#i WILL start giffing all the parallels i've been meaning to for more than a month now even if it kills me
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warningsine · 2 months ago
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ehh-is-the-name · 5 months ago
Watching ii-17 right before bed was a mistake
So gang I'm crying.
You know the drill, bad spoilers under the cut.
Im gonna try to go in order..? Maybe I don't know. I'm so serious when I say I've lost the will to live. They pulled the plug and it's all gone. Show's over.
I'll try to relight my inner flame and have more energy as I go through the ep piece by piece, but please understand I am literally crying while I write all this.
Starting strong
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Knife just doing what we wish we could </3
This is gonna be Cobs and Mephone centric- ok. You already know I'm a Meeple head and this actually is gonna torment me forever and ever and things are never going to be ok ever again, I can't belive this is actually the end guys I'm spiralling hel-
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Did I ever say how much I hate this cob of corn?
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I don't even have the energy to explain the parallels here, if you've been watching you get it. You know how this corn shucker is. The "Don't talk to them like that" being a response 'cause that's how he's always been talked down to.... the generational abuse did stop at this ep I guess. Not how we wanted tho.
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Actually heartbreaking- like that whole thing. I'm glad he got out of the closet and tried to help but... I'm so sorry y'all all I see is the grass field with him sitting in it and I can;t stop thinking about it. He can't go back. He can't- It's supposed to get better for him. things are supposed ot be ok. they were all supposed to be fine I don't know why it's like this I cna't belive this is how it's ending. I know there might be more but also the possibility there;s not is overwhelming I don't i cant-
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I got into convo with a friend over this, but think about it. Cobs is literally known as their oppressor, and "the phenomes" is "what he always calls them", even though they so clearly go by the shimmers, and he DEFINITELY knows that by now.
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Same friend I was arguing with was telling me that:
The word “phenom” means something/someone with a really talented skill. Perhaps this slur means something like real useful tool or something
Which, if their name to Cobs is specifically about being a tool of his then... idk man. Sounds kinda derogatory to me! Though I think anything this cob of corn says sounds derogatory to me. I keep trying to not just be a cob hater, but guys I think I'm a little justified in blind hatred now. I mean come on-
He litterally does this, and then practically begs Mephone to scream and cry and explode and-
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Like is that not evil behaviour? Is that not behaviour justifying this reaction?
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When I say this show makes me crazy- AOUGHGh.
On a different note before I get into the ending. I was telling this friend that like... just look at this frame
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Like he actually looks insane. Like think about it y'all. Years poured into this and he's laughing to himself as he tries to make two "fake" people fight to the death. His glasses are broken, he's up on some abraham lincoln ass booth watching this all go down with a crazed smile. This man has gone inanimate insane. Inanimate insanity has made this man insane.
I would also like to say before I get into the next part, I have such a visceral reaction to this because mephone is was my hope (cringe and sad I know), but quite literally me but with mephone himself
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He gave me hope for a future but I fucking guess not </3
The fear in Mephone's eyes as Cobs just so plainly says to come along, like everything wasn't just shattered.
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I've seen people say it's like a kid being told to pack it up and start heading home, but it's more than that. God. Please tell me you see it's more than that. This guy ran away from a terrible situation, tried to cope with the trauma (not in a healthy way but still tried) and his abuser's bringing him right back home.
Just... Just look at him in the gif, that's not just "some kid being sad" there's more to that. This whole interaction solidifies the fact there's nowhere safe for him. Even in the world he made, nothing- Nothing could stop his abuser from reaching him. He couldn't run far enough, he couldn't hide well enough. He just has to accept his fate. He has to go "home", even though his was destroyed.
I don't know how to stay hopeful after this episode, but I'll try to stay alive just for the chance of an act 3 or epilogue or something. It's 4 am as I type this. I started this ep at 12:30 am. This show has proved to be the reigning champion of my mental spiralling. I beg this phone can leave but.... you know how it is-
and ironically enough the ad that I got on this episode...
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Closing thoughts: Can't believe Adam, Justin, and Brian are fake, and homophobic for killing off most of the bright light polycule. I mean, that's just classic bury your gays trope right there and smh. Thought they'd do better. Gonna go fall off a waterfall Airy-style since we just can't help having hfjone parallels now. Night, everyone.
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jesuis-assez · 2 months ago
Which holiday or special event would you most like to see celebrated on an episode of The Rookie, and how do you imagine Chenford would celebrate it?
Here we go:
Their wedding (special event)
New Years Eve
Wedding - They did an episode [their 100th] for Nolan and Bailey surrounding this They eluded to and dare I say foreshadowed the possibility of this happening for Tim and Lucy. So it'd be really amazing for that to transpire.
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I crossed out that last part in the second gif, 'cause I don't even want to entertain that thought. There is no IF about it. Otherwise, I'm happy to live in delulu land and pretend it happens… in my head.
Since they clearly did see a future there, while together. Enough to talk about kids, grandchildren etc. It stopped being even a question, after they started dating each other. So, I mean?? They were that certain.
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Also there's that theme of them dancing at weddings. From Tim saying to Rachel "I don't do weddings." -> to dancing with Lucy at every wedding he's been to thereafter, with the added exception of him asking her to save him a dance. And then flash- forward dancing with her at their own wedding. Can you see the vision? 🤣
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Perhaps they could do something special with Lucy's moon ring. It already holds such a sentimental value for both of them. I wonder if Lucy thinks of it as their ring rather than just hers? Considering the events of Day of Death.
Perhaps Tim proposes to her with a new ring, but it's the same moonstone. He has it remade for her. I think that be something special. OR.. she loses it? And Tim is the one that finds it AGAIN and brings it back to her. Only this time he proposes to her with it? During that proposal, he mentions how this ring led him to her once and he can't imagine spending the rest of his life without her (a little parallel to his speech in 6x10)
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MAYBE they have Angela help him with the proposal and he does it at the station, where they first met. He proposes in the briefing room, IN THE SAME ROOM HE FIRST SAW HER, ON THE SAME DAY HE MET HER. That's romantic AF 🤣 and we know he is that with her whether he's intending to be or not.
[ I would write all of this in a fic or something, but I'm not sure if anyone would want to read it 🤣 My one motivation would be to emotionally destroy you all... affectionately ofc :) But also.. I don't think I have the emotional capacity needed to even attempt to plan and write a whole a** fic right now. ]
I'd imagine they'd celebrate their wedding with something that's more them (as most couples do anyway) Do I know what that looks like? No. If I were to write it, would I know by then? Yes. But, for right now.. I have spent a long time on this question, as I do with all asks. *slowly nods* Besides, I talk a lot of shit about writing for them, but I've never done it. So, it'd be nice to finally write a piece 😂
Birthday - I don't think Tim cares for his birthday. (But either Tim or Lucy, preferably Lucy... This time It'll be a much happier birthday. Instead of all that *erm* chaos that occurred. Y'know, like Mad dog jumping off a roof and everything horrible after. Like, fuck... 😦 VERY unhappy birthday 🤣
Tim makes Lucy breakfast in bed 🤪But first he lets her sleep in for a little bit. (We know he does this for her) They each have thoughtful ways of being there for the other. Sweet gestures they do for each other.
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And then he'll wake her softly with a forehead kiss (because I need another one) Or she'd wake to the smell of pancakes and she'll find either a single rose resting on an envelope or a bouquet of Lucy's favourite flowers waiting for her.
I really think he'd go all out for her. Like... a whole day's worth. He'd take a 'personal day'. As for his birthday gift to her? Goodness... He's really good at gifting, as we know. After all, he took notes from her 🤭 He really notices.
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He really listens and pays attention to her, he's that in tuned with her. And THAT in love with her. He wouldn't fuss over his own birthday, but if it's Lucy's? He's going to make it special for her.
I have an idea of what he would say in the birthday card, something on the lines of:
" If I could give you one gift, it would be for you to see yourself through my eyes. You are the most beautiful, extraordinary, kind-hearted, strong person I have met. I am so grateful for your presence in my life and to know you. I know without a doubt in mind, that you will achieve anything in your path. And I will be there with you every step of the way, as I always have and always will. With every smile, word and touch, you are the best thing that came into my life. I love you with all my heart and that love only grows stronger in your presence. Happy birthday, sweetheart. "
I don't know. Something like that. Hopefully they'd be in a much better place than where they were at in 6x08, that he can sign off the card with his name.
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I think Lucy would like for Tim to also see himself through her eyes, as well 🤔Tim believes in Lucy more than she believes in herself and despite how low Tim may think of himself, Lucy mutually thinks the world of him.
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New Years Eve - Oooh... What about a parallel to them sitting on her couch? Like when they first kissed in her apartment, only they're sitting down instead? They talk about how far they've come and they bring up their undercover mission, how they had to pretend to be a couple. They talk about what they would love to happen in the new year. Then they toast to new beginnings, possible advancement in Lucy's career etc.
Thaaankk yoouuuuu for this ask. I ♥ it. I spent a whole hour typing it out + more time happily making gifs to support by babbling 🤣😉
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rahleeyah · 2 years ago
I laughed when you said you regret reading the opinions on Twitter. I did too. I was wondering if we all watched the same show. So many people saying we got no EO. Like huh? Yes SVU was about Amanda but the EO was there.
Mirror Effect. Olivia was watching Amanda deal with PTSD. She wasn’t only seeing things from an ‘I’ve been through that too’ point of view. But she also saw how it was affecting Carisi and her kids. Amanda wasn’t taking therapy seriously and her actions was scaring the people in her life who love her. You can’t convince me that she wasn’t seeing Elliot in Amanda’s behavior.
And the being alone and learning to love yourself line that has people upset. That wasn’t just about her. That was about Elliot too. And Olivia saying that doesn’t mean the writers won’t flip things and have them move a bit faster. We just don’t know.
Then on OC. The show has often taken their titles from movies. Catch Me If You Can. A movie about a man who is always on the run. Taking on different personalities. That has been Elliot since Kathy was killed. In the bar, he saw the news story about the death of the cop with a wife and 5 kids. It hit too close to home. He looked in the mirror and finally saw Elliot Stabler. (Mirror Effect!) With so much pent up negative emotions, he did what he does when he can’t deal. He uses his fist. Hopefully this will lead to him going to therapy.
I feel like we are going to get EO but it’s not always going to be so in our face. We may get it in a more subtle ways until they can put Chris and Mariska together. This weeks episodes felt like progress to me. David is doing a great job working with the OC writers. People just need to be patient. The season just started! Lol
i've been thinking about this a lot, bc it's been three episodes, and i have seen people say they're disappointed in the lack of eo, when i've been living bc it already feels like so much more than what we were getting in the non-crossover episodes last season.
and the thing is, i wrote a post about this and then deleted it but i'm gonna say it here - it does feel like we're watching different shows, bc we are. everybody is going to bring different expectations and different backgrounds to the show, and those different perspectives will result in wildly different interpretations. a line i think is a positive for eo is seen as a negative by others; which one of us is right? ultimately, i think it doesn't matter. i don't think capital R Right is something we can be. i may disagree with people, but isn't a lot of this subjective? to paraphrase the dude, it's just, like, my opinion, man. so i do try to pull myself back. i'm don't manage it every time bc i'm not perfect but i do try to just. live and let live.
NOW that being said you raised some really interesting points about the epis i wanna talk about lmao
i find it really interesting bc i was so focused on the ways amanda's behavior reminded me of olivia - down to the scene of carisi disarming her at home just like cassidy had to do, to the point where i had to gif it - that i didn't make the connection between amanda's behavior and elliot's until you mentioned it. and what's really interesting to me about this is that both of those things are true - that you can draw a parallel between amanda and liv and amanda and elliot - and bc a=b and b=c, a also equals c. i wrote a lot right after elliot came back about the parallels between his ptsd and olivia's. and there's no way olivia hasn't noticed that connection, both to elliot and amanda. so it's a connective thread that's really fun to spin around in my head like a marble.
i wrote a post about the learning to love yourself line so i won't rehash my thoughts but - yes. exactly. AND we have no idea how fast the writers are planning to move things. we are getting episode four this week like this baby is just getting started we have such a long way to go and 2/3 of this shit isn't even filmed yet lmao
AND anon your mind!!! the mirror effect/elliot seeing his face in the mirror, what a connection! i am honeslty super excited about this season bc the shows are actually being written as if they exist in the same universe for once! the svu ME turning up on oc! nods to eo on both svu and oc! benson and stabler both getting mini mes to train! it feels so cohesive and that is so exciting to me.
i absolutely think we are getting progress. and subtle is how l&o has ALWAYS done relationships. no one knows when liv and tucker officially got together. liv fucked cassidy in the s13 finale/s14 opener and it was such a tease, we only saw her naked in a bed with two wine glasses on the table and someone in the shower, only got a little tiny nod from cassidy to reveal that something was going on. kurt moss appears out of thin air and vanishes just as quickly. a possible romantic something with bayard ellis was teased but never outright explained. this is not a show that hands us things. we have to pick apart the nuances. and the nuances say eo is full steam ahead, so i'm not mad at it.
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anasticep · 4 years ago
Why Julie and the Phantoms is a masterpiece of a show. Part 1 of 3
· NOTE: if somehow you happen to like my gifs, please, feel free to use them. But, please, don’t crop or change.
· NOTE 2: This meta has been flourishing in my mind for quite a long time, but it was @catty-words meta on Perfect Harmony that inspired me to actually put it all on paper
· NOTE 3: I planned two parts of this, but ended up with far more gifs than a post allows. I dunno. Not sure if anyone will actually be interested in this rumbling. Probably it won’t even be a new and outstanding thinking. I’ll see how it goes.
What sets a good show apart? I’ll tell you exactly this: the pilot and the finale.
Whether it’s a season finale or a grand finale, it doesn’t matter for a scenario. People tend to forget the middle, that’s why all we remember about LOST is this weird full of dead people church that simply left the fans heartbroken. But frankly speaking, LOST ended so much better then most modern shows. And honestly I get why it’s so hard to keep track on things after 6 years and such a long row of characters. That’s why making a season in one take is so much better, when writers do not depend on what the fans think or like or ship. They simply do their job.
Do I need to say that our brain clearly remembers everything we throw at it? We think we forget, but that’s not quite true. That’s also the reason how we distinguish what we like and dislike – we remember all the small things and foreshadowing. Also that’s why we keep re-watching the shows we love: we simply acknowledge what our brain already knows. We simply find that thread that links everything together.
And they can be simple things. But first on what made this script a masterpiece for me: first and last scenes in the studio (+some things from 0102 band circle scene of 0109).
1. The Studio Intro
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In 0101 Julie hesitates to go in the garage. She was reluctant to go in the first place. It signifies everything she’s lost: mother, music, voice. She inhales deeply, steadying herself. She can do this.
In 0109 it’s quite the opposite. She wanted to go there even though she knew the guys had already crossed over. Now this place signifies everything she gained back and more: music, voice, friends and, of course, a way back to her mother. She did it.
And this is a perfect visual explanation of the line “It’s not what you lost, it’s what you gain raising your voice to the rain”
2. The Band Intro
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Can you see it the way I see it? It’s not a coincidence, it’s been done on purpose. Julie is mortified both times but for completely different reasons. In 0101 she is scared OF them. In 0109 she is scared FOR them. It’s so heartbreakingly beautiful it even hurts.
3. Personal space
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In 0101 Julie and Luke are both scared of each other. See that extra step she did to push him away? Or the way he acts as if Julie is really a witch that could curse him? And who needs any personal space in 0109? These scenes show their journey in the best way possible.
4. You have to leave
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In 0101 after accepting the fact that she was sane enough and these three ghosts really existed Julie is simply annoyed. She orders them to leave. She doesn’t what them to exist in her life. She has no time to deal with these dead cute boys. She wants them gone.
In 0109 after acknowledging that their plan has failed she also wants them gone. She orders them to leave again. But she wants to save them and for now that’s the only way she can think of. It’s better than not existing at all, even if it means not existing in her life.
And just look at the directing. The shots are almost twins! Julie mimics the scene from 0101 almost entirely, although it hits on a different level. I don't exactly know why it makes me so excited, probably I'm just very tired of mediocre scripts.
5. Maybe she’s a witch
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I’m sure she is at least to some extent. It’s such a wonderful foreshadowing. I hope in season 2 we'll find out more but I think the perception on this in "Feels like I’ve opened my eyes again" by @pink-flame is very close if not almost entirely accurate to what I thought about season 2 and all this magic thing. Such a masterpiece of a fanfiction btw, I wish I found the show sooner and was reading it chapter by chapter. One of the best things I've read so far in any fandom.
6. Attached to our souls & 7. She's warming up to us
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Do I need to say much? That’s the magic Julie has: her love for these boys. They are attached to her soul.
8. We had nowhere else to go
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To think about it, they didn’t need Julie’s permission to stay in the first place. Like… How on earth would she even get rid of them? But that’s what defined these friendship from the start. They asked for permission in 0101 and in 0109 Luke’s words are almost apologetic that they ended up in her garage again.
9. I'm sorry we came into your life
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Again, look at how both episodes have been shot. 0101 they stand apart, not knowing anything about each other yet. They both are not very comfortable with the whole situation and Luke voices what Julie might be thinking: why me? In 0109 Julie answers her past self that it was a blessing and a miracle. They are the closest they've ever got to be and the most sincere.
10. I have space for only one more gif and I'm simply fond of this parallel. We need a Witch!Julie AU)))))
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Due to the pics limit I have to stop here. But there is so much more to say. So stay tuned to see Parts two and three if you liked this one. God, I hope you did
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bluewinnerangel · 4 years ago
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This is about One Direction.
Of course. Soooo I guess I just made a masterpost of times not saying things showed up in their lyrics. Not just 1D, but all of their solo work as well. It's a lot. I don't know if it's really uncalled for or super called for, you know to post this now, on (close to) their 11 year anniversary and all that, but it's been in my drafts for a while and it seems to be wtf are they, all this band does is lie central today so I'm just gonna release it. Here you have it. I'm sorry.
It’s loooaaaads of Zayn (but I mean he has the most lyrics too) but they’re all at it a bunch. If you're into song parallels / reoccurring themes / patterns as much as I am this is going to be gold, if not then its just a whole bunch of ~lines from songs and more songs~.
Anyway what pushed me to do this in general is how well it highlights they were and remain silent. On what exactly I can't tell you and that's the whole point, they apparently can't either. Here’s a fun gif while we cry over having way too many questions:
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Times not saying stuff (or not listening/being heard, having secrets, truth/lying etc: lack of honest communication) showed up in their music below the cut:
Just be aware that loads of these are definitely taken out of context, and while for some it's just really funny that I list them here between more serious lines, for others it's not very fair, but for most I think the context actually doesn't matter that much as the theme / vibe and choices of wording things in music actually matter more than whatever concept of what a song is about its written into. So it's about the persistent theme here, whatever the context it's written into, and yaknow even if half of them can be explained away there's still the other half. (also i might have missed a lot but look at how much this is already) Anyway:
One Direction (don’t mind me ignoring the first 2 albums):
Midnight Memories
Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain - Story Of My Life
I know nothing's making sense, For tonight let's just pretend - Midnight Memories
Why is it so hard to say it? - Strong
So many words we're not saying - Strong
One day you'll come into my world and say it all - Something Great
One day you'll say these words, I've thought but never said - Something Great
The script was written and I could not change a thing, I want to rip it all to shreds and start again - Something Great
But you, you don't tell the truth - Little White Lies
And your eyes keep saying things - Little White Lies
I don't know how else to sum it up, 'Cause words ain't good enough, There's no way I can explain your love - Better Than Words
I whispered something in her ear that I just can't repeat - Alive
Some say, "She's such a fake", That her love is made up - Girl Almighty
Spaces between us hold all our secrets, Leaving us speechless - Spaces
And you say, It's hard to keep a secret, Girl - Change Your Ticket
You're the truth I can explain, you're the only one I see, it's not an illusion to me - Illusion
Made in the A.M.
And if you like having secret little rendezvous, if you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do - Perfect
All I ever wanted was the truth - Infinity
All I know at the end of the day, is you want what you want and you say what you say - End of the Day
I think I might give up everything, just ask me to, pay attention, I hope that you listen - If I Could Fly
In her eyes there's no lies, no lies, there's no question, she's not in a disguise - What A Feeling
Unexplainable, a love that only we could understand - Love You Goodbye
'Cause the truth is out, I realize that without you here life is just a lie - History
Saw your body language and I know how you're feeling, You look like the kind of girl that's tired of speaking - Temporary Fix
All my favourite conversations, always made in the A.M. Cause we don't know what we're saying, we're just swimming round in our glasses, and talking out of our asses - A.M.
Make a little conversation, so long I've been waiting, to let go of myself and feel alive - Home
All the smiles that I'm faking/Maybe I was lying when I told you "Everything is great, Everything is fucking great" - Miss You
It's not over 'til it's all been said - Just Hold On
But you only get half of the story - Just Like You
I'm just like you, If you only knew - Just Like You
Things we'd never say to someone else out loud, - We Made It
This is everything I've waited for, Now we can finally have a conversation, That I wish we could've had before - Too Young
And no amount of words will ever be enough - Walls
I took some time 'cause I ran out of energy of playing someone I heard I'm supposed to be - Habit
Tell me the truth, Tell me do you still remember feeling young, Strong enough to get it wrong, In front of all these people - Fearless
You know as well as I, it's all lies - Fearless
We're sleeping on our problems like we'll solve them in our dreams - Defenceless
Tryna find what to say to you, Been up all night, All night, running all my lines, But it's only the truth, Been up all night, Not sure how to say this right, Got so much to lose - Defenceless
But you don't have a thing to prove - Defenceless
tall stories on the page - Only The Brave
Nothing is original, there's nothing left to say, You won't be the first or be the last to bleed, Every broken heart as far as your eye can see, It's a copy of a copy of a copy - COAC
We don't talk about it, It's something we don't do - Meet Me In The Hallway
We don't talk enough, we should open up, before it's all too much, will we ever learn? We've been here before, it's just what we know - Sign of the Times
Tongue-tied like we've never known, Telling those stories we already told, 'Cause we don't say what we really mean - Two Ghosts
I always think about you and how we don't speak enough - Sweet Creature
Tell me something, tell me something, You don't know nothing, just pretend you do, Tell me something just before you go, Oh, tell me something I don't already know - ESNY
I told you, but I know you never listen, I hope you can see, the shape that I'm in - Woman
We haven't spoke since you went away, Comfortable silence is so overrated - From The Dining Table
You don't have to say you love me, You don't have to say nothing, You don't have to say you're mine, Honey - Adore You
Would you believe it? - Adore You
What do you mean? - Lights Up (THIS IS A JOKE ORRR ISSS ITTT)
Forget what I said, It's not what I meant, And I can't take it back, I can't unpack the baggage you left, What am I now? - Falling
And it kills me 'cause I know we've run out of things we can say - Falling
What if I'm someone you won't talk about? - Falling
He takes a boat out, Imagines just sailing away, And not telling his mates, He wouldn't know what to say - She
While he plays pretend, So pretend - She
I was just tongue-tied / I’m still tongue-tied - Sunflower, Vol 6
You gotta see it to believe it - Canyon Moon
Quick pause in conversation - Canyon Moon
Pretends not to know the words - Canyon Moon
I don't need all the answers - TPWK
I don't know what I'd tell you if you asked me for the truth - Anna
I don't ever tell you how I really feel, 'Cause I can't find the words to say what I mean, And nothing's ever easy, That's what they say - Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart
This by the way also demonstrates why I don’t think Harry&Louis have problems with miscommunication within their relationship but rather to the public, because:
And I want to tell you everything, the words I never got to say the first time around - This Town
Over and over the only truth, Everything comes back to you - This Town
And if you get lost in the light, It's OK. I can see in the dark, all your thoughts running through your head, the things you think better left unsaid - Since We’re alone
And I tell you things you've never heard before, asking questions to the ceiling - Flicker
Just the entire song Fire Away
She closed the door, She hides behind the face nobody knows, She feels her skin touch the floor, She wants to fight, But her eyes are tired, nobody's on her side, She wants to feel like she did before, She looks into her mirror, Wishing someone could hear her, so loud - Mirrors she is harry fight me
'Cause the last time that we talked seems like forever, and ever, feels like you don't even know me, just me and the stars can get lonely - Dear Patience
Can you see that I'm anxious? Can you hear what I'm saying? - Dear Patience
If I pour my heart out, can you keep a promise? - Dear Patience
'Cause the situation is like a mountain that's been weighing on my conscience, if I'm being honest - Dear Patience
I'm not saying that you're lying but you're leaving out the truth and I'm not saying that you're guilty 'cause I don't have any proof, feeling like I'm going crazy and I don't know what to do ‘cause on paper you don't break them but it hurts so bad the way you bend the rules - Bend The Rules
Just say nothing, small talk only gets in the way - Small Talk (LOL ORRR ISSS ITTT)
If we're not gonna do this honestly baby won't ya give me back what you took apart when I was on my knees in the darkness, you'd be there to break my fall, But now I'm lying here so helpless - Arms Of A Stranger
You don't have to change when I'm around you so go ahead and say what's on your mind. When you're with me, no judgement, you can get that from anyone else - No Judgement 
we don't have to prove nothing - No Judgement
I'll keep your secrets safe till the time we both find ourselves alone again - No Judgement
I want to let all my defenses down, scream until you hear me out, I'll lay it on the line for you, my mind's made up - San Francisco
So tell me you want it, a thousand miles away from the day that we started, but I'm standing here with you just tryna be honest, If honesty means telling you the truth - Still
and I can’t tell you why because my brain can’t equate it, tell me your lies because I just can’t face it - It’s You
I won't cover my scars, I'll let 'em bleed so my silence won't be mistaken for peace - It’s You
So say what you wanna say, what you wanna, so say what you wanna say, what you gotta say, now, so say what you wanna say, what you want - BeFoUr
No strings for you to pull on, you've got your tongue in your cheek, so pardon if I don't speak - BeFoUr
'Cause I have no time to help you find all the words, melodies and memories, stories that sound absurd, I will tell no lies - rEaR vIeW
don't think because you're with me this is real - wRoNg
They don't know what I know, how long I've had to hold, you're like a commotion, all because of me, so take it off, let's break down all of our walls, right now, I wanna see it all, I don't wanna cool off, so let's cross the lines we lost. You were right on the border, No falling in, don't need no proof, Beautiful insanity, You're like a movie, change the scene, taste your sweet profanity - BoRdErSz (again this just looks like a sexy sexy thing OOORRRR ISSS ITTT)
The entirety of tRuTh but:
Don't know how many times, I've had to say this to you -  tRuTh
I won't point any fingers, I won't say it was you, I let life take its time, And in time you see the truth, I won't ask any questions, I won't say it was you, I'll let life take its time, And in time you see the truth, See the truth [8x] -  tRuTh
And in time you’ll see the truth. -  tRuTh
sit and talk shit all night, Does that make it right for smoke - lUcOzAdE
And the only solution is making shit confusing - lUcOzAdE
No lies in my eyes, nothing but truth will leave my mouth, I'm tryna fucking scream but the words won't come out, I'm, tryna fuckin' scream but the words won't come out - lUcOzAdE
Hey, what's up? It's been a while, Talking 'bout it's not my style - LIKE I WOULD (Also LIKE I WOULD I feel like in its entirety is like hey waddup my 1D bitches we still not talkinig huh but aflkjdslakfj)
What if I changed my mind? What if I said it's over? I've been flying so long, Can't remember what it was like to be sober, What if I lost my lives? What if I said game over? What if I forget my lines, And I lose all my composure? - Back To Life
I guess we all got a story, oh, Just tellin' mine, Change the scenario - Imprint
The entirety of Talk To Me, but:
The way that you say, The things that you do, I've been through, All of the games, All of the ways, That you've been fooled - Talk To Me
Talk to me, talk to me, yeah, oh, Talk to me, talk to me, Talk to me, talk to me, Talk to me, talk to me, Talk to me, TAAALLKKKTOTOOHHHMEEEHH sorry
Say your piece, The words that come out, Out of your mouth, I wanna hear - Talk To Me
We ain't keepin' no secrets - Talk To Me
Whispers in the background, Behind closed doors - There You Are
I don't mind, you can tell me your lies, I don't mind - I Don’t Mind
Street lamps lit like they're tryna teach us, I've seen this scene before, real life, The nature wrote the score, my lines - Good Guy
Cause I'm the one, the one, the one that you wish you knew - You Wish You Knew
Do you hear yourself when you speak? Do you see yourself desperately talkin' shit? Tryna act like you mad, I don't know you like that - You Wish You Knew
Aaand the entirety of Scripted again
I don't wanna say what's scripted - Scripted
When you lied to my face I could see the truth, Every step of the way I knew, How you fool me, boo - Entertainer
I watch you, I laugh away, fake it too - Entertainer
No one's playing no games, 'Cause that's basic, I'm being straight up, I know a fake love when I see it anyway - Entertainer
Cause now the whole damn world will know, That we're too numb and just too dumb to change the story, Neither one, one of us wants to say we're sorry - Good Years
hold the pain deep inside, It's in my eyes - Good Years
I think I need some fresh air, Feelin' under pressure, Don't wanna talk about it, Don't even get me started - Fresh Air
The truth won't break my heart, No, don't you worry, I already know oh oh, Too many bones inside your closet, You thought you buried deep, But they never let me get a minute of peace, How do you sleep? - Rainberry
Lost in the moment with no words to speak, I can't find no peace - Insomnia
Like I know I can't take it back, No there's nothing I can say, Must be an addiction, I wanted it all, didn't expect it to fall, Must be an affliction, I wanted to call, but I didn't call, Now it's keeping me up night and day, Keeping me up night and day - Too Much
When the room becomes a game we play, When lines they seem to turn to snakes, I guess I'll turn you back, Say white lies to your face, You know I love my place, Nothing I can say, Nothing I can say (nothing I can say) - Too Much
[Video interlude:] [Cop:] Your life in the daytime is over. There's eyes on you everywhere. You know that, right? I'm watching you. My crew's watching you. You know your little homies? They pissed off. They mad at you, bro. Your name is mud on the streets. Oh, I know who you are. [Zayn:] You don't know me. - Dusk Till Dawn
We were shut like a jacket - Dusk Till Dawn
You play your role and I play the same - Still Got Time
Zayn’s got a fking album called Nobody Is Listening
Really just Calamity as a whole again, but ok:
I prefer speaking in analogies - Calamity
Nobody, nobody is listening to me, Nobody, nobody is listening, Nobody, nobody is listening to me, Nobody, nobody is listening to me - Calamity
In too deep, we're rearranged, Now you wanna ask for names, We can't let this fruit go bad, Saying things we can't take back, In too deep, we're rearranged, Say you feel the same, Why? - Better
I know I'm always in my head, Some things, they must be said - Outside
Won't tell no lies, no lies to you - Vibez
It's like a force we can't explain - Connexion
So tired of fake friends, And fake love, you know, No time for no lie - Unfuckwitable
Forget whatever you been told - Unfuckwitable
Tightrope sounds like he’s ready to tell all, just the whole thing again.
Answers that will lie inside myself, What will I leave behind me? Where will I choose to go? To tell the truth, I'm tired of falling, When I'm floating I'm closer to you, We can't control all the outcomes, Let go of the reins, ride the rhythm, Doubled my vision, ain't fairly new to this feeling, Searchin' for meaning, still don't believe it, Stopped at the ceiling, all these years - River Road
This is only and all just Say It All basically one of the few songs he wrote and release is a wholeass song decidated to the point here:
Say what you want, say what you want
Now that just leaves you all of this shit, all of the bliss, tell me something real
Walls going up like we strangers, took me forever to say this
Baby, we should say it all, say it all, There's beauty in these broken walls, broken walls, Holding back is criminal, criminal
One of us should make the call, make the call
Baby, we should say it all, say it all
Sometime's it's bad
Baby, I know that you nervous
Sick and tired
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sickofthistoxicshit · 3 years ago
Finally got to watch the new 911 episode,
Before I start dissecting all my thoughts and creating gifs and finding parallels,
There are four things that captured me in this episode,
1. HENREN!!! 🤩❤️🥳 Where there are Hen and Karen, I'm there!! I love these two ladies!! They are my favorite established couple in this show, second only to bathena.
I loved every second of them! It has been so long since we got more than a glimpse of them, in a storyline concerning them as a couple and not just their trials as parents.
Don't get me wrong, I love Denny, and I absolutely adored Nia, and Toni is my favorite Grammy of all times, but we haven't gotten a storyline concerning just Henren being Henren since s1.
I am grateful for this episode! Thank you henren gods 🙏😉😍❤️
2. Eddie and May! I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is the friendship I didn't know I needed!
Such a lovely side effect of Eddie leaving the 118 for a while.
I think May for Eddie was like a life raft inside dispatch, that little piece of normalcy on an unfamiliar and at times unwelcoming place.
And over time, Eddie became a sort of older brother/sounding board to May.
I'm here for all of it!!
This episode's interaction was so sweet, May being unsure of the path before her and her choices, and Eddie showing that therapy does in fact does its job, he's not all the way there yet, but he's got pearls of wisdom now that he can pass on to May to try and help her where he himself is stuck.
Them trying to find their way together, is so sweet.
I want more!!🤗🤗
3. That scene with the mother and the girls, I was sobbing!! 😭😭😭 I needed to pause and calm down before I finished the watch. I'm still tearing up thinking about it.
I have seen so many parallels in this scene, but the thought that stood out the most was brought by Buck's question, how will they tell the girls?
And Chimney saying that this is not something a stranger should do, it's a job for their father.
I was thinking about Buck going to Christopher and having to tell him about Eddie.
And Buck leaving the dark room at the scene , shoulders bent forward, his whole being look sad and pained, I thought how he's maybe itching to call Eddie, just to check in, and maybe, probably, stop by after their shift to see his partner and Christopher(son).
I would have been less than surprised if we got Buck's name popping up on Eddie’s screen later on while Eddie’s at work and Buck back at the station.
The real kick to the feels though, was how when it was required of him, the heavy feeling of knowing their mom is dead and not being able to show his own grief, Buck climbs into the truck with his face shifted into a warm and welcoming smile.
For the litte girls. Sadly the oldest already understood why the sirens weren't on, and that just broke me.
Because being the oldest in my family, I can say from experience, that the oldest always knows, there is no luxury of ignorant bliss, and I really just wanted to hug that poor girl. 😭😭😭😭
4. Last but not in the least, least, 😂
Buckley siblings to the win!!💖💖💖 I mean, I missed them so much!! That sibling love is like freaking oxygen, it's so sweet, and sincere and loving.
Maddie did indeed do an amazing job with Buck and she will be amazing with Jee-Yun.
Now... if only we can get her back to Chimney... 😉❤️
Overall, even though we had no Buck and Eddie interaction (I mean we got so many of it last couple of episodes, it felt like withdrawal at first), buddie was very present in this episode.
So many callbacks and parallels.
More mini metas to come,
Happy Tuesday my loves!! ❤️❤️❤️
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verobatto · 4 years ago
Almost there
We had Castiel's "I love you", and we will have Dean's "I Love You Too"
Destiel meta. 15x18 meta. Spoiler. Meta Spec.
Hello friends, are you still alive? I have so much to say my ears are burning and I have the hart in my throat.
I just want scream this with all of you...
Destiel parallels all over foreshadowing the lovers Separation.
Charlie and Stevie.
First of all, let's spot Stevie's wardrobe: YES, PINK (HAPPINESS) Because she was happy to be with Charlie and she meant Charlie's happiness.
Stevie vanished, foreshadowing Castiel's death, and the lovers separation.
We also had Charlie mourning her, dating she didn't want to try this LOVE THING again. But she did. This quote reminded me how Dean called love like the 'L word' for so many years, finally talking about it and naming it by it's name in episode 14x06 with Jack.
'Why her and not me?' Charlie lamenting her lover's death is the same image we got with Dean sobbing and crying in silence, sitting against the wall, with Castiel's handprint in his left shoulder, as a signal of their bond.
Eileen and Sam
Eileen and Sam were another Destiel mirror foreshadowing the lovers separation. Okay, it was dramatically written with all the messages and the screaming via texting, but, it showed us Sam mourning her, but trying to focus on the mission, not letting the hinges despair of loosing her to drag him down.
The big difference with Dean was settled in this reaction, even knowing Sam and Jack were taking care of the AU hunters, SAVING PEOPLE, FAMILY BUSINESS, Dean didn't answer his brother's phone call. He just couldn't, because the intensity of his pain in lopsing Castiel again was too much for him. He couldn't avoid it. He couldn't reject it. It was there. So he started to cry. Because nothing else mattered in that moment he lost Cas again.
I'll go with you
Castiel in his last crusade with Dean, as he always had done since he met the hunter. He went with him to hunt Death. It was a wink to Destiel shippers, because the weight of these quote had always been part of the Destiel's flag.
But there was a foreshadow for the love confession we also had in this same episode:
Billie saying: 'It have always been you' to Dean, putting the focus on our hunter, treating him of Death defy, rule breaker, human disorder incarnate. She also says: DON'T YOU THINK IS ABOUT TIME, DEAN?
When Death calls out Dean with all theses titles, is a implied description of Castiel rebellious angel. And is foreshadowing Castiel's love confession, because for Cas, his happiness has always been Dean.
'Is about time, Dean' and here comes a spec, as you all know, i extensively talked about how Dean will rescue Cas from the Empty, well, i think this quote could be related to it. Because when Dean will enter to the Void to save his angel, IT WILL BE TIME FOR HIM TO CONFESS HIS LOVE BACK TO CAS.
Something that caught my attention too, was Castiel saying 'I got you' to Jack and then to Dean, his two more important persons in his life. He was protecting them from harm. Gosh I want to cry... But not yet because I have to talk about the most important, revealing Destiel scene from all times.
This romantic I LOVE YOU is for you, Dean
First of all, i want to say something DEAN WILL RESCUE CAS FROM THE EMPTY, because he will, and i want you to keep that in mind (Loudly sobbing) so this wasn't the goodbye, okay?
Let's go on...
This love confession was beautiful, and Castiel made it clear he was talking about ROMANTIC LOVE, because the whole prelude in his wordings were perfectly clear. There's not doubt he was confessing his romantic love for Dean. He even mention THE ONLY THING I CAN'T HAVE is the thing that will make him happy.
Is canon he was asking himself what happiness could be!!! It means CAS THOUGHT ABOUT HOW COULD IT BE TO HAVE DEAN NOT JUST AS A FRIEND!!!!
He says too FROM THE MOMENT HE TOOK THAT BURDEN! FR THE MENT HE REACUED DEAN FROM HELL!!!!!! 'It has always been you', Dean!'
You think you don't deserve to be saved or loved, well CAS SAVED YOU, JUST LIKE NOW, AND HE LOVES YOU DEAN!!!
When Castiel says he understood HAPPINESS IS NOT ABOUT TO HAVE THINGS, BUT TO BE, TO FEEL IT, immediately after saying he couldn't have that thing (Dean) is marking to all the audience that knowing HE CAN'T HAVE DEAN, HE IS HAPPY JUST FEELING THAT LOVE FOR HIM. LOVONG HIM AS HE DOES IS WHAT MAKES CAS HAPPY, AND CONFESSING THAT LOVE TO DEAN, RELEASE HIM.
Death called back all the 'bad things' Dean did, which are THE GOOD THINGS CASTIEL MENTIONED ABOUT DEAN.
While naming Dean's sacrifices and protective behavior, and showing him HE DID IT FOR LOVE, Castiel is trying to make Dean to see himself as CAS sees him.
Love yourself, because you are precious, because I LOVE YOU. You are not a monster, you are all this good things I see on you.
And Castiel cried! I saw him cry, we saw him cry! Tears of love!
My gosh! if this isn't the most romantic dialogue I've ever seen in my life... I don't know what to do!
Okay, now, i have to put my friend's body language analysis:
@mrsaquaman187 wrote:
"His face when he says “I love you” he tilts his head and purses his lips and you can see him swallowing back words. He wants to say “that’s not fair. You can’t tell me that then die” but all he can get out is “don’t do this Cas”..."
Gif set credit @mugiwara-yeet 👇
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And OMG!!! Is a confirmation of what is about to come!!! Because Dean is in shock, he can't say the three words back, he just can't, because he doesn't want to lose him again. And that's why he remains against that wall after Cas is gone, because he is suffering for loosing the love of his life, but also because he couldn't say I LOVE YOU BACK TO HIM!!!! HE LOST HIS OPPORTUNITY!! BUT BUT! THE ULTIMATE 'I LOVE YOU' the meaningful, the one that will save Cas, will come soon. DEAN WILL SAID : I LOVE YOU TOO, to his angel, and it will be so important, that will mean Castiel's returning to his hunter. Damn. And we won't need more clown noses, because is gonna be real.
To Conclude:
I don't know what to conclude here more than ,people, we have been blessed, and also, i want my angel back.
I'm sure this is not his end, because there's a hunter there that needs to confess him his feelings and maybe, kiss him.
Thank you and good night, I need more alcohol.
Tagging @metafest @gneisscastiel @emblue-sparks @magnificent-winged-beast @weird-dorky-little-deana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @mybonsai1976 @anarchiana @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @destielshipper221b @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @feathered-castiel @bre95611 @zoerayne2426 @justmeand-myinsight @that-one-fandom-chick @proccastinate @studio-hatter @pepevons @poorreputation @mrsaquaman187 @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @dwstiel @thislunarkiss @ladygon @shippsblog @la-random-fangirl @lets-try-this-again-please @mychemicalobsession514 @destiel-shipper-11
@asphodelesauvage @2musiclover2
Buenos Aires November 5th 2020 11:54 PM
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confinedinthisflesh · 4 years ago
11x02 rewatch reactions by remmie
- literally could give two shits about carl this season
- franny waking up and knocking on everyone's doors for her birthday was me as a child (i am still wearing the tiara, how did i forget)
- "pwesents?" 🥰😭
- liam's dialogue confused me at first with the sandwiches because i was that kid with no money or lunch
- debbie projecting onto franny 😔
- SANDY 😚😚😚
- ah good morning bickering couple
- "oh no please idgas man i don't need your disgusting ass dick" are you sure about that?! last episode says otherwise???
- I FUCKING HATE TERMITE! it makes me uncomfy chuckle, i don't like it
- i still hate frank, and tommy, and just everything having to do with that view of things
- *literally stops paying attention anytime carl is on screen unconsciously*
- dad lip is amazing and so is freddie
- this entire mickey on the couch scene felt like mickey (except the riverdale thing, i yodeled) (THE ROBE)
- also i don't like being called out for talking back to the advertisements when they call me out
- *skips carl scene*
- this weed thing with frank is gonna be bad i can feel it
- the mask thing really pisses me off, put your mask on right or don't put them on at all, i swear to fuCK
- the lightsaber fight is what i dream to do later in life 😔
- this interview is painful, just pure pain
- the look over to ian hit me a bit, and then being kinda dumb by saying that shit took me out of it, mickey don't project that shit onto ian, you're gonna make him get fired
- the KICK
- i almost started dancing but then remembered to skip
- okay liam made me cry, he's straight up donating food, he would've helped me a lot as a kid, good on him, i want to see more of this, jw i swear to god if you fuck him up
- the minute i saw mickey's stupid fucking face i knew what was gonna happen
- "ding dongs for a ding dong" 😒 says the ding dong
- mickey that was kinda fucked up using him to close the door
- the fact they keep bringing up the termite thing, how come this is getting more attention than the monogamy joke
- i knew marsha might have been shady, doesn't mean i wanted it 😭
- i feel where debbie is coming from but also where tami/sandy are coming from 😔
- i've been in two bouncy castles in my life and i hated both experiences
- mickey no. ian don't turn around.
- the fact that mickey was able to do this, mickey was always a negotiator
- also a lot of the shit that's there doesn't ever really expire until you open it/use it??? so mickey made a good point???
- the laugh was awful, don't do that ever again i swear to GOD
- yeah ian some jobs do that, it's fucked up but it's true 🙃
- frank you sneaky bastard, also stop mentioning the termite thing please, we get it ya wanna be quirky 😜 but it's awful
- literally don't care about carl or arthur
- the franny party was so anti climatic 😭, i put on a tiara for this
- i still heavily enjoyed it though, thank you mickey for interrupting that god awful song
- uncle mickey is kinda the best uncle 🥰
- "go go uncle mickey!" 😭😭😭
- i love lip and tami, that's not important to this scene but i just wanted to say that
- sandy is a supportive girlfriend and i'm here for it 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 (gonna ignore the fucked up girl scouts joke they had at the end of last episode 😒)
- frank, you asshole but he kinda has a point about the partners thing
- ian doing his workouts! mickey relaxing! 🥰
- mickey for someone who doesn't care about sex, you seem to bring up sex a lot
- the fact that alexander hamilton probably touched that thing, really makes me gag
- the money toss thing kinda seemed fucked up to me and i didn't like it because reasons (this seems like an unpopular opinion)
- love lip and tami, like i said
and that's that!
the previews for next episode scared me but yellow hoodie time!
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espejonight28738 · 5 years ago
15×09 "The Trap" Meta
Warning: As always, Destiel and Saileen positive so don't like don't read.
OMG guys I can't even this episode was something else. Like, for real.
First of all, it looks like I was right about Eileen being part of Chuck's plan.
"I helping to Sam the Bunker. To Sam. To Romance." Thanks Chuck for proving me right, but if you could please not hurt my baby Eileen and Sam while you do it would be awesome ;-;
Now if only I could be in the right about the happy ending...
But whatever. Let's talk about the prayer first, because I could talk about it for hours. Everything was so wonderful.
First, when Dean looks he only have 29 minutes left to find Cas, you could see all the trauma resourfaced. You could see how he was imagining ending up without Cas again. Having to go back home (although he didn't seem to be going to the portal when right before he found Cas, but I have no certainty about it) and leave Cas behind, and he imagined himself reliving the guilt and the hallucinations and the hopelessness.
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[Gif by the amazing @agusvedder because I want you to look at him and tell me that ain't the look of a man who just imagined losing the love of his life again]
And, above all, Dean imagined having to live through it all knowing he never fixed their relationship. Rowena's words about not waiting until it was too late must have been ringing in his ears. And he knows that he needs Cas to know.
Purgatory's pureness gave him a new understanding of his emotions, and I'm not talking about the anger (it's obvious Dean already knew he had that problem), but the need for Cas.
"Cas, buddy, I need you." That same need, mixed with the possibility of losing Cas yet once again was enough for Dean to just break down in the middle of a land of abominations.
And the first thing he says. "I should've stopped you." Can you see how he is telling us we were right all along? Cas said "I left but you didn't stop me." And now Dean knows he could have.
If he had tried to talk, if he had asked Cas to stay, maybe he wouldn't have left. Dean put himself through that depression (the even heavier drinking, comfort food, the coldness) .
[And as an author note. How was that real? "You didn't stop me/I should've stop you" The Brontë sisters WISH they could write that levels of angsty romance.]
And, having Dean finally admitting to his very real anger issues gives me very high hopes for everything else. It's not like his problem will disappear, it does was kinda beaten into him, but having him admitting it is recognizing it as a standing problem between Dean and a Happy Future, so we can assume that will be another one of the problem they'll tackle in the rest of the season.
(Or maybe they'll forget about it. But s15 has been so good until now that I'm hoping they won't ignore it.)
And Dean calling Cas his best friends. Holy mother of God. I know I made several jokes about it, but it truly is so significant. Because words like "Family" and "Brother (and sister for Charlie)" are ones Dean had given other people. But Best Friend is only for Cas, it puts him in a special place in Dean's live no one else shares.
Maybe it's not exactly the place we want him to be in (yet), but the fact alone that they recognize once again how Dean and Cas' relationship is different to the one they have with anyone else.
So when did found Cas and said "Okay, Cas, I need to say something", I agree we wasn't about to repeat his prayer.
The Prayer (the fact that Dean got on his damn knees, for god's sake) was a moment of absolute vulnerability and emotion. Dean grew up in with a "no emotions" mentality tought to him by John, and so we seldom see him show this kind of raw vulnerability by choice. Considering that the Winchesters (as always, I include Jack and Cas in there) are an experts in 'I screw up and you got angry but then we had a bigger problem so we kinda left it behind us bc we are family and I love you anyway, or we just move on without never really discussing it' but not in actually apologizing, I would go as far as to say this was probably the most heartfelt apologize we've seen in the series.
I've watched the scene like a million times, and he just carries an attitude of doing something big. Like a big reveal, not like repiting himself.
Because he knew Cas heard him. The reason he said "I hope you can here me, that wherever you are, it's not too late" it's 'cause he was afraid Cas had died. That is was really too late. Once he saw Cas was alive? I don't think Dean doubted for a second Cas had heard him. He was hoing to say something else.
Cas clearly didn't want to take the risk of Dean telling him what he truly wanted to hear- what he had wanted for years. The risk of his deal with the Empty hovering behind hime. He couldn't be so selfish as allowing himself to hear it, just to abandon Dean right after.
Then Cas interrupted him.
Or abandoning Sam when he was at God's mercy, or leaving the World SavingTM to them. He couldn't. Dean doesn't even now about the deal.
I cannot tell you how much I loved it. Not in a "I want this to happen" way, of course not, but in what it means.
That's why Dabb said this episode wasn't the resolution. There's still much unsaid between them, if you believe there is an 'I love you' somewhere there. I think that's what has my hopes the highest. Because if they are only bff, then why didn't this solve everything? What is left hanging? I don't want to clown but it's literally the only thing that makes sense in my opinion.
And now, let's talk about the future Sam saw.
Sam and Dean don't need only each other to be happy, they need other people. That's basically what that future said.
"What's happened to you Dean? Ever since..."
"Ever since what? We lost pretty much everyone we ever cared about?"
[There is like a 2 second pause here that I feel very important andd significant. The separation between what 'everyone' and 'Cas']
"Ever since the Mark made Cas go crazy? Ever since I had to bury him in Ma'lak box? Ever since then? Yeah." [Jfc you can hear it pains him to say Cas' name]
"Bobby had a death wish and you know it. And Jody? Ever since what happened to Donna and the girls, she does too.
And after Eileen? So do you."
He's acknowledging everyone's breaking point. Jody's was Donna and the girls (we don't know exactly which one was the last straw, as we know that at least in Claire's case they died at different times). Sam's was Eileen. His was Cas.
And he is very clear in that. We can't know what happened first, but we know that Sam asks what happened to *him* and he says it was Cas going crazy. It was having to bury Cas alive what made him lose all hope. Because at least he can hope they ones dead can find pace, but Cas? Dean, and for how he said it he probably did it alone, had to bury Cas knowing he was going to be there for the rest of the time. Suffering alone. Dean knows how it's like to have the Mark.
That broke Dean. And having Sam wasn't enough to put him back together.
And after Eileen somehow died again, Sam just stop caring about living, he just care about taking down as many monsters as he can before he dies. 'Death wish' Dean called it. He would know about that, he is Dean "You wanna die" Winchester, after all.
Having Dean wasn't enough for Sam to want to keep on living.
"We lost, brother. We lost. I'm done."
They still have each other? Yes. Is that remotely enough? No. That's what the future told us. They need more than each other, they need other people.
But there was a little something else that made it even more beautiful.
"The Dean who raised me [...]"
Let's be clear about something, I think the show never gives enough recognition for having raised same pretty much by himself since he was 4 years. The situation was totally unfair to Dean and yet he never once took it out on Sam, he just look out for him, cooked for him, and make sure he could be as much of a child as the situation allowed, that is a lot more than Dean ever could. In his own words, he wasn't just a brother, he was also a father and a mother.
I just want to cry for thinking how hard that was for both brother. And Sam knows it, even if he doesn't always acknowledges. So the fact that he chose the words "the Dean that raised me" when "the Dean that I know", for example, would have conveyed the sentiment as well, is significant.
They wanted to remember how important they are for each other, how much they love each other. They don't dismiss that, they are making sure we remember that, at the same time they are telling us the alone aren't enough for a happy ending.
They are telling us what we need for a True Happy Ending.
Dean and Sam still being close brothers and loving each other, but allowing themselves to love and need other people.
Okay I'll go to the point.
You guys now I've been saying they are hinting at it since my meta of "The Rupture" but this ain't foreshadowing THEY ARE SCREAMING IT. Like I can't come up with a radically different interpretation.
So this episode only got my hopes for endgame Saileen and Destiel (the destiel maybe not at canon as the saileen, but heavily hinted at least) even higher. Specially for the parallel with Eileen having Dean's doubts ("I don't know what's real") and Sam making kinda answering the same ("We are"/"I know that was real"). Btw I'll be screaming because of that for the rest of my days.
[BONUS: Random questions I can't seem to answer.
Does the angels even know God's going bersek? I mean, Belphegor didn't know it was God the one who broke hell... but even Lilith's been brought back. Do they know Micheal's back? God I don't know.
Was that really a possible future? Or it does was like a Zacharaiah tactic? Why does Chuck's abscence makes monster go crazy? Wasn't the point that it didn't unblanaced the powers?
Story-wise, why ain't Cas in next episode?
Was that the last mention of Claire? An off-screen hypotetical death? Please someome let me see my girl again.]
Tagging: @metafest @verobatto-angelxhunter @agusvedder @legendary-destiel @that-one-fandom-chick @studio-hatter
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despiteherself · 6 years ago
I'm a multishipper, and I'm not sold on Tuffstrid yet. I've been asking around, and I've yet to find a shipper. then i stumbled upon you. so tell me, why should i ship Tuffstrid? or, why do YOU ship it?
fjhdgdjhfgdf tbh i wasn’t sure how to answer this bc this ask kind of comes across weird? like. 1. its weird to me that u specified it was hard to find a shipper when i am 85% of the tag (both tumblr and ao3 lol) ??? ive been here for like ???5??? years i don’t. surely just looking at the tag would have been easy to find me/someone (and then me bc .... all the tuffstrid shippers are my friends pretty much). 2. idk its odd to me that u want me to convince u or whatever, i mean you don’t need 2 ship it lmao. if u do that’s fantastic i love having more shippers around pls leave comments on my fics thank. and expanding that point: 3. also i have a tag (ive even put it in chronological order for u, altho it looks like posts r missing???) and i have definitely covered this stuff already. when i want to learn abt something new i just. consume people’s content and read fics and not ask ppl to justify their ships lol????? so yeah. noah fence cause i dont mean it but this definitely feels kinda off to me??? a little like you’re asking a leading question
BUT. u r asking me about my favourite topic so 
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i think maybe the first important thing to say is. i don’t like h*ccstrid. i don’t like it’s narrative, i don’t like the way astrid’s used as a plot device and this meta outside of the ships is important. fact: astrid was written as a love interest. fact: this is integral to how she’s treated and her change of characterisation. i don’t know what your thoughts of that is, but if you’re with like 97% of this fandom on it, then. maybe that’s what you’re having trouble with? i have many many many issues with the way astrid is treated in this franchise and foremost with any ship i have with her, she needs to stand up as a character on her own. 
(i feel this way about ALL characters. they should stand up on their own without a relationship. ESPECIALLY for women. their characterisation SHOULDN’T be revolving around a man, and ba ba, h*ccstrid fails cause it’s all about hiccup. the hiccup show.)
astrid’s character is built around what hiccup needs in the plot and that’s that. i don’t like that. i don’t like “oh also now she’s a supportive gf and jsut like. is incapable at all the stuff she was training for her whole life uwu” and ppl out here like. wow. that’s growth!! Nah man. that’s a manic pixie dream viking with the personality of soggy bread masquerading as my mean, steady, sure of herself gal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what i want: astrid to be a person outside of a relationship. i want flaws, and i want humanity and i want to start with something new and not fix something broken. 
the point IS and i am running out of steam bc i am exhausted and i have been for literal days and i need to go to bed!!!!!! but. in tuffstrid, these two get to be individual characters. themselves first, and then we get the relationship. 
I LVOE THIS CHARACTRERS SO MUCH AND I WANT THE M TO BE HAPPY AND LOOK.... THEY HAVE SO MUCH CHEMISTRY................................................................................ THEY ARE GOOD FITS OK 
astrid is steady, and sure of herself and kind of a major stick in the mud and tuff is a loveable goofball who slacks off, and astrid needs some of that crazy to let go and be fun and actually have that character growth and tuff needs rountine and structure. they balance each other out. 
thta’s it!!!! that’s my manifesto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
can u not imagine big buff jock astrid and her confused kindness and wonder at tuff’s witty, marshmallow self??????? my fics are my love letters to what i love about them as characters, and their relationship i think checking out my ao3 is better than my later night ramblings. i have a writing tag too. 
also i put that gif there bc there is literally nothing more romantic than the way astrid’s watching tuff balance that knife and her little breath, and fond expression. tuffstrid is little fond moments, all through the series!! they hang out really close once you look. i dont give a shit about forced down ur throat ships (NEVER spell out what i SHOULD ship if u want me to. develop the romance but NEVER tell me bc i hate that). i care about tiny moments, tiny things like the knife scene, and the fact they’re always standing together, and tuff looking at astrid to make dirty jokes, and them sharing tiny stuff! i care about astrid being so adamant that tufff is aware she doesn’t think he’s hideous in direct parallel to how that’s ALWAYS a romantic thing in movies with monsters. tuff calling her milady. tuff defending her. tuff knowing astrid so well he’s the one telling hiccup how to be deserving of astrid. they have so much chemistry it’s right there, and it’s so tantalising and exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ppl feel free to add on stuff u love abt tuffstrid im a mess 
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lonelier-version-of-you · 3 years ago
Would you have wanted the original Gaskell SL, if it hadn't been the bloated mess of bigoted sensationalist stuff it was, to deal with like. Everything? Like Henrik (and John's) sexuality, the abuse, however Jac fits into everything? Or just the first two? How do you like to think Henrik handles talking about All Of That with Russ?
Answering this in between making Dylan and Paula gifs, apologies if I'm not very coherent.
Obviously we all know I wanted Henrik's (and John's) sexuality dealt with upfront from the start. I mean, realistically it's probably better off that they didn't, because if they'd made Henrik explicitly bi sooner they would've been able to shove him into the 'bi cheater' stereotype they always end up using -_- But in my fantasy world where Holby aren't obsessed with bigotry, yeah, they really should have delved into that.
I actually think it would've been an interesting move, thinking about it, to confirm Henrik as bi during the Gaskell storyline... and still keep him closeted in-universe until Russ arrived. Play the long game with it. Show the audience he's bi, give us a Johnrik kiss or confirmation they slept together at uni or something, but keep the whole thing of him being shoved firmly back into the closet by John's betrayal (which in this universe would've just been about the unethical experiments. We didn't need the serial killer nonsense, and John would've been a far more interesting character if they just stuck to the idea of him genuinely wanting to do good with his work, but making the wrong decisions in the present just in the hope of eventually getting to his idea of some future "greater good").
Now that would have been something. I don't think I've ever really seen a soap do that, if a character is revealed as LGBTQ later on (rather than arriving already out like, say, Dom did) they usually come out or are outed within the same storyline. To subvert that could have been really fascinating.
I don't know if I would have wanted the abuse stuff addressed directly with Henrik in that particular storyline. Maybe if it had already been done by then in this fantasy universe (I'm still convinced it was planned in series 13/14 and then they backed out, either because Henrik's relationship with Sahira was meant to be integral to the storyline (but obviously in a different way than it was in the story we actually got...) and Laila Rouass quit sooner than they were expecting, or because they thought it was too much with Greg's CSA story also going on).
Otherwise I think I would've rather had it delved into more with John (seriously, we got one scene about his backstory in his literal second-to-last episode, we needed more), and possibly Jac. Keeping up the parallels between the three, but not quite getting into where Henrik fits into it all just yet. Then still doing the Henrik abuse reveal later on, but like, done RESPECTFULLY and canon-compliantly instead of whatever the fuck it was we actually got. But as I say, I don't really know. It's a good question.
They REALLY should have delved into how Jac fit into everything. They set up that whole triad of parallels between the three of them and then just never did anything with it and it was so weird??
As for how Henrik talks to Russ about it all... that's something I hope to get around to answering via fic eventually. Russ clearly knows what happened with John, and knows Henrik was in love with him, but I don't get the impression he learned about it via Henrik actually talking to him (they don't seem to have had much contact for a while before Russ turned up at Holby). More likely he read about John in the news, and remembered Henrik telling him about John before (I still can't decide whether I think Henrik admitted outright that he had feelings for John, in which case he would've probably been very drunk because I can't see a sober 1990s/2000s Henrik talking about that, or just talked about him in such a way that it was obvious to Russ that Henrik loved him).
So they haven't had an actual conversation about it all yet. And of course the conversation would be a lot harder for Henrik now that Jac's gone, given how involved she was in everything, given that she wasn't the first of John's former trial patients to develop cancer...
I kind of wonder if the first time they'd talk about it would be when Henrik's upset about Jac. That it would come from him mulling over whether Jac's death was his fault (read: whether there was any chance John's experiments could've caused Jac's tumour, which, from Henrik Unhealthy-Amount-Of-Guilt Hanssen's point of view, would mean it was all his fault).
Then there's the question of how they'd talk about the abuse stuff, which was obviously very tied up into everything with John. If their first proper conversation about John and what he did isn't because of Henrik's guilt about Jac, then chances are it'll be when Henrik tells Russ about the abuse. I don't know how that initial conversation would start, but I can see Henrik murmuring something about how John understood, and from there... yeah.
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shineyma · 3 years ago
I watched an interview segment where Daniela describes the day her water broke (during her first pregnancy I think) and Eric was out with his brother, so Daniella went over to Eric's house, and Eric's wife had to call Eric and ask him to buy Daniela some pads to avoid a big mess for the ride to the hospital maybe, and Eric asked, "Tampon pads?" Daniella's recount was hilarious.
I've written a whole lot beyond this point, do maybe a second ask is in order. That way you could ignore it (you really could), post only your reply or put it under a read more. It's more work for you but I still feel bad about the space that ask about Sam's family takes up on your blog. I did not think it through. (1/2)
lol, I appreciate the consideration, nonnie! Part two of your ask is under the cut. And lol to that interview quote!!
Kensi is back before the end of S05 turns out. I thought she gave birth in the spring, so I figured we had sevedal episodes to go with her on the special assignment. Then I read she gave birth in December, when things seemed to come to a head during the episode the team rescues her and it seemed just too soon. It's amazing that both she and the show's team managed to give Kensi as much screentime as they did. This Afghanistan storyline had me hooked actually. I was a bit sad that it was over as quickly. Despite the limitations and the fact that I love the team together, seeing Kensi star in a side story running parallel to the main plot, without the others stealing into it, was great. The story was fascinating, Kensi's dynamic with Granger and Sabatino was interesting to watch, the connection to her past a nice touch. Bonus points to the writers for not attempting a love triangle and for writing Jack becoming a Muslim and saying he found peace in it. I do also appreciate the few times immigrants they've interrogated have told them off about the U.S. 'intervention' in the Middle East and Callen, Sam or whoever it was just kept their mouth shut and you could see they did so because they couldn't deny those accusations. It's quite surprising and nice. Back to Kensi, I wish they'd taken a couple more episodes to give her Afghanistan storyline a slower closure. It seemed too rushed. I would have liked to see her more in action, trying to save Jack and herself, parallel to the team's rescue attempt. It could have at least been a two-parter. Still glad we got it at all.
One complaint I have is about Deeks. I don't know if I'm being dramatic here but I feel they've been mistreating him far too much. It's not so much about Kensi because they've developed their own kind of banter and Kensi shows him how much she cares. Although, remember right before Kensi left for Afghanistan, the day after the night we're supposed to assume they slept together, she was hostage to someone they were chasing and he was using her as a human shield, and Deeks didn't take the shot. Remember how she punched him? I'm still angry and bitter she did that, let alone that she didn't apologize, let even more alone that she acted as though what she did was right. I fully understand what the reasoning behind it all is or is supposed to be, but it was so wrong. And then, to circle back, I hate the way Callen and Sam have been treating Deeks since the moment he joined the team. It took Deeks withstanding torture and not giving up Michelle, torture that left him traumatized, for Sam to let up on the 'teasing'. I'm not even touching Callen, who actually tried to get Sam to stop being soft on Deeks 'just because of what Deeks did for Michelle and because he misses his partner who's gone on a dangerous special assignment'. Maybe I'm being dramatic but I really think the line on the teasing they give Deeks has been crossed a long time ago and I don't think they're ever going to show any remorse for it.
There was this show I got into when it was already on S14. One of the main characters that was there since S02 left and it wasn't the actor's choice. It was my favorite character out of the entire show. Anyway, I was binging S11 when the news broke. I finished it and that was it for me. They were my comfort character and I tried to watch the next two seasons they were still in but two episodes in, I stopped. I don't know why? Keeping new content of them for the future? Not wanting to watch about 40 hours more of them knowing they are the last ever and it sucks? It's been a few years since then and I haven't regretted it so far. It somehow feels right that I didn't reach the end of that character. And I've done it with other shows too. Once I got past my obsessive need to see shows and franchises through, quiting things became easy and a good tactic when something you loved decides to change the things you love most about it.
I'm sorry about Nell. It sucks. And hopefully the drama in your life is not too bad. I had some of it too, so my binging turned slow as molasses (is it even binging any more?) when it started off so well. And then the drama was capped with that very final, very irreversible bad thing that happens and the world just turns a little dimmer, the colors and just all of it a bit duller. Hence, also, my rudely late replies. Hopefully, your drama is at least a few or several steps away from that.
Oh, chef's kiss for Nell and Nallen in 5x05 ('cute girls with guns') and 5x14 or 5x15 (you know, with Nell fighting that guy in the boatshed's interrogation room and then Callen lowering her gently to the ground and brushing her hair back and all that Nallen goodness). I'd actually seen gifs of the second thing before but none had the fight and I hadn't paid attention to the episode number or even season, so I was very pleasantly surprised and miiiiight have replayed it a half dozen times. (2/2)
I also enjoyed what they did with Jack, although I feel like they never really resolve Hetty's part in things. Like....dick move, Hetty. Very dick move. And minor spoiler, but Sabatino returns, and while the entire team seems to hate him 5ever, I actually really like him lol. He's funny! And cute.
You are not alone in feeling that Deeks is mistreated by the guys, nonnie! There are whole communities of Deeks fans that hate it a LOT. I definitely feel like they cross the line sometimes....but conversely, I feel like Deeks crosses the line pretty often himself. I think in general the writers aren't great at judging when too much is enough, you know? But yeah, that doesn't stop anytime soon, I'm afraid.
Awwwww, I'm sorry you had that experience before with a show, nonnie! But yeah, sometimes quitting is the best thing you can do. It's better, I think, than continuing to drag it out and watching when you're not enjoying it anymore....then it's too easy to become bitter and then you can't even enjoy the earlier parts you used to love.
I'm also sorry you had drama followed by something worse! I hope things are getting better for you <3 For myself, things got very busy at work and then I was impacted by Hurricane Ida, which chased me out of state for two weeks while I waited for power and water to be restored to my apartment. I spent those two weeks living minutes from my mom and brother, which was nice but has had the impact that now I miss them a lot more than I did before.....like somehow I got used to living away from them and being close erased that adjustment? And now I'm not as good at it as I used to be. In fact, I'm actively hoping for my employer to have an opening there so I can transfer back. So I've been very emotional lately, on top of which the ongoing recovery from Ida meant more work for me at my job.
Whew, didn't mean to rant about that! Sorry.
And yessssssss, those are some of the BEST Nallen moments!!! I loooove him tenderly brushing her hair out of her face. That's probably my second favorite--or third favorite, there are two things coming that are tied for first favorite. So you've got that to look forward to!!
Sorry this took so long, nonnie! I hope life is going well this week! <3
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elizabethrobertajones · 7 years ago
S2g I can't belive antis are so butthurt over Destiel fans being right that they'll slide into Destiel posts and write hateful shit. Like I'm not even that big of an account and I've been gettiny anti-hate.
Tbh I never get hate on my posts or in my inbox, except for in extremely rare scenarios. I’ve been in fandom for years and never got more than like one anon per year, and one or two posts that went right out of my sphere of influence. 
If you’re actually interested in stopping them bothering you I’d take the immediate steps of blocking every single one of them currently reblogging your posts. Scroll their blogs and block everyone commenting on things in reblogs on their blogs for the first couple of pages. Anyone who piles onto one of those posts? Blocked. It’s not giving in or losing the argument even if they then make posts on their blogs saying they won. All they won was an Annoying Person Award and you were just getting some peace of mind, which doesn’t say anything whatsoever about how wrong or right your posts are, especially when they’re the aggressors.
Next step is to invest in either a neutral tagging system (I use “deeean” etc specifically to keep out of the dean winchester tag unless I’m signal boosting a fairly neutral gifset or post. Or like, nougat winchester, mary f winchester, for the characters I know I shouldn’t post about in open waters who I had a little extra time to decide how I should tag them) or if that’s too much hassle, to always do tag padding. If you’re making a Destiel post, you can use Destiel as one of the first 5 tags, but if that’s the only relevant thing to a wider audience (also the only tag I use which IS one of the wider fandom tags because I ONLY want Destiel-positive peeps to see my stuff so I don’t care about throwing that tag around), but you KNOW Sam or Dean fans might not all ship Destiel, so the only people who would 100% care to see it as a group are the Destiel fans, put some filler tags in between that you know are just junk, like #destiel #1 #2 #3 #4 #dean winchester #sam winchester #castiel, etc. 
I mean obviously if you’re posting just about Dean without any leading Destiel commentary you can tag him in full in one of the first 5 tags, but I am pretty sure your problem on that post at the top of your blog is because you didn’t tag it Destiel at all, commented on the Destiel parallel in the episode back to John, and then whacked a whole bunch of generic Supernatural tags on it in the first 5 tags.
I know the more hateful people whine a LOT about tagging but they get a really garbled bad impression of the fandom because they are shitty about curating their experience and leaving people alone when they see something they hate. But if you go out of your way to keep off their radar you won’t come across as “one of those fans” to them who is always posting Destiel in the main tags without anything for them to blacklist. Because while I deeply suspect they don’t ACTUALLY use blacklists since they still bitch about seeing stuff they COULD have blacklisted in the tags, if you can say “uh excuse me I tagged this Destiel, you should have been blacklisting it,” BOOM moral high ground
Like… I understand personal freedom and not wanting to give in to the haters or whatever sort of mentality is a thing, but it’s also no hassle, no sense whatsoever that there are hateful people in the fandom unless someone brings it to my attention, because I can post as much nonsense as I like and I get left alone because I’m not in the main tags except the ones I want to be in, and I am always making sure I’d have the moral high ground in an argument with snivelling internet people :P
The last time I got some weirdass hate it was because my post about Sam and the plastic reindeer having a staring competition got reblogged by canonspngifs, and they *even tagged it as ships for ts* which we all know is code for “need to tag this for the destiel haters because no one else gives a fuck what I reblog or gives me shit about it because they know this blog is just a library of neutral canon gifs” and so the hate blog went PAST that warning (hello, both me and Gifs being on the moral high ground to start with :P) and THEN reblogged it to bitch about how Destiel fans are the scum of the earth and shipping plastic reindeer bestiality now or something. But I mean my response to that could then be HOLY SHIT IT’S NOT THAT DEEP IT WAS A JOKE and block them, because I didn’t want to go any more rounds with someone who was making that strawman, but it was too funny to not show people what had just happened. And in every respect I’d done nothing wrong including that they didn’t even find the post through my blog.
(I really hope that “thinks the plastic reindeer is destiel proof” is something they strawman Destiel shippers with though. Please tell me if anyone ever sees them use that in an argument because I’d be delighted to know :P)
Anyway, I don’t see making some concessions to have a quiet life as letting them gain any ground, but I also don’t really measure how canon Destiel is or not based on how angry the people who hate it are :P I KNOW we’re right, so they’re infinitely uninteresting people to me.
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verobatto · 6 years ago
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. XXIII)
It was a love story from the very beginning.
When you're more than family
Hello my friends! How are you??? We have this chronicle and the next one, and we'll be officially finishing season 6!!!
I want to give thanks to my friend @agusvedder she made the gifs for this meta, thank you girl! 💕
Ok, I'm gonna talk here about an interesting parallel I saw between Rufus/Bobby and Dean/Cas, I consider this a huge proof to settle Destiel as a romantic relationship. I'll take episode 16, 18 and first part from 20.
But let's start for once! Enjoy!
Episode 16 as a foreshadow for Leviathan and Castiel's possession
Episode 6x16 "And then there were none" we had two specific situations foreshadowing what will happen by the end of this season.
I want to talk first about the foreshadow of the arrive of Leviathan inside Castiel's vessel.
Pay attention to this piece of dialogue...
BOBBY: So, we're talking about, like, a monster that gets in you?
DEAN: It's like a Khan worm on steroids.
SAM: You mean like a parasite, something that took over your body.
DEAN: Worm crawls in you, worm crawls out.
RUFUS: Monster possession? That's novel.
SAMUEL: Or that thing's still in you, and we can't trust a word that you're saying.
This was foreshadowing Castiel's Leviathan possession, a monster that gets in you, is clear here the parallel, and then Dean saying "worm crawls in you, worm crawls out" is what will happen with Cas at the beginning of season 7.
Episode 16 as a foreshadow of Dean and Cas break up
When Sam faces Samuel, there's an interesting quote there, that can be seen as a foreshadow too...
SAMUEL: Just because you're Dr. Jekyll at the moment doesn't mean you can get all high and mighty. Don't forget, we spent a year together.
SAM: Yeah, we did. We're blood. And you still sold me out.
Sam is claiming here to his grandfather, his family, because he betrayed them. Cas is family too, and they have been together for a large period too. So the betrayal will hurt deeply. But mostly to Dean.
Now, let's jump to the interesting conflict between Rufus and Bobby. There was something in their past, something huge that hurted Rufus and he couldn't forgive Bobby.
Read the following dialogue...
BOBBY: Yeah, s-shut up a minute. I'm trying to say something. It was my fault – Omaha.
RUFUS: No. No, it wasn't.
BOBBY: No, I should – I should have listened to you.
RUFUS Well, hey, that's categorical, Bobby.
Think about this, Bobby here is CAS mirror, and Rufus is Dean. Bobby/Cas is regretting something he did in the past that hurted badly to his best friend. And that quote... Is what Cas would feel at the beginning of season 7 when he will try to get Dean's forgiveness.
Okey.. let's continue...
BOBBY: I – l-let me just get this out.
RUFUS: Bobby, we've had this conversation already, okay?
BOBBY: No, we haven't. I never said I'm sorry, Rufus. I – you lost her because of me, and I—
RUFUS: Bobby, I said we've had this conversation already. And you could blabber all day...And it wouldn't change a thing, Bobby.
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I saw this and I was like... Of course, this is talking and yelling Destiel all over the place. This is a blantant foreshadow of Dean and Castiel fighting.
Castiel trying to convince Dean, and Dean too hurt to listen. Cas saying "I'm sorry" and Dean "This won't change nothing" , I know you remember this ... The next episode are so sad that my heart hurts.
Ok, but... The scandalous thing isn't this parallel... But Dean's own words...
Cas is more than family for Dean... That's why he won't forgive him
Ok... This was an enlightened discover here (sorry if someone else has seen this before, come and share your thoughts) but... When Dean listened what had happened between Rufus and Bobby, and when he knew Rufus has never forgiven Bobby.. this was what he said...
SAM: So, what happened?
BOBBY: It was Omaha. It was my fault. And he never let it go.
DEAN: Well, he should have.
BOBBY: You don't know what I did, Dean.
DEAN: Doesn't matter.
BOBBY: What do you mean, it doesn't—
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DEAN: (...)We're gonna spend it wringing our hands? Something's gonna get us eventually, and when my guts get ripped out, just so you two know, we're good. Blanket apology for all the crap that anybody's done all the way around.
SAM: Some of us pulled a lot of crap, Dean.
DEAN: Well, clean slate.
SAM: Okay.
Two things with theses words Sayed by Dean...
1) Dean thinks family and friends deserves forgiveness, no matter what they did. Ergo... If he thinks that, why he couldn't forgive Castiel's betrayal? Isn't Castiel family? His best friend? Like a brother? Why then he didn't forgave him? Simply, because for Dean CAS IS MORE THAN A FRIEND, AND MORE THAN FAMILY. This is just logic, my friends and a huge proof of what the writers want us to see, a big subtext of how Destiel was written romantically. In his own words we will hear him say too in 7x17 (Reading is fundamental) that what Cas did, he doesn't know why, but he couldn't forgive him. And he will say too, that never had happened to him before. You need more proofs?? Dean is in love with Cas. But he still doesn't admit it. (He will in season 8).
2) He says when his time comes... He wants to know everything is ok with his friends and family, so everything has to be forgiven. Ok... That would explain why when he was about to die in that mission to kill Dick in season 7, he forgives Cas.
Ok, now, following the same idea, we had this sweet snack, brought by my dearest friend Agus, I was screaming like a crazy lady when she told me this... Pay attention... In Dean's words too...
Episode 6x18 "Frontierland" Dean and Sam travel in time to track the Colt.
DEAN: I know where we can find one. March 5, 1861. Sunrise, Wyoming. We'll "Star Trek IV" this bitch.
Ok, Dean... Star Trek... Men on space... You'll be an astronaut or something like that...
Immediately after this... Dean prays to Cas...
DEAN We got a guy who can swing it. (Dean stands up, and prays) Castiel. The, uh, fate of the world is in the balance. So, come on down here. Come on, Cas, "I Dream of Jeannie" your ass down here pronto. Please.
(an angel appears in the vessel of a blonde woman)
DEAN: Jeannie?
Ok, not Cas, but... Wait a second... Why are you an astronaut and Cas is Jeannie? We all know what happened between them... Yeah... The fell in love with each other!!! *Screaming*
Then I died and Agus went for the dragon balls to resurrect me.
She will add something in the comments beacuse when she showed me that "thing" she found ... I died again. So. Agus, be responsible.
Now, just to give a closure to episode 6x16, another petit foreshadow...
Sam and Dean will lose his second dad
At the end of the episode, the boys are alone looking at Rufus's grave.
And then...
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Here a sad prelude of Bobby's death in season 7.
Dean's blind Faith in Cas
In episode 6x18, we had a curious situation, Jealous!Dean strikes again, when he prays to Cas but the one answering is his lieutenant.
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She is angry with the Winchesters brothers, because she thinks they call Cas just to use him for their capricious desires.
But in the middle of that discussion, Cas arrives.
The tone in Dean's voice and his facial expression is yelling jealous, that's not the point here now, but just wanted to mention it, because is our jam.
Fine, now... In this same episode we see Cas walking into the dark side, and we have this dialogue with his lieutenant...
RACHEL: Castiel, I've been hearing things. Things I don't want to believe. Just tell me if it's true.
CASTIEL: If what's true?
RACHEL: You know. Your dirty little secret.
CASTIEL: I have to defeat Raphael.
Cas is willing to anything to defeat Raphael.
RACHEL: Not this way, Castiel.
CASTIEL: Rachel.
RACHEL: We put our faith in you, and...look what you're turning into.
CASTIEL: I don't have a choice.
RACHEL: Then neither do I.
Rachel is disappointed with him, her leader is working with Crowley.
We see this scene, and immediately we are worry too about Cas behavior and future.
But the most hurtful and beautiful episode from the whole season was 6x20, The man who would be king, written by Edlund, this episode was an oasis for Castiel's fans. Here Cas talks directly with us, Edlund describes the character he created and explains why he's doing what he's doing.
I divided the episode in two parts, I will talk here about Dean's blind Faith, trust, in Cas... Is very heartbreaking watch him trying to believe in Case till the last second. Because CAS was more than family to him.
So, first of all... This scene...
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If you notice Dean's face. He's worry about Cas. He's worry because his brother and Bobby suspect about him, and he feels between CAS and them. He tries saying that to him. Because he still trust him, and he is sure if something is wrong, Cas will count on him. And the longing stare, so Destiel here. Cas is struggling with telling or not the truth, and Dean is expecting some answer. This is sad and angsty my friends...
But Dean isn't the only one feeling himself between two poles, Castiel is too. When he arrives with Crowley, the King of Hell makes him notice he knows about it...
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Crowley says this, knowing how it sounds. It sounds like a romantic thing. And he did it on purpose. So, Crowley is presenting Cas and Dean encounter inside the Impala as a romantic scenario.
Now... Let's go with Dean arriving to Bobby's house...
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Ugh, that. He still believes in Cas, he is giving himself excuses to kept his faith on him, the same happened when CAS leave him alone on Purgatory, or when the angel didn't scape from there, he invented in his mind excuses, because he loves Cas so much, he never would expect betrayal from him.
And Cas being there, hidden, listening to his friends, as if he was a spy.
And this quote here...
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This is sadness, because he's watching Dean trying so hard to be loyal to him, imagine the war Cas was having inside of him. He felt he was still the Winchesters's guardian, but at the same time, he had HIS MISSION, and nothing goes before CASTIEL'S MISSION.
If you're not crying so far... I have two more things Dean says because he loves and trusts in Castiel....
SAM: Yeah. So what now?
DEAN: We'd call Cas.
SAM: What?
DEAN: This is usually the point where we would call Cas for help.
BOBBY: We talked about this.
SAM: Yeah, Dean.
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DEAN: I mean, when there was no one...And we were stuck - and I mean really stuck - he broke ranks. He has gone to the mat cut and bleeding for us so many freakin' times. This is Cas! Don't we owe him the benefit of the doubt at least?
Yeah... Let's cry... Even with all the evidence, Dean believes in him. Cas is Sam and Bobby's friend, but for Dean, evidently, HE IS MORE THAN THAT.
So they prayed to him... But Cas was there... Listening hidden... And didn't come...
DEAN Castiel...Come on in.
CASTIEL But I didn't go to them...Because I knew they would have questions I couldn't answer...Because I was afraid.
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Edlund shows us the whole time Castiel's inner war... His feelings... His suffering.
And Dean... Dean still believes in him... Because here you have another invented excuse he gave himself...
To Conclude:
6x16 was full of foreshadows for Destiel fight, the arrival of the Leviathan inside Cas and Bobby's death. It also showed us what Dean thinks about forgive family or friends. Ergo, and because he couldn't forgive Cas, Cas was more than that to him.
6x18 gave us a romantic parallel with the astronaut Dean and Cas/Jeannie.
It shows too Cas in the dark side.
6x20 was a beautiful episode written by Edlund, showing us the intimacy of Castiel's thoughts. The POV is exquisite, and explains perfectly why Cas was doing what he was doing. Edlund defends his character, and writes a romantic and angsty chapter.
Dean believes in Case against all the evidences, just because he loves him. And Cas is more than family to him.
I hope you like this, see you in the next Chronicle!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @bre95611 @thewolfatmydoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @xsghn @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts
If you want to be tagged, just let me know.
Previous season 6 Chronicles:
Buenos Aires, August 7th 2019 10:05 PM
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geekns · 7 years ago
@thiswebsitenamesareweird If Kylo was trying to kill Rey in the second pic then she would be dead.
This gif is of the first time they met in TFA. She was completely at his mercy. This is where their arc began, not where it ends. I understand if you don't ship it. I'm not trying going to try to convert you if that's the case, but i'm going to elaborate, add some meta to this in case anyone is actually curious as to why i tagged this as reylo. 
I like my films to 'show not tell' but i also like to wax poetical at length about my fandoms. Feel free to close out if you're completely uninterested in learning a Reylos' view of the trailer and where the relationship is headed. To sum up:
Rey and Kylo are on a similar journey
Kylo wasn't trying to kill Rey in TFA
Kylo is already Rey's teacher
Why i like Rey and Kylo
Poe's interrogation vs Rey's
the Whys of Kylo's violent tantrums (and related personal experiences)
where i want Kylo’s character arc to go
I originally put these two gifs up together to emphasize the point the trailer was trying to make: there are numerous parallels between these two characters. In the trailer, Snoke is talking about Rey just as much as Kylo when he's reminiscing about "raw untamed power" and "something truly special." Meanwhile, Luke tells us these two characters are equals in the Force, which means that when Rey says she needs help it means that Kylo also needs help.
It goes without saying that Kylo could have easily killed Finn and Rey instantly in TFA. He didn't kill her in the woods when she was at his mercy (either time). He was toying with her for half of their duel. It wasn't until he offered to be her teacher and reminded her she could be using the Force that she kicked his ass (oops).  It goes without saying that you can fight someone in order to subdue them without intending to kill them and that Kylo got his ass handed to him as a result.
But back to the gifs. What the trailer was showing was that Rey learned the above lightsaber move and control from Kylo. (Maybe she hopes to use it on him when next they meet?) I’ll say it again, Kylo is already teaching Rey whether she likes it or not. The trailer also tells us that Rey always had the Force, but we know that Kylo unlocked it for her (or gave her the keys to unlock it for herself) when they tried to read each other's minds. To sum up, TPTB are getting us used to the idea of Kylo teaching Rey.
Very personally, i find Kylo's shows of power to be sexy. Force Freezing blaster bolts, control of a weapon that's overpowered and erratic, being able to bridal carry across rugged terrain in the midst of combat... But his quiet humor and discipline (even though he's currently following the wrong master) are equally sexy. I feel rather like Rey in that i can take care of myself but I'm very lonely. I don't "need" a man but i do want one. I have a weakness for that raw strength because i want to feel safe and protected. Kylo might not seem trustworthy yet, but i believe TLJ will build that trust between Kylo and Rey. Because it's okay to sometimes let yourself be cared for. Being capable of violence isn’t wrong, what you use that strength for is vitally important.
And this is something Kylo has missing from his life, not only no one to care for, but that no one cares for him (save Leia from afar, and Kylo doesn't feel that way about it). Snoke uses him and is far from a supportive, encouraging influence. 
I grew up feeling scared and worthless because a few individuals practiced domestic violence and emotional abuse around/towards me. I've worked hard to make sure i will never treat anyone in that way. So you would think that i would be the first person to denounce Kylo for his intimidation tactics or workplace violence. But i can’t and won't in this instance.
At no point was Kylo emotionally abusive towards Rey or throw a tantrum in her presence. It is not okay for him to be acting that way at work (in a modern context), but Snoke probably encourages that kind of behavior in him.  The Dark Side feeds off of dark emotions, right?
Let’s look at Poe's experience versus Rey's. Kylo didn't even deal with Poe until the conventional torture tactics used by underlings didn't work. He intimidated Poe by belittling him and tearing into his mind. He treated him as a prisoner with intel that needed to be extracted (as had been ordered by Snoke). It was not personal, it was all tactical. He had all the power and Poe had none. Whereas with Rey it was clearly personal. 
Kylo has apparently been searching for a girl already (i speculate that he has had visions of Rey). He personally made sure she made it to interrogation unharmed. He didn't let his underlings work her over painfully. He watched over her to keep her safe until she woke up. He went out of his way to seem less intimidating when she did wake up. He tried to soothe her hurts and sympathize with her rather than belittle her. He was positively gentle with her compared to Poe and treated her as an equal, someone with worth, someone he wanted to win over rather than discard.
Re: Kylo's anger issues. I am intimately familiar with domestic violence tantrums as a show of personal pride, strength through intimidation, etc. I've grown up seeing men break things in films because the character can't deal with an emotional trauma (because for some reason it's considered more manly for a guy to break stuff rather than cry *roll eyes*). I in no way endorse such behaviors. But i do find Kylo compelling in that he doesn't fall into either of these two categories. Kylo throws his tantrums because he's angry with himself for mistakes he's made (and possibly because he cannot deal with the emotional traumas that drove him to the Dark Side).
He didn't take a personal interest in Finn when he sensed his failure to shoot villagers. He let Hux' men try to fix the rogue Stormtrooper/missing droid situation rather than go off after them himself. He should have made sure they acquired BB-8 rather than be distracted by his personal interest in Rey. He hit his wounds repeatedly when killing Han weakened rather than strengthened his mastery of the Force. It looks like he'll break his helmet because he's too "weak" to kill Leia. He's unforgiving of himself because Snoke is unforgiving of any weakness, any Light. And the Supreme Leader is wise and all that conditioned reverence, right?
Some people like bad boys (regardless if they go good in the end). I am fully on board for seeing what caused Kylo to go to the Dark Side and seeing a redemption arc finding that "balance." I don’t need him to fully go to the Light Side. I need him to figure out how to get out from under Snoke's thumb and love himself. I hope he does that with Rey, but even if they remain platonic that's what I'm on board for.
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