#i absolutely adore this bitch he deserves to be happy
muvioleta · 1 year
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gay-dorito-dust · 4 months
Hey! How are you?
May I request how the batboys would react to reader losing their job unfairly? I just lost my job for no reason after only working there for 2 weeks. I could really use some comfort rn 😭😭
Sweetheart, I know your pain in loosing a job unfairly, I’ve been there before and funnily enough they’re suffering to this day with ppl wanting to leave and or leaving. Karma is truly a bitch. I’m sending all the virtual hugs I can.
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Livid isn’t even close in describing how he felt upon hearing the news but it was the closest word for how he was feeling right now. The fact that you had been let go and unfairly too after a short period of time was enough to make his blood boil.
No explanation just ‘yeah we’re letting you go for no real reason cuz we’re tight fisted cunts who can’t be bothered with bettering ourselves for our staff, and would much rather let them go without prior warning because we’re just that shitty of an employment.’
In Jason’s opinion you were the only one who actually knew how to do to do your job and will remind you of this constantly because it was the truth. You worked your ass off at that place and this was the thanks you get? Fuck that!
Jason was more then ready to let the piece of shit who made the call to drop you have a piece of his mind but you had to calm him down and tell him it wasn’t worth the anger and frustration. However to Jason it was more than worth the anger and frustration, his sweetheart lost their job because of some fucking corporate lapdog!
‘They fucked up babe, big time. They lost one of their best and I hope they fucking go bankrupt and loose everything they’re worth because of it.’ Jason would tell you as he presses kisses against your head as you played with his fingers before intertwining them with yours.
‘I hope so too.’ You muttered against his chest and Jason could only tighten his hold on you as he continued to shower you in praise, kisses and utter adoration in hopes of ridding the god awful taste that place left in your mouth and your self esteem. Jason’s as about to let you drown because of them, he’d gladly keep you afloat however he can because you deserve it and so much more than they ever gave you in two weeks.
‘They’ve lost out on the best thing going sweetheart, they’ll come to regret it sooner or later but you’ll be in a better position when they do.’ He’d whisper reassuringly as he held you close to his chest, his heart breaking when hearing your sobs.
He hated how affected you were by their decision and he hated how powerless he was to stop you from getting hurt by stupid employments like this one. They obviously didn’t see what he saw in you and that was their loss and his gain. You were dedicated, loyal, hardworking but apparently that wasn’t enough for them and so without much thought they dropped you.
So Dick, with the help of Hayley, would try his best to provide you with happier times to drown out the pain that came with reminiscing the shittier times.
They would try their hardest to make you cry tears of joy rather then sadness from their goofiness alone as both Dick and Hayley would rather see you happy then sulk over the decisions of some stupid employment. They -the employment- fucked up with you and Dick wasn’t about to let it be your problem to deal with alone because it wasn’t your problem to deal with in the first place. It was theirs.
So you spent the rest of your days with Dick trying his best in making you happy and smile more then you’ve ever have, that place was poison for you and he’ll try and be your antidote.
Tim would absolutely do everything in his power to ruin your old workplaces reputation out of sheer pettiness, whether it be digging up some dark/ shady stuff that they’ve tried sweeping under the rug or spreading their tendencies to mistreat their staff on a daily basis, Tim would single-handedly destroy their reputation by leaving it in complete shambles.
He was smart enough to do so and could do so if you were to ever say the word, he was more then ready with documents filled with evidence to back up his claims, all he needed was you to give him the go ahead.
Tim could be petty but his petty was unlike anyone else’s and could cause mass damage to corporate assholes, especially those who thought it was completely justifiable to release someone after two weeks of working there.
Give him 5 minutes and the workplace will have collapsed from the information he had released to the general public. That’ll teach them a lesson for certain for messing with you.
However you didn’t want him to get into any trouble because of you and would much rather cuddle with him in bed as you watched a movie on his laptop in your pj’s as you both shared some ice cream. That’s all you needed and Tim was more than willing to comply as he told you how stupid of a decision it was of them to let you go, they were only shooting themselves in the foot and digging their grave simultaneously.
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babyangelsky · 2 months
My Favorite Expressions in Love Sea Ep. 8
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That's it. That's my (late) intro this week.
But in all seriousness, although I was somewhat prepared because of the additional previews that dropped for this episode, I don't think it's really possible to be fully prepared for how something might hit you until you actually see it. And parts of it didn't hit great, lads.
Just know that I'm using the term 'favorite' from a mostly acting perspective for this week and probably next week too.
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For my own sanity I'm starting off with Mahasamut's fond husband smile. Mostly because I can and I want to but also because we got see a lot of it this episode. The sweetness that I noted last week is still very present.
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I was also very glad to see that Mahasamut has forged a very affectionate bond with Meena.
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Mira, Viviana, you've got no business looking disappointed that your plans aren't working out the way you want them to and lamenting about it in voiceover when you keep playing these games with my girly. Things will progress if you're clear!
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The sweetneeeessssssss.
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Vivi makes the best faces when she's watching Tongrak and Mahasamut be sweet. She can't see the writing on her own wall but she can see it on theirs.
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Viviana! It's not a competition! It's not a race! Where's P'Kit someone go get him and make him have a come to jesus with Vivi. She's even got Tongrak telling her that fiction ain't reality and that she needs to use her words.
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Tongrak, you are gone for this man.
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"Nonsense!" he says. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt anymore, is it, Harry? I do love the sibling energy these two have. They're the Spider-Man meme except they're both clowns calling each other out for not expressing their feelings.
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It's Mahasamut sleeping peacefully like the angel he is while Tongrak wrestles with the fact that Vivi is right for me.
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I expected a lot more smugness and vitriol from Prin given that she's scheming to destroy Tongrak and has done it with such gusto up until now but it says a lot that even she looks disgusted with what she's doing. She won't even let Jak touch her. Turns out even a hell witch has her limits.
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But this man? No such luck.
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He's making this face after being asked to destroy his child. Prin offered him five million (and possibly more) to hurt Rak and he looks happy about it. Giddy even. That's sheer malice. Absolutely beyond fucked up.
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When your adorable teenage niece roasts you for not having any friends and coming to her for advice.
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If "Bet." was a facial expression.
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Who's the cat and who's the canary now, Khun Tongrak?
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Mahasamut's got cartoon hearts floating around his head and baby girl is so done with him.
*holds on to this moment for a second longer*
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I throw roses at Peat's feet every week for how fantastic his face acting is but don't think for a moment that Fort doesn't deserve them too because he absolutely does.
Mut's face was all warmth and smiles when he was alone with Meena, then it became more guarded and cautious when they were approached, then we landed at this when Meena confirmed that the trash in front of them was her grandfather.
Fort's face is naturally very sweet and soft. He's got the opposite of resting bitch face but the fact that he can affect one so well when it's so far removed from what comes naturally to him is all in the eyes.
Look at his gaze. His eyes are normally very sparkly but here they look flat and cold and you can barely see his pupils. These are the dead calculating eyes of a shark and they reveal more hatred than words ever could and that takes TALENT.
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I have to give An props for that too because he's also very good at the shark eyes but he's using them in a different way than Fort is.
Look at this screenshot and tell me it doesn't feel like Jak is looking through Mahasamut instead of at him. I can't quite describe how his face emotes but doesn't show actually genuine emotion, it's very impressive and unsettling.
The only time it felt like Jak was actually feeling something was when he looked happy about fucking with Tongrak's life.
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Save me, adoring smile. Adoring smile, save me.
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Microseconds were all it took to shift from the gentle loving look Mahasamut was giving a sleeping Tongrak to silent rage as he recalled the encounter with Jak. Microseconds.
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Incredulous disgust. I'd lay bets that we all looked like this when we heard Jak say he wanted to fulfill his role as Tongrak's father.
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IhateitIhateitIhateitIhateitIhateit my tiny baby princess this is the look of someone so much older than you IhateitIhateitIhateitIhateitIhateitIhateit
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Gone. Besotted. Utterly enamored.
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How could anyone look like this
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when their child is looking at them like this?
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I hate how much Jak is enjoying this and there is absolutely no doubt that he is, it's vile.
It took me a very long time to get Chris Chiu's scream out of my head when I watched Unknown and it's going to take even longer for me to be able to look at An Oliver Poupart without feeling my skin crawl.
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To end this on a high note, I'm going to point out that Mahasamut's shirt isn't just a solid color.
The straits may be dire but if nothing else, at least it looks like I'm clowning in the right direction. Let me know if you wanna be tagged in these weekly writeups!
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tototalks · 3 months
That’s a wrap on Prince’s Gambit!! 🥳 Let me tell you, there was not a SINGLE chapter of this book I didn’t adore. Absolutely stunning ♥️
Final thoughts! ✨ (Sorry for the length again 💀)
- Starting off strong with seeing Halvik and the awesome lady warriors again!! Halvik really saw the longest, prettiest, most luscious eyelashes on a man and knew it was an absolute waste. She is SO valid for that.
- Laurent is playing Game of Thrones 5D chess, and his mind terrifies and amazes me. His strategy and diplomacy with the reinforcements was absolute genius and this is why I need a Hamlet situation to happen with uncle dearest.
- Damen. Leather loincloth. That’s it. That’s the post. 🙂
- I love this weird point where Damen and Laurent both look at each other like “this is so clearly more than friends, but what the actual FUCK is this??”
- AIMERIC?! NO NO NO. FFS!! Omg I didn’t see that coming!! Why do I even bother getting attached anymore. I am the fool.😭
- Jord is breaking my fucking heart in two. I need good things to happen for him after this. He’s done nothing to deserve the betrayal, and that’s the phenomenal cruelty of it. Bad things happen to good people and there’s not shit you can do about it. ☹️
- BATTLE FOR THE PRINCE!!!! Man, I was ready to ride into battle with them! What an adrenaline kick of a scene!
- Damen was fully recognised, and yet, in the midst of it, there is MORE PAIN FOR JORD 🙃
- I am so happy that we get to see Erasmus and the living testament to the fact kindness is powerful.
- “I don’t like the Regent. He burned my leg!!” YOU TELL THEM BABE!! His revenge is so so sweet. Enjoy it, Erasmus♥️
- The kiss. Oh my stars, the kiss. That was the most angst promising, stunning, and oh-so-earned kiss made even more poignant by the fact I’m convinced Laurent KNOWS and is letting it happen anyway. If my suspicions are correct, he’s had to come to terms with the fact he’s fallen for the man who killed his brother. I am TERRIFIED for King’s Rising. 🙃
- Aimeric and Laurent, both very different victims. - “you attack those who can’t defend themselves” - Damen… bro… I love you but stop. But I like the fact we get to see that Laurent is not impenetrable. He’s cold and cunning but still human and deeply hurt.
- Damen and Laurent’s first time. Wow. Just wow. The layers to this scene. Laurent’s clear trauma associated with sex and Damen’s reassurance and honour. “How a man takes a boy?” “No. How a man takes a man.” You hear that? That’s the sound of my heart shattering further. Sex scene done RIGHT.
- “Nicaise would not see fifteen now.”… well there goes the last of my fucking heart. I am DEVASTATED. He deserved to live. If you hear sobbing coming from the general direction of Hong Kong, just know it was me. 🥲
- “I’m sorry, Jord” - C.S. Pacat. We are gonna have words. You cannot make a bad bitch like me cry this hard.
- The Regent and Kastor in kahoots. Ooooooh boy - it pains me that deep down I feel like Laurent wanted to prove to himself that Damen wasn’t special and goaded him into that punch to prove it, and yet Damen recognises the cycle of abuse and that BLINDSIDES Laurent.
- Aaaaaaand there’s Damen’s secret blown to utter smithereens. Nice job, Nikandros lol
- And if all that wasn’t enough, chapter 19 1/2 killed me off for good, so long folks 💀
Let’s go, King’s Rising!! 👑 ⚔️
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gojos-fr-bae · 8 months
Liar pt.5
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Pairing: Gojo x fem!eader
Warnings: Angsty Angst, Fluffy Fluff (tee hee), Cussing (lemme know if i missesd anything
Word Count: 977
A/N: heyy, I said i would release this ike two days ago and yet here we are. Also, this one is pretty small but I think It works, Yk? Hope you Enjoy tho! (p.s i'm workin on re-writing What lovers do so watch out for that.) This was a tad bit too happy for my liking so you best bet pt.6 is goin to be depressing as HECK.
(Requests open)
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You were sitting on your bed, looking at your son resting in his crib, deep in dreamland. You were trying so hard to force yourself to get up and face the man waiting outside the threshold of your room but you seemingly couldn’t get your legs to move no matter how hard you tried.
You knew he was outside because you could still sense his cursed energy and knew that no matter how hard you tried to hide.
You slowly trudged towards the door, shaky hand going up towards the handle, and pulling the door open.
You stepped out and turned, your gaze falling on Satoru who was sitting on the floor with his knees brought up to his chest, his hands holding them tightly.
He looks up at you, eyes widening before he quickly pushes himself to his feet. You don't miss how his body sways back and forth, stumbling slightly, but you chose to rule it off as the product of him jumping to his feet so quickly.
“Gojo…hi,” you gently breathed out.
“H-Hi, Lov- Y/N’ You don’t miss the hesitation in his voice. “Do you wanna maybe, g-go for a walk?
His head was downcast and he was only gazing up at you for a few seconds before shooting them back to the ground.
“Sure,” You responded before turning around and slowly walking down the hallway
You walked out into the field you spent days lying around, sitting down while leaning against the large sakura tree at its center. You watched as Satoru leaned against the tree before slumping down roughly, his eyes permanently locked on the ground.
“So, how ar-”
“Why did you leave,” his voice cracked, interrupting you mid-sentence.
“Gojo, please,”
“I’m sorry, i-i’m s-s-so, so, s-o fucking sorry I-,” he croaked, you turned to face him, noticing the tears that were steadily cascading down his face, reflecting in the moonlight. 
He was trying so, so hard to hold everything in because to him, he didn't deserve to be sad. He was the one who forced you to deal with so much shit to the extent that you no longer. In his mind, he was the most disgusting thing to have ever existed and the fact that he was feeling even remotely sad was absolutely blasphemous. 
And you could tell.
“P-please, don’t call me that.’
“Satoru,” you sighed, “You don’t have to be sorry, you did absolutely nothing wrong, it’s not your fault I left,”
“But If I was strong enough not to be sealed then this would’ve never happened-”
“Because you are human! You can’t always be perfect and that’s okay. What happened probably happened for a reason, I mean I’ve been doing pretty well and Kaito…” you stopped yourself because you weren’t ready to dive into the conversation of your son, karma’s a bitch tho so…
“You named him Kaito?!” he said with a sad but slightly excited tone.
While you were pregnant, you and Satoru had been mulling around what you would name your child.
“How about we make a bet,” you said softly as he snuggled his face into your neck while you laid together all snug in bed, “If it’s a boy, we HAAVE to name him Kaito.” 
“And why is that?”he chuckled before fluttering kisses against your neck, jaw and cheek.
“Because you know, the sky is blue.. Your eyes are blue.. Oh my days it would be the most adorable thing in the world Satoru pleeeaase!”
“You know, If I knew you were this obsessed with me I would’ve gotten you pregnant ages ago,”
“SATORU!”  you squeaked as he laughed at your flustered state, Gosh he loves you so much.
He couldn’t believe that you genuinely went through with naming your son Kaito considering he thought you hated his guts.
“Well, I mean, I said I would love to name him after you in some way, and your matching eyes are just the best bonus ever.
For the first time since he left for the mission, the faintest smile spread across his face for the slightest fraction of a second, and if he knew any better, he would say he actually felt happy.
“What’s he like?”
“He is the sweetest baby boy on earth,” you said, smiling at the thought of your precious angel, “He’s really shy tho so I guess he didn’t take after you much in that sense, then again he looks like an absolute carbon copy of you so you win some you lose some,”
Gojo could only imagine what the boy was like, and it pained him to no ends to know that he wasn’t there to watch the small boy go through his first two years of life but there was really nothing he could do about it.
“Satoru, he’s going to need his father as he grows up, and it's only a matter of time before he starts to wonder why he doesn’t have one. I’m not saying we should get back together,” You could literally hear his already broken heart put itself together just so it could break again, “But he’s still extremely young so it’s not too late. I have only ever wanted the best for Kaito and that includes having his father in his life, so as long as you are willing to co-parent I’m sure we could find a way to work this out.”
He for the first time since the conversation began looked deep into your eyes and could no longer hold his emotions in, a sob ripping from his chest.
“I-I wou- would like that a l-l-l-ot, please-”he said through soft sobs and sniffles, wiping his tears away as quickly as possible. 
For the first time in two years, he didn’t cry himself to sleep. He, for the first time in two years, went to sleep sober.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Yeah, wayy to happy, mentally prepare for pt.6 ( watch me say this and find that pt.6 isn't even all that😭
@porridgesblog , @giannitaa , @c0pkiller , @havens-not-here
© gojos-fr-bae
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
HEWWO it's me back w an incredibly specific idea inspired by my Chapped Lips. Human au.
So I kinda headcanon Dream as an Incredibly Effortful kinda bitch, especially when it comes to grooming and bathing. He's very naturally beautiful! But he also has the full 15 step skincare routine, morning and night, showers in Exactly Optimal Temperature Water, has like 4 different hair products in at all times, sleeps with a satin pillowcase and has a Dyson Air Wrap kinda guy. Meanwhile Hob is the Effortlessly Beautiful Bastard who's done absolutely nothing to deserve it. Washes his face and body w bar soap, with Way Too Hot water, uses a 2 in one shampoo, basically just brushes his hair, brushes his teeth, and puts on deodorant and he's good, he's gorgeous. The fanciest he gets is shaving and using aftershave. Dream is furious bc this heathen doesn't even wear SUNSCREEN and yet he's so beautiful, glowing even. They are best friends.
Well one day Dream has had ENOUGH watching Hob wince and lick his chapped lips, just grabs him by the throat and applies his own very expensive lip balm. Hob tries to protest when Dream grabs him but Dream just squeezes and says "Keep Still" in the deepest most commanding voice Hob's ever heard from him. Right after Dream firmly instructs him Not to lick that off, he realizes that may not have been the Coolest thing to do and apologizes. Hob, half hard and trying to play it chill says it's fine, he doesn't mind Dream's fussing.
Dream takes this as total permission to do whatever he deems Necessary in the moment for Hob, from gently applying moisturizer and undereye cream to his face when he sleeps over at night to filing his nails and pushing back his cuticles. He's careful to never forcefully grab Hob like the first time (to Hob's disappointment) but he still can't help but get a little excited when Dream gets that tone and tells him to Sit Down and proceeds to blow dry his hair for him. Dream is also starting to really enjoy having Hob to fuss with and make pretty and take care of, and also have listen to him whenever he wants, as long as it's under the guise of plucking his eyebrows or gently applying hand lotion.
Yada yada this goes on and tension builds until they kiss! And they find out the other has been harboring this deeply hidden arousal over their beauty routine dynamic, have a laugh and have a fuck about it. They live hornily ever after enjoying the pampering.
Love u mwuah have a good Friday the 13th!!
AHHHH HAPPY BELATED FRIDAY 13TH BABYYY I'm literally obsessed with all of this holy shit!!!!
I feel the gentle dom Dream vibes strongly here. Just because Hob can look effortlessly adorable by washing his face with dishsoap and never even looking at an spf product, doesn't mean that he should. Clearly he needs someone to take care of him. Clearly Dream is the one for the job.
Hob is so good!! He's happy to let Dream apply beard oils and retinol cream and emollients for the scars that he never explains. He actively enjoys having his eyebrows plucked (although he does squirm around, so Dream has to hold him firmly by the jaw - if anything this makes him more wiggly, poor thing is just so damn horny).
When Hob asks why Dream is doing all this, Dream goes for a deadpanned "well I have to make sure that you're pretty enough that I still want to look at you in 30 years". Which... kind of comes out like he's suggesting that Hob is his husband or something?? Hob blushes and smiles and lets Dream paint a clay mask onto his face without saying a world.
After they finally, FINALLY have an actual conversation about their relationship, the beauty/self care routine only expands. Hob blushingly asks Dream to help him clean up ✨down there✨ - maybe it's an enema, maybe Dream bleaches Hob’s arsehole, maybe he just does a little gentle washing. Whatever the case it gets Hob in a very good mood for sex and he's the sweetest, most eager to please submissive man that Dream has ever seen.
It's such a joyous and intimate part of their relationship. And yes, Hob uses spf now <3
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mycupofteafanzine · 11 months
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My Cup of Tea contributor announcement: part 1!
We are excited to share our list of artists in the zine! You can also find our cosplayers and writers here. See below the cut for links to their socials and their answers to the question: Why do you love Martin?
Ghoulie | tumblr
Oh man, what's not to love? I fell for him immediately for his sweet nature and softness and ended up admiring his inner strength even more. I see so much of myself in him and he makes me want to be better by killing with kindness and finding beauty and love for others even in the loneliness.
Willow | tumblr twitter insta
martin is just a silly little guy. he is one of my favs of the tma cast bc i love his voice tbh LMAO
Bori | tumblr twitter insta tiktok
He's such a sweet character while also being an absolute bitch when he wants to and I just love that for him!! 80% of my love for him stems from "he's just like me fr" and the other 20 is just "he's so effortlessly funny, damn mister there's-a-door-in-the-way"
Charlie | tumblr
He absolutely steals the show--Where else are you going to find someone with an aficionado for spiders, tea, and lying? The perfect man's right here.
Pikachic | tumblr youtube
The second I heard his voice in podcast I was like “oh no I’m going to love this guy aren’t I” and I was right! I initially just liked him because he was the nice one, but I found myself relating to him a lot and I loved seeing his character arc unfold.
Wormthist | tumblr insta
I really enjoy his growth as a character over the series!
Elias | tumblr
I relate to him, I feel loneliness in a very similar way and I'm way too nice and forgiving to people who may not deserve it. When Annabelle said "Because you always managed to get what you wanted through smiles and shrugs and stammerings that weren’t nearly as awkward as they seemed." I had to reconsider a few things about myself. Also I adore whenever he gets to be a bit bitchy, he's just an interesting character overall.
Sprig | twitter insta
I love Martin because of how passionately loyal he is. It takes a truly special person to prefer the world ending over losing someone they love. He deserves as much love as he gives out.
Dol | tumblr
I’m bad at putting feelings into words, but let’s give it a shot. Martin is a well written and complex character, and his arcs throughout the podcast really gets to me— but in a good way! A lot of the things that he say in relation to the Lonely and general loneliness hits quite a bit close to home, and not to mention his responses to situations and the occasional comedic/light-hearted moments that just,, make him Him! He’s portrayed realistically to me (or, well, as realistically a horror anthology podcast can be), and is just,,, a really good character trying to make the best out of the situation he is given. But I get sad thinking about him so thinking of him being happy is also ideally the short version to this aha
Squeeney | tumblr insta
I really connected to his storyline with the Lonely and his overall struggle to be the one that 'keeps it together'. He's incredibly multifaceted, like many characters in TMA, and I love the way his character is explored through how others choose to perceive him and his actions.
GUTPUNKS | twitter insta neocities
saintmalev | twitter
He represents that we can all just but that little guy who can do great things and fall in love. The epitome of 'the littlest people can make the biggest difference'.
Ochre | tumbr ko-fi
he tries his best <3
yakov-ukha | tumblr
Great guy, hater of rollercoasters, overall exquisite person.
Lee | tumblr
Martin has been such a relatable character to me and thats why I first started liking him. I slowly fell in love with how silly, cute and sweet his character can be.
Hawkfurze | tumblr
I love him for being both a sweet character and being so so flawed, its much more interesting than the blundering sweetheart they could have went with
Butzenscheibe | tumblr
he's a great representation for all us people pleasers, those guilty of self isolation and people with hearts big enough for everyone but themselves. he is someone you're not sad to recognize yourself in and it's a thing of great importance
Jox | tumblr twitter tiktok
Mmmartin,,, Martin is a huge comfort character for me and I heavily relate to him alot, i love his character development over the series and his interactions/ appearances too. I found that he was the first character i started liking when first listening to the magnus archives !
Mossii | tumblr tiktok youtube
mmmmmmartin. I think he's an incredibly well written character. The way he interacts with and is affected by trauma is very well done, not to mention how it then changes the way he experiences and approaches relationships. Overall he's a very three-dimensional character, something that probably isn't easy to create with an audio-only format. Also he's sassy.
K.M. | tumblr
I’m accidentally a Jon kinnie so did I really ever have a choice? Big /jk there. An honest answer would have to be how much he kept surprising me- kept me coming back for more!
Gammija | tumblr insta
There's a lot of answers to this, but most of all I love how multi-faceted he is. He's kind, a people pleaser, he wants everyone to be happy, and he's passive aggressive and needs his alone time. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and he lies about stuff all the time. He avoids acknowledging the awful truth as long as possible, and he has already considered the worst case scenario. And on top of all that he likes spiders. Character of all time.
Xenoglssie | tumblr
I like that he’s sympathetic and emotionally intelligent, but also kind of really mean. He’s a really well written character.
Leland | tumblr insta
Because he's Martin!
Wyatt | tumblr insta
"I can't hear you, Elias, there's a door in the way" or whatever the quote is ywy
Taro | tumblr insta
I have a crush on him <3 also because he's such a multifaceted character with so many layers to him. I love his bitchy side and his sweet side. He's very dear to me and I relate to him in some aspects.
Candlecoo | tumblr
Martin is just such a strong character emotionally, he is the teams rock taking the blunt of everyone's (mostly Jon's) outbursts yet still comforts them when he can. He's not perfect but he try's. and I think that's rather admirable. He's also really funny and relatable too, but that's just an added bonus.
FateSpoiled | twitter insta
It's Martin, have you seen him? No but, for real, he's such a sweet character who goes through so much across each season, and grows from each experience. His character development from that soft, bumbling idiot (as John portrays him) into the Antichrist's +1 is beautiful to watch, and, quite frankly, I love his voice!
Starryspells | tumblr twitter insta
Martin is a character that slowly found his way into my heart! He has so much depth to him beyond first glance, and I really resonated with his story and feelings! I’m overwhelmed with gratitude at the opportunity to express my love for this character!
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shi-daisy · 3 months
hi hi it me for the CHARACTER BREAKDOWN game thing!! obvs I gotta ask u about Tamlin!!!!
Hiiiii sweetie! Okay so we're going with my best boy!
How I feel about him?
He's precious, I loved how silly and awkward he was on book 1. I think he's really handsome despite my type being brunettes rather than blondes, he is strong in a fight but I love his quiet scenes and how much he cares for his court even if this is a duty he never wanted. Tamlin owns my heart and was a comfort for me during a dark time in my past. I love him very very much!
All the people I romantically ship this character with
Man has darn harem.
First in line obviously Lucien because these two as friends to lovers would heal me and they're absolutely adorable (sjm don't ruin them) Feyre before book 3. I loved their relationship and held out hope he'd win her back, alas after book 3 even if they go back to being friends I can't see them getting back together. Still love book 1 Feylin and Feylincien tho
Briar, I'm a basic bitch and while he haven't seen Briar again and she's human, I think she's sweet and would love to see them get together as long as it does not end in tragedy or bittersweetly.
Cresseida, Also kinda crack but I could see them starting as a political marriage and the slowly fall for one another and bond over Night screwing them over. They'd be cute
Hybern. I cannot get the appeal of Tamsand because this ship is a 1000 times more compelling to me. A decent into evil by Tamlin when everyone leaves him behind as he's hurt? Bloody revenge? Spring not being destroyed but turned dark and used to destroy Tamlins enemies? Homoerotic tension? That scene where Hybern binded Tamlin with magic? Cmooooooon, I need evil Tamlin or redeemed Hybern fics with them for sustenance they're so interesting to me.
Non romantic OTP for this character
Jurian, they'd be a cool ship but given Jurian's sass and him helping Tamlin as a double agent and being buddies with Lucien too. I'd love to see them hanging out more.
Andras, these two were beasties and I headcanon Andras went out saq Feyre and meticulously planned for her to break the curse because he knew Tamlin would like her.
Unpopular Opinion
He does not need to apologize to the IC. He helped them in the war and brought Rhysand back despite all he'd done to him. Man should be left alone and book 3 actually did before SJM chose to kick him while he's down. If he apologizes let it be to Lucien and Feyre if she loses the bad attitude. Otherwise I want him to heal away from Night.
Something I wish would happen
That he gets an uncontested adorable happy ending because he deserves the world.
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one-vivid-judgment · 7 months
LET THE GATES OF HEADCANONS HELL OPEN! 🔥 Hcs for Seonhee, Yamai and Eiji! Pweeeease!
I'm a simple woman, I see Eiji, I jump. Since it wasn't specified whether they had to be SFW or NSFT, I went for the first option!
Anyway, here they are!
General headcanons (Eiji, Yamai & Seonhee)
Eiji Mitamura
• Before everything eventually crashes and burns, he's a shameless son of a bitch. Hand on your ass or waist at all times, straight up making out in front of everyone who so much as looks at you like they might want something to do with you. If you ask if he's possessive, he'll say he's not, he just thinks it's funny to see the looks on those guy's faces. Of course that's a lie though. 
• He's not into the cutesy pet names or things like cuddling. You can do it if you want to, he will coo and call it adorable (a bit patronizing, because of course), but don't expect him to do it. Occasionally, he'll pull a cigarette kiss, and he will let you sleep with your head on his chest whenever, but that's the most he'll ever do. 
• After the whole shebang, it's a complete 180. He (for good reason, may we add) thinks he doesn't deserve shit—if you are willing to help him, visit him while he's in prison and show him support like Ichi did, he might cry. PDA after everything is... a touchy subject. You better be patient with that. A part of him does feel a little happy that you'd want to show him off like that though. 
Yutaka Yamai
• If he ever lets you borrow his jacket, you BET you're special for this man. He is always cold, even in the heat of Hawaiian summer, turtleneck and thick jacket and all. So if you ever see him take off that jacket and drap it over your shoulders, you should take it as the big sign of trust it is. 
• Surprisingly a pretty chill dude. He never formally introduced you to his gang. He's the boss, why would he need to, right? Even so, all his boys know who you are; how could they not, when the boss brings you around pretty much everyday? His hostesses know and love you. Everyone is at least a bit surprised that Yamai is into someone younger for once, but no one dares ask out loud. It's way better that way. 
• He hasn't worn his hair in a ponytail ever since his days at the Tabata family. Hasn't even considered it, actually. If you even suggest tying it up for 'convenience', he'll refuse. If you just start playing with his hair for the sake of it though, he will go stiff for a moment and then just... let it happen. The softer things are usually not his thing, but this... this he can tolerate. And then you might be able to coax him into wearing a ponytail again. 
• She may look all tough for the sake of upholding her Queen of the Geomijul status, but she LOVES cute things. Teddy bears, heart-shaped make-up containers, butterfly claw clips (yes, the irony of the spider-butterfly thing is not lost on her). She may not show it outwardly, but if you gift her something cute, she'll absolutely MELT. 
• Doing your nails together is probably her favorite thing ever. Something about letting her partner hold her hands to file and paint her nails feels so intimate for her. There is not really any need to speak either; it's a comfortable kind of silence. If she likes your work a lot, she might go without the gloves for a few days until they start to chip. 
• Be prepared to eat gyoza and VERY spicy food. She will try to tone it down if you tell her it's too much for you to handle, but at this point, she really can't cook any other way. It's in her DNA. At least you'll learn to handle your spice.
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celestiall0tus · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 💜
5 things, eh? Alright
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Lightning is my everything. Nothing will ever be what she is to me. Literally been obsessed with this bitch since 2013. From the very first intro scene where she kicks everyone's ass, I was a goner. I love her. Her voice, her outfits, her hair, her personality, her connection with her sister, her whole ass story, everything. She is my everything.
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I adore Riku. I hated his guts in the first game until the end, then it was all downhill for him. Toss in Sora with him and it's perfect (yes, I am a ride or die Soriku shipper)
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Love the bird boy. He deserves nothing but the best. Also love all his songs, his story, and the complexity of him. He is just perfect.
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Firstly, I have to agree with my friend, Celia. There is just something about young characters with white hair, and Logan is one of them (Riku too, but it different here). I love Logan, amazing character, fabulous voice actor, and easily one of my favorite romances in the game. Also, there is just something about how he says "Darling" that makes me squeal like a damn school girl. It might be the accent.
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Absolute precious best boi!! Unsuur is just the biggest sweetie in the whole ass game. My precious rock obsessed boi. He must be protected at all costs, and give all the special rocks. Also has the best lines in the entire game.
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hyperactivewhore · 7 months
holy hell that book is destroying me piece by piece i was actually sobbing its so well written everything connects even when you dont notice one detail its important
also im sorry to say but.....i like klaus and mia together from the way you spoke i got the feeling you ddint but i cant help but squeal when i read their scenes especially at homecoming they have sexy hot chemistry its suffocating
team stefan and mia all the way though as endgame but i think klaus and mia deserve a second chance
you were right about mia being a new kind of oc its very nice to see a oc care for characters who arent just love interests i didnt like elena but after reading it i understand her same with tyler and i hated him most of all but now i love him
this book is my roman empire and i blame you because i cant think of anything else
Listen I absolutely adore Klaus, he's a bitch even tho I acknowledge all of his wrongs but he just makes me so fucking mad in Allure. He's just making her confused and hurting her and if he doesn't go back to being Nik with her, not Klaus, then he's about to catch some hands. And anyway his lifestyle is just gonna put her in danger, my girl needs to have a happy life with Cami.
I'm also gonna recommend you a wattpad fic about Klaus that I completely forgot about mentioning in my last post. It's A Dark Twisted Fantasy by @saintsir4n and it's just golden, the Klaus depicted there is 100% canon Klaus and he makes me want to strangle him so badly.
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earthbaby-angelboy · 1 year
Walter Hale, Jess Wade, Steve Grayson and Dr. John Carpenter (ECU) as caregivers
Walter Hale (The Trouble With Girls, 1969):
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Walter definitely strikes me as the type to adapt to whatever you need. If you need someone gentle, he's there to coddle you. If you need someone stricter, he's there with rules. Whatever you need, he's got. I get the feeling he'd be good with a kiddo who is real small (0-2), but I think if push came to shove he'd also be able to take care of someone older. It all depends on the chemistry.
If he knows you're stressed or teetering over the edge of a breakdown, he has no problem 'forcing' you to regress. He's very naturally manipulative, so it works like a charm. If you're ranting and raving about something, he'll literally come up to you and just pop your pacifier in your mouth with a knowing "better?" He loves when you sit on his lap while he's in meetings, and he has no qualms about walking around the Chautauqua with you on his hip. If anyone has anything to say about your regression, they answer to him. He's the one that you go to when you need to regress, but just...can't.
He absolutely loves buying you pretty little outfits so he can show you off to all his friends, but god-forbid they cast one lustful look in your direction and they're dead before daylight. He doesn't let you get your hands dirty. He loves spoiling you, and delights in your happiness.
He loves when you call him "daddy", and when he's stressed due to work or whatever else, he'll ask you to cuddle with him. It's beneficial to the both of you; he gets to relax, and you get to spend time with him. It's a win-win!
Jess Wade (Charro!, 1969):
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He is naturally very stoic, and has a resting bitch face, so he would not be great with a regressor who is incredibly sensitive. He likes taking care of older kiddos (5-9), but doesn't mind taking care of the real little ones too.
He definitely would be the type to tell you to stop crying, then go all wide-eyed and gentle when you just cry harder. He's very straightforward, and expects you to communicate when you are upset and not make him do mental gymnastics to figure out what's bothering you. If you're having a meltdown, he'll usually just leave you to cry it out unless you explicitly state that you want him there.
He doesn't really have rules, but if you are acting particularly rude or just downright mean, he does serve punishments. They are more traditional, like writing lines, cleaning one spot over and over, or standing in a corner. Always tells you afterwords how proud he is of you for handling your punishment well.
This man has absolutely NO paternal instinct, so he learns along the way. If you're having a particularly rough day, big or little, he takes you out on his horse. Sometimes, he'll grab one of his cowboy hats and play peek-a-boo with you. Your laugh is the only thing that can bring a light smile to his face. He will never ask it of you, but his heart would melt into a puddle of goo if you called him "papa."
He likes nonchalant and domestic forms of intimacy, like cleaning up around the house for you and bringing you a flower bouquet he picked himself. His favorite activity, though, is doing shared activities together in silence, eg. reading separate books, but sitting close together.
Steve Grayson (Speedway, 1968):
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Steve would not consider himself to be a caregiver whatsoever, but rather just an older brother! He himself is a regressor, but stays in an old enough headspace that he's able to keep a close eye on you. He loves to sit on the floor with you and get lost in a silly game. He adores taking naps with you, but will still knock out for a few (hours) even if you don't.
He himself is very hyperactive, so he would be good with a little that has a vibrant personality and a whole lotta energy! The two of you spend hours running around at a playground, just laughing and having fun because damn it, you both deserve to be happy. He loves booping your nose and squishing your cheeks.
He takes you on fancy ice cream parlour dates once a week! You little meances order 4 scoops of ice cream with all the toppings you can pile on! (...It has enough sugar to put an old woman in a coma.) He doesn't really care about how much sugar you have, as long as you don't get a tummy ache.
He doesn't like titles, but he doesn't mind nicknames! His favorites are "Vee" and "Stevie!"
Although he is an older brother figure, he has some small rules in place for your safety. He asks that you hold his hand when crossing the street, ask him if there's something on a shelf you can't reach, etc. Just little things he can do to keep you safe and make you more comfortable!
Dr. John Carpenter (Change Of Habit, 1969):
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He would make an incredible caregiver for anyone struggling with a mental illness or trauma disorder. He understands how delicate someone can be when regressed, so he is very conscious of the things he says and does around you. He understands your brain better than you do, and can tell when you're going to regress beforehand.
He is very helpful when it comes to working through sensory overloads, meltdowns and outbursts. He is so calm and patient, always looking at you with kind eyes. He never punishes you for expressing how you are feeling, but does encourage you to discuss with him the emotions and thought process' behind your words and actions.
Touch is something incredibly special to him, so he's very careful about it. He loves cradling you close to him, especially when you're upset.
He doesn't give you rules, and he lets you "take the lead", so to speak. You go to bed when you can't keep your eyes open, he lets you eat all the sweets you want until you're satisfied, and he doesn't ever force you to regress. But, he does establish somewhat of a routine to make sure you're taking good care of yourself. Something that remains consistent in your routine is that when he notices you're getting super tired, he gives you tummy rubs. He likes playing dolls with you, mainly because he pays attention to the stories you create. Sort of like play therapy!
He would be good with any little (and is good with people in general), but I get the feeling he would be really awesome taking care of a little who has a newborn or baby headspace.
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Yours - A Frost/Reader One Shot Story.
This got away from me a bit, besties, but here, have at it. Fluff and hot smut with Frost. What's not to like?
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Words - 2,498
Warnings - 18+ content, minors DNI!
“He ended it today. We both know why, especially after what he told me. Listen, I can’t stop him from going to you, but I can say that we can’t be friends if anything happens between you and him. For how long, I don’t know. I want to be an adult about it, but it hurts too much right now.”  
Your heart is jackrabbiting so hard, you feel it in the back of your throat as you read that message, even though you’ve known it’s been coming for the last few days. Perhaps longer, if you’re honest with yourself. It would be a huge untruth if you ever claimed otherwise. Now is the time to face reality, really face up to the fact that you are the reason why your friend and her boyfriend broke up. 
You were the other woman.  
Nothing happened between you and Kjetil, though. He’d never have let it, he’s too good a man to betray anyone in that way. That resolve only made your affection for him bloom even further. In turn, you could never have acted upon your feelings and forsaken your friend, no matter how much the longing for him began to gnaw away at you. Erosion of the heart from a relentless pull to a man who was off limits, coupled with feeling like the most disloyal bitch on earth.  
Your thumb ghosts over your phone, sighing, resting your other hand to your forehead. What the hell do you even say to her? What is there to say in the wake of this? It was your fault, and she’s entitled to feel like this. You cannot blame her at all.  
“I’m so sorry. I never wanted this to happen. Please believe that I didn’t, also that absolutely nothing happened between us when you were together. I swear that. I don’t know what it was that he told you, but I will say that I respect your wishes. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I don’t. I just hate that you’ve ended up hurt.” 
Sliding your tired feet from your shoes, you move to the fridge and grab the nearest bottle of alcohol, pouring out a large glass and taking a gulp as you watch the three dots bounce upon the screen, your heart still hammering. 
“I do believe you, but I do not believe that you don’t know what you’re going to do now. It’s obvious. As for what he said, I think he should tell you that himself, as he undoubtedly will.”  
Having Kjetil in front of you as a single man; hmmm. You know exactly what you’ll do. You both do. Suffice to say it shan’t involve many words. That potent chemistry between you isn’t solely what it is, though, the magnetic pull between you and him, and it never was. That’s what makes all of this so hard. It always is when feelings come into it. It was never solely desire and attraction.  
It was always more. He was always more.  
He still is. 
If only you could have stopped yourself from loving him, none of this would have happened. You could have admired him from afar for being perhaps the most beautiful man you have ever seen, and quite easily been the adult you are and gotten over it. He was hers, not yours. Envy would have washed away eventually, and you’d have been nothing but happy for her; for them. She deserved a good man, and she found one in him. Except all of that got interrupted by what you both found in each other.  
You couldn’t put the brakes on it; you just had to go and fall so deeply and hopelessly in love with him. You couldn’t help it, a perpetual moth to his flame, whether he intended to pull you near or not. She used to love it when he told her you were his favourite of her friends, adored that you and he got along so well. It burns through your chest as you stand there and realise it, how the threads that should have connected him and her were the ones that wove between you and he, invisible little spiders spinning silk; both of you the prey that ended up caught in the webs.  
You leave your drink and phone abandoned in the kitchen, going through to the bathroom and stripping your clothes, stepping into the shower to wash the day from your skin. You’re careful not to wet your clean hair, but remain there with the water pouring over you for long enough to feel human again, or as close to it as possible. It keeps stinging at you, but also making excitement swell in your belly, the fact he’s single.  
A hornet with butterfly wings. It jabs just as much as it flutters within. 
After drying off, you forgo underwear, dressing in simple, comfortable trousers and a vest top, returning to your drink and your phone. You don’t really know what to do, your normal routine disturbed by such a bombshell, knowing you should be thinking about dinner, but not able to even face a single bite of whatever you’d likely prepare. So, you simply stand and sip, idly scrolling your phone, until a soft knock upon your door rouses you from it.  
You don’t even need to open it to know who is on the other side, but when you do, your heart still feels as if somebody loaded it into a catapult all the same. There he is, and the sight of him steals your voice like a thief in the dead of night, stepping aside to let him in, standing dumbly as you close the door and turn to him.  
“It’s over,” he breathes quietly, pressing his lips together before sighing. He hated hurting her, you can read it all over his face. 
You nod, looking down for a second. “I know. She told me.” 
He reaches for you, a hand cupped softly against your cheek, thumb stroking, leaning to you. His forehead rests to yours for a moment before his arms snake around you, pulling you close. You press your face against his neck, his scent flooding your nose, the smell of him, leather and whatever shampoo that scents the long curtain of black hair that tickles your cheek. God, to have him close. Your heart flutters madly to feel his warmth there beneath the black and oxblood leather jacket, lean muscles pressed tight against you. 
Everything that has been rapidly disassembling within you is pieced back together by having him near, brick by brick as you feel his hands stroke your back, his lips pressing a kiss against your head. Heartstrings mend themselves, the feeling of guilt ebbing away. It never feels wrong when he holds you, and now he can without guilt, you’re not quite sure how you’ll let go. Perhaps now, you don’t have to.  
“I want to hate myself a little, but I can’t,” he finally speaks, your hand moving to stroke the side of his neck. His pulse is hammering more rapidly than the blast beats he so flawlessly executes when he’s sat behind a drumkit. “Hate that I hurt her, but I can’t hate what that brings. If I did, then that means what I feel about you is wrong, and it isn’t.”  
“What did you tell her?” you ask, emerging to look at him, resting your hands against his chest.  
He swallows hard, a frown denting between his eyebrows. “That I couldn’t be with her any longer, that it wasn’t fair on her. I said that I’d loved her once, but that I was in love with you. Big difference, loving someone and being in love with them.”  
To hear him speak it, currents of bliss thrum through you, his hands resting either side of your face as he leans to you, and finally, finally, without regret or second thought, you fall into the kiss that’s been months in the coming. He kisses you exactly how you imagined he would, the way you fantasised, the way she detailed. His kisses made her legs turn to jelly, she once shared with you, and now it is you feeling quivery as your tongues swirl, being lifted until you’re clutched on around him as he carries you up the stairs.  
He walks you to your bedroom like he knows the path of old, yet he’s only ever been here once before. He seats you on the bed, his jacket hitting the floor with a loud clunk, your fingers unbuttoning his black shirt as you gaze up at him. It’s strange, to see him here, in your own little sanctuary, the place you have only ever imagined he would one day be present within. How you have dreamed about it, though, the removal of clothes you now enact in the present, the reality of his body revealed to you, naked flesh pressing together as he climbs atop you.  
The want within you winds like a summer tempest, the evening sun streaming in, gilding you both as you kiss with an outpouring of bottled-up affection, the cork now popped, your desire flowing free. Your hands cannot begin to sate their hunger in touching him, stroking over his skin, clasping his muscles, running through the silky midnight of his hair as you pant against his mouth. At last, he’s yours. All yours. 
He pulls from your mouth, thumb dragging a soft stroke over your lower lip, desire and love swirling potently in his stare as you gaze up at him, nails softly stroking his neck. “I can’t believe you’re here. It’s real, it’s happening.” He smiles and kisses you again, all requited longing, those kisses intensifying at you whisper your love and clutch him to you, the want of the moment swiftly derailing the tenderness as you paw at one another wildly.  
You’ve ached for it, this moment, to feel his weight upon you as he kisses you with blinding, mindless need. Your arousal spirals, breathing laboured, palms clammy, keening for him so much you can barely lie still. He finally pulls his lips from yours, eyes burning with hazel fire, pupils bleeding black before they close, and his mouth begins to plant kisses over the paths his hands take. 
You sigh in bliss at the tantalising caresses at your neck, trailing over your chest before suddenly, he descends, shifting between your legs and wasting no time in delighting your aching folds with a long, slow lick. 
“He’s so good at going down on me I almost passed out, the first time he did it!” 
Her words, but god, now you know the reality of that statement as you lie with your mouth dropped open, hands fisting the covers either side of your head, chest jolting as the feeling of him sucking on your clit knocks the breath from your lungs. Oh... ohhhhh.  
You practically wrap your legs around his neck as his mouth begins to work at you, bliss filled moans leaving your throat as he parts your thighs again, stroking them as his tongue works your apex without reserve. He licks you incessantly and hungrily, your nails trailing his scalp as your squirm against the inquisitions of his mouth. 
You taste sweetly intoxicating to him, your warm dew bathing his eager tongue as he eats you fervently. Your desire spirals, heat flickering through your groin, rising up your spine as delicious tingles flow through you, his tongue circling your clit until it stands hard. 
Your firm little bud is then sucked on by his hungry mouth, his hands moving to squeeze your breasts as you writhe against him, everything winding tight as you cry out. Moving up your body, he slides into your wetness with a faint, satisfied moan, your arms and legs wrapping around him as you kiss one another with scorching heat. Finally... finally.  
The coil of pleasure twisting through your core is intensified by the feel of his cock cutting through your wetness, spearing you deeply, your body keening as he drives into you with force. His hardness claims you entirely, hips rocking into each of his thrusts, hooking your arms under your legs and drawing them up a little, allowing him to sink into you deeper. 
He feels thick and hot within your fluttering core, your cunt tingling for him as he begins to fuck you with merciless delivery, pounding your wet centre, dragging heat from you. All that is hurried and urgent then abates as he slows down, a slight rotation of his hips shifting his weight a little further, bearing down, his cock dragging heavy against your walls, sparks igniting. 
He coaxes a string of expletives from you, your cunt clenching around him furiously, bathing his cock in your wetness as he thrusts so deeply and precisely into you, rendering you a hollering wreck as glimmers surge through your body. He pours pleasure into you, igniting you to your bones, the pace becoming uncontained once more. 
He makes you feel he’s about to go through you with the voracity of each thrust, your body lighting up gradually until suddenly, the light completely illuminates you, white hot and charging, striking each nerve ending and reducing you to a quivering wreck, Kjetil showing no signs of ceasing. 
The pace slows so he can enjoy the beauty of your cunt flexing around him, wet heat contracting against his girth, his hand moving between your legs to rub at your clit with his thumb while speeding back up again a little. 
The sensations are intensity unmatched, his cock stroking your insides so deftly while his thumb causes waves of warmth to emanate, making you so dizzy and high on pleasure, you’re soaring with the constellations. You didn’t think sex could be this intense… not up until now, with him at last. 
His hips smack against your body, pounding you with primal need once more, your moans disturbing the still silence of the late summer evening, only fettered slightly when he holds your throat gently, fingers flexing at your neck as he stares at you, winking and leaning to assail your mouth with his. 
Your body is pulsing once more, the ebb and flow of sexual energy now relentlessly flowing, a hum of utter erotic divinity between you both doing nothing but gaining momentum as you both groan helplessly. The bed begins to furiously bang against the wall as the pursuit of divinity is zealously undertaken, both of you chasing your releases with illimitable determination, until you shatter at the same time.  
His body settles to yours as you both fight for breath, stroking one another, your mouth tilting into a happy smile as you feel him nuzzle your neck.  
“Finally,” he pants, kissing you just beneath your jaw, “I’m exactly where I always should have been.” 
He isn’t wrong, and neither is what you have with him. Not now he’s yours. As he always should have been. 
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bardocks-tiddies · 8 months
Bingo made by @sepiamestus
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Going into excruciating detail under the cut because i love bardock so much i am so autistic for this man
I like them in theory. I mean duh?? Goku’s dad? Rad as fuck
Squashing him like a bug (/affection). I mean, yeah. Would he let me? No ofc not. But idc
He doesn’t get enough canon focus. He really doesn’t. He got a little screen time in Xenoverse 2 and Super, but they’ve changed his personality so much, and I don’t think Xenoverse 2 counts as ‘canon’.
LEAVE THEM ALONEEEE. How many times have we watched him die to Frieza? In movies and games and stuff? Leave him alone.
No one understands him but me and my circle of mutuals. His personality has been horrible morphed by FUNimation, and then Toriyama himself in Super
Banger design. His blood-soaked headband? Rad af. No I’m not including Super.
Doesn’t get enough fanon focus. He gets some fanon focus, but so many people write him as a tragic hero/loving father and it makes me cry every time. He’s canonically a terrible fucking father.
Like them better as part of a dynamic. I love his dynamic with Team Bardock (Fasha/Celipa, Pumbukin/Shugesh, Tora/Toma, and Toteppo/Borgos). I may not like his changes in Super, but I do love his relationship with Gine.
I know what you are. I interpreted this as “Character is Not Straight™️” and Z Bardock is certainly not straight.
I need them to be weirder. I need Saiyans in general to be weirder.
Transing their gender as we speak. I don’t think Saiyans really have the same gender social construct that Earth does, and I of course love a good trans HC, but I genuinely dont think it really works for Saiyans? If anyone else has any trans Saiyan HCs I won’t judge ofc, but I personally don’t.
Free space! The blorbo himself <3
I hate them (I think about them constantly). I do ofc think about him constantly, but I would never say I hate him.
They gave me new mental problems. Tragic hero Super Bardock (as opposed to Z Bardock) has certainly given me mental problems. Like from DBS: Broly. He gave absolutely everything and his priority being his two kids? All for Goku to just forget who he is? Genuinely some of Toriyama’s best writing.
I need them to be less weird. No.
I like them but everyone is weird about them. I don’t think so? I don’t interact with a lot of DBZ spaces tho.
I cri
I miss my wife, Tails
Hate all their popular ships. I think the only “popular” ships are Bardock x Gine (which I adore) and Bardock x Toma (which I’m also absolutely on board with).
I don’t get the hype. There isn’t ENOUGH hype tbh.
Autism beam. He’s the most autistic bitch except maybe Goku, which makes sense since autism is genetic, we just know where Goku gets it from. Although I’d also make the argument that Gine is autistic, too.
Who was I before you… I mean I have dissociative amnesia so I thought it fits lol
I NEED them to be happy. After all the remakes of the destruction of Planet Vegeta, he deserves a rest.
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eyelessfaces · 1 year
OK SO I was listening to Chappel Roan and the song “casual” came on and holy shit… I’m having ideas like-
“My friends call me a loser cause I’m still hanging around” like you and Llewyn run in different circles and when your friends realize you’re hooking up with this homeless folk singer who clearly doesn’t care all that much for you they have some obvious concerns but you’re just so deep into it that you can’t get out, even though you know Llewyn doesn’t treat you the best or think of you as anything besides a quick fuck and a couch to sleep on
“You said ‘we’re not together’ so now when we kiss I have anger issues” like you’re putting so much time and effort into him, making sure he feels safe and comfortable with you and he’s just an asshole and you know he’s using you but you can’t help how much you care for him and how much you’re attracted to him and you just can’t stop even though you know it’ll only end badly
“Knee deep in the passenger seat and you’re eating me out, is it casual now?” like you can’t help but think about it every time you’re together, how adamant he is that this isn’t anything real but he’s in your bed more often than not even if he’s gone before you wake up or makes his way back to you couch afterwards and obviously y’all are getting it on any place any time because you have no self control and you feel awful afterwards but you just can’t stop
“And I try to be the chill girl that holds her tongue and gives you space” like you know what he needs and maybe you’re younger than him and you’re desperately trying to be like those cool older girls but you’re just not because you care too much to be so nonchalant all the time and you genuinely want him to be happy even if that means he’s not with you
“I fucked you in the bathroom when we went to dinner, your parents at the table, you wonder why I’m bitter” like maybe you go out with him somewhere and run into his friends and you can tell he’s obviously a little embarrassed that you’re meeting them because you’re so different and you’re younger but when he drags you from the table it’s to the bathroom and you hate how eager you are
“I hate that I let this drag on so long, now I hate myself” like eventually you cut it off and realize that as much as you care for him he doesn’t care about you so you distance yourself and you feel awful for weeks and weeks but eventually your life gets better and you find a good person who treats you well and introduces you to his friends and isn’t embarrassed to hold your hand in public and maybe one night you run into Llewyn and he sees you with this new guy and his regret is obvious but you’re not even going to entertain that idea because you know you deserve better
Anyway, I love pain and I love making my blorbos suffer (and like as much as I love and adore my sad little kitten man we all know he’s lowkey a bitch lmao but I still love him) and the whole entire song fits but I just wanted to highlight some of my fav lyrics and also otherwise this would be so long and it’s already long bahahaha
no because what hurts the most about this is that HE WOULD. HE ABSOLUTELY WOULD.
realistically if I existed in the inside llewyn davis universe I would be his victim lmfao I'm 100% sure about that
funfact I listened to the song before reading your whole ask and I knew this would hurt but NOT THAT MUCH you somehow managed to make this worse. 😭this broke me why would you do this to me I didn't expect THIS kind of angst when you dmed me .
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literaryspinster · 11 months
10 fandoms, 10 characters
Thank you @mariejordans and @neshatriumphs for tagging me! I’ll hop on any chance to give my faves some love
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Titans Kory: The absolute love of my life, mother to many, hero to all, the kindest, toughest, hottest, funniest, baddest bitch in the galaxy. The second I laid eyes on her I knew I would throw hands for her any day of the week.
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Arcane Ekko: I don’t talk about this sweet kid nearly enough (I’m always way too busy simping for Mel, lol). He’s such a badass, but what’s more, he uplifts and cares for the people who need it the most. Ekko for president!
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Stranger Things Lucas: My son. I loved him from the jump but when he showed up for Halloween in a Venkman costume and stunted on Mike I knew he deserved the whole world and more. I want only the best things for him.
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Gen V Marie: Her style, her kind heart, her awesome, gross powers, she’s so elite. She could be a villain and absolutely thrive at it, but she chooses goodness. I know I just met her but I’m already a fan for life.
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Glee Mercedes: the show never fucking appreciated her, but I did. The most talented, the kindest friend, and way more than the sassy Black girl in my opinion, even if that’s all the show wanted her to be at times.
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Flanaverse (is that what it’s called?) Dani: I can’t believe I haven’t talked about Dani here. But I adore her. She’s unbelievably complex, competent and brave. She deserved a happy ending dammit 😭
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The Flash Iris: Of course I must talk about Iris, she’s the reason I came back to this hellsite after Sleepy Hollow blew up in my face. The Flash did her dirty countless times but I never stopped rooting for the best and prettiest reporter in Central City.
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The Leftovers Nora: I love Nora so freaking much, unequivocally wounded and fucked up but always striving to grasp the last bits of normalcy available to her (in admittedly not always the healthiest ways) she may seem like an unstable powder keg but she’s way stronger than she ever gave herself credit for.
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Bojack Horseman Todd: this hilarious goober is the most important and notable ace rep to hit the airwaves, but through his confusing and sometimes heartbreaking journey he never stopped being just a little guy.
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Being Human Aidan: I did not like him at first, I was all about Josh and Sally and found Aidan comparatively boring, but man did this fucking dude grow on me. We’ve all seen the repentant vampire before but he was such a unique brand of failking slash lowkey dork about it that I couldn’t help falling in love with him.
tagging: @tarotofbadkitties @ambelle @stefanotis @graysonfamfan2021 @anakinskywalkerisfave and anyone else who wants to play.
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