#i KNEW he was gonna die that way but i’m so heartbroken
mangosrar · 8 months
call it what you want pt5
matt sturniolo x fem reader.
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“hurry up we’re gonna be late” matt yelled out the car window. watching as you stomped down your drive way towards the car.
you got in the passenger seat, slumping down and throwing your back in the back. matt glanced over at you as he started to drive away. he took note of the way your eyes looked a little darker and droopier than normal and your skin looked duller than usual.
“what’s up with you today? you look uglier than usual” he asked.
you just sighed, keeping your gaze fixed on the world going by out the window.
he glanced over at you again, waiting for you to bite back.
“damn, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed” he laughed
“not today matt i’m not in the mood” you muttered, still not looking at him.
you closed your eyes for a second, preparing yourself for the insult that never came. sure matt was a douche bag but he was nice enough to not push you too far, and he knew you well enough to know when to stop.
you really just wanted to crawl into a hole and die. today was the 4 month anniversary of tours and elijahs breakup. it had completely knocked you off of your feet and it wasn’t even 9am. you weren’t sure why it was affecting you this much, but part of you knew it was the fact that you missed him deeply, you missed the way he always used to kiss the top of your head, the way he smelt. but you didn’t miss the way he used to lie to you, the way he manipulated and embarrassed you, and that was the only thing stopping you from letting this dark, cold feeling swallow you whole.
“i’ll pick you up before the game tomorrow” matt spoke, breaking the silence.
“i told you i’m not going” you snapped back at him.
“you can’t be serious y/n, jess went to all of my games you have to go” he said, raising his voice slightly.
“well then how about you ask jess to watch you instead of me” he kept his eyes trained on the road as you replied, turning to look at him with a sharp face.
“trust me if i could i would” he muttered.
“poor matt, jess won’t be there to kiss your boo boos when you get your ass beat at the game” you said, faking sadness.
“what like you used to do for Elijah?” matt said so quietly it was almost a whisper. he knew he struck a nerve, and honestly, he felt fucking horrible for what he had said.
there was a brief pause, you just stared at him with widened eyes, desperately trying to pull yourself together. even the sound of his name rolling off of matts tongue made your heart ache a little. matts jaw clenched and his knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping the wheel, he didn’t even spare you a glance, keeping his eyes glued to the road ahead.
after a second of gawking at him, you swallowed and turned back around, once again staring out the window. you weren’t sure if it was the fact he was talking about elijah, or the fact that he knew what today was, that upset you more.
he knew and he still fucking said it, he knew how heartbroken you were when it ended, he knew what a terrible boyfriend he was to you, he knew just how bad Elijah claw marks were and he still said it.
and there wasn’t any way he could deny it, everyone saw how distraught you were when he left, even matt who hated your guts, had never mentioned anything about your ex boyfriend until this moment, so why was he doing it now?
the whole day had dragged. the second you arrived at school, you had leaped out of the car and headed as far away from matt as you could get. you couldn’t even stand the sight of him on a good day, let alone when he was throwing insults like that at you.
you had tried your very best to avoid seeing elijah all day, out of fear you might break down and start wailing in the middle of the hall, but to your demise, you had caught a glimpse of him coming out of his home room, laughing with his friends, he hadn’t even noticed you.
how was he not destroyed. you knew he probably didn’t even remember what today was.
“hey you okay?” nick whispered, nudging you.
you turned to him and nodded with a smile before turning to look at everyone else sitting around the table in their own conversation.
“you sure? you’ve been staring at the wall for almost 10 minutes” he spoke in a hushed voice, trying not to bring attention to the fact you were barely even there.
“yeah i’m just tired that’s all, english took it out of me” you said, breathing out a laugh through your nose while looking at him.
he didn’t even crack a smile, he just sighed and looked at you with a sad expression.
“i know what today is y/n” he paused, staring into your soul, “you don’t have to pretend your okay”. he brought his hand up to rest on you shoulder, giving it a small squeeze and nodding his head at you.
you just whispered a small “thankyou” and smiled at him before getting up and heading towards the bathroom. you just needed a moment to yourself, to recollect, a moment that no one could interrupt.
“y/n!” god no please spare me.
you kept on walking, desperately trying to get out of whatever situation he was about to put you in.
“i need to talk to you y/n don’t walk away from me”
“what elijah?!” you bawled. finally stopping and turning around to look at him as he walked towards you.
“matt sturniolo?” he questioned. you just rolled your eyes and looked away from him, crossing your arms over your chest. he didn’t even deserve a glance let alone the entertainment of this conversation.
“what have your parents said about this” and there it is.
“that’s none of your business eli” you snapped, still not looking at him.
he paused for a second, you could see him out the corner of your eye, studying your face.
“i mean this whole thing is a little suspicious, it’s only been what? 2 months since we broke up?” 4 months today actually. “and now you’re with this guy? was there something going on when we were together?” he too crossed his arms over his chest while leaning down towards you and squinting his eyes, condescending you.
you could see this coming from a mile off, he was always like this. he always tried to make you seem like a bad person just so his mishaps would be kept in the dark, it was just that now you could recognise it.
“i wasn’t the cheater elijah, you were.” you said, looking up and jabbing a finger at him.
he pulled back, letting his arms fall while laughing. what could possibly be funny to him?
suddenly it was like a flip had been switched, he had turned cold. he moved a step closer to you, before opening his mouth to speak.
“maybe if you weren’t so fucki-“
“hey baby”. if there was ever a moment that you were happy to see matt, it was this one.
he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close to his side, planting a kiss on your temple.
Elijah looked like someone had just slapped him straight across the face. his mouth was slightly agape, and eyes a little wide, staring at matt.
your whole body tensed and you sucked in a breath, patiently waiting for the ticking time bomb that was of matt sturniolo to go off.
matt kept his eyes trained on elijah, sending him a deathly glare. it was like they were wordlessly battling each-other, as you all stood there in complete silence, both of them having a death glare off and you, just frantically switching from watching one then the other, praying to god that this ends soon.
you couldn’t take the anticipation. you had to end whatever moment they were having and fast.
you placed your hand on matts chest and spoke up.
“you ready to go?”
“yeah” he replied instantly, not taking his eyes off of the man in front of him. matts face was stoic and cold, and if it wasn’t for a good cause it probably would have scared you a little.
just as you thought this was never going to end, you heard elijah scoff. you snapped your eyes to him as he began to walk away, but not before throwing you a disgusted look.
your body relaxed against matts, watching as he walked off and out of sight, letting out a breath you hadn’t even realised you were holding.
matt switched his gaze to you once elijah was out of sight, giving you a nudge as if to say “you good”. you couldn’t look at him, you just blinked at the spot where elijah used to be, before pushing matt off and beginning to hurriedly walk away, holding a hand to your forehead.
you heard him shout after you, but turning around and answering all of matts questions was the last thing you needed, so as soon as the school doors were in sight, you may had well have sprinted at them.
why did matt look so angry at Elijah? you knew he was supposed to be your fake boyfriend but that wasn’t fake. he looked like he wanted to rip elijahs face off.
how is he so good at this whole fake thing? you had one question from your parents and you almost crumbled there and then. and here matt was, silently threatening your ex boyfriend like it was an average friday activity.
why was elijah speaking to you? why did he care? he wasnt even upset when you guys broke up so why kick up a fuss now. maybe he just wanted to upset you, or maybe he finally regrets what he did.
you’re mind was moving at 100 miles per hour. matt, elijah, the game, your parents. there was too much going on, but somehow your thoughts couldn’t move an inch without bumping in to matt, and it was making you dizzy.
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mellifiedprincess · 1 year
this is just a little short fic i thought of at like 2 in the morning.
ethan landry x reader
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You understood now why he was pushing you so hard to stay home. Of course you thought he just wanted to keep you safe, but now as he was looking down at you, regret and fear clear in his eyes, it all made perfect sense.
You were so angry with yourself for not seeing it before now. It was so obvious.
“Was any of it real?” You cried out to him. You weren’t even angry at him. You just felt heartbroken.
Ethan, your sweet and shy angel, was a fucking killer. And the fact that you didn’t care about that part, you only cared if his feelings for you were real or not, was fucked up in itself. You watch as he bites down on his bottom lip, so hard it started bleeding. He breaks eye contact with you for a minute, just to look around to see if anyone was paying attention to the two of you.
“Of course my feelings for you are real. Baby-“ He pauses, choking back a sob. “I never wanted to be a part of this sick plan. But they threatened to hurt you. They were gonna take the only thing I’ve ever cared about away. I only did this to protect you. Please, please believe that, baby.” His large hand pressed down on the stab wound on your side harder. He knew you were running out of time, he had to get you out of here.
“Is she dead yet?” Quinn’s sadistic voice calls out from across the room. “Don’t worry about it, Quinn. Just focus on Sam and Tara, okay?” Ethan’s eyes glance towards his sister, almost pleading with her to leave you alone. “Whatever, just don’t let this turn into Romeo and Juliet. Her life isn’t worth yours, Ethan.” Quinn seemed satisfied after that, finally leaving you and Ethan alone.
More tears started falling at her words. She was right. Ethan deserved to walk away from this. And you didn’t think you were gonna make it.
You lifted a bloody hand to Ethan’s face. Grabbing his chin to pull his eyes back to yours. “Ethan, you have to get out of here, baby. Please.” “You’re crazy, I’m not leaving here without you, Y/N.”
You squeeze your eyes shut as a pain shoots through your side. “I don’t think I’m gonna make it through this, sweets. You have to go live for the both of us, okay.” He shakes his head, ignoring your pleas for him to leave without you.
“Just, let me think.” Ethan looks around the room again, this time trying to find any way out. He just needed time to stop. He knew there was only one solution to end all this. He knew what he had to do. His only dilemma was leaving you alone, before he was able to find his family members. He knew leaving you alone was risky.
“I need to get you somewhere safe.” He started mumbling to himself, while looking around again. Throwing the black robe off of his body, he stands up tucking his knife in the waistband of his jeans, and crouches back down to be level with you. “I have to pick you up, baby.” Panic fills your eyes and you shake your head no furiously. “Shh, I know. I know, it’s scary angel.” Ethan reaches to caress your cheek, giving you an encouraging smile. “Just look at me the whole time, okay?”
You knew what his plan was. You knew this could only go one of two ways. “Please at least let me help you, Ethan.” He shakes his head once again, before lifting you effortlessly in his arms.
“You staying hidden and safe is helping me.” Ethan finally stops outside of a door, that looks to be an old supply closet. “You should be safe in here. I’m gonna lock the door, don’t let anyone in unless it’s me.” You start crying again, gripping his shirt so tight it almost rips. “No, Ethan please don’t leave me. I don’t want you to die.”
“Hey, I’m not gonna die. And neither are you. We’re gonna get out of this, I promise.” He leans down, and grabs your face, pulling you in for one last kiss. One last kiss, before he walks out that door to go kill his family, all of this, just to make sure you’re safe. “I mean it Y/N, don’t let anyone in that door unless it’s me. For all we know, Sam and Tara thinks you’re in on this because of me and if they touch you, I will kill them.”
“Okay, don’t open the door for anyone but you.” You nod your head and he stands to leave, but before he can your voice stops him. “Ethan, I love you.” “I love you too.”
You sat for what felt like hours. The stab wound on your side had slowed its bleeding a while ago. You were suprised you were still conscious, but you wouldn’t allow yourself to close your eyes until Ethan was back. Not until you knew he was safe.
You wanted to go look for him, you wanted to help him, but knew if he came back and you weren’t here, he would lose his mind. So, you sat and waited. You sat and thought about what life would be like after all of this. You held on to the little bit of hope you had that the both of you would get out of this alive.
After another 30 minutes, you heard a knock at the door. You stayed silent, not sure what to do. Until there was another knock, followed by his voice. “Y/N? It’s me, sweetheart. You can open the door now.” And as soon as you realized it was him, you jumped up, causing a horrible pain to rip through you. Making you cry out. “Y/N? What’s going on? Open the door.” You finally open the door, falling into Ethan’s chest. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. A heartbreaking sob leaves your lips, feeling nothing but relief.
“It’s okay now. No one can hurt you ever again. Not as long as I’m here.” You just hug him tighter, not sure what to say at this point. “Are they all dead?” You manage to whisper out. “Yeah, they’re all dead.” He craddles your head for a few moments before he realizes you’re still hurt.
“Shit, you’re still bleeding.” He glances around the supply closet, before his eyes land on a first aide kit. Quickly opening it and bandaging your wound as best as possible. You finally take the time to get a good look at him, blood coating his face, his neck, and his once blue shirt now almost completely red. “Ethan! Did you get hurt?” He looks at you confused for a second, until he follows your eyes to his shirt.
“That’s not my blood, baby.” He simply states, going back to fixing your bandage.
That’s when it hit you. Ethan actually killed them. He killed all of them to protect you, because he loved you so much. “Okay, we have to go now. Can you walk?” He asks, as he stands back up and pulls a gun from behind his back. You watch as he checks to see how many bullets are left, before putting it back in his waistband. “I think so.”
“I need you to stay behind me. Just hold on to my shirt, okay.” You both started walking, and you didn’t really know what you were expecting to see, but it definitely wasn’t this. Blood was everywhere. “Ethan, did you do all of this?” He pauses for just a second, but continues his way through the bullets, broken glass, and blood splatter. “Are you scared of me?” Without a second thought, “No.” Falls right from your lips, and you mean it. You’re not scared of him. Maybe you should be, but you’re not.
Anyone in love would understand.
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a-998h · 7 months
I’m so sorry if I’m like bothering you😭 But like I just have so many questions-
So what if in the same scenario where (Reader) is like really strong and kills monsters like the ask from before
And once they find out that some of the Archons/other people are really old they’ll make soo many jokes about it-
Like if Zhongli was like “Please (Reader), I don’t mind if you see me as a father-figure, I won’t be mad if you call me Dad,”
And (Reader) who’s like 12-14 years old is like “You’re too old to be my Dad, you’re more like a grandpa.” And then they just walk away, and Zhongli just lays on the floor, heartbroken
And if (Reader) beefs with Wanderer, and he’s being mean they’ll be like “Shut up old man!” Or like “Your still this immature at your grown age?”
And for Nahida, they would just hold her in their arms, she would be the only few people that (Reader) doesn’t actively make fun of, and they’ll show genuine interest on how she’s so old but looks so young, and they would like sit with her and talk about their world
But suddenly everything takes a turn when (Reader) is sitting with a character (One who’s thousands of years old) and (Reader) just turns to them and’s like “Y’know, I realized if I stay in this world, that means you and a lot of the others are still gonna be here when I die” and then they’ll just calmly turn back to look up back at the starry night-
You pick which ones would be bawling their eyes out or how each character would react-
And then reader would go up to characters who aren’t thousands of years old and would assume they are and they would be like “You look old” or like “I feel like your actually an old person”
Like they would say this to Itto, Cyno, Diluc or any other characters of your choosing (Hopefully those three aren’t thousands of years old from what I know💀)
Have a good day!
🍉 Anon you never fail to inspire me and my devious little mind, and for that I thank you. I'll start with the mocking age headcanons then move into the existential dread the Creator inspires.
(Included characters: Venti, Zhongli, Ei, Nahida, Itto, Wander, Diluc, Cyno, Xiao, Neuvillette, and Xianyun)
Age jokes
“Please (Reader), I don’t mind if you see me as a father-figure, I won’t be mad if you call me Dad,”
“You’re too old to be my Dad, you’re more like a grandpa.”
Your response/ jab at his age makes him pause
At this point no one in Teyvat besides Traveler and Paimon know that Zhongli is Rex Lapis
Is not surprised the great Creator knows things, but he wasn't expecting you to know that
Uses the jokes to mess with you in small ways
Whenever you ask to do any monster killing he'll pull the deaf old man bit, just to annoy you
Will also make you do harder chores by pulling the old man = bad back
It's funny... to him, he also uses this as a teaching moment
Laughs it off
Another that uses your jokes to mess with you
When you ask him to do something, he'll hold his hand to his ear and say "I'm sorry little windblume, I didn't hear you. My hearing must be going at this age,"
But jokes on him, you use his perceived old age to try and limit his wine drinking
That fails, but you tried kid
Whenever you run around Mondstadt or do monster killing, he sighs and talks about when he was young
You both annoy each other and it is glorious
She is shocked
She knew you liked to joke, but she didn't think she was that old
Because you're talking to the Riaden Shogun puppet most of the time, you don't get a reaction
Your jokes don't get turned on you
It's kind of boring
Only one who doesn't get age jokes
You are genuinely curious about how she looks young but is really hundreds of years old
You both talk about the advantages and disadvantages of being physically young but mentally older
Still unnerved by your monster killing and has her friend Wanderer watch over you
Huffs of annoyance
she then scolds you herself before snitching on you to Neuvillette
In the ends she'll forgive you, once you bribe her with sweets
“Shut up old man!”
How dare you!
His face turns shades of red no one knew were possible
Will respond by calling you brat and saying how cute you are in a teasing tone
Will be petty
“Your still this immature at your grown age?”
Turns even redder
You both beef with each other and it makes other worried
Will granny pinch your cheeks
Still smug about your monster killing, if bribed he'll help you
Your beef is both worrying and entertaining
He doesn't really understand the ages jokes
Thinks that you're just being mean
He'll snitch to grandpa Zhongli
Once it's explained to him by Zhongli
He just is confused
Why are you joking that he's old?
Just a really clueless when it comes to these jokes
He thinks it's because his hair is white
Now, he'll try his best to be the cool young uncle to you
He also doesn't want to think about how old he is
Will try and go monster killing with you
When he sees your strength... proud
Will carry you around and be like "Look at my awesome friend!"
So yeah, like a grandma showing off pictures of her grandkids
Is surprised
It's probably his grumpy face and his voice
Whenever you make ages jokes he tries to scold you about it
Whenever you run into the desert to do monster killing he'll chase after you to stop you
Try and pull this in the rainforest and he'll have Tighnari case you do to stop you
He thinks you make jokes about his age because of his hair color
Proud of your strength but still worrys about you
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This is the face he has on the inside
His voice and resting bitch face is probably what makes you think he's old, at least he thinks so
Think Kaeya is the one who is telling you he's old
He canonically 22 so this hits him hard
Tries to keep you in the manor at night
When he sees you sneaking out to kill monsters.... dad mode ™️
The more he scolds, and tries to act like a dad the more you call him old
You'll be the reason he ends up with grey hair, eyes bag, and wrinkles
Grandpa number 2
He already deals with Furina, so he's prepared
Whenever you poke fun at his age, he'll scold you for it
He'll never say it in public but you and Furina are his grandbabies
Your monster killing worries him, like a lot
So much that he has the melusine spy on you and report back
You often get scolded for reckless behavior
He is the more strict of your grandfather figures
Glares and scolds you whenever you call him old
He thinks your jokes are very disrespectful
Would be upset if they started rubbing off on Furina
Considering she tells Paimon to "respect your elders" when Paimon made her mad
She doesn't really care
To her, age = experience
She will act unaffordable by you monster killing, but it scares her
When you joke about her being a grandma, she plays into it
It's not to annoy you either, she just thinks she's your grandma
Will do standard grandma things
Whenever you try and get her to stop, she just responds with "nonsense!"
Now time for existential dread
“Y’know, I realized if I stay in this world, that means you and a lot of the others are still gonna be here when I die”
Crying on the outside and the inside
Nahida, Itto, Venti, Furina
Cries on the inside only
Neuvillette, Zhongli, Diluc, Ei
Doesn't know how to properly talk to you abut it
Cyno, Xiao, Wanderer, Xianyun
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ashdreams2023 · 1 year
hello! I honestly never know where to request cause idk what submission means cause English isn’t my first language and the translation isnt really clear so I’ll just request here I hope u don’t mind<3 anyway I was wondering if you could do a harry j potter x fem!reader smut and I have 2 ideas (all takes place in hbp cause it’s legal to have sex at 16 there I think?$ so 1st one is that soft!harry and reader are dating but haven’t really done anything yet except for dry humping and heated makeouts but they want to go further and harry fingers her for the first time and she’s like afraid to cum cause she’s never done this before and he’s like “it’s okay love, you can let go” and he guides her through this cause he’s kinda more experienced so basically just very fluffy smut or the second one where soft!dom harry and reader are dating and they have sex for the first time only reader is a virgin and she’s very insecure and harry isn’t so she’s like very shy but he assures her like “it’s just me, don’t be embarrassed” and it’s like all loving and fluffy and cute<3 only if you’re comfortable tho! I hope you understood everything (I’m gonna get out of fucking Poland one day and learn English perfectly im telling you) sorry that’s kinda long, anyway, thank you!
I get you lol but for the sake of keeping everything together ima mush them up together 👌
Trust me
Harry James potter x female reader
Warnings: nsfw, first time.
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You thought finding out you’re a witch was the craziest thing that could ever happen to you but as years go by, it’s proven to be just the tip of the iceberg.
Just last summer you went on a one on one with death eaters in the ministry of magic and made it out alive.
After that summer came and with it came Harry Potter, who happened to live in the same little town your grandparents lived in.
You spent a lot of time together, he was heartbroken and felt alone, you tried to comfort him and take his mind off things, it took a while but he opened up to you.
One thing lead to another and he kissed you a few weeks after his birthday, fast forward to the end of the summer and things kept getting heated.
You didn’t know if it was because you were both hormonal or was it because he wanted something else to focus on but you knew one thing, you really liked the way he kissed and touched you.
It wasn’t a secret that you two were close either, everyone noticed the way he dozed off looking at you when he thought you weren’t looking, and the hand holding underneath the table, the subtle touches in the halls, a blind person could sense it.
"I thought I was gonna die in there" he kissed you then pushed you on his bed, the dorms were empty and he had the entire space for himself.
"Oh don’t be mean to old sprout, she was just trying to help" you pulled him on top of you and warped your arms around his neck then pulled him down, his lips touched yours in a heated kiss that made your fingertips tingle.
"I was dying out there" he smiled against your lips then dragged his lips to your neck and nippled on your soft skin.
You sighed at the feeling of his lips, his teeth dug into your flesh playfully and his lips sucked on the spot until you let out a desperate moan.
"Merlin you sound brilliant" he lowered his head, pressing his forehead to your chest and catching his breath, his heart raced with anticipation "Can I have you?"
You bit down on your bottom lip, the warmth on your skin was permanent "Yes."
He quickly took off his shirt then helped you with yours, his eyes lingered at your exposed breasts before cursing under his breath and taking the rest of his clothes off.
He’s seen you half naked before but this was different.
The second every article of clothing was on the floor, you latched onto each others bodies, his hands explored every part of exposed skin he could reach, but paid special attention to your breasts, they were just perfect and he was just a guy.
"Are you sure you want this?" You suddenly blurted.
Harry paused and looked down at you "are you uncomfortable with this? Do you want me to stop?"
You shook your head then looked away "it’s just…I haven’t done this before and I’m not sure I’m appealing enough to-"
"Are you naked underneath me or not?"
"Yes I am…"
"Do you see me doing this to anyone but you?"
"No but-"
"Shush then, I like you and only you…I’m glad I’m doing this with you, you don’t have to continue if you don’t want too"
You stared up at him with wide eyes, you hadn’t expected this reaction, Harry was the chosen one, many girls swooned over him and thought he was quite cute.
"I want too"
"Then do you trust me?"
His hand slipped down to your clit, rubbing it with his finger and riling you up slowly, your body tensed and begged for more.
His fingers felt like magic.
You moaned and gripped his shoulders tightly, digging your nails into his flesh and marking him.
"Does it feel good?"
That was the most confident you’ve seen him off a broom, Harry was usually awkward and sometimes it was just unbreakable.
"Yeah…" your mouth opened when he pushed his finger in, slowly. You reached your hand and touched his dick, it was hard and he hissed when you touched it.
You were soaking and wanted to go onto the next step already but Harry seemed to enjoy torturing you.
He pushed the second finger in and groaned when you clenched around his fingers, your hips moved up and the filthy moans spread in the dorm room.
Harry licked his lips then licked your nipple, it made you shiver.
His cock twitched in your hand.
"I’m going to" your breath hitched when he pulled his fingers out and climbed completely on top of you and slid himself inside of you.
You throw your head back on his pillow and moaned, his hands held you tight by the hips.
Harry groaned as he moved inside of you, you felt amazing, perfect around him.
"So good…you’re so good" he moaned loudly as he kept pushing.
Your body moved along his, it wasn’t uncomfortable but very strange feeling, something new, you felt so full.
"Are you ok?" He breathed, his face was flushed and his green eyes shine with something almost dark.
"Yes" you replied warping your arms around his neck and kissing him, you felt heat build up inside of you and your legs felt weak, shaking slightly as he pounded inside of you.
"Perfect, bloody hell you’re perfect" Harry mumbled kissing your cheek and the rest of your face with breathless butterfly kisses.
Your body reached it’s limit but you didn’t want to let go yet, what if you ruin it? What if Harry regrets doing it with you because of that?!
Thankfully your boyfriend noticed your panicked expression and pressed his lips to your forehead for reassurance "it’s ok, everything is ok, just let go, you can cum" that’s all it took to loosen up your nerves and release on his dick with a silent scream and arched back.
He held you close as the climax road your body and made sure that every muscle in your body would remember this for a while after.
Harry sighed in relief as he pushed inside you a few more times then pulled out and came on your chest.
He laid next to you and pulled the blanket over you both, his face seemed peaceful and the without the glasses, he looked somewhat different, he didn’t look like his father, he was more mature, his face was sharp but soft around the eyes, he was very handsome.
"Thank you" he said.
"For what?"
"For trusting me"
You smiled softly at him then scooted closer to him, at this moment he wasn’t the wizarding world’s young hero, he was just Harry, your Harry.
"I think…I love you" you said ever so delicately.
A boyish grin spread on his face "Little old me?"
"Oh shut up!"
"No say it again!"
A/N: sorry if there was any misspelling or grammar mistakes, I wrote this in one go, so hopefully it’s good enough!
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swappingforgood · 3 months
One way or another
I know this is awful, but I’m going to say it. I am very attracted to my art teacher. I’m in high school and just turned 18 and about to graduate. I had a pretty nice high school life, not gonna complain. I am one of those typical twinks with a slender build and nice features, and when I came out, no one bullied me too hard. Even if they did, my art teacher, Mr. Adams would step in. He was definitely one of my queer awakenings. He is so hot and is exactly what you think of when you think of “young, hip, hot” teachers. He has tattoos covering his lean arms and facial hair and a body to die for. I wanted to be with him, and I know it’s awful, but I confessed my feelings for him, and I even told him I’m willing to hide our relationship. He turned me down and naturally said it was due to our age gap, and he also said he had a boyfriend. I was heartbroken honestly; no other guy has made my heart move more than Mr. Adams. The night of graduation, I was heading home until I was approached by an older man outside an alley who told me he could sense great desire in me. I was nervous, but I was too curious to turn and leave, and he said he could grant me the tool to “get what I desire” and handed me a small dart gun and two bullets. I was nervous until he told me what it was for. He told me the first bullet was for me; I would need to swallow the bullet, and the other bullet was for my “target of desire." Before I could get answers, he disappeared. So as I hold this dart gun close I turned the corner to see Mr. Adams and his boyfriend walking in my neighborhood, and I realized that this was my chance. I swallowed the mysterious bullet and loaded the other bullet and aimed at Mr. Adams, only for his boyfriend to step in the way by accident. The next thing I know, I feel a lot larger, and I’m holding someone’s hand. I look down to see that I’m holding Mr. Adam’s hand, and he looks puzzled. "Babe, are you okay?” He says as I look down and notice my new, larger belly stretching out this gray sweater as I answer in a deeper voice. “Never better,” I say as I squeeze his hand and we walk to his home, where I rush to the bathroom to notice suspicion. I’ve become Mr. Adams partner, and as my heart races with thoughts as memories flood my mind, I realize that my desire to be with him came true. I pull out his—I mean, my phone—as I take a picture before crawling into bed and giving Mr. Adams a deep kiss as I reach down to undress ourselves. “Oh Liam, what’s gotten into you?” Says Mr. Adams, whose moans drive me crazy as my new larger body moves between his legs and place my new member between his ass. “I don’t know baby. Just felt like making love to you” I say as my deep manly voice sends a chill down my spine as I push my fat bear cock inside his ass, claiming him as I cum inside and seal myself inside my new body. I knew one way or another I would end up with Mr. Adams
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eddiemunching · 1 year
I need some enemies to lovers type but it happens during hate sex, loosely based off of a friends with benefits relationship.
It’s very heavily just Eddie and reader speaking angrily towards each other with sex happening in the background lmao. NOT PROOFREAD IM SORRY
Warnings: 18+ !!!! swearing, slut shaming, degrading, hate sex, Eddie is kind of mean sorry but he makes up for it, unprotected sex!
The Start Of Something - Eddie x Reader
Eddie made sure to give you hell. Reminding you that no one else could do this for you like he could. Punctuating the fact that, despite you coming to him to make yourself feel better, he could use you back. Mumbling many curses and praises while still pounding roughly into you.
“I wonder who taught you how to take dick so well.” Eddie chuckled softly. “I’d love to pat him on the back”
All you could do is respond with pants and muffled whimpers, attempting to push back against Eddie with shaking legs. “I’m so glad I found a way to shut you up, it’s a nice break from listening to your snarky comments.” Eddie hovered above your ear.
“You’re talking too much.” You mustered out in between deep breaths.
“I can tell you’re enjoying this.” He grunted into your skin. “I feel you tighten up every time a word leaves my lips, you slut.”
“I’m-m not a slut.” You spat out. “Fuck you.”
“Yeah?” He chuckled. “How do you explain the threesome we had with Steve. You took two dicks and still wanted more.”
“I just like to keep busy.” You replied, pushing your ass back against Eddie to match his pace.
“Is that what you tell Steve every time you sneak back to me?”
“It’s not like he’s my boyfriend — or you.” You stop. “I can do what I want.”
“So you’re just gonna find someone to fuck every time you get heartbroken.”
“You’re lucky you were available when I needed it.” Smacking sounds are the only background to the heated conversation, echoing loudly behind your harsh words. “I talk to plenty of guys.”
“No one’s doing it like me, sweetheart.” Eddie barks back. “There’s a reason you still come here while you’re dating one of those guys you talk to.”
“Do you want me to regret coming here, the only pussy you can get?” You pretended to move out of the position you were currently in, chest pressed to the bed and your hips held in place by Eddie’s rough hands. “I’m sure Steve, or maybe even Billy, would come pick me up if I asked.”
Eddie’s grip on your hips tightened at the mention of the other men he knew you were very familiar with. “You better hope, for your sakes, your future husband is okay with whoring you out like this. I know you’d die without all the extra attention fucking multiple men gives you.”
“I know I’m your dream girl, Munson.” You string out his name with a teasing tone. “Wanna know a secret?”
“Enlighten me.”
“You’re the only one I’ve been with in the past six months.” You lifted your head up. “I never even slept with Billy, it was a stupid rumor. Steve is cute but he’s too nice and gentle.”
“We both know gentle isn’t your scene.” He makes sure to pull you flush against his skin, in the deepest position possible. “It’s a shame you’re just a toy to me.”
You knew he was winding you up, getting you flustered enough to admit even more revealing secrets that he would use against you next time. “If that’s the case, why haven’t you dated anyone?”
He stopped his movements altogether, still inside you. “What?”
“You can’t seem to find a girlfriend.” You said, turning your head to meet Eddie’s eyes with your own. “Why is that?”
“You think I have time when you’re constantly on my ass begging to be fucked all the time?”
“I don’t think that’s the real reason.” You pull yourself off of Eddie slowly, maintaining eye contact. Pushing him on his back, you climb on his thighs to straddle him before letting him sink in again. “You like me, right?”
“How can I like a slut like you?” He seethed through his teeth. “You’re not exactly girlfriend material.”
“Are you saying guys won’t like me because I’m used?” You said, still riding him at a slow pace.
“Exactly, what do you think slut means.” He grinned at you.
“If I recall correctly.” You paused. “You did this to me.”
“Yeah?” He continued to smile. “I ruined you?”
His hands fell to your waist, moving you faster and putting himself back in control. “You fuck me too good, can’t go to anyone else.”
Satisfied with your answer, Eddie moved his hands to your face, gently moving hair out of your eyes and forehead. “I’m glad only I get to see tears running down your pretty face.” He said, finishing deep inside of you with no warning.
“You think I’m pretty?” You asked curiously as Eddie cleaned you up with a soft towel, patting your sweat up and mess up.
“You’re the prettiest.” He said fixing your hair. “Always have been.”
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chaotic-iguana · 1 year
masterlist. ao3.
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Summary: reader leaves joel and sarah to pursue a job offer in nyc, thinking it would be easier than watching the relationship die from a distance. she soon realises her mistake and scrambles to fix it. based on this request. 
Pairing: joel x fem! reader (no use of y/n) no outbreak au
Wordcount: 3.8k
Warnings: no smut, just a lot of angst, fluff and attempted humour
A/N: So, I’m clearly incapable of writing short drabbles (sorry lmao) let me know your thoughts!
“‘M just not gettin’ why we can’t make it work?” Joel throws his hands up, hot at your heels while you wipe your eyes on your sleeve and rush to the bedroom. 
“I’m not saying I don’t want to. I’m just saying its unfair to the both of us. I don’t know how long I’ll be down there. What if we find other people? Long distance never works, Joel. I don’t get why you can’t just let it go.” Yelling over your shoulder, you start shoving your clothes into your suitcase, wincing at the harsh scoff he lets out. 
You’d known how this was going to go. You loved Joel, so much. But you had worked practically your whole life to get the job you’d been offered last week. It started in a month, but it was all the way in New York. And you’d known while reading the email, as your initial excitement settled, that the slimy feeling coiling in your gut was right - you’d have to leave Sarah and Joel behind. 
Your experience with long distances in relationships wasn’t great - and more importantly, it would be unfair to both your boyfriend and the girl you considered your own daughter for you to expect them to sit around and wait for you, indefinitely. Because you truly had no idea how this was going to go, at all. 
You wanted to wait until the flight tomorrow morning to break things off with Joel, but he’d been so sweet while helping you get everything together last minute and he’d figured out that something was up almost immediately. So now, here you are. Having a messy breakup with the love of your life 9 hours before your flight to New York. Where you’d live, for god knows how long. 
But this was good, wasn’t it? You were finally reaping the benefits of all the summers spent indoors and working, the missed birthday parties, the cancelled plans. You were finally getting everything you’d ever wanted, right? Except your palms felt clammier, your eyes glossed over with tears and your mind was completely blank as each sharp breath you gulped made you wince like a shard of glass. 
Joel stood to your sight, arms hanging limp to his sides and his eyes on the ground, brows furrowed. He looked heartbroken, and it felt like it was physically tearing you apart not to go and smooth his frown away, kiss away his scowl. You wanted to fix his hurt, but you couldn’t - you were the one hurting him. It was for his own good though. He’d find someone nice, how could he not, and he would be happier. The thought of him holding someone else, of Sarah running up to anyone else with that twinkle in her eye, of someone else fitting into your family made your chest ache.
Nothing is permanent, and they know I love them. They have to know I’ll always love them. They’ll get someone better, they’ll be happier. It’s going to be okay, everything’s gonna be just fine. A stream of rambling consciousness starting playing like a broken record player in your mind, reasoning and justifying what you were doing even as your body-your whole fucking being was protesting it. Your hands were trembling, it’d taken you three tries to close the damn zipper and you knew it. 
Turning to your Joel-not anymore, is he? you’re letting him go, you goddamn idiot (helpful supplication, brain, thank you for making me cry harder)- you sidestep him, leaving him standing dejectedly in the bedroom to drag your suitcase to the curb. The image of him with his head bowed; shoulders slumped as he closes his eyes and clenches his fist, agony radiating from him, is one that sears itself into your memory on your way out. Double checking your passport, boarding pass and phone, you walk in to stand in front of him again, gently bringing a hand up to his cheek to make him look at you. When he opens his eyes, they’re completely bloodshot and lined with unshed tears, breaking you; using all your willpower not to break down and pull him closer, take his pain away. Reigning your raging feelings, you stand on your tiptoes to brush a kiss against his cheek. “Be happy, Joel. Tell Sarah I love her.” You whisper into his skin and turn to leave, startling when he grabs your wrist. 
“Tell her yourself. ‘S gonna break her heart tomorrow mornin’ if she wakes up an’ you’re not here.” He’s searching your sorrowful eyes, watching his words break your façade as you clamp your teeth down on your bottom lip and shake your head fast as more tears spill down your cheeks. 
“C-can’t. I can’t. Please.” 
Joel wants to gather you in his arms, stroke your hair till you calm down. But you’ve got your walls up now - crumbling, shaky walls but still, a barrier you’ve very much built between the two of you. He wanted your happiness, your successes, more than anything, but he wanted to cheer you on by your side, too. He was willing to wait, to call when you could - phones were getting smart now? - but you’d convinced yourself you were doing yourself and him a mercy by ending it. So he just nods, once, before gulping and pawing at the table to swipe his keys. The question written all over your face makes him want to laugh - did you really think he loved you so little he’d leave you to find your own ride to the airport at 9 fucking pm even if you couldn’t stand to look at him anymore? 
So he hauls your bags off the curb and into his truck, yanking the passenger side door open and gesturing for you to sit with a jerk of his head. Once you clamber in, he walks over to the other side and starts the truck, hating every second of this. He wants to scream, shout, and beg you to stay so badly. But if you think this’d make you happy, he’d do it. Anything. 
He just couldn’t understand why you kept saying he’d find better, be happier. As if he’d even try. Sarah’s mother had left, and he’d been crushed - had sworn off dating altogether. But you had come along; your lilting giggles and twinkling eyes carving a place in his heart. He hadn’t been with you because he was looking for anyone, he’d been with you because he thought he had found the one. But clearly he was wrong. Again. 
Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he clenches his hands tighter around the wheel to steady them . His mother had always told him if it’s meant to be, it’ll be - and you won’t have any say in it. He knows it’s cliché, but if there’s even a grain of truth to be found in it, he’ll treat the saying as if it were gospel.   
He can hear you sniffing your way there, heart breaking at the soft sobs that escape you, but he makes no comment. There’s no need to make this harder for you. You’d nearly fallen apart when he mentioned Sarah, and he could see in your eyes that if he asked you to stay with him, to sacrifice everything entirely, you’d do it without thinking. But he didn’t want that- could never want that for you. And so he stayed quiet, the stifling silence of the truck broken only by your muffled crying. 
Pulling up outside the airport, he steps out and takes your bags down in complete silence. Itching to fix the awkwardness, he smoothes his hands over his shirt and sneaks a glance at you. You-his headstrong, terrifying little thing - looking this small, this defeated  - feels so wrong that he can’t help but grasp one of your hands in his. Hooking a finger under your chin, he tilts your head up and smiles softly when you meet his eyes. “‘F you ever need me, you call me, you hear? Don’t matter if it’s five am and you’re thousands of miles away. I’ll find you, okay?” Your head barely dips in a nod as you stare at him like you’re trying to memorise the curve of his nose; the set of his jaw. 
Releasing you and stepping back, he plasters a wider grin on his face as he ushers you inside, stopping only to whisper “Don’t be a stranger, hotshot.” The tiny grin blooming on your face sends victory-fueled adrenaline pumping in his veins, his stomach twisting with butterflies at the final step: watching you walk away. He waits till you’re inside and out of his sight, letting a long breath loose in resignation. 
He can see how unsteady your feet are, how you stumble and nearly trip over yourself. She’ll be okay, she’ll be happy. If Joel was a better man, he’d try and understand why you just left him. He would gladly have learned it all for you - the SMS texting, even the Skype stuff he’d heard of from a colleague; apparently you could see someone on your phone while talking to them - even if he was all thumbs at it. Sarah would likely have helped him with it, too, the girl loved you so damn much she would have gone outta her way to find ways to make the distance feel as normal as possible. But you didn’t ask for any of that. No, you asked him to let you go. So he would. 
You sit in the lounge, miserable. Forcing yourself to take your mind off the clusterfuck that your life has become, you reach out for a magazine and start flicking through some mindless droning bullshit about a celebrity being spotted at a bar. Anxiety and unease had the wheel now, so you decide what the hell, and walk to the airport bar, ordering whiskeys one after the other until your head is swimming and you can’t remember how to stay upright walking in god knows which corridor of this too-big airport. Funnily enough the only thing the alcohol isn’t strong enough to wipe is Joel. How you didn’t even say goodbye properly, not to him and not to Sarah. They deserved better. You’re doing them a favor by leaving. 
Your head swarming with stinging taunts directed towards yourself, you stumble into the bathroom and begin a four-hour-long stint of curling up next to the milky white porcelain, hurling intermittently as you lay on the filthy vinyl floor and relish the cold bite against your burning skin. Drinking on an empty stomach had been shit oversight on your part, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that you’d made more mistakes than one tonight…
Your job was all you could have asked for. The opportunity of a lifetime, with a salary high enough that your account was close to hitting 6 figures in less than a year. It had taken a long time and a lot of hard work to reach here, but it was worth it. The job was, atleast. But when you swung your door open late at night, walking into a dark, cold apartment; when you got sick and had to lay shivering in bed alone for a week; when the weekend rolled around and all you could do was curl up in bed and sob into your pillow - you knew that this wasn’t worth the cost of your relationship. You’d lost weight, your eyes had semi-permanent bruises under them, your hands shook most of the time now. 
It was getting worse and worse, until one morning when your alarm went off for work, you just shut it off and slept in some more. Then cleared out the depressive clutter that had started to overflow on every table, in every cabinet. Threw out the half-empty liquor bottles and for the first time since you had landed here, you knew what you were doing.
You were going back to Texas. Fuck your two-week notice. You’d made enough money to sit on your ass and do small jobs for the rest of your life if you wanted to. The eight-month stint at the firm you were currently working at - even just summarized in two lines on your CV - would help you get better jobs than you were doing before. But you weren’t going back to Austin for work, not really. 
You missed Sarah like a phantom limb; it felt like someone had ripped away a part of you and forced you to live with it. You missed her jokes, her laughter, the way she’d get excited about something and talk your head off. And him. You didn’t miss him, you fucking ached for him like a lovesick puppy. His name alone made you ache, and he plagued every single minute you spent awake since you left. You kept replaying that night over and over again; every single minute of it immortalized in your memory like your own personal purgatory (fun!). Joel, who would have held your hair back when you hurled your guts up at the pavement on the bad nights. Joel, who would have held you and fed you and loved you and why the fuck did you ever think it was a good idea to leave him, again? 
Snapping yourself out of your thoughts, you packed your things into the same bag you’d arrived with. You hadn’t even bought anything to furnish the apartment, making do with the too-small bed, cabinet and wonky table the landlord had provided - as if you’d known you wouldn’t stay. And you suppose, perhaps, a part of you did know. How was any of this worth anything if he wasn’t with you? The long-term good can go fuck itself. I need to see him. Should I just knock on his door randomly like a creep? No, that’s weird. What if he has another girlfriend now? Yeah, I should ask him before showing up. What if he doesn’t pick up? Where will I go if he isn’t there? God, fuck this. Get on a goddamn plane before you change your mind, idiot. 
With these (wonderful) thoughts dizzying you, you reach the airport and ask the counter for a ticket home. Turns out there’s a flight in thirty minutes - which is great because on one hand you can get rejected earlier - but also means that you need to decide whether or not to text him beforehand. Within the next half hour. Which you then spend wringing your hands, pacing, and by the time you decide to text him, your phone has run out of battery. See this? This, my friends is luck. (or, you know, dramatic plot writing.)
Huffing, you debate yourself every single step of the way onto the plane, practically having a panic attack by the time you find your seat and settle in. There are just so many reasons this could just be another shitshow. You can’t go back in time and fix what you did, but you owe it to yourself and to him to apologise and give him the truth. And so you lie back in your seat and browse yet another crappy magazine to pass the time, eventually giving up and fitfully sleeping through the turbulence. 
By the time you reach his door, its eleven pm on a Tuesday night. Meaning Sarah’s gone to bed, and Joel’s halfway there himself. This is not the time. Or the place. But you don’t find yourself having any better, genius ways to do this - so before you talk yourself into going home quietly - you’re rapping a fist against the door, careful not to be loud enough to wake Sarah up. It’s a school night. Holding your breath, you become suddenly all too aware of your flushed face and the sweat on your palms as you hear familiarly heavy footsteps reaching the door. One half of your mind is yelling at you to turn the fuck around and run what are you doing he won’t take you back you broke his heart get out get out get out while the other half seems to have just short-circuited, leaving you frozen on his porch as his door swings open. 
You watch his eyes widen in surprise, and the slight furrow in his brow as he starts scanning you - for injuries, you realise - he thinks you're hurt or that something’s gone completely sideways. Clearing your throat, you wait for his gaze to snap back to yours before flashing him a meek smile. “C-can I come in? Please?” He just stares at you for a second, and then he’s nodding, stepping to the side and opening his door wider. And God, even that’s enough to have butterflies fluttering in your stomach, your throat going dry. He’s clearly mad at me, but he’s letting me in. At eleven pm. Fuck, I love him. 
You sit on your side of the couch and the sheer mundanity of it hits you like a brick to the face. Joel brings you both beers from the kitchen before sitting across from you, still eyeing you with equal parts suspicion and concern. You fiddle with the hem of your shirt, looking down at your hands and trying to figure out what the fuck to do with my mouth what do I even say until he breaks the silence. “So, how’s work been?” 
And now your hands are shaking again, and you freeze. Because what do you say now? Work’s great, practically a corporate wet dream, but useless. See, turns out I made the biggest mistake of my life by leaving - fucking moped about like an idiot the whole time, was practically a minute away from writing you some big shitty sonnet or something to beg you to take me back. Decided against it because that would have taken like $50 dollars just to SMS. ‘Course I could have boom-boxed it, ‘Say Anything’ style, but recording a fucking sonnet on a cassette would probably have shredded my dignity irreparably. Not that this isn’t, it’s just less of a socially-masochistic option, you know?
And it isn’t until you hear him choke on his beer and look up at the amusement on his face that you realise you just said all of that, out loud. You slap a hand to your mouth just as he starts laughing: head bowed, eyes closed and his shoulders shaking - just like that night, but he’s not in pain this time; he’s practically howling with laughter, clutching his stomach with one hand and holding his beer in the other. 
You freeze again, eyes wide and staring in shock at the fact that that just came out of my mouth. And he just heard it. He shakes his head, still chuckling, and pointedly wipes a tear from his eye. Bastard. You, on the other hand, are completely panicking still - that was the shittiest apology you could have given him and where the fuck did that messily written draft you wrote drunk on the takeout bill last night go? It isn’t until he’s looking right at you with a shit-eating grin on his face that you react, blinking and looking down at your hands again. 
“What I meant to say was that I’m sorry. I think I was just so convinced that I’m not the effort of you trying to stay with me long-distance that I convinced myself the only thing possible was to end it. Which, y’know, of course it wasn’t. And I didn’t even say bye properly. You drove me to the airport and I said nothing. I was trying so hard not to cry, because I thought I needed that job since I’ve been working for it so long, but fuck the job. I mean, it was amazing, don’t get me wrong. Great pay and everything, the work itself wasn’t too bad. All in all, amazing. But I was fucking miserable without you. And I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve what I did to you. I fucking love you and Sarah. You’re my whole goddamn world, y’ know? Sundays weren’t the same without chocolate chip pancakes and Sarah telling me about something that happened at school first thing in the morning. I just-I get if you’ve found someone - and feel free to tell me to fuck off even if you haven’t - but I just can’t anymore, I can’t stay awake every night and cry in bed and feel like shit all the time and not tell you that I just miss you so much all the fucking time and I’m so-“
“Breathe.” One word, he’s cutting your rambling off with one word, and you’re fucking obeying it. You swallow a deep breath before opening your mouth again, before he cuts you off by pressing his lips to yours. It’s not a soft kiss, but it isn’t forceful either. Desperate, like he needed to touch you again - the way you’ve needed to every single minute of every single day. Resting his forehead against yours, he’s smiling again. “Sonnet, huh? Would’a been a pretty shit one, I reckon. Lost your train a’thought like four times there, sweetheart.” Your stomach is doing somersaults at the fact that he’s abandoned the beer to cradle your head against his, at how he’s right there and he isn’t pushing you away. 
“Wasn’t right, what you did. But we can’t make the right decisions all the time. I know you thought you were doing us a favor, but thinking you weren’t worth the effort? Now that’s a fuckin’ lie, baby. Woulda learned all kinds of phone voodoo to talk to you, and it would have been worth every damn secon’ of my time if it saved you from whatever the hell New York has done to ya. Staying awake every night and cryin’ in bed?” He tuts disapprovingly, continuing: “Shoulda called me, honey. How’s this: let’s get into bed now, an’ I’ll make you those pancakes tomorrow mornin’, I promise. And we can figure it out from there, okay?” And it takes you a second to process the fact that everything’s okay, before you’re nodding and your face is scrunching into a sob. His hands are immediately cradling you on either cheek as he’s shushing you softly, moving closer to move you into his lap. You were right. No matter how far you went, nothing could replace this right here. This; Joel; Sarah. After a long, tiring, painful eight months, you were finally home.
hello loves, as always - thank you for reading. comment your thoughts or find me on ao3. stay hydrated and have a great day! taglist: @imherefordeanandbones @theywhowriteandknowthings @suckerforfanfic (sorry this tag wasn't working earlier)
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dishushu · 1 year
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broke my promise.
but it was worth it.
pairing: miles g morales earth42! x reader
inspo: promise - laufey.
genre(?): angst to fluff.
words: 1.7k?
warnings: none really just SUPER angsty
a/n: i actually saw someone post saying they wanted a miles 42 fic inspiring this song BUT I LOST THEIR USER i’m gonna genuinely sob but listen to the song while reading this it’s amazing!! (link to the song on youtube is on top ^)
ps: (no use of y/n here)
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
i made a promise… to distance myself.
you were happy with miles, he loved to the moon and back you and you did the same, you were inseparable. but, everything took its turn on you.
“we need to break up.” he looked away, holding back his tears. he was scared, scared to see you heartbroken but he knew, it was for your own good.
“m-miles what do you mean..?” you were standing in the middle of your room, miles in his prowler suit. his masks unfolds revealing his teary-eyed face.
recently, kingpin found out about you, and your relationship with miles, and he warned miles that he’ll kill you and miles knew, he had to keep you safe— to not let you die. he had only one solution.
“mi vida, i swear.. it’s for your own good my boss— found out about us and he wants to..” he stopped, leaving you dazed and confused, his voice soft as ever as he whispered, “kill you..” his voice cracked in every word.
your eyes went wide, not being able to process the words that came out of his mouth. you tried to protest, because you loved miles too much you couldn’t bare to leave him. “b-but can’t you protect me or something?” you rambled, pacing back in forth in your room, tears falling repeatedly.
miles held your arms to stop you from pacing and caressed your hands softly, “you don’t know how bad i want to protect you but it’s no use, they have your location, everything. and your only choice is to leave brooklyn, change your number and just, distance yourself from me— and don’t call me, please.” he pleaded.
you stood there, shocked as you held his hands tighter, tears streaming down your face as you hugged him, a shaky “okay.” coming out of your mouth as you sobbed.
your every word, every breath and every tear made his heart shatter, but he wanted to keep you safe, he was dangerous and he hated it but soon.. soon he’ll get out of this mess, just for you.
“promise?” he whispered softly, gently rubbing your back, to calm you down.
“promise.” you muttered and as you let go of the hug, he smiled at you softly but you knew that smile held back a million tears, waiting to fall. “see you, very soon.” he whispered. and in the blink of an eye, he was gone and you dropped down the floor, sobbing.
took a flight.. through aurora skies.
you packed your bags, leaving your empty apartment and sighing, as you closed the door, you walked down and called a taxi to the airport.
you were in the plane on the way to your hometown, rethinking every memory you had with miles, scrolling through every picture you had on your phone, teary eyed. you didn’t even think about how he didn’t say goodbye, just “see you very soon.”
it hurts to be something, its worse to be nothing with you..
so i didn’t call you, for 16 long days..
it’s been months since you last saw him and, you tried to move on from him— going out with your friends from your hometown, going on dates with other people but no matter how long you resist temptation to think about miles, you will always lose.
it hurts to be something, its worse to be nothing with you..
you thought you were better for a while, dating someone for a month, but you felt no spark— all you thought was about miles, he was the only one running through your mind.
“i’ve done the math {name} there’s no solution. you always think about him and.. we’ll never last.” your partner sighed, whispering softly as you looked away and tears started to paint your face.
“why can’t you let go of him?” your partner continued as they walked out your room and you just slid down to the ground, your knees curled up to your chest not knowing what to think, as you cried.
so, i broke my promise.. i called you last night.
hours later, you went out for fresh air. walking in your pajamas, with your phone in your hand staring at the lit streets of your hometown when you saw something you couldn’t believe, it can’t be him..
a guy, who looked exactly like miles, who could be him. you were speechless as you felt tears well up in your eyes of happiness but at the same time, sadness.
you were about to walk up to him but when the guy started walking, you realized it wasn’t him and you stopped in your tracks, your phone clutched in your hand as the very tears you held started to fall rapidly, but not happiness, despair. your heart breaking knowing it wasn’t him, you decided it’s time to call him, you shouldn’t have, you wouldn’t have.
if it weren’t for the sight of a boy who looked just like him down out on melrose avenue..
you went back to your room, sighing shakily as you opened your phone, your existing wallpaper of you and miles watching the sunset you never changed. you looked for his number and soon found it.
you shakily pressed the call button, putting your phone on speaker as u waited anxiously, every ring on the line made your heart beat faster as you heard the line click.
“hey.. its morales, or miles. i might be busy so leave a message, i might or might not check it.” the line was static as you shakily took a breath to reply to the voice mail.
“hey miles its me.. just wanted to let you know im in {hometown} and..” you stopped and hesitated for a second as you spoke again.
“i really miss you. i hope all is well there in brooklyn and i hope, to see you soon.” you shakily exhaled as you pressed the end call button and tossed your phone to your bed and sighed, putting your pillow ontop of your face.
days passed since you left him a voice mail, your patience growing thinner every single day, you couldn’t bare the thought and pain of not seeing him another minute longer, but as if your prayers have been answered.
it was the middle of the night, practically 2:30 am. and you were scrolling on your phone as you covered yourself in your blankets, when you hear a knock on your window.
you removed your headphones as you uncovered yourself from your blankets and stood up, slowly walking to your window.
as you looked away for a second to get your phone to turn on the flashlight, your window opened and you jolted, turning to your window.
you couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw him standing in-front of you, miles morales.
you dropped your phone to the ground as you tilted your head in disbelief, tears pooling in your eyes. “m-miles..?” you stuttered, the tears you held now were falling down.
you heard miles’s heavy breathing, as if he ran, ran to you.
as you turned on your lamp, you saw his face and started to tear up more, oh how you missed his sweet smile and little braids.
“oh my god— i— miles you’re, here.” you laughed softly as you hugged him tightly, your tears pouring down.
“i’m here, it’s okay mi amor, i won’t leave you again, i promise.” he whispered softly as he caressed your hair.
as you pulled back from the hug, he gave you one reassuring smile before he leaned closer and your lips met his. and your spark returned, it felt like whatever you yearned for was right in-front of you, and that was miles.
as you pulled back, chuckling softly as you couldn’t believe he was right there. “w-wait what about your boss wouldn’t he—“ you rambled as he held your hand, caressing your jawline softly, “i work with my uncle now, he’s gone and he won’t hurt either of us anymore.” he gave an assuring smile as you kissed him again.
“i missed you so much, there wasn’t a day i never thought about you.” he whispered softly.
“it hurts to be something, but it’s worse to be nothing without you.”
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
© hearts4hobie, all rights reserved. do not steal, translate, and rewrite without permission.
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beepsalotl · 9 months
crying ugh i love these characters so much and i hate the world so much except i dont and i just wish i could have what these characters had and be in a place that isnt like this one
im gonna cry ugh i dont know why i care so much, theyre not even real. but, like, in my head, they are, yknow? as in, they exist in the space i built for rhem as i read the series and learned about them and their world
fun fact, they were the first two characters whose books (each is the continuation of the story from a different third-person-limited perspective) had their names in the title. black hardcover w green embellishments for moonwatcher, a nightwing. white hardcover w blue for winter, an icewing. books six and seven, respectively. all the symbolism was there before you even open the goddamn books. yin and yang. AND YET.
and also they had two different histories and their tribes had a stale feud for thousands of years bc of some asshole jerkface. moon knew nothing about it bc she was raised in the rainforest practically by herself bc her mom had to sneak away from the shitty volcanic island the nightwings lived on to hide from the historic nightmare jerkface. winter knew all about it (or he THOUGHT he did bc he only knew the icewing side) bc he grew up surrounded by heirarchy and laws and rules and structure. moon didn’t grow up with the resentment at all, which allowed her a chance to see the truth.
she had to be self-sufficient. he had structure to lean on, even if it made him narrow-minded and nearly hard-hearted. he had to break through that, and she learned how to have patience. i feel like moon herself is sorely underdeveloped but i take the hints i can get and i feel that she learned how to forgive him by understanding who he was through his thoughts and, after skyfire, remembering that he was different inside than out and was still struggling.
when they were together, he was trying to be better and learn and he was kinder and softer even though he struggled to always be like that, and she was so patient with him.
heartbroken enraged screaming ensues, really.
like the rey and ben situation at the end of tros.
having him die in the end undermines everything the skywalker legacy stood for and all the development he had and it still breaks my heart bc he proved people can make bad, horrible choices and can survive abuse and break through it and change and be better and be loved. and then he DIED instead of getting his happy ending, which practically is what happened to winter bc the author basically said fuck you go live in the mountains doing work for peace and studying scavengers (which i know is his passion, but….) and your friends will hardly visit or write and they wont tell you the truth about how they defeated the bad guy WITHOUT ANY OF YOUR HELP EVEN THOUGH YOURE MORE THAN CAPABLE and they wont trust you and youll be alone forever.
my list of pairings and characters that i’m unreasonably heartbroken over:
ben and rey, winter and moon, catra and adora, draco and harry, zuko and katara.
catradora got together, ik, but their story still breaks my heart no matter how much hope it also gives me.
anyway, there’s no way for me to end this bc i dont even know what im feeling. it’s been years but winterwatcher’s fate still tears me up inside with the way it dashed my dreams of seeing a character like winter learn to let himself be loved.
i want to learn to let myself be loved, but i dont know how.
these characters are my attempts at finding myself out in the world and seeing if it’s possible. i dont attach my self-worth to them, but it hurts to see them fail to find romantic love where i saw it. idk
— a quick journal entry i wrote in my notes app years ago, as an emotional 16 year old with identity issues and way too much alone time on my hands
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transparentkinks · 29 days
Shawn Angst
I don't see people writing this enough. Nora just wants to be a mom :(
Nora was terrified. She dreaded this conversation. She had talked with every synth specialist she could after she destroyed the institute. Shawn wasn’t going to grow, he wasn’t going to die, and he was programmed the way that he was and changing anything would permanently alter him. She was heartbroken. 
Nora was devastated once again by what her son had done. She was devastated when she realized that her son had aged far beyond her, that she had missed every moment she hoped for as a mother and that she could likely only look forward to burying her son. She tried hard not to linger too long on what his childhood was like without her, as well as all the dreams she and Nate had for him. Nora was devastated when Shawn called his father a necessary casualty. She was devastated at the clinical way he interpreted the world, the complete lack of empathy. She was devastated that even in his old age, there was no real way for her to be a parent to him. Her son had become a stranger to her. Nora was devastated when she realized that he let her sit in that vault for a long period of time, and didn’t choose to release her until he decided he wanted to see what she would do. She was devastated when she realized that he led her to Kellogg on purpose. 
She felt like she could die, when she realized that he planned to wipe the surface clean. How he would kill anyone who survived up there, and he was carefully manufacturing the downfall of any society up there. Her son, he was planning a genocide. She was devastated when she had to not just act as a spy against him, but plan to destroy the entire institute. 
That final talk with her son, she prayed he’d see some sort of reason. He wouldn’t. He found a way to devastate her again even though she would never speak with him again, with a synth child programmed to be Shawn. He was terrified, as far as he was concerned she was his mother and the world was coming down around him. She couldn’t abandon him. She desperately wanted to be a parent again. She just wanted to hold her son, see him learn about life and flourish in her care. She remembered she was so excited to see what kind of person her son would become. She would have no answer but her son’s bloody legacy.
This would hopefully be her final devastation, the fact that he was the only child synth, the only ever made, and he would not age. He’d learn, but never grow, for a very, very long time. It had been five years since the institute fell, and she knew he would need to know soon. Nick and Curie promised to sit with her when she told him, but still, sitting on this couch looking at her son. Her heart was in her throat. 
“Mom?” Shawn was looking at her expectantly. Shit, she had to get herself together. 
“So, Shawn” She paused. “There’s been something I’ve been meaning to tell you. It's about who you are, where you come from. What I’m about to tell you, it might be scary but its important you know it. I need you to understand that no matter what, you’re always gonna be my son.” 
“You’re kinda scaring me-” Shawn laughed, looking at her expectantly. She took a breath to compose herself.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, you know how we talked about how life can be scary sometimes and part of growing up is being brave?” Shawn nodded at her speech. “This is something you’re gonna have to learn, and it might be a little scary, but you’ll be okay.” She could see he was gripping his jeans. 
“Okay mom, what do you want to tell me?” He sighed. 
“You know I was frozen, and I traveled a long way to find you. But that’s not the whole story.” Shawn looked confused. “What I found, at first, was you, looking trapped. Then Shawn, you called him father, turned you off, and I don’t think you remember any of it.” 
Shawn shook his head. “I- don’t remember being trapped.”
“See, the person I gave birth to. He was taken from my vault and my husband was killed. He was taken by the institute, and he grew up and eventually took it over. Because he was a baby when they took him, and he had never been exposed to radiation, they used his DNA to create synths like Curie here.” Shawn grinned at that, and Curie grinned back at him. “And like you. You, you were a new experiment. He was getting old, he was nearly dying when I met him. He made a younger version of himself. He made you, the only child synth ever made.” Shawn looked shocked, a far look in his eye as he looked at her. 
“And he hand plans to kill everyone on the surface. He wanted to make it so only people in vaults would survive. He was doing a lot of horrible things to people trying to make it happen. So I acted as a spy, And I took down the institute, and I killed him. But he-” She had to gather herself, she felt like she could cry at the face Shawn was making. “He turned you on, programmed you to be absolutely terrified, confused about where you were, and able to recognize me as your mother. You remember, I-” She worked her jaw, Shawn was crying now. She hated that. Why program pain? Why choose to perfectly recreate even the worst parts of humanity? 
“I’m not real!” He cried.
“You are real, Shawn-” She tried to interrupt.
“I’m not your real son! How- how can you-” Shawn pressed his hands to his eyes. Nora was crying now herself.
“Shawn listen to me! You are my son. You didn’t ask to be made the way you were, put in the position I found you in, but you needed a parent and I want to be a mom, Shawn. I want to be your mom.” She sighed when she saw him shaking. “Shawn-”
“I’m not Shawn! Im something he made to hurt you and you-” Nora walked toward him, placed a hand on his shoulder, stepped back and simply took a seat beside him when he flinched. 
“Then be Paul, or James or Alex or even Lucy, be who you want. But it's not your fault he made you, and even if he was trying to hurt me he really gave me exactly what I wanted. I love being your mom. I love who you are. I never got to know my child, never got to raise them, but I’ve taught you. I protected, I- I nourished you and clothed you, I worried over your well being and thought about what would make you happy and tried to make sure you get to see the world.” She sighed, clasped her hands in front of her. “ I just want you to be happy.” 
Shawn finally lifted his head, looked at her tiredly with his head rested on his arms, his fists on his forehead. “Why are you telling me this? If you just wanted to raise me-”
“Because you’re not gonna grow up. I Had those doctors look at you, and well, you’re the only child synth ever made and you’re not built to grow and you’re probably live for a very, very long time.” Shawn was staring at the floor now. “I figured you’d start asking questions when you were sixteen and still looked eleven.” Nora looked at him. “Can I hug you?” 
“Please” His voice sounded broken. Nora quickly wrapped her son in her arms, pulled him close so she could rest her head on his. “So I'm gonna be a kid forever?” Nora sighed deeply. She could feel his much shorter arms wrap around her, grab the back of her sweater tight in shaking fists. 
“Yes, baby i'm sorry-” She spoke shortly before he began sobbing. “But you’ll be okay. You’ll still learn, and Curie here can help make sure that you’re functioning and she knows what it's like figuring out being a synth, and Nick has been around for a long time and understands being a synth. They care about you, you have a lot of people who care about you. It's not easy but you’re not alone.” Shawn was still shaking in her arms. 
“Nora iz right! You are not alone and you never will be.” Curie assured him. 
“Kid, we and your mom, we’re not gonna lie to you, but we’re gonna help you through this and you’ll be okay even when your mom’s not here.” Nick assured. 
“So I'm gonna see mom die!?” Shawn sprang back, looked at Nora terrified, and then at Nick. Nick grunted, closed his eyes and sighed. 
“You’re gonna live a long time kid.” Shawn looked devastated. 
“But you’re also living through now.” Nora grabbed his face. “You and I, we’re gonna do a lot together. I'm gonna start taking you out with me. I'm gonna try and teach you everything I know. You’re gonna learn and experience the world and decide what kinda person you wanna be, and Im gonna be there to see it. That’s the only thing I could ever want from my child.” Shawn was shaking less. He closed his eyes, pushed Nora away and stormed into his room, closing the door. Nora sank to the floor, tears streaming down her face.
“Hey,” Nick placed a hand on her shoulder. “You did the best anyone could, he just needs some time” He reassured her. Nora sighed, leaned a head on his shoulder. 
“I guess,” Nora sighed. She’d had this conversation with many of her friends before. She feels like a horrible mother, they tell her she literally turned the entire commonwealth upside down to find him then spent her free time cleaning up his mistakes, she still killed her son and has a complicated relationship with the robot child she adopted that her elderly son made for some experiment unknown to her. 
“It’ll be okay.” Curie reassured Nora, wrapping her in a hug. “It’s just hard for him”. Nora nodded into her friend’s arms. 
The next morning at the breakfast table, a very tired looking Shawn sat down across from her over their bacon and eggs. She smiled at him. “Good morning.”
“Morning mom” He grinned at her, and Nora felt so, incredibly happy. She was still mom. “I uh, I wanna be Shawn.” He pushed around the food on his plate. “ I wanna be your son. I don’t wanna be what he turns into, but I’m happy I got to you. I'm glad we get to be family.” 
“Oh Shawn, I'm glad we’re family too!” She got up to step around the table to grab his face and kiss his forehead before hugging him. 
“Mooom!” Shawn protested, and all was right again.
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misskittyspuffy · 11 months
Left unsaid
Missing scene from 15x19, following the events of Despair (15x18). A conversation between Dean and Sam. [Destiel]
Archive of our Own
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Dean hadn’t been very eloquent about what had happened to Cas, leaving Sam and Jack confused and heartbroken. Later that day, he chose to isolate himself and went back to the Impala. He leaned against it, unable to speak, still unable to actually process everything that’s happened, except that all that was left was a feeling of numbness and the conscient thought that they had to keep moving. Too much was at stake and saving Cas and the rest of the World might still be in the cards. He had to keep that hope alive or he would fall on his knees and never get up again. He’d already been there when Lucifer had killed Cas –he couldn’t afford devastation right now.
Sam had left him some space to breathe, but eventually had gone to him after fifteen minutes. His tone was gentle but his confusion very apparent. “You gonna have to give me more than this, Dean. About Cas. What the hell happened at the bunker last night?”
Dean was looking straight to the ground. “I told you Sam. He saved me.”
“But –I don’t understand. How?”
Tears were coming again and Dean’s throat tightened. “Cas made a deal with the Empty. Last year. To save Jack’s life. And it came to collect him today, taking Billy in the process. That’s how it went down.”
Sam frowned. “A deal?! I– we didn’t know anything about it?”
Dean sniffed, bitter. ”Yeah, we didn’t.”
“Do you know why the Empty came now? I mean, this is a weird coincidence. What were the terms of the deal? Did Cas know it would happen last night?”
Dean remained silent, looking away for a moment. He finally shook his head. “I don’t know if I can do this Sam. Not now.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” Sam said with a compassionate tone, “but we’re grasping at straws right now and we just lost our best friend. An angel, no less. Maybe Chuck was behind it?”
”He wasn’t,” Dean said in a firm voice. The eldest Winchester let out a loud breath, gathering his strength. “The Empty was summoned because Cas let himself be happy. That was the terms of their deal.”
Sam was genuinely confused. ”Happy? In a moment like this, how could he–” And suddenly, he realized or suspected he did. “Oh.”
Dean was too numb to even react. “You look like you knew,” he said after a moment.
”It’s not exactly that I knew,” Sam responded, leaning against the Impala next to Dean, hands in his pockets. “But… you two were particularly close. In a different way, I mean. In an Eileen-and-me way,” he clarified. “I wondered but it wasn’t my place to assume anything if neither of you came to talk to me about it.”
“I never thought –” Dean had to compose himself before going on. “I never thought he felt this way. Everything went down so quickly and I was so –shocked. I didn’t say anything back, Sam.” The tears were now falling again on his cheeks. “My best friend confessed his love for me, sacrificed his life for me, and I wasn’t even capable of letting him know that I–” He stopped himself, shaking his head. “I can’t accept it, Sam. I’ll never accept that, the exact moment it mattered, I was not able to tell him how much he meant to me.”
“Dean, you said it yourself, everything happened so quickly. Don’t be too harsh on yourself.”
“It’s funny you know,” he continued in a bitter voice, turning his back to Sam, “how I thought I’d die with these feelings buried inside, because I was sure Cas would never love me the same way I did. But now –I had the perfect opportunity and I just… said nothing.”
“We’ll bring him back. We’ll find a way,” Sam said, trying to convince himself, knowing deep down that it was going to take a lot to get there.
“This is not up to negotiation,” Dean added in a low voice. “Either Chuck brings him back or I swear I’ll go and get him back myself.”
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clover-midori · 1 year
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"Ah, it’s so wonderful to see you again~!" Bianca happily swam down into her brother’s room with her beluga whale tail in tow, giving him a warm hug. "You two look absolutely wonderful like this!"
“I know that myself! I’m just so glad to see you again,” Barnacles happily sighed. He’d never felt so alive in 9 years. The time between then and now felt so lonely, having been without his twin sister for so long. Yet, today, he was FINALLY reunited.
Bianca DID feel a similar way. She WAS happy being in Nunavut with the company of the Polar Scouts, especially Tracker. Yet, with every year passing, not seeing her brother made her feel REALLY bad. To see him again was a dream, now coming true.
Peso himself enjoyed seeing reunions like this. Being one in hundreds in a family, he knew that feeling beyond belief. As he admired the embrace between brother and sister, he noticed something to his left.
"Captain, I believe you have another guest!" Said Peso, watching as Pearl swam into the room, joining in their hug. Bianca had immediately sensed her and broke from the hug for just a moment.
"Oh, right~!" She giggled as she entwined her tail with the otter’s. "Barnacles, I think I should tell you something! You know Pearl~?"
The other bear nodded happily. "Absolutely! I’ve worked with her quite a lot before! You remember Shellington as well, right? That’s her brother… swimming right past behind you."
As Pearl excitedly purred, Barnacles' sister looked to her left and saw him, squirming around with a leopard shark tail almost completely identical to his sister’s.
"THAT's her brother?" Bianca laughed. "That skinny, scrawny little merman? I almost forgot about him! Heck, I could take him down simply with my tail!" Barnacles put a paw on her shoulder in concern.
"Sorry, I went a little far." She blushed a little out of embarrassment. Perhaps that was not the best thing to say when you’ve just visited your distant brother for the first time in nearly a decade. She shook her head and decided to let Pearl continue her announcement.
"Aaaaanyways, Bianca wanted to tell y’all that…" Pearl started giggling a little. "Well, in all the time we’ve been together, us being the first two passengers… we’ve had feelings for each other, and I think she and I are a couple now."
Barnacles’ ears perked up. "Oh! That sounds nice. Apologies for the mess, by the way. Peso and I were just going through everything I left here. Has Natquik said anything?" He asked.
The two other mermaids remembered he was still in the Octoray and blushed a little.
"Not much, but he's definitely drier than all of us, that’s for sure." Bianca sighed. "What do you think, Pearl? Should we go tell him the truth?"
The otter looked at her, smiling in a slightly smug way, and softly answered.
"Nah. Race ya to the nearest reef!" and dashed out of Barnacles' room, faster than an electronic rabbit.
Natquik was pulling at his fur.
He couldn’t believe it. He was in complete shock and denial. He tried to figure out just WHAT happened to those Octo-Agents. Pearl, Bianca, and Min were all gone, just like Paani.
Now it was just him, Koshi, and Yeshi left on the Octoray.
Of course, there were still a few others out there, including Calico Jack who would most certainly have an "understanding" about this thing, but he wasn’t gonna do this anymore. He was just despaired as hell and couldn’t find any reason to go for them, if they were just going to die as well.
Natquik figured out he’d just rot away here. This whole plan failed even more than he could chew. And now, he was left to reflect on it in immense grief.
Yeshi really wanted to speak up. He wanted to comfort the old fox a little. Yet, he had a feeling that would only make matters worse. That guy would maul him to death if he wanted.
If there was one thing he learned in Japan, it’s that you don’t mess with one who is heartbroken. Otherwise, they’ll only get worse.
"So I was looking at these papers, manuals for 'Octo-OS 14', and you know what I see in the distance?" Koshi eagerly told Orson and Ursa. "That’s right! DASHI! My sis! I saw her, she saw me, and she was a MERMAID! I’m not kidding either! I took PHOTOS of this! Full evidence!" She immediately showed them her Octo-Watch's screen. "There she is! She’s a DOLPHIN!"
At least she’s happy, Yeshi thought, as he turned on his laptop. As he went through his newsfeed, he found nothing on the Octopod crashing.
Of course, it was news from another universe, OUR universe, so there was that. No universe was meant to fully care about each other, a rule written in almost every book, in every language, in every font. It never hurts to get a little peek, though.
"Nothing of my interest," Yeshi sighed and closed his laptop. "No macarons. Guess I’ll go do something more… reasonable." He got up.
"Hey, guys. I’m gonna talk to Nat. Want anything?" The dachshund asked, getting a single "no" in response from Ursa. He slowly walked out.
As he entered the hallway, he instantly approached the fox, sulking next to the kelp cake vending machine. He tapped his shoulder, and,
"WHAT, СУКА!?" Natquik yelped at him. "Don’t walk up on people like that, YOU UNDERSTAND?"
The dachshund sighed in shame. Clearly this guy couldn’t be helped. Which made sense, but at the same time, it didn't. He knew he couldn’t just sit here and complain.
"Look. Professor Natquik? If you’re gonna complain over the disappearances of everyone, why don’t we go look for them now?" Asked Yeshi, not tolerating this any further. He reached his paw over to Nat, but the stubbornness clearly took him over.
"Fine. Think about it. Bitch.”
The sausage dog walked away from Natquik, and went into the cockpit. He didn’t take off, however. He just sat in the seat and looked at the windshield.
"I know there has to be a way to go there and NOT get hurt." He told himself. "I just KNOW Dashi is okay."
Yeshi looked over on his Octo-Watch. He figured he’d have to do this himself. Not that he was going alone, no. He just… wanted to prove a point to that poor fox.
And he knew exactly who could help.
Shellington shook his head, closing his vacuum. "It must’ve gone loose. Good thing not much lesirena got out, or… knowing Tweak, you get the idea." He and Kwazii laughed it off and swam out.
Time had been going a little fast, at least that’s what Shellington had thought of. The skies above were already turning yellow, as the clock struck 5:00 PM.
Day 4 of… being like this.
Like Peso, he found it interesting. It’s only been 4 days since the crash and it felt like a month. Perhaps it was because of how much time he spent with Kwazii, but he didn’t know.
To think he was just one of a handful down here… Above were still billions of people, human or not… Well, mostly not. Once again, this was the Meomiverse. All the folks above were going on with their daily lives, most likely.
Meanwhile? Shellington was down here, again and again... well, apart from those 3 past years or something. He didn’t remember too well, but that didn’t matter.
He was better off down HERE anyways.
The kelp forests ahead seemed like a nice place to the couple. Now that they were both half shark, there was no excuse to NOT enjoy themselves. Especially since they finally resolved… all that stuff that happened earlier.
Clearly, that was already in Kwazii's mind, because he was off swimming long before Shellington could snap back to reality.
From a distance, "Ye oughta catch up, Shellie!" The merkitten called out, admiring his surroundings. "It’s too nice to not go in- Yeow!"
The sea otter immediately swooped down in front of him, giggling at his lover's surprise. He knew a little playing around didn’t hurt.
"Don't underestimate my tail, Kwazii!" He swam over to him. "You’re looking at 12 miles an hour, just a little over the top average speed of a REAL leopard shark! Ha ha ha!"
The kitten recovered from his surprise and waved to his merotter. He surely was a fast one, which he liked.
"Did you know that just like me, leopard sharks tend to thrive in these kelp forests? It’s so fitting!" Shellington flopped over and landed on his back in the sand, seemingly beckoning Kwazii to do the same, which made him laugh. "It feels like I’m truly at home! Wouldn’t you agree~?"
And so, the two were on the sea floor, just enjoying themselves in this vast blue. When was the last time they had felt so happy like this? Definitely quite some time ago, if anything. But it was always great to spend time together like this, especially now that legs were a thing of the past… for them, at least.
No one really cared that they were stranded here anymore. After all, it wasn’t like there was anything to worry about. It was best to use this time to just… chill out, as everyone decided.
Unfortunately, the world above stood turbulent, as Yeshi and Natquik sat in their silent quarrel. Both of them were slowly burning on the inside, about to snap at any moment.
The former knew he shouldn’t go ham on anyone. That would destroy the whole purpose of going for others, which was to get more info on how Dashi and the others ended up like.
"This." The dachshund chuckled, looking at the photo Koshi took, bundled with a sketch of how she would probably look above the surface. "This thing? It’s literally all I wanted to see."
You would think Natquik would finally understand if he saw that image. But he kept denying everything, like I once did, and never will do again. It was never healthy for me. It won’t be for him either.
Koshi walked in and looked at both of them. She didn’t risk saying a word, for that would set everything on fire. Being the only Octo-Agent that wasn’t completely broken, transformed, OR somewhere else, she knew the best she could do was fix these two angry folks.
And that’s when an idea came to her mind. Everyone had to be safe; they were mermaids after all.
Not that Koshi wanted to become a mermaid… well, not yet. She was still a bit too young for that, even if her sis was down there. However, she didn’t HAVE to become like her just to go down there. At least, not anymore.
Alpha wouldn’t be sufficient for this idea of hers. The puppy was gonna need a full-fledged GUP. Not a Terra-GUP, a REAL GUP. Something not considered in YEARS.
It was time to take to the sea once again. Finned or not. As long as Koshi could prove something to that professor.
Natquik sat in the resting quarters, waiting for any signals from down there. He put on his headset, quieting out the world outside. Yeshi was gonna make his next move eventually, but the Arctic fox wanted to forget that. That gave him a headache.
As he started to close his eyes, the world around him rumbled, like an earthquake. It was the engines. Yeshi definitely turned them on.
He slammed open the door and briskly walked to see what all this was about. This time, however, he wasn’t gonna go berserk. Neither were. Not this time.
The dachshund immediately felt Natquik's presence and took a deep breath, ready to confess his actions.
"I know it’s hard to get over sudden events like these," he sighed. "And I totally get that… but, like, what if I told you…" He held up the image of Dashi, kinda shoving it in the professor's face. "You see that? Koshi saw the Octonauts. ALIVE. If they’re safe, then the Octo-Agents should be as well."
Natquik already knew that was a good thing, but he knew he couldn’t just go down there, just him and this brother and sister. And everyone being mermaids was, to him, a huge issue. Which also made sense. No one could get anything done if they were stuck below the waves.
They both figured there was no reason to make this another step worse.
"I have calls to make. Fly this thing like there’s no tomorrow, or else there IS no tomorrow." Natquik took a deep breath.
It was time to find a cure.
As Koshi packed all her gear for the trip down, the Octoray started to LEVITATE.
"WHAT?! No, you can’t be serious. Are we REALLY leaving!?" Koshi put her paw to her face. "Forget it… They’re not gonna listen… At least not the big fox. I’ll have to escape! Like I was never there!"
10 feet above the ground, the cargo door opened down, and she leapt off, crashing paw-first into the hot sands of Guadalupe.
The impact was painful, and she could barely get up. But she was not going home until she knew exactly what was going down there.
First thing to do? Find out why Dashi was a mermaid… furthermore, everyone else, if they were also alive.
"A little sprain isn’t stopping anything," Koshi rubbed her left ankle, numbing out the pain from the fall. As she got back up, she noticed Paani on the shore, with his tail fully visible.
"Heeeey! I recognize you!" She scampered over to him. "You look like my sis…"
"Uhhh, yeah," The macaque monkey flopped his fins in awkwardness. "How did you not get turned?" he asked. "And where’s Natquik?"
"Flew off. With my brother," she sighed in annoyance. She knew she should’ve gone up there and ask what they were doing, but she had other things to do right now.
"What? Are you serious… I paddled for hours out of San Diego, had a few mental breakdowns, almost drowned down there, got turned into a mermaid, waited an extra night for him, and now you’re telling me he just LEFT?!" Paani started to freak out. It was like that fox never cared, he thought.
Koshi looked at the manta's Octo-Watch, now haphazardly, but tightly wrapped around his tail. He definitely was something different from Dashi, that was for sure.
"I’m sure he'll be back!" The puppy smiled, calming him down a little. "Is everyone okay down there?" She took out that same photo of Dashi, showing it to Paani like she did to Orson and Ursa.
Needless to say, the mermaid was surprised. Koshi HAD been down there, but unlike everyone else, she didn’t get close. Pearl and Bianca got turned inside the Octopod, Min just a mile away… the macaque himself had no idea where HE was turned, but oh well.
"I suppose your investigative behavior made you dodge a bullet." Paani looked around. "And yes, everyone’s safe, but I wouldn’t go down if I were you… unless you’re okay getting transformed like I was."
The dachshund shook her head. This mermaid had a point, even if there wasn’t THAT much danger down there. She handed over her camera, asking Paani to record everything that had happened. However, he rejected, as he wasn’t good with handling those. "I’ll ask Dashi to record the area herself." He suggested, to which Koshi happily nodded.
"Well, tell her I said hi. This case is FAR from closed. If anything, it’s open 24/7!"
Compared to flying QANTAS, it only took about, like, 2 and a half hours or so to get here from Mexico. Close to the Concorde, if anything. Yet, it was even more dangerous for something like the Octoray.
And someone was clearly unhappy about that.
"Crikey! Are you two serious? You could’ve crashed that thing!" Ryla rambled about the overspeeding that Yeshi did.
The dachshund would’ve also mentioned "kidnapping" Orson, Ursa and Periwinkle but that was gonna be one step too far for this angry, angry wombat. As if she didn’t know that part either.
"R-Ryla, it wasn’t that…" Natquik tried to speak up to no avail. That cave diver kept bumbling on about all of their violations. The Arctic fox totally understood why flight logs were always printed out after landing, but this was just ridiculous.
"I think we should’ve went for the big ranger first. He was WAY closer in the first place," Yeshi sighed, before remembering why he was here. If only Ryla could stop talking for one moment.
Natquik managed to fix that, by firmly holding her arm.
"…right. Now what’s happened? I shoulda listened." The wombat awkwardly shook her head.
Yeshi, being Dashi's brother, who herself was best friends with Ryla, was more than eager to go at this whole thing again, talking about how she and the Octonauts all got into a crash and became mermaids, and that some of the Octo-Agents INCLUDING Paani were also involved and that they got transformed-
"Hang on. Whaddya just say about… Dashi?" The wombat's eyes widened. "I’m a little lost."
After a quick second of internally screaming, the two lead Ryla to the Octoray, completely fine as it turned out. What a relief, everyone sorta thought.
"Simply put, the Octonauts are mermaids. And we’re trying to fix that." Yeshi said.
Fix? The cave diver was doubtful. Not only of fixing this, but that Dashi was part… creature. Ryla knew it just couldn’t be that easy to fix her without some kind of surgery.
It was best not to decline, because this could definitely be worse than what she heard.
Dashi was out there.
As were the others.
Meanwhile, Koshi had been waiting here in the excruciating heat for some time now, without anyone around but herself.
"Well, good thing I DID bring myself a novel. This one’s number 71." She went to page one and tried to look at the words.
Unfortunately, even that wasn’t helping, because all she could see and feel and smell was sand. Burning, salty sand. It felt like a furnace, which didn’t feel good.
Koshi knew Paani didn’t recommend her to go into the water, but he never did specify how deep. She moved over to where over met under, setting her legs into the seawater. Almost immediately did she feel much better. Much colder than the air above.
"Must be nice down there," she sighed. "I'm probably too young for a tail like my sis. Maybe someday…"
Then came complete silence. Except for the waves. Was this okay? Yeah, kind of. Sure, Koshi was completely alone, but she felt alright. There wasn’t really anything to NECESSARILY worry about anymore.
Suddenly, that moment of quiet was broken by a whole new voice.
"Are you… stranded?"
Taking a quick look back revealed who that was. A coyote, dusted with sand. Probably have walked for hours around here.
"No, I’m not. You seem to have gone through some tough things here. I assume YOU'RE stranded." Koshi noted the rarity.
The coyote shook their head and chuckled. "No, no, I LIVE here. I’ve never seen your face here. What’s a little puppy like you doing over on this beach?"
"Crash." She simply replied. That surprised the local, having not known about anything. Sure, Hurricane Selma brushed past Isla Guadalupe and left a bit of a mess, but everyone seemed okay after.
"So, like, you survived one?"
Koshi nope'd. "My sis did. You’ve heard of the Octonauts, right? She’s part of them. The Octopod crashed with everyone inside."
The coyote looked at her in surprise. They HAD known about the Octonauts, but didn’t really care about them until now. Of course, this island was probably one of the only places where fishing in the Meomiverse was actually common. Elsewhere, you were just eating… whatever wasn’t a critter in the ocean, like kelp, obviously.
"Oh, right." They snapped back to reality. "Yeah, I’ve heard of the Octonauts. They’re cool and all, and… damn, they crashed?"
The two looked out at the ocean. No noise, except for the waves in the distance. The sun was setting and the sky was slowly going dark.
"Damn, they crashed."
The dachshund turned her head to face them. "It’s a miracle they’re all alive and reachable," she smiled, thinking particularly of Dashi. "What’s your name, by the way?"
"Yuma." The coyote sighed, looking back at the island. "Get it? Because 'Yu' know everybody, but nobody knows 'Ma'." They laughed a bit at their pun. "No worries, I don’t bite. No reason to."
"Oh. That’s clever. You must be a longtime resident. I’m Koshi. I actually WORK with the Octonauts, on a smaller scale. I’m a junior Octo-Agent." The two shook paws in a slightly awkward way.
You had this island-dwelling introvert who watched reruns of old anime from the 1970s to 1990s all night, and then you had an affiliate with one of the biggest names in the Meomiverse. Not as impressive as meeting the Octonauts themselves, but oh well. Not like they would care about this place. If anything they’d be a little pissed if the locals weren’t catching INVASIVE species, which they WERE. Thankfully, just because fishing was allowed didn’t mean there were no rules.
"Well, good to meet you… Koshi." Yuma said in a slightly embarrassed tone. "I’m gonna head home now, it’s way too hot out-"
"Can I come with you? You don’t bite, right?" Koshi yipped.
"Oh, really? In MY 1999 Daihatsu Atrai?" The coyote leaned on its driver door, looking at the young dachshund. “Absolutely. Get in the front.”
Cars weren’t a super common thing to see in the Meomiverse. You tend to see them in more rural areas or big cities like Vancouver or Tokyo. But in the suburbs you would walk or bike. Which was totally fine, it was. Most folks preferred feet over the engine, so getting a driver's license was relatively easy. You still had to pass the required tests, but it was still a cool breeze. Yuma was one of those lucky ones with a Kei van like this, but nobody in Guadalupe cared. Not like they cared either, as long as their father had enough space inside. He was busy with other things off the island, so Yuma had the van all to themselves tonight.
“It’s a good thing there’s ONE music station on this island that the military leaves running all night.” The coyote turned the dial. “This kind of shit plays on EVERY station in this universe, but dear CLOUD does it go HARD.”
Koshi identified the song as AQUASINE’s StreetPass Millionaire. Indeed, she’d have heard that over in Australia, Chile, and Switzerland… and everywhere else. But like what that new friend of hers said, it DOES sound good.
So now, the two were headed from one coast to the other. Being in this van was a million times better than sitting on hot sand.
Especially now that Yuma knew someone who KNEW THEM back.
Min and Inkling both sat on top of the Octopod, admiring the view from above. As the world went dark for the night, the sea shone in orange, then to a dark blue. All while the other mermaids were exploring their surroundings, or simply resting down here.
“You know, some time after we met, I was working on a replica of this ship.” The professor mentioned, reaching for a book. “Good thing this wasn’t lost. Right, so it was 2008. A few years after working on some simulations of the Octonauts before I actually founded them. Turns out Captain Barnacles and Tweak were on board, as was Professor Natquik. They were younger at the time… and I mean YOUNG, for Barnacles and Tweak.
“Seems like you four go back like we do,” Min replied with a flutter of her wings. “Exactly what happened to that replica?”
“We ended up crashing near Seattle for reasons unknown, most likely the result of an evasive maneuver to avoid other traffic in the area.. It’s a good thing everyone was safe after that one as well… goodness, seems like history really repeats itself.”
The red panda giggled. “Indeed it does, Inky… indeed it does… Sometimes I think of how things would’ve gone if we met the other way around… not like I have to imagine that anymore! Haha!”
Inkling inched closer to the sea angel mermaid, admiring her new form. Min was still feeling weird over it, but it was a good thing she wasn’t fully alone.
It was then, Shellington swam past them in slight worry. He was following Tunip, eagerly guiding him northeast towards Baja California. Because of how sudden this invitation was, the merotter couldn’t even ask what it was about, leaving him in complete mystery.
Although, he did note that Kwazii wasn’t anywhere to be found when he woke up from his slumber in the kelp forest.
The sea otter had a hunch on what was going on, but he couldn’t figure it out just yet.
“Oh, oh no… All of you, stay here. I’m gonna go out there myself.”
As Natquik left the Octoray and approached the bunker next to the emergency post, he let out an annoyed sigh. He could hear the Top Gear theme song playing inside, LOUDLY, which immediately meant that Tracker was up to no good as always.
The Arctic fox started banging on the door to try and get his attention over the loud TV. But that’s when he remembered he had the key to this place.
“Этот медведь…” he groaned as he got inside. “Tracker, I thought you would remember this. Get up.” He turned off the TV and stared down at the polar bear, who was dazed on the couch with a half-eaten Cosmic Brownie on his forehead.
Tracker got up immediately, feeling completely fine, and stuffed what was left of the brownie into his mouth. “Oh hey, Professor Natquik! I missed you! How was it in Mexico?”
Natquik just stared at him as he remembered all that had happened up until now, and teared up a little. He didn’t want to make Tracker feel bad, no, he would never do that to any Polar Scout, especially not one of the best Polar Scouts behind Barnacles.
“…everything went well, Tracker.” He softly said, crouching down to give him a hug. “I’m glad to be back here, that’s all. Has everything been okay for you?”
The polar bear eagerly nodded. “Absolutely! We’ve just been enjoying our small break, so some of the other scouts were in the bunker here. It’s huge, AND connected to other bunkers, so there’s that!”
Of course they’d have been using the underground tunnels, Nat thought. Not that it was bad, but he didn’t want anyone using them for malicious purposes. Not that any of the Polar Scouts would actually do that as there WAS lots of security… well, except for Tim but he already left a month ago so thank cloud for that.
Enough of that, however. What Tracker decided was that it’s still time to kick back and relax, and-
“I’m gonna need you in the Octoray. Important meeting. And since you’re the second best Polar Scout, you could be of some REALLY big help.”
It turns out, for Tracker… that break was about to be over.
Hopefully it was gonna be a quick excursion.
“Oh, Kwaaaazii~? Where are yoooou~?” The sea otter sang out as he swam through the cooler waters, curiously swishing his shark tail. He knew other sharks thrived in these waters, but there was no way he could miss him… with his distinctive upper half.
Shellington had to admit, it was great to swim in another part of the ocean now that he was like this. If Kwazii WAS out here, he had a feeling that kitty felt the same.
It was getting really late now. 8 PM, and the moon was gleaming above. Which felt… nice. Was it a good idea to be so far away from the Octopod at night? Not really, but Shellington didn’t care. Not when Tunip was STILL going.
And just when they were both starting to get tired… "Uüskah mika…?”
Something appeared, RIGHT in front of him. And when he looked up, he started immensely blushing.
It was Kwazii, posing on an undersea ledge, shrouded in the moonlight, taller than the shark he called his. “Ye’ finally made it~! Sorry I scared ya, I just wanted to play a little.” He giggled, making way for Shellington to sit next to him. A bit difficult with the dorsal fins, so the best option was to lounge on their sides, leaning their heads against each other’s.
“Far away from the Octopod, just us three in the middle of nowhere… no getting chewed out by Tweak either. Now THIS is more like it,” the sea otter yawned. “Anything cool happening here? There’s gotta be some underwater cities of other mermaids if we’re like this, right?”
Kwazii shook his head. “Avast. I haven’t seen a single other being down here. Just sharks, sharks, and even more sharks!… like us. Maybe I’m just not searchin’ far enough. What ye’ say we… EXPLORE around here tomorrow? Not like we have anything to worry about~!”
Shellington happily nodded, looking up at the ocean surface. Even below the waves, he could see the sky lit up with millions of stars, maybe more than that. It was so beautiful, it really was. Just like who was sitting next to him.
Something about this whole experience was so… dreamy. Not only was it being with Kwazii, but the whole atmosphere. The vast, vibrant ocean, distant from everybody else, in the middle of the night, just watching it all go by and by… with the kitten who knew and loved him so well.
Shellington gently held the other mermaid’s paw, eyes still locked to the world above. About a week ago, they were up there, with LEGS. And now?
“Gosh, how fast things change.” He softly said, as his vision slowly blurred. “I suppose we should get some rest for real now.”
“Mmmhmmm…” Kwazii murmured. “A little catnap never hurt a pirate… Well, mermaid. TWO mermaids. You and me~!” The seas went fully dark, as he shut his eyes.
“Goodnight, Shellington.”
“Goodnight, Kwazii.”
Yuma’s house: small, built out of a (Meowrsk) Maersk-labeled container, and big enough for them and me. Located just a kilometer north of the main neighborhood on the southwest coast of Guadalupe, and has a pretty good view of the sea. Could probably see my sis from here if she shows up. I hope she does.
Koshi continued to write down the details of this place, sitting on Yuma’s bed while they were on the couch, eating a bag of marshmallows and watching more of that 80s anime as always. One of the only stuff available on this island anyways. Not that it sucked, but the coyote did wish for some variety sometimes.
“So, you got any family?” The dachshund asked. “I assume they’re off this island.”
Yuma nodded. “A little bit. Just mi madre in San Diego, and my dad who works down here.” They put away the marshmallow bag and shut off the TV. “How about you?”
“Well, of course there’s Dashi, my sis, as well as my mum and dad all in Australia.” Koshi took a deep breath. “Then you’ve got Yeshi, my bro who lives in Hokkaido, and then you’ve got my twin brother and sister Fishi and Tushi over in Okinawa… and then there’s me, and also Oyshi, who went into hiding somewhere in Taiwan. Needless to say, we’re all over the place.”
The coyote laughed at that last comment. “Must be some sick family reunions… I suppose being an Octo-Agent gives you the advantage to get everywhere in a few hours-”
Suddenly, out of nowhere, came the WHOOSH of a jet engine, and a few panels started falling from the sky, crashing into the ground across southern Guadalupe and the waters surrounding it. They all missed Yuma and their house, but they could’ve sworn they saw their life flash before their eyes.
“Everything alright? I heard something out there.” Koshi ran outside and noticed the mess everywhere. Other residents were also outside, trying to comprehend what was happening. Planes never really show up down here, but the dachshund immediately knew what was going on.
“Yuma, I oughta go.” Koshi blushed awkwardly.
“Oh, NO. You’re not going alone.”
Yeshi stressingly kept watching Natquik as he landed on the same beach they departed earlier. He could tell that he was only getting worse as time went by, and that it was probably a bad idea to have ever cooperated with that fox.
That banging from below wasn’t a good sign either. Did something just break? Probably so. They were going 700 miles an hour earlier anyways.
Ranger Marsh, on the other hand, was more calm, stayed focused on the main issue, and unlike Natquik he wasn’t putting himself in more pain. If anything, he’d be happy to take over for the sake of that guy’s mental health.
In their minds, everyone was starting to prefer being with Tweak’s pa.
“Just take a few deep breaths, Nat. You’re gonna be okay,” Marsh patted him on the back. “We shouldn’t be sweating this out. I mean, they ARE alive-”
“I KNOW they’re alive, but they’re MERMAIDS,” The fox groaned. “What can the Octonauts get done if they’re like that forever?”
“Listen, Natquik. I’ve known them probably LONGER than any of you guys… well, except for Orson and Ursa.” The bunny sat next to him, looking back at the other Octo-Agents. “Think of it like an advantage. And who knows? Maybe it was best for them.”
Before Natquik could say anything in response, Ryla was already preparing to make a swim for it, so as to get close up on this whole situation. The Octonauts were easily contactable, again, so the Arctic fox decided to give them a call now that he was on stable ground.
Ironically, Pearl picked up right away, shark tail in full view. She was more than delighted to see the Professor, even if he was still quite distant.
“Why, I’m not seeing this correctly. Pearl? You’re alive?” Natquik gasped. “I thought we’d have lost you, Bianca and Min for a whole night!”
“I knew it!” came from a voice behind the fox. Koshi made it back to the Octoray. “Hey, Pearl! How’s my sis?”
“All is well here, Koshi! Anything up there I should know about?” The otter curiously tilted her head, to which the dachshund was about to reply, but then noticed Ryla looming over her.
“Well, there’s stuff that I gotta know about,” the wombat replied. “For example: how exactly you blokes ended up like that. Hence why I’m headed your way now, BYE!” She rushed outside through the cargo bay, coming to a halt right on the shore to link her Octo-Watch with Natquik’s JUST in case, and THEN went into the water.
“Dashi, here I come.” She blurted out, before dunking her head into the sea.
Tracker left the sleeping quarters and walked over to where Natquik was, silently praying to the clouds above. The only time the Professor did that was if a miracle happened, so all seemed well for now.
As Koshi continued to explain to Orson, Ursa, and Periwinkle that their mothers were now actual mermaids, Yeshi and Tracker were waiting for what Natquik would do next. He got quite better, so maybe this was where he finally accepted what happened.
Or, at least up until they all heard a splash outside. It wasn’t Ryla either.
“Finally… ugh, I hate crawling on this sand. At least I get to live in the sea now,” Paani panted as he looked up at the Octoray, Natquik having finally returned and going outside to investigate. “About time you made it as well.”
The Arctic fox, a little miffed, approached the macaque and held both of his arms. “We need to talk. Now.” Like that, he started to haphazardly drag him towards the cargo bay.
“Hey! Let go of me!” Paani shouted. “I just wanted to stop by! What’s this all about?”
Natquik shook his head in regret. “Don’t panic, Paani. I’m not mad. May we just… talk inside?”
The monkey sighed. “Fine, but get me some water while we’re at it! And make it QUICK!”
Around the same time, Ryla excitedly knocked on the outer wall of the HQ. She immediately knew Dashi was inside, and eagerly waited for her response. Her oxygen level was totally full, so there was no worry about staying about an hour here.
Min floated next to her, twitching her sea angel tail. “I could go in there myself and tell her, if you want,” The red panda offered, swimming up to Ryla’s face.
“I appreciate it, but I wanna make this a surprise. To see your old mate and know both of you are doing okay is always so nice, hm~?” The wombat replied, her and Min immediately thinking of Inkling. “I know you know that feeling.” She swam over the window, down where the roof used to be, and landed on the floor, with the slug mermaid carefully following her.
“Crikey, to think I rarely got to see inside of here before now…” Ryla sighed as she climbed down the ladder. “Those agents don’t appreciate you enough, Min.”
Seems like the red panda suddenly vanished. Ryla looked around, making full 360 turns in the main area, before noticing something shiny on her visor.
“Oi! What are ya’ doing hugging my face like that?” She put her paw just an inch away from the sea angel. “What’s up with you being the size of a Tim Tam? You’re asking for THE ONE GRIT.”
Min wasn’t listening. She was just in complete disbelief of what she just did. Did she just shrink to a sixteenth of her size, or was it just a hallucination?
Ryla called her name again, which got her attention. She yelped at the sigh of the wombat’s big face right in front of her.
“I didn’t know I could do THAT!” Min floated around aimlessly, confused. It was a cool quirk, but at the same time, it was terrifying for a moment. “Uh, Ryla, is it okay if you hold me? I’ll have to figure out how this works… plus, I could guide you around.”
Because of how small this red panda was, Ryla did find it a little hard to hear her, but she totally understood and appreciated the help. She got a soft grip on the sea angel mermaid, and resumed her thinking about where Dashi was.
“If she’s not in the HQ, she might be in the launch bay or the laboratory. Be careful, because Tweak’s asleep in the former and I’d rather not wake her up.” Min informed the wombat with a tone of sympathy. “She’s been through some hard times lately.”
Ryla decided to follow her advice, choosing NOT to risk her life, and went straight for the lab. Perhaps there were other folks there as well.
And what did she know? She was right! Pearl, Bianca, AND Dashi were all in there. All waiting for her. And now, all cheering, the moment they saw her face.
Dashi swam right at her, wrapping her arms around the wombat. “Ahh, been too long… I missed you so much! Did you hear what happened? We’re MERMAIDS~!”
Ryla excitedly nodded. “Absolutely, Dashi! Pearl let everybody above know about it! And crikey, ALL of you are SOOO CUUUUTE~! Mate, I’m at a LOSS of words.”
Min could feel herself growing again, wriggling out of the wombat’s paw and swimming off. Not like the cave diver would notice anyways. It was adorable, seeing the whole reunion from behind. It reminded her to go help Inkling with moving the Octopod into an upright position.
Ryla, Dashi, and the mothers kept enjoying themselves in the empty lab. Shellington was away tonight so chilling here was totally fine.
The only objective was to find out what caused these changes, which could wait.
As Natquik laid Paani down on the floor of the Octoray, Yeshi, Tracker, and Koshi all excitedly went up to him.
“Hey, guys!” The mermaid awkwardly giggled. “Seems like I’ve gotten myself in a bit of a situation, but it’s good to see all of you again!” He held up one of his fins, showing off its natural color.
“Eccentric severe tumors, you look great!” said Tracker. “What’d you bring him in for, Natquik?”
The fox embarrassingly turned to face him and drooped his ears.
“…I… I don’t know.”
Everyone facepalmed. Paani did it twice. Didn’t this guy want to talk to him about SOMETHING? Natquik tried to think again, up until the mermaid reminded him.
“You wanted to talk to me.” He looked up at him with a slightly annoyed expression in his eyes. “What was it?”
Tracker stood close to the fox for comfort, as he immediately remembered everything. “Right!” The Professor shrugged. “I just wanted to interview you on what’s going on down there.”
Natquik signaled Tracker to jot everything down, which he did so on his Octo-Watch.
N: What exactly happened, and what got you transformed?
P: Well, simply put, I was in San Diego at the time I made that group call. I left on my paddle board about an hour later and ended up getting lost. So, I tried to get to shore and had to abandon board because it was stressing me out. Needless to say, that was not my brightest idea because I ended up nearly drowning, and so Shellington and Kwazii transformed me themselves.
N: Is there a reason why you never told us your plan, or why you didn’t wait for us?
P: I figured you would’ve found my location yourself. I mean, we all have our Octo-Watch on. Somehow, mine got on my tail. I think Shellington did that.
N: Is the ocean still safe at this point?
P: Absolutely! Tweak helped clean up whatever chemical got all of us turned, and there shouldn’t be such danger anymore. Although, according to you, the damage has already been done.
N: I never said anything about- nevermind.
N: If I did this and not you, how would you react?
P: Honestly? I wouldn’t mind at all. I would even go as far to say that THAT would be SPLASHING. You know what? Why don’t you- OW! Hey, what was that slap in the face for?! You were asking how I would react, so I was being completely honest!
N: PAANI. You’re not taking this seriously at ALL. WHEN will you learn that your actions have consequences?
P: Look, I JUST said I was being completely honest. Take a deep breath and relax, okay?
“Okay, that’s enough, guys.” At that, Tracker had to stop the interview, getting between Natquik and Paani as things started getting heated. “Paani, Yeshi, and I will be in the cargo bay. Don’t mess anything up.”
Koshi stood next to the Arctic fox, giving him the stink eye. Any more of this, she might even leave him to die from embarrassment on this island. He should’ve seen that one coming.
Poor Orson, Ursa and Periwinkle still didn’t understand what all this was about. But at least their mothers were okay. At least that’s what Koshi told them.
It was up to Ryla to tell everything for REAL.
Shellington and Kwazii were in a SUPER deep sleep. Completely disconnected from the world, their dreams linked only between each other by their paws.
As such, they weren’t aware at all of what happened to Tunip. He'd been struck by one of those panels that fell from the Octoray, which knocked him out, leaving him floating to the surface, and pushed by the tide towards Guadalupe.
No one else was aware. Especially not on the surface. Especially not Yuma. They didn’t bother staying at the Octoray where Koshi was. That was pretty useless. Was any of that dilemma worth it? No. They went home to cast a line like they were planning earlier. Nothing like helping your dad, even by a little.
“He won’t be back until next week. I’ve got time.” They smirked, as they swung the pole. For a moment, there was just silence. The distant sound of crickets chirping was all that could be heard. The coyote didn’t mind it, but regardless they put on their headphones. Just for SOME noise.
Atmospheric DnB in ears, eyes staring at the vast sea. Yuma was mesmerized. There wasn’t anything on their mind, not even Koshi.
And that’s when danger comes. The lack of awareness overtook them. They just stood there, not knowing what to do.
And then, the sound of a splish, woke Yuma up. They immediately started reeling up the rod, trying to see if they actually got something. It was a little light, so maybe they were just hallucinating.
Unfortunately, at the very last moment, they realized their catch.
“Oh… SHIT. What the hell is that?”
Yuma had just caught Tunip. By the tail.
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strom-in-the-sky · 1 year
Ok ok so imagine this, platonic yandere Dazai with a sibling reader who like kanny form South Park.
a sibling who dies only to come back the next day i feel like this will be hell for Dazai especially if he’s a yandere. 
So with Port mafia Dazai I feel like he would be overprotective and a massive prick. You know and with port mafia Dazai  you wouldn’t really die when your with him just because of his overprotective nature. would lock you inside the house when he would go to work or would ignore you if you tried to explain what happened and what killed you
I feel like you would die from a killer so as your on the ground slowly bleeding out you can hear your phone ringing and oh god you just remembered how painful the stab wound is. Only to wake in your bed the next day. Sitting there staring at the wall in shock. Moving your hands to feel the mattress your on. You can feel your heart pounding as you remembered what happened. it felt so real. you started checking your chest seeing no stab wound no nothing it was like…it never happened. You version started to burl as you covered your face with your hands crying in silence.
I feel like if you told Dazai what happened he would probably tell you your being over dramatic over a silly dream and to get over it. And you would take this to heart telling yourself that it was just a dream nothing else. Until it happens again and again and again. until you truly believe this is your curse. And when you tell Dazai what he thought of it he would probably to brush it off and insult you, only to look into your eyes and see the way your crying. he takes a moment to think about the probability of this until eventually realising your telling the truth.
after the realisation he would definitely become more protective and paranoid especially when he know he doesn’t remember what killed you. This will lead him to isolated you so you don’t die. Sometimes when he wakes up he will ask you if you died or not if you died to something but nobody killed you he will probably lock you inside the house to make sure it doesn’t happen again 
but if somebody did kill you god have mercy on those who killed you because not only is he frustrated that he doesn’t remember he’s angry at himself that he let you die. And he is gonna take all his frustration out on them so let’s hope the person dies quick. And the worst part is that one’s you tell him and you didn’t die that day he never forgets and he knows when you’re lying.
so if we going with dazai remembering. You would probably die in a shot out against another organisation with dazai holding your body after every thing is over oh and he would be absolutely heartbroken regretting everything he did. Oda and ango would try and get him to let go only for him to lash out and tell them to leave. He doesn’t want to let go he’ll never let go. his dear sibling, the one that he promised to protect but let down. It would be hours before he eventually let’s go. 
He doesn’t sleep that night too dramatised too really. He stays lying down in his bed until sunrise eyes dark. Until he hears a knock at his door he doesn’t want to get up that is until he hears it again and now’s he’s pissd off he get up and open the door about to kill whoever knocked on his door until he sees who it is, you his siblings looking at him with tears down your face. Hey I’m back. 
You see with this kind of ability dazai doesn’t want anyone to know about this and he’s sure if mori knew he would only use you for his own benefit so he has no choice but to lock you away. You can keep banging on the door all you want but trust me he’s not budging. He just tells you this hurts him more then it hurts you. fucking liar. But rest assured after this nothing bad is going to happen to you. Ever. So suck it up and deal with it. Besides he is gonna have one hell of a time beating the ones that killed you.
ok and if we’re going with Kenny reader I can definitely see sibling reader going out at night and secretly protecting the town form the port mafia. And the port mafia getting so angry and frustrated at the fact that this random kid keeps ruining their plans and killing their soldiers, and I just imagine Mori would definitely send dazai to find out who this kid is, 
And I just get this feeling that Dazai would alway come close to figuring it out the truth before quickly dismissing it or Kenny reader covering it up last minute, because I can totally see him asking you were you were the night of the attack and you just saying you watching TV and eaten apples and there’s just a bunch of eaten apples in the trashcan so he has no evidence. Haha Just a thought (:
Please don’t mind my terrible writing😭👏
100% yes. You got it right. That's how he would fully act.
Your writing is very well! Got him on point as well.
Bro is losing his sanity every moment in the Port mafia.
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thatpunkmaximoff · 6 months
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[Book One of..]
Story: 5 out of 5 Smut: 2 out of 5
I honestly wanted this book so bad because everyone recommended it as a Peter Pan retelling. Imagine my surprise, however, when I read the author’s note, and she states it’s NOT a retelling. But I still read it because I wanted to read a story from the villain’s pov and oh my god am I glad I read it. I am in love with James/Hook and I don’t care that he’s a bad guy.
Wendy, daughter of Peter, starts off as the naive girl that Hook is looking to take advantage of because of what Peter has done to him in the past. But as her rose tinted glasses come off, she becomes the young woman who you will come to adore and root for. And James… well you’ll be up and down with his character. I knew he was the bad guy going in, but I wanted to throttle him at one point.
I guess you can say this is a reimagining of the Peter Pan characters in a modern world, but instead of rooting for Peter Pan, Wendy, and Tink… you’ll be begging Hook for a taste of the dark side.
I am stoked to see what else Emily has written for this series!
* So we start off with a murder. Nice. Seems James’s uncle deserved it.
* Oh shit. James saw Wendy through video feed and immediately wants to defile her. But it’s Wendy’s friend who is hoping for his attention 😬
* Ohhhh. He got her to to agree to a date 😏
* So that’s why he doesn’t like the ticking sound. Damn.
* Oh shit. James walked up to Wendy and Maria is PISSED.
* Lol Maria is such a bitch.
* Score. He secured the date.
* Goddamn. James has got a mouth on him.
* The way he has her grind on his lap… holy shit.
* I somewhat knew what I was getting into, but damn… I’m gonna be heartbroken when Wendy finds out James is using her.
* Wendy’s dad is a dick and Tina Belle a bitch. I can’t wait until James gets his hand on them.
* Lol Moira tried to make Wendy jealous and James wasn’t having it 😂
* Oh shit. Wendy gave him her virginity. There’s gonna be a lot of crying later, isn’t there?
* So the dad doesn’t care for his son and James has noticed that Jon (the brother) looks nothing like Wendy. Could he be the product of an affair?
* Why do I have a feeling something is gonna happen to Ru?
* Uh oh, James. You going soft for Wendy and her brother Jon.
* I fucking knew something was going to happen to Ru 😩 and now James thinks Wendy had a hand in it. Fuck! I can’t wait for him to murder her dad Michael. To murder Pan.
* Holy shit. Did he just kidnap her?! He has it all wrong!
* I can’t wait to see when he realizes he royally fucked up.
* Starkey, you’re a little traitorous motherfucker, aren’t you? I know it was you who was supposed to have Ru’s back. You’re too nervous.
* “Just remember, that whenever things feel bleak, all situations are temporary. It’s not your circumstance that determines your worth, it’s how you rise from the ashes after everything burns.”
* “Every good bitch needs a pretty collar.” — oh my god. I can’t wait for her to bitch slap you 😂
* FINALLY! She had no idea, you dumb shit. Now prepare to beg for forgiveness.
* Wow. Her dad was really gonna let her die. Fuck him.
* Shit. Peter burned down James’s club.
* Damn. James burned all Peter’s planes 😂
* wtf was that with Moira? And how the fuck did Wendy disappear?! I don’t trust Smee 🤔
* Oh so Smee just assumed she left when really she was just sitting on the dock. But still, James is pissed 😬
* She caved way too fast once his fingers got in her. Get it together, Wendy!
* Croc? As in his uncle? wtf! And of course there’s an explosion just as the woman’s name is about to be given.
* Fuck! Starkey is a traitor! It wasn’t an explosion. Starkey shot their hostage right before he spilled the beans. He’s protecting his boss!
* Damn. Wendy’s that good of a fuck that James is in love, huh 😂 Well.. I’m kind of glad she decided to stay. I don’t trust anyone else to have her back like James does.
* “For the record, I would give you the world. You simply have to ask. You want kids? Done. You want to stay here and never work again? Done. You want to watch the world burn?” // “Let me guess, you’ll set it on fire?” // “No, darling. I’ll hand you the match and stand at your back, watching you become Queen of the ashes.”
* Moira is a traitor?! I knew the bitch was sleezy, but this is… wow. I can’t wait for James to kill her.
* Fuck you, Tina! Ugh. These women are pissing me off 😂
* I fucking called it. Smee! You asshole. And cousins? Why are you being such a little bitch.
* So Peter saved James? And James has a brother?! wtf. Tina better fucking get some punishment for flipping out on Wendy.
* Oh shit. It’s Jon! And seriously, fucking Tina. Someone bitch slap her!
* Aww. They got their happily ever after 🥹
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enderevynne · 1 year
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↳ Howe Treachery
Mod creators are truly the Maker’s blessing upon us ohmygod
From the very first time I played the Cousland origin (a mere few weeks ago lol but I’ve replayed it a bunch of times already), I had the headcanon that Ness has been silently in love with Ser Gilmore for years; never saying anything or acting on it, as Gilmore works for his family (and will never not call him My Lord - which everyone does and Ness always hates but especially hates hearing from Gilmore), and that’s a line Ness will not cross. 
But even if Gilmore didn’t work for his family, even if his love for Gilmore wasn’t highly inappropriate, Ness still wouldn’t have acted. Because Gilmore never said anything either, and so Ness always assumed it was unrequited. Ness is someone who likes casual hookups; mostly with men, and maybe once in a blue moon with a woman - and that’s no secret to anyone. The only part of himself he’s ever hidden or felt shame for is his love for Ser Gilmore. Ness doesn’t give a shit about wealth and stature, but is well aware of the power his stature grants him, and so is careful not to abuse it. 
That’s also been my headcanon for why Ness hooks up with Dairren after learning that Gilmore is likely going to go off to become a Warden, never to return to his old life. Dairren is safe, Dairren is hot, Dairren loves books too, and Dairren is unabashedly interested. Ness is heartbroken and desperate to find a way to move on... and sweet, red-headed Dairren reminds him of Gilmore (and hoo boy does that add to his self hatred and guilt when that ends up killing Dairren right in front of Ness later). 
I also headcanoned that their night together actually ended up with them both enthusiastically agreeing to a proper date once Dairren returned - and that was before I knew Dairren was about to fucking die (I was so not prepared for that T_T). I’ve searched about for answers on whether he can be saved if your oc does not bed him because if so I’d go back and save him, but a small, evil part of me loves the hurt.
(I was not prepared for anyone at the castle dying, tbh. I thought his father and brother were definitely going to not return but damn what happened was nothing I was prepared for.) 
And I thought it couldn’t hurt more than not being able to say goodbye properly to Gilmore, other than Ness trying to stay behind with him to hold the gate but being refused.
Buuuuut then I found the Farewell Ser Gilmore mod. And it’s amazing and it hurts. Way, way more. And I love it!!
And even though yes you get to choose whether or not your character kisses him, I’m just gonna headcanon that Gilmore is the one who initiates the kiss. Because that hurts so much more. 
Another part this tiny but amazing mod added to my Ness story, is the awesome parallel that headcanon-turned-kinda-canon mod brought. 
See, even before the bi Alistair mod, I was convinced Alistair is pining for the Warden whether you can romance him or not. It’s painfully obvious in his jealousy etc. Then once thanks to the mod Ness finally could romance him, I let it drag on a while before they get together even so. 
Because Ness first has a very brief casual thing with Morrigan (very brief not because he doesnt like her, but because he breaks it off immediately after Morrigan suggests they just let everyone in the Circle get slaughtered) then with Zevran almost immediately after he’s recruited (he doesn’t much care if that might cause his assassination; he kind of welcomes the idea, but then breaks it off once he trusts and cares about Zevran). 
Like with Gilmore, Ness is silently in love with Alistair. But he is very well aware this time that his love is returned. But he is in no shape to deal with it. 
Ahhh this mod added so much to his story, it’s killing me and I LOVE IT SO MUCH
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blupengu · 10 months
Oh my god I just finished Lucas’s route… oh my god I’m so mmmmmmmm I don’t even know bruh y’all oh my god 😂 big fat spoilers for virche and long ramblings as usual under the cut
Oof where do I even begin my word vomit like, ?!??!??!?!?!?? The funniest thing to me is still the fact that they they didn’t bother trying to hide him being Bourreau with the exact same fucking sprite poses lmao, but I guess that wasn’t really the mystery
CAPUCINE BETTER WATCH THE FUCK OUT THOUGH IT’S ON SITE 🔫🔫 (and whoever this mysterious benefactor is… better not be some shit like, it was Salome all along lmao)
Like okay I know Lucas is a lil extremely way cracked in the head in his despair ending (oh boy oh boy) but… he’s so pretty? When he’s in his Bourreau outfit and his hair is tied up?? Covered in blood??? Stab me harder please 👀 … Do I have a problem? Perhaps… but I’m just keeping true to my dubious taste in anime men 😌
You can’t give me a pretty character with long hair and blue eyes with a gentlemanly “oh ho” personality who’s such a sweetie, while everyone thinks he’s delicate but is secretly (obviously) super strong and very sus, and then tell me how super fucked up his situation is and *NOT* expect me to fall in love????? Boy you had me at the first “ehehe” laugh, you saint-germain-esque motherfucker, I 100% have a type in these games I am very predictable 😂
Aaaaaah I don’t wanna think about Nadia… 😩 girl, sweetie, honey, GIRL. Girl. Too good for this world. Too pure, too innocent… Girl I am so sorry you’re in this game LMAO jeez. I knew… I knew shit was gonna be bad, but oh I was so hoping it was not gonna go that way………. But with everything being all about despair you knew it was gonna happen…….. Big FMA fucking “big brother Edward” and oddly enough hatoful boyfriend vibes… I DID NOT WANT IT THOUGH NO I DON’T LIKE IT!! 😭 I am so scared about what Lucas’s salvation ending is gonna be now, and where it’ll start changing from this end… because BOY. IF THIS DOESN’T GET FIXED…! I am going to be so heartbroken, family in fiction just get me y’all ;-;
… God I know it’s not all gonna get fixed though, there’s just no way, there’s too much shit going on, something’s gotta give, especially in a game like this? If it was your normal otome game maybe, but… I don’t think Nadia’s making it… and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Lucas didn’t either… even if they both do, they’d barely be able to live another year so I can only see bittersweet endings lmao I’m very worried 😭😂 I NEED THAT FANDISK LOCALIZED NOW!!!
Also I did NOT expect Ankou to suddenly show up at the end?? Aight sir I see you, don’t worry you’re right behind Lucas for me… knowing he got his ass absolutely demolished by Lucas though is kinda hilarious, like I thought Ankou was gonna be some all powerful magic dude but nope. Lucas cut him into little bits LOOOL rip in pieces literally 💀 humanizes him surprisingly for me 🤔
And wtf was Ceres’s plan…? Like… hey lemme go die?? Hope Lucas snaps out of it after he stabs me??? GIRL PRETTY MUCH EVERYONE’S ALREADY DEAD. That’s such a shit plan how was Ankou okay with this 😂
At least uhhhh…. We’re his wife now………? Consolation prize… sorta…………?? 👀😬 yikes lmao but at least all his CGs are so pretty 😌
Wait I just checked his CGs actually… there’s… three left??? And 11/18 (oh shit that’s today’s date LOL). Oh yes, oh hell yes that means more for the salvation ending with variations, give me MORE!! I’m kinda sad now that the “good” endings are locked behind the final route… I need to know what the “good” ending is (BIG quotes around “good” lmao)
I’m gonna need to make one of those “do it for him” memes now to feel better, but I guess I’ll have to hold off until I get all his CGs LOL
OH MY GOD WAIT THERE WAS SO MUCH GOING ON I DIDN’T EVEN TALK ABOUT THE CAGE HOLY CRAP 😂 ah how could I forget?! Actually, after finishing his route I don’t have a lot to say about it… it was super hilarious when I first saw it and my only thought really was “not this shit again” lmao, but at least in this case it made more sense…
Ah okay I’m think I’m done venting… off to do Scien’s route next… maybe I’ll give Lucas a day to cook in my head though, this is the longest rambling text post I’ve ever done lmao… or maybe I’ll finish up the happy bits I have left to do from the even if tempest fandisk 😭
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These two are so precious I can’t 😭
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