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ianime0 · 2 years ago
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Pokemon (Shinsaku Anime) | Ep4 | Charizard and Fuecoco
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amelikos · 2 years ago
Some character and episode notes from HZ004, writing them down for future reference!
- Liko being happy to be given something to do on the ship is neat, she really seems like she wants to learn to do things by herself, help out and not just be protected etc. She did say in the first episode that she wanted to learn about things she doesn’t know and she is doing just that, at her own pace. I am hoping Friede will teach her other things in the future. I also like that Liko is still keeping up her Nyahoja Observation Diary as she really wants to get to know her partner Pokemon better.
- Little scenes showing off the Pokemon’s personalities are always fun to see (and something I really enjoy about the anime in general), so Hogator playing with Lizardon was cute. The reveal that Hogator looks up to Lizardon was also nice, and I like how Liko remembered a scene from HZ002, with Hogator running up to Lizardon and being happy to see it when it came back on the ship. We also got Hogator mimicking Lizardon and trying to produce fire in HZ002, so it’s nice that there was buildup for this Pokemon dynamics. I do wonder if this will also parallel Friede and Roy’s relationship once Roy joins the crew, as Roy seemed impressed by Friede’s skills and mentioned that he looks up to Trainers.
- I like how Liko deals with the search for Hogator. First asking Murdock, then asking the Rotom Dex, and then asking the rest of the crew before following Nyahoja. Methodical and I like how we get insights about Hogator each time (that it was trying to sneak food, that it looks up to Lizardon, and that it enjoys singing). 
- Roy seems to be taking online classes as well. I like that so far, the series brings up the school aspect and that these kids go to school and learn, actually. He seems to have classmates from different regions, which is nice, the world feels more connected. He mentioned that he watched some videos about other places but he’s never left his island. That’s a similarity he shares with Liko, as she didn’t leave Paldea before going to school in Kanto. 
- There are two things which stood out to me about Roy: he uses boku to refer to himself, and he doesn’t seem to talk about dreams. The boku thing was a bit surprising for me since I kind of expected him to be the type to use ore (adventurous and seemingly an extravert type of character, etc). For example, Amethio could have been the type to use boku since he seems more put together and has a professional facade but he uses ore. I feel like Roy using boku already says something about his character (usually in Pokemon, male protagonists use ore). Moreover, when his classmates ask him what he wants to do, Roy says that he doesn’t know (similarly to Liko who doesn’t exactly know what she wants to do and doesn’t have a precise dream but knows she wants to learn many things). Then, Roy adds that he has a “plan”. Not a dream, but a plan. And it is a pattern since he repeats that word several times in the episode, saying he needs a partner Pokemon to pull off that plan and later in the episode, mentioning to Hogator that he has a plan. I wonder if he’ll eventually mention the word “dream”? It feels very intentional that he doesn’t use that word. Perhaps a lack of confidence? Roy mentions that his grandfather and others say that “everywhere is the same” (perhaps implying that there is no need to go on a grand adventure or that his grandfather doesn’t want him to put himself at risk?), so perhaps he doesn’t talk about his plan to others? He built a secret base for himself too, so maybe he doesn’t want to talk openly about his aspirations to his grandfather? I guess we’ll learn soon. 
- Roy only seems to have his grandfather as relative so far. I wonder if something happened to his parents? He only mentioned “living here with Gramps” and didn’t mention anyone else. I also like the hints being set up for a potential Friede backstory as he seems to know Roy’s grandfather. At least this way, when Roy eventually joins the Rising Volt Tacklers, it’ll be easier for his grandfather to entrust his safety to someone he actually knows rather than to someone he doesn’t. Roy and his grandfather seem to have a good relationship from the bits we’ve seen (Roy cheerfully greeting him good morning in HZ003 when he left the house, and seemingly being able to play around in the island). His grandfather seems to have a bit of a strict side as seen with Friede, and also seems to be respected on the island as he is called “Elder” by someone and is asked about the Pokemon going on a rampage. So it seems people go to him for guidance? Either way, I think that if Roy mentions wanting to go on a trip, his grandfather will refuse at first and will eventually have to be convinced, as we’ve seen something potentially hinting at that in the preview for HZ005. 
- The dynamics between Roy and Hogator was nice, and I enjoyed the buildup. Roy trying to encourage it to sing and helping with his confidence was good (and I wonder if Roy will eventually have to be helped to be more confident as well?). They seem to work well together and Roy seems to have quick thinking too. He also recognized Strike’s cry directly after hearing it (which implies that he has a good memory and seems to be knowledgeable about the little quirks of the Pokemon living on his island). 
- Liko and Roy seem to have an interesting dynamics so far too and the connection between the pendant and the ancient Pokeball is an intriguing one. I do like the parallels between them (Liko receiving her pendant from her grandmother, Roy receiving his Pokeball from his grandfather). I look forward to them both growing together as Trainers. It was also really cute how they both had the same thought at the end, which was to gather food for the Pokemon to properly make up for Hogator eating all of it. They’re really thoughtful! 
- I also liked the way Friede dealt with the agitated Pokemon. He doesn’t engage in battle and tells Lizardon that his fire would make things worse so he is thinking about the Pokemon’s safety. And he finds a way to calm them down and then properly feeds them. Since he was investigating the problem, it seemed he guessed that the Pokemon on a rampage needed food and brought berries with him. He really is a professor~ And he thanks Roy for helping Liko and the Pokemon. Liko calls him “Friede-san” too!
- Soulblades casually being out of its Pokeball at the end with Amethio is cool to see. I like seeing trainers with their partner Pokemon, and they do seem close. I hope we’ll see more of their bond (like how they met, or something). I also wonder who Amethio was talking to (he didn’t say his name), but it seems to be someone who can report to a superior. At least we got another name, “Gibeon”, and given the way the butler (?) calls him with the -sama suffix, it looks like it’s the boss (and the one who wants the pendant anyway). Amethio not wanting to report anything right away was curious, I wonder if he only wants to report once he’s got actual results to show. Seeing how Liko and Roy seem to have important bonds with relatives (grandmother and grandfather respectively), I wonder if Amethio will have some kind of family bond too.
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hupla222 · 29 days ago
One Whole Year
Happy happy anniversary to me. As of today I have been posting and been a part of the Horizons community here for a whole year now. My, does time fly. And what a wonderful year this has been indeed. Met a lot of great people, saw some amazing art, read some awesome fics, and engaged with some pretty cool speculations. To think I was so shy at first, not wanting to share my opinions. Look at me now! 290 posts in as of this one and one of the most active speculators on this tag. Here's to another fun year with you guys!
My first post ever was my very first Silly Little Summaries, a series I created not only to share my own brand of dumb humor, but to also maybe help people remember which episode is which in a fun way. I don't really have anything planned for today so I think I'll post Silly Little Summaries up until this point, for old times sake. Thanks for every like, reblog, and comment, they really mean a lot to me!
(Good grief this is gonna be long. Well, at least you can find your favorite episode quicker now lol)
HZ001: Cat Girl starts school and is promptly attacked by Tofu and kidnapped by Pirates + she acquires Leafage.
HZ002: These Pirates are the good kind but Leafage gets yoinked + Tofu fights Mr. Doctor Professor and his partner Spongebob.
HZ003: Cat Girl reacquires Leafage and becomes a Pirate + proper introductions for John, Swiss, and Merryweather
Alternate Title: Cat Girl gets her pussy back
HZ004: Friede Jr. finds Hungry, a flag, and a dream 
HZ005: Friede Jr. is still Hungry + Swiss can’t sew but bugs can
HZ006: Pirates get into an all out brawl with Tofu, Stir, and Fry which give Spaghetti Noodle some uncomfortable flashbacks + Envy mocks Tofu. Good for him.
HZ007: Cat Girl and Friede Jr. get served by Spongebob because they suck
Alternate Title: Spongebob mops the Krusty Krab with some newbies.
HZ008: Cat Girl gets screamed at by a door named Anti who is also Social
Alternate Title: Merryweather keeps cooking for no one
HZ009: Cat Girl throws herself a pity party while forgetting her dad has feelings too.
Alternate Title: Best boy is introduced, best boy is introduced, best boy is…
Alternate Title: Leafage is a cat.
HZ010: Angsty artist creeps on some kiddos + Hungry learns to throw tantrums
HZ011: John trauma dumps while looking for Big Olive
Alternate Title: Cat Girl and Friede Jr. cut down a tree
HZ012: Whoa, freaky vision quest + Mr. Doctor Professor chats with Miss-stery. 
Alternate Title: Alex is in this episode.
Alternate Title: Big Olive is big mother and is ours now
HZ013: Still more fun than doing it in game + Land Seagull
HZ014: Friede Jr. makes Land Seagull his bro + Envy does some creepy stuff
HZ015: Envy caused a memory leak. Too bad. 
Alternate Title: Anti catches some Swag
HZ016: Chaos Trio beats Envy so hard his brain melts and Kovu, Kiara, and Garnet aren’t helping
Alternate Title: Anti confesses that she’s Social and melts Cat Girl’s brain
HZ017: Hungry and Land Seagull are not friends
HZ018: Mr. Doctor Professor meets Spongebob + Miss-stery and baby Cat Girl
Alternate Title: Miss-stery hires Mr. Doctor Professor as an exterminator
Alternate Title: Mr. Doctor Professor Pulls a Ratatouille and becomes a Pirate
HZ019: Don’t know if that was Merryweather’s lover but there was a lot of talk about cream in this episode.
HZ020: Old Man jogs circles around some kids + Hungry can make big fire now
HZ021: Baby Hat is big sad but she likes hoods
Alternate Title: Now all Cat Girl needs is a belt.
HZ022: Gasp. Mr. Doctor Professor and Tofu are stuck in the mine. How will we save them?
Alternate Title: The Open Sky Titan looks different from the games
HZ023: Oh, they got out before the theme song…”I’m riding the heart-pound-ifying currents…”
Alternate Title: Open Sky Titan capture + Tortellini awakens
HZ024: In-Diana is kinda badass for a grandma + Tofu attacks
HZ025: Kovu and Kiara are evil and blow some stuff up + Tofu gets his ass beat. Good for him.
Alternate Title: Why is Kovu so pretty…that sounded wrong
Alternate Title: Tofu gets his ass beat by Mr. Doctor Professor. Good for him.
HZ026: Tortellini derps around for a bit while nothing happens
Alternate Title: The best theme song debuts + Leafage is a cat
Alternate Title: Hey there’s the belt
HZ027: Anti is force fed love + The Bad Guy Club for Villains have a meeting
Alternate Title: Anti and Kovu are so tsundere
HZ028: In-Diana tries to kill a man.
HZ029: Local craftsman tries to flirt with Swiss and fails.
Alternate Title: About time Swiss got an episode
HZ030: Pot of death tea party + Beefing with the juice maker
HZ031: Haven’t these people ever heard of sirens?
HZ032: In-Diana advocates for piracy + Team Aqua Admin is a friend now
HZ033: Tofu gets his ass beat by Spaghetti Noodle. Good for him. + Tortellini becomes a big pasta briefly 
HZ034: In-Diana treasure hunts elsewhere + Tofu does something not boring.
Alternate Title: Merryweather dies and no ones cares
Alternate Title: Tofu gets his ass beat by Hamburger. Good for him.
HZ035: Mr. Doctor Professor and Spongebob sneeze around.
HZ036: Tsundere pigs + Swag shows off his rizz
Alternate Title: Leafage is a girl
HZ037: Friede Jr. becomes cool Friede Jr. + Croc family teaches Hungry how to scream
HZ038: Baby Hat is super cute + John isn’t a background character for once
HZ039: Bam Bam vs Alaskan Bull Worm. Anti is impressed.
HZ040: Leafage Forgets leafage…huh + Cats. Cats everywhere
HZ041: Anti’s mom Flora talks a lot + Backstory
Alternate Title: Mr. Doctor Professor is a weirdo
HZ042: Grandpa is superman…wtf
Alternate Title: I don’t know what’s going on, but I think I like it
HZ043: Kiara wants cookies and Kovu is along for the ride
Alternate Title: The ships! These two menaces are too cute
HZ044: The Bad Guy Club for Villains make Spaghetti
Alternate Title: Envy traps Mr. Doctor Professor alone with him, oh my
HZ045: Tofu gets his ass beat by Spaghetti Noodle, again, but this time with Pirates
Alternate Title: Mr. Big Bad himself makes an appearance and I got some theories 
Alternate Title: Leafage learned to walk on two legs
HZ046: Cat Girl, Friede Jr., and Anti go to school + Kovu and Kiara are incognito
Alternate Title: Best Boy is back and he finally gets a hug
HZ047: Cat Girl bakes her way to a loss but still wins anyway
Alternate Title: Kiara left her boyfriend somewhere and throws a fit over cake
HZ048: Friede Jr doesn’t get art
Alternate Title: Best Boy is still the best, even if he did absolutely nothing
HZ049: Anti is not Social + Big Sister Iono
Alternate Title: Social gets kidnapped by a car
HZ050: Anti and Big Sister Iono duke it out and Swag learns to dance with water
Alternate Title: Kiara wants churros and Kovu is awkward
HZ051: Leafage is a cat…again + Silly Little Mushrooms
HZ052: Land Seagull becomes Flying Seagull + Rapping old ladies
Alternate Title: Man these kids really suck at taking videos
HZ053: Oh boy fun doppelganger antics, wait where are you going?
Alternate Title: Baby Hat is now a Big Hat…well that came out of nowhere
HZ054: Mr. Doctor Professor is a criminal + Mr. Big Bad reveal, for real this time
HZ055: Little battles with the Big Four
HZ056: Cat Girl loses and she feels it this time
HZ057: Weird lady teaches Chaos Trio about history + Coin stealing demons
HZ058: Samurai makes meals bad and Chaos Trio makes it less so
Alternate Title: Kovu is all alone and hangry and yet so cute when he nom.
HZ059: Anti dances her way to a loss…wait, haven’t I made this joke before?
Alternate Title: Swag grows his swag
HZ060: Tooth rotting fluff in the snow
Alternate Title: Fooled again for the third time
HZ061: Friede Jr. fails his audition
Alternate Title: Damn, Ryme beat his ass so hard it crushed his soul
HZ062: Friede Jr. and Hungry find their heart song + Friede Jr actually has parents
HZ063: Cat Girl gets failed by the ice cold “villain” of the mountains
HZ064: Envy is an evil super bad and wants to murder children
Alternate Title: Tofu gets his ass beat by Envy. Good for him.
Alternate Title: Umbreon is high on crack and Tortellini is in the D.A.R.E program 
HZ065: Tofu and Cat Girl sitting in a cave, t-a-l-k-i-n-g
Alternate Title: Tofu gets his Bad Guy Club For Villains membership revoked. Good for him.
Alternate Title: Kovu and Kiara play in the snow
HZ066: The Bad Guy Club For Villains is against education
Alternate Title: Cat Girl finally gets a win. Poor Kovu
Alternate Title: It's been a while since I’ve been able to use Garnet in one of these things
HZ067: Cat Girl and Friede Jr try to kill each other, lovingly
Alternate Title: Kiara and Kovu go on a date for a few seconds
Alternate Title: Hungry became a bigger shoe
HZ068: The Chaos Trio are Pirates once more
Alternate Title: New arc, new opening and it's a banger
HZ069: Friede Jr temporarily becomes a shoe
Alternate Title: Mr. Doctor Professor bullies a child
HZ070: Bam Bam…er, KaBlam begins her hatred of birds + Anti is a proud mama of a menace
HZ071: The Chaos Trio experiences two different flavors of crazy lady
HZ072: In the woods looking for some Kleavage
HZ073: Cat Girl gets Kleavage, with some help from Friede Jr. and Anti
HZ074: Pokemon Horizons turns into a soap opera for a hot second
HZ075: The original Chaos Trio have a journey, such delightful lore
Alternate Title: Cat Girl adopts Tortellini
HZ076: The Pirates meet up with an ex-Pirate: Lie-naut
HZ077: Grandpa’s not only a superhero but a movie star as well
HZ078: Pirates try to kidnap Team Magma Grunt, but it was the wrong one
Alternate Title: Tofu has a papa now
HZ079: Chaos Trio tops Top…that sounds kinda dirty
Alternate Title: Kovu and Kiara up to mischief once more
HZ080: Kiara is very dumb and is now stuck with Kiara Jr. Good for her
Alternate Title: Kovu is on his last thread of sanity
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nanayuz · 2 years ago
amethio - pendant / ball arc pt.2
very long post !! part 1.
the battle is clearly shown to only be a distraction from the start, but amethio doesn’t quite realize. somehow, friede and amethio end up on the roof, do i know why? absolutely not. liko rushes to find sprigatito as amethio continues battling, trying to finish the two battles they left open. friede begins talking to amethio again, taunting him even more than he already has this episode.
he asks that if he gives amethio the pendant, he’d let them go. amethio knows the pendant holds more secrets, and it’s connected to liko in some way, friede talking about how he realized that too. instead of responding, though, amethio attacks again, telling ceruledge to use psycho cut.
the next scene we see them, friede seems to stand even closer to the edge of the roof, ceruledge holding its blade-like arms in front of it as it walks towards him. and, honestly, this is the second best conversation we’ve gotten in the series so far, maybe tied with everything that went on in hz008.
“looks like this is the end.” “are you sure about that?” the timing is perfect, the leafage attack from the found sprigatito gets blasted by the wind right behind him. “what─ ?! of course, you were just stalling so she could escape. friede!! this was your plan all along, wasn’t it?!” “i just gave her a little advice, that’s all.” and then he falls backwards off the roof, all we see for a few frames is amethio’s shocked face, before friede is revealed to have fallen right on his charizard. “let’s do this again sometime!”
very different from the other conversation i’ve mentioned, but this one gives just as much character to amethio as the first. he’s angry again, getting more and more angry by the minute while near friede. the way his face changes, it’s almost like he’s sad when he yells at friede. he seems to genuinely like battles, and prefer not getting into violent conflict when battling is an option. and he seems to really want to battle friede, as well. i think they both see the rivalry is there.
this attribute almost reminds me of ash in a way. i know a lot of people are pointing out friede’s similarities with ash, or roy’s. amethio doesn’t share many traits with ash, but he’s clearly also a passionate battle-loving trainer who’s an awful liar and really looks like he has no bad intentions. friede, in relation to him, also reminds me a bit of gary. respectful, yet he knows how to annoy him well. friendly on one side but knows when to switch it up if amethio isn’t using his full potential.
these first 3 episodes brought a lot to amethio’s character, so let’s move onto the next 3, the ball arc. amethio only shows up in 1 scene near the end of hz004, but it introduces us to even more important things. we meet hamber for the first time, who’s talking to amethio through a screen about the pendant. amethio talks about the power of the pendant, and specifically tells hamber not to tell ‘master gibeon’ anyhting about it. master gibeon is known as the leader of the explorers organization, and he’ll become important in just a bit. hamber mentions friede, who amethio deems his rival, and he also tells amethio to stay safe and not strain himself. at the end of the episode, amethio’s shown to be in a submarine, the explorers’ submarine, following their tracking device.
we only find out a bit about the explorers in this episode, but it looks like the admins, which amethio seems to be, get assigned ‘missions’ by master gibeon and grunts, like conia and zir, follow along. this amethio scene is short, but they still managed to fit a lot in this scene.
amethio’s role is a bit bigger in hz005, that leads onto hz006 as well. the explorers appear right before the second half of the episode, and amethio makes it clear he really only wants liko and the pendant. he tells zir and conia to play around the rest of the crew, but nothing else. they use amethio’s corviknight and zir and conia’s skarmory to head towards the ship, which they’ve been able to track down. fuecoco head everything the explorers said, and runs back to tell roy. friede runs back to the ship hearing something bad happened, telling liko and roy to stay with the elder. shit is gonna go down.
once zir and conia reach the airship, the rising volt tacklers already came off the ship to deal with them on land. they send out their signature pokémon, rhydon and golduck, while orla and murdock use metagross and rockruff. amethio watches what goes on from above, but oh, look who flies down next to him. friede.
amethio says he has absolutely no business with him, but friede knows he’s just trying to act colder. he then asks where liko and the pendant are, like he’s actually gonna get an answer. when friede doesn’t give him one, amethio flies down and jumps onto the ground. he wants to have another battle, and this, though not much of a battle, is probably my favorite one within these first six episodes. friends jumps on the ground too, deciding to use charizard to deal with him, while for the first time, amethio uses his corviknight to battle.
we also see the other two explorers fighting, zir easily overpowering murdock and orla while conia suspects where liko may be. i really don’t like their battles for the remainder of this episode, but this is an amethio analysis. i don’t have to talk about them anyway. the liko win may be a separate post.
roy brings the group of bug pokémon towards the airship, where all the action is happening, to try fixing the airship. friede looks back and watches him, smiling, but amethio isn’t smiling at all. he’s even more mad than he was in hz003, telling friede to keep his eyes on the battle as corviknight unleashes a powerful hurricane. 
when fuecoco gets attacked by a rock blast from zir’s rhydon, friede looks back again, and this time, amethio takes his chance, using air slash. he quickly tells charizard to repel the attack, again realizing he wasn’t focused. he uses flamethrower on corviknight, but we don’t see the result of that, as friede yet again gets distracted by whatever roy’s trying to do while battling zir. corviknight uses hurricane, and amethio yells at friede again. “this is a serious battle! don’t look away from me!” “sorry, sorry, you don’t have to get so mad!” again, while it isn’t mentioned, it’s shown that amethio does really want to battle.
while friede watches roy attempt to use ember, when he turns back to face amethio, he isn’t there. amethio decided to take the upper hand in a different way, now riding his corviknight. “i told you already, don’t look away from me!” he says, using hurricane again as he flies straight towards liko and the pendant. and that’s where this episode ends.
we learn less and less about him in each episode, well, that’s about to change. he’s good at strategizing quickly, and if one thing doesn’t work, he’ll instantly come up with the next best thing. more ash similarities, it seems. his corviknight is probably less powerful than ceruledge, but it could still overpower charizard and friede with it’s moves, though the latter wasn’t paying attention.
hz006 is, as i’m writing this, the latest episode he appears in, and the last episode in these first arcs. as amethio continues rushing toward liko, the pendant glows yet again. the same barrier is created around her like at the start of hz002. this time, however, we also see roy’s mysterious poké ball glowing. friede runs towards them, but zir and conia block him from doing so. instead, amethio’s the one who gets to them first. he tells liko to take the pendant and just go with him, and when roy’s the one to say she won’t, amethio says he’ll battle them. a two-on-one, with him using ceruledge.
liko and roy can’t even get a hit on ceruledge, the pokémon not even using any of its raw power and just avoiding attacks completely while hitting sprigatito and fuecoco with psycho cut. even if overgrow and blaze activate, and they land a hit, it’s no use. as roy and liko run to save their pokémon from a final attack, the ball and pendant light up again. and we finally see the black rayquaza. amethio’s both amazed and confused, and the draco meteor rayquaza uses just makes zir and conia worried. they all retreat almost instantly.
the next time we see him, it’s a completely new setting. we instantly know this as the explorers’ hq, but master gibeon is nowhere to be seen. we can hear his voice, though. amethio almost gets chastised in front of the other admins for making dumb decisions in taking on the ‘pendant mission’ alone and then failing. he was assigned to go after it. 
another admin, spinel, decides to speak up, mocking amethio, asking if the black rayquaza even exists. amethio almost snaps at him, showing this spinel guy may have a rivalry with him too, but he gets reminded master gibeon is right there.
amethio then gets removed from the pendant mission, spinel being put on it instead. as we haven’t seen amethio since this, we know this’ll bring a lot to his development and relation to the rvt. amethio leaves the room, slamming the door behind him out of anger. it’s probably the most he’s done these first six episodes in relation to him showing emotion. he walks away, pretending nothing happened, but zir and conia run up to him. all he says is that he’ll just pursue the black rayquaza instead, and that’s the end of him in this arc.
out of all the characters, amethio’s my favorite. i think you can tell, though. he has room for an amazing character arc, amazing relations with characters like spinel and friede and liko, and so different from the villainous teams from the past few series, especially team rocket. sure, tr were also evil, but amethio’s ‘evil but maybe not’ is such a different take on it, such an interesting take, and he’s just.. great. there’s so much implied about him that gives so much to his personality, his hunger for a good battle, his ‘no actual violence’ thing he has going on, the nervousness from him showing intense emotion. the explorers are going to get more and more interesting, especially him, for sure.
i headcanon amethio as somewhere in between 17-19, 16 at the absolute youngest. he’s pan and demiromantic and probably around 5′8″. i think he cares a lot about his pokémon with how well they’re trained, that or they’re specifically trained for him. still, i think he knows more about his pokémon than himself, what they like, how they like things. 
he isn’t too connected with himself, he just sits around in nice suits probably eating food he’s just learned to deal with and not exactly getting a good night’s sleep. conia and zir are really close to him as well, the closest. 
and i do think he needs to cry. i don’t care who makes him cry, what makes him cry, he just needs to. i want him to punch walls so hard they break, yell at whoever’s around him, i want to actually see him lose it. but i do want him to be comforted along with that, especially by someone he’s not too close to or has even formed a rivalry with. hurt / no comfort is nice but him recieving care feels like something that could be so important to his character.
i’ve seen a lot of the fandom not really like him, or say his character is insanely bland. and honestly? i don’t really know what to say about that. he has a lot going for him, it just hasn’t been shown yet. and if the pokémon company won’t use him and his full potential, maybe i just will. if you’ve read this entire thing, love this boy. for me.
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michaellambert · 2 years ago
Watch "Let's Talk About Pokemon HZ004" on YouTube
Let's Talk About Pokemon HZ004
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ianime0 · 2 years ago
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Pokemon (Shinsaku Anime) || Liko Episode 4
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ianime0 · 2 years ago
Pokemon (Shinsaku Anime) | Ep4 | Fuecoco
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ianime0 · 2 years ago
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Pokemon (Shinsaku Anime) | Ep4 | That's what they were like, I guess.
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ianime0 · 2 years ago
Pokemon (Shinsaku Anime) | Ep4 | Sing for me!
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ianime0 · 2 years ago
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Pokemon (Shinsaku Anime) | Ep4 | Fuecoco. Fire Croc Pokemon. Fire type. Fire energy that leaks out from inside its body flickers atop its head. When it gets excited, its head spouts larger flames.
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ianime0 · 2 years ago
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Pokemon (Shinsaku Anime) | Ep4 | School break is almost over. I signed up for online classes with my Smartphone Rotom.
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ianime0 · 2 years ago
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Pokemon (Shinsaku Anime) | Ep4 | I get you! You think this flag's cool, right?
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ianime0 · 2 years ago
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Pokemon (Shinsaku Anime) | Ep4 | So then, we collected food for the Scyther and the others... And they seemed to forgive Fuecoco. Thank goodness!
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ianime0 · 2 years ago
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Pokemon (Shinsaku Anime) | Ep4 | My search for Fuecoco... ended in success, thanks to that boy with the unusual Monster Ball. But why did my pendant shine again?
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ianime0 · 2 years ago
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Pokemon (Shinsaku Anime) | Ep4 | That's just what we're going to find out.
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ianime0 · 2 years ago
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Pokemon (Shinsaku Anime) | Ep4 | Thank you... for saving me...
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