#i also dont know as much about hpd than I do about bpd and npd btw. i do know the traits and shit but its not as something I've looked
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cowchickenbeefpork · 8 months ago
What do you think about HPD for Riddler?
my Gotham instagram oomf head canons him as that plus npd! I don’t personally believe he would have it if we’re talking gotham edward, I do think he has hpd traits just like he has aspd traits as well but I don't think they're that extreme or common to count as much (I know I hc him as bpd also when it barely meets the criteria for that too but shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its real to me alright if gotham locked in more it would basically be canon let have this) when it comes comic riddler idk I need to read more comics to have thoughts on that, I've only read him in the long Halloween, questions multiply the mystery, and that one issue in knightfall where he's mad as shit all the other rogues are doing shit so he pretends to have a bomb on him on live television. he did not
i do respect the hc and think its interesting though, its a interesting read on him as a character, I think the only cluster b hc I have negative feelings for is aspd gotham ed I just cant see it guys I wont deny he has aspd traits but even conduct disorder feels like its pushing it I feel like he has aspd traits due to his other mental problems in gotham like his narcissism, psychosis, ocd problems you get what I mean ( otto kernberg when describing malignant narcissism says that sometimes non aspd having/non aspd traits having narcissists will act like them when their narcissistic defenses aren't helping them cope, that is what he feels like to me when he starts acting like that) you can have ur fun but it feels kinda like a mischaracterization of him that throws me off. people can view him however they like though my red is not your red I don't wanna be too mean that's weird
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yume-joshi · 2 years ago
going to talk abt obey me and how they are all extremely neurodivergent!!! gonna go through my thoughts on each characters who stands out to me in one way or another.
Lucifer- he has NPD. dont even try to argue with me about this. from the way he holds himself to an extremely high standard to how hes LITERALLY the avatar of pride, hes just a total narc and I love him dearly. I also consider him to be autistic. half bcuz he shows some signs half bcuz I'm autistic and love projecting onto characters. I think that the way he is so strict and finds being on time so important is extremely autistic of him. he follows a very specific routine, and if said routine is messed with, he is unapproachable for atleast the rest of the day. this is shown in likee late lesson 24 or early lesson 25 I forget. he also has issues with emotions. both showing and I think even identifying them. autistic man. ALSO ptsd. duh.
mammon: adhd. he has adhd. he doesnt have npd, HOWEVER, he totally shows symptoms. he acts like hes on top of the world but the second a minor inconvenience happens he is just. reduced to nothing. I also like the hc of him being dyslexic.
levi: AUTISM AUTISM AUTISM!!! yeah that ones obvious like extremely obvious. stg autism runs into the family or smth cuz it feels like mammon and asmo are the only allistics in that mf house. dont need to explain why Levi is autistic. its obvious. if you really need an explanation just ask. but I also think he has severe social anxiety. like to the point that he gets extremely sick at the thought of social interaction. over the years, and with lots of trial and error medication, he can sort of deal with it now. still freaks him out though.
Satan: I think he takes after his father. like. A LOT. he is so npd and so autistic. I think that he really prides himself on his smarts but like. if he were to fail/get an average mark on a test (especially if lucifer got a high mark) he would disintegrate out of pure self hatred. if lucifer is better than him in any academic topic, you can practically feel the envy and rage coming from him. lucifer understands how he feels, and always tries to help him with his npd issues, but that just upsets him tenfold. "you think that *I* need *YOUR* help??? disgusting!". he has such issues I love him so much. not much to comment on his autism. also quite obvious, especially in nightbringer.
beel: autism. binge eating disorder. ptsd.
belphie: autism. BPD!!!!! B!! P!!! D!!!!!!!! I will scream it from the roof tops THAT MAN HAD BPD IDC WHAT YOU SAY!! impulsivity (especially when angry), unstable relations (mostly hc), uncontrolled anger, chronic emptiness (hc), self destructiveness, fear of abandonment. you look into the DSM-5 and there is a picture of him there. I think that. he might have PTSD too.
diavolo: autism. I dont care what anyone says I think he is an autistic woman who was just forced into masking. c-ptsd due to mainly emotional neglect.
solomon: autism. no canon reason to support this I'm just projecting. c-ptsd. he has very complicated feeling surrounding loneliness and abandonment due to his childhood.
simeon: autism. C-PTSD!!!!!!! I think that. there wasnt nessacarily anything that could generally be considered traumatizing. but a lot of things in his early days were extremely stressful for him. I think that hes always questioned the word of God just a bit. he made sure nobody ever found out, but he always had doubt within him. this has always eaten at him, as he is supposed to be an angel. Angel's do not doubt the word of their father,, so, why does he?
ermm okay I think that's. enough ranting for today...
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buntress · 1 year ago
danny canonically (well, canon enough, it was a remark from the developers) has npd right. and I have hpd and bpd and they share a lot of symptoms, being cluster b personality disorders and all. so I can proudly say
that man has awful identity issues. he spent so long pretending to be other people for praise, attention and safety that he has no idea who "Danny Johnson" is at all. sometimes he isn't even sure he's actually human. he likely dissociates a lot. he only really thought about it a while after he got taken by the entity, seeing there isnt anything to do outside of trials hes likely been in his own mind most of the time.
he may act buddy-buddy with them as a sort of second nature but he's really insecure with himself and so manifests it as hatred for other killers. (it may also be the 'canon' reason ghostface players tend to be very chill with survivors, despite him being a misanthrope. he feels safer with them because he has the cloak of superiority and being a threat with them which he doesnt have with the killers ykyk) after all he's just an average guy with a knife and knowledge on stalking, hes not overly strong without the entity's help, or tall, or supernatural in any way. to him his "backstory" isnt even bad as any of the other killers, to him at least. (it definitely was, man was literally groomed to be a murderer by his dad. but your trauma never looks as bad as the other people's you know)
also hes FTM and was 3 years on T up until he got taken by the entity (his body time kinda paused after that so he didnt revert to being feminine dw). he still has a set of tits and a coochie because in his words "surgery recovery is a waste of time, it will get suspicious if ghostface goes silent for 6 whole months" :3 he's happy with his body though... mostly. anyway thats the reason he's always hunching during trials. cant wear a binder during a chase thatd be inconvenient (please imagine a ghostface coughing and wheezing and begging the survivors to wait for him now. thank you)
he's still silly, a little clumsy but its one of the things he's less insecure about tbh. an all serious ghostface is not fun and not what wes craven would want.
anyway I need him to get a therapist so bad. bbygirl dw you wont lose your spark the spark in question is you dissociating for hours at a time on your apartment bed having a barbie movie moment like "what was I made for..." therapy will help you babygirl I promi-
to share my own while i am at it Teehee (i love him so much)
I def agree on the dissociation and fucked up sense of identity, mans is a messed up lil fuck and def needs to go see an entity ordered therapist. I personally def put Danny on the aro spectrum (i dont think ace personally, aroallo moment imo) though i think more on the demi or greyaro side, and if any of the survivors are ever like, flirty he just stares at them and slowly shakes his head because oh no babygirl one thats a bad idea to try and do and two you are not the person my brain has made an exception for thats for fucking sure
(I'm demiromantic myself so I describe it like that bc im basically aromantic until my brain makes an Exception(tm))
Alsoalsoalso very down for him not being friends with the other killers bc hatred and lowkey jealousy but I think he looks at the legion kids and is like "Cool, I'm your uncle now." because they're the only ones like him at all, just normal dudes even smaller than he is because theyre basically just fucked up teenagers so he feels a slight kinship and he definitely doesn't play favorites at all (this is a lie Suzy is his perfect little baby and he goes full cool uncle mode with her 100% all the time)
Also Also because self shipping noises when/if a survivor or killer (im using survivor mostly bc that's where I see myself self insert wise) does catch his interest in a romantic he genuinely just fucking panics and doesn't know what the fuck to do about it. He fumbles with them a lot and suddenly most of his smooth and cool dude exterior? Gone. Vanished. Fumbling even more than usual and it makes him SO MAD so he just.......threatens them a lot and hooks them a lot because fuck you stop making me feel things i hate you but also please just like hold my hand or something what the fuck
When finally the survivor is like DUDE WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR DAMAGE and blows up on his ass he's like IDK MAN YOU GIVE ME BIG FEELINGS AND I DON'T LIKE IT COULD YOU STOP MAYBE????
anyways when that shits sorted I imagine it being a mutual (healthy) obsession thing where Danny treats his partner like they're the entity incarnate and partner does similar for him and everyone is disgusted by it but at least everytime partner is around in trials he's nice to them so like they can't complain.
If it was a killer though they would become absolute terrors and no one would be safe ever. Skip through the moldy corn fields holding hands kinda shit. Absolute fucking idiots.
(Also at one point he tries to give partner a bouquet of flowers except it was like 4 dandelions and a leaf and he ate one of the dandelions)
Anyways I love Danny Johnson I am kissing him on the mouth
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theboykingofhell · 8 years ago
raven boys
raven boys more like the most neurodivergent boys in the south
gansey: ah i neglect gansey so much as a character which i think is a fault of the narration but also, like, the point of his arc... boy is dying of anxiety every second of his life. he’s also SO. SO. UM. SO PTSD UM... ANGEL...! he canonically hallucinates because of his trauma, yall, he’s actually literally a psychotic and i love him. i also think adhd+autism is a good fit for him, don’t you think i can ignore his hyperfixation/special interest that is welsh history. and he fidgets constantly and he just. is. cuutee. he definitely has a problem with cognitive empathy while also feeling so much for his friends. i would also give him bpd AND hpd because, 1) it’s impossible for this boy not to be cluster b have you seen him, 2) what is my identity who am i??? 3) what ISN’T a sense of self hi i’m richard campbell gansey the third the most fakey fake individual in the world who has carefully and carelessly shambelled together a million fancy aesthetics and traits so that you love me haha pls love me haha pls love me 4) honestly i can talk about gansey’s histrionic and borderline tendecies forever dont tempt me i accidentally kept bold on
ronan: hey! while i’m here wouldn’t it be so much better if ronan was a black boy considering so much of his characterization would have actually been perfect and revolutionary despite maggie stievacter and all the well-meaning-but-tragically-incorrect white ppl like her think otherwise but that’s a post for another day lol ANYWAY he’s been diagnosed as antisocial. it doesn’t mean he IS. it doesn’t mean he isn’t. but umm. ronan is put through the wringer tbh people glance at him and make the worst judgements based on him, and based on his criminal record and tendencies for violence, man... anyway if you didn’t think i was making this boy schizoaffective you don’t know me hi. i would also give him bpd, i would give him c-ptsd, i would give him adhd, i would give him psychotic depression on TOP of his schizoaffective-ness like, yeah, that’s right, ronan’s DEPRESSION has got fucking depression, he’s drowning in it. listen ronan does not stay in therapy enough to get a proper actual diagnosis, he gets those rly annoying brief ones where you talk for 45 minutes and then they’re like ‘you have this’ and you go ‘cool’ and then you leave and then 2 years later after you try and jump off a building you see another therapist and they’re like ‘actually you not only have this but you ALSO have that’ and you’re like cool and then you get arrested and sent to another therapist i’m not projecting my high school experience on him YOU are
adam: p...t...s.....d............................................................................ and bipolar type 2 like i want to be clear that he goes through depressive cycles FAR more often than hypomanic ones. i think, because, let’s be real, would adam.. ever.. want to admit to himself that he needs psychiatric help... that it’s the type that will later progress into bipolar 1, and then later progress into something worse, again, adam has canonically hallucinated before so. he also has a problem with dissociation which is def linked to his trauma but i want to make a POINT of that, that, this is something that i think also gets worse before it gets better, and that adam’s mental illnesses will end up mashing together and manifesting into something rly severe (meanwhile ronan is getting a lot better and his starts to settle down over time..). i think he’d also be pretty susceptible to an eating or sleeping disorder, or psychosomatic illnesses which makes me rly sad (refusal to accept what he has and constant repression of his symptoms leading to him having actual physical health problems oh god my heart my baby..)
noah: AH NOAH MY POSTER CHILD FOR ADHD. speaking of projecting my high school experiences on trc characters (and i am sorry that literally every hc i have is ‘they have bipolar’ but, like, they all do) but did you know! that! sometimes if they only treat your depression without treating your mania, you can get stuck in a PERPETUAL MANIC MOOD SWING for, uh, ever? haha. hi noah. he has very supportive parents but that’s kind of causing his downfall, i see noah bein on a LOT of the... not-as-correct-as-they-could-be meds but also skipping them and crashing a lot but also abusing drugs a lot (is that a canon thing? well now it’s a canon thing).. you can induce bipolar through drug use tbh so i think that’s pretty much what happened... i think he also has seasonal depression and winters are Hell for him so he just SPRINGS up once spring comes along, pun not intended. he’s also got some general anxiety but compared to everything else, it wasnt too bad...! still existed tho. this is all when he was, ahem. alive. by the way. yeah.
henry: um hello can we get a beautiful ptsd+hpd+npd angel up in here wow hello henryyyy.... congrats on being the only raven boy with the ability to concentrate and VAGUELY have a stable mood... oh, what’s this... sleep disorders out the wazoo??? NOICE. anyway, i think henry just is insomniac af (like more than all the others, tbh, when do any of them fucking sleep the answer is never).. i think he gets night terrors a lot too but i think henry is also the most well adjusted when it comes to his orders so he approaches them more as a ‘haha! another night, another moment being suspended in the flaming bowels of hell!’ thing than anything that really... hinders... also think he had a bout of some sort of ED when he was younger and he recovered from that yay henry, so good
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