#i also finally finished my enchanting room so now my bow is soul fire + power 4 which makes it insanely OP
yo9urt · 3 months
#mine#update on my minecraft world. EVERYTHINGS AMAZING#i logged back in today after not playing for a bit and i went on a mining trip bc i was low on iron#i went to the same cave ive been exploring but i took a new tunnel AND OMFG U WOULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT I FOUND...#1. another deep dark biome (scawy) 2. literally over a full stack of diamonds 3. 48549428358 iron lapis redstone and gold as well#4. this structure that idk if it was modded or not bc ive never ever seen it and it had good loot too#5. like 3 dungeons (plus 2 that i saw on the minimap but couldnt access) AND I GOT 3 SADDLES!!!! PLUS 2 HORSE ARMOR#6. most importantly i found this fucking amazing donut-shaped area DEEP underground like im talking y -30 and -40 deep#that was just A GIANT RING OF LAVA WITH DEEPSLATE PILLARS RISING FROM THE LAVA AND TOUCHING THE CEILING#IT WAS HUUUUUUUUGE AND IT WAS SO INCREDIBLE TO WALK THROUGH I WAS IN SHOCK !!!#the deep dark was attached to it which was cool plus a couple mini cave systems where i found some loot and stuff#it was AMAZING!!!#i also finally finished my enchanting room so now my bow is soul fire + power 4 which makes it insanely OP#after i did all the epic mining i tamed my horse and donkey and then they had a baby mule#i took the horse out to do some cartography but he died in a tragic powder snow incident#i also found some buried treasure and explored a village and i found a 2nd horse!!#and i adopted a super cute kitty with a pattern ive never seen before in the village#1 more quadrant before my level 4 map is filled in and then ill also have 4/25 maps done on my map wall which is exciting#so now i have 1 horse 1 donk 1 mule 3 dogs and 2 cats. plus my farm animals#what a wonderful life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm excited to find more stuff#and eventually go to the nether...i have all the materials i need its just a matter of actually getting around to it lol#im thinking ill do the 3x3 grid surrounding my house on my map wall first and then explore hell#i want to make the portal room kind of creepy and weird and attach it to the ench room and the map room...i set up the ench room with magma#and blackstone and amethyst i tried to make it look corrupted and creepy and cool and on fire but the shelves make it more cozy lol#so the nether portal room will ACTUALLY be dark and creepy and corrupted. and it will be sick as fuck#i want to set up a mining base of operations at the cave entrance too...much to do!!!
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ladyhallen · 4 years
Wrong Address Part 5
Harry Wakes Up
Read on AO3
The moment Harry touches the Ressurection Stone under the Light of the Moon, he is transported to a large cavern lit by a thousand candles that didn’t radiate heat.
He could act terrified; there are a pair of skeleton’s bowing to him with spears and a very beautiful woman with fangs and horns presenting him with a crown of bones. But given that he’d just been gearing himself up to do suicide via Voldemort…anything else seemed easy.
“Welcome back, Lord of the Dead,” the woman says with a smile. “The Underworld has missed you.”
Harry blinks at her. “Uhm. Pardon?”
She blinks back at him, dismay all over her face. “Do you not remember, my lord? You wished to leave after a millennia of service to the spirits of children and those who worship no one. Have you finally come back or was this an accident?”
Harry swallows. “I’m heading more for a hallucination,” he says quietly. “Can you please put that crown down?”
The crown of bones, upon closer inspection, look like it’s made of two skeleton hands forming a circle. It’s creepy as anything and he does not want it any way near his head.
The woman frowns at him, then gestures. Without warning, tendrils of darkness hold him in place and push his head down. He struggles, but it’s futile. The crown is placed on his head without pre-amble and Harry gasps at the feeling, at the weight of it.
The tendrils disappear, but Harry is rooted to the spot with a millennia of memories coming back, of everything else disappearing as all the important memories he’d wanted to remember, tied to his crown, is pushed back into his head.
“Oh,” he gasps, feeling quite inhuman. He looks at his hand and moves it. He sees the afterimage of his soul moving with it. It’s a beautiful thing to have a soul this time around.
“Syrena,” he manages, looking at the Succubus that had guarded his throne and his crown so zealously. He has a feeling he knows why, but being the Lord of the Dead – holy fuck – gives him a disconnect for such feelings. “Syrena, how many years has it been?”
Joy crosses her face, as well as relief. “Decades, my lord. Decades you left and decades we mourned your absence. The guardian pillars have continued their duties of guiding the souls of departed children. Everything is smoothly running, though we are starting to run out of space.”
Harry frowns, feeling a tingle of knowledge perk up. “That should not be. Has no one been reincarnating in a while?”
She pats him on the arm. “Only you can push the souls to the Eternal Land, my lord. Or place them in the wheel of reincarnation.”
Harry remembers Voldemort vaguely, but he knows that preventing an Imbalance is more important. Because the souls of children are so easily corrupted that getting them to a safe, neutral place had been his job. Is his job. It also takes innocent souls a while to remember if they want to reincarnate – try again or just rest for a while wherever souls go to rest.
Voldemort can wait, Harry decides. He will clear out one cavern of the dead, and then go back to Hogwarts to deal with Voldemort.
Harry doesn’t know how long he took clearing out the caverns, but he knows he did a good job by the lighter feeling in the realm. His realm.
By Merlin, everything gives him a headache and a double vision, overlaying what he sees with old, ancient memories.
“I have to tie up loose ends,” Harry tells the Succubus.
He doesn’t tell her that he needs to get away from any place his old self had frequented. The double vision fades away when he looks at something his old self had no knowledge of.
Within one breathe and the next, he’s back in the Hogwarts Hall.
It’s utter chaos, with thousands of injured being barricaded by enchanted armor and an army of house-elves fighting back. The wizards are all fighting, wands flashing fire. There are tears on many faces and sheer fury on a lot more.
And then there’s Hermione and Ron.
Hermione, whose solution to a teacher attempting to knock Harry of his broom had been to set them on fire, is looking terrifying. Her hair is all over the place with bits of static magic sparking all over. Her wand is a blur and she’s casting all lethal spells and her teeth are bared at Voldemort in challenge.
Ron, whose tactical brilliance won over enchanted chess pieces, is wielding two wands at once and he looks like he’s orchestrating the entire battle, eyes deadly and angry. He guards her back and takes care of anybody attempting to interfere.
Voldemort, on the other hand, looks weakened. His breathing looks painful and his face is an artwork of red. Harry is willing to bet that if Voldemort’s robes weren’t black, that would be an artwork too. Hermione is really terrifying.
Harry takes a deep breath and forgets how his presence affects shadows. When he exhales, the shadows in the room writhes in happiness, little tentacles expressing greeting. It catches everyone’s attention and soon enough, they all find him, faces in varying states of disbelief, relief, amazement and rage.
“Harry James Potter,” Hermione groans. “Bloody Potter. What the fuck?”
Harry shrugs, not taking his eyes off Voldemort.
Now that he can remember, he can also see the state of Voldemort’s mutilated soul and he feels nothing but pity for the bastard. Pity, and maybe some revulsion.
“Sorry. It really wasn’t my fault this time,” he tells her, because battle or not, people do not ignore Hermione Granger unless they have a death wish. “Tom Riddle, what have you done to your soul?”
Voldemort laughs, a pale imitation of his usual villainous cackle. “What is it to you, Harry Potter? Deserter, coward. You ran away in the cusp of the battle while everyone fights for you.”
Something settles into Harry, a deep awareness that wakes up. He allows himself to wrap that presence around him like a cloak and the crown of bone appears on his head.
“I am not the coward, Tom Riddle. You are. You, who are so terrified of death that you tore your soul apart,” he says firmly. His voice is the soft sighing of a thousand whispering souls and the cries of children in a silent grave. He’s usually not projecting, but his older self is pissed off. He slowly moves forward and gestures with one hand. The wand in Voldemort’s hand flies to Harry, the Elder Wand pleased to be home.
“So what?” Riddle spits. Harry can see the shadow of the man he could have been, if he’d just left his soul alone and let old childhood wounds heal. “I survived. All of them are dead and I survived. I killed Albus Dumbledore.”
Harry has to shake his head at that point. “No you did not. It was a mercy killing, at best. Because Albus Dumbledore was dying at that point and asked Severus Snape to do it, to cement his loyalty to you, because if he did not, then the school would be defenseless.”
It’s too much for Riddle, and he shrieks with rage, grabbing a wand from a Death Eater near him. Before he can raise his stolen wand Hermione blasts him back with a curse. It’s really not a good idea to forget Hermione when she’s pissed off at you.
McGonagall finishes it off and Ginny dislocates two of his ribs by jumping on him.
Hermione stalks towards him with intent and Harry raises his hands, disarming himself preemptively. Her hair is a storm cloud of fury, her face painting grief and relief in equal measures.
“Harry, you asshole!” she exclaims. She pitches herself forward and Harry braces himself for a punch.
It doesn’t come. Instead, he finds himself engulfed in a tight hug that threatened to cut off his air circulation.
“Hey, Hermione,” he says softly. It’s not his imagination that has the back of his shirt wet. “Hey, Ron.”
Ron smiles at him just as warmly as ever, eyes cataloguing him for injuries and finding relief when there was none.
“New accessories?” Ron asks, inclining his head towards the crown of bones.
Harry sighs. “You would not believe the shit I saw in the forest.”
Comments in my AO3, please.
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lemonerix · 4 years
Anthem of the Heart and Mind
Day 2: Crush or Pining/ Soulmate AU
Word count: 4152
[Warning: slight cursing ahead]
Soulmates aren’t unheard of in our world, but are very rare. There are many ways that two destined souls find each other, some ways are unique and strange, while others are simple. You could have a red string tied to your finger that would lead you to your soulmate. You could have the first thing they say to you written on your wrist. Some people even have watches that countdown to the moment they meet their soulmate. But having a someone meant for you makes your life a bit harder. You would have a lot on your mind, you would constantly think about them, wonder what they are like and wonder if they would like the kind of person you are. That kinda sucks, but it would be worth it when you finally meet “the one”.
Finding your soulmate also requires time and chance. There are some who find their soulmate a little bit too late and end up living the rest of their life with regret. There are some who aren’t just that lucky and miss each other before they could even have the chance to meet. That’s what scares me. I worry that I might’ve missed the chance to meet “the one” for me, or that I’m too late to find them. I overthink too much, I know. It’s one of my annoying quirks that hopefully my soulmate would tolerate.
This leads us to why I’m talking about soulmates and destiny. A month ago, I began hearing a melody. It wasn’t too loud to be distracting, but it was loud enough for me to hear it like a song being played a few rooms away. The tune was the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard, it was melancholic and longing, yet loving and hopeful. At first, I thought that I was going insane, but after consulting my friends and discussing about it in internet forums, I concluded that this might be how I meet my soulmate. I followed an anonymous advice on the web and wrote down the melody I heard; it was probably the best advice I got. But there was one problem, the song wasn’t complete. The melody in my head played in an endless loop and I was itching to hear the end.
Students were already heading to their first periods when I arrived at school. I headed to my locker to get a few things that I needed for my class. Gilbert was waiting for me by my locker, he gave me a small wave as I approached him. “Dude, don’t you have class right now?” I asked him. “We don’t have Home Economics today, after the incident with Kirkland yesterday.” He told me.
In our school, the Seniors begin their classes an hour earlier before the lower grades. Gilbert was a year older than me (I was in Junior year), he became a close friend of mine when I joined the Classical Music club in our school in my 7th year. I raised an eyebrow as I closed my locker and asked, “What happened yesterday?” Gilbert hummed before answering me, “Remember the exchange student I told you about, like a month ago?” I nodded, motioning for him to continue, “Well, that guy is definitely not gifted with culinary skill. Can’t cook for shit and can burn water for some reason. This wasn’t the first time he set something on fire, but it was the first time he blew something up. I can’t believe that he wasn’t expelled for it!” my friend laughed. “That guy must be a riot, huh?” I chuckled, seeing Gilbert’s delight as he reminisced the events of yesterday, “Heh, not really. Oh yeah, remember the text I sent ya earlier? Mr. Edelstein is going to introduce us to a new club member.” He told me.
“Oh yeah, I remember that. It’s rare for him to handpick students to join the orchestra. That guy’s standards are super high.” I remarked, Gilbert nodded in response. A smirk formed in his face, “Don’t you have somewhere else to be, kid?” I blinked for a moment, trying to figure out why he asked me that question. I felt my blood run cold when I realized I was late for class, I swore and sped down the hallway.
“Language, and no running in the halls, Alfred!” Gilbert cackled behind me as I hurried to my first period.
The day was very exhausting, all I wanted to do was flop on my bed and play video games all weekend. Unfortunately, the Classical Music club just had to ruin my weekend plans. I entered the club room and greeted my club-mates. Gilbert waved at me and frantically pointed to the seat beside him. I only rolled my eyes as I walked towards my friend, I bumped his fist as a greeting before the two of us engaged in a conversation. “Who do you think the newbie is?” I asked him, he only shrugged. The room was noisy with the conversations of students, we talked and laughed and joked.
“I heard that the new member is a prodigy.” I overheard someone say, “It seems like Gilbert is going to have some competition.” Another giggled. If Gilbert heard this, he didn’t show it. I know how egotistical he is (very much like me) and how he is very protective of his pride. All my years in the Classical Music club, I learned that Gilbert was the only prodigy that Mr. Edelstein introduced since the formation of the club. He could play the flute like some kind of flute god. He’s so good with the instrument that sometimes I don’t even believe that he’s actually human, maybe that’s why I looked up to the guy.
The whole room hushed when Mr. Edelstein walked into the room. We all straightened in our seats and listened to what he had to say. The man cleared his throat, “I guess you all know why you are called so suddenly out of the blue. I’m here to introduce a new member of the club,” he turned and gestured at the open door, “come now, don’t be shy.” All our heads craned to the door, where a young man walked in carrying a violin case. Something inside of me shifted when I laid my eyes on him, I watched him as he walked across the room. His hair yellow like butter, his skin was pale like porcelain, and his doll-like features took me aback for some reason. But his eyes struck me the most, they were like glittering peridots as they swept through the crowd, momentarily landing on me before returning their gaze on the floor.
I looked over at Gilbert and saw that his jaw was slack, as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. I probably had the same expression on my face, but I was more enchanted than surprised.
“My name is Arthur Kirkland, I’m an exchange student from England. I hope we can all be friends.” He said formally. “Now that you have properly introduced yourself Arthur, why don’t you show us what you can do?” our teacher clasped his hands together and nodded at the boy. Arthur pulled out his violin, he tightened his bow and applied rosin on it before he began playing an excerpt of Vivaldi’s Winter. Everyone in the room were silenced in awe as we watched him play, his fingers moving gracefully on the instrument, hitting every note with perfection. But there was something else with him that I alone noticed. The little changes of expression on his face as he played, the way his body moved with the melody, and the way he played reminded me of something at the tip of my tongue. The song in my head gradually grew louder as I saw Arthur’s performance, but I paid no attention to it. All I saw was Arthur, and all I heard was the singing strings of his violin. I was ensnared by the music that I didn’t even notice that he was finished, no one made a sound as he bowed.
“HOLY SHIT, KIRKLAND?! YOU PLAY THE VIOLIN?!” Gilbert shot up beside me, grinning from ear to ear. Arthur’s face flushed, Mr. Edelstein glared at Gilbert and told him to sit down. Everyone in the room cheered and applauded for the new member, Mr. Edelstein roused everyone in the room and told us to sit in our respective groups. We were going to rehearse our newest piece; it was a piano concerto that Mozart composed, but I didn’t bother to remember the name of the piece. I was the only one who played the piano in the orchestra, so I had the most important role to play.
I made my way to the piano, humming a melody to myself. The room was filled with the sounds of instruments being tuned and students warming up. I cracked my knuckles and did some warm up exercises on the piano, making sure that I have my music sheet ready, and went over the measures that I needed to practice. In the middle of that cacophony of music, Mr. Edelstein hushed everyone in the room. I noticed that Arthur was standing by the chalkboard, observing the orchestra before him. Our maestro made us play the do-re-mi routine as warm up before we play the piece. He gave us the signal to stop, then he began to move his arms.
The winds and brass played the intro softly, gradually growing louder and faster. The strings followed, providing the counter melody of the winds and brass. When my part finally came up, I let the music lead me. My hands pressed the familiar keys as the tune I had practiced hundreds of times filled my ears. I couldn’t help but be seized by the music, a small grin tugged at my lips while the orchestra backed up my melody. I realized that we were almost at the end, so I had to look up at Mr. Edelstein to make sure I don’t miss the signal. I couldn’t help but steal a glance at the boy standing by the board. He regarded me with some kind of respect, before I returned my gaze at the conductor, narrowly missing the signal to stop. I accidentally hit a wrong key just as the song ended, and immediately everyone groaned at me. “Are you fucking kidding me, bro?” Gilbert raised his hands exasperatedly. “Mr. Beilschmidt! Another peep from you and I won’t hesitate to give you detention.” Mr. Edelstein warned the young man. I heard him stifle his laughter before clearing his throat and (not sincerely) apologizing to the older man. Our teacher only rolled his eyes and praised us for the job well done, and told us to practice over the weekend.
Mr. Edelstein made Gilbert stay behind and clean the room as punishment for his behavior earlier. I felt a little bad for him so I stayed behind and waited for him to finish cleaning.
“Sucks to be you, man.” I laughed, he glared at me and threw a broom at my general direction, making me laugh even more. “Mr. Edelstein is lucky that I like cleaning, but fuck him for ruining my plans for the weekend! Antonio and Francis probably hung out without me!” Gilbert groaned as he stacked the last of the chairs in the room and pushed them to the side. He then moved on to the music stands, folding them and placing them in their bags. “Does he even understand what we even go through? The stress we have to deal with? The deadlines we have to meet? Did he not go through high school himself?” He ranted. I was being a jerk by laughing, it wasn’t my fault that he sounds ridiculous while doing it. He glared at me and crossed his arms, “What’s so funny?” he asked irritated. I calmed myself down and told him that it was nothing. Gilbert only rolled his eyes and went back to his duty.
When he finally finished with cleaning up, I remembered something I meant to ask Gilbert earlier. “Oh yeah, I just remembered!” I rummaged through my bag and found the folder I was looking for. My friend’s eyebrow was arched as I showed him the composition I was working on, “What’s that?” he pointed at the folder. “Remember about the stuff I said about soulmates and junk last month? I decided to write it down, but I don’t know how it ends.” I showed him the contents of the folder. His ruby eyes skimmed through the pages, then he looked at me, “So you want me to finish it?”
“What? No! I just want some advice, dude. This is my soulmate we’re talking about. You can’t finish it for me.”
“Advice, huh?” Gilbert tapped his chin thoughtfully, “My advice is that you play it. Your soulmate might hear the song and the two of you could finally meet each other.”
I blinked, I never thought of actually playing it. Just more proof of how stupid I can be. “Oh my god, why haven’t I thought of that?” I grumbled to myself. Gilbert let out a boisterous laugh, “No need to thank me, Alfred, my boy. I am a genius, after all.” He ruffled my hair, making me grin. He can be an egotistical asshole sometimes, but Gilbert is like an older brother I’ve never had. Just another reason why I looked up to him.
I waved goodbye to Gilbert as we parted ways at the school gate, he waved to me before running to his two friends, planning to get into trouble once again. I headed the opposite direction, humming to myself. Dusk was near, the streetlights had already turned on and I couldn’t help but slow my pace and enjoy my walk home. The little town I was in wasn’t much, but it had so many things about it that made it charming, I realized that most of the time, I didn’t even appreciate its peaceful atmosphere.
Then something broke the quiet evening.
A singing violin echoed through the dusk, I stopped in my tracks and felt my heart leap inside my chest. I immediately whipped my head upwards as the familiar melody filled my ears. There, by a window on the third floor of the apartment, was Arthur. Playing his instrument with such grace, I felt compelled to go up the metal staircase on the side of the building to get closer to him. The music he played was almost like the melody in my head, but his song was brash and fast, it was an upbeat and wilder version of the melody I kept hearing. Then the music stopped, I saw him peering outside of the window and glance below. I panicked, if he sees me here, he’d think I’m a creep! I scrambled away from the building and down the street, hoping that he didn’t see me running away like a madman.
The year passed by so quickly, and before I knew it, classes were about to end. We were going to have a year-end recital, and a farewell party for our club seniors. The past several months, Arthur and I became acquaintances, then walk-home buddies, then friends (thanks to Gilbert). I also had a growing suspicion that there was a chance Arthur was my soulmate. Gilbert, my ever-loving friend, noticed that I was crushing hard on the Brit, and kept on finding ways to get me and Arthur together. At first, I tried to deny it, but in the end, I had no control over destiny. If he was meant to be with me, then he was. Not that I had any complaints. I also noticed that he had grew a liking to me, because he treated me a little bit differently than other people. In short, he’s just nicer to me. I also enjoyed the little things I noticed about him, and the small things that he would do for me. Fuck, I might be falling for him. Fuck that, I fell for him the moment he played in front of me.
“Alright! We’re going to wrap up the show with…Arthur and Alfred’s duet!” Mr. Edelstein shouted in the noisy backstage, he pointed to the two of us and gestured at us to get ready. I fixed my hair and straightened my bow tie, “Hey Artie, we’re up next!” I reminded him. “I know that, and stop calling me Artie!” he yelled at me, then he muttered something about the noisy room while he was trying to tune his violin. “Al, Arthur, side of the stage, right now!” I heard Gilbert shout over the noise. I walked towards the Brit and told him that we were up. He sighed and reluctantly followed me to the side of the stage.
We made it just in time as the school’s Glee club finished their song, the choir bowed and exited through the other side of the stage. “Hey, your bow’s a bit crooked.” Arthur said as he straightened my bow tie for me. I thanked him, he replied with a soft smile before we were pushed up the stage to perform. The audience clapped as we made our entrance and bowed. I sat by the piano, hands hovering slightly over the keys and Arthur stood beside me, already poised to play. The whole auditorium fell silent, I breathed in and out lightly, clearing my head from distractions. Then, I began to play.
Arthur soon followed, and the music from the two instruments joined to form a beautiful song that echoed throughout the building. It was perfect, it sounded like the two instruments were made for each other. The violin leads the piano’s melody, while the piano guided the violin’s rhythm and tempo. I let the music flood my senses, my hands were flying over the keys, like how Arthur’s fingers flew on the strings. We locked eyes and gave each other a knowing smile as we did the finale of the song.
The auditorium exploded with claps and cheers as we bowed once again and got off the stage. We were jumping like little kids on Halloween when we were off, “Holy shit dude, you were amazing out there!” I grinned at him. Arthur laughed, “No, the whole performance was brilliant because of you!” he and I continued to gush and praise each other for a job well done when someone interrupted us, “Alright, sorry for interrupting you two lovebirds, head over to the other side of the stage. We’re gonna do the closing remarks.” Gilbert told us nonchalantly and left without another word. I felt my ears grow warm when he called us “lovebirds”, he can be a good friend sometimes, but he’s a total jerk at the moment. Arthur cleared his throat, “We should go.” He said, I nodded in agreement and the two of us went through the backstage.  
We did the closing remarks, everyone who performed got to bow on the stage as pictures were taken and farewells were said as the night grew deeper. Mr. Edelstein told us to stay behind for a little while, because the farewell party was about to begin. Most of the younger students and a few older students left early, because they didn’t want their parents to worry or were too tired to party. I decided to stay behind, because I wanted to see Gilbert and Arthur off before they leave high school. I was gonna miss Gilbert big time, he was like some kind of parent-figure I had in school, and he taught me more than I could ever let on.
The farewell party was to be held in the auditorium, a few rows of the plastic chairs were moved to the side to make room for the dance floor and for the snack table. The seniors have already begun to make the most of the night. Several of them were dancing to the music roaring from the speakers, a few were standing on the side chatting with each other, while others were just enjoying the music, snacks and punch. I decided that I won’t dance that night, because I had one final thing to do before the seniors leave. I made my way back to the stage, where the piano was still set up. Arthur must’ve saw me walk to the stage, because when I got there, he was right behind me. “Hey, why aren’t you over there dancing on the dance floor?” He asked. “I’m a little worn out to dance tonight. Besides, I was just grabbing something from the backstage.” I told him. He asked me if he could come with and I just nodded, I wanted for him to come with me after all.
After I spotted my bag, I took out the folder containing the unfinished composition. “What’s that?” Arthur asked me, “It’s something I’ve been working on. It’s not finished yet, but I want you to listen to it and give me advice on how I should finish it.” He took the folder from my hand and studied the notes carefully. His eyes widened momentarily before he asked me to play it.
We went to the stage where the piano was at, I sat on the seat and placed the notes on the piano. Arthur watched me carefully, as if he was expecting something brilliant to happen. My heart was now racing, it was now or never. I played the first measure slowly, then gradually went faster as I progressed. The melody was no longer looping in my head, but was surrounding me. I could feel it touch my skin, I could almost taste the sweetness and bitterness the music had. It was just a sensation too ineffable to describe. Then, I stopped. That was where the song ended abruptly. I turned to Arthur to ask what he thought about the song, only to find him with tears brimming in his eyes. I opened my mouth to say something before he grabbed my arm and pulled me backstage.
He engulfed me in a hug as he sobbed into my shoulder. I was shocked and confused, I stood still as he continued to cry. “It’s you. I’ve finally found you.” He said, his voice breaking a little bit. “Arthur…what are you—?”
“You are the song in my heart. The one I’ve been looking for since I’ve learned to play music. Your song clouded my heart every single day. I’ve spent so long searching, and now I’ve finally found you.” He laughed, tears still streaming down his cheeks. I began to finally piece together the events that happened so quickly, everything finally became clear, all of my doubts and suspicions were finally silenced. Arthur is my soulmate. He is the melody in my mind. The song that kept repeating over and over, finally had an ending to complete it. I did not notice the joyful tears in my eyes as I hugged him back. We both laughed and cried like madmen as we were wrapped in each other’s arms. We finally calmed down from the joy and ecstasy we felt, he had lowered his arms to my side as I wiped away his tears with my thumb. Our foreheads rested against each other, noses almost touching and I could feel his heart beating against my chest. I wanted to make the first move and kiss him, but I guess Arthur had the same idea. His lips captured mine and pulled me towards him, I pressed him against the wall where he began to grind his hips against mine. We were so caught up in the moment that we did not notice someone enter the backstage.
“What the—? Oh, god. I’m so sorry for interrupting.” Mr. Edelstein apologized and briskly walked out of the room. Immediately, both of us flung each other away like two magnets with the same pole. I heard running footsteps and Gilbert sprinted to see what was going on, “Holy shit, what the hell were the two of you doing back here? Mr. Edelstein just walked out of the building, red as a cherry!” Gilbert, the jerk he is, wiggled his eyebrow. I groaned as other students came to see what happened. I glanced at Arthur, who I caught was staring at me. His lips were swollen, his suit disheveled and his face the color of strawberries, he looked godly. Arthur let out a small giggle, then it turned to laughter. I couldn’t help but smile and laugh with him. Gilbert and the other students stared at us in confusion, like they missed some kind of inside joke.
I didn’t care, tonight was the night that changed my life forever, and nothing’s going to ruin it for me.
I was inspired by some stuff that happened to me in my junior high, I’m part of a school band (it’s not really classical, we focus on traditional instruments most of the time. Our school’s marching band is something else entirely.) and it’s really something that I’ve always wanted to write about. Anyway, sorry for feeding ya’ll this useless info about me. I hope you enjoyed the story!
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loriendragonqueen · 7 years
“Now What”
Pairing: Ivar x OC
Words: 3.060
Warnings: some bad language; emotional; 
Notes: I thought that “Guess What” would be a simple one-shot, but, guess what?! I felt the need to continue and make a second and final part. I am sorry if it became quite emotional and deep, but I am in this particular mood these days. I hope you like it and pardon me for the lack of intercourse or smut, as you prefer, in this one.
Guess What?!
Thrud fought like the source of her name. She was the incarnated valkyrie. Among all the men and women, she was the brighter one, shining like a goddess of war, killing and plundering; slaughtering as much of the enemy soldiers as possible, immersed in a battle trance - like a berserker or an ulfhednar. In that day, everybody saw the real nature of Thrud Horiksdottir.
The bond created between her and Ivar was still resisting to their tempers, after all, the sex was great and their conversations used to be quite pleasurable. Of course, until the accidental murder of Sigurd Snake-In-The-Eye. After that, Ivar became a recluse man, closing his shell even more. Not even the young woman and her rare kind moments and gestures made him see that killing his brother was an effect of many years of provocations.
"You'll never going to fond me. I know it. We know it. I am ready to settle down, to have the family I've never had. But, sadly, Ivar, you won't be the husband I want, although I really wished you to be the one." she started yelling and finished the sentence almost in a whisper.
"Just go away. Who cares about what you want or not. You're a filthy bastard, a fucking opportunist. You really thought that we would be together someday? I don't even know how to say how stupid you are!" he spat the words as poisonous darts, hitting her face and her heart without a single drop of mercy.
"You fucking crippled bastard." she said feeling the tears starting to make her eyes float. But she held them back, closing her face in a disgusted scowl. "I hope you bite your tongue and die poisoned. I can't believe that I let myself be enchanted by you." and she started to walk from one side to the other of his cabin.
They were discussing since the high-noon, blabbing about their relationship. It wasn't a real relationship, but, since the days before their landing on Northumberland, them both begun to act like a couple, for Thrud was caring about him and Ivar was doing almost the same. He even gave her a large knife and said that the blade was for her to pierce the enemies hearts in case of a vicious fight on the ground. But, again, since what happened with his brother, he was a bomb.
"Nobody will ever love you. Nobody. Not anymore!" she screamed and left the place, slamming the door behind her.
Only when she reached the top of the hill she allowed her tears to roll down her face, burning her cold skin. A painful yelp then knocked her chest inside out and she released it, spreading it with the wind and hearing her own despair coming back with the echo.
The wisest thing she did that moment was leave to her recent conquered county nearby Kattegat.
Months passed after their fight. Thrud became bitter. As bitter as gall. She now ruled with iron fists, plundering and killing whenever she wants, taking no prisoners or slaves in her raids. Many of the men and women even started to call her "frost dronning", for she was the purest ice, freezing and destroying everything she touches.
"The next case!" she said demanding the next people to approach her seat more like a throne, drinking her ale slowly.
"I caught this man stealing from the princess carriage and she demanded him to be punished." one of the men said pushing the scowling thief.
"What princess?" she asked narrowing her eyes and putting her drink aside.
"Princess Ingeborg, my lady, from Norway." the man answered scared by her growing frown.
"And where was she going?"
"Ka.. Kattegat!" he mumbled.
Thrud growled.
"You, what is your name, thief?" and she tilted her head a little.
"Laufey." he answered a little frightened.
"I want to talk to you privately!" she said cunningly, getting up from her seat and going to her private chamber.
The man stood still.
"I won't say it twice!" her voice sounded like a roar.
And the man followed her.
"Sit!" and the man obeyed. "Tell me everything you know and don't hide anything. I will know if you do!"
Laufey started to speak, telling everything he knew. He told her about the princess' retinue and how many people was following her. He also told that she was there with her sister to meet the youngest sons of Ragnar. She growled when the words striked her ears.
"And what did you stole?" she started to walk from one side to the other.
"Food, just food." he said.
"What else?" she insisted.
"Just food, my lady!" and Thrud looked at him with the eyes of a murderer. "And a few coins and jewels!"
The woman pondered about it for a few moments in silence, humming like a bee as if meditating.
"And she want me to punish you for that?" the man nodded. "Very well, then. You shall be my bird."
"What?" he retorted confused.
"I want you to spy this norway princesses. You will only report to me, and only me. And this is me being merciful instead of cutting your tongue and hands." and she sat in front of him. "Do you understand?"
Laufey frown in doubt.
"Or you prefer the taste of my blade?" she smiled sly.
"No, my lady, I understand!" and he offered his fists so she could release him from the ropes.
Thrud cut them with her knife and then gave him one golden coin.
"This is just the beginning. There is much more from where this came from!" she whispered and the man bowed, leaving the chamber through a secret door shown by his queen.
As expected, the man brought her news from the neighbor realm, what lit the fire inside the woman. She wanted revenge. Revenge on her hurted pride. Revenge upon the man who broke her miserable heart.
"Prepare my horse. I am ridding to Kattegat after the midsun!" and she rode alone, leaving her second man in command.
She traveled until the dawn of the next day, only stopping for her horse to rest a little. She saw the palace at the first rays of light and nothing held her pace - to have a meeting with the queen was her main goal.
Somehow, an alliance was made between the queens and, with that, Ivar would be destroyed. At least that was the plan inside Thrud's head. She didn't said that out loud, not the last part. But the truce was real, so as the new friendship.
 "I want her head!" she screamed and broke the entire room, growling and roaring like a wild animal.
"You can't!" Laufey said afraid and sat in one of the corners of the place.
Her wrath was consuming her soul. Ivar was about to marry.
"But you should kill him instead!" the man dared to say.
"I should... But I can't. I... I love him!" and she fell on her knees getting invaded by despair and about to fall apart.
Laufey saw, for the very first time, how broken she was. No one ever saw her that way.
Inexplicably, he became her man of trust. A friend. A good friend, even when she stopped paying him for information. He respected her and vice-versa.
"I loved my wife the same way you love the prince. She was the light of my thoughts and the nightmares of my life. I loved her and I hated her. Until the moment she died and I realized how miserable I was. How useless I am!" Laufey said and saw the woman break down in tears.
"I thought... I thought that after becoming powerful, after becoming the queen of large realms I would finally find a family to myself. I would finally be loved the way I think I deserve. I have never been so wrong in my entire life!" she sobbed crying copiously.
"Gerda gave me all of this." he sighed feeling a knot in his throat.
"He was the only man to see who I really am and not judge me for that. I thought that after seeing the monsters inside me he would choose to stay and love me for what I am!" and her cry became something agonyzing. Her heart was in flames but also in the dark. She was in constant pain since the day she left the man behind.
"I feel sorry for your pain, my lady." he shed a tear.
"I will kill that woman with my bare hands if I have to. She won't come and steal the man I love. That bitch. I bet she heard of his glory and how brave he is. She is here to become the woman of the future king, not to love him!" and she spat on the floor.
Then, between her rage in the darkness, she saw a sudden light and left her great cabin towards the outside of the city. Kattegat was in a sepulchral silence since the snow began to fall furiously.
Thrud walked and runned to the source of her annoyance with bare feet and using only a thin garment. She felt no cold neither the burn of the snow on her skin. She felt nothing but the eager and the pain inside.
Three knocks was heard coming from the main door and Hvitserk opened it just to see the pale woman with her lips purple.
"I demand to speak with him, please..." she sighed the last word.
"Come in!" he said a little worried. "Sit by the fire!"
But she remained still, standing haughty but dying inside.
"Ivar!" he yelled to his brother.
"What?" he answered from the back of the place.
"Come here, there's a person demanding to speak to you!" he continued and looked to the woman, receiving a small and sincere smile with a slight nod of her head.
"Who..." he was saying when he saw her, the personification of the icy storm outside.
"I will leave you alone, for I really need to meet Ubbe in the town!" Hvitserk said and then left, for he really was ready to leave in fact.
The silence fell harshly between them. It was months since their last speak and months since her arrival.
"Is it true?" she dared to ask.
"Yes!" he replied sitting on his chair and looking annoyed at her.
She took a deep breath not knowing how to react in front of him.
"So, you and Lagertha. You are friends now, huh?!" he said peeved, looking from under his brows.
"Allies. If I am about to leave these lands, at least I want to secure my people from any invasion." and she sighed feeling her legs start to tremble.
Ivar looked at her with doubt.
"You are leaving? To where? Russia again?" he sneered.
"I don't know. I gave up on Russia and I gave away half of my belongings to my people as a sign of gratitude." and her right leg got numb, what made her fall.
Ivar got the laughing air but held it when he saw that her feet was getting seriously purple.
"Are you out of your mind?" he vociferated crawling towards her.
"I am out of my mind since the day I lost you!" she mumbled looking to her feet and seeing the burns.
"Are you trying to lose your legs? I thought you were stupid, but not this much!" and he, somehow, managed to take her close to the fireplace so she could get warm.
"There is no need to worry. I just came here to hear from your lips that you are going to marry that meeky thing. I just wanted to see you one last time before leaving or doing a drastic thing, like beheading that blond fucking princess." and she made a disgusted face saying the last words.
He laughed.
"Really? You will laugh now and after all I said?" she arched her right brow.
"You are jealous and I never thought that you were capable of such a thing." he mocked.
"Fuck you, Ivar. Oh, gods, how I hate you!" and she tried to get on her feet again to leave that place, but she fell once more after the first step.
"You hate me as much as I hate you for leaving me. We are even!" and he pulled her closer to the fire not worrying in using his strength to keep her in place.
"I left you just because I couldn't bear to see you destroying yourself all the time. I couldn't bear to see you dying everyday, to see your wit and fire fading away. That's why!" she said between her teeth.
"You left because you are a coward!" he spoke in the same tone.
"I left because I love you and to see you that way was torturing me, killing me. So, yes, I am a coward!" she spat the words harshly with eyes wide-open, shallow breath and clumsy voice.
There were tears in her eyes for the second time that day. She looked away when the first drops rolled down her cheeks.
"I need to go!" and she tried to stand up again, but he held her down.
"You are going to lose your legs like that!" he warned looking at her feet. "Stay!"
"Why? To suffer even more with this pain crushing me inside and killing each of my last hopes? I can't!" she sobbed crying even more and feeling the air escape from her lungs.
"I never thought to see you like this." he whispered.
"Look away. I am miserable now!" she hid her face between her hands.
"Look at me!" he demanded serious.
"I said, look at me!" and he grabbed her hands and took them out of her face.
"You are loving to see me humiliated, aren't you?! To see me shattered and vulnerable... I hate you, Ivar!" she took her wrists out of his grip, punching his chest, pulling him back.
He did nothing.
"I hate you more than I hate myself!" and she punched him again. "I hate you more than my father, more than anyone in this world. And I blame the gods every day!"
Thrud kept hitting him strongly until he grabbed her to make her stop.
"I... I love you..." she said desperate.
Ivar then kissed her and the world seemed to stop. He pressed their lips so violently and embraced her so strongly, that all her pieces seemed to mend together.
He pulled her to him with such an urge, that they fell on the wooden floor. His embrace was so warm, so right, that all her monsters silenced.
Somehow, they reached the bed on the back of the room, and after a brief moments, they were naked under the furs forgetting themselves on the mouth of each other. They were different. Their touches, their kisses... Everything was different and yet so familiar.
Ivar kissed her neck as if he had missed her smell so much while they were apart. She kissed the top of his head, unbraiding his long hair - longer than she could remember. And how their bodies missed each other. Each touch was like thunders shaking the earth beneath them.
"I missed you!" she whispered before kissing his lips so passionately and tenderly.
Her heart was beating fast and louder, enough to make Ivar hear it. But his heart was doing just the same.
His kisses went down her neck and then found her breasts. He fondly kissed and sucked both, making her shiver. Then, he kissed her navel and her entire belly, warming each and every part of her.
"Come..." she said in low voice bringing his face up, kissing him again while touching his dick, pumping it up and down and making him sigh.
When he finally got inside her, they felt their hearts beating at the same pace. Ivar held her hands, intertwining his finger with hers and pinning them on the sides of her head, kissing her all the time. Then, the rhythm begun slowly. They had all the time of the world just for them.
His body never felt so delicious and so heavenly, neither did hers. They seemed to meld, to simply meld. Each slow thrust making moans fly from their mouths between their idly smiles. Each bite... Each squeeze... And never diverting their gazes. Never!
"Say my name..." he almost begged when she embraced his waist with her legs allowing him to go deeper just the way he loved.
"Ivar..." she whispered and his face shone in a new way even with his eyes getting dark with lust.
"Again..." he said sliding his lips by her cheek and whispering by her right ear, giving her chills.
"Ivar..." she moaned low, embracing his neck with her hands, sliding her fingers through his loosen hair.
They came almost in the same time after awhile.
"I... I love... You!" he said looking in the bottom of the soul behind her eyes.
"Then don't marry her, please!" she implored taking a lock of his hair and putting it behind his ear while he was still on top of her.
"It is settled. I have to!" and he laid beside her.
"Then I'll kill her, her family and whoever appears on my path. I will conquer Norway if I have to, just to have you!" she growled and he laughed.
"You would do that just to have me, really?" he taunted.
"I would behead the king slowly just for his family see it before I could kill them as well. Everything just to call you mine, finally!" she sighed at the end looking serious at his face.
"That's adorable!" he mocked but kissed her deeply.
"So, please, don't marry her!" she cupped his face, stroking his cheeks.
"You promise, by the gods, never leave me again?" he inquired.
"I promise by all the gods. I can't leave you even if I wanted. I would die without you just the way I died everyday in this past months!" she confessed.
"Then, would you be mine?" he whispered closer to her mouth.
"Being yours is all I want since our very first time together!" and he kissed her.
"I love you!"
"I love you!"
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royalnovels-blog · 7 years
EMS Chapter 17
Chapter 17 - Mastering the Sword Art Translator: Mr Voltaire Editor: Phoobiee “That was only about 3 metres away, I can still improve!” Xiao Yun didn’t feel any satisfaction from killing the mosquito. His powerful senses meant he was able to track the mosquito’s every action. The mosquito, which used to seem quite quick, now seemed extremely slow. He could even use his senses to predict where the mosquito would fly. Buzz! At this time, a moth flew by in the distance. “About 6 metres away, perfect!” Xiao Yun’s eyes lit up as he stepped out, and a ray of sword light shot out, piercing towards the moth. By the time Xiao Yun’s feet landed on the ground, the moth also floated to the ground. That sword strike had been fast to the extreme - if he had been fighting someone, he would have been able to hit them without them even moving! “Continue!” Xiao Yun didn’t relax, and instead sent his senses around the courtyard, striking towards any insects that he found flying around. Over the course of the day, most of the insects within the courtyard had been killed by him. As night fell, bonfires were lit in the courtyard, attracting countless insects. Swish, swish! Beside the bonfires, the youth continued to kill the insects. “Big bro, when are you going to stop?” Xiao Ling’Er sat under a stone pagoda as she gripped her hands together, looking bored. It had been an entire day, but her big brother didn’t look as if he was going to stop. He had become obsessed with his training. “Hehe, young master Yun has always been a training-addict; look at all those poor bugs,” Maid Huan’Er said as she watched with her large eyes. However, when she looked at the youth practising with his sword, an expression of adoration appeared in her eyes. “Young master Yun’s so handsome, and he looks so cool while training with his sword. With how diligent he is, he’ll definitely become powerful in future.” Time continued to pass, and the youth continued to strike out with his sword, killing those insects. Buzz! 10 metres away, a group of insects beat their wings as they flew over. Xiao Yun’s eyes flashed as he jumped over and slashed out. Swish, swish! Light reflected off the sword as the insects fell to the ground. All of them had either been pierced by the sword or cut in half. All of them had been killed by the sword itself, as opposed to the wind brought by the sword. If a cultivator at the Eighth Layer of Body Tempering attacked with his full strength, the power brought by the sword would be enough to kill that group of insects. However, killing them with the sword itself was different. This tested a cultivator’s control of the sword, as well as their speed and senses. Evidently, Xiao Yun had achieved this. “I’ve finally attained basic mastery.” At this moment, Xiao Yun finally stopped training. “Big bro, I’ll wipe your sweat for you!” Seeing that her big brother had finished training, Xiao Ling’Er hurriedly took out a towel and diligently wiped the sweat on his forehead. Her sincere and lovable appearance made her seem like a little wife. “I’ll do it myself.” Seeing his little sister look so cute and delightful, Xiao Yun smiled and wanted to take the towel from her. “No, won’t big bro let me do anything?” Xiao Ling’Er blinked, looking at the youth resolutely. It was as if him refusing would hurt her feelings, and make her feel useless. After all, usually it was her big brother looking after her, and she was unable to do anything to help him. “Girl, you don’t think your big bro’s smelly?” Xiao Yun laughed as he patted her head. “If big bro wants, Ling’Er will stay by your side forever and look after you,” Xiao Ling’Er said as she blinked and looked at the youth in front of her. There was a strange light inside her eyes as her eyelashes trembled and she looked down. “Miss Ling’Er, young master Yun has me to look after him.” Huan’Er walked over with a bowl of hot demonic python soup as she gave a bright smile, saying, “Young master, drink this fire python soup; it’ll help resist the chills.” When she heard Huan’Er’s words, a slight look of unhappiness appeared in Xiao Ling’Er’s beautiful eyes. Xiao Yun felt quite strange as she pouted and looked quite displeased. Did he say something wrong? After eating and drinking the soup, Xiao Yun did not continue to train with his sword, but instead went back to his room to continue cultivating the Heaven-Devouring Divine Art. After a night of cultivating, the youth finally stopped, and his eyes looked bright and piercing. Evidently, he was in a good mood. “My spirit energy has become stronger, and if this continues, I’ll soon be able to use my spirit energy to disrupt other people’s minds and spirits. I should go to the Violet Cloud Mountain now.” Now that he had attained basic mastery of the Cloud Piercing Sword Art and the Heaven-Devouring Divine Art, Xiao Yun’s self-confidence greatly increased, and he felt that he could go to the Violet Cloud Mountain. After all, relying on the thin Essence Qi here would make it difficult for him to break through. “However, I need to go see big sister Shi Fei before I go,” Xiao Yun thought as he headed towards the Duke’s manor. Back then, Yan Shi Fei had gone to the Violet Cloud Mountain to find a Violet Vine’s soul, but had returned injured. Whenever he thought to this, Xiao Yun felt quite guilty. He had always wanted to repay her, so this time, he wanted to see if he could find a Violet Vine’s soul in the depths of the Violet Cloud Mountain. That way, he would be able to fulfil his desire of many years. When Xiao Yun entered the Yan family’s residence, many of the family members greeted him in a friendly manner. “Good morning, young master Yun!” However, just as Xiao Yun was about to enter Yan Shi Fei’s courtyard, her mother suddenly said, “Xiao Yun has come to see Fei’Er again?” When he saw her gaze, it seemed that she didn’t quite welcome him, and wanted him to leave. This caused Xiao Yun to slightly frown. “Mmm,” Xiao Yun nodded. “Young master Yun, thank you for taking care of Fei’Er for the past 2 years. However, you’re not young anymore, so if there’s nothing important, please don’t go find her. It’s not very good for you or her; after all, a young Miss’ reputation is very important.” Yan Shi Fei’s mother gave a light laugh, pretending to be courteous. However, her words made it evident that she didn’t want Xiao Yun and her daughter to become any closer. The so-called reputation was just an excuse. Over the past 2 years, it was already known to almost the entire Violet Cloud County that Xiao Yun would go help the Yan family’s big Miss to extract her poison every once in a while. They were already quite close, so how could her reputation be sullied after all this time? Xiao Yun felt quite unhappy when he heard these words. However, he realised what it was about. “It’s probably because of the matter with Fang Hao.” The incident of Fang Hao threatening the Xiao family had probably been spread around the entire Violet Cloud County. Yan Shi Fei’s mother’s attitude was the best evidence. “Does she really think I’m inferior to that Fang Hao?” Xiao Yun’s mouth twitched at this thought. “I won’t be too long,” Xiao Yun replied as he looked towards Yan Shi Fei’s mother. “Mm, that’s good,” she replied. Xiao Yun bowed as he clasped his hands together and walked towards Yan Shi Fei’s courtyard. “The old man has asked people in the family to ask for a top-grade antidote pill. That way, we won’t need this Xiao Yun to help Fei’Er extract her poison anymore, and our girls won’t have to interact with him anymore. He has a trash Martial Spirit, and yet he offended Fang Hao. What sort of potential could he have?” Yan Shi Fei’s mother muttered to herself as she looked at the youth, then left. After walking into the courtyard, a light smile appeared on Xiao Yun’s face. Over the past 8 years, Xiao Yun had long since become used to being treated like this by others. As such, he completely understood what Yan Shi Fei’s mother was thinking. Xiao Yun shook his head and walked further into the courtyard. “Where’s your Miss?” Xiao Yun asked one of the maids. “Miss is currently bathing; please wait for a bit, young master Yun,” a lovely-looking maid courteously said. Xiao Yun was quite amazing to these people. Even True Essence realm experts were unable to extract this vicious poison, yet he could do it with ease. How many people could save others from death like him? It was a pity that this was a world where might was supreme. Unless his healing could reach a realm where he could bring the dead back to life and cause flesh to regrow over bones, it would be difficult for him to obtain the respect of martial cultivators. After a while, the young woman had finished bathing, and Xiao Yun was invited in. Yan Shi Fei was wearing an elegant gown, and her jet-black hair swung around her lovely bottom as her waist twisted. Her chest was quite large and perky, and her gown was unable to cover it up completely, which left some whiteness exposed. Beneath that whiteness was a deep gorge. Gulp! When he looked at the young woman’s perfect body, as well as the white rabbits that were almost bursting out, Xiao Yun gulped down a mouthful of saliva. “Bis sister Shi Fei’s becoming larger and larger,” Xiao Yun thought as he glanced at the young woman’s chest. His gaze was deeply attracted by what he saw. “Little brother Xiao Yun, you’ve come to see big sister again?” Yan Shi Fei’s waist turned as she patted her hair with her hands, causing beads of water to fall onto the ground. Just this simple action alone accentuated her beautiful figure even more. This was especially so because whenever she moved her hands, her large chest would shake. The whiteness caused the youth to stare as he wanted to see what sort of enchanting scene lay underneath. “Eh?” Yan Shi Fei had spoken, but hadn’t heard a response from the youth, which made her puzzled She looked over, and saw the youth’s burning hot gaze on her body. “Brat, what are you looking at?” Yan Shi Fei rolled her eyes at the youth, and stopped working on her hair. She stretched out, then walked towards Xiao Yun while twisting her supple hips, with a hint of anger in her eyes. However, Xiao Yun was evidently not very scared by her expression. Instead, he felt that she looked even more beautiful and breathtaking. The youth wrung his hands as he gave a light smile, saying, “Who told big sister Shi Fei to be so enchanting?” The young woman had just finished bathing, and she had quite a charming air around her; Xiao Yun was reluctant to look away. “You’re becoming more and more slippery-tongued,” Yan Shi Fei laughed as she chided him, but she didn’t seem angry or offended. “No way, it’s because big sister Shi Fei’s becoming prettier and prettier,” Xiao Yun said as he shrugged helplessly. 2 years ago, this young woman’s body still hadn’t fully developed, so he didn’t feel so enchanted. However, Xiao Yun felt as if the past 2 years had passed by like a dream, and this young woman’s figure magnetically attracted his eyes. Has big sister Shi Fei become prettier, or have I grown up? “Oh, you. Big sister really doesn’t know what to do with you.” Yan Shi Fei smiled at him and seemed quite happy. She sat at the chair next to the youth as she lightly held a tea cup, taking a sip. She wasn’t angry at all towards him. During these 2 years, because of the toxic poison, she had experienced quite a bit. Back then, almost all of the Violet Cloud County’s rich and powerful young masters tried to get close to her. However, after it was announced that there was no hope left for her, they all became cold and distant. Slowly, no one came to visit her, treating her like someone who was already a corpse. After experiencing the coldness of these people, Yan Shi Fei very rarely came into contact with others. However, Xiao Yun had continuously come to extract her poison for her over the past 2 years, which made her feel incredibly grateful. In this sort of boring and reclusive lifestyle, chatting with him and teasing each other made her feel quite relaxed. As such, Yan Shi Fei had slowly become used to this half-mature youth’s teasing.   Previous          Main menu          Next Click to Post
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