared down at the female in front of him. “whether it’s fair to me is my own decision, don’t you think?” he asked. “besides, even though i’ve only known you for only five days, you’re not the type to abandon a hybrid. you saved me from getting put down after all.”
jiyu’s eyes widened. “you knew?”
“the nurses here aren’t so quiet,” seonghwa wryly smiled.
jiyu didn’t know what is was about seonghwa, but his words were somewhat really convincing. he was right. she was only considering her own thoughts and reasons, that she disregarded seonghwa’s thoughts on the matter.
seonghwa peered down at jiyu’s face. “everything okay?”
jiyu snapped out of her thoughts and her expression morphed into smile as she took the paper from seonghwa’s hands. reaching up and rubbing at the base of his ears, he started chuffing and his tail started happily wagging.
she chuckled seeing his embarrassed expression after she stopped. “that was embarrassing, never do that again,” he pouted.
“well, get used to it because i’ll surprise you with them from now on.”
seonghwa’s eyes widened as his ears stood up in full alert. “from now on? does that mean—” his tail couldn’t keep still, making jiyu laugh.
“yes, hwa. i’m willing to take the risks,” she smiled.
seonghwa couldn’t control himself. he threw his arms around jiyu and nuzzled the top of her head. his tail started wagging even faster out of pure excitement. “i won’t make you regret your decision!”
jiyu reciprocated his hug with a chuckle. “i’d never regret it, seonghwa. i promise.”
a few minutes passed with seonghwa still embracing jiyu, his eyes closed with bliss. jiyu didn’t want to burst his happiness, but she really had to get up.
“hwa, i need to get up,” she meekly said with a pat to his arm. “we still need to get your thumbprint on the form and your official documents.”
seonghwa immediately retracted his arms with a sheepish look on his face. seeing new, various expressions on his face, jiyu couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. a few days ago, he was glaring and growling at everyone. now, although he’s still working on it, he can freely smile around others.
she reached up to rub his head again, softy smiling when seonghwa started nuzzling his head against her hand. “i may not be able to provide you with much, but i promise whatever happens in the future, i’ll keep you safe,” she quietly mumbled, only for him to hear.
“you’ve already given me heaven, jiyu. that’s all i could ask for.”
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adenei · 4 years
Can you please write a fic where Rose and Albus finds an old newspaper in which Rita skeeter pairs Harry and Hermione and they show this to their siblings and everyone together ask the trio and Ginny about it..?? If possible, please include some golden trio or Rarry moments also..!!
Hi @lumos-solemn ! Thanks for the ask! I’m going to apologize for the random HIMYM reference, and the irony at the very end. It just fit too well to not incorporate.
Next Gen: Of Trials and Tribulations
Rose and Albus were in the library, studying for their upcoming Defense against the Dark Arts exam. They were in their third year, and they were trying to find newspaper articles that would give them extra insight to compare tactics used during the time of Grindelwald and Voldemort.
“Al, look at this!” said Rose. “You’ll never guess what I fo-, Merlin’s pants no way.”
“What?” Albus walked over to her.
“It’s an article from when our parents were in fourth year. When Uncle Harry was competing in the tournament. Look at the picture of Mum and him!” Rose was stunned.
“And the headline of the article. There’s no way they actually dated in Hogwarts!” Albus was not convinced.
“But Al, read it! Dad’s nowhere to be found.” Rose was frantically reading the article.
“No way…”
“Do you think we should say something?”
“Maybe, but I don’t want to tell anyone else about it. We’ll have to make sure we catch them all alone.”  Al said. He never liked to stir the pot if he could avoid it.
Rose, ever the one for the spotlight, argued, “No, they’d want to know. We need to tell them.”
“It’s a shame Teddy isn’t here. Maybe I could owl him and ask..”
“No, you can’t! Teddy will just go talk to Uncle Harry and they’ll probably figure out some rubbish story to tell us that isn’t the truth. We need to surprise them with this.”
“Well, Easter hols are two weeks away..” Al said.
“Perfect, we’ll do it then,” Rose decided.
With Albus being in Slytherin, he unfortunately was unable to stop Rose from telling Hugo, Lily and James, much to his chagrin. 
“I still can’t believe you told them!” Al said to Rose. The five of them were in Rose’s bedroom. Their parents were downstairs, having just picked them up from the train and brought them back to Ron and Hermione’s to catch up.
“We need to get back down there, they’re going to know something’s up,” Lily insisted.
“Okay, fine, but you all remember the plan?” Rose asked. They all nodded and Rose said, “Great, let’s go.”
So the five kids made their way down the stairs with purpose, entering the living room where they’re parents were seated and talking amongst themselves. Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione looked up to see the five of them looking at them, and gave each other a look.
“Oh boy, what’d you lot find of ours at Hogwarts now?” Ron asked as he laughed at the sight before them. This wasn’t the first time they’d come across something with one of their names on it.
“Why didn’t you tell us that you dated!” Rose blurted out, clearly going against her own plan. Albus gave her a look, while the other kids looked at their parents.
The trio and Ginny all looked oddly at each other. “Er, who are you talking about sweetheart?” Hermione asked Rose. “Because I figured you knew that your father and I dated, though not at Hogwarts, and Harry and Ginny did, too..” The four of them looked at each other again, clearly engaging in silent communication.
“Will you stop that?” Rose said. “With the looks that clearly show you guys are saying something. We’re not stupid!”
“Rose,” Hermione warned.
“She’s talking about Dad and Aunt Hermione,” Albus finally jutted in. “We found an article from 1994 that had a picture of them hugging quite, er, nope I can’t say it. And the article was titled something about young love for the youngest Tri-Wizard Champion.”
Harry and Hermione both groaned, as Ron said, “And you two always wondered why I thought there was something there.”
“Was it a Rita Skeeter article?” Ginny asked. “You know not to believe anything that comes from her quill!” 
“Now that you mention it,” Albus rounded on Rose. “I told you it was ridiculous.”
“But they haven’t denied it!” said Rose impatiently.
“Rose, Harry and I never dated. That was honestly Rita just drumming up drama. Harry was just about to steal an egg from a dragon. He very well could have died! And your father here still wasn’t speaking to his best friend, so I was trying to make up for it.”
“Dad, you and Uncle Harry fought?” Hugo chimed in with surprise.
“Not one of my finest moments, son,” Ron admitted.
“Even the best of friends get into rows sometimes. We went back to normal after that task. Only took Ron realizing that dragon could have done me in to come to his senses.” Harry said as they all laughed.
“So you two never..?” Lilly asked, still a little worried.
“No, Lily, it’s always been your Mum for me,” Harry told her, sharing a loving look with Ginny.
Ron made a weird coughing sound that sounded a bit like ‘Cho’ as Hermione nudged him. “Now, why don’t you lot go back upstairs for a bit? We’ll catch up over dinner soon,” he said after his fake coughing fit.
The kids all scampered off as the four of them sat there looking at each other in disbelief. “Will it never end?” asked Hermione.
“I think you three know the answer to that,” Ginny said as she rolled her eyes.
“We’re going to have to tell them everything eventually. The longer they’re there, the more they’re going to discover. We’ve gotten off this long because James’ never been bothered with knowing anything about it,” Harry reasoned.
“Oh, what if we took a line out of that one show on the telly, where the bloke sits his kids down and tells him the story of how he met their mother. American sitcoms are something else, aren’t they?” Ron said, as they all laughed.
“Wouldn’t that be a sight. I suppose this summer we’ll have to start telling them what happened,” Harry said.
“We should probably sit down and decide what’s necessary and what should be left out,” Ginny suggested, clearly thinking about the whole Chamber of Secrets debacle.
“It’s really a shame there aren’t any books fit for kids to tell the story for us…” Hermione said. They all laughed at the absurdity of it, finally accepting the fact that they knew this day would come eventually. Their kids were about to find out why their parents were legendary.
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voiceless-terror · 4 years
The Breaking Down of Walls (The Magnus Archives)
Whumptober 2020 Day Seven: Carrying
Fandom: The Magnus Archives
Characters: Jonathan Sims, Tim Stoker, Martin Blackwood
CW: Sickfic
Summary: For all his grumbling, he doesn’t think Jon actually minded it that much.
He squeaked and protested when Tim threw him over a shoulder, but he went soft and pliant after about a minute of being carted around. He’s almost gotten used to being picked up and bodily moved out of the way by Tim instead of getting a simple ‘excuse me.’ Tim once caught him smiling after he’d been perched on the break room counter while Tim cleaned up a glass he shattered. It quickly morphed into a scowl on eye contact, though.
Jon was small. Portable. Travel-sized for convenience. Jon did not like this pointed out to him.
So Tim made it his job to point it out as often as possible. 
“Hey there lil’ guy!” was his favorite greeting back in research and Jon would always return it with a furious glare and a grumbling, futile protest. See, Tim’s a tall guy. Of course everyone would seem small to him. But Jon was genuinely small. Like, he has to jog to keep up if you have a brisk pace. Watching those little legs work overtime to catch up to him in the hallway was one of Tim’s greatest joys. The man was five foot and change, if the change was pennies on the dollar. Tim particularly liked to rest his elbow on his head; the afternoon silent-treatment it got him was well worth it.
For all his grumbling, he doesn’t think Jon actually minded it that much. 
He squeaked and protested when Tim threw him over a shoulder, but he went soft and pliant after about a minute of being carted around. He’s almost gotten used to being picked up and bodily moved out of the way by Tim instead of getting a simple ‘excuse me.’ Tim once caught him smiling after he’d been perched on the break room counter while Tim cleaned up a glass he shattered. It quickly morphed into a scowl on eye contact, though.
Tim believed he protested too much. Jon liked friends and company despite his prickly exterior. No one leaned into a touch like that if they didn’t want it. So Tim took the complaints with a grain of salt.
The dynamic changed when they moved down to the archives. Jon had distanced himself, locking his office door and trying to seem like a far more serious man than he was. Tim understood- with Elias breathing down their necks, anyone would be worried about professionalism. But it was wearing on Jon both physically and mentally. He was not very pleased with Tim’s moniker of ‘lil boss’ so he cut that out right quick. He looked tired and harried every day and was prone to snapping at the slightest of inconveniences- these days the inconvenience was more often than not Martin.
Poor Martin. He was the odd man out, the only one not to come out of research. Elias assigned him to the archives which put Jon immediately on guard. But Martin was a nice kid, just trying to scrape by like the rest of him. It wasn’t his fault his Latin was terrible and Jon was exacting. Well, maybe he could work on the Latin. But he brought them tea and asked about their day which was more kindness than anyone here had experienced in quite some time. He was working very, very hard at trying to break down Jon walls. He brought him tea on the hour and tried to coax him out for lunch. He took every insult and rejection with a mask of politeness that Tim knows must have taken him some time to perfect. He let Martin do the mothering; Tim doesn’t know how to express his concern in a non-tactile fashion. 
Jon hadn’t been out of his office all morning. This was not unusual, not these days. Martin expressed his concern more than once and Tim decided to check up on him at the end of the day if he hadn’t come out- he’s knee deep in research and on a roll. Sasha’s out investigating a case and it’s only the three of them in the office. The clock neared three and Tim yawned; he really needed this weekend to come quick. 
“Tim!” he heard a strangled voice call. Martin. “Tim, can you come here please?” This couldn’t be anything good. He hurried out of his chair and made his way down the hallway to- you guessed it- Jon’s office.
“H-He won’t wake up!” Martin stuttered, hands hovering uselessly over Jon, who was currently collapsed in his office chair either snoozing or deeply unconscious. Damn. “I-I know he looked bad today but he told me to leave him alone so I did and now look at him!” 
Jon indeed didn’t look or sound well. His hair was out of its bun and in a tangled mess that hid most of his face, but what he could see was flushed a bright red. His breathing was labored, a slow and uneven wheeze. Tim immediately started making his way over. “Does he have a fever?”
“I think so,” Martin replied. “But I didn’t check. Didn’t know if he wanted me...touching him.”
Tim rolled his eyes. “I think this is an exception.” Martin clearly wasn’t comfortable enough with the man to bully him just yet (Jon seemed to do most of the bullying nowadays). He needed a firmer hand when it came to taking care of himself and Tim and Sasha were usually the ones to give it. One hand to Jon’s forehead and he knew the man had worked himself sick, again. It’d been a while since this last occurred- it used to happen with some frequency back in research, at least until Tim and Sasha convinced him to take it easy. But they had been distant and it’s clear that Jon’s fallen back into old habits. Tim sighed, brushing a lock of Jon’s hair behind his ear. “What are we gonna do with you, hm?” he murmured softly, well-aware of Martin’s eyes on his back.
“I-I can set up the cot in the back!” Martin suggested, moving over to the door as if to do it immediately. “I can sleep on the break room couch, it’s surprisingly comfy.” Tim had forgotten that Martin had been living in the archives- Christ, what has this place come to- but it was a Friday night and he didn’t want Jon here all weekend; he would likely just work himself into exhaustion yet again. So Tim made a decision.
“I’ll take him home. He’ll recover better if he’s out of here,” He looked at Martin critically. He wasn’t in the best of shape either. There were dark circles under his eyes and he couldn’t be getting great sleep cooped up in the basement like this. ‘Why don’t you come too?” Martin's eyes widened in surprise. “You could do with a good night’s sleep and my living room couch is legendary.”
“I couldn’t-”
“Nope, I’ve already decided for you,” Tim gave him an easy grin, hoping to seal the deal. “Go get us a cab, will you? I didn’t drive and we aren’t taking the tube.”
“O-Okay! If you’re s-sure.” 
“I’m always sure.” He threw in a wink for good measure and Martin was out the door. Works every time.
Getting Jon out of the chair turned out to be tougher than expected. He was contorted around his desk; he’d clearly been in this position for quite some time. As gently as possible, he wound an arm around his knees and titled Jon back until he fell against his chest and against his other arm. “There we go,” he mumbled even though he knew the man couldn’t hear. “Let’s get you home.” Jon felt incredibly warm in his arms and Tim’s worry increased; he hoped he had medicine back at his flat that hadn't expired. The man was even lighter than expected and Tim almost stumbled backward with how he overcompensated for his weight. Another thing I’ll have to talk to him about.
Martin came back downstairs, his footsteps quick and loud on the tile. “Cab’s here- oh.” He paused, staring down at Jon and blushing for some reason. Tim looked at him quizzically before gazing down to his arms- at some point Jon had nuzzled himself into his shoulder, one hand gripping his shirt in a tight little fist. He had to admit it was an adorable picture, but they didn’t have time for Martin’s crush right now. “I’ll just go and uh, grab my things then.”
They end up in the back of a cab, all three of them. It’s not particularly comfortable but they manage to sprawl Jon across the both of them, head still tucked into Tim’s shoulder and legs stretched out into Martin’s lap. Tim is only a little amused with Martin's awkward placement of his hands in an attempt to avoid touching Jon, though he ends up grabbing onto his legs to keep him in place about two minutes into the ride. They fell into a silence on the way, the only noise was Jon’s breathing which sounded more labored by the second.
“Is he- was he always like this?” Martin asked quietly, allowing himself one more glance at Jon. Martin’s face was still red, much to Tim’s amusement. “Working himself to death?”
“Never this bad,” Tim replied, running a hand through Jon’s hair. He remembered doing this back in research, back when it was okay to touch him. Was he taking advantage? Perhaps a little, but Jon looked like he needed it. “New job’s wearing him down, I think.”
“W-What was he like before?”
Tim paused. Frankly, he’s a bit unsure of what Martin’s looking for here. Jon’s always been Jon, but the promotion seems to have dialed up all of his worst habits past ten. Habits that Tim thought they’d put behind them. It’s not like Jon’s particularly changed- perhaps regressed was a better word. He’s rebuilding the walls that took him years to deconstruct. He’s scared, Tim realized. Don’t know why it took me this long to see it.
“He’s actually quite soft,” Tim stuck to the present tense. Jon’s not lost, after all. Just a little in his head. “Once you get to know him. We were- we are friends. He’ll get used to you,” Martin deserved a little reassurance. “Just gotta invest some time. Like you’re already doing.”
Martin went quiet. He didn’t seem convinced. 
“One time he sprained his ankle on the way into work,” Tim smiled, remembering the day from about a year ago. “Idiot thought it would be fine to walk around the library like nothing happened. You should’ve seen Sasha when she found out. Full of fury, that one. Never get on her bad side.” Sasha’s mother-hen instincts were even worse than Martin’s, though hers were much more intense and full of scolding. “Made a deal that if he was going to work he’d have to sit the fuck down. ‘Course Jon’s not going to do that- he may seem like he sits in his office all day, but I’m sure he’s actually pacing up a storm in there.” A fond smile down at the man in his arms. “So whenever he got up I hauled him on my back. Sasha has a picture somewhere. He was horribly embarrassed, of course, but I think he came around to the idea.” He nudged Martin in the side. “He secretly likes all of that fussing, I promise you.”
“He hides it well, then,” Martin rolled his eyes though he was smiling.
They got to Tim’s flat in a thankfully short period of time. “Make yourself at home,” he said to Martin as he opened the door with just a small adjustment of Jon. “I’m going to get this one settled in my room.”
“Alright,” Martin ducked his head shyly, standing awkwardly in the middle of Tim’s living room. He’ll warm up to it, Tim thought as he made his way to the bedroom. He’s glad he decided to clean the place a couple of nights ago- Jon deserved some freshly-laundered sheets and clean air. Better than that stuffy basement.
Jon blinked his eyes open as Tim gently laid him down on the bed. They were watery and fever-bright, his brow furrowed in confusion.”T-Tim?” he croaked. Yikes, that sounds bad. “S’at you?”
“There you are, lil’ guy,” Tim murmured, wondering if Jon could even hear him. He propped a pillow up beside him and sat on the other side of the bed, tucking Jon against his side. “Took you back to my place. You’ve done a number on yourself, y’know.” Jon groaned and leaned into his shoulder, clearly looking for comfort in his vulnerable state. Tim would give it to him. “When you’re better we're going to have a talk, young man.”
“Hate talks,” Jon whined, rubbing his face into Tim’s shoulder. Ah, so we’ve reached the brat stage of illness. Right on time. “Just gonna sleep. Gotta...got work to do.”
“No you don’t,” Tim replied and squeezed Jon’s shoulders. “You’re going to take some medicine and eat. Have a nap. And maybe if you’re good, I’ll let you watch me play video games. But only if you’re good.” He paused, remembering Martin in his living room. “Also, Martin’s here. Just so you know.”
Jon didn’t seem to have any complaints about that. Huh. Maybe he doesn’t mind him as much as I thought. “S’he gonna make tea? Want tea.” Tim couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up in his throat.
“Yeah,” he promised. “He’ll make us some tea. Maybe cook us breakfast in the morning. The whole sha-bang. Gotta earn his keep.”
“I think Martin can make good eggs.” Yeah, Jon’s not going to remember this conversation.
“How can you tell?” He humored him anyway.
“It’s his face,” Jon’s tone left no room for argument. “I can jus’ tell from his face.” Alright then, Jon.
The man was starting to doze off and Tim took this as his cue to grab some medicine while he still had the chance. He carefully maneuvered around Jon, making sure he was properly tucked in the bed and not in danger of falling off. “Be right back, okay?” No answer, but Tim hadn’t really expected one.
He took a second to look down at his friend, soft and familiar in his bed. This weekend will be good, Tim decided. For all of us. It took him years to break down Jon’s walls and he was willing to do it again. Because Jon was his friend.
And Tim couldn’t lose anyone else.
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26876779
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
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A/N: I'm officially obsessed with Wolf Bride and what does one do when she's obsessed with a certain book? She writes an AU about it! 😁 So, Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Roman (LI) and Naia Evans (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and certain original characters, created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 1,435 words. (Little more little less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Tag List: @shewillreadyou @bebepac @choiceslady @txemrn @lucy-268 @pixie88 @queenjilian @hopefulmoonobject @secretaryunpaid @aussieez @imturaxamara @choicesficwriterscreations @wackydrabbles
This series is rated Mature. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
This series may contain spoilers. If you wish not to see spoilers, please do not read any further.
(Also this series is a slight deviation of the original story. In the original story, the werewolf hunter is a woman. But in this series the hunter is a man.)
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
Prompt Time! Today I’ll be using @wackydrabbles prompt #84 “Just keep moving”! It’ll be in bold in black.
Chapter 10.) Reawakening.
Naia stood in complete horror as she watched her mother stand toe to toe with Roman. She had no idea what to do or how to stop it.
“What are you waiting for?” Laurie challenged Roman.
“You dare challenge me?” Roman sneered.
“Now isn’t that cute! The pup knows how to put base in his voice!”
“Do NOT test me!”
“Ohhh please! You think you scare me? News flash sweetie! You’re not Xander. Now him? He could put the fear of God in people. But you? You couldn’t scare me even if you tried.”
Naia could feel Roman’s anger reaching its boiling point.
“Laurie please!” Zane begged.
“Shut up you idiot!” She snapped at her brother.
“You should listen to your brother.” Roman warned her.
“Me?! Listen to that coward?! I think not!”
“Mom!” Naia spoke up.
“QUIET girl!” Laurie shot back at her.
“You will not yell at her!” Roman said with a bite in his time.
“Don’t you ever forget that Naia is MY daughter! And the only reason why she’s here is because you lured her here!”
Roman had a look of shock on his face.
“I did no such thing!” He protested.
“You opened the bond between you and my daughter, did you not?” Laurie asked him.
He stood stock still.
“Uh huh I thought so. Here’s the thing about it: The bond doesn’t just extend Alpha to mate. It also extends mother to child.”
“What?!” Naia asked.
“Your Alpha here didn’t tell you sweetie? Here’s a crash course: Everything you feel or have ever felt in your life, I feel and have felt as well. That’s how I knew you were here. Follow the bond and you’ll find the Alpha.”
“Why are you here Laurie?” Roman asked.
“Simple, I’m here to take my daughter home where she belongs.”
“She belongs here!” Roman sneered.
“She belongs at home. NOT here!” Laurie hissed.
“Don’t I get a say this?” Naia asks.
“In a word: NO!” Her mother replied.
Naia backed down.
“Do NOT yell at her!” Roman yelled.
“Don’t you yell at my wife!” Shane shot back at Roman.
“It’s alright baby. He's all bark and no bite. Because if he was half the Alpha his daddy was, my head would be still rolling around on the ground.”
“Enough!” He barked out.
“You know what? You’re right. This has gone on long enough. Naia! You are to get your ass in that house and pack your things! You leave tonight!” Laurie said over her shoulder to Naia.
“But mom!” Naia protested.
“As for you.” Laurie said to Roman. “If you ever come anywhere near my daughter again…”
Roman took a menacing step towards Laurie with his golden eyes blazing with fury.
“You think you can threaten me?” He hissed.
“Nope. I don’t think I can. I know I can! You will not come anywhere near my child again!”
Roman balled his fists up at his side.
“Nothing will keep her from me!” He hissed.
“If you want to get to her…you’ll have to go through me. So make your move pup.”
“DO NOT call me pup!” Roman said in a menacing tone.
“Oops! Looks like I struck a nerve.” Laurie taunted.
Just as Roman was about to respond there was a howl in the distance.
“You might want to answer that, Alpha. Sounds like the Pack’s in trouble.”
Roman looked over Laurie’s shoulder at Naia. His eyes softened slightly when he looked at her.
“Take a good hard look at her. Make a mental note of how beautiful she is. Because as long as I breathe, this will be the last time you ever see my daughter again.” Laurie said to him.
Roman glared at Laurie before dropping his voice an octave.
“This is NOT over!” He hissed.
Laurie scoffed at him.
“Whatever you say pup!”
Roman glared at Laurie before he turned around then disappeared into the woods. Naia let out the breath she had been holding in. While she did, her father stepped to her mother.
“I can not believe you just did that.” He said to Laurie.
Laurie rolled her eyes at her husband.
“Ohhh please! The pup was doing nothing more than puffing out his chest.”
“He’s dangerous!”
“He’s a pup! Like I said earlier, his bark is worse than his bite. Besides I was never in any danger.”
“What are you talking about? He’s a werewolf!”
“He was never going to hurt me. He just wanted to scare me. Too bad he’s not his father. I might’ve actually been scared.”
“What makes you say that?” He asks.
“Because an Alpha would never do anything to hurt his supposed mate.”
“But you’re not his mate.”
“No I’m not. But he thinks Naia is. And he knows that if he hurts me, he hurts her. And that would kill him.”
Laurie soon turned towards their daughter.
“Why are you still standing there?” She asks Naia.
“Mama please!” Naia replies.
“I have put up with this for long enough! You are NOT staying here! And that is final!”
Naia took a deep breath before speaking.
Her father tried to intervene.
“Naia please! Listen to your mother!”
“Daddy…that is all I have ever done! I have spent my whole life scared of a place that neither one of you would tell me about. Well I’m not gonna be scared anymore! I love you and I love mama too more than I could ever tell either of you! But I’m not leaving! There’s a reason why I’m here and I intend to find out what it is!”
“Naia…” her father sighed.
That’s when Laurie spoke.
“Fine! I see you want to be stubborn and defiant as always.”
“Gee mama…wonder where I got it from.”
Laurie’s eyes blazed with fury.
“Don’t you dare get smart with me! And don’t you ever forget that I can still snatch your soul out through your throat! I don’t care how old you think you are!”
“Laurie! Calm down!” Zane interjected. Laurie briefly turned her attention to her brother.
“What part of shut up did you not understand?” Laurie asks him.
“You can’t control her life!” He replies.
“Ohhh! Now that’s funny. You of all people swear that I can’t control her life, right? And yet you always tried to control mine!” She spat at him.
Zane went quiet. Laurie turned back to her daughter.
“Here’s what’s going to happen, it’s Wednesday you have until Sunday when your father and I check out of the Days Inn to get your shit together. Do you understand?” She asks Naia.
Naia just huffed and crossed her arms.
“I’ll see you Sunday.” Laurie said to her.
With that Laurie turned on her heel and headed for her car. Her father spared her one last sad glance before following behind her mother. Naia stood there with her uncle and watched them pull off. As her parents drove away, Naia took a shaky breath and let the tears of frustration and anger she’d been holding back fall.
Zane took notice then walked over and wrapped his arms around her. She stood there and sobbed while he rubbed her back.
“Don’t cry sweetie. I’m sure your mom is just mad.”
Naia just cried until she couldn’t anymore. Zane smiled warmly at her.
“Come on. Let’s get you in the house.”
She nodded and followed him in the house. But Naia wasn’t the only one in tears. As they drove back to their hotel room, Laurie was just as emotional as her daughter.
“Baby I promise you that it’ll be okay. You don’t have to cry.” Shane told her.
“She doesn’t understand what it means to be here. Or the danger she’s in.” Laurie replied as tears streaked her face.
“She didn’t understand why we never told her about this place so she came here to find out.”
“Shane you know why we never told her!”
“Baby please calm down. I’m not saying that she’s right or that I agree with her and her decision to be here, I guess I’m saying that I understand.”
“Well I don’t! Nothing good will come of us and our daughter being here.”
“I know baby. And hopefully by Sunday she’ll snap out of it and come home.”
“And then we go back to what we always do with our lives.”
Shane smiled at his wife.
“Exactly. We forget this place ever existed and we just keep moving on with our lives.”
Although Laurie heard her husband loud and clear. She knew that convincing her daughter to come home now would damn near be next to impossible.
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kkeidawrites · 4 years
Gone (Filler)
Part 2
Flashback continued~~~~
Esmé walked with a pout on her face as she stubbornly, pushed through the bushes and low trees while Sypha followed behind her, trying to stop her.
“Esmé, please wait. Alucard didn’t mean it, he’s just being childish.” Sypha tried and Esmé stopped turning to her.
“Whether he meant it or not Sypha, it’s the fact that he said it.” Esmé said and rubbed her tired eyes.
“I don’t...” Esmé frowned, taking a deep breath as she looked at Sypha sadly.
“I don’t like when people make fun of my looks, I’ve already been through it when I was younger.” Esmé told her. Turning around with a sigh, Esmé hugged herself suddenly, feeling self conscious.
“You’ve been through it?” Sypha questioned.
“When you are raised by a single father who himself has never had a mother or any female contact, it shows little to what he knew about raising a girl.” Esmé smiled at the bitter feeling.
“I acted more like a man than a woman and it made the other villagers begin to tell me that I was beginning to look like a man.”
“My hair was cut short like a man’s, my body was slow to develop than other girls in the village and I fought all the boys, young and older.” Esmé said remembering one time when a boy asked her why she acted like a boy than a girl. Then making fun of her still flat chest and boyish hair cut.
Her mother had died giving birth to her. Her mother Ihan was actually carrying twins but, it was a difficult pregnancy, when she went into labor she was in a great deal of pain, perhaps more painful than any other woman has ever been when giving birth.
“She was only able to push out me while she and my younger brother died, and ever since I was always outcasted. They pretty much blamed me for killing both my mother and brother.” She laughed bitterly.
Fuck those people in Jova, they thought they were so smart.
“Things became worse when I grew older and I began looking more like my mother. And you know what’s funny,” Sypha frowned, she knew that Esmé was in a lot of emotional pain.
“They said I was cursed, because I was able to gain her face and that every time I would look in a mirror it would be a reminder of who I killed.” Esmé said clenching her fists.
“You can’t let those people get to you.” Sypha touched her arm in comfort and the two sat down on a fallen tree.
“They had no right to treat you that way and say those things to you.” Sypha said.
“You can’t control the way of life...I’m sure your mother was the strongest woman ever, she even had the opportunity to have twins!” Esmé still didn’t feel convinced and Sypha frowned sadly.
“At least you had the chance to have a father and mother,” she said.
“My parents died when I was very young and my grandfather took me in and raised me. I don’t know much about them and my grandfather would be very brief when talking about them.” Sypha told her fixing her cloak.
“He just tells me that they were speakers as well but, that is all I know of them. Now, my grandfather is traveling the countryside...I should be with him.” Sypha says.
“But, I have a purpose in this world...to stop Dracula and be able to return to him and the other speakers without the fear of night creatures attacking me.” She continues and Esmé nodded in understanding.
“So, the things that both Trevor and Alucard say don’t faze me in the least. If anything, ignoring them is what has kept my sanity.” Sypha laid a hand on her shoulder.
“Just ignore Alucard if he says something childish like that, he’s harmless really. And I’m sure he’s hurting too.” Sypha says and Esmé sighs.
“I know...it’s just...when someone says something like that it brings back a lot of unwanted memories.” Esmé stood to her feet and smiled down at Sypha.
“Thanks for the pep talk, Sypha. I’ll try and ignore him but, I won’t promise to hit him when he says something out of line.” Esmé mused and Sypha laughs, standing as well.
“I won’t stop you.” She giggles as the two women return to the wagon finding Trevor and Alucard arguing as usual.
End of Flashback
Unfortunately, Alucard had yet to apologize to Esmé and the brownskinned woman had yet to say a thing to him.
Stirring the contents in the pot, the two remained silent, and Esmé wondered where Sypha and Trevor went. They were just supposed to get more firewood.
Then it clicked, they set them up. Sypha must have made Alucard come and sit by her to try and talk with her and Esmé rolled her eyes with a sigh.
‘Damn you, Sypha.’ She thought annoyed.
“Listen,” she heard the dhampir say and Esmé continued her stirring. Alucard knew she was ignoring him and after getting a earful from Sypha he agreed to apologize. Or at least attempt to.
He had heard their conversation and felt for Esmé. Losing his mother to people who did not understand her methods of helping them, to being considered an outcast to others were all familiar to Alucard.
“I wanted to apologize-”
“You’re forgiven.” Esmé interrupted and Alucard rolled his eyes.
“I’m trying to apologize here-”
“And I said you’re forgiven.” Esmé stopped her magic and moved the pot from the campfire.
“That’s hardly a decision to make so easily. I can’t properly apologize to you if you don’t listen.” Alucard said growing frustrated.
“I don’t need to receive an apology from you as long as you keep your mouth shut and stay away from me we’ll both get through this safely.” Esmé snapped and Alucard growled in annoyance standing to his feet beginning to leave when he stopped.
Taking a deep breath, Alucard turned back and stood beside her, Esmé raised an eyebrow at him.
“No, I’m not going to take that.” Alucard said and Esmé frowned.
“I’m going to apologize and you are going to listen.” He told her.
“Oh, am I now?”
“You are! I want to apologize for what I had said earlier. It was unnecessary and very rude, I had became annoyed and the words that left my lips were all...adrenaline rushed words. And for that I am sorry.” He placed a hand over his torso and bowed to the woman. His golden hair curtained his entire face, blocking her way of seeing if he was telling the truth or not.
Esmé watched him closely and sighed dejectedly, she supposed that staying mad at him wouldn’t solve anything.
“I forgive you, Alucard. Now, stop with that bowing shit, I’m not a noble or anything.” Esmé waved her hand at him and the man returned to his straightened pose.
“I was taught mannerisms when I was young, it’s a habit.” He says and Esmé chuckled.
“Yeah well, you don’t have to do that with me. Just be polite with me and I’ll do the same.” Esmé gave him a small smile and Alucard returned one.
“So, friends?” She asked holding out her hand to shake.
Alucard moved to grasp it gently in his gloved ones and shook it.
“I suppose so. You’re not as bad as Belmont, I guess I can deal with you too.” Alucard joked and Esmé flicked him off when their hands let go, with a laugh.
“Fuck you, asshole.” Esmé said earning a grin from the dhampir.
“Hey, we’re back!” Sypha announced as she and Trevor had armfuls of wood with them.
Placing the wood beside the fire, both Sypha and Trevor took a seat and Sypha looked at Esmé with a knowing look.
“So, anything happen while we were gone?” She asked.
“Nope. Nothing at all.” Esmé said with glancing at Alucard then returning to the pot of rabbit stew.
“Anyway, let’s eat shall we?” Esmé changed the subject quickly before Sypha had the chance to tease her some more.
During dinner, Alucard told them about how his parents met and what the next agenda will be for everyone after Dracula was defeated.
The sound of a stick snapping alerted the foursome and they all turned to the sound of the source.
“Did you hear that?” Trevor asked.
“Animals humping in the undergrowth.” Alucard jokes. The sound was heard again.
“Wait, no.” Esmé put a hand over her face in annoyance.
“Which town is closest, is it still Gresit?” Trevor asked as he used his foot to shovel snow on to the fire, quickly extinguishing it.
“Arges is closer to us.” Sypha informs crouching as Esmé readied her hands. They glowed a light blue color and she raised them up to fight anything.
The sound of hissing and growls were heard as the night creatures made their appearance from the forest.
Trevor ran to the right to climb a tree while Alucard went left leaving only Esmé and Sypha. Sypha sighs and pulls on her hood while Esmé shrugged and moved to the left as well.
The night creatures began their attack and the first two were quickly killed by Alucard.
A griffin like monster came charging at Esmé and she dodged to her right to watch as it ran past her. The monster turned quickly and charged once again, Esmé used this time to ready her stance.
It lunged at her with a roar and Esmé grabbed it by its neck to body slam it.
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Raising her left leg, she brought it down on the monster’s neck and twisted it, cracking its neck. Hearing a hiss to her right, Esmé dodged the flying night creature with a sythe and raised her hands to fire, fire balls at the wings of the monster. One hit one wing and it screeched in pain, flying towards her with the one wing it still had.
Esmé dodged its sword that landed on the snow next to her and got on her hands to land a spin kick to its head.
Discombobulated, Esmé returned to her feet and quickly grabbed its head smashing it against her knee than kicking it away. Conjuring up her magic to make a knife, Esmé ran to it and stabbed the side of its head.
Removing her knife, she turned to see the last few demons were killed by the others and sighed, then falling to her knees holding her side, as she felt the pain from her previous wound.
“Esmé!” Sypha called as she and the men rushed over.
Esmé looked up with one eye and saw that a demon was still alive. It was flying towards them and Esmé noticed that it’s flapping was too quiet to not be detected.
“Watch out!” She yelled out weakly to them.
She raised her hand and released a fire ball at it and the demon screeched as it landed with a heavy heap. Feeling a bit faint, Esmé felt her body grow heavy as she tilted to the side.
Her body was caught by Alucard as he let one leg rest on the snow while the other was holding her up and Sypha knelt by her to lift up her shirt to look at her wound. Alucard rested her body on him and he looked down at her worriedly.
“Fuck, that hurts like hell!” Esmé hissed as she felt the bandages of where her scratch mark from that demon was when they first met.
“She’s reopened her wound. I can stop the bleeding, but, she mustn’t fight again until she is healed.” Sypha instructs as she took some bandages out of her cloak.
Once she was rebandaged, Esmé winched from the pain and held it. Alucard gently removed her hand.
“Don’t touch it, you’ll only make it worst.” He scolded gently.
“Yes, mother.” Esmé joked. Alucard gave her a small smile.
Alucard helped her up and walked her to the wagon. Helping her inside, Esmé laid back against the wagon and Alucard sat next to her. He pulled a blanket over her and Esmé smiled in gratitude.
The next couple of hours went by and Sypha looked behind her to watch the two sleeping figures in the wagon.
“We’re almost to the next town, think we should wake them?” Trevor asked popping his stiff shoulders.
Sypha looked at him a second and shook her head.
“Let them sleep until we reach town.” Sypha said with a smile as she saw the position her two allies were in.
Esmé was curled up on Alucard’s shoulder, snoring softly as the dhampir’s head was lying on top of hers with one leg pulled up to his chest.
“I guess, even assholes like him, can have a heart.” Trevor mused as Sypha giggled softly.
“Are you speaking from experience?” She asks and Trevor raised an eyebrow at her.
“I’m not an asshole to everybody.” Trevor defends.
“Then why is most of your stories always start off with you getting into a fight in a bar. It’s like the start of a bad joke.”
“I’ve already told you it’s because, the people there are assholes. I’m telling you it’s a Belmont curse.”
“Sure it is Belmont. Sure it is.” Sypha laughs.
Esmé snuggles a bit closer to Alucard and the dhampir rubbed his cheek in her soft hair. He peeks open an eye to look down at her and smiled, snuggling into her hair more.
I don’t own any gifs or Castlevania related things just my oc Esmé and that’s it.
End of Part 2
1 // 2 //
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oboevallis · 4 years
Can you write a story where Amelia is still pregnant and she is really craving donuts and she tells Link and he gets them for her but when he comes home to give it to her she’s sad maybe because she lost a patient at work or something and then they talk and in the end he basically says that there is nothing donuts can’t solve (sorry if that’s cheesy haha)
shy pt 2
hey! i hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday. this is in my unexpected series and i hope it’s okay i incorporated this prompt into it. if you want me to write it in canon just let me know! and this is based off of a true story of how i made my first friend, and we’ve now been besties for 8 years
“Addie you need to let me unbuckle your seat belt.” Amelia told her daughter, worried she was about to make a scene in front of this kids house.
“Please don’t make me go mommy.” She begged tears starting to form in her eyes.
“It’ll be fun.” Scout interjected starting to get impatient, he really wanted to go play race cars with his friend. “Come on Addie, I want to go play.”
“Yeah, it’ll be a ton of fun. And Scout will be there the whole time.” Amelia tried to convince her daughter, reaching to unbuckle her daughters seatbelt.
“NO, I DONT WANT TO GO.” Amelia wanted to throw a tantrum along with her daughter at this point.
“Fine.” Amelia sighed giving up, and walking her son to the door.
“Hey Scout!” Levi, the boys friend, excitedly greeted. “Ready to play?”
“Yep.” Scout smiled walking in the house and running up the stairs with his friend.
“Is Addie joining us today?” Levi’s mother asked.
“I don’t think so.” Amelia sighed looking back to her car.
“I get it, Levi had difficulty making friends and he still has a bit of trouble. Now he has a couple of great friends though, you know quality not quantity.”
“Yeah. Thank you so much, for having Scout over.
“Of course! Scouts always a pleasure to have.”
“How’d your surgery go?” Link asked as his wife walked through the front door.
“It was okay, the patients stable.” Amelia said whilst kicking off her shoes by the door.
“That’s good, I’m glad.”
“No your pissed at me. Because I didn’t drop her off at that play date.”
“I’m not mad, but we agreed she was going to that play date. So imagine my surprise when I realized she was at the hospitals day care.”
“She just didn’t want to go.” Amelia sighed, walking over to her husband wrapping her arms around him as much as her pregnant belly allowed.
“How about you go to bed and I’ll meet you upstairs in about a half hour.” Link sighed, knowing this conversation wasn’t going to go anywhere pretty unless donuts were involved.
“Half hour?” Amelia asked confused, as Link picked up his keys and headed for the door.
“ I’ll be back, so I’ll just meet you upstairs.” Amelia sighed and walked up the stairs to go shower and get comfortable. She laid down in their bed and flipped through the book next to her bed mindlessly. Until she heard their bedroom door open.
“Hey, I’m home.” Link whispered as he walked into their bedroom holding a box.
“Atticus Lincoln, did you get donuts?” Amelia gasped sitting up. “For me?”
“Of course, I wouldn’t go out in the middle of the night to get donuts for just anyone.” Link jumped on the bed passing the box to her.
“These are so good.” The neurosurgeon smiled as she shoved one in her mouth.
“Okay, so talk. Have all your feelings.” Link ordered while splitting a donut in half.
“I’m just worried for her, I just want her to talk to people.”
“Me too.”
“I just want to force her to make friends, I know that’s terrible but I just want her to be okay.”
“I know.” Link agreed offering half of his donut to his wife. “So shouldn’t she stay in soccer then? Shouldn’t she go to play dates? We can’t keep her from doing everything that’s slightly uncomfortable.”
“It’s not “slightly” uncomfortable for her. It’s hell.”
“She needs to be put in situations that are uncomfortable for her.”
“Not to the extent where she’s bawling her eyes out, and screaming.”
“She’s gotta do something.”
“I’m not making her do anything that makes her upset.”
“I know your just trying to protect her, but you can’t coddle her.”
“I’m not coddling her.” Amelia defensively said.
“Whatever.” Link sighed reaching for another donut.
“Yeah, whatever Link.” Amelia grabbed the box out of her husbands reach. Link turned around facing away from his wife.
“Good night.” Link whispered before he fell asleep.
“Mommy can we go to the library today? I need to return a book and get a new one.” Scout told his mother as he walked into her study.
“Umm.” Amelia looked down at her watch. “Yeah we have time I don’t have to go to work till tonight.”
“Yay!” The kid cheered.
“Alrighty then, can you go get your sister and meet me in the car.” Her son nodded are ran off to find his sister, while Amelia made her way to her car. She wanted a few moments of peace. She was still upset with her husbands accusations of her coddling their daughter.
“We’re ready.” Scout exclaimed as he jumped into the car.
“Coolio, need help with your seatbelt Addie?”
“Nope.” Addie smiled looking at her mother through the rear view mirror.
“Sweet, we’re ready to go then. Do you know what book you want to check out?”
“Not really sure, probably a book on baseball. I’ll see what’s interesting.” Amelia rolled her eyes, she hated that her son was so obsessed with baseball. It scared her that her son could get hurt while playing the game he loved so much. “Do you want to check out a book Addie?”
“Maybe.” Addison told her brother while she swung her feet back and forth lightly kicking her mother’s seat.
“Finally we’re here.” Scout exclaimed as his mother parked the car. The three walked into the library together and Scout and his sister ran off to the children’s section while their mother walked through the aisles to see if anything sparked her interest.
“Addie can you go do something? Your bothering me.” Scout complained as his sister tried to read over his shoulder.
“Fine.” The girl sighed, and walked over to the opposite side of the bookshelf. She was about to pick up a book about penguins, until someone picked it up before her.
“Oh, I’m sorry, here.” The boy who seemed to be about her age held the book out for her to grab, she shook her head no and was about to walk away. “No come back. Do you like penguins?”
“Me too!” The kid excitedly said. “I’ve read this book a lot of times before, have you?”
Addison shook her head no.
“You should read it then, it’s very neat.” He passed the book over to her, and she allowed him.
“I’m Benny. What’s your name?”
“This book is really cool, but I know where the more detailed penguin books are, if you want to see?”
“Sure.” Addie wearily smiled, and followed the boy to the opposite side of the library where the non fiction section was. He sat down in front of the book shelf and pulled down a heavy book.
“This book goes more into detail about the penguin. Like did you know that the penguin is actually called the spheniscidae in the science world?”
“No.” Addie shook her head, intrigued and looked over his shoulder to get a better look at the book.
“You should start with that book first.” He pointed to the book she held in her hand. “And then go onto this book. There are a lot of words I don’t even know in here. My dad has to help me.”
“Have you ever seen a penguin?” Addison asked, this kid seemed to know a lot about penguins and she was curious to as why.
“No, only at the zoo. When I grow up I want to move to Antarctica and hang out with the penguins.”
“Sounds cold.” The girl joked causing the boy to laugh.
“Your in Mrs Crabtree’s class right?” Addison was shocked to find out he knew which teacher she had.
“Yes. How do you know that?”
“I’m in Ms Bunson’s class we go to recess at the same time as you guys. You never play though. You should play with me!”
“Maybe.” Addie smiled.
“Oh! I can bring my penguin coloring sheets and crayons out! It’s a lot of fun to color them, because you don’t have to follow how they actually look.” The boy ranted excitedly, realizing he had made a friend with the same passion for penguins.
“Coloring is fun.” The girl nodded in agreement.
“Sweet! I’ll see you at recess tomorrow!” The kid said cheerfully as he walked away. Addison then looked over to see her mother and brother in the line for check out and went over to them. She put the book into her mother’s hand signifying she wanted to check it out.
“Of course it’s penguins.” Amelia chuckled it seemed to be her daughters favorite thing at the moment.
“I got one on baseball.” Scout told his sister. “Hopefully I can play over the summer.”
“We’ll see.” His mother said as she stepped up to the checkout desk to check out their books.
“I’m sure dad will be excited to read this with me.” Scout said once his mother handed him back the book. The three then walked towards the exit where there were some reading chairs.
“Bye Addison.” Benny waved as he sat on the couch looking up from his book.
“Bye Benny.” The girl responded waving back.
“Who’s that?” Amelia asked calmly, even though she was internally cheering.
“My friend. He showed me a cool penguin book today.”
“That’s really great.” Amelia smiled as she buckled her daughter into her car seat.
“Link!” Amelia gasped once she spotted him at the nurses station. “Guess what?”
“What?” Link asked still irritated from their conversation last night.
“She did it! She made a friend! At the library today?”
“Actually!” Link laughed and hugged his wife as much as her bump allowed.
“This is amazing!”
“I’m so happy. And relieved.”
“I know me too.” Link smiled looking at his wife lovingly. “We should bring donuts home to celebrate.”
“We had donuts last night.” Amelia reminded whilst giggling
“The kids don’t know that.” Link smirked wrapping his arm around her.
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chanswavyhair · 4 years
filter | hwang hyunjin
warning: some cursing, fem!reader, too much fluff akshka.
a/n: this is my first time writing a fic and not a timestamp so,,, i hope it’s not very bad. this was kinda inspired by bts jimin’s filter but jagsjh,, anyways hope you enjoy it!!
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you were in trouble
like,,, you were usually in trouble but THIS ONE WAS BIG
so you basically agreed with your parents that you would attend some ball ???
and with your boyfriend as your plus one ?????
well to start off you didn’t have a boyfriend and you didn’t even know why did you just say that HSJAKAH
you could do many things, but backing off and hurting your pride WAS NOT ON YOUR LIST
so now you had to find a boyfriend in like a month and half
i mean... you could ask jisung or felix, but you knew how uncomfortable they felt with your richies
also they didn’t give off the rich, classy and charming boyfriend look
well,, your friends were really handsome but not the type of handsome high society liked
but anyways that’s a problem for the future Y/N because we ain’t getting distracted at chemistry !! your grades were NOT falling
yeah you were living the rich and perfect y/n life
anyways in fact you were pretty annoying HSJSJD
you got very !! stressed !! when things were out of your control
there were only a few <lovely3 people who truly knew you and stood you, and they were jilix and your sis ryujin
(who invited her bestie daehwi, but he was rich too so he had no prob)
like,,, you usually hung out with your sis’ friends, but you weren’t THAT close
and for jisung and felix’s friends,,,,, it was weird when they weren’t all together
and that’s how jisung had the dumbest idea ever, and he’s had A LOT
like that one time he convinced you to let him dye your hair (you ended up looking like a light bulb)
or when you shaved his legs (WORST EXPERIENCE EVER YOU ALMOST GO DEAF but it was kinda fun)
anyways he just let out “why don’t you tell hyunjin? you know he does this weird thing of getting paid for acting as a boyfriend”
“what the FUCK JISUNG i am NOT paying hyunjin to act as my BOYFRIEND”
and,,, guess who heard you freaking out
nope not hyunjin but your sis ryujin
and her friend yeji
who hapepened to be hyunjin’s cousin
so yeah she told him and he went  ($ ‿ $✧)
now he’s been “AnAlyZInG” you for some days
and you were too busy thinking about your problem to notice it
so he decided to make a move, as you didn’t
“hey Y/N... somebody told me about your problem”
“uh, what do you mean?”
“i know you need someone to be your supposed boyfriend in some ball”
lol it actually sounded really lame
“wait— what do you mean???”
“well, i could help you and act as your boyfriend. i’m feeling generous, so i will lower the usual tax. which version do you want? cute? prince char—”
the fuck no, you weren’t that PATHETIC
“i’m sorry, but i don’t want your help. thank you anyways”
,,,,,,in that moment it turned to something personal to hyunjin
who wouldn’t want to be his girlfriend???? at least if it’s just for a night????
and that’s how he started to be such a gentleman to you, to smile at you everytime you locked eyes, to initiate skinship
you knew he had ulterior moves, so you were irritated by him
but he was actually way more charming that you thought,,,,,,
“’morning Y/N, looking fine today. how are you feeling? good?”
you were literally on a big ass sweater, but the bags in your eyes were even bigger
“hyunjin it’s too early and i’ve barely slept so please leave me alone—”
“oh, that’s no good,, should i call you tonight to make sure you fall asleep?. anyways, i’ll see you in english class. don’t forget we had homework!”
and,,, he always shared his food whenever you forgot yours,,,,,
he proved himself to be more than a cute face
he tried to help you whenever he noticed you were struggling to understand anything
and one out of five words he said were just him flirting
you eventually started not minding him being around you everyday
and then soome time after that,,, your heart ??? suddenly started to do weird things ??? when he was close to you ???
you MAYHAPS had a little crush on him
or when HIS EYES WENT,,, (◠‿◠✿)
but you did NOT like him, right?
he just treated you so well ಥ⌣ಥ
well lucky for you because this boy was also confused as fuck
since when have you been covering you beautiful smile when you laughed???
he honestly just wanted to put your hands down and tickle attack you
but that was just because he was getting into his role right??
anyways things got even worse for your weak heart when you saw him at you favorite cafe, studying, looking just TOO GOOD TO BE REAL
and then,,,, you two started to go studying there every evening
at some point he even started ordering your usual comand before you came
and,,, when you found yourself getting distracted by hyunjin’s cute mole under his eye by the 4th time you started to think that...
you maybe...... liked him ????
like... YOU liked HIM ??????
“i have finished all my assignments. how about you?”
“i- i still have lots to do. you should go first or it will get late— ”
“and that’s why i’m staying. you shouldn’t go home alone it’s dark, i’ll walk you, if you don’t mind. and don’t worry, i don’t have anything to do now”
you liked him A LOT
but you knew he was just being this nice so he could prove that you should hire him
which was not happening, as if wasn’t enough to fall for this boy :(
the thing is
he had forgotten about that weeks ago when his feelings grew bigger
he didn’t understand what he felt, but he knew he felt insanely good when you were around him
like whenever he told you he felt he was going to fail an exam you looked at him in some kind of way
he didn’t understand how or why, but he felt like whatever was worrying him didn’t matter anymore
and everything he wanted to talk, see, or think of was you
anyways he started to walk you home whenever he got the chance
this one day,,, you weren’t going to the cafe because you had things to do at home
but he insisted to walk you
so he was waiting for you in the hall
then he saw you at your locker talking with some random boy who was quite close to you
his heart went :(
but then he realized you were not exactly happy ??
“look, yeonsung, i already told you that i won’t tutor you. please leave me alone”
“no, Y/N you don’t understand, you HAVE to. we are meant to be, and if you won’t accept my dates at least help me with school stuff. it’s not that hard.” he grabbed your arm.
“yeonsung, no. let me go” you tried to pull, but he wouldn’t release you.
enough bullshit
“hey, i think you’ve heard her. she doesn’t want anything to do with you, so you’d better stop bothering Y/N. i’m not as polite as her”
“who the fuck are you? oh, little Y/N you’ve got some dickhead as your boyfriend? i’m much better than that. if only you fucking let me-”
ok so hyunjin’s blood has been burning for some time now but when he PUT HIS HANDS ON YOUR WAIST-
did he
“listen here, you asshole. if you dare to touch a single strand of her again i’ll fucking show you myself how to keep your hands down. understood?”
“un- understood”
“you’d better have” he pressed him a bit more before he let him fall on his feet
“let’s go away” hyunjin grabbed your hand
Y/N.exe has stopped working
hyunjin..... threatened this guy..... because he was harassing you
which was kinda hot btw ????
“hyunjin you didn’t have to-”
“don’t tell i didn’t have to because i made my best effort not to break his fucking nose.”
(๑ ● o ● ๑)
he was really mad
“Y/N, i know you are probably angry at me and that you want me to mind my own business, but i swear i-”
Y/N since WHEN did you have the GUTS to cup his face ?????
he went silent
“hey, calm down, ok? i’m not mad at you, this guy has been asking me weird things for some time now so i guess you just helped me to end it. i’m fine, yeah? calm down.”
you realized you were still holding his face so you were about to take them off but
he put his hand ON your hands
why was he POUTING
“why didn’t you tell me? or anyone? he could have done anything worse if i hadn’t been there and Y/N, i honestly don- i don’t know what would i do if someone hurt you”
“it- it’s okay. let’s just forget it. come on, i have to go home”
“wait let me- please, let me hold you for a minute”
HAIR ???????
“you smell really good. i wish i could stay like this for a bit longer... but it’s okay. anyways, let’s go”
you can imagine how HARD ryujin laughed at you when you told her you thought you had forgotten how to breathe
yeah she was crying out of laughter
but anyways you two stopped shouting when your mother entered the room
“kids, have you already invited someone to the ball? it’s just week and half apart”
so now you were disturbing felix and jisung again with it
“Y/N,,,,,,,, has it ever crossed your mind that you two act just like a couple?”
“felix what do you mean he doesn’t like me and-”
“hi guys! hi Y/N.” he smiled at you with his whole heart and patted your hair “can you go today to the cafe? i don’t have much to study today, but we can go if you want to. i mean,, if you don’t want to it’s fine, i’ll just walk you home from here, if that’s cool with you.”
felix gave you that look
like the one he gave you when he was right
which was a bit usual because socializing wasn’t your best trait
but hyunjin didn’t like you, did he????
he was... he was just acting
as much as it hurt you, that was the truth
and in order to protect yourself... you should stop it
u MASOCHIST <(`^´)>
“i think i’ll just go alone. don’t wait for me, it’s fine.”
you lost your appetite with just saying that
and hyunjin was like ????
you could see your two other boys-
Y/N! hyunjin is not your boy so stop it
anyways, jisung and felix were really confused too
well it was actually jisung because felix was more like DONE with your bullshit
you just went back to your classes and then, you went home
has routine been always this boring?
you couldn’t help but smile when you saw that hyunjin sent you a message asking about what where you doing tomorrow
but then you remembered you couldn’t let this hurt you anymore
so you said you were really busy at home and turned your phone off
“Y/N are you, okay?” ryujin said
“yeah, i am. why wouldn’t i be?”
“you don’t have to lie to me, sis. majorly because you can’t. talk to me, Y/N, tell me what’s wrong” she laughed softly
“i am... i am cutting off any relation with hyunjin.”
“what? why? you guys seemed to be getting along really well. i thought you liked him...”
“that’s why, ryu. i like him way too much. before he started talking to me, he told me to hire him to act as my boyfriend in the ball. he’s been trying to prove it, and i don’t want to fall deeper. i don’t know why did i let myself trust him, when i knew this from the first moment. i just don’t know why.
:(((( you started crying, and ryujin hugged you
“i don’t... i don’t think hyunjin is such a bad person to go this far with that thing of wanting you to hire him... but if you think that’s the best, then i’ll support your decision. we can sit in another table tomorrow. you know, just the girls, you and me. okay?”
you nodded into her embrace, trying to stop sobbing.
so you started to avoid him as much as you could
and it was eventually making him crazy
well,,, he had been coping with whOle week without you
until he just exploded
“guys, i don’t understand. everything was going really good, and then she started to treat me as cold as fuck. and i don’t get what did i do to deserve this.” he complained to his boys
he was really disappointed
because he knew he felt different to what he had ever felt before with you
he thought he was learning to fall in love, to stop worrying just about him and his friends
“am i not enough? have i bored her? or have i pressured her? i’m going crazy because i don’t even know why do i feel like this”
“hyunjin you like her is pretty easy actually”
did minho just
“what????? i’d never had something like that for anyone. it’s true things are different with her but—”
“when was the last time you did that fake dating thing?” chan asked
“well... like a month? i was busy”
“busy with what you genius”
seungmin don’t cross the line
“i... i was spending time with Y/N”
was this boy the same hwang hyunjin from a month before???
“omfg guys i think i like her but like a lot”
“dumbass that’s exactly what we are saying”
poor jeongin got slightly hit buy the so called dumbass :(
“but this doesn’t have anything to do with why she’s been dodging me like bullets??”
they all looked to felix and jisung, expecting they would know anything
“to be honest... i‘m not sure. she hasn’t told us anything” jisung said.
“well, the last time we talked about you we told her to ask you to go with her to her parents’ ball, and then i told her that you two already looked like a couple” felix said
then felix went
“oh... so she doesn’t like me...”
hyunjin felt like the whole world was going down
there was this thing burning on his chest, a thing that he thought he could only feel for his friends or family
but then, you showed him he was wrong, again
“wait- i think i’ve connected the two dots— ” jisung said, but lix interrumped him
“no, you didn’t connect shit. i get it now. hyunjin, she thinks that you’ve been acting all the time to prove you should go with her to the ball. that’s why she’s avoiding you, because she thinks you just tried to play her” felix said
hyunjin’s heart broke a bit more when he processed felix’s words
(╥_╥) (╥_╥) (╥_╥) (╥_╥)
he... he hurt you
and really bad
“oh god, i’m so fucking stupid. what do i do know? she hates me!”
“ugh, go get your girl you dumbass!” changbin said
hyunjin suddenly started working again, and rushed off while calling someone.
so yeah back with u lil creature
you were doing homework, but you couldn’t focus
so you went to the kitchen to grab some snacks
and then your phone ringed
“ryujin?” you answered
“yeah. i’m at daehwi’s and i forgot to take a jacket. i will be passing be there in his car in like... 15 minutes. could you give me the versace one?”
“the colorful one or the leather one? ” you asked with your mouth full of a chocolate cookie
ryujin felt relief
“the leather one”
“okay. but weren’t you studying in the library for a physics exam?”
o shit
“i just went to his house! to study together! anyways! see you later! sis!”
????? weird
anyways you finished your math homework, and when you realized, you just got a message from her saying she was outside
so you got her jacket and opened the door in order to look for daehwi’s car
oh hyunjin’s there
you slammed the door in his face
then you realized THAT WAS WAY WORSE
“can you open please?” he said from outside
you really missed his deep and soothing voice
“i- well- yes”
you opened the door, not being able to look directly at him
“can we talk? just give me five minutes, and if you still hate me after that i’ll just stop bothering you”
“i don’t hate you, and you- you aren’t bothering me”
“well... this past days it didn’t look like that. more like, exactly the opposite”
you went silent because you had literally no excuse
“are you mad?” he said
“why would i?”
“i don’t know either, that’s why i’m asking. i mean, it’s not like you’ve been avoiding me for days, not answering a single message or call. that’s all”
“are you mad?”
you knew he should be, you deeply hoped he wouldn’t
“Y/N, i know you thought i was playing with you”
“wait- you weren’t?”
“oh god. i really told you i didn’t know what would i do if anyone hurt you, so why would i?”
“i thought... you were trying to prove i should have payed you to go to the ball...” you quietly said
but you looked at him when you heard him sobbing softly
“Y/N, you are the first person i’ve ever fallen for. i’ve been with plenty of people, and no one had ever make me fall like this. i don’t know why am i even crying in front of you, all i know is that i really, really like you”
your eyes were wider than the pacific ocean
LIKE,,,,, FORREAL?????
“i know you probably still hate me but please... if you at least gave me a chance for still being friends...”
“what?” he stopped sobbing
“hyunjin, i like you too”
you didn’t even know what was happening, but you knew your mouth kept talking
“wait, you do???”
“hyunjin, i- i was avoiding you because i didn’t want to fall harder”
you were still malfunctioning
then you saw him getting closer to you
“can i,, like,,, kiss you?”
but his lips looked so soft HHHHHHhHhhhhhhHHhHHHHHhhhHH
he didn’t answer you
well at least not verbally
boi just WENT FOR IT
you thought you wouldn’t mind if you died there
his lips were even softer than they looked
was that like paradise felt?
but then,,,
you two separated immediatly
you, alias, tomato 1 said
“well i guess you two have to look for some clothes for the ball because there are only three days left, so go make out in another place but not in the porch. i don’t want to see hyunjin eating your face when i get home”
hyunjin, alias, tomato 2 intensified
“just,,, leave okay?”
you two lovebirds went for a walk, without a specific direction
you couldn’t be any more embarrassed
“can i call you my girlfriend?” he said
“i- yes”
can you two get any cuter omg
“let’s go to the mall to look for some fancy clothes for my cute girlfriend and me and then make out when we get back”
“n e v e r”
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Sweet and Sour Secrets
Day 5: Family and Friends
"This is going to be a disaster."
"You're being ridiculous."
Marinette and Chloe stood in the dark, empty bakery, hand in hand and facing the stairs to the Dupain-Cheng home.
Marinette shook her head. "No, this is... My parents remember how we used to-"
"I'm different! That has to count for something!" She huffed. "That's why I brought flowers and wine. To show how different I am. I run the mayor's office! I'm an excellent student." She turned to face Marinette. "And I really, really love their daughter. That has to count for something."
Marinette let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding and turned to face Chloe. She leaned in until their foreheads touched and let herself get lost in Chloe's scent. Expensive perfume, the shampoo and conditioner the hotel provided for their guests, minty toothpaste. This close together, she could even catch the light scent of her makeup. Chloe always smelled nice.
"That counts for everything to me," she said. "So I just have to make it clear to them that it should count for them, too."
"That's the spirit, Marinette!" Tikki chirped.
"You make a fine and regal leader, My Queen," Pollen said.
They fed their kwamis from the box in the bakery's kitchen of pastries that didn't sell that day, made sure they were hidden, and went up the stairs.
"Mom? Dad?"
"Marinette?" Tom called from the kitchen. "Is your mystery girlfriend with you? I can't believe you wouldn't even give us her name before she-"
Tom stood at the edge of the kitchen, staring openly.
"Marinette, could you step out of the doorway, sweetie?"
Marinette and Chloe turned around to see Sabine with an armful of plates, napkins, and a tablecloth. She put on a polite smile over her confusion.
"Chloe, it's nice to see you. I'd invite you to stay for dinner, but we already have something set up for tonight."
Marinette froze. She could feel her father behind her, staring at everyone. She could almost hear her mother asking, "Marinette, why did you invite Chloe upstairs if your girlfriend is on her way over?"
I am in no way prepared for this night, she thought.
"It's nice to see you, too, Mrs. Cheng." Chloe put her gifts on the stairs to Marinette's room and reached for the plates on top of the pile in Sabine's arms. "Let me help you with that."
Sabine handed off the plates, but didn't step any farther into the room. Her eyes were fixed on the bottle of wine and bouquet of flowers.
Chloe set down the plates and turned to Sabine again, chin held high and hands clasped in front of herself. "Yes?"
"Is it you?"
Chloe looked to Marinette. Marinette almost started crying on the spot. Even now, when there was almost no chance of keeping the secret any longer, of convincing her parents otherwise, Chloe looked to Marinette. She wanted her to be comfortable, to choose to say yes.
"Mom, Dad... Chloe is my girlfriend."
Ladybug had landed on Chloe’s balcony shortly after sunset. Chloe let her in, throwing a blanket around her shoulders as she detransformed.
“Was I expecting you?” Chloe asked, kissing her wind-chilled cheek.
"Nope! I just wanted to see you. Is that alright?"
"I was going to draft a response to those nitpicky street cleaners, but that can wait. They can all wait."
"I'm not getting involved in your feud with the street cleaners," Marinette said, sitting on the couch and pulling Chloe down onto her lap. "What are the chances I can distract you with a movie?"
Chloe kissed her, fingers of one hand sliding up her neck and into her hair while the other hand found the remote and flipped the TV on without looking.
"What are the chances I can distract you from a movie?"
Marinette wrapped her arms around Chloe's waist and pulled her close. "Probably pretty high."
It wasn't fifteen minutes into their movie and makeout before the door to Chloe's suite opened unexpectedly.
"Chloe, Princess, did you know about this unpleasantness with the street cleaners? One of them just called my personal- Chloe?"
Chloe and Marinette turned to see Mayor Bourgeois in the doorway.
"Daddy!" Chloe screeched, "you know I don't like it when you forget to knock!"
"Chloe, are you..." He looked back and forth between the two girls. "Is this... are you dating?"
Chloe stood and pulled Marinette to her feet. She held her hand and walked across the room (which felt like miles) to stand before her father.
"Daddy, Marinette is my girlfriend."
"What a week!" Marinette said, leaning against her locker.
"Oh? What were you up to this week?" Alya asked, not looking up from her phone.
"Oh just... stuff. Did you want to come over and eat day-old pastries to spoil our dinners while we work on homework?"
"Yeah, sounds good."
"Great!" Marinette picked up her bag and started for the exit. "I could really use some help with that thing from math class today. I tried to ask a question, but she didn't stop to answer it, so I got most of it, but if you understood and could explain it, I'd really- Alya?"
Alya was not at Marinette's side. She turned around to see Alya still staring at her phone by her locker.
"Alya?" She put her hand on Alya's wrist, giving a gentle tug. "Earth to Alya?"
Alya looked up at her, eyes wide. "Girl, I guess you really were busy this week," she said as she turned her phone screen towards Marinette.
"What do you mean?" Marinette took the phone. On the screen was a picture of Chat Noir that she assumed Alya had taken in the past couple days. She was about to ask what Chat Noir had to do with her busy week or Alya’s weird reaction when Alya reached over to zoom in on a few people behind Chat Noir's shoulder.
It was a picture of her and Chloe. They were holding hands. Chloe was kissing her on the cheek and Marinette was grinning, possibly mid-giggle. It was a little blurry, but definitely them.
"I know you have a thing with keeping things private," Alya said, cocking her head to the side as she angled the phone back to herself, a small smile creeping on her face, "so I'm not like, upset or surprised or whatever that you kept it secret. You two are kinda cute together."
Marinette felt her shoulders relax. "Oh my gosh, Alya. I didn't realize how worried I was that you would be mad that I didn't tell you until you said that." She threw her arms around Alya. "I'm so glad I can tell you now. I'm in love with Chloe and I've been dating her for eleven months now!"
Alya hugged her back. "Good for you, girl. I noticed how happy you'd been this year. I'm sorry it came out this way instead of when you felt ready though."
Marinette pulled back and shrugged, linking her arm through Alya's as they walked. "Chloe's been ready for a while now, and we just told our parents earlier this week. I hadn't decided on exactly when, but I was going to tell you soon."
Rose and Chloe were talking on the front steps when Marinette and Alya exited. The four stood talking for a few minutes. While Chloe was looking up the number of her manicurist for Rose to surprise Juleka with a gift card for their anniversary, a text popped up. When she opened it, she saw a picture of Chat Noir. A circle had been drawn on the picture, highlighting a couple behind his shoulder. The message that came with the picture said:
Honey: So Alya knows now. Guess the cat is out of the bag ;)
Chloe looked back and forth between her phone and Marinette, who was laughing at Alya imitating Chat Noir tripping over his baton. She texted back.
Bee: Your puns are no better than your partner's. Are you okay with Alya knowing?
The response came quickly.
Honey: I thought I wasn't ready, but getting to talk openly about how much I love you? 14/10 would slip up and get caught again!
Bee: alkgjdasjdklkj
Honey: So...
Honey: wanna spread the news?
Bee: Oh, I got this.
"Hey, Rose?" Chloe said, putting her phone in her purse.
"Yes, Chloe?"
"Marinette and I have been dating in secret for almost a year."
Chloe had an armful of screaming, bouncing, delighted Rose a half second later. She hugged her back gingerly.
The commotion drew Adrien and Nino to the group.
"What's going on here?"
“Just this,” Marinette said.
She wrapped her arms around Chloe, and to the sound of Nino saying, "Woah!" and Adrien cheering, "I knew it!" they shared their first public kiss.
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five-hxrgreeves · 4 years
I Won’t Back Down - Five Hargreeves x OC
Word Count: 3,244
You can stand me up at the gates of hell But I won't back down I'm gonna stand my ground Won't be turned around And I'll keep this world from dragging me down
 1  | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 
Pt. 4- Waking up to Ash and Dust
Lola didn’t know what woke her but she groaned and opened her eyes, lifting her head from where her cheek stuck to the page she’d been writing on before she’d fallen asleep. The basement was pitch-black, her candles having been burned out while she’d been resting. Unbothered, the brunette stood, stretched, and made her way to the wall where she knew the light switch was. After patting the guessed area, her hand hit on the dimmer and flicked it up. Nothing happened.
She moved it up and down several more times and the room remained completely dark. Frowning in confusion, Lola guessed that they’d lost power during the night for some reason. With no windows in the basement, it was impossible to tell what time it was or if a weather event had happened. Shrugging, she stepped twice to the right and placed her hand on the banister to guide her steps up the stairs. Only- she hit her head even halfway up.
”Ouch!” the girl yelped, rubbing the sore spot on her head. What the hell? The ceiling was never this low before! There were fifteen steps from the door to the bottom of the basement. Lola had only gone up ten.
She pushed on the supposed ceiling tentatively. No movement, “hey, guys? Mom? Dad?” she called, hoping someone would hear.
There was no way the ceiling was caved in, right? How would that even be possible? Maybe her uncle was pulling a prank on her and had stuffed obstacles down the stairs so she couldn’t come up.
“Uncle Ed? You’re really very funny! Haha!” she tried, hoping it would convince him to help move the stuff.
Then, something shifted and movement by her feet made her jump, causing her to yelp. There’s no mice down here, idiot. Her mother would never allow that, so what had fallen by her foot?
Still in pitch-blackness, Lola made her way back down the stairs until the was on the last one. Gripping the banister carefully, she moved her foot into the empty space below the final step until she hit what had fallen. Bending over, she was surprised by the weight of the item.
Lola moved the object between her hands, feeling the roughness and shape of it. It wasn’t any sort of object used for a prank, she determined. It felt like a part of her house. But how could that be right?
Stay calm, Lola, she told herself, there’s a reasonable explanation for this. Maybe mom decided to renovate the upstairs, started this morning, and forgot you were down here? That seemed a little far-fetched. What about school? Her mother always checked the basement if Lola wasn’t in her room and it had to be around the time she had to get ready.
Dropping the loose object, the girl made her way back up until her head brushed the blockage again, “MOM? DAD?” she yelled again, straining her ears for an answer.
What the hell happened last night? Or early this morning, she supposed. She called for her parents several more times, all of which went without response. Turning, she sat down on the seventh step and buried her face in her hands, the sudden coverage of her eyes making no difference with the black of the room.
Okay, she thought, you know the basement. What could you use to help you?
There were drills and electrical cords so she could drill herself out but she’d never used the tools before, her mom would go nuts and there seemed to be no power. She had candles, so she could burn her way through but if it was mostly cement on top of her that wouldn’t help. Paint was useless and so were light bulbs. She doubted there was something useful in the holiday section. Did they have a pick axe? Those couldn’t be so hard to use. Or maybe an anvil and a hammer.
That would take longer but didn’t require electricity and her mom might be more okay with that.
What if it caves in on you, though? she considered, biting her lip as she tried to puzzle around it, what did people use to prevent cave-ins? Some type of support, she supposed. Did they store plywood in the basement? Was that even strong enough?
Stay calm, Lola, you can do this. And besides, she was jumping ahead of herself. Surely her parents would notice and dig her out? Maybe there wasn’t even that much blockage and it just seemed like a lot. It probably just was a rotten prank her Uncle Ed had cooked up but she couldn’t see her mother being okay with her being late for school because of it. Still, she didn’t want to jump to conclusions so she stood and made her way back up the stairs, calling as loudly as she could, “MOM? DAD? UNCLE ED?”
There was no telling how much time had passed but no answer came as Lola’s voice tired out. After her 839th call, she gave a final cough, turned, and sat down, bending her head slightly to accommodate the small space. What now?
Surely it was past school’s starting time. Her uncle and father would be at the store and her mother would be at the library starting her shift. Lola sighed and strained her eyes into the blackness, hoping it would reveal an answer of what happened. It didn’t, of course, but she wasn’t sure what else to do. Maybe her voice wasn’t loud enough? The thought suddenly occurred to her and part of her favorite, well-memorized story came back to her: Liesel hit the lid of a paint can. Maybe her paint cans weren’t as useless as she thought.
After sliding down the stairs feet first and lowering herself carefully by her hands, she stood and made her first step to the left. Suddenly, she was very glad she was a counter. There were exactly twenty-seven and a half steps to the paint section of the shelves from the bottom of the stairs. Carefully counting them out, she arrived in the correct place and took the top paint can after feeling around for the handle. Then, with another fifteen steps, she made her way to the hand-held tools and felt along the second shelf for a hammer, pleased when her hand grasped the worn, wooden handle.
Turning, Lola counted the total forty-two and a half steps back to the stairs and went up again to the blockage. Placing the paint can on the last available step, she swung the hammer down, hard, on the lid. It let out a resounding clang which was loud in the dark stillness and made her flinch in surprise. Shaking off her prickle of fear, she repeated the action several more times.
The girl jumped when something slightly wet splashed on her and she gingerly felt the spot where it landed on her shirt. Oops.
The lid had dented after so many hits and now it had finally given, the most recent contact had splashed the sent the wet paint flying. She swallowed nervously. How many paint cans did they have? How long would she be stuck here? Clearly, no one was coming to help. Lola supposed she should have waited until her parents would actually be home but the thought hadn’t occurred to her until now. Besides, who knew how long it had been?
The thought made her shudder slightly, the idea of days passing without being released not sitting well with her. She loved the basement but even she didn’t want to live out the rest of her days here. I need light, Lola thought, slightly frantically.
She shook herself and took a deep breath. As well as she knew the space, losing count of the steps wouldn’t help her. She descended the stairs again and stepped left, this time counting out eleven steps. Her hands found the candles and matches blindly, relieved when she felt that there were twenty-five in all. She would still conserve the light, though. Just in case.
Lola repeated her path in reverse and sat on the third step, carefully holding one slim, long candle between her legs as she prepared the lighter. There was a spark and the match caught, causing her to quickly set it to the wick and shake it out, relieved to keep some of the darkness at bay. Holding the light aloft, the brunette stood from the stairs and in twenty-one steps she reached the far wall where a wine cellar of sorts stood embedded into the cement. The space was tiny and hand-dug, extremely cold in the winter and less so in the summer but was an additional food storage area for long-term items. They didn’t usually keep it very full but there were several packages of canned drinks, two tubs of ice cream, some frozen dinners and a case of water.
The girl now took stock of the items, checking that each one she thought was in there actually was and was reassured that she would be able to survive down here for some time, if it came to that. She hoped not. Lola had zero practiced survival skills and what she knew only came from books like Hatchet which wouldn’t truly help her here.
She wasn’t an idiot; rationing her food should start immediately and she needed to go as long as possible without eating or drinking to make it last longer. Going to the bathroom would be a challenge, but she’d dedicate a spot and hope for the best.
Stop it, idiot, Lola thought suddenly, you’re acting like you’re stuck down here. You probably aren’t.
Still, she couldn’t help but think what if she was? At least the couch could act as her bed and the rest of the time would be spent trying to free herself.
She sighed and exited the food storeroom, at least you don’t have to worry about homework right now. Your teachers will understand if you miss because you’re trapped in a basement. Hopefully.
Okay, she thought, if worst comes to worst, you’re pretty well off. There’s definitely no need to panic. Nope, none at all. Think: what would Liesel do? WWLD? She wouldn’t panic- well, she did at the sight of her dead-
STOP. Don’t think like that. The point is, she didn’t panic when she was trapped in her basement. People came to help. The same will happen for you. You’ve always wanted to be like her, remember? Now’s your chance.
“At least this will make for an interesting section in my autobiography,” Lola commented aloud and instantly shook her head, stop it, talking to yourself is a sure sign of insanity. It had only been a few hours at most, probably eight.
The uncertainty of exactly how many made her shudder slightly.
The next day- or what she assumed was the next day- she tried the same routine, calling her parents’ and uncle’s names for as long as she could before her voice gave and then resorting to banging on a paint can until it, too, gave. Lola used some of her light to count exactly how many paint cans she had, which were fifteen. A little over two weeks and she’d used two already.
They could help her keep track of the estimated days. To keep herself busy, she also partitioned out her food into servings so she wouldn’t eat a lot at once, even if she was really hungry. Her stomach was already starting to growl but she pushed through knowing it could get worse.
Another obstacle she realized she had was that there was no running water, not that the basement had a sink. There was no way to keep her hands clean or wash herself and she cringed at the thought of becoming disgustingly dirty.
The next guessed day came and Lola was entertaining the idea that something had gone very, very wrong outside. She’d sat for several hours next to the cave-in and heard nothing. She allowed that the pile on top of her was too thick to let sound through but it seemed that she’d hear police sirens or something as they swarmed over the collapsed house.
The thought made her heart twist in her chest. What about her parents? Were they hurt? The only explanation that there could be was the house collapsed, but surely they hadn’t been inside when it happened? They were probably worried out of their minds right now about her. Lola wished she could send them a message that she was okay.
An idea had crossed her mind that she could tap out an SOS out on her paint can lid but she didn’t know Morse code and had tossed the idea aside. The brunette was glad that she had rather weak olfactory senses and couldn’t easily smell herself but she was sure that after three days of not showering, she must stink.
You stink to high heaven! her mother would say. Lola had never missed her as much as she did right now and she wished she could have been more understanding about her mother’s reasoning for things. The next time she gives me chores or scolds me, I won’t ever complain again.
Two more days passed without much change. Lola still lived in darkness most of the time, worried about running out of light. It was surprisingly easy to stick to food rations. She’d never been a big eater but she wasn’t a small eater either. She chalked it up to the fact that she could count each serving.
Her first time going to the bathroom without a toilet had been awkward and messy but luckily they did store toilet paper and trash bags on the lower part of one of the shelves so at least she could clean up. The couch was a fine sleeping place and only creaked a little when she shifted around.
After spending her obligatory hours trying to get help, Lola would then shuffle, shuffle, shuffle her cards, over and over again to keep the panic at bay, the action familiar and comforting. In the dark, she would try magic tricks which proved to be difficult as she couldn’t see the result. Then, she returned to counting all fifty-two of the cards, reassuring herself that they were all there. Her writing fell by the wayside as she focused on keeping herself calm and definitely not panicking.
After approximately one week, Lola was starting to feel the affects of being stuck in the dark for so long. Sleep had become more difficult and she instead lay awake for hours, staring into nothing as she lay on her side on the couch, the cushions pressed against her back. It was easier to operate without light now, too. She still counted her steps whenever she moved around but her ears seemed sharper- the ringing of the paint can lid proved that- her touch seemed more sensitive and it seemed like her smell had improved, too, because she was definitely stinking.
Lola wished she had a change of clothes at least, but she was out of luck. The only possibility of new cloth was Christmas tree skirts and that wouldn’t help her since she didn’t have needle and thread- not that she was even a fashion designer, but she could have figured something out.
Sometimes, when she stared at nothing for long periods of time, bright spots would enter her vision or strange, geometric shapes would pop up. Then, she would blink and they would disappear. The thought of seeing things terrified her and Lola made an effort to keep her eyes physically closed instead of just peering into the darkness.
By the beginning of the second week, sleep had suddenly come back. Lola thought she was just closing her eyes in short spurts but in reality, they were closed for many hours. The paint cans helped keep her from misjudging how many days she’d spent in isolation and the food rations did too, slightly.
The panic that had threatened to overwhelm her had ebbed, only poking at the back of her mind every so often. Lola could feel that her body had become weaker, too, even though she spent many hours pacing the edge of the space, counting out all 900 steps. It was clear that no one was coming to help her but she couldn’t bring herself to stop hoping. Even as she lost everything else, something told her to press forward and keep believing someone would come.
She’d been speaking to herself more and more too, to cover up the awful silence that persisted in the darkness. She’d often just recite parts of her autobiography, sang song lyrics she'd memorized or she’d spend several hours reciting The Book Thief as a way to help calm her as her panic increased. One time, in her rotations, she’d turned on the third corner and had stopped for a moment, eyes wide, as what looked like a monkey on a unicycle juggled in front of her, complete with flashing circus lights and music.
Lola’s mouth had dropped open and she’d let out a crazy, slightly maniacal laugh before she rubbed at her eyes furiously in disbelief. The darkness had promptly returned, leaving her to shiver fearfully on the spot.
On the twelfth day, according to her paint cans- not that she actually knew for sure anymore- something changed. Lola hadn’t been expecting it, of course, and had gone on with her usual routine. Then, in one of her circuits of the basement, she heard something, out of the ordinary from the sounds she was used to- not that there were many. Her pulse picked up. Was someone trying to kill her?
“No, stupid,” she said aloud, her voice raw and hoarse from the hours she spent yelling, “you’re dumb. There’s no one alive. I think we’re alone now.”
The words didn’t make sense but then nothing much did these days. When had she started speaking in plural? Still, the shifting continued.
Creeping slowly up the staircase, the brunette paused next to her already set-up paint can. It certainly sounded like someone was out there. The girl looked down the dark staircase, thinking about her remaining food and liquid supply which was now rapidly dwindling, her shrinking amount of candles, paint cans and matches, her wrinkled, used deck of cards and came to a decision.
At first, her banging went unnoticed on the surface until the shifting stilled above her.
“Hello?” the sound was faint and muffled, clearly she was hearing things.
Lola continued her banging, hoping that maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t.
The shifting resumed but it seemed more purposeful now. The sound came again, “hello? Is anyone there?”
Bang, bang, bang came the answer, the brunette continuously hitting the lid. A chink of brilliant light appeared above her head, making her shut her eyes in pain.
“Hello? Can you hear me?” it was definitely a voice, a young one, too.
Then, the hole opened wider, wider, and wider until bright light came pouring into the dark space. Turning up her face but closing her eyes, Lola tried to look up at who had come for her. Maybe she was dead and the light was from heaven.
The answer was the exact opposite as the voice spoke again, this time disbelief clear in the tone, “what the hell?”  
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{Title: Love, Maybe? {37}*
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Chris Evans X Reader OFC Vixen Giovanni
Warning: Cursing, Plot, Fluff, Slow Burn
Word Count: 3.7K
Summary: After a night of drunkenness you wake up next to warm, hot as hell body, a migraine and no memory of the night before. When you come to realize that the hot body belongs to none other than Hollywood’s golden boy Chris Evans you freak out. As events unfold you become even more panicked to find out you got married in your drunken haze. What else is there to do but get it annulled, right? Before walking away, you share one more night of molten kisses and passion. Three years later you are still living with the repercussions of your brash decisions, but the surprises don’t stop there. The past has a way of coming back and have you questioning is this fate that you’ve been running from, hell could it have been love, maybe?
NOTE: **Italic texts is an inner Vixen thought. Bold Italic texts is an inner Chris thought. 
**Loosley Edited/Proofread**
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊❤❤️
Chapter 37: Revelations
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 You dropped your bag and bound across the lawn as she ran to you. once you made it to her you dropped to your knees and pulled her into your arms.
 “Oh princess, I missed you so much.”
 “I miss you.” Ella spread her hands over your face and felt it as if she were trying to memorize it. you kissed all over her face until you stopped at her head. She hugged you and you just sat there inhaling the scent of her head. It was a scent you loved more than air. Studies proved that mothers were inclined to like the scent of their children’s heads no matter what. You remembered as a baby you’d just hold her and breathe in her scent. Nothing had changed even now.
 “Hey there, do I get one of those?”
 Ella pulled from you the minute she saw Chris and hugged him with just as much force as she hugged you. You smiled watching the exchange.
 “How’s my princess?”
 “Good.” He lifted her into his arms which allowed you to stand from the grass and dirt. They chatted quietly before he raised her into the air and twirled her around. She loved it and laughed with glee.
 Nex stepped beside you and watched father and daughter with a sweet smile. “Hi. How are things?”
 “Good, she was good. A lot better than usual when you’re out of town.”
 “That’s good.”
 You couldn’t take your eyes off the two of them. For some reason, this felt different than it had a few days ago. You didn’t know why, and you didn’t want to think about why. Chris glanced at you, but the look felt cold, distant, different. All morning things felt different, he wasn’t touchy, or flirty and it shouldn’t have mattered because it wasn’t like it was normal behavior between the two of you. It wasn’t. still, it tripped you up. his manners never faded but that extra warmth was gone. During the plane ride whenever you caught him watching you he was the one to break the gaze and every time he did you felt the chill of it.
 Turning from him and Ella you walked to the house. Maybe you needed space from him. maybe two days was too much to have been in close quarters. Lines were blurring for you.
 “Anthony still here?”
 “Yes, he leaves tonight though,” Nexus answered with a smile. Her happiness was so obvious, and it made you so happy.
 “Have I told you how happy I am for you this week?”
 She laughed and shook her head trying to shrug you off, but she couldn’t. She still had that smile. “Where’s mom and dad?”
 “On a date at some garden. They’ve been increasingly disgusting to be around, all kissy and hugged up. Uugh!”
 You smiled. Your parents were still madly in love. Some days you wanted to have a relationship like them when you were old and others you thought it was too impossible. Once in your room, you kicked off your shoes and dropped your purse on the bed.
 “So, how are things?”
 “Oh the restaurant is good, crisis averted. I was able to straighten things out. I didn’t expect to spend an added fifteen thousand dollars, but I think it’ll be an easy recoup,” you informed.
 “I definitely wasn’t talking about the restaurant. You and Chris alone in San Francisco, your stomping grounds. How were things?”
 “Oh fine. It all went fine.” You knew that was one too many fines, but you didn’t know what else to say. you really didn’t want to talk about things, not yet at least.
 “Okay.” The way she said it you knew she knew. The beauty with Nex was she knew when to push and when not to. She didn’t now.
 “Nex, I’m filthy and kind of just want a little time to digress.”
 “Yeah. Um, Anthony and I were going to make dinner. Any request?”
 “Nope, whatever you put together will be fine. Thanks, Nex.” You smiled but it didn’t reach your eyes.
 When she left you stood there in the silence for a few minutes then went into action. You needed to move. After changing into some leggings and a tank you went out the back toward the forest and took off. Traction beneath your feet always helped. It felt especially good now because it kind of felt like you were running away from whatever was giving you stress. You were running from him.
 Without knowing which direction you were going you just ran and focused only on the path in front of you and the music booming in your ears. you pushed yourself to go further and further even when you felt you’d reached your limit. Ignoring that alarm in your brain that always sounded when you were near overexertion you continued on until your legs gave out sending you face first to the ground and into unconsciousness.
 When you came to, the sun was setting and you were on the ground. Grunting you rolled onto your back and stared into the darkening sky.
 Your forehead hurt as did your knees. As you were going to get up, you just decided to lay there a little longer and appreciate the beauty of the sky and the calm of your surroundings. there was something about being in the middle of nowhere that you liked. You liked that here you could hear yourself think even though you really didn’t like to these days. These days your thoughts brought more chaos than they were worth.
 When you made it back to the house it was night and thanks to you leaving your phone you had no idea what time it was. You did know you’d been gone for a while. When you stepped inside and made your way toward the steps Ella ran out.
 “Hi baby.” You stooped to meet her with a smile.
 “You doety.” She brushed her small hand across your cheek for emphasis.
 “Am I? Guess mama needs a shower, huh.”
 Everyone else came out with worried expressions.
 “Where have you been pumpernickel?” Your father’s authoritative tone was not missed.
 “Uh, I went for a run. Lost track of time.”
 “You’re filthy, and you’re bleeding. Are you hurt?” Your mother’s inquiry had everyone even more concerned.
 “Mama hoet?” You could hear the whine in her voice and knew tears were coming.
 “No, no I’m not.” Ella began crying as she boyfriend her face into Chris’ legs.
“Hey, no it’s okay,” he said as he lifted her into his arms.
 “Princess I’m not hurt. See.” You wiped at your forehead, looked at your hand and saw the blood but wiped it on your already dirty clothes. “See, not hurt. I’m okay baby.” Ella examined your face, but her eyes remained on your forehead. “I promise princess. I’m okay.” You smiled hoping it would convince her. She leaned closer and kissed your forehead.
 “Kiss da boo-boo.”
 “Thank you princess. I’m going to go get cleaned up. I’ll be right back.”
 You hurried upstairs and in your bedroom then into the shower. You hadn’t even realized you’d hurt yourself. Taking the time to wash your hair you managed to be in and out in twenty minutes. When you walked out into the bedroom Chris was sitting on the seat at the foot of the bed.
 “What happened?”
 “I went for a run, lost track of time.”
 “How’d you get hurt?”
 You rummaged through the drawers for something to wear, ignoring his question.
 “I passed out, hit my head. I’m fine.” He was up and to you in seconds turning you to face him. He cupped your cheeks and intently stared at you.
 “Are you okay?”
 “Yes, I’m fine. I promise.”
 “I’m not a two-year-old. Are you okay?” Staring in his eyes you searched for something, anything. You didn’t know what you were looking for.
 “Yes, I’m fine. I’ll put on a scarf and she won’t even notice this.”
 He nodded then stepped back and walked to the door. “Meet you down there.”
 You were thoroughly confused with his hot and cold act. Dinner was eventless and relatively calm. You kept one ear on the conversation but got lost in your thoughts and watching Ella who seemed glued to Chris. She was completely attached and half of you felt relief but the other felt fear. Attachments were hard to break and get over, you knew from experience and though you knew you were making the same moves all over again as if you hadn’t learned a thing. You were growing attached to him all over again, this time you felt it may be more serious than that.
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He was going to lose you. he felt it. It was his biggest fear and he felt as if it were inevitable. Being in San Francisco with you seeing your life and everything you had and didn’t need him for really showed him just what he wanted. He wasn’t prepared to want it as badly as he did. He wanted you and Ella even though he had no idea how a life could work for you. Everything in San Francisco showed him how much he didn’t want to lose you, either of you. It showed him his greatest fear.
 Every time he saw you with Ella it only made him love you more. There was something about seeing you, the mother of his child love, and nurture his child that gave him this primal instinct to possess, protect and love. The days following San Fran only deepened the fear he had of losing you. Every time he tried to talk to you about it, it never seemed like the right time, none of his words seemed enough. There was no way of knowing where your head or heart was, you were that good at masking yourself. He thought to just spill his guts but really didn’t know if he could take the rejection.
 He kept his distance and fought the instinct to just fall into place with the two of you. he let you do your thing and he did his. At nights he laid awake thinking about you and everything you’d experienced together, and though he wanted to go to you he didn’t.
 The night was a beautiful one, the sky was clear and the stars were all out. He watched Ella play with her cousins and his sisters and a content sigh escaped him.
 “Oh, a content man is a happy man,” his mother from behind him.
 “Not always.”
 “Are you happy?” He thought about it for a few moments then nodded.
 “How can I not be? You’ve seen that little girl.” She smiled and nodded.
 “I have, she’s addictive and even cuter than you when you were a baby.”
 “That’s harsh maw, but I’ll accept it only because it’s her.”
Silence fell between them as they both watched Ella.
 “How’d the talk with Vixen go?”
 “There has been no talk,” he replied.
 Again, he sighed but this one ended with a groan.
 “Talk to me, honey.”
 “It’s nothing maw, I’m good.” She studied him for a few seconds and he was sure she saw right through him but she nodded.
 It was then you approached holding Ella. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”
 “Not at all, hello pretty girl,” his mother exclaimed to a blushing Ella.
 “She wanted to come over and sit with her da-da,” Vixen informed. A smile spread across his face as he held his arms out. You handed her off and she snuggled close to him. yep, she had him wrapped around her finger, he thought.
 “Vixen, wanna take a quick walk?”
 Your eyes were wide as you looked at his mother. “Uh—okay.” You looked at him but he was equally as curious as you were. The two of you walked off together and he wished he could be one of those stars in the sky to hear what that was all about.
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 “Why do you look so afraid?”
 “Uh, no reason. Just—cautious I guess.”
 “Don’t be, this is a friendly walk. I like you Vixen. I really do.”
 Your shock was evident. “Really?”
 “God yes. You are one hundred percent different than any woman Chris has ever been with. They’re all usually so compliant, they bend backward and forward to please him and always seem as if they’re happy to be under his arm. You don’t give off any of that. You have a brain, you use it, and that mouth too. You don’t bend over to please him and it shows how strong your character is, how strong you are.”
 “Thank you, Lisa. I appreciate you saying that.”
 “As a mother, you don’t imagine any woman being good enough for your son. I’m not different, I have two of them too. Scott has found a great one but that always left Chris. I worried he’d never find the one, never experience what it’s like to have the kind of love that inspired Shakespeare. Here you are.”
 You pinched your lips and looked down. “Lisa, I don’t know what you think is going on but there is nothing--.”
 “I’m not blind Vixen. He may be, but I’m not.” The two of you stared at each other and you sighed. She saw right through you. You dropped your head back and stared up to the stars.
 “You realize Shakespeare's sonnets usually ended in heartache and death right.”
 She laughed and nodded, you joined in unable to stop. When the two of you stopped you sighed then groaned.
 “Then rewrite history. It’s your sonnet, your love story.”
 “Think about this. You met, fell out, found each other again and now you’re connected for the rest of your life. That sounds like poetic justice.”
 “I don’t think you’re using that right.”
 “Oh well. think about it,” Lisa emphasized.
 “I have, I feel like that is all I think about. It’s in my face way too much, with Ella, here, in San Francisco. I think about it, Lisa. I don’t want to anymore.”
 “You’re running. You see what’s right in front of you but you’re running,” she deduced.
 Fuck it, you were running. The thing with running is if you’ve done it for a while it’s hard to stop, you run without even realizing it.
 “Okay, I have one last unsolicited nugget. Fate only brings us what is meant and letting something go and it coming back should not be let go again especially if it's what you want. Fate does not take kindly to being shucked twice.”
Her words hit you hard. For years you’d felt like you were being haunted and then when you saw him again, it was as if fate was just getting more and more persistent. Now here you were—fate again. Lisa stood and walked away leaving you there to stare at the sky which was supposed to evoke calm but wasn’t working as you felt everything compounding on you.
 A few hours later, Ella was back in your arms and quickly falling asleep. You’d spent many nights like this, and you couldn’t imagine wanting to do anything else, ever. You slowly stared over every single feature and smiled to yourself seeing the similarities between her and Chris’ face. she was the constant reminder of your night of hope, opening up, and not letting go. While she was pleasant looking and an absolute joy, the pain you experienced because of it was not.
 You turned to see Chris standing there beside the gazebo.
 “Hey.” He was staring at Ella with a solemn smile.
 “I can’t get over how great you look with her. It’s like you were meant for her. Fate made you her mom.”
 You groaned at that word again. It was following you.
 “You’re an amazing mom to her,” he complimented. You looked back to her and smiled.
 “She’s an easy kid.” Chris stepped closer and paced in front of you before he looked at you.
 “Since meeting her and seeing you again—I don’t know I feel like I’m this new man, the man I’ve always wanted to be. A man I can be proud of, a man I never was because something was missing. She was missing, Vixen.” He stepped closer to you, looked down at Ella and back to you. the look on his face was pained but chaotic. He looked as if he’d been running for hours or his mind had run a marathon.
 “I honestly have been shouting to anyone who asks that I want a family, I want kids. I want to do the bedtime tuck-ins, family gatherings, tea parties, dress up, all of it. the other night she colored my nails with markers and told me not to wash my hands. I didn’t. I kept them on till morning so she saw how much I loved them. It’s like my heart is no longer in my chest. It’s outside my body. I would do anything for her Vix—anything for you.”
 The butterflies in your stomach were not quitting, neither was the flutter of your heart. Chris touched your arm, his hand was burning hot, but it made you shiver.
 “I fucked this up once,” he began.
 “Please let me get this out. I don’t want to fuck this up again, not this time.”
 He looked like he was struggling as if he was at a loss for words but he had so much to say. You had no idea what to say to help him, you were struggling too. You couldn’t believe what he was saying. In your arms, Ella began to fuss and wriggle.
 “Da-da.” She groaned and began whining.
 “Shhh, it’s okay. I’m here,” Chris soothed taking her from your arms. He stood there effortlessly rocking her as if he’d done it all her life. You watched him pepper kisses across her forehead and temple then your eyes met. You were still speechless.
 “I’ll take her to bed,” Chris whispered. You nodded and watched him walk back toward the house.
 You stood there for several long minutes just trying to marinate over what just happened. You couldn’t wrap your head around it, but you also couldn’t escape the feeling of a need for him, to be close to him. When you made it to the house and upstairs you peeped into Ella’s room and there he was in the dim light or her night light sitting at her bedside just watching her sleep. It was an action you’d done countless times. Time always passed so quickly when you did it—too quickly.
 Suddenly Chris turned to look at you then kissed the top of Ella’s head and turned slowly walked toward you.
 “God, he’s gorgeous.”
His lips lowered to yours for a sweet kiss, one that promised more. When he pulled back he pressed his forehead to yours. “You’re the gorgeous one,” he whispered as he walked out the room and softly closed the door. You hadn’t realized you’d said it out loud.
 Chris took your hand and led you down the hall past your room to his. You walked in and stopped in the middle of the room and just looked around. When you felt him behind you, you melted into him as he kissed your neck and shoulders. Then Chris scooped you into his arms and carried you to his bed. As he gently laid you down he never broke eye contact with you, as he never spoke. You didn’t care words were overrated.
 As your bodies came together and expressed what your mouths couldn’t speak everything in you hummed from the pleasure he gave. He was gentle and went slow. It was as if he were whispering to your body, pleading with it to reveal its secrets, it felt as if he had a direct line to your pleasure and he mercilessly tapped into it. Before long you were panting and moaning his name trying to keep as quiet as possible. Even when the urgency in you reached its peak he still went slow, prolonging the sensations for as long as possible. Every time your eyes met you saw so much in the depths of the blue pools. You came with his name on your lips and hearing your whispered one in your ear.
His scent woke you. It was a scent you were already used to, a scent you smelled everywhere. You were hooked. You cuddled closer to him and heard the deep rumble of his moan in his chest.
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“Good morning.”
 You smiled and looked up at him to see him grinning. “Good morning.” He kissed you once, then twice and pulled you close.
 “How’d you sleep?”
 “Good.” Chris slid down to come face to face with you his smile wide.
 “That’s good. I’m glad.” His lips met yours again and in no time he was rolling onto you.
 “Da-da!” The loud shout of your daughter had the two of you gasping and freaking out.
 Chris rolled off of you and looked around then to you clearly asking what you should do. You knew how fast her tiny legs could carry her and knew you had no time.
 “Act normal,” you whispered and piled the blankets over your head just in time for Ella to burst through the doors and in the room. She hopped and climbed onto the bed and crawled to him.
 “Good morning princess. How are you?”
 From the feel of the bed, you bet she was tumbling or jumping on him. She had the energy of a kangaroo when she woke. You could hear Chris’ laughter. They even sounded alike when they laughed. Apple meet tree, you thought.
 “Mama no bed. Where mama?”
 “Mama’s not in the bed?”
 “No. Da-da eat mama?”
 You couldn’t stop the snort that came out because that statement was one hundred percent correct. You stifled it and tried to remain completely still. After a few seconds the blankets were pulled off and there she was. Her eyes lit up and she dropped onto you.
 “Mama! Ound her da-da. I ound you.”
 “You found me.” You glanced to Chris who had his lips pinched but his eyes looked to be asking if this was okay.
 “Mama, da-da, mama, da-da, yay!” She clapped her hands and buried herself between the two of you and continued to chatter. When you caught Chris’ eye he had a soft smile on his lips as he looked between the two of you. he then laid down and held the two of you cuddled close.
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