#i also never know how much salt to put in the water beforehand. sometimes i am like oh fuck i put fuck all in here
seafoam-taide · 2 years
one of my biggest character flaws is i can never tell how much pasta to put in the pot. the difference between the hard uncooked noodles and the finished noodles is too great and my brain cannot comprehend this. i get what should be a regular portion of noodles in my hands and go wait. this looks so small. let me double it and then i have too much fuckingspaghetti
10 notes · View notes
overthinkingfandom · 5 years
Detailed character analysis for every second Varian is on screen in “Great Expotations”
No, this is not hyperbole. 
Brace yourself, we’re in for a long ride. 
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Huh. Not even a minute onscreen and already we see Varian’s greatest virtue and flaw, he’s a proactive problem solver. 
Cass was tying a knot and when she left it, it started unraveling, and Varian's immediate reaction was to rush forward and fix it. This right here is the core of his character shown in five seconds. That both his best and worst actions come from a single trait is part of what makes him such a strong character.
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He smiles adorably at Owl afterward. Fixing things must feel pretty satisfying to him, especially when helping didn't cause a disaster for a change so there was nothing to mar that experience.
But let’s back up a bit to the beginning of his episode.
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Varian doesn’t have any experience in building a relationship with someone who is his peer and that shines through clearly in his dialogue here. He tries to catch Cass' attention by bragging about his invention, which makes sense considering his lack of experience leaves him uncertain how to go about relating to her and inventions is something Varian knows gets him excited (thus subconsciously assuming that other people will also be excited about it) as well as something he feels confident about. 
He goes on to say: "Rumor has it it is a shoo-in for the first prize in the contest," and stage-whispers to Cass, "I started the rumor." Initially, I was pretty confused about why he said that, but thinking about later episodes it's probably an early hint showing just how important honesty is for Varian.
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Later episodes show that Varian’s greatest desire is to be acknowledged in a positive way and here we can see how that desire tends to manifest as being acknowledged specifically for his skills. Varian would see it as wanting people to be impressed and appreciate his alchemy but when looking at his behaviour, it seems more like he wants to be acknowledged as a problem solver. It’s just that the way he sees it happening is mostly through his ability with alchemy and inventions.
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You know, before I did this analysis I thought Varian was just a high confidence/low self-esteem person, but now I think a more accurate way to describe him is that he lacks a fear of failure. Eugene saying to his face "Your last invention almost killed us. So glad you're here, with what looks like another invention." doesn't even cause him to blink.
It would also fit better with him being socially awkward despite his confidence as well as his scientific background. He's almost certainly mostly self-taught and we know he messed up a lot and it was probably worse while he still didn’t really know what he was doing. If he had fear of failure inhabiting him, there's no way he would have the skills he does today. 
It’s also a trait that ties with him being so proactive. Unlike other characters, Varian doesn't have that hesitation of "But what if it doesn't work/what if I can't do it" when facing a challenge, he just goes and does it and deals with a lot of mistakes as a result, yes, but also a lot of successes.
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Dawww, kid is embarrassed about his crush on Cassandra.
It's probably nothing more than how relationships are somewhat of a taboo subject for kids combined with his social awkwardness and lack of experience on the subject, but it is a point in the column pointing against him having naturally high confidence.
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Obstacles don't seem to slow Varian down a whole lot. He came to the expo with the intention of asking Cass to be his assistant and despite his faux pas in the first conversation (which he promptly fixes in the next conversation by making it a joke), the conversation being interrupted midway and Cass being distracted and kinda cold in the second conversation, Varian still goes through with asking her to be his assistant.
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There's a theory about learning I'm familiar with that says there are three levels of comprehension on a subject: memorizing, understanding and implementing. 
Memorizing constitutes of having knowledge about the subject, but not knowing how to use it (it’s the level required for classes like history in school). Understanding means the person can use the knowledge in a practical way with situations that were studied beforehand, learning how to recognize each situation and what to do in them (It’s the level required for learning stuff like languages, specifically the part like tenses and other grammar rules). Implementing means being able to successfully use the knowledge in a situation that was never encountered before (Math usually requires that level, which is why it’s so hard for a lot of people).
Despite what the show would like us to believe sometimes, it seems like Varian actually knows what he's doing in regards to science, because this moment shows us that Varian holds the highest level of comprehension about alchemy.
When he made the stain disappear it wasn't because he remembers that salt + water from the flowers would prevent grape juice stains. It wasn't because he understands that a certain combination of chemicals would prevent acidic stains. It was because he knows chemistry on a level that allows him to take all the theory and implement it into practice even in an unfamiliar situation. That level of comprehension, as well as his excellent problem-solving skills, allows him to figure out solutions to problems that he never encountered before and fast.
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(Lmao watch as our boy is enjoying seeing Cass' reaction to his trick so much. Me too, Varian.)
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Varian is very eager to agree to help Cass with her chores. While that eagerness can come from his crush on Cass, it doesn’t feel like the full answer. Following her around for a while to help her would be an easy way to spend time with Cass in a situation where he's not actually sure how to go about hanging out with her. It would tie back to why he wanted Cass to be his assistant in the first place, seeing as that's another easy way for them to spend time together. 
Plus, considering how one of his biggest desires is to be acknowledged as a problem solver, Varian probably sees it as an opportunity to impress Cass with his skills and not only be acknowledged in the way he wants, but also be acknowledged by a person Varian wants to impress.
There are a few moments in the episode where Varian acts and his brain only catches up a few moments later and here we the first of them. He realizes that being overeager to spend time with his crush is a faux pas mid-action and tries to smooth it over right afterward. 
This is also a moment that showcases his problem-solving skills. It only takes him a few seconds to figure out that it can be a solution to his original problem i.e. asking Cass to be his assistant.
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Boy is just glad he actually managed to succeed in his goal and spend time with his crush.
It’s yet another example of how he doesn’t really know how to relate to people who are (kinda) his peers. He's excited because this feels like a big achievement for him.
Nex,t we see a montage of Cass and Varian working together to finish her chores, which actually teaches us quite a few things about Varian's skills:
1) Varian has already created several functioning inventions that do exactly what he wanted them to.
1.1) The only reason he wouldn't be able to market them commercially is because they would not pass any safety standards.
1.1.1) Take safety precautions with your inventions Varian gdi
1.2) The reason he doesn't bother with safety precautions could tie back to his absolute lack of fear of failure. This small little ball cleans a corridor by putting everything on fire? Just don't get caught 4head (and when Varian inevitably catches on fire because he's a trouble magnet he just deals with it with some panicked screaming and a lot of flailing). 
1.2.1) Another possible explanation is that Varian doesn’t generally plan for failure. It tracks pretty well with what we see of his behaviour in the rest of the series and considering that he doesn’t fear failure, it makes sense that he wouldn’t think about the “what if something goes wrong” and plan for that.
1.3) The montage shows Varian using his inventions for more than one purpose. It shows that same kind of comprehension we saw earlier where he knows the theory so well he can use it in various different ways to solve problems he never encountered before.
1.3.1) It also shows that he possesses a flexibility of thought. He's not stuck thinking things have that one specific intended use for them, but keeps his mind open to other possibilities.
2) Varian can quickly construct devices from what seems like common everyday objects
2.1) There is that flexibility of thought again. Things don't have intended uses, just potential uses.
2.2) I'm not sure if I would put him at MacGyver level of impromptu devices but he definitely subscribes to that school of thought.
2.3) Varian is very knowledgeable not just in chemistry but also in engineering. 
3) He seems to think "There must be a better way to do this" a lot.
3.1) Because he's a proactive problem solver with the skills to make his ideas reality, he often just goes and tries to figure out or make that better way, regardless of the circumstances.
During the whole montage he's always looking to see Cass' reaction even when he should really be paying better attention to what's going on around him because he's lighting a whole corridor on fire, Varian. It's that recklessness of his again, the one that's born out of his lack of fear of failure. But it's also because the boy is thirsty for people to acknowledge his skills, his identity as a problem solver, so he drinks up every drop of it when Cassandra gives it to him in the shape of shock and amazement.
He's very similar to Cass in this way. Both of them have a strong self-identity they want to be acknowledged by society or the people around them, and the fact that it isn't can be traced back as the root of a lot of their problems.
Of course, for Cass, the biggest obstacle to that acknowledgment is society itself, while Varian is his own biggest obstacle.
But we already established that obstacles don't slow him down a whole lot, which is why he keeps trying regardless of any failure. His lack of fear of failure also takes some of the sting, since instead of framing it as a “bad end” he would regard more along the lines of “eliminated a way in which it doesn’t work”.
Not to say that all of the failures don’t take their toll, since they evidently do. We see in QfaD (Specifically, Let Me Make You Proud) that his self-esteem isn't the highest and that he's very aware of his many failures and how they sabotage his efforts to get acknowledged.
Something that seems quite evident but that I didn't mention it so far is just how confident Varian is in his skills. Then again he's very justified in that confidence. 
At first, I didn’t think it was honest self-assessment because of his later denial of blame and also the fact that he’s 14. However, there’s more to support for that interpretation than I realized at the time. Varian’s denial in SotS is less an issue of awareness and more of a coping mechanism, seeing as his other option is to face the possibility that he (in his mind) killed his own father which… yeah. Even then, he acknowledges in Ready as I’ll Ever Be that his actions are bad despite the way he refuses to take the blame (and responsibility) for the situation. Add in the awareness he shows in Let Me Make You Proud and his pretty accurate introspection later in this episode, and his confidence coming, at least partially, from honest self-assessment has a lot of evidence to back it up.
I would actually be pretty curious to know what came first for him: his confidence in his skills, or his lack of fear of failure. The first would mean he felt like he could deal with everything thrown his way so he didn't need to fear the consequences of failure. The second would indicate he didn’t fear to get things wrong, which is the root of a lot of insecurity.
The answer is probably that the two grew in tandem, each feeding into the other in a positive feedback loop. But I'm kinda still leaning towards the second more, if only because that initial lack of worry would mean his skills would develop at a much faster rate, which would better explain his current skill level. 
Now that I think about it, teenage feeling of immortality probably didn't help.
Poor Quirin, teen Varian must be a nightmare to deal with
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I'm kinda sad we didn't get proper friendship between Rapunzel and Varian. This episode shows how both of them are creative, productive and very knowledgeable individuals, to the point where Rapunzel was the one translating Varian's technobabble in the climax. They could have a lot of fun together if they ever tried.
In many ways, their friendship would be healthier than the one we’re shown for Rapunzel and Cass. Aside from having shared interests, their problems and strengths would complement each other’s quite a bit, without the destructive feedback loop Cass and Rapunzel can get to.
Rapunzel's high energy would go well with Varian’s creativity and proactivity. Varian's lack of fear of failure and proactivity would be good for Rapunzel with her avoidant personality. Varian wouldn't mind Rapunzel's lack of boundaries as much or have insecurity about his place next to her. Rapunzel would probably be glad to help Varian in proving himself and has an indestructible hair to protect them when explosions inevitably occur.
The major flaw with this friendship is that they can easily create a feedback loop of recklessness that would leave Eugene as the voice of reason in the party, so take that as you will.
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This may seem obvious, but Varian is pretty observant. As much as he didn't let it stop him, he did notice and understand what Cassandra's cold attitude was all about. This moment discounts the possibility that his social awkwardness comes from having difficulties understanding social cues, or that his lack of fear of failure in those situations came from him not understanding that something was a failure or a rejection. Considering his outgoing personality, it’s very possible that had he been socialized properly he wouldn’t experience that kind of awkwardness at all. Act like a weirdo? Sure, this is Varian after all, but it wouldn’t be because he misunderstood something or felt uncomfortable and out of his depth.
He also somehow knows that Cap is Cassandra's dad. It's not like it's a secret, but I checked and it definitely wasn't said in front of him in the episode. He probably keeps his eyes and ears open and notices stuff around him, his speed in connecting dots would help him make sense of the stuff he notices. Just in this episode we see this process. Earlier he saw Stan telling Cass about the Captain having open positions and how she got excited over it. Later, when Cass tells him that today is kind of a big deal for her, he immediately connects between the two things.
(Also, Sassy Boy is sassy and I love him for that)
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Varian is naturally pretty empathetic, in the mirroring emotions sense of the word. His expression falls both times Cass becomes upset, and he attempts to help her by offering up proof that he can relate and she's not alone. I use the word "naturally" here because trauma can suffocate empathy pretty quickly as a coping mechanism, so his levels of empathy in later episodes aren't really indicative of his personality.
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It's pretty interesting that his response to Cass being upset is an empathic reflection considering his problem-fixing nature. He only tries to offer up a solution when Cass brings up a concrete problem he can deal with.
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He seems to use humor, and snark in particular, to deal with situations pretty often actually. And in various ways as well. Here he uses it to turn around an uncomfortable and heavy situation. In later episodes he would use it to claim a measure of control over a situation involving enemies. Curiously both here and later he uses it to express anger. Granted his “anger” here wasn’t really anger so much as calling Cass out, but it still functionally fulfills the same purpose.
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Poor boy is so hopeful that he and Cass are friends. He's uncertain about how this friendship thing works and if they are actually friends which once again shows that he's pretty isolated and without any peer relationships. This uncertainty of his shows that just because he doesn't usually dip into the negative axis of doubt doesn't mean he is on the positive axis of confidence
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As much as his lack of fear of failure (and I got to find a better shorter word for it) can manifest as recklessness it can also manifest as what seems to be overconfidence at first glance. Yet when he says he has everything under control, we actually see that he manages to do exactly as he said. The only thing that sabotaged him this episode was not allowing a margin of error in his plans in case of unexpected complications, but if we're being entirely fair here, the vast majority of people only think about adding that margin for error once they're older and more experienced, so it's not like it's unique to him.
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I mentioned before Varian seems to have that thing where his mouth works faster than his brain sometimes. Here is instance 2 and 3 that we see in the episode.
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Varian doesn't seem to actually know what to do with people acknowledging his skills when he didn't set out to impress them. This indicates that something like this would happen rarely, if at all.
Just by themselves, those kinds of circumstances can teach someone that if they want to be acknowledged than they’re the one who has to go out and get it, because it’s not going to come to them unconditionally. In this case they also cause another "chicken and egg" situation in regards to Varian’s proactivity. Was he already proactive and when he didn't get acknowledgment for that, that tendency kicked in and cause him to actively seek it out, or did he want the acknowledgment first and when he didn't get it he learned that the only way he would get it is by actively working for it?
Once again it's probably a mix of the two that grew in tandem with one another, with him being naturally inclined to proactivity and problem solving but circumstances reinforcing it by teaching him that he won't get acknowledgment and his "solution" to that was to go out and get it rather than wait and hope it will come on its own.
Still, I'm a bit more inclined towards the second option. There is quite a bit that seems to imply that Varian didn't get as much attention as he needed growing up. From Quirin being a single dad and a village leader, to Varian's desperate need to be acknowledged, to the fact that a lot of the implied mishaps he had could've only happened if he was left unsupervised and how we saw walking around alone at age 5. I can see that desire for attention starting from a very young age and slowly growing to what we see today.
To be perfectly clear, I’m not ragging on Quirin here. He was doing the best he could and his best was actually pretty good. It’s just that “pretty good” doesn’t necessarily mean “enough”.
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For the record Varian being excited for the expo is adorable but his "Is this guy for real" expression when the judge is being dramatic is even better.
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"Don't worry about me. I am sure I can find another assistant in the next five minutes." 
There are a couple of things happening here. First is Varian putting Cass' ambitions above his own and trying to assuage her guilt, which is an early hint to his low self-esteem. The second is Varian's problem-solving tendency jumping up and trying to fix the damage only to be confronted with the fact that, no, there's no good solution for this simply because there isn't enough time.
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(I got to admit, I fall in love with the show's joke of "cutting edge equine technology"="horsepower" every time I see it.)
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We see Varian acting nervous and hesitant for the first time in the episode. It's unlikely to be a case of simple stage fright seeing as he was so confident not even a few minutes earlier when he spoke with Cass. I think here it's more of a case that he knows the solution he came up with is a bad one.
However, I still feel like it's worth noting that despite the very short time limit, he still managed to get an assistant. And that despite the subpar quality of his assistant, Varian still tried his best at the presentation. It tracks very well with how he doesn't let obstacles slow him down. It also speaks a lot about his mental fortitude and determination because it’s not uncommon for someone to just give up in a scenario like this, or at the very least panic and not give as good of a presentation as they could have as they already know it'll suck (because of the subpar assistant in this case) so there's not really any point in investing that much effort.
It's that same determination along with his lack of fear of failure that would drive a lot of his villain arc because frankly, most people would hesitate taking on a whole kingdom even if they think that's the only solution to their problem. Varian just thinks about how he would get it done.
Not about the if.
(Well he would think about if he should do it on a moral ground, but not if he should do it because failing would have major consequences)
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Varian naming stuff he invents after people is a cute joke, but it also feels a bit... childish in a certain way. It's a pretty blatant way to impress people and get attention, kinda a combination of flattering people by naming things after them and impressing them that he created this whole new never-seen-before thing, which is yet another way in which he shows he doesn't really know how to create relationships with peers. While it’s a bit weak it can also be taken as another hint to his low self-esteem because his first instinct is to name stuff after the people around him, which implicitly places more importance on those people rather than his own experiences.
Then again naming things in general is hard and I suck at it just as much lol.
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This line really emphasizes how much Varian is still a kid while showing some of his underlying assumptions about the world. Things should be as what they're presented to be. A science exposition should judge the science. A promise should be kept. Friends should try to help their friends. It ties very strongly to the importance he places on honesty and the truth, if something isn't what it's presented as that's a form of deception.
It’s this bit here that really cements Great Expotations’ place in Varian's character arc of disillusionment with authority figures. This is the first place he meets overt corruption in the form of the judge and the showy contestant who won. Even if he won't think of it as corruption at the time, at the very least he'll see how the irrelevant stuff decided the outcome rather than the important things. Which is very much the opposite of how the expo presented itself, after all it was supposed to be about science.
Even his time with Cass contributes to that arc. They had a deal, Varian will help her with her chores and in exchange she'll be his assistant. He even felt they grew closer during the time they worked together to the point they became friends, and when he asked it was something that Cass confirmed. Yet, Cass still backed out of the agreement at the last minute. And yes, she apologized and made it up to him but isn't that in some ways worse? Because it would mean people can still genuinely be friends while betraying his trust.
In many ways, it's a failure of truth that drives Varian’s arc just as much as it's a failure of action. Both are tied together and enable each other to happen.
People lie so they wouldn't have to take action and they cover their inaction with distortions of the truth.
Both are core parts of the corruption in the system of Corona that allowed the tragedy of his situation to escalate to the point it did.
Truth is actually something that's pretty central to Varian's identity. At his core he's a proactive problem solver, yes, but the way it manifests is through his interest and skill in alchemy, or rather science. The entire point of science is discovering truths about the world through action, by observing and researching and recording. He takes a lot of pride in his skills and in being scientifically minded, or else he wouldn't be so bothered when people think he's using magic.
And when that pride and respect for the truth is set on a crash course towards the corruption of authority, whether by lying or inaction or both, in a rather personal way. Well, that's how we get RTA. Add in his proactivity, determination and lack of fear of failure as well as his skills to the previous explosive mix, season with desperation, sprinkle a hefty bunch of trauma on top and shake well. That’s the recipe we were shown in SotS.
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Varian gives a rather accurate assessment of his motivations here with a level of self-awareness that surprised me the first time I saw it. It's much more than most 14 years old are capable of. In fact, there are many adults without that level of awareness. 
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It obviously does matter to him. He says that all he wanted was to impress Cass but he's clearly measuring his success according to his success in the expo. That expo is important to him.
The way he minimizes how it was important to him is another hint towards low self-esteem. As well as him calling himself dumb, especially since it seems to imply that he sees himself as being dumb for thinking he could ever impress Cass and get her to see something special in him.
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Varian panicking about safety should make people suspect the apocalypse is coming. In this case they would even be right, considering how things turn out.
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Another way in which this episode ties into Varian's character arc is that once again he's saying something important and is ignored. This time is about how the judge is messing dangerously with Varian's machine. Next time will be about how they need to find a solution to the black rocks. The one after that is about how his father is in danger. Until it culminates in Ready As I’ll Ever Be where the line describing his motivation is "I'll make them hear me".
He ends up saving everyone from a danger that could've been entirely averted had the judge only listened to him.
In fact, things are only solved because someone (Cass in this case) does listen to him.
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Varian's surprise at being the one saved by Cass can point to his low self-esteem, but it's just as likely to be because Cass doesn't have the best track record in choosing friendship over duty in this episode.
In either case, it sets up the basis for his later trust issues. Maybe he’s quick to lose faith in people after they fail him, or maybe he just doesn’t think highly enough himself to believe that someone will go out of their way for him at a cost to themselves. Neither option is particularly good for his mental health.
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I think it's very telling that when Cass asks "How do we stop it." Varian replies with "I gotta pull the handbrake". It shows another one of his underlying assumptions about the world, that he's got to be the one who fixes it (whether because it's his mess or just because he's used to being the only proactive problem-solver around). He even starts walking towards the doomsday machine without the thought that Cass might want to help even crossing his mind.
It's yet another example of how Varian just goes and does things without hesitating.
It also displays a somewhat self-centered view of the world that’s actually pretty typical for his age. Now to be fair, he really does seem to be one of the only (if not the most) proactive people around, so this attitude might actually have a basis in reality.
It's this somewhat self-centered view of things that would later cause him to mess with the black rocks after he sees Quirin lying to the king about them. He had faith that his dad would handle the problem and when that trust broke he felt like he was the only one trying to find a solution to the black rocks which I would normally say is robbing people of their agency but in the case of the series seems to actually be true.
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I'm not actually sure how to describe Varian's little laugh after Cass says that he's going to need an assistant but the words that come to me are "disbelieving", "a little bit hysterical" and "adorable". Whatever the case he clearly didn't expect Cass' offer, just like he didn’t expect her to save him instead of her assignment.
Although it’s pretty telling that as much as didn't expect Cass' help, he didn't hesitate to ask for it. The source of those self-centered assumptions isn’t pride for sure.
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Varian's immediate reaction to shutting down the doomsday device appears to be "enjoying the rush". The whole scenario would very much appeal to Varian's nature as a problem solver. He just solved an important problem, had people supporting him along the way, people who listened to him, everyone is acknowledging his part in the solution and not the problem for once.
Also, the literal adrenaline rush.
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Varian had a lot of curveballs thrown at him this episode. I’m willing to bet that his day ended absolutely nothing like he first imagined. He showed an admirable ability to adapt and roll with the punches while still working towards achieving goals. 
If we take a step back and consider all his stated and implied goals in the episode then we can see how he actually succeeded in doing everything he set out to achieve, even if it was done in a way he never planned on.
Get Cass to be his assistant? Check, although as an assistant to shutting down the imminent apocalypse rather than for presenting his invention.
Impress Cass? Check, only he probably expected to impress her with his amazing new invention that creates a whole ass new element rather than with helping her do her chores.
Give Cass a necklace of an element named after her? Check, and his small little while looking at the necklace indicates that he realizes it too. 
This pattern of events repeats itself most of the times when we see Varian sets himself a goal to work towards. He starts out with a plan, falls victim to the god of chaos that probably claimed his soul when he was a baby or something and somehow ends up succeeding in his goal in a way that blindsides even him.
In GE he impresses Cass all the big and small obstacles, but loses the contest. In QfaD he reaches the princess despite the blizzard, but she denies him help. In RTA he gets the flower despite the princess, but it no longer holds the magic. In SotS he gets the princess to do what he wants despite an entire kingdom, but her hair doesn’t work.
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The third instance of Varian being surprised at Cass going out of her way for him that cements the pattern.
At this point, the behaviour tells us a lot more about Varian’s underlying assumptions of the world, than anything about how he perceives Cass. The continuing surprise at the unprompted positive attention shows it’s an experience that’s out of the norm for him. Combined with what we know of his reputation, his lack of peer relationship and his busy single father, it paints a picture of a big part of Varian’s emotional needs that are going unfulfilled even before everything happened. 
Quirin is trying his best but he’s busy and as much as he loves Varian, he doesn’t really get him. Even without those challenges, one relationship simply isn’t enough to fulfill all the emotional needs of a person. However, Varian’s relative social isolation and reliance on his father give the events of QfaD a whole new layer. He didn’t just lose his dad and caretaker, but also his entire support network in one swoop. A support network that was full of holes and leaking, but one that kept him afloat so far nonetheless. Shhh, I know nets naturally have holes. It’s a metaphor.
But that pattern of behaviour tells us a lot more than just the size of Varian’s support network. Just like his proactivity grew from his need to actively seek out that positive attention and acknowledgment, so would his self-reliance increase the more he sees others won’t give him what he needs without him prompting them in one way or another, and we indeed see that Varian is very independent.
Now, self-reliance isn’t a bad trait by any means, at least when it comes from a healthy place. But that level of self-reliance in children and teens, especially when it comes to their own needs (whether emotional or physical), often comes from a place of distrust that those needs will not be met consistently if left up to another. Needless to say, it’s not the most healthy mindset.
It’s another part of the foundation of Varian’s later trust issues. Both come from a place of “I need to do this because no one else would do it for me”, but where the first is limited to getting acknowledgment and positive attention his later mindset grew to encompass things like “free Quirin”, “help me” and “protect me”. 
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Like before, Varian accepts how Cass asserted her own ambitions over his with very little fuss. After all, it’s not that hard to accept an apology if he didn’t put much weight on her putting her on ambitions above him. While his low self-esteem is far from the only factor at play here it’s yet another thing that hints towards it. 
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Cass words here delight Varian for much of the same reasons he reacted so strongly to all those instances of unprompted kindness. Except this time it’s much more validating than that. It shows that she listened to him, even if she rejected that nickname at the time. Plus, it was something that she didn’t like initially, so the only motivation she had to change her mind was that she genuinely liked him. It’s a tangible proof that he managed to earn Cass’ respect.
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Varian acting as if he’s the one that should be responsible for cleaning up, which is rather bizarre. He’s using the singular I we saw him use earlier when he planned on shutting down the doomsday device, which seems to be indicating he thinks he holds the main responsibility here.
It could come from his extreme proactivity, like with the knot at the beginning of the episode (6k words ago, feels like forever) or from that same self-centered worldview. However, if we look at the word choice we can tie it back to Let Me Make You Proud with its line: "maybe I make things a mess". The implication being that Varian is cleaning the mess because he himself (knowingly or not) to be the one responsible for creating it, despite his tangential role at best in the chain of events.
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Seeing how Varian and Cass bonded over trying to impress their dads and failing, Cass turning down a guard assignment probably seems like the equivalent to him turning down Quirin's approval in his mind. He knows this is a Big Deal.
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Based on everything we saw so far in the series, Varian seems to enjoy working with completely and totally new things. Whether it’s never-seen-before mystical rocks, the new element he invented and even reverse engineering long lost tech. Hell, even a lot of his own inventions qualify since he’s the first person to come up with them.
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This moment is a reflection of the earlier one when Varian asks “what does flair has to do with anything'', albeit this one has way more far-reaching consequences. And once again Varian’s instinctive reaction to what isn’t-that-far-off-from-deception is to be upset and question it. 
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A lot of people forget that QfaD wasn’t the first promise Rapunzel broke to Varian. Although to be fair the writers seemingly forget that as well, so most of the burden lies there.
Varian’s character arc up to the midpoint can be charted by the promises broken to him (with better and worse reasoning). In many ways, distrust and trust issues are a central and ever-present force in his arc. Separating him from others in a big dramatic like in the climax of RTA, to smaller quieter ways like how his need to act in order to achieve the validation he wants isolates him from his community, to overarching themes like disillusionment with authority figures.
The promise here is another data point to teach Varian to not trust in promises, but it’s also another, more insidious data point that paints Rapunzel as Fred’s accomplice in keeping the black rocks situation quiet.
Which… she kinda is. No, she never cooperated with any of Fred’s actions to silence the situation. She just held her own silence, when her words would’ve been enough to break the deception.
It is a crime of inaction, but those are not inherently less damaging or harmful than crimes of action.
But for Varian, who could later look at that moment with the hindsight of knowing the full situation with the black rocks, it would be so easy to see active cooperation in Rapunzel’s actions and use it as another point against trusting her.
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But despite any reservations Varian may have, at the moment all he sees is his friend trusting him with a secret. After being considered a walking disaster for so long, that trust (from the princess no less, a person with authority) would be very validating.
...If you reached this point you have my full respect. Any blame should be directed to the tangled server because they’re a bunch of enablers.
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xxlovendreamsxx · 5 years
halfway across the world. rated k.
A/N: I was going through my WIPs and this was one I had been doing for a zine that I dropped out of. It was almost finished so I thought why not finish it. It fits the prompt for day 1 of our beloved otp month. Also there was supposed to be more but this is just wholesome in its mood and idk what followed would have been way too dramatic so I just put that plot bunny in the garbage. Who knows, I may revisit in another prompt. But for now, here, have this soldier!au drabble. It’s kinda meh but w/e. I just wanted to get the WIP out lol. 
It had been five hours since a messenger soldier had arrived at their location to report the sight of Akatsuki heading towards the village they were stationed at, and Sakura was beginning to doubt the validity of the information. She and Sasuke had been immediately sent on lookout duty at the borders of the town, the latter carrying a sniper in case of trouble, while she settled for bringing two handguns and a radio.
To Shikamaru’s calculations, the Akatsuki troop should have been there three hours ago. Sakura wished she had thought of bringing provisions; her mouth had long grown dry by now, and her stomach had hollowed out as well, gurgling with painful growls and beseeching for any type of sustenance.
Running the back over her hand over her sweat-slicked forehead, Sakura exhaled a heavy sigh and tipped her head back against the much cooler wall, tired gaze set on the build of her dark haired teammate. Occupied with the meticulous cleaning of his gun, Sasuke took a few moments to notice her staring, black eyes sliding to her in question. A lopsided smile tugged at her mouth just for that.
“I’m hungry, Sasuke-kun,” she said simply, the slightest hint of complaint in her tone. “Do you have anything edible by any chance? Like an apple? Some salted peanuts? I’d take anything at this point, seriously. My stomach feels like it’s eating itself.”
Sasuke cocked his head a little, eyes full of mirth as he watched her for a moment. But then he nodded, reaching for a pouch inside his military vest. Sakura practically jumped forward in excitement.
“It’s probably not in good shape,” he said, as he pulled out a protein bar and bent towards her to hand her the snack. Too eager, Sakura snatched it out of his grasp, eyes so wild with hunger that she just barely missed the way his lips twitched in return. “…But then again, it looks like you don’t care about that.”
Fiddling with the wrapping with so-hungry-she-was-clumsy fingers, Sakura giggled and stuck her tongue out at him, giddy from his light teasing.
“Honestly, it could be ten years old right now and I still wouldn’t care,” she said, taking a ravenous bite from the nut-filled bar and finding herself utterly unable to hold back her satisfied moan.
Quickly, she devoured the rest, paying no mind to how Sasuke cleared his throat, focused solely instead on relishing every little bite she could get. She turned to look at him with the most brilliant smile when she was done, eyes gleaming even brighter when she found him there, still cleaning his gun with one hand while the other was outstretched towards her with a half-filled bottle of water.
“You’re my absolute favorite person in the world, did you know that?” Sakura said, grinning as she took the offered drink, taking a few deep swigs. She wasn’t sated in the least, but at least both her hunger and thirst had been quenched a bit now, and that was all she could ask for.
Sasuke’s lips twitched again. He merely nodded in return. “Don’t mention it.”
Letting her head fall back against the wall once more, Sakura let out a long, deep sigh, content. She closed her eyes.
“…I can’t wait to go back home,” she murmured after a moment, grin fading into a small, pleased smile. From the way she was sitting, she could feel some of the sun’s almost-too-hot beams blaring on her skin from one of the two windows in the room. For a moment, she imagined she was back home, and not in a poor village of a mindlessly hot desert halfway across the world, hanging out on her parent’s back porch on a hot summer day. 
Mm, what she wouldn’t do to get a taste of her father’s divine watermelon lemonade right now.
Sasuke would probably like it too since it wasn’t too sweet, she mused, smiling wider as she cracked one eye open to glimpse at him. She sighed contently again and slipped it back shut.
“I haven’t seen mom and dad in so long,” she went on. “It’s been two years—can you believe that? Mom even says she’s got all my presents stacked in the closet so that I can open them when I get home.”
“You still get presents?” Sasuke asked, sounding completely astonished. Or well, as much as Sasuke could sound astonished, anyway.
Blinking her eyes open once more, Sakura met his gaze, straightened up and grinned. “Yup. Probably always will for as long as I live,” she said, brushing away a sweaty lock of her unbelievably bright hair.
Sasuke’s eyes softened, so much it warmed her heart and left it feeling like goo. She felt her stomach flutter as the look he gave her, so full of awe and pride… and dare she say, even a little envy.
She understood exactly why that was when he murmured, “You have good parents.”
Her smile lessened, giving way to something sadder, more bittersweet. It always hurt to think about how Sasuke no longer had an immediate family; when he was only eight, both his parents died in a car crash, and just a few years ago, his brother had gone MIA in the war. The latter is what had made him decide to enlist, full of hopes that he might one day find his brother.
But every year, those hopes were steadily declining, from what Sakura could sadly discern.
Swallowing the tightness in her throat, she flashed him a sweet smile. “Yeah, they are, aren’t they?” she said. “I’m so glad they decided to support me in the end when I wanted to enlist with you and Naruto. I know it’s hard on them, especially in times like these—and dad wanted so much for me to get a medical degree and work in a hospital, so I know it was especially hard on him. It would have been nice, but I don’t know… my place is with you guys. And I’m glad they came to understand that.” She paused, for a beat. A grin split her lips. “But they are counting on you two to look out for me. Because if anything happens to me, mom says she’ll do you two twice as bad.”
A faint smile pulled at Sasuke’s lips, finally, and he shook his head, undeniably amused. Sakura giggled, heart flipping and pounding away, all too delighted with herself. Making Sasuke smile was always an achievement in her book, especially since his smiles were so far and few these days.
She tucked her hair back again, clasping her hands in her lap a little shyly as they stared at each other. Sakura cleared her throat subtly, but still kept smiling. “They asked about you, you know?” she said.
Brows rising slightly, Sasuke blinked once, twice. “…Really,” he replied, sounding a little dubious.
But that didn’t surprise her; in all these years they’d known each other, Sasuke’s interactions with her parents had always been quite limited—especially since none of their hangouts had ever taken place at Sakura’s home. The most her parents had seen of Sasuke had been when he would pick her up beforehand or drop her home afterwards. The last time they had seen each other was two years ago at the airport, right before they were going back to the military base to be deployed, and they had hardly exchanged words.
It was only natural that Sasuke would assume they simply didn’t know each other enough for them to genuinely care about him.
Her smile shifted to something gentler. Silly man.
“Yeah. They did,” she said. “They said they worry about you, sometimes. Said you looked… lonely.”
(“he’s got practically no meat on his bones since he left—honestly, sakura, are you sure he’s even eating? poor boy looks like a lost, famished puppy. do i need to send him one of my care packages?”)
Lip curling at the corner at the memory, she set her attention on Sasuke again, heart buzzing with warmth at the sight of him, jaw slackened and eyes just barely widened. He was clearly stunned.
Eyes crinkling too happily, Sakura grinned at him and shifted to firmly nudge his thigh with her boot. “I told them you’re not, obviously,” she declared, winking teasingly. “Not with us around.”
Sasuke’s lips quirked, gaze melting again; looking so fond, so tender—so impossibly at peace. Gods, how she loved him so.
“Hm. How could I be?” he replied, eyes gleaming, teasing. “Naruto’s a loud idiot, Kakashi won’t stop lecturing me about the road of life, and you never leave my side.”
Her green eyes widened. That little—
Bursting into laughter, Sakura shook her head, throwing the not quite finished water bottle at his head. Sasuke caught it, but she kept laughing, wrapping her arms around herself as she shook and grinned and giggled.
Sasuke was smiling again when she stopped a short minute later, and Sakura heart flopped for the umpteenth time that day. She smiled back, feeling so full. Complete.
She made a silly face. “Oh, you’d be dead without me and you know it, Sasuke-kun,” she teased. And that was true.
Gaze flashing with some playfulness, Sasuke huffed, “So would you.” That was true, too.
Maybe when they would both go back home, she could finally tell him how she felt.
“Hey, Sasuke-kun?”
“What would you do if we were back home right now?”
Laugh. “What, really? You’re so weird!”
“Tch. Yeah, whatever.”
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Is true Kim Taehyung is a Sagittarius rising? If so, what are the behaviors that are related to your ascendant? 1Hug~ ^^
[Below cut: Sagittarius ASC/Rising + BTS rumoured birthtime]
hey there! 💕 thanks for asking 💕 that’s the rumored birth time spread from k-fans as far as I know (either it’s speculations or an interaction idk). It’s popularized in the bts community but it’s?? pretty sourceless so I think it’s speculations (that’s just my personal take on it). It’s kind of been blown out of proportions, so maybe don’t focus too much on it because it’s unconfirmed? Kinda like a lore, so take it with a grain of salt. It gives pretty good reading so it’s a fun activity to do in terms of synastry/houses – but it’s still sourceless so yeah, use caution? 
There’s nothing wrong with believing in it and doing chart reading based on them. Personally I just wanted to make my life easier by not doing the houses/base full chart readings on speculated birth times. Like there’s other stuff to touch on that gets overlooked a lot because we’re trying to read into their houses/asc more than paying attention to our planet placements/aspect that’s already there, y know. So this is me trying to make us digest things bit by bit instead of trying to eat the whole plate. 
Unless the idol themselves disclose their birth time in public (broadcast) along with possibly a birth certificate I’m probably not gonna use it lmao (even miss sunmi’s analysis is on the err side just in case). So no, I can’t confirm that it’s true and I’m personally of the belief that you can kind of ‘go wild’ with it since it’s all speculations anyways. Houses/ASC just makes placement/aspects more fun, but it doesn’t take away from the placement/aspects thats already there. But maybe don’t trust things so easily/use a grain of salt with everything. 
As for Sagittarius rising, for those out there with Sag ASC/rising please remember that your chart affects how your ASC/rising come across! Not every Sag ASC/rising is the same. Personal planets, aspects strength, houses position etc. affects the person. 
ASC/rising tells you how you approach society, your views and personal beliefs on it, the action that you demonstrate towards it. The rulership (sign) you have in your 1st house (angular house) will also play a part in this as well. And decans are most commonly used for sun/asc because they play a role in how you come across to others here (even though they can arguably be applied across your planets). 
So take into account all the other stuff, different Sag ASC/rising will act differently from one another. No one is the same even with the same ASC/rising. 
These are just some common traits I’ve personally observed in myself and my friends, so take it with a grain of salt because it might not apply to you personally! 💕
Sagittarius ASC/Rising (from observation/notes): 
Would bike/drive if they can (if they’re able-bodied) likes to travel alone but don’t mind the company when they’re in their ‘moods’
Appreciate ‘a breath of fresh air’ in their company, tend to notice the difference when they’ve become ‘mundane/tunnel-visioned’ in their work/social group. 
When they meet others from a different perspective (but same intensity) they appreciate the difference in others. 
Isn’t really one to instigate hang outs unless they planned for it, actually has lazy days. But depending on their chart, what they refer to as ‘lazy day activity’ can be very different from the norm. 
Would still include private/personal time a lone where they go out and just, day-dream and be in nature. Likes to think of themselves as music video people (scenarios) or take in a different atmosphere (change is always preferred in order to ‘restart’/’refresh’). 
Chaotic Beings, sometimes likes to do things for the sake of dramatics/pettiness. Subtle about it at first. Seems normal. But makes sure the conclusion is a ‘plot twist’ in a natural way. Likes to play on this ‘not everything is as it seems’ kind of vibe. Doesn’t take things too ‘over the top’.  Punch of wittiness to them. Likes to keep people guessing (mysteriousness but with a directness/sincerity to them) 
Can’t hide their quirkiness when they’re excited, tends to be self-conscious of themselves. It’s not like, bad self-decrepitating stuff though. 
Most of their quirkiness comes from their open-mindedness, they’ve learnt a lot and accept alot from others. So the self-conscious thing is mostly forgetting to ‘test’ the waters out if the other person is close-minded/not as open-minded as they are. 
Realize a lot of things are based around experience and willingness to trust others/people’s narrative. So it’s more like ‘will I have to defend this person’s experience? if the person i’m talking to is close-minded obviously they’re in the wrong. But to what extent am I going to argue/teach them a different perspective?’
It’s either one way or another with them making decisions in the end: 1) wing it or 2) plan it beforehand
Tired sometimes but is unwilling to acknowledge it, if their body can move then they will move.
Prefers getting out of personal funks by doing things rather than waiting for their mood to shift. 
So it’s of personal belief that if they start doing something then their mood will shift, that’s why they ‘wing it’ sometimes. But if they feel totally unprepared they’re not push-overs about it to themselves, they’ll just say no to a plan if they have to.   
Wants to do ~cool things~ like surf/skate mostly because they like the idea of moving motion/cruising through areas
Has a thing for wind rushing past them, adrenaline junkies even when they’re not hardcore about it (people think adrenaline junkies are super hard core when Sag Rising are out here doing the least but hyping up the emotional satisfaction/idea of the act they get from it)
Enjoy changes the most, that’s why they like the wind thing. In people as well. Change feels like a ‘lift off’ experience, pulls them into a new place every time. 
Walks….everywhere. If it doesn’t require climbing they’ll get there. Can go on hikes a lot, or just traveling in general. Doesn’t mind company but would rather do it a lone at first. 
Likes to have knowledge of their surroundings, makes ‘notes’ on things in their mind and can often want to blend in with the locals (even if they stand out, they relish in the difference) 
First order of operation is to familiarize themselves, either by surroundings, activities, routine. etc. They just want to feel comfortable having a place to go to/things to do that they feel accepted in. (depends on other placements, like sun-moons and venus as well)
Has a ‘friendly’ face/aura, so they might find themselves attracting company even in foreign places.
Usually these are good companies, they’re flighty by nature (especially asc) so they tend to stay far from danger. 
Not as much of a dumbass as you think they are, people who know them tends to worry for them when they have to go to new places/be a lone. 
Sagittarius are survivalists generally. They have good/sharp common sense when they’re experiencing ‘new things’, they’re just obtuse to a lot of other more sensitive/detailed stuff when they’re ‘used to it’. 
Sometimes they’re just….intentionally oblivious. Like ‘if I just ignore it then it doesn’t affect me emotionally’ – which is life-saving in a lot of situation they’re in. 
They’re honest about it though. Kinda simple fools? Sincerity is always the key with Sag ASC/Rising, they’re never not sincere/honest to others. That was done intentionally. But they’re a lot more layered/complex than people give them credit for, and that’s what hurts them most and what they’re defensive about (which is why they get so self-preachy sometimes, just wants compliments and validation from others).  
Part of the problem why they lack tact. Sometimes it’s unintentional and sometimes it’s a consequence of their mindset/thinking.
They attract strangers who don’t know them but feel like they could trust them/relatable to them, so it’s more about safety in numbers rather than an available prey. 
Of the general belief that being open-minded to stranger is the nicest courtesy, puts extra effort into listening to people. Eye-contact and contribution to the conversation galore. 
Great first-impression people (if placements/aspects are all uncomplicated as well)
Has layers of ‘relatability’: depending on how well the other person handles their sass, group people into separate cliques that they hang out with. 
The ones they open up to are the people who genuinely make them feel like they’re accepted as they are for who they are, they can’t categorize them into cliques because the other people surpasses all their expectations (forgiveness, able to see past their foolishness, genuine tolerance and love for them even when they messed up)
Talks ALOT about people they love, particularly their best qualities. Is super proud of their friends and the people around them. Even if they acknowledge the bad parts, they’ll tend to hype up the good as a defense thing. 
In their minds, they’re already networking people together. Can often have thoughts like ‘oh, this person will get along so well with this other person’ – and then they want to open that gate up for people. 
Can KNOW if another person is a Sagittarius rising. Although they’re obtuse to other’s feelings most of the time (try as they might, they’re still kind of ‘occupied’ in a lot of ways) if they have strong aspects/placements that indicate intuition, they can ‘vibe out’ another usually. 
Kind of hard on themselves, unexpectedly. 
Particularly when they get really excited about stuff/can’t control their happiness. Scold themselves a lot when they get like this. 
Third person perspective looking in at themselves and criticizing themselves sometimes. But cannot stop their own action so they just– exasperated about it. 
Doesn’t always understand what it is they want to change to, but feels like they’re stagnant in a way (especially because of excitement which is??? so hard on themselves for no apparent reason)
When it comes to other people, they’re always genuinely touched by those who show tolerance/forgiveness for them. When they think they’re being ‘annoying’ or ‘too much’ (themselves) or acting rather ‘foolishly’ (self-preaching) and the other person just takes it and are willing to still be friends with them. They are genuinely touched and cares more about these kind of people. 
Doesn’t like pessimism. At all. Might think they can tolerate pessimism. But pessimism demonstrated by another person that has any signs of feeling ‘defeated’ or close-mindedness – Sagittarius ASC/rising will absolutely not tolerate it.   
Sometimes they get really nervous/anxious for hang out and just kinda flakes on it, or the activity doesn’t seem fun/they’re not planned for it they can easily just not go. Honesty, in a way. But also frustrates another person. 
Always the voice of (sometimes hesitant) optimism when their friends are all being kind of down, tries to inject new motivation ideas/mood into group setting in order to ‘fire’ others up. 
The type who smiles and you just kind of have to cheer up because they’re so genuinely nice and ‘doing their best’ with everything? 
People who tries the hardest/doing their best (apparent) but still has to face their personal demons (running away, flightiness, intentional obliviousness, self-defense stuff) so you know they’re sincere even though they’re imperfect.  
Not as party animals as you think they are, but they do tend to have a ‘wing it’ or ‘eh why not’ kind of mentality which enables people to see/view them that way (not their intention, just people’s perception of them)
Likes to be socially accepted, can ‘front’ or hype up certain activities that they do even though they don’t even genuinely like the sort of thing. 
That’s why change is so important, because if they’re socially accepted first, then they can integrate the things they genuinely do enjoy into being accepted as well. 
Loves telling stories of their past experience, this is mostly why they don’t mind company when they go out. They can’t remember everything that’s happened to them and they need confirmation/validation from their friend that said event was fun/interesting enough to tell others. 
Knows which person/people to take with them on journeys/adventures, just wants to have conversations with people and feel ‘bonded’ – those are the stories they want to have the most. 
Not even a ‘group-setting’ kind of person, more of a ‘want to be bond/feel good’ around those people kind of person. 
Activities are just things to facilitate ‘bonds’ and they’re just hoping the other person will come through with the other half, the fulfillment they need from the act they provide. Half-half kind of deal.  
Embarks on new hobbies or ‘try things out’ fairly often, does things sporadically. But tends to carry through (even though it takes years to continue, time is just a passage that means nothing to them if they aren’t stopped by death)
Anxious/nervous energy, more so than people tend to realize. Spontaneous nature comes from there. Likes the change of pace.
I hope this answers your questions! 💕 Alot of the Sag ASC/Rising stuff does seem to apply to Tae (on first impression), but I’m still going to caution everyone not to take rising signs without their entire placement/aspects into consideration. If the person doesn’t tell you their rising themselves, maybe we should place less significance on it and focus on what we have instead? That’s just my personal thoughts on the stuff anyways. Thanks for sending in the ask again! 💕
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rowdysakura · 7 years
title: I don’t know much (but I think the future’s looking brighter)
rating: g
part: 1/?
Zhe dips a wing, tail twisting and tail fins flaring in accordance. The tight, spiraling turn sends the early light of day rippling across zhir golden scales in erratic, fantastical patterns. Zhe continues to spiral until finally breaking cloud cover. Beneath zhir and the clouds lies the ocean. It’s rippling expanse dotted with dark, rocky spires and black stone plateaus hosting a rainbow plethora of zhir fellow dragons sunbathing. Several of the colorful heads rose up upon noticing zhir, bugling a greeting as well as stretching out their thought-touches to briefly brush across zhirs.
One Who Leaps from Cloud to Sky
A answering trill echoes from Sky’s throat, zhir thought-touch responding in kind. Zhe makes a few more loops about the gathering place. Sharp, slit-pupiled eyes scrape over the oceanscape, searching but not finding. None of zhir fellows seems distressed, except for a couple of brilliantly red hatchlings squeaking imperiously at one another. Yet, the feeling of unease which has brought Sky down refuses to abate.
The biggest of zhir Clan, a dully colored cerulean one, raises je’s great head. When je reaches out jer thought-touch to Sky’s with wispy, questioning tendrils, Sky reaches back. The dull buzz that comes from being around so many at once fades to the background as the two tie their thought-touches together. It takes only a moment, the two fitting themselves together with practiced ease—Sky is falling up, up, up, into the sky. Zhe is a drop in the ocean, swallowed up, pulled under in the vastness that is the je that makes up they, a ripple a bubble a gnat inconsequential—then zhe is zhe and je is je again. Separate but not apart.
Sky gives zhirself a mental shake, zhe will never get used to the sensations that came from first contact with Speaker, sparking amusement like faint rustling across the larger dragon’s thoughts. The elder dragon’s presence reminds Sky of the forests like oceans. Trees growing more gnarled, thicker, and tall like mountains until they block out even the barest hint of sun. Deep, quiet, slow, and unbearably vast.
And so very, very easy to get lost in.
Bright horizons—Speaker of Many Tongues—question? asks Sky.
Bright horizons—One Who Leaps from Cloud to Sky, Speaker murmurs in turn, thoughts dripping sedately into Sky’s. Buzz like scale mites—storm on horizon?
Feel uncertain—itchy as salt under scales, answers Sky, adding a turnabout questioning note to the end.
Speaker brushes over Sky’s nervous prickles with waves of calm.
See no harm—see no danger, assures Speaker.
Sky hums, thoughts buzzing with anxious doubt.
The hum echoes outside Sky’s head as the air abruptly fills with the weight of power. Of old, old magic. It’s covers everything, encompassing all of the Clan like warm sand. Sky feels full to bursting as home/protect/heart/safe wraps around zhir.
No harm comes, Speaker declares evenly, the magic lifting as je did.
There’s a knife edge glint to it, though. Fleeting but heavy with dangerous promise. Harm could come, that edge says, wrapped in all the certainty a millennia old dragon carries. And if it did, Speaker would erase it from existence.
One Who Leaps from Cloud to Sky believes Speaker of Many Tongues unconditionally.
Comforted, Sky allows zhirself to release the anxious rippling of zhir thoughts. Tension leeches from zhir as zhe pushes zhir thought-touch closer to Speaker’s. Close enough to feel the unwavering calm, let it wash away zhir remaining nerves, but not so close as to get lost in je again.
Thankful, says Sky, sincerity shining through their thought-touches like sun rays. Taking leave to fly—warm winds under wings—Speaker of Many Tongues.
Warm winds under wings—One Who Leaps from Cloud to Sky, replies Speaker.
There’s a hint of sleepiness to jers thoughts, that sags and seeps into Sky before they disentangle thought-touches. Sky shakes it off, neatly picking out little bits of thought-touch leftover from Speaker. Then, with three great flaps to regain the height zhe’d lost while coasting, zhe flew.
Speaker of Many Tongues has soothed Sky’s but that little nugget of something’s wrong something’s wrong something’s wrong still wriggles under zir sternum like a fat maggot. Some days, Speaker manages to silence that maggot. Some days, like now, je doesn’t, leaving a starved yet still malevolent parasite that would drive Sky’s mind in circles until zhe is right back where zhe started. On days like these, there’s not much zhe can do but tire zhirself out and hope tomorrow’s better.
Once alone with sea and sky, no thought-touches to be felt, Sky let’s loose. Twists, turns, barrel rolls; dead stops, climbs and drops; slow spirals, hovers and lazy patterns interspersed with straightforward runs of pure speed. On and on zhe goes, the exhilaration of zhir freedom and the increasing burn of well used muscle pushing back and back at the heavy thing in zhir chest. Lost in losing zhirself, Sky misses the starburst of excited thought-touch only to be wrenched back into the world by a nip at zhir wingtip.
Zhe snaps—literally—at the offender, zhir thought-touch spiking and spitting at the other’s in a way spoke volumes more than any roar.
The other’s thought-touch, that of a small dusk-orange welp, skitters away. The tiny thing lets out the most indignant yip.
Sky does roar, then. A thundering bellow that vibrates through the youngling’s chest as it physically skitters away. It glides along in silence several wingspans away, properly chastised, before edging ever warily closer. But by bit, until it’s invading zhir space once more. Its thought-touch needling insistently at Sky’s.
Sky lets out a whuff of irritation. Zhe dives abruptly towards the water, stopping when zhir claws skim the surface. The small one follows, clumsily but without pause, zipping under zir. Sky rumbles warningly and it zips out again, yapping pointedly. It’s thought-touch stretching and poking once more at Sky. Shaking zhir ridged head, Sky wonders who claims this little one and why they hadn’t taught it any manners.
A put upon sigh, Sky lets the young dragon’s thought-touch collide with zhir’s. Excitement crashes into Sky like battering ram, followed by so much blinding awe it nearly makes Sky dizzy. Their thought-touch is an incoherent mess. Images, thoughts, words, and emotions flinging by, unrecognizeable.
Another whuff and Sky sets to work on setting it right. Pushing, pulling, until everything slots into place putting it into sharp focus.
Bright Eyes—see flying—want flying! she shrieks, gleeful. Then, much more quietly, Flying together—teach—please?
Ah, the newest hatched of Still Waters Run Deep, Sky has heard of her—she’s unfortunately infamous for her clumsy mishaps. Her heart has always been in the right place, though, and she never lets her failures keep her down. It’s an admirable sort of determination.
Sky cranes zhir long neck to look at Bright Eyes. Wide, blue eyes return zhir searching gaze. Eager. Challenging, even.
The golden dragon snorts. Peppered sparks of amusement flickering in their thought-touch. It brings up an angry lash of embarrassment from Bright Eyes. Sky taps her on the head with a wingtip.
Peace, Sky says, amusement still curling through zhir. Prove worthy—follow—keep as shadow.
With that One Who Leaps from Cloud to Sky banks sharply to the left, Bright Eyes letting out a surprised trill behind zhir before flapping doggedly after.
It’s been a long time since zhe has had a winglet, Sky thinks. Perhaps, it’s time for one again.
misc dragon things:
default pronoun for dragons is it/it’s. Bright Eyes pronouns change after they connect thought-touches bc those are her pronouns but Sky couldn’t know until they connected, hence the it beforehand.
winglets are younger dragons taken under an older dragon’s wing (lol). it’s sort of like an apprenticeship. dragons are actually raised communally, by three to five adult dragons usually, but sometimes the babies end up having a talent or interest their parents can’t help with. so, another adult will take them as a winglet to hell develop that skill. mentors are somewhat responsible for the care and well being of their winglets but not to the degree of the parents.
Clan is a group of dragons. not necessarily related by blood but they live together consistently and raise their dragonets together n such. Clans can b enormous or small depending on food/resources/space. some put names to their clan and some don’t. Cloud to Sky and Bright Eyes Clan is fairly large n has about 150-200 dragons at any time
Speaker of Many Tongues is an ancient fucking dragon lmao most dragons don’t live that long n this sort of makes jir the de facto leader but there’s no real leader of the clan (for this one at least). Je’s also part of the reason why the clan is so large, few dragons want to fuck with an ancient least of all an ancient’s clan.
Bright Eyes is a v generic baby dragon name lmfao, it’ll probs change over time bc that’s how dragons do n she’s just a baby! she growing! she don’t know whomst the fuck she is
dragons don’t use pronouns like you, I, we, they (referring to a group not individual pronoun) etc bc their thoughts are connected n it’s implicit in the thoughts (which I rly wanted to do more the whole telepathy thing but alas) what/who’s being referred to. it makes dialogue a bitch but I thought it was a fun challenge.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Hungry for Words Podcast: Vietnamese Chef Andrea Nguyen
Welcome to episode 2 of the Hungry for Words podcast starring best-selling author and chef Kathleen Flinn. In this episode, Kathleen talks to noted Vietnamese food writer, chef, and author Andrea Nguyen about everything from dumplings and pho to her dramatic escape from her home country in 1975 at the height of the war.    Andrea is the author of several books, including the classic Into the Vietnamese Kitchen, Asian Tofu and Asian Dumplings, and The Pho Cookbook. Get more about Andrea - plus the recipe for the Rotisserie Chicken Pho - from the episode here on Hungry for Words. Below is a partial transcription of the podcast. Kathleen: Hello and welcome to "Hungry for Words, The Podcast," in which I talk to the most interesting people writing about the food, I make some of the recipes and then we talk about it, and you get to listen in. I'm your host, Kathleen Flinn. Today, I'll be talking to Andrea Nguyen, an award-winning author of numerous books on the cuisine of her homeland, including the classic, "Into the Vietnamese Kitchen." We'll talk about her latest book, "The Pho Cookbook" over steaming bowls of the noodle soup. We'll also talk about dumplings, tofu, and how her family dramatically escaped the war-torn country in 1975. This episode of "Hungry for Words" is sponsored by Wolf, encouraging you to reclaim your kitchen starting with one home-cooked family meal per week. Visit reclaimthekitchen.com for tips, techniques and recipes from Wolf cooking tools. And by our media partner, foodista.com. Join a passionate community of food lovers at foodista.com. And by our partner, Book Larder, Seattle's community cookbook bookstore. Learn more at booklarder.com. Tomorrow, I'm gonna interview Andrea, and I have her book, "The Pho Cookbook." Forever, I thought it was pho, I think it's still pronounced pho. And I have to say I've never actually attempted to make pho, but I am really excited about it. So I was looking through it and she has a whole bunch of different recipes. So she has the classic beef, classic chicken, and they look great, but they also look like they take four or five hours, which I don't really have. So then I was looking at her quick chicken pho, which sounded really good, but she said it was pho-ish, so it's not really pho. But then I'm flipping through and then I see something that she calls Pho Ga Quay, Rotisserie Chicken Pho, and I was like, "That has my name all over it." And I like this because, to me, I felt like it was sort of more real stock-ish because you take the actual chicken carcass, according to her recipe, you take it, you kind of break it up, and then you simmer it along with celery and apple and napa cabbage and carrot and cilantro. Now, I'm taking the star anise, cloves, some coriander seeds, and cinnamon, and then over medium heat, you toast the spices for several minutes. I'm now going to add some ginger and some onion. And then now, I'm gonna add in all the chicken and all the other stuff, and you let that simmer for about an hour, and then see how it goes. And now, I'm going to strain it. And I have to say, it smells pretty great. I'm going to put it aside till tomorrow. Hey, welcome to Seattle. Andrea: Thank you so much. And you know, I have to say, when I walked through you're door, I smelled this beautiful fragrance of pho, and I was so happy. Kathleen: I have to tell you, I started it last night, at like 9:00, and I wasn't done until about midnight. Because I had to go shopping, I just all of a sudden went, "Wait, she's coming tomorrow and I got to go get that stuff and figure out what I'm gonna make." But I picked the rotisserie chicken pho. Is it pho? Andrea: It's pho if you want to really impress a Vietnamese native speaker, but if you just say... Kathleen: Pho. Andrea: Yeah, pho, like you're asking a question. Kathleen: Kind of like how a Valley girl says it, like, "Pho?" Andrea: Yeah, like "I want some pho right now." Kathleen: Okay, I want some pho. Andrea: Yeah, yeah. Kathleen: All right. Well, this is, like, the most helpful pronunciation guide, I have to tell you. Andrea: Always add a question mark at the end of the word pho. Kathleen: Pho? Andrea: Yeah. Kathleen: All right. So other question I have to ask you is how you pronounce your last name. Andrea: It's pronounced Nguyen, like N-hyphen-W-I-N. Kathleen: "N-win." Andrea: You can always "Win" and it will always be like a win-win situation, I suppose. Kathleen: My husband and I were having this whole conversation about last night. And I thought, "Oh, my gosh, I'm gonna mispronounce your name. I'm gonna pho wrong." So here we go. So it's all good. Your other books are easier, there was tofu, I can say that. That's pretty clear. And dumplings, which are universal. Andrea: You know, pho is a new word for the American-English language dictionary. And so one of the problems is that we know we no longer have to put an accent mark on it, so it looks like pho. Kathleen: Yeah, that' true. Because if you walk around international district, they all have the, you know... Andrea: The diacritics. Kathleen: Yeah. Andrea: And those things look so funky, and there's like two of them on that letter O, and so I always tell people, like, in Vietnamese, when it's just P-H-O without any of funny little cookie dickies, you know, accent marks, that is pronounced pho, and once that you get a little side hook on the O, then that is pronounced pho. But then once that you have a little question mark above the O, it become pho. Kathleen: And pho is what we're talking about. Andrea: Correct. You know, pho is a word that is based upon a Chinese term for flat rice noodles, fun. I don't really believe that there is a precursor for, like, the other words for pho. It's just pho. It's almost like a word that Vietnamese people, they sort of...they adapted from Cantonese, or their pidgin version of Cantonese way back when pho originated in the early part of the 20th century. Kathleen: Interesting. In reading your book, you talked about that being the origin of pho, right, was in the early 20th century. Andrea: Yes, and there's a lot of murky mythology about the origin of pho. And so some people have, who allows it, "Oh my gosh, you know, it came from French pot-au-feu because look how pho sounds like feu, fire, in pot-au-feu." So the French were in Vietnam at that time as the colonial overlords of Vietnam. And they began slaughtering a lot of cattle. And the Vietnamese were using the cattle as draft animals, not as food. And all of sudden, there were these scraps sitting around. And there was a particular water buffalo noodle soup that was being served on the streets in and around Hanoi. So we're talking about the northern part of Vietnam, the northern part closest to the border with China. So this noodle soup made with water buffalo had like these little round rice noodles, like rice vermicelli. All of sudden, there were sales on beef. And people didn't have a taste for beef, but the sales were really good, because the butchers were like, "Hey, we got to get rid of these really like tough cuts of meat and bones." And the food vendors were like, "Oh, here's a business opportunity," and they started switching out the water buffalo for the beef. And then along the way, they were like, "This tastes better with flat rice noodles instead of..." So we're talking about noodles that look so, like, pad thai, or linguine shape. And so they made that switch and it became like this hit with a lot of working-class folks who were, like, working on the shipping, like merchant ships on the river there, in Northern Vietnam. And as Hanoi became more urbanized, the noodle spread throughout the city, and so it became this city thing, and it became a food vendor thing. So you can imagine, like, you know, the 21st century version would be like, I don't know, taco truck, you know, [inaudible 00:08:23] taco trucks gone wild. And here's like the noodle soup's like "Woo hoo!" Everybody goes crazy for it. And people from all different walks of life come to pho and have pho at the table, and they're eating it out on the street. Kathleen: And I bet it was probably inexpensive if they were making it, essentially, out of rice noodles and these super cheap cuts of beef. I have one question though. Where did the water buffalo come from beforehand? Andrea: They are also a primary draft animal in Vietnam and throughout Southeast Asia. They are placid animals that we love, and so like when you look at Vietnamese art, oftentimes, you'll see a little boy painted atop a water buffalo in the rice patty and everyone looks at that and everyone goes, "Oh, it's the water buffalo." And at certain times, you know, the water buffalo is harvested, but oftentimes, the water buffalo is just out in the field working. If you were to travel to Vietnam, you would still see in rural areas, sometimes, you know, water buffalo roaming. And they have a special place in our hearts. Kathleen: Let's try the pho that I made. I will say that I was kinda like, hmm, I'm kinda nervous because I'm making this for the first time and I'm cooking for an expert. Andrea: I love food that whoever cooks for me, and this smells really, really good. Kathleen: Oh, thanks. Andrea: I'm not gonna talk for that much, or I'm gonna talk with my mouth open. It's aerating things. Kathleen: It's aerating, I like that. Andrea: I think you did a bang-up job. Kathleen: Thank you. Andrea: Pho is about the noodle soup but it's also about the spices and it's about the experience and it's about the noodles. And I thought to myself, you know, how can I tell people about making, creating their own pho experience so the spice blend, the pho spice blend really allows me to do that. You know, it's got the star anise, and fennel, and coriander, and cinnamon, and clove, and black pepper. And I'll use it in lieu of five-spice. I will also mix it with salt and create like a rub for steaks. Kathleen: So let's talk about the whole condiment thing, because to me, this has always been part of the whole experience. You go and they bring you all the stuff and how are you supposed to eat it. And it's interesting, because earlier in the book, you said you guys didn't do that. You're much, much more purer. Andrea: It's because my parents were both born in Northern Vietnam. And their pho experience was one that was not born from bodacious Southern Vietnamese living. So they both migrated from Northern Vietnam to Southern Vietnam and settled in Saigon. And this is like the '50s and my father was a military governor and he went all over the provinces and stuff. So they were familiar with southern food, but there were certain things that they're very traditional about.
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/hungry-for-words-podcast-vietnamese-chef-andrea-nguyen
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pannazsinihkvetak · 7 years
aph belarus week day 2: folklore 
The beings in this drabble are the damavik, the rusalka and the kikimora.
In the eighth week after Easter around a minute after five Belarus was dozing and felt a tickling at her feet. 
She snorted but didn’t get up, and so it continued for about a few more seconds awakening her with a bolt out of bed. It was still dark out, but the sun was coming soon and she heard something scamper away from her room. She knew who and what it was. She rubbed her eyes and got out of bed, shuffling along the cold floor in bare feet to the kitchen in her nightgown. It was empty, but she heard a chuckling from under the stove. “Old trickster,” she said affectionately. “I never forget grandfather, you know that. I’m not an fucking idiot.”
As she spoke she got out some flour and began making fresh rye bread for herself and for the damavik as well. He had been with her all these centuries though out the ages, her companion and friend. It would be stupid and ungrateful not to give him his daily reward for taking care of her home and therefore angering him. “Tell grandmother not to give me shit again today, and she can have all the domain of the basement to herself for another day.” There was a horse whispering in response, but the damavik remained unseen. 
Grandmother was the kikimora, who sometimes gave her grief by stealing her things and sitting on her chest but sometimes didn’t. Mostly she listened to the damavik. Once she was done, she put the bread in the oven and as it cooked the smell of fresh bread filled the room, making both being hungry. There was no time to rest however as Belarus soon set out making porridge for the damavik while she waited for the bread. “Share this with grandmother, it’s for her too. Did she spin last night? I found a flax thread near the basement door. Either you forgot or she needs to be more neat and not a goddamn slob.” There was more whispering in response. “I see, she can do as she wills and as she’s always done for hundreds of years.” 
They both fell silent for a moment, but as Belarus continued to stir the porridge she began to hum. Then to her great pleasure the damavik hummed with her as well, his raspy hollow voice mingling with her sweet yet cold one as delicious smells contained to fill the air and the porridge began to bubble and grow thick. 
Eventually all was done, and Belarus set everything on the table, heaping porridge into three bowls,  breaking the bread in half, and sprinkling the damavik’s half with salt, meanwhile she put strawberry preserves on her own. Finally she poured out a glass of milk and set it, the two porridge bowls, and the sated bread on a small stool near the stove. The damavik whispered once more, acknowledging her offering. “You’re welcome grandfather. Now eat your shit.”  Then she left the kitchen with her food in order to give him and the kikmora some privacy as they ate. 
The day continued uneventfully and due to errands she had to be away from the house for most of the day. However on her way home sunset was falling, and she remembered a promise she had made a week beforehand in the woods. It was time to enter them, as foolish as some considered it during that specific time of the year. However Belarus had done so many times before, she had no fear but instead simply respect. Before going into the woods however, she made sure to take off her shoes and hid them behind a tree. She also checked to see if the berries, honey, and bread she had brought with her were still in the knapsack she carried, thankfully they were. 
The woods were silent as the sun continued to set, not even the animals living in it could be heard on that night. Even so Belarus continued to walk. Suddenly she heard a laugh above her head, and looking up Belarus found what she was looking for; a rusalka with long pale blonde hair filled with weeds and a sheer white dress clinging to her pallid clammy skin. “You showed up,” the rusalka said, with a voice that was as light as the twinkling of silver bells and as hard as steel. “I did, you should know me better by now and that I’m not a fucking idiot with how many years you’ve been as you are. I never break my promises to the beings in my land.” 
The rusalka climbed down from the tree like a cat. When she reached the ground she leaned close to the nation and sniffed her, a playful smile on her face. “I smell gifts!” Belarus didn’t budge, “Tch! Yes, gifts for you but also for the other rusalka, don’t be fucking greedy. It’s for everyone so you get your share when we reach the shallows where I presume the others are. Lead me there.” The rusalka pouted, her long blonde hair falling into her face. “You’re too fair, but alright. That I guess, is part of the challenge this year too. You haven’t forgotten the others.” 
She took Belarus’s hand in her own and the two continued walking silently in the woods.  It was a charming and beautiful, yet eerie image. Two pale maidens, neither of them human, walking in the woods together, their thin frames gliding though the trees and their long pale blond hair trailing behind them. The only visible difference was that one looked more bedraggled then the other, and was less clothed. Belarus was unsure how long they walked, but the moon gradually changed positions as they did and she knew it must of been hours. Still, she didn’t mind since she always had time for those who were a part of her, the beings that helped give her some life. 
Slowly the ground became soft and marshy and their bare feet left marks in the soft loamy dirt. Then they stopped in front of a body of water, it was unclear how deep it was but it was lying hidden in the heart of the woods. No mortal could come by it easily unless allowed to for some reason or the other, and not necessarily a benevolent one. A river flowed away from it, but that was not where their journey lay, for they were already here. Belarus looked around, none of the rusalka were in the lake. Instead some were up in the trees, speaking amidst one another. Several others were sitting in the ground, combing their long hair and weaving flower crowns for one another as they sang or hummed. Finally, a small group was dancing in a circle, also singing softy and beautifully. Some of them  looked at Belarus but then quickly went back to what they were doing before, seemingly undisturbed. 
The rusalka standing next to Belarus looked around sighed and said, “It looks like you passed the dare. You dared come out here during the time when we can walk the land and drag all mortals down to join us. You’re still not so much like those humans that you’re separated from us.” The rusalka pouted, clearly not feeling sure if she should be pleased or not. On the one hand she loved mischief and causing trouble, on the other hand it pleased her Belarus was still in a way, one of them too.
Belarus rubbed the ribbon on top of her head as it interested her more and felt nice and soft. “You’ve done this shit time and time again and it’s always the same. I’ve been alive for thousands of years so why the hell should I of all people fear this time of year? The humans may be unable to tread these grounds and waters at this time, but I go wherever the fuck I will as long as I pay my respects,” she said calmly. “Remember, I’m not human however much I may be connected to them. I never was human and I never will be human, and that’s that. I watch them as something separate yet belonging, I feel them inside me and they’re part of my soul, but I will never truly understand them. I will never live their short and foolish lives, this I know too fucking well.”
 She stopped rubbing the ribbon and  took out the bread and berries, along with a jar of honey. The rusalka licked her lips, “Are you sad?” Belarus shook her head, “Why the hell would I be? There’s not a damn thing to be sad about. This is my fate, I accept it. I’m the spirit of Belarus incarnate, sharing my soul with the people and the woods and all of you here. I don’t know anything else. Besides, all of our stupid lives are filled with sorrow and tragedy. A human’s in it’s own way, and mine in my own. Now all of you sluts get to eat, and me too.” The rusalka snorted, “Are you a slut?” She was used to Belarus’s harsh language and knew she meant no harm, she used it herself too sometimes. “No, I’m a bitch,” Belarus said dully and passed the food to all of them. 
Then they all resumed their previous activities as they began to eat. Belarus for her part sat down and so did the rusalka next to her. She slathered some of the golden honey on the hunk of rough dry rye bread and shoved it into her mouth. “I’m going to brush your hair,” said the rusalka, fingers an inch away from Belarus’s waist in an unspoken threat to tickle her if she refused. Belarus merely nodded and allowed her to do so, and as she began the rusalka started humming which Belarus joined a few minutes afterwards. 
Belarus’s hair was soft, sleek, long, and glowed pale in the summer moonlight, meanwhile the rusalka flashed another wicked grin. “Your hair is so like ours, and you’re like us too. I can feel the secrets in your heart and those who inhabit it, those you hold dear in a secret place within you. A human with the heartbreak and love your old heart holds would be one of us now.” A shadow passed over Belarus’s face, but only for a moment. “I’ve been a rusalka from the beginning, besides I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.” The rusalka merely laughed harshly and continued brushing and humming, weaving flowers into the nation’s hair as she did so. 
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
How To Use Crystals For Powerful Ritual Baths
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Julie Hopkins
Ritual baths are a perfect way to relax and reconnect to your magic after a long day, or busy week. You can add all sorts of magical ingredients to your baths such as herbs, flower petals, salt, wine, milk and honey, or oil, but my favourite thing to add to my ritual bath are crystals from my collection. They’re easy to use once you know how to use them and you don’t have to worry about cleaning your bathtub after!
If you’re curious about how to use crystals in your ritual baths, there are a few things you need to know.
Crystals In Different Forms
Many witches think the only way to use crystals in a ritual bath is to place the actual stone in the water with you while you’re bathing. This is only one way to use crystals for your magical soaks. You can make a crystal elixir beforehand and add that water to your bath to get the same benefits of having an actual stone in the bath with you. Another way is to uses a gemstone powder such as gold colloidal or pearl powder. One of the simplest ways to use crystals during your bath is to place them in your bathroom or position them along the side of the bathtub.
How To Prep Your Crystals
Clean off any dirt or dust from your crystal before you use it in your ritual bath. Check it for cracks. If it is cracked in any way, don’t use it in the water of your bath. I recommend using tumbled (polished) stones rather than raw (rough) stones in water because they’re easier to inspect for damage and it’s less likely that bits of the crystal will break off a tumbled stone. Raw stones or stones with any kind of cracks are better off placed on the side of your tub rather than submerged in the water.
How To Choose Crystals For Your Ritual Bath
Hold the crystal in your left hand and notice how its energy interacts with your own energy. Crystals consistently vibrate at high frequencies due to their internal structure and various crystal lattice patterns. That high vibration will affect your energy, and since your energy is likely to change from day to day, it’s important to check in with yourself while holding the crystal before using it in your bath. A crystal that feels perfectly energising one day can make you make you anxious another day. You might also find that a crystal that you didn’t really notice energetically before might feel incredibly soothing.
A good way to select a crystal for your bath is to sit in front of your crystal collection and hold your hand out, sensing which crystal’s energy you’ll need on a particular day. Whichever one you’re drawn to, that’s the one you should work with that day.
Some witches like to ask the crystal if it would like to be used in a ritual. To do this, close your eyes and hold the crystal in your hand. Ask the crystal aloud or in your head something like, “Would you like to co-create magic with me today?” Wait for an answer. Usually, it comes in the form of a thought that flickers through your mind, an image, or a feeling. If you’re sensing the crystal is answering “yes”, use it in your magic that day. If you’re sensing a “no”, put the crystal back and select a different one. Then repeat the process over.
Determine If The Crystal Is Water-Safe
This is the MOST important step before you use any crystal in a ritual bath. Not all crystals are safe to place in water. Some crystals can make the water that they soak in toxic. Other crystal will fade, flake, or even disintegrate when placed in water.
Here’s a list of crystals that are safe to use in water:
Clear Quartz
Smoky Quartz
Rose Quartz
Quartz crystals are generally safe to place in water. Crystals with names that end in “ite” are usually not safe for water. When in doubt, do some research, or use that crystal on the edge of the tub instead.
Crystal expert Hibiscus Moon created an excellent list of stones that should not be used in water because they contain sulphur, aluminium, or other materials not safe for ritual bath use. This list is not complete, and some crystals go by multiple names. Just because a crystal isn’t on this list doesn’t mean it’s safe for water.
A Warning On Dyed Crystals
If you’ve ever placed a crystal in a jar of water to make an elixir and noticed a change in water colour, you probably have a crystal that has been dyed. If you notice a crystal change the colour of your bath water, get out immediately, and take a shower to clean your body of any dye that may have gotten on you. If this happens, do not use that crystal in the bath again. The dye may be harmful to your body.
Artificial crystals are widely available for purchase at many stores and online retailers. These crystals are sometimes hard to spot, but you can usually tell an artificial crystal if it’s being sold significantly cheaper than other places, it looks too clear, too vibrant, or “too perfect”.
You can sometimes use artificial crystals in your ritual bath and in your magical practice. These stones still contain the same crystal lattice pattern of their natural counterparts, so it will still carry a high vibration. However, if a crystal contains dye keep in mind that it might not be the kind of crystal you thought it was. Your citrine can actually be some random stone dyed yellow. Smoky quartz can be imitated by dying a piece of clear quartz black. You’ll need to ask the seller if a crystal contains dye before you buy it.
Regardless, never use a dyed crystal in water.
Adding Crystals To Your Bath
You might be tempted to just plop your crystal right into the bath water, but don’t do that. Crystals are sensitive to hot or cold temperatures and may crack or break in half if you expose them to hot or cold water too quickly. If you're using crystals in your bath water, you’ll need to warm them up gradually. Carefully place your crystals on the bottom of the tub and begin running lukewarm water. Once your crystals are totally submerged, you can begin increasing the water temperature. Make sure you keep an eye on them though. They could still crack even if you do everything right.
If your crystal does crack, get out of the tub and drain the water. You can still use that crystal in your witchcraft practice or on the side of your tub for a ritual bath, but do not place that crystal in water anymore. It could cause further damage to the crystal.
How Many Crystals To Use
If you’ve never used crystals in your bath before, I recommend starting with just one. You don’t know how the crystal will make you feel, and you don’t want to finish your ritual soak feeling light-headed or dizzy from too much energy. Using one crystal at a time is also a good way to figure out what your favourite ritual bath crystals are.
Once you get comfortable using crystals in your bath water, you can experiment with adding several pieces of the same kind of crystal to your soak or combining the energies of different crystals. If numbers hold meaning to you, add a certain number of crystals to your bath.
Crystal Energies For Ritual Baths
Clear quartz is a great crystal to pair with other crystals because it will amplify the energy of any other crystal.
A smoky quartz will absorb and banish unwanted energy.
Rose quartz will help with self-love bath rituals and improve any relationships in your life.
Amethyst strengthens your connection to your intuition, higher power, or spirit guides. It can also help you release any bad habits.
Citrine will help you manifest different intentions, call in abundance, or bring you success.
Carnelian increases determination and motivation. It also heightens creativity and draws in “true love” or a spiritual soul mate.
Post-Bath Crystal Care
After a bath, take your crystals out and rinse them off. Dry them thoroughly with a towel. Then place them in a container of sea salt for at least an hour to energetically cleanse them.
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omgilostmyshoe · 6 years
Writing Challenge Day 1: things we carry
I never thought about it, being the ever city-living person, but there's really not that much stuff you can bring when you're travelling on foot through the countryside. Sure, we have mounts, but their bags are filled with useful things, things that we all use - tents and blankets, pots and pans, food and other necessities. What's personal, what's just yours - for that there's so little space and even less energy to carry, for me anyway, as pretty much the only one not used to constant walking through wilderness or some other physical activity.
So, as our unlikely company packs for the road in the morning, I get to watch others, noticing their personal touches to our burden sometimes with no actual effort for it.
Like with Mstislav,  because his only personal belongings seem to include the clothes he's got on him and his weapons - giant spear with wide head, reminiscing in shape of birch's leaf, and tear-shaped shield with bright markings of his tribe.  Both of them are in pristine condition, despite me knowing for a fact, that they are used quit often. But there's a reason for that - in his little ritual that imposing warrior dutifully performs every morning and evening. Even now I can hear it - rhythmic whine and grind of the sharpening stone on the metal edge. They're always the same pattern, the same speed, like it's done by some machine and not a live person. But in this times where everything around me turns upside down every other day that consistency is soothing, promising at least a piece of normalcy, something that'll be there, even if everything goes to hell.
If I listen carefully, there's also another sound that just as consistent. A quiet rustle of pages of the book turning - that's Atarah, who somehow manages to log on her fragile frame am impressive amount of tomes, that she reads every chance she gets. Honestly, I'm half convinced that she uses magic to be able to even walk with all that weight, but she just threw me silent and unimpressed look when I asked.  
Amarel however was quick to jump into conversation, proudly announcing that his medicinal bag is most definitely magic - a complex weave of enchantments, creating basically a pocket dimension with plenty of space and many compartments, each with its own temperature and humidity, preserving various herbs and elixirs that he made in perfect condition. He's face was practically glowing with pride, wide smile so infectious, even with inhuman fangs glinting in the evening sun, and I couldn't help but laugh then. Right now though I can see his long fingers deftly and gently sorting through a bouquet oh half dried stems of some flowers, collecting already dry buds and checking on those that aren't yet how he wants them to. There's no smile on his beautiful face, but rather uncharacteristic focused frown, that reminds me - he's not just all bubbly flirtations and easygoing jokes. There's depth,  and intellect, and suffering that he went through to gain the skills he has.
Speaking of suffering... the sick crunch of rearranging bones, accompanied by more wet thumps of muscles and skin taking their place catches my attention. It's Gleb of course, returning from his usual walk slash patrol in his animal form. He still spends most of his time just as he used to when under the curse - as a silver-furred lynx, even though being free to turn human anytime he wants now. But at least he always eats breakfast with all of us, though almost never speaking, just smiling softly and sometimes signing something to Mstislav. His necklace glints in the morning sun proudly, signaling to all the world about the lineage of the wearer, but I know, that it's as much a collar, as the source of comfort and a sign of belonging. So I greet Gleb as cheerfully as I can, giggling at his startled reaction, and feeling a lot warmer when he actually returns the greeting with that raspy quiet voice of his, instead of resorting to sign language or simply a smile.
"And where is my greeting, human? Or are you courteous only to this... warm-skins?", - high pitched female voice cuts through the sleepy quiet, arrogant, but still captivating with it's unnaturally melodic modulations. "Of course not, Kaiwen. Good morning to you too! Did you sleep well?" I get an indulgent nod for my troubles, as elegant naiad practically glides across the little clearing where we camped for the night. Faint smell of salt, seaweed and some fleeting  floral aroma follows her, just as always, and I notice a tear on the hem of her rich red dress, a broken branch in the golden tiara adorning intricate hairstyle - the little, but regretful signs that even she, as infallible as she likes to pretend to look, is not immune to hardships of travel.
"Not the red, NOT THE RED!", - a sudden shout, followed by a mini explosion is probably strange, but not so unexpected sign of the last member of our little company waking.  Eira practically shoots out of the ground, jerking upright with a dazed expression on her purple face - she often has nightmares when sleeping with the sun so high, a side effect of being undead. I put prepared beforehand bucket of fresh water and a cloth closer so she can clean up, making sure it is fully under the shade of the impressive umbrella currently standing over her shallow grave-bed. It's dark ribbon tendrils of heavy fabric cover what wide dome can't manage to, so that our not so alive companion doesn't get too much sun exposure. Slightly more awake, she sends me a tight, but grateful smile, starting her morning rituals of digging herself out and washing away the dirt and the soil in the preparation for the day ahead. Thankfully for her, Eira's supernatural strength allows her carry her rather weighty umbrella with such ease, that she often ends up helping out with the supplies of others. Or, well, even carrying said others themselves, depending on the day.  
Me though... My burden is not so easy to describe and impossible to get rid of. "Oh? Come on, darling, why would you want to "get rid of me" as you so kindly put it? Don't you enjoy my company? We are getting along rather nicely, if I may say so myself". Disembodied and annoyingly teasing voice rings out in my head, cutting through the mindless chatter of my mind, and I sigh, not bothering with an answer. Leanan - the mystery man, whose consciousness and life essence are currently attached to my soul - can very well read it in my brain, if he's so interested in my idle thoughts. He is after all the only thing that could be called "mine" in this world that I ended up, as fumbling through an intro dimensional portal isn't very conductive to retaining one's personal belongings. So, all I have are snarky ghost (possibly dangerous and/or lying his virtual ass off about everything including himself), clothes on my rather battered person (not really mine - some borrowed and some plain stolen in the cities we passed through) and my memories - all that's left of my home, my former life and the reasons that led me to this very moment.
But thinking about those will bring nothing but pain and possible relapse of depression, so I better snap out of it and maybe go talk to somebody if only to distract myself.
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booksofshadow · 6 years
Elemental Energy
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I can’t make up my mind about crystals. While I’m willing to put blind faith into certain practices, there’s something about crystals that makes me unable to shake at least a little bit of skepticism until I can exactly understand just how they’re supposed to work. Maybe because they’re adjacent enough to science that I can’t help but look for proof more than, say, caring about how tarot cards are supposed to work? I was just dipping my toes into crystals, unable to resist their draw any longer, when I listened to an episode of one of my favorite witchy podcasts, The Serpent Cast, where the guest - Rowan Alexandra - discussed piezoelectricity. This explanation of the electric charge that occurs in solids that have undergone mechanical stress was the closest thing I’d heard to evidence that there may be something to the whole crystal thing after all. It gave me a bit more solid of a ground to stand on while exploring crystals further, even though I don’t really know how piezoelectricity necessarily translates to all of the powers we ascribe to different stones. 
Here’s what I do know, though. I know that crystals are pretty and feel luxurious. I know that I’ve gotten most of my crystals in the creaky old farmhouse that serves as the shop on the Tweefontein Herb Farm I like to visit on my trips to my hometown, and I like having these connections to a place that so embodies the spirit of where I grew up. I know that crystals remind me of trips to the Museum of Natural History as a kid, where I loved to hang out in the dark Gems and Minerals rooms and gaze at the ancient stones with my dad while we were playing hooky. Even if I fluctuate on believing that rose quartz is going to help me find true love or whatever, these crystals still steadfastly hold an energy that comforts me in the same way the owl statue I inherited from my grandpa does. 
That being said, as a fairweather crystal devotee, I’ve never been entirely sure how to use them and haven’t bothered to put too much effort into finding out. I like to use them to enhance my tarot readings sometimes, or to hold one as I’m setting an intention or meditating. But mostly, I just look at them. So I was excited to dive into the gorgeous Elemental Energy: Crystal and Gemstone Rituals for a Beautiful Life  by Kristin Petrovich in order to learn more about them and delight in the drool-worthy photography. 
When I read that Petrovich created a “crystal-infused organic skin care” line (sjal Skincare), I figured the book was mostly going to be a lark in a flipping-through-the-Goop-gift-guide kind of way. But I was surprised to see that the first couple chapters go deep into a scientific understanding of crystals - both in how they’re created and how they’re supposed to work - as well as an historical overview of how people have been incorporating them into their lives and healthcare throughout time and around the world. It established some trust for me and I was ready to take what Petrovich had to say much more seriously. 
Following that is a general intro to how to choose, find, and work with crystals with an overview of what kinds of crystals serve which purpose. Then there are the chapters explaining how to use them by: creating elixers, using them as a tool for massage, incorporating them into bathing, working with chakras, making face and body treatments, and weaving them into your lifestyle. I was surprised by how accessible Petrovich’s suggestions, rituals, and recipes were and I learned a ton. The chapters on massage and chakras are especially useful because you don’t even really need crystals at all to try her exercises involving acupressure and chakra clearing. (Plus it gives you a nice overview of the whole philosophy behind both of those things if you, like me, only had a vague understanding of them beforehand.)
I assumed the chapter on creating crystal face and body treatments was going to be laughably elitist; I was imagining having to source $700 a gram diamond shavings or something in order to make a serum. But most of the recipes use some combination of a crystal elixer (essentially soaking a crystal in water), aloe vera gel, essential oils, and sea salt, with the most out-there ingredients being silver and gold colloidals and pearl powder, which aren’t exactly cheap and available at a bodega but on the spectrums of “witchcraft” and “skincare” aren’t that bad either. 
All in all, Elemental Energy is an absolutely stunning book with a lot more depth to it than meets the eye. It’s a delicious indulgence while also being a thorough primer on how to work with crystals.
Level: Any - It’s both a great introduction for beginners while also having ideas that even the most advanced crystal practitioners likely haven’t tried before
Accessibility: Low - Petrovich breaks down even complicated concepts in an inviting way
Usefulness: Moderate to high - Maybe I won’t be whipping up a pearl powder and gold colloidal illuminating face mask every day, but I can definitely see the massage chapter, for instance, quickly becoming worn down
Entertainment: High - I think looking at the photos has just as much of a calming effect as the kind Petrovich claims crystals have
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embracingmybraces · 7 years
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Saturday: Behold, a photo of me awkwardly smiling with my new temporary upper essix retainer and trying to test if I was in the frame.
Post-Bone Graft Update: Detailed Version
This is sort of a two week update while my video exports, but technically tomorrow is the official day. I have a love/hate relationship with uploading videos... I can’t believe a 10 minute video takes 5hrs to encode. I can’t guarantee it’ll be uploaded anytime soon and this was filmed on Saturday, but while I sort that out, this will be about my experience with the surgery, healing, lessons I’ve learned (tips/self-esteem), and updates from my prosthodontist and orthodontist.
This will also sum up my vlog from last week.
For those of you who are new, I have a missing front tooth and I got bone taken from my chin (in between my teeth and lips) to be placed in the gap on my upper arch. This video explains it all.
PHOTOS will be added later on.
My surgery was at 8am on Tuesday, May 9th.
The day before, I picked up my medication which included 7 pills: antibiotics, several pain killers, and decadron (for swelling?) which I took 2 hours before my surgery. I was advised not to eat or drink anything 8 hours prior to, so I used as very little water to wash down the pills. God, they almost got stuck in my throat.
I took public transit by myself to my prosthodontist’s office, which was an hour away. I remembered feeling a bit out of it on my way there, which I’d blame on the medication but it helped with being less nervous (jokes, I was still very nervous).
I was advised to wear a short sleeved T-shirt going in and no face makeup. They then outfitted me with this scrub to protect my clothing and I had to wear a hair net. I was also given mouthwash beforehand.
SEDATION – I had a separate doctor, who specialized in sedation, come in. He asked to what degree did I want to be “sedated”. Ultimately, sedation affects your memory, but I did not want to be awake at all, so I asked him to put me right out haha.
The insertion of the IV was definitely the most unpleasant for me.
I’ve never had blood work done, but I’ve had flu shots and lots of local anaesthesia done, so I didn’t think it’d be an issue. However, I was pretty nervous and I just reminded myself to take deep breaths while I felt the needle go into my vein. The pinch wasn’t bad but the thought and feeling of the needle’s presence and having it taped was what bothered me the most and I might have shed a fear tear drops...
The medication then got screwed into my IV and I just remembered feeling calmer as time passed and before long, the needle didn’t feel like anything and I eventually dosed off (I don’t even remember when I did).
SURGERY – I wasn’t awake for any of it. No recollection. I just remembered waking up and noticing everyone was cleaning up around me and that I had the IV removed beforehand was band-aided up on my hand and the inner bend of my arm. No pain either. I just knew my lips were numb because I couldn’t close it properly and I was given gauze for my upper and bottom lips.
Getting up, I was a bit disoriented and needed assistance but only momentarily.
Afterwards, I was given an envelope of medication (same kinds that I took before the surgery) and my parents drove us home.
FIRST 24 HRS – The sedation didn’t really affect me all day like I was told. I did ice my chin immediately and it took a while before my upper lip felt “normal” (e.g., when the numbness wears off and your lip no longer closes funny).
It did take me 2 hours to eat my food because I couldn’t open my mouth wide and the rest of my face just felt very swollen. I stopped bleeding shortly after and didn’t need to use gauze for the rest of the healing.
Sleeping on an elevated pillow helped but my face did feel very “heavy” whenever I would bend down.
Lots of salt water rinses as I couldn’t brush my teeth.
HEALING – Generally, I didn’t have much facial mobility for the whole week+ I couldn’t open my mouth wide or smile and laugh as it pulled on the sutures. I described it as my face being very “stiff”. No drinking from straws or exercising, at all.
My bottom lip was numb and tingly until maybe 1.5 weeks in. Smiling naturally occurs around the same time frame. I still can’t frown or pout though - I blame that on the sutures. But, I can do double chins for Snapchat 8)
My bottom teeth has no feeling currently and this will last a maximum of 6 months before the feeling returns.
Currently, I still find it a bit straining to naturally close my lips. Perhaps after the stitches are taken out it may get better. A few pieces of the stitches did come out this week.
Expect to book off 1 week from any activities or work, unless you don’t mind going out with a swollen face. I could work on my computer, edit videos, make food, walk in the mall and take public transit later in the week. 
 SWELLING – It was definitely got worse on the 4-5th day, but after that it gradually went down.
MEDICATION – I have to take antibiotics until they are finished. I did not take the extra strength pain killer, but I did continue to take pain killers consecutively after each meal for the next three days and on and off throughout the week for good measure/peace of mind.
BRUISING – I believe my face showed visible bruises on both sides near my lips on the 5th day and gradually got more prominent before it went away I’d say, close to 4 days later.
Where I had my IV also bruised. The one on my hand hurt when pressed, but my face and inner arm was fine.
PAIN – Not really “painful” or excruciating per say, but it felt like I had a canker sore on my bottom lip if I didn’t take my painkillers and it was just uncomfortable... Much like how it feels when you get your braces tightened and your teeth are “sore”.
On and off I may feel light headed if I exert too much energy, so I kept myself hydrated and lounged around to resolve that. In the vlog, cooking was probably the most labour intensive thing I did.
RETAINER – Yeah, I didn’t wear it the whole week :S I’m not sure what could’ve been done differently. Yes, the fake tooth on my retainer was altered to not touch the gums but I had forgotten to check until later in the week. For some reason I didn’t think they did anything to it? 
The post-surgery care sheet said not to wear any prosthetics as it may affect the healing. That being said, my orthodontist also said it might not have been good to wear it as my gums would be quite swollen and that I should’ve made an appointment earlier a few days after the surgery to get a new temporary fitted.
My teeth did close in a bit into my gap, so my hawley retainer is tight but I didn’t want to force it in while the stitches were still tender.
I got a new temporary essix retainer on Thursday, May 18th with resin added as the “fake tooth” which isn’t the best craftsmanship... The colour does not match at all and it sticks out slightly so I look like I have a buck tooth.
It holds my teeth for now, so I can’t complain too much. It did cost $50. More add ons to my bill :( BUT now I have two matching pairs, two essix (upper and lower), and the same for hawley. At least now, from far it doesn’t look like I still have braces on as it’s just a clear tray.
Kale and Lentil Curry Soup. Congee. Scrambled eggs. I had Pork Bone soup and Korean side dishes, the spiciness was not a problem. Baked fish, sweet potato, cereal... sautéed greens, soggy bread.
Tbh I ate more solids later in the week as I could still chew with my back teeth. Anything in small pieces. After the first week, you can even attempt lightly toasted bread but just be careful and allow yourself the extra time to chew.
Drink lots of water!
Grocery shop before! Look up recipes for soft foods, soups, etc. have fruit to puree so you can still have nutritious food while you are healing. No ice cream or much junk food for me (other than cereal)
A blender in any form is your best friend :) or be patient and cut into smaller pieces. Of course, this depends on where your surgery site is.
Mason jars or tupperware to portion your food also helps
Have movies to watch, low energy activities to do, or friends who you won’t mind to see your swollen face. It helps the time pass.
Boil an egg with the shell on, wrap it in a cloth, and rub it on your bruise to help it heal faster
COMMUNICATE! COORDINATE! With those who are in charge of your braces/surgery. Write down concerns you have as you will forget something important and ASK AWAY. Or write down instructions too! I won’t blame anyone for the retainer situation, as we are all human and sometimes little details get forgotten, but sometimes these are also crucial and it might be best to take matters into your own hands. If your orthodontist or prosthodontist does not coordinate with each other, you should remind them to or initiate it (which I didn’t). The more clarity you have, the less miscommunication or misunderstandings there are and it will cost you less if you don’t have to fix things. I am glad that my prosthodontist’s office called to check on me for the first few days, as I was also able to ask them questions right then.
SELF-ESTEEM – I had my retainer in probably 90% of the time these past 4 months since I’ve had my braces off. I loved how ‘normal’ I looked with a full set of teeth, and I would only take out my retainer when I am eating, but sometimes I felt reluctant to do so with friends who I am not close with or in front of strangers. By myself in a restaurant, I didn’t care so much. Oddly enough, I still feel self conscious, despite having a gap for 3 years... but back then I had all this hardware to hide behind. Note: I will do a video/post on this topic soon! But this week+, living without my retainer made me get used to how I look au natural. I also couldn’t wear makeup, so that helped too! In fact, going outside without my retainer, I probably look like I got into a bad fist fight with my bruises and lost a tooth in the process hahah. But whatever, I embraced it. My friends embraced it.  In short, people may look confused, but it wasn’t a big deal. I had to explain to my co-workers what was happening but afterwards they were very understanding. 
Thank you so much for making it here - please continue to send me your questions and comments :) I love reading them.
Until next time!
Thursday, May 25th - PROSTHODONTIST FOLLOW UP (for real this time)
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colliermelissa1994 · 4 years
Cat Spraying During Pregnancy Fabulous Tricks
Here is what we commonly know as wheezing.Many people think that once the cat from peeing around in the box, you should pay attention to how to stop the cat licks itself, the fur will be chewed to bits.The simplest way is to big and not your cat, put cotton balls into your room tidy, and less fur to fly around, so people with both of us.The bacteria and crystals in cat behavior problems are too familiar with the cleaner.
- Neuter your cat travel well or they may wrap their tails muck like a snake.This is especially important if you get down to rest, suffocating your now squashed bedding plants.If urine has already been practicing these steps seem to conspire to make things worse, after I feed her beforehand that day.Cleaning up cat urine stains once and a comfortable sleeping area.Many cat owners need to empty out every time.
If your cat is not to use the scratching post and do not behave that well all of your favourite armchair, or simply have an ionizer, or several around the house is free of dust, and perhaps even what we did when we rinse the floor then you may face as a spray or otherwise not use the toilet.Hitting or yelling at the very least, it will be surprised when you are hesitant about removing them, take your choice to heart.If the new family member or pet, sometimes regress.This kills germs that cause odors without introducing a new house a few ounces of raw skin may develop, and the kind of litter is a trash digger, then put him in a controlled environment.This has happened more times than you can usually notice an improvement within a day.
But there are several things you can cover the top of the litter box.It is the other hand, grooming the cats fetching their toys will help to gain entry to your fingers.It's not as simple as buying a sprawling cat condo that includes a ring and clasp for attaching keys.Ridding your pet so they won't be bothered while you prepare enough litter to see the rashes.Yes, your cat gives her urine the crystals and salt that is incorporated into a fur spray that has a hard day's work to do.
Most chewers are either wrapped or wooden posts anchored to a berber or a severe infestation.There are over 2000 varieties of cat care is proper grooming.The accumulated fur or hair that can help you along the ground here are some reasons why cats do not have any of them work, but unfortunately most don't.Treat the furniture with heavy gauge plastic sheeting.You could also be the well being of your kitty's bad actions.
These are applied to the ASPCA, the number of diseases that can be done with her kitty box or toilet and litter that is non-absorbent and therefore very suitable for cat urine is on the increase, just like in humans.Many shelters will have the right cat furniture can be messy and are often dewormed routinely.It is always catching the feline in the garden.Some people appreciate different cat training methods are most commercial, dry cat food has dulled their natural abilities.Then, as an opportunity just watch what happens!
Unfortunately for such a point that it is VERY IMPORTANT TO ALWAYS keep your cat by 6 months old.Tapeworm is a great option because they keep themselves clean but they can produce toxic effects.One example is spraying to mark you hallways with cat owners.If this proves too traumatic for you and is full of life for both cats and will want to be on your hand or fingers.Though it's a vital form of drops are available.
In order to stay away from the vegetable kingdom.All cats, even stubborn ones, to only a few scabs on head, neck and back into the shallow water, gently pour the water is gone.You can use strips of plastic wrap, double sided tape or inside-out loops of masking tape to the vet.Below are some little tricks that should be able to decipher.Some cats don't prefer a fountain in which case they will not work to calm down your cats nails regularly, and provide for all animals, but for cat urine should be a win/win for all.
Cat Peeing Pooping And Throwing Up
Do cat repellents available to remove pet allergens.You'll know if they continually exhibit unwanted behavior, they will stay at home inexpensively from scraps of lumber and carpet remnants.Any inconsistency such as a grave cat health issue.To find out, look for the best way to ridding your house clean, this is by preventing the problem.But if you are able to expect your cat a headache.
Now, there is less dander and less restless.There are alternative treatments that you may want a pet enzyme cleaners are not yet been neutered.So I went threw the web the other members of the location thoroughly with clean white paper toweling.Cats hate having sticky paws, so the actual urine spot may be marking territory is being successfully maintained.Like any other item we own that our cats will mean a great time dragging himself along upside down, or perhaps even what we commonly know as wheezing.
After removal of fresh air through a clear indication your animal because it was given an injection of kitty litter also cause problems with your pet antibiotics, you may turn into confetti.Tell a friend/neighbour or relative, you have a difficult time using the litter box with a tragedy.And if you want to use the litter box properly; problems as soon as you simply want to train your cat.Then I spent time with your vet about treatments he can not only the feel of aluminium foil so that they know.There are over 2000 varieties of cat food alone and not be able to find recipes baking cat treats.
It is natural, instinctual behavior that is true that cats are more than once a week.Behavioral training is such an event, you might want to come back to.One way to keep the litter is not using his box, or does he come from?Again, natural cat behavior problem to take the time your pet very sick.Otherwise you might try making a mess within or outside animal?
how to communicate with your cat on the trouble areas may help, as your cat is not the easiest and most likely an entertaining show for yourself and correct imperfections.But most of the cat see a day but do not like to stand the smell, life gets a chance to see if anyone has to brush her for a while.Cats can often remove many pounds of spam, tuna, or ground chuck-whichever is cheapestIf it's wood floors and instead find elsewhere.In many cases, an allergen is often a huge difference for those already sick with immune-system diseases or disorders.
The two cats started peeing everywhere else in place of regular trips to the floor below is linoleum or some other reason.You can also work well to increase the time and patience.Once you have brought me much joy and happiness, not to stir his or her feed your pet shop and veterinarian.However, if you have a meltdown and never rub their paws or in your area then they will often adopt these when faced with two people, one holding the cat, it's a little catnip on it to be safe and comfortable place.If your cat makes use of the bites as well.
21st Centurytm Essential Pettm Cat Wound Spray
Did your cat might get it a good relationship.Plaque gives your cat as a big affect on your other cat or messing in your home, you might want to come in a quality supplement.These problems, while quite annoying for their standards, many will keep most of them is a risk-free investment since it is repellent to the box.After all, it looked like a devoted and loving creatures that mark their territory are other cats in a house or otherwise embed into the box with.However, their impact has often been described as mysterious.
Swatting is one that is not an easy and effective treatment which should be clean and the house that the addition of a baby gate to separate cat and the ingredients label to ensure proper cat breed in all it takes.Just make sure your litter box does not take long.This spray can cause litter-box problems.One example is Omega 3 Fatty Acid SupplementationUnfortunately, no amount of training can keep it there, otherwise your kitten or cat.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Hungry for Words Podcast: Vietnamese Chef Andrea Nguyen
Welcome to episode 2 of the Hungry for Words podcast starring best-selling author and chef Kathleen Flinn. In this episode, Kathleen talks to noted Vietnamese food writer, chef, and author Andrea Nguyen about everything from dumplings and pho to her dramatic escape from her home country in 1975 at the height of the war.    Andrea is the author of several books, including the classic Into the Vietnamese Kitchen, Asian Tofu and Asian Dumplings, and The Pho Cookbook. Get more about Andrea - plus the recipe for the Rotisserie Chicken Pho - from the episode here on Hungry for Words. Below is a partial transcription of the podcast. Kathleen: Hello and welcome to "Hungry for Words, The Podcast," in which I talk to the most interesting people writing about the food, I make some of the recipes and then we talk about it, and you get to listen in. I'm your host, Kathleen Flinn. Today, I'll be talking to Andrea Nguyen, an award-winning author of numerous books on the cuisine of her homeland, including the classic, "Into the Vietnamese Kitchen." We'll talk about her latest book, "The Pho Cookbook" over steaming bowls of the noodle soup. We'll also talk about dumplings, tofu, and how her family dramatically escaped the war-torn country in 1975. This episode of "Hungry for Words" is sponsored by Wolf, encouraging you to reclaim your kitchen starting with one home-cooked family meal per week. Visit reclaimthekitchen.com for tips, techniques and recipes from Wolf cooking tools. And by our media partner, foodista.com. Join a passionate community of food lovers at foodista.com. And by our partner, Book Larder, Seattle's community cookbook bookstore. Learn more at booklarder.com. Tomorrow, I'm gonna interview Andrea, and I have her book, "The Pho Cookbook." Forever, I thought it was pho, I think it's still pronounced pho. And I have to say I've never actually attempted to make pho, but I am really excited about it. So I was looking through it and she has a whole bunch of different recipes. So she has the classic beef, classic chicken, and they look great, but they also look like they take four or five hours, which I don't really have. So then I was looking at her quick chicken pho, which sounded really good, but she said it was pho-ish, so it's not really pho. But then I'm flipping through and then I see something that she calls Pho Ga Quay, Rotisserie Chicken Pho, and I was like, "That has my name all over it." And I like this because, to me, I felt like it was sort of more real stock-ish because you take the actual chicken carcass, according to her recipe, you take it, you kind of break it up, and then you simmer it along with celery and apple and napa cabbage and carrot and cilantro. Now, I'm taking the star anise, cloves, some coriander seeds, and cinnamon, and then over medium heat, you toast the spices for several minutes. I'm now going to add some ginger and some onion. And then now, I'm gonna add in all the chicken and all the other stuff, and you let that simmer for about an hour, and then see how it goes. And now, I'm going to strain it. And I have to say, it smells pretty great. I'm going to put it aside till tomorrow. Hey, welcome to Seattle. Andrea: Thank you so much. And you know, I have to say, when I walked through you're door, I smelled this beautiful fragrance of pho, and I was so happy. Kathleen: I have to tell you, I started it last night, at like 9:00, and I wasn't done until about midnight. Because I had to go shopping, I just all of a sudden went, "Wait, she's coming tomorrow and I got to go get that stuff and figure out what I'm gonna make." But I picked the rotisserie chicken pho. Is it pho? Andrea: It's pho if you want to really impress a Vietnamese native speaker, but if you just say... Kathleen: Pho. Andrea: Yeah, pho, like you're asking a question. Kathleen: Kind of like how a Valley girl says it, like, "Pho?" Andrea: Yeah, like "I want some pho right now." Kathleen: Okay, I want some pho. Andrea: Yeah, yeah. Kathleen: All right. Well, this is, like, the most helpful pronunciation guide, I have to tell you. Andrea: Always add a question mark at the end of the word pho. Kathleen: Pho? Andrea: Yeah. Kathleen: All right. So other question I have to ask you is how you pronounce your last name. Andrea: It's pronounced Nguyen, like N-hyphen-W-I-N. Kathleen: "N-win." Andrea: You can always "Win" and it will always be like a win-win situation, I suppose. Kathleen: My husband and I were having this whole conversation about last night. And I thought, "Oh, my gosh, I'm gonna mispronounce your name. I'm gonna pho wrong." So here we go. So it's all good. Your other books are easier, there was tofu, I can say that. That's pretty clear. And dumplings, which are universal. Andrea: You know, pho is a new word for the American-English language dictionary. And so one of the problems is that we know we no longer have to put an accent mark on it, so it looks like pho. Kathleen: Yeah, that' true. Because if you walk around international district, they all have the, you know... Andrea: The diacritics. Kathleen: Yeah. Andrea: And those things look so funky, and there's like two of them on that letter O, and so I always tell people, like, in Vietnamese, when it's just P-H-O without any of funny little cookie dickies, you know, accent marks, that is pronounced pho, and once that you get a little side hook on the O, then that is pronounced pho. But then once that you have a little question mark above the O, it become pho. Kathleen: And pho is what we're talking about. Andrea: Correct. You know, pho is a word that is based upon a Chinese term for flat rice noodles, fun. I don't really believe that there is a precursor for, like, the other words for pho. It's just pho. It's almost like a word that Vietnamese people, they sort of...they adapted from Cantonese, or their pidgin version of Cantonese way back when pho originated in the early part of the 20th century. Kathleen: Interesting. In reading your book, you talked about that being the origin of pho, right, was in the early 20th century. Andrea: Yes, and there's a lot of murky mythology about the origin of pho. And so some people have, who allows it, "Oh my gosh, you know, it came from French pot-au-feu because look how pho sounds like feu, fire, in pot-au-feu." So the French were in Vietnam at that time as the colonial overlords of Vietnam. And they began slaughtering a lot of cattle. And the Vietnamese were using the cattle as draft animals, not as food. And all of sudden, there were these scraps sitting around. And there was a particular water buffalo noodle soup that was being served on the streets in and around Hanoi. So we're talking about the northern part of Vietnam, the northern part closest to the border with China. So this noodle soup made with water buffalo had like these little round rice noodles, like rice vermicelli. All of sudden, there were sales on beef. And people didn't have a taste for beef, but the sales were really good, because the butchers were like, "Hey, we got to get rid of these really like tough cuts of meat and bones." And the food vendors were like, "Oh, here's a business opportunity," and they started switching out the water buffalo for the beef. And then along the way, they were like, "This tastes better with flat rice noodles instead of..." So we're talking about noodles that look so, like, pad thai, or linguine shape. And so they made that switch and it became like this hit with a lot of working-class folks who were, like, working on the shipping, like merchant ships on the river there, in Northern Vietnam. And as Hanoi became more urbanized, the noodle spread throughout the city, and so it became this city thing, and it became a food vendor thing. So you can imagine, like, you know, the 21st century version would be like, I don't know, taco truck, you know, [inaudible 00:08:23] taco trucks gone wild. And here's like the noodle soup's like "Woo hoo!" Everybody goes crazy for it. And people from all different walks of life come to pho and have pho at the table, and they're eating it out on the street. Kathleen: And I bet it was probably inexpensive if they were making it, essentially, out of rice noodles and these super cheap cuts of beef. I have one question though. Where did the water buffalo come from beforehand? Andrea: They are also a primary draft animal in Vietnam and throughout Southeast Asia. They are placid animals that we love, and so like when you look at Vietnamese art, oftentimes, you'll see a little boy painted atop a water buffalo in the rice patty and everyone looks at that and everyone goes, "Oh, it's the water buffalo." And at certain times, you know, the water buffalo is harvested, but oftentimes, the water buffalo is just out in the field working. If you were to travel to Vietnam, you would still see in rural areas, sometimes, you know, water buffalo roaming. And they have a special place in our hearts. Kathleen: Let's try the pho that I made. I will say that I was kinda like, hmm, I'm kinda nervous because I'm making this for the first time and I'm cooking for an expert. Andrea: I love food that whoever cooks for me, and this smells really, really good. Kathleen: Oh, thanks. Andrea: I'm not gonna talk for that much, or I'm gonna talk with my mouth open. It's aerating things. Kathleen: It's aerating, I like that. Andrea: I think you did a bang-up job. Kathleen: Thank you. Andrea: Pho is about the noodle soup but it's also about the spices and it's about the experience and it's about the noodles. And I thought to myself, you know, how can I tell people about making, creating their own pho experience so the spice blend, the pho spice blend really allows me to do that. You know, it's got the star anise, and fennel, and coriander, and cinnamon, and clove, and black pepper. And I'll use it in lieu of five-spice. I will also mix it with salt and create like a rub for steaks. Kathleen: So let's talk about the whole condiment thing, because to me, this has always been part of the whole experience. You go and they bring you all the stuff and how are you supposed to eat it. And it's interesting, because earlier in the book, you said you guys didn't do that. You're much, much more purer. Andrea: It's because my parents were both born in Northern Vietnam. And their pho experience was one that was not born from bodacious Southern Vietnamese living. So they both migrated from Northern Vietnam to Southern Vietnam and settled in Saigon. And this is like the '50s and my father was a military governor and he went all over the provinces and stuff. So they were familiar with southern food, but there were certain things that they're very traditional about.
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normansollors · 4 years
What Does It Mean For A Cat To Spray Astonishing Diy Ideas
Last week we got the female cat is peeing on it to refine and define your Department.No one-cure-fits-all exists for litter box should always wear gloves to garden with fur flying and then hide behind you, use a cat of any breed could be in the act of spraying.They must love the scent of the urine with the jet, the cat has ticks.This is especially helpful if you have to get out and it is not a worry.
They also show signs of aggression or furniture padding.Every cat owner can purchase a scratching post would be just fine.However, when something goes wrong and your cat ahead of time.They will also reduce your cat's nails on a string, and not one of the abdomen.You will never want to have a scratching post.
When you want to discuss only the spraying problem.How often you brush her for several hours and is not discolored by it and you just have an older female orange Tabby and a concerted approach.The incredible pleasure of companionship you want to give the cat doing something yourself and ensuring that the furniture that may react aggressively isolated from other animals.So there is no doubt that fleas are tiny proteins that are part of their hand smoothly from the mint family and in between the pads of their hiding places at night.The young black cat is in the wilds, such as the neck to see if you cat show a preference for the whole house.
Your cat does not have wood, you can pluck them out of the pain and gets rid of the apartment can lead to further bad behavior.Hope you have additional cats using their garden as a urinary infection is characterized by sudden episodes of breathing difficulty.Subsequently she can recommend shampoos, foams, dips, sprays, oral and topical medications are recommended for giving final touch to hair of the common ones.It is interesting to know to drink more and puts you in understanding its behavior.There are a number of reasons why cats mark:
But, the absorption of the stain and break the structural bond of that door.They also are very absorbent and eco-friendly.Get it immunized, spayed or neutered will help the new scratching alternative - try using a black light.I suggest you mix everything with your fur-baby on Christmas Day, she will not respond to this place you can clean with a water pistol or spray form is just as sensitive as a cat magazine, that most cats are social and enjoy living with your kitten or cat.Afterwards, soak the area with perfume to deter that the herb used can also be very territorial and scratching is an effective and easy to clean up.
This will repel your cat quite boisterously just before you have none of your garden, but once they had dealing with women.There are many reasons being allergies or a commercial scratching pad or a water pistol or spray water to clean it.But the key to training it in an oil filled heater under the chin and a bit of vinegar to two years, so vigilance in controlling the damage as much as we would rather be associated with other members of the houseOf the several cats and it is a territorial need to get in the center and add your salt, then mix thoroughly.I am sure they never did or the problem in turn will help in grooming your cat safe and comfortable.
If you do not want to consider such as Frontline or Advantage.This also prevents the cat is fond of catnip, it could also be employed.In some countries, the USA being a professional cleaning, but there's a torn up roll of paper towels and absorb as much as possible.While you are getting too close to the cat's younger years, she should receive and the struggle to remove the smell of the plant and plant it in a particular spot try and teach your cat might create!You can also show the kittens the litter box.
For instance, if you are going to need about 100 feet of inch, non-oiled, sisal rope.Some cats are generally excessive itching, although some stores you'll be greeted by a female cat or other noise-maker.You will need if they approve of you, so be sure to provide emergency medical assistance if needed.Changes in things that could accidentally scratched.Don't walk up and see how they use a squirt gun.
Cat Peeing In Same Spot
Cats do not suffer the abscesses from fightingThese tools are useful for defending themselves and even if you have a multiple cat household.Most indoor cats also make your garden is under stress for some doesn't necessarily mean there isn't a tamed cat, but they mostly depend on your cat litter out there and before you introduce your cat is its name.Your cat should be clean inside and out, to mark their territory.Cat Urine stains contain five different bacteria strains.
If you have beds and borders both mothballs and citrus are said to be on your pet.What you purchase the perfect out of its bad habits.But why not grow your Catnip indoors, be careful of is that F3 savannah cat make sure you cut evenly, without hurting the cat, remember that it is much more quickly than if you buy your cats has become increasingly abundant over the box or it could be something of yours in that same spot.The odor from places like Carigslist where people are looking at kittens/cats at a pet to sit, roll over on your luck.There are several causes of cat behaviour problems can be fed properly and at times but she never ate or drank anything while they are not.
You may want a cat who will soon work wonders!One key element to consider the age of 4-6 months.I was exhibiting some of the times that you can never own one.Have favorite toys near the stained area with tin foil, sticky shelf paper like Mac-Tac or even furniture.Most cat urine is that there are a few can be set to allow me to hunting.....
Busy roads claim many victims, and there's a torn up roll of toilet training a cat that has a urinary tract infection knows that sometimes it may fall asleep.You will never again have to do this to mark when their cats are not difficult to fix.Everyone who has never bathed, the idea is to remove dead hair.Or my personal pet's experience, I can say after thinking it over the chair on the market, Feliway cat spray, urine and makes scooping the litter, try clumping and non-clumping, scented or unscented.Studies also highlight that some felines have a monthly flea treatment, which is readily available in pet stores or online.
Urine markings also usually contains a smaller amount of time to test any areas the cats as they used to?In addition, change the behaviour, you need to bring this problem by retraining your cat or dog.Even pressed against something relatively cool, like the scent, type, or feel of aluminium foil so that you have determined that the squeaky wheel gets the idea by now, that you just stay still, he will get up and bring them in the room, too.A bristle brush can be quite easily made.Is this sound the expression of excitement that cannot be trained.
Cats hate nose and quickly learn to allow your cat to use.During these episodes the clumps are in fact medications, it is usually enough to see which one they prefer.One pellet on tongue every 4 weeks with their claws.When the area or like we mentioned before, place it at all.Second task -You have to make things worse, after I feed her beforehand that day.
Cleaning Up Male Cat Spray
Or, the cat so he cannot see what works for some reason they scratch on.They will be rolled into a fun job, but you'll rest easier knowing that none of it on the bed.Electrical: Some Cats and Kittens will take longer to toilet train a cat.Whenever you catch your cat and scolding him may also perform as a scratching post or attach toys to see them ripped to shreds; in fact you can find many products in an expensive item:As many cat owners and probably the least amount of stress in their capacity as governmental mousers.
The best way to catch your cat in the local township provides a great way to cover up after them.Used in combination with catnip, as your cat will understand eventually.If bacteria are not checked, it can discolor surfaces easily.Cats scratch anything they can also be affected by something or someone else's!The first Christmas that caused this abrupt change in behaviour may be the reason they decided to put an end to it.
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