#i also wanna create a category thats like
viaetor · 9 months
i updated my shipping tier list! you can check out my current brainworms there. ~ but also, i wanted to make it easily editable for future genshin impact characters and the like! so if you're a genshin blog and you wanna use this google doc as a template for your own shipping tier list (so you don't have to re-do your listing on tiermaker every time new characters come out lmao), please feel free to do so! and talk to me about shippy stuff, cowards.
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nqn · 1 month
the many. many faces in which stan marsh has taken within my personal writing. the many ways in which he permeates my mind and i find him within my characters near constantly, whether he wants to be there or not.
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i find that, often, if i create a character meant to represent him or contain some of my emotions around/regarding him, then they are extremely close knit with a character who is supposed to fill some sort of role as 'me'. he is often in a hard-to-define relationship with the 'me' character, or in some cases, a found-family brother. it is difficult to pin down. but if there's a me, there will be a stan, and vice versa.
i guess the first category is "that's just stan", which admittedly, doesn't make for much of an original character, but i've got so many headcanons and such personal attachment through myself that... he might as well be. i think i'll only be sharing these obvious stand ins, for the time being. i got nervous writing out this post and need to hold SOME of my stanleys out of reach atm.
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baker (art: me) | rayne (art: adrian+me) | gensi (art: me)
to start here is my classic "stan needs a fursona." sort of. the first one here is Baker, who IS just 'what if stan had a fursona'. the second is rayne who is a big dumb doggy who took all his best friends and left an ugly town he didnt wanna live in anymore, and is trying. SO hard to live somewhere else. however, he's also like. stan's fursona. the third is gensi, who is also currently sort of a blank character that i looked at and said "yeah, another blue/black dog in my possession, thats stanley alright"
then there's the people, who range from 'thats stan', to 'what the fuck'
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stan (art: me), marshwalker (art: adrian+me), raven (art: quailxcrossing)
this first one IS just stanley. i don't really try and act like he's an oc, because he isn't. this is the culmination of my 18 years living with a deep attachment to stan. i love him so much the second is marshwalker, though he's taken on moonwander in original writing, because it is cute and honestly fits his werewolf theming better. this is obviously a tsot inspired version of him, but he spans a lot further than that. he works his way into personal projects i've been cooking for about a year now, and slotted himself so perfectly into the story that it's almost wild to think i've only had him for two weeks. he's more of an oc both with the changes made to tsot for our au, AND because he IS stan's oc. like. marshwalker is stan playing a character, moonwander is... an evolution of that same character. the third one is raven. which i just... didn't have the energy to name much of anything else. he is a companion to one of my primary sona characters, and he's a sort of sign of snapshot of my stan, from about 5 years ago. while stan has changed a lot, raven remains the same. he's one i'd call more original now, because of the fact that none of the story he has rings true with..... anything in south park. he's just my little guy who is a dog and drinks too much sometimes.
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zherr (art: me) | marsh (art: me) | alucard (art: adrian)
zherr lou is the first one here, and he's inspired by a song i heavily associate with stan. he's...... he's fucking depressed, we'll put it like that. he's going through the worst of it all the time in his mind, and what does he have to show for the struggle? nothing. he's trying, so, so fucking hard to get better. it isn't working out. he's a loser. marsh is the second! creative name, isn't it? he was actually one of my very first "oh that's stan" OCs, obtained alongside another character who fell into a role of representing me pretty well. he's sort of just an emo boy with a serious. SERIOUS of case of bad luck. but emotionally he fills the niche of a stan. alucard is third! he's a bit of a funny story- because he sort of... is also inspired by sebastian of stardew valley? adrian and i were playing, and constructing SUCH a weird narrative, and stan wanted to play too! so. he got to make himself a guy to fit in that role. he's really cool, he's a demon and he only HAS one eye and he cares so much. SO much. he's loves his spouses.
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lowell (art: adrian) | logan (art: adrian) | alluin (art: me)
now THESE guys. the first one here is lowell!! he's been my reaction to going absolutely fucking feral over post covid. he's a hellhound who had a bad life and was down on his luck and stumbled drunk into a cafe bc he got cut off at the bar, and saw the prettiest fucking man in his life and has been doing everything to get that man to love him (spoiler: they are husbands eventually) second is logan, based on a mix of the "opposite personality" universe from spookyfish, as well as... as soul evans of soul eater. adrian and i will just make characters that are Anything, okay. it's kinda fucking awesome. he's bitchy and ready to attack people. he's a guard dog for his best friend. he's red. i love him. what more is there to say really. and alluin is the third... ohh, alluin.. in a really big over simplification of the idea. alluin exists to fuel a "what if i lost him" view. the effort i'd go to get him back. the things i would be willing to change to be what was needed to house him. he is so SO deeply personal and important and i cant even get INTO it. he's everything.
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hickory (art: me) | abica (art: adrian) | camp (art: adrian)
these three are fun! they feel more like explorations of an extreme, honestly? hickory is a board gamer. a little diy craft kit collector. he's a fuckin DORK and i LOVE HIM. abica is femininity! she represents a happy, healthy idea of it. the ideal version of stan- if he was feminine. she's also super cool and part of an awesome polycule and has so many partners and i think shes the sickest bitch in the world camp is sport! i mean. he's like literally a doggy based on gatorade. he's a jocky sportboy and he's sorta stupid in most other aspects and i think he's so funnnnnnn... guy who is eye candy to people who like 'em buff. he knows it, too.
and i have more! i have a lot more. however, um. my vulnerability meter ran out and i got scared so here's these!!!!
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theravenkin · 2 years
this is gonna be me projecting (and also losing my FUCKING MIND over finishing greywaren five minutes ago) but is it just me or was everyone in that goddamn book autistic
first of all: the declan childhood flashbacks...that boy is autistic as SHIT. i'm giving maggie the benefit of the doubt here and telling myself that she was implying that and not just making a joke about "haha guy is uptight and no fun as an adult he only sorted things and enforced rules and structure as a kid cus that's funny" because oh my god?? also as an adult he has "declanisms"- phrases he uses for certain situations like categories...scripting... declan baby. he is the most autistic babygirl i have ever seen holy shit oh my g
i've also always related to ronan and a big part of that is because i've always read him as autistic. i mean i've always read all the original trc characters as autistic, to be fair. but i mean? are t they? (yes, they are, because i said so. it's my special interest, i get to assign the autism)
now i understand that the larger metaphor is about chronic illness, and i'm in love with that. i don't think autism is the main thing there. but i don't think it's not there, just as depression and bpd (imo but thats another post) aren't not there. (it's art, it's literature, it's open for interpretation.) but what i keep thinking about: chronic illnesses like epilepsy, hypermobility disorders, mitochondrial disorders, and several others mt end to be comorbid with autism. and as someone who is both autistic and deals with chronic illness/chronic pain (and who has several friends who are in the same boat), autism and chronic illness often seem intertwined to me. idk, just thoughts
ALSO. y'all heard people comparing being autistic/neurodivergent to speaking a different "language" than allistic/neurotypical people? THE WHOLE THINF ABOUT THE DREAM WORLD SPEAKING A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE THAT COULDNT BE TRANSLATED INTO ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING. thinking also about how autistic people so often feel like (and are compared to) aliens or otherworldly beings. how changeling children in folklore were probably just autistic kids but were etched in canon as erdrich creatures. how sometimes i wanna become that eldritch creature that others seem to think i am...
also, also: the theme of masks and "other selves" running throughout the entire series, even in trc. declan is the most obvious masker as an adult; he has to create a persona and STICK TO A SCRIPT OF THW SAME WORDS ALL THE TIME in order to feel like he's functioning and got his shit together. and then hennessey and jordan--hennessey creates a version of herself that she feels is more palatable, more socially acceptable, and that's who does all the soft skills of their operation early on. adam creates a false version of himself. ronan lies to himself about who and what he really is. matthew discovers that he's just been acting like who others want him to act like all along--that he's been suppressing his emotions and wants and needs in order to make others happy. and i know that this whole theme can translate into a lot of things, but what i've read it as since cdth is masking with autism/neurodivergence.
anyway. this has been my greywaren manifesto. i am sorry. (i'll be back later.)
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skunkes · 11 months
Wait why can't you get into sewing or clay sculpting? i actually do wanna start sculpting stuff, but working with ceramics is kinda intimidating so im gonna start with polymer clay instead. is that an option for u?
sewing and such mainly bc im stupid and its hard for me to do hands on stuff bc i become easily frustrated
I actually did mean polymer clay! I dont like ceramics actually (i love it in theory but my experience with ceramics classes ruined it) i meant more like polymer clay figures ^_^ but its just the same, it'd take me forever to get any good at it and thats hard to do with Tangible, Physical Medium hobbies because you have to keep wasting and buying more materials and have the flops just taking up space and making you feel bad for creating waste and such... The sewing and plushes also fall into this category... lots of waste on the road to becoming Good at it
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credulouscanidae · 11 months
every day i live in a passive limbo, waiting for the moment i suddenly feel better and can confront my anxiety, paranoia, and loneliness.
i feel like i have been shattered, and left in pieces with no glue to be put back together.
every day my existentialism and history of being gaslit dominates my brain and i can never make sense of my thoughts and feelings. i am constantly second-guessing myself, and implanting intentions that weren't previously there. i feel like i am required to have constant self-awareness, and to not have so means that i am Obviously Insane and Unsalvagable.
people on the outside would think im just a very holistic thinking person. which is true, and can be a good thing. but honestly? it's detrimental to how i perceive myself. i cannot unabashedly live in the moment of anything. i am, by default, viewing myself from a third person perspective in a hyper critical way. i feel afraid to fall into any category of people or labels, because to claim anything about myself is felt to either be a lie, a mockery of people who are "really" that thing, or it's attention seeking (which of course is the worst thing you could ever do right?)
even claiming to be existential causes a fear and anxiety that i am being pretentious or not self aware that it's a very human experience. my detachment from the world, my trauma, my existentialism, none of it is important or matters because others experience it too.
i cannot begin to describe what gaslighting does to the brain.
what it's done to me.
i dont even wanna claim ive become very isolated because others also experience it. id say the lockdowns from 2020-2021 triggered this, but i think more and more and realise that i wouldve done this when my mum died, or even earlier had i not had a confident person with friends take me under their wing.
i feel my whole life has come into question. i feel like my old home, my old life, my friends and pet and loved ones, dont exist anymore. i feel like im a dead person, looking back on their life and realising who i really was. all the mistakes and inconsiderate behaviours i ever done. it just fuels the fire of the gaslit brain.
everything i ever do or feel is a contradiction. i dont matter to others, but i also have more of an impact on others than i realise. the impact i have matters more than what im ever feeling, and for me to not be self aware of that clearly demonstrates how selfish and horrible i truly am.
maybe it's why people think im such a giving, non-judgemental, and sweet person. im not. im angry. im subjugated. im frightened. like a deer in the headlights, i have no choice. im easygoing and agreeable because i am scared of disagreeing or giving my thoughts through normal debate. because doing so in the past has caused assumptions about me, or intentions skewed or created. my words did not matter, but also they did.
i dont know how to just. start talking to people again. i have been given advice from people who have dealt with isolation but. i know the secret is to challenge yourself and do things even when you dont feel ready, because youll never feel ready, but how? i have lost so much. i dont have the support i need to do something so brave. because i am a coward who avoids and runs away. thats probably manipulative for me to do anyway. ive dug myself into a hole i cant climb out of. ive literally made it worse for myself for no reason. and now i cant even face the consequences of my own inaction.
but why would i wish for people to be there for me when i cant even be there for them? i know i would be there for them, in a heartbeat, but i cannot right now. thats selfish and manipulative to say i guess but. it's not fair that others dont get considered as a result of me not considering myself. mental illness makes you selfish. it makes you not a good friend.
i want to be a real friend.
dont wanna break when i bend.
i have a therapist im gonna be seeing every 2 weeks. if this doesnt work out, then idk what i'll do. i have settled for the most part, and when life feels good, when my roots are grounding and growing in england, it feels good. i dont have many friends here, but i am happy with my partner and his friends, but it feels like i have so many loose ends and a life i have left behind that i cant face. and i am guilty when i experience happiness, let alone share it. because that doesnt align with my narrative that im suffering. which i am, but, i am also trying to survive and live in the life i currently have.
i guess that's what happens to the gaslit brain.
but i have to believe things will get better.
because if i don't
then what?
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actualbird · 2 years
Hi zak! I've been a longtime reader of your original works. Do you have any tips on what pieces to put in your writing folio?
hi anon !!! im very sorry it took me forever to get back to this ask, and doubly sorry if you are no longer in need of tips OTL. still, thank u for reading my original works, thats a pleasant surprise to know!! i havent posted my original writing website here in......a long while, since im the (very slow) process revamping the site HAHA,
but yeah, tips on what put in a writing portfolio!! if ever you still need em or if ever anybody out there can make use of this. all of these based completely on my personal experience of applying to writing workshops and writing jobs, so feel free to take what you think applies to you/would help you, and leave the rest behind
1 ) in general, put your Best Works. but take into consideration that You are usually your own worst critic, so you definitely could benefit from a second opinion (or many)
so, obviously, you wanna be putting in your best stuff. and thats still the general method that i'd choose, but with the added reminder that a lot of the time, writers can be blind to certain works that they themselves made that other people really liked or found immensely compelling.
this for lots of reasons: writerly self-esteem problems, that odd experience of mostly remembering the arduous Process of writing the thing and less the actual finished product, general blindness to stuff in your own work since you Wrote That (and probably revised it 76439754985 times) so it's just hard now for you to realize the level of skill thats apparent to many others
the opposite effect is also very possible, where you can be Incredibly attached to a work (maybe for sentimental reasons, maybe because the you learned a lot along the way, etc) but other people kinda found the whole work meh.
bottom line: by this point, you know youve got skill in writing. but the skill OF seeing and evaluating your own skill is a whole different animal
reach out to your friends, writing peers, or reading peers and ask them what they think some of your best works are. personally, i think it's good both to ask people who are Also in the practice/study/career of writing, and people who arent, simply because a more diverse set of information is always better than a lesser diverse one. if you want, you can ask follow up questions like "why?", or you can just stick to getting a general pulse check of what is resonating to the people who read your work. because [tv commercial voice] The Answer May Surprise You!
and once you know what resonates with others, you can start chopping down the list with armed with that new knowledge
2 ) "Best" should not be a catch-all term, cut it up into specific categories and showcase your Best in top categories you want to focus on. this way, you get a folio that's showing a wide range of your capabilities
if i were picking between two applicants, both of which submitted portfolios of their Best fiction works (and theyre both Very good), i would ultimately choose the applicant who gave a portfolio that showed a wider range of what Bests theyre capable of rather than the applicant who submitted 5 really great stories but they all still employed the same techniques/concepts/themes
......if that makes sense?
like, okay, let's assume the portfolio is a fiction portfolio. no specific lit genre limitations or whatever, just, fiction in general.
"fiction in general" is a ridiculously huge field! theres the genres of course, so many damn genres. but what im more focused on is Technique. there are so many ways to structure your plot and pacing, there are so many ways to create your cadence and tone, there are so many kinds of characters and so many ways you can make them clash, so many dang ways to make your story's themes come to light. theres a Lot
so take a portfolio as a chance to show the widest possible range of what you can do, and what you can do Well
let's say you did Tip 1 and coming from that, youve got a list of 15 stories you think would be good for a portfolio. your next step then is to identify which stories are doing the same Thing (whether that be in its genre, structure, themes, etc) and then decide which of those stories showcases your ability to Do that Thing best.
if ive got 3 different stories that are all magical realism pieces using a very subdued tone to communicate the plot's conflict and emotion, then im gonna need to pick just one to put in my folio, the one that did it Best. and then you can go back to Tip 1 and get a second opinion on that if you want, and THEN i repeat with the other stories, this time picking a different Thing-Technique-Structure-Theme-Etc to focus on
basically my point is that a portfolio, ideally, should show different Kinds of Bests. because that is much much more appealing than only seeing One kind of Best
3 ) you can make as many portfolios as you want, tailor-made specifically for what youre using that portfolio for
this is something i learned after college and when i was applying for various writing jobs. for context, i dual wielded fiction and nonfiction in college. though my degree ultimately/officially went into the nonfiction track, i still wrote a whole lotta original fiction, and when i was applying for jobs, my personal list of Bests included a lot of fiction pieces, as well as nonfiction pieces
but i was applying to all different kinds of jobs, and it would be slightly off-course to submit a fiction piece to a job like Feature Writer For Magazine. additionally, it would be slightly off-course to submit a nonfiction piece to a job like Romance Game Writer
(.....both of those real jobs i applied for and man, sidenote, can you believe i almost became a romance game writer? like, how ironic that is now that im into the fandom i am Currently into. guys. guys i got to the second interview stage of that job. Guys. jdhvfhvfkshd)
anyway, remember how Tip 2 is about showing off a diverse array of what youre capable of? well, dont get Too diverse. always remember the people/organization/etc that you will be submitting this portfolio to, and keep in mind what They are looking for
if youre applying for a sci-fi fiction workshop, submit your Best pieces that do different techniques or things BUT are still within the parameters sci-fi fiction, so they are relevant. if youre applying for a feature writing job, maybe fiction might work, but read the works that the magazine puts out, maybe. get a feel for their style, what they like. like idk , if theyre super into that Anthony Bourdain-esque kinda description of gritty details, then maybe a fiction piece that shows off that kind of descriptive skill can still be relevant.
make a new portfolio whenever the need arises to best adapt to whatever it is youre gunning for
in summary :
tip 1: Best works but cast a wider net and ask other people because us writers can get tunnel vision sometimes
tip 2: whittle down your list to show different kinds of Bests that you can do, avoid redundancy
tip 3: keep your Bests relevant to whatever the task at hand may be
well....thats all i can think of. i hope some part of this can be helpful to anybody out there. hope youre doing well, anon :")
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an-unraveling-unknown · 6 months
Heyy, friend!!
Do you have any character of yours you could/wanna talk about? :))
Okay - not necessarily a character, but moreso a concept that I am tacking on to a few characters between two different projects for the time being. The term "Time is a flat circle" generally refers to the idea that, since time is infinite, everything will eventually repeat itself- a bit like the infinite monkey theorem, stating that if you stick a bunch of monkeys in a room and have them bang on a bunch of type writers for an infinite amount of time, its pretty much a given that they'll eventually write out the complete works of William Shakespeare.
To put it into perspective, "Time is a flat circle" can best be applied to literary or video-format media; something that is the same in all appearances, even when you read or watch it over and over, remaining the same even if your own perspective changes. Your life will repeat an infinite number of times, and everything that has happened will happen again, and has happened before. Think Ouroboros. (Not to be confused with linear infinity!! or, a timeline without a beginning or an end, no closed loop)
How it applies to characters is below the cut, cos' this may get lengthy again (sorry)
(For a better look at the concept by someone who did a much better job at executing it than I ever will, check out No Through Road! Its a fascinating few videos really, and Maverick Files also covered it in a way that clears some things up if you find yourself confused.)
First off, the thus far Untitled Project, otherwise known as "Local Ancient Android Confused That People Give a Shit [About Them.]" There are three embodiments of fear known to date:
Locke: Only technically an embodiment, artificially created by means of the fear they cary and how they present themselves. Locke, to put it simply, causes the fear - they are the catalyst.
Deimos: A "true embodiment," per se. I've said it a bunch of times, but Deimos is the fear - his title is quite literally "Embodiment of Human Fear," he has it down to a science at this point.
Phobos: Another "true embodiment," Phobos is best summed up as the reaction to the fear - much like his (current) namesake, the greek god Phobos. Fight, Flight, Freeze, Flop, Friend and etc. So lightly connecting all of this together, you have this trifecta of Messed Up Little Guys™, which, as I talked about above the cut, can fall into two categories that I know of in terms of the fear cycle:
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now, I haven't *really* figured out which way I'm going with this, and the Ouroboros-shaped one admittedly doesn't make all that much sense, but Deimos and Locke talk about things like this all the time when they meet up, (It's a little hard not to when you're both millions of years old and concepts such as those are essentially timeless) and it will likely come up often enough once I get an actual narrative rolling. Not to mention Locke's whole schtick of being mainly based on the metamorphism of stories and folklore at they move through different times and societies with different ideals, but that's besides the point. Undertale AU - guess who has a undertale au <<< this dipshit /aff This one also goes into "Time is a flat circle", but moreso into the idea of this concept breaking down - in short, time travel happened. What if Ouroboros choked? Well, then the giant cosmic serpent would bite itself, and thats just bad news all around. Also, it's entirely W.D Gaster's fault.
Now, theres already a loop going on in Undertale for obvious reasons (both in the fact that the game mechanics are made a very real part of the world in reseting and in the fact that Toby Fox just couldn't get the game to delete itself after completion and henceforth there is really no truly happy ending to what we see- killed by Flowey? super incredibummer, reset. Genocide? that sucks, there are in fact consequences for your actions, reset. reach the surface? well, the only way to continue on past this is to reset, so you and the monsters stuck in the underground perpetually. death of the author in some funky way I guess) so what's the harm in adding one more? Also, nice parallels. Also, because throwing philosophical concepts at my work is fun.
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lilleputtu · 11 months
Get to know you- Sims Style
@pudding-parade tagged me in this, lets goooo!
Answers below the cut!
What’s your favorite Sims death? Sims 2 ... honestly not sure. Maybe Cowplant? Sims 2 cowplants are the superior cowplants.
For Sims 3 it's definitely the jellybean bush from Supernatural. I love the ghost colour, its silly, it reflects how i feel about jelly beans 10/10 no notes.
Sims 4 i wanna say Spellcaster Overload? Splosions!
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis adjacent cartoony is generally what i gravitate towards, though especially for Edona's Glade, I'll just grab whatever I like.
Do you cheat your sims weight? Kinda? Sometimes? Usually when it changes in a way I don't think it should, which is mostly in sims 4. Sims 4 metabolism is whack and i really don't think it should be like that.
Do you move objects? yes. yes of course. thats how game do.
Favorite Mod? I am bad at picking favourites, especially since it totally depends on what i want to be doing and such. And then of course there is the mods that make the games playable, like NRaas and stuff. I do love things that add more craftables and foods and such for all the games, so that's like, a whole category?
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? For sims 1 it was Superstar, Sims 2 the first one I owned was Free Time, Sims 3 I got World Adventures asap and with Sims 4 I grabbed Get To Work first.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE. it's like a livestream or a tv show. it's live!
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I don't really have a fave for sims 2 rn, because my fave (Cattie Peach) is born in game. Though I do love her made in CAS mom Elena.
For sims 3 it's gotta be Varuna, really proud of how she turned out.
And for Sims 4, I guess I am the most attached to Jewel? Her or one of my TTRPG characters i made to have a way of visualising how i think they should look.
Have you made a simself? Nope! I think I tried once, but i can't get it right and I really don't see the point for me.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? Sims 2 I mod the EA hair colours away, so does not apply. I like the soft blonde in Sims 3, and i love both the blue and green in Sims 4!
Favorite EA hair? Again, don't use em in Sims 2. I do like that one Island Paradise Waterfall Braid for Sims 3, and plenty of others, but that one i actually remember. For Sims 4, there is so many of them, I have lost track. There is plenty I like! Maybe the twin braids from Snowy Escape?
Favorite life stage? Really vibin with the teens in Edona's Glade right now. But that's because of the characters, not because of the lifestage I think. Generally there is the most to do with YA/A sims in all the games, so really, it's not that they are my fave, it's just that there is the most content to play with.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Gameplay all the way baybeeeee
Are you a CC creator? Kinda? I've got a few mods I've shared, and i used to do a lot of recolours for sims 4. Like I don't consider myself one, but I have indeed created CC before.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? Not really? Like I have people on here I like and interact with, but its not like... a friend group? I am very bad at reaching out to people, it's the anxiety about being annoying, so I mostly stick to myself.
Do you have any sims merch? Nope!
Do you have a YouTube for sims? I have a youtube, where I did a Sims 4 BaCC back in like 2016. I've unlisted those videos, but left the playlist up. But I am currently posting my Twitch VODs there. So it's not for sims, but there is some sims there.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? Well the biggest change is I went fantasy medieval for sims 2. That and i've moved a little away from basic EAxis style sims? Also compared to my childhood there is more storylines and drama. And more longlasting saves.
Who’s your favorite CC creator? I don't have a favourite CC creator. Picking favourite people is weird so I refuse to.
How long have you had Simblr? This blog has been around since May 2013, and I think i started posting sims things on it within that year, so if you go by a definition of "A Simblr is a blog with sims things on it" then for over 10 years. I personally don't consider this a simblr. it's my personal tumblr, and it has a lot of sims stuff on it because thats what i feel like posting, ya know?
How do you edit your pictures? Generally I just slap some brightness and a lil bit of saturation over it and call it a day. Sometimes I don't do anything.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
For the sims 2, Open For Business is just... so good. So essential to how I play these days with Edona's Glade. Free Time also though. So those two in combination.
For Sims 3, I love World Adventures. I just love the tomb puzzles.
Sims 4 I am honestly not sure. Like a lot of them I am like "yes, i use this, it's alright", there isn't really a stand out one for me. I do quite enjoy the Milestones from Growing Together, and i think they did a pretty decent job with the supernatural focused gamepacks, but none of them are like "YES, THIS ONE". Might just be because sims 4 and how i want to play dont quite get along.
I am gonna tag... @clouseplayssims , @bastardtrait, @cas-sims , if yall want to that is of course!
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waffliesinyoface · 1 year
so i reblogged this post the other day and i've been thinking about it since then, constantly. I've been working retail for over a year, with the goal of eventually working for like. the government? im some office job kinda deal? but also not really wanting to do that because it sucks and i would go insane.
but i hadn't ever considered. not. doing that. i knew trades were a thing but my brain associated them with like, plumbing. landscaping. mechanics. that kinda thing. And I really hate having to do that kind of work, because it's sweaty and gross and bleh.
But then i looked in the notes and people mentioned like. Instrument repair and stuff. and that actually made it click for me?
I'd been thinking of the trades as like, purely manual labor kinda stuff, where you go home at the end of the day sweaty and exhausted. It didnt occur to me that it was also the category that artisans fall under too.
and thats like. really appealing.
so, as someone who is a big history nerd, and also someone who likes creating things, and someone who is really fascinated by technical work, and who has made multiple projects *out of wood* in the past, because it was fun... the idea that *I* could one day become a master carpenter that makes bespoke furniture is really appealing? Most people buy cheap plywood stuff from big box stores but there *is* a market for custom pieces. there's lots of stuff that's been outsourced to machines, but there's all sorts of techniques that can only be done by hand.
I wanna make stuff. I think I'm gonna try to do that.
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tayne-dot-exe · 1 year
Im not on tikok and all that so I dont thiiiink im as bad as those kids who are doing all the -core aesthetic hyperboost niches and trends, but I LOVE to distill all of the things that visually appeal to me so I can maximize them.
I love patterns with a lot of warm natural tones when im at the thrift store so im trying to create some stripe patterns that use the full range of what I consider natural tones, that in going to make a shirt with but I want it to also work as wallpaper. For representational prints I am less interested in stylization but I have many Critters I like and I love like "guide" type posters so I'm collecting pics of animals and plants based on some adaptation and locomotion lists I've been making for years and Im going to have this printed as fabric for the front half of the natural tone pattern shirt, and reuse the images to print for the wall maybe too.
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Maybe the biggest category of my aesthetic (since animals are more of an interest I want to express than an aesthetic) is scifi and retro tech, and I think I could get all the elements I see and hit reblog into an animation of a crt monitor going from windows 2000, to flowerbox screensaver, to green wireframe, to hacker text, to motherboards and computer gore. Maybe I can get more random 3d object internet graphics in there. I have an all neon green on black outfit for anything edm and a windows crt cosplay suit for this vibe but I dont think I really need to convey this in clothing its more of an Image collecting aesthetic.
Kind of related to nature but Not theres 3 different "aquatic" aesthetics I like; fishing outdoorsman, tacky beach house decor, and fantasy mermaid. But I would want to convey these also without being redundant to creatures represented in the first thing, so no fish mounts or shells. So for the kinda kabit man I would want a jackalope and a singing bass, maybe a lure collection? And beach house does have some highly specific colors associated with it, and for decor theres still a lot of boating equipment you could do instead of shells. Mermaid kinda has colors associated with it but thats tricky.. but I'm gonna try to do a cute crop top in teal with delicate beading and patterns that evoke waves and scales....
I have pinterest boards for all these things I can really narrow down and probably get exactly right for decor and clothes but besides the nature stuff the other thing I always have been figuring out how to visually convey is my sense of humor like maybe I could still be a funny t shirt guy but when I see a funny shirt I'm like hmm actually a shirt could have anything so what would I have... But scrolling through my more "curated" blog and knowing I already "covered" the old web and computer stuff I decided the other major types of things I feel go there are messed up food (always been my go to), convoluted engineering, out of context diagrams, and branded products that make no sense.
Anyway I am so in here and I said im better than the everything -core crowd but actually I wanna hear if anyone has this stuff pieced out for themselves like this, I love a curated taste
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szif · 1 year
somebody on rym created an entirely different "transfem/transmasc/nonbinary&the others" lists for users and i wanted to go in one of them like hiiii its mee. you know, for the fame and the connections or whatever. but i really dont wanna like type anything into the fem/masc one because thats a wrong category for me. and nonbinary is also just like. yeah thats not me. so like. i would GLADLY go onto any list that was like "trans users" or something like that. but its segmented like this and its like. i dont fucking want that. like ugh why would i join the segmented club when i could blend into the vague trans club with everybody around me. yknow....
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nychthemeron-rants · 5 months
artificer anon here! thats rlly cool bc my oc is a gnome artificer and even though gnomes have an affinity for magic, she just cant seem to get it. she became an artificer bc magic is important to her family and its the closest she could get.
i've only watched the anime and your takes seemed really cool so i asked!! i was also thinking smth along runes, so thx!
your oc seems really cool, anything else abt them you wanna share?
Thank you so much! I’m flattered that you like my take on things! And your OC sounds really cool too, feel free to send in more about her, I’d love to learn more!
I just finished my OC’s basic profile, so thank you for the excuse to share it.
Wren Grey
True Name: Rhen of Kahka Brud
Age: 57
Race/ Sex: Dwarf/ Female*
Birthplace: Eastern Continent
Family: Mother, Father
Physique: 125 cm (4’1” tall), BMI 34
Favorite Food: Curry and Rice
Likes: Sweets, art (making and viewing), history, learning about different cultures, linguistics
Dislikes: Bananas, greasy foods, being underestimated/ patronized
First Cause of Death: Activated a trap and was impaled.
Speaks: Dwarvish, Common, Half-foot
More details under the cut if interested:
*Wren would consider themself to be nonbinary in a modern setting, but given a lack of resources/ knowledge of the time they consider themself to be a woman who doesn’t care about being a woman/ has no connection to womanhood despite being feminine. In universe Wren uses she/her but I will use she/they when talking about them.
Wren is a researcher (I.E. grad student) at the same magic academy as Marcille and Falin, specializing in ancient languages. Because they are a dwarf, Wren has faced a lot of shit for pursuing magic. Even fellow dwarves look down on them for pursuing magic, leading them to go against their parents wishes and subsequently be seen as an outsider by the dwarves in their community back home. Wren changed the spelling of their name and gave herself a fake last name in order to not immediately give themself away as a dwarf on applications and papers at school in order to get their work taken more seriously. Eventually she got sick and tired of all the questions and comments she got from the others at the academy about being the only dwarf at the school, so she became progressively more secluded and withdrawn overtime. She wasn’t completely isolated, however, making friends in the nearby town, mostly with half-foots as they seem the group least likely to judge her for pursuing magic. That being said, she had work colleagues, she just mostly interacted with them via notes and letters while staying holed up in her room and office. In fact she “unknowingly” helped Marcille learn ancient magic, helping to translate some of the texts she wanted to study, though the two only ever communicated through text and had never met in person.
In addition to studying ancient languages, Wren is a magic user too, but falls more into the category of artificer in order to overcome her low magic tolerance. She knows how to and can cast a few simple spells, but her magic wouldn’t be very useful in the context of a party mage. She uses glyphs and symbols in order to create magic items she can activate using only a fraction of the mana she would use trying to cast spells traditionally. They use a combination of the gnomish and the elvish magic systems in order to create their magical items.
Eventually, Wren gets sent on a research trip into the dungeon to study some of the ancient text written throughout, however, having never been in a dungeon before and honestly having little interest in dungeons, they severely underestimated the danger. While she initially hired a party for a week using the budget the school gave her, her trip took far longer than a week, and her party (rightfully) wanted to return because their contracts had ended. Wren understood but insisted on staying behind despite the party’s warning about the danger. This led to their first death a day after when they accidentally triggered a trap and got themself impaled (thankfully through the head).
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Do you write yandere? If so, can I request skz yandere headcanons on how they would react when S/O rejects them because she doesn't wanna deal with whole drama that would come with dating an idol?
i mean kinda?? i have a seungmin yandere fic in my drafts sooo BUT YEAH
oh also, requests are not open but im just gonna do this one cause headcanons are kinda fun BUT REQUESTS ARE CLOSED <33
also why is the felix one so short-
Warnings; yandere!skz, rejection, k-dnapping, slight gaslightning or like manipulation, restraints, threats, aggression, mentions of masturbation, stockholm syndrome
nobody rejects him. nobody.
you two were friends from school and you were sooo happy when chan made it as an idol, finally persuing the dream he had been yapping on about for years. 
but in the midst of that he realized that he had feelings for you, he missed you all the time, just wanting to hang out with you and maybe explore the things he had on his mind. so,, he decided to confess when you guys were at a cafe.
“look y/n,,, there’s something I wanna tell you” he started to which you tilted your head
“nooo,,, are you guys going on a tour again,,, i wil miss you sooo much channie” you said with a pout but the boy shook his head.
“i like you y/n” 
your mouth stood agape, this was not what you expected and truthfully,,, not what you wanted. 
“chan,,, y-you know thats not possible” you said with a frown, looking at him straight ahead.
“of course it is,,, why wouldn’t it be? w-what are you trying to say y/n?!” his voice started growing louder, you looking around in order to see that people werent turning their heads towards your table. 
you have made a big big mistake my friend- 
wont even hesitate to keep you hostage in his basement LIKE IM NOT JOKING-
might just tie you up and like,,, not even do anything to you, just talk to you and admire you, maybe tracing your facial features and cuddle closer on the cold floor
just wants to keep you as a pet or smth and you are scared out of your mind cause you cant move cause of the restraints, you cant speak because you have silvertape across your lips that he only removes to feed you but if you start screaming you wont get any so you deicde to just stay calm and quiet before someone saves you and play along. 
i mean you do,,, kinda fall for him but you know you cant,, but you cant help but to fall for him and miss him whenever he’s out on schedule things
he always returns to you and you get so happy when you see the little crevice of light from outside when he opened the basement door
whenever he lies next to you, you put your head against his shoulder and take in his scent the best you can
he told you everyday that he would let you go if you agreed to date him but you shook your head,, maybe cause you liked being his prey. 
he’s more of the threatening type of yandere,,, like,, not that he’s violent but if you try to block his number he will create new ones and keep on sending you messages about how you have betrayed him and how he wished that you loved him back and all that,,,,
you guys often meet because you go to the same college and are students in the same department sooo,,,, avoiding him is pretty impossible 
he stares a lot at you,,, you guys have a couple of classes together and he just stares the entire time, his eyes are just filled with revenge, he somehow wants you make you his, own you but he doesnt know how yet, for now he can just look.
watch this fucking message conversation just be this;
[why did you talk to him during class?]
[you could have just asked me]
[nobody loves you like i do. no one y/n]
you are never getting rid of him basically,,
he’s gonna get to you first ;))
i feel like he goes more to the stalking route than the kidnapping and drugging and whatnot- 
ok,,, you rejected him,,, but that doesnt mean you’re getting rid of him.
ohmygod what if he turns into a peeping tom- cause he obviously knows where you live. 
like yall were not even that close?? he just saw you backstage at one of the concerts and thought you looked good so he decided to go up to, you werent an idol so no problem he thought.
but he gets a bit too,, hasty with his decisions and often falls for people randomly and so when he politely greeted you and gave you his number you simply shook your head, explaining that this wouldn’t be possible since you worked in the same industry and you needed to stay clear out of any scandals in order to keep your job. 
no was not answer in Hyunjins mind. 
luckily he managed to catch your full name by flickering through some papers in an office and also saw your full adress there, knowing exactly what he was going to do on his free time. 
if im being completely honest,,, i have no idea-
like,,, he gives me kinda pervy yandere vibes,,,
what if youre like his ex before he became an idol and now he wants to get back together with you-
oh,,, he masturbates to your pictures-
i feel like he always thinks about you, wondering what you like and wants to write songs about you but he doesnt do much-
but when he finds out that you have been hired by the same company as him to work as a like,,, economics accountant thingy he is all of a sudden vEEERY interested-
always asking the manager of when the group will have meetings with the accounting team,,, although they had nothing to do with them-
he just wanted to be in a conference room with you (and think pervy things about you in your tight office skirt and white blouse)
you went to the toilet on day and you saw him lurking around the same floor,,, WHICH ONCE AGAIN WAS NOT CONNECTED TO THE GROUP AT ALL- 
and idk,,, probably sneaks in with you and locks the door before you even react that theres someone else in the toilet- 
i feel like he’s pretty mild,,, but when he’s alone with you he is aggressive broooo
probably pins you to the wall and threatens you or smth along those lines,,,,,
(writing this is what my life has become to-)
“what do you think you’re doing?”
you turn around again, you had just thought of just leaving with a vague answer to his question but he was not having it. 
his words sounded cold, his dark voice making an entrace, the exact one you’ve heard on many of the songs you listened to.
“felix,,, you have to understand,,, u-um,, if we date theres gonna be some issues” you said but he just stared at you with cocky eyebrows and a dark gaze, running his tongue on the inside of his cheek.
“do you think i care? would i ask you if i cared?” he said to which you shook your head automatically, what more could you do?
“you get until tomorrow to think and if i don’t get the answer i want well,,, we’ll see what i’ll do to you.”
he plots shit behind your back yk?
he’s more of the sneaky type of yanderes (oop spoiler to a fic heh)
like he makes this like fucking year long plan where the objective of the mission is to make you obssessed with him-
he starts kinda subtely,,, first its going to the same gym as you and like,,, knowing where you placed your stuff
and then he starts putting small notes like under your waterbottle when you went to grab something that say like “i think youre cute, call me” and then his number
you obviously dont react,,, because why the fuck would you contact a stranger at the gym 
BUT THEN you realize that its him, its mf kim seungmin. yo,,,, u didnt know he went to this gym,,, that was not,,, the best-
of course you got a bit interested,,, you wanted to know how he was off camera,,, like just in his everyday life and i meeean,,, he was attractive but obviously you should stay away bc,,, he’s a celebrity but seungmin didnt want to stay away
he notes somehow started to get more aggressive,,, suddenly being like “why are you ignoring me?” and such,,,
and one night you were left alone in the gym with him,,, it was sooo quiet, only the sounds of your strained breaths as you lifted a dumbell
here where the plan came to play ;))
he’s obsessed with you and you are not going anywhere, even if you rejected him. 
he’s more clingy?? LIKE HE WILL NOT LEAVE YOU
ok sure,, he falls more into the stalking category too,,, 
also veeeery much a obssessed kinda yandere,,, like his mind is not thinking about how to like capture you,,, more about how to make you soooo comfortable and fool you into loving him despite the circumstances?
i just imagine that you work in a cafe and jeongin often meets you there when he buys coffee and you are already in awe when you see fucking yang jeongin enter the coffee shop on your shift but you were even more excited when he leaves his phone number on a napkin and slides it over the counter before leaving. 
you thought about it,,, contemplating multiple times but,,, you decided it would be best not to since well,,, safety purposes 
but he would visit you and every day his face got more and more perplexed cause he wondered why you didnt call
mf would not leave you alone, he would even wait outside the coffee shop until you finished your shift and walk you home,,, so now he knew where you lived- 
and then do the same thing over and over again until you talked to him.
does. not. give. up. 
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myork · 2 years
manny's one year + milestone celebration ♡
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i’ve never really been big on celebrating anything, even on my prev blog (jimeanour) i never really celebrated any milestones, even the big ones. so i feel like this has been due for a while <3 and i also realised that i completed one year on here from when i started posting my poetry to writing ff and leaving that altogether and settling for creating visual content. whatever it was that made me stay, im glad, because tumblr has become such a huge part of my everyday life. and despite how constantly engaging on a platform online makes me feel drained, stressed and anxious every once in a while, i’m still glad i have this outlet. and you♡ now here’s how i’ve decided to celebrate-
Here are my rules/ categories ♡
‧₊˚ ☆ enter request here 💌 ☆‧₊˚
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now for the mutual(s) appreciation ♡ if you’re tagged, there’s a message for you! happy scrolling 🤡🤡these are things ive been wanting to say for a long time okay
@jimilter miss ashible i need to tell u how grateful i am for your support because you truly make me feel so comfortable and safe and appreciated. you’re such a gem and anyone who doesn’t believe it is LYIN!!!!!! truly one of the best people here ☹️💞ily so much thank you for being so annoying ☹️💗
@gukqi nhi i love you. thats it. thats the post. jokes aside im so grateful to have u as my internet husband you’re so talented and sweet and amazing and ilysm you’re so supportive and sometimes i just wanna run over to u to germany🥺💘 you’re truly one of my lifelines here and you make me want to open tumblr even when im discouraged to ☹️💗
@jeongcake tell i love you so much, you’re one of the best things thats ever happened to me and im so grateful to have u. we really do understand each other on a deeper scale and for that im grateful because i never have to hide from you ☹️💞from our jokes to our rare serious talks, im so happy to have u ily 🥺💞
@seokljin emma angel agenda. thats it. you’re literally like the most supportive person ive ever known how do u do it? how can all of that pixie fairy dust fit inside one angel of a human being? i feel like every time i post something esp jin related im like has emma seen this? and then i turn into a shy blushy school girl uwu. anyways if u haven’t translated it all yet- ily ☹️💗 and im so grateful for you.
@jeonqquk ivy my bby™️ you’re seriously such a whore gem ☹️💗ilysm and im so happy i have you. you’re part of my support system here and im so happy i can count on you. you’re really such a fun person. pls believe your gifs are amazing or ill punch u🥰 (dont u dare say kinky)
@joyfulhopelox maria my fav internet mother idk when you’ll see this but know that i love you and im always here for you 💗 thank you for always being there for me, youre truly such an angel. you’re so so amazing and rmr when i used to joke about you being not real? yeah, good times. sending lots of love to you and nugget and always hoping you’re okay💗💘
@usertae the bestest stella to ever exist 💀💀im kidding, i mean the sweetest, warmest, most welcoming person ever. ily celia you’re so nice and helpful and you were one of my first ever giffing mutuals even when i used to post complete trash💀idk what you saw then but just know that im grateful to have you as my mutual for so long and that you really raised in my standards in mutuals 💀🥺💗💘
@parkdatjimin MINDY BESTEST PERSON!! there, i said it 😤 ilysm and your tags JUST *squeals* *clenches fist* make my day ☹️you’re so supportive and im truly lucky to know you 💞💘💕💗
@still-with-koo lilo you call me a sweetheart when you're the biggest one there is ily☹️💖 you're so so sweet and warm and nice and just such a comfort person, im so glad we're mutuals ☹️💖💕
@itsallaboutzayn ESME SWEETEST PERSON AGENDA 😤im not even kidding, you’re so nice and supportive and i love all your asks, you always have so much love to give to people and i can only hope it’s returned tenfold because you deserve it 💕💘💕
@pjmsdior isa wifey i love you so much, you truly are one of the purest souls here and seeing u in my notifs or in my inbox makes so happy ☹️💗 ilyilyilyily
@dokyeomblr elv best elv favourite elv agenda!!!! you’re the nicest sweetest warmest person to exist and seeing u in my inbox or on my dash makes me light up like a christmas tree ☹️💗ily elvie
@jung-koook im so happy im finally getting the chance to say this, but i admire you so much sky. your dedication is commendable and everything you make is always in top tier quality and on top of all that you are so helpful and kind and i rmr getting a heart attack when you followed me 💀im so so grateful for all your help please know that💗💗
@taeyungie i know we just started talking but em, you’ve made me feel so warm and safe and i just, i feel like i could be myself with you. you’re so understanding and you love animals ☹️ the older grandma sister i didn’t know i needed, tho bullying you about it is more fun 🤡💗
@kimtaegis why so nice!!!!!!! hm?????? WHY 👏 SO 👏NICE????? jokes aside, i lurched off my bed when i saw the notification of a certain userkimtaegis-main following me one fine afternoon, and in true disney movie fashion, my life has never been the same. im just kidding ( or am i?🤨) but anyways annie you are so sO SO talented and everything you make is so pretty from coloring to quality everything. i admire you so so much and im so grateful to have you as a mutual 🥺💞💘
@marvelousbangtan sookies mom i hope i spelt that right😭 crystal ilysm your tags on my posts always make me so happy and your gifs are stunning and on top of all that youre so so so nice :(((((((((((💘💞💘im so happy we're mutuals :(
@gimbapchefs idk when you’ll see this 😭😭 nat *calls for a manhunt* but im so glad im mutuals with you ☹️you’re such a fun person, unproblematic person and i love interacting with you so much. im still so so grateful for the ptd in seoul stream, you gave me such an amazing opportunity and i’ll probably always be grateful for it and never ever forget it 💗i hope you’re doing well, hope to see you on my dash soon with your amazing gifs. imy ☹️💗
@jiminswn you’re really gonna make me repeat my giffing classes agenda huh 😔 jokes aside, miss alice im a fangirl. there i said it ☹️ you have the prettiest 16k ultra hd gifs and your colouring is gorgeous 😭😭ive been following u for so long, even before i started giffing and sometimes even now i wonder how u do it 🥺💗 any time i see u in my notifs, i get butterflies okay? ☹️💞
@min-boongie apart from being so pretty inside out *sobs* you're so nice reka and so so helpful. i meant what i said all those days ago, i look up to your content so much, your colouring is always so beautiful☹️💗💞💞💘
@heybaetae i was so scared to do this but miss kelli apart from your content that is prettiest in all the land with all the pretty colours and the highest quality sharpening, i feel like i actually screamed like a fangirl when you followed me back, more so when you rbed a set of mine with “#TALENT” yeah, im gonna get that laminated 😔
@rkivedfiles miss erl i love your gifs so much and your coloring is just so pretty and distinct i feel like i can recognise it from a mile away💗im so happy im mutuals with you :( you’re so nice and i still go back to look at that jimin set you made me ☹️💗
@hannahbee12719 miss hannah i think you’re literally nicest person ever😭 your tags make me feel so warm and appreciated and im so so grateful that im mutuals with you. i love and respect you so much 🥺☹️💗💘💕🥺
@hobeah flo ik you must be a little confused because we’ve interacted but also not too much but you HAVE to know how much i love your gifs. truly top tier content with the prettiest colouring and the quality just blows my mind even on the app 🥺💗
@userjiminie i had to tag you okay? i love love love your gifs so much miss rafa and you’re also so talented like esp your pinned post 😭 how do u do it☹️💗seeing your tags on my posts just makes my day okay? and you saying u like my content made me sob for 17 miniutes 😔🤧💕
@minieggukie apart from being the jikook™️ blog on here, miss kris i tagged u because i wanted you to know that you just have a very pretty coloring style okay? 🥺💕it just so soft and pretty and you even manage to gif lq videos so well 🤧 we don’t interact but pls know that i love your gifs so so much and i actually squealed when u followed me back *sniffs*
@sugajimin i tagged you because i wanted you to know that you have amazing gifs and your a-z with jimin is my fav thing on this hellsite 😭 and even your gfx are amazing!! you’re really so so talented, the quality of your gifs just makes me gasp sometimes, thank you for following me back 😭💞
@rosebowl miss sharika you just seem like a very cool person okay? your gifs are really really pretty and i just love looking at your 100days of seokjin series ☹️i hope you’ve been well 🤧💕
@kth1 miss maggie i know we don’t interact much but i needed u to know that i really really love your gifs <3 your coloring is vv pretty and your gifs are always in such high quality ☹️🥺💗
@sopev we’ve never interacted that much but miss daphne i tagged you to let you know that 1) idk how many times i’ve opened your blog to stare at your header 2) your gifs are stunning. stunning. period. they’re so colourful and so hq ☹️💕💘
@taechnological miss sae you’re just very cool okay? there i said it 😔 but apart from being so funny and cool i think you’re just a really great person to interact with and i absolutely love all your threads, your dedication is so so appreciated ☹️💗💕
@textsfrombangtan how does it feel to be the funniest, most iconic person on this hellsite? 😔 you have to know that i love your tags so much 🤧 and i sometimes stalk all your posts because your memes just make me really happy okay? ☹️ily hope you’re taking care of your (iconic) self 💗 or else 😤💪
@jinv my tag for you is coloring genius valeinstein💀 and rightfully so because miss val your coloring is truly something else, i got a bit dizzy when u started following me because ive been admiring you and your (amazing) content from afar for so long ☹️🥺💞💕
@cherryvmin kheer my darling, the absolute queen of moodboards i miss interacting with you but you have to know that i love your content so much and you’re really just so so nice and warm it melts my heart ☹️💗💘💕
@jiminie-and-his-pinky-finger nani my bb how are you 🥺💗i hope you’re doing okay. i tagged u to know that i love you and im so happy to be mutuals with you for so long 💗💘 anytime we interact, it fills me with so much warmth because you’re truly such a sweetheart ☹️💗
@jimijimimie pristine my darling imy okay? ily☹️💘 you’re so so talented and your tags on my posts just muah 💋 i hope you’ve been well, just know that im always here for you 💗💗
@tekootine val my baby i hope you’re okay ily so so much 💗☹️ you’re a total sweetheart whos so talented and im so happy whenever we interact because seeing you in my inbox brings the biggest smile on my face 💘💞 you’re just very precious okay? 🥺😭💕
@softbobamilktae zee i hope you know how much i appreciate you. we’ve been mutuals for quite a while now and i hope you know im so grateful for your support esp during that time in my dms 💗 you’re also so relatable in your tps omg 😳💞
@introlxv onyx bb we haven’t talked properly in so long but i just want to tell u that i love and appreciate you so much 💗☹️youre so fucking talented and amazing and im so happy i know you 💗💕💞pls never forget that 🥺💗
@moonsclover ahana my adopted bb ilysm and you're truly such a sweetheart i love love love your moodboards so much and anytime i see you in my inbox, it just brightens up my day by x323239💘💗💕
@fluffyydumplings fluffy i know we’ve completely stopped interacting but pls know that im so happy we’re still mutuals and that you’re so so talented and your voice oml is beautiful(i just remembered your narration(?) for that one fic). i hope you’ve been well 💗
@vopegist kyo dough i love u. thanks for coming to my ted talk. im just kidding, ik we haven’t talked in a while but just know that ily and am always here for you titty 💀☹️💗🥺
@rkivian miss kiri you’re such a fun person and im so glad we’ve been mutuals for so long ☹️ you really stole my heart when u dmed me all those months ago hskdjsks besides everything, i really love it when you tag me in games okay? makes me feel connected to you even tho its been so long since we interacted ☹️💗
@parkjiminxfloor jans idk when you’ll see this bb but know that ily and im forever grateful for your support🥺💞thank you for all your sweet asks and tags, they always make my day 💗💗you’re amazing 💫
@alpacaseok star we just became mutuals but know that i really appreciate you and you’re just really a very sweet, supportive person 🥺💞
@thornedswan ik we’ve barely interacted but pls know im always so so grateful for you reblogging my gifs 💗
@cosyserendipity sonjaaa you’re so so sweet and i think i already told you this but im always so so grateful for your reblogs 🥺💗 and that the fact that you tag me in games, i love those!💘💗💞
@crispy-chan jas my absolute darling favourite baby ever 🥺💗i love you so so much and i miss you and our conversations a lot ☹️💗 youre such an amazing person and on top of all that you’re literally so talented and sweet. i hope you’re taking care of your precious self (hows apple 💀💗) miss you and love you tons pls know that i tagged u last so that u could find yourself amongst all these bts blogs 😭
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dylanobrienisbatman · 3 years
Omg give us ur rant abt hating d*rklina as a ship.. im petty
Okay Anon, so i saw this the other day and I wasn't in the right headspace to answer but i am now!
So to start off, I am firmly in the ship and let ship category. You like a ship, i don't care. That doesn't mean i won't rag on the ship itself but I don't send hate, I don't really engage with shippers from ships I don't like, and I am liberal with the block button and the blacklist feature. Cultivate your tumblr/online experience, y'all. You don't owe anyone on this hellsite (or any other) a damn thing.
However, I REALLY do hate d*rklina as a ship, and I have a big problem with the way the shippers talk about it, so I hope you were being serious about wanting a rant because here it goes.
As for the ship itself, i feel like the reasons I dislike it are pretty obvious and standard. It's abusive. He is her abuser. He manipulates her. He spends months grooming her and gaslighting her, intentionally trying to get her under his control so that when he literally enslaves her it will go over easier. He never actually loved her, he wanted to use her for her power. It's not complicated, it's not really 'up for debate', that is the way its written, and the author has explained that that was the intended interpretation of her work. I mean he literally sexually assaults her in the second book, and straight up tells her he's going to kill everyone she loves so that she has no choice but to fall to him because she is completely alone in the world. He threatens to skin her alive in the second book when they're on the boat, he has no problem torturing her to get Mal to do what he wants. That's not love. He does not love her. It's pretty black and white, its explicitly written as an abusive relationship. The point was to show how easily powerful men can manipulate and abuse young naive women who don't know any better and try to see the best in people. Alina 'fell' for the version of Darkles Sparkles that he intentionally created to try to control her. Nothing he told her was true, from his backstory, to them both being 'the only one like [each other]' (hello, baghra), to using Genya to convince Alina that Mal had abandoned her, everything he did was manipulation so that he could get her under his control. It is not a romance, it is not 'a ship war', d*rklina is not written as romantic. He is her abuser. Full stop.
There is also the point about him being just a generally horrible person all around. He's not morally grey. He just isn't. He sold an 11 year old into sex slavery, forced her to stay in that situation so he could use her, and then mutilated her when she defied him. He also groomed and abused Zoya, because he saw that she was exceptionally powerful and wanted to use her the way he wanted to use Alina. He enslaved Alina. He blinded and mutilated his own mother. He is a genocidal maniac. He shows no remorse, he doesn't care about anyone but himself and his own power. He is not the type of character that should be romantically shipped with anyone. If you like him, that's absolutely fine! One of my fave characters ever is Kai Parker from TVD. Dude was a straight up psychopath. He tried to kill multiple pairs of toddlers. He brutally murdered his pregnant sister AT HER WEDDING. He is a HORRIBLE person. But I think he's a brilliant character. But do I think he's a good guy, do I want him anywhere near any characters in that show in a romantic way (ehem b*nkai)? Absolutely fucking not. Being a fan of a villain character is fine, but fucking own that shit. Villains can be SUCH good characters, but they're still villains. Erasing the bad they've done so you can justify putting them in situations where they WILL harm the people around them because you can't level with yourself about the bad things they've done doesn't make you 'woke', it just makes you look like you don't understand the media you're consuming.
Which leads me to why I have such a problem with the way D*rklina shippers engage with the ship. They simultaneously wanna say "oh we know it's toxic/bad/abusive/etc., that's why we like it!" and then also they try to claim that it should be endgame, they romanticize scenes where he is abusing her (and by romanticize I mean they literally try to frame his abuse as romantic, not like "oh yeah my ship is interacting!!". those are different things. You can be excited about ship interactions without trying to say that things he is doing to her are actually romantic), they try to argue that he is morally grey/misunderstood/etc., and they straight up try to lie and say he's not her abuser.
If you wanna ship an abusive ship, own it. Be straight up about why you like it. It's okay to be into dark shit, y'all. It does NOT make you a bad person to be into dark shit. But this idea that fiction doesn't impact real life, and that people can't call the ship out for what it is is a problem is a very troubling trend in fandom. Nobody is saying you can't ship it, do what you want. But this idea that these people are 'oppressed' because fans of the show/book continue to point out the facts about the way the story was written and how the relationship is actually presented is fucking insane. Someone saying that D*rklina is abusive is not calling you out, they are stating a fact. It's the story as it was presented. You trying to say it's not makes it look like you have no reading comprehension. And this idea that 'well i'll be on the lookout for evil shadow wizards in real life lol' is such horse shit too. His shadow wizard powers aren't the issue. He is a powerful man who grooms and abuses young women. You're telling me you lived through the Me Too movement and you wanna act like thats not a real threat that young women face every day? You're telling me that you can't see that the actual real life connection you're supposed to be making here? Okay, well you should maybe deal with that and come back to me, because that's an issue.
Fiction is meant to teach us lessons. Darkles is meant to teach us something. He is meant to show us that sometimes, powerful men lie to, manipulate, groom, and abuse young women, and we should be aware of that. The story is about a young woman who is sucked into an abusive situation, and then she breaks free and in the end she is able to defeat her abuser. That is a really powerful story, and one that millions of real life women can relate too. To pretend that that story doesn't have real life connections makes you look insensitive and frankly, kind of cruel.
So basically, in the end, my biggest issue is that D*rklina shippers love to spout this nonsense about 'knowing' it's bad and that he's a villain, and 'that's why they like him', and then turn around and try to say that he's not actually the villain, he's not actually bad, and the things he does to Alina that are abuse are actually romantic and sweet. You wanna ship an abusive ship, you do you, but lets not pretend it's anything other than what it is, but romanticizing and normalizing abuse tactics so you can feel, what? morally superior? Cool? edgy and different? That has real life impacts. You are normalizing abuse. Real people will engage with that rhetoric, and it will make it difficult for them to see abuse when it happens to them or the people around them because they believe its romantic or normal to be treated that way.
You wanna be a villain stan? You wanna ship dark ships? Good on ya, but fucking own your shit, y'all.
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liquidstar · 3 years
i dont even understand the proship shit anymore bc ive seen people use it to mean "i'm a proshipper bc im okay with incest/pedophilia/ect and consume it bc i can" but then people who use it like "i'm a proshipper bc i don't support bashing people for their innocent/totally normal ships, but this doesn't include the nasty stuff" and at this point idk if anyone who uses the word knows what they're saying lmao
its literally just because they learned no manipulate their language and use this weird fictional idea of an evil group of oppressors and harassers to play victim in a way paints themselves as the logical ones, but literally anyone whos taken a step outside of their echochambers would realize how this isnt the case and pro-ship is pretty much synonymous with pedo apologist, and i know this because as a kid on this site ppl in those echochambers would pull their shit on me, ive seen what its like first hand. i know all their stupid arguments and the motivations behind them, the whole victim act is just a way to garner sympathy and look like the rational ones even thought theres a huge fucking asterisks over all the seemingly rational stuff theyre saying.
and you know what, i dont consider myself an anti, because the concept of an anti is literally just this caricature they created to further perpetuate this us-vs-them group mentality, they dont even realize it but theyre using fiction to affect reality through this strawman character they invented. its all ironic as fuck. antis dont exist, stop calling yourself an anti, youre just a normal person against pedophilia just like any other person who goes outside and talks to people in places outside of greasy fandom shipping spaces. i dont even like fandom and i dont care much for shipping lol
they also like to paint this portrait of "the puritans" or whatever, claiming that clearly these people are against dark subjects in media all together and lack nuance. but after reading all the replies on my post i can safely say that the pro-shipping fandom brainrot people are the ones that can only think in terms of black and white, not the other way around like they claim, and thats why they can only conceptualize of the people who disagree with them as being this image of an extreme puritan that they made up in their heads.
what i mean by that is that literally every one of them thought that by comparing two things i must obviously be saying that they are a 1:1 because theres no room for nuance in their minds, and they jump to conclusions based on that, and on top of that most of them use this weird example of "oh so obviously bideo game cause violence !!!" when i never once stated that, but their mentality is so all-or-nothing that they cant differentiate between different examples of dark subject matter depicted in media.
i love dark subject matter in media, you do too, i see your wonder egg icon, you see my utenaposting, and the reason we're able to consume those things critically is because we understand the differences between types of depictions, we understand nuance and representation and its importance, and we dont shove things into one of two categories. media isnt a monolith and we need to look at things on a case by case basis, but they just refuse to do that, because if One thing is bad then that must mean All things are bad. and they dont wanna even acknowledge the possibility of that so instead they jump to the opposite extreme of No things are bad. its insane mental gymnastics to justify their weird fanfics lmao. at least like, gross anime nerdboy perverts know theyre deplorable, like guys thats your cousin, you both wank off to underanged anime characters but at least they dont pretend to be progressive about it. 
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