#i also had an idea where tails gets kidnapped from sonic around the time when they first met
0vergrowngraveyard · 2 months
Okay first…
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Do you have a name for this au?
Second, what details can you give us on his backstory? Did he know Sonic before he got the implants? Who caused this experiment? And most importantly…what do the implants do?
Ty for coming to my TedTalk!
this is my tedtalk now
i unfortunately don’t have a name for it yet 😭. i honestly don’t have many ideas set in stone for this, it was just a little guy i drew up that was inspired by something i was watching. i am open to name suggestions tho!
as for a backstory, what i currently have is his parents sold him off when he was a toddler to a group of human scientist studying something related to mobians (a really funny way of saying “we want to run unethical experiments on your kid, you cool with that?”) for a large sum of money. they didn’t want their mutated fox kit, but this group did so why not just give him up? and for that much money, it wasn’t a hard choice
so no, he did not know sonic beforehand. speaking of the blue hog, sonic does know amy and knuckles and the restoration is still a thing in this au. how? idk, i just want it like that. it’s mostly there because sonic leaves tails with the restoration while they try to figure out what to do with the kid. sonic does end up taking him in, he just needs to find a permanent place to live first
the implants are what i’m stuck on. all i know rn is that they artificially enhance his intelligence, speed, strength, hearing, and durability. i’m debating giving him another ability (sorta something like surge and kit’s abilities but not something elemental) but idk.
maybe i have this more planned out than i thought- anyway yeah traumatized, clingy little guy who will bite if provoked 🫶 love him. also i did end up getting rid of the blue markings on his design so uhhhhh yeah. im still wondering if i should add more robotic bits and implants on him
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tezzbot · 6 months
congrats on finishing your essay! :))
Love your Sonic Underground au, btw! I need some lore drops on my boy, Manic, tho. It doesn't even have to be a long explanation. Something goofy like, how many times has he been arrested?
Also! Do the triplets eventually form a band? [side-eye]
Oh my goodness, hello!! I love your art so much it's all so cool!!!! Thank you lol!
Some stuff about Manic in the au lets see...
He was kidnapped as a baby after the triplets had been sent halfway across the continent for their own safety, whoops lol, he's quite charismatic, must always have been since he managed to endear himself to Ferral pretty much immediately lol, he grew up pretty much similarly to the canon of underground, getting by stealing where he has to bartering and stuff, he's part of his own found family within the city and they're all very close, a tight-knit little community of thiefs sfgdhj, though every so often one or two of them decide to spread out (though they stay in touch), which is actually the reason for Manic's being on the train alongside the others, he has family he misses! And he has some things to get to them! (little does he know he'll be meeting more family than he anticipated lol) Though he's never actually been out of the city he grew up in himself (despite what he may claim lol), uhh he is very technically minded he loves to tinker and making little thingamajigs and doohickeys that look like they wouldn't have any practical use but he usually finds a way lol, nothing, like, robotic like Tails does, he's more a manual guy fdsgfgdf, aaand just a random headcanon he's fairly dyslexic n has some trouble reading, he usually has someone help him. There's also gender happening to him :thumbsup:
As for how many times he's been arrested lol uhhhh I think that early on he was pulled up a few times, probably spent some time in juvie, but he hasn't actually been caught in quite a while, I don't imagine Manic gets caught all that often lol you know those videos of kids running from cops and the police just making absolute clowns of themselves trying to catch them? That's Manic JHGJFG
So wrt the band, I'm sort of playing around with ideas right now? The main idea that I'm running with is that, the medallions only react to them when the triplets are getting along, when there is harmony between them (eehh? geddit? lol) that's the only time that they are able to be activated. Which, given the rocky start that they all have with one another obviously takes time, with Sonic being reluctant to share pretty important info with them and generally keeping his distance from them, Sonia's frustration with him and her being Very mad at Manic for scamming her, not much harmony going on for a fair bit of the journey. Eventually the three of them do get along and discover the powers of the medallions and they do perform a few times throughout. Eventually Sonic does spill that they're family and after the reactions they come up with the idea to use their music to get their mothers attention, Sonic is hesitant etcetc. I DUNNO! I'm still futzing with it lol I'll decide on stuff eventually fdghfg
Oh and I do want Sonia and Manic to have their own powers like a lesser version of Sonic's speed but, again, still deciding LOL
Anyway! Sorry this got so long lol, I've thought a lot about this AU! Thank you for the qs!!
OH ALSO Manic uses "bro" and "brother" on Sonic just as a casual thing but the first few times Sonic is like .Does He Know... GJFHG OKAY I'M DONE
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ellatherepersons · 1 year
I have this wholesome au where mobians live in tribes and theres the echidna tribe and hedgehog tribw and sonic gets seperated at a young age from the hedgehogs and becomes a feral little gremlin in the woods and just robs wild animals of food cus hes little and fast so he snatches and runs and uses his quills if he gets in a fight
knuckles finds him when fishing in a stream, sonic runs, then the next day knuckles shows up with other echidnas. they wait all day by the stream until a fox hunts a rabbit or smth and sonic goes mine and manages to get the fox to flee, then knucklea ans friends practixally kidnap him and sonic just goes all rabies on them hissing and growlinh.
but they get him to thier home and try and gain his trust, in the end its knuckles who gains his trust and then they become besties.
sonics short in this au for the sole reason he can sit on knuckles shoulders like a cat when they travel and influece from wild animals he probably walks on all fours.
eventually knuckles finishes like warrior cats apprentiship equivalent and becomes a full warrior and they both get tattoos, like the white bits people draw on knuckles sometimes, knuckles' representing teamwork and sonics a blessing.
sonic doesnt like how the tattoo paint stuff feels and knuckles has to stop him from wiping it away before it dries (i have no idea how that works shush its my au))
and then the hedgehog tribe and echidna tribe have tention and a fight, the chieftess of the hedgehog tribe is aleena and her successor is Sonia and Manic is there too.
sonic sees them and is like holy crap they look and smell familiar, and also maybe tribes have like a tune or smth used to celebrate or maybe its just a thing Aleena did for her children but sonic hears and finds it familiar.
so he sneaks out to the hedgehog territory and knuckles follows dissagreeing the whole time
they get to aleenas house and wonder around for awhile until sonia and manic find them, or find knuckles they dont see sonic first, so thet go to attack him but yk sonic and knuckles have been brothers for probably years at this point idk
sonic jumps on his shoulders hissing (he never talks cus idk silly littlw hedgehog man go hisss maybe he thinks it feels unatural and he doesnt quite understand thw whole language))
and sonia and manic are like, holy shit who are you, and at some point aleena comes in ans is like, oh crap thats my long lost son woah, and then theres probably some conflict between the tribes tryinf to get sonic back which inevitably makes sonic not wanna go back cus the echidnas had taken care of him for so long.
eventually they accept he doesnt wanna go back maybe in some dramatic scene wherw everyonws likw, "your choice sonic" and he just looks back at aleena and sonia and manic for a moment before bowing his head as an almost good bye and waddles over to knuckles and sits on his shoulders and then they live happily.
maybe an epilogue would show sonic knuckles sonia and manic playfighting after an alliance had been built between the two tribes and they now get to vibe together
So yeah im pretty proud of it idk if there could be a part 2 including tails as at first it was tails instead of knuckles but idk im to inconsistent to actually write a fanfic it finish a comic but i damn well will try
What do people think of this? Ans what shoulf i name the au?
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alvisthefox · 9 months
My OC has a darkish backstory. As it's not finalised his age jumps alittle and stuff
He's more to existing after IDW ect
As time of birth. Stuck with new born during sonic forces or born after. (Father dies in the war. Hents why he isn't seen but can be in the spin off stories)
Born as a normal. Orange fox... with 2 tails.
In the comic or say. Story. He's when he is first shown or seen by sonic he's this mute, non vurble poncho wearing combat tech wiz (only talks when in discuses. "Cloak Tech" cloaking what alows him to look and feel like who hes discussed as)
Als attitude changes to situations. When around eggman he's quite and just a shadow. But when alone he's depressed and would walk in circles. But when alone with sonic. First he'd been angry and upset that the heros he looked up to never saved him how he was scerd and alone. Hurting. But would would become more friendly and gets over the anger eventually
Only thing what's not been moderfied into his DNA is his smarts. Like Tails and Eggman he's super smart what made him as a child idolise Tails as a child. Even as a child he went out his way to get Tails attention and would have a little bonding over the fact of being kinda alike with tails and smarts
Like like how a child is he'd say "when I'm older, I want to be juts like you!"
Shame what happened due to his mother having no love for him. Lead to him being toutcherd and experimented on
His purple fur is just a side affect of the experiments
As sonic to be 15 around the age Al is born. This all takes place (idk to chose his age. I'd go 9 years old but then I'm going with 12)
I'll age the charicters to age when the story would take place. Left be if Al is 9 and right be of he's 12
Sonic: 24-27
Tails: 17-20
Knuckles: 25-28
Shadow: don't matter. But. 59-62
Rouge: 27-30
Cream: 15-18
Al in the story would be more like how rouge was but is in eggmans contole. His poncho around his neck hides a collar what is fitted to shock him back to submission. He isnt a bad guy.
His gauntlet shock to make his punches hurt more (this is so he can pull his punches but still hurt but not actually hurt anyone to baddly) but can also just make hard punches sting more. Shock you so you pass out like a taser
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His mental health isn't the best. From toutcher what gaves him his code name (113). To being unloved for years. Known the world things Alvis Winter is dead. He thinks the is no hope or future for him but he just can't give up and wants to know what he can do
Als redemption comes to after being abandoned by eggman after being defeated by super sonic and shadow and tails (Yeah ima go there). Eggman gives up on Al. Als fears and everything make him panic and as the 3 get closer he escapes
Stuff happens but tails as a idea where Al could of gone
(Moment of Al kidnaps Tails and well opens abit about him and Tails is thr first to fully know Al is forced to be bad)
They meet. Bring Al with them. The city and town folk hate him. Al runs off
Mimic and surge and kit kidnap sonic (FYI I've had this 3 team up for abit in my head for few month before the 3 actually did so. Cool)
(Al has a bounty on him)
Only Al can come and or sonic would die
Al stops them. Get bit of a hero scene of Al the hero. He was told to take his poncho off before any interaction in the bunker. so be a kinda first site of him doing his thing with no poncho
The news and live feed if this be seen by all and well this how he is from 113 the bad guy to 113. Good guy? Taken in by sonic and others but keeps inside and works on tech and only comes when asked or needed
Would wear the poncho but hood down there for but also gose around with hood up or no poncho at all
Kinda the run down and very simple missing load if detail of Als story and some facts. Main story
Hope it's okay and sorry if it's a mess to read
I missed out his powers. Would have to find out later
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Modern Sonamy in a life and death this may be the end scenario where Sonic is finally forced to confront his feelings for Amy that he knows have been there for years. He plans to spend their final moments telling her his love but they are saved at the last minute. Afterwards he tries to go back to the usual but realizes he doesn't want to have any regrets and not have Amy know the truth. So he tries to figure out how to to tell her but the message isn't coming across until he gives her a kiss!
Watch Pajama Blogs - Prompt Requests - Ep.1 timestamp: 47:51 to hear my thoughts on this prompt back when I was first thinking about it! (Sometimes my thoughts change, so don’t be too disappointed if my processes changes a bit over time!)
PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN, so do not submit them until you see the post about the ‘grand reopening’ announcement or see that the ‘ask box’ tells you they are open. THEY ARE NOT OPEN AT THIS TIME.
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(Art found here: x Please support the original artist!)
The gravel scooted and crumbled away from her hand as Sonic and Amy slammed against the side of the rocky wall, trying to dodge the intense heat of the magma from within Egg-Canyon-Mountain where they were attempting to sneak in and take the Chaos Emeralds back from powering a large and terrible machine.
The Machine right now didn’t matter though, because just before they were to remove them, Tails radioed that the machine was self-destructing, and it was all a trap.
Eggman had fled knowing the Chaos Emeralds would just pulse away from each other and become shooting stars in the daylight sky, and he’d have to find them all over again once the reactor malfunctioned sufficiently enough to flood the canyons with magma.
“Sonic, it’s only rising!” Amy was momentarily kidnapped when trying to reach the machine’s first Chaos Emerald slot, where Eggman used her to force Sonic to battle him and his new incredible robot, but it was all to buy time for his fatal trap.
Laughing as he exited, he dropped Amy and made a snide comment about ‘Dying with the one you love’ being a last mercy he’ll give... to Amy that is.
Even while dangling in the clutches of Eggman’s hovering robot’s metal talons, Amy couldn’t have judged well enough the machine’s overheating and powering up processes. It was truly unexpected, but completely within Eggman’s bounds...
Squished between the rocky layer of steep, vertical terra and a sweating Sonic, Amy was sandwiched between the thought of how they were gonna survive this.
“It’s not as fast as you, though!” She looked back over to him, seeing his eyes were fixated on the molten rock slowly rising to them on the thin strip of raised pathway they had against the side of the canyon, finally having made it out of the caverns...
This didn’t look good... Sonic was hot and panting to keep his body temperature regulated. With some degree of knowledge in health and medicine from treating his wounds and injuries all these years, she could tell he was too hot to run at full speed like usual without the proper coolness to not overheat himself. Not just that... but she was added weight... he’d never be able to scale the mountain’s straight drop at top-speeds if he had to carry her too...
She was nowhere near fat but still... this wasn’t looking too good for her.
Without missing a beat, she finally closed her eyes and pushed her nose to the wall, breathing in a dusty and dirt-filled breath of self-sacrifice and spoke aloud an unforgivable sentence. “If I hadn’t insisted on coming with you... to spend more time with you... in hopes that you would fall more in love with me if I was just as into adventure as you were... then you’d be able to run up this wall and get to the top safely.”
He turned his sights back to her, a frown apparent as she was speaking negatively, and he hated that. “Since when were you doubting?” he was always trying to play it cool, and as she took a sorrowful peek back to him, she couldn’t help but gently smile in her grief at seeing his cheery and confident smile.
“We’ll get out of this.” he assured her, “I need you to hang on, though. No more talk about what should and shouldn’t have happened. Can you get up on my back from here?” He looked back at the rising lava, apparently having a plan now.
She nodded, deciding it best not to bring up the inevitable, since her Sonic could do miracles!
... At least, this time, she couldn’t let him fall to his untimely death because of her persistence... 
She spun and he caught her to help her keep balance on the strip and then she tied her arms tightly around his neck as he began to slowly climb.
However, looking down at the speedily approaching magma filling the veins of the large expanse of rock with blood-colored fury and heat, and then looking up to see not a speck of the other side or even the sky as it was just a long, never-ending stretch to half the sky... she felt her heart sinking again.
He really could go faster without her, and looking down again, she saw the strip they were moments ago being pushed up against was now being reached and submerged in the melting rock...
Liquid fire... Was this the story of when Sonic had to face Metal that first time? She remembered him telling the story of reaching for Metal him’s hand before he whacked it aside, refusing to be saved by the one and true hero: Sonic.
There was only ever going to be one Sonic The Hedgehog... but there could be others that would love him just as much... though her grip tightened at admitting it, and ducking her head down, unable to produce tears in the steam of the ripples of heat rising up the cavern.
If they didn’t die of one slip-up or not moving fast enough, they would surely succumb to heat-exhaustion or heat-stroke.
Sonic felt the slight tug on his chin as though her grip around his neck had tightened in a desperate attempt to hold on, and although already straining to climb with someone else and his body feeling like a sauna plus a volcano at his feet, he really didn’t want to believe Amy was giving up on him.
“Amy..!” he called, having an instinct of what she was thinking, “Don’t do it!”
Amy’s head jerked up, “S...Sonic...” She was amazed he had caught on so quickly to her thoughts... her emotions... “B-but,... I-!” she wanted to convince him to let her do it, to let her allow him to run up the rocky wall and save himself.
“We’re getting out of this together or not at all!” he finally blurted out, taking Amy aback as he twitched to reach another hand out for another piece of rock that could be firm enough to give him a sturdy hand-grip. “Erk... ugh... ha... ha... Do me a favor, Amy... ha... umph!” he reached back and threw her up, shocking her as she cried out his name. “And quit acting like we’re dead already!”
She hit against a leveled path that slightly crumbled under her weight, making her kick her legs to scoot quickly back against the wall as Sonic was then able to Spin-Dash to a higher level, reaching down a hand for her. “Hurry!” he called, as she looked back to gasp at the lava not taking any ‘rest-stops’ so to speak. “There might be a cave that tunnels up from here!”
That was a sensationally good idea, except for one problem... if they went back into a tunnel and it went downwards.... then the magma would pinch them in on both sides... and their wouldn’t even be left unmelted fossil remains of them...
But right now, up was good.
She spun around and got up, reaching for his hand and having him struggle to hoist her up as she got her foot on the wall just before the magma rose and splashed against where she was just sitting. “Ah!���
“I-I’m fine.” she squinted an eye as she was grateful the splash didn’t burn her. Her feet were fine, she hadn’t been exposed to it.
He pulled her up and the two just breathed heavily in the others arms a moment.
“You... can out run it... Sonic.” Amy spoke again, only hearing a grunt of annoyance from Sonic as she did so.
“Quit... fooling around... Amy.” his hold on her had loosened so much... she knew he was growing tired. First having snuck in and destroyed some robot scouts on the way down, then Eggman’s battle, and then rushing out before the magma overwhelmed them... Then climbing up such a perilous wall with her on his back... “Do you... see any tunnels..?”
She didn’t even look, she just pulled his forehead to her own, holding it there with her own, sweat-soaked white gloves on either side of his cheeks... saying her farewells in secret. “I know I’ve never voiced it before... but... I...”
Sonic blinked his eyes, before grabbing her arms, their gloves sticking to their skins and making a light blue, see-through effect through the shiny oils on both their exposed skin. Their furs were wetted and they’d be too slippery to attempt to climb again.
This was it.
Sonic lightly moved her to the wall, showing in his face his unbelief at her distrust all of a sudden that he could save them both, but beyond the hurt expression... there was a look she hadn’t fully seen before.
He pinned her slightly as he willingly put his forehead to hers and shut his eyes, trying to keep his breathing normal. “I know.” he stated, then with a shaky voice... “And you’ve always known too.”
She was frozen in that heat-soaked moment... Sonic finally dropping his own tall walls for a brief moment as they could hear the slushing of the magma rising to where they were.
They both looked back, Amy over his shoulder and Sonic to look at the impending doom before them.
“You had to know.” He chuckled out loosely, exhausted now emotionally too, “I gotta at least leave you with some comforting closure.”
“Of that?” Amy thought that the sweetest thing, but also grossly inappropriate for the timing. “Why did you wait till now to tell me?”
“Validate you. I never said anything.” He smirked, even now, trying to keep things light.
She wanted to kiss him, but felt that that would be an even greater sentence, and she’d be framed as the worst timing for romantic advances in history.
Even worse than his...
Sonic smiled to her before something glittery flicked light into his eye and caused him to squint it a few times repeatedly. Turning to find out what the strange source was, the two’s mouths opened at the entrance of a metal bunker impeded into the wall... not seen without the glow of the rising magma.
“An elevator!” The two exclaimed, seeing a mining device next to it. Sonic quickly scooped her up and pushed her in, “Going up!” he pressed the button but she didn’t want to part with him, the Elevator could be slow or worse, the mechanism below could be melted away by now.
“Sonic!” she cried out, agreeing--somewhat--with Eggman that she’d rather die in the arms of her beloved than alone in a small elevator meant for hauling metals up to the top of the canyon. And who knew where this actual thing landed! Maybe it wasn’t the top?
Sonic gave her a thumbs up and signature wink as she could see the lava splashing against the sides of where he was, “Noo!!!” as the chute shut tight and started cranking her upwards. She flung her back to the opposite side of where the tin had shut and felt the heat and the moment consuming her. ‘Sonic... do you mean that..? Do you really... love me?’
Sonic was tearing up the ground in his wake as dust spiraled behind him and he almost flew up at supersonic speeds through the canyon. All the while, he narrowed his eyes to the straight path the elevator was meant to take, making sure it reached the top. ‘Faster... Faster... Faster...!!!’ his eyes widened as his teeth clenched, seeing the lava building up and never stopping, not even for a moment, in consuming the rock beneath it and yet, his eyes trained to fixate on the metal pole that meant the chain was still hauling Amy up. “Endure it just a little longer,... Amy...” his eyebrow furrowed before bowing as he tripped by not watching where his feet were going. “W-woah!” he noticed he had reached the top and was falling now, having pressed his foot to air which had started the tumble. He gripped frantically to the edge of the large landscape and was able to get enough wind in his heels and strength left in his fingers to stop his falling... he had made it... he’ll be okay.
But that wasn’t enough.
He heard the metal bending and cranking, as though slowing the rising, treasured container of it’s load from coming up. The metal was beginning to tilt and loosened itself from it’s bolted railing and started to dip like a bending fish hook towards the flaming sea...
“No!!” Sonic leaped up and raced to the pole, “Amy!!!” He reached out and bent to grab the wall and the bending metal, using himself like a stretched chord to keep the metal from bending further, suspended between rock and the pole as he could feel the jolting of the chains continuing to crank up, but slower than before.
‘I have to straighten the poll out... or Amy will never make it!’ he was running out of juice and energy... but strength rose in him as he thought of her... He couldn’t let her down... he couldn’t let himself live knowing she was still in harm’s way...
He was mellowly delighted that she was accompanying him on this adventure. Though he never showed it, he enjoyed her hammering swings and ricocheting off robots to stop dramatically in front of her and strike a pose, knowing she loved it when he showed off. He couldn’t naturally give slight looks and charming flares to the dudes, it would be weird, but he enjoyed the moments he could when Amy was around.
True, sometimes, he felt he couldn’t fully be himself around Amy or she’d overly fawn after him... but even then... he could see and feel how much he meant to her.
He never felt the need to be more for her, even though he knew he probably should act a bit more gentlemanly here and there, which he did, but never overdid it to avoid getting exploited by Amy’s constant yearning for more attention from him.
He was never upset when she insisted to tag along with him for a journey or perilous undertaking. He just always knew he needed to keep an ear and eye out to make sure she was safe at all times... other than that? It was just fun to have her around, constantly praising him. Though... he didn’t like her ‘pampering’ behavior when she’d rub his hand too much if he punched a tough-made robot... he still didn’t mind the doting every now and then.
Clenching his abs, he finally scrunched his body enough to bend the pole somewhat back into a straighter line, causing the chain to move quickly with each thought he had for Amy and how he was determined to saving her life.
She had saved his... after all. If she had self-sacrificed herself... he would have... never... ever... forgiven himself such a lost.
Amy was almost about to collapse at the heated panel beneath her butt and feet, fearing the lava had caught up with her, until there was a jolt and she stopped fully. “S...Son...ic...” The chute opened and a sound like a swift wind brushed through her small compartment and gave her somewhat relief,... but not as much as cool hands that gripped her firmly at her sides and pulled her out.
When she came too, Tails and Knuckles were standing over her and Cream was attending her.
She remembered a similar scene with Cream... when she had almost drowned in the water when Eggman attacked back in Chris’s world... what... where was Sonic?
“I..” she could barely get a word out, and Cream kept dabbing the cool cloth on her head and adjusting the cooling pads under her back, on her sides, and over her stomach.
“Don’t worry, Miss Amy.” Cream spoke out, cheerily but with a worried and loving look in her eyes, but showing signs that Amy was going to be alright. Her little heart pattered quickly as she stopped a moment and reached back as though forgetting something, putting a flower by her side. “Mr. Sonic said to give you this when you woke up! He said you deserved to see some life after all the dull rock you were exposed too.”
And the pitch black of the heated tin chute... he must have felt awful about that being the only other way to get them out of there alive.
She had no idea about the pole that threatened to snap and dip her into slowly into a melted death... but as she got better, Tails told her Sonic had gone after Eggman, and she gathered that Sonic hadn’t told any of them the extent at what they had gone through.
‘He’s keeping up appearances... he doesn’t want to trouble or worry them more than he already has.’ she concluded, thinking that noble and brave... somewhat.
She wanted to tell them, so badly, about everything... but silently accepted Sonic’s assumed wishes.
She also didn’t want to worry anyone... but... Oh, she wanted to tell at least one soul about the encounter!!!
Sonic had... he had really... ohhh!!! Her heart was overjoyed!
But... when she came to see him...
As per-usual, he was up atop a windy place, looking over the nature he spent his whole life preserving and protecting... admiring it’s beauty and natural power.
With a kind and neutral smile on his face, he suddenly turned to see Amy walking happily up to greet him.
Seeing his gaze, she paused a moment and halted, putting her hands together and in front of her, trying to look feminine and delicate.
“Hello, Sonic.” she greeted, blushing as her eyes closed and she giggled to herself lightly.
“Amy,” he nodded to her, a true picture of boy coolness!
She squee’d, “When are you gonna act like how you really feel at seeing my cute face?” she cupped her cheeks and turned away as if ‘trying’ to be modest about it... but then blinked her eyes when Sonic responded in a way she wasn’t expecting.
“Huh? I am acting the way I always do, Amy.” He folded his arms, looking more... puzzled... than she thought he should have.
“But- ah.... uhh...Ohhh!!!” she did her signature whine and shook her once -delicate- hands in a fury of frustration down at her sides. “That’s not how you feel at all!” She contested, but he didn’t seem to want to fight as his smile slightly fell.
Her eyes came back to his neutral ones and looked somewhat pleading to return to a place they once were... or at least... had just gotten to. “Why are you being like this..? After everything we went through on that ridge...”
He just quietly stared at her, before lowering his head and closing his eyes, shaking it softly back and forth. “I think you were misguided, Amy. The heat had gotten to us and we... said things we didn’t actually mean to express.” he then looked up at the sky, as if trying to dismissive the topic further. “Of course I care about you, Amy,... But I can’t say it’s to the extent that you’re hoping for. To where I suddenly run into your arms, or something mushy like that... heheh.” he had a bead of awkwardness like a sweat drop slide down the side of his face as his mouth squirmed it’s lines to show how uncomfortable with this he all was.
Amy felt her heart chip away just like the pebbles of the rocky wall... as though she was trying to climb the wall he had pasted up again after only just placing it down back then...
“You’re... You’re not being fair...” she wanted to call him cruel, but she knew that was a lie. She wouldn’t lie... whether to herself or to him.
But this...
This hurt so much.
“What’s wrong with liking me?” she finally had the coolness of the earth to allow tears to peek out from her eyelids, but never fully emerge. Her body quivered in the cold, but she ignored it, too angry and hurt to care. “You can’t just press restart every time you show me how you feel, Sonic The Hedgehog!”
Her outburst caused a sharp bolt of lightning to split Sonic’s core in two. His heart ripped as though torn about how to follow something that dramatic and genuine up... He’d had hoped for the social norm again... but that seemed a bit too late.
He flinched back and then relaxed, scratching behind his head, “I guess you’re right, Amy... I’m not being very fair to your feelings... but you can’t blame me for being hesitant about my choices...”
She was sniffling, and he realized she probably didn’t have it in her to say more right now. Sighing, he walked down to her and smiled tenderly, kindly opening his arms to invite her to hug him.
“Let’s just say... I don’t really have a way with words.”
“They’re enough for me...” she hiccupped through her tears now pouring out. “You’ve always been enough for me. Every part of you, every inch and every word ever spoken and act ever done has been enough... when will you get that? When will you learn that whatever you choose to do for me... for my sake... knowing how hard it is for you to express that freely and openly like you did in that moment... it’s always been enough to shake me.” she fell to her legs, bawling now as Sonic awkwardly stood there and blinked, realizing she was going to break down.
“H-hang on, just a second, Amy!” he was shaking his hands out to get her to stop crying and calm down, but her tears and wailing didn’t cease, she was already emotionally compromised and it made him feel like a bigger jerk than ever before.
“Alright, enough already... I get it, Amy...” His face quite literally seemed to deflate on itself as he lost the energy and will to keep up the persona. “You heard what you heard, and I never said I wanted to take it back... just that I can’t always do that from now on. I didn’t want to lose you... that part is, and will always be, true.”
Amy took her hands away from her eyes to see the resounding truth that was on his face. “I... I don’t want-” she hiccupped, a cute and gross reminder that she had been holding all this in for some time now since Sonic’s first departure. “to lose you... hck, either...” she sniffed.
Chuckling at her appalling sense of self-preservation or even an idea of self-image in this moment, Sonic kindly wiped her eyes with his finger and looked to her as though slowly backing the wall up and away from her, but not fully putting it down yet. “I can’t promise I won’t lead you into dangerous times, Amy... but I can say that I will never leave you behind in those moments. Not ever.”
She pouted, “You shoved me in a dark chute.”
“T-To save your life!” he gestured out to her, his arms out either side of her and extended as though to plead his case, “You were right, Amy, I couldn’t have carried us both up, it was the only way!”
She continued to give him a hard look of judgement.
“You gotta believe me, honest! You knew it was the only way!”
“...It was still scary...”
“You survived!” his words almost smacked the idea as though fanning it away, but he never dared to say ‘quit complaining’ as he could tell she was just riling him up.
She smiled, unable to help it. She enjoyed seeing emotion out of him, even expressed in ways like this. She batted his chest, secretly snuggling into it, “You’re the worst, Sonic The Hedgehog! You make me cry and smile at the same time! No one does that...” she muttered the last part out, and it was almost cute... almost.
Sonic rolled his eyes, “Come on, give me a break, Amy...” It almost sounded like he was complaining, but it was to keep up with her playful antics. “Forgive me this one time?”
“I forgive you every time.” Amy mumbled into the side of his chest.
“...Forgive me for being a dunce?”
“I forgive you for that all the time too.” she continued to play, making sure her mouth’s movements and the vibration of her words could be felt in into his chest too.
There was silence...
“Forgive me for... this?” his hands suddenly caught her up and her lips were silenced for a time that for her--seemed to last eternity.
When his kiss parted he was gone with the wind, as though unable to stick around for the aftermath.
She was frozen in disbelief before shouting out in a type of ‘hoorah!’ for her success, but also...
Sonic did know the perfect timing for a romantic advance... he just didn’t always have the words or courage to say it~<3
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ninjakasuga · 3 years
Sonally Celebration Week! Year Three, Day Six: Rescue
Sonally Celebration Week, Year Three, Day Six: Rescue
Day six, and admittedly the toughest piece to write since well, action scenes require more finesse than a domestic/slice of life story. The journey continues, and since my main focus mostly centers on Sonic and Sally’s post Robotnik/Eggman war peace time lives, I like to flex different events when the prompts give way to good inspiration. When one has to do with rescuing, well, let’s just say, if you’re dumb enough to harm someone’s children, woe comes to you in waves.
Day Six: Rescue.
It was supposed to have been a nice, pleasant day. Go to Spagonia with your big bro and his wife, enjoy flying in a fancy transport ship. While Sonic and Sally do the diplomatic thing, Sonia and Manic would watch J.C. and Kathy as they got to enjoy the city. See the sights, enjoy some ice cream and crepes from the city vendors, and just have a good old time! However, it wasn’t to last, the day was ruined when the sound of their ‘secret tail’ security guards crying out after being, well truthfully Sonia didn’t get to hear what exactly happened to their bodyguards (she hoped they were alive). All she heard was some muffled noise; some people screaming, and suddenly a van rolled up, and people in masks and jumpsuits grabbed and knocked them all out.
After coming too, she woke up to a bag over her head, only to have it torn off, and bright lights flashing in her face. A camera was aimed at them as some jerkoff using a voice-modulating helmet to obscure his identity was making some long list of demands and basically laid out they were collateral if those demands were not met. She tried to make everything out, but she was still groggy from waking up from whatever they used to knock her out. Manic was no better when she asked him if he gleaned anything she missed, sadly he was as groggy as she had been. She knew better than to ask the kids, clearly the six-year-olds were ‘terrified’ and wanted nothing more than to go home and jump into their parents arms.
Hell, the sixteen year old herself wanted to hug her parents just as badly. After that song and dance with the camera, all four were dragged to this cell of sorts, and left there with a guard detail. Whatever they wanted, they seemed to be serious, or at least wanted to come off that way. Her keen eye noticed some of their guards seemed unsettled. Like they were not keen they had kidnapped children. Maybe she, or Manic could use that? A little of the ol’ duo-charm to-.
“Auntie Sonia?” The small, childish voice snapped the older hedgehog out of her thoughts. Instantly her head snapped to the small child resting in her lap.
Forcing a calm smile, Sonia gently petted Kathleen’s soft auburn hair, which had blue tips at the end. Many thought it was dyed, but it was merely something that seemed to happen to both children, who inherited their Mother’s auburn tresses. Yet at the tips, bits of blue would form over time. No doubt the stubbornness of her big brother’s genes at work. Just hand to mingle with Sally’s.
“What’s up kiddo?” She asked her niece as she continued to stroke her head, and did her best to seem calm and collected. She and Manic were the adults here, they needed to be strong for these precious babies.
Green eyes look up, then over to the cell door, then back to Sonia’s own. “I wanna go home.” A simple request, but what child wouldn’t want to go home with this kind of situation abound? “Why do these guys wanna be mean to Mommy and Daddy?”
Another voice spoke up, the disdain high and snark on full. “Cuz they’re- and I quote.” Manic Hedgehog interjected, keeping his voice calm, and then upping the volume as he aimed his words at their guard. “A BUNCHA COWARDS WHO RESORT TO KIDNAPPING KIDS!!” He shouted with full malice at their captors, which made both children recoil, and his sister wince.
“Manic!” Hissed Sonia as she reached out and yanked at his ear. “Stop it! You’re just making it harder for J.C. and Kathy!” She growled at her brother, her eyes going to the door to their cell and sure enough their masked guard had turned to regard them. Thankfully he just turned away and went back to guarding.
“Well these bozos need to know what kind of d*ckless, wussies they are!” Retorted Manic, the green-dyed-furred hedgehog with a growl in his voice. Usually Manic was chill, and easy-going with a touch of mischief. He was running red right now, his niece, nephew and sister being put in danger can do that to someone. “Plus they’re f*cking idiots!”
“Manic, language!” Sonia chastised further as she covered his mouth with a hand. “Not that I disagree with you, but is antagonizing our captors the wisest idea?!”
Removing her hand from his mouth, Manic let out a dismissive snort. Yet his gaze softened some as he saw the kids were looking antsy again. “Maybe not, but seriously what kind of idiots kidnaps the Prince and Princess of a Kingdom? I mean, you want a war? Plus think of their parents, heroes of the war against the Big Robo and Big Eggy! I mean that’s a recipe for doom more than my Taco Tuesday Blowout Cookout.” The food wasn’t the issue, so much as the aftermath, but worth it in Manic’s eyes.
A small rumbling was heard and J.C. blushed as eyes rested on him. “...I’m hungry, and Uncle Manic makes great tacos.” He managed a smile, despite clearly still being scared.”
“Heheh, once we get out I’ll make us all some.” Manic promised as he lovingly scratched the back of his nephew’s ears. He did the same for Kathleen, not wanting her to feel left out. “Also, sorry about the yelling and language, I’m just pis-er-pointedly angry at the bad guys.”
“We’re ‘not’ the bad guys.” Their guard finally spoke, snorting loudly. The way he seemed to clutch his weapon and his covered tail (they seemed intent to make it hard to guess their species) twitch and move, hinted at his anger at such an accusation.
Despite having just chastised Manic for antagonizing their captors; Sonia found herself unable to not engage them. “Not from where we’re standing. Uncouth as my brother put it, he called it right. Nobody who kidnaps children are the good guys.”
“We’re not going to harm you, we’re just sending a message.” His steadfast tone, carried a firmness of whatever convictions he carried about their unknown ‘cause’.
“What sort of message? We’re kidnapping your kids, so we invite you to come kick our butts? Seriously, what else do you expect?” Sonia inquired, keeping her tone polite, hoping perhaps this guard might spill some kernel of information they could use. Then a thought occurred to her. “What happened to the bodyguards watching us? I heard them cry out, did you capture them too or did you kill them?”
“We shot them, but we didn’t shoot to kill.” The guard callously responded. “They should live.”
“Do you know that for a fact? Even a crippling gunshot can lead to death if they bleed out before they get help or the injury causes the right amount of trauma. I heard multiple muffled sounds… If they got shot multiple times that increases the chances they didn’t make it.” The magenta-dyed hedgehog stated with cold, medical fact. “They also had families, so nice job dipwad, you possibly widowed and orphaned two families.” It was petty, but seeing his body language shift and just slightly shake before firming back up gave Sonia a sense of satisfaction. “You could have used stun-blasters.”
The guard hissed back his reply, but she could tell he was trying to justify his words to himself. “You can’t silence stun-blasters.”
Rolling his eyes, Manic decided to chime in. “So you bozos prioritized not making noise, over making your little power grab as bloodless as possible.”
“If they die, our leaders will make it right, all of this has a purpose! It’s to make things better-!”
It wasn’t Sonia or Manic that cut the man off, but J.C.’s small but clearly angry voice. “So making Mr. Hunigan and Mrs. Fletcher dead is alright when you say so?” The boy’s fists clenched tightly. “They were nice people, and we know their kids, they’re our friends… you took their Dad n’ Mom from them you-you, j-jerk!”
“Gee, even the six year old can see it clear as day.” Sonia icily sneered at their captor, scooting closer she slid both her arms around her family and kept them close.
“Mommy, sh-she and Daddy are gonna find us.” Kathleen managed to speak up, wiping her eyes, like her brother managed the most fearsome glare she could. “They’ll find us and kick your butts! They’re heroes, they always save the day!”
Turning, the guard’s helmet, visor and cloth covering their mouth obscured whatever Mobian species they were. “Your parents are part of the problem! If not for the Acorn Kingdom’s meddling along with the other outsider nations, we wouldn’t need to do this!”
“Only meanies justify their actions by blaming others!” Humphed the young princess as she turned her head away, as if to utterly disregard her captor. Oh Sonia and Manic’s heart swelled.
“I gotta agree with Kathy here, sounds like blame-gaming here-.” Manic mused, only to be cut off by their clearly irate captor.
“If they hadn’t meddled with the trade tariffs making exporting goods harder, not to mention their invasive meddling with our affiliate cities-!”
A lightbulb went off in Sonia’s head. “Wait, wait, time out!” She put her hands together in the referee gesture to hopefully get a word in. “You guys are blaming them for the trade issues and the Acorn Kingdom’s presence in your sister cities? Um, dude, hoo boy, you are probably being played by whoever your leaders are.”
“Bite your tongue-!” “Okay you know what, screw that, and kids I’m sorry but-.” After giving her niece and nephew an apologetic look, she quickly sent her captor a fiery glare. “First off, F*CK you! Second, the Kingdom sent delegations to those cities BY REQUEST! The mayors asked for aid in looking into some oddities with exports from Spagonia going in and out because they realized something was hinky with the weird laws and micro-managing coming out of Spagonia’s Trade & Commerce Ministry. Any of your Minister’s calling the investigations meddling or preludes to occupation are trying to play the dodge game moron! Second of all, the tariff problem? I shouldn’t say this, but I love talking shop with my sis-in-law, and boy a lot of the issues stem from how they were set up, like someone ‘wanted’ the tariffs to cause issues and sow discord. It’s a big political set-up but my big-brained Sis likes big-brained chess and she’s onto some corruption from within Spagonia’s Trade & Commerce Ministry.”
She watched as the guard looked uneasy, and his compatriot to the far way seemed to be listening in as well and had lowered his weapon some. “That, that can’t be possible.”
Footsteps could be heard as another similarly dressed guard walked into view of the first one. “Ignore them comrade, they’re trying to unnerve you.” “What if it’s true our leaders are lying to us? Given who some of them are-.” “Shut your mouth before you give anything away!” The other, more burly guard hissed as he raised a gloved hand, poised to smack his comrade if he didn’t do as he said. With his associate cowed, he turned to the cell and pointed his weapon. “Shut your mouths or I might just have to shut it for you.”
Manic moved in front of his sister, nephew and niece, arms out. “Touch them buddy, and you and I are gonna tussle!”
“Uncle Manny don’t!” “D-don’t get hurt!” “Manny…” Sonia held the children close, but tried to soothe her brother. “Don’t, they’re clearly too deluded to listen.”
“You will see it is you who is delusional!” The burly captor spoke, with a zeal of a true-believer. “Once it’s clear your Queen and your treacherous nation are outed as the villains they are, things will become bet-.”
Suddenly the entire room rumbled, and the sound of muffled shouts, and fighting could be heard in the other room. All their captors turned toward the metal door just out of view of Sonia, Manic and the children. Suddenly the door flies off its hinges, slamming into the far guard who cried out in pain and terror as they are taken out. A familiar ‘rev up’ sound is heard and then a blue blur slams into the burly captor sending him flying. As the sounds of fists fly, another far off captor raises their weapon, only for the sound of jets to get clouder and a familiar southern drawl is heard shouting. “TAKE A NAP YA’ CREEP!” A blaster bolt is heard firing off screen. Soon a blue energy blast hits the captor, causing them to drop their weapon as the stun-bolt freezes their whole body. As another guard attempts to fight, the flying Rabbot zooms him and body-tackles the would-be-attacker, a loud, thick ‘crunch’ of metal hitting flesh is heard. Clearly a one-hit-KO.
The original guard readies their weapon, trying to pick a target, clearly panicking. “Ho-hold or I’ll shoot!”
Their weapon is cleaved in two, falling from their hands, and in the next half-second, the tip of the weapon responsible is held at their throat. This man finds himself looking into the very, angry blue eyes of the Queen of the Acorn Kingdom herself, Sally Acorn. Wielding an ornate sword with the crest of her family on the hilt, and ornate lines etched into the blade. For a second the guard swore the weapon’s blade glowed for a moment, but whatever the case, it was clear the Sword of Acorns (reforged and imbued with Sally’s residue Super energy) was capable of cutting quite nicely.
Her voice was ever commanding, calm and serene, yet deadly and potent. She was clearly angry, but using said anger as a laser-focused weapon instead of being consumed by it. For now.
“You will let my babies and my younger siblings out of that cell. Now, no questions. If you so much as dare do anything but I ask, you will regret it. Do not force me to spill blood before my children, because you WILL live to regret it.” She vowed.
“N’ she ain’t the only one you need ta’ worry about.” Uttered Bunnie Rabbot, as she got up from pummeling her foe into unconsciousness. She flexed both of her cybernetic arms which transformed into blaster mode on the right, and nasty energy axe on the left. “You further threaten my God-Children or Manny and Sonia’s well-being. I might just forget I’m a Southern Lady.” While plain and frank, there was a menace in her eyes mirroring Sally’s, and the hum of her weapons furthered showed she was not playing games.
A small ‘boom’ and a flash of blue from across the room, and the guard found Sonic the Hedgehog on the other side of him, arms crossed, and foot tapping rapidly. “Door, open, my kids and siblings safely in arms, now!’ He didn’t bother making threats, he didn’t need to.
The guard simply let out a pathetic sound, wet himself and passed out onto the floor.
Without a word, Sonic dug at their belt, found the key and quickly as he could unlocked the cell door, and threw it open. All anger, and intimidation left his face (as well as Sally and Bunnie who put away their weapons) as the look of a worried parent and brother overcame all else. “Are you four okay?! Did they hurt you any-?!” “DADDY, MOMMY!!” Instantly Kathleen, and J.C. dashed into the arms of their Father, with their Mother soon joining in the hug, checking them over.
“Oh my babies!” Sally clutched her family tightly, kissing the children all over their faces and tops of their heads, as she checked them for injuries. “It’s okay now, Daddy and Mommy are here, oh God I’m so sorry this happened, that we weren’t there to stop you from being taken.” She babbled, as the kept-in-check emotions burst from the dam she erected to focus on the rescue.
“We’re sorry, we’re sorry…” Sonic murmured, his heart still racing even with all his joy held firmly in his arms. Lifting his gaze, tear-stained he looked to his siblings worriedly. “How’re you two holding up? They didn’t hurt any of you did they?”
“Nah, they just… dragged us around at most.” Manic shrugged, but was clearly relieved this whole thing was over. As he stood he found his legs shaking, and leaned against his equally leg-shakey sister. “All that said, glad you guys found us so soon.” Moving closer, Bunnie shifted her arms, what was metal now, began to flash with energy and seemingly disassemble back to flesh and blood. The wonders of bio-nanite tech. Once her arms were organic again she pulled the two hedgehog siblings into a hug. “Sorry we didn’t get here sooner sugah, but we had to basically strong-arm some of the Spagonia government to give us the okay to act. Though once Sally n’ Sonic scared these bozos' supposed leaders into talkin’ they squealed like- well sumthin I can’t say within earshot of kiddos.”
Sonia let herself chuckle, relief and a sense of security flooding her being as she leaned into the hug. “So, lemme guess, the Trade Minister and his flunkies were the culprits?”
“Yeah, I mean we were gonna confront em’ with the evidence Nicole uncovered, but you all bein’ taken kinda forced our hands.” Bunnie further explained as she scratched the back of their ears soothingly. “U-Uncle Manny and Auntie Sonia, looked after us, we’re okay…” J.C. managed to speak once his throat wasn’t sore from crying (this time from happiness).
“Hmm-hmm, they’re the best as always!” Kathleen agreed, sniffling and wiping her eyes as she remained cocooned by her parents and brother.
Smiling, Sonic reached over and managed to give each of his younger siblings an affectionate arm-punch. “Somehow I knew they’d have it under control.” Well more hoped, but he didn’t want to devalue his sibling’s efforts. No if anything he wanted them to ride the pride of keeping themselves and the kids safe.
“Lucky for us, as Sonia called it, these guys were morons. Dangerous ones, but morons.” The green-furred hedgehog blew out a breath, and then he recalled something. “Um, ah, how’re Agent Fletcher and Hunigan?”
“Alive.” Sally replied, still nuzzling her children, still unwilling to let them go. Her own heartbeat was finally starting to calm down and the adrenaline high was crashing. “They were hurt badly, but both are tenacious and they got help just in time. They might have to retire from active duty early but we’ll be sure they’ll be looked after, their families too.”
“Oh thank goodness!” The two teens, and the younger children exclaimed, as joy at the news eased their hearts from the dread they felt prior.
Footsteps could be heard approaching, but the boot clomps’ were familiar. So no one tensed or got ready for another fight. Especially once Captain of the Royal Guard, Antoine D’Coolette emerged, wiping his sword blade clean with a cloth before sheathing it into its scabbard. “My Queen, ze fools have been disarmed, and rounded up. As you requested, we managed to take them all alive, if injured.” After a beat, he contemplated making a joke about some being ‘literally’ disarmed, but with the children there, he decided against it. “How are ze young ones?” He asked, decorum giving way to concerned God-Father, and as a fellow parent.
“Thankfully unhurt Sugah-Twan.” His wife replied, flashing a smile his way. “Where’s Tangle n’ Whisper?”
“Helping out Tails to ensure we didn’t miss anyone and secure the location.” Informed Antoine as he walked over, making sure all were fine, if to soothe his own fretful nature. They also will wish to zee’ that our rescuee’s are le’fine.”
Sniffing away the last of her tears, Kathleen looked up at her Mother. “Uncle Tails came too? I thought he was testing his new plane in the South Seas?”
“Once he heard the news, he jetted over as fast as he could and offered to help.” replied Sonic with a wide smirk of pride and relief for his ‘not-so-little’ bro. “Family sticks together, and well you guys are as much family as his own. Which by the way, I’m sure Tails will wanna set up a face-chat so Mina can see you’re all fine.”
“She is very fond of her biggest fans.” Chuckled Sally, who internally still found it ‘very’ weird, that Tails and Mina Mongoose hooked up. Their age gap wasn’t too bad, and clearly whatever happened to bring about their dating didn’t occur until Tais was eighteen/nineteen-ish. Then again he clearly had a thing for older women, at least his choices after Fiona Fox were an improved taste. As long as Mina was good to Tails, that was all she cared about, and they did seem like a good couple. Still weird but that was on her.
“Can we leave now?” J.C. asked softly looking up at both his parents hopefully.
“You got it son, we’ll juice n’ jam out of here and get you guys some food and tucked in for the night.”
“Can we have a sleepover in the hotel suite? Like all of us with blankets on the floor and pillows nests?” Asked Kathleen with big, hopefully eyes. A look her brother mirrored and nodded to her suggestion.
“Yeah, can we have a sleepover?!” Manic echoed, doing his best impersonation of the look.
“I don’t see why not, if everyone else is on board.” “Wouldn’t be hard for us all to fit in, big ol’ space, and like you could ask us to stay away after today.” Bunnie voiced her opinion with a warm smile at the children. Giving them assurance she was on board.
“Like the saying goes, the more the merrier.” Antoine stated to voice his blessing. “Plus I’m sure Bunnie and my own angels would love the idea as they too were worried about you four. As was your Nanny Miss Cream.” The coyote gently ruffled the hair of the two youngsters, his mind drifting to his children two years their senior. Yes, if they had been through this, he’d gladly acquiesce any whimsy they wanted within reason, and a sleepover to help soothe their nerves? A piece of cake.
Kathleen’s face fell as childish concern flooded her mind. “Oh no, that’s right, we were supposed to meet Jacque, Belle and Miss Cream after lunch…” “Hey they know we didn’t stand 'em’ up by choice.” Manic interjected as he flashed a smile and reached over to ruffle his niece’s cheek tufts.
“Let’s blow this pop stand, I want a hot bath, lots of bubbles and all the cheese cake…” Sonia muttered, feeling her own adrenaline rush and the weight of the whole ordeal finally sapping her energy.
“I hear that, let’s go home everyone.
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Hi, I do have trouble asking questions (feels like I'm a bother -_-), but I had this realization - Everybody talks about Knuckles being in the sequel, but I see nobody mentioning Echidna Clan from the 1st one - Do they still exist? I'm more interested in them actually, and if Knuckles would have and keep part of their clothing. I think that would be a nice spin on Movie!Knuckles. Seeing Tikal being part of the present could be cool. What do you think? :-) Best Regards :-)
Listen Friend, you are always welcomed to have a voice here. You are not a bother at all! I think that you are a wonderful person to talk to and it’s always a pleasure to have you here! I love having you around! You are not a bother. Never!
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Like you, I have not seen many people talk about the Echidna Tribe and their role in the second film. I’ve seen many hypotheses on the use of chaos emeralds, as well as Knuckles himself, but nothing of the tribes.To be honest,  I haven’t really thought much of it due to some... fears of a certain someone wrongfully wanting to claim “ownership” of the Echidna Tribe. You know who I’m talking about. However, I have had some time to think about the Echidna Tribe’s role yesterday before answering your question.
I think that they might not have a lot of screen-time, but they might be heavily mentioned a lot from Knuckles and/or Tails in order to tell the story. I also want to bring up the book for a hot minute. In the book, it details that Longclaw and Sonic were on the run from them due to the tribe wanting to kidnap Sonic and use him as a “battery.” There was also some form of mention concerning Perfect Chaos in the very last pages, but that’s another topic to bring up later. As we know, the book is not the same as the movie, and the movie went through extensive changes. I feel like the team would keep some of the material that was written in the beginning stages of production and incorporate them into the second. What I mean is elaborate more on the whole “battery” use of Sonic Wachowski in the film... and a major plot twist.
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I feel like we may have painted the Echidna Tribes as villains, but I think that this would be the perfect opportunity for the writers to come out and say that they’re a misunderstood tribe. They could be portrayed as savage-like beings, as they were in the first film, but could be completely harmless individuals. Correct me if I’m wrong--I haven’t played Sonic Adventure 1 in years--but the Echidna Tribes on Angel Island gave off a similar vibe as well. They looked intimidating, but they almost harmless for the most part. What if the reason for them tracking down Sonic and Longclaw in the first place was due to working for a boss? Say, a bigger villain? Not Dr. Robotnik, but a villain for that island specifically? (yes, I’m relying a bit on Sonic 3 & Knuckles here a bit). What if they were led to believe that Sonic and Longclaw were the bad guys and they were bringing Sonic to their leader? 
It could help out with Knuckles’ role just a bit when he encounters Sonic. Knuckles could still view Sonic as a threat, even to the point where--if this happens--if he does meet Dr. Robotnik, he just willingly hands him over. This could also play in development for Sonic as well. He wouldn’t just view Knuckles as a “villain” on his end, but he could consider the whole Echidna Tribe as “villains” and try to stay away from them. (Lil’ baby has some PTSD and trauma to work out with them in between). With this in mind, it gives us more lore to explore from the first movie, the book, introduce old and new characters (Tikal), and for the team to get creative.
Or, better yet, maybe not a villain. What if he was taken as viewed as a fallen demi-god of sorts instead? I know that there’s this hypothesis going around about Sonic being emotionally attached to a chaos emerald, it’s a nice hypothesis, but what if Sonic was viewed as a fallen demi-god instead? Sonic could be a “positive conductor” and a “negative conductor” would need to be found in order to restore power to the universe in its entirety? (I’ll elaborate more on this later, but this was just a thought I had moments ago. Maybe his whole kind could be viewed as Demi-gods and he just happens to be the one with the strongest connections to the power of chaos and his clan was wiped out? Maybe that’s why he was given to Longclaw).
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It’s a rough idea, I know, I’ll work on it some more. To conclude, what are some of your thoughts? I’ve shared many of my thoughts for Tails in the past, but I’d like to hear everyone else’s thoughts as well. I hope that this answers your question, friend!
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ameth18blog · 3 years
Unexpected Encounters. Chapter 7: Songgretopia - End Of The Day
Finnick closes his phone after making a call. He then looks at Nick, Judy, and Jack, who had Nicole and Jerry with them. "It's fixed, someone will watch Judy's parents and Nick's mother so they don't come here and remain safe in Zootopia."
"Well, that takes a load off our shoulders, but what will happen to our families," said Ookami holding Hana in his arms.
"Eggman could track us down and try to harm them as long as we hold on the remaining emeralds," Retsuko said, taking Koka's hand.
"You don't have to worry about that. That's what we're here for," said Amy.
"Eggman is always used to making appearances where he wreaks havoc to get our attention," Knuckles said.
"So I don't think he will try to kidnap any of your family, unless we are present, and if he does, we can rescue them in the blink of an eye," said Sonic.
"At the moment, all you can do is go to the police and show yourself as they are surely still looking for you and worried that something has happened to you after you escaped from the restaurant," said Tails.
At that moment, all the inhabitants of Zootopia and Japan realized that it was true, they spent so much time talking with the inhabitants of Mobius that they forgot that the authorities were still trying to find them.
"You go, we will stay here," Cosmo assured.
"The sooner you get to them, the sooner they can get back," said Tikal.
They all nodded and left Gori's apartment temporarily leaving the Mobius Heroes alone.
When they reached the ground floor, they left the building and went to the police station.
At first, their walk seemed completely normal, but on the way, they ended up being surrounded by a large number of reporters who began to take a large number of photographs, recorded them with video cameras, held microphones at them, and began to ask a lot of questions. While the adults had a reaction of surprise, the children had a reaction of fear, since the last time they were surrounded in that way they were about to die if it had not been for the appearance of Sonic and the others.
"Where they ended up when they escaped from the restaurant?"
"Where do those heroes come from?"
"Do you know their names and where they are right now?"
That amount of questions began to anger Retsuko who mentally began to sign Death Metal with all of her strength.
Just then, a group of policemen appeared at the scene and pushed the reporters back and made them leave the scene.
"We are sorry for that, I'm the head of the police department. We need you to accompany us to the station to detail what happened today."
"It won't be a problem, sir. We were on our way to the station anyway," Washimi said.
"Alright, follow me," said the chief of police.
After talking to the police, only Nick, Judy, and Jack were left talking to the boss while the others waited for them outside the office.
"According to reports I have, you, Mr. Wilde, and you, Ms. Hopps, are Zootopia police officers, while you, Agent Savage, are an undercover agent for an agency with ties to this country. And you are on vacation here, is it true?" the chief of police asked.
"Exactly," answered the red fox, the female rabbit, and the striped rabbit.
"I suppose you know where the beings that helped you escape are, right?"
The three of them fell silent.
"Come on, you can trust me. Our profession at the end of the day is to protect the innocent. And with that strange being that attacked a few hours ago, we must obtain the most important information that is known to stop him."
Nick, Judy, and Jack looked at each other. They knew that they weren't supposed to tell anyone about Sonic and the others, but it was their duty so that the police could have information about Dr. Eggman as well, so that they would also be of help in stopping him.
Once they finished counting everything except the location of the heroes and not mentioning their names either. So they don't know that they will still have contact with them unless it is really necessary.
"Well, that's all I needed to know, I'll stay in touch with you in case something important happens. You can go now."
"Thank you very much, sir," Judy said.
"No, thanks to you. One more thing, each of you will be escorted to your respective homes so that the reporters will not bother you again," said the police chief.
"That sounds good. Thanks," said Jack.
After they went out and met their friends once more, they told them what the police chief asked them.
"Are you sure it was a good idea?" Washimi suggested.
"Yes, after all the police could be of help in any case where people need to be evacuated," said Nick and then said in a low voice, "Apart from the fact that we didn't tell him where Sonic and the others are and we didn't mention their names."
"They also told us that they would escort us to our respective homes," Jack added.
"So we better decide what time we will meet tomorrow," Judy said.
After having a conversation, they agreed to meet at 9 in the morning at Gori's apartment.
Having decided everything, they then were told that the patrols that would escort them to their homes (hotel in the case of the inhabitants of Zootopia) so the group exchanged their goodbyes and separated into three groups.
When they got home, Haida (carrying Koka in his arms) and Retsuko entered, once the door was closed, Retsuko's mother and grandmother were already standing in front of them.
"Because they were coming in late, you don't see how worried we were, when we finished talking on the phone we expected you to come home immediately," said Retsuko's mother.
Retsuko's grandmother was just standing next to her daughter with her arms crossed without saying anything.
Everyone expected someone to say something after that, but Retsuko only walked over to her mother and her grandmother and then hugged them both at the same time as she let a couple of tears escape from her eyes. Despite the stress she had from the previous call, she was happy to see them in the person again, after that situation she survived, she was grateful that for the moment everything had ended and that she was at home with her relatives, although she also would have liked to be her father been there too, but she understood that for work reasons she had to be away, although she promised she would return as soon as possible.
Retsuko's mother and grandmother understood what she was going through at the moment they both reciprocated the hug. Haida, seeing the reaction of his wife, decided to comfort her, also bringing his son with him. In the middle of the family embrace there were the hyena and the four red pandas, which due to the size of the first one, he made the others were connected to the embrace.
When they finally broke away from the hug, Retsuko's mother and grandmother realized that it was best to let Retsuko relax for the remainder of the day.
"Well, we already prepared dinner, if you like, you can sit down to eat," said Retsuko's mother.
"And we made sure to prepare you your favorite food," Retsuko's grandmother added.
Hearing that, their spirits lifted a bit and they went to the dining room to see the food prepared.
Haida, Retsuko, and Koka sat in one side of the table, and Retsuko's mother and grandmother sat on other side of the table.
The five began to pray for the food for the day. Once they finished, they began to eat dinner in silence.
Ookami, Fenneko, and Hana had just got home. After what happened that day, they felt good to be home. It was time to rest from that exhausting experience. When they noticed, they realized that Hana had fallen asleep in Ookami's arms. Fenneko took her daughter gently, carried her into her room and laid her gently on her bed, wrapped the blanket around her, kissed her forehead, and then left the room, closing the door gently.
"Poor girl, she's very exhausted," whispered Ookami.
"At least she's safe at home now," Fenneko whispered.
"You believe that the children who came with Sonic from his world can protect Hana and the other children?"
"Of course, you saw how Speed faced Dr. Eggman's robots, he must have fought him several times despite his young age."
"I wonder what kind of world Sonic and his friends come from if they face situations lie the one we live in every day."
"I don't know, but I wouldn't mind going there one day, just to get out of the usual daily routine."
"Are you talking seriously?"
"I don't know. Maybe, maybe not."
"Changing the subject, you think that Washimi can convince the president of the company not to allow himself to speak about today's event?"
"Knowing her, she will achieve it on the first try."
Nick, Judy, Jack, Finnick, Nicole, and Jerry were in their hotel room, despite the comfort they felt when they got there that morning, it felt heavy now. Knowing that Eggman could attack at any moment, they had to be vigilant to protect the children, who at that moment were still scared that day. Judy took her two children in her arms and to calm them down, she began to sing one of Gazelle's songs. Both children were fans of hers and listening to her songs relaxed them.
"Mom, can we sleep with you and our fathers tonight?" Nicole asked.
"We don't want to be alone tonight," Jerry added.
Nick, Judy, and Jack looked at each other and nodded.
"Of course, you can stay with us," Judy answered.
Nicole and Jerry's eyes began to sparkle with joy as they said at the same time, "Thank you mom, thank you dads."
"And if any robot comes to bother us, I'll take care of them with this," Finnick said, waving a baseball bat that he had brought with him and was waving it from side to side. "I will throw them in one fell swoop into the ocean."
Nicole and Jerry started laughing upon hearing that.
"By the way kids, it's almost bedtime, you want to talk one more time with grandpa and grandmothers before going to bed?" Nick asked.
"Yes!" the children said in unison.
"Well come closer," Jack assured, taking the phone out of his pocket and dialing the number to make the video call.
Washimi and Gori were talking on the phone. Each had returned to their respective home.
"So while we were gone, they tidied up your apartment a bit and made dinner," Washimi recounted.
"Yes, they said it was a token of appreciation for letting them stay here," Gori added.
"And what are they doing right now?"
"Well after dinner, they locked themselves in the room I lent them. They are apparently discussing how to find Dr. Eggman's base."
"They haven't told you anything about that?"
"No, they just concluded that their base is not in the city, so it could be anywhere in the world."
"That is partly a relief as the city dwellers are safe from having him around, but partly it is concerning as you never know where he may appear from."
"They said the same in their discussion. By the way, do you think that the beings that they mentioned that come from other realities are good people like them?"
"If they haven't caused trouble and are in this city, then they must be peaceful beings as well."
"You think there are handsome boys among them, they might want to use my dating app."
"I doubt it."
"It's strange, even though Eggman took possession of four of the chaos emeralds, I can't locate them with the tracker," Tails growled.
"It's not possible, it should mark his position right now, unless Eggman has created a container similar to yours," Sonic pointed out.
"So it means we can't locate them," Amy said.
"That coward! It's going to be difficult for us to get back to our dimension," Knuckles growled.
Tikal and Cosmo noticed the rage spirits in their respective husbands and friends, so they tried to calm them down.
"You have to calm down, Eggman has had disappearances like this before," Cosmo pointed out.
"We are sure to find it before we know it," Tikal said confidently.
The other four sighed and calmed down, knowing that they were both right, as getting upset out of worry or anger would not solve their situation.
While that was happening; Speed, Flora, Alex, Locke II, and Pachacamac II were marking on a map of the city. They were trying to figure out where the beings that like them also came from different dimensions could be.
"So if we're not wrong, they must have appeared on the perimeter of this city," Speed said.
"I agree, apart from if they are equal to the other inhabitants of the city, we may never be able to find them," said Flora.
"We must not lose hope, if like us, they are separated from our dimension, they must still be disoriented from being in a different place," Locke II detailed.
"And for sure they are desperately trying to find a way to go home right now, as we are doing right now," Pachacamac II finalized.
As all that happened with the heroes the day finally turned to the night, and finally the inhabitants of Zootopia, Japan, and Mobius went to sleep after a long and exhausting day, knowing that tomorrow would be another long day.
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rayadraws · 4 years
More ideas for the nekomimi AU, brainstormed with @batneko  <3 Mostly a mumarou focus today. Concept: Mumen has dog traits, although he does pass as a regular human when in his bike gear as he lacks a tail and his ears are hidden under his helmet. His exact breed is hard to gauge, people speculate about it sometimes. He's outgoing, sporty, helpful, what could it be, hm... As a child, Mumen’s classmates would sometimes take advantage of him because he likes being given a task and then praised for doing it (”I’m a good boy!”). They'd make him do stuff for them and then laugh behind his back about it. As an adult he's a little more on his guard, but he does enjoy helping people. He clicks almost immediately with Garou when they first meet - it takes Garou much longer than it should to figure out why they understand each other so well, since he sees him in his biking gear the first times - he has dog traits too! They enjoy going for runs together - that is, Mumen on his bike, Garou just booking it by his side. This has the very nice side effect that Garou burns off some of his insane levels of energy - when he hangs with Badd and Genos afterwards, he's almost freakishly chill, for being him. Even lets Genos attempt to groom his hair, amazing. He's a whole different guy when he's been properly exercised! After Garou realizes that Mumen has canine traits like him, he tries to decide how this might change the way they interact - "Hey, if we're both canine I'm clearly the alpha okay." "Pretty sure all those studies were debunked." "...oh." "Do you want to fight over a rope and then take it home with you?" "...maybe." I think Mumen can tell that Garou isn't wolf, as he claims, but it's okay, if he want to be a wolf he can be a wolf. Why worry about stuff like that when you can just have fun playing frisbee the whole afternoon instead?! Mumen eventually meets Garou and Genos and like most people he probably registers Genos as "predator" but can't quite put his finger on it. He looks like a housecat but... there's something... maybe he's a bobcat? Pallas cat? Something a little... wilder... (he probably wouldn't guess the correct answer - tiger... they are so rare!). He does know to give cat people space, which he does and immediately gives him a plus point in Genos' book. Bat suggested wolf people hit the uncanny valley with dog people, which makes a lot of sense to me! They are almost dogs, but not quite, like weird dogs. If we look at RL cats, a lot of them look very similar, fill very similar niches and interbreed relatively freely, so I imagine it's harder for people to keep various feline species apart than canines. There might be an actual wolf person in this AU - Flashy Flash maybe? Sonic is definitely feline, part of the reason he immediately dislikes Genos. He definitely does not realize that Genos has tiger traits, he thinks he's just a stupid housecat trying to act tough. This also raised the thought that in this world, all the ninjas have traits - taken from their homes at an early age to be raised in the ninja village where their powers can be put to good use. No wonder many people with traits consider it a curse rather than a blessing - Genos definitely would if you asked him, since his traits is why he lost his family and home in the first place. Had he been born a regular human, he’d still have all of it. Related - Mumen and his lack of tail... He could simply be born bobtailed, as some dogs are, but I also raised the idea that some parents might have their children born with tails docked at birth. They could do it to help you blend better into society, thinking it's helpful - you'll have an easier time finding clothes! People won't question you as much when you want to get a loan at the bank! You won't be teased in school! People won't try to kidnap you! It's still an awful thing to do, but if you do something over and over, you can be fooled into thinking it's okay, that it's tradition... Ears would be easier to cover at least, just put on a baseball cap or something. Tied to this, there are also stereotypes tied to different kind of traits - dog people are popular to work as nannies as well as security guards, stereotyped to be loyal and hard-working. Cat people are stereotyped to be loners and often take less social jobs - unless they work as models! And sexy villains in movies are often cast as cat people as well. The dog person stereotype bugged Garou a lot as a kid, part of the reason he was bullied and didn't get along well with his peers. He’s not like that, they have no right to assume!
Garou and Mumen start to hang out sometimes after meeting. At first Garou expected it might be like when he and Genos go hunting together, that is, they barely see each other for hours, but Mumen stays near him?! They do a lot of outdoorsy stuff, they both enjoy that a lot. Garou is trying to gauge whether they are date-dates or just playdates and he has trouble understanding and dealing with his feelings but he’s having a good time.
Mumen brings them snacks and something to drink, juice maybe. Garou mentions liking cola and every time after that, Mumen brings that :0
Hanging out with Mumen is FUN, to the point Garou’s dumb tail won’t stop wagging when they’re together - he even tries to sit on it to keep it still but it’s not working, he keeps squirming around him.
Badd offers him the best advice when he brings it up - “Just talk to him, oh my god.” Geos tries to help but his advice is more along the lines of “give him meat.” He’s happy to help Garou dress nicely, though!
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ebachan · 5 years
Sonic movie 2 - A few ideas
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Hi, after watching the movie two times, I’ve come up with some ideas for Sequel! This time using the info from the actual movie and following from the end.
I’m going to be spoilerific here, so I'll include my ideas after the “Read more” tag and tag this post as spoilers ;-) If you are interested, you can read my previous version too :-)
Sorry, for the tag, but I really like you guys & girls & LBGT+ <3
@movie-robotnik-positivity @movie-sonic-positivity @dxrkblaze @aawesomepenguin @welcome-to-green-hills @sonicpositive
I’m aware, this isn’t good movie-script XD I think it may be too long, but I had to get this idea out <3 And it was fun to do <3
We see Sonic interact with GH’s residents like Carl or Wade. Perhaps stopping by Olive Garden to get a free bowl of spaghetti since everybody loves him. We get to see Tom on duty, and Sonic helps him (by making sure the Duck-Mom and her kids cross the street).
After the day job, they go home to eat dinner. Maddie greats them with Chilli Dogs Sonic loves so much. They are about to go eat when Ozzy bolts outside, barking. Before they can react, Tails runs into the house with Ozzy behind him.
Tail: “No, I taste bad! I swear!” (Tails ends up on the floor with Ozzy licking him)
Tom and Maddie watch in confused amusement, but Sonic trembles and yells, “No! I’m not going back!” and dashes into his room.
Tom gets Ozzy off Tails and asks for answers. Maddie watches a few steps away and gets to hold Ozzy.
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Tails introduce himself as Miles Prower and asks them about Sonic, and that Longclaw had sent him to find Blue Blur. Tom is suspicious given how Sonic reacted, but he and Maddie heard about Longclaw. Tom goes to Sonic’s room to talk with him and finds him curled up among balls.
Sonic ends up embarrassed and unwilling to talk, but starts talking more about his childhood trauma, and how Tails is from his home planet. He is scared Tails will take him home. Tom mentions Longclaw, and Sonic darts down.
Sonic: “Where is Longclaw? Where is she?!” he shouts while shaking with Tails. Soon, Sonic remembers his position and retreats behind Maddie like a kid. Tom joins them, and Tails, after being less dizzy, explains to them about Longclaw.
She ...
a) had raised Tails
b) was found by Tails
c) found Tails
(In either way, they turn into friends.)
Tails: “The Echidna Clan is plotting something. We’ve seen so many of them scouting the area.”
Sonic is frowning.
Tails: “You have to return with me.” Tails comes closer, and Sonic hides behind Maddie more.
Maddie: “Okay, how about this. It’s quite late, and this is all so sudden. We need time to think about this, right?”
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While Tails is a bit disappointed, he agrees. Sonic is glad he doesn’t need to do the decision.
a) They go to eat and are attacked by Echidnas, much like Sonic was attacked as a child. This paralyzes Sonic, who curls up and hides while the rest is powerless against the warriors. Tom gets a big punch, knocking him on the floor. Tails is also overpowered. Maddie hits one with a plate, breaking it. This Echidna punches her in the belly, knocking her unconscious. In the fray, enters Carl with his chainsaw. Echidnas’ Leader, Knuckles, calls for retreat and grabs Maddie, taking her with his fellow warriors through the portal.
b) They sit down while Maddie goes to the kitchen to get the Chilli Dogs. While there, she sees from the window a new portal and walking Echdidna, Knuckles. Thinking he is Tails’ friend (and not recognizing Echidna due to Sonic never describing them too well), she goes out inviting him inside. He knocks her down, and Ozzy starts barking. Tom follows his dog and sees how Knuckles is abducting her in panic (Knuckles was supposed to get Sonic undetected). Sonic could save her, but he is too scared to move.
Either way, Sonic, this time, tells more about his past and the attack. Tails explains those are the Echidnas, he was talking about. Tom can’t let his wife be in danger, so he wants to go to the other side of the ring (Insert Alice in Wonderland and/or Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass pun/Easter Egg).
Sonic is happy he won’t be alone and is ready to go (but he is still scared). Tom reminds him how he had beaten Dr. Robotnik, and that some mole can’t be a problem (Buckles the Mole from Ponic the Hedgehog fan comic). However, Tails first takes them to his island where Longclaw is.
(In the case of a)) Tom tells Carl to take care of their house and thank him. Also, in both cases, he calls Wade to tell him to take care of this town, and that he counts on him to keep it safe. Wade is almost tearing.
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Sonic’s world
Tail’s workshop is located on Mystic Ruins (from SA1), which is on a different island. Sonic is nervous to see his first mom. However, Longclaw is happy to see him, and she never blamed him for the first attack. After a bit of introduction, and Tom checking the place, they hear the story.
Echidnas are restless, and Longclaw is worried. They had attacked other islands, claiming them for themselves. They are using weird machines. 
Tom: “Machines? ... Like Eggs?”
Longclaw: “Yes.”
Tom/Sonic: “No good.”
(We may get some old-time Badniks :-D)
(Also, Longclaw may be dead for some time, and Tails searched for Sonic to also fulfill her last wish to see if he was okay. So, I'm not including her in the rest of the story ;-))
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With Maddie
We go to the Echidnas’ main island - the one where Sonic was raised by Longclaw. Knuckles is in front of their Tribe Leader (From SA1, but his name is too long XD, let’s call him TR). TR is disappointed in Knuckles, who failed to bring in Sonic, and thus he won’t get a tribal mask (it means he is a full-blood warrior). He is reminded of how great his father was, and he is sent to guard Maddie in the prison set in a cave/stone-wall.
Dr. Robonik appears and has some of his usual crazy talks, not minding Maddie. Since he knows, they will come for her.
Maddie wakes up, getting up, but the cell is not enough tall, so she sits.
Maddie: “Where am I? Who are you?”
Knuckles ignores her.
Maddie keeps talking, annoying the Echidna.
Knuckles: “Keep it quiet, female!” he shouts.
Maddie is annoyed but keeps her cool. “Or what, Mole?”
Knuckles get really annoyed. “I’m not a mole!”
Maddie: “Then who are you?” -she lists some animals, getting wrong ones-
Knuckles: “I’m an Echidna!”
Maddie: “Oh.”
Maddie keeps talking, trying to understand her situation, and Knuckles ends up telling a bit more (he can slip a few things, as he is a bit naive and inexperienced). He mentions the Doctor.
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Maddie: “Dr. Robotnik?”
Knuckles: “Ro-but-nik?”
Maddie describes him, and Knuckles nods. The warrior quickly gets angry once more, as he isn’t supposed to talk with her. She proceeds to convince him, how cruel and selfish this person is, and that he is only using them.
Knuckles can’t help but agrees with her, as he finds the doctor weird, but he can’t go against his tribe. Maddie then asks him for at least something to eat, and the kind Echidna listens.
She uses her pin to lockpick her prison, which works to her surprise.
Maddie: And they say action movies aren't educational.
She quickly runs away with Knuckles returning a few seconds later.
Knuckles: “I don’t know what you...” He looks around with big eyes unable to grasp the situation before yelling, “Oh crab!” He lets go of the plate, finding her footprints easily and following her.
He catches up to her quickly and jumps at her. However, he has no idea, she is Pretzel Lady, In the air, she grabs his wrist and throws him away. But that proves to be a bad idea, as Knuckles ends up over the edge, grabbing the edge and hanging down above deep pit.
Maddie is terrified and rushes to pull the Echidna up. No matter what, she can’t let somebody die because of her, and it wasn’t her intention. She tries to pull him up, but the ground under her stops being solid.
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Back to Tails.
Now everybody (I won’t count Longclaw here in case she really died) is on board of Tornado, heading for the Sonic’s Island. Tom is a bit squeezed inside, but doing fine, making a few planes jokes/puns to break the tension.
As they near the island, they are attacked by robots, recognizing Dr. Robotnik’s design (or not XD). In any case, they go for a crash landing and soon are found by Echidnas. 
Sonic manages to beat them, overcoming his trauma bit by bit. Then he follows the last robot who leads him into a jungle. Tom and Tails have no chance to follow him but still do so.
Tom asks about the ground being blocky, and Tails doesn’t get why it is weird.
To Sonic
He finds Dr. Robotnik and has a quick talk with him, repeating Tom’s Fun-gi joke, mentioning also his new haircut. Dr. Robotnik is furious. Echidnas attack from the bushes but can’t capture him. Dr. Robotnik then makes a holograph, showing Maddie inside the cell on the floor.
That stops Sonic, and he lets them tie him. He is then taken to the tribe.
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To Maddie
They are falling, and Maddie, out of instinct, holds Knuckles, protecting him with her own body, but they soon stop descending way too fast. She realizes they are floating, and Knuckles gets her to land safely. He is huffing on the ground, mentioning he hates heights. Before they can talk more, the ground under then vanishes, sending them into the underground complex.
There, Knuckles tries to climb back, but that proves to be risky, causing a small cave in. Maddie suggests they should find another way out and pulls out her phone (let’s say she put it in her pocket before getting kidnapped ;-)), using a flashlight.
Knuckles is spooked a bit first since they don’t have the technology, and so they are in awe in front of Dr. Robotnik, who presents himself as a superior being.
They talk a bit, and Knuckles asks why she tried to save him.
Maddie: “I just... can’t let somebody die in front of me. and I reacted without thinking.”
Knuckles is impressed since he never thought an enemy would help him. As they walk through the maze, they find old pictures left by even older Echidnas (or Bird/Owl’s people), and Knuckles figures out the story about Chaos Emeralds, who are a big legend passed down in his tribe. (At this time they can learn each other’s names)
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Back to Sonic and Dr. Robotnik
Dr. Robotnik talks about his plans, mocking Sonic, getting a lot of quills from him to power his better machines. Sonic is afraid Maddie would be in danger as Dr. Robotnik said she has a collar that would explode, and that she is hidden in a place he can’t find (but they know she is gone).
So, Sonic plays it safe as he has metallic rings around his wrists and ankles. The robots fly away, following instructions. The TL speaks too, ordering Sonic to listen to his every command. Sonic is cracking jokes as always, but he is getting nervous.
Soon, Tails and Tom make an entrance being captured. Dr. Robotnik is overjoyed, and Tom praises Dr. Robotnik’s new hair cut.
Tom: “Getting ready for a date?”
Dr. Robotnik has some snarky remarks when outside turns into hell, the robots attacking Echidnas.
Robotnik explains he has no use for them and goes away with his robots protecting him. Sonic tries to go after him, but once he moves too fast, the rings turn him into a ball, and he is unable to move.
Echidnas are trying to fight or help the injured. Tom assists them, yelling “Let’s save our problem for later!” Tails tries to do something with those rings, but Robotnik is long gone. Once the fight is over, they take time to talk.
Tails managed to take those rings off, and they are told Maddie is gone, running away from them. Sonic is scared, as this place isn't that safe for non-super-speed-hedgehogs. TL promises help in searching for Maddie. And Tails takes down the cuffs on Sonic’s limbs.
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Back to Maddie
Inside of the maze, they discover altar with a dusty gem floating above it. Knuckles is amazed, lost with words. They take a bit of the dust away, but Robotnik’s robots find them. Knuckles tries to protect Maddie but is hit. She pulls him to safety, and the robots take Master Emerald away.
Maddie gives a piggy-pack ride to (very embarrassed) Knuckles, following the robots to her best ability, finding the way out. Outside they witness Dr. Robotnik taking the gem further, but they have no chance to stop him.
She continues until they meet with the rest. After a quick briefing, they are all up-to-date, and Echidnas are willing to help them as that Gem is their lost treasure. Tails is analyzing the power-waves from the ME when the land shakes, revealing a huge water monster.
(Dr. Robotnik is in some hoover machine with the ME under it.)
Dr. Robotnik is controlling Perfect Chaos as this monster was trapped and is bound to the ME. From its body emerges a “bubble”, covering the island. Everything inside of it “freezes”. Tails opens a portal, and they head that way.
Maddie throws Knuckles to Tom, getting trapped in the bubble as her leg got stuck. They get away, but they are crushed by her loss. Tails tells them his machine had told him those trapped are still alive. So, they have a chance.
Sonic: “But how do we beat that monster?”
Knuckles proceeds to tell them about the other legend of smaller emeralds, that were scattered across 7 planets to keep them away from evil hands, and the ME was hidden on this very island.
The race to find those ChE starts, as only they can measure to ME. They visit the Mushroom Planet first, as Tails finds the signal.
This way the visit other planets from Sonic’s old map.
(I think this part can be speed-up a bit as we may not have enough time to fully visit all the worlds, but some hints of what has to come a.k.a Shadow or Silver are to be placed here.)
Once they have them, they return (using a plane) to find many islands were frozen. Sonic sees the monster and rushes to fight it. Knuckles is tasked to work with ChE to make a miracle or use their power. He tries, chanting the good old verses from SA1, but nothing is happening.
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Sonic meanwhile can’t keep up with Chaos, getting hit a lot, but P Chaos still can’t “freeze him”.
Sonic: “I’m a hot stuff/shot, Bubble Head!”
Sonic gets stuck inside of Chaos' body, and only his electricity is slowing down the freezing process. Dr. Robotnik gloats, dancing. Knuckles joins the fight, punching a chunk of the water out of Chaos’ body. Dr. Robotnik is surprised and yells/recreates the Skyscraper scene (I wasn't expecting that...).
Knuckles gets Sonic out of the water and gets himself stuck. Sonic is sad and angry, racing to get to Dr. Robotnik. Chaos prevents him from doing so. Tails gets closer and loses the ChE as he has to make quick dodging. The ChE falls toward Sonic, who wishes to be stronger to protect his friends, and the ChE reacts, turning him gold.
With this power, he makes a quick job of P Chaos, who is reduced to Chaos 0. Dr. Robotnik loses ME, which shatters. Dr. Robotnik then makes his escape as Sonic loses his Super Form.
They together get Knuckles, who is floating in the water and heads to the island. There they found everybody still frozen. They are losing hope when Chaos 0 appears and sucks the bubble back, returning everybody back. He is no longer aggressive as he was fried from Dr. Robotnik’s control.
Chaos 0 also gatherers the shards and makes ME whole again. The ChE are scattered once more, but only around this world. Everybody is happy and Tikal (yes, he is alive here) recognizes Chaos as an old Chao her grandma told her about (it was a story passed from many generations ago). This Chaos is old guardian who got locked inside of the ME to protect it.
Echidnas promises to keep peace and protect this place instead of ruling it since Sonic was the one who saved them. After a bit, they are ready to return home, but Knuckles bows in front of Maddie, and says, “I can’t return to my tribe until I fulfill my duty. Lady Maddie, you had saved my life more than once. Allow me to be your Guardian to repay my debt.”
She is reluctant, but she agrees, amused. So, they return and Wachowski’s house gains new inhabitants - Tails and Knuckles.
Oooof, this was so long XD But I hope this was better than my last draft. I think this one is less polished, as I had mostly idea for Maddie+Knuckles scenes and made Chaos’ one at the spot. I was also reluctant to have somebody die on the screen, so no death :-)
Hope you enjoyed :-)
PS. Sorry for the mistakes ^_^;
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smugbugunderarug · 4 years
Smug Bug Reviews: Sonic the Comic #5
        Lost in the Labyrinth Zone is a kind of misleading name. They’re not really lost, they just... run around in the labyrinth.
        So the issue starts with Sonic testing how fast he can go. Tails says he clocks in at 750 mph, which isn’t Sonic’s goal of “speed of sound.” Sonic speed is around 767 mph, so he’s not too far off. Sonic’s still not pleased though, even saying he’s out of shape and needs to be the best he can be (he needs to chill tho he’s already fast enough). So this Sonic likes to push himself; duly noted. Afterwards he goes to chow down on a table stacked with burgers and hot dogs, so this dude’s definitely got the appetite for his crazy metabolism. But...
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        Sonic drops his borger and Tails is abducted by bacon strips! :O
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        Sike, it’s these clowns. Idk why, but Sonic thinks it’s just a good idea to stand there and call out for Tails rather than jump in and look for him. Also, not sure how the critters got there (maybe they saw Tails get kidnapped off-panel), but yeah, they’re there.
        So Tails continues to be dragged off to who knows where, and this “Arach-bot” just explains something really interesting:
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        There are underground tunnels stretching out throughout almost half the planet. bruh. Wouldn’t that cause major problems in the future? I guess it would depend on how sound these burrows are and how large they are. If they’re anything like the size they are in the game, and that’s underneath half of Mobius... yikes. Sinkholes are bound to pop up sooner or later (once again, depends how strong they are).
        Moving on!
        Sonic and some critters finally jump in and start looking for Tails. Elsewhere, we read from Arach-bot that the doc is still set on trying to turn Tails into a robot (this is like, the 3rd time by now what the heck). Not only that, but he states how he really wanted to bash Tails’ brains in. Guys I’m not used to badniks being so mean this is freaky. Anyways, the old suit is ready but Sonic and gang are there to save their friend. Another thing mentioned...
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        So Robotnik doesn’t have just “organically powered” badniks. Apparently there are some who don’t have animals, however I’m not sure if that makes them any more special. Maybe they’re smarter or more powerful but take more energy? This guy was a bit of a challenge to take down, but Sonic manages to do it (that’s coming up).
        Without reason, the Labyrinth Zone starts to flood. Everyone is whisked around and shaken a bit, but fine nonetheless. Sonic sees Tails’ robosuit and hatches a plan. He cracks open the suit, leaking oil into the water as Arach-bot approaches quickly. As soon as he closes in, Sonic uses the suit (somehow he knows how to work it?) to set the oils aflame which then sets the spider bot on fire:
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        We never had this in the early early Archie comics, but in a weird way I kind of wish we did.
        After that the two act like nothing happened and Sonic goes for breakfast round 2.
        Just like the issues before it, this one was ok, but also had somethings that could have been explained better? Like Sonic knowing how to work Tails’ robosuit? I don’t even recall if the flamethrower was used when Tails was still a robot. Guess a fiery gruesome death was the way to go rather than a Sonic Spin. Maybe they just wanted to show Sonic as a quick thinker. Another thing: the critters follow Sonic into the Labyrinth, but they do absolutely nothing. They don’t help, they just say stuff and panic. Sort of pointless to rope them into it. None of these problems really have anything to do with the comic being really short, so this is just meh writing.
        The next issue is titled Into Space, and as we all know, space is cool. I’ll be looking forward to that one.
        TL;DR: Sonic has breakfast, Tails gets kidnapped, Sonic commits arson in order to save Tails, and then has breakfast again.
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thanksjro · 5 years
Eugenesis, Part Six Scene Two: Even Roberts Is Concerned At This Point
Ultra Magnus, Death’s Head, Siren, and Galvatron have just reached Aquaria, thanks to the transwarp drive. They reenter reg-space and find themselves faced with the Thermopylae, leaving the orbit of a collapsing planet. Someone brings up whether or not they shouldn’t, you know, go down to the planet that looks about two minutes from self-destructing, but they’ve got to go get the Matrix, which they still believe to be in the underwater base.
We, as followers of the narrative, already know that the Matrix, Xenon, Haxian, and a bunch of nasty little baby makers are on that ship, and decidedly not on the planet anymore. The Aquaria team, unfortunately, does not have access to such information, and they dive down into the ocean, into that massive abyss that the Quintesson base is tucked into.
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Siren, I am so sorry, dude.
Over with Optimus in the Ark, we’re still being ridiculous.
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Optimus Prime, who has been around these folks (all of whom have literally millions of years of experience on him when it comes to fighting thanks to his dirt nap) for a grand total of maybe a day, thinks he’s fit to judge and damn everyone, in one of the most arguably high-stress situations to have ever befallen this entire race. Maybe the whole “turn out you only get to live for three more years after you wake up on Earth” thing is getting to him more than he cares to admit. I know I’d be a bit bleak if I found out I died in a video game made by some nerd with two first names.
The first Tridents are coming towards them over the horizon, and Optimus orders the aerial forces to take them down.  
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I like this little snippet.
Joining the Quintesson ships are our Quintessential Flying Fucks, using their jet bodies to their advantage- let’s not forget, for as much time they’ve spent within the story, they haven’t been seen by a vast majority of the Transformers. Most of the robot who saw them on Earth are either off-world or dead. It’s a hell of an advantage for them.
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Sevax, no, you fool! If you leave now, we’ll never get your lore!
While all this is happening up in the air, Optimus tells Mirage to move in. He and his team of ground troops jump out of the back of the ship, losing about half of their numbers to missile fire and lasers. It’s messy. Those who weren’t killed on the way down find themselves surrounded by Sharkticons and hoverbikers. This, too, is messy. Tracks is dead. Bonecrusher’s wounded enough to need to be picked up by Mirage.  
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How do you keep surviving these things, Swindle? Roberts must really like you or something.
Although, given what he’s done to some of his favorites, maybe not. Swindle may just be one lucky bastard.
A few of the remaining team members nab some hoverbikes and start making their way over to the Fortress proper. The battle rages on, more and more robots getting killed in violent, awful ways, to the point where I think even Roberts might have sat back and said “maybe this is a bit much,” because this little section is ended with:
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Back on the Ark, it’s just Optimus and Bluestreak.
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I mean, it’s just Bluestreak now.
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Now this is an interesting idea, a form of hierarchy based on computing power in the brain. A sort of genetic class-system, that only those who have extra abilities can benefit from. Sort of reminds me of the cold-construction racism in the IDW comics. Yes, I know Roberts didn’t come up with that all on his lonesome, it’s just an interesting comparison.
It also explains just why Thunderclash was kidnapped as opposed to Rodimus after the bomb went off.
This little hiccup in their biology really bites them in the ass here, as none of the Quintessons realize that it’s Optimus Friggin’ Prime that’s coming towards them. He promptly starts kicking tail.
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Optimus Prime trying to be as cool as Soundwave, but he’s already shown what a jackass he is in this. Too little too late, Optimus. Better luck next continuity. I bet he’s still thinking “fuck, I hope we all get killed for our warmongering”, as he’s bashing skulls in.
Back on the Ark, Bluestreak’s feeling a little lonely, now being the only one aboard. It’s honestly sort of surprising that a ship that big can be flown by a single pilot, but looks like he’s managing alright. He blasts a hole in the Fortress, we’re reminded that it’s the shape of a pentagon, because Quintessons, and then he zips up into the night sky.
Over at Delphi, Sygnet’s bothering Chromedome by screaming about getting a signal from the folks over at the Fortress. This wouldn’t be such a problem, but Chromedome’s busy working on the new microchip to counteract the Inhibitor Chip, and he’s actually running a little behind on the timeline for the whole thing. Sygnet, in a surprising show of understanding, leaves the room.
Sygnet takes the time to reflect on his personal experience with the Autobot/Decepticon war. He’s not a fighter, you see, not in the traditional sense. He spent his time devising and constructing weapons- traditional, biological, some that would violate the Geneva convention- and that was how he liked it. He wasn’t interested in being an active participant.
And yet he can’t help but wish he were fighting alongside Optimus Prime. No one is immune to his charm, it would seem.
As he’s thinking about Cybertron’s collective crush, he follows a set of cables tied to the wall, which lead him to a rather grim scene.
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…Did they take his legs? Why did they take his legs off? How much processing power could one’s leg’s possibly require when you’re flat on your back? I know that he’s about to do some intense stuff and probably needs all the help he can get, but-
It just seems a little overkill is all.
Soundwave’s all trussed up like a life-saving turkey, hooked up to the Delphi transmitter and ready to go with the anti-Inhibitor Chip signal.
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Soundwave’s not taking shit from anyone anymore. He’s had too long a week.
They radio in Chromedome, making sure he’s also good to go on his end- he’s meant to be piggybacking a secondary message alongside Soundwave’s signal, giving the prisoners coordinates to follow. He says that he is.
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Oh, well that’s very nice of you, Chromedome.
Perceptor doesn’t care about niceties though, just giving Soundwave a second of warning that this will probably hurt before flipping the switch.
Soundwave does his thing and then the lights go out.
For, like, the bottom half of the planet.
Luckily, the message got through before that happened.
Over in Kledji, the prisoners are busting out. Shrapnel, an Insecticon, manages to overload the generator for the entire prison, releasing everyone. Folks are transforming like there’s no tomorrow- honestly, there might not be at this rate- and moving towards the ships outside to get to the Sonic Canyons as fast as they can.
Back over at the Fortress battle, Quantax is standing out on the balcony having a little ego stroke.  
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It’s got him feeling good. So good, in fact, he decides to join in on the fun, pulling out a rifle and aiming for something easy.
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Looks like Mainframe wasn’t fast enough this time.
The sight of a fellow Autobot’s head just disappearing makes something snap inside Optimus, or something, because that’s the point when he decides it’s time to regroup, retreat, and move on to phase two of the plan. He sends out a long-range message to everyone stating this.
Quantax watches as the Ark returns to the field, loads up all its passengers, and then zooms away. Some Sharkticons had climbed onto the front in an attempt to stop it, but they’re no match for the power of gravity.
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Thank goodness that smile wasn’t sad or proud, or we might be in trouble here.
Man, I hope he remembered to turn on the artificial gravity before he did that.
Quantax is friggin’ pissed at this turn of events. He storms into the control room and orders every still-functioning trooper to hunt down the Transformers and eliminate them. This battle ain’t over ’til he says it is.
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jubilantrose-blog · 6 years
in-depth timeline ;
while my previous post was more of an outline? this is a fully in-depth look into her timelines. this can and might change with any new information canon gives or if things come up in roleplays  ( i will not be going into full depth of the plots of these games -- just the basic jist of them. also some games will not include a summary as i don’t feel there’s a need for one. ALSO I WON’T INCLUDE GAMES AMY ISN’T A PART OF. those games happened, of course, but i’m just doing amy’s game timeline. );
( entirely headcanon based ! ) 
Amy was originally an orphan / street hog. Her original parents weren’t prepared to raise a child and left her in the hands of what they hoped was a ‘suitable’ location. Though the people she was left with weren’t ideal and Amy ran away at a very young age. Surviving on the street for a good while by herself. She became known by people for being a ‘rascal’. And, given she didn’t talk much so people couldn’t know her name, her nickname became ‘Rosie’ which is where the moniker ‘Rosie the Rascal’ comes from.
Luckily, by age 6, she was taken in by a family of travelling fortune tellers. They taught her all about tarot cards and always believed she had a true gift or ability in the art of it. She considered them the closest thing to a family she ever had. And they helped her realize there are good people in the world. They saw the good in her, a mere street hog that often swiped and stole food and acted brash, and made her realize the world isn’t as cruel and lonely as she had thought.
During their travels and home life Amy was able to see the good they brought others. Learning about true love, seeing the best in people, and that ‘even those who are bad might have some good in them somewhere’. She decided to keep her name as Amy and adopt the ‘Rose’ to the end of it. No longer going by ‘Rosie’ anymore.
With Amy as part of their family? The travelling stopped. Them wanting to give her a normal life in a town compared to dragging her place to place.
By the age of 7, Amy had learned a lot about a certain blue hedgehog. Admiring him via newspapers, stories, and tales told by others on their journeys. Hearing about Sonic passing through towns and forest to stop the ‘bad guys’. Her crush and admiration is what inspired her to announce to her family ( after doing a tarot card reading ) that she’d meet him. Her family was supportive but grew concerned about letting her be so young and heading out there. Nevertheless this willful ( and stubborn ) little lady was gone in a flash.
AGE 8 - 11 ;
SONIC CD / MANIA ( the shorts / comic series ) ;
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Amy truly had no idea what she was getting into. She was starstruck meeting her idol, her crush, and she went in without thinking. Only to soon be caught by Metal Sonic. Being kidnapped when meeting her idol was terrifying to her. Sure, her life beforehand wasn’t ideal. She got chased back on the streets, dealt with some angry individuals who she stole food from before meeting her family, but nothing like this. Nothing deadly or that serious.
Luckily, she was rescued.
And that made her crush on him grow even more.
Wanting to keep up with him, plus possibly defend herself from being kidnapped, she begins working hard using her piko-piko hammer. Continuing to chase after Sonic and join him along the way. Allowing herself to meet Tails and Knuckles in the process as they all go after Eggman.
AGE 11 - 12 ;
PRE SONIC ADVENTURE ( headcanon based ! ) ;
As the years had passed Amy found herself losing track of Sonic and the others for about a year. She decides to return home to visit her parents. She had been keeping in contact with them and visiting them on most holidays. Telling them stories about her adventures with Sonic. But when she arrived she had found the house abandoned and couldn’t get into any contact with them. A neighbor, spotting her confused, tells her that they decided to return to their traveling ways. Believing that, since Amy was so independent and had been proving herself as such, she didn’t need them as much.
Having spent the last few years chasing after Sonic, plus off on adventures, it dawns on her that...she doesn’t have a home ! So she heads off and, after looking at brochures and other things, decides that Station Square is the perfect place to find an apartment ! Plenty of shopping districts, work opportunities, and more !
She ends up getting an apartment there and happens to find work rather easily. Working at a small diner where she helped an elderly couple that ran the place. It didn’t pay much but it allowed her to keep food on the table and gave her something to do to pass the time.
AGE 12 ;
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However, while work was ‘something’ to do ? She found herself bored sitting around in the same place.  Every day she did the same thing. Wake up, get dressed, go to work, go shopping til she dropped, go home, go to bed. It was mundane compared to those years of being rescued by Sonic and following after him. With him gone, with her having nothing to do, she was bored !
That would soon change.
Little did she know her reminiscing and longing for some excitement would, quite literally, fall from the sky in the form of a Flicky. With a desire to protect it, plus a robot now chasing after her, she soon finds herself running into her hero himself ! Sonic would help her ! He would know what to do to keep this birdie safe ! He would--
Except.... he runs away.
She does manage to catch up to him, though ! And, though admittedly a little scatterbrained, she gets distracted by Twinkle Park. This leads to her being captured and taken aboard Eggmans ship in hopes Sonic would come and rescue her. But it’s not Sonic that frees her from the cell. Instead, she befriends a robot that seems to be different from the others. She would end up standing up to Sonic to protect the robot from being destroyed.
Now this is where my version sort of veers off though not by much ;
Unlike the Sonic Adventure game ? Amy witnesses Gamma’s death and the events happen similar as the show Sonic X. With Amy witnessing their final battle and seeing, to her horror, the destruction caused. While it helped reunite the family it also meant having to see a robot she befriended sacrifice itself. She was able to say her goodbyes and thank the robot. Knowing, in the end, the sacrifice had to be made to reunite the family even if it was painful.
She’s happy to see them together and walks out onto the deck with them. Only to witness the same robot from earlier ( the one that had kidnapped her ) shoot down the small Flicky much to her horror. Angered, plus not wanting Gammas sacrifice to go in vain, she challenged the robot. Vowing herself that this time she would be the one  laying down her life if need be to keep the Flicky and its family safe.
She takes the robot on with all her might. And manages to win ! Though she doesn’t celebrate much as she worries and frets over if the Flicky was safe. Fearful that it was dead. However, much to her happiness, it’s okay !  She wishes them all well and is happy to see them all together.
Amy realizes, at that moment, she did something on her own. She saved herself, she helped the Flicky, she made a friend of the robot. She vows from that moment on she would do things by herself ! No more waiting for Sonic, no more being the damsel, no more running away ! She was determined to make Sonic realize she could handle herself !
( She also ends up befriending Big & Froggy during this time ).
AGE 13 ;
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Amy is stunned to find out Sonic has been captured. She decides, at this moment, she had to free him ! For once she would be the one to save him and not the other way around ! However, it seems no matter what she’s done she’s left behind. She felt as if nobody had faith in her. Everyone kept running away, leaving her behind, acting as if she’s incapable. And she began, in some ways, to feel the same. When she’s held captive by Eggman and watches in horror as Sonic seemingly dies. She blames herself for it. She’s supposed to be strong. And, once again, Sonic saved her ! But this time he’s....dead ! He’s dead ! And it’s HER fault ! She couldn’t even help Tails fight Eggman out of her own grief ! Yet she soon realizes Sonic is alive. Thank goodness.
Amy, along with the others, listens in to the diary that’s being played. Finding out about ‘Maria’ dying, the grief of the man there, and realizing he’s signed a death wish for the Earth. As everyone goes off to help she fnds herself. again, alone. She contemplates this to herself until she sees him -- Shadow, and realizes that while everyone is fighting she’s doing nothing but standing there. She had to help out, do her best, even if it might be futille !
While the events of the game are canon, with Amy going to help out and sticking around, the only thing that differs is her interactions with Shadow.
While in the game the interaction was brief in her helping Shadow remember ? I personally prefer Amy having sort of a similar role to how they did in Sonic X. With an actual back and forth between them that’s tension filled as it shouldn’t have been so easy to trigger Shadows memory after so long.
She ends up mourning Shadows passing yet is glad he was able to fulfill Maria’s final wish. 
Amy meets Cream, Cheese, and Vanilla and begins to form a close-friendship / bond with them all.
AGE 14 ;
I’m not gonna say much about these two games. Nothing against them but I don’t feel like anything I add will be important. I do, however, dislike how Amy is portrayed in both. And I tend to view this as a time period when Amy thought if she was more ‘aggressive’ and ‘assertive’ that she’d be seen as strong. As she felt that she was seen as weak and dainty beforehand.
Luckily, she grew out of this phase.
( However, she was extremely relieved to find out Shadow was ‘alive’ and was very happy to see him again. )
AGE 15 ;
AGE 16 ;
AGE 17;
AGE 18 ;
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Amy is stunned to find out that Sonic was defeated in battle. But she believes, like always, he will show up eventually. But as time ticks by, months passing and the world under siege, she’s left with this grim realization: he’s not coming back. She ends up joining Knuckles in his Resistance along with a bunch of others. Being forced to grow up more and realize all those ‘fun adventures’ were no longer fun. With it being months after Sonics’ ‘death’ she still longed for him to be alive yet, each time she felt hope, it was dashed by the realistic explanations by the others. It was also hard as, during this time, she had to keep Cream and her mother safe and also help take care of a Tails that was visibly grieving and not in a proper state of mind.
So, upon finding out he’s alive, she’s relieved. Though, upon being able to see him, she does hug him but mostly keeps the warm welcomes for Tails who needs Sonics’ hugs and support more.
She’s a bit surprised to find out, as time passes and they defeat Eggman ( plus begin rebuilding and trying to get the world back to normal ), that her once ‘love’ for Sonic was...diminished. She still loved him. Yet she’s more quiet about it. Just enjoying the fact she has her friend back and wanting to work alongside him to help rebuild and bring happiness to others again. She recognizes that romance isn't a priority in her life anymore and realizes that, perhaps, the world should come first as it’s a place Sonic loves and a place so many people love as well.
She buries herself in work in the resistance and bettering herself physically and mentally. She may still love that hedgehog, in many ways, but she knows that she’s able to enjoy his friendship and decides that she will no longer be chasing after him and focus on herself / her work instead.
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thedepressedweasel · 6 years
Another Sonic Forces Shortfic
Meanwhile, the Resistance group were searching everywhere for Gadget and yet every attempt proved futile.
“Where’s Rookie?” Vector wondered out loud.
“Yeah, we’ve been looking everywhere for him!” Knuckles complained in agreement.
“I’m sure that Eggface must’ve taken him,” Sonic replied in a dejected tone.
Just then, a familiar masked jackal appeared before them, floating above them.
“If it isn’t this blue savior and his friends here,” Infinite sneered.
“Where’s Gadget?!” Sonic demanded.
“Yeah!” everyone else yelled in agreement.
“So you’ve been searching for that trembling child,” Infinite said, intrigued. “Don’t worry, I’ve kept him safe and I’m sure he might be glad to see you now.”
With that, he then signaled the familiar wolf to appear out of nowhere and approach our heroes. However, they all noticed something different about him and not in a good way; his once warm amber eyes were now cold, empty, lifeless, vacant and calculating and he was now wearing a skintight black jumpsuit with the red Eggman Empire insignia emblazoned on it. Oddly enough, he still had his Burst Wispon in hand.
“Rookie, what’s happened to you?” Knuckles whispered in horror.
Gadget then raised his Burst Wispon at our heroes while Infinite snickered.
“Buddy, it’s us!” Sonic shouted.
“What’s wrong, Rookie?” Vector questioned. “Don’t you recognize us anymore?”
“I’d hate to see Zelda now,” Shadow admitted in agreement.
“I’m his partner now,” Gadget replied coldly. “Nothing personal, but that’s business, right?”
With that, he ended up using his Burst Wispon to shoot fire beams at our heroes, who barely managed to dodge it on time.
“You masked clown!” Sonic roared. “What did you do to our friend?!”
“That’s a long story, my dear blue rat,” Infinite chuckled. “Dr. Eggman and I kidnapped him and brought him to the former’s lair, where I used my Phantom Ruby prototype that’s fused to my chest to twist his memories of you do-gooders; therefore, he’s under my control now.”
“This can’t be happening!” Silver gasped in horror.
“He’s been brainwashed!” Knuckles yelled in agreement.
“Faker, we need to fight back!” Shadow suggested.
However, Sonic couldn’t help but stare in horror at Gadget’s pupilless, vacant eyes.
“What’s the matter, blue rat?” Gadget taunted. “Can’t fight back?”
“Please, listen to me, buddy,” Sonic pleaded. “This isn’t you. I know you’re in there somewhere. We all do! You’re on the wrong side now and you need to fight it!”
“Sonic, be careful!” Tails cried out.
“Yeah, we almost lost you,” Amy shouted in agreement, “and we won’t lose you again!”
“Please fight it,” Sonic begged.
“You insolent fool,” Infinite sneered. “You can hear him all you want, but he can’t hear you.”
Gadget proceeded to fire some more flames at Sonic, who had to run around like crazy in order to avoid getting singed.
“Come on,” Gadget taunted yet again, “fight back!”
Just then, Sonic had an idea.
“Knuckles,” Sonic said, “maybe I’ll just knock him down, but you guys will have to try to hold him down as long as you can!”
“Sonic, are you crazy?!” Knuckles snapped in shock.
“Trust me,” Sonic said prior to turning to Gadget with a sad look on his face. “Sorry, buddy, but you leave us no choice.”
Sonic then proceeded to jump in the air prior to executing his Spin Dash; afterwards, he managed to hit Gadget, knocking him down instantly. Before Gadget could get up and attack him again, Knuckles, along with Vector, Amy, Shadow and Silver proceeded to hold him back.
“Let go of me, you filthy pieces of garbage!” Gadget snarled as he struggled to break free from their grasps.
Meanwhile, Zelda woke up and looked around, prior to realizing that she was in the Luminous Forest. Just then, the familiar trio of jackals approached her menacingly.
“Okay, who are you people?” Zelda demanded. “And why did you bring me here?”
“Sorry, lady,” Buck replied, “but we brought you here because we’ve been looking for Zero for quite some time, since he sold us out after he got that Phantom Ruby!”
“Yeah,” Resa agreed, “and look where that got us!”
“Shadow killed my wife!” Stone roared in agreement.
“Yeah, and the rest of our squad except the three of us!” Buck agreed as well.
“If not for that fat guy,” Resa hissed, “none of that would’ve happened!”
As the jackals continued to rant about their predicaments, all Zelda could do was sigh in sadness.
“So we need your help,” Buck explained. “Why don’t you help us?”
“Actually, before I answer you, please let me explain,” Zelda said. “I’ve known Shadow for some time and he revealed to me that Zero was, in fact, Infinite now.”
This only caused the jackals to gasp in horror.
“I know this sounds terrible,” Zelda continued, “and even know my family sucked, there was only one member of my family whom I loved and truly cared about. That was my little brother and his name was Oliver. Yes, he was all I had and yet Infinite had to come and kill him as well as the rest of my family! Afterwards, Gadget was the one who helped me give my baby brother a proper burial later that night.”
As Zelda continued her story, the jackals could just look on with sympathetic looks on their faces and tears in their eyes.
“We’re sorry about what happened to you,” Buck said as he proceeded to stroke her hair. Just then, a beeping noise came from her transmitter before a familiar feminine voice was heard.
“Zelda, can you hear me?” Rouge called.
“What’s going on, Rouge?” Zelda asked.
“You’re not going to like this,” Rouge said grimly. “Infinite brainwashed Gadget and forced him to attack us! We’re trying to help him remember the good times that we all had together. We need you here!”
Zelda gasped in horror. She didn’t expect her beloved Gadget to fall victim to Infinite’s mind control.
“Is...that...true?!” Zelda stammered afterwards.
“I’m afraid so,” Rouge admitted.
“Where are you guys?” Zelda squeaked in horror.
“We’re in Sunset Heights,” Rouge replied.
“Okay, I’m on my way!” Zelda said in determination.
After the intercom was finished, Zelda decided that she wasn’t going to let anything bad happen to Gadget. She was ready to rescue him.
“Infinite...brainwashed...your...boyfriend?!” Resa gasped in shock.
“How can we get to Sunset Heights from here!” Stone interjected.
“Don’t worry,” Zelda assured them, “I know how to get there from here. Follow me.”
Meanwhile, most of our heroes were still holding Gadget back. He tried to break free, but luckily, Vector was very strong and so was Knuckles and Shadow combined.
“Now what?” Silver asked.
“All we have to do is make him remember,” Sonic said prior to turning to Gadget, yet again. “Buddy, we know you’re in there somewhere, so we’ll have to jog your memories. Do you remember when I was in my prison cell in the Death Egg and you were out to save me. I broke free myself and that was when we met and ended up saving each other!”
Upon hearing this, Gadget felt a ping inside his head and gritted his teeth in agony.
“Rookie, I know we’ve been so hard on you,” Knuckles admitted. “But we had to be hard on you most of the time! You may not like it, but that’s because...we care about you! We just wanted to make you stronger! We just wanted you to be brave enough to help us save the world!”
“Yeah,” Vector agreed, “and if we didn’t care about you, we wouldn’t have recruited you! We wouldn’t have trained you! And we wouldn’t have sent you to the Death Egg to save Sonic!”
Gadget then groaned as he felt another ping in his head.
“Wha-what’s happening to me?” Gadget hissed in agony.
“I think it’s working,” Tails said.
“Keep going!” Charmy chirped in agreement.
“No! They’re lying!” Infinite shouted in disbelief.
“Don’t listen to him, partner!” Sonic said. “Keep remembering!”
Just then, a familiar female wolf appeared with the three jackals in tow and suddenly gawked at Gadget in horror.
“We’ll hold Infinite off for a long as we can,” Buck said.
“Yeah,” Stone agreed, “you help these do-gooders over there!”
Then as the jackals then proceeded to distract Infinite, Zelda rushed over to the Resistance group, willing to help them restore Gadget’s real memories one and for all. Resa was wielding her sais while Stone was using his tomahawk; Buck, on the other hand, was using his bow and arrows to help fight Infinite.
“Remember when we would prank you with my airhorn in the morning sometimes?” Charmy shouted.
“Yeah, and remember when we saw you and Zelda kissing each other,” Vector asked in agreement, “and we decided to tease you guys for it? It was all in good fun!”
“And remember when you received that box of chocolates,” Silver asked as well, “and I caught you eating the entire box?”
“Yeah, and I had to cancel your mission, let Sonic take over and send you to bed?” Knuckles added.
Gadget continued to groan.
“Gadget,” Zelda said softly. “Please remember that when Infinite killed my brother, you helped me give him a proper burial and supported me afterwards. “Do you also remember when you got caught eating the whole box of chocolates and we had to help you eat a light meal? And then I decided to rub your belly and then we cuddled together and even kissed until we fell asleep together?”
With that, she walked over to Gadget prior to gently pulling his face close to hers and kissed him passionately on the lips. After spending ten seconds struggling to break free, Gadget suddenly gave in and kissed her back, for he couldn’t help but do so. After they eventually broke the kiss, Gadget then collapsed on the ground and writhed in agony, feeling his real memories flood him.
“No! This cannot be!” Infinite roared prior to to getting kicked in the stomach by Resa.
After a few minutes of writhing in agony, Gadget then started to calm down.
“Buddy, are you okay?” Sonic asked as he walked over to Gadget prior to gently stroking his head fur.
“How do you feel?” Zelda asked softly.
“I...feel...calm,” Gadget replied softly. Just then, his amber eyes suddenly regained their pupils and that just happened. He was officially freed from Infinite’s mind control. Then he looked around and then down prior to realizing what he was wearing.
“What am I wearing?” Gadget asked in horror.
“Don’t worry about it,” Sonic reassured. “That masked clown brainwashed you and Dr. Egghead made you wear this.”
“Anyway, we’re glad that you’re back,” Amy said.
With that, Gadget smiled and proceeded to group-hug our heroes. Just then, Shadow broke the hug and noticed the jackals prior to unleashing his Chaos Spear on them, knocking them all down.
“Ugh, that hurts!” Resa cried out.
“What was that for?” Buck yelled.
“Yeah!” Stone shouted in agreement prior to glaring at Shadow. “You monster! Why did you kill my wife?!”
“What is the meaning of this?” Infinite demanded.
Just then, Shadow walked up to them menacingly, knowing what he would do next.
“Well, well, well,” Shadow said menacingly, “looks like we’ll have a lot of explaining to do now.”
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evalynnmesserli · 6 years
A Bit Different Chapter Five: The Little Planet
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog
Summary: Sometimes, who you think you are isn’t you. Sometimes, the easiest answer isn’t always the right one. Sometimes, the truth you believe is a lie.
A/N: I’m tired. Anyways, Amy appears in this chapter! Whoo! I decided to put Sonic CD right after the first game because I can’t put it after STH 2 as then STH3&K happens and Tails isn’t present in the game when it was first released. This was inspired by @squigglydigglydoo, @spiritsonic, @monpian, and @whatisthisnonsense’s “Sonic is an alien” theory. So yeah. Enjoy.
It had been three months since Sonic the Hedgehog had defeated Robotnik, saved South Island, and started exploring the world and he couldn’t be happier.
As he ran, he thought about all that he had seen. The large cities, the clear valleys, the dense jungles, everything had been incredible, and now he was going to see something not many Planet Freedomers had seen. Little Planet.
Hardly anyone had made it to the elusive planet as it only appeared above Never Lake one month out of the year before disappearing. It floated high above the ground and was impossible to reach without some kind of flying device. Luckily, Sonic had the Tornado. He’d be able to make it.
Currently though, he was just trying to find it. He’d asked around, but hardly anyone knew where Never Lake was and those who claimed to were just trying to scam him out of money. It was probably a good thing that nobody seemed to know where to find it or else someone would have turned the planet into a tourist trap by now, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t frustrating.
Sonic only had one more day to find and explore Little Planet or he’d have to wait another year for it to return and he wasn’t about to let that happen. He would find the place on foot first, then get the Tornado and fly up to explore. He just had to make before time ran out.
He knew he’d make it.
Amy Rose was an impulsive young hedgehog. At least, that's what her family said.
Her father had often told her to think things through before she went off doing whatever came to mind, but she’d never been good at that. She couldn’t help it. She just got distracted easily. It wasn’t her fault.
Eventually, her father had begged her grandmother to help her in someway and the elder had given Amy a set of tarot cards.
“These will tell you the future,” she’d been told. “So that way if you get an idea in your head you can consult the cards and find out if it’s a good idea or not.”
After she’d started using them, Amy had gotten into considerably less trouble, though she still managed to find herself in sticky situations every now and again, but it was much better than it had been.
Now, however, she was going to end up in yet another sticky situation.
The Flying Planet had arrived as it does every seven weeks near Amy’s village. A tourist group from the next town over owned a blimp that it would use to bring tourists to the island whenever it arrived. Amy had always wanted to go, but had never been allowed.
Her entire village feared the planet due to a legend that had been passed down for generations. Tens of thousands of years ago, their ancestors had lived on a different world than the one they currently resided in and ha befriended a group of strange creatures that had never been seen before. After several generations of them being allies, the creatures had betrayed them by kidnapping the hedgehogs and taking them onto a strange floating island that had transported them to Mobius. Many of them perished due to the unknown world, but somehow a handful had managed to survive and settle down in the area that would later become Amy’s home.
The Flying Planet was a bit too close to the floating island for many of the villagers to be comfortable, and even the ones who didn’t believe in the legend decided to stay away because it was dangerous to go on. If you were to remain there for too long, you would be taken away with it to wherever it went when it disappeared. Anyone who had gotten stuck on it when it left was never seen again and most thought it wasn’t worth the risk.
Not Amy though.
Amy wanted to go.She was intrigued and fascinated by the Flying Planet. An entire world that just appeared and disappeared? Yes please. She would be fine anyways. Hundreds of Mobians went on the planet every time it appeared and they were all fine so she would be too. She’d make sure not to lose track of time and get off the planet before it disappeared. She knew she would.
Just in case though, she checked her cards. When she read them she was shocked. Not only were they telling her to go, they were also saying that she would meet her soulmate on the Flying Planet. At least, that’s what she thought they were saying. The cards could be interpreted as saying that she would meet a family friend if she went, but Amy had hardly ever gotten it wrong before. Just a few times. Only half of the time. It would be fine. Besides, she had already made up her mind.
“I’ll be back soon,” Amy thought to herself as she snuck quietly out the front door. She’d left her cards in her room so her parents would think she was just somewhere in the house as she never left without them.
After she had gotten a good hundred feet out the door, Amy froze for a moment. She looked back at her house and debated whether or not she should just turn back. Then she remembered what (she thought) the cards had said and continued on. She needed to do this.
She needed to find her soulmate.
Sonic stared up in shock at the floating mass in front of him. He’d found Little Planet, but it was nothing like he had been expecting.
What he thought he’d find was a lush green planet dotted with lakes and streams. Instead, what he saw was a dull, gray, and metallic sphere with a long chain connecting it to a large rock. When Sonic saw what was carved onto the rock, his shock disappeared and was replaced with anger and annoyance.
“Robotnik,” he thought as he stared at the doctor’s faced carved onto the rock. So he was behind this. For a moment, Sonic debated what to do. He could ignore this and leave it alone. It didn’t affect him or Planet Freedom in anyway. It would be a shame that Little Planet was lost, but that was its problem. Not his. That, however, would mean that Sonic never got to see the planet or explore it and that no one else ever would. Not to mention what would happen if Robotnik got bored and decided to come down to Planet Freedom.
Before he could make up his mind, Little Planet started to shake and blur, causing the giant chain to swing, hitting a large rock formation and sent boulders flying towards Sonic. He quickly jumped onto the first rock and managed to leap onto several more. The next one however, was too big to jump around, so instead he ended up having to spindash (that’s what he decided to call it) through it, causing it to crack into smaller boulders before crashing to the ground.
Sonic stood on the very tip of the Robotnik rock, looking up at Little Planet. This really wasn’t his fight, but he couldn’t just let this happen. He had to stop it.
So he jumped off the rock and spindashed up a ramp-like ledge to launch himself at the chain. Once he made it, he began running up it towards Little Planet, determined to stop the mad doctor once again.
Doctor Robotnik grinned as he watched the robot in front of him. Project Life Data had been a success so far. Little Planet was his and Sonic had been sighted in Palmtree Panic Zone. Now all he had to do was test out his latest and greatest creation.
And he knew just how to do it.
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speeps-highway · 7 years
Something I noticed about the way Sonic is portrayed nowadays is that he is pretty much All Might. Colors and Gens didn't have the plot to fully show it and Lost World put all the blame for his actions. Forces however, he keeps the same careless attitude from Unleashed to Gens, everyone looks up for him as their savior and role model and even when he makes bad jokes against the villains he still ends up recking them like trash. He went from Goku/Luffy type of shonen hero to literally All Might.
I barely watch Anime so I have hardly any idea what you’re comparing him too, but let me make it clear:
Sonic’s portrayal in games suffers in localization a lot.
Adventure -> Shadow Portrayal
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From SA1-06 there was a pretty general issue in the main series with unsatisfactory translations - SHtH messes up a lot of lines, and SA2 is almost completely broken at times (Teria, KAFOW, saying a broken version of the Japanese word for “Damn” when getting grabbed by a ghost)
On top of that I’m not sure what exactly went on and if it’s on purpose or not, but there was some kind of this obsession with giving the character cheesy one-liners, like in the 90s cartoons. Lines like this include “Something Buggin’ you”, “Come and get some Eggman” and “Crack that Eggman wide open”.
Sure, you can argue “Western sonic is different” but look at how that’s turned out in the past, not including giving Classic Sonic a mohawk. I’m sure even those people can notice how much lines like “Something Buggin’ You” are made fun of by people both in and outside of the fanbase. They might have worked well for AoStH and Satam, but they certainly don’t in the main series.
Japanese portrayals of Sonic were far less aggressive than their English counterparts. In fact, he keeps his cool pretty well but boy does he sound pissed in the rare event he actually does get angry. He’s been pretty consistent in acting this way in most, if not all of his appearances. In fact, there’s a character script from SA2 describing the character in exactly this way - you can see it here.
In some cases, this causes the games to lose subtle details like nods to other titles. For example a boy in Station Square who references Little Planet, or Sonic’s reaction to seeing Shadow in Heroes.
Secret Rings -> Black Knight Portrayal
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Sonic is a depressed lover boy in 06 IMO. I don’t really want to get into that, so let’s skip that one.
Starting around the time of Secret Rings, Sonic games finally started to get localisations that were pretty accurate in both English and Japanese. There’s a reason the storybooks and Unleashed aren’t brought up nearly as much as the other games are for Sonic saying dumb lines. I mean, there’s still word differences, but they don’t go full on adding in random one-liners.
In fact, the only concern seemed to be the voice actors. For Sonic himself, even though Griffith eventually improved he was still nowhere near what Kanemaru (and that guy who voiced the Werehog, but I guess the decision to not have a seperate VA for that in English isn’t his fault) did for the character. (Unleashed example (J) (E), Black Knight example (J) (E))
Colors -> Lost World Portrayal
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Starting with Colors though Sonic’s character took a weird turn: He was suddenly shouting cheese more than ever, and they were even showing up in the Japanese version. I think this is largely because they suddenly decided to have Sonic games be written in America by people wholly unfamiliar with the franchise. (Though in defense they’re not the entire problem)
The Japanese/English translation was back to being very different as well, mostly because the scripts included many more jokes and puns that couldn’t be translated well between the two. For instance, Cubot is a Cowboy in the English version but he’s a Ninja in the Japanese one. “Baldy Nosehair” is translated as “Mustached Egg” etc.
In the past, there weren’t a lot of lines you couldn’t easily find a way to translate. I think like, the line that got replaced with Ah Yeah This is Happenin’ is one of the only ones I can think of.
While it’s easy to shit on Colors Sonic, I think he did okay speaking for the game itself - it was lighter than the darker games that had been going on for the last 5 years. The problem isn’t that Colors Sonic existed, it’s that they kept him.
Generations got away pretty easy - there’s not much to even write for that after all. The only real change is the Time Eater scene to omit the reference to Dr. Robotnik.
Lost World is where he really falls apart, that game tried to raise the stakes with the planet draining and Tails kidnapping but in the end he just… couldn’t take himself seriously enough.
For some reason, really starting with Lost World the Japanese script took a wild turn. While Colors and Gens were relatively in the same style, Lost World’s Japanese version improved script in that everyone was generally more in-character. Remember what I said earlier about Sonic getting angry? Compare what he says to the Deadly Six when he sees Robo Tails in the English version to the Japanese one.
Even the jokes in Japanese Lost World are more suited to the character than they are in English. Eggman’s Jetpack at the end for example (J) (E). There’s lots of examples of differences in Lost World, too many to sensibly list really.
Forces Portrayal
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IMO Forces has largely the same localization problems as SA1 - the lip syncing is always synced to Japanese (though lip syncing has never been good for both languages in one game) and the English script has a bunch of dumb sounding one-liners that get made fun of.
By now I’m sure you’re probably familiar with the whole “Sonic was tortured” and “Tails went mad” thing, but there’s still a lot of bad apples in the English version that aren’t there in the Japanese version.
The scene where Zavok opens Sonic’s prison cell is very different between the two (J) (E). I mean there’s still the problem about being stuck for 6 months, but Japanese Sonic is notably less fixated on butts here. He also doesn’t mention Chilli Dogs in that scene above while fighting him, or that “It’s been Generations” comment when he meets Classic Sonic.
Forces is definitely a step in the right direction for Sonic compared to Lost World though, even in the English version he’s far less quick to make jokes as he was before.
The game even restores an aspect of Sonic that was absent in Colors and Lost World - starting (and even finishing) the game alone. He was getting kinda circlejerky with Tails in those games, whereas in pretty much every major game other than Sonic 2 and 3 he’s always shown doing his own thing separated from characters like Tails and Knuckles initially and meets up with them afterwards - even if it’s a game like Heroes where it happens all at once in the intro movie.
I don’t know how Forces’ script was made, but if Nakamura is saying that the script was passed between Pontaff and Goya with the two making changes, they need to make sure that they both end up with the same result.
Passing the script between America and Japan is fine, but at the end of the day they need to make sure that both sides have scripts that match each other as close as possible, in order to avoid these character and plot inconsistencies.
Either way, by now presumably Pontaff have had more experience with writing for and have more solid past material for this series than the people who localised the SA1-era games. Considering I’ve heard Pontac refuses to talk about Sonic and Graff’s twitter got trashed by angry fans when he announced writing for the game, surely they should be aware of this characterization issue by now, but I don’t blame them if it ends up being something beyond their control, such as a lack of communication between SoA/SoJ or being forced to write the character that way anyway.
I think ultimately what Sonic the character is dealing with right now is the rotting corpse of 90s American Sonic, who died, came back from the dead, then died and came back again - a zombie that won’t stop falling apart, and the stench is catching up.
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