#i already have a bunch of fairy lights to sew into it
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pixellangel · 9 months ago
i designed a fun new hatsune miku design to cosplay, including a few alternate color schemes!! :D
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turns out there are very few miku outfits where she has space buns, which i think is a real shame. they're super cute! i took this issue into my own hands and made a space themed design for her with buns and a big ol bow. it also has lights in it!! very spacey :3
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small-world-au · 10 months ago
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Sora Aguilar
Full name: Sora Marcelo Aguilar Yuki
Age: Same as the main trio
Personality type: ISFP
Ethnicity: Asian (Japanese) & Hispanic (Mexican)
Hair color/type: Dark brown/straight-slightly curly
Eye color: light brown
Skin color: super light tan/dark pink
Gender: Male
Family: Natalia Aguilar (maternal grandmother)
Gabriela Aguilar (Mother 🪦)
Shino Yuuki (Father 🪦)
Dante (Stepfather)
Noelia Aguilar (Maternal aunt🪦)
Unknown (Maternal uncle)
Rowena Pagonis (Older half sister🪦)
Kip (therapy dog)
Stone (childhood sweetheart/husband)
Friends: Bailey, Jasper, Finn, Skipp, Zaria, Vinnie, pebble, maggot, Bailey’s kittens, Finn’s rat babies, old man Howard, Maroon, Olive, Ray, Rui, Maple, Chris, Zaria, Charlie, and Allay
Neutral: Tre, Rigel & cen, karma, Doña Mari, and Ivan Franzwick
Enemies: Fritz (the butler), ditch, Nadia (personal reasons), Jay, arrogant lootbags, street gangs, and AVRILLE!!!!
Cute animals
Spending time with friends/family
Caring for the young
Rude/whiny scraps & loot-bag
Leaving kip behind
Being treated as a 🏆
Art/writing block
Not being good enough
Disappointing his family/friends
Leaving Stone and friends
Obsessive creeps
His dad and avrille
His beloved ones getting hurt
Being unable to help/being useless
Street fights
Being cooped inside for too long
Sora Aguilar is one of the main character of my au. A sweet, gentle, and kindhearted young man filled with curiosity, who would do anything for the sake of his friends and family, even if it means sacrificing his own needs and wants.
He is Rowena’s younger half-brother, Gabriela’s and Shino’s only son, Natalia’s grandson, and Noelia’s nephew.
He’s a close friend to the scraps and a mom-friend who cherishes his own group dearly. He is also Stone’s childhood best friend/sweetheart.
He and his puppy (Kip) lived happily (???) in their mansion, until they wake up one night inside a big bag that was left on the streets of ramshackle.
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More facts below!!!!
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allbeendonebefore · 7 months ago
I have to ask nutmeg, I have to
Good to see when one is aware of one's branding ;)
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
my bedroom is kind of a mess and will be for the foreseeable future because it's just kind of being used as storage at the moment rather than decorated. I spent the whole holiday monday moving those damn blackout curtains and my mum is still like "wouldn't drapes be better?" like ma i am working with what i already have and can afford and they do not make drapes short enough for those windows and i am no longer in possession of the sewing machine because you all took it back out of province with you aaaaaaaaaaa
but apart from the ugly but lifesaving curtains and half the bookshelves in the house being crammed into my room I try to have a few personal touches (fairy lights, a nice framed star wars poster). Most of the conscious thought goes into my office.
I'd say it's an eclectic mix of sci fi posters and local art (both mine and others) and a bunch of knicknacks both recent and from childhood. It's not so much themed as just a reflection of my life (and i also keep getting edmonton swag).
i SUPPOSE i can show pictures but be warned its mostly just me like "gotta get stuff off the floor" and not much in the way of serious thoughtful design (which requires some money and some talent). There is some feng shui though to try to balance out the "idk what i am doing" chaos.
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ft. ted harrison, art by a person who didnt appreciate it so i keep it out of her reach so she cant destroy it, edmonton skyline print
beluga i have had since birth, star trek / wars figurines and some other guys as well as the tops of two out of many degrees
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i have been digging all my pins out of storage to put on here plus necklaces and there's all the giant roadside attractions in alberta prints made by nancy nickolson who's art i love
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i had books on this shelf for my zoom background to make me look like an intellectual and then the shelves fell on my head once so i decided to move them elsewhere hahahaha so now i just look like a weirdo obsessed with edmonton transit and star trek which is true.
(ignore the stupid hat it was a gift for my dad that he absolutely doesnt want but i dont know what to do with it)
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postcards from places i've lived that aren't edmonton featuring art by @en-theos hehehe
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some posters including a print from fort edmonton, local art propaganda, and a very kind yelp review printed out and given to me by a frequent houseguest :)
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everyone is just jealous of my edmonton swag (and my piles of roasted peanuts for the magpies)
Living Room
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moved my nice zoom shelf books (contributed by @randomoranges over here (and you must understand i liked voltron Before the reboot)
there's some dinosaurs my sister painted for me, several matryoshka dolls, some montreal art, kitty cats, and very tiny elgin marbles.
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this is like the gay trek/who shelf i guess?? (ignore the calgary flag that's not real)
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the star wars shelf (c3po is filled with orange pekoe so that's c3pekoe) and the eclectic plant collection (some of which belongs to @quatschmachen). They're hanging out here because i blacked out my office windows during the heatwave.
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i keep getting these model valley line lrts and they have to live SOMEWHERE okay
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tbh now that i have many of these i am thinking of rearranging them in rainbow order but i love them sooo much.
I do have piles of art that needs to be framed languishing in drawers and stuff but that's for Later. enjoy :)
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jadethest0ne · 2 years ago
ooh! 🏠? :]
See, this is the question I was most unsure about haha!
🏠 What is the Lair like?
I actually don't really know what "Once Human's" lair looks like XD
Well, I don't really have a layout. I have a basic idea of what each of their rooms would look like, but no sense of actual structure or visual designs to show any of you. The following is some rambling and sort of making things up as I go (except for the last part which is very much set in stone).
Splinter's room would have a bunch of random things from his travels and likely a bookshelf of cookbooks. I'd also imagine he'd have some posters in his room, mostly of 80s memorabilia. Also a rainbow flag maybe? There's rainbow in there somewhere. I'm imagining warm lighting. Maybe rainbow fairy lights? It's also one of the messier rooms, but messy in a way where he knows where things are.
Leo has the most traditionally Japanese looking room. Tatami mats. Futon bed. Probably some bonsai plants and scrolls of calligraphy art on the walls (some of which he made himself).
Mikey's room is like an art studio. Bright, saturated colors. Probably some plush toys and bean bag chairs. There's also a corner with patches of cloth, thread, and a sewing machine for making clothing.
Donnie and Raph share a room (split with a curtain). It's a mishmash of their colors and interests. There's an area for Raph to weightlift, and he has a tiny old TV which he likes to watch sports on. Donnie has a desk with various parts and blueprints for projects. She likes to have some sort of background noise while working. Sometimes that's whatever Raph is watching or doing, and sometimes that's music via some large headphones she has, connected to a decent entertainment system.
I don't really have ideas for the rest of the lair. There's probably a dojo area. And a kitchen with a pantry..? uh yeah
One important factor of the lair that I do have figured out is that it is underground, and soooorta in a space that is between the human realm and the yokai realm. Think pocket dimension. This, along with Donnie's tech, keeps the lair safe from most outsiders - human, mystical, or otherwise. It can only be accessed by people who already know it's there, and anyone who comes near it sort of magically, can't really perceive it.
Yeah, that sounds about right. Kinda dreading having to draw it all eventually XD
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enchantedchocolatebars · 2 years ago
Translated a bunch of headcanons about Grimwalkers for you. Have a good day!
1. At the time of digging out of the ground, they are already 7-8 years old, after which in two years they grow to 14 years old and their development becomes like an ordinary human one
2. Before creating a real functional grimwalker, there were a couple dozen unsuccessful ones who died in a few days.
3. There were 89 of them before Hunter was created, including those that were unsuccessful
4. Many grimwalkers died not because of Belos, but because of accidents
5. The early Grimwalkers knew Belos to be more human than he was in relation to the others. The fact is that over time he hardened and stopped feeling warm feelings for them
6. Usually Belos never introduced grimwalker as his relative, so as not to arouse suspicion. Hunter was an exception, because Belos hoped that he would become the last grimwalker
7. Hunter's pun name was invented by The Collector
8. Belos still hates killing them. Initially because of the remnants of humanity in himself, later because of the difficulty of extracting materials for a new grimwalker
9. Grimwalkers on the Boiling Islands are something like a tale about evil fairies who kidnap children and replace them with clones
10. Grimwalkers' eyes reflect light like cats. I do not advise photographing them with a flash
11. They are heavier than ordinary people and much heavier than ordinary witches
12. Thanks to the skin of selkidomus, they can withstand extremely extreme temperatures
13. They can only be killed by breaking the galderstone, which replaces the heart. Otherwise, they are tenacious as cockroaches
14. If you cut off a grimwalker limb, and then sew it back on (even someone else's, but necessarily Grimwalker's), it will grow together
15. After the death of the grimwalker, the bone of orthet can be reused to create a new grimwalker
Hey, nonnie!
Good Grimwalker headcanons! 👍
I like them.
Also, you too! <3
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shipmistress9 · 4 years ago
The Perks Of Your Boyfriend Being A Ghost - 2
You know how it is when authors say "This is definitely just a one-shot!". In many cases, they don't actually mean it. xD So, as announced... part 2 of this self-indulgent fic.
Today had been a good day.
Zephyr and Nuffink only had one small fight right before lunch that thankfully had been easy to solve – Zephyr's 'stolen' notebook had actually just been in the wrong drawer of her desk. Aside from that, the two had taken turns playing with Brianna for a while so that Astrid actually had had the time to do some dearly-needed chores around the house. Both bathrooms and the kitchen were clean again, the lamp in Nuffink's room was repaired, and the leg of Zephyr's favourite cuddly dragon sewed back on. She'd even found the time to do some baking in-between, rewarding herself and her children with a bunch of fresh cookies for tea.
All in all, Astrid felt remarkably good after this day. Accomplished. Successful. Happy. She was even humming along with the music on the radio as she tidied up the toys and clothes and kitchenware from all over the living room. A good day indeed.
She perked up when the song ended and the first beats of the next one followed, smiling to herself. It was an older song, one of her favourites from when she'd been young. Feeling giddy, she danced around the room, singing along with every line. She still knew them by heart.
"Mum? Are you okay?"
Astrid glanced up when she heard Zephyr's puzzled voice and couldn't suppress a grin. All three children were standing in the doorway, undoubtedly drawn by her terribly off-tune singing, and staring at her with varying degrees of bewilderment.
Once, the thought of someone seeing her like that would have been embarrassing. But Astrid was long past that point and just enjoyed feeling good for once.
"Yep, fine as a flower in spring." She made a sloppy pirouette, giggling as she nearly lost her balance. She was just too giddy to care.
"Mummy dancy!" Brianna came toddling over to her, her tiny arms reaching for her.
Astrid happily lifted her up, whirling around some more with Brianna in her arms, and chuckled when the little girl squealed in delight.
It didn't take long, only a few more seconds, before Nuffink joined them, goofing around with the beat of the music. Zephyr watched them a little longer, but then, with a shrug and a roll of her eyes, started to dance as well. Astrid shifted Brianna to sit on her hip and used the other one to help Zephyr and Nuffink pirouetting until they could barely stand straight anymore.
Before long, they were all laughing giddily and eventually fell onto the old sofa, everyone on top of everyone else. Cooing happily, Astrid closed her arms around her children, cuddling them tight and basking in their laughter.
Moments like this were what made all the hardship worth it.
. o O o .
Later that day, Astrid stood at the window in her bedroom and watched the sun setting behind the forest. For once, bedtime had gone by without any drama; Nuffink had fallen asleep while Astrid had read them a bedtime story, with Brianna already asleep on her arm, and Zephyr hadn't protested against turning the lights off in time either.
And now, for the first time in what felt like forever, Astrid had the chance to just enjoy the pretty view outside. She'd thought about putting the time to good use, maybe prepare food for some other more hectic day or sort through more laundry. But then she'd decided that she'd done enough that day. She'd earned herself a calm evening, hadn't she?
Content like she hadn't felt in a long time, she watched as the glowing light dipped behind the trees. They seemed to be on fire, the sky above them painted beautifully in orange and pink.
The moment the last ray of sunshine left the house, she felt his touch again. It was as if he stood behind her for real, his chest against her back, his hands loosely on her hips, and his mouth on her neck. Her instincts told her to lean back against him, but she knew better than to give in. She’d tried that once, and instead of cuddling into his embrace had stumbled right through him. Remembering his remorseful look was enough to make her hold still and just enjoy his closeness instead.
You looked happy. So beautiful.
His words in her mind were accompanied by a memory that wasn’t her own. She saw herself as she danced with her kids, saw her own smile through Hiccup’s eyes. It made her smile again, feeling his adoration through his mental touch.
“I am happy,” she replied in a quiet whisper. She turned around to look up into his pale face. “Our life might be difficult but that doesn’t mean it’s not good. Even if I had a fairy’s three free wishes, there’s only one thing I’d want to change.”
Oh? And what’s that?
He sounded amused, a small smile tugging at his pale lips.
She lifted her hand and let the tips of her fingers glide along the outline of his cheek and jaw. There was a tangible resistance, almost as solid as skin, and she could swear that she could also feel his stubble. How did he do that?
“I wish I could live with you,” she breathed, fighting to keep the sudden surge of sadness out of her eyes. “I wish we could have more than just these shared hours at night. Don’t get me wrong, I’d never want to miss them. But… but I wish I could live with you. Does that make sense?”
Hiccup’s gaze dropped away from her eyes, his smile turning into something more sombre as he leaned his head into her touch and laid his ghostly hand over hers.
I know what you mean. My life was not unhappy, but now that I know you it seems to have been rather pointless.
There it was again, the underlying sadness that so often lay like a shadow over him. A part of Astrid wanted to curse herself for bringing the topic up in the first place, but she couldn’t help it now. And it had been the truth anyway, not something she wanted to hide. It wasn’t just the way he took care of her sometimes she enjoyed. It was all of it, all of him.
Carefully to not move right through him, she nudged his head up so he would look at her again. "I love you."
That brought the smile back to his face. He cradled her cheek with his large hand and kissed her, with more firmness than she was used to but she certainly wasn't complaining. It felt good to have their lips slide together, to have his tongue move with her own.
I love you, too.
Astrid hummed against his mouth, overwhelmed by the sincerity she felt in his words. She still wasn't used to hearing these words and actually believing them. Her marriage had left her heart bruised and aching, but with Hiccup it was healing a little more with every passing day.
"Come here." She pulled him along to her bed. Her tugging at his hand surprised him, and for a moment, they were both startled. Usually, Hiccup had to concentrate to not resolve into thin air, so her catching him by surprise like that was new.
But it was good, too. It meant that he was getting stronger still, as became evident as well as they settled on her bed. This time, she could feel him. He lay above her, but instead of just hovering in the air, she felt his weight pressing down on her – not as heavy as a grown man should be but he was there. She felt him move with her as his kisses and touches left her restless, felt him grind against her in the sweetest ways. His mouth nipping at her neck, one of his hands in her hair and the other caressing her side – it was all just wonderful.
She chuckled when his hand slipped beneath her shirt, pushing the hem up to reveal the naked skin of her belly.
"Since when do you bother with clothes?"
Hiccup's lips twitched.
I thought it would feel more… real to you that way.
He sounded hesitant, a little embarrassed even, and hid his face against her neck.
"Mmh, very thoughtful of you." She placed her hands to his shoulders and gently nudged him upwards.
He took a moment to react, just long enough for Astrid to notice– when had the appearance of his shirt disappeared? She blinked, taken by surprise, but held back any comments. She didn't want him to feel self-conscious and actually really liked the impression of ghostly skin beneath her fingers. She shifted a little, luxuriating in feeling his body against her own – or something close to that – and beamed up at him. "You're amazing."
Hiccup smiled sadly and shook his head.
I'm just trying to make you happy. You do so much, I want to give some of it back to you.
Astrid closed her eyes and leaned into his hand. They’d had this conversation before. Just like his bar for what accounted for a good mother was rather low, the same seemed to be true for what she accounted for as a good man, a good lover. Her former husband certainly had never treated her like Hiccup did now.
But she didn’t want to talk or even think about that anymore. All she wanted was to enjoy her time with Hiccup as best she could.
Leaning up, she brought her mouth back to his and resumed kissing him. Hiccup followed happily, once again treated her with knowing hands all over her body. Unable to resist, Astrid even splayed her hands over his chest and shoulders, relishing in what little she could explore of him. Sometimes, her fingers only found thin air, when she moved too quickly or with too much pressure, but this was still so much more than only weeks before, so wonderful.
But then she felt something new and paused. She hadn’t expected that.
“Is… is that a supernatural erection?” she giggled, unable to help herself.
Hiccup stilled, and when she heard his voice in her head, it was filled with laughter, too.
Ha! You could call it that, I guess.
They laugh together for a moment until, testingly and to assure Hiccup that she wasn’t laughing at him, Astrid ground herself against him and hummed. “Mmh, feels good.”
Hiccup beamed down at her, even as his cheeks appeared to be a little darker as if he was embarrassed.
More to make it more real for you. If… well, if that’s what you want?
Astrid bit her lip and shuddered as a pleasant shiver ran down her spine. So far, Hiccup had only used his hands and mouth(s) to please her. This though... “Yes, I do want that,” she breathed.
He kissed her again, hungrily, then relieved her of her shirt and kept grinding into her, his forehead resting against her own. It left her head spinning and let a deep moan sound from deep within her, her body so hungry for this kind of intimacy. In her mind, she heard him groan.
“Do you feel it, too?” she asked, a little breathlessly.
A shadow crossed Hiccup’s face and he averted his gaze, shrugging non-committedly.
No… But I remember what it feels like. The longing. The desire. And watching you… listening to you… You make it easy to call these memories back.
His words made her blush and biting her lip, she, too, looked away. She was used to getting teased for the noises she made during sex. Hiccup had assured her many times that he didn’t mind and even liked them… but it was still difficult for her to accept.
After a few more minutes of making out like this, she fought to get her legs out of her trousers. She struggled a little but it was so worth it when he settled between her legs, now just as naked as she was.
Hiccup leaned over her again and resumed kissing her. The movements of his phantom body became more intense, grinding against her and making her gasp through their kiss. Oh, it had been so long since she’d felt anything like this, the intensity, the desire, it was real.
The word vibrated in her head and all but made her glow from the inside. His mental voice was so full of sincerity, of love and adoration. With a little effort, she opened her eyes to look at him, wanted to convey the same feelings to him.
“I could say the same about you,” she whispered, a little breathlessly as her hands fluttered along the outline of his chest.
He chuckled, his translucent body vibrating against her own, and it left her mewling. She needed more.
Stomping down on her embarrassment and insecurities, she let her hand glide down between their legs. When her hand closed around his cock, she let out a needy groan. He felt big. Big and hard and even throbbing a little against her palm. How much concentration did that cost him?
She looked up at him, biting her lip as she searched for his consent. He nodded ever so slightly, his smile glowing with love as she guided him inside her.
Hiccup didn’t move fast, no mindless thrusting or anything like that, but the intrusion still stung. Enough for her to wince at the unexpected pain and for Hiccup to halt immediately.
What’s wrong?
A little embarrassed, Astrid chuckled. “Nothing, just… go slowly? I might be a bit out of practice. It’s been a while since...”
Since before Brianna’s birth, to be precise. But those were more memories she didn’t want to think about now.
Well, it’s been a while for me, too.
There was again humour in is voice but also wistfulness, and Astrid kissed him again to wipe it away. Hiccup gave in and with her encouragement slowly pressed into her again. This time, it felt better, the stretch not as bad and just enough for her to feel him. As if…
She pulled back to look up at him, incredulous. “Did… did you make your cock smaller?”
Once again, Hiccup averted his face in embarrassment and shrugged.
Yes? Perks of no solid body, remember? And my ego is not so big that I can’t accept such an alteration. I want this to feel good for you. ”
She hummed, touched by this gesture, and let herself enjoy his attention. She couldn’t say whether the perks of his ghostly body gave him that much of an advantage or whether he was just naturally good at this, but she could definitely say that she’d never had sex as good as this before. Hiccup started at a slow pace, just sliding in and out of her while he kept distracting her with his kisses. For all she could guess, he tried different angles until he’d found the one that made her moan the loudest, and only when she was mewling for more did his thrusts became harder and faster.
Hiccup’s voice was like humming in the back of her mind, a string of praises and little groans that made her feel wanted like never before.
Piece by piece he took her apart, Astrid barely able to even think. He felt so good, so amazing, his cock inside her, his lips and hands roaming her skin. It left her shaking, trembling, helpless against the onslaught of sensations. Out of reflex, she grasped at his shoulders, whimpering when he couldn’t withstand her strength, and she had to clutch at the sheets beneath her instead.
With precision, he pushed her closer and closer toward the edge, and then right over it. Stars exploded behind her eyes as she spasmed between her sheets, her body clenching hungrily around Hiccup’s cock, and her mind was going entirely blank, except for Hiccup’s voice in her thoughts. There was a deep groan, so full of longing that it made her heart burst – and two words.
So… warm!
When Astrid came to it again, still breathless and with bones that felt like jelly, Hiccup was still above her. He was cuddled close to her, his face against her neck, and if she hadn’t known better she would have said that he was trembling.
“Hiccup? Is everything okay?”
He grunted, not really an answer but at least he’d heard her.
She waited, for him to say something or for her mind to start working again, whatever happened first, when she realised what he’d said.
“Wait! You said warm. Did… did you feel that after all?”
Again, he shook, his hands tightening on her arms as if he needed to hold on to her.
I… I did.
The admission was accompanied by a sense of overwhelming confusion.
What… what is happening to me?
To Astrid’s relief, he didn’t sound scared, but she could understand his restlessness. And after he always took care of her, now it was her turn to take care of him. She made to look at him, wanted to reassure him that, surely, everything was okay. But when she looked up at him, the words got stuck in her throat, her mouth falling open.
For the eyes that looked back at her were of a bright green.
So, what's this? More control, certainly. But...?
* - . - * - . o O o . - * - . - *
If you want to support me you can buy me a coffee. I love coffee 😊 (Ko-Fi)
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pynkhues · 5 years ago
Prompts for Center and Circumference if you are..... I'd love to see Rio having a tea party with the girls and Beth getting a picture of him wearing a funny hat.
Not exactly a tea party, and not exactly a hat, but I hope you like it anyway, anon. :-) 
“When do they come on?”
“Soon, pop,” Rio hums, shifting further back in his seat and glancing sideways at his son. He squints, rocks his jaw when he clocks Marcus’ heels hooked into the padded bottom of the chair, and shit, if that ain’t Jane all over. Rio makes a pointed noise in his throat, dragging Marcus’ attention back from the stage, down to his feet. He promptly drops his legs.
“We’ve been here for ages,” Danny whines on Marcus’ other side, and Rio’s basically inclined to agree. He had vague recollections of watchin’ his sisters at their own recitals thirty years ago, but it had nothing on this whole thing. Elizabeth had been stressin’ about it for weeks, and in here now – at some hired out little theater, it’s easier to see why. Ain’t exactly Radio City, but school halls ain’t got shit on it with its high stage and dark velvet curtains, bright, moving stage lights and thousand-chair audience. Not that the seats are full exactly, but it’s close, he’ll give ‘em that.
Then again, it is the girls’ dance school’s end of year revue.
It had been a big enough deal at home anyway – with double the amount of classes for the girls as usual – a fuckin’ scam if ever he’s heard one, because next thing Elizabeth’s fiddlin’ with their household budget and suspending her yoga classes until the end of the year to pay for it like they’ve got to count pennies (and shit, she’d been pissed when he’d called the club to unsuspend it, but he knows how long it’s taken her to find an instructor she likes, and he knows just how fast spots get snapped up there, and he ain’t havin’ her goin’ without for no damn reason. Not that she’d agreed with that either.
“The whole point of a household budget is to stick to it,” she’d insisted in bed that night, her freezing feet pushed between his calves for warmth. “We can’t just keep magicking up more money to pay for things.”
He’d scoffed, pulling her closer, until she was half draped across his chest, hand drifting down her back, canvassing the knobs of her spine before sliding over the swell of her ass.
“Do you even remember what trade we in, mami? Or you wanna go pick up some more wrappin’ paper with your girls for reference?”)
It hadn’t just been the extra classes though. If it was, maybe it would’ve been easier, but it was the fact that the parents were expected to make the costumes themselves – the dance school emailing out patterns and listing out fabric stores like they’re doin’ them a favour. Elizabeth being Elizabeth had gone and volunteered to make half the other girls’ in the class’ too, and shit, he feels like Halloween was yesterday (two months, but still) and now he’s pretty sure the electric whir of her sewing machine has become the soundtrack to his nightmares.
It had only gotten worse too when Emma had been promoted to head dancer for their class, something that had the kid alternately glowin’ like she’d swallowed a lightbulb and sobbin’ over her footwork not being good enough, which had only in turn gotten Elizabeth all in her head, stressin’ about this whole thing being perfect for Emma, despite Rio trying to tell her nothin’ good would come of protecting a kid from the reality of hard work and the rewards of it (like, fuck, she was already head dancer – if that wasn’t winning, he wasn’t sure what was).
Rio sighs, shifts back in his seat, resists the urge to rub at his forehead at what feels like the twentieth group of little girls in tutus skipping out onto the stage. Tinkling piano music starts up again (and he’s sure they’ve played this song before), when a dim light hits the corner of his eye. Rio twists in his seat, looking to his other side to find Kenny with his cell shoved up his shirt for cover, reading some bullshit on somethin’ or other, and Rio levels him with a look, holding out his hand. Kenny at least has the good sense to look bashful, pulling his phone out from his shirt and passing it over to Rio.
On stage, the dance wraps up, and a tall, thin woman with a head of tight black curls steps out onto the stage, still clapping as she approaches the microphone stand in the far corner of the stage.
“Wow, what a performance from our Bright Little Bees class! Now we’re moving from the backyard to the forest for our next performance with our Gumdrop Fairies!”
Marcus gasps at that, and all three of the boys sit up a little straighter, looking over the heads in front of them to get the best view of the stage, and Rio quickly passes Kenny back his phone, gesturing out to the aisle.
“Film it for your ma and your aunts and your abuela, yeah?”
Because shit, he’s already preparin’ himself for an earful from his mom for not inviting her (nothin’ personal – Emma had banned extended family, too up in her nerves), if she finds out he didn’t even tape the thing, he doesn’t think he’ll ever hear the end of it.
Kenny nods, pleased for a job, sliding out of his seat and into the aisle as the piano music starts again from the front of the theatre.
Rio’s only just had the time to turn around when a little girl dance-runs out onto the stage, a puff of white tulle and silver glitter, her hair bundled up on top of her head. She curtseys to the audience, and then behind her, another little girl does the same, and then the third is Jane, making Marcus and Danny burst into cheers beside him, and Rio grins too, watching her curtsey a little roughly to the audience, and he sits up taller, hoping she’ll be able to see them only - -
Rio frowns, because Jane spots him and Marcus and Danny, but averts her gaze, no toothy grin or proud little chin tilt to be seen. He narrows his eyes, watching as little girl after little girl dances out onto the stage, and then the fairy queen, only - -  
“That’s not Emma,” Danny says a little too loudly, making a bunch of the parents turn around to shush him, but Rio gives them all dark looks, making them quickly turn back, because that little blonde girl definitely ain’t Emma. He waits a minute, watching the stage as Marcus and Danny murmur confused beside him, and even Kenny’s looking back at him from the aisle, and finally he waves a hand at them.
“Stay and watch Jane, I’ll be back in a minute. Kenny’s in charge.”  
With that, he scoots out of the seats, glad Elizabeth had booked them closest to the aisle in case Rio had needed to take a call, before ducking out. He heads out the back doors and then around towards the backstage area where he’d seen Elizabeth briefly before the thing had started – every inch of her sparklin’ from where she’d been spraying glitter onto costumes and her hands a little bloody from pin pricks and needles.
Slipping through the door, he’s met with a mess of cheap, pop-star perfume and bouquets of wilting gas station flowers, tiny kids in tights and tutus rushing around, laughing, mothers shushing, a few running through steps, more just giggling as they pelt each other with powder puffs covered bright with pink blush. Glancing around the space, he spots the names of the group classes – following through from the Bright Little Bees to the Dancing Divas to the Princesses of Power and Rio’s rolling his eyes a little at the names before he finds the empty corner for the Gumdrop Fairies. He ducks over, briefly checking over the area before spotting Elizabeth’s bag, shoved into the corner beneath one of the little dressing tables. Crouching down to peak inside, he rolls his eyes when he finds both her cell and her wallet left in it because clearly she gets off on not listenin’ to him, and he grabs both, shoving them into the back pocket of his jeans before standing back up.
He glances across the room again, only to spot a dark-haired woman at the next class over eyeing him a little uncertainly. Rio rolls his shoulders back, gestures with a tilt of his head down to Elizabeth’s handbag.
“Yo, you see the woman and little girl who was here?”
The woman blinks, opens her mouth, her hands fluffin’ up a tutu, and her eyes drop down to his tattoo, but she firms up her step.
“I’ve seen a lot of women and little girls here,” she says carefully, and Rio huffs, tries to soften his expression.
“I’m lookin’ for my partner and her daughter. She’s supposed to be out on stage right now with her sister, but she ain’t. Just tryna figure out what’s goin’ on.”
The woman’s brow draws, her expression shifting cautiously as she looks like she’s trying to gauge intent in his expression, and she must see something she likes, because she smiles sympathetically at him, before glancing down at a little girl who can only be her own daughter, hoppin’ around in a lime green leotard.
“There’s always drama at these things, I swear,” she says with a huff, holding the tutu down to the ground for her daughter to step into. “What do they look like?”
“Kid’s cute, blue eyes like her mama. She’s brunette though – hair down to her ankles,” Rio says with a good natured huff, and at least that makes the woman laugh.
“Which one won’t let you get it cut?”
“Ain’t figured that out yet,” he replies easily, and the woman laughs all over again.
“Unfortunately, I don’t think that narrows it down. Your girlfriend?”
“Hair blonde, a little red,” he gestures to just below his jaw. “’Bout this tall. Wearin’ a dress with flowers on it.”
A look of dawning surprise crosses her face.
“The one with the - - “
She gestures a bit to her chest, and then promptly looks embarrassed, but Rio just grins, dimples and all, huffs out a laugh.
“That’s the one,” he says easily, and the woman nods, pointing out across the room.
“Her daughter was really upset. Seemed like something happened with another girl. I think she might’ve taken her into the bathrooms.”
Rio nods, says a quick thanks, and darts off across the room. He sucks in a breath, knocks a little, and when nobody says anything, he slides right in, and shit, at least that answers that. The bathroom is completely empty except for Elizabeth and Emma, who are sitting on the tiles, Emma red faced, clutching her flower crown, and sobbing at Elizabeth’s feet, her hair out of it’s sprayed-up bun, and Elizabeth, furiously combing it out. She glances up at Rio, and just - - something in his jaw sets on edge, because her expression is somethin’ between furious and grief-struck.
Striding over, he’s barely a foot away, when Elizabeth turns her gaze back down to Emma’s hair and he sees the tangled mess of it, held together with a bright, big glob of somethin’ pink and ugly. Elizabeth seems to sense he’s there in that way she does, seems to know what he’s lookin’ at too, because she sighs thickly.
“She put gum in her hair,” she says, her voice strained, and Rio frowns.  
“Who did?”
“Savannah Brinkly. That little - -” Elizabeth huffs out another breath, cutting herself off, scowling. “She’s the girl who’s out there now dancing Emma’s part.”
The words only serve to make Emma sob all the louder, and shit, Elizabeth’s face just falls apart. He leans in a little closer, drops a hand to her neck, pressing just slightly, then harder when one of Elizabeth’s hands come up to squeeze his. After a moment, she looks up at him, glassy eyed and pink cheeked.
“Is Jane on stage?”
Rio hums in affirmation, and Elizabeth exhales a breath he don’t think she even realised she was holdin’ in.
“She was almost as upset as Emma.”
“Didn’t look happy up on that stage,” Rio agrees, crouching down on the floor beside Elizabeth, behind Emma. He watches Elizabeth work the comb a little longer, but her hands are shakin’, so he pries the comb from her fingers, replacing her grip on Emma’s hair with his own. He combs a bit, but it ain’t gonna take a salon to tell them this shit is just gonna have to be cut.
“She did it right as they were about to go on. Just shoved her hand right into Emma’s hair. I’d seen her chewing gum all night, and I knew she was jealous of Emma getting the part – she’s the same girl who pushed her during class last week, remember Emma’s grazed hands? I should’ve done something.”
“What could you have done?” Rio asks her, lowering his voice, but he don’t think Emma’s listenin’. Too wrapped up in her own tears. “Can’t protect her from jealous bitches, ma.”
Beside him, he can feel Elizabeth stiffen, can feel her sigh.
“She worked so hard,” Elizabeth whispers, her voice thick. She shakes her head, and Rio glances sideways at her, his jaw rocking. He looks down at her hands – marked up from cutting through tulle and pinning fabric and weeks of work and energy and it’s strange – the feeling it tightens in his gut. He opens his mouth to reply, only for the bathroom door to spring open and another woman to run through, urgency thick in her tone.
“Beth, we need you out there right now.”
Swivelling beside him, Elizabeth blinks wildly over at the other woman, and Rio follows her gaze.
“What? Why?”
“Jane’s just, like, thrown herself at Savannah on stage.”
“Oh, god,” Elizabeth groans, and Rio passes the comb back to her.
“I’ll handle it,” he tells her, but Elizabeth shakes her head, getting up to her feet beside him.
“No, stay with Emma.”
And just like that, she’s following the other woman out, the door swinging shut behind them, taking all the noise of the theatre with them. Rio sighs, sitting back on his haunches, watching Emma’s glittery shoulders shake in front of him. After a moment, he just sighs.
“’Ey, enough of that now,” he says gently, turning Emma around, and she avoids it – tries to at least, tries to cement herself to the floor like she weighs anythin’ upwards of fifty pounds, but still. Rio moves her as gently as he can. “She worth all this?”
Emma shakes her head, but her bottom lip is still wobbling.
“No,” Emma says. “But this was supposed to be special.”
Rio hums, rubbing a few tears off her cheek with the pad of his thumb.
“This ain’t special? Can’t say I spent a dance recital in a bathroom before.”
And shit – it would’ve made Marcus laugh, but Emma just bursts into tears again.
“Ain’t sayin’ that’s a bad thing,” Rio says quickly, but Emma’s little hands are growing white knuckled around her flower crown, and Rio just sighs. “What she did ain’t right, and I’m sorry, darlin’. I’m sorry you missed your show, sorry we gonna have to cut your hair too.”
Emma sucks in a wet breath, but he thinks she might be all cried out, if the look on her tired little face is anything to go by.
“I don’t know why she was so mean, I’m never mean.”
“Nah, you ain’t,” and shit, Rio thinks, he wishes she was sometimes. He doesn’t think he’s ever known someone who smells the roses as much as this kid, and it still surprises him – how much he wants to protect it.
Protect her.
And - - not just her, he thinks, the picture of Elizabeth’s glassy eyes and sagging shoulders and scratched up hands taking up too much room in his head. He huffs, annoyed at himself before he can help it.
That woman’s fuckin’ wrecked him.  
Emma hiccups again in front of him, and Rio’s gaze drops to her face, to her hands, to the white and pink flowers in her flower crown, and he sighs all over again.
“This sorta thing, it ain’t really about you,” he tells her gently. “It’s about her, and it’s about what you have and what she don’t, and it ain’t on you to make her feel better about that.”
Emma looks up at him again, her face red and all her little dancer’s make-up practically leaking off her face, and Rio watches her hands tighter, her grip white knuckled to match the flowers, and she starts to say something, hiccupping all the while, when the bathroom door bursts open again, and Rio looks up, expectin’ Elizabeth, only - -
He laughs.
“Damn, darlin’, look at you.”
Because it’s Jane standing furiously in the doorway, her little face twisted up and her tutu ripped enough to hang off the back of her dress like a tail. She stalks over to them, dropping heavily down to the floor beside Emma, facing Rio, and he lets go of the comb to knock her up by the chin. There’s the start of a killer shiner reddening around her eye, and Rio’s brow furrows.
“Savannah do this?”
“I got her better,” Jane says sharply, tilting her chin up proudly like she hadn’t had it in her to do on stage, and Rio grins.
Say shit get hit, he thinks, amused, dropping her chin and turning his attention back to Emma’s hair.
“Where’s your mama at?”
“She’s talking to the teacher and Savannah’s mommy,” Jane says. “They’re yelling a lot. Mommy told me to come in here with you.”
Rio hums, trying to comb out Emma’s hair again, but giving up after a couple of brushes. Ain’t nothin’ but a pair of scissors left for it.
“Are we gonna have to cut it?” Emma whispers, her voice soft, and Rio nods.
“Yeah, darlin’. Your mama will do it when we get home, yeah?”
She exhales a wet breath, the sound coarse in the otherwise quiet of the bathroom, and Rio rocks his head from side-to-side, considering.
“Guess you’re a regular princess now, huh?”
And that’s enough to get both their attention, their twin sets of blue eyes blinking bright up at him, and Rio hums thoughtfully.
“Rapunzel had to cut her hair at the end of the movie too, didn’t she?”
Because shit, he’s watched it enough with the two of them now he thinks he could recite the thing – had to almost kill a guy at a drop because he’d clocked Rio humming that dumb I’ve Got a Dream song. It’s an ear worm, that’s all, burrows in your head.
“She lost her magic though,” Emma says, and Rio shrugs.
“Yeah, coz she didn’t need it no more. And you don’t need it neither – you got somethin’ better. You got skills and smarts, and you got bruiser over here to knock down anyone on the playground who says otherwise.”
Jane practically glows at that, holding up her little bruised fist, and shit, Rio thinks with a grin, she really knocked that kid out. He fistbumps her, before looking back over at Emma, turning over the flower crown in her hands. He knocks it a little with his hand, and Emma looks up at him.
“Do you think mommy can cut my hair to make it look like Rapunzel’s at the end of the movie?”
“Don’t think there’s a lot your ma can’t do, baby.”
Emma grins, dropping her gaze back down and they sit in silence for a minute, like she’s considering it, and Rio glances over at the door, wondering if he can get her out of here. He feels like it’s time to clear out – to get the girls home and happy and out of this fuckin’ place. Emma swipes briefly at her face, getting rid of a few of the shed tears, and Rio rocks back a little on his haunches.
“So what’d you wanna do?”
The words are enough to make Emma look back up at him again, and then back down at the flower crown in her hands, and Rio follows her gaze.
“Want me to get rid of that for you?”
She shakes her head, glancing back up at him, and then, after a beat, she climbs up onto her knees, lifts up the flower crown and drops it ceremoniously on his head. The action is enough to send the girls into flights of giggles, and Rio pops an eyebrow at them, playing up his shock and outrage.
“Oh, you think that’s funny?”
The girls just laugh louder, and Rio opens his mouth to reply, only to see a quick flash of light, and his head jerks around to see Elizabeth in the doorway, her cell in the air, pointed right at him, and Rio gives her an unimpressed look as she looks innocently back at him.
“Okay,” Rio says shortly, pulling off the flower crown and standing up. “Pack up your things, let’s get outta here.”
Leaping to their feet, the girls scurry out of the bathroom to collect their bags, and Rio strides easily over to Elizabeth, looking at her bite her lip at him, play innocent even as he says:
“You’re deletin’ that.”
“I absolutely am not,” she says. “In fact, I’m going to get it printed and send it out with the company Christmas cards. Seasons greetings from the boss. An honourary gumdrop fairy.”
She laughs, the sound melodic, echoing up through the bathroom, and Rio can’t say he ain’t glad to hear it after tonight. Still, he steps in a little closer, enough their chests are almost touching, enough she has to crane her neck to look up at him, enough he can just about see down the neck of her dress. He rocks his jaw, and he can see that too – the slight look of trepidation in her eyes, like she ain’t quite sure how he’s gonna play this, and shit if he don’t love that he can still surprise her.    
“Everythin’ okay with the teacher?”
And that definitely wasn’t what she was expecting, but the second the surprise wears off, she’s sighing harshly, dropping her arm and tilting her head to the side.
“No. I mean, yes, it’ll be fine, but they’re acting like Jane’s the one who did something wrong when none of it would’ve happened if Savannah hadn’t had it out for Emma.”
“Sounds like Jane still knocked the kids lights out,” Rio says with a shrug, watching Elizabeth’s chest rise and fall beneath the neckline of her dress, when Elizabeth suddenly cringes.
“And a tooth.”
And well – shit. Rio barks on a laugh at that, and then Elizabeth starts too, a little hiccupping giggle that makes him inch closer.
“I mean, it was a baby tooth! With the way Savannah’s mom was talking about it, you’d think she’d fractured her skull or something.”
Outside, Rio can hear Kenny’s voice now, and Danny, and then Marcus too (with awe in his tone, no doubt at Jane’s display, and shit, Rio thinks, it’s not like he don’t love the kids, but Jane’s trouble with a capital T). He can hear the bustle of the performers and a few mommas yelling about somethin’ or other, and there’s a whole rest of the night to get to, but still. He presses a little closer into Elizabeth.
“Tonight was a disaster,” she says, groaning. “And everyone’s gonna know.”
“Yeah,” Rio agrees, because the thought of his sisters finding out doesn’t particularly appeal to him neither, but it is what it is. He lifts his hand up holding the flower crown and pushes it down onto Beth’s head, watching the white petals fall down into Elizabeth’s curls, and he doesn’t move his hands from it when she looks up at him, her blue eyes bright as anythin’, and she looks somewhere between suspicious and entranced, which is really just the way he fuckin’ likes her, he thinks, grinning as he uses the crown to bracket her head and pull her up for a kiss.
“You’re deletin’ that photo,” he says against her mouth, feeling her breasts press soft against his chest.
Arching an eyebrow down at her, he bites her lip, just a little sharply, just until he feels her shiver.
“I got methods, mami.”
And Elizabeth just scoffs, and well, if that ain’t a challenge, he don’t know what is.
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wata-wasu · 6 years ago
[TL] Otona no Meruhen Vol.2
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This is one of the cutest drama CDs I’ve ever listened to!! omg Peter Pan is just so precious and pure and innocent. I hope you guys love him like I do. (♡ơ⌄ơ) Just get some tissues ready for later. Like usual, correct me if I translated something incorrectly.
WARNING: This is a r18 drama CD!!
Please don’t repost my translations anywhere else! If you really have to, then send me an ask so I know!
大人のメルヘンシリーズ 大人になりたくない少年 ~好奇心旺盛な彼~ (Adult Fairy Tales Series The Young Boy Who Doesn’t Want to Become an Adult ~A Boy Full of Curiosity~)
CV – 木島宇太 (Mizushima Takahiro)
【Track List】
1.お邪魔します (Excuse Me for Intruding) 2.男と女の違い (The Differences Between Men and Women) 3.子供は見ちゃダメ (Children Aren’t Allowed to Look) 4.大人になりたい (I Want to Become an Adult) 5.じっとしてて… (Stay Still…) 6.幸せになってほしいから (I Want You to Become Happy) 7.いひゃいってば!(I Said It Hurts!) 8.ひとこと (A Single Word) 9. シークレットトラック (Secret Track)
Track 01 – Excuse Me for Intruding
Excuse me for intruding. Heave-ho.
Oooi. Oi! Where did you head off to? My shadow. Where are you hiding? Uh… Could it be here?
Eh? I touched something! Eh? U-uwah! Sh-shhh! Don’t scream! What will you do if someone comes?
Calm down. I’m not a burglar. I’m just trying to search for something. I won’t do anything to you, Miss. I’ll leave right after I find my shadow. Please, won’t you let me stay for a bit?
Ah, thank goodness.
Me? I’m Peter. I kind of got my shadow knocked out of me.
You don’t know what a shadow is? Whenever light shines on me, a dark figure comes out on the walls or ground. Why did you ask if you already knew that? Geez, I don’t have time for this so shut up a little.
Hmm, not here either. Where did it go?
Uh? This is where I flew in. Yep, I flew. Eh? I can fly! What about it? If you wish hard enough, anything can come true. Miss, if you wish hard enough, you’ll definitely be able to fly.
I’m serious. If you think I’m lying, then try it out yourself.
Uh, is it in here? Ah, it’s here! What am I doing? Catching my shadow. Ah, come here! Don’t run away! Wait! Be obedient, and go back into my body!
I finally caught it. This? It’s my shadow. I explained it to you earlier, remember? Whenever light comes out…
Huh? It ran away so I, of course, caught it. More importantly, putting it back on will be a problem.
Hm, Miss, do you have anything I can use to reattach it? I just need to reattach it so anything will do. Hm…
What’s in this box? Ouch! A sewing kit? Then that means you can use the needle and thread to reattach my shadow. A long time ago, I saw someone do the same with a button. Surely my shadow can be fixed the same way.
It’s possible! Here, if you please. Aha, I’m so glad. It won’t disappear anymore.
Hm? Yes, that’s right. If I don’t have my shadow, it’ll disappear. There’s never been a time where I’ve existed without my shadow. In this world, shadows also have humans, right? That’s the same as me.
Uh? What is it? This world is this world. It’s the world you live in. I’m not a human from this world. Ah, but it’s not like I don’t exist. You can see me after all, Miss.
I exist because people believe in me. That’s why I’m relieved I can exist here together with you guys. Well, I guess you can say I’m fairy-like. Ah, but I’m still pretty different from fairies. I think I’m more of an ambiguous being. I’m neither adult nor child.
Are you already done? Eh, thank you!
Say, Miss, are you an adult? Or a child? You appear to be an adult, but when I think about it, you’re kind of child-like.
Wa-wait a sec! You didn’t have to hit me with a pillow, right? I didn’t say anything rude at all. I can see your behavior is like that of an adult, but the inside of your mind is like a child’s, right? I was just making a harmless guess.
Writer? Miss, do you want to become a writer? Eh, you want to write children’s books. Hm, um…
A princess whose kisses contain magical powers. A fairy became better after receiving a kiss. So… What’s a kiss? Can a kiss make a fairy feel better? Ehhh, I don’t really understand. Can you give me one? Here!
What am I doing? I want a kiss. C’mon, hurry and give me one.
Why are you making that confused face?
Thank you! Eh, so this is a kiss. It feels kind of fluffy.
It was a pincushion? Uh, well, whatever. Shoot, this won’t do! I have to get going! Yeah, I’m going home. I’ll see you later.
Oh, that’s right. Thanks for the kiss!
Track 02 – The Differences Between Men and Women
Oi, heave-ho. Oops! That surprised me. Ahaha, sorry, sorry. Today, I have some business with you, Miss. I want to talk for a bit.
Miss, you know a lot of things about your kind, right? I want to know what kids like. I want you to tell me how lost children find their way home. I don’t know much about it.
Really?! Thank goodness! Ehehe, anything’s fine. I don’t mind what kind of story it is. I just want a good story.
Ohh, I’ve never heard of this story. Alright, go ahead and tell me. Yeah, yeah.
And they all lived happily ever after, huh? So hey, there are some things you read that I don’t understand. Why did the man and woman stay together to the very end? More importantly, what are the differences between men and women?
Ah, and also kisses. All that stuff you told me about kisses was a lie wasn’t it? The princess will wake up after being kissed by a prince. No matter how I think about it, eyes can’t open due to that. It made a fairy feel better, too.
Miss, are you lying to me? Ahhh, this won’t do. This is why I dislike adults. They lie so much.
I think that’s a seriously bad habit.
What about me? If you seriously do feel bad, show me what a kiss really is this time. Why did your face suddenly go red? I’m just saying, you look red.
Oh? You can’t kiss me if my eyes aren’t closed? I guess it can’t be helped. Here, my eyes are closed.
Huh?! M-my lips… What did you do to me just now?! This is a kiss. It was just a short moment, but it felt surprisingly good.
H-hey! Do it one more time! It’s fine isn’t it? It’s no big deal. If you won’t do it, I will.
Aha, it really does feel amazingly good. Hey, one more time. Why can’t I? It should be fine.
I know what a kiss is now, but I still don’t understand why the princess woke up. So that’s why, one more time.
The power of love? What’s that? Then show me what a kiss of love is. Why isn’t it possible?
Then what is love?
Miss, even though you’re an adult, you can’t answer that question? Don’t adults know everything? Why is it that adults don’t know everything?
Hmmm, I still don’t understand. Adult stuff and kid stuff, male stuff and female stuff… There’s so many difficult things.
Ah, but since men and women are different, you can tell me and you apart, right? I mean, you are a girl, right? I’m a man, and our appearances are different. Surely, our bodies have even more differences, right?
Look, I don’t have two of these squishy bulges. What am I doing? Aren’t I exploring your body? Since adults can’t explain things very well, I want you be to obedient and let me explore. O-ohh, you’re wearing clothes so I can’t tell what’s underneath.
Don’t struggle. I’m undressing you, aren’t I? Shouldn’t it be fine for me to get a small glimpse?
Ahh, how beautiful. Yours is totally different from my body. Your skin is smooth and pale in color. This spot is extremely soft. You also smell kind of good.
Is it alright if I lick you? You feel really soft, and you look sweet.
Amazing. So this is what a female body is like. While I was licking and sucking, a sweet voice came out of you, Miss. Hm? No way. I’m not going to stop. More…
Ah! Ahh, I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop myself. So, um, thank you. You taught me a lot of things today.
Ah, can I borrow a few books? I want to study up on various things. The book about a prince who cast a magical spell, and the book of girls’ secrets and confessions.
Thank you! I’ll be back again.
Track 03 – Children Aren’t Allowed to Look
Hey~ I guess you’re asleep.
Ah! I-I’m sorry. I thought I could wake you up by calling out to you, but you wouldn’t wake up. I-it’s not like I was just waiting here so I can look at you. I came in only a few moments earlier.
You’re making an “I don’t believe you” face. I’m being serious! Why are you making a shocked face?
Ah, I’m here today to return your books. Here, thank you. They were all interesting, and I learned a lot. Oh, yeah, there’s something I want to ask. Yeah, it’s about this book’s content.
It fell and opened as I was making my way back here. Just give it a little look. This book is amazing! There are men and women in it, and they’re doing stuff together while naked.
Oh! Why did you toss it away? Eh? Children aren’t allowed to look at these things?
Hmm. Hey! I’m not a kid, though! I’m really interested in the book. Ah, just like how we were kissing earlier, there are pictures of people kissing in it, too. Look, it’s right here. They have their legs intertwined, but I don’t understand what they’re doing.
Why are you closing your eyes? You can’t see it like that, right? Ah, how about I read for a change?
Um, the man’s girlfriend was close to bursting as his hands grasped at her skin and chest. The firmness in his hands grew as he reached down her slender waist towards her pussy and-
Eh? I shouldn’t read this? Oh, okay then. Miss, do you hate these sort of things?
Hmm, even though it seems so interesting. What a pity. I wanted to ask you a bunch of questions about that book, Miss. Well, whatever. I’ll study it myself.
I’ll come back again once I’ve finished studying. I’m off.
Track 04 – I Want to Become an Adult
Heave-ho. Uwaahh, you scared me! You’re awake. Heave-ho.
So what are you doing? Show me what you’re hiding behind your back. Don’t act like it’s not important. If you have something you don’t want me to see, I’ll get mad. C’mon, hurry up, and let me see!
Hm? What is this? It’s not a book. What’s this supposed to be?
There’s a photo of a man, but… Arranged marriage? Eh? In other words, the man in the photo is the one you’re going to marry? It hasn’t been decided yet, but it seems like it’ll happen.
What are you talking about? No way. Definitely not!
I don’t want you to! If you marry that guy… Why is that guy suitable for you? Oh? Even if you don’t want to, you’re going to have to marry him anyway. Even if you don’t love him…
Isn’t that weird? I read in all those stories that you can’t have a marriage if there’s no love involved. In the end, everyone’s supposed to live happily ever after. And yet…
Of course I would be mad! “Why?” you ask. Maybe it’s because… Miss, I… I love you. I’ve been thinking about you a lot for a long time. I always want to talk to you again, and I want to hear your voice. I want to touch you more and more. This is what you call love, right?
Don’t run away. I am a man after all. I’m stronger than you. Hey, look at me.
Miss, your kisses really do feel great. I want to do it again.
Hey, can I touch you? Your breasts and down there, too. Yeah, this might not end with just touching.
Miss, I want to become an adult like you. I’ve thought about it in the past and now. If it’s for you, I want you to be happy and give you a happy end. Falling in love, getting married, having children, and living happily ever after…
That’s why… I want to become an adult.
Track 05 – Stay Still…
S-so… Take off your clothes. It’s fine. I’ll undress myself.
How do you take off this underwear? A hook in the back? I knew that! I just forgot is all. W-what? Shoot… I’ll do it myself! It’s fine so stay still, Miss. Ah! I did it! Ahh, they look soft.
Oh? Does it feel good? I see.
No! Miss, where are you touching? No, I’m fine. Don’t stop. I already took my clothes off earlier. A little bit came out, and it feels unpleasant. No, that didn’t come out! Um, my little guy came out earlier…
D-don’t call me cute! Are you looking down on me?
Ah! Don’t stare at me so much. I’m fine! Ahh! W-what are you…
Yeah, it feels good, but why do you know how to do this? For some reason, you’re great at this. Is it because this isn’t your first time?
How unfair!
I won’t allow you to look down on me. It’s kind of frustrating. I can also do more things to you, Miss. I want to make you feel good.
I’m going to touch you down there. I’m touching it.
Are you nervous?! I’ll do my best. If you don’t like it or it hurts, be sure to tell me.
Ah! Amazing. Your spot here is getting wet. It’s because it feels good, right?
Amazing. A lot’s coming out. Does my finger feel that good? Ehe, I’m glad.
Can I add in another finger?
Ah! Does it feel good here? You tightened up a little. I should be able to enter you in a bit. I want to enter you.
I-I’m going in. I’m halfway in. Can I put the rest in? Oh, my God. This feels way too good. Ahhh, don’t do that! Miss, don’t move. Stay still for a little longer. If you don’t, I’ll cum right away.
D-don’t laugh at me! I was abstinent, y’know. Damn it.
I-I’m telling you, stop calling me cute! I’ll punish you the next time you say it. Y-you’re wondering how. Well… A-anyway, I will do something terrible to you, Miss. Ah, ahh, stop it! Damn it, someday I’ll get my revenge.
U-uh, well, I’m going to fill my heart up with lots of anger. Miss, you might look calm, but are you fine with this being done to you? We’ve only been like this for a short time, but your legs are already spread open.
What’s wrong? Is it becoming unbearable because I’m going in deeper? Where did that calmness from earlier go? Ehe, right, right. My thing is making you secrete fluids down there. That’s the cutest part about you.
I can’t anymore! I’m going to cum! Can I cum on your stomach?
I-I’m sorry. I came on your face a little. W-wait a second. I’ll wipe it off. Ah, this’ll do.
Track 06 – I Want You to Become Happy
Okay, I’m done cleaning you. Eh, you’re putting your clothes back on? It is cold, but I wanted to hold you while you were naked. Hooray!
It’ll be okay. If we hold each other like this, we won’t be cold. Hey, look here.
I really do love you after all, Miss. I understand it clearly now. Becoming one with you has made me happy. I love everything about you, Miss. Well, I’d like it if you felt the same.
Eh? You love everything about me? Seriously? I see. If you didn’t like me, you wouldn’t have done it with me. I’m so happy! Thank goodness! Our love is mutual!
Miss, I love you. Because I’ve come to love you, I can see various things in this world differently. We can watch the moon through the window even though I don’t care much for it now. It’s such a beautiful sight. From now and forever, I want to stay with you.
Oh! Ah, yeah… Well… I’m sorry. It seems like I won’t be able to stay with you forever after all. I think it’s because something weird. Recently, my shadow has been slowly fading away. It’s only a matter of time until my existence disappears as well.
It can’t be helped. I was able to do so many things, even fall in love with you. I’d love to learn more and more. At today’s end, I became one with you. Surely I’ve finally become an adult. My longing can come to a stop now. My existence was rather uncertain before because I was neither adult nor child. I guess that’s all ending today.
Hey, look here. I can clearly see your shadow being cast by the moonlight. Mine is… It isn’t visible anymore, right?
This is fine with me. Like the lost children, I’ve lived a fine life so I don’t mind leaving. Our feelings were able to become mutual.
I’m sorry. I’m leaving you behind with nothing but sad memories, but it’ll be alright. You’ll definitely forget me right away. Adults are those kinds of creatures, right?
Anyway, you’ll be able to find a nice man. C’mon, you still have that guy from the photo. It’s extremely frustrating, but he’ll be able to make you happy.
I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be in this much pain. I want to see plenty of smiles from you. I want to be able to hold you so many more times. I truly want to make you happy. More than that, I want to be with you forever and ever.
However, I’ve become an adult. I can’t cause more trouble than this. I want you to become happy so don’t cry. I’m also extremely frustrated about this.
Miss, I love you so much. Thank you for telling me you love me.
So even adults can cry at times like this. I see. Then I want to cry for a little longer, too.
I’m so glad I met you. Thank you.
Hey, close your eyes.
I love you.
Track 07 – I Said It Hurts!
Heee~y! Ah, I’m sorry for suddenly stopping you, Miss.
Ah, are you surprised? Ehehe, I came back! Yeah, I wonder what caused this. I don’t understand it either, but it seems like I turned into a human from this world so please take good care of me.
This isn’t a lie! I’m the real deal. Do you want to test it by pulling my cheeks? Eh, ouch! I said it hurts! Ahh, that hurt so bad.
Wait a second! You wouldn’t normally pull your own cheeks that hard would you? Why did you pull mine so hard? I didn’t like the pain. Who goes to such great lengths? Ah, that hurt.
Who’s fault do you think it is? Hm, well, whatever. Miss, it seems like your shadow has returned.
Maybe it’s because you wished really hard to God that we’d meet again. Since you wished so hard, God definitely granted it. Didn’t I teach you before, “if you wish strongly enough, it’ll surely come true?” I’m sure that’s why I’m here.
O-oh! Oh. Yeah, I’m really glad, too. Yep, from now on, we’ll be together forever. I’m never letting go of you ever again.
Track 08 – A Single Word
I’m not going to translate the free talk word for word.
Mizushima sends his gratitude to those who listened to the very end. He goes on to talk about how interesting it was to record using a dummy head mic and how effective it is when recording from different angles. He also admits there were some pretty difficult parts of the CD to act out. He says he’ll work hard and asks the audience to listen to his future works. Mizushima ends with a thank you.
Track 09 – Secret Track
Hey, open up! It’s cold so hurry up! If I don’t enter like this, you wouldn’t let me in. Really, work again! Miss, between work and me, who is more important? H-hey, wait a second! What do you mean by immediately replying with work? Act a little more worried- Uwaaah!!
Ahhh, that was close. I can’t fly for very long so open up immediately. It’ll be troublesome if I use the key at the entrance. Besides, I’m used to coming in this way.
Isn’t it better if you just open up when you hear footsteps? Geez, weren’t you too busy to let me in your room? Why wouldn’t you let me in today?
Huh? Miss, isn’t your face red? Oh, hmm. You don’t have a fever. Anyway, don’t you reek of alcohol? Huuh?! Were you too busy drinking alone to invite me in? Why is a writer drinking while on the job? Eh?
Hmm, I see. You were drinking because you wanted to write a scene about the heroine’s first drinking experience. That’s why you were drinking on the job. Haa, how stupid. How are you going to write when your face is that red?
Haaa, if you’ve got a headache, go treat yourself. Did you already sleep today? It’s impossible to work now! Listen to me obediently. Go to sleep! Since you insist on working, show me your drafts after you feel better. Well, it’d be impossible with your face as red as it is.
Eh?! Uwaaah! W-what are you doing all of a sudden? I-I did say to show me your drafts. What’s the meaning-
W-wait a second. S-stupid, is this your idea of a draft? M-Miss? Did you really become stupid? Did you let the alcohol go to your head?
Uwaah! W-wait a second! I-it can’t be helped, right? You keep doing weird stuff so it just reacted. Eh? A-aah! D-don’t take it in one mouthful! I said to stop it.
Asking me that with that timing… You’re cruel! It feels really good. I can’t tell you to stop now. Anyway, Miss, you’re drunk, right? There’s no way you’re doing this while you reek of alcohol.
Hey, wait! What are you trying to do? W-wait, I haven’t done anything to you-
I-I said not to. If you start off rough like that… Doing it like that is too risky. No way! I’m not cumming yet. Miss, you can’t cum either. Endure it! I’m begging you, don’t do that! It’s too much for me!
Enough! Wait up. Stop messing around. You’re always treating me like that because I’m younger. Today I will not, absolutely not let you cum first!
Why are you letting out such an adorable voice? I’m even trying my best to hold back and not cum. I’ll cum if I listen to your voice.
Miss, you really… If that’s the case, I’ll do my best so tell me where your good spots are. I’ll do my best to make you cum. How about your ears? If I do this…
I’ll lick and trace around the shape of your ear. Does it feel good? How was that side? Does it feel good?
When I tease you here… and fondle you here, how does it feel? If I do this to this spot that’s swelling up… I’m going move my tongue faster. How do you like the tightness? Your insides are twitching. So you like it like this. Then until you cum, I’ll keep teasing you here.
You’re tightening around me so much. Are you close to cumming? Cum whenever you want. Cum. C’mon!
J-just now, who was the first to cum? You came first, right? Thank goodness.
Of course I’d be fussy over it. I already had my turn to cum earlier. Anyway, I came so much that I’m exhausted. This isn’t a win-or-lose thing. It’s no big deal. I just let you. Anyway, I want to have more laid back sex. It always seems like you’re the only calm one. Today started with me being assaulted, too.
“Thank you for the meal!” you say?! Miss, you’re a pervert!! Well, but it felt good, though. It’s nothing. Ahh, but from now on, all alcohol is forbidden! Obviously, it would be! You were too forceful on me after you drank. You can only drink if it’s in front of me, but you can never, never, never drink in front of someone else!
Geez, do you really understand what I’m saying? You’re so drunk now that it’s pointless to say anything. When morning comes, I’m not saying anything.
Come here. Let’s go to sleep. You can work tomorrow! C’mon, get in bed.
Ah, I’m tired all of a sudden. Miss, you better be prepared tomorrow. I’ll definitely get my revenge on you. Oh, gosh, she’s already asleep.
Good night. I love you.
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aldreaoakley · 8 years ago
(Please don't hate me as this is not an easy story to adapt when most the cast is male... Also KBTBB guys sometimes reminds me of the story. I'll explain in my note. @maidofstars this is what i was talking about.)
Ota watches as a young woman argues with a man whom he assumes is her dad.
"Dad I'm not ready yet," he observes her yell. "Don't talk back to me young lady," the man roars back. "As of tomorrow, you are no longer in that nursery!" "Fine," she hollers with tears running down her face. Wait a second he's not suppose to he watching her! Shaking his head, Ota waits on the roof top above where he'd lost his shadow a while ago. A small bell-like chatter rings in his ear and he turns to see his fairy, male, next to him. "Quiet," he hisses. "She'll hear!" The ringing twitters stop and the fairy hovers next to him. Once he feels that it was safe, Ota glides down and opens the window. He spies a doghouse and looks at his fairy and the little thing flies into it. "Is it in there Baba," he whispers. Baba, the fairy, shakes his head. Ota frowns then gestures to look elsewhere. As Baba goes one way, Ota goes the other. As he looks through a toy chest, he hears Baba and glides over to a dresser. Baba is pointing at the top drawer. Ota opens it and unknowingly shuts Baba inside with his shadow flying out. He grabs it and tries to get it on with brute force. The ruckus makes the girl wake and he cringes inwardly at his mishap. "Ota! I knew you'd come back to get it," she smiles at him. "Huh? How'd you know I'd come back," Ota asks while pinning his shadow. "Meanie! Your shadow's been causing nothing but trouble," she whines and Ota sees in time that his shadow just flipped her off. "And that dog," he wonders. "Kenzaki? Yeah he grabbed your shadow- Why are you using your hands like that? I can sew your shadow back on," she laughs and fetches something. He keeps a hold on his shadow as she deftly works. But he can't help hissing in pain. "Do you have something not as sharp," she inquires as she readies herself to move to his other foot. Ota produces the needle he uses to fix his clothes and she accepts it with a smile. Ota hides his smile and decides to tease her. "You are a brave girl, girl," he smirks. "I'm not girl," she frowns. "My name is ___." "Oh. Well thanks ___ for getting this idiot back on," Ota chuckles while flipping his shadow into place. He then notices she's looking at him with a funny face after making sure his shadow is moving with him. She didn't make a move so he holds up an acorn. "Oh... thank you," she sighs and takes the little seed. "So are you here alone," he hears her ask while he looks around the room. "Nope. I came with Baba," he replies and draws his sword upon meeting a toy soldier. "Who's Baba?" "My fairy," he pouts upon realizing that he toy soldier wasn't going to fight him. "But fa-" she starts and Ota dashes over to cover her mouth. "Don't," he hisses dangerously with his hand clamp on her mouth. "Whenever someone says that, a fairy dies." He sees her apologetic face and lowers his hand. Then he notices she is about to get close when something darts in front of him. "Baba! Where were you old man," he whines upon seeing the fairy. He watches as Baba gestures and rings like crazy before he face palms himself. "What did he say," __ wonders. "He said that if you ever dare give me a thimble, he'll personally kill you," Ota translates in an irritated tone. "Why won't you come with me to Neverland?" "Neverland?! Yes," she giggles with joy. Tactic distraction works like a charm. Flashing ___ a smile, he offers his hand. ~*~ Captain Hook pounds his hook into the table then wrench it out with a snarl. Clearly he is having no luck in finding Ota. He's still angry at the boy for cutting off his hand. He scans the map in front of him muttering. He already trapezes all over Neverland but never finds Ota's hideout. But then his crew can't find the little Ice Dragons who fight with them whenever they meet. That frustrates him more than his ship being frozen in the middle of the ocean. "Sir! Sir! The ocean's thawing," he hears his first mate cry out. A deadly smirk forms on his face. This is it. It's time to take down the self proclaimed ruler of Neverland. ~*~ ___ flies next to Ota through the skies with a wide grin. She's always dream of flying with him to Neverland and exploring the land with him and his band of Ice Dragons. When Ota directs her to land on a cloud, ___ feels nervous. After she got sprinkled with fairy dust, combining with faith and trust, she gain the ability to fly. The fact that she knows that Ota hasn't let let down yet makes her braver and settles next to him. He hands her his spyglass and points to below them. ___ peers down the spyglass and her eyes widen in surprise. It wasn't just that there are real pirates in front of her. It is the man with the hook. The man looks exactly like her father. "What's wrong ___? Cat got your tongue," she hears Ota. "Who's that man pointing at us," she asks. "Damn," Ota frowns, making her worry. "Baba get ___ to safety. I'll draw Hook's shots." She struggles to keep up with Baba as the fairy streaks off before she can even get her bearings. The next thing she knows after using her memory to follow where she sees Baba's glowing form, something knocks her out! ~*~ Ota glares at the little boys in front of him. Then Soryu steps out to take the responsibility for hitting the blow that knock ___ out, it was Rhion and Hikaru who tells him what Baba did. "Go and get everything ready to carry her to the hideout," Ota instructs them. The Ice Dragons run off to follow his order. He finds Baba and snatches him. Ota shows the fairy ___'s unconscious form then snarls at him. "I'm not letting you back. You're banished," he states then chucks him towards some trees. Ota looks at ___'s form and feels relief upon seeing his acorn being the only thing that saved her. He doesn't want anyone else to have her. He doesn't want her to grow up either. ~*~ Baba sits quietly on a twig after being thrown by Ota. He worries about Ota like a brother but that was half his problem right there. He has fallen for ___ after seeing her for the first time. He had no idea how Ota feels about her until he sees her prone form after he orders the Ice Dragons to fire. He didn't want her to die. He only wants her for himself. The only thing is that he can't argue against Ota once the youth makes up his mind. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize that he is inside some kind of fabric thing. He thrashes around before he flaps himself out and realizes where he's at. Baba got himself inside the captain's cabin. Now he really regrets hurting ___. And he really got from the frying pan and into the fire. The cloth thing he was under is now beneath a glass orb. /What am I to do now,/ he sulks and collapses to a sitting position. ~*~ Back on Earth, Eisuke Darling paces in his office. He can't sleep. ___ is what he has left of a family and only wants the best for her. He glances at the picture on the mantle of himself and ___'s mother when ___ is born. "Did I do the right thing," he whispers, sorrow marring his face. "I only wanted her to be a woman.... I guess it's too soon at age eleven...." Sitting at his desk, Eisuke starts to think. Thinking about how he can make it up to his little girl. ~*~ ___ wakes to the feeling of something soft and the sounds of feet pattering. She pushes herself upright and sees Ota enter. "Good, you're awake. It's time to meet the boys~" Ota grins. "Boy- Oh. The Ice Dragons," ___ realizes with a smile. "Yep," Ota laughs. Once she's inside an underground main hall, a bunch of boys barely older than seven are already there. "The twins are Rhion and Hikaru," Ota starts," the little runt with the blue tattoos is Soryu. He's a good shot." An indigent 'Hey' jumps in but Ota continues despite the small frown on her face. "The kid with the teeth marks, Samejima. Don't let those fool you because those are shark and not human teeth. The sleeping one is Mamoru." "What about the one next to the skeleton," ___ wonders. "Luke? He's always like that when we aren't- Oi! Where's Ryusuke," Ota yelps. One of the boys start coughing. ___ rushes to a small spring she'd notice in a corner and scoops some of it into a flower cup. She was about to offer it when one of the other boys (Luke maybe?) asks her what it is. "A medicine to help his cough," ___ fibs. "We don't need that! Come on! We don't leave one of our own behind," Ota snaps. "Right," the boys chime and all run after Ota. ___ sets the "medicine" next to what she can assume is Ota's chair then chases after them. The search wasn't easy and it's hard to make your way through a jungle wearing nothing more than a nightgown and light traveling slippers. A splash catches ___'s attention and she turns to see a merman sunning himself on a rock. She let out a startled yell at the sight of him. ___ has never seen a man naked from the waist up before. "Stop screaming and what are you doing," the merman snaps at her. "Um... I'm trying to find a boy named Ryusuke. Have you seen him," ___ inquires. The merman thinks then nods. "Follow me," he tells her. She does and he leads her to a cave where there is also- "Damn it," she hears the merman swear. "The pirates have him," ___ whispers in horror. "Stay here and I'll tell Ota," the merman directs then splashes off. ___ tries to wait but she couldn't after what seems to be half an hour later. She starts inching towards the cave when she hears "Thanks four-eyes". ___ looks to see Ota flying past the merman and to the cave. "It's Shuichi! Sigh... that kid," the merman complains. "And what did I say about staying in your spot?" "I couldn't help it that I wanted to comfort the little boy," ___ pouts. "Just be careful Miss," Shuichi pauses. "___." "Miss ___," Shuichi finishes then returns to the water. "First time seeing a merman," Ota wonders as a loud scream echoes around them. /Kenzaki?! That's the name of my guard dog,/ ___ puzzles. She didn't show it as she shakes her head to answer Ota's question. "Well let's get back then," Ota chuckles as he carries the one he said is Ryusuke with him, by his ankles. ___ stops him to carry Ryusuke in her arms. Ota whines that she's being too nice when she really just worries too much. ~*~ Baba watches as a drenched Captain Hook drags himself into the cabin silently. He doesn't like the hook-handed pirate because of the fact that Ota hates him with his life. Then Kenzaki rushes in to help Hook get out of his wet coat. Once that was done, he gets sent out and he realizes that Hook is now staring at him. "I can guess that Ota's done more harm than good to you," he sees the man mouth. "How about a little revenge?" The reminder of what Ota did to him has him more than willing to side with his enemy. What Baba didn't notice is that Hook's eyes had a malicious glint in them... ~*~ "I can't stay here then," ___ says to his face. "If I'm going to be causing trouble then I have to go back and grow up." "Then go and don't ever come back. I'll get some fairies to get you and the boys back," Ota fires back before slamming his door shut. The cry that he hears not long after makes him sad but he shrugs it off. It's her fault for even wanting to be involved with his problems with Hook. Hook has always been a thorn in his side because he's an adult. That was it. He hates them with a passion. He remembers that he told ___ during their flight to Neverland that his parents wanted to decide his fate. He didn't want that. So to him, Hook is the same. Trying to force him to grow up. He didn't realize that ___ and the Ice Dragons have been kidnapped by the pirates, fairy escorts dead, and Hook slipping into the small flower cup a single drop of poison. ~*~ Baba regrets this now. After freeing himself from his prison and through a small crack in the cabin window, he swallows the tainted water that Ota was about to drink. "Baba," he hears Ota's distant voice. "Baba no!" It wasn't long before the frozen cold takes over his body. With the last of his strength, Baba hugs Ota's finger then passes out. He didn't realize that he was in a limbo like state until power courses through him. It was a power he thought had been long gone. Belief of his and other fairies' existence. He opens his eyes and hugs Ota's finger while his crimson wings flutter vividly. "Now I need your help in getting them back," Ota enlists. Baba is ready. More than ready. He is so ready to screw Hook up. ~*~ The battle was hard and Ota didn't want to admit it. The Ice Dragon boys are defending not just each other but ___ as well. She however decides to help by repurposing a throwing dagger that missed her. He is in a gridlock sword fight with Hook. Hook had forced some of Baba's fairy dust onto himself and now both men are equally matched in the air. "You know she hates you," Hook taunts him. "She'll leave you forever." That was enough to make Ota not only drop his sword but plummet to the deck, landing hard on his back. "Ota!" It wasn't the boys who cries out his name in fear. It was "_-___... you're... you're still here..." he gasps. "Hook... ugh..." "Ota," he hears her whisper. "___... if it's you... can... can you give me a thimble," he requests as his voice grows fainter and fainter. "Ota... of course," he hears her soft giggle. If that giggle means that she understands what thimble means!? Ota feels a set of warm lips on his own. His eyes fly wide open while a strong rise blush floods his skin. He didn't hear anything around him as he rockets into the air with a strong whoop. "Hook! You're a dead man," he yells and nosedives for the pirate captain. The action forces him off the side of the ship and over a hungry crocodile's gaping toothy maw. ~*~ Eisuke opens his daughter's door to reveal not just her but a bunch of little boys and a huge chest of gold and precious stones in the center of it all. "Father," ___ laughs and he catches her in his arms with a warm smile. "___, I'm sorry about earlier," he whispers into her hair. "I was wrong in wanting you to grow up quickly." "It's okay father," she smiles back. "Um... is it okay if I have new little brothers?" "That's... if I can find a bigger house," Eisuke sighs. "E'en wi'h all this," Rhion and Hikaru chime while holding up some of the things from the chest. "I bet we can," Eisuke chuckles.
EPILOGUE ___ smiles as her new brothers run in the backyard after school. She then looks up at the sky. "Where are you looking," she hears Soryu ask. "Neverland," ___ sighs. "Do you think he'll still remember us," Mamoru yawns. "I bet he does. Ota isn't the type to forget easily," ___ smiles. Little did any of them know that hidden behind a tree is Ota and Baba. The duo watches them then fly off to go back to Neverland. None of them know that ever since Hook's death, Ota and Baba both have been watching and helping them from the shadows. Even though they did have some suspicions, the two don't stay near for long. But one thing that Ota and ___ knows is that "I'll always believe in you Ota," ___ whispers before turning back to her book, the gold letters Peter Pan glittering.
Author's Note: Okay so I did leave out a lot of the story. But if I left all the itty-bitty details in, it basically would be like watching a version of the story. I use a mix of Peter Pan movie from 2003 and the old classic Disney version. And I did adapt it the best I can while dealing with college stress... it is a good way to relax from focusing on my studies too hard. My usual work will be ready to read in a few days. 
One other thing: I didn’t want to make MC grow up.
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michameinmicha · 8 years ago
hey if you're reaaally bored u could do all the aesthetic asks? they're a bunch of great questions and i cant decide ;O;
Oh Man! Oh God! Anon that’s so nice i have nothing to do till i gotta cook lunch so this is great thanks xD
raindrops: what’s your favourite song to unwind?uhhh i just listen to any gorillaz album or enya is always great too
scented candles: do you enjoy reading? if so what’s your favourite book?i enjoy books but i dont read as much as i could and idk if i enjoy the reading itself i have a lot of concentration problems with it… but i love reading to my mom (or anyone who wants to listen). fave books are the hp series, the raven cycle series, and at the moment i read hitchhiker’s and good omens and disk world (and so many other things i started at some point and never finished…) i also love scented candles
chai latte: your starbucks/coffee order?starbux is caramel latte everywhere else is latte macchiato or cappuccino or just coffee with milk in it  
fairy lights: do you sleep with the lights on or off?lights off cause usually i cant sleep if theres any light i gotta wear one of those ridiculous eye masks thingies sometimes or put a sweater over my head or smth when i take a nap somewhere else
peaches: do you enjoy photography?not rly its so far out my comfort zone i had to do some for school last year and i almost always asked a classmate to help me with it
summer nights: summer or winter? or perhaps something else?fall and spring are my faves !!!!!! i like winter but its way too long i enjoy it like like january then i get tired of it and summers too hot and too long
neon lights: describe what you’d do at 2am with your best friendsuhhhhh either sit around talking or watching movies or just napping together
winged eyeliner: do you wear makeup?i enjoy using make up sometimes but on an everyday basis im just too lazy to  but i’m glad if i can conceal my stupid bad skin and im a big fan of mascara and filled in eyebrows but beyond that i dont like my face with make up too much so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
bath bombs: what’s your favourite lush product?i havent used a lush product in a while but my sister gives me bath bombs for christmas sometimes and theyre always awesome 
soft kisses: ever kissed someone of the same sex?i think i’ve only ever kissed girls, actually (aside from like cheek smooches and they dont count do they?)
fire crackles: describe your ideal winters eveningme, alone in my room with tea and chocolate and smth to watch on my laptop and smth to do with my hands like sewing or drawing or knitting
spring flowers: what’s your favourite flower/plant?hmmmm i love things i can eat like casil or peppermint, but for flowers like sunflowers because yellow and lavender because smell and actually most lowers and most plants anyway they’re all friends
messy buns: if you could dye your hair any colour what would it be?i’ve dyed them many colours already but if i’d dye them rightnow i think i’d go back to bubblegum pink that was a great look
warm tea: what’s your favourite tea? if you don’t like tea, what’s your favourite drink?i love tea and i drink yogi tea classic usually it’s the best! also peppermint, fresh rosemary or that christmas mix we have (but it doesnt come in bags and im lazy af)
full moon: do you prefer the stars or the moon? tracing constellations with your eyes or picking the petals off of flowers?uhh moon and stars are both great and i love them together best anyway but the moon is easier to see where i live i guess? uh picking flower petals is nice too? but what do these things have to do with eachother???
constellations: do you have freckles? any that resemble anything celestial?i have quite a few freckles on my face but u cant rly see them too well i wish they were darker but anyway no, i think they’re not in any interesting constellations
young love: have you ever fallen in love? if so describe how you feltterrible because nobody ever liked me back in the same way
holding hands: kisses or cuddles? stay-at-home dates or out-and-about ones?smooches are okay but like tongue kisses are yucky cuddles are awesome (except if its tooo hot) and i always prefer staying home
cold mornings: what time do you wake up? are you an early bird or a night owl?if i get it my way i’m not up before noon but what can u do …definitely night owl
sleepy cuddles: lace or silk? nights in sheets with the one you love or afternoons hand-in-hand?lace is great but i dont rly have lace clothes, silk feels nice to touch but is weird to wearhow but hand holding in bed? or both in one day
anyway thanks i had fun and i killed some time 
0 notes
bffhreprise · 5 years ago
Entry 298
 I sipped my beer and sighed wishing this guy—John, was it?—would just leave me alone.  A couple of my classmates had invited me out to drink after our tests.  I accepted, wanting to try to get closer to someone.  My roommate was alright, but she only ever wanted to study.  She also spent too much time with some girls I simply couldn’t like.  They were too… boring.
 As John continued rambling away about his best football game in high school, I spotted someone interesting come into the bar.  She had long, white hair and perfectly white skin, as if the sun had never touched her.  I took a moment to even register she was with someone, a tallish redhead who was already looking around the room as the girl glided to a table in an unbelievably smooth way that made her even more surreal.  Effortlessly hopping onto a barstool, she slowly spun to look at the crowd with pale, sharp eyes.
 The guy seemed so completely normal next to her that he appeared out of place when he touched her shoulder, asking her something when she looked at him.  I continued watching as the guy got himself a drink and returned to her, imagining stories of how they met and who she was.  She could easily be a fairy princess, gracing this land with her presence while trying to  learn of humanity from the most human example around.
 I frowned, remembering the most graceful girl from my high school.  She had been a friend of mine till she vanished without a word.  The school, of course, wouldn’t tell me a thing about what happened.  One day she was nervously dodging around crowds, and the next she was gone.
 “What?  Do you not like football?” questioned Jim… Jake?
 “I enjoy watching games from time-to-time.” I assured him, not wanting to spoil things for my classmates, who seemed to be getting along well with Joe’s friends.
 Within ten more minutes, one of my classmates was already drunk enough to start a makeout session.  Maybe the guy started it… Of course, maybe it was twenty minutes.  The guy who had been hitting on me had given up somewhere in there, and the pale beauty had left her guy there alone.  In the meantime, the bar had gotten rowdy.
 Spilled drinks, a few too many bumps, and one brief fight had already broken out.  Glancing at my classmates, I decided not to bother worrying about them.  They were more sober than I had thought and still into the guys.  After I finished my drink, I was heading out.
 Seeing another guy throwing a punch, I started thinking about leaving very soon.  The redhead moved to break up the fight as he had with the earlier one, but both guys turned on him.  I thought his face was about to get smashed in, but he just leaned back and somehow tripped one of the guys into another, oblivious to another fight starting right behind him.
 Seconds later, the bouncer had his hands full as well.  The poor bartender was trying to clear glasses from the bar before anyone smashed them.  Her boss was going to be livid when he heard about this.  More and more people were joining in on the fights while the redhead had somehow slipped away to grab his drink.
 I took a gulp and made my move, sliding around by the wall to deposit my not-quite-empty glass and slip out.  Barely two yards later, the redhead’s hand slammed above me as the hand holding his beer hit me in the chest.  Soaked, possibly bruised, and angry, I hit him back, breaking my glass on his head before I fully realized what I had just done.  This wasn’t going to look good if my school found out.
 To my surprise, the redhead smiled and said, “Sorry.  I was pushed.”  Then he ducked to the side, springing up to slam his shoulder into a guy who had just tried hitting him in the back of the head.  Somehow tripping the off-balance attacker, he waved other people along, blocking the path between the two tables from the brawl.
 Once outside, one of my classmates asked if I wanted a lift back to the dorm, but I declined, feeling rather bad about breaking my beer on that guy.  I considered a couple ways to apologize when he came striding out the door.
 “Hey, you need to get out of here.  The police are coming.” he warned after catching sight of me.
 “You owe me a shirt.” I told him, not wanting to let him get away quite yet.
 He laughed and said, “My car’s this way.  Come on.”  As he stepped, he grabbed my hand, pulling me along.
 I didn’t resist, at least until I saw his car.  “What is this?” I asked after a moment of surprise.  The car was sporty, but I didn’t see a logo anywhere.
 “Umm… Good question.” he told me, making me believe he had the wrong one till the doors popped open.
 After getting inside, I started wondering if it was actually a type of luxury coupe.  “Is the owner’s manual in here?”
 “There isn’t one.  This was custom built by a friend of mine, but I have no clue if he gave the model a name.” explained the redhead as he left the parking lot at a surprisingly normal pace.  “Where should I take you?”
 “Aren’t you going to introduce yourself at least, or would your girlfriend get jealous at just that much?” I asked, wondering if this all was somehow normal for him.  Who has a custom-built car?
 He reached a hand over as if to shake and said, “Sorry.  I’m Brandon, and you are?”
 “Deyanira Lófos.  I guess I can let you off on the shirt, since you’re in a hurry to get rid of me.” I replied, ignoring his hand.  He probably was just another football player with a rich dad.
 “Oh, right!  Will beer stain?  Sorry.  I’m not actually great at laundry.  I guess you can use this for now.” he replied before slipping his shirt off.
 I quickly grabbed the wheel to make sure we didn’t crash, but it felt stiff, like it couldn’t even move.  How did he drive this thing?
 He chuckled when he noticed what I was doing, still handing me his shirt.  “Sorry.  I guess most people don’t have self-driving cars.  Not that I can’t drive, but… she just takes over when I’m distracted or don’t feel like it.”
 Typical… calling his car a “she”.  I went ahead and slid his shirt on while trying not to stare at his muscular torso.  Then I slid mine off from underneath.
 “Umm… I’d actually rather you not keep that one.  Mind stopping at my place?  I’m sure we could get you something.” he told me.
 “What’s special about this one?” I asked, trying to read the logo upside down.  I hadn’t actually gotten a good look at it in the bar.
 “It’s a lucky souvenir from a convention.” he replied with a grin.
 I noticed his car had shifted direction as he spoke as if responding to voice commands.  “Do you keep a lot of women’s clothing at your place?”
 “What?  No.  Why would I do that?” he questioned as if not understanding why I’d guess that.  “There are just… um… machines for making clothes.  Not sewing machines exactly, but… you’ll see.”
 “At your apartment?  House?  Where do you live?” I asked, glad that he didn’t expect a t-shirt to replace my shirt while confused about who would have machines for making clothes at home.  A family of tailors?
 Looking unsure, he said, “A house?  It’s in Naperhill.”
 Feeling I was getting confirmation for him being a rich jock, I inquired “Isn’t that a wealthy suburb?”
 “Well, yeah, but…” he started before sighing.  “Look, I live at the corporate headquarters for a company named Best Friend For Hire.  I live there with a bunch of my coworkers.  Hopefully, they’re sleeping, so we can just slip in relatively unnoticed.”
 “Ashamed to be seen with me?” I asked, somewhat enjoying how nervous he was being about this.  He was actually pretty cute.  I pulled my eyes away from his muscular arms and looked out the window.
 “No… no.  Just...   Look, I’ve never actually brought anyone here before, so I don’t really know if things will be awkward or not.” he explained, sounding completely honest.
 Risking a glance at him, I asked “Not even that white beauty?”
 “She’s a coworker, so yes, she lives there.  We’re not a thing.” he assured me.
 I continued questioning him during the rest of the drive, getting to know him a little.  Supposedly, his parents were both dead.  He and his sister got a lucky break to start working at Best Friend For Hire, a strange company that was supposedly doing extremely well.  When the tall gate let us onto “Somerset Estate”, I tried to comprehend how large the house at the end was if the driveway really was as long as it seemed.  At least a minute later, I was staring up past the large fountain to look at the sprawling mansion.
 Twin sets of double doors opened into a large, open foyeur.  Two sets of staircases both lead up to a balcony where I half-expected some noble from a story to be gazing down at us with a drink in hand.  No one was there, but I caught sight of lights straight ahead where la circle of chairs were positioned in the middle of a room.  I could just make out legs from two of them, so people were in there.
 “Brandon, why are you not wearing a shirt?” demanded a cold, feminine voice that sounded British or Australian.  I wasn’t great at telling them apart.
 “Who’s that?” I asked, trying to figure out who had spoken.
 “Uh… I guess I’ll introduce you to some of my friends.” he replied, motioning toward the room.
 I walked beside him into the room and was surprised to find some sort of game being played on the enormous screens surrounding the octagonal room.  Every chair was facing outward.
 After guiding me over to one of the chairs, Brandon said,  “I didn’t have a spare and kinda owed Deyanira here one.  Deyanira, this is Lady Alma Lucy Pendreigh V.”
 The girl who had been sitting there stood at our approach.  She was stunning, as if her skin were perfectly airbrushed instead of natural.  I wasn’t certain how long I had stared before realizing how incredibly short she was.  Was she a noble of some sort?  He had called her “Lady…”
 “Oooh.  So smooth.  What happened to your shirt?” asked a spunky girl with sharp features, multicolored hair, and a brilliant smile.  She was kneeling on her seat to peer over at us.
 “This jerk spilled his beer on me.” I told her, wondering afterward if I should have said things differently.  What if they were all nobles, visiting from some beautiful country?  Should I have curtsied?  I didn’t know how to curtsy!
 “Brandon, are you even old enough to drink?” called another girl.
 “Duh.” he replied, not amused.
 “Portentia isn’t.  How did she get in?” questioned a guy seated next to Lady Alma.  He was very handsome but looked concerned.
 “Oh.  Well, they didn’t actually check her ID.” stated Brandon with a shrug.
 “James, dear, relax.  You know how she is.” stated Lady Alma.
 Meanwhile, I had elbowed Brandon in the gut, now curious how old that beauty is.  “You snuck someone underage into the bar?”
 “Hey, I didn’t know!” he insisted, holding his hands defensively toward me as if I could actually injure him.
 I felt as if I probably injured my elbow more than those tight abs.  Not letting his questionable statement slide, I asked “And you two live together?”
 “All of us do.  I told you that.  Whole company living under one roof.” he reminded me.
 “The employee wing is similar in design to an apartment complex.” added that guy seated next to Lady Alma.  
 “And who are you?” I questioned a little too forcefully.  Given the term of endearment from the Lady to him, he might well be a foreign noble even if the others aren’t.  Some people grew meek when they were nervous.  I was the complete opposite, strongly in the “fight” area of the fight-or-flight response.
 “Umm… he’s my boss.” stated Brandon nervously.
 Something in my stomach dropped, possibly the beer wanting to haunt me.  “What?” I asked, trying to reassess the handsome guy.  Wondering if my eyes were tricking me in the dim lighting from the screens, I stepped closer to get a better look.  When the guy stood, I was staring waaay up.  “You’re awfully big.” I muttered, suddenly feeling as if I was in trouble.
 “I am somewhat tall.” he replied casually.  My eyes weren’t playing tricks.  The guy was very handsome and possibly around my age.
 Giving in to my curiosity, I asked “How old are you?”
 “Nineteen.  And you?” he questioned.
 “Twenty-two.” I admitted before rounding on Brandon.  “You work for someone younger than you?” I demanded, certain he’d understand how ridiculous that sounded.  If this guy was the boss, then he was in charge of this entire place!
 Brandon shrugged apathetically, and I found myself trying to figure out when I was drugged.  This all couldn’t be real.
 “Pretty neat, isn’t it?” questioned the girl with the impressively-colored hair.  Smiling suggestively at me, she said, “I’m going to be nineteen soon if you’re interested.”  
 “Are there no adults here?” I asked, trying to find solid ground.
 Sounding amused, Lady Alma said, “Depends on how you care to define ‘adult’.  I would argue that most of us, Brandon excluded, are more mature than average for our age.”
 “Hey!  I can be pretty mature.” insisted Brandon indignantly.
 A girl who had been hidden in one of the far chairs stood, ignoring Brandon, and walking purposefully toward me.  There was an elegance in the way she moved, and I had no doubt she was yet another person in this room who was born with a silver spoon in hand.  “Why, might I ask, did you decide to come here with Brandon?”
 “He owes me a shirt and wouldn’t leave this one with me.  Said he got it at some convention.” I dumbly admitted.  The girl wasn’t very tall, but she seemed imposing somehow.
 “Given the length on you, I wouldn’t qualify that as a shirt to begin with, more of a dress.  I’m sure Mila can come up with something that will fit you better if you wish to get cleaned up.” stated the girl in a manner that made me feel like I couldn’t argue.
 Overly aware that she was right about the shirt’s length, I was floundering for something I could mentally grip.  “How many girls does he live with here!?” I asked as my mind registered that this girl was as beautiful as she was elegant.  Did they all come from some island of models?  Was this a weird prank!?
 “How many times do we count Mila?” questioned the girl with a grin that seemed more dangerous than friendly.
 “Huh?” I asked as her comment fully registered.
 “I’m an Artificial Intelligence with two fabricated bodies which I use to better fulfill my duties.” stated a girl who could be Lady Alma’s twin, though she was wearing a maid outfit and seemed remarkably humble for someone that stunning.
 “What?  No way.” I stated in disbelief.  I could see the moisture in her eyes catching the light, and her breathing was obvious.
 “No, really.  She could pick you up with one arm if you want a demonstration.” claimed Brandon earnestly.
 I looked back and forth between Brandon and Mila, trying to figure out if they were lying.  I was usually good at catching liars, but everything here was so weird.  Looking to Lady Alma, I asked “Isn’t she your sister?”
 “No.  She is what they say.” she assured me.
 “What is this place!?” I asked, certain that I had found my way to Alice’s Wonderland.
 “I told you.  I’m a best friend for hire, which is also the name of this company.  James is the owner and boss.  Most of us work for him.  Lady Pendreigh there is his girlfriend.” stated Brandon slowly as he reassuringly rubbed my shoulder.
 “And you live here?” I questioned, staring up into his light blue eyes.
 He nodded and, sounding as if he was losing patience with me,  said, “Yes.”  
 “Why, are you looking for a job?” questioned the handsome boss.
 “No!  I’m in college, studying law.” I blurted, afraid he was going to steal me away.  I was sooo far out of my element.
 “Ah.  I hope that’s going well for you.” he replied diplomatically
 “Why wouldn’t it be?” I questioned, fearing that he might have been giving a veiled threat.  There were always stories of rich people treating others like toys.
 “No reason.” he assured me.  “Mila really can assist you if you want to get cleaned and changed.  We can offer a car to get you home as well.”
 “No!” exclaimed the spunky girl, still kneeling on her seat.  “She should stay here tonight.  There are plenty of guest rooms, right?  If not, she can totally stay in my room.”
 “No.  Definitely not.” stated Brandon immediately.
 “What?  Don’t you want me to stay the night?” I questioned, feeling hurt.  Before the craziness was unleashed, I thought we were getting along well.
 “Huh?  Of course.  Just not in Emma’s room.  There’s no telling what she’ll do to you.” he suggested.
 “I’m not staying in your room either.” I told him, not wanting him to think I was easy.  I still wasn’t sure this wasn’t all part of some angle he used on girls.
 “I never suggested that you would.” he replied, sounding a little disappointed.
 I didn’t want him to think I wasn’t interested, assuming this wasn’t all a trick, but…  An idea came to mind, so I turned to his boss and asked “Can I really hire him?”
 “Assuming you can afford his rates, sure.” replied the handsome boss.
 Not wanting to go into the rates that were surely ridiculous, I asked “To do what?”
 “Anything you’d ask of a best friend as long as Brandon is comfortable with the job.” replied the boss smoothly.
 “What if a girl wanted to go on a date with him?” I questioned, somewhat embarrassed by the idea.
 “I’ve taken a couple jobs that could be interpreted as dates.” admitted the boss.
 “But no one would hire Brandon for that!” exclaimed the spunky girl.
 “Why not?” I questioned.
 “He’s too… Brandon.” she asserted.
 “Thanks, Emma.  You’re a real pal.” stated Brandon sourly.
 In a sing-song voice, she told him “You’re welcome!”
 I nearly smirked.  She really didn’t seem interested in him somehow, but was obviously close enough to tease him.
 Continuing my conversation with the boss, I said, “I’ll take you up on that shower and clean clothes.”  My skin was still sticky, and my head was spinning, again possibly from the beer.  I felt as if I should have sobered up from the drive, but this place was something else…
 “This way, please.” stated Mila, who I still wanted to think of as flesh and blood.  As she guided me out of the room, she seemed perfectly lifelike.
 The elaborateness of the decor continued down through a hall past the foyeur.  Fanciful paintings adorned the walls.  Stylish vases sat on engraved tables.  Decorative plants that seemed too exotic to be real could be found in pots we passed.
 Mila motioned to a door, which opened for us.  “You can sleep here tonight.  There’s a shower just through the second door.  You’ll find more suitable clothes hanging in the closet, and I’ll bring you something fitted in the morning.”
 “Wow.  Really?” I asked in surprise.
 She nodded.  “I’ve already taken your measurements.  You can choose the style after your shower.  Just tell me you’re ready, and I’ll hear you.”  She had started speaking from the body in front of me, but her voice had continued from within the room.
 I found the display a bit creepy, but… she really wasn’t human.  After thanking her, I stepped into the room and found myself marveling at how well guests here were treated.  Everything was luxurious enough to put the best hotels I had seen to shame.  By the time I was in bed, I found myself wondering if I was to wake up in the morning only to find this all a dream.
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bookishyouth00-blog · 8 years ago
Hello Booklies!!
I know I said I would blog more often and I really wanted too, I mean I don’t even know why I didn’t. I’ve had the last six weeks off and I just went back to school yesterday but I didn’t blog all that much or read at all really which I really hate. I really want to get back into a good schedule and I want to get back to reading up to 4 books or more a month but I guess my reading hasn’t has much action lately as I only finished 2 books this month, but I’m determined to pick myself up again and get things done, hopefully starting school up again will make me more organised or it’ll make it even harder to read more often.
What happened this month….
I absolutely love my new bookshelves and I can’t wait to fill them up with books, basically I have an excuse to buy books now!! It will inevitably change and it actually already has as this was taken just after I had finished it, I will most probably be getting something to replace the fairy lights because they are UGLY and I will most definitely be getting more books…. at some point.
  Delicious Vegan Cookies
Sweet Potato Chips
Making Cookies
Blue coloured blueberry pancakes
A Salad made from all the vegies in the fridge
I’ve been wanting to become a Vegan for quite a while now and I’ve tried loads of different vegan lunches, breakfasts and dinners and it’s is actually easier than I thought it would’ve been and that motivates me even more, I still have things like cheese and egg at the moment and the occasional chocolate but I always try not too, now that I’m back at school it won’t get any easier but I’m determined to eat healthy with no animal products on the side and make it permanent as soon as possible but before I do it here are some pictures of some cooking endeavours excluding the pancakes, that was a especially colourful treat!!
Earlier in January I was a Zookeeper for a day at a zoo nearby which was definitely different to a normal day and I enjoyed seeing lot of different animal closures, it was a great Christmas present and I would definitely do it again!! Unfortunately I didn’t get many pictures or any good pictures as I either left my phone where I couldn’t get it or the animals didn’t want a photo shoot, but either way I had a lot of fun!!
I LOVE THE COVER SO MUCH!! I love the colour as well, it’ll go so well with the other two and I am SO excited to read it, I’m just glad that 3 ACOTAR books are coming out after this one!! It hasn’t been confirmed that they’ll be sequels to this one but I hope so!! I could never get enough of Feysand!!
When it comes to organising or crafting things I usually do a terrible job but I love it anyway because it just makes me happy, I love looking on Pinterest and watching Youtube videos to find organisational and DIY ideas, and usually if I’m not reading or doing normal boring stuff like cleaning then I’m organising or making things. I don’t take any credit for anything in my photos unless I say that I made them specifically so if you look on Pinterest or Youtube your sure to find some ideas and inspiration like I did!!
Other things I did this month & things coming up next month….
I’ve been meaning to look into designing dresses or really just one dress as I’m into sewing and as my Formal/Graduation is this year I thought that maybe I could design and make my own dress. Of course knowing me it may fall through and never happen but I am excited to give it a go!! Let me know if you’ve ever designed anything or if your into sewing!!
I got a haircut just a couple of days ago that I absolutely love and I really want to maintain it and keep it in shape!!
I have a few little jewelry type things that I want to give a go and see if they’d be something that I could add into my shop planning, so I’m looking forward to seeing how that goes!!
I would like to get a bunch of printed pictures and possibly do a collage if I can, I don’t what the pictures will be but I’ll work it out when I get there.
What I read in January which wasn’t a whole lot….
I should be putting up a review for the whole series once I finish the last book, which hopefully will be soon!! I really enjoyed both books, the start of each was very slow for me but once it picked up I couldn’t get enough so I’m hoping I enjoy the last book as much I have the first two!!
    Books I want to read this February….
I just picked this one up from the library and I think it’ll be a bit different to what I usually read so I’m excited to pick this one up!!
Even though I didn’t really enjoy the Divergent series too much I do want to see if I enjoy Carve the Mark, because it looks a bit more diverse than what’s she written before but we’ll see.
I’ve been meaning to read this for AGES and I never got around to it but hopefully I’ll read it this month!!
I’m really looking forward to finishing the Darkest Minds series because it has taken me ages to read it, not because it wasn’t good though, just because I’ve been in a weird reading slump but I am super excited to see what happens in the final book!!
So tell me what happened in January for you and until next time, Keep Calm and Keep Reading….
January’s Adventures & February Plans…. Hello Booklies!! I know I said I would blog more often and I really wanted too, I mean I don't even know why I didn't.
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