#i Hate everyone i Hate everything please kill me before it's tomorrow
crescentmp3 · 12 days
tomorrow i will die. i will lay at rest and there won't be a single worry left shackling me to trifle my soul as it ascends to the skies painted pink with sunrise
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nouvxllev · 7 months
Hi, love your writing! I have a request where reader and Jenna are in a long distance relationship and reader decides to surprise Jenna after hearing Jenna’s been having a tough week filming or something. Just something along those lines haha
a flight away
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
Summary: ^^ request!!!
Words: 3.1k
Warnings: bittersweet
a/n: first of all,, thank you so much!!!! and second of all, ill try my best! hope this is to ur liking anon
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You didn't know what you were getting into the first thing in the morning when you checked your phone at exactly 6:34 AM.
Normally, you'd do the routine where you stare at your wallpaper (it was a picture of Jenna) for a good 20 minutes before internally dying inside because of why should she be such a hardworking woman to the point you only get to see her for about 1-2 months before leaving again, but then fall in love with her like it was the first time for that exact reason entirely.
Now, you woke up to Jenna's notifications flooding her digital face, more voicemails and missed calls rather than messages.
Obviously, you panicked out of your fucking mind.
You knew she was safe in Ireland where she was filming season 2 of Wednesday. She has more bodyguards around her than people trying to get her autograph, and she has her co-stars with her at all times.
She was safe. Safe. The word almost sounded like a prayer you repeated in your head as you eyed her messages.
You couldn't open the voicemail for the reasons that you might hear an announcement that Jenna has got into some serious shit and might need to be hospitalized and you absolutely need to be there for her right now.
But after 5 minutes of going through all stages of grief, you pressed play.
You were not expecting Jenna to outright scream at her phone in the middle of the night.
"Y/n. Y/n, I—God, I don't even know where to start with this. I'm just so… so tired. From everything, from everyone. I don't know why, seriously, I don't know why but i just—I just broke down when I came back to my apartment."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I have to message you like this in the middle of the night. I'm doing well in Ireland, but I'm having such a rough fucking time in shooting every scene. It's not like I hate everyone on the set, I love them, I… I don't know."
"I need you, please Y/n. Even if it's just your voice, just please give me a piece of your presence. I need something to hold on, someone to tell me that it's going to be okay and I'll get through this. I know, it's a bit overdramatic but… I just miss you so damn much, and this distance is killing me more than ever. We haven't seen eachother atleast a year now. I'm so tired."
"Please pick up, y/n. It's selfish for me to ask, but I just want to hear you. It feels like I'm losing myself in all of this. I don't want to break down in front of everyone on set tomorrow. But, y/n. Y/n, y/n, y/n, it's so hard."
"I love you. I love you so much. So damn much, it's killing me. I miss New York, I miss our home, I miss you. I wish you were here. I'm sorry for letting you hear me like this over the phone, it's unbecoming. I love you, goodnight."
Your heart sank.
It was all too surreal, all too agonizing, like you feel bile coming up to your throat.
The daunting feeling of Jenna experiencing all of these emotions at once dragged your heart, her voice like a film tape in your mind as if were right there with Jenna in her room.
You heard her cry, you watched her curl herself up on her mattress all while she clung to her phone as if it was your hand she wished she held everyday.
You craved for the warmth of her hand, and you imagine she craves yours as much as you do with hers while you longed to be there with her, for her. To hold her close to you and offer the comfort she needed. The very touch that healed every scar, present and future, was replaced by the lifeless screen of your phone.
You were there, you swear you're there, but you couldn't do anything but listen.
On top of everything, you blamed yourself.
You called her almost everyday, the long-distance relationship being almost a mere label to the both of you.
You texted her every morning and went to bed with her every night. You were there, always. Yet, it felt like you neglected her. Like a piece of you was missing before you even realized it.
Now all you can think about are her restless nights.
The days where Jenna staged a performance with a heavy heart while you smiled with joy, the nights where you slept peacefully in your own bed while Jenna tossed and turned in discomfort in something unfamiliar, sacrificing her rest for your peaceful evenings to remain the same.
You don't know how many days she's been like this, nor do you want to know, the thought was unbearable enough.
And you almost feel bad of booking a plane ticket rather than responding to her. You were just a flight away anyways.
Shit, her head hurts.
Hammering, actually.
Like someone cracked it open with an axe made out of obsidian right down the middle and served it to her on a silver platter.
She never should've accepted that afterparty invite from Georgie.
If she never got absolutely wasted to shots from bottles of alcohol, maybe Jenna would've had the brain capacity to curse him under her breath for being such a good damn friend.
Worst of all, she was missing someone. Horribly.
Not just you, but everything of you.
Your scent, your warmth, your presence, your heartbeat against hers—a cruel reminder on how she was missing all of these.
She longed to hear the way you laugh as if you heard the funniest joke ever, the way you smile at Jenna as if she was a saint that had done nothing wrong, the way you loved her oh so dearly like she was the only person that made you crawl out of your skin in a good way.
Now it was taken from her. All of it. She felt like she was nothing without her muse, which was actually the case here.
Jenna was supposed to stay for a year with you—a whole fucking year! A whole year was watered down to a pathetic one to two months because of a change in filming schedule that Jenna had, somehow, no right to turn down.
That's not even half of the time Jenna spent miles away from you, and she couldn't even apologize properly in person since she had to depart so early in the morning.
The thought of you expecting Jenna to wake up beside you with a smile and a kiss only to be woken up with a cold bed with a note apologizing a million times made her flight to another country worse.
She would've been happier if the plane crashed then she would be begging to whatever afterlife she was in to bring her back to the living and spend her life with you.
It's gotten to that point where she looked just like Wednesday off-cam if not worse. She even almost snapped at Emma when she tried consoling her.
Now she sits in her trailer, on a chair, not with you, but with... a chair. Along with her script on a table.
Jenna tried a few lines, repeated them, tried a few lines, repeated them, and it all just comes back full circle.
No matter what she does, she still fucking missed you and wished she could just tell everyone she wanted and needed a nap along with her girlfriend by her side until it reaches winter of 2025.
She could take a nap right now, but you weren't with her. The cold surface would make you appear in her dreams like the loving parasite you are to her and she would only yearn more.
She could take a walk right now, but little ice cream shops along the way would only make her reminisce about the times you would take her out on dates every damn day like you had buckets on buckets of gold to spend it all on Jenna. She would only miss you even more.
She could talk to one of her co-stars, but they weren't you. The stupid and fuckass conversations you'd often bring up, they wouldn't do that. Even if they did, it wouldn't have the same effect.
Why did life suddenly become so difficult when she now has the most gorgeous, talented, and loving girlfriend a billion miles away from her!?
After putting her arms over her eyes, trying to calm down the impending woe and sadness she was facing, a soft knock on her door interrupted all of it.
"Jenna?" She heard Emma's voice, soft like she was hesitant to talk to her if not for Jenna responding with a hum, "we've been calling you for 5 minutes now. It's our scene."
Her voice was serious, though quiet. Or maybe that was just concern, Jenna has been distant for a while now.
Letting out a sigh, she replied, "Right, I'll be there in a minute."
She pulled herself up from the chair. She didn't really need to return to the makeup team, just thankful she didn't cry herself to death thinking about you.
She turned her back to see Emma standing in front of the door, half opened, peering half of her body, "Jenna, you know you can take a break if you want—"
Jenna only offered a weak smile, her steps matching Emmas as they walked over to set, "It's fine. Don't worry about me too much."
Her thoughts are too different from what she was saying, but it wasn't like she could say she'd rather kill herself before even stepping foot out of her trailer without seeing y/n.
"Jenna!" Tim Burton called her out, his voice calm, stretching out her name like he was going to say something completely off-guard.
The girl in question was already staring him down as he spoke, "We've got a change in script"
The girl in question was already staring him down as he spoke, "We've got a change in script. Nothing too big, just that we've added a new extra that Wednesday needs to interact with on this scene."
Isn't that a slight bit unprofessional?
Jenna could let out the most exhausted and exasperated sigh if not for Tim being the one of the sweetest, yet often odd, directors she ever worked with.
"Yeah, sure, can I atleast meet this person—"
"Sorry, Jenna," He lead her to the place she needed to be, the extra in question being no where near in Jenna's sight, "but this is really a last minute change and we just need you both to improvise."
"Wait, but—!"
Her protests were already too late, looking like it went through one ear and out the other through the audio. She was just grateful she had enough training and years in this industry to immediately get into character.
It was supposed to be her scene with Emma, lurking in the woods, a lantern between her fingers as they approached a silhouette of a figure.
Now it was just Jenna in the scene, lurking in the woods, leaves crunching under her combat boots as she watched the camera move alongside her body, not a lantern but rather a flashlight gripped on her palm.
She was informed that the silhouette in question was one of her co-stars that she had met before hand, a tall figure in the distance that she could immediately distinguish based on the back alone.
Now... it's... not exactly what she was expecting to see when she got in character.
She approached the figure, confused as ever, not because it was in her script to do so, but she was actually so damn confused it wouldn't be a surprise to her if she was imagining things.
Because the silhouette looked exactly like you.
Jenna knew you from the slightest shade of your skin, even when it's so damn dark outside.
She knew you from the way you stood, the way you sometimes would do whatever it is with your hands when idle, the way you'd often slightly tilt your head back when you're suppressing a hard giggle—which you were and failing to do so—the way you, in your own words by the way, aren't a good actress for Jenna to practice her lines on without laughing like a total maniac.
Holy shit.
Jenna's mind raced, all too fast for her liking, her heart pounding in her chest, and her body almost in flames at the thought of you being here. Finally being here.
It couldn't be real, of course it wouldn't, why would you be on set in fucking Ireland? It must be a trick, much so a figment of her imagination and maybe more or less girlfriend deprived of everything you gave her. But as she drew closer, her steps doing all but walking slowly to the silhouette, it because unmistakable who it was.
It was you.
Her best friend ever since she learned how to act in middle school, a friend that stuck with her forever even in times where you could've left her all alone.
Her girlfriend. The girlfriend of almost a few years that she loved and cherished with all her might, even if she were to commit a sin, there would be no greater wrong than Jenna disliking you.
It was her home. At last.
Without a second thought, Jenna abandoned everything, forgetting that she was even supposed to be the character she was and rushed towards her, arms already stretched in a desperate embrace to feel your warmth against her body once again. Your heartbeat against hers. It was all too surreal, all too fucking real.
Jenna threw herself into your arms, wrapping you in a tight hug that almost knock you both off of balance in the dirt. Your body stumbling forwards as your back was faced on her.
You still smelled like New York, mixed with that familiar airpot scent that Jenna always got used to. But now, it felt so new, so new that you were hugging her, touching her like it was the last symphony you'd play in your life.
She hugged you, tight. Her hands gripping your clothes like you'd disappear in a matter of seconds. You can hear her taking deep breaths against your body, gulps, and her hold tightening onto you with each passing moment.
As you turned around, you waited for Jenna to slowly loosen her grip, her eyes searching yours as if she still could hardly believe that you were here, standing in front of her after all this time apart. And now, you couldn't believe devotion was still present in her eyes, that warm of a gaze that you always managed to capture in her eyes.
"You're here. Y/n, you're—" She sniffed, looking up at you as she cupped your cheeks, a stray tear trickling down her eyes that shimmered, "You're really here." She whispered, her voice cracking almost to a fault. Her voice was fragile, it crushed you. "Why, how? What, I don't under—"
You smiled softly, chuckling even, you didn't expect it to go this way. "That's not part of the script, Wednesday." You joked, even if it was a serious moment, you always seemed to have one.
"You're not part of the script, why are you here!?"
You reached up to brush a stray lock of hair from Jenna's fringe as Wednesday, your touch gentle and reassuring like it never changed over the years. It was still there, your love was still there, and you were waiting for your lover to come back once in your arms to show how much you missed her oh so dearly.
"I missed you." You simply said, slightly swaying the both of you back and forth
Jenna couldn't say anything, let alone form a few words, but the way she hugged you yet again after a few seconds of silence with such tenderness and compassion, it said everything that you needed to know.
Everything that you lost and you hold today, nothing mattered. Not even the heart that wouldn't stop beating against your chest, it wouldn't matter if you died, atleast it was in her arms.
"So I don't get to have an I miss you back?"
Jenna pulled back slightly, you can see how her eyes glistened looking if it was something that not even renaissance artists could sclupt.
"You don't know how many nights I've spent crying because of how I missed you." She mumbled, voice below a whisper, her mouth hung open from her slight crying, taking a deep breath as she let herself be in the most vulnerable state with you yet.
"You cried?"
"Without you? Terribly so."
Your heart ached when Jenna started to cry, she looked small. Smaller than ever in your arms when you once held her for the first time when she became a busy actress.
She broke down, almost melting in your presence as you try to hold her up. You knew there were cameras rolling, that there were people on set watching this go down, but you knew that you were the only one witnessing her vulnerable state, no matter how many people would see right through her.
You reached up to gently wipe away the tears that streaked down her cheeks, her freckles being in view, something that you missed so dearly, your touch light and tender as you held her—your world—in your hands.
"I wish I could've been there for you," you regretted, "I wish I was there every night, to wipe away the inevitable tears that would grace your face, to hold you in my arms every night.
Jenna shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips, "all that matters is that you're here with me." She chuckled. "Why are you here?"
"Booking a small plane ticket from New York to here was the smallest price to pay for the chance to hold you in my arms once again."
"You know those are expensive, y/n," she scolded you, yet her tone was playful. "How long are you planning to stay?"
You hummed, a grin curling on your lips, "As long as you want me to be here," you replied, "I can't go back when I don't have a return ticket."
Jenna leaned into your touch, her eyes closing as she savored the warmth of your embrace, she didn't know how much she took advantage of this until now. She was afraid you'll be leaving soon, even with all assurances, everything you'll be giving her wouldn't be enough to ease her fears of you departing from her soul once more.
"I love you, y/n. Too much."
"I love you too, Jenna. You know I was only a flight away."
Y: i heard your voicemails, by the way. J: i sent voicemails?
a/n: sorry if this request was so so so late!! i still have more requests in my inbox and they'll probably be delayed for a couple of days or maybe even weeks because of exams. buttt ill try to post as much as i can with requests and super sorry in advance to those who requested! ill be updating future posts in my masterlists
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nevvdrinksteaa · 10 months
favors pt. ii
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this is part two of this post, i suggest reading that before reading this!
this is my first time writing smut, so please don’t bully me too bad - that being said i honestly think i kinda killed it ngl
also,, i suggest listening to like real people do by hozier during the slow dance bc it was my inspo and it really helps set the scene
pairing: mike schmidt x reader
original prompt: you’re abby’s babysitter and mike can’t pay you and asks if there’s anything you can do in return and you mention that you need a date to your brother’s wedding
warnings: 18+ nsfw smut, cheating, pet names, afab!reader (p in v) unprotected sex, daddy kink, spitting, cum swapping, throat fucking, spanking, oral (male and female), praise kink, dirty talk, choking, etc etc
word count: 6k
this is NOT proof read so if there are any mistakes ignore them! i believe that anyone of any shape or size and anyone of color can enjoy this. i don’t believe there is any description of physical appearance other than the use of the word ‘curves’ (please please correct me if i’m wrong, i don’t want to make assumptions about anything!!)
After some back and forth with himself, Mike decided to invite you over even though you didn’t need to babysit Abby. He wanted to talk about what he needed to wear to the wedding, what time to pick you up, and if you were staying overnight at the hotel so he could try to find a sitter for Abby. He’s never been to a wedding, not one that he can remember anyway. He wanted to make sure you were both on the same page and to him, texting everything just wouldn’t suffice.
Maybe that’s just what he kept telling himself. Maybe he just wanted to see you again. Maybe he wanted to ask you just how serious your relationship was. Is there any way he could squeeze in and replace your current partner? Could he do better than him? Make you cum harder and faster than him? He didn’t even know his name and he was so envious. Jesus, he needed to get a grip, he knew if you could hear his thoughts, you would hate him.
You were sat across from Mike, crisscrossed apple sauce style on the floor. You had a few loose papers, notes you had written last night to read off to the brown-haired boy. You were trying to make sure he was following along with the description of your family. You watched him make mental notes of everything you said, nodding every once and a while. You were nervous, to say the least, you hadn’t had a boyfriend meet your family in a while.
Your family was awful, complaining and nitpicking about everything in your life, nothing good enough for them. You were the oldest of your siblings and your cousins, but way behind in your career, you weren’t married, and you didn’t have any children. When you didn’t bring a date of some sort, they made sure to call you out on that, ‘Maybe it’s just something we’ll have to get used to’, ‘single again? No surprise there’. When you did bring a date it was the exact opposite, ‘You could do so much better’, ‘that’s the best you could do? We thought we raised you better’. It was quite embarrassing.
“My mom is going to be the most difficult, she is very hostile and she loves to pick everything I do apart.” Mike visibility gulped, nodding and making a mental note to limit his contact with your mom. “I think that’s everyone. We will probably need to do some hand-holding and some cheek kisses, some pet names maybe, but nothing that will make you uncomfortable, I already feel bad enough that I had to drag you to this and-”
Mike reached over and grabbed your hand that was resting on top of the coffee table, “Don’t worry about me. I’m a big boy, if I didn't want to do it I would've just said no. I want to help you”
You squeezed his hand, softly smiling at him. “I’m going shopping tomorrow morning for a dress, I’ll buy a tie for you while I’m out and drop it off once I’m finished if that’s okay?” you pick up your phone and keys off the table, standing up feeling the little shocks of electricity poke your legs after being in the same position for too long.
“Of course pretty girl, you can stop by whenever you want” Mike scolded himself, looking straight to the floor, regretting the words as soon as they came out of his mouth.
You look up from the pile of notes you collected, feeling the soft red form on your cheeks. Pretty…
“I’ll be back tomorrow, I’ll text you when I’m on my way,” you say as you walk towards the door, “Bye Abby!” you yell to the girl sitting at the dining table, knowing you won’t be getting a response back, shutting the door behind you. Pretty…
Pretty, Pretty, Pretty.
Those were your only thoughts as you got in your car, buckled in, and started to drive.
Mike tugged at the forest green tie you bought him trying to make the placement look presentable. Mike hated ties, associating ties with job interviews, sitting in uncomfortable chairs trying to look and sound better than he would be on his first day of the job, just to be there a few miserable weeks until he inevitably gets fired. Nothing good ever came from Mike wearing a tie and he was hoping that you were the solution to solving that problem.
He was combing his curls when he heard a knock at his door, “Abby, get the door, she’s here!”
He heard her desk chair slide against the floor, her little feet fast as lightning to get the door for you, giggling the whole way.
“Oh wow,” the younger sibling looks at you in awe “You look beautiful like a princess!”
“Awe, thank you, Abby” You walk through the doorframe, “Mike are you ready? We need to leave in the next ten if you want to drop Abby off and be on time!”
He walked out of the bathroom, flicking the light off as he exited and looking down the hall, about to tell his sister to put on her shoes he stopped in his tracks. He couldn’t look anywhere but you. ‘Fuck’ he thought, ‘you look so beautiful’ Your hair done just right, a matching green mid-length dress that was tight to your curves, hugging every inch of your body, strappy silver heels that he knew would make you slightly taller than his small frame. Abby was right, you do look like a princess.
You suddenly noticed Mike's eyes on you, pulling away from your conversation with Abby, feeling slightly bad for cutting off her story about her new robot animal friends. “Is everything okay?” Mike didn’t answer, zoned out in his thoughts, “Do I look that bad?”
Feeling super self-conscious, you start to fold your arms on your body, trying to hide as much as possible. Mike immediately notices your body language change.
“No, you look so beautiful. That dress fits you really well.” Mike spoke softly, afraid of looking anywhere other than your eyes as if you’d be able to read his mind if he looked away.
“Thank you, Mike, you don’t look so bad yourself.” You eyed him up and down, his brown curls more pronounced, uncommonly neat, and taken care of, his matching tie slightly crooked, a small white handkerchief pinned to the front. “Very handsome”
Abby pulled you both away from your thoughts, finding it silly that you both just stared at one another not really speaking in full sentences. “Why are you guys looking at each other like that, it’s weird.”
Mike looked away first, embarrassed that a child called him out, “Abs go put your shoes on and grab your stuff, we’re going to be late.”
“Can’t I just come with you guys? I’ll be good, I promise!”
“I’m sorry Abby, my brother doesn’t want any kids coming, this is an adult party,” you say trying to make her not feel so bad, “but I promise you’ll have so much fun at Vanessa’s, don’t tell her I told you her secret but she’s buying pizza AND cookies”
The younger sibling looked at you with big eyes and a toothy grin, scurrying off to her room, singing ‘pizza and cookies’ over and over until she made it to the doorway.
“Ready?” you asked Mike as you started following Abby to the car, Mike grabbed his wallet and locked the door behind him as he followed you to your car.
The car ride wasn’t as awkward as you thought it would be, at first it was small talk, Mike asking questions about your job and your boyfriend, Parker, and what he does for work.
You turned into childhood stories, you telling him about your first kiss, which was with your middle school boyfriend and you both came in way too fast. “There is no way you broke your tooth!” “I did, It took me three weeks of it missing before my parents could get an appointment for me to fix it.” you reply giggling, “I had the worst lisp and it was the most embarrassing time of my life.”
“I’m sure it was cute, I would have loved to see it”
“You would’ve laughed at me, my brother called me Mike Tyson for months, even after I fixed it.”
Mike chuckled as he turned into the venue, trying to find a parking space. The hour-long drive went by quickly. Now your nerves were starting to appear, seeing all of your perfect family congregating at the entrance and talking with each other, wearing expensive clothes, topped with expensive jewelry. Not ready for them to pick apart your looks, personality, and everything else that they can think of. Mike noticed your anxiety and grabbed your hand, squeezing it tightly.
“We could always go back if you want. We can sleep over at my house and order some Chinese food.”
“As great as that sounds, my brother would probably beat me up over me missing this” You squeezed Mike’s hand, “Let’s just go and get this over with.” You step out of the car and grab your purse, waiting for Mike at the front of the car, he collects his things and stands in front of you. You grab his tie, quickly straightening it. You finished and looked up at him, keeping your hands on his chest. You looked up to Mike, suddenly feeling embarrassed that you two were so close together.
You never noticed how nice Mike’s body was. He was always wearing something baggy, usually torn, his black suit was the nicest you’ve seen him in. ‘He was so handsome’ you thought. You pulled your hands from his chest, “Ready?”
Mike grabbed your hand, face turning a light shade of red at the intimate contact, interlacing both of your fingers together. Smiling to himself, “I’m ready”
The ceremony was beautiful. Everything seemed to go perfectly for your brother and his new wife, watching the two from the front row. Mike wrapped his hand around your waist during the vows, handing you his handkerchief after watching you shed a few tears. You leaned into the contact, feeling comfort in Mike’s arms. You stand up with everyone else and watch your brother and his wife walk hand in hand down the aisle, cheering and clapping loudly. After a few moments, you and Mike followed your family, grabbing his hand instinctively.
You find your seat at the table, set down your purse, and ask Mike if he wants a drink from the bar, making your way up front after he answers. You turn around with your drinks, stopping when you see your mom sitting next to Mike at your table.
‘Oh shit,’ you muttered to yourself, slowing your pace and hoping she’ll be gone by the time you make it back. You try to read her as you walk back, her face is soft as Mike speaks and suddenly they both start laughing. No one you’ve ever dated has ever made your mom laugh, she looked nice like that, you haven’t seen her like that since before her divorce.
You sit on the opposite side of Mike, handing him the glass. “Hi, Mom”
“Hi sweetheart, you look nice!”
“Thank you” You were stunned, you couldn’t remember the last time your mom complimented you.
“I was just talking to Mike, he’s the sweetest thing! He was just telling me about his sister. She sounds so cute.”
You looked over at Mike, who was smirking towards you. He stood up, telling you both he was going to find a bathroom, squeezing your shoulder softly as he left the table. You smiled at him and watched him walk away.
“I like him!” your mom finally spoke, once Mike got far enough away
“Of course, he’s handsome and he’s funny. He seems to like you. I think he’s a good fit for you,” you shivered at the nice comments from your mother, not often hearing such things. “You better not screw this one up.”
“Thanks, Mom, I won’t”
You smiled at her as she walked away telling you she was going to find your aunt to talk about how ugly the centerpiece arrangements your brother’s mother-in-law picked out were, you laughed, there was your mom.
You sat there alone with your thoughts. You were thinking about what would happen if you were actually with Mike. You could imagine coming home to him after work every morning, making him and Abby breakfast, and falling asleep with him after a long day. You don’t do that with Parker, you hardly see him, his job keeping him away from you for weeks at a time.
Mike sat back down, disrupting your thoughts. “How did I do?” motioning towards your mom, who was across the room rolling her eyes at something your aunt said.
“You did great, she really liked you. She didn’t say anything negative the whole time she was at the table!” Your eyes were wide, excited to tell Mike how the unusual interaction went.
Before he could reply, your brother and his wife walked into the room hand in hand, getting set in the middle of the dance floor to start the first dance. A slow song started to play, and they danced hand in hand, him twirling her around every once in a while. The song finished with a kiss, everyone cheering for them and they started to wave at everyone to come up and dance, the song changing to something more upbeat. You grab Mike’s hand, rushing to the middle of the room. You both started dancing, laughing at how bad dancers you both were.
Eventually, everyone was called back to the tables as dinner was about to start. You sat down next to Mike, taking a sip of your water, laughing about something he said as you both sat down.
“I’ve never danced like that before,” Mike said after finishing off his water, slightly out of breath
“God, me either. I’m exhausted and my feet hurt”
“You want me to rub them for you baby?”
“Maybe later,” you winked, smirking towards him.
Mike smirked back, knowing that he would hold you to that. He watched you all night, watching the way you danced, swaying your body to the beat of every song, slight sweat growing on your body, the way your eyes squinted and you threw your head back every time someone said something funny. You looked so beautiful and in your element, comfortable and confident.
After dinner you walked up to the DJ, whispering a request for him. He smiled, picked up a mic, and started to tap on it lightly, grabbing everyone’s attention.
“ladies and gentlemen, with dinner wrapping up, I’d like to slow it down just a little bit”
Like Real People Do by Hozier started playing.
Mike watched you walk back to the table, standing next to him putting your hand on his shoulder. “may I have this dance, sir?” you say holding out your hand, giggling to Mike.
“of course, m’lady,” Mike says, holding your hand and leading the way to the floor. He took one of your hands in his, his other one holding tightly on your waist. You both start to sway with the music, looking towards Mike who starts to speak.
“I think we’re going to be the only ones to dance to this song.” You looked around noticing everyone still placed in their seats, eyes glued toward you both.
You nodded, staying silent and continuing to move around. You move both of your hands up to his neck, interlocking your fingers behind his head, him holding you close at his waist.
You just stared at him in disbelief, days ago you remembered him telling you he doesn’t dance. Now here he was, slow dancing to your favorite song in front of your entire family. He looked into your eyes, they were softer than you’ve ever seen them. He looked comfortable, happy, relaxed. He looked towards your lips, licking his own.
‘Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips,
we should just kiss like real people do.’
Using all the confidence you built tonight, you leaned your head forward to Mike’s, kissing him softly. Mike didn’t waste a moment, kissing you back with so much passion. This was the best kiss you’ve ever had. You both grinned at each other as you pulled away. You stepped closer to him, resting your head on his chest. All you could think about was his lips on yours, how you wanted this moment forever.
“Thank you for coming, I’m having a great time, and my family really likes you”
“I’m glad I could help, I’d do anything for you”
The song finished and you reluctantly pulled away from Mike, you heard a few people clap and you looked up from his gauze, noticing your family was grinning, smiling, throwing a few thumbs up in your direction. You laughed and bowed towards everyone, walking back towards the table.
“You want to go back to the hotel room?” Mike asked, taking the cue from a few of the other guests grabbing their belongings and saying their goodbyes.
“Yeah, let’s go” You grab your stuff and head up to the table where your brother and his best man are sitting, telling him to stand up to hug you goodbye.
You hugged your brother, giving him congratulations as you did so. He whispered in your ear before he let go. “I like him a lot more than Parker”
You just smiled and held a finger to your lips. “I do too but don’t spill my secrets”
You grabbed Mike's hand and walked to the front of the venue, he stopped you outside, bending down to take off your shoes knowing they weren’t very comfortable anymore. The small action makes you blush, thinking about how kind it was of him to remember the conversation from earlier. He held onto your shoes for you the entire walk down to the car, the cold grass feeling cool on your skin. He opened the car door for you, waiting for you to get in before shutting the door for you.
You were in our own world as he drove down the road to the hotel. You were thankful that Mike was here with you, you couldn’t imagine yourself being with anyone else right now and that was a problem. You had a someone else, who right now didn’t exist to you, and you racked your brain on the best way to end it. You in good conscience, couldn’t continue your relationship with Parker, ready to end it with a quick text right then and there and deciding to at least wait until the morning.
“Your brain okay?” Mike jokes, pulling you from your thoughts, “You’re thinking way to hard about something over there and you better not let it ruin your night, you’re mean when you’re cranky”
You giggle, looking into his coffee colored eyes, getting super serious grabbing his hand and squeezing, “Nothing could ruin tonight”
You threw yourself down on the bed, lying down while mumbling something about needing a shower. Mike set the overnight beds on the table in the corner of the room.
“You can take the first shower if you want Mike, I might take a nap while I wait”
Mike chuckled and started to collect his things for the shower, glancing over at you, laying on your back with your feet hanging off the bed, hand over your eyes to cover the light in the room.
Mike was sad the night was over, wanting to continue to be close to you in every way imaginable. He saw the strap of your dress had fallen on one side, the dress slightly raising higher and higher on your thighs with every swing of your legs.
“You know,” Mike started, You pulled your arm away from your face, turning your whole body to look at him, humming in response, “that massage is still on the table if you want one.”
You felt your body get hot, the thought of Mike rubbing all over your body started to turn you on, and you felt butterflies form in the pit of your stomach.
“If you’re willing, I wouldn’t turn you down.”
Mike moved across the room embarrassingly quickly, wanting to touch you before you changed your mind. You chuckled at his eagerness, knowing he wanted this as much as you did.
“Lie down on your stomach, I’ll give you the best massage of your life.”
You flip over on your stomach, arms crossed with your head resting on top of them. Your breath hitches when you feel Mike’s hand touch your calf, putting pressure down with his thumb making small circles.
You felt yourself relax at his touch, every grip of his hands pushing you into a frenzy. You hummed when you felt his hands move from your calf to your thigh, his grip getting stronger and tighter when he realized you weren’t going to stop him.
Mike heard your soft moans as he pressed into your skin. He loved hearing your sounds, he felt himself growing hard in his bottoms knowing he was making you feel so good. He moved to your back starting from the bottom of your back, headed towards your shoulder blades.
You leaned up to sit on your knees, making Mike stop in his tracks.
“Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?” seeing Mike upset and immediately thinking the worst, you put a comforting hand on his arm.
“No, it felt amazing, I just felt like something was in the way” You reach behind you, gripping the zipper of your dress and slowly pulling it down. You slipped the straps of the dress down, the top of the dress slipping below your breasts. You looked up at Mike, his eyes hooded and glossed over. ‘holy shit’ he says low, so low you can barely hear it.
“What's wrong baby, you’ve never seen boobs before?” You see the clogs in his brain turning, trying to form words, occasionally looking down from your face to take a quick glance at your exposed nipples, hardening in the cold air.
He leaned down to your face, his lips barely glazing yours, one hand coming up to cup your cheek, his other hand reaching to pinch your nipple, rolling it between his fingers. “Is this okay?”
You nod in response leaning forward, closing the gap between you two, kissing him with so much need. You let your hands travel to the buttons on his shirt, finishing and sliding the top down his shoulders.
Mike was quick, thinking about this moment one too many times, thinking about your boyfriend and how he’s going to make you forget about him, thinking about if this were the only opportunity he would ever get he would make sure to go all out, making sure you dream about him the way he does you.
He pulls away and pushes you down on the bed, he pulls the dress down your legs removing it the rest of the way and tossing it down to the floor. “Tell me if anything gets to be too much.”
“Fuck, you’re so sexy.” He toys with the lace on your underwear, leaning down to plant kisses on your thighs.
You feel his fingers move down to touch your clothed clit, rubbing softly. You push your hips up, feeling your body feel with need, wanting more.
You lace your fingers in his hair as he starts to leave hickeys on your sensitive thighs. “Fuck Mike I need-” You take a deep breath unable to formulate words.
Mike looks up from his place on your thighs, moving his head towards your pussy. “Tell me what you need, pretty girl.”
The name sent butterflies in every part of your body, you could feel yourself growing needier every second passed by. Your nipples were painfully hard and you could feel how soaked you were through your underwear. He continued to rub your clit, underwear molding to your shape.
You took a deep breath, tears starting to form at the corners of your eyes “Please more, I need you to touch me, however you want. just need more”
Mike pulled your underwear to the side, finally touching you, fingers falling from your clit to your dripping hole. “Look at this pretty pussy, s’all wet just for me?”
He pulled his finger away and placed it in your mouth, “Suck” You leaned forward sucking his fingers with everything you had, swirling your tongue around.
Mike looked up from your pussy, peeping up from his eyelashes to watch you suck his fingers. He was painfully hard, thinking about your mouth around his cock, eyes full of tears and drool dripping from your swollen lips.
He leaned down to lick from your hole to your clit, taking his time. He wanted you to know that you were the only thing on his mind, and you did, he started to eat you out like he was starved and this was his last meal. pulling you close until his hands gripped your thighs so hard you were sure to have bruises, nose rubbing your clit, everything adding up to the knot in your stomach.
“Fuck baby, you taste so fucking good. Could taste this pussy every fucking day.” You tugged on his curls harder, each word spurring you on, getting you closer and closer.
“Fuck baby, I’m so close”
He hummed and added a finger to your tight hole “You going to cum for me, baby? Cum on my mouth like a good girl, so good for me”
Your thighs squeezed him as you came, letting out a loud moan. He continued to lick and suck, drawing your orgasm out longer. It started to become too much and you pulled him back to face you. You kissed him, feeling his wet stubble on your face, reaching your hand down to his pants and rubbing your fingers over his clothed cock.
With shaking hands you started to undo his belt, flipping you both over until you were between his thighs. Pulling his pants down, Mike kicked them off, and you stared at him in awe at his size. You took him in his hand, starting to rub slowly, not breaking eye contact.
He grabbed your face, and squeezed your cheeks together, forcing your mouth open “Can I?” You stuck your tongue out in response, eyes full of lust.
Suddenly a long trail of spit left his and entered yours, “Use it, pretty girl” You kept your mouth sitting up on your knees to get face to face with his cock, and you let the mixture of spit fall from your mouth, making a mess on his lap. Your hand started to move quicker with the added lube, you leaned forward. Licking from the bottom all the way to the top, one of your hands leaving his thighs to make your way to his balls. You started to tease him and sucked only the tip, Mike's hips jerked forward in response, forcing you to take more in your warm mouth.
You started to pick up your pace, taking in as much as you possibly could his groans spurred you on to take even more, “‘s so fucking sexy seeing my dick in your mouth, want to fuck that throat so bad” He collected your hair into a makeshift ponytail, grip tight. You pulled off looking above you to see Mike’s tightly closed eyes, your hand replacing your lips, keeping pace with what you made with your mouth.
“Do it”
Mike opened his eyes quickly, “Are you sure?”
“Stand up and fuck my throat baby, ‘s alright”
Mike stood upright, keeping his grip on your hair as you shifted your body around to get comfortable.
“Just smack my leg if it gets to be too much pretty girl”
You nodded in response, wasting no time opening your mouth for his cock, placing both hands on his legs, gripping tight in preparation for what was about to come.
Mike went right to work, shoving in and out quickly, getting spurred on by the tears and sounds coming from you. Pushing your head back and forth in a bobbing motion, gagging every time he pressed as deep as possible.
“Look so pretty with my dick in your mouth” He pulled your mouth off him, and you moved your hand from his thigh to stroke him. He took a moment to look at your cockdrunk expression. Lips puffy, tear-stained cheeks, your chest breathing in and out heavily. “You going to let me cum in your mouth baby? Tell me, pretty girl, tell me what you want”
He felt your grip on his dick tighten, you moved one of your hands to touch yourself over your lace panties, feeling your wetness soaked through at his words. “Yes sir, want your cum in my mouth.”
You went right back to work, lips wrapping tightly around his dick. You gave him head as your life depended on it, needing to see how he looked while he came, what sounds he’d make, what mess he'd make.
You started to feel Mike’s hips falter, his once strong movements becoming staggered and you knew he was close. “Fuck- I’m coming. Fucking take it.” You looked up at him, dick pressed far down your throat, feeling the hot liquid start to seep out the sides of your mouth. “Swallow all of it. That’s my good girl”
Mike let go of the grip on your hair and pulled out of your mouth, wincing at the overstimulation. He pulled you up to lay on your back on the bed, leaning over you. You watched Mike’s fingers on your thigh, collecting the spilled cum that fell from your mouth, and placing them in his mouth. The salty liquid kept in his mouth until he leaned his lips towards yours, you opened your mouth with anticipation. A long string of cum filled spit falling into your eager mouth, gulping instinctively.
“Had to make sure you swallowed all of it” he murmured before pressing his lips roughly to yours. You laced your fingers around his neck, pulling him down further, needing to be closer to him. You moaned when he pulled away to start kissing your neck, sucking and biting to mark you up. He pulled your underwear off and started to rub his dick against you, feeling your hips joining him in the motions.
You were in a state of bliss, never even thinking this feeling was a possibility. Mike handling you like his own personal fuck toy, marking you up to show you off, his cock grinding against your clit like he was going to cum just like that. You push him off of you, flipping him over to get on top, straddling his thighs. You lined his dick up to your entrance, going at a slow pace to adjust to his size, stopping to steady yourself when you got to the end, hands on his chest with your eyes closed.
Mike was patient, as much as he wanted to destroy you and your tight pussy, he wanted you to feel good. He kept one hand on your hip, keeping you steady, moving the other one to your clit, trying to help get you comfortable. Almost immediately you moaned and started to move your hips, painfully slow up and down.
“You look so beautiful like this, stuffed full of my cock.” Mike’s hands moved to your hips, helping you move faster and faster. With your pretty tits in his face and your tight cunt wrapped around him, eyes rolling back in your head and your moans loud enough the entire hotel could hear you.
“Fuck daddy, you feel so fucking good” Mike groaned at your voice. The name causes him to rut his hips up to meet yours, causing you to fall forward, holding onto his shoulders. His pace was fast and rough, hands in a tight grip on your sides, nibbling on your neck as he pounds into you, bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm. “You going to cum on daddy’s cock? Let me feel you, baby, show me how good I make you feel.”
“Gonna cum daddy, s’ fucking good” You moan in his ear, nails digging into his skin as you come undone, mumbling a string of thank yous. Mike’s movements start to slow down, trying to give you a moment to recover.
With your breath heavy, you bring your lips to Mike’s as you slowly pull off of him. You pull away from the kiss and both hiss at the loss of contact, you sit up on your knees, locking your eyes with his own.
“Want you to bend me over,” Your voice is soft as you slowly start to bend over, arching your back “and make me take it hard.”
He is quick to get behind you, taking his dick in his hands and rubbing it up and down your wet slit. “my pretty fucking pussy” You push back at his teasing movements, clit pulsing and eyes rolling back.
“Mike please”, you beg. He brings his hand down and suddenly you feel a sharp sting on your ass, yelping in surprise. “Come on pretty girl, you can do better than that.”
“Daddy please, I need you- need your cock. Need you to fill me up and-” Your words were cut off, Mike pushing deep into you, moving quickly, causing you to lose your breath.
He grabs your hips and starts to pull you back onto him as he slams deep inside, hitting that spot inside you. “Fuck baby, taking it so good for me”
He grabs your hair in his hands, pulling your back to be flush to his chest. He nibbles at your earlobe and places his hand on your neck, squeezing lightly.
The feeling was unbearable, the room filled with deep breaths and skin on skin. Goosebumps cover your skin as Mike’s grip on your throat gets tighter. You could feel your orgasm approaching, tears forming in your eyes.
“Taking me so well baby” You moan, his praise pushing you closer. “Tight little pussy fits so well around my cock”
“Fuck- ‘m cumming” You feel your body unravel, thighs shaking as you start to see spots. Mike lets you go and you fall forward. He gives you three deep thrusts before his pace starts to fall, signaling he’s close. “Me too baby, me too”
He gives one last deep push and releases deep inside you. You both lay there for a few moments, panting and euphoric. He groans as he pulls out and you turn to lie on your side, watching him as he walks to the bathroom. He comes back with a warm washcloth, wiping you down. He sets it on the table once he’s finished and sits down beside you, moving your head so it can rest in his lap as he starts to play with your hair.
You lean up to kiss him, biting his lip as you pull away, smiling to yourself as you notice he’s growing hard again. You stand up, legs slightly wobbly. “Care to join me?” you smirked towards him as you sauntered towards the bathroom, hips slightly swinging. Mike watches as you walk away, eyes lingering all over your body. You turned to face him as you reached the doorway, waiting for him to follow you.
“We’re definitely going to take advantage of the late checkout” He chuckles as he stands from his spot to start round two in the shower.
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holylulusworld · 2 months
Indecent Proposal (24.2)
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Summary: Your boyfriend wants to be part of their empire. You are the pawn he’s willing to sacrifice.
Pairing: Mobster!Stucky x fem!Reader
Warnings: established Stucky, caring mobsters, pregnant reader, polyamory, fluff, mentions of character's death
A/N: This is an interlude chapter.
Indecent Proposal (24)
Indecent Proposal masterlist
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Now, the mansion…
“You promised to make things up to me,” you pout and give Steve the stinky eye. “Talk is cheap. I want your cocks.”
You wanted to go down and dirty, but Steve and Bucky wished to talk to you first. Now you’re sitting in the armchair at the library, Alpine in your lap, looking like a villain in a movie while patting the cat.
“You will have to make a lot up to me and Alpine,” you hold Bucky’s gaze. “You worried the poor cat. I had to brush their fur and give them a new necklace to calm the Alpine.”
Steve grins at your serious expression. “Doll, we are sorry about worrying you. And I will give you everything you want tomorrow. For tonight, we need to talk about a few things. We promised you to tell you everything.”
“We want nothing more than to ruin you all over again,” Bucky smirks when you start to squirm in your seat. “Steve is right, though. We need to talk about a few things, and after, we need a rest. It was a fucking long week.”
“You’re not hurt, right?” You look Bucky up and down before turning your head toward Steve. “Right? Everyone came home safely. All of your men too.”
“No one got hurt, doll,” Bucky assures you. “Our men know how to handle any situation. Jake localized Brock’s hideout, and we stormed the house. Not a big deal.”
You listen closely, hoping Bucky is telling you the truth. He gives you a soft smile and runs his hand over your head, but you won’t let him distract you this time.
“Is that the truth? We didn’t lose anyone. They are all safe,” you press on. “You won’t lie to me.”
“We swear, no one got hurt but the bastard trying to hurt you and our babies,” Steve softly says. He cups your face to press a kiss on your forehead. “They are having food at the moment. M’Baku was hungry.”
You giggle. M’Baku seems to be always hungry. Ever so often, you made a sandwich for the tall guy too when you sneaked into the kitchen for your nightly cravings.
He’s a giant, but a friendly one. M’Baku told you about his family and the woman he wants to marry. For a member of the mafia, he’s pretty nice.
You sigh, relieved. No one got hurt, everyone came back alive. The danger is over. – For now. You never know. In your husband's line of business, you’ll never not be in danger. They have enemies lurking in the dark, waiting for their chance to get back at Steve and Bucky.
“I want to know it all,” you say. “No more secrets, Steve, Bucky. Please fill me in. I need to know.”
“We killed Rumlow and disposed of his body,” Bucky hastily says. He hopes you do not hate him for killing another man in your name. “He died faster than he deserved.”
“He won’t cause trouble ever again,” Steve clears his throat. He can see the worry in your eyes and tries to assure you no one will ever find out Bucky killed Brock. “Natasha helped cover his death. We made it look like he left town because Natasha found out that he was a corrupt cop. Jake was a big help. Remind me to never mess with Jake Jensen.”
“Jakie is a sweetheart,” you coo. “He distracted me with zombies and explained to me how he hacks into a system.”
“Zombies?” Bucky grunts. “He showed you zombies. Is that a code word for his dick?” He cocks a brow. “Doll, answer me.”
“No, dummy,” you giggle and snort. “He designed a video game. There are zombies, and guns…and stuff. It’s pretty cool. Jake is a smart guy. You should pay him more.”
Steve laughs at his husband’s pissed expression. He can’t bear sharing your attention with someone else but Steve. Bucky hums and plans on having a serious conversation with Jake in the morning.
“Don’t put, Bucky baby,” you hold out your hand for Bucky. “You know I already got my hands full with you and Stevie. I cannot handle another man. Jake is only a nice guy helping not to worry about you.”
“Fine,” Bucky still pouts, but promises you to not hurt Jake.
“How about we forget about Brock and everything else for tonight and,” you smirk at Steve, “in the morning, you can make things up to me…”
Part 25
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horanghaeluvsinniehae · 5 months
Stray kids hanahaki disease I don't care if reader has it or if the boys have it and I don't care if it is pure angst or angst and fluff just hanahaki disease I beg of you
Pairing: Hyunjin x gn!reader
Disclaimer: 2,4k words mention of food, kisses usual author's notetell me if I missed anything else please!
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His hanahaki disease
Hyunjin sighed one last time and neatly closed the envelope with your address on it. He slipped it into the post office’s red sender box, then the boy spun around and returned to his dorm with a heavy heart. He knew that it would take over a week before the mailman dropped the letter into your mailbox, but still, he preferred that, to giving it to you himself.
On his way home he was thinking about ways he could give you more hints about his intentions. He didn’t know if he was just too subtle with them or you don’t have any interest in him, and he hated the feeling of not knowing things, so he wrote a letter about his feelings and just everything that came to his mind about his crush. He needs to start taking action now, so to encourage that he made this letter to make him confess sooner or later.
Stepping into the dorm with an unusual small pout which didn’t go unnoticed by his friends.
Jisung was the first one to see him arrive and immediately knew what the pout could be about. He stood up and went over to his friend. Hyunjin pulled him into a hug as soon as he noticed Han.
The younger sympathetically rubbed his back. “Y/n?” Jisung asked. Hyunjin just nodded and with one last squeeze, he let go of his dongsaeng and sighed. “I need to pull myself together because at this point I'm just overreacting this whole situation…my mind has been occupied by them for a long time and I feel like it's just killing me now…” “I wouldn’t say you're overreacting, but yeah, you’ve been pining after them for at least two years now and that's a long time.” Jisung smiled sadly at Hyune. “Soon you’ll be coughing up flowers like the people in Minho hyung’s manga, if you don’t do something about this, Hyung.” At that, the other scoffed and smiled lightly. Jisung could always lighten the mood up at least a little bit. “I told you about my ‘last try letter’, no?” Although Jisung was a bit confused at first he nodded. “Well, I just dropped it off at the post office.” Han nodded understandingly and patted Hyunjin’s shoulder in a manner of comfort.
Later that day the others decided to go out for kbbq and bowling because they had tomorrow off and wanted to be with each other. Hyunjin was glad they had a small break, even if it was just a day because he could spend some quality time with his members.
Chan drove their part of the dorm to the restaurant while Minho did the same to his flatmates. They gathered around their reserved table and it didn't take long for one of them to notice that the table was set for nine people, not eight.
“Hey Jeonginah! You were the one who called in to make the reservation right?” Changbin asked, confused and his bandmate nodded his head. “Did you say table for nine people?” At that the maknae's mouth made an ‘o’ shape. “Oh yeah I invited y/n because we haven't seen them in a while and I thought you guys would enjoy the plus company! They're gonna be a bit late though.” Jeongin said cheerfully and everyone smiled at the mention of your name except him. Hyunjin choked on his own saliva a bit and mentally prepared himself to see you.
It's not that he doesn't wanna be with you, not at all! He loves spending time with you, but in the last couple of days he'd been overwhelmed with his feelings and thoughts about you. Him not knowing in advance that he's going to see you after a week made him anxious. Although the thought of being around you makes his heart beat a lot faster, it's also filled with warmth.
His train of thoughts had been cut off when the boys around him all stood up and happily started greeting you. The sight immediately brought a smile to his face and he stood up as well to greet you.
The only open space was directly in front of Hyunjin, next to Jeongin and Lino. You sat down with a big smile that Hyune couldn't help but reciprocate.
Thanks to the amount of soju he has chugged,he was much more bold and flirty the whole night.
He did things like, he picked out the best-looking meat and put it on the grill and cooked it as well as his cooking abilities let him and then put it on your plate telling you he cooked it for you and that he wants you to rate his cooking. He was absolutely ecstatic when you told him that it was really really nice and of course he made more for you!
He was also pouting and sulky when Lino made a joke that caused everyone to laugh very hard, but he didn't laugh anymore when he noticed how you were clinging to Minho and slightly hitting him while laughing while Lino had to put an arm around your waist because you would have fallen off your seat. All he saw was his hyung trying to steal his crush.
After Chan insisted on paying for you and the boys’ dinner, even though you begged him to stop spending money on you, you all went to the bowling alley part of the restaurant and rented two lanes. Everyone ordered drinks again and you started the games.
You split into two teams:Chan, Jeongin, Seungmin and Hyunjin. The other team was: Minho, Jisung, Changbin and Felix.
You didn’t play because your wrist has been hurting for a long time now and you didn't want to make it worse, but you had just as much fun watching the boys as they did while playing!
Still trying hard, Hyunjin looked at you with a confident smile. “This one's for you y/nah!” If you hadn't been so oblivious of the boy's intentions, you would have seen the heart eyes he was sending to you. After that confident statement, he chucked his ball into the gutters which resulted in hyena-like laughter from the others. Doing the walk of shame back to the sofa you were sitting on, not giving any fucks anymore, he sat down next to you and put his head on your shoulder, cuddling into your side. He sighed big and loud and hugged your torso. “It was supposed to be an epic strike y/nah I'm sorry.” He mumbled devastated. You just smiled down at him chuckling, and rubbed his back. “Hey don't be sad about it! It's going to be your turn soon after Seungmin again and you can have another try!” You tried to comfort him. He looked up at you and nodded, encouraged by your words he stood up and prepared himself to show you a good one this time.
After Seungmin's bad turn, Hyunjin picked up a ball (unintentionally being your favourite colour) he looked at you once again, took a deep breath and swung his ball into the direction of the pins. The ball landed on the lane perfectly and knocked all of them down beautifully!
You jumped up from your seat happily and Hyunjin quickly ran to you to celebrate, hugging you and jumping up and down with you. What you didn't expect was for Hyune to suddenly stop and look at you with an expression you haven't seen before. Shyly smiles at you and leans down to connect your lips. You were so taken aback you didn't even realise you were kissing him back.
It was such a soft kiss and such an unexpected action that you forgot that your friends were all in the same room.
After he pulled away, his eyes grew wide and he quickly ran away to the direction of the toilet.
“Finally!” Jisung said loudly and ran over to you happily. On the other hand you still haven't processed what just happened.
“Y/nah are you alright?” Lix came over to you and rubbed your back to ground you. “Y-yeah I'm alright I'm just shocked he did that.” “Is it a bad shock or a good shock?” Felix asked back, concerned. “I think it's a good shock!” You said after a bit and smiled up at your friend. “But can you please check up on Hyune?” You asked, realising that he wasn't around you anymore. “Of course, stay here and gather your thoughts and feelings while I get him!” You nodded to him and sat down while he ran off the same direction Hyunjin did.
You looked over to see what the others were up to and saw Chan already staring at you with a worried face. He held up his thumb in a way to ask if everything's okay. You smiled back softly and held up your thumbs as well. You saw the relieved smile on his face before he went back to make his turn.
As you were zoning out, looking at the others goofing around, your brain started to realise what just really happened. You never thought of Hyunjin as more than a friend, but thinking about it now you didn't feel disgusted about the kiss, hell you enjoyed it a lot!! It was so sweet and caring but passionate at the same. You wanted to experience that again!
Just as you slowly came to the conclusion that you actually really liked and enjoyed the idea of Hyunjin liking you and him being your boyfriend, he and Felix came out of the washroom. The younger whispered something in his ear and smiled at him, he left him alone to make his way to you while Lix went back to his team.
Even though both of you were tipsy you could still see how nervous Hyunjin was as he was walking towards you. Your heart started to beat faster the closer he got.
When he made it to the sofa he sat down silently stealing glances at you. Bit of an awkward silence was created,but it didn't last long.
“Y/nah-” “Jinnie-” You both started to talk at the same time, which made you laugh and that made him feel a bit more at ease to see that you're okay. “Go first, Jinnie.” You suggested and looked at him softly, encouraged him. He took a deep breath and scooted closer to you.
“Okay um first of all I wanted to say how sorry I am for what happened and for um doing it without your consent and just the whole situation was very much not how I had planned…” He looked down feeling ashamed by saying this out loud. “Do you regret it?” Was all you asked. He looked up at you and started deeply into your eyes. You could basically see all his thoughts and hesitation flying around. “I'd lie if I said I did…honestly it's not the kiss itself that I regret, but rather how I had done it.” He says and looks at you with the eyes of a kicked puppy. “That's good then because I don't regret it at all…if I can tell this to you I liked it a lot.” You answer him with rosy cheeks and a shy smile. He took your hand and caressed the back of it softly. “Yeah? I'm happy if you're okay with it!!” He smiled at you sweetly. “Although I wasn't expecting it, like at all, but it was a pleasant surprise! What confuses me though, is that I don't know if it was just a drunken mistake or if you…actually like me.” You chuckled nervously, feeling embarrassed. “What?? I thought it was very obvious that I like you and have been liking you for a long while now…I just believed that you didn't reciprocate the feeling and didn't want to confront me about it, because you didn't want to make things uncomfortable or awkward between us…” Hyunjin looked away from you but then looked right back when you squeezed his hand.
“Although I didn't really realise that I like you more than just a friend ‘till now, I wasn't aware of your feelings Jinnie, I thought you were just touchy with me and stuff like that because you got as comfortable around me as around the others, I'm sorry.” You tell him the truth while holding his hands tighter. “Y/nah you shouldn't be apologising! But does that mean that you like me back…?” “Honestly yes! I'm a bit overwhelmed with emotions right now, but I can truly say that I like you Jinnie…a lot to be honest.” You confess sheepishly to him.
“Soo if I were to ask you out on a date, then you would say yes?” “Oh my! Yeah definitely!!” You answered him happily and he hugged you tight, but this time it was just a cheerful peck on the lips.
A bit more than a week later you invited Jinnie to your flat. Even though both of you were exhausted you still wanted to spend time with each other and just relax.
So that's why you two were cuddled up on the couch watching Friends because apparently he hasn't seen it! There was a scene involving a post office that reminded you of something. You chuckled about it looking up at your now boyfriend, waiting for him to notice you staring. “What is it, love?” He asks, looking at you all lovey dovey. “You know this scene reminded me that there was a letter in my mailbox this morning.” You smile at him cheekily.
You could literally see the gears shifting in his head, then comes the realisation. Eyes wide as his ears and cheek turns to a soft pink shade. “Oh my god, I totally forgot about that…” He replies, facepalming. “It was such a cute way to start my day!” You coo about his little confession letter. “Gosh it's so embarrassing now!” He whines and hides his face in the crook of your neck. “Nooo Jinnie! It was very sweet and it doesn't matter because we're together now aren't we?.” You smile at him softly and when he lifts up his head he gives you a soft kiss.
A kiss that could tell you how grateful he is to have you, to be able to call you his and for him to be yours.
You might be going too fast, but you can already feel yourself falling in love with him.
A/n: Hi guys!! I hope this was good and you enjoyed it! I hope you liked it @kaiyaba and thank you for requesting!! I was surprised how much I wrote, this was the most I've written ever I think but I really liked it!! I hope you guys like it too and if you do please give me feedbacks because it motivates me a lot!<3
Also if you have any ideas please do request because I need them a lot!!!
Be safe and take care of yourself please!🫂❤️‍🩹
Taglist:@justwonder113 @ihrtlix @mon2sunjinsuver (if you want to get added/removed comment or write in asks)
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eeunoia · 10 months
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sinag — psh.
chapter one
synopsis: waiting for a great plot twist in your life, the ruthless and powerful mafia boss park sunghoon forced his way in to it.
pairings: park sunghoon x oc
word count: 3k
warnings: a contains violence, guns, killings, abuse, obsessive love & other stuff. if you can't take this stuff, feel free to scroll away. let me know if i missed some.
note: i didn’t proof read this lol, anywayy ask are open for your messages. thank you so much for reading.
© 2023 eeunoia — all rights reserved.
here ‹ prelude | chapter two › here
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Tonight is the night before your flight for the said business trip your boss has told you. Everything was set already. Accomodation for two weeks, your passport and the things you packed for the whole thing is all prepared.The only thing that you forgot was to tell your boyfriend about it. It was kind of your fault since you’ve kept missing the chance of breaking the news to him. He’s also pretty busy lately, always out with either his friends or officemates.
You snapped back to reality when you heard the beeping sound of your apartment door. Worried, but also excited to see your boyfriend again after two days, you jumped off from your seat to come greet him. The two of you decided you’ll have dinner together tonight to make up with days you didn’t spend time with one another.
You imagined the two of you enjoying your dinner, talking about the past days of your lives that you missed, catching up with one another and just moments you will share intimately as a couple. But all of that came crumbling down your feet when you saw him entering drunk.
“Are you drunk?” your words falls from your lips even before your mind can process it.
He smiles and it was enough to tell that he’s so not himself right now. Even if he can walk by his own, his mind is surely intoxicated by alcohol. He reeks off alcohol that made you furrow your brows that it upsets you.
“I cannot believe that you are drunk right now! We said we will have dinner tonight.” you didn’t even bother helping him take his shoes off. You crossed your arm and stare at him with disappointed look.
“I’m not...” he stalls with his words. “...drunk.” he top it off with a hiccup. You rolled your eyes and walked towards the dining table where all the cooked food were neatly placed.
“Wait, babe. Don’t be mad.” he even tries to come after you, shaking his head a bit like it will solve everything.
“I’m sorry,” he starts. “It was a rough week in the office and everyone wants to go out for a few drinks. I couldn’t decline because I don’t want to seem like I’m killing the fun and not being there for them.” he continued to blabber and almost all of his words were familiar. His reasons seams like it has been repeated. It was honestly tiring even for you.
“Please don’t be mad. I made it. I’m here already.” he smiles and walks over to you. He leans in and you tried not to move away to make him upset. The strong smell of alcohol clearly insinuates that he didn’t have just a few drinks, but you didn’t comment on that. Instead you let him place a chaste kiss over your cheeks once.
“Okay. Take a sit so we can eat. I’ll serve you a soup to help you shake off the alcohol in you.” he seems fine with it, the smile on his face remained as he walks over to his sit.
You stood up and started taking care of your boyfriend while thinking of a way you can open up the thing about your trip. Its tomorrow already and even if you two have days you don’t meet each other, your boyfriend hates it whenever you go far from him. It was seriously a redflag, but since you aren’t really into going out of the country anymore, it was a non-argument matter. You just leave it as it is for the sake of the relationship.
“Here,” you placed it in front of him as you told him to dig up.
You start to slowly eat too, not really enjoying it. A part of you are still upset for him showing up drunk, another part are nervous. A very big chance of him getting upset about it was already expected by you, but he cannot do anything about it.
“Oh, right..” your eyes looks up to him when he suddenly talked after taking a sip from his soup.
You looked at him with anticipation.
“I’m quitting my job.” he dropped it like he was just announcing you that he will get a haircut.
Your hold to your utensils loosen as you try to process what he just said. “I’m sorry, what?”
“I’m quitting my job. I submit my resignation letter today.” and then he casually went back to his soup.
You have no words. You don’t know what to say or if you have the energy to say something. He is really not the type to exert effort into something. Countless times he has done this already. Quitting his job out of nowhere, depending on you.
“Why? I thought you’re doing great.”
He swallows first and shrugs his shoulder, unbothered. “I can’t stand my boss. He’s too cocky and he always just see wrong in everything I do. It’s like he just targets me without any sense. You will not understand!” he even waves his hand like as an act of dismissing the topic.
“Then how are you suppose to pay for your rent? Your bills and food?”
His head lifts up and he mindlessly roams his eyes around your apartment.
“I can crash here for the mean time.” he says, “You wouldn’t let your boyfriend sleep on the streets, right? Come on, Ae.” he gave you this pitiful look on his face.
“You can’t be serious, Luke.” when you said those words, you saw how his expression changed.
He looked utterly pissed with the way you said those words to him.
“Don’t act all might just because you are enjoying your work! It won’t be too long, just until I find another work.”
You shut your eyes for a while and slowly lets go of your utensils then brush some of your hair away from your face. Here you thought you will have some time you can enjoy and let out your stress about work and your parents, only to be slapped with another set of problems.
“Okay.” you says since its not like he gave you other choice. He’s your boyfriend and you know you don’t have the will to let him leave in the streets.
“Thank you, babe. I promise I will make it up to you!” he sounded so giddy after securing a spot on your apartment.
“Can you drive me tomorrow?” your eyes dropped to your food, avoiding his gaze because you can feel yourself feeling worried about how he will react.
“Sure! To where?”
“The airport.” you gulped and raised your head to look at him. His brows furrowed out of confusion then he tilts his head.
“To the airport? Why?” he already have an idea in his mind, he’s not that dumb. But he wanted to hear it from you because he can’t believe it. He doesn’t even want to believe. You hate going out of the country.
“My boss is sending me there for a business trip and seminar—” the clash of his spoon to his bowl interrupted you.
“Your boss?” he scoffed. “If I know he’s just using that as an excuse to spend time with you. Is that how you get promotions?” his accusation made your stomach twist. The words coming out from his mouth just don’t make sense to you. He is being unreasonable and you are feeling so upset about it.
“Don’t even go there! You know how hard I work for this job!” your voice raised that made him annoyed. It shouldn’t be like this, but because of all the things going on lately you’re mentally can’t deal with it in a calm way.
He stood up, smashing the table. “Yeah, right.” and with that he grabs his things before heading towards the door of your apartment.
“Go drive yourself tomorrow.” he sarcastically uttered before he slammed it close behind his back.
You rest your head on the back of your hand while feeling so stressed. The night was ruined and you have no idea where did it take turn. It was suppose to be a great dinner.
After letting yourself space out and process things up, you decided to be the more mature in the relationship.
“Hey, Luke. Uhm,” you sighs and gently massaged your temple while you leave a message in his voice mails. “I’m sorry if I just told you about the trip. I promise that I will be alone there and my boss will be here so there’s nothing to worry about, babe. I know you’re probably stressed up about work too, I shouldn’t have shouted. Call me, love you.”
You stared at your phone for a couple of minutes. The picture of you and your boyfriend looked cute, but for some reasons you can’t feel anything special from it. Luke has been your boyfriend for a year and its fun with him. He’s goofy and caring. He might lack at some point, but you love him. And he loves you. It’s just normal for couples to argue from time to time.
You almost didn’t get any sleep because of it. The next morning, you did drove yourself to the airport after not receiving and calls nor messages from Luke. Maybe he’s really upset and mad about it. While waiting for your flight, you fidget with your phone hoping he will call or anything. Your heart feels a little heavy thinking that you will be away from him for tqo weeks and you had a fight before leaving.
When you are asked to board the plane already, your feet felt heavy every step you take. Before handing your ticket to a staff, your head craned to look over your shoulder. No familiar sight of your boyfriend anywhere. Right there you are slightly wishing for a movie like scene where the main lead guy will come running for the girl main lead then they will hug and kiss. None of that happened.
While sitting on your seat, a small idea occupies your mind unknowingly.
‘Is he not the main lead on your story? Is Luke not the one for you?’
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A week later.
Sunghoon’s jaw clenched as he stepped on the accelerator of his car. His mind blank and his grip on the steering wheel was tight, continuously cursing people silently.
His eyes darted at his phone when he saw his friend’s caller id flashing.
“Hello.” he lazily answered.
“Where you are right now, Hoon?” it was Jake.
“On my way.” he responded before swiftly checking his side mirrors if there’s any vehicle behind. Once he’s clear, he steps on speed again to pass the cars in front of him.
He clicks something to his phone, “Ni-ki, update on Jungwon’s location.”
“Sending it to you as we speak, hyung.” the younger one says from the other line.
He didn’t replied and so Ni-ki talked. “Hyung are you using your sports car again? Make sure to park a few blocks away from the warehouse! Your car is so loud I can hear it from the other street.” he complains.
Sunghoon hears chuckles from the call, probably from their other friends that are connected right now and listening. He smirks and click his tongue to the side of his cheeks.
“I can be as loud as I can if I want because I will make sure none of them will walk out alive from that fucking warehouse.”
“Yeah yeah, just get here faster hyung.” Ni-ki teased him.
“I can’t believe they think they can get rid of Jungwon hyung this easily? We are given brains for a reason.” Ni-ki blabbers that made his other hyung chuckle.
Sunghoon smirks as he made a turn towards a more secluded part of the town. Soon no facilities or houses are seen, this time its more trees and fewer street lights. Its surely a perfect spot to take someone and torture them without getting interrupted by anyone.
“I don’t know, Ni-ki. I feel like you will do the same if it were for your girl.” Sunghoon says taunting him.
Jake chuckles lightly and shakes his head while listening to the two. It was a normal thing already.
“Whatever hyung! At least I don’t search for someone you aren’t sure if she truly exists.” that was a button you shouldn’t push with Sunghoon.
Even before he can say something, Sunoo went in between.
“Enough bickering both of you. Geez, you act like kids all the time. We’re in the middle of something serious here.” they can almost see him rolling his eyes.
“Thanks, Sunoo.” Jake grins.
“Where are you, Sun?” Sunghoon says as he slows down his car after noticing that he’s getting closer to the pinned location Ni-ki sent him.
“I’m here already, hyung. Hurry up.”
“Almost there.” he stops his car and went to the back of it. He opens the back to get his gun. One big gun, sniper use. Then one small gun that have a silencer, incase he needed something more convenient.
“Finally,” Ni-ki whispers. “I thought you forgot how map works and you got lost.”
Sunghoon raised his fist and act like he will hit Ni-ki, but the younger one already pulled Jake to shield him. It was funny because he was taller from the latter and so Sunghoon can still clearly hit him.
“You two stop it. Jay and Heeseung already sneaks inside. Sunghoon hyung you need to go and find your spot.” Sunoo.
He nods and approached Ni-ki to give him a slight pinch to his ears when he saw someone walking out from the warehouse.
“Don’t move, Riki,” he instructs and quickly rest his hand holding the gun at Ni-ki’s shoulder.
One click to his gun and he didn’t miss. The man fell to the ground lifeless without any of his alliance knowing.
“Nice shot.” Jake compliments.
“Thanks.” and he starts moving inside to go at a higher place for better view of the warehouse.
Thankfully, he find a ladder that leads towards an upper part of it. The moment he carefully made his way to go look down to what’s happening, he saw Sangwon beating up Jungwon. Not just him, he’s surrounded by a lot of guys.
“Do you have eyes on the target?” Jake talks on their intercom.
“Target lock.” he whispers and points the gun to Sangwon.
“Should I kill him on the spot?”
“No. At least give that honor to the love birds.” Ni-ki stated and he can hear grunts from him. Seems like he’s taking care of the people outside.
“Okay. Give me a signal, Jake.”
He waits patiently even though his hand were already itching to pull the trigger and send a bullet straight to his head. The sight of his friend being beaten up surely isn’t pleasant to watch to.
After hearing that, Sunghoon effortlessly sniped Sangwon and some of the guys around Jungwon. The baffled look over Shaun and Mr. Cha’s face made them look even more stupid for Hoon. It didn’t made him feel any better or made his mood lighter. If anything, he’s starting to feel bored and want to end them all at once.
When he saw Jay and his Heeseung hyung getting in the scene, he leans over a metal railing then silently watch. He’s so sure his presence are still unknown by the masterminds, but he doesn’t care. This is usually what Sunghoon enjoys. He love it whenever his target are unaware of the danger that awaits them.
In the mafia world, there’s also a food chain. The most influential and powerful mafias are at the top of it or what they call predators, while the ones beneath them are like their preys. And Sunghoon’s a predator. He’s definitely and no doubt a predator, hunting for its prey. He loves it. He loves being at the top of the food chain.
“Why don’t you get down here and join us, Hoon?” Jake asks.
“I can perfectly see you guys from up here.” he says before letting out a sigh.
“Besides, I’m very pissed right now so if I go down there, I might take the spotlight an kill them on the spot. They ruined my vacation.” he added.
Jake chuckles, clearly know what he’s referring to. He was about to leave the country for his vacation, in other term to go search for this girl. It was already known around their friend group.
“Hyung, for a correction, you aren’t on a vacation. You’re on a hunt.” Ni-ki teased.
“Fuck you Nishimura. Who even agreed to take you here?”
“Heeseung hyung did! And besides, I was the one who searched for Sangwon’s whereabouts.”
“I sniped him down.” Sunghoon says like as if challenging the younger one.
It would’ve been yet another unstoppable bickering, but thankfully Sunoo manages to stop them. They all took care of the situation and Sunghoon silently withdraws from the scene.
“Boss.” he hold his phone near his ears while puffing smoke from his cigarette. He’s leaning over his car, trying to relax himself.
“Ready my plane, Icarus. We’re flying tonight.” he instructed his assistant before ending the call and tossing the cigarette to the floor.
He opens his car’s door and swiftly puts some of his stuff inside.
“Leaving already?” his head snaps to the side and saw his friend.
“Yeah. I have to go somewhere.”
Jake nods his head. “Jungwon’s beaten badly and got shot, but he will be fine.”
Sunghoon smirks, “He should be. He owes me one.” he says. They both chuckle and even without saying it, they knew this is something they will always do in a heart beat.
“I will go visit Jungwon, but I’ll take my leave for now. Just do the honor of informing our friends.” Sunghoon says and went closer to give Jake a dap.
“Oh don’t worry, dude. I’m sure they already know even if I don’t say it.” and he grins.
“Whatever.” and he went inside his car.
“Go find her.”
“I will.” he answers confidently and drove away from his friend, with a small hope inside his heart that this time, he will find you.
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main master-list
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permanent tag-list:
@rubyanne @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @crjwon @love13tter @edensgardenn @simpforniki @classicroyalty @bridgebridgebirdiebridge @hime98 @moonsclassyslore @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamjerky @minamoons @clar-iii @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @one16core @soobin-chois @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @kimmchijjajang @hoonbrry @axartia @all4haru @sta-rie @hiqhkey @purplepuppychild @iceeee @wtfhyuck @tobiosbbyghorl @nikililmj @moonlightisland @ayayiiie @aeyeree @bitchychildmiracle
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nomoreusername · 6 months
In My Heart
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Pairing:Newt x gender neutral reader
Summary:When survivors guilt hits you extra hard one night Newt comforts you.
By the time I realized it was happening I couldn't do anything to stop it. What seemed to be a million tears poured from my eyes.
Even though it was late I didn't want to be here. I don't cry so doing it near people feels wrong. I'm the optimist.
How can I be optimistic now though? Every time I close my eyes I remember those I've lost, and it takes everything inside me not to scream. Sometimes I am filled with nothing but guilt that I get to live, and my friends are dead. It's nothing more than the luck of the draw. If Gally hadn't gotten stung Chuck would have lived, and he might have. If Winston was immune he could be able to wake up tomorrow. If Minho wasn't in danger Jeff wouldn't have saved him, and so on.
So what did I do differently to deserve to live?
As these dark thoughts overwhelmed my head I started pacing. Despite it being dangerous I needed to be alone. I was just sick of being around everyone breathing right now.
Because I am one of those people. I am alive, and almost everyone else I knew is dead.
I found a small rock and leaned against it. As I did I let it all out. Every single emotion I hid was finally here, and there was no stopping it.
My heart felt heavy as I sat there below the stars. Were my friends stars now? Were they in the sky watching me? Did they hate me for living or were they looking after me?
"Hey,"Someone whispered, tapping my shoulder. I wiped my eyes and turned around to see Newt with a solum look on his face.
"Hi,"I managed to say.
"Can I sit?"He asked quietly. I just nodded before staring at the ground. My friends could be in the ground right now, rotting and on their way to becoming skeletons.
"Survivors guilt,"He whispered. I hesitantly nodded.
"How did you know?"I mumbled.
"It comes to everyone sooner or later,"He whispered, closing his eyes.
"I just-don't know what I did to deserve to live. They fought just as hard to live. What sets us apart?"I mumbled, pulling my knees to my chest and wiping my eyes.
"Do you really want to know what makes us different than them?"He asked slowly, sitting beside me.
"If you have an answer then please,"I murmured, feeling more and more drained each second.
"Nothing,"He stated.
"What do you mean?"I whispered, glancing up at him and looking at him through my blurred tears.
"It was luck and circumstance. It's sort of a messed up circle. Gally getting stung killed Chuck which killed him. Minho being in danger killed Jeff. If Winston was immune he'd be here. The people who stayed v.s the people who ran, both options were unclear. It's dumb luck and the different reactions. Nothing more. Nothing less,"He answered, his voice gentle yet firm and sure of himself.
Hearing him say what I had always been thinking seemed to pull just an inch of pressure off of my chest. I had feared that there was something wrong with me. Still, there was another thing I needed and answer for.
"Do you think they hate us for it?"I asked.
He didn't say anything. Instead, he placed his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.
"I can't answer that, but I can tell you this. They're our friends. Some of them gave their lives for us. That's the way we want to remember them. Not their death but who they were. Strong, loving, and kind,"He whispered, rubbing my back. I couldn't help but tremble as I was unable to respond.
"They haven't left us, Y/N. They never will."
"How could you be sure of that?"I asked, not moving away from him.
"Because as long as we carry them in our hearts we carry them with us."
"I always will,"I swore, seeming to run out of tears.
"I know, love. I know,"He whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead. I leaned against him and felt exhaustion start to overcome me.
"Go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up,"He promised. I took his word for it and allowed my eyes to flutter shut.
Only months later I would have to keep his words with me more than ever. Because unfortunately the only way I ended up being able to hold him was in my heart.
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After Krishna left for Dwarka, Radha used to keep herself a lot busier than usual; doing her chores back in Vrindavan, talking to the trees finding Krishna in everything, taking care of the people and animals. At night she would go to her room and sit in front of the mirror, sigh and take out her shringaar. Tonight, as soon as she looked into her reflection, it was her Kanha smiling at her.
"How's Dwarka dheesh doing?" she carefully kept her tone as teasing, afraid that if he suspects even a little bit of sadness then he will come running to her right away, leaving everything behind
"Oh please, Radhe. You should come sometime, you used to before but you barely do now."
Radha cupped Kanha's cheek in the mirror
"My sweet mohana, you know I can't. It's my duty to give you and your ashtabharya all the space and love," laughing, she added a little wistfully "As it is I don't really have a good reputation out here. Krishna's lover. But why? Krishna has millions of lovers. The whole brahmaand is his lover. Why worship one exclusively with him? If he loves all his lovers equally then why just worship this Radha with him? She isn't even his wife. Unlike Mahadev and Parvati, they aren't even legitima-"
"Radhe." Krishna stopped her with tears in his eyes
Radha, hurting as much as him, apologized and continued "but it is true, my love. People only view love as black or white. They think marriage is sanctity when it is the bond that is. Not the label."
Nodding, Krishna whispered "do you miss me?"
She laughed till there were tears in her eyes too "Oh Kanha, you are everywhere I look. Every time I breathe."
"Then why talk to me like this? Why summon me here?"
"Because you are everywhere. Everywhere but right here."
Kanha's eyes softened "I am within you, sakhi. Always."
Nodding and smiling, she looked away to wipe her tears "yes yes, I know that." she looked back in Kanha's eyes "only if I could somehow tell that to Yashoda maiya, Nand baba and all the gopiyan and people here. Maiya is inconsolable, kanha. She cries and says 'that boy always tricks me. I saw the universe in his mouth when he was a child. Now wherever I look, I see him. But I just want him to come steal my makhan. Kanha, where are you? I promise I'll never scold you.'
Krishna touches the mirror ever so gently
"Kanha, they think you are not real when you are everywhere. They think it's an illusion and all they do is weep."
"But they forgot that Maya is Krishna and Mohana is Krishna. Everything that involves krishna is as real as the morpankh falling from the sky quietly into their palms when they think of Him." Radha and krishna whisper at the same time
"Tomorrow the Pandavas and Kauravas fight and I'm Arjuna's saarthi. After killing Kansa mama, the trajectory of my life has changed completely. But I miss Vrindavan, Kishori. I honestly don't even know what to do. They call me God but forget I'm a human in this avatar too. All I can feel is Gandhari's pain. Even if she hates me with everything she has and cursed me for my existence but I just can't help but feel for her so deeply. What can I do?" he sobs
"What Kauravas did was wrong but Gandhari is a mother, kanha. Her pain can't be measured. It is unbearable but justified. But so is your karma and dharma. Whatever you do will be remembered forever. They all need you. So go, sakha. Do what needs to be done. I believe in you. I love you. We all do."
Krishna smiled through the tears
Radha whispered "we parted physically to fulfill our dharma in this lifetime but you know? I.. I'm just so tired, Kanha. It's been so long. I just want to go home. To Goloka. Our home. I feel my purpose here is coming to an end..."
"So is mine, Radhe.. so is mine. We are One." Kanha clutched the mirror closer to his chest and Radha did too - both of them in an eternal embrace.
"We will go home very soon. To everyone we love, finally. It's my vachan, sakhi."
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entertext · 8 months
HGSN 24-3
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Yoshiki: ...Haha
Yoshiki: ...So it was a clichéd human-sacrificing village huh?
Yoshiki: Of course...you'd hide that...
Hikaru: But I don't need heads or anything to grant wishes
Hikaru: Why?
Yoshiki: In the end, the "sin of the Indous"...
Hikaru: I can't remember...That part's still all fuzzy.
Yoshiki: Ugh, there's no one else who was close to Hikaru's dad and seems to know some stuff...
Yoshiki: ...No, there...is one...,but...
Principal: And now let us sing the school song
Chorus: Over the blue~~mountain range~~♪
Chorus: Soars Tenbanzan―♪
Hikaru: (It seems like a ton of people's lives have been offered to me.)
Hikaru: (But it kinda makes sense)
Hikaru: (Honestly, if anything, it feels right...)
Hikaru: (If we continue to understand more about Nounuki-sama like this)
Hikaru: (Will we find a way to reduce the impurities?)
Hikaru: (If that happens, will I be able to stay like this for good?)
Hikaru: (The thing that poses the most danger to Yoshiki isn't the impurities, but...)
(sfx: gulp)
(sfx: rattles open)
Asako: How sneaky of you, skipping out on the ceremony
Hikaru: If I say I was taking a dump, they won't get mad
Asako: Summer break starts tomorrow
Hikaru: Yeah, you gonna do the homework?
Asako: I always finish it in the first week, but Yuu-chan always does it in tears on the very last day, haha.
Hikaru: Haha, I'll make sure to do it too. Studying's fun
Asako: Hey, y'know.
Hikaru: Yeah?
Asako: You really aren't Hikaru, are you?
Hikaru: ...
Asako: I saw you on the second floor staircase landing a while back.
(sfx: head scratch)
Hikaru: .... Ah
Hikaru: Asako, y'know...even before...that kind of thing
Hikaru: You really shouldn't say it to me directly...It's stupid
Asako: Yeah
Hikaru: You gonna tell?
Asako: I won't
Asako: Not a soul.
Asako: Hikaru not being Hikaru is scary and weird. Yoshiki knowing that and acting the same as usual is weird, too.
Asako: There's no way I could do that...It's like...everything's weird
Asako: But, y'know...for some reason, I can't bring myself to completely hate the current you, 'Hikaru'.
Hikaru: Even though I messed up your right ear?
Asako: Oh, right, that was you...
Hikaru: I'm sorry about that, Asako. I already promised Yoshiki that I wouldn't do anything to you anymore.
Hikaru: And that I wouldn't kill anyone else...
Asako: Ahaha....you really aren't human.
Asako: Hey...Is Hikaru still alive somewhere?
Hikaru: No.... This body is already a corpse
Asako: Oh
Asako: *sniffles* I kinda already...
Asako: thought that was the case...
Asako: Uugh...
Asako: Uuuuu
(sfx: rubs)
Asako: Uu...uwaaaaah...
Hikaru: (Ah...that's right)
Hikaru: Sorry
Hikaru: (Hikaru should have had everyone be sad over him like this)
Hikaru: (Because I'm here, no one will be sad like this)
Hikaru: (That may be what Hikaru wished for)
Hikaru: (But if I wasn't here, maybe Yoshiki would have been sad with everyone else, and it might not have been as painful as it is now)
Hikaru: (And then maybe everyone would have been able to look forward)
Hikaru: (And think about college and stuff)
Hikaru: (And have fun...)
Next chapter: 2024/02/13
Twitter Extra (link):
After becoming 'Hikaru', he has a bit of a tendency to get up close and personal regardless of gender. It's the same as the tendency of humans to quickly pet cats.
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lulu-tutu · 2 years
Hi, I really enjoy your work and was wondering if you could write some Rise!Donnie x GN!reader gaming headcannons.
Gaming 💕 Rise!Donatello
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A/N: Thank you so much, this was fun to write and I hope you enjoy :)
Pairing(s): Rise!Donatello x GN!Reader
Warning(s): don't think there's any?
Proof read :)
Donnie is insanely good at gaming, so if you weren't as confident as him, just know that he'll lead the both of you to victory.
You actually ran into him one time when you were playing some game online before you knew he played almost all the time thanks to his insomnia.
You only found out it was him by that ridiculous gamertag of his.
"Bootyyyshaker9000? No way."
The next day when you were down at the lair, you made sure to rub it in his face that you actually beat the famous Bootyyyshaker9000.
"That was you? Well, since you've proudly declared your victory, you're now joining me on my daily mission. Would prefer you on my team then some random noob."
And that's what started everything
You began playing with Donnie more and more until it became a routine, you weren't complaining.
Spending more time with your boyfriend, doing something he enjoys? It's about time.
He got you your own gaming chair and moved around his setup so you'd be more comfortable in his space.
With both of your skills, you became a power couple and brought fear onto those in the virtual world.
Donnie wants to use some hacks?
"Donatello! We are not cheating! You hear me? We're kicking their asses the good old way."
"You're no fun :("
Your sleeping schedule starts to copy his own, which isn't good because this guy gets no sleep at all
"Donnie, please. We can grind some more tomorrow, I'm tired."
"So help me, you are not sleeping until our level is in the triple digits, you hear me? Y/n? Y/n-?" Looks over and sees you passed out in your chair.
Sighs and decides that he could grind later. Gently takes your headset off without waking you up, picks you up with his hands under your knees and back and takes you to his room where he snuggles you up in his blankets and slides into bed with you.
When you're not in the mood to game you bring him plenty of energy drinks and snacks while also keeping him company.
Sometimes you two pull all nighters and his brothers chide Donnie for bringing you into his bad habits.
"It's like there's another Donatello running around! One is enough! One is enough!"
"Leon, one is never enough."
Both of you raging when the game is too difficult or there are just those guys that enjoy spawn killing you
"You kill me one more time, one more time, and I'll track down your address and send you a clown."
"Y/n, I need you to send them Hawaiian pizza too."
"Not everyone hates Hawaiian pizza, D."
"Well they should. Barbarians."
He actually really enjoys gaming with you though
You two somehow just get closer during your gaming sessions, you learn more about each other than you have even while dating
Sometimes he thinks you'd get bored of it after a while and will hesitate to ask you if you wanted to join him
"Hey, Y/n? So, there's a championship happening and, you know, if you have the time, I wanted to know if you wanted to join?"
"There's a championship? Shell yeah, D! Let me get my snacks, I'll be right there!"
You two have so much fun, and your love for each other and gaming has definitely grown.
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cressthebest · 3 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 38
chapter 57:
1. starting out with gay panic i see. not for pandora, but for me. good lily is SO HOT
2. lily and remus’ freindship is pure angst atm
3. “I love you, Lily, then and now and the past six years and the next six and all the years I've got in this life. All of them will be spent loving you, and I would do it all over again; I would do it tomorrow.” 😧 IM IN SO MUCH PAIN
4. the loss of dorlily 😔😔 BUT we we lost in dorlily, we gained in marylily and dorlene
5. i love the emphasis put on the importance of freindships in crimson rivers. remus even says himself that he loves lily just as much as sirius, just differently
6. “"You know, Red, I feel like I need to go shake Remus Lupin's hand," Kingsley says dryly. "He's working miracles, clearly."” kingsley is showing KING behavior
7. omg the absolute LOSS OF DORLILY
8. damn lily went to mary and spilled everything
9. “Regulus is snatched out of his near-daily daydream of taking Slughorn by the back of his head and smashing his face down against the table he sits at until he's just a smear on it” MOOD
10. barty and regulus taking care of each other >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
chapter 58:
1. “He's not above killing an old man” 🥰🥰💞💖💞✨regulus✨💞💖💞🥰🥰
3. albus killed ariana. that’s- that’s wild. i’d- i’d never. holy shit. HE KILLED HIS OWN SISTER TO WIN THE ARENA?? THEY WERE THE LAST TWO AND HE KILLED HER??? holy FUCK
5. this is such whiplash. i was unprepared for this knowledge
6. 😐😒 side EYE at albus. he fell in love with the person that literally tore his family apart. i don’t feel sorry for him in the slightest. he’s insane.
7. OHHH got it. grindlewald killed ariana. so then albus killed him. revenge >:)
(i still have no sympathy for him. he’s still in love with grindlewald. the little bitch)
8. regulus does not play around. his deal with albus is feeling a lot like his ahb self and i’m love with these characterizations of him.
9. 😭😭😭 tiny nymphadora kicking a man’s ankles for hating on james
10. dumbledore: i have a mission for you-
remus: fuck no
dumbledore: to save james and sirius
remus: FUCK YES! OKAY!!!!
11. before i know if dorcas and marlene switched who goes on the mission, i make my guess right now: this mission kills marlene. she goes on it and dies.
12. “"I'd rather you kill me, I think," Dorcas tells her, and it comes out as a whimper, her heart clenching violently in her chest.
A shaky laugh spills out of Marlene's mouth. "Honestly, that could be arranged."
"Make it hurt," Dorcas mumbles.
"No, for you, I'd be so gentle," Marlene whispers, breath spilling out hot and trembling along Dorcas' jaw.””
13. “"I promise," Marlene vows immediately, fiercely, and then she kisses her, holding her face in her hands and kissing her like that's enough to make sure that promise never breaks.”” zar, i’m so tired. please, i’m so tired. she’s gonna die and i’m so tired. 😞
14. the theme of harry potter is literally supposed to be about how love is more powerful than anything else, yet jkr sucked at portraying that. crimson rivers does it wonderfully, over and over and over again.
15. i forgot about mary being trans until it was casually dropped in again, and honestly, i’m glad it’s that way.
16. i like how everyone’s like: reg no!!!
17. every. damn. time. reg is like “if you do this, i am explicitly telling you the pain i will make you feel in return.” and every single time, people do it anyways and are surprised.
18. “Marlene, a woman who rolls with the punches, and keeps going, and wears her bruises like jewelry.”
19. zars comments on lily at the end of the chapter 😭😭 “i love this transition for her going from having sex with a lot of women to being like I'm A Family Woman Now 😭 she really said, i found a wife and a kid, and im done with the drama”
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fukae-flwr · 6 months
Stained Hearts & Dark Desires:
Chapter 3 Gibes and Jests
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Summary: Ominis works through his emotions over Edith. He can't forgive her yet but can't bring himself to hate her. It's hard to work through
Word count: 5.3k
Warnings: angst, conflicted feelings,
Rating: MATURE 18+!!! (NO MINORS)
Chapter: 4
“Was there anything else Penny can get you, Mr.Gaunt?” Penny's cheery voice questioned. Ominis had just finished examining the room he was to call home for now. His wand could make out enough to tell this place was much bigger than he had been expecting. It was just a lovely and cozy home. The dark wood structures matched with elegant patterns gave the room a pleasant feeling. He did notice though how empty it felt. This room was physically filled with everything necessary for a guest room, yet lacked any life or presence. This room wasn’t used often.
“That’ll be all, Penny. Thank you.” Ominis shook his head. He hadn’t expected Edith to have an elf, much less be so relaxed by her company. He heard the way her voice softened drastically once Penny arrived. Even the soft breath she had released while talking to Penny was a sure sign to him of how comfortable she felt in Penny’s presence. Almost a complete contrast to how she interacted with him or Sebastian. A small part of him envied the elf, a small enough part that he could ignore.
“Well then, Penny wishes you a goodnight, Mr.Gaunt.” The elf concluded as she began to close the door.
“Goodnight to you too, Penny.” Ominis smiled softly. With the door closed, Ominis sat in his current bed and let the events of the day start to wash over him.
They found her. They actually found her. She was alive and breathing. He felt…relieved yet conflicted. She had been lying to everyone except Anne from the looks of things. She was the masked wizard they hunted for so long partially because they were fooled to believe the masked wizard had killed her. That wasn’t even including the emotions that began to rise as a result of everything that happened back in their 7th year. The swirling of powerful emotions was overwhelming. He felt happy she was alive, angry for everything she had done, betrayed for the disappearance, and among so many others. At this rate, he was going to implode in on himself.
Thankfully there was a welcomed distraction from his thoughts at his door. Walking over to the door, he found his partner standing before him. His own personal breath of relief, most of the time.
“Hey. Did you get everything you need?” Sebastian asked, stepping into the room immediately. Ominis just chuckled to himself as he just waltzed right in.
“Hello, Sebastian. Yes, please come in.”
“Great thanks.”
Ominis closed the door behind him and moved further into the room. It wasn’t a very large room, but these townhomes rarely had very spacious rooms. A single bed with a metal frame stood against the wall to the left side of the room. Right across was the wooden dresser a good distance away from the small fireplace with a fireguard. It was a cozy small room, perfect for guests.
Sebastian sat on the edge of his bed, deep in thought. Ominis could practically hear his raging mind working double time.
“I did have Penny retrieve a few of my things. Though, I didn’t want to overwork the elf, so we will need to stop by the house tomorrow.” Sebastian barely acknowledged that Ominis had said anything.
“I dread ever asking, but care to share your thoughts with me?” Ominis tried to make light of the tense atmosphere but went over Sebastian’s head.
“I hate her.”
“Do you?”
“Well, that is a perfectly reasonable response, given everything.” Ominis moved to sit next to him. He wasn’t super big on being physical with anyone on normal occasions, but he tried in his own ways with Sebastian. Sitting close enough for his shoulders and legs to come in contact with Sebastian’s was enough for now. It was what he could offer right now, and Sebastian knew that. From years of being together, Sebastian was familiar with Ominis’s small gestures of warmth.
“What about you, Ominis?”
“Do I hate her?”
Ominis sat for a moment to think. Did he hate her? He was undoubtedly very angry with her, and his trust was broken for sure, but hate? He hated his family but had never really hated anyone before, aside from Hobhouse. He compared his emotions towards his family to Edith, and it was falling short.
“No. I don’t hate her.” Ominis sighed. If how he felt towards his family was directed at Edith, it lost its ire. He held no hate for her, but he was hurt by her. It was that pain she caused that made him mad and upset with her but not loathe her. He doubted he could hate her, even after everything. It was similar to how he felt about Sebastian all those years ago, after Solomon. He couldn't bring himself to hate Sebastian but couldn’t forgive him at that time either.
“Really?! After everything she’s done?” Sebastian questioned in disbelief.
“As if you have any room to speak. People do terrible things sometimes.” Ominis heard Sebastian slump in on himself.
“You don’t have to forgive her. I certainly haven’t. But we do need to work with her to find Anne.” Ominis comforted his partner. The heavy sigh Sebastian allowed to escape confirmed to Ominis how much his words helped him.
“You’re right.”
“You’re modesty is very becoming.”
“Please, modesty is for those unaware of their worth. I’m fully aware of my worth.” Ominis tsked confidently as he rose from the bed. It was uplifting to finally hear Sebastian laugh today. With how tense everything was currently, he was glad he could still get a chuckle from him.
“Perhaps along the way we can get the answers we’ve been looking for,” Ominis mentioned softly as he began to remove his coat, and vest for the night.
Sebastian didn’t respond to that, only joining him in getting comfortable as well.
~ * ~
Ominis learned two things in the night. One, the walls of this townhome were unbelievably thin. Ominis had amazing hearing, and if the walls had been thicker, things wouldn’t have sounded as clear as they did last night. Most times he could hear through walls to a degree. Often coming off much more muffled and disoriented but could still make out little things. These walls hardly did any of that. It was like he was present in the other room. Which led to the second thing he learned that night. Edith didn’t sleep.
She had her bath earlier in the evening, something abundantly clear thanks to the sounds of water he heard. He did his best to block out the sounds, feeling it was inappropriate of him to hear the water of her bath splashing around. He was a gentleman after all, and despite her transgressions, she was still an attractive young woman. After her bath, she paced around her room, constantly. He couldn’t quite make out what she was saying with how quietly she spoke but she was muttering a lot. Then at some point, she decided to rush upstairs to the third floor and move around in the room above. She was light-footed, but not enough to be silent. All night she was up there moving about, doing who knew what.
Ominis wasn’t sure what room she was in or what it was for. The two of them hadn’t been given a tour of the house yet. Penny assured them that Edith would do it today. They were only taken to their temporary rooms, though Sebastian quickly abandoned his room for Ominis’s. Not something he was complaining about, but just noted how quickly that idea went out the window.
After forcing himself to ignore her movements upstairs, Ominis could fall asleep, though not into a deep slumber. He was always acutely aware of where she was upstairs. She often moved between the two rooms upstairs, but nothing else that was noticeable. Now with the sun having risen, the light poking through the lace curtains, Ominis stretched out in bed. Sebastian started to stir awake from his movements, yawning and stretching as well.
“Did she ever go back to her room?” Sebastian slurred, half awake. Ominis wasn’t surprised he heard her as well. It wasn’t like she was trying to hide her footsteps. Sebastian may have slept better than Ominis but he wasn’t a deep sleeper when in unfamiliar places such as Edith’s home.
“I don’t think so.”
“Well, let's get up and get that tour then?” Sebastian threw the covers off and rose from the bed. Ominis couldn’t agree more. The sooner they could explore the house, the closer they’d be to finding possible answers. After getting dressed, both of the men walked down the stairs and to the kitchen. Using his wand, Ominis could get a vague image of the kitchen area.
It was a decently sized kitchen with a dark-colored metal stove. It was small enough for his wand to capture a good sense of everything around without him having to move much. Yet it was spacious enough to not give the sense it was crowded. The kitchen had a wooden island with all the kitchen items needed for prepping meals. Ominis could even make out what appeared to be an elf-sized step stool pushed up against the island. On said step stool, they found Penny, cleaning up the kitchen and using magic to prepare breakfast. She practically hummed in the kitchen with contentment. It was nice to know she was being treated kindly for her to be this happy with her life.
“Oh Good morning, gentlemen!” Penny greeted warmly. Ominis could hear the smile in her voice, “Penny is preparing breakfast now. Should be ready any moment, if you’d like to wait in the dining room.” She hopped off the step stool to throw whatever food she was prepping into the pan on the stove.
“Do you need any help?” Sebastian offered. Ominis knew Sebastian enjoyed cooking up meals. At their house, Sebastian was the chef between the two of them and his meals were quite delicious.
“Oh! Penny appreciates the offer! Thank you, Mr.Sallow!”
“Sebastian is fine.”
“Thank you, Mr.Sebastian!” Penny began to instruct Sebastian on what to do, while she prepared a separate tray.
“Is that for Edith?” Ominis pondered, wondering where she was. Had she still been in that room? He didn’t hear her ever leave nor come down from the third floor.
“Oh yes! Miss Edith often forgets meals, especially when she is busy with her research. So it’s Penny’s job to make sure Miss Edith doesn’t fall sick!” Penny spoke so casually as she snapped her fingers. Ominis could hear as the tray began to hover off the counter. He furrowed his brows at that. Research? What kind of research was she conducting so vehemently for her to continually neglect meals?
“What does she research?” Sebastian asked so casually, not missing a beat.
“Miss Edith explained it to Penny once. It was very complicated, but Penny remembers it involved a spell and…” Penny inhaled suddenly, stopping mid-sentence. Ominis turned, wondering if a silencing charm had been cast. He hadn’t heard any spell being performed but the elf had suddenly stopped and he wasn’t sure why.
“A..Are you holding your breath?” Sebastian inquired. Was she holding her breath? Ominis moved closer to see if his wand could pick up her image. The image was unique, to say the least, and much more vague than the nonliving things it depicted. His wand was much more suited for depicting structures and the environment around him rather than other people. The image he was able to barely see was a tiny elf holding both her hands to her mouth wide-eyed.
“Are…are you alright?”
“Oh yes! Penny just says things that shouldn’t be repeated. Miss Edith never gets angry but Penny knows she should practice learning when to stop talking!” Penny finally released her breath. So talking about Edith’s research was something that was not meant for others’ ears. Interesting.
“Well, Penny must bring Miss Edith’s breakfast now!” Penny quickly exited the kitchen bringing a tray. Ominis could barely call what was on it, breakfast. A pot of coffee with creamer and sugar and some toast. Not exactly a filling meal. He doubted it was something the elf had decided upon. Penny seemed like she would’ve been the one to overachieve what Edith wanted.
“So research on magic, for a spell…” Sebastian pondered aloud as he stirred whatever was in the pan.
“Any ideas?”
“Well, it's not like it's unheard of, for those who work in the ministry, that is. I even considered going to a similar field once this business with being an aurora is over.” Sebastian tapped the wooden spoon on the pan before moving the pan onto the counter. It was a discussion they had before. What they planned to do once they finished being auroras. Sebastian was leaning more toward studying magic scriptures, a job in the ministry involving his favorite thing, reading. Ominis, on the other hand, was more geared towards something a little less life-threatening than their current job as well. Perhaps he’d become a professor at Hogwarts; he wasn’t entirely sure what he wanted to do as of yet, but being aurora was not a lifetime thing. There had been only one reason they ever became auroras in the first place, and she was currently upstairs where they could easily find her.
“Dark wizards studying magic is rarely a good thing,” Ominis pointed out. For most dark wizards it was rarely a good thing, Ominis wasn’t quite sure about Edith yet. He just stood about the kitchen, thinking about what Edith could be working on as soft footsteps gave away the elf’s return. Sebastian had helped himself to the eggs and potatoes Penny had started. He even made a plate for Ominis as well.
“Miss Edith informed Penny that she would be down momentarily to give you the tour of the house.” Penny reported to them, “Penny also has another pot of coffee or tea if you’d like. Penny wasn’t sure which the gentlemen wanted so Penny made both!” Penny shuffled over to the stove, snapping her fingers to get the smaller pots to follow her. She moved over towards the dining room attached to the kitchen.
The dining room was just as roomy if not a tad smaller than the kitchen. In the center was her wooden round table, neatly set for guest use. The pots floated over to the table, and Sebastian placed the plates down in front of the seats. Ominis sat next to Sebastian as they ate their food.
“Does Edith get the Daily Prophet sent here?” Ominis questioned while he ate the eggs and potatoes graciously prepared for him by Sebastian and Penny.
“Oh, she does! Edith typically takes it up to the study. Penny remembers Miss Edith always enjoyed reading about the Ministry’s Duo. She even asks if Penny saw anything about them in the paper when Penny fetches it for her.”
Ominis couldn't help his smirk forming over the rim of his cup and heard the soft chuckle from Sebastian. How very interesting. Ominis perked a little as he heard the oh-so-subtle sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.
“Did she ever comment on the Ministry’s Duo?” Sebastian inquired curiously.
“Only how amusing it would be to watch the fools chase after the Masked Wizard,” Edith answered pointedly before the elf could say anything. Finally, she had come down from her hiding hole. Ominis could hear her move out from behind him, over to the opposite side of the table. The furthest spot from the both of them.
“And yet those very same fools caught you in the end. How amusing,” Sebastian taunted as he sat back in his chair.
“Tch. Luck is all it is.”
“Perhaps I should try my hand at the lottery then.” Ominis thought out loud.
“If you two are done, I’ll show you around the house now. I have things needing to be done today.” Edith crossed her arms impatiently. Ominis slowly placed his cup down and folded his hands in his lap, turning in her direction.
“What lovely errands do you have planned for us today, Ms.Winterald? I, for one, would like to stop by my house to grab a few more of my belongings.” Ominis remarked casually. Anything they did now involved each other, or at least one of them being with Edith. They might as well get comfortable with it starting now.
“Well since stopping by your house is not urgent, that’ll be something we do last.”
“You might as well just tell us what you’re doing today. We’ll find out eventually.” Sebastian tried to coerce Edith into telling them right now. Didn’t seem like it was working with how she immediately responded, feigning kindness with an overly sweet voice.
“Well, I guess you’ll just find out eventually.” And with that turned on her heels. Seemed like breakfast was forcefully brought to an end. Ominis just sighed as he picked up his wand and followed behind. Sebastian grumbled as he joined.
“You already saw the kitchen and dining room. The parlor is off to the side here.” She marched off toward the parlor. It was to the side of the stairs, diagonal to the kitchen. It was an average terrace living room. A darkened fireplace at the center of the furthest wall, and furniture placed around the coffee table that centered the room. A small alcove against the window, that allowed for natural light to filter into the room. A couple of shelves with books on them. Nothing much. Ominis noticed the only thing that seemed used was a fraying blanket loosely hanging off the loveseat closest to the fireplace.
“And then of course the bedrooms on the first level,” Edith continued her guided tour up the stairs. She showed them their bathroom, the smallest room they had seen in this house.
“Merlin’s beard, how does anyone fit in here?” Sebastian gawked. He was much more familiar with the hamlets near Hogwarts. They could afford to have much more space out there than homes in the cities. Though Ominis recalled never having a bathroom quite this small in his life. If he was at Gaunt’s Manor, the restrooms were about three times as big due to their wealth. It was just barely large enough for the white clawfoot tub at the very end, the toilet right next to it, and then the wooden vanity with the hand bowl on top of it next to the door.
“Considering I’m one person, easily.” Edith retorted. Closing the door, she began to tread up the stairs once more.
“Not gonna show off your room?” Sebastian quipped as they passed by her bed chambers she didn’t use last night.
“My my my. Who knew you’d grow to be quite the debauchee, Sebastian?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Sebastian hissed back, clearly irritated by her insinuation. Ominis selectively chose to keep how truthful her statement was, to a degree. Their private affairs weren’t any of her business for now.
“Hmm no thanks. My bed chambers are for an invited company only. And you're not invited.”
“Ah, so nightcaps,” Sebastian commented. Ominis couldn’t fight the grin on his face as he heard her heart lurch, and a sound similar to choking on air escaped her. She even nearly tripped over one step. Thankfully, his assistance to catch her was not needed, but he was ready nonetheless.
“That is none of your business!”
Edith just stomped up the rest of the stairs more feverishly. Moving his wand about, there wasn’t much to the third floor, just the two main rooms along the wall on the opposite side of the stairtop. She held open the door closest to the small window at the far end of the hallway, completely ignoring the first door.
“And finally this is the study. Everything pertaining to Anne is here.” Edith gestured towards the room. Upon entry, Ominis felt himself cringe at how utterly chaotic it was. The small room was filled with books and loose pieces of paper scattered about. It was spacious for how occupied it was currently with three grown adults standing amidst a librarian’s hell.
Ominis noticed quite a few clippings from the daily prophet regarding dark wizard activities, letters with Anne’s signature favorite wax seal, and other letters from others he didn’t immediately recognize. As the images of the room appeared in his mind, he slowly moved about, trying to avoid stepping on anything. It was proving to be almost as difficult as Sebastian’s study back home, or any room he claimed.
“And you thought I was messy, Ominis.” Sebastian broke the silence as he knelt on the ground behind him. He picked up a few letters closest to him, beginning to examine them. Ominis couldn’t tell what it was but knew they’d have plenty of time to examine every single piece of information offered to them.
“I stand by that statement. Edith must’ve picked up your nasty habits from years back.” He mused as he made his way to the desk covered in news clippings from the Daily Prophet. Holding his wand out front, he got a better image depicting how each clipping involved either him, Sebastian, or both of them. On the wall behind the desk were more clippings, not of just them, but other dark wizards as well. There was enough about the Ministry’s golden duo though to catch his attention. Penny’s words replayed in his mind. So the elf was speaking the truth, not that he ever doubted her.
“I like to think..”
“I seriously doubt that.” Ominis quipped absentmindedly.
“...of it as chaotically organized.” Sebastian finished pointedly.
“Call it whatever you'd like, it's still a mess.”
Ominis heard Edith step away to pick up a letter from the floor, attempting to hide her amusement. She thought she let out a small breathy chuckle quiet enough that they wouldn’t hear. She was wrong. It had been so long since the last time he heard her laugh. An annoyingly loud part of him wanted to hear it again, maybe get close enough to get a glimpse of that smile he had missed. He fought that part of him, reminding himself of all she had done. He couldn’t forgive her nor allow his guard to fall completely around her.
“You two haven’t changed,” Edith cleared her throat, attempting to regain her composure, “Still fighting like an old married couple per usual.” She couldn’t have been further from the truth. At this point, they were practically a married couple, without all the paperwork and so forth. They lived together, worked together, and spent almost every waking moment together. He was very happy with his life, but it wasn’t perfect. He knew what it was missing but refused to acknowledge it right now.
“I'm beginning to see a pattern with these over here. A fan, I take it?” Ominis already knew that answer thanks to Penny. Yet he found himself teasing her gently about it. He turned to her direction as the telltale sound of arms crossing flooded his ears.
“Hilarious. As I said before, I find it entertaining to watch the fools who think they could catch the Masked Wizard run around like a pack of frightened diricawls.” She spoke with a grin and condescension, clearly returning his tease. Her steps moved towards him, closer and closer, till he could feel her presence brush past him. A sensual chill ran down his spine. The wooden desk creaked as she leaned up against it to the right of him. She was very close yet still far enough to not be anywhere near brushing her arms against his.
His wand allowed him to see the folded paper she picked up and held towards him. It was a more recent print of the Daily Prophet with a bold headline reading “Ministry’s Deadly Duo”. Ominis wasn’t too much of a fan of their alleged fame in the paper. It seemed every success of theirs, as well as the occasional failures, were published for all of the wizarding world.
“The papers just can’t seem to get enough of you two. Makes staying two steps ahead quite easy.” She made no effort to hide her supercilious tone as she softly waved the paper, emphasizing her point. Another reason to hate their names in the paper as often as they were.
“And yet we still managed to catch you, didn’t we?” Sebastian derided as he rose from the ground and stalked over to Edith. Ominis stood by, delighted as the scene unfolded before him. Something about the slight back and forth between them was entertaining, despite everything else.
He watched as the paper was moved over to where the assumed Sebastian figure stood, preventing him from getting any closer to Edith. She was still very much caged between him, and the desk yet she used the paper to keep him at bay. He recalled the way she practically lept away from him last night at the base of the stairs. He heard how her heart pounded and startled so easily. Was it the physical proximity?
“Please. If my attention hadn’t been so divided due to Anne’s disappearance, you would’ve never caught me off guard. Even back then, you couldn’t beat me in a duel in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.” She feigned confidence but her voice had a slight tremor that gave away her nervousness. It piqued Ominis’s interest in how nervous she was getting.
“Sebastian, perhaps, but I recall you having quite a difficult time against me, Edith,” Ominis reminded as he stepped closer to tower over her. He intentionally spoke with a softer voice on the off chance it might lead to something interesting. And his efforts were not in vain. He heard how rapidly her heart began to pound as he moved closer. His lowered voice just topped it all off.
“R..right…Well, I’ve improved my skills since Hogwarts.” Edith stammered momentarily as she quickly freed herself from the trapped corner she found herself in. She had moved over towards the door, putting distance between them. As much as he enjoyed how nervous she got around them, it probably was for the best. There was still much to discuss and heal from.
“As have I” Sebastian countered, taking the very same spot she had against the desk, by Ominis’s side.
“We shall see.” The way she spoke wasn’t malicious or coy. It was like she was far away, emotionally and mentally. As if she didn’t intend to find out how much they had grown since Hogwarts, similar to how she spoke that day back in their seventh year. She was far more melancholy then; now she was just devoided of emotions.
“I noticed you two seem to be sharing a room. Is something the matter with your room, Sebastian?” Edith swiftly changed the subject, what little jests they had gotten from her, were gone.
“Not particularly. Ominis and I share a room. It is of no use to me.” Sebastian informed so casually. As if two men sharing a room was a common occurrence. Ominis had no shame in his love for Sebastian, even still he felt his face flush ever so slightly with Sebastrian’s boldness.
“...I guess I can conjure another bed then?” Edith bemused. A reasonable reaction to what was just stated, though it didn’t stop Ominis’s cheeks from redding at Sebastian's immediate response.
“By all means but chances are I’ll just end up in bed with Ominis.”
“Sebastian! For Merlin’s sake do you have no decency?!” Ominis sighed, dropping the papers he had to cover his burning face. He loved the moron, he did, but he was doomed to be the death of him.
Edith remained quiet for a long time. It began to make his skin itch. Was she one of those people unaccepting of a man loving another man? He’d hate for this to be where their so-called friendship officially ends.
“You two are…courting?” Edith questioned. Ominis couldn’t quite make out the tone of her voice. It wasn’t disgusted as he feared it would be, but wasn’t exactly all accepting either. He couldn’t recognize exactly what she was feeling from her inquiry.
“Yea. Problem?” Sebastian had lost all the warmth in his voice and was back to his sharp tone. He was always quick to the defense when it came to the two of them. Ominis appreciated it most of the time, but he doubted this was one of those times when it was necessary. The Edith he remembered never cared about such things. He hoped that remained true.
“No. Just surprised is all.” Edith stated. She still sounded surprised by the revelation she just received, which was better than immediate ignorance and disgust. From what he could recall, Edith didn’t judge one by who they loved. She was a very accepting person. It was refreshing to know that remained true. Though her silence was off-putting once more. Clearing she was lost in her mind.
“I’m glad to see you two worked out your issues in my absence. I feared you’d stopped talking to each other just like 6th year all over again,” Edith sighed. Ominis remained silent. It was true without her, he probably wouldn’t have talked to Sebastian as quickly as he did. Her hand was forced for a while. She had been doing the best she could to divide what little free time she had between the two of them, practically running back and forth. She always made sure to mention how Sebastian was doing, despite him never asking. When word got out that Anne was coming back to Hogwarts, she started spending more time with Sebastian. She began to mention him more often to Ominis. He wanted to forgive him and knew eventually he would. The more he heard of him from Edith, the more he felt he needed to talk to Sebastian. Not completely forgive, but allow him to be present in his life once more.
Her disappearance in their seventh year, however, did almost break them. As ridiculous as it was, part of Ominis thought perhaps something had happened with Sebastian that had finally driven her away. Something he might’ve said or done leaving her to run away just as the school year was almost over. He blamed Sebastian for a short while, and they fought.
“Well, he stayed around so we could work through it. Didn’t take off.” Sebastian commented pointedly. Ominis could feel the room freeze over. He heard Edith's breath momentarily pause. Leave it to Sebastian to immediately point out the obvious. He wasn’t wrong, and yet Ominis felt the need to meditate ever so slightly.
“Sebastian..” Ominis warned darkly, but Edith cut him off. Her tone was empty and cold. The way she spoke was oddly familiar in a way. A way he would speak back when he was living in the Gaunt Manor. Guarded and distant so nothing could hurt him. It was a tone that gave off the feeling that nothing mattered to her. His purposely hurtful words appeared to not have hurt her, but he knew they did.
“It’s alright, Ominis. He’s not wrong.” Edith spoke so lightly as if it was amusing to her.
“Choose whoever you’d like to seek companionship in, the only thing that matters is finding Anne.” Her words returned with just as much spite and ire as Sebastian’s had. It was clear to him nothing did matter to her, nothing involving them two at least. She had her walls built and guard up.
He listened as her heels turned on the wood and moved towards the door. Ominis wasn’t sure why he began to call her name or what he would even say to her, but she quickly ended that for him by interrupting him.
“If you need anything else, Penny will assist you. I’ll be in my room.” And with a slam of the door, she was gone.
~ ♡ ~
( •̀ヮ•́) I've been so motivated to write these, like I already have the next 2 done, im just editing the fuck out of them.
Idk where the fuck i read an Ominis fic where he had like super human hearing, but I did and it has been my hc ever since soooo there you go.
Next his wand! ಠᗜಠ
my hc is that the wand can project structures and things WAY better than people. Like walls, desks, papers, couches, etc, so he doesn't trip and can move around and read well. His wand deems it more important than "seeing" people. He can get glimpses of people, but they are like super blurry unless his wand is like almost directly in front of someone's face. Colors are muted too, more so on people.
Remember, this is all for fun, so be kind. Im doing my best to keep them in character and keep it interesting. This is an Ominis x Sebastian x Mc story, and Im trying to keep it slow burn, but im rusty at fanfics, so sorry.
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biscuitblinkeu · 2 years
My Apologies [10]
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Chaennie x Fem!reader
Word Count: 2386
A/n - this lowkey feels like a filler chapter to me, and let me know if you guys want romantic-Jennie or just close best friend-Jennie with reader
At the news everyone’s eyes go wide, including Chaeyoung’s parents. “You…what?” Chaeyoung has to double-take, trying to process Jennie’s rambles. Jennie, who is still sitting on the table, groans, running her hand through her hair in frustration. She then drags her hands down her face, looking at Chaeyoung.
“It’s hard to explain. We ran into a demon at (Y/n/n)’s school, they had a whole plan to get her and everything— but it didn’t work. So she took her friend as bait as the backup plan— that didn’t work either. I killed her, but (Y/n/n)’s friend bled out.” Jennie said, explaining the bare minimum. The other details can wait. “My job is to protect her only. But she would rather run into danger and go to her friend— so I had to make her sleep. She was being so fucking stubborn. I just wanted her to be safe.”
Jennie furrowed her eyebrows. “But that’s unimportant. I-I need you to go and heal her friend. If you take too long he’ll really die, his soul is already fading. If you don’t, (Y/n)’s going to hate me, she already does right now.” Chaeyoung noticed Jennie’s voice got more desperate with each word.
Her eyes are glossy, she’s on the verge of crying. She shouldn't be crying over something so stupid. It’s just frustrating. “I don’t want her to hate me over that, Rosie. You’ll heal him, won’t you? Please?—” Jennie is cut off by arms wrapping around her, pulling her trembling form into a hug. She feels Chaeyoung caress her hair soothingly, and she mutters, “Breathe, Jen, breathe. It’ll be okay, I promise. (Y/n) isn’t capable of hating you, okay?” Jennie hesitantly nods in response, wrapping her arms tightly around Chaeyoung’s waist seeking comfort. Her head hurts and she’s so caught up on the fact that you won’t want to see her anymore if Milo dies.
She tried so hard for you to be friends since the first meeting; anytime she was free she would watch over and visit you; you’d go out together shopping, watch movies, do face-masks, cuddle and whatnot. You’re the first human she’s put effort into befriending, so she won’t let you go that easily. She’s bitter and scared, but once your friend is healed you’ll forgive her— right? If you don’t…oh, well.
Jennie can wait, then. She can wait for you to forgive her; she was just trying to protect you— surely you know that? You’ll understand soon enough, and Jennie will wait for that apology.
“Calm down for me, okay? Can you take me to where she’s at?” Chaeyoung asks and Jennie nods, head still buried in her chest though she makes no move of action. If your friend’s soul is fading as they speak, she needs to hurry up. Chaeyoung realizes she needs a few moments; after a few seconds, Jennie sighs “Thank you for that.”
Chaeyoung smiles, “You’re welcome.”
Chaeyoung glances at her mother for permission to leave with Jennie and she nods. Selugi figures her question can wait and she’ll meet up with Chaeyoung later once they have this solved. “We’ll be back by tomorrow.” She says as Jennie opens a portal. (It’s a silent portal.)
Before she could go, her father suddenly stood up. “You’ll make it to the banquet right?” He wanted to confirm as he really wanted her to attend. “Yes, sure.” Chaeyoung responds before walking inside. As they left, her father sat back down and muttered, “such a troublesome child,” under his breath.
Once Jennie and Chaeyoung walked out and to the other side, the angel was met with a black and white sky. She recognized the rooftop they were on as your school’s. She could see everything was in stasis— which would’ve been resumed if the demon was dead and cleared off. From what Chaeyoung assumed, Jennie didn’t take care of it fully yet. It didn’t take her long to spot you a few feet away, holding Milo in your arms.
So he was the one who died. How sad.
“(Y/n).” Jennie called, tapping on your shoulder lightly to not startle you; it still did. You flinched and turned around quickly, wide eyed. You didn’t even notice they had arrived. You see Chaeyoung eyeing you with a bright smile and you wonder why. It’s confirmed when she speaks, though.
“You look so pretty crying.” She comments, you don’t have it in you to roll your eyes.
“Jennie, can you set him up against the wall?” She asked, pointing to the surface. Jennie gave her a nod, gently taking the (dead) boy from your arms, who hesitated before handing him over. Chaeyoung let out a sigh at the awkwardness between you.
Jennie really needed to fully fill her in.
As the reaper sat his (dead) body against the wall, she thought about how you didn't even spare her a glance, which made her a bit sad considering she brought Chaeyoung here.
“You two, stand there.” Chaeyoung points beside herself and you shuffle over. She wonders how she should go about this, she could heal him for free, but she doesn’t want to do that. It takes too much energy and she’d get nothing in return. “(Y/n), make a wish.” The angel says and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion, interest, and maybe shock.
“Isn’t that too much Chaeyoung…?” Jennie speaks up, interrupting. If you make a wish with a situation like this; bringing back the dead, you might as well be capping your contract to the fullest, meaning Chaeyoung would get to do anything she wanted.
“Too much?” The angel mutters as she squats down by the (deceased) boy. He’s wounded terribly, which makes her frown. “If she wants him alive she needs to make a wish. I’m not trying to force anything, but it takes a lot of energy to bring someone back to life.”
Jennie nods. It’s your decision anyways. “It’s fine, please just heal him.” You say, although a bit unsure. You just want your friend to be normal, not hurt and having no memory or feelings of what happened today.
Chaeyoung can see that you're indecisive, and she questions her own decision. “Are you sure?” She asks, staring at you intently: looking for some form of rejection or discomfort, but you show none of the sort.
That’s good.
“You are aware that it means I can do a lot more, and you know what more means, right?” She goes on, unable to stop the smile forming on her face at the thought of making you feel good— but it soon faded. She realizes how poorly worded that was. “With your consent of course.” She adds, and you smile slightly at her elaboration, face hot. “Yeah, I’m sure.” You confirm again.
Now, with a quick snap of the angel's fingers and a flashing of white and gold sparks, the wish is done. Chaeyoung places a hand over Milo’s chest. A small lavender colored orb appears, floating about the area.
You watch in awe and curiosity.
The orb bounces and swirls around his body in leaping motions, almost like it was dancing. It turns lighter and lighter as the seconds pass before being absorbed into his body. His wounds start closing up and the color returns to his skin. His clothes turn clean and untouched, too.
Once that is over, your friend lets out a groan, moving slightly. His head is throbbing painfully and he lets out another groan, screwing his eyes shut.
“He should be fine now, I’ve just erased his memories.” Chaeyoung says as she picks him up, he then falls limp in her arms. She disappears, returning a quick second later with him no longer in her arms. She had put him somewhere in the school so he could resume his day.
“Now, Jennie, do you want to tell me the whole story?”
When the situation was under control and everything was back to, well, normal, Chaeyoung had brung you back to your apartment informing you she’d be back quickly. But it’s been an hour and a half since then, and you were getting bored. You thought about how many absences you would’ve had if it wasn’t for Chaeyoung altering the records.
You were told to wait in your room while the two talked about what happened. You didn’t understand why you couldn’t be included when you were involved, but at the same time, you didn’t want to have to recall and retell the events of today. You’re also slightly scared to be in the same proximity as Jennie because of the awkwardness between you.
Chaeyoung has talked to you before going to Jennie. You needed to apologize. You may have been angry and a jumble of emotions, but you should’ve never said those three words to Jennie. You don’t hate her. You know you were in the wrong. Jennie was just trying to protect you.
“So?” Chaeyoung questions as that sat at your island table, waiting for Jennie to elaborate. The feline-eyed reaper has her head laying down on the counter and she stares at Chaeyoung. She’s lazily chewing on a Twizzler stick she found in your pantry’s candy section. She could start to tell Chaeyoung what she wants to know, but she wants to finish the candy first.
After a few minutes of silence between them, and Jisoo and Lisa playing the game in the next room, she finally finishes the candy. “(Y/n)’s friend was being bugged by some new student that was in their class. He had enough and asked the human to either go on a date or reject them so he could have his peace, and she accepted. That girl who supposedly had a crush on (Y/n) turned out to be a demon and she was waiting for a chance to get (Y/n) alone to take her or maybe kill her. I don’t know.” Jennie said, watching how Chaeyoung’s expression changes to annoyance.
“I came with her of course because it was suspicious to me that they transferred a little after the time you did. Long story short, they found out I knew they were a demon and had no other choice to reveal themself. They couldn’t bait me so they used Milo as a hostage… (Y/n) got all emotional and tried to “help” so I made her pass out.” Jennie makes a gun pose with her hand and points it at Chaeyoung’s forehead. “Then I killed her. Understand?”
Jennie had an odd way of explaining things but somehow it still made sense in the end, so Chaeyoung nodded and pushed the bag of Twizzlers back to Jennie who grinned happily. (She had to take them away from her or else she would’ve finished the whole bag before she told her what happened.)
“Will you and (Y/n) make up?”
“Yeah, I’m just waiting for her to call me.” To their surprise, you call her a couple minutes later.
“Jennie,” you call out to no one in particular, “Jennie, can you come here?” You waited a couple minutes and came to the conclusion she was still busy since she hasn’t appeared yet.
Sighing, you flopped back onto your bed and pushed your head in your pillow, letting out a groan. You don’t exactly have a script on how you’re going to apologize.
“You’re going to suffocate yourself.” A raspy, deep voice filled with amusement speaks, causing you to jolt up. Jennie is at the side of your bed, smiling widely. “Unless…that’s what you were trying to do, by all means, continue.” She adds, joking. You sighed, trying to catch your breath as you clutched at your chest. Sometimes you forget that Jennie can make herself sound scary.
“You should’ve seen your face.” Jennie mocked. She places a hand over her chest with wide eyes: a startled look, and mimicked your breathing. You rolled your eyes. “No, you should’ve heard your voice!” You said, causing her to laugh more. You couldn’t help but laugh too, and it seemed like you were back to normal. Though, it doesn’t last.
Once the laughing died down, silence fell upon you. You both were quietly, your eyes darting around the room. It was an awkward tension, you’d have to eventually address the elephant in the room. Jennie gazed at you expectantly, not moving to sit on the bed, facing you. Her legs were folded over each other and she was still smiling.
She expected you to call her a bit later, or maybe the next day, or week, or month, or…
She thought you’d avoid her, but it’s not like you can when she’s watching you with Chaeyoung.
A couple seconds later you turned to face her, letting out a small sigh before looking her in the eyes. “I’m sorry,” you started and Jennie cocked her eyebrow, her smile growing into a teasing smirk.
“Do it without the sigh?” She asked, tilting her head. You could almost see her as an owl, no, a cat. “I want a sincere apology. You don’t need to force yourself if you’re not ready, I was partially at fault too.” She said softly, watching as you played with your duvet, twisting and twirling the soft fabric around your finger.
You were nervous.
“I’m sorry,” you said again, without the sigh, and began the rest of your apology, I—” You’re interrupted.
Jennie wanted to play around a bit longer. “Make your tone a bit sadder—”
“Jennie!” You whined, flopping back onto your bed. Jennie broke out in a laugh, holding her stomach as if I’d burst. When she gets herself together she says, “Sorry, I’m sorry. I just wanted to tease you. I already forgave you, but you can continue your apology if you want.”
You hum, “I really am sorry though. I shouldn’t have said those things to you…I know now you were just trying to keep me safe. I don’t hate you Jennie, it’s quite the opposite.” You admit, and somewhere along the line you started staring down at your hands that are clasped together, fiddling.
Jennie found it so endearing she had to hug you. You closed your eyes and leaned into her embrace, allowing yourself to be engulfed in the comfort of her arms.
Would you like to continue?
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Christmas surprise (Christen Press x Reader)
Merry Christmas! I've been really tired recently so I'm a little behind on requests, I hope to get some more finished in the next couple of days. Christmas is tomorrow and I'm working so I wrote this really quickly. Hope you enjoy.
Words: 2.3K
Y/m/n- Your mums name, Y/d/n- Your dads name. 
"Please just stay with me tonight, I promise I'll tell everyone after Christmas."
Christen sighed, taking a step back, "You don't have to tell everyone Y/n, I just want our families to know."
"We can tell them after tomorrow okay? I promise. All I want is to wake up next to you tomorrow."
"Can you at least tell me why you want to wait until after Christmas?"
We had been keeping our relationship a secret for the past 2 years, there were only a select few people that knew. It started out with wanting to establish our relationship in private then moved to liking the privateness of it. Christen had been wanting to tell people for a while now, but I had been putting it off. It wasn't that I necessarily wanted to keep it a secret or wasn't ready for people to know, I was just a very private person and struggled with people knowing my business. Christen had been understanding up until recently, she was at the point where she didn't want to hide it anymore. We had been together for 2 years, it was my turn to be understanding now. 
The truth was that our families already knew about us, but Christen didn't know that. In the past she had talked about having a joined family Christmas so this year I had decided to surprise her. That meant telling both our families to get them to agree. 
I had told Christen that my family was coming over tomorrow afternoon so she wouldn't get suspicious when I started preparing lunch. The only issue so far was trying to convince her to stay. She was a bit upset that my family was coming, but she wasn't going to be able to meet them. 
"It's just, my parents don't know I'm gay, I'm sure they'll be okay with it, but just incase they're not, I want one last Christmas where things are normal." It was partly true, I had never explicitly told my parents I was gay or introduced them to any of my past partners, but it was obvious they always had a feeling. My family had barely reacted when I told them about Christen. They were just happy that I was happy. 
Christen smiled softly before kissing me, "Okay, we can wait until after Christmas. From what you've told me, your parents will be okay with it."
It wasn't a complete lie, while my reluctance was mostly my privateness. I had been slightly scared to tell them. Either way, I hated lying to her and it wasn't easy. Christen and I were always honest with each other no matter what, "They probably will, but it scares me anyway. Will you stay?"
"Of course I will. Can we watch Christmas movies?"
We spent the night watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate. I loved nights like this. Nights where it was just us, in sweatpants and cuddled up on the couch. Or nights where we would cook dinner and just talk about anything and everything. With her I was relaxed, I was able to be completely myself without fear of judgment. I had flaws, I was stubborn, had a hard time opening up, but Christen loved me regardless. I couldn't wait to come home to her everyday, cook dinner, to fall asleep and wake up next to her. Hopefully that would become a reality after tomorrow. 
Normally, Christen always woke up before me, but I was excited which meant sleep didn't come easy. I killed time by watching her sleep, she looked so peaceful and incredibly beautiful even with messy hair and no make up on. I think it was one of my favourite versions of her. Christen stirred slightly before burying her face further into the crook of my neck. It was the sign that she was waking up. I traced patterns on her bare back, placing a kiss on her temple. 
"Merry Christmas my love."
Christen shifted to leave a lingering kiss on my lips, "Merry Christmas baby. I could get used to this."
"You wake up next to me all the time."
"Not nearly enough. You're awake early today, is everything okay?"
I kissed her again quickly, "I'm excited, it's Christmas."
Christen rolled on top of me, smile stretched across her face, "You're cute, I can't wait to spend Christmas with you next year."
"Neither can I Chris. I'm sorry it can't happen this year."
We were cuddled on the couch, coffee in hand as we just enjoyed the peacefulness. I reached down feeling for the little box that I had hidden next to the couch, "I have something for you."
"Don't be, it sucks, but I understand it." Instead of saying anything, I connected our lips, enjoying the way our lips felt together. Shivering slightly when her tongue ran across my bottom lip then connected with mine. Quiet moans slipped from us both, tangling together as our bodies followed suit. It was soft and slow. There was no rush, just the two of us, showing the love we held for each other. 
Christen slowly opened the box to reveal a key. She looked at me confused, taking out the key to look at it, "I already have a key to your apartment."
"It's the key to my heart," I replied as seriously as possible, but the little giggle Christen let out made me burst out laughing. "You had that a long time ago. This is the new key, remember I had to get my locks changed? This one comes with a question though."
"I'm still not sure I understand."
I rolled my eyes playfully, "Look in the box again."
Christen pulled out the piece of paper, reading it quickly.
You know how they say home isn't a place it's a person? Well, it's true. You feel like home, with you is the place that I feel the safest and warmest. My apartment feels empty when you're not here, I find myself counting down the minutes until you are back here with me. I want to fall asleep and wake up with you next to me every day. I want to do mundane tasks with you like grocery shopping, chores, cooking or lazy days pottering around the house. These things can be done anywhere, I don't care where we live because no matter where it is, it will be home as long as you're with me. Will you move in with me?
 Arms wrapped around me tightly, "Yes, of course I will."
"I need to start the rest of the food." The turkey was already in the oven, but there was still a lot to do. 
"I should probably head off, go help my dad set up."
"You don't have to leave yet, your family is doing dinner and my parents aren't coming for another couple of hours."
"Is this your way of asking for my help?"
Christen rolled her eyes playfully, but started helping me sort out the vegetables. Quiet Christmas music played in the background as we laughed and joked around while we prepared. I could get used to this. I was starting on dessert when flour hit the side of my head. I turned slowly to find Christen standing next to me, an innocent smile present, "You're going to pay for that."
I scooped up some flour of my own, tossing it at her. It went back and forth for a little while until I wrapped my arms around her, making her squeal as I trapped her against the counter. Finger dipping into the batter and smearing it over her face and mouth before connecting our lips, "Delicious."
There was a knock on the door and Christen looked at me panicked, flour sticking to her hair and face. I kissed her forehead, wiping some of the flour off both of us. She went to say something, but I quickly jumped in, "Don't worry, come on."
"Merry Christmas Chris," I said as I opened the door to reveal my parents and Christens dad standing there. The siblings were coming later. Christen looked shocked, looking between us.
"They know?"
"They've known for a little while."
"I wanted to surprise you, that meant I had to tell them."
Christen hugged me, kissing my cheek, "God I love you. Thank you Y/n"
Christens dad, Cody motioned to us, "What happened here?"
Arms wrapped around my waist as I was finishing off the last dish. Soft lips pressed against the exposed skin on my shoulder. I let out a sigh, relaxing back into her, "Do you need any help?"
"Chris decided to throw flour at me so of course I retaliated. Cody, these are my parents, Y/m/n and Y/d/n. This is Cody, Christens dad and of course this is my girlfriend Christen."
They fell into easy conversation as I went back into the kitchen to clean up the flour and finish the food. My parents were talking to Christen and Cody as if they had known each other for years. It made my heart flutter to see them all getting along. I knew Christen was it for me, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her so having them get along with the other most important people in my life was like a weight off my shoulders. Another hour went by, my brother, and Christens sisters had arrived. The house was full of laughter and conversation. Everything Christmas should be. 
"I'm okay love, this is the last thing to do. You could set the table?"
Christen kissed my shoulder, then neck, cheek and lastly my lips before pulling away to set the table. Channing and Tyler stood on either side of me as I watched Christen. It took me a second to register they were there, too preoccupied with watching the small smile on Christens face or the way she couldn't go more then 5 seconds without looking up at me, her face filling with concern when she saw me with her sisters, but quickly changed back when I sent her a small smile. Even after 2 years together, she still made butterflies erupt in my stomach with a single look, I felt giddy and like a teenager again when I was around her. 
"I don't think I've ever seen her this happy," Tyler stated quietly, Channing nodded in agreement, "Keep her that way and we won't have a problem."
"Trust me, I have every intention of it. There's nothing more important to me then her happiness."
"Good, can we help you take these to the table?"
Once everything was set up, we all sat around the table, conversation still flowing. I squeezed Christens hand under the table. She looked at me with a small smile before turning back to my mum who had started asking her a question. 
"So Christen, how did you meet my daughter?"
"Um we play for the same team."
My brother snorted, making me glare at him, something stupid was about to come out of his mouth, "I'd hope so since you're dating."
I reached across to whack the side of his head, almost instantly being scolded by my mum, "You are so annoying."
"Anyway, I hear Y/n managed to convince you to move in with her. Are you guys going to be staying here?"
I shrugged, glancing at Christen before responding, "Um, I'm not sure. We haven't really talked about it yet."
"I think we will, I spend most of my time here already, at least half of my clothes are here so it's easiest."
We stared at each other until the clearing of a throat made us snap out of it. She said it so easily, like it wasn't a big decision, like it was the easiest thing in the world. To me it was, I didn't care where we lived as long as I was with her. I loved her more then I ever thought possible. My brother joked some more about how gross we were, of course being scolded by my mum. It was one of the best Christmases I've had in a long time.
Everyone had left a little while ago, we had done a quick tidy up, but decided to just leave the rest and go to bed. I was already in bed, while Christen sat on the edge, removing her rings and earrings.  
"Thank you for today Y/n, it was amazing. I can't believe you did that for me."
"I would do anything for you Chris. I'm sorry I had to lie to you though."
Christen kissed me, a small smile present. Anyone would think the smile was genuine, but I knew Christen like the back of my hand. It was obviously fake, "Normally, I would be upset about it, but this time I'll give you a pass."
She looked down, playing with my fingers as a quiet sigh left her lips. That's when I knew for sure that something was wrong, "Are you okay love?"
"It's nothing, I'm just tired."
My hand squeezed hers, pulling her into my side, lips landing on her temple, "Don't do that, you don't have to pretend to be okay with me Chris."
"It's days like this where I really miss my mum. I just wish she was here, I wish she could have met you, I think she would have loved you."
"I'm sorry Chris. I know you miss her, but she's always with you in everything you do, well most things anyway," I winked, causing a small, but genuine laugh from her, "Seriously though, I would have loved to meet your mum, from what you've told me she was amazing and if you're anything to go by then I believe it."
"You don't need to flatter me Y/n, I've already agreed to move in with your messy ass."
"Just because we're together doesn't mean I'll ever stop making you feel special, because you are Chris. You are the most amazing person in my life, you light up my life in a way no one ever has, in a way no one else ever will."
"I love you Y/n, today meant a lot."
My hand slipped under her shirt as I pulled her further on top of me. Our lips connected in one of many soft yet oh so sweet kisses we had shared today. If there was only one thing I could do for the rest of my life and never get tired of, it would be kissing Christen. 
"I love you more."
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jjunieworld · 9 months
決定〞 𓋜 ───── ﹙ 𝓖uidelines & 𝓡ules .ᐟ ﹚𓂃 🗒️
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𓄹〞 なにそれ意味深でかっこいいじゃん… それっぽい単語集で踊ってんだ 失敬。 𝓉𝗁𝖺𝗍’𝗌 𝒢𝗈𝖽-𝗂𝗌𝗁。 神っぽいな, それ "𝓂𝗒 𝒢𝗈𝖽"。 ❞
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i. not all requests will be done. if your request doesn't inspire me, makes me uncomfortable, or goes against my guidelines, then i will not write it and it will be deleted. if you have a problem with this then you will be blocked. if you send me hate for your request not being done as fast as you want it done, you will be blocked.
ii. be as specific as possible when requesting! everything in the ask may not be added or may be altered for the plot, but i will try my hardest to include everything! you may request more than once, but do not spam me with your request. do not spam me on when a request/wip is coming out, you will be blocked.
iii. do not send in your full length fics and ask me to write your smut or dialogue and do not send in a request of another author's work but with a different group. you will be blocked. if i find out that you asked multiple authors (including me) for a certain request, you will be blocked.
iv. my blog is a safe space not only for me but for everyone who enjoy my works! so feel free to send in asks about your day or rants and i will try my best to reply/give any advice! if you notice that i haven’t replied to one of your asks, just know that i will read it at some point! i do not accept asks with links in them, so please don’t send them to me. they will be immediately deleted.
v. i do not write smut for idols under 21, do not ask me. you will be blocked. the only thing i will write for them are sfw works.
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𓈃 ⋆ GROUPS THAT I WRITE FOR i make masterlists for groups as i write for them!
tomorrow x together, enhypen, ateez, stray kids, seventeen, p1harmony, bts
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𓈃 ⋆ WHAT I WILL AND WILL NOT WRITE read before requesting. if your request goes against my rules it will be deleted. send an ask on your idea for one of my maybes before requesting and if you’re curious about anything not listed.
YES! 𓄵 smaus (fake texts/scenerios for requests only!), oneshots, drabbles, headcannons/scenerios/reactions, smut, dubcon, age gap that isn't super large, bondage, choking, spanking, bloodplay (only for vampires), parent!member, voyeurism, exhibitionism, dacryphilia, degradation, yandere, threesomes, consensual free use, consensual somnophilia, breeding kink, rough sex, more tba... MAYBE? 𓄵 spit kink, daddy kink (but not ddlg), infidelity (i don’t condone cheating, just purely fictional), foursomes, gore/killing (thriller/horror concepts), babytrapping, parent!reader, highschool au, face slapping??? (sexual), more tba... NO. 𓄵 dark and/or racist themes, sa, abuse, race play, noncon or cnc, feet, piss/shit or puke kink, abuse, lactation kink, pedophilia, incest/stepcest/fauxcest, illegal or super large age gaps, extreme bdsm or bedroom play, knifeplay or gunplay, member x member or idol x idol, extreme pain, ageplay or age regression, bloodplay (when not vampires), hybrids, pet play, anal, fisting, male!reader (i can't represent it), specific body types, eating disorders, mommy kink, fivesomes and above, self harm, kidnapping, boy pussy, more tba...
͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏
𝓉𝗁𝖺𝗍’𝗌 𝒢𝗈𝖽-𝗂𝗌𝗁, 𝓊𝗇𝖿𝖺𝗂𝗋。 ぽいな-ぽいな-ぽい 憧れちゃう! ∿ [ continue on to . . . masterlist , taglist , wips ]
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peterhollandkait · 1 year
Everything I Know Leads Me Back to You - Part 1
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Part 1 - Spare Him A Little Kindness
Pairing: eventual Frankie Morales x fem!reader
Word Count: 5.8k
Read the Prelude here
Warnings: Mentions of drug addiction, depression, anxiety, ptsd, trauma related to the military, angst, slow burn, jealousy, sobriety, soft!Frankie needs his own warning MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
A/N: The first part is here y'all!! I am so excited to share this with everyone. As always, please reblog, like, and comment - I would greatly appreciate the feedback! I hope you enjoy :) OH - and you'll need this video for reference when you get to the end of the chapter !
Four Months Later…
The apartment was quiet, save for the scraping of silverware on your plates. You and Frankie sat quietly at the table, eating without an ounce of conversation between you. Some nights it ended up like this, your energy spent from eight hours with six-year-olds, his at therapy. 
When Frankie appeared on your doorstep high out of his mind four months ago, you made it your mission to help him get clean. You found an outpatient treatment program for him, a weekly NA meeting, and got him back with his psychiatrist and therapist.
He admitted that he was a few months behind on rent from losing his job and blowing his extra income on the coke, so you took money from your savings to pay his landlord before you moved him into your own apartment. 
Frankie felt immensely guilty, constantly apologizing to you. He didn’t talk very often at first, the guilt and shame eating at him. He was a shell of the man you’d known your entire life. 
You tried to keep your distance from him, physically, unless he asked. You didn’t want to smother or coddle him, though you often thought about wrapping him in bubble wrap and keeping him in your apartment so he could remain safe forever.
But once he got used to his new schedule and your presence, he gravitated toward you, constantly touching you in some way. 
Frankie’s love language was touch, and he sure was good at it. If you were on the couch watching a movie, Frankie had you in his arms. If you were at the dinner table, his leg rested against your own as you ate. He had you between him and the sink as he did the dishes every night, or your body pressed against his while he folded laundry. 
After too many nightmares on the couch, you coaxed him into your bed, which unlocked a new level of his affection. You’d slept in the same bed as Frankie many times, and in just as many sleeping bags while you camped during his time in the service, but this feeling was new. 
You were always pressed flush against his bare chest, a tight hand around your waist as if he was afraid you’d leave him in his slumber. His breath tickled the skin on your neck and shoulder, a constant reminder of his presence. 
The nightmares were the worst, but you handled them in stride. Whether it was screaming, thrashing, or thoughts that made him jump awake but remain silent in shock, you were there. 
He’d completed treatment a few weeks previous, and now he was focused on getting his pilot’s license back. Frankie hated being dependent on you. Though you’ve been his best friend for 33 years, his mother and abuela had always taught him to take care of the women he loves, and he was chronically anxious over the fact that he couldn’t care for you the way you needed. 
He wanted to do good by you, the way he should have 23 years ago. Before he pushed you away and ran straight into a war on the heels of Santiago. At first, he believed he was doing good, that him and his squad were serving the greater purpose. But the more killing they did, the less and less he believed in the orders they were given. They weren’t defending America, they were killing for sport. 
Frankie had a habit of watching you when you weren’t paying attention. Like now, while you’ve gathered the leftovers of your meal into a container for your lunch tomorrow. The way you hummed quietly while you worked, how your shirt rode up as you reached for the container in the upper cabinet, revealing a sliver of your lower back. 
You moved to the fridge, setting the leftovers inside and retrieved two cans of soda to enjoy during your movie. It was Frankie’s turn to pick the movie, and he’d settled early on with Jurassic Park. It was the first movie the two of you had seen in theatres together with your families in the 90s, and you both had begged to see it again and again after the first time.
As you finished, Frankie got up and moved toward the dishes in the sink. “You don’t have to do the dishes every night, y’know.” You took a step toward him, leaning into his side while he worked. 
Frankie tapped your nose with his soapy hand, leaving a small pile of bubbles on your skin with a smirk. “It’s the least I can do, Girasol.” 
You hummed, snaking an arm around his middle while he worked. The two of you stood there quietly, basking in the comfort of each other. Sometimes, he would talk about his therapy sessions, but you never pushed him. 
Some days haunted him more than others, sending him straight to bed when he came home in the evening. On those nights, you ordered in and ate in bed, an old sitcom playing in the background. Sometimes, you read aloud to him, his head rested in your lap as you stroked his hair. 
As he finished placing the last portion of silverware into the drawer, Frankie spoke. “I got uh, a text from Pope today. Said he’s coming to visit this weekend and wants to see everyone at Benny’s fight.” 
Frankie held back the other part of the text from you, knowing it would upset you. Santiago shared a proposal for a recon mission in Colombia. He wanted the other men to check out the folder he’d attached with the plans. He needed four guys - and a pilot - of which Frankie wasn’t any longer. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind, turning his attention back to you. 
“Does he need a place to stay? I’ve got a blow up mattress around here somewhere. I can’t believe he didn’t text me.” You sighed, grabbing the sodas off the counter.
Frankie grabbed two glasses - your favorite ones with the Fish and Sunflower on them - and followed you to the couch. He settled next to you, taking the cans from your hands to pour the bubbly liquid into the cups.
“You should make him sleep on the couch, as punishment,” Frankie chuckled. 
You laughed, taking a sip before you added, “you’re so right. I’m going to call him right now.”
You grabbed your phone and hit the call button on Santiago’s contact, settling your legs over Frankie’s lap while you waited. It rang for ages, to the point where the two of you thought Pope was sending you to voicemail. 
Then, the line clicked. “Hola Hermosa,” Santi drawled. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
You blanked for a moment, distracted by Frankie rubbing a thumb over your ankles. “Yeah, uh, hi. I heard you were coming into town. Funnily enough, I think my text got lost in the cloud somewhere.” 
Frankie chuckled lightly, shaking his head. 
“That you Fish? Shoulda known you’d tell her. I wanted it to be a surprise, mi amor. How many babies d’y’all have running around there now, anyways? Three? Five?”
“Pope,” Frankie growled. 
“I kid, I kid,” Santi chuckled. “Seriously though, when’s the wedding? My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail.”
You sighed. “Santi, c’mon. I was going to offer you my couch.” You reached over to Frankie for his hand, squeezing gently. 
The two of you never spoke of marriage or your relationship, not after he broke your heart and followed Santiago into the service, and especially not after what happened those few months ago. 
You used to dream of it, wearing his abuela’s veil and your mother’s wedding dress. Frankie standing at the altar with Santiago by his side, beaming at you as you walked toward him. You’d wanted an outside wedding, full of sunflowers, violets, and daisies. 
You would be kidding yourself if you said you hadn’t thought about it since then. You had. But you couldn’t get hurt again, it would be too painful. So you loved him from as far as you could. In the present moment, it wasn’t entirely very far. He was your best friend, you weren’t going to abandon him in his time of need. Once he was back on his feet, everything would go back to the way it was. That’s what you told yourself at least. 
“Can’t take the spot on the other side of your bed, can I? You have a very nice mattress, sunflower.”
“Well I need that spot for my five children, don’t I?” You watched Frankie throw his head back in laughter, any anger toward Santiago dissipating.  
“Very funny hermosa. Make sure Fish keeps that couch warm for me, yeah? I’ll be there Saturday morning.”
You carefully pulled yourself out of bed at the sound of Santiago’s knock on the front door. You glanced at the clock declaring it was 7:30 and sighed. Padding over to the closet, you pulled on your robe before heading to the front of the apartment to open your door. 
Frankie hadn’t slept well the night before, his anxiety keeping him on edge the whole day and a memory haunting his dreams at night. You spent most of the early morning coaxing him back to sleep with quiet lullabies, lavender lotion, and soft touches. His nightmares had gotten better, but something about Pope’s visit flipped a switch in his brain. 
When you came home from work, you’d found him rebuilding a Lego set he must have taken apart from its display on your shelf. Where he found the directions, you had no idea. A completed sudoku pad sat on the table next to him along with the Sunday paper’s crossword puzzle. His anxiety had kept him in overdrive all day, sending him into a spiral. You’d finally talked him into laying in bed with promises of delivered sushi and The Breakfast Club. 
Santiago knocked once more as you were unlocking the door. You glared at him as you pulled it open, stepping aside to let him inside. “Please keep it down,” you whispered. “Last night was rough. He needs to sleep for a while longer.” 
He nodded, pulling you into a hug. “How’re you doing, Sunny?” 
You sank into his arms, sighing contently. “I could be worse. I’m so glad you’re here, you have no idea.” 
“It’s not good, is it?” Pope pressed a light kiss to your forehead, pulling away to get a look at you properly. 
Yawning, you shrugged. “He’s been better. Something happened yesterday, I don’t know what. He took apart the Taj Mahal Lego set while I was working and put the whole thing back together by the time I’d gotten home.” You shook your head, running a hand through your hair as you paused. “He was up most of the night too, woke up screaming and thrashing around one. I finally got him back asleep a couple of hours ago.”
Santi nodded, worry etched into his brows. “How are you doing? You need someone to take care of you too.”
“I’m okay, Santi. Really, I am. Frankie is my first priority.” You squeezed his shoulder lightly before turning towards the kitchen. “Do you want some coffee?”
“Please, gracias Hermosa.” Santi followed you into the kitchen, leaning against a counter as you worked. 
You reached into a lower cabinet for a bag of grounds before spooning it into the filter. “I keep the caffeinated stuff in another spot so Frankie doesn’t get confused…the caffeine affects his anxiety, so he’s been drinking decaf for awhile now.” 
“You really have thought of everything, haven’t you,” Santi commented. He watched as you shrugged, pulling mugs from another cabinet. 
He took the liberty of glancing around the apartment then, taking in the small signs of how yours and Frankie’s lives have further intertwined since he last visited. Pictures of Frankie and the rest of their squad littered the refrigerator doors, held up by magnets he would bring back for you after any mission he could. Your fish and sunflower glasses sat on the drying rack, shoes scattered together by the front door. One of Frankie’s flannels hung on the dining table chairs, his favorite books next to yours on the shelves. He also noted Frankie’s record player in the corner of the room, vinyls organized neatly next to the table. Pope couldn’t clearly determine where you ended and Frankie began.
“So, do you have any plans while you’re here?” You turned, handing a mug to Santi. 
He took a long sip, savoring the taste. “Not particularly, just hoping to catch up with everyone. Benny’s fight is on Monday, right?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, Will is out of town until then. Benny might come over tomorrow for some game, but that depends on how Frankie is feeling. Try to take it easy with him, okay?” 
Santi nodded. “Yes, of course. Why didn’t you tell me it was this bad?” 
“I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d get all concerned and try to come up here. He’s embarrassed about it, Santi. He doesn’t want anyone else involved. Will and Ben don’t even know how bad it is.” 
As if on cue, you heard a shout from down the hall. “Sunflower?? Honey, are you there?”
“I’m in the kitchen, mi amor. Don’t worry.” You pressed a finger into Santiago’s chest. Whispering, you said, “Don’t heckle him, please.” 
“Never,” he said quietly. “Go help our guy, yeah?” 
You gave him a small smile before heading back to the bedroom where Frankie was getting dressed. 
You treaded softly over to him, putting yourself between him and the closet. “Are you sure you don’t want to sleep a little longer? You can stay in bed as long as you want, Frankie.” 
He shook his head, reaching for his hat on your dresser. “Pope is here. I’ve functioned on less sleep than this.” 
Frankie had a hard look in his eyes, but not menacing or irritated. It was the look he acquired when he compartmentalized things. He put a barrier up, shielding everyone around him from his problems. Another symptom of the military, a change in him you never expected. Frankie used to wear his heart and his mind on his sleeve. You could know exactly what he was thinking when you looked at him. But that Frankie went away the minute he stepped foot on foreign soil. 
“Francisco,” you took his hands into yours. “You don’t have to be strong every moment of every day. You’re allowed to be in pain. Santiago’s in pain too, they all are. Hell, why do you think Benny jumps in front of fists every week?”
Frankie chuckled. “Hermosa, I think you’ve got the wrong idea about MMA.” 
You shook your head at him, giggling lightly. “Don’t change the subject, Morales.” You moved your hands up to caress his cheeks, thumbs resting over the heart-shaped patches in his beard. His eyes softened in your embrace, smile growing wider. 
Frankie wanted to kiss you then. Hell, he wanted to kiss you every moment of every day. But in this moment, it took every bit of strength he had not to. He glanced down at your lips as you spoke, internally kicking himself for entertaining the thought.
“Just,” you sighed quietly, eyes drifting to the floor. “Please, take it easy. Santi will understand if you need to slow down.” 
Frankie nudged your hands with his chin, catching your attention. “I promise. Thank you for taking such good care of me, girasol.” 
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Sunday had been easy with Santiago there. Him and Frankie spent much of the afternoon playing Mario Kart in the living room while you watched from the kitchen table. It relieved you to see Frankie so relaxed with someone other than yourself. 
It reminded you of your childhood, days where you sat in front of Santiago’s tv, watching him and Frankie take turns with Zelda or play Super Mario Bros together. They’d yell profanities at each other in Spanish when one of them fucked up, causing them to restart a level. You still remembered the feeling of Frankie’s laugh against your back when you laid against his chest while they played. You were small enough, and him tall enough, that he could see the controller over your shoulders, so he held you in his arms most of the time.
You joined in on the fun when your parents gifted you (and Frankie) a Nintendo 64 for Christmas one year. You would stay up too late every night during winter break playing with him, falling asleep together on the couch more than once. 
You were never sure when the feelings started, but they never went away. Even as you watched him and Santiago from across the room, you felt them. 
Frankie was your first kiss, your first time. Your first everything. And then he left, broke up with you like you were nothing to him, and followed Santiago into a war that destroyed them. 
The person you discussed marriage and kids with had abandoned you, to “defend the country,” he’d said. You mourned him as if he died, the pain unbearable. It clawed at your heart, leaving you broken and gasping for air. 
Your college years were spent in psychiatrists' offices, life dulled through pills and therapy. Frankie would call you on occasion, him and Santiago writing letters as well. You’d always pick up, unable to resist the sound of his voice. 
It wasn’t until you stepped foot into a kindergarten class your sophomore year that you came alive again. You had always known you wanted to be a teacher, but you never expected 20 five-year-olds to turn your world upside down and change your life. 
You were friends with some of them on Facebook now, so many years later. More than a few of them had sent you emails over the years too, some asking after Frankie and if he had gotten home okay. They were the sweetest humans you had ever met and you cared for them as if they were your own. 
You were at the point in your life where the idea of having kids was slowly retreating from the version of life you had built for yourself. They only existed in your dreams now, with Frankie at the helm of them. A glimpse of the life you could have led if things were different. 
Instead, you peered across the room at your two childhood friends as they bonded over lost time and competitive video games from your seat at the kitchen table where you were finishing report cards. 
Frankie must have felt you staring because he turned toward you during a break in the game, beckoning you over. “Ven acá, cariño. You deserve a break.” 
You got up slowly and made your way to the couch. “Only for a few minutes, I have to finish the report cards for tomorrow.” You sat between the two men on the couch, legs tucked underneath you. 
“What’re your plans for summer break?” Santiago glanced over at you while Frankie fiddled with his Mario Kart vehicle for the thousandth time. 
“I never made plans for anything, actually. I thought about going to New York or Chicago, but life got in the way,” you shrugged. 
“You’ve still got time! I think that’s a great idea, Sunny. You deserve a nice, long vacation. I’ll even pay for your hotel, my treat.” Santi placed a hand on your knee, squeezing gently.
Your eyes widened, jaw dropping. “Santi, no. I can’t accept. That’s…that’s so much money. Besides, I have…stuff I need to do here. Doctors appointments and…things.” You attempted to come up with any excuse in the book to refuse Pope, but he saw through your ruse. You didn’t want to leave Frankie alone and he knew it. 
“I’m sure I can distract Fish here for a few weeks while you take some time for yourself, darlin. Ain’t that right, hermano?” 
You watched the two men traded stern looks, Frankie’s cold and menacing look from yesterday morning returning as he glared at the other man. You reached for Frankie’s arm then, giving it a squeeze. “Hey, I’m not going anywhere, I promise. Not without you.” 
Frankie’s mouth opened a few times as he hesitated to say something. Finally, he reached for your hand and squeezed as he said, “Pope’s right. You deserve a break after all you’ve done for me. You should go for your birthday, hm?”
“I’ll think about it, how about that?” You looked between them, hoping to satisfy their conspiracy. “I’m not sure what the two of you are up to, but it’s not any good. Now give me that remote, mi amor, so I can kick Pope’s ass in Mario Kart like I promised.”
Frankie laughed, a hearty laugh that had him bent over, leaning into your shoulder as he cackled. The brim of his hat hit the side of your neck, but you hadn’t minded. You hadn’t seen Frankie laugh like this in months.
It made you want to pull him into you by the collar of his shirt and kiss him senseless. But you couldn’t do that, not anymore.
After you bid the men goodnight and wandered off to bed, Frankie and Santi headed out to the balcony, each with a beer in hand as they sat. The men were silent for a while, taking in the sounds of the crickets, cicadas, and grasshoppers under the night sky. 
Frankie fiddled with the wrapping on his beer bottle, tearing it off piece by piece, the bits falling onto his lap haphazardly. He sat waiting for Pope to say something, anything, like he usually did. But Santiago said nothing, leaving room for Frankie to speak if he was so inclined.
Once the beer wrapped had been demolished, Frankie had nothing left to ease his anxiety. He couldn’t stand the silence, not around Pope. 
“I uh,” Frankie started, rubbing a hand up and down on his jeans, the other holding tightly to the beer bottle. “I got busted. It’s not a big deal…actually, it’s a big deal.”
Pope looked over at his friend, taking in his nervousness. “Coke?” Frankie barely glanced at him before he continued. “Jesus, Frankie.” Pope sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “What happened?”
Frankie let out a deep breath before relaying the last few years to his friend. How he thought he was doing alright, until he wasn’t. How you took him in and cared for him when he was at his worst. 
“And you still don’t think she’s in love with you, hermano? Mierda Frankie, eres un idiota.” Santiago shook his head, grinning at his counterpart. 
“Why would she take me back after all these years? All I’ve ever done is hurt her.” Frankie removed his hat, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t deserve her, I never have.” 
“Well, maybe not, but she has never stopped loving you, man. If I was a stranger, I’d think the two of you were married already. She wouldn’t have taken you in if she didn’t care.” 
Frankie sighed, rolling the hat in his hands. The thing had been through hell and back over the years, with a small tear in the fabric at the back and sweat stains on the inside. But it was his favorite hat, one you had given him in high school after the neighbor’s dog had chewed his Astros cap to hell. 
“Listen,” Santiago started, breaking Frankie’s disassociation. “I’ll shut up about the whole thing, I will. But do me a favor and ask her out. I promise you, she’ll say yes.”
Frankie looked at his friend and nodded. “Okay. I’ll try. But you get to be the one to tell her about this bullshit recon mission.”
You sighed at the sound of your alarm in the morning, hitting stop but not moving from your spot in the bed. You’d be running on little sleep today after one of Frankie’s recurring nightmares kept the two of you up for the better part of the night. You laid in bed for longer than you should have, savoring the warmth of Frankie’s body as he slept beside you. When you finally dragged yourself out from under the covers, you readied yourself as quickly as possible before you woke him to say goodbye. 
You sat on the edge of the bed, gently caressing his back as you whispered, “Frankie, I’m heading to work.”
He grunted softly, rolling over to face you. His eyes were still closed, but he reached for your touch. “Five more minutes,” he mumbled. 
You clasped his hand in your own, raising your entwined hands to kiss his. “Sleep as long as you need to, mi amor. I’ll be home by 5 and we can head to the arena together, yeah?”
Frankie made a noise in agreement, eyes fluttering open. “You look beautiful today, girasol.” He smiled lazily up at you, giving your hand a squeeze as he spoke.
You blushed, looking away from him. “You say that every morning.”
Frankie sat up slowly and pulled you into his lap on the bed. “That’s because you are beautiful every day, and I’ll keep telling you that as long as I live.” 
“Frankie…” you started, dipping your head in embarrassment. Your cheeks burned red, the room suddenly too hot. “I’ve…I’ve got to go to work.” 
“I know, I’ll let you go in just a minute.” Frankie squeezed your hips gently, just watching you. 
In the comfortable silence, you took in the man before you. His hair had gotten long, the ends curling around his ears and forehead like they had when you were younger. His beard had grown longer too, a few grey hairs littering his jaw around the patches. You loved the patches, though they were one of the spots he was most insecure about. You ran your thumbs over them, fighting the urge to place kisses on the bare skin. 
“What are you thinking about?” Frankie inquired, squeezing your hip again. 
“How old you’re getting,” you smirked. 
Frankie groaned, leaning into your touch. “Don’t remind me, Hermosa.”
“The greys look good on you honey. I’m admiring them.” You pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead before you moved to stand. “I really have to go to work now, though I wish I could stay in bed with you all day.”
“One week, yeah?”
“One week,” you smiled, walking backwards to the door. “I love you.”
“Te quiero mucho mucho mucho girasol,” Frankie replied, watching as you waved one last time and closed the door behind you as you left for the day.
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You arrived at fight-night later than you had anticipated, just barely making it inside as Benny was climbing into the cage. Will, Santiago, and Frankie were already seated in the front, where you joined them and took the still full beer from Frankie’s hands. You assumed Santi had given it to him to “loosen him up,” but you weren’t willing to risk Frankie’s sobriety over a solo cup of cheap beer. 
As you took the cup from his hands, Frankie gave you a thankful look and nudged your shoulder with his own. He could never say no to his friends, but you sure could. You waved to Will from where you sat before turning to watch Benny land a punch on his opponent. 
The other fighter got a few good punches in, making you swallow the shitty beer in your anxiousness, but eventually Benny prevailed and was declared the winner. Your group erupted in cheers and as Benny came down from the cage, he ran right to you and hoisted you into his arms. 
“Always my good luck charm, sunshine.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek, twirling you around. 
You laughed, holding tightly to his shoulders. When he stilled, you tapped him lightly to let you down. “That was all you, Ben, believe me.”
You returned to Frankie’s side and nudged him gently. His jaw was clenched, eyes looking hard into the distance. The jealousy radiated off of him in waves. 
“Hey,” you said softly, grabbing his attention. “Let’s get out of here, yeah?”
Frankie nodded slightly, reaching for your hand as you led the way out of the crowded room.
Ever since he introduced you, Frankie had been envious of the way Benny effortlessly flirted with you and touched you openly. The younger Miller was flirty by nature, but he had a certain soft spot for you. He also knew Benny meant no harm by it, but it still irked the older man, though he had no claim to you. 
You weren’t his girlfriend, or his wife. You were his best friend, nothing more. 
As the night wore on, the five of you returned to your apartment, celebrating Benny’s win. The younger man complained about the lack of alcohol in your apartment until he was kicked in the shin by his brother and given a stern look. When Santiago offered to run and grab a six pack, you glared at him and threatened to hide his car keys when Frankie was out of earshot.
“I’m not letting any of you destroy his sobriety, so help me god. Take a fucking soda and piss off.” You shoved a cola can into Pope’s hand before you retreated to the living room toward Frankie. 
“What movie are you picking?” You inquired, sliding a hand across his back as you drew closer. 
He held two dvds up to you - Grease and Gone in Sixty Seconds - and shrugged. “What do you think?” 
You laughed lightly with a shake of your head. “I think we both know what movie I would pick. It’s your night to decide. Better pick quickly before one of them gets too impatient.”
Frankie smiled at you and shuffled over to your DVD player, setting Grease in the DVD slot before clicking it back into place with a press of a button. “For you, mi amor,” he offered, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he retreated to the kitchen. 
The guys brought the snacks you’d prepared out to the living room, setting them on the coffee table in front of the other furniture before claiming their seats throughout the room. Santi and Benny paired up on the couch, each on a different end of the sofa. Will took up residence in the recliner, his usual spot on nights like these. That left you and Frankie on the loveseat, comfortably squished together. Frankie rested his arm over the back of the cushions, opening up his chest for you to lean against. 
 You all sat and watched the movie quietly for some time, you mumbling the lyrics under your breath, body wiggling in time to the music. It took everything in Frankie’s being to keep his cock from hardening at your movements, his body tense behind you. Suddenly, you were up and pulling at his arm, a grin on your face. 
The opening notes of “You’re the One That I Want” played in the background as you tried to move him from the sofa. “Frankie c’mon, it’s our song!”
Your eyes pleaded with him, your hand soft in his own as you tugged at him. He blushed crimson as the other men whooped and hollered at him, begging him to get up and sing with you. 
“Do it Fish, c’mon now!” Benny cheered, nudging Frankie with his foot. 
“Alright, alright,” Frankie conceded, joining you at the front of the room just as the song started in earnest. 
Frankie faltered over the first few lines, but by the chorus, you were both in sync. You danced back and forth across the room, hands never leaving the other’s. Having sung this together since childhood, you even knew some of the choreo from the movie, Frankie hanging on your every movement. He was a little slow in remembering some of the steps, a product of getting sick since returning from service, but you accommodated him as you moved, helping him recover some of the lost memories. 
As you dove into the second verse you grinned as he sang to you, the rest of the world falling away. 
“I better shape up,” he sang, a grin sitting upon his face as well. “‘Cause you need a man!”
“‘Cause I need a man,” you sang back, pulling him close to you. “To keep me satisfied…”
“I better shape up, if I’m gonna prove…” His arms wrapped around your waist, your bodies swaying together in time with the music. “...that my faith is justified…”
Frankie leaned impossibly close to you as you continued to sing, your hands coming up to rest on the back of his neck. By the end of the song, your noses were touching, breaths mixing together in the little space you had left between you. He could kiss you, your lips only inches from yours. But here? In front of the other guys? No, he couldn’t. It had to be special if he was going to make a move after all these years. 
You pulled away reluctantly to reach for your water, face flushed and breath ragged. You smiled at him as you sipped from your glass, falling back down onto the sofa. The other men were cheering, hands out for high fives from their teammate as he followed you to your seats. 
When Frankie sat next to you again, you leaned into his side, eyes focused on the end of the movie. As the credits rolled, he had you in his arms, thumb rubbing softly against your outer thigh. You sighed at his touch, barely registering as Benny changed the movie. By the 30 minute mark, you were fast asleep in his arms, Frankie glaring at his friends if they made too much noise. 
You had to have been exhausted with what little sleep you had been getting every night from taking care of him. You needed the rest. 
Will and Benny helped clean up the snacks and soda cans before their departure, bidding him a quiet goodbye as they left with promises to meet the next day about the recon mission Santi was pestering them about. 
He had no idea how to tell you about it, and it was only days away. You’d be upset, disappointed even, not only at him but at Santiago for dragging him into the jungle once more. He was just getting better, he didn’t need this shit. But, the money Pope was promising would help you, and that’s what he cared about. He wanted to be able to pay off your student loans, do something to help you with this money after all you’ve done for him.
“Fish,” Santi whispered, pulling him from his thoughts. “D’you need help?” 
“No, no. I’ve got it. Can you get the bedroom door open though,” he whispered back, shifting you into his lap to carry you to bed. 
“Yeah, ‘course.” Santi moved toward the hallway and then stopped, turning back to his friend. “Hey Frankie?”
“When we get home, you’re marrying her. Stop beating around the goddamn bush.”
Frankie nodded earnestly, your head shifting slightly on his shoulder as he walked toward your room. “That’s the plan, hermano.”
Part two
TAGLIST: @meveispunk @chaotic-mystery @i-own-loki @harperdoodle @wildemaven @tightjeansjavi @wonwoosthetic @im-the-daddy-here-5 @fckinel @aruthlessblackthorn @angelseye
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