#i aged her up into an adult in cas and played dress up I LOVE HER
fizzytoo · 1 year
if i speedrun to ama's child stage how many of yall would hit me
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
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Quinta is up for Download!
As previously promised, I present to you all...drumroll...my beloved Quinta! As a little bonus, I've also included her parents in a separate zip. You can find the full info about Quinta and her parents below the cut!
They are only dressed in the everyday category. If you'd like inspo for Quinta, check out the lookbook I did HERE. All the CC I used is BGC, but their eyes and some skin details fall in the "occult scar" category. (If you don't have vampires or werewolves you'll need the CAS unlock mod to get the hidden occult categories.) Lastly, I use the Preferences + mod, so you will probably see a like or dislike from that in the mix. If you don't use that mod, no worries - those likes/dislikes just won't show up.
All I ask is that... -> You don't change her physical appearance dramatically. That means you should especially not change her skin or her plus-size body. If you also download her parents, same goes for them. Don't be weird. -> You don't change Quinta's sexuality. She is a lesbian. -> You tag me if you play with her in your game! I would love for her to finally have a life partner 🥺💕
Thank you to all the CC creators!
DL: Patreon (always free)
Note: Quinta appeared as a contestant on @wrixie's "Mini's Match" Bachelorette Challenge, you can find her OG submission post HERE.
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Text transcript of the above picture for anyone who needs it! ↓
Quinta Saeed-Parisi (She/her): - Age: Young Adult - Aspiration: Big Happy Family - Traits: loyal, ambitious, moody, art lover, romantic - Likes: red, classical music, Latin pop music, Indian food, Middle Eastern food, Japanese food, cerebral sims, idealist sims, pet enthusiasts, romance enthusiasts, affection, arguments, deep thoughts, flirtation, physical intimacy, polished fashion, cooking, dancing, mixology, piano, research & debate, violin, writing, museums, beaches - Dislikes: gray, jazz music, metal music, British food, ambitionless sims, rascals, nature enthusiasts, complaints, malicious interactions, pranks, deception, country fashion, baking, fishing, gardening, fitness, handiness, herbalism, mischief, gyms, and shabby decor.
Tanit Saeed-Parisi (She/her): - Age: Elder - Aspiration: Successful Lineage - Traits: bookworm, self-assured, proper, outgoing, neat - Likes: Purple, coffee, classical music, baroque music, soul music, Middle Eastern food, seafood, family-motivated sims, hard-working sims, nature enthusiasts, discussing interests, gossip, compliments, baking, cooking, flower arranging, gardening, the library, cafes, and garden decor. - Dislikes: dj booth music, electronica music, hip hop music, spooky music, metal music, junk food, egotistical sims, rascals, complaints, malicious interactions, deception, programming, video gaming, and shabby decor.
Gabriele Parisi (He/him): - Age: Elder - Aspiration: Successful Lineage - Traits: foodie, creative, good, proper, loves the outdoors - Likes: green, red nectar (red wine), backyard music, classical music, retro music, Italian food, seafood, cerebral sims, family-motivated sims, homebody sims, spirited sims, affection, physical intimacy, silly behavior, pranks, stories, basics fashion, archaeology, cooking, gourmet cooking, writing, volunteering, photography - Dislikes: hip hop music, electronica music, metal music, pessimistic sims, egotistical sims, deep thoughts, malicious interactions, baking, video gaming.
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beccalendsahand · 2 years
ZuCasino, Yuzuka Rei: October 2022
Long time no translations! It's been a busy year but I finally found the time to finish an interview that I really really love, I hope you are able to understand more about Rei with this sweet Q&A! ZuCasino is a current segment in Takarazuka Graph magazine where prominent otokoyaku get interviewed via a series of casino-style games and questions. October was with Yuzuka Rei. I've tried something a little different this time around where the first time an actress's name is mentioned I link her takawiki page. I've also done translation notes as I go rather than putting them all at the end. Let me know if you find this helpful or just too much. Without further ado, enjoy!
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Part 1: Episode Roulette
We challenged Yuzuka Rei to play our Episode Roulette game!
(Rei has been given a roulette wheel, each section has a topic of conversation, whichever she lands on she has to answer)
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A Joke That Went Wrong
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Episode 1:
Alright so, this is something that happened to me today. Earlier today I went to the quick-change-station* backstage to pick up some hair products for our photo shoot. But then suddenly, our flower troupe musumeyaku from the 100th class* (Oto Kurisu, Hoshikaze Madoka and Itotsuki Yukiha) popped out of nowhere wearing Japanese biker gang outfits!!! I think they had mistaken my footsteps for those of another classmate because they jumped out in sync pulling the same funny faces as if they had known I was coming!  It was so hilarious I couldn’t stop myself from laughing at them! (laughs)
*The "quick-change-station" is an area in the wings at the Takarazuka theatres where the actresses can change between scenes, it has dressing tables and any costumes/props needed for quick changes but it's not part of the actual dressing rooms. *100th class refers to the 100th class of actresses who graduated from the Takarazuka Music School, Takarazuka is based on hierarchy, not just hierarchy within the star system but also hierarchy based on years in the company, so what class people were in at TMS is quite significant, and actresses have a strong bond with those in their troupe who they were at TMS with. When Rei refers to “another classmate” she means another girl from the 100th class. Later on in this interview, Rei will refer to one of her own “classmates”, Rei’s class was the 95th class.
Something you've been thinking about
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Episode 2:
My baby nephew has been on my mind a lot! I often get sent videos of him, he’s over a year old now and has started walking and saying things that sound like words, I can’t get over how fast he’s growing. There’s quite a lot of us in the flower troupe who have nieces and nephews around the same age, so I like to know how they are doing too. Even though I haven’t met them in person, because me and the other flower troupe members are always sharing videos with each other, I feel like I’m watching over them. You know how when you were little you would get those adults who would come up to you and say “Ahh look how big you’ve grown!”? Well, I’m pretty sure I’m becoming that person!
A Special (insert here)
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When I’m performing, I like to try and use my eyes like a camera and take pictures of everyone's faces to save to my memory. Those of the flower troupe and those of the audience. There are lots of times when I see someone's lovely sparkling smiling face and I think “Ahhh I wish I could share this with someone”. So, I want to create my own “Special SSS Seat View!”* Like, you know how when you go to theme parks you can buy photos of yourselves on the rides? It could be like that, after seeing a show you could go to Quatre Reves* and get the photos straight from my brain.
*In Japanese theatres, seats are divided by B, A, S, and sometimes SS seats too. In the Takarazuka theatres the SS seats are the middle block of the first floor at the front, so what Rei means here is that what she sees standing on stage is an even closer view than that, therefore her view would be called SSS. *Quatre Reves is the Takarazuka merchandise store, you can find them at the theatre as well as in major cities across Japan and online!
Praise someone!
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Episode 4
I want to praise everyone on this earth! I think none of us expected this fight (covid) to go on for so long, but even without an end in sight, we have all carried on, one day at a time. There are probably people out there who feel a loss in confidence, and aren’t able to fight on…So I feel like we and the audience are like “comrades” living through this era of great change together. 
There is a lot of pain right now but the fact that everyone keeps going and doing there best is amazing!
Part 2: Card Game
(Rei has been given 2 decks of cards with words written on the back, deck 1 has an adjective, deck 2 has a type of person. She must take one from each deck, name a person that relates and give us an anecdote about them.)
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Deck 1: Cute, Passionate, Must-See, Respected, Bizarre
Deck 2: Upperclassmen, Underclassman, Teacher, Classmate, Flower Troupe Member
Passionate Underclassman*
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The “Fashionable Empire” Rockettes
When I was watching the rehearsals for the Rockette number I found myself thinking “wow they really are the picture of youth!”. They are all just so energetic and have a high awareness of the space and each other, you can tell they are thinking about how to make the dance the most effective, they are such promising underclassmen. It was a Rockette dance delivered with so much confidence!
*Underclassmen generally refer to actresses who have been in the company 7 years or less.
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(Fashionable Empire, 2022) Cute Classmate
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Kizuki Yuuma
We were reunited for the first time in forever in the musical “Top Hat”, it was funny though because she’s a senka member now, so everyone was treating her incredibly politely which she seemed quite humbled by (laughs). On stage, she had an immense stage presence in her dandy-style costume, and her character had a high tolerance for people's behavior, but in the wings and in the rehearsal rooms she would bow more than anyone else! I found it very cute how she would suddenly get smaller and smaller and smaller*. Her embarrassment was in huge contrast to how much she helped us throughout the show, in the way she would speak to the underclassmen and the wonderful insight she gave us into her thoughts on the performing arts. It was just so adorable to me, I remember thinking “You don’t have to make yourself so small!!” (laughs).
*In Japanese culture it's common to lower yourself when speaking in order to show respect for someone higher in age or status than you. So what Rei means here by Kizuki getting smaller and smaller is that she was probably bowing her head and bowing with her whole body so often to everyone that she was getting smaller and smaller, which is quite a funny image when you consider how she usually towers above every other actress. Kizuki recently transferred from the Moon Troupe to Senka (a troupe made up of superior members who guest star in different troupes) so there's no need for her to be lowering herself when she is actually higher ranked than everyone else, but she's not quite used to all the politeness and respectful language the actresses are giving to her yet, so she still feels a little embarrassed and finds herself doing it back to them. 
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(Top Hat, 2022) (from left to right: Minami Maito, Kizuki Yuuma, Yuzuka Rei) Must-See Flower Troupe Member
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Mikaze Maira
She's been Kumicho (Troupe Leader) * for half a year now and she looks after us all by giving us positive encouragement and strengthening the troupe morale. I think she makes it easy for us to all unite and move towards the same goal together by guiding us, not only in the arts but in our emotions as well. Please pay attention to our Kumicho who is full of charm and positivity! *The Kumicho (Troupe Leader) is the oldest member of the troupe, it is her duty to support the troupe and basically make sure everyone is okay, she is usually the first port of call when an actress is struggling with things like stage fright or other worries. Mikaze transferred to Flower Troupe from the Cosmos Troupe with current Flower Troupe Top Musumeyaku Hoshikaze Madoka in 2021, and took over from Takashou Mizuki as Kumicho in 2022
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(The Fascination, 2022)
Part 3: Dice Game
(Rei has been given a white dice and a black dice, similar to the last game, whatever number she lands on has an assigned word, white dice adjectives, black dice nouns, the difference this time is whatever she gets she has to perform!)
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White dice: 1. Cool 2. Sexy 3. Powerful 4. Flirty 5. Sweet 6. Dynamic
Black dice: 1. Face 2. Flying kiss 3. Wink 4. Pose 5. Back pose 6. Kabe-don
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Part 4: Big wins at the Zucasino Question Corner
1. If you are already doing well would you place another bet? I think I usually stop myself when I start thinking about going all in on something. So rather than taking another big bet, I’m the type of person who quits while they are ahead.
2. Are you daring? Or cautious? Tenma Michiru once surprised me by saying “I used to think you were a cautious person, but actually you don’t care at all!”, her idea of the difference between daring and cautious people sounded quite black and white to me. It’s true though that I do just go for it when making decisions. For example, after deciding to move house I moved the next week, and the time between me discovering Takarazuka and enrolling at the Music School was very short.  Timing and chance of course had a lot to do with it, but I do think that when it comes down to those life-changing decisions I get this feeling of intuition to just go with my gut, maybe that's when I become daring.
3. How do you spend big money? For the last 3 years, we haven’t been able to do any trips or go out for any meals together as a troupe, so I’d like to hold a big event where the current troupe members and those who have left the troupe from 2020 onwards all go on a gorgeous trip to Hawaii together! There are so many places I want to go explore so maybe it could be a 3-4 day long trip where we can do our own thing, and then we could plan some kind of special event to do all together during our stay! The girls who have only been in Takarazuka for 1 to 3 years and those who have joined the flower troupe from other troupes like Hitoko-chan (Towaki Sea) have not experienced our dinner entertainment tradition yet, and many of the upperclassmen are itching to perform again so, I think we should put on a banquet and have a good time! Other things I’d like to spend big money on would be buying a holiday home for my parents and maybe starting my own business. Maybe something to do with children's education, something that mothers would appreciate….But I need to know how to spend money wisely first, time to study up!
4. Are you lucky? Or unlucky? I think I’m a lucky person, I’m very happy! Every now and again there are moments where I look at my life and think how happy I am that I am able to make art with the people I love. I may not be lucky enough to win in raffles or lotteries (laughs), but I’m overwhelmingly blessed to live a life surrounded by the many things that I love.
5. What is the luckiest moment you’ve experienced in your life? Entering Takarazuka was a big moment for me, both a lucky and a happy moment (laughs). Not only did I get to be a part of something I love but I met so many lovely people and learnt all sorts of things! Takarazuka has taught me so much, not just about the performing arts, but about being a person as well, I think if I hadn’t joined Takarazuka I would be completely different to who I am today.
6. A moment you’ve betted on In the early stages of joining the Takarazuka Music School you have to make the decision of whether to become an otokoyaku or a musumeyaku. But at the time I was still getting used to it all, I was kind of drowning, overwhelmed by everything, and so I completely forgot that I needed to decide…And before I knew it, we were all lined up about to make our decision! Everyone in turn saying “musumeyaku!” or “otokoyaku!” down the line! My height at the time meant that I was on the threshold between musumeyaku and otokoyaku, and so I was worrying and worrying like “Ahh which do I choose?!”. But then I heard the person before me say “Otokoyaku!” and in a spur of the moment decision I went “Yeah!” and said I wanted to be an otokoyaku. I guess you could say that was a bet? I wonder what would have happened if I had chosen to be a musumeyaku instead. I would have had to use completely different muscles, so my shoulders probably wouldn’t have broadened like they have now…Choosing to be an otokoyaku was a big turning point in my life.
7. A moment that was a close shave! The time when I was still a junior in the company and decided to climb Mt.Rokko by myself on my day off. It was a nice day despite it being winter, and so after enjoying the mountain to my heart's content I strolled back to the bus stop, only to discover the buses had already finished for the day! Looking around frantically I realised there was not a single soul to be seen, I was all alone, it was getting cold and windy and the sun was starting to set… After standing around in the cold for about 20 minutes, just as I started to worry for my life, a cyclist came speeding down the road towards me. But he passed by so fast there was nothing I could do to get his attention, but then he came back and gave me a ride to the cable car! I was one step away from ending up being a news story. I hope that man is doing well…
8. Something you want to protect with all your life The number one thing i want to protect is everyone's smiles. Maybe it's unrealistic to ask for, but I don’t want anyone's smiles to be clouded by anything, not those of the troupe, not those of the audience, or anyone I meet. Everyone is working so hard every day, the people who look after the company so that we are able to perform, the people who come to the theatre, the doctors and nurses who continue to fight to save lives, everyone, so their smiles must be protected. We are forced to endure a lot which can make our hearts feel heavy, but it's for that very reason that I want to be able to capture the smiles of the audience with my “Yuzuka Camera Lense”! No matter your birth, upbringing, age, or gender, people from all walks of life come to the theatre, lose themselves in the story being told and laugh and cry together in that shared space. How amazing is that? I’m so grateful to get to have that experience and so I want to continue to protect it.
Part 5: My Treasure
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Illustrations from manga artists I have been fortunate enough to get to be a part of several plays based on famous manga, and have been gifted original illustrations from their creators. Yamato Waki who made “Haikara-san: Here Comes Miss Modern”, Hagio Moto who made “The Poe Clan” and Kamio Yoko who made “Hana Yori Dango/Boys Over Flowers” . Even now whenever I look at the pictures they drew for me I have a deep feeling of amazement of just how great their work is.
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My beloved dog, Noir He’s so intelligent that it’s like he’s a human trapped inside a dogs body and at any moment he’s going to start talking to me. He is in tune to so many things and keeps at juuuust the right distance from me, all traits that would make me want to marry him if I could, he’s so cute!
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Letters I’ve received from flower troupe members There is a custom in Takarazuka where you give “Pre-Raku Cards”* to those who have looked after you during the performance. I’ve kept all the ones I have received so far. It just makes me so happy that in these letters the actresses get to share with me thoughts and feelings that they don’t normally get to say to me. 
*Senshuuraku is japanese theatre speak for the final performance of a show, it is usually shortened to “Raku” by both fans and actors. “Pre-Raku Cards” or “Maeraku Cards” is a short hand for “Mae Senshuuraku cards” or “The night before closing night cards”. Celebratory messages from fans My album full of birthday cards, top star anniversary messages and other milestones is my number one most precious treasure. “No matter how far the distance may be, my heart will be your side…” This is a line from the song “An oath made on the wind” from “Haikara-san: Here Comes Miss Modern”. During the initial period of the pandemic, these words would often come to mind and they became a phrase which is now very close to my heart. The underclassmen who couldn’t perform the show quoted this line in a video they made during the theatre shutdown, it really cheered me up at that time.
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Videos and photos from the flower troupe During the last performance cancellations, I was sent many videos of things like funny little updates, and people singing whilst playing the ukulele. Performance cancellations are so hard, but if we hadn’t of had them then these exchanges would never have happened..
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Video title: “I will become the wind” Misora Maru Ukulele Version Picture: Flower Troupe Love Picture Caption: “Flower Troupe Love” Will never end!
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Behind the Scenes!
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Thank you for reading! For more Takarazuka translations click here
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0-nouke-0 · 1 year
Tag Game for Historical Simblrs! 📖
1. What has been your favorite time period to play in or which one are you most excited for?  
I’m loving 1800-1900 right now but i really love the fashion of 1700-1800.
2. Do you have a favorite piece of historical cc? (CAS or BB)  
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I love all of the vintagesimstress creations but this dress is my fav
3. Who is your favorite sim currently?  
Really like Rose but i still love Selena.
4. What is your favorite world?  
Glimmerbrook and Newcrest, i love the woods of glimmerbrook but just aren’t enough lots.
5. Are you more gameplay or story focused?  
i’m a gameplay blog, yes there is a story but i don’t write it out my writting skills in english just aren’t strong enough, i’m  fluent in english but i have dyslexia so writting is a struggle.
6. Do you like to play with pets in your historical saves?  
I try to, but honestly they’re so annoying to deal with.  Like why are you running away?? you have food, pets all the time and there is always somebody on the lot.
7. What’s your biggest immersion breaking pet peeve with the game?  
NPCs.... I delete them, if they’re lucky they get an outfit pasted
8. What’s your favorite in-game historical item? (CAS or BB)  
The Vampires gamepack. I always use cc for everything but there are some good pieces in that pack
9. What would you like to see as a new pack or asset to the game?  
right now not a lot i would just love it if they fixed all the buggs. one of my sims was aged up from toddler to child with a dirty diaper she is now a teen and the stink is still following her.
10. What pack do you think is invaluable as a historical simmer?  
Cottage Living. The farming part. Even if all my chickens want to leave.
11. Do you have a favorite mod to enhance historical gameplay?  
There’s so many, but i love  Regency Romance.
but they have so many small mods to help the  immersion.
12. What’s your ideal family size for playing?  
For gameplay, I  prefer families of 6. but if i have a specific story 3-4
13. Do you use poses?
Only for if i like the sim.....
14. Do you use any overrides in your game?
I don’t really know. my sims skincolors aren’t ea if that counts.
15. Do you, or did you, play off-the-grid during your game?  
I play on the grid, there are to many things that need to be.
16. What lifespan do you play on?  
normal/custom lifespan settings! infant is 5days toddler is 15days child is 15days teen is 35days youngadult is 30days adult is 25days elder is 15days. this is just what works for me.
17. What inspired you to start playing a historically?  
I started in fantasy gameplay. i started watching historical movies and series and the fantasy part started fading out.
please remember that english is not my native language
Thank you so much for tagging me  @heartblobs
I’ll tag @katssimsdecades​   @ottersinhats   @carousel-of-sims
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andrevasims · 1 year
Sims Tag
Tagged by @ho3sferatu​! Thanks ^_^
Readmore’d cause it gets a bit long :P
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
Probably fright, cause the animation is so funny like they have time to pause and check their pulse before dropping dead
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
I can tell this is aimed at TS4 haha I had to google Alpha CC to check I knew what it meant - So semi-realistic? I mean obviously I lean towards Maxis Match, but if I like how something looks I’ll use it even if it’s not from the same style.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
No, that actually happened to Klothilde because she kept eating fish and it takes so long for them to eat fish that she got fat after eating it once lol - But TS2 fat meshes aren’t even really fat, so it doesn’t make much difference to me heh
4. Do you use move objects?
Only for placing deco things, cause I don’t want to end up placing a chair or something that’s actually inaccessible and not find out until after I’ve built everything else around where I placed it
5. Favorite mod?
No Red Pause Lines, cause it’s 500x more annoying if I have to crop that out every time I take a screenshot
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
University, I pretty much got all the TS2 stuff as it came out heh
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
aLIVE, but I think about it more like how a TV show says “We’re live” or something since that’s where the game actually progresses in time
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Cirrus! There’s some close seconds, but Cirrus actually has history in my game versus just being a face I liked, and the way her parents’ genetics created the little side smirk she has that I don’t think I could recreate in CAS
9. Have you made a simself?
I did when I was 13 - I was exactly at that age where child sims felt too young to represent myself, but teen sims felt too old. I went with a child sim just for the proportions lol but yeah that was the last time I was interested in making a simself.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
Well to keep it TS2 themed, I think it’d be something like this:
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11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Um black? That’s always the default color I pick when doing any sort of dress up game
12. Favorite EA hair?
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It’s the only hair I’ve never fully replaced with a default, I just do a texture default
13. Favorite life stage?
Adult I guess, they just have the most stuff available to do
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Both, I like building but I like to play the lots I build. And when I’m playing, I think of what kind of builds would be fun to play, and so the gameplay also inspires my building.
15. Are you a CC creator?
Kind of? I’ve made clothing recolors, makeup, hair recolors, etc. but I haven’t done anything besides sharing lots/sims in a while.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
Not particularly, I have mutuals that I always like seeing on my dash/activity but I’m not the most talkative person on tumblr lol
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
2 of course ^_^
18. Do you have any sims merch?
No? lol
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Technically yeah, it’s my “personal” YT account but 90% of my videos are of The Sims.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I used to do more semi-realistic CC, just based on what I’d accumulated and liked the look of at the time. I still have a lot of that CC in my Downloads, I just don’t use it as often anymore as more recently downloaded Maxis match stuff.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
idk, I think I have one but I’ve never shared anything for TS4 so it’s kinda useless lol
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Ooh that’s a tough one, @platinumaspiration​ comes to mind cause I really love how bright/colorful a lot of their CC is and I like a lot of the clothing/hair styles :)
23. How long have you had a simblr?
2012.............. lol
Here is the 1st post I ever made on here, it’s for TS3 and has way more straightness than my game has had in years lmao
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I explained it here sort of a few years ago, but I have a newer version of Photoscape and I don’t have access to Photoshop anymore. I still do the highlight/shadow tweaking stuff, but I use Photoscape to do that now.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Well obviously that’s not a question for TS2 lol but something that both TS3 and TS4 have that would’ve been cool in TS2 is careers that you can actually play/interact with instead of the sim disappearing for 8 hours.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
Nightlife, I love everything about the themes/aesthetic/gameplay, it has objects/features I use more than any other EP to this day, it’s just exactly my style.
Tagging: @krabbysims​​ @potentialfate-sims​​ @aondaneedles​​ @simmer-until-tender​​! Feel free to ignore if you’ve done it already haha
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fantasiesandfolklore · 3 months
Drabble for @luposcainus — The Princess and The Orphan Prince
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Relta pulled out one of her old diaries from her bookshelf, taking it over to King Caspian as she found the right page. It wasn’t dog eared, but rather marked with a dried red and pink tulip — symbolizing love and royalty. It grew naturally in both their kingdoms, so she’d felt it was the perfect bookmark for the day they’d first met.
“Even as a young girl, barely six years old, I kept a journal of my journeys and friends,” she laughed, offering the well loved diary to Caspian to read. “It’s my recounting of our first meeting, when I had no idea who you are class status wise. When we were just two children playing together near the castle library’s gardens,” she explained further.
She was admittedly embarrassed that she’d written about him for nearly twenty-five years at this point, him being one of her longest known friends, even if they didn’t see each other too often due to their kingdoms already having a fairly solid alliance and not needing events for each other except the occasional diplomatic mission the Queen had gone on when younger.
Age 6, Crown Princess Relta, Kingdom of Lupos
“Cas, wait for me! I can’t run as fast as you can in this dress!” A youthful, yet still regal voice called out in frustration, desiring to rip her skirts to a manageable length and to kick off her too tight shoes.
Catching up to him, she was out of breath, but it was worth it to see him extending a flower to her. “Oh?” Was all she managed to get out before regaining her breath, standing up straight and taking the flower the dark haired boy was offering.
“A tulip…I believe these grow in both Lupos and Lunaruz!” A young Relta observed excitedly, having been teaching herself about herbs and flowers, both in sentimental meanings and medicinal uses. It didn’t make complete sense to her yet due to her youth, but she knew enough to know tulips had an air of innocent romance to them, but she doubted her new friend knew that. She was more excited about the fact it was common in both their kingdoms anyway. “Thank you,” she added, looking down then up at him shyly.
Even at the same age, he was a good head taller than Relta, who even in adulthood would only reach a few inches taller than five feet. She blamed her father’s genes for it, as her mother was a statuesque 5’10”. She had to look up at Cas to meet his gaze, her emerald eyes gazing into his dark orbs.
“May I show you something?” She inquired, pulling a small notebook out of her dress pocket. “I write down everyone I meet in here, and I need you to sign your name,” she explained, opening it to a new page. So far, she’d had many royals and nobles sign her book, but few “regular” folks as she believed Caspian to be.
“You’ll be the first friend of mine to sign it. Everyone else in there is a friend of my parents,” she added with a grin before frowning, “they think I’m intrigued by their power, but really they’re mainly just stuffy old folks waiting to be usurped by their children.”
She rolled her eyes, recalling the woman who had treated her like she wasn’t the next queen of Lunaruz, but rather a petulant child who needed to be told off. She’d told the woman off, as had her mother, who was proud of her for standing up for herself.
Queen Macha was a strong woman, and the one with the stronger claim to the throne of Lunaruz, so she brought Relta up the same way she had been. However, Macha didn’t push a coupling for adult Relta the way it had been pushed upon younger Queen Macha. Relta resembled her mother, in their light eyes and fair skin, however Relta had her father’s fiery red curls.
Once Caspian signed her book, she pressed the flower into the book so she could preserve it. “Now it’ll never truly die and I’ll always have a reminder of my friend from Lupos!” Relta told him in excitement. She was still a child and excitable, after all.
Hearing Caspian’s stomach rumble, Relta frowned and dug into her other pocket and pulled out several cookies that she offered to him. “Can’t have you growling at me,” she jested, but in truth was concerned as to when he’d last eaten. The irony of it was lost on her, as she was clueless as to the fact he was a werewolf.
Insisting he take them, she heard her father calling for her from the castle and sighed. “I must go, but it was fun playing with you, Caspian,” she informed him, kissing his cheek then running away from him and up the castle stairs.
Relta finished reading him the entry, her cheeks flushing enough to make her freckles nearly disappear. “I guess I’ve always felt something for you, I was just too young to realize what the feeling was,” she commented, shutting the book and putting it on her nightside table.
It happened to also have a bouquet of tulips and red roses on it, the flowers symbolizing Lunaruz and Relta herself, Lunaruz being the tulips and Relta being the thorny roses. She had to be handled with caution despite her beauty and grace. “We must figure out a national flower for Lupos so we can merge our crests,” she commented, more thinking out loud than actually telling Caspian that.
Her full crest was a coat of arms with tulips and roses on it, surrounded by vines with pomegranates on it to symbolize rebirth. Rather than animals on each side of the coat of arms, she had the most updated depictions of the original Lord Ares and Queen Macha that archaeologists had come across.
Relta, somewhat surprisingly, resembled the goddess who’d had a hand in Lunaruz’s creation via her child with Lord Ares, whom Relta was said to be a direct descendant from through both parents distantly.
The main difference was that Queen Macha was depicted with jet black hair and dark green eyes, while Relta had fiery red hair and light emerald colored eyes. She also didn’t have Queen Macha’s height, the goddess resembling Relta’s mother more in that way.
“Perhaps the original founders of Lupos can be on one side, Lord Ares and Queen Macha on the other, and the royal flower of Lupos can replace the roses,” she suggested to Caspian as she grabbed her book again and began a rough sketch while allowing him to watch her over her shoulder.
“How does this look?” She asked once finished, the sketch decent but lacking details on the holy figures for she wanted a reference before bothering to get that detailed.
Much to her surprise, Caspian turned her toward him and kissed her, making her close her eyes and melt into his strong embrace. She could only guess it was his response to her openness for unifying their kingdoms, and the fact she still had the flower he gave her when they were youths.
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party-gilmore · 4 years
19 year old Dean sneaking out of the motel with clumsily smudged eye makeup and lipstick that Rhonda assured him via text would actually be pretty perfectly on brand and her sequiny borrowed clothes hidden under his dad's big jacket.
He doesnt understand why she told him to dress like this, but the panties thing was pretty nice, so he's willing to trust her... it helps that Dad was so damn wasted he knew there's no way he'd wake up while Dean was on the way out. Getting back in might be a different story, but he's got a change of clothes stashed in the Impala if he needs to swap out before sneaking back in.
Once he gets there, once Rhonda shows him a world he didn't even know existed right under his nose, it becomes more of a tradition. In fact, it becomes the only tradition he feels like he can share with these other people, these... these other queer people.
It's the only connection, the only experience, the only part of his strange hunter's upbringing that he feels like lines up with their own stories. The only part of their culture he feels like he can share, like he can actually be a part of.
Sneaking out, flashy skimpy gender bending clothes hidden from overbearing parents under layers upon layers, changing somewhere along the way or even in the tiny little restrooms of whatever skeevy dive is playing the movie in tonight's town of choice, sharing That Look with the other boys swapping their getups in the same dingy toilet, the confidence building as he strips layer after layer, tearing down his own defenses of Flannel and Denim and Dad's Jacket to raise a wall of freedom and expression and self love, and it always scary every time but in a good way, the way he feels at the top of a roller coaster, gripping the lap bar and so, so ready.
Then after, lingering in the afterglow of the camaraderie and companionship, the same feeling of mutual dread creeping across the little gaggle of young adults he finds himself drawn to as they start the slow trudge back to real life. The layers going back on. The Flannel. The Denim. Dad's Jacket.
The envy as they watch a lot of the older folks and even some of the younger ones - a little bit more every year, as time goes by - laughing and smiling and sparing a quick moment for a mournful but understanding glance in the direction of those who have to build their walls back up before getting into their cars. Heading back home as they are.
Unafraid not to change back.
He never talks about it. Not even when Sam mentions offhand about a show he attended once in college. Just makes a snarky comment about corsets and Tim Curry that has Sam punching him hard in the arm with a reprimand about being bigoted. That's fine. Dean would still rather that than have people know the truth. Not yet, anyway.
He doesn't talk about it to Cas, either. It's not just because it doesn't seem like it would be up the guy's alley, although he was admittedly tempted when putting together his list of things show the falling angel all of what humanity has to offer. He doesn't doubt that even if it's not the guy's cup of tea, Cas would still find it to be beautiful in some way. Probably like, as a tableau of humanity at its purest, most free, or some sappy shit like that.
No, the reason Dean doesn't tell Cas is because it's still too intimate of a thing for him, and with this... whatever it is that's been slipping between, growing stronger with each pass around, he's afraid that letting Cas into that part of his life would leave him tumbling to quickly, too recklessly, into something he knows he's not ready for. Besides, he hasn't been to a show in years anyway. Not since hell.
But then one day.
One day Jack is sitting at the kitchen table, nervously admitting that he's been talking to some kids in town, and he really likes them, and... and not just the girls. Not just one of them either. The whole group. And he doesnt know if that's weird or not and he doesn't know what to do and he doesn't know if that's normal... do other people feel this way? Are there other people out there who are... like me? Or is this... a nephilim thing. Am I the only one.
And for a moment Dean wonders if it would be weird, taking his kid to go see it. But then he thinks about some of the older couples he'd met and talked too, who'd been excited to introduce their kids around Dean's age. Like taking your kid out to a bar for their 21st. A moment to show them a world they could be a part of, as they grow into who they are. To help them find their place in it.
Dean rarely ever let himself wish for things to be Other Than They Are, trying to be enough of a realist to not get stuck in wistful what ifs and maybes. But in those moments? Those moments he found himself wishing for a parent like that. Not that Rhonda's introduction to it wasn't pretty damn great, but the thought of it being a parent, a... a dad, showing him a world he could be a part of and saying 'it's okay, I'm part of it too, go enjoy it but know that I'm here with you when you need me,' it was... well.
Dean clears his throat, realizing just how long Jack's anxious silence had gone on while his brain rattled around in the past.
"Hey kid, how uh... how about we catch a movie tonight? That older theater, the one that's... not the Regal, what's it called... uh, whichever. They're playing Rocky Horror tonight."
Jack's head tilts at the apparent subject change, in the way that reminds Dean so much of Cas, and for a moment he almost calls down the hall to invite the angel along.
But no, he settles back into his original plan. This is a Him And Jack kinda thing. This time, at least.
"A horror movie?"
"Haha, no, not quite," Dean grins, standing and ruffling the kids hair. "C'mon. I know none of my old stuff fits me anymore, so I'll need new gear anyway. I'll take you to pick out an outfit. Bring your ID."
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A Halloween Party
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October 31st, 2021
Y/N Måddie Englund is American Actress. She is the daughter of Robert Englund that plays the fictional serial killer Freddy Krueger in the Nightmare on Elm Street.
Born : August 12th, 1990 ( age 31 years ) , Glendale, CA
Height : 5’10”
Spouse : Bill Skarsgård (m. 2016)
Children : 1
Please be careful with this bc the knifes are sharp ,” Your father Robert said as he hands you Freddy's glove.
I will dad and thank you for letting me borrow the glove , “ You said with a smile.
Scared some adults for me ,” Robert said with a grin.
Oh I will ,” You said.
Are you ready yet ,” Bill called.
Yeah I am ,” You said .
Bill was dressed up as Pennywise .
How do I look ,” You said with a grin as you moved the claw at him.
Scary and beautiful,” Bill said as he smirked at you .
Thank you. You look creepy and scary as pennywise the dancing clown , “ You said with a smile as you check out his outfit .
You know that everyone is going to think that glove is the real one or ask how you make it look real,” Bill said with a smirk.
Oh, I will show them that it's the real one by scaring the heck out of them,” You said with a dark grin.
( The Party )
I'm happy that you two made it , “ Alexander said with a smile.
He was dressed as a vampire .
Who else is here now ,” You asked?
Jared Padalecki is here dressed as hellraiser and a lot more people,” Alexander said.
Did Jensen come ,” You asked ?
The one that has a crush on you even though you are married now,” Bill said with a smirk.
Yeah. He is the one that had try to break me and you up bc he was jealous of you and still jealous now ,” You told him with a grin.
Oh he is still jealous of Bill bc he had asked me if Bill was coming to the party ,” Alexander told you.
Seriously,” You said.
Yeah. Don't worry about the idiot ,” Alexander said with a smile.
I think that he was always jealous of me bc I was dating you and Jensen had wanted you. It had made stuff worse for him when you had married me back 2016. If you were him. Imagine hearing this over and over. Actress Y/N Englund married Swedish Actor Bill Skarsgård. Or Y/N Englund and Bill Skarsgård finally tied the knot ,” Bill said with a dark smirk.
I remember on our honeymoon. Jared had called me that night and told me that Jensen had seen it and wasn't too happy about it, “ You said with a smile.
Remember when you two told the world that you two were expecting your first child together and Jensen didn't like it. Or imagine seeing this everywhere on the internet if you were him. Bill Skarsgård is going to be a daddy,” Alexander said with a grin.
I remember that like it was yesterday. Oh I should get pregnant again and make it worst for Jensen ,” You said with a smile.
You should get her pregnant again and he might throw a little fit when he sees this. Bill Skarsgård is going to be a daddy again ,” Alexander said with a smirk.
Yeah maybe I will. Do you want another baby ,” Bill asked with a smile.
Yeah I do. It's has been three years and our child just turn three and so yes I want to be pregnant again ,” You said with a smile.
If you do get pregnant. You two need to announce it around December,” Alexander said .
That is a fantastic idea and It's going to crush him even more ,” You said with a smirk.
You are so evil in a good way ,” Bill said as he smiled at you .
You know that you loved it ,” You said with a smile.
Oh yes I do,” Bill said as he grinned at you .
You two deserve each other,” Alexander mumbled .
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stingslikeabee · 2 years
joint headcanon: Melissa & Daigo’s children applicable for interactions with @sixthxchairman​ in their main verse spanning over the course of all Yakuza/RGG entries. While Dawn and I have discussed the kids a lot but never in a specific post, I just decided to make them lazy moodboards and note down their main characteristics (and yes, there is a reason each one of them has a plushie). Just in time for mother’s day! :)
Kazuya Dojima (JP: Dojima Kazuya ; 堂島 和也), born January 10, 2022. Adult faceclaim: Dori Sakurada (JP: Sakurada Dori ; 桜田 通).
Kazuya is the first child of the Dojima family and takes after Daigo in a way that has always stunned close friends and relatives. Always taller than average for his age, with the same deep and dark eyes that Daigo has and with long and uncontrollable hair growing up, Kazuya was a strangely calm baby and turned into a more reserved, timid adult - he enjoys his own company a lot, definitely picked up his fashion style after Daigo’s gang leader years (including the marshmallow coat) and despite the reputation of a ‘lone wolf’ during school years, he is the sweetest boy ever and also the level-headed/responsible one. 
The oldest of the Dojima kids never had any trouble with grades in school and has a great affinity for music (both songwriting and playing, but not singing - that’s the girls’ thing). He was always very fascinated by Junichiro and Majima since he a young age (which led to some interesting babysitting stories), and grew to be really close to one of Melissa’s younger sisters, Rose (who shares a lot of personality traits with him). Kazuya doesn’t care for Christmas considering how close to his birthday it is (and the shortage of gifts it caused when he was younger), and he is not so secretly ashamed of all the baby pictures in Christmas-themed accessories.
True to his aesthetics, Kazuya turned out to be a huge fan of terror/suspense/slasher movies much to Daigo’s dismay, and consequently the type of young man who would rather die than have his childish fears being divulged publicly (aka the fact he couldn’t sleep without his favorite plushies, which included a snake, a red dinosaur and a swan). He is also the first person to groan and get embarrassed when his parents become infuriatingly sweet with each other in the same room with him - which is a more frequent occasion than he would have liked for it to be.
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Hikari Dojima (JP: Dojima Hikari ; 堂島 光), born July 27, 2024. Adult faceclaim: Mirei Kiritani (JP: Kiritani Mirei ; 桐谷 美玲).
Hikari is the Dojima princess - since a very young age, Hikari has always displayed a much more bubbly energy and was fast to learn all the right ways to draw attention from her family and friends, as well as strangers (if there was some benefit to be had in doing so). A lover of all things feminine, cute and sparkly, Hikari always adored being doted on by her grandparents and inherited Melissa’s ability to capitalize on her innocent, sweet face to pull off a lot of mischief, becoming incredibly popular by doing so (nine out of ten times, people will assume her older brother did the thing).
Similarly to Melissa, mother and daughter share a passion for a lot of hobbies, such as singing, creating elaborate costumes and going over-the-top for celebrations of any seasonal holidays. Hikari is also someone very attached to friends and frequently needs to socialize in order to feel happy and complete - a stark contrast to Kazuya’s loner nature. She was always part of the popular cliques at school, and the idea of any friends of hers crushing and/or liking her brother has always mystified Hikari. 
As much as Hikari embraces the ‘princess’ label and dresses as such, she is not a fragile damsel by any means - she loves subverting expectations (just as Melissa does) by sitting through horror movies without a scream, being surprisingly at ease when needing to lie and overall having a fearless personality in the face of danger. She would probably consider a serious career in acting - after all, except for her brother, parents and a few select relatives, she’s capable of fooling almost everyone and have them doing her bidding. Her favorite plushie as a kid - a tiger - was a gift from Saejima, one of her favorite uncles in the family.
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storysims · 4 years
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I've literally spent the last two weeks wishing I had the alpha build back, just so I could use CAS again. 🙈 Pretty safe to say that I really enjoyed this one!
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I was provided with an early access copy of Snowy Escape to review via the EA Game Changers program!
I know I normally keep it pretty chill at the start of my reviews, but I have been waiting to complain about this since literally October 21st.
Let me write paint you a picture - you’ve just opened Snowy Escape for the very first time and you’re excited! You scroll through the new clothes - most of them are lovely. And oh, what’s this? A jacket sweater thing? You look through the swatches - lovely neutral color combinations that are super usable. Only one swatch left to look at and it’s THIS WEIRDO. 
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Now to be fair, there’s also a weird pink swatch... but at least it keeps with the ‘solid colors’ theme. Where did the stripes come from, EA?
All jokes aside, there’s honestly very little I disliked about this pack. There’s a few glitches, but most of my complaints are purely nitpicking. 
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Since we’re already here, let’s talk glitches. I continue to wonder if quality control tests clothes on all body types, because this is just glaringly obvious. 
I did report the first glitch during my time in alpha (glad to see it was fixed! 🙃), but didn’t catch the second until I was dressing a thicker waisted granny earlier today.
One of my favorite things about Sims 4 is the ability to have different body types, especially when compared to the whopping two choices from Sims 2. Honestly though, what’s the point when clothes don’t fit correctly? 
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Thankfully, the majority of CAS is really nice. The items themselves aren’t too stylized (which is always a concern with a themed pack), but there’s still loads of fun patterns for your more colorful sims.
I was a little worried going into the pack that we’d either get all casual clothes or all outdoor cold weather attire. In my opinion, the sims team did a really good job of giving us a mix of both!
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It’s hard to imagine players not having Seasons, but they’re definitely out there! During alpha, we only had the base game. It all made me wonder - how useable is the cold weather gear for those who don’t have Seasons? 
Without Seasons, the only area with cold weather is Mt. Komorebi itself. It’s really nice that those players will get to experience snow, but it’s a pretty limited area. Four lots, an onsen, some slopes, a hiking trail, and a trek up the mountain. With easily half of the assets being geared towards bundling up, I think I would have preferred one or two more casual pieces instead.
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I say this every review lately, and I’m just all but positive I’ve been yelling about it since Get Famous. BUT THE TEXTURES! THE DETAILS! ✨
The first time I turned the first sweater around, I actually gasped. I just love the details on items like these - you don’t necessarily spend a whole lot of time considering what the back of your sim looks like (or maybe you do, no judgement), so seeing things like this brings a little bit more ‘life’ to the sims for me.
It’s definitely worth noting - the shirt underneath the feminine sweater matches a new skirt! So you can pair the two for a really nice dress effect.
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Toddlers aren’t left out of this pack, which is always an absolute delight to type! All but a few of the adult hairstyles are also available for the little ones, and they get some super cute new clothes.
For some reason, I didn’t snap a picture of any snow gear. Thankfully, @mysteriousdane​ took literally the cutest picture I’ve ever seen. Her CAS shots from this pack are amazing, as usual. Be sure to give her posts a look! ❤️
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Kiddos get some of my favorite outfits, honestly. That cardigan outfit? The flower dress? The jacket with those wonderful jeans?! 
Just like toddlers, the kids get most of the adults hairs as well, but with one notable exception - 
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This is literally my favorite hair in the whole pack, and it’s not available for adults. Choices like this honestly just confuse me - you’ve taken the time to convert new hair to be usable for all ages, but this specific hair is age locked? Why?
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Last, but certainly not least, school uniforms!
All students in Mt. Komorebi will wear these automatically when attending school. Students in other worlds will still attend school in their normal clothes, but there’s nothing to stop you from dressing them in these yourself! Thankfully, they aren’t locked in CAS.
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Rounding out CAS is two new traits and two new aspirations.
PROPER These sims tend to disapprove of other sims improper behavior such as mean or mischievous socials, but find themselves happier in formal outfits and have a much easier time with friendly and romantic socials.
ADVENTUROUS These sims seek out new and unique experiences!
I did play with both traits, and Proper was by far my favorite. It gives a cute spin on existing interactions - like courting a sim or getting ‘respectfully closer’. 
The two new aspirations - Mt. Komorebi Sightseer and Extreme Sports Enthusiast are pretty much summed up in the title.
The sightseer aspiration feels a lot like the other location aspirations from City Living and Island Living. I would love to see a different take on these types of aspirations in future packs. They’re far too easy - it just doesn’t feel like a whole lot of thought goes into them. 
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All in all, I really enjoyed CAS in this pack. If you have Seasons, I’d go as far as to consider it a must have (not just for CAS, but the pack as a whole). If you don’t have Seasons, weigh the pros and cons! You’re getting a lot of cold weather stuff that I really don’t think you’ll use outside of Mt. Komorebi.
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Hiding-your-face hug for Rowaelin please
Little but cute. This is heavily influenced by where I was raised so know that where I come from we call everyone uncle and aunt if they are family friend’s since your childhood. That does not mean they are family, it’s just a type of nickname. Meaning their kids are also not your cousins! Enjoy!!
Matchmaking dances
Aelin loved her nonna’s birthday parties.
Technically, nonna wasn’t her grandmother, but she had been in Aelin’s life since birth. Aelin’s parents were best friends with nonna’s kids, and so Aelin had been raised with her around. Her father, Rhoe, used to tell Aelin stories of his childhood. Stories of meeting her mom, Evalin, and her sister, Adelpha, when they were still kids. Stories with Viktor and Amidala, nonna’s kids, and Gavriel, Cal and Marion.
Rhoe and Evalin were the first to get married, followed then by Gavriel and Adelpha. Cal and Marion married a few years later, and in the mean time Viktor had married a woman named Gaia and Amidala married  her college boyfriend, Quinn.
They had been friends since their childhoods, and when they all got married and had their own kids, they were raised together too.
Aelin’s whole childhood had been filled with memories of Elide, Aedion, Fenrys and Rowan. They had all lived near each other, but spent most of their free time in nonna’s house. Her childhood had been filled with days spent in the family estate’s garden, the house in the outskirts of the city. All five of them running around the house, almost breaking old vases and sculptures. Days spent inside the library whenever it was raining, just quietly reading or talking. Days spent at the infirmary with aunt Marion tending to their cuts and bruises, and nights spent camping on the backyard, jumping over the fire, counting the stars. All those years playing and growing together could never be forgotten by her.
The parties, however, were the best. The whole family and family friends would come together and they would celebrate from sunrise to sunrise. Aelin remembered playing tag with Elide and Fenrys. Remembered playing pranks on the adults with Aedion. Remembered grumbling every time nonna forced her and Rowan to dance. It had happened since both could walk, and it had grew extremely uncomfortable when both had the age to realize that nonna was trying to pair them up. They complained every time after that, although as they grew even older, both waited excitedly for the dancing part.
They were absolutely horrendous dancing, making up their own steps and butchering the original choreography.
Aelin barely had a memory that didn’t involve at least one of them, and she smiled whenever she thought of it.
As they grew old and moved away from the estate, the only time they really all visited at the same time was during big celebrations. Since she had opted to stay in Orynth and study art with her grand uncle Orlon, Aelin was the one that always managed to go back home and see everyone. Aedion had opted to stay in Orynth too, the two cousins sharing an apartment off campus. Elide had gone to Perranth, so she did come back but only on holidays and birthdays. To her nonna’s eternal sadness, Fen and Rowan had gone off to Doranelle, meaning that their visits were usually made by a video chat for the past three and a half years.
“Happy birthday, nonna!” Aelin said, smiling at the silver headed woman.
“A hundred and twenty seven, right?” Aedion said, and nonna hit him with a towel.
“Eighty, you little brat.” Nonna narrowed her eyes at Aedion, but he just laughed it off. “That’s why your cousin was my favorite.”
“We all know you always loved me more.” Aedion hummed, walking by her and giving her a peck on the cheek. “Is uncle Rhoe here?”
“In the back.” Nonna called and Aedion nodded, going to find Aelin’s dad.
“How is eighty, nonna?” Aelin asked softly, hugging the woman.
“Tiring. I’m sure that if I were to run after you and Rowan again to stop both from shaving off Fenrys’s dog, I’d break a hip.”
Aelin’s cheeks heated, but she smiled nonetheless. “That was once.”
“The two of you.” Nonna laughed, hugging Aelin’s side and walking her to the back. “All five were little devils, but the combination of you and Rowan alone was enough to bring this house down if you weren’t supervised.”
“It really was.” Aelin heard a sweet voice coming from the backyard, Elide walking in their direction with a devilish smile on her face. She wore a small wrap summer dress like Aelin, but instead of red, hers was purple. “It is good that Rowan didn’t go to college with Ace. I can only imagine the catastrophe.”
“You’re such a—“ Aelin said, mouthing bitch.
“I’m not stupid, Aelin Galathynius.” Nonna pestered, making sure to let Aelin know that her attempt of not cursing in front of elders had failed, and Elide cackled. “I need to speak to Aed’s mom. I’ll tell Adelpha you said hi, Aelin.”
“Thanks.” Aelin said, walking up to Elide and giving her friend a hug.
“Don’t get into trouble the two of you.”
“We would never!” Elide shouted back, but the smile she gave Aelin promised the contrary. “We have a surprise to nonna.”
“Yes, we.” Aelin turned back at the voice, smiling at her aunt Amidala and her uncle Quinn. “My Fenrys called yesterday. He and Rowan are coming today to celebrate nonna’s birthday. Viktor and Gaia are ecstatic to see their son again.”
Aelin turned around to see her father and mother talking to Viktor and Gaia. As if they could feel her stare, both turned to her and smiled. Uncle Viktor was usually serious, reserving his smiles. Aunt Gaia, though, was always a happy presence. With her silver hair and blue eyes, the woman looked like a goddess. Rowan looked so much like both of them. He had his mother’s hair and smile, but his father’s eyes, face and seriousness. Aelin smiled back and waved at them.
“When?” She turned back to Amidala and Quinn. “I haven’t seen the two in ages.”
Aelin was beyond excited because of it. She had only talked to Ro and Fen through phone and postcards, and she couldn’t wait to see both in person again. For the next few hours, Aelin spent most of her time with Elide and Aed, all three sitting on the grass and laughing while retelling their childhood stories. They all held some sort of cocktail drink that uncle Gavriel had made them, and it was good enough that Aelin didn’t question what was inside, just asked for more when she emptied her glass. Morning ended and the afternoon sun was burning up. Aelin knew she should get up and put on some sunscreen if she didn’t want her face peppered with even more freckles, but she was feeling so calm and comfortable that she couldn’t bring herself to do so.
Coming back to nonna’s house with one of her friends always made her feel like this. She was twenty two, but sitting on the grass, laughing with Aed and Elide, she felt as if she was seven again. It was the greatest nostalgic feeling she could ever imagine.
“And then Aelin fell in the lake with Rowan.” Aedion was retelling the time both she and Rowan fell from a tree straight into the river nearby. Aedion was laughing so much he was doubling over, almost no sound coming out anymore. Aelin didn’t know if Elide was laughing at the story or at Aedion.
“Why is it always the stories where Rowan and I get fucked up that you all decide to tell?” Aelin grumbled, but she couldn’t help but laugh and smile too.
“Because you and Rowan had a penchant for trouble like no one else I have ever seen, that’s why.” Aelin heard a voice coming from behind her, and even before she could turn around, a huge smile was already on her lips. Standing there, a lot more taller than she remembered, was Fenrys.
“Oh my God!” Aelin screamed, standing up and tossing herself at Fenrys. He laughed and hugged her back, extending another arm for Elide who had also ran in his direction. “You’re back!”
“And for good this time.” Fenrys said and Aelin took a step back to stare up at him. Fen winked at her and Elide. “Ro and I decided to take the last semester in Orynth.”
“Rowan and Aelin in the same college. This will be a sight to behold.” Aedion said, getting up from his spot on the grass. He smiled at Fenrys, both sharing a hug. “Good to see you, Fen.”
Fenrys was going to reply something but Aelin interrupted him. “Where’s Rowan?”
Fenrys pointed a finger to a huge man with a silver head standing near her dad and uncles. “He’s—“
Aelin didn’t even stop to hear what he was gonna say next, tossing her sandals on the grass and running on Rowan’s direction. “Ro!”
Rowan’s head immediately snapped to her, a wide smile on his lips. He was talking something with his dad, but he fully turned to Aelin and took a few steps on her direction. Aelin threw herself at Rowan, her face hiding in his chest. His arms came around her, crushing her with the same force she was crushing him. Aelin’s feet weren’t touching the ground, Rowan holding her up by the hug.
“Oh my god, Ace.” He said, and although her face was against his chest, she could hear his smile. “I haven’t seen you in forever. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too.” She tried to say, but the words sounded muffled by his chest. He laughed, and she did too while drawing back her face and looking up at him. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He said softly.
“So,” they both broke their staring and turned to nonna standing a few feet away. Everyone was smiling at them, but nonna had be biggest smile of them all. “When are you two going to dance?”
@in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jlinez @courtofjurdan @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ladywitchling @lexflame @sleeping-and-books @annejulianneh111 @perseusannabeth @linshryver @mu-si-ca-l @camilamartinezdunne @dank-queen7 @minaidss @starborn-faerie-queen @booksofthemoon @abookishfreak @faerie-queen-fireheart @maastrash @morganofthewildfire @queen-of-glass 
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alltimefail-sims · 2 years
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Quinta is looking for love!
As promised, I'll be kicking off the new year with a Bachelorette Challenge series while I wrap up the remaining odds and ends of my Strangerville story!
You might recognize Quinta from Mini's Match, a Bachelorette Challenge by @wrixie. Although things didn't work out with Mini, Quinta's not ready to give up on finding someone to spend the rest of her life with!
I'm looking for at least 7 contestants, but knowing me I might end up loving more sims than that, and if that happens I'll take up to 12 contestants! Please tag me, @alltimefail-sims, in your submissions and use the hashtag #QuintasBC so I'm guaranteed to see your sim (I will reblog your submission). You can submit two sims max!
The deadline for submissions is DECEMBER 30TH.
Submission guidelines & info on Quinta are below the cut! ↓
Meet Our Bachelorette:
Quinta Saeed-Parisi | Age: 27 years | Pronouns: She/her -> Also goes by: Quin, Q, and Queenie (by close friends and family) -> Currently she's an attorney but dreams of being a "style influencer" and writing for a reputable fashion magazine. -> Her 5 main traits are: loyal, ambitious, moody, romantic, and creative. She has the "Big Happy Family" aspiration (she was an only child, so she wants to have a big family of her own). -> She was born, raised, and currently lives in Tartosa in a two-bedroom condo with her hedgehog named Winston. -> She’s got a degree from the University of Britechester in language and literature and graduated with honors. She was also the valedictorian of her high school! -> Likes: the color red, pop, Latin pop, playing piano, cooking, mixology (she loves a good red wine), writing, dancing, research and debate, and writing. She loves food, traveling, shopping, and writing in her free time. -> Dislikes: Jazz and metal music, handiness, mischief, baking, fitness, fishing, and country fashion. (In other words, let it be known that she’s not super outdoorsy lol). -> Fun facts: Her favorite artist is Lizzo (she starts her morning routine with "Juice"); she LOVES all things style and fashion (she's got far too many designer bags and shoes than anyone needs); and she comes from a very traditional, strict family (but is not traditional by any means).
Quinta is a lesbian, so she is looking for a woman-identifying and/or nonbinary (she/they, they/them) sim to spend the rest of her life with!
Young Adult - Adult sims only (we'll say irl age cap is 45).
Sims should have 5 traits. You don't need to download the mod I use, just let me know what 5 CAS traits you'd like your sim to have. They must have at least one negative trait. They can have as many bonus traits as you want (reward traits, pack-specific traits like chopstick savvy or responsible from parenthood and etc.)
They should have likes & dislikes!
Any fame level is welcome. Any career is welcome.
Any existing occult is welcome. If they are an alien specifically, please indicate if they use their human disguise exclusively, sometimes, or at all.
No existing townies/townie makeovers/children of townies - original characters only, please!
Please dress your sims in 1 everyday outfit and one formal outfit; the other categories can just be left blank! (Please be mindful that I might have to tweak your sims just a little to fit my game style or existing cc, but I promise I won't change them drastically!)
Maxis match hair only, but I'm maxis-mix otherwise! I use these default eyes, but any non-default eye contacts are probably good with me!
I'd really love for you to give me some insight into their life and who they are. Backstories can be as long and detailed or as short and simple as your heart desires! But know that with me there is no such thing as too much info. I want to do your sims justice! ❤ Do they have a child? Were they previously married? What is their family like? Seriously, I want to know as much as you want me to know!
That being said, skills don't matter (they can be anything you want) and the bare minimum I need in terms of a backstory are where they live/where they grew up (if they are different) and what their current job is.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to inbox me.
I'm so excited to see all of your sims... and Quinta is, too!
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waifstarion · 3 years
I don’t think there is any harm in the baby Jack posts as he is in canon a baby, we only ever see him from age 0-3, it’s his 4th birthday next month. Never in canon has it stated Jack is autistic or coded as such, those quirks we see are canon as an angel not fitting in on earth, Castiel does it all the time. I believe it’s only really Gabriel who doesn’t have this issue as he’s been on earth for a very long time. I have quite a few traits in common with Jack from another condition that is not autism but overlaps, along with others (my condition sadly is very hard to diagnose for this reason, so a lot of people are often misdiagnosed as something else) I don’t post how angry that makes me as people are appropriating my condition and babying my traits (even if I do need help sometimes dressing myself right) If people are happy making Jack a baby then they should be allowed to post that. Jack only aged himself up after Kelly told him the world was unsafe, now Chuck has gone there’s no reason why Jack wouldn’t deage himself back to a toddler to finally experience playing on swings, slides and all the fun things with Castiel and Amara by his side. In a way too, the baby Jack is also a coping mechanism, in canon Jack left and Sam and Dean never seen him again, Sam lived at least 40 years without seeing Jack ever again and even in heaven, Jack wasn’t there 😭😭😭 so to draw or headcanon a small child who may need Sam to cut off the crust on his bread sandwiches, or Dean to read him a story and it be Game of Thrones or something... then that’s how that fan is coping with the true sad ending of Jack’s arc. We know he is with Castiel, he’s happy but Sam and Dean never learned that until after they died.
we would consider him a baby age-wise, as he is never older than three. however, seeing as he was born in a body roughly the age of eighteen, give or take a couple years (based on sam giving 2000 as his fake birth year when he was in the hospital and the cut line from 13x06). jack is never mentally an infant. he may have had the mentality of a younger child in his early episodes, but it doesn’t take too long for him to reach the mindset of a teenager. even at the end of the show, his mental age is probably around late adolescence or early adulthood (though that is up for interpretation). while he may be a baby in a very literal sense of the word (ie age-wise), he is not a baby in his mental state or appearance, which is what truly matters.
jack’s autism coding is all up to interpretation, however, i very intentionally use the term coding due to the fact that it is never outright stated in canon. coding typically isn’t confirmed within the actual show, otherwise i would have simply called it canon. another prominent character with autism coding (which was confirmed by ben edlund in the s6 commentary) is castiel, who just so happens to be a strong basis for jack’s character. many of the other angels are seen exhibiting neurotypical behaviours. angels such as naomi, balthazar, metatron, and many more do not display the traits that cas does. significantly, misha has said in numerous interviews that while his initial intention was to portray cas as something unhuman and unaware of human customs, not a single other actor did the same. as a result, this left cas as the odd one out, firmly establishing that this behaviour is just cas being himself, not an inherent side effect of being an angel. furthermore, the angels frequently make comments about cas being an outlier who doesn’t fit in, and make comments about it being a fundamental difference (eg. coming off the line with a crack in his chassis) rather than a learned behaviour. circling back to the autistic coding of cas and jack, it is never outright stated that either one is autistic, however there are traits that lead people to believe they are. this post does a good job of illustrating some potential autistic coding in jack. while it may not be intentional, it is certainly there, and a very prevalent interpretation within fandom. i'm sorry to hear that people infantilize your condition. i respect the fact that you make the personal decision not to make angry posts about it, as that is your prerogative. however, it is also mine to make a post about a pattern of behaviour i (and others) have noticed in fandom. the intention of my post is to encourage people to notice such patterns, and to draw their attention to it as there could be many people who never considered it from this point of view.
i never said they aren’t allowed to post it. on the contrary, i reblog posts about it on a semi-frequent basis. that being said, i find that there is a difference between sometimes posting about it versus exclusively portraying him as a baby and never talking about him as a person. in my post, i very clearly stated that it was about people posting it constantly and exclusively portraying him as an infant, which was my phrasing verbatim. it can be fun to portray characters in different ways, but in my opinion it becomes a problem when you constantly erase his character and backstory just to be a prop for a ship or your favourite character.
as for him wanting to deage himself, he has never indicated that. quite the contrary, he has been bothered when he is not taken seriously or seen as incapable. he wants to be capable and independent. it doesn’t make sense for him to want to limit himself mentally and physically so he becomes entirely reliant on those around him. he would lose essentially all of his autonomy, and i doubt that would be enjoyable for him. if he wants to go on a swing or a slide, no one’s stopping him in his current state. he can do plenty of the typical fun things while still being in his current form.
as it is, i don’t think that jack would be yearning for the stereotypical ideal childhood. no one jack has been around has had a normal, stable childhood. the bros, cas, rowena, etc all had abnormal and unstable childhoods. he was very briefly in his mother’s childhood heaven and that’s about the extent of it. even then, her heaven just consisted of her house with her dog. jack had a house and a pet, which he could easily view it as similar. even the tv shows we know he watches (clone wars, the walking dead, and riverdale) all seem to deal with people who do not get to experience real childhoods. he may not even be aware of the extent he is missing out on. even if he is aware, he may be perfectly fine with that and content with the memories he has already.
citing sam and dean’s preferences in and of itself is endemic to the issue of the constant baby jack posting. to be blunt, i don’t really care about what sam and dean want him to present himself as. they made little to no attempt to care for him as it was, so why should jack sacrifice his autonomy just so they can get some enjoyment out of it? in the finale, they barely even noticed his absence. you mention sam living forty years without him, yet he couldn’t be bothered to include a single photo of him in his house. jack shouldn’t have to change himself to make people happy. he should be himself, with complete autonomy, and loved for that. there is no true sad ending of jack’s arc. he’s happy with cas, just as you said. cas loved him unconditionally and was the only one who believed in him the entire time. cas wasn’t fazed when jack was an adult instead of the baby he had anticipated. he was happy to be with his son, regardless of what form that took.
the way cas and jack operate heaven is also left largely up to interpretation. all we know is that sam and dean are now there in the same place of them. it can easily be interpreted that they are all spending time together if that’s what you so please. it could very well be amara, cas, or another character that runs heaven. we don’t even know if there is anyone who needs to be in charge. it may run autonomously at this point and allow for jack to go off on whatever little hijinks he pleases
there are ways to write about tfw and jack post finale without erasing his personality and turning him into a prop. the entire issue is the fact that jack keeps getting used as a prop, and his tag consists almost exclusively of content where he is used as an accessory for other characters. all i’m asking is for people to stop constantly infantilizing him and to take the time to portray him as a fleshed out character sometimes.
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sssaaavvveeedddd · 4 years
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{ OLIVIA O’BRIEN . CIS FEMALE .  23 . SHE / HER }  did you see that { NICOLE ‘NIKKI’ HAMPTON } just pulled up in hidden hills with { ZEKE KING } sitting next to them in the passengers seat - isn’t that cute ! you know, for a { LATE NIGHT TV TALK SHOW HOST & SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCER. }, i’ve heard they’re really { INDECISIVE }, but that they make up for it by being so { PASSIONATE }. i see them all the time on snapchat && yesterday in US WEEKLY i read that they { HAVE } a baby - can you believe that ?! 
“ i have no idea what i’m doing, but i know i’m doing it really... really well. ” - nicole h.
basic info.
name. nicole janelle hampton. birth date. september 14, 1996. pronouns. she/her. species. rebel child. hometown. beverly hills, ca. sexuality. bisexual. occupation. late night talk show host / social media influencer.
height. 5'1. eye color. green. hair color. brunette/blonde. build. petite/curvey. tattoos. 9. piercings. 8. scars. one of her upper thigh. style. boho chic. faceclaim. olivia o’brien.
zodiac. virgo. mbti. intp. mental. depression. eyesight. excellent. drug use. some, weed, cocaine, molly. alcohol use. socially. languages. english, french.
◦ nicknames: nikki, niks, nik, that bitch.
◦ age: 23
◦ hair: blonde 
◦ eyes: greenish blue
◦ sexuality: bisexual
◦ family: zeus king (son) age 5, natalie hampton (older sister) age 25, ivette hampton (mother estranged after giving birth to her son) age 39, david hampton (father with whom she’s estranged from as well because neither parent wanted her to keep her son) age 41.
◦ most. peaceful. child. ever. nicole being the baby of the family was an angel from the time she was born until around 16. her mother adored her, but nikki always a head to toe daddy’s girl. her parents were the head chair members for TBS tv station. she grew up loving all things pretty and glittery. wearing makeup and playing dress-up with her sister was her favorite thing to do. she also was put in singing lessons at a young age, dance lessons, and her mother insisted on both nicole and natalie being in pageants. other than that she found joy in writing and music. nicole had always whirred with creative energy, and constantly cracked jokes.
◦ high school is where things changed for nicole, she really grew into herself, went from the dainty wallflower to the turbulent, exciting, free-spirited wild child who caused her family headaches. it was on her 15th birthday that she’d been offered a modeling contract from zarzar modeling agency where she got a taste for the limelight. on her 16th birthday she won miss teen california. that didn’t stop her from living it up. between modeling, becoming a brand ambassador for MAC cosmetics, her glow up had changed her from the fun-loving child she was to a rebellious teenager. she partied, found out she liked drinking, snuck out, dabbled in drugs ( i mean what good is having family money if you don’t spend daddy’s hard-earned cash on drugs, right? ), and never failed to be the life of the party... but couldn’t figure out why she wasn’t ever really happy.
◦  often struggled with depression as a result of pressure placed on her to be the perfect picture daughter her parents desperately wanted her to be. even though she was always her father’s little princess, she struggled to find independence, her own footing, and place in the world.
◦ at the age of 18, nicole moved out on her own savings. still keeping ties to her family, but wanting more than just life as a hampton. she started opening at comedy clubs, hanging around different comedians which finally landed her a place as a writer for various comedy central shows. that was her first real taste of happiness. no cameras, no dieting, she could just sit there and let her thoughts go on a page and make people laugh. but due to her contract with zarzar, she still needed to meet her photoshoot requirements and make face as much as she could with the public.
◦ a short time later, she’d met zeke king. she was out with friends who had friends and one of those friends happened to be the king twins. at first, she couldn’t stand the sight of either twin, but isaac really got under her skin. or so she’d say. truthfully, she rather enjoyed the sight of him... she just despised when he’d move or speak. he was blood boilingly pompous, entitled, the genuine stereotype of a fuck boy. but they had mutual friends so inevitably the pair bumped into each other, a few times. but there was one night, where she’d gotten left alone at a party, and she first and only person she could think of to call was him. why zeke? she’d never know, but without question and sprinkled with some unasked for boasting, he was there.
◦ that’s all it took. one night. it was baffling how effortlessly he was able to break down her walls. he’d smile and everything else blurred - even the well-known history of his reputation. they talked that evening and after that, people she was used to talking to just seemed dull. it was like she was meeting herself in the body of another person. it happened almost like a dream. all it took was just one look into his eyes, and she naturally felt the sense of belonging and total recognition. everything she felt was absolutely miraculous. looking into zeke’s eyes, it felt like they’d already know each other. it was almost like looking into a mirror for the very first time in her life. her mind, her soul, and her body were shaken up in various forms. them spending time, ignoring everyone else, turned her world upside down, but in a very beautiful way, and for a greater purpose. she swore that night was the first time she’d ever felt the way she did.
◦ things after that were steady, nicole worked and whenever she wasn’t working - she was with zeke. now, that’s not saying they were always perfect, their personalities were far too similar - she had a short temper and was easily jealous and he was... well himself, like always. though it wasn’t too long after that she’d become pregnant with their son zeus, something that should’ve been the happiest time of her life which resulted in both her parents admitting they wanted nothing to do with her or the baby if she decided to keep the baby. so she cut ties, leaned on zeke, prepared herself for parenthood - and even if her world had fallen apart, the center of her world revolved around her family, zeke and their son, so she was centered.
◦ nine months later, nicole gave birth to her beautiful baby boy. she and zeke named him zeus, the closest thing to zeke that they could agree on, but it fit their beautiful beaming baby boy. the day she held him in her arms was the first day she really understood pure unconditional love.
◦ for a while, things were going good - too good. it didn’t take too long for the femme to fall for isaac king, in fact she was sure that she’d fallen long before then but the fear of knowing his past, knowing he didn’t stay in one place too long kept her from admitting her feelings which ended up being for the best - days before their son’s first birthday party, nicole had come across a picture of zeke in a very unflattering light with another woman in a tabloid and quickly ended their relationship as hard as it was, she was far too prideful to stay and listen to any of his reasons.
◦ in that time, nicole had bonded with her soul sister, olivia, the on and off girlfriend of her ex’s twin brother. the two quickly became inseparable. olivia had always been her ride or die, the shoulder she needed when everything went wrong - truthfully she was the one person who knew everything about nikki. 
◦ in 2018, nicole was contacted by cbs, and signed to be the host of the late late show, the show was titled “the late late show with nicole hampton”, and she’s hosted it ever since - leaving her ties at comedy central behind. her show is her happy place, she’s very hands on and works actively with the producing team and writers. 
◦ in 2019, she was contacted by playboy and did a photoshoot for them thanks to her contract with zarzar. the issue was published the summer of 2020. 
◦ made her first music video appearence in the “Josslyn” music video for jordyn geller.
◦ the summer of 2020 nicole reconnected with her high school sweetheart, and after a few short weeks of dating the two became public. although she dated here and there it was her first public relationship since zeke king. the two wasted no time reconnecting their severed ties and rebuilding their relationship - things between them were very hot and heavy and during the adults trip to las vegas in the beginning of august, he proposed. nikki accepted and the public had a field day with the news. 
◦ the day of her wedding she’d woken up with every intention to marry the man she gave her word to - but minutes before the ceremony the most unlikely of faces appeared before her, zeke. she’d spent the last few years grappling with her emotions trying with every fiber of her being to get over him. but standing before him in a wedding dress, knowing he still had almost all of her she knew she couldn’t get married - not when she loved someone else. so she called off the wedding, which left a mess for all the parties involved. 
◦ still residing in hidden hills, nicole hampton is no stranger to making headlines - but tries her best to keep her head down for the sake of her family. she’s still working, still taking care of her son, but trying to get herself together.
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archivedatl · 18 years
AP web exclusive: All Time Low tour diary
Posted by Scott Heisel on 08-Dec-06 @ 04:43 PM
Last month, Baltimore pop-punkers All Time Low took to the road with Sugarcult for a series of shows on the West Coast. Here's some of what they saw, in words and pictures. Learn more at www.alltimelow.com.
#1------------------------------------------------------------ Ooohooo So last night we celebrated two awesome occasions...well 3 since matt's molars finally grew in...anyways yesterday was Haloween and our first night of our tour with Sugarcult. I must say, it is pretty strange touring with a band who I spent the better years of my middle school life watching on MTV. Regardless of where this band has been, it definetly didn't eff with their personalities. They were all super nice to us and each came up and introduced themselves. The show went pretty well but it wasn't a good judgement of our the whole tour is going to be because Sugarcult didn't even headline, the Eagles Of Death Metal did, and the tickets for $25 on Haloween night :) I'm sorry but I would never go to a show if those were the circumstances...I'd be out expanding my collection of holiday treats. Tonight the 'real' tour begins so we will see how it goes. We are playing Washington State University in Pullman Washington. We haven't done too many college shows, so this should be interesting...anyways before we got on the road a couple days ago we were couped up in Ben Harper's (formely of yellowcard, now in amber pacific) house/studio in long beach, CA working on our new CD :). We demoed some hot licks that were going to send over to our producer matt squire so that he can put in some input. I heard my blogs are going to be posted on the Alternative Press website for this tour, so if that's the case then...helll yeah! Well I just woke up from sleeping in the van so I am gonna walk out into the freezing streets of Pullman, WA crack my back and grab some Qudoba. Much Love, Jack --jbstar #2------------------------------------------------------------ Yoo dooodds, So I'm gonna update you guys on the passed couple shows...on Wednsday we played Washington State University. Those kids are freaking crazy! Everyone seemed to be having a good time and we made some awesome new friends. I cannot stress enough, how cool the Sugarcult guys are. Which is really cool because I have been listening to those guys since 6th grade! Anyways before we played, matt thought it would be a good idea to have a fork and knife fight backstage...yeah it turned pretty ugly and we should have some footage online soon enough. That night we partied at 'The Christmas House'. Lets just say that I'm pretty sure alex made out with a dog...I really miss Hit The Lights :( Anways...we played Seattle after the college show and it was offf the hoooook. Everyone in the room was dancing and it got pretty redic. As soon as we told them the alex/dog story they went nuts. We met up with the Pink Spiders that night. We were nervous about that because we've heard some stuff...but for real those guys are the shit. There all super nice and we have no complaints about them. We have yet to tour with a band who we don't get along with (fingers crossed). We also heard that we may be doing a few shows with Cobra Starship in Dec, if that happends that would be sick. I'll keep you guys updated. Someone made us a bucket of the craziest donuts ive ever seen at the portland show last night!! They were reallly good. Sorry for the lack of pics, I'll make sure my next post has more, its just hard to take good pics on a sidekick :). Talk to you guys soon!!Jacko #3------------------------------------------------------------ Yo Babaayyss, Last nights show was off the hook! I love playing at The Boardwalk in orangevale calii. The crowd was as wild as usual and a bunch of kids were singing along. A lot of the same kids who saw us there on the Amber Pacific tour came back. Its always cool to see so many familiar faces,,,cough cough hint hint nudge...you get the idea folks! The next couple shows should be interesting...reno and vegas. I wont be able to gamble but at least ill be able to look at a lot of lights. We all have family comming out, so that should be exciting. I havent seen my brother and sister in ages and i know their gonna be wasted so that means they will be even more friendly :) Also Meg n Dia join up in vegas which is sick, SO SIKED FOR THAT!!! We met them on warped and their super nice. anyways i think its time, i go to In and Out because after this tour im not going to be able to go back for a while :( im going to eat there everyday twice a day until we leave Arizona. Ive attached pics from our set on the Epitaph stage at this years Bamboozle Left and also some pics of our acoustic set the 2nd day! Thanks to everyone who watched us either/both days :) love you peace peace n a bottle o' hair grease, jack #4------------------------------------------------------------ Wow...vegas has to be one of the strangest places on this earth. First of all we showed up in Reno (shity city) only to find that only sugarcults crew was there and the show probably wasnt going on. We were welcomed by a hooker in a pink tanktop and no teeth asking if we had any shirts we could give her...Thankfully we have power windows and middle fingers. Thankfully zack was asleep or he might have took her up on some of her offers...he's getting desperate you know..just kidding! Anyways we decided to hang out with sugarcults crew for a little then start the drive to vegas early since it was 8 house. We got to go over the Hoover Damn which was sweet. It's seriously Vegas Vacation all over again! Anyways, we got to vegas around midnight and it was a fantastic site! My bro and sis were staying at the MGM so thats where i headed. Rian to the Excalibur, Alex and Matt to the Venecian and Zack to the Luxor. We all split up and hung out with our fam for the evening. My brother took me around vegas and boyyy was it interesting. I was approached by numerous drunk people. It was basically like an Ocean City, Maryland for older people. It's just a place for adults to drink, walk around drunk, act like teenagers and maybe gamble a bit here n' there. it was Akward to say the least. Anyways the next day was the show at the House Of Blues at Mandalay Bay...probably one of the nicest venues we have ever played. We introduced ourselves to the Meg n Dia folks and got to know our new tour mates as we shared a dressing room. We soon found they are awesome people and they share a love for getting wild! The show was pretty cool, and the crowd was big. It was weird though because the merch was not in the venue, it was in the cassino haha. Anyways Vegas was an experience we wont forget, and I cant wait till we go there again. I hope the next time we go, were 21...actually nevermind because that would be three years :)stay rad, Jack #5------------------------------------------------------------ Lame! Tonight was our last show on the Sugarcult Tour featuring The Pink Spiders and Meg n Dia :( Damone will be taking our place on this great lineup. I am jelous that they get to join up! Anyways we made some lifetime friends on this tour and it was a great experience for everyone. Every single show was amazing and the fans never let us down. Traveling to bumfuck arizona and hearing a couple hundred kids sing your song is the coolest feeling ever. Sugarcult was very warming towards us and their personalities suprised the shit out of me. they were such cool guys and even when zack was sick they made him soup and gave him Emergen-C. WHO DOES THAT !?!? Thats like something my mom does...so in a way Sugarcult are our parents. They actually reffered to us as their younger brothers on stage. At the last show of the tour in Little Rock, Arkansas us and Meg n Dia ran on stage during "Bouncing Off the Walls" and started bouncing around and took over Tim's Guitar n Mic, Marko's (my twin) guitar and Airens Bass. It was so fun to bro down with a band that ive been listening to since middle school haha. Alex also got to soundcheck with sugarcult at Texas AM College because tim was at the hospital taking care of his sickness (i think he had a nasty cold). It was so crazy to see alex soundcheck with a band who for the past few years have held a special spot on my ipod and in my cd player :) I attached a pic of him sound-checking for fun. At the end of the show we said our goodbyes and gave our hugs. This is'nt the end of these friendships though, only the beggining...now we head home to write a new cd. Catch us on the road in the northeast in december when we head out with Cobra Starship! Stay safe, Jack
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notfunnydean · 6 years
Only Children and fools tell the truth
Pairing: Dean Winchester / Castiel
Warnings: None (Too much fluff maybe), Distressed Sam
Word Count: 4.163
Square Filled: de-aged
Summary: When a hunt goes wrong, Sam finds himself with two children alone in the woods. Dean doesn’t seem to trust him at first, but he cares about Castiel even more and lets a well kept secret out.
A/N: This is for the @spnfluffbingo2019!
I just really love to write Dean as de-aged kid. He deserves to have a better childhood and I imagine him as such a sweet little boy. Bonus here? Cas is de-aged as well.
Link (if posted on AO3): https://archiveofourown.org/works/18033140
Sam is pretty sure that he is actually still in the bunker, in his soft, warm bed, and is dreaming all of this. This can’t be his real life, no matter what else had already happened in it.
This has to be a joke.
“Dean, please. It’s me, Sammy!” Sam says for the tenth time, but the little boy behind one of the trees only cries louder. Dammit. The last time Dean got de-aged he was at least sixteen years old and he could also remember his own brother.
“Why is Dean crying?” Castiel asks and Sam takes a deep breath before he looks down to the tiny angel. At least Castiel seems to be better off than Dean, since he still remembers their names. However, he seems a lot more like a real kid, too.
“I think he is afraid.” Sam says, exhausted, and looks back to the Impala. If he could manage to actually catch Dean and get him into the car, maybe they could find an antidote for this curse.
Too bad Sam killed the witch before he realized that he had cursed his brother and Castiel. Sam sighs loudly and watches how Castiel nearly stumbles over his own feet as he walks towards Dean.
Sam doesn’t even have an idea how old they could be. For once, Dean is actually a tiny bit taller than Castiel, but they both seem to be very young. Three, maybe four, if Sam is lucky. Just great.
“Dean?” Castiel asks quietly when he reaches the tree. Sam can see how he kneels down and has to hide a grin. Fine, maybe the baby angel was actually kind of cute.
[Watch out for the cut]
“I w-wanna go home. I want my m-mommy!” Dean cries louder this time and it’s as if someone punched Sam in his guts. So maybe Dean is already four and is now dealing with his mother’s death.
“But you have me and Sammy!” Castiel says happily and he even throws his hands up. Dean sniffles again, but at least the loud crying finally stops. Sam takes a shaky breath, thank god.
“But Sammy is so tall!” Dean whispers, or he tries to, but Sam can hear him clearly. He smiles, so Dean does remember him, he is only confused about his height. Well, normally Sam is already bigger than Dean, but the difference now is just ridiculous.
“Hmm. I wish I were that tall.” Castiel giggles and Sam’s heart swells. He thought Castiel would be an awkward kid, but maybe he had been a sweet little fledgling in heaven as well, before he grew up to be a warrior. Just like Dean.
“Dean, it’s okay. I promise you that I just want to help you.” Sam says and he tries to soften his voice. Dean actually looks carefully around the tree and Sam smiles as widely as he can.
Dean looks back to Castiel who now holds his hand out.
“Okay.” Dean says softly and he wipes away all the tears and snot on his face. Sam concentrates not to make a face at that and he watches as Dean carefully takes Castiel’s hand in his own.
“Maybe we can ask Sammy for pie?” Castiel says and Sam huffs a laugh. The little angel seems really clever and Sam winks at him. Dean actually walks a bit faster, when he hears that, but he doesn’t say anything.
Sam is relieved, when they are both in front of him. They are still dirty and Dean’s face is all red from his crying, but they seem healthy. And thank god both are still dressed.
If the trench coat looked out of place before on Castiel, now he really seems to be from another planet. Dean looks almost cute in his tiny flannel and Sam chuckles.
“Did I hear something about pie?” Sam asks and Dean’s eyes automatically light up. Seems like some things never change.
“Can we please get some? It would make Dean very happy.” Castiel asks and Sam would literally give him anything, if the little angel continues to look at him like that. Dean nods hastily besides him, but he is still not speaking.
“Of course. I’m sure we’ll find a diner on the way home.” Sam promises and he already knows where he would stop. It’s a little devious route, but he believes they all deserve some good pie now. Even him.
“Thank you Sammy!” Castiel says happily and Sam only nods. He goes over to baby and opens the door to the back seats. Of course he doesn’t have any children’s seats for them, but he would just drive carefully.
At least he doesn’t have to burn the witch or anything, because she turned to dust the moment he killed her. He doesn’t want to imagine how Dean and Castiel would react, if they saw him burning her body.
“Okay, Cas? Come here, I’ll help you in first.” Sam says and he carefully picks Castiel up. Dean whines a bit when Castiel lets go of his hand, but Sam ignores it for now. He helps Castiel to fasten his seatbelt and has to smile at that. Castiel never did that before, but the angel hums happily now.
“I hope I like pie.” Castiel whispers and he seems excited. Sam nearly leans down and kisses his forehead. He catches himself in the act and turns around to close the door. Dean would for sure like to sit in the front.
“Wait!” Dean says loudly and Sam raises his eyebrows.
“What is it?” Sam asks a bit worried and Dean looks down to his feet. Sam can’t remember the first time around, when Dean was this young, but he never would’ve guessed that Dean was this shy.
“What about me?” Dean asks and his under lip wobbles dangerously, Sam kneels down and puts his hands on Dean’s shoulders.
“Hey I would never forget about you. I just thought you wanted to sit up front with me, but maybe you feel better with Cas?” Sam explains and Dean nods. Only one tear falls down this time and Dean is pouting all cutely.
Sam always knew Dean would be his death one day, but that he would get killed by his brother’s cuteness? Yeah that’s a new one.
“Cas.” Dean just says and Sam nods before he picks him up as well. He closes the backdoor anyway and carries Dean to the other side of Baby. Dean even holds onto his shirt and Sam smiles.
They already survived so much crap in their lives, they could do this too. As soon as they get back to the bunker, Sam would do anything to change them back and maybe he should text Charlie for help too.
“There you go.” Sam says, when he puts Dean in the backseat next to Castiel. Dean smacks his lips and while Sam tries to find his seatbelt as well, Dean actually puts his thumb into his mouth. Sam yanks his hand away and Dean’s eyes widen.
“N-no”. Dean says and Sam can see that he is nearly crying again. He groans quietly and then looks into his bag. He knows he has some baby wipes in there somewhere, not because he actually thought he would ever have babies with him, but because it often comes in handy, when they are bloody and there is no shower in sight.
“Here, let me just clean your hands.” Sam explains and he carefully wipes the dirt of Dean’s hands. Dean just watches him and as soon as Sam is finished, he puts his thumb back into his mouth.
He looks way too cute to be angry with him for doing that, but maybe Sam should buy him a pacifier. God, he hopes the curse will be gone, before he actually has to buy all this baby stuff.
“I can help!” Castiel says happily and Dean snuffles around his thumb.
“Help? We don’t need to fly anywhere Cas. I can drive us to the next town, don’t worry.” Sam says and finally buckles Dean in. Dean plays with his seatbelt and Sam watches in disgust how the spit already dribbles down his chin from sucking his thumb.
“I’m too small to fly!” Castiel says, as if it’s the most obvious thing he ever said. Well, maybe as a fledgling his wings are still growing in? But it’s not as if Sam can see them.
“As I said, don’t worry about that. I’m…” Sam starts to explain, when Castiel closes both his hands together. Sam frowns. What the hell is he doing? There is a tiny glow around his hands and when he opens them again, there is a bright red pacifier in his hands.
“Wow.” Dean says fascinated and even Sam feels a bit lightheaded. Castiel smiles widely and then holds out the pacifier for Dean, who immediately takes it and puts it into his mouth. He smiles behind it.
“I can only do small things.” Castiel says a bit disappointed in himself, but Dean doesn’t seem to care. Sam knows that Castiel believes Dean would only tolerate him around them because he is a good weapon.
Sometimes Sam wants to tell Castiel the truth, tell him that his brother is just a coward, but he still hopes, one day, Dean will finally find the courage to talk about his feelings.
“Thank you, Cassie!” Dean squeals and it comes out all slurred, because of the pacifier. Dean takes it out, just to press a kiss on Castiel’s cheek and the angel puts his hand over the spot Dean kissed.
Sam has to hide his grin, while Dean just nods and then kicks his legs a bit.
“Pie?” Dean asks and now that he seems to understand the power of his big green eyes, he actually starts to use them. Sam nods.
Luckily the drive was quiet. Dean had hummed to his music, even though now he doesn’t remember the words and Castiel had actually slept a bit. Seems like his angel powers are still growing, too.
“Boys, we’re here!” Sam says and turns around in his seat as best as he can. The sight he gets is adorable. Dean and Castiel are both asleep now, their heads leaning against each other. Dean still had the red pacifier in his mouth and to Sam’s surprise Castiel has one of his own now.
They are holding hands. Sam tries to be quiet, while he gets his phone out of his pocket and he takes a picture. He can’t wait to show it to his adult brother.
“Pie.” Dean mumbles quietly and Sam chuckles. He could let them sleep and just drive home, but thats still three hours away,and he is actually really hungry. Besides, if he lets them sleep now, they won’t sleep very well tonight.
Sam wakes Castiel up first, since he feels that is a lot of safer. Castiel actually makes grabby hands at him and yawns so widely that his pacifier falls out. Castiel doesn’t seem to care, he just cuddles Sam when he takes him out of the car.
“Are you feeling okay, Cas?” Sam asks, just to be sure, and Castiel nods.
“Hungry.” Castiel says and Sam nods. He still has Castiel on his hip when he kneels down and tries to wake Dean up carefully.
“Dean hey, sweetheart.” Sam says and he nearly bites on his tongue, when he realizes the nickname. Dean is waking up very slowly and blinks his eyes open, Sam smiles, because normally Dean is wide awake within a second.
“Sammy?” Dean asks and when he sees Castiel as well, he smiles widely.
“Yeah, we’re at the diner. You want your pie?” Sam asks and Dean nods. He even puts his pacifier away and Sam is glad about that.
Dean rubs over his eyes and Sam helps him out of the car. Since he can’t carry both boys very well, he lets Dean walk over to the diner, not without holding his hand though. Dean doesn’t complain and walks quietly behind him.
Sam is glad when he sees that the diner is almost empty. He helps Dean and Castiel onto their own corner bench and then sits down at the opposite.
“Oh hello, aren’t you two lovely?” The waitress, Natasha according to her name tag, states and Sam grins in agreement.
“Hello Miss.” Castiel actually says, while Dean hides behind him.
“Your sons?” She asks and Sam nods, before he realizes what he is doing.
“Actually just the shy little monster. The polite gentleman is the son of a friend.” Sam explains and Dean actually pouts at those words. Castiel just nods along and Sam snorts, when he thinks that he is friends with God.
“Okay, what can I do for you all?” Natasha asks and she pulls out her pen and pad. Sam gets himself some cheesecake, glad that Dean doesn’t even complain about that, and some apple pie for the two boys.
“Sammy?” Dean asks and Sam looks up from his phone. He already texted Charlie the details and she promised she’d be at the bunker by the time they get there. Sam is glad that she’s gonna help him and she was already working on the solution before they said goodbye.
“Yes, Dean?” Sam asks back and looks to his brother. Dean is smiling all widely and then points at another couple at the end of the diner.
“Why are they doing this?” Dean asks and Sam doesn’t really know what Dean is talking about. Then he sees that they are holding hands and the man leans closer to kiss his girlfriend.
“Uhm… you do that if you really like someone.” Sam explains awkwardly and Dean nods very seriously. He is looking at the couple again and Sam hopes they will get served, before Dean can ask any other questions.
“Are they in love?” Castiel wants to know and he looks fascinated with the idea. Sam swallows dryly.
“Yeah...perhaps.” Sam answers and Castiel nods to himself. Dean is still watching the couple with big eyes, when the man starts to feed his girlfriend some of his eggs, Sam groans.
“Here we go boys! Cheesecake for the caring father and for the two cutest boys in the world, some apple pie with extra cream.” Natasha says happily and puts the plates down. Sam is a bit relieved when Dean finally focuses on something different than the couple and starts eating his pie.
Castiel eats his own pie very slowly, while Dean just stuffs it all into his mouth. Sam has to hide his grin, because Dean even has some cream on his nose.
“And is it good?” Sam wants to know and Dean only answers with a nod, still too busy devouring the pie in one breath. Castiel smiles at Sam.
“It tastes really nice.” He answers happily and Sam is glad. Dean would’ve thrown a fit, if he had discovered that Castiel actually hated pie. They eat in silence and Sam has to say that his cheesecake is as good as he remembers.
“Cas?” Dean asks between his bites and Castiel looks at him automatically. They stare at each other and it’s scary how much Sam can see their adult selves in this moment. Dean blinks.
“Open your mouth.” Dean says and Castiel frowns, still without complaining he does so and Dean nods to himself, before he scoops up some of his pie. Sam feels like he shouldn’t be watching this, but he can’t help it either.
Dean grins when he actually feeds Castiel and the angel blushes deeply, when he seems to understand what Dean is not saying.
“Thank you.” Castiel says and Dean shrugs, as if it was nothing.
“You do that when you love someone.” Dean says and Sam coughs into his glass of water. Oh god. He just...said that.
“Like a brother?” Castiel asks back and Sam sighs. Yeah, Dean had said things like that before to Castiel, only to tell him that they are just like family. Like himself and Dean.
“No. I already have a brother.” Dean says and smiles.
“Oh.” Castiel says and this time he is the one who looks back to the couple. Before Sam can somehow distract them from…whatever this was, Castiel frowns harder and then puts his hand over Dean’s.
Dean doesn’t react at all, he just continues to eat his pie with his free hand, and Sam decides not to say anything. They deserve this. The next minutes nobody says anything and Sam gets up to pay for their meal.
When he comes back, Dean seems still pretty tired, because he is rubbing his left eye while still holding onto Castiel.
“Young love, huh?” Natasha asks smiling, when she sees them as well. Sam shrugs.
“Nothing really new, but the first time they acted on it.” Sam says and he doesn’t care that this may sound weird for the waitress. He takes out his phone and takes another picture.
“I’m glad you are so open with this.” Natasha says and Sam frowns. Why wouldn’t he be, but then he sees how Dean looks up to him. He seems a bit afraid and hastily looks away, as if he thinks Sam wouldn’t be okay with him and Castiel.
“Boys? You ready?” Sam asks and he holds the door open. Castiel gets up and joins him, Dean behind him, still holding hands. It’s a sight Sam could get used to, he still takes his time to smile at them.
When Sam helps them into the car, Sam strokes Dean’s hair.
“I’m really proud of you.” He says and Dean just grabs his pacifier as an answer.
“Oh my god.” Charlie says, when she sees them. They are in Dean’s room and before Sam can stop her, she is already picking Castiel up. Dean hastily hides behind Sam’s legs.
“Hello Charlie.” Castiel says and he frowns a bit, when Charlie puts him on her hip and boops his nose with her free hand. Sam has to laugh at the angel’s face. He looks almost grumpy now.
“Please tell me you have a solution.” Sam says and he puts his bag down. He needs some sleep, but he couldn’t just ignore this problem. He would actually cry, if Charlie already found something to cure this.
“Yeah, wait a second. I wanna see my sweet little Dean first.” Charlie answers and at her soft tone, Dean actually looks up to her. He seems still way to shy, but Castiel just nods to him and Dean makes two steps towards her.
“Hi.” Dean chirps and Charlie’s eyes actually tear up. She kneels down, Castiel still on her hip and puts her hand on Dean’s cheek. Dean smiles and doesn’t say anything else.
“Are you okay, Dean?” Charlie asks and Dean nods. Castiel starts to wiggle in her arms and when she lets him down, Castiel takes Dean’s hand, before they both start to toddle over to the bed.
“Can we watch TV, Sammy?” Dean asks and bites nervously on his bottom lip. Sam nods and then turns it on for them. He even helps them on the bed and pulls the blankets over them. Maybe they are still tired and will sleep some more.
“And we are sure those are Dean and Castiel?” Charlie asks when she watches them. Dean awkwardly puts his head on Castiel’s shoulder and Castiel gives him his pacifier. Sam laughs.
“You know how they say that only children and fools tell the truth? Maybe it’s like this. Dean shows his feelings more openly now and Castiel is enjoying this.” Sam explains and Charlie nods.
“I thought I would never see the day those two are actually cuddling on the bed together.” Charlie whispers and Sam nods along to her words. He is hoping Dean won’t run, as soon as he is an adult again.
“So, you actually found something?” Sam asks and yawns. Hopefully, the spell to fix them wouldn’t take very long. Charlie turns around and gets a book out of her bag and Sam takes it.
“Yeah, I think I did.” Charlie says and Sam reads over the article she points out. Sam sighs. Nothing they could do. It should be gone on its own after 24 hours. At least that means Sam can actually go to sleep now.
“Okay, so we just sit it out? Great. I really need to get some shut eye.” Sam says and is already at the door, before he hears a tiny voice again.
Charlie grins, when Sam stops and turns back around. Castiel is still focused on the movie, but Dean is looking at him.
“Yes, Dean?” Sam asks and Charlie goes over to the bed as well. Dean seems a bit embarrassed but then points at the bathroom door. Sam groans.
“We need to get ready for bed.” Dean says and Sam nods. He is right. Luckily, with Charlie by his side, they manage to get both boys into the bed again in under ten minutes, even though Castiel complained about brushing his teeth.
Since Sam has no real pajamas for them to wear, he puts them both in some of Dean’s shirts, even though Dean would for sure kill him for that later. Sam shakes his head and then tucks them in again.
They look so small in the middle of the bed. Charlie is stroking Castiel’s hair again and the angel closes his eyes.
“Sleep well, boys.” Charlie says and Sam actually presses a kiss to Dean’s forehead this time. Charlie winks at him and kisses Castiel’s as well. Sam nods and then gets up, Charlie follows him.
“Goodnight Dean.” Cas says, when Sam and Charlie are leaving. Just as Sam wants to turn off the lights, he sees how Cas leans closer and kisses Dean’s cheek.
“Love you.” Dean mumbles half asleep, but Castiel smiles wider than Sam has ever seen, before he cuddles back against Dean, pressing a new pacifier in his mouth. Sam shakes his head, grinning.
It’s before noon, when they boys are still sleeping. Maybe the curse was too much for them? Sam has already checked more than three times up on them, but they are both still alive. Still breathing.
“How long?” Charlie asks and Sam checks his watch.
“Around ten minutes.” Sam answers and he can’t help it, he is nervous. What if Dean reacts badly? He is already imagining hearing some screaming from his room, but so far, there is nothing.
Oh yeah. That is definitely not his sweet baby brother anymore. Charlie giggles into her mug and Sam swallows dryly, when he hears Dean’s steps coming up to the war room, where he and Charlie are sitting.
“You okay?” Sam asks, before Dean can start yelling. Dean is wearing just his underwear and still the now well fitting shirt, but over that he wears his bathrobe. He looks very alarmed.
“Please tell me this was all just a joke and I did not just wake up in Cas’ arms.” Dean says and of course that is the moment, when Castiel also enters the room. He is wearing his suit and trench coat again.
“It wasn’t a dream.” Castiel answers for Sam and Dean’s eyes widen almost comically.
“Cas?” Dean asks and turns back around to his angel. Charlie shrugs, when Sam looks at her. They both stay quiet, while Dean and Cas are staring at each other again.
“Did you… not mean it?” Castiel asks carefully and Sam wishes he could leave, but the two are standing in front of the only exit. He doesn’t want to be here, when Dean breaks Castiel’s heart again.
“I...of course I meant it.” Dean whispers quietly and he seems so nervous, that he looks down and shrugs awkwardly. Dean is afraid to get hurt, Sam realizes. He isn’t ashamed of Castiel or his feelings for another man. He just doesn’t think Castiel feels the same.
“Good.” Castiel says and he takes the last three steps towards Dean to hug him. Charlie hides her squeal very badly, when Dean presses himself even more against Castiel and Sam huffs. Fucking finally.
“I love you too, Dean. No matter when.” Castiel whispers, while he presses a kiss to Dean’s hot cheek and Sam is really relieved when his brother just nods and holds onto his angel.
He would still blackmail him with the pictures he took. *
The next weeks are much happier than Sam can ever remember. Dean and Castiel are still shy around each other, but it gets better. Sam still shows the pictures to everybody, just to embarrass Dean.
Until one day he searches for his laptop and finally finds it in Dean’s room. Sam stops, when he sees the new picture on the nightstand. It shows Dean and Castiel on the backseat holding hands, while being asleep.
Under it is written: “I loved you since forever.” 
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