#i DID hear someone call out to a neighbor from their balcony saying ''hey man can i borrow your valet trash can tonight'' so it exists here
yoshistory · 1 year
? somehow my monthly rent is LESS than what was agreed on, with like, all the additional little things they throw on after the agreement. umm.. BUT... they are for some reason charging me valet trash which.... i dont actually get... so im gonna call and see if that can get nuked off my charges. which will make it even less per month. huh. weird.
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Girl Next Door
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x reader
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Word count: 1.8k
Summary: Simon is a simple man who doesn't ask for much. Just a bit of peace to come home to. When suddenly you pop in to interrupt his tranquility. Maybe he doesn't completely hate it...
A/N: This is fluff if you squint. Slow burn?? This will probably just be part one if y'all dig the concept. Let me know what you think.
Simon loves sitting on his balcony in the evening. He loved it before his new neighbor moved in. He wasn't the type to be overly concerned about the actions of other tenants. If someone was too loud, he'd just turn up the television. Banging from upstairs, he'd play some music. Smoking pot outside, that's fine he smokes cigarettes. And he was never one to meddle in others personal lives. He sought sanctuary in his alone time. 
While unlocking his front door one day he couldn't ignore the soft grunting coming from down the hallway behind him. He turns to see someone coming out of the stairwell with a box so big he can only make out a pair of hands on the sides and little legs coming out the bottom. He watched as you waddled all the way to the door right next to his own. You drop the box with a huff, leaning forward on the cardboard to catch your breath. 
"Hi neighbor," you greet between pants. You're wearing some baggy clothes and a beat up baseball cap, wide eyes staring up at him from under its brim. Just a hint of sweat speckling your temples. "Sorry for the noise, I promise I'm not a normally noisy person." you smile. 
"Hope not," he grunts and enters his own residence. Closing the door firmly without a second look. 
The next day while he's drinking his morning coffee and going through his emails he is disturbed by a politely quiet knock on the door. When he looks through the peephole he sees you again. This time with your hair down, wearing a sundress. Looking a lot more put together. You're holding a tray in your hands. He opens the door but does not release the door chain, leaving only a crack in the door to reveal himself.
"Can I help you," he grumbles in a flat tone.
"Hey neighbor!" You don't let the small allowance of space dampen your spirit or at least you don't show it. "I made some cookies. I'd like to think it's good luck to christen a new place by making something sweet in it. The recipe ended up making way more than I planned for so I figured it would be the neighborly thing to do to offer you some." You give your brightest smile hoping to win him over. 
"I don't like sweets," he states.
"Oh, really? I thought everyone liked sweets..." Your shoulders slump the smallest bit as you pause for a moment in thought. "Well, I've got a baked ziti in the oven. It should be ready in about thirty minutes. I could pop by and drop off some when it's done, if you'd like?"
"Yeah, no thanks." He doesn't allow you to respond when he closes the door in your face. Simon is a distrustful man by nature and he won't let a sweet girl with a tray of goodies change that. They did smell really good though. He can't help himself when he looks through his peephole to watch you leave. You let out a defeated sigh and shuffle back to your apartment next door. 
A few days later he runs into you again. He steps into the elevator, presses the button for the lobby, when he hears a familiar voice calling. 
"Wait, hold the elevator please!" You shout down the hallway. You jog towards the lift, trying to get your purse on your shoulder with one hand while balancing your phone, keys, and a travel mug in the other. Your jacket is only half on and the straps on your shoes are undone. Simon groans under his breath but, out of a second of sympathy, he holds his arm out to block the doors from closing. 
"Thank you," you say breathlessly and duck underneath his outstretched arm. "I'm a running little behind this morning." 
"No problem." His eyes remain forward, watching the doors slide shut as the two of you start descending. You finish putting on your jacket and run your fingers to settle your frazzled hair. 
"Can you hold this for a second?" 
"Uh.." He doesn't get a chance to answer when you're thrusting your warm cup into his hands. He watches as you shove your phone and keys into your purse then bend down to finish buckling the straps on your shoes. Unbothered when your skirt rides up your leg exposing your upper thigh. 
You stand back up, straightening your blouse. "Thanks again" You take the cup back allowing him to shove his hands into the pockets of his jacket. "Hey, I'm sorry if I came off as strong the other day."
"It's fine"
"I'm not the best with first impressions." He doesn't respond so you continue. "I didn't mean to intrude either. I'm sure you're a very busy man. Me too, I'm pretty busy with work and stuff. I write for the paper. Well, I am writing the cooking column right now but I'm hoping to get bumped up soon. Maybe something like crime would be cool. What about you? What do you do for work?"
The elevator's ding signals you've arrived at the lobby. As the doors open Simon turns to his head slowly to look at you and nods towards the open doors. 
"Ladies first" 
He wasn't fooled by your clumsy persona, he could feel an ulterior motive in you. He watched as you sauntered off. You are much more professional now, as you pull out a pair of sunglasses and slide them on. He watched the way your hips swayed in your tight skirt. You looked over your shoulder and smiled sweetly at him. Simon waits until you're pushing open the glass paneled double doors before he heads out of the lift himself. 
As you make it onto the city sidewalk, a man runs right into you, causing your coffee to spill down the front of your shirt. You gasp as the hot liquid splashes onto your freshly ironed blouse and down your chest. The man hardly pauses before redirecting around you looking irritated. You spin back around with a huff and shove back into the lobby, pacing to the elevator. 
"Hold the door, please" you groan, marching back while Simon blocks the doors again, containing his laugh into a tight smirk.
Whenever you caught a glimpse of Simon you were quick to skip over and start a conversation. Which was quite a bit. It seemed he was always running into you. The elevator, the apartment gym, while taking out trash, in the parking garage, as he unlocks his door. Most of the conversation being one sided. He was starting to learn more about your life, all the information against his will, of course. 
You were a recipe columnist, also a great cook. You liked dogs but really wanted a cat. You were a single child. You moved here to get a fresh start after a bad relationship. You don't have many friends, that one is pretty obvious.
Then one night, while Simon is trying to enjoy a smoke outside on his balcony he's disturbed by loud shouting in your apartment. Not in your usual bubbly tone, no you sounded angry. He couldn't understand the words you were saying through the glass of your patio door. Then a deep voice is shouting back at you. After a few minutes of listening to the back and forth, your front door slams and then there is stillness. The moment is interrupted when you storm onto your own balcony, slamming the glass door shut behind you.
You brace yourself on the railing edge. He watches your shoulders heave with a few heavy breaths then start to shutter. Your head falls weakly into your hands and you begin to cry. Cry hard at that, sobbing that shakes your whole body. You cover your mouth to keep yourself quiet but your pathetic whimpers still slip though. 
For a moment Simon actually feels bad for you. In fact he feels angry, angry at whoever could have made you feel that way. Sure, you could be annoying at times. Okay annoying all the time but he has never heard you say a harsh word about anyone before. He can't fathom what you could have possibly done to deserve such harshness. You are a sweet girl. He considers saying something to comfort you in some way but after another minute of watching you cry meekly into your hands he thinks maybe not. It would be better to let you be alone. His own patio door is still open, perhaps and can slip back inside with you noticing...
Then he drops his lighter. 
Your head turns sharply to the direction of the clattering plastic against the floor. You lock your watery eyes with Simon and he feels an unexpected pang in his heart. You swiftly wipe your eyes and brush your ruffled hair in place the best you can. Even in the dim lighting illuminating from the city below he can still see how flushed your cheeks have become. 
You draw in a shaky inhale before speaking. "How long have you been out here?"
"Not long," He sees your eyes flick down to the half smoked cigarette between his fingers, giving away his lie. "You want one?" He asks, unsure how to comfort you. 
"I don't smoke," then a pause. "Can I just have a bit of yours?" Your voice is so feeble it's almost a whisper. As you look at him with big round eyes and pouty lips, he can't deny your request. 
He passes the half burnt cigarette over the small stone wall separating your balconies. You're shaky fingers brush against his, careful not to drop it. You bring it to your lips to pull a slow drag. Your eyes flutter shut before you release the puff of smoke, carefully not to blow it in his direction. Simon watches the cloud drift out of your mouth, disappearing into the chilled night air. You lean on the wall connecting your balcony to Simon's. You stare down at the glowing red ember emitting a thin plume of smoke. 
"You alright?" It's him this time who breaks the silence.
"Yeah," you mumble, not lifting your gaze. 
"You sure?"
"No," you release a tired sigh. 
He waits a beat before speaking. "You told me you weren't gonna be a noisy neighbor."
A smile begins to creep onto your face. "I'm sorry, I broke my promise. How can I make it up to you?" When you look at him now, he sees a shimmer return back to your eyes. 
You pass the cigarette back over to him. It's basically down to the filter when he brings it to his own lips and takes a final drag, blowing the smoke between the two of you. It disperses around your features while you watch him. He stubs it out in an ashtray on his little patio table. The cool night dries his chapped mouth. He licks his lips and tastes an unfamiliar cherry flavoring. He looks down at the butt in his ashtray and observes the faintest red ring of lipgloss on the smushed filter. 
"You know, I could go for some baked ziti."
Part II
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introboy · 9 months
Downstairs Neighbors AU
This is part 2 of my @mcytblrholidayexchange gift for @follow-the-compass-home! It is a short introduction to the downstairs neighbors AU-- more information can be found here (x)!
In Grian’s defense, he left his balcony door open. He did. 
The only possible explanation is that, for whatever reason, someone must have closed it. Maybe it was Mumbo, the breeze disturbing his blueprints, or Pearl, bothered by the bright sun. But Grian knows himself, and when he took off, he had left a path open for his return. 
And it’s really not his fault that he can’t see glass like this. Whoever designed the sliding glass door is the true culprit, and should be held accountable accordingly. Unfortunately, exacting revenge on the architect of his apartment building would not help Grian out of his current situation. 
As it is, he lies crumpled on the balcony, wing twinging in discomfort and head spinning too fast to even consider changing back to human form. A feather, his feather, drifts slowly to rest beside him. It beckons Grian to take a rest himself. 
But as much as he loves curling up on the ground, Grian loves being warm and having a functional wing more. He lets out a mournful cry, calling for one of his roommates to come open the door. A moment passes.
The door does not open.
Grian shrieks again, more aggressively this time. Someone is clearly home; the door didn’t magically close on its own. At least, he didn’t think it did. Maybe Scar had been fooling around with magic on inanimate objects again. 
Regardless of any potential magical properties of the door, footsteps finally approach. Grian can’t very well see who it is from his position, but he lets out a relieved caw, grateful not to spend another moment longer in the cold. 
The door squeaks open. 
“Hey, wha– oh. Oh geez. Oh… uh. Ok. Ok. I don’t know how to deal with this. Etho-”
The door squeaks shut. 
Despite Grian’s definite brain injury, he can tell that was not one of his roommates. He screams in frustration, disturbing the feather that had come to rest by his head. But before he has time to process the new development any longer, the door opens once more.
“Listen, I don’t know what to do, I was sleeping peacefully and the next thing I hear is all this noise and this thing’s on the ground. Why is it so loud? Is that just a bird thing? And why is it just laying there, I don’t understand–”
“Hold on, Bdubs,” a new voice joins in. “Gimme a minute here.” 
Footsteps approach Grian, and a face leans over his, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Grian can spot the exact moment when the man notices the injured wing; his mismatched eyes widen in surprise.
“Oh, snappers,” the man says.
The last thought Grian has before everything descends into chaos is oh no, it’s the downstairs neighbors. 
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babyboibucky · 4 years
White Noise
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky has a new neighbor and she's even grumpier than him.
Word Count: 2,490
Warnings: TW!!! Domestic violence (not from Bucky, he’s a sweetheart in this 🥺)
A/N: I’d say I’m on a roll for writing new shit lately but I’ve got two ongoing series and a part 2 of a oneshot that I haven’t even updated for quite a while lmfao
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Bucky blinked his eyes open and stared at the ceiling before forcing them close again. He focused on the hard floor beneath him and the soft blanket tangled in between his limbs. His television was left open but with the volume at the lowest level. Bucky always slept this way, so that the white noise would help him ground himself whenever he would wake up from his nightmares.
A few minutes later, Bucky finally felt himself begin to doze off. A couple hours of uninterrupted sleep were good enough for him, at least he'd get some peace before his past would come back to haunt him.
Just as when Bucky was about to fall into a deep slumber, loud music began to boom through his walls, stirring him awake. He grunted as he sat up on the floor, turning around and staring at the wall separating his apartment from his neighbor. He didn't even know he had one until now. The music was loud, too loud that it wasn't even white noise anymore. It was just...noise. And as much as Bucky hated how silence triggered his self-destructive thoughts, this kind of noise wasn't something that he needed.
Bucky let a few more minutes pass just to see whether his neighbor would turn it down but then a new song started playing right after the first.
Grabbing his shirt, jacket and some sweatpants, Bucky quickly dressed up and headed out the door. He stood in front of his neighbor's door and could actually understand the lyrics of the song playing. It wasn't his enhanced hearing, the music was just that loud. His neighbor didn't even hear him knocking until he decided to use his vibranium arm to do so. Bucky had to hold back a bit in order not to break down the door at how hard he knocked on the door.
Mid-way through his knocking, the door finally opened and out his neighbor stepped-- you. Bucky frowned when you didn't even bother turning off your music when you opened the door.
"How can I help you?" you asked, your expression matching Bucky's.
Bucky scoffed, "I don't know, maybe turn down your music? It's like fuckin' two in the morning. You're not the only tenant in this building." he snapped.
"I can't sleep without music. And no one else has been complaining, just you." you said and was about to close the door right into Bucky's face.
Bucky was appalled at your rudeness and slotted his foot into your doorway before you could even slam the door shut.
"I just complained and you're not really going to do anything?" he asked.
"No. If other tenants can sleep through my music then so can you. Stop bitching around and leave me be." you huffed out and kicked his foot before closing the door with a loud thud.
Bucky blinked, unable to believe that you just did that. You actually kicked his foot and ignored his complaint. He knew that he was a bit harsh when asking you to turn down your music, but it was two in the morning! Why would you even blast music at such an ungodly hour? Bucky rubbed his face with his hand and headed back to his apartment.
He'll deal with you tomorrow. It wasn't like he was going to sleep through the entire night anyway.
And deal with you, Bucky did but it always ended the same. Bucky was surprised at how aggressive you were whenever he paid you a visit to complain. The first night he kind of understood your behavior, he wasn't the nicest then. But every single encounter he had with you after that, you were just borderline mean.
Bucky just arrived from having lunch out when he saw you unloading your car with a few more boxes. Over the past few days, he had learned that you were indeed new and just moved in a week ago. He also learned that the rest of tenants on his floor either slept like a fucking rock or had impaired hearing for them not to care about your music.
You struggled to carry all three boxes when you stacked them above each other. Bucky chuckled in amusement as he watched you attempt to carry them all twice. Obviously, you didn't want to do multiple trips but with the strength (or lack thereof) you were displaying, it would be an impossible task. Being the gentleman he was, Bucky decided to set aside his feud with you to offer his help.
"Let me help." he said as he approached you.
Your eyes softened up at him for a brief moment and Bucky thought that maybe you'd be kinder to him this time. Boy was he wrong because you immediately shot his offer down and ignored his presence.
"Look, I'm trying to be nice here. Just let me help so you wouldn't have to do multiple trips." he explained.
"I don't need anyone's help. How hard is that to understand?" you snapped and carried one box, brushing past Bucky to enter the building.
Bucky rolled his eyes and quickly grabbed your arm to stop you. He's had enough of your attitude and if you weren't going to even try to be nice to him, then he'd stop being the gentleman that he was.
"Why do you have to be such a little bitch?" For the first time, Bucky raised his voice at you.
He just wanted to confront you, not scare you so when you gasped out loud and dropped the box in your arms, Bucky's heart fell. Your eyes widened at him in fear, your hand quickly wrapping around the arm that Bucky grabbed. He realized that he had used his vibranium arm to grab you and was quick to regret it.
"Please don't touch me like that again." your voice was soft, almost a whisper and Bucky didn't expect for you to react like that.
He was expecting for you to yell at him, maybe even land a slap on his face. But instead, you shrinked and for the first time in a long time, Bucky saw someone look at him with fear like that. It was as if he was back to square one, back to the old version of him that he's been fighting so hard to forget.
It's been two days since the incident and Bucky still hadn't seen you around. He’s been wanting to apologize to you and patch things up. Your music still blasted through his walls so at least he knew that he didn't scare you enough to move away. Bucky's nightmares got worse and somehow, the incident with you was what violently shook him awake.
Bucky stared at his ceiling once again, his television turned off because he knew that you'd be playing your music out loud in a few. He was actually starting to get used to it and as much as he hated it, he often found himself singing along to the songs you had been playing.
Two am and there was still silence. Bucky laid on the floor as he waited for your music. Three minutes have passed and yet it remained quiet. Maybe you weren't home? Although he did see you from his balcony as you headed back inside the building after bringing your trash out earlier. Perhaps something else was keeping you busy? Why was Bucky even thinking about what you were doing? If any, he should be jumping at the opportunity to get some shuteye.
Bucky sighed and turned on the television like how he used to, turning the volume down and then closing his eyes in an attempt to fall asleep.
For a while, Bucky felt at peace for falling back to his routine before you moved in. Hushed whispers and soft cries caused Bucky to quickly sit up. He wasn't sure whether it was from the television or if his enhanced hearing was picking up something else. Bucky quickly turned off the television and sat in silence, closing his eyes to focus.
There was a loud thud coming from your apartment followed by a muffled sob. Bucky knew that something was wrong so he quickly dressed up and went to your apartment, knocking on the door continuously.
"Hey, it's me. Open up." Bucky called out and continued to knock when you didn't respond.
"Is everything okay in there?" he asked again, the silence from the other side of the door bothering him even more.
Bucky heard a few shuffles before he heard the door click. It slowly opened until you showed up, gaze downcast and hands trembling as you prevented the door from opening any further. Bucky couldn't even see through you at how you were blocking his view of your apartment.
"I'm fine. Just go." you softly said and attempted to close the door again.
Bucky frowned and held the edge of the door with his vibranium arm, stopping you from closing it and instead, pushing it open. You just allowed him to do that, something that confirmed Bucky's gut feeling that you were hiding something, or rather, someone.
"Man, just get the fuck out of here!" a guy exclaimed as he stood in the middle of your apartment.
Bucky was quick to notice the mess inside your apartment— clothes and chairs were strewn across the floor. His gaze went back to you and it was then that he saw the bruises on your arms and legs.
"Did he hurt you?" he asked worriedly.
You kept mum but saw the slow movement of your head, affirming his suspicions. The guy walked over to you and gripped your arm, violently pulling you behind him as he stood face to face with Bucky.
"It's none of your goddamn business." he threatened.
Bucky refused to look at the man and focused on you. He finally understood everything. Why you had been so aggressive towards him, why you reacted like that when he gripped your arm. You were afraid, not of him but because of what you were going through. This man had been abusing you and Bucky doesn't need to know for how long for him to understand your behavior.
"You just gonna fuckin' stand there or what?!" the guy asked, irritated at Bucky's presence.
"I think you should be the one to leave." Bucky said calmly, finally lifting his gaze to look at the man.
The man snickered, "Who the fuck are you to tell me that? You got the hots for my fuckin' girlfriend?" he asked.
"Leave her alone and never come back. I'll only ask you this once." Bucky warned, his jaw tightening as he stared at the man.
"Or else? You threatening me, man? You're gonna fucking regret it." the man chuckled before lifting his fist up to punch Bucky in the face.
Bucky rolled his eyes when he easily caught the man's fist in his vibranium arm, twisting it until the man looked at him in horror, screaming in pain. He let go of the man's fist and grabbed at the collar of his shirt, tugging him closer as he glared daggers at him.
"You are gonna fucking regret it if you come back here. If you ever lay a finger on her, so much as look at her...I'll find you. That's a promise." Bucky warned.
The guy was nearly in tears as he nodded in understanding, not trusting his voice. Bucky chuckled and dragged him out of your apartment, throwing him to the ground before pointing a gloved finger.
"You understand?" he asked again, snickering when the guy almost immediately scrambled away without even responding.
Bucky waited until the man was out of sight before quickly turning to you. You merely stood inside your apartment, body trembling as you hugged yourself.
"You okay?" Bucky asked gently, brows furrowing in worry as he slowly walked towards you.
He bent down to catch your gaze, "Can I...?" he asked, asking for your permission as he attempted to hold your shoulders.
You meekly nodded and heaved out a shaky sigh, composing yourself. Bucky held you carefully, rubbing your arms to soothe you after everything that has happened. You let him touch you like that because it was the first time in a long time that you received such gentleness. It almost moved you into tears, how Bucky held you with so much care.
"Come on, let's get you patched up." Bucky said and led you out of your apartment, not wanting you to stay there after being beaten up by your asshole of a boyfriend.
Bucky kept a hand on the small of your back, guiding you into his almost empty apartment. He almost felt embarrassed for having nothing but a couch, a chair and a television. You didn't seemed to mind though and immediately sat down upon reaching the couch.
Bucky fetched you a glass of water and sat down next to you, watching you drink it all in one go. Your hands weren't shaking that much anymore and the tension in your shoulders seemed to have subsided. You turned to Bucky and smiled at him for the first time.
"Thank you." you said. "And I owe you an apology. I know I was—“
"It's okay. You don't have to apologize. I understand." Bucky explained with a smile before it faltered, "I'm sorry for what you witnessed back there, I didn't mean to be violent like that but—“
It was your turn to cut him off, "Please don't be sorry. He deserved that." you bitterly chuckled.
Bucky found out that the guy was an ex-boyfriend and that he had been abusing you all throughout your relationship. You broke up with him a month ago that's why you moved into Bucky's apartment building. Apparently, you filed for a restraining order against him but the guy was obviously crazy to go against it, stalking you back to your apartment, hence the commotion.
"And the reason why I've been blasting music is because it keeps me from remembering the abuse he caused me. I can't think about anything else but that at night, when everything is quiet." you explained.
Bucky's heart ached because he understood, he truly understood your sentiments. His therapist taught him that peace isn't always a good thing. Sometimes, it is peace that causes chaos in the mind. Silence could be a dangerous thing, that's what you and Bucky have been experiencing.
"Would it help you if you talked to someone instead?" Bucky asked. "Because I'd love to have someone to talk to on nights I can't sleep." he said.
You offered a smile, "I'd keep you up every night then."
Bucky returned your smile, "Then it's a perfect set-up." he said, telling you that he too had trouble sleeping almost every night.
Bucky realized that he might have had a rough start with you, but he was glad for that. If it wasn't for your loud music blasting through his walls that one night, he wouldn't have found the perfect white noise to help him find solace at night— you.
Everything Bucky Tag List:
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Forget me not
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman REBORN! Pairing: Hibari x Reader   Wordcount:  2,210
Summary: Hibari is a weird man, famous for his rather aggressive aura. After he moves into your neighborhood, an oasis inside a big neon town, Hibari Kyouya brings with him the weirdest situations into your life, as he makes a startling entrance with an accident with his "co-worker", Yamamoto Takeshi.
This is an entry for #khrevents April Angst 2021/ Day 8/ Yearning, Longing/ Reincarnation AU/ "I don't want to forget you."
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30658199
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The glass door from your coffee shop and gardening club swings open, you don’t really care to see who’s there because it’s almost the end of your shift and you’re really entertained with social media, though you did greet the person entering. “ Good evening. Welcome to the Daily Lily.”
“Good evening, I’m afraid we’ll have to check out your storage.”
“Are you the police?”
“...No.”  The voice seemed hesitant, you notice.
“Then I can’t help with that, we have a promotion on cheesecake today though.”  You smile and finally look up, afraid it might be a man trying to mess up with you. Well, it was two men, in fact. You’ve heard the rumors around the neighborhood, that Hibari Kyouya was a man with a weird aura that just moved in alone with some exotic pets, while he seemed delicate and handsome, he just had this introverted, aggressive aura and you’d never expect him to show up in your small business as the companion of another guy. Tall, tan skin, dark hair, buff, a scar on his chin in contrast with a bright gentle smile. He seemed to carry a baseball bat in his back, which made the combination of sports and their suits really off, they both seem to be either Japanese or Korean.
While Hibari, the  grumpy one, seemed to not be so happy about being with the other guy. Like a puppy and an old cat. "We don’t wanna bother you, but-..." The baseball guy was cut off by a loud noise coming from the back of the store. Normally you would be worried that your co-worker got hurt or something, but today? You’ve been alone for the second half of your shift. It’s not supposed to be noisy there, you’re frozen in the spot.
Hibari immediately bursts into the staff-only area of your shop, and before you can protest, the other guy gently grabs your shoulder. “Everything will be fine, we’ll take care of this situation. I just need you to hide in the restroom.’’
“Excuse me?!” No time for excuses, you heard someone grunting and the loud noises start getting too repetitive. Your phone was given in your hands and you basically got pushed into the room by the taller guy. “Sorry, huuh I really need to go there… ” He said as the door slammed on your face. The restroom was cozy enough, you had it decorated as you wanted, and you were firmly holding your phone in case you needed to call someone...But then, who would you be calling? The police would probably make things worse, especially because they seemed to be armed, or worse, maybe these guys are the police in disguise. You fidget your fingers along the cold black surface as a way to calm down a little, it seemed pointless. The noise was too loud to just put on earbuds and ignore them, but you realize: And if this is all a scheme? Rushing to peek at the door, as your eyes meet the pastel walls of the store, you realize it seems like no one’s here at all. Until you hear the cranky storage door opening, and as soon as you see the Baseball guy again, you close the door. Don’t want him thinking you’ve been spying on whatever happened in the storage, with your heart racing, you hear a gentle knock on the wooden door, accompanied by his voice. “Everything is fine! You can come out. I’m sorry I didn’t say my name before, I’m Yamamoto Takeshi and my company here is Hibari Kyouya.”
Decide to close the shop soon as you could for the day,  you come out of the restroom, greeted by the two men.
“I am not your partner, Yamamoto Takeshi.”  He mutters, Hibari looks completely clean, you could still mistake him with a businessman. While Takeshi seems to have bruised his hand a little. You offer him your first-aid kit which he accepts, then you close the curtains so there’s no curiosity about that’s going on inside. “So, what happened in my storage?”  You cross your arms, with a cotton stained with blood between your fingers, slightly annoyed by the whole situation. Making mental notes of what to tell your therapist later, then going back to cleaning the dry blood on Yamamoto's calloused hand.
“Two burglars, they were armed but easy to deal with.” Hibari finally says something directed to you, maybe it’s the first time he bothered to look in your eyes. Not that you’re annoyed by that, perhaps he’s just introverted. But at the same time, now that he looked at your face, it's like something inside him got frozen, awkward. It's such a weird feeling, especially since he doesn't really show it off, you just can tell. “Are you guys police officers?”  You change the subject, brushing it off your mind, Hibari looks away, you can’t tell if he’s offended by being compared to a cop or something else. “Not at all! We just know how to handle them. We’ll send you a check to compensate for the damage and the working time you spent in the restroom as well.” Yamamoto finished his bandage and happily hands you paper and pen. “Just write down your shop’s address and info and the check will arrive in 3 to 5 days.”
You couldn’t really believe in such kindness, or at least knowing how to deal with the consequences of their vigilante work but since they already know the shop you write it down anyway. “ Are you all putting me in some pyramid scheme? You two seem like stage actors.”  They do look like handsome actors, you think.
“We aren’t.” Hibari actually pulls out an unused bullet from his pocket to show  they’re not lying, effective but scary. He just turns away and keeps browsing the plants you got for sale, examining the quality of an English Ivy’s vine. “Don’t scare them, c’mon. Isn’t this shop your neighbor now?”  Yamamoto jokes around, Hibari sends him a deadly look and you decide you won’t touch the neighbor subject ever again.
“If you two excuse me, I have to close the shop and go home. It’s getting late and I don't plan to work more today.” You operate the register and turn off your computer for the day, swinging the keys in your index finger. Anxious to get home to your cat and a nice hot bath to relax. “Thank you again for your kindness, next time you visit the shop anything from the coffee and plants is on me. But don't do crazy stuff again.” You smile as everyone leaves the inside area with you. “By the way, who’s going to take these two burglars out? Did you guys called the police?”
“Kusakabe already took them, before you got out of the restroom.” Hibari says in a beat, interrupting Yamamoto before he could say something else. “Who’s that?”  You raise an eyebrow, the Baseball guy blurts out, dismissing any curiosity you might have. “He’s a friend of ours who’s actually a cop!” That’s weird, you didn’t even see a vehicle, and usually, when cops stopped around they were always noisy and had the blue and red lights on. Off-duty cops, detectives, spies, what are these people doing around? Your curiosity around these two can only grow. It’s not like your hometown has anything important in the first place. Anyway, you say your goodbyes and already invited them to come once more. Perhaps it will be good to have these two around, at least against burglars.
Hibari turns to Yamamoto as soon as you disappeared in a street corner, with earbuds on, bursting your playlist for a nice walk and everything “That’s why we shouldn’t operate with any civilians nearby, we might be compromised now.”.
“It wasn’t that bad, I think they got to sympathize with us, it’ll be just a weird day on their life.”  Takeshi stretches his arms, it’s quite complicated to deal with you and Hibari all at once. “But, still if we didn’t interfere these guys might take them hostage, steal the shop, or whatever their intentions were. We’re lucky you saw they had guns when passing by the street.”
“I am sure Kusakabe will find out their true intentions, but meanwhile we cannot afford to bring attention to us. No more.” Hibari walked down the street, ready to get to his new apartment. “And, Yamamoto.”
“If you get back here in the shop, don’t do anything weak and stupid.” A threat, how much that suits him, it must be a serious matter, no wonder the Foundation decided to settle in that small town for a while. Once Hibari got home, greeted by Hibird’s singing, he lets out a long sigh. What happened today? Two Mafia men going out for a civilian’s small business as if it’s a serious matter for them. But especially, the Cloud Guardian feels like he just knows you from somewhere. Your voice and eyes seem oddly familiar, but if he was to put this feeling into words it’ would simply smell like bullshit. Herbivore bullshit. He takes a long shower, and gets to bed to read something before sleeping, but can’t concentrate on his book. It can’t be, he even loses sleep and feels exhausted, only falling asleep when his body couldn’t take it anymore.
He wakes up in a bad mood, feeds Hibird and Roll, and opens his fridge: nothing, just a bottle of water. Well, he has to remind Kusakabe to do his groceries, but for now, he’ll be ok with going to your shop for breakfast. He gets changed from his kimono to casual clothing, it’s 07:00 AM when he walks down the block and notices no one’s inside the shop beside you, as he opened the door a ring is heard, you turn your head to see who’s there, the shop seems clean and decorated with paper and fairy lights hanging on the wall, plus with the plants of all sorts, making the place lively, with soft lo-fi music in the background. “Hey, good morning Sir.” He murmurs a response and orders blueberry pancakes with a black coffee on the balcony. “Thanks for coming after yesterday, I came here earlier to clean but your partner Kusakabe was waiting at the door to help me out.”
“Good.”  As you manage the register, he notices you have cupcakes with colorful glaze and cutesy decor right beside you, and a poster that he can’t read from that distance. You see he’s staring at something and offers him one of the cupcakes. “Today I’m throwing a small event here, the shop will celebrate 2 years of business, come by if you want to.”
“I’m not letting you give me everything in the shop for free.”  He rejects and suits himself a table nearby the window. “I don’t like parties, or crowded places so I’ll stop by tomorrow.” This hurts your ego a little bit, but it would probably be embarrasing to have a stranger around, he’s quiet most of the time. You wonder if Yamamoto is more of a party person, then, your thoughts drift to the question: Is Yamamoto Takeshi single? He doesn’t have a wedding ring, and neither does Hibari. 
 You shake your head before you could turn red in front of him. “Well, I’ll save you a piece of cake my parents made then.”  You say, as you get  prepared to do everything for today’s menu ready.
“You don’t have to.”  Ouch. You decide to not offer him more things, but this behaviour makes you wonder if he has a jealous partner.
Usually you let everything sort-of-ready so you just need to heat them in the oven on the back of the balcony. Cooking is time-consuming, but at least it’s pretty lucrative. “I think I’ll take around 30 minutes since you’re an early bird. You can use a laptop to work or shop for flowers if you like stuff like gardening.”  You turn your head to talk to him, but to your surprise, he’s already looking at some pots and examining some other gardening products you have around, you didn't expect him to be this kind of person, gardening takes nurturing, care, and a lot of attention towards a living being who doesn't even communicate like animals. He does like gardening apparently, you expected him to pull off a MacBook and have an online meeting over his meal or something, maybe doing finances of whatever organization he's probably the leader at, at least that's what his expensive suit tells. When you get to serve his plate, the spare chair has a basket full of gardening materials, seeds for fruits and veggies, some pots, a small rake, and a trowel.
As the clients come in and you get busier, he didn’t want to be a burden, so he just sat there and tried to enjoy his breakfast, even though the place was a little more crowded than he would like to. But still, Hibari can manage that for a bit, and then he realizes how the situation just got weirder to him, how come he’s doing that for you? And why did you felt so familiar? Spending most of his life there, just occasionally traveling he never noticed a person that matched that specific scene in his head. Is this some Herbivore bullshit? Maybe. Hibari is still pondering over this subject but as long as no one from the Foundation or Vongola finds out, he just found out a place with good pancakes, open from Monday to Saturday, how convenient. The whole saved your business and life thing or the fact that you’re attractive is just a small detail.  When he’s done, Hibari gets up from his table and your co-worker comes to clean his spot. He takes his basket to the balcony for payment, but not before adding a purple flower to his shop list. When he gets to pass all the products, which usually the clients would take one or two plants, but he got around seven, letting the purple flower for last.
A small vase blooming with forget-me-nots, as you pass it on the register, you read the silly little tag you put in some pots as decoration, each has a quirky phrase or pun with the names, that one reads:
“Don’t forget about me”.
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Cross the Line- Bakugo X Reader 18+
WC: 3.5K
Warnings: Angst, Anger, Unprotected Sex, Swearing
 “I am pregnant, Kaa-Chan.” You whispered as his hand was wrapped around your throat intent on killing you. He lowered his hands and walked away. You were the enemy, the one he had to kill.
~~~Eighteen Months ago~~~
“Y/N. You understand the mission, correct?” Shigaraki asked.
“You know I am not a fucking idiot? Who do you mistake me for? Chisaki or Dabi?” You retorted back.
“Y/N.” Shigaraki gave you a threatened tone.
“Get close enough to the loudmouth hero to kill him." The sarcasm dripped from your tone.
 "Good girl." He replied and left you alone.
For a few months, you followed Bakugo learned his schedule. You learned where he lived, how often he trained, his shopping habits, but most importantly, you learned that he didn’t have a significant other.
It was easy to become his neighbor, and for you to keep ‘bumping’ into him, but the hardest part would be getting to be part of his agency.
~~~Fifteen Months Ago~~~
“Hi! I am Quiver!” You were standing in front of Lord Explosion Murder in his agency. His crimson eyes narrowed looking at you in your hero suit. It was black and skin-tight with red accents.
“Do you want a fucking cookie?” He asked with disgust in his voice.
“Oh?” You feigned innocence. “Well, I am your new sidekick, but it looks like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I will just leave you alone.” You told him and you walked out of his office. You had heard he was difficult to deal with, but this wasn’t what you were expecting. You decided that if he was going to act like a complete and utter jackass you weren’t going to take it.
“Oi!” He came charging out of his office at you. “What the hell dumbass?” He yelled at you.
“Hm, well if you’re going to take that tone with me, I will come back tomorrow when you’re less stressed.” You told him as you walked out the door. You went home for the rest of the day.
The next day morning you had arrived and entered Lord Explosion Murder’s office again.
“Good Morning! I am Quiver!” You greeted him chirpily.
“Who the hell do you think you are leaving like that yesterday?” He yelled at you again. You turned around and left again. This continued for the rest of the week. He didn’t learn very quickly, but being cute probably helped him, you thought to yourself. By Friday, he had left you a seething voicemail saying how lazy, rude, and entitled he thought you were and that you were fired. You replied with a very short text stating, “K.” You knew it would probably anger him more. You weren’t there to make friends, you were there to kill him. 
When you arrived at work the following Monday, the receptionist's eyes grew wide. She very clearly heard the voicemail and very deliberately chose to ignore it.
“Good Morning, Sir.” You said as sweetly as possible. Lord Explosion just stared at you as if you were a ghost.
“I thought I fired you.” He said as calmly as he could. 
“Oh, you did? I didn’t really listen to the voicemail. I never do, but it seems as if you learned your lesson from last week.” You said with a hint of condescension.
“I don’t have time for you Dumbass. Just leave.” He told you with a huff of annoyance.
“Oh, Dumbass is a pet name?” You asked him. “I know that a sidekick isn’t what you want, but in order to be more appealing to not just the commission, but the general public as well.” You told him. Yes, you were all too well aware of his “image”, but with you working for the enemy, you truly didn’t care.
“Fuck, you’re right” he mumbled under his breath. He looked at you over steepled fingers. He stood quickly, to close the door to his office.
“Alright, Quiver, let’s begin.” He began as he sat back down in his office chair. The rest of the day, he went over rules for the office, his expectations for you, and how often he expected you to train. The rest of the week was tough but doable. The weekend didn’t come fast enough for you. As your patrol finished you got your weekly text from Shigaraki. You rolled your eyes and ignored him. The best thing about this job did not only do you have to stay away from the small hideout, but you could sleep in on the weekends, and you didn’t have to hear Kai or Dabi bicker.
Lord Explosion Murder noticed your smile. He saw how happy you looked after receiving your text.
“What’s got you smiling so big, Dumbass?” He asked you paying a little too much attention.
“Oh, nothing really. I get to sleep in tomorrow. As much as I enjoy working, I do enjoy a day off too.” You replied.
“You sure seemed happy after that text though.” He said with a hint of jealousy that did not go unnoticed by you.
“Oh, that was my annoying ass friend. He is going on about working hard and blah, blah, blah. I swear to goodness, his crusty ass is getting ignored all weekend.” You vented.
“Oh. Well. Okay, do you need me to walk your dumbass home?” He retorted not really sure of what to say.
“No, I am good!” You waved goodbye and ran at full speed to get home. You ran to your apartment in the building, showered quickly, changed, and fell asleep. 
The next morning you awoke to a yell, the voice sounded familiar, but you couldn’t place your finger on it. You walked outside to yell at whoever was causing the ruckus.
“I told you, nerd, that is not in bounds.” The male yelled. Looking down from your balcony, you saw Lord Murder Explosion. You did pick this apartment building because he lived here, but didn’t realize that he was his hero identity 100% of the time. 
“Hey, asshole? Could you shut your mouth? It’s too early for you to be yelling!” You shouted over your balcony to the group below.
“It’s the afternoon, dumbass!” He shouted back to you.
“Kaa-Chan, be nice. She’s your neighbor.” A green-haired man said.
“ You wanna fight? I could take you right now.” You shouted.
“Oi! Get down here and say that to my face!” He said the anger rising within himself. Without thinking, you jumped down ready to fight him. When he gave you his wide smile, your heart stopped for a moment.
“So you want to fight?” He asked with the most curious look on his face.
“Bakugo, don’t do this.” The green-haired man begged him. “The press will be all over this.” You knew with him there was always someone watching.
“Bakugo, don’t.” His friend with red and white hair said holding him back. It was no use though, he was in your face and chest to chest. You felt his warmth. The onlookers continued to gather, many with phones out ready to watch the fight. You knew that there was only one option in this case. 
You grabbed his shirt, and quickly closed the gap between the two of you. His lips against yours, and while his body was tense, he was not fighting it. You pulled back a moment, and looked up at him.
“Well isn’t this something Lord Explosion Murder?” You whispered before turning away and going back to your apartment/
~~~12 Months Ago~~~
The following Monday morning was awkward for Bakugo, but you didn't pay any attention to it, you really didn’t want to bring any attention to you at all. However, that isn’t what happened. You did bring attention to yourself and of course Shigaraki was very upset. The news died down pretty quickly, though, probably due to his one friend being Endeavor’s son.  The next three months though passed quickly and you never thought of the kiss again. 
The nights you patrolled with Bakugo he didn’t mention the kiss, he didn't’ mention anything about you knowing his hero identity, but he did try to get to know better. You were on the last patrol of the night, just before you said goodbye for the weekend, Bakugo spoke to you.
“So, uh. Quiver. Y/N. I don’t know what you want me to call you, but if you’re not busy, I’d like to take you out on a proper date or something.” A light pink dusting on his cheeks as he asked you.
“Is this because we kissed forever ago?” You questioned.
“No, Dumbass. Out of all the people, I hate you the least.” He retorted.
“Oh, how very manly of you.” You laughed at him.
“No. Forget it. It was very stupid for me to ask you.” He said walking away looking dejected.
“Tomorrow. 8PM. Don’t be late.” You told him as you skipped home. Getting this hero to die would be easy, so you thought.
The next day, you woke to a very angry phone call from Shigaraki. He demanded answers for why it was taking so long. If anyone else had done it it would’ve been done by now, and other bullshit you didn’t have time for. You knew that everyone would notice it was you right away. So while you ignored your phone call, you focused on your date this evening. The day flew while you were taking care of errands and miscellaneous tasks that you’ve been putting off for too long. 
Before you knew it, there was a knock at the door, you went to open the door, and saw Bakugo standing there with flowers.
“These are for you.” He thrust the flowers toward you while looking away.
“Thank you, these are beautiful. While I put them in water, why don’t you make yourself at home? I still need to put on my makeup.” You told him.
“Really? I don’t think that is necessary. I mean, you look beautiful the way you are.” His face was getting redder and redder. 
“Thank you, you’re very kind. I will be but a moment.” You told him as walked into the room. A few minutes you were ready.
“Okay, I am ready. What are the plans for tonight?” You asked him curiously.
“Well the stupid nerd convinced all of us that went to UA together to hang out. They want to have a few drinks and karaoke.” He admitted annoyance laced in his voice, but the look on his face told you otherwise. The night was fueled with alcohol, laughter, and memories. You knew that you had to keep it professional, and your job was to eliminate him, at least that is what you kept telling yourself.
The following months went by fast, when you weren’t working, or training, you were hanging out with Bakugo and his hero friends, or just the two of you. Everything was blissful.
~~~9 Months Ago~~~
Angry with the lack of contact and results from you. Shigaraki had enough and was going to take things into his own hands even if you were a casualty. 
“Dabi, I need you to go and see what is taking Y/N so fucking long.” He demanded. “Don’t kill her yet, we will kill her when we kill that loudmouth as well.” 
Dabi just shook his head and walked out the door. Whatever you were doing wasn’t his problem. To him, getting rid of you wouldn’t matter to his plan. So he did as he was told. He followed you and learned your schedule over the next few weeks. 
“She’s so fucking predictable.” Dabi said to himself as he snapped a picture of you and Bakugo kissing. When Dabi returned, he informed Shigaraki of what he found, and together, they plotted your downfall.
~~~6 Months Ago~~~
Bakugo had awoken to a phone call in the middle of the night. He felt you stir in your sleep next to him. He rushed getting his things together and left slamming the door behind him. You turned over in the bed and looked at the alarm clock. The bright red number read 2:43 AM.  You texted Bakugo quickly. He responded with Hero Shit. I’ll be safe and see you soon.
You couldn’t sleep. You got up and paced around his apartment. There was something gnawing at the back of your mind. If it was an urgent matter, you’d be called as well. If it was something more serious, they’d only call in the Professional Heroes. Which led you to believe that this was the case. 
Two hours later, a very tired Bakugo entered the apartment. You ran into his arms, and held on to him for longer than you should have. 
“Were you worried about me dumbass?” He asked you playfully, but the worry was thick in his voice. There was no mistaking it.
“No. Never, but if I didn’t get called in with you, it must be serious.” You told him. You knew you were lying. You were worried, and that scared you more that whatever he was just told. It meant that you had already failed in your mission. That you actually cared.
“Y/N. I need you to know this. I love you, and I will never let anything happen to you. The League threatened us. Specifically, you and me.” Bakugo told you honestly, and openly. “They didn’t give a specific timeline, it was just a general threat, but I thought you should know. Keep your guard up.” 
Your heart leaped at his words. You knew you failed. You knew you weren’t supposed to fall, but you did.
“I love you too, Katsuki. I will stick so close to you, you’ll wanna hurl me off the balcony.” You replied. He kissed you deeply with every emotion he felt. He pulled you into the bedroom to further explain how he felt.
~~~3 Months Ago~~~
The two of you were public, there was no denying it. The Commission felt the transparency was necessary to let the League know that a threat wouldn’t stop anyone from living their life.  The public cheered for you. The threat was always in the back of your mind. You weren’t sure what scared you more, Shigaraki ceasing all contact with you or the calm that had come over the city.
During your late-night patrol, you and Bakugo happened upon a crying child. Bakugo quickly picked up the child. Cradling her in his arms, and trying to soothe her. It was right then you realized, you wanted a family. Life of a villain wasn’t conducive to having a family. Bakugo found the child’s parents within a matter of minutes, and if you weren’t sure before, you sure were in love with him.
You dragged him into a dark alley where no prying eyes could see the things you were about to do. You took him and pushed him against the wall, and kissed him hard. He happily grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer, pressing his hardening length against you.
“What are you doing?” He hissed into your neck where he left a trail of kisses, causing you to shiver.
“I saw you with that child, and I thought why not try right now?” You shot back. You unzipped his pants to free his hard dick. Your eyes grew at his size every time you saw it. You undid your pants and pulled them down, exposing your dirty little secret, that you weren’t wearing any panties.
“Y/N.” He groaned into your ear as he pressed eager fingers into you. “Shit. You’re so wet for me already.” You took him in your hand and started stroking him slowly. 
“You know if we weren’t in the middle of a patrol, I’d definitely take my time.” He told you in between breaths.
“I want you Ka-” He kissed you hard, entwining his tongue with yours. He was so needy for you. He grabbed you by the hips and lifted you on top of him, making sure you and he were lined up. He slowly entered you. The way his hips moved slowly at first to let you adjust and then quickly increased his speed made you moan loudly.
“Keep quiet, dumbass. I don’t want to get caught fucking you on camera. Although that would be pretty hot.” He smiled at you. You were already so close for no good reason. You felt yourself release on him.
“Well, shit. You were already hot for me huh?” He asked you cockily and he increased his speed. You couldn’t deny it felt amazing. 
“Tell me where you want me to come, because if you want a child I will give you one.” He teased you. All you could do was nod at him.
“Oh, did I fuck you stupid?” He asked you smugly.  He didn’t wait for an answer, he released deep into you, painting your walls white with his seed. He kissed you once more before dressing and acting like he didn’t just fuck you in a dark alley. You got your bearing and did the same.
~~~Present Day that Morning~~~
You had been feeling off all day. It wasn’t like you to feel sick, but here you were feeling nauseous. You ran to the toilet and slammed the door behind you. You let all of your breakfast out.
“Dumbass! Let’s get going, we’ll be late for the meeting.” Bakugo yelled at you. You immediately felt better, quickly rinsed your mouth with mouthwash and walked out the door.
The Commission had summoned all heroes and their sidekicks for a meeting due to the increase in League activity. You often wondered what Shigaraki was thinking, but since he was number two, whatever it was that number one wanted he got.  The meeting was boring and lasted a while, and there wasn’t any new information. You were dismissed and were told to continue on your patrol routes as normal. 
You felt that same feeling coming over from this morning. You quickly left and ran to the bathroom. You sent a quick message to Bakugo telling him you weren’t feeling well, but you’d see him on patrol. You went to the corner store where you picked up some medicine. You came across the pregnancy tests. You hesitated for a moment, decided against it and kept going. The gnawing feeling at the back of your mind started up again. It didn’t let up until you had a test in your hand.
You headed back home, took some medicine and ripped the test open. You knew you couldn’t be pregnant. There was only one time you and Bakugo haven't used protection, and you had your period since then...right? You didn’t think twice about it, peed on the stick and waited for the results. 
It was on your patrol route that evening, when you were confronted by the League.
“Hello, Y/N.” You heard a deep voice.
“Dabi?” You replied, he was ready with his quirk with intent to kill.
“I don’t think so.” Bakugo came charging at him with rage in his eyes. 
“Do you think that some pathetic grenades will stop me from killing her? She betrayed us for you.” Dabi confessed. The look on Bakugo’s face changed from rage to utter betrayal. He shook off the words. He didn’t actually believe you’d do that.
“She loves me, you dumb piece of shit. She’s one of us.” He barked at Dabi, firing shots at him. 
From the shadows emerged Shigaraki, he silently walked up behind you and clicked his tongue.
“Such a shame, that boy is a fool.” He left you alone for a moment and went over to Dabi.
“Well, if you are one of us, Y/N, finish the job you were sent to do.” Shigaraki shouted to you. “Kill this hero that stands in our way.”
Before you knew it, you were pinned against the wall. The anger that radiated from Bakugo’s body was undeniable. His hand wrapped around your throat, tight enough to kill. You gasped, clawing at his hands.
“Kaa-Chan, I’m pregnant.” You whispered. He lowered his hands and walked away. You were the enemy, the one he had to kill. He fought back Shigaraki, and Dabi enough until other heroes arrived to help. He walked back to where you were, all of the feelings he felt for you were real. How could you betray him like this? All his hopes of having a family, being a father, being a husband, and a great hero; were crashing down as soon as they were built. The pain in his face was almost audible, it broke your heart. He took a deep breath, got super close to your ear.
“You’re dead to me. I loved you. I gave you everything I had. You’re lucky I didn’t kill you right here and now. Get your shit out of my apartment. I never want to see you again.” The venom dripped from his words. He turned around and didn’t look back.
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youarejesting · 4 years
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[MASTERLIST] Beta: @hoebii​ Pairing: Jin x Reader Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Comedy, Mystery, Angst, Adventure. Rating: All Words: 11.3k
Summary: Jin is a genie, who as folklore warns trick humans, to get their souls. He twists their words and taunts around into actual wishes to be used against them if it is phrased properly. But as a law student you are careful with your words and beat him at his own game.
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Stepping out of 5330LAW ‘Wrongful Conviction: Journeys to Freedom’ you rubbed your temples, trying to ease the pain coursing behind them. It was like your brain had just been filled with wood chips and the sharp edges were trying to dig their way back out. How could learning hurt you so bad? There were so many dates, legislations, different clauses, and terms that you had to memorize- BUT, you forced yourself to move your thought process along.That would all have to wait. 
You would rather not think ever again, so you rushed off to the little convenience store where you spent the night scanning products and taking money. You were like a robot repeating a script over and over. 
“Welcome” “Can I help you?” “Just these items today?” “That will be twelve forty, on the card?” “Whenever you are ready” “Have a nice day”
It was easy. You happily lost yourself in those mundane tasks whilst standing there and growing bored. Suppressing a yawn, you cleaned the floors, tidied, and restocked the shelves. Eagerly counting down the final hour until you could go home and take a nap. While cleaning you had cut your hand on the plastic shelf display, quickly purchasing an antiseptic cream to cover the injury, it was the only thing that stood out about your shift today. Or so you thought. 
Counting the till slowly you allowed for a few last-minute customers to come in and purchase what they needed. Most paid by the card so it wouldn’t ruin your count. They bought alcohol and snacks and other little things one might need. When it was finally time to close up, you headed around the counter walking towards the door ready to flip the sign from OPEN to CLOSED. As well as turning off the little neon ‘OPEN’ sign on the window.
Leaning down you reached for the plug, fingers so close to the switch ready to turn it off, you stretched down a little more, smiling triumphantly when you flicked the switch when the bell above the door rang a man ran in painting. “Excuse me miss,” 
Ah! This is why you didn’t close off the till until the door was locked, allowing people to buy things last minute, if they needed something urgently. The amount of single parents who need baby wipes that barge into the store last minute was more than you could count. 
“Good evening Sir, What can I help you with?”
“Please take this and make a wish?” He spoke, voice panicked as he kept nervously looking over his shoulder, “It is the lamp of a genie, it will grant you one wish, but you have to use it now” 
Without a chance to refuse, the lamp was thrust into your hands. You stared at the beautiful gold and ruby lamp. This looked expensive and you wanted to refuse but the man had already started hiding behind the fridges. There was a bright flash of light coming from the street as a figure appeared outside on the sidewalk. The figure was quick, pushing open the door and practically gliding across the room where he grabbed the man.
You heard the man scream and you couldn’t help but run away in fear. You got into your car shaking, throwing everything on the passenger seat. Your breathing was shallow and erratic as you drove away as fast as you could, the adrenaline quickening your reflexes and keeping you alert to the road ahead.
When you got to your apartments, you scooped everything into your arms and ran up the stairs and along the corridor until you reached your door, your breathing wasn’t coming any easier and the pain in your chest was so sharp you felt like you were going to pass out. Fumbling with keys trying to find the right one for the door, the next-door neighbor started shouting about the ruckus you were making running in the hallways. It wasn’t until you were successfully inside the safety of your home that your breathing slowed down. That’s when you noticed the fancy lamp in your hands.
It looked like real gold, it looked like real jewels, did the man steal it and try to hide it with you, did the other man that showed up kill him. There were so many questions and you didn’t know what to do, so you ran out to the hall and threw it down the garbage shoot, hoping no one came for you.
Sleep didn’t come easy, you felt like there was someone on your balcony or someone walking down the hall, and every time you closed your eyes you saw this horrible-looking man. His eyes were dark and his skin was like Ash. Though you hadn’t seen any specific features your mind conjured the creepiest man; with a pointed hooked nose and a narrow protruding chin. You had seen his hands which were boney and each finger bent a little oddly like they weren’t natural human joints.
Deciding around midnight to study and use the time not sleeping wisely, you were well into the third chapter of the night when you finally dozed off, the textbook still opened.. Waking the next morning to a call you jerked awake, heart racing from the fright. Still adorning your uniform, you lunge across the floor to your bag where you heard your phone ringing. It was a stupid ringtone. From the floor you could see the gold lamp gleaming on the kitchen tiles and remembered the events of that night. Looking at the phone you saw the caller ID and groaned. It was your boss and you did not want to work. It was your first day off in two weeks and you were wanting to do some cleaning school work and chill out. 
That and any thought regarding the shop had the barely repressed memories clawing at the edges of your mind. You had decided it was obviously a prank and two people were joking around. Reluctantly you cleared your throat before answering, sitting up straight and rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Hello, this is Y/n speaking,” You said politely and waited to hear what the store owner had to say with your fingers crossed. He was a nice guy and you knew it was stressful for him to have to fill shifts as the younger employees tended to take multiple days off in a week but you were really in need of this free day.
“Hey Y/n, it is Choi,” He said his voice seemed a little stressed but also slightly amused and you felt your shoulders slacken, “I was wondering if you could see me this morning in about half an hour?”
“Of course, I will be there in fifteen minutes,” You replied, getting changed and retying your hair in a bun before racing out the door. You drove to the shop and began planning your chores for the day. When you get home you would have to do your laundry and then sit and try to get a start on more assignments and essays. You were feeling really productive after reading from your textbook last night.
The boss wasn’t asking you to work today so it must be about something else, you frowned pulling into a parking space outside the store. What if he is going to fire you? No, you were one of the best and most experienced, also the only one he trusts to lock up the shop.
The shop.
Oh hell. Last night you left those two wannabe psychopaths in the store, they could have stolen anything. If you were fired today you were going to have a breakdown. What if that weird guy had actually killed the other man, he had seemed so panicked and you just locked them in and left.
Taking a deep breath you stepped out of the car and strode into the store, bracing yourself for the worst, like to see the cash register ripped from the counter and snacks and shelves raided for free products. What you didn’t expect was the man to be sitting at a table being served coffee from the boss.
He was handsome. He was looking at the owner who was talking adamantly about compensating for something, the bell on the door had alerted the young handsome man of your arrival, his eyes flickering to you. They were so beautiful, a dark caramel and his lips pulled up into a soft smirk as he looked you over. He took a sip of his coffee to repress the smile and you looked away feeling your heart speeding up and your face flushing.
He was very handsome, unlike anyone you had ever seen. Better than any idol, he didn’t look human and you were feeling the adrenaline starting to pump through your veins, your fight or flight was prompted last time by the man’s scream and you had run away. However, this time was different. Your flight was to just freeze up and pretend you were dead like a possum.
“Ah, you are here,” Choi smiled and walked over to you and led you out the back of the shop where he had a small office/staff room which was beside a small bathroom. The boss walked you inside and explained that you had accidentally locked the handsome young man inside alone for the entire night. “We are lucky he is an honest man who said he didn’t touch anything all night but sat and waited for someone to come and open the store.
“He what?” You said, confused this man had been locked in because he was trying to kill another man, did you forget, maybe it was lack of sleep that made you see things. You had heard that stress and not enough sleep leads to hallucinations. Had you thought it all up and locked an innocent man in the shop?
No. If he was truly innocent he wouldn’t look at you like that, like he knew you, like he knew how much he scared you, like he knew you were confused about the other man and where he had gone. He knew what he was doing. You didn’t trust him and he left a sour taste in your mouth.
The boss told you, that they were lucky he wasn’t pressing charges and that he was thankful you were not hurt, “I thought that maybe this man had done something to you last night, the closing was in shambles”
“Yeah, I think lack of sleep got to me,” You admitted your cheeks flushing in embarrassment, if this was all in your head, you must be in need of a long night’s rest. You looked at the old man and touched his shoulder, “Thank you for thinking of me, I am so sorry this happened, I will go apologize to the customer and head home and rest.”
“Wait, did you check the footage?” You asked the owner, his old eyes looked up at you as he rubbed his face, pushing his wrinkles around his face with equally pruney fingers. You almost cringed at how stretchy his skin looked.
“I can bring it up,” He said and brought up the footage from last night. You could see the door open but there was no one there and you were surprised that you were looking and talking to no one. That was suspicious, had you actually imagined it all and locked up some poor young man last night? 
Walking through the aisles you saw him leaning back in the seat and you sighed, “Are you okay? I am so sorry, that I had locked you in, I haven’t been sleeping well and I think I had a moment when I started seeing things. I thought you were a murderer and was killing someone, that’s why I locked the door and ran.”
The young man threw his head back and laughed, you almost spat your drink at him. What was that laugh? It was dorky and sounded like a broken squeaky toy, you couldn’t help but laugh as well in surprise. 
“That explains why you ran and locked me in,” He wiped his nonexistent tears from his laughing and smiled at you, his teeth looked so white and perfect it made you feel self-conscious. He touched your arm and your breath hitched, “I am sorry, I frightened you, but I promise you, you can check the footage, I was the only one who came in last night.”
“No, it wasn’t your fault” You blushed again laughing and shaking your head, “I must have gone crazy”
You were happy that he didn’t seem angry at all, if anything he seemed really charming, he brushed his fingers along your arm soothingly. “You do look like you need some sleep, Would you like me to drive you home?”
“Uh... no, it’s okay” You waved your hands in protest, “Thank you for thinking of me, but I think I will be fine”
He took your hands in both of his and leaned in, you were struggling to breathe, why was this brunette bombshell so forward, “If there is anything you need, I am happy to help or even just listen. He reached behind his back and brought his hand back with a card and grinned, “My card, call if you ever get scared, or when you are tired. Imagination can make you see the scariest things.”
He held out the card and you noticed his fingers were bent strangely and you starred, “Ah, it’s a medical condition, they are called swan neck fingers, they are pretty weird aren’t they?”
“No sorry, I was just thinking about what I saw last night, you aren’t what I remember but then again I was so scared I think I imagined you more like a monster.” You laughed and he rubbed the back of his neck with a small laugh.
“Speaking of last night, have you seen a small watering can, it was a shiny yellow metal and had red polka dots on it.” He smiled but this was different, heavier, his eyes weighed you down, it was like you were being squished and your heart thumped in your chest as if repeating a mantra. Run, Run, Run. 
“A watering can?” You asked leaning away from him in your seat but the back stopped you from going as far as you wanted, “I don’t remember a watering can, I am sorry, But I can keep an eye out for it.”
His grin split huge and unnatural and you knew. You knew that he knew. You were lying to him. He could tell and he liked it, he licked his lips watching you get out of your seat and talk about your pending chores calling you.
As you walked out of the shop you could feel his gaze on you and tried to stop yourself from shivering. You failed and when you opened the car door you looked at the window and saw him laughing. 
You could practically hear the squeaky sound that didn’t fit the refined face. You drove home, stopping in the underground parking lot you looked at the business card he had given you and scoffed, scrunching the paper and throwing it onto the floor. 
You froze there was a feeling like someone was watching you and from the corner of your eye you saw something in the rearview mirror and when you looked up you thought you saw his clothes pass the back of the car but when you turned you saw the old man from the apartment next door was there knocking on the window. 
“The bins are for average household garbage only, not furniture, not metals or glass, I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t fill the garbage with your cheap metal figurine. That and last night it hit the walls of the disposal shoot on the way down making a clatter, try to keep it down.”
“Sorry, Mr Choi, I had a bad night last night, I was almost killed at work, I was scared” You admitted trying to get his sympathy, he faltered and nodded before walking away, leaving the conversation as it was. 
You were standing there with the lamp in your hands and with a frown you hurried into the elevator and into your apartment. From the safety of your home, the tension in your shoulders relaxed. Taking out a pen and paper, before quickly jotting down the evidence and the memories you had. You knew it wasn’t a plausible case and wouldn’t stand in court. The evidence against you would tear your whole case into pieces and it made you mad.
You took the crumpled business card from your pocket and opened it reading the name “Kim Seokjin,” You started an online search of the name and the business but nothing appeared, you decided to ring him. Taking your phone from your pocket you hesitated to dial the numbers, getting up you punched in the numbers with determination wilting when it came to pressing the green call button. 
“Come on, he is just a guy, albeit really attractive and charming and probably a murder psycho who probably eats people” You were shaking something about calling him made you nervous, and amongst your arguing, you had accidentally bumped the call button. Placing the phone up to your ear it began speaking.
“Sorry. The number you have dialed is no longer available. Please check the number and try again.”
“Oh thank gosh,” You sighed relieved only to squeal and throw your phone in response to a sharp knock at the door. You stood there frozen in fear as the knock occurred again. Slowly shuffled over quietly, your socks muting each step as you peered outside through the peephole. When you looked you squealed again clutching your chest. Two very familiar faces were almost pressed to the door staring back at you a little distorted. Throwing the door open you practically shrieked. 
“Kim Namsoon don’t you dare do that again I almost had a heart attack, Yoonji you should know better, get in here.” You grabbed them by the jackets and pulled the two girls inside, they chuckled brandishing a bag of snacks. It wasn’t long before you were revealing all the little details of the incident that occured in the shop. You told them everything that happened hypothetically of course.
“Easy, if I was handed a lamp from a random guy on the street and told to make a wish, I would make a wish?” Yoonji shrugged.
“Well, that depends. Hypothetically, if genies were real you have a few options classic folklore genies or djinn’s are beings who snatch souls, they claim they can grant a wish but say you said I want to be rich for as long as I live, then they will hand you money and kill you instantly because you were rich until the moment you died which means that was all of your life.”
You nodded glad that Namsoon was smart and well versed in all different genres of books fiction and otherwise. She twirled her hair thinking. 
“Your choice of words would have to be specific otherwise they can use different interpretations of the words and bend the wish to their benefit. You ask for a million dollars, they might give you Monopoly money.”
“I see, that would be annoying” Yoonji huffed, arms crossing over her chest as she began thinking over her wish if she had a genie. 
“Also not to say they wouldn’t make your life miserable with your wishes, you ask to be popular or the centre of attention and you will never have a moment of peace, even the wishes they do well are so over the top it is torture”
“How would you trick a genie, while still getting the reward?”
“You would have to think of a really good wish.” Namsoon said with a small sigh, “but I don’t know how you would do it.”
The three of you watched a few movies and devoured an almost embarrassing amount of snacks. You managed to finish all your washing and after lunch Namsoon and Yoonji decided to leave you for your school work. Waving them off at the door, you had decided that whatever happened last night was all in your head. The coffee table doubled as your work area, so it needed to be cleaned before you could even think about studying. Amongst the rubbish you saw Yoonji’s headphones.
A Lazy knock at the door made you smile, that would be her. Scooping the treasured device of one of your closest friends and heading to the door. “I got them, I know you can’t live without them Yoo~oooooooou”
You physically jumped back at the sight of him standing there, your body locking up. Yet he smiled as if it meant nothing. As if he was just standing at a bus stop, not like he had somehow found out where you lived got through the security system of the apartment block and found your door.
“Ah hello,” You breathed the words like you were deflating. 
“Good evening, Miss y/n, how are you this evening?” His smile brightened flashing his shiny Colgate grin, he gave you no time to think as he reached out, was this the end. You scrunch your eyes but felt him touch your hair, peeking an eye open he took a piece of fluff from your hair. He looked at it between his fingers for a moment before blowing it away.
Something woke in you as you slammed the door in his face and locked it. Backing away nervously, you decided to call the police. You turned your back on the door and ran for your phone instead slamming nose first into a broad chest. There he was, in your house, your safe place from the world. You flailed back, tripping over nothing and falling onto your behind.
“How did you get in?” You accused from the floor
He smiled striding over and squatting beside you, holding out his hand. “Your friends let me in,” you shivered. How did he know they were your friends. This guy was beautiful but he was starting to scare you. There was something about his calm nonchalant way of his words that made it seem worse. 
“Okay, is there something you needed? Or can I get back to my work now.” You asked ignoring his helping hand, you stood up and turned to him crossing your arms across your chest. You saw him still in the same position, hand outstretched, his smile had fallen and his face was dark. He didn’t like how you ignored his hospitality you could tell as his eye twitched in annoyance, and his fingers curled up. 
Standing he brushed his hands on his pants and gave you another sweet smile, “Is there anything you need?”
“What if there is nothing I need?” You asked defensively, trying to get him to tell you why he was here, was he a genie from the strange lamp you had been given the other night or were you going crazy and he was just a murderer. Whatever it is, you wanted him to leave you alone.
“Everyone needs something, you’re humans, you always need something.” He scoffed and you pointed at him with an Aha!
“So you admit you aren’t human?” You accused, watching him walk over towards your kitchen and sit atop the bench throwing one leg over the other and intertwining his fingers together atop his lap. 
His smirk grew again in that creepy way, “what would o be if not a human?” 
“You are a genie aren’t you?”
“Gold star human, Genie is one of my names but I go by Jin J-I-N” He spelt it with his finger and the letters appeared in a pink font, like something in the harry potter movie, his name didn’t form any pseudonyms. Instead he batted the word away and it disappeared in a light pink dust. “What can I do for you, human? You can wish for anything. Choose carefully, I can get you anything you have ever desired. But I have limitations, You only get three wishes and you can’t wish for more. Other than that, have fun.”
“Wait that’s it?” You asked confused and he looked taken aback that you weren’t jumping on the chance to make wishes.
“What do you mean?” He scoffed jumping down from the bench, “Yes that is it, but why are you worried about the conditions when you just have to make a wish. I can make you beautiful or rich or have everyone love you, you just have to clearly say ‘I wish’ before you ask”
“I don’t want that,” You walked away and sat on the couch turning on the tv, “I am already beautiful and I make enough money, and I am nice so the right people like me.”
“Look you have to wish for three things and then I can move on,” He said, standing in front of the television and you sighed.
“But what is the catch, what do you get in return for granting wishes?” You asked him curious and he looked away for a moment before heading over to you in quick strides dropping to his knees and holding your hands while you leaned back on the couch stunned by his sudden forwardness. 
“This is my job,” He said sincerely and you knew he was hiding a major clause in his deal.
“I will think about the deal, and I will call you when the time comes” You said with “Close the door on the way out” 
“Fine! Where is my lamp?” Jin asked, you didn’t let your eyes stray from the television as you answered.
“You mean the metal teapot thing, I threw it down the garbage disposal, Why?” You feigned shock, “Oh no, was it really gold and rubies?”
“Yes it is real,” He exclaimed horrified, you held your ground knowing the real thing was in your dresser, but you weren’t going to tell him that. He seemed to try to calm himself down asking in a clipped tone, “Where is it?”
“I told you I threw it out, it would be crushed into scrap metal by now the bins are emptied overnight.” He looked like he was going to scream, his body flailing as he began shouting in a language you didn’t understand, whilst pacing smoke literally poured from his ears. “How was I supposed to know, just lay down on the couch”
He huffed, reluctantly crossing the room and flopping onto the couch, practically kicking you off when he outstretched his long legs. You decided to forfeit the cushioned seat and slide onto the floor, losing yourself in you studies. Admittedly it was difficult to relax having a stranger in your house lounging on your couch behind you. But, you were more interested in observing him, so you feigned indifference and let him watch television. 
Part way through your essay you heard a growl tensing once more, you had almost forgotten he was there. Turning to the offending noise, you heard it again, locating the sound to Jin’s stomach, “are you hungry?”
“I’m fine,” he mumbled, watching what seemed like the fourteenth episode of ‘Say yes to the dress’ there must be a marathon or something. You faintly remember him complaining during the previous episodes about people not just saying what they wanted, giving death glares into the back of your head “It is your dress not theirs. Ughhh… just say what you want so the people can get on with their jobs”
“I’m going to make something to eat,” you had said it loud enough that you hoped it would peak his interest and he would accompany you for a meal. But he didn’t seem to move an inch, it wasn’t until you had added the seasoning to the ramen purposefully leaving the lid off so you could lure him away from the Television. 
It worked. Strolling in casually as he could muster but you knew from the sound of his stomach and the tilt of his nose in the air your kitchen skills had done the job. 
“Cheese Ramen and steak?” You asked, showing him the food cooking and his lips which had been parted in awe closed with a swipe of his tongue and he swallowed heavily before looking up at you. “It’s okay to say you are hungry, I will feed you”
His ears were turning red and you grinned, “Look go grab some plates from that cupboard there,” you used your leg; sticking it out in the direction, your foot tapping against the lower cupboard, just left of the sink, “and bring them over to the bench.”
Your apartment was small and you loved it. In your kitchen everything was within reaching distance and being able to touch both walls was claustrophobic to some, but comforting to you. That and there were only six tiles on the floor that needed to be cleaned. You had never thought your kitchen was small until Jin stepped into the kitchen, You turned slightly to watch him as he slid past the bench, your hand casually stirring the ramen making the noodles had all separated.
With his eyes looking into yours, he went to step around you, his chest pressed to yours and you blushed eyes faltering and looking at his wide chest. He grabbed out the plates and began his journey back and you turned to face the stove not wishing to be face to face with the handsome features again. 
You felt his clothes brush yours as he slipped past and placed the items on the bench. Letting out a breath you began serving the dinner and he licked his lips once more. “It looks good, huh?” 
“Yeah, thank you,” JIn smiled and looked up, “Maybe I can repay you, you could wish for a grand house?”
“No thanks, that’s too much, I live alone that would be too lonely,” You laughed sitting at the tiny table, “But I would like to discuss your clauses and limits.”
“Of course, what can I tell you?” He asked curiously
“You killed that man didn’t you,” You didn’t look up from your plate not wanting to appear judgemental, who knew this was what he had to do, it never meant he enjoyed it.
“Hey, I didn’t kill him,” He said and you knew the meaning, he may not see it as killing but taking payment for the wish. You watched his expression as he ate and looked at the suit he had been wearing when you met.
The two of you ate in silence, and you raised an eyebrow, “Do you have any other clothes, or do you roam around in formal attire?”
“I have more clothes in my lamp, but I feel as though now I will have to go see someone about making me another, I need it for strangers to pick up and use” He frowned, “You wouldn’t happen to know where I could get another lamp made?”
“Can’t you just magic yourself one?” You expressed your confusion, pouring him some juice and he laughed while taking the beverage.
“No, I can’t really perform wishes on myself, I live to serve until my debt is paid. I can do tiny things but nothing like that,” He laughed dryly, you were curious as to what his debt was.
“What is your debt?” You spoke concerned as you gave Jin the other half of your steak he had been eyeing, was it because he looked so nervous to ask for more food or was it a bribe to get information from him? You liked to think it was your professionalism taking over to get information but deep down you knew it was the look in his eyes.
“It’s just something that I stupidly accepted from the beginning that I regret,” He blushed eating the steak you had given to him, you took your plate and glass to the sink and began slowly washing the plates and pots.
“So, you don’t have any other clothes?” You asked him, you knew it would be best to pull back on the questioning until you two had a better bond, there were many ways for you to get the information you wanted. You had to appear like a trustworthy friend, give him the freedom to confide in you with even the smallest things without judgement and then perhaps he would tell you what you would like to hear.
“Only what I am wearing,” He sighed, “Are you sure they have taken my lamp? The thing is wherever my lamp is I am bound to it, my master holds the lamp and calls me and I appear to grant them a wish.”
“Listen, you want people to pick you up, you have to modernize, no one uses lamps anymore, let’s look around and maybe I can buy you some sort of replacement that will work similarly,” you started, “But for now, we have two hours until the department store closes and I was wondering if you wanted me to buy you some pj’s for tonight. I can’t afford a lot but, I can get you something that isn’t this suit to sleep in.”
Grabbing your bag and coat the two of you ventured out, it was along the way that you picked up some ice cream as dessert, the two of you talked and laughed until you reached the department store. Guiding Jin through the store, he seemed to get distracted or lost in the sea of people easily. Reaching out you took his hand and guided him through until you reached the menswear section. You found him some pajamas, blue button up with an Alpaca on the front that said ‘Adventure? Al-Pack-a my bags’. It made him laugh and you giggled, you loved when he laughed, it was so silly.
You had to purchase them, it would have been a crime if you hadn’t. You had him try on the tops, so you could compensate for his shoulders and when you decided on a size you headed on and grabbed him a toothbrush and more things to get him through the night. It was a last minute decision to get him a plain white shirt and black lounge pants. With all the things in hand you started heading home.
Once home he went for a shower and came out dressed and giggling in his pajamas, he looked youthful with his hair done. He was a smart businessman with it slicked back but done he was so boyish. Shaking these thoughts you went for a shower drying your hair and stepping out in your silk camisole and shorts. You saw him tucked into your bed and you blushed, “Uh Jin, that is my bed?”
“Oh, I am sorry, I just saw a bed and assumed it was where I was staying, I forgot,” Jin sat up and went to get out of the bed and you raised your hand.
“It is a queen sized bed, I am sure we can share it without any troubles.” You got in beside him, and he settled awkwardly, now a little unsure of the situation. “Unless you are uncomfortable, I have to sleep. I have classes in the morning okay?”
“Okay, I will sleep too,” the two of you turned in opposite directions, in an effort to forget the others' presence.
It was easier said than done, the two of you shuffled around all night trying to will yourselves unconscious and yet there was no forgetting the others presence. In the dark it consumed you, the warmth from his body so close to yours made your heart race, he was handsome and you barely knew him. Your feet accidentally brushed and you retracted them muttering a sorry in the cool night air.
“‘S okay,” Jin said under his breath, the gravel in his voice told you just how tired he was as well, it made you laugh, you were both suffering in each other's company. Picking up your pillow you moved it to the end of the bed and slept the opposite way. “What are you doing?”
“It was awkward so I thought instead of laying side by side and neither of us getting sleep, we could just top and tail and then it would be like a sleep over and not so weird,” You smiled, “but since we are both still awake we can talk until we fall asleep”
“What do we talk about?” He said rolling over and looking at you from the top of the bed, “I have never had a sleepover?”
“Wait really,” You sat up and frowned, he sat up mimicking your posture unsure if he was in trouble. “So at sleepovers, you talk about everything, like the people you like, and you play games and paint each others nails and braid hair”
“And this happens at every sleep over,” He said looking at his nails, your smile broke your face as you switched on the lamp and ran from the room, he called your name in concern and when you ran back into the room arms filled with snacks you saw Jin on his knees looking like a scared child who heard a bump in the night.  
You ate snacks and painted his nails, he didn’t know what colour to choose, so you gave him a ballet pink, something cute but still subtle. “Okay, when I was thirteen I fell out of tree and got this scar on my temple, that was three stitches”
He tilted your head to see the faint scar and traced the line with his finger, he listened intrigued about your stories and soon the two of you fell asleep. The next morning your alarm sounded and you realised you were going to be late for class. You raced around getting dressed, thankful you had gotten him a white shirt, you told him to wear it and his suit pants and blazer. 
He stepped out looking breathtakingly handsome, with little effort. You gestured for him to follow and began traveling down the hall, he was smart but unsure. He made up for his confusion with the modern world with his ability to lie and conjure up needed items and documents. 
“We are taking the bus, do you have a ticket?” He nodded, brandishing a paper ticket, out of nowhere making you smile. He followed you on the bus and when you sat down he sat beside you, for a second you hadn’t expected it and you forgot you were babysitting some other worldly being.
“So, what are your classes?” He asked trying to strike up a conversation, or just genuinely curious you explained you were in a law degree, it took little time to reach the auditorium and you thanked the heavens today for only lectures, anyone could sit in on a lecture.
Halfway through the lecture your stomachs were growling, you handed Seokjin some money and you asked him to get you both something to eat. “Where from?”
Sighing you took back the money, “we will have to wait for the lecture to be over,” He pouted at the thought of not getting fed and rubbed his tummy, a little uncomfortable. 
For whatever reason you felt pity, and searched your bag, for any snacks you might have left in the bottom just in case, finding a small granola bar, you handed it over for him.
He opened it happy and when he was done he heard your stomach growl and he felt a little guilty that he didn’t share. He thought you were a bit strange. Every human he met was always quick to make their wishes, money, fame, looks, the three most common things but you were the first person that made him wait. You were the first person to give instead of take, you worried about him and took care of him, reveling in his happiness.
He offered you money and a big house last night and you didn’t want it, he wondered if there was something wrong with you. After the lectures you went to lunch, Jin sat down at the table as you ordered burgers and drinks and a plate of fries to share. Sitting across from Jin, you watched him look around at the other patrons in the neighboring tables eating burgers and chips and you smiled cheekily behind your book.
“I didn’t have much money so i just got chips to share and a drink” you lied without moving your face from behind the book.
“Ah, that is okay, I can give you money if you ask for it” He assured you
“I don’t want money?” you waved his statement aside.
“What do you want, if you could have anything in the world?” He asked 
“If I could have anything in the world, I would want to work hard for it, not make a wish, it is a waste to just have something, if I have everything I ever wanted what is the point of living” you saw the food coming towards the table and closed your book. “What’s the point of reading a book if you know the end, what’s so special about happiness if that’s all you feel, it just becomes boring.”
“What’s the point of being a genie if all you do is grant wishes and never get to live a little, you have to admit sleep overs were pretty fun huh?” You continued your lecture knowingly as the plates were placed down. “What’s the point of life if there aren't surprises to make it fun?”
He was smiling hard at the food, a little bit bashful about being tricked, he was starting to understand your point of view but he thought, this couldn’t be possible, you couldn't be the only human in the world who thought this way, could you? Then again you were the only one Jin had the pleasure of meeting and yes it was a pleasure to meet someone who actually cared about him for once.
Your phone rang, your friends were asking to come meet you at the uni and you were quick to answer and agree. You were too invested in your food that you didn’t even think about the man across from you and your friends heading your way.
“Hey, Y/n,” Yoonji and Namsoon took seats on either side of the table before looking at Jin, they turned back to you, their mouths open. You were not a professional lip reader, but your best guess of the words they were relaying were. 
‘Oh my gosh, he is so hot! Is he single? What is his name? What are you doing eating with a man this gorgeous?’ Namsoon gushed over the handsome man.
You blushed, swallowing down some soda, so you could explain. “Hey, this is my friend Kim Seokjin, he and I met at work,” not a total lie, “and we became friends”
“Oh what do you do?” Namsoon asked curiously
“Yeah, do you go to Uni?” Yoonji searched the menu not phased by his beauty. His ears went red and he looked at you for help.
“Hold that thought, go order and then we can talk,” You waved them away, laughing as they went to order obediently. “Life is full of surprises Jin, live your life today, as if you were normal, just bend the truth a little, you could say you're an entrepreneur or a life coach because you make people's wishes come true.”
“I am excellent at charming people and making up stories, don’t worry,” He sat back in his chair putting one leg over the other, “Sit back and watch the master at work”
“I haven’t even started my assignments yet,” Yoonji said walking back to the table and flopping into her chair. “I was too busy sleeping”
“Okay we are back, as we were saying, what do you do for a living?”
“I am a life coach, I make people's wishes come true, help them figure out their life and make things happen” He smiled “It’s a pretty rewarding job.”
“That sounds interesting,” Namsoon smiled “So what do you do outside of work?”
“The usual sleep, eat, watch tv, I slept over Y/n’s last night and it was fun, we stayed up a little too late, so we had to rush to get dressed and get to the lectures, we didn’t even eat breakfast we were that late” He said with a smile at you that was proud at his skills of charming the girls.
“He slept over,” Namsoon hissed at you, “You had this man in your bed last night?”
You were bright red and you tried to settle them down, but it was useless and better yet, Jin was just sitting there smug, which didn’t help the image he had painted in their heads.
“You know, good on you, you haven’t been with a guy for a very long time,” Yoonji smiled
“It’s really not like that,” You blushed, waving your hands in denial, “um Yoonji these are your headphones you left them at my house”
“Oh yeah no wonder I didn’t get any study done,” she smiled softly as you put your bag over your shoulder. “You got work?”
“Yeah I have to go or I will be late,” you sighed taking one last sip of your beverage. 
“We will clean it up you go,” they sat giggling as you and Jin left from the small fast food restaurant. 
“Ah, Jin why did you say that?” You hissed at him, “I thought you said you were a master at charming people”
“What did I do wrong? They loved me”
“They thought you and I did things last night, not just sleeping” you said and he blushed, his ears, cheeks, and neck turning bright red. 
“Yeah, oh is right” you sighed dragging him to your house where you rushed to dress for work you told him to wait at home, “help yourself to water and up to three snacks in the cupboard no more okay, watch tv, it’s a tiny shift I will make dinner when I get home” 
He nodded, “okay, water and only three snacks”
You patted his head and grinned “you are such a good listener, such a good young man”
“I feel like either I’m a dog or you're an old woman,” he poked your side playfully as you pulled your hair up into a ponytail. 
“I will be home soon,” you left and headed to your car and drove to work, you were serving customers when the lady next door came in.
“Good evening, how is business in the bakery,” you grinned cheekily, as you got her usual order ready. A cold bottle of iced tea and kimbap. 
“Not great, I haven’t sold half the stock,” she sighed, “I have so many items left.”
“Do you have an apple pie, or a strawberry shortcake?” You queried wanting to help the woman and also eat something sweet. 
“We have everything mini’s and family sized?” She sighed, opening the iced tea and drinking slowly. At the mention of family size you thought of Jin and wondered what he might like.
“I have a friend but I don’t know what he would like in ways of sweets?” You thought allowed, “but if you have something nice I would be happy to get us something to eat after dinner”
“I have just the thing,” she declared running off faster than you had ever seen her, she came back with a white box wrapped in the stores signature blue ribbon and she smiled taking only half the payment for it as she wanted you to have the cake for free but your pressed to at least pay for the ingredients. 
You carried the cake to the car and drove home, nervous to see him. You took the elevator and practiced what you wanted to say, “it’s just something the lady next door was throwing out, no that’s too like iffy, I get this all the time it’s no big deal, no that’s too indifferent and sounds a bit unhealthy”
The elevator doors opened revealing the hall filled with your neighbours and a thin blanket of smoke. Walking towards your apartment heart sinking as you saw everyone gathered at your door pushing your way inside to see a mess, there was smoke in the air and the smoke alarms were disabled. 
Putting the cake on the bench you began cleaning up thanking the neighbours for their help and concern.
“What happened?” You asked angrily, “why were you cooking—”
“I tried to cook ramen, you made it last night so I tried to do the same,” he coughed and rubbed at his smoke strained eyes. “Are you mad?”
“I am a little mad not because you almost burnt the house down, because you could have been hurt, life is full of surprises, remember and this one is one of the bad ones, but we learn and we grow from them. Now, are you okay? You seem to have inhaled a bit of smoke.”
“I’m okay, I promise” he said “I really am sorry, it’s just I have never cooked before, I wanted to surprise you with dinner”
“Well let’s sit on the balcony and have dessert instead?” You smiled and you opened the cake to see a love heart red velvet cake and you laughed. “The lady at the bakery heard I was buying a cake for you and she picked this one”
“It’s tasty” he hummed, “being a human is hard, I wish I had my lamp”
“I think you are doing wonderfully, remember the bad times make the good times good” 
You sat in silence devouring a cake together and the two of you reentered the apartment and started cleaning the kitchen until it was spotless. “I will need to buy a new noodle pot”
“You could always wish for one,” he suggested, and then upon thinking shook his head “actually that’s a silly wish, don’t wish for that”
You were surprised he said that he had been trying to get you to wish for anything since you met, but this was the first time he told you not to wish for something.
After everything was cleaned you ordered in and ate, Seokjin’s obsession with ‘Say yes to the dress’ was becoming unhealthy. It was during the fourth episode that your eyes got heavy and you thought, maybe it wouldn’t be a problem to rest your head on Jin’s chest. He wrapped his arm around you and the two of you stretched out. 
You woke the next day and was happy that you didn’t have work but you had assignments and you had to return a book to the library. Leaving Jin at home once more you swapped the book before taking a detour to the mall and getting a new sweater and pants for him. Walking inside you handed him the bag with a small smile, “I saw these and thought you might like it, try them on and see if they fit?”
He put on the sweater and pants and you felt your heart flutter, he looked really handsome. His hair was a little askew from pulling the sweater over his head, so you told him to sit on the couch running your fingers through his hair in order to style it. It seemed all this achieved was you getting lost in his handsome features, staring up at you without even trying to charm you. You messed his hair up, unable to stand how he made you feel, he whined “what’s wrong?”
“You look weird” You huffed, and crossed your arms, looking away with a pout. 
“What do you mean? I am handsome!” He said in disbelief. 
“That’s the problem, it’s hard to look at you when you’re that handsome, it makes my heart race” you admitted “if only I could just become immune, get used to it until it doesn’t bother me”
“You can look at me all you want, I don’t mind,” he said innocently, “but is this what you call life’s surprises, is it not good to see a beautiful face”
“It is nice,” I admitted, “it just makes me nervous”
Knee deep in assignments you realised you had been devoting too much of your time and attention to Jin. It was time to get to work, you had your books, snacks and drinks at your side and it was time to tackle the ethics of law assignment worth half your grade. 
Telling Jin to entertain himself, he nodded immediately flicking through the channels frowning when his favourite wedding dress reality show wasn’t playing. You eventually picked a show for him when you heard the intro to keeping up with the kardashians. He didn’t need to learn about that just yet. 
Halfway through your assignment, he saw an ad for the bite market. A market place full of food stalls where you can try all different delicious foods. Once he saw the ad he began begging you to go, he wanted to try the tornado potatoes and the crepes they had shown cooking deliciously on the TV. 
“Can we go please?” He asked rolling around on the floor and shaking you as you wrote. It wasn’t until he was sitting across from you and grabbed your cheeks bringing your face to his that you decided to take a break from your work. 
“You were saying?” You said as he held your face in his hands. 
“Uh, yeah sorry, I got distracted,” he blinked letting your face go, and looking at his hands as if they had burnt him. “Can we go to the bite market”
“Okay, let me get dressed, put on your coat and shoes” Stepping into your room, you changed into a beautiful red dress, it was one you bought online one year because you wanted the classic red dress for a romantic date, but turns out you had no one to wear it for. Until today. 
The dress hugged your curves and smoothed you out paired with heels. It gave your legs a longer appearance and your butt a more prominent appearance. You let your hair out doing a quick brush and style and some quick make up, a little eye shadow and a rosey lip stain. Topping it off with a dash of perfume you were feeling elegant and beautiful. 
You nervously stepped out into the living room and saw him handsome as ever dressed and ready with his shoes on. He looked at you, his mouth falling open and his hand immediately trying to flatten his hair in nervousness. 
“Life’s surprises, is this a good one?” You grinned cheekily
“Yes, but I am not used to it, it makes me nervous” he patted his chest as if trying to ease indigestion. You grabbed your purse and headed out to the bite market, Jin’s eyes lit up like it was Christmas you could see the sparkle in his eyes as they reflected the fairy lights between the stalls. The place looked magical and had everything you could think of. 
The two of you tried the foods and were having fun sharing a rather delicious crepe with fresh strawberries, You gave Jin the majority of the strawberries seeing how he eyed them, and he hummed “I love strawberries”
“Me too, they are delicious” you hummed happily, knowing he was happy was good enough for you, you wouldn’t tell him but this is what you would wish for just days of fun and new experiences and a friend to share it with. 
“Then why did you give them all to me?” Jin was confused, and you laughed 
“Because it made you happy, seeing you enjoy them was enough for me,” you wiped his chin of the sweet cream and laughed “they said there will be fireworks today,”
“Oh I like fireworks” he said and you kept walking and you bumped into a small group of older gentlemen. One of them turned and grabbed Jin by the collar, punching him so hard that he fell.
“Gentlemen I am so sorry that we bumped into you, how about you get something? On me” You handed them a fifty in a panic and they took it and turned to leave. 
“You’re lucky your girlfriend is smart and beautiful, or we would have beaten you to a pulp, pretty boy” once they started walking away you walked to Jin. 
You looked at him and pulled him to his feet, “are you okay?” You held his face and  frowned, there was a small thin cut near his cheek bone maybe from the man's rings. “Why is it you still look handsome? Come with me,”
You went to the open field, Jin laying out his jacket and the two of you sat on top, you would have the perfect view of the fireworks. However, fireworks weren’t on your mind. You opened your bag and pulled out a small antiseptic cream and knelt in front of him. “This will help, I got it for my hand the other day at work, it helps soothe the cut and keep it from getting infected”
He quietly let you pull his face gently closer, “are you okay, it must have been scary?”
“You stepped in front of me, what if you got hurt?” He asked, wincing as you dabbed the medicine on the cut “you also gave them your money?”
“If it’s for a friend it doesn’t count, I would give them one hundred dollars to stop you from getting beaten” you blew a stream of cool air onto the affected area the whistles and pops of the fireworks bursting in the sky behind you. But you didn’t turn around, stuck looking at Jin, like a magnet. 
You hesitated, starting to turn away, “Ah the fireworks are my favouri—” Jin grabbed your cheeks in his large warm hands and pulled you in for a kiss. A delicious twang in the pit of your stomach accompanied by the fluttering in your chest. The kiss was beautiful and like a fire burning up a match, the two of you came alive. Your hands diving into his hair as the kiss deepened and you felt him hum happily the sound rumbling his chest.
You fell apart a mere inch panting and you swallowed, trying to form words. “We shouldn’t miss the fireworks,” you scrambled to sit beside him and the two of you watched silently. Had you done the wrong thing. 
“Thank you,” he said softly, you weren’t entirely sure what he was thankful for, but you were happy anyway. 
The two of you headed home flushed from the cold wind on your cheeks, but your car heater was working to warm you both back up. You arrived at the underground parking and headed towards the staircase when you heard your phone ring. 
“Hello?” You answered into the device
“Y/n, it’s your father. He is in hospital, he really needs surgery but I was wondering if I could borrow some money from you? We will pay you back” your mother said her voice cracking with intense emotions. 
“Which hospital? I will come straight over.” You asked, heading back to the car and Jin looked confused. “Go upstairs you know the pincode for the door and rest I will be home as soon as I can” 
He nodded and followed your instruction retreating upstairs, you drove to the hospital and you got there and spoke with the doctor and your mother. Taking your savings and asking for a loan double the amount, you were able to pay for the surgery but it had left you in debt.
You waited until the surgeon stepped out to tell you how everything went and put your mind at ease before driving home knowing there wasn’t anything more you could do at the hospital. Jin was waiting on the couch looking nervous and you sat beside him on the couch.
Throwing your arm over your eyes and laying your head back on the couch, you let your tears flow. You didn’t know what you were saying when you turned Jin cheeks wet, “What would I get if I wished for money right now?”
“What happened to lifes’ surprises?” he teased, wiping the tears from your face with his thumbs, he pressed down as he rubbed them away as if they were personally offending him. His voice sounded scared and desperate, “The bad days make the good days good remember?”
“I don’t know, but, I will just have to make it work” You said crying into his chest until you were about to pass out and he scooped you into his arms and carried you to your bed where he tucked you in.
“If I asked, would you promise me to never make a wish?” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your head, you had woken when he moved you but you didn’t want him to know that.
You fell asleep soon after, emotionally exhausted, waking only to the sound of the front door closing. Looking beside you and stretching out your arm, the sheets were cold and empty. Jin was gone. You ran out of bed and out the door. 
You raced down the stairs but when you arrived he was disappearing on your doorstep, you paused panting feeling a weird sense of sadness you let him go heading back to the elevator the doors closed and you stared at the floor. The doors opened and you shuffled back to your apartment and sighed stepping inside. 
There was a note in the drawer where the lamp had been.
To y/n, 
I have always felt the presence of my lamp and found it on the first day, but out of curiosity about your intentions I stayed and over time I found myself enjoying the experiences you gave me. I admit my feelings began to grow from you being my client to being my friend. I realized I didn’t want to hurt you, I didn’t want you to use this wish and end your life. Your life's better off without me, don’t ruin it, never trust anyone who says they are a genie, they will screw you over and take your soul as payment. I couldn’t stay. I don’t want to take you from this world. You and your fathers debts will get easier, you can get through this without me.
The handsome,
You saw wet spots blooming on the paper before you realized you were crying. He had just made the decision to leave for you, because you were now his friend. That is a boat load of crap, friends don’t kiss friends the way he did the night you were watching the fireworks. What were you supposed to do now? With him by your side you felt like you could take on the world, now you just felt your tiny apartment was too big. 
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Things weren’t easy, you were working twice as hard trying to pay the loan repayments. It had been three months since Jin had left and you just woke up at 10, the late shift and uni were kicking your butt. Dragging your feet you headed down the elevator in his pajamas to get the mail. Collecting the mail and heading back upstairs. You curiously opened the bank statement regarding how much you still owe when you saw your loan was already halved. There had been another account paying your debt as well. Your mother would send you half of the money to your personal account and you would pay the full amount, but who was this third party?
Your heart skipped a beat thinking it could be Jin, but you knew you couldn’t jump to conclusions. He had left and wouldn’t be bothered to do something like this. Looking at the statement it read in store payment at your local branch at the same time on the same day of the week.
12:30 Wednesday.
You looked at the clock, it was almost noon, you threw on your coat and shoes before running out the door. You rushed to the bank, racing inside. There he was standing in line in the pants and sweater you had bought for him. You were frozen in the doorway as he approached the woman at the counter.
“Back again?” the woman asked, “The same amount today?”
“Yes please,” He grinned. He handed over the cash and yawned,
“Have you been working the late shift again?” He looked tired, the dark under his eyes was a little scary, the woman gave him the receipt and he turned heading to the door. The very door where you were standing, his eyes met yours and he faltered, stopping. 
He didn’t know what to say but he looked down and grinned for a moment, “You look good,” Looking at your clothes you remembered you had been wearing his oversized blue alpaca pajamas. 
“You need to fix what you have done to my house,” You hissed and he looked confused, as you grabbed him by the hand and led him down the street. “Everything is wrong, I don’t know what you did but I want you to fix it, I can’t believe you would do something like that and then just leave, like it’s some sort of joke or prank.”
“I swear I didn’t do anything,” He said quietly, he was confused, not remembering having done anything when he left. “What happened to your house?”
“See for yourself,” you pulled him into the elevator and pressed the number for your floor, you felt an overwhelming emotion building up but you tried to swallow it back down.
He followed you to the door and you opened it up and pushed him inside, not wanting to risk that he might disappear behind you. He looked around as you pressed your back to the now securely closed door your arms crossed. “I don’t understand, what did I do?”
“Like you can’t see, Look how big the living room is, and the kitchen is too spacious and here when we used to sit there was so little space our knees would touch and now it's huge” You dragged him into the bathroom, trying to hide the way your chest was shaking with every breath, “This bench is too empty, your things used to sit there and there was hardly any room. And, And the bed, I don’t know what you did to the bed but it’s too wide, I can barely touch both sides and not too mention its always cold, it was never cold when you were here”
He looked at you sadly and he reached up wiping the tears from your cheeks, “I have done nothing to the house” He tried to soothe you, clutching his shirt you had buried your face against him and cried. “You know I didn’t do anything to the house.
“You left me alone and I don’t like it,” You whimpered,
“I wish I could stay and be just like a normal human who can love you but I can’t because I am not human,”
“I wish you were a human” He froze, pulling away and holding your face, he seemed a little excited.
“Do you really mean that?” He asked and you nodded looking up at him. Jin moved away and opened the lamp, tipping everything out, clothes and shoes and a million other things and he granted your wish. He still held the lamp and he grinned, spinning it around his finger and said “We could pawn this for a fair bit of money, yeah.”
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seraphdarlimg · 4 years
wish I were (pt4)
  harry calls reader drunk to pick him up, later on finding him sat at her piano and playing a little song
‘heather’ by conan gray WARNINGS - ANGST, swearing, fluff WORD COUNT - 4,418
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   Just fine is how I was feeling. I was lucky enough to be able to get started straight away with a new song to work on from a different artist. Practicing new instruments and talking to new clients have been what I've thrown myself into for the past 3 weeks.
Though drowning myself into work has kept me busy and given me excuses to ignore the hundreds of calls and texts from Harry, it felt like months had pass instead of only one. I seem to forget more about them and only remember the look on his face when I turn my back on him and left. Instead of memorizing chords and words, my brain can only comprehend the words we said and the last time I felt his touch or embrace. When I want to remind myself of what he did, the moment on the balcony is the first thing that comes to my mind and I curse myself for it.
I missed him, of course I did. As I sit in front of my laptop with an opened tab on a recording program, I am instead met with another creator's block and thinking about Harry again. Two points of thought that I hate being stuck in at the moment. The empty bags and containers of snacks and my dinner surround me and I'm wrapped in a blanket while a sad playlist is playing on spotify. It was a depressing sight.
But I can only image the state that Harry's in. After everything, I still miss and care about him, wondering if he's excited about the album release tomorrow or if he's hydrated and taking the fact that I've chose to walk out of his life better than I am. It's pathetic really, but it's part of it and I can only hope to learn to live without him through time. If that is something I can even think of doing in the first place.
He hasn't called or text throughout the whole day though. I didn't want it to bother me but it did, even if it was time away that I'm asking for. I glanced at the black screen of my phone, pressing the button to turn it on. 12:23 AM and no notifications.
'i do love you, i'm sorry' one day ago. This is a good sign. This should be a good sign.
I sighed, forcing myself to turn away from my phone and focus on finishing this piece. The instrumentals are there and the rhythm is set, but coming up with lyrics prove to be difficult when I feel physically and emotionally drained.
It was late anyways. I would of been asleep by now to get ready for tomorrow, but it was most likely made clear I wouldn't be celebrating with the gang. I told Jeff the excuse that I had a meeting up north for the valid reason, even though everyone already knows what happened between the two best friends. A lunch with Sara and Mitch a week ago started off normal and pleasant as always, but had ended with Mitch bringing up Harry and me leaving abruptly.
"He's a mess. Hasn't left his house and has been ignoring everyone all week. We don't know what really happened between you two, but it's obvious that you haven't been the same as well."
The mention was enough to irk me. "Can we not right now?"
"Look even though we care about you, it's still non of our business to get involved. But it's still our jobs to see that when someone we care about is bothered by something, we make sure they are aware of it. Both of you aren't happy and should simply talk about it."
"It's not that simple Sara, he's too stubborn."
"It doesn't have to be now, but eventually. You yourself know that what you two have is way too special to just walk away from."
"Yeah well what if it's not? What if it's just not what everyone expects it to be? That even if we somehow make it work throughout everything, he's just going to run off to someone else again who'll just be better in so many ways."
"He's not the type of person to do that and you know it."
"I thought I did."
With my head rested on my hand, I feel my eyes droop. The instrumental of the song played on repeat on the program as I try to come up with words. Heartbreak and insecurities are the only topics that come to mind with the upbeat sound. I close my eyes for bit, letting the first stage of sleep take it's toll while my brain works overtime producing lines of rhymes.
But my ringtone drives me out of it. I only force my eyes open when I pick up my phone and answer the call, not thinking of who could be the only possible human being to call me at this hour. I sighed, pausing the recording and saving it. "Hello?"
"Hiiiii love! Karl told me I should call someone because I've had too much apparently. Can you please tell him that I'm a grown man that can handle my alcohol?" Shit.
"Harry- wait hold on, you're drunk now? Don't you have... who are you with?" My voice was tired and already raspy. It took longer than needed to process what was actually happening.
"Oh just all by my lonesome self at first... imagined you here a few times but I know that wasn't true, but Karl the bartender is here now!" His voice was muffled and almost drowned out by the sound of a pub. His words were slurred and I can only rub my temples at the situation he's already put me in.
"Why did you call me for this."
"Well my phone's dead and you're the number I memorized." He said softly after hearing my tone. I shouldn't, but he's drunk and alone.
"I'll call Mitch-"
"Only want you. Please?" I can imagine him pouting and I was too tired to argue with him.
"I can't do this right now..."  
"Bubs, my head is starting to hurt and everyone is not being nice. Except Karl, Karl is a nice dude."
Maybe if I wasn't overworked and sleep deprived at the moment, I would of been in the righter state of mind. But the other half of me that worried about his state took the opportunity to see him once again.
"Where are you, Harry?"
It was easy to find a drunk Harry Styles at a pub. A small local one that we've been too once or twice in the past, enjoying each other's company over a glass after studio hours. And there he was again, sat at the stools we'd sit on and wallowing to Karl the bartender.
"Hey." I placed a hand on his shoulder after making my way through the small crowd that gathered around him that's been listening into his conversation. His eyes light up when he turns around and sees me, while I take in how disheveled he looks. His curls are messy and his bloodshot baggy eyes tells me he's been crying for a while.
"You're here." He mutters softly after he takes a moment to register that it's actually me. I only give him a small nod in confirmation, feeling that heart ache as he pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry." I hear when he nuzzles into my neck, most likely apologizing when he sees how tired and unwell i am as he does.
"It's okay, come on let's get you home." I managed to let out, pulling away, guiding him out of his seat and away from the bar. "Oh okay, bye Karl! Keep the change." I send the bartender a grateful smile to which he returns with a pity look on his face.
"Just hold my hand Harry okay?" I tell him when I remember how clingy he gets when intoxicated. He doesn't hesitate to do so as we make our way through the crowd and out of the building.
I managed to get him in the passenger's seat without much interaction, now in the driver's seat and cursing at myself when I realized I didn't have enough gas to take him to his house. I didn't have the energy to go to the gas station this late.
"Are you crying..." He asks, pouting when I placed my face in my hands, taking deep breaths. "Please don't be sad, love." I shook my head, counting in my head as I felt Harry lean over and watch me.
"How many did you have?" I asked when I built up the will not to cry and turned on the ignition.
"Didn't bother counting, didn't matter." I kept my eyes in front of me as I drove while I felt his still on me.
"I would beg to differ. Shouldn't be my responsibility anyways." I quickly countered, noting the sharp tone in my voice and the frown I could imagine on his face.
"I'm sorry...I really wanted to see you."
"Hmm, and getting wasted and being an inconvenience is the way to get my attention." There was a second of silence and I glanced at him to check if he was still conscious, only to see that frown and his head hung in shame. My eyes trailed to the pearl necklace tucked into his sweater, as well as a yellow ribbon tied where it clasps together.
The grip I had on the wheel loosened but I sighed as I hated how guilty I felt after, aware how difficult it was to be mad when he was hurt. "That was harsh..."
"Nooo, I deserve it. I really do because I was mean to you and I don't ever want to be mean to you. Because it hurts me too ya know? More than it did when you walked away...I'm sorry that I hurt you."
I didn't say anything after that, spending the rest of the car ride back to my place in silence.
"You don't have to be rich, to be my giiirl. You don't have to be cool to rule my wooorld..."
My annoyance conflicted with the flutters my heart was feeling as Harry was softly singing all the way from my car to my sofa, hand held and clinging to my side the whole time. He plopped down, immediately taking a pillow. "Ain't no particular sign, I'm more compatible wiiith- hey you have that record right? Can you put it on pretty please?"
"It's 2AM, I'm not putting on a record right now." I took off my shoes and coat, graciously doing the same for him when he pouts and rests his head back on the couch. "Aw, you used to not care about that before. Is it because of your neighbors terrible taste of music to blast so late at night?"
"What?" I rubbed my eyes, standing up and going to the kitchen. I couldn't hear his mumbled response, but I returned with a glass of water to see him humming with his eyes closed. He cuddled the pillow close to him and I rolled my eyes, almost laughing at how he was tapping his foot along with the song he was playing in his head.
"Here..." He holds his hand out expectantly and I gave it to him. He takes a drink while I place his coat over the coffee table and go to get him an extra pillow and blanket.
"Oh everything hurts." He whines as I place the pillow down on the end of the couch. "My heart mostly, but that's so cheesy of me isn't it? Yours probably hurts more m' sorry...wish I could take it away."
It wasn't just his naïve words that had my eyes start welling up with tears, but it was also the realization of how he can easily break me down. I couldn't last a whole month without being there when he needs someone, when I was the one who wanted to leave. It was also probably the realization that I had grabbed the same blanket we used to set that little picnic in the studio.
"Wish I didn't cause it in the first place." He added, which led to me sitting down on the chair next to the couch, holding onto the blanket a little longer as delirium was starting to set in.
"I don't think we should have this conversation now, Harry... this is so unfair." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.
"It is, but I'm scared I won't get another chance." My silence gave him the answer he was already aware of.
"What exactly do you want another chance of Harry, enlighten me." I closed my eyes for a minute, only to open them to see Harry looking at me in a different way. It's different, but I've noticed it before.
"Loving you." He's hesitant with his next words, most likely having sobered up a little. "I hadn't seen Heather for a few days after you left, told her later on about what happened. Took your advice though, talked to her and everything. It just wouldn't work out in the end...couldn't see myself with her in the future."
"But now you do with me?" I softly muttered, holding myself back from reaching out to him. He only nods, having that guilty look on his face because he's fully aware he doesn't deserve it. My droopy eyes are glued to his and that damn pearl necklace, too many thoughts in my head to come up with one whole response.
"Should of just called Mitch. You're an idiot for giving yourself a hangover on your release day." I finally said after a moment of silence.
"Hmm? Oh that, no that's not happening." He says casually, playing with the embroidery on the pillow he was hugging.
"What do you mean?"
"I've postponed the album thingy indefinitely or something."
"Aren't you finished with it?"
"I mean it's got 12 songs and everything but I don't know if it's really finished, I don't know." He shrugs and I'm almost annoyed by how calm nonchalant he is about it.
"You never know things Harry."
"And I hate it, I knooow! I don't know why I can't just figure it out and I hate that I'm hurting you because of it." He frowns, rubbing his eyes. "But I do know now that I love you. Really love you. Maybe if I figured that out sooner, you wouldn't hate me bubs."
I fiddle with my fingers, given up on trying to collect all my thoughts together a long time ago as I can only allow myself to take in his words and listen. He was right, in any other situation where I wasn't tired and delirious, I probably wouldn't even be in the same room as him. So here I was again, allowing myself to hurt in order to make sure he's taken care of.
Maybe it's what I deserve though. He left Heather because of me. I caved into myself at the though that I ruined the relationship of two people who loved each other simply because I didn't get the memo. She is everything in his eyes, he's proven that, so why didn't I just leave them be?
"Ugh, you probably hate me calling you that now but you know I won't stop cause you are my bubs! Like how I'm you're H. Oh... well, you stopped calling me that so...maybe not anymore but I want to be. Can I be your H again please, I miss that too." My thoughts were cut off  when he continued, finding him now lying down with his eyes closed.
"Maybe one day." I reassured him hesitantly. We would of stayed friends, we wouldn't of had to fall apart, if I had just left him alone.
"Was a weird nickname anyways, just a letter." He mumbles as I stood up, laying the blanket over him while he still holds onto the pillow.
"You sort of gave it to yourself though, get some sleep Harry."  I managed to get out, facing away from him to hide the tear that fell. He should be trying to fix his relationship with her and not me.
"Yeah, but you just started calling me it and I fell in love with it." I take one more look at him before I shut my door, seeing his face nuzzled into the pillow and the glint of a small smile on his face as he drifts off to sleep.
8:23. I slept around 2 and woke up 7 hours later to faint piano keys. I took in the soft melody, not recognizing it but enjoying it for a second before I forced myself to sit up and rub my eyes, realizing how dry my skin was from crying. It was definitely a sad song made up of only four chords and a fitting way to start the day as I remember the person who is most likely playing it.
I didn't want to face him, my head feeling too mushed to deal with anything else other than work. It was a weird situation to realize, the man I fell in love with and broke my heart is playing piano after I took him in when he was drunk. He tells me he officially breaks up with Heather after realizing he loves me.
He loves me?
No he doesn't. He should still love her, should be trying to get back to her now that I'm out of the picture. But he hasn't been trying too for the past month, focused on me this whole time. But why?
I snapped myself out of those thoughts quickly, knowing how terrible the following ones would be. I didn't want to think about it anymore, wanting to forget and move on. And as I quietly open my door and peaked out onto my apartment, I see his mess of curls sat on my keyboard with the blanket wrapped around him. He was considerate enough to lower the volume at least.
I took a deep breath and walked out quietly, leaning against the door frame as I continue to listen. "Part of the album, has some of your lyrics in it." He says when he notices my presence.
"Hmm. You told me that you've postponed it." I crossed my arms as he finishes the song with a long note. I see him nod, now looking down at his hands on his lap before adjusting the blanket to fully encase him.
"Yeah I did. It didn't feel right, putting something out there that I should be proud of, but you not being there to be happy with. You not wanting too in there first place, when you put your heart and soul into it, all because of me."
I frown, looking away from him when his intense eyes met mine. "It's too early Harry..."
"You told me it wasn't a good time last night too, so when is?" He huffs and I roll my eyes.
"I don't know after I have my fucking coffee?" I scoffed, uncrossing my arms and heading towards the kitchen. I hear him sigh, not saying anything else as I prepare a cup for myself, already annoyed and stressed out. I felt him staring at me while I avoided making eye contact, rubbing my temples.
"I'm sorry if I was trouble." He says, still sat down on the keyboard with the blanket wrapped around him.
"You're sorry for a lot of things." I sighed, pouring coffee into my cup.
"I am. But I don't know how to really apologize to you when you won't even let me talk to you."
I placed my cup down, suddenly forgetting about my coffee and finally looked at him. "Well what do you expect Harry? After everything you think I'm just going to trust you again? I told you I was done, I wanted to walk out of your life."
"But you picked me up. You still care, that still has to means something." He's frustrated now, desperate even and it only frustrates me more.
"Ah yes, decent morality to not leave an A list celebrity drunk in room full of strangers. That really dumb of you to do by the way, without any bodygaurds- what were you thinking?" I said, noticing how he was fiddling with the pearls that hung around his neck.
"The past month has been hell for me and all I wanted to do was see you. I feel so fucking guilty and sad and it's eating me up because I know I don't deserve any sort of reassurance from you. But at the same time, I so badly just want you back and I'm sorry for how selfish and arrogant I am." He was crying and I soften a little because of it. He tries holding it in, looking down as he quickly wipes away the tears that fall. I don't bother hiding mine anymore, having gotten used to it by now and I was tired of it.
"I've been in pain since December. Four months that you put me through so can blame me when I just want it to stop? I am so exhausted because no matter how much I throw myself into work, all I can think about is you and loving you."
"But I love you too, shouldn't that be enough to try again?" It should of been and he knows. Maybe if he realized it sooner, during his birthday, things would be different.
"You've proven that it's not." I say disappointingly, willing myself to walk over and sat down next to him, looking ahead at my piano in front of me. "I don't know what to do anymore Harry. Why can't you let me have this? Let me move on."
"Cause you and I both know we can't leave each other, too emotionally attached. I need you in my life bubs, everything sucks when you're not in it." I laugh a little at that, because it was true in a fucked up way.
"That's so unfair, why did you have to hurt me?" I hesitantly lay my head on his shoulder before he droops the other end of the blanket around me.
"I know most of my relationships don't last. Deep down I've always loved you but I couldn't let myself fall for you because I didn't want to ruin us. The thought of us breaking up and never seeing each other again just terrified me because I never wanted to lose you, ever. But I fucked up and managed to do so anyways, and I hate myself every day as much as you do." He starts playing the song again as he speaks, but it plays it down a key and slower.
"I don't hate you, can't bring myself too, but you shouldn't of been afraid to talk to me. You know who I am, we would of worked through it no matter what." He nods, followed by only the sounds of the piano melody.
"I'm in love with you." I hear him say softly after a little while out of the blue. It catches me off guard, finding it so foreign to hear those words come from him.
I let out a soft self deprecating chuckle. "No you don't. You care about me, but you don't love me. Probably saying this out of guilt or spur of the moment type thing and I can understand that, but you love Heather. She's good for you, perfect even."
"But I fell in love with you. She's not you." His brows are furrowed together as he frowns.
"Yeah, I'm not her." The small glint of my smile quickly fades and he notices it.
"What I did during my speech was very shitty. Gemma pointed it out to me right away and it's one of the biggest things I ever regret doing." He stops playing when he sees me deep in thought, slowly taking my hand to test the waters. "But I need you to understand what I said was true, that you are such an important person to me. You are beautiful, and kind, patience, and just so fucking good to me, love. I want to cherish you because it's what you deserve and I will deal with as much rejection for you to forgive me and give me another chance. It's worth every heartbreak if it means I get to love you again."
I find myself in an intimate situation, looking into his eyes at such a close proximity, our faces only inches away from each other. I was pleading to him with my eyes, begging him not to hurt me again while the look on his face was one I used to be familiar with. He was frozen while the fear that it would only just happen again held me back from moving. His eyes fluttered down to my lips, as if asking for permission and my head was refusing it. But every other part of me wanted to feel those lips again. I looked down at his, my hand taking hold of his and placing it on my chest to where my heart is before he made the move to finally press our lips together in a small kiss.
I wanted to sob because it felt right. I felt the butterflies again and the complete state of satisfaction. This time was gentle as well, but Harry put so much love into the kiss, cupping my cheek with his other hand when he feels how fast my heart was beating.
It only took a second more before I slowly pulled away, still tightly holding his hand against my heart as he could sense my doubt. "It's going to take some time okay? Probably a long time but you caused me a lot of heartbreak. But I never stopped loving you H, as much as I didn't want too anymore." I said seriously, and his eyes lits up with hope. Holding back his smile as much as he could while he nods because he heard that little nickname again.
"I'll give you as much time and space as you need, thank you. I love you so much bubs." He pulls me into a hug, nuzzling his face into my neck and I feel instantly calmer because of it. I rest my head on his shoulder while he mumbles sweet words into my skin.
"Promise I'll be good to you."
A/N: :o it’s complete. I finished it yay! I’m so proud with how this series came out and I genuinely hope you guys do as well. I’ve started my semester and it’s going to be hectic so writing will take longer to come out, but there will be future stories that I’m really looking forward to writing and sharing :)
taglist: @big-galaxy-chaos​
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marjansmarwani · 4 years
I think the end of it all may look a lot like the beginning
5.6k || ao3
When TK wakes up in the middle of the night to find Carlos's neighbor's house on fire with her son trapped inside, of course he has to go in. There was never any version of this where he didn't. Carlos knows that too - it's one of the things he loves about the other man. But when things go from bad to worse in an instant and Carlos is left on the outside and TK is left facing the possibility of the end, there's nothing either of them can do but hope for the best. ----- Written for the "surrender" square of my @badthingshappenbingo board
This idea completely came out of no where one morning but with some help and enabling from @firefighterstrand, we got here. I am still no where close to getting a bingo, but I am at least back to working on the prompts at least a little. Beta’d by the lovely @officereyes
At first, TK’s not sure what wakes him up. 
He tended to be a light sleeper — years of sleeping on shift and having to wake up for an alarm will do that — but when he blinked open his eyes, he couldn’t figure out what woke him in the first place. He’s in Carlos’s bedroom and all seems quiet. He laid quietly as he listened, trying to identify the source of the disturbance. It’s a while before he hears it: distant shouting, coming from outside the condo. He frowned, but bolted upright when he caught a scent in the air that is all too familiar: smoke, and a lot of it. 
He slid out of bed and crossed to the balcony, peering out the glass doors and feeling his stomach drop when he saw the familiar angry orange glow coming from down the street. He cursed as he reached for his shirt, pulling it on as he leaned over to shake Carlos who was still sleeping soundly on his side of the bed. 
“Carlos, wake up. One of your neighbors’ houses is on fire.” 
Carlos’s eyes opened and he sat up, blinking at TK for only a moment before the words registered and his eyes widened. He swung his legs out of the bed and stood to follow TK who was already at the door and turning towards the stairs. They jogged across the street and down 4 doors until they joined the slowly growing crowd outside the burning home. TK looked to Carlos, who pointed to the anxious woman near the front of the crowd, “That’s Mrs. Melendez. It’s her house, she has two kids and her husband usually works nights.”
TK nodded at the information, following Carlos as he pushed through the crowd, most of the neighbors parting as they recognized him. “Mrs. Melendez!” he calls as they get closer, “is everyone out?” 
The woman turned her anxious, tear filled gaze to them, “I was able to get to Anna on my way out but I couldn’t get to Zach’s room and I haven’t seen him out here!” 
TK stepped forward, making sure to keep his voice even and calm as he asked, “Where is his room Ma’am?” 
Mrs. Melendez looked hesitant but Carlos placed a reassuring hand on her arm, “he’s a firefighter Theresa, let us help.” 
She gave a shaky nod and turned back towards the house, “his room is the first floor, that third window from the left.” 
TK nodded and studied the house. Distantly he heard Carlos still speaking to mother in his soothing tone, confirming that they had called 911 already but he was too focused on the flames to really listen. So far the area that Theresa had indicated her son might be in was clear of the flames, but judging by the way they were eating through the structure, it wouldn’t be for long. The kid could be rescued, but he needed to be rescued now; they couldn’t wait for a fire company to show up. 
“I’m going in.” 
Carlos broke off his reassurances abruptly, “No you are not.”
“I have to Carlos.” He lowered his voice so the anxious mother couldn’t overhear, “Those flames are moving too fast, the kid doesn’t have time to wait for a fire company to get here.” 
“You can’t just go in there without your gear, TK! Just because you’re a firefighter doesn’t mean your invulnerable—you’re still just as flammable as anyone else. I would stand just as good of a chance as you would!” 
TK scoffed, “That’s not true, and you know it. I might not have my gear but I still have years of training and experience, Carlos. I know how to deal with flames and how to avoid them. Someone going in right now is that kid’s only hope of surviving, and I have the best chance of making it out.”
He held Carlos’s gaze as he processed his words. He knew he was right, and he knew Carlos knew it too. He might not like the idea of TK diving headfirst into danger, but he knew what the alternative was and they both knew they couldn’t live with that. 
TK could tell the moment Carlos relented, when he accepted the inevitable. His shoulders slumped ever so slightly, and he gave a small sigh: “Just, be careful, okay?” 
“I always am,” TK retorted. 
Carlos raised an eyebrow, “And here I thought we didn’t lie to each other.” 
TK grinned at him, leaning forward to give him a quick kiss, “I’ll be back before you know it.” 
Carlos still looked doubtful, but nodded, giving him a smile as TK turned and toward the burning structure. 
Getting in was easy, so was finding the correct hallway. He was starting to feel optimistic, confident in the promise he had made Carlos, but as he got closer to his destination he could see a change in the smoke. It was thicker now; dark and heavy and moving through the open air fast. He grimaced as he noticed; he may not have as much time as he thought he did. He would need to move quickly—smoke that heavy was never a good sign. 
He found the right door and pressed a hand against it experimentally. It was cool to the touch and he pushed it open, looking around the room for any sign of a kid. 
“Zach?” he called as he glanced around, “Zach, my name is TK and I’m a firefighter. I’m here to help you get out, outside the house to your mom and sister.” 
There was no answer and on a hunch he kneeled down on the ground next to the bed, leaning down so he could peer under it. There was a small boy pressed against the far wall, eyes wide and clutching a teddy bear tightly to his chest. 
“Hey, Zach, my name’s TK,” he said, keeping his tone as soothing and low as possible, “I’m here to get you out of here, back to your mom and sister. Can you come out from under there so I can help you?” 
The kid shook his head frantically, gripping his bear harder, “There’s fire out there,” he told TK, eyes wide. 
“Yeah, there is buddy, but I can get you out. I’m a firefighter.” 
“You don’t look like a firefighter. You don’t have a helmet.” 
“You’re right, I don’t. It’s my night off so I don’t have it with me. Think of it like Superman without his cape: I can still help you.” 
The boy seemed to consider that. After a few moments he shook his head and spoke again, “I’m scared, I don’t want to come out.” 
“It is scary Zach, you’re right. But I can help you get out of here safely, I just need you to trust me. Think you can do that?” He reached a hand under the bed, holding it out for Zach to take. 
The kid looked at his hand for another moment and TK felt sweat start to bead up on the back of his neck, and he knew it wasn’t just from nerves. They needed to get out of here, now. 
Zach looked over at him again, meeting TK’s eyes, “Like Superman?” 
TK chuckled, “Yeah buddy, like Superman.” 
Zach nodded and finally took TK’s hand, allowing himself to be pulled out from under the bed. He came out coughing and TK glanced around before picking up an abandoned t-shirt from the floor and pouring the contents of the partially filled glass of water from the nightstand onto it. He held it out to Zach, “here. Hold the wet part over your mouth and nose, it’ll make it a little easier to breathe in here.” The little boy took it and did as TK asked as he looked to the door. 
The smoke leaking under it was even thicker now, but he crossed over and placed a cautious hand on it anyways, pulling it away with a grimace. They wouldn't be getting out that way, that was for sure. He glanced around the room, Zach’s hand still held tightly in his own while his other clutched the t-shirt to his face as he located the window. It wasn’t ideal, but it would have to do. He led Zach over to it and undid the lock before throwing it open. He called out even as he worked on freeing the screen, breathing a sigh of relief when Carlos heard him and ran over. 
“Fancy meeting you here,” he quipped as he finally freed the screen, sending it clattering onto the ground outside. 
Carlos gave him an unimpressed look but stepped closer, “All good there?” 
TK nodded, “Yes, but it’ll be even better if you could grab my new friend Zach here.” 
Carlos smiled at the sight of the young boy, reaching out to take him from TK’s grasp as he lifted him to the window ledge, “Hey there Zach, your Mom is going to be really happy to see you.” He set Zach down on the ground where he immediately set off running for his Mother, who happily pulled him into her arms. Carlos looked back at TK, “Now you. Here, let me help you.” 
Carlos held out a hand but TK rolled his eyes, “Please, like I don’t know how to climb out of a bedroom window.” 
Never one to miss a step, Carlos raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to say something suggestive, more likely than not, but whatever retort he had been about to give died on his lips. His eyes widened and everything seemed to move in slow motion as his gaze turned back to TK with fear in his eyes, mouth moving but TK wasn’t able to hear what he said. A loud crash from above covered any sound Carlos might have made and TK only had an instant to dive away from the flaming debris that careened towards him.
Unfortunately that meant diving back into the bedroom, that was already on fire. 
He landed hard on his right side, groaning as he tried to push himself up. He wrist gave out on him as he tried and he collapsed back on the ground, eyes now stinging with the combined force of the pain and the smoke rapidly filling every square inch of the room. He shifted and tried again, pushing himself up with his good hand, surveying the room as he rose. The smoke was everywhere, but there was still a corner free of flame, and he headed towards it. 
He sank onto the ground, chest heaving with heavy coughs as he pulled his t-shirt up to cover his mouth and nose. The thin material wouldn’t really provide much of a barrier to the heavy smoke, but it was better than nothing. He scanned the room, looking for any way out, any signs of an exit. There weren’t any. The window was blocked by flaming debris and the heavy black smoke coming from under the door told him that there would be no escaping that way. He hit his head on the wall behind him in frustration. There was an irony here that almost made him laugh: if he hadn’t taken tonight off he would likely still be in the same situation. He would just be in it with his gear and his team at his side. 
He couldn’t bring himself to regret it though: he had taken the night off to spend with Carlos, to celebrate their relationship. Two years - it seemed like an unbelievable number. It felt like both so much time and not enough all at once. Any night with Carlos was never a night ill spent, but this one in particular had been one he knew he would savor. He clutched at his left hand, fingering the unfamiliar weight of a ring on his finger. Even if this was it, he couldn’t bring himself to regret it. His only regret was that Carlos would be left with nothing but the memories and a matching ring of his own, and the knowledge of what they were on the way to be. 
His chest ached as he was attacked by another round of coughs but his mind thought again of their last look, at the fear in Carlos’s expression in the split second before they had been so rudely and abruptly separated. He had no doubts that even now Carlos was frantically waiting just outside, trying desperately to find anything he could to help, any way he could save TK. But Carlos had saved him so many times, eventually the day had to come when he couldn’t. 
The room grew warmer and his eyelids heavier. It wouldn’t be long now. His only other thought was for his team. He hoped they weren’t the ones to respond. He knew they would move heaven and earth to save him, but he also knew enough to know that it was too late now. Whatever fire company showed up would be doing retrieval, not rescue. He didn’t want them to have to find his corpse. He couldn’t bear to think of them going through that, especially not his dad. If they were the ones to show up he just hoped the rest of the team kept him out. He didn’t need to see this. 
It was harder to breathe now. He knew what was coming; he had spent most of his life surrounded by fire, he knew how it killed. It wasn’t normally the flames that got you, but the smoke. And there was plenty of it: it filled every square inch of the room and made his vision blur and his head swim. 
He thought once again of Carlos and his heart ached. He loved him so much, they had been so happy. These past two years with him had been the happiest of his life. He wished that they didn’t have to face an end before they had gotten another beginning—they had been so close to it. Maybe in some way this was a blessing; facing an end now when he had finally found the happiness he had spent so much of his life seeking. Maybe it was kinder this way. 
Regardless of how kind it may or may not be, it was fitting. He had spent his entire life surrounded by fire in one way or another. Time and time again he had been told his recklessness would get him killed, time and time again he had been told his propensity to run into fire would be his end. Turns out they had been right. Firefighting and saving people was his purpose in life, it was only right that it would also be his end. 
His last conscious thought was of Carlos. He loved him so much, he hoped he knew. He was pretty sure he did. Then, with a final breath, he surrendered to the smoke.  
Carlos stared at the spot where TK had been in horror. It was now an unbreachable wall of flaming debris, a wall of flames separating him from his fiancé. He stared at it with growing dismay, mind reeling with all the awful possibilities. Was TK able to get clear? Was he crushed by the collapsing ceiling or had he dodged it, only to be trapped in a room he was sure was filled with smoke and flames? Was he suffering? Was he even still alive? Every thought he had was worse than the last. 
The arrival of a fire truck pulled him from his rapidly spiraling thoughts and he turned to see the familiar numbers 126 with equal parts relief and dread. He would have to be the one to tell them and he didn’t want to see the fear he was feeling reflected on anyone else’s face. He watched them bantering as they climbed out of the truck, laughing at something even as he crossed the crowd towards them. It was Paul who spotted him first, his pleasant expression sliding off his face as he called to the other members of the team, alerting them of Carlos’s presence. 
By the time he reached them a few seconds later they were all looking at him. The mood had shifted and the air felt heavier now. He can sense the worry and fear rolling off of them as their eyes collectively searched the crowd: they all knew TK was with him tonight and now he’s nowhere to be seen with a flaming house in the background. It doesn’t need to be said, but Carlos does anyways. 
“There was a kid trapped,” he blurts out, “and TK said he didn’t have enough time to wait, so he went in. He got the kid out through a window, but then part of the ceiling collapsed and he got trapped inside.” 
Owen nodded grimly, expression tight, “How long?” 
“He went in about four minutes ago, and he’s been trapped for about one.” 
Judd lets out a curse and the others look even more worried. Owen heaves a shaky breath before he’s giving orders, “Okay, Marwani and Stickland, you’re with me and we’re going in. Ryder you stay out here with Chavez and get the hoses ready to go. This structure is going to be fully engulfed in a matter of minutes, we need to be ready to attack it.” 
“Cap, you’re not going in.” 
All eyes turned to Judd, but his gaze was focused on Owen. 
“Judd, I…” 
“Shouldn’t be going in, and you know it. You need to be out here, monitoring the situation. You said it yourself: this whole thing could change in a second, you need to be out here to make the calls that need to be made.” 
“Judd, it’s my son.” 
“Which is exactly why you shouldn’t go in!”
The two men locked eyes for a second before Judd’s expression softened, “You know we’ll do whatever we can to get him out, Owen. He’s our family too and he doesn’t have the time for us to stand here and argue.”
Carlos could tell by the way Owen’s shoulders slumped that he had relented. He looked defeated for the blink of an eye before he straightened again, “Go and get him out, please.” 
Judd nodded and turned to Carlos, “Is there anyone else in the house?” 
“No, it was just the kid trapped and TK already got him out. He was in the second bedroom to the left.” 
Judd nodded gratefully, already pulling in his gear, “Okay, Marwani, you’re with me then. Grab an extra O2 mask for TK, he’s gonna need it. Strickland and Chavez, get those hoses ready...and have EMS standing by.”  
“Judd,” Owen called as he and Marjan turned to walk away, “keep the line open. I need to know what’s going on in there.” 
It wasn’t so much an order as it was a desperate plea, but Judd nodded all the same, “Copy that Cap. We’ll get him.” 
With that they were gone and there was nothing more for Carlos to do than wait. He reached unconsciously towards his left hand, running his fingers over his ring; so new it still felt foreign on his hand. It felt strange and new, but it also felt so right. He felt eyes on him and noticed Paul watching him. Their eyes meet for a second and Carlos can tell by the grim set of his mouth and the emotion in his eyes he knows, that he pieced together what promise they had made tonight before the world went to hell. The firefighter gave Carlos a sympathetic look as before he was gone, rushing over to help Mateo with the hoses, getting ready to provide support as needed. 
Carlos stays close to Owen, both for the solidarity of sharing this fear and for the updates coming through his radio. Hearing Judd’s voice through the radio was a solid comfort: help was on the way, and it was help that wouldn’t leave TK behind for anything. Soon they’re announcing that they have reached the room in question and Carlos is aware that he has stopped breathing. He waited breathlessly for an update, for news that will either set his world spinning again or send it crashing down around him. Distantly he heard Marjan and Judd talking, keeping tabs on their progress through the flames. It’s all background noise to Carlos until he heard Marjan calling out TK’s name. He waited anxiously for an update, needing to know but dreading the knowledge. After a few seconds of indistinct chatter he heard Judd’s voice, strong and clear and directed at the radio, “We’re bringing him out now. He’s unconscious and I don’t think he’s breathing, but we need to get out now.” 
Owen reached for his radio with a shaky hand even as he waved Tommy over, “Copy that, medical will be standing by. Just get yourselves out of there in one piece.” 
The moments before they emerge seemed to drag on forever, but finally they emerge, forming a strange silhouette against the bright flames lighting up the night. It’s Judd and Marjan for sure, with a third slumped figure resting over Judd’s shoulder, Marjan standing close enough to keep a supporting arm on him. With a jolt Carlos realized the limp figure was TK and he could feel the dread rising within him with each step they took that he didn't react to. As soon as they were clear of the fire they raced over. Judd gently placed TK onto the ground and Tommy stepped in a split second later, already calling out instructions to Nancy. The others hesitated, looking down at their fallen friend who was far too pale and far too still to be TK, but the roar of the flames behind them forced them to jump back into action. There was still a fire to extinguish and that was their job, just as taking care of TK was Tommy’s. 
The others rushed off to tackle the flames but Carlos sank down to his knees beside TK’s still form, placing a gentle but shaking hand on TK’s arm, silently praying to anyone who would listen to let him be okay. Distantly he saw the crowd edging closer, Theresa with her hands on Zach’s shoulders at the foreground. She lifted a hand to her mouth in horror as she took in the scene, eyes flicking from TK’s still form to Carlos’s terrified gaze, but Carlos can’t focus on the pity or sympathy of his neighbors right now. All that mattered was that TK wasn’t breathing and that Tommy hadn't said a word. 
He moved his hand up TK’s arm to his cheek, caressing it tenderly as he waited, eyes tracking Tommy as she leaned over him, the seconds stretching on, each one weighing more and more with her silence. Finally she looked up, meeting Carlos’s gaze. 
“He has a pulse,” she told him, “but it’s faint. He needs to get to a hospital now, so if you’re coming I suggest we go.” 
He nodded quickly, hopping up and standing back as they got TK ready to transport, allowing the racing of his heart to slow just a bit. He knew that this didn’t mean everything was okay, he knew that there was a still long night of worry and fear ahead of them. He knew that there was still a chance for the worst to happen. 
But right now TK was alive and as long as that remained true, Carlos could handle anything. 
When TK is aware again, he’s surprised to hear voices. 
There is more than one and they seem somehow familiar to his hazy mind, but he just can’t get his brain to work long enough to make the connection. He’s aware he’s drifting again even as he tries to open his eyes. It takes a few tries, he thinks, and he’s not sure how much time has passed but eventually he is able to blink them open and slowly take in his surroundings. The lighting and the feel of the sheets around his body and the ambient noise floating through the room all add up to mean one thing: hospital. That means he made it out, that means he hadn’t died in that room after all. 
He goes to move his hand but stops when he feels a weight against it. He turns his head to locate the source and sees his dad sitting in the chair beside his bed, hand resting lightly on top of his own as he runs his thumb across the back of the cast enclosing it, gaze directed towards the open door. 
“Dad?” he asked, or at least he tried to. His voice is so hoarse he’s not entirely sure there were any syllables at all, but it seemed to do the trick. His dad started and turned to face him quietly, his face breaking out into a wide, relieved grin at the sight of TK looking at him. He reached out a hand to cup his cheek as he leaned closer, “Hey kiddo, it’s so good to see your eyes open.” 
Something in his dad’s tone and the moisture in his eyes makes TK pause. He’s emanating relief, and it’s palpable. “How long was I out?” he asked, dreading the answer. One coma was more than enough for a lifetime, he had never wanted to put his loved ones through that ever again. 
“It’s been two days,” his dad told him softly, running a hand through his hair, “they had you sedated for most of the time so they could keep you intubated. You...you were so oxygen deprived, it was all they could do to keep your body functioning long enough for you to heal. They took you off the vent early this morning, but we weren’t expecting you to wake up for a while now.”
He stared back at his dad, so many unanswered questions vying for attention in his still hazy brain. But something about the way he had said “we” struck him and he did his best to look around the room, frowning when he didn’t see anyone else. 
“Carlos?” he asked, heart thudding at the implications of his absence. Had something happened? Had he tried to follow TK into the structure when he got trapped? Was he hurt?
“He just stepped out for a few minutes to get some air and some coffee,” his dad assured him, squeezing his hand tighter, “he’s okay. He’s been here the entire time, I finally convinced him to take a break just a few minutes ago.” 
TK nodded and let himself slump back against the pillows again as his heart rate returned to normal. “Is everyone else okay?” he asked his dad. 
Owen nodded, “They are, we’ve all just been worried about you. I know why you did it, but I still wish…” TK watched as he dad trailed off and shook his head, forcing a smile back onto his face, “I’m just glad you’re okay. You really scared us, kid.” 
“I didn’t mean to,” TK said softly, turning his gaze down to where his hand was fiddling with the blankets. 
“I know you didn’t,” Owen assured him, squeezing his arm reassuringly, “I just don’t like seeing you get hurt. None of us do.” He was quiet for a second as he studied TK until his gaze landed on his uninjured hand playing with the blanket. “That reminds me, have any news you’d like to share with your old man?” 
TK looked back up to meet his father’s gaze, taking in the raised eyebrow and grin. He was puzzled for a moment until his dad nodded towards his left hand and he looked down to see the simple gold band on his finger. “Oh,” he said, and his father laughed.
“Oh? That’s all you’ve got for me? You’re going to have to come up with something better than that, poor Carlos has been the only one with answers about that for the past two days, you’re going to need to help him out.” 
TK smiled softly as he stared down at the ring, running his thumb across the edge of it, savoring its weight against his hand. Much of what had happened was fuzzy, veiled by a haze in his mind and the memory of smoke in his eyes, but he does remember this. He remembers feeling the weight of this ring and all the reminders it brought him and taking comfort in that as the world had faded to black. He remembers, but he’s not sure how to put it into words. He looks up at his father, who is giving him a look of understanding. He opens his mouth, not quite sure what he is going to say, but he is saved by the sound of footsteps at the door. 
There’s a sharp intake of breath from the doorway and his gaze is pulled to the source to find Carlos standing in the doorway, two paper coffee cups clutched in his hands as he leans on the doorframe for support, eyes wide and shining. In his peripheral TK can see his dad look between them, a fond smile on his face. He stands up from his chair quietly, clearing his throat, “I’m going to give you two some time,” he announces as he heads for the door, pausing only long enough to take one of the coffee cups from Carlos and give him a warm squeeze on his shoulder. Then he is gone and there is no one else in the room except for them. Though if TK was pressed, he couldn’t think that there was anyone else in the world at this very moment but Carlos, who was heading towards him. 
When he reached the side of TK’s bed he leaned down to press a kiss to his forehead, lingering for a few moments longer than necessary as he sat down, setting down his coffee in favor of clutching TK’s good hand in his own. They studied each other for several long and silent moments before Carlos finally spoke, voice only marginally clearer than TK’s own, “How are you feeling?” 
“I’m fine Carlos, really,” TK assured him. “How are you?” 
“How am I? Ty, I’m not the one who nearly died from smoke inhalation.”
“No,” TK agreed, “but you were the one who had to watch, and wait. I know if it were you, I wouldn’t have been okay.” 
Carlos swallowed and looked down, threading their fingers together. “I was so scared,” he admitted quietly, “for a while there, I really thought I had lost you. I didn’t know how to handle that, I didn’t know what my life would be without you in it.”  
“For a while, I thought you had too,” TK confessed, voice low as he remembered what he had thought had been his last moments, his last thoughts, “I didn’t want to leave you. I am never going to want to leave you. But,” he said pausing until he met Carlos’s eyes, “if I ever do…”
“No, TK. We are not having this conversation. You just woke up, we’re not…” 
“If I ever do,” TK repeated more firmly, squeezing Carlos’s hand in his own, “you need to keep living your life. I will always love you no matter what, and that means I always want you to be happy. If anything ever happened, I need you to promise me you won’t shut yourself off. There is so much of you to give, Carlos. The world needs you in it.”
“The world needs you too TK,” Carlos countered, tears in his eyes and in his voice, “and so do I.” 
TK smiled sadly, reaching out his cast covered hand to touch Carlos’s cheek, “and I need you. And I don’t ever plan on leaving. If I have my way you are stuck with me until the end of time. I just need you to promise me that, just in case. Can you do that for me?” 
There was silence for a while before Carlos spoke again, “as long as you’ll do the same to me. I love you too much to think of you cutting yourself off from the world if anything were to happen to me.” 
“Okay,” TK replied softly, and Carlos nodded. 
“Okay,” he echoed. 
They studied each other for a few more moments before Carlos leaned forward, pulling TK into a kiss. It wasn’t deep or hungry, but it was gentle and lingering. It was full of love and relief, and it sent a warmth through TK’s body, bringing him more relief than any pain medication ever could. When they separated he paused, resting his forehead on TK’s and TK savored the closeness before Carlos slid back into his seat. 
“Just, promise me you’ll at least do your best to avoid near-death experiences moving forward? I don’t think my body can physically handle any more stress like this.” 
“The plan is to be together forever,” TK reminded him, “that’s what these are for, remember?” 
He held up their linked hands so his ring glinted in the fluorescent lights and Carlos smiled fondly, twisting their hands so he could see his own. 
“You know there were some questions about those,” he told him lightly. 
TK hummed in agreement, “Yeah, my dad mentioned.” 
“Now that you are awake I am officially pushing explanation duties onto you. Think you can handle that?”
TK nodded, turning his gaze back down to their linked hands and matching rings. “Yeah,” he told Carlos, looking back up to meet his eyes with a smile, “I think I can. I could talk about us for the rest of time.” 
And as Carlos matched his smile and TK used their linked hands to pull him closer, he knew it was true. Maybe they wouldn’t have forever, despite how badly TK wanted that to be true. There was so much uncertainty packed into every day, but one thing TK was sure of was that he intended to savor each and every moment he had with Carlos until the end of them. 
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mr-and-mr-diaz · 4 years
*Gasp* And They Were NEIGHBORS! A Buddie Neighbor AU
This fic is dedicated to @agentmarymargaretskitz who sent me the original prompt (as well as so many others when I wasn’t feeling well, seriously can’t thank you enough and I will respond to each of your asks, I’m just savoring them) and to @justsmilestuffhappens who I have been mutualling back and forth with for a REALLY long time (Hi! Nice to meet you, I love you already!) and wanted to see this prompt happen!
“I SWEAR to god, Buck, if I hear even one more word out of your mouth about this guy and his kid I will throw you over this balcony!”
“But Hen--”
“He’s gorgeous, I know! And his kid is the cutest thing since puppies! We get it! Now stop talking about it and do something about it!” Hen sounded mostly exasperated, but dare Buck hope he still heard a little fondness in there as well?
He smiled. “Right. Okay.” Silence followed as he wracked his brains. “Wait, what should I do?? This guy doesn’t know me at all, I haven’t gone over yet to say hello, I’m so worried about being awkward or overkill--”
“Overkill? You??” Chimney chuckled from across the firehouse loft where he was playing the pinball arcade. 
“In all seriousness, Buck,” Chim turned and addressed him, his smile gone from teasing to kind. “You’re gonna be fine, just go say hi. The sooner you get it over with, the less awkward it’ll be. Also, remember you still gotta find out if he’s interested. And available too; if he’s as hot as you say, he could already be dating someone.”
“Oh shit! Wait, what if he is?” Buck put his face in his hands and groaned. “Urgh, what should I do?”
“Why not take over some of those cookies I taught you how to bake last week, Buck?” Buck raised his eyes to Bobby, who was watching him with a small, patient smile. “Nothing out of the ordinary about bringing some baked goods to a new neighbor. It’s a great way to introduce yourself and get in their good books.”
“Okay!” Buck nodded. “Can you help me bake them again, Cap?”
Bobby's nodded, already headed for the pantry. “Of course.”
Eddie sighed. He was so glad he moved but it didn’t stop the process from being hell. It had been a long day job hunting and he still needed to find a good school for Chris. At the moment, Chris was in the living room, watching TV.
Eddie got up and went over to the fridge, digging around for the Tupperware of dinner Abuela had sent over and transferring it to a pot to reheat. Soon the smell of delicious posole filled the house and he sat, taking a moment just to savor the scent and feel just a bit more at home.
He was interrupted by a knock at the door.
“No rest for the weary.” Sighing, Eddie stood and shuffled over, glancing through the peephole. A tall man stood there, his hair short and neatly slicked back. He was shuffling back and forth awkwardly, a covered plate in his hands. 
Who is this? Eddie opened the door.
“Can I help you?”
“Uh hey!” The man’s eyes lit up and he looked Eddie up and down. He was a bit taller than Eddie and dressed sharply in a firefighter’s uniform. Eddie instantly became aware of the ratty sweatpants and loose Henley he’d thrown on as soon as he’d gotten back home and how mussed his hair likely was from running his fingers through it in frustration. Weirdly though, the man’s smile didn’t dim. 
“Hi, My name’s Evan Buckley, I’m your neighbor! Apartment 2B.” He smiled, eyes lingering on Eddie’s for just a moment too long, before he jolted and laughed awkwardly, lifting his hands up. “Cookies! Uh, I mean, I made cookies for you.” The man lifted the cloth off the plate and a heavenly smell wafted from  a pile of delicious looking cookies. “They’re chocolate chip macadamia--wait, you don’t have any allergies right? Or gluten intolerant or anything? Or, shit, are you vegan? I should’ve asked, there’s eggs in here...” Evan made to cover the plate again, but Eddie put out a hand, stopping him. He couldn’t help grinning at the guy--the way he rambled, his bright smile. 
“You think I’m gonna let you walk away with those now that you’ve offered? They smell great, Evan.”
“Oh thank goodness!” The smile was back and brighter. “And, uh, feel free to call me Buck, all my friends do. And welcome to the neighborhood! It’s nice here, everyone’s polite, except Mr. Grivary in 4C, he can be a bit--but of course you don’t want to hear me rambling...” The guy blushed and Eddie felt his own smile widen. This man was adorable.
“Actually, that sounds like useful information Buck.” Eddie remembered Abuela’s dinner and held the door wider. “I’m not really a cook myself, but we have my Abuela’s posole for dinner, would you like to join us?”
“Yes!! I mean,” Buck blushed again and cleared his throat. “Yeah sure, if it isn’t any trouble...”
Buck felt like he’d barely fallen asleep when his doorbell rang.
“Hmm?” He mumbled at the door. Which of course could not be heard by whoever was on the other side. They rang the doorbell again.
“Ugh, fuck... Yeah, coming!” Buck dragged himself out of bed and stumbled to the door, glancing through the peephole. He couldn’t help the smile that bloomed on his face as he caught sight of golden brown curls, red glasses, and the world’s cutest smile. 
“Chris!” He pulled the door open. “What’s up, buddy?”
“I’ve got news!” Chris giggled as he carefully walked into Buck’s apartment and sat himself down at the kitchen table. Buck automatically reached for his crutches and propped them against the chair. It was hardly the first time Chris had come to visit; he came over often to play games, tell Buck about his day, or help him try out a new recipe. “Our school is holding a bake sale on Friday.”
“Those are fun.” Buck sat down across from Chris, voice lowered conspiratorially. “What are you making?”
“That’s the thing.” Christopher’s tone turned sad. “The teacher said it has to be homemade and Dad’s been stressing out about it. He’s super busy with his new job and I know he wants to help, but... He burned water once. Just water.” 
“Aw man.” Buck put in every effort not to laugh, but a giggle still escaped. “You want me to help you put something together, take the pressure off your dad?” Christopher nodded happily and Buck reach for his notebook where he carefully documented all of Bobby’s recipes. “How’s cupcakes sound, Superman?”
In short order, they had all the ingredients lined up on the counter, and Chris was comfortably seated right next to the mixer, ready to dump in anything Buck handed him.
“...And then, only after that you want to add the dry stuff. I don’t really know the science behind it yet, I just know that it works. If I do find out, I’ll tell you.”
“Okay. Buck?”
“Hmm?” Buck consulted Bobby’s notes carefully and measured out a cup of flour, handing it over to be added to the mix.
“Where did you learn how to bake so well? Did your mom or dad teach you?”
Buck grinned. “Nah. My captain at the fire station is the best cook I’ve ever met. Everything I baked for you guys I learned from him.”
“Oh.” Christopher reached out a hand for the second cup of carefully measured flour. “Are your parents also bad cooks like my dad?”
“Well, no. My parents are nothing like your dad.” Buck sobered. “My mom cooked a little for us, but mostly we ordered in. And she never... uh, she never had time to teach me or Maddie. I didn’t have a complete homemade meal until I started working at the 118.” He shook his head to clear the thoughts and smiled at Christopher. “But now thanks to Cap, I got an almost-dad who cooks for me every day! And now he’s teaching me so I can do it one day for my kids, if I’m ever lucky enough to have them.” 
Christopher thought for a second, absently reaching for the teaspoon of baking powder and adding it to the mix before saying. “I already have a dad, and I don’t want to trade him for anything. But... Could you be my second dad?”
Buck looked up from the salt, startled.
“Like a cooking almost-dad who teaches me how to cook just like your Cap does for you? I want to be able to help Dad so he stops feeling so bad about not cooking.” Christopher was smiling at him, waiting for a response. Buck looked away quickly and took a deep breath, clearing the sudden thickness in his throat and blinking away wet eyes.
“Y-yeah, sure, Chris. I’d be happy to.”
Eddie arrived home from work exhausted. As he approached the door, he noted how quiet the apartment sounded. Usually that meant that Christopher was hanging out by Buck’s, but Buck’s apartment was also quiet and dark. Hurrying toward the door, Eddie fumbled with his key and jerked it open as fast as he could--
For only two people, Buck and Christopher still managed to startle the shit out of him.
“Fu-fudge! Guys what the hell...!”
“Happy birthday, Dad!” Christopher called from the table.
“Happy birthday, Eddie!” Buck was bent over something, his broad back blocking whatever it was. Then he rose and stepped away to Christopher’s side. He grinned, cheeks slightly flushed. “It’s not perfect, Cap would’ve done it better, but I’d say for Chris and I’s first ever layer cake it’s pretty darn good!” He and Chris high-fived each other as Eddie stepped closer.
The cake was lopsided, and the icing oozed down the sides a bit and on top... was that the number 32?
“Chris did all the writing,” Buck added proudly. “As the mastermind behind this, it was only right that he got the honors.”
“What do you think, Dad?” Chris’ voice bubbled over with delight.
Eddie looked up. They were both watching him, eyes bright, smiles wide, waiting on his response. I think--no, I know have the best kid ever.
And the best Buck.
Eddie couldn’t contain the huge grin that broke out on his face. “It’s perfect.” He looked a them, eyes meeting Christopher's, then Buck’s. “Thank you.”
“So when do I get to meet her?” Abuela was layering a container with tamales, her back to Eddie.
“The person you’ve been sharing all my cooking with.” Abuela’s tone brooked no nonsense. “The person who makes you smile to yourself every time you think I’m not looking.”
Eddie startled. “Oh, Buck? He’s not... we’re not--”
“Nonsense, mi amor.” Abuela chuckled, clamping the lid down on the container of tamales and handing them to Eddie’s slack hands. “If he isn’t, then he should be.”
Eddie stopped where he was. Abuela is right. Chris adores him, I adore him... What am I waiting for?
He reached for his phone and sent out a text.
To: Buck
From Eddie:
Abuela made tamales. Come over tonight? 
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zigtheeortega · 4 years
if we meet again
[part one of the again series]
pairing | bryce x mc
word count | 10k
warnings | mentions of sex, innuendos, drinking.
tags | @raleighcarrera, @pixeljazzy, @dakotawinchester, @writinghereandthere, @pixelsandkink, @masquerade-reimagined, @choicesarehard, @nerdferatum, @bobbymckenzie, @agentdumortain, @bryceslahela, @lahellacute, @violinet, @zigsnose, @adamdusmortain, @drsobemoji, @choeries, @houserosario, @plasticdodecagon, @noimarocketman (tagged sideblogs instead of main blogs!)
author’s note | so i recently finished the before trilogy of films, and i really wanted to write something based off of it but in a way that would better encapsulate bryce and my mc spencer! part one consists of years 1 - 4, taking place through their undergrad years at university. this is gonna be a bit of a journey so buckle up! 
read on ao3! [disclaimer: ao3 version has smut included, not separate.]
year one
The ride from the airport to her parents’ home was long and grueling, the slushy ice pelting the windshield barely passing for snow.
It was practically sub-zero outside, a stark difference between the mid seventies weather she’d just left.
Boarding a plane wearing a tank top and layering as she stepped off was a weird experience to say the least. It was like stepping into another world.
The cookie cutter suburbs were nauseatingly bland. Was this really what her parents wanted?
Sure, they were the typical awestruck immigrant family who were obsessed with the American experience, but to be wholly consumed by it? God she never wanted a roundtrip date to come so fast in her life.
They’d closed on the house faster than she could complain about it, but she couldn’t have done much anyways. They’d packed the house up right before she left for her freshman year of college, so the decision didn’t affect her too much.
The slush came down harder, sounding nearly like hail on the roof of her taxi.
She glanced down at her dirty tennis shoes and grimaced – she dreaded having to lug her suitcase from the taxi to her front door.
When it screeched to a stop, she handed the driver a couple bills (leaving a hefty tip, because hey, it was the holidays) and retrieved her things from the trunk.
Backpack slung over one shoulder, suitcase gripped in her right hand, she braced the freezing wet rain.
The walk from the mailbox to the front door was way longer than she remembered. About halfway up the short stairs, she made a crucial mistake. The ball of her foot caught a patch of ice and she tumbled to the ground.
“Ah, fuck,” she grumbled, twisting her body so she was sitting on the stairs. The rain seeped through her jeans, freezing her ass and thighs.
“Hey, miss, you okay?” A voice called from across the lawn.
Her loose hoodie obstructed her vision, so she couldn’t see the man, but she heard his shoes squelch across the grass as he jogged towards her.
“Here, lemme take that,” he said, grabbing her backpack and suitcase before helping her up with his free hand.
She tossed her hood back to catch a glimpse of the kind stranger, and her breath hitched in her throat at the sight of the handsome boy in front of her.
A single dimple appeared on one of his flushed cheeks as he flashed a grin at her, his hair damp from the falling rain. “You good?” He asked again, brown eyes searching hers.
“Uh, yeah, I’m alright. Thanks for coming to help me up,” she said, a smile tugging at her lips.
“I’ll help you to the front door. This is your house, right? I’m not aiding and abetting a burglar?” He teased, turning to walk towards her door.
“No, no. My parents live here,” she said, pointing at the house.
“And you don’t?”
“Technically yeah, in between semesters,” she said, shrugging. “Just took my last final this morning.”
“Oh, cool, me too. I made it in a couple hours ago,” he said, gesturing to the house to the left of theirs.
“So, our parents are neighbors?”
He grinned. “You sound disappointed.”
She shook her head, shoving her hands in her pockets. “No, it’s nice to know someone my age around here. They moved into this house right as I was moving into my dorm, so I didn’t get a chance to get to know anyone.”
“I guarantee my parents were the one to sell you this house,” he said, handing her the backpack and rolling her the suitcase.
“Your parents are realtors? That’s cool,” she said, nodding. “They must be great at their jobs if they convinced them to buy the house so fast.”
He laughed, eyes crinkling at the edges, his irresistible dimple popping up again. “I don’t know shit about the housing market, stranger.”
She couldn’t hold her giggle back. His laugh was infectious. “I’m the stranger? You ran up to me first.”
“Yeah, but I landed first, so I deem you the stranger,” he said, gently poking her arm. “So, stranger, do you have a name?”
“Spencer Matsuzaki,” she said, holding a hand out, half of her palm covered with the damp wrist of her hoodie.
“Bryce Lahela. Nice to meet you, stranger.”
The first night home wasn’t terrible. She was practically interrogated, though.
She zoned out, slipping into the same routine she always did when she was bombarded with questions about school.
She had to stay neutral and cordial while explaining aspects of her life in grave detail on top of leaving out tons of information for her parents' health. Her parents would go into cardiac arrest if they knew how much she’d drank that semester.
After dinner, she retreated into her room for the night, grimacing at the catalogue-esque decor. Her parents really leaned into the middle class american aesthetic, and she wasn’t fond of it.
She missed living in the city. Their apartment overlooked her favorite movie theater, favorite coffee shop, and the playground of her old elementary school a couple streets over.
She missed being within walking distance of places that harbored her favorite memories. And from her new window, her view was nothing more than the house across the street and a few scattered bare trees.
The only thing she enjoyed about her new house was the balcony in front of her window, just large enough for her to sit comfortably with another person. Not like that was happening anytime soon, though.
She tugged the blanket around her shoulders, trying to fight off the biting cold. She tightened the drawstrings of her hoodie, shielding her headphones from the wind so she could hear her music clearly.
Her thoughts wandered to the boy next door.
Bryce Lahela. Beautiful face, beautiful name.
She couldn’t really put a finger on it, but something about him was so familiar. Like she’d known him for lifetimes already.
God, she admired people with that quality – being able to make someone so comfortable the minute you meet them that they just slip into whatever void you’d needed filling.
Potentially a dangerous quality, but Spencer didn’t let herself think about that possibility.
The snow had let up, the freezing temperature preserving what’d already fallen. She allowed herself a glance over at the Lahela residence, half hoping she’d find him outside.
Thankfully enough, he was exiting the front door with a wide shovel in hand, bundled up properly, unlike when they’d met a couple hours before.
She watched him as he easily shoveled the muddy sludge off of the walkways. It was just quiet enough that she could hear his soft grunts with effort at the initial plunge of the shovel into the snow.
She didn’t mean to stare. But what else was there to watch? The road was quiet, bare, like a car passing by too loudly would break the suburbian immersion.
After he’d shoveled the first pathway leading up to the house, he moved to the driveway – not before he ripped the beanie off of his head, shaking out his golden strands.
She watched unabashedly, trying to figure out how the hell a gorgeous surfer bro straight out of a Hollister ad was living next door.
He squinted in her general direction, throwing up a gloved hand to cover his eyes. A grin spread quickly, and he tossed the shovel to the ground with the other hand, using it to wave.
“Hey, stranger!” He called.
She ducked down, trying to hide her blushing cheeks as his laugh rang out, disrupting the silence.
Ten pages from the end of her crime novel, right before they revealed the killer, a heavy handed knock caused Spencer to jolt nearly a foot into the air from her sitting position on the couch.
She picked up the book that morning, trying to do something productive that’d double as an excuse to get out of conversing with her parents. Eight hours later, give or take, and they’d barely bugged her for meals, let alone awkward small talk.
Shuffling to the door in her pajama pants, she yawned as she yanked the door open, expecting to see a mailman or something of that nature.
Bryce stood there instead, flirty smile and all, dimple pronounced like the cherry on top of his overwhelming attractiveness.
“Am I boring you already? Sheesh,” he teased, shoving his hands in his pockets.
She cut her yawn off, squeezing her eyes shut. “Sorry, I –” She cut herself off with yet another yawn, shaking her head. “Uh, sorry. I know that was probably super ugly.”
He shrugged. “I thought it was cute.”
She tugged her arms around herself, the tank top doing virtually nothing to shield her from the cold. “So… What’s up?”
He grinned, digging in his pocket. “I’m glad you asked.”
He whipped out two tickets, handing them to her. “Light show. You and me. Now.”
“Now?” She asked, eyebrows shooting up to her hairline.
“Yeah, now. What about it?”
She gestured to her outfit. “I’m not dressed.”
“So? Get dressed,” he shrugged again.
She rolled her eyes. “You really think my parents will let me out this late? I came back to a curfew, you know.”
“Oh. We can work around that.”
“How?” She was genuinely baffled by this guy’s confidence.
“Sneak out.”
“Did you… Did you just skip over the part where I hinted at how strict my parents are?”
He shrugged, again. “Worst case scenario, they ground you for the rest of the break. Then you go back to college in a couple weeks, and they can’t boss you around there, so what are you really risking?”
She chewed her lip, contemplating. “I mean, I can’t argue with you on that one.”
“So you’ll come?”
“Yeah. You’re lucky my parents aren’t home right now,” she said, jabbing an accusatory finger at him.
“Like they could resist this face.”
Downtown – or what she presumed was downtown – was overtaken by lights, the edges of the area blocked off, vendors lined up in parking spaces, nets of overhead lights illuminating the huge displays below.
They’d been walking in silence for a while, just soaking it in and basking in the holiday spirit.
Despite her disdain for the town, Spencer loved the way they celebrated the holidays.
“Hey, I’ll be right back,” Bryce said a bit suddenly, running off before she had a chance to respond.
“Oh… kay,” Spencer murmured, watching him disappear into the crowd. She tugged at her beanie, raking shaky fingers through her hair.
Bryce was… unwavering. He had such a strong personality and a knack for flirting without meaning to.
To put it in its simplest terms, he made her nervous. Really nervous.
It was like the minute he left her immersion was broken and she realized just how hot he was and that she should be nervous.
Her eyes wandered, trying to alleviate some of her apprehension. She hadn’t been to a community-unifying event like that one before, so watching the families and children prance through the snow was enough to fulfill the soft spot in her heart only classic Christmas movies could fill.
“Here,” Bryce huffed from behind her, breaking her concentration.
She turned at the sound of his voice, flinching when she realized how close he was to her, disposable coffee cup in hand, steam slithering out of the small hole in the lid.
“What’s that?”
“Hot chocolate. I figured you’d want something to warm you up,” he smiled, lifting one shoulder in a lazy shrug.
“Oh, this is perfect,” she said graciously, taking the cup from his hands, warming both by the way their fingers brushed each others’ and the heat from the drink. “Thank you.”
“Ah, no need to thank me. It’s the least I could do after dragging you out here,” he said a bit sheepishly, kicking the toe of his boot into the snow.
“You didn’t drag me out anywhere. You were convincing,” she laughed, taking a small sip of the hot chocolate, revelling in the way it warmed her from the inside out. “Maybe a bit too convincing.”
“I don’t need to know how powerful I am or I’ll let it go to my head,” he winked. “How is it?”
He nodded. “Perfect.”
She sipped on her drink in silence for a while, racking her brain to come up with conversation topics.
They’d really only spoken in passing, so what the fuck were they supposed to talk about?
“So… you want to ride the train?” He asked, pointing at the train riding through the town square.
Within minutes they were seated on the train in the caboose – the very last seat. Families were spread out through the first couple cars, then onto couples.
They probably didn’t want toddlers watching high school aged kids swapping spit, so they sent them to the back.
That notion made Spencer nervous. Was she on a date? He hadn’t really specified – hell, he was barely giving her details about where they were going before dragging her out of her house.
The train began to move, slowly riding through the square, the families in the front chatting and the children giggling and waving at the passing patrons.
She chatted with Bryce about nothing in particular, just kind of getting to know each other. She found out he loved baseball, hated night classes, and was a huge fan of pineapple – he could smell it in her shampoo.
She’d just begun to relax before noticing the young couple in front of her lean in for a kiss that turned a bit heated. Her hands were clasped in her lap to keep them from trembling, her breath just as shaky.
A warm arm grazed her shoulders, his arm resting on the top of the seat. There wasn’t any pressure for her to do anything with him. But she kind of wanted to.
She mustered up the courage to flick her gaze in his direction, settling on his soft, pleasant smile, seemingly permanent on Bryce’s features.
“Is this a date?” She blurted, cursing herself immediately.
He didn’t seem phased.
“If you want it to be.”
She definitely did.
The walk to her front door was long, even longer than when she was on her own lugging her belongings through the icy slush.
“I had a really nice time, Bryce,” she said, ambling up the last couple steps.
“Me, too. I’m glad I bought an extra ticket yesterday,” he grinned.
She raised a brow at him, prompting him to continue.
“After I helped you inside I immediately left to go get tickets,” he said bashfully. His cheeks were flushed – from the cold or the admission, she had no idea.
“So you’d had this date planned for a whole day?” She asked, a bit taken aback. He’d definitely painted it out to be a spur of the moment thing, no premeditation in sight.
“So it was a date,” he teased, dimple even more prominent as he spoke.
She scrunched her lips to the side to hide her own smile. “Yeah, I think it was.”
“Can I kiss you?”
She made the grave mistake of breaking eye contact, her gaze darting from his mouth back to his eyes. He closed the gap between them in one step.
“I can’t kiss you in front of my house. My parents could see,” she whispered as his gloved hand flicked her messy strands away from her cheeks.
“You wanna save this for another time?” Her heart couldn’t help but race at his playful tone.
She nodded.
“How long are you gonna be here for break?” He asked. “I wanna see you again.”
“I’ll be here through the week.”
“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He pulled her into a hug, warm and enveloping despite the cold. “Goodnight, Spencer. Sweet dreams.”
She was so comfortable, so safe in his grip that when she felt him loosen it, she squeezed him tighter without really meaning to.
It was scary how quickly she’d grown attached to a complete stranger.
“‘Night,” she waved, eyes still trained on him as she closed the door.
It took her way too long to fall asleep that night.
His last question and her agreeance to the terms ran through her head on loop.
She was anticipating what he was going to do next. Excited to see how the rest of her break would look like.
After a restless night, she awoke pretty early, lounging around in bed for way too long, aimlessly scrolling through social media.
A day ago, she’d have been jealous of her friends vacationing at the beach, but… she wasn’t as upset at the idea of being home for break.
She stood up, stretching and popping her limbs, grabbing a hoodie from her luggage to throw on.
As she did, something caught her attention, just at the edge of her peripheral – a folded slip of paper in her window sill.
She grabbed it, unravelling the damp paper, trying to decipher the bleeding ink.
“Had to leave earlier than I thought. Sorry. Not sure when I’ll see you again, so here’s my number.”
The paper had been covered in water for a long while, so long that the number at the bottom was smudged, the hardest to read out of the whole message. She could barely make out the area code, let alone the rest of it.
She crumpled it up and threw it in the trash, deciding she could just head over and ask his parents for his number instead if he’d left for school.
After trudging across the lawn through the snow, she noticed something was a bit off, but decided to push the feeling down and ring the doorbell.
She peered through the glass of their front door, realizing that the lights were off, clothes and boxes and bags strewn across the foyer.
No one was home.
year two
The moment the taxi pulled to a stop in front of her house, her eyes searched the front lawn of the house next door.
The familiar sensation of disappointment lingered, despite her constant chastising to not get her hopes up.
She sat on her balcony for a couple hours a day, the space heater on full blast at her feet, trying not to look desperate as her eyes flickered to and from Bryce’s house.
But no one entered or exited the house all break.
year three
He stared down the bottom of the glass, eyes trained on the milky film the eggnog left behind, the spiced rum shots he’d taken warming his limbs.
The trial had been grueling.
No one could’ve prepared him for the way the legal system chewed him up and spat him out each time he entered the courtroom and sat on the opposite side of the room, avoiding his parents’ cold glares.
He shouldn’t have had to testify against them in the first place, but who else were they going to call to the stand? Keiki? She could barely write her own name, let alone understand her rights.
And she shouldn’t have to see her parents – hell, her whole family – being scrutinized and ripped apart, televised for anyone within a thousand mile radius.
He didn’t know that this town was their escape.
If someone would’ve told him two years ago that his first Christmas in college would’ve left him in shambles, his entire world upturned, he wouldn’t have believed them.
Thank god it was one of the only properties they owned that was untouched by their blood money.
Word had spread to his university students, causing him to have to go into hiding. Did all his work from home, got special permission from the chancellor to move his courses online.
He was forced to stay in Hawaii, juggling court and school on top of the press and the general stress of life – he’d been on autopilot since his parents woke him up in the middle of the night to fly back home.
The moment he finished his finals that semester, he boarded the plane without a second thought.
He needed an escape. 
Despite the whirlwind, she was on the back of his mind through it all.
Anytime his life got a little too difficult, his mind roamed to the last time he felt normal – the last 48 hours before everything went to shit.
When he’d touched down he’d entered the empty, dusty house, throwing his things down and trudging next door.
The heavy raps of his knuckles against the wooden door were the only display of confidence he could muster.
Is Spencer here? He asked.
She’s in Europe for break.
Of all the places she had to be during the holidays, it had to be across the world.
So he found himself at the bar, a newly 21 year old downing holiday drinks as fast as the bartender could make them.
She’d probably forgotten about him. It’s best he moved on anyways.
year four
Graduation was so close she could taste it.
Yeah, she was drowning in med school applications and coming down from her post MCAT high, but her degree was peeking over the horizon, just within her reach.
She could only afford to visit home for a couple days before she had to roadtrip to a couple med schools to tour and interview.
She’d grown into herself the past three years, gaining confidence she didn’t know she had in her. Countless haircuts, style changes, shifts in interest – anytime she was uncomfortable she reinvented herself. It was freeing as hell.
So… going home was weird. Like she was regressing. She knew she wasn’t, but it didn’t stop the itching feeling that she didn’t belong there.
Her parents convinced her to visit for the holidays since it was her last year before she was truly on her own. The car ride was anxiety inducing – she tried to shove the thoughts to the back of her brain.
It’d been three years. She couldn’t dwell on it anymore. It was just a fun weekend, a spontaneous date, a gorgeous guy. Nothing more than that.
She’d moved on for sure – lots of dates, sloppy bar makeouts, and one night stands – but she couldn’t completely forget about the stranger.
It wasn’t like anything super memorable happened – it was a classic crush because of how confident he was.
Now that she’d started to emulate that same confidence herself, the allure was mostly gone, but she just couldn’t let him go no matter how hard she tried.
This time her eyes flickered to the house next door, gaze lingering a bit longer than she wanted to allow herself to look.
At least on paper she was growing.
Her first dinner at home was the same as always. She spent most of the time dodging intrusive questions and diplomatically answering as well as she could.
Maybe she should’ve thanked her parents for pressuring her to come home – it was perfect interview preparation and she didn’t have to lift a finger.
Her room was untouched as usual, the decor nauseatingly basic – if she hated it before, she hated it more now.
The suburban life was even farther away from what she’d wanted three years ago. Fast paced city life and a job in a world renowned hospital were her only two goals as far as she was concerned. Anything else could wait.
As she unpacked her toiletries, she found herself glancing at the door to her balcony.
She shook it off, choosing to settle in bed with a warm blanket with her laptop and planner, trying to focus on her diploma application.
She jolted awake, scrubbing the sleeve of her jacket across her cheek, grimacing when she saw streaks of drool on the fabric.
She shuddered a bit, realizing she fell asleep on top of the covers, the room’s temperature absolutely freezing.
The space heater was close by, luckily, so she didn’t have to shuffle far to plug it in, crouching down next to it to rub her hands in front of it.
The window to her balcony was cracked just slightly  – it’d probably blown open bc of the wind or something. She pushed herself to her feet again, closing and locking the door, but not before catching a glimpse of a light. It wasn’t a streetlight. It was a porch light.
She flung the door open and stepped onto the balcony, ignoring the snow seeping through her fuzzy socks, numbing her toes.
Bryce’s lights were on, and fresh tire tracks trailed up the driveway to the garage.
She tossed and turned that night, a little glad that she’d gotten at least some sleep in the form of a nap.
She gave up after a while, brewing coffee and sitting in the kitchen with her laptop for a couple of hours before her parents awoke.
When they finally woke up, she practically jumped at the chance to ask them about him.
“No one’s lived next door for years. Someone comes and checks up on it once or twice a year, but other than that, it’s vacant,” her mother said, elbows deep in a sink full of dirty plates.
She was thankful her mom was preoccupied so she wouldn’t see her deflate.
Spencer allowed herself approximately thirty minutes of sulking before she made a to-do list of everything she needed to get done before noon.
She’d been home for less than a day and she was already itching to get out.
The drive from her parents’ house to the tiny coffee shop was short, the handful of tables inside bare. She guessed it was because most people were at home enjoying spending time with family – she was the odd one out for having her planner and laptop splayed across the table.
She was neck deep in a chem textbook when she saw him.
He was more chiseled. Taller, too.
The beanie was tugged tight around his head, cheeks flushed. The quarter zip up fit him like a glove, hugging every single muscle.
He slipped his gloves off, tucking them into his pocket, squinting – probably trying to decipher the inane pun names for each drink.
“Can I get a, uh, latte with a couple espresso shots?” She heard him ask, peeking over the top of her textbook, trying to get a good look at him.
He chuckled pretty suddenly, pointing at the clear display of pastries. “Add one of those little things onto it.”
“You mean the ‘Rudolph Red Velvet’ cake pop or the ‘Dasher & Dancer Dark Chocolate’, sir?” The teen said.
His grin stretched even wider, hunching over to read the labels. “Can you tell me the rest of the flavors?”
“Well, we’ve got the full setup of reindeers. It gets pretty confusing at times – ’Dasher & Dancer Dark Chocolate’, ‘Prancer & Vixen Vanilla’, ‘Comet & Cupid Cheesecake’, ‘Donner & Blitzen Berry’, and ‘Rudolph Red Velvet’,” the teen listed off, pointing at the nearly identical cake pops.
He laughed, booming throughout the small room, ringing out even over the blenders.
Yeah, that was Bryce. No doubt about it.
“Give me one of each,” he said, handing the teen a couple bills. While they counted the change, Bryce tossed a $20 bill onto the counter. “This is compensation for having to read those god awful names.”
They mirrored his expression, pocketing the bill.
Spencer was nearly frozen with fear – she didn’t think she was going to run into him. She looked frumpy and felt exhausted, and was a little frustrated at how little she understood from the passages she’d tried deciphering.
She stood up, then sat down immediately. She stood up again, conflicted.
But before she could decide what to do, he turned, coffee in hand, bag of cake pops in the other – one cake pop tucked deep into his cheek. 
She saw him.
He saw her.
Time slowed. 
She was grateful that he was the first to move towards her, eyes bright, gaze soft like he’d seen an old friend – God, that reaction alone was enough to make Spencer float above the clouds.
He chewed his cake pop on the way over, setting down his bag and coffee near the edge of the table out of the way of her mess.
“Hey,” he mumbled through a mouthful of food, chewing vigorously.
“Bryce, oh my god, I – I thought I’d never see you again – you just disappeared and –”
He held up a hand, swallowing. “What’d you say?”
“Oh, I said that I thought I’d never see you again –”
“Wait, wait,” he flipped the side of his beanie up, revealing wireless headphones, which he tugged out and immediately pocketed.
Christ. Embarrassing. Her cheeks burned, inwardly cringing. This is going so swimmingly, Spencer.
He shook his head incredulously, mouth moving like he wanted to say something, but no words came.
“I… didn’t think I’d see you again,” he said, eyes slowly raking over her features.
“Oh my god, I didn’t think I’d see you, Bryce,” she said, nervously adjusting her glasses. Good thing he didn’t notice her recycling sentiments.
“So… how have you been?” He smiled, taking a sip of his latte.
He was playing this way cooler than she was. How was he not freaking the fuck out?
“I’ve been good. Uh, good and kinda busy I guess. I’m waiting to hear back from a couple of med schools and I’m graduating this spring, so I’m excited about that,” she said, trying and failing to figure out how to condense three years worth of personal growth into a couple sentences without boring him to tears. “What about you?”
He nodded, tipping back the steaming latte again. “I’ve been pretty good. Got into my dream med school and it’s, like, across the country from where I am now, so that’ll be good for me. Fresh start, you know?”
She gave him a slight smile, closing her textbook and stacking her planner on top of it.
“Oh, I was just picking this stuff up, so I can let you get back to studying,” he said, unsure, jabbing his thumb towards the door.
“No, no, I was closing it so I can give you my full attention,” she explained, shaking her head. “Just getting some random stuff done. I’m fine.”
He relaxed a bit more at that, settling into his seat like he was at home. “So… what are you working on?”
“I’m getting some last stuff done before I leave this weekend. Just some basic housekeeping. Ironing out details, you know,” she nodded, fiddling with the frayed hole on the hem of her hoodie.
He was trying to jump back in like everything was… normal. This wasn’t normal.
“Oh you’re leaving?” He seemed disappointed, a wrinkle forming between his brows where he pushed them together.
“Yeah, I’m using part of my break to fit in some last minute tours and interviews.”
“Oh… Well if you’re leaving soon, do you wanna do dinner at my place tonight?” He asked. “I feel like we’d be more comfortable catching up there.”
A… date? After all these years? And he still knows literally nothing about me?
She chewed her lip, trying to hold back a smile.
His pulse raced, wondering if she’d reject him. He should’ve thought it through before blurting out a question like that. He’d spoken to her for all of five minutes and he was already asking her to go back to his place.
“So… is this a date?”
The mischievous look on her face was contagious – just a hint of flirtatious teasing like the first time they met.
“Yeah, but only if you want it to be,” he answered, tossing the drink back again, the liquid warming his insides (his morning run was long, and the wind was biting).
“And if I don’t?” She adjusted her glasses again, the only sign of tension amidst her otherwise calm demeanor.
And if he hadn’t ran through the memories of that night over and over, fixating on every little detail he managed to retain, he might’ve not caught it.
Her nervousness was a comfort – It meant she still liked him enough to be on edge around him.
“Then we’re just two neighbors catching up while eating food,” he shrugged, popping another cake pop in his mouth.
He held the bag out to her. “Want one?”
She peered over into the bag, lashes gently brushing her under eyes. “Will you get mad if I take Rudolph?”
God, she was so fucking pretty. He couldn’t get over it. All these years and she only managed to get hotter.
“Why would that bother me?” He mumbled through his mouth full of cake.
“He’s supposed to be special, right? I just thought you’d want him,” she said, crossing her arms on the table and leaning in more.
He sat up, leaning an elbow on the table, tipping forward to close the gap between them – he plucked the cake pop from the bag by its stick, waving it in front of her face.
She didn’t retreat. The only reaction was the color rising to her cheeks, a hint of rouge beneath the spatter of light freckles on her face – the ones that no one could see unless they were this close.
“You’re special, too, y’know,” he said, pushing the limits even more, bringing it to her lips. “Take it.”
He was egging her on, testing whatever change she’d clearly been through – underneath the confidence lurked something sultry that he desperately wanted to bring out of her.
She leaned forward and lowered her mouth around the pop, sinking her teeth into the stick, her lips grazing the tips of Bryce’s fingers.
She pulled back, chewing through a smile. “Yum.”
His stomach flipped, but he kept his poker face even.
It was odd, having this girl in front of him that he’d thought about for years when he’d convinced himself it was a fluke or a dream or a little bit of both.
They both chewed in silence, eyes still firmly locked on each other.
There was so much he needed to say but it just wasn’t the right time.
“What time should I come over?” She asked after swallowing.
“When do you usually eat dinner?”
She rolled her eyes at him, still trying to hold back a smile even though she clearly found him mildly entertaining if not infuriating as hell (which was an attitude he thrived off of).
“I don’t care, Spence. Whenever you want.”
Bryce tapped his foot, adjusting the napkins and cutlery for the hundredth time before pacing towards the monitor that showed him the front door’s security cam.
He should not have told her to come over whenever. The delivery guy was stuck in traffic, so his whole plan of pretending like he cooked was thwarted by the icy roads.
He checked the delivery app for the millionth time, the time remaining still stuck on “14 minutes”.
Was a button up with slacks too much for dinner? Christ, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d actually been nervous before a date.
He wasn’t sure if it ever had happened before, because it didn’t happen.
He wasn’t afraid of shooting his shot with anyone. That cute guy at the gym? No hesitation. His bio lab partner sophomore year? Of course. The ex-girlfriend of the one fraternity brother he didn’t like? Yup. That one fraternity brother he really liked? Hell yeah.
There wasn’t a time that he he actually had to try to get someone to like him – his conquests weren’t really conquests. They’d always just kind of… fallen into his lap, for lack of a better phrase.
But he also couldn’t name a single person he’d “pined” for, whatever that meant. Spencer was the first girl that had slipped through his fingers – maybe this date would be closure. If she was down to fuck, maybe they’d get the weird three-year-long outstanding “what if?” question answered.
He filled the bucket with ice, neatly digging the champagne bottle’s base into it, even grabbing a rag to wipe the perspiration off the metal to buy some time.
A few more minutes passed. When he checked the app again, it’d changed to “13 minutes”, and Spencer was walking down his driveway.
Even on the grainy screen he could tell that whatever she had on was gonna drive him wild.
He strode towards the door, flinging it open to greet her.
“Hey, Spencer,” he grinned, opening his arms wide for a hug.
She matched his expression with a sweet smile of her own, slipping into his grip and molding herself against his body like she belonged there.
Fuck, she smelled delicious. Her hair, her lip gloss, her perfume – everything about her was delectable and made holding back all the more harder.
“Hey, Bryce,” she murmured, squeezing him. “It’s cold. Can we move inside?”
“Oh, yeah. Sure. Sorry about that,” he apologized, pulling back but keeping his palm on her lower back, shutting and locking the door behind him.
She walked into the main corridor, just kind of… observing. Taking everything in.
“What do you mean, ‘huh’?” He asked, glancing down at her discreetly. 
“It’s… nice. I can tell it’s your parents’ house.”
He chuckled, surprised. “Yeah, but what is that supposed to mean?”
“None of your personality is in this house. I figured it’d be brighter. Less marble, too,” she said, gesturing towards the decorations straight from a catalogue sprinkled throughout the house.
He couldn’t help that his parents insisted on flying out their personal interior designer to every house they owned. But it didn’t make it any less cringe worthy.
“No, you’re right,” he nodded, shrugging. “Can’t argue with that.”
He gently steered them towards the kitchen, his eyes flitting towards her as she scanned the house, a pleasant enough look on her face.
“What would you change about this house?” She asked, sliding onto one of the never-been-used barstools.
“Well, for one, I wouldn’t even have it in the first place,” he said, opening the cabinet next to the fridge, retrieving the champagne glasses.
“Really. If I had it my way, we would’ve never left Maui.”
She nodded, teeth sinking into her bottom lip.
Setting the glasses down in front of her, he stood on the other side of the counter, grabbing the bottle by its neck, unravelling the wrapping on the outside. “Hope this is alright. I just picked a bottle that looked expensive.”
“Expensive doesn’t mean better,” she said, eyes trained on the bottle, probably trying to read the label.
“You’re right, again. Two for two,” he joked, sliding the cork from the opening with a loud “pop”, the sound ricocheting off the walls and flooring.
After pouring it, he cocked his head her way, encouraging her to take the first sip.
She tipped the glass back, her nose scrunching after taking a deep swallow. “Mmmm. I would’ve settled for the shitty boxed wine I drank in college over this.”
He took a sip and shook his head, sticking his tongue out with a grimace. “Yeah, this tastes like ass.”
She snorted, covering her mouth as she laughed, making a breathy choking sound that he found oddly endearing.
“To answer your question, I’d probably paint the walls yellow. Hang up my grandpa’s old surfboard my dad passed down to me, if I can even find it. Maybe some movie posters,” he continued, gesturing towards the deadspace on the walls in the kitchen.
“Yeah, that’s kinda what I pictured, too,” she hummed, shivering after downing the rest of the glass.
“You don’t have to drink anymore. We agreed it tastes like shit,” he walked over to the cabinet, browsing the bottles, nearly empty. “I only have… a little bit of tequila and some rum.”
“I’ll take a rum and coke then,” she smiled gratefully, pushing the empty glass to the side.
While making the drinks, he checked his phone, hoping that the driver was close by. No luck – the time hadn’t shifted.
“So… when’s the delivery guy getting here?”
He could sense her behind him. When he turned to offer her a glass, he realized just how close she was.
She accepted the glass, craning her neck around him to look at his phone’s screen. “I knew it.”
“What? What’d you know?” He asked, unable to look anywhere but her plush lips, curved upwards into a grin.
She was life-ruiningly pretty. It was like God himself scanned Bryce’s brain and 3D copied his fantasies into the form of Spencer Matsuzaki, who was quite literally the girl of his dreams.
“I knew you weren’t a cooking type. I figured you were gonna get takeout, and I was right,” she pointed at his screen, the delivery app still open.
“Yeah, I was gonna try to impress you and pretend that I’d cooked everything but clearly that didn’t pan out,” he chuckled, peering down at her.
“That’s the oldest trick in the book, Bryce. I would’ve easily clocked that,” she shook her head, taking a quick sip of her drink, still standing close enough to him that he could feel her breath on him each time she laughed.
Before he dropped everything and propositioned her right there to take it to the living room, she turned on her heel and walked back towards her stool.
They sipped their drinks in silence, an air of awkwardness settling into the atmosphere – for the first time in, well, years they were completely and utterly alone.
She chewed her lip, swiping her thumb across the perspiration on the cup. “So…” 
“I feel like we have a lot of ground to cover.”
He nodded. “I guess the question now is ‘where do we start?’”
“We could just ask each other stuff and see how that goes.”
“I’ll go first – are you still single?”
A laugh ripped from her chest, bounding off the walls and floor, filling up the space with sound (one that was quickly becoming his favorite).
“That’s the first thing you ask me? After all these years?” She asked incredulously, shaking her head in awe.
He grinned. “Sounds like you’re avoiding the question.”
“Yes, I am.”
“Avoiding the question? Or you’re single?” He teased.
“I’m not seeing anyone at the moment, no.”
“Oh, at the moment. Seems like I’ve got some competition.”
Laughing, she tipped her head back to take a deep gulp. He watched as she did, a bit envious of the glass wrapped between her fingers and the rim caught between her lips.
She was a bit more timid when she drank the hot chocolate he offered her years before, cupping it with both hands and taking soft sips, smiling shyly, like being offered a drink on a date was something she should be grateful for.
The way she held herself was different. Before, it was like she was apologetic for taking up too much space, but this version of Spencer took the world by storm – like when she walked into the room, she claimed the space as her own before anyone else could tell her differently.
Whatever miniscule reservations he had about sleeping with her were out the window before she set her glass back down.
“I’m assuming you don’t have anyone at home waiting for you if you asked me that first,” she said, bluntly, chewing on a piece of ice.
“What makes you say that?” “Well you’re obviously gauging whether or not you want to fuck me tonight so I might as well be as upfront as you,” she shrugged, a teasing smile tugging at her lips.
“Is that so?” He quirked a brow at her. “Would you count frequent hookups?”
“Nope. I’ve got those, too, but I don’t count ‘em.”
“So you turned out to be pretty wild, huh?”
She laughed. “I hope you realize how weird you sound. I’m not who I was at 18. Shit, and you barely even knew me then!”
He held his hands up in protest. “My bad.”
She tapped her nails on the counter, looking a bit conflicted. “No, it’s okay. Just a bit of a sensitive topic, I guess.”
“Parents, huh?”
“Yep. Don’t quite approve of who I am, even though I’m literally going to be studying to be a doctor,” she rolled her eyes. “I did get pretty wild, though. I mean, I had to get it out of my system before med school, you know?”
He shrugged. “Totally understandable.”
“Speaking of, why aren’t yours here? I figured I was going to accidentally run into them or something,” she mused, crunching on another ice cube.
He tried hiding his reaction, but he couldn’t help the way he tensed up at the mere mention of them. The thought of her bringing them up crossed his mind before, so thankfully he was able to keep it moving.
“Oh, they moved back to Hawaii a while ago. Been waiting to put this house on the market but it just didn’t seem like the right time.”
“So why aren’t you with them for the holidays?”
He stiffened, racking his brain for a believable lie. There was no fucking way he was baring his soul to the girl that just stepped back into his life.
She was the last good memory he had before everything went to shit, so he couldn’t break the illusion. Spencer was too good for this – maybe too good for him.
Court baggage was a heavy load to bear. Criminal baggage was even heavier. Lying to save face was the only way he could protect them both.
“Oh, it was just cheaper for me to stay here than fly back to Hawaii.”
She nodded, seemingly in agreeance, swirling the last bit of ice around her glass before tipping it back again. “S’good you get a little peace and quiet between semesters.”
“You have no idea,” he breathed, practically sighing in relief, thankful the crisis was averted.
“I do have a question, though,” she said, setting the glass down and pushing it away from her. “Why did you leave your number on my window sill?”
He leaned over the counter, bracing his arms against it. “So you did see it.”
“You’re lucky I found it! You could not have chosen a worse place to put it.”
“Well, you used to always walk out on your balcony so I thought it’d be safe.”
She pursed her lips, seemingly holding back a smile. “You remember that?”
“Yeah, of course. Why didn’t you, you know, use the number, though?” He asked, teasing.
Her mouth popped open, looking almost offended by his words. “Oh my god, you think if I had your number we still wouldn’t have talked for three years?”
“When you put it that way, I guess it doesn’t make sense,” he laughed, taking a swig of his drink.
“No, but I can’t get over that – you thought this entire time that I just didn’t try to contact you? Bryce, you offered to kiss me before literally disappearing into the night – you thought I wouldn’t have at least, you know, tried following up on that?” Spencer was giggling in between her words, barely able to get it out of her system.
“Yeah, well, you think I didn’t want to follow up on the kiss either? I’m the one who offered!”
They were cutting up, both leaning over the counter, folded over in laughter. They’d shifted closer as they got more comfortable with each other, their arms nearly grazing each others’ over the cold granite. 
God, she was so beautiful. Everything he felt when he met her three years ago was pretty much amplified. He had it bad for her.
When she noticed how close they were, her eyes flitted to his lips, tongue darting out to wet her own.
“You wanna cash in on that now? I heard that ‘Bryce Lahela Kiss Coupons’ never expire,” he said, voice low, reaching out to swipe the pad of his thumb over her chin.
“Bryce…” she said, closing her eyes, before leaning back to put some distance between them. “We have to lay some ground rules first.”
He sighed, standing up at his full height. “Okay, shoot.”
“I’m not trying to go all analytical on you, but we have to get this out of the way first. Tell me where your top three med schools are.”
A snort escaped him before he could stop himself. “What, do you only fuck guys that go to –”
“– And girls –”
“And girls – that go to John Hopkins?” He asked, teasing. “Me, too, by the way.”
She shook her head, ignoring his joke. “Nope. Just tell me.”
“Well, I’m looking at California, New York, and Chicago. What about you?”
“Ohio, Virginia, and Washington.”
The pieces fell into place for him. “Damn, you were playing chess and I was playing checkers, huh?”
She laughed. “No, no, I was just curious. I didn’t think we’d get as far as relationship talk, but I figured after everything we’d been through, we might as well discuss it, you know?”
“So that means this is a one-and-done type deal.”
“I guess so,” she said, scratching at her neck. “I’ve made out with plenty of people before and forgotten it, so if you want to just see how we feel, I’m down.”
“Oh, I think you’ll remember this for a while,” he said, stretching across the counter to gently cup her face in both hands, pressing a deep kiss to her lips.
Their first kiss was unlike no other. What’d started out as an offhanded joke to relieve three years worth of tension quickly morphed into desperate grabbing of clothes, heavy pants, and even heavier tension crackling like a fire between them.
She fisted his collar, dragging him to her over the counter, kneeling on her bar stool and pushing herself closer and closer to him. 
Bryce had his share of sloppy bar makeouts, passionate kisses amidst sex – even sweet domestic kisses during mundane tasks. But this kiss? Somehow it was a bit of everything rolled into one.
They parted pretty abruptly when he elbowed her empty champagne glass and it clattered against the counter.
“Shit,” he cursed, pulling back just a hair to check the damage.
When he turned back, she was still holding him, staring at him, a look on her face that he hadn’t seen before.
“That was…” her lids fluttered, tongue darting out to lick her lips – like she was savoring his taste.
“Really good.”
She nodded. “Insanely good.”
“So what?”
“Is it what you were dreaming of?” He teased, but there was a hint of sincerity to it. 
She nodded again, her grip tightening on his collar. “I’m a little scared at how much I enjoyed it.”
“Scared? Why?” He murmured, stroking his thumb against her cheek in comfort.
“Well… this can’t happen,” she gestured between them.
“It doesn’t have to happen. We can pretend like the kiss never did, just like you said. I don’t mind,” he shrugged.
“But… what if I want it to?”
He couldn’t conceal the smirk tugging at his lips. “You wanna take this upstairs?”
She tried holding back a smile. “Maybe.”
“Well, you can think about it over dinner, whenever that gets here.”
The driver took about twenty minutes, and eating took them twenty more. Small talk was managed, jokes were cracked, but there was an unmistakable feeling in the air that both of them could sense.
Bryce was no stranger to sexual tension. Hell, he thrived on it.
Making a cute girl blush? Exhilarating. Getting a guy at the bar fund his hangover? Incredible. Those few minutes between knowing you’re going to fuck someone and actually fucking them? Couldn’t get enough.
The minute their plates were cleared, she took his hand and led him upstairs, throwing glances back at him like if she let go for a second he’d disappear.
As much as he just wanted to fool around, he couldn’t help but pocket the small details for later, just in case he decided it was alright to get emotionally invested. Despite feeling like he had a hold on the situation, he definitely didn’t.
He was a bit delusional in thinking he wasn’t already falling for her the way she was for him.
[part 1.5 coming soon]
They’d been curled up in bed for nearly an hour and a half, just talking, every once in a while pulling the other in for another kiss that led to roaming hands. 
In another life, if they’d both lived in that town and grew up there, there was no doubt they’d be best friends. High school sweethearts, even.
But she knew that whatever daydreams she’d conjured up could never be reality.
This was a one-time thing. They both knew that.
After a lull in conversation she slipped out of bed, gathering her clothes and tossing them onto the bed.
“You leaving?” He asked, sitting up.
“Uh, yeah. I think I need to get going. I’ve still got a curfew,” she shrugged, making a hand motion like she was pulling the trigger.
“Still have one? Damn, that sucks. Am I gonna get to see you tomorrow?” He rubbed the back of his neck.
He remembered her curfew?
She snapped her bra back in place, avoiding his eye as she slid on her straps. “I, um, have to leave.”
“I thought you were staying through the weekend?” He sounded taken aback, like he thought he had more time.
She slipped her underwear and pants on fast. “I have a long drive ahead of me and I kinda wanted a night to breathe before I tour and interview, you know?”
He was silent. She threw her sweater on before daring a glance at him. His eyes were trained on the mattress, refusing to look at her.
“Bryce,” she called, but he shook his head.
She sat on the mattress, tipping his chin up with her finger. “What’s wrong?”
He lifted one shoulder in a shrug, sighing. “It’s stupid.”
“C’mon, it’s not stupid. Tell me.”
“I’m kinda regretting this being a one-time thing.”
She raked his hair back, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek. “I am, too.”
He met her eyes again, brows furrowed. “You are?”
She nodded. “I like you. A lot.”
“So what’s stopping us? We can make it work if we try –”
She sank her teeth into her bottom lip, looking at the ground. “I don’t know if we can.”
“Why not?”
“The distance, first of all. And we’re going to be in different programs in different states, so there’s no way we can fully commit to school and our future if we’re trying to start a relationship and maintain it –”
“Spencer, you think I’m gonna give up that easily after all this time? I just got you back,” he said, lifting a hand to cup her cheek.
“This isn’t giving up, Bryce… this is… practical. Rational,” she added, leaning into his touch. “The right thing to do.”
“It doesn’t feel right.”
“I know, but… I think it’s easier to move on now rather than later when we’re in too deep,” she gulped, trying to soothe the lump forming in her throat.
She knew this wasn’t gonna be easy, but she figured it’d be easier than falling for him over phone calls and video chats and sweet good morning texts and the inevitable breakup that came after.
“You sure we’re not already in it?” He asked, underneath his breath, gaze flitting to her lips.
She rolled her lips, shaking her head, trying to mask her wobbling chin.
“If you don’t want to get hurt, I get it, but I need you to know that I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I met you,” he said, cupping her cheeks with both hands. “And – and I never thought I’d see you again, so I don’t want to let you go without at least, you know, trying to fight for you.”
He brought her in for a deep kiss, seemingly trying to plead his case with his touch.
“Maybe we should just go our separate ways and pretend tonight didn’t happen. It might be less difficult,” she murmured after he pulled away.
“None of this will be easy for us, Spence,” he pressed their foreheads together, both of them closing their eyes.
“Honestly, I want nothing more than to be with you. I want you so badly, but I’ve got so many commitments and my career and I can’t just throw my responsibilities out the window, because I know I would – that’s what scares me,” she whispered, voice cracking.
“You’re right. I hate that you’re right.”
When she slipped back into her room after saying a quick goodnight to her parents, she curled up in her bed and cried.
She didn’t want to cry – it was like her body wouldn’t let her hold it in any longer. The sobs wracked her body as if personified guilt had grabbed her by the shoulders, dug its fingers into her skin, and shook her the tears from her.
Hours later, she woke up in the middle of the night, face still puffy and irritated. As she stood up to go throw cool water on her face, she noticed something taped to her window.
His number and socials were listed in a neat bulleted list, and below it, he’d scrawled a simple note:
“If we meet again.”
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insufferablelust · 4 years
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Hi lovely people! it’s me again with the fifth installment of TAAHM, hopefully y’all enjoy this, as always thank you for your support, and excuse the grammatical errors. As i said before, this story is dark themed, so it can get triggering to some people, please read the warning, and read at your own risk.
WARNINGS : BEWARE DARK FIC. SMUT, Angst to the max, Mental Illness (PTSD, with severe anxiety and depression), Some Fluff, hints/mention of Suicide (doesn’t happen), Psychological abuse (in flashbacks), over sensitivity (both sexual and non sexual), hints of Masochism, Anxiety attack, Soft raw tender moments, aaand thats it.
A human creature born abnormally, inhumanly sensitive.To him a touch is a blow, a sound is a noise, a misfortune is a tragedy, a joy is an ecstasy, a friend is a lover, a lover is a god, and failure is death. —Pearl S. Buck.
Little did they know, that night is going to be the beginning of a roller coaster ride.
It was already late when she opened her eyes the next day, her soft sigh occupied the quiet room as she scanned for the one person she craved the most, biting her lips at the cold left side of the bed sheet. However, he’s kind enough to leave the only thing she could reminisce about last night in a form of a long letter note he left on her night table, written with purple ink,
“Good Morning Y/N,
I hope you’re feeling well, although knowing how anxious you can get, i know your mind would wander off and we don’t want that. If you can remember what i said, then good but if you can’t, i said that i left because it’s more convenient for the both of us, not because i don’t want to be with you. Believe me, watching you sleep right now really put an image inside my memory that i’ll never forget, you’re so beautiful.
I hope you don’t mind, but i put on Debussy on your vinyl right now. I want you to know that we’ll still talk about it, preferably today, maybe we can go have dinner unless we have a case. There are things i never got the chance to say, and i think its time i finally tell you, later.
As for your past, we’ll also talk about that too. But i want you to not worry— yes i’m disappointed still, but i know why you did what you did. We’ll figure out a way.
Lastly, please take care.
Spencer R.”
By the time she had finished reading, her internal being is overflowing with emotions, dangerous ones that she won’t be able to control and she knows this. Her eyes teared up at the sight of ‘Classical Lover Etiquettes’ cued up on her record player. Her legs were incredibly sore, as much as her thighs and arms. There was just so much that’s happening, so much to feel, and she needed to escape.
Her feet dragged her to the balcony, inhaling the scent of life, breathe in heavily as she hoped— cross her fingers hoping to die that the amount of oxygen would be able to drown her from all the confusion, even more so the horrors that started to flows back in. Spencer opened a large deep wound that she had buried a long time ago, and then he showed her the way to paradise. He confuses her as much as she probably confuses him.
She wanted to apologize for being complicated, wanted to get on her knees again and show him how much she needs a savior right now; someone to love, and cherish to get her mind off of the horrible things in the past. She wants him to know that he can help her, by guiding her like he did the night before, by owning her like he said the night before, by loving her like he promised. She needs to be devoted to him, she would do anything for him.
She knows how damaged she is on the inside, she put up a persona every day so people could believe that she’s alive. But the only time she ever felt alive was with Spencer. The only time she ever wished she’s not complicated is when she’s with Spencer, His name consumed her like the opiates she used to take. He owned her soul already and she’s not letting that go. Even if the world stands in her way. She deserves this, this pure thing for once.
So she cried, hard. Hard enough for her neighbors to hear, to check up on her, but she wasn’t listening, she stayed crouched down in her balcony, her vision was blurry and she can’t think of anything— only Spencer.
“Spencer..” was the only thing she remembered saying before she witnessed darkness and drowsiness penetrate her eyes as well as her other senses— sending her to sleep.
Y/N didn’t even flinched when her father’s screams once again filled her ears, telling her how she doesn’t belong, she isn’t supposed to be here, isn’t supposed to exists. She could smell the strong scent of alcohol from his mouth, clouding her senses, but she refused to give in and cry, in fact she doesn’t feel a thing. Moreover, she’s just bored, her father never got violent with her, never laid a hand on her, neither does her step mother— well not when he’s around anyways.
By the age of 9, Y/N already knew what kind of man her father was, the kind that doesn’t want to admit reality, he’s a violent genius who works in the dark, with barriers covering all sides of his life. He never hurt Y/N physically, like he always claimed. But 12 years of psychological torture will fuck you up, she thought. She lived in isolation, and darkness where the only things she knew.. were alcohol, math, abuse, impending death, and screams.
She doesn’t have anyone related that’s nice to her, enough to shield her from all the abuse. The only person that could bring her peace is Mr. Bones, one of her father’s men. He always looked out for her, he gave her hope ever since she was old enough to know that being told you were never meant to be alive was not okay.
“I apologize, papa. It won’t happen again, I swear it.”
Her eyes stayed on the ground as she feels the warmth of his palm so close to her cheek, she yelled in her mind— her mind telling her to scream at the old bastard to “Hit me!”
“Hit me!”
“Make it hurt!”
Y/N felt a jolt, her eyes searching for signs of where she might be but she can’t seem to open her eyes, the smell— is clean like iodine, the next thing she felt was the rough yet strangely comfortable sheets that grazes against her skin, And then she heard the talk, someone’s talking.. She recognized the voice well, so well like its imprinted deep in her soul, She tried to open her eyes.. yet she keeps on missing.
“S-she— i found her pale.. she was so pale and cold.. “ Spencer! her mind screamed, that’s Spencer.
“Spencer!” She tried to yell, but still nothing,
“Spencer please!” Nothing.
“What did her neighbor said?” Hotch!
“Hotch please i’m awake!”
“She was screaming, and they found her clutching her shirt tightly, she was crying and she.. she said my name over and over again, before blacking out.. thats why they called me first after calling 911” Is that true? she has been taking her meds, hasn’t she?
“Did anyone said that she was about to jump or anything like that?”
“No! No! Spencer i’m not suicidal!”
“N-no i don’t know.. Hotch i was with her last night, i should’ve—“
“Please don’t cry! please i’m sorry i love you i won’t do it again!”
“Hey no, she looked like she was having a panic attack. Has she ever mentioned anything about being depressed? or experiencing anxiety attacks maybe?”
“no... no... don’t tell him Spencer, you promised.”
“Stop the silence, Spencer you promised you won’t tell anyone.”
“N-no.. not that i know off.. she wanted company so i stayed with her, we watched movie.”
“Spencer...” She tried again, believing that it won’t work, he won’t hear her, maybe she’s not even here anymore— just floating away from her body. But when she saw his head turned towards her, she sighed contently, letting go of all the burden for a second just to hear him mutter her name in silence and peace.
“Y/N... you’re awake wait let me—“ before he could exit the door, Hotch pulled him back a little, telling him that “It’s okay, let me get the doctor.” Leaving Spencer and her alone.
Her heart rate accelerated as he sat down on the chair next to her, eyes filled with worry and fear— Y/N couldn’t take it, couldn’t bare to see how broken he looks, because she was selfish and complicated, because she was damaged.
“I-i wasn’t... trying to.. jump” Her voice came out laced with fragility, all raw and quiet. She’s trying to tell Spencer that she’s alright, as long as he’s here she’ll be alright. “Don’t.. please don’t blame yourself, it was an anxiety attack, a bad one.”
“Have you been taking your meds?” There it is, the question she has been hoping she wouldn’t have to answer. She looked down at his trembling hands, reaching to grab it but unable to do so because she realized now that she was restrained to the bed.
“Why am i being restrained?”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“No Spencer i haven’t! now why am i restrained? i’m not a danger to anyone.” Y/N half yelled with a cracked voice, closing her eyes tightly at the tears that’s threatening to spill out of her eyes.
“Miss Bones, i see that you’re awake now.” Her eyes never leaving the sight of her cuffed wrist, ‘did they honestly thought you were planning on killing yourself?’
“I’m not suicidal, i’m an FBI agent for god’s sake.” The tone of her newfound voice surprised everyone including Spencer.
“Then why were you unconscious on the balcony of your apartment?”
“Because i haven’t been taking my pills! look, i haven’t for years now and i was fine. It was just rush of emotions, and i got overwhelmed okay? doesn’t mean i was going to jump. Believe me thats the last thing i would’ve wanted.” The last bit was a whisper, indicating the raw pain behind it. It was the truth, moments before you passed out you were thinking of Spencer, of how he’s your savior.
“Okay, Agent. We believe you, now why don’t you get some rest, and we’ll have you prescribed for something stronger, meanwhile i’m going to take the cuffs off” The doctor replied gently, except you know he’s not a doctor well he is but he’s a psychiatrist. Great, now everyone think she’s crazy.
After the incident, you rarely talked to anyone on your team not because they don’t want to but because you won’t let them. You’ve caused enough pain, so the last thing you want to see is the pity on their eyes and face, it was nice seeing how they care though— sometimes in the mornings you can hear Garcia and JJ dropping new baskets full of goodies and treats for you to try. Sliding a note underneath your door before leaving.
Hotch insisted you to take a month break, which you would’ve tried to argued but you knew you didn’t stand a single chance. You could’ve lose your job, he could’ve fired you for lying about your psychological problems and endangering yourself but he didn’t, though he wanted you to take the break, and do another psych eval, so you agreed.
The bad thing about not going to work, except the obvious fact that you miss your work family and you missed out on catching men women alike your father and his killer— is not seeing Spencer often enough. It made you anxious just thinking how he’s doing constantly, Prentiss has said in a text that ‘he seems okay, just a little off’ in which you ended the conversation quickly, not wanting to let invasive questions spring up to life.
You’ve tried to contact him multiple times, yet he never answered the calls, there was one time where he had responded your text; it was the one after you told him that you haven’t eaten and taken your meds because thats what you do now, pretending like he actually listens you, that day you heard a knock, before finding out that there was a box of pizza; the tuna, with creamy mushroom kind, your favorite. Spencer is the only one who knew about it, so it was him. You cried that night knowing that he was close... yet you didn’t see him.
After that, nothing. Nothing at all, until it was your 17th day isolated in your apartment trying to get better. A therapist from FBI was supposed to come today, checking up on you, Hotch’s order. So when you heard a knock, you opened the door without looking.
“Hi you must be the— Spencer?” You eyes went wide as you recognized the person standing at your door, you swear your knees buckled finally seeing him again after so long. His hair seemed longer, his eyes has bags under them, he doesn’t look fine.
“Spencer, you look—“
“Can i come in?” His voice startled you, it was deep, deeper than you remembered it last.
“Yes, yes please come in..” You watched him enter your house, eyes scanning through every bit of everything, probably profiling your condition. So you let out a chuckle as you close the door, “I’m fine Spencer, unless you didn’t notice, i’m doing therapy 3 times a week plus routine visits from every therapist in town it seemed like. So i’m good” the tone of your voice reflects sarcasm and you know it, but how can you help it when he wont even look at you.
“Thats good..” He mumbled, sitting down on the couch where you two talked the last time about your past, you remembered that night’s event so clearly you could’ve sworn you have an eidetic memory. “You haven’t been sleeping have you?”
“no.” you sat down next to him, deciding that you shouldn’t touch him even if you wanted to.
“Because i worry about you.”
“Spencer, i told you i’m—“
“No! no you can’t say that you’re fine, again. do you know what you did me? after the night we had, you basically suffered an anxiety so bad you collapsed on your balcony, while whispering my name. You don’t get to say that you’re fine, i deserve more Y/N.”
You didn’t flinched even once when you heard his voice raised, if anything you just close your eyes and not let the volume of his voice get inside your head, “Everyone who yells is the same like your father, wake the fuck up” is what your mind been telling you but you refused to listen to it, Spencer is good, he’s a good man. So you controlled your breathing for a second before opening your eyes to see Spencer’s face begging for answers.
“You’re right, you deserve answers and you’ll get your answers but can you please listen to me and don’t interrupt? Spencer, i need the space if you want me to tell you, the space to make you understand.” Your palm move on top of his to see his reaction, you expected him to swat your hands away or at least flinched but strangely he let out a pleasant sigh, like he was relieved, like every weight has been lifted off of him.
“Okay, i’m sorry for—“
You cut him off before he could say what he’s sorry for, you don’t need it— his reactions are normal, too normal that it makes you fall in love with him over and over again. “Shh, don’t. You don’t have to explain, you don’t have to respond, just.. wait here, i’ll tell you everything okay..?”
With a nod you get from him, you stand up to make two chamomile teas, bringing it to where Spencer is sitting on the couch, then after you put on Gymnopédie on your record player, you sit down next to him. To your surprise, he leaned and laid his head on top of your thighs, curling up on the couch— which sent a smile to your face, you haven’t smiled for so long and of course Spencer Reid is the one who put your first smile since.. you don’t even remember when.
“It’s one of my favorite, I love the serenity of it.” You whispered, as your fingers ran through his soft hair. Relaxing your back against the couch and enjoying the tune of one of your favorite classical of all time. Spencer smiled at that, you swore the smile could lit your insides like nothing else.
“I’m a beethoven guy, but i guess Satie is alright..” He laughs, his laugh sounded like heaven, his smile and laugh makes you dizzy. This is the Spencer that makes your heart pound ten times faster, and the one that makes you lost for words each time, the one that you’ll love... too fast Y/N, too fast.
“Of course you are, it’s not hard to see..”
Spencer looked up at you, he looked so pure like this, like he was made to justify every wrong things that has been done, like he’s an angel that protects the earth from filth. He’s pure and tender, it takes all of your willpower to not lean down and kiss him.
“Oh yes, explanation.” You laughed awkwardly, eyes refusing to meet his. “Look at me, please” You shake your head at his demand, your eyes still trailing to where the record player is going.
“Look at me, Y/N.” You did, you looked. Under any other circumstances, the authoritative tone would instantly leave you dripping wet ready to submit to him. But this time, you only whimpered and nods.
“Good girl, now tell me” He cupped your cheeks, the gentle gesture sent you to oblivion.
“I don’t know where to start..”
“I heard the beginning is a great start.” His lips tugged into a wide smile, you heart warmed at the sight before you sigh, your fingers still curling and uncurling itself on his hair.
“I opened up to you that night, it’s something strange for me, i told you something that i swore i would never tell anyone, but i told you because.. because you were right, you are right Spencer. And i guess after that we took it to a whole new different level, i want to be able to do all the things with you and cross all boundaries but it’s something new to me, so that morning when i... woke up alone, it was scary, i felt so small and sad in such a big space. I was overwhelmed, by the thought of letting another person in, i don’t wanna take it slow but then again the transition won’t be easy for me.” Spencer opened his mouth as he was about to say something, but you simply leaned in shakily and press a quick peck on his lips as a sign that you’re not done yet, to your surprise he pulled you down one more time and let the kiss linger this time before letting you pull back, whispering a small “go on.”
“I lived in isolation most of my life, the only taste of real life emotions i ever got was the moment right after my graduation. The man who saved me, he teached me social skills, and the basics of.. of having this gift of rawness emotions. But i’ve been so closed off, i realized its just not possible for me to fall in love or feel such a strong emotion towards another, the only strong emotion i’ve ever known before this was.. hatred towards my father and his killer.
I had PTSD when i was 13, consistent with severe anxiety and depression, at one point Mr.Bones insisted that i...i started talking to myself, admitted me to a psychiatrist where i got my.. antipsychotics for um the voices. But i came out well, and he promised me that if i was able to make it, he would change my identity, stripped me out of my old misery, give me a new one, my father was a very very important man where he worked, so does his men including Mr.Bones. Thats why before i was 21, there’s no record of Y/N Bones existed because.. i didn’t, i never existed.”
Y/N ended it with a smile, looking down at Spencer whose eyes brimming with tears. She shook her head, her trembling fingers wiping the traces of tears. “Hey no no, please don’t cry, please it’s hurt to see you cry..” She whimpered.
“Spencer please say something..” Her eyes pleaded with her, as he sat up, before inching closer to her and before she even processed the warmth of his body, his lips pressed themselves against hers in a gentle loving way. His thumb stroking her soft supple cheek, as his lips took its time to explore every inch of hers, imprinting how it feels so he can remember it all the time. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck as he guided her to his lap, pulling back a little.
They stared at each other for such a long time, before Spencer move his hand downward— tugging on her shirt. “Do you want to?” His voice rise your goosebumps to wake, all the adrenaline rushing through your core as you nod eagerly. “Please”
“This is tchaikovsky.” Spencer looked up at her, seeing how needy but beautiful she is, her skin glistening under the dim lights, her lashes are wet, her eyes glassy, and her lips bitten raw. He smiled admiring her before continuing his exploration down her labia, stroking it gently— almost like he’s teasing her.
“yes Spencer this is, Oh god!” you stopped mid-sentence as you felt the warmth of his tongue exploring from her slit up to her clit, flicking the sensitive button gently— Holy mother! doesn’t he know how sensitive she is?
“I’m pretty sure Tchaikovsky isn’t god, Princess.” the doctor giggles as his fingers tracing her tummy gently, caressing every mark every curve every indent every scar so so gently to show her how much he appreciates her, appreciate her beauty— all of it.
“Shut up!” She whined and shuddered as she feels him burying his face against her sensitive pussy, tongue swiping side to side at her slit as his nose bumps against her clit sending intense pleasure throughout her body making her jolt and convulse as she tug on his hair.
“Are you sure that’s wise, princess? i’m the one in charge of your orgasm here” Her legs quivered, his tongue push inside her and explore every inch of her inside— moaning at the taste and catching every drop.
“Sorry! so sorry Spencer, just don’t stop!” Oh how sweet is that, her voice cracked at the end, meaning he’s doing a good job. And the boy wonder does seek for praises sometimes.
“Never planning on it, love.” He mumbled against her pussy before inserting two fingers in, and moving them in a brutal pace whilst her tongue and lips sucking on her clit.
“Oh! Spencer, you’re so good at this” Her eyes shut tightly, as her fingers gripping his hair— she’s practically grinding against his face which he moaned at the sight and taste of her, oh so heavenly.
“C’mon Princess, come for me then i will give you what you’ve been waiting for” oh the way she clenched around her fingers so tightly, made him groaned and shut his eyes tight as he works her over the orgasm
“Spencer! oh! thank you!” Every inch of her skin was burning and her brain was mush. So much pleasure, that she could die happily now. Her body shivers still, when he comes up to leave tiny kisses on her face. “Good girl.” Spencer then align himself at her entrance, sliding the tip up and down her pussy.
“Ready, princess?”
“Yes.. yes please?” With a smile on his face, Spencer bent Y/N’s knees before pushing the tip of his cock inside of her slowly, indulging in the velvety warm walls that welcomed his cock. The feeling is like home. Her mouth agape, as her eyes roll at the back of her head, and her fingers intertwined with his.
He stilled inside her for awhile as he let out grunts of how “so warm and tight, pet” she is. He then leaned down to press a gentle loving kiss on her lips before thrusting his cock in and out of her slowly, keeping the pace light as they both relinquish all the frustrations out, and indulging in each other’s warmth. It’s perfect.
“so— full, Spencer..” Her desperate whimpers was the one that egged him to move faster, thrusting his hips so every-time he thrusted in, the sounds were slapping of skins and their moans. But when one particular deep thrust, her cunt involuntary clenched around his cock and she screamed “Thats it! thats it fuck!”
Spencer grinned, before letting go of her hand to grip her waist, pulling her closer to him then continue to fuck her with a torturous brutal pace, hitting the spot over and over again. “I’m not going to last if you keep- fucking clenching that tight cunt Y/N” He warned, eyes glinting with a dangerous look like how he was that night. Feral.
Strings of plea left her mouth as she arched her back, he was so deep— filling her to the brim and making her feel good.
“Please cum inside me!”
“I will baby, i will. But first you gotta cum alright? can you do that? i know you can, c’mon” His breathing labored as he move even faster, her headboard banged against the wall, and her body bounced. With one final deep thrust, they reached their peak, and shuddered at the feeling. Spencer pulls out before grabbing a wet cloth from the beside table and carefully wiped her sensitive areas, causing goosebumps that were dying down to rise again.
“Swan lake” Was the first thing she muttered as her legs still quivering, Spencer looked up at her confusedly as he set throw the cloth to the dirty hamper and laid down beside her once more, cuddling her to his side.
“What?” he asked, his fingers running through her hair.
“Tchaikovsky’s, Swan lake was playing.” They both laughed at her answer, shaking their heads. It wasn’t until Y/N’s eyes flickered to his hazy ones, that they muttered it together,
“I love you—“
“I love you—“
As always, TAGLIST is open, blurb requests are also open any genre of course, send them in along with suggestions and/or constructive criticisms! thank you. Just message me or send me an ask :) thank you for supporting. I’M SO SORRY FOR THE REUPLOAD, the TAGS DOESNT WORK TUMBLR IS MEAN TO ME AGAIN❤️
( @blancastans @spencerwaltergubler @slutforthegubes @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @babybloomer @liaabsurd @midnightsubmissives @addie5264 @maybankslut @secretpickleprofessordean )
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the-mu-chronicles · 3 years
okay rants from my notes app lets go 😼
this one is about hans's relationship with his dad bc this one is on my mind pretty much all the time also this one is the most elaborate so far
so before the coming out hans's relationship was very tense and often felt forced and insincere, as in, his father viewed him as someone who has to become the pride of their family only, sorta shoving aside all aspects of his identity. hans also seemed distant from his own self; he repressed his emotions and he sticked to the standards set by his father for him. his father was a demanding person and saw hans as someone who had to catter to all his expectations in order to become a successful man
note: hans's father was a hardcore homophobe and hans figured out when he was gay when he was like 17 or so so all his comments about gay people 😡😡 started irking him and making him upset
during one of the family meetings hans finally decided he's had enough so when his father asked for his approval after he said something bigoted he went "you said you don't talk to f*ggots, why are you asking one for an opinion then?" and BOY did it start drama
at first his father was super speechless but after they went home shit went down & they began arguing, long story short hans got a slap across his face and stormed out of the house in rage and said he never ever wants to see his father ever again
and hans actually committed to his promise and went as far as not speaking to his father for a solid year or so
meanwhile his father gets a redemption arc bc ferro decided he's gonna come out as trans bc fuck you father and,,, it goes surprisingly well?? like he also goes silent at the beginning but instead of screaming at him he asks some questions and then he's like "right, i'll try to sort his head out then i'll come back" and he actually made effort to use ferro's name and pronouns??? omg???
like as if something clicked in him, maybe lgbt people aren't so bad after all, especially since both his kids seem to be lgbt,,,,
and he started educating himself with the help of ferro and thought it'd be nice to contact his older son as well bc they split up exactly because he was a shitbag about gay people
hans doesn't want to speak to him though and either doesn't answer his calls/messages or hangs up immediately
and he decides to finally give him a chance after he's on a videochat with ferro and he shows him his new binder and when hans asks him where he got it from he's like "oh father bought it for me, he knows im trans and he supports me. hey actually he wanted to talk with you and apologise for being a dick so if you want to, you can do it. no pressure tho" and hans is like yeah alright but ill beat his ass up if he does anything shitty to you
so yeah they (hans & his dad) start talking and they both explain their points of views to each other, hans also talks about how after the fight he started experiencing WAY much more emotions than he did before in his life and it's super confusing to him and often leads to hans experiencing the extremes
also turns out my man had adhd all along, what a surprise /s
and when hans finally comes back home he notices a pride flag hanging on the balcony & he's like "who did this?" and hisfather replies "oh, i hung it up, i thought it'd look welcoming" "but aren't you afraid of what the neighbors are gonna say?" "nah, fuck them and their opinions honestly, i love you the way you are and if they can't accept that they can go fuck themselves" and 😭😭😭
also some time later hans's father can be observed totally consumed in conversations with leo and adam aka hans's boyfriends and hans is laughing in the background bc damn this man literally used to say he's gonna off himself when his son comes out as gay, this is what growth is
and hans's father goes absolutely bonkers to hear about all the silly cultural aspects of the dimensions adam and leo come from bc damn that's literally so cool
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thefallennightmare · 4 years
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader. 
Warnings: swearing, fluff, angst. 
Summary: It has been sometime since Y/N and Bucky went into hiding but now their past is returning. Can this new relationship survive the Civil War that’s about to happen?
A/N: Here is the prologue for the Soldat Sequel called Dorogaya(darling in Russian). Not a whole lot happens in this but I wanted to give an update on how Bucky and Y/N were doing while in hiding! The first chapter will be out soon and let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters! I’m not sure how long this one will be and it will take place during Civil War. 
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Letting out deep breaths, I continued up the stairs to the sixth floor of the apartment complex I had called home. It was after midnight but that didn’t stop the neighbors from blaring their music or have yet another argument. My nose scrunched up in disgust as the familiar smell of garbage and body odor filled the air and after finally making it to my floor, I knew I had one more obstacle to cross before making it inside safely. 
The next door neighbor that every single night for the past week had tried asking me out. My Romanian was a bit rusty but I knew when a guy was hitting on me. 
“Hey beautiful.” 
Groaning at the gruff voice, I turned on my heels and gave him a curt nod. “Hi.”
I went to unlock the door but could feel his presence creep closer towards me. My fingers slipped into my pocket and slowly pulled out my knife. 
“Fundul tău arată bine în blugi acei.” He placed his arm against the door frame to my apartment, trapping me between him.
I scoffed. “I may not know much Romanian but I don’t need to be fluent to know that when someone is talking about how good my ass looks in my jeans.”
His mouth opened to speak but the door opened behind me. I didn’t have to look who opened the door, I could tell from the heat radiating off the body. And the feelings that weren’t my own of jealousy and rage filled my veins. 
“Totul in regula?” Everything alright?
I looked over towards Bucky and nodded. “I’m fine, Bucky.” 
The creep took in one quick glance of Bucky before retreating back into his apartment, clearly not knowing I was living with a man twice his size. 
Bucky remained blocking the doorway and when I looked into his eyes, I found myself sucking in a breath. In the week we’d been in hiding, he had let his beard grow a bit more and it was now that I realized how blue his eyes were; a deep ocean. Licking my lips, I stood taller after realizing how close we were standing and nodded behind him. 
“Are you going to let me in?” I joked. 
After giving me a small smile, he stepped to the side allowing me to walk past him inside. He did a quick glance around the landing and staircase before shutting the door behind us. The sound of locks clicking together sounded behind me as I looked around our new home. 
It wasn’t the best apartment by any means. I did have money saved up, enough to get us by for a while, but I had to do what I could to save it. Bucky had no money so it was up to me to provide for us. I didn’t mind at all but we had to make some sacrifices and a nice apartment was at the top of the list. 
Newspapers lined all of the windows, not allowing anyone from the outside to look in, even though we were on the sixth floor. There was the bathroom to my left and the only thing good about it was the bright blue towel we had hanging on the almost broken towel bar. The paint was peeling all over the apartment but it didn’t bother us. We only had one bed, well mattress, and it laid on the floor of the apartment. We each had one pillow and there was only one blanket. We were also able to find a couch for pretty cheap at the local market in town and that’s where Bucky slept every night. 
He still didn't feel comfortable with sharing the bed with me and not wanting to push him, I agreed that he could have the couch. I did have to admit, it was adorable seeing how small he made the couch look while laying on it. 
The kitchen would become cramped when both Bucky and I tried cooking something at the same time; which wasn’t often since we had opted for getting food delivered. 
For the first few days of living here we tried our best to stay inside, opting to go out into public if we absolutely needed to. And when we did, we wore anything to help conceal our identity. I went out more than Bucky would, him being afraid someone from his past would recognize him. 
It was then that I noticed he had made a make-shift shelf with a few two by fours and cement blocks. 
“You love to read so I thought I could make you something that you could put your books on,” he spoke when he noticed me staring at it. “It may be a bit shaky.” 
Immediately I waved him off. “It’s perfect. Thank you.” 
We both stood in our respective places, staring at each other, and the feeling of desire warmed my insides. Bucky must have noticed because he shook his head, letting out a quiet scoff. 
“Stop that.” Was all he said. 
“It’s not my fault!” I defended myself. “I can’t help it that I can not only feel your pain but your feelings too!” 
“I’ve been thinking,” He started, immediately changing the subject.
“What about?” I questioned while putting away the groceries. 
Bucky’s hands grazed over mine as he took the box of spaghetti from me and placed it in the top cabinet; the one I couldn’t reach. His back was to me so I could see the way his shoulders tensed and I felt fear cloud my mind. 
“Bucky,” I spoke softly while placing a hand over his flesh arm. “What’s wrong?”
He remained silent but gave a quick look over his shoulder to the door, eyes trained hard against it. His eyebrows scrunched together and he tilted his head to the side, almost mimicking an animal that heard something off in the distance. 
“Do you hear something?” I asked. 
Every footstep or every voice put Bucky on high alert, especially with the super soldier hearing. He found himself staying up way after I had gone to bed, sitting on the couch with his eyes and ears on the door. He wouldn’t admit it to me but I knew he was terrified of Hydra finding him again, turning him back into Soldat. 
“It’s nothing,” he reassured me before busying himself with unloading the rest of the stuff I had picked up from the store. “I still don’t understand why you have to go late at night.” 
I shrugged. “Less people and less chance of someone recognizing me.” 
“More creeps,” Bucky reminded me. 
“I am more than capable of taking care of myself,” I stated back with a smile. “You’re not the only one that’s good with a knife.” 
And if that wasn’t enough to reassure him that I could handle my own, I snapped my fingers together causing a small flame to spark between them. Bucky held his hands up, knowing when he lost the argument and we continued to put everything away in silence. 
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“Bucky, I’m home!” I called entering the small apartment. 
Soft music came flooding into the room from the outside and I followed it to the balcony. A smile spread to my lips as I took in the sight in front of me. Bucky was sitting in one of the fold up chairs with the leather bound journal in his lap. It could see that there were sentences upon sentences written. The soft tune of a song from the 1940’s played on his phone but what warmed my heart the most was ewing Bucky finally using the journal I had bought him. 
I bought it shortly after we settled because I thought it would be a good idea for him to write down anything he would remember; a memory or even him remembering that he loved plums. This was the first time in six months that I had seen him open it. 
“Keep staring at me and your eyes are going to be glued stuck.” Bucky joked while closing the journal. 
Oh, I don’t think I would mind one bit. 
“I really hate your super hearing. I bet you could hear me the second I stepped foot into the building,” I smiled while sitting on the chair opposite of him. 
“How was work?” He questioned. 
He went to turn off the music but I stopped him, saying that I didn’t mind it. 
“It was okay. The really bad bar creeps seem to come out in the day rather than night,” I shrugged. 
I had been bar tending at the pub across the street for a few months now and while it was true that the daylight seemed to bring out the worst of the creeps of Bucharest, the money was really good so I tried not to complain too much. 
Bucky’s heart rate sped so I placed a hand on his knee, letting him know that I was fine. “No one bothers me, Bucky.”
I kept my hand on his knee when I realized that it wasn’t making him uncomfortable. Even though we had been with each other every day for the last six months, we still had yet to make a move on taking whatever relationship we had to the next level. I promised him one night that I wouldn’t push him, let him find himself first, then we can talk about our relationship. We were friends living together. 
“I’ll let you get back to writing,” I motioned towards his journal while standing up. 
“You’re not going to ask what I’m writing?” He wondered, confusion on his face. 
I mirrored my own confusion to him. “Why would I? Those are your private thoughts, Bucky. I won’t read them unless you want me too.”
Turning my back to him to enter back into the apartment, I felt cold fingers lace with my own and tugging me back towards him. “Hm?” 
He remained silent, only bringing my hand to his lips and I felt warmth spread through me when he laid a soft kiss on my knuckles. 
“Thank you, Y/N” he breathed against my knuckles. 
“Anything for you, Bucky.” 
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I tossed and turned on the mattress, a quiet groan slipped through my lips. My fingertips padded on the mattress next to me for my phone and when I saw what time it was, another groan slipped out. It was after two a.m and I had been trying to fall asleep for the last 3 hours. Bucky and I had spent the last few days finally getting our apartment settled after I had worked three doubles in a row. Needless to say I was exhausted. 
Forcing my eyes shut, I placed a pillow over my face, hoping that would help. However, I sat up with a start as I heard whimpering coming from the body next to me. Bucky was fast asleep on the couch; or so I thought. 
His large body twitched and in the dim light, I could see the lines of his mouth pulled together in a hard line. The feeling I had surging through me told me one thing; he was having a nightmare. 
In the year of living with him and sleeping next to him, I had yet to notice him have a nightmare. I knelt on the mattress and gently placed my hand on his metal arm while giving him a quick shake. 
“Buck? Are you alright?” I whispered. 
Bucky’s eyes snapped open and the fingers of his metal arm wrapped around my throat cutting off my airway with a gasp. My body fell onto the mattress while Bucky straddled my hips. His eyes were gone, almost black, as he stared into me. I could feel his heartbeat quicken as the grip on my throat tightened. 
“Bucky,” I tried to cough out. 
My hands scratched and smacked his arm but failed. I didn’t want to have to use my powers to stop him, refusing to use it against him, but I knew if I didn’t, he would kill me. The air within slowly started to leave my body and I felt the darkness looming so with a quick snap of my fingers I felt the warmth spread through my hand. 
Wrapping my hand around Bucky’s flesh bicep, his metal one released my throat as a loud hiss escaped his throat. The air returned and I coughed loudly a few times, trying to swallow as much air as I could. Curling my hand into a fist, the fire evaporated and I felt Bucky’s body still on mine. 
“Y/N?” He asked, voice trembling. “What did I do?” 
He could tell in the dim light that marks were starting to form around my throat, guilt pulling at his heart. 
“I’m okay,” I reassured him. “You were having a nightmare and I made the mistake of trying to wake you.” 
“No,” Bucky shook his head while climbing off of me. “I could have killed you.” 
“But you didn’t.” 
I knelt in front of him and reached for his hand however he snatched them away from me. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I should go-.” 
“Bucky, stop! I’m okay!” I gripped his hand to keep him in place. “Call us even, okay?” 
I motioned to the red mark on his bicep when he looked at me confused. “I’m sorry for waking you. They’ve never been this real before.” 
“You’ve had nightmares before?” I questioned. 
We slept next to each other for the past year and I hadn’t even noticed that he was struggling with this. 
“The screams. It’s the screaming of them that haunt me.” He stuttered. 
I felt the sadness drowning me so I placed my hands on the sides of Bucky’s face and made him look at me. “It wasn’t you. What you did, that wasn’t you.” 
“But I did it.” His shoulders raised and slumped down with regret. 
Ignoring the voice of doubt that resided in the back of my mind, I knelt up closer to Bucky and laid a gentle kiss on his forehead. His hands immediately grasped my hips and squeezed. 
“C’mon, lets get some sleep.” I motioned for him to lay on the mattress next to me. 
Bucky refused, afraid that if another nightmare took over what he would do. But I wouldn’t take no for an answer and pulled him down next to me. 
“Is this alright?” I asked as I laid my head on his chest. 
His heart pounded against the cage of his chest and I placed my hand on top of it, almost trying to calm him. Bucky’s breathing slowed and his metal arm wrapped around my back pulling me closer to him, letting me know that he was in fact fine with it. 
That night was the last time we slept separate and the last time Bucky would have a nightmare for a long time. 
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“My God,” I gasped while my eyes scanned the article I was reading on my laptop. 
Avengers cause destruction in Sokovia. 
The article was a handful of months old, me just now getting my hands on a laptop. Bucky and I had spent the entire time here in Romania trying to stay away from the media, not wanting to know what was going on in the world and not wanting to be in the spotlight
Scrolling farther into the article, I read that Tony Stark and Bruce Banner had created Ultron who now  was on a mission to destroy everyone on earth; only wanting metal to live here. The Avengers, along with these enhanced twins, were trying to stop him. 
I couldn’t help but feel sadness and jealousy when I continued to read how the Avengers fought together against this Ultron. I could have been fighting alongside them, saving the world. But I knew that my place was here with Bucky. 
The mouse ghosted over a video on the article and after looking around the apartment to make sure Bucky wasn’t around, I clicked it open while holding my breath. 
Everyone from my former team was fighting these robot soldiers for the first half of the clip but when it cut to a different video, I sucked in my breath. Steve’s face popped up as was shown saving so many people, leading them to an old SHIELD helicarrier.. My heart ached wanting to be with him, fighting with him, and wanting to feel his body against my own once more. 
For the first few months, Steve’s face would cloud my dreams and I found myself missing him terribly every night. I told him to not look for us but a part of me knew that he wouldn’t abide by my wishes. I knew him and Sam were doing everything they could to find us. 
But now, over two years later, I found myself regretting my decision to leave; only slightly. 
“What are you watching?” 
Jumping at the voice, I went to close my laptop but a metal hand stopped me. Bucky’s eyes scanned over the article before he watched the video I had just finished watching. His face was unreadable but what scared me the most was that I could feel what he was feeling. 
Maybe I was having an off day. 
“Stark? Why do I know that name?” He wondered, mostly to himself. 
“He’s one of the richest men in New York. He also helped find The Avengers.” I said while placing my laptop on the kitchen table. 
“The Avengers?” Bucky asked. 
“I know, it’s not that great of a name. But what we did made up for it.” I defended myself. 
Bucky placed his journal on the counter and shook off his jacket, placing it on the chair in front of him. He then sat on the couch next to me. 
Biting my lip, I gave him a small nod. In the last two years, we were so focused on getting him better and figuring out his past, that I hadn’t given him any details about mine. Since the night of his nightmare, we became incredibly close. We still haven't made ourselves official but we shared the bed each night, tangled in each other's arms, and soft kisses on forehead and hands were as far as it got. 
I never complained once. 
“Um, I used to be a part of the team. That’s how I met Steve actually. We first came together to help defeat the Chitauri; some alien species.” I started. 
“I remember reading about that a few months ago,” Bucky admitted. 
A few months ago he spent an entire weekend reading old news stories that he had missed out on. 
“Ever since that day, I had decided to stay on Steve’s team. Now, it seems like they’re still working together.” I said with a hint of jealousy. 
“Doing what?” Bucky asked, passing me a plum. 
Taking it with gratitude, I tried the best way to bring it up without triggering him. “Uh, I guess the last few months they’ve been taking down Hydra bases to find this special scepter and they nearly leveled Sokovia trying to stop this Ultron guy. 
Bucky was silent, body rigid when I had mentioned Hydra. “I thought Hydra fell?” 
“Apparently not,” I sighed. 
We sat in a tense silence and noticing that his shoulders were straight with rage with the thought of Hydra still being a functioning terrorist group. 
“Hey,” I spoke softly. “They won’t find you. It’s been almost two and a half years. We’re going to be fine.”
Bucky hesitated for a moment before nodding. “I, uh, added more to my journal.” 
“You did?” I smiled. 
“Those stories about the war in the 40’s helped me remember some stuff, not a lot though.” 
The disappointment in his voice broke my heart so I placed my head on his flesh shoulder, not daring to place it on the other. Every night when we would lay in bed together, I had refused to touch the scars on that shoulder. Bucky was still reserved and uncomfortable with it. 
“So,” I started, immediately wanting to change the subject. “Anything you want to do tomorrow?”
Bucky nodded and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. “Can we go to the fruit market? We’re out of plums.” 
“You and your plums,” I giggled while wrapping my arm around his midsection. “But anything for you, Buck.” 
“Thank you, dorogaya.” He breathed against my forehead. 
We both enjoyed this new normal for us, settling into this routine fairly early on while we were in hiding. But nothing would prepare us for what was about to happen tomorrow and how it would affect the rest of our lives.
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crestomanci · 3 years
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Chapter 2
For God’s sake, did I behave that badly throughout these fifteen years to deserve this? And what did they expect me to do? Did they expect me to go to a country of which I’ve never even seen a picture, assume the throne that I “gained” just by chance and take care of a child and a baby? And how come they can “take me by force”?
           I took a deep breath, trying to organize my thoughts, then got up and took off my clothes. I thought that taking a bath could help me, so I turned on the shower and tried to think of what I should do first. I eventually concluded that I would figure out everything I could about my mom and maybe after that I could untie a lot of tight knots that were tangling my brain.
           I got out of the bathroom, wore my most comfortable pajamas, that was one of my dad’s red flannel and blue pajama pants I got as a Christmas gift three years ago. When I left my bedroom, my dad had already left and I took that as an opportunity to sit on his armchair, bringing the box he showed me earlier closer to me.  On the box, there were a lot of pictures and newspaper articles about her. And she was pretty! Wavy blond hair and big brown eyes that looked like mine. According to the articles, her name was Caroline Marie Rodriguez DeValence II (well, that sounds like a royal name) and looked happy in most of the pictures. I mean… She was smiling, at least. As far as I knew, there was nothing about me or about her life when I was born, but, in between the pictures, I found something that surprised me.
           Inside an old envelope, with only a stamp on, there were a lot of pictures and when I realized what they were all about, I gave up on the rest of the box to focus on that specific envelope. They were pictures of me with her. Pictures of which I could obviously not remember, but now that I saw them, it was as if I could feel the love she felt for me. Among them, one got my attention: we were close to a fireplace, she was sitting on a big and white armchair, wore kind of a navy-blue blanket and I was on her lap, with a little dress with lots of laces and, as I narrowed my eyes to look for the details, I realized the laces were pink and white. In the pictures, the ones she was holding me were different from the others. It didn’t matter if she wasn’t looking at the camera. She was looking at me. Without even bothering if there was a camera. And she smiled differently than in the other pictures I saw on the box. In another one, I was laying down on her lap and she was holding me, facing her, or the camera. There was one in which I was sleeping on a baby crib… Another thing that I noticed was the resemblance. I looked like her in a peculiar way, but I didn’t know how to explain.
           I checked the hour on the clock above the TV and it was past midnight. I gathered all of those pictures again and put them on the box, then took a deep breath. What was I supposed to do now? The first option that came into my mind was: go to sleep. Tomorrow I have school, right? Or will they take me tomorrow? By the way, who would take me there?
           I got the box again, willing to learn more about the place my mom ruled, but, as I was about to open it, a red light crossed the room and I stopped.
           “Dad?” I called and then I saw the light again, crossing the room and disappearing. After that, I heard a gunshot.
           I ran to my dad’s room and opened the door, finding him on the floor.
           “Nick, get down!” he shouted.
           As I looked down, I noticed that the red light was right on my chest, so I got down quickly and right after that a gunshot hit the wall in the corridor.
           “What’s this? What’s going on?” I shouted, crawling to my dad.
           “I don’t know. They told me they were going to get you peacefully. They said they needed you.” another gunshot. This time, it broke the window and there were pieces of broken glass everywhere. My dad wailed and I noticed he was shot.
           “You’re hurt? They shoot you!” I screamed and attempted to look for my dad’s phone.
           “I’m alright. You need to get out of here, Nick” he asked, holding his right arm so that I couldn’t see the blood mark.
           I shake my head. I wouldn’t leave him there and I didn’t know what to do or what was happening. When I found the phone, I pressed the button to unlock, but when I was almost calling 911, someone broke into the front door.
           It was the end. To me and to my dad. I held him in my arms and kept typing, until I saw the shadow of a tall man coming into the dark room with a gun in his hand.
           I closed my eyes and waited for death, but it didn’t come. I heard the noise of gunshots and felt as if the man was coming closer, until everything stopped.
           “He ran away.” I heard a robotic voice coming from the radio.
           I dared to open my eyes and besides seeing that my dad was still alive, I saw the tall man, the same I saw when I came home after work, staring at me.
           “Then get here. We need to take the princess.” and, then, he turned off the little device he was using and squatted down. “Everything is fine, Princess Nicolle. You’re safe now”.
             After being led by counselor Isaac (because I couldn’t move), he started to help my dad and, after that, he introduced himself and told us that we just faced a terrorist attack. Someone followed him and Jean - who was another member of Combellmont royal guard -, discovered where we lived and waited until dawn to attack. They thought it was a kind of “total cleaning service”, in which neither me nor my dad should have survived.
           “Princess, do you mind if I start to gather your stuff or would you like to leave them here?” I heard Jean ask and I stared at him.
           It took me a while to remember that they needed me to pack my bags to go.
           “I’d rather you call the ambulance and let me take my dad to the hospital!” I begged.
           “Impossible.” he said and crossed his arms. I kept staring at him.
           He wore a black suit and was tall, but he had more muscles than Isaac, which made his suit look tight around his arms. Isaac had brown hair and his eyes were narrow and brown too. As for Jean, he had black hair and dark green eyes that were waiting for me to react.
But I heard a painful muffled moan coming from my dad and noticed that Isaac took the bullet that shot his right arm, closer to his shoulder.
“What the-”
“Nick, everything is fine” I heard my dad saying, as he was holding onto the kitchen balcony.
“He needs to go to the hospital.” I said.
“No. We can’t risk your safety. If, after we leave, he still wants to go, we’ll call an ambulance.”
“What’re you saying’? He’s coming with me! I mean, I’m only leaving if he leaves too!”
“No. Don’t even bother.” I shouted. “I don’t know where I’m going to, I don’t know what I’ll do, but whatever you expect me to do, I’ll only do it if my dad comes with me.”
Jean and Isaac looked at each other and I didn’t know why it looked like they were having fun. My dad was staring at me, holding his shirt that now was ripped off and had a whole due to the gunshot.
“If I say that he’ll come, will it make you come faster?” Jean asked, coming closer.
If his intention by getting closer to me was to make me frightened, it didn’t work. If he wanted to kill me, he would’ve done it when he entered the apartment, but it didn’t happen. He was there to help Isaac to take me, so he wouldn’t hurt me, would he? Testing the courage I’ve never used before, I got up, crossed my arms and walked towards him.
“Yes.” I replied.
After that, Jean smiled as if he was talking to a little kid.
“Pack your bags, princess. We’re taking you both to Combellmont.”
Leaving the apartment was a ridiculous process. As I tried to put everything I didn’t want to leave behind on my bag and helped my dad to do the same, I heard Isaac and Jean calling the police and minutes later two police cars arrived with their lights on, but, thank God, with their sirens off.
“I ask them to come discreetly.” Isaac complained between teeth.
“They are police officers from a small town, Isaac. Whoever attempted this attack will not come back. They probably know they shot someone and, after that, you got in the apartment.”
“For God’s sake, princess! Get out of the window!” Isaac shouted, entering my room and putting me away from the window.
“Hey! No touch, please” I said, trying to get away from him.
Isaac let me go.
“We can leave now, princess.”
He grimaced and rolled his eyes. I took my backpack and purse, but Isaac moved himself and took them away from my hands. After that, I went to my dad’s room to help him out, but he decided to take only a backpack. Beside my stuff, I asked them to take the box that had pictures and articles about my mom, and my dad sealed it with duct tape everywhere he could.
After a while, we were being escorted by Isaac and Jean and all of our neighbors were watching us. As far as I could tell, we would be the subject matter for tomorrow’s gossip in town, and this was confirmed when we got into a black Mercedes and were escorted until the border of the town by two police cars.
“We are flying solo, Charles. We’ll be there in about an hour or so. Everything is clean until now. You know what to do. Reserve the entire floor and prepare the princess’ suite.” Jean ordered his phone and after hearing a short answer he hung up. “Tighten your belts.”
I obeyed and soon I found out the reason for that order. Jean drove at high speed and everything was blurry.
“Hey, I don’t know how y’all drive in your own country, but here we have rules and transit plates” I warned and felt my dad holding my hand.
Jean looked impatient and nervous. He pressed the steering wheel and took a deep breath before telling me: “I’m sorry, princess, but that’s necessary since we’re only two trying to deal with an emergency.”            I couldn’t explain why but I got pissed off whenever he called me princess. It didn’t feel like I was a princess at all.
I held my dad’s hand and kept staring at the blurry road.
Even at dawn, New York looked chaotic and its lights were quite hypnotic, but when we stopped by a hotel, I couldn’t control myself and got really euphoric. That is, until Isaac opened the car door and I had to pretend that everything was normal.
“Here you’ll be safe, but I recommend you stay away from the windows and don’t talk to anyone but your dad.”
I arch my eyebrows without answering and followed Isaac, as Jean was behind me and my dad was by his side.
“Just to be clear: we can’t afford this place” I said, looking around.
Everything was golden and white. The reception was huge and, since we passed by the revolving door, I counted five chandeliers until we got to the front desk.
“Yes, you do. Not officially, but you do” I heard Jean saying behind me.
“Good night, gentlemen. Who placed the reservation?” the receptionist asked before I could comprehend what Jean was saying.
“Combellmont’s royal guard” Isaac informed and handed in a card with small and golden letters.
The receptionist opened up her eyes in shock and noticed me for the first time, then kept staring at me for a couple seconds. Then, she typed something really fast and handed in two cards for two different rooms. She wished a good night, took the phone and started talking to someone.
“C’mon” my dad said and I followed them around.
We headed to the elevator and stayed there for an eternity. To my embarrassment, every time we stopped somewhere, Isaac and Jean didn’t let people get in, until we arrived at the floor in which I would stay the night and I counted three more guards waiting for us. One on the left side, one on the right side, one closer to a door. The door to my room.
“Good night, Isaac. Jean.” The one closer to the door greeted the two and looked like he was trying not to laugh.
“Step away from the door, Charles.” Jean replied, rolling his eyes.
Charles pretended like he didn’t hear it at all and then bowed at me.
“Good night, princess.”
“Good…?” that was all I could say.
Charles looked a lot like Jean, but had more hair, bigger cheeks and less muscle. He didn’t look like he was a guard, but one of my classmates, maybe one of those that were addicted to sports and that stuff.
“Step away from the door, Charles.” Jean repeated.
Charles moved away and Jean opened the door.
“Your suite, princess. Your father will be in the other room. As I’ve said, please, stay away from the windows. I’ll stay here, watching your door, so if you need anything you can call me.”            I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t say anything. I had nothing to say, actually. So I got inside the room and Jean came after me, putting my backpack in front of the bed while putting the box and my purse on the bed.
“Good night, princess. We’ll head to Combellmont tomorrow” and, after realizing I wouldn’t say anything, he left.
End of the chapter. Let me know if you liked! Don't forget to comment, like and shared with your friends. See y'all soon! 💜
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thenbkim · 4 years
Heeey so, i did a thing! Another Korrasami oneshot, this time an AU version. Hope this makes someone smile.
Sorry for the long post and possible grammar mistakes.
Shared Walls
Work wasn't easy for Asami today, specially when she crossed ways with her ex boyfriend, at her favorite restaurant, well, they're favorite restaurant, at lunch break. It wasn't a bad break up but seeing him with another girl, while she was single and quite needy for some cuddles, was definitely a bummer. As if that wasn't bad enough, her new project almost got lost when a rookie dropped a boiling cup of coffe on her laptop. Lucky for her, the project was already saved on the main server. It was time to call it a day and go home. Future Industries would provide her a brand new laptop the next day, otherwise, how could the head creator engineer work? 
At home, the only thing Asami could think was "Why did I move from my parents house?! At this time, dinner would be ready…". She was a smart girl, she knew how to cook a delicious meal for herself, but she was tired. The day drained her energies. She needed the fuel for her stomach and the comfort only food could provide, so she took her jacket off, tied her long dark hair up in a ponytail and went to the kitchen, to figure out what to cook. 
As she was grilling some steak and fixing a salad, she put her phone on the kitchen counter and turn on the music. First on the playlist was SIA's "Elastic Heart", she had to sing along:
"And another one bites the dust
But why can I not conquer love?
And I might've thought that we were one
Wanted to fight this war without weapons
And I want it and I wanted it bad
But there were so many red flags
Now another one bites the dust
Yeah let's be clear, I trust no one"
As she kept singing, a voice on the other side of the wall, the one shared with the next door apartment, tuned with hers:
"You did not break me
I'm still fighting for peace"
She heard it and continued the duet:
"Well I've got thick skin and an elastic heart
But your blade it might be too sharp
I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard
Yeah I may snap and I move fast
You won't see me fall apart
'Cause I've got an elastic heart"
They finished the song, and laughter could be heard in both sides of the wall. Asami loved the voice, it was sweet and the pitch was perfect. She somehow got the courage to say through the wall:
"You have a beautiful voice… wanna pick the next song?"
She never believed an answer would come from the stranger next door but for her surprise, she heard:
"You have a great voice too… do you like Alanis? How about "Ironic"?"
"Sounds perfect… just goes with my day… hit it!"
She felt a warm feeling inside her with that precious voice: 
They sang while Asami finished fixing her dinner, and that made her heart feel a lot lighter. When she finished, the voice shout:
"Hey… care to join me for dinner time? Our balconies are shared too…" 
Asami blushed a little and said "Sure… i would love the company…"
Both of them sat in their respective balconies, with their dinner. When Asami was setting her table, she heard one excited "hey, over here!" and a waving hand on the right side of the frame. 
"Name is Korra, by the way… i guess i'm your new neighbor".
Asami chuckled a little and answered: 
"It's really nice to meet you, new neighbor… i kinda figured it, since the old ladie that lived there usually asked me to stop singing… I'm Asami, by the way."
They sat down, close to the shared wall, right by the window frame, so they could talk with no need for shouting. 
"So, Asami, how come I'm lucky enough to have a neighbor that sings so well and shares my music taste?!"
"I could ask you the same, you know? But usually i sing when my day wasn't quite as I expected... "
"Oh… rough day, huh? Wanna share it with a stranger? I'm a good listener…"
"Oh I just lost a computer to a flying cup of coffe and find out my ex is really happy with his new girlfriend…"
"Yikes… i can only hope you get your computer fixed soon and… you single?" Asami almost could hear the grin forming on Korra's face.
"My company will provide a new one, but still… i got so angry that I ruined my own day, and scared a young rookie… and yes, I'm single." She giggled after saying it. "How about your day, Korra? Mind sharing a little about yourself as well?"
"Oh… I work at the gym down the street, martial arts instructor. I had a good day until this guy thought he could teach me my own work… if there's something i can't handle well is mansplanning… so, i beat the crap out of him in class… everyone enjoyed it, but he complained to the owner… so she called me out. That kind of bummed me a little…"
"Sorry you had to deal with that… man can be really obnoxious. So… martial arts… you must be one of those healthy persons, with excelent body shape…" Asami was playfull, but bit her bottom lip trying to imagine how the neighbor looked like.
"Hahah, jokes on you, i love to brag about my body! I am in excelent shape, thank you very much, but healthy… well, say that to my noodles and beer."
"Oh, i wish i had some instant noodles and beer here, would've given me a little more time to rest… and i heard you bragging, but I'll believe you when i see you…"
"Well… can't help with the instant noodles because i made the dough my mother taught me. If I knew i would have such company, i would've made more… but i can help you with the beer, wait a minute…"
Asami heard Korra get up and some noises of bottles clinging, again another "hey" and a hand appeared on the frame, holding a beer and a card. 
"Here, some beer to make up for your lousy day and... get the card too… add my number and maybe I'll prove to you how fit i am."
Asami blushed and accepted the beer and card. She opened the bottle and added the number to her contact list. 
"Thanks, i needed the beer… I'll send you a text so you can save my number."
As soon as she sent it, she received back a photo message, and that almost made her spill the beer. The girl on the photo had the most amazing body she ever saw. Brown hair and skin, with blue eyes.
"Wow, is that really you?! Are YOU single?!" They laughed and Korra said:
"Yes and yes. I told you i look fine…"
"Fine? You look gorgeous… here, since you sent me a pic…"
Asami chose one of hers where her hair is down, she's wearing her favorite skirt and blouse with this red scarf, her eyes green and shining. Immediately she got an answer from the other side:
"Wow, you are hot!... Sorry… i… well, you are!" Korra felt herself blush and Asami laughed, but felt good with the reaction…
"Thank you for being sincere… it's a little late though… I'm really glad you kept me company tonight, thanks for listening, for the beer and for the picture" Giggles.
"You are welcome. And thank you as well for the amazing evening… and for the picture. Talk to you tomorrow, neighbor?"
They said their good nights and went to bed, Asami felt like her day wasn't a problem anymore, meeting Korra, even through a wall, made her feel wanted somehow, and comforted. She layed down with a smile on her face. Korra felt the same on the other side, the comfort that girl caused on her just made up for the horrible day. She jumped on the bed and hugged her pillow with joy.
The next day came and the routine was back, Asami woke up, took a shower, made breakfast and got ready for work, all with a smile on her face, showing how light and happy she felt. 
As she opened the door, the neighbor opened hers and got out of her apartment as well. Their eyes met and both blushed, smiling at each other. They went to the elevator and the buffy girl broke the silence:
"Hi, hot neighbor."
Asami was as red as her scarf, she looked down so Korra couldn't see her red cheeks, and then she said a shy "hello" to the girl in sweat pants and blue tank top. 
As they got out of the building, both started walking on the same direction. It was a quiet walk, but they kept close to each other, both with silly smiles. Korra's destination came first so she stopped and Asami kept going. Korra immediately shouted:
"Another duet tonight?"
Asami stopped and looked back. Still smiling she said:
"Looking forward to it. I'll bring the beer today."
She turned back to her way, and Korra     followed with her eyes until Asami took a turn and got out of sight. 
They couldn't believe how a bad day could take a good turn because of a stranger on the other side of the wall. 
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