#i also really love romeo and juliet but NOT because it’s a ‘tragic love story’
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sebek and his big ol' heart
Y’all thought I would be writing an extensive analysis on [REDACTED] or Skully but JOKE’S ON YOU, I love my lame idiot child Sebek 😭
When I tell you I actually CRIED MULTIPLE TIMES reading his Nightmare Suit vignettes… because all the pieces fit together SO well…
Before reading this (long) post, I’d like to ask that you also take your time to read this analysis and this analysis. They will help you understand some of the points I made later regarding Sebek and his internalized racism + how he expresses himself.
Have your recommended reading done? Great, then let’s hop to it!
***Spoilers for Sebek's Nightmare Suit vignettes, book 7, and various other Sebek and Silver card vignettes.***
Sebek is one of those characters that lives in infamy for how much time he takes to get warmed up to. He presents himself as loud and brazen, with these traits often earning him the ire of both in-universe peers and irl fans alike. Worst case scenario, Sebek can be seen as someone who is outright hateful. He’s rude to most people (including Silver, his childhood friend, sometimes), denounces humans, acts like Malleus can do nothing wrong, and doesn’t seem to respect his own father.
Well, I’m here today to tell you those claims are false and that Sebek is actually capable of so, so much love. All you need to really do is look at his Nightmare Suit vignettes—and how well they connect with the rest of his lore—to understand what I mean.
The vignettes start with Jack Skellington finishing a bento that Sally made for him. Sebek tells Jack that he should now return the basket that the bento was delivered in to her and to let her know what he thinks of her meals, but Jack says he can’t because he’s busy with Halloween preparations. Jack asks Sebek and Azul to return the basket in his stead, which they do. (These vignettes appear to be following Trey’s Nightmare Suit vignettes, as those open with Sebek and Trey seeing Sally jump out of a window with food with Jack. Sebek points out to Trey that Sally wants to hand deliver that food and says he believes there is some other reason than just being nice to Jack.)
They aren't allowed to see Sally because Dr. Finkelstein has locked her up for misbehaving, so they leave the basket. Azul advises that they also pass along Jack's comments (he had called Sally smart, thoughtful, and kind; he often forgets to have meals when he's absorbed with his work, so it's generous for her to prepare a delicious meal like this for him). Sebek loudly refuses, as he believes that hearing these grateful words from Jack himself would be much more meaningful to Sally.
He later confronts Sally at Town Hall and asks to speak with her privately (in an ALLEYWAY lol). There, Sebek flat-out tells Sally that such roundabout tactics will never help her feelings reach Jack because he's way too dense. Of course, she reacts with denial which sends Sebek into a passionate speech about the lengths Sally will go to for love (short of actually speaking about it). She literally threw herself out of a window and put herself in bodily harm to get to Jack when Dr. Finkelstein locked her in her room. She deliberately disobeyed her guardian and brainstormed a way to get out when theoretically she should not have been able to move around freely. If that's not motivated by love, then what is? Sebek declares that it's really annoying to watch Sally dance around the issue and to see her devotion go to waste. IT'S LIKE HE'S WATCHING/READING A ROMCOM AND THE TWO MAIN CHARACTERS KEEP PLAYING THE "WILL THEY, WON'T THEY" CARD... She admits that she can't share her feelings because Sally thinks she's not worthy of someone as impressive as Jack... They're not compatible. And you know how Sebek responds??? BY TELLING SALLY ABOUT WHAT IS BASICALLY TWISTED ROMEO AND JULIET... Sebek reading tragic romance confirmed 😭 He describes the story as one of two lovers whose families do not approve of their union. In desperation, the lovers try to elope--but their plan fails and they return to their warring families. Instead of committing dying like in the original tale, the lovers live the rest of their lives lamenting the outcome and how they can no longer see the person they love most. Sebek shares his own interpretation of the story and its moral: because the lovers gave up hope that they could get their families to accept one another... because they never tried to get their families to get along... because they could not properly articulate their feelings to their families... the lovers could not be together. He is convinced that if they had communicated better, the story would have a happier ending. Sebek is of the firm belief that a story itself cannot come to be without the author wanting to share their own thoughts or feelings; he even suggests that maybe the author of Romeo and Juliet experienced something similar--a regret that resulted from neglecting to express deep-seated feelings. It's not just this book either, Sebek claims to have many stories with a similar theme or miscommunication leading to conflict.
Above all, Sebek stresses to Sally that she must believe in herself and take swift, decisive action. And why does Sebek whole-heartedly throw himself into this belief? Because his own family is living proof that a happy ending is possible if you try hard for it.
If you've paid attention to Sebek lore prior to this, you'll know that he has a human father and a fae mother. Their marriage faced opposition and scrutiny in Briar Valley, a country which is isolated from the rest of the world and suffered greatly from human invaders pilfering the fae lands for resources. One of these sources of opposition and scrutiny is Sebek's own grandfather and his mother's father, Baur. Apparently, Mrs. Zigvolt married Mr. Zigvolt against the wishes of her dad.
Sebek shares even more details with Sally in his Nightmare Suit vignettes. To this day, Baur does NOT approve of his daughter's marriage--but Mrs. Zigvolt doesn't let that get her down! No, she does everything in her power to prove to her father that she made the right choice and she's perfectly content with her life. She'll send letters enclosed with photographs of her family, take her children to visit Baur's home, and invites him to join family dinners. Sebek adds that he's sure his mom made other efforts too--all to try and get Baur to acknowledge her marriage. More recently, Baur seems to have lightened up a little... as in, he always used to turn Mr. Zigvolt away at the door, but now lets him in about once a year (though Baur still avoids eye contact with him and continues to frown). Mrs. Zigvolt stubbornly believes that if she keeps this up, her dad will one day change and bless her marriage with the man she truly loves. Sally commends Sebek and his mother's ability to speak their minds loudly and proudly, but then disparages herself again by saying she can't do the same. Sebek then confesses that he can relate to Sally's frustrations. He related her feelings to his own inadequacy in serving Malleus, the powerful and noble king-to-be of his country. That feeling... Sebek describes it as akin to heartache. But instead of wallowing in that heartache, he pushes himself to close that distance between himself and his idol. If he keeps hesitating, then there is absolutely no way he can catch up to where Malleus is! Sebek must dedicate himself to becoming someone worthy of serving him. He encourages Sally to do the same through both her words and her actions! At that moment, Jack walks in and Sally makes good on Sebek's advice. (This part isn't important to the analysis on Sebek's character, so I'm glossing over it.) The vignettes end with Epel complaining about Sebek being loud as per usual. Sally doesn't take issue with his volume though. She simply giggles and informs Epel that Sebek speaks so loudly and clearly so that his words can resonate with others--like how his words gave her courage.
We have learned new lore about Sebek's grandfather and mother. What does this tell us about Sebek? A lot, actually--if you slate it with all the other lore we have on hand.
We see just how strong of a woman his mother is. I suspect this is where Sebek picked up a lot of his hard-headedness, as well as the tendency to express himself very overtly, from. However, it also speaks to the loving environment he grew up in.
His mother seemingly never questioned her own life choices and never gave up fighting to prove her happiness to a father--and likely an entire community--that rejected her marriage, her husband, and maybe even her children. She fiercely loves and defends her family and the life they have made for themselves. Sebek states that he looks up to her for her magical strength, but that he also admires her principles and strong convictions. Indeed, it was her who ardently pursued Mr. Zigvolt and did not allow naysaying to deter her.
Then there is Mr. Zigvolt. In Sebek's Birthday Boy vignettes, he describes his father as "a strange man" who is "magically deficient" and "never lets his smile fade, no matter what I say to him [...] he defies comprehension." Though Sebek doesn't seem to hold the same amount of respect he has for his mother for his father, we don't hear Sebek openly insulting his dad, just expressing confusion about him. When asked about it, Sebek denies depending on his father--but it's clear there is a fondness there that he's not addressing. Mr. Zigvolt is impressed whenever his children use magic, buys them snacks they never asked for, and talks with them for long periods of time in a calm, patient manner. His father, too, has given Sebek so much compassion and understanding.
We don't know a lot about Sebek's siblings, but they seem to get along fine! He has mentioned going to parks with them. They've also gone fishing together and witnessed magic competitions, which they were all amazed by. The Zigvolts in general (or at least the parents) seem to be accepting too, as they volunteer to take Silver in whenever Lilia is unable to take care of him.
And you'd think that's where it ends, but NO. Baur ALSO has a lot of love to give. Despite not approving of his daughter's marriage, he doesn't actively despise his grandchildren. Quite the opposite, in fact! Though he's rough around the edges and looks scary, Baur doesn't fault any of his grandchildren for being born half fae and half human. He actually makes it a point to bond with them, and especially with Sebek. It was Baur who taught Sebek the language of nocturnal fae and instilled in Sebek his love for reading (as he bought many books for him and tells many stories himself). He also personally reached out to Lilia to train Sebek, as the young boy (at around age 7) expressed an interest in martial arts. Sebek has a love for salmon carpaccio because he and his siblings would fish at Baur's house and then prepare the dish for him--Baur was so happy about it. Additionally, Baur values getting a good education and was proud when Sebek shared with him that he was invited to attend Night Raven College.
Sebek grew up in a country that dislikes humans, but he was raised in an household where he was loved unconditionally and provided with all the resources he could need to get a good education and become someone who is physically strong. So of course he becomes frustrated when he sees Sally, who is so nervous to act on her feelings. What would have happened if Sebek’s mother had been like Sally, thinking she and her now-husband are incompatible? If she didn’t try pursuing her feelings at all? Sebek, as the youngest of three, might not event exist. His parents may not still be together… or maybe they wouldn’t have gotten together in the first place. It’s exactly because Sebek knows what love is supposed to be like--courtesy of his own family—that he can see it so well in others, and wants them to act on it. His very existence is proof that love is possible, and it transcends arbitrary labels like race that serve to divide people into categories.
One quirk of Sebek's is how he's always dishing out back-handed compliments or making comments that come off as rude but aren't at their core. He can't seem to help but say a good thing that sounds like something bad. His Diasomnia classmates, usually Silver, have to translate these Sebek-isms for others, who misunderstand him or interpret his words in the worst possible way. For example, from one of Silver’s Fairy Gala lines; “Sebek said to me that no self-respecting disciple of Lilia’s would dare get a single stain on this clothing. That's his way of encouraging me.” In Silver's Dorm Uniform vignettes, Sebek tries to reassure his friend and tell him to not let other people's opinions hurt him--but he phrases it as, "Hmph, ridiculous! I see no reason for you to heed a few random comments from some humans." The duo is also shown to be competitive with one another in training; it's never malicious, they both want to prove themselves as the superior knight, and the other serves as motivation to improve and/or a means of measuring one's own growth against a fellow disciple. When the mostly elderly population of Harveston is in need of physical labor, Sebek comments "[...] the humans in Harveston are woefully out of shape," yet he insists he "still [has] energy to burn" (as if to volunteer himself to do more work) and calls such tasks "simple" (as if to point out how easy it is for him to do, so don't worry about troubling him). He hauls apples and helps the villagers with whatever they need, declaring that they should "be grateful"--but if he truly did not care, he could have stopped at any time or settled for just making fun of them. But Sebek doesn't, because he DOES care deep down. This aspect of Sebek is made even more obvious in Fairy Gala: What If. He appears at Ramshackle and opens by declaring, "NO! I am by no means worried about anyone! [...] Don't mistake my intentions. I am NOT here to help! If your mission doesn't succeed, the repercussions will definitely affect Malleus and Lilia. Hence... I shall lend you uneducated humans my aid! [...] You're welcome to weep with joy at my magnanimity..." Time and time again, we see Sebek demonstrating a lot of kindness, but deflecting or not being totally transparent with his intentions due to pride or embarrassment. This behavior is very reminiscent of Baur, the grandfather that Sebek loves dearly and spent so much time with. Baur, too, can be very passionate and loving, but struggles to speak of those feelings openly. Just look at how the man deals with Mr. Zigvolt. The behaviors of the family, then, imprint on Sebek and influence his behaviors--and being that Sebek is from such a loving group, it follows that Sebek puts out a lot of love into the world too.
A lot of times when the fandom discusses Sebek's attitude, I feel it's from the context of him being hateful towards humans. I'm not going to deny that Sebek has said some pretty nasty things about half of his own identity. The point I would like to make here is that Sebek can love just as strongly.
The most obvious thing that supports the claim that Sebek is capable of strong love is how he views Malleus. It's no great secret that Sebek practically worships the ground his dorm leader walks on. That's essentially Sebek's key defining character trait. What I'll ask you to consider instead is the nature of Sebek's love--not the obsessiveness of it, but rather the unconditional nature of it.
In Lost in the Book with Nightmare Before Christmas, Skully laments that Sebek has not been disappointed by his idol, Malleus. Sebek actually corrects him by saying that love isn't imposing your own views on your idol, it means preparing to accept them, flaws and all. He says the same of Malleus; should the time ever come where Sebek's expectations of Malleus falter or their paths have to diverge, then he will still embrace his young master, never once turning his back on him. And where does Sebek gets this from? His parents. The father who loves his children no matter how critical Sebek may be of him. The mother who remained so strong in the face of her friends and family being against her life choices.
A common fandom sentiment regarding Sebek is that he blindly follows Malleus--and to be fair, he does for a large part of the main story. But when speaking about his idol to Skully, Sebek says that agreeing with someone and continuing to love them are different things. You can disagree with someone's actions and still continue to love them and accept them. This follows what Sebek does in book 7 and likely alludes to the character development he goes through during + following book 7; though he is betrayed and hurt by Malleus turning his powers against the world, Sebek does not let up on the hope that he can bring his young master back. He even sillily calls the yet-to-be-hatched Malleus tamago/egg-sama, showing even an infant form of Malleus great respect after witnessing his OB. Skully took the opposite path that Sebek did; when he realized that his own idol, Jack Skellington, was not as he imagined him to be, Skully became enraged and lashed out over it. Sebek points out Skully's inadequacies as well, which ties back to how he spoke of his own drive to improve in his Nightmare Suit vignettes. Skully confesses to trying desperately to emulate Jack--so much so that he breaks down when Sebek's UM destroys his iconic shades. He wallows in his current state and doesn't make efforts to change or to be better; the past and his own vision is where he's comfortable. It's a strong contrast to Sebek, who has made it clear he will continue to train and work hard to prove his merits and to be someone worthy of protecting the great Malleus Draconia.
It is Sebek's passion and boundless love that makes him a hero both in Lost in the Book with Nightmare Before Christmas AND in the main story's book 7. He serves as a foil to Skully in the former and actively saves Silver when he's on the brink of despair in the latter. After learning that his biological father is the man responsible for killing Malleus's mother and leading the Silver Owls' onslaught on Briar Valley, Silver despairs and comes to the conclusion that his father must loathe him. "He could never love the son of the man he despised! He has to hate me! He has to!" Sebek rushes to Silver's side using Living Bolt, a UM he has yet to master (thus causing residual damage to him when he casts it), to correct him:
"You have this much strength... and you dare to say you weren't loved?! That you were hated?! [...] If [Lilia] hated you, he didn't have to give or teach you anything. He could've just raised you into a dimwitted coward and made you a servant. But he didn't--and look at you now. Even alone and helpless, you stood firm. You spoke up, unfaltering in the face of our liege's madness. Even trapped in the darkest despair, you kept on fighting! Who raised you to be so strong? LILIA DID! Why don't you see? Why do you doubt? You should have understood years ago! What can you call your strength, if not the direct result of Lilia's love?!"
WHETHER SEBEK REALIZES IT OR NOT, A LOT OF WHAT HE TELLS SILVER HITS HOME FOR HIM TOO... Like, thinking about it... Sebek must have faced a lot of prejudice from his community because of who his father is. He might have grown up thinking he, too, was hated, had he not been protected by his loving mother, father, and, yes, even grandfather, who is still struggling to accept the human in their family. Baur must have been feeling very complicated emotions upon meeting his half human grandchildren for the first time... but even though he dislikes humans, he could never find it in himself to dislike his grandkids. If he had hated Sebek, he wouldn't have wanted him to get a good education. Baur wouldn't be happy that he got into NRC. He wouldn't personally ask Lilia to train the grandson who expressed an interest in combat. He wouldn't buy so many books for Sebek or read with him or tell him stories or teach him his language. He wouldn’t spoil Sebek by giving him sweets (which, by the way, Baur himself dislikes). But Baur DOES do all of these things, because deep down he loves Sebek no matter what he is. You can hear it in the hurt of Sebek’s voice when dream!Baur reacts to him coldly. That isn’t the grandfather he is used to. Though it’s said that Baur doesn’t exactly welcome his grandchildren with open arms, he definitely loves them and cares for them in his own way. If it was anything less than love Baur felt for his grandson, if he decided to neglect his grandkids, then Sebek would have grown up as some "dimwitted coward". IT'S ALL CONNECTED.
This even extends to Sebek’s evaluation of Malleus in book 7. When OB Malleus appears in Lilia’s dream, Sebek pleads with him. “You were born from the love of so many, my liege! It’s not right for you to become an enemy bated by all the world!” Like with Silver, these words also apply to Sebek, even if he is not aware of it. Sebek was born from the love of many people in his life. Not just his family, but also by those in Diasomnia. Lilia gives him wisdom and guidance, Silver is his sparring partner and smooths over arguments with classmates for him, and Malleus is his shining light and idol. Sebek is the youngest both of his siblings and of the Diasomnia group: he is spoiled by the others and given so much love. Yet he is also commonly hated by his peers for his attitude.
And now here Sebek stands, able to tell others that they are loved and should be cognizant of that love. He reminds Silver that Lilia loves him. He tries to talk reason into Malleus. He advises Skully to reevaluate how he sees his idol. He tells Sally to speak honestly about her feelings, because it was his own mother speaking honestly about hers that led to Sebek and his entire family being as happy as they are now. He shouts at people to act and to speak their minds because he doesn't want them to live with regrets, because he doesn't want to see them be weak and timid--a version of himself that could have resulted if he hadn't been loved so strongly.
You can say many things about Sebek: that he's loud, that he's rude, that he's a fanboy, that he has big muscles. But of all those muscles, Sebek has a very big heart too. And what made him so strong? All the love he received from his family, despite growing up an environment that surely invited hatred for humans.
#twst#twisted wonderland#disney twisted wonderland#disney twst#notes from the writing raven#Sebek Zigvolt#twst analysis#twisted wonderland analysis#twst character analysis#twisted wonderland character analysis#Jack Skellington#sebek nightmare suit vignette spoilers#book 7 spoilers#Silver#Lilia Vanrouge#Baur Zigvolt#twst halloween#twisted wonderland halloween#twst jp#jp spoilers#twisted wonderland jp#Malleus Draconia#Diasomnia#Sally ragdoll#Azul Ashengrotto#romeo and juliet#fairy gala what if spoilers#sebek birthday boy vignette spoilers#sebek applepom vignette spoilers#Dr. Finkelstein
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Mdni, ideal type! fem!reader x Dazai Osamu, VERY LONG AND DETAILED, platonic relationships such as: Odasaku, Atsushi, Kunikida, Chuuya and Sigma are briefly mentioned, Yandere behaviour, unhealthy behaviour, psychological disorders and suicide/double suicide mentioned.
I really enjoyed writing for Dazai; he holds a special place in my heart. 🩵 I also received a request about PM!Dazai’s ideal type, and I’ll post it someday. 🩵

Dazai’s ideal type
Dazai is a complex and enigmatic figure, who can be described as a romantic—though not in the conventional sense of actively seeking love and connection.
Instead, he romanticizes the idea of meaningful connections. What does this mean?
Dazai is known to suffer from depression and harbors a deep desire to end his life.
However, he doesn’t wish to do so alone. He fantasizes about dying with a “beautiful woman” in a double suicide, which is inherently romantic.
This desire echoes tragic love stories like Romeo and Juliet or Cleopatra and Mark Antony, where love and death are intertwined.
This suggests that Dazai may deeply fantasize about love and being loved—perhaps even yearning for someone who loves him so much that she would sacrifice her life for him.
But why would someone wish for a double suicide in the first place?
Dazai sees no purpose in life, a perspective not commonly shared by others.
This makes it likely that his ideal partner would be someone who not only values life but is also grateful for what she has—because Dazai is only truly comfortable when he is surrounded by such people as Atsushi, Kunikida, Chuuya (debatable), and even Sigma.
He needs to learn this perspective to find his own meaning in life.
She would possess a sweet, positive spirit but would still be able to fully grasp Dazai’s bleak outlook, his feelings, and his philosophy—or the lack thereof.
Dazai might be drawn to a partner who is calm, patient, and nurturing.
Given his often childish behavior, it’s possible that he never had the chance to experience love in a normal, healthy way during his childhood.
We know little about his upbringing, but it’s clear he lacks any emotional connection or attachment to his parents.
Dazai is deeply wounded, depressed, and feels empty—though the reasons remain unclear.
The only person Dazai has truly loved, and who loved him in return, seems to be Odasaku.
So what makes Odasaku so special? What traits does he possess that Dazai might seek in a partner?
Odasaku was always calm and patient with him, seeing through Dazai’s lifeless eyes and empty heart.
He recognized Dazai's pain, suggesting that “someone needs to rip that pain out of this child’s chest.”
What if Dazai's ideal partner is someone who embodies these comforting and meaningful qualities, loving him unconditionally?
I believe this to be the ultimate solution to many aspects that trouble Dazai.
Teenage Dazai, in particular, strikes me as more of a “puppy” than the “cat” he becomes as an adult—craving affection and warmth.
He needed someone who cared for him, and that someone was Odasaku. His partner should be able to do the same.
Dazai might love a calm partner who can handle his antics but also sees through them without violating his comfort zone or coping mechanisms.
She would understand his inner darkness but wouldn’t fear it—instead, she would embrace it with a loving demeanor.
She would be confident, but in a strangely shy and quiet way.
She would be someone who is at peace with herself, someone who is inspirational to others.
She would accept him as he is and believe in him, helping him to become the best version of himself.
This is why Dazai is so fond of Atsushi.
Atsushi is empathetic, having suffered himself, and he embraces Dazai with unconditional love.
If Dazai were to meet a woman who could offer the same understanding and compassion, it’s hard to see why he wouldn’t be saved.
Dazai feels responsible for Atsushi, and it gives his life a certain meaning he doesn’t truly grasp yet.
If he felt the same responsibility for someone much closer to his heart—his lover—it would have a profoundly positive effect on him.
Regarding physical traits, Dazai doesn’t seem overly concerned with them.
However, he has expressed a preference for “beautiful” women, as seen in his desire to commit double suicide with one.
While physical beauty might not be his top priority, he likely appreciates aesthetically pleasing women.
Dazai claims to like all women, but I can imagine him being drawn to a feminine, quiet, and insightful young woman.
This woman would possess an innate ability to sense others’ emotions and motivations, her sensitive and calm nature allowing her to do so effortlessly.
She would be observant, with her beauty often leading others, including Dazai, to underestimate her at first.
And yet, it would be as if she could read his mind and heart—something deeply uncomfortable for someone as guarded and inflexible with his own vulnerability as Dazai.
Interestingly, some of these traits might also make her an ideal partner for Fyodor.
However, while Dazai and Fyodor are alike in some aspects, they differ in others.
Fyodor’s ideal type might align with Dazai’s, but with less submissiveness and more approachability.
Does it ring? The drama that might approach?
Let me summarize: In terms of personality, Dazai has a soft spot for empathetic and loving people.
Therefore, he would undoubtedly adore a darling who is very empathetic, sensitive, and kind.
I don’t see him having a specific preference for body type—short, tall, curvy, or skinny; it doesn’t matter to him.
He will always find a way to appreciate your body in every sense, as this is simply part of who Dazai is. You shouldn’t be surprised by that.
I can see Dazai taking a liking to long hair (similar to Fyodor), as it emphasizes femininity.
He might particularly favor wavy or curly hair because it gives a more approachable, sweet, and innocent appearance compared to straight or short hair.
This style implies youth and an ethereal quality, which aligns perfectly with Dazai’s romanticism.
Skin color, as well as hair and eye color, wouldn’t matter to him at all.
In his mind, he would view you, his love, as aesthetically ethereal and one of a kind.
Your features would be etched into the canvas of his mind's eye, surrounded by fitting backgrounds and colors.
With you, he would find solace, love, and acceptance, as well as the meaning in life he has been desperately searching for.
You don’t need to match his intellect or mastermind abilities; he cherishes those around him who don’t possess these qualities, and he doesn’t look down on them.
What he needs is someone empathetic enough (like Oda [ in his case platonically]) to love him unconditionally and sincerely, without judging him—someone who would guide him to the light without expecting anything unnatural or selfish in return.
However, his darling would need to be mentally strong and willing to share his burdens.
This is difficult to do and would only work with true, pure love, which is why Dazai needs someone who loves him unconditionally.
I don’t see Dazai manipulating his darling because he doesn’t manipulate or control the people he cherishes. Instead, he trusts them.
This would be the case with his darling as well. He would trust her, and this trust would be a choice that greatly benefits his well-being.
You would need to bring brightness to his life—love, warmth, connection, and compassion—balancing out his dark inner world.
He would be astonished when he realizes how deeply you love him without being manipulated, how pure your feelings are, and how you seem to see his soul and accept him as he is (much like Fyodor).
Your dedication to helping him improve, because you see the light and potential in him, would touch him deeply.
To you, he is human, and you wish to help him see that too. He loves you for it, so, so much.
Once Dazai recognizes this, he would never, ever let you go.
He might fear losing you or worry that you deserve better, but he would be too selfish to let you be with anyone else.
This would make him fiercely protective of you, even as he tries to maintain his enigmatic self, playing it off with his usual clinginess.
But of course, you would see right through this and reassure him that you’ll always be there for him, protecting him from anyone and anything else, even from himself.
In return, he would protect you, love you, and obsess over you—affectionately.🩵



#bungou stray dogs#bsd#bungo stray dogs x reader#yandere bsd#yandere dazai#bungo stray dogs dazai#dazai#dazai osamu#dazai x you#dazai x reader#bsd analysis#bsd dazai#bungou stray dogs dazai#bungo stray dogs
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Rating Non-Zelink and Non-BotW Link Ships in Legend of Zelda Games because they don't get enough love
Malink; Malon x Link: Adorable and somewhat canon depending on who you think TP Link's parents are and what timeline shenanigans you subscribe to. Link's first non-Kokiri friend turning into his soulmate is cute and finding peace after the craziness of OoT is beautiful. Also, Malon is cute as a button. 11/10, love you, funky Horsegirl.
Ilia x Link: Pretty good but feels too much like a reskin of Malink to be really fun. People give Ilia grief for freaking out about Epona but it really isn't fucking deserved. Girl get's done dirty by the narrative and the fandom and she deserves better. Also, memory loss and falling in love all over again is absolute peak. 9/10, you deserve better, baby.
Marin x Link: A child's first taste of tragic ending and hot girls being doomed by the narrative. Very child friendly "Calypso and Odysseus" feel to this one. Still, Marin is absolutely adorable and the idea of falling in love with a literal dream is heartbreaking. 10/10, would cry like a little kid again.
Link x Ruto: Okay, hear me out, this one isn't terrible. Ruto's chld-like crush on the guy who saved her life is pretty cute and being a haughty teenager about it is pretty funny. Also, she understands they can't be together, and sends him off with her love and good wishes, which is surprisingly mature of her. I'm just saying, Ruto isn't the weirdo people make her out to be. 7/10, it still feels like entrapment
Midlink; Midna x Link: TOP TIER! BEST OF THE BEST! ABSOLUTE PEAK ROMANCE! Romeo and Juliet style star-crossed lovers from literal opposing sides of reality. Allies of convenience to friends to soulmates?! PEAK! Adorable evil goblin design for most of the game and then complete knockout reveal at the end?! ROMANCE DOOMED BY THE NARRATIVE?! PEAK, I TELL YOU! PEAK! (Also I headcannon that because Midna looks like a Hylian she's considered ugly by Twili standards so Link finding her beautiful warms her heart). 20/10, best ship, best girl, best love story.
Ganlink; Ganondorf x Link: Objectively the funniest Legend of Zelda ship in existence and I will take no arguments on that. Destined enemies giving the middle finger to fate and falling in love instead? Amazing. Ganondorf hates every minute of it but he's also the happiest he's ever been with this stupid twink and he hates that too. 10/10, something something the Grinch's heart grew three sizes that day.
Link x Zant: Objectively hilarious as Link is seducing his enemies into submission yet again, like any self-respecting bard, but this one feels a little too Batman x Joker like for my liking. I really ship Zant x Therapy but Midna watching her rival give up his conquering ambitions for a twink is objectively hilarious. 8/10, not great but not bad.
Got others you want me to rate? Let me know! Or better yet, rate them yourself and I'll tell you if I agree or not.
#incorrect quotes#incorrect super smash bros#super smash bros#Legend of Zelda#Ships#Shipping#Rating#Link#Malon#Marin#Ilia#Ruto#Midna#Ganondorf#Zant#Malink#Malon x Link#Ilia x Link#Midlink#Midna x Link#Marin x Link#Link x Ruto#Ganlink#Ganondorf x Link#Link x Zant
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Hi!! :)) Sorry to bother you, but can you tell me more about Romeo and Juliet (TWSB)? I haven't started reading the novel yet, but I'm really curious to know more about them :(((
I beg you..
(Sorry for my bad English..)
Ooohhh Romero Riester and Juliette (Julite Statia) are definitely both interesting characters in TWSB, as they are, in some way, almost a cautionary tale for our current generation and cast of characters.
In summary, Romero and Juliette (which was the Riesterian/French pronunciation of her name that she loved a lot) were lovers, and since this was three generations ago when the Riester Empire and the Divine Kingdom of Venetiaan were not at war, people of the opposite countries could fall in love and marry each other.
Emperor Romero actually loved Priestess Julite, a daughter of the Venetiaan Count Statia, so much that he built her her own palace (he had actually been recorded to have tried gifting her a total of three lmao), which was placed directly behind Romero's in a symbolic declaration of how he would always be there to protect her, and how wanted to be the shield of his lover for life. It should also be said that Romero was a military and sword fanatic, so him being so adamant of wanting to protect Julite was indeed very romantic haha.
Simultaneously, knowing that Julite was from the Divine Kingdom of Venetiaan, Romero actually built a mana portal that would lead directly back to Venetiaan, so should ever Julite feel homesick and/or left to Venetiaan, she would always be able to go back and easily return to him.
This love for her, however, was also his downfall, as Julite was actually secretly manipulated by her birth mother Queen's of Venetiaan. As an illegitimate child, Julite has always wanted her mother's approval, and as such followed her orders of seducing and betraying so that her mother, Queen Lilianne, could infiltrate Riester with the goal of capturing its divine items for a certain goal (and this one is a whole other can of lore worms to unpack haha). As such, one day, when Romero was happily waiting for Julite to return, he was instead greeted on all sides by the Venetiaan using the very portal he had made out of his love for her. This incredible betrayal was the start of the war against the two countries, and Emperor Romero, being someone who has always paid attention to his country's military, was able to respond to the war in full gusto. At some point, he even gained a number of notorious titles and even became known as the "Tragic Lover Slayer"—Julite died around the age of 30.
The love story between these two in-universe is actually very (in)famous. Many historians and writers take an interest in Juliette/Julite Statia for being both a heroine of a grand tragedy, yet also its very villainess. Romero genuinely loved her a lot, and Julite also cared for him, but ultimately the manipulation of her mother led to the waging of war between both countries.
Bigger spoiler territory, but we actually get to see more of both Romero and Julite further into the novel. It's very complicated because the politics and lore of TWSB is just.... HAHA, it's a LOT and very complex and so so interesting, but anyhow Romero actually becomes a sort of.... ghost? guardian of this metaphysical almost after-life space where wandering souls gather ("White Space/Pure White Interstellar") and linger around. At some point, he even meets the MC Yeseo and friends, and even interacts with his great-grandson, Cédric, whom he counsels to not become a monarch like Romero did, and to make his mother proud by becoming a good ruler. Romero was an infamous war lord and magic swordsman, but after death, I think it's clear that he was in some way a decent guy deep down, just that the betrayal by Julite affected him so very much, and he even acknowledges his own actions (or at the very least feels regretful for how his actions ended up affecting the entire continent, but I think he, in after-death retrospect, realizes he wasn't a great Emperor for his people). His personality is kinda like Cédric's, but, well, all members of the Riester bloodline resemble each other in some way hahaha—only, after Romero's generation, they were all quite level-headed and firmly anti-war (unless direly needed) because of how much the Warring Era affected the continent. Cédric's mother, Frédérique, for one, is especially disdainful of her grandfather's reign.
As for Julite Statia... (oh it's so complicated. TWSB as a lot of lore wkdjdk) but basically even after death, she still seeks out the recognition of her birth mother, even if just once. She does, however, recognize that she hurt a lot of people who genuinely cared about her, and for that, she admits she can't and shouldn't be forgiven. She herself has even admitted to being an undeniable war criminal and traitor. Julite is definitely a tragic character, who, even after coming to her senses in death, still yearned for the love of someone who only manipulated her. Personally, I do believe she loved Romero, too—it's just that she also desperately wanted her birth mother's love and acknowledgement, as well. It's quite sad... Romero later acknowledges that Queen Lilianne was a horrible personal who would do anything for the sake of her goals, and while I can't quite remember, I think it is implied that he came to understand in death why Julite betrayed him.
But back to how these two are a bit of a three-generation ago cautionary tale—the original ML of the story, Cédric Riester, ends up occupying Romero Palace since he is the heir to the Empire. In turn, Juliette Palace, after Julite Statia's betrayal, has now been considered a Cold Palace instead of the future Crown Princess/Consort palace like it's original intention implied; and at the start of the novel, it is currently being used to house the political hostage Prince Jesse Venetiaan from the Divine Kingdom of Venetiaan, (who our MC Jung Yeseo transmigrates into).
A lot of the story actually put a lot of emphasis on the parallels between Emperor Romero and Julite State, in contrast to Cédric and our MC Jesse/Yeseo.
Julite Statia, the unacknowledged illegitimate child of a previous Venetiaan Queen, managed to worm her way into the heart of Emperor Romero and ultimately betrayed him for it. Similarly, Jesse Venetiaan, also an illegitimate child (though an acknowdged one) of the current Venetiaan Queen, also managed to worm his way into Crown Prince Cédric's heart. A recurring theme in TWSB is actually "history repeating itself", "sins of the past affecting the present", and a whole narrative of wanting to fix the mistakes of the predecessors for the sake of the current and next generation. So there's definitely tension that is instilled in the reader upon realizing the constant drawing of parallels between the characters' ancestors/predecessors and the main characters themselves, as they adjacently navigate life in ways reminiscent of the people before them.
Will Cédric be betrayed by Jesse? Can a diplomatic hostage from the Divine Kingdom be trusted? What will come about the relationship between two people when previous examples have ended so tragically? I believed the way Romero and Julite have affected the plot despite having been deceased for decades already by the start of the novel is so so so very interesting hehe. I'd definitely recommend you read the novel if you haven't started already! One of the greatest joys is slowly being able to piece together the parts of the novel's lore and discover how much depth there is in this world 🥹👍
Hope this was insightful!!!
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Treat + anything garashir
Thanks for the ask! You get a scene from my soulmate AU fic where Sloan has tricked Julian into thinking Sloanshir = soulmates when really garashir = soulmates (garashir will end up together in the end but they aren’t allowed by the narrative to ever know for certain they are each other’s soulmate, due to me being evil). <3 In this flashback scene, Garak and Julian are discussing Romeo and Juliet. (Plus there’s a little angsty sentence at the end about Julian’s current mental state at the present-day point in the fic 😈)
Julian had been in a flirty mood the day they discussed Romeo and Juliet. He had rolled up the sleeves of his uniform, giving Garak the opportunity to glimpse the soulmark on his arm each time he lifted his fork or his mug to his lips. He was a little bit disappointed, then, when Garak held his gaze so steadfastly from across their regular table in the Replimat.
“I found the soulmate propaganda a bit too thick in this one,” Garak disdained. “Most Cardassians don’t have soulmarks, and I think that’s quite sensible of us. It’s a little bit absurd, to think that for any given person there’s only one other person who could ever be romantically compatible with them.”
Julian doubted Cardassians with soulmates were as uncommon as Garak claimed, but he could only correct one of his fallacies at a time.
“Well, yes, but that’s kind of the whole point. For all the cultural impact of the play as a tragic love story about soulmates, it’s actually more of a commentary on the senseless cycles of violence and revenge involved in feuds than a true romance.”
Julian took a sip from his mug but then didn’t lower it all the way back to the table. He made sure his arm was turned to show himself off as he fiddled with the mug.
Garak finally glanced down. Just for a second, just out of curiosity perhaps, but it still felt like a little victory.
“O swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon…” Garak quoted, eyes locked on Julian’s face again. “You can’t tell me that that is not about your human soulmarks, and the preposterous way they are both ever-changing and yet also, apparently, set in stone your whole life.”
“Oh, that line is most certainly alluding to soulmarks!” And now he felt subconscious about his own, so blatantly on display. “But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s not soulmate propaganda! In fact, the whole play is so over-the-top and on the nose with its themes of fate and love at first sight that it almost comes across as a satire on the concept of soulmates.”
“Oh, please,” Garak said, rolling his eyes.
“Fine, maybe not satire,” he said, wondering how he’d ended up arguing in defense of an interpretation he didn’t even like, “but something more subversive than the surface reading as a tragic romance. Some scholars have interpreted it as implying that they were soulmates not because they were fated to love each other, but rather because they were each other’s perfect doom.”
Garak looked away from him for a moment. There was a pause before he said, “A compelling idea.”
“Very compelling… in fiction. But I don’t really buy it in reality. The preponderance of evidence doesn’t bear it out.”
“Perhaps for some, love and doom are one and the same.”
Julian hadn’t ceded ground to Garak’s melodrama, then.
Now, in his maudlin state, he thought of Sloan and wondered if there was something to it, this reframing of a soulmate as the one who would destroy you.
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I have this one idea about another version of romeo and juliet story. Juliet is an 19 year old and she's really feisty, but Romeo would be much older like 39 and revealed to be her father because her mother had a secret affair with him when they were really young.
So they dance together after meeting at a ball and flirt with each other, but find out later they're father / daughter, but still decide to pursue the relationship and up falling in love. While their families already had a feud going on, this would make it worse. Juliet's mother would find out first, try to threaten her to stay away from her father or their secret will be out.
So in the end they both would look like they're about to commited suicide with poison. We see it happen, but it's revealed to be all a fantasy, they're still in the tombs alive and they kiss, but they change their minds about the suicide, deciding to run off together.
So instead of them meeting a tragic end, this time it's the families. Later, both families find out about their incest relationship and blame each other, then battle over it, killing each other in the process. While Romeo and Juliet look on in shock, but also a happy ending for them because they can't be kept apart anymore.
I like a happy ending!
This sounds fun, Anon!
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I think it's meant to be a little bit of both--Lucas says of them: “Anakin and Padmé are getting married in what will be a doomed relationship, which they have already stated earlier on is not gonna work. But they do love each other. They’re truly in love with each other. It’s the issue of true love over duty. It’s really the 'Romeo and Juliet' aspect of it, of a doomed relationship, in more ways than one really. She married the wrong guy.“ --George Lucas, Attack of the Clones commentary “Anakin wants to have a family. He wants to be married to Padmé and have children. […] But at the same time he knows he can’t have one. Now the greed has taken over and the fear of losing his wife and baby. The whole point is you can’t possess somebody because they are their own person. You can’t dominate and make them do everything you want them to do.” --George Lucas, The Star Wars Archives1999-2005 "The core issue, ultimately, is greed, possessiveness - the inability to let go. Not only to hold on to material things, which is greed, but to hold on to life, to the people you love - to not accept the reality of life’s passages and changes, which is to say things come, things go. Everything changes. Anakin becomes emotionally attached to things, his mother, his wife. That’s why he falls - because he does not have the ability to let go." --George Lucas, Revenge of the Sith commentary “But he become attached to his mother and he will become attached to Padme and these things are, for a Jedi, who needs to have a clear mind and not be influenced by threats to their attachments, a dangerous situation. And it feeds into fear of losing things, which feeds into greed, wanting to keep things, wanting to keep his possessions and things that he should be letting go of. His fear of losing her turns to anger at losing her, which ultimately turns to revenge in wiping out the village. The scene with the Tusken Raiders is the first scene that ultimately takes him on the road to the dark side. I mean he’s been prepping for this, but that’s the one where he’s sort of doing something that is completely inappropriate."--George Lucas, The Star Wars Archives 1999-2005 “[Anakin] turns into Darth Vader because he gets attached to things. He can’t let go of his mother; he can’t let go of his girlfriend. He can’t let go of things. It makes you greedy. And when you’re greedy, you are on the path to the dark side, because you fear you’re going to lose things, that you’re not going to have the power you need.” --George Lucas, Time magazine There's also another quote where he basically says they're really in love but it becomes kinda dysfunctional by the end, but I can't find the direct quote again, so take it with a grain of salt. The point behind the above collection of quotes is that Anidala is both, that it's genuine love--it has to be genuine love for the story to work--and it's toxic--it has to be toxic for the story to work. The whole story is that Anakin fell into attachment (the fear of being without someone, so much that you would do terrible things or rip yourself to pieces over it, that's the Buddhist-aligned definition and the one Star Wars is working with) because he became so greedy and possessive of her that he was willing to murder children just to keep the fear of her death at bay. But in order to be a tragic story, in order for us to care about the relationship and the characters in it, it also has to be genuine and true, there has to be real love there. Ultimately, yes, it was a destructive relationship because that's the basic premise of the story--Anakin's love turned to attachment, it turned to greed, it turned to possessiveness, it turned to horror--that there are signs all along the way, but that the sweet moments are genuine, too, that their laughter in the grass on Naboo is real, that their ache for each other as the war kept them apart was real, that Padme's excitement about having their baby was real, because none of them were monsters when they started out, not even Anakin, for all that he forged himself into one. Our hearts wouldn't break for monsters if there was no love in them to start with. (Whether someone thinks this was well done or not, that's a different argument to be had! But I think fundamentally the thing the story was going for is that they started out sweet, but Anakin's fears and Padme's desire to look the other way over his terrible acts, took them to a very unhealthy, awful place in the end.)
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what do you think of hamlet and juilet as characters? what is their purpose and role in the story?
Oh boy, two of my favorites! In case my usename wasn't a tell haha. Here's something I wrote in the past.
Apparently they both have "whiney teen" reputations now? They're both not. At all.
Juliet is a teenage girl who has grown up in a war zone and comes alive with love. She, like Romeo, chooses to focus on love when they've only known bloodshed. Like, they are brave kids, not whiney cowards.
I've written a lot on her; she's one of my favorite characters in all of literature. She's a deliberate deconstruction of the idealized woman of the literary day, the character who changes the most in the play, and her faithfulness and loyalty are stated over and over again, including in the play's closing lines, to be her defining characteristics. That she's reduced to a flighty, insecure needs-a-man, hysterical image is textually wrong. Juliet is That Girl.
Also, unlike every other Shakespearean tragedy, Romeo and especially Juliet die as the best versions of themselves, not as a parody of what they started out as like, say, Othello or Hamlet...
Ah, Hamlet. I love him for how tragic his arc is--to go from someone who is trying his best in horrible circumstances to still be a good person and honor those he loves to being someone who has unwittingly helped destroy everyone he loves, and become the murderer he desperately didn't want to be.
Hamlet is a college-aged kid who comes back over break to find his dad is dead and his mom married his uncle. Idk about you but I think that'd give anyone a complex. Not to mention his source of comforts all turn on him (except Horatio); two of his school friends spy on him, and his girlfriend is ordered by her dad to play it cool instead of, you know, be there for him. He wouldn't have needed a ghost to end up in a mental health crisis contemplating "to be or not to be."
Despite it all, he still wants to slow down and think. He doesn't want to do the wrong thing. Problem is he delays too long--because he does not want to be a murderer--and when he does act, it's sloppy and he murders the father of the girl he loves by mistake.
But lest you think I'm throwing anyone under the bus, I'm not... well, besides Claudius, Polonius who is a bad dad, and Rozencrantz and Guildenstern who were bad friends. Hamlet's mom and girlfriend though?
Gertrude's decision to marry Claudius--while Shakespeare never gets into her interior world, there are a few possibilities and they mostly looks terrible and contradictory. The Ghost accuses Gertrude of adultery before his murder thanks to the hasty elopement, but never accuses her of murder and even tells Hamlet to "leave her to Heaven." If Gertrude really was cheating, then she willingly marries someone she has to know is a murderer (unless she's beyond dumb).
Or, let's think pragmatically according to the day. If Gertrude had not married Claudius instantly (most probably she seduced him), how long do we think she and Hamlet would stay alive? Because Hamlet's existence is a threat to Claudius's reign even by Denmark's elective monarchy of the day (plus he was abroad when the murder happens). By marrying Claudius Gertrude may be literally trying to save herself and her son--only issue is, no one sees it like that, and how to explain that to her son, who's been raised in a patriarchal society?
Ophelia doesn't have much choice, either. Women's sexuality being considered "property" of a man is very much at play as a motif in the play, and given the implications (pretty strong, I'd say) that Hamlet and Ophelia were indeed sleeping together, their hands were pretty tied. Ophelia pulling back (essentially ghosting him, heh) confuses him especially when he's at his most vulnerable, and then he hits her where she's most vulnerable: all his insults to her are sexually charged, essentially accusing her of not being a virgin, when in reality she probably isn't because of him. And that's before he kills her father by mistake. Once Hamlet murders Polonius, Ophelia also has to deal with the fact that she's probably never getting married to anyone, ever. No wonder she also goes insane.
Hamlet laments that Denmark is all corrupted at the start of the play, and the royal court of Elsinore most of all. Which it is, and unfortunately he cannot escape this corruption.
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Sin never tasted so...
Chapter 1 - Fate is a bastard

A TXT Yeonjun Fanfiction from Mrs. Choi-Park
CEO/non-idol/dom/bully!Yeonjun! / Confident/sub/named/fem!Reader!
No obstacle - made of stone - stops love, what love can do, it dares to do. - pretty cheesy, right?
Romeo and Juliet, literature that can only be endured through modern language and films, nowadays. We all know the plot.
~A boy and a girl, madly in love with each other but the tragic circumstances of the family dispute kill both of them in the end.
The "most beautiful" love story in the world...if you don't experience it yourself. Fate is sometimes an ice-cold bastard.
Warnings under the cut
Warnings: rough language, hate speech, bullying, sex language, they kinda hate each other, caring yeonjun
Please remember that I fully respect the privacy of all K-Pop Idols and that this is just a fantasy. It's not my intention to harm anyone! (I've been a MOA since March 2023)
The hot whirlpool was just right thing for my muscles, which were pretty acidic from two days of skiing.
I still had four days ahead of my parents and my winter sports trip. And even though skiing was my favorite sport after hip-hop dancing, it was pretty tiring. My parents and I also received an unpleasant surprise yesterday.
The 5-star sports hotel high in the Pyeongchang Mountains has also attracted another rich Korean family from Seoul.
Why did the Choi's - my father's chosen mortal enemies - have to have a vacation in the same hotel as us in the same week as us?!
Ever since I was little, my parents always instilled in me that the Choi's were truly the spawn of hell.
It wasn't until I was 13 years old that I really found out why our family's didn't get along at all.
My parents, who had moved from Germany to Korea four years before I was born, had started with a small bookstore, which developed into a publishing house for small authors and later into the second largest publishing house in South Korea. My parents have always hated the Choi's, who put obstacles in their way, even now they were holding back our really great success.
The Choi's owned the number one publishing house in Korea, which had also been producing Manhwa's for several years now. (Counterpart to Japanese anime)
Because of this family, my parents struggled with racism, failure and stagnation. We had to deal with copyright lawsuits again and again - fights that emptied our Bank account and were never really justified. We also couldn't follow up with the manhwa's because it was forbidden to us. The old Choi was "a big animal in the world of Politics," as he always said. And even though my parents had come a long way...we had to constantly look into our pockets while the Choi's lived in luxury.
The 5-star holiday was the first in 6 years. Before that we either couldn't go on a skiing holiday or we could only go to a 3-4 star hotel. That's why I wanted to enjoy the whirlpool now and do not think of anything bad, who knows when I'll have that again.
For two minutes I enjoyed the flow of water and the bubbles massaging my back.
"Oh no, that can't be possible! I wanted to go into that hot tub, potato!" I heard a voice. It didn't take a split second before I recognized the voice. The unpleasant nickname, only one person used it for me, was the final hint.
I opened my eyes and lifted my head, which I had rested on the edge of the hot tub.
Choi Yeonjun.
As expected.
The 24-year-old son of the family I had grown to hate.
Yeonjun stood on the stairs that led up to the hot tub where I was relaxing. I rolled my eyes, not giving him a second glance after dropping my head back down again.
He wasn't worth saying anything back.
"Come on out, I want to relax!" he grumbled. Without saying anything, I raised my hand out of the water with my middle finger held up.
There was silence for a moment. Before I was about to look up to see if he had disappeared, I heard an angry murmur. Then noises coming from the water. I raised my head again and actually saw Yeonjun across from me climbing into the large whirlpool.
"Fuck! What are you doing?!" I threw it at his head and Yeonjun looked up. His look more than disgusted as he lowered himself.
"Maybe I can get you out of here when I'm in." Yeonjun's arm swirled through the water in front of him as his gaze followed his movement. I saw him grin evilly, "Cool, through the whirlpool bubbles, you can't even tell that I've just made bubbles."
As his gaze climbed up to me, I understood what he meant and jumped up immediately. I had 100% confidence that he had just farted in here. So I rushed out of the water, exclaiming in disgust: "You really are the stupidest creep I've ever met!"
Yeonjun laughed as I tied my towel around myself, crawled into my flip flops and rushed away.
Stupid asshole! Why did I have to bother with something like that? Life could be so beautiful.
Even at school he was the biggest idiot I knew, who made every day there a living hell until he finally graduated and I could enjoy four years without him.
Stupid private comprehensive school from the first to the eighth grade we were in one school. Luckily he was always four steps above me, but I was always afraid the stupid idiot would repeat a year and we will sit together in a class at some point. Surprisingly this never happened.
He ruined everything. My school days, my school dance club - which he also signed up for after I signed up - the success of my family and so much more.
I really hated Yeonjun.
He was a brat, idiot, know-it-all and disgusting. I had asked my fate several times 'Why him? Why do I have to know someone like that?' ~ I would never have received an answer.
I really hoped he wouldn't come to the little party in the mountain hut by the ski slopes this evening. Hopefully he wasn't in the hut today where there were a thousand posters saying that today was a Party. Because as far as I knew Yeonjun, he took every party with him and always a slut from there who fell for his tricks and then was dropped by him afterwards.
I didn't want to spend any longer in the hotel's swimming area so I went to my room.
The smarter one always gives in, right?
Hope dies last, but eventually it dies too.
For me the time had come when the door of the cozy mountain hut opened and Yeonjun entered.
From my seat at the bar I could see the door perfectly and everyone who entered could also see me. Unfortunately, our eyes met immediately. I exhaled in frustration and rolled my eyes. The nice young man named Danwoo, who I had already met on the ski slopes yesterday, looked at me in surprise.
"What's up?" He asked over the loud music in the bar as I looked deep into my cocktail glass, hoping Yeonjun would just ignore me.
"Heyjo Sumi!" A loud voice shouted at us.
Oh, please don't! Why me?!
While Danwoo turned in the direction the voice had come from, I drank my cocktail, which was actually quite strong, in one go.
When I put my glass back down, I was immediately greeted by Yeonjun's sharp eyes. He had stopped close to Danwoo and leaned on the counter so he could look at me.
"I thought you didn't like parties, sweetie." He greeted me.
I gave him a dark look.
"First of all, don't call me sweetie, second of all, I don't like parties when you're around and third, fuck off!" I replied.
Unfortunately, I knew that Yeonjun wouldn't be shaken off so easily.
Yeonjun gave a half-hearted laugh and raised his eyebrows: “That’s bad, I wasn’t planning on going.”
"Excuse me...may I ask who you are?" Danwoo interrupted our conversation and I clenched my teeth so hard that my jaw hurt as Yeonjun looked disparagingly at my acquaintance.
"The question would be mine first." He replied to Danwoo, who seemed a little taken aback.
"Yeonjun! Just shut up and leave!" I protested, causing his gaze to turn back to me. His bored look turned into a wickedly amused grin.
He rested his head on his hand: "Why so pissed off, little one? Your problem if you're always looking for someone who can't satisfy you."
A fire burned inside me. I immediately jumped up from my chair, wanting to choke Yeonjun with the small silver chain that hung around his neck.
I walked up to him and held my finger close to his nose: "I'd like you to-"
Before I could even continue speaking, I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me back and away from Yeonjun faster than I expected.
It turned out to be Danwoo who pulled me through the dancing crowd, out of Yeonjun's sight. When we finally got to the corner where sofas were, he looked at me a little surprised: "Who was that?"
I looked at Danwoo for a few seconds before I glanced over my shoulder and was relieved to see that Yeonjun didn't seem to have followed us.
"Oh, that was nobody. I've called him my problem my whole life...please don't worry about him, he's just an asshole." I said and Danwoo's facial expressions relaxed a bit.
"Why is he here?"
"I would like to know that too, believe me, fate is just not kind to me."
"Then let's get out of his way."
Surprisingly, I didn't even see a trace of Yeonjun in the hut for the next 2 hours. He had probably already grabbed the next poor girl and was fucking her somewhere.
I didn't care. Danwoo was so generous in ordering me a ton of alcohol that I didn't even think about Yeonjun. Until Danwoo went to the toilet around 2am, I took a short break from dancing and sank onto the couch in the back compartment of the mountain hut.
The party was surprisingly well attended, the songs were first class and the atmosphere was electric. I was happy to have met Danwoo because I would never go to a party like this alone.
My vision was still clear, but I noticed that my mood was getting significantly better with every second. I also started some conversations with complete strangers on the dance floor. Well, my inhibitions were long overcome.
"Where did you leave your boyfriend?" Someone asked me. I looked to my right where a bad awakening awaited me.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" I asked, horrified. My good mood immediately disappeared.
"I was sitting here the whole time." He grumbled, taking a sip from his beer bottle that had been resting between his legs.
I stood up immediately.
I thought Yeonjun had already left the party, what was he doing here all of a sudden?!
I stood up immediately.
"Hey, wait! I asked you something!" He protested as I tried walking away. I ignored him and tried to escape through the dancing crowd. Unfortunately, this turned out to be difficult, thanks to the somewhat chubby man in front of me.
"Hey!" I heard Yeonjun say, shortly afterwards a surprisingly warm hand on my forearm. I was spun around and to make matters worse, lost my balance due to my drunkenness.
The next moment I found myself on the floor, between Yeonjun's legs. When I glanced up at him he seemed confused, but this was quickly replaced by a broad smile.
"Oh what did I do to deserve this honor?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.
But before I could get up, Yeonjun leaned forward, his face now close to mine.
"Will you answer my question now?" He asked. The smell of beer could be clearly smelled from his breath. But my breathing probably wasn't any better.
"Why? Jealous?"
"Pfft!" with that amused sound, Yeonjun leaned back and I took the chance to get up.
"Why should I be jealous? You should be." He said and I looked down at him confused.
"What does that mean again?!" I wanted to know and Yeonjun shrugged indifferently.
"I thought I saw your guy disappearing into a cubicle in the toilet with someone earlier." He explained himself and I raised an eyebrow.
"God! How much have you drunk?"
"3 beers and a soju shot. I know what I saw.", He murmured before taking another sip from his bottle, "Think about it, how long has he been gone now?"
Oh my god...he wasn't entirely wrong. Danwoo had probably been gone for a little longer than 15 minutes. I bit my bottom lip, rather unconsciously, as I looked over my shoulder at the toilet entrance.
Well maybe the queue was long…
"Come!" Yeonjun said in a firm voice and walked past me. More successful than me, he made his way through the dancing crowd. I was left a little surprised. It was Yeonjun we were talking about here...he probably just wanted to convince me of something again. Lies were his specialty.
"What's wrong now, potato?" Yeonjun shouted, just loud enough for me to hear him over the music. I bit my lip again before hesitantly moving forward. I trotted after Yeonjun through the crowd. We got to the toilets pretty quickly.
From what I got to know - Danwoo was the complete opposite of Yeonjun. Funny, understanding, decent and attentive...I wouldn't trust him to ever cheat on anyone-
I froze when I saw Danwoo in the doorframe of the men's toilet. A short woman with long black hair stood in front of him, giggling wildly.
"Danwoo?" I immediately forgot it when I saw him and the unknown girl together.
Danwoo turned his head to the side and immediately stood upright. His features looked shocked. Like a little kid who just got caught stealing candy.
"Hey Sumi... uhm it's not what it looks like."
"Oh no! It is exactly what it looks like! What was he like, doll?" Yeonjun joined the conversation, the question obviously directed at the black-haired girl.
So he was right...Yeonjun hadn't lied to me. Then why did I want him to do it?
Contrary to my expectations, my eyes began to burn. A sign of impending tears.
Oh no!
The girl standing in front of Danwoo looked back and forth between me and him, more than surprised, as if she wanted to make sure we both were real.
"What do you want again? I don't even know you." Danwoo said to Yeonjun and I just turned around and ran. I didn't know where my legs would take me, but I just wanted to be somewhere else right now. Somewhere far away.
Why were all boys so shitty? My first boyfriend had already cheated on me...why does it have to happen again?! Why does fate always have to put obstacles in my way?! Why can't I be lucky too?!
Before I knew it, I was standing in front of the mountain hut in the freezing cold winter when the first tear finally ran down my cheek.
The cold wind that blew over my arms, which were only covered with a thin sweater, gave me goosebumps. But I was less interested in that right now. I folded my arms and pulled my shoulders up to my ears, as I ran from A to B and cursed things that even I couldn't understand.
Only the light from the window of the hut and the light from the drag lifts twenty meters away brought light to the pitch-dark ski slope that stretched below me.
It's not what it looks like! It's always what it looks like! - "Asshole, idiot, wanker!" I called out into the clear evening air.
"I hope you don't mean me again?" A voice suddenly came from behind me.
I turned around and recognized Yeonjun in the dim light of the surroundings. I quickly turned away again.
Never let your enemies see your tears!- my father always says.
"Are you crying?" He asked further and I heard the snow crunching under his feet.
I frantically wiped my cold teary cheeks.
"Pff, not because of him! How long have you known him - a day?" Yeonjun said. His voice now close behind me.
"What do you want here, Yeonjun? Leave me alone, I have enough to worry about right now!" I replied sharply. For a moment there was silence. I kept my gaze fixed on the snow beneath me. I started to shiver, unintentionally but no wonder given the cold.
"I'll make sure you don't freeze to death out here." I heard him say. His answer was a little softer than usual.
"Ha! That would be fine with you." I hissed back.
"That's nonsense!" Yeonjun exclaimed, the next moment I felt his hands on my shoulders and I promptly were turned around.
"Why are you crying and trying to get yourself killed out here? Boys suck, you should know that."
"Cheating is not only shit, it's anti-social, unrespectful and a crime!", I pulled myself out of his grasp, "I just want to be alone right now, so get lost!"
"You're such a stubborn person sometimes that I just-"
"That you want to - what? - You want to kill me? Then make it easy and get inside! The cold will do the jo-"
Before I could finish, Yeonjun grabbed my forearm and pulled me with him surprisingly easily.
"Let go of me, asshole!" I protested as he opened the door to the mountain hut again.
He showed the tall, broadly built security man his party entry bracelet and also mine, since I was wearing it on my wrist, which he was holding tightly. The man nodded and looked at me a little confused as Yeonjun dragged me further.
"What's your jacket?!" He wanted to know when he got to the cloakroom and finally let me go. His grip would definitely leave bruises. "Mind your own business?" I asked and Yeonjun gave me a dangerous look.
"If you have your jacket, you're welcome to stand outside all night long, but you won't die." He growled.
"Since when have you been interested in my health?" I didn't give in.
"SUMI!!!" Yeonjun shouted clearly for everyone in the hut to hear, even over the loud music. I winced.
"Can't you forget your fucking pride for once and tell me what your fucking jacket looks like?!" He cursed at me. I looked at him for a few moments and then at the woman in the dressing room who had been watching us in shock. Finally, I rummaged through my back pocket of my jeans for the little chip that told the woman where my jacket had been hung.
The woman accepted the chip and disappeared into the cloakroom without saying a word.
"Finally!" Yeonjun turned his back to the coat rack and slumped against it. He looked at me and I suddenly felt very small. My gaze went down.
"You can be quite annoying, you know that?" He said and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. But I didn't say anything, even though there was something on the tip of my tongue that I had been able to respond.
A moment later the woman came back and put my jacket over the counter.
"Here you go, I wish you a pleasant evening." She murmured casually as she eyed Yeonjun skeptically, who still had his back to the woman.
I grabbed my jacket and decided at that moment that there was no point in staying here. So why not leaving?
Without saying another word to the woman or Yeonjun, I turned around and left.
"Put it on in front of me, otherwise I'll have to go out again!" Yeonjun asked me, but I kept going. When I finally got back outside, I put on my warm ski jacket and adjusted my scarf that was stuck in the sleeve of the jacket. Then I stalked off. The snow crunches beneath my feet.
I loved that sound and it always brought me a childlike joy, but right now it didn't spark anything in me.
I was drunk, sad and pissed off...sleep would help...maybe.
"Potato!" I heard Yeonjun calling, who seemed to have followed me outside again. I didn't stop, just looked over my shoulder in the direction of the mountain hut. Yeonjun ran after me, also frantically pulling his jacket over his shoulders.
"Hey, where are you going?" He asked when he was no longer two meters away from me.
"To the hotel, I don't want to stay anymore." I explained myself and trudged up the stairs to the drag lift.
"Oh, fuck Danwoo! He wouldn't have made it anyway!" Yeonjun said. The sound of a zipper followed his statement.
"Is it always just about the one thing for you?” I asked as we arrived at the drag lift platform, that was supposed to bring us down. It was empty except for the two of us. The lift attendant had probably gone home hours ago and had just left the lift running.
"Well, I'm just saying, you always pick the losers." Yeonjun said as we stood so that a lift could swing directly into our legs. What happened immediately afterwards. We dropped into the cold seat of the seat lift and began our way down.
"How do you know? Danwoo wouldn’t have-"
"Oh no, don't tell me that. Danwoo wouldn't have gotten anything done. And that's exactly your problem!" He interrupted and I looked at him questioningly after I pulled down the bar that now served us as a belt.
"What's my problem?"
"You're totally unsatisfied! That's why it's so annoying with you."
I tried my best not to give the most sarcastic laugh the world had ever heard.
"You're such an idiot! That's not my problem, it's you! I'm a gentle little flower to others, you know...but as you are to me, I'm to you!"
Yeonjun raised an eyebrow, "A gentle flower? How much did you drink?"
"To be honest, a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm telling the truth." I said and crossed my arms.
"Hm...I'd rather stick to my opinion - sounds more logical." Yeonjun grumbled.The rest of the ride was silent. After we got out, we had to walk about 10 minutes to the hotel.
It was strange. I almost didn't feel the need to avoid Yeonjun. Of course he was annoying me - to hell - but I was almost happy not to be alone, even if it was Yeonjun...with whom I shared the silence of the night.
In the second minute of the walk, Yeonjun found his voice again: "Honestly, when was the last time you had really good sex?"
I looked at Yeonjun in horror. He looked at me almost innocently. A stark contrast to his question.
"As if I'm telling you this..." to be honest I've never had sex...but he didn't need to know that. With my first boyfriend it never got further than foreplay. Well, I was 20 now, but I never put any pressure on myself to have sex.
You don't miss what you don't know, so why the rush. The right one will come at some point.
"So it's been ages?" Yeonjun asked and I rolled my eyes. "Why am I even talking to you?!" I grumbled and Yeonjun gave a small laugh. "Because you know deep down that I'll bring it." This statement makes me stand still. I never expected such a statement even from Yeonjun. "Please what?" It slipped my mind and Yeonjun also stopped two steps in front of me. He smiled broadly at me and wiggled his eyebrows.
"I don't want to praise myself, but I've only ever received good feedback. I could get you to your high." He said and you could practically see him mentally patting himself on the shoulder.
"You're disgusting! I thought I am too annoying to put up with for even two minutes." I pointed out and Yeonjun shrugged.
"Drunk you're ok." He said and continued walking. After a few seconds I started moving again.
"Still this won't happen in a thousand years!" I said, earning a laugh from Yeonjun.
"Not even if you were the last one in the world." I continued my thought. Now nothing came from Yeonjun. The thought shook my body.
No, no, I would never go into bed with him. Disgusting!
"I..would." I then heard and looked up. Yeonjun looked over his shoulders at me.
"I do not think so."
"I guess so!"
"Oh man Yeonjun, are you really just thinking with your cock?"
"Would be a huge space for thinking." It took me two seconds to understand what he meant. When it clicked, I pushed him aside: "You're really gross!"
The hotel was already in sight. I almost thought we had a good moment, a minute ago, but now I just wanted to get away from this conversation quickly. Luckily, Yeonjun stayed behind me and kept his mouth shut. But I felt his gaze very present on me.
"Apart from your stubbornness, which really annoys me, you have a really nice body." Yeonjun finally said as we turned into the hotel parking area.
"Yeonjun stop, this is really strange!" I protested, only hearing a deep breath behind me.
"Are you really drunk?" He asked further and I looked over my shoulder. His warm breath puffed into the cold air, clearer than my own.
"I don't think DRUNK but ON DRUNK." I said as I pushed open the front door of the hotel. The lobby was only dimly lit, but cozy and warm. Nobody was here anymore - sure it was about 3am. I stopped briefly in front of the fireplace and stretched out my cold fingers. The ember still released heat.
Mmm, that was nice.
Suddenly someone grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back violently. Immediately afterwards I noticed the corner of the old wooden reception desk on my lower back. Startled, I looked up and was greeted by Yeonjun's sharp eyes. I knew that Yeonjun was significantly taller than me, but he was just so close to me that I had to look up high. His hands firmly on my hips, holding me close to the reception.
"What the hell-"
"Funny...I'm pretty horny right now." He murmured and I saw his eyes suddenly darken. That sent a shiver down my spine.
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#txt smut#txt hard hours#txt hard thoughts#fanfic#kpop fanfic#txt fanfic#love story#kpop lover#txt yeonjun smut#yeonjun smut
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The idea of "fixing the plot" of Count of Monte Cristo by making Albert and Haydée a romantic couple in order to 'mirror' Mercédès and Edmond's lost love (or even to create a sort of Romeo and Juliet type of subplot) is kind of laughable to me for several reasons. Namely:
1) Haydée isn't really Edmond's child the same way Albert is Mercédès's, she already had a father and mother prior to meeting the Count and makes it very clear to him that she doesn't even love him as she once loved her father. Yes, he essentially did take her in and free her from slavery when she was 13, but he didn't exactly raise her as a parent, he simply tries to consider her as a child of his but even then goes back and forth on it. For all of the Count's "my child"-ing younger characters, he's not exactly the best would-be parental figure, either, because his behavior mirrors his actual immaturity towards parenthood since he never became a parent when he was supposed to. He spent nearly half of his life in prison, with the only companion he could have being a former priest. Him and Mercédès are also not a Heathcliff and Cathy situation where their love transcends generations. They're a tragic love for a reason: their life together was stripped away from them and they will never be able to get it back. This is something they both have to make peace with, not for the story to find some 'alternative' in a younger generation.
2) Fernand and Ali Pasha were never some sort of enemies or familial rivals in order to create some forbidden lovers AU with Albert and Haydée. You can't even say that the Count and Fernand are "warring families" either, because the Count wants revenge for being set up by Fernand. The other main issue is that by the time that Albert and Haydée meet, Fernand had already betrayed her father and sold her and her mother into slavery.
Obviously Albert shuns his father for his crimes once they come to light, but Haydée shows no interest in him before or even after this, so I don't understand why you would want to limit such a character that even in her 'diminutive' role, still has more agency in what she wants, just for the sake of 'fixing' a story. I also think it's pretty glaring to ignore the fact that Albert and Haydée's main connection isn't actually their fathers's connection or even Edmond and Mercédès, but the Count himself.
#the count of monte cristo#albert morcerf#albert mondego#haydee tebelin#imo if you want to direct attention to the Count taking advantage of two young people#the anime sooner did a better job by having him be killed off at the end than for them to end up together
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post-break up Finnick and reader are so ‘The Winner Takes It All’ by ABBA
“nothing more to say, no more ace to play”
this can be both Snow telling Finnick to break it off with his sweet girl and also reader having to accept that Finnick is leaving her. the hopelessness of the lyric is so devastating because reader and Finnick are both so powerless in the situation, there’s literally nothing either of them can do.
“The winner takes it all, the loser standing small”
yet again this can be perceived as both Finnick and reader. In Finnick’s case, Snow is the winner and he is the loser. Snow has taken everything from Finnick, and now he’s taking his ultimate happiness away from him, his sweet sweet girl. his everything. But it can also be reader. From her perspective, Finnick is the winner. He gets to keep his reputation as the golden boy heartbreaker while she is minimised into a ‘clingy’ and ‘overbearing’ girlfriend.
“Besides the victory, that’s her destiny”
the only thing i think of is readers fate when i hear this. her getting sent to the hunger games is both a punishment for her and Finnick. but who knows, maybe Snow knew that if he purposely reaped reader, she would win. Not only would she have Finnick by her side (Cause Snow knew he still loved her) but she also just has the personality of a victor. Snow knew she would be a favourite, being a victor was her destiny.
“i was in your arms, thinking i belonged there”
That line speaks for itself, reader really did think she belonged with Finnick, that she belonged in his arms, and she does. She always knew she belonged with Finnick, except the breakup confused that. her heart and her head were no longer in unison because her logic was telling her to just forget Finnick, that she didn’t belong in his arms and never will, but her heart was telling her otherwise. It was telling her that she did in fact belong with him, even if he broke her heart. that’s why she dates Becket, to try and make her head and her heart one again, except that could never happen unless she was with Finnick. Her head and her heart could never be in unison again because Finnick has her heart and she has his.
I could use so many more lyrics from that masterpiece of a song, but i shall stick with three. but bro their story is such a tragic lovers story it HURTS😭 forget Romeo and Juliet, the two real tragic starcross’d lovers are Finnick and his sweet girl
-🌺 anon
they absolutely are, so abba coded overall (I also see this song as conway and reader in the games and like the realization conway has of what she's done and then when she hits him with that spear and he realizes he's done, that she'll win, anyways-)
finnick wants to play a card so bad, to do something to change it, but he can't because he's scared that if he stays with her something terrible will happen. and reader can't just refuse to accept what finnick says, nothing she will do will change his decision.
snow has forced finnick to be in the hunger games at 14, forced him into trafficking with threats, forced him to be a constant performer, and now he can't even have the person he loves, who grounds him, who makes it bearable all in the name of keeping Capitol customers pleased with him. and reader loses her escapist social life, the release from the neglect of her home life, time with her friends to get some sort of appreciation, the person she loved and adored. she has nothing but conway and the times finnick isn't doing anything to take up everyone else's time.
if reader didn't win it would have been a message that whatever finnick was doing still wasn't enough, that he still played to close to the fire and now it burnt him. however, snow is totally the type of person to be handing off a double edged sword, because he has eyes everywhere. he knows finnick still loves her, he knows he still walks the markets to see her, that he watches her. so if she wins, he can have her, at the cost that she'll go through exactly what he went through. so he has her, she's alive, but forever living a torturous existence.
in her and finnick's souls they know the belong together, but that some weird part of fate doesn't want them to be, or is always tearing them apart. reader grew up expecting that someday she'd end up with conway even though it didn't feel right, so she still tried to look for something else and she found it in finnick. all the sudden it all clicked, the stars aligned, until they were torn apart. then she had to live in a universe where she knew there was someone her heart longed for more then anyone in the universe, but she could never have. she tried to search for more then the fate set before her, going out with beckett, which doesn't work because it's neither the true love or the accepted path.
fun fact: abba actually wrote this song for them
here are some more lines that just hit different for them
"the gods may throw a dice, their minds as cold as ice, and someone way down here loses someone dear"
"somewhere deep inside, you must know I miss you, but what can I say? rules must be obeyed"
"I apologize, if it makes you feel bad, seeing me so tense, no self-confidence"
I love tragic romance so much and like fate constantly playing games with them, it hurts so good to know they belong together and in every life are being thrashed around 😭
#wanda 💋#finnick odair x reader#finnick odair x y/n#finnick odair#the lakes#finnick odair fluff#finnick odair angst#finnick odair x reader fluff#finnick odair x you#the river#🌺 anon
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what the fuck is the Wire Mother book. Sociology has lore now?
oh boy okay
so you remember the Divergent books? the YA boom of the early 2010's? The Wire Mother was one of those series. they turned the Harlow's monkey experiments into dystopia factions.
yeah. i know. bear with me
The first book, The Wire Mother (2010) is pretty standard YA dystopia fare. There's this girl named Leo Groves (the Leo's short for Leonore) who lives in the court of the Cloth Mother, a city where people live in comfort and camaraderie and a general vibe of hold hands around the campfire and sing, except for the people who die at random. This is accepted with unsettling what-can-you-do calm from the main characters. (Eventually, it's revealed that's happening because only a 1/5th of the food served in the city is real, so most of the people are dropping dead of starvation but their bodies are quickly hurried away as to not kill the vibe, so no one worries all that much about it).
Which could have been cool speculative fiction! A handy story about desensitization to violence or complacency or something. Unfortunately, this was 2010 YA, so the concept is quickly kicked under the bed in favor of. yeah. A love triangle. Leo, being a special little narratively significant thing, finds her way to the mysterious other city on the other side of her hometown, the court of the Wire Mother. And when she's there, she meets a boy. Coil 54810.
Coil goddamn 54810.
That brooding son of a bitch. His last name is 54810 because the concept of last names and family doesn't exist in the court of the Wire Mother, only functionality, so 54810 is just the number of Coils there's been in the city. He's not a clone or anything, it's just the amount of people who've had that name. It's like being named Jeremy 54810. Killer of plot pacing. Swoopy of hair. He would have deserved to be named Jeremy.
God, anyway, I'm talking a lot about this. Anyway: The Wire Mother is exactly as good as the average YA dystopia book from the time period. It has some high points (the Cloth and Wire mother are cool ominously looming entities, and the main antagonist Jane-Mary has a level of batshit mad science energy to her that makes her the most fun villain in the series) and some low points (the forced Romeo and Juliet references. the forced romance. It is so clear that Benjamin St. Jobs, the other guy in the love triangle, doesn't stand a chance, but we have to keep who-will-it-be-ing for so long anyway. And Coil's a dick), but it mostly just balances out.
There were three more books in the series. There was supposed to be four, but. Well
Anyway. Book Two, The Wire Mother: Hounds' Toll (2012), actually kind of slapped. It went to more tragic and horror-influenced places than the original book. One thing I'll give Angela Lee (the author) credit for: I don't think this was a sequel for the sake of having a sequel. I think that the series was always supposed to be a pentalogy.
Some of the stuff in this book has still stuck with me to this day- I have to hold myself back from adding ominously ringing church bells in so many of my projects. Also, it really filled out Leo Groves as a protagonist- I could take or leave her in the first book, but I started to genuinely like her by the second. And the stuff they do with Stellarose Ardent, her best friend turned rival... God, I could make a whole post about Stellarose Ardent.
this book series is good, readers thought. surely the third book will be as good if not better
THE THIRD BOOK WAS HELL. The Wire Mother: Ordained Voltage (2013)...I think it did everything wrong. There was a reason that there was a two year break between the first two books, and book three being out only a year after Hounds' Toll really shows.
It's incredibly rushed. Leo barely gets to do anything. Stellarose is killed off in the most unsatisfying way possible. And while it seemed like Book Two had neatly put the love triangle to bed, no! It claws its way out of its grave!! To torment me specifically!
The only good thing we got out of this car wreck is Anesthesia 3, lab rat girl and apocalypse maiden extraordinaire. I adore her. She's got real Fish Inside A Birdcage vibes. Everything else, though? Horrors.
But readers held out hope. At least the characters ended up trapped in an interesting setting at the end of book three. The merciless, multi-layered prison of Tithonus, the central antagonist of the series. It seemed like that was a good set-up for a prison escape storyline. Those have to be entertaining, right?
Somehow, some way, no. Book Four, The Wire Mother: Endless Sentence (2014) is not just bad. I could forgive bad. But it is bad, and it is boring.
so boring that I'm not even going to waste my words on it. It's a school night. I'm not staying up to describe that thing. The only interesting thing about it is how it could manage to be boring while being an homage to the fucking Stanford Prison experiments.
And that was the end of a lot of people's hopes for the Wire Mother series. Only one good book out of four isn't a great track record, you know? A lot of readers were willing to put Hounds' Toll down as a one-off.
Then, in November of 2014, the preview for Book Five, The Wire Mother: Quantum Claws came out. It was three chapters long. And people lost their shit.
First of all, it was good. Maybe as good as Hounds' Toll. Maybe better.
But more than that, it was a break from the relatively grounded, safe, company standard dystopia of the series. Because this bad boy was going to be about time travel. Tithonus, in his evil plans to live forever, had built a time machine and activated it just at the right moment when the plucky heroes were about to kill him once and for all.
Which seems like something that would be a train wreck, right? If this author can't handle the easy-to-please tropes of prison breaks and romance, what business does she have trying to handle a time travel story without completely fucking up the series?
And maybe that would have been true. But the first three chapters were insanely promising. They were refreshing, original- they got time travel. We were able to get characters like Stellarose and Jane-Mary and Turpentine back after the story cast them aside so soon. And it promised to really examine what Leo Groves meant for the book's world. So, hopes rose again.
Unfortunately, we'll never know if it would have been good or bad. The fifth book was never published. We don't know why. It was just promised, for months and months, and then. Poof. The updates stopped. It was gone.
And it haunts me. If you haven't stopped reading by now, you can probably tell that. The fandom was like a fraction of the size of the Divergent fandom, and I don't know anyone IRL who's read these things. I don't even know if I can or should recommend them.
But sometimes something doesn't have to be a literary masterpiece to burrow into your brain and not let go, I guess ASJSJS
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Take a seat. The point of romeo and juliet is not the romance. Though it's a part of it. The point is it's a tragedy. And all this tragedy happening because all these dumb rich grown ass adults couldn't get over themselves and had to drag everyone including their own children into their bullshit. I hate when in Romeo and Juliet people focus too much on the romance(sex) aspects. Because that's not the point. The point was that they were so young, and had to hide, and only new each other for such a little time. That the world around them became so horrible. That they thought they had no other option but to kill themselves. Fate is also an aspect of the book. Fate is purposely punishing the two families by making the only heirs in their family fall in love and then commit suicide in such a brutal way. Causing both lines to die out. So when you think about all that. That why I'd love a Percy and Nico aus with this concept. Because god does the universe play with fate and tragedy so much. Because you know its Greek and Roman mythology. But also the gods already having so much horrible petty drama with each other that it affects there kids. I feel like it fits with Percico ship really well.
Oh my. I didn't expect a Romeo and Juliet lesson in my askbox but this is much appreciated, thank you! 🤗
Tbh I have never actually read Romeo and Juliet. Mainly because I'm not particularly interested in romances, and again not capable of Shakespear-level English. I know bits of it through the mainstream media, and that's that. In many ways, I enjoy the concept of tragedy. Heaven knows how I always go for the tragic tales. On the other hand, though, I'm a little averse to romance as a whole, so a story that (supposedly) revolves around young love just loses me from the summary. I don't know how it differs with ships, either, it probably has st with my interpretation of it.
Anyway. Percico and tragedy is indeed a match made in heaven. The gods' petty dramas, as frustrating as they are, can be stimulating purely because of their meaninglessness - bc it means things can just be completely out of your control, sometimes all those dramas just came knocking on your door, worse yet demanding a heavy price you don't want to pay. It's the helplessness that pushes them to keep trying - or just my inclination to tear Percy and Nico apart to see them suffer. Probably the latter.
Percy and Nico's dymanic is also a funny thing, if you get what I mean? I mean. They try so hard to make it right, but as they do so, they fail to catch the other's wavelength, fail to pull the other to their own orbit, so they keep following their own thoughts and ideas, which have been derailing since forever. They try - gods know they try - but it hardly pays off. It feels like the universe conspires to separate them.
And maybe it's the vanity that characterizes Percy and Nico's relationship IMO. I want to see them try, fail, and then try again. It sounds like hopelessness, which it is, but there is beauty in trying, even in hopelessness. And that's what is beautiful to me - when there's no hope, but you'll still go on.
#nico di angelo#percy jackson#pjo#toa#hoo#yone rambling#percy jackson and the olympians#heroes of olympus#trials of apollo#percico#pernico#romeo and juliet#angst
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Jlaire Week Ask Game
Yeah, I went ahead and answered all of them. :P
Light and Darkness - What got you into Jlaire in the first place and what makes it one of if not your favorite ship?
I’m pretty sure I shipped them from the very first episode. First, we’ve been introduced to Jim, who is like the sweetest character ever. So when we saw him literally drooling over Claire, we know she has to be special.
It doesn’t take much time for them to interact and I remember loving that scene because I didn’t know there was so much Spanish in the show (at least in the first season). Both that interaction and the one just before the audition show they’re actually interested in each other and I’ve loved their dynamic from the beginning.
I think they somehow remind me of my own characters, Zem and Aury, since he’s the anxious one and she has to help him (even though Aury is way more short-tempered than Claire).
Romeo and Juliet- What's your favorite Jlaire moment form Trollhunters?
There are many good ones to choose. I love when she discovers his secret, the dance in the hill and when he reaches out to help her when she makes that mega-portal. They really care about each other and I think the best part is how we’re able to see their relationship flourish during the seasons.
Beauty and the Beast- What's your favorite Jlaire moment from Wizards?
The picnic, for sure. I think we should have seen more Jlaire interactions when he was a half Troll. I loved all the scenes where Claire gets to protect Jim, showing how much she has improved as a sorceress, but there’s something about them being able to relax and have an actual date.
Tragic Love - What's your Jlaire heartbreaking moment in the series?
Even though Jim knowing he’s not going to survive if they go back to the present is a close one, I have to say when Claire finds his soul wandering over the Killahead Bridge in the Shadow Realm. I’m a hopeless romantic and what breaks my heart is that “being close but still too far from each other” if you know what I mean.
My Romeo - What's your favorite Jlaire quote from Trollhunters?
From Hero of a 1000 faces: “This is the worst day of my life.” “That’t the real Jim.” It’s so funny, but also shows how much she’s gotten to know him.
100 Life times - What's your favorite Jlaire Quote from Wizards?
That’s a tough one. I liked the “I'd date you for a hundred lifetimes, Jim Lake.”… until the movie came out. So I guess: “But I've fought across time and space to bring you back.” Because of the same reason that scene is so heartbreaking to me.
Toby dating Advices - What's your advice for Jim that would help with him Claire
Actually, I think things worked out quite well. I would have advised him to be braver but he actually ended up being it, so...
Mary Dating Advice- what's your advice for Claire that would help her with Jim.
Actually, I think things worked out quite well.
time and Space - What's your Aus for Jim and Claire relationship or what's your favorite Au for them?
I have a soft spot for Beauty and the Beast kind of stories, so most of my Aus revolve around that. I seriously thing Troll Jim was underused and I’d have liked to see more of them as a couple, like travelling to New Jersey. That’s why I had to write about that and why Lights and Shadows of Camelot is the culmination of it. BTW, I’ve written a lot about Jlaire in my fanfics, if you’re interested 😊
Shadowhunter - What's your favorite headcanons for Jlaire?
They send messages all the time, checking out the other is okay. Jim makes Claire her favorite cookies and she takes him on dates using portals to visit new places.
If you have any more questions or want me to elaborate about anything, don't be afraid to ask!
Sadly, I won't be able to do any prompts, but I'm gonna share some Jlaire art I have around and you can check out my fanfics for more Jlaire content!:
-New Jersey: A brief story of what happened in the journey to New Jersey that had place during the season 2 of 3Below.
-Awakening: A novelized version of the 11th episode of the third season, "Jimhunters". Includes original new scenes.
-The Arrival: Final chapter of "New Jersey", connecting the story with "Wizards".
-Light through yonder window: After being attacked by Nomura, Jim is brought to the hospital. Claire decides she has to go and stay by his side. Tells what happened between the episodes 'Claire and Present Danger' and 'Battle of Two Bridges' and a couple of things more.
-Waiting: Jim has entered the Darklands. Claire and Toby will have to act quickly and not fall into despair.
-Butterflies and Christmas Jlaire, from Arcadian Nights.
-Lights and Shadows of Camelot: Claire has just discovered her magic powers and goes to Camelot so Morgana can teach her. One night, she'll meet the Trollhunter.
#tales of arcadia#trollhunters#jlaire week#jlaire#ask game#jim lake jr#claire nuñez#my writing#fanfics#ao3
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I'm having thoughts and feelings about bad buddy must be a day that ends in y. But like, last episode tomorrow, kind of verklempt, need to word vomit
My first watch of Bad Buddy kind of smacked me upside the head. I know this is not a unique experience. I was left reeling for a bit. Watching Bad Buddy was the first thing I did in 2023 and I watched all 12 episodes in one sitting like a glutton and I stayed up til 1am even though I had to get up at 4am the next day (I haven't done stupid shit like that since college). Then I started my rewatch the next day. Then I put it aside for months because it was actually a physical ache in my chest when I thought about it. I just...never?? encountered such a fulfilling narrative that followed through on all its promises. Even with its deliberate deceptions and twists and uncertainties - I put my trust in Bad Buddy's narrative and was rewarded for doing so like never before.
It got me from the first episode - the first episode did what I think almost every first episode should do: tell you exactly what the story is going to be, without telling you exactly what the story is going to be. Fantastic writing, deliberate pacing, satisfying character development, pitch-perfect acting, all top-notch. It kept the energy up all throughout even as it got heavier, and stuck the landing in such a profound and bittersweet way. This was the first Thai BL I've ever watched, and probably the third BL I've ever watched period. One of my first impressions after finishing it even for the first time was that it was, maybe above all else, self aware.
My initial impression was also not a unique one: so far this is funny, charming, an exciting premise. And by episode 4 I was starting to get hit with it: this story is all those things and a knife in your gut, a lump in your throat. And it's queer, and it's tragic. Like, from the jump we see the two households both alike in dignity, we know what this is: it's Romeo and Juliet (or Kwan and Riam). We know how it ends. Pran knows how it ends. They teased us the whole show with Pran's decor, his doorknob hanger, like this show's version of a comedy and tragedy mask - what's it going to be? How's it going to end? Everyone watching knows how romcoms typically end. But everyone also knows how Romeo and Juliet ends.
In a move that can really only be described as revolutionary, Bad Buddy decided that queering the Romeo and Juliet narrative meant a happy ending. With caveats, but happy and alive and together. It was as simple as two characters finding their agency in a world trying to deprive them of it, seeing every path around them that led to tragedy, and instead trailblazing a new one that led to happiness. (everything that could be said about this has already been said; I look to this essay by @chickenstrangers often!! helped me make sense of pat gets shot lol. MK I hope you're not sick of people linking this left and right). It's a narrative choice that resounds.
I was personally struck by that specific pain Pat and Pran experience, the pain of having to lie to your parents and keep love a secret from them - is there a queer person out there who doesn't relate to that in a bone-achingly deep way? Regardless of your relationship with your family. Having to partition yourself like this is part of the queer experience. And it's exhausting because you just have to live like this. It's exhausting because the people who are supposed to love you have made a liar of you instead. You can be surviving and thriving and happy, but your parents will still ask your siblings about their love lives and ask you about the weather (too real??? oops). There's a hint at a possible thawing in the final episode that gives hope, but Bad Buddy does not magically make the parents realize they were wrong and accept their sons' love - I mean, that just doesn't happen. It would have made for a disingenuous ending, it would have been a disservice to the narrative and to the viewers and to the metaphor. If you're lucky enough to have parents who would, you're lucky. It's a sad truth. "We can't change the world...but the world can't change us either."
At first glance, Bad Buddy plays in the "BL bubble". Upon a slightly closer examination Bad Buddy says there can never really be a bubble--stories aren't crafted in a vacuum, the dominant ideology that is homophobia traumatizes and endangers and oppresses all who do not align with it, still there are happy endings for us here. We find each other and carve them out ourselves. To say all this, and to not veer into heavy-handed "yeah okay we get it" territory is a feat honestly! Seldom accomplished in such a riveting and sexy way! How refreshing! Bad Buddy reminded me of reading a good poem - upon first read, a good poem is about "a thing," and it's evocative as is and you don't even have to read it again to enjoy it. But you can also consider it carefully and unearth "the other thing," a deeper meaning, the answer to "why was this written?". Bad Buddy trusts its viewers to get there. I mean I know it's really not much of a hidden message, but again, they are subtle with it, iykyk etc. BB doesn't hold our hand, but it takes our trust and respects it and doesn't break it (though it shakes the jar, like quite a bit, lol. All good stories should tbh).
I think a lot about the form, too. In a less capable storyteller's hands 12 one-hour-long episodes can drag (I'm thinking of some recent gmmtv BLs lol), or even not be enough (I feel like I personally see that in a lot of western shows whose fanbases are out here begging for second seasons to tie up loose ends). P'Aof (and co.) knew exactly what to do with 12 episodes. Has anyone in the entire history of TeleVision ever known what to do with 12 one-hour-long episodes as undeniably as P'Aof and co in making Bad Buddy??
I know I'm being a little dramatic, excessively lauding good writing like this. Like yeah stories should be good and thoughtful and make sense, of fucking course. But I just have to appreciate it in a genre, in a capitalist reality, where a story does not have to be profound or clever or full of love to be marketable. They truly did not have to go this hard. (Though the writer in me who now considers Aof a personal idol also thinks: yes of course they absolutely did have to go this hard in fact It Is The Only Way). I'm so so grateful for it for so many reasons!! And I didn't even breach the topic of how fun and sexy I think Pat and Pran are together. Didn't even mention the fingersucking, the scent kink, the kissies - all genuinely just as important to me as everything else. It's all in the making of a good story! I am taking notes through my tears and I am so thankful
#bad buddy#when you adapt the most adapted tragic love story ever and ‘knocked it out of the park’ is an understatement
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The thing that I really enjoy about The Magnus archives in terms of tragic flaws and characters sowing the seeds of their own destruction is that both Jonathan and Martin had the power to give themselves a happy ending until the bad ending is upon them. Like usually with stories like that there's a point where the actions that you take spiral out of control and all the sudden you're on a roller coaster that you can't get off of. Like sure. Hamlet chooses to go to the duel 100% he does when he knows that something's wrong but also. Like it's complicated. If he doesn't show up to the duel where is he going to go? His uncle wants him dead and if he averted his death at the duel he was going to have to square off against his uncle *sometime*. While he did make that choice, I would argue that he was pushed into it, and he certainly did not realize that the saber was poisoned etc. Romeo and Juliet... Yes, they very much do make the decision to kill themselves but even that is because of a mistake. Juliet wasn't actually dead and if he had just Known That he would have done things differently.
And like. Obviously this is true for the Magnus Archives. Jonathan and Martin didn't choose this fate. They are manipulated and pushed all the time. Jonathan never meant to start the apocalypse. But when it comes to their tragic ends? Jonathan was in full possession of the facts. He knew what the plan was and he still chose to go the route of his own egotistical sense of guilt and self-punishment. He could have survived and he KNEW he could have survived and he still chose abject self-destruction. Martin particularly makes me go feral because there was literally nothing forcing him to go with Jonathan. Nothing. He was never trapped. Even after he knew that Jonathan was going to go to the other dimension he could have let go and run out and have lived! At any time he could have! And you will never be able to convince me that he did it from love. There is no love where they're going. He did it because Martin Blackwood has never been able to let go of anyone in his life ever, no matter how much they deserve it and he couldn't let go of Jonathan in that moment either! He could have stepped back even at the last instance and he never did! That is how you do tragic flaws, ladies and gentlemen!
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