#i ALREADY sent big scary message
luveline · 1 month
oooh what about hotch's sister calling spencer to pick her up at the hospital after an accident or something because she doesn't want hotch to know since worry and go into protective big brother mode, but spencer tells him anyway and they both show up and lots of fluff ensues :)
adopted fem!reader, 1.5k
cw for panic attacks
You should call your brother. 
You think about it, even pull up his contact, he’s the first person you go to when you need help and he always has been, but lately Aaron has been so stressed you hesitate, clicking the text button by mistake. 
You read back his last message. 
I can feel myself being spread too thin but there’s nothing I can do to fix it, he’d text. I guess I’m frustrated. But how are you, working girl? New jobs are scary. I bet you’re doing better than you think already. Jack and I are super proud of you
You’d sent him a meagre response. You aren’t always sure what to say to him. Sincerity is easier in person, but even then, he can be terse and deflective; he looks after you and no one looks after him. 
You didn’t tell him about work, and you won’t tell him about now. You call Spencer instead. This is a good way to test the almost dating thing, right? 
He doesn’t answer. When you call again, he answers on the first ring. “Hey, are you okay?” 
“No. Are you busy?” 
“I’m not busy if you’re not okay. Two seconds.” There’s a pause where you assume he’s moving from one place to another, perhaps closing a book around his hand, or closing the lid on an early lunch. “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m, uh, in hospital. I had a huge panic attack at work and I… thought I was having a heart attack, so I–” You’re so embarrassed your voice turns to a thread. “Sorry, I know it’s so stupid.” 
“It’s not stupid, that’s not stupid. How do you feel now?” 
“Like someone hit me really hard in the chest.” 
“Are you calmed down?” 
“Mostly.” You wince. “They want to talk to me about medications. Uh.” You clear your throat. “I want to go home.” 
“Angel… I’m on my way, okay? I’ll get Hotch and–”
“You can’t tell him.” 
“Please, Spencer, he gets so worried, he’s worried enough. And if he finds out I had a panic attack he’ll try and make me take time off of work and that’s just another thing on his plate he didn’t ask for–”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he says softly, “please don’t panic. You’ve had a hard morning, panicking again is really gonna hurt. Try and think about things that don’t wind you up, alright? Is there anything you need me to get?” 
“You don’t have to come.” 
“That’s why you called me, right? I’ll be there.” 
You can’t know that he says goodbye and ducks straight back into Hotch’s office, where he’d been, to tell on you. It’s not to hurt you and it isn’t because you told him not to —it’s two parts concern, and one part self preservation. Aaron needs to know and you need him with you, and he also can’t imagine things going well for himself if he kept the news of your stay a secret. The shovel talk plays in his mind. 
Aaron’s shovel talk being, You won’t do anything to hurt her, said simply, and with an impassive expression that bordered terrifying. Not overly unaffected, just casual. 
You’re laying in your hospital bed with your hands clasped across your stomach when Spencer arrives. He frowns at you in your bed, worse when he sees your smudged makeup and the chafed inside of your wrist where you’ve picked and squeezed at your own skin. Your panic has left a physical mark, your chest aching as you force yourself to sit, and it hurts doubly so when your brother lets himself in behind your nearly-boyfriend.
You don’t have it in you to complain. 
“I’m sorry,” Spencer says, reaching down to give you a quick hug as you sit. “I had to tell him.” 
 Aaron’s hug is similarly apologetic, though much longer. “You weren’t gonna tell me?” he asks quietly, his hand settling at the place between your shoulders. “How do you feel now?” 
“I’m fine, I– I really thought I was having a heart attack.” 
“That’s common,” Spencer says, “it’s the feeling of impending doom, thousands of people mistake anxiety for medical issues every week.” 
Aaron holds you by the shoulders. “It’s okay,” he says. “Was it a doctor that checked you out, or a nurse?” 
Aaron probes the name of your nurse from you and promises to be back soon. He seems to have gleaned that the quickest way to get information today won’t be from you. 
Spencer goes in for another hug when he leaves, and then, to your delight, a very quick kiss pressed to your cheek. He ducks away after that and sits on the side of your hospital bed, his knuckles gracing the outside of your thigh. “Thank you for calling me,” he says, smiling at you, and better when you smile back.
“Thanks for coming.” 
“Of course. I know how it feels, okay? If they want to talk about medication it’s a good thing, but everyone has moments like this.” 
“I can’t believe you told Aaron,” you say, giving a weak but playful glare.
“I can’t believe you weren’t going to. He loves you, he wants to know what’s hurting you, no matter how much stuff is on his plate.” 
You bite the inside of your lip, contemplative for a few slow seconds. “You think so?” you ask finally. 
The hair flicked under his ears wobbles as he nods. “Absolutely.” 
You lean forward to readjust his collar and tie. He’s wearing one of his cutesy waistcoats, dark grey over a light blue shirt. His tie has patterns you trace with your thumb, like fish scales. “Sorry, I know you were working,” you murmur. 
“I think my boss will forgive me.” 
You let your hands fall. Spencer, perhaps picking up on a hint you hadn’t meant to give, takes them both into one of his and squeezes reassuringly. 
“It’s harder than I thought,” you confide softly. 
“It’s an adjustment period. But maybe it’s not right for you, there. That’s what started it, right? Your job.” 
“I’m not sure. I don’t know. I get panicky about all sorts of stuff, but I’ve never had one this bad before. I was a miserable kid, you can ask Aaron, but I really thought I was better.” 
He rubs over your fingers with his thumb. “I think we all have stuff that messes us up. Doesn’t mean you’re not better. You don’t even really have to be better. And I… I am here for you, I promise. I know you have no reason to trust me with it yet, but I’ll listen whenever you need me to.” 
You think about kissing him. Spencer kisses like he’s suffocating and your air, it’s cliche and undeniably true. Whenever you kiss him it’s like a shock —he steals your breath, he can’t stop himself from grabbing your face, and any other time you’d love it, but right now you just need a peck. You’re hoping he can do those kinds of kisses too. 
“Will you kiss me?” you ask tentatively.
He gets the memo on gentleness. You shouldn’t be surprised, your very first kiss was tame, his hand running up your arm as he encourages you forward. Your eyes shutter closed at the feeling of his lips on yours, and the exhausting thrumming that’s lived beneath your skin since you woke up numbs to a more manageable ache. 
Spencer breaks away. He cups your cheek quickly, dropping it immediately when the door opens. 
You shuffle backward nonchalantly. 
Aaron gives you a sarcastic look. Really? it says. I wasn't born yesterday. 
“They want to give you a prescription for Paxil, honey, what do you think?” He turns his attention to Spencer reluctantly. “What’s her best option here?” 
“Paxil could be fine. They didn’t suggest a benzodiazepine? Paxil is an SSRIs, it slows down the rate of serotonin reuptake, basically increasing the effectiveness of your bodies natural serotonin, which could decrease the risk of another attack, but taking it won’t stop her from feeling like this,” —he frowns at your location— “very quickly. Ideally she should have a medication for general anxiety and the option for quicker relief if this happens again.” He smiles at you suddenly, nearly shyly. “If that’s what you want, that is.” 
“What are you thinking, honey?” Aaron asks you. 
You have the two of them here to look after you while you decide. You take Spencer’s hand gently, desperate for reassurance. “I’m not sure.” 
“It’s okay, we’ll work it out,” your brother promises. 
Spencer squeezes your hand. 
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withleeknow · 8 months
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pairing: minho x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, fluff; cursing, unedited lol word count: 0.9k note: idek what this is lol i just wrote this to get the brain wiggles out 🤣
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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“You’re banishing me to the couch because of a little prank?”
“Because it wasn’t funny! God, you’re such an asshole.”
“It was!” Fucking hell, Minho is still laughing. “Babe, you should’ve seen your face.”
You hold up your big fluffy pillow to hit your boyfriend over the head, though he dodges it easily. "Piss off to the couch!"
“For real?” he asks, scanning your face with his big eyes, his brows raising annoyingly. “Sure you wanna sleep alone tonight? You're serious?”
“As a fucking heart attack,” you huff angrily, wildly kicking your feet at his legs under the sheets. “Out!”
“You’re so cute. You know you always fold, right?” he coos, eyes crinkling with mirth as he raises his hands, seemingly trying to hold your cheeks in his palms. “At least give me a kiss before I go.”
It only sharpens your dagger glare, and before Minho knows what’s even happening, he’s yeeted from the bed to the floor, rubbing the sore spot on his butt that you just kicked and sent him flying off the mattress.
“Ow! Fine, I’m leaving. See you in a couple hours."
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Thirty minutes later, your phone lights up with a message, Minho’s screen flashing on your screen like an omen. You frown when you reach for the device on your nightstand, the furrow between your brows only deepening as you read the words Attachment: 2 Images.
Your finger hovers over the notification, clearly curious, but you know your boyfriend too well to be that naive.
There’s a 76% chance that he just sent you something scary that he got from the internet, which you think would be a stupid thing to do, considering that you’re “mad” at him.
But then again, he’s already on the couch. Maybe he’s got nothing left to lose.
Damn that man.
You shake your fist in the direction of the door, even though he can’t see you, before you decide to just get it over with and pop open his messages.
It’s nothing. No jumpscares, no scary photos of ghosts or ghouls or anything of the likes.
It’s only a couple selfies of him lying on the couch this very second, just a few footsteps away from your bedroom door, hugging his pillow with a content look on his face.
The first thing you do is save the photos to your designated Minho album, because even though you’re “mad” at him, he still looks cute with his stupid Snow filters and bunny smile, his gleaming eyes and-
You see what this is.
He’s banished, but he’s still pushing it, trying to show you just how much he seems to be loving it out there.
You huff out yet another annoyed breath. What on earth are you going to do with him? That’s a question you ask yourself every day.
In the end, you only reply to him with the middle finger emoji before you put your phone on the nightstand again.
You turn away from the device and snuggle further into your bed, willing sleep to come find you but you have to admit that it’s hard. It’s not because you’re scared or anything, you’re just used to sleeping next to someone.
No, not just anyone.
Only Minho.
You’re so used to sleeping next to Minho that now the bed feels infinitely empty without his warmth next to you, all over you.
Rationally, you know he’s right there in the living room - you can still hear him every time he paddles to the kitchen to get some water - and you’re clearly not strong enough to leave him on the couch for more than one night.
Actually, he has never been banished for a full night. Hell, his timeout on the couch has always ended much earlier than you’d like. Your boyfriend was right. You always fold. Pathetically quickly too.
You toss and turn for another while before you hear his unabashed giggles from the living room, light and relaxed, over the echoes of dramatic music. He must have put on a scary movie.
With your eyes closed, you listen to the sounds of make-believe doors slamming, floorboards creaking, a blood-curdling scream here and there. You’re still as wide awake as you were earlier, when Minho popped up from underneath the sheets, wearing a fucking Chucky mask just as you were getting into bed.
The idea of having his arms around you gets more appealing by the minute. You know you would be out like a light within seconds if he was holding you.
With both palms gripping the pillow beneath your head, you let out one last irritated exhale. Fuck it. This was a losing game from the start and you were all too aware of it.
You paddle out of your bedroom on light footsteps and into the enemy’s territory. When you’re in front of the couch, Minho calmly pauses the movie on the TV before he peers up at you with innocent eyes.
You hold out a hand wordlessly. This isn’t your first rodeo, and it sure as hell won’t be your last, as much as it pains you to admit it.
“Told you,” he titters, checking his phone for the time before he takes your hand in his. “You lasted 58 minutes. So close. Almost made it a full hour.”
You roll your eyes, though your body instantly relaxes now that you’re touching him in some way. He turns off the TV, grabs his phone and pillow, then waddles the both of you back into your cozy bedroom.
Your friends were right when they said they'd never seen anyone fold so quickly.
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all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 02.11.2023]
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oizysian · 5 months
All Eyes on Me masterlist
Word count: 1.7k
"You're kidding. Brie Larson? The Brie Larson? The Oscar winner Brie Larson? CAPTAIN MARVEL Brie Larson?!"
"Yes, yes, yes - a million times yes." I laughed as my best friend went on and on about my big news that I finally had the time to tell her about. "That Brie Larson."
"No way." She was quiet for a moment. "And I wasn't mentioned in the tweet at all?"
I felt bad for Claire. We had a joint Twitch channel together and we also had our own separate ones. I had been working on my channel longer than she had so I had more time to grow, and it seemed that my hard work was paying off and I was starting to leave her behind.
"No," I answered sadly. "But that doesn't mean you can't join in." I tried to be optimistic about it, hating that my best friend in the whole wide world was upset.
"Nah, I'm better off just watching the stream. But," I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was smiling. "Do you think she could hook me up with one of her celebrity friends? Maybe Scarlett Johansson?"
"I doubt that. Plus, she's got two kids now. Are you really ready for that responsibility?"
"Yeah, no, nevermind." She laughed. "Well, what about that Olsen girl you've got a crush on?"
"No, you cannot have Lizzie." I replied quickly.
"Oh no? You called dibs?"
"I think her husband already did that." I couldn't even pretend to hide my disappointment.
"Pfft. Husband or not, you've got dibs."
This wasn't exactly a conversation I wanted to have, especially when I was about to make a connection to someone so close to her.
"Whatever. Maybe she'll hook you up with one of the new Marvel girls; Florence or Hailee."
"Oh hell yes, Hailee for sure."
"If it gets you off my back about my crush on Lizzie, I'll talk to her for you." I chuckled, knowing very well I would do no such thing.
"Yeah, right. I know you too well to believe that."
"Worth a shot." I shrugged to myself, checking the time before mentally cursing myself. "Shit, I gotta go. The stream is in a few hours and I still gotta get things set up with Brie."
"Well, okay. Good luck and I'll be watching so don't say anything stupid!"
"Same to you. I know you'll be active in the chat."
"Damn right. Later."
I shut off my game and took off my headset, sighing as I got up and made my way over to my computer. I had a lot of work to do before the stream, mostly setting up Brie's camera and microphone so that she could be seen and heard while we played.
I was still in awe of the fact that I was going to be hosting a live charity stream with a celebrity. It was scary and surreal and I couldn't pretend that I didn't get a heady rush from it. I made all of this happen. I was finally someone. My past be damned.
I was so engrossed in what I was doing that I didn't even realize nearly two hours had passed, and that I had multiple notifications on my phone, the most recent one being from Brie.
"Shit." I muttered to myself, loading up Discord on my computer and video calling my new friend.
We had been texting nearly every day since I sent her the message with all the charity information, but we had never spoken, so this would be our first time face to face.
She answered the call quickly, her face popping up on my screen, taking me by surprise. She looked so down to earth, but still beautiful in a casual outfit and her hair up in a messy bun.
"Hey, Y/N." She greeted me with a bright smile and I couldn't help but smile back.
"Hey, hi, Brie." I finally spoke, my cheeks flushing pink with embarrassment at my nervousness.
"You ready for our twenty-four hour stream?"
"Twenty-four hours?" I laughed. "Maybe twelve. I'm not sure about twenty-four."
"Aw, c'mon. It's for charity."
We spoke for a while before getting ourselves hyped up to start the stream. Once we decided on a game and double checked that all the stream settings were perfect, we went live.
@y/n_gaymergod LIVE 🔴 with @brielarson raising money for The Trevor Project!
We decided on Fortnite, a game she was familiar with and one that I was pretty rusty in, which made me a bit nervous due to the fact that my character skin was Scarlet Witch - someone she knew. I loaded up the game and invited her, ready for the influx of comments mentioning my big, embarrassing crush on Elizabeth Olsen.
She joined my game and I silently watched her reaction. Nothing. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and turned my attention to the chat.
"Hi, everyone! We just got started and already we've got $15 donated! We didn't even start playing yet." Both Brie and I laughed, interacting with the chat as we started up a game of duos.
y/n is playing as the love of her life
big gay crush on fruity lizzie
y/n your gay is showing
I blushed a fierce red as I read the comments, hoping Brie didn't notice. It seemed that she was too busy trying to snipe some guys from across the map to pay any attention to the chat at the moment, which I was insanely grateful for.
"Nice shot, Y/N!" She exclaimed as I saved her from being downed.
"Thanks. You're not too bad yourself, Larson."
She smirked at me and I dropped some items for her in-game so she could recover from the fight we were just in.
was that flirting
y/n don't cheat on lizzie
y/n is flirting with brie larson i cant even
what about ur waifu for laifu lizzie y/n?
I ignored them.
"We've got this dub for sure." I assured her and she nodded and started cheering us on as we ran through the storm.
"Number one victory royale, baby!" She yelled as she ran into an unsuspecting duo, blasting them both with her shotgun.
Our first win of the stream done, we returned our attention to the chat and donations, now having received nearly $130.
"Wow, guys!" I couldn't believe it. "We're doing great so far. And we got a win! This is going really well." I directed the last part to Brie and she smiled, nodding at me.
A large donation flashed on the screen and my jaw dropped at the message attached to it.
"Brie, introduce Y/N to Elizabeth Olsen. She's in love with her."
I could feel my cheeks burning, tears building up in my eyes as she, obviously, read it. I was so fucking embarrassed.
"Thank you for the donation, but please don't say things like that again." I swallowed roughly. "We respect Elizabeth's marriage in this house." I tried to joke, the hurt surely evident in my voice.
Brie looked at me through the screen with an expression I couldn't quite identify before speaking again.
"I could make that happen."
My eyes went wide, my attention completely gone from the game and on my new friend. I got myself shot at and I cursed under my breath, trying to recover from the assault we were currently under.
"If we win this game, I'll see what I can do."
"Brie ..." I started to speak before she cut me off.
"You've gotta get more kills to catch up to me, Y/N. Keep up." She gave me a crooked smile, probably realizing that by saying that the chat would lay off me about it.
I made a mental note to thank her later, pushing down my awkward feelings from the chat and the last donor and focusing completely on the game. Even if it was just talk, I was determined to win.
Which we did. And many more after that.
We streamed for nearly twenty hours, with small breaks in between. We played a few different games and even played with viewers for a while. Our final donation total was a whopping $5,450, which surprised the hell out of me, but I was proud of our efforts. We did really, really good.
"So, about meeting Elizabeth." Brie started as we sat in a video call after the stream, just chilling and talking about how much fun we had.
"Brie, don't worry about that. My chat often busts my balls like that trying to embarrass me."
"It seems like they care about you." I was silent. "It sounds like you admire her."
"I just think she's cool, that's all. She seems like a nice person." I tried to cover my ass, but I'm sure I was very transparent.
"She is a nice person, and I think she'll like you a lot." She looked down at her phone for a few minutes before looking back up at me. "There's going to be an invite only party in LA in a few days celebrating the release of the new Doctor Strange movie."
I swallowed roughly, listening to her with bated breath.
"I want you to come with me as my plus one."
"I'm in New York, not LA, Brie."
"We can fix that. We have time to get you a flight and hotel."
I bit my lip in thought.
"Would it really be okay?" My voice was small and unsure.
She smiled brightly at me.
"Yes, of course it would! It's gonna be so exciting to hang out together in person."
I smiled, now excited myself and nodded in response.
"Okay, I'll do it. I'll come visit you and we can party and we can even record some of it for your YouTube channel if you want and -"
"Y/N, breathe." She chuckled at my reaction and tried to calm myself down.
"Sorry." I apologized bashfully. "I've never been to LA before."
"Oh no? Maybe I can show you around a bit. I know some really fantastic restaurants that you might like."
"That sounds great, I'm so excited!"
"I can tell." She smiled. "And does any of that excitement have to do with meeting Elizabeth?"
"Psh, no." I lied through my teeth. "I'm excited about spending time with you."
"Mhm. Nice cover."
"It's true! I consider you a good friend, Brie. I think we're gonna have a good time together."
"Me too, Y/N."
@oh-thats-cute @marvelwomen-simp
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hergrandplan · 2 months
Wille Month 2024 (@youngroyals-events), Day 1: Sandwich
These days, their love lies in the simple things – going to bed a bit earlier than they have to, just so they can cuddle, Wille’s home in his arms, right where he belongs. It is laughing over coffee, delaying heading to work for as long as they possibly can because they don’t want to miss a single moment with each other. Saturday afternoon cleaning sessions, interrupted by stolen kisses, and late-night reruns of their favorite shows.
The grand gestures are things they have left behind in the days of their youth – they don’t need the big declarations anymore, school anthems rewritten and thrones abdicated. There is no need for it, when love lingers in every single touch.
It’s in the quiet moments, the whispered ‘I love yous’, that Wille feels his heart almost combust with overflowing love.
And today, it’s in Simon showing up to his work unannounced. It’s almost scary, the way Simon knows exactly what Wille needs even when he hasn’t said a thing.
Wille’s morning consists of an endless string of meetings, each more awful than the last. It doesn’t help that his boss is away this week, having handed all his unfinished tasks for Wille to deal with, as if Wille doesn’t have enough to do already. It fills his stomach with dread, the amount of unanswered e-mails in his inbox that he has to do something with, even if he has no idea what.
By 11 am, Wille is drained, and has no idea how he’ll get through the next 6 hours. On top of that, there’s a message from Simon on his phone sent about an hour ago that he hasn’t even opened yet.
A few minutes past noon, there’s a soft knock on his door.
Wille has no time to deal with any of his colleagues right now – barely has time to think, but he says “come in” anyways, because maybe it’s urgent. Everything always feels urgent, somehow.
But instead of Myriam from accounting asking a question about the budget, or Ron coming in with more reports he has to sign off on, it’s Simon, the love of his life, standing in the doorway to his office. Smiling and curls tousled by the wind.
Relief floods through his body immediately – even just seeing him is enough to ease the pressure on his chest a bit.
Simon makes his way over to Wille and wraps his arms around him, nudging his chin up to kiss him, soft and tender. Wille clutches the fabric of his shirt tight, pressing his face against Simon’s sternum, but it isn’t until Simon places a kiss to the crown on his head that Wille feels like he can actually breathe again.
“Hey,” Simon says then. Wille hears the smile in his voice, feels how Simon’s arms tighten around him just a little, the press of his chin on his head. They hold each other like that – Wille, sat on his desk chair, Simon standing upright – for a few minutes, until Simon moves away a little so he can look at Wille. He places his hand on Wille’s cheek, and Wille leans into his touch immediately. He takes another deep breath.
“What are you doing here?” Wille asks, now gazing up at Simon. And he’s so beautiful, Wille still doesn’t know how he ever got this lucky.
Simon pulls away a bit, but keeps one arm wrapped around Wille’s frame while his other reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a tiny parcel, wrapped in a purple napkin.
“I figured, since you didn’t answer my texts, that you were either busy or stressed, and that you probably figured you didn’t have time for lunch, and so – I brought you lunch.”
Simon sits down on his lap as Wille takes the package from him and unwraps it to find a sandwich. Wille can’t help but chuckle as he takes a grateful bite. Simon knows him well – Wille hadn’t even thought about lunch yet, let alone if he was going to have it or not. He lets out a satisfied sigh at the taste of hummus and cucumber and cheese, with a little bit of hot sauce – just how Wille likes it.
The sandwich isn’t quite a surprise. Sandwiches are quick and easy, especially when the man you love has gone out of his way to give it to you because he knows you wouldn’t have eaten anything otherwise. But it’s also a small declaration of his love for Wille, an I care about you. By not answering his texts, Simon somehow figured out that Wille needed him, and here he was now, fingers playing with his hair as Wille enjoys this rare moment of peace and quiet in the middle of a busy work day.
“I love you,” Wille says, once he’s finished the sandwich.
“You better, I saved you from starvation,” Simon responds, smirking. Then his smile softens, and he presses his lips against Wille’s forehead. “I love you too.”
Wille lays his head on Simon’s shoulder again, brings his arms up to hold him, just for one moment longer until Simon has to go. At least his thoughts have quieted now, and even his mailbox doesn’t seem as daunting. He’s not sure if it’s the food or the simply Simon’s presence, but that doesn’t really matter.
Simon stays just a bit longer than necessary, just until Wille manages to clean up his inbox and knows that he’ll make it through the day without a panic attack. When he leaves, he takes a cookie out of his pocket and puts it on Wille’s desk. “For when you get peckish at 4,” he says.
And then, with one last final kiss goodbye, he’s out the door again.
Will doesn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day.
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cosmicladyy · 1 year
Bowser requests you say? Ha who would do that........
Can I please have a bowser x reader who is the opposite of him? He's big, loud, and scary while she's small(human size), quiet, and shy?
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bowser x shy!gn!reader headcanons
warning: none
a/n: Thank you for 100+ followers !! I'm glad so many people enjoy my writing, I appreciate all the support <33
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He has to be big and loud, his subjects won't take him seriously otherwise
quite literally big, large, and in charge
bowser is the type to not allow any type of disrespect fly
made a joke he doesn't like? dungeon
decided to question his authority? dungeon
he rules his kingdom with an iron fist
has an attitude that matches his tough exterior
when he's with you? it's like he's turned into jello
all his walls immediately come down when he sees you
whenever he speaks to you, he talks in the most gentle tones and never raises his voice at you
he barely uses any strength when he's handling you
since you're really soft-spoken, he'd yell at everyone and everything around him shut up so he can give you his undivided attention
kamek has witnessed his king ripping a Koopa a new one and not even two seconds later he's cooing something at you
he's always aware of his surroundings, doesn't wanna risk accidentally squashing you
date nights are obviously a must for him
if you don't feel like being around other people, he has a feast made for just you and him in the dining room
every dish being either a favorite of yours or something new he knows you'll enjoy
whenever you've had an especially trying day, he'll sit you next to him and play you various songs on his piano
even offers to teach you
limits the number of guards that usually surround him
says he's a king and can defend himself
in reality, he wants you to be as comfortable as possible in your home
whenever you'd be in a conversation with someone, he's always hovering either behind or around you
the literal definition of the 'they asked for no pickles' meme
he'd burn anyone who dares even look at you wrong to a crisp
gets major cuteness aggression
you can be doing nothing, just existing, and he'll have this urge to just squish your cheeks and cradle you in his massive arms
also he uses his height to his advantage and raises whatever you might be using over your head to be annoying
will only give it back in exchange for kisses
"Um, your heinousness?" a nervous kamek stands before the fire breather, who's seated on his throne.
He flinches under the fiery glare that's sent In his direction, "can't you see I'm trying to have a conversation?"
You send an apologetic look from your place on Bowser's lap, having just been telling him about your day, as per his request. You feel him shift and sit up straighter as he tightens the hold he has around your middle.
"I-It's just that.. well.."
"Spit it out already!" his temper simmers just as quickly as it spiked when he receives a smack to the shoulder, not really hurting him, but it sends the message.
"Nevermind!" The magikoopa considers whatever it was a lost cause and poofs himself out of the room with a cloud of pink smoke. "You didn't have to yell at him. Whatever I was talking about isn't that interesting."
A clawed finger finds its way under your chin and carefully turns your head up towards him, connecting his intense gaze with your own. "As if. Now, you were saying?"
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sassycheesecake · 9 months
Shūgo Meian x short!Reader "Happy Birthday"
Warnings: language, suggestive content, Atsumu accidentally gets hurt
Meian and you have only been dating officially for about three months now and his teammates don't know yet that their Captain is in a serious relationship.
So when it was Meian's birthday, his teammates agreed on surprising him at his own home as soon as the clock struck midnight.
Sakusa was forced into the participation, saying that it was a 'team-building-exercise' and it's their first time celebrating as a team, so EVERYONE needed to come.
Meian had this weekend off of training, wanting to spend it with you.
After his training was over on Friday evening, he picked you up from work and you guys drove straight to his apartment.
You made dinner together, watched 'The Haunting of Hill House' together, which ended up with you clinging onto your boyfriend like your life depended on it and watched some Spongebob episodes, so you don't get any nightmares from the scary show.
Around 22:38 you and the Middle Blocker decided to call it a night, dragging yourselves to bed with tired limbs.
The ravenette takes off his shirt, so he only remains in his MSBY workout shorts, showing off his strong thighs and his god-like shaped upper body.
You're wearing a simple dark blue shirt, along with matching shorts of the same colour for the night.
Since due to his AC, you get cold very fast.
Meian turns towards you and plants a couple of soft good night kisses on your lips, caressing your side gently while he does it. He wishes you sweet dreams, making you giggle which returns with a big grin.
"Can't wait to show you tomorrow morning what I have planned for you." You purr as one of your hands trace over his firm pecs, causing goosebumps to rise on his skin.
"Me neither. Love you, hot stuff, sweet dreams." Giving you one last kiss on your lips and forehead, you turn to your side to sleep.
Now with you laying on your side, the giant ravenette hugs your petite form from behind, heaving out a deep, blissful sigh, sleep overcoming him in seconds.
Later on, outside of Meian's apartment, some of the MSBY Black Jackals gather on the sidewalk, right in front of their Captain's apartment.
"It's freezing outside, where's the rest?!" Inunaki hisses, while shivering from the cold.
Checking his phone, Tomas sees that the time reads 23:48, and he sees a text from Bokuto, saying that he, Atsumu and Hinata had forgot to pick up the cake from the store on their way to Meian's apartment, so they had to turn around and get it but assuring that they will make it on time.
Sakusa and Barnes are also already here, freezing their asses off from the cold night as well.
"Bokuto sent me a message, saying that they should be here any second now. They forgot to pick up the cake and Hinata remembered it last minute, so they had to turn around and get it." Tomas explains with a deadpan expression on his face, tucking his phone back into his pocket.
"Of course they forgot." Sakusa mumbles annoyed under his black medical mask.
"Well, they said they should be here any second and I hope they are right. I am starting to feel like a stalker for standing in front of our Captain's apartment with you guys." Barnes laughs.
"But aren't stalkers usually on their own?" Inunaki asks with his head tilted.
"No, I think they can be multiple people stalking one person. I mean, the paparazzi do it all the time." Tomas shrugs his shoulders.
"Well according to Google, it can be more than one person." Barnes reads from his phone, the time now being 23:53.
"Let's please stop talking about this, I am going to leave if those idiots don't show up in the next two minutes." Sakusa growls, as he is exhausted from practice today and just wants to rest in his bed like a normal person.
Speaking of the devils, they see Bokuto's grey Audi Q5 racing down the street with incredible speed, scaring the four players that he won't brake on time.
As soon as the car is close enough, the tires screech as they break and the three rascals get out of the car, a pale Hinata holding the cake with shaking hands and a nauseous looking Atsumu having a bag full of streamers, party poppers, party blowers and confetti.
Bokuto looks extremely proud of himself for making it on record time like a professional street racer, minus the professional, since he drove like a mad man, making Hinata and Atsumu feel like they lost 20 years of their life during the ride.
"We made it!" Bokuto yells out in excitement, stretching his arms out with a massive grin.
"Shh!! People are sleeping!" Inunaki scolds the Wing Spiker.
"It was about time." Sakusa rolls his shoulders, cracking his neck side to side.
"Awww, did ya miss us Omi-Omi?" Atsumu teases the curly-haired Outside Hitter.
"Shut up, Miya." Sakusa scowls deeply behind his mask.
Barnes claps his hands together once, to gather the attention of his teammates.
"Alrighty, it's almost midnight. We have to get in now. Bokuto, do you have the key for Meian's apartment?"
The golden-eyed man proudly shows the replica of Meian's key, something Bokuto did while Meian was in the shower after practice a week ago.
The Jackals try to make their way in their Captain's apartment as quiet as possible, using their phone flashlights to see where they are going.
"Wow, I have to admit, his place is really nice." Tomas whistles softly, taking a small look around his place.
"This may sound like a dumb question, but has anyone ever been here before? Does anyone know where his bedroom is?" Inunaki asks the group.
"Okay, I guess we'll just have to look around then. I mean, his apartment is not that big, so we should be able to find it easily."
Inunaki adds.
All of sudden, Barnes stumbles over something in the dark, making a small noise by the action and also cursing when he almost fell.
Luckily, you easily wake up when you hear noises and you think you heard something.
Nudging your lover, you try to wake him up with a shaky voice.
"Shū? Shūgo, wake up!" You whisper at the giant.
"Hmmm… what babe? 'm sleepin…" The ravenette mumbles sleepily into his pillow.
"I think someone is in the apartment. I heard a noise." You explain, reaching under his bed on your side where you store a baseball bat.
"Baby, it's probably nothing. Go back to sleep." Shūgo adjusts himself, pulling the blanket further up, so it almost covers his entire face.
You feel a vein almost popping at his answer, yet you keep the bat right beside you, just in case.
Unfortunately you feel too uneasy to go back to sleep and you don't even bother getting up and checking out the noise, because that's how most people die first in horror movies.
So you just lay there, a death grip on your bat, eyes wide open, heart beating fast.
But now you're not imagining it, you can hear footsteps and now you're actually shaking in fear.
You hide under the blankets and scooch closer to your boyfriend, hoping, if there is an intruder here, gets Meian first or at least see his height and runs off.
The next thing you know, you hear more than one pair of heavy footsteps and you can already see your life flashing before your eyes.
What happens next though, is highly unusual for intruders to do.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAPTAIN!!!" They all screamed in sync.
"АННННННННННННН!!!!" You scream in terror, swinging the bat at the first person, which unfortunately is Atsumu's shoulder.
Meian finally wakes up as well, to say he was shocked that all his teammates were standing in his bedroom in the middle of the night, was an understatement.
"OW! Ya bitch!" The Setter yells out in excruciating pain.
"What the fuck?! What the hell are all of you doing here?!" Meian yells at his teammates in fury.
Atsumu stills holds his shoulder, groaning loudly in pain, almost looking like he is in tears.
Sakusa is snickering behind his mask, clearly enjoying that Atsumu got hurt.
The rest of MSBY are standing in shock, staring at you like you're a foreign object that they have never seen before.
"You…. You have a partner? Since when?" Bokuto finds his words first.
"You don't get to ask questions. How did you even get in here? I don't remember giving any of you my key to my apartment." Meian asks as he looks into the round.
"We uh sort of remade your key, so we can wish you happy birthday like the good teammates we are.'' Barnes chuckles nervously.
"I don't think teammates break into each other's apartment just to wish them a happy birthday." Sakusa blankly states, not helping with the situation.
"Everybody out. Now!" Meian yells and the rest of the giants move quickly out of the bedroom.
Once they are all out, the Middle Blocker gets out of bed, rubbing his hands across his face and groans loudly.
"I don't get paid enough for this." His hands fall down and rest at his hips as he stares at you with a frustrated expression.
"I mean it's kind of cute that they did this for you Shūgo. Sure, maybe they approached this in the wrong way but they meant no harm." You get out of bed as well, putting on one of your boyfriend's hoodies as you walk over to him.
Wrapping your arms around him, you rest your chin on his biceps, staring lovingly up at him.
In return, he wraps his arm around your shoulder, seemingly more relaxed now.
"So… you going to introduce me to your pack of lovely idiots?"
Shaking his head with a grin, his arm continues to stay on your shoulder and he leads you outside the bedroom to the living room, where his teammates are in the living room, some sitting on the couch, others like Sakusa leaning against the wall, others leaning against the same couch that the others are sitting on.
"Sure, make yourselves at home, won't you?" Meian sarcastically says.
"We're really sorry Captain, we only wanted to surprise you, we didn't mean to frighten you… or your partner." Hinata apologises on behalf of the team.
"Why don' I get a 'sorry' for yer partner swingin' their bat at me!? I feel like they almost dislocated mah shoulder. An' this is mah servin' arm!"
Atsumu cries.
"I am really sorry for hitting you Atsumu, I just got scared and I thought you were intruders… " You mutter in regret while rubbing your hand against your arm in embarrassment.
"Well ya got a strong swing, I'll give ya that." Atsumu waves you off with a painful smile.
All heads turn to you and you feel incredibly smaller already, their heights intimidate you extremely and Shūgo immediately notices it and steps in front of you protectively with a frown.
"Don't stare at them like that." 
"Well, how can we not? You never told us you were in a relationship." Bokuto pouts, as tries to look around Shūgo to get a better look at you, to which the Middle Blocker immediately hides you more.
"Shūgo, it's okay. I just did not exactly expect to meet your teammates in my sleepwear in the middle of the night, while almost breaking one of their arms." You chuckle nervously.
"(Y/N), how tall are you if you don't mind me asking." Hinata steps forward besides Bokuto and flinches back at the glare his Captain is giving him.
You smile assuringly at the orange-haired Wing Spiker and the whole team stares dreamily at your figure, seeing why Shūgo chose to date you.
"It's okay… Hinata, right? I am 5'1." You smile with a blush.
"But Mean is what? 6'5? Doesn't that bother you that he is super tall compared to you?" Inunaki raises a brow at you.
The ravenette sends the Libero his next death glare, to which the light-haired man flinches under.
"Well it's not his height that I fell in love with, it's his passion for volleyball and the way he always talks about you guys all the time.
The height is just a nice perk for reaching things I can't reach." You grin up at your lover, to which he pinches your side playfully.
"So how does tha sex work-" Atsumu is intrigued and Meian interrupts him before he reveals any of his sex life in front of his teammates.
"Alright, you met my partner, now get the hell out of my apartment."
Meian claps his hands and kicks his teammates out.
He shooes them out, the boys yelling farewells at you, before Meian forcefully kicks them out.
Finally closing the door, Shūgo leans against it, closing his eyes while breathing out a big sigh in relief.
You're leaning against the frame of the living room, clearly not tired anymore.
"I don't think I will be able to go back to bed anytime soon. If only there was something or someone who could tire me out." You hinted with a dramatic sigh.
When Meian opens his eyes to look at you, you see a dangerous glint in his eyes, a glint you know all too well.
"Get your sweet ass to bed then, I may have some ideas how to get you all tired out."
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a-boca-do-inferno · 1 year
trouble with a capital T (tony montana x reader)
summary: (y/n) has an unexpected admirer.
warnings: angst, smut-bit of a size kink? idk u tell me, violence, drugs, abuse, dubcon, blood, swearing, domestic abuse, fluff and a little stalking ig. also tony montana
words: 8.9k
notes: this is toxic asf pls beware when reading it. also reader here is stupid asf for narrative purposes do not be like that irl im begging you. i rly have a concerning taste in men and if someone ever finds this i dont kno any of you <3 enjoy!
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There’s this new guy in town who looks like trouble with a capital “T”. Everyone has seen him in person, except (y/n). However, by the stories and theories she hears, the figure of this man becomes even more macabre. Nobody knows his real name. He’s known only as Scarface, which should be an indicator of his perhaps not-so-scary nature, but (y/n) is a bit of a coward, if she’s being honest.  
Still, when the girl thinks of him, she likes to imagine he has his own reasons for doing what people say he does. It is a morally questionable service, certainly illegal—considerably inhumane—, yet something inside of her extends this guy the benefit of the doubt. It’s not an uncommon theme in Florida, anyway, selling drugs and whatnot, so perhaps Scarface isn’t of all bad. He is still surely just a man, right? But when she received Elvira’s messages saying there was a shooting in her neighborhood, and that Scarface was arrested for allegedly taking part in it, (y/n) felt a little overwhelmed about her previous considerations. Even if the guy wasn’t the devil like everyone made him to be, he was a criminal. A violent one at that, putting innocent people’s lives in danger, like her friend’s. 
She couldn’t go see Elvie that day, but (y/n) told her she’d drop by as soon as possible. Elvira sent some pictures of her neighbor’s window with bullet holes, six of them. The neighbor was a man who lived alone and listened to loud music all day on Sundays. Why anyone would have ordered his death, they had no idea. But then again, (y/n) didn’t really trust men who’d hit on women even after being told “no” a couple of hundred times. It wouldn’t surprise her at all if he was a rapist, or a pedophile, or both. Anything was possible nowadays. The neighbor managed to escape the sniper’s attack and left through the back, anyway, and Elvira said he entered the backyard of her house to protect himself. She was really lucky that by that time, the police had already arrived at the scene and readily took the shooter into custody.  
Scarface, according to Elvie’s description, was a short, rustic-looking man. He was white, but sunburned, with a stylish haircut reminiscent of the ‘80s and a shaven face. His eyes were big and dark, with a prominent nose, and there was a scar on his left eye, which obviously earned him the infamous nickname. He walked around with a worn Hawaiian shirt and a white wifebeater under it, the one everybody says he’s always wearing; from the waist down, he had shabby jeans held up by a leather belt and old-fashioned cowboy boots. The kind they used to wear in the Wild West, probably.  
The guy was just an almost cartoonish figure, a villain straight out of some children’s TV show. And still, somehow, he was the terror of this city as of lately. Everyone licked his balls in an attempt to spare their own lives. Uselessly, of course, since he didn’t seem to have any real consideration for anyone or anything, except for money. So, it wasn’t exactly a certainty that he wouldn’t kill any of his so-called “friends” downtown, unless they owned something valuable to him—drugs, for instance. 
And him being detained now, for the hundredth time that month, wasn’t really a relief, since he would soon be out. Because no one could ever catch him in the act—he was a professional, after all—, his stay in the precinct’s modest jail was only for a few hours. At most one night. Five hundred, even a thousand dollars in bail—or a bribe, in fact—was enough for the sheriff to release him with a faithful promise he would see Scarface again the following week. And it was no sooner said than done. 
Nobody knew where he lived. There were rumors his home was in the neighborhood next to (y/n)’s, but it was never confirmed. It also wouldn’t make any difference to know where his residence was. Again: the guy was a professional. Even the mayor licked the floor he walked. But Scarface also had his enemies, obviously. On her block alone there were four or five men who would kill him in broad daylight with their bare hands, if given the chance. She didn’t know the story very well, but it obviously had something to do with settling scores. It always did.  
Scarface, the cowboy-boots and burnt-skin, revolver-stuck-to-spine and walk-of-an-insufferable-bastard Scarface, was the greatest example of how the universe does not give any tips. The divine does not send signs. And when it does, it’s a bullet in the head, right in the middle of your eyebrows. Scarface is the universal clue of at least three people a week, but no one recognizes him as such. They’d rather bow to his feet, fearing for their lives, as if the devil had any sympathy in him in the first place. It was a funny paradox. Furthermore, the universe is also a sneaky son of a bitch. So, of course her brother would get into some trouble and end up in jail. And of course he would ask (y/n) to save his ass as she often did.  
She quickly turned around the way she was making to the supermarket and parked in front of the station, luckily only a few blocks away from her destination. The girl entered the room in silence and wrinkled her nose slightly at the strong smell of pee and cigarettes coming from the back, where the small jail was. In the waiting room, there were only two men sitting with their heads down and a guard in front of the hallway that led to the detainees.  
(y/n) went to talk to the guard and before disappearing, he told her to wait right there. She took a sit as far away from the two ominous-looking men as possible and pretended to be fiddling with her phone. In fact, she was distressed. Despite Manny being known for his little transgressions, he’d never been arrested before, so she had also never been to a police station up until that point. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her fingers were trembling slightly.  
The guard finally returned and she let out a sigh of relief. He handed her some paperwork to fill and she paid the bail in silence. While she gave him her signature, loud voices and laughter could be heard approaching in the hallway next to the waiting room. The laughter was undeniably masculine, a deep voice reverberating through the walls of the quiet police station. (y/n) held her breath as her eyes landed on brown shoes touching the floor. She didn’t dare look up and quickly finished signing the papers, going back to her chair while the guard went to get Manny.  
She stared down at her phone, her heartbeat speeding up again. The disturbing laughter ceased and the girl heard a rattle of keys followed by another clang. A thick accent thanked someone and (y/n) let out her breath, thinking he was leaving at last, but the heavy boots made their way to the water cooler right next to her. She bit her lip and sighed shakily, still not daring to look up. The way he was standing betrayed the lack of care for his spine, as he was unnecessarily leaning too far back. His loud gulps almost made (y/n) roll her eyes, despite her nervousness. He really looked like he came out of a cartoon with such deliberately theatrical behaviour.  
The two men sitting away from her got up at the same time and walked out of the station, leaving just Scarface, another guard who was on the computer, and her. But as she had no luck, a voice called that damn guard and he left them both alone in the waiting room. At that point, (y/n) knew the asshole was just messing around with that glass of water he’d been drinking for the past two minutes. And for that reason, she decided to stand up straight and look at him. There was nothing to fear. She had nothing to do with his drug shenanigans. 
The girl was only still hesitant of Scarface maybe trying to do something inappropriate, but she didn’t have time to run when he threw the cup in the trash and sat down on the empty chair right next to her. That man’s sly smile and predatory gaze made her shiver from head to toe. “Mornin’”, he states, his deep voice very close to her ear.  
(y/n) turned to look at him and kept her expression solemn. “Morning”, she simply replies, and perhaps it comes out too imposing, because Scarface raises his eyebrows and looks at her with some humor.  
“A tough one, huh? Just the way I like it.”  
She wants to laugh at his words, but only shakes her head. “Are you fucking serious? You wish....” 
“I wish what?”, he grabs her face tightly, forcing her to look at him. (y/n) freezes under his touch and can’t hide her panicked expression. He smiles satisfied and moves closer to her. “Your mama never told you not to talk to strangers, huh?”, she tries to pull away from his grip, but he pushes his fingers harder against her cheeks to the point of hurting. “Answer me.”  
“You’re not a stranger, Scarface”, she grins and he lets go of her at last. (y/n) takes a deep breath and clears her throat, checking the time and tucking her phone into her front pocket. Thankfully, Manny’s voice is approaching in the hallway and she gets up, giving the guy a scowl. “I know you think you own this town, but remember you’re still just a guy. Get over yourself.”  
“Oh, I know”, Scarface mutters, smirking like she’d just told him a great joke. He stands up and tries to touch her again, but (y/n) manages to avoid it. He then pulls her closer by the waist for a split second, as the guard and her brother appear in that instant. The man lets go of her quickly, and before he leaves, he flashes her a wink, “have a good day, baby.” 
She watches angrily as Scarface disappears, caressing her aching face. The girl turns around to find Manny with a sorry expression, and she clenches her jaw. “Let’s go”, it’s all she says, walking out of the station without waiting for him. 
A week after that incident, (y/n) never left the house again. Until today, that is; she only went to her brother’s because he was starting to get a little worried about her confinement. She didn’t think of telling him why she was hiding for protection, because the less her family knew about that crazy drug dealer bothering her, the better.  
(y/n) walked out of her car fast so she wouldn’t bump into Scarface on the street by any chance. Although it was pretty unlikely to happen, seeing as he didn’t usually hang out in her neighborhood, but she wouldn’t take any risks. No one besides herself knew what went on in the station and she didn’t intend to tell anyone else. The girl didn’t even know if she should have told anyone in the first place. The guy had this city in his hands. If he wanted to find her, it was a snap of his fingers.  
But of course, (y/n) couldn’t run away forever. And the day she decided she’d go to Manny’s without any fear, while she was sitting on the sofa, that damned thick accent came from the front door. She widened her eyes and got up quickly, but when the girl reached the kitchen door, her scared expression met the man’s pleased one. He was smiling at something her brother was saying, however, as soon as he saw her, the mirth on his features was borderline sickening. Still, he visibly tried to play it cool because Manny was there.  
(y/n) pretended not to care as she made her way to the bathroom and locked herself there, hands shaking violently. She sent millions of desperate messages to Elvira. The voices continued to chatter excitedly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world to have Scarface at her brother’s place. Like they were buddies. 
Suddenly there was silence and someone knocked on the bathroom door slowly, barely audible. Her heart raced and she felt a lump forming in her throat, eyes watering without warning. Another knock. She put her phone away and slowly opened the door, not knowing what else to do or where else to go. The man’s intimidating presence greeted her and a victorious grin hovered on his lips. (y/n) looked into the living room for Manny, but there was no one. He seemed to have left for some reason, and she felt her world fall apart.  
The girl stared back at Scarface and he was now serious, examining her body up and down with no shame. “So you’re family, huh?”, he muses, his terrifying voice making her shiver sharply. She sighed and went to sit back in the couch, accompanied by him, who was leaning against the doorway and still gazed at her without blinking. “When they told me you were Manny’s lil’ sis, I couldn’t believe it, baby! But here you are, I guess that makes him my brother-in-law”, he states, content as a child who solves a puzzle. “He told me you live alone, right? I might pay you a visit someday.”  
“Right”, she merely scoffs, attempting her best not to show the shift in her seat hearing his words. 
He smiles macabre, moving his index finger from side to side in denial. “You don’t talk to me like that, tigress. Let’s start there”, he looks around, making sure Manny’s still not there, and approaches her. (y/n) instinctively pulls away and he grabs her face just like before, forcing her to glance at him. “You don’t talk to me like that. Got it?” She doesn’t answer and he squeezes her cheeks even more, making her let out a groan of pain. “Got it?”  
“Got it”, she spits out, begrudgingly.  
(y/n) thinks he’s going to let go, finally, but first he gives her an awkward, aggressive peck on the lips. She instantly shoves him and wipes her mouth to somehow undo that contact. Scarface laughs, “you’re so cute, baby.”  
“What are you doing with my...” 
Manny arrived as soon as she closed her mouth, readily engaging in another conversation with Scarface while ignoring her presence there. They talk about people and places she knew nothing about, it sounded like a bunch of codes, and she gaped at each sentence they exchanged. How the hell did they know each other? What was that asshole doing with her brother?!  
Dinner came and Scarface—his name was never mentioned, for some reason, and she wasn’t about to ask—made a point of sitting next to her, but if Manny noticed their closeness, he didn’t pay any mind. They continued talking through the meal and Manolo chit-chatted (y/n) now and then, forcing her to answer Scarface’s falsely innocent and curious questions about what she was talking about. As if he didn’t already know everything about her life, apparently.  
After helping clean the kitchen, (y/n) said goodbye to her brother. Scarface watched them silently from the sofa and she tried to keep her focus on Manny. “I have some stuff to do at home now, gotta go.” 
“You going alone? It’s late”, he frowns.  
She waves her hand to make light of it. “It’s fine, Manny. It’s a ten minute ride.”  
Manolo shakes his head. “Even so, (y/n), you know this neighborhood ain’t safe. I can’t take you home, but Tony can.”  
So that’s his name.  
Scarface—Tony chimes in, not letting her answer Manny just yet, “c’mon, let’s go. I’ll take you.” 
“It is not necessary. I literally drove here!”, the girl huffs, already taking the first step to leave.  
Manny stops her before she reaches the door. “No, no. It’s too dangerous here at night, you better go with him. C’mon, you take her, Tony. She’s just a little stubborn.”  
(y/n) locks her jaw, but doesn’t say anything.  
“I noticed”, Tony mutters tauntingly, giving her an ambiguous look that surely only she saw. The girl took a deep breath and surrendered, waving goodbye to Manny as she walked with Tony to her car. They strolled in silence to the garage and as soon as she opened the door of the vehicle, he pulled out a little plastic bag from his pocket, full of a white powder. He pointed with his chin at it, raising the object. “I just made some business with your brother today, baby, no worries.”  
(y/n) stared at him confused, but still didn’t say a word. Manolo was really going down an irreversible path, it seemed, and there was nothing she could do about it. With a heavy heart, she could only get in her car and pray she’d make it home safe that night. Scarface followed her and started driving, shooting her a smile or two over his shoulder. Luckily, it wasn’t long until they parked in front of her building. He turned off the ignition and got out of the car with her, obviously inviting himself in.  
Of course.  
(y/n)’d been trying for a few seconds to open the stuck gate and Tony notices her suffering, helping her to complete the task. She doesn’t thank him and simply walks into the house, knowing he’s on her tail. His eyes burn into her back, but she tries not to focus on it while starting to unlock the door. She is greeted by her cats rubbing against her heels and she smiles automatically. Forgetting for a brief moment that Scarface is there, the girl takes the smaller one in her arms, hugging and kissing her soft dark fur. When she puts her down, the man is watching her with an amused expression.  
Her cheeks tingle and (y/n) makes her way to the kitchen, with Tony still following in silence. She pours herself a glass of water and offers it to him next, which he accepts, still staring at her with the same predatory demeanor. He’s going to try to do something ugly to her, obviously, and she is trying not to think about it, but it’s getting harder and harder. If she screams, no one will hear her. Fortunately or not, she has no neighbor on her floor. She makes a mental list of what objects she can throw at his head to make him pass out like in the movies; a brand new moisturizer that is full; a makeup bag; her favorite pan. If she is quick enough, maybe she can lock him in her room and call the police. 
(y/n) snaps out of her thoughts when Tony approaches her behind the counter, while she still holds a glass of water. She is staring at his chest when he calmly takes it from her hands and offers her a smile. She tries to hide her trembling fingers from his vision, but he notices them and takes her palm in his, raising it to her eye level.  
“Not so tough now, huh?”, he mocks, making (y/n) bite her own tongue so she doesn’t give him a sharp answer and gets punched because of it. He kisses her fingertips softly, catching her off guard. Tony notices her confused expression and grins again, lowering his face to bring it closer to hers. “What, you think I was gonna keep scaring you off? I’m not that bad, baby.” 
“If you say so.” She mutters reflexively, regretting it right away when his dangerous orbs fall on her. She sighs and looks away. “Sorry.” 
He nods approvingly. “Good girl.”  
There is an old gouache paintbrush she could use to pierce through his neck in case it gets bad. The glass pitcher is over the sink. (y/n) looks at the table and there’s a fork and a spoon. The big knife is in the drawer— 
Tony lets go of her hand and walks to her room. She listens to the sound of his wooden soles echoing against the tile floor a little astonished, before following him. She opens the door, which creaks imposingly through the empty, closed house, and her heart skips a beat when she hears the mattress shift, indicating he has settled into her bed.  
(y/n) is in front of her window to open it, but before she can do it, his arms wrap around her from behind and pull her away from it. She widens her eyes and tries to pull away, however, the grip tightens. She starts to shake more aggressively and an agonized scream leaves her mouth, causing his hand to slam against it, muffling the sound. She looks desperately at Tony and he’s signaling her to be quiet. Panic takes over her body and she gives up trying to get out of his grip. He seems happy with this decision and removes his palm from her lips, laying her body down on the bed and straddling her, legs wrapping around her waist as his knees sink into the mattress.  
Her eyes water and she closes them tightly, waiting for the inevitable. (y/n) remains like this for a few seconds, but nothing happens. She thinks maybe Tony has given up on what he wanted to do, however, when she opens her eyes again, his face is hovering over hers. His brown eyes are scrutinizing the girl minutely, there’s not a single vestige of that villainous smile that lives on his lips. She returns his gaze and they stare at each other in silence. His elbows are propped up against the mattress and his hands are still gripping her arms, holding them in place, but with no force.  
(y/n) wants to ask him what he’s doing, but the thought leaves her mind as soon as he takes a gun out of his pants. She screams in desperation, “help! Help! Someone help me!”  
“Shhh. Hey, calm down!”, Tony puts his hand over her mouth yet again, holding her down so she’ll stop her kicking. She watches, still horrified, as he places the gun on the chair beside her bed. “I’m not killing you, baby, calm down”, there’s a smirk on his features that makes her stomach turn. “Yet”, he adds, taking his palm away from her trembling lips. (y/n) tries to get up, but he pushes her back down. “I ain’t killing you, but I’m gonna do other things.” 
“No, no, please...” 
She can’t finish her pleas as his full lips crash onto hers, now in a kiss deeper and less brusque than the peck from earlier. The girl tries to resist at first, but soon her body speaks louder and she ends up giving in to the contact. She lets out an involuntary groan as his rough fingers lift the hem of her shirt, almost like an animal in heat. Damn hormones, she thinks in the back of her mind, not really caring for that much when his fingertips send shivers through her skin.  
Tony pulls apart so he can remove her garment, smirking at her bra-covered breasts. She blushes terribly. “You’re so cute, baby.” 
He kisses her again and (y/n) reciprocates vehemently this time, wrapping her legs around his waist tightly. His lips trace down her neck and she faintly laughs at the little tickle there, making him lift his face to look at her intently. There’s something different in his eyes, almost adoration, but she can’t finish the thought as he unbuttons her pants and unceremoniously pulls them down, leaving the girl in her underwear.  
Tony drops to his knees on the bed and shrugs off his iconic floral shirt and wifebeater. (y/n) can’t help but smile seeing his near-athletic pecs and gets on her knees too, silently volunteering to strip him out of his own pants. He watches closely as she unzips his jeans and unbuttons them, sliding them down his toned thighs. Tony finishes getting rid of the piece and goes back to kissing her neck urgently, leaving more aggressive caresses in place. A chill travels her spine when his member bumps into her stomach and she squeezes his arm reflexively, catching his attention.  
“You good?”, he asks, sounding so worried he seems to be another man completely different from the Scarface criminal who’s been with her until now.  
She simply nods and lets out another moan as his lips descend to the gap between her breasts, leaving sinuous kisses all the way down. He licks at the sweat accumulated there and kisses her again; a salty, icy kiss. A hand finds her face and trails her cheek lightly, while his tongue invades her mouth shamelessly. His touch is so gentle it looks absolutely nothing like the man who bruised her face twice with his brute strength. Tony gropes down her back and unbuckles her bra, making the girl shiver as he grips her nipple. Soon, he pays attention to them with his mouth and she bites her lip so as not to make too much noise. Still nibbling at the sensitive skin on her breasts, his deft hands slide down her panties and her face heats up violently.  
He slips two fingers into her without blinking an eye. (y/n) arches her back and blurts out a high-pitched groan, which had him chuckling, turning her on even more as his thick voice vibrated against her nipple. When his tongue meets her clit, the feeling is indescribably divine. She’s now a carefree mess of moans and ragged breathing. Tony’s hands grip her hips strongly, holding back her unconscious thrusts.  
He lifted his face again before she came, his chin visibly wet. “Got protection, baby?”  
“No”, she lets out an incredulous laugh. “I never did that, I didn’t have to...” 
“Right”, he says thoughtfully, as if just connecting the dots now. Tony fumbles in his pockets and doesn’t seem to find what he’s looking for, so he looks back at her. “I got nothing on me either.”  
“What now?”  
They exchange a silent look and he shrugs, getting back on top of her body. “Now I’m pulling out y qué sea lo que Dios quiera.”  
(y/n) is going to protest, but Tony takes off his boxers and invades her without warning, causing her to groan in pain. He soon notices her expression and stands statue over the girl, waiting for her to recover. Tears form in her eyes once again and he leaves light kisses on her cheek, trying to calm her down. She smiles softly at the delicate and unexpected gesture. Soon she’s ready and he starts to move, gradually increasing the pace.  
The solemn creak of the bed is the only sound besides their gasping breaths and moans she can’t contain. Every now and then his golden chain hits her chin, however it doesn’t hurt, it’s but a little friction. His big hands are squeezing her breasts as he speeds up the movements little by little. (y/n) looks to the side and sees the revolver on the pink chair, the contrast of that scene making her want to laugh. She returns her attention to Tony and he’s got his eyes closed, mouth open, leaving wet kisses all over her cleavage. He’s dripping with sweat, just like her.  
He takes her lips again and only then does she return to the moment, losing herself in her own pleasure and letting the orgasm overtake her without precedent. Next up is Tony, who comes with a husky moan and one last kiss. He lets his body slide off hers, pulling out his cock while his cum paints them both. (y/n) kisses his face after the effect of orgasm and he returns the caress, pulling her into a fairly tight hug. She smiles at the contact and lets him hold her there for a few minutes. They’re silent the entire time, until he pulls the sheet from under the pillow to cover them. Tony and her exchange indecipherable, sinuous looks, and that’s when her penny drops. She just had sex with a criminal.  
“This shouldn’t have happened”, she say abruptly, sitting up.  
Tony also sits down and shrugs.  “But it did. So what?”  
“So it won’t happen again!”, (y/n) exclaims in annoyance, not caring that this man has a gun and isn’t afraid to use it at all. “You need to go.”  
“Already? You just wanna use me and throw me away, huh? Now that’s cold, baby”, she rolls her eyes at his mockery and stares at the wall as he stands beside the bed, his stuff swaying back and forth. “Hey”, he calls, but she doesn’t answer. He then touches her chin and gives her a lingering, incredibly soft peck. She sighs as Tony pulls away and there’s a gentle smile on his face as he puts on his clothes. “You’re cute, (y/n).”  
“Thanks”, she timidly blurts out, not really knowing what to say. The girl looks for her underwear and tenses up as she watches him handle his revolver, placing it on his back again.  
He notices this. “I ain’t hurting you with that gun, you know? You can relax.”  
“Even if you don’t use it against me, it’s still a weapon”, she mutters seriously, turning her back to him so he can buckle her bra.  
He does the task and hugs her from behind, kissing her locks. “You don’t have to be afraid of anything with me, baby, not even a weapon.” 
She turns to face him, hugging his waist lightly. Tony gets serious all of a sudden and lets out a long breath as he finally releases her. He checks his pocket and fixes his messy hair in the small mirror on top of the dresser. Before leaving, they exchange one last look. None of them says a word. (y/n) watches him disappear behind the gate and looks around the empty house, returning to her room and closing the door. She stares at the completely messed up bed and the sheet painted by drops of blood and sperm, which they shared for a few seconds, now on the floor. Ha.  
Trouble with a capital “T”. 
Two weeks after the incident, (y/n) didn’t go to her brother’s house anymore. But Elvira, being such a pain in her ass sometimes, had practically bullied her into going out tonight.  She was anxious, it’d been a while since she went out to have fun like this. Her fear of bumping into Tony—Scarface wasn’t exactly as strong as before, for obvious reasons, but she’d still rather not take her chances in finding him again. No matter how good his dick game was, he was a dangerous individual. Better to stay away. 
So, for the record; she fucked a hitman and was most likely falling in love with him, maybe even reciprocally, just after he got violent with her several times. Elvie obviously didn’t know about it yet, but what would she do when that time inevitably came? Because (y/n) was going to tell her, no doubt. She couldn’t keep it all to herself forever, hiding it from everyone like it was some sort of crime. Elvira would probably call her crazy and even threaten to lock her up in an asylum, wanting to choke Tony if it was as much as hinted he laid his hand on her. And she wasn’t even wrong for that! 
But what about her family? God, if her father knew... He’d go after Tony’s blood. He would simply never look her in the face again, especially since their relationship was already fragile enough because of Manolo. And what of her reputation? All of Miami would talk about this. She’d be the new bitch on the block for sure. No one would respect her, she’d become a joke. Not that she cared about what those people think of her, but it would be nice to stay anonymous. It was safe, something she hadn’t felt in a long time. 
With a heavy sigh, (y/n) finished getting ready and stared at her reflection, smiling faintly. Perhaps it was best to let those corrosive thoughts for tomorrow’s hangover. She grabbed her bag and locked her apartment, walking down the deserted street. As the club was close to her house, there was no reason for anyone to come and get her, so she’d go alone with no worries. It wasn’t like anyone was going to do anything to her on her quiet neighborhood, anyway, much less on the weekend. Plus, criminals in this town had a schedule and they liked to stick to it. At least the ones who grew up there. 
Already approaching the place, she saw Elvira with some of her friends waiting for her in the line. They greeted each other and entered the club, going for a table next to the bar. (y/n) immediately asked for a strong drink to try and calm down her nerves, feeling rather unfit for that environment after such a long time away from it. At the first glass, she felt lighter and smiling, pulling Elvie to the dance floor.  
They’re dancing and laughing like idiots when a tall man approaches them. He is moving to the song and calmly smoking a cigarette while he watches the girls, eyes glued to (y/n)’s form in specific. She doesn’t hear a word Elvira is saying over the music as she stares back at the guy, so distracted she accidentally knocks over a waiter’s tray behind her, making a huge mess. (y/n) apologizes quickly and starts clumsily picking things up on the floor, while the mysterious guy crouches down and helps her with it. She smiles shyly and they finish fixing everything in place.  
She thanks him softly and turns to go back to her table, but he grabs her arm gently. “In a hurry?”, he questions playfully, an amused smile on his full lips.  
She blushes. “Oh, no, I was just…”  
He shakes his head. “You’re a little shy, I can see that. Let’s put an end to this shyness now, come with me!”, he walks off, dragging her to the bar. “So, what’s your name?”, he asks, signaling for the bartender to bring them two beers.  
“Frank, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Their drinks arrive and they make a toast, while she takes a big swig. Frank smiles and pulls her by the waist, taking her by surprise. “Lost your shyness yet?” 
He attacks her lips before she can finish, leaving a wet, beer-tasting kiss on her mouth. (y/n) has to make a tremendous effort not to drop the beer from her hand, making way for his tongue to explore every corner of her mouth. Frank separates them just to take another sip of his drink and starts kissing her neck. Elvira’s eyes from afar give her a surprised and mischievous look. She flashes her a smug smile, but as soon as she does, her friend’s expression completely shuts down and now it’s one of sheer panic. (y/n) frowns and turns to look at where she’s staring so terrified.  
She’s greeted by Tony’s aggressive hands pulling her away from Frank in a sudden movement. He drags her out of the man’s arms, keeping her behind his body. Tony then hits him with his fist. (y/n) widens her eyes with the amount of punches Tony is throwing at Frank and tries to get him off the guy, but he pushes her away. She looks around and people surround them, watching the fight in silence and astonishment, however no one moves a finger to help break it up. Of course. It’s Scarface.  
No one would dare stop him.  
Frank managed to leave a blow on Tony’s stomach, but he couldn’t dodge another punch to the jaw and fell to the ground, looking dizzy. When she thought Tony would back down and leave it at that, he went over to Frank’s body on the floor and striking him wildly again. She was desperate for help to separate them, but nobody did anything. (y/n) tried to pull Tony away from him and he pushed her once more, only this time she didn’t give up so easily. She grabbed his arm with all the strength of a slightly intoxicated person and made him look at her. The fury in his eyes slowly seemed to soften and he dropped Frank’s semi-conscious body. 
Once on his feet, Tony looks around him, menacingly showing his gun tucked into his pants. Everyone scatters like startled ants immediately, without him having to say a word. When they’re alone, he glances at Frank one more time and looks back at (y/n). His anger seems to have returned.  
“I wish I done that to you”, he begins, his thick voice making her shiver. She takes a step back, but he grabs her by the neck and pulls her close again. “Lucky for you, I’m doing good lately, baby. So I’m generous, you know? But you both should be fucking dead now.” (y/n)’s hands start to shake and her eyes water instantly at his words, fear taking over her entire body. She tries to free herself from his grip, but he won’t let her. He continues, “you are mine. Ain’t no one touching you but me from now on. Got it?” 
“Yes”, she chokes, tears falling down her face uncontrollably.  
Tony, however, doesn’t seem to feel any remorse for her deplorable state. Finally his hand lets go of her neck and she takes a deep breath, sobs leaving her throat aggressively. (y/n) gets as far away as possible and before she knows it, she’s running away. He doesn’t come after her, which she mentally thanks. She felt so scared and angry at that moment that she couldn’t think of anything but running, running for her life.  
(y/n) got home and locked the door thoroughly. She isolated in her room and cried herself to sleep. It was dawn when she managed to close her eyes and rest for a few hours, only to be woken up by a loud noise outside the next day. There were loud bangs on the door, nearly knocking it over. Her breath hitched and she made sure to lock the bedroom door. Maybe she could just pretend nobody was home.  
Another banging thud, now it sounded like someone jumping on the floor. Then there was yet another furious knocking, this time on the front door. Her stomach turned. A bang on the window echoed in her ears and (y/n) began to cry profusely, sobbing in terror. A crash startled her and her eyes widened seeing the wooden blinds breaking in front of her.  
She unlocked the bedroom door in a second and ran behind her apartment, opening the kitchen door as it lead to emergency stairs. Footsteps approached once she managed to get out and run across someone’s yard. She looked for somewhere low enough for her to reach so she could climb, finding a little doghouse in the corner. There wasn’t anybody or anything around, thankfully. However, as soon as she started to take off, big arms grabbed her waist from behind, pulling down her body violently.  
She kicked as hard as she could, but Tony wouldn’t let go. He towed her back into her house and locked the kitchen door, dragging her by the arm back to her room. He threw the girl on the bed without any delicacy and looked at her from where he was standing. She continued to cry copiously, all her strength quickly draining away. (y/n) crouched close to the headboard and watched him sit on the far side, studying her in silence.  
“Crying ain’t doing you no good, baby.” She turns her face to the wall and he walks in her direction, crawling until he’s next to her. He whispers in her ear, “you can’t win for losing.” 
“Shut up!”, she pushes him away, taking Tony by surprise. He looks at her with raised eyebrows, but he doesn’t look annoyed.  
He looks pleased.  
“C’mon, now”, Tony approaches again, grabbing her chin to make her eyes stay on his. “Now, now you look like the fucking girl I met in that station. Badass baby”, (y/n) tries to pull away, but he doesn’t let her and gives her a forced peck. His stubble scratches her face and she grimaces, dodging and breaking the contact. This seems to irritate him deeply, because in the next second, his palm meets the soft skin of her cheek and the sensation burns. Tony pointed in her direction, warning, “don’t you ever do that again.”  
“I do whatever the hell I want”, she spits out, not caring about the consequences at this point.  
He gets hold of her neck, glaring. “No. You do what I want, you bitch.” 
(y/n) smirks, mockingly. “You think you’re offending me? How cute.”  
Tony then slaps her again, this time much harder, and she laughs out loud at his fragile ego. She pulls herself together and faces him again, pretending not to be shaken. Tears have dried under her eyes and she only cracks a half smile, taking in his scowling features. “You men are such a joke, so easy to figure out.”  
“Careful, baby”, he says in a warning tone, making her chuckle once more.  
“Who do I have to be careful with, you?”, she asks smugly, smacking the hand he lifted to squeeze her neck again. Tony is surprised, although he’s trying really hard not to show it. “You...”, she continues, lightly touching the collar of his shirt. “Who would never hurt me with a gun?”, (y/n) mimics his thick voice. He seems to get annoyed at that and takes her hand away from where it was, which makes her smile victoriously.  
Okay, so it’s not so bad having a criminal with a crush on her.  
“Shut up”, he orders.  
She simply shrugs and brings her face closer to his. Tony places a gentle kiss on her lips and excitement burns inside her as his palm goes straight to her ass, squeezing it. “Hold up, cowboy”, (y/n) mutters, although not really caring about his impatience. “Wanna explain to me what was that about last night?”  
“Told you, you’re mine.” He reiterates casually, trying to pull her onto his lap and kiss her, but she doesn’t allow it. Tony frowns again, speaking with a heavy accent, “what is it now?”  
“You almost killed the guy”, (y/n) points out. She didn’t want to make him feel remorseful or anything, she knew he just wouldn’t; it was all on her curiosity about the sick psychology in his head. She touches the collar of his shirt again and looks into his eyes, the most sincere she’s been so far, and practically begs, “what do you want from me, Tony?”  
Something very similar to confusion runs through his brown orbs, but it’s only for a millisecond, as he looks at her sternly right after. His hands remain promptly by each side of his body, and it makes her a little bit relieved he’s respecting her wishes. It’s a start. 
Of what exactly, (y/n)?  
“I want you, baby”, he says. His voice doesn’t betray any kind of vulnerability, though his gaze conveys less solemnity than his words. She watches him in silence until her eyes inevitably water. Tony frowns and touches her face quickly, holding her like she was the most delicate thing in the world. “What is it?”  
How can he not see? How does he have the courage to even ask what happened? Or are his actions merely impulsive and completely thoughtless, is that it? Does he not know that he was just hurting, hitting her? Does he not know that he was just insulting (y/n) and treating her like a goddamn worthless object? Because the same hands that slapped her cheek minutes ago are now hugging her and stroking her back, as if in an attempt to ease her loud sobs.  
She hears his voice in her ear, soothing, kissing her neck lightly. Maybe it’s all a dream, a hallucination in her head as she’s unconscious with this man doing God-knows-what to her. But it is not. His touch is as real as it was the last time, his pleasure intertwining with hers in a magnificent, if improvised, dance. And it’s as real as the first time their lips met, in a sheer display of power and dominance on his part, but which now reminded her only of a caress exchanged between two lovers. A comfort.  
“(y/n)...”, his deep voice calls again, however her eyes are glazed over the shattered window in front of her. He lifts her face to look at him and there’s a kind of desperation in his expression, even if it’s held back by pride greater than his own ego, if that’s possible. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” 
“I know.” She hears herself speak, sort of in reflex, since it was true. She knew deep down he didn’t mean to hurt her. Maybe at first, yes, but then... Following that afternoon, a new chapter of this crazy story began to unfold. And they are entering one more after last night.  
“It’s true”, he reenforces, and (y/n) really wishes she had the strength to tell him that it’s okay, she understood, but the truth is that she was tired. Sold out. It had been so long since she had slept or eaten anything and she felt her limbs giving up on supporting her body at any moment. “(y/n)”, Tony insists, yet his voice is already a low sound that becomes more and more distant in her mind.  
Soon she doesn’t feel anything anymore.  
The first time (y/n) opens her eyes, everything is blurry. On the second attempt, she notices a figure sitting on the chair beside her bed and a dim light coming from the window. On the third blink, she realized she had probably passed out—for how long was her first question, as the sun outside seemed to point at one or two in the afternoon.  
Tony was silently watching her as she positioned herself and felt her head almost explode into a thousand pieces. Her throat was dry, an unparalleled taste of shit in her mouth reminding her she hadn’t even brushed her teeth due to everything that had happened that day since she woke up. A sigh escaped her lips and (y/n) closed her eyes again, giving up on her efforts to sit up against the headboard. She felt so weak. Her fingers were trembling slightly and she was freezing to death, even with the sun at its peak and all the covers over her on the bed. She felt dizziness enveloping her body and thought she was going to faint again, but a large, rough, careful hand touched her arm.  
Tony looked hesitant, worried, recluse even. His eyes didn’t leave hers for a second and she felt slightly invaded, undressed as his irises watched over her without blinking. She stared at his palm on her forarm and tried to calm down, although her heart hammered inside her chest. “You didn’t eat anything today, did you?”, he asks, but it’s a rhetorical question.  
Tony then leaves her alone, not waiting for an answer, and returns with a plate in one hand and a glass in the other. (y/n) stares at the image in front of her and feels like chukling, but she contains herself. Instead, she sits up with some difficulty as he hands her the meal, returning to his rightful place on the pink chair. She takes a couple of bites and a huge relief rushes through her body as the food reaches her stomach. It had been almost a day since she had anything to eat. She didn’t even know how she didn’t vomit her ass off with all the alcohol she had last night.  
The girl sipped the juice as she paid more attention to her surroundings. Tony took care of her while she was unconscious and even cooked. He, the hitman who scared even the most dangerous gangsters in Miami, cooked her a stroganoff and made her an orange juice. It sounded like a scene from a sugary romance movie.  
“It’s just a hangover”, she finally speaks up, her throat still a little dry.  
“It’s not”, Tony turns around and sits leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, looking at her intently. She gazes at her plate and continues to eat in silence, while he continues, “I’m real sorry, (y/n).” If she hadn’t been so tired, she would have spit out her juice in surprise. (y/n) glanced at him completely horrified, as if he had confessed to an atrocity. Tony stays with the same solemn expression, a little less proud now.  
“For what?”, a shiver runs down her legs. She didn’t want to be insistent, but curiosity was killing her inside.  
Tony, on the other hand, didn’t seem bothered by the question. “For hitting you. And for doing all of that last night.”  
“You shouldn’t apologize to me for what you did”, she mutters bitterly. 
Tony only shrugs. “I didn’t mean to hit you.” He repeats, and she closes her eyes when all that tangle of feelings hits her chest once more. He reaches over and takes her hand, giving her a pleading look. “I swear I ain’t ever laying a finger on you again, baby. You gotta believe me.”  
Her eyes water involuntarily and she holds his hand back firmly, looking at him with a half-broken smile, trying in vain to give him some comfort. “I know”, she begins, voice cracking at the end. “I know, okay? You were angry. I understand.”  
Tony scowls and shakes his head. “No. (y/n), that’s no excuse. I shouldn’t...” 
“I know. It was wrong, Tony, I know, but you didn’t think straight. And neither did I, actually. It happened, there’s no reason to dwell on it. Everything is fine, really.” She looks into his eyes once more and smiles when he nods after a while, still a little hesitant. The girl brings his hand to her lips and kisses it slowly.  
He smiles weakly. “You scared the fuck out of me, you know”, he mumbles, and there’s a hint of desperation in his voice. “I thought I did something to make you pass out. The fear, I don’t know...”  
“That wasn’t it. I’m not afraid of you, Tony”, she assured him, since it wasn’t a total lie. When he was just him, without that domineering, abusive criminal side, she wasn’t afraid of Tony. No longer. (y/n) sighs and finishes her meal, setting her plate on the table beside her, feeling considerably better. “Come here”, she extends her arms to him and Tony goes without blinking, hiding his face in her neck and lying with her on the bed.  
She didn’t know exactly what that meant. Having sex with a murderer who only mistreated her already wasn’t so understandable, but having some kind of relationship with him? It sounded pathetic in her mind. It’s not like he would even want anything to do with her besides sex, but she couldn’t believe that as the seconds went by and he kissed her neck so softly, apologizing endlessly for his transgressions, mumbling that he would never hurt her again, that she’d never need to be afraid of him again...  
Her head was going to explode.  
(y/n) looked down to meet his gaze and stroked his hair, smiling like a lovestruck idiot. She just couldn’t believe this was happening—and somehow she did. Because of course she wouldn’t resist for long. Even when she was shaking like a leaf, still she couldn’t fight his caresses, imagine it now that Tony seems so willing to make up for all his mistakes? 
“Antonio...”, he mutters, barely audible, making her frown. He gives her a small smile and kisses her, mumbling against her lips, “my name.” 
“Really?”, (y/n) asks in disbelief, since now she was probably the only person in town who got that information, but Tony seemed more than comfortable sharing it with her.  
He’s still looking at her with the same little smile on his face. “Really. Why?” He lifts his body to rest on one arm, staring at the girl with some amusement.  
She grins and kisses him again, leaving several pecks on his stubble. “For nothing. It’s just a really nice name.”  
Her eyebrows dance and he laughs, making her insides melt at the sound of his laughter. It was the first time she heard it and she didn’t want to hear any other sound for the rest of her life. It was such a full 180 from the big, bad Scarface. 
(y/n) knew “I want you” was very far from “I love you”, but that knowledge didn’t stop her heart from skipping a beat whenever she remembered those words. Besides, even if the latter was the case, it was just never going to be that simple with Tony. She looked at his sparkling brown eyes and let out a deep, dreamy sigh. She was down hard for that dangerous, dangerous man, yet there was nothing but softness inside of her as he held her into his arms. What he did away from her could be as ugly as it came to be, and it still would never compare to how warm she was in his presence—be it for the anger, for the lust or for the comfort he made her feel. So, it was fine. She could handle it.  
She’s always been a bit of a troubleshooter, anyways. 
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stffed · 1 year
benefits - taiju siba x male reader
warnings: mentions of abuse and gangs/gang involvement
a/n: inspired by @reallyromealone​ recent taiju post (the link no longer works but i belive it was called amends). i like this man, okay. and think of this as a mini-return but no promises
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being the boyfriend of a big scary gang leader like taiju shiba certainly did have it’s benefits: you practically had your own private army because taiju wanted you to be safe at all times; you didn’t have to worry about not having enough money for anything since taiju basically showered you in money every other day; and he gave the best hugs. it was like being in the grasp of a big grizzly bear and just as lethal (except he would never hurt you).
and being taiju shiba’s boyfriend did have some other benefits.
“i swear, if hakkai tells me that you’ve done something bad to yazuha then you better pray that they find your body, shiba.”
you brushed past taiju and entered the shiba household. hakkai had sent you a message saying that taiju was harassing them and their friend on the way home. of course, you knowing your boyfriend’s behaviour and attitude assumed the worst and rushed over.
hakkai and yazuha were sat in the living room with a blonde boy you had never seen before. you knelt down in front of yazuha, cupped her face and checked to see if there were any cuts or bruises on her face.
“are you alright? he didn’t hurt you, did he?” you asked, being as gentle as possible.
“no, no, i’m fine,” she said. she pried your hands away from her face. “he was just being mean.”
taiju stood in the doorway, grimace on his face. he didn’t say anything and just watched you and his siblings. if it were in any other situation then his heart would’ve warmed up watching you interact with his family. but it wasn’t, so his heart was filled with dread.
you stood up and turned your attention to your boyfriend. “you, mister, have some explaining to do.”
you dragged him away from the trio and proceeded to chew him out in the kitchen. taiju just stood and listened to your rant, head lowered. he knew he shouldn’t have done what he did because you would end up finding out eventually, but it was for the sake of the gang. a rival gang member was on his territory and he needed to keep up his reputation. however, if he knew that this would make him end up on your bad side then he wouldn’t have done it. he loved you too much and making you angry hurt him.
“baby, i’m sorry,” said taiju. “i didn’t mean to hurt them.”
“but you still did it.” you crossed your arms and looked down at him. he grit his teeth and his hands balled into fists. just hearing the disappointment in your voice made him want to hug you.
a sigh left your lips. no amount of chewing him out would change the fact that what he did had already happened.
“just,” you stepped closer to him. “just don’t do it again.”
you wrapped your arms around him and gave him a quick kiss. taiju hugged you back, pulling you into another kiss. when you tried to move away from him, he held on to you tighter.
“don’t think you’re getting away,” he said. his face broke out into a grin. “i’ve not seen you in days and i’m letting you get away from me now.”
being taiju’s boyfriend did have it’s downsides as well. such as now, where you couldn’t escape from his unrelenting affection.
but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
Hi! I hope you’re having a great week an day!! I was wondering if you could do some headcanons or a blurb(whatever you want) of the guys playing the riley(the doggo)? I think soap would have fun playing with him an whatnot! Love your writing an can’t wait for the part 17♥️♥️♥️
Hehehehe yes. Love it. Had fun writing these.
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Soap would absolutely love Riley. That guy is goofy, and with Riley, they get goofy together. They love Playing. Soap buys a whole bunch of toys that Y/N and Simon keep having to pick up from various rooms. They run to exhaustion. Once they both played outside in the rain and came back full of mud and wet. You had picked up Riley to go give him a bath while Simon picked up the garden hose and sprayed Soap. You had to run to stop him telling him to let him come inside and shower, he'd clean the hallway later. Now Riley knows that when Soap calls for him, it's fun time.
Price is the usual dad. The 'I don't want a dog even if he's cute.' 'ok we keep the dog.' 'ok he can sleep on the couch' 'no I'm not letting him on my chair' and then you find them asleep in said chair, Riley on top of him both sound asleep. Price would love to go on walks with him. Absolutely loves to take him to the forest with him or when he goes fishing. Once GAZ joked that he attracts all the ladies when he's out with Riley, making Price smile embarrassingly.
Gaz likes to chill with Riley. Sometimes they play tug. Sometimes they're both on the couch watching TV. You had let the boys babysit Riley once when you had to travel for a very important meeting on a weekend. He had sent pictures non stop with cute messages. Price napping with Riley 'grandpa is sleeping with his grandson'. Riley eating and Ice cream with Soap 'we had a snack, kid got hungry. Sorry kidS' .
One where Riley and soap where sitting on the ground with Simon arms crossed in front of them. 'They broke something again. Dad is scolding them'.
It would make you laugh and smile. He'd facetime you at night so Riley could see you and you were grateful for it all.
Amy would be a bit scared at the beginning. Riley is a big dog, and she's small. It took a little adaptation for the both of them, some supervision but eventually they become best friends. Riley is a sweetheart with her. He lets her nap with her head on him and Y/N finds it adorable. Once you had let them play outside with Soap. You panicked when you notice Soap picking up a juice box from the fridge.
"why aren't you with Amy??"
"just came to grab juice, besides, no one would touch Amy. Come see."
You had frowned, following him. You had indeed understood as soon as you stepped outside. Amy was playing around with her Legos and dolls while Riley sat, alert looking around at any sound. He had quickly decided on his own to become her private little bodyguard.
Konig and Riley would be weary of each other. The mask would make Riley stand his ground and Konig would be so sad and terrified to make a move. It took time for them to get used to each other. Now you often find Riley sleeping on Konig's bed as he's playing videos games. Sometimes Konig would sneak downstairs to grab snacks and take some for Riley. You'd be suspicious and follow just a few minutes later to find them munching on chips or treats of even plain ham or cheese.
"Konig, I told you! No eating in between meals! Both of you!"
You thought you had big dog privelege? Now you have two big scary dog privelege. You already felt safe with Simon, now you felt overprotected. Simon and Riley just love to train together. They'd run together. Combat training, field training. Riley would follow him anywhere and Simon would gladly take him unless he'd rather you have him.
They'd share cuddles, Simon laying with his head on your stomach, arms around your waist while you played with his hair and Riley with his head on your thighs, Simon petting him. You'd love your Riley's, and they would love you just as much.
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Want To Be Wanted (Slight Aitana x Reader) (Platonic Keira and Lucy x Reader)
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So this is a little close to home in terms of the dialog about mental health is something I once wrote to a friend when I really needed someone to understand me. It’s adapted a bit and changed but yeah. If anyone is struggling my messages are always open you are not alone and I promise the hard times don’t last they really are just a blip.
You just never felt like anyone got you, or like they wanted to be around you for who you were no matter what mood or mental state you were in. Because unfortunately you had some parts of you and some reactions to things that weren’t always the best and they tended to scare people away. You knew they were annoying and bad but they were still part of you and you were trying to lessen them.
So you decided a change of scenery would do you good, that it would help and that’s how you found yourself walking into the training facilities of Barcelona women's football team. Your loneliness growing up had paid off for something when it came to your job and it was the best part of your life in your minds eye.
The dynamic among the group took you a while to understand, all the women got on really well and they acted different to what you were used to. The constant touching and loud voices often had you shying away from engaging something that the two British women of the team noticed.
Keira was the first to approach you after a training session about 2 weeks after you joined. She merely started a small conversation about how you had been settling into the city and it was all you needed to not feel quite so alone. Not that the other women weren’t trying to engage you, they really were, but this was the first quiet solo conversation someone had really tried to have and it was good for you.
The next day lucy did the same thing and by the time you were 6 months into your time on the team you had become pretty much their little sister. The two women probably knew you the best out of anyone in the world and that scared you to no end. But they had already dealt with and been through some of your freak out episodes as you liked to call them and they were still here. They were still taking you to training and having you over for dinner and shielding you for the ruckus of the younger girls at training.
What you didn’t expect was to start falling for someone that wasn’t them. What you didn’t see coming was the warmth you felt when Aitana involved you in a small conversation with Mariona or the happiness that spread through you when she chose you to be her partner in a warm up drill.
It was fast and scary and within a month of properly speaking you had nicknames and spoke everyday outside of training. You laughed and joked and playfully argued and it’s was nice. You enjoyed the time you had with her and the time you weren’t speaking you looked forward to the next.
Then you had one of your freak out episodes on her. You got too clingy and too comfy and said things that she didn’t agree with or like about yourself. You were an idiot you knew it but they happened and you thought she liked you enough to not let it be an ending factor.
You were wrong. She stopped talking to you for about a week. Sent maybe three short messages and it hurt a lot. It hurt because once again you weren’t enough.
You tried to be a big girl and speak to her about it, tried to explain it all and help her see that okay yes it’s a bad part of you but you as a whole are trying and good enough that that bad part doesn’t define you.
You thought she got it. Though she wanted to be friends you thought maybe that was to just see with some time if you were the You she liked but again you thought wrong. The nicknames went, the time spent talking went and most of all the feeling of being wanted went.
That’s how you found yourself here in the arms of the two women who never leave you crying over a women you hardly had a chance to get to know.
“I just don’t understand Luce why call me those cute names. Why joke and giggle and try start to get to know me if you don’t want to be a part of my life. I know I fucked up I know that but I told her I was working on it. I told her.”
Lucy held you tighter, she didn’t know what to say here. She didn’t understand how Aitana could have left that easily but maybe that’s because she knew all of you.
“I don’t know why it’s happened y/n but I do know you are wonderful despite what you think. Those bad days are never a reason to leave or not get close to people. They are a little part of the amazing person that is you.” You sobbed a little harder. You had never really spoken about why they happen to anyone before not even them. They just knew they happened, witnessed a few themselves and become a major part of the comfort you needed now when they did.
“I need to tell you a little bit about why these happen. I think it will be good for me to finally tell someone and I think you both deserve to know. I need you to wait until I’ve said I’m done before you speak because I think this might take some time to all come out.”
Both women nodded and pulled you so you were sandwiched in between them, their way of telling you you were not alone.
Taking a deep breath you started “When I was 5 I realised my parents were never really around, I would get dropped off at before school clubs and get dropped home by a friends parent every evening after evening school clubs. I think I could count on on hand the amount of times I got a hug from my mum and if I’m honest it didn’t bother me until I got old enough to be told that wasn’t normal. Now I look back and curse my parents for even bringing me into the world when they didn’t want me.”
You took a deep breath and started to fiddle with Keira’s fingers before you continued “By the time I was 12 I was already travelling all over for football games and tournaments so I didn’t have much time to think about myself or my feelings. I just had to make it. Football was the only thing I loved and I didn’t want to lose that. So I worked. I got my head down and I played and trained and it worked for my parents because they had to think about me less. And by 15 it worked for me because I didn’t have to feel so unloved by parents that didn’t want me.”
You asked for some water that Lucy got up and got for you. Giving yourself a second to think through what you wanted to say a little bit more. You thanked the woman before taking a gulp and continuing “Friends came and went. They would talk to me for a little while involve me in things and then just stop. My first real friendship that ended the same way was when I was 16. A girl I met at the under 18s. She was great, she spent time with me, made me feel wanted and cared about and never judged me. Well until a freak out. I had got upset that she didn’t speak to me for a few days and pulled away from her and so she left. I know I was at fault but it still hurt that she didn’t fight. After that I tried harder to not let people go, well the ones I really wanted to stay. I tried to explain myself a little bit and tried to hide the bad part but it always snuck out. So pretty much everyone left.”
You could feel the wetness on your cheeks but you needed to finish before you let yourself cry properly.
“Depression creeps up on you quietly. At the very beginning you struggle with little things but usually choose to ignore them. I try to think of it like a headache, it’s temporary and it’ll pass, it’s just another bad day but it’s not. You get stuck in this state of mind. You get used to putting on a social mask and you continue to live amongst other people because that’s what you have to do, it’s what you want to do. It’s what others do so... However the problem does not just go away. It always shows back up. You struggle to put that play on everyday and it’s starts to cost you more and more. That is why you fall even deeper and that is when you start to slowly back away from friends and family, sometimes even completely shutting them out even if it is totally not what you want to do and even if it hurts you more. It always hurts you more. Which normally leads to those people around you not wanting to speak to you or backing off themselves because they either think it’s best or they give up hope a little. Backing off is the hardest and the worst thing to do because it causes isolation. It causes the people who are there for you all the time to leave. And most of the time it’s confusing, angering but mostly upsetting.”
You looked at the picture of Lucy and Keira holding the euros from the summer before and it made you smile a small smile. Seeing your people happy always made your heart happy.
“The little things that used to bring you joy are struggling to do just that which hurts you more because they shouldn’t be. They really shouldn’t be. Even the simplest tasks become painful. That is why you lack motivation, why would you keep on trying if very little makes you happy anymore anyway? What’s the point in it? And why aren’t you happy? There is so much to be happy about and people that are still there yet you just can’t seem to let that feeling happen. All of this makes you feel worse and you get caught up in a vicious cycle. This is when you find yourself living in slow motion. Days become indistinguishable, just white noise, just heaviness filling your mind and spilling over your body. You feel as though you’ll never be happy again. You’re ashamed for everything that you’ve done and everything you haven’t... You’re even ashamed of who you are.”
You felt Lucy shift next to you but held up your hand to signify that you weren’t done and that you needed her to just let you say it before commenting or acting.
“There is a part of you that wants to make things right there’s always a part of you that wants to be better, a sudden positive upsurge makes you want to go out and meet people, but it’s usually very short lived, because you think it won’t work anyway. Things that make your friends excited leave you indifferent and you become steadily aware of the huge gap that lies with you. Another failure is not an option, so in the end you choose to be alone where you can’t hurt anyone and you can let people get on with their lives. The low self esteem and lack of purpose becomes unbearable and you just don’t know why you haven’t given up yet. I don’t know why I haven’t given up yet. They say life is more than just living so what do you do when you feel like all you are doing is living? How do you not give up?” With that you let the tears fall and the sobs rack your body.
You had let it all out, every small thought in your mind you had just spoken about and it felt both good and scary. If Lucy and Keira left you wouldn’t cope you knew that but you didn’t think they would. You trusted them more than you would ever be able to explain.
The two women held you for a long time, they let you let it all out before lucy spoke up. “The people you want in your life are the ones that stay no matter what. Because you are amazing and caring and kind. They will see past the blips and hiccups and stay for you. You will always be enough don’t ever let anyone make you think otherwise.”
Keira spoke next “And you don’t give up because then you let all those people win, and you don’t give up because you have so much life left to live. So tonight we cry and tomorrow we get back up and we hold our head high. Never forget we will always be here through the good and bad days no matter what.”
You didn’t know what was going to happen next, you didn’t know if Aitana was just trying to be nice or leasing you on or not ready. You didn’t know if she even really wanted to be friends but in that moment you realized that it didn’t matter. As Lucy said the people who deserve to be in your world, the people that you want in your life stay. They stay no matter what because you are you. And to the right people you will always be enough.
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Adopt-A-Jophiel Part 2
Past =-= Next
Author's note: The wonderful @egrets-not-regrets and I collaborated and wrote this part of Jophiel's story in Mermay, where Erriox and Lenora meet and adopt my Primaris Blood Angel Jophiel. Thanks to @egrets-not-regrets for allowing me to borrow the pair of cuties and collaborating on this fic with me! If you haven't already, please go check out @egrets-not-regrets writing they are very good at it! Thank you for @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Cedric. Also thanks to @kit-williams for letting me borrow Roland and Arnault, they are more mentioned than here. So this is going to be a three parter.
Summary: Jophiel gets to know Lenora, Erriox and gets more help and meets Lenora's Gannet Cousins who just adore him. He learns of ways to change his looks to not look like an identical twin to his dead Primarch.
Warnings: Some negative self talk. No others? Let me know if I need to add more.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
The day Erriox is to meet Jophiel almost seems to sneak up on them. Jophiel was happy, he’d gotten some excellent fish on the hunt and he’s hoping to share some of them with Lenora as thanks for all that she’s done for him. He’s glad that he ended up on Ancient Terra, he’s learned so much about a lot of different things. He’s humming softly to himself as he checks the skies and his eyes go to the water briefly as he chirps out a hello call to Lenora and flies up to meet her.
“Good morning Lenora,” He says brightly, a lot happier and brighter eyed than when they’d first met. “I got some extra fish on the hunt with Auntie Mara and Layla- and salted them if you’d like to have some of it for yourself.”
He almost doesn’t notice the arrival of the older Astartes. Almost. Lenora and Jophiel had flown and landed on the beach as they discussed terms of trade on his salted fish that he’d caught when he spots the Traitor Marine. In a blur of movement faster than either Lenora or Erriox could catch, he very gently scoops up Lenora and moves her to a safer- and farther inland position before he moves towards the older Astartes with his wings puffed up and he hisses at Erriox. 
“Leave this place traitor!” He spits out, all aggression and Big Scary Fluffing of his wings. His teeth bared and sharp as his wings block Erriox’s view of Lenora.
Lenora has been so kind and patient with him. He will protect her from the treacherous predations of this Iron Warrior! His wings have lifted up and spread out, mantling and fluffing to make him as large as possible as he lets out loud, warning calls. He hadn’t realized that any of his older brothers were so nearby otherwise he’d have moved locations and sent her a message.
“Calm down, Jophiel! It’s fine, Fledgling!” Lenora calls out as she swoops down in front of the defensive Primaris mer, much to his surprise and dismay. 
“What are you doing? Get behind me!” Jophiel hisses to her.
Lenora laughs, shaking her head and continues walking to meet with the Iron Traitor, “This is Erriox, he is my mate. I’m sure I told you about him.”
“You neglected to tell me what he was!” Jophiel protests while his brain catches up to the rest of her sentence, his wings slowly de-mantling and his wings settling on his back as he tilts his head from side to side as he tries to wrap the concept of an Astartes having a Mate with someone. “W-wait you said Mate? There is such a thing?”
As Jophiel eyes the Iron Traitor, who, so far hasn’t tried to hiss, growl or attack him yet. Only has a vaguely amused expression on his face, that only grows more pronounced the longer Jophiel tilts his head at them from side to side in confusion. He knew that mortal beings usually found a mate to bond with, but this was a surprisingly hard concept for him to grasp that First Born Astartes could find and bond with mortals like this. As he looks over the Iron Traitor carefully he notes the lack of Chaos Taint and Mutations that most Iron Traitors have. From the form of armor that he has, he’s been in service since before the Heresy. The venomous spines that the Iron Warrior has on his fins and the colors seem familiar. Some of his fellow Primaris Marines have a lot more yellow and black stripes than others. His is far more subtle and he slowly starts to calm down.
“Have you stared long enough to satisfy your curiosity, scout?” Erriox calls out, amusement tinging his voice. 
Lenora joins his side, apologizing quietly, “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t think he would react that strongly to you.” 
The Iron Warrior mer nuzzles his mate and purrs reassuringly, “It’s fine. You didn’t know.” He knew Astartes from the Fourth legion aren’t necessarily well received, be they Loyalists or not, considering their heavy involvement in Horus’ betrayal. 
Jophiel knew that there were some Social Interaction Things he should be doing. Perhaps he should apologize to the Iron Warrior for hissing and showing him a threat display? His training as a Primaris Marine is roaring in his head that he should attack the Traitor. But- his training also notes that he doesn’t have any Chaos Taint. And, even though he’s thoroughly limited in what he can use and do with his Psykery, he can sense that the Iron Warrior isn’t Chaos Tainted, or hiding that he’s Corrupted by The Four.
“I go by Jophiel,” Jophiel offers the Iron Warrior, “what’s your name?”
“Erriox. What time are you from?” His hand still resting against the harpy’s back. 
“I am from M42, the Primaris Marine Rollout happened two years ago.” Jophiel replies.
“I am from M31.” Jophiel relaxes as his guess was correct. 
Erriox looks up and down at the Primaris marine, quietly assessing him. Jophiel knows what that look means as he stands at attention and awaits his elder cousin's judgment. Jophiel is also quietly assessing Erriox. His elder cousin had the typical First Born Iron Warrior traits and colors.
The much larger Primaris was young, so much younger than he had expected. Outside of the obvious Blood Angel traits, Erriox also notices the venomous spines in the primaris marine’s fins and their faint yellow and black striping. He asks Jophiel, “Outside of Sanguinius, who else contributed to your gene-seed?”
“The Mechanicus, who created the first generation of Primaris Marines, uses a blend of gene-seed from all of the nine Holy Primarchs.” Jophiel reports, it is said as a statement he's been told all his life.
Imperial revisionism has a history that is a Lie about the number of Primarchs to all but the most senior of people within the Imperium. Not that Jophiel knows that as he blinks at Erriox the elder cousin guilelessly.
Nine Primarchs? Erriox guesses that it would be the ones who stayed loyal to the Imperium, but why would Jophiel show Iron Warrior traits then? He knew his gene-father had become a traitor long before the creation of these marines. 
While the Mechanicus knows that they use both Traitor and Loyalist gene-seed in making the Primaris Marines. The Primaris Marines only learn of the Traitor gene-seed within themselves later, after it shows itself in ability or colorations. The Mechanicus had the resources of having Traitor gene-seed in stock to help with the creation of the Primaris, if they only used loyal gene-seed then there would not be as many. Besides, the strengths given to the Primaris by having Loyalist and Traitor gene-seed within them speaks of impressive results that purely Loyalists or Traitor gene-seed lacks. This is knowledge known only to some of the highest echelon of the Imperium. It had taken time and testing to see which ones produced the best results to have Hybrid Vigor, and what needed to be added to stave off hybrid breakdown. They only have so much precious gene-seed, using Traitor gene-seed is a matter of practicality. It's not spoken of out loud, otherwise the Imperial Regent would be duty bound to murder Belisarius Cawl for his Heresy.
“Scout. Do you know who else contributed to your gene-stock?” Erriox repeated, “Or do you not want to know?”
“Knowledge of self means further ability to master one's self,” Jophiel replies. “I would like to know, sir.”
He braces himself for the knowledge, suspecting what Erriox is going to say, but wants confirmation either way.
Satisfied with Jophiel’s answer, Erriox explains, “You have Iron Warrior in you. The venomous spines in your fins and their yellow and black striping are trademarks within our legion.”
Lenora, who had been quiet until now, let out a pleased trill, “I thought he had traits like yours, Erriox.”
Her mate chuckled, “I can see why your gannet cousins called him your son.”
At the mention of the gannet harpies, Jophiel remembers that they did call him “Lenora’s boy” or  “Lenora’s fledgling”, or the even more embarrassing, “Lenora’s secret lovechild”, among all the other pet names they gave him. Not that he minded too much. Lenora had really taken him under her wing and treated him as one of her own after all. And to be fair, he feels more at ease with the harpies than he is with other Astartes-mers. At least he won’t drive them mad with his cursed looks and he could stretch his wings freely when around them. After seeing the older Iron Warrior mer, he kind of understands the lovechild nickname, but he could really do without it though.
Over the next several weeks, Jophiel and Erriox get to know each other as their schedules permit. Since Jophiel isn’t known to any of the Astartes-Mer shoals or pods, he didn’t have duty tasks, merely helping out the more mortal beings around him with various tasks. Fetching various things, lifting or moving very large and/or heavy objects. Listening to Erriox’s stories about his new shoal of brothers and cousins.
“Are all of the brothers in the shoal you are in currently from Older times or are some of them from M42 as well?” Jophiel asks as he fiddles with a block of wood he was carving into a statue that he’d trade some Raven Harpies for some of their Shinies that some of his Aunties had their eye on, but hadn’t had the chance to get a trade for. It was one of their birthdays coming up and he’s hoping to get the trinket for her as a gift. 
“Most of my new shoal are from all across the fraggen timeline in the ‘future’ from this era’s point of view,” Erriox says as he scratches his cheek as he thinks about what the others have said about when and where they were from before coming here, “Some are from as far back as the unification of Terra, to as late as M41.987… If you joined our shoal, you’d be from the furthest in the timeline in M42.”
Jophiel’s glances at Erriox before concentrating on his carving that he’s carefully making as he thinks over the older mer’s offer. He’d been a bit surprised that Erriox had offered a spot in his shoal, despite them being from different gene-lines. Erriox had asked him point blank if he was ever going to join one of the Blood Angel Shoals, or a successor chapter of the Blood Angels any time soon and he’d shrunk in on himself and shook his head.
“No- my… I… do you know what happens if… if a Blood Angel gains wings like these?” Jophiel asks as he gestures to his wings uncomfortably, “Or any other Son of Sanguinius? Especially after the Fall and Death of our Gene-father at the hands of the Arch Traitor may his name be stricken from the memory of all and may he rot in the eternal Four Hells and be torturously eaten for all eternity…”
He blinks and shakes himself out of the tangent he’d gotten lost in and tilts his head at Erriox waiting for the other to answer his question, curious to see what the other new about the… Peculiarities of the Ninth Legion. Jophiel heard from older brothers that certain… genetic flaws and weaknesses of the gene-line weren’t as well known, or reported on in the days before the Heresy… but he found that a bit hard to believe.
“I can’t say I know much about the Ninth Legion,” Erriox replies, other than the stories he’s heard and the rumors that he’s been told. 
They’d been once called the Revenant legion, and had been hideously brutal before their Gene-father had taken over. They still were very… visceral in the ways that they fought, but had gotten a more civilized edge, with their Gene-sire’s involvement with the development in their subculture.
Jophiel takes a deep breath, part of him his screeching that he shouldn’t say anything, but Erriox is an older brother, not just an older cousin. Besides… he’s grown to trust Erriox somewhat. So he explains what he’s been told has happened when a Son of Sanguinius gains the madness-inflicting Angel Wings of their Father. How those that fall for the Trap believe him to Be the Primarch of the Ninth Legion Reborn. It doesn’t work on all of them, and thus those that don’t fall for the madness, resentment mounts and a Schism happens in the chapter, between those that fall for the Pretty Lie, and those that see The Hard Truth. It ends in near total destruction, or complete destruction of the chapter, and the death of the one with wings. It’s a brutal, tragic story that’s happened more than once to various chapters and companies that have the gene-seed of the Ninth Legion. Jophiel always had the wings, rather than them suddenly appearing on his back. He’d also been… blessed? With the ability to touch the Warp and had been taught how to use it. Back in M42 most of what he uses his Psyker powers mainly for is to hide his wings from the sight of others, not wanting to cause insanity and deaths of countless brothers, both First Born and Primaris at the sight of his wings.
“It’s another reason why I keep my hair short,” Jophiel says with a grimace, “I.. The Blood Angels and our Successor Chapters tend to resemble our Holy Primarch a lot more than most other gene-line Chapters do, but I really don’t want to tempt fate by having my hair long.”
He’s thought of taking a weapon to his face- and just ensuring he has a unique scar to mark him from the Holy Primarch’s look. He’d almost done it once, but his brother-cousin Cedric had found him before he’d managed to do that… and the young Apothecary had been So Pissed at him, and had made Jophiel promise not to hurt himself like that. Ever. He’d promised Cedric that he wouldn’t, and Cedric’s eagle-eyed gaze had sharply followed him for a few months, back when they were training on Mars for a while, before the Apothecary had decided he could trust Jophiel’s words. He continues to carve the statue and keeps an eye on Erriox’s reaction to what he’s said. He’s carving an intricate statue of a bird in flight. Also, if he manages to carve it right, it could also be used as a whistle to call prey-birds close to the person who uses it.
Erriox mulls over what his younger brother told him. In some ways it seems hard to believe, but what Jophiel said also matched with the rumors he had previously heard from older Iron Warrior veterans. The early IXth legion had fought battles alongside the IVth, taking on the shitty jobs of purging and bringing the backwater worlds to heel, before the Sanguinius appeared. They were said to be plagued by some genetic curse that caused their legion to be distrusted then. Erriox wasn’t sure what exactly the curse was, but he knew it made them lose control. And among the “newer” Blood Angel cousins, it sounds like a similar curse or a modified version of the old genetic curse remains within their gene-seed. Jophiel is a Blood Angel, and given how wary and at times, almost fearful of himself, it gave Erriox little reason to not believe him. Lenora had talked about how hard it was to get the Scout-ling to open up at the beginning. It was as if he wanted help, but is too scared to seek it from the wrong people. 
“Now that I know more about the other gene-seed traits that I have,” Jophiel says after a few moments of quiet. “I wonder if… if there is a way to enhance the Iron Warrior traits within me? I’d look at least less Blood Angel and perhaps more of an Iron Warrior. Some of my fellow Primaris have more of the Iron Warrior look about them, now that I know what that gene-line looks like. At least my version of the Red Thirst isn’t as strong as some of my fellow Primaris. The Black Rage is something that can be triggered in any of the gene-line of Sanguiniuis.”
"I don't know if that's possible, or how it would work," Erriox says, "Such genetic tinkering and Psykery is beyond me. There aren't many Primaris Marines, or at least few that I know or have heard of. You are the first of the Primaris Marines that I've met."
Jophiel listens to what Erriox says, slumping a little as he continues to carve out the statue-whistle. Erroix thinks for a few moments, "I do know a couple of Thousand Sons Sorcerer Types who owe me a few favors, well, more accurately, my Shoal knows some and has some Favors that we can cash in with them."
Jophiel tenses and looks up at Erroix and asks, "Are they Loyalist, Renegade or Traitor?" 
At the last word he hissed and his wings flared. 
“At ease, Scoutling.” Erriox calmly ordered. 
“Yes sir!” He snaps to attention, as his training takes over. His older cousin blinks, never had a younger brother reacted this strongly and with such swiftness at being so formal? No, formal wasn’t the right word for it. With such swift obedience that his gene-father would be proud of. It was strange to see it here in Ancient Terra. 
Jophiel took a couple of deep breaths and calmed himself and waited for Erriox's response. He was taught that he shouldn’t question Orders, and that he should Obey the Older Brothers and Cousins, because they know better, being so much more experienced, than he is. He shouldn’t have been so hissy with Erriox. Who’s been so patient and kind with him. He knows he shouldn’t push his luck. But Chaos Filth and Renegade Bastards get his temper up fast. It was something he is always working on. Controlling his temper.
Erriox has been, no, he is, so indulgent with him, even with his fuck ups, he’d only ordered him to be at ease. Rather than immediately starting to punish him for being Rude or Stubborn. The Primaris Marines were trained with Obedience and Adherence to Hierarchy a lot more than the First Born, for many reasons that the Mechanicum never told the Primaris Marines. He keeps his words locked behind his teeth, wondering what sort of punishment Erriox will hand out to him. He’d been out of line, after all. After he’s properly punished he wonders what sort of apology the older Astartes-mer will want  from him as recompense for his misbehavior.
And nothing… happened. Only that Erriox waited for him to calm down and fold his wings in again. Jophiel mumbles out an embarrassed apology.
He'd heard from the older Astartes-mer that there is an Alliance between all three factions in the larger pods. But knowing and understanding are two different things. His training and his hearts hurt from thinking that traitors and renegades could ever keep their end of the bargain. He worried that those Traitors and Renegades were only feigning compliance until they could have a better position to murder and make them all suffer. It's what traitors and renegades do after all. Erriox had given him a stern look and had told him of what he could report if he saw... Chaos Shenanigans, as those did happen when the Chaos Traitor Bastards decided to do something Foolish and/or Stupid with the Warp and try to cause no end of suffering. 
“They are Renegades, though it is up to you if you want to subject yourself to their sorcery.” Erriox replied. He paused as another thought came to him, “You can also consider subjecting yourself to harpy magic. Some of their magic can be applied on other species, like their healing magic, as an example. Lenora and the gannet harpies would know more about it.”
With Jophiel’s wings, Erriox guessed that harpy magic may work more effectively in changing their appearance. And given the Primaris marine’s reaction to even the words “Renegade” and “Chaos”, turning to the harpies for help is probably a viable alternative. 
Jophiel was very hesitant and reluctant to go near other mer-astartes. Knowing that they are Renegade Thousand Sons makes him even less willing to go near them. He does brighten at the thought of asking for help from Lenora and some of the gannet harpies with changing his looks to something less cursed. It was a start, at least. And likely far less dangerous and costly than using a Renegade Warp Sorcerer on Ancient Terra, where their warp-craft is far harder to use and costs so much more to use even the smallest fractions of power.
“I think I'd like to talk to Lenora and some of her cousins to see what they can do to help me first before…” He pauses, taking in a deep breath trying to quell his emotions, “before… going to one of the Warp Sorcerers.”
Erriox nodded, “You know where to find them.”
“Yes sir,” Jophiel says with a nod, “Although, I’m trying to figure out what would be suitable gifts or trade for their help I should bring…”
The older mer hummed thoughtfully, “You mentioned that you were looking for shinies for them?”
He nods, “I’ve been making things, and doing work in exchange for shinies, but I don’t think I have enough yet.”
Jophiel has a small satchel full of Shiny rocks, he’d been collecting sea glass, among other very pretty rocks that he’s found. He brings out the  As well as trading for some bits of jewelry. He’s glad for his armor and ability to withstand the Void Sea- as he’s found and carefully cracked open pearl oysters to collect several dozen pearls in a wide variety of colors and shapes. He’s also acquired some mother-of-pearl that he’s carefully harvested and gently polished until it was pearlescent and shiny. He grabs the satchel and rifles through it a little bit before holding it out for Erriox to assess the value of. 
The Iron Warrior mer gives him a small grin, “That is more than enough for your trade. These are not shinies that the gannet harpies can acquire easily. Though it is more likely that the gannets will ask for you to spend more time with them. They had been pestering Lenora about you.”
“Oh?” Jophiel asks, slightly alarmed, but mostly flustered in a happy sort of way. “I didn’t realize they missed me so much.”
“The gannets tend to get attached to those they consider their own relatively quickly.” Erriox shrugged. 
“I have grown fond of them,” Jophiel admits to his older brother a little sheepishly, “they are… a bit Much at times, but they are kind, warm, and friendly.”
Erriox only chuckles. 
Jophiel finds himself back once more at the gannet harpies’ rock. After letting himself be subjected to the harpies’ enthusiastic greetings and adoring attention, he pulls aside his ‘auntie’ Mara, one of the older gannets on the rock. 
She looks at the large mer fondly, “You want to ask me about something, Fledgling?”
“Yes Auntie Mara,” Jophiel blinks and nods, he wonders how she can tell that he wants to ask her something, but he guesses it’s likely due to her greater life experience and knowledge of how other beings around her work. “I was wondering if you, or someone, or maybe more than one person? I’m not sure how Harpy magic works-”
Oh Throne, he’s rambling. He needs to get to the point, “I-I was wondering if you knew of someone who can help me- or anyone else, with permanently changing one’s appearance.”
The gannet harpy listens patiently, before sighing, “Now why would you want to change your appearance? You have such beautiful wings.”
He flinches, he hates it when people comment on his wings, “They are a curse that can, has and will drive other Mer-astartes of my gene-line to murderous madness if they see them.”
He’s completely and utterly serious. He’s been told anecdotal stories of what happens when Blood Angels, or those of the other successor chapters of the Ninth Legion gain wings and their brothers learn of it. It ends in copious amounts of blood, tears, death, and culling.
Mara considers his words carefully before asking, “Is it the sight of your wings that drives others mad or the fact that they are large white wings that is triggering this madness?”
“It’s a combination of the color, size and my face and hair,” Jophiel says after struggling for a few moments before, talking, in general terms, about The Black Rage and The Red Thirst and how the Death of Their Gene-Sire affected the Ninth Legion, no matter what age and Era they are from.
“That is troublesome indeed.” She nods. 
Jophiel nods, it’s one of the reasons why he keeps his hair cut so short. Why he avoids most mer-astartes aside from Erriox. Erriox, Jophiel’s hoping he’s convinced not to say anything, but other mer-astartes? They might assume he’s someone he’s not. And if they don’t think he’s his gene-sire they will gossip about the Blood Angel with The Great Angel’s rarest blessing. And thus, stir up the madness in the ninth legion. At least there are Blood Angels from eras Before the Horus Heresy. They were… more stable? Sort of. Then Blood Angels created during and post-Heresy. They only had the Red Thirst to deal with.
“Unfortunately there is nothing to permanently change one’s appearance, short of permanently mutilating ourselves.” Mara says. Jophiel’s wings droop as the thought of possibly having to ask the Renegade Warp Sorcerers sink in. 
The gannet harpy nudges him gently, “Don’t look so glum, fledgling. There are other temporary ways of changing your appearance that would last a fairly long time so long as you are diligent in its maintenance.”
That made the despondent mer feel a little better. Mara smiles as she explains, “You can change the shape and color of your wings, and possibly your hair. While it is not ideal as you will be damaging your flight feathers, you can use a blade to shape the edges of your wings.” 
She opened her wings, long and tapered, “Since you have larger broader wings, you can, to some degree, make them more tapered like mine. However, I can’t make mine look like yours for obvious reasons.”
“Another option is to change the color of your wings.” Mara turns to rummage through a nearby chest of supplies and pulls out a covered urn and places it in the mer’s hands, “This ointment is a mix of harpy magic and ingredients that we use to change the color of our feathers. It also has the same waterproofing quality to it as our normal oils. For us, it lasts about six months before reapplication is required. Only if you regularly preen and waterproof your feathers. Otherwise, reapplication sooner might be needed.”
Jophiel opens the urn and nearly recoils from the strong odor. The old gannet harpy laughs, “Yes, you should remember to apply it in an open area with ample sunlight. The light will help cure the color onto your feathers. And that also will help with the smell. You should have someone with you to help you with both shaping and coloring to make things easier.”
“Also, a little goes a long way.” She reminds him. 
“Is there something you want in trade for this Auntie?” Jophiel asks gently cradling the container closer, he’ll learn to withstand the smell if it helps him not look like a dead Holy Primarach. “A-and could you help me apply the ointment for the first time, please?”
Mara taps the ground in front of her with a webbed foot, “You are in luck that it is sunny on the rock today. Sit or lay down in front of me and I can help you. As for payment, come accompany us to go fishing. Your presence greatly helps in forming bait balls of fish to catch and keep monster predators at bay. Also, don’t be a stranger and visit the rock more often, your cousins have been wondering where you disappeared to.”
“That seems more than fair.” Jophiel nods, then explains where he has been, “I was meeting and training with Erriox and helping him hunt sometimes… as well as finding Shiny Things.”
“That’s good. Shiny things? What kind of shiny things have you found?” 
“Pearls, pretty rocks and sea glass,” Jophiel reports as he rifles through one of his satchels and shows her some of his Best Shiny Things. Mara whistles, impressed with his collection, “Keep them close. You can trade very valuable things and information for them with the right trader. Alright, now sit down and let’s see what we can do.”
He nods and carefully sits down, setting the urn next to him and carefully spreading out his wings listening to her instructions. Mara hummed as she carefully spread the ointment over Jophiel’s feathers with practiced claws. 
Jophiel is glad that he’s so helpful with catching prey and keeping nastier things away from the Gannets. They’ve helped him a lot, and he’s glad to be able to repay them in some way. Such kindness is something he’s not had much of and he doesn’t want to take advantage of it, or seem ungrateful for all the help and kindness they have given him. Ancient Terra has its own problems and difficulties, of which he doesn’t diminish at all, but Ancient Terra truly seems like a paradise, compared to what he’s had to deal with in his Era of Origin.
Mara finishes with the back and tuts at Jophiel to get him to move. They have the other side of his wings to do. She shows him how to apply the ointment on his wings. The fledgling is a dutiful boy. Very clever and quick on the uptake for new tasks. Sometimes a bit too serious, but he’s gotten a lot happier the longer he’s been with them.
Jophiel opened his eyes, he hadn’t realized he’d closed them and had started purring a little, half asleep as someone he trusted was almost-grooming his wings. He shifts when she tells him to move slowly, getting up and flexing his wings a little, before helping to get the other side of his wings done. The smell makes his eyes water and he blinks and carefully applies the ointment. He’ll learn to get used to smell, he’s learned to get on with a lot of things in his life. Most of them are deeply unpleasant in one way or another.
Under Mara’s instructions, Jophiel copies her on his left wing while she works on his right. Once they were done, Mara asked the mer if he wanted to try to color his hair similarly too. The gannet harpy laughs when Jophiel wrinkles his nose, but the mer eventually agrees to the experiment. She rubs the ointment into his hair and scalp, hoping that even when his hair starts growing out, it will take on the color of the dye. All he needed to do now is just sit a little longer in the warm sun and wait for the dye to finish curing. 
“You will visit Lenora soon?” The harpy asks him. 
Jophiel nodded, “Yes, my plan is to visit her tomorrow.”
“That’s perfect.” Mara drew out another small container, “Please pass this onto her. This is extra waterproofing oil. You should let her preen your feathers with it to really set the colors in.”
Jophiel took the container, feeling incredibly grateful, “Thank you Auntie Mara! Thank you for everything.”
He looks into the water to see what he looks like. He brightens up at the fact that he no longer looked like a living statue of his dead gene-sire. The patterning on the wings reminded him of someone he cares for, admires, and looks up to quite strongly. He can't quite place who it is though, it will come to him in time, he's sure of that.
“Thank You so much for your help Auntie Mara!” he trills to her with a happy purr.
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theawkwardsiren · 9 days
Toxic - Veneer x F!Reader (angst/fluff) part 3
summary - things just kind of snowballed. part three of this series i ended up writing. part one, part two. part three. part four. part five.
warnings - angst (little bit), more insane, toxic behaviour from your ex
a/n - guys please don't think Veneer is a cheater 😭 i don't think he'd ever be. also i think i'll finish this at 5 parts...hopefully...
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"Don't kill me! I can explain!"
As the green-haired boy stuttered and stammered out panicked nonsense, your eyes drifted back to the pictures. The message was definitely connected to them, and you were pretty sure you knew who sent it.
"THEN EXPLAIN!" Velvet was strangling her brother, obviously pissed off. "We can't have any of this drama! It will ruin us!"
You didn't know how to feel. On one hand, doubt and fear started to creep in, like it was a repeat of what happened with (Random Name). But on the other, this just didn't strike you as a flirtatious encounter, and it didn't feel like a Veneer thing to do. Boy is so clingy, he would never risk losing what he already has.
"She just dropped her new bag! I was picking it up and giving it back!" He was protesting, trying to get his sister to loosen her grip. "And then she asked for an autograph so I signed her arm!"
"And WINKED?!" Velvet didn't let up. "Why would you wink?!"
"I wink at all my fans!"
"I believe him," you finally looked up from both phones.
Veneer exhaled in relief as Velvet lets go of him to turn to you. The look of disbelief is evident on her face, so you explain yourself.
"Veneer can't keep secrets. And he has no game. Also he's super clingy so it's hard to believe he would seek someone else's attention. Once he's attached to something or someone, he doesn't let go."
"Hey! Why did this turn into a Veneer-bashing session?" He pouted, crossing his arms like the cute big baby he was.
Velvet rolled her eyes and snatched her phone back, "I guess you're right. But we need to deal with this rumour and fast, before we lose all of our fans!"
Before you could respond she was gone, which obviously meant you and Veneer needed to sort this out. The moment she was out the room, Veneer's arms and legs were wrapped around you and he was clinging to you like a koala.
"(Name) I'm so so sorry, you know I would never!"
He was clearly panicking, so you had to calm him down before you could think about how to get your maniac ex to stop ruining yours and the twins' lives.
"I know, I just said I believe you," you rubbed his back soothingly.
"Oh, I thought you were saying that just because of Velvet." You raised an eyebrow, and he chuckled nervously, "Sorry."
You sighed, "He's never going to leave us alone."
Your phone buzzed again, but this time it was a message from (Friend's Name), who was no longer gushing about Veneer, but rather her new boyfriend - the interviewer Kid Ritz.
my platonic love <3
remind me what you ever saw in (random name)?
he is screaming psycho rn
call the police
or better yet, i'll get the shovel
You couldn't help but laugh at her last text, shaking your head at her words. She was crazy, that's for sure, and that's why she was your best friend.
"She sounds like Vel," Veneer observed over your shoulder, "It's scary."
You laughed at that, "She does. Never thought of that before."
You messaged her back, not sure what to say for the first message. Clearly what you had seen when you were with him had just been a facade, a mask he wore to hide who he really was. Thinking back on it, a lot of his behaviour had seemed crazy and irrational, but you were too infatuated to care. Now that you had moved on, it was easy to see his faults and pick up on what he had done wrong. (Friend's Name) was right, he was screaming 'psychotic'.
Something ticklish danced across your shoulder, and as you giggled you realised it was your lovestruck boyfriend giving you soft kisses.
"That tickles!"
He laughed with you, before becoming serious, "But you know I'm really serious when I say I would never do that right? I'm not like him."
"And never will be," you smiled, nodding. "You are the furthest thing from him, the complete opposite. Being with you has opened my eyes up to what love and joy really look like."
"Good," he pecked your lips.
That cheating rumour was shut down so quickly by Velvet and Veneer that a few days later, no one even remembered that article. Even the girl involved debunked the rumour, clearing Veneer's name. By their next performance, his fans were screaming for him and going crazy like nothing had happened.
For once, (Friend's Name) was at the performance arena with you, because she had been invited as Kid Ritz's plus one. You were so happy for her, and even happier that this meant you had someone to share all the chaotic parts of being the girlfriend of someone famous with.
"That girl's looking a bit too long, don't you think?" She asked you as you stood aside, watching Kid Ritz have a brief interview with the twins about the performance they were about to give.
"Hmm?" You hummed, not really paying attention. Your eyes were drifting around, sieving through the crowd. You weren't sure why you were so paranoid, but you had a bad feeling about today.
"(Name)!" (Friend's Name) waved a hand in front of your face. "Earth to (Name)!"
You snapped out of it and turned to look at her, "What happened?"
She sighed, "You don't have to worry, okay? he won't try anything with Veneer here, and those massive bodyguards, but if he does I'm right here to defend you. So relax, and enjoy your boyfriend's show!"
You took a deep breath and smiled, "You're right, I shouldn't be worrying. Let's go find our seats."
The two of you entered the building, completely missing the mop of dark hair that appeared at the back of the raging crowd.
"He's so hot!"
"Girl, how do you stand this?" (Friend's Name) laughed as you both listened to his crazy fangirls.
"End of the day, he goes home with me," you replied, laughing as well. "Why? How do you handle girls raving about your famous lover?" You looked at her, raising an eyebrow.
"With a knife," she answered, then laughed harder, "Kidding! I ignore."
"Right..." You teased. "Cause you're so good at that."
"Do I detect sarcasm? Is Velvet rubbing off on you??"
"Surprisingly, Veneer is more sarcastic than her."
Enjoying the show was easy. Your boyfriend was an amazing singer, and his voice never failed to leave you in awe. Your eyes remained on him the entire show, and he seemed to notice because his cheeks were slightly pink. He took his revenge, pointing at you in the crowd and blowing you a kiss. Your cheeks burned as you smiled shyly, and he chuckled.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
Too engrossed in the music and your boyfriend's enchanting gaze, you didn't realise that there was someone slipping closer to you and (Friend's Name) behind you. You didn't notice that the crowd was making it easier for them until you realised you were further from the stage than you originally thought, but by then it was too late.
A hand touched your arm, and you whirled around to hit whoever it was but stopped dead when you saw the girl (Random Name) cheated on you with.
"Hey, (Name) right?" She bit her lip. "Can we talk?"
You frowned, "I have nothing to say to you."
"I know, I know," she sighed, "I can't tell you how sorry I am. He didn't even tell me that he had a girlfriend. But I'm here because I need to talk to you, it's urgent."
"Well I'm kind of busy, my boyfriend is performing," you tried to excuse yourself, but she gripped your arm tighter.
"Please," she insisted. "He did the same thing to me."
This made you hesitate, and you eased through the crowd with her to get outside. You had no idea why you did, and no idea why you hadn't told (Friend's Name), but you did.
Silly mistake.
"For a second I thought that wouldn't actually work."
Your blood turned to ice at the sound of that voice, body stiffening in fear and shock. You didn't need to turn to look, the panic told you enough. You looked at his affair partner, but she just shrugged and had the nerve to look apologetic.
"He's hot," she tried justifying it, "I'd do anything to keep him."
"You do realise that he's obsessed with me in all the creepiest ways, right?" You tried to keep your voice from shaking.
"He'll get over it eventually," she replied, "Once he gets tired of you again."
That word echoed in your mind, bringing back the traumatic image of him and her making out on his bed. So that's why he'd done it? He'd gotten tired of you? Bored?
"He'll notice I'm missing," you warned them, "He'll come looking for me." Your voice was starting to shake, giving away your fear.
"Let him," (Random Name) smirked smugly, moving closer. "He may not be easy to frame for cheating, but you are. By the time he finds you, the whole world will know you cheated on him, and no one will be there to vouch for you." His hand came up to caress your cheek, and you had to try to hardest to keep your nausea at bay.
"He won't believe you."
"Really? Not even if I have proof?" He held up a camera.
Your face paled, "Get away from me."
"Hmm, let me think...no."
You tried backing away, but he grabbed your arm roughly and shoved you into his car, getting in the driver's seat with what's-her-name in the passenger's. Before you could complain, or call out for help, your phone was tossed out the car and it took off.
You could only watch in despair as the building faded into the distance.
"(Friend's Name), where's (Name)?"
Veneer and (Friend's Name) looked around the emptying room, but found no sign of you.
"Maybe she went to get some air," she suggested, "She was looking a bit worried before the show."
Veneer's worry only grew, anxiety gnawing at his heart. It worsened when they went outside and found noting but your phone laying on the ground, and Veneer felt faint.
"Looks like she had every reason to be worried."
a/n - please don't kill me, i don't even know what's going on 😭
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i-am-baechu · 1 year
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♡ Summary: Rebuilding your marriage is never easy but slowly falling in love again is worth it. When you spend the morning thinking about the tee shirt they're sleeping in or spending all day listening to their voice messages just to hear their voice...That’s how you know, it was worth it. 
♡ Paring: Established relationship; Non-idol!, CEO Jin x Wife! reader 
♡ Rating: Pg-14
♡ Genre: Established relationship, one mention of a sexual experience, swearing, healing, a little angst, and fluff
♡ Based on the one-shot; Already Mine 
Y/N knew an apology and kiss weren’t going to fix everything between her and Jin but it was the start of something. The start of healing. That night when they confessed their feelings (even the bad ones), Jin took her home and showed her how much he truly loved her. It wasn’t like the movies, where the violin and piano dominated the scene instead it was an unorganized melody. It was like they were having sex for the first time, the nervousness that can be felt through the skin and the constant questions made her remember everything. The shaky hands as Jin pushed her hair back to place a kiss on her forehead and the way she cupped his face to give him a kiss that would change any frog. It may not be perfect for the movies but to them, it was everything they could ask for. 
That was just the beginning of everything. Jin was quick to get a marriage counselor and even got Y/N a therapist to express her depression. She was shocked at how quickly he was moving but it showed that he meant every word that night. They were also spending more time as a family. To the point where Jihan recognized Jin one day and he burst into tears, it’s been so long since he felt wanted by his daughter.  Even the guys were helping out more so Jin and Y/N can spend more time together.
After two months of their rekindling, Jin sadly had to go on a business meeting in Florida. Y/N was saddened by the sudden news but she understood that he had to go. She was scared that the feelings that she was getting back would disappear when he left, it was scary. What if she was only feeling this way because Jin was there? If he left, would things change? Jihan and Jin were bonding to the point that if Jin left the room, she would cry for him. What if Jihan forgets him? It was a lot of feelings to have and she didn’t voice it to Jin. She didn’t want him stressing about her feelings before the big meeting. 
It’s been a week since Jin left and every day, he sent a voice message to her. He would tell her how much he missed her and Jihan but something they used to do in college, he would describe the scenery around them. In college whenever they spent time away because of classes, they would describe the classroom and the lesson itself (even if it wasn’t their major). It felt like she was there with him and vice versa. 
This morning, Y/N woke up and looked at Jin’s side with a frown. She placed her hand on his pillow and gently rubbed the white fabric. Normally she would push his hair back and kiss his forehead to wake him up. They would cuddle in bed as they talk about their dreams and then Jin would get Jihan bringing her into bed with them. It was a peaceful way to start the morning.
She wondered what he was wearing in bed. If he was wearing his cartoon pajama set or even his plain white tee shirt that he would let her wear. It was so strange to miss a piece of fabric that wasn’t hers but here she was. She slowly turned around and took her phone off the charger and smiled when she saw that Jin sent his daily messages. She opened the message up and brought the phone to her ear, “Hey, baby. It’s raining here and it made me think about our date in college. When it was our third date and we got sick together but we didn’t care...it was so much fun. Anyways, I’m in the hotel lobby and there’s a large fish tank. I just know that Jihan would love to see them swim. How are you doing? I miss you guys so much that I can’t even describe it. I just miss your warmth. I know you're sleeping so, I’ll leave you. I love you guys so much. Y/N, my wife, I love you forever.”
She smiled and felt her heart flutter at his voice. Even though everyday she gets these voice messages, it still makes her excited. She brought her phone to her mouth to send to him, “Hey babe. I just woke up and I was thinking of you...I was thinking of what you're wearing in bed and how much I miss your cartoon pajama set. I know it's stupid but I just miss it. Yesterday Jihan drew a picture, it was mostly scribbles but she was trying to say dada when she pointed at the picture. She misses you so much babe. This morning is foggy but I read online that it's going to be hot so, I’ll soak in the sun for you. I miss you so much. I love you forever, my husband.” 
She clicked the little blue arrow and watched her message. She put her phone in her pocket and got out of bed. She took a quick shower thinking about Jin’s voice and how soft it sounded through her phone. She got dressed in a light pink dress and went inside Jihan’s room. She smiled when she saw her baby giving her a gummy smile waiting to be picked up. She gently picked her up and kissed her cheek, “Good morning, my little astronaut.” Jihan nuzzled her face into her neck as she rubbed her back. 
They headed downstairs and she placed Jihan in her highchair. She turned around to get her milk ready when her phone started ringing in her pocket. She quickly took the phone out in excitement and answered it (knowing who it was), “Hey you.”
“Hey baby.”
She tilted her head when she saw his face and felt her chest lighter when she saw his smile, “Want to see Jihan?”
“In a minute, I just want to see my wife.”
Y/N let out a small laugh and shook her head, “You look so tired, Jin.” 
“I am...I haven’t been sleeping because I miss you so much.”
“Jin, you still need to sleep.” 
He sighed and moved his body upwards on the headboard. He glanced outside and then back at her, “It’s hard. I hug a pillow and it doesn’t feel the same. Especially since I can’t squeeze your-”
“Jin! Jihan is in the room.”
He rolled his eyes and let out a small laugh, “She doesn't know what I’m saying. Anyways, let me see my little girl.”
She nodded her head and went towards Jihan, “Jihan, baby, look it’s daddy.” Obviously, Jihan didn’t answer but she knew the word daddy. She started giggling and when Y/N put Jihan in the frame she pointed at Jin, “Yeah, it's daddy.” 
“Jihan, baby. Daddy misses you so much.”
Jihan waved at the phone and looked up at Y/N with her gummy smile, “Yeah, daddy. Can you say dada.” Jihan glanced at Jin and then back at Y/N with her fist in her mouth. Y/N let out a small laugh and kissed her head, “She’s trying her best.” 
“She’ll get it one day. No rush.” 
“I know. I just-”
Y/N glanced at Jihan who pointed at the phone and Y/N nodded her head. She kissed the top of her head, “Very good baby. That’s dada.” She looked back at the phone to see Jin tearing up and her eyes widened at him, “Jin, what’s wrong?” 
He shook his head and the biggest smile appeared on his face, “I’m so happy. I-I just never thought we would be here together again.”
She softly smiled at him, “We're healing, together.” 
“Thank you for staying by my side...I love you guys so much.”
“Jin, I love you with all my heart and soul.”
He smiled at this and glanced at the window, “It stopped raining. I think your confession made it stop. That’s my wife.”
She rolled her eyes and kissed Jihan’s head, “Shut up...” 
He sighed and looked at the clock next to him, “I have to go. I have another meeting. I’ll send you a voice message after I’m done with it.” 
“Don’t work too hard. I love you, Jin.”
“I love you guys so much more. Bye.”
He disappeared from her screen and she frowned to herself. She was already missing him. She looked at Jihan and then back at her phone. She was falling back in love with her husband and life feels like a fairytale. Everything happens for a reason and she was so glad that she was given that second chance. She leaned forward and kissed Jihan cheek, “I love you so much.” Jihan giggled at this and kissed Y/N’s cheek messily making Y/N laugh. Life is good.
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multishipper-baby · 11 days
Freddy & Fred Week Day 7: Last Day of School.
Summary: Freddy goes into surgery. Whoever comes out is, decisively, not Freddy. FHS: Farewell Despair Highschool AU.
The Hope's Peak executive is already waiting for him the moment he leaves class, watching from afar as he says goodbye to his friends. He's staring directly at him, with such focus that it's almost scary, urging him to rush even if he doesn't want to. He'd been informed that the project could take a while until it's finalized, and he wants to have a proper farewell before abandoning his class.
They'd already told him not to speak about it, though. It's a classified experiment, one not yet ready to share with the public, and most of his classmates have a tendency to run their mouth- there's an understandable worry that they'll leak the information, either on accident or out of a misguided effort to avoid letting him take part in the project.
After all, brain surgery is no joke. Even in such capable hands, he can't deny being scared, too.
"Your mother came to sign the waiver this morning, so now everything is ready for the operation" The man informs him when he approaches, showing him a copy of the document. He starts reading it, but the man pockets it before he has the chance to get far in it "Because of the secretive nature of the project, as of today, you'll be considered expelled as an explanation for why you won't be attending class from now on."
"Won't my friends ask questions if I get expelled without doing anything?" He asks, wondering what the excuse would be. He'd rather not have his classmates think of him as a troublemaker.
"Yes, but that's not our problem. We don't divulge student's information unless it's court ordered- they can think up their own reasons for your expulsion."
Such a thought makes him uncomfortable. He didn't want any rumours about him spreading around, and it wasn't very fair to his friends, not knowing what happened to him. How would they feel when they tried to reach out to him over the phone and got no answer? Would they worry? They didn't deserve that.
Perhaps he could send a text to the group chat now, warning about his disappearence. He'd already written a few versions and saved them in his notes app, agonizing over how much to say and what excuses to give, but hadn't yet sent anything. If he said something before, they'd try to get more information out of him, and he'd never been great at keeping secrets.
There wasn't any time left for another rewrite, though. If he didn't send the message now, he'd never get the chance to send it.
The executive glared at him as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, but didn't stop him, merely keeping an eye on what he was doing- probably making sure he wouldn't talk about anything he shouldn't or try to back out last minute.
Quickly reading over his options, he settled on the last draft he wrote, not wanting to waste time rewriting yet another version.
< hey guys! i'll be gone for a few months for surgery. dw tho, it's nothing serious! but i probably won't have my phone on me to talk :( see u guys soon! >
Was that a good final message? He wasn't sure. Maybe the exclamation points were a little too much, or the tone was too casual for what was supposed to be a serious announcement. Or perhaps keeping it casual was better? Being too formal could scare them, make them think the situation was worse than it actually was.
They were getting close to the operation room. Bitting his lip, still unsure, he finally pressed send on the phone and pocketed it, ignoring it when it vibrated slightly. Someone must've read his message already, but there wasn't any time to check the responses.
A few men in lab coats were moving around the room, all circling around an odd pod full of cables, big enough to fit one person. It didn't look anything like he expected an actual surgery room to look, but that could have to do with the experimental nature of this surgery. For results as crazy as he was promised, one couldn't expect the same level of technology that normal brain surgery would require. This was Hope's Peak Academy they were talking about- everything they did, they advanced on.
"You need to change into a hospital gown before the operation" One of the doctors informs him, signaling a room off to the side for him to undress.
He'd never worn a hospital gown before, and doing so now did nothing to calm his anxiety, but he knew it was necessary. The executives in charge of the project had explained it in detail when they first approached him for the test, how he'd need to be hospitalized for a while as they kept working on his talent, how his body would need to adapt as well as his brain. It wouldn't be a quick or easy process.
The man who escorted him there is waiting for him as he exits the changing room, taking the clothes off of his hands along with his phone, before hurrying him to go towards the pod.
The doctors talk amongst themselves as he gets situated, before one approaches with a needle. And then, the world fades to black.
Many things fill his mind once he's awake enough to analyse his surroundings: there are many people all around him, many of which are armed. Besides those directly in his line of sight, there's also a one-way mirror (how he knows it's a one-way mirror, instead of a normal one, he's not sure yet) on the wall, suggesting there might be others observing him. Medical equipment surrounds him, and he's wearing the sort of clothing a patient would wear, but doesn't seem to be in a hospital.
He doesn't know what his name is. Why doesn't he know that?
The men around him take a step back as he hoists himself up, trying to remain upright even as his legs shake. He's unsure of whether he should be walking right now, but nobody moves to stop him or says anything, so he assumes it must not be a problem.
Without any explanation or signs of what to do, he decides to focus on the mirror, getting closer to it so he can properly examine his appearance. Perhaps that'd give him a clue.
Messy brown hair, reaching down to his shoulders, with a medium skin tone. A scar that reached all across his forehead, covered in stitches, as if it'd just been closed. Grey eyes, with a black sclera. Bony cheeks, which suggested he might be underweight.
He doesn't remember having this sort of appearance- why? Had he looked different, before? In what ways?
One the doors in the room opens, and an older gentleman enters, wearing a suit. The man sends the doctors a glance before smiling, taking a few steps towards him with unending confidence.
"It's good to see you awake. We were worried you wouldn't make it pass those last few surgeries" He says, voice kind and gentle, but there's something off about it. The man is not to be trusted, he's sure of it "We have a few tests for you, now. If you succeed, then we can progress to the next part of the project."
He's not sure what the project is about, or what will happen to him if he fails, or why he needed multiple procedures to awake, but the man is already out the door before he can even open up his mouth to ask.
With no other option given, he moves to the door, and follows. Perhaps he'll get an answer soon.
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hollywoodxwhore · 1 year
Ours | Chapter 13
Colson x Presley (Original Female Character)
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Synopsis: Presley and Colson fell in love accidentally, but they were meant to be. Now that all the obstacles have been removed, they're moving in together in LA. Now, they have all the time in the world for Colson to teach Presley all of the things he knows. This fic is the sequel to Mine, which can be found in my masterlist!
Warnings/Content: shit's about to get real so PLEASE READ THE CONTENT WARNINGS!!! Almost suicide attempt, panic attacks, suicidal ideation/discussion, Big Fucking Sad (I'm serious y'all, it's sad as fuck), swearing, mentions of guns and pills, hospital trip
PLEASE take care of yourself and skip this if you think it's going to be triggering. Without giving too much away, there are pretty graphic descriptions of thoughts leading up to an almost suicide attempt. I promise if you skip this chapter it won't mess up the plot too much for you. I love y'all.
Presley isn’t answering me.
I’ve called about a thousand times and sent twice as many texts. Nothing. Her phone is on do not disturb. I get that she needs space, but the state of my mental health is scary right now and I’m not thinking perfectly logically. In the forefront of my mind is a voice telling me that she’s done with me, that this is just too much to handle and that she’s going to leave. That she’s already left.
As it nears the evening and she still hasn’t reached out, my panic reaches new heights. I call her once more, praying that she’ll answer, but it goes straight to voicemail. I try to control my shaky breathing as I prepare to leave a message. I haven’t left any voicemails but maybe if she hears my voice, she’ll realize how sorry I am.
“Pres,” I say, and instantly, my throat is thick with emotion as more tears spill from my eyes. “Baby, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight and I had no right to talk to you that way. Please come home, baby. Please. I need you.” I pause for a second, then hang up just in time for a sob to rip itself from my chest. I let the phone clatter onto the island as I drop my head into my hands. 
I pick up the phone and call Ashleigh. It rings several times, then goes to voicemail. Slim, too. When it happens with Rook, a cold fear causes sweat to prickle on my skin. They’re all ignoring me. I’ve fucked up too badly this time. I jump to my feet and pace. My hands are damp with sweat and shaking like crazy. My breath is shallow and my stomach is in knots. 
“Fuck,” I whimper, tearing my hands through my hair. What am I going to do? Everyone thinks I’m an abuser. Everyone I love is going to turn on me. I’m going to lose Presley, the best thing that’s ever happened to me. The abuse allegations are going to ruin my career.
What do I have left?
Absolutely fucking nothing.
I’ve struggled with my mental health for…pretty much my entire life. I can remember feeling overwhelmingly sad, even as a young kid, even before my mom left and my dad went off the deep end. It got worse when my mom left, of course. My abandonment issues started there, at the ripe age of nine. And then my dad completely changed. The abuse started and the loving father I knew was just…gone. 
I have great friends. I have an insanely perfect wife. My mom is back in my life. But do they want to be in my life? Do they want to be friends or family with someone whose mental state is so precarious? A tortured artist with mood swings and allegations up to his fucking eyeballs. If I were no longer in their lives…would they care? And if they did care, wouldn’t they be able to get over it?
Would it really matter if I was gone? 
I own guns. Several. A shotgun just because I thought it was cool, a couple of handguns. They’re all locked in a safe and haven’t been removed for years now other than to be cleaned. My hands twitch at my sides. Then, I shake my head. Presley would be the one to find me, and even if she’s done with me, I can’t do that to her.
But what if I take some pills and just…fall asleep? Never wake up? That won’t leave a mess. 
What if I send a text to someone else so they find me first? I can leave the door unlocked and they’ll find me. Presley won’t have to. 
Suddenly, I’m numb. The tears dry up and my hands stop trembling, and a wave of calm washes over me. I always knew I’d die young, I just didn’t know when. Everything is screaming at me that it’s now. This is when I leave. 
I grab a fifth of Jack Daniels from the fridge, then go to our medicine cabinet and gather what I need. But then, a sound makes me freeze. A knock on the door. I blink and try to focus, wondering if it’s all in my head. But then another knock sounds. I swallow hard and put my supplies back. I wipe sweaty hands on my legs and then wipe my face. I know I look like hell, and I have no idea who’s at the door. Hell, it could be cops coming to arrest me for domestic abuse charges. Longingly, I look at the cabinet, but another knock shakes me out of it and I hurry to the door.
I look through the peephole and my heart jumps into my throat when I see that it’s Cash. It may not be Presley, but it is her twin, and it is the person whose house she slept at last night. I open the door quickly and Cash immediately analyzes me. We don’t even say anything to each other as he studies me. “Hey,” he says quietly, eyes narrowing slightly. “You’re…not okay, are you?”
It’s less of a question and more of a statement. Still, I hang my head and then shake it, throat tightening once again with the threat of tears. Cash sighs and steps into the house, shutting the door behind him. He kicks off his shoes and steps forward, and then he’s hugging me. 
Cash and I are close. He’s my brother in law, and despite what happened in the past, I’m happy to give him the title of my brother. But we’re not hug-while-we’re-crying-and-falling-apart close. Still, I sink into the embrace. A deluge of tears flows onto my cheeks and all of a sudden, I’m not just crying, I’m having a full-blown panic attack.
I can vaguely hear Cash saying my name but my ears are ringing too loud for me to be sure. My whole body has gone numb and tingly; I can’t feel any of my limbs which only makes me panic more. My knees give out and I fall to the floor, but Cash stays wrapped around me. I can’t hear what he’s saying, but they’re words of comfort. I’ve never lost it quite this badly in front of someone before, and I find myself glad that it isn’t Presley, or even Slim or Ash. Cash has known me the least amount of time and for some reason, it’s easier to break down in front of him.
“...Colson. Colson!” I’m so stunned by the fact that he’s calling me Colson and not Kells that I snap out of my attack, just a little. The ringing in my ears intensifies and then eases up, which makes me feel like I can breathe again. Slowly, the numbness fades but the tingles stay, and all of a sudden, I’m shaking like a leaf. But at least I’m breathing again and I can focus on Cash.
“Deep breaths, brother. C’mon,” he soothes, and I understand why he and Presley are so close. He’s great at this whole comfort thing. I do as I'm told, even though my breaths are shaky and ragged at first. But Cash continues to sit with me, his arms wrapped around me, my body leaning on his, and we breathe together. 
I have no idea how long we’re sitting on the floor before Cash takes a final deep breath and lets out a little chuckle. “Jesus. You scared me for a second,” he mutters, and the calmness in his voice makes me realize how trivial this all feels. Megan told a straight up lie. I didn’t even do anything wrong. The only thing I did wrong was to take it out on Presley. And all because she left I was going to, what, kill myself? Jesus Christ. 
When I realize that I would’ve gone through with that stupid decision if Cash hadn’t shown up, I start to tremble all over again. I let out a pathetic whimper. Even though it would’ve been self-inflicted, the near-death experience brings a rush of adrenaline into my body. But Cash brings me back with his soothing but firm voice.
“Hey,” he says. “What is going on? You need to talk to me, Kells.”
“I-I w-w-was g-going to–” My voice is trembling too hard for me to make out the words. Cash shushes me and rocks me a little, and the gesture is surprisingly soothing. It takes me back to childhood or something. 
“Breathe,” he murmurs. “You were going to what?”
“K-kill myself,” I finally manage, my voice totally miserable. 
I feel Cash go tense but slowly, it eases, as if he’s purposefully making himself relax. “How?” he asks.
“Pills,” I sob. “Jack.”
“Did you take anything?” he asks, voice a little higher with panic, but I quickly shake my head.
“I had the fuckin’ bottles i-in hand,” I hiccup, “when you knocked on the door. Jesus Christ, Cash. If you hadn’t shown up…”
“God dammit, Colson,” Cash says thickly. “You’re my fucking brother. God dammit.” He squeezes me tighter and takes a steadying breath. “We need to go somewhere. We need to take you to the ER.”
“B-but I didn’t–”
“Only because I showed up,” Cash interrupts. “If I hadn’t shown up, you’d be…you’d be….” His voice tapers off and he shakes his head. “That’s too close for comfort, man. Please. Just…for me?”
It’s really the least I can do, knowing that Cash is the sole reason I’m alive. Besides, he’s right. That was way too close for comfort. I haven’t had suicidal thoughts like that in forever. It’s scary just how close I was to following through. Hesitantly, I nod, and the breath leaves Cash’s lungs in a relieved whoosh.
“Okay. Come on, brother,” he murmurs, pulling me up. “Let’s go.”
I hate the idea of being "famous." I hate when people use their fame to get special treatment. As much as I love the luxury of private jets and expensive restaurants and being able to travel anywhere in the world, I try my best not to take advantage of my name. 
But I’m not complaining about the privacy I receive at the emergency room.
We’re able to check in over the phone and wait in our car. I walk through a door in a secluded part of the hospital so no one sees me, aside from the staff. I’m whisked right into a room and treated immediately. It makes me sad knowing that there are other people waiting, but at the same time, I was at risk for dying tonight.
A woman in a white coat slips into my room and smiles warmly at me. “Mr. Baker?” she asks, and I nod. “I’m Dr. Schultz. Thank you for your patience.”
I barely had to wait. Still, I nod and smile politely.
Dr. Schultz studies me for a second. “Honey, I want you to know that you’re safe here,” she says. Her voice is warm and calm and instantly, I feel soothed. “We’re going to take care of you. Okay? I just need you to be honest with me.”
“Got it,” I croak. 
Dr. Schultz pats my hand and smiles softly. “Okay. Tell me what happened.”
From there, I walk Dr. Schultz through the bullshit that has been my life recently. She listens intently, never once rushing me through the evaluation. After I explain what happened, we go through my medical history, medications I’m on, whether or not I’m drinking and taking drugs, and what diagnoses I have. I’m exhausted by the time we’ve talked everything out.
Dr. Schultz closes her notebook and clicks her pen closed. “Colson, I would like you to stay overnight,” she says. “Since you and your partner are in an argument and you’re not sure if she’ll be home tonight, it would give me some peace of mind if you would stay here overnight. I know you’ve been having trouble sleeping and we can give you something that will help.”
I nod, feeling relieved that I don’t have to go home to an empty house. Even though I scared the shit out of myself and feel like I’ll never even come close to suicidal thoughts again, I agree with the doctor. Staying overnight would give me peace of mind, too.
I’m set up in a room shortly after, and I text Cash letting him know what’s going on. He assures me that he’ll be here in the morning to pick me up, and he asks if I need anything from home. I don’t want to burden him more, so I tell him I don’t need anything. Then, I silence my phone and set it aside. 
My sleeping medication is administered soon after I settle in. All I want is to talk to Presley, but she needs time, and that’s okay. For now, I just want to sleep, and thanks to the medication and the doctor, I do.
Taglist: @triplexdoublex@jaxbreaker@mgklove99xx@jinx-on-mars-19xx@iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker@anonymousme86@whiteleoqueen@feroniakutenpuu@hxllywoodwhxree
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chibikisu · 2 years
Don't know when to quit.
(Obey Me!) Lucifer x (GN!)Reader Oneshot
A/N: Okay this was originally posted on my AO3 account but I wanted to see how it would do on here as well. If this does well enough I just might post/make more fanfics! 😊 Anyways please let me know what you think!
Okay. Continue if you wish~
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Pacing slowly from his bed to his chair back and forth, Lucifer was in a dilemma. He wished he really was overthinking things or even having a heart wrenching dream but it was obvious. He saw how Diavolo looked at you at the after party and even how he had a longing gaze when your hands parted at the end of your third dance he had insisted on. Maybe to anyone else they would have thought he was just doing his princely duties and being a gentlemen but to people who had know him a while, such as Barbatos or himself it was clear that this was no simple well mannered gesture. No. As much as he wanted to deny it he had to face the truth. Diavolo, his closest friend in the Devildom had an attraction to what he had hoped would be his own love. (Y/N).
I mean it didn't really surprised Lucifer much that it would come to this. Who couldn't love (Y/N)? They were a truly special person in everyone's hearts and not to mention not at all bad to look at, erm but that's a whole other discussion. What Lucifer needed to focus and think of now was how exactly he was to go about this. Obviously Diavolo hadn't spoke a word of this 'crush' to him at all and he doubt that (Y/N) knew about his hidden motives. After all Diavolo knew Lucifer cared about (Y/N) deeply so he wouldn't be as bold as usual to announce that he deeply cared for them as well. Which was were Lucifer was at a stand still. This obviously was going to change how things were going to be once it was known that he knew about Diavolo's crush. And as much as that pained him to know, he couldn't for his own life just give up on (Y/N) just like that. Maybe it was the fact he was the Avatar of Pride but there was no way he was going to just surrender and let something he so deeply loved and cherished just vanish out of his hands.
Just as he began making another round of going back to his bed to loop towards his chair for the thousandth time he heard a knock on his door. “I'm busy.” he said as he kept on slowly walking. “Oh..I just wanted to make sure you were alright?” (Y/N). How long had he been in his room contemplating on this? Going towards the door he opened it slightly seeing (Y/N) already in their pajamas. Hm. So it was already rather late then. A slight guilt was felt knowing that (Y/N) had came to check on him at such a late hour. “Forgive me (Y/N). I didn't realize how late it was.” He glanced around behind (Y/N) to see that everything was already shut and turned off for the night. “How did you know I was up?” He questioned . (Y/N) chuckled and rubbed at their arm that was holding their D.D.D flashlight as a light. “Ah. See..about that. Actually Mammon sent me a message asking if I heard any creepy slow footsteps echoing and well long story short, I went to investigate. Heh.” Raising a brow he asked “ By yourself?” to which (Y/N) shyly answered “Y'know Mammon..he's not into scary stuff.” Lucifer heaved a big sigh. “I'll be sure to have a word with him tomorrow about that.”
Almost forgetting (Y/N)'s recent question they asked again. “So are you alright? I mean what had you walking around in there so much?” Lucifer walked outside his door in the hallway with (Y/N). “Just have a lot to think about.” “Oh.” (Y/N) glanced down thinking for a moment. “I'm not sure what you have on your mind but I know you'll figure out something.” Smiling cheekily they continued “ Your not one to quit you know?” Lucifer looked amused at them for a moment. “Your right. I'm definitely not one to give up.” Smiling and enjoying a quiet moment together for what seemed like not long enough for either of you, Lucifer spoke up. “Let me walk you to your room and we can talk some more.” (Y/N) nodded happily. “Thank you Lucifer” Walking next to each other slightly closer than what normal friends would Lucifer thought 'You made a good point (Y/N). I'm definitely not one to just give up and quit. I'll show you and Diavolo that soon enough.'
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