#i also didnt know how i wouldve asked in their shoes
bxdtime-ceai · 1 month
Tbh a lot of -phobia language on tumblr has made it a lot harder for a lot of you guys to have genuine human conversations. If your first instinct is to yell "that's xphobic!!!" or "that's xphobia!!!" and nothing more then I have one question for you: do you know that your comment is doing nothing and going nowhere? Wild how so many ppl online cannot have actual conversations on difficult topics to save their lives
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spro-o · 6 months
okay, so,,, i got back to reading 4kota, and i have so many thoughts of literally every nature
okay so, allow me to rant a lil
bro why the actual fuck is Arthur just magical hitler now?? 😭 like hello???? it genuinely makes me really sad because he was such a sweet and likable character for most of 7ds and now he wants to create an ethnostate for humans only???? it just breaks my heart, man
SAME WITH JERICHO LIKE HELLO? QUEEN, YOURE BETTER THAN THIS. genuinely tho- nakaba try not to make all your characters pedos challenge (impossible). there are literally so many other ways in which Jericho could have ended up in a similar situation, but nakaba really just chose pedophilia? it couldve been something along the same lines just without the romantic attraction!! a family bond can be just as strong- and it couldve been something like her losing Lancelot or in some other way letting him down, and then thinking that he despises her and holds onto that grudge (which, judging his character it wouldve probably been a small spat that he got over) - but maybe Jericho didnt understand that, or wasnt ready to face him, expecting him to be livid - so she asked for an alternative reality where that didnt happen and they got along great as sister/brother or master/trainee. i wouldnt put Jericho past being so stubborn that she wouldnt believe when Lance would say that he forgave her, and then boom!! same set-up, just without the nasty pedophilia!!
ON THE NOTE OF WHICH- (theres so much of that garbage in nakaba's writing, fucks sake) - i genuinely hate the whole thing happening with Guinevere. the whole non-consensual kiss from a 12 year old to a 16 year old (ewwwww) is one thing, but then when Lance is reflecting on that interaction and he SMILES????
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you have no idea how much this panel killed me to see. Lancelot youre better than this,,,, 4 years is not a big age difference when youre in your 30's, but when youre 16???? please,,,, cmon now,,,
speaking of whommmmm~~ ,,, I ADORE LANCELOT!! SO MUCH!! this is to be expected considering i love Ban, bUT- hes genuinely just such a cool and wonderful character that has some sense in him. i especially loved those panels where he was like jumping around to get himself hyped up cuz like!! Ban does that!!!! i love,,,,
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elizabeth (looking gorge btw, i love that for her) is unfortunately reduced to an object of fondling yet again 😔 literally like the second panel that shes in and shes getting grabbed and groped by Meliodas?? it just feels mad disrespectful to her really deep character that she has such a minor role when you ignore her being sexualised by Mel (in reality nakaba, but i digest)
i love that panel where Anne tells Isolde about what chastity actually is hbghjnhbjh
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I FEEL SO BAD FOR NASIENS WHEN PERCY IS ALL UP IN ANNES BOOBS. genuinely- the dropped bag, and all of he blushing that happened before it during their interactions,,,, that shit broke my heart, man
nakaba try not to draw teenagers naked challenge (impossible) (chapter 86 cover)
this is literally like the cutest fucking thing ever????? i want more calm, slice of life stuff for our skrunglies. they deserve a break
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someone, please, stop all this shit going on with Guinevere (writing this while reading chp 87) – I really despise the fact that nakaba has to make like literally all of the relationships either look like they have a massive age gap (Ban and Elaine), or actually have a fucking criminal age gap (Mel and Ellie). it really is not that difficult to just write a relationship where there is a <2 year age gap, did you know that, nakaba?? crazy, I know (deadass, while I don’t ship them, it would at least be bearable if she was also like 15-16, just not 12 TT)
chion is such a fucking pain in the ass oh mah gahhhhhh
I love Gawain’s lesbian antics <3
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At this point, though I love seeing the characters interact in more casua circumstances, id rather have more fight scenes than god awful, shoe-horned romances between any two characters of the opposite gender (exceptions being Nasiens and Gawain, my sillies <3)
okay,,, thats it for now, but do expect more at some point or another huiyuvghbijhb
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camzverse · 4 months
Howdy!! I really like ur spider duo AU, I have some questions!!
1. What are Spider-Van and Spidey's power sets, and do they have any extra special abilities other than their spider powers?
2. How did Vanessa and Gregory first meet? Must have been a chaotic story.
3.  I'll be blunt with this one but, does Gregory have alive parents or is he an orphan/foster kid? 💀💀 also, does he live with Vanessa?
4. Does Cassie know/met Roxanne in person?
5. Bc Roxy doesn't know she's a werewolf bc of memory loss, how does she cope with the massive gaps in her memory when she goes back to normal?
6. What does the media think of Spider-Van and Spidey? Which comes to my personal favorite question, have either of them been cancelled for something stupid?
7. Does Fazcorp want to capture Ness and Greg or do they not care abt them being spider-people?
ok so their powers are mostly the same but there are some discrepanciesss. spider-van doesnt have wall-crawling (since the spider that bit her was an early prototype it lacked that ability) and spidey only got somewhat increased strength rather than super strength. they both have organic webbing, spider sense, increased agility and balance, ykyk. i think thats everything ? also i was thinking of giving spidey the venom strike power (aka miles morales' electricity thing) but idk idk. and as for any other special abilities, cant really think of any.. ^_^;
storytimeee :3 so it happened the day after gregory got bit. so like his powers just kicked in today and he has no idea wtf is happening. and it was on a school day so hell broke loose a bit. anyway he runs out of school bc hes in a. kerfuffle. to say the least. his powers are going haywire hes got various objects stuck to his hands etc yk how it is. so hes walking down the street and unbeknownst to him vanessa (as spider-van rn) is engaged in a fight with some villain. hes waaay too focused and concerned with his own situation to even NOTICE the fight. and like its a pretty big messy fight and at one point van hits the villain and they go crashing down RIGHT at where gregory is. van quickly moves him out of the way (he falls onto the ground though and also the stuff that was stuck to his hands falls off) and is like "woah hey you alright??" and literally as shes finishing her sentence he webs her in the face. Not intentionally. but yeah his powers are still going totally haywire and he accidentally shoots a web RIGHT in her face. he tries to run away bc hes incredibly panicked but she doesnt let him go bc she realizes the material of the web he just flung at her head is identical to that of her webs (prob not a common material so shed recognize it) so shes asking like "how did you do that?" and she kinda grabs his arm bc she assumed he had built some device that can shoot webs like that but thats when they have like a Spidey Sense Thing like in into the spiderverse and she Realizes. more happens after that but yeah thats how they initially met 😋😋
in typical spider-man fashion gregs parents are dead. dead as hell. what shoes they got on in their grave. (/ref) but uhh idk i was thinking he lives with an aunt or smth and id have her die early in the story like how uncle ben dies ykyk. but im not rly solid on that. i just havent thought of a living situation for him in this au that satisfies my brain perfectly.. so take everything i just said with a grain of salt bc its subject to change (except his parents will still be dead that part im solid on)
cassie has met roxanne one time :) she goes to her races a lot but there was one time when she was younger that her dad got like vip tickets or smth that let her actually meet roxy in person
well at first she didnt even notice the gaps in her memory because she had been transforming at nighttime and wouldve been asleep, but soon the transformations started happening earlier and multiple times a day and she was. extremely concerned. about the memory loss. but she was really trying to act as if nothing was wrong bc for all she knew, maybe nothing was wrong . maybe she had just gotten confused. and if something was wrong it could be smth bad for her career or whatever and she did NOT want to risk that so she covered it up/ignored it/hid it yk. she doesnt even know what had happened until she gets apprehended as the "she-wolf" (as shes nicknamed by the press) by spider duo and wakes up in a containment room of a lab that would then try to fix her whole werewolf problem
oh the media LOVES them. or at least the public does. theres still like one newspaper company thats on their asses 24/7 but generally yeah the people are big fans (people actually even sell merch of them in universe its funny. theyve bought some of their own merch too) . and YEAH lmfao they have both been cancelled at least once. spidey moreso than van. like she gets cancelled maybe just one time but hes been cancelled likee 3+ times. its always some crazy ass misunderstanding too like he'll make a harmless goofy comment and people will b like "Oh so he thinks babies should die." like its crazy. or he saves someone and theyre like "what can i do to thank you" and he makes a joke like "can you do my science homework? Lol" and suddenky some rnadom group of parents is trying to cancel him for promoting academic fraud or some shit idk man. but yeah no lmao rvery once in a while some rando starts trying to cancel them. also think it woukd be funny for them to get kinda cancelled like how miles morales did in atsv with like the baby powder or whatever LMAO. its funby. But on a more serious note they technically got cancelled during the glitchtrap/venom arc since they pretty much turned evil and everyone turned on them. took a whiiile to come back from that after ut was over. thats not some stupid silly thing tho so whatevs
at first fazcorp didnt care about capturing or stopping them like at all. they actually cooperated a couple of times before. they were on decent terms. however when freddy shows up things change in the fazcorp-spider duo dynamic.. after freddy goes rogue from fazcorp and is about to be taken down by spider duo, someone from fazcorp shows up to apprehend and take back freddy but van and spidey dont want them to take him back since at this point they know what they built him for and do Not want rhat to continue. so they fight and win but fazcorp is furious theyve interfered with their operations. before they had a 'you dont bother me, i dont bother you, and maybe ill help u too' type of deal but. well that wont work anymore. afterwards fazcorp begins doing things to create more villains and try to take them down. etc etc. so by a later point yeah they do definitely care about capturing them. plus they can study them. but them being spider-people alone wasnt enough for them to try to capture them yk
THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTIONS!!!1!1!1 im so joyous 🤗🤗 i love talking about this au
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gentil-minou · 2 years
YOUR 2521 ASK REPLY, YES TO ALL OF IT. god, this drama could've been top 3 dramas of all time if it wasn't for the ending. never going to forgive them giving us a story about hope and love, and friendship only to end it that way. like you said, if they wanted me to BELIEVE these characters would do this to each other, you shouldn't save it for the last 2 episodes. they were literally not wanting to let go of each other at the bus stop. the writer could've easily fixed the story then. they couldn't be apart or not care about the other that they RAN TO FIND EACH OTHER, CRYING, HOLDING ON TO EACH OTHER, THEY DID NOT WANT TO LET GO. also... when people say its realistic... not for them, it made no sense for them. like you said, they built such an amazing foundation as friends and suddenly they break up and suddenly, they can't ever speak to the other again apparently??? how is that realistic? even if they did break up, u cant convince me heedo and yijin wouldn't have kept in touch. also, heedo carrying yijin everywhere with her, from the rainbow chairs to writing what she did on her daughter's ballet shoes, to her looking like she still feels grief about them not being together. btw idk if you know but they were planning to add a shot of heedo's husband with their daughter when she was younger getting on a bus, and im glad they didnt use it cus where have you even been? the way heedo's face lights up when she talks about him or when her mom mentions him. the way shes constantly saying 'thats life.. nothing lasts forever' god i hate it. like yeah but how do you not remember a trip you took with someone you cared deeply about and also your new friends. for the first time in your life, these were your actual friends. things dont last bc you dont put effort into them anymore, obviously sometimes life gets in the way but we started this show in the time of the pandemic... would've been so nice to see them still connect with each other at the end on video call or something. i knew the show was based off this song about lost love, but i actually thought the writer was way too hopeful with her characters to actually end it on a bad note. i thought it wouldve been the same intentions til the end but the last 2 eps felt like they threw darts to pick an ending. 9/11?? bro come on. anyways sorry this is so long, i have lots of feels about it but ironically i miss the characters so much im on my like 4th rewatch (where i skip older heedo and the last 2 eps) but ngl, it never feels right when i end it there :'(
Literally yes to all of this. None of it made any damn sense and it had to be that the director and writer were telling two different stories. In kdrama land, I think the writer only needs to have the first few scripts ready for the production to pick it up and that's why the director and actors chose it cause those first few eps are like among the best episodes over ever watched. I feel like they starred the drama thinking it would end a certain way and when it didn't the writer didn't want to change her story to adapt to the characters (which to be fair I get that it's her story). It just feels like a major disconnect between the production team and God I will never be okay
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loveinglymii2 · 1 year
i watched dangerous romance and i truly love it already i like the dynamic between sailom and kang i do i like that sailom is a very smart dude and he uses his brain against kangs bullying and isnt shying away from him trying to bully him he lets him do it then thinks of a way around it like when kang has him cornered after he tried to tell the teacher that kang was bullying his friend he saw the other teacher and asked her if she needed help after he spat on kang shoes or when he notices kang slipping his card into his shirt pocket and playing along with kang acting like he didnt steel it and letting his boss check him only for the card to be back in kangs pants pocket (i need to know how sailom did that btw) and my favorite thing he does is when hes surrounded by all those kids taunting him to kiss his friend auto with their phones out and right when he was leaning in to kiss auto he swiftly changes his direction and plants a fat one on kang instead bc i know that he knows that if he had actually kissed auto that video wouldve been everywhere and the bullying wouldve either continued or he couldve gotten in trouble with the school (kind of like in never let me go when ben and the main character got their kiss sent to the whole school, I forgot the main characters name opps) but since he kissed kang he knows those videos will be deleted or kang would definitely hurt whoever posted them heck hed probably get them expelled
with that being said im extremely sad bc i dont want to wait until next week to get another episode i want all episodes to be available now but i will be patient and calm but its just i cant wait to see the shift to see kang realizing that he has a crush on sailom and that hed do anything for him to make sailom happy like he hated him and wanted to see him destroyed only to care about him in the end and find peace and understanding and heck maybe even a purpose from what ive seen in the trailers it seems like hes really lost i dont know if im explaining this right bc im not a good writer but this is how i feel also i wonder how sailom is going to get out of this debt and who called the police on his brother and whats going to happen to him after his brother goes to jail whats he going to jail for also like hes a teenager but he almost becomes like a s*gar baby/sw how does that work and how does kang find out about that this is from the trailer so we obviously dont know the full story of the s*garbaby/sw storyline yet but that intrigues me bc like how and it seems he meets the person that introduces that line of work at the carwash place and im like why are the adults not watching out for this child to make sure grown men arent trying to pimp him out but i guess it kind of establishing fairly early in the show that the adults (with the exception of autos mom shes an angel i love her) are trash so yea
i think i have more thoughts on this show but im not 100% sure how i should talk about it but ive watched it twice today and i think i might watch it again tomorrow after only friends to see if theres anything else ive picked up on what would truly be an amazing bit to this show is if kang had always had a secret crush on sailom that would be really interesting also this was giving major boys over flowers for a second there ok now im really down
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watching a bit of that scene start of 12x5 where shes looking for the master and wow it just really sank in for me how different of a companion experience the fam had. she says she goes home [dramatic pause] on her own and yaz asks “why? why not with us?”
rose: first date martha: Weird Melodramatic Bullshit on her second trip donna: first meeting amy: ...i dont...actually remember oh im disappointing myself here. but by episode two she knows hes so very old and so very kind and the very very last of his kind and he cant stand and watch children cry clara: we’ve got that whole death in heaven/last christmas fiasco bill: “bill, missy, the Other Last Of The Time Lords”
they dont know!! they dont know what Home means!! this has been like the idk the fucking mud we stand on for all new who!! and They Dont Know
it’s- it’s WILD putting myself in their shoes their idea of The Doctor is so vastly different from any other new who companion. it really really is. like if they meet a previous regeneration sure they’ll recognise the Doctorness. but like, different trauma. it’s really weird
like, for all previous new who companions the doctor is like, their Friend (you know, special Friend status it’s always a bit Different, how do you explain your relationship with the doctor as a companion well youknow, theyre your Friend, anyway) their Friend who is Lonely and Hurt and Shouldnt Travel Alone, and who has such impressive admirable ideals and needs someone to keep them to them, appreciates the people who can, appreciates the people who share them. and theyre a bit mysterious sure but information will trickle out, when it’s relevant, such a long life you wouldnt expect them to share it all at once
to the fam the doctor is more like, their Friend who likes her privacy, who keeps her doors closed and her distance, but who loves showing you around the universe. she appreciates your input the way a tour guide appreciates an engaged audience, but you dont touch the things youre not supposed to touch. you leave that to the professionals. she’ll show you around. dont go poke at things yourself and get in trouble.
other new who companions would see the doctor be stupid and smack them over the head verbally, physically, spiritually, whatever way necessary to say “dont be fucking stupid”. you dont go around smacking your tour guide. there are boundaries.
she doesnt tell them about her life and they cant ask more than is polite. they cant sit down on an alien planet and go “im not moving until you talk to me properly”. like, yaz probably can. i think during s12 it’s iffy and it’s complicated by the fact that the doctor is Not Okay which also affects the boundaries in yet another direction. but s11 they really couldnt do that.
they dont know how old she is. it never comes up. for all they know she looks her age. they dont know why she looks human. they dont know where she got the tardis from. they couldnt do what amy did in the beast below because they knew the doctor so well. they couldnt do what donna did in fires of pompeii and put their hands on the button. they couldnt do what clara did in death in heaven and bluff their way out of getting shot by cyberman by rattling of the doctor’s biography. not through any fault of their own, the fam couldnt do Any of that.
and it’s not like thats new information to me, some of my first posts on here were about passenger vs companion status and what the fam knows but i guess it just Hit me suddenly? how different their view of the doctor is compared to previous new who companions.
“why? why not with us?”
are we not friends enough yet that you could let us into your life a bit more? are we not friends enough yet that we’re allowed to know where youre from?
she DISAPPEARS. they have no idea where to. im assuming during s11 they were together most of the time? the fam dont seem to get home much at least. can we assume she didnt just disappear then sometimes? if she did it wouldve been rarer i think. i cant honestly say that i cant see her do it. once every couple of weeks. just go somewhere quiet and stare into space and come back barely missed and ready to go another few weeks. she’d probably have very plausible reasons. like 10 and donna in midnight. you go lounge around by the pool im going on this tour. probably enough opportunities for stuff like that where she could without suspicion disappear for a few hours.
but then youre getting an idea. youre getting an idea of a life of a person who seems like they dont have much going on except for what you share. theyre with you basically all the time. they dont mention any other attachments (ha funny i hurt myself), friends, family, home. and they mention enough other things that the white noise kinda fills all the gaps. you dont notice it’s all popcorn until Some Guy shows up, the One attachment she apparently does have, and hes like a whole Evil Guy, and he tries to kill you all. and then you realise wait what the fuck we dont know anything
and then they ask “why not with us?” and i realise, wait what the fuck they dont know anything
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eternallyhyucks · 3 years
just my type | park sunghoon
requested by: @overthemoonbae <3
pairing: ice skater! sunghoon x gn! reader ft. bsf! jake
word count: 676
genre/warnings: fluff, none
—note: this fic is super self indulgent & naming fics is so hard
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𖤐 ྀ
“im so excited” you say as you stepped out of the car and into the ice skating rink with your friend, jake
“me too!!” he replied. neither of the two of you had ever gone ice skating so you both agreed to rely on each other in the rink
after paying for tickets, jake asks you what shoe size he should get for you and makes his way to grab them. in the meantime, you sat on the benches right outside the rink and watched the people already skating inside.
jake sat down next to you and set your shoes on the ground. as the two of you began putting the shoes on, jake giggles and looks at you. “what??” you say confused.
“theres a guy in the rink that looks exactly like someone you’d like” he says giggling again
“you’re so annoying. also they probably arent because you think anyone thats tall with black hair is my type, jake”
“and im right about it”
“are not”
“okay then look at the guy when he skates by the side and tell me yourself. you’re gonna end up adding him to the list of random encounters youve had w cute guys. he’ll be ‘ice skater boy’“
“ha ha very funny.” you say unamused. “which one is he”
“black jacket”
you start looking for a tall boy with black hair and a black jacket and immediately see one, but his back was turned.
“he’s turned around” you say standing up. “lets go in the rink”
“why so you can get a better look at your new lover boy” jake says smirking.
“shut up”
you step on the ice and slide to the side to make space for jake to step into the rink.
as jake began trying to balance on the ice, a group of people skid past him. he quickly grabbed your arm and you both fell butt first on the ice
you sigh and hold the bar on the side of the rink, lifting yourself up.
“okay lets get to skating now” you say as jake stood up next to you
“no lets go towards lover boy first”
“what why”
“so i can prove to you that hes exactly your type. the blueprint even”
you roll your eyes and start making your way towards the boy in the black jacket
as you and jake got closer to the boy, jake slowed down and got behind you, making you look back at him in confusion
“why’d you-” before you could finish your sentence, jake pushed you towards the boy and the two of you fell onto each other
“oh my god im so sorry, my friend pushed me and” you paused as you looked at his face. of course jake was right. he was exactly your type.
“oh my gosh!!! i didnt realize other people were there!!!” jake was now standing above you with a smug look on his face.
the boy swiftly got up and extended his hand to help you get up. “you’re good, it surprisingly happens a bunch” he said smiling. “im sunghoon by the way”
“y/n” you say awkwardly.
after a long minute, sunghoon spoke up. “uh ill let you two get back to skating”
“NO” jake yelled as sunghoon began turning
“no?” you and sunghoon say in unison
“yeah.. because like we uh we dont know how to skate and you seem like you know how so can you help us!! by us i mean y/n because im basically a pro already” jake said smiling
“you fell as soon as you stepped on the ice jake”
“im a little rusty thats it🙄”
sunghoon laughed and looked at you “im down to help, if you’re okay with it”
“yeah, i am” you smile back
sunghoon stood in front of you and took your hands in his as he led you through the rink
watching them, jake smiled and whispered to himself. “im such a good matchmaker”
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@overthemoonbae , @yejicrossing , @baekswoons , @igsana , @renjunn1es , @junityy , @pr0dbeomgyu , @gyuuss , @sungsunnie , @fiantomartell , @wccycc , @jscvpid , @koishua , @changminurheart , @rainbowglitteramythyst , @amouryu , @baekhyunstruly , @soobin-chois
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idjitlili · 4 years
Blah its me
Kili x Modern!reader
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Summary:Imagine Kili being sent to find you ,to only to see you dressing by a small river,spotting your belly button piercing. And him liking your earrings so much that he asks you to pierce his ears.
over 2280 words
You we apart of Thorin's company since you fell upon fron the sky ,whacking your head on a tree,landing face first infront of the company who rode ponies.You had used your arms to stop you whacking your face in the mud. You had groaned,standing up brushing the mud from your bottom."I have been falling for 30 minutes!" you had growled not noticing the bunch of dwarves,a hobbit and a wizard had been eyeing you. "d-did she just fall out of the sky?" the hatted dwarf had spoke ,in which in time you learned to know his name as Bofur.
The dwarves sat still on their ponies in spoke,until the youngest Durin prince spoke "did it hurt when you fell from the heavens of malah?" he spoke flirting while you as the older dark haired dwarf turned around and shot him a look,which he simply ignored. "I feel some stairs and ended up here not down from heaven..." the words slipped quietly from your lips ,the wizard had looked at you thinking before he spoke "it seems that this maiden is not from middle earth  ,Am I correct?" you wanted to know who the fuck he knew that."middle earth,what no,its just earth." he hummed at you. Soon after that you were apart of the company,to much off Thorins disagreement you were in.
Which led you to now you were in Rivendell already;Thorin didnt like that very much. You were quite happy with about ,Elrond had given you a room with a bath,you hadnt had a proper clean in a long while. Plus a cute elf named Lindir,had accompanyed you to your room,offering you his arm. You had happily taken it blushing,the dwarves werent impressed by this ,Kilis face scrunched up in jealousy.
It wasnt a shock to Fili that his brother had grown to have a crush on you,a strange girl from another world. He knew better to keep it to himself ,and only tease Kili about it quietly. Thorin was only just beginning to like you,Fili didnt want you being left on the side of the road if his uncle found out about his youngest nephews feelings for you.
You had thanked Lindir greatly for helping you to your room,he had smiled at you "you are very welcome lady y/n,Elrond has told me about you and wishes me to inform you that if you would like you can stay here in Rivendell." you didnt know what to say ,you loved it in Rivendell and Lindir was indeed bodacious,but you grown to like a certain prince. Not that you could do anything about it,he was royalty ,you were a mere human ,not that kili acted like a prince more immature than anything.
"I really couldnt,they would feel betrayed,"you spoke quietly.looking at your dirty shoes. "though its not only reason is it?" his voice was like silk in noise,golden smooth,his head high as you look up at him ,shaking your head no. "Im sure he returns your love." you almost choked ,as he left how could he known,damn. You turned into your room almost turning into sonic running to the bath. Soon scrubbing yourself with the rich soaps and oils,conditioning your hair.  
After you had wrapped yourself in one towel;another in your hair. Slowly dressing yourself in your short underwear,not boxers but they were were shorts and underwear. And your bra from your world ,about to put on the mint green dress Elrond had sent to your room,well was until the door knocked. "who is it?" (james franco pineapple express,yeah you sound like that ) "Bluh it's me" he stated ,je was still annoyed about Lindir,but he didnt hold it to you ,it wasnt his choice who you liked. You hadnt realised that you were fully dressed ,your wet hair now down ,water making your skin shine against the light.  As you walked towards the door,opening it to reveal Kili he hadnt yet bathed clearly.
His eyes quickly scanned your body,blushing as he say you in your underclothes,you looked at him confused to his facial expresion. "Im sorry , I disturbed you,its just dinner is ready," You had looked down to see what he gestured about ,you had blushed in embarrassment."oh god,yeah I'll be right there." you tried to play it off ,but his eyes still kept glancing ,he nodded turning to leave,but a jem catches his eye.
He turns back to you loooking down at your bellybutton gasping "Is that a jem in your bellybutton?"he beyond shocked he had never seen something like it before,he didnt understand why you hadnt shown it off,he thought it was beautiful. "oh..um its my belly button piercing?" he had looked even more confused ,looking down to see how it worked. You sighed pulling him in by his arm,making him almost fall over,sitting him on the side of the bed,you laying flat next to him. So your stomach looked flatter than when it did when you sat,not that you should be ashammed ,it was just so he could see. He had looked at you as you unscrewed the ball pulling out the bar. "see theres a hole,damn thats what she said." his hand went near before he pulled it away,you pulled it back assuring it was fine.
He had grabbed the bar eyeing it ,before popping back into its rightful placing securing the ball ontop. " do men in your world have that too?" he had questioned as you stood up pulling the dress on before sitting next to Kili on the bed. "no not many ,its mostly because they get made fun of by other men that claim its a gay thing to do aka ,men that like men  do it ,but it isnt anyone can do it,more women have it done. some people are just scared of the pain of having it done ,but inreality it doesnt hurt at all,just the same as my first ear ones," in the end you had pointed to your earrings that lay on the lobe.
kill had watched interest,he really thought you were the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. "i like it very much y?n it suits you very well." you had smiled blushing as he smirked at your reaction."thank you kili." you looked the floor not knowing what to say after that."do you think one day you will help me go get my ears done like yours are on that bit?" he spoke shyly pointing to your ear lobe. "I mean if you want.. I could now." you response now looking at kili whos face lights up like the moon in the night sky,nods eagerly,you run to your bag grabbing your spare unused hoops and clean needle and a slightly wet cloth,rushing back to him.
You jump on the bed ,bouncing slightly almost stabbing yourse;f with the needle,you kneel facing his left ear. "just the one ear?" at the moment you had one stud in your first hole and in the otherside a lego indiana jones figure dangling. Like who didnt play at least one lego game on the wii as a child,maybe you still do cough me. "what do you think?" he had questioned holding the needle and earring as you used the cloth to clean his lobe gently,he tried to stay still under your grip."I think the one for now ,so you can sleep on the other side,without aggravating it while it heals." you spoke quietly,standing up to put the cloth down on the beside table,pulling the dress up before sitting back down now comfortble on your knees thats what she said.
"alright then,just the one please." he looked at you smiling nervously,you smiled back at him excitedly. You lined the needle up to the appropriate position. "you ready?" you asked him."ye-Ow" you had cut him off stabbing the needle through,and placing in the hoop. "that did not hurt,youve been stabbed by a bloody sword,and made less of a fuss. did that go over your head?" you grabbed the cloth once again ,shoving his hand away from the ear as he rubbed ,now cleaning the piercing.
"Nothing goes over my head my reflexes are too fast, I would catch it." you snorted at his response pulling him up from the bed,discarding the cloth,leading him to the mirror standing behind him as he looked at the earring with a big grin."Ilove it!" he practially shouted turning around engulfing you in arms twirling you around, your face flashes red as does his when he puts you down embarrassed. "i-im sorry," he spoke looking at the floor you had grabbed your hand "dont be ,lets go the company will be waiting." you spoke pulling the blushing dwarf out the door with you.
You had let go of his hand once you had reached the others,sitting down beside bofur,kili beside you. They had stared at you brielfly."you look very nice ,lass." bofur had told you smiling next you ,you had blushed quietly thanking him. "Yes,,Y/n you look truly look more beautiful than when you were covered in mud,if that was even possible." fili smirked at you then briefly at his brother ,he wanted him to step up stop being so scared of you a shy guy,like you would go blurting out that you didnt like him,but you did. "t-thank you." you werent used to the compliments ,nor many people interacting with you.
"kili,what is that in your ear??" Thorin had interrupted the dwarves commenting on you ,his voice stern,his face almost a frown,you looked at kili nervously you didnt want to get in trouble from thorin.  "SO ,I basically accidently saw y/n had an earring thingy in her bellybutton-" "A what? lass show us." bofur had cut him off now everyone was starring at you, waiting ,you stood up. Only for kili to pull on your telling you not to do what you were about to do ,sending you a pleading look. You had shook your head ,assuring him it was fine ,pulling the dress up above your belly button.
You had just revealed to the whole company a f/c jem that was your bellybutton jewerly,also your bare thighs and underwear. That elf Lindir had smirked at you,causing kili to almost explode,as he saw it the dwarves were in shock as you sat down,they still said nothing. "why would you keep such beauty hidden?" Dwalin the least person you wouldve expected spoke up,you didnt think he thought anything was beautiful expect maybe I dont know his mother. "..uh b-because I cant wonder around with you guys in half a shirt ,I would definitely get stabbed easier." you spoke yet again quietly ,making bilbo laugh at your tone. Kili smiled before breaking the silence ,"so yeah anyways I made her pierce my ear,how do I look? more majestic than uncle?" he had mocked shaking his hair slowly ,like a hair product advert,making you giggle.
"So you two are courting?" Thorin asked eyeing down his sisters youngest son,you both sat there not knowing what to say ,until you did. "w-what do you mean?" you had questioned the dwarven king. "he means Kili saw you practially naked ,and then you gave him a body modification,and then supplied him with the jewerly,all pretty intimate it seems." Bofur piped up,taking a drag from his pipe. You blushed ,looking at the salad infront of you ,picking up a piece of cucumber chewing it avoid the scene, "y/n ,may I speak with you ?"you had turned to  kili nodding grabbing another piece of cucumber as he took your hand helping you up,leading you to a hall with the sword that chopped saurons fingers off.
He stood infront of you his eyes filled with panic ,and nerves ,as he literally lunged foward cupping your cheeks pressing his lips to yours,before pulling away embarrassed."y/n,im sorry,but they are right,I want to court you." he paced around ,until you spoke "dont be sorry" he stopped turning to look at you shocked, "i want to court you" thats all it took for him to pull you into a passionate kiss,before pulling away when you had heard someone clearing their throat.
"finally,I having been trying to force this for weeks." fili poopped out smirking,and soon after bilbo "and me"
"how??" kili and questioned,holding you in an embrace. "well we would accidently trip you into each other or get you both on nightwatch together ,or-" "okay we get it thank you very much "
"god damnit dildo gaggins and the jensen ackles ,john travolta love child."
a/n lets pretend i didnt pierce my mid ear with a safety pin at 14 or give myself an umbrella stick and poke at 14 because of tom holland dancing to umbrella. dont do it ,dont risk your life doing something stuipid like i did. yeah thats what this is based off.
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isshusgotissues · 3 years
ok ok ok so the refs from today. im just talking as perap does so feel free to ignore this
- it was kind of like a test to see how i could balance out quality with quantity. my canvas size has bumped up in resolution since the post from last year and im finally coloring line art, hallelujah. (i cant believe it took me so long to start doing that my old stuff was SO washed out with just black line art)
- tbh i did most of the extras (alt outfits etc) bc i thought it would be fun. and it was! well, the line art was. the coloring... oh god, what a drag. its so boring. so much procrastination... but im glad i finally got it out and just a little over a year after the first ones.
- so ya i said galar was like 90% done and NOW its like 200% done, and with that being said
- "yOu DiDnT dO tWiLiGhT wInGs ExClUsIvE oUtFiTs OR ThE cOrViKnIgHt TaXi DrIvEr" and my response is: when does it end, susan? MAYBE i will end up doing them. but it took me two months along with all that art i posted earlier this month and im tired. im not doing them today, not tomorrow, not for a while. galar is DONE i want to move on
- so the take away from the test is. i am not doing that again. JDGFG. the alt outfits and designs (basically the entirety of part 3)... i wont be including those in ref batch posts from now on. it was a lot. when i draw extras like that, ill just do it whenever. im not making them priority like i did with the posts from today.
- tbh i MIGHT aim to get gen 7 done this year. i can try it. i ACTUALLY have a few sketches done already so theres hope.
ok so now for comments on specific things
- firstly, tumblrs image limit forces me to put multiples on the same canvas, which i finally decided to take advantage of and have a few interactions that i wouldnt have done if i could just post them all individually so i think thats neat. adds some substance i think.
- again mustard isnt urshifu bc i couldnt choose which one he wouldve been. tho ngl hyde wouldve been cute as a kubfu
- ik honey has a team but i didnt like any of them for her so its free real estate
- yes klara and avery are the ONLY ones with gloves and dynamax bands. shhh i know. i know.
- nia was also kinda free real estate bc her only known pokemon is tyrantrum and. i didnt like that. i also didnt like galarian meowth for her either. so tbh i did it to match her earrings, but also i dont have ANY pikachu girls as of yet and i wanted to fix that (i say that as i already posted a pikagirl a few weeks ago HDHDGS)
- sighs. sordward and shielbert... i NEEDED a reason to justify their stupid hair ok i DONT care about anything else. i THINK it makes them better. maybe. probably not. and also i copy and pasted them despite trying to not be lazy with my art bc i just fucking hate them i dont care.
- the macro cosmos employees were actually inspired by this made by flare-gamer-64! its the reason i didnt go with aggron for peony. and at first i thought mawile for one of my designs would turn out weird but i actually think its fine now
- glorias mom is glaceon bc free real estate clause. and i just threw in hops and leons mom bc why not.
- snom anthro. s n o m a n t h r o
- close ups of allister and gordie bc i needed eye color refs for them. also wanted to draw gordies natural hair cuz hes cute
- i DONT think we see bede in his gym uniform BUT my official plushie of him has it so thats my reason for including him and completing the quintet of the kids in their uniforms.
- let us all take a moment to appreciate the confirmation that klara has feetpaws. ive started drawing hands more but im probably never drawing human feet. ever.
- annnd ball guy. what is ball guy you ask? ball guy is ball guy. dont question it.
- oh god i HATE the tundra outfit dont EVER make me draw it again shoes AND bags god the very last things i had to do involved the tundra outfits bc i was putting it off for last uhfjdvd
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wolferals · 4 years
arón piper preference
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-„no sure, see you tomorrow!“ you smiled at your coworker who had to work for another hour
-you grabbed your bag and walked out of the store
-to earn a little money besides college you worked at a coffee shop in Madrid
-which was perfect since it was close to arón‘s apartment
-he had let you move in for a couple of months until you were able to either get a dorm room or get your own apartment
-so you first of all walked to the bus station and texted some friends while waiting
-arón hadnt been online since this morning
-he was probably still on set so you didnt text him, you didnt want to bother him
-on the 10 minute bus ride you were listening to music
-when you got out you only had to walk about 3 minutes to reach the apartment complex
-on the door of the forth floor you searched for your keys
-you still had your headphones in your ears so you didnt hear much around you
-you opened the door, took off your shoes and then went straight to your room
-there you grabbed some fresh clothes to take a quick shower before arón came home
-since he probably wanted to shower too
-when you reached the bathroom you took out your headphones for the first time
-and you heard something
-loud music was playing
-but inbetween those harsh beats you heard someones voice
-it sounded like moaning?
-you were super confused and tried to listen closer
-you heard someone moan/groan things like „hmm fuck“ or „yes baby.“
-you werent sure what to think
-was it arón?
-but he was still at work
-but you also didnt want to go to his room in case it was him
-the wall between the bathroom and the living room was thinner than expected
-was he really masturbating right now?
-you were confused but on the other hand it was hot as hell
-you guys were only friends but still you couldnt help but get turned on
-his voice was raspy and deep and hearing him curse while he was pleasuring himself made you wet to be honest
-you tried to ignore it though because it made you uncomfortable how turned on you got
-you then decided to ignore it and not take a shower since it would be loud and he‘d hear you were home
-you didnt want this to be weird
-so you went back to your room and sat down on your bed
-the noises were still very noticeable
-his moans could be heard all over the place even though there was loud music playing
-the first five minutes you spent scrolling through your phone
-but you got wetter and wetter without even wanting to
-you couldnt help it
-slowly you took off your panties and lied down on your bed
-as horny as you were you started running your fingers over your wet pussy, teasing your clit a little bit
-with your other hand you grabbed your boobs
-hearing those deep groans from the room next door got you all riled up
-you then slowly started rubbing your clit with two fingers and threw your head back
-his moans seemed to get louder as well
-and suddenly you heard him moan your name
-you stopped for a second and looked around confused
-he jerked off thinking about you
-fuck that was hot
-your hand got faster and faster and you had to bite your lip to not scream right now
-but you really wanted to
-at some point you heard him groan:“sí, y/n fuck, puta sí. Fuuuuck.“
-you bit your lip harder and then stuck a finger inside of you
-fingering yourself while rubbing your clit with your thumb made your eyes roll back
-your thoughts were all about arón
-you were picturing him sitting on the couch, all naked
-his abs
-him biting his lip over the thought of you
-and his hand around his hard shaft pumping
-him fucking his hand while picturing you doing that to him
-at the very moment all you wanted to do was have him fuck you roughly
-but officially you guys were just friends
-so you had to finish yourself
-you had to cum so bad
-you pinched your nipples while pumping your fingers in and out of you
-you were as wet as never
-arón moaning loudly turned you on like fucking hell
-it didnt take you long to feel your orgasm getting closer
-arón seemed to get closer too because he got louder and louder
-you had never heard or seen a guy moan out loud
-and it got you so wet to think of him cumming for you
-finally you exploded and bit into your hand
-that you wouldnt scream out
-the only word you knew by now was daddy
-you wanted him to fuck you the way he had wanted it all along
-but he apparently came too because suddenly it got quiet
-all you could hear was the music
-you slowly got up and put your clothes back on
-then you heard him walk to the bathroom
-and a little later the music got turned off
-you waited a couple of minutes until you carefully walked out of your room
-eventually you went to the front door and slammed it again, throwing your keys on the table
-„hey!“ you yelled, faking as if you just came home now
-you didnt get a response
-then you pretended to go to your room to put on other clothes as you always did
-about 5 minutes later you met him in the kitchen
-„hola“ he spoke and walked up to you
-he was wearing sweats and a shirt
-to cover up the fact that he was just masturbating
-„is it cold out?“ he asked and looked at you
-„no why?“ you replied and turned around
-you couldnt stop grinning
-he maybe had a crush on you?
-or at least he was sexually interested
-„your cheeks are pretty red. Are you feeling okay?“
-you turned back to him
-„yeah im feeling better than ever. Finally got to finish.“
-his eyes widened
-„what?“ he asked stuttering a bit
-„the store. I wouldve been done an hour ago but there was a little problem with the machine.“ you laughed
-of course you meant what he was thinking
-„ohh okay.“
-you smiled and then innocently asked:“what were you doing? You‘ve been home for a bit?“
-he nodded and then said:“Came home at 5. Ive just watched some tv.“
-you nodded back
-he smiled
-you looked at him knowing what he was thinking
-his face looked innocent but since you knew what he had been doing you knew exactly he wasnt
-„alright imma take a shower.“ you then spoke
-„okay. Movie later?“ he asked as you were about to leave
-you walked out of the kitchen making your way to your room
-„oh arón?“
-„yes?“ he yelled back
-you made a step back into the kitchen and said:“choose a louder song next time or do you want the neighbors to hear you?“
-his face got pale within a second
-he looked away, you knew how embarrassed he was
-and he didnt say anything
-„dont worry. I enjoyed it too. A lot.“
-his head shot around to face you
-and the next thing you knew, his body was pushing you into your room, throwing you onto the bed
-hovering over you while his lips were on yours
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planetjisungie · 4 years
jolie- l.mh (part 1)
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characters; prince! mark, princess! reader ft. dreamies, yuta and taeyong
summary; when you turn 18, you have to marry the prince of the eastern kingdom to secure an alliance. but what happens when your natural immature and positive personality collides with his cold and negative one.
an; king mark lee needed an au all to himself because this boy deserves the whole world, lets not lie here. also like i love this picture and it sparks big prince energy or like nutcracker ballet energy. also me deciding after 2 days of wallowing in self pity about how i hate having longass posts so im putting it into parts
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"y/n! wake up darling!" your mother shook your body awake, causing you to grumble and thrash around. you were just having a dream about this peculiar event of 2 people switching bodies after a handshake. it was rather odd yet entertaining.
"what" you throw your limbs out on the bed in a lazy attempt to stretch and let out a groan. youe mother sighed and stood back. "its your 18th birthday today, the maids have your dress"
ah. there it is. the day youve literally blocked from your mind because of how much you simply detested the idea. it was signed and agreed 6 years ago that you, princess of the southern kingdom, would marry a prince from the eastern kingdom. though you had never met either of the princes, you had heard plenty of rumours and tales, some you believed, some you did not.
you slowly climbed out of bed, staggering a little as you walked towards the maids for your dressing. you didn’t actually need them, unless you were supposed to wear the death trap which is labelled a corset, but your parents insisted on you having them. so, you naturally made friends with them to make it as least of a work space as possible.
"good morning yeonha, nari" you greeted them with a smile which they returned. just because you weren’t necessarily the happiest doesnt mean you should relay the feeling onto the poor maids, and your friends.
"morning princess" nari said, causing you to roll your eyes. yes, they still called you princess out of habit and you hated it. as soon as your brother becomes the king, the first thing you’re doing is making everyone call you by your first name (as your parents refuse to let that happen as of currently).
with a deep sigh, you allowed yourself to be dressed, the constricting corset making you feel like your ribs were about to snap. the dress itself was beautiful though, a long pale blue dress which was off the shoulder, and had mesh sleeved elasticated around your wrists. your h/l hair was naturally curled, and fell around your face delicately as soon as the pin was removed, and one of your maids brushed the tresses. you were lucky in the aspect of hair, it was truly gorgeous and you had never hated it.
the heels were a slightly different case. they pinched your toes and no matter how much training you had to walk in them- they were satans creation. you preferred simple satin slippers, or just any shoe that does not have a stick on the end which could impale someone. a small golden and intricate crown was places atop your head, glittering earrings in and you were finished. you never really needed makeup, your natural beauty was well known in your kingdom though the people saw your kindness shine through more.
the southern kingdom was a very foresty and almost tropical place, with warm breezes and turqouise oceans, yet beautiful green trees and luscious grass, it was practically perfect. the eastern kingdom, was known to be a pretty cold place, not as freezing as the northern kingdom yet not as warm as the southern kingdom. oddly enough, the western kingdom was the hottest, mainly composed of sand and dry stone, one of your best friends lived in the western kingdom, prince jaemin.
huffing again, you left your room, concealing the winces from your feet which were already saw as you walked with quick steps to the throne room, where you would be waiting for the arrival of the eastern royalties. or so you thought. the frown on your face diminished into a look of shock and confusion when you saw the princes already there, turning to your parents who were glowering at you. oops, you were late.
"ah, y/n nice for you to finally join us" your mother said, grabbing your wrist and dragging you to stand next to her, facing the princes who were already bowing to you. there were two of them, one of which looked a little older with dark grey hair, and the other who had pitch black hair (pitch black hair was superior). the boy with grey hair was smiling at you and your curtseyed politely, but the black haired boy... he didnt look like he cared at all. reluctantly, you curtsey quickly before shooting a look at your mother.
"we welcome you warmly, prince taeyong and prince minhyung. we hope you enjoy your stay for the next month, dont hesitate to come to us if anything is not up to standards" your father bowed towards the boys. you stared distatastefully at the ground before looking up with a smile. even if you didnt want to marry yet, you may as well be nice to them as it is inevitable.
"y/n, go and make yourself useful whilst we show taeyong and minhyung their rooms" your mother said, staring into your eyes like a hawk. nodding you spun on your heels and walked out of the room rapidly, letting out a thankful sigh that you got out of that situation. roaming down the halls, you walk around, looking for any staff.
"oh! jeno!" you sped towards the knight in training. lee jeno was the mentoree of your mother’s knight, and soon to become yours.
"y/n!" he grinned and you wrapped your arms around him in a tight, warm hug. if you actually had a choice, you probably wouldve married jeno, seeing as he was your best friend and it wouldve been more of a friendship based marriage.
"how are the princes?" he asked, you locking your arm in his as you both walked down the halls. rolling your eyes you turned to face him.
"you know how i feel about this whole shitty marriage debacle. id rather not marry either- though im sure they’re lovely" that was another thing you did. always giving people the benefit of the doubt. jeno grimaced and nodded, his black hair bouncing softly as he did so.
"yeah i know. but you have a month, so maybe it would be good to try and get close to them at least" his naturally deep voice you had grown accustomed to, and it was hard to deny anything he said as all he spoke was truth. it wasnt like you had a choice anyway, it was all for some alliance. "yup" you muttered. looking outside, you saw sicheng, the gardener, planting new flowers and you gasped, tugging jenos arm. "look! lets go help out winwin" you dashed outside as fast as you could in your death traps for the feet, jeno trailing behind you. he knew how much you loved gardening and the outside.
"winwin~" you plopped next to him, promptly kicking off your heels as you kneeled on the soft grass, dress awkwardly flowing out around you. the gardener turned to you and smiled, pausing from digging out the old flowers and replacing them with newer ones.
"princess, did you need anything?" he asked, his attention now fully on you. nodding, you grab the other two trowels and handed one to jeno, grinning at winwin. "we have come to help" you announced, jeno chuckling at your eagerness to dig into soil. winwin nodded. "i see. well, you know what to do"
that was true. you often did spend time gardening with winwin and jeno, so it was unsurprising that you wanted to help again. digging into the dirt with a smile, you chatted with jeno and sicheng, just having a general good time whilst listening to the birds chirping and the riverstreams around the palace rushing. it was a very peaceful place, and you enjoyed it.
mark, who had finished talking with your parents was walking with his advisor, johnny, just around the castle when he saw your brother, prince yuta, looking out the window with a wide smile on his face. once yuta noticed their presence, he bowed towards them.
"oh, my apologies for not noticing you sooner" he apologised, which mark turned down with a small smile telling him it was okay. "is there something going on outside?" johnny asked, moving next to the window to see if something interesting was happening. following johnny, mark also stood at the window, all three of them now squeezed in as they looked out onto the palace gardens. marks gaze wandered before it landed on the 3 figures on the ground, planting flowers. it wasnt hard to figure out one of them was you, your crown gleaming in the sunlight. "did your parents force her to garden for a punishment?" johnny inquired to yuta who shook his head. "not at all, that doofus of a sister of mine likes doing things and has recently found enjoyment in gardening with sicheng" he answered softly, looking at his sister with adoration.
even from the window, mark could practically feel the waves of happiness radiating off of her. yet, they werent there when they met that morning.
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blackasmidnightcats · 5 years
Continued discussion about Sophie's "redemption arc"
Original post from @agathasarmy
@agathasarmy I've moved this to a new post cause I have a lot of feelings and still want to continue this discussion and I hope you don't mind
So anyways...
(this wouldve been also a great way to introduce the concept of legacies, especially with the past vs. present. vs. future theme and it would also parallel tedros’ storyline as they’re both dealing with the fallout of carrying their predecessor’s glory)
All of them have big shoes to fill because of the people who've nurtured and believed in them
One thing I really hated in the camelot years was the lack of mourning that Agatha and Sophie did for Callis and Lady Lesso respectively.
That is the kind of anguish that I was looking for. Just them being children and missing their parent/parental figure and wishing that they could still be someone's child who could look out for them and motivate them when they needed.
Like Sophie remembering that Lady Lesso believed in her the way that Sophie could never do and Agatha remembering how her mother would have wanted her daughter to live out her life with with love and adventure.
Let's not even get with Tedros (that's a whole other meta in itself)
so far all i got was lesso and hester being the best examples of it, but what i also got from them was that Evil wasnt being cruel but serving as the balance to Good like ok???? what exactly does that entail??
Exactly, I'm really frustrated about this because as much as Soman has tried to make us understand that Good and Evil are equals, he has never actually shown us how equal they can be since all the Evil figures that we have are usually helping Good.
I'm really pissed that the Coven's quest involve them finding a new School Master when they have absolutely no need to do that. They should be doing their own stuff instead. It's the one thing I shame Prof Dovey for.
that was what I expected the series would be: Tedros and Agatha as Good because Good always stands stronger together, and Sophie as Evil because Evil is best alone, but not lonely
I stand behind your point about "Alone but not Lonely" quote because if that does not describe Sophie's biggest problem than I don't know what does. She can have all the fans that she wants and build the whole School for Evil in her tribute and pretend that she's a strong independent woman who doesn't need a man but she'll still feel the loneliness seep through if she doesn't have a closure with her insecurities and envy
instead Soman subverted our expectations in the worst way possible since GoT S8 (dont @ me)
I will stand by you with the hate for GoT s8. That was a trainwreck so badly done it imploded on itself. Recently, writers that have big productions have been having a hard time gracefully ending their stories
Soman was off with a good start on that one. I would have been more interested with Sophie trying to handle her narcissistic desires vs her need to actually be a decent Dean to all the new students just like how Lady Lesso was for her. Her understanding how to be Evil and be herself would have been a nice read.
if soman had to bring back a trope from the last era, it would be the discussion of dichotomies i.e. Good vs. Evil, instead of the evil lover trope cos aint nobody got the time for that
It's still technically the school for GOOD AND EVIL SERIES even if we go to a new era I was hoping that Soman would still have these as the roots but NOOOO.
His obsession with Sophie obsessing over boys that obsess over her is a strong one apparently.
like at this point it’ just really blatantly obvious how much Soman favors Sophie and I wouldnt be that bothered if he didnt sacrifice the plot or the other characters’ brain cells to go along with it cos to this day I refuse to believe that people really would just accept Rhian like that after reading The Tale of Sophie and Agatha
Like did no one still understand that not everything is what it seems?!
I am baffled with how easy they trusted a comeplete stranger over Agatha who has proven over and over and over again that she fights for the good of EVERYONE and is perfecrly willing to sacrifice her happiness for theirs.
Like at this point I'm thinking that her fairy tale propably does not do justice for everything that she's been through cause if the other people of the Woods read her story the way we did, there would be no doubt that we would stand behind Agatha for a lifetime
like cmon people we went through this already?? a random hot stranger coming out of nowhere??? ITS THE RED FLAG
In defense with them, (and I am saying this very, very off handedly) Rhian did come around saving everyone's asses and was a pretty decent guy (NOT).
One of my biggest beefs with Soman's writing. He highlights romance too much compared to platonic and self love. I want a moment with Sophie like the one in TLEA where Agatha was getting stressed about letting Sophie and Tedros grow closer and Soman managed to pretty realistically portray that; Agatha was being insecure and possessive and jealous but she let herself reflect on her actions. She made peace with it and faced it with bravery even though it really hurts her. Because she understood that she would never have closure for this if she didn't let it happen.
Why the hell can't Soman write something similar like this for Sophie.
In fairness, Sophie getting into ANOTHER romantic relationship I will PASS SO HARD.
But for everyone else that deserves some romantic love (TAGATHA PLS) I will accept crawling
also I like your ideas on what could’ve happened instead, with Rhian being more proactive towards Tedros and Agatha instead of Sophie - it would play well into the Camelot myths and themes that I was really expecting in the new era
If Soman could only just get over his Sophie Obsession, then he would understand that Tedros was the perfect target for Rhian's manipulations and Sophie was the perfect target for the downfall.
I have no idea how the hell did Rhian think (but apparently it worked because soman plot) that seducing Sophie would win him the love of the Woods.
plus it wouldve been a chance for Sophie to actively help them instead of tearing them apart like in the last 3 books?? like she’s kinda doing that rn but it would’ve been nice if she didn’t have a hand in stealing their happiness like she’s always done too
Well...for me she doesn't seem like she's tearing them apart anymore but I stand with your point about her stealing their happiness.
This could have been good, good character development for her. Her realizing that she keeps making tagatha miserable and stealing what belongs to them and the complexity that comes with her inner struggle between her envy vs love for her best friends.
Soman, I will never forgive you for doing this to this boy.
You could have made Tedros and Chaddick have a falling out. I mean the last time that they interacted was during AWWP and Chaddick treated Tedros as crap. I know that all of us headcanon that these two are each other's best mates but they've barely had significant interactions for me to consider that a case.
They'd be so pressured about not followong the legacy of Arthur and Lance that a small problem could propably tear these two apart.
also, on another point, you would think Sophie would be more sympathetic to Tedros situation given that they’re both leading populations, essentially
plus Sophie learned to understand Tedros’ mind better in awwp??? where the hell did that relationship development went (even if she was Filip at the time)??
I am honestly more suprised at how viciously Tedros seems to treat her.
Like it wasn't that long after TLEA that Tedros was perfectly willing to let Sophie stay in Camelot and even asked her to visit but come his coronation (which was like less than a day after) he keeps on proclaiming about how happy he is with her out his life and in aCoT his distrust for her was off the roof.
Then there is the Handbook ordeal with Sophie just completely roasting Tedros like what happend to the two of you?
I don't even understand Soman's decision about this. It doesn't even affect the actual storyline in anyway. It's just Sophie and Tedros at each other's throats.
Tedros has been treated the crappiest out of the main trio (let’s be honest) as if the game was built to oppose him, meanwhile Sophie gets major Soman privilege and is given the role ONCE AGAIN that could change the game
It's the reason why I can't even read AWWP anymore. It hurts too much to have to read at how badly the other characters treat him. Just reading the first line of that book gets me anxious.
This is why I was actually suprised that Soman shared that he planned on killing Sophie off at the end of TLEA but we'll never how that story went
like if the School Years was for Sophie to realize and accept her Evilness, couldnt Soman have decided to give Tedros and Agatha the deciding roles this time around given that, you know, it’s called the CAMELOT YEARS ERA???
Honestly, I just want Tedros to have the most agency out of all the characters. Like make his decisions actually matter to the plot. Make him the center of the plot and revolve Rhian's plans around him instead of being against him cause that's exactly how Agatha's role in the school years era was for Rafal.
The basic formula goes like this;
Sophie important to the Rafal's/Rhian's/Japeth's/hell even Evelyn Sader's plan
Agatha/Tedros are in the way of that plan so they have to go
Agatha/Tedros saves Sophie's ass
Sophie making the big decision
Like didn't Soman say that he didn't want to be that repetitive writer? That's why he changed the ending of AWWP because it was too similar to the first book?
she’s still out here wanting someone to look at her the tedros looks at agatha (honestly big mood right there) but I wish this didn’t have to be her main conflict
This is actually why I'm not that mad that Sophie fell for Rhian. Because at the end of the day Sophie will be Sophie.
But I agree I kinda hoped that she wouldn't be as guilible
the girl is smart and knows her worth so I can’t really understand why she decided to get ENGAGED to the next person (Hort obviously cant count cos plot) who tells her she looks pretty???
I can understand why she'd date him but MARRIAGE?! That was going a little bit too far.
You'd think after her engagement with Rafal that she'd be TRAUMATIZE for the next one.
And honestly it would have been hella funny if she did feel this way. Imagine Rhian nearly getting all that he needed but Sophie just straight up leaves him on the stage cause she's still got issues with it.
Would have been my favorite scene
And Hort, poor boy, he needs character development of his own. I'm not his fan honestly and currently, he's not winning me over.
Can he not understand that she would be crap as QUEEN?
A parallel I noticed with Rhian and Sophie is that they both completely remodeled their respective castles in their image. Not even considering anyone else. And they both treat their faculty as crap.
Kinda tells us that she really would be crap as queen.
At least the Camelot citizens had enough braincells not to fall for this crap
Every other kingdom in the Woods though. They better be budgeting gold to Tedros and Agatha once they're back on the throne.
(and im so so tired of Sophie stealing Agatha’s Ever After from her, indirectly or not, like cant she just be happy for her best friend and move the plot in some way other than this???)
I really do believe envy is only one of the things that Sophie needs to sort out. The fact that she admitted at the end of TLEA that she does, in fact, feel envious that Agatha gets to be a queen and her little episode in the Ever Never Roundtable about how she's the one with the official title of queen and that Agatha isn't even a princess says a lot.
I wouldn't have minded if Sophie had a slight blackout and just lost it and saying mean things about Agatha but instantly regreting it because no matter what, deep down in the foundations of her soul, she loves Agatha with everything that she has. And is she has the be in a constant battle with herself about this fact then she's willing to keep on fighting. That would have been satisfying to read.
I mean just imagine if Sophie was there when Agatha was leading her army and Hester mentions that Agatha is Queen in the School, in Camelot, or anywhere elsse in the Woods. They would follow her. Willingly.
Sophie would have had a panic attack.
This girl needs to learn that she can't force people to be loyal and follow her by making every physical reminder of how amazing she is but instead she needs to lead and make some sacrifices of her own because she's doing these sacrifices in the benefit of Evil and its future instead of herself.
Sophie appreciating people?? Not only remembering them when she needs something from them??? Like @ soman im not asking her to be the next Mother Theresa but I’ll take this character development pls and thank u
I am all in for Sophie appreciating everyone. If she can't do it for other people, then she better do it for Evil.
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the-gay-cryptid · 4 years
Okay, I'm super pissed right now and I dont want to bother my friends with this, theyve got shit of their own, I just need to get the angry out of my system.
I want to shave my head. I want to because it would give me a feeling of control and it's the much safer, less permanent, and less painful of my three options: shave head, get piercing, get tattoo. Since whatever I picked would be self done, I naturally went with shaving my head.
I'm no fucking idiot though, I've done my research. I know that, because of my hair type and my own preferences, I dont want it too short. I would first get a #8 attachment, which it the longest you can get. That's what I would use. I looked up a video of someone comparing the lengths of each attachment when actually used on hair, so I have a better idea of what it would actually look like since I'm not good at visualizing lengths.
I was going to tell my mom all this, show her that this isnt a sudden decision, and that I've actually done research and know what to do/expect. It was still entirely possible she'd say no, but this approach was my best chance to convince her.
I told me dad this morning, "I want to shave my head. I think I'd have to order attachments since your clippers are too short, but its definitely doable." I said it this way because I've never had to prove to my dad that I know what I'm doing, like I'm writing a damn research paper.
He wasnt a fan, because he thinks I'll look like a man. He doesnt want me to look too masculine. That's a problem to revisit at a later time. I pointed out that I already look like a boy when I wear hats, my hair grows out fast, and that how he wants me to look isnt my problem. He conceded to all three points, though he still wasnt a fan. He wouldnt stop me, but we both knew I had to convince mom before I even picked up the clippers.
Mom came in, and we said good morning and so on. Then Dad says "she wants to shave her head." Which was the absolute worst possible way to introduce that to my mother.
To her credit, she handled it well. She said she didnt think it would suit my head shape, but if I wanted to I couldn't but if I did it she wasnt going to pay for my hair appointments anymore, even if I grew my hair out again. I wouldnt really mind paying for my own cuts and colors, it's just that it's kinda expensive and I have 10$ and no income until August assuming we're back on campus next semester. I figured I'd think about it.
I took a shower, did makeup, and finished making some earrings I started last night. Then I went to show my parents, because i was proud and I thought they looked cool.
Dad loved them, mom definitely thought they were tacky, but I'm used to that and she's given up trying to convince me that tacky jewelry is bad.
She was making a face that screamed "not a fan", and I asked her why she was making said face. I expected a comment about how people would judge me, and I was totally emotionally prepared for that and ready to let it roll off. But instead, she says
"This doesn't seem like a good use of your time. I just dont feel like enough work is getting done"
I dont know if any of you know this about me, but I'm very sensitive about my work ethic. I've had problems in the past, but I've worked fucking hard to learn the self discipline and time management I have today. It's not perfect, but I'm better than I was. So when people imply that I'm not doing enough, or I'm lazy, or that I'm wasting my time instead of working, I take it a little harder than most.
I didnt linger, because it wouldnt help anyone. I just left and waited in the kitchen to vent to my dad.
"I just wanted to show her something cool." I said. I kept my voice low, because mom has a habit of walking in when I'm venting about her and then getting overly offended and turning it into me being disrespectful. "And she just ignored it-" at which point my dad cut me off. He doesnt like when I complain about mom. He doesnt like the confrontation that occurs if she over hears, and he doesnt like seeing her upset that her kid is implying shes a bad mom. She isnt, but she's not perfect, and as a grown ass woman who lectures me about the same flaw, she should be able to take criticism.
I'm still a bit pissed, so I just grabbed my laptop and went upstairs to do schoolwork. I dont have much to do, since, contrary to my mother's suggestion, I'm very on top of my work, and even ahead on some of it.
Just now, I went down stairs to take a break and grab my house shoes. I talked to my dad a little bit about some netflix shows. Then, because I thought maybe I could sway him a little, I showed him the video of someone comparing all the attachments and how short they actually cut.
I also pointed out that mom wouldve reacted better if hed let me explain what I wanted. He disagreed, so I told him how I'd present the idea:
"I have something I want to do, and I've done a lot of research, so I understand what to do, what I'd need, and how to do it the way I have in mind. I'd like to shave my head, not super short though. I'd use the longest attachment..." et cetera, et cetera.
Basically I'd just prove to her this wasnt decided on a whim. And then I'd ask her opinion. She'd hate it, but at least she'd probably consider it. Even Dad admitted it might have worked.
I started telling him why I wanted to do it, the whole needing to feel in control thing. But he was putting away clothes and heading his and Moms room, and if mom heard me talking through all this she'd get mad and double down on the "fuck no" stance. So I dropped it for now.
But then my dad thought hed be real fucking funny. I was standing in the bathroom with him, and he turned on his clippers and started to reach for my hair. I grabbed his arm to stop him. I knew he was joking, it was just my knee jerk reaction since his clippers have NO attachment and would actually buzz my head completely.
He then said, very smugly, that that's the reaction of someone who doesn't actually want to shave their head. I told him that wasnt funny, and started to explain that I stopped him because it wouldve been the wrong length.
But mom, being in the bedroom right fucking next to us, got PISSED. She then informed us, mainly me, that I wasnt allowed to shave my head, and that she'd be so furious if I did it. And now i was mad with both of my parents.
Since I couldnt be delicate about it anymore, I told her point blank the whole conversation this morning wouldve gone better if dad hadnt said anything, and that I was going to actually explain myself before telling her I wanted to shave my head.
She listened to my whole explanation. I'll give her that. But when I finished, she just hummed and went back to her work. Which is mom for "fuck no, and this is a stupid idea."
As all conversations with my mother inevitably go, I went to the kitchen to talk to dad. I told him he shouldnt have done any of that, and that now, because of him goofing off, mom wasnt taking anything of said seriously.
He told me he was sorry he did that, but that he didn't want me to do it anyway. I reminded him, in far less polite terms than usual, that I dont care what he thinks and that it's my hair and my choice.
He agreed and apologized again, still just as insincere.
Since I didnt have the patience or calmness to try and talk about it further, I went back upstairs. I heard him calling me a little bit ago, probably to talk again, but I'm still fucking angry.
Because of him not only taking away my ability to bring this up with my mom on my own terms, and then ruining any chances of her taking me seriously, theres no way in hell I'm going to be able to do what I wanted. I know shaving my head isnt that big of a deal, but the amount of bullshit its brought out of them both is infuriating.
If he'd just kept his fucking mouth shut this morning, all this could've gone so much better.
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natsclnt · 5 years
so i have a lot of thoughts about ‘guilt trip to alaska’ and i decided to gather them all in one post so that it doesnt make a complete mess on my blog. 
first off - there are some issues and i wasnt able to watch dynasty on netflix today and it was pissing me off so badly but i managed to get my hands on the episode at last, and now im dying to rant about it.
spoilers for dynasty season three episode one - guilt trip to alaska - under the cut! enjoy and tell me what you think about the ep!!!
so - new cristal... i mean, it is pretty annoying that they had to change the actress (in case any of you dont know this - ana had some health problems and had to resing) but i think daniella did a great job! i think she fits in pretty well, i mean she and ana maybe kind of look alike and their voices are pretty similar, and i think she looks like a cristal; sure, it wouldve been better if they were able to keep the original actress, but i think daniella will do such a great job and in a while, we wont even remember she wasnt c jennings from the beginning
next up, kirby. bc as much as i feel for her, i feel like she can only blame herself - pretty sure fallon would’ve told blake that she should stay if it wasnt for the whole femperial mess - also i dont really get why she did that, i mean sure, she was upset bc fallon tried to break her and culhane apart, but like - shes acting like a spoiled teenage girl... i love kirby, and i hope she’ll be able to make it for herslef
im seriously suffering because of how little screentime sam/raf got this episode - i mean, i love how fallon just straight out told him she was seeing trixie and his reaction was priceless, this is the kind of friendship i need in my life :D im not a huge fan of this hotel storyline, but i guess well just wait and see how it goes
anders did a good thing - i mean, he sacrificed his entire life to the carringtons and its a natural thing he wants an out, especially since he has a friend like sam who clearly needs his help. once again, not a huge fan of the hotel storyline, but im glad anders is doing something simply because he wants to, not because of the good of the carringtons (also, im really touched by his goodbye with blake)
i dont know how i feel about domique just yet - im not really familiar with the original dynasty because its almost impossible to watch it where i live, but i feel like, since alexis is gone for the time being, its good to have someone step in her shoes; i used to hate alexis at first but i ended up loving to hate her, and im not sure if its going to be the case with dominique, but i am also realy curious about her interactions with cristal
goooooood i hate adam...
well adam did something wrong, what a suprise... i wonder how blakes going to get out of this now
okay sooo... FALLON. my poor sweet girl. shes being so fallon this episode i cant. i loved how she would just visit liam in the hospital and rant about trixie all this time, i mean, this is such a fallon thing to do. but she is so strong and independent and i love her so much
FALLIAM DESTROYED ME THIS EPISODE i cant. poor, poor fallon. i was actually not that suprised that he didnt remember her because i mean, it was kind of predictable once we knew liam was alive... but it still hurts so much, poor fallon. i mean, at least maybe we will get to see them fall in love again... ech.
i cannot wait for the next week’s episode. let me know what you think and feel free to rant about dynasty in my ask box - i love this show so much and it deserves more recognition bc its the perfect soap opera/guilty pleasure show out there!!!!!
(i might make this a weekly thing, huh.)
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White Sands
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MERMAN Shownu X Reader
Genre: Fluffy
Word Count: 2,894
A/N: Okay, so, not gunna lie, this one was hard to write, but also fun! Thank you @xkpopobsessedx for helping me create ideas for this cutie! Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy!
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Day One: 8:00 PM
“It’s been so long since we’ve been on a vacation together. What’s it been like, five years?”
“Mmm...” I hummed, scrolling through my phone. My mother tapped my leg, my eyes dragging up to see her face, “What?”
“Put your phone away. We’re going on this trip to get you out of your funk since that stupid boy broke your heart.”
“Can we not talk about Dean, please...” I asked, turning my head to look out the window.
“This four day get away at the beach should help you.”
“Yeah, because the ocean and sand can help me get rid of my depression...” 
“Don’t be like that, Y/N...” She whispered and I tuned her voice out as I watched the trees turn into beaches, tan sands fading almost to white due to the season change. The water soaking in the still warm air and bright sun, resting upon the shore line waiting to cover someone’s feet; I bet it’s starting to get cold, not like we’ll probably swim anyway. 
“We’re here.” We pulled up to a house that sat on the beach. The siding of the house colored a cerulean blue, fashioned with dark wood steps leading up to the door; even though the house was weathered, it still held some beauty. We stepped out of the car, pulling our luggage from the trunk, and then made our way up to the door. My mother opened the deep red door and we were greeted by the squeals of my older sisters, Anessa and Samantha.
“So glad you guys could finally make it.” Anessa took our mother’s luggage from her, sliding it over to the side of the couch.
“I’m sorry, girls. There was so much traffic on the highway.”
“No surprise there.” Sam grunted from the couch.
“Sorry to interrupt, but will you show me to my room, please?” I asked, Anessa skimmed over me, placing her hands on her hips.
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you. I think the last time I saw you was at Christmas dinner with De—”
“All right, all right, let’s not pester, Y/N. She’s had a long week. Sam, honey, show her to her room, please.”
“Ah, okay, mom.” Sam replied, getting up from the couch. I followed her down the hall to the last room on the left and she opened the door, “Let me know if you need anything, okay?”
“Mmm...” I nodded and walked into the blinding room. Pale blue painted walls, dark wood flooring, driftwood colored furniture, white bedding, and a window seat facing the ocean.
I opened my bag, unpacked my clothes into the dresser, then closed the curtains over the windows, and finally laid down on the bed, resting my eyes.
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Day Two: 4:00 AM
I opened my eyes to a dark bedroom, the sound of the ocean waves seeping into the room.
How long have I been out?
I pulled my phone from under the pillow, the screen lighting up to show 4:02 on the clock. I laid my phone down, turning on the lamp on the side table, then getting up to pull a sweater from the dresser. I tugged it on, slipping on my shoes, and stepping out of the bedroom into the dim hallway. I padded my way across the floor into the dining room, sliding the glass balcony door open, letting the sea salt tainted air kiss my face. I closed the door behind me and walked down the balcony stairs, down into the sand. The sound of the waves crashing soothed my numb mind, my body being pulled closer to the shore; I sat down close to the water, watching it roll in and drift back out, when something moving through the water caught my eye.
A person swimming at this time of night?
I watched the body move closer and closer until I could make out his features in the moonlight— shaggy dark brown hair, soft cheek bones, but killer jaw line, thick lips, and sharp eyes.
Wow, he’s gorgeous...
He came closer until his body rested on the shore, everything but his head still under the water, “Hey...”
Is he talking to me?
I looked around, searching for someone else he could be talking to when he spoke again, “Who are you looking for?”
“I was making sure you were actually talking to me.” I confessed, tugging at the sleeves of my sweater. His eyes wrinkled as a beaming smile appeared on his lips.
“What is a beautiful girl like you doing out here in the middle of the night?”
“I could ask you the same thing. Isn’t the water cold?” I asked, moving closer to him, the water starting to touch my feet.
“Not really. I live in the water so it doesn’t really effect me.”
“Ah, you mean you’re always coming out to swim—”
“No...” The water splashed behind him and I leaned to the side, the dark red color coming into focus, “I’m a merman.” I got up to my feet, traipsing into the water, the iciness making me hiss, but I needed to make sure he wasn’t playing around with me, I needed to see if he was telling the truth.
“I thought mermaids and mermen were just old sailors tales, not real life...?” I questioned as he turned over, sitting on the ocean floor, his waist submerged under the water.
“We stay hidden for our safety.” He lifted his tail, the deep red iridescent scales glittering under the moonlight.
“What a shame, you’re a beautiful creature...” I ran my hand over his scales, his tail twitching at my touch. I flicked my eyes up to his face, his cheeks ruddied and his bottom lip caught between his teeth, “I’m sorry, I touched you without even asking,”
“No, no, that’s okay. I was just shocked you actually came out into the cold ocean to touch me.” He teased, his wet locks fell onto his forehead as he lifted his hand, “I haven’t introduced myself yet, I’m Hyunwoo, but you can call me Shownu.”
“Oh,” I took his hand into my own, shaking it, “I’m Y/N.”
“A beautiful name for someone like you.” My cheeks burned at his statement, his chestnut eyes stared into mine, his hand pulling me close, “Y/N...” My name bubbled from his lips, his voice hypnotizing me, “I’m sorry, but the sun is starting to come up, so I must take my leave.”
“Oh...” I turned towards the horizon, hints of pinks starting to tint the sky, “Has it really been that long?”
He grunted to my question, “Can I see you tomorrow night, well I should say tonight?”
“Of course you can, if you want to.” A smile spread over his lips, his teeth peeking through his lips.
“Lovely. Meet here at midnight?”
I nodded, biting my lip.
“I’ll see you tonight, Y/N.” Shownu swam out into the ocean, soon diving down and disappearing.
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Day Three: 12:00 am
“You came, Y/N.” Shownu laid against the shore, just as he did the night before.
“Did you think I wouldn’t?”
Shownu pondered my question then shrugged, “I wasn’t sure, but I’m glad you did.”
“I actually came prepared this time, too.”
“What do you mean by that?” He asked as I pulled off my sweater, Shownu clearing his throat, “Y/N, what’re you doing?”
“Taking off my clothes, so I can get in the water in my bathing suit and keep my street clothes clean and dry.” I laughed, seeing his cheeks flush.
“I thought you were—”
“Oh, I know what you thought.” I teased, tossing my shorts with my sweater away from the shore and stepping into the water, taking a seat next to him. He cleared his throat once more, scooting closer to me, peering into my face.
“Has anyone ever told you that you have the prettiest eyes? Especially in the moonlight?”
I laughed a bit, nudging him, “Has anyone ever told you that you’re such a flirt?” Shownu let out a chuckle leaning into me, sighing comfortably, “I do have a question for you, Shownu.”
“And I have an answer for you... probably.”
“If staying hidden was to keep you safe, why did you show yourself to me?”
“Hmm... that’s a good question...” He flicked his tail up, sucking his teeth, “Since I was a child, I could always tell when someone needed something. May it be an ear or someone to lean on, I could just feel it in my bones and seeing you last night, I could tell something was wrong, but I didn’t need to ask since it’s none of my business...” He paused for a moment, his hand ghosting over my fingers, “I’m here for you, whatever you need, Y/N.” I looked at him, his eyes catching mine.
“Shownu...” I felt a blush start to prickle at my cheeks and I looked down at my lap, soon his warm wet fingers brushed strands of hair behind my ear, “Tomorrow is my last night here so, I wouldn’t get too attached to me.”
“I’m not going to worry about that right now. I’ll make the moments you spend with me memorable, to where you won’t forget me or want to leave me.”
“Not like I could forget meeting a merman.” I breathed, moving out into the water.
“Oh, would you like me to leave then?” He huffed, moving out into the water with me.
“No!” I exclaimed and Shownu snorted, trying to stifle a laugh, “Don’t be mean.” I splashed water at him and he chuckled.
“Oh, now it’s on.” He hissed, playfully pulling me to him, his fingers poking at my sides making me squirm and giggle under his touch. I struggled to get away from him, but his hands ceased their attack and held me close to him, his warmth spreading through my back.
“Is this where you kill me?” I joked, a laugh leaving him. 
“If I wanted to kill you, I would’ve already.” I rested my head against his chest, watching the moon ripple on the water. 
“The more time I spend out here in the water, the more I feel myself wanting to stay. For a change of scenery, to get away from my home, away from the memories that linger in that town...” I ran my fingers over Shownu’s arm, his grip tightening.
“Then why don’t you stay?”
“There’s just things I have to return to... work, school... life in general. I rather spend my time here, with you, soaking up the moonlight and avoiding stress.”
“Stress? Why are you so stressed?”
“It’s a long story.”
“We’ve got three more hours until daylight, so we’ve got time.” 
“Well...” I went into deep detail of my life for the past few months since my break up with my ex and about how I’ve been dealing with it. Every once in a while Shownu would ask a question and then fall silent again; once I finished my life story, Shownu rested his head in the nook of my neck.
“I wish you never had to go through that, Y/N... You’re such a sweet girl. If I were human, I would keep you by my side forever.” He whispered, placing a gentle kiss on my shoulder.
“You’re too kind, Shownu... We just met and I feel like I’ve known you for forever.” I relaxed into him, sighing a bit, noticing the break of daylight leaking out onto the water, “Time to go, Shownu...”
“Just a few more minutes, please.” Shownu tightened his grip on me, burying his face into my damp hair.
“Just a few, I don’t want you getting caught.” Shownu lifted his head, turning it in close to my cheek, his lips grazing against my skin.
“Alright.” Shownu held me close for a few more moments, short silent moments, before he let me go and placed a soft kiss against my cheek, “Midnight, my dear.”
“Deal.” I smiled, watching him dive down, and disappear.
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Day Four: 12:00am
I sat down on the cold sand in jeans and a thick sweater, the sea salt breeze starting to get colder every night. I watched the water ripple, waiting for Shownu to appear. Pulling my knees up to my chest, I rested my head on them, my eyes getting heavy. I dug my phone from my pocket, looking at the clock that read 12:10.
Maybe he got caught up with something... He knows it’s our last night...
I hugged my legs, burying my face into my sweater to fight off the cold breeze, closing my eyes.
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“Y/N...” A gentle voice called out, rousing me from my sleep. I pulled my head up for the bright sunlight to blind me.
It’s morning?
I rubbed my eyes, blinking them a few times before trying to focus on anything around me.
He didn’t show...
Warmth spread over the top of my head, causing me to look up, a shadow looming over me, “I’m sorry it took me so long, Y/N, but I’m here now...” Shownu’s voice met my ears and I smiled.
“That’s funny... you sound like—” The shadow crouched down, my eyes focusing on the voice’s face, Shownu’s features coming into focus.
“It is me, dork.” He whispered and I looked him up and down, no tail, but human legs covered by the blanket I brought out.
“Shownu?!” I squealed, jumping from the sand to face him, “H-How is this possible?” I studdered, trying to take in his body. He stood, a little wobbly on his feet.
“When my father passed, he knew I was not meant for the sea, he gave me an elixir saying that it could make one sprout legs to walk the earth. I thought it was all a joke so I didn’t mess with it, but then I met you and I needed to at least try to see if it was real... and now...” He chuckled, “I’m here, in front of you, naked...”
“Oh shit, Shownu, let’s get you inside.” I took his hand, tugging him up to the balcony, “When did you get here? How long did you let me sleep?” I walked up the stairs and then I pushed open the sliding door to be met by my mother’s and my sister’s stares.
“Y/N? Who is the naked—”
“No time to explain, mom. Anessa, do you still have some of your husbands old clothes that don’t fit him anymore?” They stared at me then skimmed over Shownu, him shyly lifting his hand, waving— them not moving, “Y’all!” I yelled, Anessa rushing to her room.
“Let me go draw a bath for him, you must be freezing, dear.” My mother looked over him once more before going to the bathroom. Sam just sat there, ogling him, her mouth slightly ajar.
“Sam, go do something with yourself...” I growled, pulling Shownu over to the bathroom, my mother sliding out to let us through. I closed the door behind us and I sighed leaning against the counter, “They’re going to be the death of me...”
“They seem nice.”
“They can be, until they see a gorgeous man walk through the door.” Shownu chuckled at my words, “Alright, merman, get into the bath.” He looked at me and then at the bathtub.
“The what?”
“The bath...” I pointed at the tub and he shrugged his shoulders, starting to get into the bathtub with the blanket wrapped around his waist, “Oh, hold on...” I took the blanket into my hands, closing my eyes, pulling it from his body.
“Can I not get that wet?”
“I mean you could, but the bath is to wash you.”
“Wash me?” I opened my eyes to be met with his confused gaze.
“Yes, wash you. Now sit.” He sat down at my words.
“It’s hot.”
“Yup, that’s how it’s supposed to be.” I took the cup that was on the side of the tub and dipped it into the water, then pouring it over his hair. I grabbed the bottle of shampoo and he cocked his head to the side.
“What’s that?”
“Shampoo, it’s to wash your hair.” I opened the cap and squirted the thick liquid into my hand and rubbed it into his hair, creating a thick lather, and then pouring the water through his hair once more to rise it out. I grabbed another bottle and handed it to him, “Okay so this is body wash, you take this...” I grabbed a washcloth from the rack over the toilet and handed it to him, “Soak that in the water and add some of the body wash to the cloth and clean your body. I’m going to go get the clothes from Anessa.”
“Mmm.” He nodded his head and I left the bathroom, Anessa, Sam, and my mother looking at me.
“Who is that man?” Sam crossed her arms, huffing.
I laughed a little, “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, just think of him as my new companion... Anessa, those clothes?”
“Ah.” She handed me a stack of clothes and I smiled, “When we get home, I’ll send these back.”
“Just keep them. They’re too big for him anyway.”
“Thanks.” I turned back and walked into the bathroom to see Shownu standing outside of the tub, a towel wrapped around his waist, “Oh, you’re done?”
“I think so.” 
“Well, c’mon, let’s go get you dressed.” I opened the door once again, starting to walk out when Shownu’s hand gripped onto the fabric of my sweater, following closely behind me.
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Shownu sat on my bed, clothed in a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt, his eyes roaming the bedroom. I dug in one of the dresser drawers, pulling out another towel and I walked over in front of him, “Your hair is still wet, you’re going to get a cold, goofy.” I gently rubbed his hair, drying the dripping ends, his hands wrapping around my waist.
“Is this what it would be like everyday with you?” He nuzzled his face into my chest, my cheeks burning at the feeling of his warmth radiating through my body.
“Shownu, why did you change?”
Not missing a beat, he spoke, “Because I found someone I couldn’t live in the water with, so I changed...” He gazed up at me, his unwavering chestnut eyes looking into my soul, “So I could be with you.” 
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niel-trbl · 7 years
Like We Used To
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Ex-lover!Kang Daniel AU
Note: it’s been awhile since i last updated. it’s been pretty tough, especially with the events happening around us so i decided to write something to keep my mind off of things. i sincerely hope everyone is doing okay and if you ever need someone to talk to, you can always drop me an ask.
you were scheduled to go on Master Key - one of the rising new variety shows
you, being a rookie in the industry, immediately said yes when your manager asked if you were keen to join the show
you were so excited since this is finally the time where you can mingle with other idols and celebrities
on your way to the Master Key village, you even asked your manager who will be present for filming so that you could mentally prepare yourself
the moment you got to the venue, you immediately went around and started greeting the cast members and staff
just as you were about to head back to your room, you heard a familiar voice called out your name
“it cant be...”
this was when you wished that you were wrong
you turned around and saw Kang Daniel walking towards you with a grin
you felt butterflies fluttering in you why does he still have that effect on you
while everyone knew Kang Daniel as the nation’s pick, you knew him as Danik, your ex-lover
both of you were very good friends then and you also were each other’s first love
however, it was during his first year of being a trainee when you broke up
despite it being your decision to break off the relationship, you always wished that you could be a little more selfish and have him to yourself
but you wanted the best for him and in order for him to succeed, you mustn’t be a distraction to him (words said by his manager then) hence the break up
seeing him now, in front of you, brought back so many memories of your relationship
“hey, are you filming today too?” he asked
“um yeah i am. i didnt know that you’re here,”
“yeah, well it was kinda last minute so...”
silence filled the space, despite the crazy number of people who were on set
you heard your name rolled off his tongue again - how much you missed hearing his voice and craved for his touch
“i miss-“ before Daniel could continue, your manager called out for you to get to hair and makeup which you were secretly glad
you were this close to dropping everything and holding him again
no one ever knew of your history with Daniel
you hid it like a well kept secret
in order for you to move on from him, you need to get rid of everything that reminded you of him, including the memories of your relationship which you refrain yourself from telling others
however, Daniel often spoke of you - for example in an interview, they often asked how he would treat his significant other and he always spoke of the things he did for/with you
like how he would help you put on your shoes and calling you ‘kid’ as a term of endearment
but he never mentions your name so no one knew, apart from his close members who knew who you were by name
the staff were still getting ready to start filming so you looked around the set on your own
“i believe we havent met. I’m Ong Seongwoo,” he approached you with a soft smile
“i’m _______” you shook his hand
“_______? as in-“ you suddenly saw Daniel standing by you
“yes hyung, _______ from the new group,”
classic Daniel, you knew he always cant stand it when guys approached you, even if they were his friends
before you could say anything, the staff gathered everyone to commence the filming session
after they had presented the keys, you moved on to join your assigned groups
luck was really not on your side that day
all you wanted was to be away from Daniel but instead, you got placed in the same group as him
Daniel, on the other hand, was relieved to know that you were in the same group
“dont worry, i’ll help you along the way,” he whispered to you
he always stood beside you throughout the session and took care of you
during this time, you wished that you could hate Daniel but he made it so hard
he was still that sweet and kind boy you met many years ago - the one that made you melt everytime you hear him call your name
the feelings that you surpressed kept resurfacing
it didnt help that the hosts kept bringing up your past
“oh? _______ and Kang Daniel actually knew each other from before? how did you me?”
“we were schoolmates actually. we were pretty close friends,” he answered for you
you were glad that he was the one that answered, if it were you, it wouldve been word vomit - bringing up the good old times you missed
as the filming session went by, you have gotten more and more comfortable with everyone but with an increasing amount of fluttering feelings as you interacted more with Daniel
“now for our last game, 2 members of each team will have to jump rope together. the team with the higher number of jumps wins this whole round!”
somehow this show has a way of bringing up your old memories
jump ropes was something you and Daniel had always done - it was your way of ‘exercising together” and both of you were really good
Daniel, of course remembering this, immediately volunteered the both of you to do the challenge
before you knew it, you were standing in front of him and placing your hands on his BROAD shoulders, getting ready to start jumping
both of you kept jumping, you couldnt look up at him at all and were this close to losing the momentum
“________ just look at me, it’s gonna be okay,” he whispered in between of the jumps
the moment you locked eyes with him, you lost your balance and tripped over the rope, resulting to a sprained ankle
everyone stopped and quickly got the paramedics who were on stand by to aid you
thank goodness it was the last segment so they quickly wrapped up filming so that you could get proper care
while you were icing your ankle in the sick bay, you heard a knock on the door
you were expecting your manager but it was Daniel who came
“hey i just wanna apologise-“
“no no no, it was my fault! i lost my balance and yeah you know, clumsy old me,” you quickly looked away and directed your focus to the ice pack on your ankle
“no. the ________ i know is never this clumsy and most definitely wont freak out when they look at me. what’s even weirder is that you were so uncomfortable around me today. what’s wrong?”
Daniel knew you like an open book, you knew you couldn’t escape
“this is gonna sound stupid but i am still in love with you. i know it’s been so long and iwas the one who broke up with you, but i just keep thinking about you - how youre doing and coping with all this? and the way you treated me today, it makes me think that you still have feelings for me. i just- i dont know. i really missed you”
both of you sat in silence once again
you cant believe that you blurt all of that out, now he’s gonna think that you’re crazy
but instead, he embraced you in his arms, combing his fingers through your hair to calm you down, like how he used to
“i still do have feelings for you. i missed you, like crazy. you have no idea. everyday, i wish i could find you and tell you to take me back. i tried to find out where you were but i couldnt,”
his hands held your face gently as you made eye contact - this time you didnt back away
“let’s get back together. i miss the days when we were together. the days when we were happier and better. it drives me crazy that im not with you,”
“but, remember what happened then? what if-“
“no ‘what if’s. we’re gonna make it work, i know we can,” he kissed your forehead
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