#i also wanted to give her a less basic fit but idk i just liked this version sm
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horsemoment · 1 month ago
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random goth pony design doodle, do yall like her
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thoughtsforsoob · 7 months ago
couple halloween costumes w/ txt
a/n: i know summer is comming to an end to please start accepting these fall crumbs i am going to be pushing out :) i am a fall/winter girlie so please bare with me. please enjoy. i will be getting to my inbox as soon as i can.
yeonjun: nanami + tomoe
he actually came up with this costume and you were really suprised
you asked him why and his answer was "i just wanted to be to fox guy. he's kinda..." he bites his lip and you playfully smack his arm
he let's you help him put together his outfit and he put's together yours
since you were struggling to find an outfit online, you make him one from scratch and he swears he's fallen in love all over again
soobin: makima + denji
anime nerd #1
i know some might find this pairing a little stange but it's all for the jokes
soobin is just so whipped for you so this costume fits the both of you so well (if this has changed from the first season, please don't tell me :(
he also just wants to see you dress up all formal with a tie (boobs boobs boobs)
beomgyu: beast boy + raven
idk about you guys but i just discovered that beomgyu gives beast boy energy
he's just silly and his gf for sure has to be there to put him in line
he actually brought up the idea because he'd been watching teen titans
he also get's an excuse to ask you to dress in her original costume (legs he loves your legs omg)
taehyun: mario + princess peach
it's a super basic constume but he loves it a lot
he actually let's you pick out your halloween constumes every year because he likes to see you light up when you present all your ideas to him
he expected you to wear a full on dress but when you come out in someone a little smaller and less over the top, his face and ears turn red
hesitates to take you out because he thinks you look so pretty
huening kai: howl + sophie
it's such a cute and wholesome costume
he also wanted an excuse to try on long hair
he definately suprises you by bleaching his hair for the costume to be accurate
he also makes sure the both of you take a ton of photos together
"we'll show our kids some day how cool their parents are"
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unscapedgoat · 2 months ago
I've seen people recently call Ragatha "evil" or "two-faced" due to Episode 4??? I absolutely need to address this
⚠️ CW: Discussion of substance use ⚠️
Like, idk if it's a thing here but I've seen people on Youtube say this exact thing and it drives me INSANE everytime I hear it. I'm a huge Gangle fan, I never talk about it here but I am. She's my favourite character but you absolutely cannot fault Ragatha for everything bad that's happened to Gangle in ep 4.
Let's put the facts first: Ragatha is normally nice, but suddenly in episode 4 she acts mean and people give her shit for her telling Gangle "you know you're kinda annoying like this", so much so that Gangle [allegedly] almost abstracted near the end. She talks shit about Pomni "flirting" with Gummigoo and tells Jax she hates him but doesn't want him to hate her.
First of all, she was squirted with stupid sauce, which may have been an allegory for hard drugs or alcohol. That basically stripped her of any verbal filter she MAY have had, so that already puts her actions into much needed context. She's not conciously telling Gangle that she's less annoying when she's sad, or conciously spouting every mean thing about literally everyone she sees. From what I see, she's highly unhappy with her situation and the people around her... you know. Like a REAL human being. Her actions were not hers, it's literally like calling me a bad driver because I crashed the car for drunk driving. No. Should I have crashed the car? Obviously not? But it wasn't ONLY my fault that the alcohol toyed with my reaction speed. [not extracted from experience the last time i drove was during my driving exam]
Second of all, she is so obviously a people-pleaser. People like to call her two-faced because she acts nice to people but actually secretly is mean. It's made very clear that she's nice to let people like her ["Jax, I hate you, but I don't want you to hate me"] and she desperately craves the validation of being liked ["I wish someone would flirt with me"]. And no, that doesn't make her two-faced. Two-faced is when you try to go behind the back of someone to say something for your own gain. Ragatha's need here is a very human want, which is the want to fit in and be liked.
Third of all, YES she almost got Gangle to abstract but it's not her fault. She didn't KNOW that it would cause Gangle to abstract, and she had no malintent. Also (vaguely gestures to stupid sauce again)
Fourth of all, NOBODY SEEMS TO CARE THAT JAX ALSO PLAYED A PART IN THAT??? I know Jax is Jax and he's an asshat, but he still said Gangle was better liked when she was sad and I've only seen people blame Ragatha for it and rarely Jax.
Lastly it's absurd that Ragatha seems to be getting hated on just for disliking some aspects of people in the Circus [with the exception of Jax], GOD FORBID SOMEONE HAVE HUMAN EMOTIONS.
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yarrayora · 9 months ago
Idk how to explain properly, but I’m a really big fan of the dynamic you portray between Marcille and Falin. I’ve always loved . idk how to say.. divorce? trouble-in-paradise? arcs/portrayals that look at problems in otp, and yours is super interesting. Sorry if this is weird just wanted to say :)
not weird at all! im flattered, thanks!
i wasnt really into farcille at first, mostly i was just impressed an f/f ship managed to be the fandom's no1, basically proving that when two female characters in a mostly male dominated cast are allowed to bond with each others and be their own characters people will latch on to them
mostly though aro touden siblings is still my no1 and even back then i didnt care about shipping because any type of romantic relationship in dunmeshi is less interesting than the potential of political intrigue the worldbuilding set up (yes, even chilchuck's failing marriage is less interesting to me than how living in the dungeon was safer for the orcs than being neighbors to human civilization) (shocking, i know)
but it all changed when i saw the daydream hour about marcille thinking falin looks cute in feminine clothing while falin herself is obviously uncomfortable with it
i can't sleep. i have to think about this. i have to think about how it's their first love and their first relationship and one is going in blind while the other set up her expectations based on a harlequin romance novel. they are NOT in the same wavelength at all and neither of them are particularly good at communicating their intention, with falin who grew up a convenient kid because she thought it was the least she could do for her family and marcille who frankly speaking was used to being treated as someone superior back at the magic school
thank god kabru exists because who else is going to give them a real advice for their very real relationship? chilchuck will be like "okay just break up" while not seeing the mirror to his own relationship with his runaway wife. senshi, wise as he is, is never in a romantic relationship. laios would be like :((( you guys are fighting? and gets stressed out on his own which makes it even more stressful to the girls. namari is like. "i, uh, please talk to kabru."
anyway theres also the bonus comic about falin inviting marcille to watch daltian clan's opera adaptation and while there is something to say about marcille thinking the humans playing elves doesn't fit her aesthetic (and the difference of societal expectations of dressing up as a different race in dunmeshi universe compared to in ours) all i can think of is that in modern day au where daltian clan has a movie adaptation marcille has a tumblr blog where she posts Hate on the daltian clan movie tag and calling it criticism which it is but also not the place, girl, go to rotten tomatoes for that
falin also has a tumblr and she and marcille had no idea the other is a tumblr user. falin made a post like "just watched daltian clan with my gf i get why shes really obsessed with it now" and marcille, against her better judgement replies to the post like "really sorry that you were misled by your girlfriend like that, you should read the novels instead, it's way better."
laios who sees falin looking shocked at her phone asks whats up and then after receiving the answer says "wow sounds like a real jerk! just block them"
anyway thats my modern day farcille when there's no high fantasy problems involved
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 3 months ago
Idk if this is too out of nowhere, but I imagine c!Wilbur with silver hair these days.
Like, I picture c!Phil with long golden hair, genuinely golden, not straw-colored or whatever, and royal midnight blue eyes, to match c!Kristin having star-speckled black space colored eyes. His skin is pale and clear, like he's a doll made of the finest porcelain and the richest materials. I mean, it's not too far off. I headcanon that c!Phil was made by the other gods to serve the Goddess of Death- since Death couldn't create life of any sort, even to serve as her Angels.
c!Wilbur is human because he's not exactly of godly descent, because again, Death can't create life. He's half angel at most, so he ends uo mortal. He'd have a longer life than is typical for humans, but that’s about it. Doesn't manifest any Death Angel Powers either, unless you count persuasive speech a Death Angel Power. (Spoiler alert: it is, in fact, an Angel Power. He makes ppl fear death less, for better or worse. c!Wilbur just has low self-esteem AND was dense enough to not notice.)
c!Kristin plans for c!Wilbur and his descendants to become Angels of Death too. She wants them to live human lives to their fullest beforehand though, because the cycle of life and death is beautiful, and even though her domain is a whole half of that cycle, she still wants her children to experience everything that life can give them before they join her domain.
c!Wilbur has silver hair and violet eyes. They look like a dark dusk sky- but he always claims his eyes are purple, not violet. Purple is the color of emperors after all, should he not have eyes fitting of an emperor? c!Tommy, as a result, canNOT distinguish purple and violet, he keeps calling violet 'purple' and vice versa. (He initially annoys c!Purpled bc he was constantly messing up & calling the guy 'Violeted'.)
c!Wilbur cares about c!Tommy, but he's also jealous, because this random kid, unrelated to any Angels(as far as they know), has bright blonde hair and clear sky blue eyes. He looks more Angel than c!Wilbur, the son of the Angel of Death(he doesn't really count Kristin as a parent bc she didn't actually have any part in siring him).
So he sort of encourages c!Tommy acting childish and pulling pranks, because then, at the very least, HE will be the one acting properly between the two of them. Hard to look like an Angel child when you're acting like a demon child, yknow?
c!Tommy doesn't think much of it though, and once comments that he and c!Wil look a lot alike, because they both have light-colored hair and their eye colors are similar too, from c!Tommy's childish perspective. This fuels both the loving brotherly instincts AND the jealousy.
The jealousy and low self-esteem also affects c!Wil's treatment of c!Fundy, who has bronze hair. Neither think c!Fundy will develop Angel Powers bc surely the DNA is all watered-down by now? So c!Wil subconsciously treats c!Fundy as someone who will never amount to anything, because no powers mean not many viable achievements- and c!Fundy is definitely not a politician like himself.
BUT turns out the Angelic genes (seemingly) skipped a generation, and c!Fundy starts dreaming of future deaths. He doesn't tell c!Wil bc not only will he not be able to help, he will also, most likely, be jealous. c!Fundy doesn't want to navigate that kind of change in their relationship, because what they have now kinda sucks, but c!Fundy fears it'll get even worse if c!Wil finds out about him having a power. AND, he wants to be seen for who he is and what he can achieve, not just for the random Death Angel Power he can't even control. Wanting to be seen as a whole rather than one aspect only, basically.
I also imagine c!Fundy, after he dies, will become the Angel who's most loved by mortals.
c!Phil never went through death, never understood the fear and uncertainty that people feel when faced with death. For him, Death is his beloved wife, and eternal rest with her, and that's all there is. Even after everything from DSMP, he only begins to gain a faint glimmer of understanding.
c!Wilbur's got a glib tongue and he lessens the newly-dead souls' fears easily- but he's not an easy Angel to approach, he still has subconscious habits, wanting to rise above the people, create some sort of superiority so he doesn't fade into a nameless nobody, unworthy of being the son of the Angel of Death- or being an Angel of Death.
c!Fundy though, saw things from the crowd. He's relatable. Spiderman is popular bc his life is so relatable to everyone, same thing here. He knows the hopes and fears and uncertainty of people, because he's been there before. He comforts the dead, and the dead know he understands.
c!Philza was and is the Reaping Angel, he reaps souls like a farmer gathering his produce, just another day's work and nothing more.
c!Wilbur becomes the Rising Angel, he rises above all others, hands out pain and mercy like a brutally efficient royal whose words are inevitable.
c!Fundy becomes the Remembering Angel, he remembers his mortal days and strives to bring peace and rest to every soul, weeping with them, assuring them, sometimes giving them just one more moment for the temporary goodbyes that feel so permanent. He guarantees illnesses will fade, promises you will see them again, and swears on his honor for peaceful sleeps.
The story of the Remembering Angel are told and retold, always with more being added. The angel of eternal peace and rest, with red gold hair like warm fire, and beautiful golden eyes.
Yeah anyways it's nearly 2 AM and I should probably sleep. Or write something I guess. The creativity juices are very clearly flowing like rivers rn. I actually have no idea what I wrote above this paragraph, I usually read over posts before posting but none of that tonight. I will POST and GO, either to sleep or write. I have no idea if I even said what I wanted to said. If I don't like this post in the morning I can just private it or delete it or whatever.
Yeah Lilly OUT peace and love yall
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macking-cheese · 1 month ago
Okay so this probably sounds dumb but at least for now I'm calling it a Mindtrapped AU (my thing with ES Bumblebee getting put under Mandroid's control)
I went back and rewatched the last three episodes of S1 (I replayed Stowed Away. Stowaways so many times I can't count it) but basically I'm rewriting that entire episode plus tweaking the last two. Now I have a canon-relevant reason for Bee going into the G.H.O.S.T Headquarters (his secret mission) and the kids stay home!!!! What compelled them to follow him in canon?! It's like they wanted to get captured or smth,,
So Bee's basically crawling through the walls like a roach to get his business done *insert cool spy stuff that me am not smart enough to write*. I also think that (just my opinion) Optimus kinda acted too obviously suspicious of Croft and that ruined the element of surprise because she immediately clocked that something was up.
And Schloder's complete 180 opinion of Bee?! Wasn't he eager to put that minibot in cuffs just episodes ago??? I think I'm going crazy
Anyway I'm trying to make it flow more cohesively while I build up to the bigger events
I have an oc that would fit perfectly into the plotline but idk if I should actually flesh that out or keep it more canon compliant. On one hand, I'd have an excuse to write them (an unaffiliated Velocitronian bounty hunter with relations to G.H.O.S.T but not officially working for them), and on the other I wanna keep the main antagonist a human (Croft, Mandroid)
Orrrrr, I could write them in and turn it into a double betrayal? (They're so gonna get killed off btw, it was destined in the scriptures)
I'm completely torn on this, y'all can decide whether or not they debut in the fic.
Bee gets got at the wrong time and the mission is a failure, and instead of being put in a cell, is immediately put into interrogation (read: torture) for espionage and conspiring with "the enemy". Y'know how everyone else has a badge on their chest/shoulders? Well, Bee gets one implanted directly into his neural net, attached at the spinal cord in the lumbar region, and it's so tightly interconnected that it hurt, threatening to sever the delicate circuitry. (It's fully intended to actually cut the cord if it gets deactivated, a fun surprise for later. I plan on exploring the potential of Cybertronian mobility devices. I also like the prospect of Bee using a cane)
During the fight, Breakdown comes back after getting his shit together, feeling terrible for abandoning his bbg and his family. He takes the responsibility of doing everything he can to keep the mind controlled minibot focused on him and nothing else, which leaves the terrans relatively unscathed at the end. Breakdown just kinda,,, lets his shit get rocked, feeling like he deserves to get beat up like that for even thinking about abandoning Bee. He comes out less unscathed, but alive.
Because it's a different type of control chip, and also connected to a computer at G.H.O.S.T and not that hand thing Croft has, Bee is still under when that big energy wave hits in the last episode, though since the connection was abandoned, there's no input coming through and Bee is left standing there uselessly, waiting for a signal that never arrives.
I think it'd be funny if Breakdown were to try and mess with him, making stupid faces and poking at him to try and get a reaction. He manages to get a few doorwing and horn twitches, and a full body movement when he jostles him hard enough. Other than that, nothing, and it's lowkey disconcerting. None of the others can get any other reaction, and especially Jawbreaker feels somehow responsible and keeps clinging onto him like a koala, hoping that behind the chip, he can feel that his little brother is there trying to support him.
What if the only reaction he gives is because of Hashtag, due to her G.H.O.S.T affiliation? He can sense a signal bouncing through her from that computer and he gives attention to her, awaiting for a command. She of course is freaked out about it but also enamored, because that's one of the craziest situations she has ever been in aside from the major fight earlier.
She can't properly intercept the signal because it's out of access, but now they have a better clue on where to look to shut the computer down and get Bee back.
And boy is that reunion uneasy.
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writerfae · 11 months ago
Rant at me about Sera!
How old was she when she got married btw, because my guess is 18-19? By my math, when Trevor was born, she was probably 20?
Also, funny story (welcome to half asleep Knights of the Alder theories!):
Me: Wakes up at 3am the other day
Me: No, brain, Trevor's tough time is not going to be Sera axe murdering her husband, go back to sleep
Also, Talon looking like Trevor when he was little😭😭❤️❤️ i caaaaan't
So here’s finally a Sera rant!
I love her so much honestly. Like, she had it kinda tough and still tries to get the best out of it, still tries to make those she loves comfortable.
Much like Talon, even if not to the same degree she has been standing in the shadow of their dead brother. Especially since she was the first child after Thorin died.
Cyrus had wished for a son. Which by no means meant he didn’t love Sera, but he was also a bit… disappointed? Idk how exactly to put it.
She was four when Talon was born and immediately stripped off of the title as heir of the house. Not that four year old Sera cared much about being heir. And later on too she never wanted that title, but she felt kinda guilty that Talon had to play that part because of her.
And she loves her little brother so much. From the day he was born she was absolutely enchanted by him and she wanted to do everything she could to be a good sister to him. And she was!
She played with him a lot and taught him things and shielded him from their father’s expectations a bit (as good as a child could). Little Talon was formed so much by his sister and he really loved her.
They had that little deal that they would become guards together, because it’s been a dream and a passion for both of them. Sera was very good at sword fighting too. That’s why her father let her start guard training in the first place, she had talent and passion.
But Talon wasn’t the only one with expectations on him in the family. Sera had her daughterly duties she was expected to fulfill too. She was basically raised to one day be a good wife, a bride that you could give away to a good family.
Then one day there were words that in the neighbor court a high lord had died and that his son, the new high lord, was in search of a wife. So her father promoted that he’d be a good candidate for an engagement with Sera.
It was honestly a bad timing. Sera was in the midst of guard training. But ever the dutiful daughter and knowing that he was a good party, she agreed with it even when her mother was against the idea.
Sera met the guy and liked him pretty much. He was charming and good looking and not as much of a prick as other high lords and heirs she knew.
She married him at eighteen, before she could complete her guard training. She quit it because of her marriage and pretty much gave up her (and Talon’s) dream. Which is the reason Talon refused to talk with her, he felt left alone and betrayed and was mad she moved and broke her promise.
Sera suffered a lot from her brother’s treatment. She tried fighting for Talon as best as she could, not wanting to lose him. When Trevor was born it got better luckily.
Her marriage started out pretty good. Later it went a bit downhill, though. It’s not like he treated her badly, it’s just that he and his family again had lots of expectations that she had to fit into and it made her a bit uncomfortable. They didn’t let her continue guard training for example.
And her husband, though nice to her, grew more and more distant. After she birthed him an heir, it seemed like he spent less and less time with her. He flirted with other girls too. Sera felt rather lonely.
Trevor was her only light in this situation. She poured all the love she had to offer into him and he loved her in return. Sera is very protective of him, trying to prevent him being groomed into an heir like her brother as best as she can, even though it gets harder to do so.
People think Trevor is too soft. Sera defends him with all she got. She wants the best for him and the more time she spends in her husband’s house the more she starts to doubt that it is good for Trevor to get raised there.
Anyway, Sera is so strong and kind and a good sister and daughter and mother and she’s a real fighter. I have more Sera thoughts but I can’t put them in words so that’s all for now 😭
And no, Sera won’t axe murder her husband, but the idea is interesting (it might seem a bit tempting too, at times. For Talon especially) 😂
The similarities Talon and his nephew have are so sweet honestly 😭 Trevor reminds Sera of her brother a lot
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trans-leek-cookie · 3 months ago
IMO Nanako and Mimiko prove Gege is... Not a very good writer
This post is a stream of conscious mess and Gege could be a good writer but they fuck it up enough that they really Aren't.
they could've died to Jogo and nothing would have changed. Or they could've been burned by Jogo like Maki and still survived
Junpei ALREADY showed that Sukuna was ruthless, their deaths do nothing to further his characterization, and actively cheapen the weight of Junpei's death by extension as his Newest Victims. Like unless you're Me, who got Unhealthily Attached, you probably don't give a shit (or even forgot) that they Existed and then Died. And that's just... Wow, Sukuna killed two young girls. #Unbeatable #TheStrongestSorcererOfHistory moment
They are Geto's last straw, he uses them as an excuse to give up on the world. And then their relationship with Geto is intensely one-sided and barely shown at all, with them being overshadowed by Gojo despite the fact there's some very interestion potential in Geto having in some ways chosen them OVER Gojo, and yet Geto seems to care about them less than Gojo (which of course is bc we only see Geto's cult when they are Plot Relevant and most of that involves Gojo)
Fucking Larue and Miguel can talk about "loving" and "mourning" Geto but can't talk about the two literal children?
I would love to discuss them as their own characters without circling back to Geto but it's really hard because. While yes, Geto is an important figure to them (he's their father) they barely have any CHARACTER outside of their relationship with him. And this is actually not inherently a flaw- they were raised in a cult and presumably isolated from peers their age, and it's not unexpected that they would have difficulty developing a sense of self due to that!
^ note- Riko has very little screentime, and while her death is a significant turning point in the narrative, it is primarily used as an excuse for Geto to seem more """justified""" in his extremism. Hell her relationship* with Yuki is barely explored At All, and the only reason I don't say Yuki is basically also just fucking fodder for Geto Development is because she has the shit going on with being a star plasma vessel
*even if Riko and Yuki never met there is an inherent relationship in that Yuki thinks the star plasma stuff is Fucked Up and therefore would have Opinions about Riko. And that's never fuckin explored so
Nanako and Mimiko have a lot of potential as parallels/foils (idk which term would fit better) to Maki and Mai.
Twins- Maki and Mai discriminated against within the jujutsu world for their lack of abilities, Nanako and Mimiko discriminated against because of their status as sorcerers
Family - obviously there's the Zen'ins, a powerful family who suck and hate Maki + Mai, and obviously you can talk about the cult/Suguru, but I want to draw attention to something specific - when the villagers are talking to them, the say something along the lines of "you're the same as your parents" (implying their parents are sorcerers). This implies their parents were also victims of discrimination (tucks my "the Hasaba twins are mixed and that's part of why the town was so ready to demonize + abuse two VERY young children" agenda in here) but it contrasts two outcasts within a family vs a family of outcasts within a larger society
Mass Murder - look at me. Do I have to explain this one. Okay actually to go more in depth while Mai specifically asks for Maki to "destroy everything", knowing damn well what the concept of death is, the Hasaba twins are like 6 and also clearly afraid of Suguru. They probably don't fully understand death and clearly didn't ask for him to do SHIT- that was all his choice. Also maybe it's just me but it seems like it's implied he left them in the cage when he went to do mass murder and on one hand yeah don't. Show the kids mass murder. On the other hand FOCUS ON THE ABUSER CHILDREN YOU STUPID FUCK. Okay actually genuinely thinking about it new point I just thought of
Abandonment - Mai (justifiably in some ways) feels like Maki is abandoning her. Then Mai dies and Maki feels alone and that's handled really fucking poorly bc she becomes a weapon and the actual emotional weight of that plot beat is Pretty Non-existent. But also like- think about the twins- Geto LEFT THEM THERE. It seems like he murdered everyone within the village (112 people) BEFORE going back to get them- and the shots in the anime show that like. There's a significant amount of land he was HUNTING PEOPLE DOWN. But even if it's just, like, an hour (which feels like. Not a lot of time to murder + burn down the entire village). That's insanely traumatic. Like obviously the situation Without Him is traumatizing for them but he LEAVES and COMES BACK to save them. Just SAVE THEM FIRST. Because it's... Uncomfortably easy to see how this would inspire separation anxiety and trauma responses related to being left alone. Yeah he used a curse to tell them it would be okay but like. They're six. Even just an hour is a long fucking time and also the curse is literally monstrous so like. Suguru is not equipped to deal with child abuse in both an understandable way (also a child) but also in just. Lacking common sense (LET THE KIDS OUT OF THE CAGE MOTHERFUCKER). ANYWAY there's also the abandonment of him Basically committing suicide-by-cop with Yuuta and Satoru and like. Awesome your kids are orphans a second time father of the year.
Where am I
Revenge - Maki, Nanako, and Mimiko are all motivated by revenge- Maki wants to spite her clan by becoming the head and being a sorcerer, Nanako and Mimiko internalized their father's shit beliefs 1. Cult indoctrination and grooming (not sexual just like. Cult shit) 2. Actual genuine trauma from being persecuted 3. Listen if I was adopted by a mass murderer and had 0 other ppl to turn to. I'd probably agree with anything he said no matter what Id force myself to agree because HOLY SHIT IT WOULD BE REALLY EASY TO KILL THEM AND NO ONE WOULD KNOW BECAUSE. AGAIN. ISOLATION AND BEING ORPHANS. Also Mai is trying to stick to the status quo but decides revenge is fine, actually, and good for her
All four of the had that stupid bob cut growing up.
Anyway Nanako and Mimiko are some of the series greatest wasted potential and also kinda reveal a lot of probably unconscious biases in Gege's writing of women/girls and theyre abuse victims (both of the village and Suguru bc. Suguru is a fucking CULT LEADER) but never really. Characterized beyond props for Suguru to Have Feelings About (but only when they're 6) and they don't even get any closure with Kenjaku like fucking no one does ngl I hate the idiot survivor arc and now they're my daughter's and I'm making them half Chinese goodbye
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lilacs-stash · 4 months ago
hey so. I need the vision for nickcase. Just. A vision please. A blueprint. Concept art. Whatever you call it. I heard this out and now I need to see it
Thank you anon for giving me an excuse to ramble about my guys
Pronoun check! Nickel - he/him, Suitcase - she/they
Note! This is only going over remarried Nickcase (the post show, made up, most of my art of them, healthy stuff), S3 "Nickcase" and them dating in S2 are a whole other beast (I think I've written some posts on those I can find them if asked)
The basic idea for their relationship post show to me is getting to know each other, getting to have an actual bond. Because they never really knew who the other was, "we don't really talk." And they both at different points deeply wanted that, and now they're in a place where it's actually possible given time.
If I had to give a title to remarried Nickcase, it'd be "to be known"
They're very much a slow burn and Suitcase takes the lead in their relationship. (Is it still a slow burn if they're exs and one of them is in love and the other is slowly falling for them again. Idk that's besides the point) They're fell first fell harder but who's who depends on how ya wanna define it.
They got together on a camping trip a year or two after S2 ended 👍
Now, some things I think they like about each other
Nickel: Suitcase just all around fits his type. She's a sweetheart, silly and warm colored. I also think he'd like her confidence
Suitcase: Nickel's actually a really good partner to Balloon from iii16 and onwards so that's definitely something. They like cringefail men and he is the cringest fail. I also think they'd be endeared by his love of nature. They generally find him a charming weird little fella.
For both of them they just enjoy each other's company, they'll talk for hours about whatever.
I imagine their flirting to be kinda similar to Nickloon's, ya know the banter and all. But less intense, softer. And none of the joking insults and stuff.
They're ND4ND which I think my friend Max does a great job of exploring that in this comic. They also like info dumping to each other <3
They're pretty private with their relationship, romance wise at least. Not super big on pda, unless you count Balloon to be the public lol
And lastly I do wanna say they don't work in a monogamous context, mostly just with Nickel being higher energy then Suitcase in a way that doesn't always match up the best. They very much need Balloon and Baseball for this to actually work.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year ago
Hi. I don’t know if I’ve requested here before, but I have a (semi) great idea.
The rundown is somehow Caine found a karaoke machine! This leads to an iha where everyone + reader and Caine sing. (Honestly I just want to see what you’d think they’d sing).
Thank you!❤️❤️
quick warning that you guys are about to be exposed to my music taste because i rarely ever listen to songs that dont fit my tastes so uh uh theres your warning, i know i have a warning somewhere on my acc where i say OOC is a possibility but i think it will really shine through here short post since its just me dropping what song i think each character would sing + links! this actually reminds me, ive had an IHA idea where its basically a musical episode where everyone cant talk, only sing but idk what the actual adventure itself would be and how music would tie in shrugs
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as much as i wanna say hello world by louie zong, because AI stuff and bc ive been listening to it for the past hour on loop, i feel like that would be too on the nose and even completely out of character. so instead i suggest jerryterrys version of the boys are back in town
for one i am absolutely obsessed with jerryterrys version of the song above, as well as kiss me (kill me), i highly recommend you guys check out the music videos and put together the lore (CW for body horror in kiss me kill me, though!)
but like, my brain juices are flowing, like. i can see him singing the original, but imagine how unnerving it would be (assuming caine is actually going to be an antagonist) for the words to just. change and come out wrong in front of everyone
also i just want an excuse to gush about jerryterry
i love when people make song covers that sound like the original but theres something so terribly wrong
actually i love songs like that in general
caine gets two, because i can also see him singing charlie's inferno
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oddly enough i can see pomni being into vocaloid and/or songs from anime. maybe its because her voice actor has voiced someone in JJBA and that fact is plaguing my mind, but i can now distinctly hear pomni singing some of my favorite songs in these genres... alas i dont have a set song in mind: so i will give you a song that does not fit the above at all, everyones favorite classic; come along with me from AT
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i give him, the main character by will wood because i can definitely see him singing this to be a little shit as well as genuinely. kind of seeing him enjoy the song
not much to say here since im not totally sure what jax would listen to :(!
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okay i know i just brought up jerryterry's kiss me kill me, but that reminded me of the original kiss me because it does give me ragatha vibes
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stumped on kinger, but first song that comes to mind is able by jack stauber i have nothing to explain this, but i will partially blame me listening to jack stauber a lot to be the reason
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cant explain this one either, i think its the tone of the voice but also im getting back into the scary jokes and
anyways icicles by the scary jokes , i can just see it
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okay so this one is less of a "i can see gangle singing this" and more of a "this makes me think of gangle" but imma put it here anyway since i dont have any other ideas for her !
today today by jack stauber
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queer-questions-and-polls · 7 months ago
Hi there, I'm afab and I've been questioning my gender for about the past year.
My question to you is - is it valid for your non binary identity to be linked to your trauma? (I'm really, really sorry for this long ask)
Ok, so I may be about to go on a massive tangent here. These past few months, I've basically done away with so much of what I thought I knew about myself. When I was a child, since as long as I can remember, I've felt like I needed to be feminine in my presentation. I've never felt like an innocent, carefree child, and I don't relate to trans people who say they felt free in their prepubescent body, and want to return to that androgyny, because never had that .
I'm also recently diagnosed autistic, and my masking goes really deep - as far as I can remember. It was really strange - it was like i kept femininity at an arm's length. For example, I would have a really strong aversion to the colour pink. But there were also really strict guidelines I put in place for myself, for example no boys clothing, no martial arts or football, even if I wanted to. I lived in another country for a while, and I had a really short haircut which I hated, and I would often get mistaken for a boy, and that would enrage me, because they were questioning my authenticity.
I don't think I ever wanted to be feminine, but I felt I had to be to protect myself.
And now, the societal expectations of girlhood quite literally make me feel sick when I think about me in those contexts. I don't think I want to be a girl, but it's not a choice I can make, right? Am I just a pick me girl with issues? Do I just have trauma, and is this something I need to fix, or am I allowed not to be a girl?
As for dysphoria, I have no idea if it's just poor body image, since I don't fit typical beauty standards. Do I hate my boobs because they're absolutely massive, or because they make me a girl (rhetorical question)?
You sound so much like me to be honest with you.
It's fine to go on a tengent <3
that's what I'm here for to listen and give advice/ tell you about a similar experience so no one feels alone.
I, as a child was strongly encouraged to be feminine & i felt like I needed to to be loved and safe, I hated pink & had big trauma from all male figures in my life who give me really poor body image issues that I still have to this day, because that I hated masculinity for a long time and myself to be female. I forced myself to get into dancing i started wearing make-up (I was 6 at that time)
I didn't get to be a Carefree child either, I also didn't have that. My androgyny went away at 2 years old.
The rules sound somewhat like me when I was refusing to question my gender.
Now to your final paragraph: you not wanting to be girl isn't you making a choice.
E.g: I don't want to be a girl I get dysphoria about being one.
the only choice being made there is about if transioning is right for you.
I have both dysphoria and poor body image (i wasn't conventionality attractive either) and to be honest with you I get that completely but I can tell you what I do personally to differentiate it. Which is thinking 'is this about my weight or looking to feminine?' But that probably won't work for everyone.
A pick me girl with issues? My dude. (Sorry if that wording brings any discomfort)
A pick me girl is someone looking for male validation and that doesn't sound like anything you've said at all. But if you mean a tomboy it really doesn't sound like that either.
Idk if this will help but I also have massive boobs, and by observing my mother who is the same size as me i figured something something out: women with big boobs typically hate them because of back problems & bra issues.
I, a transmasc just hate them in general as well as for outing me even in a binder and I wish they would disappear. My mother wishes hers were half their size.
Even if you your transness is linked to trauma does that make you less trans?
Also something else i would recommend that helped me is to imagine yourself as one of your friends and your trying to help them figure themselves out.
(Bassically look at yourself though an outside perspective it usually helps!)
I wish you good luck on your gender journey and I hope this helped you at least a little <3
And remember I'm just a stranger on the internet, you know you best so don't take my word as the gospel truth.
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mochamoth · 5 months ago
samarina magical girl headcanons?
I have a few headcanons so far and the whole plot is kinda done! Uhh sorry this is a bit of a rant in advance! Feel free to just skip to the headcanons, the order doesn't matter too much (also mild spoilers for the canon gamee!!)
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So this takes place sometime in the early 2000s, not modern but also not the canon 1940s time era. The backstories are pretty much the same except the Ninth Circle has an even sharper eye on Samarie. At some point Marina catches Samarie stalking her and gives her a talking to. But, after several apologies and begging from Samarie, Marina decided to get to know her a lil better. They slowly become friends overtime until some plot stuff happens and they die. I don't have a solid idea yet but I was thinking what if the Ninth Circle was more of a lab than a "school". Still a cult but y'know the vibes are a bit different. They catch the two running away and threaten to shoot Marina if she doesn't turn Samarie back in. Marina refuses, they shoot, Samarie takes the shot for her but unfortunately they just shoot Marina anyways afterwards.
Somewhat luckily Samarie was close enough with the Gods to make some sorta deal with Rher specifically (for arguments sake let's pretend in this au Rher is still semi close with humans). Marina and her would be allowed to live and be resurrected, in exchange for.. Well idk yet. I was thinking something to do with Moonscorching. Maybe every night they turn, or every few days, full moon, you know something like that.
So they're brought back to life, but both have MUCH stronger magic. Not only that but Samarie doesn't feel as sick as she used to be. The two later on realize they're stereotypical ✨️magical girls✨️ and fight against "villains" ig. The villains would be actual enemies from the games. Uhh I might add other characters to this au later on, but for now it's just my own little corny ship indulgent au so yeah!
(Sorry for any grammar errors I am tired lol)
Actual Headcanons:
Samarie uses a Star themed staff while Marina uses a Moon themed staff. I just thought it fit their souls aesthetic wise!
Samarie has extremely powerful magic, but is a terrible fighter. She's clumsy, messy, and a nervous wreck. Marina is a bit weaker magic-wise, but is wayy better in combat. She's more confident, focused, and skilled.
I think it'd be funny as shit to make Black Kalev their little sidekick.
They're constantly saving eachother. Usually it's Marina saving Samarie, but if Marina is in danger Samarie fucking kicks ass. She's still a crazy girl after all.
They have more stereotypical sparkly magic cuz.. Well magical girl. But they can still use other canon spells. It's just less convenient.
Their staffs will transform when they do. When they're not in their combat fits the staffs both turn into crystals. Both wear them around their necks like necklaces.
They can't use the gifted magic without the staffs. Basically they're witches in a way.
They do flirt on the battlefield cuz that's romantic imo. It's more Marina flirting and Samarie being a gay mess but that still counts!
In this au they're not dating (yet). Samarie obviously has a massive crush (or obsession) with Marina, and again after becoming friends Marina develops a crush back on her.
This has nothing, and I mean NOTHING to do with the au, Samarie has autism. I didn't know where else I'd share that hc so taking my chance rn.
Samarie still isn't used to the outfit change. Especially Marina's outfit (she is a lesbian disaster).
They rest and cuddle together after long battles. It'd be cute okay?
I might add more later (in which case I will post), and yes this is out of character. Sorry abt that. Uhh also I've never seen a magical girl anime. Like ever! I want to. I really wanna watch a few, just haven't gotten around to it.
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l00ney-m00ny · 3 months ago
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Just realised I never posted these newer ref sheets for my OCs!!
My art style has changed a lot since I did the other ones and I wanted to redo them, but I also ended up redesigning them a little too hahah lol (shrimp posture, Help)
Me geeking over designs and oc lore down below:
Some designs I kept mostly the same, like 01 literally just changed the colour of her shirt. I changed her eye colour to be less of a gold and more of a brown too, I wanted Obie to be special with having golden eyes. (She also got a girlfriend!! That's what Clementine is here for!)
Fun fact about Moon is that she is actually my first OC ever, like the first one I've ever made, and in the 5 and a half years I've had her, this is the very first time I'm changing her design. The other one was good, but I'm so happy I changed it I like this so much better. I might still use the other one, she is a character who might dress very masculine at times, so yeah. Her head is still like a dice, just eyes instead of numbers!
Tyler has changed the most, outfit wise and lore wise. I wanted to age her down so she was the same age as the rest of the cast, so by doing that she went from cult leader, to weird stalker child? Idk I'm still figuring it out. (Yes, this is cult erasure, I'm sorry.) Before visually she was fully covered up skin wise, but because It's summer and I'm hot its reflected in the outfits I draw.
Elias has changed from his weird overalls I hated drawing to this funner hoodie and cropped turtlneck. Idk I just likes the look, and he's a little bit of a diva so i thought it'd fit. He also has a jellyfish cut now instead of the Wolf cut/mullet he had before.
Obie I wasn't too sure what to do with the shirt, I changes SO MUCH of his lore so now he is a government experiment? Kinda? Think 11 from Strangers Things but also not? Anyways bc I was drawing on a blue background and he has blue shoes and blue wings it was hard to figure out something that didn't clash with his whole thing. Yes, his wings are Catalina Mcaw wings. Personally, I'm not the fondest, I like scarlet macaw and culture crested cockatoos, but my brother LOVES the Catalina macaw so that's what Obie has.
Apollo has a belt and his shirt has sleeves. That's all that's changed.
OKOKOK so! Kathy! If you look at the colour of her turtleneck it's the same colour as Moon's choker, and the purple in her hair is the same vibrancy as the yellow from Moon's jumper, which is the same yellow in Kathy's socks!! All this is very intentional! Same with them both having the same style of jumper. Moon used to work for the Watchers, was basically like their pet/kid, and now that she has left, Kathy is theirs now bc she made a deal with them. They are basically giving her ideas or saying she'd look good wearing certain clothes or colours, because they liked Moon so much they're influencing Kathy to be more like Moon in a way. Isn't that fun!!
Clementine is pretty cool. I git her outfit from pintrest, she is not exactly the opposite to 01? They like the same things, but personalities sometimes clash. Anyways, I love them both.
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rikiws · 8 months ago
I have one of those silly little moot thingies!
(No pressure you don't have to do it if you don't wanna!)
But! What music you automatically assume your moots listen to😼😼
To me, I imagine you fw brent faiyaz or the arctic monkeys, maybe some Daniel Caesar
Dude how did you know that... I fw Daniel Caesar and Brent Faiyaz HEAVY dawg are you psychic 😨 (Kendrick and Don Toliver TOO THE ENTIRE DAMN. ALBUM SIGH... ALSO KESHI I like too many artists this yap won't end so let me just stop myself) I never really got into the Arctic Monkeys but I still think they're awesome musicians, even if the music doesn't hit for me that much personally
I love this game though thank you for this, forgive me if I get any of you guys horribly wrong I'm a terrible judge of character...also I really like to talk about music so best believe I'll be listing a few songs out and explaining them too, very sorry if its a lot to look at 😭
@sugariricookies : you first ofc. I'd say you'd be into something fresh, I don't want to say cutesy bc its not exactly that but close yk. Beabadoobee FOR SURE and New Jeans too. Glue Song - Beabadoobee : its very quiet coffeeshop meetcute with a ton of flowers involved ykyk Melting - Kali Uchis : honestly any song by her bc CMON. I think it matches what you're like really well, if you don't listen to her much How Sweet - New Jeans : can we bfr this song is so heart emoji and you're also very heart emoji are we making sense
@sungbyhoon : Idk bit I feel like you'd be into something a little darker...? Not maybe something like Alt or Grunge, actually maybe yes if its something like Cade Clair or something, but more like Cigarettes After Sex and Chase Atlantic. Also very chill but less upbeat and more mature sounding I'm so sorry if this makes no sense, Another thing I feel like you'd also judge songs not just on the melody but also the lyrics so: Sunsetz - Cigarettes After Sex : Any song by them man bc they're lyrics are basically always so 🙏🙏🙏 Heavenly - Cigarettes After Sex : "Tell me it's love, tell me it's real" MAN 😢😢 LET ME SEE YA MOVE! - Lumi Athena & Cade Clair : HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT IT'S JUST REALLY GOOD OKAY I'M NOT PROJECTING (I might be)
@copyhanni : hey...😼😼 okay but you're giving me Chase Atlantic, The Weeknd, and Tory Lanez full stop. You'd be more chill but also upbeat?? but like less cute and more roadtrip-with-your-headphones-in-esque: Out of My Mood - brian mantra & gate 문 : I think indie would be up your alley too, esp brian mantra I love him sm Bloody Hands - brian mantra : another one, his songs don't have too much going on I think instrumentally and his tone is AWESOME it's just 🔥🔥 Swim - Chase Atlantic : need I say more the synth and drums are EVERYTHING.
@suneng : okay just because you said you like Sunflower I want to think that you really like Metro and Swae Lee (bc SAME.) Also these songs imo seem really nice to study to, and to me you come off as an academic in a way so I think this fits (STEM girlies 🙏): Too Many Nights - Metro Boomin, Future & Don Toliver : the bass the BASS god I love the bass SO MUCH. I remember being a trap hater when I was like 11 chat I was WRONG. I think you'd fw this honestly I'd say its pretty easy to like and super catchy and just very chill Love me Harder - WOODZ : this is a very bassy music selection I'm gonna be so embarrassed if you don't like bass 😭😭 but the guitar here was life changing I think you'd love this Link up - Metro Boomin, Don Toliver, wow there's a lot of people involved in this one hold up: Afrobeats/Raeggaeton I'm not very sure but its really good sigh...honestly I think any spider-verse soundtracks you'd probably love.
@stariikis : not sure what it is but imo you'd be into maybe something softer ykwim? Def have wave to earth on your playlist somewhere there has to be 👊👊 Kind of similar to riri I'd say something a little calmer ykyk: daisy. - wave to earth : such a good song wave to earth man GOODNESS. I think this is such a perfect song for the vibes you give off The Long Drive - tv room : okay tv room is a little eccentric with the hyperpop and everything but I think this is one of the tamer songs from him, much slower tempo than his usual ones but still super upbeat in a way An Art Gallery Could Never Be As Unique As You - mrld : long name alert 🚨🚨 jokes aside I think you'd be into songs with less synthetic instruments in it instead and this song is perfect for that
@nishiriki : okay I really had to squeeze out the brain juice for this one and its gonna be such a huge stretch but hear me out you sound like you like rap,,, maybe nothing too dark lyrics wise like JID but something sort of playful-ish... okay let me just get the songs out I think i'll make more sense then: Two Tens - Cordae & Anderson .Paak : see like something a little silly but still nice to listen to, like the kind of songs you'd play in the car with your friends, otw to some random place to hang out LOVE. - Kendrick Lamar : again, the entire damn album still has me in a chokehold to this day there's no way. This is def my favourite from them all though (and a huge obsession of mine rn) and I think it matches you really well PICK IT UP - Famous Dex & A$ap Rocky : I was obsessed with this like a few years ago and then that dance challenge came and I got obsessed again. I don't think I've ever seen so many interludes in just one song before and it's so well done like its so goofy oml, no but I'd think you'd be into rap that's a little more upbeat, less serious ykyk ++Blueberry Faygo honorable mention here
chat I may have yapped just a tiny bit...okay but I fs missed a few moots since I haven't interacted with them enough to justify the music they'd be into I think 😭 nah but if you want me to write you in too please let me know bc I'd be more than happy to :)
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quinnfebrey · 7 months ago
pls give me your review of Next to Normal London youre the only one i trust
do i want to talk too much about next to normal? yes, i do. 
some disclaimers: first, i am extremely specific about my opinions on next to normal, so if you're thinking "that's a dumb thing to say!" well sorry but remember ive been marinating in this show for over a decade. also, this is just going to be a review of the principle cast! i did see a cover run but i wont talk about them here (feel free to ask about them though if you like)
alright, without further ado here are my thoughts on each actor + the staging/general thoughts:
diana (caissie levy):
i thought she did a great job overall, but i didn’t love some of the vocal changes she made to the songs. she has a beautiful voice, but her version of i miss the mountains was a little too “i’m performing!” for me. missed the needed rawness of alice here
i did really like her change of softening “can” in “i love you as much as i can” though
her acting was phenomenal, the moment with gabe's baby clothes was heartbreaking. she also had AMAZING chemistry with natalie, and i think her version of so anyway is my favorite that i've ever seen
i’m interested to see how she develops further into diana because i think there’s room for more understanding in the more nuanced parts of her character. she improved a lot as the show went on which tells me she struggles with the humor and manic side to diana that is more prevalent in act 1
dan (jamie parker):
i think his singing voice is perfect for dan, but his speaking voice was so strange to me. i don’t know if it was him trying to act around the accent or his true interpretation of the character, but a lot of his dialogue didn’t work for me the way his songs did. like i would be absolutely in love with a number and then he'd speak and i'd be thrown out of it i don't know
his acting was great though, i really enjoy this goofier version of dan than the original version. he's more playful and i really like that it humanizes him more and also helps bridge the dan that fell in love with diana and the dan of today
he's also i think the first dan i've seen play the role with so much anxiety? like clinical anxiety, he's basically having a panic attack at the end of i'm alive reprise/during the break. i really really liked the nuance that it brings to dan
gabe (jack wolfe):
his voice is great for the role, and the way he looks too just fits with the character idk really good casting here
he was definitely less creepy than i felt the original version wanted him to be, i haven’t decided if i like that or not. i think it added more to gabe’s development as a character, but i think took a little away from the fact that gabe is not actually a real person
he seems like less of a comfort object for diana in this version as well, which again i don't mind but changed the dynamic. this gabe felt more attached to the whole family
REALLY good solo in light, heartbreaking sweetness in i dreamed a dance
natalie (eleanor worthington-cox):
i absolutely LOVED her. she was by far the standout for me in this cast. her acting was perfect, she clearly understands natalie incredibly well, and her voice is wonderful too. very good understanding of the purpose of the songs.
she made a couple dynamic changes during catch me im falling that i thought were strange, but i could also see that coming from her trying not to copy the original
i think her natalie is the most scared that i've seen it played, which worked well with this interpretation of dan. it all built up really well to her breakdown in hey#3
i also felt a stronger connection between dan and natalie in this version more than i have with any other, so light hit a lot harder
henry (jack ofrecio):
i feel bad about this one but honestly i really did not connect with his interpretation of henry. that’s the nicest way i can say it
he seems like such a sweet guy and his voice is absolutely gorgeous, but... that's kind of where my likes end
he didn’t seem to understand any of the jokes he was telling because he couldn’t make any of them land (and he’s a very comedic character so what happened bro 😭)
he was too “nice guy." henry is written in a way that can come off really insensitive and whiny and it takes the actor bringing it to life to get away from that. he just didn't seem to add another side to it
for example, when he says “then i’m sure they will be” during catch me i’m falling i wanted a little more… i don’t know, hesitation or disbelief in himself? and when he says “why do i get denied” i was just like my god bro she’s dealing with real shit, get over it. acb’s delivery of that line comes across way more as like. im hurting because i don’t know how to help you, please let me help you. this guy was just a whiny boyfriend.
again, great voice, but everything besides his singing either just felt very flat or was aggravatingly annoying to me.
madden/fine (trevor dion nicholas):
honestly i don’t usually have strong opinions on this guy. his voice was great, he did a solid rockstar.
his biggest part for me is at the end when he’s trying to convince diana to stay in treatment. it’s the first time you see his douche doctor mask fall and you realize he genuinely believes his way is correct and doesn’t understand why it isn’t working. i think he did it really well, i’ve never seen a madden/fine do it with so much anger but it actually worked for me 
honestly i applaud them for being brave enough to change this much. having a real set already helps me separate this revival from the original run
i think the lack of true set in the original adds to the tone of the show, though, so this production did feel very different and more concrete which made some of the weirder blocking not work as well (like during my psychopharmacologist and i). instead of feeling more abstract and conceptual it was like oh They're In A House
but i don't necessarily think it's a bad thing, i just think it makes it a slightly different show and a person's preference will probably just be which one they saw first. i'm sure people who see the london version for the first time will see the original and wonder where tf everything is lol
i also seriously missed dan wiping up during i’ve been (i know he still does it but the double bucket is SUCH an effective stage trick)
and i missed gabe's general parkour, again him really just owning the stage like that helps him feel like not a real person
my one criticism of the staging is that in my opinion it felt cluttered and busy at times
general pros:
the kids felt younger, particularly gabe (even tho the actor is older than aaron and kyle were?? he just looks like he’s 14 i guess), which i think changed the tone a little for the better. makes them more sympathetic
the band ROCKED. slight mixing differences but not unwelcome 
i loooooved this version of maybe. literally every second of it was perfect. 
general cons: 
i don’t know if british people are just irritating or something but the jokes were not hitting unless it slapped them in the face. they also seemed to miss a lot of references like the one to macgyver, one flew over the cuckoo’s nest, sound of music, but they laughed at the portland joke EVERY TIME? lmao idk
why the balloons lol cut that pls
i’m probably missing soooo much so pls send specific asks about anything in the show (with or without my opinion attached lol) and i’ll do my best!
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pinkrangersarah · 2 months ago
What are your thoughts (if you have any) on the respective love interests the rest of the F7 are shown meeting in the end credits? 🎤 me personally I never really saw the three tin girls we see alongside the triplets as their love interests, I always thought they built them and are therefore (technically) their daughters; mostly because I think it’s a bit boring to pair up the triplets with other triplets idk that’s just me 🤷
okay, so technically i have A LOT of thoughts, which is hilarious considering we don't know anything about these characters; not even their names. i've just been thinking up fan fiction so long that i've basically created entire oc's around them. so i'll give my initial thoughts and then what i've personally come up with!
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little red riding hood has never been a super interesting character to me. rather, her initial persona has never been interesting to me. it's a good fairytale on its own, but nothing about red herself had ever stood out to me. all of the different interpretations of her over the years, however, have been really fun. her "once upon a time" interpretation is probably my favorite, and it plays into one of the BEST tropes that has come out for red riding hood over the years--which "red shoes" also does--is red riding hood herself being the wolf.
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i think arthur and werewolf red riding hood could be very fun for various reasons. werewolves are monsters, something merlin states in the beginning that the fearless 7 are called to deal with regularly. arthur also puts a lot of value and his self-worth into his physical strength, and as a werewolf red riding hood would no doubt be much stronger than him. these are prejudices arthur would have to climb over (i don't see arthur as sexist, but he cares so much about being strong that a tiny girl like red being five times stronger than him would no doubt bug him), allowing him to grow as a person and love red riding hood for who she is.
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ugh. to be honest, this is my least favorite. it really feels like they just didn't know what to do for jack; i can't seem to find the JPEG anymore, but if what i found was genuine concept art then they were originally just going to make a merman that looks... just like jack? thank GOD somebody said that was a stupid idea (again, if that was real concept art), so then we ended up with this. YES, i know the moral, but i just... don't really see what they were going for with this.
admittedly, i did make up an oc for jack, whom i will eventually put out more art for (because i do genuinely want to write something), and i did keep the water theme. i liked the idea of arthur having to overcome a major prejudice so much that i came up with the same concept for jack by making up a sea witch companion for him.
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this is no doubt sleeping beauty, and honestly it is probably the funniest one out of them all. true loves kiss who? no, just make some damn good food and sleeping beauty will come running. making female characters (especially princesses) messy eaters with lousy table manners is absolutely nothing new, and i'm certain someone somewhere has paired them up with a foodie with exceptional cooking skills before, but it's still an endearing duo and a very fitting choice for hans. he doesn't strike me as particularly picky, he and the triplets honestly seem the less vain out of the seven; he just wants to cook and bake for someone he loves. it's very sweet, and i like sleeping beauty's design here.
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i also agree with you that these automatons are not meant to be girlfriends. hell, the triplets seem content in their dwarf forms. i think the automatons are just assistants that happen to look female. to be honest, i think it'd be hilarious if somebody, maybe arthur, joked that they couldn't find anybody they each clicked with so they just made companions, and the triplets just go "what, no, we needed help in the workshop since you're too afraid of little oil and grime."
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