#i also changed her main fit cuz it looked a bit goofy on her
gyamnyam · 1 year
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Night fly
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pinyatapix · 15 days
i never played Concord nor had interest in it but i felt an insatiable drive to redesign all of its characters before the game shut down ever since i saw how absolutely dripless they were
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anyways here’s my scuffed ass sketches of the gang. i was originally going to finish these all before the game’s shutdown but i was so stuck on Teo that it took 6 extra days rip me. also i cant draw guns. these are all first drafts so expect them to change a bit if i feel like drawing em again
more info on these designs below (warning i yap a lot)
Itzi (i am not calling her “It-Z” cuz it reads rly weird and i can imagine someone bri’ish calling her “It-Zed” it’s so dumb): Wanted to make her more of a goofy lil gremlin creature, like some combo between a jerboa chameleon and raptor, to make her more appealing and interesting, imagine being shot to death by this silly little scamp. Everyone loves Ivy Deadlock for her gremlin charm so maybe they’d love Itzi too if she had that as well. Her chest has a hole in it containing the weird ball she throws to teleport and shit, because a Concord critique by TBSkyen said that a character’s powers should appear on their physical design or whatever, also to show that she got mutated in a freaky space storm
Bazz: nothing about her reads as “agile deadly knife-throwing assassin”, especially with that annoying puffy bright red coat, she looks completely stupid running around doing backflips with that thing on! So i made it a more sharper mysterious black coat she wears like a cape to give her that sense of shadowy agility like a phantom thief, which she keeps all her carbon steel knives all neatly stored in. Gave her a slight diamond motif on the coat and the glasses because it felt elegant and sharp. Thought her hairstyle kinda fucked hard so i kept it but made it a bit more pointier and added a little stylish side swoop.
Lennox: i actually love this guy’s voice acting and the slightly manic goofy personality it had but his design did NOT fit the voice, so fuck it im making him even more of a lizard man than they were trying to do. His self-healing ability is him shedding a bit of skin after it took damage, and his “splodey knife” is probably a back scale spine he yoinks out of his back that can explode because it’s a biological property of his species for some reason. I do not know what clothes to give him
Lark: Discarded all semblance of a humanoid silhouette to make them even more of a weird mushroomy alien. I don’t really have much to say but i can easily see them slithering around like an octopus on land but faster. Their gun would look way more like some organic fungal creation
Haymar: not much changes here but i wanted to make her more mystic and “wizardy”. The “fireballs” she uses as her main ammo are now a floating bead necklace rotating around her neck (kinda like that zen robot from overwatch) and her clothes now have more of a slight flame motif, along with more of a mystic vibe. Got rid of those ugly ass mustard sneakers too of course
Daw: gave him more turtle motifs to match his “turtle-esque” gameplay style by giving him a protective hoodie and turning his “healing pad” pack into a bulky turtleshell backpack (he’s also wearing a turtleneck sweater shirt underneath the coat lol). His coat is somewhat translucent like shiny plastic cuz i thought it would look neat, tried to ditch the goofy-ass jumpsuit thing he had by giving him a belt to separate shirt and pants. Not too sure if i made him appear enough as a medic as that’s his main thing, the coat and gloves could probably help but idk, but i adjusted his personality presentation to be more easygoing and warmhearted with the closed-eyes so maybe that could give a healer energy.
Duchess: old ladies who know how to kick ass are rly cool. her whole thing’s making walls and constructs out of this golden gooey energy but nothing in her design tells you about that, so i decided to give her a cape/cloak made of that same golden essence so that it’s more apparent on what she can use it for, it also makes her appear more like royalty which was prolly what they were going for. Kept the haircut cuz that beehive thing was very goofy but it fits the vibe of everything else
Roka: she looked like a blowup sexdoll version of Master Chief which is… very cursed, and it tells nothing about her being able to fly around and stomp on people, so i made her bug themed! She’s like a cross between a wasp and dragonfly, the bulletproof wings are rocket-powered and can fully rotate the other direction to give her a forward boost of momentum to stomp people with her slightly more exaggerated boots, they also neatly fold away when she’s not flying. She’s rockin’ that tokusatsu hero look, it gives her a lot more energy to her personality.
Daveers: hated drawing them and i feel unsatisfied but i do like what ideas i had for them. Gave them more of a “sketchy mad scientist” vibe and personality with a shit-eating grin and all that, also tried to give them a “test tube contraption” thing going on by having their helmet be entirely glass and there being tubes and bottles all over their baggy jumpsuit full of poisons and chemicals. Gave them a spray-can backpack that stores all their toxic sludge tho im not too sure if it fits the rest of them or not… whatever. Tried giving them a chemical burn mark on one half of their face but it’s blending in with the hair rip
Jabali: he’s a healer whose powers come from “his own pulse”, but the weird pacemaker thing on his heart is the only way of knowing that so i made him waaaayyy more heart themed! His cool-ass hat’s got a blood cell design on it, his coat’s got a vein pattern, his shoulder pads look like aortas and arteries, i think his dreadlock ponytail could also match the aorta look. I seriously felt that vibe of the cool badass black guy with the glasses and coat and wide tippable hat needed to be enhanced even more, he had all the ingredients to be one stylish mfer but they weren’t mixed in properly, depressing.
Vale: i was racking my head on what to do with her because the only thing going on with her was “sniper” and “bionic legs”, but i decided to make her a “scrapper” like what they called Emari in that one short by turning that “burlap sack hobo” look she originally had into more of a defining feature as something recycled from a bunch of scrap she collected. Turned her “how do you do fellow kids” backwards hat into a slick bandana that has her sniper goggles attached to it, made her braids/dreadlocks into a cool ponytail befitting of a sniper though i wished i decorated them with more stuff other than the power plugs at some of their tips, like nuts and bolts acting as hair beads. Her bionic legs are also more heavily emphasized here, she’s like 70% leg like Byakuya Togami Danganronpa and that makes her a bit more taller than most, i can see her running around with them rly fast also they have large springs in them for extra jump (also they matched those spring like curly tips in her og hairstyle)
Emari: tried to make her bulky armor even more like it’s made of scrap like the “scrapper” she is, tho since i kinda suck at mechanical greebling she looks very cluttered and hard to read. I tried putting cute little stickers and graffiti on her armor to give her more of a fun-loving vibe despite her imposing build, felt like she’d decorate her armor for fun. Gave her helmet a visor to give her some cool toughness and added lil things on it reminiscent of bear ears cuz her silhouette needed a lil something. Problem i have with drawing her is that her silhouette ended up looking too similar to 1-0FF’s redesign, it really needs some fixing cuz it’s pretty damn rough.
Kyps: she could’ve served so much cunt but she didn’t, so i needed to change that. To match her invisibility powers as a spy i themed her off of chameleons and mirrors — i un-balded her for improved silhouette by giving her a hairstyle similar to a chameleon tail (tho it also looks like a glass Prince Rupert’s drop and mirrors are also glass), gave her “earrings” similar to mirror handles, made her coat a lot longer and have it slightly reminiscent of fractured or cut glass, give it a coattail like a chameleon tail, and tried giving faint patterns on the clothes and especially the tied that gives a sort of “shimmery” kinda vibe??? She’s reminding me a lot of Inteleon right now
1-0FF: actually my favorite out of the redesigns, he was so tricky to do but i think i got him pretty right. Wanted him to appear even more of a friendly recycling bot toughened up by constant battle, replaced that menacing eye of his with a friendly smile on a screen (that i took from an app icon from my ipad out of laziness lol) and gave him little symbols of recycling like little sprout iconography and a recycling symbol heart, though as contrast to all that i gave him scars and battle damage so you know he kicks ass. Still wanted to keep the trashcan look so his head kinda resembles those trashcans with the spinny rotating lids, tried my best to make the rest of the body also trashcanny. Turned that vacuum gun of his into a megaman-type arm gun because why did they make it a separate component that’s so stupid.
Starchild: turned him from a rip-off Guardians of the Galaxy character into something more like a rock monster guy since his main ability's called Diamond Skin and it does.... guess what. I put crystals on different parts of his body and I thought about the "hair" on his body being made of those weird fuzzy kinds of crystals (realized it was a missed opportunity to give him chest hair rip). Wanted to make his name "Star Child" a lot more literal by inspiring him off of a shooting star, which is why I gave him that plume of smoke for hair. Since he's a (former) proud tribal warrior guy I wanted his design to lean more heavily into that by giving him tattoos that are like geometric stone carvings??? and giving him clothes and jewelry that give a sort of non-existent tribal culture vibe, his clothes also have a sort of bismuth pattern to them.
Teo: okay this fucker was the reason why I did not finish this. His design was so unimaginably boring that it was very difficult to come up with a "twist" for him while still having him be the standard shooty guy. Days later I immediately thought "Space Dandy" and decided to make him be way more flamboyant with a pompadour as his main feature, befitting of the "goofy space adventure" vibe this game tried and failed to capture. In my head his backstory was that he was raised from birth to be a regular ass disposable space soldier, leaving the army much much later to pursue a quest for self-identity... the identity he chose for himself being that of an over-the-top galactic popstar. I imagine his "Smoke Bomb" ability being glittering colorful smoke instead, like a popstar entering the stage out of artificial smoke clouds.
okay I'm tired. i am cooler than playstation. goodbye
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littledragondork · 1 year
TES Cat AU: Skyrim Thieves Guild
My self indulgent TES Cat art is done, at least my favorite Skyrim Thieves guild NPCs are, Probably gonna’ post the Companions next because I was drawing the Skyrim Dark Brotherhood and for the life of me I couldn’t get Cicero to look right lol, but I’ll take suggestions :3c
(I’m so down with doing the rest of the Skyrim Thieves Guild eventually)
Anyway, my art for Skyrim Cat AU Brynjolf, Karliah and Mercer Frey under the cut, with some design notes :3
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I wanted Bryn to be an orange cat, not only because I like orange cats and their low intelligence but because it just made sense. I also wanted him to be one of those massive fluffy cats, the ones that weight like 20lbs/9kg and have more fur than they know what to do with, he’d be 99% fur, go to pet him and your hand is just swallowed by the fur. I made him a mackerel tabby cuz’ I like mackerel tabbies and because they are just super common cat patterns. For a long time I wanted to give Brynjolf Sectoral Heterochromia, which is basically when one eye is 80% one color and has a little dot of another, in this case I wanted brown, but I couldn’t really get it to look right so I ultimately scrapped it.
He also has a docked tail because I liked the idea of all the known Nightingales having something fucked up with their tails.
I also did a little sketch with the thieves guild armor, I think it’ll fit like a harness with a few little pockets and bags. I imagine they’d all have dexterous enough paws where they can make stuff like furniture, buildings, tools, weapons, armor, cook food etc, makes everything a lot easier to me
I imagine all the Nords I’ll draw have ear tufts, extra fluffy paws and long fluffy fur coats, they’d probably slide on ice a lot lol, Think Maine coons, Norwegian forest cats, Siberians. I referenced Maine coons, Lynx and bobcats the most with Bryn here, but he is just a domestic cat.
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So, for Karliah (same with all elves tbh) I wanted big ol’ ears, I feel like I could have made them bigger but I decided against it because I didn’t want them to be in the way too much (might change that later though). She is also mostly back cat because I felt it was simple and cute (I have a black kitty and I love her). It’s also not shown here much but she’d have pretty short fur, and a thin and small build, think 10lbs/4.5kg.
Karliah’s tail is shortened and broken (a painless break, the kind that happened as a baby) as to go with ‘all Nightingales have fucked up tails’ deal.
did a more meme-y sketch in this one, I was in a goofy mood and thought it funny how quick both Brynjolf and the Last Dragonborn were to just accept selling their souls.
I imagine all Dunmer would have black or dark grey base coats and those that are tabbies to have them be lighter than the base, so for example a black cat with white stipes or grey with red stripes. They, and all elves will be mostly based on the Oriental Long/short hair cats because of their big ol’ ears and narrow faces but I’ll take creative liberties of course.
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Last in this batch is Mercer Frey, I redesigned him at least 8 times, first he was solid grey+ Tuxedo pattern, then he was a dilute grey tabby, then a spotted tabby before I settled on a colorpoint because he was said to be “high born” and coming from a wealthy family, and I was like “hey, colorpoints are fancy cat coats and I can see a rich and powerful family wanting to breed that into their line” and thus Colorpoint Mercer was decided on. I knew 100% I wanted him to be grey because of the whole “grey fox” fan thing he has going on in the game
Seems like every time I would get near him in my playthough, any playthough of Skyrim actually, he’d look at me like I just spat in his drink so I tried to capture that here. Also the Knife cat meme because I thought it fit him.
he doesn’t have a tail because he doesn’t deserve one it’s with the ‘all Nightingales have fucked up tails’ bit.
I also wanted to share my ideas for weapons (still no clue how to do bows) but swords, great swords and daggers, would be little gauntlets made of the specific type of metal that go on the paws, and they would range in size and weight depending on the weapon its based on, so great swords would be huge metal claws while daggers would just be apart of a little leather glove that wraps around the paws. Lots of good ideas cooking up in my Autistic little mind lmao /pos.
I imagine all Bretons will just look like the average street cat, standard issue cats if you will, the common domestic short/long hair, probably have the most diversity in fur patterns and the like.
So that’s what I was able to get done in about about a few hours (with frequent breaks and work in between) A lot of the time was looking at both official art, fanart and the in-game models to get a good sense on the personality (both fandom and canon) and seeing what I can convert more easily to a non-humanoid design, a lot of shape language practice because I like shapes :3
I have a Solid design down for Ulfric but I wanted to do batches with like characters, so all Thieves guild girlies with each other and so all Civil War Girlies with each other, some might be drawn in pairs as well, like Hadvar + Ralof or Vilkas + Farkas.
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madbadash · 1 year
Hi Ash!!! Sending you some for the oc ask game! Feel free to apply to any of your beans but was thinking of Jessie!
Oooo! Thanks Bloob!! I'll throw in a free Jamie! No charge, cuz I know you like him 😁😁😁 (sorry this took 8 years Jessie is so underdeveloped)
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies
Baseball, very obviously. It's the sport he plays at school but he's pretty passionate about it.
He's absolutely a Candy Crush player. It's super goofy but he's like hard core addicted to it. Completing the levels really fucking pumps that serotonin.
Goofy as this is, Being with Daisy. He loves being around her, he loves thinking of date and gift ideas. She is often pacing around in his mind about 40 percent of the time. Although being around the SNG in general is a good way to hang out.
Watching TV. Look man, if I can say one thing it's that Jamie is consistent. And they fucking LOVE watching Bonnie's show.
Weirdly enough butchering. When they're doing their job it's quite a therapeutic experience for them. They spend a lot of the time venting to the body in front of them, mostly about their dysphoria.
Thinking about it they'd also probably find cooking enjoying, but like... That might just be my brain being like "butchering human's? Cannibalism, Hannibal time"
💯ONE HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
I made up the idea of Daisy's boyfriend back when I first made her for a theater class. I had to do a monologue in character and I filled it up with horror references, I even referenced the Sawyer's! But the catch was that she was supposed to be rambling to her boyfriend, who was dun dun dun ALREADY DEAD!!! Jessie as a character came later but I still think he would be the first to die, sacrificial lamb kinda deal.
This is more Trivia for the SNG in general but I mean... He's apart of it.. It counts. The SNG basically exist in a kind of multi verse? I plan to make a story focused on each of them. Michelle's is a Horror Movie, Alvin's is a romance, Clementine's is maybe a Spy/Mystery? Jessie's story should probably be a Sports one but also I am very much NOT a sports fan, so I'll have to work it out a bit more
I never posted the one doodle I did but I went to watch Back to the Future with goats and I think Jessie would be a wonderful Marty Mcfly.
I have shared this once before but I've always wanted to give them a hamster for a pet. It just... Fits??
They were mainly inspired by Bim Trimmer, a Markiplier character who is obsessively in love with YouTuber Matthias, so if you watch the skit "Hire My Ass" you'll see a lot of similarities
I have a friend who kinda ships Lev and Jamie, and honestly after learning that I have spent a lot of time thinking about their dynamic, and that it might change wildly.
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
Jessie- as cliche as it is Daisy is absolutely one of the most important people in his life. Her and Dean are so very very important to him and he loves em so much.
Jamie-Oh Bonnie, Bonnie a million and one percent. They often claim that Bonnie is the one that 'got them into show biz' even though he is very much not in Show Biz. Their main motivation for basically everything is her. She's why they get up, why they kill.
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket, SE02, Ep25 (Season Finale)
ah~ I finished furuba’s Season 2..T_T.. now my life is empty..that’s a good ep!
- A moment with yuki:
I think there’s sth I still don’t understand abt yuki’s tohru-mom feelings...I thought that yuki after acknowledging such feelings, will slowly build a healthier, more equal relationship with tohru  & the only reason he didn’t tell her is cuz he wants her to be ready & not worry. So today, it makes sense that he comes & tells tohru he stood up for himself & was scared but made it! he’s proud of himself & tohru should be proud of him, too. Also, it helps tohru let go of worrying abt him & realize his growth. All amazing!!! However, the scene was depicted in a way that screams, “look mommy, I’ did it!” rather than a friend reaching out & proudly telling a friend. it really cemented the mom-son dynamics. I felt “awe look at him proudly telling his mom” sth I thought, we’ll be slowly moving away from towards more equal dynamics. Yuki was drawn extra thin & he was leaning as if he was waiting for a head pat. Nothing is wrong with yuki wanting motherly feels since he never got one but i felt nothing changed between them. yuki still below tohru. I mean he’ll never be able to repay her kindness. true. but I thought the story will let us see him standing taller bit by bit, y’know? I know he still calls her honda-san & perhaps him finally calling her “tohru” is when they’re equal..but shouldn’t he move slowly towards that? rather than suddenly coming & thanking her for being his much needed mother figure? why is this scene depicted with extremely strong mother-son feel? could it be cuz yuki is still putting tohru in a pedestal? he told momiji “did u do sth worthy of honda-san’s praise” as if tohru isn’t the person who praises momiji for a cute uniform or kyo for making a standard riceball. hmm, maybe yuki can’t be equal to her if he still sees her as the sky or an angel or someone who desperately needs protection. tohru is precious to him & he’ll protect her with his life, but I thought he’ll do so as a friend, not as a son. Maybe SE03 is abt him learning to see tohru as a normal, lacking but still amazing person? I’d love to see that!!
- Shigure ( the main character ):
It’s always forgotten that this goofy, good for nuthin dude is a main character. But once he turns dark & reveals his face, no doubt that this guy is the plot’s leader! Shigure doesn't do lengthy inner monologues, nor his actions are easy to read. Mayuko is right “ he is like a ripple in the water” .The stages of shigues’s emotions:
Bitter: “why not let yuki take responsibility & tend for akito?” mocking akito’s bedridden status over yuki’s defiance. “ why u ask abt tohru in the phone?” & proceeds to mock kureno for calling. Tohru would never answer the phone first. “ you’re featherbrained” cruelly mocking him using a pun on his zodiac while suspecting he isn’t one anymore. Only shigure is capable of such salt!
Silent Anger: looking at akito as she rants abt him not coming to her first! not choosing her first. while she’s the one who didn’t choose him. “you’re one to talk” Epic!! “ what do you want from her?” shigure had no right intruding on kureno’s business with tohru. but he’s too angry to behave. Kureno answers like a good boy.
Refusing to play blind: hatori looking for excuses for akito’s behavior within the curse’s lore. Shigure fires back with “haven’t u ever felt sth off with kureno?”. They all did. “ Ah~at long at last” not even waiting for kureno to say first.
Sticking his finger in open wounds: “don’t accept it?scared? sad? emotionally attached to the bond?” Verdict: “devious” he’s calling out  hatori & kureno both!
Embracing himself with no regrets: “ weak, intolerant, worthless, worst kind of man”. He embodies his own description of himself as he talks to kureno over the phone & sends tohru. “ see you later” only the worst kind of man uses tohru like that. sending her with no clue to an emotional shock. He wants the situation to escalates. He’ll use tohru if he have to. Let’s see if kureno’s “kindness” spares tohru the pain or if it tears her heart apart as it has been tearing everybody, kureno induced!
-Akito’s manipulating tactics start to backfire:
“ I speak cruelly of you, You know I don’t say it out of spite” very typical sentence abusers say to further their grasp around others. Insult them cruelly, then play the kind apologetic card. It makes the other person linger longer. “X didn’t meant it. X actually cares. X just lost control”. It happens in domestic abuse cases all the time.. it never changes..it never stops. Akito knows when she’s loosing her grip on someone. she feels it. Her ego doesnt let her acknowledge it. However, seeing akito’s innocent young self humanized her so much. She wasn’t despicable since birth as we’ve seen in yuki’s flashback, but here she was even more innocent than with yuki. Could it be cuz it’s from kureno’s perspective? someone older than her? or she treated older male zodiacs differently. Akito knew kureno’s curse broke as he himself did. hmm. it’s the bond, so the ruler does have a connection with the zodiacs. Akito fearing kureno’s abandonment is understandable. Akito using tears, screams, pleads & frantic behavior, “so typical of spoiled children” to get kureno to stay. It is a working tactic. A tactic that abusive adults use in toxic relationships so much & works to trap the other party to stay. Stay with me cuz you pity me, yes, but I’m the one on control. Keeping in mind akito’s age here, she looks 6? 10 maximum! is really twisted. Akito learned early one that manipulation works. She gets what she wants by playing games, whether it’s tears, pity, rage, ridicule, mockery, bets, humiliation, or sexual seduction. It reinforces her behavior that nothing can stand between her & her desires. curse or no curse. If she can keep a  non-cursed person, then the cursed ones are way weaker to leave. This, off course doesn’t justify her abusive behavior with yuki/ kyo/ momiji/ kisa/ rin/ haru/ hatori but today, we got a small window open into her psyche. The best “antagonist” is someone with irrational behavior that stems from twisted mindset! She is so interesting!
-Kureno & ( the most destructive foolish traveler):
So, kureno stayed with akito cuz he can’t turn a sad, lonely, fragile child away. Can’t bear to break her heart. The child became a woman. The woman needed him in bed, he can’t turn a sad lonely woman away. He gave in & their relationship became even more twisted with the complexity of intimacy issues. Kureno said “ arisa is the first person he ever loved on his own”. meaning that he slept with akito using the remaining feelings of attachment of his previous bond. EXACTLY as shigure said while questioning hatori’s refusal to believe the curse can break“ emotionally attached to the bond”. He continued this unbalanced sexual affair with her. completely submissive to her moods & whims. Unbalanced relationship cuz both stayed together for twisted reasons “unable to let go”, She has control over him since she’s the family head, over even his freedom outside the house, He is willingly submissive to her, choosing to not seek his happiness,  not standing up & denying her, or stopping her or telling her sth as simple as “ i want to go out to the supermarket”. content & satisfied with his dull, lifeless life. Until akito “ the sad child/ the sad woman doesn’t need him anymore??? but kureno can see that him staying by akito’s side didn’t do shit to improve anybody’s situation!!! Akito is still miserable! even before tohru appears in their lives. all the zodiacs were miserable & united in a toxic fake bond. The bond is so fake that all this time there was a fake imposter & no one dared to question. They’re so accustomed to submissive obedience that they don’t dare to hope. Only shigure. The intolerant jerk saw through it all.
-Kureno is a different kind of foolish traveler. He helped no one. Not even the person he gave his eyes to, Akito didn’t benefit from his kindness. He didn’t benefit, nor arisa, nor any zodiac. What kureno’s kindness brought him is misery. What it brought the sohma’s is enabling abuse & continuation of current toxic atmosphere. He is a more sever enabler than hatori. Hatori enabled the continuation of the curse by erasing memories & staying by akito’s bed tending for her with no life of his own. But hatori knows he’s a sinner & hatori is still chained by the bond. Kureno is free to leave. Yet, he’s still here deceiving everybody & suffering alone while pretending to be content with fake smile. Was Kureno raised to always follow orders? No personality. No needs. Still, he decides to continue even after given a chance to leave now!!!! he lost the first chance due to a promise he made while he was afraid, lonely & felt pity. Now, he knows someone there loves him (arisa), he has a new friend (tohru), someone flat out told him to freakin leave (shigure). Still, he feels that causing akito to break down & cry is cruel. The most passive character in the shows I’ve watched!! Kuteno is another proof of this brilliant writer! there are many kureno’s around us. hurting themselves & others by staying in the cycle of abuse. The writer is really brilliant for writing such variety of characters. Who cares if fans find him appealing or not? hot or dull? good or bad? that’s not the issue here. He fits the plot so amazingly & realistically represents real life ppl who are caught between causing immense harm & being severely harmed, between helping & ruining! Kureno just closed his own caged tight shut behind him. so foolish, so tragic!
Side Notes:
Momiji pulling tohru to his level to tell her abt his achievement is cute! I was told he’s supposed to be taller than tohru now! can’t wait to see that!
Momiji’s been dressing more mature for a while, such as the violin ep, ep24 & now. All three tops while still having so much decorations, a hint of feminine designs are still in tune with momiji’s funky spirit! Also they are NOT toddler-like clothes! at all. I’m convinced it is done on purpose!! baby is growing!
I love dark shigure!! OMG! the story take a whole other level once he turns dark & turns off the goofy mode, activating the bitter mode! He was raw with no mercy & unveiled hatori’s hidden feelings with no hesitation. He tore kureno like a vicious dog! I LOVE.
Akito’s Japaneses VA is queen! & shigure’s Japaneses VA is so amazing!! can’t wait for his American VA!!! he’s one of my faves!
the bond breaking visuals are perfect! 10/10. No words needed.
tohru does have a women’s intuition! She is the most emotionally intelligent & socially perceptive character in furuba, just as long as it’s not abt herself. XD
tohru had a flashback within a flashback! lol. flashback inception!
they gave tohru a lil bit bigger boobies than usual!! my girl is maturing, too? =D
The scene of kureno & akito’s innocent childhood & the curse lifting being cut & inserted all over the ep is EPIC!! 10/10 presentation. It gave the ep eerie & distorted feel. Exactly as both kureno & akito felt. 
The scenes of tohru realizing sth is off with kureno’s curse is 10/10.
“ how did the curse break?” tohru’s first question! wow! I thought it was good for you, I’m happy, then ask afterwards. But NO. Interesting!!!!
I love that there is NO explanation of why the curse broke!!! I hope there is NEVER any explanation!! plz don’t let it be sth magical kureno did without noticing or anything. Let it either be random to keep the suspense as we wouldn’t know who’s is next or let be sth abt the bond somehow. But not sth tohru herself needs to do!
I still don’t understand kureno much, but I find him well-written for the reasons mentioned in my post. As for akito, I still don’t know much abt her. I doubt I’ll like her easily. But I can feel that her part in the story would be so amazingly entertaining!!
Shigure is the most unique furuba character hands down!!!!! this unbelievably entertaining jerk! is hot too.
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majostuck · 2 years
Majostuck story idea (Timeline A, Part 1)
This is an idea I came up with for the early part of the AU, when they first start playing Sburb. None of this is ""canon"" exactly, I haven't gotten any feedback from Plunder on it, and I don't wanna make too many restrictions! For now though I'll call this one Timeline A, in case I want to refer to it in the future!
Keep reading to see what i came up with ^_^
a bunch of 'random' objects from the Homestuck universe are showing up in the Doremi universe. Aiko is the first to find one of these objects, and it's a phone/communication device with pesterchum or trollian on it, and she gets into contact with Dave. Specifically post-sburb Dave who's on earth-c just chillin. So Dave is like "yo who is this" and she's like "this is Aiko who's this'' and first off that's weird cuz everyone knows who Dave is but whatever, so they start talking and Aiko reveals she has no idea what sburb is or what a troll is. So Dave is skeptical as to whether she's serious or not, like maybe she's just messing with him. But they keep talkin and later on she's like "yo my friend [Doremi] got this weird game in the mail" and sends a picture and it's actual sburb and Dave is like "oh shit what" and ends up explaining sburb to her. She's like "wait it destroys the actual world like the one we live in??'' and Dave's like "yea you might wanna avoid it"
So a sburb server disc shows up at the maho-dou. Hana-chan gets ahold of the game and because she is silly goofy she opens it up and starts playing it (as the server player) and Aiko is like WHAT NO and tries explaining it to the rest of the ojamajos. Doremi is at home so aiko calls her and tells her the deal and about the meteors and doremi is like "OH SHIT I GOTTA GO OPEN UP THE GAME (she's under the impression that the timer for the meteors has already started)" and hangs up before Aiko explains that she still has time. So Doremi runs up to her dad's computer, boots up the game, and starts playing as the client player.
Shenanigans ensue, eventually Dave gets the news and brings it up with his friends. They're like "well we have nothing better to do, might as well go and help them out" so since they can communicate with the ojamajos at any point in time, they take a minute to watch over them and get to know them better. They sorta skim through it, and manage to not see too much of the witchy stuff goin on. They do see some weird stuff but don't dwell on it since they got work to do. They look into the future a lil and figure out their classpects and all that, then use that + their personalities to decide who focuses on who. Like Rose and Kanaya watch over Onpu, Roxy and Callie watch over Momoko, etc etc...
somewhere in the process, all the Ojamajos get pesterchum and are able to communicate, and everyone gets a plan laid out. So they've all gotta enter the medium at the same time, since they live in the same area and the meteor's gonna hit them all at the same time. So Doremi gets everything sorted out, up to the point where she does the thing with the Cruxtruder. Aiko tells her NOT to open it yet since that would start the timer. Then Hadzuki gets a server disk and sets up everything for Hana, keep goin until we get to doremi being the server player for aiko. Aiko enters last cuz she has the most info on the game and is helping everyone out. Then they do sburb shit! to be continued and whatnot
and thats the idea! my main problem is that alot of funny ideas we came up with wouldnt exactly fit well within this canon. the ojamajos and the homestuck characters have a significant age difference, which makes any shipping between them a bit weird. also, they wouldnt have much access to dream bubbles, so many character interactions would be impossible. the main thing thats prone to change is the timeframe that the homestuck characters are interacting in. my original idea was having them meet up on the meteor, but that means we'd have to wait a while for the alpha kids & callie to show up. i may have to make an alternate homestuck timeline to get everything how i want it lol
another problem is that i accidentally made aiko and dave the main characters. i honest to god did not mean to do that, but they are my fav characters, (and my fav majostuck friendship,) so thats just how i subconsciously wrote it. while them being the main characters would be fun, its not how i intend for majostuck to be! i want to put equal focus on all the characters so everyone will have something to enjoy. next time ill see if plunder has any early story ideas we can use :3
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imum-coeli · 6 years
Hi. Ok, I'm not going to speak for all of SoRiku fans when I say this, but as a SoRiku fan myself I have never denied the fact that Sora does indeed have feelings/a crush on Kairi that persists through both games. However, that's not to say he can't possibly have feelings for Riku as well (which obviously, is what I believe). If you don't think that, hey, it's my interpretation and you can believe what you want. I won’t try to prove otherwise to you and I promise I'm not trying to convert you to this pairing (which is probably impossible at this point anyway), I just want to give you some insight on why I like SoRiku and give you some reasons why many others do as well. First, I’ll address what you had to say, then I’ll add anything I still have to explain at the end. Sorry, this will be a little long… You mentioned how back on Destiny Islands Riku and Sora were always in competition with each other and how it mostly seemed to be for Kairi's attention. I would like to point out the fact that Kairi does not seem the slightest bit interested in Riku, so even if he usually wins in competition with Sora, it’s like he’s fighting a losing battle when it comes to gaining Kairi’s favor. What’s interesting though is that if Riku is given the opportunity to act on his supposed feelings for Kairi, does he? No. It almost seems like this battle between Sora and Riku is one sided. When we arrive at Destiny Islands it’s like we’re supposed to know how things have always been with this group of characters. Riku’s the show off that everybody’s impressed with and Sora’s the underdog that never gets his chance to shine. I’ll be honest, I was a lot younger when I first played Kingdom Hearts and I disliked Riku because I thought he was being mean to Sora. Now that I’m older I interpret their interaction a bit differently (this is a personal thing, not a dig at you. I’m not saying that I’m wiser or anything by thinking this and I’m sorry if it comes off that way.) I think it’s sweet that Kairi actually shows more interest in Sora because of how the characters are presented and how I expected her to be all over Riku, but that’s not what goes down. What I noticed about Riku is that he probably shows even less genuine interest in Kairi than she shows in him. I mean, he shows interest but isn’t that only when Sora is listening? I think it’s very interesting that Riku seems to only pretend to have feelings for Kairi in order to get a rise out of Sora. Riku obviously knows at this point that Sora likes her, so why would he do this if he has no intention of acting on his own feelings for her? I agree that Sora got upset when Riku suggested that the winner of the race give a paopou fruit to Kairi because of his feelings for the girl. In fact, most of what Sora did, his actions and thoughts, revolved around saving and finding Kairi for almost the entire game. I won't even try to deny that. No matter how much I love the SoRiku pairing, I would hardly ever use evidence from the first game to try and prove mutual feelings of anything other than friendship between the two. But that's the first game. Anyway, the sunset scene. Not sure how that does anything to disprove the SoRiku relationship other than strengthen the relationship between Sora and Kairi. Which still really doesn't take away from any feelings that might be had by Riku for Sora. The only problem I have here with your argument is that you are trying to disprove the pairing of Sora and Riku, but aren't taking into account how Riku fits into the equation. It’s not only Sora’s feelings that should be analyzed. Sora’s feelings for Riku aren’t going to be demonstrated during a scene with only Sora and Kairi in it. Whether you’re trying to just prove friendship or otherwise. You can’t really argue how a pairing doesn’t exist when talking about a relationship that contains another character. Just my opinion. Whether Kairi is serious or not also doesn’t matter, from the way I’m looking at it. One doesn’t take away from the other, especially in a scene that’s playing favorites. Anyway, onto the next. When Sora tries to grab Riku's hand, that shows how much he trusts Riku. I wouldn't call it so much a yaoi pointer as much as it simply demonstrates that they do have a stronger bond then one might think at first because of their rivalry and bickering. That being said, I think it’s also telling how Riku tried to convince Sora to come with him by telling him that Kairi would be going too. He didn’t actually know her whereabouts, so how could he have known if she would even survive the darkness, let alone be able to find them? It seems he just didn’t care. (I think that changes though, I really do believe that all three of them care a lot about each other regardless of who’s paired with who and just don’t think he cared in that moment because he had Sora with him. Plus the fact that it was possibly their one chance to leave the island.) Like I said before, Sora's main motivation in the first game is to find and save Kairi. I know he has feelings for her. He does have a tendency to daydream about her in both games. However, Riku is a big motivator for Sora at the end of the first game when he's about to give up and during a lot of the second game...no…? On Captain Hook’s ship, I don’t think Riku really gave Sora a choice in the matter. I don’t think he betrays Riku’s friendship by defending Kairi against him. It would have been worse for all if Sora hadn’t acted. In a way, Sora was fighting to save Riku from himself just as much as he was fighting to save Kairi. It wasn’t ever about picking sides or who he liked best. It was about what was right and what was wrong. What Riku was planning was wrong and Sora knew he had to fight him in order to stop him. Riku was angry at the time, not to mention jealous of Donald and Goofy and I don’t think the ensuing fight helps to prove or disprove this pairing either way. If it was Kairi he had to fight against because it was her in Riku’s place, do you honestly think he wouldn’t? It would have been a lot more dramatic and a lot more tears would have been shed, but Sora’s a bit of a hero. He’s a strong character and does what needs to be done. If the fact that he is willing to fight against Riku means so much, then what about the fact that he’s just as willing to accept Riku back into his life, even after all he’s done, as his best friend? Sora didn’t want to fight him, it’s something that he had no choice in at the time. When Sora continuously talks about what he needs to tell Kairi , he doesn’t mention Riku at all. I know that might seem like a huge deal, but I don’t see it as being much of one. We don’t hear his thoughts, we don’t know what he’s thinking. Granted, you could turn that around and say he could be thinking about Kairi, but that’s why there’s this thing called interpretation. When he talks about and envisions Kairi, I actually think those parts of the game are really sweet. I just don’t think that they prove anything more than a crush. I’m not doubting the strength of his feelings, just the depth of them. Again, interpretation. I’m just a bit tired of people saying that every bit of SoRiku evidence points to Riku and Sora simply being really great friends, when the same could be said for a lot of the evidence pointing to SoKai. Depending on how long lasting you think young teen crushes are. Hollow Bastion. This one is pretty difficult to tackle. But, really, you might hate me for saying this, but do you honestly think if the situation had been turned around and it was Riku he had to be turned into a heartless for, he wouldn’t do it? Not even Riku, but Mickey, Cinderella…or anyone really? I think he would. That being said, I’m also a believer in writers actually knowing what they’re doing. If an event happens, in anything. Be it book, tv show, movie and it’s important, I won’t disregard it even if it goes against what I’m trying to explain I believe. What I’m trying to say is that Riku wasn’t the one Sora sacrificed himself for, it was Kairi. And with me, things never happen on accident. The writers/creators of Kingdom Hearts wanted to demonstrate the lengths Sora would go for her. I acknowledge that completely. However, you go on to explain how Kairi gave her heart to Sora and that he risked practically everything to save her and give it back and in the process ‘gives’ her his own. I understand that giving your heart to someone usually means you love them and I’ve said before that I think he does care for her. But something I kind of implied earlier or meant to is that Sora is an extremely selfless person. For him, this act of sacrifice almost isn’t that big of a deal (it is a huge deal, I’m just saying because of his actions towards others), to be honest with you. Yes, it’s very sweet and obviously this means something, I just don’t think it’s everything it’s made out to be and I don’t take it a face value. Kairi giving him her heart means next to nothing to me because of what you’re arguing. If in a television series a girl loves a boy and that boy has a crush on her, but he doesn’t get a chance to reciprocate until he possibly has feelings for someone else and then the series ends, well, does it really matter how the girl feels about it? She could be madly in love, but it doesn’t affect his choice. She doesn’t get the guy, not in canon at least. And the lucky charm thing? Friends give each other lucky charms all the time. I'm going to continue this in a different review cuz i'm not really done...
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