#i acc don’t have a solution to this IM SORRY
gentlehue · 16 hours
hi guys 😊😊 soz ive been INACTIVE again this account has been overwhelming me recently but i feel sooo bad cause i’ve missed u all so much:(
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carryon-countdown · 4 years
is it ok to send asks to this acc / the admins talking about trans / mlm rep issues? im sure im not the only person who would get a bit anxious over sending a DM 👉👈
It’s totally understandable that sending a DM would make you anxious.
I’m gonna try and think with you here to find the best solution for this, so this might be a bit of a wordy answer.
Yes it’s ok to send us an ask. If it’s on anon though, we won’t be able to answer it without posting it to the public, and holding this conversation in public is something we (at this point!) want to avoid. Posting things to the public right now, when, on your side you’re figuring out how to best address these issues and on our side we’re in the process of trying to understand/educate ourselves, can have its bad effects. 
By posting it to the public we’re essentially welcoming everyone to the conversation, and many of these people will have their opinion ready from the get-go. We feel like we should wait with inviting Everyone to the conversation until we at least all feel a little confident in how exactly we want to address this situation. We’re scared that by inviting so many other people to the conversation will drown out the mlm/trans voices trying to reach out to us. 
SO, if sending us an ask on anon is the only thing you’re comfortable with, you can still do it but we won’t answer it. We will read it and try to gain as much from it as we can, but we won’t be able to ask you further questions + you won’t be able to see whether we took what you said in the way you meant it. 
The next option is sending us an ask off anon. This is fine with us. We’ll be able to answer those asks privately, which will allow for a continuation of the conversation. Generally it’s not the easiest flow of communication (especially because we can’t read back asks we’ve answered privately ect.), but it’s definitely an option if you’re really not comfortable with DMs. 
Lastly, I do want to note that, for anyone reading this who is thinking about DMing us, but still questioning whether they feel comfortable: 
Our admins will really do our best to listen to you carefully and respectfully. We fully understand that DMing us can be something that’s anxiety inducing, especially since this is likely a vulnerable topic for you to speak on. It’s not at all in our interest to act defensive towards the people who reach out to us. We won’t ever use anything you share with us against you. Even if we end up disagreeing on something, we promise to stay respectful about it. 
Also know that when you DM us, and a conversation with any of us is making you anxious: you’re absolutely allowed to instantly stop the conversation. Stopping a conversation with us because you don’t feel comfortable continuing won't in any way make the things you already shared with us less valid. 
I hope this answer cleared some things up. I hope you feel comfortable with at least one of these options. (And once again sorry that this answer is so wordy, but I think it’s best to be very open and transparent about how we’re approaching this rn)
We’re really just trying to figure out on the go how to handle this situation in a way that is most productive, and most comfortable for the people reaching out. We’re deeply sorry if we haven’t totally figured out the best way to deal with everything!
- Anna
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gg-astrology · 5 years
so i dont know if you’re still doing detailed astrology analysis on kpop stars but i’ve started to develop the biggest crush on christian yu so i would like to know your thoughts on his chart because you’re the only astrology account i trust on this app. love u :)
Hey there!! 💓💗💞 I haven’t been doing it in a while huh but I just searched him up and he seems v interesting!! ;; 💓💗💞💓💗💞 Am sorry I literally know nothing about him BUT I just searched him up and he seems to be v popular on ig??? and he used to be in c-clown but that’s literally it?? so i’m coming in blind ;; 💓💗💞💓💗💞I’ll do my best!! 💓💗💞💓💗💞 Ps. I’m glad you!! like the account um!!! ;; 💓💗💞💓💗💞 I don’t go out on the tags so I have no idea what’s going on in the? astro social world on tumblr anymore but i’m sure they may be? great astro acc out there!! but thank u!! 💓💗💞💓💗💞
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Christian Yu - Brief Look ⬇️
Sun/Moon opposition with Virgo/Pisces, talent triangles between his Scorpio Pluto/Capricorn Saturn (and outer planets)/Virgo Sun/Mercury - Gemini Mars AND Leo Venus that’s inconjunct to his Pisces Moon wow!! 💓💗💞💓💗💞
So I’ll walk you through, notice his Virgo Sun/Mercury and Gemini Mars? They’re squares but that also means he’s amazing at relaying his thoughts/personal opinions (esp. with combust mercury) even though it frustrates him sometimes. He probably does his best, or constantly try to strive for his best at self-expression even though it frustrates him to come back and think about it. At certain times, because it’s in opposition to his Pisces Moon (that seems to be a bucket handle/singleton) he may often process this emotionally. Virgo/Pisces can be quite hard on themselves, but with time (i’m sure he’s learnt) that self-management helps him work through his mental state better. More so than that, the re-occuring theme Virgo/Pisces (anyone else with this) has to look out for is the sudden anxiety of coming back online or feeling the need/obligation to do so for others. Dependability even when - like, when they were doing it, they think ‘hey this is nothing like what i was worried about lol it’s actually v relaxing/fun to do!’ - or just, y know meeting someone for the first time in a while can make them anxious because there’s expectations they set on themselves to do well. However, he DOES have a Leo Venus/Gemini Mars and Capricorn Saturn - so what this does is quell some of the anxiety a bit- like ‘ah fuck it! let’s just do it!’ tends to help a lot with cardinally getting shit done. I mentioned Leo Venus/Gemini Mars bc they’re squared- talking about action, the idea of just doing something and getting it done provided also by Capricorn Saturn - trusting in the security/stability of what was already established- tends to help with that mutable energy/anxiety once you’ve tuned in on how to use it! 💓💗💞
For those who may - also- suffer from mutable anxiety- literally just do something and keep an open-mind. Things will turn out for the better, tune into that flippable energy that allows you to be on your toes and handle a situation as it comes. There is less of a chance of a situation that you won’t know how to handle than there is one where you can work it out on the fly. AND it turning out better than over-thinking it! If you suffer from your mouth being loose and regretting it later - turn that emotional shame/embarrassment into a conscious goal - like a thought - ‘ok im NOT going to do that next time and be conscious of doing THIS instead, as it sets my foot on the right path and THEN i can run with it’ -- this can tend to help adopt a better habit/routine and ALSO make you utilize YOUR energy in an efficient way!! 
Ok so, back to him. Virgo/Pisces sun-moon. Let’s get it. I don’t think his Leo Venus would? allow him to think about these things consciously. Being true to himself is key (more about that later) but underlying everything/decisions -  there’s a core/stem of - Is he doing enough? Is it emotionally true? Is he being sincere/genuine or was it him striving for practicality/reality of the situation? Pisces Moon has a sensitive touch to self-expression, so these things ‘ringing true’ or somewhat ‘true’ gives him the emotional releases he needs. If it doesn’t - then occasionally it’ll drive the person up the wall with how ‘genuine’ (or calling themselves ‘disingenuous’) they’re being (or striving to be). They want to do their best, and with that Virgo in mind, he’s probably constantly trying to perform his best no matter if it’s in his daily life or something else.
Another cool thing to note is also Virgo/Leo in a person- they tend to be more ‘ah fuck it’ about certain things. A problem they can’t solve (on paper/text-book?) even with research? Take a break. It’ll come. There’s solutions to stuff, but with the practicality of Virgo and with the instinctive self-assessment of Leo - they can APPEAR to be something but is actually rather chill and laid-back about it. Certain things that people drive themselves up the wall over- they tend to learn life-lessons and in not over-stressing themselves, and trying to find the best/practical solution instead (think efficient not hard) - even if that Leo can be lazy but ALSO work hard when it FEELS like it wants to.  
That ties into Leo Venus now, with Leo Venus squaring Gemini Mars (even though it’s out of sign) - he may strive to be a person who walks the walk, not just talk the talk. This is more of a personal goal/attention in detail to keep in mind- from like, an internal point of view. This Leo Venus can talk about desire to be true to the self, and if it’s squaring Gemini Mars- sometimes it may feel like what he’s saying doesn’t completely align- unless he’s obstinate enough to think he believes in what he says and roll with the punch/oblivious to it anyways. And thus working on perfecting that, remedying or contributing to saying what it is he can back up is important. Not just this- but with Capricorn Saturn trine to his Sun/Mercury - he has his head set in building a sincere, concrete and reliable ‘realness’ in his personality and public respect. Self-expression IS key, especially with Leo/Pisces in his personal placement and luminary. Most likely, it’s about the intuition and does it ‘feel’ right part of himself that can drive him forward. As that Pisces is also his bucket handle, and thus everything he does - all of his placements, as assessed/have to pass through that Pisces Moon in order for it to express itself openly. 
Integrity is also a key thing for Leo Venus especially, considering Venus talks about relationships and other people. Seeing this in others is important, the idea of walking the walk and talking the talk. Certain people who only flaunts/talks about certain things, or are one-dimensional in their ideas/thinking can be frustrating to be around. Especially with someone who has Capricorn Saturn, Virgo Sun/Mercury, Scorpio Pluto aspected to those two and a Leo Venus. Show off your colors but care more about the things underneath, whats the idea underneath it and does it shine through in their self-expression? There’s genuinity that drives him forward, as well as intellectual property of something- it’s potential/what to do with it. These things are important, and it’s what ‘dazzles’ the Leo Venus to be attracted to these ideas/concept because it allows space for them to share these things with like-minded or people they can communicate with on a ‘real’ level. But these are - y know- people, so it’s hard to find and also very circumstantial!!! 
Anyways. More about him. Capricorn Saturn. Being treated and trusted as someone who is stable/credited as genuine or real to the best of his ability/what he perceive is lacking from others/the world is important. And often with Virgo Sun/Mercury - relaying it down into words/written can often help with that. It’s also a part of a talent triangle he has. It aspects his Capricorn Uranus/Neptune as well - but I’ll talk about Saturn since it’s? more of an impact/important. 
Capricorn Saturn/Virgo Sun-Mercury we talk about realness right? Reputable, doesn’t matter if it’s a slow start as long as it’s genuine and built by their own genuinity and sincerity. Scorpio Pluto adds to this with it’s sextile position to both of these placements - sometimes it’s about seeing/analyzing and observing what IS lacking from the ‘truth’ of the world and making sure the Capricorn/Virgo adds influence to that. The fire venus certainly adds to it’s flame- wanting to show it’s genuine desire to be ‘it self’ (and is itself, but more importantly to be accepted as itself) - whilst Gemini Mars is the outlet- keeps it on the toes, on his feet. Working on it. Say what’s need to be said, sometimes- unexpectedly or without realizing the consequences. BUT it’s sextile to Jupiter in Leo - thus, it probably often works out. When it’s said with the subtext of teaching someone how to be truer to themselves or self-expression. 
There’s a strive/desire to make changes happen coming from that talent triangle, Scorpio Pluto as the apex working with his Virgo Sun/Mercury’s natural talent and focus on those desires. If you can imagine- if Scorpio Pluto focuses and zooms into perspectives/pov at hand, analyzes and collects what needs to be done with it - then this sextile to the Virgo Sun/Mercury helps form a clearly analytically strong- and often opinionated/constructive thought/expression in order for it to be expressed out into the world. They’re often intelligent, but also tends to not - notice or realize this about themselves? Things closer to the Sun are often blinded by it’s light. The Ego can often make things personal without one realizing it’s tied to it. Changes happens, whether it’s in his expression or something else. Because it affects other people’s lives as well, perhaps those in need (Capricorn/Leo honestly) 
But.. yeah!  💓💗💞 That’s all I have for now.. here’s the chart I pulled up to use below, no birthtime ;; but yes! 💓💗💞 Sorry I don’t -- know him well so I can’t speak much specifically on what? he does or something. But I hope this is ok!! 💓💗💞 Thanks for asking! 💓💗💞
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(1/?) hello!! im sry if this blog is just for survivors, but i guess i am one in a way? so far? i live with an emotionally abusive mother. it's very confusing,, hurtful, stressing, as she's done tons of good and generous things for me, & isnt just this 100% shit mom. but shes also hurt me TERRIBLY bad. SO BAD. i can acknowledge the good shes done but, i cant just ignore the bad. she claims shes apologized before, and i can forgive, but she continues to hurt me and isnt willing to change
(2/?) she claims it’s “just her” & that i cant force her to be a different person. ive tried to rationalize with her, but i cant. she claims im selfish & only think about how i feel. how i judge others but not myself. she’s hit me, choked me, called me a liar. she says homophobic/transphobic things & recently found my online acc/stuff and i was exposed as bi. im all alone & vry tired. amongst all this, i need a therapist, possibly meds- some sort of mental help/evaluation 4myself n feel blank
3/? ,, i have/am struggling with self harm, intrusive thoughts, terrible fkn anxiety and the whole nine yards,,.. i really need help and a safer environment. im safe physically to some extent (shes not afraid of cops either), not mentally. ive been gaslighted, insulted, called “sensitive”, it all. i have 2 yrs to grad but turn 18 nxt yr. im trying to save $ this year to convince im stable enough to stay with another relative by next summer- ive looked into LGBT shelters, everything-
4/4 this plan is my last resort. im tired of feeling like this. i cling onto good memories, pride stuff i sneak 2 see etc to pass by. also im SO!! sorry if this is the wrong blog for this! i just stumbled across it and felt a hand reach out.. so if u have any help on motivation, depression/mental issues/calm rooms, info on shelters/living in them, moving out, getting thru this sort of thing, lgbtq+ resources or the like for me or anybody!
so there is a lot to unpack here. First off I want you to know that you are welcome here, regardless of the type of abuse or current situation, everyone is welcome here. Not only that but I strongly believe that anyone who has ever experienced abuse, whether it was years ago or this morning, for a short time or all your life, you are a survivor. You were abused, you lived though it, and you’re here, you survived it. And I am so damn proud of you. And those who don’t feel like they can keep going are just as valid, and every time they reach out, they prove just how much of a survivor they really are. Yourself among them.
Not only that, but no matter how nice your mom is, if she hurts you, if she refuses to change her behavior so that she can stop hurting you, then it doesn’t matter what she does or how much she apologizes. Something to keep in mind is that if they were really, truly sorry, then they would work to make sure that it doesn’t happen again. Because THAT is what it means to love somebody, it means trying to be your best you, to support and protect them even if just from yourself. This is regardless of whether its a mistake or a deep character flaw.
Abusers, as much as it may hurt to hear, choose to abuse people, they are fully aware of their actions. If you ever wonder if this is true, then think about how they treat you in public, how they behave around others. Many will find that their abuser becomes a completely different person are others, might even be nicer to you. This is because they know that what their doing is wrong.
And your mom is wrong. You have an ingrained RIGHT to feel safe, and to be able to tell someone when they are hurting you and talk it out with them without feeling invalidated. She’s wrong, your feeling are valid.
This one is gonna hurt too if you don’t already know it, but your mom cannot be rationalized with. I am really, deeply sorry to tell you this because we all wish it wasn’t the case, but trying to rationalize with her will most likely only drain you and hurt worse. I would know.
the things that she has done to you are truly awful and i cannot even to begin to express how sorry I am that she treats you that way. Please know that you can always come here if you need to very or ask questions or anything.
as for resources I’ll keep a look out for stuff that will be most helpful but I dont really have much that can be an all encompassing solution for any one problem, but I can give you want I do have. 
http://yournewapartment.tumblr.com/ ( adulting tips)
http://m.facebook.com/notes/dreamcatchers-for-abused-children/steps-to-take-if-cps-wont-help-an-abused-child/953279954722057    - good for building a case
the It Gets Better Project documents the stories of lgbt+ teens to share
the Trevor Project has 24/7 counselors and a support system where you can meet others going through similar things
That’s it for now but I’ll keep an eye out for you. Stay safe and please do come back anytime! I’ll be praying for you!
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tamaraneanpacifist · 5 years
✧: i don’t have ideas so i can’t approach you yet / ❀: i’m shy to approach you / ☽: i don’t know how our muses can interact / ✎: we chatted a bit on my jericho blog and then i forgot my log in info and just got anxious abt approaching u again so now i just sorta,,,,,stare from a distance-
tell me why don’t we write together 
Thanks for sending some!
Ah - please never feel nervous about approaching me! (I can understand the feeling though, I’m definitely the same when intending to approach most people; but I promise I’ll be happy about anyone coming to me!)
I gotta say that I’m not really knowing about the gryphon chronicles so I’m kinda still silently watching your posts to get more of a ‘feel’ - so idea-wise for how our muses can meet I could spontaneously only offer the very general ‘come across one another randomly’ or the likes; but I’m sure we could also come up with something else! We could IM and work on getting up some plot together?
Also I haven’t found the time yet to check out your multimuse with Winx (and more I think?) chars yet - I at least know the show there so maybe it’d be easier to get something going there; although spontaneously I’m still not too sure what/how to start.
So I guess talking and/or plotting something; if only a vague meeting-situation; is probably the best way to go! Or we just stay silent some more, eventually surely some memes or something will come that one of us can send in!
((Also: Losing your logininfo must be hard, I’m sorry that you had that! I’m guessing you don’t remember, or don’t have access, to the email you made the acc with either? But that’s such an easy solution that I’m like 99% sure you would have tried that already to get your login back so nevermind this))
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